HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-06-12, Page 1THE BLYTH DARD $2.50 A Year In Advance •- $3.50 In U.S.A. BLYTII, ONTARIO - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1968 Volume 79 • No. 51 Single Copies Six Cents OBITUARIES NORMAN HILL RADFORD Entered into rest at Clinton Public Hospital, Sunday, June 9, 1968, Norman Hill Radford, in his 72nd year. He was a son of the late Will and Elizabeth Radford. The deceased was born May 27, 1897, in East Wawanosh Town- ship and was married to Maude Shobbrook, October 29, 1924, He was a Veteran of World War 1 and farmed for 27 years in East Wawanoosh. He was a manager of Co-Op's for 18 years in Parkhill, Collingwood and Lyn - den, and retired 6 years ago to Blyth. Mr, Radford was a member of the Blyth United Church, and an elder for the past 5 years. He was a life member of the Blyth Ma- sonic Lodge, A.F. & A.M. 303. Surviving are his wife; one son, Ross, of Port Colbourne, Ontario; and one daughter, Mrs. Donald (Shirley) Snell, of Drayton Val- ley, Alberta; Also 5 grandchild- ren; one brother, Jack, of U.S.A.; one sister, Mrs. Grace Caldwell, of Blyth; one brother, Archie, pre- deceased him. A masonic service was held Monday evening. Funeral Service was held at the Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, at 2 p.m. on 'Tuesday, June 11, conducted by Rev, W. 0. Mather. A beautiful solo "Beyond The Sunset" was sung by James Lawrie. Burial taking place in Blyth Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were, William Ford, Simon Hallahan, Lundy Me. Kay, Albert Nesbitt, Robert Phil- lips and Donald Young. Flowerbearers, were, . Bill and Bob Gibbings, °nephowfl of the de. ceased. Attending the funeral were re• latives and friends from, IIamil- ton, Oshawa, Dundas, Wingham, Clinton, Londesboro, Tdronto, CELEBRATED 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Hesk celebrated their 40th wedding an- niversary which was on . June 6, on Sunday with a family gather- ing at their home on the 10th concession of Hullett Township. Everyone enjoyed a social ^f- ternoon with 29 present, A picnic supper was held on the lawn, Congratulations Congratulations to Mrs. Ray VIncent who celebrated her birth- day on Tuesday, June 11. WEDDING JACKS -MARKS Ten o'clock Monday night, the third of June, at her home, to the strains of harp and flute, Margar- et Carole Marks was married to Dr, Brian Paul Jacks at a candle- light ceremony attended by their immediate families. Carole Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks, Windsor, and Brian is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Jacks, also of Windsor. The bride, who chose a coat en• semble of white souffle, carried a cascade of orchids and stephan• otis. Gowned identically in white shantung, Brenda Routliffe, was her sister's honour attendant, and Vicki Jacks, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid. Alan Jacks and Brian Marks assisted the groom. On their return from Greece, Dr, and Mrs. Jacks will take up temporary residence in Los An- geles, where they will resume their studies in Psychiatry and Clagsics respectively. Lyndon 'Troy, Collingwood and Kitchener, MRS, WILLIAM JOHN PETTS Mrs. William John Pelts pas - away on Thursday, June 6, 1968, at the Clinton Public Hos- pital where she had been a pa- tient for the past six weeks, Mrs. Potts was the former Ida Jane Tunney, and was born at West- field on June 22, 1884, moving to Blyth in September 1905, where she continued to reside after her marriage to William John Petts in 1908, -Mrs, Petts was a member of Blyth United Church and took a keen interest in visiting the shut- ins while she had her health. A life member of the U.C.W. and was one of the oldest living mem- bers of the Blyth Women's Insti- tute, Also an interested member of the Horticultural Society and was on the Board of Directors until her health failed. Mr, Potts passed away on March 13, 1942, Surviving are one daughter, Hazel, at home, and son, Clayton, of Niagara Falls, and two grand- daughters, Mrs. Alfred (Carolyne) Mottola, and Miss Sharon Petts, of Niagara Falls; Two great grand. children, Dean and Kelli-Ann Mottola. The funeral service was held at Tasker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, on Saturday, June 8, conducted by Rev, W. 0. Mather, Interment in Blyth Union Cemetery. The pallbearers , were, Steve 'White, Toronto, Alfred Mottola, Niagara Falls, William Thuell, Clarence Johnston, Alvin Snell, George Hamm Sr,, all of Blyth. Flowerbearers: Leslie Pitblado and Charles Stewart, of Goderich, and Harry Laur, of Niagara Falls. Those attending fhe funeral from a distance were from Niag- ara Falls, Toronto, London, Gode- rich, Egmondville and Clinton. HARMONY UNI'C MEETING The Harmony Unit met in the United Church Parlor on Wedne:,- day, June 5, with a good attend- ance, Mrs, Sadie Coming was ia charge of devotions and prepared a nice program. Mrs, Cuming gave a reading, Mrs, Collings sang a pleasing solo, accompanied by Mrs, Little, Mrs. Button read the Scripture of the Good Samaritan and Mrs, Little played a piano solo "Minuet in G." Mrs, Baintoa contributed a reading and Mr.:. Phillips offered prayer. uMrs, Marshall outlined in al interesting manner a ,e,bapter in the Study Book entitled "A'Politi- cian and Social Worker." The minutes were read and Mrs. Bain - ton received the offering and gave the treasurer's report. Busi- ness was discussed. Lunch wes served by Mrs. Cockerline and Mrs, Lawrie. MORRIS TOWNSHIP FEDERATION ENJOYED ANNUAL BUS TOUR The ' Morris Township Federa- tion went on their annual bus tour last Tuesday, June 4, The tour started by visiting Burns Packers, after which they had dinner In KItchener. In the af- ternoon the group toured The Stel- co Steel Plan, Later they had sup- per in Hamilton and in the even - big they were on a guided tour through Hamilton Including the Royal Botanical Gardnes, Special thanks to the committee who ar- ranged this bus _tour, REV. H. W. KROEZE 1S ATTENDING TILE SYNOD AT GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN At the beginning of this week the Rev. 11. W. Kroeze left for Grand Rapids, Michigan, to attend the Synod of the Christian Refor- med Church as a delegate from class's Huron of that Church. Synod will meet at the Knoll - crest Campus of Calvin College in the auditorium of the Fine Arts Center Building. The sessions will extend over two weeks (more or less) and this general Assem- ble° of the denomination will number 144 delegates, who come from British Columbia and from Florida, from California and from the Atlantic Seaboard and from many other parts of Canada and of the U.S.A. BRENDA NESBITT GRADUATED FROM ALMA COLLEGE Miss Brenda Nesbitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt, graduated from Alma College on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. George Nesbitt and family, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Nesbitt, Blyth, and Mr, and Mrs. C, N. Yeo, of Sarnia, attended the graduation, ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. Alec Riley, R.R. 1 Londesboro, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Linda Dianne, to Robert Wil• liam Storey, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Storey, R.R. 1, Seaforth. The wedding will tike. place June 29, 1968, at Londesboro United Church. BLYTH BANTAM SCHEDULE JUNE Fri. 14 - Whitechurch at Blyth 7:00 p.m, Tues, 18 -Blyth ,at Wingham 7.00 Sat, 22 -Blyth at Lucknow 8.30. Mon. 24 -Blyth at Belgrave 7.00 Fri. 28 -Brussels at Blyth 7.00 JULY Fri. 5-Belgrave at Blyth 7.00 Wed. 10-Lucknow at 13lyth 7.00 Fri, 12 --Blyth at Riple$ 8.30 Mon, 15 --Ripley at Blyth 7.00 Wed, 17 -Blyth at Brussels 8,30 Mon, 22-Wingham at Blyth 7.00 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School will ag• ain be held in the Presbyterian Church, Blyth, from August 6th to 161h, from 9 to 11.30 a.m. All children 4 to 12 years in Blyth and vacinity are invited to attend. DRAW WINNERS Items About People We Know Miss Katherine Fear, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fear, who attended Teacher's College in Stratford the past year has secur• ed a teaching position in Paris commencing in September. Weekend guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jim McCall were Misses Gertrude Barrett and Mar. ina Sweet of Toronto, and Mrs, dcCall's sister, Mrs, P. V. Barrett of Albert, New Brunswick. Mrs. Barrett attended graduation eery monies at Toronto University when her daughter, Miss Gertrude, was among the graduates, receiving her B.A. and L.S.A. Degree. Mr. Robert Wallace returned home on Sunday after attending the Clerk and Bailiff Convention in Ottawa. Mrs. Wallace stopped off at Ingersoll and visited with her son and daughter•in-law, : Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bowes, while Bob was at the convention, Mr,. and Ms, Oscar Stager, of Ancaster spent Friday with the Tatters aunt, Miss Pearl Gidley. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Bradshaw of Jamestown, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John- ston. Mr. Tom Taylor, Exeter, and Mrs. Albert Walsh attended the funeral of their cousin, Chester Taylor, of Wingham, on Sunday. Mr. Harold M. Campbell, Sarn• ia, was the guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Campbell over the weekend, Mrs. H. Martin, Goderich, Mrs. Wilbert Taylor, Auburn, Mrs. Al- ice Brisbin, Michigan, were cal- lers with Mr. Howard Campbell on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marks, of Windsor, and also at - ended the marriage of their grand- daughter, Carole Marks to Dr. Brian Paul Jacks, Mrs. Major Youngblut accom- panied by her daughter, Mrs. Don Smith, of Monkton, attended the Guy Lombardo concert held in Centennial Hall, London, on June 3rd. :Mrs. Mabel Tunney and daugh• ters, Miss Edith Tunney and Mrs. Ifarry Laur, and Mr. Laur, of Ni- agara Falls, attended the funeral of the former's sister-in-law, Mrs. John Petts on Saturday, Mr.and Mrs. S. H, White of Tor- onto attended the funeral of Mrs. John Petts on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tunney, Tor- onto, visited Saturday and Sun - clay with his mother, Mrs. Mary Taylor and attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs, W. J. Petts. Mr. and Mrs, S. H. White, of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mrs, Beth Knox and Melvin. Mr, Hugh Cuming of London has joined Al's Barber Shop in East London. Mr. Cuming has spent the past 14 years barbering in London. We are pleased to report that Mrs, Mae Dexter was 'able to re- turn home from Clinton Hospital where she had been confined for several weeks. W.I. Members Shown Many Varied Uses for Discarded Plastic Bottles The Blyth Women's Institute meeting opened with the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect, and 0 Can- ada. Mrs. John Hesselwood gave the secretary -treasurer's report. The Roll Call answered by "A hobby for my old age" brought many interesting and some hum- orous replies, An invitation was received from the Pyschiatric staff of the Ontar- io Hospital at Goderich to attend a volunteers tea, being held on June 26 from two to three -thirty, Mrs. John Hesselwood gave a very interesting and complete re- port on the District Annual meet- ing held recently in Benmiller. Mrs. Dan Hallahan gave the mot- to "It is better to be seventy years young and hopeful than for- ty years old and pessimistic." She then introduced Miss Mary Hehn, of Wingham, who demonstrated many lovely items. she had made using plastic bottles. Included in her display were flower vases, serviette holders, a bird cage con- taining an artificial bird, candle holders and , Christmas decora- tions, During the' evening piano selections were provided by Mrs. George Howatt. The next meeting • on July 4, will feature Mrs. Anna Meyers' pictures from her visit to the Hawaiian Islands, U.C.W. Members Told How To Cope With The Problem Of Growing Old The regular meeting of the U. C,W. of Blyth United Church was held Monday evening. The Wor- ship Service was conducted by Mrs. Mather and 'Mrs. Watt. The theme was "Dimensions of Life." Hymn 589 was sung and prayer Ken Johnston and Wilf Gannett were winners of 25 gallons of gasoline each at the draw at Bill's Attended Ford Esso last Saturday. The draw was made by local constable Jim Plant Opening Warwick, Seven girls have been chosen to represent Huron County at the Girls' Conference in Guelph on June 25, 26 and 27, They are as follows: Barbara Dougall, 1.11, 3, Exeter; Jean Adams, R.R. 2, Wro• xeter; Mary Sills, Seaforth; Rose- mary Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels; Wanda Hunter, R.R. 3, Lucknow; Wanda Wilson, R.R. 2, Auburn; Ruth Ann Ring, R.R. 1, Exeter, Two hundred 441 Homemaking Club Members from all oyer On- tario will be attending the Con- ference, Mr. and Mrs, JIm McCall and Susan attended family day fes- tivities at the St, Thomas Ford Assembly Plant last Saturday af- ternoon. Their son Dave, who is employed at the plant, accompan• led them on the tour of the mod- ern building, Various forms of entertainment were featured throughout the building and a display of old and new cars proved very interesting. Free refreshments were served to the guests and each lady at- tending was pinned with a lovely corsage, by Mrs. Watt. We were then fav- oured avoured with a solo by Mrs. An- drews. Responsive reading from 692 in the hymnary, Mrs, Watt read the scripture from Lukes Gospel, and Mrs, Mather read the meditation. Offering was received and dedicated. Hymn 362 was sung, Mrs, Holland gave a very inter- esting and enlightening talk bas- ed on geriatic study, which deals with the facts of growing old and stressed we should prepare our selves for this from youth onward that we may be ready and willing to accept it, for we are only as old as we feel. There had been a sur- vey of Huron County made and it showed there is a good percent- age of people over 65 years with very good eye sight and hearing. Mrs, Webster had hymn 470 read in memory of the late Mrs. Petts, who was a life member. The motion which had been made to have the smorgasbord was rescinded, so it will not be held as scheduled for July 6. The meetinL' closed by singing the Grace and the Maple Leaf Un- it served lunch. SUGAR and ,APIC& MR. AND MRS. NORMAN VINCENT CELEBRATED 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. Norman Vincent, Int 1, I,ondesboro, were guests of honour Saturday evening, May 25th, when about 100 relatives gathered in the Auburn Com• t munity Alemorial Hall on the oe• �• By gill Smiley nasion of their 25th wedding an- niversary. Mr, Clare Vincent, Lon. desboro, brother of the groom, was master of ceremonies. Euchre and crokinole was enjoyed by a11. A short program was held with Mrs. Gordon Chamney at the pi- ano and Mrs. Clare Vincent lead- ing in a sing -song. Miss Lorraine Chamney and brother, Douglas, sang a duet and a solo was sung by Elaine Vincent. A piano solo was played by Nancy Brewer and Mrs. Reg. Schultz conducted a soap contest. An accorclian solo was played by Nancy Brewer and several musical selections were played by Paul Hutton and Clif- ford Brewer on guitar aand accor- dian, An elimination contest was given by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland. Mr, McFarlane, of Brussels, play - cd several selections on his bag- pipes, He also piped the bride and groom of 25 years ago to the plat- form accompanied by the brides- maid, Mrs. Frank Haithby, sister In the .nose. I'm absolutely. certain that my daughter has never of the bride, annul Mr, Harold Vin- cent, of Belgrave, the best man. Well, Mr. Clare Vincent spoke a few words of congratulations and on behalf of the relatives, the daugh- ters of members of the family presented gifts. Mr, and Mrs. Vincent thanked their relatives and friends for the gifts and the evening planned for them. Lunch and wedding cake was served and enjoyed by all, Guests were present from Ham- ilton, Wiarton, Hanover, Clande- ibi11ty is the individual's. boye, Woodstock, Bluevale, Brus• sets, Wingham, Acton, Zurich, Clinton and surrounding district. lir, and Mrs, Vincent were mar- ried on June 5, 1943. They have three sons and one daughter, Clare, Douglas, Jack and Mary Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Speers, of Wiarton, who were guests, were celebrating their 31st wed- ding anniversary also on June 5, were presented with a gift from their daughters, Mrs. Carman Howatt, Mrs., Clare Vincent Jr. and' Eileen Speers, ME AND CHARLIE How would you like to be 17, springtime, and, sick? Well, my daughter doesn't like it much, either. She's been cooped up in the house for 'about six weeks, while the sun grows warmer, the grass greener, the, leaves leafier, and the juices of 17-year-olds course through their bloodstream, Mononucleosis. Never heard of it? Neither had 1, until it entered our domain, it was as remote as malaria, hepatitis and jungle mouth, But it stems that everybody 1 meet has a niece or granddaughter who has had it, These people almost invariably tell you that it takes about a year to get over it. Then here are the others, who don't know anything about it, except, and they chortle, it's known as The Kissing Disease. i have been told this at least eight tines a day since Kim cane down with the scourge, and the next person who uses the term, even if it's :t sweet, little, old gray-haired lady, is going to get a punch right kissed anybody in her life except her dear old Mum and Dad. fairly certain. Picture a caged tigress, eyes burning with yearning for a good kite out of some of that life walking by the cage, and you have Kim. 