HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-08-07, Page 1THE BLYTH STA DARD $2,50 A Year In Advance -- $3,50 In U.S.A. 13LY'J`Jf, ON'JWBIO — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1968 Father Of Four Small Children Passed Away Suddenly While HoIidayng Here This community was shocked and saddened on Wednesday morn. ing to learn of the sudden pass. ing of Mr, Gerard (Jerry) West• berg, in his 40th year, Jerry, his wife and family, were visiting at the home of his father and ,motherdn-law, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Badley, Morris 'Town. ship. The family had planned to spend their holidays at the Bad- ley farm and had arrived last Fri- day, Jerry was assisting with the chores at the barn when he col- lapsed to the floor unconscious, His .brother-in-law, Richard Bad- ley, rendered aid until the ,ambu- lance arrived to rush him to Clin- ton Public Hospital, He was lat- er removed to Victoria Hospital, London, where he 'passed away without ever regaining conscious- ness, 'Cause of death has not as vet been confirmed and an aut- opsy is being conducted, The deceased was born in York - ton, Saskatchewan on May 27th, 1929, son of Mrs, Oscar Westberg and the late Mr, Westberg. He, married the former Shirley Bad- ley In June 1958, while he was employed on the Clinton Rural Hydro, The couple have four children, Connie 9, Andy 6, Shar- on 5, and Brian 3, who are ]eft to mourn with their mpther, Following their marriage in 1958, the couple Jived in Clinton for a short time until Jerry was transferred' to Stayncr. He had been moved to Bracehridge in Jan- uary of this year, where the fam- ily now makes their home, Jerry had been employed since their marriage with the forestry depart. ment of Ontario Hydro, Surviving besides his wlfc and family and mother are three bro. thers, Leo and Linus, of Saskat• chewan, and Ray of Manitoba; also one sister, Connie, 'Mrs, 0, Mi I lette, of Saskatchewan, The remains are resting at the Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, un. til 9:30 a,m, on Saturday, August 10th, then to St. Michael's Homan Catholic Church, Blyth, for Requ• iern high Mass at 10 aam, Rev, Fr. J. E, Kelly will officiate, Interment will be made in Blyth Union Cemetery. Four Blyth Young Men Escape Almost Certain Death in Sunday Morning Crash' An accident early Sunday, morn- ing at the southern outskirts of Blyth sent -four Blyth young mon to the hogprtal: The 'car, driven by -George 'MoClinohey, }apparently failed to negotiate the turn com• ing into town at the Elliott bus lines building and swerved into the ditch on the west side of Highway No, 4, The vehicle con- tinued up the ditch for a consider. able distance -before coming to a halt inside the fence on the field owned by Edward Watson, Two of the young men were ap. Itarently thrown from the car and it took several hours of work to release the other two from the wreckage, Miracuously none were killed, The three youths riding with Me. Clinchey were John Hoonaard, Don Adam and Jim Gibbons, Jim was treated at Clinton Hos- pital:,for an injury• to` his right eye and later released, . George was kept in hospital until Monday to undergo treatment for head and back injuries, John is still a. patient in Clint. on Hospital and will probably re• main so for considerable time as 'he suffered a fractured vertebrae in Ills hack, It was necessary to remove Don to hospital in London for treatment on a severely injured arm muscle, along with head in- juries. For some time following the crash it was felt that ampu- tation of the arm might be nec- essary, but it is now believed that this can be avoided Blyth Council Meeting Blyth Municipal Council met Tuesday evening, August 6, Those present were, Reeve Cook and Councillors Hubbard, McKay and Watt, Minutes of former meeting read and approved by motion of Colin. cillors Hubbard and McKay, ,Accounts 'Receiver General, U. I, 21.72; :,hell Canada Ltd., balance on lot, `1,274.88; N. Gowing, express, 3,75; Warwick, salary, 328.51; Mait- land Teleservices, phones and lolls, 51,09; Elliott Insurance, Workmen's Compensation and bonding, 189,75; A, M. Harper, bal. ante audit, 180.00; Blyth Hydro, street lights, scale, etc,, 447,62; Aluminum Star Products, plaque, 135.24; A. Manning &.Sons, catch basin, 30.30; Lavis Contracting, cold mix, 10.50; George ,Pollard, streets, 78.96; I, Wallace, salary,, 99,10; Don Gloushcr, cut grass and weeds, 205.45; S. Johnston, 64,00; Doherty Bros,, gas truck, 21.33, car, 8,05, gas lawn mower and sharpen scythe, 2,18, 31.56; J, G. Heffron, garbage collection, .158.- 50; 158:50; W.ejfpre, 32,58, Moved', by Councillor Hubbard, ,seconded by Councillor McKay, above accounts be paid. Carried. Moved by Councillor .Watt, se- conded by Councillor McKay, that we accept with regret the resigna• tion of Dr. , R W, Street as chair- man of -the Blyth Community Be' creation Committee, and to ap point. George Hubbard chairman for the balance of 1968. Carried. Moved by Councillor Watt, see• onded by Councillor Ilubbard that we contact a member of the On, tario Water Resources Commis sion to meet with Council on Au- gust 19th at 8 p,m, Carried, Correspondence ordered filed by notion of Councillor 11feI{ay and Hubbard, A By -Law was presented to au• thorize the regulating and requir• ing the draining, cjeaning and clearing of any grounds, yards and •vacant lots, Moved by Councillor Watt, se- eonded by Councillor McKay, that By -Law No, 6, 1968, be read a 1st and 2nd time, Carried. Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Watt, that Bylaw No, 6, 1968 be passed, Carried, Moved by Councillor McKay, se. conded• by Councillor Hubbard, that ByLaw No, 6, 1968, be read a 3rd time. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Watt, that ByLaw No. 6, 1968, be finally passed, Carried, Moved by' Councillor Watt, se. conded by Councillor McKay, that we now adjourn, Carried. Borden Cook, Irvine Wallace, Reeve, Clerk,Treas, TALL RESULTS IN TWO FRACTURES George Pollard suffered an Injury to his arm and leg last Friday while assisting town fore- man, Jim Warwick, with his chit. les, The two men were spreading chloride on the' village streets at the time the accident occurred, George was in the back of the truck and leaned. against the rack on the right side; It gave way and he fell to the ground, suffer• ing a fractured wrist and ankle. The vehicle was stopped when the accident happened. WHO NEEDS A POLE Robert Cook, If he cares to, will be able to boast about help- ing to catch one of the largest fish in this part of the country. And without n pole yet! Robert was boating at 'Silver Lake on Tuesday with two other vacationers when they noticed a large fish swimming close to the surface of the water, They im- mediately made for it with the boat and were able to run over it twice before snaring it with a rope. When the big lad was landed it turned 'out to be a 431/2 inch 20 pound .pike! FINAL LEAGUE GAME HERE FRIDAY NIGHT WILL. DECIDE FIRST PLACE FINiSHERS -A big bali,. game. will ,take place fit .131yth "tin +1+'riday=night -when Myth aiul Varna will hook up in the last game of the CHSA sched ule. This game will decide- first place as Blyth and Varna are again 'tied for the league lead • The fellows hooked up in a tight battle with Benmiller here last Friday night in a game that wasn't *decided until the ninth inning. Harold Knox hit a two run triple to tic the score in the ninth and 'Ed, Daer followed him with a round tripper, scoring three more tallies, , John Stewart started on the mound for Blyth and worked un• til he was relieved in the sixth inning by Ed. Daer. George Ost- er caught for both pitchers, John racked up five strikeouts while - Ed, was able to fan seven, Make it a point to be at the park this .Friday night to take part in the action, WING 1/151 DEFEATS ('HSA ALL•STABS Wingham Goodyears again de- feated the CHSA All -Stars Sun• clay afternoon in Wingham by the score of 8 to 4, The' two teams go right back at it again this Wednesday night in 'the first ga'rne of the playoffs. The second game will be played in Wingham Sunday afternoon and the dates of future games are yet to be announced, Mr, and Mrs, Larry Walsh and Susan, of Toronto, visited over the holiday weekend with his par- ents, Mr, and airs, Ben Walsh and Steven, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Buchanan and family returned to Windsor, on Monday after spending the month of July at Elliott's Grove, near Bayfield, Mrs, E. J. Churchill, of Moss• ley, was a recent visitor in Blyth, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Wallace returned home on Monday night from a trip to Moosenee and other districts. HOLIDAYS Volume 80 . No, 07 Single Copies Six Cents ... AT LAST! So what's all the cheerin about around the old Standard of Tice these days? Well, that' right, you guessed it. Holiday time has finally arrived! We don't want do leave you with the impression that we're lazy or anything, but goldarnit we are really looking forward to two weeks away from the daily grind — what with all of the hot, humid weather we have been hay. ing for the past, several days, But never fear folks, it's going to cool off for the next couple of weeks at least. It will probably get hotter than old hades again along about the last week in Aug- ust. As you probably know, we usu- ally take the first two weeks in August for our holidays, but an excess of job printing has held us up a week, And from the weather conditions so far this week, we probably .should have continued on schedule anyway. 