HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1969-03-26, Page 1THE BLYTH STA DARD Volume 80 • No. 37 M1w Pee Wees Win Sportsmanship Trophy Although the local pee wees were defeated in the semi finals at Goderich Canada Tournament, they didn't come home empty handed, On Saturday night they were awarded the London Free Press trophy "as the team lis• playing the best sportsmanship and conduct both on and off the ice during the 20th annual Young Canada Week pee wee hockey tournament," This is indeed a re• markable achievement and the boys are to be congratulated. As one local fan put it, "Winning this trophy means more to me than winning a championship trophy," The trophy can be seen at the Standard office where it is displayed in the window. In the game on Saturday after- noon the locals were completely outplayed by the strong Copetown sextet and outscored 11 to 2, Myth's goals were scored by Rick Cameron on passes from Randy 'Millar, i3lylh served only 2 min- or penalties, these going to Cam - (Ton and Brian Millar, bringing Blyth's penalty total for 3 games to only 4 minor',, which no doubt helped, in winning the trophy, The strong Copetown team went on to defeat Zurich 8 to 4 in the fin. als and win the Class "D" chant. pionship, Personal Items Visitors during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Haines 14 ere, Mr, and Mrs, P. Kramer, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, John Stein, ot• East Wawanosh. • Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Szusz, East Wawanosh called on Mr, and Mrs. George Haines Tuesday evening, Mr, and Mrs, Milne Barr, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. (.George Wilson, .Mr, and Mrs. Wendalt Grant, Debbie, Ricky and Nancy, of Port Colborne, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs, Molly Grant and Barrie, and with her sisters, Mrs, Allan Dunbar, Mr. Dunbar and family, of Belgrave, Mrs, John Jewitt, .Mr, Jewett and family, Mrs, Russel Peckitt, Peckitt, and family, of Londesboro. Mr, Don Adam who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon• don, for the past four months, was able to return to his home in Blyth last week. Miss Ohenyl Haskins and Miss Donna Hilderley from Stratford Teachers' College are practise• teaching this week for Mrs, Michie in the Public School here in 1:31yth. More Twins! Twin heifer calves have been born again in the area, this thne on the farm of Len Rooney, Mor- ris Township. The pair weighed in at sixty pounds apiece and were born bya Durham cow, With farmers being in the mid- dle of the tight squeeze these past few years, we can imagine that the raising of twin heifers could become a welcome habit in the area. THE STARLIGHT UNIT will meet on Tuesday, April 1, at 8,15 in the `Blyth United Church Parlor, The roll call will Congratulations to Miss Donna •he, answered with a verse of scrip., Longman who will celebrate her ture on Easter. birthday on Friday, March 28. "Serving Blyth and Community Since 11385" BLYTII, ONTARIO - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th, 1969 Ice Carnival Good Neighbours Honor Entertainment Newly -Weds The annual Lions Club Ice Carnival took place last Friday evening and drew the usual good turnout of excited youngsters. Winners of the various events were as follows: Best fancy dress costume, Pub• tic School children: Charlene Campbell, Yvonne Bean, Cathy Madill. Best fancy dress costume, chit• dren under school age: Kim Craig, Debbie Craig, Kent Van Vliet. Best Comic Costume, Public School children or younger: Ran• dy Campbell, Ronny Young. Best National Costume: John Watson, Grant Campbell, Best Nursery Rhyme costume: Ann Leibold, Kim Van Vliet, Best fart4:y dressed couple: Ken and Ann Stewart. Best fancy dressed Lady, Kim Watson. Mostgraceful skating couple: Sherry and Wianda Plaetzer. Best comic costume: Dana Bean, Paul Craig. Oldest Lady on Maurice Bean. Oldest Man on Charles Johnston. Open class race, 3 rounds of arena, Kevin 'Tasker Steve Walsh. flare, 2 rounds of arena, grades 6, 7, 8: Kevin Tasker, Norman German, Donald Stewart, Barry Young. Race, 1. round of arena, under grade 6: Terry Pierce, 'Ronny Young, Paul Warwick, Steve ]Towson, Open class race, ladies or girls only: Diane McDougall, Marsha McNall, Open class skating Backwards, 2 rounds of arena: Kevin Tasker, Donald Stewart. Largest fancily in attendance on skates: Donald Young and fancily. Judges were Mrs. Ed. Daer, Mrs, Robbie Lawrie, Mrs, Ivan Cook. skates: Mrs, skates: Mr. BLYTII W. 1. TO MEET The .Blyth Women's Institute nt'ill hold their regular meeting, in the 'Memorial Hall on Thurs. day, April 3. This will he a sup. per meeting, with the meal sere• ed at 7 pant, sharp. The 441 Club girls and their leaders will be guests, Alt Institute members are urged to attend this meeting, and installation of officers, FREE LEGION SERVICE FOR ALL EX•SERVICE PERSONNEL The service I;ureatt officer, Mr, II, W. Moyer, of London will be at Legion Branch No, 420 Blyth, March 31st at 11 rine, Anyone wi- shing to see Mr, Moyer is urged to call or write Ed. Bell, R.R.'1, Blyth or phone 523.4599. CONSERVATION CLUB TO MEET APRIL 2nd The Blyth District Conserve. tion Club will hold their regular meeting in the 'club house on Wednesday April 2nd, at 8 pan, Draw will be held for fishing rod and reel, Members and wives and guests are invited to attend, Wild life films will be shown followed by a dance. A good attendance is requested. Congratulations Between 40 and 50 neighbours and friends on the 3rd line of East Wawanosh gathered at the home of 11r, and Mrs, Tom Cron. in last Saturday evening for a surprise party marking their re• cent marriage.. A social time was enjoyed and the newly weds were presented with a bridge set. Mrs, Robert Marshall read the following adores: Dear Cheryl and 'Tont: No doubt to you, it is very clear, That we, the third line neighbours are gathered here; We couldn't let this special occa- sion pass, Without a remembrance from us. We have known you Cheryl, all your life, And we trust, you will snake Tom a good wlfe. We wish you luck and happiness And every other good thing from cls. As you journey on through wed. led bliss, We hope you will always remem• ber this Ile loving patient and kind For this makes life worth while, ' you'll find. As a token of our friendship, We ask you both to accept; This gift, from the third line We hope it suits just fine. - Signed on behalf of your neighbours. Both Tom and, Cheryl replied fittingly and lunch was enjoyed supplied by the visitors. O Tables In Play On 'Thursday, March 20, 10 ta• hies were in play at the Euchre in Blyth Jleucorial Hall. hollow ir:g were. the winners: high Lady, Donna Nicholson, Lone hands, 11i's, Mildred McNa11, Low Lady, Leona Nicholson; high Gent, Nel• son Nicholson, Lone Hands, Hugh Rinn, tow Gordon Carter, Following are. the winners on Monday night, March 24, 10 tab• ice in play: High Lady, Pearl (lidley, Lone Hands, Mrs. Clar. enee Johnston, Low, Mrs, Harrold Phillips; High Gent, Hugh Rinn, lone -Ifands, Win, Carter, Low, John Rinn; Novelty prize, Mrs. Bernice McClinchey. Next week the euchre will be held on Tuesday, April 1, as the hall is In use on Monday even. ing. MRS, G. KURNOTH HOSTESS 'l'0 TRINITY LADIES GUILD The regular monthly meeting opened with prayer. Mrs, Kur• noth played a hyann. .A reading was given by firs, J. McNichol, The secretary gave the minutes of the last meeting. The financial report was given by the treasur• er, The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs, Kenneth Taylor on April 24th, Meeting closed with prayer, The hostess served a delicious lunch and a social half hour was spent. BOWLING RESULTS' Clinton -Blyth Ladles Bowling League results March 18, 1969. Final Teams Standings: Pony Club 147; Spares 132; Quiet On. es, 120; Hippies (Blyth) 109; 1)oubtful:s (Blyth) 109; Hot -tots 103, High Single, Mary Davey, (Blyth) 290; High .Triple, Mary Dave,' (Blyth) 697; High Aver-, 'age, Mert Elliott 212. • Grand Master POLICE CAPTURE Visits Local Lodge OLD MILL ROBBERY SUSPECTS On Tuesday evening of last seek Blyth Royal Black Precept- or). No. 1226 met in regular meet• ing with a large attendance and were highly honoured to have as their guests Most Worshipful Sir Kt. Berniss Ilon!burger, Grand Master of the Royal Black Kts. of Ontario West, of Stoney Creek, .host Worshipful Sir KI. Arthur 5• Brooks, Past Grand `'Taster and now Grand Chaplain; an honory member of B.A. from St. Cath• erines; Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. Dave Warden, Deputy Grand Master of the Orange Order of Ontario West from Listowel; and also a highly esteemed member of Blyth Pre. ceptory in the person of Right Worshipful Sir Kt. Walter Scott, Grand Chaplain of Ontario West. The sleeting was in charge of the Wor, Preceptor, V.W. Sir Kt. I':nunerson Mitchell, and after the opening ceremonies, he had the honored guests escorted to the altar and given grand lodge hon• ors and a seat on the dies, Sir Kts, were present from Listowel, A:nberly, Belgrave and Goderich. The Worshipful Master then called on the Grand Master, Sir Kt. Honshurger, to speak which he did in a very outstanding man• ser, describing his work in the Order during the past two years :u a great privilege and honor. fle councelled all members to Mand true to the splendid prin. ciples, closing his address by giv ing every Sir Kt. present a press- ing invitation to attend Grand Lodge Session with him at Parry Sound in May. Most