HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-10-30, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD $2.50 A Year In Advance --•• $3,50 In U.S.A. PERSONAL INTEREST ITEMS 11rs, E. Logan, Mrs. G. Watt, Mrs. R. Griffith, firs. L. Scott, Mrs. K. Webster attended the U.C. W. Regional Rally at Auburn on October 25th, Mr. and Airs. Jini Scott Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid, of Wal. ton, visited on the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Sti' More, of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Scott Sr., visited for a week recently with the former's brother, Bill Scott, and Mrs. Scott, Noranda, Quebec. We are glad to report that Mr, Roy Doherty returned home from Clinton Hospital recently where lie had been a patient for the past four months. Arthur Heffron is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs, Sadie Curring returned home on Sunday after spending an enjoyable two weeks with her son.in.law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Bradley and family, of leaford. She was accompanied home by her son•in-1aw,and.daugh- ter. Mr, Gordon Snell and Janetta Snell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Snell and Bonnie, also called on Mrs. Jasper Mc. Brien at Iiuronview. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Hoffman of Kippen, were guests on Sunday at the home of the latter's grand. • parents, Mr, and Mrs. Austin. Dex• ter, Mrs. John Demarey and Miss Elaine Demarey, of Detroit, Mich., spent the weekend -with Mrs, Vera McCrea. • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family spent the weekend with •Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Robinson and family, in Toronto, Horticulturalists Need Members The Blyth horticultural Society will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Sundercock, Thursday evening, November 14th, at 7,45 p,in. The HIorticultural Society try to do a little to make Blyth more beauiful. if you haven't been can. vassed it would be very much ap• predated if you would give a don• ation to any of the directors as the grant received from the Ontario Government is based on the mem- bership. Anyone interested in the work of the.: Society are welcome to come to the meeting on the 14th. BLYTH, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. 39, 1968 Recreation Comm. ;United Church Sets Hall & Arena Filled For 108th Rental Fees Anniversary The Blyth Municipal Recreation Committee niet in the Library at 8,30 p.m. Minutes were read and appro8ved by motion of K. Web• ster, seconded by A, McCrea, Car. Tied. Financial Statement was read and hills and accounts as follows: Telephone Tolls 13,35; R. Daer $10.00 payment approved on mo- tion by B. Richmond, seconded by A. Walsh. The 'natter of a figure skating club was discussed and on motion by 11.' Carter, seconded by B. Rich- mond, Recreation Committee take charge of same, Joe Cooper to be co-ordinator on motion by L. Mc- Kay, - secnoded by A. McCrea. The contract for the janitor of the hall to be left as is but to he reviewed for 1970 on motion of K, Webster, seconded by A. Mc- Crea. Hall rent for kitchen re meet- ings. Moved by J. Cooper, sec- onded by L. McKay, that, Only time kitchen of hall to he used for meetings is when main hall is not in use and a nominal charge of $2,00 to be levied for same, Kit- chen of hall for meetings to be booked through Mrs. Luella Mc. Gowan. Carried. Repairs to tap, and toilet in kit- chen of hall, plus purchase of new blind,moved by A. McCrea, sec. onded by K. Webster. Carried, Moved by J. Cooper, seconded • by A. Walsh,- committee purchase- four urchasefour card tables for use in hall. Carried. Arena Rates . Moved by Bruce Richmond, sec onded by Robert Carter, that All Blyth sponsored MINOR hockey teams to have free ice time for hockey practice prior to six .p.m. said minor teams to have practice time at $4.00 per hour thereafter, times at discression of Arena Man. ager. All other teams $7.00 per hour practice time. MINOR TEAMS to pay $7.00 an hour game time plus 50.50 split of gate for play offs. All hockey tears $7.00 per hour per games Broom Ball: Moved by Lunday -McKay, seconded by K, Webster, Girls ,$5,00 per hour; Nen $7,00 per hour. Public Skating: Adults 50c, stn. dents 25c, pre school free. Moved by Wm. Mull, seconded by J. loop. er. Moved by J, Cooper, seconded by 13. Richmond, that the Arena 'Manager purchase hockey nets and sufficient, 1" hose to flood ice. Carried, Adjournment moved by J. Coo. per, seconded by Robert Carter, Fourteen Enjoyed Dresses --- With A Fellowship Meeting Difference The Community Fellowship Club met. in the Blyth United Church Parlor on Wednesday, Oc• tuber 23rd from 2 to .4 p.m, Four. teen people enjoyed crokinole, shuffleboard and other activities. Mrs. Keith Webster was in charge and Mrs—J. J. Jaskula, Mrs, James Barrie and Mrs. Webster served lunch, The next meeting will be on the second Wednesday of November, the 13th. Come and enjoy an afternoon's fellowship in an infor- mal group, Congratulations Congratulations to Mrs; Shirley Snell who celebrates her birthday on Friday, November 1. The ladies who are learning to crake "Dresses with aDifference" met at the home of Mrs. Keith Webster Tuesday afternoon, They all had their measurements taken ,and learned the correct size of pattern to use, There was a de. nonstration on laying out a pat• tern, pinning it correctly and the cutting. There was some discus- sion regarding linings and they were shown how to put in a zipper and make a neck facing. They will meet again at 1.15 in the afternoon of the 4th of No. vemher under the leadership of Mrs. K, Webster and Mrs. C. Snell. There is room for a few more ladies if they still wish to enter Aids course "Dressmak;ng with a DIfference," • Blyth United Church held a very successful anniversary last Sunday, October 27, the sixth of the present building and the one hundred and eighth of the.organi• nation of the congregation. The anniversary preacher was Rev. C. J. Scott, protestant chap• lain of London Psychiatric Hos. pita' and minister of the congre• ration 1950 to 1953. The choir was under the direc. tion -of the organist, Mrs, Donald Kai, and Mrs. Winona McDougall, accompanied the organ on the pi. ano; The anthems at the morning service were "Holy, Holy, Holy" and "Let not your Ileart be Troubled." In the evening they sang "0 Saviour` Hear Me" and "A Song of Praise," The quartette, revived by the return of Glen Ke• chnie, from London; sang at both services, to the great satisfaction of the congregation. The Church was filled to capa- city at the 11,00 a.ni. service and was roughly half .full at the 7.30 service, Several former members of the congregation returned for the occasion. The anniversary festivities were completed with an anniversary turkey supper on Wednesday ev. ening. Jackpot Up To $I10. The big jackpot eluded the players at the Lions .Club weekly bingo last Saturday night and this week will see $110, being offered as the top prize, The $5,00 door prize was won by Mrs. Marion Hubbard. Share the wealth games were won by Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery and Mrs. Wm, Montgomery, split; and Judy Brown, Muth Warwick and Mrs. Neilan split, the $25,00 game and Gary Lee won $27.50 on the jack. pot gain°, 12 Tables at Euchre A very good attendance was on hand at the Memorial Hall Mon- day night. Twelve tables were in play and the winners were as follows: High Lady, Mrs, Cecil Cart. Wright; Lady's lone hands, Mrs. Clarence Johnston; Low lady, Mrs. Bernice McClinchey; high man, Calvert Falconer; Lone hands, Gordon f1Iaggitt; Low man, Archie Mason. BIBLE CLUB MEETING The fourth meeting of the, re. cently formed Bible Club being held at the Church of God on 'Ionday afternoons at 4 p.m, was held on October 28, with 26 child• ren present, some of whom were in Hallowe'en costume. 