13ut as we ail know, there is al. ways enough work piled up when one returns from holidays with - amt leaving a pile of it when you leave. We haven't really anything fancy planned for the two weeks. ;Just a lazy fow days around the cottage near Bayfield doing just what we've been wanting to do every day for the past fifty weeks, Namely golfing, swimming and boating, then golfing boating, golf• ing, golfing, wimming, `golfing, ;;offing and boating, in that order. It's going to be great, you know. We'll sit around one day making plans for all, of the work to e done. the next. And glen just sitting, aropnd the, next clay with the feet up: she-ing,' readintantl.: giving orders to the "better half" and clucking from the punches. It's our first holiday since the young lad has been able to get g about and fend for himself a - bit, He's fourteen months old s now and just full of pep, vim and vigor. He really seems to enjoy cottage life and loves to frolick around in the water, So we prob- ably should have dhanged the , word golfing to baby in tile fore• going paragraph. But anyway he's great fun and we enjoy every minute of it. We also plan to get in a few visits with friends during the two week interval. Visits, we might add, that we have been meaning to make for quite some time now and just neverseem to get around to it. On the top of the list are , our good friends in Sarnia, Cliff and Marie Walsh. So throw out red shingle -- or carpet — Cliff, We'll be coming around the corn• er one of these days. We don't mean to get t`oo'°per. sonal In these little writeups, but just thought it a good chance to warn Cliff to sharpen up that old golf game, Although we'd better not shout too loud, he's liable to sic the young lad on us. Layton has been caddying at the Sarnia Golf and County Club now, and with his size and this experience,. could probably makeus eat our words, While speaking of Cliff, there's an extremely good show making the rounds of local theatres now which tells the Wold ,War II ex. ploils of his old regiment, "Tha. Essex Scottish," By all reports i' is a thrilling picture, one which every Canadian should see. The name of it is "The Devil's Bri- gade." So here we, are.:, Just windings_ things, up'. for •-�another� week. -ane: we'd better shut up or.*'ll never make those holidays. BE SEEINC YOU IN THREE WEEKS -- Aug• 1st 28th. Items About People We Know Guests on Sunday at the home cf lir, 'and Mrs, George Hamm Jr. anti family were, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Uniac and family, and the Tatter's mother, Mrs, Reta Rolls of Stratford, Mrs, Rolls visited during the week with her sister, :,frs, Joe [McCaughey and Mr, 1fcCaughey, and other relatives, After visiting for two weeks with relatives in Tottenham, Mid- land and Parry Sound, Miss Pearl (;idley returned home on Monday. .lir, and Mrs. Louis Darnall, of London, who were camping at foderich were guests for a day last week with Mrs, Sadie Cum. ing. Mrs. Darnall was the for. iner, 'Margaret McMillan, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Moody, of Windsor, were Blyth visitors on Tuesday, Norman` has recently retired from his job with the Can. adian imperial Bank of Commerce and he and his wife are spending a few week's holidays at their cot. Page at Grand Bend, Mr, Stewart Anent is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital having surgery on Thursday morning. We wish hint a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Iiugh S, Cuming and Gloria, of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. G. 0. Bradley and family, of Meaforcl. Gloria remained with Miss Bonnie Suzanne Bradley for a weeks holi• day camping at the lake shore, Mr, and Mrs, Cuming on their way home on Tuesday called on his mother, Mrs, Sadie Cuming, and uncle, Mr, Robert Somers, Airs, Donald Youngblut and children, of London, visited last Thursday with her parents, -Mr, Fund Mrs, Frank- Marshall. hiss Beth James, of Ahnonte, called during the weekend at the • homes of Mr. Frank Marshall and Mr, Robert Marshall, Her grand- mother was a cousin of Mr, Frank Marshall. Beth is at present on 4-1-1 Student exchange, staying at the home of Anne de Groot, of Westfield, .Miss Sherri Marshall is holiday- ing at the home of her grandpar. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mar• shall. Miss Belva Draper, of Algonae, Michigan, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dairym• ple, and cousins, Mr, and Mrs, liebo Siertsema, Jean, Alan and Kenneth. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Cecil Cartwright is a patient to Clinton Public Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webster are visiting relatives in Sault Ste Ma. rie, Ontario and Michigan, Mrs. ilattie Crawford, of Florida, will accompany them home, Holiday guests with Mr, and airs, Lorne Scrimgeour were Mr. Lynn Youngblut, of Toronto, and his mother, Mrs. Major Youngblut, of Auburn, Mr, and Mrs. Cameron, of Kitchener, Brian Marks and Jack Penny, of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Buchner, Mrs, Shirley McDonald and sons, Ian and Jamie, of Dearborn, Mi• chigan, recently called on Miss Pearl Gidley, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Radford and Shelley; of Port Colborne, visited for a week recently with his mo. ther, Mrs, Norman Radford, Mrs, Norman Radford returned home Wednesday, July 24, after visiting with Rev. and Mrs, Donald Snell and family, at Drayton Val. ley, Alberta, 11er grandson, Les. lie Snell, returned here with her, She also visited with Mr, and Mrs. Edward Crawford, at Manitou, and 1tr, and Airs, Elmer Stemler, 'of Pilot. Motutd, and other friends in Manitoba, THE BLYTH StPANDAlRD — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1968 1.. SO;11E WOES •ON WOMEN • There is something 'deeply disturbing about the attitude to• ward life of the modern North American 'woman, Alen haven't really changed much, basically, since Julius Caesar and his boys crossed the Rubicon. They still like to make war and make love; they still drink more than Is good for them; they still like playing games better than improving their property; • they still have some romance and illusion in their souls; they still loathe facing up to family problem in little "talks" with their mates, • Take a modern politician, drape hint in a toga, ;and he'd be right at home In the senate of anclent'Ronie. Take a modern gen. era!, ;hang a shit of armor land ,a helmet on hint, stick hint on a horse, and you wouldn't know him from 'a Crusader of the middle ales. But take a modern woman but of her modern kitchen, away from her 'wall•to4all 'broadlooin and diiinp her in a thatched -roof • cottage with outside facilities and no detergents, and what would you have? A screaming nieemie; that's ‘y.' bat you'd have. Even if Mr. and Mrs. Will Shakespeare lived in fixe thatched cottage next door, • This comment is written more in sorrow than in anger. 1 don't put all the Blaine on the creatures themselves. I think their greedy _materialism, relentless:reality and total lack of appreciation of the finer things in life — like their husbands — are a result of the stresses of the age, Too much warmed -Over psychology. Too notch hard.sell advertising. They all want to look 'like Paris models, But they don't do enough physical work and they eat too much, So they get fat. There's a stress right. there. They all want ti eir._,children •'fo fie haiiiisonie and brilliant. So they spend thousands of dollars straightening the kids' ,eyes and teeth and `pushing 'them•at school and nagging them about music lessons and comparing them Auntavorably with kids 'who are hand• some and brilliant. Their own kids, !naturally, respond by getting fat and pimply, needing braces and glasses, growing neurotic, and failing their exams. Another stress, They all Want their husbands to be a combination of Richard Burton, J. P, Morgan, and Caspar Milquetoast. That's a little rough to come' by these days, so they take it out on the poor Adam they got nut of the grab-bag, Frustration arid guilt. Two more stresses. 'they erave security. More and more of it. So they push their men harder and harder to build up a bigger estate, and more and more insurance, in order that 'they can join the hordes of lonely 'widows 'in 'Florida, sitting 'around 'telling each other what a grand chap poor Herman was 'before Joe *piked himself to death 30 years ago. They all want to be loved and cherished. And they spend all their time complaining about their health, their children, their husbands, and all the things other women have that they don't. Who's going to love and cherish a' walkie-talkie• with a built=in whine? Tiley all want to 'be' beautiful 'And they all go around with lips pressed tight, mouth turned down, and a • big scowl. When wn' the last time you heard your Wife" singing, Jack ? There's only one solution, of course, for the girls. and it would not be' a 'popular one "The' answer Is back to the scrub,boatrd and the sewing 'n 'achine, 'the 'vegetable garden 'and the 'preserving kettle, - I Would not 'have you think these few observations are offered in an unkindly spirit, They are' merely the result of over• hearing a conversation' today between my Old Battleaxe and her sidekick across the street. For half an hour, they vied with each other in relating, with chapter and verse, what useless articles' Bill and John (incl• dentally, two of the sweetest guys in town) turned out to be, Il!!''i!illi!8lglflyuii�llffll!lil!flll!!!i1111�i!! 1)Iiiliill�i>i i illli► nlll�'(f !I! III&l! GGi�!ii llfll'CiltClli!!!it►1Ui 1111nl 'I ill1111!N it►.il!!pl!! 1!111111! THE MYTH STANDARD Serving 'the' Blyth Community Since ]88i WALTON NEWS Mr, and Mrs, Ray Huether, Ste- phen and John spent a few days last week In the Muskoka district. Mrs, Harold Brown and Lorne, of Burlington, spent last weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Allan McCall, Beverly returned with them for a weeks holidays. Mr, Prank Dundas, Dale and