HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-10-16, Page 1HE $2,50 A Year , In Advance — $3,50 In U.S.A. THANKSGIVING VISITORS Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Rutledge and family, of Oakville, spent the weeknd with her .parents, Mr, and Mrs, Irvine. Wallace and . other relatives. Mrs, Keith Webster, Mrs, CHI - ford Snell attended the W.I. spon- sored short- course "Dressmaking with a Difference" at Clinton last Thursday and Friday, Any ladies wishing to take this course are asked to come to the home of Mrs, 'Webster on Tuesday, Octob- er 22nd 'at 1:15 p,m. Mrs, John Vincent, Goderioh, returned home Tuesday after .spending a 'few days with her cousins, 'Mr. and Mrs: Austin Dex- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Webster, Dawn and Eva, of London, Mr. and Mns. George Webster, Laura and Jennifer, of Oakville, Mr, Jim Webster, London, and ,Mr. and NIrs. Keith Webster were guests of Mr, and Mrs. David Webster, Stephen and TImothy on Thanks- giving Day. Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Glazier, .Clint- on, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Glaz- ier and family, Oshawa, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Wilson and Frank. Friends calling At the home of Mr, . and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour over the holiday weekend were Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby,and Mrs. Jtary Johnston, Auburn; Mrs. Hat- tie Scrimgeour, Mr, and Mrs, Bill Johnstton and Miss Connie, Palau- erston,'-lir, and Mrs. Robert Eric: „,son; -!and family, Mrs. Erieson's mother. (Mrs, Luey Sandgen,-forme' ,erly Lucy Leach of Auburn), of, Carp Borden, Mr, Ken Somers, of' Midland, visited in Blyth on Saturday, Mrs. Sadie Coming is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, G, 0. Bradley, Mr. Bradley and family, of Meaford. Visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cook were, Mrs. Maggie Harrington, Huronview, Mr, George Harrington, Kitchen- er, On Sunday Mrs. Jean Kechnie, Iruronview; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapple and Miss Julie Chapple; of Egmondville. Mr, and Mrs, Alva McDowell, Mrs, Maud Radford, Miss Hazel Potts, Mrs, Walter Cook, attended the Missionary Anniversary at Westfield on Sunday,: It's Potato Time Yes, potato time is with us once again, and as usual; it is a rarity when a season goes by without someone in the area coin- ing up with some large or peculiar potatoes. This year it happens ,to be Stan Glottsher, Stanley has on display in the Standard office two ;not only large, but odd shaped var. ieties, You'll beable to have' a look the nexj time you u drop in at the office, Died At Fort Frances BLYTH, ONTARIO =— WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1968 Volume 80 • No, 15 Bingos Draw Lodges To March Favourable Crowd Here On Sunday Reaction Loyal Orange and Black Lodges from North ,end South Huron, along : with visiting lodges, will participate in a church service at The regular Saturday night bingos are again proving to be a good ,attraction for lovers of the game of bingo, and the first two nights have been quite sue• .cessful, The first bingo held on October 5th .was well attended, but the big hundred dollar jackpot prov- ed illusive, Mrs. Elmer Lee of Colborne Township, won in over sixty calls and picked up half the proceeds from the .game. The jackpot was raised to one hundred and ten dollars last week 'and the big prize was still not won, Mrs. Molly Grant won in over sixty calls and' picked up $28,00 dollars on the game, Share the wealth games were Silver Annuversary ,won by Mrs. 'George Gilfillan, of Clinton, and Mrs, Ferg Riley of Celehrated At Wingham. Harry Freemanof Clinton, won the $25,00 game, This -Saturday night the jack - Crediton come- out and' try your Luck at the big prize, Mr, Walter Mason:received: a . phone call from Mr, -Milton Ven- ables 'on Friday horning, October 11th telling of the death of Mrs, Lois Venables, of Fort Frances, ces, . Left to mourn are four, .daught� ers' and three 'sons, Don, Sault Ste Marie; Wm,, Rainy -River' Milton, Fort Frances;Velmai Rainy �Riv' . er; Jean,: Patsy '-and Shirley, ' Win • - nipeg, Three .:sisters and three brothers and her mother,_ Mrs, ,TennIe Armstrong, Sleeman; Ont. .ario, , who was '98 years old •on ' May • 7th °off this« year . Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, this Sunday, October 20th at 3 p.m, ' Bands from Clinton and London will lead a parade to'othe church, and following the service, the lodges and bands will parade down the blain Street, All members are invited to attend, • (�ON(R..%TTTI,A'I EONS Singe Copies Six Cents Wax FireDamage Plan Bigger And Light Better Rummage Damage was light in a fire at the turnip waxing plant of Pierre Rammeloo, east of Blyth, last Sale Saturday Thursday night, Blyth Firemen answered a call to the plant at approximately 7:40 p.m. and had little difficulty to extinguish the burning wax in the waxing machine. .C.W. Conducted. Best Wishes are extended to Thankoffering lir, and Mrs. Garth Walden, of London, who celebrates their wed- ding anniversary on Thursday, Oc- tober 17. The Blyth United Church We - men were priveloged to have Mrs. W. 0. Struthers, of Mitchell, , as their guest speaker for their Au• • • tumn Thankoffering, Mrs, W. MaDougall, leader of the Maple Leaf Unit led the wor- ship service assisted by Mrs. How. and Campbell and Miss Hazel Petts, Mrs. II. Campbell,, Mrs. H, Hoba and Mrs, A. Wasson sang Heartache and "Back of the Cloud" accompanied by Mrs. Kai at the organ. The offering was ro- coived by Mrs, E. Johnston and Mrs, A, McDowell; The speaker was introduced by the past president, Mrs. H. Phil- lips and thanked by Mrs, K. Web- ster. pot will be $120.00, So why not Hallett Barn Destroyed By Fire Blyth and Clinton Fire Brig odes. were called; to 'the farm of: Mr; and Mrs,, Larry;., Johnston, one and a half smiles 'south of 'Auburn on Ate... Baseline,roadA..Saturday,.= October 5th, ` The 100 -year-old L-shaped barn is on the' farm formerly owned by the late Mr, and Mrs. ' Jacob Wag- ner. , It was 90 feet by 65 feet and was filled with hay and grain. A driving shed 40 by 50 was de- stroyed also; along with a newly constructed .milk house. 'Che fire was. believed to have, started by spark from the ham- mer mill, Quick action of neigh- bours and friends saved all the farm machinery and, milk house equipment. Firemen drew water from a creek about .a half mile from the farm In a sucessful attempt to save 1!t� house and gasoline tanks sit- p::ted near the burning buildfig. Blyth Fire Chief Irvin Bowes. tried that partial insurance was e '•riod and his estimate of the I k approximately twenty-five' th usand dollars, Thirty-eight milking cows were 'transported to the farm of Mrs. Johnston's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Buffinga near. Clinton, To reach at U.S., Unversity Mrs, Dr, Brian Jacks( formerly Carole Marks) eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Joe Marks, Windsor and now attending the university of California at Los Angeles, has been appointed a member' of the teaching staff of the university and' will teach Greek Mythology. Carole will also continue her -studies «to attain her P,H,D, in, psychiatry.. Blyth might well be proud of Carole' as it was here she started her academic Career with Miss Agnes Fleming as teacher, In a telephone conversation she Said,- "California aid,"California is alright, -,hut monot- onotis, , 1 miss the changing leav- es and seasons." Carole's brother, Brian, is work. Ing in his father's office in Wind- sor while attending classes in con, versational French three morn- -trigs a week; • ' Mr and Mrs Dave Cottle held a Surprise' dinner on Sunday in the Crediton Hall, when many relay tives ' and friends joined with them to honour hr parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Caldwell, who were observing their 25th wed- ding anniversary. The hail was, tastefully deco -rat- ed in pink and silver while the tabic wascentred with a three :story wedding` cake and flanked with white pia in silver hold- `Pltere Were "seventy-four, guests who signed the gu}est book. There' attendants of 25 years ago Miss Bertha Webster 'and Mr, Gor- don Caldwell were, present. Mr, and Mrs, Caldwell were the recipients of many lovely and use- ful gifts. Later the guests were entertained,- by a mock wedding followed by a number of musical selections with Lorna Caldwell as soloist,, accompanied by her fath- er, Mr John Caldwell on the guit- ar. Miss Bertha Webster read the following poem: . Once there was, a boy and his name was Ralph A handsome young man , was he He spied a pretty girl called Gladys As lovely. as a girl could be, • Very soon they decided to marry And began right away to make plans, A happy occasion it' was indeed For the Webster and Caldwell clans. Although it all started with just the two, You know the way things go! After a while l3aby Anne appeared, And the family continued to grow. Next on the scene carne Leslie, And he was followed by Wayne, Then ,Stephen and little Karen ap- peared In the caboose of the train. They have cows and pigs and a score of'eats, There are doznes of chores to do, But there's always time for joking and fun, And hospitality too, They snake you so welcome at - Caldwells' home That everyone .likes to call, There's ,genuine. w:irmth - and - friendliness, And a cook that tops them all! So Gladys and Ralph, we salute you On your Silver Jubilee, - And hope that you'll -always be - happy As a couple. can possibly be! A socialtime provided by the Maple Leaf Unit was enjoYed fol. lowing the service. The `U,C:W. ladies were: pleased to have the men at the Thankof•: tering: service. Practice To Decide Team'sFuture Blyth Intermediates will hold a hockey practice in Goderich ar• ena this Monday night, October 21st to see if enough players will 1>e available to sponsor a team this year. A definite decision will be made at this practice, so if you would like to play hockey this season, better be on hand. The