HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1969-04-30, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD Volume 80 • No, 42 Rummage Sale This Weekend .The regular meeting of the Myth iLlons Club took place in the Memorial Hall last Thursday evening and commenced with a delicious meal served by the Har- mony Unit of the U.C.W. They were thanked for their efforts on behalf of the club by Lions rlraham Jackson. Lion Warner Collings read the minutes of the previous meeting as secretary John Kuindersma has moved from the village. John ---we hope—is now settled on just aviere he will be working, and we understand he and his family are planning to take up residence in Sarnia, Lion Albert Wasson reported that close to $1,200 has been real- ized from the Easter Seal Cam. paign — an amount eonsideahiy more than the objective, (The fund has grown since the meet• ing and a full report along, with names of. contributors will 4 car. ried in next week's Standard.) Lion Harm Tha'len agreed to take charge of the Rummage Sale and Lions Charlie Shaw and John Campbell were named to assist with the organization of the event. Collection of articles will take place this Friday night, May 2nd, and the sale will be held Satur- day, May' 3rd, The club decided to leave the hiring of a caretaker for the Lions park in the }lands of the porperty comtnittee. A letter was read from the Ladies Auxiliary thanking the club for the donation of eake left over from the. smorgasbord which was used by the Auxiliary to help feed players during the broomball tournament. President Ralph McCrea read the report of the nominating corn- mittee, and following the usual procedure and a vote on one of the offices, the report was adopt- ed by members in attendance, The meeting closed a 8 o'clock sharp so that hockey enthusiasts could make a fast trip home to witness the final Boston Montreal hockey game, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hickey, of Auburn, wish to announce the en- gagement of theirdaughter, Marion Jean, to Mr. Frank Halla• .ban, son of Mr. and Mrs. (Daniel iifallahan, (Blyth. 'Phe wedding will take place Saturday, May 31, 1969, In St. Augustine, Roman Ca- tholic Church at 4,00 p,w. MRS. K. TAYLOR HOSTESS TO LADIES GUILD The regular monthly meeting sof the 'Trinity Church Ladies Guild was held at the home of ,firs. Kenneth Taylor and opened with prayers followed by the Scripture lesson from. Isaiah, chapter 55, ' The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, followed by the treasurer's report. The next 'meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, John Nesbit. The meeting closed. with prayer by the ,press• dent. A delicious lunch M'as ser• vett by the hostess and a social hall' hour was spent. "Serving Blyth and Community Since, 1885" Card Players Will Help Decorate Hall There were 17 tables of euchre on Monday evening in the Blyth Memorial Hall, Winners were: Iligh lady, Nora Kelly; most lone hands, Janet Adam; low ,fatly, Mrs. Higgins, High gent, Calvert Falconer; most lone hands, Char- les Nicholson; low, Earl Noble. Lady with a birthday nearest the date, Mrs, Wrn. Brown; Gents birthday, Nelson Patterson; Le cky canis, Mrs. Kay Cook and Charlie Souch. • Following the card party the new officers were elected to take over next fall and are as follows: President, Calvert Falconer, as- sistant, Miss Janet Adam; Secre- tary, Mrs, Will, Carter, assistant, Miss Nora " Kelly. A vote was also taken to use the money to redecorate the hall basement. This. was followed by a dance with music supplied by John Caldwell and Luoienne Ito bishand. This was to have been the last party of the season, but it was decided to carry on each Monday night throughout May. Birth SPAIRLING -- Mr, and Mrs. Grant Sparling are ,proud to announce the arrival of a son, David Ed- win, Saturday, April 26, 1969, in Olinton Public .hospital. RECEIVED WORD OF SIST'ER'S PASSING ' Mr~y.. Jack McNichol received the sad news on Monday that her sister, Mrs, Alice Coggrave, of '1'oekwith, Yorkshire, England, 1969, She will be remembered had passed away on April 24, by friends here as she visited Mr. and Mrs, McNichol for a few months a number of years ago, BLYTH DISTRICT CONSERVA- TION CLUB will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Club House on Wednesday, May 7, at 8 pin. Department of Lands and Forests representative from Hospeler will attend to talk on conservation. Everyone welcome to attend. • ATTENDED CONVENTION Messrs. Mike and Ralph Have• man, representing Mike's Farm Equipment of 'Moorefield and Brussels,. attended the Jatnesway Power .Choring Dealer Convention in Kitchener last week, They were honoured for being the' second largest volume dealer in Ontario... BLYTH STORES WILL OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS At a meeting of the Blyth Mer chant's Association last Monday evening, those in attendance pass- ed a motion to change the weekly open night from Saturday to Fri- day evenings. Evening shopping will start this Friday night, ,May 2nd, when merchants .will remain open to 10 p.m. Stores will be open for business all duty Saturday until 6 p.m. We ask you to remember the new hours when planning your shopping this weekend. Personal Interest ,Mrs. Stuart .Robinson, Goderich, Miss Eileen Robinson, Toronto, Mrs, Betty Wilkinson, London, were Blyth visitors on Saturday. Mrs, Vi Tasker returned home last Wednesday after spending the winter in Streetsville, Niagara Falls, Brighton and Atlanta, Geer- gia. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Snell and Kent, and Mrs. Alvin Snell visit- ed with Mrs. Mary 'Taylor, . of Hu- ronview, on Sunday. Mrs, Walter Cook rettirned home Saturday anter , spending two weeks with her cdusle..M1ss..:Mary. Tunney, of'London, 'and Other re- latives. Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Haines were, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Metcalf and Don, of Paisley, During the week Mr, and liars. Ed. Szusz, of East Wawanosh were callers. Mr, Hugh Curring and a friend, of London, called on his mother, Mrs, Sadie Cuming, on Sunday, returning from a very successful fishing trip. .Mrs. Irvine Wallace is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. We wish her a speedy recovery. .Miss Alice Rogerson is a patient in .Clinton Public Hospital, We wish her a speedy recovery. NEW REGULATION FOLLOWING THIS ISSUE OF TILE STANDARD, ANY SUB. SCRIBER WHO IS THREE (3) MONTHS " OR MORE BEHIND ON THEIR SUBSCRIPTION WILL, OF r NECESSITY, BE, TAKEN OFF OF OUR SUB. SCRIPTION LIST. This is just one of the many new regulations postal officials have dreamed up In past months in order to make life .miserable for newspaper publishers. We hope'that you will check the (bate on your label and if it is in ar• rears, will find it convenient to look after the matter tiltunedii ately. Thank you to those, who have already taken the time to bring their Standard up to date, La. bels bearing the new date will appear next week, BLYTH, ONTARIO -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1969 A Forty Year Business Venture In Blyth Ends Saturday For Del. & Ruby Philp Forty years of service as druggist to the people of Blyth and surrounding area will come to an end for R. D. Philp this Saturday at 6 o'clock when he locks the door of his store for busbies purposes for the final time, To date no word of another drugg'r;t htarting in Blyth has been fonthcoming and the pros- pects of one coming here to qpen business are not the hest, to' say he least, Del. graduated from the Ontario College of Pharmacy in Toronto in 1928. Prior to that he served .four-year apprenticeship in St. Thomas, Immediately following graduation he worked in `Midland r.nd Parry Sound before opening Lusiness in Blyth on May llth, 1929, , in the present building pur- hased at that time from the (state of the late James Hamil- ton. At the time, another drug store was operated In Blyth by the late • l►r, Milne, and later by, following his death in the early forties, by Earl Willows. This ' business ceased to operate in 1943. Del. purchased the stock and Philp's Drug Store has been the only one here'ever since. Bill Thuell is the only businessman still in operation who was here when Del. moved to Blyth in 1929. One doesn't stay in business for forty years and not be able to come up with an amusing an- ecdote or two, and Del. recalls with amusement the time that a chap came into tire drug . store boujr.9.o'clock one.mernrng and Purchased extraet of stramomium (an ingredient that was used dis• erectly by horse dealers in them. thar clays,) Del, made the sale and :JAM an hour later another Man came to the store wishing to make the same purchase, and of course was given an equal supply of the "doctoring medication." lit was learned later in the day that the same two gentlemen had "made a deal," The next morning, bright and early, one of them came into the store asking if the otther had had the audacity to purchase such a compound. Del's reply was, "if one man makes a pur- chase from 'me it is none of the other's business" -- and thus end- ed the conversation! . Forty years is a long time for anyone to stay in business in the same community, and to do so most men need the aid and assist- ance one can only receive from the distaff side of the family, if he is fortunate. And In this ease, Del, has been very fortunate in- deed, Following their marriage in July 1930, Ruby, has been a welcome addition to the family. Particularly since Joan and Ron reached the age when more time could be spent with the business, she has worked hand in hand with her husband during their illustrious career of service to the shopping public and the business section of Blyth. It Is with. a deep feeling pf re- gret that the residents of this area watch Del and Ruby bring to an end their many pleasant relationships along the old main drag of Blyth -- and perhaps 'more particularly to one who has had the pleasure of working along side of them for several .years, This reggret, .is compensat• ed somewhat wally the" knoWledgc that they will continue to reside within our. (midst. We join with eveyone in wish• ,Ing both of them many happy and peaceful years of retired life. By One Of Our ramous Nimrods A Casting Glance At Opening Day 1 As has .been published and an•- nounced by the news media, we !have .for the first time in many years a really iworthwhile game fish in our area. Yes' we have the .Cohoe salmon in abundance in Lake Huron, at such close to home places as Goderich and Bayfield. The Cohoe being caught at these two places, were planted in Lake Huron by our neighbours in the state of Michigan, less than 2 years ago. But contrary to some opinions, these fish are not of a planting that was made in Lake .lficlrigan 36 months ago, that have shown a slight D.D.T. con- tent. It has been a surprise to the expert as well as the novice, to find these salmon in abundance right out our back door, in the Bayfield River and the Maitland River, We have always had the feeling we lived in a good part of North America, now even the fish • agree. It would' seem that because these Cohoe salmon have adapted themselves so well to their fresh water transplanted lrbme, that they have fooled the departments who 'are to govern their being caught. No proper regulation seems . to have been written into the fish and gatnc laws of Ontar- to, regarding the laking of these fish. We understand that some of our local fishermen have availed themselves of the opportunity of angling for there fish. Edward Doer we are told, was one of the first fIshermen fret)) Blyth let catch Cohoe Saluron; taking 4 in the Bayfield River in under 2 hours fishing one day last week. On opening day of the trout season, which is regulated, 'and opened at 12,01 aan. April 26, 1969, Local fisherman Bill Man- ning, accompanied by Bill Russel and Lloyd Enroff, of Laidlaw Lumber, of Toronto, trolled the Maitland River at Goderich, and were lucky enough to boat 5 Cohoe salmon weighing about 3 pounds each and one Rainbow trout tipping the scales at over 5 pounds. The two Bill's being lucky, "how about that Lloyd." Another Bill who had luck on, op- ening clay of trout season was our postmaster, Bill "Barracuda" Riehl, landing a nice brown trout in a not too distant creek. On Sunday, April 27, Borden Cook, our"reeve, accompanied by Garry Finnigan, of Seaforth, were two of many anglers fishing at Port Albert when Garry landed a beautiful 5Va ib. Rainbow. No doubt there were many lo- cal anglers who had luck also, but some have the catch and the creek or location recorded for their own information only, It would appear that the local fishing season is off to a goo6 start and to those who have not got their catch yet, keep your lines wet and lots of luck. DEATH BROWN — George, 71, of Blyth, passed, away in Stratford Gen - oral Hospital on Tuesday, Ap- ril 29, 1969, Funeral service will be held at the Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, on Friday, May lir!, !, 17. o: Mather will officiate, Interment Blyth -. Union, Cemetbry. THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1969 ILJCIII AR and PUCE By Bill Smi, YEP, I'LL .BE _THERE April .is a month to try the soul .,of the .householder. And mine has been ,tried and fond wanting. When the last dirty gray streaks of snow had disappeared, I took a tour of the estate. Then ;I went inside, 'wept for a few min- utes, and .took shock treatment on Ahe rocks. We live on a cornerlot, On 'two.sides, of it, there was some- thing that looked like the remains of :Hadrian's Wall. It was the ramparts of sand and.salt.thrown up on the lawn by the snowblower in January. You can't ohlow it hack into the street, There are two al. tcrnatives. The first is 18 .man-hours, first with shovel, then with rake, then with stiff.broom. The:other Ls to use it as the founda• tion for. a :stone,.(wall around -.the :property. „Either way, your lawn is ruined. But that vas. merely ,:the ,beginning, last fall I managed to keep ahead of the --ma,ple.,leaves,`.burning and raking like a fiend ora couple -of weeks. Bat -the oaks drop late, and they don't cas• cade down, ,but..drift, one, You ,rnight as swell :.wait for them 'all. I distinctly remem- ber going out one .day last.Noventer, with .,a ..face as long.as a foot, taking ,a ,look at the fence-to:fence rcarpeting .of sodden leaves, and reaching with heavy ;heart for -.the :rake. I My wife, in one of her rare moments of pity, said, "Why don't you wait a few days until they!re 'dry?" .Reeling with ,said, "01C." 'The:next •day it snowed. And the next. And svon (until .the end of..Jamtary. They're still there, -even more 'sodden after snuggling under four feet of snow .all winter. And -.they'll '•Ibe the death of me, I know.it, if I try -to. rake:them. There.must:be.,48 tons .of wet leaves nn the lot. I wonder if '1 oould.get some husky male student who's not doing .too well in Ms ;English .at aeleol, ad .have .a .quiet, crafty little chat with him,pointing out the ratio of.-my.tenevolence to the scarcity of wet oak leaves on, my:lawn. Those are jus..tw,o April .problems,.neither- Yet .solved. 'And (here's' a .host of, smaller.:ones, .i-Iuge ;•oak..branches all over the front lawn, broken off in snow -storms. The hose has been out all '.vinter. My wife set (fire to -the back porch one winter day when. she ,out out .a box of ashes,Which.contained r.some live coals. Charred is the word. The ,flowerheds look like a bar-room:floor on a Morning. 'The:Shrubs. are all Jbroken ofLatthe,elhows by the (weight of snow. The fences lean. ;precariously, as you. would if an oak branch, ten inches thick, had 'fallen -on you. A dreary ..seene,,indeed. eut..therefs only one thing to he done. about. it. No ,use ;griping. ,And that's what I Aid,. On the first warm day, .1 went out -and attacked it. Not directly. That way ,lies .a heart attack. I took a .beer and .a book, .laid ,them ,,down, looked at the..blue sky and .thought about Opening Day. That's .the salvation .of rApril. Deep • in y.our heart, you know that all garbage is going to the Attended -to, ,even if :the 01(1 Lady has to do it. And .if ;you .have ,a .touch of the,:noet And artist in you, as what man doesn:t, ?yen AnowIthat the first day of trout (fishing ,will wash away (all the (sordid aspects ..of../April, ,and 1eaveyou 'pure of heart and mind, if :not of toogue,-When4you get out and have a bash at the trout. • This, the -.promise of gettingowaY lout:into •,the real world of icy water ..and 'lost lures .and :no women, on, the -last ,weekend of April, gives a man .a 'certain sanity -retaining „detachment as .he sur• veys, the (no-man!Feland --of..