Debbie, Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. George Dundas, Rev. and Mrs, D, E, Docken are vacationing near Meaford. Church services have been with• drawn in Duffs United Church for August llth, 181h, and 25th, and will be resumed on September 1, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Humphries and Cathie, • of London, visited over the weekend with the farm- ers_ parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. lferbert Kirkby, Mark and Stephen, of Woodstock,' spent the weekend with Mr. Frank Kirkby and Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Kirkby. lir, and Mrs, Ross Bennett, Nancy and Peter spent the Week- end with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Ben• nett, at Orillia, Karen Young, of Blyth, spent last week With Bevet+ly McC411, The Walton Intermediates and the young married men played an exhibtion softball game last Tues. day evening in the community park ending with a. score of 9 to 8 for the Oldsters. Airs. Guy Ryan, Tom and Kath- leen, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Hodg- ins and Edward, of Lucan, spent Sunday with Ur. anct Mrs, Nelson Reid. Mrs. G. E. Gardiner, of Prince Albert, Sask., spent a few days with Mrs, W, R, Broadfoot, Mrs. Robert, 11feMillan, of Seaforth, visited at the same home last Tuesday. OBITUARY 'MRS. REBECCA JOHNSTON Mrs, Rebecca Johnston, widow of the ,late Silas Johnston,,of Wal- ton, passed away=at Iiut'onview on July 16 in her 88th year. She was the daughter of the late Alex Forrest and Annie Bell, and `after her marriage, farmed on the first Concession of Morris. Itt 1913 the family moved to the Wal. ton Community where they farmed on the 10th Concession of Grey until they retired to Walton in the 1930's, She was a life long memher.of the Walton United ,diitir-ch and the Womens' organiiations'of the church, For a great number of years she taught the - primary class in the Sunday School. She leaves a family of three sons, Harvey, of Clinton, Bert, of Goderich, and James of, Essex; al- so eight grandchildren and six- teen great-grandchildren, one sis• ter, Mrs. llfartin (Mary) Kerr, of Burt, Michigan, and a number of nephews and nieces. The funeral'was held en'•July.19 from the D. A. 'Kann Funeral Home'at Brussels' with Rev. Grant Mills, , of the Clinton United Chur- ch in charge of the service. Bur• . ial was in the Brussels Cemetery. The pallbearers were Charles Johnston, Carl Johnston, Kenneth Johnston, William Peacock, Her. best- Traviss and Kenneth'MeDon• ald. Relatives attended the funeral from: Michigan, Dean. Lake,r.Kin• card.,ine, North Bay 'arid 'other points. published every Wednesday.' at Queen Street, ELYTH, - ONTARIO. Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. • Member Canadian and Ontario eekty Newspaper "Associations 'Subscription' Rates: tanada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Outside - Canada –On advance) $3.50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as , second class mail, by the: Post _Office Department, 'Ottawa, and for payment 'af`�possagee in • cash" i.i of jS-:• •'j..tyivo.-$ •Y•od's ,i 2,t 'Pf.r.rpi e-, i . !{�!'igly��!q!I!!!1!nlnnlf!��l!8!!G!Illy!`,!!!!!!1!!!�':N!1!n':!!!'"!1► P!!?;!'!'!'!!'i!If�!71!!'71p!l!!?iL�'! nolo!lnnnln!!!nnipl!pll!►.!g1�11h11!I�UIn!►Ni!l�plll!�lllu�lpl�li!I!!I�l�!I!i;IIi�!il A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE STANDARD NDARD ! , ;';i... .I ;, ! . ! , i. • ..� ....; i ,.��., � � Iq �p jlii`{i; !j �if ! i I i +n {i i I ! � i 1 i � i � !t •�. ill �.U! � li . � l t!. FROM THE MINISTER'S stUY '''here is a record of G, IL Chesterton, on one occasion sttg• gosling that when a person is interested in getting a satisfactory boarding house and starts out to look for one he frequently does not ask the right questions. Instead of asking whether the room is warm, whether the bed is comfortable and the meals satisfactory he should instead fix the land lady with a steady eye and ask her "Lady what is your complete view of the universe?" What he was suggesting was that one's whole way of conduct is determined by that which he really believes, It is fairly obvious of course that one's every action is a revelation of what he really believes, whether the individual is conscious of the fact or not. The overwhelming majority of people in our part of the world are quick to affirm their :belief in God and doubtless they are quite honest in that, But what kind of God? A first cosmic urge? A super Santa Claus? An arbitrary dietatar? A tienigh old man in the sky? A New Testament devotes a considerable amount of space to an attempt to clarify people's understanding of What Goct is like. The people with whom Jesus talked believed in God, but in many different from ,the God in whom he believed, Jesus encouraged people to address God as Father, Ile apparently believed in a God who embodied the hest qualities of fatherhood that we can comprehend. Recall his words "If you being evil can give good gifts to your children ho'ty much More shall your heavenly Father give good gifts to them that ask him," in providing good gifts "Your heavenly Cattier knows that you 'have need o1' these things," There must have been times when it was not ea$y .for Jesus to keep his faith in the goodness of God, for life for hl`tn Was no primrose path. lie clung to that faith however and the last words to pass his mortal lips were "Father into thy hands 1 'commend my Spirit." It was what Jesus believed about God that was •hack of his way of life and what We believe about God Is tire most basic thing about us, 1.1.11!!!!lilf 1111111!!!!! I!!!!!ll!!;R Call In For A Delicious Treat M. ICE CREAM SUNDAES »• P01' -• CHIPS LIGHT LUNCIiF,S • MEALS CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Lavery Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL RLYTA, ONTARIO Phone 523.4391 - "It•,' .,,.i,,.t�'fY',I.Y'tilt,•jet.,l!Q!!!�IM'.flllr'1'"i�+llul ttt1711�� 1t* JTtt'itPS ST. AND -RESTS PRESBYTERIAN GiIUi E, REV. ItOliElt'r U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. Church Service 1:00 p.m. Sunday :Schen! CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEA1'E,'PAS'hOlt 10:00 a.nt, -, Sunday School, 11;00 stmt -- Worship, 7:30 ,p.m. -- Prayer and Bible Study. 'rliougitt For 'The 'Week "Be not deceived; God is not mocked," Galatians 6:7 "The mills of God 'grind slowly, But they grind exceedingly:line." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHIJRCf 'REV. !IL W. KROl;7,E, '10113ISTER 10;00 a.m. — Morning Worship, 3:00 p.m, -- Afternoon Service, „ Both Services in English today, ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev,' G. E. Pakcnham, ` Rector • Trinity Church Blyth:, 10:00' a.tn, — Mornin Prayer, `'trinity Church, ' Belgrave: b1:15 atm, Moly Comninnion, St. ` Mark's Church, 'Auburn: 1':30 pan. – -'Evening Prayer. St.: Paul's' Church, Dungannon: ...AA p.m, -- Evening Prayer. THE UNITED ' CHURCH OF CANADA RE1'...'W. 0. AI tTI11;It, BSA., B.O., MINISTER Mrs.'Donald' Kai; Director 'of Music. 'iliere is 'no' Sunday School during ' Atigust.. 11,00 a.m. -• Morning Worship "Christianity -- The .Way of "'Madam" , VIII II 1 i I' � 1 � �I lint �I �I I 1 I! I.1 I1 iI , II � � Itl it �111(IHI. VIiI it 1� IIIif i ll�lf 1111!111 lllllilll�llll!IIII l i f Illi i IIIIHifllllldul('Ifllltllll�lllllll�illl I1111�I�INIII�11l�l�l�1�111{{II!11i�!�U!I1Nill,ll.l: Congratulations Congratulations to Mr, Moody Holland who celebrates his birth- day on August 18. Congratulations to Mr. I3111 Zimmerman who celebrates his birthday on August 19. Congratulations to Mr, harry Lear who celebrates his birthday on August 20. Congratulations to Mrs, Ray- mond Snell who celebrates her birthday on August 21. Congratulations to Miss Nancy Caldwell who celebrates her birth• day on August 22. Congratulations to Mr. Ron Philp who celebrates his birthday on August 24. Congratulations to Debbie Mc- I3eth who celebrates her birthday on August 24. Congratulations to Mrs. Esther Johnston who celebrates her birthday on August 25, Congratulations to Debbie llun• king who celebrates her birthday on August 25. Congratulations to Mr, Leonard Archambault who celebrates his birthday on August 25, CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE ONLY DRESSES GREATLY REDUCED I4••••••••• 4444 M4 *V•••INI• INNVrIrv? I• The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast tpendable Service, 4+e-•-• Y • • • • • • • • • • • • BLYTIL, ONT., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER • t Niasomamiim •• r • • • Fruits and Vegetables • • • • • Fresh and Cooked Meats • • • •• • BUY OF THE WEEK • • MAXWELLHOUSE INSTANT COFFEE • • • BIG 7 OZ. JAR 1.19 • • • • MAXWELLHOUSE COFFEE • • • 1 LB. BAG 79c •44-4-•-•-•-•-•••-•-• • •'• •-+•-•-• •'fir -F• r• -r• 4 • • • • Stewart's Redf3 White Food Mkt. Groceries • • • Van Camp Beans with Pork, 19 oz. 4 tins 89c Giant Size Fab, 15c off 79c ivory Hand Soap 4 bars 33c McCormick's Marshmallows, 1 lb. bag 3 for 1.00 Weston's Lemon Tarts, reg. 45c , , .. now 39c Brownie's Drive -In CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8,00 ' p.m. First Show at Dusk STARTING (AUGUST 11) SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIES USUAL STARTING TIME' F'IRST SHOW AT DUSK Refer to Your Program For Sunday Features THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 8 & 9 GRAND PRIX JAMES GARNER, EVA MARIE SAINT and YVES MONTAND Color Cartoon Due ti) length of this Feature — One Show Nightly at 9.00 p.m, SATURDAY, SUNDAY MONDAY & TUESDAY August — DOUBLE FEATURE — "How To Save A Marriage- And Ruin Your Life" Showing at, 9,00 p.m. -- Starring DEAN MARTIN With Stella Stevens — In Color — AND "The Happening" Showing at 11.00 p.m. Anthony Quinn • • Faye Dunaway and Michael Parks (Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoon WED., THURS., FRI August 14.15.16 — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "YOURS, MINE AND OURS" Showing at 9.00 p.m. — Starring LUCILLE BALL HENRY FONDA VAN JOHNSON In A Zany Comedy — PLUS "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" At 11 p.m.