practice is scheduled for one hour, from 8 p.m. sharp until 9 pan. CLINTON•BLYTII LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE The doubtfuls 22; The Spares 22; The Pony Club 25; The Hot - tots 16; The Hippies 17; The Quiet Ones 18. High single, Mary Davey 287; high triple, Mary Davey 614; high average, Mary Davey 205. EXPLORER'S. MEETING The Explorer's held their second meeting October 10th, in the base- ment of the Blyth United Church. The meeting opened with -the Ex- plorer Purpose. Gaines were play- ed, layed, After crafts the meeting dos- ed with the Explorer Prayer and Taps. Births NETHERY -- To Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery, I1.R. 4, Brussels, a daughter, Angela Dolores, on October 10, 1968, • in Clinton Public Hospital. CHIALMERS, — In Greater Mag. ara General Hospital on Mon- day, October' 14, 1968, to Mr, and Mrs. Wally Chalmers, the gift of a daughter, 6 lbs 11 oz. A granddaughter for Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gowing and Mr. Robert Chalmers, The Blyth Lions Club is hoping to set a record this weekend. Yes, they've set their sight on having the most successful rummage sale in the history of the club. And it is quite possible they can do It, but it will take the full cooper- ation of all of us in the area, Members, of the organization will not only canvass the village of Blyth this Friday night, but will also have trucks in Auburn and Londesboro soliciting collections for the big sale the following day. In anticipation of a larger than ever response from residents, the arena has been booked for the sale. As you remember, the Mean• orial Hall has been the sight of the event in previous years. . All articles will be on display and may be purchased starting at one o'clock Saturday afternoon. Those not. sold by three o'clock will at that time go on the auction block. . So there should be enough fun and ,excitement to ensurea large buying crowd. As you have probably guessed by now, the reason for the big rummage sale effort is the arena deficit. We hope you will do your part in helping out. ARRIVAL Mr, and Mrs,' Stan.. Hiseler, of ._ Davenport,- Iowa; (neeL-Eleanor Wightman) are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daught- er, Anne Elizabeth, on Tuesday, September 17, 1968. A sister for Mark, Kathy and Ross, Shooting Match Was Successful The Blyth and district Conserva- tion Club shooting match held at the club grounds last Saturday proved to be a popular event with local and d district marksmen. Over 30 turkeys were won in the various events, and; a number of chickens were also taken home ` by the winners. Seven Tables In Play Monday Seven tables were in .play at the regular Monday night euchre in the Memorial Hall this week. Winners were: high lady, Mrs. Bill Brown;« low lady, Mrs, Mona Wilson; high gent, Earl Noble; low gent, Walter Mason; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Clarence Johnston; gents lone hands, Miss Nora Kelly playing as annan. Another euchre party Is slated for this Monday evening, MOOSE SCARCE Two . gaups of Blyth' hunters have, returned from a moose- hunt in Northern. Ontario and rep—cut—very -- little_ 'success, John, "Don, Grant `. Elliott, Robert • Marshall, and `Kant - Whitfield hunted in the, Matache-- Ivan district while George Hamm Jr.. and Sr:, - dim Warwick Nand Borden Cook tried ,their-.luCkk _ in the vicinity of -Hearst, 'HE BLYTH STANDARD •- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SUGAR and SPICB um. By Bill Smiley 106e Drainage Works Tenders Comprised Much Of The Business At Wawanosh Township October Council Meeting All, MEMORIES ARE FOND These days'l have a rough idea how an- old chorus -girl feels, Nostalgia, regret, and yet certain pride that one day,- in the dim past; you were up there under the footlights, doing your wiggle, your grind, your hump, or whatever, with. the best of them, All this, is because of a young fellow called Alex, He's a friend of son, Hugs. He's in the armed forces and was recently trans- ferred to ae nearby base, For some reason, despite' their obvious 'and many shortcomings, he has taken to the Smileys, and usually drops; around' on the weekend. He's a pleasant and' intelligent lad and we enjoy his cow• parry, He's rather lonely, is a long way from home, and likes a homecooked: meal. I don't. blame him. There's nothing duller than an . officers' mess on a weekend. 'But what really bucks asie. ,up: is that the kid is learning to Ply. He hopes to wind up on helicopters; flying with the navy, But in the meantime; she has to learn to fly conventional aircraft. And this Is where I begin. to feel. like the old chorus•girl aforementioned. There's very little difference in the •procedure he must undergo and, that- Which I underwent 25 years ago, I bask in his awe as 1 reel off the yarns, true, untrue or just slightly em• hellished, of my flying -training days. Oh; I'm properly scornful, "No, we weren't ;given much instrtiction before going solo, ' 1t. was .do or die, survival of the fittest,. Of course, we didn't have radio -compass and ground -to -air control and- all that .jazz,, We had lb be natural pilots, Yep, you had to. get out of a tight spot with quick wits and sheer nerve," And so on, I curdle his blood a bit, ,"Yes, we diad to fly in everything: rain, snow, fog. Lost a lot of student pilots, Twelve killed on my course alone, The brave and the lucky, got. through. Andof course most of thein were killed in operations," . 'But I'm also very, helpful. When 1 looked over his .proce; Ores, I .found they were basically the same as mine. You had to get the ruddy thing' started. You: had to taxi. :it- to takeoff point without hitting a gas truck.or. mechanic. You had to get it off the ground, somehow, without 'breaking It, and you had to get it back onto tore ground, somehow, without breaking. it, Same thing today. I haven't bothered' telling, him.that, out of a class of 65, 1 _,tool 55th in 'ground school, 48th. in flying, There didn't seem any point. After all, r did get my wings; and, Ir. dropped. as many bombs in plowed fields, and shot as many cannon 'shells into eiouds as the next fellow, But I have been helping him out with some- of the hard bits, He's having a. bit of !trouble with his landings, Bounces, I've briefed him, carefully on what to do. when, you.. bounce 28 feet while making a:.landing, "Turn ' off all switches,. put. 'your arms, over your. eyes, and -wait 'for the second ounce." :He didn't seem to think this yas scientific. enough. (They're all --so =scientific, these young' fellows,) So I gave:'him, from personal experience, the ultimate advice on smooth landings, "Just attach a 1,000 -pound bomb td one wing, ready to go. off if you bounce, and you'll land like a feather," I gave him a lot more good tips from the personal experi•' once point of view. Spins, for instance. Told 'him how sickening they are and, how easy it is to spin into the1round. Told him how to get out of a spin to - the left, for example, "Hard left rudder, stick full hack and swallow hard," Rellecting. later, I wondered if it ;wasn't hard right rudder .and stick forward, Oh, Well he'll find out, Nothing like experience, As an- expert; I've explained' to .him :how, you recover control, on takeoff, When you are headed' ,for the' control 'tower instead of the: end! sof= the, runway.' "Cut the• motor, put. on your brakes, and pray" With all 'this extra help, he should pass his crucial test, He's coring along nicely, except for that glazed look he gets in his -eyes after a couple • of hours of my stories, I put. it'°down to nerves or too much dinner. . I' wonder? -00 111 111111[a11MOI E0@I011fME. '11 I; 111 I :;I1I' I '1 :I! I Nap i '1 I IIIl lmu01011 THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the.. Blyth Community since. 1885 Published, every''Wednesday.: at Queen:. Street, BLYTH;' ONTARIO, Douglas: Whitmore, Ptrblisher. Member Canadian: and Ontario Weekly. Newspaper :Associations Stib>scription Hates: Clinada '(In advance) $2:50 a Year Outside' Canada (In- advance) $3,50: a Year' Single:, Copies' Si*: Cetttsl Eaeb° "Authorized as: second class' mail by the. Post: -Office Department, .Ottaway: and for.-.payment,:of, postage•. in cash" - '1 'I ash"'I'''i'►II,'' ?nNO!VIIIII kliejniluiNuigIn 1' 1‘. East Wawanosh, Township Council mel in regular session at :,30 pin. on October 1st, 1968, in 1hv, 13elgraye Community Centre with the Reeve, Roy Pattison,pre-, siding, and all the members pros• ant. Minutes of the previous reg. alar meeting held September 3rd, -1968, were read' and adopted on motion of Coultes and -McDowell. Carried, The correspondence was read, Notion by Hallahan and Mc- Dowell, That we apply for the In- terim Subsidy of ,Payment under the Highway Improvement Act. Carried, Motion by Coultes and McDow- ell, That Council approve pay- ment aymens to S & S Tile Drainage Con- tractors re completion of the Ste, Marie Drainage Works, subject to receiving Engineers release from G. D. Gamsby, Drainage Engineer. Carried, Motion by McDowell and Halla- han, That Council receive $5,00 each per sitting for each Drain- age Court of Revision on the Char- ter, Ste, /Marie and Gordon Drains. Carried. Motion by Walsh and Coultes, That. Interest be. charged on all drainage works accounts until de- bentures issued, Carried, 'Phe Tenders received on. "The Gordon -Drainage Works" were op- ened at nine o'clock, There were three tenders received from the following: 1, George :Radford Con- struction Ltd,, Blyth; 2, Mowbray Construction Co. Ltd,, Wingham; 3, Mr, Dennis Hallahan, Mallon, Ontario. - Motion by Coultes 'and McDow- ell, That Council accept the ten- der of Mr, Dennis Hallahan, Mal - ton, Ont,, full' tender price being $8,800,00 on complete drain, re the Gordon Drainage Works. Car- ried. Motion by Hallahan and Walsh, That .Council. accept a Municipal Drain Petition from :,Ir, Ivan How- att, and that: the Engineer; G. 1). With the new TV season under• way there are rumors that some of the shows are already in rat- ing trouble. So, before the rat- ings are made public; here are any. predictions. At least 12 programs are in trouble, and will probaibly. not be with: usnext season. Six are from ABC; 4 from NBC and 2 from CBS. The ABC shows are: Peyton Place, It Taks a Thief, 'Big Valley, Judd, Mod Squad and Tales of the Unkown, The NBC shows are: Mothers in Law, Name of the Game, The Ghost and Mrs, Muir and Julia. 