-his:( property. Lastyear, for ;various starpid,reasons,4 missed Opening Day, for the first time lin20 years. ThisaeAr, Leven Avith a 'broken .neck (and I have one; • the 'Zrays havon'.t ,been lead -yet), I :am going to • catch my 1imlt, fall off .a log ‘intolhat ((polar water, and come (home filthy, •stinking ,and purged; all ;the good things that accompany Opening 'Day and the real beginnIng.of,pring in- this country, Sunday WEDDING VAN NIEKERK — HOPPER Marjorie Eileen Hopper, (laugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hop. per, Wit. 5, Brussels, and Jack Simon Van Niekerk, son of Mrs, G. Van Niekerk, Alliston, and the late Mr. Van Niekerk, exchanged wedding vows in an afternpon ce- remony at Sacred Heart Church, Wingham. Rev, J. G. Money of. ficiated at the double .ring cere- mony on Saturday, April 19, 1989. Given in marriage by her lath. er, the bride chose a white floor. 'length peau de sole gown, featur. ing an empire waist and elbow. length bell shaped sleeves. The gown was trimmed with accents of lace as was the cathedral train which cascaded froni the waist. A sequin and pearl headdress held her four -tiered illusion veil and she carried ,a cascade bouquet of • white pompom claYstutite- mums and ivy centred with a mauve orchid, Miss Jo -Ann King, London, attended the bride as maid of honour. and bridesmaids were Misses Carla and Therese Van Niekerk, Alliston, sisters of the groom. All were gowned alike in floor -length gowns of mauve peau charmant. The gowns were fashioned on empire lines and trimmed with fabric . bows, They carried casual hand bouquets of yellow pompein chrysanthemums and ivy and wore in their hair three small yellow chrysanthe. mums. Each girl wore a small Byer pendant, a ,gift•of the bride. Barry Van Niekerk, Alliston, was his brother's groomsman. Brian and (Wayne Hopper, R.R. 5, llussels, brothers of the bride, iishered the guests. A dinner followed at Danny's Restaurant (where the bride's ta- ble was centred with a three• tiered wedding cake. The guest tables were decorated with yellow candles and mauve chrysanthe. mums. The bride's mother received wearing a robin egg blue dress Of net and lace over taffeta, with hat to match and black patent aeces. ..sories. Het corsage was pink .car. 'nations, TliC groom's another assisLid wearing a pude(' ruse ((oat and dressensemble with na- y accessories. She wore a tor. .•age of .white carnations, Rev. J. G. Roberts, -Belgrave, acted as raster of .Ceremonies. A reception and dance was held in the evening in the Legion 1 [all, Brussels, Guests attended the wedding ,froin Barrie, Alliston, Toronto, Stayner, Listowel; Belgrave, Brussels, Bluevale, Wingliani and 'l'eeswater, For travellir)g, the bride don. ned an all wool off white coat and (tress ensemble with navy acues. odes, She chose a corsage of -Forever Yours' red roses. Mr. and Mrs, Van Niekerk 111 esicle at 138 Owen Street, Barrie. Published THE BLYTH STANDARD every !Wednesday at :Queen Street-BLYTH; ONTARIO Serving t theBirth Community esinee 1386 Potiles,5Whittpnre;4Publitthert. Member Canadian • and Ontario r'Weekly 'Newspaper :Associatiens . Subscription Rates: ,Canada (in advance) $2,50 a Year Outside Canada (in .advance) .$3;50 a Near Single 'Conies :Six _Cents -Nth "Second class. -mail registration littniber 1219 . A1ORRIS LI -II GIRLS CLUB HAVE COMPLETED COURSE The Morris 441 Girls Club have completed the course "Meat on the 'Menu," This was a very infor• (motive course in which the girls learned the various cuts of meat and how to cook them with em• phasis on the cheaper cuts of ineat being just avnutritious ;and palatable with the .proper methods of cooking. The eighth and last meeting of the course took the form of a supper party held at the home.of their leader, Mrs, Jack McNichol, Beef Stew with dumplings with ;alaci was one of .the items served along with blue 'berry ,backle .for dessert a recipe learned In .a .prc. vious club, The ,girls .all did full justice to this meal and ,agreed that they learned .many ,good things in the 4-1•I ..Chabs, Later they worked on their record .,book covers and practised the.skit "Our Meat is always. Tender" which they are to present on .Achleve. .ment Day on May ,3rd In Seaforth High School, The public:am:cord- tally invited to attend. \l'A I TO N ed ov.-t- the Weekend. with Mr. and .Mrs, . Harold Smallthin, 'Miss Curie Rulyter, Stratford, FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY 'THORNS You remember the parable of the Sower? in Ibis story our Lord Jesus tells of the dangers that beset all to whom the Gospel ("good news") is preached. What happened to the seed of the gospel that was planted in your heart? Is it 'bringing forth a harvest, or has it disappeared? One of the dangers is thorns! "Others are the ones sown among thorns." Apart from the thorns there would 'he the possibility of an abundant harves. But thorny -ground bearers give .all their attention to "the cares of the world", "delight in riches" and "desire for other things," When the seed falls among these thorns, they choke the plants and they don't bear grain. Many people never have any time for God because they are literally choked by acquir- ing things, and then trying to use them — often all at once. The normal pressures of everday life; economic success; to forget that nian does not live by bread alone — all these "thorns" can destroy the gospel's effect. A man may revel. in .every :comfort and luxury this world can afford, only to have them all vanish in the reality of God's eternity. He who says to his soul, "soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease—eat ,drink, be merry," -will one day hear God say, "Pool!"— K. intirEETAMME,77,7,77;7!:1711rNiigirgiliiimMilltiliiFIrlantlIMELITErETIDI) Among Tilr (Clitirdieo ,ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, 1:00 p.m. — Church Service. 1:00 p.m. — Sunday School. CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. L1:00 a.m. — Worship Service. Thought For The Week will never leave thee nor forsake thee," Hebrews '13;5 "Christ does not promise an easy passage, but He does :guarantee a Fame landing." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. 11. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 am. — Administration of the Lord's Supper. 11:00 am. — Sunday School 3:00 p.m. — Post -communion Service :in Dutch ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA itev, W. R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 .a.m. — Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15.8.m. — St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 1p.m. -- St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2.45 p.m. — THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA I1EV. W. 0. MATITER,11,A., Bit, MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of 1Music. 9:45 a,m. — Sunday Church .Scheol L1:00 am. — Morning Worship "Insights .in ,Genesis" , 8:00 p.m. — Hie malimiiiljilluqUjimptioahvolatougi(illillotionuiusiitilliiiiiifilliiIIIIiiiiiiillomiligliiiiimiimouniiiiivoispoopooluillgtiiii BELGR A VE Euchre 'Winners played in the Belgrave Commun. Fourteen tables of euchre were itty Rooms last Wednesday even- ing, .1110.Lady, Miss Ruby Bone; High Man, George Grigg; Novel- ty Lady, Mrs, Robert Purdon; No- 1.61ty Man, Miss Janet Adam (playing as a man); Low Lady, Miss•Donna 'Nicholson; Low Man, Mrs, Cora McGill (playing as a man). Passes 'Music Exams Pupils of the Ontario. Consdr- vatory of Music tried their Grade 11.1 exams on the Hawaiian Guitar en 'Wednesday, Anril ,16. Results are : lstClass Honours, 'David Golley, -MIR, 4, 'Wingham, James Ritter, •Wingliam; Honours, TOm- My. Sarger, R,R. 3, Lucknow, Pass, 'John (Scott; VII. 1, Belgrave, Tea - chef .is 'Mr. latarzan, Clinton,', Belgrave Junior Auxiliary Meet • The fourth 'meeting of the Bel, grave Junior -was .held at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Clark Johnston on Saturday, Ap -ril, 26, .at 9.45. Games . were 'led by Laurie .Stackhouse. The meet- ing opened with • the promise,. =member's prayer, motto, -and 'Jun- ior Auxiliary hymn, The roll .call was answered and the ,minutes- of the last meeting were .read Mani .W.Alsh, Patsy 'Scott gave the treasurer's . .report, ;Rosonntrle White and Karen 'Scott c�lleet- edthe offerIng.:Reta Lynne ',White ;recited the •offertory -prayer. ',The next !meeting will he held 'a :the .Tohnston home !May 3,from :9;45 •to..1)1,15. Games for the .next meeting will 'be led .by 'Brenda •Nethery, Sing song will he led by Marni Walsh, Clean-up girls .for this.7meeting von ,Laurie 4Stack- house and (Patsy Scott, iMary ha - :1361 Nethery • ,continued -wit)j the -study ...boOk "The --GOItien t'edin," . Monate. . Johnston . tilircussed tie badge system, rBrenda -'Nethery led -the girls .in. a 'singsong, ?Janet- te Johnston led in -the •,eldsing hymn -'"Now we •elose..,,our meet- ,:.ing" followed,•brlorayer.