HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-11-27, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD $2.50 A Year In Advance -- $3.50 In U.S.A. E31.Y'l'ii, ONTAR10 — WED., NOVEMi3ER 27th, 1908 Volume 80 • No. 21 Single Copies Six Cents A STIFF Regal Chapter Christmas Shopping CHALLENGE Installed Officers Hours As we mentioned in our head- line, the election on Monday for members of the Huron County Board of Education will present a great challenge to smaller com• munities in the county. The chat• lenge we speak of comes in the form of electing a member to the newly formed board of education. Good examples of what we are trying to explain are the two local municipalities of Blyth and East Wawanosh, Both have nom. Mated excellent candidates to fill the position, and both will have to bond together and vote as a block if their men are to have any hope at alt of winning elm tion. Blyth has been placed in a riding with Clinton, Hullett and McKillop. Clinton alone outnum• hers us in voting strength by more than three to one. They also out- number the other municipalities in the riding by a considerable margin and could conceivably place both of their candidates on the board. 'Thus, the entire rid- ing would be represented by two men from the same community. East Wawanosh is faced with the same odds. They are in a riding with the town of Wingham and are outnumbered by approx• innately three to one. T'her'e is little doubt as to the desirability of placing a member of your own community on the board, All one has to do is look to the election itself. 'There are few municipalities in the county who are not seeking to put a man on the new board. If the smaller communities have any .hopes at 11 of doing so, they must defin- itely get out to the polls and vote on Monday. Pee Wees Ice Strong Contender The ,Blyth Lions Pec Wees have been practicing at the local arena for the last two weeks and the two .men in charge, Ilugh Millar and Glen Carter, feel that they have a team that will provide entertaining hockey in the com• ing season, It is to be hoped that fans will turn out in goodly num• hers to cheer the boys on, Players who have turned out to practice are; Greg Riley, Paul Johnston, Joan Verwey, Larry Plaetzer, (tick Smith, Larry Cart- er, Ron Hunking, Randy Millar, Rick Cameron, Gary Ritchie, Norman German, Warren Rodger, Keith Manning, John 'Watson, John Mull, Joe Flynn, Lonnie Whitfield and Brian Manning. Here is the schedule of games: Dec, 9th, 7 p.m. Lucknow at Blyth; ;Dec, 13, 7 p.m. Ripley at Blyth; Dec, 20th, 7 p.m. Brussels at Blyth; Dec. 24th, 7 p.m, Blyth at +Ripley; Dec, 28th, 4 p.m. Blyth at Wingham; Dec. 30th, 7 p.m. Wingham at Blyth; Jan, 10th, 7 .Blyth at Brussels; Jan. 17th, 7 p.m, Blyth at Lucknow. Blyth, Brussels and Ripley are "E" teams. Lucknow is "D" and Wingham "C". Celebrated 88th Birthday Congratulations and Best Wish- es are extended to Mrs, Ethel Burgess, of Chilliwack, B,C., !na- ttier of N7rs. porethy Creighton, of Blyth, who celebrated her 88th birthday on Monday, November 25th. The annual installation of Offi• cers of 'Regal Chapter 275 0.E.S, was held on Tuesday evening, No. umber 19th, in the Memorial hall. Blyth. The meeting was well attended with about 80 members and visitors. Following are the officers in• stalled for 1968.69 term. Worthy Matron, Mrs. Marjorie Marshall. Worthy Patron, Mr. Bert. Shot!. brook. Associate Matron, Mrs. Dorothy Ellioll. Associate Patron, Mr. Frank Elliott. Secretary, Mrs, Mildred Anent. Treasurer, firs. Nettie Clark. Conductress, Mrs, Marjorie East. Associate Conductress, Mrs. Marcella McNall. Chaplain, Mr. Warner Collings, Marshall, Mrs. Geraldine Col. lings. Organist, Mrs, Ruby Philp. Adah, Mrs. Pauline Marlatt. Ruth, Mrs. Gwen Patterson. Esther, Mrs, Joan Campbell. Martha, Mrs. Vera McVittic. Electa, Nits. Beverley Elliott. Warder, Nil's, Lottie McLellan. Scntinal, Mr, Iiarvey Sillib. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. W.I. Plan Christ- mas Meeting The Christinas meeting of the Blyth Women's Institute will be held in the assembly hall of the United Church, on Monday, De• cember 2, at 2 p.m. Guest speaker `will be Mrs, Les Naftel, of Bar- rie, who will show slides and tell about her two years in Germany. Every lady in the community is invited to come and hear this speaker, and give her a warm welcome to her former home town. 9 Tables In Play Nine tables were in play at the weekly euchre in the Memorial Ball on Tuesday night. high lady, firs. Gertic Cronin; lone hands, Mrs. Clarence Johnston; low lady, Mrs. Irvin Bowes; high man, Mrs. Calvert Falconer play. ing as a man; lone hands, Mrs, Luella McGowan and low man, Mrs, Albert Nesbitt, both playing as men. Next week the games will again be on 'Tuesday night due to Nfon• clay's election. Unit Completes Japanese Study The Maple Leaf Unit of the 1J.C.W, met on November 21st, at the home of Mrs, Irvin Bowes with 19 members and 1 visitor present, firs. Bowes was in char- ge of Devotions with Mrs. Calvert Falconer reading the Scripture passage. Mrs, Esther Johnston complet- ed our study of Japanese profiles, which has given us an insight in- to the courageous and fruitful lives of only a few Japanese Christians. Mrs, W, 0. Mather was in char- ge of the unit business in the absence of Mrs. Winona McDoug- all. The final meeting of the year will be i'n the form of a potluck luncheon at 1 p.m, on December 12 at the church. At the close of the meeting a social half hour was enjoyed. Open all day Wednesday on December 11 and 18. Open un• til 10 p.m. on the evenings of December 20th, 21st, 23rd and 24th. $100. Jackpot Goes To Clinton The big jackpot prize of $100. was won at the Lions Club bingo last Saturday night and the lucky winner was Sandy Gibb of Clint- on. .Don Ives and Luella McGow- an split the first share -the -wealth game and Mr. Simpson of Bros- sols won the second of these feat - tire games. The $25.00 was won by Mrs. Sarah Anstett, Wingham, and Pat. Shaw won the door prize. The hundred dollars will be on the line again this Saturday night and the special door prize will be one of the Lions' $5.00 tickets on the big two thousand dollar draw. WEDDING McDONALD -- SiiAW The Blyth .United Church was decorated with yellow and bronze mums, with green fern, for the candle light ceremony on Satur•. day, November 16, when Brenda Jane, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Shaw, Blyth, ex• changed marriage vows with Lorne George McDonald, son of Mr, and Mrs, George McDonald, of Woodville. Rev. W. 0. Mather of- ficiated, Mrs. Donald Kai, Organ• ist, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo. ist, Mrs. Harold Campbell, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "'This Our Wedding Day." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown of rayon peau de soie trim- med with lace, and long lily point sleeves. Iter three -tiered nylon illusion bouffant -veil was attached to a wedding ring head dress, trimmed with tiny pearls. She car- ried a white Bible enhanced with long streamers of white ribbon and orange delight rose buds, Miss Ruth Warwick,, of Water- loo, was maid of honour, wear• ing a floor -length avocado green dress with pearl and rhinestone tiara and veil of avocado green. She carried yellow mums. Miss Ann Shaw, sister of the bride, was .bridesmaid, gowned in identical chess of the maid of honour, Mr, IIugh Endicott, of Bridge- north; ' brother•in-law of the groom, was best man, The guests were ushered by Mr, Bruce 11111 - ley, of Seaforth, The bride's mother wore a beige wool nail head tweed suit, with fur trim, complimented by a tut'• quoise hat, and a corsage of pink carnations, The groom's mother wore a brocaded suit, with hat of beige with brocaded trim and a corsage of orange delight roses. Dinner and reception were held in the Brussels Legion Hall. Guests were from Brussels, Blyth, Wingham, Clinton, Woodville, Oshawa, Montreal, 'Toronto, Hes- peter, Seaforth, 'Waterloo, Troll - ton, Willowdale, Owen Sound and Bridgenorth, The young couple left for a trip to Eastern Ontario, 'lite bride Ira - veiling In a beige lace dress with turquoise coat' and brown hat. On their return they will reside at Bond Head.. PERSONAL New Faces But INTEREST Blyth Officials StevenNlrs. Reg. Argent and Mrs. Mae in By Acclamation , visited overs, of Weiland the past weekend with Mr. and Although there will be two new Mrs. J. S. Chellew. faces in Village of 'Blyth politics Mr. Ilarold Cunningham is a following Monday night's nomina• patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- tion meeting, no election will be don, undergoing surgery. necessary this year. And all of Miss Kim Oster, 9 year old the men acclaimed to office will daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George have their jobs for a two-year term of office. The new faces in the local pol• itical arena are those of John Hes• selwood and Doug Scrimgeour. John will fill a vacancy left on council when George Hubbard did not seek re -nomination. Doug Scrimgeour will act as P.U.C. mem. ger in place of Doug Whitmore. The new officials, their nomin- ators and seconders are as fol- lows: REEVE: Borden Cook by R. .1. Elliott and George Bailie. COUNCIL: Geoge Watt by Geo- rge Bailie and Borden Cook; George Bailie by Wm. Thuell and Joseph Little; Lundy McKay by Joseph Little and Wm. Thuell; John Hesselwood by Borden Cook and Doug Whitmore. P.U.C.: R. J. Elliott by Borden Cook and Doug Scrimgeour; Doug Scrimgeour by Doug Whitmore and R. J. Elliott. George Hubbard was nominated to council by John Jlesselwood and Russell Wilson but was not in attendance to accept., Rev. W. 0. Mather acted as chairman ,for the meeting which followed nominations, The var• ious officials addressed the meet. ing and gave an outline of their work during the past year. Few questions were asked and it ap- peared that most residents of the village are well satisfied with .the way in which council are running municipal affairs. A mere handful of interested persons journeyed to the hall to take in the proceedings. Oster, is a patient in Sick Child. ren's Ilospital, London. Mr. Donald Adam is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, hav- ing had his leg broken in three places. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Gwyn at - !acted the wedding of the latter's nephew, Gary Blake, and Sharon (tell at llespeler on Saturday, No• vember lath. Mrs. Nfurdy Souch is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Marshall spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Yungblut and faintly, of London. Mr. Hubert Hirons returned home Wednesday of last week from Victoria Hospital, London, where he had been a patient for the past month. Mr. W. G. Strattan and his son, Bruce, of Dearborne,Mich., visit- ed over the weekend with the for- nier's aunt, Mrs. Inez Macdonald, and uncle, Hubert Hirons. Mr. Robert Somers returned home .on Tuesday after being a patient in Clinton Hospital since Wednesday of last week. Miss June Higginbottom and i1iss Shirley Snell, of London, vis. ited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, •Alvin Snell and Bonnie over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webster spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'Tone Webster, Dawn and Eva, and Mr, Jim Webster, of London. Wins $250. Prize KYODAN UNIT TO niEET The folks around the old Stand• and office are mighty proud of a young protege of ours who has just nicely gotten out of the roost and is already making good. You probably know by now, the young man we are talking about is Danny Campbell, who worked with us for some four or five years while attending high school. You will recall that when he left to attend Ryerson institute of Technology we were the first to predict a great future for our friend. Well, old Dan has already started to prove us right as he came up with a big $250.00 prize for attaining the highest standing In the 1st year Graphic Arts Management course. We certainly are not intending to take any .credit for his out- standing success as Danny has already advanced to more advanc- ed theories than he ever learned working on the old blizzard. We must also mention that Fran and John are bursting at the seams also. MRS. ALBERT NESBITT HOSTESS TO TRINITY CHURCII I..IDIES GUILD The Trinity Church Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs, Al. hurt Nesbitt, and meeting opened u'th prayers by the president. 1; 's. Albert Nesbitt read the scri- pture lesson from Psalm 102. Mrs. E 'meth Taylor gave the mina- tc ;. Mrs, Gus Kurnoth gave the ,Reeve, Roy Patt t: sasurer's report. Plans were Council, Noman ►r ale for our Bazaar on Saturday, Ilallahan, Gerald N1 N rvetnber 30, at the Orange Hall. Walsh. B zaar will open at 3 p.m. Meeting closed with prayer. T to hostess served a delicious lt: telt and a social half hour was sl: ant. The Christmas meeting of the Kyodan Unit of the Blyth U.C.W. will be held in the Church par. lou Tuesday, December 3rd, at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. Mather will bring a Christmas message. Members who haven't been able to attend all year are cordially invited to attend. Don't forget the roll call envelopes. HLYTII•CLINTON LADIES BOWLING RESULTS Pony Club 59; Doubtfuls 55; Spares 54; Hippies 49; Quiet Ones 46; Hot -tots 35. High single, Kay Sharp 271; high triple, Kay Sharp 649; high average, Mary Davey 208. BROOMRALL SCORES 3rd of East Wawanosh 3 West- field 2; Blyth Co-op 5 Blyth FlY• ers 4; 8th line Morris 1 Auburn 1. Games next Tuesday night: 8 p.m. Blyth Coop vs. 8th cline of Morris; 9 p.m. Westfield i's. Blyth Flyers; 10 p.m. 3rd line 'ast Wa- wanosh vs. Auburn. Morris and Ea Waw. Offici Acclaimed 51ORRI‘ Reeve, William J. Councillors, Ross Mair, Thomas Miller,• by. THE 'BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEII 27, 1968 U,c.o. Rebuffs Recent, 1111t!Iallllllilllliilliiiaiiilllf.i!Iilllllilil i!!IIIiV�IIIII�IiI!IIIGIiII!llliilli(llil!ll!IiIIIIIIUICIII(11ilii(II!iii(�iI!1111�11111111�IC7ii'�!iiilil!il >r f llflll iii I Ill SUGAR and SPICH By Bili Smiley' mom THEY DO REMEMBER ,Recently I wrote a column about Remembrance Day. It may have had a touch of bitterness in it. But so many things have come up since then that I though you might be interested. First of all, a light note. A lady in Ontario remembers something from away back there. "During the First World War, my husband came home on Furlow from Belgium. Although •his pass said he was clean and free from lice, while we were riding on' the underground in London, 1 watched the lice crawling up and down on his coat collar. So I had to scorch all the seams of his clothes as soon as I got him home, and shave all his hair off him everywhere to.get rid of them." Next, at our school we had the usual Remembrance Day service, But it wasn't the usual one, This year, we let the students plan it, They threw out the draggy old hymns and a lot of other things. Instead, against a background of old songs from both world wars, a student read a commentary be had written himself. Il began with, "In Flanders fields, the poppies blow ..." It was simple, and moving and honest. Then everybody sang that haunting folk song, "Where have all the flowers gone?" They went to young girls, and the young girls went to soldiers and the soldiers went to graveyards and the graveyards went to flowers, Then the Roll of Honor from our school. Some of the older teachers can't take this. They went to school with the boys on the list. Last Post, silence, '.Reveille. Over. The students were silent and solemn and involved, Afterwards, in the classrooms, we discussed the service and the day. I'd brought along some photos and souvenirs. They were fascinated. After an incredulous look at the cocky young black - haired fighter pilot, and then one at the harassed, gray-haired fighter pilot, and then one at the harassed, gray-haired teacher, they pelted me with questions. Then came that magnificent CBC documentary on World War I, with Raymond Massey, old soldier, wounded on those fields, narrating. It was spellbinding and horrible, I kept looking for one of my five uncles who were there, driving mules, dragging through mud. Finally, came the following letter, Because it's personal, no names, no address. "Dear Mr. Smiley: 1 have just read your article entitled '1 Shall Never Forget', and ... I must write to you, "I am 33 years old and I do not consider Remembrance day 'a drag, a sentimental journey for old and middle-aged squares.' My father fought through many of the worst battles in World War 1. the was a machine -gunner. He never talked about his experiences, except for once, when he told me of a little village that he had seem far below him in a valley in France ... He said only that he wished he could have died and been buried there. He never said anythipg about the War, but he drank. "Life was hell for him and for all of us. Mamma said he was terribly changed when he came home from overseas. He died when he was 61, and he had a military funeral and he was as much to die, "I was 18 when he died and up until 1 was 16, 1 almost hated hire for the drinking and the trouble, • But 1 began to under. stand him and by the time he died, we knew and liked each ;other, "Since then I've learned more about the War, and I've made certain that my children know about it too. So, on Remembrance day} we go to the parade, and pray at the Cenotaph with the veter- ans, \ind etcr-ans,'rnd the kids know that it is not just for a Grandpa they never knew,ibut for all the people who fought and suffered in all wars .. And a en the youngest boy, .four, understands a little bit of it all. will he a long time before everyone forgets, Thank you for a very touching article," Thank you, for a very moving tribute. goo!9111ngllf_ommIlf 11111111111II11111IMIElAlll llllfll�ifiliili!Illilillliiliiiliiil!II II��fI I1�C�!I! THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blyth Community since 1885 rry Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO. Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. nadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations ption Rates: Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Outside. Canada (in advance) $3,50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each 1 as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" @Dila Ilali101111111111U11aln11111 IV I!! 111111111111111111111111111111DI1nI11V1111111111111111011111IIIIII1111111111!1111111111111111111111111111!IG'1111111111111111101 Corn Runmoi's "ltecent charges that United Co. operatives of Ontario is import- ing huge amounts of American corn are not true," saki Fenton Cryderman, President of UCO, in a special statement to press, ra- dio and television. "Those who are spreading these rumours do not know the facts!" Mr, Cryderman went on to re- port that Ontario co•operatives have been following a policy of buying first the local corn or spring grain grown near the local ca•operallvc feed plants. If this is not offered fur sale, the feed plants purchase corn that is pro- duced in Ontario and shipped in to the mills. Imported corn is a last resort. Ile noted that UCO and retail farm supply cooperatives oper- ale 113 feed mills in Ontario to serve livestock and poultry fled• ors, "They do buy Western bar- ley and other grains from time to time as the market warrants," he said. "We try to maintain compe- titive feed service to our patrons." however it shouldn't be for- gotten that UCO and local coop• eratives provide outstanding lea• dership in service to farmers who market Ontario grain, including corn," he added, The owners of the co-operatives in many cases are the farmers who market their coop through their co-operatives. Mr. Cryderman reported that this fall, UCO and local co-ops have bought only a quarter of the quantity of U.S. corn that they purchased in the same period in recent years. This was purchased when old crop Ontario corn was gone and no 1968 Ontario crop was yet available, try a STANDARD CLASSIFIED The Canadian Radio Television Commission has heard a proposal by NTV Communications Corpor. cation to set up a third national network, '1'•he board ,was told that more than 40 of Canasta's TV stations would be wiped out if they grant- ed this request, If it is approved it will mean the collapse of one rof the present networks, probably CTV. Since CBC is subsidized by the Govern. mcnt of Canada, they would con tinue operations. '!'here are three networks in the United Slates, and one of them, AI3C, has