'Themeet- ing opened with the theme song and prayer followed by a Hallow- e'en contest. The Bible story entitled "Some Men who thought they saw a Ghost" was presented on flannel - graph. The meeting closed with the theme song. . All members are urgently re. ,quested to attend the next meet- ing on Monday,. November 4, as the Christmas Centrepieces will again be on display for those who have not chosen . what they want to make, Volume 80 No, 17 Single Copies Six Cents Five Members Inducted At Lions Meeting Ladies' Night was observed .at the regular meeting of the Blyth Lions Club last Thursday night in the Memorial Hall when ,mem- bers of the organization brought their wives along to enjoy the fes- tivities. The Ladies' Auxiliary catered for the meal and were thanked on behalf of the club and their guests by Lion Walter But - tell Entertainment was ably sup- plied by the Snell Trio from Lon- desboro. A highlight of the evening was the induction of five new mem- bers into the club by Lion John Campbell. I -ie welcomed them into the organization and explain• ed the workings of the Lions Club, Those joining were John Harris and Ralph Wareham, sponsored by Robbie Lawrie; Gus Kurnoth sponsored by George Watt; Glenn Gibson sponsored by Charlie Shaw; George Burkholder spon• sored by George Ives. During the business portion of the meeting it was decided to hold another rummage sale in the spring. S8th Anniversary! Congratulations and Best Wish- es are extended to Mr and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour who will mark their 68th wedding anniversary at their own home on Wednesday, November 6th.. BLYTH W. I. TO MEET The Blyth Women's Institute will meet Thursday evening, No- vember 7, at 8 p.m. in the Mem- orial Hall. The Roll Call will ,be "Something money can't buy." Guest speaker is Mrs. Roberton, Huron County Public Health Nur• se, from Clinton, and she has re• quested that the ladies come pre- pared to ask questions. Please con• sider this your personal invitation to attend, TiIE EXPLORER MEETING The Explorer meeting was held Thursday, October 24, in the base' ment of the Blyth United Church. We opened the meeting with the Explorer Purpose. The offering was taken up by Cathy Madill. Carol Mason read the minutes of the last meeting. We enjoyed do- ing crafts and playing games. The meeting closed with the Explorer Prayer. BROOMBALL EXECUTIVE MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 5 A meeting of the Broomball Executive for the 1968.69 season will be held Tuesday, November 5th, 1968, at 8.30 at the Blyth Arena. Each team must have two repre- sentatives at this meeting. Anyone wishing to put in a now team must be present at the meeting, '1'he Kyodan Unit will meet Tuesday, November 5, ht 8.15 p•m, in the church parlour. TEENAGE GROUP FORMED The teenagers of Blyth United Church have set up a group for their ,people of high school age and are to meet true first and third Sunday evenings of each month at 8.00 p.ni, in the church parlour, The officers they have elected are as follows: President, Murray MeNall; Vice President, Warren Cook; Secretary, Nancy Stewart; Treasurer, Robert Cook; - Pianist, Evelyn llaggitt; Program conven• or, Leslie Caldwell. ICE MAKING BEGINS Get the old blades out and the rust cleaned off, dad, there will be skating at the Blyth Arena before very long. And if you would like a little peace in the family, better not mention it yet for a few clays. Murdie Souch informs us that ice snaking will begin at the local ,refrigeration plant this Friday and he expects to have skating by the next Firday, November 8th. Hockey and hroomball teams should take note so that practice sessions can be arranged before the arena schedule is completed. Figure Skaters, ,badminton Players ,Are Wanted The time is fast approaching when residents of the area will .change their recreation habits from those enjoyed during the summer time to those more suit- ed .to fall and winter months. . The Blyth Recreation Committee is trying to plan events that will be of interest to everyone. The figure skating lessons will be held again this year and those inter- ested in joining are asked to call either Jessie- McKay" or Amy-Mcl- Crea as soon as possible. A total. of fifty-five skaters is needed t� make the event a success and the committee will have to seek the services of an instructor as soon as possible -- thus the need for immediate registration. 'It is the intention of the corn• mittee' to form :a badminton club this winter if enough interest is forthcoming. Games will be play- ed layed one night a week in the Public School and the same two ladies will take names for this club. So, if you are interested in .enrolling the children in figure skating, or feel the need of a little exercise yourself, phone your entries in as soon as possi• hle. Threshers Finish '68 Business The Huron Pioneer Thresher and hobby Association net in the 131yth Orange Hall Monday even- ing to finish up' the 196 business. It was the most successful Re -Un- ion yet, over $2500. in. total re- ceipts. A Banquet will be held in the Blyth Memorial Hall, Wednesday, November 13, at 6.45 p.m. with a dance to follow with the same l3and that was at the September 6th Dance. It was well received by those who attended that dance. It is hoped that a 'good number will again attend it is open to anyone. CLINTON•I3LYTII LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE STANDINGS Following are the_Clinton-Blyth Ladies Bowling League standings at the Crown Bowling Lanes, Clin- ton, on October 22ndDottbtfuls, 32 points; Spares,_ 33; Pony Club, 37; Hot -tots,. 23; :. Hippies, 30; ,Quiet, Ones,. 25, ' • Ladies High'Single, Kay Falcon- er; 297; High Triple, Sandra Wes- terhout, 698; High Average, tied, Mary Davey, 202, Mert Elliott, 202r Kay Falconer, 202, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1968 CLINTON JUNIOR FARMERS I?il!!lii!Jl!',i:l OCTOBER, I LOVE YOU Last month, .1 wrote of my annual love affair with Septem• her. It seemed to hit the spot. Fan. mail. doubled, from two to four letters. I even receiveda declaration of love from a lady who shall be nameless. But October is another matter, 1 think we Canadians love it in a different way, this most glorious month of the year, It's the month when we wake up, come alive, feel the blood coursing through our hardening arteries. It's a shattering experience for someone from another country to visit Canada in October, They are used to a change in the fall, Their leaves turn pallid browns and yellows, But when they see a vista of woods and water on a golden Canadian October day, they are literally stricken breathless. We say, "Pretty ain't it?" An Irishman might say in awe 'Dear God, Himself has dumped a rainbow, all but the blue, into your woods. .And the blue He has flung,. entirely, into your water." But the vast, mad artist's palette, thrown across the country is only part of the October scene and m'o'od. There's a quickening of the spirit that infects everyone. Fall fairs, those stubborn relics of a pioneer day, add their special flavor, Parades and pumpkin pies, hot ,dogs and horse races, and the warm, yellow wine of. a Canadian October day, are unforgettable. Hunters go into their special trance in this month. They crouch in duck blinds, they crawl through ;fences, they curse their misses. (And sometimes their missuses, who can't see the point of it all.) , Golfers go goofy in October, desperately trying to get in the last few rounds, losing balls by the dozen. among the fallen leaves, and praying for ane more good 'weekend. Sailing enthusiasts snatch every chance to get out in that perfect weather the month so often provides: nice breeze, warm sun, water so blue it makes your heart leap. And so cold it makes your hands ache, October is ecstasy for the sport fan. World Series, pro hockey, and football at its height. He can sit staring at the ma• chine until he nears senility and has to be spoon-fed, Great month for the student. He has got through that mud. die of September, and can now settle down to the serious business of falling in love, falling behind in his work, and fa'Iling into deep wa- ter, in that order'', And then, there's the burning of the leaves, a ritual which should he on the Canadian 'coat of arms. There's a tremendous sat- isfaction in scooping up a bushel basket of dry leaves, piling them on the fire on a dusky October eve, and seeing• the orange and yet. low !'lames spear skyward, searing the telephone wires. Every year, I feel a pang of pity for the apartment -dweller, with no leaves to burn, He's like a kid who never gets a firecracker of his own to set off on the 24th of May. And when does the citydweller ever get the sheer, human satisfaction of seeing a sprightly northwest breeze pick all the leaves off his lawn and deposit them accurately on the lawn of his neighbor, who hates leaves and is always trying to keep his lawn raked? And the thrill of the apple crops. The soft little fruits of September, the peaches and pears that go rotten so quickly, are gone. And you drive through the orchard country, trees drooping with red, and you pick up a bushel of spies, and you bite, and the juice spurts right over your shoulder, Food for the gods. Provided their teeth are not falsies, And there's just enough sadness, as October nears its end, and days shorten, and trees bare, and gloomy November puts his clammy nose over your shoulder, to heighten all the joys of this most remarkable month, and make it something that is distinctly Canadian and distictly you. f 111':11511111111111111i1u'1 !lli lll! IIIA111191111111111111!IEI11111111f 16!!111!111!1!1!1111!1'S,111111111fyG1R THE BLYTH STANDARD MIN 11iEMI Serving the Blyth Community since 1885 Published every Wednesday 'at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO. Douglas Whitmore, Publisher, Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $2,50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $3.50 a Year - SingIe Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" l',I!!I!11: ,I. !1IM11111!111!11!!P.1f!!III: 11.111f111!!f111?!!I!'