'Phen picture the same tigress toppling over on her side and rolling up her eyes until only the whites are showing, and you also have Kim It's a most peculiar business. It seems to occur to those who become run down, physically, and emotionally. A lot of college students incur the thing in the Spring, when the pressures are heavy, exams are looming, and they are generally pooped. Some of my best friends , have suggested that Kim was in a weakened condition from eating my cooking all winter. This isp a dirty lie. She put on weight. - One of the frustrating things about it is that there's no medication or cure for it, except time and the body's natural resil- ience. 1 would suggest, that if.. your body has no natural resilience, if you can't touch your toes, you're a candidate. Put that in your throat and lump it. Perhaps the worst thing ,about Kim's condition is that her sleeping schedule is all out of whack. She can sleep until 2 p.m., and about nine o'clock at night begins to come alive and pads around the cage, until the tiny . hours, switching lights on and off, flushing things, and playing records, Gets to sleep at five a,m, and is dead for 12 hours. However, that's enough about mono. Just wanted to give you the symptoms, .in case your kid has. it, Normally in Spring, we tip -toe among the tulips,. This ,Spring, we tip -toe around the tigress. This is not, enough, My wife is about to undergo an opera• tion, and even though she hasn't had it yet, she's an expert. She has' talked to about 20 women who have had it, and entertains me with gay little details about overies and uteruses and stuff daily. Usually at meal hours. Every time the phone rings she breaks into a cold sweat and palpitations, I called; from work at lunch-hour the other clay, to ask whether it was worth -while coming home for a corned -beef sandwich, and she almost fainted dead away, thinking it was the hospital calling. She has her. bag packed, her pyjamas, washed, and her will made. She washes her hair every day, in ease she's called. Her legs are raw from shaving them everyday. Some people tell her she'll, be a .year . getting over it; oth• ers, three -weeks, This makes, summer. plans rather uncertain. I'm seriously thinking of setudg up a nursing home. Limited, of course, to postoperative cases and, kids with mono. I'll be an expert, and might as well cash in, if I have to do the cooking and housework anyway. • I guess I, shouldn't kick, 1 haven't the gut to keep a dental appointment. I am turned to stone at the sight of a hypodermic needle. But it looks like a tough Summer ahead for me and Prest• dent de Gaulle, THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blyth Community since 1885 Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTII, ONTARIO. Douglas Whitmore, Publisher; Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $2,50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $3.50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" 111 1139.7.7,1117111.1711771171771111111191011 FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY 'Fol' the preaching of the cross is to them that perish fool. ishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God," 1 Corinthians 1:18, The cross was in the plan of God before the foundation of the world and is indeed the very heart of the Gospel. Had there been any other way to redeem man, God wotnld most certainly 'have spared Ills Son the suffering and shame of such a death. But there was no other way. The cross was absolutely necessary, Why? We cannot fully comprehend, because of our fallen nature, how utterly abhorrent sin is to a thrice -holy God. Sin must he punished. God cannot merely overlook it. The suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Just for the unjust, enables God to forgive sinners and remain just and holy at the same time, Such forgiveness, wrought by" the suffering of the very Son of God, is too costly for any to pay for il. It Is therefore freely bestowed without money, and without price to all who will accept Him as their sin -bearing Substitute. Everything that needs doing for our salvation has been done by Christ on the cross. 1t remains for us to avail ourselves of this finished work. God only requires repentance for past sin and a willingness to forsake everything contrary to lIis will, Hebrews 2: 3. It is hard to understand why anyone would refuse "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" or neglect to take advantage of this salvation, Surely there cal be nothing but condemnation for such. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. The respohs• i!CHIII enipPnNlhylnUlllaiPJpat'L'Ioilhl!glllflN!INIhHIIIIII!III!IIII!,3LgIlIW11U1Lllt,!`U9!lllli ��lg jilllllllli!t!IIVIIIIib16J II' 11 i! hllr'9'' l ll� "!'i' IT'S GOOD BUSINESS TO USE THE CLASSIFIED PAGES OF THE STANDARD Whether Shopping For a Bargain or Looking For a Buyer 1;..'1 Iliitlill' ;�la�i dlr. d.. ;i6Pa,v a .,.e a :,,:' t 0 Eric Cleave. Call In For A DeliciousTreat ICI? ('REAM SUNDAES •- POP •- CHIPS LIGiIT LUNCIHES • MEALS CIGARETTES • 'TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday BLYTII, ONTARIO Phone 523.4391 HURON GRILL 1 111if 71 tl"i gpp!!,'i!iP ! I !!ii1I,P 111,111111, 11,1 17,711717, i(,plall ;i i m ,,Il., �l�.p.•.:Ih�!,!I,11�.. ;1!!.►�►...i gI11:.h,., ; . � I ,L.1:. �,;� , I,,. , . a..,i�, .,.,�'! �81�� „ A lame -brained crazy female doctor (not medical) appeared on this season's last edition of CBC's Front Page Challenge and attemp- ted to defend a brief which advo- cated that all males at the age of 16 undergo an operation which would prevent them from produc-' ing children,. Then, according to the brief, when the male is in a position to raise children his sex life would he restored to normal. This outrageous announcement was made about a month ago 111 British Columbia and on a recent Front Page Challenge program, panelist Gordon Sinclair dared the producer of the show to have this woman on next season's show, Don Brown, the producer, didn't wait and she appeared as this season's last guest, Actually, her appearance was 10 minutes of confusing conversation and gig- gling answers, I didn't get the name of the woman, except the first which - was .Ellen, and I could care less. The next morning I telephoned the producer and requested an audio tape of that portion of the program, Due to union problems, it was Impossible to send a copy of the tape from CBC headquart- ers, I had intended to print the entire interview to show how stu- pid the guest , was and how she laughed' her: way out of most of the questions. Le (rl11zxc 9 ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m. Church Service 1:00 p.m. Sunday School CHURCH OF GOD McConnel Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Worship 7:30 p.m. — Prayer and Bible. Study. 8:00 p,m, — Friday -- Youth hour, Thought For The Week "Serve the Lord with gladness," Psalm 100:2 "There is more in Jesus Christ to make us glad than in all the world to •make us sad." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHUItCH • REV. II. W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10.00 a,m. — Service in English. 11,00 a,m, — Sunday School. 3.00 p.m. — Service in. Dutch, The services will be conducted by the Rev, D. J. M. Lleverdink, of .Lucknow, . _ ..._.. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Itev, G. E. i'akenham, Rector Trinity Church Blyth: 10,00 a.m. — Morning Prayer, Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11.15. a.m. — Morning prayer, St, Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p.m. — Holy Communion, St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: , 2,45 p,m, •— Evening .Prayer. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATiIIER, B.A,, B,D,, 5I1N1STE t Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of Music, 9:45 a,m, -- Sunday • Church. School, 11,00 a.m. — Morning Worship "Learning Contentment" I iiRi!itri ft!ibI it itl a1 nisi"t MEM Sc • $1.00 STORE, BLYTH FATHER'S. DAY 1.6 JUNE Socks, Ties, Belts, Shirts, Caps, Straw Hats, Underwear, Sweat. Shirts; etc; Billfolds, Key Cases, Hair Brushes, Cuff Link Sets, Deodorants, Hair Dressings, Shave Creams and Lotions. FATHER'S DAY CARDS and GIFT WRAP. BELGRAVE EVENTS Mrs, Dave Armstrong spent a week, visiting, with 'Mr, and. Mrs, Cecil_. Aimistrong;. of: Thorndale, and Mr and:,Mrs: Gibson Arm- strong; of • London. Mrs.. Robert Purdon spent. Sun- day. with: Mr, and Mrs: Archie Purdon: and family, Whitechurch. Little Mary, Dunlop, Markdale, spent last week with Mr. and :Mrs. ,Lloyd Freethy and Dianne. On Sunday. she returned home with ;her. parents; Mr, and- Mrs, Arkle Dunlop. •.Mr. and: Mrs: John Myers, of Beamsville, visited on Sunday with Mr; and : Mrs. Lloy.d7 Freethy. Mr: and . Mrs: Albert Rieman. at- tended the wedding; of their . neph• ew, Mr. George =Rieman, to Miss ; Lynda Fletcher, at' St: James: An- - glican Church, Fergus, on . Satur• day afternoon, June 8; Mr. Roger, Douglas and.. Niel Bieman and Miss- Evelyn: Bieman attendeth the reception on Saturday evening which was held in the: United , Steel Workers Hall; Fergus. ' Miss, Margaret Nicholson, of Stratford, spent a couple: of days . with. her.. parents, Mr; and. Mrs. • Garner. Nicholson. On Friday; evening; June 7, Mr. and Mrs. Josephs Dunbar: attended the: wedding_, of their, granddaugh• .te; Miss: Sandra ; Dunbar, Kitchen- er,. daughter. - of Mr. and.. Mrs. Keith Dunbar, Stratford;. to Mr. Gary Hall, Kitchener, The_ wed- ding.; took place, in. the chapel of . Knox Presbyterian : Church, Strat. • ' ford... Mrs:.• Jack. Blackstaff;. Red Deer, Alberta, is visiting with,: her: mo• } , ther, Mrs: Elizabeth. Leslie,. Recent. visitors: with.. Mr: and Mrs. Albert- Vincent were' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Page, of Toronto, Mr, and' Mrs. George =Bullock; of Zurich, Mr, Norman Vincent and son, Ira, of Grand Bend. A number of ladies from Bel - grave Presbyterian, 'Anglican and United Churches attended the special meeting at Calvin -Brick last Tuesday, evening, Mr, and Mrs. Ron. Nicholson, of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs, Gar- ner Nicholson attended the Blue 13and Capping ceremony of Miss Margaret Nicholson at the Strat- ford General Hospital on . Wednes- day evening. This signifies- enter- ing their final . year. Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Gaunt, and Mr, and. Mrs, Lewis' Stonehouse attended • the wedding; of.. Mr, Geo- rge Bieman and Miss Lynda.:F.let- cher, of: Fergus last. Saturday, NTICE TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Property Owners in . FluronP: C.ounty- in accordance with the: Wee&Control..Act, R.S.�. 1960, Sec. 3, 13.19; and:, aniendinentv thereto; that; unless noxious weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by June 24th and throughout the season,, the Municipality, may enter, uppn. the said lands and have the weeds destroyed;. charging: the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act, The co-operation of all citizens is solicited. ALEX CHESNEY,Weed Inspector, County of Ritmo 51-2. .-., $-.. .'..�..' . Rich or Poor - - - Youn'gorOld YOU NEED YOUR FRESH MILK. DAILY Hot or Cold BLYTH DAIRY Ph. 52345'3 1 -1,44+4114++•-•-.4-4444.4-•-++++ rts+++++++.444-41-14+11.4 Clinton Memorial' Shop T. PRYDE and §ON. CLINTON' nun, .— SILATORTII Open. Them Atternoona P1110i 1RILitria itl ttshiess r. WNS Residence_ 235.1384: Counter.' Check Books' AtThe:Standard Office THE BLYTH STANDARD -- MRS, G; JOHNSTON HOSTESS TO BELGRAVE EVENING- UNIT The Belgrave Evening Unit met at the home of Mrs. George John. ston, Miss Annie Cook conducted the worship. service assisted by Mrs, Ross Anderson and Mrs. George Johnston. Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler read a poem "Mather Nature," The Mission Study; was present- ed by Mrs, Cliff Logan, Mrs. Wm. Coultes, . Mrs. Jack Higgins and Mrs. Stan Hopper on the Capilano WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1968 Indians of North Vancouver: Mrs. James Coultes conducted Bible Study on "God In History". from the study book. Business was,cotti- ducted and a thank you from Wo- men's Teacher's Federation was read, An invitation from West- field U.C.W. for' June -19 wad; re- ceived. The July meeting will, take the form of a social evening for mem- bers embens and husbands on July 4 at the home of Mrs, Harold Vincent. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clar- ence White's group. This con. eluded the meeting. MEMORIAL SERVICE BLYTH UNION CEMETERY SUNDAY, JUNE.. 23rd 2:30 p.m. REV.. W. 0. MATHER, MINISTER- OF BLYTH UNITED CHURCH, WILL CONDUCT THE SERVICE' EVERYONE WELCOME. ♦+•-•-N-•. •-•••-•-••••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••••-•-•-•-•-•+. MAIT EDGAR REMINDS YOU Advance Polis Are open Sat., June 15 and Mon., June 17, from 9 a.ln, to 9 p.m. and ai'e located IN EXETER' TOWN HALL IN SEAFORTH BOY SCOUT HALL IN CLINTON TOWN HALL IN WINGHAM TOWN HALL IN OFFICE OF IL SHORE, GODERICH This information courtesy of MAIT EDGAR LIBERAL 1 TRUDEAU HURON who suggests you contact your nearest Edgar•Trudeau Committee Room SEAFORTH — PHONE 527.0611 CLINTON — PIIONE 4827729 GODERICH — PIIONE 524.6191 WINGIIAM -- PIIONE 3571412 EXETER -- PHONE 2351302' (Published by. Huron. Liberal. Association) THE BLYTH STANDARD ee errla rrAfnriai, ;u eOtiai Ori tra=aft4/14 Let.us.assisttyou.Wit1Lyour plans for.that:all important wedding -.day; O. COME IN AND SEE OUR C0MPL T& SELEGFION,OF.vvc . .ti .. INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS. • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES Yours dee evatiowpap<rstocLs, trpt +lyks aad.stau. ask for. •. • 1. Select your.wedding invitations, announcements and'accessorles with complete confidence u to. quality andconectaea of form, :N/ r,, WE ALSO' HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NOK1NA, MID AND CASS SOW ' THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1968 HULLETT • COUNCIL • FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS Plus a Full Range of Special Lubricants and Greases PAUL KERRIGAN Agent BP CANADA, Limited PHONE 482.9653 ••• CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can, Imp, Bank of Commerce, Blyth 0' .1 • FATHER'S DAY --- SUNDAY JUNE 16th Make him glad he's your dad — SHOP AT PIHILP'S OLD SPICE SHAVING SETS $1,50 to $4,00 OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION $1,25 and $1,75 OLD SPICE MEN'S COLOGNE $2,00 CITATION MEN'S COLOGNE $1,50 YU MEN'S COLOGNE $2.50 TIMEX WATCHES $8.95 to $18,95 BILLFOLDS $2.50 to $6,00 PILISHAVE SHAVERS $19.95 to $34,95 LIGHTERS $1.00 to $4,95 POLAROID SWINGER CAMERA $24,50 MEN'S UTILITY CASES $2,98 to $5.00 PLAYING CARDS 89e to $2.95 GILLETTE TECHMATIC RAZOR $3,95 •TIE TACKS $1,00 CUFF LINKS AND TIE CLIP SET . • . • . , . , • .. • , , • • $2,50 R. D. PHILP, Phm.B DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER — Phone Blyth 523.4440 Sneil's FOODARKET 4 STOP, SHOP & SAVE HERE Bisset's Ice Cream, half gal. pack 89c 10 lb. White Sugar, 1 sale per customer 79c Carnation Coffee Mate, 11 oz. 79c Crisco Shortening, 1 Ib. pkg. 39c Cap'n Crunch Cereal, 11 oz. 39c Club House Peanut Butter, 1 Ib. 43c Aylmer Catsup, 18 oz. 3 for 1.00 Aylmer Assorted Jams, 9 oz5 for 1.0U Shirriff Pudding Powders 10 for 1.00 Jello .Jelly Powders 10 for 1.00 Del Monte Pineapple -Grapefruit Drink 48 oz. 3 for 1.00 Weston's Fresh Ham or Weiner Rolls 2 pkgs, 49c ;Many More Unadvertised Specials To Save You Money -- Don't Miss Them -- Peameal Cottage Roll per Ib. 55c Peameal Back Bacon per Ib. 79c K.P. Bologna 3 lbs. 99c K.P. Weiners 2 lbs, 99c New Potatoes 10 lb, bag 75c Texas Carrots 2 ib, bag 19c Kist Ginger Ale, Pepsi, Orange or Lemon Lime, tall bottles, 6 for 1.00 plus deposits Duz Detergent with terry towel 89c White Swan Bathroom Tissue, 4 rolls 45c I Phone 523-9332 We Deliver t The regular meeting of the Hullett Township Council was held on Monday, June 3rd, Motion -by Leonard Archam- bault and Joe bunking: That we 'accept the minutes of April 1st as read, Carried. Motion by Leonard Archam- bault and Joe Hunking: That By - Laws 1968.9.10 and 11 be read a first and second time, Carried. Motion by Joe Hunking and John Jewitt: That By -Laws 1968- having been read a first and second time be passed, Car- ried. Motion by Joe Hunking and Leonard Archambauldt: That By - Laws 1968.9.10 and 11 be read a third time. Carried. Motion by Charles Scanlon and John .Jewitt: That By -Laws 1988. 