•' WESTFIELD NEWS Miss Mary Ellen Taylor, Bel - grave, spent the weekend with Miss Sharon Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell, Judy and carol visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Murray Taylor, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dow /and Stephen, East Wawanosh, visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor. Mir, and ours, Bill Fidom and family visited on Thursday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Itoz• endale, of Briton. 'Mr. and Mrs, Roy Brock, }Ien- sall, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Miss Carol McDowell visited on Thursday with Miss Darlene Coul• tes, East Wawanosh. Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Cunning- ham and family, Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, Mrs. Jasper ,MoBrien, of Hur- onview, visited on Sunday with lir, and Mrs, Ernest Snell and family and other friends. Visitors with Mr. Armand Me- Burney for the weekend were Mr. and .Mrs, John A. Gear and Marie, of Waterloo. Mrs, Audrey Biggerstalf and Bill visited on Saturday evdning with Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Shobbrook of Londesboro, Visitors with Mrs. Elizabeth Me - Dowell at ,Huronview on Sunday were& Mrs, John A. Gear, Mrs. Charlie Smith and Mr, Gordon McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Groot and Marion visited on Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Case de Haan, at Trowbridge. Mr. David Welsh, Wingham, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar I[awatt and font - fly, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fidom, yt Clinton, visited on Friday evening with Mr. and :firs. Bill Fidom and family• WALTON ,Mrs, John Timmer and baby son have returned home from Clinton Public Hospital, Miss Judy Clark, London, visit - spent a few day:; with Mr. and .lrs. Jan van Vliet. Mr. and Ms, Alvin Stimore, of Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald William. son, Collingwood, were weekend guests with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williamson. Miss Linda Leeming, Mitchell, spent the weekend with her fath• er, Ross Leeming, and grandpar• ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leem• ing• Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMichael and family, Preston, were Sunday guests at the home of the ,form• er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Stutz, Waterloo, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das. COON'S Phone 5234421 We Deliver Maxim Freeze Dried Instant Coffee , 8 oz, jar 1.65 Libby's Deep Brown Beans, 2 - 19 oz. tins 49c Del Monte Fancy Peas, 5 - 14 oz. tins , 1.00 Del Monte Fancy Cream Style Corn 5 - 14 oz. tins 1.00 Del Monte Fancy Peas and Carrots 5 - 14 oz. tins ; 1.00 Del Monte Fancy Blue Lake Cut Green Beans 5 • 14 oz. tins 1.00 Target Red Sockeye Salmon, 7 314 oz. tin 55e Del Monte Pineapple -Grapefruit Juice 2 - 48 oz. tins 65c Del Monte Pineapple -Orange Juice 2 - 48 oz. tins 65c Pantry Shelf , Apple Juice, 3 48 oz. tins 1.00 Ellmarr Pure Margarine, 4 - 1 lb. prints 1.00 Bruce Packer's Bologna 3 lb. 1.00 Liquid J aver, 128 oz. plastic bottle 79c Liquid Joy for Dishes, large 24 oz. bottle 49c King, Size Tide XK, 25c off label, per pkg. 1.59 Florida New Potatoes 5 lb. 49c Famous Indian River White or Red Grape- fruit. 5 for 43c Seed Potatoes and Garden Seeds New Store Hours Starting This Week -- We will be open Friday nights until 10 o'clock and closed Saturday nights at 6 REPORT During the week of April 20 to April 26, 1969, Officers at the iWingham Detachment worked a total of 178 hours and patrolled 2037 miles. Four charges were laid under the Highway 'Traffic Act with four persons .being warned. Two investigations were carried out under the Liquor Control Act with two persons being charged under the Act. Fourteen Criminal investiga• tions were carried out. The •following Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported to the Wingham Detachment. On Thursday, April 24, at ap• proximately 6 p:m• a truck driven ,by Eugene Forbes, of Walkerton, backed into the front of a 1968 Ford driven by ,Barbara Spading, of Gordo. The collision occur ed at the intersection of Albert and Ed. ward Streets in Gordo. Provincial Constable K. R. Balzer investigal• ed, No charges were preferred. On Friday, April 25, at 3,45 p. m. a two•car collision on Highway 4 at Belgrave, resulted in four persons going to the Wingham and District Hospital for treat. ment, The accident occured when , a southbound vehicle, driven by Ernest Michie, of Belgrave, turn- ed left into the path of a north• bound vehicle driven by Robert WALTER PEASE TRANSPORT BLYTH FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING ,REQUIREMENTS AND THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR IIVESTOCK Phone Brussels 345J4 Dead Stock Picked Up 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Huron . Dead. StockDead removal CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 182.9811 We pay . $5.00 to $15,00 for disabl- ed or dead cows and 2c per lb. for standing horses. Small calves and pigs picked up free of charge. [,ICENCE NO. 169.3.68 23.3 BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, , BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 'fill, BLYTH STANDARD' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1989 Londesboro News Of The Past Week The Women's Institute will hold the May meeting in the ev• ening of May 1st, Thursday, at. 8 o'clock, Mrs, Airdrie's sister and bus - band, lir, and ltrs. Wm. Green, of Fergus, visited on Wednesday with the Airdrie's. The Aimwell Unit of the U.C.W. held a bowling social evening on April 21st. Following the bowling the ladies met at the church for a short worship service led by .Mrs, Tom Duizer and a sing song led by Mrs. llarry Lear. Winners wore, High single, lbs. Joe Hun-. king; high double, Miss Edythe I3eacom; Low single, Mrs. Reg. Lawson; Lucky cup, Mrs. Lorne Bunking. Mrs. John Lawrie, of Kitchener, spent a few days last week- with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hamilton, of Moorefield, also spent the week• end with the Thompsons. Mr. and Mrs, Don Cousineau .ind baby, Donald, of the Sault, .;pent the weekend with her fir• nls, Mr. and Airs. Norman Alex• ander. Mrs, Tom Knox returned to her 'awn home last week having spent the past few weeks with her son,. WIll, and family, in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Jones at- tended a family gathering held on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Papple, RAI, 5, Seaforth, celebrat- ing their 30th wedding anniver• sary, A' pleasant eveni:1g was en- joyed, U.C.W. Meeting The general meeting of the U. C.W. met on Monday evening. The president . opened with a hymn and prayer, following with Renew .your Subscription 'TO The Standard Now Roland Marks, of Blyth. Dar'age to the vehicles has been estimated at $2000,00. Charges have been preferred, Provincial Constable H. B. :McKittrick investigated• an article on Poverty which exists in our country. The pitiful condi- tion in which people live with no better future in store. Minutes were read and approved, thank you cards were read. Mrs. Tom Duizer conducted the devotional period and introduced the guest speaker, Mrs• Bradnock„ Auburn, who showed slides 'of beautiful Hawaii scenery which she en- joyed on her trip to Hawaii last winter. Mrs. Anderson thanked Mrs. Bradnock for an enjoyable evening. A social cup of tea was served at the close. BROWNIES Drive -In CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. FRI. • SAT. • SUN. MAY 2.3.4 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "WILD IN THE STREETS" Showing at 10.30 pan. Only (Adult Entertainment) — starring Shelley Winters CHRISTOPHER JONES and DIANE VARST --- In Color "HOUSE OF A ' 1,000 DOLLS" (Adult Entertainment) —Starring Vincent Price MARTHA HYER, GEO. NADER Showing at 8.30 p.m. Only Color Cartoon COMING NEXT WEEKEND "WAIT UNTIL DARK" (Adult Entertainment) • "THE VISCOUNT" (Adult Entertainment) Driving Pleasure 8t Economy Is Yours With Any One Of These Cars 1969 PLYMOUTH '2 door, hardtop 1969 METEOR 2 door, hardtop 1969 FAIRLANE 2 door, hardtop 1969 FORD 4 door 1967 GALAXIE 500, 2 door; hardtop 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury, 2 door, hardtop 1967 DODGE 2 door, hardtop 1967 CHEVY II Nova, 2 door, hardtop 1967.CHEV. 4 door 1967 FORD 4 door 1967 FORD 2 door 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door, hardtop 1966 CHEV. 4 door 1964 PONTIAC 4 door, V 8, automatic 1964 MERCURY hardtop 1962 OLDS. hardtop SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's Blyth, Ontario. 