HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-06-19, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD $2.50 A Year In Advance -- $3.50 In U,S.A, WEDDING PANNABECKER—GOWING White gladiola and yellow shas- ta mums formed a pretty setting for the marriage vows of Glenna Mario Cowing and Ross Arthur Pannabecker. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. W. 0. Lather at four o'clock Sat- urday, June 8, 1968, in the United. Church, Blyth, Ontario. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gowing, of •Blyth, and the ' groom is the son of Mrs. Donald Pannabeeker, R. R. 2, Lucknow, and the late Mr. Pannabecker, • Mrs, Harold Campbell, Blyth, was soloist, and sang "The Lord's Prayer" and O'Day of Gladness" accompanied by Mrs. Donald Kai, Oakville, organist of the Church. The bride was lovely in a floor - length gown of Swiss embroidered net, bordered with crystal peau• de-soie with matching wattaeu train. Her dress featured a ha - eau neckline and three quarter sleeves with lace trim, A flower cluster of lace and pearls held her shoulder -length veil of French silk illusion, and she carried a bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Wallace Chalmers, Chip- pewa, Ontario, was her sister's matron of honour. Bridesmaids were Miss Betty Jean Cook, Lon- don• cousin of the 'bride, and Miss BLYTH, ONTARIO -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE a!>Zfb, 1968 Mary Pannabecker, Lucknow, sis- ter of the groom. Miss Carol Ann and Kimberley Jean Gowing were flower girls, also sisters of the bride. They were identically gowned in floor length turquoise chiffon with empire bodices of Swiss Guipure Lace, and a cluster of Turo chiffon roses In their hair, They carried bouquets of yellow shasta mums, The bride's mother received the guests wearing an ensemble of turquoise blue lace and beige accessories, with a corsage of pink roses, assisted by the groom's mother wearing a deal blue' lace dress with white acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses, For a wedding trip to Montreal and 'the United States the bride donned a whit' crochet knit sheath dress wih pink flower hat and pink rose corsage. On their return they will reside at 115 Hexham Street, Preston, Ontario. Guests were present from Lon. don, Exeter, Stratford, Kitchen- er, Galt, Preston, Tiverton, Luck- now Clinton and Wingham. Showers prior to the marriage were held at. the home of Mrs, Ii. T, Vodden, Mrs, Ray Madill and by the office staff of The Eagle Tie Machine Company, Lon- don, Bride -Elect Honoured By Mother At Trousseau Tea Mrs, Ralph Caldwellentertain• ed relatives and friends at a trousseau tea on Saturday, June 15th, in honour of her daughter, Anne, whose marriage takes place this month. The guests were received by the hostess, the bridc•elect and Mrs, Gordon MacDonald, mother of the groom -elect. In charge of .the guest book was Miss Dianne Popp, cousin of the bride•elech and little Miss Donna MacDonald, sister of the groom elect. The tea table was covered with a pretty cutwork and lace cloth centred with a pretty . floral ar• rangement flanked by lighted can- dles in silver candelabra, A three. tiered wedding , cake was display- ed on the buffet. Pouring tea in the afternoon was . Mrs. Tom Herman, Clinton, great aunt of the bride•elect and Mrs, Alice MacDonald, Exeter, grandmother of the groom -elect, and in the evening Miss Bertha Webster, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Car- ter, Mrs. Laurie Scott, all aunts of the bride -elect. Serving .in the tea-room were, Mrs, Lorne Popp, Blyth, Mrs. Don- ald Treble, Goderich, Mrs. Donald Young, Auburn, all cousins of the bride -elect, The gifts were displayed hy Mrs, Robert McDougall, Goderic'r, and Miss Carol Govier, Blyt!t, cousins of the bride -elect, while Mrs, Wayne Glenville, Mrs. Den - Ms MacDonald, Alt's. Peter Martin, Crediton, and Miss Jean McVitti•. , Blyth, displayed the trousseau. Assisting in the kitchen wera, Mrs. Meredith Young, Goderich, aunt of the bride -elect, Mrs. Go,. don Caldwell, Mrs, Clarence John- ston, Mrs. Mel McVittie, Blyth. Huron TB Association Will Present Inhalation Therapy Bursary A bursary for the Inhalation Therapy Course in an Arts and Technology College was establi- shed by the \Huron County Tub- erculosis and Respiratory Disease Association meeting in Clinton last week. The bursary is available to a student with a secondary school diploma taking the two-year course, There would be orienta- tion and practice in a nearby hos- pital, The Association also decided to contact the schools in the Fall regarding a possible antt•&mok• ing week in the schools and es- says on Respiratory Disease. Secretary Mrs, Beryl Davidson reported 411 persons x-rayed in Huron County since the last meet- ing, The chest clinics are con- ducted by the Health Unit and financed by Christmas Seal con- tributions, Inhalation Therapy pumps mi. - chased by the Rehabilitation aid Social Service Program has been beneficial to many Huron County residents, The possibility of adult work- shops ,and social clubs for the respiratory cripple was discussed for the future. Births ROETCISOENDER -•– In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, June 8, 1968, to Mr, and Mrs, Helke Itoetcisoender, the gift of a son, Jeffrey, a brother for Tony, Albert and Suzanna. Congratulations to Airs, Wm. Cook who celebrates her birthday on Sunday, June 23, Intermediates Win Close Game Blyth and Benmiller intermc'd• fates hooked up in a low -scoring ball game in the local ball park last Friday night.; Blyth was able to squeeze out a three to one vict- ory in the nine7inning contest. Ed. Daerpitched the entire game for Blyth, allowing only 3 hits while striking out 22 batters, George Oster did a stellar job behind the plate. Harmon and Stall shared the pitching duties for Benmiller, They combined for 12 strike ottts while allowing only 5 hits. Blyth plays .at Dungannon on June 20th and at Holmesville on June 24th. The next home game Is scheduled for Friday, June 28. Plan to attend .and enjoy an ev- ening vening of exciting softball. 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A surprise party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Souch, Dinsley Street, Blyth, on Saturday, June 15th, when rela- tives gathered to honour them on their 40th wedding anniver- sary. The evening was spent play. Ing cards after which they were presented with gifts, Lunch was served. The following evening the fam- fly gathered at the Log Cabin res- taurant in Lucknow for a deli- cious family dinnerinhonour of. their parents. TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. Alex Riley is holding a Trousseau Tea on Saturday, June 22, 1968, from 2 p.m, to 4 p.m. and 7 p.nt to 9 p.m, in honour of her daughter, Linda. Friends please accept this invitation. Music Exam Results Announced. The following is a list of succes- sful candidates in examinations held recently by the Royal Con- servatory of Music of Toronto in Blyth. The names are arranged in order of merit. A.R.C.T. PIANO WRITTEN First Class Honours — Corinne M. MacDonald. GRADE V THEORY Form First Class Honours -- Corinne M. MacDonald. GRADE III THEORY History First Class Honours -- Joan E. Aggerholm. GRADE II THEORY First Class Honours — Linda Kathleen Lavis, Kathleen Mc- Creath (equal); Faye Farquhar. Honours — Brad Elliott, Sylvia Hawkes (equal). Pass •--• Colleen Carson. GRADE 1 THEORY First Class honours — Connie Gibbings; Catherine Mary Grant; Linda Riley; Honours -- Cather- ine Chandler; Pass — Connie Ne. thery. Congratulations to Mr. Lundy McKay who celebrates his birth- day on Sunday, June 23, Congratulations to Mr, Carmen Haines who celebrates his birth- day on Sunday, June 23, Volume 79 • No. 51 Single Copies Six Cents Items About People We Know Airs, Norman Radford returned horne with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Snell to Drayton Valley, Alberta, on Tuesday for a visit. Mr. George MeNall returned home from Westminster Hospital, London, on Thursday. Mrs. Sadie Cuming is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Dorothy Creighton return- ed home on Monday after visiting for the past seven and a half months with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Creighton and Tori, of Medicine Hat, Alberta, and her mother, Mrs. Ethel Burgess, of Chilllwaek, B. C. and other friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. D, Philp visited on Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Philp, Stephen and Mi- chael of London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore, of Hamilton, Mrs. Orval Rapson, of Hensall, visited on Monday with Mrs. K. Whitmore, Mr, and mfrs. Douglas Whitmore and Ken- neth, Mr. Russel Gidley, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his sister, Miss Pearl Gidley. Gaunt Outlines Massive Educational Changes In Queen's Park Report Massive educational reform in Ontario was proposed to the Leg• islature this week by the Hall Committee, formed three years ago to probe the provincial teach- ing system. There are a total of 258 recommendations,' the most important of which is: (1) elimination of grades from kindergarten through the next twelve years of school; (2) abolition of Grade 13; (3) establitshment of •t caching as a self-governing, self -licensing profession; (4) legislation to bring public and separate school systems into closer co-operation without jeep• ardizing the separate school strut. ture;. (5) gradual fading out of uni- versity and...community• collage tu- ition fees, beginning in 1970; (6) find new sources of reven- ue to relieve the real estate tax burden. • The Robarts' plan as a concept of streaming will .be abandoned if the philosophy of the report is adopted. The report indicates that the technically -inclined stu- dent should take his .'training s part of a comprehensible pro- gramme, but the academic stu- dent should be able to mix his study in sciences and the