HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1969-05-14, Page 1THE BL TH STA DARD Volume 80 • No. 44 ",Serving Blyth and Community Since 11185" 13LYTII, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, 11AY 14th Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour Laid To Rest Great Instruction! Lions Plan Summer Activities For Area Tuesday In Blyth Union Cemetery 'J'he community was saddened United Church in Blyth where she early Sunday morning, May 11, taught Sunday School and the 1969, to hear of the sudden death Adult Bible Class for many years. of Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, in the She was a staunch Liberal and Clinton Public Hospital, where showed a keen interest in got, she had been a patient for ten ernment affairs, days. " ` Besides her husband she is The former Emma Garner, Mrs, survived by three sons, Clifford, Scrimgeour, was the youngest o1' Belleville, .Murray (Jerry), of 'daughter of John Garner and An. Tillsonburg, Everett, of Blyth; nie Graham, born in Burmingham, three daughters, Hazel, Mrs, R. England, She came to Canada at. Baxter, of Chatham; Verne, Mrs. the age of five years, in 1888. Cameron, of Kitchener; Margaret, In 1900 she married Lorne M[t's, J, Marks, of Windsor. An - Scrimgeour, who survives. After outer son, Prank, predeceased their marriage they lived for her, Also surviving are seven twelve years in Auburn, since grandsons and seven granddaugh- they have resided in their pres• ters; twentythree great grand, ent home on King Street, Blyth. children and one great great Mrs, Scrimgeour was keenly grandchild. interested in the community, Mrs. Scrimgeour was well She was District President of the known in the village and commun. West Huron Women's Institute, ity will be sadly missed by all 'President of the Blyth Women's who mourn her passing, institute, District Secretary of The funeral was held from the the Womens' Division of the Tasker Memorial Chapel on Tues. Perth, Huon District of Agricul- day, May 13. Rev, W. 0, Mather tura' Societies, Director of Blyth officiated. Interment in Blyth Agricultural Society, Secretary of Union Cemetery, the Blyth Community Centre, She Six giandsons were pallbear• %vas President for several years ens, Frank Scrimgeour Jr., De• of the Blyth Horticultural Society troit, John Turvcy, London, Mur. and served as a member of the ray Cameron, Toronto', Brian local School Board, Mrs. Scrim- Marks, Windsor, Douglas Script• geour was a member of Auburn geour, Blyth, and Donald Scrim. Baptist Church and supported the geour, Seaforth. Personal Interest Items If 13111 Manning ever considers changing occupations, he could quite prolxrbly do well as a fish. Young People ing instructor. 13111 took his son, The regular meeting of the would be ladies night. He said Keith, and Terry Pierce to the Myth Lions Club took place in that a very good speaker has been Belgrave Creek last Sunday even• the Memorial Hall last Thursday lined up to attend, Ing to teach the lads some of the evening. Members of the C.W.L. Lion Ray Madill reported on an finer points of catching trout• catered to a delicious meal and Easter Seal meeting he had at. When the trio returned home were thanked on behalf of the tended in Clinton on Thursday, Keith was the proud possessor of Lions by Don Young, May 1, and said that Blyth was a beautiful 191/2 rainbow trout Lion John Campbell made the the only club in the area who which weighed in close to three motion that the club send the in.» managed to reach their object. pounds, Terry was right on hand coming president, secretary and ive this year. He said he felt when Keith snagged the big fel- tail twister to their respective the people of this area deserved low and gave valuable assistance training schools at Mount Forest a tremendous amount of credit in landing the fish, en June 15th. for the support they continue to We haven't heard Bill bragging Lion John Elliott made the mo• give toward the work of crippled loo much about. the fish he caught lion that the club again trans- cidldrern, that evening, and this brings us port area children to the Clinton Lion John Campbell reported to the point of the story — "just pool for swimming lessons this that considerable progress has who should be teaching whom!" ;•urnmer, providing that the club been made regarding the Lions van afford the cost and that the attending a church service. He Recreation Committee contact said the club will attend the broth bus operators regarding United Church on a Sunday in transportation. June and that attendance would Both of the above motions were also be made at churches in the passed, village at future dates. President Ralph McCrea an• Warren Cook was again hired nounced that the jackets had as caretaker of the Lions Park been received for the members of this summer. the midget hockey team, and a The Lions also decided to spon. motion was 'passed later in the sor two ball teams this summer, evening that all players on teams the classification of which to be sponsored by the club be invited decided by the number of players to attend a banquet in June. available. The president also announced The meeting closed with the that the next meeting, May 22, "roar," Remember These? Great. Western, Miller, Nation. at, Cole, Simplex, Zimmerman, Spoerer, Inter -State, Petrel, Gar. ford, Republic, Grinnell. Do you remember those names? If you were born In the early nineteen hundreds you should be- cause they were all names of automobiles manufactured in the year 1912. The pictures of the ears are on a calendar in the possession of Henry Glousher, All of the automobiles pictured were quite stately In appearance and would quite probably stand up to rust conditions much better than the jolopies presently being manufactured! . Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Al. Garry and Shirley visited with hent Walsh and Lloyd were, Mr. 11r, and Mrs, John Robinson, of Morris Friends+ and Mrs. Norman Pepper and. Al, , Port Credj .;on Sunday. ....wk;;.:.u..►:ay.;:_ Henson, Mr. and »Mrs, Clare Nier• Mr, and Mrs. ' Donald .McNall Honour R�onevspith and Barbara, Wingham, and family, and Mrs. Amy Ross, Messrs. Glen and Melbourne Car. of Scaeborough, visited on Sunday Friends and neighbours on the ter, of London, with the fermer's mother, Mrs.5th line Morris gathered recently Mr, and Mrs. Jim Timpany, of Marcella MeNall, Cheryl Ann and Aylmer, Mr, and Mrs. Garth Wal. Brian. den and Christa, London, visited firs, Thomas Lawrence is a pa. with Mrs. Walter Cook on Sunday. tient In Goderich hospital where Last week Rt, Wor, Bro, Walter she was admitted on Monday, We Scott, County Master Bro, Henry hope she will soon he able to re. Pattison, Past County Master Bro, turn home. Robert Wallace and Very Wor. 1Jrs, Ann McLean, of Iluronvlew, Bro. ;Milo Casernore attended the sessions of the Royal Black Grand Orange Lodges of Ontario West, held In Parry Sound. All report visited on Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, Marcella McNall, Cheryl Ann and Brian. Mr. W. S. McVittie, Hespeler, very interesting, helpful and lay 1ir', and Mrs, Oscar Stager, Ancas• gely attended sessions, ter, who recently returned from Mrs, Sadie Cuming received a Nigeria, spent Tuesday with their Telegram from her granddaugh- aunt, Miss Pearl Gidley, ter, Miss 13onnie Suzanne Brad- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Buchanan, ley, from England, where she is Lisa and Leslie, of St. Thomas, currently enjoying a four month Spent the weekend with her par. vacation, ents, Mr, and Mrs. J, B, Nesbit, Guests with Mr, and Mrs, How. John and Robert, and they also and Campbell on Saturday were, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Rich. Mr. and Mns. Keith Snell and fa- and Buchanan and family, of anily, of Fergus, Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. John Bu• !Mrs, G. 0. Bradley, of Meaford, chanan were also visitors at the spent the weekend with her mo- same home, tiler, Mrs, Sadie CumIng, Mr. and • Mrs, Hugh S. Cuming and family, London, visited on Sunday with Starlight Ladies his mother, Mr, and Mrs, +Leslie Naftel, of Barrie, and Mr. Logan Naftel, 'who returned to Canada from Italy on Saturday, visited with '1'hc Starlight. Unit of the Blyth her mother, Mr,s, win. Logan on U.C.W. met In the church on Sunday, Mr, W, E. Churchill of Tuesday evening, May t3, with 13 Mossley also called at 'tic Logan 'present, Mrs, R. Madill and Mrs, home, J. Manning were in charge of the Mr, and Mrs, Jim Timpany, worship service. The topic "Pres. Aylmer, bliss Shirley Snell, Lon. sures and Problems of China" don, visited over the weekend was given by plies, R. Griffith. with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Snell, The offering was taken and the Mr. Gordon Snell and Miss minutes sere read, The roll call Jeanette Snell visited an Satur. was answered 'by the name of day with . Mr, and Mrs. Alvin your first Sunday School Teacher, Snell, Shirley and Bonnie, this unit is in charge of the Guests at the home of Mr, and church duties and the general Mrs, Leonard Cook on Sunday meeting foe Wray, Plans were were, Mrs, Edith Shaw, London, made for a catering on May 15. Mr and 11* BoLunch was served with Mrs, Meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leon. led Belgrave Public School and moderator, The Rev. Robert Bisset and Rooney for a surprise party Winton District High School c�f Avonton. Preaching of the to honour them prior to their departure from the vicinity. .ging on to Universitty of Water- Word was given by