Wor. Sir Kt. Brooks was next called on and with his inany years of high office in the Ordei', gave a very eloquent and inspir• ing address illustrating the origin and value of our grand old flag, the Union Jack. ilt. Wor, Sir Kt. Dave Warden followed, giving a very earnest message on two very worthy pro. jects which he Melt shopld he strongly supported, namely sub. scribing to our paper the Orange Sentinel, and financing our half hour sing time over CKNX every Sunday morning. Uhappy to learn of ,the recapture Rt. Wor, Sir Kt, Scott, when of the goods and .their eventual called on, said he could not add safe return to the hands of the anything more to the wonderfully inspiring address just given, but would go along with these one hundred percent, The W,P, then called for the older of general business and a n otion was moved and passed that it I send our W,P., Sir Kt. Mit• eltell, to Grand Lodge at Parry Sound, with all expenses paid. Several visiting Sir Kts, were called on, also Sir Kt. P.C.M. C`tarles Stewart, speaking brief ly. All were highly pleased with tl'e splendid meeting, 'Phe closing order was then called for and was done with p 'ayer and the Queen, And once vain Blyth Sir Kts. served a bnuntiful lunch, Charles Stewart, Press Reportr, Ontario Provincial Police recov• cred much of the loot on Monday stolen from Bainton Limited Old Mill in 131yth last Thursday ev ening. About $24,000 worth of the approximate $32,000 merchandise stolen was recovered in raids in the London, Dorchester and Ham, ilton areas. Police are still searching for the remaining mer. chandise, The robbers made a bold raid on the Old Mill between nine and ten p.m. and snatched a consider• able amount of ladies' and men's leather coats and jackets. Some of the items taken were fur trim• med coats valued at over $200, Richard Snell, a company di. rector and son•in•law of owner Franklin Bainton, left the mill at approximately nine p.m. on the night of the robbery. Frank ar• rived for a check of the plant at ten p,m. and discovered the break• in. OPP Officers from ‘Wingham and Mount Foerst carried out an extensive investigation in and around Blyth on Friday. They made calls on horses and business places in the community checking for information that would lead ,to clues to .the robbery, Much of the merchandise taken included valuable new lines of ladies' coats just received in stock by the company for the spring season. Three persons were arrested as a result of the police raids and charged with possession of stolen goods: Donald MacDonald, 30, of 105 Cheever St., Hamilton; Victor Livingstone, of Ingersoll; and his sister•in•law, Elizabeth Anne Livingstone, R.R. 1, North Dorchester, This was without a doubt the largest robbery to take place in Blyth and everyone locally is very Birth G LOUSHER -- In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, March 17, 1969 to Mr, and ,Mrs, Lloyd Glousher, the gift of n delight. cr, ,Colleen Lynn, a sister for Cheryl, Larry and Darlene. CELEBRATED 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congratulations are extended to .Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Button who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, March 25th. owners. Midgets Win Brussels Tourney 13lyth Lions Midgets were vict- ors of a midget hockey tourna• meat in the neighbouring village of Brussels last weekend, In the first game on Friday night saw Blyth defeat a scrappy •Belgrave squad 6 to 3, Scorers were Mason from B, McDougall; W, tfcDougall unassisted; R. Cook from 13. McDougall; B, Mason from 13, McDougall; 11, Cook from 13. Mason and McDougall; G. Riley from W. McDougall and C. Cowan, The fellows defeated Brussels 10 to 2 on Saturday night to wrap up the championship. Coals scored by R. Chalmers unassisted; 13, Langille from_ R. Cook; 11, Chalmers from B. Mc• (Dougall and 13, Mason; 13, Me. Dougall from 13, "Mason and R. Chalmers; B. Langille from G. Ri- ley; B. McDougall from 13, Mason and G. Berry; B. McDougall from B. Mason; 11, Cook unassisted; 13. Mason from B. McDougall; B. Me. Dougall unassisted, The final game of the season will take place Thursday night at 8:30 when Belgrave will travel to town to do battle. THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th. 1 9ti9 Londesboro News Of The Past Week Miracle Meat Maidens Meeting The fourth meeting of "Miracle Meat Maidens" was held at the home of Mrs. Jack ,Snell. Sharer! Kennedy and Barbara Shepherd demonstrated the making of beef stew, Donna Bromley and Shirley Watkins demonstrated the mak- ing of dumplings. Notes were made on the buying of meat and books on the use of beef were.re• ceived. Lunch was served at the close. At the fifth meeting Vat• ern Honking and Anne Snell de- monstrated the. making of mock duck. Shirley Watkins cooked ba. con, Achievement Day will be held in Seaforth on May 3rd. Rec- ord books were checked by the leaders. U,C,11'. Invited To Walton • Londesboro and Burns U.C.W. e1+i+1r•..+r•e-.eee-e•••a••+*N-e•e-•-••••-ea•••H••e.e.•e t - 1 - • • 1 • - • • ♦ READY FOR EASTER -- with Girl's and Boys' Vinyl Coat Sets, several shades, 18-36 mths., 2-3x 9.95 up Girl's Dresses in arnels, bonded knits and cotton, 2.3x, 1-6x, 7-1.1 Ladies' and Teen Dresses in fortrels, linens and arnels, S -14x teen, 9-17 jr., 10-20 and 1.1 1 2- 22 1 2 Ladies', Teen's and Children's Ilats, Boys' Perma-Press Trousers, sizes 3 to 16. Scarves, Gloves, Hose, ►.-••-•-•-i •.-•-••-•-.-•-•• •..•-•-•-•♦••.+••+.-•••-•-•-•-.++-••• • NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth r 1 .-•-.•.-• • •-•-•-• • •-.••-•-+-•-e-• •-•-+-• $-• • •-•-+•4+4-•1-•'+$-•+•-.-P•-•-•-1••. i -•-•-•-•-t tt♦-•-+-•-•-+-•-•-•-•-•4-+-+ -•-•-•11••-•-•+•-N-.-•1 • 1 • - 1 • • • • • • • jY • r • 1 i Sn 1195 FOOD AitICET 7 CENT SALE Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar 1.47 Allen's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz, tin ... 3 for 87c Rose Dale Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin, 3 for 77c Van Camp Beans with Pork, 28 oz. tin 2 for 57c Heinz Tomato Ketchup, new 25 oz. bottle 47c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 10 oz. tin, 3 for 37t Libby's Spaghetti, 11 oz, tin 2 for :37c Clark's Peas, 19 oz. tin 2 for 37c Stafford's Strawberry -Rhubarb Pie Filler 19 oz. 37c. E. 1)• Smith Apple Pie Filler, 19 oz. .....37c Del Monte Fancy Peach Halves, 19 oz, 37c Coleman's S.P. Cottage Rolls,.1.12's, per lb. 65c Peameal -Back Bacon per lb, 89c K. P. Sausages, lg'e or small 2 ib, 1,00 Fresh Pork f=locks 3 Ib• 1.00 Fresh Grade A Chicken Legs . .. per lb. 49e Fresh Sauerkraut 3 lb. 49c Golden Ripe Bananas 10c per lb. • • • ♦ t • - • • • - • • • • • • • • i - ♦ • - 1 • • • - Spy Apples • 5 lb. for 75c •• , ► - Salmon Steaks per lb. 89t Halibut Steaks per lb. 69t. • - ♦ •• • • • Morton Pot Pies, turkey, chicken, beef .1 for 1.00 Sunshine Fancy Green Peas .... 2 Ib. bag 45c Sunshine French Fries 2 lb, bag 45c Red Pie Cherries 1 lb, bag 39c Phone 523-9332 We Deliver • • • • t are invited to attend the Walton U.C.W. Ester 'rhankoffering r er• vice on Sunday evening, March 30th, at 8,00 o'clock. Guest speak- er will be Airs. 1)911 McDonald, of Gadcrieh. Personals Mrs. Ross Millson and children, ,;f Woodstock, spent a few (lays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook, also with her sis- ter, Mrs. Thelma Garrow and fa• roily, of Clinton. Miss Ann Fairservice attended the Pottery Convention held in Burlington recently. Mr, and Mrs. Spence llahnn and family, of Waterloo, spent Sun- day with lir. WillGovier and Mrs. Webster. A number of our residents are in hospital for treatment: Mr. 'I'onr Airdrie is showing improve• ment; Mr. Tom Allen is receiving treatment for an ulcer; Mrs, Len Caldwell in Victoria, London; Mrs, Allen Shaddick is progres• sing favorably. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Mr, harry Caldwell is recuper• ating at the home of his sister, .Mr, and Mrs. Jake McDougall ha- ving spent some time in hospital in Toronto, when he was taken ill on his way home, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, of Moorefieid, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Horn, of Bosthy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp• son. The Degree Team of the Con- stance Foresters motored to Brantford on Friday evening 10 confer a degree. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Yung• blut, of Woodstock, visited over the weekend with the former's father, Mr. Joseph Yungblut. IIELGRAVE W. I. MEETING Mrs. Garner Nicholson conven• ed the Easter meeting of the Bel. grave Women's Institute held in the Community Centre, March 18. Rev. J. C. Carroll, of Brussels, gave an Easter message based on Luke 24, verses 5 and 6. Mrs. John Nixon favored with solcc. (ions on the accordion and Mrs. Garner Nicholson read two Easter poems. President, Mrs. Ivan Wightman, conducted the business. The post• pored euchre is to be held April 11, in the Women's Institute Hall at 8.30 p.m. The following slate of officers was installed by Mrs. Walter Scott: Past President, 'Airs. Stan. ley Cc;ok; President, Mrs. Ivan \Vightrnan; vice -President, ,Mrs. Norman Coultes; Secretary:Treas• urer, Mrs. Stan Hopper, assistant, Mrs. Ross Higgins; District Direc. tor, Mors. Stanley Cook, alternate, Mrs. Stanley Black; Branch Diree• tors, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs, Annie Coultes, Mrs. Cliff Logan; Cards for sick and shut4ins, Mrs, Hazel Purdon; Pianists, Mrs, An. nie Coulte.i, Mrs. Laurence Van• ran; Auditors, Mrs. George Mi. chic, Mrs, Edna Procter, Convenors of Standing Com. mittees: rPublic.Relations and Re. solutions, Mrs, Norman Coultes*, Hone Economics and Health, Mrs, Stanley I31ack Mrs, I[erson Irwin; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Edna Procter, Mrs, George Viable; Agriculture and Canadian Industries, firs, Stewart Procter, Mrs. Walter Scott; Historical Re. search and Tweedsmuir Book, Airs 'Ivan ,Wightman, Mrs, Earl Anderson; Community Activities, Mrs, JClarence Hanna, Mrs. Lorne Jamieson; Easter Mrs, .Garner Ni. cholson; .Christmas, Airs, Leslie Bolt; Grandmother's meeting, Mrs. Pearl Wheoler, Mrs. Hazel Purdon, Mrs, Jack Taylor and .Mrs, Wal. ter Scott offered to help the lunch committee for the April Ineeting, Lunch vas served by Mrs. Jes• se Wheeler, Mrs. Garner Nichol. son, Mrs, Cora McGill and Mrs, Robert Higgins, PIGS FOR SALE 58 chunks. Ralph Koskamp, phone 523-4459 Myth, 37.1 •••-•♦•.