HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1969-02-19, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD 13LYTI1, ONTARIO 1O — W1 )NI SDAY, 'FEBRUARY '19, 109 "Serving Dlyth and Cotnmunity Since 1885" Volume 80 • No. 32 Upholstery Midgets Fly High -- Lions Will Continue Firemen Help With Squirts Win Semi - Premises Gutted Win Group Title Chaperoning Duties Arena Safety Final Series 1Vinning is becoming a habit y – At Teen Dances Equipment On Tuesday, February 11, 'Myth B Fire with the Blyth Lions Midgets - On Squirts played an exhibi and a very toad one at that — as lion game against Belgrave Squirts The Myth Fire Bridgade was .they have j►ist finished sweeping '.1lenrhers of the C.W,L. catered The regular monthly meeting and came away with a 2.2 tie, It called to the farm home of Mr. their group semi-final aeries and for the regular meeting of the of the Blyth Fire Department wa.s a fast hard hitting game with and Mrs. Arthur Clark, IIulletl 1,112 group championship in five Blyth Lions Club last Thursday was held in the fire hall on Feb. both teams missing many scoring Township, shortly after eight ;►.m. Straight ;,carnes. evening in the .Memorial Hall. ruary 13th with 10 members pies. opportunities . Blyth goals were last Thursday morning. The cause I'he scnulinal series was a two President Ralph McCrea was in cal. The fire trucks and auxil• scored by 'ferry Pierce and Kevin for the alarm was a fire in ;t out Of three contest with Brussels charge of the meeting, liory pumpars were started and Carter• building used by. Mr, Clark to and the local squad polished oftFinal arrangements were made brought up to operating temper. Also the sante evening Blytlr carry out his upholstery business. the team front our neighbouring for the Lions public speaking con. attires as there had been no calls 'Tykes defeated Belgrave by a 2.1 The blaze is believed to have community in two straight games, lest in the hall this Thursday ev• since the nett' truck arrived in count, Blyth goals wer scored by started from an oil space heater The group championship series ening, F'ebrnury 20th, when stud. December, c'lifford Branton and Steven How - used t'or heating the building and was against Ripley, and again the ents from Central Huron Second. A hockey game had been 'play• sort. when firemen arrived the flames locals came through with flying ary School will be contestants. cd between the Firemen and the Blyth Legion Squirts defeated had filled the structure. A newly colours. The Lions are hoping for a good Lions Club with the firemen re. Paisley 7.4 Saturday, February 15 as The boys are now awaiting the turnout of local and district res• diving $41.00 as their shard of to take a 1.0 lead in their best of all that chesterfield suite tthe winners of the Ilensall•Zurich idents, the gate receipts. It was moved three semifinal round for the all Ghat could be saved from the flames, Included' in the loss he. series and will in ,all prnbahility A great deal of discussion took by Ken Johnston, seconded by WOAA Squirt championship. Blyth sides all of Arthur's tools and be back in action this weekend or place regarding the chaperoning Doug. Scrimgeour, that this aro- had trouble throughout the game equipment, were several pieces of the first of next week, We ask of teen town dunces, Several' ney be given to 'Recreational and it was late in the third period furniture either awaiting upholst,• you to watch the local bulletin members had met with the Teen c,►ntmittee to help install panic before they made their move. Bring or just completed, some of boards for dates and to attend the 'town executive and a new set of hardware on the two west end Blyth goal scorers were, David which were antiques, games, Coach Ben Riley has been bylaws were drawn up. It was doors of the Arena for emerge!). Rodger from Ronnie Plunkett, Although the building was gal able to weld together a very ex. decided that the Lions would con. cies. Ken Ritchie unassisted, David Ro ted, firemen were able to save an (rinng tears well worth the support Dime to chaperone the dances on Further plans were also dis. dger from Don Carterand Ron• adjoining drive shed which hots• of everyone, the provision that the club sup• cussed about adding some Aux. nie Plunkett, Ronnie Plunkett un - ed farm machinery. Blyth travelled to Ripley for the ply two chaperones for each dance Hilary members as during the assisted, Kevin Carter from Brian loss oss has been estimated ,at first game of the series on Fehru• if the teen town would also make days so many of the regular fire. Millar, Kevin Carter unassisted, a;,The ately $4,000, but Art has ary J2th and walked off with an arrangements to supply' two adult men are out of town and now Brian Millar from Ken Ritchie. already made alternative arrange. 8 to 6 victory in overtime play. chaperones at each dance. that we belong to Mutual Aid in Blyth Legion Squirts eliminated ments and has been able to con• Blyth was losing 5 to 3 at the end Lion John Campbell presented the County more help will be Paisley by making it two in a row Mute with his business without of the second, and managed to Lion Robbie Lawrie with a per• needed. Plans were also drawn Tuesday night with a 6.4 victory Inc much delay. tie The game 5 l0 5 at the end of feet attendance pin, up for the night of the banquet and now meet liensall for the regulation time, They outscored Further plans were made for the with the Secretary to supply Wc'stern )Ontario iChanupionship. their opponents by 3 goals to 1 in annual smorgasbord and dance and games and prizes for banquet Blyth goal scorers were, Kevin PERSONALS the overtime period. Hobert Cook the date for the event has been night. Carter from Ken Ritchie; Brian and Gord .Berry led the Blyth at. set. for March 21st. loved by J. Howson, second. Millar from Ken Ritchie; David tack with 2 goals each, Gord Rd. Lion Harry Lear read a poem ed by George Bailie, that meet. Rodger from Brian Millar; Ron- , .. and :firs. ,iohn Banning, ey, Bob Langille, Richard Chal• composed by a member of the ing adjourn, nie Plunkett from Blaine John - :dr. And 'Mrs. Norman .Gowing, Mr, mets and Bill .11cDougall added club and this will be published Mon; Brian Millar unassisted; Da. ;end Mrs. Edward Wise, Clinton, one each, in next week's Standard. R. N. ALEXANDER, vid Rodger from Ken Ritchie, .►Ir, and Mrs. Smith, Stratford, ' On Febuery 14th Ripley return! The meeting•tclosed with the The Squirts will now enter a left 'for a two week trip to Flor• ed to Myth 'and returned horse roar, . . LONDESBORO_ PRESENTED series with 'Hensall with the first Ida, last- Saturday. suffering a humiliating 10 to 9• • - game played' in•.Hensall. this .Fri - Mrs. Bob Brown is a patient in defeat, Blyth goal scorers were: 11ITII OUTSTANDING day night at 7 p,m.. The two Clinton Public Hospital. We wish B :McDougall from .Bruce Mason: Blyth Orangemen SERVICE'AWARD teams will hook up in Blyth on bar a speedy recovery. R. Cook from W, McDougall; 13. Sunday afternoon at 4 p,m.; re - Mr, and •Mrs. Wayne Duffield McDougall from R. Chalmers; R. R, N. Alexander, of Londesboro, turn to Hensall the following Fri - and ibeir mother, Mrs. Fred DU- Chalmers from Chris Cowan; B. preparing For 12th who is a member of the Ontario day night at 7 p.m. and back to field, of Guelph, visited on Sun. McDougall from It. Chalmers; B. Pedigreed Seed Section of the Can. Blyth on Sunday, March 2nd for day with the latter's mother, Airs. Langille from C. Gowan; G. 13erryOrr Tuesday night of last week aclian Seed Growers' Association, an afternoon fixture at 4 p.m, William Fear, who is a patient in from C. Cowan; R. Cook from1.,O.L. No, 963 met in their hall has been presented with that The Squirts are an excited and Clinton .Public . Hospital, Mrs. l3, Mason; R. Cook; W, MeDugall Associations "Outstanding Service enthusiastic groupof young boys in regular meeting. W. Bro. stew, Duffield remalning here for the from 0. Riley and 13 Langille; , , Award" in recognition of his eon- and are sure they will win the week. art Amen! took charge of the R. Chalmers from 13. Mason and R. nnecling in the absence of the W. tribution to pedigreed seed pro. championship this year. They are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell.and Cook; dt, Chalmers from 13. 11'Ias duction in Canada, hoping that Blyth fans will turn M. Bro, Edwin Fothergill, The ' ' Ronnie visited at the weekend on; 13. Langille; R, Chalmers fromout to the games and cheer there County Master V. W, Bro, Henry with al1t•, and Mrs. Jim Tympany, 13, McDougall; 0, Riley; 11, Cook. 1'allerson accompanied by V. W. STARLIGHT UNIT MEETING to victory, Let's not let them nl' Aylmer, Miss Shirley Snell, of The final game in (he series 13ro. P,C.M. Wafter Scott and set!, clown folks! London, accompanied them home was played in Ripley Monday , • „ Starlight , . oral 13c.lgravc I3relhea n were Arcs The Star lrgh•t Unit of Blyth U. and will be spending a Sow days night and saw Blyth wrap up the ent. The members of Belgr•ave L, C',W. met an Tuesday evening with EUCHRE WINNERS with her parents. group championship %Mii a cont. p, L, have kindly offered their, a good attendance, The worship mending 10 to 5 win.Nine tables were in play at assistance in helping Blyth L, 0, service was Teel by Mrs, L. Me• Bob Langille was the big gunMonday nights euchre game In Pee Wees Preping I,. members with the preparations Nall and 'Mrs. I. Wallace. Mrs, for Blyth with four big for the corning 12th of July cele. the Memorial hall Blyth. g I,oals. Tic H. Griffiths gate an interesting ' scored one unassisted and was br•,atlon held here, 'Nigh lady, Miss Nora Kelly, account from the study book on Low, Mrs. Joe McCaughey; Hih aided on the other three by G, After the opening ceremonies China, g For HockeyTtilcy, 13. McDougall, G, Berry.County Master fatter sin was gent; Earle Noble, Low, • Richard Chalmers notched three :11rs. Laurie Scott presided over Falconer; Novelty ,,prize 'Mrs. big counters and was assisted on called before the Alter, given the business part of the meeting, Jim Barrie end John �Rinn.