HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-10-23, Page 1THE BLYTH $2,50 A Year In Advance •-- $3.50 In U.S.A, .......... 13LYTII, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1968 Volume 80 . No. 16 Single Copies Six Cents PERSONAL Don't Burn Your CLOCKS BACK Rummage Sale INTEREST Leaves On Street THIS WEEKEND Well Organised 11 you wish to keep up with the rest of the world — or perhaps SuccessITEMS Allowance we should have said "hack" with the rest of the world -- be sure The Blyth Lions Club had set A tragic accident on Highway John Stadelmann left on Sun- to turn your clocks back one hour their sights for a bigger and bet- No. 8, east of Dublin on Monday clay for Sudbury, where 'he seeur- Blytli council is attempting to before retiring this Saturday ev ter rummage sale than ever this October 14th claimed the lives of ed employment with the Interna• have local residents discontinue ening. It's once again that time year, and by golly, they did just relatives of two area people. tional Nickel Company. their habit of burning leaves on of the year that we move hack that! Yes the big event in the Killed in the crash ware: Mrs. llrs, Ann Sundercock, Mr. Art street allowances, and apparently, to Standard Time and regain the arena last Saturday afternoon was Roy Lawson, Seaforth, sister of Waymouth, Blyth, Mr, Charles so far haven't been too successful hour we lost last April, termed the most successful one Jack Armstrong, Londesboro; Mrs, Waymouth, of Sebringville, Mur- in their attempt. It is probably more particular ever sponsored by the local club. John Shannon, Seaforth, cousin ray Waymouth, Fort Erie, visited Police Chief .Jim Warwick has than ever this year that. local And don't think the fellows are of Mr. Armstrong; and Miss Violet tvith Mr. and Mrs. Win. Waymouth asked us to remind residents of resident make the change. Two going to be content to sit back Velma Watkins, Londesboro, slst- of Windsor, on Saturday, the law restricting such burning of our churches are holding an. and gloat over their success this er of Harry Watkins, R.R. 1, Lon. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Baumgart- of leaves, and at the same bine niversary services Sunday and year, No sir, they are already desboro, Miss Watkins driving ner, of Geneva, N. Y,, visited over ask everyone to co•operatc, both ,will start ,on the new time. snaking plans for a bigger and alone in one of the cars involved the past weekend with Mr. and It , is a known fact that the The Blyth United Church will better sale than ever next year, and Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Shan - Mrs, .1. S. Chellow and other dist• piling and burning of leaves on hold services at 11:00 a.m. and The surrounding countryside, al• non were passengers in a car Het relatives. the edge of the road is very 7:30 p.m. Rev, C, J, Scott, a form• ong with the communities of Au• driven by Mrs, Herta Pethick, of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lyon re- dangerous for our children. Kids er minister of the church and burn and Londesboro, were can. Stratford. She is in serious con - turned home last Friday from a will be kids and will always play now of London Psychiatric Hos• vassed for donationthis year, dation in Stratford hospital. six week trip through Western in a heap of leaves no matter pita!, will be guest preacher. and the move proved to be a good Mrs, Lawson, 75, was the former Canada. Visited friends and .cla• if its on the street or not. Also St, Andrew's Presbyterian con- one. More ,merchandise than ever Mabel Elizabeth Armstrong, a tives in Southern Manitoba and smoke from the burning leaves gregation will commemorate their before was offered for sale, and daughter of the late Mr. end Mrs. Edmonton and also celebrated makes it very hard for motorists anniversary at a service in the to snake the frosting for the cake, Matt Armstrong, of Hullett, where their 45th wedding anniversary to see children, or adults for that church at 2:30 p.m. 1Rev, E. R, a very good crowd was in attend- she was born and educated. while on the trip. matter, walking or playing near Hawkes, of Bluevale, will speak ance to pick up the bargains. She is survived by her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Young re- the ; street. Apparently several at this service, It is not only a credit to the to tvhom she was married in Kit - turned home last Thursday from accidents of this nature have oc• So don't forget, if you plan to club for snaking a success of the chener, October 31, 1958, and by .1 5 -week bus trip so Vancouver. carred each year throughout the attend church service, or what- rummage sale, but also to those four brothers, W. Howard Arm. While there they visited with province 'and council is just try- ever on Sunday, you'll• be doing who were kind to contribute strong, Seaforth, John W. Arm - their daughter, Mrs, }Tay Lair, and ing to eliminate a potential ac- it an hour later than you did articles, and also those who ,work- strong, Londesboro, Fred Arm. Mr, Lair and son, Paul, and their cident hazard in Blyth, last week — and still be on time! ed at the arena Friday night and strong, Hamilton, and James L. nephew, Mr. Wm. Murray, Mrs. We feel quite sure that everyone Saturday, Without this help, the Armstrong, Clinton, and by two Murray, Stewart, Scott, Steven in the village will cooperate fully, annual sale just could not be held. sisters, Theresa, Mrs. Thomas and Elizabeth, of Victoria, also If you have leaves to burn, please iPryce, R.R. 1, Dublin, and Ella with other relatives through the do it out in the garden, or at the EUChreAftflJcfJflg Armstrong, Seaforth. West, and the former's sister, Mrs. back of your lot., By doing so GOOD ATTENDANCE AT Mrs, Lawson was a member of John Gould, and Mr. Gould, of you just may he preventing a Northside United Church, Sea - Council, Idaho. 'seriousAttendanceL.O.L. SERVICE forth, and of the UCW. Miss Beth Hoover, of Brussels, accident. Better Funeral service was held on visited last week with her sister,Thursday, October 17, at 2 o'clock All lodges in north and south Mrs. Grace McCallum. Their cons- The largest crowd to date —'a from the R. S. Box funeral home, Resident Huron were ,represented at the ins, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clegry,, Clinton, total of thirteen tables was on conducted by Rev, J. C. Britton, L.O.L.and ,iR B P.. Church Service ' of Edmonton, Albeeta, called on hand 'foie the weekly euchre in assisted by Rev. D. 0 Fry, Inter= them last week. in Trinity' utity Anglican Church last the Memorial Hall last Monday, ment in Avondale cemetery, Strat- Sunday afternoon, Visiting ,mem. Mr, and Mitis. Gordon Tate, of • . Ladies high: Mrs. Lottie Mc ford, Auburn, had Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Wins $120 Bingo Lellan; hers attended from Stratford Lon lone hands: Mrs. Joe Pallbearers were Andrew Dav- ies and Amberley, Youngblut . and family, Brant- Holmes; low lady: Mrs, Walter idson, Oliver Pryce, Ken Arm- ford, and Mr. and Mrs, James1[ason high man .fohn Bailey; Rev, R. A, Carson, of Lucan, strong, George Pethick, ethick, Howard Payne, of Brampton, for the boll- The big jackpot prize at the lone hands: Joe Holmes; low man: was guest minister; and iollowing Pryce and Harold Pethicks day weekend. Lions Club regular weekly bingo Ken McGowan. the service a parade was ded Flowerbearers, Jack Muir, Carl Mrs, Wellington Good is a pa• was won last Saturday night for through village streets by a band Willis, Reg Lawson and Robert tient in ,Clinton Public Hospital. the first time this season --from from London, Lawson. We wish her a speedy recovery. just under the gun, at that. Bev. PIaing ��.1 53, Londesboro, was born In Gode. Miss Violet Velma Watkins, Sunday visitors with Mr, and erly .Lee, of Clinton came up with CORRECTION Mrs, Carman IIaines were, Mrs. a full bingo card on the 60th --• rich Township, a daughter of the Bertha Haines, Mrs, Adella Mc. and last call for the big prize --• 'Robert Cook has signed a con• late M3, and Mrs, Joseph Watkins. Phail from Mitchell and Mr, and and happily travelled home with tract to play hockey with the In last week's issue an error Miss Watkins was a public Mrs. Hugh Haines and Paul, of one hunched and twenty dollar Goderich Siftos Junior 13 entry was inadvertently made. A line school teacher for the past 24 Fullerton. bills in her purse. The jackpot in the 0I1A. At sixteen, Robert read "Mrs, Brian Jacks, will con• years and was scheduled to retire Miss Hazel Petts, Mrs. Edith wail revert back to one hundred is one of the younger members title her study to obtain her PH,D. next spring. She was a grade 3 Logan, Mrs. Jim Barrie, Mrs. Ed• dollars this Saturday night and of the tease and should be an and teach Greek Mythology and teacher at Kang Edward school, gar. Howatt, Mrs, A. Radford, Mrs, no doubt a good crowd will be asset to the team for several also study PPhyschology at the Kitchener. Earl Noble and Mrs. K. Webster r:;t hand to try 'for the money, years, In a game in Owen Sound University of California," The Surviving are her brother, Har - attended the Iluronview Auxiliary, The bingos have iheen going on Tuesday night of this week he line should have read "Dr, Jacks ry, R.R. 1, Londesboro, sister. Mrs. Clinton, and visited with a number , .'eeniely well for the Lions this assisted in a Goderich goal. will further his studies in physehi• Tlazel Draper, Toronto. of residents on Monday, f; w'111 excellent crowds at all Local hockey enthusiasts will atry, having completed his course. Mrs, K. Whitmore visited on th, e: held to date. 