••••••♦••••-$•.•••••••.••••••••••••.•••.-.•+� • • 1 1 1 1 - BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor - PHONE 523.4551 + Ill,l Tli, ONTARIO. • . •-• • 044++ •-• •-• •-e-•-•. r..-• r• -• •+$+++• Money -Saving Fresh Meat Prices COLEMAN'S EPICURE BACON 1 Ib. vac pal► 75c FRESH PORK HOCKS 2 1,BS, 79c S. P. COTTAGE ROLL, halves PER LB, 69c EAS'I'ER HAMS IN STOCK 11QN1)AY ••- Order Yours Early, CUS'1'Om KILLING IN GO\'ERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BEEF BY THE QUARTER OR HALF YI -.4-•-•-•-•-•44444+ • • • ••••• • • •-••• • •4 • 4+4 • • • • +4 • 44 • • 0-4-• *4.* • -$-•• +-•'4-•-.-.•••••••••••+•.•4•••-••••-•+••••••••-.N.- • • READY TO WEAR SUITS -- $79.95 • • • • •• • • • • • • }• in all wool checks and plains 2 PAIR OF PANTS green, grey, gold, blue and charcoal sizes 36 to 46 We Have A Complete Rental Service For Weddings Wedding Gowns, Men's Dress Suits --- Any Style --- R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday 4- • +404+-4-44 *••• • • • •-• . 644-44 • 4 • . •-•-•••••••-•-•444-4.4144-4.44+4 44-4-4-•-•-•-4-4-4-•-•-•-•-4-0-4-44-4-44-+-• • • • • 4+-4 +444 4 -4± •AM -$+♦N-• , t 1 SELLING -OUT 4 1 1 SALE : 4 1 1 i t Z Boys g ult;,, 7 and 8 yrs.regular 24 95 withh i Men's Rubber Boots (made in England)• tt♦ First Quality :3.95' Misses and Women's .Blouses, reg. 3,95 Selling Out at Only 1.29 12 Shades of Linings, reg. 1,25 yd., .for .:89c • • ' • • ,., , 2 pair of pants Half Price 12.50 Woolen's and Children's Plastic Boots, good for the wet weather per pair L50 1 t Men's Plastic Rain Coats, all sizes Hall' Price Men's Forsyth White Shirts, 30 percent off t 2:00 • - • i • L • • 6 Pr. of 80 x 100 Good Flanelette Blankets Regular 9.95 . Special 7.95 All Boys' 'Ski Caps Half Price .44 041.4.4~4•4 The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. Wingham Laundry and 'Dry Cleaners -Pick WANTED Up -Tuesday, Thursday and',5atuirday. Baby stroller, in good condition.,, . Fast. Dependable Service Mrs. 'Alin 'Franken, ;.phone 526. , ' 7297 Auburn. , . , • ;37.1 '�' THE BLYTli STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th, 1969 REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS THANK YOU 1 wish to thank everyone for the cards and gifts sent to me while I was a patient in Stratford hos• pit al. 377.1p. Shirley Arent, EUCHRE IN BELGRAVE ARENA Friday, March 28, sponsored by Belgrave Orange Lodge. Eiwhre starts at 8.30. Lunch served. Ad. mission 50e. Good prizes. Every• one welcome. 37.1p. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to sincerely thank all those who sent cards and treats and visited me and made inquir- ies while I was a patient in Vic. toroth Hospital, London. Special thanks to the Doctors. and nur• ses, It was all very .much appre• elated. 37-1p. — Leo Cronyn. IN MEMORIAM FOSTER •-- In loving memory of Ronald James (Jim) Foster who passed away March 31. 1963. There is never a day that passes by, But our thoughts reach out to you, Never a joy that comes to us, But we wish you could share it too. In our garden of beautiful mem- ories, You return to us each day. Your memory is as dear today, As in the hour you passed away, On earth you were loved, in heay. en you rest, God 'Bless you Jim you were one of the best. --Sadly missed by Mom, Dad, June, Ivan, Sheila and Barbie. 37.1p • CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for being so kind to me while I was a pa- tient in Clinton Hospital. All was much appreciated, 37-1, — Nellie Burkholder. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who remembered me with cards, .lowers and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital.. It was all greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and the nurses on the second floor. 37-1. -- Mrs: -.Sam Deer BELGRAVE LAMB CHOPS MEET The Belgrave Lamb Chops held their March 1 meeting at the home of Mrs, Clarence Hanna. It was their sixth meeting held in the afternoon. We were taught how to handle ground and left over meat, The girls made "Brais. ad Liver with Vegetables" and in the 11/2 hours it took to look, their meeting was completed. The next clay, March 18, three Belgrave 4-11 Girls 'Club went on a bus trip to Kitchener and -learn- ed a great deal from a tour through Schneider's meat factory. IN MEMORIAM C11.A,LMIERS -- In memory of a dear wife, mother, and grand. mother, Mrs. Robert .Chalmers, who passed away one year ago, March 28, 1968. Past her suffering, past her pain, Cease to weep for tears are vain, She who suffered is at rest Gone to heaven with the blest. --- Ever remembered by her husband, daughter, Mary Louise, sons, .Richard, and Jim, David and Wally and their families. 37.1p CLEARING AUCTION SALE 01 Farm Stock, Machinery, Grain and household Effects at Lot 1.1, Con. 14, Hallett Township 21/2 miles East of Blyth and 7 miles Rest of Walton on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd at 12 o'clock CATTLE 25 Hereford heifers approx. 750 lbs. PIGS 11 sows, 1 boar HAY & GRAIN 1500 hales mixed hay; 30 ton mixed grain; crib of corn MACHINERY Nuffield 10-42 tractor' (3 years old); International 80 combine, P.T.O. (used 3 seasons); Int. 3 furrow 14" mounted plow; Int. 7 ft. trailer mower; int. 8 ft. cult' vator; Int. manure spreader; New Holland No. 56 side rake (like new); Int. 16 run rubber tired seed drill; 6 section drag hal, roars (like n ", ); l White farm wagon; 165 bus. gravity turner grain box; 16 ft. nearly new hay rack; 20 ft. hay elevator; 34 ft. grain auger P.T.O.: set sleighs: platforms scales; 'Massey Harris 8 ft. binder; 1961 Pontiac sedan; rubber tired wtheel barrow; Mini. appolis Moline Z tractor with live P.T.O.; 'McCormick 21 manure spreader; McKee harvester model D complete with 50 ft. pipes; 175 bus. grain box; 3 section spring tooth harrows; Viking electric cream separator; cable; pulleys: tarp; forks; chains FURNTFURE Chesterfield suite 2 chairs; bed: dresser; flat top desk; 2 end Wes; coffee table; large chest o: drawers; small chest of drawers: oval cherry dining room table, chairs; (antique) lamps; baking! cabinet; washer; propane gas stove; large. storage box. TERMS CASH No reserve. Farm sold. Raymond Griffiths, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Mel Graham, Clerk. Proprietor will not be responsibl,.• for accidents day. of sale. 36•:! f Elliott Insuraoce Agency BLYTH ON'FAIUO. 4 r. ♦ • •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••••-•-•-•-•••••-e+ r#1++++.44-4-4-04,40-•••-•44-4-4 *44444444 • 4, 4,4•I r.NrNrrri INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Pkones Residence 5284522 BEA TTY Sales 8 Service Manure Handling Systems • Feed Automations Stabling And'. Peir11184uipment REEF. : PSTtMATEs &BARN: PLANS JIM ALEXANDER CONTRACTOR — CALL COLL C'P SEAPO1ti 11 527.1065 13y Murray Ga un 1, M.P.P. Huron -Brace Education Minister, lion. Wil- liam Davis, this week forecast the abolition of Grade 13 and an- nounced new high school guide- lines that will make year-round school operation possible. The new guidelines, for .imple• nictitation in 1970, will scrap the 10 year.old Robarts Plan and el- iminate restrictions on individual programs for each student. Pro• motion will be by subject rather than by grade; there will be a credit system, and courses that do not fit into the standard 40• minute period. Students will be required to take a mindnnun num- her of courses in each of four basic areas of study: communica- tions, social sciences, pure and applied sciences and arts. After the basic minimtun of studies in each area, the student will be able to choose his program from any area. Ilmnane societies across the province have expressed disagree• ment with Bills 73 and 74 which would strip humane society ins pectorts of their present powers to enter private property without a search warrant when they have reason to believe their presence is required. Bill 73 deals with the licensing of dealers who supply animals for research. It also provides for a Research Animal Dealer Licence Review 13oard to grant, refuse or revoke a dealer's licence, The operator of a pound is required, with some exceptions, to sell any unclaimed dog or cat that is in the pound to a dealer or operator of a research facility within spe- cified time limits. The Ontario Government has asked the Ontario Securities Com. mission to investigate the increas• ing incidence of corporate merg• ers and takeovers and the forma• tion of conglomerates, The Gov eminent apparently wants to know what is going on in this area and what effect It is having an the economy and stock prices, If stockholders interests are found to be In jeopardy the .Gov eminent would consider tighter takeover provisions. YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO Are you financially able to stand a total crop loss this year? it not, you need crop insurance. This time it could be your crops that fail -- the result of bad weather, insects or disease, Don't take the risk -- protect your investment, and your farm future, with Iow•cost crop insurance from The Crop Insurance Commission of Ontario. Find out how from your local agent —• ask your local Agricultural Office for his name. Or complete and mail this coupon today. 