human- ities with experience in mechan- ical skills. Fundamentally, the report says that the educational system must he child -centered. Put simply, the report wants the schools to edu- cate children. The Provincial Transportation Committee laboring for six years at a cost of $2,500,000, has brought out an over-all transpor- tation policy for the Hamilton, Guelph, Barrie, Oshawa area, cen- tering upon Toronto. It found that before a sound transportation policy could be presented, a reg- ional development plan must be realized. Municipal and ambulance sub - sidles will soon be a thing of the 'past. The Ontario Hospital Ser- vices Commission will move into the field on July 1st when it.. be comes responsible for the admin- istering•' of .all ..financial _ agree- Merits with private ambulance op- erators, Dr. McNally, Chief of the Emergency -Health Services for the Department of Health, said the take-over of financing arrangements would . benefit the individual operator and munici- palities alike. in that a wide ar- ea of coverage could be extended in some cases, and in others it would become more uniform. Patients will still have to pay about 25 per cent of .their ambu- lance cost, if ambulance service is added .to OHSC coverage on July 1st. Wingham OPP Detachment Investigated Two Accidents Last Week Eleven Criminal Investigations were conducted. Eleven charges were laid under OBITUARY JOHN DOVE Mr. John Dove passed away at his hone in Hullett Township on Sunday, June 9, 1968. He was in his 61st year. The deceased was born December 24, 1907 and was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs, T. W. Dove, of North Cave, E. Yorks, England. Surviving are brothers and sis- ters In Yorkshire, England. Funeral Service was held at the Tasker Memorial Chapel, 131yth, at 2 p.m, Wednesday, June 12, conducted by Rev, G. E. Paken- ham. Burial taking place in Blyth Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were,Raymond Griffiths, Thomas Cronin, Roy Young, Archie Young, Jim McCall and Kenneth Brighain. Flowerbearers were, William Young and David George. the Highway Traffic Act. Fifty- seven warnings were issued and seventy-three Safety checks con- ducted. Six Liquor Control Act investi- gations were carried out with eight persons being charged un- der the Act, The following Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported: East Wawanosh Township On Saturday evening at 8.05 p. m. on Huron County Road 22, a 1962 Ford driven by Thomas Fin- Ieon, R.R. 2, Lucknow, lett the road and went through a wire fence. Mr. Finleon was not In- jured and damage was minor, Prov, Const. W, A. Stevenson in- vestigated. llelgrave On Saturday evening in .Bel - grave, a 1967 Chrysler driven by Mrs, Marion. Bowler, Goderich, struck a telephone pole located in in front of the arena near the highway. llrs. Bowler received mi- nor lacerations, Damage wes esti- mated at $300.00 Prov.' Const..W. A. Stevenson. assisted by Prov. Const, R. F. Wittig investigated, VOTE AS YOU LIRE NEXT TUESDAY, JUNE 25th - - - - BUT PLEASE EXERCISE YOUR FRANCHISE Ti -IE BLYTII STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19tH, 1968 Londesboro News Of The Past Week Mr. and Mrs, Spence Hahn and family spent Sunday with Mr, Go - vier and Mrs, Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Youngblut spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Curls, of Arkona. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Riley, of Niagara, spent a few days last week with -Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Radford. Mrs. Iiarold Livingstone attend- ed Decoration Day services on Sunday at Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowan and son, of Barrie, visited over the weekend with Mrs, Jewel Cowan and Mrs, Robinson. Kenneth Hunking, of Toronto, is having a weeks vacation at his home on the 13th of Hallett. Miss Beverley Lee accompanied Rev and Mrs. Carson when they returned home to Hamilton on Wednesday evening. The Lee family visited with the Carson's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood and Mrs, Mildred MeNall, of Blyth, spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Steven Mothers, of Glen Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Tom, Allen ire enjoying a fishing trip in the North country. Mrs. Myrtle 1! airservice and Ann attended tlie,, Mair reunion held at Stratford on Saturday. Miss Doreen Wheeler, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Ann, al- so attending the reunion. Mr. and 'Mrs, Russel Thompson, of Heathcote, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert 'Thompson, also attending the Snell reunion on Saturday. Classified Ads, Pay Big Dividends } Sneil's MARHET COMPARE OUR PRICES ON SPECIAL or ON THE SHELVES they could mean LOWER FOOD COSTS for YOU! Nescafe Instant Coffee, 10 oz. 1.49 Van Camp's Beans with Pork, 28 oz.:... 29c Allen's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz. 29c Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. ......29c Del Monte Tomato Catsup, 18 oz, 29c Bur'n's Vegetable Oil, 24 oz. 49e Sultana Seedless Raisins, :32 oz, 59c Kraft Cheese Whiz, 16 oz. 69c Aylmer Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 24 oz. 19c Robin Hood Parfait Puddings 11c Hillcrest Margarine, 100 percent veg. oil 1 lb. . ...... „ ............ 25c Heinz Sweet. Mixed Pickles, 16 oz....... 33c Rise'n Shine Orange Crystals, 3 114 oz., 15c 1 112 lb. tin 1.29 Sunshine Redi-Burger, 3 lb. pkg. of 24, 1.75 No. 1 Hot House Tomatoes . , .. per lb39c Large Cold Watermelon .. . ........... 1.00 Cantaloupes 29c Sunshine Fancy Kernel Corn, 2 lb. bag 45c Welch's Grape Juice, 12 oz. . ... . ..... . . 35c Sunkist Lemonade, white or pink, 6 oz. 10c Sani Flush, 34 oz, 39c P.M. Cottage Rolls per lb55c P.M. Back Bacon n per lb79c K.P. Bologna, 3 lbs. 99c Schneider's Weiners 2 lbs. 99c Fresh Chicken Legs per lb. 59c Javex Bleach, 128 oz, Phone 523-9332 .,.69c We Deliver Donnybrook We are glad to report Mrs. Sam Thompson is better and home from St. Marys hospital, Kitchener, Quite a number of U.C.W. mem- bers attended a special meeting at the Calvin -Brick Church last week, . Mr, Willows Mountain, lir. and Mrs. Elgin Josling and Betty, of Londesboro, visited, .Sunday , with Mr. and .Mrs,. Wesley Jefferson and family. Mr, ancl Mrs. Frank Campbell, London, visited on the weekend with 'Ali., and Mrs. Charles Jeffer- son. llr. and Mrs, I)on Jefferson, Cheryl and Susan, of Clinton, vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs. John Noble and family on Sunday. Mrs. John McCormack, of Los Angeles, California, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family on Thursday, Mrs, Cecil Chamney, of Wingham, visited Sunday at the same home. WEDDING BATTLER—=GLOUSHER .Pink gladioli and white mums decorated the Blyth United Church on Saturday, May 18, 1968 for the ceremony uniting in mar- riage Marjorie Ann Glousher and Roger Howard Battler, Rev. Ma- her, of Blyth, officiated, The wedding music was played by Mrs, Donald Kai. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, henry Glousher, of Blyth. The groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Batter, of Kit- chener, The bride, given in marriage by her brother; • Wilmer Glousher, of Londesboro, wore a white gown of silk organza. The floor -length skirl was trimmed at the bottom with - organza: , lace. Long lily _point ,sleeves. .The train softly flowed ,from: the :; shoulders was boardered in., organza lace. 'Her shoulder length veil was held by a wedding band headpiece lined with sparkling ,clear pearls; .She carried, pink roses with green .fern. Mrs. Thelma . Deveau, sister of the bride, was maid of honour. • Bridesmaids were Mrs. Donna Scott, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Doreen McClinchey, niece of the bride. Their gowns were pink and white miss -cross brocade. Empire waistline with chiffon netting flowing softly to • the floor. 'Their headpieces were of pink bows with veil of nylon tulle, with elbow .length gloves. They carried arm bouquets of pink roses with green fern. • Heather Scott, niece of the the bridegroom, was flower girl, She was dressed the same as the s bridesmaids. Douglas McClinchey, of R.R. 1, iAuburn, was ring bearer, + Mr, Gary Battler, of Preston, t brother of the bridegroom, was t best man, and the ushers were, Dennis. Battler, of Kitchener, and Lloyd Glousher, of Blyth. 11ir. David Craley was soloist and sang "The Wedding ,Prayer" and "Oh Perfect Love," A lovely supper was served in the church basement, prepared by the ladies of the Church. The reception was held in New Ilatnbutg Community Centre, New Hamburg, The bride's mother re- ceived the guests wearing a navy blue crepe dress trimmed with white. White hat and gloves and „ a corsage of pink mums with green fern, The groom's mother b assisted, wearing a lime green coat and dress with matching beige hat, shoes and purse. Her corsage was pumpkin coloured mums with green fern, For her tvedding trip the bride chose a golden brown matching coat and dress, with orange and yellow flowered hat, Her shoes and purse were dark brown. Con sage of pumpkin -coloured mums with fern. The guests were ' from, Kitch- ener, Preston, Michigan, Luck- ,: now, Goderich, Toronto, Blyth, Auburn, Londesboro, New Ham- burg, Baden, Waterloo; .Blair, Doon, St. Agatha, Hamilton,' SUMMER WEARING APPAREL Men's Short Sleeve Sport Shirts. Dresses, all sizes, Targe assortment, Slims (never press) for summer. Ladies' Shells of Nylon or Cotton. Girl's T. Shirts,. sizes 3 "to 14. Men's Outer Shorts (permanent press). Boys' Outer Shorts, plaids and plain shades. Boys' and Men's Swim Trunks, Work Boots by Hydro City, We still give 5 per centdiscount,, which pays your sales tax. "The House of Branded Lines and Lower Prices." The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service. 41, •.+.•-N-.