'rhe CBS shows which I feel are doomed are: Hawaii 5.0 and Blondie. k * * * After watching'the first episode of Blondie, I doubt if .t'heir comic strip fans will like the TV show, The plot was dull and the port - royals, of the • Bumsteads were poor. Patricia Harty of "Occasion- al Wife", and Will Hutchins of "lley Landlord" have -the leading roles, In. the first episode, Dag. wood thought his boss was trying to get the credit' for hiswork,. and Bolndic suspected that her - husband was unfaithful. Very: in- teresting, *** I caught the debut of. Hawaii Five -0, This is a crime drama that could survive if the writers come up with plots as fttll of sus- pense • as the first :episode. This show kept me watching until the very end, The second show was., dull. Per this reason, t Placed it with the other shows that are doomed, * *-*•* What are your views' about ,the: current TV season?; . Write and: tell' us: Gamsby re Gamsby and Mannerow Ltd, be contacted, Carried.' Motion by McDowell and Walsh, That By -Law No, 15, 1968, (being a By -Law to provide for the "Log. ue Drainage Works") be read a 'first and second time, Carried, Motion by titillation and McDow• ell, That the following officials be appointed to act if an election is necessary. Polling Sub4Divi• sion NO. 1, George Fear, D,R,O., Gordon Carter, Poll Clerk; No, 2, Murray Scott, ,D,R,O., Ivan Wight - man, Poll Clerk; No. 3, Henry Pat. tison, D:R,O,, iMrs, Ronald Coultes, Poll Clerk; No. 4, Ernest Snow. den, D;R,O,, Ivan Dow, Poll Clerk; No, 5, John Lockhart, D,dt,O. Ent.. crson Rodger, Poll Clerk, The nomination will be November 22, 1968, at 1,00 pm. The Election if necessary will be December 2, 1968. Carried, Motion by McDowell and Walsh, That.the Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll will be held No• vomiter 5th, 1968, at 3.00 p.m. Carried. Motion by Walsh and McDowell, That the Roads and General ac• counts as presented be passed and paid, Carried. Motion by Coultes and Hallahan, That Council, adjourn. to meet ag• ain on November' 5th, 1968, at 1.00. p.m, Carried, 43; W. S, Gibson, policy No, M99- 1029, 186,94; Reeclver-General of Canada, 35.39; Unemployment In- surance Stamps, 9.60. Total Road' Cheques $6,218.85, General Cheques ' Winona Thompson, salary and Clerk's fees Ste, Marie Drain, $185.96; 13y -Laws Gordon Drain, 100.00; 13111s Paid, 5,20; Alex Mc- Burney, salary, 93.74; Receiver General of Canada, 23,90; Allow. ances, Ste, MarieDrain; Charles Robinson, 54.00, Mylis Ste, Marie, 322.00, Peter Chandler, 181.00, George McGee, 33,00; Howatt Bros, balance contract Charter Drain, 100.00; Ontario Municipal 13oard Fees on Charter, Ste. Marie and Gordon Drains,, 45,00; Joan Armstrong, West Wawanosh, Cler. k's .Fees and By -Laws, Ste, -Marie Drain, 55,00; Harold Vincent, 2 fox bounties, 4,00; The • Municipal World, supplies, 29.79; W. S. Gib- son, liability policy, 218,88; Bruce Brick and 'Tile, tile, Ste. Marie Drain, 50.72; Corrugated PIpe Co, Ltd., Ste, Marie, 139.06; Welfare, 89.00; The Wingham 'Advance Times, adv,, 10,62; Court of. Bevis - ion, Charter, Ste, Marie and Gor- don. Drains: Roy Pattison,, 15.00, Norman. Coultes,, 15.00, Simon. Hal• lahan, 15.00, .Gerald McDowell, 15,00, James Walsh,: 15.00. Total General Cheques, $1,815.87. The following cheques were. is. Roy Pattison, Winona Thompson, sued: . Reeve. Clerk, Road Cheques C,' W. Hanna, salary, $257.1.0; Bills Paid, 13.04; Alan Mcl3urncy, wages, 233.39; Truck, 7.50; Wm, Kennedy, wages, 14,00; Lorne Ja- mieson, wages, 124.61; Douglas Iianna, wages, 105,63; Corrugated Pipe Co. Ltd,, pipe, 48.16; Arnold Bruce, Welding, 3,00; John F. Mc: Callum, 5,000 yards fill, 250.00; Belgrave Co•O,perative, . vehicle' signs, 8.65; Charlds'' Hodgins, pelt, 9,19;' Wan, E, Hallahan, bulldozer and scraper, 3,410.00; Purdon Mo- tors, gas and oil, 39.37; Joe Kerr; gravelling, 1,194.60; Norman. Bon- net( 1,462 yards. gravel, 73.15; Lewis Whitfield, 602. yards gravel, 30.10; Harry Williams, fuel, 165,. IIEI,CRAVB C,G.I,T, MET The first meeting of the C.G,I.T. was held October 2 i the base- ment of the Belgrave United Church. The election of officers were as follows: President, Sherry Williains; Vice -President, Mary Ellen. Taylor; Secretary, Marian McGee; Treasurer, Evelyn Bie• man; Pianist, Nancy Anderson; Press Reporter, Joyce Taylor, A BIble Study conducted by the two leaders, Mrs John Gnay and Mrs, Dick Moore. This was fol. lowed by a worship service taken by' Nancy Anderson and Evelyn Bieman, The meeting; closed' with taps. CaII In; For A Delicious Treat ICE CREAM,. SUNDAES •. POP •• CHIPS LIGHT_ LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARETTES' • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES' Open Every Evening Except Wednesday ' U' R N, .1 BUone 5234391" 110 Li1C1!il1L0011111Oigill!ICi111111111i01!OOIIIIIOvioili IIID!hill{10119901111111001111111011011!10110luillIIII01!011101011111011001701;UItlIImIGIInIBIalnlm 1, 1 ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, BRA. 1:00 p.m. Church' Service . 1:00 p.m,. Sunday School CHURCH; OF' GOD: McConnel Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, ;PASTOR. 10:00 a,m. •- Sunday, School; 11:00 a,m, -- Worship Service, 7.30 p:m. -- Evening Service, Thought For The: Week "Ye must be born again," John 3;7 "The. 'now birth' is not optional: it is imperative!' CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. H. W. KROEZE, -.MINISTER t0:00-' a,ms, -- Preparatory -Service' (English)` 11:00 a.m. -- Sunday School, 3;00 • p;m, -- Preparatory Service. (Englleh) ANGLICAN- CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, W. R: Craven, Minister (Temporary:) Trinity -Church Blyth: 10;00 ant' •-w • - Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 am. St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1;30':p;m. -- St,. Paul's Church, Dungannon: THW UNITED:. CHURCII° OF CANADA. REV; : W. 0. MATHER;' B.A., B,DK, MINISTER • - Mrs..Donald Kali Director of Music; - 9:45' a.m s. Sunday ' Church School. • 11:00 a,m, -- Morning: Worship;, "The: Book: of: Rnvela• tion. Today" 100 01n110100001111 OORIOOIO JOOIMI11111111 11110010108011110 18111• r 6100 111111 I'''',!' Illi'Iii11ii:11i 110idii''011 MERCANDISE FOR FALL THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE TURTLE Mens Turtle Neck Sportswear in Shirts of Satins, Perma Press Cottons, Jerseys, , 13in Lon and Linen. Men's Suits by Tip Top of Finest Imported Virgin Wool. Men's' Hydro City Work Boots and High Cuts Ladies' New Fall Dresses. Foundation Garments, Large Assortment of Men's Work Shirts, green twills, flannels and doe skin. Your 5 percent Discount .Pays Your Tax on Regular Prices, The Arcade. Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. Winghanl Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Fast Dependable Service. •44-...-.....•.-..-• 4 -44 -404•:4 -4.4.44. -.•.♦44-444_I-$ ..;.,-.-..-• 4-444 k Stewart's. Red& White Food Mkt. BLYTII, ONT„ Phone 9451 WE DELIVER, 1 Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 16 oz. pkg. 13allett Toilet Tissue, assorted colours 8 rolls 99c Javex Liquid Bleach, 128 oz. jug 73e. Maxwellhouse Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar 1.49 General Electric Bulbs, 25; 40, 60, 100 2 for 39c 39c Kraft 'Old Cracker Barell Cheese, reg. 75c Only 59c King Size Tide, 1.95 valt.e , only 1.49 Scope Mouth Wash, re '. 1.29 only 99c Hallowe'en Candies Gt tore, 1 Stokley's Fancy Quality Pens , ... 4 tins 89c Weston Bakery Features Mealtyme Fruit Cakes, 1 lb. 59c 2 lb. 1.09 Fresh Butter Tarts, reg. 45c only 39c Fresh Bread, brown or white •.. 4 loaves 99c BuyOfTheWeek NATURE'S BEST CHOICE . CUT WAX BEANS, 14 oz. tin 8 tins 1.00 S.CHNEIDER'S STEAKETTEiS 1 lb. pkg. 65c SCHNE1DER'S WEINERS, 1. lb. pkg55c APPLES --- Macs, Courtland or Snows 5 lb. bag 50c per bushel 3.79 Countryside English Dinnerware CUP for ONLY ,29e with a 3,00 order, w;Qm;i: l .lir ', i,4,,.:_«;.rx.......�...c� .,, _ . »_ .. ..Jto? Na ., 4.4.44:10.'44444,4444,44444 -644:4A -t414444.•444;447+44-÷4 4;4-4-, t -h WESTFIELD NEWS Visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs, Iiar. vy .McDowell for the weekend were, -Mr. David Mefowell, Wood- stock, Mr. and Mrs, Don McDow- ell, Kitchener. Visitors with Mr, Armand Mc- Burney for the Thanksgiving weekend were, Mr. and'Mrs, John A. Gear, Warren and Marie, of Waterloo, Mr,'and ,Mrs, Dan ling, of Hamilton, .lir. and Mrs. Lyman Jardin, Allan, Donna, Di• ane and Kathryn, of Toronto, Visitors with Mr, and Mrs Gor- don E. Smith for the weekend were, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vogl, Mark and Shannon, London, Miss Janet Dubrick and Mr. Hank Son nenburg, of Kitchener, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Char- lie Smith for Thanksgiving were, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon R. Smith and Sari, of Port Credit. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Men• ry de 'Rutter -for the weekend were Miss Josie de Rutter, Mr. and Mrs, de -Turk, of Chatham, Miss Anne de Ruiter and Mr. and Mrs, Bente, of London. .44-4-+4-.444-4,4444t•4-«4 BERG Sales - Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Bonk Feeders • Stabling Donald G. Ives R,R, 2, BLYTH Phone Brussels 443w4 ,. .+.•.•. 4-444-4 r�wne 5 rive -In. CLINTON FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18.19 AN ALL.COMEDY DOUBLE FEATURE Peter Sellers In "THE 1 PARTY" In Color — SECOND FEATURE — "INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU" Alan Arkin and Beryl Reid Further comic adventures of the bumbling inspector first intro doted in "The Pink 'Panther" Color . Cartoon 'HE BLYTH STANDARD -- WE Visitors to the Bazaar at Hur- onview on Wodnsday were, Mrs. Edgar Ilowatt and Mrs. Charlie Smith, Visitors with Mr; and Mrs. Har. vey McDowell on. Thursday even. ing were Mr, and Mrs, Garth Mc. Clinchey, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Farrier, Whitechurch, and Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Walden, Visitors with Miss Shirley Snell, London, on Wednesday evening were Misses Elaine and Mary Snell and Mr, Marvin Snell. Miss Sheila Crowson, Wingham, visited Wednesday evening with her friend, MIss Margery Smith. Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Verbeek, of Drayton, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Verbeek on Saturday. Mrs, Sam Sweeny, of Brussels, DNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1968 visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Smith, Visitor wLtb Miss Janetta Snell and Mr. Gordon Snell on Tuesday were, Mr, Gordon Cook, Cochrane, Mrs, Mansel Cook, of Kinburn, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Walden . for Thanksgiving were, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Snell and Bon- nie, Blyth, Garth and Gary Wal- den, London, Mr. and Mrs, Garth McClinchey and family; Auburn. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McDowell and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. Alva McDowell, Blyth. Miss Phyllis Biggerstaff and Mr. Brian McKee, of Wingham, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wray Bryant, of Smith Falls, this weekend. I+•-..-...-..+.++++.♦.+.,+ BLYTH LIONS CLUB Annual RUMMAGE SALE& COLLECTION IN THE BLYTH ARENA O`1 SATURDAYr OCTOBER 19th Sale to Start at 1:30 p.m. ' AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES WILL BE DISPOSED OF You are reminded that the Lions will call at your home on Friday 'Evening, October. 18th FOR. YOUR DONATIONS CONTRIBUTIONS OF IIOME•MADE BAKING AND PRESERVES WILL BE GREATFULLY ` RECEIVED Rural Contributors may phone:.Campbell Transport at 523.4204 and arrangements will be made to pick up their contributions. Pian. to attend Saturilay, Oct, 19th .6-++4+•.^1.44•44+44-444+44' P.+1 CLOSING SATURDAY, OCT 19 FOR THE SEASON We .wish to sincerely thank our many patrons, for a wonderful season, ' —THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF FOR ECONOMY & PERFORMANCE A "Hamm Deal" Tops Them All 1968 PONTIAC rl door, hard top, V8 full pow. 1968 FAIRLANE 4 door. 1967 FORD, 4 door, V8, Aut. 1967.PONTIAC 4 door, V 8, automatic trans. 1966 PONTIAC 2 door, V8, power steering 1966 METEOR 1 door. 1966 FORD 4 door. 1965 FORD 4 door. 1964 PONTIAC 4 door, automatic. 1964 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr,, V 8, Auto, SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's BAR SALES It Blyth, Ontario. Phone 628.958 'HE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1988 BURNS U.C,W, MEETING The. September meeting of the Burns' U,C,W, was 'held at the home of Alisses Gladys and Ida Leiper on Tuesday afternoon with .14 members and three visitors .present. Mrs. George Smith opened the meeting with a reading, followed by hymn 577. The Scripture les. son was reid by Mrs. Smith and Airs, Salvercla led in prayer. "Why do we have thanksgiving" was read by Atiss Ida Leiper. Airs. Smith read a Bible story, Hymn 579 was sung, followed by pray. er, Mrs. Bell conducted the busi• ness session. Roll call was ans• wered by a bible verse and min• .utes of the last meeting were read. The treasurer's report was given by Miss Jan Leiper. A thank you note from Beryl Reid was read, Plans were made• for the bazaar Oct. 23 in Londsboro, The meeting closed with pray. er, Grace, was sung and lunch, served. 1 r. 1 ItECEPTION HELD FOR NEWLY-WEDS IN BELGRAVE A reception was held in the Bel. grave Hall in honour of Mr, and Mrs . Gary Leitch (nee Donal. Grasby) on Friday evening, Oe tober 4. Tiffins orchestra suprllied the music, After lunch was served Mr, Gen rge Johnston read an addresi and Mr. Kenneth Wheeler presented Mr, and Mrs. Leitch with gifts and money. Both Gary and Donna made tilting replies, BELGR.AVE WAS, MEETING The W.M.S. met Tuesday in Knox Presbyterian Church, 13e1• grave. Mrs, Garner Nicholson pre- sided. 'rhe order of service was taken from the "Glad Tidings Hymn" "Just as I am 'Without one Plea" followed by prayer by Mrs, Robert Purdon. Roll Call was an- swered by naming a disciple. Hymn "'rhe Lord is My Shephrd." Mrs, Joseph Dunbar had the topic "God's Action Through a Chosen Servant." .x-.-.•40 444 NOTICE Appeals against, the assessment of porperty in the Village of Blyth.. for 1969: assessment. roll. must be In the hands of the Clerk on or .before October 15th, 1968, Court of, Revision to be held on November 4, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. In the Library, Irvine. Wallace, Clerk. 10 10 1 Clinton Dry Cleaners BIG SALE 3 Articles For The Nice Of 2 suits - Sam 1 e, • � s s a nd a dress or 2 dresses and a suit, OCTOBER 17th to 0)CTOBER 25th SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF Winter Jackets for Men's & Boys' R. W. Madi11' s SHOES --- MEN'S and. BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday 44-•-•-•-•4-4- 4•t [ "III 4.444 _ BLYTH LIONS CLUB CASH BINGO IN THE BLYTH N(EMORIAL HALL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th commencing at 3:30 p.m. 1 _ 1 .4-40-0 12. REGULARGAMES. FOR $5.00 EACH 2 BIG SHARE•THE.WEAI.TH GAMES 1 GAME FOR $25,00 (must go) 1 JACKPOT GAME FOR $100,00 IF WON IN 60 CALLS (winner after 60 calls receives half proceeds from: game) Admission at door 50 cents -- extra cards available. Plan To Attend and Support the Blyth Lions 1 i Obituary .ItltS, I;UI'1'11 C.UtTEIt 1 enth came suddenly in Seaforth Loi11.1111111ty Hospital, to Mrs, Editt Carter. 77, on Friday, October 4, She was the former Edith Gann• e, Campbell, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Campbell, and was born in Kinistino, Saskatche• wan. At an early age she moved to Ilullett Township, where she resided throughout her life, She was married to George W. Carter and the couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 20th of this year. The late Airs, Carter was a mem- ber of Burn's United Church where she was an active worker. Besides her husband, she is sur• vived by one daughter, Mrs. 'Vat. son (Beryl) Reid R.R. 1, Blyth, and one son, Glen, of R,R, 1, Londesboro; also six grandchild. ren. Her two sisters, Mrs. John (Gertrude) McDonald, and Mrs. Gordon (:Hazel) Kerr, both of Toronto, also survive. The body rested at the Ball Funeral Monne, Clinton, until Mon- day, October 7, when services were conduit! by Rev. C. Hecker• do's of Londesboro. Interment followed at Clinton Cemetery, Pallbearers were David Ander. son, Harry Tebbutt, John Shepherd,. James Howatt, Ben Riley and Don Buchanan, Flowerbearers were: Jack Arm. strong, Oliver Anderson, Edward - Bell and- William Leiper, Jr. WEDDING McI)OWELL -- SMITH Westfield United Church was the setting for the wedding on Saturday, October 12, 1968, of Noma Eileen Smith and John .Harvey McDowell when they were - united in marriage in a double ring ceremony by Rev. M. Roberts of Auburn, The Church was tastefully dee orated with bouquets- of yellow mums and gladioli. The bride is th daughter of Mr. and Airs. Gordon' E. Smith, West• field, and the groom is the son of' Mr. and Mlrs, Harvey lfeDowll, also of Westfield, The bride, given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr, Eric Vogl, of London, wore a floor -length gown of white crystal peau de tote with lily',point sleeves and French lace applique. A chapel length train fell gracefully from the shoulders. Iler shoulder -length French illusion veil was held by heart -shaped floral petals and she carried a cascading.bouquet:of red roses, •white carnations.. and pol- ished ivy. The bride's sister, Mrs. Eric Vogl, of London, was matron of honour, and Miss Judith .McDow• ell, sister of the. groom, was bridesmaid. They wore matching floor -length gowns of mint green crepe with empire waistlines and white lace tritn, 'Their headdres• ses were of snatching floral petals ,and veil and they carried bou• quets of white. shasta daisies with white velvet ribbons, The groom was attended by his brother, Mr, Donald McDowell, of Kitchener, and Mr, Douglas Smith brother of the bride, .ushered. Miss Janet Duhrick, of Kitchen• er, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo. ist, Air, Dank Sonnenburg, also of Kitchener, who sang three beauti- ful selections. The reception was held_ at the Tiger Dunlop Inn, Goderich, where the- bride's mother received wear• ing a white wool suit nvith navy feather hat and =tatting. acres. series. Her corsage was of pink carnations. 'Phe groom's mother looted lovely in a suit of avacado green and rust with matching hat, brown shoes and bag. Her corsage was of yellow carnations. For travelling to Indian, Lake and other points in New York State .the bride chose a stroller stiit of cannel hair with brown ac• eesso'ies - and. a corsage of burnt orange carnations, On their return they will reside;-; itr.! London Londesboro Items The Walka'thon undertaken by the Hi -C Group on Saturday was, quite successful, Twentyone took part in the- walk to Clinton and back to Londesboro, all of whom had sponsors. Mr, and \Irs, David Mair of Detroit, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs. Fairservice and Anus • Mrs, Will flunking is a patient in Clinton hospital and is taking therapy which is hoped will bene• fit her arm affected by a stroke recently. A1iss Doris Colbeck of Toronto, spent the weekend with her friend Miss Edith Beacom. Mr, and Airs. Stewart Bryans of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Miss Edith Beacom, Visitors with Mir. and Mrs. Re). hent 'Thompson for Thanksgiving Sunday were Mr. and Mus: Wm. Hamilton, of Afoorefield, lir. and Urs, John Lawrie, Kitchener, and Beth 'Thompson, London. Little Miss Kim Livingstone, of Exeter, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Harold Livingstone. LARGE CONGREGATIONS ATTENDED ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT BELGRAVE A large congregation attended Knox United Church, Belgrave, for the annual anniversary .servic- es Sunday, October 6. 