!III!11EI!1!!!Ingin!111!!1!!1!I!1!1j!11!1!im1117!111!1!1!i!llfll AND JUNIOR INSTITUTE MEET The October meeting of the Clinton Junior Farmers and Jun• for Institute was held in a joint meeting in the Huron County Ag ricultural office with 30 Members answering the roll call, Jamieson 1Ribey introduced the guest speak- er, Rev, Glen Wright, of Dungan- non. IIe -based his address on three questions, 1, Who am I? 2. Who is my neighbour?, and 3, What is my' purpose? After ex- plaining all three topics he had most of the young folk thinking and asking questions of themselv- es. John (Rodgers thanked Mr. Wright for his inspiring address, Walter McIlwain reported on the success of the Pow Wow at Au- burn and Bob hickey reported on the benefit dance held for Mr, and Mrs. Larry Johnston who recently lost their barn through file,. A committee was set up to hold a benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart who also lost their barn. John Black reported on the entries for public speaking contest and he. also staled that a special accident survey was underway during the corn harvest. The meet- ing was adjourned and Walter Mc. Ilwain led in recreation while lunch was getting ready to, be ser. ved. AUBURN GINGI►AM GALS 4.11 EIGHTII MEETING The eighth meeting of the Au. burn Gingham Gals 441 meeting was held with the first vice•presi• dent, Donna Chamney, opening it with the 441 pledge The minutes were accepted as read by the sec. retary, Marie Plunkett, The roll Call was answered by each telling the highlight of their record books and these were on display. Brenda Ball demonstrated how to cover a belt sample and all gids display ed their dresses which are ready to hem. Plans were discussed for Ach- ievement day and Jean Hardy will be the commentator on the exhib- it "Good liner for different figur- es." The meeting ,was closed by repeating the 44.1Creed. Letters from viewers naturally vary regarding the new television season. Here are two 'good exam. pies. "The current television sea• son is of so low a quality I can't imagine a single serious person in the industry being able to be the least bit proud of his work." The second one reads as fol. lows: 'My family and I are en• tranced, delighted and totally ab• sorbed in the whole line-up, It's a problems to -decide between eon• flicting programs•" The CBC has put a 'better•than• usual schedule together this year. This had to be done because CTV, the rival network, has been run.. ning away with the ratings. This year both Canadian net- works have good schedules, , al• though I'll predict that CTV will come out in front again this sea- son. Wednesday night is a bad night for those who don't like sports and serious works. CTV starts NHL Hockey at 8.00. For those who dislike the sport, there's Mission: Impossible on the CI3C, At 9:00 it's bedtime for those viewers, because hockey doesn't conclude until 10:30, and the .CBC run 'public affairs and then give the viewers Festival, which has never been popular. Of course, there are the American channels, but some Canadians can. not receive then. CTV presents River Inn, which follows 'Hockey, and it's terrible. CBC's Festival on Wednesday, was appropriately entitled "The Write -Off." River Inn and Festi- val are invitations to viewers to turn to American channels, if they can, jja;Na!r';f!f !,��i; I,i! ��!III,!;!ia!Il!I�f,II;i11f,Il�l�ijil'lll;il!III'lliil�ll�iUl!f til G':I li '1.illl!111!11141151:11111 !'W FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY WHY BOTHER WITH GOD? A great many people do not 'bother .with God. They couldn't care less, And they get along without Ilim. At least, it, seems that they do• They da not lose their jobs or get cancer. They have a gay time,. And God does not seem to spank them. In fact, they seem to get along every bit as well as those who do bother with God .' . . These remarks were made by Alvin Rogness in "The Way" (Vol, 12, No. 11) and they are so realistiely true, Of course there are millions and millions of people who do • bother, They trust God more than they trust themselves, They even love God, although they have never seen Him or touched Hite. They talk to Ilini as they would talk to a friend' across the room. And many of them would give up anything, even their lives, rather than give up their trust in God, Who is right? 'Those who do not bother or those who do? No one can answer that question for you, except you. It is not an easy question, and therefore does not have an easy answer, If you really want to decide about God, you will have to do some hard thinking, and some hard doing. We live under a government that encourages religion, with. out persecuting those who choose to have nothing to do with God. We are free to choose. This is a great privilege, It should not be taken lightly. 1f we are free to choose, we ought to do our choos- ing in a very earnest way. And the choice will finally be yours. Whether you have grown up in a home that worships God or one that does not, you yourself will have to east a vote. Your father ,may give you a car or a farm, but he cannot give you faith. Faith in God is an inner state of mind, of the heart. And 'what that is to be is up to you. You are free to bother +with God or not. The secret is that if you bother with God •-- seriously bath- er with Him — then you will discover that IIe is eagerly bothering with you, That is the risk you take. You will never he the same. But perhaps you do not want to stay where you are anyway. Kr Kroeze, all , nr i I• Im t +�'� I Ila Ilglr,Mgn i+ I;nl 'tl't� n' P"';; .I"Ilnl S"'''glrlr,' ;ltilrl Irl w ;. •,r , !I,;;i iri1► llliflllC?!!! I III!! ► ':P!I!:�! 'I' I lgill!'11;!',Iillfl ,, ' 1,1),I IIl,br,,l 3, y. j!+(I!!l..li!,,.!! ;,11:1 n}��!r'.^ll�'•111,B" i ro t+,l�n.;l+ ',.11.,!1!1 i ! t!!!;1'aal.11!i ":iI i,. ri I , i.,l!I!il,r...i,. :,rd:..,�awLi,a,i„i..L. n.; ! I !::' a�,;'d..r ..r7,.wr. }l:' ifi !� 4 Call In For A Delicious Treat ICE CREAM. SUNDAES •• POP •• CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL BLYTH, ONTARIO Phone 523.4391 ;:'r INp!qui!11!1111?I 1,NI1!Il+iII!ilr.rigif!11111111!I!IIIff!I!11111!!11T11111 i1,II11!?111111'IF.i',I1111Ni11i1,1!!I!!!!!1!I!!!!111911! IIIII1�!1!1!i!l21 rl.� 11111111911111:1 mort,g efiurcile6 ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 2:30 pan. Standard Time •— Anniversary Service, Rev, Evertt R. Hawkes, B.A., B.TH,, Bluevale, Minister. "There CHURCH. OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth •» Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a,m, --- Sunday School. 1+1:00 a,m, — Worship Service, 7.30 pan. --- Evening Service, Thought For The Week faith is counted for righteousness," Romans 4:5 are two parts to the Gospel: Believing it andbehaving itl" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. II. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 11:00 tan, — Sunday School. 10:00 a.m, --- Morning Service (English). 3:00 p.m. -- Afternoon Service (Dutch) , "I have no song to sing but that of Christ my King." ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. W. It. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a,m, Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m. •-- St, Mark's Church, Auburn: 1,30 pan. — St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2,45 pan, •-- THE ,UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATHER, B.A., B,D,, MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music, 9:45 arta, -- Sunday Church School. 11,00 a,tn. -- Public Worship. "The Importance of Faith• fulness," 8,00 p,m, -- Hi•C (young people of high school age). 1111!1!11(!l111(11111!!11.!11(L!1(!(I' 1(i!111!1!!11f!1J!111�111!1111111111!111!11111111111!!111!1!!f1!I!II!I!X1111111!111111J!II!1!1111UJ�11!IId!111111!11!111111!11�1111111C( t # Kleenex Facial Tissue, 400's .... 2 pkgs63c I Lancia Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2 ib. pkg41c I Beehive Corn Syrup, 2 lb, tin 37c Libby's Spaghetti in Tom, Sauce, 19 oz. tin I 4 for 99i' „ Libby's Sauerkraut , 28 oz. tin . 29c Omo Detergent, king• size, reg. 1.95. only 1.39 N I Carnation Instant Milk, 5 lb. box 1.29 Nescafe Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar reg. 1.99 Only 1.49 tCut Rite 'Wax Paper, 100 ft. ,roll 35c { Cut Rite Wax Paper Refill 29c I .I:IIII' Stewart's Red & White Food Mkt. BIYTII, ONT., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Ainommosomi 2nd BIG WEEK of TRAINLOAD SALE BIG SAVINGS --• Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Stock Up Now And Save $1.00 Specials Libby's Fancy Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin, 5 for 1.00 Libby's Fruit Cocktail, 14 oz. tin, 3 for 1.00 Monarch Colored Margerine, 1 Ib. print 1 for 1.00 White Swan Bathroom Tissue ... 