�Anoth• Grand Lodge `Honors and the Sunshine bags were given to each rr Euchre next Monday night. Tournament two of them bydt, Cook and B. order of general business was one present to be distributed to Langille, Gord Riley banged in called for. A general discussion NA' member of the unit. The I3I{OOA1!BALh RESULTS two unassisted counters and the look place on stork that has al. The Blyth Pecs Wees bowed oil scoring was rounded out with a � World Day of Prayer is to be of the W.O.A.A, playoffs last goal b ,ready been clone by committees on March 7th with the Evening On Tuesday night, February 18, y young 13111 McDougall, as- already formed, Further plans Unit in charge. Are ort on the 8th Jine of Morris 2, Auburn 0. Wednesday night by losing to Rip.Westfield 1,Blyth 5.3, !Ripley had taken the first sided try R, Coley anti R. Gook. were made and committee meet• social work was given by firs. Co•Op 0; Blyth ing nights set. Several 'helpful Kenji 'Webster.Flyers 1, 3rd line Nast Wawanosh Lame of the best of three series at ideas were 'given by County Mos.with er, A social time was firs, Scott closed the meeting 0 home on Monday night, Merchants PInV • „_., _ son and .. .. _. JOAN BLACK WON PUBLIC Blyth tied it up on a goal by Cam- I',C,M. 'Bro. Charles Stewart read enjoyed rand lunch was served eron who finished off pretty a letter of invitation front South by Mrs, Roy 'MeVittie arnd Mrs, SPE THere TonightSPEAKING FOR EAST Com- passing splay with Ills linemates Huron, County L. 0. L. to meet C.'anl Sparlyng, Millar and Ritchie, 'Ripley then with them to Varna on Febuary WAWANOSII SCHOOL scored two more to take a 3-1 lead Blyth lntermedialps wind up 10th, Also a letter from Robert Public speaking for the East {heir re gular schedule with a game McKinley P. for Huron very Death Wawanosh School was held Thurs• at the end of the second ,period, 6 Y M.� y ► i l et ti i here tonightagainst the rivalling sasfaory answering a very The learns battled an even terms day morning with Joan Black in the final 'frame, each scoring an a Zurich tof atetionltand is �shouldroves to be drary special �mectingrequest. was brought to a PURVEY, Mrs, Robert, , 87,. Blyth, canting first, herr subject "The St, twice, Blyth goals were scored by 1' passed away on Saturday, Feb.' Lawrence Seaway.” Cameron from -Millar and iMillar a good crowd of supporting fans, close with a nice lunch put- on by The Merchants are fresh from Myth I;10.L,• n�amberst awry 15, at Huronview, 'Wi_dott, Mary Edith Garniss came sec• unassisted. former Mary Ellen Woodrow, and her subject "Blindness", This does not end the hockey a 6 to 0 victory over Ripley, in The 'regular closing ceremon Lloyd Survivors: sons, Forest, This being Grade 7 and 8, which Lorne Daer chalked up the les being put on of Prayer and season for the local pec wces as shut out in the Blyth nets, the Queen before the business Ross, Bluevale; daughters, Mrs, Far Grades 5 and 6, Darlene they are entered in 1,112 Goderich Ifac (Della) . Shaw Brussels; Coultes came first,her subject, Young Canada Pee Wee Tourna. Congratulations meeting. lirs, Harold (Myrtle) Vodden; "Peanut Strip," David Stapleton rent as well As aLegion Tourna• n 1lrs, .Borden (Jean) Cook; Mrs. second, his subject, "Alcoholism." nrent at Kincardine, so the boys Congratulations to Jimmie Di• WILL CELEBRATE 89th .Vorman (Helen) Dowing; Miss The two students winning first will be practicing and playing ex- ckey, of Courbwright, who cele. I'm i'HDAY Evelyn, all of Blyth; brother, prizes were to the Wingham Le• hibilion games to keep In shape, orated his 10th birthday on Feb. .fannes, Kyle, Sask. Funeral. ter- gion Hall on Saturday morning The 'first exhibition game ar- ruary 12111, We extend congratulations Mind Mice at 2 p.m. Tuesday,. Tasker with other contestants in the sur- • ranged Is Friday night at C.F.B. Congratulations to Mary Law. Best Wishes to Mrs. William Fear tifemorlal Chapel, Blyth,' Tem- rounding area with Darlene Coult• Clinton against the Adastral Park rencc who celebrak3s her Iltli who celebrates her 89th birthday !►ovary entombment, Blyth Ce. es winning second prize for the pee woes, birthday on February 24. on Friday, February 21, inetery Chapel, East Wawanosh Public School THE I3LY'Tli STANDARD — \V1EUNE$W.Y, FEBRUARY 19th, 1969 HULLE7"1' 'I'OWNSIEIP COUNCIL (i,! February! 1 find you very Hairy, Not to mention Contrary, Weather-wise. Driving is scarey In February, One must be wary SUGAR and SPICB FEBRUARY IS SADNESS Even more than in January. Milk in bottles From the dairy Freezes on the porch In February, Aiid it's not A very merry Business Cleaning up the ruddy mess when clic bottle cracks and the milk leaks all over the tRefrigidairy, Sorry, chaps, but I've been conducting poetry -writing classes this week. And at the same tune wading through drifts, trying to get my ear started in the .good old sub -zero, battling my way through 40-mile•per.hour blizards, and helping Fury an old mate. Not conductive to a lyric column about the longest•sliorsest month in the year? Right. As you can see from the above, the poetry classes have been going very badly. Imagine having a teacher who writes such garbage trying to breathe Life, Imagination, Experience into your creative poetic soul. it's enough to turn a kid oft' poetry for life. Normally, February is a month in which nobody in his right mind can be found north of the 49th parallel. Unless he hasn't the money to escape. '!'hat's why there are so many of us lurching through snowbanks, noses dripping, eyes watering, coughs racking We're either out of our minds, or poor. And in many cases, both. Anti i1' we're not out of our skulls when the month begins, we're ready for the straightjacket and total sedation by the 28th. Thank the gods pit's not Leap Year, All I needed this year, to garnish my February complex, was to help bury an old mate. Ile wasn't old its years, and he wasn't a lifelong friend, but I'll miss hint. Our paths crossed and re•crossed since we both made he ridiculous decision to become teachers, about nine years ago. During our teacher -training summer courses surrounded by ho: -eyed, panting youth, just out of university and happy in the kn.iwledge that the world was theirs for the asking, we sort 01 drifted together in a muual•defence pact of gentle cynicism. I'd been through a war and a period of carving a living out of a pretty tough roast of a world. Ile'd been through a terrible accident, broken neck and the works, years of pain -filled conva' eseence. We'd both emerged. hattle•scarred but banner.. still flyin!:. from a decade or so of marriage and children. We weren't'exactly studen'Lmilitants, but we shared a heart:' scorn for and a quiet amusement at the establishment, the kee,i types, the pushers, the scramblers, the sparrows trying to maks like eagles. So we 'gravitated. and the friendship, sporadic and casual. lasted. After some years we wound up in t.he same town, teachin:; in the same school. • We golfed together quite a Int :because we enjoyed the pace, It was leisurely, good-natured, and we both practised one, upinansllip without scruple, ' You know: the loud scratch of a match at the top of the other's backswing; the coughing fit when the other was milling a delicate putt; the gazing into' the shy when the other hit a grounder; the gently raised eyebrow when the other missed the ball completely and almost broke his . back in the process, And we•kept a fairly good eye on the yardarm, It the stir wa, eve' it. we marked the occasion in the usual manner. And mcny a late summer afternoon, we sat under the oaks and discussed, without rancour, •the .foibles and follies of the world, while our wives and the•squirrels-chatterers in the background. i'll miss- the Old lBoy. And so much for•'February. tilllldt'�''uidiuY!lull!1!inhlllvalbll!I'1111!I,Iulliumeul'Illi!duldhllillltlflillutlul!alilluu!Iu11!u'It,ul4ullutily!illuuul:illlli!uh!ulmulUuu;11!uuh!!uuutlltlllutluiltUdl!t!uluull', I�'� THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving:the,Blyth Community since 1886 Douglas''Whitmore, Publisher. •Puhlished every Wednesday at .,Queen ,,Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO Member Canadian and ;.Ontario -Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscrintion 'Rates: Canada ' (In advance)' $2,50 a YPn1' Outside Canada (In; advance)''$3.50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents: Each "Authorized as .second . class .mail by the 'Post Office Department, "Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" MEETING The Council of the 'Township 01 Mullett met on February 3, 1969, with the alcove and all Council. lois present. Minutes of the January 13th meeting were read and adapted on motion of John Jewitt and Joe Dunking. Carried. Motion by Leonard Archam- bault and Joe Milking: That we appoint Mr. Harry Tebbu'tt as Hui - lett representative to the Mail - land Valley Conservation Author - it y. uthor•ity. Carried, Motion by honking and Jewitt, That we snake a Grant of $100.00 to the Huron Central Agriculture Society. Carried. Motion by Jewitt and Charles Scanlon: That the Road Superin- tendent apply for the balance of the 1968 Road Subsidy. Carried. Motion by Scanlon and Jewitt: That we advertise for Warble Fly Inspector at the rate of $1.50 per hour, and 10e per mile, also ten. ders for spraying at per head per spray. Applications and Tenders to be in Clerk's hands by 6 p.m. March 1st, 1969. Carried. Motion by .Archambault and Jewitt: That the Road Superin. tendent call for Tenders for haul. ing and Crushing of 12,000 cu. yds. of gravel to be put through a ?a" screen. Work to be done to the satisfaction of Road Superin- tendent. Work to be completed by June 15th. Tenders to be ac• cumpanied by a Certified Cheque for $1,000.00 and to be in by Mar- ch 1st, at 6 p.m. 1969, and approv ed by Department of Highways. Carried. Motion by Achambault and Scanlon: That the Clerk call for 'Tenders for Warble Fly Powder. 