1 lord Please send me complete information on the latest crop insurance program. THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario NAME ADDRESS IBM= 11111111111 NM MOM Right now is the time to start thinking about the Ave, Fertilizers you're going to need very soon. lo Harriston Fertilizers Ltd. CLINTON — PRONE 482.9133 WALT RIGNEY RALPH BUFFINGA urn! -- PHONE 52366 First thing you know, planting season will be here, And you know how much work that means for you, And for us, So, why don't we get together now to plan yourfertillzer requirements for the coming year. Makes sense, doesn't it? K-,CVANAM'7 y Serving the man whose business Is Agriculture, ® Rrp'd Trademark • •^ Your local AERO FERTILIZER -CUSTOM BLENDER BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS lir, and Mrs, Gordon 'Wall, of tiisi1td on Sunday with lir. and Ilolyrood, .Mr, and Nirs. Howard Mrs. Russ Davidge, of Islington. Savage, of .Molesworth, visited at Miss Karen Anderson returned the home of. Mr. and Mrs, Victor to her school in Scarborough after Youngblut on Sunday. spending the week at her bonne Mr, and Mrs. Ewald Rainer, of with 1Ir, and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Scarborough, spent the weekend The Belgeave U.C,W, gaster with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. 'rhankoffering service and the Ili. Clarence Chimney, C meeting will he held Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Harman Mitchell, evening in Belgrave United Chur• of Rothsay, Mr, and Mrs, Norman ch, March 30 at 8.15 p.m, Guest Keating, Wingham, were Sunday speaker will he The .Bev. Barry guests of Mrs. J. Al. Coultes, Passmore, of Wingham, who will Mr, Ceeil ,Bowman was a recent speak on "Human Rights." Every visit0 I 1 r a . U Ie home of ,Mr, arid pyre is welcome to attend. .Urs, Hugh Iiinn and John. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. .Melville Mothers .Mrs. Earl Anderson during the past week were, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Hardin and family', Downsview, Mr. and Airs, Wm. Scheiber and family, Milton, Mr. and Mrs, Jain. es Anderson and family, Guelph, Mr. and Airs, Keith Anderson and family, of Rexdale. WALTER PEASE TRANSPORT BLYTH 'lr, and Airs. Hugh luno, THE I(LYTIi STANDARD --- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1969 Miss Linda Coulles has return- ed to her teaching position in Burlington after spending aweck's week. The Bantams played Mon. TIUIEE BELGRAVE 441 GIRL'S holidays with her father, Air, Al. day night against Brussels and bent Coolies, and visited with her 1051 8.2 •for Brussels. On Satur• CLUB TOUit MEAT PLANT mother, who is a patient in Wing- day night they played against ham and District Hospital, Kurtzville and were defeated 13.2. Mr. and Mrs, Goldie Wheeler, Midgets played Monday night of London, visited on Sunday with with Brussels and won by a score his mother, Mrs. Herb Wheeler. Mr, and 11rs, Arthur Hender- son, Sidney and Dawn, of Bruce Minos, and Mrs, 11. Saltys, of Port Arthur, spent a few days with Airs, Richard Procter and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and family, of Ingersoll, visited with her parents, lir. and Mrs. Harold Procter, for 0 couple of days last week. Miss Ila and Beth Scott were bridesmaids for their cousin, Miss Mary Broome, of Goderich, on Saturday, March 22, in the Salva. tion Array Citadel. 11r, and Mrs. Carman Farrier and family, of Long Branch, spent Ali% and Mrs, Elroy Kuntz and a few days with her mother. Mrs, Nelson Higgins. On 'Tuesday afternoon Air. and Mrs. Leslie Ounsworth, harrow, The March meeting of the -Al- visited with .Mrs. Elizabeth An• ternoon Urrit of the U.C3V. - of Berson at the home of Mrs. =ltoh. Belgrave was field on March 12 ert Portion. with 12 present and Mrs, Stewart Procter in charge. Opening with singing hymn "0 God of Bethel" and Mrs. Procter leading in pray. ed. The study by Mrs. Stewart i'rocter ,was lessons from . China - Unity. Mrs. Earl Anderson read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Procter offering prayer. Minutes were read and approved and treasurer's report given. The roll call was taken and offering re• eeived, hymn "Jesus - the Very thought of Thee" was sung. Mrs. .I. M, Coolies read an article en. tilled "Season of ,Self Denial." Nil's. Walter Scott had charge of the study on China which was "Man and Itis Family," Mrs. -.Earl Anderson announced that U.C.W, Easter 'Fhankafferin7g will be the last Sunday night. in March, The Congratulations to little Janice Bev, Barry Passmore. guest speak. Snell, daughter of Rev. Donald er. As, Walter Scott outlined and Mrs. Snell, of Drayton Val• progranune committees for' the ley, Alberta, who will celebrate year, hymn "0 Master let 'me her 4th birthday on Thursday, BELGRAVE HOCKEY NEWS Walk with Thoe".and ben. March 27. Happy birthday Jan. eduction concluded • meeting. ice. FOR . ALL YOUR TRUCKING Kimberley, of Elmira, visited on REQUIREMENTS Sunday with her ►nattier, Mrs. AND THE BEST MARKET FOR Barry It' YOUR LIVESTOCK Joanne and Jeniffer Hock re. turned Sunday night to their home in Monkton after a week's , holidays with their grandparents, Phone Brussels 345.14 COON'S Phone 523-4421 We Deliver Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. bag 75c Red Rose Tea Bags, economy pkg. of 90's ii 7c. Paramount Red Sockeye Salmon 7 3!'1 oz. 57c Van Camp Beans with Pork, 2 • 14 oz, tins 37c Nature's Rest Choice Kernel Corn 2 - 12 oz. tins 35c Garden Patch Choice Tender Peas 5 • 14 oz. tins 1.00 Sunnyvale Fancy Sliced Peaches large 28 oz, tin 45c Ballet Toilet Tissue, 2 roll pkg......... 23c New Drive Laundry Detergent, 30c off label king size pkg. 1.69 Ajax Window Cleaner, 10c off label spray can 59c Vispo Heavy Duly Laundry Detergent 5 lb. bag 95c Bio -ad Large Size Pkg. ............ . . 85c Hollandia Cookies 3.pkgs. 1.00 McCormick's Sodas, plain or salted 2 ib. pkg. . •....................... 75c Hot 1)og or Hamburg Rolls .. , ... 2 pkgs. 49c. Weston's Chelsea Buns, 4c off pkg. , ... 45c Coleman's Pure Lard 5 lb. for 1.00 Coleman's Epicure Bacon 1 lb. pkg. 75c Bruce Packer's Weiners .......... 2 lb. 89c New Texas Carrots 2 - 1 ib, pkgs. 29c No. 1 Ontario Cooking Onions, 3 lb. bag 23c California Navel Oranges . , .. .per doz. 49c Good Assortment of Easter Candy. of 7.2. Friday night they played with Myth and lost 6.3. Novice played against Brussels Saturday' at 9 a.m. and won by 12.0. At (1 p.m. they played ag• 0inst 1,ucan and lost .13.0. The Intermediates played ir► Blyth against Gordo with Bel grave 4, Gorrie 3, Belgrave win• Hing the series, On Monday night in Brussels the 'Tykes played against Brussels and won 12.0; played against Bel - more and won 4 to 3. This gave the Belgrave Tykes the champion. ship. IIELGRAVE :tFTERNOON UNIT MEETING Belgrave Weekly Euchre The Belgrave Weekly Euchre was held last Wednesday evening in the 'ColrununitY Rooms with 10 tables in play. The winners were: High Lady,Miss Leona Nicholson; High Man, Harold Procter; Nov. elly Lady, Mrs. George Walker; Novelly Man, Nelson Nicholson; Low Lady, Mrs, Stewart Smith; Low Man, 'John Mitchell. Second Line Of Morris Euchre The second line of;.Morris held their weekly euchre at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Melville Mathers, High Lady, Mrs, Glenn Sellers; High Man, Arnold Mathers; Lone Band, Lady, _Mrs, Walter Woods; iLone Hanel M.an, Earl Sellers; Low Lady, Mrs. Bert Hastings; Low flan, Mel Craig, Next party to be at the Hoare of Mr, and Mrs. William Elston. 011 'Tuesday, ,March 18, the three i3elgrave 4-H Girl's Club of lhirty'five girls, accompanied by their leaders, Mrs. Glenn Coultes, Mrs. Alex Itabertson, ,Mrs, Her. son Irwin, Mrs. Clark Johnston, Mrs. Clarence Manna and Mrs, Leslie Bolt. and six of the u►oth ers toured the J. M. Schneider Ltd. meat plant. in Kitchener. The plant extends over twelve acres of land and employs approximate- ly one thousand six hundred. The group saw sausage heing made, skinless and cased, were told of the cutting and curing process of pork, They saw the cutting and packaging of bacon, the cutting of beef and the processing of shortening. They also viewed poultry heing processed to the packaging stage. The tour prow ed very beneficial to all. BELGRAVE ROASTETTS MEET The Belgrave Roastetts held their fourth meeting in the arena rooms with 10 members answer, ing the roll call. Minutes were read by Joyce Nethery. A demon. stration of cooking dumplings by June Leishlnan. Ida 'Scott cooked sausages. The fifth meeting was held in the arena after school. 