always suffered in sev• oral different ways. Many of the shows that are having rating trouble are A113C programs. At the hearing NTV was attack- ed by small, indepentlyowned stations • • and to some extent, by the CBC as Well as by CTV. NTV plans are to have its foto' basic stations operating by 1972 in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa. They would take in approxim. ately 16 million dollars, which is more than the total revenue of the 41 smallest stations in Canada, NTV says that if there are more television outlets, advertisers will spend more money on adver• Using, rather than continue at the same level of expenditure, Come Come Come, who are you Idiots trying to kid?? If the C.R. T,C, grants this application, the Cabinet will have no choice but to rescind it. There are not enough advertis- ing dollars available to support a third network, Canada will never have a ,third national television network, 11paj FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY 111 Dl Onr newspapers are carrying considerable reference these clays to municipal elections. One widespread concern is the lack of interest in these municipal affairs, ,We do well to admit that as Christians we have a civic responsibility. No Christian can dissociate himself from the society in which he lives. He may be critical of what goes on, but he dare not shrug his shoulders and say it is no concern of his. We can not resign 'from this ship 'no matter how much we may disagree with the skipper, the officers or the arrange - monis, As part of a municipality and nation, each of us enjoys certain priveleges and opportunities which we should not claim if we refuse to acknowledge our duties. In New Testament clays there were those critics of Jesus who tried to manoeuvre him into a situation where he would suggest a clear division between one's obligation to God and ones obligation to the community and state. It seemed like a clever scheme dor no matter what answer Jesus gave it seemed that he would be in trouble, either with the state authorities or with the religious people, Jesus, however, very clearly avoided any such segmentation of life and confronted people with the fact that they had a twofold responsibility. He said "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God's,' We do not become good Christians by repudiating aur duty to the state and we do not become good citizens by repudiating our duty to God. There must have been much about the existing order to which Jesus could not give his approval but at least he did not suggest that people wash their hands of an evil situation. Paul was touching on the same subject when he wrote to the Christians in (tome and said "Mender to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due • •• owe no man anything but to love one another," M. 11 �I1i 1 ! Ip 1I �!'!'}"''! I ( fid VIII 1! iii I!IIII I I Ii I o I'll! 'I 141 I I Ili I I I nnl I pill .!lillll�!II 1 I . I!1.911111 �L!.,,1!' I I�IIIP!.{b;!;��,I:� I ;IJ ..i �(I .LII„11,: ,�i,ll I,III!IiIII,I�� Ilii I.��i'�: !il ll,l ,,I I:II_ .� � i!�� !I I ;�. !�q!Imu ;!a l IC; � 1'pp ,� 1.: . � , I. �, I 1;.,,1;11. A Call In For A Delicious Treat iCE CREAM SUNDAES •• POI' •• CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL BLYTH, ONTARIO Phone 523.4391 ':111111 '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llllil1111111111111111!IU111111 i!Alii!li!ii!1911111111111111111111IIIi1111111119111!111(1!1971!11 lilli`ilfl11!ItJli11I( ,t�zYCD1TLp 5 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. -- Church Service. 1:00 p.m, — Sunday School. i CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth Sunday Services FR1C CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School, 11:00 a,m, — Worship Service. 7:30 p.m. — Evening Service, Thought For The Week "Be ye doer's of the Word and not hearers only,” James 1: 22, "In your church, are you a part of the solution or a part of the problem?" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. N. W. RROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — Morning Service (Engl.) First Sunday in Advent, 11:00 a.m. — Sunday School. 3:00 p.m. — Afternoon Service (Dutch) ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, W. R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 am, Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m. — St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p,m. — St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: • 2.45 p.m. — THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATHER, BA., B,D., MINISTER Mrs. Donald Rai, Director of Music. 10.40 a.m. — Sunday' Church School; 11.00 a.m. --Morning Worship. White Gift Service, 8,00 p.m.— IHC. ilQIIIsiVIIIinsiLillltiNen IUllI1111I111111111111111ll 111E111111M llIli 111111 Wearing Apparel For Cold Weather Men's Thermal Underwear, Combinations and Separate Garments. Men's Penman's 71 Combinations Shirts and Drawers, glen's Stanficlds All Wool Combinations Shirts and Drawers, Men's Long Sleeve Sweat Shirts. Ladies' 'Turtle Neck Pullovers of Ban -Lon, Rubber Footwear for ellen, Women and Children at very reasonable prices, Flannelette Pyjamas for Men, Women and Children. 12 Shades in 54" Dress linings at $1,00 a yd. Your 5 percent. Discount Pays Your Tax on Regular Prices, 41P440#####.4.•.##.4.04.4411"Ihr0~11,44410441,4*~I~Oir~fselp#4411S 0,0414N4 The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, -------------.• THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 R.EPOR During the week of November 17 to November 23, 1068, Officers al the Wingham Detachment work- ed a total of 2301/4 hours and pat• rolled 2660 miles, Seven Criminal investigations were carried. Two charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act with five warnings and four safety checks conducted. Three investigations were car- ried out under the Liquor Control Act with four persons being char- ged. The following Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported to the Wingham Detachment: On Sunday, November 17, 1968 at approximately 11.30 a,rn liar. old Norman Conkey, of R,R. 1, Arva, was northbound on No. 4 Highway. On rounding a curve, the vehicle went out of control on a slushy -icy section and slid into the west ditch. Damage to the car was estimated at- $350.00. Prov. Const. W. R. Bell 'investi- gated. On Monday, November 18, al approximately 8,25 a.m., Alice L. Horsburgh, of `R.R. 1, Wingham, was westbound on Huron County THE BLYTH LIONS CLUB CLEAR OFF THEIR $5,500 ARTIFICIAL ICE DEFICIT 1,000 tickets are being sold by members of the Blyth Lions Club for $5.00 each, the proceeds of which will go to pay off the remaining debt on the Arena's Artificial Ice Plant. Road No, 7. While crossing the On Thursday, November 21, al Maitland River .Bridge, which was approximately 1.45 p.m, a vehicle ice -covered, she lost control of driven by Lloyd John Moore, 108 her vehicle and struck five guide Service St. East, Exeter, was east - posts. The vehicle came to rest bound on No. 88 Highway near facing north on the north shout- the Maitland River Bridge when der. Damage was estimated at he lost control of his vehicle. The $650.00. Prov. Const. W. It. Bell vehicle struck five guide posts investigated, before corning to rest on the On 'Tuesday afternoon, Novem• north shoulder facing east. Dam - her 19, 1968, Laverne Wilson, of age was estimated at $245,00, Oshawa, was driving on Huron Prov, Const. W. R. Bell was the County !toad 12 and was struck investigating officer. on the side by a vehicle driven by On Thursday afternoon, Novem• Ruby Bone, of 1111. 5, Brussels, ber 21, a (ruck driven by Cleason The vehicle driven by Ruby Bone W. Weber, of R.R. 3, Wallenstein, was westbound on Huron County was westbound on 3.4 Concession Road 16 and skidded on the icy of Grey Township when the right road into the side of the Wilson frons wheel ran onto the north vehicle. Total damage was esti- shoulder, The driver was unable mated al $420.00. Cpl. C. R. Cros- to get the wheel out of the ditch, kill investigated. and the truck rolled onto its sjde. On 'Tuesday, November .19, at Damage was estimated at $50.00. approximately 5.00 p.m., a vehicle Prov. Const, W. It. Bell investigat• driven by Nancy Kennedy, of 180 ed the accident. John St., Wingham, was struck On Friday morning, November in the rear by a vehicle driven by 22, a tr etor•traller driven by Al - Carol Anne Sampson, Goderich, vin E. Dessler, R.R. 4, Owen at the junction of Highway 86 and Sound, was northbound on No, 4 Highway 4. Both vehicles were Highway. The right wheels of westbound an 86 Highway. Total the trailer ran onto the east estimate of damage was $200.00. shoulder and the unit jackknifed, Cpl. C. R. Croskill investigated' striking a Department of High - the accident. ways sign, A Bell Telephone pole On Wednesday morning, Nov and a tree. There were no injur• ember 20, Anthony Pace, London, les, Cpl, C. R. Croskill investigat• was travelling north on No. 4 ed. Highway, when he lost control of his vehicle on the icy road and slid into the east ditch. Damage to the vehicle was estimated at $125.00 with $10,00 damage to a fence owned by Harold Congram, of R.R. 5, Wingham. The accident was investigated by Prov. Const. W. R. Bell. On Wednesday, November 20, at approximately 4.50 p.m., a 1969 Ford driven by Gerg .De Jong, of 11.11. 6, Lucknow, while making a right turn off Arthur Street on- to Alpert Street, Turnberry Town. ship, slid on the icy road and struck an oncoming vehicle driv- en by John Shaw, IR,R. 4, Wing - ham. The De Jong vehicle was estimated to have received $300.