'Why don't no doubt be watching his progress in medicine," BLYTIi 4.11 IIOMEMAKING CLUB Friday with her brother, M. ,ilmyou wend your way to the hall 'with the Goderichrclub this year. The seventh meeting of the13lake, and Mrs, Blake Godcrich, one of these Saturday evenings Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Welsh,of Party Blyth Smarties held onOctober Clinton, visited Sunday evening and join in or action, The Lions ante n edi t Nallowe�en 19th, was opened with the 4-Hwould be more tliart pleased to r a e pledge, The minutes of the last with 1[r, and firs. Douglas Whit- have your support, meeting were read and the roll more and son, Kenneth, and Mns. call "Why I chose the color of my K. Whitmore. All parents In the district are Mr, and Mrs, Gerald reason and MAPLE LEAF UNIT MEETING Prospects Look asked to remember the Lions Club dresswas answered, A discus daughter,' Paula, of Carlow, visited, Halloween Party for the child. Bron on the activities of achieve on Monday evening with Mr. and ren in the Memorial Hall next meal day and the different hems :Sirs, Douglas Whitmore. and Ken. The Maple Leaf Unit of the Excellent Thursday evening. A host of cash was held. The leader then demon - netts Blyth U.C,W. met at the churchstrated hemming using the correct prizes in several costume events Mrs. Scott Ament, Mrs, George 011 October 17th, 'Thoughts after The chances of having an inter- will .be offered, along with a treat slipstitch, The meeting was ad. Ament, Mrs, Mabel Miller, all of Thanksgiving was the theme for mediate hockey team in Blyth this for every child attending. journed with 4-H motto, • Trenton, spent the weekend with the Devotional part of the meet season looks promising, A couple EXPLORERS MEETING the former's sister, Mrs. Inez ing led by Diss Hazel Pelts and cif practices have been held in Macdonald, and also visited her Mrs, Wallace Bell. Goderich and the addition of play. EXPLORERS WILL CANVASS The fourth meeting was held on 'tars, George Watt brought ants c.rs from Brussels and brother, Hubert Hirons, in Victor. flier interesting story from our Walton October 17, in the basement of is Hospital London, should give Blyth a strong con- POR UNICEF the Blyth United Church. The Study Book of a Japanese barber, tender, Ken Deer has also been meeting opened with the Explor• 'Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, 'Toronto, is who was severely Injured and visiting her mother, Mrs. Inez ' out to practice. He played for er Purpose. Crafts and games through Christian contacts later Blyth Explorers will make a :Macdonald, They visited with Mr, became a wheel chair evangelist Clinton last year and if he de. house to house canvass of the vii• were enjoyed. The meeting closed Hubert Hirons who is a patient in in his village. tides to sign with Blyth he will lase in aid of UNICEF during with prayer and taps. Victoria Hospital, London, on no doubt be a welcome addition The business of the Unit was the period October 28 to 31st, Personal Wednesday, conducted by Mrs, Winona Mc to the club, This Is a very worthwhile fund Mr, and liars. Gordon Shortt, Dougall. Nineteen members an. Another practice has been ar and the canvass should be scented Douglas,' Gail, Brenda and Jane, swered the Boll Call with a Scrip• ranged for Goderich on Tuesday favourably by everyone, Items tore verse expressing thankful. of Elmvale,. sent 'the weekendnight, All players who would pi t for the n• team are with her mother, Mrs, Gladys ness. Arrangements were made like to try Messrs. Emerson Wright and Johnston, Blyth. On Sunday they by the Social Convenor, Mrs, Geo t'ited' in - BIRTH Hubert Hirons are patients in Vic - ,were joined for a reunion by the rage Howatt, for the Unit's partici. toria Iiospital, London, We wish other members of the family, Mr. potion In the Fowl Supper to be WALDEN — Mr. and Mrs. Garth them both a speedy recovery, and Mrs, Don Johnston and tam- Belts at the church on October 30. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walden, of London, are happy Mrs. Walter Cook is a patient lly, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Bulmer The meeting closed with the Miz• Archie Young who celebrated to announce the birth of their in Clinton hospital having under - and family, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Al- pah benediction and a social time their 42nd wedding anniversary daughter, on October 21, 1968, gone surgery on Tuesday. We blas and family, all oaf London, was enjoyed, on October 22nd. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, wish her a speedy recovery, Sister Of Area Residents Killed In Car Accident • 'HE BLYT}I STANDARD --- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1968 AN APOLOGY FROM SMILEY Every so often I get myself into such a bind that a razor blade and a tub of hot water seem the only honorable way out. The sole reason I am still with you is that either my wife has jus ruined" any last bade shaving her "legs, or everybody in the house has just had a bath and there's no hot water left. I'm in one of these now. Bind, that is, not bath. First of all, the Slovaks are after me. In a recent column about the Czechs, I used, not inadvertently, the phrase, "those lousy Slovaks," Six of my 12 Slovakian readers took exception, reading it out of context, as people always do when they want to take ex- 'ceptlon. No less a person than Louis Gorek, secretary of the Slovak Benefit Society, read my article "by thence By chance my foot. It was obviously sent to him by some lousy Czech. He wrote a letter to the editor, which ends with the intriguing expression, "Whoever is going to seed a hate will find himself in a hatred." Another letter to the editor, signed by six Slovak veterans, suggested' that I was not only IGNORANT, but a member of some Nazis (sic) organization. Well, I'd rather be lousy than both ig• norant "and a Nazi. (I am ignorant, was lousy when I was a P.O:W. arid have not been, nor ever expect to be a Nazi). Curiously, this let- ter' too contains the expression "if you are going to seed a HATE, you will find yourself in a hatred." Collusion, what? :Well, good Slovaks, and your ladies I apologize. If our educational system was any good, you'd have known what I meant. The original said, "Here you are, `a good, honest Bohemian (Czech). After World War I you are thrown in with those lousy Slovaks and told you are now a CzechoSlovakian, Let's change that. Make it read, "Here you are, a good, honest Slovak. , After World War I, you are thrown in with those lousy Bohemians and told you are now a Czecho-Slovaklan." And that's about what they think of each other. Divide and conquer, I always say. But now I'll have the Czechs after me, The next Balkan war may be fought right here in Canada, with yours truly slap in the middle, The only` way out that I can see is to buy two tickets to the next ball sponsored by the Slovak Benefit Society., But even the vision of slavering Slovaks and choking Czechs seeking my blood doesn't bother me nearly as much as the next ordeal in my current hind. I'd rather face 100 of them, bare- handed, than go through with it, I have to make a speech to the Women's Institute. 1 would rather walk barefoot over a glowing bed of red-hot go-go girls than make the speech. However, it's my own fault. Their secretary wrote me last June, asking me to speak. I ignored the letter, hoping it would go away, or that I'd die. Then eaune the mail strike. Thought I was safe, Not so. Early September she wrote again, sharply reminding me. Still I stalled, but no use. It wasn't my sense of honor that made me accept. It was the fact that the secretary's daughter was in my home form. Every day she sat and looked at me with huge, reproachful eyes, Finally, I broke, and blurted, "All right, Marsha, all right! "Tell your Mom I'll do it." She beamed, Her teagher hadn't let her down. What in the holy old red.eyed world does one say to a group of first•class women who have already heard a speaker on every possible topic? Well, I have my opening paragraph ready. It goes like this: "The Women's Institute should be wiped out, with fire and sword, if necessary. Speaking as a man, I would like to see every branch smashed, all records put to the flames, and any executive members who might be caught sent to Canada's tundra to spend the rest of their lives making motions and resolutions and phoney Es- kimo carvings and not asking people to speak to them." On second thought," maybe I'd better take On the entire Czecho•Slovek" population of Canada, and get it over with quickly, on!UIIII!!IIUmin r ti IImimpopqUI''iill►I it i Il mmIUIfIII!nrUUI111Q11UI u UIUm111UIUIU@1(f II m THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blyth. Community since 1885 Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO. Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Outside Canada" (In advance) $3.50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each • "Authorized as second "" class "mail" by 'the Post Office Department, • Ottawa, . and forpayment of postage in cash" liIIIUU!IUIMIn! Ig!UI ,11 11111 mo I motif g(J aigq!O I I Urngl lUdi7lm nl noID!!11. mil !!1U!Umi!1!IN!UI9mvill!!! om Londesboro Items .1 uuu►her from the village at• t,9nciect the Ontario Street Church, L,linton, U.C,W, 'I'hanlcoffering ser- vice on Sunday evening. Guest ,•peakcr was Rev, T. N. Libby, Ex- ecutive Director of St, Leonard's Society of Canada, The first half- way house in Canada, dealing with adult released prisoners from penitentaries and reformatories. It was established in Windsor in 1902. Over 400 men have passed through St, Leonard's House and often remain for two months or until able to secure jobs and be- come adjusted to the outside world Mr, and Mrs, Barry Pipe, Ther- esa and Debbie, London, visited on the Thanksgiving holiday with the fornter's parents, Mr, and" Mrs. Lloyd Pipe. Mgr. and Mrs. Orville Hooper al- so were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Pipe. Mrs. Dorothy Brunsdon had her brother, Mr, Edward Robert- son, of Windsor, over the Thanks- giving holiday, Mr Bert Brunsdon has transfer - ed to the Callander Nursing home at Brussels recently. We hope he will continue to improve. Mrs. Milly Bentham is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Townsend, for a few weeks. ,firs. Ron Neil and infant son. Douglas, -of London, are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Laura Lyon, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Cooper and son, Jim, of Ethel, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Laura Lyon, The Walkathon in which the young people of the community participated, for the Biafra Re- lief, realized about $200.00. The Aimwell' Unit will meet on .lionday, October 28th, at the church at -8,15. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Luella Hall, of Blyth. Pictures will be shown. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Scott, of Niagara Falls, spent the holiday weekend with his mother and sis- ter, 1lrs. Alister Broadfoot. Faith -healer, Oral Roberts, ap- peared on a recent edition of "Un- der Attack" which originated at the University of Waterloo. Students tried to back Oral Ro- berts into a corner, but each time he was successful in side-stepping the questions. He handled him- self extremely well. Loud bursts of laughter throughout the pro- gram actually assisted the guest 'n getting out of a few tight spots. Roberts doesn't claim to heal by himself. He does it through God. When he said God had spoken to him, one student asked, "Did he have an accent?" The audience roared, with Roberts merely smil- ing, and another question was ask- ed. If there had been a panel of in- telligent adults facing Roberts, l feel certain he would have lost the debate and probably come out looking like a fool Instead, the students were the fools. * * * It was sad learning about the death of veteran radio and TV V ac- tress Bea Benadaret, She was a star in the popular Petticoat June. tion TV series, Her radio appear- ances included such shows as Burns and Allen, Jack Benny and many others. * * * * Only one special made the top 10, according to the latest Nation- al Nielsen ratings. In first post. tion was 'Mayberry R;F.D., with Here's Lucy in number two post• Hon, followed by Family Affair in 3rd spot, and Rowan and Martin placing number four. Bonanza was 5th, Julie 6th and Doris Day num. her 7, Dean Martin took 8th post• lion, with Carol Burnett 9th, and the Bob Hope Special 10th, Where are Phyllis Diller and Ed, Sullivan? Iii!(ll�lillgl�i!i1�i11i1hil�;;�Iii!!Ipl�lili�i11i1I1'!I!IUi!!1111!�!i!IIi111!IUiilq!ilii'llI'I Dl'I'!�����1liiilllilUillUl!!u!IGIIIUIINI�fii!IliilUUll! ��Uif�fJlUl!►�!U�ImIUIIU�IU!!�I�II�� FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY BLOW '1'lHI'; BLUEPRINT! "Look at the mess the world is in! Think of the pain and misery in millions of lives, and the fear and insecurity all around . And then tell me there is a God of love!" J. 13. Philips, in "God is at Home" answers this as follows, All right, But just suppose for a moment that all the workers on a building site said: ,"Blow the blueprint! Every man for himself, let's work out our own ideas!" When you saw the finished house (if it ever was finished), you would say: `Tell .me there's a designer behind all this? Don't make me laugh!" That is what has happened in the world for a good many centurk's, and it is still happening—hence the mess, What proportion o1' all the people hr the world, do you suppose, are following the Designer's blueprint? A pretty small number, Many, of course, don't know about it, many don't bother to consult it, and a lot of people prefer their own ideas. If the result is pretty chaotic, can you fairly blame the Designer? Well, where is this master blueprint, this design. for human living? It is to be found in the New Testament, There we can read of a God who broke through from the real and permanent world into this life of time and space by becoming a Man. He was thus able not only to give then the blueprint for living but to live it out in person. In fact, you might say that he personally was the blueprint, And It becomes pretty plain as you read that if only men would live ac- cording to that design, the world would quickly `recover and become an infinitely better and happier place. If only! But men don't bother to read the plan. They don't give it the concentration they give to football scores or crossword puzzles. Maybe they find it difficult and give it up, or they are not prepared to abandon their own little plans. "Blow the blueprint!" And so the world gets driven into a corner, a nasty, dangerous corner, and there is no way out except by people's scrapping their own selfish plans and trying to follow the master plan, At present there is only a mere handful who have studied the plan and are trying to co•opet'ate with the Designer. What about you? Do you say, "13low the blueprint!" ... and then try to shift the blame for all the mess on God, the Designer? - Kroeze, 111III1!!!►U!4ti11111!1111!I1111111111iN111111111;i lllllllim!11111 1I111UIUIIIIUUiUIIIIIiII ry1IRT!IIUiU11N11pU9U1!U 1 l!Illil lP11111 11111!0 I IU1!11 JV11UTTEIZCI I !' as Call In For A Delicious Treat ICE CREAM SUNDAES •• POP , -- CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL ItLPYTIL hne 234391IO • U;:'11111111g11U11111i1►.111111!1111!!II!91!!111:,11111111.11ii!iiiiii111III!!11U!I!UII!!I!11!1!1!!1!11U!Ilii!1!PI!'!li11111I!UIIUII!lrill111!11111, U11UU11 U!11!111!1!1!16U111111U ttittrtll (urd�E� ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 2:30 p.m. Standard Time — Anniversary Service. ,Rev. Evertt R. Hawkes, B.A., B.TH., Bluevale, Minister. CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth •.. Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. -- Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service, 7.30 p.m. -- Evening Service, Thought For The Week Thy word have 1 hid in mire heart, that I might not sin against bee." Psahn 119:11, Me may compare th eBible to soap -- the ones who need it most, enerally use it the least." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV, II. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 n.m. — Holy Comh union, 8:00 p.rn. — Holy Communion and Applicatory Sermon. Both services in English; no Sunday School this Sunday. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, W. R. Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a.m, — Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m, — St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p,m. — St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2.45 p.m. — THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATHER, B.A., B.D., MINISTER' Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music, Anniversary Sunday 9:45 a,m. Sunday Church School, 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship — "Off to the Races," 7:30 p.m. — Evening Worship --• "The Plus of a Spirit. ual Challenge" — Guest 'Preacher Rev. Chas,' J. Scott, of London Psychiatric 'hospital, QUUI of IUlU�I11UIVCIUUI�11�iUlUIU U1��li�liulilllLJIIGIII�UUUIlIIIIIVlI81111�I�111�lIiUIU�II1nlIoUJ IIIU(a C1J 11111111 I '1111111 III !111!'1 Morris Township Prepared For Winter -- let Snow Plowing Tenders At October Meeting; Drain Tender Also Accepted Morris Township Council met by 'Phomas Miller that. Engineer's necessary petition for interim pay on October 2nd with all members report be adopted by provisionally mcnt of road subsidy. Carried. present and Reeve William Elston adopting .13y.Law No. 10, 1968 as Moved by Ross Smith, seconded presiding. read 1st and 2nd limes, Carried. by Robert Grasby that Court of Moved by Jas, Mair, seconded Moved by Robert Grasby, sec. Revision on "Little Extension by Thomas Miller that minutes onded by Ross Smith that road Drain" be November 4, 1968 at of the last meeting be adopted as accounts in amount of $1480,21 be 2 p,m. Carried, read, Carried. accepted as presented by the road Moved by Thomas Milier, sec - The sport on the "Little Ex• superintendent. Carried. 'untied by .lames Mair that Robert tension Drain" was read. Three Moved by James Mair, seconded (trashy be commissioner on "Little ratepayers on same were present. by 'Phomas Miller that road sup- Extension Drain." Carried. Moved by Ross Smith, seconded erintenden( and treasurer submit !loved by James Mair, seconded by Robert Grasby that tenders for snow ploughing for 1968.69 of Wilmer Glousher. . at $10,00 ,per hour and $10.00 per day stand time; Glenn Snell at $10,00 per hour and $9,00 per day stand by lime and Glenn McKercher at $8.• 50 per hour and $8,50 per day stand by be accepted subject to Red& White Food Mkt • � + the approval ofthe District fun• icipal I:nbrinecr. Carried. Moved by Ross Smith second• ed by Thomas Miller, that 13y -Law No, 11, 1908 be given 1st and 2nd readings. Moved by James Mair, seconded by Robert Grasby, that By-LawNo. 11, 1968, be given third read• ing and finally adopted, Carried. This is by-law to extend term of office for reeve and councillors to two years. Moved by Robert Grasby, sec• onded by Thomas Miller, that By. Law No, 12, 191;8, setting date for nomination for reeve and council• tors for November 22, 1968, and Election for December 2, 1968, be passed as read 1st, second and third times, Carried. . .............-........._...._...._._.***4-• 4- 41-41-11..-•-•-•-•-•-• P -i * • Stewart's il;LYTH, OMT„ ('hone 9451 1Vh: DFti1,IVER It's Here Again - That Money -saving ^BIG TRAINLOAD SALE Stokley s Honey Pod Peas 5 tins 1.00 York Kernel Corn 5 tins 1.00 111en's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz. tin, 3 tins 1.00 Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 18 oz. bottle ... 29c Libby's Deep Brown Beans, 19 oz. tin 2 for 55c Aylmer Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 2 jars 95c Clover Leaf Cohoe Salmon, 1(2 lb, tin 49c Del Monte Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin, 2 for 75c Weston Bakery Features New •-- Buttermilk Scone Loaf in poly bag reg. 30c a loaf ......... . . .... only 27c Hamburg or Weiner Rolls . , . , . , 2 pkgs. 49c Lee's Pineapple, sliced, crushed, tid bits 3 tins .............. .,.....,.,.. 65c K and K Mandarin Orange Sections 1 tins 89c Red and White Instant Coffee, 5 oz, jar 69c Tied and White 141ilk, 16 oz. tin .... 6 for 99c Healtho Dog or Cat Fo -,d ...... 