HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1969-02-26, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD Volume 80 • No, 33 "Serving Blyth and Community Since 1885" 111.Y'!'Il, ON'T'ARIO -- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1969 Local Teachers Attend Toronto WHAT THE HECK Former Blyth Resident's Son Killed In Viet Nam Conference Almost 500 women teachers, were hotly debated, Dr. llerman members of the 30,000Ememier Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario, attended the Federation's annual February Conference in Toronto, February 14-16. 'I'he theme this year was "Concern," and delegates heard scholars, journalists, sociologists, a ,psychiatrist, social workers, and other authorities discuss a variety of current social problems. Attending from this area were: Mrs. Evelyn Merrill and Mrs. Mar. garetMichie, of Blyth ,Public School. Speakers of the Conference in. eluded the controversial John Brown, whose methods of treating Stein, newly appointed Dean of the School of Social Work, Colum- bia University, New York, .traced the development of children's rights through history. A panel composed of CBC per. sonality Warren Davis, writers June Callwood and Dennis Braith• waite, University of Toronto offi- cial J. R. II. Horgan and Rochdale College spokesman -Rick Waern debated the rights of individuals in a mass society. The delegates also heard Rabbi Stuart Rosenberg speaking on the situation in the ,Middle East, The Federation's February Con• ference is held every year to ac• quaint teachers with a variety of emotionally disturbed children problems in public affairs. LUMEN FROM 44 TO 69 In the village of Blyth back in forty four A committee of men was appointed to pore O'er the probabilities of a club for the town, Upon investigation t'was narrowed down; Then into our village there came with a din r s the villagers welcomed the LION'S CLUB in. '!'here were businessmen, farmers and labourers as well And twice ev'ry month you'd hear their famous yell. With Doc Rodd as leader the club settled down To-do what they could for the good of the town. There came in order the following troupe Who acted as presidents of this very fine group; Garrett, Grey, Bainton, Rowson and Spieran, Hall, Augustine, Scott, Wheeler, McDougall, Madill, Buttell, Wallace, St.11ichael and Young, Watson, Whitmore, Lear and Hull, Campbell, Shaw, Cook, and too soon McCrea, The leaders to follow will continue we pray. They meet twice a month, stowing way much fine food That the ladies of Blyth always serve up so good. The first big project the club carried out, Was the old MINSTREL SHOW, where they ALL '1'o a hall jam-packed full of people who'd come To hear these men of Blyth who'd in harmony 'hum, This harmony's continued through twenty-four years As projects are completed without any tears. Our lad's who In Baseball and hockey excelled, have been sponsored by this club, though their coffers aren't swelled. Now in summer ther's swimming at the Clinton Lion's pool, In ail kinds of weather, warm, wet or cool, ire send them by bus atnd they're never tardy, But t.o swim when it's cold they've got to be hardy.. IS WRONG? Yes we could have used much stronger words than that, but for the sake of argument we stuck to "heck." But we are wondering just what in the world is wrong with Blyth hockey fans. here we are with artificial ice -- and possibly the best hockey teams we have every had the opportun• ity to watch. And what. happens? All teams have had the poorest turnouts of any in the area! it is very, very discouraging to everyone .involved -- not to men. (ion the young fellows who aro uvorking their hearts out to carry the name of Illyth to the top of area hockey leagues. Surely it Is not asking too much to have a good turnout at least some of the time, Time after time the ��!.,. (, �, have seen visiting teams arrive '114411431'1116'l witit more local supporters than any of the Blyth teams can man- age to muster. In a case such as this something is definitely wrong with our public spirited. ness, If we are spending all of our time thinking about only our. selves, then it is just about time we got out of the rut and start- ed thinking of someone else for a change -- NOT TO MEN'T`ION OUR YOUNG:S'TERS! In future years it could be quite possible that one of our Blyth boys will be playing in the NHL It might take many years, but it is safe to say that it could event- ually happen. flow many 13)yih residents will he able to say as they sit comfortably at }ionic in their easy chairs 'watching hint play on the tube, "gosh I can 'well remember the games I saw him play at the local arena." How many will be able to say that? Not more than a couple of dozen if this year is any indication. There is a poem on the front page of this issue written by a member of the Blyth Lions Club, We ask you to please read the last two sentences over two or three times and then sit back and think, Are you doing your part for your community? 'These lines should not only have meaning for the hard-working members of the Blyth Lions Club, but for every last resident of the community. And we are not just referring td attendance at hockey games, but to all of the many worthwhile functions that are carried out in our community, One Thing is for sure, if we don't get behind our own village and our own organizations and their endeavours, then no one else is going to either! sang out, Then the idea of an Ice plant, which at same, some did scoff After much sweat and strain has been finly paid off. What's ahead in the ifulure for the Lion's of Blyth 13 not known, but we'll bet they still stay alive. '!'here's !McCallum and Bainton, Garrett and Iiuttell, George 'Radford and Watson, ,these men've run a shuttle; They're our charter members and still going strong, In 'helping the young members struggling along, There's that genial num without any preamble Our past district deputy governor Campbell, Who led our club in a time of mach stress And for the good of the club he's still willing to press. Some names have been mentioned and some have been missed For our good deeds we're cheerd, for our bad we've been hissed. The vision of men who formed our first PRIDE Are looked hack on with honour tho' some may have died. We'll all. work together for the good of the town, 'Femme failure to do so lets everyone down. A BLYTH LION, Myth Winner 4th In Clinton Contest Blyth Public School in order to choose a representative to com• pete in Clinton, everyone in Gra- des 5 • 8 was required to write and give a spend In the class. room, From These 3 were chosen from each of Grades 5 • 7 and 5 from Grade 8, These people com• peted In the school auditorium on February 13, A Ivinner was declared from each grade as follows: Grade 5, Kim Watson; Grade 6, Frances Battye and Benjamin Stadelman (tied); Grade 7, Keith Manning; Grade 8, Connie Cook, Each re- ceived a small prize, Connie Cook, who spoke on Fashion, competed. in Clinton at the Ontario Trustees Association and Ontario Hydro Contest on Monday, February 24, and tied for iIIUNV�IIflB�HlllliViUlUgiIIIV81!IpIIII!!!I�I�Ii�lllll!�IIIIII�BIIUIIIIIIIIIIlIIiIIIIIiIiIlllllllllllgll1111111111111111111111!IIIIillllllllllllll!IIII!IiIli!Iilllilllll!Vtl!INii!TNI!!!!INN!lil!IIiINI!I!flIIN�H!I8 fourth place, First Speaking Contest Termed Successful Marine Corp First Lieutenant The public speaking contest in David Walter Sterling was report. the Memorial Hall last Thursday ed killed in Vietnam Sunday, night was termed as successful January 26, when the helicopter by president of the club, Ralph of which he was the copilot was McCrea, considering this was the on a medical evacuation mission. first attempt at such a venture Enemy fire was observed, then by the local organization. Al. the 'copier crashed into the side .though he did express dissatis• of a mountain. faction at the poor turnout of The 24 year old aviator gradu• people, atecl from Gladwin High School Seven contestants from Central in 1962 and from Western •Michi• Huron Secondary School in Clint gan University in 1966, He re• on took part, all of whom pre. delved his Naval Aviation wings sented five to seven minute pre. in May 1968. pared topics and a two to three Funeral services were held on minute impromptu speech, Male Friday, February 7, at the Hall winner was Bill Boussey and the Funeral Home in Gladwin, Miehi• top female orator was Hazel Col- gan. Tins. Both will advance to the David is survived by his wife, zone semi-finals, and if successful Mat'ilea, a 22•month old daughter; to the District A-9 semifinals in Stacey Lyn; His parents Mr. and Ottawa, with the chance to at - Mrs. harry Sterling, of Gladwin, tend the international finals, two brothers, Paul, of Los Angel.Miss Collins chose as tier pre. e;, California, Ken of Bay City, pared topic, "Among the aged Michigan; and two sisters, Janet, people," and for her impromtu of Los Angeles, and Carol, of De• address, "4-H and what it means troll. to me," itis mother is the former Elean• Mr, Boussey chose "Pollution" as his impromtu subject and of• rered as his prepared speech, "Canada's Noble Character," Firemen & Wives Ralph McCrea acted as master of ceremonies. or Jackson, of Blyth. Enjoy Banquet PERSONALS ([embers of the Blyth Fire 13!.i.311., and Mrs, Gordon Sprung, of gale and their wives' and Manitou,, Manitoba,. are visiting girt with Mr, and Mgrs, Stanley Lyon and also with other friends in the friends gathered last. Thurs. ev- ening for their annual banquet and get-together. A lovely roast beef dinner was enjoyed at the Blyth Inn and fol. lowing the meal, court whist was played to round out the evening. Winners were: high man, Doug Scrimgeour; low pian, Cla,rence 'Bailey; high lady, Joan Watson; low Lady, Brenda VanCamp, George and Mary Bailie were winners of the prize offered to the couple whose wedding anni• versary came closest to the ban• quet date, • Teachers Here To Practice Miss Wendy Kecso, of Listow• el, and Mr. IIarry Brooks, Wing - ham, are spending this week prat- tiec teaching for Mrs. Miehle in her classroom at Blyth School, These are students al Stratford Teachers' College. VoIIeyhaII Matches Played The Belgrave volleyball teat's carne to play the Blyth teams on February 12. The Blyth girl's team defeated Belgrave girls in two contests. The Blyth boys al• so defeated Belgrave in. their two games, On February 2011h the Blyth volleyball teams travelled to Brus• sets to meet their teams, The girls took both their games from Brussels, The boys battled to a, 15 to 11 victory in the first game but Brussels fought back to win the second by a 15 to 6 margin. TIIE STARLIGHT UNIT OF THE community. Messrs, Ross Button and John Bailey are patients in Clinton Public Hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea, Maureen and Douglas visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Al. bert Vincent, Belgrave,.who Is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon. clot. BIRTH SCOTT -- In St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital on Wednesday, February 26th, 1969 td Mr. and Mrs, Donald Scott, Aylnier, the gift of a daughter. A sister. for Debbie and granddaughter for lir, and Mrs, Laurie Scott, R.R. 2, Blyth. YOUNG •— In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Monday, February 24, 1969 to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Young RA, 1, Blyth, the gift of a daughter, a sister for Barbara, Ken, Linda and Nancy. 