'CAR SALES Ltd. Phone 623.9581 ♦44 $ $ $ $ 4.4 441444444.4 44+11.4444-4-44 THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1989 The Blyth Hydro Electric Commiss ion wishes to announce that it finds it necessary to increase its rates to all consumers effective with all bills rendered on and after July 1 196 NEW MONTHLY RATES TO RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Kilowatt Hour (KWH) Consumption Cost Per KWIL First 50 KWH 3.0c Next 200 KWH 1.5e Next 500 KWH (for customers with approved electric water heater with metered energy 0.8c All additional KWH 1.1c Minimum )3111 $1.50 Moderate Increases to Power and Commercial Rates will also become effective at the same time. Please note that in order to simplify billing procedures the above. rates are NET RATES„ It will, however, be nee• essary to acid 5 per cent for delayed payment. CEMENT SALE While our stock lasts you can buy an 87 1121b. bag of Portland Cement for this low, low price REGULAR PRICE FOR 57112 LB, Discount Sale Price cash with purchase on 100 bags or Cash and Carry Price any quantity BAG $1.40 $1.33 over $1.29 Portland cement as of May 1st, 1969 will be packed In 80 lb, bags only, Regular price of new 801b. bags $1,40 If you are going to need cement this summer why not buy the big bag at this low price, It will store for up to 4 months- In the moisture proof. bad, A. MANNING & SONS Blyth, Ontario Phone 523.4251 Closing Notice erre COMMENCING SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1969 OUR, PREMISES MUST BE CLOSED AT 12 NOON in order to comply with Labour. Regulations A. Manning & Sons Blyth, Ontario. CONGRATULATIONS TO HARRY BAKKER ON THE OPENING OF HIS NEW PULLET BARN We are pleased to supply the feed for this new venture. HOWSON and HOWSON LTD., Complete. Farm Service Purina Chows Blyth, Ont. WORK WANTED Garden cultivated with garden 'tiller. Phone 523.9293 Blydh. 421 FOR SALE 2 boys suits, navy blue _ and charcoal, size 15 and 16; girls pant suit misses size 10, orange; also five dresses, size 10, dry cleaned. Phone 523.4459 Blyth. 42.1 CARD OF THANKS Rev. Mather, thank you so much for kindness to me, you took me 10 Clinton I Iospital, also brought me back to my home, also Dr. Street, aures and every person connected with hospital duties keeping me comfortable, and my brother, 'Hobert, who looked after everything at my home, 4r, and Mrs. G, 0. 'Bradley, Mir, and Mrs, Hugh Curring for beautiful plants, to my secret daughter, for lovely gifts and cards, to every person whe did not forget these ninny kindnesses I shall not forget. When a person Is in need of care the Hospital is the place, but there is no .place like home. My Sincerest Thank You to all. 42•1p -- Sadie Cuming, OPEN HOUSE You are invited to attend an open house to see an all -electric starter pullet build. ing. Plan to come 011 - • • - May 8 - Thurs. 1:00-9:00 P.M. AT HARRY BANKER'S 11 MILES SOUTH OF BLYTH SEE t♦ a fall safe electrical system. ▪ a low insurance rate building • two tier stairstep cage brooding t♦ hot water heating BRING YOUR FRIENDS FREE COFFEE DONUTS Your Hosts: HARRY. BAKKER SWITZER CONSTRUCTION a+; HOWSON and IIOWSON LTD. NEUHAUSER HATCHERY LTD. D TA RIO HYDRO Donnybrook Items 'JLr. Robert Chamney, Auburn, Mrs, Verna Doerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Doerr and Robbie, Niagara Falls, Master David. Ives, Chippa• wa, visited last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Chanincy and fa- mily. Mr, and Mrs. George Reeves, Toronto, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jef. ferson. Miss diary Jefferson, of London, and Miss Sharron Jeffer- son, of Sarnia, were also home for the weekend. Nit.. and Mrs,Murray Wilson, Gregory, Scott and Darryl, West Wawanosh, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Sam Thompson and family. JIr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, Barry, Billie, Doreen and Diane visited Sunday evening with her grandfather, Mr. Willows 'Moon• tain, �f Londesboro, Mr. and firs. Don Jefferson, Cheryl and Susan, Clinton, visited Sunday with her parents, Mr, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. John Noble and fahily, eludes Jefferson. FOR SALE Used upright piano, in good condition. Mrs, Ralph MdCrea, phone Blyth 523.9344. 42 l p Standard Classifieds Work Wonders ! FOR SALE 1'119 acres in Morris Township, with 105 acres workable. 8•room cement block home. Frame barn 50 x 80, Price $30,000 with $5,000 down . SOLD. 100 acre dairy farm in Huilett, 92 acres workable, 8 acres bush. All tiled. 7•room brick house with all conveniences. Barn 56 x 78. Implement shed 63x 20. Price $35,000. 10 acre broiler farm. 2 barns 36 x 200, two storey, capacity 29,. 000. On paved road. 5.room brick house, with tide and broadloom floors, drapes included. Land could be subdivided, Price in. eludes all equipment needed In the broiler business, tractor and front end loader. Manure spread. er. Good terms, 100 acres near Blyth, 70 acres workable. Frame barn 30 x 70 with 40 tie up stalls. 8.room lrame house with new three piece bath. Good terms, We have 3 GOOD DAIRY FARMS with GROUP ONE MILK QUOTA, in Listowel area, We have 50 other farms to choose from. For information on these and -ether listings contact BRUCE FALCONER Phone 523.9518 Blyth Representing Lawrence McKnight Real Estate Broker STARTING SOON ••• THE BLYTH SINGER CENTER will be your local PHOTO -FINISHING CENTER FREE FILM WILL BE RETURNED WITIi YOUR FILM ORDER Watch For Further Details Elliott Insvrance Agency 1 E i BLYTH -- ONTARIO, 41.404..."004 NISIININP•41PIMANPIPOINPIPON INSURANCE RANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE,FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECRL1ZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 5234522 BLYTH LIONS CLUB Spring RUMMAGE SALE St COLLECTION IN THE BLYTH ARENA ON SATURDAY, MAY 3rd Sale to Start at 1:30 p.m. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES WILL BE DISPOSED OF You are reminded that the Lions will call at your home on Friday Evening, May 2nd... FOR YOUR DONATIONS CONTRIBUTIONS OF IIOME.MADE BAKING AND PRESERVES WILL BE GREATFULLY RECEIVED Rural Contributors may phone Campbell Transport at 523.4204 and arrangements. will be Tilade to pick up their contributions. Plan to attend S�tUrday, May 3rd Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH •- Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 pa For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE -- Balance of Week -- Penne 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna - Tel. Coll, Itensall 69682 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC, PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 442W6 • 4 4 4 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH - ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS; B:' Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. (HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 ELLIOTT REAL. ESTATE ,11iENCY Gordon Elliott, Broke', R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523-4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:. Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT GODERICH -- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia ltd., E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MIL1, BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. 11. Crawford, Q.C. N, Shepherd, L•L.B•, A, Mill, B;A,,•L,L.B; In Blyth Each Thursday Morning • and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyith 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day Monday Open Tuesday Through; Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS,, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Momings PHONE, BLYTH 523.9341, if no . answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING, ALSO COMPLFII'E SHOP SERVICE 18 King Street CLINTON Phone 4827303 CLINTON W T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE PHONE COLLECT 4823320 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs. to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machina WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. no e-52342'16 , ... _ .. . ,..........Res. 523.4591 4 r 4 THE BLYTII STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1909 11 . 