9 tins 99c Green or 'Wax .Beans 5 tins 99c Culverhouse Choice Cot it 19 oz, 4 tins 89c I►�.. D Smith Pie Filler, cherry or butter tart 2 tins 1.00 Saico Tuna Fish, solid meat per tin 4:3c Billy Bee Creamed Honey, 2 lb, plastic 63c Garden Valley Choice Tomatoes, 28 oz. tin 4 for, 1.00 Mrs. Pink Liquid Detergent for Dishes 24 oz. 3 for 1.00 Campbell's Tomato Soup . ; . , .. , 8 tins 1.00 Buy Of The Week McLaren's Peanut Butter, 3 lb. jar 89c McCormick's Big► Biscuits, per pkg. only 29c Mallett Toilet Tissue , , . , ... ; , , 8 rolls 99c Green Plastic Garbage Bags, 10 in pkg. 49c Golden Ripe Bananas 2 lbs, 29c APPLES -•- Macs, Delicious, Kings, Tatman Sweets, Snows and 'Courtlands, A: Host of Hallowe'en Candy in Stock. Moved 'by Janies Mair, seconded t by Robert Grasby, that Court of Revision on the Assessment roll be opened. Carried. ']'here were no appeals to con. skier. Moved by Boss Smith, seconded by 'Phomas ]fuller, that Court of Revision be closed and the assess. ment roll be accepted and asses. sor'receive 'balance of his salary. Carried. Moved by James Mair, seconded by Robert Grasby, that general ac. counts' be paid- as presented. Car. ricd. • .fleeting adjourned on motion of 'Phomas ]tiller to meet again No. t vember 4, 1968, at 1 p.m. General Accounts t Walter Whitehead, fox bounty, t $2.00; Beigrave, Blyth, Brussels 1 School Fair, 35.00; Blyth Agricul• t lural Society, 100.00; B""ussels Ag. ricultural Society, 150,00; Bel. grave Arena Board, 100,00; John 13rewer, postage and envelopes, i 15.75; ,Municipal World, supplies, 2.40; '!'own of Seaforth, dcbentur• es for high School, 1273.99; James A. Howes, survey, report on Little Extension Drain, 200.00; Ontario Hydro, ,Bluevale Street lights, 14,- 25; .John 13rawer, balance of sal. ary, 856.63; Imperial Bank of Commerce, Canada pension, 16,74; (toss Higgins, Procter Drain, 7,50; George Procter, Procter Drain, 3,00; .Wnt. Elston, Procter Drain, 4,00; Lloyd Jacklin, Procter Drain 88.00; James Mair, Sellers Drain, 1.50; Joe Kerr, pushing hack dumps, 66,00; Helen Martin, sal.' ar y, 130.67; Canadian Imperial Sank of Commerce, income tax and Canada pension, 8,71; George Michie, salary 45,00; 13, 11. Moffatt welfare account 224.49; G. Alan Williams, welfare accounts 6.00; William Elston, court of revision BERG Sales - Service installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R,R. 2, BLYTIH Phone Bnissels 443w4 11i; RLY'PII S'T'ANDARD - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, .1968 5.00; James Mair, court of revis. ion 5,00; Robert Grashy, court of revision 5.00; Thomas Miller, court of revision 5.00; )toss Smith, court of revision 5.00; C. Roffman, wel. fare account 195.04. Road Accounts; Dominion Road Machinery Co,, breather, filler and housings 618. 26; 1Vingham Tire Service, repair lire 3.50; Homer Henderson,' 4" clay tile 52.92; Wing'ham Auto Wreckers, truck axles 18,38; Ont• ario Hydro, relocate hydro pole 18.25; Receiver General, unemploy- ment insurance 7.60; Bank of Com- merce, pension )0.30; Wm. Mo - Ariel., wages, mileage, bookkeep• ing 154.00;' James Casemore, re wages 352,00; John Smith, wages 245.00, Helen Martin, Clerk. William J. Elston, Reeve. Is your subscription paid? MERCANDISE FOR FALL THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE TURTLE ;!';ells Turtle Neck Sportswear in Shirts of Satins, Perma Press Cottons, Jerseys, Ban Lon and Linen. Men's Suits by Tip Top of Finest Imported Vi rgin Wool. 31en's Hydro City Work Boots and High Cuts Ladies' New Fall Dresses, Foundation Garments, Large Assortment of Men's Work Shirts, green twills, flannels and doe skin. Your 5 percent. Discount Pays Your Tax on Regular Prices. The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, 41I0.111.0#MI0#414*###*n104M4rI Winghatn Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick IJp Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I1'ast Dependable Service, FOR ECONOMY & PERFORMANCE A "Hamm Deal" Tops Them All 1968 PONTIAC 4 door hard top, V 8, full power, 1967.PONTIAC 4 door, V 8, Automatic, 1967 FORD Custom, 4 door, V 8, Automatic 1967 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 door, hard top, V 8 full power. 1966 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 door, automatic, power . steering, radio. 1900 CHEV, Biscane, 4 door, automatic. 1966 CHEV Bel Air, 4 floor, automatic, radio 1966 PONTIAC 2 door, V 8, Automatic, radio, power steering, 1966 DODGE 4 door, automatic. 1966 DODGE 440, 4 door, automatic, radio. 1966 CHEV, Impala; 4 door, hard top, V 8, full power, 1965 OLDS. 4 door, full power 1965 ENVOY 4 door. 1965 FORD 4 door, standard ns ion. 1964 CHEVY. II, 4 door. 1964 FORD, 4 door, V 8, automatic. 1963 FORD 4 dor. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's CARSMES Ltd1 Blyth, Ontario, Phone 523.9581 11111116 tHE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1968 en by Norman David Wilson, also REPORT During the week of October 13 to October 19, Officers at the Wingham Detachment worked a total of 1991 hours and patrolled 2108 miles. Twent$three Criminal investi• gations were carried out. Nine charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act with six warnings and five Safety checks conducted, Two Investigations were carried out under the Liquor Control Act with two persons being charged. The following Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported to the Wingham Detachment: On Sunday, October 13, at ap• proximately 2,05 a,m,, Douglas L. Wheeler, of R.R. 1, Ethel, was northbound on 25.28 sideroad of Morris Township. He lost control of his car, and the vehicle went to the- west, back to the east into the ditch, back across the roadway to the west Into the west ditch and struck a tree head on, Wheeler suffered minor lacerations. Dam. ages to the car amounted to $400.. READY TO WEAR 00, Prov. Const, W, R. Bell, inves tigated, Huron County Road No. 12 On Sunday morning, October 13 Kenneth James Shortreed, of R,R 3, Walton, damaged his 1966 Chevy II Hardtop in the amount of $1500,00, Shortreed was driv ing south on Huron County Road 12 when he saw two horses stand• ing on the roadway, one in each lane of traffic He applied his brakes, but slid into the horse in the southbound lane, killing the horse, which was owned by Wm. King, of R•R. 2, Bluevale, Kenneth Shortreed suffered minor lacera• tions. Prov, Const. R. F, Wittig, investigated. County Road No, 30 Sunday evening, October 13, Norman ,Albert Duke, of R.R, 1, Fordwich, was going north on County Road 30 on a 1958 B.S.A. Motorcycle, After completing a curve to the right, Duke was un• able to get back before striking the front left corner of a car driv. SUITS FOR MEN WITH 2 PAIR OF PANTS all wool window panes, checks and plains sizes 36 to 46 $79.95 MADE TO MEASURE SUITS BY HOUSE OF STONE 2 week delivery 1...111,.11 R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday BLYTH LIONS CLUB cash 8INGO IN THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26th commencing at 5:30 p,m. 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $5,00 EACH 2 BIG SHARE•TIIE•WEAI.TII GAMES I GAME FOR $25.00 (must go) 1 JACKPOT GAME FOR $100.00 IF WON IN 00 CALLS (winner after CO calls receives half proceeds from game) Admisston at door SG cents — extra cards available_ Plan To Attend and Support the Blyth Lions i of Fordwich. Damages amounted to approximately $400.00 and Nor. r i ),J; minor 'acorn, Prov, Const. K, R, Balzer + .t I?t'..' investigating officer, 1,'a,t IVau'anoslt Township on .Monday, October 14, at ap. proximately 5,00 p,m,, Airs, Eileen Smith, of 551 Queen Street, New• market, was proceeding north on sideroad 39.40, East Wawanosh Township when she saw another vehicle travelling east on conces• ion 2.3 sideroad, enter and pass through the intersection. Mrs, Smith applied her brakes, and slid through the intersection, striking a telephone pole, .Mrs, Smith and a passenger, Jeffery Coulter, of JUL 3, Wingham, received min• or injuries as a result of this asci. dent, Linda Coulter, of R.R. 5, 1Vingharn, was also a passenger in the car at the time of this asci. dent. Damages amounted to about $500,00, Prov, Const, R. F. Wittig investigated, ilowick Township In the morning of Thursday, Oc• !ober 17, Peter John Keil, of R.R. 2, Corrie, was proceeding west on Concession 4, Ilowick township, Upon coming over the crest of a hill, and in order to avoid a col. lision with a ear driven by Geol.. ge A, Adams, 11,1 2, Wroxeter, Keil went off the north side of the road onto a grassed area, where he lost control of his car, struck and broke a hydro pole, There were no injuries as a result,• but damages amounted to approximat- ely $2000,00, Prov. Const, G. L. Toulon investigated the accident, BELGRAVE U.C.W. TiHANK. OFFERING MEETING The Autumn ' Thankoffering meeting of Belgrave U.C.W, was held in the Church Thursday ev ening, October 3, Guests at the meeting were ladies of Calvin - Brick U,C:W, and Belgrave Angli can and Presbyterian Churches. Meeting was opened with the. hymn 'Now Than k We All our urer's report was given by Mrs. God," followed by • the prayer of Jack Iliggins. It was decided to general thanksgiving. Worship leave the date and other details of = service "Gratitude is the Lang. the up coming bake sale to the uage of Grace," was taken by Mrs. executive. Mrs. George Michie and Ross Anderson, j assisted by Mrs. Mrs, George Johnston sang a duet Stan Hopper, Mrs. Jack Higgins "Bring Them ln." and airs; Ross Higgins; Offering Guest speaker was The Rev, was received' and dedicated follow- John Roberts, Belgrave, who show - by a 'hymn. President, Mrs, Cliff ed movies of his trip to Spain, Logan welcomed the guests, and Madiera and Portugal. He was •the minutes of the last meeting thanked by Mrs. Cliff Logan. A were read and adopted. The treas• hymn was sung after which Rev. Roberts pronounced the bcnedic• tion. Lunch and a social tune were enjoyed, .after which the visiting ladies thanked their host, Belgrave Personals Mrs, John McCormick and Chris. tie returned home to El Cajan, California, on Friday, after a three week' vacation with her parents, .1 Ir, and Mrs, Clarence Chamney, of Belgrave, and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Rainer, Toronto. During their stay Christie was christened at Kings. way Lamblon United Church, Tor- onto, by Rev. Harry M, Denning, B.A. B.D. •Mr, McCormack return• eel earlier to FI Cajan following the baptism. Mr. and firs• Albert Vincent BELGRAVE W. 1, MEETING The Belgrave Institute held their October meeting in the Com. munity Room Tuesday evening, The thought was "To Love Learn• ing is to be at the gate of Know. ledge," Mrs, Leslie Bolt was con• venor for (he meeting. Roll Call was answered by "Different ways to improve our Education when too old for school," Miss Mary Anne Wheeler told the story of L. M. Montgomery and showed many beautiful slides of Prince Edward Island, New• foundland and Cape Breton Isl. land. Piano solos were rendered by Calvin and Glen Nixon. Mrs, Lorne Jamieson and Mrs, Herson Irwin gave a report of Institute Rally held at Cranbrook, Mrs, Iv an Wightman was named to at: tend London Area Convention to be held in Ingersoll, November 5th and 6th, Mrs, J. M, Coultes offered to buy a birthday present J'or our wat. veteran at Westmin• sler Hospital, London, The 4.11 course "Focus on Fin. ishes" will be held one day a week in November. Anyone interested in taking this course contact Mrs. William Coultes or Mrs, Murray Scott. Lunch was served by Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Clark Johns. ton, Mrs, Fred Cook and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson. CLASSIFIEDS CARD OP THANKS We would like to sincerely thank our friends and neighbors for the surprise party last Friday evening and for the lovely silver tea service that was presented to each of us, also all other lovely gifts and cards, Special thanks to all those who helped in any way to make our 25th Anniversary celebration such a happy occasion, --Elizabeth and George Fear, Gladys and Ralph Caldwell, 164p CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank each and all the kind friend, neigh. tours, and relatives, who gave their sympathy .during the recent and sudden death and funeral of our sister, Mrs, Roy Lawson, and cousin, Mrs, ,l fary , Shannon. • It was all deeply appreciated, --John and Gladys Armstrong. 