'rhe Rev. 1V, George Lewis, of Royce Pres. byterian Church, Toronto, conduc• ted both morning and evening ser. vices, assisted by Mrs. Lewis and The Rev, John G. Roberts, minis- ter of the Belgrave United Church. Special numbers were contrib• flied by the church choir "The Lord is Exalted" and "Praise Ye The Lord." At the morning ser• vice guests Mr. and Mrs. Hank Exel, of Brussels, sang "Bless This !louse•" Their duet in the evening was rendered in their na live Dutch language. Both rendi• lions were much appreciated, Mr. Roy Mundy, church organist, ac• companied al both services, The church auditorium was graced with baskets of beautiful autumn flowers for the occasion. FOR SALE 2 wheel trailer with a 1 ox a foot deep and 8 ft, long, in good condi• tion; also a very large dining room table, with an extnsion of: 3 10" boards in the centre. Both at a• bargain. Inquire at The Standard Office, ' 15.1 Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIkLLZE 1N GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 • ♦ • • ♦-• •-• a •+4 -l -4-14++-4+4-4N 4 +N+N 0444444 +14 -4444 -**4-41 CHANGE of TIME BY ORDER OF VILLAGE OF BLYTH. COUNCIL dB residents of the Municipality are requested to revert to STANDARD TIME „ on •• • • • v ..4, ♦ • ♦ - + 4••• ♦ 4-4'0-** '-4 -4-0.4-4 N••N•4.444.4 4 4444 ♦.44•+• ♦444+ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1968 at 2 ,.m. BORDEN COOK, Reeve. 10 It 1 1 i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦•+-+ 4-4 44.444. ♦ ♦ 4• • ♦4 +44 44 + i0-4 4 a 4-44-.4-44-41-4•.i44441 NOTICE McKillop Municipal Telephone. System WHEREAS the McKillop Municipal Telphone System was recently disposed of, It now proposes to wind up its affairs and distribute the remaining cash surplus equally among subscribers of record on the date of completion of sale. Application has, therefore, been shade to the Ont. ario 'Telephone Service Commission, under section 47 of "The 'Telephone Act,” R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 394, for- an order approving this plan. Any representations to be made to the Commission with respect to this application should be submitted on or before October 24, 1968 and addressed to the Chairman, Ontario Telephone Service Commission, Department of Agri• culture and Food, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Should` you desire further information with respect to this plan for distribution, or if you wish to inspect"the last audited Financial Statement or the list of subscribers who, according to the system's records, will be entitled to share in the 'distributable surplus, you may apply to- The undersigned, either personally, by telephone or letter, Commissioner, Mr. George Campbell, .RR. 1, Sea. Conunissioner, Mr, Harry Snell, R,1I, 1,Londesboro, Commissioner, Mr, Kenneth Stewart, R,R. 5, Sea. forth. - Sec.-Treas., Alt'. James F• Keys, 11,R. 1, Seaforth, forth, 4 4 1 Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES dr SERVICE BLYTH -- Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m.' to 5,30 p.rn. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE - Balance of Week •- Phone 527.1410 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS ANT) POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna - Tel, Coll. Uensall 696R2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CltEANEI) FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels R,R, 2 -- Phone 442W6 DR, R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: 13:3 Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings, W. K. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre - WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED ori Monday and Thursday HOGS' on Tuesday - Trucking:To and, FromBrusselivand, Clinton Sales. on Friday CALL, BLYTIF 523.9361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. It. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES:' Blyth, Office 5234481; Res, 523.4522 or 52343:13 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY --- ACCOUNTANT GODERICII -- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 1 Britannia ltd., E. CRAWFORD, SHE t1CRU & !WILI, BARRISTERS b. ;01,1r11'1'ORS J. IL Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherc, L.L,I;., A. Mill, B.A., L.L13. In Blyth Each Thursday Nornoig by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT 1T AURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingltam 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING . • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day Monday -- Open Tuesday Through Saturday DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old' Horses 4c per pound -- Phone Collect 133, Brussels. (24 hr. service) Plant Lic, No, 54-R.P. 61; Coll, Lic. No, 88•G01 BLYTH BEAUTY BAR Now open- for some part time work -- Styling, Cutting, Cold Waves, Hair Colouring, Etc, -- ANN HOLLINGER Phone Blyth 523.9341: • if na answer, Brussels 3454 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 III 17 II SELL IT! 'IIE BLYTH STANDARD --- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1968 RIM ,.•11 I 11.41/10i, Iu;IUI lItl Irl 111IIIKl1 im III I,' 6161 tl!' U!61 a Il Iim1U1,11M 14111,11114 luliu 111 Iib n1111141111 11 11 .1,111..11,10 ,111, m I. !.. BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND IT: PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS' • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • in the matter of the Estate of Thomas Ryan late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of IIuron. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before October 28th, 1968, • 4. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate, 13.3 CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri, 7.30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton M 41 h 4 . HARDWOOD SLABS FOR SALE 6 cord lots, $24.00, delivered to your door. Phone Craig's Sawmill 526.7220 Auburn. 15.3 CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in 'stabling, Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37•tf CUSTOM COMBINING Grain, Beans and Corn 32, 34, 36 inch rows. Hank Middegaal, R. R. 1, Blyth, phone 523.4574. 05.6p REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $6 and up, Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets, 33•tf. WHEEL BALANCING With new precision. equipment. Bills Esso, phone 523.9556 Blyth. 03-tf BRICK WORK Fireplaces, stonework, plaster• ing, chimneys, repairing and due. co. Ray Squire, Port Albert Post Office, or phone Dungannon w 529-7636. 51-tt. Electrical Contractors All 'Types of Electrical Work -- Motor Repairs QUALIFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS FOR CHAMPION ROLLERS & GRINDERS BILI, BROMLEY Ph, 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales BRUCE RATJIWELL, R,R, 1, Ilrucefield -- Ph. 482.3384 BACKHOE WORK Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe -- With: Operator Also Custom Bulliloiing • Levelling, Backfilling- Thorns etc, LYLI, MONTGOMERY Phone evenings 482.7644, Clinton Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Pedlar Stabling • Complete Installation= • Farm Automation GERRY GASCHO, Milverton,, Brunner, Ont, 595.4578 Authorized Dealer For Huron County It T. Dale SEPTI' TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 523.4275 Res. 523.4591 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - WE HAVE TIIE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA lt,R, 2, CWttuu Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, t,YLE YOIJNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your Oil Heating Contractor" i APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed Apples. Pick your own, low trees, no climbing. Picking days, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri- days and Saturdays, beginning October 3rd. Closed Sundays. Spy, King, Snows, Russet, Tasman Sweet, Delicious, Greening, etc. Picked ° McIntosh. Fred McCly mont, 1 mile south of Varna, phone 482.3214. 12-4 FOR SALE. Now is tJie tune-- to put in your winter potatoes; We also have car- rots and cabbage. Call. Tony Mar- tens, Crediton, 234.6488: 146 FOR SALE 13 pigs 10 weeks old, Leo Watt phone 523-4428, Blyth. 154ip. FOR SALE Potatoes, onions, apples, carrots, cabbage. John. Shepherd; R..!R- 1, Londesboro, phone Seaforth.1527• 1676. 15•3p. FOR SALE. - 43 eight to nine week old pigs. Phone 482.9851' Clinton,. 15-1 FOR SALE' Girls red orlon pile winter jack. et, size 12. Mrs. Bud Chamney, Auburn,. phone 526.7799. 15;lp CARD OF THANKS "Thank: you" to all my relatives and friends for their visits, cards, gifts, flowers, enquiries and good wishes I received while a patient in Clinton hospitaland on my birthday, Tuesday, October 8.. I was pleased to be able to be home to celebrate this happy 'occasion with my family and those Who called. A sincere- thank you to everyone, -Walter Cook. 15-1p. CARD OF THANKS We wish to opress our sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours who gave their sylmp• athy and services in any way dur- ing our recent sad bereavement.. Our thanks also to Rev. •Heeken- dorn and to those sending cards, floral tributes and donations to ' the Heart Fund and U.C.W. The family of Edith Carter, 15.1, CARD OF THANKS 1 would sincerely like. to thank all my friends, relatives and neigh- bours, Who sent cards, gifts and visited me ' while I was a patient in Godericlt hospital. Also spec- ials thanks to the nurses and Doc- tors Deathe and Moffatt for being s� kind, --Mrs. Ross Daer. 15;1p, IN MEMORIAM In fond and loving memory of John Fairservice who passed away one year ago October 17. 1968. Those whom we love go out• of sight, But never out of mind. They are cherished in the hearts Of those thy leave: behind. Loving and kinds in: all his way, Upright and just to the end of his days; Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left be. hind. ▪ -Jun and Jean' Scott and family. Hap. FOR SALE 40 acre corner lot on 86 High. way, has bush, stream and strong spring at front. $5500, STAN KAY Phone. 