—(Adult Entertainment) Starring ZERO MOSTEI. and PAIL. SILVERS In Color Cartoon SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY August 17.18.19 — DOUBLE FEATURE — (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) 'The Miniskirt Mob' Jeremy Slate • • Diane Menai!' Color "The Road Hustlers" Robert Dix • • Scot Brady Color Cartoon I'UES., WED. — August 20.21 COUNTRY MUSIC DOUBLE FEATURE IN COLOR "40 Acre Feud" THE I3LYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1968 WEDDING STOREY—RILEY Londesboro United Church de- corated with candelabra and bas- kets of red peonies was the setting for the wedding of Linda Dianne Riley and Robert William Storey recently. The Rev. Robert Tschan- tz officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Alvin Riley, RJR. 1, Londesboro, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William John Storey, R.R. 2, Seaforth. The organist, Mrs. Harry Lear, Londesboro, accompanied the sol- oist, Mrs. Frank Grealis, London, when she sang "The Wedding Prayer," "The Lord is My Shep- herd" and "Because." The 'bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown fashioned of peau de soie and lace in a Aline style with an empire waistline. The chapel length train also of lace was held by a Targe bow. Her shoulder - length veil was held with a pearl tiara. She carried a floral crea- lion of red roses, The maid of honour, Miss Shir- ley Craig, cousin of the bride, of 60 Dufferin Street, Guelph, and the bridesmaids, Mrs. Lloyd Dale, the groom's sister, R.R. 2, Sea - forth, and Miss Jannette Tilley, sister of the bride, R:R. 1, Lon• desboro, were gowned alike in floor length mint green nylon sheer gowns, Aline style with lace bodices, Their matching short, veils were crested with roses and leaves. They carried crescent bouquets of shastas. Mr. Raymond Cook was grooms• man, and the ushers were Mr, Lloyd Dale, brother-in-law of the groo►n, R.f(. 2, Seaforth, and Mr. Tom Riley, brother of the bride, of Fort William. A reception was held in the church parlor where the bride's mother received the guests wear• ing a white and blue dress with silver sparkles, turquoise acces- sories, and a corsage of pink car- nations. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a two- piece aqua suit with hat to match, and white accessories, with a cor• sage of pink carnations. For their honeymoon trip to the West Coast, the bride dressed in a white lace and mauve skim- mer dress with coat to match, white accessories and an orchid corsage. On their return they will take up residence at R.R. 2, Sea. forth. Guests were present from Fort William, Weston, Guelph, Paris, London, Ailsa Craig, Belton, Woodstock and Stratford. Morris Township Council Meeting The Morris Township Council met on Monday, August 5, in the 'township Hall with Reeve Wil- liam Elston and the Councillors all present. Moved by Thomas Miller, sec- onded by Robert Grasby, that the minutes be adopted as read. Moved by Ross Smith, seconded by ,Tames Mair, that road accounts in the amount of $5,111,01 as pre- sented by the Road Superintend• rnt be accepted. Carried. (Moved by Robert Grasby, sec- onded by Thomas Miller,_, that General Accounts be paid as pre- sented. - Moved by James Mair that the meeting adjourn to meet again September 4, at 1 p.m. or at the call of the Reeve. The general accounts paid were: Township of Grey, for 5bh conces- sion drain, 33.57; Lloyd Warwick, re Bluevale street lights, 27,50; Village of Brussels, nursing home care, 52.58; Cook's Superior Food Market, Welfare, 23.89; Gowing Sunoco Service, Welfare, 9.00; .John Brewer, part salary, 200,00; Pardon Motors, Welfare, 7.74; Ross McEwen, Welfare, 23.67; Helen Martin, salary, 130.67; Can- adian Imperial Bank of Commer- ce, Income Tax and Canada Pen- sion, 8,71; George Michie, salary, 45.00. Road Accounts Wingham Tire Service, truck tube, 9,25; Oldfield Hardware, al- uminum paint, 7.04; Rowcliffe Mo- tors, starter, housing and hendix, 26.75; Robert Burns, shaft, bush- ings, bearings, 11.20; Fawcett Met. al Products, new culverts, 372.67; Lloyd Jacklin, loading and haul- ing gravel, 2,847.00; J. C, McNeil, overhauling truck, loader motor, 777.71; Daniel Lichty, pit run gra- vel, 25,20; Walter Shortreed, pit run gravel, 97,72; Alex Inkley. fuel oil, tax and gas, 214.67; Mait- land Teleservice, rent and tolls, 26.93; Bank of Commerce, pen- sion, 9.22; Receiver General un- employment insurance, 6.25; Wm. MeArter, mileage, bookkeeping, and wages, 189.90; James Case - more, wages, 478.00; John Smith, wages, 31.50. Wm. Elston, Helen Martin, Reeve, Clerk, OBITUARY MRS, EARL. (VERNA) DEANS Mrs. Earl (Verna) Deans, 32, of 368 Calgary Street, London, was killed early Sunday morning as she tried to cross I-lighway 22, two miles west of Lobo. A Strathroy OPP spokesman said Mrs. Deans had stopped her car on the westbound shoulder, and started to cross the highway while her husband remained in the car. Felin husky •• Skeeter Davis She was struck by a car driven Color by Leonard E. Smith, of R.R. 5, Strathroy. Mrs. Deans was hurled about 50 feet, The accident took place at 12:15 a.m. when traffic was described as very light. Mrs, Deans was the former Verna Kathleen Forbes. Besides her husband, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Adin Forbes, Seaforth; sev- en sisters, Mrs. Kenneth (Thelma) Coombs, Mrs. Leslie (Phylis) Coombs, hiss Lynda, all of Sea- fonth; Mrs. Ross (Gladys) Thuell, Phoenix, Arizona; Miss Leona, Kitchener; Mrs. Arthur (Avis) Parker, London; Alms. Clar- ence (Marlene) Robinson, Colling- wood; one brother, Kenneth, Kit - "The Nashville Rebel Tex Ritter, Sonny James, Faron Young Color . Cartoon TIHUJ1S., FR1,, SAT., SUN., MON., TUES., WED. August 22 to 28 •-- 7 BIG NIGHTS — DOUBLE FEATURE — ACADEMY AWARD WANNER. "GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER" Spencer Tracey • Sidney Pottier Catlherine Iiepbun Color " " chener. "Casino RO,yale The funeral service was held al Peter Sellers Ursula Andress the R. S. Box Funeral Home, Sea• Color Cartoon forth, on Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Bur- ial took place in Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Arte Peters, R.R. 2, Brussels, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Ralph Buffinga, son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Albert Buffinga, The wedding will take place on August 17, at 3;30 o'clock in the Presbyterian Church, Blyth. Driver Drowsiness Drivers: Drowsiness behind the wheel can cost you your life. Fighting heavy eyelids with eyes just aching tp close is a dangerous struggle. If you're even a little drowsy , . . stop driving. A short rest can be amazingly refreshing. By stopping for a hot hover - age .... a short nap „ or a brisk walk you can help pre- vent a serious accident. To avoid drowsiness while driv- ing, make sure you have lots of fresh air and keep your eyes busy checking front, sides and rear. Remember . driver drowsinesscan be deadly. DON'T RUSK IT! THE BLYTR STM DARD -- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1968 i BEADY TO WEAR SUITS FOR MEN IN CHECKS, PLAINS AND STRIPES (all wool) 2 PANT SUITS sizes 36 to 46 79.95 Iterations included R. W. NladilI's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYSWEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE "WE SPECT &.LIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 5234461 Phones Residence 523-4522 Hullett Township Budget Set At August Meeting --- Surpasses Quarter Million $ The Council of Hullelt mut in the Londesboro Community Hall on Monday, August 5 with the Reeve and all Councillors present. A motion by Leonard Archam- bault and John Jewitt: That we accept the minutes of July 2nd and July -9th meetings. Carried. Motion by Leonard Archambault and Joe Honking: That we open the Court of Revision on the Ger rits Drainage Works and name Hugh Flynn as Chairman. Carried, There were no appeals to deal with on this .Drain. Motion by Joe Hunking and John Jowitt: That we close the Court of Revision on the Gents Drano, Carried. • Motion by Charles Scanlon and Leonard Archambault: That we open the Court of Revision on the Baker Drain and that Hugh Flynn be Chairman, Carried. A letter from Mr. Udcrstadt, the Engineer, was read, recom- mending a change in assessment as a result of discussion at the .reading of the report. Also there was a letter from Mr. Baker sug- gesting the name be that of an older resident, Motion by John Jewitt and Charles Scanlon: That we accept the Engineer's recommendations for change of assessment on Lot 18, Concession 11, Baker Drainage Works. Carried. • Motion by Leonard Archambault. and Joe Hunking: That being as there is no complaints we do now close the Court of Revision on the Baker Drainage Works. Carried. Motion by John Jewitt and Joe Flunking that By -Law 1963-15 he read a first and second time. Carried. Motion by Charles Scanlon and John Jewltt that By -Law 1968-15 having been read a first and sec- ond time be passed. Carried. Motion by Leonard Archambault and Joe Honking that ByLaw 1968 15 be read a third time. Carried, Motion by Charles Scanlon and John Jewitt that By -Law 1968-15 having been read a third time and passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Mun. 4,.++++4+4-..-4-*++++++4÷0-.444 i i FOR ECO'NOMY & PERFORMANCE I i I A "Hamm Deal" Tops Them All 4' 1968 FORD Galaxy 500, 2 dr. hard top, V 8, Automatic. 1968 FALCON 4 door. 1968 FAILANE 4 door. 1968 FORD half ton. 1967 PONTIAC 4 door, hard top 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2 door, auto. 