16.1 p CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank kind neighbours and friends who re, membered us with .sympathy cards and help, also the Ladies Auxi1• iary, Mr, L. Tasker, Rev, G. , G, Russell, . of Goderich, in the re+ cent death of my brother, William Pat Douhelday, It was all deeply appreciated. --Mrs, McLellan and family. 16:1p IN MEMORIAM TOLL — In memory of Lorne. IL Toll who passed away one year ago October 22, 1907. His toil is past, his work is done, and he is `ally blest; He fought the fight,. the victory t won, and entered into rest, —Lovingly remembered by Keri, Marjorie •and• family; • 10-lp accompanied 'Mrs. A, E, Brown who had been visiting with them, to her home at Motherwell, While there they visited with Mrs, 1. E. Johnson, St, Marys, and Miss Ed. Rh Brown and Mrs. Vincent's sis. ter, Mrs, Lorne Harmer, ?ullarton, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vincent vis• Red with Mrs, Mary Mahaffy and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mahaffy, Staf. fa, last Monday. During the week Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent visited with sever• al friends and relatives of Lucan, Varna, Grand Bend, Forest and Zurich. Miss Ruth Coultes left recently for Edmonton, Alberta, where she has accepted a position at the Ult. iversily Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Scott and Brian, of Barrie, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, 117alter Scott and visited with oth• er relatives in the vicinity. Miss Agnes Duncan, Stratford, Mrs. .lean Young and John, Me. diva, visited pn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John McBurney. Mrs, Margaret Kemp, Toronto, Mr ,and Mrs, Janes Baker, Lon• don, spent the weekend with .Mr, and Mrs, George Michie. Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Robin• son and Chris, of Corunna, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Robinson, Lon• don, visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson, Card Parties have started at the Belgrave Community Centre every 1Vednesday night. The winners of last week were; high Lady, Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, low, Mrs, Ross Nine; High Ilan, 1Vm, Gow, low, John Adams; Novelty Lady, Mrs. Cora McGill, Man, Herson Irwin. There were 1.0 tables in play, Mr, and Mrs, Wald Rainer, of Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Clar- ence Chamney, Mrs. Rainer was guest soloist at the Robinson•Beat• ty wedding on Saturday, Mr, and firs. Harry Phillips, Kathy, Fred and Douglas visited on Sunday wilth Mr, and Mrs. Clar• ence Chamney. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Rinn spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Mitchell, of Dttkiin. Mr. John Rinn took in the plow. ing thatch near Guelph on Satur. day. • The Calico Cousins held their sixth meeting on Monday after- noon at 4 p,m, The vice•president Nancy Anderson was in the chair, Nine girls answered the roll call "Good Posture, Standing, Sitting and Walking," After the business the 'girls made samples of covered belts for their record book, The meeting closed with taps, Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE , IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABH ITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIILIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523'4522 CHANGE of TIME BY ORDER OF VILLAGE OF BLYTH COUNCIL residents of the Municipality are requested to revert to STANDARD TIME on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1968 at z a.m. BORDEN COOK, Reeve. A Y • Business Directory A. Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH -- Phone 528.9213 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 930 a.m. to 5,30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTR OFFICE - Balance of Week - Phone 527.1240 '11E BLYTH STANDARD --WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, '.968 • 1111,11E III, IGb 111.111, Il'r111. 111t 11, ll: 1"I I I Ii.' In III 1,,1'111 I UI II 11 1' • 11 I• I. li.' II U1 1111: IIIIhd,(h1(I, ',II II I', 11'111 •' 1e. h.: loll hi, 11,0111,1111111 II. Illlf 1p(114Iid1U;1111111d.. 11 II,,ll! SELL IT! BUY IV RENT IT! FIND IT: PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO' WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOIJ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT$1 + NOTICE TO CREDITORS r VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES - Varna - Tel. Coll, Hensall 696R2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CISEANFD FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH - ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Br Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -• WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and Thursday HOGS on Tuasda Trucking T and From Brussels and Clidtdn Sala on Friday CALL B1I $23.93131 .rl ELLIOTT REAL, ESTATE AMMO' Gordon Elliott, Broker, R. John Elliott, Salesman, PHONES: Blyth, Office 523-4481; Res. 523.4522 or 528.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY --•• ACCOUNTANT GODERICH •••• ONTARIA Telephone 524.9521 1 Britannia ltd., E. CRAW 'ORD, SHE'r'HI RD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLII1TORS J. II, Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepher' L.L.B., A. Mill, B.A., L.L.B. In• Blyth Each Thursday Morn eg a.ad by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT IN tU1tANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOB,EEN'S -BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLt1M - ,Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Daly Monday -- Open Tuesday Through Saturday. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses' also, Dead, Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old. Horses 4c per pound - Phone Collect, 133, Brussels. (24 hr.' service) Plant Lie. No, 54-I;t.P- 61; Coll. Lie. No. 88•G61' 1 I 111 BLYTH BEA 1.'Y BAR Now dpen for some part time work Styling, Cutting, Cold Waves, hair Colouring, Eto, - ANN IHOLLINGER Phone slyab 523.9341; if no answer, Brussels 845w5 BLAIW'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SHRVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 • i 0 .r In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Ryan late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before October 28th, 1968. DONINELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square, Goierich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 13.3 4 CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri. 7.30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W' Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton Y 4 a HARDWOOD SLABS FOR SALE 6 cord lots, $24.00, delivered to your door. Phone Craig's Sawmill 526.7220 Auburn. 15-3 CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37•tf CUSTOM COMBINING Grain, Beans and Corn 32, 34, 36 inch rows. flank Middegaal, R. R, 1, Myth, phone 523.4574. 05.6p REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $6 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets. 334f. WHEEL BALANCING With new precision equiptnent. Bills Esso, phone 523.9556 Blyth. 03-tf BRICK WORK Fireplaces, stonework, plaster- ing, chimneys, repairing and atuc- co. Ray Squire, Port , Albert Post Office, or phone Dungannon n 529.7636. 51-tf Electrical • Contractors . All Types of Electrical Work - Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGIDNrrS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILL BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Miction Sales BRUCE RATHWELL, R.R. 1, Brucefield - Ph. 482.3384 BACKHOE WORK Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe - With Operator Also Custom Bulldozing • Levelling, Backfilling • Thorns ete. LY1LE MONTGOMERY Phone evenings 4827644, Clinton Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SP$CIALISTO Pedlar. Stabling. • Complete Installation • Farm Automation GERRY GASCHO,Milverton, Brunner, Ont, 595.4578 Authorized Dealer For Huron County I. T, Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 5234276 Res. 523.4591 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS - OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR iA1tM PROPERTY WITH US - - W1 HAVE 1IIE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA R,R, 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, ■ FOR SALE Now is the time to put in your winter potatoes; We also have car- rots and cabbage. Call Tony Mar- tens, Crediton, 234-6488. 146 FOIL SALE Potatoes, onions, apples, catrots, cabbage. John Shepherd R..lt. 1, Londosboro, phone Seaforth 527. 1676. 15.2p. POR. SALE 100 Sex -Link Pullets and Roos. ters. Phone 523.9349 Blyth. 164p FOR SALE Belgium Team, 6 and 7 years old. Hugh Flynn, phone 523.4490 Blyth. 