-•-N•f+•-•-•+. •4+•-+-I+ COOK'S Mother Parker Instant Colfc oz. jar 93e Kellogg's Special K Serial, 2 -11 oz. pkgs. 89c hick's Assorted Relishes, 2 - 12 oz. jars 53c Heinz Baby Foods, 8c off pkg. of 6 jars 65c Premium Fancy Sockeye Salmon 7 3'4 oz, tin 55c • 4. • Club House Peanut Butter Club House Olives with l 2 lb. jar 79c nto, 8 oz. jar 49c Schneider's Picnic Shoulders, 1 112 Ib. tin 1.39 Sari -Flush, 2 • 31 oz. tins ...... .... . . 79c King Size Bold, 27c off label pkg. 1.59 Prize Lotion for Dishes, buy 1 get 1 free 2 - 20 oz. bottles 89c 'Weston's Chelsea Buns, regular 49c, for 39c Weston's Weiner and Hamburg Buns 2 pkgs. for .................. 49c Angelus Marshmallows, 3 - 1 lb. pkgs... 99c Frozen Grape Juice, 12 oz. tin 39c Hot House Tomatoes ........ , , per .lb, 29c U.S. No. 1 Quality New Potatoes, 10 lbs. 79c Sunkist Oranges, 138's per dozen 69c Jello Jelly Powders, assorted 6 for 59c Phone 523-4421 We Deliver •-•-•-•-•44 ••••••-•114-4-• *44-4-44 + 4-444 -1•4 4.4 1 1 i 1 2 ' Mr. and Mrs, Roger Battler left' • they will 'r`eside in Kitchener, for a honeymoon to the Thousand Prior to the marriage a shower Islands, travelling through New was held at the home of Mr$, Abe York State, Rochester and on to Shantz, and at :Mrs, -Thptma; Dev Niagara :FOUL/ - On their return eau; of 'Kitchener. 1 Auburn & District News PERSONALS ++. -ps ♦ t.- • r ♦ r ♦r •-r ♦ •••••-** ♦+Tt-t1 ♦+++r•+r ttr it tr♦ t.-+-• • IT'S PICNIC TIME - • WE'RE PREPARED FOR YOUR EVERY NEED WITH * PICNIC HAMPERS * CHEST FREEZERS * THERMOS JUGS & BOTTLES * 3 TYPES OF BARBECUES * BABE. CUE UTENSILS * LIGHTER FLUID * PATIO TORCH FLUID * BRIQUETTES * COLEMAN ICE BAGS Take Your Viewing Pleasure With You This Year 12" PORTABLE TELEVISION SET EASY TO HANDLE — EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE — REASONABLY PRICED — ronini HARDWARE • BLYTH TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER • +♦++.+4 ♦+4+$ •-•-•-•-•-•-•44-.÷+++++++• Notice To Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the weed contl!ol act, 1960, Sec, 3 and 19, that unless novious weeds growing on their lands within the municipality of the village of Blyth are destroyed by the date of June 29, 1968, and throughout the season, the municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the act. The co-operation of all citizens is .earn- estly solicited, JAMES WARWICK, Weed Inspector, Municipality of Blyth. 52-2. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Davies were Mrs, Plot'. once Robbins and daughter, Helen Marie, of Byron, Mr. and Mrs. James Noble, of London. Mr. Durnin Phillips, KIncardine, and his sister, Miss Myrtle Phil- lips, London, visited Miss Laura Phillips last week, 'Misses Karen and Laurie Souch, of Blyth, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Stiles, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thorn. as Johnston on Sunday were, Mrs. George Lee (nee Mary Farrow) of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Young and Mrs, Roy Farrow, of MItchell, Mr, Warner Andrews is a pa. tient in St, Josephs Hospital, Lon- don. •llrs. Elsie Eustace, London, Is spending the week with her grand- daughter, Mrs, Wm. Stiles and Mr, Stiles, Mr, and Mrs, Barry Dodds, of Goderich, visited on Sunday with his brother, Mr, Wm. Dodds, Mrs, Dodds, and aunt, Mrs. J. C. Clark. Mr, and Airs. Ed, Davies visited recently in Belmont, Harrietsville and Springfield. The rabies clinic in the Auburn Community 'Memorial Hall had 71 dogs and 27 cats to be vaccinated. •Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Davies visited over the weekend with her sis. ter, firs, Clifford Bastla, and Mr. Bastla, in London. Mrs, A. J. Ferguson, Waterloo, Mrs. Earl Wightman, Lucknow, renewed acquaintances in the village last Monday. Shelley Grange presided for the last meeting of the year of .the Auburn C.G.I.T, group held in the Sunday School room of Knox Presbyterian Church. After the call to worship, the hymn "My Faith Looks up to Thee" was sung with Betty Moss at the piano. All repeated the Purpose followed by the Lord's prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Marie Plunkett and the offering was received by Sherry Plaetzer- and dedicated, A 13Ible Quiz was conducted by Mrs, M. R. Roberts. The leader, Mrs. W, Bradnock, led in .the discussion on the Mother and Daughter ban- quet to be held on June 18th, and plans were made for the annual event. The meeting was closed with Taps, Ladies Aid Meeting Mrs, Major Youngblut presided for the Ladies Aid meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs, Roy Daer. Thank you notes were read for flowers sent 4o ;the sick and a wedding gift • was to be sent to Miss Karen MacLean, of Clinton, A shout business period followed and lunch was served by Mrs, Donald Haines, Counter Check !Books At The Standard Office SEE MALT E THE BLYn'IL STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1988 1 t , i . +0++4-..4 DRESS & BLOUSE SALE LADIES' and CHILDREN'S BLOUSES slightly soiled --- priced for quick sale! DRESSES --- ALL SIZES infants to ladies half sizes. Don't Miss These Bargains Priced Below Cost All sale items cash, no returns, • • ++r 0.+444+++x+ +-$-$-++4-t•+t+44++++ 4-+++ +N+4 1 1 1 i NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE i CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR 1 Phone 523-4351 Blyth ;74+........., i This Week's "Smile" The census taker was making his rounds in a coloured community in the deep south. He approached this coloured lady, inquiring if she was married. "No Suh," was the em• phatic reply, closing his books the census taker was about to leave when two little coloured boys ran up calling, "mammy," "I thought," said the census taker, that you said you were an old maid," "Ah is, Alt Is," exclaimed the coloured lady, "but ah aint one of dem fussy kind." THE PRICES ON MANY LINES OF BUILDING MATERIALS HAVE INCREASED SUBSTANCIALLY SINCE THE 15TH OF MAY, We have not advanced our prices as yet on many of these lines AND WILL ENDEAVOUR TO HOLD THE LINE UNTIL THE 1ST OF JULY, We list some items that can still be !purchased et the old price ASPHALT SHINGLES --• OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF PLY. WOODS -- INSULATION — WALL PANELLING — LIME AND CEMENT 7 CEDAR AND. SPRUCE LUMBER IN MOST SIZES AND LENGTHS We have .a good supply of drainage tile and pipe on hand. A. Manning Sons "WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE GO HAND IN HAND" Phone 523.4251 Byth, Ont. Congratulations to Mrs, Arthur MRS., ED, DAVIES HOSTESS TO Clark who celebrates her birthday on Monday, June 24. GAR ON TV CKNX-TV, Sunday, June 23 at 11:30 - 11:35 .2111 MALT EDGAR NIGHT Community Centre -- Clinton HOOTENANNY Your whole family ar%d till (At the Fairgrounds) SATURDAY, JUNE 22ND Commencing at 8:30 p.m. • SHORT SPEECHES - PROGRAM - REFRESHMENTS - DANCING TO THE ROYALAIRES - FREE ADMISSION your friends are invited to this Malt Edgar Night sponsored by a Clinton Committee. Come out and enjoy an evening of entertainment and dancing. (Published by Huron Liberal Association) LADIES GUILD MEETING The June meeting of the St. Mark's Anglican Church Guild Auburn, was held; at the home of Mrs, Ed, Davies with a good at- tendance, The first vice-president, Mrs, Donald Cartwright, had charge of the .meeting which op. ened with the hymn "Shall we Gather at the River?" Mrs. Gor- don Taylor accompanied on the accordian. Mrs. Andrew KIrk- connell led in prayers and Mrs, Cartwright read the scripture les. son. Mrs. Fordyce Clark and Mrs, Orval McPhee had for their Mis• sionary theme "There's a Strang- er at the Door" and closed with the hymn "There is a Happy Land." The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer, and the financial statement was accepted • as given by the treasurer; Mrs, Andrew Kirkeon• nell, A thank -you note was read from Mrs, Robert J. Phillips, An acceptance to the Westfield U.C. W. meeting was sent and the roll call was answered by naming a town in Huron County, The tra• yelling apron received donations to the C nutcli Budget and the uteetiug was closed' with prayer by Mrs. Orval McPhee, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1968 CLASSIFIEDS East Wawanosh Council Session il COSTUME JEWELERY go in original catalogue colorspTownshipPre ares For Drainage Work UITS Done in my own home. Can beMADE TO MEASURES and stones or your own personal The Township of East Wawa. C. W. Hanna, salary, 257.10; choice of colors and stones can nosh Council met in regular ses• 'Telephone ,and mileage, 26,85; Al, BY HOUSE OF STONE be had, Mrs. Arthur Heard, phone sion at. 8.30 p.m. on June 4th, in an McBurney, wages, 210.98; 523.9210 Blyth, 52.1 the Belgrave Community Centre Tractor, etc,, 107.50; Arnold with the Reeve, Roy Pattison pre. Bruce, wages, 33.60; BU13 Paid, FOR SALE siding and all the members pre- 3.00; Murray Vincent, wages, 11.