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4 door, auto. 1966 CHU. 4 door, automatic. 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, V 8. 1966 FALCON 4 door, 1964 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., V 8, Auto. • 1964 CHEV. VAN • 1963 FORD 4 door. 1963.FORD 2 door. 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 door. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's CAR LtdMBOntario. Phone 5+23.9581 icipality be aftlx'td thirreto. Carried. 'Motion by Charles Scanlon and John Jewltt that we accept the petition of L. Reid and W. Gloush- er for cleanout of Pollard Drain on Lot 24, Con. 10. That we name Charles Scanlan as commis- sioner. Carried. •Motion by John Jewitt and Charles Scanlon that we accept the petition of Theo Flynn and others for a cleanout on the Flynn Drain and name Hugh Flynn as commissioner. Carried. Alotion by Leonard Archambault and John Jewitt that we accept the petition for a cleanout on the Kinburn Swamp Drain, Lot 6, Con. 3, to Lot 15, Con, 4, Carried. 1 BURNS' U.C.W. MEETING The financial statement to the end of June was presented, show- ing borrowings for the current year of $50,000,00. The Budget for 1968 in the amount of $273, 434.00 was discussed. •Motion by John Jewitt and Joe tlunking that we accept the Bud- get for 1968 as presented. Carried. Motion by Leonard Archambault and Joe ihunking that the accounts as read be accepted, pas Carrie& paid. A report from Burns Ross As- sociates showed the estimate for four culverts Or the Township as $20,900.00 In place. The road building will cost a- bout $18,000.00 when completed. Accounts totalled $20,774.23 --- General $7,357,61 and Roads 13,416.62. Motion by Leonard Archambault and Joe flunking that we do now adjourn to meet again nn Sept- ember 2nd at 8:30 p.m. Carried. THE NATIONAL SCENE By Raymond Canon Strike Out 1 am one of those unfortunate people who have suffered considerable financial loss as a result of the postal strike. Having just found out that negotiations have been suspended for the time being, 1 will feel the pinch even more before it is all over. But then, having talked with numerous people on this matter, 1 have come to the conclusion that there are a considerable number who are in the same financial boat as I, and that my annoyance at seeing negotiations drag on is also shared by an increasing number of people. 1 do not argue with the postmen's right to strike. After all, they were given this right my the government,, and, whether we like it or not, they can use it as often as they wish. However, what is disturbing Is that so many innocent citizens these days have to suffer from strikes, to say nothing of the loss which the postal workers, among others, will undergo, since they have no strike pay coming in, What this walkout and all the others we have seen .this year does make one wonder if there is a superior way of settling wage disputes than resorting so often to strikes. When the cost of all the strikes in one year is added up, it is quite evident that we are paying a high price for this right, and frankly the price has risen so high that it is about time that serious effort was made to find a substitution, One of the first places to look for a possible solution as in countries where strikes are a rarety. In this respect, one of the most notable .is Sweden whose low number of strikes should make us green with envy. While the Swedes do not have all the answers, it is worth the effort to study how they go about it, and see if something workable might be implemented here. After all it was from Scandinavia that we got the idea of the ombundsman, an independent official to whom private citizens can appeal If they think they have been unjustly treated by the government. The Swedes have used this idea as well in their labour relations, and such is the confidence placed in these authorities that labour as Well as management adhere to their decisions. 1 also like the attitude shown by the Swiss labour unions. Not too long ago these unions decided not to ask for a reduction in the work week since such an action would only serve to lower he standard of living -- a standard that the workers had striven Bard to reach, and did not wish to upset. Judging from some of the statements made -by labour unions in this country, especially on subjects such as wage parity, working conditions, etc., such an action would be as welcome here as the proverbial skunk at a garden party. And yet it all goes to show that unions can take responsiblo attitudes, and avoid running the, risk of killing the goose that laid the golden egg. This is not to say that labour management relations In other countries are superior to those to be found in Canada. You have only to look to France and Gt. Britain to see examples o1 some of the most irresponsible action on the labour front, We must, however, get rid of the idea that we can afford wage parity with the 'United States, that we can go on demanding and receiving sizable wage increases, and that the ultimate weapon is always the strike. Strikes may have their place in wage disputes, but When fcfey consistently cause hardship 'and inflation, it is about time we found some suitable replacement, A nation that loses over 5 milltbn man - days of work in one year is certainly not functioning properly, and all of us who suffer financially or otherwise from a strike throttgh no fault of our own may well ask just how long we have to goon before sono+thing concrete is dobe. The July meeting of the Burns' U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Jack 'Riley on Wednesday evening with 16 members and one visitor present. 1U's. Jim Scott opened the meet- ing with a reading followed by hymn 356. Mrs, Scott read the scripture and led in prayer. hymn 390 was sung. Mrs, Rice gave the Bible Study taken from St, Luke, Chapter 24, verses 1335. Mrs. Ed. Bell conducted the business session. Roll Call was answered by a Bible verse, and minutes of the last meeting were read. The treasurers report was given by Miss Jean Leiper. (Members arc asked to study Acts, Chapter 9, in preparation for a discussion at the next meeting. • The meeting closed with a pray- er. Grace Was sung and lunch se r- eed. (JON GR A'Pl1LA'I'IONS Congraulations to Rhonda Bad- ley who celebrates her birthday on August 12th. Congratulations to Air, and Mrs. Larry Badley who celebrate their wedding anniversary on August 8. Congratulations to Mr, Lorne Badley who celebrates his birth- day on August 15. B'ELGR AVE lir. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson and family, of Smithville, spent the weekend with his father, Mr. Howard Wilkinson, also with his aunt, Mrs. Carl Procter. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Procter, of Goderich, and daughter, Mrs, John Sutherland, of WInnipeg, spent. Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Carl Procter, also visited with Mr. Carl Procter who Is a patien in Wingham and District Hospital. iI I IIIIII I IIIiI (III III IINI II I Ill INl IIIIII IIIP11III I'llll II!I!! 111 !II11IIIII III Ipillllliil 'f Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH -- Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF — OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street — CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTII OFFICE — Balance of Week — Phone 527-M10 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & ,SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES --- Varna — Tel, Coli. Hensall 6961t2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL, SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE —• Brussels R.R. 2 — Phone 442W6 A r DR. R. W. STREET BLYTII — ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: to Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every A#ternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesdsty* and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON — OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGHAI%I Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and Thursday HOGS on Tuesday Trucking To and From Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYTH 523.9361 IiuJlu lal Il I I h� llmluu m luu lm 11111110 THE BLYTH STANDARD —•• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, utuYkb;r lruiii6m ummai uwurauaWlul lA+Wuu WWW WuItal 11111110111 ii11111 n lllli li 1011101111 Ib III Il1II utlu liidla lliull ulh is ,dl , r SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND ITI PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE WANTED We have buyers for homes, smart acreages, businesses, farms and many other types of property, List with us now. Your call will bring action. STAN HAY Phone 5234464 Blyth Representing: Mann Martel, Realator, Toronto, Ont. CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri, 7,30 p,m, (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker, R. John Elliott, Salesman, PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523.4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY -•-• ACCOUNTANT GODER.ICI1 — ONTARIO Telephone 524,9521 4 Britannia Rd., E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. 11. Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L.B., A, Mill, B.A., L.L.