8 rolls 1.00 Carnation Evaporated Milk, tall tin 6 for 1.00 Stokley's Honey Pod Peas, 14 oz, tin, 5 for 1,00 Nature's Best Yellow Beans, 14 oz. tin 6 for 1.00 Allen's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz. tins, 3 for 1.00 York Beans with Pork, 14 oz. tin, 6 for 1.00 Big Saving On These Specials Buy Of The Week Vanguard Sockeye Salmon, half lb, tin 49c Del Monte Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin 2 for 69c Weston Bakery Features Red and White Donuts, reg. 29c doz. 2 for only 49c Bake'n Serve Bread, reg. 39c only 35c Apples --- Talman Sweets, Snows, Macs, Kings and Courtlands. Meats & Frozen Foods Maple Leaf Weiners 1 lb. pkg, 49c Maple Leaf Beef and Pork Sausage, 1 lb, 59c Fresh Picnic Shoulders per lb. 47c Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls per lb, "63c Wallace's Turkey Pies, reg. 69c box, only 59c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables No. 1 Quality Tomatoes 2 pkgs. 49c Good Size Cauliflower each 29c Golden Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. 25c No. 1 Small Cooking Onions , . 10 lb, bag 79c Genuine Spain Onions 2 for 35c BELGRAVE EVENTS The Rev. Maldwyn Roberts, of Auburn, took charge ,of the ser- vices at Calvin -Brick and Knox United Church, ]3elgrave, on Sun- day when The Rev. John G.Ro- berts was guest speaker at Anni- versary Services in Auburn Knox United Church. AIr. and Mrs, Ivan Carter, Clin• ton, called on Mrs. Telford Conk on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Staekhouso and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cuthhertson, of London. lir, and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, Thorndale, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs Dave Armstrong, also visited with other relatives. ?Jr, and Mrs. Ernie Crawford, Goderieh, Mlss Norma Nethery, of Hamilton, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cook. Mrs. Agnes MeCreight, Wing - ham, spent a couple of days with Mrs. Dave Armstrong recently. Miss Norma Nethery, Hamilton, visited with her aunt, Mrs. Tel. ford Cook on 'Saturday, Mrs, Hilda Roberts and Mr. Harold Roberts, Listowel, spent. Monday with Mrs. Dave Arm- strong, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and Charlene, of Bramalea, spent Sun- day with her aunt, Mrs. Albert Vincent, and Mr. Vincent. Mr. and Mrs,Ralph McCrea and iiamily, of Blyth, visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hanna attended the 50th wedding anni- versary ' of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. ,Rus• sell, of Listowel, which was held at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ross, Stratford, on Sunday even- ing, October 27. Mr, and 'Mrs. Louis Hayes, of Elyria, Ohio, are spending this week with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and -Mrs, Jack Van - Camp, Mr, and Mrs. David Hanna and family, Kitchener, spent the week- end visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence :Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Armstrong. lir, and Mrs. Floyd Campbell spent a few days recently with Mr. and firs. Ed. Ansley, Thessalon. Miss . R.ebecca Bill, of Huron. view, Clinton, celebrated her 92nd birthday on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John, Other visitors were Airs. Elvoy Rock, Joanne and Jeniffer., of Monkton, Air, and Mrs. Reith Rock and Janette,.Mrs. Lillie Hu - die and Harold, of Walton. The weekly euchre was held in Belgrave . Community rooms with 10 tables in play. The winners were, High i.ady, Mrs. James Coupes, Novelty, Mrs.Clarence Johnston, Low, Mrs, Wellwood; High Man, firs. Oliver Walker (playing as a man), Novelty, John Adams, Low, Mrs, Jean Moore (playing as a man), • The Calico Cousins held their seventh ,meeting at the hone of Mrs. Clarence Hanna on Monday afternoon with 12 girls present. The president, Barbara Cook, was in the chair. The minutes were read by Joyce Hunter. The roll call was "Why 1 chose the colour of my dress."• The girls worked on covers for ilfeir record book as well as some finishing on their dresses. The meeting closed with taps, THE .BLYTII STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3pth, 1968 JOYCE PROCTER, BELGRAVF RECEIVED BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE Miss Joyce Procter, lielgrave, received her "Bachelor of Arts Degree" from Huron College Un. iversity Western Ontario, London, at the autumn convocation held in the Alumni Hall, Friday, October BERG" Sales - Service Installation FREE .ESTIMATES ▪ Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTII Phone Brussels 443w4 Following the convocation a reception and tea in Honour of the graduation class, was held in Great Hall at Huron College, Mrs. Richard Procter attended her daughter's graduation, also Mr, Ron Hill, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ilenderson, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Procter. In the evening Mr. and 'Mrs. Lloyd Henderson entertained at a dinner in their home in.,honour of Joyce's graduation. COLD WEATHER MERCHANDISE Men's Corduroy Coats (100 percent orlon pile lining). Men's Nylon Coats (Fiberfill pack) warm and light, Men's Cotton Flannel Pajamas. Boys' Duffle Coats, orlon pile and quilted linings with detachable hoods. Rubber Footwear for All The Family, New Lines in Men's Sport Shirts. Wool Gloves and Mitts, also Men's and Boys' Leather Mitts. Your 5 percent Discount Pays Your Tax on Regular Prices. The Arcade Store Phone 523-941]. Blyth, Ontario. Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, FOR ECONOMY & PERFORMANCE A "Hamm Deal" Tops Them All 1968 PONTIAC 4 door hard top, V 8, full power, 1967 PONTIAC 4 door, V 8, Automatic. 1967 FORD Custom, 4 door, V 8, Automatic 1967 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door, hard top, V 8 full power. 1966 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 door, automatic, power steering, radio. 1966 CHEV, Biscane, 4 door, automatic. 1966 CHEV Bel Air, 4 door, automatic, radio 1966 PONTIAC 2 door, V 8, Automatic, radio, power steering. 1966 DODGE 4 door, automatic. 1966 DODGE 440, 4 door, automatic, radio. 1966 CHEV, Impala, 4 door, hard top, V 8, full power. 1965 OLDS. 4 door, full power 1965 ENVOY 4 door. 1965.FORD 4 door, standard transmission. 1964 CHEVY II, 4 door 1964 FORD, 4 door, V 8, automatic. 1963 FORD 4 door. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's BAR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 623.9661 1, •4444.4410444444+1444+441 THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1988 ably. Londesboro News Of The Past Week Mr. Will Govier, Mrs. Webster her aunts, Mrs. Cowan ani Mrs and Mrs, Mabel Scot visited on Robinson, also her brothers. Jack Sunday with friends in Teeswater, and Bill Lee. The Aimwell Unit of the U.C,W. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Radford met on Monday evening with a spent the weekend with his brofull attendance. The Berean Unit they and familyin Niagara Falls. were guests. Following the devo- tional priod Glenice and Helen Mr. and Mrs. John ArmstrongAndersonfavored with a duet. The spent Sunday with their son, Kenhighlight of the evening was ma.nett and family, in Stratford. chert •when Mrs, Hall, pf Blyth, Harold Livingstone reiurnhave a splendid and informative ed home on Thursday having spent discourse of her recent visit to a 'few days with her family in Kenya, Africa. She also- showed London, pictures of the natives, scenery day «ith Eal litho is in hospital Mrs,' EaEarl Gaunt visited On Sll11nti many native articles, etc, Airs,Tom Duizer thanked Mrs. Hall onagain, but he is progressing Savor•behalf of the Unit, A dainty lunchand social hour was enjoyed at the close, Mrs. Bi11 Wall, of KIncardne, spent a few days Last week with ,Mr, Harold Dalrymple and baby, Pat, spent Sunday with her mother, .Airs. Earl Gaunt. .About 70 members of the Ma,sonic. Lodge attended the Turkey Banquet in the Community Nall nu Thursday' evening. ;Mr.Harry'I'ebbutt proposed a toast to Grand Lodge, Bill Leiper respon• tied. Clare Vict proposed a !oast to the Ladies. Mrs. Bert Lym responding. During a short program Harry'l'ebbutt favored th two guitar instrumentals; Bert Shobbrook a harmonica and guitar selection; Beverley Lce two piano numbers and a solo by El• nine Vincet, The remainder of the evening was enjoyed with a fw games of euchre. EIIiott Insurance Agency ESTATE AUCTION SALE BLYTH — ONTARIO, in the..M....,.,..,....