16.1p BENEFIT DANCE For Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart in Londesboro Hall on Saturday evening, NoVember 2nd. Scott's Orchestra. Ladies bring lunch'. FOR SALE Piano, Apply, Mrs, Watson Reid, R.R. 1, Blyth, phone 523.9578. 16 -Ip FOR SALE Good table potatoes. Mason Bailey, phone 523.9338 Blyth. 164f. WALKERBURN CLUB BAKE SALE in Auburn Hall, Saturday October 26, 3 p.m. Proceeds for Adopted Child. 1841p FOR RENT - 30 acres of good land. Apply, John Benjainins, phone 523-4278 Blyth, 16.1 FOR SALE • - 1960 Chev car, cheap. phone 623.4278 Blyth, 16-1 WANTED Man to help stone mason mix mortar and interested in helping to set stone, Apply at Blyth Stan- ' dard, 164p FOR SALE 1967 Snowmobile, $500. Phone 5234375 Blyth, 15.1p • ON NOVEMBER 4, 1568, Huron 1 Association of Federa- tion of Women Teachers' Assoc'. ation of Ontario is delebrating the Golden Anniversary of its organi- zation at a banquet in Elyth Un• ited Church at 8:00 -p.m, Former teachers of this area are cordially Invited. Those wishing to Attend please contact Mrs. Gecrge Michie, Blyth Public School by October 2g, - 10.1 BAZAAR, BAKE SALE & TEA In Blyth Memorial Hall, Novem• ber 23rd, sponsored by Regal Chapter O,E.S., Blyth. 16-1 HAVE A' WONDERFUL CHRIST- MAS IIIIS YEAR Sell near yotir home. Be hap- , - pier and richer with Avon, Terri - Wiles Available in Id6rris, Ash; field and Colborne. Write or gall collect tonight while opportudity still available. Mrs, M. Millson, 11' fIawkesbury Ave., London, 451-0541. 164 CARD OF THANKS - t 1 wish to - thank all those Who sent cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Street, the nurses on first floor, and the neighbours And friends who helped take care of Kenneth, •- Lorna Whitmore. FOR SALE Farms, Homes and Businesses. Before buying or selling, be sure to see us. ,r Our service is designed to work c to your adeantage, LYLE YOUNGBLtrT - OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your 011 Heating Contractor" 1 f• ., . nes 'moi --' STAN KAY Phone 523.4464 Blyth Representing: Mann- Martel, Realator, ..Toronto. Ont....... 'HE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1968 Hullett Council Discuss Merits Of ChIork: ChloriKrJ tiTu1s As Against Costly Road Building Program Hullett Township Council met on October 7th and opened the meeting with reading the minutes of the meetings of September 2nd and 19th, and the following mo• tion, by Leonard Archambault and John Jewitt, that the minutes be accepted. A motion that we instruct the Clerk to insert a Centennial Ad in the Seaforth Expositor, to cost ap. proximately $7.00. A motion that 13y -Laws No's. 18 and '19, 1968, be read a first and second and third time and passed. (Bylaw No. 18 is to provide for Nominations for School Board Members; Bylaw No. 19 is to ap• prove a Tile Drain Loan.) A motion that we instruct the Clerk to levy interest on Drain accounts at the rate of 7 per cent per annum until such time as same are paid or become payable with municipal taxes. A motion •to give the Hullett Federation of Agriculture a grant of. $750.00 for the year of 1968, A motion, That we approve the E 1 1. extra gravel and fill used in road construction, approximately five thousand yards. A motion, to accept the Tender of George Radford Construction on the open portion of the Baker Drain at the price of $2,350.00. A motion to accept the assess- ment Roll for 1969 and set the Court of Revision for the 4th of November at 3 o'clock. arr. E, F. Hall, the County As. sessment Commissioner was pres• ent to discuss briefly with the Council the future of the place assessment would hold and also to get acquainted and let them know that he would be available at any time they would like to contact him. Co►isiderable time was also spent in discussing next years proposed road program, whether to build up more road or apply calcium, Proposed bridge and road building and maintenance will be $180,000,00, A motion that the accounts as read be .approved, passed and Snell's FOOD MARKET ,Shop Here For Store-Wde Bargains Maxwell House instant Coffee, 10 oz.... 1.49 Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 16 oz. box, 2 for 75c Monarch Soft Wheat Flour, 7 Ib. bag 79c Gold Seal Red Sockeye Salmon, 112's 59c Heinz Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce with , Cheese, 28 oz. 29c Jello Pudding and Pie Filling, 4 pkgs. for 43c Kraft Cheez Whiz, 2 lb, jar 1.39 Kraft Miracle Whip, 32 oz. 59c Kraft Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter 18 oz. 49c Shirrit'f Good Morning Marmalade 24 oz. 49c Schneider's Margarine, 100 percent veg. oil 4 lbs, for , 1.00 :Shop Here for Guaranteed Freshness of Meat Burn'; Sweet Pickled Cottage Roll, Cryovac 112's per lb. 69c Burn's Daisy Bacon Ends 2 lbs. for 89c Burn's Breakfast Sausages .. , 2 lbs. for 89c Coleman's Bologna 3 lbs. for 1.00 K.P. or Coleman's Weiners .... 21bs. for 1.00 Fresh Pork Liver, sliced . per lb. 29c Fresh Chicken Legs . , per lb. 55c Morton's Turkey 4 for 1.00 Bird's Eye French Style Green Beans 10 oz. box 2 for 49c Green Giant Corn Niblets in Butter Sauce 10 oz. box .. , 2 for 49c Sunshine Orange Juice, 6 oz. tin . 2 for 39c Maclntosh or Courtland Apples, 5 lbs. for 49c by the bushel 3.39 Chicken or Beef Pot Pies Phone 523-9332 We Deliver paid. A notion to adjourn to meet again on November 4th, at 1 p.m. Ilugh Flynn, Clare Vincent, Reeve, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who sent cards, treats and made visits while I was a patient in Clinton Ilospit• al. Special thanks to Dr, Street and the nurses. Thank You. 161. — George Bailie, THANK YOU On behalf of the Belgrave Ar• ena Board and the Banquet Com• mittees thanks for a job well done. -- C. W. Hanna, Banquet Com. mit tee. 16.1 • Ontario President Spoke To Huron Group E. J. O'Brien, Executive Vice. President of the Ontario 'PB and IU) Association was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Huron County 'P13 and RD As• sociation held in the Town Mall, Clinton, recently. Mr, O'Brian re. viewed the work and structure of the Ontario 'P13 and RD Associa• lion and its 47 Affiliates since its inception until the present tom• pletely changing picture in both work and structure. This in turn will result in local changes and the Association discussed possibi• lilies in regard to these, Routine reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. Beryl David• son, covering Case Finding, Edu• cation, Rehabilitation and Christ. nuns Seal E. E. Walker presided and re- ported the progress of the Inhala• lion Therapy Clinic being estab• lished in the Wingham District Hospital. Dr. J. K. McGregor will supervise the Clinic and has assns• ted in planning for its operation. In November, there will be a combined Health Unit and 'PBRD Association Anti -Smoking Can►• paign conducted in the County and further plans were made in this regard. s.s-.++.+ ++♦ N .44-.44-* • +4444-1+++4-$ •-•-•-•-•-•-•44 4-+++++1 • • WESTFIELD NEWS Visitors to Huronview on Sun• day from the Westfield area were, Mr, and Mrs, Ernie Snell, Elaine, Mary, Edythe, Miss Janetta Snell, Mr Gordon Snell, Mr. Gordon Mc. ,Dowell and Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Smith. lir. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, Alr. and firs. Jack Armstrong, Mrs. Harry Armstrong and Bob, of Auburn, Miss Gwen McDowell, Stratford, AIr. Art Laidlaw, White• church, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDowell and family Jn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howatt at. tended the Plowing Match near Guelph last week from Wednes• day to Saturday. Mr, Howatt was a contestant winning several prizes. While there they stayed at the home of Air. and Mrs. Arnold Rise, R.R. 2, Galt. Mr, and Airs. Harry Fidom and Tony, of Clinton, visited. on Fri• day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill h'idom and family. Mrs. Eccles Dow, Nelson and Ivan, of East Wawanosh, visited on Sunday with'Air, and Mrs. Jas. per Snell and family. llr, and .Airs. Ivan Wightman, Mr, James Brigham, were Bruce. field visitors on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, Air. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell, llr. and Airs. Garnet Farrier, of Whitechurch, • were London visit• ors on Saturday night attending the 24th Barber Shop Olympics i•Iarniony Night. Mr.. and Mrs. Arnold Cook vis. ited on Sunday with Airs. Ivy Cook and Annie, of Belgrave, and Mrs, Edna Cook at Maitland Manor Nursing Home, Goderich. Mrs. Vera Kershaw and Miss Gladys McDowell, _ Goderich, visit• ed on Thursday with Airs, Aiary McDowell. Mrs. Harvey McDowell and Mr. Alva A1cDowell, Blyth, were Woodstock visitors en Thursday. Mr. David McDowell returning to Woodstock with them. Visitors with Miss Margery Smith on Sunday were, Miss She. ila Crewson, Wingham, Mr. Rob. ert Martin, Teeswater. Assns Kim McDowell entertained her friends at a birthday party on Saturday. Mr, Bill Fidom, henry and Ken. ny took part in a very successful trail ride in Listowel on Sunday. Miss Anne Meyer, of Wingham, visited with Miss Margery Smith on Monday. Visitors with 11r. and Airs. Ger. den E. Smith on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell, of Blyth. • Mrs, Gerald McDowell visited with her grandmother, Mrs, John Carter in Clinton Hospital on Sin. clay. Ir, and Mrs. Arnold Cook, Mr, and Airs. Gerald McDowell, Mr. !, Gordon Cook, Cochrane, attended the Plowing Match near Guelph on Friday. • Air, and Mrs, John McDowell re. turned from Indian Lake and spent the weekend -wigs their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon E. Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McDow• ell, Red Hot Weekend Meat Savings COLEMAN'S EPICURE BACON 1 lb, vac pack Only 79c !TESTI SLICED PORK LIVER 3 lbs, BULK SAUERKRAUT Now Available 99c Y' DELIVERY Saturdays - after 4 Week days. CUSTOM KILLING - CUTTING AND WRAPPING BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "hreck" 13utton, Proprietor IIIX FII, ONTARIO, PIIONE 523.4551 y.0- • • 4444-* +*.+44' • .