9 Tables At Euchre There were 9 tables in play at the weekly euchre Monday even- ing, February 24, in the Blyth Memorial Hall, The winners were, High Lady, Janet Adana, Lone Hands, Donna Nicholson; Low La. dy, Mrs, Minn, 1figh Gent, Cal- vert Falconer; Lone Hands, Ger. ald Nicholson; Low Gent, Nelson Nicholson. Novelty Prize, Gordon Carter. Another euchre next llo day night. CONSERVATION CLUB TO MEET Blyth and District Conservation Club 'will hold their regular meet- ing in the Club House on Wednes- day evening, March 5, at 8 p.m. A representative from the De- partment of Lands and' Forests will attend. Colour slides will be shown and an interesting evening iB)yth U.C.W, will meet on Tues• has been planned for, Anyone in - day, March 4, in the Church par. terested in eouning is welcome to lour at 8.16 p.m. .. attend, THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 SUGAR and SPICB By Bill Smiley' ALL ABOUT THOSE STUDENTS My mind is so scrambled right now that I'll be lucky if 1 can write three understandable sentences. I've been trying to explain to lily daughter, in an hour or so, such things as Marxism and Communism, why the Russian and Chinese types are different, where Fidel Castro fits in, why, where and when the nation of Israel was created, and why the Jews,' not. tably non -belligerent for about 15 centuries, have a chip the size of a brick on their shoulders these days. From there we wandered to Mahatma Ghandi, the Congo, nationalism in Africa, separatism in Canada, the Black Power move• stent in the States, growing anti•sentilism among Negroes, and her biology test on the dissection of rats, which takes place tomorrow morning. Golly it would be nice to have once again a little girl, who asked such simple questions as, "Dad, does God have to go to the bathroom?" It all began with a discussion of the students militants at universities. She is appalled at the violence of the hard core of "pacifists" who, lurking in the forefront of all the young idealists and the middle-aged "liberals," deliberately resort to violence in their efforts to catch headlines, be martyrs, and destroy an idea which has taken almost 1,000 years to build -- The University. Thankfully, we agreed that violence begets violence, and that neither of us wants any part of the whole stupid business. Admittedly, the universities are sitting ducks. Over the years, they have grown as sleepy and fat and insolent as an old tomcat who has been "fixed." They have almost taken pride in their administrative in. efficiency, their moribund traditions, their cosiness with The Estab• lishment. Write a letter to a university. Three weeks later you will receive a reply, either a form letter or something completely, alien to what you asked. And admittedly, students, universally, have always been among the vanguard of rebels against the system, political or social. That's because they are idealistic, want action, and are inclined to see things in blacks and whites (or today, blacks and reds). But the fact remains that the universities, over the years, have become the only truly free centres (albeit timid) of sound criticism of society and its ills, in addition to their normal fttnetio l of teaching people to think and or learn a professional skill. And another fact remains. The universities, on the whole, under pressure from within and without, have made a tremendous effort to rouse themselves from their stately torpor: and scrambl into the twentieth century. Even though it's two-thirds over. In the process, they have leaned over backwards to fres themselves of the rigid, puritan traditions of even 20 years ago. When 1 was there, living in men's residence, we were allowed to bring girls into the place once a year, on a Sunday afternoon, for ll 'heavily chaperoned cocoa and cookie party in the common room Now, wow! I'm not advocating a return to those days, when universit;• men and women were treated like bright juveniles who were basic- ally sex -fiends and alcoholics. But I am dismayed to see these once.great institutions cower. ing and cringing under the attacks of malcontented, Marxist wolf., tubs who represent a fraction of student opinion. As Mordecai Richter pointed out recently, the real yuk of the whole affair is that while the student activists endorse anything, up to the burning of buildings, they are scared stiff lest they get a police record, which would be a serious detriment when they try to get a job in the system they are trying to destroy. The solution? Kick out the hard-nosed boys and girls, for whom democracy is a sham anyway, Sock it to them with the law when they disturb the peace or commit vandalism. And get back to the .business of educating, or teaching to think, the vast majority who want those things. So now I'm a fascist, and o tool of the imperialistic press, I knew it at heart. IIIII1111111111IIIIP!IIUUIllm0111m1lU iniummOimW ilhliili dnIteimiibtillei11111uh11111ia,uaitiitllM101111111mlmuul11d111111im11ld THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blvth Community since 1885 Dnuglas Whitmore, Publisher. Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO. . Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada '(in advance) $2,50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) -$3,50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each • "Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" REPORT During the week of February lti to February 22, 1969, Officers at the Wingham Detachmeit worked the Wingham Detachment worked led 2207 miles. Eleven Criminal investigations were carried out, Six charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act with two warnings issued. Three investigations were car• vied out under the Liquor Control Act with three persons being char. ged under the Act. The following motor vehicle ac' cidents were reported to the Wingham Detachment: On Sunday, February 16, 1969 at approximately 1.00 uan., Gary Evans of R.R. 3,Brussels, who was travelling cast on Concession 15.16, Grey Township, struck the setith snowbank and a telephone pole and turned on its left side. There were no injuries and dam- ages were estimated at $300,00. Prov. Const. R. F. Wittig investi. Med, On the same date at approxima- tely 2.10 p.m., Murray Donald Mc. Arter, of Brussels, was travelling west on County Road 20 when he net a car driven by Carl C. Prit- chard, of R.R. 1, Lucknow, travel. ling east on the same road. The two vehicles 'met on, the crest of a hill and collided, lir. McArter and his passenger, Marlene Pletch of 11.11. 5, Brussels, were both in• jived as well as Mr. Pritchard and his three passengers, Kenneth and Ilugh Johnstone and Mervyn Hodgins, all of Lueknow. Damages were estimated at $1300.00, and charges are pending as a result of the accident. Prov. Const. K. R. Balzer investigated. Cpl. C. R. Croskill investigated an accident the same day in Turn. berry Township. Siebrigue Mus• cheid, of R.R. 4, Wingham, who was southbound on St. Mary's St. in Turnberry Township, skidded on the icy road and collided with a car which was parked on the west side of the street owned by Orville Welsh of Wingham, Ont. There were no injuries and aam. ages amounted to approximately S300.00. On Monday, February 17, Prov. Const. K. R. Balzer investigated an accident which occurred on Concession 1, Morris Township at Sideroad 15 and which involved Larry Elston, of R.R. 4, Wingham, and Carl Johnston of .R.R. 2, Blue. vale. The Elston vehicle was tray ening south on sideroad 15 when it was struck on the left rear side by the Johnston vehicle. Charges are pending. There were no injur• its and damages amounted to ap. proximately $125.00. On 'Thursday, February 20, 'Ro• bert Gibson, who was travelling east on Martin Street in Gorrie, made a left turn to go north on Nelson Street, while James Mor• den, who was travelling south on Nelson Street, made a right turn to go west on Martin Street. As the two vehicles were making their turns, the front left fender of the Gipson vehicle struck the front of the Morden vehicle, Dam- ages were estimated at approxi. matejy $500.00, and charges are pending.. Prov, Const'. G. L. Fou. Ion was the investigating officer On Friday, February 21, Geof• frey Wooliet, of Wroxeter, was backing west from a private driveway. Kenneth Ashton of Brussels, who was travelling north on sideroad 30, skidded on the slippery road and the left rear door of the Wooliet vehicle, struck the right rear corner of the Ashton vehicle. Damages were estimated at $200.00, Charges are pending. Prov, Const. K. R. Bal• zer was the investigating officer. On Saturday, February 22, Sam. uel Johnston, F ordwich, backed his vehicle onto Huron County Road 20, and in doing so, collided with a parked car owned by Wel. ter Harrifield, Fordwich. Damiag• es amounted to about $150.00. Cpl. C, R. Croskill investigated the accident. FIELIl !'.',17!..7II"iR1771'. , u17,'a!3M7 E I TTI I"J I MEl Il li EMU:1lli FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY The Lenton period is tto longer marked by the severity that once was associated with il. 