523.4464 Blyth Representing: Mann Martel; Realator, • Toronto,_ Ont, 'HE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Miss Marlene Walsh, Toronto, spent the weekend with her par• ents, Mr, and Mrs. James Walsh. Friends are sorry to hear that Mrs, Garner Nicholson is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital having undergone an operation. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cantelon and Greg, et' Tweed, spent the hol- iday weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire, Mr, and Mrs. Elory Kuntz and Kimberley, Elmira, spent the weekend with Mrs, Harry Rinn, On Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Kuntz Kimberley, Mrs. Harry Rinn, Lois and Murray visited with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cartwright, of London, Don't miss the slides October 20 in Belgrave United Church. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mines, Ni- agara Falls, called on Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGuire last Wednes- day, Mr, and Mrs, Delbert Nixon and Cindy, Stratford, visited with rela- tives in the area on the holiday weekend, Mr. and `Mrs. Ernie Pickett, of Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, cal- led last Wednesday on their eons- ins, Mr. and firs. Stanley Cook. i 1968 family, Ingersoll, visited over the *weekend with Mr, and Mrs. 1Iar• old Procter and Miss Margaret t't,,•' ' . (;,.ant lcl3wi ey A1r. and Mrs, James R. Coultes. Audrey and Marie. Mrs. Georgi Martin and 41Ir. Martin Grasby .+. tended the Armstrong and en wedding at Thorndale Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M:,ishail and family, London, spent. Thanks. giving weekend with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Cook. Another successful HIot Turkey Supper was held in the Belgrave Arena last Wednesday night With Mr 1,000 attending. Mrs. Robert Procter was able to return home last Thursday after being a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. :AIr, and Mrs, Carman Farrier and family, Long 13ranch, Mr. and Mrs. nod McLeod and family, of Etobieoke, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mc- Donald and family, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pletch and fam- ily, Brussels, Mr, James Cronin, Seaforth, were Thanksgiving din- ner guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Biggins, also Dorothy, Charlie and Norman. Mr, and Mrs, Alec Styles and Patsy, Mimico, spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs, Cora McGill. Air. and Mrs, John Spivey and Snell MARKET 99c SIZZLERS CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. tins 4 VAN CAMP BEANS with PORK 14 oz. tins 6 for 99c for 99c NATURE'S BEST CHOICE GARDEN PEAS 14 oz. tins 6 for 99e CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 8 • 10 oz. tins 99c McCORMICK'S SODA CRACKERS 1 lb. boxes 3 for 99c LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 4 boxes 99c MAXIM FREEZE-DRIED INSTANT COFFEE . 4 oz. 99c BONUS BEEF or IRISIJ STEW 1 112 lb, ting 2 for 99c SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES, 200's 6 boxes 99c GLEEM FAMILY SIZE TOOTH PASTE Reg. 99c and ADULT` TOOTH BRUSH Reg', 45c 130TH FOR ONLY 99c In The Meat Counter - - W Fresh Loin Pork Chops per lb. 79c Fresh Chicken Legs per lb. 55c Kitchener Packer's \Veiners 2 lb. 89c Kitchener Packer's Bacon Ends 2 lb. 99c Many Other Special Prices Including Nestle's Chocolate Quick, 2 lb, 6 oz. bonus pack 89c Rodger's Golden Syrup 5 Ib. pail 89c Carnation Instant Powdered Milk 3 'lb, box 1.29 Creamo, Hot Breakfast Cereal .... 3 lb. 41c Cheer, King Size Only 1.39 Get Your Hallowe'en Treats Now --- We Have Lots of Variety to Choose From. Phone 523-9332 We Deliver • 4. 1. n. t1,;.i\P.t, spent a few t;... , v ::It his parents, also visited ., Ih i 'hc r relatives, Mks Verna Johnston, l3lylh, vis. it: tl un the ‘veekend with Hiss Nora \'ant'arnp. 11r. and Mrs. Arthur 11. Edgar of \Vingham. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse visited on Sunday with their cousin, Nil's, Lue Freeman, in Dufferin Oakes home, in Shel- bourne. Mrs, Ed. llarilin and family, . of Downsview, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Schricher and family, Milton, Mr, and lips, James Anderson and family, Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Anderson, 1{exdale, Hiss Karen Anderson, Searboro, spent Thanks- giving weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Ur. and Mrs. Kenneth 13arbour and Tinnily, 131ueva.le, Mr. and Mrs, Grant McBurney and Steph- en, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ale13urney and family spent Thanks- giving Day with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. JohnMelurney.. lfiss Iris Johnson, of London, spent the weekend with 'Mrs, RI - chard Procter; lir, and Mrs, Lloyd Henderson of London, Mrs, Carl Procter, spent Sunday al the sante home. :Airs. Ray White had a family dinner in honour of her father's 8lst, birthday, Mr. Harry Cook, on October 6, About thirty members of the family were present being, Mr, and Mrs, Sheldon Jacklin and faintly, 13luevale, Mr. and 'Alps. Graham Cook and family, Ripley, Mr. Austin Cook, Toronto, Mr. - Lloyd Cook, Wingham. Visitors at the home of Mr, and f Mrs, Hugh Minn and John during + the week were Mr. and Mrs, $ Dwight Garwell, of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Mrs, Edward -May, Mrs. 1[argar- et Field, ii1iss Pearl Penner, o1' Toronto, Mr. and !Mrs. Clayton Wilkinson, Kitchener, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. Howard Wilkinson and Miss Annie Baker. Mrs. Lloyd Alcock, of Neustadt, spent. Tuesday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Hopper. The Rev. Earl and Urs, Shill', clay and family, Sarnia, spent the weekend with ,her • mother, Mrs, Herb Pletch. irs. Ross Anderson, Nancy and Doreen, Urs. Kenneth Wheeler and Mary Ann visited with Mrs, Leslie Wills in Milton Thanksgiv- ing hanksgivinrg Monday. In the afternoon they attended the play "Ann of Green Gables" at the Royal Alexandra 'Theatre. 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Sauvc, Tor- onto, spent a few days of thisweek . with her mother, Mrs. Herb Pie- - tch. The 111-C of Belgrave United Church held their regular meet- ing on Sunday evening in the Church basement. Itev, John G. Roberts showed a film of a trip he had taken to Maderia, Mr. and Mrs. George Poeoek, of Lambeth, spent the weekend with .Mrs, J. M. Coultes. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Alex Leaver and Miss Irene Patton, Wingham, vis- ited at this home, Mr, and Mrs. Pocock showed slides of their trip to England, 1r, and Mrs, Hugh Rinn and John spent 'Thanksgiving Sunday at the home of Air, and Mrs. Cecil Bowman, Staffa, -and on Monday at the home of ,11r, and Mrs, Wm, Gordon, Kinloss; and with the for• mer's sister, Mrs, Lillie Hudie and son, Harold, of Walton. Mr. and .Mrs, Wm. Stevenson and family spent the weekend vis- iting with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Stevenson and Mr, and Mrs. Leigh Wilcox, Tillson- burg. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd hreethy and, Dianne spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and firs. John Lockhart, of Nottawa. The Calico Cousins held their fifth meeting at (he home of Mrs. Clarence Hanna.- President Barb- ara Cook was in, the chair, Ten girls answered the roll call "One idea for Club Exhibits on Ach- ievement Day." Judy Cook read the minutes. The girls spent the remainder of the afternoon mak- ing zipper samples for their re• cord book, Meeting closed with taps. • el 4 + • t 4 4 The October meeting of the' EV - (Ming vming Unil of the Belgrave U.C.W. held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Freethy opened with a Thanks- giving Worship service conduct• ed by hiss Annie look, Mrs, Jam- es Lamont gave a reading. The two delegates appointed to the Re- gional meeting in AVhilechurch were Mrs, James R. Coultes and Airs. Lloyd Freethy. The Bible study was 00 the topic "Why is there Evil." Next meeting will be held at Mrs. Wm. Coultes, Lunch \teas served and a social time fol. lowed, The Belgrave Sewing Sisters met October 7 in the Community ••.-• ++•+•++-••++.+••+ • +• • •-• •-• +++-+ • 44•44 ••.•-.+• •.++++••- Rooms for their 6th meeting. The 7th meeting was held on October 14. The roll call was answered by "Why 1 chose the colour of my Dress," 'The next meeting will be October 28 in the arena Achieve- ment Day is to be November 16 in \Vinghant and District 11i.gh School Congratulations Congratulations to ,Ronald Cart- er who will celebrate his birthday on Saturday October 19th. •-• ••• •-• • • • •, •.•-• ♦ • • • •-F• 444444•444•• .444 •••+'•-+••+• •• TRY OUR FRESH LAMB THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL, THIS WEEKEND 1ti.P. BONELESS TENDERIZED HAM READY TO EAT, in piece PER LR, ................ 99c CUSTOM IILLING - CUTTING AND WRAPPING BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "F'l'eck" Button, Proprietor 111,1711, ONTARIO. PHONE 523.4551 t • • • • • • • • •••p • ` i• •-+.t• •.+i-•-•-•-•+.• •-.•+-•+•-+•'• 4-4+4-•-.-4.+.•.+-•• -44* I • • • •1 • • • 4 • i S I 4 1 I COOK'S New Maxim Instant Coffee .. l oz. jar 99c Robin Hood Assorted Pouch Pac Cake Mixes 1 - 9 oz. pkgs. 59c White Swan Bathroom Tissue, 2 roll pkg. 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 lg. 16 oz. pkgs. 77c Del Monte Pineapple Grapefruit Juice 2 - .18 oz. tins 59c Del Monte Pineapple Orange Juice Drink 18 oz. tins 35c Del Monte Pineapple Juice, 48 oz. tin . , 35c Del Monte Fancy Garden Peas, 2 - 14 oz. 39c 1)e) Monte Fancy Cream Style Corn 2 - 14 oz. tins 39c Del Monte Seasoned Green Beans 2 - 14 oz. tins 45c Del Monte Peaches, halves' or sliced 2 - 14 oz. tins 59e Weston's Hamburg or Hot Dog Buns 2 pkgs. ... 