9.10-11 having been read a third time; he passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the municipality be attached thereto, Carried, Moved by Joe Hunking and John Jewitt: That we open • the Mower tenders. Carried. • There were eight applicants for Mower Operator, Motion by John Jewitt and Joe Hunking: That we hire Jim Scott Sr,, as Mower Operator. Carried. Motion by Charles Scanlon and John Jewitt: That we accept the petition of Donald Buchanan for Clean -Out on the McGregor Drain on Lot. 5, Concession 5, and that an Engineer be engaged to re- assess the acreage assessed again- st Lot 5, Concession 5, and that R. M. Dawson be engaged as En• gineer, Carried. Motion by John Jewit and Joe Hunking: That we accept the ac- counts as read and they be ap• proved, passed and paid, Carried. Motion by Leonard Archam- bault and Charles Scanlon: That we do now adjourn to meet again on July 2nd at 8.00 p.m. Hugh Flynn, Clare Vincent, Reeve, Clerk. REPORT Ten Criminal Investigations were conducted as well as three Thefts. Nine charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act and six persons were warned, . Ten Safe- ty checks were 'conducted. Seven Liquor ..Control -Act in- vestigations were ''corried ' "out with ten persons being charged under the Act. There was one charge laid un- der the Criminal Code of Canada. The following Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported: Highway No. 4 On Monday, June 3 at approxi- mately 6,30 .p.m. Glen Ruttan of R.R. 2, Wingham, was driving a 1983 Chevrolet Coach north on Highway 4. and signalled to make a left turn;` William Curley, of Scarboro, the driver of a 1966 Chevrolet - Sedan attempted to pass and struck: the Ruttan vehI- cle on the left side, Damage am- ounted to approximately $315.00, Prov. Const.. W, R. Bell investi- gated, Blyth On Monday,, June • 3, at about 9.45 p.m,, Gerald Linington of Goderich, who had been parked at the Blyth Inn Parking Lot, start- ed to back his 1962 Oldsmobile Hard Top from .the Lot and struck the left front fender of a 1966 Beaumont driven by David F. Orr, who had pulled in behind the Lin- ington vehicle, believing the Lin• ington vehicle was going ahead. Damages were minor, Prov. Const. W. R. Bell investigated, Ilighway No, 86 . on Thursday, June 6, at about 11 a,m, Claud Tren4ley, of Strat• FATHER'S DAY --- JUNE 16th GIFT SUGGESTIONS Sport Shirts, long and short sleeves. White Dress Shirts by Forsyth. Slacks (Perm, Press). Suits by Tip Top Tailors, .Jackets, Wallets (Genuine Leather). Tie and Sock Sets. T. • Shirts in white, black,• gold. antl.11'lue.� .:.._...; Shorts and 'Tops. .We still give5 per cent, discount, which pays. your sales tax, "The House of Branded Lines and Lower Prices." I+J III J I NI NMNNIIarIIJININNNIII NNIIII NIII NWIII The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. INIIINIII Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday', :Thursday and . Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, 1444 -44 -♦-40-4-M+4-4-4-• •-•++•+•++H-• 4 • -$ •+• G+a 4-4+4.4-44-4.H4 COOK'S Maxwell House Instant Coffee 1.2 oz. bonus jar 1.57 Redpath Granulated Sugar • , 51b. bag 41c Shirriff's Instant Mashed Potatoes 2 - 6 oz. pkgs, • ' 49c Aylmer Sliced Peaches, 2 - 14 oz. tins , , . 55c Superior. Fresh • diced - Bread, 3 loaves 69c Weston's Country Style Dinner Rolls _ • - • Regular 35c now only 31c Salada 'Ccs Bags, 60 pkg. • . • . , ..•.,,....79c Baxter Beans with Pork, 2 19 oz. tins 41c, Nabisco Shredded Wheat, 1g. 15 112 oz., 37c Schneider's Cheese Slices, 2 • 8 oz. pkgs. 65c Fab Detergent, large pkg, 2 for 89c Sweet Heart Liquid Dish Detergent 32 oz. bottle „ 39c Swanson Turkey, Swiss or Sirloin TV Dinners 59c New Cabbage per lb. 9c Cello Pak Tomatoes California Cantaloupes , . , , , , , , , , per pkg. 29c 2for 49c We Deliver Phone 523-4421 r 44.44 44+4 -4 4 + i-sa4.4•.1 a 44-44 44 4 4-4 4.44.4+44 4-44 444-4-44-44++ ford, an employee of the Depart - men of Highways, was injured when the marking cable he was holding -became stuck and pulled him off the..truck he .was riding, onto the pavement, Mr, Tremb• ley suffered head injuries, No ve- hicles were dainaged in the mis• hap. Prov. Const. R. F. Wittig in• vestigated,. Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH -- Phone 523.927.3 J. E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTII OFFICE -- Balance of Week - Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES •& SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLiSHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES --- Varna - Tel, Coll. Hensatl 6961t2 SANiTARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R.R. 2 --•- Phone 442W6 t:5 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Br Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings, W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre •- WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE ,SHIPPED on Monday and Thursday HOGS on Tuesday' Trucking To and From Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYTH 5239361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY 1114111101,1111 IU III.10141 jln IIiI tllu 1 1 THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1968 ,dI ill,ilU,Ipl IICI a p, tin It _ pn Il r!b (11„114, SELL IT) BUY IT! aniimlali ua uuauuuUWllUUpdiJlVluu'IVithitI►W ' ulumaes RENT IT! FIND ITL PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CAR FOR SALE 1961 Plymouth, .2 door, in real good condition. John Bailey, 'phone 523.4203 Blyth. 51-3p CHAIN SAW REPAIRS !laving Chain Saw Problems? Expert repairs are available at Bill's Esso Station, phone Blyth 528-908. • 26•tf, FOR SALE A number of good 100 to 200 acre Farms in this District. WANTED Buyers waiting for cheap acre- ages, property en or near water, retirement, homes, etc. STAN KAY Phone 523.4464, Blyth Ont, Representing IT Keith Ltd., Realtor, Toronto, Ontario, CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Fri, 7.80 p.m. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, w Clinton Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman, PHONES: Blyth, Office 523-4481; Res. 52.3.4522 or 52343'23 WANTED:. Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY - ACCOUNTANT GODERICII --- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd., E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MiLL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. Il. Crawford, Q.C., N. Shepherd, L.L.B., A. Mill, B.A., L.L.11. In Blyth Each Thursday Morningand by Appointment. LOCATED . IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481. Phones Wingham 357.3630 4 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPP1 STYLING • HINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM - Phone Blyth 5234511 Closed All Day Monday --- Open Tuesday Through Saturday ' DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest .Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Co'.vs and, Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at. Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound - Phone Collect 133, Brussels, (24 hr. service) Plant Lic. No, 34.R.P. 01; Coll. Lie, No, 88•G61 BLYTH BEAUTY BAR CU'T'TING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WOK 1ti+NSES ANN HOLLINGER ••- Phone Biyth 523.9341 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COUPLE/It SHOP S'ERME 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, IIighway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $6 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets. 33-tf. CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37-tf WHY BUY A Garden Tiller when you can rent one economically from Bill's Esso, phone 523.0556 Blyth, 43.11 LAWN MOWERS RtEPAIRED All makes of lawn mowers and garden tillers. Bill's Esso, phone 523.9556 Blyth, 4141. FOR SALE Used lawn mowers, recondition• ed and in gooa working order. Bill's Esso Service, phone Blyth, 523.9556. 4741. FOR SALE Approximately 25 acres of standing hay, cheap. R. Lub- hers phone 526-7229 Auburn. 50-2 CUSTOM SPRAYING . Corn with Atrazine. Bev. Wal- lace, phone 5234307, Blyth, 50-3 FOR RENT Tent Trailers, Kitchen Shelters, Camping Equipment. Gordon Steepe, phone 482-3364 Clinton. 