'Thal should not be taken to suggest that our modern world has outgrown the need for the emphasis it makes in the attainment of Christian life. Lent is primarily a period of self discipline and sell denial. It is intended to remind us of the eternal invisible values which are at the very foundation of Christian life. It calls us to recognize that we ,are not just animals who happen to walk on two legs instead] of four, we are beings made in the image of God and for fellow,+hip with God. Human life is a constant. struggle between the material and the spiritual or as Paul put it beween the flesh anct the spirit. It is a battle ground where the greatest things in human character• purity, love, faith, courage, humility are in constant clanger of de feat. If these spiritual values are not. to be overwhelmed there must be a deliberate effort to keep them alive and active, This effort can not be limited to a certain period that can he marked on the calendar but there may very well be merit In de. literately• breaking away from the bondage of things for a particu• lar period of time and demonstrating to ourselves and to the world that it can be clone. One of the worst things that can happen to a child is to get everything he wants and he allowed to do just as he likes.. Thomas Huxley said "a man's worst difficulties begin when be is able to do as he likes." The moral collapse that happens in ma• turity at tittles, is evidence of this. Freedom does not consist of repudiating all controls but rather of obedience 10 the highest .law. Only those motto can put away the second hest in favour of the best have any prospect of achieving noble life. if you would have an appreciation o1' good music you can not spend all your time with syncopated jaz, il' you would have an appreciation of good literature you can not spend all your time with the color comics! Nobody ever attained anything worthwhile unless he was prepared to make sacril'ices to achieve it. Christian character is no exception. 1 �'�I��'1�)i.11 d�V�'� i'11l: �;: 'III' 1,i I!Il: ri7,;11Tlm1,7711T.111 P1!itji7rRr777,17;t,•el9 Ei1; �40Vigt,!T!ll IIW1!11'Il l!' 11 11 11 li;;lR14 i'. h M. mi l' 1 7, ;^1r„ 1, "I,11TIERET10111 11 111111'1,1.i:4011.111i Mani.1urclz ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U, MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. •-- Church Service. 1:00 p.m. — Sunday School. CHURCH OF GOD , IeConnel Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. L'1:00 a.m. •-- Worship Service, Thought For The Week "—forgiving one another—" Ephesians 4:32 "Iie who cannot forgive others breaks the. bridge over 'whicth he himself must pass." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. I1. W. RROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — Morning Service (English) 11:00 a.m. -- Sunday School. 3:00 pan. -- Afternoon Service (Dutch) ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Itev. W. R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a.m. — Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m. — St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 :p.m. — St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2.45 p.m. — THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATHER, B.A., BM., MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music. 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday Church School 11.00 a;m. — Morning Worship, (Words from the Cross (2) To the brigand IIWUWi oullIIIllVgidWlllWiWWltJIiW UIWIVtUiWIVid I III I111 III 11111111111111111 III 011111111111111111111111 11111111111'11:: iq it WEDDING WIGiiT;Nr1N-MOORS A quiet wedding took place in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, on Friday, February 14, at 7 o'clock in the evening when Mrs. Jean Boort, Wingham, and Edgar Wightman, Belgrave, were united in marriage. Mr, and Mrs. Wightman will re- side in Belgrave, Deud Stock Picked Up 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPI[ONE COLLECT' 482.9811 We pay 55,00 to 515.00 for disabl- ed or dead cows and 2c per Ib, for standing horses. Small calves and pigs pickers up free of charge. Donnybrook News The Donnybrook 111-C held a family. "family night" on Sunday even- 11r. William Webster, of St. ing. The worship service was led Helens, has been spending the Belgrave hockey results of the and won 2-1 in overtime, this giv. by Linda Jefferson and Diane past week with his daughter, Mrs, past week: All teams in Tri-C'oun- ing the Johann Cup to Belgrave (Tharnney. .dirs. John Hildebrand Stuart Charnney, 11r. Chamney ly play off except intermediates. 'Tykes. showed pictures or her trip out and family. West last summer. A singsong Miss Mary Jcffersi.on, London, was led by Mrs. hurray Wilson. and .Miss Sharron Jefferson, Sat. - Lunch was served. nia, spent the weekend with their Mr, and )[rs. Sam Jefferson parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard and Miss Irene Jefferson, Gode• Jefferson and Linda. rich, visited Monday with Sir, and Mr, and Mrs. Jim ',eddy visited Mrs, Charles Jefferson. Goclerich friends on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Josling and Mr. Willows Mountain, of Londes• boyo, visited Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and The McKillop U.C.W. Unit met score of 15.1 in Kurtzville, Wednesday afternoon al the home Belgrave Midgets played with of Mrs. Lavern Codkin with four. Be'!more on Wednesday night in leen ladies presnt. Mrs. Norman Belgrave and won by a score of Schade presided for devotions. 9.4. Mrs, Gordon NicGaviu read a poem Belgrave Bantams played with and led in prayer. The scripture was read by Mrs. MMcGavin with Mr;, ,Schade following with med. Ration on ::'l'o live is to Suffer." Mrs, Donald Dennis presided for the business opening with a THE BLY'['ll STANDARD .- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 13E LGRAVE HOCKEY RESULTS McKJLLOI' UNIT MEETING On Monday night the Tykes had their first play off game best 2 out of 3 in Belgrave against 13el- 1110re with Belgrave 4, Be!more 2. Belgrave Midgets a schedule game was played in Belgrave ag- ainst Kurtzville with Belgrave 6, Kurtzville 3, on Monday night. Tuesday night Stone School In- termediates lost to Kurtzville by a `-.-..-..•. '♦N .-♦.-..'++.-►+♦++. BERG Sales • Service Installation FREE ESTII%IATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling poem. The roll call was answered by "Why we like the winter time." 4, F'ordwich 2. pledge and mono and roll call. Reports were react also Thank The Squirts in playoff best 2 Mrs. Berson Irwin served flank Yon earth. The World !)ay oI out of 3, played in Belgrave on steak and Swiss Steak, Meeting ;; Prayer was announced for March Saturday morning with Belmore closed with taps. Next meeting on 7. Plans were made to cater to and won by a score of 10.1, February 24. Donald G Ives " the !Banquet for the Boy Scouts in The Pee•Wees ,played an exhi- • . the church March 10, Mrs. Dennis bition game with Teeswater in CONGRATULATIONS fclosed the meeting with prayer. Teeswater on Saturday morning LICENCE NO. 189.5.88 R.R. 2, BLYTII Lunch was served by Mrs. John .and tied 3.3. Congratulations and Many Hap• usimmumumummimmuummuse j Dennis and the hostess. grave Tykes played in Belmore ing, London, who will celebrate 233 Burch, 'Mrs. Wm. Roe, Mrs. Don On Saturday, afternoon the Bel- py Returns to Mrs. Hugh S. Cum. her birthday on February 25th. Kurtzville in Kurtzville( this be- ing a play off game) best 2 out of Planning a bus trip to Kitchener 3, on Friday night and won by a during Easter week. Meeting clos• score of 5-4. ed with taps, Belgrave Pee'Wees in play-off The third meeting was held in game 00 Friday night with Ford. the Arena Rooms on February 17 with in Belgrave with Belgrave with 11 present, Opened with BI:LGRAVI: ROASTETTES MEET The 13elgrave Roastettes held their first meeting in the arena rooms and elected the following officers: President, Marjory Procter; Vice -President, Velma Fear; Secretary, Connie Nethery; Press Reporter, Beth Scott; Lead• ors, Mrs. Clark Johnston, Mrs. Verson Irwin. lia and Beth Scott demonstrated measuring. Meeting closed with taps. The second meeting was held on February 10, The girls are Phone Brussels 443w4 DOLLAR DAY SALE Aylmer Tomato or Veg. Soup Aylmer Catsup Aylmer Diced Harvard Beets Garden Patch Choice Peas (warden Patch Choice Cream Style Corn minette's Best Choice Quality Tomatoes Stoklcy Fancy Quality Pumpkn Seacliffe Choice Whole Potatoes Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice Van Camp's Beans with 'Pork 10.10oz. tins 1.00 5.11 oz. bottles 1.00 8-14 oz. tins 1.00 5-14 oz. tins 1.00 6-14 oz. tins 1.00 5-19 oz. tins 1.00 6-14 oz. tins 1.00 5-19 oz. tins 1.00 3-48 oz. tins 1.00 5-14 oz. this 1.00 York Kam 2-12 oz. tins Luncheon Meat 1.00 Bick's Sweet 3-15 oz. jars Mixed, Yum -Yum Pickles 1,x00 St. William's Assorted 5-9oz. jars Jams or Jellies 1.00 Kellogg's 3-12 oz. pkgs. Corn Flakes 1.00 Top Crop 6-1 Ib. bags Popping Corn 1.00 Swifts Tempt 10-15 oz. tins Dog or Cat Food 1.00 COOK'S Phone 523-4421 Free with We Deliver 5 lb. Redpath Sugar purchase of 4 Light Bulbs Maxwell House 10 oz. jar Instant Coffee Blue Bonnet Margarine .100 pkg, Kleenex Facial Tissues Turkey, Swiss or Sirloin TV Dinners Frozen Mixed Vegetables G. Ale, Wink, Orange Canada DryPop 1.49 3 1b. pkg. 89c 2 for 55c pkg. 59c 2 Ib. bag 49c 5 Ige, bottles 1.00 plus deposits WITTICH'S SPECIALS White, Brown or Cracked Wheat Bread 5 Ioaves 1.00 Raisin or Apple Pies, reg. 53c for 49c WESTON'S SPECIALS Jain or Lemon Filled Buns, reg. 49c for 45e, Mot Dog or Hamburg Buns ... 2 pkgs. 49c In The Fruit & Vegetable Counter Sunkist Navel Oranges per doz.' 59c Vine Ripened Tomatoes per lb, 29c WALTON Mrs, Hilda Sellers returned home to Seaforth after spending the last two weeks at th home of Mr, and 1lrs. Herb Traviss, WALTON UNiT MEETING The Walton U.C.W. Unit meet- ing for February was held in the Cnurch basement with Mrs. Mac Sholdice opening the Worship_pe• Hod with a verse on "Faith." The scripture lesson from Luke 7: 1-10 was followed with prayer by Mrs. Arthur' Beard. An article entitl• led "According to Your Faith" was, read by 'Mrs, Sholdice Also a poen "I know not what the fut• ore hath." Mrs. Heard gave a read- ing on "Humility," Mrs, Leonard Leeming gave a very interesting topic on "Hong Kong 'and Lotus" taken from the New StudyBook on China. in op• ening she offered prayer and read a suitable .poem, Hong Kong is the most visited place in the Pacific and remains the ultimate for shoppers and sightseers. An influx of a million and a half refugees would create a serious problem for any country as the tiny colony of 'hong Kong. More than half the population live in the most overcrowded spot on earth in a city that cannot expand territor• holly. Thousands live in hovels, thousands more on the streets, T. B. is an ever present enemy, Lot. us was a young girl who was taken into a missionary family and from the wife she learned about Lord Jesus. Mrs. Allan McCa11, vice•presl• dent, opened the 'business portion with a reading, The roll call was answered by naming who you had visited last in hospital or shut-ln, Mrs, Don Achilles gave the secre• tary's report and read two Thank You Notes, firs. W. C. Hackwell reported that three quilts had been quilled. It was agreed that $12.00 be charged for each quilt from now on In place of $10,00. It was decided to send a card to men in the Unit when in hospital also members sick at 'home, ;Mrs, Nei - son 'Marks appointed to look after the sending of cards and Mrs. Doug Ennis to -send boxes of fruit to members In hospital, Mrs. Al- ex Gululzen and Mrs. John Mc. Ewing were appointed leaders for the Coppet' contest, Rev. Le Drew, of Brussels, will be guest speaker for the World Day of Prayer on March '7. • Mrs. .Atac Sholdice read the treasurer's report and received the offering. which was dedicated by Mrs. McCall. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served by \[rs, Ernest Stevens, Mrs, Torran• ce Dundas and .'1Irs, Donald Achil- les. THE BLYTH STANDARD •— WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK February 21, 1989 By: Murray Gauntt, N.P.P. (Huron•Bruce) Legislation introduced this week will require humane society in• spectors to produce a warrant be. fore they will be allowed to enter any premises where an animal is thought to be in distress. The bill was introduced by Attorney Gen. eral, Arthur Wishart. The bill was given first reading by the House along with a new Research Animals Act sponsored by' Agriculture .Minister, William Stewart, which will require hu• mane societies to offer unwanted SIMMONS ANNUAL DEEP SLEEP SALE DELUXE Reg. MATTRESS 89.50 (Micro•QuIlt Cover) SMOOTH TOP Regular 79.50 NOW 67.88 57.88 CONCORDE DELUXE CONTINENTAL BED NOW Regular 144.00 99.88 HAMILTON HIDE•A•BED CONVERTIBLE SOFA Sale Pirce 269.50 Save 52.00 SAVINGS up to 50% on HOME FURNISHINGS CARPETS & FLOOR COVERING Duing This Sale SALE ENDS MARCH let at animals to medical researchers, The Wishart bill also provides for establishment of an animal care review board which will hear complaints of animal owners ag ainst action by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals inspectors. The proposed Research Animals Act would provide for licensing of dealers who supply animals to research facilities and would pro- hibit purchase of animals by re- searchers from anyone other than a licensed dealer or pound. The key section of the bill pro• vides that after 48 hours during which the owner could reclaim his animal, pound operators would be required on request to sell the an. imal to a dealer or researcher ac• cording to a price schedule to be set by the Cabinet. Sale would have to be complet• ed within five clays after an ani- mal is impounded. The bill would control the sour- ces of animals and would make animals more readily availble to research facilities. The bill would provide for in- spection of premises supplying animals for research and research facilities using animals. Most of the time this week was taken up with the 'Throne Debate which will likely be concluded next week, It was announced this week that the budget will be coming down on 3larch 4, The Department of Education is drawing up new guidelines for high schools that will prepare the way for abolishing grades and in• troducing a wider range of Cour. ses. The new guidelines will apply only to schools that are conduct. ing experimental programs. Most high schools will follow the regu. lations currently in force, but will incorporate a few minor changes next year to make it easier to in troduce new courses. BALL & MUTCH Congrats- Albert St. -- Clinton 482.9505 Congratulations and Best Wish• es to Mrs. Laura Fowler, Gode• rich, who celebrated her birth. day on February 25th, TRY OUR EXCLUSIVE NEW FEATURE DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD EGG ROLLS Sweet and Sour Dishes PORK SPARERIBS BREADED PORK BREADED CHICKEN BALLS BREADED JUMBO SHRIMPS Fried Rice Dishes PORK OR BEEF WITH MUSHROOMS .. • . CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOMS SHRIMP WITH MUSHROOMS Chop Suey Dishes PORK OR BEEF WITH MUSHROOMS CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOMS SHRIMP WITH MUSHROOMS ...... .. .. .. Chow Mein Dishes CIIICKEN WITH MUS13Ro011LS PORK WITH MUSHROOMS SHRIMP WITH MUSHROOMS ALL ORDERS SERVED WITH RICE Take -Out Orders A Specialty >20 1,25 1,50 1,75 1,75 1,25 1,25 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,45 1,45 1,45 1,60 HURON GRILL Blyth, Ont. Phone 523-4391 Londesboro Items .Miss Patsy Burns, St. Thomas, visited recently over the weekend \vith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrie, of Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. Larry Jones, Peg- gy and Steven, Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr• and Mrs. Morgan J ones. Miss Jill Cappleman and .Mr. Paul Brown are practise teachers at the Londesboro Area School for two weeks. Mrs. Mabel Scott spent the week end with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alister Broadfoot, Tucker - smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DurnIn vis- ited on Sunday with her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake, of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn. Eekmier, Kincardine, visited on Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton, Lon- don, visited with Mrs. Livingstone un Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 'font Airdrie vis- ited on .Friday with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green, of Fergus. The third meeting of the 4.1I Club of Londesboro was held on Tuesday, February 18 at the home of Mrs. Jack Snell after school. Our guest was Miss Susan Herd, Monte Economist. Swiss Steak and sausage was cooked, We chose for our name "MiracleMeat Maid- ens," After sampling the meat dishes we closed with the 4-1 Pledge HOWLING SCORES The Clinton -Blyth Ladies Bowl. ing League scores for the game played on February 18: Pony Club 124; Spares 110; Quiet Ones 98; Doubtfuls (Blyth) 94; Hippies (Blyth) 91; llot•tots 83. Nigh Single, Beulah Wonch 287. High 'Triple, Beulah Wonch 888, High Average, Mort Elliott, 211. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROY DAVID DOHERTY deceased, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth in the County of Huron, Garage Operator, who died on the 3rd day of February, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the eighth day of March, 1989. After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the es• tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 10th day of February, A.D. 1969. orw\.wFORD, SHEPHERD & Mill Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix, 32.3 CARD OP THANKS 1 wish to thank all of Ivan's and my friends and neighbours for the cheery cards, treats, visits and many acts of kindness shown uS while I was a patient in the Wing• ham and District Hospital. Also special thanks to Dr, J. K. 11ieGreg• or and Dr, J, A, 'Bozyk and all nurses on the Intensive are wing on second floor, .33.1p -- Mary Grace Wightman. '++♦+-4.4+4-4 1+•♦+•-•44-++++•tN ••••••-•-•-• •- - ..*+.H•f++•+•4 ST. PATRICK'S DANCE IN THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL on FRIDAY, MARCH 14 IUUSic by The Five String Sawdusters SPONSORED BY THE BLYTH LEGION Admission restricted to persons 121 years of age and over •-♦ 44-444-4-444 • ♦ ♦ •••-•-•-•-•4-•-•-••••••+ 4 TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12. noon, March 3, 1969, for spraying cattle for warble fly control in the Town• ship of Morris. . Tender must state price per head per spray, Township to sup. ply the powder. Lowest or any tender not neces• sarIly accepted. .MR:S. I•IELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario. 32.2 WEEKEND SPECIAL 1 Rack of Skirts `POOL PLAID PLEATED AND STRAIGHT SKIRTS sizes 11.1:1 and 10-11x Only $2.00 Each • -•-•-•4-••v-• *-0-4-4-•••• •••••4-4-4-4-•-•-•-• r•+• • ••-t+tt4t+• • NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth +-PN•N •-+-•-1••4 ♦++-t++♦ 1-1+ ♦ r•+1-++•+• • 4-4-14-+1 1 TOWNSHIP OIC EAST WTAWANOS;H GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by 1:he undersigned until 12 o'clock March 4, 1009 to supply, crush and deliver to Township Roads approx. 10,000 cubic yards Crushed Gravel size %, to be completed by July 19, 1989. Work to be done satisfactory under supervision of the Road Superintendent. Mark cheque for $400.00 to ac• company tender. The contractor shall satisfy the Said Township that he has adequate insurance on equipment and employees. Contract to be approved by the Department of Highways. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. W. HANNA Road Superintendent Belgrave, Ontario, 92.2 *1-4 4.4-4444 4 H+�J 4+4++ N-4 4.4 4+ +4+4 +4-N µ+4-H4-+ 44.44 1 CHARLES CUNNINGHAM RALEIGH DEALER CLINTON - PHONE 482-7720 Elliott Insurance Agency j BLYTH -- ONTARIO, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 5234522 MIDGETS ONE GAME UP ON ROAD TO W.O.A.A. 'E' CHAMPIONSHIP 13Iyth Lions :Midgets are one teams trying desperately to come game in their two Otit of three up with the first win of the series. 3et'ies with llensall for the liensall's death blow carte by W.O.A.A. Midget "E" Champion• the name of "McDougall" and ship. Their first win came in 13111 and Wayne -- the local bro. Blyth on Monday night when the the!' team who play both bantam team handed a fast skating hens• and midget hockey —• combined 311 team a 6 to 3 defeat. for five of my'th's six goals. Second game of the series will Wayne, the fourteen year-old be • played i►1 Ilensall on Wed- member of the dun, game up with nesday night and the third game, three big goals, while Bill, .who if necessary, also in Hensall on is only thirteen banged home two Friday night. counters. Cord Riley scored tht' Moiiday ntghttis game was a sixth goal for •Blyth on a blister. very fast skating affair with both ing shot from the blue line which Announcement BEATTY FARM EQUIPMENT IVISIIES TO ANNOUNCE TRE APPOINTMENT OF MR. JIM ALEXANDER WALTON, ONT. AS A "FRANCHISE DEALER OF OUR PRODUCTS IN THE-BLYTH, BRUSSELS AREA Jitn has 'the experience of contracting and is able to remodel your present operation,- whether It be -Hog,.. Dairy or Beet, SpeciaIWinterBookings In Effect CALL COLLECT 527-1065 By Ordering Now You Will Ensure Your Installation Date . •'+•-.•.+-•.+• w.s..+ -+++.+ + +• •4t -••+♦+4-14-4-•-•.