49c Weston's Ten Biscuits, reg. 39c ... . now 35c McCormick's Bix Biscuits .... per pkg. 33c Zest Soap, bath size 2 bars 49c Coleman Head Cheese per lb. 45c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Mac and Courtland Apples Hallowe'en Candy Now In Stock, We Deliver Phone 523-4421 • i • • 1 1 • i 1 • • • • 1 Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest A large crowd attended the ben. efit dance last 'Friday evening in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall for Mr, and Mrs. Larry John- ston who lost their barnthrough fire, Bob IIickey read the address and Marinus Baker presented them with a purse of money, around $1400.00, Scott's orchestra suppli• ed the music and this was plan• ned by the Junior Farmers, Honour students from this coin 'nullity attending Goderieh Col. legiate who went last week to Chicago were, Ed. Haines, Larry Chamney, Betty Moss, Jennifer Grange, Shelley Grange and Bren- da East. Friends are pleased to know that Mrs, Wm. J. Craig is at home recuperating from her recent ill• floss. We wish her a speedy recon cry. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Pentland, North Bay, spent 'Thanksgiving weekend with her mother, Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Davies visited last Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Hembly, at Atwood. Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Toll, Ter• ry and Warren, Windsor , spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frit Toll, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McDougall and family. Mr, and Mrs. Gormcrly Thomp- son, Brampton, visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Bert Marsh, ..Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON T. PRYDE. and SON CLINTON — 1....3'ER — SEAPORT)] Open Every Afternoon PHONE EMIR swim 23t~tr►i2i Residence 235.13184 •-e•.-•♦++•.• .♦+-..•••-+-4 SHOP & SAVE with BRAND NAMES --r TAM 0' SHANTER t -shirts, stretch slims. LADY BIRI) t..shirts, sweaters, briefs and vests. TEE KAYS jeans and slims, boys', girl's and ladies' in . denim, corduroy and bonded wools. KAYSER and BONNIE DOON leotards and panty hose. •r• ++••r•+.• • and Mr harsh and also with ,er mother, Mrs. Alice lfogridge, in Goderich. Messrs. Ed, Haines and Allan McDougall attended a Youth Rally held over the Thanksgiving tiveck• end in the- Presbyterian Church at Walkerton. Miss Betty harsh, of Hamilton, spent the holiday with her par. eats, Mr, and Mrs, Bert harsh. Congratulatioons ar extended to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bole Dun• calfe, Toronto, on their recent marriage in Toronto. Mrs. Dun• calfe was the former Edna Isabel Archambault, and the attendants were her brother, Mr. Leonard Archambault, and Mrs. Archam• bault, of R.R. 1, Auburn. A recep• lion followed at the Park Plaza. Mr. Douglas and Miss Brenda Ricky and Marilyn Archambault, also Mrs. Bert Craig were guests, Mrs, Edwin Cartwright, Stoney Creek, is visiting with her son, Donald, Mrs. Cartwright, David, Derrick and Lorie. Mrs, John Ilannah, Toronto, is visiting with Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson. Nlrs. Harry Arthur, Miss Judy and Mark and Greg spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Keller at Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. George Rueger, Danny and Terry, of St, Thomas, spent the weekend with Mr. and - Mrs. Donald Cartwright and fam• i ly. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth MoDoug• all, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Gross were recent visitors with the Eachern family at Mount Forest. Mr, Marry Arthur left last week. end for a fishing trip to Northern Ontario with London friends. Mr. and Airs. Don Ives, David and Danny, of Chippawa, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chamney and family, FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS DEMONSTRATED AT AUBURN ,HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1 NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523.4 351 Blyth t ••4+•-• ••4- • • •-•-• •-•-•-•••.-• • • •-•1-•-•-•-•-•-•-•- • •-• •-•-•-•-.4-44444-4-•-•-•-•-•••••-• 4+• .• $ 4•44-.••-••• •••-•-•••••-•••-•-•-•-•••-•-•-• i 1 • • • • • • ♦ See The:. Westinghome Economy Heavy Duey Dryer HEAVY DUTY ALL THE WAY• •— EXCEPT IN- PRICE! Full Load Capacity; Heavy Duty Motor; Ileavy Duty 3•Point i Drum Suspension; Balanced Air Flow System. • • • 1 • • 4 r • • • 4 • • • • • 4 • • • HARDWARE • BLYTH (ronin's TELEPHONE 523 9273 -- 'THREE CHOICES OF DRYING . TEMPERATURE. — Regular, Low, or Air Fluff Time Dry and. Permanent Press Settings on the 'Timer; the Giant Easy.to•reach Dint Collector; Safety Door Switch; and the Porceain Enamel Basket, THE BIG MACHINE WITH THE LOW, LOW PRICES • YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER 1 i 1 MEETING • Flower arrangments, corsages and bouquets were demonstrated by Mrs. Oliver McCharles, Mrs. Cecil Hollands and Mrs. Bent Al- ton of the Lucknow district at the Sepbmber meeting of the Auburn Horticultural Society held in the Community Memorial Hall. The president, Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor, was in charge and welcomed the members and guests. 0 Canada was sung with Mrs, Robert J: Phil- lips at the piano, The minutes were accepted as read by the sec - rotary, Mrs, Bert Craig. The fin- ancial statement was given by the treasurer, Nlrs, W. Bradnock. Mrs. Taylor thanked all who had work- ed so faithfully on the village flower beds, window boxes, and helped paint the letters. She also gave a report of. the convention held this summer in Windsor. The 'guest speakers were intro• duced by Mrs. ;Russel Brindley, Arrangements suitable for Easter, Thanksgiving and other special occasions were made and they used many wild flowers 'and weeds in their displays, A beau. tiful corsage of rosebuds was pin. nett on 'Mrs. Ed, Davies for having a birthday nearest that date. Mrs, Arthur Grange thanked the ladies and Mrs. Donald Haines presented them with small gifts. Tickets were drawn and arrangements were given to the lucky winners, A discussion took place about 'fall bulbs for planting and •these ran be ordered at Robinson's store. The members decided to turn over the Christmas tree lights to the Village for the Trustees to do what they can with them, Mrs, Donald Haines played. a pI• ano solo. Counter Check Books (printed or blank) At The Standard Office 'HE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1 MRS. VERA McCREA HOSTESS TO BELGRAVE GUILD MEE'T'ING The Guild of Trinity Anglican Church, 13elgrave, met recently at the home of Mrs, Vera McCrea, Blyth,, with 10 members present. In the absence of the president, '.;,: Mrs, Robert Procter, Mrs. Laur• once Vannan conducted the meet' ing. She opened with prayer and read the scripture. In the ab. sence of ,Mrs. Clare VanCamp, Mrs. Richard procter acted as se• creta►y; Plans were made for their bazaar on Saturday, November 2, Blyth Lions Club HALLOWE'EN PARTY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS of the DISTRICT Will be held in the Memorial Hall on Thursday, October 31st ,fudging to commence at 7 p.m. sharp PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR THE FOLLOWING: SPECIAL PRIZE ONLY Fancy Dress (best original couple) Boys or Girls.' Ist, 2nd, 3rd CASA PRIZES IN THE FOLLOWING CLASSES Best Fancy Dress (Public School Age) Girls; Best Fancy Dress (Public School Age) Boys; Best Comic Dress (Girls), Best Comic Dress (Boys), PRESCHOOL AGE Rest Fancy Dress (Boy or Girl). Best Comic Dress (Boy or Girl), The participation of all local and. district children is sought at this annual- event. Parents are cordially invited to come with their- children THE CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD INVITES WRITTEN APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF A DAILY PART•TIME INSTRUCTOR IN REMEDIAI, READING. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPER. IENCE MUST BE STATED. All enquiries and applications to be addressed to the following: MR. R. J. IIOMUTII, Principal, Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Ontario. 1 DIAMONDS i SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth s•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•••-•-•-••••••-•-•-•-• MUNICIPAL NOTICE BY ORDER of the Council of the Village of Blyth no leaves are to be burned on Street Allowance, IRVINE WALLACE, Clerk. N •♦ •••-••moi••-•••M •••••-M••-•+F•••4•• 4-• ..,.••• . •, • 4..- • •-•++• j • STOCK FEEDER SALE HENSALL SALES ARENA Monday, October 2ist 7:30 p.m, 600 HEAD Consisting of Calves; Heifers and. Steers FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT THE. MANAGEMENT Victor Hargraves, 482761:1 Jack. Morrissey; 2346200 Auctioneers: Hector McNeil and • Larry Gardiner 14.2 'HE BLYTH STANDARD !FEAR --RATA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1968 the bride, was matron of honour. Mrs, LeRoy Haney and Miss Carol Thompson were bridesmaids with itis Johnston as flower girl. ‘..re idenlicully Perfect Love" and "Love Never , :c :uul l> simple' formal Faileth" during lb ceremony and gowns of deep coral otter "Entreat*Me Not to Leave Thee" ►,'Pie. The sleeveless high - during the signing of the regis,+r,. ;welt gowns featured a slim -fit - Given in marriage by her Lath• tin: skimmer style trimmed with er, the bride chose a floor leegth +vidr hand of white Swiss Gulp - traditional white gown fashioned or lace around the neck and down front lagoda crepe with guipure the centre back; added detail was lace outlining the scoop neckline, emphasized by a coral coloured edging the Nelle sleeves and trim ribbon being threaded through the ming the Aline skirt and detach. lace, To complete the ensemble, able chapel length train. A guip• the attendants wore elbow length ure jullette hat held in place a gloves and for head pieces they four tiered french illusion scallop. ,rllose smglli tailored bows of ed facer veil. She carried a cres• matching fabric. They carried - cent bouquet of Eternal sun res• crescent bouquets of star -burst es and white stephanotis, taunts.' Mrs, Hobert Semple, cousin of Wayne Fear was his brother's WEDDING Amid a setting of candelabra and standards of coral gladioli and star -burst mums, Amy Joyce Rath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rath, Clinton, and Gerald Bruce Fear, son of