Dr, Findlay The evening was enjoyed play. lac College, From there she at. Stewart, of Kitchener. Mr. Harry ing cards, George Michie pres• tended Knox. College, Toronto, Boyle, guest soloist, rendered as ented Leonard and Roselle with aid graduated this year, his number "Service," accompan• a lovely mirror and Mary Lee During her years of study she ped by ',Hs. Athol Bruce at the h with a necklace and bracelet on old summer fields in Western organ• behalf of those attending, Canada and during the winter The steps Leading to the Or have 'Rooney MV, and Mrs,talc. Church, in Trinity Presbyterian dination were related by The Xev. up temporary ney the Church, Toronto, and supplied in Harry Waits, of Atwood. The Or. en Et of Morris in the residencehouse on the various parts of the country. dination by Prayer and the Lay' farm of Wayne Fear, During Miss Wlghtman's girlhood ing of Bands, and.tfie Right Band of Fellowship were given by the members of the Presbytery of Stratford -Huron, The Charge to the Newly Ordained was taken by The Rev. Gordon Fish, Wing. ham, The Benediction was pro• nounced by The Rev. Anne The Horticultural Society mel Wightman, at the home of. Mrs. G. Kurnoth A social hour was held in the Four -II Saturday, May 10, with a good Four.club members from this Women's Institute Hall with The attendance, An afternoon tea wasdistrict attended the first meeting Rev. Brush, of Molesworth, as planned for Wednesday, June 9, of the Blyth Grain Corn Club master of ceremonies, »Addresses from 3 to 5 o'clock, More details held last week in the Blyth Pub. were read to Rev. Wightman. will appear, closer to the date, tic Library, Club leaders Boyd Mrs. Garner Nicholson and Mrs. The village has been canvassed Taylor and Ivan Howatt Were in Joe Dunbar presented Anne with for members, The Government charge and called to an election a gift from W,19,S, Mr. Garner grant Is based on membership In of officers. Nicholson (clerk of session) read the society. With that membership mind, Club President, John Nesbit; an address from the congregation theo who was mused inor would Vice President, Douglas McNich• and Mrs, Athol Bruce presented a anyoneny to help by donating plants d ol; Secretary, Bill Fear; Press Re. gift, Rev. Wightman made a suit. porter, Ronald alcPhee. able reply. A smorgasbord lunch• the street corner beds or window There was a detailed discussion eon was enjoyed. boxes, contact Mrs, E. Wright or on the growing of corn and pest Friends attending from a dist. Mrs. A. Sundercock' and weed control, Club members ance were The Rev, Shirley Jet were issued bags of corn donated frey, of Englehart, only other by ,Pride 'Corn of Canada. Plans ordained 'woman minister in the were made to hold the June meet- Presbyterian Church, Professor ing In Blyth on Monday, June 2. Allan Farris, Dr, J. C, Hay, Allan Welistcr, Spencer Estabrooke, Ev elyn Carpenter, Roberta Kinmore and The Rev. Dennis Oliver, all of Toronto. Relatives attending were, Mr. and Mrs. William Rae, of Han. over, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rae, of Waterloo, Mr, and Mas, James Wightman, Listowel, Mr. and Airs, Robert Davids, Kitchener, Mr. Ross Wightman, Guelph, Miss 'Pam'bara Ferguson, of Acton, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Hamdltnn and Ann,. of Luckuow. Anne Wightman Ordained Into Presbyterian Ministry At Belgrave The Ordination of Miss Anne days she was active in Sunday Wightman, daughter .of Mr• .Ed. School, .Vacation, Bible School, gar Wightman and the late Mrs: W.M.S. and' cDunsellor at church Wightman, took place Thursday camps. evening, May 8, in Knox Presby- The order of service was con. terian Church, Belgrave, Miss ducted by the Presbytery of Strat• Wightman, a Belgrave girl, atter). ford -Huron. In charge was the Hort. Soc. Canvass For Members John Nesbit Heads Corn Club Eleven Tables Enloy Euchre There were 11 tables in play at Engagement Announced the euchre held in »the Blyth Me. morial Hall on Monday evening, 111', and Mrs, Arthur S. Aiding. May 12, ten, Listowel, wish to announce High lady, Mrs, Nelson Patter- the engagement of their daugh L lllltty, San' Wm, Manning and ' Mrs, Ralph son; second high, Mrs, Bob Riley; ter, Pamela Jane, to Mr, Richard dra and Paul, Lucknow, Mr', and Warrarn as hostesses, Low, Mrs, Arletta Fear, High Harold Badley, son of Mr, and :Mrs, Jack Farrow and daughter, gent, Gordon Nicholson; second Mrs, Harold Badley, R,R, 3, Wal• Jennie, of Galt, Mrs, Shaw re• C,ONGR» T I11.A7 TONS high, Mrs. Wm, Carter (playing ton, The wedding to take place mained .a few days with her sis• Congratulations to Dianne as a gent); low, Nelson Patterson, Saturday, June 7, 1969, at 2,30 ter,» Mrs, Cook, and Mr, Cook, Dickey 'who celebrated her birth. There will be another euchre pan. Christ Anglican Church, Lis; »'Mr, and X.rs, Stewart Aanent, day on ,Sunday,;,Xay 11. :next Monday, ,May 19. towel, Ontario, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th, 1969 SUGAR and Sic By Bill Smile.; ISN'T TAX TIME FUN? With the income tax return .safely off at the usual eight minutes before midnight on the last day, and any wife, who figured outmine, nearing normal a couple of weeks later, I think I have cooled out enough to pay a deepfelt, and deeply -deserved, tribute. Oh, not to her. As 1 told:.her; from a safe distance, "Any dummy can do that," 1 didn't really mean ft. It was only in retali- ation for her applying to me the 'epithet "stupid" twelve times dur- ing one Sunday afternoon when I was helping her. We got a differ- ent total on every column of figures. Patiently, I pointed out to. her that women didn't have the panache to deal with income tax forms. They want everything to come out even, just as they do when wallpapering. Men would much rather grin..fiendishly and say, "Let's see what the computer can do with that." Finally, in disgust, I left it to her. She's so ridiculously honest that I probably won't even be fined this year, as is the cus- tom. But that takes a lot of the. fun and excitement out of it. There's no joy in doing your income . tax form unless you think you've gotten away with something. No, the tribute I want to pay is to a modern writer. H'e's anonymous, or I'd trumpet his name from the •housetops. He's the chap who produces that annual best-seller called T1 General Tax Guide. Don't let the title fool you. That's just a front for one of the most baffling mystery stories of the year. It's wildly unfair that his •publishers, a stodgy old firm cal. led Department of 'National Revenue, with, headquarters in Taxa. tion, Canada, do not -give this author the glory and publicity which is his due, Not since, Nicolo Machiavelli wrote The Prince, back in the sixteenth century, has such a brilliantly, .diabolically clever piece of prose been produced, And this guy does it every year. The 1968 edition of this work ran to only thirty pages, but it was a little masterpiece. It had the usual combination of complication, suspense,.mystery, irony and. horror. While It smacks of Machiavelli there are undertones of Edgar Allen Poe, Mind you, it's not for the average, reader, who likes a plot with beginning, middle and end, This. is for the .more sophisticated reader, who likes jumping backwards, forwards and sideways in an effort to keep up with the subtle, involuted mind of the writer. Nor is it a thrilling encounter -for the fellow working for a ;aiary, paid by cheque, with all deductions at -source. But for the citizen -who has more than one source of income, the book's combin- ation of back -tracing, leapfrogging, equivocation and gobbledegook are sheer delight. My wife enjoys this sort of thing. In fact, her favourite indoor sport is reading aloud to me excerpts which prove that l am going to wind up in the penitentiary for life, if I ignore Item 3(i of this gem, which the author, with typical irony, calls a Guide. With a guide like . this, who needs a compass. It's all there, perfectly clear. For instance, she was delighted to find that, be. cause we live in one of the ten provinces of ,Canada, we get some- thing: an "Abatement for Provincial .Taxes." This can amount to 28 percent. Just like money in :the bank. Pretty • darn decent of the federal government, It is actually 'called a "reduction." Of course, you don't get thisreductin if you live in the Yukon, You have to pay the whole:shot. Pretty darn mean of the federal government. And, of course, .if you do live in one of the provinces, your "reduction" is added :back somewhere, and you pay the whole shot, anyway. But this is dust one of the chanting, illog• ical little peccadilloes that make this book a "must" for anyone, Anyone, .that .is, ..who Is .being skinned .alive by a trapper who smiles and•smiles.while your pelt Is -being removed. 1!i!llnlill'till'iiu�'lii�lid'llWtliuliill�i�,,iil�il!!i1'VYiiIGr}Iu�'m1'oi�irhruUlu,ihkHiuulcni�iu�fu�lu�uu�uf�uEJ,uj'n�uuiivaiLu�iuPnnf'iu�iW"�61u��iidl�u�iiuli�'iuuuUr:,l;1, THE BLYTH STANDARD Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO. Serving the- Blyth Community, .since 1885 • Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. Member Canadian and :Ontario ,Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $2,50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $3;50 a Year Single Copies .Six ,Cents Each "Second class mail registration number 1319 QUEEN'S PARK 13y: Murray Gaunt, MPP (Muton -Bruce) 'Phe Government this week re• jetted an attempt by the Opposi- tion to freeze the amount of mo- ney that doctors will be paid un• der theMedical Services Instil•• ante Plan. This leaves OMSIP with the power to pay 90'.'' of the new Me- dical Association free schedule ,which went into effect on April 1. The doctors increased their fees by an average 10si•, Under the Opposition proposal any attempt to increase rates charged by the doctors would have to be submitted to the Me• dical Insurance Council witch woud review the doctors' payment structure twice a year. Fee sched- ules decided on by the Council would go into effect on April 1st of the year in which they were established. 