The Blyth Standard, 1969-05-21, Page 1SAMPLE COPY THF BLYTH STA ` DARD Volume 80 • No. 9.5 "Serving Blyth and Community Since ]885" BLY'I'II, ONTARIO) -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1989 Del and Ruby Philp Honoured On Blyth Resident Blyth Firemen Make Futile Run As Retirement By Large Gathering Of Blyth Wins Draw Prankster Places Early Morning Fire Call B• • • Blyth Bremen were rudely no idea whether the night time usiness �People At Memorial Hall Dinner CarmanGwynn ttvas f probably awakened cd from their sleep at visits and false alarm has thethe mostfortunate fellow in three o'clock Monday morning any connection or not. Blyth over the holiday weekend a short time be A. very enjoyable evening took eye from the gifts, to make a futile, fog shrouded ��pparently, place in the Blyth Memorial Hall In expressing; appreciation on and quite probably even the wet run to the farm of (farm Thaler) fore the false alarm was phoned last Thursday when approximat- behalf of himself and Ruby, Del weather clic) little In dampen his in Morris Township. The call to the brigade, Mr. and Mrs. Ger ely one hundred persons gsther• said it had 'been a pleasure to spirits. was taken on the .fire phone by old Heffron were awakened by a ed to pay honour to Mr. and Mrs. have had the opportunity to work Carman s good fortune came in the Fire Chief's wife, Mrs, Irvin phone call from a person inquir• R. D. Philp an their retirement with and among; the people of the farm of a phone call from Bowes, who was told at the time ing if he had reached the Blyth R forty years of business in this district. during his talk, he Kitchener early Sunday morning. that the firemen were needed to Fire Department. The Heffron's Blyth. reviewed Some of the hardships The call informed him that he quell a blaze on the premises, phone number is quite similar to The gathering was made up of the community had gone through was the proud owner of a new A speedy run was made to the the fire call and the calling of boat,motor and trailer, won the farm, present 'businessmen of Blyth during the depression years, He preious evening at a� draw in obut upon arriving, darknessra n toog Jerry an is not un co Is and their wives, and femme) bust• said that during that time no one that city. Carman had purchased found the houses total mon and Marie. It is nessmen still residing in Blyth had money, but somehow every the ticket earlier this year from '`act the owners safely tucked in quilt reasonable to assume that anti their wives. one seemed to band together, and lied and very much dismayed at both calls were made by the same looking; back now, thoseyears Jim Carter, a farmer resident of the commotion outside the resi- party. Dal and Ruby were piped into this area who now lives in Kit. (len", Whoever it. was had better re• the hall by piper Nelson Howe Presented many heartwarming cttcncr. App*ently someone had the align their thinking before trying 'l'he whole outfit, which induct.brl ht idea that calling firemen the same trick again. The law wayaround the room and took e guests includedg g ' Ron and his wife Sophie and es a 14 foot aluminum boat, troll• to a false alarm at such an early deals very severely with such their place at the head table. Stephen and er and 35 lr.p. motor, comes to hour in the morning was a hilari• pranksters and no doubt the Itch two boys, grand total of $2,100 in met• After Grace was sung, all sat P r( ()us idea. 13u1 had he made his members of the Fire Department down to a lovely turkey dinner Michael, of London, Joan (Mrs. chandisc and will no doubt re Bin Racine) and her family of p presence known at the farm when will press that law to the limit served by the two afternoon Un. y' sent many hours of pleasure this firemen arrived and the Thalens if the prankster is apprehended, Llrestervillc were unable to at• its of the United Church. summer to the happy winner, arose, his mind would have quite And the checking on such a call tend the function. The draw was conducted Following the dinner, the Snell Hay Madill organized the even by the definitely been filled with some. just might not he quite as cliff sisters, of Londesboro, provided Ing and also acted as master of W, 'Imola Township Rod and Gun what different ideas, cult as the culprit might think. musical entertalrtment and sang ceremonies (luring the banquet. Club and. members of the assod• The Thalens particularly found In any event, such calls herd two much ertalnclated numbers. The everting closed with two align delivered the prize to Blyth ;he excitement rather disconcert• are usually few and far between. llarold Vodden, a former business further selections by the Snell on Sunday afternoon. ing clue to the fact that the own• although apparently quite cam• rnan on the main street of Blyth, sisters, and Ron thrilled those in ers father is suffering from a mon in the cities, Persons who and for many years a close friend attendance ivSerious heart condition and found receive their kicks and neighbour of the Phil s giving an Int• by performing Philps, gave promptu ,piano concert, display. the noise and excitement extrem• such acts as usuallythought to an address, during which he ex- ing talent which il'nged from Check dor Errors )ply hard to take, and perhaps the have a slightly warped mind, It pressed the gratitude of the bttsi• several of the old time standards • prankster is fortunate in not hay. could be that the person who ness community of Blyth for the to the latest in jazz classic, And ing more on his conscience than made the call resides many miles forty years of outstanding service we might add, once again re• Please the mere knowledge that he call. front here and just picked the the honoured couple had given to minding us that the many hours ed in a false alarm. number at random from the this arca as druggist and friend, of practicing he did while the Harm tells us that he has been phone hook. This could be a Ile also told of several amusing majority of "we 'lads" were out During the past few weeks a bothered lately during night time reasonable assumption and we anecdotes that happened during .balling; it up in the back alley considerable amount of work has hours by a car parking rather hope in this case, a true one, the years he and Myrtle had liv• with a gone into .the mailing list of the Close to the chicken barn on his We also understand that a fire ed beside the Phil s. Harold al- . ami a ,tag or thylon. Standard,and ,me think we have ;'arm He hasn't as et'heen able -department . in a neighbouring p has certainly paid off with fan•Y so mentioned his recent blindness tastic dividends, now, reached the stage where it to apprehend or identify the un. community also received a false and said that the Philps had been Harvey McDowell, local photog. will be acceptable to postal au• wanted visitor, but is anxiously alarm about the sams hour on a real )pillar of strength in help. grapher, arrived following the thorities, awaiting the opportunity. He has the same morning. ing him over many of the rough festivities to take pictures not ie token a great many changes spot.4, have taken place and thusly has only of the honoured couple, but greatly increased the chance of Ron Following the address, Doug also of all businessmen and their Elliott Gradu Australian TripWhitmore presented Del and wives attending, We remind you error, Because of this, we ask yotr Ruby ,with two beautiful pieces that. those who wish them may In please check the label on your of luggage, and during the pres. acquire copies. from Mr. MeDo. newspaper la make sure the right entation, expressed be hope that .well, or by leaving their order (late appears. This applies most,rates From Ryerson Reviewed At they would have many years of with Ray Madill, ly to those who have paid their �� .rbscription in the past month. L.O.L.aPast County Masters Conducted .We also ask you to check to 'Ronald D. Elliott was among make sure your subscription is more than 1,200 graduates to re. •paid. top to elate, As everyone ceive diplomas from President F. Unit Meeting Meeting At Blyth Lodge should know by now, postal reg. C. Jorgenson at the Spring Con• matins make it necessary to re• vacation held at Ryerson Poly move anyone from the list who technical Institute in Toronto. On May 15 twenty-two mem• On Tueday night of last week John Hammond of Smith Falls, is over three months in arrears. Itis course was Business Admin. 