~. treet, on �^^^ 11th INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES basket AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT (new); WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE, ers Ma• _ "WE SPECT AWE IN GIVING SERVICE" Of Household Effects town of Seaforth, James S MONDAY, NOVEMBER at 1 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; chair with upholstery Swivel rocker (new); Rog gestic 21 inch television; 0 al chairs; radio; kitchen se leaf table; 2 chairs; Ke Frig; 4 burner electric sto tables twilight lamps; Gla cupboard; hall tree; mirr eking chairs; foot stool; step•up•stool; electric broom glass china cabinet; singl box springs; mattress; 9x pct and pad; runners; mats; ironing board; V cleaner; floor polisher; dro sewing machine; 3 furnishe rooms, beds, springs, matt dressers, wash stands; bed 1 blankets; table linens; dish naments; kitchen utensils; e clock. Other articles. TERMS CASH Proprietor: Estate of late Sirs, Mary Shannon. Auctioneer: Harold Jackson, Clerk: Mel Graham, 1.7.2 NOTICE OF .MEETING . . Morris Township Federation of Agriculture are sponsoring an In- formation Meeting on the use of Systemics in Warble Fly Control, Dr, Kennedy, of Sarnia, represen. tative of Dow Chemical Company, will present a picture story, a film strip, and a question period, Dr, Styles, of Brussels, will be present and speak on the cattle situation in the West as related to our own County;The meeting will be held In the Forrester's Hall, Belgrave, Wednesday, November 6, at 8,30 p.m. Coffee and donuts will be served. Everyone Welcome, cession. Office 5234481 Phones t; drop eResidence 623.4522 lvinator ve; end ss wall ors; ro• chrome (new); e bed; 10 car• scatter aeuum p head d bed. resses, inens; es; or• lcctric 17.1 DANCE Brussels Legion Hall, Friday, November 8th, Desjar• dine's Orchestra, Admission $2.00 per couple, Restricted to 21 years and over, Sponsored by Walton Recreation Committee, 17-1 IN MEMORIAM LIVINGSTONE -- In fond mem- ory of a dear husband, Dad and Grandpa, who died one year ago today, October 31, 1987, God knew that you were suffering, The hills were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids, And •whispered "peace be thine." Lovingly remembered and greatly missed by his wife and family, 17.1p IN MEMORIAIIM SNELL -- In mgnory of a dear =tivife, mother, and grandmother, Mrs. Gordon Snell, who passed away four years ago, November the 3rd, 1964, The little things she use to do, The things she used to say, Come crowding hack to memories, As we think of her today, --- Ever remembered by her husband, Gordon, daughter, Jean. etta, sons, Ernest, Alvin Jasper and Donald, and their families. 17-1p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who sent cards and treats and made visits while I was in Clinton and London hospitals Special thanks to Dr, Street and Rev. Mather and Dr, McAninch and the nurses, Z7.1p... . —Emmerson. Wright. i f 'I'llc lli•C will he holding a Work Day" on Saturday, Novem. ber 20(1, Anyone wishing work done please contact a H1-Cmem. ber, On Thursday the Explorers 10l1 be collecting for UNICEF in the village after school, lir. and Mrs. Jim McCall and Susan visited op Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, U, R. Stilton, Kitchener. Is your subscription paid ? BLYTH LIONS CLUB CASH BINGO IN THE -BI4YTII MEMORIAL FALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd commencing at S:30p.rn. 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $5.00 EACH 2 BIG SIJARE•'TIE•WEAI,7'JI GAMES 1 GAME FOR 525,00 (must go) , 1 JACKPOT GAME FOR 8100,00 IF WON IN 60 CALLS (winner after 60 calls receives half proceeds from game) Admission at door 50 cents -••- extra cards available, ['Ian To Attend and Support the Blyth Lions fk+4-l-• *•-• N•• M-. •1 ... • • • 4 • $ *-i-$+•+ $250 for each $100. That's what you can get with - this year's Canada Savings Bonds, Here's how, The new Bonds have fourleen regular annual interest coupons which can be cashed each year as they come due. The first pays 5.75%; the second, 6.50%; the next three, 6.75% each, and the last nine a big 7.00% each, Total regular annual interest amounts to $95,50 on each $100 Bond, ' If you choose you may hold all these regular annual interest coupons uncashed until your Bond matures. ^' i If you do, you will then get interest on your interest totalling an additional $54.50 on each $100 Bond, At maturity, therefore, you can get back total interest of $150 plus your original $100 investment. This way each $100 Canada Savings Bond becomes worth $250. Other denominations can grow at the /' same exciting rate. Adults, children, businesses and institution's—all may buyCanada Savin s Bonds. e avail- able in onvenient amountsmof $50 up o $50,000 I, for cash or on instalments, wherever you work, bank or invest. And, as always, Canada Savings Bonds are cashable any time at full face value plus earned interest. Few investments are so profitable. None builds more surely for the future. Buy Canada Savings Bonds and make your savings really grow. - y -a.•` Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH -- Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a.m. to 5.30 p.w. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE --• Balance of Week -- Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna --• Tel Coil Hensel.' 696R2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CISEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLASE - Brussels R.R. 2 --- Phone 442W6 DR, R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B:* Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILaTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre - WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and Thursday • - HOGS on Tuesday Trucking To and From Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYTH 523.9361 rif THE BLYTII STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1968 OAd;u,11.11u 1n1 1.1 L. I. p...1t to, U, II. Ib, I. Ilutll ;.d0rpd Ilh,IIu,IUUIIIbUIb 111'1 Iu.IIJIIpn 10110,Ihldlu tPi Liu i a SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND IT; PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE 1967 Snowmobile. Phone 523- k 4375 Blyth, alter 6 p.m. 17.1 FOR SALE Pair of boy's ice skates, 1 year old; Large size crib and mattress, in good condition, Phone 523.4321. Blyth. 17-1 "REST 11051E ACCOMODATION available for elderly lady, Kind- ly care given, Apply Box B, in care of The Blyth Standard, 17-1 FOR SALE Heat houser, W6 International Tractor, good shape, cheap. Don- • ald Young, phone 526.7569 Au- burn, 17-1 CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Fri, 7,30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information : P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton FOR SALE Pull type 2 -furrowed . 'Massey Harris plow, 14" wide bottom, good for corn stalks. Priced reas- onable. Lloyd McClinchey, phone 526.7591 -Auburn. 17•lp HARDWOOD SLABS FOR SALE 6 cord lots, $24,00, delivered to your door. Phone Craig's Sawmill 526.7220 Auburn, 15.3 CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing In stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4, 37-tf HURON PIONEER THRESHERS ANNUAL DANCE Will be held in the Blyth Mem. orlal Hall, Wednesday, November 13, from 9 p.m. to 1 a,m, Everyone Welcome, 17.1 REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $8 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets. 33•tf. WHEEL BALANCING With new precision equipment. Bills Esso, phone 523.9556 Blyth. 03-tf Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work - Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHfA11PION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL 131U»JLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATIIWELL, %R, 1, Brucefield - Ph. 482.3384 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 52344.81; Res. 523.4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY --- ACCOUNTANT GODERICII - ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd„ E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. II. Crawford, Q.C., N.'Shepherd, LLB., A. Mill, B.A., L.L.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 _, A DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523-4511 • Closed Ali Dale Monday - Open Tuesday Through Saturday 4 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound - Phone Collect 133, Brussels, (24 hr. service) Plant Lie. No, 54•R,P. 61; Colt. Lie. No, 88.081 4 BLYTIL BEAUTY BAR Now open for some part time work - Styling, Cntting, Cold Waves, Hair Colouring, Etc, - ANN HOLLINGER Phone Blyth 523.9341; if no answer, Brussels 345w5 r1 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 BACKHOE WORK Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe - With Operator Also Custom Bulldozing • Levelling, Backfilling • Thorns etc, LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone evenings 482.7644, Clinton Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Pedlar Stabling • Complete Installation • Farm Automation GERRY GASCIIO, Milverton, Brunner, Ont. 595.4578 Authorized Dealer For Huron County H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machine, WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 523.4275 Res. 523.4591 P,ECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FAR5I PROPERTY WITH US -- - WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA R.R. ", Clinton Phone 482•3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 • "Your 011 Heating Contractor" '1 FOR SALE 1 rock elm timber, 33 feet long, would square 12 Inches or more. Torrance Dundas, Walton, phone 470J5 Brussels. 