'Tender to state .price per pound and the Brand name of the pro- duct. 800 lbs. in 15 pound bags and to be delivered to the Town• ship garage in Londesboro. Tend- ers to be in the Clerk's hands by (i p.in. March 1st, 1969. Carried. Motion by llunking and Arch. ambau1t: '!'hat. •we read the Report on the Veenstra Drain, Carried. The Report. was read but as Mr.Uderstadt was unable to attend on account of the .Roads a Nicotine is to be scheduled later. Motion by Archambault and flunking: That we pay any Muni- cipal Official attending any one Convention pertaining to Munici- pal Administration the sunt of 560.00. Carried. Motion by Jewitt and Scanlon: That we include the naive of De- lores llot'atl to the Hall Board. Carried. Motion by Scanlon and Archam. baubt: 'l'hat Policy bonding 'Teas• arer has been received and .re• viewed and approved. Received from Frank Cowan Ins, Co. Car. ried. Motion by Jewitt and flunking' That the Road Superintendent make the necessary arrangements in regards to putting chloride on the roads for 1069. Carried. :Motion by Jewitt and Honking: That we appoint Len Archambault to act as Reeve to release Hugh Flynn to attend County meeting. Carried. Motion by Jewitt and flunking: That we instruct the Clerk to pre- pare a By -Law for the Estimates for construction and maintenance on the roads and Fridges for 1969. Carried. Motion by Scanlan and Jewitt: That a 13y -Law to provide for the 1969 Expenditures on roads in the Township of Ifutllett be receiv- ed and read a , irst time, Carried. • Estimated road expenditures is $85,000 and supplementary $770 800. Motion by •Jewitt and :Bunking: That the 1960 Road Expenditure By -Law be read a second time. Carried, Motion .by flunking and . Jewitt: That the 1969 !Road ExpendituNi By -Law be read a Third time, numbered 1969.4, passed signed by the Reeve and Clerk and -the Township Seal he affixed thereto, Carried. Motion by Jewitt and Hunking: That a .Bylaw lo .authorize the Corporation of the Township of l lullelt. to enter into • an agree• ment with J. B.' Taylor for refor. est aHon. -Carried, Motion by 'Thinking and Scan. !::1111, , y'�i'''Ih ! d,l� �'.,.iJ Ii. !�ll,;i,!.I lit!d�,l l: lll;llli �I�Ci!II!.Ii.LIIl�hIT'Ilj>111:11l1t!Ili'11'IJlililil��i1!j i!]I. I I � � I 1 . FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY "1 am going to leave my children to form their own ideas about religion when they grow up." This is the position of the per- son who prides himself upon his broadminded tolerance. l.f he means by this .that he will seek to avoid making his children little bigots who will think of one. particular branch of Christendom ass having all the truth and all others as being completely wrong then a very good case can be trade out for his 'position. Certainly .bigotry is not the answer to the needs of our day. If as is more frequently the case however, he means that he will avoid giving his children any instruction of a religious nature at all, and probably no moral instruction either but just let them grow up in a rbligious vacuum, then he is talking the sheerest nonsense, for it can not be done. One might as well say 1 will not allow my child to speak any language until he is fifteen years of age and then he can decide for hinisell' -whether he wants to talk Bantu, Chinese or English. Children are bound to express themselves some way and they are also hound to recognize somethings as hav• ing supreme worth. Children have a right to the best that we have learned ;hrou; h the years in art, music, science and religion. As Christina ian people we believe that the best the world knows in the area of religion centres in Jesus Christ. To deny children instruction in this area is to deliberately stake thein victims of spiritual malnn- rition. '1'Iuy are left without any sense of direction, purpose or value, assuming of roar?c that they could grow up that way, which they can not! "Nature abhors a vacuum". If children are left without any ;case of values or purpose or direction they will acquire one and probably a bad one, If there is no place for God in their thinklntge then sell' will in all likelihood move in to take that place. All of lite will he made to centre around their own gratification until they become quite repulsive and lacking in any sense of respons!• hility beyond sell centred interests. Ai. ' !11!9!11!11 II 11ir11111i11111!!!!!ullag !,,e1,,P I mi 1101 !^ 4 i0 :� I i It lh t 9 1�,;ngri I Ise P "i^'I'7!I'I'i '; I I ; !'�' I. :li I! 1 ,111 1 i1. 91t! I;i I`�l:i.: � 11' . .11: I . l.1.. , 4. m nun -1,g Zlie (1urdes Ii1IL III ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, ROBERT U, MacLEEAN, B,A. 1:00 p.ni. --• Church Service. 1:00 p.ni, -- Sunday School. ( CHURCI OF GOD 1lcConnel Street, Blyth Sunday Services ERiC CLEAVE, PASTOit 10:00 a.m. --- Sunday School. 11:00 a.m, ,-• Worship Service. Thought For The Week •Ile that is faithful in that which is least —" Luke 16:10 "Little things are important --men stumble over pebbles, .not mount- ains." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. 11, W. KItOEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. -- Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 47 — "Hallowect „Be :.Thy Name"" 11:00 a.m. -- Sunday School, 3:00 p,m. •— 'Text: Mark 14:27,30 — "Gethsemane" ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, W, R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) 'Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 x.111 --• Trinity Church, BeIgrave: 11:15 a.m. --- St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30p.m.-- St, Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2.45 p,ni. THE UNITED CHURCH OF' CANADA itl;V. W. U. 11A'T1IER, 1B.A,, B,II,, MINISTER Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of •Music, 9:45 a.i::. -- Sunday Church School 11:00 a.m. -- horning Worship — Words from the Cross (1) "Father' •Porgivle" 8:00 p.m. — Study Group I' fP�!!pgi�ll!pPl�>Iplp��f�!rnlillhlglll�gl!Iq!p11IlI!1!►!!II�I11mplipli4tPpl!iD!pj!Ip!I;pi!I►.�I►�lii r.tup;!q!I!�!yipplip!u,;plf �;1f�1'I!!ill'llitpginl!�l1�In!Ir;1111!�!ii�l�'I I' len: That the Reforestation By. Township Seal be affixed thereto. Law be read a -second time, Car. Carried, Pied, - Motion by Scanlon .and Hewitt: Motion by Scanlon and flunk- • '!'hat the accounts - be. accepted as ing: That the Reforestation By. read, passed and paid, Carried. Lane• be read a Third -time, passed, Motion by Hunking and Jewitt: and nuan'bered ' 1969.5, signed by That we•adjourn°•to-meet'.again on the -Reeve ••• and Clerk and"the March 3rd, at 1 p,m,:carried, East Wawanosh Council Decide To Erect Township Road Signs East Wawanosh Township Colw- ell met in regular session an Feb. ruary 4th, 1969, at 1 p.m. in.the Ile!grave Community Centre, with the Reeve, Roy Pattison, presid• ing, and all the Council members present. Minutes of the inaugural meeting held January 6, 1969, were read and adopted on motion of 'McDowell and .Coultes. Carried. Motion by Hallahan and Walsh, That Robert Carter be appointed as representative from Fast Wa- wanosh 'Township to the Blyth Municipal Recreation Committee. Carried, Motion by Coultes and McDnw• ell, That we apply for the subsidy under provisions of the highway Improvement Act for the year 1968, Carried. Motion by Walsh and Hallahan, That By -Law No, 3, 1969 (being a .13y -Law to provide for the 1969 expenditures on roads in the Township of East Wawanosl>) he introduced and read. Carried. Motion by Coultes and McDow- ell, That By -Law No. 3, 1969, he passed a first and second time. Carried. lfotion by liallahan and Walsh, that By -Law No. 3, 1969, be read a third time and finally passed, Car. ried. \ir, Ross Jackson met with Council to discuss stop and yield right-of-way signs for the 'i'own• ship of East Wawanosh. 'Motion by Walsh and Hallahan, That the Clerk prepare By -Laws providing for the erection of stop signs and yield right-of-way signs al interesections. Carried, Mr. Gibson met with .Council and reviewed 'Township Instil• ante policies. Motion by McDowell and Coul• tes, That premiums re Liability and personal policies be paid. Car. ried. Motion by llallalian and \ic• Dowell, That the Clerk call tend• ers for warble fly inspector, spray operator and helper by the hour. Applications received until 12.00' o'clock noon, March 4, 1969 State wage expected. Any application 4.44-1.61-••*tt , • e-••• •-• s-•-• •-rte•+ •+/-••-• • •-• • • •4 • • • !-• •+ •-• 1 t 4 • • • t • • •• • • • • • •• ••-•••++++••-•-•1PI •• ••-•• •++•+♦•+• ••+•+•tN++4-•• .* 20 PERCENT DISCOVNT on MADE TO MEASURE SUITS by HOUSE Of STONE BUY that SP1tING SUIT NOW and SAVE! R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MAi)liAUS on Thursday and Friday •• t t t • 4, • • • • • • i i • •+•11-4-4 H-••'• • • 4- • 4 4-4-40-•-•-•-- •-•-• • • 10-4 4- • .44-04 • •+-•+ 4. i t 4 4 • • SELLINGOUT SALE 16 pr, of WOMEN'S (SHORT) SNOW BOONS, small sizes, regular to ,9.95 SELLING OUT AT ONLY 1.98 16 WOMEN'S 10 inch BLK. SNOW BOOTS with low heels, regular 8.95 sizes 5 to 11 NOW 5.95 11 pr. WOMEN'S 12 inch SNOW BOOTS white or black, regular 9.95, NOW 5.95 I30YS' Green Insulated RUBBER BOOTS sizes 2 to 5 SPECIAL 5.00 MEN'S 14 inch KNEE RUBBER BOOTS first quality, sizes 6 to 12 made in England 3.95 N•1I94•/1M1N• The Arcade Store Phone 623-9411 Blyth, Ontal;io, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast. Dependable Service, not necessarily accepted. Carried. Motion by Walsh and Coultes, That Council accept the 1968 Tax dtoll us returned by the Tax -Col- lector. Carried, Motion by Coultes and Hajla han, That James Walsh and Ger ald 11cDosell be appointed as re. presentatives to the Mid -Western Ontario, Development Association. Carried. Motion by McDowell and Walsh, That the Road Superintendent call for Gravel Tenders: re 10,000 cu- bic yards gravel, more or less. Carried, Motion by Hallahan and Coul• tes, That we pay $10.00 member• ship fee to the Ontario Farm Drainage Association and dhtat. John taunt he paid expenses of $5.5.00 plus registration fee if at. tending. Carried. Motion by Walsh and McDowell, That By -Law No. 4, 1069, (being a ByLttw to provide for the "Bin. tool Drainage Works) be read a first and second time. Carried, Motion by Hallahan and Caul. tes, That the Township call for bids t'e sale of a drain debenture. Carried. Motion by Coultes and M eDov• ell, That the Roads and General Accounts as presented he passed and paid. Carried. Motion by Hallahan and Me. Dowell, That the Road Supt. ad- vertise for sale the army truck, as is. Carried. Motion by McDowell and Walsh, That Council adjourn to meet again on March 4, 1969. at 1 p.m. Carried. The following cheques were is sued: Road Cheques C. W. Hanna, salary, 274.65; Bills Paid, 2,68; Alan McBurney, wages, 397,15; Truck, 7.50;Arnold Bruce, wages, 249.09; Arnold Bruce, truck, 6.00; Murray Vin' cent, wages, 250.66; Ross Jamie• son, gravel and truck, 68.70; On- tario hydro, shed lights, 30,29; Geo, Radford Construction, snow removal, 2,647.00; Belgrave Co. Op., salt, 14,70; Listowel Trans. port Lines, freight, 7,85; Jack Wardell, chains, 172.20; Dom. Road Mach. Co., parts and labour, 784.23; Ray Hallahan, towing gra. der, 20.00; Harry Williams, fuel, 860.51; Brophy Bros., tube ete., 53.05; Receiver -General of Cana- da, 170,61; Unemployment Insur- ance Stamps, 26.40. Total Road Cheques, $6,049,27. General Cheques Winona Thompson, salary, 118,• BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 Y *444444+44 4 .4 4+•4+•+..