'tier's and one visitor attended the Blyth L.O.L. were hosts to all In his letter, Bro. Hammond sent 1)ue to a verysubstantial in. meeting of the Maple Leaf Unit. Past County Masters of North kindest greetings to all of his isir the :Mrs, g crease in postage rates, and also In the 20 years since its incep• Win, Carter was in charge Huron L.O.L. A goodly number many friends in Huron County recent. rises in publishing. costs, lion, Ryerson has graduated ap- of the devotional period and read being present with all the officers and of the splendid amount of bus a hefty rise In subscription rates proximately 9,500 students, many a poem "Golden Momenta." Mrs. chairs, V. W, Bro. Robert Hib. incss he had written through the .will be ,forthcoming in the very of whom hold important positions 11cGowan read the scripture les. bort of Fordwieb, aged as W. fine cooperation and team work near future. So you could do irr lite arts anti in professional, son followed by a reading by Mrs. Master, and V. W. Bro, George of himself and W. Bro, Charles well to look at that date and business and industrial fields In Carter entitled "Sands of Time," Bailey of Blyth, as Deputy Mast. Stewart, Owing to recent sea• renew quickly. Canada, the United States and Mrs, Lewis Whitfield gave an er. ere illness of his wife, 13r. Hans interesting account of her recent After the lodge was properly mond is now just working In the evcrseas. P p y Ron has accepted a position as trip to Australia. This was enjoy opened and the order of new bus. vicinity of Smith Falls where he Personal Marketing Consultant for Consum• ed by all. lness called for, a number of small and Mrs. Hammond are enjoying ers Gas in Toronto. His parents, Plans were made to cater to the items were brought up, discussed living in this lovely new home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott, and C,N,I.B. picnic to be held June and dealt with; one of them be. The Next place of P.C.M. meet• lnterest hiss Gail Miller attended the 23rd al the Lions Park. ing u collection for our half hour ing was called for dna the'invi• Lunch servedMiss Cora Ryer- county choral program over CK talion to attend Newbridge L,O. graduating ceremonies at Ryer• wasby son last Thursday, Way 15th. Skelton and Mrs, George Howatt NX every Sunday morning, A Lain June was accepted. Mrs. J. E. Freeman, Brantford, and a social hour was enjoyed, nice sum was realized. The closing order was ably spent several days visiting Mr. Under the order of remarks. for done with prayer and the Queen. and Mrs. Howard Campbell. Belgrave Youngthe ;god of flit order, our two Everyone enjoyed a bountiful Visitors at`the home of Mr. and Bazaar and Tea delegates to the Grand Lodge of lunch served by the Blyth Breth ,tilts, I award Campbell during the Ontario West meeting in Parry •ren, weekend were, Mr, and .Mrs. Cecil Sound the previous week, R. W. Charles Stewart, Campbell and family,lir, and people Graduate Bro. Henry Pattison, County Mast- Press Reporter. :Sirs. Franklin Campbell, yLondon, The Bazaar, Ten and Bake Sale er, sponsored by the Junior, Inter• and V, W, Bro, Robert Wel- Mr, Liar old .Camphei1, Sarnia, mediate and Senior Choirs of lace, P.C,M., each gave a fine and i Mr, and Mrs, Ralph McCrea and Brian hopper, son of Mr. and .131yth United Ohurch proved a interesting report of what took 2 Tables In Play family and Mr, and Mrs, Albert Mrs. Stanley Hopper, was one of decided success, place at that meeting. Vincent, "Belgrave, spent the week 103 graduates of the Agricultural The Junior Choir sang a chorus Following this, V.W. Bro. Ed. There were 12 tables of euchre enct at Riley Lake near Graven. Science Course to receive diplo• "Building ,for Eternity" under the win Fothergill, W. Master of Blyth itt play at the Blyth Memorial burst. mos at: the Rldgetown College 'of direction of Mrs. Kai at the be. Lodge, spoke of the splendid Hall on Monday evening. The win. Recent. visitors with Mr. and Agricultural Technology on Wed• .ginning of the afternoon, The ba. meeting and voiced a hearty wet. hers were: High Lady, Mrs. Mark Mrs. ,George Haines were Mr, and nesday of last week, zanr was officially opened by conte to all present. Several oth. Armstrong; Lone Hands, Janet Mrs, Donald Haines, Kathy and !Miss Marie Coultcs, daughter ,Rev, W, Mather. er P.C. Masters were called on Adam; Low, Mrs, Olive Walker, Jamie, of Exeter, of James It. Coultcs, Belgrave, Business was brisk at all cowl, and spoke briefly, • iHigh Gent, Donna Nicholson NI'. Glenn Gibson, Mr. and Mgrs, will receive her Bachelor of ters and the fish pond caused Under the order of Orange ih• (playing as a gent); Lone Hands, Stewart Johnston and Mrs, Far- household Science Degree at the much fun for the younger set, The surance, V.W. P.C,M, Charles Earl Noble; Low, Mrs. Gordon Ni; rish ,journeyed to Niagara on the University of Guelph on May 23. tea tables .were well patronized, %Stewart spoke and also read a cholson (playing as a gent). Luke Saturday to attend the wed- Marie is completing her intern. Mrs. Kai and all members of the recent letter he received from The final euchre of the season ding of Mr, Gibson's son, Dwight, ship at St. Michael's Hospital, 'titres clroirs appreciate the whole. our highly esteemed Orange In• will he held next Monday even- to Miss Christine Telega, of Vit.. Toronto, to become a qualified hearted support of all those who surance head agent, R.W. Bro. ing, May 26. gil, Ontario, dietician. „ helped In any way. of Cromarty. They made their rmeimorres. Ileal lobi THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1t/69 QUEEN'S PARK By Murray Gaunt, Nr.PP (Huron -Bruce) . UGAR and. SPICE By Bill A 'LONG HOT SUMMER This is going to be a long, hot 'summer, And not only for those U.S. cities with their kerosene -soaked black ghettoes just waiting for a snatch to be struck. It's..going to be a long, hot summerfor a Jot of Canadians. High -among their ranks will .be .parents, policemen and resort operaters. 'Why? Because the supply -Of summer jobs for students is far, far below the demand, and .there -are going to be thousands of restless, bored -young people -looking -for excitement. It's a natural for an eruption 'of 'rumbles, hassles and van. dalism which could make the summer -a .nightmare for the already. harried victims listed above. -For the last •decade, there .has been a steadilygrowing population .of young -burns .of .both sexes. Summer -time, warns -weather 'bums. '21'hese are 'the 'kids -who 'don't- really want a job. They live .from :hand to 'mouth, sleeping on :the Zeaehes, or .in the old ears that :are '-part of :their 'sone. They :are not 7necessarily :evil or vicious, In'fatt, most of "them -But they're aimless dirty, 'and lazy -as 'eats. They're 'bored, circles about .nothing. ..ttnited in one thing — High on 'their 'aren't. and Irresponsible and rude and selfish and ..Cats that aren't :housebroken. and •they're horing, They. talk .in endless 'They even 'bore each other. But they're their 'contempt -for :the odult world, list -of interests, 'which are extremely line ited, .are .sex -and ,drugs. On weekends, they are infiltrated by the "pushers,":many of them amateurs, avho 'arrive ,from .the -cities witn -their little' packages Of 'pot and speed 'and 'TM -Lurking on the fringe of -this _bundle .of bums is another group — the :teenie-boppers, Those are :not kids — .they .are child- ren —, who are just beginning to -make -the scene ,who find it 'fas- cinating, and who want to try -anything that's going. .1n -••the :sarne :thing, • except -.that :it's Shopping plazas and 'public 'parks and the 'streets, 'instead 'of 'the 'beaches. Well, add to this parasitic swarm -all the -kids who wanted, and needed, jobs this summer, angry, frustrated, and you can see what's -coming. -I:hope-Van wrong, -but .:two ..and two still make four, Permissive -parents, `an inflationary society In which even young people need money; 'give masses of them nothing to do but look for kids :all 4summer, -and the. --old 4rystal tall looks pretty muddy. When I was a teenager .(said the boring rniddle-aged man), summer jobs were 'wen leareer. 'He Who 'nabbed one was deeply envied. My first job, at 17, was ',working .on- a -Great-Lakes steamer, 12 hours a day, seven -days a 'week, 41 aa .day. And every other kid in .town thought I'd shit a -bonanza. 'Boys 'nits) vouldn't find a job 'played -baseball and !swam:about eight'hours a day. Girls _did what. ever 'girls do, :giggled ;probably, • and swam and ,picked berries. -Today's jobless _youth _tharelymuster ,enough energy to have twit'. .1n .the :day -time, 'that is. -•At night, .they "flower into some 'sort 'of 'life and go Inhed-ittsdawn, :And Avake :up. aBored, There lore -a -couple .of villains' hrthe-plece,•,of 'course, One is .11itlustry; :.the :other sgovernment. -Industry could absorb twice as many Ststdents as it 'does, at -compar4ItIvely 4iUIe cost. -Industry is -the first-to-as/bine about -the "productS"lt gets, but -does little to help -produce a "firat-classproduct. :One or :two ;future _ employees ofbigIi calibre from a 'summer -group would soapily repay -cost. And -It would -be good public -relations -on which:industry spends -thous- ands, :mostly on '-whiskey. Governments could, and should, plan work projects to ab- sorb most of the surplus students. They?d get .it all .back •Ln taxes !shortly, Mit .If -they *Mt .on :their behinds 'and allow a -generation of bitter, lazy, alienated bums to sprout, It will cost them plenty ;in ..the end, (That's -quite -a -.sentence, but no puns intended, hums, .and end, indeed.) Hope your 'add has la -stunner not a -parent or a :policeman, Better Behinds, 'hope you're ,1 , 1 111 1,1.1111,11 CI( tifilitr, -THE IILYTH .STANDARD -Published .every -Wednesday at -Alueen 'IStreet, Servitir the Myth :Community thince 11885 :.DoutlasiVhitinore, PtibliSher, :Member :Canadian .and :Ontario .Weekly .Newspaper -Associations SUbscriptIon 'Rates: Canada 'On advance) $2,50 'a 'Year Outside Canada (in 'advance) 'S3.50 a 'Year S1rigle'Canies "Six "Cents EaCh "Seeond class Mal TegiStration number 1310 ushisosisimisii Ontario's General Farm Or. ganization Act was approved this week by the Agricultural Commit. tee of the Legislature. There were approximately 500 gathered to hear the discussion of the bill, clause by clause. Briefs were presented by the Ontario Farmers Union and sub. missions matte by other groups including the Ontario Milk Mar. kering Board which !pledged its support and co-operation in mak. ing the G.F.O. a reality, Ellard Powers of 13eachburg, the Ontario Farmers Union Vice. President, said the O.F.U. wants the right to have marketing boards integrate with the genera) organization at some time in the future if they want to do so. How- ever, Air. Powers gave complete endorsation to Ontario Milk Mar. keting Board statement, of which he is a member. Al the moment, Marketing Boards under the Ontario Farm Products Alarketing Act have the power to integrate and combine with one another if the members on the board so desire. This, ac. cording to Agricultural 'Minister, William Stewart, would not chan ge under' the bill, The Ontario Government is con. templating legislation to -regulate the use of firearms by '.police of. ficers, Attorney General Arthur Wishart told the legislature this week. At the moment, regulations on the use of •firearms are -up to each local board of police commission. ers. There is no law or statute. One of the approaches 'being con. sidered is amendments to the Police Act Ontario's municipal leaders have asked the Government for power tn control and limit all spending by boards of education. Education Alinister, William Davis, indicated that a partial solution to the annual .battles be- tsveen school hoards and -multi. eipal councils over education bud. gets !night be to have the school boards levy and colleet 'their 'own taxes. 