-r••-•. t t • DEAL NOW AND SAVE MONEY on one of these value packed cars 1969 FORD Fairlane, 2 door, hard top, V 8, automatic 1969 FORD Custom, 4 dr,, V 8, automatic 1969 FORD Half -.Ton 1968 PONTIAC Parissienne, .4 dr., hard top, V 8, full : power 1967 OLDS. 4 dr., hard top, V 8, . full power 1967 GALAXY 500, 2 dr., hard top, V 8 , full :power 1967 FORD Custom, 4 dr., V 8, automatic 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury II, 2 dr., hard top, V 8, automatic 2-1967 DODGE -Polara 500, 2 dr., hard top, V 8, automatic, ps 1966 FORD Fairlane 500, 2 dr., hard top, V 8 :2.1966 CHEV...Bel Air, 4 dr., automatic 1966 PONTIAC 2 dr., V 8, automatic,-ps 1965 OLDS. '1 .dr., . full 'power 1965 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., V 8, automatic 1965. FORD Custom, 4 dr., 6 cyl., standard 1964 MERCURY 2 dr., hard top, V 8, full pow, 1964 DODGE 2 dr., hard top, V 8, automatic SEE THESE AND OTHERS liamm's CAR SALES Ltd. Blyth, :Ontario. Phone 523-9581 N X caught the top corner of .the net. Aisisls on 1hr goals were erect• ited to Bruce 11ason and Bill Mc• Dougall with one each and Bob I.angille frith four big ones. 11 the midgets gel by 1lens►1l1 I11 theis series they will advance to the 0;11.11.A. playoffs. tVateh for the gargles and be sure to attend Intermediates Will Start Playoffs; Play Here Friday Night 'Myth merchants start dotvn the playoff trail this week when they hook ftp with 'Zurich in the hest 4 of 7 series. The first game will be played in Zurich on Wednes. day night and the action will re• turn to the Blyth arena friday night at 8:30. Monte town attendance at the intermediates has been disgraceful this year and most be Very dis• appointing to the members of the team. The fellows are playing a very good brand of hockey and deserve much bet wr treatment from local .fans than they have received to date. So come on folks, lets rouse ourselves out of the house Friday night and give the team some Irloral support, A wa'nl•up to the playoffs was played here on Thursday night of last week when Zurich travelled to visit the merchants for the last game of the regular sched• ole. Blyth managed an 11 to 8 win but were hard. pressed and hanging by the ropes for the last fifteen minutes of play, 'Phe merchants were leading the game ten to one with only the third period remaining to play Zurich came 011 and outscored the locals severs goals to one in the final frame. Larry Boyd led the Blyth attack with four goals. Don Aubin Scor• ed 1110 hat trick }while Ken Lee banged hone two counters and lion Henry and ,lohn' Stewart dent• ed the twine once each, Don't forget the game Friday night! The team is counting, 0n your vocal support AT'T'ENDED SOUTH HURON' COUN'T'Y MEE'T'ING A'I' V'ARNA On Wednesday evening of last week V.W. County Master henry Patterson, of Belgrave L.O.L. and Past C.M. Charles Stewart, 01 Blyth and Clinton L.O.L. attended South Huron Annual Orange County meeting held in the Ot'• ange hall, Varna, and report a large attendance and a splendid meeting, The meeting was in charge of the County 'Master V.W. Bro. Frank Falconer. After the opening ceremonies about two hours of special and necessary business was ably dealt 'with, V.W. 13ro Patterson was escorted is the Alter, given grand Lodge honours tuul asked.. to speak. Ile gave a short but very sincere Ales• sage. County Master •Falconer then declared all offices vaeanl and asked V.W. Bro. 'Patterson to con- duct the election and installation of the new slate of officers for 1969, which he very satisfactorly done with the help of V.W. I31'o. Charles Stewart acting as Chap. lain, V.W. Bor. Wayne Smith, of Seaforth L.O.L. was elected Cour. ty Master. He along with all .his new officers spoke briefly assur• ing all present they would do their very best for the Order in South dluron in 1969. V.W. Bro. Charles Stewart \ spoke last: very strongly recommending Orange Insurance for L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. members speaking of its splendid increase in the past year of 'over a trillion dollars, also giving all present a very cordial invitation to celebrate the coming :12th of July in Blyth The meeting was closed with prayer and the Queen, Varna L.O.L. members served a very sumptous lunch which was very much. ,enjoyed by all pros• ent. Squirts Face Elimination; Must Win In Hensall Friday To Stay Alive Blyth Legion Squirts will find themselves with their backs to the {wall when they travel to lien• sail this Friday evening, The young lads are two games down in their hest two out of three series with llensall for the W.O. A.A. championship. 'I'Ile first game was played in llensall last Friday night and the Blyth boys were completely' out• BRO01113ALL SCORES Blyth Flyers 1 8th line 1; West- field 3 3 rd, line 0: Blyth Co•Op 1 Auburn 1. League standings: Westfield 22 points, 8th line 22, Flyers 15, Co. op 13, 3rd line 12, Auburn 6, 1Sl,Y'1'11 W. 1. '1'0 MEET The Illy'th W. I. will meet on Monday, March 3, at 2 p.m. The roll call to be answered by name or bring a friend of another na- tienality. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Raymond Redmond of the Goderich Psychiatrist hospital FOIL SALE; 1200 bales of stay, John phone 5234310 Blyth Pollard, 33.1 played Ihrougout most of the con' test. Ilensall scored five goals in the first period and coasted .to a (i to 1 victory. Donnie 'Carter scored lllyth's lone goal and was assisted by David Rodger and Donnie Plunkett. 0n Sunday afternoon at four o'clock the two teams went back to the battle. This time in the Blyth arena and in front of the hest crowd to see a game locally this year. Although 1lensall again carte out the victors by a 2 to I score, the game was 0 complete reversal of Friday night's fixture. Blyth dominated much of the play but were just unable to put the puck in the net. Just to give you an indication of what happened, the visitors only managed foto' shots on goal in the first two periods and trade ttvo of them count. While during the same time, the local boy's had numerous scoring opportunities but were unable to capitalize. The next game will be played this Friday night in Ilensall, and don't count the Blyth boys out just yet. 1f they conte .ftp with a supremo' effort, there will be ;mother game in Blyth on Sunday aft►A.noon at 4 •glclock. Good luck boys! Your Ontario 1-lospitaI Insurance would like to hear from you ( before it's too late) \Vhcn you arc newly Bred the "t'amily"-Hospital Insurance premium must he paid to «►vel' bud x►rnI and t .: '.',rife. If you belong to a ►:roup notify l:. ‘011T ;41'01111 t\ithenit: It' delay or if you=.lnth pay premiums notify 1I.1.1R.R. `` When you move to a new job you can I:Ccp in,►ncd by In!. lowing the iIlstrt1C• lion: on the Hospital insurance ''Ccrtili- ole cif 1'ay►ncn► F0:rrin 104" that your present employer is required RI give you tOn Ic;t in.,. When you turn 21 you arc no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You must take out individual membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, or a hospital, or from H.T.R,B, When you have a new address notify your group. If you don't belong to a group, write 1-i.I.R.B. SINCERE THANKS *.,..##..#t,,.. Health Insurance Registration Board, 11Q5 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. ,string Ontario's Health Innrranee Plan, 1, D. A. atann, wish to extend my sincere thanks to all those who have patronized me in the past. ,38 years, as I have sold my business to Mr, Max Watts, of Brantford, who, 1 feel, is very well _qualified to_handle this business. The business will be operated under the name of 1), A. Bonn Furniture and Funeral Service with Mr, Watts ..as.:7nanager, and 71ysslf. and:JRoss. D.uncan .as .staff ~members. 1 do hope you will show hien the sane patronage you have shown me in the past years, 'Thanking you , kindly, D. A. RANN BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTII -- Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.ni. to 5.30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE - Balance of Week - Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES - Varna - Tel, Coll. Hensall 69682 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. PUMPED & C.L'EANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels R.R. 2 - Phone 4.42W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH - ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B;' Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre - WINGHAIII Phone 357.1361 ELLIOTT REAL, ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res, 523.522 or 5234323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY - ACCOUNTANT GODERICII - ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia ltd.. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. 11. Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L.B., A. Mill, B.A., L.L.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING - CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day Monday -- Open Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE, BLYTH 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN IIOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE 1 LECTRIC and ACETYLENE- WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 4824303 Seaforth Ont, H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Phone Clinton 482.3320 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 523.4275 Res. 6234591 THE J3LYTI1 STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1949 11,11, It 1' II I. Ib 11 II IWlu I1, 11II ' IhI' 1011..11,11 11111 I 11 1 b c li C b It I' 11 1' 1, IIS U'b II b P I' 1 11 11 loll II Ir II, 1'nIblIl.Ili I'. II it li I 11 b b 0 1 SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND IT PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS e CONCRETE WORK THE C01111UNITY CONCERT FOR SALE Expert chimney and roofing Association will present a Baled Hay and Straw; approxi• A repairs; specializing in stabling. Saramac Endich, Soprano, on mately 15 ton of cob corn. Keith Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 'Tuesday, March 4, at 8.30 p.m. in Machan, phone 526.7567 Auburn. 37•tf the Goderich D.C.I. Auditorium. 33.1p 33.1 HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER For appointment call Clinton 482.9908, Seaforth 527.0640, Col- lect. 31.3. + NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE ESTATE OF JOSEPII MILLER deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth in the County of Huron, Re. tired Construction Foreman, who died on the 30th day of January, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before first day of March, 1969. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the es• • ate having regard only to the • claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 10th day of February, A.D. 