HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-07-03, Page 1THE BLYTH MM./ MMIKIMIOL $2,50 A Year In Advance — $3.50 In U•S,A, 13LYT11, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1008 Volume 80 • No, 02 Single Copies Six Cents BYTH CENTRAL SCHOOL PROMOTION Mrs. Mary Taylor Graduation Banquet Highlighted School LIST Celebrated PIeas- PROMOrED TO GRADE 1 Kindergarten • Morning Class Marie Barrie, Stephen Caldwell, Sharon Carter, Dwight Chalmers, Paul Craig, Ricky Elliott, Dennis Minim, -Steven Huether, Jeffrey Knox, David Leibold, Janet. Lock- hart, Randy McV'ittie, Heather Patterson, Shelley Patterson,' Alan SIertsema, Stephen Siertsema, bynda, .South, Kim van Vliet, Kevin: Warwick, Darryl Youngblut, Kindergarten r Afternoon Class Randall Campbell, Jill Cooper, Tracey Cottrell, Debbie Dale, Jake de Boer, Ricky Doyle, Douglas Falconer, Darrell Govier, Terry Gross, Jimmy Hubbard, Rhonda Johnston; Margaret Kuchmistrz, Tracey Marks, Brian Mason, Don. aid Nicholson, Karen Ritehie, Eric Street, Brian Young. — Teacher, Mrs. Mary Holland, GRADE 1 PROMOTED TO GRADE 2 Bonnie Bailey, Danny Barrie, Andrew Battye, Sherry Anne Branner, Kenneth Brown, Curtis Campbell, Frances . Campbell, Grant'Campbell, Kim German, Gary..:Govler,' Carol Gowing, Brad- ley-- lresselwood, Mary Heffron, Joe Heinen, Bobby Hull, Sherri Marshall, Glen Mason, Kevin Me -- Bengali,. Eric Nethery, Wendy Oster, Johnny Passehier, Paddy Phelan, Paul Popp, Danica Ram. meloo, .Sherry Richmond, Julie Shobbrook, Steven Sparling, Ste. Kim Watson, Kenneth Young, •-- Teacher, Mrs, Jean Turner. PROMOTED FROM GRADE !i TO GRADE 6 Frances Battye, Bruce Brown, Kathy Burkholder, Steven Bury, Wayne Caldwell, Joanne Cook, Gordon Dale, 'Press Dale, Bar. bara Empey, Dee German, Carol Gross, Larry Heard, Margaret Heffron, Wendy Hesselwood, Ral- ph Hoba, Judy Ives, Brian John- ston, Glenda Johnston, Theresa Kelly, Mark Lockhart, Brian Man. ning, Marlene Mason, Susan Mc. Call, Barry McDonald, Marsha McNeil, Judy Nicholson, Deborah Patterson, Douglas Popp, Ronald Ritchie, Ricky Srnith, Benjamin Stadelnrann, Ann Stewart, Hilly Van Amersfoort, John Watson, Lonnie Whitfield. — Teacher ,Mrs, Deanna Snell. PROMOTED FROM GRADE 6 TO GRADE 7 John Battye, Bryon Bell, Con- nie Bowes, Lloyd Carter, Patrick Cooper, Mary De Boer, Marie Em- pey, Norman German, LInda ant 90th :Birthday Mrs, Mary Taylor enjoyed a very pleasant ninetieth birthday at her home in Blyth on Monday. Members of her family who were home for the occasion- were Mr. .and Mrs, Win, Tunney of Toron- to, Mrs. Grace Taylor, London, and Mr, and Mrs, Freeman Tun• ney and Pam, Teeswater, - Her son, Glenn 'i'unney of Ingersoll, and daughter, Airs. Gertrude Short of Windsor, were unable to be present. Included In the many callers during the day were nieces Mrs. Wilfred Brown and Mr, Brown of Windsor and Mrs, Luella McGow• an of Blyth, -Members of the Blyth Ladies Auxiliary and many friends and neighbours called to offer best wishes during the af• ternoon, Mrs, Taylor Was horn in York- shire, England and came- to Can- ada at the age; of eleven, She has resided in her -present home in Blyth for the past 64 years. • Ilanint, Alvin Heard, Gary Hessel• A TimelyWarning wood, Lynda Johnston, , Keith Manning, Diane McDougall, Ray - McNichol, Robert Nesbit, Cindy Public School has been out less Nethery, Anna Passehier, Gordon than. a week and already vandal. Passchier, Dianne Popp, Raymond ism has been reported at: the loc. Rammeloo, Brian Riehl, David al public school. 'To date, the Riehl, Bonnie Snell, Kathy Street, flood lights lighting the front en. Annie Thalen, Mark_Vincent, Lin• trance to the 'httilding have been da Warwick; Barbara Young, smashed:. wilt`:rocics, and if the :Annie Van: Amersfoort, Jeff Wat• - - Teacher, Mr, Clare Dietz, situation is nottcleared up shortly ,Stephen„- _.._Linda no' "doubt afore: and more d"a»iage Young, PROMOTED -FROM GRADE 7 will be incurred as' the weeks go — ;Teacher; Mrs, -E, Vincent, ,TO GRADE 8 by, A very close watch is being .PROMOTED --FROM GRADE 2 kept on the school and if .anyone ,TO GRADE 3 is caught in and around the prem. Christina .Battye; Brenda Bell, ises, .the full measures, of the Nelson Caldwell, Charlene Camp- maw Will be undertaken, It might bell, , ChrIstIne Chalmers, 11lerri'lyn be rt good idea to check 'with your Cook, Lee Cottrell, Roger Craig, young ones and tell them to stay Mary Cronin; Ronnie Falconer, away from the building, Johnny, Good, Steven Howson, :Dennis Knox,- Anne Leibold, Jeanette Manning, Harvey Mason, Christine McNall, Mark -Nethery, Gary ,Nicholson, Pamela Oster, Irwin Pease, Andy Phelan, Larry Popp, Karen Richmond, Terry Ritchie, Albert Roetelsoender, Jean .Siertsema, Kenneth Stewart, Jimmy Taylor, James, Wharton, hale Whitfield, *Karen Young, Ronnie Young, — Teacher, Mrs, E, Merrill. Sheila Blake, Bill Burkholder, Jean . Caldwell, :Rosemary Carter, David Cook, Murray Craig, Ken. Empey, Arthur Heffron, Debbie hicks, Sharon Ives„ Jim Johnston, David Mason, Sharon Mason, Way. ne McClinchey, Bill McDougall, Dorothy Nicholson, Dale Patter. son, Joe Perevia, Barbara Riehl, Glen Riley, Donald Stewart, David Street, Kevin Tasker, Herbie Von Amersfoort, Frank Wilson, Barry Young, -- 'Teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Battye. PROMOTED FROM GRADE 8 TO GRADE 9 Patricia Badley, Wayne Cook, Susan Dale, Jim Fowler, Gary German, Rosemarie Kelly, Neil Lockhart, Murray ,Manning, Bruce. Mason, Nancy McClure, Nora Mc- Clure, Wayne McDougall, Avon 'Poll, Steven Walsh, Clara Wasson. — Teacher, Mrs, Margaret Mielrle, -*-PROMOTED FROM GRADE 3 TO GRADE 4 Clifford Bailey, Roger Barrie, Mark' Battye," Judy Brown, Lorie Campbell, Kevin Carter, Leslie Cook, Cathy Cronin, Fred Do Boer, Billy Hamm,, Lori Ann Hes- Felwood, Gary Hull, Linda -Ives, Dori Lyn Johnston, Grace Kelly, Garry Manning, Sandy Marshall, Shirley .McDougall, Kim Oster, Jo. Ann Passehier, Gayle Patterson, Ricky Patterson, Joanne Phelan, Terry Pierce, Perry Rammeloo, Gary Richmond, :Kenneth Riehl, Kenneth Ritchie, Tony . Roeteiso• ender, Philip Street, Hilda Thal - en, Ricky Thalen, Jayne Watson, Alan Young. —Teacher, Mrs, Flora Fear. PROMOTED FROM GRADE 4 TG GRADE 5 Barbara Blake, Jean Brown, Robbie Burkholder, Gary Cald• well, Lorna Caldwell, Annette • Carter, Donnie Carter, Chris Coop. er, Angela Duttman, Michael Hoba, Anna Marie Hull, John Hull, Blaine Johnston, Paul John. ston, Ci t'hy Madill, Beverly' 11Ia� son, Carol Mason, Cathy McClin- ehey, Douglas McCrea, Maureen McCrea, Robert Popp, Vivian • Ramnieloo, Roy Riley, Gary Rit• Lorne Scott;' Paul Warwick, Midget Ball Schedule July Wed, 3 — Wingham at Exeter Lucknow at Belgrave Nile at Blyth Fri. 6 —• Exeter at Wingham Mon, 8 — Wingham at Nile Belgrave at Blyth Wed, 10 --,Lucknow at Exeter Blyth at Wingham Fri, 12 •--- Exeter at Luck now Mon, 15 -- Blyth at Nile Wed. 17 Belgrave at Exeter Wingham at Lucknow Frt. 10 •-- Exeter at Belgrave. Lucknow at Blyth Sat, 20 •— Nile at Wingham Mon. 22 – .Wingham at Belgrave Nile at Lucknow Wed. 24 - Blyth at Exeter Belgrave at Wingham Lucknow 'at Nile Fri, 20 — Exeter at Blyth Exeter and Lucknow games start at 8,30 pan, Others at•7,00p,m, BIRTH SNELL--In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Saturday, June 29th, 1908 to Mr, and Mrs, Richard Snell, a son. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr, and Airs, George C. Mettle, R;R, 4, Brussels, announce the forthcoming marriage of their only daughter, Ruth Louise, to Mr, James Allen Baker, B.A. Sc,, son of Alrs. Ward Baker and the late 'Air, Baker, of Napanee, On- tario, The wedding will take place in Knox United Chinch, Belgrave, at 3;30 pan, on Saturday, July 20, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Air, and Mrs, George Schneider, R.R. 1, Auburn, -wish to- announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Nfarion, to Mr, Ellis Wood, Kitchener. The marriage to take place July 27th, at 3 On. in St, Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn, ATTENDED. HOCKEY SCHOOL Robert Cook and -John Stewart returned last Saturday night from the Haliburton area where they attended hockey school for a week; Many NHL --stars were in. strutting at the camp and induct- ed such notables as Brit Selby, and Bob Goldsworthy. The boys report a very enjoy. able - week anti the hockey fans of this area will be looking for - .ward to the forthcomning hockey .:season to see, first hand the re• sults' of the, expert. training, Closing Activities Closing activities at Blyth Pub- lic School were highlighted by a graduation banquet last Thurs- day evening, June 27th in the I3lyth United Church. Guest speaker was Inspector J. H. Kan• kead, Avon 'Toll r•eceiyed highest standing in the class and was pre- sented with the Blyth Legion trophy by Legion President Ralph McCrea, Field Day awards were also presented at the banquet to the top athletes in the school. These awards were donated by Howson and Howson Ltd., Sparling's Hard- ware, Cronin's Hardware and Bainton Ltd, Mr, Fred Howson presented the intermediate girl championship trophy to winner Linda Hamm. Mrs, Franklin Bainton presented the trophy to the intermediate boys champion, Ray McNichol. Grant Spading presented the sen• ior girl trophy to Diane,MeDougall; and Herbie Van Amersfoort, sen- ior boys champion, received his trophy from Miss Cheryl Toll who represented Cronin's Hardware, Items About People We Know Mr, and Mrs, Irvine Wallace returned home on Monday night from a two week trip through Western Canada to the foot of the rockey mountains, They ac- companied their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Rutledge of Oakville, on the trip. Mr. Ken Elliott, of Toronto, Mr, Dave Elliott, of London, Miss- es Pat Smith and Shirley Snell, London, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Timp- cny of Aylmer, visited over the tveekend with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Snell and Bonnie. Mr,- and -Mrs. Smith, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Snell and Bonnie. Air. and Mrs. Stan Hiseler, :1lark, Kathy and Ross, of Daven- port, Iowa, visited on the week- end .%vitlr Mr. ,and ]Towson and Mrs, W: L. = Wight - man. They all attended -',the: Menard-Vipond wedding. in First St. Andrew's United Church, Lon- don, on Saturday. Airs, Frank Bell returned last TO TEACH IN LONDON Miss Gloria Cuming, daughter of Mr, and :Mrs, Hugh S. Coming, London, graduated from London Teacher's College, achieving mem. hership in the • College's Honors Society, Gloria has accepted a position with the London Board of Edu- cation, She is a granddaughter of Mrs, ;ladle Curring, of Blyth, • BANTAM SOFTBALL TEAM WON SECOND GAME OUT OF 3 The Blyth Lions Bantams won their second game out of three starts this season. Blyth defeated Brussels on June 28 by the score of 18.14• Gary Ament started pitching for Blyth and got relief help from Donald Stewart in the last two innings. Jim Johnston did all the catching. The next home game for Blyth will be Friday, July 5, against Belgrave, at 7 o'clock, . MR, AND MRS. EARL WATSON HOSTESSES TO WATSON FAMILY ANNUAL PICNIC The annual Watson family pie• nic was held Sunday, June 23, at the home of Air, and Mrs. Earl Watson, R.R. 1, Blyth, with a good attendance, Games and contests were played. A delicious smorgasbord lunch: eon was served, after which the host and hostess were thanked, and plans were made for the next year's picnic. A very enjoyable time was had by, all, Thursday from a week's visit with her brother, Mr. RIchar•d Wallace, at Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mrs, Orval Struthers, Mitchell, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Har. old Phillips. Mr. W. S, McVittie, Hespeler, Mr. Russel Gidley, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with Miss Pearl alley, Mrs, Reg. Argent and Mrs. May Stevens, of Welland, visited for a -few days "last week with Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Ohellew, ' 'Miss Dorothy Vanstone, of Lon- don, was a weekend guest With Miss Hazel Petts. Mr, Walter Cook is a patient in Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Walden, of Westfield visited on Sunday with IV! ` iirriti s ``: a tci<'`Coal .! : - fir;' and 'Mrs;; Frank Marshall spent last week with their daugli• ter and son-in-law, Mr, and` Mrs. Donald Yunghlut, and family, of London. Butcher Starting Blyth Business Mr, Ernie (Freck) Button, who has ben associated with the butch. ering business In Lucknowfor the past eighteen years, will commence business In the Blyth Butcher Shop this Friday, July 5th. The shop became vacant when Mr. Wilf Gannett ceased operations in the building last Saturday. Mr, Button and his wife have a family of four boys, John, 12; Jim, 16; David, 18; and Roy, 21, who attends Western . University. The Button's future .plans in - elude moving to our village, and the Standard joins our residents in welcoming them to our corn• munity. MARRIED WOMEN FIELD GOOD BALL TEAM Blyth married women have formed a softball team and have already started to show their prowess on the field; They de. fated Nile 22 to 3 on Tuesday night and are looking forward to a game in Dungannon on July 15th, The girls - are looking for play- ors layers and any married lady who would like to play Is Invited to attend a practice session at the Blyth ball park next Tuesday night at 7 p.m. For further de. tails contact either Mrs. Doug Me. Dougall or Mrs, George Oster, PEE WEES WIN Blyth Pee Wees defeated Wing. ham 9 to 8 in a close ball game Tuesday night, • Don Stewart and Randy Miller pitched for the loc.. els and Ritchie was the receiver. THE BLY1111 STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, SUGAR and SPIcB By gill Smiley �► THE LIMBS OF LIFE 1 008 This is being written before the national election. And there's nothing more exhilarating than going out .on a limb, It begins when you're (very little, when you eat a worm to .:see if .he'll really stay alive inside you, or spick up a toad to see whether you'll wind :up covered with warts, 'Later, it -might 'be climbing -out on a long, shaky tree limb over a ;deep pool, when lyou can't swim. Or it might be caught up in a tree, shirt stuffed with apples, while the voice of Geo, J, Jehovan thunders from beneath, "Conte down, ye little divils; I know yer up there and I'll - whale the tar out of yez and the police'll put yez away fer life." Or it might be caught in the act of swiping corn and racing through backyards and over fences, with the cobs dropping and your Heart :thumping :and the shotgun ;going off into the sky. Or it might be, about age 12, smoking butts with the ho• boos in the -"jungle" beside the railway tracks, and having a drunk with a gallon .of wine come .up and -start terrifying .you with all sorts :of.:obscenities you !don't understand,, Or it might 'be, about 14 and spotted like a hyena with pimples, having to ask .a girl to a party, knowing that you are the most repulsive, awkward .booby in town. This is a rotten limb to be out on. . It could be saying, "Don't you say that about my mother!" - to the bully of your age and sailing into him, yourself outweighed '20 pounds, -but your .fists and :feet and: teeth going like a windmill. Or it eould be a 'swimmingly exhilarating moment, like the day when I was in high school .and kissed my French teacher up in an apple tree, She was a spinster and •six years older than I. but [f I recall, it was :a swooning experience and I think we both wound up hanging by our -knees .from the limb. These are some of the limbs I've been out on, Lots of other limbs. You've had yours; round limbs, crooked limbs, rotten limbs, smooth ones, brittle limbs, .sturdy ones, We have..all ;gone out on a .limb. When you're young, you don't really know the difference, or you just don't care. It's climbing•out on the thing that matters. Even at 20 I was climbing out on a limb, trying desperately to make the grade as a fighter pilot, sweating blood. so that I could climb out on the fragile wing of a Spitfire and be killed, What an i� ony! Those who didn't make :it were brokenhearted, And then there's the limb of marriage. Most males will climb out on the first limb that is endowed with long eyelashes or trim ankles or a big bust. Even :though .they know it's a very green .one, or .a very _brittle .one, out they go. 1 -vas -lucky, The limb I climbed out on was firm but n'ielding, green 'but -not brittle. And I damn soon discovered that when you climbed out .on that particular limb, you didn't carry a :saw, but a parachute and an ironbound alibi. - However, what I started out to say was that, as we get older, we climb out on shorter and shorter, safer and safer limbs, until we are finally left, clutching the tree -trunk., even though we're only two feet off the.ground. The old limbs (or .the young limbs) creaked and swayed and cracked and dipped, They are replaced by the limbs of safety • and conformity and security and enough life insurance, And the sad !part is that these .are the IUmbs we want our children ito climb out on, ino farther than two feet from the trunk and .no 'higher ithan two feet from the ground. ,While they want to climb on the swinging limbs :that will sail them 'to -the skies or break and flet them fall. All this, of course, is a preamble to the fact that I'm still willing to go out on a limb, If somebody will fetch a stepladder to help me get started up -the tree. I repeat, this is written before the national election, There's going to be a landslide, It may he in Quebec or Ontario, but it's more .likely to happen in the Rockies. 