1 • asked the Attorney General if Ontario was taking any steps to have Hal Banks returned to this country to face perjury 'char. ges In view of the changed 'at- titude of the U. S. in regard to the matter. Ile indicated 'that Ontario was anxious to. press -char. ges but the 'Fddeall Government would now have to approach Va. shington to see ifMr, Banks':could be extradite'd, REPORT During the week of 'Nfay 11 to May 17, Officers at. the Wingliam Detachment worked:a total of 148 hours and patrolled •2015 'miles, -Six charges were laid under the Highway Traffic 'Act with three persons heing given warn• lugs. ree in were car- ried out under the Liquor' -control Ad 'with thnee 'persons 'being charged 'under the let. 23 Criminal investigations *were carried ' out. 'The :following 'ISletor Vehicle Accidents were *reported 'arid 71n. vestigated 'by the 'Wingham 7De. 48'61m -tent. 'On 'Wednesday • a 105 Chrysler ;driven 'by1tonald 0. 7Seltefter of 'RI, 4 Aringham, :was ••weSilhound on -Highway .80 when 'the vehicle left the roadway and ended 'up in 'the *south 'cift`e.11, Damage was estlinatdd 'at -$300',00.1Prov, Zanst F. +Wittig investigate'd. ONTARIO. On Thursday 'at "agproximately 215 pan. a 'vehicle 'driven 'by -Les Roy ensrW, df In. 1, Tlifford, ran' Cr -the veld 'on- t'',oneessian 12 : Punt ct‘ry Township 'doing 'about '.$50010 '',damage to 'his vehiele. -Pro v. Oo t.. 41ekittilbk Ives the investigating offiCer, ELETETATEIREMEHLEBEEMBEEffitwikta FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY "1 am a decent respectable ,person, 1 pay my bills, [ help worthy causes. faithful to my wife what more do you want?" This is the attitude of many good citizens in our day. Now certainly it is no small thing to be decent and it is a truism to iay that moral standards in our day leave much to be desired, But is decency self sustaining? Has it any runs? What does it feed on? Keiter McKay commission recommends that mor- als be taught in elementary school but that Christian religion 'be excluded! But why he moral if there is no God of righteousnesd in control of the universe? 11' this world is not the creation -of -God then why should not 1 make my own advantage the determining poley in life? If it is to my personal advantage 10 ile and "cheat and steal and gossip Why not do it? • Our world has a vast number of decent, upright, eltruistie people who are drawing heavily upon an inherited 'spiritual Capital but are doing nothing to maintain the capital. They do' not worship, they seldom pray, the Bible to them is a closed book. But how long can decency last if there is no roligous faith on .which It limy 'draw? There may be adequate moral reserves for the needs of our "goner. ation but genrations quickly pass away. A decay of religion is naturally followed by a deterioration of morals, That which I do must always be an expression of that which 1 believe, Beliefs determine behaviour. A quarter 'MA 'an tury ago there were those who were saying it is what you -do that matters never mind about your beliefs. What was 'overlooked Was that if a person takes his *beliefs 'seriously 'they are bound to put their stamp upon his behaviour and determine what he considers right and wrong. Thomas Carlyle observed -that "the 'thing a 'man does 'practically believe and know for certain concerning 'Ns Ivital relations to this mysterious universe and his -duty and destiny' there all the rest," No it is net enough to be -decent and if decency 'does :not have roots going down into religious convictions -even 'the 'decency will soon wither and die. M. ll110i16141!!!!!0'111171WWITErITIMPF7177F.M.RPrirraPiniritrtnr/41 milttr.* Clitirclies ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MaeLEAN, .B.A. -1:00.p.m. — Church -Service, 1:00 p.m. — Sunday School. CHURCH OF GOD ateConsul Street, Blyth — Sunday Services :ERIC CERAVE,PASTOR 10:00 am, — Sunday School. 1;1:00 k an.-- \Worship Service. Thought For The Week 4Boast 'not 'thyself 'of 'tomorrow . , ." -rProverbs ;27: 1 "The way 'to Hell -is often. paved with ..god Intentions." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH IRV. 11. rW. RRDEZR, MINISTER Pentecost . Sunday. 10:00 a.m. .Morning Service (EnglISh). .11;(J0 :fan. :Stlirday Shoot, '3:00 p.m. — Afternoon Service (English). 511•4.1arnme ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Craven,. Minister (Temporary) Trinity ,Church Blyth: 10:00 a.m. — Trinity Church, Beigrave: 11:15 am. — St. Mark's Church, 'Altura: l30pm -- St. Paul's Church, Dungannon; Parillidemed. THE UNITED CIIURCH OF "CANADA 0. 2'MATEER, cR.D., MINISTER Director of .iVillikle. 4.45 :On. 'Stitiday thu'relt •Selfottl. 11,00 Jam, — Yhronitttg Voriitip Rev, R. Stuart,D. 41 Irtredield .guett -Tree/Men 1111 non 111111mpoimpinilo WESTFIELD NEWS Neighbours Honour 't'11E BLYTIi STAN1)AMGD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1909 *h!rs, Walter Cook, Blyth, spent Mr. Gary Walden has complet home from hospital last week several days last week with Mr. ed his second year at Western l;Ol) ors With Londeshoro feeling much improved. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden. University and is 111r. Nelson Lear is making fav• Y y presently em. Mrs. Isabel Oke, Wingham, via. ployed with . the Union Gas Co. orabie progress in hospital. Mrs. Ited on Tuesday with Mrs. Mary at Chatham. Farewell PartyRobert Younghlut is also making McDowell. Visitors wlht Mr, Armand Mc - terns good progress and we hope will Mr, Jasper McBrien, Goderich, Burney on the weekend were Mr. soon be home. Mrs. Edna Kurschenskl, Detroit, anti Mrs, John A. Gear and Marie Neighbours and friends of the The Women's institute will hold 'Mrs. Mac Hodgert and family visited on 'Thursday with MIss of Waterloo. 17th and Boundary lines gathered their June meeting on the even• visited on Sunday with her par. Jeanetta Snell, Mr. Gordon Snoll Miss Sheila Crowson, of Wing• for a farewell party at the home ing of Thursday, June 5th, Roll ents, Mr. and Mrs, Howatt, and also Mr, and Mrs. Ernest ham, visited on Sunday with her of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Bolger, call, a good quality in a farmer's Snell, friend, Miss Margery Smith. , Brussels, where they have recent. wife, Stnnnrerhill and Walker. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Mont• Mrs. Norman McDowell and ly moved. Euchre was played and burn clubs are invited to attend. Theregomery, Seaforth, visited with Mrs. Gerald McDowell, Kim and a social evening enjoyed. DuringwillsPecial sPeaker' Dead Stock Picked Mr, and Mrs. Doug Campbell on Patty, were Stratford visitors on the evening Mr. and Mrs, Bolger 1)r. Orth, of Centralia, who was Sunday. 'Tuesday. were presented with two covered in Japan for two years as ,Agri. 'Visitors with their grandpar• Miss Janetta Snell visited at lawn chairs and a fruit basket ir.LJp culture' Instructor. 'There will al ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, Ilu ronview with Mrs. Jasper Mc• remembrance of their stay in that so be a bake sale. , for several days last week were Brien on Monday. community. Mr, llo Williamson Visitors over the holiday with Y 7 DAYS A WEEK Kelly and Rodney Cunningham, Miss Barbara Cook, Belgrave, escorted the couple to chairs and Mrs. George Cowan and Mrs, Rob Auburn. spent the weekend with Miss Shar• an address was read by firs. Jam. inson were cousins, Mrs. John 24 HOURS A DAY Mr, and Mrs. Louts Verbeek on Cook. es Williamson and Mr. Alex Gut- Chapman, of Toronto, and Mrs. of Drayton visited on Friday with Miss Jannetta Snell and Mrs, utzen and :Mr. Harvey Craig pre.Dennis Roberton of Guelph. Huron Dead Stock Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verbeek and Edgar Howatt attended the Hur• sented the gift. Mr ,and firs. Bol,Miss Beverley Lee spent the family, onvlew Auxiliary meeting on Mon. ger both expressed their thanks weekend with her parents. IMrs. Audrey Biggerstaff, Miss day. The Auxiliary will nota for the very useful gifts. Lunch Miss Vigra Knox of Toronto spent Removal Phyllis Biggerstaff and Mr, Brian their loth annual bazaar and era was served by the ladies, the holiday with her mother, McKee, Wingham, spent the week. on May 28th at 2 pan. Everyone Mrs. Thomas Knox, end in Smith Falls. welcome. Mrs. Ida Townsend is spending CLINTON --• ONTARIO Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 'The ordlntion service for Job*. ci few days with her daughter in