17.1 FOR SALE 2 girls coats, size 14 teen anal 10, wool material; Organ, in good condition. Phone 523.9457 Blyth, In the evening. 1749 FOR RENT Apartment, self contained, in Londesboro, Phone 523.9503 Blyth. 174p FOR RENT Garage. Cecil Cartwright, phone 523-9224 Blyth, 17 -Ip FOR SALE Boy's skates, size 13, like new; Ladies white 1'Igure skates, size 5. Mrs..3aek Stewart, phone 523. 9222 Blyth. 17-2 FOR RENT 8 room brick house, 2 miles from Blyth, all conveniences. Ja- son Bailey, phone 523-9338 Blyth, 16-1p FOR SALE Good 25 foot wooden extension ladder, reasonable. Harvey Silllb, phone 523.4394 Blythh. 17-lp FOR SALE 3 sows, due in 3 weolts; also Be. gistered York Hog, ' year old. Leonard Archambault, Auburn, Phone 5234538 Blyth, 174 FOR SALE 16 pigs, 10 weeks old. Hank Kerssies, .phone 526.7299, Au- burn. 174 FOR SALE 26 Government approved boars; qualify.for $30 and $35 premiums; all back fat probes under 1"; sew 'oral weighing 200 lbs. in less than 5 months. Arnold Cook, phone 523.9590, Blyth. 17-3p. WANTED TO BUY A dog house. Bob Bell, phone 523.9452 Blyth. 17.1p FOR SALE Girls navy and white tweed coat, size 10.12; Ladies black and white tweed coat, size 18. Phone 523.4272 Blyth. 17-1 HAY WANTED Quantity of good qaulity baled hay. Bob Henry, phone 523.4234, Blyth. 17-ip FOR SALE Now is the time to put in your winter potatoes; We also have car- rots and cabbage, Call Tony Mar- tens, Crediton,_ 234.6488, 14-6 BENEFIT DANCE For Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart in Londesboro Hall on Saturday evening, November 2nd. Scott's * Orchestra. Ladies bring lunch, FOR SALE Good table potatoes. Mason Bailey, phone 523-9338 Blyth. 18-tf. I HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRIST. MAS THIS YEAR Sell near your home. Be hap• pier and richer with Avon. Terri. torics available in Morris, A9h• field and Colborne. Write or call collect to -night while opportunity still available. Mrs, M. Millson, 17 Ifawkesbury Ave., London, 451-0541. 16-4 FOR SALE Farms, Homes and Businesses, Before buying or selling, be sure to see us, F Our service Is designed to work to your advantage. STAN KAY Phone 5234464 Blyth Representing: Mann Martel, Realator, Toronto, Ont, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30111,..1968. FEMALE HELP. WANTED "Bookkeeper -Typist required for Win'gham• business. Steady em- ployment. State age and exper- ience. Capable of operating com- plete set of books up to Trial Bal. ance and Month End Statements. Apply Box "X" in care of The Blyth Standard. 17-1 1 CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to express special appreciation to Dr. Street and the nursing staff on the first floor of Clinton Public Hospital during my stay there. Also a thank you to everyone who remembered me with visits, gifts and cards. 17.1p, -- Valerie Bailey. SNO BOOTS FOR MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN FOR THE TEEN AGE GIRL WE HAVE HIGH STYLE SNO BOOTS a great many styles to choose from Turtle Neck Sweaters, Men& Boys' Skates for The Whole Family R. W. Madill's.. SHOES •-- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday Snell's FOOD MARKET ; STOCK UP with these $1 DAY BUYS if Premium Red Sockeye Salmon, halves 2 for 1.00 Stokley's Fancy Pumpkin, 5 - 28 'oz.. tins 1.00 Van Camp Beans with Pork, 5 -19 oz; tins 1.00 Devon Green Peas, 5 19 oz, tins 1.00 Mount Royal Cream Corn, 5 - 19 oz. tins 1.00 Green or Wax Cut Beans, 5 • 19 oz. tins 1.00 Garden Valley Tomatoes, 4 - 28 oz. tins 1.00 Bonus Beef or Irish Stew, 3 - 15 oz. tins 1.00 Del Monte Pineapple Orange Drink 3 .- 48 oz. tins 1.00 Fancy Quality Tomato Juice, 3 48 oz1.00 Aylmer Assorted Jams, 5 - 9 -oz. jars 1.00 Jell -o Jelly Powders, 10 - 3 oz. pkgs1.00 Heinz Str. Baby Food, 8 - 4 314 oz. jars 1.00 Kitchener Packer's Weiners 2 lb. 99c Schneider's No. 1 Breakfast Bacon, per Ib. 79c Coleman's Headcheese in tin .... per lb. 49c Coleman's Bologna Rings per lb. 49c Fresh Pork Liver, sliced per Ib. 29c Fresh Grade A Chickens per lb. 45c 'WE ALSO HAVE :- Freshly Packaged Glaced Fruit and large Seeded Raisins to aid you ,in making the best Xmas Cake ever. Higgin's Creamed Honey, 2 and 4 lb. pails, Fresh Peanuts in Shells. Fresh Sauerkraut and Mincemeat by the lb. Phone 523-9332 We Deliver 4 • • • WESTFIELD NEWS Mrs, Lloyd Walden Miss Janetta Snell, Mrs. Hugh Blair, Mrs. Char. lie Smith, Mrs, Harvey McDowell attended the West ,Regional meet- ing for United Church Women at Auburn on Friday. Air. and Mrs. Edgar Howatt, Miss Janetta Snell and Mr Gordon Snell attended the Anniversary Services at Blyth United Church on Sunday. After the service Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howatt visited with :Mr. and Mrs. David Webster and Miss Janetta Snell and Mr. Gordon Snell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell. Air. and Mrs. Ernest Snell, Mr. and -Mrs. Lloyd Walden attended the banquet for the United Church Men at Seaforth on Wednesday evening. Mr. Gordon Snell visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Russell Bentley, Clinton. Mr, and :firs. Peter Verbeek visited with \1r. and Mrs. Wm. Chambers, of Elmira, on Sunday. Mrs. Arnold Cook, Sharon and Janet visited with Mrs, Grace Ross, of Wobdstock, and other re. latives in Princeton and Thames - ford for the weekend. Mr. Lyle E. Smith, of Sault Ste. Marie, visited on the weekend with his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Charlia Smith, and his grandmother, Mrs, Elizabeth McDowell, of Huron• view. Visitors with Mr. Armand Mc. Burney for the weekend were, Mr. and Mrs, John A. Gear and War. ren, of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell, Mrs. 11ary pfcDowell visited on Friday evening with Mrs. Earl Wightman and Harvey, Lueknow, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, filen. sail, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Wightman. plisses Judy,. Janice and Carol McDowell spent the weekend ,with Mr. and Mrs, Don McDowell, Kitch• ener. On Sundry Mr, and Mrs. Ifarvey McDowell visited at the same home. Judy, Janice and Carol returned home with them. Mrs, Grace Ross, Woodstock, is - visiting :this week with Mr. and -Mrs. Arnold Cook. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden vis. ited with '1'Ir, and llrs. Walter Cunningham on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John McDowell, of London, visited .on the,weekend With their parents, .11r. and Mrs, Gordon E. Smith and 'Jr, and Mrs. Harvey McDowell and • other. friends, Mr. Bill Fidom and Brian at. -tended the Trail Ride at Brussels on Sunday afternoon, the last one of the season. Mrs. Audrey Biggerstaff visited with her sister;,- ' Mrs. Dorothy Cartwright, Auburn, on Sunday. Mr. Gary Walden; London, vis• -aced with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden for the week- end. AUCTION SALE OF CIIUItCII PROPERTY & CIIURCIH FURNISHINGS from the Unit. ed Church at Kinburn, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th at 1.30 p.m. PROPERTY consists of approx. imately 130 foot frontage and 250 foot depth on which is located a 21/2 storey brick church 'with stone foundation, a full abasement and furnace. The church is 36 feet. wide by 65 feet depth. -Also on this property is a frame shed 30 feet by 20 feet (moveable); CHURCH FURNISHINGS: 9 centre church pews, 14 feet long; 30 side church pews, 71%2 feet long; Bell piano and bench; 5 church banquet tables, 14 feet long; 90 church chairs (solid seat); 2 upholstered arm chairs; 2 pedestal stands; arm chair; knee hole desk; extension table; 1,1 children's chairs; c'hildren's small tables and 'benches; Findlay gas Mange (propane); electric ranget- te; electric clock; 2 rubber aisle runners, 3 feet by 50 feet; Wilton rug 6 x 9; quantity of nvood. Sale under cover. TERMS CASA Donald Buchanan, for United Church Board. Auctioneer, Edward W. Elliott, +t-4-4-•••••••-•, 1•-H •-1-♦-N-♦-N'N-H11♦♦1 H BLYTH SINGER CENTER — WE ARE EXPANDING OUR PET DEPARTMENT — As a result we have a few 10 GAL. USED AQUARIUMS LEFT These aquariums still have a 51ear guarantee. STOP IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION SOON WE HAVE SINGING CANARIES IN STOCK PHONE 523.9275 f N'+ 4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-•-•-••• • -$1-$-$4-++$ 41-N•+• %-♦r♦+H ♦-♦ ♦ ♦ 4.4 ♦-♦ ♦-♦-♦-♦ • ♦-♦-♦-♦ $-* 4 44+4-+-$-♦t♦-0-•-•t+-•-N4+-4.-+ 11 Ir Red Hot Weekend Meat Savings PORK CIIOPS PER LB, 79c PEAMEAL I3ACK''BACON PER I.B. 89c K.P. WEINERS ............... 2 LBS. 89c DELIVERY Saturdays • after I Week days. CUSTOM KILLING - CUTTING AND WRAPPING BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freck" Button, Proprietor BLYTf, ONTARIO. PHONE 523.4551 4-4 .-...-+-.-•-•-.-r-+-+-+-++ ++. +-4-...-++. + �+.