-.+ Dead Stock Picked Up 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 482.981] We pay $5.09 to $15.00 for disabl. ed or dead cows and 2c per lb. for standing horses. Small calves and plgs picked up free of charge. LICENCE NO, 169.3.88 23.3 wasiammumussimmorammome 'I'11l 131.1"I'l1 S'TANDA141) — WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1909 Donnybrook The February meeting of the U.C.W. was held Tuesday after• noon at the home of Mrs. Saris Thompson with a good attendance. rs, ,Stuart Chamney had charge of the meeting and opened with the. theme "Kindness." Psalm 694 was read in unison, "Let us with a Gladsome .ifind" was sung and Urs. John 'Hildebrand took charge of the business. She read a letter 70; Bills Paid, 1.62; Alex McBur• ney, salary, 118.70; Telephone, .45; Receiver -General of Canada, 15,30; Welfare, 128,20; IIuron County Federation of Agriculture, 521.17; Ont. Farmers' Union, membership, 30,00; Blyth District Fire Area, 1069 levy, 380.00; Ont. Farm Drainage Assoc., member- ship, 10.00. Total General Cheq• ties, $1,324,14. Roy Pattison, Winona Thompson, Reeve. Clerk. • • + from Ilttronview and it was decid• ed to send cards and parcels on special holidays to 4 inmates there who haven't got friends or relations of their own. Literature for "World Day of Prayer" was viewed and discussed. Mrs, Mor- ley Johnston reported getting a "'Thank You" letter for blankets she had sent. Mrs, Chamney had roll call and give minutes of pre. vious meeting. Mrs. Wesley Jef- ferson gave a reading. After singing "Happy the Home When God is There," Mrs. Ray Manna gave the topic "Be Kind to one Another" and held a dis• cussion. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson read different passages of Scrip• tune to go with the topic. The of• feting was received. 'Mrs. Hanna read a poem and after singing "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" Mrs. Margaret Leddk gave a read• ing. Mrs. Chamney closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was supplied by the hos• less and Mrs, Tom Armstrong. ►•• • • • + • • • ♦ t • • • • • • • • •-• • •• • • •1-•-N ••+•1+1+N-••••• ••H1 -•L 1 1 • • • ! • .-•-• •-•-Ff! 1,-f-1••+11-••-N-•+++••-•-•-•-•-•f••+-•-•-•4+•+N+++••♦! • U UI,1,ET'l' 'I'OWNSHII' TENDERS for GRAVEL For the hauling and ..crushing of approximate?y 12,000 cu, yds. of gravel to be put through . a far' screen, Work is to be done to the satisfaction of the Road Super- intendent, The contract is to be completed by June 15, 1969. The tenders closing 6 p.m., March 1, 1969, must be accompanied by a certified cheque for $1,000.00. Lowest nr any tender not necessarily accepted: The accepted tender must be approved by the De- partment of Highways. GEORGE HOGGART Road Superintendent 11.11, NO. 1, I.ONDESBORO, ONTARIO 314 • • • • • • ! • ! • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 4 •. • • • • • • • • • • • • DEAL NOW AND SAVE .MONEY on one of these value -packed cars 1969 FORD Fairiane, 2 door, hard top, V 8, automatic 1969 FORD Custom, 1 dr., V 8, automatic 1960 FORD Half Ton 1968 PONTIAC Parissienne, 4 dr., hard top, V 8, full power 1967 OLDS. 4 dr., hard top, V 8, full power 1967 GALAXY 500, 2 dr., hard top, V 8 , full power 1967 FORD Custom, 4 dr., V 8, automatic 1967 PLYMOUTH Fury II, 2 dr., hard top, ✓ 8, automatic 2-1967 DODGE Polara 500, 2 dr., hard top, ✓ 8, automatic, ps W66 FORD Fairlane 500, 2 dr., hard to'p, V 8 2-1966 CHEV. Bel Air, 4 dr., automatic 1966.PONTIAC 2 dr., V 8, automatic, ps 1965 OLDS, 4 dr., full power 1965.FOR Custom 500, 4 dr., V 8,, automatic 1965 FORD Custom, 4 dr., 6 cyl., standard 1964 MERCURY 2 dr,, hard top, V 8,.fulI pow. 1961 DODGE 2 dr., hard top, V 8, automatic SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's BAR SHIES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523.9681 • +++++4+44. 4-•-•4444-1•$+4+-44.4.44-4-444.6 THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 190 Morris Council Prepare Tenders For Roa dGravel; Warble Fly Control Morris 'Township Council met on February 6 with all members present and Reeve William Elston presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved on nto• tion of Thomas Miller and Janes Mair. Moved by Mair, seconded by Ro. bert Grasby, that Mrs. Torrance Dundas be paid $75.00 for care- taking of Walton Library in 1969. Carried. Moved by Ross Smith, seconded by Grasby, that road accounts in amount of $5,089.68 as presented by road superintendent be accept. ,•d. Carried. SIMMONS ANNUAL DEEP SLEEP SALE DELUXE Reg. MATTRESS 89.50 llilero•Quilt Cover) SMOOTH TOP Regular 79.50 CONCORDE DELUXE CONTINENTAL BED Regular 144.00 HAMILTON HIDE•A•BED CONVERTIBLE SOFA Sale Pirce 269.50 Save 52,00 NOW 67.88 57.85 NOW 99.83 SAVINGS up to 50% on HOME FURNISHINGS CARPETS & FLOOR COVERING Duing This Sale SALE ENDS MARCH 1st at BALL & MUTCH Albert St. — Clinton 482.9505 Moved by Miller, seconded by Mair, that By -Law No. 3, 1969, set. ting road superintendent's sating at $2.10 per hour and $15.00 per month for bookkeeping and 10 cents per mile as of January 1, 1969, be passed as read a third time subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer. Carried. Moved by Smith, seconded by Mair, that Wm. Elston and Thom - Miller be Morris' rcpresenta• tive on MfODA Council, and Rob. ert Grasby and James Mair be appointed to ,Mid,Western Region. al Tourist Council. Carried. Moved by Smith, seconded by Hiller, that eve endorse the res• olution from John 13. Kennedy, Committee Secretary, Township of London, re: discontinuance of ARDA grant. Carried. Moved by Mair, seconded by Grasby, that we advertise for ap. plications for warble fly inspector to be in by noon March 3, 1969H Carried, Moved by Miller, seconded by Smith, that we advertise for ten - dors for warble fly spraying In state price per head and Township to supply powder, tenders to be in by noon 'March 3, 1969. Carried Moved by Smith, seconded by Miller, that we advertise for ten dors for supplying. crushing and delivering approximately 20,000 cu. yds, gravel on township roads, A certified cheque for $500, to ac. company each tender. Tenders to be in by noon March 3, 1969, Car. ried. Moved by Smith, seconded by Mair, that 865.00 be paid to each official attending a convention. Carried. Moved by Grasby, seconded by Mair, that general accounts he paid as presented. Carried. Moved by Mair, seconded by Miller, that sleeting adjourn to meet again March 3, 1969, at 1 p. m, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. General Accounts Municipal World, supplies, 2.60; General Welfare, 249.70; Blyth Fire Area, expense levy, 300.00; Helen Martin, salary, 140.30; Geo. •-• +44444- +44 444444444 44++.4.+4•-•-•44 4 •• • •-• •-* •+•••••••6 •} + BREADED CHICKEN BALLS BREADED JUMBO SHRIMPS •Fried Rice Dishes • • PORK OR BEEF WITII MUSHROOMS • • CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOMS ..• ... SIIRIMP WITH MUSHROOMS TRY OUR EXCLUSIVE NEW FEATURE DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD EGG ROLLS . Sweet and Sour Dishes 1'OItK SPARERIBS BREADED PORK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chop Suey Dishes PORK OR BEEF WITH MUSHROOMS CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOMS • . , SHRIMP WITH MUSHROOMS ,20 1.25 1.50 1,75 1.75 1,25 1.25 1.35 1.35 1,35 1.45 Chow Mein Dishes CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOMS 1.45 PORK WITH MUSHROOMS 1,45 SHRIMP WITII MUSHROOMS 1.00 ALL ORDERS SERVED WITH RICE Take -Out Orders A Specialty Blyth, Ont, HURON GRILL Phone 523.4391 1 •+ rge 6alal'y, 50.00; Cana. dian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Income tax and Canada Pension, 11.50. Road Accounts E. S. Hubbell & Sons, bolts, blades and runners, 148.00; Britt. ge Motors. gasket, 2.84; Robert Burns, hoses, 20.67; Wilmer Glou• ,her, snow plow & standing time, 1,970.00; Glenn Snell. snow plow, and standing time, 723.00; Glenn MlcKcrcher, snow plow and st5nd' ing time, 586.50; Dominion Road Machinery, water pump, shaft and labour, 260.08; Alex Inkley, gas, fuel oil and tax, 558.53; Toni Gar- niss, repairs to chain saws, 18.90; .1. ('. McNeil, prestone, 20.0.1; Id. 001 Supply Co., wrenches, 12.71; Hank of Commerce, pension, 10.- 16; Receiver General, Unemploy- ment Insurance, 7.05; Wm..MeAr• ter, mileage, wages, bookkeeping 179.70; James Casemore, wages, 345.40; John Smith, wages, 226.10. Wm, J. Elston, Helen D $lartin, Reeve Clerk, BELGRAVE Sunday visitors at the home of 1Ir• and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John \sere Mir, and Mrs. Charles Me. Gavin, of Walton. llr. and Mrs, John Spivey and family. Ingersoll, visited on Sun• day wits' Air, and Mrs. Harold Procter and Hiss liargarel Curtis. Mfr, and Mrs, Clarence Manna spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna and fancily, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh 'Minn spent Monday afternoon at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gordon, Kin. loss. Mr. ;1c1 Nits. Williarti Arnt• strong attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Wheatley, of Seaforlh, on Tuesday after. 110011. Mir. and Mrs, Elroy Mint?. and Kimberley, of Elmira, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ha'ry Minn. Mfrs. Albert Vincent is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, bay- ing haying undergone eye surgery on Monday. llr. and *Airs. Daviel Hanna and family. of Kitchcirenn,e1', spent Tuesday with Mr. and 'firs. Clar- ence hanna and attended the fun- eral of their grandmother, Mfrs. Wheatley. '1'he second line of Morris held their weekly euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thomas. High Lady, Donna Edgar; High Man, Mars. James Elston; Lady's inne hands, 'Mrs. Glen Sellers; Men's Lone hands, Bert Garniss; Low Lady, .Bert Hastings (playing „s a lady); Low Man; Irvine Stor• cy. The next party will be at the horse of Mr and :firs. Bert Hast. Ings. TENDERS WANTED ••-••••••••••••-0••••#4•+••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 • s 1 • 1 • t 1 • • 1 • + • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • + • • • • GODERICi1 52.1-8391 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+.