TELEPHONE COLLECT Gordon E, Smith for the weekend D. Campbell, eldest son of Mr, munity go to John in his chosen Toronto. were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vogl, and Mrs, Douglas Campbell, R. profession. Mrs. Harold Livingstone, who 482.9811 Mark, Shannon and Cara, also R. 3, Blyth, took place in the Mr, Franklin Campbell of Lon. has spent the past six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell, of Church of God, Schuler, Alberta, don visited un Monday with Mr, her son and family in Calgary London, on Sunday May 4th at 2 p.m. Arnold Cook. and relatives in Manitoba, return• We pay $5,00 to $16,00 for dioabl• Mr. Gordon McDowell is spend. Tho message to the congregation Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Har- ,"d home on Sunday. ed or dead cows and 20 per 16, ing a few days withhis sister, was given by the Rev. Gordon A. vey McDowell, onthe weekMr. Willows Mountain returned for standing horses. Small calves Mrs. J. A. Gear, Waterloo, Sehieck. The message to the or• were Mr. and Mrs. John McDo- try a and pigs picked up free of charge. dinand was given by the Rev. R, well, London, and Mr, and Mrs. STANDARD LICENCE NO, 189,3.88 I. Sehieck. Don McDowell, Kitchener. CLASSIFIED 23-3 BERG John is a graduate of the Al. bona ;Bible Institute and has been preaching at the Church God D H S ` Sales • Service in Schuler, Alberta, since Sept. BROWNIE S ember 1967. IIIIIIIIIMIR Installation The best wishes of this cont. BROWNIES MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR Drive-in PRESCRIPTIONTELEPHONE FREE ESTIMATESS WALTER PEASE CLINTON O Barn Cleaners Bo* Office Opens at 8,00 p.m. • Bunk Feeders i TRANSPORT FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. • Stabling t BLYTH i i FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING � REQUIREMENTS .. Donald G. Ive� r .1Ni) THE REST MARKET FOR • t YOUR LIVESTOCK 4 R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 i Phone Brussels 345J4 COON'S SUPERIOR Phone 523.442] We Deliver Maple Leaf Red Sockeye Salmon 7 314 oz. tin 59c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 32 oz. jar 57c Heinz Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin 32e St. William's Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 24 oz, ... Assorted Kool-Aid 5 pkgs. 22c Tang 'Orange, 4 - 3 314 oz, pkgs. 89c Superior Fresh Sliced Bread .. 3 loaves 65c Weston's Spanish Bar Cake, 6c off . • 39c McCormick's Marshmallows, 3 - 1 Ib. pk. 1.00 Five Roses Flour, 7 lb. bag 63c Vispo Laundry Detergent, 5 lb. bag 95c Giant Size Spic and Span, 8c off label , 89c -Personal Size Ivory Soap, 10 bar pkg99c Frozen Peas, 2 ' 2lb. pkgs. 89c Frozen French Cut Beans, 2.10- oz. pkgs49c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, t• THURSDAY and FRIDAY MAY 22 and 23 -»- — DOUBLE FEATURE — "SPEEDWAY" Showing at 8.45 -- Staging -ELVIS PRESLEY and NANCY SINATRA Musical Entertainment and Auto Racing "The Biggest Bundle Of Them All" 410111.10 Showing at 10,30 — Starring Robert Wagner & Raquel Welch B01111 MATURES IN COLOR Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES. MAY 24.26.27 -r DOUBLE FEATURE r- „HELGA„ . Showing at 8,45 Only (Adult Entertainment) This Film Contains Scenes Never Before Shown , . , Including TIIE BIRTH OF A BMW For The First Time ... The Cotnplete Intimate Story Of A Young Girl, Starring Ruth Gassman — Color "BLAST OFF // Starring Burl Ives, Troy Donahue and Daliah Lavi Color Showing at 10.30 Cartoon WED., THURS,, FRI, May 28.29.30 -- DOUBLE FEATURE "THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKYS" (Adult Entertainment) Starring JASON itOBARTS, BRITT EKLAND & BERT LAIR Showing at 8.50 Only — And "Salt and Pepper" ShowIng at 10.30 Only Samie Davis Jr, & Peter Lawford Both Features in Color Cartoon DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES Driving Pleasure & Economy Is Yours With Any One Of These Cars 1969 PLYMOUTH 2 door, hardtop 1969 METEOR 2 door, hardtop 1969.FAIRLANE 2 door, hardtop 1969 FORD 4 door 2-1969 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 dr., V 8, automatic, ps 1967 CHEV., 4 door, ps and pb 1967 CHEV. Bel Air, 4 dr., automatic 1967 PONTIAC Laurientian, 4 dr., V8, automatic, ps 1967 GALAXIE 500, 2 door, hardtop 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury, 2 door, hardtop 1967 DODGE 2 door, hardtop 1967.CHEVY II Nova, 2 door, hardtop 1967 CHEV. 4 dr., ps and pb 1967 FORD 4 door 1967 FORi) 2 door 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door, hardtop 1965 MERCURY Park Lane, 4 dr., hardtop, full power 1965 FORD 4 door 1964 MERCURY hardtop SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 6239581 T H 44+•-•- +$4 • •N .+•-•-•-• 444-• 44 44. + • 1 1 E THF BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNES.DAY, MAY 21st, 1909 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Sir, and Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull attended the graduation of Mr. Robert Habkirk at .McMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton, last Friday afternoon. He is the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. George 'Habkirk, Inger- soll. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil!more and family, Stratford, visited over the holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jan van Vliet. Mr, and Mrs. John Thamer and baby son, spent the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc- Kenzie, of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. David Freethy, Don Mills, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jiro Papple, of Seaforth. CAR WASH The Blyth Hi•C are holding a car wash on SATURDAY, MAY 29th, at the Blyth United Church from 9;00 a,m. to 5:30 p,m. $1,00 for outside, $1,50 for interior and outside. Anyone not able to bring their car to the church could phone the Church, 4224, and make arrangements to have their car picked up by a tlicensed driver washed and returned home. If the weather is unfavourable we will postpone the wash to the follow. ing Saturday. 45.1 DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRI., MAY 30th Desjardine's Orch, Restricted to persons 21 years and over Miss Shirley Thamer, of Wood• stock, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Thamer. She has recentlty been transferred from Clinton Public Hospital where she was the :Medical Record Librar- ian, Canadian Indian of today"was ta- spent the weekend at Englehart, Northern Ontario and the Prov- ince rovince of Quebec. Mrs. John -McDonald, Toronto, is spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald. Rev. D. E. Docken and Clar- ence .Martin attended the United Church Conference at Windsor last week. Mrs. Martin accom- panied then and visited with rel- atives. Mrs, Wnt. Murray visited over the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Childerhose, St. Agatha. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humph. ries and family, London, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Hum- phries over the holiday. WALTON 8th AND 16th UNIT MET AT HOME OF MRS. DON. McDONALD The May meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Don McDonald on May 14. Mrs. Douglas Fraser opened the meeting with the call to worship. A hymn was sung with Mrs. Harold Bolger as pianist. Mrs. D. Fraser read an article followed by prayer and a .poem "Your Mission." The topic "The Canadian Indian of today" was ta- ken by Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull The hymn "Lord of the Land's beneath CARD OF THANKS, 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to my many friends and relatives for the dowers, gifts, cards and treats while 1 was a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London. 45.1. -- Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. INSURE YOUR GRAIN CORN CROP May 29th is last date for application, insuring and seeding. GEORGE WATT Blyth, Ontario, Phone 523-9217 The Belgrave, Blyth, Brussels FESTIVAL OF MUSIC will be held in BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL Wednesday, May 28th JR. COMPETITION (Grades 1.4) in morning at SR. COMPETITION (Grades 5.8) in afternoon at 1:30 CHORUSES AND RHYTHM BANDS Silver Collection 9:30 Elliott insurance Agency �€ BLYTH -ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING 'SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phone Residence 523.4522 thy bending skies" was read in unison and the Lord's Prayer. 