1O0l9t11 11111 111111 hollllll@iotfivIlUt111011`'Jll1D11111 vlitIo VlllVllltpl!llsiI!volvI!IIIIIIIJIIl111111IIIIIIIIIIIIovliIIPPIIi I!vvIlil VIPITTli ,;h, IT'S GOOD BUSINESS TO USE THE CLASSIFIED PAGES OF THE STANDARD Whether Shopping For a Bargain or Looking. Fora a Buyer BELGRAVE EVENTS Air, Albert Nethery, of Hamll• ton, spent the weekend with Mrs, George Cook. Mr, and Mrs. Hurgh 'Kinn and John spent Sunday afternoon at Seaforth and spent the evening with Air, and Mrs. Selah Br•eeken• ridge, of Jamestown. Joanne and Jennifer Rock are spending their holidays with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Rhin, Miss 11'ary Craig, of Kitchener, 11r, Larry Marlin, of Guelph, vis• ited on lionday with her grand. parents, ?Jr, and Mrs. Mark Arm• strong. -Mr. and firs. .Jack Norman, Nancy and 'Sus'an, of Toronto, visited on Alonday with their cousins, lir, -and Mrs, Jack Hig• gins and Joan. They also visited with friends and relatives in Tees. water, Wingham, Lucknow and at• tended the celebration at Lang. side Church. Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Shaw and family, London, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Anderson and family, of Belgrave, visited with their uncle and aunt, Mr,- and Mrs. Earl Anderson on Sunday who celebrated their 90th wedding anniversary. Celebrated 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson celebrated their 40th wedding an• niversary when their family en• tertained them at a Sunday din• ner at their home. Guests pres ent were, Mr. and Mrs, John An. derson, Belgrave, Mrs, Ivan Me. Anter, Brussels, 'lir, ,and firs, George Black, Milton, .Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aury, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Terry Moores, • Toronto, Mr, and airs, George Vickers, Mil. ton, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Bunking and family, R.R. 1, Auburn, Mr, and Mrs.Wm. Schreiber and fain ily, Milton, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hart. lin and- family, Downsview, Mr, and Airs. Janes Anderson and fa. roily, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson and family, Rexdale, Miss Karen Anderson, Toronto, Why dc Specials show up in na. tional ratings?' In a recent sur• vey the Emmy Awards was in first position. It certainly wasn't first because it was good. Many viewers objected and expressed their opinions by writing letters about the program. One said: "The best shows of the- year were honored by the worst show of the decade," Another letter: "I would like to thank nay TV set for mercifully breaking down during the Emmy Awards Show.',' Here's a dandy," "There's ter fainly nothing like a tight, well• organized, wel'1•staged and well. presented Emmy Awards show, When are we going to get one?" This letter was also good; "For conspicuous bravery in having survived the Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Golden Globe and Grammy Aw• ards shows, an .award is `Hereby presented to the television view. er," Here is one about a dog; "My little dog, Missy, and I watch tl'V together. When the program isn't very interesting, 1 usually . play solitaire while we watch,, 'Last night, after 15 minutes o,f the Emmys, Missy brought me _a deck of cards," Another letter called it the "dud of the year," And another commented that it was "the year. ly comedy Pot` •.errors," THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blyth Community 'since 1888 Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, .ONTARIO. Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $3.50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" „1;I illi^r711lmlplll! Ilr;7mm;' 7117I', I ! II" 9 it 1 .. it : , I (TJI TI1P,III if l LIME1IIII711 I I II 1171, FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY "A CERTAIN PART .. ." --Acts 5: 2. You know that frightful story of Ananias and Saffira? It is not too far from the practice of our life! We like .it too: to rum with the hare and hunt with the hounds, To make the best of both worlds, Facing both ways! For God a part. For myself a part. But where your treasure is, there will your heart be .also, Ananias brought his money only for show. He was all outside show. His thoughts, his heart was in that part of the property --- proceeds that was in his 'house, for himself — Do YOU keep back something? A part of your life, that is not yet God's domain? A part of your life, where you intend to be your own piaster? Ask yourself and don't rest before you know the answer. Fill Thou niy life, 0 Lord my God In every part with praise That my whole being may ,proclaim Thy being and Thy ways, Not for the lip of praise alone Nor even the praising ,heart Task -- but for a life made up Of praise in every part. i 0 X. Call In For A Delicious Treat ICE CREAM SUNDAES •• POs' •• CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening 'Except Wednesday iltRON GRILL BLYTH,ONTARIO "523.4391 I0 pi1p11Nf Ilhilly!Ilnillimile[f1Cl{lillIon!pll!rl(;1rmmi;!l'';!Ihgmli(:'Q 111i11p1llnllilingNi>Il (Among ZiTe ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • RFV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. Church 'Service - 1:00 p.m, Sunday -School Oh I'M ill 11JIC!'':P.;il: CHURCH OF GOD illcConne I Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a,m. Sunday School, 11:00 a.ni. -- Worship 7:30 p.m. --- Prayer and Bible Study. Mr. E. Sonnenburg will show slides of. Europe .and will tell of his experiences in East Germany. 8:00 p.m. -- _Friday -- Youth Hour. Thought For The Week "Arc you discouraged?—Pray! It will comfort you. Are you tempted? Pray! It will uphold you, Are you fallen? Pray! It will .uplift you, CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. II, W. KROEZE, 'MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — (English) H, Cat, Lord's,Day.:27 "Baptism, for our children — a privilege and an. obligation." 11:00 a.m. — Sunday School. 3:00 p.m. •— (Dutch) Scripture: Acts .5: 1.13. Text, Acts 5: 2. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. G, E. Pakenham, Rector Trinity Church 'Blyth: 10.00 a.m. — Holy Communion, Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11,.15 a.m, — Morning Prayer. St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p.m. — Evening _'Prayer. St, .Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2.45 ,p.m. — Evening *Prayer. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV, W. 0. MATIIER, B,A,, B,D., .MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, 'Director of Music. .9:45 a.m. --• Sunday Church : School, 11.00 a.m. -- Morning "Worship Guest Preacher, Rev, ,J, .Ure Stewartoof :Seaforth, IM IlnII'In 1 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111 111 illi' 1 11111111Ni1'1111111,1111iil1,!1!I IIID 111 Ilii dll,l.plll!Ip1,11%,111111 111 THE .BLYTH STANDARD r 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1968 See Our Large Selection of READY TO WEAR SUITS for MEN - all sizes - R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 •� SFE US FOR ROADABILITY, LOW-PRICED USED CARS 1968 FALCON 4 door, 1968 FAILANE 4 door. 1968 FORD half ton. 1967 PONTIAC 4 door, hard top 1967 CHEV. 4 door, 1966 •PONTIAC Laurentian, 2 door, auto. 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief, .4 door, auto, 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4 door, auto, 1966 CHEV, 4 door, automatic, 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door, 6 cyl, 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, V 8, 1966 FALCON 4 door, 1965 FORD Custom V 8, Automatic 1964 CHEV. VAN 1963 FORD 4 door, 1963 FORD 2 door. 