48.6p SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired, Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment, Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 254, 46-tf. Patz MATERIAL HANDLING SPECIALISTS Pedlar Stabling • Complete Installation • Farm Automation GERRY GASCIIO, Altlivertan, Brunner, Ont. 593 51!8 Authorized Dealer For Huron County IL T. Dale wF,T(TA NK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 627.1406 BLYTH SiNGER CENTER itepairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 523.4275 Res. 523.4591 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS _ OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US -- WE HAVE 1HF CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BLtRUMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "lour 011 Heating Contractor" . 1 BOB HENRY -- GENERAL AUCTIONEER BLYTH, ONTARIO For All ,Types of Sales -- Telephone 523.4234 FOR SALE Gurnsey cow, due soon; also bal. ed hay and loose oat straw, barn threshed. Phone Wingham 351- 3039. 51 -Ip FOR SALE International Harvester 7' pow- er mower, in good condition. Clare Vincent, phone 5234340 Blyth. 51.1'p FOR SALE Guitar and' Airip!ifier, 5234221 Blyth. BRICK WORD Fireplaces, stonework, plaster- ing, chimneys, repairing and stuc- co. Ray Squire, Port Albert Post Office, or phone Dungannon 529-7636. 5141 Phone 51.1p FOR SALE Tomato Plant`s; also 4 puppies, Charles Shobbrbok, phone 523• 9227 Blyth. 511 WANTED Home for part terrier male pup, 3 months old, has cables shot. Elia Ives, phone 523.9514 Blyth, 51 -Ip FOR SALE 50 acres of standing hay. Gil- bert Nothery, phone 523-533 Blyth. 51.3p FOR SALE 50 acres of standing hay. Alfred Reichel, Inquire Saturday Or Sunday at the former Carl Gov - ler farm, Auburn. 51•1p FOR. SALE 2 Holstein Hoifers, due soon; 1 Registrered Boar, 1 year old. Jer- ry Hcyink, R.R. 1, 1119th, phohe 523-9208. 51.1 FOR SALE 50 acres of standing mixed hay. Gordon Nieholson, phone .336J& Brussels. 61-1 FOR SALE Massey Harris No, 1 Idly Baler, price $100.00, in good Whitson. Bob Armstrong, phone 526-7257 .Auburn. 51-2 LOST Anyone knowing the where. abouts of a boys' maroon and white 26" CCM bicycle with head- light and 'banana seat. Please contact Mrs. Ken MacDonald, phone 523.9317. Can be identified. 51.1 CUSTOM SPRAYING Let us take care of ytiur spray- ing needs, "You Name It, We Spray It"; Including poultry, hog and cattle barns. Reasonable rates. Special discount for large acreage. Phone Harry Bakker, 528-9284 Blyth, If no answer call 523.9202. 51-2 r LOST Hereford steer strayed from the premises of Tom Cunningham. Would finder please call 526.7557 Auburn, 5141p r 1 1 FOR SALE 2 girls bicycles, in good condi- tion, Phone 523.4542 Blyth. 51.1p IN MEMORIAM L:ATHERLANI) -- In loving fhe- niory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Leatherland, who passed away Sone 13, 108. A little tribute, true and tender, Though time goes on five still re- member, She lives With tts in meniOry attll, Not just to -day, but always will. --tovingly remembered by her family. 5lalp AVON CALLING Would you like to know how to become an Avon Representatiire? For information mail coupon to Mrs. M. Millson, 17 RaWkesbtlry Ave., London My naive AddreFs Phone 60-4 THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, r 7T!P1tY � ARROWciFts � TO MANE DAD GLAD! ,rxXwrrmvr rolu000•egrrtr ,, 1968 BELGRAVE W.M.S. MEETING Heipful Suggestions For "His" Day Shirts Pajamas .Jackets Socks Sweaters Belts Dress .Pants Shoes Cuff Link Sets Ties Suits I•Iats R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday 1 Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 1 1 '11111111111114 411111111111111111100 Mrs, Jack McBurney presided for the W,M,S. meeting which was held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave, on Tuesday af- ternoon, June 4, The meeting was opened with twelve rules to Live and a hymn "Send Thou 0 Lord to Everyone." Scripture was read by Mrs, Allan McBurney and a prayer by Mrs. Athol Bruce.Twel- ve visits to sick and shut-in were recorded, Roll call was answer- ed by eight members, Mrs. Gar- ner Nicholson conducted the busi- ness part of the meeting, Plans were made to send a hale Io Bi- afra, Africa, Airs, Joe Dunbar gave the topic "Politicis of Japan," also told of the fears of Japanese families and that is now a free country for the first time in history and of the different religions in Japan. Hymn "1 am Trusting Thee T,ord Jesus" was sung. Mrs. Jack Me - Burney closed with a prayer. BELGRAVE W. 1, TO MEET The Home Economics Women's Institute meeting will be held In dhe arena, June 18, at 8 p.m, Roll Call is "My Favourite Restaurant Meal." The 4-1-1 Homemaking Club Girls will entertain and Mrs. Don- ald Glousher, of Blyth, will dem- onstrate Japanese Embroidery, Local merchants are offering prizes for a bread making contest. For White Bread. 25 lbs. Robin - hood Flour donated by Amos Smith; for Whole Wheat Bread, • 25 lbs. Monarch Pastry Flour, do- I . -• • SEE US FOR ROADABILITY, LOW-PRICED USED CARS 1 068 FALCON 4 door, 1968 FAILANE 1 door, 1968 FORD Custom 500. 1968 FORD Fairlane 500, 4 door. 1968 FORD half ton, 1967 PONTIAC 1 floor, hard toy) 1967 CHEV, 4 door, 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2 door, auto. 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief, 4 door, auto, 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 1 door, auto. 1966 CHEN'. 4 door, automatic, 1966 FORD Custom 500, V 8. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door, 6 cyl, 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, V. 8. 1966 FALCON 4 door. 1965 METEOR 4 door, V 8, 1964 CHEV. VAN 1963 VALIANT 4 door. 1963 FORD 2 door. 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 door, 1963 OLDS, 4 door, hard top, SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523.9581 CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to express sincere thanks to all my friends and re- lal ives for their many acts .of kindness during my stay in Clin- ton Hospital. Also to the nurses on first floor for their care and to Dr. Street and Dr. Walden. 51.1p, -- Fred Toll, CARD OF THANKS A sincere thank you to all who remembered me with cards, gifts, flowers and visits while a patient. in Clinton .Hospital and since re- turning home. -All was very much appreciated. 51-1p. -- Mae Dexter. CARD OF TIIANKS The family of the late Mrs. Ida J, Petts wish to express sincere thanks and gratitude to neighbors, relatives and friends for their many acts of kindness and mes- sages of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Also special thanks to Dr, R. W. Street, and the nursing staff of Clinton Pub. lie hospital, and for the visits and cards she received while a patient there. Special thanks to Rev. W, 0, Maher, The Tasker Funeral Chapel and all others who helped out in so many ways. 51 -Ip CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Norman Radford wish to express their sin- core thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for _ their many acts of . kindness and expressions of sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement in the loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather. Special thanks to Ilev. W, 0. Mather for the vis- its while Norm was sick; Dr, Street, Mrs. Clarence Crawford and the nurses on the first floor of the Clinton Public Hospital. 51-.1p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TllE ESTATE OF JOHN ALEXANDER• McLELLAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of flu above. mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Retired, " who died on the 24th day of April, 1968, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned on or before the 29th day of June, 1968. After that date the .Administra- trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this Oth day of June, A.D. 1968, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Wingham," Ontario, 1 'Solicitors for the Administratrix, 51-3 nated by Ross McEwen; for Rye Purdon, Bread, Pyrex Loaf Pan donated Lunch committee Mrs, Clarence by Ross Anderson; for Oatmeal Manna, Mrs, Jack Taylor, Mrs, Bread, $2,00 donated by Cliff Clifford Purdon, -•1-4-4,-•r4-4•-•-f-$-s-t-{-N-•-4s-$44-i 4--4••+-•••1'-••$-M-P +',• CANADIAN CLINTON BRANCH 14 j ROYALLEGION, CI.IN O RAN 0 1 4 $ • r 4 4 r • 4 DRIVE-IN BiNGO Brownies Drive -In 'Theatre, Clinton Monday, June 17th, 1968 - DOUBLE FEATURE -- ' TOBRUK" and "GUN POINT" BINGO - 8 games for $10., 3 share -the -wealth Extra Bingo Cards and Extra Share The Wealth Cards 25 cents each or 5 for $1.00 - GATES OPEN 7 p.m, -- BINGO 7:30 p,m, MOVIE AT DUSK Advance 'Pickets $1,00 ---- Tickets at Gate $1.25 All 'proceeds for sports in the community 'Pickets available from Legion members or at the Legion Hall 50.2. am -t+ t-4-4.4 t-•+ •-•++•4 •-$+-•-t-• 4-444 4 4-4.1+-4 4 ♦ ♦-♦ ti•t 4-•4-t4-.