11 mem• hers answered the roll call, Mrs, Berson Irwin served split pea soup. The sixth meeting was held in the arena room March 14, Roll call was answered by 11 mem. bens, Next meeting to be March 24. CONGR ATITI, ATIONS The Belgrave teams played games in Brussels on the Minor Hockey . Tournament the past Dead stock Picked Up 7 DAYS 'A 'WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY uron Dead :Stock Removal CLINTON ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 482.9811 We pay $5,00 to $15,00 for disabl• ed or dead cows and 2c per lb. for standing horses. Small calves and pigs picked up free of charge, LICENCE N0. 169.3.68 213 ummiumpisumminin ♦� .• ♦••. BERG Sales - Service Installation PREF ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners . • Bunk Feeders ▪ Stabling DonaldG. Ives R,R, 2, BLYTR Phone Brussels 443w4 Renew your . Subscription .To. T,11e.Standard..Now •-•••411-•-••••••-•••-• DEAL NOW AND SAVE MONEY an one of these value -packed cars 1969 FORI) F1airlane, 2 door hardtop 1969 FORT) Custom V 8, 4 door, automatic 1969 METEOR Rideau 500, 2 door, hardtop 1967 FORT) Galaxie, 2 door, hardtop 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury II, 2 door, hardtop 1967 DODGE Polara 500, 2 door, hardtop 2-1967 PORI) Custom 500, 4 dr, V8, auto. 1966 I AIRLANE 500, 2 dr., hardtop, V'8, auto. 1966 CITEV. Bel Air, 4 door, automatic 1965 OLI)SMOB1LIE 4 door, automatic 1965 FORT) 4 door, 6 cyl., standard trans. 1965 FORT) Custom 500, 4 door, V 8, auto. 1961 MERCURY 2 door, hardtop, V 8. 963 PONTIAC 4 door, standard trans, 1962 FALCON Station Wagon. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Harnm's ,(AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 .44 -.4, -♦11.44-t444.. ♦.•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-•-•-••••••••44-0-+4-4-4-•-•-••++.4-++,4 • • Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES its SERVICE IBLYTII -- Phone 523.9273 4 4 1 4 4 4 1, E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.rn For Appointment Phone 4827010 SEAFORTH OFFICE --• Balance of Week -- Phone 527.1140 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKS OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES - Varna - Tel, Coll, Bengali 6961t2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISI'OSAI, SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CRANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKI? -- Brussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH -= ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B;' Appointment Only, Except Emergencles Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. IL HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. It, John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 5234522 or 523.432:1 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. HOY N, BENTLEY -•- ACCOUNTANT GODERICII -- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 -Britannia Rd.. E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILI! BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. 11. Crawford, Q.C,, N. Shepherd, L.L.13., A. Mill, B.A., L,LB. In Blyth .Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT 'INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 5234481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUT'PJNG & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Daly Monday - Open Tuesday Through Saturday RLYTII BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE, BLYTH 5239341, if no answer BRUSSELS .345W5 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE 'MR TABLE .1 LECTR1Cr -and ACETYLENE WELDING; ALSO COMPLETE SHOP 'SERVICE 18 King Street CLINTON -Phone 482 7303 R. T. Dale ,SEPTIC TANK ,SERVICE; Seaforth .Ont. Phone Clinton 482.3320 • BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to.all Makes and -Models .of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS,PROP. ;Phone 5234275 .Res. 523.4591 a THE BLYTH STANDARD --- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th, 1969 6'11,,1,,,1,1I'p 1,, p 11 11'11. 1' ,11,,,11,, 11, 10,II4'11,11,1 Ulit.!11,,l1 d J SELL IT! BUY IT! BENT IT! FIND IT! PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, more or less. All 1t conveniences, hydro and water in house and barn. 3 piece bath. Stalls fur 35 head of cattle. Gil. bert Nethery, phone 523.9533 Blyth. 35-5p HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY! 1 need a full or part time man to help meet the demand for a much needed service for motor. fists. Pleasant dignified, good pay- ing ay.ing work. No experience neces- sary but a car is. For full informa- tion contact Charlie Lee, Wing - 'ham, phone 357-1383, 35.3 CONCRETE WORK 1 Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing In stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37-tf SPECIAL BUS TO GRAND OLE OPRY, Nashville, Tennessee. $59.00 includes two nights Hotel, tour of Nashville, Autograph and Dinner Party at Music City Play- house. Tickets to Saturday Night Opry, April 26. Reserve your seat now. Iiabkirk Transit Service Lhnited, Box 700 Seaforth. Phone 5274222. 34tf r 4 9 ,r r 4 4 1 CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri. 1.30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton r REG. SMITII SIGNS Truck Lettering, Plastic Signs, Farah and Commercial, Corner East and High Streets, Clinton, Ontario. 33tf FOR SALE 2000 bales red clover hay; 3000 bales of alfalfa; 25 tons mixed grain. Phone Blyth 523-4413. 35-4 WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood Slabs, $24.00 for 6 cord, delivered; Soft Wood, $18.00, Phone Craig's Saw Mill, Auburn, 526.7220. 35-3 FOR SAIE Wooden Crib and 'Mattress, good condition, $15.00 or best offer. Mrs. Frank Marshall, phone 523. 9351, Blyth. 36-1p, MAPLE SYRUP Available in gallons, half gal. .ions, quarts and pints. Mason Bailey, phone 523-9338, Blyth. 364f. FOR SALE 8.room 2 -storey house in good repair modern, conveniences, in village of Blyth. Anne Sunder• cock, phone 523.9433, Blyth. • 36-1. THE CORNER SHOP, WINGIIAM will be open for Spring busi• Hess on' Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons and Friday evenings, commencing April 3rd. If you have good up-to-date cloth. ing or other good useable Items, we will sell them •for you for 30'" commission. 37.1 WANTED Old fashioned baby cradle, in any condition, Barry Bakker, phone 523-9284 Blyth. 37.1 BEATTY Farm Service Centre CORNER OF ALBERT & PRINCESS STS., CLINTON, ONT. Manure Ilandling .Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment All Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Ph. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" PAT', .MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Barrs Cleaners . Silo Unloaders • Feeders PEDLAR STABLING . complete installations • tree estimates Phone 59541955 GASCIIO FARM AUTOMATION Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work •--• Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENNI ANION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS RILL BROMLEY Ph, 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE R,ATIHWELL, R,IiL 1, ltrucefield --- Ph. 4823384 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- 01L BURNER SALES & SERVICE l,ondeshoro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - - WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, WANTED 80 steers, good feed for the summer months. Apply, John Middegaal, phone 523.4328 Blyth. 37 -Ip FOR SALE Fresh Maple Syrup, any quan. tity. Lyle and Ross Youngblut, phone 523-9585 Blyth. 37.1 FOR SALE 200 sap buckets and spites; also have pasture for fifty or sixty head of cattle. Apply, C. L. Hol- linger, Lot 15, Concession 8, Mor. ris, phone 345W5 Brussels. 374f. CUSTOM PLOUGHING ANI) CULTIVATING Bob Gordon, R.R. 5, Wingham, phone 357-1375. 37.4 FOR SALE Repossessed automatic Zig-Zag Sewing Machine. Blyth Singer Center, phone 523.4275. 37-ip FOR SALE Targe kitchen cupboard, paint- ed. Phone during the day 526.7786 evening 526.7291 Auburn. 374 ROUTE MILK SALESMAN WANTED Must be neat and tidy, Approx. imately $80, per week, .Apply Sunrise Dairy, WIngham. 374 FOR SALE 1953 Chev, 1 ton pick-up 'truck, in good condition, Helke Roetcis• oender, phone 523.9257 Blyth. 37-1 FOR SALE Feed oats, 1500 bushels. Harry Bakker, phone .523.9284 Blyth. 37-2 CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to our neighbours and friends for the lovely going away party. Special thanks to those who organized it so per- fectly; also the orchestra and everyone who participated in any way. ,We do appreciate your thoughtfulness and will treasure the memories and gifts, Sincerely, 37-1 --- !Roy and. Grace Easom. BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. e Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet for every room .in the home, r Quality youcan trust From BALL & MUTCII LTD, 'CREST'HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482.9505 Clinton JIM vammosour LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & .SERVICE ttLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.958t1 "Your 011 Heating Contractor" 41 30•tf. FOR SALE FARMS, HOMES & BUSINESSES LISTINGS WANTED We are constantly receiving re- quests from "out of Town" buy ers for all types of property. if you have some Real Estate you would like to sell, it will pay you to give us a call. Over 400 people to serve you. STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTH Representing H, Keith Ltd., Realtor - Toronto, Ont. THE BLYTH STANDARD •— WEDNESDAY, MARCH 213th, 1909 SUGAR and SPICB SPRING IS PURE FEMALE A couple of weeks ago, 1 sang a song of Irate in this sparse,, Since Spring, theoretically, is just around that corner which recedes steadily as you approach it, the least I can