1)r. 'Dymond said OMSIP pre. imams will not be increased for at leas to year under the new payment schedule. He said the es. timated increase in costs to OM SIP becouse of the increase in doctors fees has been estimated at $8 million. The Government rejected a bid by the Opposition to abolish pro. perty tax rebates to non-residents of Ontario. The move was aimed at U.S, residents who have sum rater cottages in Ontario and en. jjoy the same rebate as Ontario residents. Originally the rebate scheme provided a refund equal to taxes payable on the first $2,000 of as. Fessed value, This meant that some people did not have to pay any tax on their property. This year's 13i11 re tains the $2,000 as. essment provision but adds the proviso that no rebate may come t moer than 50 per cent of total taxes, The 1311] is expected to have a short life because the Govern. ment has already served notice of its intent to do away with the rebate scheme as part of a gen. oral tax overhaul. Governor George Romney, now a Member of the U.S. Cabinet, in effect paid no taxes last year on his cottage on Lake St. Clair, thanks to the rebate scheme, This -Deans that Ontario residents are subsidizing Americans and others from outside the • province LIBRARY HOURS Beginning Friday, May 16th, the Blyth Library will be open from 8 to 9.30 on Friday even. Ings. :AUBURN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING The Auburn Horticultural So• c'iely held their first open meet- ing in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall with the president, ?Mrs, Gordon Taylor, in charge. The meeting was opened by sing. ing 0 Canada with Mrs. Win, J. Craig at. the piano. The president, Nvelcomed the members and vis• itors and the minutes were .ac• c•eptcd as read by the secretary, :Mrs. Bert Craig. An invitation to attend the Blyth Horticultural Siociety Spring Tea on June 4 was accepted. A letter was read concerning fall .bulbs that are to be available and ,the secretary has the forms to order these. The roll call was 'answered by nam• ing the flower you were wearing, 'rhe financial statement wassgiv en by the treasurer, Mrs. W. Bradnock, (After a discussion it was decided . to; not hold a. tea this spring. Plans here matte to care for he village flower beds and committees were named for each. A 'report of the District •meeting held at Brussels was given by Mrs, Frank Raithby. Plans were made. for the June meeting when the district direr• tor, Mss. W. Klie, will he the guest. Mr, till Mg's. Ross 'Robin- son Ig •••'e a demonstration (how to succe::'ulh' grow begonias and gloxinias .and the control of weeds and insects in the 'flower gardens. NEFL3377771EIREIBP2 111811 MUNE 101111111141111:11 u''uliII�WW+iY�rr' FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY Many people even in our clay are more than a little tis• turhed by the New 'Testament reference to a sin that shall not he forgiven, What is this unpardonable sin and how shall I know whether I have committed it'' As in most cases we do well to consider the circumstances under which the statement was made, A gran had been brought to Jesus who was blind and dumb. Jesus cut•ed the man of his ailment and the assembled crowds were amazed, They said "Is not this the son David," In other words this could be none other than the long awaited Messiah. The Pharisees, however, refuse io see anything good or anything of God here they declare this fellow casts out devils by 13ulzehub the ,prince of devils. This action of Jesus then that was obviously a good deed these Pharisess blinded by anger, fear and hate called evil. They deliberately called light darkness and tried to persuade others that a good deed 'was really an evil deed done by an evil man for an evil purpose. Somewhere 1 read of food supplies being sent to needy areas in Africa and certain people wishing to serve their own ends declared to the starving people that the food was actually poison and so the people continued to starve while food was accessible to them. The New 'Testament does not describe any evil as being 50 terrible as to be beyond forgiveness. It does declare, however, that there are sins that have not forgiveness. A sin is without forgiveness because it brings a person to the place where he can not discern what is sin. ile deliberately forfeits his ability to dBs• tinguish between sin and rightiousness. Forgiveness is not some- thing that can be forced upon any person in spite of himself. One has forgivenesh only because he seeks forgiveness and the person who deliberately calls good evil and evil good gets his sense of values so utterly confused that 'he has no knowledge of any dif• ference and consequently has no desire for forgiveness and does not receive it, M. i,� to t ,vnll ^!(Ir n pn fr� Ii jIN� .fin 1111• '9!?dl'Ii( m h� •^, trP @SAI � I.1 :,17, I, .! 1i'i•':,.r� I ., , 1 1, i. !.,. ilii �`!!!'�C'n!! 7,1; I.,,111I r lii:1.11,11,., ,,� 7 ,1 ! . . 1'."'1��, �'�:� I,,,' �! . �;.,1 ��`:'"'� J�.I;, � �'���i�!f l�'�!_� l?�!N'1f `�'1i(5!,�s i�,(1 !' !���� � � � all • i .:. Nl i 4 L 1 � ilNi , 11tIIfT8 Ltp ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, ROBERT U. MacLFAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. — Church Service. 1:00 p.m, -- Sunday School. CHURCH OF GOD 111cConnel Street, Blyth Sunday Services ERiC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a,in, — Sunday School, L1:00 a.m. •— Worship Service. Thought For The Week "—he that believeth not is condemned ,already." John . 3:18 "A man can go to Hell in his own way, but can only go to Heaven in God's way." CHRISTIAN REFORMED. CHURCH REV, U. W. KROEZE, MINISTER Thursday, May 15 -- (Ascension .Day) Evening Service in English at 8 p;tn, Sunday, May 18 -- 10:00 a.m, — Morning Service (E) 11:00 aim. — Sundayschool 3:00 p.m. — Alfternoon . Service (D) ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. W. R. Craven, Minister(Temporary) (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a.m. -- Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m. --• St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 :p.m. — St, Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2,45 p.m. — THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA RFV, W. 0. -MATHER; B;A,, BM., MINiSTER Mrs. Donald liai, Director •of Musk, 9:45 a;m, — ,SundariChurch School, 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship * 'SWhence Comes . Sin " 8:00 pmt. — Hl C fpoilituumluiirtu!UilulImossuI tifitssENEM1NG11><111m15111111 11MUMI0111d9M1ERTIIIii!uulMi uu!BI'u Mrs. Gordon Taylor. gave .a tra• companied by •Mrs, Donald 'Bain• vologue and . showed ,pictures of es, Lunch was served by 'Mrs. her trip to Florida .this .past win. Wm, Stt'aughan, Mrs. 'Prank ter, Mrs, W, Bradnock a]so . Raithby • and Mrs, Bert 'Craig, showed her pictures `of sher trip:.Door prizes were won ..by;'Mrs, to hlonoltilu, Mir, Ross'Rdbinson 13ert.'Doran, Mrs, Lawrence•'AIaet- gave a. •mouth•organ -selection , ac• zer.:.and::Mrs, Torrance'jTabb. WESTFIELD NEWS Mr. and Mrs, ,Edgar Howatt vis - Elmira, Mr. and .Mrs, Harry Pidom and Torry, of Clinton, visited on Sun - lied on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mom t ..**********+•+..-••••-• Mel 13ogic, Goderich, and Mr, and and fau►ily. Mrs. Orval Welsh, Wingham. Visitors 'with Mr, and Mrs, Ger- . Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Snell and all McDowell on Sunday were, family visited on Sunday with Mr, Mr, raid 'Mrs. Norman McDowell and tars. Ronald Snell, East Wa• and Miss Gwen McDowell, Aub. iwanosh, urn, Mr. Art Laidlaw, 'White, Miss Jannetta Snell and Mr, church, Mr.andMrs.Jack Arm• Gordon Snell visited on Saturday strong, `xrs. Ilarry ,A►pn�:xcrng+, With 'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell, Mr. Robert Armstrong and Mr. Illytl). Dave Wells, Auburn. Visitors with ,Mr. and Mrs. Visitors with Mrs. Mary Me. Lloyd 'Walden on Sunday were Dowell and Grants on Sunday Mr. Cary Walden, Mr. and Mrs. were Mrs. Della Cowan, Mr, and Garth Walden and Christa, Lon. Mrs. Don Cowan and family, of don, Mr. and Mrs, Walter CUB• Exeter, Mrs. Vera Kershaw and ningham and family, Auburn.::Miss Gladys McDowell, Goderieh, Mrs. Jean Hogue, London, Mrs. ilarvey .MoDowell, Judy, Janice, and Carol, Mrs. Ernest Snell dEd BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES O Barn Cleaners O Bunk Feeders w Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 WALTER PEASE TRANSPORT BLYTH FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING REQUIREMENTS .. AND THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR BEST Phone Brussels 34534 Mrs. Israel Good, Carl, Kevin, t,ric, Neal and Paul, Miss Phyllis Biggerstaff and Mr. Brian McKee, Wingham, visited on Sunday with .Mrs. Audrey Iliggerstaff and Bill. Mrs. Gordon E. Smith visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs, Er. is Vogle and family, London, and on Seturday attended the Gull. beau: ,Smith wedding at South Woodsley and alsn visited with other friends at Windsor. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Smith on Sunday were, Mrs. Elizabeth McDowell, Huron• view, Mr. Amend McBurney, Mr. and Mrs, John A. Gear, Marie and Warren, of Waterloo, also Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pilling, of nom, pion.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verbeek and damily visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chambers, of COOK'S Phone 523-4421 We Deliver 24th WEEKEND FOOD SAVERS Nabisco Shredded Wheat, large 15 314 oz. 37c Salada Orange Pekoe Tea Bag's, G0's .. ; 75c Taster's Choice Freeze Dried Instant Coffee 44 oz. jar . 99c Blue Bonnet Margarine, 10c off label 3 lb. pkg. 83e Van Camp -Beans with Pork, 2. 19 oz. tilos 43c Gorden Patch Choke Peas, 5 - 14 oz. tins 1.00 Kounty list Cream Style Corn, 2 • 14 oz. 33c Minette's Best. Choice Tomatoes, 5 =19 oz. 1.00 Allen's Assorted ,juice Drinks, 2 - 48 oz. 65c, Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice, 3.48 oz. tins 1.00 Sunnyvale Peaches, fancy grade, 28 oz. 45c Saico Mandarin Orange, 10 oz. "tin 27c Charcoal for the Barbecue, 5 Ib. bag , 49c Esso Barbecue Lighter Fluid, 32 oz. tin 39c Life .Buoy Soap, regular, pink 'or White, 2 bars for 29c Niagara Spray Starch, 15 oz. tin 65c Fago Assorted Pop, 4 • 16 112 oz. bottles 55c McCormick's Graham Wafers ... 2 pkggs. 69c Weston's Hot bag or Hamburg Buns 2 pkgs. 49c Weston's Short Cakes, 4c off 36c Golden" Ripe Binanas 2 ib. 29e Sunkist Oranges, 113's per dot. 59e Fresh Sliinach per pkg. :25e Other Fresh Fruits acid Vegetables. Elaine, Mary an ith. Mr, and Mrs. Don McDowell, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday •with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Me. Dowell and family. Miss Sharon Cook and Mise BROWNIES Drive -In CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.rrr. FiRST SIIOW at 8,30 P.M. THURSi)AY AND FRIDAY MAY 15.16 — DOUBLE FEATURE — — "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" Showing at 10.15 p.m. Only (Adult Entertainment) —Starring David Niven IOLA ALBRIGHT and CHAD EVERETT •— In Color AND "DAY OF THE EVIL GUN" Showing at 8.45 p.m. Only Starring GLENN FORD and ARTIIUR KENNEDY Color Cartoon SAT., MON., TUBS, MAY 17.19.20 — DOUBLE FEATURE — IMMO "THE ODD COUPLE" Showing at 10.15 p.m. Only Starring JACK LEMMON and WALTER MATTNAU AND "THE SONS Of KATIE ELDER" Starring JOHN WAYNE Showing at 8.45 p.m. Only Both Features In Color --Cartoon SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGIIT SHOW, MAY 18 STARTING AT DUSK "The Vultore" Starring tOB'EltFII1u'M ON • Plus it The Deadly Bees 11 Frank Findley and •Gtty "Doleman Cater Cartoon WED., THURS., PILL, MAY 21.22.23 —. -- DOUII;LE FEATURE �- — "SPEEDWAY" Showing at 10.15 p,nt, Only Starring ELVIS PRESLEY and , NANCY SINATRA Musical Entertainment and Auto Racing "The ei99e:r Bundle Of Them All" Robert Wagner & Raquel Welch Shesifng at 8,50 pan. Only 'Both Features In Color—Cartoon TILE I3LYT11 STANDARD — BELGRAVE JUNIOR AUXILIARY MEETING The sixth meeting of the 13e1 - grave Junior Auxiliary was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Clark Johnston on May 10 at 9.45. Gam• es were led by Marni Walsh. Meeting opened with the prom• ise, members prayer, motto and Junior Auxiliary hymn. Roll Cal) was answered and minutes of the Iasi meeting were read by Marnie Walsh. Pat Scott gave the treas• urer's report. Ruth Ann White and Reta Lynn White collect• ed the offering and Reta Lynn White recited the offertory pray. cr. The next meeting will be held in the Ilelgrave Orange Hall on Saturday, May '17, at 9.45. Gam• rs for the next meeting will be Mary Ellen Taylor visited on the weekend with MissMarilyn Tay tor, Kitchener. On Sunday, May 25th, the West. field Sunday School are having :heir 'Missionary Sunday at 11 a, m. ,Miss Clare McGowan will be showing her pictures of the Holy Land, Miss Judy McDowell and IJiss Sheila Crewson will provide vecial music. Proceeds to go to the support of our adopted Kor• can child. Lunch will be served. Everyone welcome. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th, 1969 led by Laurie Stackhouse, sing. song by Rose Marie White. Clean up girls were 13eth Scott, Mary Isabel Nethery and Janette John. ton. For crafts the girl's made a foam rubber rose for Mother's 1)ay. The meeting closed with the closing hymn and followed with prayer. Dead Stock Picked Up 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 482.9811 We pay $5,00 to $15.00 for disabl- ed or dead cows and 2c per lb. for standing horses, Small calves and pigs picked up free of charge. LICENCE NO, 169.3.68 23.3 wriammoosommosimmior DRUGS OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE IS AS CLOSE: AS YOUR TELEPHONE PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES -4 4 -.?-1-1 I' 4 -r -1 -r.. -.-4-•m Driving Pleasure & Economy is Yours With Any One Of These Cars 1969 PLYMOUTH 2 door, hardtop 1969 METEOR 2 door, hardtop 1969 FAIRLANE 2 door, hardtop 1969.FORD 4 door 2-1969 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 dr., V 8, automatic, ps 1967 CHEV., 4 door, ps and pb 1967 CHEV. Bel Air, 4 dr., automatic 1967.PONTIAC Laurientian, 4 dr., V8, automatic, ps 1967 GALAXIE 500, 2 door, hardtop 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury, 2 door, hardtop 1967 DODGE 2 door, hardtop 1967 CHEVY lI Nova, 2 door, hardtop 1967 CHEV, 4 dr., ps and "pb 1967 FORD 4 door 1967 FORD 2 door 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door, hardtop 1965 MERCURY Park Lane, 4 dr., hardtop, full power 1965 FORD 4 door 1964 MERCURY hardtop SEE THESE AND OTHERS Harnm's CAR ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 5`23.9581 444-44-4-.44-•-•-4-4,4-•444444+444-0 *4 +4+ THE BLYTil STANDARD WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th, 1969 Elliott Insurauce Agency I3LYTH •.- .ONTARIO, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNis.SS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "AWE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" BELGRAVE EVENTS Mr. and Mrs, William Schreib• T, r� and family, of Milton, were weekend visitors with her par. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hayes, of Elyria, Ohio, spent the weekend with their slaughter and her hus• band, Mr. and Mrs. JackVanCamp and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lco Saunders ,e moved to their new home Office 5E3•4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 ht.. H-r��"*""♦ 4,�-��-�-�"H ""*"'" on the 5th of Morris the former ��� N♦. THANK YOU l.cn Rooney farm. CARD OF THANKSStratford, NI Alice cholson, My sincere thanks to many We sincerely thank all our spent the weekend with her par friends who remembered me neighbours and friends for the eats, Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nitrol while in hospitaal; to Dr. Street; farewell party and beautiful gifts. son, to nurses and staff of Clinton Also for the help and the use of lir. and 'Mrs, Lewis Cook at Hospital; to Band toces of Bain' the trucks helping us move, Your tended the baptism in the Wesley. ton Limited and hit. F. T kindness will never be forgotten. Willis "United Church of their Rainton for granting me a leave Sincerely, granddaughter, Kathryn Michelle, of absence. —Leonard, Rosella and Mary daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 44-1p, —Alice M. Rogerson. 44 -Ip Lee Rooney. Cook. AUCTION SALE Neighbours of tete fifth line of Of property and household CARD OF THANKS Morris held a farewell party for lir, and Mrs. Len Rooney who Effects at 209 Albert Street in The family of the late Mrs. the Village of Brussels, on Lorne Scrimgeour wish to ex have recently sold their farm. 1Ir, and Mrs. Robert Procter Procter and Mr, and Mrs, Gordon visited on Sunday with Mrs, Carl McBurney. press their sincere thanks to rola. SATURDAY, MAY 24 tives, friends and neighbors for at 1 p.m. the beautiful floral tributes, and 21 inch Admiral television; acts of kindness shown, during the illness and loss of a loving Walnut Finish dining room suite; wife, mother and grandmother. table; 6 chairs; buffet, china cab. 44-1p inet; 3 piece chesterfield suite; number of rocking chairs; small tables; pedestal; foot stool; sing• er drop head sewing machine; 3 ferneries; house plants; twilight lamp; table and dresser lamps; drapes; kitche4n borne Kelvinatorelectric Frigidaire; range; washing machine; pictures; 3 piece modern bedroomit; bed, springs, mattress; best of drawers; dresser; chair; ward. robe; Library table; Gramaphone; 2 trunks; Lane Walnut cedar chest; Walnut bedroom suite; bed; chest of drawers; vanity and bench; mirrors; scatter mats; brown iron bed; hall mirror; wash stands; lawn chairs; mantel clock; electric clock; mantel radio; Din• ner set of 12 Austrian China; odd dishes; antique dishes; silver tea service and tray; flatware; bed• ding; blankets; table linen; quilts; above articles in A•1 condition; Electrical appliances; frying pan; toaster; mixmaster; aluminum dishes; ironing board; kitchen tables; 2 cupboards; Vacuum cleaner; step ladder; tubs; gar• bage can; Maxwell lawn mower; 32 ft. extension ladder; garden tools; sealers. 'PROPERTY -- 7 room asphalt shingled house, new roof, 3 bed• rooms, Oil Furnace, Bathroom. Excellent state of repairs. TERMS -- CHATTELS CASH Property 10% down, balance 30 days. Sold subject 4o reserve For further particulars apply to .Hariaey Dennis', "Brussels. Proprietor: Mrs. Archie Wintle. Auctioneer: Ilarold Jackson. Clerk: Mel Graham. 44.2 FOR SALE 350 acre beef farm, 340 acres ...vorlca'ble, Barn 60 x 100 x 70 x 75, loose housing, auger feeders. 