- (10 damage. '!'here was no apparent damage to the Shaw vehicle. Prov. Const. G. L. Foulon investigated. BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners ▪ Bunk Feeders • Stablting DonaId G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 FOR ECONOMY & PERFORMANCE THE PURCHASE OF EACH TICKET WILL BE CONSIDERED A E A "Hamm Deal" Tops Them All A DONATION TO THE FUND At the time of the canvass, ma ny stated their willingness to donate further if the need aro se. As no further canvass will be conducted; you are encouraged to purchase as many tick- ets as you feel possible. Dontions will be gratefully accepted from those who wish to nelp ihe lions and not take pa rt in the actual draw. DONATE TO THE ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND & WIN A POSSIBLE $2,000 IN CA $25.00 for 1st Ticket Drawn; $25.00 for every 50th Ticket Drawn; $200,00 for 998th Ticket Drawn; $300,00 for 999th Ticket Drawn; $1,000 for 1000th Tick- et Drawn --- a total of $2,000 big dolga rs in prize money --- 23 prizes in all! Draw will be ,made December 6th in the Blyth Memorial Hall at a TURKEY RAFFLE & GAME NIGHT at which the attend- ance of everyone in the area is earnestly solicited. Tickets available from any member of the Blyth Lions Club, Out-of-town residents who wish to participate may do so by writing Wm. .1. Riehl or by phoning him at 523-9593. THE HELP OF EVERYONE IS NEEDED, • 4 • i 4 4 4 • • •Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523.9581 1968 PONTIAC 4 door hard top, V 8, full power, 196"r PONTIAC 1 door, V 8, Automatic. 1967 FORD Custom, 4 door, V 8, Automatic 1967 F'ORD) Galaxie 500, 2 door, hard top, V 8 full power. 1966 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 door, automatic, power steering, radio. 1966 CHEV. Biscane, 4 door, automatic. 1966 CHEV [lel Air, 4 door, automatic, radio 1966 PONTIAC 2 door, V 8, Automatic, radio, power steering, 1966 DODGE 440, 4 door, automatic, radio.;. 1965 OLDS. 4 door, full power 1965 ENVOY 4 door. 1965 .FORD 4 door, standard transmission. 1964 CHEVY II, 4 door 1964 FORD, door, V 8, autotnatic. SEE THESE AND OTHERS 4 Hamm's BAR SALES Ltd. 44444-41-444-+++++11-4-•-•-•-#.41-414-•-•! 'PHE •BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK By Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. poration law; (Huron Bruce) (3) A Health Protection Act The second -session of the 28th with new concepts in public Ontario Legislature opened this health legislation; week with Lieutenant Governor (4) Changes in the Assess - IV . Ross MaeDonald ' stating that ment Act and some financial as. Ontario had always considered sistance to municipalities. federal -provincial constitutional According to the Government rnd fiscal discussions as co -opera- program, regional government tive ventures with the objective will be instituted in areas of the of a greater, stronger, more uni• province' where studies have been fled Canada. completed, These areas include The Throne Speech, read by Mr. Fort William and Port Arthur, MacDonald, promised virtually no Kitchener • Waterloo, and Niag• new programs that will cost - mon• ara. ey; It called for a halt to major The Minister of Municipal Af• new spending programs. fairs, Darcy McKeough, said re• • The • Throne Speech took the eently that regional governments unheard of step of sharply rebuk• would be built around urban cen• ing the Federal Government for . t•es With rural areas extending failing to hand the Provincial as far as economically feasible. Government a greater share 'of This will alow the regional gov• taxes, In short it sounded a warn- eminent program to be fitted Ing to the Federal Government neatly into the comprehensive that there is tough bargaining program of regional development ahead on taxation and constitu• which the Government hopes to Ronal problems. implement late next year. 'The speech form the Throne promised (1) An Educational Commun. ications Authority to replace the Mrs. Cecil Chamney, Wingham, ucational Television Branch of accompanied Mr. and 11Irs. Sam the Department of Education; Thompson and family to London (2) A major revamping of ear. on Saturday where they visited DONNYBROOK WALTON Items The U.C.W. Unit of the 17th and Boundary held their November meeting at the home of Airs. ,Tan van Vliet. lIrs, Harold Smalldon opened the meeting with a prayer of "Protection," Mrs. Roy Wil- liamson gave the topic on "Peace." Mrs, Martin Baan opened the business period with reports from the Treasurer, Mrs. 1Vnu. Murray, Emergency Fund, Mrs. Jan van Vliet, and the reading of the minutes. Copper money was re. ceived. 'those in charge of the with Mrs. G. A. McLauglin, of De- troit, who is staying in London at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weber and son, Wolfgang, of Kitchener, spent the weekend the Thompson family. 11r. and \Irs, Elgin Josling and Betty, and \ir, Willows Mountain, Londesboro, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and family. Doreen Jefferson returned home after spending the past week with her grandparents at Londesboro. RESPIRATORY DISEASE The daring young man on the flying trapeze never flew through the air with more ease than a lot of difficult words like hypoxia, hypercapnia, and nas- al cannulea, used at the annual meeting of .the Can- adian Tuberculosis Association held in Vancouver. "Never mind the difficult words," is the advice of Dr. C. W. L. Jeanes, executive secretary of the Can- adian Tuberculosis Association, "The thing for the or- dinary person to do is try never to be a chest physi- cian's problem. The doctors are talking about oxygen. Everyone needs oxygen. Our brains, our muscles, our digestive systems need it. Awake or asleep we need it. We need it 24 hours a day. As long as we are healthy our lungs deliver it to the blood and the blood carries it through the body," "The trouble is that more and more people are treating their lungs badly, mostly by smoking too much. Their lungs lose the ability to contract. They can't squeeze out the carbon dioxide which the blood picked up while delivering oxygen. The carbon dioxide fills the space needed for fresh air and oxygen. "The doctors are talking about ways to get oxy- gen to him. Hyperbaric oxygen is oxygen with pres- sure behind it. Pressure and skill --- for it has to be the right amount of oxygen. Too much can do harm. Prevention is the best way to cope. Stop smoking, es- pecially cigarettes. If you live where there is air pol- ution, join the movement to get it corrected," Dr. Jeanes concluded. CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT TB AND OTHER RESPIRATORY DISEASES This Advertisement is Published by The Huron County Tuberculosis Association ..+++4-+±+-+444-+4.$-.4i-.,4 . 1 December meeting are llrs. 1-lugh Johnston and Mrs. James William. son. Lunch was served by the hostesses, \liss llargaret Cumming, Tor. onto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Vaud Leeming. 'I'he Boy Scouts will hold their annual Bottle Drive on Saturday, November 30, Please start now to collect your bottles and have them ready for the Scouts when they call. PI4I ASE RI.TURN 41141, HURON COUNTY BOOKS by December 3rd for exchange. Librarian. 511,000 PLUS REGULAR CASH Bonus for man over 40 in the Blyth area, Take short auto trips to contact customers. Air mail C. A, Dickerson, Pres., South•wes• tern Petroleum Corp., Ft. Worth. Texxas 76101. 214 N•-+•s.4••••-•err-•••-•tr•••-•4 $ • • • t 4 • To The Electors Of BRUSSELS - MORRIS - GREY 1 would appreciate your vote and support in the coming election, as your representative on the new County School Board, My past county and school experience would be of great benefit to me, working on your behalf in the townships of Grey and Morris and the Village of Brussels. For honest, sincere representation on December 2 VOTE GEORGE McCUTCHEON For Transportation to the Polls Phone Brusels 269, 55 or 56 • t 1 4 To the electors of the municipalities of BRUSSELS, MORRIS & GREY Having been nominated for the position of Trustee on the County Board, and having served for eight years on the School Boards of «Talton and Grey Township, I take this opportunity of asking you for your continued support, Sincerely, Donald McDonald Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. P#4,4100414~414,044•#•••••••• NINANNINPOilKONONOV.0.444~~1.4*4414141~std.#4 INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPFCIILIZE IN LIVING SERVICE" Office 5234481 Phones Residence 523.4522 I1111111111r •4'+'.+-.-.-.+..-. 4•••••••r , BLYTH LIONS CLUB t x h CASH BINGO IN THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 commencing at 5:30 p.m. 12 REGULAR. GAMES FOR $5,00 EACH 2 BIG SHARE•TIIE•WEALTII GAMES 1 GAME FOR $25.00 (must go) 1 JACKPOT GAME FOR $100,00 IF WON IN 60 CALLS (winner after 60 calls receives half proceeds from game) Admission at door 50 cents — extra cards available. Plan To Attend and Support the Blyth Lions THE BLYTH STANDAIU) -- . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 To The Electors Of Blyth Hullett - McKillop - Clinton Your vote and influence is respectfully solicited as a member on the newly formed Huron County Board of Education. Seven years of experience in dealing with the affairs of the Central Huron Secondary School Board should allow me to work in the best interests of everyone in the area. FOR EXPERIENCED LEGISLATION VOTE W. NORMAN COUNTER ON DECEMBER 2nd .. •-,. •+,. �+,.+ rrr. rte., r.....-. *.+..-.+.-.� NOTICE Parents of Figure Skating Children are asked to attend a meeting in the BLYTH MEMORIAL MALL Thursday, November 28th (upper floor) at 8 p.m. Mr. Stewart Sutherland and instructor Bruce Brady will be there to answer each and every question regarding figure skating, IP Notice To All Voters of East Wawanosh Township NO. 1 -- All qualified PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS (both Protestant and Roman Catholic) vote for the member of the Huron County Board of Education. N.B.: The County Board of Education will rep. resent both Public and High School Boards. NO. 2 -- All qualified SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTERS vote for the Roman Catholic Member of the Huron County Board of Education. And all qualified SEPARATE SCHOOL SUP. PORTERS vote for the Roman Catholic Member of the Iiuron.Perth Combined Roman Catholic Separate School Board, POLLS OPEN AT 10 a.m. -- CLOSE AT 8 pm, Monday, Decemher 2nd WINONA TIIOMPSON, CLERK, R.R. 5, Wingham, Ont, INTRODUCING A NEW CONCEPT IN WINTER LIVING THE SNO JET YOUR PASSPORT TO WINTER RECREATION FOR COMPETITION RACING • FOR HUNTING AND FISHING • OR JUST GOOD CLEAN HEALTIHFUL FAMILY FUN. COME IN AND SEE YOUR SNO JET NOW ON DISPLAY AT BILL'S ESSO SERVICE In Blyth WESTFIELD ITEMS Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey McDowell for the weekend were, Mr. and Mrs. Don McDow- ell, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell, London. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Black, Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Smith at- tended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto on Friday. 11r, Armand McBurney is spend- ing a, few days with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gear, of Waterloo. Miss Margery Smith, Miss She- ila Crowson, Wingham, attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto on Thursday and Friday, also vis - Red with Mr. and Mrs. Gordo,n R. Smith, of Port Credit. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Mr. and llrs. Charlie Smith at- tended the 25th wedding anniver- sary celebration for Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie in Walton Hall on Saturday evening. On Friday Margery Smith, Har- vey and ,Brian 131ack, Murray and Neil Vincent, of R.R. 1, I3elgrave, and Grant .Coultes, of R.R. 5, Wingham members of the Blyth- Belgrave 4-I1 Calf Club showed their calves in the Queen's Guin- eas Competition at the Royal Win. ter Fair at Toronto. At the con- clusion of the competition these calves were sold. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Snell, Bon- nie and Shirley, and Miss June IIigginbottom, of London, visited with Janetta Snell and Mr, Gor- don Snell on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Fidom and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fidom, of Clinton, an Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce, of Brucefield, visited on Friday ev- ening v•ening with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howatt. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don E. Smith for the weekend were Mr, and Mrs. Eric Vogal, Mark and Shannon, also Mr, and Mrs. John McDowell, all of Lon- don. A shower was held to honour the recent marriage of Mr. and Mrs, John McDowell, nee 'Norma Smith, in the basement of West- field United Church on Friday evening, November 22nd, Mr, Lloyd Walden opened the pro. gram by leading those present in a sing song. Readings were given by Mrs. Arnold Cook and Mrs, Iv- an Wightman, who also conducted several contests and games. Miss Edythe, Snell sang a solo and a duet was sung by lir. Ilarvey Me- Dowell and his daughter, Carol. Rev. M. Roberts extended words of congratulations and good wish- es to the couple. Mr. Lloyd Wal- den then ended the program by a reading and then called Mr. and Mrs. McDowell to.. the front. Mr. Ron Snell addressed the couple on behalf of those present and presented them with a china cab- inet. After the couple expressed their thanks, lunch was served. GOOD MAN OVER 40 Take short trips surrounding Blyth area, Man we want is vorth up to - $1,200 in a, MONTH plus regular cash bonus. Air mail •S. E. Dickerson, Pres., Southwest. ern Petroleum Corp., Fort Worth, Texas 76101. I 1 IP IP IP . ♦...-rr••• 4.4* r$• •+•-•-♦ ••.-••rr++++-•+r To The Electors Of Hallett -Blyth -McKillop - Clinton Having placed my name before you as re- presentative on the new Huron County Board of Education, I take this opportunity of ask. ing for you)' support. Four years of experience dealing with school board business in Hullett Township should, I feel, assist greatly with ,the require- ments necessary for a member on the board, Your vote and influence next Monday will be appreciated and will bring equal rep- resentation for all schools in the area. ON DECEMBER 2nd VOTE HULLEY 1 .-..4+4+444.4+...-..-...-•..+.-..+.-.-�-.-N-.-..-.-r.--++,. •. VILLAGE OF BLYTH ELECTION NOTICE ELECTION FOR TWO MEMBERS of the HURON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1968 POLL OPEN IN THE Blyth Memorial Hall DURING THE HOURS FROM 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. IRVINE WALLACE, Clerk, THANK YOU We wish to express sincere thanks to the electors of the Village of Blyth for the con- fidence shown us by way of acclamation on Monday night. We will endeavour to work to the best of our ability to ensure good legis- lation to all residents of the village. Compliments of the Season to all. Reeve, Borden Cook. Councillors, Lundy McKay, George Bailie, George Watt, John Hessel- wood. P.U.C., John Elliott, Doug Scrim- geour. To The Electors of Blyth, Hul lett, McKillop and Clinton WITH 15 years experience on the Clinton District High School Board and 1 year as their representative on the Organization Conunittee AND the necessary business exper ience to assist in controlling the esti- mated $8,000,000.00 budget ( largest in County) I Respectfully Solicit Your Support As ONE OF YOUR TWO Representatives. If elected I will exercise a St rong Voice on your behalf in ALL matters of Education in your area and devote whatever time is required to my duties as a board Member. VOTE JOHN LAVIS DEC. 2nd Belgrave Personals Mrs. Ilersou Irwin visited on (Ion, also spent a couple of days Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, with 11r. and lits. Gibson Arm. Scott Reid, Wingham, who is a strong, London. patient in Victoria hospital, Lon- Mr, and Mrs. Hobert Collins, - - e N ♦ • •♦ +•-•-•1•+• N*,-••++•** • •-• ••.•++-1 •-• •ittFN-•11 Make This Winter More Enjoyable For You And Your Family With A Low Priced TRAiL BLAZER SNOW :1 QBILE THE ULTIMATE IN WINTER FUN & RELAXATION 18 Hi'. Standard and Electric Start 1969 Models Selling M. Discount Prices. 1968 Models (new limited quantity) great Reduced TRAILERS -- SNOW SUITS --. CUTTERS .INI) OTiHER ACCi?SSORIES ALSO AVAILABLE --- Call In Before You Buy --- MILNE "DOC" COLE Ph, 523.937G — LOCATED BESIDE BLYTH LAUNDROMAT Snow fun with a Trail Blazer 'Slro fun without one, • •+4-1 •-•-•-•-•-•+-• •-•-• 1-•+ ♦ • +.4-4-.44-'4 •-• • 44-•-•-• ,±+•'+++-+4'•+ 1 VOTE BOLTON for HURON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION in Blyth • HuHett - McKiIIop - Clinton EXPERIENCE:• • All levels of education up to and including university, • 4 years with Ontario Dept, of Agriculture and Food in Clinton, During this period I met many people in the area to be represented and gained considerable knowledge of the County, t♦ 4 years with McKillop Township School Area Board, which included the establishment of the area, • 9 years operating own farm and seed grain business, I believe the old Boards have done a good job in preparing for the County Board and that few if any changes should be made before the end of the school year. If elected 1 will do my best to work with the other member to represent the area, Everyone in this area has two votes for the board of education, 1 hope to be worthy of one of them, A. S. BOLTON •-•44-•-•-•-•-•-•-• •1♦+ • • •+ • 1 •+• • • • • ►4+ • •+-•-• •-•-• 4-4 • • ••N+• -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•÷•••-•-•+•-•-• t•• •••+••t• •-•+•-4-•-N-•-•-•••-1 1 i JOHN HENDERSON A candidate for Huron County School Board invites the support of electors in McKILLOP, hIULLET'I' BLYTH and CLINTON Born and educated in McKillop -- attended Seaforlh Dis• trict High School --- farmed in McKlllop for 19 years. Family of eight Including three at SDHS, four at McKil• lop School and one at home -- active in SS No. '4 17cKi1• lop — elected to McKlllop Township Board in 1964 — Chari• man for three years •— member of Interim Committee for Huron, "While endorsing the highest standards in education at the same thne I feel we must ensure that we don't create a tax situation that makes it prohibitive to live in Huron County." ON DECEMBER 2, VOTE JOHN HENDERSON -•-►-•+-N •-•- Air, and Mrs. Lloyd 'Taylor and John, of Sarnia, and Miss Judy Taylor, of Toronto, visited on Sinulay with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor. llr•s. John Cameron and Steven, Toronto, spent tite weekend with her mother, Mrs, Herb I'lelch. Mr. and ars. Cecil Angus, of Flushing, Michigan, are spending a few days at the Jtorne of lir, and Mrs. Hugh Rhin and John, Belgrave United Church held a successful bake sale and tea on Saturday afternoon in the church basement. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vincent attended the christening of Aar- on John Bullock, infant son of 11r. and Mrs. John Bullock, of Grand Bend, on Sunday. They_ al• so spent a few days visiting with relatives and friends in the Grand Bend vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Gary Leitch, of Forest, spent the weekend with her parents, 1Ir. ,and Mrs. Robert Grasby, Mrs, Robert Coulles spent a couple of (lays in Goderich visit- ing with lir. and Mrs. Russel Walker. Miss Marilyn Taylor, 1Ir, Bob Taylor and hiss Peggy Brisban, of Kitchener, spent the aveekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Taylor. Mr, and firs, Harold Roberts and Mrs, Ililda Roberts, Listowel, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Granby. llartvey and Brian Black, Mur• ray and Neil Vincent, Margery Smith and Grant Coultes showed their calves in the Queen's Guin• eas class at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, on Friday, November 22, They are members of the Blyth-Belgrave 4-H, Beef Calf Club. We are 'happy to report that Mr, Albert Bacon was able to re. turn to his home last week after a lengthy illness in Wingham and District Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. William Dale, Ka. thy and Cheryl, Mrs. Wayne Ho- gey, Clinton, visited with .?,Jr, and Mrs. Murray Scott. on Sunday. There were six tables in play at the weekly euchre held in the Community rooms last Wednes• ., day evening. High Lady: Mrs. Herb Wheeler; High Man, Mr. Al. bent Vincent; Low Lady, Mrs, John Anderson; Low Man,' Mr. Harold Procter; Novelty Lady, Mrs. Cora McGill; Novelty Man, Mrs, Olive Walker (playing as a ,, man, Mr, and Mrs, Americe Arruda tand Marie, of Toronto, spent the , weekend with Mr, and airs. Cliff Logan. Mrs, Laura Johnston and Geo. rge accompanied Mr. and Airs. Itobert Johnston and family, of Wingham, to London on Sunday where they visited with Mrs. Eliz. abeth Johnston who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John spent Friday at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. BELGRAVE L.0,L. HELD TURKEY BANQUET The members o1' Belgrave L.O. L. 462 held their turkey banquet in the arena rooms on Saturday evening, November 23, with over fifty present, hor the past num• ber of years the Lodge members have prepared the supper and en- tertained their wives and families as an annual event, The QRev, John Roberts, Mrs. Roberts and family were also guests of the evening, Following the supper Mr, Ern. est Snowden, the Worshipful Mas. ter, acted as chairman for a short programme, Musical numbers by Miss Connie Nethery were much enjoyed, as were mouth organ selections by lir, Albert Bleman, accompanied by Mrs, Bleman, Rev, Roberts spoke briefly on our responsibility to any organization to which 'we belong, not only in our community, but on a world wide level as well, Mr, Henry Pattison spoke of the anany en• couraging meetings he has attend- ed as County hfaster during the past year, The evening closed with the Queen, Is your subscription paid? • THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESi)AY, NOVEMBER 27, 1900 To The Electors Of Blyth - Hullett - McKillop - Clinton Give the north end Of the riding a. voice on the new Huron County Board of Education. Four years on Blyth Public School Board, foul' years on Central Huron Secondary School I3oard; along with a glowing family of five gives ine a complete knowledge of school hoard business and a desire for the best possible level of education for our children. ON DECEMBER 2nd A VOTE FOR DON YOUNG Will Be Greatly Appreciated ? •♦ • •-• N •-•-♦+•-• •-•+•-•+ •••.