+++• WANT A NEW CAR? We're 12 Units Short of our February Quota 73 NEW CARS & TRUCKS IN STOCK AL1, MODELS FROM VAUXHALLS TO CADILLAC'S No Reasonable Offer Refused IMMEDIATE DELIVERY McGEE PONTIACBVICK + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-••-•-••♦••••♦••••••••••••••-••••••-••••+•-•••4+•-•-•••• +. • 4 4 • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • t + 1 A TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH GRAVEL TENDERS Sealed tenders plainly marked will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock ,March 4, 1969 to supply, crush and deliver to Township Roads approx. 10,000 cubic yards ('rushed Gravel size s'.a, to be completed by July 19, 1989. Work to be done satisfactory under supervision of the !toad Superintendent. Mark cheque for $400.00 to ac. company tender. The contractor shall satisfy the Said 'l'Gwnship that he has adequate insurance on equipment and employees, Contract to he approved by the ,Department of highways. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. W. HANNA Road' Superintendent Belgrave, Ontario, 82-2 ► • rt• •• • ♦ • • • • •• • 1i • • • • • ♦•• ••• ••••• • r•-•••••••+•••+•••• Nt•M TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS • • • • Tenders clearly marked fls to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12. noon, March 3, 1969, for spraying cattle for warble fly control in the 'I'owtt• ship of Morris. !'ender must state price per head per spray, Township to sup, ply the powder. Lowest or any tender not neces• sarily accepted. 'MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario, 32.2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 'I'IIE ESTATE OF TROY 1)AVH) DOIHERTY deceased, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Myth in the County of Huron, Garage Operator, Awho died on the 3rd day of February, 1969, are required to file proof' of same with the undersigned on or before the eighth day of March, 1969, After that tlate the Executrix will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 10th day of February, A.D. 1969, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & Mill Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix, 32.3 • • • • • • • • 4 • 4 • • • • $ NEW LAUNDROMAT HOURS 8 a.m. to 10 p.m, MONDAY to SATURDAY inclusive CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY Until Further Notice EFFECTIVE 1M\IEUTATELY BLYTH LAUNDROMAT •-• •-•-• • • • . •.•-0-144-4•P•• 9 +SNM••+1••i+4•M� 1 1 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 •4+••44-4-4-•+•••-•4 ++ 4444 • • •• • • •44.4 44•••• 1-••••• -• ••• 4 444-••4 CHARLES CUNNINGHAM t • • • • • 0444-4+4-4 •+•-+4-•+N4+++4.4 44+4 444-4+44-•44-++++ RALEIGH DEALER CLINTON - PIiCINE 482.7720 « •44 -+4444 • •`•-•4 w •-H 44 • •-4 4-• 4-•-44 • • •-+4 ••• i+•-• Elliott Insurance Agency • • + + 1 BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES • 4 AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LLIBILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE 1N GIVING SERVICE" t ' Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 THE MATH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, 1i'E131t1TA1tY 19th, 1116h9 ••••••1••••-•-r-N-t 1 • 1'• •-t-••• • •-• •-• • • • • N • t • t • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • -• • • t • •• • 4 • • • • • • APPLICATIONS AN1) TENDERS regarding Warble Fly Spray Programme in the Township of HuOett (1) Applications for Warble Fly Inspector at the Rate of $1.50 per hour and ,iOe per mile; • • spray; • 1 • • • 4 • 1 4 • • i t2) '!'enders for Spraying at pace per head per (3) Tenders for supplying Warble Fly Powder, to state price per pound and Brand name of the product, Eight Hundred pounds in FIfteen pound bags to be delivered to the Township Garage in Londesboro when required. The above Applications and Tenders to be in the Clerk's hand by 6.00 p.m., Saturday, March 1st, 1969 CLARE VINCENT Clerk•Treasurer BOX 293 LONDESBORO, ONTARIO 31.2 • Snell's •• t+•14 ••-th•.• • FOOD MARKET THE MONEY YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN I)el Monte Tomato Juice, 48 oz, tin 29c Heinz Ketchup, 20 oz. bottle 30c Green Giant Niblet Corn, 2 - 12 oz. tins 39e YorkGreen Peas, 2 - 14 oz. tins 39c Kam Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. tin ..... 15c York Peanut Butter, 16 oz. jar ..,..... 45c Ingersoll Cheese Spread, 1 lb. jar 69c Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 5 Ib. tin 89c Stafford's Berry -Box Raspberry or Straw- berry Jam, 24 oz. jar 49c Quaker Puffed Rice or Wheat, 6 oz. box 25c McCormick's Graham Wafers 35c Dream Whip, 4 oz. pkg. 49c Red Rose Tea Bags, 90's 69c Carnation Coffee -Mate, 11 oz. jar 79c Bisset's Ice Cream, half gal. 89c Kitchener Packers Bologna .... 3 ib. for 1.00 Kitchener Packers Weiners .... 2 lb. for 1.00 Kitchener Packers Sausages, lge, or sm. 2 lb. for 1.00 Fresh Pork Riblets 3 ib. for 1.00 Fresh Sauerkraut 3 1b. for 49c Fresh Sliced Pork Liver per Ib. 29c4 Golden Bananas 2 Ib. for 29c Tomatoes 29c per ib. Good Size Oranges 113's - 59c doz. Firm Cabbage 10c per lb. Facelle Royale Toilet Tissue . , 4 rolls 55c Facelle Royale Paper Towels .... 2 rolls 45c Phone 523.9332 We Deliver Londesboro Items The Isercau Unit of the U.C,W, met on 'Tuesday with a good at. tenclance. The opening hynin "flap py the Ilome" was sung. The President gave n reading followed by prayer. Roll Call was answered with a scripture verse. +\11nutes here read and approved. Mrs. 1)urnin and Mrs, Gourley had the program. llynul "Jesus Shall Reign" was sung. Psalm 1413 was read followed by prayer. Mrs. Gourley gave the notes from the Chinese Pae "Man and 11is Fam• ily." Mrs. Durnin gave several readings. '('he Worship Service on Sunday morning was conducted by the Ifi-C group. Topics were taken by Beverly Lee and Robbie Snell pertaining to Problems which ar- ise for Parents and teenagers, A number of sacred songs and hymns were sung accompanied by quit• ars. Bev -and Don Jewitt led in prayer. The young people are to he commended on a fine service. The first and second meeting of a .Junior Club of which a name has yet to be decided on, was held at the home of Mrs, Jack Snell on Wednesday. 'Betty Josling was el. ceted President; Secretary, Sir. ley Watkins; Press Reporter, Vane ghan flunking; Leaders, Mrs. Har- ry Snell and .lira. Jack Snell. A meat discussion was interesting. Next meeting will be February 18th, at the home of Mrs. Jack Snell. !Miss Edith Beacom spent the weekend in Toronto, Miss Dorothy Little spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hooper, of Aisle Craig, spent the weekend with his sister, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Pipe, also attending the winter carnival at Clinton. Miss Ann Fairservice visited in Oshawa for a few days recently, also a business trip to Toronto. Mrs, Wayne Jackson and child- ren spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen. I3ELGI{AVE SPORTS OF L'iST WEEK IN HOCKEY The Belgrave Tykes played an exhibition game against Blyth in 13 elgrave on uesday night with Blyth winning by a score of 3.2. The Squirts also played the sante night with Blyth Squirts and tied 1 2. Pee•Wees played an exhibition game on Monday night against 'l'eeswater in Belgrave and lost 8.2. On Friday night a regular sehe• dule game was played with Kur- tzville Pee -Weer in Kurtivilte 7, Belgrave 3. Belgrave Bantams played a re,g• ular schedule game Thursday night in Fordwieh with Fordwich and won by a score 7.6, An exhibition game, Belgrave Bantams and Brussels in Bras• sets with Brussels 8, l3elgrave 7, Midgets played a schedule genie on Monday with Belmore in Del- more and lost 6.3. On Friday night Belgrave IYfidgets played with WANTED Class "A" Licenced Mechanic to start immediately at a progress• ive G.M. dealership. Good working conditions. To wages paid in this •area -- Benefits Applicant must be neat and clean and able to work with others. Apply in person, McGee Pontiac - Buick 37 llamilton St., GODERICH h'ordwich in Fordwich, and lost 11 1 d.3, 4, Men's I3rounhhall game was Stone School Intermediates played on Thursday night in Bet• played a schedule game against grave against St. Clements with Clifford in Moldmay on Wednes. St. Clements 9, Belgrave 0. day with Clifford 6, Stone School On Wednesday night the 13e1' 3, Friday night in Belgrave ag• grave Girls and Wingham Girls must Fordwieh and won by a score played broomball and tied 0.0' *4-444-* • • •4 ••-•-•-•••••••-•• • •+4-4r• • •-• •••••• •• • ++4 + *104 • • 1 t • cUTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ARRITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Thursdays Only BEEF BY THE QUARTER OR HALF Wrapped and Packaged to Your Own Specifications Fresh Cut Meat Is Best On Any Table HOME-MADE SAUSAGE .... PER 1.13. 59c COLEMAN'S LARD, 1 lb. prints EXTRA SPECIAL .. 5 LBS. ONLY 1.00 • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP .Ellie "Freek" Button, Proprietor 81,1'7'It, ONTAI{I0, PIIONE 523.4551 4 ••4-4 • •-•-•-1-•.1-P 1 1 • r1i N 1•4-* •-f •44-.4.+411• •-1-••1-••4+0-0-M-+-• 4-1•4 Ni -9-1 1-1,-4 11 • t • • • • *4 • ••• • • 1 • • •-•-•••-••-• COOK'S Gold Seal Recl Sockeye 7 3 4 oz, tin 57c Maxim Freeze Dried Instant Coffee 4 oz. jar 89c Kellogg's Special K Cereal, 15 12 oz, pkg. 59c White Swan Bathroom 'Tissue, 2 roll pkg. 24c Giant Size Tide XK, 1Oc off label, per pkg. 89c Champion Dog Food, 1 - 15 oz. tins .... , 53c Salmon Stokley Mix or Match -•- Fancy Honey Pod Peas, 5 .14 oz. tins 1.00 Fancy Cream Style Corn, 5 • 14 oz. 1.00 Fancy Cut Green Beans, 5 - 14 oz. 1.00 Gold Wax Beans, 5 - 14 oz„ tins :... 1.00 Green Lima Beans, 5 • 14 oz. tins , . 