2311• os 20 x 70 with unloader. Silo 13 35. 6 -room cement veneer house, Excellent terms. 200 acre dairy farm in Hullett Township Frame barn 40 x 80 x56 x 36, implement shed and small hen house. 9 -room brick house. 130 acres in Hullett Township. I3arn 42 x 74 with stalls and loose pen. 2 implement sheds and hen house for 400 hens. 8 -room brick house. 400 acres close to Blyth, 6 -room insul brick house, new 3•piece bath. Frame barn 30 x 70 with tie up stalls. Ideal country home for the working man, Small down payment required, For information on these and other listings contact BRUCE FALCONER Phone 523.9518 Blyth Representing Lawrence McKnight Real Estate Broker CARD OF THANKS A sincere "Thank You" to all who remembered the baby and I while we were. in the hospital, and since our return home, 44.1 — Pat Spading. J. CENTRALIA COLLEGE Applications are being accepted for the two-year (liplollla courses in Agriculture and in Home Economics at: the Centralia College of Agricultural 'Technology. Applicants with Grade XII standing, or the equivalent in training and experience, are invited to apply, For further information contact the Principal, Centralia College of Agricult"u'al 'Technology, Huron Park, Ont- ario, ONTARIO PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY BROOK'S CARPENTRY -- BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 M. BROOKS ltennovating and Cabinet Making es t r VaIu k E. BROOKS Structure Framing and Small Buildings orr Thisyear's cars at les5 than lastyear's p You already know where most prices are going. Up. So you'd naturally expect the brand-new '69 cars shown here to cost a lot more than last year. Fact is, many cars in this year's line-up from Chevrolet cost less, much less, than last year's models. For instance, the 2 -door Impala, equipped with power disc brakes, Turbo Hydra-mftic transmission, whitewalls,, wheel covers and head restraints, plus a bigger motor than last year, land compours for arable50* less savings Than last year's figure.Nova, are waiting for you on many Chevelle and Camaron buy many In other words , you of this year's cars at less than last gear's prices. Which is what putting you first is all. about. From the top, Chevy Nova, Chevelle Malibu, Camaro and Impala. MARK OF EXCELLENCE .• Every Chevrolet has to make It balers we mark IL 'Based on manufacturer's sauge and exc ise a read prices, including federal and suggested dealer delivery and handling charges. Pacesetter Values E YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALEFB 30 ONTARIO STREEF Clinton, Ont; 482.9321 LORNE BROWN vitas LIMITED CXi5•369•D j Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES N SERVICE MYTH - Phonr 623.9273 .01.1P.411,4 411. J. E. IANGSTAFF -- OP'i'OMETRIS'I' 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 0.30 a.nu. to .5.30 p.m For Appointwent Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE - Balance of Week - MIMIC 627-1210 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna -- To. toll, Hemel! 696112 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. PUMPED & C1:EAN1 I) FREE ESTIMATES LOUiS BLAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 --- Phone 442W6 4 4 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTII -. ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B; Appointment Only, Except Emergenei►•s Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. It. HAMILTON •-- OPTOM ETRIST Nrsr to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGIIAM Phonr 3 57.1:461 ELLIOTT RI a;I I, 1.;.N'I'A'rh, Gordon Elliott, Broke,. IL John Elliott, Salesman, PHONES: Blyth, Office 523-4481; Res. 523.4522 or 523 43P3 WANTED:. Listings nn Farms, Homei and Businesses. HOY ,N, RENTI.P.1' -- (1ODERICH - ONTARIi Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd., t;, CRAIVFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS .1. Ill, Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L.B., A. Mill, B.A., L,L,13, In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED iN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOi'PE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN MCCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Dal' Monday -- Open Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTII BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE, BLYTII 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN IIOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ILECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING ALSO CO4PLITE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 48:2•73113 H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 BLYTII SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 623.4275 Res, 523.4591 TILE RIA"l'l1 S'TANDAItI) WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th, 1969 it: 4 b tiP it �� . N, �. U I. ;I SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND IT; PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" T() WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS GRAIN ELEVATOR FOR SALE In Walton. All plank bins and * lumber in good shape, must be torn down.. 11. S. Traviss, Walton, Ontario. 43-2 FOR SALE 1 used case 1000 Combine, com- plete with custom eab, 12 ft, head• er and corn head, has been com- pletely reconditioned. Asking $2,800.00. Phone Ross Dobson, Office 235.2802, Residence 235- 2123. 43.2 FOR SALE Cedar posts, anchors and brac- es, Winthrop General Store, ✓ Lloyd :McCluskle. 42-4p REG. SMITIi SIGNS Truck Lettering, Plastic Signs. Farm and (:reu nereial. Corner East and High Streets, Clinton, Ontario, 33tf LET US DO YOUR DIGGING • Grave digging, Backhoeing, • Burying stone piles. Phone, Lin- coln Martin, 12 Brussels, 38.13p CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37-tf • 1 CLINTON SALE BARN r Sale every Fri, 7:30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton to ti 4/ 4 4 r �. FEMALE HELP WANTED Lady or girl for clay and night from July 16 to August 15. Phone 523.0277 Blyth. 44-1 WANTED 20 head of cattle for pasture. Salt supplied. Apply Tony Ver - burg, phone 523.9446, Blyth. 44.1 WOOD Hardwood Slabs, 6 or 7 cord loads, $4.00 per cord delivered; Elm and Soft Maple $3,00. Phone Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, phone 526-7220. 44-3p FOR SALE 3 Ilereford cows with calves by side, Unit breeding from certified meat sires, $325. each pair, Clare Longhurst, phone 526.7549 Au- burn. 44-1 WANTED TO BUY Rabbits, all sizes, special prices for 4 to 6 lb. fryers. Phone Hughes, 523-9424 Blyth, 44-12 FOR SALE 1 used riding lawn mower; 1 used Tiller. Bill's Esso Service, phone 523.9556 Blyth. 44tf. SPECIAL BUS TO GRAND OLE OPRY, Nashville, Tennessee on June .12, $59,00 includes two nights Hotel, tour of Nashville, Autograph and Dinner Party at NIusic City Playhouse, and Grand Ole ()pry Saturday night. Reserve your seat r/ow. Ilabkirk Transit Service Limited, Box 700 Seaforth. Phone 527.1222, 424f REPAIRS FOR Lawn Mowers and Garden Til- lers at Bill's Esso Service, phone 523.9556 Blyth 43-1 CUSTOM CROP SPRAYING Contact Bruce Richmond, phone 523.9207 Blyth, 43•lp BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT. Manure Handling Systems . Feed Automations . Stabling and Pen Equipment • A11 Types Pressure Systeme "We service what we sell" Pb. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" PATI. MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Barn Cleaners . Silo Unloaders • Feeders PEDLAR STABLING . complete installations • free estimates Phone 595.8955 Blyth District Call Glenn Gibson or Bill Bromley 523.4506 i Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work -- Motor Repairs QUALIFIED 1"MUM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON i 1 Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell MI Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATIIWELL, R.R. 1, Bmueefteld --• Ph. 482.3384 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- 011. BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH U tSTE HAVE Ti1E CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURMA R,R, 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUIIOUN LTD., Clinton. IXLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE; BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 513-95135 "Your 011 Heating Contractor" FOR SALE Seed potatoes. Phone 523.9338 Blyth. 44-1 • FOR SALE 2 • 775 x 14 tires; also 1 car ra• dio. Phone 526-7763 Auburn. 44.1 FOR SALE Top Dressing by the truck load. Phone 523.4266 Blyth. 44-3 FOR SALE Late lfodel Portable TV, needs minor repairs, Ten dollars or best offer. Phone 523.9271 Blyth, 44-1p POPULAR AVON COSMETICS Has opening in Morris Town. ship. Fine earnings, convenient hours. For information call or write Mrs, M. Millson, 17 Hawk. eshury Ave,, London, 451-0541, 44-3 IN ;MEMORIAM CREIGHTON - In loving mem• ory of "Jack Creighton" loving husband, father and grandfath- er, who passed away May 15, 1967. The date is here with deep regret, It brings back memories we'll never forget. Death is a heartache nothing can heal, But memories are treasures that no one can steal. - 'Always remembered by Dorothy, Harold, Evelyn and Tori. 44.1p IN MEMORIAM CREIGIITON -- In loving mem• ory of a dear brother, brother- in-law and Uncle, John Creigh- ton, who passed away suddenly May 15, 1967. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. --Sadley missed but ever re- embcred by brother, Will, sister, ae, JIerb and family, 441p • SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired, Blocked Drains opened with tnodern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 254. 