do is sing a song of love, and ask you to join me. Everybody loves something, even if it's only his car, Looking into the backyard, it's pretty hard to get all goofy about Spring. The pile of snow pushed up .beside the garage is now down to six feet. My cedar lawn chairs look like a couple of matrons, buried to the •waist in blanc .mange, their arms extended pleadingly. The picnic table still looks like a freshly -risen loaf of bread, But the sun shines, day after day, and eventually those articles must reveal themselves in all their scabby: shabby ugliness. Spring in Canada is pure female, unpredictable, perverse, passionate, hot•or•cold, cruel•or••kind, And completely undependable, as far as mood goes. In this crazy climate, I have lain on fresh grass in .March and in love and in sun that suggested the following month would be July. And 1 haa'e gone fishing on the first of May and bad my line freeze to the rod. There. Having expressed my mistrust of Canada's Spring, 1 shall return to our theme: love. This is a favorite topic for poets who can't think of anything else to write about. Not being a poet, I will avoid trying to be poetic and thereby save both of us a lot of embarrassment.. Some people think that love is a potion, especially in the Far East, You know: rhinoceros horn ground up in a mixture of oysters, and celery. Actually, 1 wouldn't mind taking a swig of it, Sounds jolly invigorating, or something. • Love is not a potion; it's a lotion. It warms the cold heart,, an analgesic tbalm rwarms the sore shoulder. It lubricates the grind. ing nerves. It soothes the tortured soul as olive oil does the baby's bum, It is an ointment (by the way, Mecca ointment is good for practically anything. Unpaid commercial). And it is a Mecca to. ward which you travel, and from which you return, rather wonder- ing whether the whole trip was worth it. Sand and flies and heat. And nobody else there but a mob of exhausted, hot, tired and (is, gruntled pilgrims like yourself. That's love. However, one mustn't wax philosophical about love, even on a highly elevated plane like this. Not in this country, in thi, elimate. Let's get down to specifics. What do we • love? 1 love my country. Not th egovernment, or the people, particularly. The physical Canada. A black spring stream racin,; between the snowbanks in March. The ghostly mist of green that slips 'into the trees in ,May, The Rockies, in midsummer, aloof, sneering at the ants that crawl about their knees. 'Phe sculptured blue -white seascapes of January. I love my country. Not the government, or the people, by, now•a•days. It's beautiful to be alone, 'sometimes, without th ' yelp and clamor, the stink and garbage of everyday living, .About the only place you can find it is In an inacessible bog, with, a ti4hing rod. The outboard motor and the skidoo have seen to that, And I love all growing things: grass, flowers, Cleaves. E. rept when they have to be mowed, or 'cultivated, or raked. And nearly all children, Except when they grow up. And 1 love a good poker game, especially when the card are coming right, And a good argument, especially when Pm riglh:, which seems to be nearly every time. And I love my wife, but oh, you kid. And 1 love my kids, but OH, YOU KIDS! And I love to do a good job, whether it's writing a column, or , teaching a dumbbell something, or finding a new gimmick is my tax return. It seldom happens, but it makes me lidppy, Sometimes 1 can even love my neighbour as myself, It'; a lot easier these days. He hasn't an ox or an ass or a maid•scrva'tt to covet, See? I've just begun, I haven't even mentioned hot hon. fires or cold beer, or a thousand other things, Put down a list for yourself, and you'll decide you're not such an old miserable after al!, !iIIlVllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll�llllllll!IIIIIIIfIIFdi!Hu!hlim!iluiu0m+hi!uiVimhilil!uiro!uihurl!luuhdilimmiibdd!t.u!NIIVVohblr�lll�l, l!iiili�hiil!irddulmhrimu!!miiuuiU�tifruPhuh`t THE BLYTH STANDARD Published every Wednesday at, Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO Member Canadian and flntario Weekly 1Vewspaner Associations Subscription Rates: Canada lin advance) $2.50 a Year Outside Canada fin advance) $3,50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as second class . maIl by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage In cash" WEDDING CRONIN -- TOLL .1 double r►n:; ceremony was pact—mood in Itlyth United Church on Friday, March 14, 1901) when itev. W. 0, Mather united in marriage Cheryl Anita Toll, .eldest daughter of lir, and Mrs. Aubrey 'Poll, Blyth, and 'Phomas William Cronin, son of Mrs. Ger- trude Cronin and the late 'Phomas ('ronin Sr, of Blyth. Given in marriage by her fath• or, the bride wore a street -length dress of winter white wool crepe, with turquoise accessories, She carried a cascade of white roses accented with white mums, Miss Kerry 'Poll, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and • wore a street -length dress, of turquoise and mauve wool with matching hat. She carried a bouquet of yellow mums. .11r. Joseph 4leffron, nephew of the groom, was .groomsman. lir. Vaughin Toll, brother of the bride, ushered the guests, A reception followed the eery• mony at Danny's Restaurant, Winghant. A wedding dinner %vas served and Airs. Aubrey Toll, mo• then of the bride, wearing an Italian knit dress with turquoise accessories, received the guests, assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs, Gertrude Cronin who wore a blue crinrpilene knit dress with blue accessories. The bride and (groom left on a trip to Michigan, the bride wear• ing a black and white checked walking suit with black accessor- ies and a corsage of ret! roses. Or: their return they will reside in Blyth. Guests were present from Sask. atoon, Ilamilton, Stratford, Walk- erton, Exeter, Toronto and Hlyth. Prior to her marriage, the bride was honoured with a mis• cellaneous shower, by Mrs, Hugh MacCrostie, of Goderich. MAPLE LEAF UNIT MEETING The Maple Leaf Unit of the U. C. W. met at the church on March 20 with 23 members answering the Roll Call with a Scripture ver• se containing the word "Master," Mrs, Irvin Bowes conducted the Easter worship service anis Mr's, Mary Appleby read the Scripture lesson, Another interesting portion of our Study hook was taken by Mrs. Wallace Bell. The business of the Unit in. chided arrangements for church duties during 'the month of Ap. til, Pyjamas to .be made for the Children's Aid Society and given out al our February meeting, were returned, This Unit will again sponsor the Spring Recital by Mrs. John MeDougall's , pupils on May 3, 'Talent money was pre. sented by the ladies with each telling how she made her contra. billion. The auctioning of a num• ler of articles, with Mrs. John McDougall as auctioneer, pro• vided much merriment and a boost to the talent fund. At the close of the meeting a social half hour was enjojyed. '(Through an oversight mention of the display of crafts at the February meeting was ovarlook• ed. The artistic and novel craft articles were the result of fine and interesting work by the la- dies to whom much credit is due. WESTFIELD Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Smith on Saturday were, Mr, John A. Gear, Waterloo, and Mr, Armand 'McBurney, who re- cently returned from Phoenix, Arizona, where he spent the past three months with his sisters, Mr. p[c13urney will spend the next three weeks with Mr, and Mrs, John A, Gear, Wate1'loo, before he returns to. his home on the Gth concession of East Wawa- nosh, Mr, and Ma's. Harvey McDowell, Judy, Janice and Carol visited on '!Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, John A, Geat', Waterloo, Mr, and Mrs, Peter de Groot visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, Ernest .Klarner at Kitchener. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Goy- don oydon E. Smith for the weekend were, and Mrs. Eric Vogle, Mask, Shannon and Cara, Mr, and Mrs, John McDowell, .all of .Lon -- 017,311111,111::177M7177171571177,77, Lon- - ?� r±"I n� nT�- fiI. � tpn "�,r.i^,'� Tf , i'i• �' Ip ';!' !i !'�" fiL'� I!'I, ;' r:�i!(I;i,:;!i;1 ` . !' .,uir;l,� ti a l' ' E ; ,: !Ri1 i�J: „15130Etazzaz FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY 11111111 :U We are nearing the !Baster season and we would do well to have the Resurrection of Christ uppermost in our thinking, It is the foundation truth of Christianity. I3y some, the fact of the Resurrection is taken lightly as though it did not matter whether Christ really did come forth from the grave or not. By others, who refuse to believe in the miracur taus, the Resurrection of Christ is counted as an absurdity. To still others it is something less than His actual, literal, bodily returning' to life. But what saith the Scriptures? "II' Christ be NOT raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 11 in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are oft all Wren most miserable, I3U'i' NOW IS CHRIST 'RISEN PROM THE 1)EA1)," 1 Corinthians l5: 17. T 1f Christ, the Son of God, had not broken the bonds of death, there would he no hope that you or 1 could ever, having passed this mortal existence, see life again. For us there would be no hope of an eternal home in Heaven, no prospect of a glad reunion with departed loved ones, and no salvation from the power of sin in this life. 