11 1'11.1 I. 1 l'. II p., p 11 I ' , II U II , IL . 1: , ir, Ir I. +, SELL IT! BUY ITS RENT ITl FIND IT! PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS IN MEMORIAM ROBINSON -- Loving Memories of my brother, Stuart, IMlay, 6, 1967, Mother, Agnes Anne, No• vember 13, 1948, and Dad, Ro• bort Harvey, August 31, 1953. "And while they lie in peaceful sleep, Their memory we shall always keep," -- Always rememebered, Ethel Augustine. 42.1 REG. SMITII SIGNS Truck Lettering, Plastic Signs, Farm and Commercial. Corner East and High Streets, Clinton, Ontario, 33tf LET US DO YOUR DIGGING Grave digging, Backhoeing, Burying stone piles. Phone, Lin- coln Martin, 12 Brussels, 38.13p FOR SALE Complete stock of De Laval milking supplies available at all times at Chuter Plumbing and El- ectric, 48 King Street, Clinton, phone 482-7052. 38.5 CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37•tf CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Fri, 130 p.m. (god livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport BM Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton • r 1 4 4 WANTED TO RENT 15 or 20 acres of land to grow turnips. Perry Adam, phone 523- 4452 Blyth, after 6 p.m, 42.1 WANTED Cattle for pasture, good grass, plenty of shade and water. Joe Holmes, phone 374J5 Brussels R. R. 4. 42-2p FOR SALE Cedar posts, anchors and brac- es, Winthrop General Storey Lloyd McCl a sk i e. 42.4p WANTED Piano stool, in good condition, Mrs, Jim Mason, phone. 523.4482 Blyth. 42.1 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS TENDERS FOR PIT RUN GRAVEL SEALED TENDERS will be re• ceived by the undersigned until May 3, 1969 at 5 p.m. to supply, load and haul approximately 17000 cu. yds. pit run gravel on township roads. Lowest or any tender not nec• essarily accepted: WM. McARTER Road Superintendent Morris Township 40-3. GRAVEL • CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVEL • CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL • BRICK SAND • TOP SOIL BUD CHAMNEY AUBURN . 5267799 BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS„ CLINTON, ONT, Manure llarHdling • Systems • Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Ph. 482.9501 "Proudly Canadian" PATI MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Barn Cleaners . Silo Unloaders • Feeders PEDLAR STABLING . complete installations • free estimates Phone 595.8955. Blyth District Call Glenn Gibson or Bill Bromley 523.4506 Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work -- ` Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GL2N GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATHWELL, R.R. 1, Brucefield - Ph. 482.3384 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS - OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH VS - •-W- WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BU RUMA tt.R. 2, Clinton Phone 452.3278 Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD., Clinton. LYLE YOUNGBLUT WANTED Parttime work of any kind. Phone Paul Lassa].ine 526.7751, Auburn, 42.1. "AUCTION SALE OF 1,500 GREY and BRUCE raised• stock• ers and Feeders at WIARTON SALES YARDS on THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1989, at 10 a.m, E.D.S.T. under auspices of Grey Bruce Lava Suck iCe pesatilvb. Word Cruickshank, President." 421 FOR SALE, 2 Purebred Hampshire Boars, serviceable age, under 34" bacic fat. Contact R. Koskamp, R.R. 1, Blyth, phone 523-4459. 42• t AUCTION SALE Of Trucks, Back Hoe and Snow Plow, etc, 23 miles South and 11/4 West of Walton, on SATURDAY, MAY 10 at 1 p,m. 1959 Case, 210 tractor backhoe; 1968 • 20' tanduan trailer, electric brakes; 1957 • F350 truck; 19513 full hydraulic truck snow plow; Comet welder; Hydraulic pumps; WInch; new rack; bumper and front tow for 1957 Ford pick up; Homelite chain saw; 1000 gal. tank; 2 • 500 gal. tanks; Hydraulic sander; wheel sander; 14' flat rack; Dual wheel trailer; .tow hooks; Electric motors; dump box; Deep Freeze; furniture and dishes; cement septic tank; refrig- erator; water pipes; 2 televisions; propane stove and controls; piano; 2 collies. Other Articles. TERMS CASH Proprietor: Don Wallace. Auctioneers: Harold Jackson, Edward Elliott. 42-2 IN MEMORIAM ROBINSON --In loving memory of a dear husband, Stuart Rob• inson, who passed away two years ago, May 6, 1067, Sadly missed along life's way But quietly remembered day by day, No longer in my life to share, But in any heart you are always there. -- Lovingly remembered by his wife Mary. 42.1p BROADLOOM • CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30.t f. FOR SALE FARMS, HOMES & BUSINESSES LISTINGS WANTED +� Vacant 11 storey frame house on paved road near steres; has 6 bedrooms, furnace, hydro, water, large' lot .. $4800.00. Fenced building lot 115 x 125 adjoining Arena . . asking $1200.. 00. Several good 100 acre farms at • reasonable prices. STAN KAY OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE ... ... PHONE 523.4464 BLYTH BLYTH; ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 Representing H. Keith Ltd., "Your Oil Heating G�9tut,r84tor".. , N Realtor -• Toronto, Ont. r r `I .I I II THE BLYTH STAND M D -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1060 BELGRAVE .•-•,-•.....-•-..•-•-.-•-,-•-•-•-.•-•..-.-•-..•♦„••.,,♦,,,+ t+++++++++N1++••• ,1031111e and Jennifer itock, Budget Conscious Meat. Specials iMonkton, spent the weekend with MAYSPECIALS their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, llugh Minn. K.P. BOLOGNA PER LI;. 35c Mr.Children's Coats sizes 2-3x, •1.6s 7.11 yrs, yid and Mrs. Chester h'inni on, ,; led'. 11'EINERS 2 LBS. 89c ' ,David and Jimmie, Dungannon, teens 10-14x, 20 Percent Discount, . were' Sunday visitors with his tin• all-weather and wool fabrics : cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clar. PEAMEAL BACK BACON.. I'ER Ll;. 83c ence C'hainney. Ladies' All Weather Coats 10 Percent Little IMIss Sandce Robinson, of Discount ;; Wroxeter, spent the wet!kend with • her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Girl's Flared Leg Pant, sizes 8-14 juniors 7-15 ;: Calvin ;Robinson, while her par. CUSTOM 1{ILLING IN GOVERNMENT Reduced to Clear .... 1.98, 2.50, 2.98 ea. ents, Mr. and Mrs.' clary Robinson, were a to Grand Rapids for the INSPECTED ABBITOIR weekend. Children's s Cotton Slims, Shorts and T Shirts 'Mrs, Robert Grasby spent a Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays To Clear ........... . ...... Half Price couple of days last week with Mr. " and visited with her mother, Mrs. Pigs Tuesday Only. •Dave Armstr ng, who Leitch, is of a patennnt ' li l; EIS' B1' THE QUARTER OR HALF • in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs, Albert Vincent epent•Sun• day afternoon with her daughter, BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP r Mrs. Ralph' McCrea, of Blyth. NEEDLECRAFT S H 0 P P E Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Rlnn spent Ei'llle "Freck" Button, Proprietor •Friday evening at the home of IILYTII, ONTARIO, • CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Mr. and Mrs. Charles MeGavin, of ••••♦•-•.•♦,-•-••-••-•-•-•-••-••-• ♦•-•-•-rte•-•+++_NE♦• ______ ♦.+_ t. Phone 523-4351 Blyth Walton. •-•♦� Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent +-4144-1-1W+++*4-44•• 044 ♦ •••-•-•-•-•-• .44444+.0 -.++•.-•♦4-11 * • . visited with Mrs. Jake Eckels and • f'ami'ly, of Zurich, on Saturday. • 'Miss Myrtle Phillips, of 50•A Hush Puppies •••+-••-.•++•+•••+•+. Hamilton Street, Goderich, visited for a few days with Mrs, 0. G. • Snell'FOOD Anderson. Of Pig Skin --- Made By Greb • s Ill?, and Airs, Bruce Marshall MARKETand family, of London, were Sun• clay visitors with her parents, ; For Men, Women & Children • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook. i 15c WEEKENDSPECIALS Visitors at lite ttome of 1I►•, and .lits. Jack Wickslead on Sunday ; were Mr. and ,firs. Zlilllard Jeffer• Kraft Peanut Butter, 28 0'!,. jar 75c son, Donnybrook, Mr, and ,firs. Joe Marshall, Listowel, Mr, and Van Camp Beans with Pork, 19 oz. tin ,.Mrs. Rick Fleming, Kitchener.• 3 for 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turney and • 1JC family, of Slmcoe. \ • Clark's Peas,19 oz. tin ... Mrs, Albert Vincent Overalls, Work Pants and Shirts • called on Mr. Norman Vincent, • Clark's Kernel Corn, 12 oz. tin ... 