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357-3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McGALLUM -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Daly Monday — Open Tuesday Through Saturday DEA() STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cnws and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound --- Phone Collect 133, Brussels. (24 hr. service) Plant Lic. No. 54-R.P. 61; Coll, Lic, No, 813.G61 BLYTII . BEAUTY BAR Now open for some part time work — Styling, Cutting, Cold Wave's, (lair Colouring, Etc, — ANN HOLLINGER Phone Blyth 523.9341; if no answer, Brussels 345w5 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE MLECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 Kittg Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 1 CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4, 37•tf CUSTOM COMBINING Grain, Beans and Corn 32, 34, 36 inch rows, lank Middegaal, R. R. 1, Blyth, phone 523.4574, 05.6p CUSTOM COMBINING Contact Bev. Wallace, phone 523.4307, Blyth, 05-3, REG. SMITH SIGNS • Farm Signs, 1lIghway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $6 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets. 334, WHEEL BALANCING With new precision equipment. Rills Esso, phone 523-9556 Blyth. 03-tf BRICK WORK Fireplaces, stonework, plaster- ing, chimneys, repairing and stue• co. Ray Squire, Port Albert Post Office, or phone Dungannon 529.7636. 51-tf Auctioneer and Appraiser Licensed to Sell A.11 Types of Auction Sales - BRUCE RATIIWELL, R.R. 1, Brucefield — Ph, 482.3384 BACKHOE WORK (tubber Tire Loader Backhoe — With Operator Also .Custom Bulldozing Levelling, Backfilling • Thorns etc, LYLE MONTGOMERY. Phone evenings 482.7644, Clinton Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Pedlar Stabling • Complete Installation • Farm Automation GERRY GASCIO, Milverton, Brunner, Ont. 595.4578 Authorized Dealer For Huron County R. T, Dale SEPTI!' 'DANK SERVICE Scaforth, Ontario. Phone 527.1406 . 'r Amorie 4 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models .of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 523.9275 Res, 523.4591 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS — OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US — WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA R,R, 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Yodr 011 Heating Contractor" BOB HENRY -- GENERAL AUCTIONEER BLYTH, ONTARIO For A1I Types of Sales — Telephone 523.4234 r CUSTOM COMBINING New self propelled fully equip• ped combine, including straw chopper. Clare Longhurst, ,Au• burn, phone 526-7549. 06-1 FOR SALE 1960 Pontiac car, body in fair shape, new motor, will sell, "cheap. Lyle Younghliit, phone 5239585 Blyth, 06-3p FOR SALE Hampshire boars and blue spot segs, Lacombe and Hampshire cross. Norman McClinehey, phone 526-7789 Auburn, 07.2 FOR SALE 9 choice weaner pigs. Bill Cowan, phone 523.9229, Blyth. 07.1. FOR SALE 8 month old Landrace x York Hog, Bert Beacom, phone 523- 4539, Blyth. 07.1 THANK YOU Harry and Ethel Gibbons would like to thank everyone who in- quired and visited our Jim in Clinton Hospital and since he has been home. Also all who assisted in any way at the accident, All was greatly appreciated. 07-1 p lIN MEVYOItuAM CALDWELL —In loving memory of our dear parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Caldwell, Dad who passed away, January 12, 1960, and mother who passed away August 10, 1966. Alhough we smile and make no fuss, No one misses them more than us, And when old times we oft recall It's then we miss them most..of all. —Lovingly remeinbel;ed by their family. 07 -Ip CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who visited and remembered me in any way at the time of my acci- dent. Special thanks to Don Plun- kett, Dr. Street, Stewart Toll and the nurses on first floor. 07-1p, -- Clarence Crawford, SOMETHING TO SELL? try a STANDARD CLASSIFIED AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES FAIR DATES 1968 Arthur Sept. 19, 20, 21 Aylmer .. Aug. 14 to 17 Bayfield Sept. 24, 25 Blyth Sept. 16, 17, 18 Brtissels .... .... Sept, 26, 27 Chatsworth Sept. 27, .8 Chesley Sept. 9, 10 Drayton Sept. 14, 15 1 Dungannon Sept. 23, 24 Durham Sept. 20, 21 r Elmira Aiug, 30,31, Sept.2 Exeter Sept, 18, 19 Fordwich ........ . .... Oct, 4, 5 Fergus Sep. 13, 14 Hanover Aug. 29, 30, 31 Harriston Sept. 18, 19 Kincardine Sept. 13, 14 ` Kitchener Sept. 2 to 9 i Listowel , . Sept. 3,1, 4 London (Western Fair) Sept. 644 Lucknow Sept, 21 Meaford Sept. 20, 21 Milverton Sept. 20, 21 Mitchell Sept. 30, 31 Mount Forest Sept, 9, 10 r I4eW Ilambttrg .... , Sept, 13, 14 4 Owen Sound .. , . , Oct, 2 to 5 Palmerston • Sept, 23, 24 Ripley ..........,Sept. 27, 28 Seaforth Sept, 19, 20 Stratford ....... Sept. 16, 17,18 Teeswater Sept, 27, 28 Tiverton Oct, 4; 5 e Toronto (C.N.E,) Aug, 15 -.Sept, 5 THE BLYTH STANDARD .— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1968 OBITUARY MRS, 1VILLIAM BLAKE Mrs, William Blake, Grey Town. ship, R.R. 2, Brussels, passed away In Wingham and Disrict Hospital, She was in her 82nd year. A widow, she was the former Mary Kinahan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Kina• han, She is survived by two sons, William and Louis, of Grey Town• ship; three daughters, Mrs. Guy (Veronica) Griffiths, Montreal; Miss Helen, Toronto; Sister Her. man Joseph (Margaret), London, and eight grandchildren. Requiem mass was said in St. Am• brose Roman Catholic Church, 13russels, at 10.30 a.m. Tuesday morning. Burial was in St, Am• brose cemetery. Pallbearers were Gordon Blake, Stuart Stevenson, John Alcock, Lloyd Weber, James Nolan, Ross Deitner, Congratulations Congratulations to Mr. Kenneth MacDonald who celebrated his birthday on August 6, Congratulations to Mrs, Leonard Caldwell who celebrated her birth• clay on August 7, Congratulations to Mr. Fred Howson who celebrates his birth• day on August 8, Congratulations to Mr. Ross Youngblut who celebrates his birthday on August 9. t -••f -+••F +41tf•• • •-•-•-•-•-• • + •-•-*** 4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•++-•-•-• • •-• i • •• • • • v • v • • • • ♦ • IVES CONSTRUCTION Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 443w4 Dealer For BERG BARN CLEANERS AND MANURE STACKERS will fit any make or style of barn dewier •++++1t••••4+1-•-•+H-•+-•••+••••.-F•-•.-..-.. • t • 4 • • 4 • • t t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 4 • • 4 t 1 t • WESTFIELD EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Smith visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Jnrdin, of 'Toronto, on Wednes• day, - Mr, and Mrs. Ross 'Taylor and family, lir, and firs, Bill 'I'tiylor and family', Mr, and Mrs. Ivan 11'ightntan, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith and Margery, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle E. Smith and Paula, of Sault Ste Marie, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R. Smith and Sari, of Waterloo. all attended the Sniith reunion held at the home of 'Mr, and ltrs. Edgar Dane, of Wroxeter. 'Phe U.C.W. of Westfield are having a fancily night at Westfield United Church on Sunday even. ing, August 11th, at 8 p,m. Mrs. W. J. 'Taylor, of Dorchester, will show slides on Japan. All are cor- dially invited to attend, ' Mr, and Mrs. Lyle E. Smith and Paula, of Sault Ste Marie, are spending a couple of -weeks with their parents, Mr. and :firs. Chat, • lie Smith and Margery. i Mr. Colin Clark and Donald, of • Tonawanda, are visiting wRth Airs. t Marvin McDowell and Graeme. • Mr. David McDowell, of Wood. :;tock is visiting with his parents, • Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McDowell. • Mrs, Gerald McDowell visited • hc,r grandmother, Mrs. John Car. • ter at Clinton Public Hospital, • Miss Sandra AteClinchey, of Au. "' burn, visited last week with Miss • • .."..".++.• pi"♦``•�~• 4....i........., •+ Janet Cook, • Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Got, • don E. Smith for the weekend • were, Mr. and firs. Eric Vogl, • Mark and Shannon, of London, Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Sniith and Pat, of South Woodslee, • • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • Douglas Campbell on Saturday i were, Mrs, Thomas Good and lir. ; and Mrs. Ken Barber and family, t of South Bend, Indiana. tMr. and Mrs, Walter Cook, of • Blyth, visited on Sunda, with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook, Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell visited with Mr. and Airs. Russell • Good, of Londesboro, on Sunday. Miss Anne de Groot and Miss • Margery Smith are spending a • week in Lanark Cunty as part of • a 4-1-i change group. Mrs, Charlie Smith spent 'Tues- day in Toronto visiting with Mrs. 1 Lyman Jardin. •+• ♦ •-• • • • • • • • • • r• • ••• ♦-• • •-r••♦-•••,.••♦ +-0.4- 04,•-•-•-•••••••-•-•+e • • • • • t • • t t • • 4 1 + • Snell's MFOOD ARKT Bisset's Ice Cream, half gal. pack 89c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 16 oz, 39c Nabisco Shredded Wheat, large 39c Aylmer Assorted Janis and Jellies, 9 oz. 5 for ........... ........ .... ... 1.00 Beehive Corn Syrup 2 Ib, 39c Ingersoll Cheese Spread 1 lb. 69c Coffee -mate, 11 oz, 79c Van Camp Beans with Pork, 19 oz., 4 for 89c Stokley's Pumpkin, 28 oz. 2 for 49c Allen's Fruit Punch, 48 oz. 29c Premium Red Sockeye Salmon, halves 59c Del Monte Golden Sweet Corn, 10 oz., 2 for 29c Del Monte Green or Wax Beans, 10 oz. 2 for 29c Fresh Cut Gov't. Inspected Beef Every Week Fr sh Round and Wing Steaks Fresh Sirloin and T -Bone Fresh Pork Shoulder Chops Peameal Back Bacon Steaks, . per Ib. 1.09 Ib. 1.19 per Ib. 59c lb. 79c per per Peameal Cottage Rolls ......... per lb. 59c Coleman's Weiners 2 lbs, for 79c K. P. Bacon Ends ............ 2 lb. for 1.00 K.P. Bologna in the piece 3 lb. for 1.00 Downy Fabric Softener, 34 oz... . Duz Detergent with Face Cloth Pepsi Cola, family size 79c ..49c 5 for 1.00 Specials will continue as usual while Standard is on holidays Phone 523.9332 We Deliver t t Congratulations BUYTHEBEST-- HOMEKILtED BEEF K, P. WEIN ERS , , ....... ... 2 LBS. 1.00 K. P, SMOKED PICNICS .. , . PER LB, 53c CUSTOM KILLING - CUTTING AND WRAPPING NO, 1 QU A LITY REEF SOLI) 13Y THE QUARTER OR SIDE. BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "1+'reck" Button, Proprietor 111,1"1'll, ONTARIO, I'IIONI 523.4551 • t •+r•••-•-.