'There would 'be nothing but a hopeless sense of despair as we neared 1110 brink of the grave, But the good news of the Gospel is that Christ has risen from the dead and because Ile lives we can live also. The game Power which raised up Christ will one clay raise to eternal life all those who have trusted Him as Savior. There can be no greater joy than this: that one day we shall see Him as He is and through• out tite eternity of the eternities dwell with Hint. in the light of this there is no sorrow too heavy to be borne, and no hardship tbo harsh to be endured. What a glorious hope! "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep In Jesus will God bring with 'Him." I Thessalonians 4: 14. IJ, C. 71 1, 111 gyp' 7 n ." „ I I,' • I' 1 11 it . •• :..1 I I ( � 1 �t I r � �� � i�' � , rl�- I 11 (�' � �i T!.�.I �. L'il.,� � (, .:�!+�� :I , i���,... !, .� I .. I! 1;. �. '�'� Ih . �! , ... ! , I I•. II i•I ;7, ;;Ip ilmm!m;;;Pii<l"irl'! :7f'!! 1r.1 m7t!I! ITI!I ' !(17II': , .!{ !;I717171.1175 �lmlliC4. II i niulTg ItyIurdlEo [1101111!41 ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U, MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. --• Church Service, 1:00 p.m. -- Sunday School, CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERiC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 am. — Sunday School, 11:00 a,m, -- Worship Service. Thought For The Week "—that • your faith may not fail," Luke 22:32 "Faith honors God; God honors faith." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. IL W, KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m, — Morning Service (E) 11:00 a,m, -- Sunday School, 3:00 p,tn, -- .Afternoon Service (E) ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. W. R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a m. — Trinity Church, Itelgrave: 11:15 a.m. — St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 .p m. -- St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2,45 p.m. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV: W. 0. MATIIER, B.A., B,D., MINISTER Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of Music, 0:45 a,m. - Sunday Church School, 111:00 a;m, - Morning Worship -- Holy Communion and reception of members. Friday, April 4 •-- 1'1:00 a.m, -- Good Friday Service, Ilminimiliumr,i11111311117 irg1111 Mfi11I11RIF1111 E1111 don, also Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Smith, of South Woodsley, Mr, and Mrs, Don McDowell, Kitchener, visited for several days last week with Mr, and Mrs, Harvey. McDowell, Miss Margery Smith spent tlizi Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Taylor Mar- past Week with her brothers, Mr. Jolla and Donna, Brussels, and 'and' Mrs, Gordon Smith, of Port Mr, Gordon McDowell visited on Credit, and Mr, and Mrs. Lyle 'Tuesday evening with 'Mrs, Mary E. Smith, Sault Ste. Marie, McDowell and Graeme. Mr, and Mrs, Ernest ,Snell and Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Miss Janetta Snell 'visited on Sun- Douglas Campbell on Wednesday clay with Mrs. Jasper Mdl3rian, of were, Mrs, Elmer McDougall, of Fluronviow. IlD11IIIUIHll 0,111I1II1I"1111IIC'lilll1 IIVCI NIlf IIflfIQi I' London, visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Walden, Miss Phyllis Biggerstaff, Wing• ham, spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs, Audrey 13iggerstaff. • Sheffield, and Mrs, Nick Seraphin Mr,. and Mrs. (Peter de Groot and family, of New Dundee, attended the MdCullough.de Haar! Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Cook, wedding and reception at Kitch• Sharon, Janet, Jeffrey and Brad. ever Saturday evening. ley visited • on ,Friday with Mr, Mrs, 'Bill Fidom, Brian and and Mrs, Gordon Bailey and oth. Stephen were Ingersoll visitors er friends at Princetetl, for several days last week,' Mi'. and M s, Douglas Camprbell • Mr, and .Mrs, Garth Walden and and Mr, ,and Mrs, Wellington JOhrista' and • •'Mr: Gary- Walden, •Good were In. London .on Monday. THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th. 1909 Sale - a few cash & carry bargains 2 Only RCA 20 CU, FT, CHEST FREEZERS Price 199.95 picked up. 1 Only IICOVER WASHER SPIN DRYER Price 119.95 picked up, 2 Only ADMIRAI, 21" PORTABLE TV Price 199,00 picked up. 1 Only RCA 10 CU, FT, REFRIGERATOR Price 188,00 picked up. 1 Only RCA MINI FREEZER Price 159.00 picked up. 2 Only ADMIRAL 1.1 CU. FT, 2 -DOOR RE- FRIGERATOIR FREEZER Price 269.00 picked up, A phone call will hold any item T. A. Dutton Appliances Brucefield Phone 482-3232 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Hulled Central School Tuesd�y, April 1st, 1969 9:30 a.ln. to 3 p.m, To be elegible the child must be 5 years of age before Jan• nary 1st, 1970, Please bring proof of birth• 1,', 1,1 ; �'1 !t I, q,!51111 Lt; ,' 1" ,� t4:q,. ^,..I i yl 11.11 l',1):!;1j, ,1, . i;ii I !; �;,,I ! i ,l,!ili! .7114111111;10 ARENA SCHEDULE THURS,, MARCH 27: Public School, Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. Squirt Hockey Lucknow vs Blyth 7.00 p.m. Midget Hockey, Belgrave vs Blyth 8.30 pan• FRI., MAR. 28: Pre School 2 to 3,30. Evening Clinton Goderich Hockey Practice. .'AT•, MAR. 29: Broomball Tournament 9 a,m• until 9 p.m SUN•, MAR. 30: Figure Skating Carnival 2.30 • 3.30. Broomball Tournament Starts 4 • 8. 8.15 Presentation of Trophies. MON., MAR. 31: Final Day. Londesboro Boy Scouts 7.30 • 8,30. ath Line Morris Hockey Practice. ., e I I ll,l�dl il�Ili� �i�ilV'i Ti�iliil i ,' ti 1' i, i �i � ii � b 11�1� ;II�� I�!!11 111 U j II G� ; ; I � ; •11 � 1'; �� �� Ir'i: TRY OUR SPECIALTY CHINESE FOOD PROMPT SERVICE ON TAKE•OUT ORDERS • PII, 523.4391 ALL TYPES OF MEALS ANI) LIGHT LUNCIIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON. GRILL BLYTH, ONTARIO THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS ".1 Tintex Dyes li 3 0•FF Lighters 113 OFF Flash Bulbs, M 2 B Only , 113 Off Curity Diaper Liners • .. . . • .. , • , 112 Off Miss Clairol Creme Formula (not all shades) Special 1.25 Ash Trays • 13 Off Clutch Purses 113 Off Money Pouch 112 Off Watch Bands 112 Off R. D. PHILP Phm. B. DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER — Phone Blyth 523.4440 +4+ Blyth Figure Skating Club Achievement Day Sunday, March 30 IN THE BLYTH ARENA 2.30 p.m. SILVER COLLECTION EVERYONE WELCOME 4 • • 4-4-44-4-4444-4-04444-444444+•-• BROWNIES Drive -In CLINTON BEECH STREET (Near Clinton's New Community Centre) OPENING iThurs.; April 3 Watch Next Week's Paper For Features, i+f.'. N1 .•...-.-..1 .'• .-.•• H 444444 44444-4444 4444 44 • JAMES E. RICE R•11, 1, Blyth —• 'rel, 523.4420 YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER CELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE "You Ring • We Bring' '+,-.'.'.-.-..-.-♦-..-..1 4444 •.1,• ♦ 4-4444-+++44-44-44•-•1++++4, DANCE IN THE BLYTII MEMORIAL HALL ON FRIDAY, APRIL 11th MUSIC BY The Five String Sawdusters Sponsored by Blyth Royal Canadian Legion Branch 420 Admission Restricted to Persons 21 Years of age and over 37-3 -H•.-s+r+.-n-.'r'.tr$'. • 4444444-4444444444 * •+444444444444 Stewart's i Yt d U White Food Mkt. e, TAX PROBLEMS HAVE YOU DOWN? LET A &C,M. ADDING MACHINE from Blyth Singer Center SOLVE THEM FOR i YOU Simply and Economically 4444.4444144444444-0444-4-4-• MIKE'S Farm Equipment BRUSSELS Box 251 Ph, 211 Mae YOUR JAMESWAY DEALER for SALES and SERVICE "First hi Power Choring" Dairy • Beef • Hog Poultry BLYTH, ON'1'.. Phone 9451 WE DELIVER IIIKOMMININEW 411.1111 MARCH PARADE OF 99c SAVINGS White Swan Toilet. Tissue 8 rolls 99c York Fancy Kernel Corn 5 tins 99c Hi -Value Peaches, 28 oz, 3 tins 99c Clover Leaf Tuna, solid white . 2 tins 99c Scott Paper Towels, 2 roll pack .. , , 2 for 99c Wagstaf'fe's ,lanes or Jellies, 9 oz. jar 5 for 99c Walker's Saltines, 1 lb, pkg, 3 for 99c Red and White Jelly Powders .. 10 pkgs. 99c Lee Choice Sliced Pineapple, 19 oz, 4 tins 99c Red Circle Sockeye Salmon 2 tins 99c Choice Quality Tomatoes, 28 oz., 4 tins 99c New Drive Detergent, giant size 99c RED & WHITE BONUS BUYS Maxwellhouse Coffee, 1 Ib. bag, reg. price 99c For Only 29c with the purchase of 4 G. E. Electric Bulbs atregular price. Rosedale Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin, 4 tins 99c RED & WHITE BUY OF THE WEEK Stokley's Honey Pod Peas 5 tins 99c Kist Gingerale, Pepsi Cola, Mountain Dew, 5 bottles 99c Micro Mesh Nylons 3 pair 99c Red & White Saves You Dollars On These Specials Saran Wrap, 50 ft, roll 35c Nestle's Quick, 2 Ib. tin plus 6 oz. free 99c Crisco Cooking Oil, 241 oz. tin 69c Kraft Smooth or Crunchy Peanut Butter 18 oz. 2 jars 99c Mrs, Pink Liquid Detergent, 32 oz. bottle 39c Weston's Fresh Bread 4 loaves 99c Weston's Weiner or Hamburg Rolls 2 pkgs. 49c Weston's Chelsea Buns, reg. 49c, • . • only 45c RED & WHITE BONUS OFFER Teflon Ironing Cover and Pad Set Only 89c with a 5.00 purchase, i Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Master Michael and Miss Jan• lion with their grandparents, .lir, ice Bothwell, 'Brantford, spent and Mrs, Wm, 'Reuger, Carol, their vacation with their grand• Donald and Ronald, mother, ,Mrs, Gordon Taylor. Mss Jayne Arthur returned on Air, and Mrs, Cliff Branton and Sunday from a visit in California son, Clifford, moved to Wellesley %vith her sister, Mrs. John Boer, last Thursday where he will bit and Mr. Boer. manager of the Canadian Impel.