4 for 75c Mrs, Helen I3irdwhistle and Mr. ' Ira Vincent, of Grand Bend, on • • Crisco Shortening, 1 lb. pkg.. 2 for 75c Thursday, also visited with Mr. • and Mrs, Ilarold Vincent and lit • Red Rose Reg. Grind Coffee, 1 lb. bag ..:. 75c ,tie Lori, of Dashwood, • ,lir, and Mrs, Ewald Rainer, of� Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea Bags, 60's , . 75c i Scarborough, spent the weekend Z Work Shirts & Pants with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, NestIe's Quick Chocolate? 2 lb. pk'g,..... 75c Clarence Chamney. We are' pleased to hear that 4 KORATRON NO IRON Facelle Moderne Toilet Tissue • . . , 6 rolls 75c Mr, Almond Jamieson who has ; f been a patient in Victoria Hospit• + Facelle Moderne Facial Tissue, 3 lg. pkgs, 75c • al, London, has been able to re• i .turn to the Wingham and District. R. w • 1%ladilI ' S 'Cheer Giant Size, 15c off deal 75c Ilospltal• Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vincent ; SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR visited with Mr, and Mrs. George Don't Miss These Savings In The Bullock of Zurich for a few days .T "The Store With The Good Manners" last week. On Wednesday visited with Mrs. ;Nadalinc 'Harburn, •oft CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP Meat Counter 1Hensall• i Mr, and Mrs: Gary Leitch,' Lon • , at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday Open Friday Nights Till 10 p.m, STORE HOURS: closed all day Wednesday, 9 a,m, • 6 pm. Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday, Friday 9 a.m, - 10 p.m, } • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t Work Clothes by Haugh MATCHED SETS in Green, Grey and Tan • • • 4 . •....•.+.-• 4 4+-•-._. •.•-•-•-•-•-•-I $ . + don, Master liar�ry Leitch, At•va, �.. Peameal Back Bacon per . lb. 79c • spent the weekend with Mr. and I Mrs..Robert Grasby. ' - 4-•-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-+-•-•-•-•444-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls 112's, per lb. 59c t Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch held t j tt family dinner recently:in. honor K.P. Weiners, 2 lb. vac pak , ........... 89c of her father, ;!Ir, Harry' ;McGuire, I on the occasion of his 75th birth. " K.P. Bologna3 lb, for 1.00 day, Those attending were, Mr, Children's Pull On Running Shoes in red and and .Mrs. Wayne Pletch and ' MI• „ blue, sizes 5 to 10,reg. 1.39 1.00 Lthael, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pletch, j In The Fruit Counter Wingham, Mr. Max Pletch and + Ladies' Watson Vests in part wool and all •• 4 SELLING OUT SALE .Miss Lynne 011sen, of White Ri. ; ' 'Cotton ver, Mrs, Annie Pletch and Mr. + Half Price Chiquita Bananas 2 lbs. for 29c t and 'Mrs, Marry McGuire• t Ladies' Pure Silk Scarfs Mrs, Wm. Peacock, Bluevale, • (head) reg. 98c , g Valencia Oranges, 138's 2 doz. for 89c i :end her sister, 'Mrs, Gordon 'AIG• 2 for • 98c Indian River Grapefruit 48's 1 13unrey arrived home on Monday' +•' Men's Penman's Sweat Shirts in 8 shades 10 for 69c • evening after a three week visit r • .:o Germany and Britain. They vis t Special 2.45 A.C. Apples, Northern Spy 5 lb, for 75c ; Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest 'Phe Auburn Library will' ehan• ge to it's summer hours this .week 2 to 4.30 and 7 to 0.30 p,m, *Miss Nancy. Anderson was prac- tise beaching at Goderich last week, Mr, and Jlrs. Alfred Weston, of Toronto, spent .the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. The Auburn Horticultural So• ciety will hold its open :meeting on 'May 5 in the hall -with •a 'dem• onstration and ipictures of trailer life in Florida. Mr, and 'Mrs, ,Russel Erratt, of ilensall, visited 'on 'Sunday • with Mrs. Charles Straughan. Sunday guests with. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew KIrkconnell were :Hiss Nora Grant, of Teeswater, :ind •Mr• and Mrs, George Thorn. ton, of Brussels, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Ford, 'of London, visited last Saturday' with 1Ir. and Mrs. Thomas .Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips and :family, Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Miss Laura Phillips, Friends;in :this community -.wish Miss Alice iRogerson a speedy re• covert' :.in .Clinton .Hospital. Mr. Duncan MacKay and two teacher . Expends . from :Sault !Ste .Marie spent Saturday in .the vil• Inge also Mr, and Mrs, John Weir and ,firs, Elsie Eustaee, London. Rev, and Mrs, M. R, Roberts spent Thursday in Toronto with ,the Mission Board of the United Church in 'Canada. We art pleased to report that Mr. Gordon Powell and his son, Kevin, are home from Clinton Hospital. . Mr, Percy Youngblut is home from Clinton hospital and will he staying at his daughter's, Mrs, Gordon Tate, in Auburn, for a while. Miss Mary E. Asquith, Cooks• vile, spent a couple of days last week with Miss Laura Philips. Mrs, 'Ronald Pentland, North Bay, visited last Wednesday with her mother, Mrs, Charles Strang. han, BRIDAL SHOWER . FOR BRIDE.ELECT A pink and white decorated chair, under an arch of wedding bells 'and 'strcamers, :made:°a love• ly setting for the bridal shower given -to .honor Miss.,Klaske. Koop• mans prior to her marriage, 'Miss . Nancy .Anderson welcom• ed. all and a •sing•song .was Jed :by BE SAT TY Sales 8 Service Manure ::Handling Systems • Feed Automations Stabling And Pen Equipment FREE ESTIMATES & BARN PLA.NS JIM ALEXANDER CONTRACTOR — CALL COLLECT -- SEAFORTH 5271065 GRAND VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Hand -Knitted BABY SETS or JACKETS YOUR ONE STOP ""SHOPPIING,:CENTRE" Oas, Groceries, :Food, 'Sundries, Yarn and Gifts Phone 523-4471 Blyth •• Edith L. Creighton "USED TELEVISION •SET FLOOR MODEL ADMIRAL 21" all completely ,overhauled Used Fridg --- 1 GOOD USED REFRIGERATOR ' in excellent condition New Shipment lonong Play Records Has Just Arrived Drop In and Look Them 'Over COMPLETE LINE of Steele Briggs and Rennie Seeds On Display In Our -Store .open Friday :Nights , Until 10 ,pint. HARDWARE� • BOTH(jflfljfl)5 ` TELEPHONE -523.8275 YOUR HOME .HARDWARE DEALER Mrs, .Emmerson.diodger with Mrs. Norman NV.ightman at the piano. Miss Anderson pinned a corsage on Miss 'Koopmans, and 'Miss Bet- ty Mosstpinned a .corsage .on 'Mrs. It, Koopmans..A reading was gi• von by Mrs, .Thomas. Ilaggitt "Her Announcement," A solo "Moon- light and Roses" was sung by Miss Ramona Hanna. Mrs. Walter Cunningham gave a contest, pas. sing the spoon on the spoon, per. sons taking part had their names starting with K. R. or B. A. A lovely piano solo was played by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, A contest tying bows was given by Miss Moss and Mrs. Arthur Grange .received ,the prize for the fanciest bow, An, .address •of .congratulations was, read ,by ,Miss Barbara _Carter and the gifts, carried in by Mrs. Ted .Bakker, .Misses Nancy Tay• .lor, Marie.Plunkett, Shelley Gran• ge, Brenda East and Karen East• ,Miss Koopmans was assisted in opening the gifts by her mother. She thanked everyone for their gifts and a .hat and lei of bows made by Miss Gwen McDowell was,placed on the guest of honor, Everyone joined in singing For she's a jolly good fellow, and lunch was served. C•G,LT. _ AND ':EXPLORERS GUESTS OF.AUIIURN U•C•W1 Membes _of . the _C.G.1,T, . and, :Ex. .piorer ,groups were guests at the April meeting ,of the .U.C•W. held, in. the ..Sunday ,School room of .Knox _United .Church, . Auburn, "The call .to worship was .given 'by ..Carol Gross and all the explor• ers joined .In the song ..of .Peace led by Miss _Marsha .Koopmans. Mrs, .Norman,,M Llinchey. was the .pianist, The .scripture lesson was read ,by Barbara .Empey .and the .offering vas..reeeivod .by ,Lorraine Chamney .and _dedicated with prayer by Jayne Arthur. Mrs. Wm, Stiles, ..counsellor, ,presented the -second gold ..star to .Jayne..Arthur, ..Barbara ..Empey, :Carol. Gross aud- .Lorraine .Cham• _ncy• llrs..Stiles also ,.presented .the blue second year stars to Joyce 'Chamney, Yvonne Bean, Cathy Mc.Clinchoy, Faye Seers, .„Doris. Naylor,,Maureen Longhurst. ',Mrs—Maurice ,Bean, .chief counsel. ;for, :presented. the ;second _red stars to Debbie Jefferson, Judith .Robinson, Marilyn Vightsnan, .Gail.:Pattorson, .Laurie Noble and Faye Hildebrand, Marie Plunkett, president of the C'•G;I;T. group was .In charge and the ,girls sang a song .;accompafl• ied: by .Betty Moss, .'A .film, Where 'Mrs, 'Whalley ° Lives, was shown, Mrs, Ralph. ,Munro thanked . all the girls .for._their. q artin the pro. gram, 'The: meeting .closed With prayer by.'Mrs,'M,"It.