'Phe regular collection was receiv- ed eceived and canvassing was done for the Bible Society The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. (C'on'e 11eCal1. The roll call was answered by nine members. We arc to take our favourite recipes int °resting topic "'i'he Need to be Waist measurements were made and 1 cent was given for each inch. invitations were received to go to Burn's Church June 11 at 2 p,m. Rev, Douglas Stevens of Egmondville will be the guest speaker. Grace was sung and lunch was served by the hostess, McKILLOP UNI'!' MEETING The McKillop Unit of the U.C. W. met at the home of Mrs. Stew- art McCall May 14 with 25 ladies present. Miss Ethel Dennis pre- sided for the Devotions and op- ened the meeting reading a poem "Old Fashioned Mother," A hymn AUCTION SALE Of property and Household Effects al 209 Albert Street in the Village of Brussels, on SATURDAY, MAY 24 at 1 p.m. 21 inch Admiral television; Walnut Finish dining room suite; table; 6 chairs; buffet, china cab inet; 3 piece chesterfield suite; ntunber of rocking chairs; small tables; pedestal; foot stool; sing or drop head sewing machine; 3 ferneries; house 'plants; twilight lamp; table and dresser lamps; drapes; kitchen set; Kelvinator Frigidaire; 4 burner electric range; washing machine; pictures; 3 piece modern bedroom suite; bed, springs, mattress; chest of drawers; dresser; chair; ward• robe; Library table; Gramaphone; 2 trunks; Lane Walnut cedar chest; Walnut bedroom suite; bed; chest. of drawers; vanity and bench: mirrors; scatter mats; brown iron bed; hall mirror; wash stands; lawn chairs; mantel clock; electric clock; mantel radio; Din- ner set of 12 Austrian China; odd dishes; antique dishes; silver tea service and, tray; flatware; bed- ding; blankets; table linen; quilts; above articles in A•1 condition: Electrical appliances; frying pan; toaster; mixmaster; aluminum dishes; ironing board; kitchen tables; 2 cupboards; Vacuum cleaner; step ladder; tubs; gar- bage can; Maxwell lawn mower; 32 ft, extension ladder; garden tools; sealers. PROPERTY •-- 7 'room asphalt shingled house, new roof, 3 bed. rooms, Oil Furnace, Bathroom Excellent state of repairs. TERMS -- CHATTELS CASH Property 10% down, balance 30 days. Sold subject to reserve hid. For further particulars apply lo Harvey ,Dennisy 'Brussels.. Proprietor: Mrs. Archie Wintle. Auctioneer: Harold Jackson. Clerk: Mel Graham, 44.2 FOR SALE 350 acre beef farm, 340 acres workable, ?tarn 60 x 100 x '70 x 75, loose housing, auger :feeders. Zsil• as 20 x 70 with unloader. Silo 13 35. 6 -room cement veneer house, 1.47xcellent terms, 200 acre dairy farm in Hullett Township Frame barn 40 x 80 x56 x 36, implement shed and small hen house, 9 -room brick house. 130 acres in Hullett Township. Barn 42 x 74 with stalls and loose pen. 2 implement sheds and hen house for 400 hens. 8.room brick house. 100 acres close to Blyth,' 6 -room uisul brick house, new 3•plece bath. Frame barn 30x70 with tie up stalls, Ideal country home for the working- man, Small down payment required, For -information on these and other listings contact BRUCE FALCONER Pharr 522.618 Blyth Repr, onting Lawrence McKnight Real Estate Broker ,was sung and the Lords Prayer was repeated in unison Mrs. Don Dennis read the scripture lesson. llrs. Dennis read the common• tary and then led in prayer. A skit "flow long is happily everafter" tivas -gjven by Mrs. John Burch and Mrs, Wni, Roe. The topic was given by Mrs. Wm. Leeming on "Mother and the Home." Questions were asked by E. Dennis from the Book of Ruth, Mrs, Glen ` McNichol presided for the business. The minutes, reports and correspondence were read. The copper contest begins at the next meeting, The C,A.S. sent their thanks for children's pyjamas. Meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by flus. Jack Bosman, Mrs. Merton Hack - well, Mrs, Laverne Godkin and the hostess, A miscellaneous sale -was held after the meeting. BROOK'S CARPENTRY -- BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS Rennovating and Cabinet Making E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings Township of Morris AUDITOR'S REPORT 'PO THE RATEPAYERS AND MEMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. We have completed an examination of the accounts of the Township of Morris for the year ended December 31, 1968. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting records as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial transactions which have come under notice have been within the powers of the municipality; the audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal affairs and the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municiplity as at December 31, 1908 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Date of filing March 31, 1969 Signature Thorne, Gunn, Ilellwell and Christenson Licence Number 3652 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1968 ASSETS Cash 952 1)ue from Province of Ontario 14,202 Taxes receivable 49,281 Due from drain 7,291 $71,726 LIABILITIES Temporary loans 29,500 Accounts payable 5,809 Deferred revenue 2,801 Surplus 33,616 $71,726 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1968 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1968 REVENUE From taxation 144,627 Debt .Charges recoverable 2,328 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Prov ince of Ontario , , ... 72,781 Licences and permits 538 Interest and tax penalties 2,404 Spray receipts, 1,925 Other revenue 369 224,972 EXPENDITURES General government 8,147 Protection to persons or property 8,504 Public works 79,397 Sanitation and waste removal 408 Conservation of health 463 Social and family services 640 Education 81,316 Recreation and community services 585 Financial expenses 2,569 Rebate on taxes '391 Election costs 355 County rate 48,926 Advancement. of Agriculture 1,104 232,825 Deficit for year Surplus at beginning of year Surplus at end of year TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1968 . ASSETS General fixed assets Due from schools Due front municipal enterprises 7,853 41,469 $33,616 379,292 498,940 8,278 $886,510 LIABILITIES Debenture debt issued and unmatured Public 'School 507,218 Investment in capital assets 879,292. $886,5),0 Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE IMLYTII --- Phone 523.9273 4 4.114. .._.. 4..__011 J. h;. 1.ONGSTAFI+ --- OPTOMETRIST , 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE -- Balance of Week -- Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna --- Tei, (Yell, liensall 69610 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC, PUM PF,D & C1:N;AN E FREE ESTIMATES 1A111S BLAKE -. Brussels R.R, 2 - Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OF!FFICE HOURS: B; Appointment Only, Except Emergenelks Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON •- OPTOMETRIST Nest to the Lyceum Theatre -- 1VINGHAM Phone 357.1361 ELLIOTT REAL ES'I'AT.E AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broke'. It. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Ices, 523.4522 or 523 4393 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT C.ODERICH -- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd., E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J, H, Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, LLB., A. Mill, B.A,, L.L.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4.481 Phones w'ingham 357436310 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING - 'CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM ••-- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed Ali Dar Monday --- Open Tuesday Though Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday .Mornings PHONE, BLYTH 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN HOLLINGER (BLAKE'S 1VELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE CLINTON PHONE' COLLECT 482.3320 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs - to all Makes and Mpdels of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 523.4275 Res, 528.4591 ti 4 8 av '1'11E 1314Y'111 STAN'I)ARD --- WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1969 u 11 1 .16'1 li•Ibli. !,;., I1,11 •b,I:1 4,II4.h,11 it II 1111.11,11,11,1 .111 h b 11• It 1111 hh 11,1111 hi h SELL IT! BUY IT 1 RENT IT! FIND IT PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS .SPECIAL BUS TO GRANA OLE (WRY, Nashville, Tennessee on June 12. $59.00 includes two nights hotel, tour of Nashville, Autograph and Dinner Party at Music City Playhouse, and Grand Ole Opry Saturday night. Reserve your seat now. Habkirk Transit Service Limited, Box 700 Seaforth. Phone 5274222, 42-tf WANTED TO BUY Rabbits, all sizes, special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fryers. Phone 'Hughes, 523.9424 Blyth. 44.12 FOR SALE Cedar posts, anchors and brae. es. Winthrop General Store, Lloyd •llcCluskie. 42-4p 1111_._ REG, SMITH SIGNS '!'ruck Lett^ring, Plastic Signs. Farm and Commercial. Corner East and High Streets, Clinton, Ontario. 331f LET US DO YOUR DIGGING Grave digging, Backhoeing, Burying stone piles. Phone, Lin- coln Martin, 12 Brussels. 38.13p CONCRETE WORK. Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4, 37•tf 4 .4 4 1 a CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri, 7:30 p.m, (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn - Joe Corey, Clinton 4y STRAYED Hereford Steer, 900 lbs. from farm of Harry Lear, concession 10, Mullett Township, ear tag and brand, may have rope on neck. Phone 523.4219. 45.1 FOR SALE Glass show case, 6 ft. long; also Honda 55. Bob McCllnchey, phone 523.4501. 45.1p NOTICE Pullet eggs are available now at Cook's Egg Vendor at Special Prices with lower prices on all grades. 45.3p WORK WANTED High School Girl wishes work for July and August. Nancy Stew• art, phone 523.9222 Blyth. 45-1 CARD OF THANKS A sincere thank you to our friends for the banquet held for us last 'Thursday. The gifts we received will be a reminder of our pleasant relations with the business associates of Blyth. Al. so thank you to the ladies who catered. Ruby and Del Philp. 454p. WOOD Hardwood Slabs, 6 or 7 cord loads, $4,00 per cord delivered; Elm and Soft Maple $3.00. Phone Craig's 'Sawmill, Auburn, phone 5264220. 44-3p FOR SALE Top Dressing by the truck load. Phone 523-4266 Blyth, 44-3 POPULAR AVON COSMETICS Has opening in Morris Town- ship. Fine earnings, convenient hour. For information call or write Mrs, M.