4311 M BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room In the home. "Quality you can" trust" From BALL & HUTCH LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482-9505 Clinton 30-tf. FOR SALE FARMS, HOMES & BUSINESSES LISTINGS WANTED LISTINGS WANTED We have buyers for all types of property. Your call now could result in a quick satisfactory sale, (over 500 people to serve you) STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTH Rrprecentinr; 11, Keith Ltd., Realtor - Toronto, Ont. THE BLYTR STANDAIRD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th, 1969 BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. James Baker, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Michie. ,Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kelly, of Seaforth, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Rainer, of Scarboro, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Clarence Cham• ney, and visited with her 'father, vfr. Clarence Chamney, who is a patient in Winghain and District Hospital. Mr. .and Mrs, George Michie, Mrs. 'toss Anderson and firs. Lorne Nichol, Brussels, attended the funeral of .Mr. John Michie, of Saginaw, Michigan, on Wednes• day. 31r. and .Mrs. Americo Arruda and Maria spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Ilugit Rinn visited onSaturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Noble, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin, Don. aid, of Ethel, Miss Yvonne Con- nelly, Brussels, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Procter and Charles were Sunday visitors with lir. and Mrs. George Procter. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler, London, visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Herb Wheeler. ,Mr. and Mrs. Allan Scott and son, of Barrie, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. ..Mrs. Kenneth Luttrell, Prince .George, ..13, C. arrived Wednesday µ WARM WEATHER APPAREL hORTREL SHORT SETS completely wash- able, no ironing ever with matching flare leg pant. Short Set 15.95 ea. Slim 14.95 ea TERRY SHIFTS ideal for home or beach each 10.95 • 13.95 POLISHED COTTON DUSTERS .. 8.95 ea. PERMA PRESS TROUSERS FOR BOYS 4-6x, 7-16 yrs. 5.98 and 7.98 ea. 1►1 �1+f1.1r►♦11♦►-+♦ 1 •N•-•••+ +4-4-+i+ H♦ -+•111 *14 ++ • NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE • CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523.4351 Blyth •-•-•-•44-•-•-•-•-•++4•44-•-•-•-•+++ +..-.1.11-P+,-$144 4 • •0 Sne11'S FOOD AItICET• HOLIDAY .WEEKEND BARGAINS Hostess Potato Chips, reg. 49e .... Only 39c Bisset's Ice Cream, 112 gal. pack 89c Saico Pure Fruit. Juices, 48 oz. tin 35c Saico Solid White Tuna, 1(2's 45c Green Valley Canned Peas, 19 oz. tin 15c Libby's Deep Browned Beans and 'Pork 19 oz. tin 25%. Green Giant Corn Niblets, 12 oz. tin 2 for 45c Puritan Beef Stews, 24 oz. tin 45c Kraft Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg. 35c Kraft .Jet -Puffed .Marshmallows, 11 oz25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, giant 16 oz. , 35c Dare's Cookies, 1 lb. bag 45c McCormick's Graham Wafers 35c Dream Whip, large 4 oz. pkg. 55c Royal Instant Puddings, 4 servings 15c Schneider's Grade A Chickens .... per lb. 39c K.P. Weiners 2 Ib. 89c K.P. Bologna 3 lb. 1.00 K.P. Sausages 21b. 1.00 Fresh Sliced Pork Liver per lb. 29c GOOD DISPLAY OF GARDEN SEEDS Including.:- Multipliers, Dutch Sets, Seed Potatoes. Phone 523-9332 We Deliver and returned on Saturday taking with her Mrs, Elizabeth Ander- son where she will make her home. .hiss Margaret Curtis and her sister, Mrs. John McKee, of Mon- treal, left on Wednesday for a trip to the west coast to visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family, also Mrs. Vera :McCrea, of Blyth, on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. John Spivey and family, of Ingersoll, were week- end visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter. Mrs, Edward Daer, Mrs. Charl• es Johnston, Blyth, Mrs. Alvin Orvis, Wingham, and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse attended the trousseau ten of their cousin, Miss Judy McCammon, of Islington, on Sat. urday. The Rev. A. J. Montt gave a very interesting lecture on China, before and after conmtnIsm, ac• companied by slides, at. the Bel. grave Iii•C meeting Sunday even. ing. George Johnston thanked the speaker. Lunch was served by the 111.C. The meeting closed with the worship conducted by Ruth Ann Pletch and Rhonda Fear, Marie Coultes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Coultes, Bel - grave will receive her Bachelor of Household Science Degree at the Universitty of Guelph on May 23. Marie is completing her intern- ship at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, to be a qualified died - elan. Mothers' Day and Baptismal Service was held in Knox United Church on Sunday, May 11, con. ducted by The 'Rev. John G. Rob• arts when Katherine Jane, dough. ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Proc. ter; Alison Audrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes; Deborah Jean, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Stan Hopper; Ruth Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Higgins; Robert Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Leishman, were received into the church by baptism. The 13elgrave Weekly euchre was held last 'Wednesday evening this being the last euchre till fall. There were fourteen tables in play. High Lady, Mrs. Alice Tay lor, Novelty, Mrs. Edith Logan, Low, Mrs, Welwood; High Man, A1iss Ruby Bone (playing as a man), Novelty, Albert Bacon, Low Airs. George Walker (playing as a man). Officers for the fall were appointed: Chairman, Char. les Coultes; President, Wan. Gow; 1st vice, John Rinn; 2nd vice, John Adams; Secretary Treasur- er, George Grigg, assistant, Miss Janet. Adams; Press Reporter, Nil's. Robert Biggins, Londesboro Items Baptismal Service was dbser- ved on Sunday with the following children receiving baptism: Claude Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Cartwright; Connie Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John !IIoggart; Crystal Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kennedy; Ronald Stratton, Russel Wayne and Brenda Diane, child- ren of Mr. and ,Mrs. Carl Nesbitt. The Junior Choir contributed two tine anthems, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Willson and family, of Woodstock, spent the weekend with cher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and at- tended the Vodden•13erry wedding in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on Saturday. :Mrs. Wm. Thompson who was a former resident of this vicinity died suddenly in Goderieh on Saturday. The sympathy of the community Is extended to Mr. Thompson and family. We are pleased to note that Mrs, Allen Shaddlck is home hay. ing spent thirteen weeks in hos. pita'. Mrs. Emerson Hesk came Immo on Friday after several weeks rest in C'inton Hospital. Ren w our Subscription To The Standard Now 1+ 11.N+�r1►►4-t►-h411N•••111-•►N•N-•1*. YOU CAN'T BEAT THESE PRICES EPICUIIE BACON PIF:Atti1EAL BACK BACON . SMOKED PICNICS BOLOGNA RINGS per lb. 79e per ib. 89e per Ib. 55c each 49c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on 'Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BEEF BY THE QUARTER OR HALF BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP 1 t Ernie "Frecies Button, Proprietor {{ 13LYTII, ONTARIO, PHONE 523.4551 t • • 1- 4 M 1 + •`►1++ 14.1-1 + ++1++++•1.1+1111+.'.++ ►♦s►+i•*4-►-1i1•s►-+++•4•►•11•+114►*44+•1+ •11 -•►+••►1-++•• • • •T t 1 1 • ARE YOU PLANNING A WEDDING THIS SUMMER LET US IIELP YOU SELECT A NEW READY TO WEAR SUIT or a MADE TO MEASURE SUIT We Are Also Agents For --- RENTALS OF ALL KINDS Tuxedo Tails, Continental and Business Suits, Womens Wedding Dresses. R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP 2 at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday 1 1.r+ •-+ '• 0 s+ **-4-• •-•-•4•444444-•-•4444-•-•444444-•••444-4144, E 4 1 1 1.1•.-.•1+1.11.4 11-1-.141-.444444-4.4-4 4- +-• •-0-4.-•-•-•-•-* • SELLING OUT SALE All Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts 30 Percent • Off. Men's and Boys' Spring Jackets 30 Percent Off. Running Shoes for the Whole Family 30 Percent Off, Men's Knee Rubber hoots, 6 to 11 3.95 All Hydro City Work Boots and High Cuts, Wellington and Engineer Boots 25 Percent Off. Men's Jockey Nylon Bikini Shorts in white, , red, black Special 1.17 pr. 2:; Men's Dress Pants, sizes 30, 31, 32, 34 Regular 10.95 2 pr. for 10.95 Men's Biege Top Coats, all weather good make Special 13.99 All Better Dresses, size 12 to 26.112 Half Price. he Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arthur and Philip, Unionville, spent the week end with relatives in the village and in Goderich. \1r, W. R. Ulm, of Cumberland, Ontario, ,was guest over the week• end with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Me. Farlane. Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Allen re• turned last weekend from a visit with Mr. George Timm and Miss Erna Bethke and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koch, at Gerrie. Miss Jannett Dobie spent the weekend in Kitchener with her friend, Miss Barbara Watkins. Mrs. Robert .1. Phillips is a pat. lent in St. Joseph's Ilospital, Lon• don, where she underwent surg• cry on her eye last week. On Sun. day Mr. Robert J. Philips, lir. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Lattra Phillips visited with her, Miss Sheron Collins visited ov. er the weekend with her friend, Miss Sandra Thomson, Lucknow. Miss Betty Marsh, Hamilton, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh. Mr. Jim Nebb, teller in the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com• mem, has been transferred to Bolton where he will be assistant accountantwith a staff of 15. Jim is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nebb of Mitchell, and has been here since last August, Mr. Bruce Al. len, of Goderich is the teller at the Auburn and Dungannon Branches. The Ladies Aid of Knox Pres. byterian Church held their meet. ing with the president, Mrs. Maj- or Youngblut, in charge. The min. Utes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Roy Daer, Busi• ness was discussed and plans were laid to cater to a wedding .this summer. After the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Roy Daer. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gardner, of Willowdale, were recent guests with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, George Milian. Mrs, Gordon Taylor visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Mac Allison, of Ailsa Craig, for a couple of days. Urs. George Hamilton visited last week with her brother, Mr. Lorne Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, of lirucefield. Mrs, Walter Schliehting return- ed home last Wednesday from Stratford hospital where she tin. dement surgery. Mrs. Bert Craig spent the week. end in Sarnia visiting with her brother•in•law, Mr, Earl Craig, Mrs. Craig and family. Little Miss Lorie Cartwright had her tonsils removed in Gode- rich hospital last week. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. neth 'McDougall and Allan on Sunday were, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer McDougall, Audrey, Alex and Don of Galt, and Mrs. Ethel McDoug- all, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Toll, Warren and Terry, Windsor, vis. Red over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toll and other relatives. Mrs. Robert Davis, St. Thomas, visited last Friday with her broth. er, Mr, Harry Arthur, Mrs.. Arth• ur and family. The Auburn C.G.I.T. met in the Sunday School room of Knox Un- ited Church %vitlr the president, Marie Plunkett, in charge. The meeting was opened with the "pur•.pose and Shelley Grange read the minutes and ten girls an- swered the roll call. Sherry Plaetzer gave the financial state- ment. A Bible quiz was conduct- ed by Marie Plunkett and Mrs, Lloyd Walden held a Bible con. GRANT) VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Imported Straw Hand Bags. Iland-worked Pillow Cases. Cushions and Mexican Art --- Chocolates. Phone 523.4471 Blyth -- Edith L. Creighton LOW-PRICED, RECONDITIONED USED TV SETS TWO SPARTON 21" FLOOR MODELS blonde cabinet ADMIRAL 23" FLOOR MODEL ADMIRAL 23" LARGE TABLE MODEL MOTOROLA 21" FLOOR MODEL SYMPHONIC 16" PORTABLE MOTOROLA 17" TABLE MODEL All Sets Are Reconditioned And Are Priced To Sell Quickly HARDWARE • WITHroflifl'S TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER test. The offering was received and dedicated. Business was dis• cussed and Marie Plunkett, Betty Moss and Shelley Grange were named a committee to plan for a 'weiner roast, The girls listened to the record Don Loxxie talks to Teenagers and a discussion per- iod followed. The meeting was closed by Taps. AUBURN PRESiBYTERIAN CIIURCiI W,M.S, MEETING The May meeting of the We. man's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn, held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. ,Roy Daer. The president, .Mrs. Wilfred Sander. son, was in charge and opened the meeting with the call to wor• ship followed by the Lord's pray. er. The hymn "I to the Mills will Lift Mine Eyes" was repeated and the president welcomed all do the meeting. The devotional per. iod was in charge of Mrs. Major Youngblut. She gave an interest- ing paper on the Dignity of Wo• menkind which was written by Billy Graham. She told about the duty of a Christian Mother and told about many of the Mothers as told in the Bible. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs, Alvin Leatherland. Business was discus. sed and correspondence read. A sweater knit for the Voice of Wo• men project was on display and more yarn will be bought to make more for these babies and small ; children In the war.torn Aslan countrties, A report of the Syn• odical meeting held in Goderich was given by Mrs. W. Bradnock. Financial statement was given by Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. A,. Leatherland gave the topic on My Sister, the Hindu, following the study of the relig- ions of the world. It was an in. teresting story of a college girl meeting a Hindu boy and telling of their differences in faith and customs. " Thd i oh call was an• slivered by, naming a Bible Mis. sion. The offering was received by Mrs. ,Roy Daer and -dedicated. A reading "Home and Mother" was given by Mrs. Frank Raithby. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the benediction by Mrs, Sanderson. '111E 13LY'T11 STANDARD •-- WEDNESDAY, MAY loth, 1869 (1T,YTT1 ROYAL CANADIAN LXGION GERMAN BEER FESTIVAL & DANCE 131,Y'I`II MEMORIAL HALL SATURDAY, MAY 31st dancing from 942 LUNCii SEItVEi): spare ribs, sauerkraut and German potato salad, DOOit PRIZES — SPOT DANCES Prizes for Best German Dressed Couple, Best Beer Stein. Jasper's Quintetie --- German Orchestra TICKETS AVAILABLE from Wm. Riehl at the Post Office or any Legion Member — only 80 tickets will be sold • •-••••-•-•-••1r• ♦H••♦• •-•••-••-•-•-•-•-• • • • • • • • • • • • •• CLINTON -- EXETER — SEAP'ORT'H Open Every Afternoon • PHONE ,t Ruiners 235.0620 Residence 235.1384 i 1 N� �� P1 •l�F�!!� N N+11.11+ ♦N♦•-•♦~ Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON MRS, GORDON TAYLOR 1 f OSTESS TO ANGLICAN CHURCH WOMEN The May meeting of the Angli. can Church Women, ,Auburn, was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Taylor with a good attendance. The hostess opened the meeting with the- hymn "Unto The Hills," Mrs. George Schneider read the scripture lesson from the 16th chapter of St. John, Mrs. John Daer led in 'prayer. The mission- ary theme given by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell was on looking back and a reading on spring. Mrs. Fordyce Clark gave an in. teresting topic on Yorkville, talc. ing the good and evil of it and 'comparing it to the life of the Prodigal Son as told in the par- able in the Bible, Mrs. Taylor thanked -all who had taken part In the meeting and turned the busI• ness part over to the president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs, John Daer. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell the treasurer, gave the financial statement. The travelling apron received a penny for each letter in "Jesus' walks on the Water." Cards of thanks were read and also an invitation to Belgrave on May 14th. The roll call was ans- wered 'by a Bible verse contain. ing the word Marriage, The meeting was closed by singing the hymn "Day is Dying in the Nest," Mrs. Gordon Taylor was pianist for the meeting. Fol. lowing the benediction an auc• tion was held and the hostess assisted by Mrs, Thomas Haggitt served a dainty...lunch. 4 • • • 4 • • • • 1tN 1tl+• N 1-• • •• • h1 -1-1111•N"1 ••1+•••1-•1• DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 'Clinton - Walkerton - - Seaforth T • NEED MORE SEED CORN? CALL ME! HAROLD McCLINCHEY R.R, No. 1, Auburn Phone 526-7534 YOUR FUNK'S G -HYBRID DEALER FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS Plus a Full Range of Special Lubricants and Greases PAUL. KERRIGAN - Agent BP CANADA, Limited PHONE 482.9653 ••• CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can, Imp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SEAFORTII Office -- Main Street Insures: * Town Dwellings, * All Classes of Farm Prop. erty. * Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Iialls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fall• ing objects, etc.) Is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1. Seaforth: V. J. i„rte, BE 5, Seaforth; Win. Leiper, Jr„ Lc.ndcsboro; Selv.To Baker, Brus- sels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin: Donald A THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, NIAY 14th, 1969 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Miss Glenna Houston who has been attending Windsor Univer- sity is at present visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rae Hous - ten. ,Mrs. Neale Reid of Toronto spent two days with her mother, 'Mrs. George Dundas, last week. Alrs. Dundas returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steele of London, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Leeming and Ross last week. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Lyddiatt and family of London visited last Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Guests at the same home includ- ed Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lyddiatt and family of Barrie and Miss Mona McPhee and Miss Ruth Rit- chie of London. Mrs. Edward Miller visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McTaggart of Goderich Mr, and Mrs. Lawrie Cousins and family of London were Sun- day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jan van Vliet, Mr. and Mrs. James Daley of Merlin visited on Sunday with tl(!Il;';;n!!I,.I,Illpq VIIIIii! h�P!,!!