� t ♦ COOK'S "Free" 5 lbs. Redpath Sugar with purchase of .1 Westinghouse Light Bulbs at regular price, ,Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar 1.39 Gold Seal Fancy Red Sockeye. Salmon 7 314 oz. tin 57c Rick's Sweet Mired Pickles, 15 oz. jar .. , 29c Bick's Kosher Baby Dill Pickles, 15'oz. jar 29c Nabisco Shredded Wheat, 15 3{4 oz. pkg. 37c Libby's Fancy'7umpkin, 2 - 28 oz. tin 35c Red Rose .Tea Bags, 60's , 75c Blue Ribbon Coffee, l0c off label.1 lb. pkg. 75c Del Monte Fruit Cocktail, 19 oz.. tin 39c Gay Lotion for Dishes, 2 - 20 oz. bottles 89c Blue Breeze, 10c off label with tea towel per pkg. 99c Weston's Buttermilk Scone Bread, 3c off 27c Weston's Fudge and Nut Bars, 4c off pkg. 35c Coleman Epicure Bacon 1 lb. ,pkg. 79c Golden Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. 25e Imported Cello Pack Tomatoes, per pkg. 25c Sno White Ontario Cauliflower , each 29c Don't forget your Hallowe'en Candy. Phone 523-4421. We Deliver 4 4 4 4 4 t 1 t • •• • Auburn & District News 4 Items Of Personal Interest A Korean Foster child will have more gifts and treats as a result of the bazaar and home baking sale held by the members of the Walkerburn Club last Saturday afternoon in the Auburn Comm. nity Memorial Ball. The president, Mrs, Ted Hunking, opened the sale and welcomed all the guests. Cakes, pies, tarts, buns, bread and candy was on sale as well as veg- etables and potted plants, Tea was also served to the guests present. The Auburn sewing class was held last week with Mrs, Eldon McLennan and Airs. Leonard Ar- chambault in charge, Those pres- ent were Mrs. Gordon Chamhey, Mrs, 'Lawrence Plaetzer, Mrs, Ross Andrews, Mrs, Frank Van Dongen, Mrs, 'Donald Cartwright, Mrs, Gor- don Powell, Mrs, Roy Daer, Mrs, Elliott Lapp, Mrs. If. R. Roberts, Airs. 'Bert Craig, Mrs. Frank Ra• ithby and Mrs. W. Bradnock. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer were, Mr. and Mrs, Mil- ton Brodhagen and family, Brun- ner, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Rolston, London, Miss Marie Meyer and Mr, Herman Meyer, Brodhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dewar, Keith, Carol and Karen, Atwood, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Daer and family, of Goderich, Mr, and Mrs. John Maclnnis, of London, spent the weekend with Air. and Mrs, William Stiles, Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- IXZTER — SEAPORTS Open Every Afternoon Pion min Dtuiaese 2364ue Resilience 235.1384 GET SET FOR WINTER SNOWSUITS girls and boys orlon pile and nylon, sizes l -3x and 4-6x. BOYS' JACKETS quilted ski and water proof nylon with lined hoods, 4-14, 'I'EEN'S and. GIRL'S bench warmers, pea jackets, duffle and full length coats, .some fur trimmed. LADIES' CAR COATS of wool and vinyl, some fur trimmed, 10-20. .-..-.e-. NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523.4351 Blyth ONE ONLY --- TO CLEAR Leonard 26 Cu. Ft. Freezer SELLING AT COST PRICE t1 SELF RAISING LID t♦ CYCOLAC TRIM • REMOVABLE STORAGE BASKETS t♦ WRAP AROUND CONDENSER • BAKED ENAMEL EXTERIOR FINISH ▪ 5 FREEZING SURFACES CALL IN EARLY AND SEE THIS FANTASTIC VALUE Our Stock. of Washers & Dryers Is Now Complete Buy Now Before The Bad Weather Arrives. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL UNITS HARDWARE • BLYTH Isom s TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER Mr. Ross Andrews is a patient in Godorlrh hospital, His friends wish him a speedy recovery. Air, and Mrs, Fordyce Clark spent the weekend in Toronto with relatives, Mrs, John IHannah returned to her home in Toronto after spend- ing two weeks with Miss Margaret R. Jackson. ?Jr. and Mrs, Sam Russel, of Scarboro, visited on the weekend with Mrs, Ralph Munro. Mrs, Sam Dear is a patient in Clinton Hospital where she is suf- fering from a fractured ankle. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblut, at Woodstock. Knox Presbyterian Church will hold their annual Anniversary ser- vice next Sunday, November 3rd, at 2,30 p.m. with Rev, Charles Me - Carroll,. of Brussels, as guest spea- ker, Everyone welcome. REGIONAL RALLY OF HURON. PERTH PRESBYTERIAL OF TUE UNITED CHURCH The seventh annual regional rally of the Huron -Perth Presby. terial WestZuron section of the United 'Church was held in Knox United Church last Friday, The West -Huron section is composed of MOW, groups from .Auburn, Ben - miller, Blakes, Blyth, Donnybrook, Dungannon, Godcrich North Street, Goderich Victoria Street, Hack• etts, Holmesville, Leeburn, Nile, Port Albert, Porter's Hill, Smith's Hill, Westfield and Zion. Delegat- es and guests were welcomed by the Auburn president, Mrs, R. H. Roberts, and Mrs. Bert Marsh. Re. gistration was, in charge of Mrs,' Norman. McDowell and Mrs, Ben Hamilton and the ushers were Mrs. Bert Craig and Mrs. Gordon Naylor, The regional yiee-presiden t, Mrs Lloyd Bond, RR,' 3, -,Clinton, was in charge of the meeting which opened at IO a.m. Airs, Ro- berts brought greetings and wel- comed all to Auburn. Reports were received from Mrs J. D, Mac- Donald, Goderich, the treasurer, Miss E Hume, Goderlch, for sup- ply, and Mrs. J. -A. Bewley, Clin- ton for literature, Mrs. Orville Sawyer, Alabcluell, spoke on report. ing from all departments. The guest, speaker, Rev, A. J. Mowatt, of Clinton, spoke on the study for this year coining "Un- derstanding China." Dinner was served by Unit, Three with Mrs, Clifford Branton, as convener, The afternoon session continued the theme for the day, Pioneers in the new century.' The play The Concert, was presented by mem. hers of the Holmesville U.C.W. and a musical selection was given by members from North Street U. C;W. Discussion groups had as leaders, Mrs, Orville Sawyer, Alit• chell, Jars, Stewart Miner, Mitch - e11, and Mrs, Harold Babensee, Presbyterial President, Stratford. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs, Keith Webster, Blyth, and closing devotions were led by Mrs, Murray Wilson and Airs; John Hildebrand, of Donnybrook, IKNOX UNITED CHURCH, AUBURN HELD ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Knox United Church, Auburn, was filled to capacity last Sunday for it's annual anniversary ser. vice, The church was beautifully decorated with bottquElts of yel- low and bronze chrysanthemums, The church organist, Mrs, Norman Wlghtman, waS in charge of the music, The guest singers were the Snell sisters, of Londesboro; who sang two trio numbers "For you I ern Praying" and Santus. The guest speaker, Rev. J. Gran- ton Roberts, of Belgrave, spoke on the text, Consider your ways, ye have sown much, and bring in lit- tle from the first chapter of Hag- gal. In his inspiring message he challenged the young people to think for themselves and to be em THE I3LYTH STAND) RD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1968 Blyth Lions Club HALLOWE'EN PARTY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS of the DISTRICT Will be held in the Memorial Hall on Thursday, October 31st Judging to commence at 7 p.m. sharp PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR THE FOLLOWING: SPECIAL PRIZE ONLY Fancy Dress (best original couple) Boys or Girls, 1st, 2nd, 3rd CASH PRIZES IN THE FOLLOWING CLASSES Best Fancy Dress (Public School Age) Girls. Best Fancy Dress (Public School Age) Boys, Best Comic Dress (Girls). Best Comic Dress (Boys). PRESCHOOL AGE Best Fancy Dress (Boy or Girl). Best Comic Dress (Boy or Girl), The participation of all local and district children is sought at this annual event. Parents are cordially invited to come with their children DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth JUDGE THE GEHL MIX -ALL ON YIUR FARM! 1� Arrange now for a Mix -All demonstration and we'll grind and mix a few tons of feed FREE! We make this offer because we're sure you'll like the Mix -All features: (1) 66 thin hammers that cut .. . not pound ... grain and hay to uniform size; (2) variable speed drive on the auger feeder; (3) twice as many hammers per square foot of screen area than other mills; (4) fiberglass mixing tank (optional) ... no rusting, no condensation, no feed bridging, no up• keep or color fading; (5) rugged construction from hitch to hopper and mill to mixer, But ... how about judging this for yourself? Call now to schedule a Mix -All demonstration on your farm. Snell Feed & Supplies Ltd. R.R. 3, Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523.9501 ergetie for God's work in this the ushers, Ronald Hallam, Doug - world. las Archambault, Lawrence Plae- Tho offerirgr was received by tzer and. Allan McDougall. 1 THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30th 19(18 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Little Darlene Gulutzen, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gulutzen is at present confined to Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Kerley and baby son, Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. W. 11, Broadfoot. Miss Susan Bell and friend, of Waterloo, were weekend guests at the home of 1Ir. and Mrs, Ross. Bennett, - Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Reid visit- ed over the weekend in Stratford With Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett left on Friday to spend a few days at Orillia. 