1.00 Van Camp Beans with Pork, 5.14 oz, 1.00 Shirriff's Good Morning Marmalade 24 oz. jar • 49c Lee Choice Crushed Pineapple, 2 • 19 oz. 49c McCormick's Graham Wafers, 1 Ib. pkg. 39c McCormick's New Spring' Blossom Cookies 3 pkgs. 89c McCormick's Scotch Mint, Gum Drops and ,felly Beans, reg, 39c 3 pkgs. 99c New From Schneiders -- Mini Sizzlers Sausages 1 Ib. pkg. 59c Chicken Legs per lb. 49c !Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Indian Rivet' Grapefruit, White or pink 5 for 39c Fresh Celery Stalks 29c Cucumbers each 23c Phone 528.442]. We Deliver • • • Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest The Auburn ,Memorial Conunun- ity Hall Board held a successful Valentine's dance last Friday CV- ening. vening. Music for dancing was sup• plied by the Bluestone orchestra, The winner of the door prize was firs, Stewart Snaith, and spot (lance winners were Mr. Robert McAllister and Mrs, Neil Staple- ton and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gauley. Mr. and Airs, Jake Stryker, 11.11 3, Clinton, visited last Sunday %vith Mr and lb's, Wm. Straughan Mrs. Rimmer Bakker returned last tweet( front a five week's van - Hon ion in holland with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Bakker met her at ltaltorr airport. Friends of Miss Gwen McDowell are pleased to learn that she is improving in Godcrieh hospital of injuries received in a car accident. Me►• fiace, Air, Art Laidlaw, was also injured and is also a patient in Goderich hospital. ,Mr. and Mrs, Jim Johnston, of 13luevale, visited last Sunday with Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Mrs. W. 1Bradnock, Sheron pod George visited last Sunday with Mr, and firs. Hugh Bennett and family. Mr. and ,ltrs. Wilbert Thom re- turned home recently after a cow pie of months visiting their son, Mr. James Thom and Mrs. 'Thom in Montana. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Gordon Tate is ill with pneumonia at her home, -We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Major Youngblut presid. ed for the Ladies Aid meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church, Au- burn, The'minutes ,were approv- ed as. read by the secretary, Mrs. ltoy Daer. Thank -you notes for ('lowers- were read and other busi- ness was discussed. The meeting was closed -and lunch was served by Misses Ella and Minnie Wag- ner. BALL'S CEMETERY BOAiU) HELD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Ball's Cemetery Board was held with the following Trustee mem- bers present: Frank Raithby, chairman, Norman McDowell and William Wagner; superintendent, Robert '('turner; Secretary --Treas- urer, ltrs, Gordon pit, Traylor. The financial report was sub - united, discussed and approved as presented by Ars, Gordon Tay- lor. The 'Trustees appreciated the bequests from the estates of the late hiss !Mabel llickingbottom and Mr. Harvey 1lcGec, During the past year the' Trustees pur• chased a parcel of land from li'. and Mrs. Arie Duizer. The exten- sion to the cemetery is made at the eastern boundary and further development wilt be carried on during 1969. The Knox Presbyterian Church will be in charge of the annual memorial service on June 29, 1969 It 3 :p.nt. A short business period was held and Robert 'Turner was hired for another year and also Mrs, 'Taylor will be the secretary• trcaiuret'. ANGLICAN WOMEN HELD REGULAR MEETING The Anglican Church Women of Sl. ,Nark's Chtu'cit, Auburn, met for their February meeting at the home of Mrs, Donald Cartwright. The hostess was in charge of the meeting and Mrs, Gordon .11, Tray- lor accompanied on the accordian for the hymns. '1'bte hymn "Be- neath the Cross of Jesus" was sung, followed ..by the scripture lesson Psalm 23, read .by 'Mrs, An- drew Kirkconnell. Mrs. Cartwright closed the devotional period with prayer. Mrs, Gordon Taylor read an in- teresting letter from 'Rev. G. Locke, of Fort George in Paint Hills, telling of the church work clone among the Eskimos and In - diens, A reading "Church in Horn - es Snowed -in" was read by .lb's. Cartwright. The missionary' topic "Whither Church .Publications?" was given by Mrs. John Daer, It was an interesting address by the editor of the Living Message their women's Anglican magazine. She told about the possibility of ,vnal- gantation with the Canadian Churchman, the Church of Eng- land's other church magazine, The hymn "he Leadeth Me" was sung; and Mrs. Cartwright thanked all who had assisted in the meeting. The president, Mrs, Thomas Ilaggilt welcomed all to the meet- ing and presided for the business. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs.' John Daer, and she read the correspon- dence, '1'he financial statement was given ,by Mrs, Andrew Kirk - council, The travelling apron re- ceived a penny for each letter in The Latest Innovation In Home Freezing WESTINGHOUSE FAST FREEZE CHEST FREEZER NOW YOU CAN OPERATE YOUR OWN DEEP FREEZE .PLANT RIGI•IT AT HOME Flip the fast freeze switch and down goes the temperature way below .zero ,to freeze just at the peak of freshness. Fast freeze. is .better .because it captures all the flavour and freshness, Lets you store food. longer, enjoy it more when you cook it. When you've frozen your new supplies, flip 'off the Fast Freeze switch :and : freezer: returns :to normal temperature. SLIM WALL INSULATION Gives you.,maximum freezer storage lit a minimum of floor area -- as mach as 30 percent more room inside, '5•YEAR FOOD SPOILAGE .WARRANTY All freezers have a 5.year food spoilage warranty. C Cronin's TELEPAONF 523 9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER "Barahas is free " and the roll call was answered by telling their fay. Dille Bible story as a child. llrs haggitt closed the meeting; with prayer and an auction followed. Lunch was serve(( by Mrs, Cart. Wright assisted by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. .1U13UItN (',G,1.'1', MEETING The Auburn C.(.1.'I'. group stet in the Sunday School room of Knox united Church with llrs. Hildebrand in charge. The meet• ing was opened by the president, Marie Plunkett, and the Purpose was repeated, Everyone took part in the wor• ship service, each finding a scrip - lure verse containing the word, Love. Ten girls answered the roll call and Shelley Grange read,ihe minutes of the last meeting. 'Trudy Machan received the offering and Sherry Plaetzcr gave the treas• urer's report. Business was con• ducted and followed by a program of contests. 'l'he meeting was closed with 'Paps, FEBRUARY MEETING OF AUBURN CHURCH W.M.S. The February meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church :Missionary Society, Auburn, was held at the home of Misses Ella and Minnie Wagner with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Wilfred San• derson, opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer. All read in unison, the hymn "The Lord is my Shepherd." Mrs. Anderson weI• conned all to the meeting and J'rs. Frank ,Raithby led in the levo• tional period, The scripture les• son from . Luke 24th chaplet' was read and the meditation was on the. Laying on of glands, The minutes of the previous meet N g were accepted as read by the se• cretary, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland, She reported that she glad sent used stamps to the Bible Society and asked for, more to be brought to the next meeting. A vote of thanks was extended to Miss Prances Houston for the quilt which she had made for the bale, Some of the W.M.S, mem- bers and friends had assisted with the quilting, It was announced that the World Day of Player set. - vice would be held on March 71h in the Baptist Church at 2.30 pan. After the offering was received and dedicated by prayer by Mrs, Raithby, The roll, tail was answer- ed by naming a Mission Field and telling about it, The mission study was taken by Mrs, Wes l3radnock who Contin tied the study of -the faiths of The world, She showed pictures of churches of the Hawaiian Islands and told about the faiths and the church services she had attended while visiting there in January. A remarkable feature of these set • vices in the oldest and newer churches is that you have to go early as the churches are crowd. ed and black,' brown, yellow, and all races join together to worship God. The meeting closed with the benediction, AUBURN 4.11 CLUB MEETING The first meeting of the Au- burn 4•I1 Club was held last Sat- urday nmorning at the home of Jlrs, Donald 'Maines. The meeting was in charge of the leader, Mrs, W, . ,Bt.adnock. and was .opened by repeating the 441 Pledge. The election of. -.officers took place, They are :President, Sheron Col- lins; Vice -President, .Grail Seers; Secretary, ,Doreen 111eClinehey; Te- lephone committee, Sherry Plaet• zer and ,Marie Plunkett. The fifteen club members cte• Med to call. their club "The -Kool . Kuts," .The , next ,meeting to be held on Saturday, Mrs, Brachnock outlined the club requirements for this spring - project. "Meat in tire 'Menu,'"1lcat -22nd it's value as food was discussed, Mrs, Donald ' Haines, the assistant leader, led in the discussion on. the identifi- . cation , of •nneat . cuts and ,.where they are ..found on; the, carcasses of beef, pork and mutton, .using charts. The meeting ..the 4)H,•. -.Creed, was closed THE itt.Y'I'li STAND/Vitt) --• WE1)NESDA.Y, FEBRUARY 19th, 1969 •••••••.•••••,••.••••••-••••••••-•-•.-,••.i••••-••+•♦+± TOWNSHIP OF FEAST WAWANOSH TRUCK FOR SALE BY TENDER 1 • 1913 6 they, 4 wheel drive army truck for sale. 3 extra tires and rims. Would make good tow truek. '('ender; will be received by the Road Superintendent up until noon, March 4, 1969. Council to have final decision on tenders. C. W. HANNA Road Superintendent � Belgrave, Ontario. • 32-2 • N•,,.•••••••••••1++/•••••.,•••4 +•+•••+•++ -$4+-,N- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 4 • • • • • • • 4 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — r'..... r -- SEAPORTS Open Every Afternoon PRONE AAA & ISIA Rubes' 235.0620 ...-•.+-.+ 1 Residence 235.1384 • .4•.+4 • ++.•'N• -•t• • • 4+4 •+N.-•-•-$ +•-•••-♦++•'• •-•♦•••-•4•+N (DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4-* *4-4 * •+4-4-4-4-444-• •*•-4-4+•••+•+•4+•-•+4-•.