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 door. 1963 OLDS. 4 door, hard top. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's BAR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 5234681 QUEEN'S PARK REPORT by Murray Gaunt, M.P;P. (Huron•Bruce) A bill to increase payments un- der Ontario's Workmen's Compen- sation Act received second read- ing this week in the Legislature, The bill increases the minimum ceiling on which compensation is paid to widows and orphans of a man killed in a work accident bons $6,000 a year to $7,000. It also raises to $400 from $300 the lump sum paid to cover funeral expenses. The Minister of Education, Wil- liam Davis, introduced this week legislation to establish larger units of administration for Roman Catholic separate school purposes, In Introducing the bill, the Minitster said the new separate school boards will facilitate plan- ning on a broader base and will permit the establishment and im- plementation of a system of pri- orities in the programming and financing of education in their jurisdictions. The larger units will be supported by a broader tax base and will reduce any im- balances which may exist accord- ing to the Minister. The number of trustees to be elected to the county separate school boards will be allocated to a municipality or group of muni- cipalities as nearly as possible on the basis of provincial equalized residential and farm assessment for separate school purposes. All separate school. trustees will be eleced at biennial elec- tions for two year terms, with the first election to be held on the first Monday in December, 1988. A formal public inquiry into the activities of two Afetro magi- strates, Frederick Bannon and George Gardhouse was announced by Attorney -General Arthur Wish. art. .lir, Wishart said the inquiry would be public?' and would ex- plore the two magistrates' associ- ations with a pian named Vincent Alexander, and other -persons. The inquiry will he conducted by Mr, Justice Campbell Grant of the Supreme Court: of Ontario and will start as soon as possible. Un his statement to the Legis. lature, Mr. Wishhrt said: "Over the period of the last three months the •MetropcJ.itan Toronto police force in the course of certain criminal investigations carne upon information relative to the behaviour of these two ma- gistrates." Shobbrook. Reunion At Seaforth Park The Shobbrook Reunion was held on Sunday, ,tune 30, at the Lions Park in Seaforth for their annual picnic dinner with about 60 attending from Buffalo, Niag. ara, Woodstock, 'Toronto; Brad- ford, Galt, Goderich, Clinton, Blyth and Londesboro. A program of sports was con• ducted with the results as fol• lows, Girls 5 and under, Cathy Gibbings, Boys, Frankie Garrow; Girls 6 to 9, Julie Shobbrook, Boys, Paul Gibbings; Girls 10 to 12, Joan Garrow, Boys, John Gib- bings; young Iddies race, Vicki Carrow; young men's race, Gor- don Shobbrook; Ladies kick the slipper, Verna Gibbings, men, Cliff Saundercoek; Counting the jelly beans, Bessie McBride; 3 legged race, Shirley Shobbrook and Verna Gibbings; Guessing the unwrapped can, Clarence Crawford; Youngest child, lfarni Gibbings; Oldest married couple, Ann and 13i11 Wi.11lard; Oldest per.' son present, Mrs, Laura Saun- dercoek; Youngest married couple, Bob and Donna Gibbings; Per- sons from fartherest distance, The Williarcis, of Buffalo. The officers for 1969 are, Pres• ident, Mr. and Mrs, "ert Shob• brook; Vice Preident, Mrs. Laura Saundercoek; F.i cretaryTreasurer, Ws. Percy Gibbings; Sports, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Gibbings; and Mr. ‘44-•-•••-•-•44-•••••• •-•-• ++4-.4 1.4-f--r+•••••+-•1-•-44-++++4+••$•$M••'•' 41 f ♦ 1 ht� 1 h� r4 F� i •- -. 1 �t r+-+44 ••••*4-4 +4-4-+44-N-•-$ 4 FREE FILM PHOTO FINISHING WE ARE NOW OFFERING A FREE ROLL OF FILM. WITU EACH ROLL SUBMITTED FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING . The Processing Charges Are As Follows: 8 Exposure Fihn Black and White ... $1.05 8 Exposure Film Kodacolor 43.95 12 Exposure Film Black and White $1.311 12 Exposure Fihn Kodacolor $4,95 20 Exposure Film Black and White $2,19' 36 Exposure Film Black and White $3.85 20 Exposure Film Kodacolor 47.45 VP 126 Film $1,49 CN 126 Film $5,15 The above prices include a free roll of film. Any roll of film that is imprintable (no good) will be returned no charge without the free roll of film, If only ten *negatives are printable on a 12 exposure roll, the customer will receive a reprint coupon good for two prints, This coupon is good on reprint orders only and can be used at any time, Request for more than one print of each on a roll of film, will be charged 'at the regular price for the additional prints. R. D. PHILP, Phm1B t►Rl1(;S SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER •-- Phone Blyth 523.4440 1 lo 1 4 -• • • • • • 4 • • •- • 4 •4 • ••+ *44'4 • *IN^. •-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-••-••-•-•-•-•+4•1 HAROLD BLACK •. w r YOUR IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT WILL BE CLOSET) FOR HOLIDAYS h'IIO1'1 JULY 7Lh TO ;JULY 13th We request customers to check their needs now, and get supplies in prior to our holidays, PHONE 482-3873; THE OFFICE WILL BE OPEN DAILY :1T 5 P,M. 4••-r4-•4•+t•$•••int•41-•1•••-••r-*♦•-•-$•-rr•-•ir•••-♦• $-4P-44••r+ • • • r .*. •-+-•-4••-•46-+•-•tr• r• •-• Iw ••4-•-••••4-• r•.-4•+14 Announcement --- FOR SALE --• FARM FRESH EGGS GRADEI) --- AT HAROLD COOK'S SELF -SERVE EGG VENDOR REF RIG ERA TED When you are out for a drive in the day time or evening, call around and get some. PLEASE BRING CHANGE WITIT YOU' Open every day and evening at the corner of QUEEN and WATER STREETS 4 a •-•-,44 •-•-•-•+++4.4-+4-0÷.4 C•4-+-i•-•P• • 4•444-.4-•••-•-•-• • *4 • 44. Sh1 • +• 4 �' • N1 •'+'• P•i=r : 1 I I : = I I ?'• • ••4•• p, e , S •- 4 t NEW ARRIVALS - - Shell Tank Tops Mumu Cotton Shifts tSleeveless White Cotton Blouses • Short Sets $7.95 ea. $3.98 ea. DRESSES ••• Sleeveless Arnel Fortrel in Junior and Half Sizes, • •4 •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•+•*-•-••-4-•+-•1-+ •+♦ 1 NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE # CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth and Mrs, Bob Saundercoek; Re- freshments, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Crawford and Mrs, Maude Rad- ford; Nominating committee, Mr, and 'Airs. Gordon Shobbrook, A good• time was had. by. all, ti 4 4 N t Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH ••- Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -• CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.in, to 5.30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE -- Balance of Week ••- Phone 527.12,40 ,R^ VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER. QUEEN SALES -- Varna - TeL Coll. Hensall 6961t2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. PUMPEi) & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE •- Brussels i#.6.. 2 •-- Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO , OFFICE. HOURS: B*' Appointment Only, Except Emergencies very Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings, W. R. HAMILTON - OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and Thursday HOGS on Tuesday Trucking To and From Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYm 523.9361 ELLi4TT RE•AI:, ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523.4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:. Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. • ROY N. BENTLEY --- ACCOUNTANT GODERICH - ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd., F. • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J, H. Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L.B., A. Mill, B,A., L.L.B. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATEI) IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 5234481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 TIIE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1 Ili, 11111111I, Iwo 10,11011,10111 1,• I PIYUWIWuuuuWl�luWWllul�ll! IbI�WUWUUUWUIidUUIUUWIW!!lWUWI U SELL IT! BUY IT ! RENT IT! FIND IT I PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" T() WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 'CHAIN SAW REPAIRS Having Chain Saw Problems? Expert repairs are available at Bill's Esso Station, phone Blyth 523.9556.. 