-•-.-• '%•+t• •tN4+$ 4 ++•+•♦ ' ~ 4 { + Congratulations to Louise Hun- t king who celebrates her birthday on August 10. Congratulations to Mrs. Oscar • Anent who celebrates her birth- ; day on August 10. • Congratulations to Lynn Elliott • who celebrates her birthday on August 11, • • Congratulations to Mrs, John • Pawitch who celebrates her birth. • dray on August 11, Congratulations to Philip Street ‘vho celebrates his birthday on August 11. Congratulations to 'Trevor Moon who celebrates his birthday on August. 11, , Congratulations to Mrs, N. P. Garrett who celebrates her birth. 1 day on August 12. Congratulations to Erie Street + +- who celebrates his birthday on • t August 13. Congratulations to Joan Garrow who celebrates her birthday on August 14. Congratulations to Mr, Norman Vincent who celebrates his birth• clay on August 14. Congratulations to + Young who celebrates t day on August 14, • Congratulations to Airs. Gordon Taylor who celebrates her 'birth - 4 day on August 15, t Congratulations to Mr. Graham + Jackson who celebrates his birth- day on August 16. • Congratulations to Mrs, Edward East who celebrates her birthday on August 17. Congratulations to Mr, ICenneth • AlcGowan who celebrates his + birthday on August 17, • Congratulations to Miss Betsy + Elliott who celebrates her birth. Kenneth his birth• i day on August 18. COOK'S FOOD WAR K F. T A Host of Red Hot Specials To Match the Weather Johnson's Raid, House and Garden 11 Oz. spray can 1.00 Aylmer Tomato Catsup. 2 - 11 oz. bottles 37c Heinz Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin .... 29c Van Camp's Beans with Pork 2 - 19 oz, tins . 45c Kraft Canadian Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg. 39c Cheery Morn Fresh Ground Coffee 1 lb. bag .......................... 79c I,ihby's Deep Buttered Fancy Peas 2 - 11 oz. tins ' 39c 1,ibby's Deep Buttered Kernel Corn 2 - 1 4oz. tins 39c Country Kist. Golden Cream Style Corn 2 - 11 oz. tins 33c Clover Leaf Fancy Pink Salmon 15 112 oz. tin 79c Brunswick Sardines ............. 4 tins 45c Kala Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. tin 49c Leaver's Sliced Mushrooms, 10 oz, tin 43c Del Monte Peaches, sliced or halves 2 - 14 oz. tins .................. . 59c 13eekist Pure Liquid Honey, 16 oz. jar , . :39c Fluffo Shortening, 9c off label, 3 lbs. tin 1.08 Top Crop Popping Coin, 2 - 1 Ib. pkgs. .. 35c Bruce Packers Weiners .......... 2 lbs. 89c Fresh Watermelons, Peaches, Cantelopes and Apples. Ajax Laundry Detergent, regular size lc sale 2 for 54c Sunshine Beef Steakettes, 1 lb. pkg... , . 59c See London .Free Press Next Two Weeks for Our Specials, Happy Holiday to the Standard, Phone 523.4421 T. • t 1 t t I 4. • t We Deliver 44-444444441 Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Jackson and family visited over the week- end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Doer. Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Weston, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Rollinson. Mr, and Mrs, Stephen Popko, nee Edna Longman, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J, Phillips, taster Johnny Haggitt, Zurich, is visiting his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Stephen. Mrs. Ralph D. Munro and Mrs. Beth Lansing visited friends in CoRingwood and Meaford last week, Recent guests with Mr, and Mrs, Robert J, Phillips were Miss Jane Fisher of Toronto, Sick Children's Hospital, Misses Janet and Judy Fisher and Jeff Fisher and Miss Pat Wraith, all of Goderieh, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Singh .and family, of London, visited for a few days last week with her mo- ther, Mrs, Arthur Grange, Jenni• fer and Shelley. Guests last week with Mr. and :airs, Maitland Allen were Mrs, :1lary Shoe]) and Mrs. Edna Greinson, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson, of Clinton, r 4 4 i V • 4 Phone 523-4351 4 Mrs, Lillian Leatherland visited last week with her son, Mr, Ed- gar Leatherland and Mrs. Leath• erland, at. Acton, We are sorry to report that Mrs, Margaret Clark fell at the home of her nephew, Mr, Wm. Dodd and Mrs, Dodd, and frac- tured her leg. She was taken to Clinton hospital and then on to London for further treatment, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Johnston spent Sunday with itis sister, Mrs. Ethel Farrow, at Mitchell. Recent guests with Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Allen were, Mrs, Weldon Tyndall, of Londcsboro, and Miss Sylvia Wilson, of Varna, Mrs, Ronald Pentland, of North Bay, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Straughan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McFarlane visited last Tuesday with Mrs. William T. Itobison at her cottage at Sauble Beach. Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Anderson visited relatives in London and Brantford last week, Mr, Duncan MacKay accompan. ied Mr. David Ross and Miss Nan- cy Ross, of R3enmiller, to Sault Ste. Marie last week for a visit. •Misses Rita and Joanne Mackey, Ailsa Craig, visited last week with their aunt, Mrs. William L. Craig, Mr, Craig and fancily. -•-•-•••-•••••••-••••• •4••+•+•-•-•-+••••••••r•-+-++•• •44 •-• •••.• + • ••ter• •-•-• SUMMER SALE continues COTTON SKIRTS Ladies and Teens 1 LOT --- GIRL'S JEANS 7 - 1.1 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT ON Dresses, Shorts, T. Shirts, Bathers, Slims, Sweaters and Coats 1.00 ea. 1.00 ea. ALL Pajamas, DISCOUNT ON Boys' Jeans, Wool, Lingerie and Baby Wear Ends Sat., Aug. 10 ..44-++++,-.-+++-•44++++4•-•-4+4-•-•-•-• I ; t ; 1 1 = ; ,•-• ••• • NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR • • • • ',Ir. and Airs, Win. Straughan spent last week in Kitchener vis• sting ,with their niece, Mrs. Wil- liam Rieck, Mr, Rieck and family. MR. AND MRS. GORDON TATE iIELD OPEN ROUSE AT AUBURN Mr. and Mrs, Gordon 'fate, of Auburn held open house on Sat- urday and Saturday night in the form of a lawn party. Guests pre- sent were, Mrs. Good and family, South Bend Indiana; Mr, and Mrs. 1), West and family, Flint, Michi- gan, Mr. and Mrs, D. Youngblut and family, Brantford; Mr, and Mrs, Percy Young`blut, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Gross, An. burn; Mr. and Mrs , Ben Nixon, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Mc- Clarty, Goderich; Mr, and Mrs, 13. Youngblut, Brampton; and many other friends from Auburn, Blyth, and Goderich, A good time was had by all. On Monday 117r. and Mrs. Gordon Tate and Mr, and Mrs, D. Youngblut spent the day in Kincardine, BELGRAVE Items Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and family, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Cook, ,Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lucas, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Airs. .1, M, Coultes, Mr, and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and Bill spent the weekend with Mrs, Herb Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs,. Carl Bennett, of London, visited ,with Mr, and. Mrs. Lewis Cook on Sunday also visit- ed with her sister Mrs. Wilbert Procter of R.R. 4, Brussels, and her mother, Mrs. Stapleton, of Ifuronvicw, Clinton. The Rev, Austin and Mrs. Gay, of 'l'hancesford, Mrs. Townsend, of Niagara Falls, visited with .Mrs. il'erb Wheeler last Wednesday. On Sunday evening Mrs. Harman Mit- chell, of Rothsay, and. Mrs. Rob• ert Coultes called at the same home, Blyth z The Rev, George and Mrs. Dun- •`•+ • • •+• 11 • • •1 moi-•♦ • •••-• ••• •+1 •-• • • • • ••• • • • • •••444 • i • • 4 lop, of Rockwood, who are holi- daying up at Poplar Beach called on Belgrave friends last Thurs- .; i•-(+44+4•1 •4+••••-/i^ -4•4 •-•-•-•-••••••4-•-•-• • •-•-r", day. 4 4• 1 4 Y • Y 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • +.+444-4-44+4-444-04 444 -'$.44+4+4+•+4 ++444-444-4-+•••4444-• ;Freezers Freezers Freezers IT'S FREEZER TIME! And We Are Equipped To Fill Your Requirements With TWO GREAT MAKES WESTINGHOUSE & LEONARD LEONARD --- 15, 18, 22, 26 CU. FT WESTINGHOUSE --- 7,11,16, 22, 29 CU. FT, All Equipped With The Latest Of Features! Give Us A Tey Before You Buy YOU'LL -IDE • SURPRISED -aT :OUR LOW, 4-6N TRIM. t HARDWARE - BLYTH 111. "PHONE 523.9273 YOURVOi7E ,rt%RDVARE DEALER Miss Reta Mather, Woodstock, •- -spent a few days with Mr, and • Mrs. Harold Vincent. t?,'Ir, and Mrs. William Gaus and fancily, of Listowel, are having some holidays with her father, Mr. Charles Nicholson, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Pletch, Da- vid, Kevin and Ruth Ann, Mr. and Mrs, harry McGuire visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor. man Hill and family who are holi- (laying at a cottage along Lake Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs, McGuire will remain there for a couple of weeks, Miss Mary Ann Wheeler is at- tending the girls 9.12 camp at Goderich as a CIT. Mr, and Mrs, Barman Mitchell, • of Rothsay, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Coultes, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Buffet, of Carsonville, Michigan, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler last Thursday. GENERAL MEETING OF ItELGRAVE U.C.V. The general meeting of the Bel. grav U.C.W. met on August 1st In the church basement at 8.15 p, m, President, Mrs. Cliff Logan, ripened -the meeting with a quota - ,tion from the late John F. hen• natty, followed by a hymn, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted,'and correspon• 'dente read, 'Treasurer, Mrs. Jack Higgins, gave her report, It was decided to send forty dollars to TIiE BLYThl STANDARD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1968 r FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS nememonsima Plus a hull Range of Special Lubricants and Greases PAUL KERRIGAN - Agent BP CANADA, Limited PHONE 482.9653 ••• CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can. Imp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth A • THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IIISURAN(E COMPANY SEAPORTS Office — Main Street Insures: * Town Dwellings, All Classes of Farm Prop. erty. * Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fall- ing objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm, Leiper, Jr,, Londesbora; Selwyn Baker, ..Brus•. sols; Harold Squires, Clinton; George "•Ceyne, Dublin; .Donald r•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•- • •-•-•-•-►,-•-.