• Used 30" steel Culvert, 18 feet sent, Minutes of the previous reg• 00; Lorne Jamieson, wages, 232. WEARlong. Berl Lyon, phone 6234297 ular meeting held May 7, and Spa 07; Douglas Hanna, wages, 200.89; B1ith, 52.1 eial Meeting held play 14, were Wm. Kennedy, wages, 18,20; Ross READY TO SUITS CARD OF THANKS read and adopted on motion of Jamieson, truck, 101,64; The Coultes and McDowell. Carried. Workmen's Compensation Board, For the messages of sympathy The correspondence was read. assess., 92.67; George Radford and to all who helped us in so Motion by 1•Iallahan and Walsh, Con., construction, 2,923.65; Wes - with many different ways in our re.'that the Engineer's Report (re tcel•1losco Ld., pipe, 305.02; G. A. cent bereavement. We are very t. ay McLean G. D. Gamsby) on the Gordon Gibson & Sons, p p 2 pair ofpants gratefull. Also to Dr. R. W. Street, Drainage Works be referred back bridge, 6,000,00; Joe Kerr Con,, the nursing staff of Clinton Public asking that the drain he extended cable, 8,00; Albrecht Bros,, steel Hospital and Mr. Lloyd Tasker, into the Vincent Property. Carried. for MacLean Bridge, 1,898,00; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. George• lfotion by Coultes and lfcDow• harry Williams, fuel, 279.50; Pur- siZes 36 to 46 52•lp ell, That Council accept a Tile don Motors, gas etc., 44.82; Cyril CARD OF THANKS Drain application subject to the Boyle, 84 yards gravel, 4.20; Re. 1 wish to express sincere thanks approval of the Treasury Depart- ('civet -General of Canada, 67.48; $49.95 to $79.95 for the many cards, flowers and meal. Carried. Unemployment Insurance stamps, visits while I was a patient in Motion by Hallahan and Walsh, 19,24, Total Road Cheques, $12,• Clinton Hospital. Special thanks That Council adjourn. Carried, 845.27, to Dr. Walden, Dr. Street and The Court of Revision on the General Cheques Rev. Mather and Rev. Pakenliam "Ste. Marie Drainage Works" op. The Ont, Educ, Cap, Aid Corp, and nurses and staff on first floor encd at nine o'clock. There were Int., 8,002.50; Winona Thompson, R Nia dlli S and also Mrs, Clarence Crawford• no appeals. The members of salary, 119.40; Bills Pald, By - 52 -1p --Airs. Ruth E. Thueh. Council signed the Oath of Mem- Laws, Ste. Marie Drain, 62.33; SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR leer of Drainage Court. of Revision. Alex McBurney, salary, 93.74; Re - CARD OF THANKS Motion by -McDowell and Coul• ceiver•General of Canada, 9,02; "The Store With The Good Manners" We wish to express sincere les, That By -Late No, 8, 1968, (be. George Walker, W. F. Inspector, thanks for cards and gifts while ing the Ste. Marie Drainage 217,50; Bill paid, .30; Frank Coop - in Clinton Hospital and since re- Works) be read a third time and er, W. F. Sprayer 217.91; Bruce turning home. Special thanks to finally passed. Carried. Currie, W. F. Helper, 190,59; Re. CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP Dr. R. W. Street and the nurses. Motion by Walsh and Hallahan, ceiver•General of Canada, 62.61; —Theresa and Jeffrey Roeteis• That. the Court of Revision be Unemployment Insurance Stamps, at MADILL'S on ;Thursday and Friday oender. 52.1 closed, Carried, 5.64; Belgrave Cooperative, W, F. 4. Council 'reconvened, Powder, 77.70; Harry Williams AN "APPRECIATION NIGIIT" Motion by Hallahan and Coultes, gas, 27,28; The Workmen's Com - For Mr, J. H. Kinkead, former That the Clerk be authorized to pensation Board, 8,53; The Town. Inspector of -North Huron, is to be advertise for Tenders on "The ship of Willett school dehs, 295.- - 95:- held in Wingham Public SchoolSte. Marie Drainage Wot'ks." Car- 37; The Town of Goderieb, au auditorium on Wednesday, June lied. debs., 309.90; The Municipal 26, 1908, from 8:30 p.m. to 10;00 Motion by Hallahan and Me- World, supplies, 2,06 ; Thomas _ p,m. A cordial invitation to attend Dowell, That Council accept a Pe. Black, 3 fox bounties, 0.00; Wayne is extended to all former teach• tition for a Municipal Drain from Coupes, 1 fox bounty, 2,00; Hod. ...r •++....• '+ ' ers, parents, children and friends. Howard Walker and Lorne Scott gins -McDonald (Wingham) Lum• INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES1IAITL IND TELESERVICES and that Engineer, G. D. Gamsby, her, 14,40; Welfare, 89.00; J. Ho. LIMITED re Gamsby and lfannerow Limit- mer Henderson, tile McGowan Dr, AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT tam interested in purchasing ed, he contacted. Carried. 45.00; Maurice Hallahan, tile Me' WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE._shares of the Company and any Motion by Coultes and McDow. Gowan Dr. 7.50; Wingham Retard- - one wishing to sell them can con - ell that a 13y -Law re Biennial El- ed Children's Education Auth., ;ac`, me, Douglas A. Farr, at Box ections be prepared. Carried, 436.25. 'Total General Cheques, 518, Walkerton, Ontario. 524• ' Motion by Hallahan and Coul• 510,292.51, tes, That the Road and General .-..a.1 jCARD OF THANKS accounts as presented be passed Roy Pattison, Winona Thompson, } I would like to express my sin- and paid. ' Carried. Reeve. Clerk, Gere thanks to my neigh'hans, re- Motion by Hallahan and Mc. , latives and friends for , visits, Dowell, ' That. the Mill Rate for cards, gifts and also for helping Township purposes be set at: niy family at home while 1 was a Farm and Residential, 19 mills; FRANTIC ABOUT LOW-PRICED USED CARS patient in St. Marys, Hospital, Rit• Business and Commercial 22 mil- chencr. Special thanks to Doctors Is. Carried. YOUR McKim and Corrin and Dr. Steph- Motion by Walsh and Coultes, 1968 FALCON 4 door. ens, also Rev. and Mrs. Roberts of That Council adjourn to meet ag• FIXED INCOME? Auburn. C, 2nd 1968, at 8,30 p.m. 1968 FAILANE 4 door. 52. i — Anne Thompson. CarriedinJuly , Earn up to $2,000.00 in your NOTICE TO CREDITORS The following cheques were is- spare time this year I will show 1968 FORD Custom 500. sued: you how. Contact Charlie Lee, IN THE ESTATE OF ltoad Cheques Wingham, phone 357-1383. 50-3 1968 FORD Fairlane 500, 4 door. NORMAN HILL RADFORI) ALL PERSONS' having claims 1968 FORD 'half ton, against the estate of the above $•.-4..-4+ nten.tionccl, late of the Village of . VISIT SMIIEY'S HAVEN1967 PONTIAC 4 door, hard top Blyth in the County of Huron, r Retired Manager, deceased, who UEEN'S HOTEL --- I3RUSSELS 1967 CHEV . 4 door, died on or about the 9th clay of f June, 1968, are required to filet ON FR.hAY & SATURDAY NIGHT 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2 door, Cute,, proof of same with the undersign. t Hear Mrs. Werner, of Clifford, on the Piano 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief, ect on or before the 8th day of door, auto. July, 1968. + KITCHEN OPEN FEATURING: Spare Ribs and Kraut, After that date the Executrix Southren Fried Chicken, Fish & Chips and Lunches. 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4 door, auto, will proceed to distribute the es• tate having regard only to the 1-1.4.1-.•4-A-�•4-t-4••1-4-r1-+► •-•-•-•-•-• -•- 1.4-+ 444-.4 -4 4.4-44.1••-4-•-•-1-4•N4•t+ 1966 CIIEV. 4 door, automatic. . claims of which they shall then have had notice, ` , $ '♦'t"�'� 1966 FOIRD . Custom 500, V 8. DATED at Wingham this 17th t 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door, 6 cyl, day of June, A.D. 1968. Y CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MtLL t WINGH-I�AM, ONTARIO 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, V 8, SOLICITORS FOR THE .. • , 1966 FALCON 4 door. EXECUTRIX 52-3, 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1965 METEOR 4 door,V 8, IN THE ESTATE OF •• JOHN ALEXANDER McLELLAN .1964 CHEV. VAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above - 1963 VALIANT 4 door. mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth, In the County of Huron, + 1963 FORD 2 door. Retired, who died on the 24th " day of April, 1968, are required 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 door. . to file proof of same with the. un- dersigned on or before the 29th 1963 OLDS, 4 door, hard top. day of June, 1968, After that date the; Administra- SEE THESE AND OTHERS trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, `, Hanim's CAR SALES Ltd" clay ofJune, A.D.1968. DATED at Wingham this 6th . + CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL , • B h Ontario. Phone 523.9581 Wingham„ Ontario, . �. 1 Solicitors for the AdininistratriX, 51.3 Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO, "WE SPECT.+LIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 5234481 Phones Residence 523.4 SEE US FOR ROADABILITY IIELP WANTED --MALE ♦4 4 -4 -+••ti -4.11 4-4.4 4-4.4.41 It 4 4 •+4+'t DRAIN TENDER Township of East Wawanosk SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 6 o'clock p.m., 2nd day of July, 1968 for construction of the STE. MARIE DRAINAGE WORKS 385 Lineal feetof- open drain (Approx. 300 cu, yds), 9,939 Lineal feet of closed drain, 3"Catch Basins, l Junction Box. Contractor , to supply all material, Township will ad- vance price of tile when delivered, Certified cheque of 1Q% of° bid price to accompany eadh tender. Tenders to state • commencement. and completion date. Lowest or any tender not' necessarily accepted. Tender forms must be obtained andplans andspecifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. WINONA. TUOMPSON Township Clerk, R.R. 5, Wingham, Ont. Phone: 357.3518 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Miss Bonnie Uhler, nurse -In. training in Victoria I•lospital, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her father, lir, Ernest Uhler, Mr, and Mrs. David Freetity, of Toronto, spent several days with Mr, and ,lIrs. Douglas Ennis. 'Mr, and Mrs. Ray lluether, Ste- ven and John attended the Web• sea• ileunlon held at Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and ,Mrs.' Wilbur Turnbull is spending this week With friends in Eaton, Ohio. ',Mrs. Frank Johnston, of Mc- Killop,, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Torrance Dundas, Mr, and Mrs. Doug Ennis spent the weekend with lIi•, and Mrs, Ronald Ennis, Whitby. Mr, Bisset from Goderich will show slides at the regular month- ly meeting of the Walton Institute on Wednesday evening, June 26, •-4+4-4-444-4-4 ♦+-+-•-+ ♦-+ ♦-14-4- e -+++•-+i+ N-• + e-+ •-++-e-++ +-+++-•-+-+ Bar Steward - Building Manager BRAND NEW LEGION HALL AT WINGHAM, ONTARIO, REQUIRES a par steward -building manager to start ap- proximately June 15-30. Responsible position. Excellent working .conditions, wages and hours, Apply in writing to: - BOX 700, WINGHAM, ONTARIO r e1++4+++ -•+•++++ • + e + r•-•-•-•-•-•-•-++44 REE FILM PHOTO FINISH1NG y, WE ARE NOW OFFERING A FREE ROLL OF FILM WITH EACH ROLL SUBMITTED FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING The Processing Charges Are As Follows, 8 Exposure Film Black and White $1.05 8 Exposure Film Kodacolor $3,95 ; 12 Exposure Film Black and White$1,39 12 Exposure Film Kodacolor $4.95 20 Exposure Film Black and White $x.19 36 Exposure Film Black and White $3.85 20 Exposure Film Kodacolor $7,45 VP 126 Film $1.49 CX 126 Film $5.15 • The above prices include a free roll of film. Any roll of film that is imprintable (no good) will be returned no charge without the free roll of film, If only ten 'negatives are printable on a 12 exposure roll, the .customer will recelve a reprint coupon good for two prints. This coupon is good on reprint orders only and can be used at any time, Request for more than one print of each on a roll of film, Y will be charged 'at the regular price for the additional prints, R. D. PHILP, Phm,B. v DRUGS • SUNDRIES . WALLPAPER -- Pbone Blyth 523.4440 V X11-! • + + • hi++++ •-++1-•-++-++ Clinton Memorial T. PRYDE and SON 1 CLINTON NUM -- Bll<AFORTII Open !very Afternoon • more Num finsiness 2118.1.28 4M.