• PRESIbYTEIt1AN CHURCH AT AUBURN HELD 108th ANNUAL, MEETING Knox Presbyterian Church,. Au• burn, held it's 108th annual meet- ing at the home of .Mr, and . Mrs. Donald Maines. Rev. R. U. Me - Lean conducted the worship ser- vice with scripture lesson from Romans 12th chapter. The-min- utes he-min•utes were read by Donald Haines, the church secretary, and these were accepted as read, Reports were accepted- as printed -with the Session report presented- by Don- ald Maines, The financial ,state. nrent was given by the church Treasurer, 11rs. W. Bradnock, ancl site also gave the budget report. Two bequests were : received dur- ing the year and they were inves- ted as well as the proceeds' from the sale of the manse to'Mrs, Don. aid Haines. The Woman's 'Missionary Soc'.- c ty presented an excellent report under the guidance of the presi- dent, Mrs. Wiifnged Sanderson. Ch's. Donald Haines reported for the W.M.S. financial standing and Mrs. - Roy' Daer • gave the Ladies .lid report, The officers for.,19692arc the: fol-. lowing: Session,,,Alfred;Ttollinson, .1. K. Scott, Arthur Youngblut, Wm, Wagner, Donald ' Haines, Clerk; ,.Managers,, Gordon Dobie, Wm. Wagner, Wilfred .Sander• r on, Major 'Youngblut, Ed. Davies nd Roy Daer; •'llrustees; 'Arthur 1'oungblut, Donald Haines, Got.. ('on Dobie,, J. K,. Scott;'.organist, frs, Donald.lialues; `hliss.,Margar• . Sanderson; Secretary, ,Donald 1 'nines; Treasurer, 'Mrs, -E1danor 1'radnock; Auditors, Mrs, Ed;` Da with n les,. Miss Luella Wagner; Ristor- ian,. Miss.. Frances. E, ..Houston, WESTFIELD Miss Margery Smith, Mrs. Char- lie Smith, '•Mr, Gordon McDowell visited on Thursday with Mrs. John A. Gear, Waterloo. Miss Marie Gear, Waterloo, vis- ited for the weekend with, tMIss Janice McDowell. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon E. Smith, and Douglas, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, John McDowell, Mr. and firs. Eric Vogl and fam• ily, London, Miss Margery Smith and Mr. Charlie Smith were New Hamburg visitors on Saturday. Mr, anti Mrs. Don McDowell. Kitchener, visited on the weeknd tvith Misses Judy, Janice and Car. of McDowell, Mrs, Gerald McDowell visited with her .grandmother, Mrs, John Carter, in Oli:/ton Public Hospital on Wednesday, The occasion be- ing Mrs, Carter's 81st birthday, Mr. ,..and Mrs, David":Webster and family, Blyth, visited. on Sun- day with Mr. anti Mrs,`Edgar How• • att. . Mr, Douglas'and Ronald Howatt were at: London on Friday attend- ing 11, Drainage Conference. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald McDowell ,have visited .several times this week with Miss.,Gwen .McDowell and Mr, Art Laidlaw who are. pa - Heins in Goderich Hospital A's the 'result of a ear: saccident,'We wish them both a good recovery. Cllr,: and;.Mrs. John Boyd, Wal- ton, `visited :with Mr, and. Mrs. Aouglas.`Campbell on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs,'Alvin Snell, Shir• ley a and Bonnie,' ofr•Blyth, visited with Miss Janetta Snell and Gordon Snell. on Monday, • . THE 13LYTH STANDARD -- 11'EL)NES1.1Y, FEBRUARY 19th, IDOL► ft ed Haines, Mrs. ('harlc� (;;)►r)l► 1►ell; 2trcl line, Glenn Sellers; 11rs. Peter Campbell; 3rd line, Stanley PAIR OFFICERS ELECTED George Johnston. John It. Taylor Hopper,William t'nullrs: 4th uul Ilarold Vincent were named line, Clarence Yuill, Mrs, James MI'. mid lir:.. Stewart -Ili -Call Steven,. The annual meeting of the J3el to procure ;r ,ecrelary l.reasnrer. l.cishnuw; 5th line, llrs, l''larenc,, and Mr. and Mrs. ,lack Bryan., Mr. and .11rs. Bert► Traviss and grave, Blyth and Brussels Fair ,11`,1101),:::.:11.1/". I'hcre twill he no crates 1►rowid+vl white, Donald Proctor; lith line, have returned home from a motor 11r, and Mrs. Ray Heather have was held in the 13e1grave Com• to accommodate poultry at the ,lobo Wesselink, Thomas 'Miller: t rii, 10 California. returned home after spend}nf, the uutnity Centre on i''ehruary 10th 1969 fair, 7th line, Lloyd Pease, llilke 1{oe, Mr. and Mrs. Neil 1lcGavin past two weeks in Florida. .it 8:30 p.m, with 8 members pt•es•Officers for 19(39: past pre.i tcisoender; 81h line, 11rs. Louis nave returned after spending Mrs, Walter Broattfoot returned eat and George Johnston presicd• dent, Harold Vincent; president, Phelan, Donn 1d crai,: 90h line, ready two weeks en a skiing hold. home last Monday after spending irrg• Geor;;e Johnston: 1st vice t►resi" Buytt 'Caylot. (lay in Vermont, U.S.A. the past two months visiting wllh The treasurer's report showed a dent, Peter de (iroot: 2nd vice' Last Wawanosh, Boundary, 11a. The port;rcssive euchre party her brother and sister•in-law, Mr. balance on hand of $217.93. A president. John 11, Taylor; sec. son Bailey; 3rd line, ilobert cart. sponsored by the W. 1. was helot and Mrs. Samuel Love, at Sankt'. rant of $800.00 will be received rctary•treasurcr, not named; and• t•:•. Mrs. William Patterson; 4th 1:+sl Friday evening in the Walton loon, Sask, and other relatives, from the school board, hors, Mrs. Stanley 1101)per. Mrs. line, Maurice llallahatt, Nti,s.:1ro. community hall with the follow. Mrs, Graham Sholdice has re. It was decided to hold the 1969 William Coultes• nld Cook; lith line, Eldon Cook, ing committee in charge, .1it•s. ,lu• turned home from Stratford Gen, fair on Wednesday, September 10 Directors: Morris 1st line: Wil -Urs. Huss'1'aylor; 9th line, Wilfred 11105 Axt►nann, Jlrs. Laverne Cod• oral Hospital last Friday, a , a ...•,.• , , .•;„. • t,” r.r� , ,+ , ;,,;,,,,,,; ,,,, �, Walker Kenneth Wheeler; 10th lain, .11rs. Edward (�odkin, 11ts. 1). 11r. and Mrs. Norman 'William- '!:P;��l,ltt.,1��1 1,0!,4.►?; `.,ili"6 :4 �- ; ,,;_+I}atll,t. ri:r.i,t,,ls:.;l~.,,,t.,, . . I .:;>:;; .,I, ; `} Watson.The prize few days recently line, Henry Patlersun, Urs, Rich son. c winners induct• son spent a► ently au•d ,Moore; 12te1 line, Howard ' d: Ladies high, 'Mrs, James Clark, with Mr. and Urs, Gerald William. Walker; Boundary, Kenneth Cur. low, 1frs, Edward Miller; Gents son at Cotlingtt'oocl, pie. I►iglt, Wn►. 1icenring, low, Keith 11r. and Mrs, Gordon McGavin (`110'1{, FEB. 20 —Public School 2.30 • 3.30, Bantam Hockey practice 13eIgrave, Mrs. Clifford Purdon, 1'Inrk; lucky chair, ,lack Simpson; spent several days with their son Mos. Lewis Stonehouse. ►,uthday nearest Valentine Day, and daughterinlaw, Mr, and Mrs. 4,30 to 5,30, Intermediate Hockey 'Zurich vs Myth Mrs. lir. and firs. Robert 1•:eilh Clark. The con)tniflce rot' John McGavin, of Thornbury. at 8.3U pan. Final Home Game of Schedule. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. E, Watson, February 28 euchre party will be 0'. Brussels, Ralph Pearson, Jack Mrs. Ralph Traviss, Mrs, Alex Gut. FHi., FEB. 21 — Pre School 2 to 3.30; Public Skating 7,30 to 9,3 13ryans, Mrs, Robert Wheeler, ulnen, , 'Mrs. Margaret flun►phries, SAT., FEB., 22 --- Clinton Figure Skating Club 8 to 12; Public Appointed to sell advertise. 11rs. Wm. Humphries, Mrs. T. Skating 2 to 4, Evening, 7,30 to 9.30. meats for the fair: Auburn, Peter l)uttdas. • , de (;root; Belgrave, George John The March meeting of the Wal SUN, FEB.. 2 23 -- Public Skating 2 to 4; Squirt Hockey Game llensall Mon; Myth, John R. Taylor, Eldon vs Blyth, Second game of a 3 out of 5 series at 4,00 p.m. ('ook; Brussels, Robert Grasbv, NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA ARENA SCHEDULE MON, FEB. 24 — Londesboro Boy Scouts 7 to 8. TU -ES. F'EB. 25 -- Figure Skating 4 to 7; 13roomball 11 10 19. WED. FEB. 26 — Public Skating 7.30 to 9.30. Please watch Bulletin Board at Arena for Playoff Hockey Ganes and Skating. :�f 1;.i1 r 1prpg. l�; 1 !w 1sf t 7i' ; a .;,I, . �..!!�'1`''.,.. Tt , i.��i�l..i�iil�fR!, ,fd,+�i�,�:!,rill +4+ ♦4••4.4444-•--4 • •• •4-••• 4-1 •• •444444 • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • 1 • 0 • • 4 ♦ • • • • 4 • 1 i ♦ • ♦ 4 • THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Electric Baby Bottle Warmers Regular $3.95 For ,$2,95 Swinger Model 20 Camera Regular 824.95 For $$21.95 Brownie Fiesta Camera Regular $7A5 Ivor $5,50 Photo 'albums $1.00 to $2.50 For Half Price Baby Brush and Combs Sets, 98c, For 69c Ladies' Hair l3rushes --- 1;3 Off Men's Hair Brushes •-• 113 Off Watch Bands --- 112 Price R. D. PHILP Phm. B. DRUGS • SUNDRIES . IVALLPAPER — Prone Blyth 513.4449 .4•4-1-1$44-04+44-•44-44 4444 4444 • •i-•-•4• • •. •4 .... • • 4444-444• 4.4444-4-44••4-4 •-+ • •-N•• 44•-4.44 11•-••414-4•+ , 4 • • • certified cheque for $1,000. must accompany tender. Tender j forms may he obtainnecl from the undersigned, All bidders ; must use Township Tender Form. • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. E. M. CARDIFF • Clerk, Township of Grey • •ETHEL, ONTARIO • •• GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders wild she received by the undersigned until 1 p.m., Monday, March 3rd, 1969, for crushing and hauling approximately 20,000 cubic yards of 9s" grave] dor the 'Town• ship of Grey. Gravel to be supplied by the township. A 4 64 64-4-4 64♦ -040-4-444-4-4.4-6-4-0444-4+ •4-4-+44 ••-• 1 • Mr. Farmer - - - DO YOU NEED A SILO OR PERHAPS A SECOND SILO? CONCRETE SILOS FROM 14 FT, DIAMETER TO 60 F1C. HIGH Corn, hay silage and high moisture corn is excellent feed, Why not increase your beef production and milk output? Write to us and let us call and discuss this matter with you • • 1 t ►n W. 1. will be d b. , \vitt the I{esolutioheln CommFeittee26. George Michie; Bluevale, Harvey Mrs, Herb Williamson and Mrs. Edgar; Wingham, Alex Robertson, Man McCall in charge, Coloured Henry Pattison and Wm. Cnultes. slides of the Hawaiian islands will The principals and staff of the be shown during the evening. three schools will pool their ideas Mi'. and Mrs, Allan McCall and for revision of the prize lists. Beverly attended the funeral of It was decidedto hold a music 11rs, .1. H. Wilkie at London last festival in 1969. The committee: tialurday, Mr, Black, Mr, Stevenson, G. Ross Mr, and Mrs, .Robert Stevens Anderson, Mrs. Norman Coultes, :''td family visited over the week - Mrs. William Elston, Mrs. Wilfredcod with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Ilaines, Mrs. Sidney Thompson, Mrs. Phyllis Rodger, Lloyd Wal• den. Harvey McDowell, Kenneth Re -Opened Wheeler, Mrs. Bruce McDonald, Mrs, Ray Vincent, James Lowrie. Mrs, William King. We are again open for The directors meeting was set i)Usli1eSS for February 24, al 8.30 p.m. in following our fire, the Belgrave Community Centre. A suggestion that Art exhibits he 1311o11e 1523-1528 —1528 Tot' flee displayed was made. MIKE'S Farm Equipment BRUSSELS Box 251 estimates Clark Upholstery FARMS East Wawanesh, Concession 7, 150 acres, 8 room) house, 3 piece [lath. Barns 54:45, 50:36, 40:36. Drilled Well. 20 acres of good h:;rd•,vuod bush. 111111011 Township 130 acres. t) room house. Barn 12:74, Codcrich Township 1110 acres. 