•.♦.•e • • • • • NOTICE I)uring the month of Augustanyone buy- ing eggs at Cook's Egg Vendor will ~receive a number with each dozen .of eggs. There will be three lucky ,number :which will be announced in this paper the first copy in September, 1st LUCKY NUMBER will RECEIVE $2.50 2nd LUCKY NUMBER -will RECEIVE $130 3rd LUCKY NUMBER will -RECEIVE :1:00 i Remember --- eggs acid appeal to any meal, • • • r•••-•r•s-•-• •-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••••••4••••-•-•+4•++++++++++++++A• • • • • • •t VACATION TIME We will be on our vacation .from ,A4gue 14th to August; 25th, inclusive, Please have all prescriptions :filled :before August 14th. R. D. P H 1 LP, p\h B DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLEAPER,--;Phonnalyth;523&4440 ••++-•+•-•••••-• - • • • •+••1.1+•-•-•44 •. • • $ s s ,.. Clinton Mernorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EZE'I'BR —• SEAPORTS Open Every Afternoon PHONE �..�. �.... Business 235.0620 •iResidence :235.1.314 Toronto to cover costs of the bale and to pay some expenses of the Messenger's Party, Mrs, Jim Coultes and Mrs. Jack Taylor were named as a commit• tee to see about doing the floor in the Sunday School room, A bake sale will be held in the fall, Angli. can, Presbyterian and Calvin - Brick ladies are invited to attend our Autumn Thankoffernng meet- ing, Y i The Worship Service "Theli Shalt _Love" .was taken .)y Mrs. Jack 'Taylor and Mrs. ,Murray Scott. A hymn was sung,—follow. ed by' prayer .and~ responsive read• ing of "Our „Lord's summary of the Law." 'Mrs.- Jack ,Taylor gave a meditation on "loving". to close the worship. 'The offering was . received ;. and Airs, Cliff Logan.,elosed the meet- ing with -the''benediction, THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1068 Lions Bringing Mr. gild Mrs, Good Show To Blyth Watson Reid This Month We would like to remind you about the Gary Buck show and dance which is coming to the Blyth arena on Friday night, Aug- ust 23rd. The evening ig spons• ored by the Blyth Lions Club and it is hoped a full house will be on hand to offer their support. Gary is one of the top western and country singers in the country and currently has a song on the hit parade entitled "Cal- gary Alberta." 'Pickets may be obtained from • any Lions Club member. BLYTIR & DISTRICT FISII & (;AME CLUB Regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 13th, Mem• hers please attend. MISS PATRICIA ;MILLIAN, who obtained an honour secretar- ial diploma from the Business Ed- ucators' Association of Canada at Goderich Business College, has accepted a position at the City Hall, London, Ontario. Miss Mil- ]ian is the daughter of Mrs, itv Plyn Merrill, R.R. I, Clinton. MISS HEATHER SNELL ob- tained an honour diploma from the Business Educators' Associa- tion of Canada at the Goderieh Business College. Miss Snell has obtained a position at the Union Gas Company of Canada Ltd., Goderieh. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Snell, 13., R. 1, Londesboro, TEEN TOWN DANCE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL SAT., AUG. 10th from 9to12 Music By Win -Jammers Sponsored by Blyth Teen Town 11 1111111111 1 1 1 11 1 11111 Honoured On 25th Anniversary A surprise party was held Sat- urday evening at the home of ,ler. and Mrs, Watson Reid, R.R. 1, Blyth, in honour of their 25th wedding anniversary. About 30 relatives attended With Mr, Leslie Reid, as chair- man, a programme was given, of piano solos by Barbara McClure, Cathy Carter, David and Donna Reid; a reading by Mrs, Les Reid; the Charleston Dance by Marie McClure; and a Mock Wedding with Marie and David McClure, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Reid, Cathy Carter, and Barbara McClure tak- ing part. A Bride and Groom's Scrapbook, made by Mrs. Glen Carter, was presented to Beryl and Watson. Mrs. Wm. Rogerson read a pre. sentation address and' the couple were presented with a tri -light Nile !amp, and a pole lamp. Mr, and Mrs. Reid were mar- ried July 24, 1943, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, by the Rev. A. E. Menzies, of Londesboro, They have three children, David, Donna and Danny. Bantams Win Playoff Opener 23 - 5 The Blyth Lions Bantams took a 1 to 0 lead in their best 3 of 5 playoff series with Brussels. On August 2 Blyth defeated Brussel; 23.5, Blyth otft hit Brussels 26 1 10. Bill McDougall hail 2 singles a double and a triple. Barry Brom- ley had 2 singles and 2 double. Cousins bit a home run for BruF• sels, Gary Ament pitched fo ' Blyth and struck out eleven bat- ters, Jim Johnston caught. Sco' Wilson and Greg Huether pitched for Brussels and Ken McLean caught. Brussels 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 -- Blyth 1 4441 6300-2'3 The second game was played Tuesday, August 6 in Brussels. The final game will hp Friday August 9, in Blyth at 7 o'clock. It Takes The Girls To Show The Way In Softball' Ycj sir, when it comes to soft- ball ih Blyth it takes the girls 10 show 1N way --- married girls, that is, Several of the married women in town got together a few weeks ago and decided to field a married women's ball team, This they did, and guess what has happened? They've come up with a pretty darned good/team. The girls have played four fumes to date without a defeat! Their latest conquest was the Nile team which they defeated at a game in Blyth on Monday night. 19 to 10, Their next home game is August 6th against Dungannon. Time of the. game is 8 o'clock. Renew your Subscription 'Po The Standard Now "SPECIALIZED TRAINING. FOR BUSINESS CAREERS" GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE 9 WATERLOO STREET GODERICII, ONTARIO (Corner West Street) Dial 524.8521 or 72814 Diplomas for Junior and Senior Classes Issued By The BUSINESS EDUCATOR'S ASSOCIATION OF CANADA NEW TYPEWRITERS -- BUSINESS hIACIIINES -- MONTIILY TUITION $38, r• -$+i•4•4•• -N-•+4-.-4 • •-♦••-•-4,• • ♦+• 4 ♦ #444 • 44. 44444 4.• 444-44+i-•4-4•-++-4 44- 4-4 • H - LIST CORRECTED The mailing list of The Stand- ard was brought to date the beginning of this leek. If you have paid your subscription or changed address recently, please check the label on this paper to make sure the change has been made. We do make mistakes and it is easier to make the change now than at a later date. We might also remind you of Births BROWN -- In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Saturday, July 27, 1968, to Mr, and Mrs. John W. Brown, R.R. 3, Walton, the gift of a daughter, Sharon Marlene, a sister for Elaine. KENNEDY — Mr. and Mrs, Way- ne Kennedy wish to announce the birth of their baby daugh- ter, Crystal Diane, in Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, July 31, 1968, Pee Wees Fight Back, Win Must Game Blyth pee wees, with their backs to the wall after two 'defeats to Lucknow, :fought back admirably in a game 'here on Monday night with a 7 to 5 win. The boys were behind 5 to 4, going into their last bat .when 13111 McDougall came to the plate and belted out a home run with two men on base, T -le was able to score himself ,on an overthrow al home plate. Randy Millar pitched a strong game for Blyth and was able to hold Lucknow to only two runs following a disas- trous first inning, postal regulations, Any subscrib• er who is over one year in ar- rears must be suspended from our list, Please look at your label. If it reads August 1967 this means you will not receive any more copies of The Standard until the account is cleared off our books. Your earliest attention to the mat- ter will be appreciated by us. Congratulations to Miss Bonnie Snell who celebrates her birthday on August 26. Congratulations to Mrs. Jack Snell who celebrates her birhday on August 26. Congratulations to Miss Faye. Seers who celebrates her birthday on August 26. • . Be sure to attend the GARY BUCK SHOW & DANCE in the Blyth Arena FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd Presented by the Blyth Lions Club , • • • t • • • *4 444-4-4444 + 4.44. • • •-• • • • • • ••• •-•-•-• • • •••-• • . • • • 4444+4+ 04444444 •-#44-4-4 4 4••+••+4-•-•-• •-• • 44-444 4.4.4-• 1-.-•-• ••• • • • •-•-• 4 t t • • • BEEP AND PORK CUSTOM BUTCHERING EVERY MONDAY i3utchering under government inspection at Brussels Abattoir 1 WE CUT, WRAP AND SELL ..- • • : BEEF ill TTIE QUARTER OR SI1i'E • • ALSO PORK SIDES OR LOINS . . , • WILF GANNETT 1 • • • Blyth, Oni, Phone 523.9499 /• ••44*.4+-4±44.. i•.••••... i 4-4 M ••444+44 4+4444 THE BLYTH STANDARD :J�!P4Gnl0 a AAA', 1 1,91,0x7 ///if the ele;ef ''!/.A Let us assist you with your plans for that ail important wedding day. CORE IN AND SEE OUR COatPLE1E •t; 5F.(.ECTION O1' ` "; 4 .., ''•.1.•1• • GG .I• .:j :�. . ;,1 tt}l:4,(, • ,, . . ,>,,',•i;• • - M:•i ,1. 77 t' , ,.. ri ,�k„• ...f• , • . v.,,;<<,, .E,�. . INYJTA77ONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES row chola of a utow paper stocls, opt ' •`;} styles andsi'us• • ; ask for.. 3e1oci you wedding 1a itationi. announcements end mewed* wish cosi*, confidence se to. quality and Correobea of farw. .• WE ALSO HAVE Pslillt1ONAt.IUD UDDINC NA*KU111 KATC110 AND Chi ilfoocn