•4•1..t•..1.. Re-elect Residence 235.1.384 convened by Mrs, Ray HuotherTHE BLYTH and Mrs. Gerald Watson. A bus load of ladies sponsored •$ +-r+-+.+rr.-+-+-rr+.+.-s r *•++•-+++4.+-e-N-r+4-+ by the Women's Institute enjoy- ed a tour of London last Tuesday under the convenership of Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs, Nelson Marks, Mrs. Neil MeGavin and Mrs. Don Achilles. Mr, and Mrs. James McDonald visited on Sunday at Wroxeter at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jam- es Sanderson. Mission Band was held Sunday morning with 43 members prey• ent. Rickey McDonald opened the meeting, A hymn was sung with Janice Houston at the piano. Mlte boxes were collected and Gail Traviss, Brian Smith and Brian Marks took pant in the Dedication service. Classes were taken under the leadership of Mrs. W. Coutts, Mrs, Wm, Roe, Mrs, Mac Shake, Mrs. Merton Hackwell. The meet- ing was closed with the benedic- tion. STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1968 MRS, CARMAN GROSS HOSTESS TO WALKERBURN CLUB The Walkerburn Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Carmen Gross with .the president, Mrs, Ted Hunking, in charge, The meeting was op- ened by singing 0 Canada follow- ed by prayer' by Mrs, Lorne Hun - king. The prize donated by Mrs, Thomas Cunningham was won by Mrs. Leonard Archambault. The members decided to cater to Miss Ruth Schneider's wedding on July 27th. Plans were made for the next meeting to be held at the liome of Mrs, Roy Daer in the ev- ening, vening, with Mrs. Ronald Gross and Mrs. Carmen Gross in charge of the program, The lunch will be in charge of Mrs. Thomas Cunning- ham and Mrs, Lloyd Pcnfound, The 50th anniversary of the founding of the club will be cele- brated on July 17th and the pro- gram for that event is to be plan- ned by Mrs. Leonard Archam- banit, Mrs, Lorne Hunking, Mrs. Garth McClinchcy and Mrs, Jam- es Jackson. NOTICE Dr. R. G. Leibold will he at• tending a Veterinary Short Course at 'the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, June 24, 25 and 26. In case of emergency, Dr. K. G. Jackson can be reached at 523- 9551, 52•lp FOR. SALE Approximately 1200 bales of standing hay, 10e a bale, Ralph Lubbers, phone 526.7229 Auburn, 524 DANCE Brussels Legion Hall Sponsored by Brussels Legion Fri., June 28th music by DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA 10 till 1 Restricted to persons 121 yrs, iof age or over e DO YOU KNOW Where to Vote on June 25th? Listed below are the Rural Polling Places throughout this area: East Wtawanosh; Poll No, 1 -- Robert Marshall, It,R, 3, Blyth. Poll No, 2 — Community Centre, Belgrave. Poll No, 3 - Philip Dawson, R.R. 3, Winghanr. Poll No, 4 — George McGee, RN. 3, Winghanr, Poll No, 5 — Stiles Furniture Store, Auburn: Morris: Poll Poll Poll Poll Poll Poll Hullett: Poll Poll Poll Poll Poll No, 1 — Laurie Scott, R.R. 2, Blyth, No, 2 -- Ralph Traviss, Walton.. No, 3 -- Orange Hall, Belgrave, No, 4 — Morris Township Hall. No, 5 -- Harvey Shaw, R.R. 4, Wingham. No. 6 — Campbell Robertson, R.R. 2, Bluevale, No, 1 — Forrester's Hall, Kinburn. No. 2 -- International Gospel Hall, R.R. 1, Blyth. No. 3 — Theodore Flynn, R.R. 1, Clinton, No, 4 — Community Hall, Londesboro, No, 5 — George Schneider, 11.11, 1, Auburn, Blyth: Poll No, 1 — Orange Hall, Blyth. Poll No, 2 — Memorial Hall, Blyth, Polls Are Open From 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., DST This Message Is Sponsored By Your Local Progressive Conservative Association + • •+-e • +� ++++++++ • + + + + + • e++�-• �+ + .+ re, •-+++++++i+ *-, * + • ++1-•♦ •• MEMORIAL SERVICE BLYTH UNION CEMETERY SUNDAY, JUNE 23rd 2:90 p.m. REV. W, 0, IIATIIER, MINISTER OF BLYTH UNITED CHURCH, WILL CONDUCT THE SERVICE EVERYONE WELCOME Your best choice is.. NATIONAL BALER TWINE! l 10,000%I et tn�stor+•rc5�r0t 9ALER TNIi� ,'4 CMD,at coMc R.R. NO, 3 Only the finest African Sisal fibre is used in the manufacture of NATIONAL baler twine—a quality product of one of the world's most modern Man miils. 'mist on Uational Brand twine for trout:44 m smite m4 rep god" • Tow cost. Order today' • fullyr end lespieteL, • Grads "A" African Stoerk: • Traded against int, robrtwsal WPM • babas wen_el. Snell Feed & Supplies BLYTH, ONTARIO ON JUNE ROBERT 15 Ev Progressive Conservative 4 THE ALM STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 100, 1068 MORRIS TOWNMIP COM NCYL MEETING All members were present for the June meeting of Morris Coun- ell on June 3. Moved by Thomas ;Miller, see. onded by Robert Grasby, that minutes of the last meeting be ad. opted as read, Carried. Aloved by Ross Smith, seconded by Miller, that James Mair look after repairs to Sellers Drain, 'Car. ried, Moved by Mair, seconded by Smith, that road accounts in amount of $6,500,45 as presen't'ed by road superintendent be accept- ed. Carried. Moved by Smith, seconded by Grasby, that Court of Revision on the Walton Drainage Works he opened. Carried. There were to Appeals to con. sider. Moved by Mair, seconded by Miller, that Court of Revision on • the Walton Drainage Works be closed, Carried, Moved by Smithh, seconded by Granby, that 13y -Law No, '7, 1968 be finally passed as read 3rd time. Carried. Moved by Miller, seebbded by Grasby, that Bylaw No, 8, 1968, setting mill rates for County, gen• eral purposes and for school pur- poses be given 1st and 2nd read. ings, Carried, Moved by Smith; sera'nded by Mair, that By -Law No. 8, 1988 be given third reading a'nd finally passed. Carried. The Township mill rate for general purposes rentain's sante as in 1967, namely: 15.3 for farm and residential property and 17 mills for business and coMmer- cial property. Moved by Smith, seconded_ by Mair, that By -Law No, 9, 196.8, setting penalty on unpaid takes at 3 per cent and interest at % of one percent commencing January 1, 1969, on 1968 taxes and tax arrears for all preceding years, be given 1st and 2nd readings, Carried. Moved by Grasby, seconded by Miller, that By -Law No. 9, 1968 be given 3rd reading and :finally passed. Carried. Moved by Mair, seconded by Grasby, that general accounts as presented be paid. Carried. Moved by Smith, seconded by Grasby, that a grant of $100, be given Brussels Centennial Com. mittee. Carried, Moved by Miller, seconded by Smith, that meeting adjourn to meet again July '41068 at 7 ;p;fi. Carried. General teeou1ita aural EzPositvr, .re: _MeCall Dean Imp., CM; 17.Mb' 'fol~' hall, 9,'??5; M'.1n1'dipal 1 brlQ, supplies', 8,00; Listetvel Benner, drain nik 7.56; f)epartme t't of Ranh, Insul- in, 5.8'2; Mit bell Atiotrate, dr tiri ads,, 8,3'2; VVi Nam . Retarded Children's Education Auhor4ty, 645.00; Gordon Guy, warble •fly inspector, 181.85; Harvey Edgar, sheep :killed and daubs irtjutted, 45.00; Herbert Garniss, valuator's fee, 1.75; Thorne, Gunn, HellIwell & Christenson, strait, Mgt t)l. grave Co -Op., waYbielae, '77.111; Jim Leishman, sprgy;ifrg Vie, 197.60; Melvin Carnochan, War. wick & Rintoul Dra1ns, 72110; Jae Kerr, pushing bit& d 1'ps, 436:1k; James Mair, Warwick Drain, 9.50; Robert Grasby, mileage to Strat- ford, 9,80; Helen Marlin,. salary, 130.37; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Income tax and Canada Pension, 8+11; William El- ston, mileage, 15,40; 4ltttt'io Ed. ucation Capital Ald orperation, intere t, 12;J'l'$ ; George 1�lehie, salary, 45:60, Road :Acciittti J. 14T. Mtbt nald, wire ,attd posts 22.48; ikleit Inkleq, gas, :tuel oil and ta'lt, 710.92; Joe 'tei'r Ltd., bulldozing, '2704.00; Witfgham Tire Service, lot tractor tire, 190.60; Lloyd Jae'1(1114 supply, load and haul gravel, 1184.67; Howard Smith, brush spray, 364.00; J. C. McNeil, Oxygen, repair' generator & Brushkill, 345.56; Glenn Me. Kercher, backhoe rentals, 40.00; Hydro for shed, 32.82; Bank of Commerce, Canada Pension, 13.43; NOW 15 THE TIME: ELECT MAIT E GAR Make Sure Huron is represented in the Trudeau Liberal Government E D G R A leader in his community Mait Edgar has "the know how" work effectively for you Receiver General, unemployment Insurance, 5.92; James Casemore, wages, 402.00; Wm. McArter, wa• ges, bookkeeping & mileage,. 237.. 80; John Smith, wages, 306.25. Helen D. Martin, Wm. Elston, Clerk. Reeve. Vote EDGAR Vote TRUDEAU Vote LIBERAL .dote CANADA (Published by the Huron Moral .AgsoclutIvn) 8th ANI) 16th UNIT MEETING The June meeting of the 8th and 16th Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Don Fraser Wednes• day evening, June 12. The topie "The Politician and the Social Worker" 'was taken from the Study Book by Mrs. van Vliet, . Mrs. Smith read a story, Mrs. van Vliet presided over the business part. The roll call was answered by 14 members. The copper collection was taken and T R U D E A U to the regular eotleetdon received. Grace was sung and lunnh was served by Mrs, !Harald Utter and the hostess, Classified Ads. Pay Bid; Dividends Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH -- Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a,m• to 5.30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE - Balance of Week -- Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS [FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna -- Tel, Coll. Hensall 696112 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 -- Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings, W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGIIAM Phone 357.1361' P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and- Thursday HOGS on Puesdali _ ' Trucking,To and From Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYTH 523.9361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman, PHONES: Blyth, Office 5234481; Res. 523.4522 or 5234323 WANTED:. Listings on Farms, Hames and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY --- ACCOUNTANT GOI)ERICH -- ONTARIO Telephone 524-9521 4 Britannia lira., E, • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, Q.C, N. Shepherd; LL.B., A. Mill, B.A,, LLB, In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and. by Appointment, LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Winghnm 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE ,STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Dar Monday Open Tuesday Through Saturday DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at. Cash Value Old Horses 4e per pound -- Phone Collect 133, Brussels. (24 hr, service) Plant Lie, No. 54-R.P, 61; Coll. Lie. No. 88•GUI BLYTH BEAUTY BAR CUTTbNG, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES ANN HOLLINGER -- Phone Blyth 523.9341 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING, ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King. Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 ►_ r 0' gild lb1iilal 11 11o1111,114.1614.H i'' lnll U SELL IT! THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1968 EIBIBMINIMIMIIIIMMItiwaiugsalow661 III,11IuUIli iitl IU4ll stuatY'uuwthirdul g,luiiAlt I wlWli� BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND ITI PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CHAIN SAW REPAIRS Having Chain Saw Problems? Expert repairs are available at Bill's Esso Station, phone Blyth 52S -Me 26-tf, CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37•tf REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $6 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets. 33-tf. WHY BUY A Garden Tiller when you can rent one economically from Bill's Esso„ phone 523.9556 Blyth, 434 LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED All makes of lawn mowers and garden tillers, Bill's Esso, phone 523-9556 Blyth, 41.tf, 4 CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri, 7.30 p.m. , (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton r 4 1 + t ti CUSTOM SPRAYING Corn with Atrazine. Bev. Wal• lace, phone 5234307, Blyth. 50.3 FOR RENT Tent Trailers, Kitchen Shelters, Camping Equipment. • Gordon Steepe, phone 482.3364 Clinton. 48-6p SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern- equipment, Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont,, Telephone 254. 46-tf. FOR SALE Used lawn mowers, recondition- ed and in good working order. Bill's Esso Service, phone Blyth, 523.9556. 47-tf. AVON CALLING Would you like to know how to become an Avon Representative? For information mail coupon to Mrs, M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London. My name Address Phone 504 BRICK WORK Fireplaces, stonework, plaster- ing, chimneys, repairing and stue- co, Ray Squire, Port Albert ,Post Office, or phone Dungannon 529-7636. 51-tf CAR. FOR SALE 1961 Plymouth, 2 door, in real good condition, John 'Bailey, phone 5234203 Blyth. 51-3p 13ACKI-IOE. WORK Rubber Tire Loader Backhoe - With Operator Also Custom ilulldozing •• Levelling, Backfilling • Thorns ete. LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone evenings 482.7644, Clinton Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Pedlar Stabling • Complete Installation • Farm Automation GERRY GASCHO, . Milverton, Brunner, Ont. 5954578 Authorized Dealer For Huron County H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 5234275 Res. 523.4591 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone . Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US - WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA R.R, 2, Clinton Phone 482-3278 Salesman for:- JOHN BOSVELD, London, .. LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your Oil Heating Contractor" BOB HENRY -- GENERAL AUCTIONEER BLYTH, ONTARIO For All Types of Sales -- Telephone 523.4234 ` FOR SALE 50 acres of standing hay. Gil- bert Nethery, phone 523-9533 Blyth. 51-3p CUSTOM SPRAYING Let us take care of your spray- ing needs: "You Name It, We Spray It"; Including poultry, hog and cattle ' barns. Reasonable rates,• Special discount for large acreage, Phone Harry Bekker, 523-9284 Blyth. If no answer call 5239202, 51-2 NOTICE Commencing Monday, June 24, we will have a mechanic on duty in order to serve you better. Rob - art. McClinchey, Supertest Garage, Blyth, 524p ANNOUNCEMENT Fresh eggs available starting Saturday. from our self service stand at the corner. of Queen and Water Streets, Blyth. Harold Cook. 52-1 FOR SALE 102 Massey Harris Senior Trac- tor with' P,T:O., in good running condition. Priced, to Sell. Nor- man . McClinchey, phone 526.7789, Auburn: 52-2p HELP WANTED 'Part-tiine, 2 or 3 mornings a week. Must be able to drive truck. Blyth Dairy, phone 523- 4531. 52-1 FOR SALE 21 acres of standing hay, red clover, • first year seeding, Robert Marshall, phone 523-9220 Blyth. 52-1 p WANTED • Used Tent in good condition, suitable. for sleeping, atleast four people. Phone 523-4591 Blyth, :: 52-1 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS • Johnstone's RexaIl Drug Store, Everything reduced up to 50 per cent and. more., All veterinary supplies and' Rexall Products reduced 25 per cent. 52-1p HAIR DRESSING DONE Inyour home or mine. By ex- perienced Licensed Hair Stylist. Phone' Mrs. Betty Bakker, 523- 9284 Blyth. 52.1 ' FOR SALE Table potatoes, $200 + per bush- el.. ush•el." I', 'teasels, Blyth... 524p FOR SALE Feed Soy Beans. R. N. Alexan- der Seed Plant, Londasboro. 524 WANTED Man with chain saw to cut sev- eral trees, R. N. Alexander Seed Plant, Londesboro, 52.1 FOR SALE 18 pfgs, 7 weeks old, Phone 482- 9851,., •Clinton, 524 CUSTOM CORN SCUFFLING With • a 4 -row seuffler. Contact Wayne Kennedy, phone •482.9851 Clinton, 52-1 FOR SALE 20 acres of standing hay. Rus- sell MacDonald, phone 523.9476 Blyth, 52.1 LOST Part of a power -take -off ' 10 between lots 15 end 13, conces- sion 13, Hullett Township, Finder please contact Frank Konarski, phone 5234587 'Myth. 52.1 FOR SALE 1951 Willy's Jeep, with snow plough equipment, Will sell with ,r or., :without equipment. Robert Nfedlinchey, Supertest Gnnage, Blyth, phone 522.4501, • 624p CUSTOM HAY BALING As we have no hay ourselves we. shall endeavour to,satisfy your reeds, Herry'Bakker, phone 523- 9284 Blylth• 424 SUGAR and SPICB By Bit! Smiley $REV, W. M. CARSON GUEST SPEAKER AT BURNS' U.C,W, THANKOFFERING BILL'S BIG DAS' Father's Day, as I've said many a ,time, is a farce only ex- ceeded by Mother's Day. Well, this year, it was even farcier than usual, around our place. It all started with a couple of birdies trying to kill two 'birds' with one stone. My. birthday arrived this year on a Sunday 'in Jime, and my wife and daughter were delighted to realize .that it was also Father's Day • Usually, I do pretty well in June. First comes the birthday . present, with cards and love and a pair of rubber waders, or some• thing rotnantic like that, which I've been hinting about for a month, 'and which goes on my bill at the sports shop. Then comes Father's Day, not long after, and the whole process Is repeated, cards, love, a whiff of respect and some golf halls or other sentimental token which . .. (see previous paragraph.) 1 admit that it's a lot of nuisance for the family, but ' dammit, there should be one month in the year when a chap is compensated for growing older by picking up some loot he needs, This year, the girls had it all figured out. They could avoid half of that sloppy nonsense of mucking about with cards, paper and ribbon, and trying to be decent to me until at least noon, and save money on the deal. Well, I thought I'd go along with it, even •though 1 know 1 was being had. I not only had a bath, but went to church. This tied in perfectly with the whole theme, that it. was not only birth. day but also Father's Day. • Spurred by all the money she was . saving, my wife even remembered to ' get her own father off a card and gift, a little 1 late 'as usual, but sincerely felt, nonetheless. Everything went according to schedule. Kim had stayed out later than I had suggested on Saturday night, and I gave her hell when she came in. But when we got home from church, all was serene, thanks to forgiving] bigheaded Bill: She said tentatively, "Happy Birthday, Dad," and I said thanks, dear, and then I said "And how about a Father's Day hug to cement the deal? and got one. Then we had the ceremony. She went off and ibrought in the' box; gaily wrapped, and with one of her own inimitable home•made cards on top. . It's a full sheet of paper, with "Happy Birthday, Dad," at the top, in fancy lettering. Below is a sketch, two figures. Bottom left is a stocky figure, resembling a porcupine, graying, but with a jaunty red cap and coat, and a swinging sue. - .He has a sad, wistful smile, and one arm extended toward a, bluebird which is flying away from him, Beneath the bird, in fine letters, is the inscription, "I give you all my love."' 'llhat nearly broke me up. But 1 blinked back the tears and opened the package, There was a shoe•box inside. My heart sank, Slippers! Who wants them? Stocking feet are good enough for me.' It was a pair of golf shoes, which I've needed for two years, and ,planned to buy this year, even if the crops failed. 