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD AND MILL Wingham, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Executors. 31.3 4 WANTED 100 to 150 acre farm to rent for one year with the option to buy, or, would trade house in Tees. water. Apply to Box "B" in care O of the Blyth Standard. 32.2 4 4 CLINTON SALE BARN ANNUAL MEETING WINGIIAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Wingham and District Hospital Association will be held on FRIDAY, MAItCII 7th, 1969, at 8:00 p.m., in the Recreation Room of the Hospital Training Centre (former Nurses' Residence) at Wingham. All matters of business pertaining to the Wingham and District hospital Association will be transacted including the elec• tion of directors and other oifi. vers. In order to cast a ballot in the election of directors a person must be a member of. the Associ• ation. One year memberships may be obtained for the sum of $5.00 from the Wingham and District llospital office. These member• ships must be purchased at least ten days prior to the annual meet. ing. Everyone welcome. R. B. Cousins, President. John Strong, Secretary. 33.2 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications clearly marked as' to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12. noon, March 3, 1069, for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for Town- ship of Morris to work according to the Warble Fly Control Act. Any application not necessarily accepted. MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario. 32.2 ✓ Sale every Fri. 1.30 p.m. MAN WISHES PARTTIME + (good livestock market)WORK, any type. Phone 526. 7751 Auburn. 32.2 For Truck Information: REG, SMITH SIGNS P and W Transport 'Truck Lettering, Plastic Signs. Bill Moss, Auburn •' Farm end Commercial. Corner Joe Corey, Clinton East and High Streets, Clinton, • Ontario. 33tf • r 4 i4 L .r I PATI MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Barn Cleaners . Silo Unloaders • Feeders PEDLAR STABLING . complete installations • free estimates Phone 595.8955 GASCHO FARM AUTOMATION Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work --• Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATHWELL, R.R. 1, Brucefield - Ph. 482.3384 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS - OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London. LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your Oil Heating Contractor" '1 i WANTED 500 chick size Electric Brooder, A. 1). Campbell. phone 523-9408 Blyth. 32.1p. TYPING SERVICE Fast, neat service. Rate 25c per page, double spaced. Phone 523.4275 Blyth. 33.1p FOR SALE Holstein cow, riue March 25th. 'I'I►is is a large young cow with one blind quarter but is a good producer and hangs on well through her lactation, $275. Clare Longhurst, Auburn, phone 526. 7549. 33.1 FOR SALE 1967 Moto -Ski, 15 A.P. Phone 5234375 Blyth. 33.1 FOR SALE 2 Holstein cows, due March 13 and 24; 6 pigs, 8 weeks old. Z. Hulzebosch, Auburn 526-7519 33.lp CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to say thank you, to all those who sent cards, treats, and visits, also those who helped at home while I was a patient in Wingham Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Wilkins and the nursing staff. 33•lp. •- Dorothy Johnston. CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank all our friends and nelgrbours for all the kindness shown to us since our bereavement. It was very much appreciated. 33.1. --The Turvey Family. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express sincere thanks to those who sent cards, gifts and treats while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital Special thanks to Rev. W. 0. Mather, Dr. Street. and the nurses on the second flooa'. 33.1. -Irene Cole. BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. Samples shown in your home. r Free . Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30•tf. FOR SALE FARMS, HOMES & BUSINESSES LISTINGS WANTED We are constantly receiving re- quests from "out of Town" buy ers for all types of ,property. If you have some Real Estate you would like to sell, it will pay you to give us a call. Over 400 people to serve you. STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTH Representing H. Keith Ltd., Realtor - Toronto, Ont. rwissommoismommommous THE BLY'1'II STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 213th, 1969 Registration For Kindergarten And Grade 1 {VILI. BE HELD AT Blyth Public School - March 10 Brussels Public School - March 12 Belgrave Public School - March 13 BETWEEN 2 P.M. AND 4 P.M. AGES:. for Kindergarten - 5 years by January 1, 1970 for Grade 1 -- 6 years by January 1, 1970 Anyone attending Kindergarten need not register for grade 1. Parents please bring birth certificates and immuniza• tion records where possible. 4-4 t,+'•i-i s.-.`P•+Nt+NN+.- -+-+$t,••••••••• FOOD Snell's MARKET j Y t FEBRUARY ROUND -UP OF i SAVINGS 1s Van CampBeans with Pork,5-19 oz, ins 1.00 •+ t• Del Monte Fruit. Drinks, 3-48 oz. tins 1.00 t t Libby's Spaghetti, 2-28 oz. tins 59c " l + • f Stokley's Mix or Match Deal, 5.14 oz. tins 95c • Honey Pod Peas Cut Wax Beans + Golden Cream Corn Cut Green Beans Whole 1 �'� hole Kernel Corn Red Kidney Beans Quaker 1l1,4.fets, 15 314 oz. box 39c Full Line of Dare's Cookies, 2.1 lb. bags 1.00 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Orange or Wink 5 tall bottles for 1.00 plus deposits K.P. Weiners 2 lb. 1.00 :. • KJ'. Sausages 2 lb. 1.00 Coleman's Bologna 3 Ib. 1.00 Fresh Pork Chops per Ib, 79c Fresh Pork Shoulders per lb. 49c I'eameal Back Bacon , per lb. 89c + 1 I Fresh Sliced Pork Liver .... per lb. 29c Golden Bananas Indian River Grapefruit 2 lb, 29c 48's 5-39c No. 1 Potatoes Fresh Oranges 50 lb. 1.49 180's, 3 doz. 1.00 Health & Beauty Aids: Wilkinson Sword Stainless Blades, reg. 75c For Only ''49c Crest Tooth Paste, reg. or mint, gt. size 67c Lustre Net Hair Spray, reg. 1.49 79c Vick's Medimist Room Vaporizer 99c Right. Guard Spray Deodorant, reg. 1.89 1.09 Deals from Procter & Gamble: Ivory Soap, 3 bath bars 29c Ivory Detergent, giant, with free comet 89c Tide XK, giant size, save 30c 83c Folder Bold, king size 1.49 Phone 523-9332 We Deliver 1 t ., BELGRAVE NEWS Neighbours of ,Mr. and Mrs, Ed- gar Wightman called on them on Monday evening to wish thein ►1ntch happiness on their recent marriage and to welcome Alt's. Wightman to the village. 1Ir, and Mrs. .Raymond Green and family, Kincardine, visited on Sunday at the home of her nto• Cher, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cook. Mr. and llrs. Ross Robinson, of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ro• Wilson, Toronto, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cook, Mrs. Lewis Cook accompanied A1r. and Mrs. Earl Heywood, of Wingham, to Victoria hospital, Lonclon, to visit with Mrs. Robert ('ook and baby daughter, Kathyrn Michelle. Miss Marlene Walsh, Toronto, spent the weekend with her mo- ther, \lrs. James Walsh and her father, Mr, James Walsh, who is a patient in Wingham and district Hospital, Mr, floss Wightman, Guelph, and Miss Anne Wightman, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. ail Airs. Edgar Wightman. Anne preached at three services on Sunday, Lucknow, Dungannon and South Kinloss, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Armstrong, llamilloon, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Dave Arm- strong. Mrs. James Lamont accompan• ied her sister Mrs. Ralph McCrea, of Blyth, to London on 'Thursday where they visited with their mo. Ther. Mrs. Albert. Vincent, who is a patient in Victoria hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Gary Leitch, of London, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Gary, on the weekend. On Sunday they visited with her grandmother, \Ars, Dave Armstrong, of l3elgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Campbell, Stephen and Jeffrey, of London, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs, Floyd Campbell. Mr. Edwin Ansley, Thessalon, spent the weekend with Mr, and !Mrs, Ira Campbell and Mrs. An. sley. Mrs. Ansley who has spent the past few weeks with her par. cuts returned home on Monday with Mr. Ansley. Air. and Mrs, Cameron Robin. son and Chris, of Corunna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Iason Robinson, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Roberts and Mrs. Hilda Roberts visited on Sunday with Mrs. Dave Arm. strong. Mrs. .Ifilda Roberts re• mained for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Dave Armstrong, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. lIugh Rinn and John were, A1r, and Mrs. Elvey Rock, Joanne and Jeniffer, Monkton, Mr, and Airs. Keith Rock and Janette and Mrs, Clarence Iludi, of Walton. Mrs. Percy Baker of Goderich, spent a few days with her brother Mr. and Mrs, James Leishman. Mr. and .Mrs. Beecroft, of Otterville, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bee. croft and -albs, Eccles Dow and Mr. and Mrs. hector I•Inmilton, of Gerrie, l3elgrave Lamb Chops held their meeting on February 17, at the home of Mrs. Clarence Manna, .Mrs. Leslie 13o)t introduced the meal whieh the girls could buy, discussing on 'More About Meats" and then the girls were cptestion• cel on it. Next meeting will be March 3, at the home of Mrs, Clar- ence Manta, Weekly Euchre The Belgrave Weekly Euchre was held in the community rooms on 'February ,19 with 9 ,tables in play. High Lady, 'Mrs. Robert Purdon; Novelly Lady, Mrs, i-Ierb Wheeler; Low Lady, Mrs, Gersh• om Johnston; high •:Vian, C. R. Coultes; Novelty Man, John Ad. ams; Low Man, Charles Nichol. son. Second Line Euchre Party The second line of Morris held their euchre ,par•ly at the home of 'Air, and Mrs. Bert Hastings, High Lady, Mrs, James Elston; High Man, Melville Mathers; Lone Hands, Lady, Mrs, Charles Bos. man, Men, Paul Hastings (I-Iespel- er); Low Lady, Donnie Edgar (playing as a woman); Low Man, Glen Sellers. • ••+1+14-•-•-4-•••••-•••44 1-•-•••-•-• -• 4 4+,4 -*4-1••-•1••-•-•-4,++ 4+4 N• Red Hot Meat Specials - COLE1lAN'S \\ EINERS 2 1,I3S, 1''RESII PEA11'IEAL BACK BA in the piece - ONLY 89c CON . PER I.R. 89c FRESH CUT top quality STEAK t -bone, sirloin, round -- a real special PER 1.B, 99c CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABRITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and 'Thursdays Pigs Thursdays Only BEEF BY TI•IE QUARTER OR HALF BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Fleck'' Button, Proprietor !MYTH, ONTARIO. PHONE 523.4551 i4-14-.-++.