- Millson, 17 Hawk- esbury Ave., London, 451.0541, 44-3 BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT. Manure Handling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Pl►, 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" r MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS %ATS' Barn Cleaners . Silo Unloaders Feeders PEDLAR STABLING . complete installations • free estimates Phone 595.8955 Blyth District Call Glenn Gibson or Bill Bromley 523.4506 Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work -- Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Ph, 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE It.ATHWI,LL, RAI, 1, BrucefIeld -- Ph, 4824384 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- 011, BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US -- WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BU RUMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. K, W. COLQUHOUN LTD., Clinton, LYLE VOUNGBLUT Anaronomiloglogis 0114 BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 513.15185 "Your Oil Heating Contractor" t FOR SALE 12 Sows carrying first litter, due soon, Jerry Heyink, phone 523.9208 Blyth. 45 -Ip FOR SALE 1960 Pontiac, 4 door, Call or see Mrs. Kathleen Cook, Blyth, phone 523.9354. 45.lp FOR SALE Holstein Bull, serviceable age, Unit breeding, from Dividend Clipper, 150,00, Clare Longhurst, Auburn, 526.7549. 45.1 FURNITURE SALE SEVERAL ANTIQUES For the Estate of the Late Mrs. Ida J. Petts, in the Village of Blyth, on SATURDAY, MAY 31 at 1;30 p.m. 3 -piece Chesterfield Suite; 2 China Cabinets; fern stand; toilet set; Several lamps; pictures; An. tique Chair; rocking chairs; lay. Ing room rug; cherry bedroom suite, excellent condition; scatter gnats; 3•piece bedroom suite, spring and mattress; trunks; 1 bedstead; bed, spring and mat- tress;chest; 3 small tables; singh iron bed; pine chest; filter Quee;► Vacuum Cleaner; metal clothe: rack; Antique Cupboard; dining room table; sectional book case; Quebec heater;, buffet; large quan- tity dishes; bedding; lawn chairs; cooking utensils, etc.; Beatty washing machine; Antique Table; copper boiler; wash tubs; garden tools; lawn mower; crocks and sealers; wheel barrow; step lad. der. Numerous other articles. TERMS CASH Jackson & Jackson, Auctioneers, Listowel. 45.2 CARD OF THANKS The baby and I wish to thank all those who remembered us with cards and gifts while in Clin• ton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing staff, 45.1p. --Mrs. Bruce Hulley. SANITATION SERVICES • Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 254. 43-tf BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE " Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates, Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCII LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482.9505 Clinton 111011111111111. 30-tf. FOR SALE FARMS, HOMES & BUSINESSES LISTINGS WANTED LISTINGS WANTED We have buyers for all types of property. Your call now could result, in a quick satisfactory sale. (over 500 people to serve you) STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTH Representing II. Keith Ltd., Realtor «1• Toronto, Ont, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, :1IAY 21st, 1969 ;Spent the past week with het grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Iter• son Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Laivoleppc and family, of Scarborough, were 1veckend visitors wil.h her par. cats, Mr. and Mrs. Berson Irwin. Congratulations to Mr. Ira Campbell who narked his 91st birthday on Friday, May 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family, of Blyth, on a vacation this weekend and call. ed to see Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDowell and Heather, Cooks- town. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henderson and Miss Iris Johnston, of Lon- don, spent the weekend' with Mrs. Richard Procter and Joyce. Mr. Charles Fraser and family of Kincardine visited on Sunday with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Keith Pletch BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS iMr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong attended the wedding of their grandadughter, Miss Mary Craig, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mel Craig, to Larry Martin, son of Mr, and Mrs, William Martin, on Friday, May 16 in the Mildmay Church. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig, R.R. 4, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Armstrong, London, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. :Mark Armstrong attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. W. H. Thom- pson of Goderich last week. Alr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, who have spent the past two years in the Bahamas, are now holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Galbraith, of List- owel and Mrs. Floyd Campbell. Mrs. Americo Arruda and Maria of Toronto, spent a week's holi- days with her mother, Mrs. Cliff Logan. Mrs, Carl Procter recently vis- ited with her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert By ers, of Royal Oak, Michigan, and attended her niece's wedding, Miss June Byers. Miss Donna Irwin, of Toronto, 1 • • • • • WARM WEATHER APPAREL FORTREI, SHORT SETS completely wash- able, no ironing ever with matching flare leg pant. Short Set 15.95 ea. Slim 14.95 ea TERRY SHIFTS ideal for home or beach each 10.95 - 13.95 POLISHED COTTON DUSTERS .. 8.95 ea. PERMA PRESS TROUSERS FOR BOYS 4-6x, 7.16 yrs. 5,98 and 7.98 ea. • •-•-rs s s-+ • 4 •+-•-•-r.-., , • . NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523.4351 Blyth t1 1 1 1 1 Snell's MARKET FOOD • BUYS FOR THIS WEEKEND b • Aylmer Chicken Noodle, Mushroom or Veg. Beef Soup, 6 - 10 oz. tins 1.00 Aylmer Vegetable and Tomato Soup 8 for 1.00 Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 11 oz. 5 for 1.00 Aylmer Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. 3 for 1.00 Nature's Best Canned Vegetables 6 tins 1.00 Lee's Pineapple, 19 oz. 4 tins 1.00 Paramount Red Cohoe Salmon 112's .... 89c Blue Bonnet Margarine, 3 lb. pkg. 89c Kraft Miracle Whip Dressing, 32 oz. 59c Five Roses All Purpose Flour, 7 Ib5Jc Faygo Soft Drinks, 16 112 oz. case of 24 2.95 Woodbury Golden Shampoo, reg. 1.19 89c Bayer Aspirins, 100's, reg. 89c 69c Personna. Stainless Blades, reg. 5 for 75c 39c Peameal Back Bacon per ib, 89c K.P. Weiners 2 lli. 99c K.P. Bologna per lb, 39c K.P. Sausages per lb, 55c Fresh Juicy Oranges, 138's 2 doz. 89c Northern Spy Apples 5 lb. 75c Sunshine Fancy Peas 2 Ib. bag 45c Red Pie Cherries 1 ib. 39c Sunkist Lemonade, 6 oz. Welch's Grape Juice, 6 oz Phone 523-9332 2 for 29c 2 for 39c We Deliver • • • • • • • • t Mr. Brian Hopper of Watford, pent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hopper. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Yuill of Brus- sels, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walsh were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. Murray McDowell and IIeather, Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Styles and Patsy of Mimico, spent the week- end with Mrs. Cora McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell and family of London visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clare VanCamp. Mr. and Airs. Lewis Stonehouse ttended the wedding of iheit cousin, Miss Judy AlcCammon, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm McOan1►non of Islington, to Robert Hewitt of St. Catherines on Sat- urday in the St. Guild's Presby terian Church, Islington, and also spent the weekend with their niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ellis, West Hill. A quiet wedding took place in St. Andrew's United Church, Sault Ste Marie, on April 21 when Lynne Marguerite Olsson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ltom Olsson of White River, and Max Winston Pletch, son of Mr, and Mrs, Sam Pletch, of Belgrave, were united in marriage. Mr. and Airs. Lewis Stonehouse motored to Toronto on Saturday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire who spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman 11111 and family, Don Mills. Miss Marilyn Taylor and Mr. Nelson Dusky, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor attended the graduation of their niece, Miss Judy Taylor, daugllter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, 'of Sarnia. The graduation exercis• es were held at Convocation Hall, ,Toronto. Judy is graduating from Toronto General Hospital. Miss Verna Johnston, Sarnia, visited on Sunday with Miss Nora VanCamp. Mr. and Airs. Jack Taylor, Mar- ; ilyn, Robert, Mary Ellen and i 'Ronald attended the Craig•Martin • wedding in the Mildmay Church 1 .on Friday. • Mr. Ronald VanCamp, Guelph, • spent one day last week with his aunt, Miss Nora VanCamp. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Rinn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman, of Staffa. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Stevenson, >>tephen and Scott visited with .:ter parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leigh Wilcox, of Norwich. Little Su- zanne Miller of Mount Elgin, ac - 1 companied them home for a week's vacation. Junior Auxiliary Meet The sixth meeting of the Juni. or Auxilary was held at Belgrave Orange Hall on May 17 at 9:45 ):m. Games were led by Janette Johnston. Meeting opened with : the promise, member's prayer, • motto and. hymn, Roll call was answered and mhlutes of the last meeting were _ read by Marin. Walsh, Patsy Scott gave the treasurer's report. Beth and Pat- sy Scott collected the offering - with Rota Lynn White reciting the offertory prayer. Next meet - Mg will be held in the hall on May 24. Laurie Stackhoust is in charge of the games and the sing song ' will be led by Karen Scott, Clean up girls are Bonnie Walker and Marni Walsh, Janette Johns• ton c7ntir:'ad the story for the study boor:, 'The Golden Coin," Rose :,carie White led the sing. Ing, The meeting closed with prayer and a sing -song 1 t .