1 have men• Honed them only about 12 times since Easter. However, they're expensive, and only too well did 1 know that my usual birthday and Father's Day •gifts •would have cost are twice, as much. So I gave the girls the old exactly • what • I wanted • how • did • you know routine. • Within half an hour, everything was back to normal, with my wife asking plaintively why I wasn't like other men, who like • to' paint, and. my daughter trying to find out why I'm so square about drugs and psychedelics and the whole lot. • But revenge .is sweet, and I .had mine, That Might, my wife's father phoned. She thought it was about his Father's Dai' card and gift and apologized because it was late. He hadn't got it and seemed a little mystified. Her mother -wasn't, Picking up the phone, she said, "Do you realize Father's Day is two weeks off, the third Sunday in June, not the first?" And that, gentle reader, proves once again that ,guile Is no match for goodness, and explains why I scored twice on gifts, as usual, ' ' Y "r • The Burns' U.C.T. Thankoffer• ing service was held in Burns' Church on Wednesday afternoon with the president, Mrs, Ed. Bell, presiding. The opening hymn 388 was sung with Miss Ida Leiper at the organ. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Jim Howatt, fol• lowed with prayer by Mrs, Wm, Trewin, 11rs: Bell gave a sh'or't commentary on the history of the Burns' Church, Colleen 13e11 favoured with a vocal number. Mrs. Jim Scott Sr, gave a reading, 11Irs. Ed. Bell sang "In,the Garden." The offering was received by ,Mrs. peter Sal• verda and Mrs. George Smith. Mrs, Watson Reid introduced the guest speaker, Rev, W. M, Car. son. Ilev, Carson, a former rain. isle'. of Londesboro charge is Di- rector of Wesley Neighbourhood Youth ('entre, Hamilton, and al. so Chaplain for the city jail. He told of his work with the young people who are mostly from 16 to 21 years of age. Mrs, Bell thanked the •speaker. After singing hymn 376. Rev. '1'schanz closed -with a. prayer, Fol- lowing the service lunch was ser , 'l'he regular U.C.W. meeting will be held on Thursday even- ing, June 20th, at the home of J1rs. Harvey Taylor. CONGRATUL,ATJ ONS Congratulations to Miss Nancy Stewart who celebrates her birth. clay on Thursday, June 20, Congratulations to Miss Cheryl ',Madill who celebrates her birth. day on Friday, June 21. Congratulations to Mrs. Bert Allen who celebrates her birth- day on Friday, June 21, Congratulations to Mr, Dwight Campbell who celebrates his birth. day on Sunday, June 23. 11'14!!1!1!!III'!Il!i!nIII!Vll''Df;9101!II'e'N!!IIIIIIItlull(IIII(nNii(Ilfnl!fll lllilpJiv. eMINI!UI!u!UII@p!!!VII!!!!II!!Ily!!IIPp'D! Ili!illIploU)III!Itlur!!! loit:14 , . IT'S GOOD BUSINESS . TO USE THE CLASSIFIED PAGES OF . THE STANDARD Whether Shopping For a Bargain , or Looking -For a Buyer n by THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blyth Community since 1885 Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO, Douglas Whitmore, Publisher, Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription hates: Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $3.50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" f,',1 :1 1!1,1,1 1,71 ' �nr!RI,(11P I, n il!1 '1 n1(1M1'+' 1,11) 1 119 1 lti 111 ` 17. ni 1� � (rPT. 11" T .1. ! ��� f { ll ., . I � I!�.�!1.,�! '�i i 1. , �� .11!1�!�i D`��? 1 �I:�I fl ,l•7�I.i ' 1 `�.,•C(�l , .c.��l >> .�I:�.>nLI,Bc. FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY How foolish it is to make the fleeting pleasures of this world our goal — to live absorbed in gutting and spending, and the pursuit of countless activities, with no thought for the hereafter. The most precious gift that Goct has given is time — time to prepare for eternity. "The clock of life is wound but once, And no man has the power To tell just when the hands will stop — At late or early hour." Because of the brevity and the uncertainty of life we are warned to make adequate preparation NOW for our eternal welfare. "For what shall it profit a man if be shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? 'Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" '!'here is nothing in all this world to equal the value of one's soul, Yet the folly of man is such that he is willing to banter it for a passing moment of frivolity. Time is ours now — not yesterday, and not tomorrow, but NOW. Some day it will have slipped out of our grasp, Queen Elizabeth I, when dying exclaimed, "All my possessions for one moment of time." For her, the realization of eternity came too late. "Now is the only time you own; So live, love, toil with a will; Depend not on tomorrow, for 'lite clock may then be still," Who do• you think won • the na- tional debate? In my opinion, 'Pommy Douglas won, if a winner must be declared. Instead of a - debate, it turned out to be a two-hour national in- terview. 1 got bored and tired, P.C. and Liberal officials said the format of the debate prevent- ed their leaders from following up on issues and exposing differ- ences between the two old parties. N.D.P. officials were jubilant because they felt leader Tommy Douglas had outshone Prime Mini. sten Pierre Trudeau, Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield and Real t;aouette. '1'he Conservative and the Liber• els agree on one thing. 'There should never be another debate like it. For once, the two major parties are in agreement: • * a1 • ., CTV plans: to give Canadians virtually instant delivery of the results of the • election, with the assistance of a giant Univac 1108 computer owned by Canputel Sys. lotus Limited, Univac 1004 computer facilities have been installed at Election Central to analyze individual rid• ing returns, declare winners and update national results, 'these figures will be fed into the Univac 1108 computer itt Ottawa, the lar• gest and most advanced computer system in Canada. CTV claims that the Univac 1108 is bigger and more efficient than any computer system the Government of Canada has, The computer system is not only capable of checking possible human error, but has been pro• gt'ammed to analyze • key condi- date tabulations, anticipate voter turnout and predict party losses or gains in each riding .and each province as well as the final stars - dings, 4 Ijih1,: ^1,f.11,3,11,Ili;aor1, 4LPj:•-•; 1,11,1. r.. i. '1.•,1..1• Calf In For A Delicious Treat ICE CREAM SUNDAES •• l'OP •• CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARE'i'VE • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except. Wednesday BLYTH, ONTARIO Phone 523.4391 HURON GRILL 'r 11!gll1�!!In11!gpnplllll►.!I►!117glllll!11!ipl'!in!Ilillllill!!!!ti;�;�l,glq;ll!il;,jq!plpi;!!I!i!!illi!r�ppgD;'PSI'!!li'!n!!'71"11111!�►I(�II�I!!�II!f�!���(I(�!0►UHI!��1 � 9 1111111,t3 zty (ciittrthez ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT 11. MacLEAN, 1:00 p.m. Church Service 1:00 p.m, Sunday School B.A. CITURCH OF GOD MeConnel Street, Myth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. -•- Worship 7:30 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study. 8:00 p.m. -- Friday —• Youth Hour. 'thought For The Week "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," Acts 18;31 "Life with Christ is an endless hope; without Him it is a hopeless end," CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. 11. W. KROE'LE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Sunday School. 3:00 p.m. — Afternoon Services. Both services in English today, ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. G. E, Pakenham, Rector Trinity Church Blyth: 10.00 atm. -- Morning Prayer. Trinity Church,. Belgrave: 11,15 a.m. — Morning Prayer. St, Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p.m. — Evening Prayer, St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2.45 p.m. -- Holy Communion. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATHER, B.A., B.D., • MINISTER • Mrs.. Donald Kai, Director of Mimic. 9:45 a.m. —.Sunday Church School. 11.00 a,tn. — Morning Worship "Called to be Saints," •Baptism. i IVi 11111111111Il'li1111l1111,1iNII' 111111V1111111111111 ENN1!111>uRUlMEE MM II Il i •! ICIC MINI lN 1111' 1 I'• i! Ali U Congratulations 'Birthday Congratulations to Mr. Bert Daer who celebrates his birthday on June 20, and Mrs. Bent Daer on June 21. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Roy McVittie who celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 15111, Congratulations and Best Wish• es to Mrs, William Racine, of Chestervillc, who celebrated her ++.♦11-4.-..-.4•• •. +-s-s •••-•-•-•-•-401-41N-41-•-• *114-* •-+-.4.t4-11-M+-+-+L „ NOTICE TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Property Owners in Huron County In accordance with .the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1960, See, 3, 13, 19, and amendments thereto, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 24th and -throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs .againstthe land in taxes, as set out in the Act, The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. ALEX CHESNEY, Weed Inspector, County 'of 'IEHurop 51.2. birthday on Wednesday, June 19, Congratulations to Mr, Howard Wallace who celebrated his birth- day on Wednesday, ,Tune 19, BELGRAVE LADIES GUILD MEETING On June 6th, The Ladies Guild of 'Trinity Anglican Church, Bel- " grave, met at the home of Mrs. Cooper Nethery and Miss Mary Isabel with 10 ladies present. The meeting opened with prayer by the president, Mrs, Robert. Procter and the Lord's Prayer re• peated in unison. The scripture was read from sixth chapter of Ephisians. In the absence of the secretary, the minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs, Lawr- ence Vannan. The financial re- port was given by Mrs. Cooper Nethery, The sale of baked goods at the last meeting amounted to $18.40, Out of this a donation of $5,00 was given to Captain D, Capple, The travelling apron brought in $15.35 for . first six months, It was planned to purchase a new Electric Broom for use in. the Church. Plans were discussed for cleaning .the Church on Thursday, June 13, in the evening. Members who were able to go to Calvin- Brick, reported a most enjoyable evening; The •annual picnic is to be held at the home of Mrs, Coop- er Nethery. Mrs, Cora McGill in- vited the ladies to hold the July meeting at her home on July 2, Mrs, Procter read a selection from a book by Catherine Mar- shall entitled "clow To Enter In," The monthly raffle donated by Mrs, Clare VanCamp was won by 'Mrs, Robert Procter and netted $1,00. Meeting was closed with the benediction. Grace was •sung and lunch was served by the hos- tess, I • •-•••+•.r+•-w••-••.