-• •-•44-+++4-4444-44.444-4.4-•-.4-4-• •1+N -+•h• -4-•4-N-•4-• •-♦+N+•-•-r 4+ •-•• • • ••• • • • •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-•-• Z ALL -WOOL • $ • • • • • • • • • •• v • f • i • • MEN'S • • • • 4 i • • • • 4-* 4-4-•-•-•-•-•-• •4 • •-•-•-•-•••-•-•-•••-•••-••• -•-•-•-•-•-•44-444-0++++•±0-• READY TO WEAR SUITS With 2 Pair of Pants $79.95 R. W. M.adill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday 444-4-0.44-+444-44-44-•44- *4-* N •-• •44-• *4-+4 +• •-••4-••4+.+7-••4•+. I • 4 SELLING -OUT SALE Women's and Children's Leotards 112 Price 1 pr, Men's Boots and Skates, size 7 (new) 10.00 Girl's White Boots and Skates, size 11 (new) 5.50 1 Boys' and Girl's Knee Sox, nylon or wool t regular 99c 112 Price i 80 x 100 Flanelette Blankets, regular 9.95 1Special 7.95 Dish Cloths 7 for 1.00 4 3 Car Coats, two with hoods and borg lined regular 24.95 Special 14.95 LadiesNylon Hose (with seams), small sizes, regular 1.50 pr. 3 pr. for 1.00 Boys' Ski Caps 112 Price Boys' 7 eyelet Insulated Green Boots sizes 2 to 5 5.00 : The ArcadeStore Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable ServiCA. r • •. • • • • 1 l Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest •Jtrs, Ralph Alunro returned last weekend from Vancouver and Tor. onto where she was visiting with her son, Glen, Mrs, Yungblut and family, of Vancouver, and Robert, and firs. Yungblut and family for the last three weeks in Toronto. Air, and Mrs. Robert. Yungblut and family visited in the village for the weekend. Mrs. Gordon 'Miller and Miss Carol visited recently in Toronto with the former's daughter, Miss Grail Miller, and Miss Barbara Sanderson. 'Rev. W. J. Craven, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church, held the sacrament of Iloly Baptism last Sunday for Kimberley Anne Clark, infant daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, of Kitchener. The godparents were, Miss Carolyn Clark, Goderich, .Miss Judy Mc - Cosh, Toronto, and David Watson, of Toronto. Also present for this service was Miss Martha Nesbit, Ingersoll, and IMiss Joan Fisher, Stratford. The flowers in the santuary were placed in memory of the late Mr, Amos Stoll great grandfather of Kimberley Anne and also in memory of the late Mrs, Herbert :llogridge. Mr. and .Mrs, Gordon Miller vis• ited last Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Miller in London. Mr, and 'Mrs. John Daer visited over the weekend in Mitchell with their daughter, Mrs Ralph Jack. son, Mr, Jackson and family, 'l'he Librarian of the Auburn Library requests all County Books he In on March 1st. Mr, and Mrs, Gormley Thomp. son,Brampton, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs, Bert Marsh, and 11r, Marsh, and attend• ed her mother's funeral the late Mrs. Herbert Mogridge. Masters Johnny, Paul and Mi. rhael Haggitt, of Zurich, spent the weekend with their grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Stephen, Mrs. Harry Arthur visited last Friday with her parents, lir. and Mrs, Elmer Keller, at Dublin. Miss Nancy Anderson is prat• tice teaching this week at the tiohnesville school ,AUBURN W. I. MEETING A bouquet of red roses, red hearts and cupids deeorated the Auburn Community Memorial xhal1 when the members of the. Wo• men's institute held their .Feb. ruary meeting. The president, Mrs. Frank ,Raithby, was in charge and welcomed all, Mrs. George Milian was the pianist. The min• ules were accepted as rend by the secretary, Mrs, Bert Craig. She also gave the financial state• ment. Mrs. Donald 7iaines report- ed on the sale of the cook books. The members voted to have the short course, Weight Control, with the second choice being, Window 'I'reatrnent. it was announced that the new dishes had arrived and the them• hers voted to cater to a wedding in the spring. Mrs. Bert Craig was named delegate to the Offi• cers' Confernee in Guelph. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell reported for the card committee and read the thank -you notes. Mrs. l3radnock reported that 18 girls are taking the spring project, Meat in the '.Menu. A piano sole of old favorite songs was played by Mrs. James Jackson, The convener of Historical Re• search and Current Events, Mrs. Fordyce Clark, introduced her guests of the afternoon. She had traced hack to her ancestors and found they had come from Scot. land, Germany, Wales and Swit zerland. For an account of the country and it's customs, Mrs. Wm. J. Craig read an interesting account of Scotland prepared by Miss Frances Ilouston. She des- cribed the day and evening dress and also explained the tartans and the country and it's customs. Mrs. Gordon Chamney sang a scot. tish solo. Mrs, M. R. Roberts was the next speaker and told about her native land, Wales. She told about the country which is 136 miles by 96 miles and has two and a quarter million people. She spoke of the minerals and the industry found there as well as the historical background, The next speaker was Mrs. Wal- ter Schlichting and she described her native country of north Ger- many. She told about the country and their 'hardships they had en• dared before coming to Canada. She showed pictures of the old and new Germany. Switzezrland was the next coun- try and Mrs. Clark described the beauty and color of the mountains, rivers, flowers, trees, etc, along with the old buildings which she The Latest Innovation In Home Freezing WESTINGHOUSE FAST FREEZE CHEST FREEZER NOW YOU CAN OPERATE YOUR OWN DEEP FREEZE PLANT RIGHT AT HOME Flip the fast freeze switch and down goes the temperature way below zero to freeze .Just at the peak of freshness, Fast freeze is better because it captures all the flavour and freshness, lets you store food longer, enjoy it more when you cook It. When you've frozen your new supplies, flip off the Fast Freeze switch and .freezer returns to normal temperature, SLIM WALL INSULATION Gives you maximum freezer storage in a minimum of floor area -- as much as 30 percent more room inside, 5•YEA1t FOOD SPOILAGE WARRANTY All freezers have a 5.year food spoilage warranty. HARDWARE - BLYiH Cronin's TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER had seen, She told about the craf• is and arts which the Swiss people are noted. She had a hand carved music box which she played as a fitting conclusion to her interest. ing program. The collection was taken by Mrs, 'Phomas llaggitt and Mfrs. Gordon Chamney. The roll call was answered by each member telling an important event that happened the year they were born. 'I'he 'Tweedsmuir book rc• port was read by Mrs. Robert J, Phillips and Mrs. W. 13radnock as prepared by the curator, ?urs. Gor- don R. 'Taylor, Mrs. Wm. Straugh• an, Mrs, Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Robert J, Phillips and 'Mrs. W. Ilradnock. A display of book and historical data was enjoyed by the members. After the Queen and Grace, lunch was serves! by Airs, Wan, J. Craig, 'Mrs, M. IL Roberts and Mrs, J. Jackson. AUiBUitN KOOL KUTS 4.11 CLUB MEETING The third meeting of the Au. burn Kool Kuts 4.11 Club was held at the home of Mrs. Donald (lain• es. The meeting was led by the president, Sheron Collins, and op. ened by the 4 -II pledge. The min. utes were accepted as read by the secretary, Doreen McClinchey. The roll call was answered by the girls telling how they couldimprove last week's score for meals. The leader, Mrs. W. Bradnock, review• ed with the girls dishwashing pro. cedure and also the notes for the previous meeting, A discussion took place on meat cookery and the hest way to cook the various cuts of beef, pork and mutton or lamb, A demonstration how to cook steak was led by Mrs. Haines assisted by various members. 'A sample of the dell. cious swiss steak was tasted by the members. Plans were made for the next meeting. The meet. ing was closed by the 4aH Creed, Obituaries MRS. HERBERT MOGRIDGE Funeral services were held last Thursday at the William Stiles Funeral Home for Mrs. Herbert 'Mogridge who passed away in Al. exandra and Marine Hospital, Goderich, on February 181h after a lengthy illness. .She was form. erly Martha Alice Manning, the daughter of the late John Man. ning andMartha Cottle, and wan born in Mullett Township. She was in her 92nd year. On December 1, 1897 she tear• ried the late llerbert Mogridge and took up residence on the Baseline in .1900 .whore they resided until they retired to live in Auburn. Site was a member of Knox Unit. ed Church and a life -member of the U,C.W,, a charter member of the Auburn Women's Institute, a 'member of the horticultural So. elety and president of the Iced Cross during the last war. She is survived by two (laugh. lers, .Mrs, 'Bert (Dora) (Marsh, Au. hurn, and Mrs. Gormley (Edith) Thompson, of Brampton; four grandchildren and five great grandchildren; a brother, Thomas Manning, of London, Rev, 11, it, .Roberts was in char. ge of the funeral with temporary entombment In Blyth Union Cem• etery Chapel and in the spring burial in Ball's Cemetery, Pallbearers were, Mel Bell, Goderich, Joe Shaddick, Londes• koro, Stanley Lyon, Blyth, Brute Toll, London, John Durnin, R;R, t, Auburn, and Charles Scott, Au. burn. MRS. ROBERT GIS Mrs. Robert Gibbs, the former EdithMcGrath, of Kingston, pas• std away In Henderson General Hospital on 'February 18 in her 88th year; A resident of Hamilton formany years she married the late .Robert Gibbs 28 years ago, of Londesboro, He passed away six years no, She Is survived by nieces and nephews, The funeral was held at the '1'111: fLY'I'II STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1969 •1 S-$ �1 - $+ 1tw Nt$•iiH i11f1Nt4•tN+- •• TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH TRUCK FOR SALE BY TENDER 1 • 1943 6 Chev, 4 wheel drive army truck for sale. 3 extra tires and rims. Would make good tow truck. 'fenders will be received by the Road Superintendent up until noon, March 4, 1969. Council to have final decision on tenders. C. W. HANNA Road Superintendent Belgrave, Ontario. 32.2; •. +ttr.•tt..,-•-•.++•+-••.+ Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — t..0 gig. -- SEAPORT'S Open Every Afternoon PHONE Elan Minns 235.0620 Residence 2335.1314 •444444444444÷44-•-•44-•-•44 444-•4444-.4444444444-444* DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth • 4-* 44-.44444-•4 •4-•4-•+-•-•-•-444-•-•-•-•-•444444-•44-4-444:. Wentworth chapel, IHaniilton, un• der the direction of the Switck. hamer and hilts Funeral Home with temporary entombment in Blyth Union Cemetery Chapel, and spring burial in Ball's cemetery. The pallbearers were Wilfred Plunkett, Gordon Plunkett, Don. ald Plunkett and William Stiles, Mrs. Gibbs was well known in this community as. she visited ev. ery summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Plunkett. 