-• • •+♦+ !+• •. N+• • •+�N • �+�� Electors of Wingham and East Wawanosh VOTE TAYLOR, JOHN R. on December 2 as your representative to the HURON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION I have been a representative on the board of the F. E. Madill Secondary School for the past six years and have gained much valuable experience pertaining to our modern educa- tional system. If elected I will continue to work for the advancement of GUI' educational system and in this way serve the electors of Wingham and East Wawanosh, DECEMBER 2nd VOTE TAYLOR �• • • •+1 • H • •4-4-4-4-4•-•-• •-•-• •, • •-• • +4 ++-4+• •-• • . • •+•+ 1-�• +P Sc - $1.00 STORE, BLYT H ....Beginning 'Monday, 1st Dec, 1968, with every x$1,00 purchase you receive a ticket for a draw on the 23rd Dec., 1968. NO. 1 •-- Beautiful Glass Base Table Lamp, 34 in. high, NO, 2 --- Large Oil Painting, Scenery Picture 25 1(2 in. x 32 in, XMAS CARDS, large assortment, personal and boxed. XMAS WRAP, approx. 360" .... , Spec88c XMAS CARD SPECIAL 88c NOTICE To Car Owners ALL CAR and TRUCK OWNERS in the Vil- lage of Blyth are requested to refrain from parking on Village Streets from 1 a.m, until 8 a.in., and any time during snow plowing op- erations. Persons failing to comply with this request will find their vehicles moved from the street at their own expense. Any damage caused to vehicles during snow plowing operations will be charged to the owner of the vehicle., Signed, Village of Blyth Street Committee, JAMES WARWICK, Chief of Police. ri Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH - Phone 523.9273 5. J. E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE - Balance of Week - Phone 527.1240 • VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHIERS FILTER QUEEN SALES - Varna - Tel, Coll. Hensail 696R2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC, PUMPED & CIsEANEI) FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels R.R. 2 - Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH - ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B:4 Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. • W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre - WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAh & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and, Thursday HOGS on Tuesday Trucking To and Froni Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL, BLYTH 523.9361 • ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523.4522 or 5234323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY - ACCOUNTANT GODEI{ICH -• ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd., F.. • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS .1, 11. Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L.B., A, Mill, B,A., L.L.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 623.4481 Phones Winghan} 357.3630 . DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Dar' Monday •-- Open Tuesday Through Saturday 9 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses' at Cash Value 011 Horses 4c per pound -• Phone Collect 133, Brussels. (24 hr. service) Plant Lic, No. 54•11.P, 61; Coll, Lic, No. 88-G61 1 BLYTII BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE; BLYTH 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN IIOLLINGER • BLAKE'S WELDING & 11IACHINE POR'T'ABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING, ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 41111,1N if, 116 Ili. lit plblpn l i 111,11 W,lllbl Ia119711u a 111! 1k1 'I'llE BLYTH STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 UI I„li Ir U Il : lu1 Ii i Ilii Ilu Ills 11h 11011,11id mIUo 1 o II IliU u:14111l1.01111 +U111111blllb 110111411 111 Iib 11611161111,II1b1111IIuQIIi 101,110 l' SELL IT! BUY ITI RENT IT! FIND IT; PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CARD OF THANKS Mr. George Carter and family wish to express their sincere thanks to friends, relatives, and neighbours who gave their sym- pathy and services in any way, at the time of the death of Mrs. Ir- ene Mackenzie. Our thanks to those sending cards, floral tribut- es, and donations to the Heart !Fund, the Gideon Society and Presbyterian W.M.S. FOR SALE Good table potatoes. Mason Bailey, phone 523-9338 Blyth. 16•tf. 4 • CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri, 1.30 p.m, (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton CARL? OF THANKS 1 wish to express my thanks to all who remembered me with cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, J. K. McGregor and the nurses of isolation ward. 21-1p. - Mrs. Elsie Brigham. CARD OF TIIANKS wish to thank Dr, R. W. Street and the nurses on 2nd floor of Victoria Hospital, London, Rev, W. 0. Mather, and for cards and visits. 21.1. STRAYED . Black heifer, approximately 400 lbs. from Charles Shobbrook farm. F indd'r please contact Ed. Watson, phone 523-4543 Blyth. 21-1 FOIL SALE Girl's black velvet dress, size 14X, as good Is new,, $7.00. Mrs,. Van Laimineren, phone 523.9245 Blyth. 21-1 WANTED TO BUY Good sap pan and 100 buckets. Phone Percy Adam, 523.4452 - Hubert Hirons.''•B1yth, after 6 p,m. 21.2p CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37•tf REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; 56 and up. Clinton phone 482. 9793, corner of East and High Streets. 33-tf. WHEEL BALANCING With new precision equipment. Rills Esso, phone 523.9556 Blyth. 03-tf Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work - Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILI. BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales • BRUCE RATHWELL, R.R. 1, Brucefield - Ph, 482.3384 BACKHOE WORK Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe - With Operator Also Custom Bulldozing • Levelling, Backfilling • Thorns etc. LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone evenings 482.7644, Clinton Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Pedlar Stabling • Complete Installation • Farm Automation GERRY GASCHO, Mllverton, Brunner, Ont. 595.4578 Authorized Dealer For Huron County H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP, Res, 523.4591 Phone 523.4275 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS - OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - -- WE HAVE TIIE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BUR UMA 11.11. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN IUOSVELD, London. LYLE YOU .' GBLUT OIL BURNER SAL i ;S & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your Oil Heath t Contractor" i FOR SALE A complete line of Ski Equip- ment at McAdam's Home Hard- ware, 'Clinton, phone 4827023. • 204p FOR SALE Boys skates, size 10, worn 3 times, less than 1 year old. Phone 523.9291 Blyth. 21-1 FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire lloars and Sows, serviceable age, Norman McClinchey, phone 526.7789 Au- burn. 21.20 FOR SALE 1968 Studebaker Lark, in good condition, no rust, Harold Phil• lips, phone 523.9442 Blyth. 21•lp FOR SALE Christmas Trees at Bill's Esso Service, Blyth, phone 523.9556. 21.4 FOR SALE Christmas Trees at Bill's Esso Service, Blyth, phone 523.9556. 21.4 FOR SALE 3 Sows, due in 416 5 weeks, Tst and 2nd litter. Phone 523-4220, Blyth. 21-1 FOR SALE Cement mixer on wheels, Phone 523.4220 Blyth. 21.1 FOR SALE , Crochet Centre Pieces and Lace. Mrs1 Dorothy Creighton, phone 523.9431 Blyth. 21.1p WANTED TO BUY Shallow well puthp with tank. Wm, Soueh, phone 523-9345 Blyth. 21.1 - CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to all who visited me aiid sent cards, flowers and gifts while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London. 21-1. - Bob Phillips, Auburn. CARD OF TIIANKS 1 wish to thank all those who remembered me with flowers, cards and treats while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to the Doctor's and nurses. 21.1p. - Arthur Heffron. A THANK YOU We would like to thank all for the lovely cards, gifts and letters • received when I was in the hos. pital and special thanks to those who helped at home. - Eilleen and Diane Jefferson. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent cards, gifts and treats and also those who visited me during my recent stay in Wingham Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Wil• kins and the nursing staff. 21-1. - Sharon Carter. ARE YOU SALES MINDED? Does your income fail'to supply your'family needs? Are you am- • bilious to ggt ahead in a, business of your own? Can you'qualIfy for customer service and be your ovin boss,? If Ye's, we will help you achieve your desires, $100, a week .assured for 12 weeks, For persom al interview, write N. L, Miller, 138 Burnham Street, Belleville, Ontario, 21.2p THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 F TURTLE NECK SWEATERS FOR NIEN AND BOYS READY TO WEAR SUITS FOR 1IEN --- 2 PAIR OF PANTS all wool "will keep a press' sizes 36 to 46 ONLY $79.95 Use Our Xmas Lay -Away Plan - A small deposit will hold any article until Christlnas R. W Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday K .+.-.-. ♦+N -♦...-•-•-e4 ♦.,+4+H -....-h++,-•-.