-•-+-•-•-ate.+-4•••4+44-•-••-•••••-•••-4-6-.44-•-.-•-•-•+: l Stewart's died & White Food Mkt. I3LYTH, ON'P., NNW Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Kellogg's Special .I( Cereal . per pkg. 47c Lancia Macaroni or Spaghetti , , , . 2 lbs. 41c Canada Vinegar, 10 oz. jug 29c Aylmer Catsup, 18 oz bottle 29c Jaffa Crown Orange or Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. tin 3 for 1.00 Dream Whip Topping, lge. pkg. 55c Royal Crown Pop in tins 24 tins 1.99 Club House Peanut Butter, 16 oz. Salada Tea Bags, 60's 79c Grade A Chickens, 3 - 3 112 lbs., per lb39c Chicken Legs or Breasts per lb. 59c Readi-Burger Steaks, 24 - 2 oz., 3 lb. bag 2.25 Pizza Pies 2 for 99c No. 1 California New Potatoes, 10 lb. bag 79c 49c BUY OF THE WEEK iMAXWELLHCIUSE COFFEE, 1 LB. BAG ONLY 29c with the purchase of 4 electric light bulbs at reg. price, 40w, 60w, 100w. Weston Bakery Features Fresh Chelsea Buns, reg. 49c, pkg. of 1 doz. Only 39c Fresh Hamburg or Hot Dog Rolls, 4 pkg81.00 1.4 Brownie's rive- n CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. First Show at Dusk THURSDAY . FRIDAY June 20.21 HAWAII (Adult Entertainment) JULIE ANDREWS Max Von Sydon & Richard Harris Color Cartoon PLEASE NOTE: Due to length, one showing nightly at 9.15 SAT. • MON. • TUES. June 22. 24.25 -- DOUBLE FEATURE — THE SCALP HUNTERS Showing at 9.15 p.m. — Starring BURT LANCASTER with Shelley Winters — In Color — AND — The Billion Dollar Brain showing at 11.00 p.m. Starring Michael ,Caine, Karl Malden Color Cartoon WED. • THURS. • FRI• June 26.27.28 — DOUBLE FEATURE — THE AMBUSHERS (Adult Entertainment) DEAN MARTIN as supper agent Matt Ilelm Plus . Sento Berger — Janice Stile Showing at 9.15 p.m. — In Color -- AND -- The Big Mouth JERRY LEWIS—Showing at 11.00 Color Cartoon 4111111111111111111 THE TAN STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1968 BELGRAVE NEWS of the PAST WEEK Mr. and Jlrs, Elwyn Chanlney, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, Mason Robinson attended the christen• ing of their grandson, Christoph- er Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Robinson, at Hyde Park United Church, Sarnia. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Robinson visited at the same home, We are sorry to hear that Miss Stella Nethery is i11 in the Wing - ham and District Hospital, We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Ansley, of Thessalon, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and • Mrs. Ira Campbell. Mr. Ansley returned home last week, while Mrs. Ans• ley remained to stay with her par. ents for awhile. Miss Mona Purdon spent the weekend with Miss Gail McWhir- ter, of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Stiles, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowrie and Eliz- abeth, of 'Mimico, spent Sunday with (Aims, Cora McGill. Misses Karen and Kathie Ans- ley spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Clare VanCamp last week. Sunday visitors with Mr. -and Mrs, Floyd Campbell were, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Helm, of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. George Boak, of Zurich, Mr. Norman Vincent and Ira, of Grand Bend, spent Wed- nesday evening with Mr, .and Mrs. Albert Vincent .and attended, the United Church Garden Party, Mr, David Walsh ,has completed his year at Stratford Teacher's College and has accepted a posi- tion in Courtland Avenue School, Kitchener, 'Members' of the"Michie families held -their annual reunion at the home of Mr. And Mrs, Ross NI- cho1, 7 of Brussels,, Fortytnine members were present. 'Recent visitors with Mr, and • Mrs. Albert " Vincent were, Mrs. Jack:Blackstaff, :Red Deer,. Alber- ta, Air. and Mrs. Percy Vincent, 'of Bluevale, - . Mr, and Mrs. George Michie, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and Mr. Kenneth Wheeler. attended :the service on Sunday evening at Wesley -Willis United Church, sponsored by the United Church Men of Huron- Perth Presbytery. Special speak- er was The Rev, Norman MaeKen• zie, of Toronto, missionary who has recently returned from India.. Mr, and Mrs, Roy AicSween, Mrs, Cliff Logan, Mr. Harold Vin- cent and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vin- cent, attended the Vincent reunion which was held in Bayfield on Sunday. Mrs. Dave Armstrong spent the weekend at Larne Beach visiting with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Coultes attended the funeral of the late Mrs. .1. GIll, Mitchell, on Tuesday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John were, Mr. and Mrs, Elvey Rock, Joanne and Jennifer, Monkton, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rock and Jan- ette, Mrs. Clarence Hudie and son, Harold, of Walton, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lowry, Dun- das, called on Mrs. Dave Arm- strong on Saturday morning. .Miss Nancy VanCamp enter- tained the girls of her class at a Graduation Party at her home on Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunbar and Mr. Martin Grasby visited with cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Elliott, of Freelton, The Messengers and Explorers party will be held in the United Church basement on Friday even- Ing, June 21st, at 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Freethy, Lumsden, Saskatchewan, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Freethy and Dianne. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Smith and family, Mrs, George Smith and son, Gordon, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, of Ethel, -Mr, and Mrs, Albert Cook and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jack McCallum. Mrs. Herb Wheeler is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Gol- die Wheeler, of London. Mr. Stanley Cook spent '-the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and family and visited with his wife who is a patient in St,• Joseph's Hospital, London;_ (Intended for last week). Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Baugh- ter, Ann, of Lucknow, Mr. Ross- Wightman, Guelph, Miss Barbara Ferguson, Acton, . Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Campbell, Kincardine,-, Miss Marlene Walsh, Kitchener, Mrs, James Walsh and Mr. Edgar Wightman attendedthe :marriage of.',Susan Joy Aeberli, daughter of •Mrrw and ' vIrs: Wilfred Aeberli; -of Islington, to John 'David 'Wight. man, Toronto, son of Mr. Edgar Wightman, in St, George's Anigli• can- Church, Islington, .on Satur- day, June 8, 1968. 'Reception vas held at the Constellation Hotel. Visitors at the' home of Mr, jand Mrs. Hugh Rinn and John were, Mr, and Mrs. William Parker, of Bayfield, -Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon and Tom; of Kinloss,'"Mr. and Mrs. Elvey Rock, Joanne land Jennifer, of Monkton, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Chattin, of Bright, visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs. 'William Gow. Miss, Mae Coulter, of 'Aylmer, spent the weekend with {Mr, ;and Mrs. Clifton Walsh and family. 4+$-.-x-+++4-44. a •-•-•-•-•-•444444444444+44+ NOTICE of MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW Take Notice that a by-law for raising $100,000 under the provisions of "The Tile Drainage Act", will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of East Wawa.' nosh at the Belgrave ,Community Centre; Belgrave, Ontario, on the 2nd day of July, 1968 at the hour of nine o'clock In the evening. WIN ON A THOMPSON Township Clerk .+s-++ .*.+.±+-.+.-.-.-.-.-+ $ • • •-• • e+.-•-.•.-.-$-.•+-.-4.4-4-$± -.+++4 IVES CONSTRUCTION Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 443w4 Dealer For BERG BARN CLEANERS AND MANURE STACKERS will fit any make or. st`'1e of barn'dottier' THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE ]Qth, 1968 Here's Proof That Your M E M B E Of P A R 11 E T Has Been Working For The People of Huron ccss McKI LEY has devoted his full time during the past two and a half years to give Huron County the type of representation they need, in Ottawa. His record of attendance in the House of Commons speaks for itself, as the headings below, taken from area daily and weekly newspapers will testify. I IVJINJJJJIJJNJJ .41.04 00#4, HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF McKINLEY ACTION: Huron M.P. Asks Investigation In Milk Subsidy Slowdown (The London Free Press) M.P. Presents Student's Petition on Truscott to Clear Huron's Reputation (Toronto Globe and Mali) Huron M.P. Urges Ottawa to Use White Beans For External Aid (Zurich Citizens News) CNR to Return Agent to Brussels; says R.E. McKinley, Huron Member in Ottawa (Brussels :Post) Huron Member Wins Fight to Re -open CNR Stations at Hensall and Exeter (The London Free Press) Huron M.P. Says Government Funds Frittered Away (The London Free Press) Salt Import Review Promised to Huron Progressive Conservative M.P. (The London Free Press) Huron Member Criticizes Government On Closing of Centralia Ak Base (The London Free Press) Huron Member Tours Western Canada As Member of Agriculture Committee (Clinton News Record) Liberals Ignore Farmers; Mc(ir!ey says in House of Commons (Exeter Times Advocate) Huron Member of ParliamentAnnounces Plans for Harbor Work at Goderich (Goderich Signal Star) Huron M.P. Attends Session of Huron County Council at Goderich (The Huron Expositor) Huron M.P. Presents Photo of Queen To New Clinton Community Centre (Clinton News Record) McKinley Gets Approval on Vaccine For Epidemic Tremors in Poultry (The London Free Press) Your member has also assisted hundreds of consti tuents with their own individual problems! VOTE FOR A MAN OF ACTION - RE-ELECT - - -Aman who gets things done for hos constituents Mc' INLEY, ROBERT E. (Published by the Huron Progr essive Conservative Agsociation) X