8 room house. Barn 40:60, 40:40, 2 silos, milk house, bulk 0001er, 38 milk cows, 35 heifers, All the implements. Guderich 'i'otvitship 266 acre,,. 9 room house, Bath and oil furnace, 2 good harps. Thi; Linn is set up for 450 hogs. IluIlelt 'township 5 acres. 6 room house, oil fur nee. 3101.11 40:40. Price 3800, Dollars. (IBURUMA 1{,11, 2, Clinton, Ont, Salesman for John Bosveld, London, Ont. •t•-•4••-••...•.-•-. ..♦-••-• ••-•..-I •-$'•-••-••-•4♦tF•f4-•-F+• N•♦� 0 4 • Stewart's• • Pi. 211 Red U3 White Food Mkt. v i 4 YOUR ,IAMESWAY DEALER tor SALES and SERVICE "First in Power Chorine' Dairy • Beef • Hog Poultry' i 4 4 1 t • • CURATOR REQUIRED FOR HURON COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Excellent working conditions, and employee benefits. Location of position -- Goderich, Salary depending on qualifications and experience, Apply in writing to the undersign. " ed no later than February 28, 1969 giving particulars including age, marital status, previous employ. went, when available, ARNOLD 'UGILL & SON , JOHN G. BERRY, CLERK,TREAS, CONTRACTOR -- BUILDER COUNTY OF (HURON, 92 Cambria Rd. N. GODERICH Tel, 524.9437 ; COURT HOUSE, 31•2 . GODERICIi, ONTARIO. 0 31.2- 4-1 !SIXTH, ON1'„ !'hone 9451 WE DELIVEH Kraft Macaroni I)inne]' .. , ..... 2 pkgs, 29c Kleenex '!'issues, '100's ......... 2 pkgs, 59c Scott Bathroom Tissue 8 rolls 1.00 Fleecy Fabric Softener, 64 oz, . 75c Maxim Freeze Dried Coffee .......... 99c Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon, 1I2's 55t Sunlight Powder, giant. size 79c Mir Liquid Detergent, twin Oak 79c Crisco Shortening, 1 ib. pkg. ....... , , 39c Australian Fancy Bartlett Pears, 2 tins 49c .Carnation Coffee Mate, 11 oz. jar ... , . 79c Monarch Pouch Pak Cake Mixes, 3 pkgs, 49c Solo Margerine, 100 percentveg. oil, 1 Ib. print -I for ............................. 89c, Sunshine Frozen Green Peas, 2 lb, bag 49c Scope Mouth Wash, reg. 1.29 .... , . only 99c Neilson's Assorted 10c Bars ... , 10 for 79c McCormick's Soda Crackers or Graham Waters .................. 1 Ib. pkg. 39c Indian River Grapefruit, pink or white, 5 for 39c Buy of the Week Weston Brown or White Bread; 4 loaves 89c Weston Ilalnhllrg or trot Dog Rolls 2 pkgs.49cRoyal Crown Drinks in 'Tins , . , , 24 tins 1.99 4 • 4 • 4 4 4 0 • • • • • • • 4 t 4 • t 1 • • • ► • IT ► j THE 13LY'I'li STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1969 il, Id,tw, Id It t II, II ��n �'' N t II tl .11,1,1 . I , hl 111, till 1.' IIL L tl�i ul ted �I tl l'IIn��D tP� �q II P. Busin Directory -- �•---- SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND IT: Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE III.I"1'H --• Phone 523.9273 J. V. LONtISTAI F' - OPTO11ETIIIYt' 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.in For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE -- Balance of Week -- Phone 527.114O VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CI,EANEBS AND POLISHERS F111FEIt QUEEN SALES -- Varna •-- Tel. ('ill. Ilensall 6902 SANITARY SEWAGE DISI'OSAI, SFPTIC TANKS, CESS•POOLS, ETC, PUMPED & ('1 AN1 t' FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 -•- Phone •442We Dlt. R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B,' Appointment Only, Except Enter;enri»- Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. Gordon W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Tlientre -- WINGHAM Phone 367.1361 ELLIOTT R Elliott, Broke). ESTATE AGENCY R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523.4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT t;OI)RItICII -- ONTARIO Telephone 524•((521 4 Britannia Itd., E. CRAWFORID; SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS .1. H. Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L.B,, A. Mill, 13.A., L,L.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE; AGENCY Blyth 523.4.481 Phones Wingham 357-:t6:3o DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING • 'TINTING • COTTING & COLI) WAVES DOREEN McCALLU51 - Phone Blyth 5234511 Closed All Dai, Monday -- Open Tuesday Through Saturday !MYTH BEAUTY RAR OPEN TUESDAYS, TI[URSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE, BI.YTII 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN IIOLLINGER BLAKE'S IVELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WFLI)1Nt; ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Plume 48243113 1l, T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth Ont, Phone Clinton 482.3320 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to al) Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP, Phone 623.4275 Res. 523.4591 PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS • HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER +- For appointment call Clinton 482.9908, Seaforth 527.0640, Col- lect. al•3 1st ANNUAL SALE At Myth Singer Center. Re- ductions of 10 to 30 percent on sewing mat!hlnes, notions, yard goods, floor care products, type• writers, home entertainment it- ems and pets. 81-lp. APPLICATIONS FOR Secretary -Treasurer for Hullet.t Federation of Agriculture. Must attend all meetings. Salary $55.00 per year. Applications to be for- -k warded to Lorne flunking, R.R. 1, Auburn, by March 1st, 1969. 31.2 CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for cards and • flowers while 1 was a patient in A Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden and Dr. Street and the hospital staff. 32.1. --- Mrs. Gerald Watson. CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing r repairs; specializing in stabling. 4 Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 371! FOR SALE 1000 bales of good hay. Alex Lubbers, R.R. 1, Belgrave, phone 523.9328 Blyth. 131.1 + 4 CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Fri. 1.30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton , r 4 • 4 TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSII 'fenders for Warble Fly llaspec• tor, Spray Operator and Yelper. State wage expected by the hour. 'fenders to he received by the un• dersigned until 12:00 o'clock,. noon, March ,4th, 1969. Any ten. der not necessarily accepted. MRS. WINONA THIOMPSON, R. R. 5, Wingham Ont. Township Clerk. 31.2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 7'IIE ESTATE OF JOSEPH ,MILLER deceased. A LL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Myth in the County of Huron, Re- tired Construction Foreman, who died on the 30th day of January, 1969, are required to file proof of sante with the undersigned on or before first day of March, 1969. • After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the es - ate 'baying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 10th clay of February, A.D. 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD AND MILL Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 31.3 EUCHRE PARTY Londesboro Hall, Friday, Feb• ruary 21st at 8.30 p.m. Lucky door prize. Ladies please bring lunch. Sponsored by Londesboro Hall Board. 32.1 CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to say a sincere "Thank You" to all those who sent cards and gifts,' and visited me -while 1 was in Wingham Hospital. 32.1p. -- David Marshall. CARD OF THANKS ^` *We wish to express sincere shanks to the Blyth Fire Brigade, friends and neighbours who help. ed ,at our fire last Thursday. Your assistance was very much appre• elated. 32-1. - Clark Upholstery, PATS MATERIAL. 11A.N1)LING SPECIALISTS Barn Gleaners . Silo Unloaders Feeders PEDLAR STABLING . complete installations • free estimates Phone 595.8955 GASCHO FARM AUTOMATION Electrical Contractors M1 'l'ypes of Electrical Work -- Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATHWELL, R,lt, 1, Brttcefield -- Ph, 482.3384 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS - 011, BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - -- WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C, BURIJMA lt.lt, 2, Clinton Phone 482 3278 Salesman for:. JOIN 130SVELD, London. LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SAL(';S & SERVICE BL'YTR, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9586 '"Your Oil Heatin.i. Contractor'.' FOR SALE 8 track automatic car tape car• tridge player. Used, btit com- pletely overhauled. Includes speakers. I3lyth Singer Center. 3'2-lp 'fame, skunk, I Center. FOR SALE deodorized housebroken year old, Blyth Singer 32-1p MAN WISHES PARTTIME WORK, any type. Phone 526• 7 751 Auburn. 32.2 FOR SALE Oak buffet, and large desk. Mrs. George Nesbitt, phone 523. 9139 Blyth, 32•lp FOR SALE 1968 Snow Cruiser, 16 H,P., wide track, electric starter, re- verse gear. Pohne 357.1598 Wing - ham. 32•lp FOR SALE Quantity of bright, clean baled straw; also some hay. Bill Cowan, phone 523.9229, JR.R. 1, Auburn. 32•lp WANTED 100 to 150 acre farm to rent for one year with the option to buy, or, would trade house in Tees• water. Apply to Box "B" in care of the Blyth Standard. 32.2 CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to all those who sent cards and made visits dur- ing my stay in hospital. Special thanks to Dr's Street and Walden and the nurses on the first floor. 32.1. -Jim Seid. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12. noon, March 3, 1969, for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for Town- ship of Morris to work according to the Warble 'Fly Control Act. Any application not necessarily accepted. MRS. IIELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario, 32.2 BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE ' Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. Samples shown in your home. * * Free Estirnates. * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From • BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Phone 482.9505 Clinton 1 ,r 30•tf. FOR SALE FARMS, HOMES & BUSINESSES LISTINGS WANTED We are constantly receiving re• quests from "out of Town" buy ers for all types of property. If you have some Real Estate you would like to sell, it will pay you to give us a call. Over 400 people to serve you. STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTH Representing H, Keith Ltd„ Realtor - Toronto, Ont.