-.•+-.-.-♦••♦-•-•-•-•-.-♦tN-.-•-.-.-.-.•...♦-. *44-r YOU CAN'T BEAT THESE PRICES SWEET PICKL,E1) COTTAGE ROLL Halves per lb, 65c BOLOGNA RINGS each 49c SMOKED PICNICS per lb, 49c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BEEF BY THE QUARTER OR HALF BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP • • • t Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor 1 BLYTII, ONTARIO. • PHONE 523.4561 1 •-• •tN • H+••-r•+N • ••off•♦-•-•• •-1N•• •-M•-• HN♦ 444-4+. •-•-* • • •••-••1. • t t •1 1 1 1 t Z • • •• 0 • 4 • • • • • MEN'S WORK BOOTS BY SISMAN, KAUFMAN AND GREB IF YOUR FEET. HURT • • • ♦ 4 • • • • YOU MAY NEED ARCH SUPPORTS Come in and let us take a pedo-graph of your feet. HAUGH'S "BIG 88" WORN CLOTHES i44:4 - • T • • • 1 • R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday • • t ♦ 11x41 •• •111•+ • •+-•N • N •1-+1••1.1 SELLING OUT SALE All Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts 30 Percent Off, Men's and Boys' Spring Jackets 30 Percent. Off, Running Shoes for the Whole Family 30 Percent Off, Men's Knee Rubber Boots, 6 to 11 3.95 All Hydro City Work Boots and High Cuts, Wellington and Engineer Boots 25 Percent Off, Men's ,jockey Nylon Bikini Shorts in white, red, black Special 1.17 pr. 92 Ken's Dress Pants, sizes 30, 31, 32, 34 Regular 10.95 2 pr. for 10.95 Men's Biege Top Coats, all weather good make Special 13.99 All Better Dresses, size 12 to 26 112 Half Price, ....«0..046. The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontarit►, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest The Huron County Historical Friends are pleased to see Mrs. 'Society will hold it's annual meet. 'Robert J. Phillips at her home ing next •Monday evening, -May '26, following eye surgery recently in in the Auburn 'Community Mem. St. Joseph's Hospital, . London. anorial Nall with the president, Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles Mr. J. W..MeLaren ,of ••Bensnillor, spent the weekend .in Toronto in charge. A "panel on .the -history and London. of Auburn district 'will :be given Mr. and Mrs. William Empey and musical numbers 'along with and family spent the holiday in the usual 'business, -It is 'hoped Eastern Ontario. that a goodly -number will :attend Mr. :and .Mrs, Tom Morris and as this is the first time the :His— family, London, spent the week• end with the lady's mother, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Jennifer and Shelley. torical Society has held a meeting in Auburn, Congratulations to Miss ..Nancy Anderson on obtaining her certi; flute from the Stratford Teach. ors College .last week, Miss ,Linda :Israel, :Kitchener, Miss Diane :Kirkconnell, :Goderich, spent the weekend with the lat• ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. An. drew Klrkconnell. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Yungblut and CELEBRATED 55th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. George ;Milian of Auburn, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Wednes. day, May 14th, with friends and family, Toronto, wont 'Abe heli. relatives :calling during the day. day kvith''his 'mother, `Mrs. •-Ralph Last Sunday following church Munro. services at Knox United Church Mr. and Mrs. Marry Arthur •vis• where' their great grandchild, Lori ited on Sunday with . his .sister, Danette Milian, infant daughter Mrs, Gordon Wall, 'Mr. Wall 'and of' -Mr. and Mrs. Barry Millian was family, 'at Iangslde, -baptized, the family gathered at Mrs. W. •.Br-adnock • vas lguest -the Tiger Dunlop Inn .for a spe speaker at the ::North !Middlesex District annual W.. I. .held .at Lu can last Tuesday. Ttventy.elght friends .and .tela• Lives 'ihonoured 'Miss Margaret R, Jackson *on 'the occasion -of ter 83rd birthday by calling on her recently. The evening' was -spent visiting and a decorated birthday cake was served to the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold :Rathbun, of Georgetown, were -recent 'visit. ors with his sister, Mrs, Donald Baines, Mr. •Haines and .Ed. Mrs. Gordon Taylor 'returned last weekend after a week's visit with her 'daughter, Mrs, Ronald Rathweil, Mr. -Rathwell, IMlehael and Janice. -clal Mothers' Day and wedding celebration Those present with Mr, and Mrs, Millian were: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McNeill, and Mary Lou; Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Mitchell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Slusarchuk, of Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Slusarchuk Jr., and David, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell, Susanne and Larry, Mr. Walter Mcltwain, of Goderich; Mr, and Mrs. Charles McGee, Jane and Susan, Kintore; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thomson, Mark, Cheryl, and Pamela, Strat. ford; Miss Patricia Millian, Lon. don; Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Mer- rill, Clinton; lfrs. Pearl Watson, GRANA VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Imported Straw Hand Bags, Hand -worked Pillow •Cases, Cushions and Mexican Art --- Chocolates. Phone 523.4471 Myth -- -Edith I. Creighton .Entertainment .Special -- THIS WEEKEND .ONLY Beautiful Summer 'Listening With The Model ,888 ,ROJERS' MAJESTIC CONS'OLE STEREO • .Beautifully Constructed :and .Panelled .To. Add Elegance to Your Livingrooln 2 8" woofers, i2 3.112" tweeters Reduced This `Weekend To Fit Your Budget WE ARE YOUR HEADQUARTERS :O1t STEEI:E73RIGGS A1VD`REN,NT•E GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS (ronin's HARDWARE • BLYTH TELEPHONE 623.9273 YOUR HOME :HARDWARE DEALER Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Clare Mil. Ilan, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Millian, Mr, and 'Mrs. Barry Millian. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Millian en. tertained 20 relatives for supper. Many gifts and cards of congrat• illations were received by Mr. and Mrs, George Millian to markthis 55th wedding anniversary. .They have a family of six daughters, Mrs. Douglas (Minnie) McNeill, Goderich, It.R, 6; Mrs. Mildred Gardner, Hudson hope, B. C.; Mrs. Frank (Evelyn) Treble,'Lon. don; Mrs. Charles (Matte) Mitch ell, RJL '5, Goderich; Mrs. Char. les (Colleen) McGee, Kintore; Mrs. Carl (Ruth) 'Thomson, Strat. ford; Also 18 grandchildren and IL groat grandchildren. One son, Charles, passed away several years -ago. The congratulations Of all our readers are extended to Mr. .and Mrs, Millian on this oe. easion FORMER AUBURN NATIVE AND HUSBAND CELEBRATED GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Relatives and friends in this district attended the Golden 'Wed. ding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinderknecht of Detroit, Mrs. Rinderknecht -was the for. mer May Beadle, the daughter of the late Mr. 'and Mrs, George Bea. dle,and was born in this commun. ity. Her eldest son, Mr. George Disney and Mrs. Disney entertain• ed at A. M. Vet Hall, St, Clair Shores, Michigan, when over 70 attended. 'Besides Mr. Disney, the :couple have .two -other sons, Maynard, of .Detroit, and Harry Jr. of Almonte, and five grand- 'children. Many gifts, • messages of congratulations land cards were received to • mark •the . occasion. ,Relatives and .friends from .the Auburn district who attended were, Mr. and Mrs. "fihomas Hag• gitt, Mr. Stephen•• Haggitt, Mr. Arthur 'Yourfgbltit, Mrs.:Ernest Patterson, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford :Brown, 'Ronald, Nancy and 'Philip, ••Mr. 'and 'Mrs. 'Bill Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Haz- litt,4ll:of:Goderlch,'iiir. !arid Mrs, Robbie :Lawrie :and :Jr. and Mrs. Jim Lawrie, Blyth, Mr, and .Mrs. George Ilaggitt, John and Paul, Of Zurich, 'Mrs. Grant McDonald, `London, Mr. 'Kenneth 'Naggitt'and lfiss Jane Skinner, 'of Milton, 'BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. fiugh Rinn were recent 'visitors with =Miss Rebecca Hill, of t}htronviow, also with Mr. and 'Mrs. !Wm. Gordon, of Kinloss. Mr, and -Mrs, Gilbert Sauve, . of Toronto, visited with her moth• er, .uMrs, herb .Plet.ch, on Monday. Afternoon Unit Thirteen ladies attended the lfay meeting of the Afternoon unit on May 14 in the church ltasement. Mrs, Verson Irwin was in charge of the opening wonship, ''the 'theme of which was "Lessons from China" Maximum Demand, :and opone'd with hymn "Iu Christ - there is no East or West, followed by Mrs. Irwin leading in -prayer and the lord's Prayer in -unison, 'Mrs. Irwin read a short article "We are not v. 111F, fil.YTII s'rANDARD — WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st, 1909 SCREENED TOPSOIL (stone, grass and root free) CEMENT GRAVEL ROAD GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LIGHT DOZING, BACKFILLING, LEVELLING AND LANDSCAPE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON PHONE 482.7644 EVENINGS or CLAYT'S GULF .SERVICE 482.7661 �. �♦i 1+•- . r tr f S) Clinton Memorial Shop ; • T, PRYDE and SON • • • • • • • • i CLINTON — a..t„SEATORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE EUT Business 235.0620 lkddence 235.1384 •-1••• .4 r• -•+.+4+H w H+• •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-+ •-•••••+* • DIAMON S SEE THE 'LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton Seaforth• i f • 1 NEED MORE SEED CORN? CAI JJ ME! HAROLD McCLINCHEY R,R, No, 1, Auburn Phone 526-7534 YOUR FUNK'S G-HYBRYD DEALER our own." .Mrs. Harold Procter read scripture ' with Mrs. Irwin 'giving a commentary on'alsove•and ,offering .prayer. Hymn "Father whose will is life and good" was sung. Offering was .received and Minutes -were- read -alta -approved. Mrs. Earl -,Anderson 'dnonttnced the general .IJCW ' meeting for May 29, with the Rev. Anne Wlghtman speaking. The after. noon .unit to provide ••worship- ser. • vice, `Mrs. 