-Roberts, the president of ,the Lunch was served.. iVIntIe.Plants People TIIE IBLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1000 Clinton Memoria! Shop I T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — SEAPORTB Open tory Afternoon PHONIC RUT** Ruins. 216.1120 • • • • • • • • • Resident 215.1324 rM••-•M•• ♦ • •.H •••• ••••••••N•. 4-•1 rr••••r•-• •-.•♦ •-•♦+•♦++♦. •+•++-�+~ • j i • • • • • • • • • • • IAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton Walkerton - Seaforth • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • NEED MORE SEED CORN? CALL ME! HAROLD McCLINCHEY R.R. No. 1, Auburn Phone 526-7584 YOUR FUNK'S G -HYBRID DEADER 5c - $1.00 STORE-'BLYTH Gifts For Mother's Day, 11 May Handbags, Corsages, Slips, Briefs, Kerchiefs, 'Hankies, Aprons, Pillow Cases, Glass- ware, Cosmetics, Plastic Flowers, Boxed Chocolates, etc. MOTHER'S 'DAY CARDS and GIFT 'WRAP Fine Selection SPECIAL --- Plastic Curtains, fully lined, 72" ' x 84", assorted colours 98c pr. STORE HOURS --- beginning on 2 May open every :Friday night to 10 pm.; closed Saturday 6 pan. 1 Congratulations :to Mr, ..Charles ,Congratulations 'to Gib. Machan M1Vho eelabrates his birth. bens who celebrated his -birthday day on Wednesday,..April:30th. on Sunday, :-April 27th. TEXMADE MACU - l•••M•1111 IN CANADA DOMINION TEXTILE.COIMPANY-LTD THE BLYTH STANDARD -- HALF-PRICE FILM PROCESSING BLACK AND WIIITE 8 Exposure 58e 12 • 82c KODACOLOR 8 Exposure $1.40 12 • $2,49 Bypass "middleman storekeeper" send DIRECT to processing and save 50%! Send film, cash, cheque or money order along with this ad to: CLINTON PHOTO SERVICE CLINTON, ONTARIO CAMPING IS A DELIGHT IN A RIDELITE IIilander • Town and Country 'fent Trailers. Somers and Rich- mond Sales • 'Rental, phone 47 er 260W Brussels. 41.16 WHY NOT BE TIIERE? See the thrills of the Indian. apolis "500" mile Flee. Our air ride charter coach will take you and provide you with a reserve track -side seat and overnight ac. commodation. Bus leaves Thurs• day night, May 29. For more in• formation write or phone, Hab•' kirk Transport Service Limited. Seaforth 5274222. 40•tf. SEED FOR SALE Good RED CLOVER (Grade 2 because of a trace of Sweet Clover. Excellent for plow•down purposes. • • Priced to sell,) HERTA BARLEY • • Canada No: 1 (Germination 98% and'I, . 99%). Certified No, 1 • • Register. ed No. 1. STORMONT OATS (Certified No. 1). See R. N. ALEXANDER at the Seed Plant LONDESBORO alarniamnl!!uumm�mnnmmlpnmtnlN!111!!nJllltIlll!�f f 111111 Al ipll� ` ad!I!diL!6:nNiRhiILLIG9IA!III!III!r 111 l !0111 u''uu'nUIIIItWWuu�lrrww�i�lWW!! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1969 H.C.F. OF AGRICULTURE TO MEET The May meeting of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture will be held on Thursday, May 1• at the Agricultural Board Rooms, Clinton, at 8:30 p.m, Guest Speak. er will be Bill ,Duncan who will speak on the new benefits of liar bility insurance and other lines Ladies 'please bring lunch. BAKE SALE BAZAAR ' and TEA BLYTH UNITED CHURCH in the Assembly Hall SATURDAY, MAY 10 2:30 p.m. • '5 p.m. CANDY AISO BEING SOLD Sponsored by the Junior Intermediate and Senior Choirs NOTICE - WIGS FOR YOU HAIR PIECES TOO BE SMART, BE UP TO DATE, SEE Ann Hollinger BLYTII BEAUTY BAR PHONE 523.9341 Pride Seed Corn YOUR CIIOICE OF SEED IN THE 78.110 DAY MATURITY Ask About Pride's Large Order FREE CORN DEAL Contact: H. Boyd Taylor Ph, Blyth 523.9279 PWALDEC see them to -day at- SPARLING'S HARDWARE THANK YOU The time has come to close our doors to business in Blyth, We have enjoyed our associations with the public and have made many friends. It is with a feeling of regret that we leave this "second home" of ours, Our sincere thanks to the many patrons who have dealt with us through the years. More than fame and more than money, Is the comment kind and sunny And the hearty, warm approval of a friend, For it gives to life a savor, And it makes you stronger, braver, And It gives you heart and spirit to the end, Author Unknown, Del & Ruby Philp Congrats Congi'atulations to Mrs, Inez Macdonald who celebrated her birthday an Tuesday. April 29 THE STARLIGHT UNIT Will meet on Tuesday evening, May 6th, at 8.15 pm• in the Church Parlor BLYTH L.O.L. MEMBERS ATTENDED DINNER AT LISTOWEL Charles Stewart, Press Reporter. On Friday evening last Past County Master Robert 'Wallace and Mrs. Wallace, also Past County Master Charles Stewart attended the Testimonial Dinner in Listowel Orange Hall sponsor• ed by R.W. Bro, Dave Warden, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West and Listowel L.O.L. and Ladies L.T.B. Lodge along with the dis- tinguished guests their wives and members from Huron, Bruce and Perth Counties, with over 100 in attendance. Several also from London. After singing '1'he Queen and a toast to Her Majesty was given, the ladies of Listowel L, T. Blue Lodge served' a bountiful dinner e.fter grace had been given by Bev. Mr. Stapleton, of Listowel `United Church, After the dinner all assembled in the large assemb- ly hall upstairs. Very Worshipful tiro. Dave Warden acted as chairman. Along with him on the Dias was the ,uest speaker, RM. Bro, D. I)e laci, of Toronto, Grand Master of the Loyal Oarnge Lodge of On• t ario West, Also Most Wosrhipful ltro. Carl Smith, Grand Master of British America, from Kitchener, Several fine musical numbers were given by a young musician, Brian Saecks, on his guitar, Nearing the close of the pro- gramme V.W, Bro, Warden called on' several County and Past Coun• ty Master for a short message, 11.W Bro. Warden called for the presentation of a gift to the Grand ,blaster R• W, Bro. I), De Staci which was done' by V.W. Bro. Oliver Rae, County Master of North Perth. He was thanked by the .Grand Master for the lovely J.raft. After the benediction given by Rev. !Stapleton the meeting was brought to a close. •-•-•--4-•i+4--•+h+-M•-N+• •4-• JAMES , E. RICE R.R, 1, Blyth - Tel, 523.4420 YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE "You Ring • We Bring" 4 •+•-••-•-• • • • •+•-• •'N+• 4-+ • MIKE'S Farm Equipment BRUSSELS Box 251 Ph, 211 IMO YOUR JAMESWAY DEALER for SALES and SERVICE "First in Power Choring" D dry • Beef • Hog Poultry TRY OUR SPECIALTY - CHINESE FOOD I'ROIIP'i' SERVICE ON 'I'AKI;•ouT ORDERS • PH• 523.4391 A LI, TYPES OF MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday H U R '0 N GRILL !MYTH, ONTARIO • 110-4-1-1-1-4-4-1-1-1-1-1-4. ♦-++•+, , , •-N + • 1 r r • 4 t • • • r ♦ ♦ ♦ • 1 r ♦ • ♦ t t r • • • • f • • f • • • • • • • • r • •• • • • • • • 4 f 4 • • 4 DOLLAR DAYS Stewart's Redf3 White Food Mkt. BLYTII, ONT.. Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Red & White Dollar Dazzlers Sunspun 100 percent Veg. Oil Margerine '1 pkgs, 1.00 White Swan Toilet Tissue 8 rolls 1.00 Rainbow Scotties, save 26c, 200's, 6 pkgs. 1.00 York Fancy Corn or Peas, save 28c, 5 tins 1.00 Red and White ,Jelly Powders, 10 pkgs. 1.00 Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup 4 pkgs. 1.00 Leaver Mushrooms, pieces and stems 3 tins Fresh Cookies 1.00 3,, pkgs. 1.00 Royalle Towels, pkg. of 2 rolls ... 2 pkgs. 1110 Pacific Mandarin Orange Slices, 4 tins 1.00 Choice Quality Tomatoes, 28 oz. tin, 4for 1.00 York Bread and Butter Pickles, 4 jars 1.00 Coca Cola, 2 - 6 hottle cartons 1.00 Red & White Best Buys .1 -Cloths All Purpose Towels, reg. 65c only 59c King Size Tide, reg. 1.99 only 1.49 Squirrel Peanut Butter 3 Ib. jar 1.09 Libby's Choice Sliced Beets, 19 oz., 2 for 39c Libby's Catsup, save 10c, 18 oz. bottle • . 29c Saico Or11np•e or Grapefruit ,Juice, 48 oz. 39c Heinz Barabecue Sauce, 12 oz. bottle . • . 35c Joy Liquid Detergent, gt. size 63c New Crop Potatoes 5 lbs. 49c hardwood Charcoal 5 lb. bag 49c Buy Of The Week Miracle Whip Dressing, 32 oz. jar 59c Sun Spun Ice Cream, half gallon 79c Wallace Turkey Pies, box of 3 pies .. • 59c Del Monte FancyQualityGarden Show Fancy Quality 'Tomato Juice .. • , 3 tins 1.00 Corn. Peas, Green or Yellow Beans, Peas and Carrots 5 tins 1.00 Pineapple -Grapefruit or .Pineapple -Orange Juice, 48 oz. tin 3 for 1:60 Bartlett Pears, Peaches or Fruit Cocktail 2 for 59e Red & White Bonus Offer Aluminum Lawn Chair 3.49 with 5.00 order Teflon Iron Board Cover and Pad 89c with' a 2.00 order Lido Plastic Garden. Hose 112" 50 ft. • , 1.99 with a 2.00 order''