+++4'+++4-•+4.9 • •+-•-• 4+•-•+•+-• •+ 1 1 4 f • ♦ •♦ 9 99 t t • 9 4• t 4 t f • •9 • • i 9 • • • • • 9 • • • i COOK'S :Maxwell House 1 ib. bag 71c McNair's Australian Raisins, 2 lb. bag 65c Gerber's Strained Baby Foods 4 - 4 3!4 oz. jars 52c ,(ttvex Liquid Bleach, 128 oz. bottle 69c Fleecy Fabric Softener, 12c off label 64 oz. bottle 69c Ellmarr Pure Table Margarine 2 - 1 lb. prints 49c Stokley's Fancy Cut Green or Waxed Beans 2 - 14 oz. tins - 35c Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 2 -• 11 oz. bottles 49c Kountry IKist Golden Cream Style Corn 6 - 14 oz. tins 1.00 St. William's Assorted Jams, 5 9 oz. jars 1.00 York Kam Luncheon Meat, 12 oz.,tin .... 49c Allen's Vitamized Apple Juice, 2 - 48 oz. 69c Weston's or Marra's Bread . , .. 3 loaves 69c Weston's Honey Nut Roll, reg. 43c .. , for 39c Buttermilk Buns, reg. 39c for 29c Cottage Sliced Fruit Cake, reg. 59c 2 for 1.00 Bruce Packer's Weiners • 2 lbs, 89c Fresh Chicken Legs per lb: 55c Cooking Onions, No, 1 • 3 lb. bag 25c Crisp Tender Celery Hearts, per bunch 25c Halloween Cantly and Mac Apples. Coffee, 10c off label Phone 523-4421 We Deliver 1 f Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Miss Jean McLennan, Toronto, was the weekend guest of her friend, Miss Margaret Jackson. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Cope, Sheila and Carol, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth McDougall and Allan and Mr,. and Mrs. Gordon Gross. Mr. and Mrs, Herb Peter, of KIncardine, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Peter, Mary Lou and Brian, of Wiarton, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Beth . Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Brown, of Oakville, were guests of their cou. sins, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott over Thanksgiving weekend. 'Airs. Ralph Munro spent last week with relatives in Mount For. est, Mr, and Mrs, Roy La Vigne, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Semegen and Shelley and Mr. Charles Somegen, all of Windsor, Mr. John Hamilton and Miss Junia Corcoran, Toronto, were weekend guests with the for• mer's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton. Dur. Ing the weekend Mrs. Hamilton's parents, Mr, and Mrs. La Vigno celebrated their golden wedding with wedding cake and gifts pre• rented to the bride and groom of 50 years. On Sunday Mrs. Reta Allison, Mrs, Les Morley and Mrs, Ada McDonald, all of Ailsa Craig, called to extend their congratula• tions. i..............÷........... 1 Clinton Mernorial Shop r T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — I. „ SEAFO1RTB Open Itrery Afternoon PHONE Ei51 Business 216.1420 Residence 235.1384 4 • 1 • 4 t panty hose, 4 • ••-•-•-•-••••••••-•-•-•-•-•-•-••-•44÷04-•+.4 •-•-••+.•••. SHOP & SAVE with BRAND NAMES TAM 0' SHANTER t -shirts, stretch slims. LADY BIRD t -shirts, sweaters, briefs and vests. 'FEE KAYS jeans and slims, boys', girl's and ladies' in denim, corduroy and bonded wools. KAYSER and BONNIE DOON leotards and i NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE ► •4+• •+• . • t•-• •f•-•-. 464-• ••-4•4 e • •-•-rte.-rr-•-et•-• rH • • t CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523.4351 Blyth •-•-•-•-•-•-•-••-•-•••-•-•44-114 44 -•••-•-•4l+ +,4+e.•.+..+*+.. -r-•4 • • 4 4 4 1 • 1 While You're In The Store Take A Look At • Our Display Of • T 1 • Record Special - — 20 HITS OV 'rHe: PAST 10 RECORDS ONLY 99 CENTS All By Today's Top Recording Artists I 1 4 4 1 1 4.+.47•444-4-444•4-444-4•44-4-4 • -S 4 444-•-•-•-•444-4-• *44-04 RECORD PLAYERS From Portables to the Big Stereo Hi-Fi Sets SEABREEZE 4 -SPEAKER STEREO PORTAI3LE Regular $99.95 ONLY $79.95 --- SAVE $20.00- (rAfln'c HARDWARE BLYTH TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER TIE BLYTH' STANDARD •— WEDNESDAY, OOTOBER .23rd, 1908 Mr. and Mrs, Bob Yungblut, Susan and Bruce, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs, Ralph Munro, Knox United Church will hold its anniversary service next Sun. day, October 27th, at 11.15 am, with Rev, ,I, Gratton Roberts, of Belgrave, as guest speaker, The Snell Sisters of Londesboro will be the guest singers. Mr. William Anderson, London, is vacationing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Anderson, and grandmother, Mrs, Edgar Lawson; Miss Nancy Anderson, of Stratford Teachers College also spent the weekend with her par. ents. Miss Judy Arthur, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mark and Greg. Mr. and .Mrs, Gordon Miller vis• itecl last Friday with his father, Mr. Joseph Miller, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Rollinson are visiting in Toronto with their daughter, Mrs, Alfred Weston, and Mr, Weston. Knox Presbyterian Church are withdrawing their service next Sunday for the Blyth Church anni• versary when Rev. E. R, Hawkes, of Bluevale, will be the guest spec• key at their service at 2 pm. Mr. and Mrs: Donald Cartwright attended the funeral of their niece Mary Madeline Rueger, at Clinton last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. • Robert Chimney visited last week with Mr, and Mrs, Herman Chamney and other relatives in Windsor. 'I'he Auburn Gingham Gals 4-H Club held their 7th meeting with the first vice-president, Donna Chamney, in charge. The girls discussed plans for Achievement day and answered the roll call on why they chose the material for their dress, Mrs, F. Raithby show- ed the way to turn up a hem on a flared skirt and Mrs. Bradnoek spoke on the different ways to finish their garments. Mrs. Mary Johnston, Goderich, is visiting with her brother, sir. Frank Raithby and Mrs: Raithby. AUBURN W.I. MEETING The discussions on the resole• tions to be presented at the Lon don Area Convention at Ingersoll on November 5 and 6th was the highlight of the October meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute held in the Community Memorial Hall. The resolutions were pre• sante(' by the convener, Mrs, Thomas Iiaggitt, Among the reso• lutions were .the ones on Lake Eric land erosion problem, the ban on the sale of fireworks, and the car driver and owner who does not carry insurance but ,can ob. tain his license by, the payment of $25,00. The meeting opened at 1 p.m. with a dessert luncheon served by Mrs, 'Phonies Ilaggitt, Mrs, Gor• don Powell and Mrs, Charles Scott assisted by Mrs. Arnold Craig. The president, Mrs, Frank RaIth• by, was in charge with Mrs, Gor• don R, Taylor at the piano. After the opening exercises, Mrs. Raith- by read the poem, Let us give thanks. The minutes of the pre vious meeting were adopted as read by the secretary, Mrs, Bert Craig, It was decided to inquire where the picnic tables could be stored and Mrs, Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. Gordon Taylor will assist to count the Canada Packer labels and all who have any please give thein to the president as soon as possible, Airs, Gordon Taylor and Mrs, Bert Craig were named del• egates to the Area Convention, Mrs, Leonard Archambault report- ed on the Dressmaking course which she and Mrs. Eldon McLen• Ilan had attended and she report• ed that the first class would be held on October 22nd, 'Mrs, Andrew Kirkeonnell repor• .ted for the card' committee and read the thank -you notes she had received. Thanksgiving' hymn sing was enjoyed with Mrs. Taylor at the piano, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt reported about the Huron County W. L Rally held recently at• Cran• brook. The- roll call was.answered by naming a resolution I would like to make, A reading' "We Blyth Lions Club HALLOWE'EN PARTY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS of the DISTRICT Will be held in the Memorial Hall on Thursday, October 31st Judging to commence at 7 p.m. sharp PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR THE FOLLOWING: SPECIAL PRIZE ONLY Fancy Dress (best original couple) Boys or Girls, 1st, 2nd, 3rd CASH PRIZES IN THE FOLLOWING CLASSES Best Fancy Dress (Public School Age) ;GIrls. Best Fancy Dress (Public School Age) Boys, Best Comic Dress (Girls), Best Comic Dress (Boys). PRESCHOOL AGE Best Fancy Dress (Boy or Girl). Best Comic Dress (Boy or Girl). The participation of all local and district children is sought at this annual event. Parents are cordially invited to come with their children •-•-•-•-•-w-.+•-•-r-•-•-•-♦ter•+-•••-4-•-•+ DIAMONDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth 1 *4-44-1% 1 1 I I'- 6-•••-•-•-•+-0-4-•-•-•-• thank Thee" was react by Mrs. Leonard Archambault, and also read a poem of gratitude. The motto "If you can't be thankful for what you receive, be thankful for what you escape" was prepay ed by Miss Margaret Jackson and read by, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. ;Airs. W. Bradnock showed pic• tures and told about the A.C.W.W. conference she had attended in Lansing, Mich., 'n September. The meeting was closed by stinging the Queen, AUBURN C.G.I.T, MEETING The Auburn C,G:.T. group met in Knox United Church with the leader, Mrs. Lloyd Walden and assistant leader, Mrs, John Hilde• brand in charge. The meeting op. ened with a hymn and accompan• fed on the piano by Doreen Me. Clinchey, Sherry Plaetzer read the scripture lesson followed by all repeating the Lord's prayer. The offering was received by Marie Plunkett, The following officers were el- ected; President, Marie Plunkett; Vice -President, Doreen McClin• chey; Secretary, Shelley Grange; Treasurer, Sherry Plaetzer, A discussion took place on what they would like for further pro - 'grams and crafts, It was decided to have a program and lunch at the next meeting for a Hallowe'en party. The meeting was closed with Taps. CLINTON•BLYTII LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE Following are the results of the Clinton -Blyth Ladies Bowling League games on October 15: Pony Club 32 points; Spares 28; Dottbtfuls 26; Hippies 23; Quiet Ones 21; Hot -tots 20. High Single lady, Kay Falconer 254; High Triple lady, Mert Elliott 691; Mary Davey 201, Walton Unit The Walton Unit held their Oc- tober meeting in the Church Sun• day School room. Mrs. Don Achil- les chose as her theme "Prejudice in our midst" followed by prayer. Mrs, Emerson Mitchell read the Scripture taken from Psalan 139 and gave continents on it; Mrs. Achilles led in prayer and a read- ing entitled "Thanksgiving." The topic Prejudice" was giv• en by Mrs. Gerald Watson. Preju• dice means judging in advance and is preconceived opinion or 'at• titude which is formed without due consideration of the facts. It din• fens from an