2641. CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling, Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37•tf REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $6 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets, 33-tf, WHY BUY A Garden Tiller when you can rent one economically from Bill's Esso, phone 523-9556 Blyth. 43-tf LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED All makes of lawn mowers and garden tillers, Bill's Esso, phone 523.9556 Blyth. 41tf. 4 CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri, 7.30 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING . TINTING • CU.TTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLtTh1 -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day Monday .- Open Tuesday Through Saturday • It 44. 4 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and horses also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound -w Phone Collect 133, Brussels. (24 -hr. service) Plant Lie, No, 54•1U . 01; Coll, Ltc, No. 88-G61 BLYTH BEAUTY BAR CUTTING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING .AND SIX WEEK RINSES ANN HOLLINGER -- Phone Blyth 523.9341 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 18 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 1 1104 j .1•14•14.11 WANTED 2 Holstein springers, due soon, Ben Terpatra, phone 473W13 Bruseeis, 02-2 TIIE TOMMY HUNTER SHOW Clinton Community Centre 8,30 p.m., Saturday, July 13, Box Of- fice opens 7.00 p.m. Admission $2,50 per person, Sponsored by Bayfield Community Centre Com- mittee, 02.2 OPPORTUNITY Exclusive Sales Rights for AVon Cosrnetios available to capable energetic women in Colborne, Ashfield or Morris Townships. Write or call collect evenings. Mrs, M. Milison, 17 Hawkesbury Avenue, London, 451-0541. 02-5 SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment, Prompt service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 254, 464f, FOR SALE Used lawn mowers, recondition• ed and in good working order. Bill's Esso Service, phone Blyth, 523.9566. 47-tf. BRICK WORK Fireplaces, stonework, plaster- ing, chimneys, repairing and stuc- co. Ray Squire, Port Albert Post Office, or phone Dungannon 529.7636. 51-tf BACKHOE WORK Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe -- With Operator Also Custom Bulldozing . Levelling, Backfilling • Thorns etc. I,YLE MONTGOMERY Phone evenings 482.7644, Clinton Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIA1JSTS Pedlar Stabling • Complete Installation • Farm Automation GERRY GASCHO, Milverton, Brunner, Ont, 596.4578 Authorized Dealer For Huron County H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 523.4275 Res, 523.4591 PECKiTT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londeshoro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FAR31 PROPERTY WITH US - --- WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE, PROSPECTS C. BURUMA H.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE RLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9586 "'Your Oil Heating Oontraetor" BOB HENRY - GENERAL AUCTIONEER BLVTH, ONTARIO For All Types of Saler --• Telephone 523.4234 EAVESTROUGHING We are prepared to handle your eavestroughing requirements, lar- ge or small. Prompt service. Karl Whitfield, phone 523.9337, Blyth. 02-1p, FOR SALE 4 -can Milk Cooler in good con- dition, Karl Whitfield, phone 523.9337, Blyth. 02-ip. FOR RENT 4 bedroom brick hawse on. good roadnear Blyth. Has furnace and bathroom. Phone 5.9338 Blyth. 01.1 WANTED TO BUY A boy's bicycle, in good condi- tion. Mrs. Jack Stewart, phone 523-9222 Blyth, 02.1 HELP WANTED -- MALE I need a full or part-time ,per- son to help meet the demand for a 'much needed service for motor. fists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience ne- cessary but a car is. For full in. formation write to Ed, Bauer, Patrick.. Street, Wingham. Give your phone number please. 02-3 NOTICE TO CREDI'T'ORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES DENIIOLM ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Hitrori, La. bocurer, deceased, who died on Uie 27th day of April, 1968, are required to file proof of same With the tindcrsigfied on or before the 13th day of July, 1968. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having_ regard only to the claims._ of which _.they. -shall- then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 17th day of June, A.D. 1968. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL WINGHAM, ONTARIO Solicitors For The Executors, 01.3 FOR SALE 50 acres of standing hay. Gil- bert Nethery, phone 523-9533 Blyth. 51-4 MAITLAND TELESERVICES LIMITED I am interested in purchasing shares of the Company and any- one wishing to sell them can con- tact me, Douglas A. Farr, at Box 518, Walkerton, Ontario. 52-4. t Classified Ads. Pay Big Dividends r t NOTICE TO CREDITORS_ IN THE ESTATE OF NORMAN HILL RADFORD ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth in the County of Huron, Retired Manager, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of June, 1968, are required to file proof of same with the Undersign• ed on or before the 6th day of July, 1968, After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 17th clay of June, A.D. 1968, CRAWFORD, S1iEPHERI) & MILL WINGHAI1f, ONTARIO SOLICITORS Fol$. EXgOtTRIX 52.3 A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALW.\YS ON HAND - ,.. AT THE STANDARD , THE BLY!PH STANDARD - - WDDNDSDAY, JULY 3rc1, 1968 BELGRAVE NEWS of the PAST WEEK ?Ir. and Mrs, Jeff Christensen, weekend In Barrington, Michigan, Bob and Glen, London, visited on Miss Norma Nethery, Ilamil Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert ton, spent the weekend with her Grashy. aunt, Mrs, 'Telford Cook, also vis. Mr. Harold Vincent, Dashwood, ited with other relatives, Mr, Albert Vincent visited last Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vincent WESTFIELD NEWS Mrs. Elizabeth McDowell, of Huronview, visited on Sunday with Gordon McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith. 'Mrs. Margaret McLennan, of .Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Mary McDowell, July 1st, at the East and West The Westfield Sunday School held a successful picnic Monday, Wawanosh park where the mem. ,bers and some former members of Westfield Sunday School re• newed friendships. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald McDowell and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Shute, of Kirkton,. on Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Kerr, of Ma - ton, Mrs, Elsie Walsh, of Blyth, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cook on Sunday. Mr. Donald McDowell and Miss Elizabeth Stewart visited with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McDowell this weekend, Visitors with Miss Janetta Snell and Mr. Gordon Snell on Thursday were, Mr, and Mrs. Jas• per McBrien, of Goderich; and Mrs, Edna Kerschenski, betroit. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Smith, of South Woodslea, viisted with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon E. Smith for the weekend. Mrs. Anne Fidom spent the weekend -with her sister, Mrs. George Cspei, at InnerkIp. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, 1 1 t i Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. .Douglas Campbell on Sunday. :Misses Connie and Heather Mills, of Exeter, are visiting this week with Misses Kinn and Patty McDowell, Mr, Albert Nethery, Hamilton, Mr. Wesley Cook, Belgrave, vis• ited with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook on Sunday. Mrs, Harvey McDoivell, Mrs. Mary McDowell and Miss Judy McDowell visited with Mrs, Vera Kershaw and Miss Gladys McDow• ell, of Goderich, on Thursday. Visitors with Miss Janetta Snell and Mr. Gordon Snell on Satur clay were, Miss Shirley Snell, Miss Pat Smith, 'Mr, David Elliott, of London, and Mr. Ken Elliott, of Toronto, Visitors with Miss Norma Smith for this weekend were Miss Janet Dubrick and Mr, Hank Sonnen• burg, of Kitchener. Mrs, Arnold Cook, Sharon,. Jan• et and Bradley visited Mrs, Grace Ross, of Woodstock, on Saturday. Sharon remaining . for -further holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Campbell visited on Sunday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming, of Walton. Mr, Bill Buchanan, of 'Phessa• ton, is visiting with his brother, Mr. Roy Buchanan, and other rel. ataves, Snell'sMFOODART WEEKEND SAVINGS. Plus a Few Unadvertised (1st come, 1st served specials) White Sugar 5 lbs. 43c Van Camp Beans with Pork, 19 oz., 4 for 89c Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 7 oz. ; , . 