Mr, and Mrs, Sam Fear, RM. 4, Brussels, exchanged marriage Vows In Wesley -Willis United Church with Dr, A. J. Mowatt officiating for their double -ring ceremony, on Satur- day, September 14, 1968, at 2,30 p.m, Mrs, Donald Andrews, aunt of the bride, accompanied by Lorne Dotterer at the organ, sang "0 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA lir. and Mrs, Murray Smith and and Mrs. Murray Crich anti fan. family spent the weekend with re• ily, Pickerton, Mr. and Mrs. ]lo• datives in Hamilton, bert Stevens and Murray,.London, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Kirkby and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald family, Woodstock, were weekend and family, Walton, visitors with Frank Kirkby and Mary Leeming presided for the Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Kirkby. Walton 4'H Club Girls meeting Jim Rutledge, London, visited held at the horns of Joan Bennett with Mr. and 3Irs. Stewart Hum- October 7, The meeting was open. phries over the weekend, ed with the 441 pledge and 0 Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Murray and Canada. Marie Nolan read the se. Douglas visited on Sunday in Kit- cretary's report. Nine members chener with Mr. and Mrs, Ralph answered the roll call which was Childerhose. "Demonstrate good standing and Mr. Frank Dundas, Dale, Dar• sitting posture." Zippers, belts lene and Debbie, Toronto, spent and how to sew on buttons pro. Thanksgiving weekend with his perly was all part of the discus. mother, Mrs, George Dundas. sion led by Mrs. Gerald Watson Sunday guests at the home of and Mrs. Roy Williamson. Beverly Mr. Malcolm Fraser included Mr. McCall, Mrs, It, Williamson and and Mrs, John Bowes, Ingersoll, Gail Searle served lunch, The next Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Houston, meeting will be held at the home Egmondville, and Mr, and Mrs, of Gail Searle October 21 at 7 p.m, Glen Fraser and family, Stratford. A large number from Walton Mr, and Mrs, Ranton Mitchell, and vicinity attended the benefit of Mitchell, were recent visitors dance at Auburn last Friday night ' with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lem for Mr, and Mrs, Larry Johnston ing, whose barn was destroyed by, fire A family weekend gathering at r'eeeu4, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clem. Mr. Bruce Clark who is attend. ens Stutz, of Golden Valley, in. ing Fanshawe College, London, eluded Dr, and Mrs. Larry Daw- spent the weekend with his par- son, Jeanne and Cathy, Kitchener, eats, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark. Mr. and Mrs, W. Stutz, Waterloo, Mr, and Mrs, Forest McKay Mr, Wolfram Stutz, Toronto, Mr, have moved to their new home in and Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Wal• the village, ton. Miss Glenna Houston, Windsor, Visitors at the home of Mr. and visited over the holiday with her Mrs, Nelson Reid for Thanksgiv- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hous. ing were, Mrs, Laura Machan, Mr, ton, and Mrs. Bob Machan and family, Mrs. Leonard Leeming spent Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffin, all of the holiday weekend with her Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. Russel] Fish. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and er, .of Camlachie,Mrrs, Earle Steele, London. lir. Guests who attended the Papple• Leonard Learning, Ross and Jet'. Turnbull wedding on Saturday in frey visited at the same home on Seaforth and were guests at the.. Thanksgiving Day and Mrs. Lecm- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ing returned home with them, Turnbull were, Mr, and Mrs. Geo- A family gathering held at the rge Habkirk and Jack, Ingersoll, home of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon•Me. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Youngblut, of Gavin last Sunday included, Mr. Woodstock, Mr, and Mrs. Robert and Mrs, John M-eGavin, Leslie, .Habkirk, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Scott, Thornbury, Mr, Douglas Lawless and Dianne, of and Mrs. Wm. Dinsmore, Bruce Burlington, Mr. Murray Lawless, and Peter, Brampton, fTr•. and Ithaca, N. Y. `trs. Neil McGavin, Brian, Cathie, Mr. and Mrs. Hay Huether at• and Jeffrey, .. tended the WaterlooCattle Breed- Mrs. Mabel Vojir, Windsor, vis. ers Annual Banquet held in Kit• fled last week with her $ister•in ehener recently. law, Mrs, Margaret Yumphrles, A family gathering at the home Miss Carol Wilbee,or Stratford of Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Stevens last Teacher's College, spent the week - Sunday included, Mr. and Mrs, end with her parents, Mr, and Kenneth Rogerson, Clinton, Mr, Mrs. Ian Wilbee, Donnybrook News Mr, and Mrs. Edward Robinson, Judy and Janice visited last Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Hu- ey, Wallaceburg, and also called on Mr, Arthur and Mr, Lorne Hor- ley, of Beacher. Mr, and Mrs, Chester Finnigan and family visited last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family, Quite a few from this neighbor- hood attended Vhe special meeting in Auburn United Church Friday evening, Mr, Stewart Toll was guest speaker, 'Mr, and Mrs. Paul Hutchins, Larry, Lorrie, Angela and _Ray- mond, aymond, Goderich, Mrs, Sydney Me• Clinchey, Auburn, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Char- les Jefferson, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Raithby, Auburn, Mrs. Stanley Johnston, . Goderich, called Sun- day evening at the same home, Mr, and Mrs, George Reeves, of Toronto, spent the weekend with lir, and Mrs . Hilliard Jefferson and family. The October meeting of the U. C. W. was held Tuesday afternoon in the Donnybrook United Church with a good attendance. The theme was "Thanksgiving," Mrs. Wm, hardy had charge of the meeting and gave the call to wor• ship, Psalm 742 was read in un- ison, Mrs. Stuart Chantney gave the minutes and the financial re• port. Mrs; John Hildebrand gave a reading and conducted the busi- ness. Catering for a banquet on Novombr 4th was discussed and Mrs, Wilson, Mrs, Thompson, Mrs. Chamney and Mrs, ]lardy were nominated to make further plans for it. Mrs, Robinson read the chapter In the study book, Mrs. Hildebrand read a paper on "Hu. man Rights." Mrs, Hardy read two poems "Thanksgiving" and Every- day veryday Thanksgiving, Mrs, hardy clo- sed the • rneeting with gayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Margar- et Leddy and Mrs. Ray Hanna who were hostesses for the meet. ing, groomsman, Larry Fear and Rus- sell Fear, brothers of the groom, ushered the guests with Jeffrey Biggin, nephew of the groom, act. ing as ring -bearer. For receiving guests at the ho - Ie! Clinton and later at Clinton Community Centre, the bride's mother chose an ensemble of oyst- er French crepe and lace with accessories in tones of mink and brown and a corsage of orange delight roses, The groom's mo• they chose a gown of gold trey lene crintpknit jersey with match- ing hal, brown accessories and a corsage of golden wave roses. For travelling to Montreal and the New England States, the bride chose a three-piece suit of spun English wool' In a deep mustard shade wilt accessories of dark brown and a gardenia for her cor- sage, The happy couple will reside in London, A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALWAYS ON DANT AT THE STANDARD ;N•t++.-+♦+-►-+-f-*+-1+1.•+rr-•-, 9-44-4-11 +4-1 .$ 1 0.4,+-4, •+-114++i-14$ BACK TO SCHOOL TIME is Vitamin Time For The Whole Family I'AIlA11ETTES BONUS PAK . , , . $5,40 $2.95 VITA DIET TABLETS , ........ . , ... .... 0.98 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD . ............. . . . 54.37 and $2.10 NE0 CHEMICAL TABSULES $3.82 and $2,10 COI) LIVER OIL $1,75 and 98c COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES $1,29 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES . , 52.79, $1.59 and 79c I)AYALE'fS ..:,,.•............... ONE A DAY TABLETS ONE A DAY PLUS IRON PARAMCT'I'ES JR. BONUS PAK $5,40 53.79, $2.59 and $2,85 CHOCKS FRUIT FLAVOURED . $2.69 POLY•VI•SOL CHEWABLE VITAMINS .... 52.93 and $1,30 TRI•VI•SOJ, CHEWABLE VITAMINS . , . $2,93 and $1.30 +...w..r11mrlM+ R. D. PHILP, Phm.B DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER -- i'7rone Blyth 523.4440 14-$•N 4.• i + • •-Mii1-♦-N•1••+•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-• ••. *4+ RESPIRATORY DISEASE half of Britain's doctors do not smoke cigarettes. Their quitting' fate is, Dr. B. H. Bass believes, the high- est of any group of males in the world, British doctors are also, he said, the only group which has managed 10 cut down on the fate of deaths from lung cancer. The history of the British doctors was one of the fele encouraging facts related at a plenary session of the Canadian Tuberculosis Association during its an- nual meeting in Vancouver, by Dr. Bass, chief physi- cian of the Good Hope Hospital, Birmingham, Eng- land, as he urged all those interested in reducing chest disease 1:o work harder persuading patients to give up cigarette smoking, 1 t was conspicuous, said Dr, Bass, that the pati- ents of doctors who have given up smoking seem to have less trouble in stopping than those whose doctors still smoke, Illustrating his lecture with slides, the Birmingham physician , showed pictures of patients suffering from a variety of conditions promoted by cigarette smoking --- gangrene, gastric ulceration, "tobacco angina", coronary artery disease, coronary thrombosis and emphysema and of course, lung cancer. His last slide was of a jet airliner, "If I were wealthy," he said, "I might invite you to come with me on sucha plane to some resort. Sup- pose that as we were going up to the embarkation gate it is announced that one in eight of these planes crash- es and that there are no survivors! Wuold you fly? Yet the statistics show that for those smoking 2'0 cigar- ettes a day for 20 years, one in eight dies of rung can- cer." Christmas Seals Fight TB And Other Respiratory Diseases This Advertisement is Published by The Huron County Tuberculosis Association 1