�II+��IU'U' j!a!f �niu�l�;nmupm�nmil�n!nmgR1�, Seed For Sale Garry, York & Selkirk Mixture other grain mixed to order Einar, Vernal & Canadian Alfalfa Climax and Common Timothy A full line of Grass and Clover Seeds still available Pfister, Stewart's & UnIted•Hybrid Seed Corn The Millet season is approaching and we have Millet seed available Inquire at the Seed Plant for some crops that we need to have grown for us. R. N. Alexander LONDESBORO P!III'1!!II!;11;III!!I!InI1nII11111111111111Ielnllll'IIIIIIIII I�IIIIIIINI!IIIfl In f 1n1 I i nl 1� 1 h!.d.;6;,LII!.III!!d!IIIIS!i!In!uili I!111' hi:ffl Ullin!! L IIICI! WII llllllll!!1'.!WIIIiIi!1 Pride Seed Corn YOUR CHOICE OF SEED IN THE 78.110 DAY MATURITY Ask About Pride's Large Order FREE CORN DEAL Contact: H. Boyd Taylor Ph, Blyth 523.9279 fLeir sonwittnlaw and odaughlter, Rev. and Mrs, 1). E. Docken. Mr, and Mrs Torrance Dundas visited on Sunday at Waterloo, guests of their son inlew and daughter, Mr and Mrs. W. Stutz. Miss Sherrill Craig of Western University, London, has returned home alter completing her first year. The following infants were bap• tizezd Sunday morning in Duff's United Church with Rev. D. E. Docken conducting the service: Byrdon Lyle Osborn, son of Mr. end Mrs. Lyle Osborn; Cheryl Ann Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Smith; Anthony Wil- liam Thamer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Thamer; Denese Dorthea Williamson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Williamson. WALTON W. 1, ANNUAL BANQUET HELD RECENTLY The McKillop Unit ladies catered to the Women's Institute annual .Banquet recently in Duff's United 'Church, Walton, Sunday School room, Mrs. Jan van Vllet opened with the Queen followed by a toast to the Queen and Grace. The tables were decorated with daffodils and place cards and a sumptuous turkey dinner was en- joyed, During courses Mrs, Neil McGavin accompanied by Mrs. Herb 'Traviss at the piano sang "Galway Bay." Community sing- ing led by Mrs. van Vliet with Mrs, Wm. Humphries at the piano brought back memories of many of the old favourite songs, Mrs. Gerald Watson thanked the Me. Killop Unit for their very tasty dinner and Mrs. Glen 'McNichol replied, The meeting was introduced by repeating the Institute Ode and Many Stewart Collect. firs, Alvin McDonald introduced our guests of the evening also new members joining. Mrs. Wm. Humphries read the minutes of the March meeting, Treasurer's report. and correspondence, Mrs, van Vliet conducted the business. It. was de• tided to still have our Institute meetings on the 4th Wednesday evening of the month commencing at 8.15 p.m. with lunch at the close of the meeting, also the Sttshine Sister will continue on. Mrs, Wm, Humphries introduc- ed our guest speaker, Mrs. Lyle .Murray, of Lakelet, District Pre- sident. Mrs. Murray introduced her talk by reading a little poem on attending an Institute meeting. It is necessary to first make a meeting interesting, Have meat to a meeting by getting new members and keeping them work. INVESTING FOR RETIREMENT INCOME PERFORMANCE VERSUS COST OF LIVING In the past 10 years (ending Dec. 31, 1968), the cost of living increased 22% while the Leverage Fund, including the reinvestment of dividends, has risen 229%, 40% Th8. LevIneraagdedinteotn asset 16evalpeer Isnhraeraesediv4e%ndin etahse piadr. ed in LeveTage lends reinvested hadvastvalue Dec, 1, 1968Sofy$1041950 6 with divi• COMMONWEALTH 1NT'L LEVERAGE FUND LTD., established in 1949, the objective of this Fund is Capital Growth — making your money grow as a hedge against inflation. It is dedicat• ed to keening your investment only into the ownership of shares of well-established companies that demonstrate they are growing, Your investment is managed with a well-balanced blend of aggression and caution, COMMONWEALTH INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION LTD. Since 1932 the objective of this fund has .been to invest shareholders' money in a portfolio of reliable stocks and !bonds for a good, continuing income. It also has the long-range aim of increasing capital growth and income. Last year's percentage gain in net asset value plus dividends paid was 25%. CANADIAN CHANNING 'VENTURE FUND LTD. This is a mutual fund for the investor who is capable of taking a little more than average risk to achieve above average results in Capital Growth. Introduced in June 1968, the Venture Fund gained 17% in seven months. For complete information re tax savings etc,, and without obligation contact: R. G, BERT FREEMAN Name Agency Manager Phone 392.6938 Address Teeswater, Ontario, (See Readers Digest May 1969, Page '120) ing by taking their place in tho community. Program planning must fit in with objective of member and every member en - volved by having something suit- able for every woman. Institute members like to share and obtain much knowledge. ln summing up her discourse she made everyone very aware of what W. 1, should mean to a member, the .branch, the community and then to the larger community of country and world. Mrs. Allan McCall thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Jan van Vliet expressed her thanks to all the members for help given her and expressed it as a wonderful two years for her Mrs, Ken McDonald expressed her thanks to Mrs. van Vliet and pre- sented her with a gift. The Bus trip will be May 21 to Kitchener where we will visit places of interest. The following is a list of offi. cess for 1969: Past President, Mrs, Jan van Vliet; President, Mrs. Alvin McDonald; 1st vice, Mrs, Gerald Watson; 2nd vice, Mrs. Al- lan McCall; Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. I•Iunmphries; Public Re- lations Officer, Mrs. Kenneth Me. Lively Auction Raises Tidy Sum The Harmony Unit met in the Church parlor on Tuesday, May 6,, with 19 members present. Mrs, Higgins was in charge of des votions and Mrs. Lyon read the :scripture. The study period was aken by Mrs. H. Campbell and iMrs. A. McDowell. They chose the. chapter "Alan and His Fahr ily" »mitten by Mrs. Wordsworth, 'Chinese family life has reached a much higher standard of living than in previous years. Mrs. 'Rainton conducted the business and the secretary and treasurer gave their reports. Plans were made for a catering to a a 'Teachers' Federation Banquet June 2. There was a sale of plants, bulbs, slips, etc, and Mrs. 5. Lyon proved a very lively auc- tioneer and a nice tidy suns was realized through her efforts. 'Lunch was served by Mrs. Knox and ,Mrs. !Patterson and a social half hour enjoyed. CAMPING iS A DELIGHT iN A RIDELITE Hilander • 'Town and Country Tent Trailers. Somers and Rich- mond Sales • Rental, phone 47 or 260W Brussels, 41-16 4-4-4-4-4 , 1+1 4 -40.4 -4 -4 -1 -4+4.114 -1 -4 - JAMES -.•4-1.4-1•.-1-1 1-s-11 JAMES E. RICE H.R. 1, Blyth •— Tel, 523.4426 YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE "You Ring - We Bring" 4•4+•••1-41-4a+1.11-1-+//114' Donald; District Director, Mrs. Jan van Vlie, alternate, Mrs. Al. vin McDonald; Branch Directors, Mrs. George Blake, Mrs, Alex Gulutzen, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Donald Achilles; Curator, Airs, 'V'ilbur Turnbull, assistants, Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. Gordon MeGavin, lips, Nelson Reid; Sun- shine convener, 'Mrs. Allan Mc- Call; Press Reporters, Mrs, Tor- rance Dundas, Mrs, Ernest Stev- ens; Auditors, Mrs. Nelson Reid, i • 4 4 • • 4 • • 4 4 4 1 Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Standing Committees; Agricul- ture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Gordon MeGavin, Mrs, Ed. Godkin; Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mrs, Gerald Watson, Mrs. Don McDonald; Home Economics and Health, Mrs, James Axtmann, Alps. Roy Williamson; Resolutions, Nips. herb Williamson, Mrs. Geo. me McCall; historical Research and Current Events, (Mrs, Jim Clark, Mrs. Meek Sholdiee. BEATTY FARM EQUIPMENT MAY SPECIALS 204 OFF ON BARN FANS SPECIAL, BOOKING i.IQUID MANURE SPREADERS With Every Baru Cleaner or Silo Loader A $50.00 Set Of CERAMIC OOKWARE BY GSW Contact: JAMES ALEXANDER It,tt, 4, WALTON PHONE COLLECT 527.1065 TRY OUR SPECIALTY — CHINESE FOOD I'RO.HP'1' SERViCE ON 1 1KE•OUT ORDERS • PH. 523.4391 :ILL TYPES OF MEALS AND LiGHT LUNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL HMO, ONTARIO 1-1 •++'$+14-+ •4+•-•-•+-• •• ••t •+ •+•-•-•1•H ♦••+r♦ 1 -41 -1 -♦+411 1 -♦**4 4 MIKE'S Farm Equipment BRUSSELS fox 251 Ph. 211 YOUR JAMESWAY DEALER for SALES and SERVICE "First in power Choring" t'dry - Beef Hog Poultry RED & WHITE 48th BIRTHDAY PARTY SPECIALS Stewart's Red& White Food Mkt. BLYTH, ONT.. Phone 9461 WE DELIVER FINEST QUALITY BANANAS . , . ? lbs. 25c CALIFORNIA NEW POTATO `,S, 5 lbs. 49c MAPLE LEAF WEINERS ... 2 lb. pkg. 93c MAPLE LEAF S,l'. COTTAGE ROLLS per lb. 63c Red & White Best Buys 1 IlcsteAs Potato Chips, reg. 69c bag, Only 59c Allen's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz. tin .... 3 for 1.00 Bick's Relish, 12 oz. jar 2 for 59c I-)elsey Toilet Tissue, white or coloured (i rolls 79c Mother Parker Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar reg. 1.79 Only 1.29 Soft Drinks in the tin 24 tins` 1.99 33c Waxed Pa per, 24 ft. roll Hollandia or McCormick's Cookies, 3 pkg. 1.00 Scope Mouth Wash, reg. 1.29 Only 99c Buy Of The Week i3 4 • Libby or Aylmer Choice Tomato Juice • 18 Uz. 3 for 89c t King Size Tide with XK 1.59 • New Facelle Royalle Towels.... 4 rolls 1.00 1 1 I . Weston Apple Pies, reg. 49c , ... Only 39c ea. Weston's•Hamburg and Weiner Rolls, 2 for 49c Red & White Bonus Offer ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIRS assorted colours 3.49 - FREE -- 19c VALUE RED and WHITE BIRTHDAY CAKE with orders of $15.00 or over. 1