1.19 Libby's Deep Buttered Peas or Corn 14 or, 5 for 1.00 Del Monte Cut Green Beans, 14 oz. 6 for 1.00 Allen's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz. 3 for 1.00 Heinz Tomato Juice, 48 oz. 3 for 1.00 Aylmer Tomatoes, 28 oz. 2 for 59c Libby's Spaghetti, 28 oz. 2 for 59c Allen's Orange Crystals 5 for 89c Kam Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. 2 for 89c Schneider's or Borden's Cheese Slices 8 oz. 35c K.P. Weiners, 2 lb. 99c Peameal Back Bacon per lb, 79c Peameal Cottage Roll per lb, 55c 1 112 lb. tin 1.39 Oxydol or Bold Detergent, giant size . 89c Phone 523-9332 We Deliver visited with ,lir. and Mrs. George friends in the village. Bullock and Eldon, Zurich, for a Mr, and Mrs, Fred Noble, of Streetsville, visited on Sunday few days, also called en Mr, and Mrs. Tom Taylor, of Exeter, and other relatives around Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Barnes, of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Higgins, Air. and Airs. Americo Arr•uda and AIa'la, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan. Mr, and Airs. Albert Vincent called on her sister and brother. in-law, Air. and Mrs. Lorne liar. mer, Fullarton, Mr. Harmer suf- fered a heart attack and was con fined to the Stratford hospital for sometime, The Memorial Service will be held at Brandon .Cemetery, July 7, at 3 p.m. Rev. John Roberts will give the address. In case of rain the service will be held in the United Church: Mr. and Mrs, Albert Vincent called on Mrs. Edith Brown, of Motherwell. Airs. Vincent remain• ed for a few days with Mrs. Brown and Dr, Bert Brown, Weston. While there visited Mrs. A, E. Johnson and other friends. Mr, Charles and Theodore Ow- ens and nephew, Mr. Gordon Tay- lor, aylor, of Saskatchewan, are visiting with .Mr. and Mrs. Melville Ma. thers and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathers and other friends and re. latives. , Mr, Norman Wheeler, San Jose, California, visited on Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Anderson also called on other relatives and WEDDING MILLER—AUGUSTINE St, Alatthews on the Plains An• gliean Church, Burlington, was the setting for the marriage on Satur- day, June 15, 1968, between Miss Lois Anne Augustine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Augustine, Burlington, Ontario, and • iMr. Frank Miller Jr., son of Xi'. and Airs, Frank .Miller Sr., Toronto, Ontario. The double ring core - many was solemnized by the 'Ree. tor, the Rev, Clarence Wright. The bride,' who entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr, Gerald S. Augustine, of Burl- ington, looked lovely' lin a floor. length white 'fitted 'jneau de -"sole gown trimmed with silk braid and short train, Her ,shoulder -length veil. was held in place with flow. ers. She carried : a ;cascade of white mums. The -groom's gift to the bride was a bu'lova watch. The attendants were the bride's MAY' -sister, .Mrs; '.Doreen Gabla, of ` Hamilton,` and Mrs, Beverly Wilson, Freelton, Ontario. They Wore identical 'long gowns with chiffon overlay in yellow and aqua peat de soie, respectively, with matching headpieces and flowers. The little flower girl, Lori Anne Gabla, . niece of -.the bride, was ;' dressed in a floor -length gown of Iaqua peau de soie, witdi head piece to match, carrying a basket of aqua and yellow +mums. . The little ring bearer, Brian Stuart Augustine, nephew of the bride, carried a heart shaped cu• shion with ..the rings..... The grooms attendant was his brother-in-law, lir. Colin Mac. Gregor, Toronto, and the ushers were lir, Reg, Domina, brother=in• law, and Mr, Russell Domina, no - phew of the groom, ' A recetpion was held at Trefoil Lodge. 'Phe bride's cake centred • the head table and supper was served to sixty guests. Mr. R.11, L, Robinson, Port, Colborne, uncle of the bride, proposed the toasts to the bride 'and groom, and the hest man responded. A telegram was read from the bride's aunt, Lois Tassie and fam- ily, of Port Alberni, B.C. For a honeymoon in Michigan and Ontario, the bride wore a 2• piece summer knit dress in blue and white with white accessories and a gardenia "corsage, On their return they will .reside. at 2431 Barclay Road, Burlington, Ontario. Guests were entertainedlater at the home of fhe bride's .parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Augustine, 390 Gue'lp'h Line, Burlington. Guests were present. from Port Colborne, St. Catharines, Toronto, London, Hamilton, Freelton, Bur. lington, Guelph, Stratford and Goderich, • with Mr. and Mrs..Stowaat Proc• ter. Mr. mut Mrs. Les Shaw and family spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson. Sharon and l3rian are slaying for some holidays: Mr. and AIrs. James Bakelann and family, Ingersoll, have recent• ly moved to the former. Harold Procter farm, 3rd line of Morris, Mr, Bakelaar will be- teaching In the Winghan and District High School in the fall, A reception Was held in the Belgrave Foresters Hall on Fri• day evening, June 28, in honour of Mr. and Airs. Leonard James who were recently married. Four leen tables of euchre were played. The prize winners were, Mrs, Al. ex Robertson and Mr, Herman Nethery. The remainder of the eveniing' was spent in dancing. Af• ter lunch was served Mr. and -Mrs, James were called to the platform and presented with a purse of money...They made a fitting reply. CARL) OF THANKS Airs. Mary Taylor wishes to express thanks to relatives from Toronto, London, Tceswater and Windsor, and her many friends and neighbours in Blyth; Also many thanks for the flowers, cards and gifts from the Ladies Auxil• iary, neighbours and friends, it was all greatly appreciated and made any 90th birthday a happy occasion. 02.1p Londesboro News Of The Past Week '['he congregation was well rep• resented at the Farewell gather. ing held on Wednesday evening for Rev. and Mrs, Tsehanz. A short program consisted of musi- cal numbers and a reading. Gifts were .presented to Which Mr. and Mrs, 'i'schanz replied fittingly, A social cup 'of tea was served al the close. Mrs. I)on Napier (nee Betty Brunsdon) of Texas, who spent a week with her mother, after her mother returned from two weeks treatment in Clinton Ifospital, re• turned to her 'home on Friday. We hope Mrs, Brunsdon will soon be feeling her usual. Mrs. Mabel Scott entertained the Cheerio Club last week. Mrs, Ida Townsend_ left last Friday for a two weeks holiday at Oshawa, Miss Doris Lear, of Burlington, spent the weekend with her Nth. Cr. She has recently returned from a vacation in Europe,. We are sorry to report that Mr. Earl Gaunt bad to return to Sea-, forth Hospital on Monday for treatment for a distressing cough. We hope he will soon recover. Mr. and Airs. Robert Thompson left last week for a weeks vaea• tion, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Lee and fam- ily are enjoying a week at Port Elgin. Miss Pat Burns spent the. week- end at, her home here. Mr, Wilmer Glousher has com- menced building his new home in the village. Mr, and Mrs. John Armstrong attended the funeral of her broth- er-in-law, Mr, Carter, Brantforfi, on Wednesday, Mr, Clare Vincent Sr,, is busy clearing trees from a lot on No, 8 highway where he intends build- ing a home in the near future, 1 COOK'S Maxwell 'louse Coffee, 1 lb. bag . 75c Swift's Golden Dew Margarine 1 Ib. prints 4 for 89c Freshies, assorted flavours .... 10 pkgs. 49c POST CEREAL SAM; --• Grapenut Flakes, 12 oz, pkg. 32c Sugar Crisps, 8 112 oz. pkg. 35c Crispy Numbers, 10 oz. pkg. 39c Alpha Bits, 10 oz. pkg. 39c Honey Combs, 6 oz. pkg. 33c Bisset's Ice Cream, half gal. pkg. 89c Lee Choice Crushed Pineapple for oz, tins 4 for 1.00 Nature's Best Choice Tomatoes 28 oz. tins 4 for 1.00 Liquid J aver, 64 oz. bottle 44c Giant Oxydol, 10c off label 97c Giant Liquid Ivory 87c McCormick Assorted Cookies . , 3 pkgs. 1:00 Weston's Chocolate Cream Rolls, 10c off 39c Sunkist Oranges, 180's per doz. 39c Peaches -5 fon.- 29c Watermelons eacfi 89c Phone 523.9421 • • • • • .• • • • •I Auburn Sz. District News Items Of Personal Interest Mr, Peter Brown, of Windsor, spent the holiday with his .coos. Ins,- Mr, .and .Mrs, Maitland Allen. 