-• •+$-♦+•-•-•-•-.. • • ♦ . • •4 • • • •• • • • • • 4 Snell's M�RKET DISCOUNT FOOD PRICES Kist Ginger Ale or Pepsi Cola, 5 tall bottles 99c Ardmona Fancy Peach Halves 2 - 28 oz. tins 75c Stokley's Fancy Pumpkin, 2 - 28 oz. tins 39c Garden Valley Tomatoes, 2 - 28 oz. tins 49c Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 20 oz. 35c Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice, 3 - 48 oz. tins 89c Stokley's Honey Pod Peas, Whole Kernel Corn or Cream Style Corn, mix or match 5 - 14 oz. tins 99c Supreme Cookies, mix or match, 3 pkgs99c Peameal Back Bacon per lb, 89c Fresh Pork Riblets 3 lbs. for 1.00 Kitchener Packers Weiners , ... 2 lbs. for 89c Coleman's Bologna 3 lbs. for 1.00 Fresh Sliced Pork Liver per lb, 29c Tulip Canned Luncheon Meat, 12 oz, tin 39c No 1 California Celery, size 24's, only 29e No; 1 Table Potatoes, 25 Ib. bag .... only 69c Naval Oranges, new crop, 180's, 3 doz. 1.00 Sunkist Oranges, 163's, sweet and juicy 2 dozen 1.00 Bird's Eye Frozen Green Beans 5 - 10 oz. boxes 99c Sunshine Frozen Orange Juice 5 - 6 oz. tins 99c Aspirin Tablets, bottle of 100 only 69c Javex Bleach, 128 oz, jug 79c Tide Giant Size 85c Tops Dog Food, 10 - 10 oz. tins for 95c Londesboro Items Sunday evening visitors ‘Pith 11r. and Alrs. Jim .McCall and Susan were A1r. and Mrs. U. R. Milton, of Kitchener, Mrs. Ross Millan, Alonkton, Nev I3runswick. 1Ve welcome 11r. and Mrs. SaI• verda Sr., to our village, They have purchased their home from Nit'. Jack Lee which was recently vacated by 11r, and Mrs. Gordon Shobbrook. Ur. Will Gooier spent a few days last week with his daughter, Mr, and Mrs, McEwen and family in Chatham. Mr. and \Irs. David 11air, of De- troit, Mich., spent the weekend with Mrs. Robert 1'airservice, Miss Ann F airscrvice left on Sunday for Tobermory where she will hold demonstrations of her crafts for the next two weeks, Air. and Airs. Frederick Yunghlu1 also lir. and Airs. Earl Yungblut, Woodstock, visited with Mr. Jos- eph \'ungblul on Sunday Attaching Yourself To A Moving VEHICLE Effective September 1st, attach- ing yourself to a moving vehicle IS PIZOIIIBI'1'LD. In the past, Legislation has prohibited a rider in a Sled, Coaster, Toboggan, Skis, Roller Skates, Bicycle, or Toy Vehicle from attaching to a Moving Vehicle. NOW, this law is extended to make it ILLEGAL to fasten oneself to a moving vehicle or streetcar in any circumstan- ces. Z A COMPLETE LINE STT GOODS STATIONARY IS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE STANDARD Phone 523-9332 We Deliver ..-.-.-.. co BELGRAVE W. I, MEETING MISS LILLA TAYLOR HONOURED ON RETIREMENT 11r. and Mr's. Clare VanCamp and Nancy, of IR. 4, Brussels, accompanied by Mrs. Janes Tay- lor, Winghan, attended a tea giv- en by the Board of Education in Preston, in honour of Miss Ulla 'Taylor who ti'ill retire at the end Rev. John G. Roberts, l3elgrave, of December. The chairman of gave a very interesting address on the school board, Mr. Hoegy, pre - "'Citizenship." "You have to be a sented Miss 'Taylor with a 400 day ;400d citizen in your own commun• clock and in his remarks thanked ity, before you can become a good her for her untiring devotion to citizen of the word." Mrs. John Nix- her work during the past 25 on played several niumbcrs on years. Miss 'Taylor expressed her the accordion. Mr. Charles 1'roe- appreciation for the beautiful ter showed slides o1' his recent gift and remarked on the many trip to Scotland, Denmark, Rus- changes that have taken place in sia and Poland. Mrs. Ivan Wight- the town of Preston land in the man gave a report of the Area work of the teacher since she had Convention held in lingensoll. come there. The roll call was answered by Among those in attendance naming a pen pal, All Institute were friends, teachers, members members and friends ave invited of the School .13oard, the Public to tea and bake sale of crafts to School Inspector, the Principal be held at the Psychiatric Hosp• and members of Miss Taylor's ital in Goclerich, December 4, class. from 2 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday. Tea was served by ladies of the Lunch was served by Mrs. Ivan congregation of the Presbyterian Wightman, Mrs. Stanley Black Church where the event took and Mrs, Walter Scott, ' place. .-.t*-*♦♦••'.•-••-•-•••4'••r♦•••-••-♦•••••-♦+•-.,••.•♦-+••-•*♦-♦.-� Our Meat Prices Attract Thrifty Shoppers LOIN PORK CHOPS PER LB, 79c FRESH LAMB AVAILABLE NO. 1 REI) BRAND BEEF --- QUARTERS and HALVES cut and wrapped as you wish Mrs, Bert Daer Avon this week's Xmas cake. The Citizenship meeting of the 13elgrave Women's Institute was held in the Community rooms. Mrs. Norman Coulles presided at the steeling and Mrs. Ross Rig - tins was convenor of the follow- ing program, • CUSTOM KILLING - CUTTING AND WRAPPING BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie '`Freck" Button, Proprietor IIL1"rll, ONTARIO. PIIONE 523.4551 ♦ • • • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ ♦ •••••••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-• • •-♦ •••-• •-1 •-• •-♦ ♦. *44-.4•1-.-1 -H • .-♦. I(SPh. 523.4421 -- We Deliver SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET BLYTH DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS Allen's Vitamized Apple Juice 3 - -18 oz. tins 1.00 St, William's Strawberry or Rasp- berry Jam, 2 - 24 oz. jars 1.00 York Brand Beef or Irish Stew 2 - 24 oz. tins 1.00 1)elsey White. or Coloured Toilet Tissue, 4 - 2 roll pkg1.00 Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato Soup 10 - 10 oz. tins 1.00 Aylmer Tomato Catsup 5 - 11 oz. bottles 1.00 Aylmer Diced Harvard Beets 8 - 14 oz. tins 1.00 You Can't Afford To Pass Up Shirriff's Instant Mashed Potatoes 2 - 12 oz. pkgs. 1.00 Weston Mealtime Bread, 4 for 1.00 Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice 3 - 48 oz, tins 1.00 Stokley's Fancy Pumpkin 6 - 14 oz. tins 1,00 York Kam Luncheon Meat 2 - 12 oz, tins 1.00 Rick's Pickles, Sweet Mixed, Yum Yum, Baby Dill 3 - 15 oz. jars 1,00 Minette's Best Tomatoes 5 -19 oz. tins 1.00 Shop This Weekend And Save Extra $ For Christmas Gifts Ellmarr Pure Margarine 4 - 1 lb. prints 1.00 Swift's Tempt Dog or Cat Food 10 - 15 oz. tins 1.00 Bruce Packer's Weiners 2 lbs. for 89c Bruce Packer's Bacon Ends, lb. 59c Bruce Packer's Steakettes per lb. 59c Weston's Bake'n Serve Bread reg, 39c to 35c Weston Hamburg or Weiner Buns 2 Okgs, 49c Sunkist Oranges, size 138's 2 dozen 1.00 Sunkist Lemons 5 for 29c California Jumbo Celery Stalks 29c The Sale That's Designed To Put Money In Your Pocket Auburn & District News HAVE A GIFT PROBLEM? Difficult To Select A Suitable Gift For That Friend Who Has "Everything" SQUIRE GIFTS HAYFIELD ROAD HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERICH Invites You To Come In And See Our Wide, Unique Selection Of "Gifts Of Distinction" Open 11 a.m, to 9 p.m. ,Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- ..,.tea — SRAFOETB Open Ererr Afternoon PHONE Exwr Baine►u 215.O$2O • • • • •• • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Residence 235.1384 ' .+44-#+ ••••+•••••• • • YIPPEE -TOES by MATTEL THE DOLL THAT RIDES TIER OWN TIIIKE & HORSE WILL BE GIVEN AWAY XMAS EVE TO SOME LUCKY PERSON XMAS SHOP EARLY for the LADIES and CHILDREN while stocks are complete and get your FREE TICKETS from •3 • •• • •-•÷4-•-•-•-44-#444-•-•-•-• • •-• • ••• • •-• ♦• ••• • • • • • • ••• • •-•••+• • H•• • • • 1 •-•-.••-• • •-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-• • •-.♦.4+•••t••• ••.-. • N • •-•-• •-• . • NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth +N • t• •+• • •.•+•-••-• •+.. • • • H-• •+ • • t • t. • • • • • • 4 • •• • • t • • • • 1 WIN! WIN! BALLOO The Gigantic 50" BEAR Each Customer who enters our store between now and December 24. will receive a free ticket on this $25,00 PLUSH BEAR On. December 24 Some LUCKY BOY OR GIRL will WIN HIM FREE ti answering a qualifying question HARDWARE - B�:YTH (ronin's TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER • .•-•-.+•..+.-.4•+4•.-.♦•..-. +•.-.+• % hiss Frances Houston spent a few days last week with her friends in London, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Maclntosh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips visited last Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Itoy Farrow, at Mitchell. Friends are ,pleased that Mr, Robert J. Phillips returned to his home last Wednesday after ten days spent a patient in Victoria hospital, London. The Attburn Canadian Girls in Training group met in the Sunday School room of Knox United Church and opened the meeting by repeating the Purpose. Arva Ball read the scripture lesson and all repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. Linda Sproul received the offering which was dedicated with prayer. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary Sherry IPlaetzer, and she called the roll, Shelly Grange, Linda Sproul and Lynn Turner were made a committee to plan a Christmas party. Th members had a craft period and made. candles. Mr, and Mrs. Loran Peter, Con- nie, Marian and Sandra, of Bervie, spent Sunday with Mrs. Sydney La nsing. Mrs. Malcolm Allison, of Ailsa Craig, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, and brother, Ben and Mrs. Hamil- ton. Mrs. W. Bradnock, Sheron and George spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh, at Rip- ley. Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Weston, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. Mr, and Mrs. R. Dam, of Troy, Mr, and firs. Peter Biemers, of Brodhagen, spent the weekend with lir, and Mrs. G. Biemers. A steam engine made in 1914 by J. 1. Case Company steamed clown the Auburn street last Tues- day to it's new home at the home of lir. and Mrs. Warner Andrews. This 80 horse power steam engine came from Bounty,. Saskatchewan, and took from Monday to Friday to come as far as Milton and then on to Auburn. Many steam engine enthusiasts called over the week- end to see it. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, the Auburn librarian, requests all County Library books to be in by Saturday, November 30th. Mr, and Mrs. Torrance 'l'abb vis• ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knechtel at Petersburg. Mrs. 