'Stewart -Procter 'gave the study on Chinn "Religion and China today" also an article on . standards of living. Mrs. -Earl ,Anderson 'conducted a 'c1ue8tion• acre on China. Sick and shut•In visits were recorded. 'Hymn "Jesus shall -reign" and the miz• pah benediction concluded the ..meeting. FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS --MOTOR OILS Ausimemomin Plus a Tull Range of Special Lubricants and Greases .PAUL KERRIGAN - Agent BP CANADA, Limited PIIONE 482.9653 ••• CLINTON .Accounts maybe paid at Can, Imp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth THE M<KILLOP MUTUAL 'FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SEAFORTII .Office --- Main Street Insures: * Town Dwellings. * Ali 'Classes of - Farm Prop. erty. *.Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Ilalls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fall. Ing objects, etc.) is 'also available, 'AGENTS; lames Keys, RR 1, Seaforth: V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm, .Leiper, Jr.,.Londesboro,; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels; Harold'Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, MAY 2lst, 1969 Faceless Man." She stated that we are all guilty of grouping people into great gobs of humanity ac• cording to their colour, race, so• vial standing, religion or occupa• tion, in this way we fail to un- derstand that each person is an individual, and if we are going to The Ladies Guild of Trinity Brussels. Mrs,Lawrence Vannan, help each other we must look be, Anglican Church, Belgrave, held a the president, was in charge of gond the faceless man and dis• special meeting on Wednesday the meeting and the pianist was cover his needs. If we are to evening in the Belgrave Com- Miss Joyce Procter. show people that we are Christ. anunity Rooms when they enter. The opening hymn was "Jesus ions we must treat our fellow hu• tained members of the U.C,W. of where'er thy people meet." The 'mans with love and understand• .Belgrave and Calvin -Brick, the General Thanksgiving and Lord's ing. Mrs. Clare VanCamp thanked Mrs. Craven for presenting a Church, Belgrave, and the A.C.W. Miss Nora VanCamp read the challenging message in a very in. of Wingham, Blyth, Auburn and scripture and Mrs. Alex Nethery teresting manner. Mrs. Robert read a paper concerning the Higgins •presented Mrs, Craven "Ascension" which had been writ- with a gift as a token of gratitude ten 'by lfiss Stella Nethery, Hymn from the Guild. "Rejoice the Lord is King" was Miss Connie Nethery played sung following which Mrs. Van• Iwo selections on the accordlan YOUR CHOICE OF SEED IN nan welcomed the guests. The roll rend Miss Marjojrie Procter sang TILE 78.110 DAY MATURITY call was answered by each group "The Impossible Dream." The in turn standing up and each closing hymn was "Lord Dismiss menthe'. telling her name. Miss us with thy Blessing." Mrs. Van. Marjorie Procter sang "The Holy Han pronounced the benediction City." and grace was sung, Lunch was H. Boyd Taylor Mrs, Vannan then introduced,served with lits. Robert Procter the speaker, Mrs. William Craven, :enJlrs. Edna Nethery pouring of Goderich. Mrs. Craven gave tea a very interesting talk on "The Belgrave Ladies' Guild Entertained Area Guests At Special Meeting W. M. S. of the Presbyterian prayer were repeated in unison. Pride Seed Corn .t,sk About Pride's Large Order FREE CORN DEAL Contact: Ph, Blyth 523.9279 ANNOUNCEMENT ••• WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE TIJAT CAMPBELL TRANSPORT PHONE 523.4204 BLYTII, ONT. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS FOR INTER -CITY WELDING SUPPLIES limited AND ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY OXYGEN • ACETYLENE • MACHINES TORCH EQUIPMENT AND EVERYTHING FOR WELDING TRY OUR SPECIALTY CHINESE FOOD PROMPT SERVICE ON TAKEOUT ORDERS • PH, 523.4391 ALL TYPES OF MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL MYTH, ON'rAlilt.► III 1111 I 11 milliii111111111111 INVESTING FOR RETIREMENT INCOME PERFORMANCE VERSUS COST OF LIVING In the past 10 years (ending Dec. 31, 1988), the cost of living increased 22% while the Leverage Fund, including the reinvestment i;f dividends, has risen 229%. The Leverage net asset value increased 40% in the year 5-1988. In addition a 18e per share dividend was paid. $10,000 invested in Leverage January 1, 1050 with divi- dends reinvested bad a value Dec, 31, 1968 of $104,519 COMMONWEALTH INTI. LEVERAGE FUND LTD,. MIKE'S established in 1949, the objective of this 'Fund is Capital Growth -- making your money grow as a hedge against inflation. It is dedicat• well-established companies that demonstrate they are growing. Your Farm Equipment ed to keeping your investment only into the ownership of shares of investment is managed with a well.balanced blend of aggression and caution. COMMONWEALTH INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION LTD. 40 CONGRA'I'l 1,.%'I'[(1NS Congratulations to Miss Melody Falconer, MIL. 2, Goderieh, who celebrated her 2nd birthday on Wednesday, May 2J, 1969. 1�I�i.�Iml`I!II��UII���fl�;l lr�'ll l,l�i,}. 1.•�!rrfty,�. r.•ra ..,r� F Seed For Sale Garry, York & Selkirk Mixture other grain mixed to order Einar, Vernal & Canadian Alfalfa T Climax and Common Timothy .1 full line of Grass and Clover • Seeds still available • Pfister, Stewart's & United•Ilybrid • • Seed Corn • • The Millet season is approaching 1 and we have ,Millet seed available + • • • • • • • • • • M Inquire at the Seed Plant for some crops that we need to have grown for us, R. N. Alexander LONDESBORO r Lnu u el.'I III�rr:I u rel 111'll'Crlalr.l�lh �"i �l ,...��,� i � CAaMPING IS A DELIGHT' IN A RIDELITE Hilander • Town and Country Tent Trailers, Somers and Rich. ritond Sales • Rental, phone 47 or 260W Brussels. 41.10 r 1 • • r • •i 4-41,-4.4-4-9-4-•-•-•-•- •-• • • JAMES E, RICE R.R, 1, Blyth Tel, 523.4428 YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER • CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE McLean's Tooth Paste, et;•, 75c ... only 59c "You Ring • We Bring" t 111 }lel cam, reg. 98c ....... , large size 69c •-N'4-40-044 •-• •--•-•-• • • +i • •••-•-•. Morris Readers This Week The time of the year has again arisen when all residents of the Township of Morris will receive a copy of the Standard, The Auditor's Report of that Munici• trrlity appears in this issue, taus the reason for sending a copy to residents of the township. We welcome the opportunity of mining into the homes of these people, and also would like to remind them that advertisements in the paper will show that Blyth i., a good place to come to do I,u'siness. Our stores always make you welcome and are filled with quality merchandise at very reasonable prices. CUSTOM BACKHOEING LOADING, BACKFILLING, EXCAVATING CALL COLLECT 527.1065 SEAFORTH CONTACT JOAN ROCK - R.R. 2, Seaforth PHONE 527.0.197 of ,IIbI ALEXANDER - R.R. 4, Walton AT THE ABOVE NUMBER ALREADY LISTED BEATTY FARM EQUIPMENT M.1Y SPECIALS 20% OFF ON BARN FANS SPECIAL, BOOKING LIQUID MANURE SPREADERS With Every Barn Cleaner or Silo Loader A $50,00 Set Of CERAMIC COOKWARE BY GSW . Con tact : JAMES ALEXANDER R.lt, .1, WALTON PHONE COLLECT 527.1085 •O •-•-•-•••-t*•• ,-4-4-4-4-0-•-•t+.+•-.1i-••.-i,-•• • • • . •, •• •-i► •-•--♦-••• • • • • • 4 • • • 69c Stewart's Red &3 White Food Mkt. BLYTH, ON'1'., I'hone 9451 WE DELIVER 1111r11=rr111, York Beans with Pork, 19 oz. tin ... 5 for 99c Aylmer Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 21 oz. jar 53c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 16 oz43c Freshie Drink Powder 10 pkgs. 49c Sunlight Liquid Detergent, reg, 63c, only 53c Kadana Tea Bags, 100's .............. 69c Green Plastic Garbage Bags 10's plus 2 free bags ....... Quaker Mullets, 15 oz. pkg.. , .......... 39c Vapona Non Pest Strips, reg, 2.95 only 2.45 Nescafe Instant Coffee, 6 oz. jar .... , . 1.09 Health & Beauty Aids Lifebuoy Soap 2 bars 29c • Bayer Aspirin Tablets, 100's 79c • Eno Fruit Salts, reg. 89c .......... only 69c • I Lustre Net Mair Spray, reg, 1.19 only 1.29 Since 1932 the objective of this fund has been to invest shareholders' money in a portfolio of reliable stocks' and bonds for a good, continuing income, It also has the long-range aim of increasing capital growth and income. Last year's percentage gain in net asset value plus dividends paid was 25%. CANADIAN CHANNING VENTURE FUND LTD. This is a mutual fund for the investor who is capable of taking a little inore than average risk to achieve above average results in Capital Growth. Introduced in June 1988, the Venture Fund gained 17% in seven months, For complete information re tax savings etc., and without obligation contact: Name ........ .... Address (See Readers Digest Ma BRUSSELS Box 251 Ph, 211 ' YOUR JAMESWAY DEALER for SALES and SERVIC] 11, G, BERT FREEMAN "First in Power Choring" Agency Manager Phone 302.8938 Teeswater, Ontario, 1+:11r3 • Beef - Hog Page 120) Poultry 1 1 - t Weston's Bakery Features Brown or White Bread 4 for 95c Buy Of The Week Aylmer Choice Beans, green or wax, Cream Style Corn or Sweet Green Peas 14 oz. tin 6 for 99c Giant Size Bold ... . ................... 99c Red & White Bonus Offer Aluminum Lawn Chairs only 3.49 with a 5.00 order. Meavy Plastic Garbage Pails, reg, 6,98 Only 2.99 With a 5.00 order 1