'Mr, and .Mrs, .Elwin . Anderson, Brantford, Mr, and ;Mrs, Alex..An• demon, Dayton, Ohio, visited friends in the village last week, Mr, ,and Mrs, W, .II, Coates, of .Flint, Michigan, visited recently at the home of,Mr.. and Mrs, Malt. land Allen, Mr, Charles Scott spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Duncan MacKay and John, of Sault Ste. Marie, or - rived last Friday evening to spend the holidays in the village, Mr, and Mrs, Alph Graviston, of Tavistock, called on old friends In the village last Saturday, A1r, Warner Andrews returned home after surgery in St. Joseph's hospital, London. Mr, and Mrs, Ed: Davies visited relatives at Lambeth last week, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Young• blut and family, Brantford, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Youngblut, Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, of Guelph, and friend of Toronto, visited last Sunday with Miss Mar- garet R, Jackson, Mrs, Gordon Taylor, Miss Mar- garet Jackson, Mrs. George Ham- ilton and Mrs, Albert McFarlane, visited last Thursday with Mrs. Lloyd Humphries, at Palmerston. Sunday 'guests with Mr, and ,Mrs,. Frank Raith'by and John were Mrs, Edna RaIthby, London, Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Petrie, and her grandson, Glen Ronson, Kathy, Virginnia and Faye Marie, of Kincardine, Mr, Earl Raithby and Mrs, Mary Johnston, both of Oodericlu.. Weekend guests with Mr, and Nrs. Wilfred Sanderson were, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Youngblut, Wood. stock, Mr, John McCallum, Glam. is, Hiss Barbara Sanderson, of Woodstock, 'Miss Margaret Sander- son, London, and 'Miss Mary San- derson,. Godericb. Mrs. Rose Merman, Tavistock, is visiting with her sister, Miss Ella Wagner. Mr, and Mrs, Win. J, Craig vis- ited last Saturday with Mr, .and ;qrs. Robert 'Craig and family at II;R, 2, .Lucan, ;Mrs, Robert Chamney is a pa- tient in Goderich hospital, We wish her a speedy recovery: Mr, and Mrs, Ray Mclllmurray, Flint, Michigan, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, J, Craig, Miss Mary E. Asquith, 'Cooks• ville, visited on Sunday with Miss Laura Phillips, Mr, -and Mrs. Maitland Alien visited last week with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Koch, of Gorrie, and while there they were guests at the Ladies' -night of the 'Lion's Club when 'Mrs, Allen was soloist, Mr, George Timm has been .the president of this club for the past two and a half years. Miss Mair Davies, of Gaiman, Chabut, Republic of Argentina and Miss Leonora Buchaillot, Pal- acios, S, Carlos de BarIloche, Rio Megro Rep of Argentina, spent last week as guests of their friends, Rev, and Mrs, M, R. Rol. crts, Margarte and William, Miss Judy Arthur, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Arthur, Mark and Greg, Misses Jean Ilouston and Jean Jamieson, Toronto, spent the hol- iday with their sister, Miss Fran- ces IIouston and aunt, Miss Olive Young. Friends are pleased to know that Mrs, Edgar Lawson .returned home last week after several weeks In Clinton hospital follow- ing surgery, Mr. and Mrs, William L. Craig and .Brian, Mr, Allen ..Craig,, -of Guelph, Miss Jane :Doran, Kitch- ener, spent the holiday weekend in the Muskoka district. MRS. ROY DARR IIOSTESS TO WALKERBURN CLUB The June meeting of the Wal• kerburn Club was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Daer with a good attendance, The meeting was in charge of the president, 4Irs, Ted Ilunking, and was open- ed by singing 0 Canada followed by prayer led by Mrs. Carmen Gross. The minutes were adopt- ed as read by the secretary, Mrs, Elliott Lapp. The roll call was answered by paying of member- ship fees, The draw prize donat• ed by Mrs, Leonard Archambault was won by Mrs, Joe flunking, On motion of Mrs, Elliott Lapp and Mrs, George Schneider, a gift will be sent to the foster son of Mr, and Mrs, Garth 'McClinchey, ".Plans were made for the a 50th birthday party to be held on July 17th at the home of the president, Mrs, Ted Hunking, There will be a smorgasbord luncheon served .and all members are asked 'to -bring any pictures of club members ta- ken through the years. The mem- bers decided to cater to Miss Ruth Schneider's wedding .and 'Mrs, Roy Daer,: Mrs, Joe Thinking and Mrs, Elliott 'Lapp were named ea com- mittee-to om- mittee-to °plan the dinner; 'Plans were also made to hold the annu- al picnic and Mrs, Joe Verwey in. vited the club to -her home on August .14th =with :Mrs, 'Brian Hal- lam, `Mrs, Worthy -Young and Mrs, Thomas .Cunningham in charge Sherriff Sturdy Spoke At U.C.W. Meeting Sheriff Harry Sturdy, of Goder: ich, was guest speaker at the gen- eral meeting of the three units of the United Church Women of Knox United Church, Auburn, when •they met for.• their June meeting In the Sunday School room of the church. Alrs. Albert ..McFarlane intro- cluced Sheriff Sturdy Who told about the history and duties of his office, He also told how jurors. are picked and spoke of how writs end summons are dealt with, Mrs. Jahn Sprung thanked the spoajcer for his 'interesting 'address. The -president, _Mrs. M, 'R, -Ro- berts, was ;in. 'charge ,of the meet-. Ing with Mrs, Norman Wightman at the piano, Mrs.. Roberts open. ed with a 'meditation and pryer, The scripture lesson .from Luke 10 was read by her;missionary Aland from the Argentina, Miss Mg' Davies, followed by prayer, The offering. was:reeeived by Mrs. Clif- ford Branton and Mrs,. Ruhr • r+-•+�•+♦+ •+� •++ ��+�++•++r++♦ • SPECIAL CLEARANCE 1 ONLY --- t i : A . Large Selection Of MTD 3 hp Garden Tiller REGULARLY—PRICED . AT $112;77 Reduced To Clear At Only $97.50 • • 1 • • • • • • 44 • • • 1 4 AM & FM Portable Radios For You To Choose From PRICED FROM $18,95 to $79.00 (ron ;n,c HARDWARE -MIYTH TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER 444-.4444-.44444+++++++.4444444444444444444444-44+., Keopunans, 'A' duet was sung `by Misses Nancy Anderson and Betty Moss, Mrs, Koopmans asked for delegates ' to go to Alma College in August and Rev. M. R. Roberts thanked the .ladies...for the.invita• tion to attend, on behalf: of the men present. .A .dainty -lunch . Of ,strawberry shortcake and ice cream was 'ser- ved by members of Unit Three. 42nd. ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE IIELD. AT , BALL'S CEMETERY ON SUNDAY The 42nd annual memorial ser• vice f was .held last Sunday at Bali's cemetery with a good at- tendance,-.The t.•tendanee, .The service was:opened with a welcome from the chair- man of the -cemetery board, 7Mr, Frank , Raithby. He spoke .of .the work done -by the superintendent, Mr. Robert Turner, in. keeping the '"grounds in good condition, and also gave ,thanks to Mrs. Ger don 'Taylor, the _ secretary -treas- urer, ile spoke- of 'Rev,` R.,'U. Mac- Lean, minister .of Knox 'Presby- Aerian Church preparing the ,ser- vice but was unable to conduct it through sodden illness -and con- fined to hospital, Mr, Jack Hey nen,: student pastor of the._Auburn Baptist Church, was introduced; as the speaker, 'Rev. M. R, . 'Roberts, minister of Knox United Church, gave :the call to worship fand ;the :service was opened by singing the hymn `"0 God' our (help in ages lint" with Miss Nancy: Anderson at the organ and led in singing by an `interdenominational choir, The 34th Psalm '.was..read.xesponsively with„ lir, :Heynon leading, The fering was received by, the mem- bers of .the Trustee l3oard,"TFrank Raithby, Norman McD'owell,. ,Wil• Liam Wafgner, assisted by Robert Turner, A solo ”"In .9'imes "Like These" was,sung by ^ Mr, "Lorne :Salzman, of Clinton, 'Pastor Jack Heynen chose for the theme of his message "Wily there be a Resurrection?" He spoke of the early settlers and those who had been laid to rest in this chosen God's Acre,' He told of Jesus' life as told. in the Holy Scriptures -and how we ahould live as Christians, and urged all to live and to believe in the King- doin; of :God,. Renew your Subscription To The Standard Now THE 'BLYTH STANDARD' -- WORNA$DAY, JULY 3rd, REPORT Twelve Criminal :Investigations were conducted, which included two Thefts and one Break and En- ter, Eight. charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act. Ten warnings were issued and nine Safety Checks were conducted. Three Liquor Control Act in- vestigations were carried with three persons being charged un- der the Act, The following Motor •Vehicle Accidents were reported to the Wirrgham ;Detachment: Highway No. 4 On ..Tuesday, June :1968, at 4.00 p.m..,on Highway No. 4 south of Wingham, a 1960 Mercury driv- en by John Black, R.R. 