'Bert Craig visited last week in Welland with relatives. The sympathy of this commun- ity is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys, of Palmerston, on the cicath of her father, Thom- as MacDonald, of Brussels. Mr. Harvey I3ryans, London, vis• ited one day last week with Air. Tom Johnston. AUBURN W. " 1, MEETING Mrs. Frank Raithby, president of the Auburn Women's Institute presided for the November meet- ing held in the ,Community Mem- orial Hall, Mrs. Gordon Taylor was at the piano for the opening ode, the Mary ±Stowart Collect and 0 Canada, The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig. The committee for count- ing the labels reported 3228• and anyone having any more please give them to Mrs, Raithby as soon as possible. The members decid- ed 'to place more dishes in the hall so 200 could be set at once. A letter was read Te achievement day for the sewing course would be held at Clinton Legion Hall on 'December 4 at 1.30 p.m. Plans were made for the Family Night dinner on December 7th at 7 p.m. when the Horticultural Society will be the guests, Mrs, Roy Daer reported and asked each member to bring something for first and second course of the meal, It was decided to buy a record of .Christ- mas singing and it was reported that the •picnic 'tables !rad been stored at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Torrance Tabb, Mrs, Brad- nockreported that the cook books are being printed and will be av ailable soon. 'TILE BLY'TII STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 To The Electors Of BRUSSELS MORRIS - GREY As I have been nominated as a candidate for Trustee 011 the Huron County School Board, and having seven years experience as a trustee, tour of which I served on the Grey Township School Area Board, may I solicit your vote on December 2? Your friend, SAMUEL SWEENEY To The Ratepayers of the Towuship of East Wawanosh The members of the council wish to thank you for the confidence you have placed in them by giving them an acclamation last• Friday. We will endeavour to do our best to administrate the affairs of the Township to the best of our ability. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Signed, Roy Pattison, Reeve. Councillors: Norman Coultes, Simon Hallahan, Gerald McDowell, James Walsh. DAN MURPHY V0TE As Separate School Representative To The Duron County Board of Education • • Born on farm near Mount Forest and attended Separ- ate and High School there. e Obtained B.A. at St. Mich• ael's College in 1951. e Graduated as lawyer in 1956 and presently in Goderich law firm of Donnelly and Murphy. ✓ Separate School represent- ative on Goderich High School Board since 1961, O Member of the County of Huron Interim Organization Committee. O Married with five children, three of whom attend Sep. urate Schools in Goderich. ASKS YOUR SUPPORT MURPHY Dec. 2 .+++•+•+ +•+•++ 4-#4-4-#444-4-4-0-4-44-#4-0-#4-#44-#4- .1 .--•-•+ •+•-•+ • • t • • IAMONDS • +4. . 4,• t • • • • SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton • • • - ' Seaforth Airs, Andrew Kirkconnell re• ported for the card committee and react the notes of appreciation •vhich she had received, Mrs, Ro- bert Turner conducted ,a 'contest on Neighbouring Towns and Mrs, Bert Craig was. the winner. She also had a contest on completing slogans and sayings and Mrs. Roy Daer was the winner. THE BLY'PH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs, Henry De Ruiter, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnston, Westfield, wish to announce the• of Blyth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, engagement of their daughter, .\nn, to Tony White, son of Mr. Gayle Annelle, to Kenneth John lend Mrs. Charles White, of Sar- Daer, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Iiia, The wedding to take place Daer, R.R. 1, Auburn. The wed. December 28th, In lio'ly Cross ding to take place December 14, Church, London, 1968, at 3 p.ni. at the Blyth Unit• ed Church. MIKE'S Farm Equipment Box 251 Ph. 211 BRUSSELS YOUR JAMESWAY DEALER for SALES and SERVICE "First in Power Choring" Dairy - Beef - Hog Poultry BIRTH JEFFERSON -- In Clinton Pub. lie Hospital on Wednesday, November 13, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, R.R. 1, Belgrave, a slaughter, "Diane Irene." RECEIVES DIPLOMA Miss Betty Ann Kelly, daught. er of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly, MR. 2, Blyth, recently' received her government diploma and is employed at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, as a registered nurse. 'CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations and Many Hap• py Returns to Mr. G. 0. Bradley, of Meaford, who celebrates his birthday on November 28th. Renew your Subscription To The Standard Now +-•+f+••••••-•+f••..-•-„-• G-• •-+•• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • i • • • For Their Majesties -- THE BABIES TRI VI SOL CHEWABLE TABLETS TRI VI SOL LIQUID BOTTLE WARMER VAPORIZER 1,30 and 3.25 1,49 and 2.67 _3,95 6.95 VICK'S VAPO RUB PERTUSSIN MEDICATED VAPORIZER ZBT BABY POWDER MENNEN BABY LOTION GORA TEETHING LOTION CASTORIA 68c, 1.17 and 1.60 1,29 49c, 75c and 89c 79c and 1,29 89c 65c and 95c DIAPERASH OINTMENT ........... . .... 79c and 1,15 S.M.A. — LIQUID AND POWDER. R. D. PHILP, Phrn.B Mil, IVII. (BILL) MOODY of Mount Forest, Ontario, the A9 District Governor of Lions lnler• national, will be making his of. ficial visit to the Blyth Lions Club on 'Thursday, November 28th. Mr. Moody has been a kion for ten years and has filled many important ,offices in the district which have qualified him for this high office as District Godernor. Ills profession is Head of lite Guidance Department in the Mount Forest High School and he also haves on Mount Forest municipal council. BAZAAR BAKE SALE &TEA in the ORANGE HALL Sat., November 30 Sponsored by Blyth Anglican Ladies' Guild it it i a . DUCK DINNER Tiger Dunlop Inn Ily. 21, 3 miles N. of Goderich • December 1st • • 3 to 6:30 pm, • • [lake reservations early. DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER — Phone Blyth 523.4140 + lilts. G. KAIT'rING i I'll, 52.4.8601 •-• 4,♦.••• -•+.•-•-•.•.•.•.11.•'•••-•-•-•-•+•41-• • • •t• •-•-•-1 •-• • . • • • 0 HARTZ CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS English Deluxe Genykage with guaranteed Hartz Singing Canary, and Food Starter Set. Regular Value $24.78 Christmas Special $18.95 . , . with Budgie ;16.95 English Genykage with guaranteed Hartz Singing Canary, and Food Starter Set. Regular Value $19.79 Christmas Special $14.95 • with Budgie $12.95 Guaranteed Songster Every Hartz Canary' carries a 21 day written guarantee to sing or be exchanged for another Hartz Canary of like value. Do not accept a substitute Canary, Ask for your Hartz guarantee' Junior Aquarium Starter Set with everything for the beginner. Includes deluxe stainless steel, tapered leg, picture frame aquarium, 16'x8"x10' with full matching Illuminating cover and accessories Regular Value26.10 Christmas Spacial $16.95 • Senior Aquirlum Starter Set for those who want a larger.quarium.; Includes deluxe stainless steel, tapered leg picture frame aquarium• .'20" x 10" x 12" with full matching illuminatingcover and accessories* Regular Value 37.10 Christmas Special $24.95 *Junior a1 Sealer Aquarium Starter Sots aro complete with the. following accessorlesr Canopy light bulb, vibrator lamp airline tubing, Aqua Pure Filter, BiOrell Tropical flakes, Chlor Out, glass wool, charcoal, Your Aquarium and Tropical two Fish Car— e. My of these carefully planned Hartz Pet Starter Sets will nIeke your Christmas glft•giving excitingly d fferent thle year. The cheerful song and genuine companionship of a lively Canary or Budgie will provide "living" Joy long after the season is, over. II you select ,an Aquarium Starter Set, you will introduce most popular homes hobbies for young Tropical nd old. See these special value Hart: Pet Starter Sete, now•on display at your local pet supply store. Prices shown are $S,00 higher in Eastem and Western Canada, °" Hartz exclusive aquarium construction. For retention of cement and greater rigidity. The strongest most leakproof aquarium made, AVAILABLE FROM BLYTHSINGER • CENTER RESERVE YOUR STARTER SET NOW --- we are out. of stock on some items already !. ARENA SCHEDULE 'I'IIUIRS., NOV. 28 — Squirt hockey practice 4.5 p.rn.; l't'4 Wees 5.6 p.ni.; Lucknow practice 5.30.7 p.n1. f I'Itl.. NOV. 29 — Lucknow ;:quirts practice 6-7; Public Skatir,ig 7.30. 9.30 p.m, SAT., NOV. 30 — Hockey Practice; pee wees 0.10 am.; squir'tis 10.12; Bantams 12-1; Public Skating 2-4; Lucknow pee WE es 5.7; Evening Skating SUN., :DEC. 1 -- Public Skating 2-4; Lucknow hockey practid'e 4,30. 7.30 11ON., DEC. 2 — Lolldesboro Boy Scouts 7.8 p.ln.; Brucefield hockey practice 8.30•;10.00 p.m. 'I'UES., DEC. 3 — I're School 2.2.30; Figure Skating 4.7; Bro'omball 8.11 pm. WED., DEC. 4 — Pee wee practice 5.6 p.m.; Public Skating 7410.9,30 ,!!;':i!!.,Y! • 1;;.,.,.,.0! i • •• • • California Sunkist Oranges, new crop 3 dozen 99c No. 1 Cooking Onions 10 lb. bag 692 444-44 44-* +-• N -N-•-•••-•-•-• •-•1•••1-•-1••+.-•1-•,1-•-• +4 +••-•-41-•-•-•-•-* 4 ' H • r• • •'• • ♦ r♦ •-•-♦-•-r• ♦-• ♦ •-•-•+4.$-4.$--s•+$++r+44 Stewart's Red& White Food Mkt. I 1 !MYTH, ONT.. Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Kraft Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg, 37c Milko Skim Milk Powder, 3 lb. pkg. .... 1.09 Dainty Fried ied Rice, 12 oz. pkg, .... 2 for 69c Kleenex Facial Tissues fi pkgs. 99t Maxim Instant Coffee per jar 99c • Lancia Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2 lb, bag 41c • • Ballett Toilet Tissue l rolls 55c Quick Quaker Oats, 5 Ib, bag's 79c Australian Seedless Raisins, 2 lb, bag G9t Buy Of The Week Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable Soup 9 tins 99c Allen's Fruit Drinks,, .18 oz. tin , .. 3 for 1.00 Fresh & Cooked 'Meats Maple Leaf Weiners 2 lbs, 89c Fresh Pork Liver per lb. 29c Maple Leaf Breakfast Bacon, 1 lb. pkg. 79c Maple Leaf S.P. Rolls ' per lb. 65c Pork and Beef Sausage 1 lb. 59c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables LAST THREE DAYS y..'S<75.1;11A°xr't:>sR.f:.lv:OMN(x4lt+:tH ti.v:+m!j. 4.tft,I .M, . tvj{lay`oi2!' r 1 ? DEERSKINS WANTED — FOlt CASH OR TRADE We will ,exchange a 'pair of hatid•sewn deerskin gloves .— vtdtfe: $8,95.` 'for ; eacfi . deerskin 'received in good eon. Mon, 1