attitude founded in science and knowledge for in the case of a prejudice we make a judgement without the help of science or a rational process of thought. If we are conscious that we have certain prejudices we may find it very difficult to rid ourselves of then, Prejudices may have adverse effect not only on the people against Whom they are directed but on our own lives and on society in general. Many of us are unaware that we have pre• judices. In fact It may sometimes be easier to see them in others than in ourselves. Prejudice' is an attitude of mind; discrimination is action that results from preju- dices, Mrs. Watson concluded her topic with a poem "Give Thanks," Mrs. Herb Traviss opened the business session with a "Thought for the Day," The secretary, Mrs, James Clark, read the minutes and called the roll, also read Thank You Notes. .Mrs. Torrance Dundas gave the Treasurer's re• port. Our Unit is to send money to buy one blanket for the .bale. A nominating committee concis• ting of Mrs, Alex Gulutzen, Mrs, Wm. Coutts and Mrs, Don Ac4fil- les was appointed, All resigha• tions must be in before the end of October. Next month will be the copper contest, Mrs, Walter B • ley spoke on the display of books and it was decided to .get the packet on China, The meeting do- sed with ` the Mph beiiediet#on, 'HE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 19(38 NEWS Of THE WALTON AREA Anniversaries Celebrated Together 0" r-•::! •: rvenin: October eight- rii„i •Mrs, Fred Kenley, of Toronto, of Airs, W. C. Hackwell last Sun LI List +h++'al'u.41 township you'll by Glades and Ralph, Dear Ralph and Gladys: spent the weekend with Mrs, Wal- day included, Mr, and Mrs. David .►t1,t never believe And if 1 had known they were Twenty-five years! What a long ter Broadfoot, Hackwell Strafford, Mr. and Mrs. : • •' .l, .:u1!,ours all gathered from coming 1'd have baked one time tel look cars! but hasher Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bcown, Edward Smith and family, Lon. t ++' :11pd Hca;•. myself, • Ti:iii:• farm that is owned by a But putting all fooling aside, time hastens by so quickly, we Warren -and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. don, Mr. and Mrs, Jack gel) rain. family named Fear. Celebrating +vas grand but what a cineol realize 't Is so long. Fred Chalklcy, Ray, Cindy, Jeff Mark and David, Seafonth, Mr. and .><.I week work went on with nev- er ev surprise. We recall the building of the and Joy, Burlington, spent Sunday Mrs. Reid Iiack+vell, Exeter. era mutter, So for the lovely gift and the "Wee hoose” so "mildly planned with lir. and Mrs. Allan McColl, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin But some things that went on were evening as well. and supervised by Grandpa and Mrs. Iiilc}a Sellers visited over spent the 'weekend with Mr. and sure under cover. Grandma Sincere thanks to all franc Gladys, hua Caldwell. Later the entry the weekend with her son-in-law Mrs. Floyd Jenkins, Ingersoll. couple came early some cards Ralph, George and Myself. of the young bride and groom, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Miss Amye Love, Toronto, is at for to play. who made use every available Traviss. present visiting with Mrs, Walter And nothing else Qeenled amiss October 18th, 19(18 nook and ruse of to make a cosy Steven and Leanne Ennis, of Broadfoot' until nine I would say. Dear George an(1 Elizabeth: and most comfortable home. Whitby, spent the weekend with CONGRATULATIONS Then horns started blowing and We have, gathered here this even. As the years went by, your toys their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. car lights were aglow. ing, and cares multiplied, as your Congratulations to rn and Mrs. I'm afraid this creature didn't To laugh and chat with you; (laughter and three sons took their Douglas Ennis. poorplaces i' that happy home Now Gordon Tate, of Auburn, who will go. 1 . Mr. Gordon McGavin spent lastknow which way to 'I o honour your silver wedding, the ‘vee new chosen daughter has week at the International Plough- celebrate their .1st wedding anni First to the back and then the With wishes fond and true. g versary on Monday, November 9, come to contribute her share of ing Match near Guelph. Mrs. Mc- front door. We can scarcely realize, Gavin visited with Mr, and Mrs. WANTED And goodness when counted there Clow swiftly Time has fled. joy and gladness, to a very worthy were seventy four! I'+wenly,five lops; years have pas. family. Wm. Dinsmore, Brampton, and al 110 steers, feeding by the gain.No matter how happy a home, so attended the Ploughing Match. Jerry Heyink, phone 523.9208 They were laden with goodies and Sell. 011 are touched by sadness and A family gatherfng at the home Blyth, 1G-lp good wishes galore. Since you two were wed, loss, but what beautiful memoriesad And the house seemed to stand "' + full from front to back door. It was to this very house, you have of the dear loved ones Now where will we put them? You returned to make your home, who have gone before. And our brains we started to rack. And since that eventful day, What pride you, Ralph, must �� .$1.00 STORE, BLYT 11 When someone brought in chairs, You have shown no desire to roam. feel, in tilling the fields that your Oh! My what a stack. We came here to meet your bride, Father worked as a young man ,• and for so many years. His ben - games They had tables a11(1 cards some Five and twenty years ago, HALLOWE'EN --- large assortment False r• (Belton must be always with you. •t,.uncs for to play. And to -night we come again, In these days of unrest, dissatis• Faces , Wigs, Disguise Kits, Half Masks, And to help celebrate our twenty The same friendship to bestow. faction and divorce, wt, are so Child's Full Costumes. fifth weddhtg clay. atified to sec a splendid, united They pinned a corsage on this 1'ou have always been dependable, home; where your family may Hallowe'en Serviettes, Cut Outs, Trick and stunned Elizabeth Fear. No matter what might befall, And on husband George they pin «"hether we came to you forhelp, grow with trust, love and confi- Treat Bags, ned a bouton aisle Or to inak a social call deuce in their parents, - Halloween Goodies: Jelly Beans, Gum Drops, But something has happened for Von shared the joys and sorrows,gift front your yoWe ask you to 10 accept and this friends, Kisses,Brooms and Witches. ++'c are not by ourself. 01' those in this 'neighbourhood, who wish to show their esteem for Xmas Cars and Xmas Paper --- Someone is pinning the same on Taking part in community life, d Ralph.you, with the hope you may have p Gladys Caldwell anIn every way you could. T together, years A Pre -Xmas Special --- 51 Xmas Cards, It was twenty-five years ago when - Signed many more happyon behalfrsof your Real Value 98e; 6 roll pack Xmas Wrap, they too had been wed. A second usually thirds itself,friends and neighbours. Approx. 360 inches --- 98c So to help us all celebrate is what And if this should be true, Specialthey all said. We'll be in this house to celebrate, Get Your Holland Bulbs Soon. •With card game's for the grown Another anniversary with you. Congratulations to Mrs. Austin 4 r ups and children as well. To/youshall G{e oldenoWcldingt(Iday Dexter on+Stmda`lelOctobcr 20tted her birhh This celebrating is surely swell. Day.J' h. ►••-•..-•+•+o+•-••-•.+.-.-.+• ++.-• •-•-•-•-•-.-•-•., We four were called to a table ♦•+s •.. • •• •-•-•-+-4 •-•,-• + p+• ♦ •-t •-•-•044-4-4 +-• ♦ � •4+•+$-� ♦ • •♦ �++ • that was standing close by. ANNIVERSARY CHURCH SERVICE ,� by Marshall Johnstonand • linty arsha{1 addresses,were BACK TO SCHOOL TIME t t A gift for us was presented by 1 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN • carter not neous, read. �, , • And when 1t was unwrapped there „ 1S, ` Vitamin lime. For The Whole Family r CHURCH; BLYTH ; was a lovely Silver Tea ser• ,' vice. t'AltAiIIE'I"1'ES BONUS PAK $5.40 r • Now 1 rose to my feet to thank PAItA11ETTES JR. BONUS PAK $2.95 • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1966 one and all. VITA DIET''CABLFO $2.1O • Put the words that I said 1 just NEE CHEMICAL' FOOD $4.37 and $210 cannot recall. NEO CHEMICAL TABSULES $3,82 and $2.10 • t 2:30 p.m,+ George too said our thanks for ' COD LIVER OIL . �; .. $1,75 and 98c , kindness and gifts to all here. • COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES r ..: $1.29 REV. EVFRTT. R. HAWKES t And I hope everyone knows our: HALIBUT LIVER on, CAPSULES . . , $2,79, $1.59 and 79c • • thanks was sincere. DAYALi:'I'S $5.40 • Then a similar gift was presented ONE A DAY TABLETS $3.79, $2,59 and $1.45 I- .A., I3,TH., I3luetrale, Guest Minister to Gladys ad Ralph! : ONE A DAY PLUS IRON $z.s5 • CHOCKS FRUIT FLAVOURED $2.09 . ; By ,lean Siertsenw all by herself. POLY•VI•SOL CHEWABLE VITAMINS .... $2.93 and $1,30 •4 Everyone Is Cordially Invited To Attend + Gladys added her thanks to every : 'l'RI•VI•SOL CHEWABLE VITAMINS $2.93 and $1,30 .►.+♦++.••�f•-.-..-r•+-••-.4-.• �+-.�*•,- ,+, ♦-., one here. • And Ralph followed up with their 4++•.-•'•.4+4.4•4,t•.••♦•-•-• • •-••N1••. •1•-•F• ♦.-• H7.•-.-• •1-414-• •• • y 108th ANNIVERSARY thanks so sincere ; Then the usual song followed of 1"Jolly Good Fellows," 1 R. D. PHILP, Phm.B + With hand claps and smiles and (6th 0'f present building) a voices so mellow, + Lunch followed along with all t DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER •— none Blyth 523.1440 BLYTH UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA well arranged, • - +For they Brought everyl:hing with 4444..-...•-.. ••.•-..-•.-•t •• ++4.4+444 -44•• 04+44444 • •4• them when first they all came. Even Wedding Cake was passed Meanwhile may our gift express More than our lips can say. --- Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbours. 1 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1968 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. REV. CHAS. J. SCOTT, Guest Preacher, 4 • 4 4 4 AnniversaryTurkeySupper• • • • • Wednesday, October 30 •--• 5 to 7:30 p.m. SNOW TIRE SALE Popular Sizes for $36.95 a Pair SAVE UP TO 829.95 ON THE LGE. SIZES (The hest snow tire buy of the year) Limited Supply Available BILL'S ESSO SERVICE Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523•9566 •