5, Brus- sels, was turning into a laneway when It was struck on the left side by a 1960 Meteor driven by Joyce Souch, Blyth, 'Mrs, South was passing the black vehicle when .the accident occurred, Total damage was estimated at $175;00, There were no injuries,,.Prov, Const. H. B, McKittrick .as the of the program and Mrs, Ronald Gross and Mrs. Carmen Gross in charge of the lunch. Mrs, Carmen Gross introduced the guest of the afternoon, Rev. M. R. Roberts, who showed inter- esting pictures of the Argentine. J investigating officer. Morris Township On Thursday afternoon' on Con- cession 3, Morris Township a 1966 Oldsmobile driven by Marjorie Wright, R.R. 2, Bluevale, went out of control and left the roadway, coning to rest in the ditch, Mrs. Wright, Bradley and Jo -Anne Wright all suffered minor injur- ies, Damage was estimated at $1000,00. Prov. Const, H. B. Mc. Kittrick was the investigating of. ficer. Do Cars Often Go Out Of Control? News reports of traffic acci- dents occasionallystate that a vehicle "went out of control," Well—perhaps—hut your Provinc- ial Department of Transport rec- ords show that I nmost accidents it .was the driver who lost control of the vehicle through his own actions --or lack of action, Such accidents are often the result of speed too fast for conditions—not always above the limit—just too fast for the road, weather, traffic or driver condition. This helps to emphasize the importance of always adjusting speed to condi• tions so that you'll be able to make the curve, or to stop, or to make any other manoeuvre and still keep your vehicle under con- trol. It also helps keep you and your vehicle out of accidents, W. A, Stevenson: Safety Officer, Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- SEAPORT!' Open Every Afternoon PHONE 4..4 A gam Business 235.0820 4. • Residence 235.1354 .N•+. 4• - +•, Thanks to all those who supported me at the polls last week. MATT EDGAR A SINCERE THANK YOU. f to the Electors of Huron For Your Support Special thanks t� all those who worked so hard on my behalf .r •• THE BLYTH STAN DA1RD -- FIRST EXHIBITION PLANNED AT COUNTRY STUDIO Of interest to local people will be the first crafts exhibition of the summer season at Country Studio this Saturday, July 6th, A full day's program has been arranged and will Include demon- strations of pottery, wood turn. ing, chair caning, rug braiding, quilting, weaving, silk screening, copper enamelling, jewellery and many others. Demonstrations will commence at 9 a.m. and continue through until 9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1968 FOR SALE White faced bull calf; also 2 started IIolstein bull calves. Bill Cowan, phone 523.9229 Blyth. 02.1p FOR SALE Piano, in fair condition, will sell reasonable, Mrs. George Sch neider, phone 526.7744 Auburn. 02.1 SEWING MACIIINES Straight stitch, $77.77; Zig Zag, $129,95, Blyth Singer Center, phone 523.4275. 02-1 95 MEMBERS ATTENDED THE ANNUAL NETHERY REUNION 'Phe annual Nethery reunion was held at L,ondesboro commun• ity centre on Saturday with 95 members signing the register, A. E. Nethery and Mrs, Terry Nethery, of Wingha n, were in change of the sports and races, which were enjoyed by all. Guests were present from Sas- katchewan, Michigan, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Kitchener, Gode• rich and Clinton, The prize for coming the long- est distance went to Mr. Clifford Maynes from Demaine, Sask. Old• est pereson present was Mr, Hen- ry Leishman, of Clinton, and the youngestperson present was Denise Nethery, Following the supper hour the president, Terry Nethery, Wing - ham, took charge of the meeting, including business items and :speeches and also special prizes were given, Gifts of salt were re. ceived by all present. from Percy !Barker, of Goderieh. Officers elected for next year were: Clare VanCamp, Brussels, president, and Mary Isabel Ned). ery, Belgrave, secretary. Check your label date! t t rio spital insurance announces COACHES — 'CLINIC The WOAA in cooperation with the Community Programmes Branch are sponsoring a Coaches Clinic on July 7, from 9,30 a.m. to 5 p.m, in the Clinton Community Arena. This Clinic is Free, The clinic will feature; Pitching, Cat. china, Offensive, Defensive play, Batting, Fielding, Instructional films, We hope coaches, manages; trainers, players and the public will attend. Congratulations to Jeffrey • Wat- son who celebrated his birthday on Monday, July 1. BENEJiITS 1 Effective July 1,1968 In keeping with its practice through the years of increasing benefits wherever possible, the Ontario Hospital Seri, Commission announces new benefits for hospital out-patient services and essential ambulance services effective on .I01i 1, 1968. These benefits are now available to all residents covered by Ontario Hospital Insurance for whom such out-patient or s mbulance services are medically necessary. - NOw Out -Patient Benefits In addition to out-patient hospital services already covered (emergency care; follow-up treatment of fractures; radio- therapy; physiotherapy; occupational therapy and speech therapy) the plan now provides further benefits for the tis; of hospital facilities in out-patient treatment prescribed by a physician. This means that many hospital visits not previously insured, such as use of operating room for minor surgical procedures and the use of hospital facilities in the trcatmen t of medical conditions, will now be covered by Ontario Hospital Insurance, X-ray examinations and laboratory tests listed as benefits under the Ontario Medical Services Insurance i'Ian (OMSIP) will not be included in the new hospital insurance benefits, However, these diagnostic services will continue to be covered in connection with emergency out-patient services within twenty-four hours of an accident or when part of hospital out-patient service to complete treatment of a fracture. The new benefits will NOT cover any charges made by doctors or dentists for professional services rendered at the hospital; the use of hospital facilities for regular injections of drugs, or dental care normally provided in a dentist's office. Essential Ambulance Service Ontario Hospital Insurance will now cover, also, the major part of ambulance charges when an ambulance is necessary to take a patient to or from a hospital. The use of an ambulance must be considered necessary by a licensed medical doctor, a central ambulance dispatching service, a designated hospital official or another person authorized by the Commission. In the case of a road accident, a police officer may authorize the use of an ambulance. The ambulance must be supplied by a recognized ambulance service operator (municipal, hospital, and approved private and volunteer ambulance services). Cost to Insured Resident. The amount payable by the patient for an authorized ambulance trip of' 25 miles or less will he limited to $5.00. For longer trips on land there will be an additional charge of 15 cents for each mile over 25 miles, but ao more than $25.00 will be payable by the patient for any land trip. Where use of an air ambulance is specially authorized by the Director of Emergency Health Service of the Ontario Hospital Services Commission or a person designated -by him, the patient will not have to pay more than $100.00, including the cost of any connecting land ambulance service. Patient Pays Hospital. The patient will pay his share of the ambulance cost to the hospital which receives him or transfers him to a place of residence—not to the ambulance operator. . (An uninsured person will be liable for the full ambulance charges of $25.00 for a land trip of 25 miles or less, plus 60 cents for each additional mile. Air ambulance will be charged at the usual ,udl rates for this type of service.) The Ontario Hospital Services Commission will NOT'be responsible for operating or dispatching ambulances. This will continue to be the responsibility of the ambulance operators which, in some cases, will be public hospitals. The new out-patient benefits are designed to close the gap in protection between insured hospital services and those services which are benefits of OMSIP and other comprehensive medical plans. The ambulance benefit will not only case the financial problem for the patient but will assist iu,tlie development of a well -organized ambulance service throughout the province. Ontario Hospital Services Commission Toronto 7, Ontario , _.