1lrs. Fred H. Miller is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr: and Mrs, Cameron Dennis, North Bay, spent the weekend at NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Belgrave on the 28th day of Octo. ber, 1968, the list of all persons entitled 'to. vote in the said muni• cipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all vet- ers to take immediate proceed• ings to have any errors or omis• sions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 12th day of . November, 1968. _ HELEN D. MARTIN`, • Clerk, Township of Morris, 17.2 FOWL SUPPER DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH, WALTON, ON Wed., November 6 Supper from 5:30 to 8:00 o'clock PRICE: Adults $1.50 Children 12 and under '756 PROGRAM: Centennial Choir from Huron County •-•••-••••44-4-4-..-40-•-••-• • .. +.+. • •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••••+4•-•-•-•••••••-•-•-•••••-•-•-•-• • 1 • • + • • •• r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • + •• •• • • • his home. Mrs, Thomas Leeming has been confined to Clinton Public llospit• al for the past week, Mr, and Mrs. David At►drelwS and Mrs, Neil Reid, 'Toronto, spent •the weekend with Mrs. George Dundas. The seventh meeting of the Wal- ton Cotton Cuties was held Octo• ber 21 at the hone of Gail Searle. They discussed about hems :uic1 Achievement Day which will be held in Seaforth • November 30. Lunch was served by Marie Nolan and Joyce Blake. On the .lunch for next meeting will be Marion Mc• Callum, • Heather McDonald and Joan Bennett. The next meeting is at Mrs, Roy Williamson's Octo• ber 28, at 7:00 p,m. Miss Ruth Ritchie, of London. spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie, after vacationing in New York re• ccntly. 11'ALT'ON W. 1, MEETING Guests were entertained last Wednesday evening from the Blyth, Londesboro and Seaforth Institutes in the Walton Commun. ity Ball. Mrs. Jan van Vliet, pre- sident, opened the meeting with the Opeain^ Ode, glary S`.r;vart Collect ,nd 0 Canada followed by a poem "How to hake a cake.': Minutes were read by Mrs. Wm, Humphries and the roll call was answered by giving your maiden name in full, followed by corres- pondence, 'rhe Brns:e1s Insli'ute issued an invitation to attend their sheeting November 1.1 when a De- monstration on Ilair Styling will be given Christmas Country lair will be held in Colborne 'Township Hall, Carlow, October 3(1 and No. vember 2. Mrs, Allan McCall, 1lrs. Ma'gar• et Humphries and Mrs. 'Torrance Dundas attended the Auxiliary meeting at Huronview last Mon- day, and Mrs. Dundas lave a re- port of the afternoon. Mrs. Jan van Vliet and Mrs, Harold Bolger will attend the meeting there No• vember, 25. Mrs. Wm. Humphries f 1 OWN A NEW Smith -Corona PORTABLE TYPEWRITER It's easy to use our RENTAL OWNERSHIP PLAN HERE'S ALL YOU DO! 1. Select from our stock the typestyle and color you wish, 2. Sign a rental agreement and pay the first month's rent. If you continue to rent until rental equals purchase price plus small service fee , • . We Give You the Typewriter! HERE ARE THE ADVANTAGES: 1, No obligation to buy. 2. Service without charge during the rental period. 3, A new ELECTRIC PORTABLE typewriter in your home without upsetting your budget. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. CLINTON — ONTARIO SkNH•.•i•••.♦..N•..••�N••f•iN••+ 4•-+-• ••-•-4-N will lay the Remembrance Day Person wearing her birthstone, Wreath, at Brussels November 11. Mrs. Tom McFarlane, Ethel; Par - Mrs. Ken McDonald will attend ,ent dressed up on Hallowe'en and the Area Convention at Guelph went out with her children, Mrs. next Monday and Tuesday. The Eric Anderson, Londesboro; Birth - Sewing Class will hold their meet• clay nearest Hallowe'en, Mrs, Har- ing next Tuesday evening in the old 1lugill, Seaforth. A penny auc-- Public School with Mrs. J Axt• lion was well patronized and lunch mann and Mrs, lion Achilles as was served. leaders. A donation of :five dollars will be sent to "Care." Mrs, D. Watson and Mrs. G. McGavin will be conveners for Agriculture and Canadian Industries next month with hostesses Mrs, F. Walters, Mrs, R, llucther, Mrs. E. Watson and Mrs. A. McCall. Mrs, Wm. Humphries gave a very interesting report of the Coun ty Rally held in Cranbrook recent. ly. The Conveners, Mrs. H. Tra- viss and Mrs. G. Sholdice took ov er the meeting for Historical Re- search and Current Events, Mrs. Traviss read a poem "Waste not want not." A stance of the Roaring Twenties was gracefully done by Joan Bennett, Joyce Blake and Ca. thy McDonald accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Ray "Nether. Mrs, Leo Dietner, of Ethel, was the guest speaker choosing ".Drift• wood" for her discourse. It is ne• cessary to locate something in pine .or cedar in the bush. It is clean• ed with a steel brush And baked in oven, later painted and plastic varnish is used to finish the wood. A good quality of washable flow- ers are twined in and around, She demonstrated the actual Making of one sample. \Irs, G. Sholdice than• ked the speaker on behalf of the institute and presented her with a gift. The following prizes were won; '. aresl wedding anniversary, Mrs. Jerry Ryan; Most pennies in her purse, Mrs, Mac Scott, Seaforth; INTRODUCING A NEW CONCEPT - IN WINTER LIVING THE SNO JET YOUR PASSPORT TO WINTER RECREATION O FOR COMPETITION RACING ▪ FOR HUNTING AND FISHING • OR JUST GOOD CLEAN HEALTHFUL FAMILY FUN. COME IN ANI) SEE YOUR SNO JET NOW ON DISPLAY AT BILL'S ESSO SERVICE In Blyth fl•S1f/If&$110 UNITED WHO? Yes, "United Breeders" is what the man said, Arabella. The familiar -voice at the familiar number • didn't say - "Central Ontario Cattle Breeders" or "Waterloo Cattle Breeders" 01' "Lambton Cattle Breeders" Donnybrook Some of the U.C.W, of the Don- nybrook charge attended the an- nual Huron Presbyterial meeting held in Knox United Church, Au• burn on Friday. Mrs. Elgin Josling, Londesboro, \Ir. and firs, Sandy Tomlinson, of Stratford, called on the former's daughter, Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Campbell, London, visited on the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. BELGRAVE & CALVIN•BRICK 1Ii C' MEETING l3elgrave and Calvin -Brick Ili C held their meeting on Sunday ev. ening in the basement of the Un• ited Church with twenty present. They had \I►'. Murray Gaunt, M.P.P., as their guest speaker. Auch.ey Coultes had charge of the Worship service, Lunch was ser• ved by Mary (trashy and Mary Ellen Taylor. NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSII • Notice is hereby !given that 1 leave complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in any office at Lot SI•I 35, Concession 11, on the 28th .day of October, 1968, the list of all persons entitled to vote In the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list re• mains there for inspection, - And I hereby call upon all vot• ers to take immediate 'proceed• ings to have any errors or oniis• sions corrected according to law, the last clay of appeal being the 12th clay of November, 1968, WINONA THOMPSON, Clerk B.R. 5, Wingham, Ontario, 17.2 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSII COURT OF REVISION Appeals against the Assessment of property in the Township Of East" Wawanosh for 1968'',a13sess• ment roll for 1969 township purr poses must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before November 4, 1968, Court of Revision to be held on November 5, 1968, at 3.00 o'clock p.in. al Belgrave .Community Centre. WINONA 7'IIOMPSON, Clerk, R,R, ;l, Winghclm, Ontario 17.1 '•.• •++••.♦-• rv•.-+4-• +1-• •-..-•-•♦-•-$-• • • • ♦•.••.•+-.•r+-•-••.-.-•-.•N 4 Y 1 You see, we're all one now, We've united to provide an arti. ficial insemination service that• will give you not only a better call' next year, but e1•en better ones in yea's' to come. • I + • For Their Majesties --- THE BABIES 'I'ltI VI •SOL CHEWABLE TABLETS TIU Vi SOL LIQUID Bo'l"rLE IVABMER VAPo1{1''/.EI{ 1,30 and 125 1,49 and 2.67 3.95 63.95 VICK'S VAPO RUB 68c, 1,17 and 1.60 PERTUSSIN MEDICATED VAPORIZER 1.29 ZIIT BABY POWDER 49c, 75c and 89c MENNEN BABY LOTION (;ORA TEETHING LOTION • CAS'l'OI{IA DIAPEI{ASII OINTMENT 79c and ,1.29 89e 65c and 95c 79c and 1.15 S.M.A. — LIQUID AND POWDER. i • R. 0. P-HILP, Ph.m..B + ,DI{1IGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER --- none BIy111 523.4440 "•. •-+♦-• *444444 • • • v-+ • + +-+-•-•-+-.-• • •-+ . • . +.........-••r•-•-t•• + ♦ • •+•• • • ♦ .-..•i-♦ • • • • ♦ • • • •-•-•• • ••• •-.• •-• i•..•.•+-+ •-+-•-+-•-+-+••-•-i • .• So don't worry about being a two•timer, Arabella. You will get the Sante sire ; as always, by call- ing the offleds listed In your new • phone book nutter:. NITED breeders inc. • • • • • • • 13i11 You Received Ry Mail. For Money-Savilik' Specials Check The Sale • • • • • • • •-•••••-•-+•• •+-+-+••♦-•4-1•.-• M••+ •••-.-.-•-••••••.•••• • •-h•-• •-+4-.+4444+ BELGRAVE (O.OPERATIVE • tt PaS!X r,n Y'7.1:`lY,w••.Y;. J.^c.;•u.:F:.: ;;txJ 3:xa'nv;tn?*wY.^..aa:nitm:MR0knRft•