- Miss Judy Arthur returned to Tal Bank of Commerce there. :lir• her studies at the Owen Sound and Mrs, 0. Deboer and family, school of nursing after a nick of Owen Sound, moved into the leave following surgery, hank apartment last Saturday. A special Youth Servive was Mr. Deboer is now manager of the held last Sunday at, Knox United Auburn bank. Church, Daryl Ball led the service Mrs, Harold Nicholson, of Sea• resisted by Nan Lapp and Derrick forth, Airs, John ,Menheere and Ball. A panel led by Glen Web - son, l'aul, of Dublin, .Mr. and Mrs, ster was held with the delegates Hugh Bennett and Jim, Port Al- that had attended Toe Alpha, Al. herl, visited last Wednesday with lan McDougall, Itandy Machan, Mrs, W. 13radnock, Sheron and 'Brenda Ball and 13renda Ar• George• ehantbult taking part in the panel. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Livermore, The Sunday School pupils are at the piano. .firs. Raab). wei c;orrie, spent a few days last week planning their annual pancake corned the members and guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, supper on Wednesday, April 2, and the minutes were accepted as reabythe secreta Mrs. Bert Donald Haines. with supper served from 6.30 p.m, sd ratg, She also gave the financial Mr, and Mrs, 'Donald Cartwright to 7,30 p.m. The pupils and their David, Derrick and Lorie, and teachers serve and prepare the statement. it was announced that supper when fresh maple syrup the advanced lealherccaft course will he served, would be held May 5, 0 and 7. Mrs, Gordon M. 'Taylor convener much food for thought when she stated that by 1980 one fifth of the products used in the home are not in existence today, She visualized the home of to. morrow with a button to turn on sound waves which would clean the rug, vinyl chairs and furni- ture one could blow up with air and enflale I'or more convenient moving Programs on 7'V avail- able from all over the world, and paper dresses and perforated ma• tcrials would also be used for alt occasions. Miss Ilcard was intro - ducal by Mrs, W. Bradnock, pub- lic relations officer, and thanked by Mrs, Donald Haines and pre• sented with a gift. The president, Mrs, Frank ltaithby was in charge of the meeting which opened with the Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada, and Mrs. AVm. J. Craig Mrs, E, Cartwright, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Cartwright and Paul, at R.R. 1, Goodwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and her mother, Mrs. Elsie 'Eustace, spent the weekend in the village. Dr. and firs. Rod Singh, Kris• tin and Kecia, London, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Jennifer and Shelley. Misses Jennifer and Shelley Grange visited in London last week with their sisters, Mrs. Rod Singh, •Dr, Singh, Kristin anti Kecia and Airs, 'Tom ,Morris, 31r, Morris, Monique and Matthew. Mrs. Earl Wightman, Lucknow, Mr, Harvey Wightman, Waterloo, visited last Saturday with Mr. and .Mrs. 'Tom Johnston, Mr, and Airs. Fred Youngblut, Woodstock, Miss Barbara Sander. son, Toronto, Miss ,Margaret Sap. rierson, London, Miss .Mary San- derson, Goderleh, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred ,Sanderson Mrs. .Frank Baer, Benmiller, and Miss .Myrtle Phillips, London, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Philips, Mr. Jeff Craig, Lucan, spent the vacation at the home of his grandparents and played hockey, at the Wingham tournament., Minsters David and Derrick Cartwright spent the winter vaea- Mr, and Mrs, 14es Mayhew and of the annual banquqet announc- her mother, of Grand Bend, visit• ecl that the banquet would be held ed last Thursday with his uncle, on April 23rd at 12.30 p.m, with Mr, Wm. Straughan, and Mrs, the guest speaker to be John Straughan. Strong of CKNX. Each member ,Miss Susan heard was guest at can Invite one guest, the sixth meeting of the Auburn Mrs. Donald Haines reported Kool Kuts 4.111 meeting held at that 18 girls were attending 4.11 the home of Mrs. Donald Haines. meetings for Meat In the Menu The president, Sheron Collins, project, Plans were made to cap opened the meeting and the min- ter to the Bowling Banquet and utes were read by Doreen McClin they, The girls answered the roll committees were named. The call by naming a cut of pork with members were asked to serve lunch at the annual meeting of the method of cooking it, A dis• the Huron County Historical So- cussion followed on ground meat ciety which will. be held on May and left over dishes. The girls de- 20th in the Auburn Community gtonstrated the making of a meat Memorial Hall and Mrs, Donald loaf and all lasted it, Miss IIeard Haines, llrs, Thomas Ilaggitt and spoke to (he girls on their dem- Airs. Arnold Craig accepted to onstration and their record hooks, cti'ork on the committee, The meeting was closed by re- An accordian solo was played pealing the 4-.H Creed. by Larry Plactzer. A solo "Little Miss Sheron Collins attended ,Arrows" was sung by Lorraine the Junior Farmer Conference (,)I:1)1111(1),o 1\eeorcdian solos play - last weekend in Guelph. ed by Faye Seers and Erie Scott, AUBURN W. 1. MEETING The Forward Look in 1lome 1' e - anomies was the theme of the 11arch greeting of the Auburn Women's Institute when it met last week in the Community Mem. orial Hall. Jliss Susan heard, Home Economist for Huron Coun- ty, was the special speaker, and gave the members and visitors COLOUR TELEVISION ONLY $579. Electrohonle 19" Table Model AT A LOW PRICE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED ! ! ! You Won't Buy A Quality, Name -Brand Colour Television at a Better Price CALL TODAY AND SEE THIS AMAZING NEW SET Liberal Allowance Offered For Your Old Set Only $579. For Colovr TV At ronin HARDWARE • BLYTH TELEPHONE 523 9213 YOUR ROA 1E HARDWARE DEALER ,.were all much enjoyed. Current events were given by Mrs. Thomas'llaggitt and the col. Iestion was taken up by Lorraine Chanute). and Wanda Plaetzer. The report of the nominating committee was accepted as given by Mrs, Bert Craig. Reports of the standing committee conveners were accepted as given. Agricul- ture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Arnold Craig; Citizenship and Education, Mrs, Donald Cart- wright; Home Economics and Health, Mrs,, Robert J. Phillips; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. Fordyce Clark; Re• solutions, Mrs, 'Thomas IIaggitt; Public ,Relation;s, Mrs, W, Brad - nock; Curator, Airs, Gordon Tay. Lor; Card report. Mrs. Andrew Klrkconnell, Following the closing of the meeting, Mrs, Bradnock showed pictures of the Hawaiian Islands, Lunch was served by Mrs. Roy 1)aer, firs, Kenneth Scott, Mrs. Sam 'Doer, assisted by Mrs, A. KIrkconnel1, 111.1101111M11111111111r FOR SAIF 125 acres near Walton, 115 workable. 10 room brick house two implement sheds and hog pen 18x40, 175 acre farm five miles from Walton. Seven room brick house with all modern conveniences. l3arn 45x80, Well drained. SRO 12x40, 155 acres in Hullett, 140 work- able. One frame barn, New far• row to finish Karn 144x32, Brick house with all conveniences• Far information on these and other listings contact '1'IIK BLYTII STANDARI) — WEDNESDAY, MAitCH 26th, 1969 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — SEAFORTB Open Every Afternoon PHONE Exam suiaess 235.0420 Residence 235.1334 '•-.++. • • ♦ F•++•.• • •-• 1+ • 0-•-ss+s-•.0+.•1-.+•+.++4-$ •_, , DIAMONDS THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth +••+++•++•+ 5c .. $1.00 STORE -- BLYTH Easter Time Easter Goodies Easter Boxed Assorted Moulds; Marshmallow and Cream Eggs; Cello Bags of Assorted Easter Candy; Boxed Chocolates; East- er Baskets; etc. Plush Bunnies; Egg Cups; Fancy Novelties; Inflatable Toys; Egg Colouring Kits; Napkins; Cello Grass; Easter Cut -Outs; Crepe Paper. Easter Cards, Gift Wrap and Notes. GRAND VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" ,lust In Time For Ea4ter --- Hand-Knitted I;ABY SETS or ,JACKETS YOUR ONE STOP "SHOPPING CENTRE" Gas, Groceries, Food, Sundries, Yarn and Gifts Phone 523.14171 Blyth -- 'Edith L. Creighton Village of Blyth — Tender 'fenders for a hot air system, gas or oil, for the Blyth Memorial Hall to heat approxlmately,3400 square feet which includes lower floor, two washrooms and kitchen. State size of duct work and plan in tender. Furnace to be ap. proximately 285,000 B,T,U. Lowest or any tender' not necessarily accepted. Closing elate of. tender May 3, 1909. Further specifications may be seen in the Clerk's office. IRVINE WALLACE, Clerk•Treasurer, 37.13 Donnybrook News Miss Lucy Thompson, Bronte, The Donnybrook 111-C group ...pent several days with her' bro• and their friends were at Brook. tier, Mr, Donald Thompson, side Public School for a game of Miss Mary Jefferson, London, Volley Ball on Wednesday night. and Miss Sharron Jefferson, Sar- Everyone shared in • a good time, ilia, visited with their parents, Pop and chips were served for re - Mr, and Mrs.Hilliard Jefferson freshments after the game, and Linda, The Hi -C young people met in ,Mrs, Sam Thompson and Mrs. the basement of the Donnybrook Stuart Chamney were guests at a United Church on Sunday htght, card party of the Mary Hastings, f nwna. Hanna , opened the meet - BRUCE FALCO'NER'group in Wingham on . Monday_, tng..witli n reading, followed by a afternoon, Hymn. John Koopmans read the Master :Brian Jefferson spent Scripture•:.1iesson followed with Phoate 523.9518 Blyth the holiday week with his grand. prayed'_ by Murray Wightman, A Representing Lawrence McKnight parents, Mr, and Mrs, 'Elgin Jos- discussion was held on the prob. Tical EstateBreker ling and family, Londesboro, Bet- lents of youth to -day. Rev. M, Ro- ly Joslhtg spent several days with berts closed.: theThie ting with Debbie Jefferson. prayer. • -• - f