17th ANI) BOUNDARY UNIT MEETING The February meeting of the 1,7t11 and. Boundary was held at the home of Mrs, Martin Bann with 13 members present. Mrs. Ross Bennett opened with Call to Worship. A hymnwas sung with Mrs, Harold Smalldon at the piano. The scripture reading was taken from 2nd Corinthians. Mrs, Ben• nett offered prayer. Mrs, Harvey Craig gave an interesting topic entitled "I've been to Cul•dc•Sac". Other readings "Trip to the Moon". Why a U.C.W. and .If anyone were given, by Mrs, Craig and Mrs. 13ennett' leaving many thoughts to think about. Mrs, Baan opened the business section with a poem 'The Christ. inns Job." Reports of the differ• ent committees were given. it was decided to help with the 'sew• ing of pyjamas Tor the Children's Aid, The collection was received and dedicated. An exchange of valentines was enjoyed. The meet.. ing closed with the Benediction and the hostesses served,.luuch.... WESTFIELD Mr, and 'Mrs, John McDowell and Master Mark Vogl, London, were weekend visitors with '2r. and Mrs, Gordon E. Smith, Miss Sheila Crowson, Wingham, visited on Wednesday evening with Miss !Margery Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Howatt vis• ited with Mr• and Mrs, Mel Bo- gie and fancily, Goderich, on Sun- day, Mr, and 'Mrs, Ernest Snel! and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell, Blyth, on Sundtly. Mr. Raymond Redmond, Gode- rich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Doouglas Campbell on Tudday, The Rev. and Mrs. Ure Stewart, of Seaforth, 'Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Walden and Linda, Mr. Harvey McDowell visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook on Friday. Mrs, Ernest Snell and 'Mary vis- ited with Miss Colina Clark, Tor- onto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, James Soak, Sher- ry and Carol Ann, of Crewe, vls• ited with Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Cook on Sunday, Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Har vey McDowell on Sunday were, Mr, and ,Mrs. John 'McDowell, of London, Mr. and Mrs, Don Mc. Dowell, Kitchener. Mr. .and Mrs. Garth Walden and Christa, London, visited on Ban - clay with Mr, and Mrs, -Lloyd Wal- den. Mr• and Mrs, Gerald McDowell visited with hiss Gwen McDowell on Sunday In Victoria Hospital, London, where she is reenvering from surgery as the result of a ear.,accident, two, weeks ago. i3LYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 OBITUARY - MHS, RoBEIt'1' TURVES' Mrs. Robert 'Purvey passed away in i luronview on Saturday, Febr• nary 15, 1969, in her 88th year. - .3he had been a resident at Huron- view since June 1968. Jlrs. 'Purvey was born on the 2nd Concession of Morris Town. .hip, daughter of the late William Woodrow and Jane Coultes. She married ,Robert 'Purvey in 1905 and they farmer on the 2nd of .Morris until moving to Blyth in 1945. Mr, Turvey passed away in November 1964. . Surviving are two sons, Lloyd, c:f Forest, Ross, of R.R. 2, Blue• vale; five daughters, Della, Mrs. A. M. Shaw, Brussels; Myrtle, Mrs. Harold Vodden, Jean, Airs, Borden Cook, Evelyn, and Helen, Mrs. Norman Cowing, all of Blyth; also 16 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren; one brother, Jam- es Woodrow, of Kyle, Sask. The funeral was held from the Tasker Memorial Chapel, Queen Street, Blyth, on Tuesday, Febr- uary 18, at 2 p.m, conducted by Rev. W. 0. Mather, of Blyth Unit. ed Church. Temporary inter- ment in Blyth Union Cemetery Chapel, FT, pi17 is 141 ! i T7,',"7"1"—"" :r Pallbearers were, Fraser Mus- tard, James Turvey, Clifford Hoy, Robert Hoy, Cecil Coultes, all ne- phews of the deceased, and \Vit• liam Brown. Flowerbearers were; two grand- sons, Robert Cook and John Tur• vey, MAPLE LEAF UNIT MEE'T'ING The March meeting of the Ma. plc, Leaf Unit of the U.C.W. was held at the church on February 20th with 22 members and 1 vis- itor present. Miss Isabel Fox lead the worship service with 'Miss Ha- zel Petts assisting. Mrs. John 11cDougll amplified further in an interesting way on our Study 13ook on China. The business period was con• ducted by the leader, Mrs. Mc- Dougall, Sunshine Bags were dis- tributed to the members. 'Talent money is to be .presented at our March meeting with each lady tel- ling how she used her talents. At the close of the meeting a social period was enjoyed. Standard Classifieds Work Wonders! p (p n� p i,1 rr '" ,p !li :7 ";I�ili' ftp n ' i II �iFi,:,.,i !,i ! ii.''' r f ij � ;n 11q rq p �i .�ll'l i� ,: !'' I'i' Ir �l l � i��l'�. u' ,,.. ' I! � �.II;i� �u! !!'.! i . J''!�'I�II�I ii'I:I;b!'I!!7 !il�,i. i.t�: l,'6:, ��� �ai,.C.I I..J, ,r ,.' ARENA SCHEDULE 'I'ITURS. Pk:13, 27 — Pee Wee Game Canadian Forces Base vs Myth/ 6.45 p.m. Blyth Cadets 8 to 10 p.m. FRI., FEB. 29 — Pre School 2 to 3.30. Intermediate Playoffs Zurich vs Blyth 8.30 p.m. Second game of playoffs. SAT., ,MARCH 1 — Tykes 10 to 11,30. Public Skating 2 to 4. Even, ing 7.30 to 9.30 — Bucefield Hockey Practice 9,30 - 10.30 SUN., ,MARCH 2 — Public Skating 2 • 4; Squqirt Hockey Game at 4 p.m. pending outcome of Friday's game in Hensall. 'MON., MARCH 3 — Londesboro Cubs 7 . 8; Intermediate Hockey, 8:30 Zurich vs. Blyth, 4th game of playoffs, TUES., 1IARCII 4 — Figure Skating 4 - 7; Broomball Playoffs 8. WED., IARCH 5 -- Public Skating pending playoff hockey — watch bulletin board at Arena. l''! P!!'!9!6i!Lill'?;':UI!;!!!lifllllf47;i!(!VU;!I!!J!!I!I!'!!il(IIIiiIll�,I'(fNll!!!Il w~►IlliiCthll�!!!!!1!P11UII!UII19ili!Il11Ull'!!ICIIII;IIIUVIIUilllllit'!! Ulllilll!UIIIU!!I!l!!!iIUlUU1! I!d�l!'11!!!h ` 4144+44++++ +' +4++ ++++++4+4 4-.4•+4 +-444.9 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Clutch Purses 113 Off Money Pouch, extra size 112 Off ++ Ash Trays, assorted sizes 113 Off . Electric BabyBottle Warmers Regular $3.95 For $2.95 Swinger Model 20 Camera 2 . Regular $24,95 For $$21.95 Baby Brush and Combs Sets, 98c, Ir'or 69c + Ladies' Hair Brushes --- 113 Off I Men's Hair Brushes --- 113 Off i Watch Bands --- 112 Price j ` R. D. PHILP Phm. B. IDRUGS • SUNDRIES - WALLPAPER — I'hone Blyth 523.4440 ++++++444 *4444 •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-44-•-•••-•-• ••••-•-•-•-• • M-••+ µ •-• • +-• 1 Mr. Farmer DO YOU NEED A SILO OR PERHAPS A SECOND SILO? CONCRETE SILOS FROM 14 FT. DIAMETER TO 60 FT. HIGH Corti, hay silage and high moisture corn is excellent feed. Why not increase your beef production and milk output? Write to us and let us call and discuss this matter with you ARNOLD HUGILL 8 SON CONTRACTOR -- BUILDER 92 Cambria ltd. N. GODERICH Tel, 524.9437 •31.2 Thousands Of Children Have Been Helped During 47 -Year Easter Seal History The 19(19 Easter Seals that sig. 'lily help to crippled children, are being prepared for mailing to nearly 2,000,000 Ontario homes. The mailing of Easter Seals is one of the biggest voluntary pro• jeets undertaken in Ontario in the interest of children. In 230 cities, towns and villages mem- bers of Easter Seal service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, Kiwani, Kinsmen and others will see that appeal letters and Seals are sent to all residents in their conunun- ity, inviting their contributions to help boys and girls who have a physical disability. This year the Easter Seal cam. paign must raise at least $1,500,. 000, to guarantee that the care and treatment needed by more than 14,000 crippled children will continue on a full scale basis this year. In the forty-seven year history of the Ontario Society for Crip. pled Children and its association with service clubs, there ihnve been Thousands of children who have overcome their physical dis• abilities or have made such great improvement that they have car. ried on a normal existence. The public's support to the Easter Seal campaign has made addition- al services and expansion of aetiv• ities possible so that the Society, through its field offices, is Contin• wally reaching out to help child• ren who have a physical disability and need assistance. Rehabilitation for crippled children can very often be a leng. thy and expensive programme, but when the results mean some children will eventually be hide - pendent in movement and speech, th time and cost is not important. It is most important to know that every Easter Seal 'gift will he of benefit to a crippled child, Support the local Easter Seal service club's crippled children's appeal by sending a generous gift. COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR TRUCKS SEALED TENDERS on fortes and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p,m. on: WEDNESDAY, MARC)! 12th, 1969 for the following: HC -09-101-- 1 • 1 ton pick•up 11C-69-102— 2 . Economy vans 1IC-69-103-1 • Station Wagon The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. HrItnell, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 33.1 24th ANNIVERSARY SALE STEWART'S Red & White Blyth Phone 99c Anniversary Specials Soft Drink; in Tins .... 12 for 99c White Swan Toilet Tissue 8 rolls 99c Jello Powders, Ass't, Flavours 10 for 99c Jaffa Crown Orange Juice 48 oz, tin 3 for 99c Del. Monte Tomato Juice -18 oz, tin 4 for 99c Kleenex Facial Tissues, 400's 3 pkgs. 99c Hyatt's leans with Pork 7 tins 99c Stokley's Honey Pod Peas 5 tins 99c Ballard's Dog Food, ... 8 tins 99c Diced Beets or Carrots, 19 oz. 6 tins 99c BUY OF THE WEEN 9451 We Deliver Famous Brand & Famous Buys 1laxwellhouse Instant Coffee 10 oz. jar 1.59 Allen's Apple Juice, 48 oz, tin 2 for 69c Lancia Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 lbs. 43c Arctic Power Cold Water Det. king size 1.49 IED, Smith Pie Filling, apple, raisin, date tin 39c Lipton's Tea Bags, 60's . 79c Choice Quality Corn, 19 oz. tin 4 for 80c Libby's Deep Buttered Vegetables 4 tins 899 Mazola Corn Oil, 1.01 value Only 79c Sea Ilaven Tiny Shrimp, 4 114 oz, 49c WHILE THEY LAST RED CIRCLE SOCKEYE SALMON 112 lb. tin 49c MRS. PINK LOTION SOFT LIQUID DETERGENT, 32 oz. bottle 39c SUN SPUN ICE CREAM 112 gallon 83c Aylmer Specials Tomato or Vegetable Soup 8 tins 99c Chicken Noodle, Mushroom or Vegetable Beef .... 6 tins 99c Aylmer Catsup .... 5 bottles 99c Canada Dry Specials Linger Ale, Orange, Wink or Diet Ginger Ale qt. bottles 5 for 99c ANNIVERSARY BEST BUYS WESTON'S BREAD, BROWN OR WHITE 4 loaves 89c WESTON'S HAMBURG OR HOT D013 ROLLS 2 pkgs. 49c SHIRIFFS POTATO CHIPS, REG, 69c Only 59c GAY LIQUID DETERGENT 2 bottles 89c SCI-INEIDER'S WEINERS 1 Ib. pkg. 57c. INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT, PINK OR WHITE 5 for 39c