+ •+.t 4+. -t+•4 -4 -4 -t -t444-4 .•-• t• t-• • 4 4--4-4-++-4-•+-t 1 i i • t DRAIN TENDER Township of East Wawanosh SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 6 •o'clock p.m„ 2nd day of July, 1968 for construction of the - STE. MARIE DRAINAGE WORKS 385 Lineal feet of open drain (Approx, 300 cu, yds). 9,939 Lineal feet of closed drain. 3 Catch Basins, 1 Junction Box, Contractor to supply all material. Township will ad- vance price of tile when delivered. Certified cheque of 10% of bid price to accompany each tender. Tenders to state commencement and completion date. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender forms must be obtained and plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. 1VINONA TIIOMPSON Township Clerk, R.R. 5, Wingham, Ont, Phone: 357.3518 ♦••+ tt•+ t • • t • ++ + t+ • rt ++t-• •-•-t+-t+-t++++- SEH OPPER Ms•.� a er^ �xm 5. .i.0i:10'Y:•.. � KZ�fiT.^i�� GREEN CHOPS NON-STOP! The Gehl FC -72 Flail Chopper breezes through the heaviest green chop . . , cuts a six-foot swath, rain or shine! Compared to grazing, the Gehl 72 can dou- ble the usable feed per acre. Pro- vide your cows with the Lush, fresh feed they need for top, con• sistent production. Dowrtpine repairs? No problem!The Gehl 72 is the most trouble-free chop- per made. Features include: 1, 39 Reversible Flalis (Full six. foot cut), 2. Unitized Knives and Fan Blades, 3. Easy Knife Adjustment. Plus ... Easy•Swing drawbar that gives you four positions (3 offset, 1 transport). Call us today for a free demon- stration —or come in and see the FC -72 yourself. Financing available, Make us Prove it with a Demonstrationl Snell Feed. & Supplies R,R,- N0. 3 • BLYTH; ONTARIO 11444 ♦ ++++4 ♦ •-• M 644+++++444444444444-44++++6444-6+64/ • 4 Stewart's Red& White Food Mkt. BLYTH, ONT., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER MAGIC IN YOUR DOLLAR AT RED & WHITE BIG DOLLAR DAY PARADE OF VALUES Bick's Baby Dills, 15 oz. jar • ... 3 for 1.00 Bick's Sweet Mixed Pickles, 15 oz., 3 for 1.00 Gem Parchment Margerine, 1 lb. print 5 for 1.00 York Lima Beans in Tomato Sauce, 14 oz. 6 for 1.00 Libby's Green Relish, 12 oz, jar ... 4 for 1.00 Purex 2 Ply Toilet Tissue 6 rolls 89c Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin 3 for 1.00 Allen's Apple Juice, 48 oz. tin .... 3 for 1.00 Koolaid Fruit Drinks 20 pkgs. 1.00 Carnation Evaporated Milk .... 6 tins 1.00 Reynolds Foil Wrap, 12" wide, 3 pkgs. 1.00 Trend Liquid Detergent 2 bottles 1.00 Orange Tang Crystals 5 pkgs. 99c Fancy Cookies, 5 varieties 3 pkgs. 89c Crisco Oil, 24 oz. bottle 63c Red and White jelly Powders .. 10 pkgs1..00 Healtho or Kennel Dog Food .... 9 tins 1.00 Saluda Tea Bags, G0's only 79c York Choice Tomatoes, 28 oz. tin, 4 for 1.00 Libby's Deep Buttered Corn or Peas 14 oz. tin .... , 5 for 1.00 Brimful Choice Cream Style Corn, 19 oz. tin 5 for 1.00 Aylmer Pie Fillers, apple, raisin or lemon 3 tins 1.00 Weston Bakery Features Red and White Donuts, reg. 29c pkg. 4 pkgs. 1.00 Brown or White Bread 4 loaves 1.00 Hamburg or Hot Dog Rolls .... 4 pkgs. 1.00 BUY OF THE WEEK York Pure Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 2 lb. tin regular 79c only 59c Jello Powder 6 pkgs. 69c Red & White Bonus Offer While They Last --- Outstanding Value Dresden Design Jacquard Bath Towels by Lady Galt, deep textured tumbled terry, 22" x 42", assorted colours, only 1.99 pair with 5.00 order. Fresh Fruits & Vegetables No. 1 Ontario Hot House Tomatoes, lb. 49c Watermelons 99c each Muskmelons 29c ea. Sunkist Oranges .. Special, 25 oranges 1.00 BELL RAVE Mr, and Mrs. Jim Irwin and family, Dunnville, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Herson Irwin. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Miriam, of Goclerich, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Herson Irwin, We are pleased to report that Mr. Art Edgar was able to return to his home after being a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr, Kenneth Davis and grand- son, Brian David, visited on Sun - 'day with Mr, and Mrs, William Coultes and family. ()Sunday School Anniversary "Flowers" theme of the Sunday School Anniversary and Flower Service at Knox United Church, Belgrave, Sunday, June 9, was portrayed In t he choir loft in liv- ing colour with baskets of flow- ers and a simulated garden. The windows were decorated with window boxes and flowers. Small evergreen trees and houghs flank- ed the entrance to the loft. T Children from the primary clas- ; ses carried flowers which were placed at the front, Members of the other classes formed the ' choir. They sang as anthems "Lit - tie Sunbeams" and "Little Sow- ers." The psalm reading was lead by Miss Audrey Coultes, The Scripture passage from St. Mat- thew 6: 24-34, was taken by Miss Rhonda Fear. Mrs. John G. Roberts, Belgrave, guest speaker, was introduced by . 1irs. Leslie Bolt. Mrs, Roberts bas- ed her address on "Flower's" • their requirements for good growth, Brownie's ' Drive -In • • • • • • • CLINTON THURSDAY & FRIDAY JUNE 13.14 - DOUBLE FEATURE - ELVIS PRESLEY in "CLAM BAKE" Showing at 9.15 p.m, With Shelley Fabares - In Color - AND - "HOUR OF THE GUN" James Garner, Jason Robarts and Robert Ryan Showing a 11.00 p.m, Color Cartoon SATURDAY & MONDAY JUNE 15••17 - DOUBLE FEATURE - ROCK HUDSON in "TOBRUK" George Peppard & Guy Stockwell Showing at 9.15 p.m. In Color •- AND "GUNPOINT" AUDIE MURPHY Showing n 11.00 p.m.. Color Cartoon CLINTON LEGION Drive -In Bingo MONDAY, JUNE 17 Double Feature Show & Bingo "TOBRUK" and "GUNPOINT" 8 GAMES BINGO for $10.00 3 SIIARE•TIIE•WEALTH Advance Tickets: $1,00 Tickets at Gate: $1.25 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY & FRIDAY JUNE 18.19.20 and 21 HAWAII„ (Adult Entertainment) JULIE ANDREWS Max Von Sydon, Richard Barris Showing at 9,15 pan, Only Color Cartoon COMING NEXT: "TIIE SCALP HUNTERS" and 'TIIE BILLION DOLLAR. BRAIN' THE BLYTH STANDARD -- . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1968 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA Mrs. W, R. Watson returned home to Moose Jaw, Sask., after visiting with her son-in-law and daugtlter, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Williamson, for the past two weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Bride, of Fordwich, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Torrance Dundas. Murray Douglas Lawless recent- ly graduated from McMaster Uni- versity in Honours Chemistry, where he was named to the Dean's Honour List in each of the four years of the course. Murray is the recipient of a Woodrow Wil- son Fellowship and has been awarded a graduate fellowship from Cornell University to pursue Doctoral studies In chemistry, Murray Is the son of Mr, and Mrs, D. S. Lawless, Burlington, a for- mer teacher at Walton Public School and at present director of Schools for Burlington, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Ste- ven and Leanne, of Whitby, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. W. C. Hackwell spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mc- Llwain, of Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs. James McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Krauter, of Atwood, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Stanley McDonald, Detroit, for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Marks, Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Russell Marks, Mr. and Mrs. George Knechtel, of Moose Jaw, visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Torrance Dun - clans, also Mrs, George Dundas. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SEAFORTH Office - Main Street Insures: Town Dwellings, ' All Classes of Farm Prop. erty. * Summer Cottages Churches, -Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fall- ing objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm. Leiper., Jr., Londesborr; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald REGISTRATION SWIMMING (LASSES Clinton Swimming Pool JULY 1st to JULY 19th children must be 42" from floor to chin Reg. Deadline 12 naon, June 212 - Fee $500 To Register - Phone 523.4462 +++4+444 ♦ ♦4+6+44 N +♦ ++4 ++4.4++--4+++4+ NOTICE of MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW Take Notice that a bylaw., for raising $100,000• ,under the.provisions of "The Tile Drainage Act", will.be°taken into consideration by the Council of the ToWnship of East Wawa+ nosh at the Belgrave Community Centre, Belgrave;. Ontario; on the 2nd (lay of Jttly, 1968 at the hour of nine o'clock In the evening. WINONA THOMPSON Township Clerk 444-64-64-++4-644-644-•-•-•-•444444444+ •-+44-6-644444+.44•+4- +444- +44+ +++4 t+4444 *4444 44-6:4:4444444L+44-•-•-•44444444/ IVES CONSTRUCTION Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 443w4 Dealer For BERG BARN CLEANERS - AND MANURE sTACKEItS will fit any make or style of Ivaco cleaner THE7 BLYTH STANDARD --- WEDNESDAY; JUNE 12(h, 1008 LONDESBORO The - general meeting of the U. - C. W, was held. on Monday even• ing with guests from Clinton Wes ley Willis and Ontario Street Churches; Blyth and .Walton.. The. president welcomedthe visitors, Hymn 582 "An Things Bright .and. Beauifull" was sung, Mrs. Ander• .son gave the devotional reading. The ladies trio contributed two numbers, Mrs,,' Boyd Taylor gave an intresting talk telling of a trip to Japan as a delegate and. thein• toresting Japanese friends she. contacted.. An enjoyable hour. was__spentmeeting old friends as lunch was. served, The W. L held . the June meet. ing. on .Wednesday. evening with R. number. of. visitors from.. Tiger Dunlop, and .Walton.. An invitation to attend. the.. Auburn Institute. in the afternoon of June 18th was accepted. Roll call was answer• ed by naming- a'country'represen,' ted at Expo last year. Mrs. Pipe gave an interesting report of the Historical Society, Barbara Lee favored with an instrumental. Leaders of the 441 Club, Mrs. Josling, Mrs, Keith Allen, Mrs, Don Buchanan and. Mrs. Harry Snell were called to the front and were presented with a gift in re. cognition of the splendid training the girls had received. Mrs. How. att introduced a guest; Mrs, Jim Coultes, of Belgrave, who showed pictures taken while on' an- ex• tended trip to-- Sydney, Japan and • other points' which' was' much ap. preciated. Mrs. Vincent favored with a solo. A tasty lunch was ser- ved. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Mr, Ken Vodden, and Mrs. The'. ma:. Garrow, attended: the: Grai ham-Vodden wedding at Paris on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Millson and family, of Woodstock, were Sun. day visitors with The Slfobbrooks. CA LVIN•BRICK U.C:W; MEETING The U.C.W, of Calvin,Brick Church held a special meeting and invited Donnybrook, White, Church, Westfield, St. HelenssBel. grave Knox Presbyterian, Angli- can and Afternoon and-. Evening Units' of: the U.C.W. Worship-. was conducted by Mrs. Gordon McBur. ney and Mrs, Henry Pattison,read the scripture, Mrs, Alex ,Robert son extended a word of welcome to a11_ present; Mrs, John Nixon, of Belgrave, played', an: aecordian solo. and,. Miss Ramona, Hanna, of Donnybrook,- sang onnybrook,sang a solo. A panel including Mrs; Wm; Cruikshank; Wirrghanr,- Mrs, Gilbert Beecroft and Mrs. Norman Coultes discussed. "Hu. man Rights." This is the 20th an• niversary of the signing- off the United Nations,. "D'eelaration- of Human Rights." We are all re• quested to re-examine. the code and find our what: it : means:- to. each of us, Mrs, Donald Dow concluded the. discussion in ."Hu-. marc- Rights": by- singing a- solb- entitled.. "Otherst'' Mtn. Beeeraft: pronounced the benediction. Lunch was- served= and a social ha IL hour: wast spat. MAPLE LEAF UNIT TO MEET The Maple Leaf: Unit. of Blyth United Church will meet at the home of Mrs, George Watt;: Thar, sday, June 20, at 2 p.m. Is your subscription paid? WESTFIELD EVENTS Mr, and Mrs, Garth Walden, of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden for the weekend. Mr, and .Mrs. Ross Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Snell attended the: Beecroft -Douglas wedding: at. CTION /EDGAR. "COMMON SENSE LEGISLATION FOR HURON" -- - -- ant - -- One Canada -- No Special Provincial Status A "Just" Society -- Equal Rights For All Farm Income Maintained In Bad Years A Consumer Code dor Your Protection Training and Retraining Programs -- Jobs for All National Marketing of Farm Products. Fair Drug Prices Housing. At Reasonable Cost Government Economy -- More. Efficient Public Service VOTE WHERE THE ACTION IS--- For a Trudeau Liberal Government E D G A R Ingersoll on Saturday. Mr, and' Mrs. Gordon R. Smith and Sari, of Waterloo, visited with Mr, and' Mrs. Charlie Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Peter de Groot and-. Marton. visited-. with.. Mr, . and. dote EDGAR Vote TRUDEAU Vote LIBERAL Vote CANADA (Published by the Huron Liberal Association) Mrs. Elton ,McLelland, of Bervie, Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Bridge, of - Kincardine, on Sunday, Visitors 10 .fort Albert on Sunt day were Mr. and. Mrs.. Gordon E. Smith and: Norma, and'. John Mc! ":Dowell. . Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Got.. don Westlake at Bayfield on Sun - clay were _ Mr, and Mrs: Ernest Snell and family, A1r, and Mrs: Ronald. Snell, Miss Janette Snell, and Mr, Gordon Snell. Visitors. .:.with_ .Mrs..Elizabeth.. T R U 6 A U McDowell at Huronview on Mon. dey were, Mrs. Charlie Sfnith and Mr. Cordon McDowell.. Mr; and Mrs. Ross -Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, Jasper. Snell visited with Rev, and `Mrs; Wilr Taylor,*of Dorchester,. on.,. Saturday, :. ,. Auburn & District News The Auburn W. T. will have Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon speak on Family Trees• at the June meeting on June 18th. Mrs, Fordyco Clark, convener of his- toical research and current events will be in charge of the meeting. The members are urged to bring - in their favorite -recipes for 'the cook book,, Mrs, Mary Johnston, Goderieh; Is visiting with her brother, Mr. Frank Raithby, Mrs, Raithby and John, Mr, Frank Raithby attended the annual meeting of the Ontario -and Quebec Baptist Convention held at Hamilton last week, Mrs, Thomas . Haggitt is a pat- lent in. Clinton hospital where she underwent •surgery:.this week, Miss'-'Jeen-'Houston and , Miss •••••-•-•4-•4444444-4.4-44-44+•-.9-.4 $444-4- ++1* •+•-•-♦t11-••• • • • • • 1 • • • • •1 I Y MAKE DAD NAPPY WITH A GIFT FROM OUR STORE' CHISEL SETS SOCKET SETS * OPEN END WRENCH SETS x DRILLS SANDERS PLANES TORCH SETS JIG SAWS HAND SAWS MALL PARTS CADY THREE TYPES OF BARBECUES CHILL CHESTS Plus a Variety of other Gift Pleasing Ideas. Y v �r. 4 tronin S• HARDWARE • BLYTH TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR. HOME HARDWARE DEALER '•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• 44-64 -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• -•-•-•-•+•••.1-••.-•; Centralia College of AgrcuItvraI technology Two ,,eer diploma courses are offered in Agricul- ture and Horne Economics at the new Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Classes will commence in September, 1968. Living accommo- da' ion is provided on campus. Applicants with Grade XII standing, or the equi- va!ent in training and experience, are invited to contact the Principal, Centralia College of Agri- cultural Technology, Huron Park, Ontario. ONTAR1O PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY Jean Jamieson, Toronto, spent the weekend with their sister Miss Frances Houston and aunt, Miss Olive Young. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Price and lfrs. Stella Moxy, Detroit, visited over the weekend with Mrs, Bert Craig. Rev, and Mrs. James Elliott, of Colchester, visited last Friday and Saturday with Mrs, Gordon R, Taylor, Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, Windsor, visited over the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and Mr, Rollinson, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ling and son, David, of Guelph, visited ov- er the weekend with Mrs. Ralph Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Straughan and Mrs. Charles Straughan visit- ed last Sunday in WIngham with Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Jardin and family, The Auburn Horticultural So- ciety held It's June Executive meeting in the Public Library rooms with the president, Mrs, Gordon R, Taylor, in the chair. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig. It was decided to send a car to the Ontario Horticultural Society's annual meeting at Wind- sor on June 19, 20 and 21, Mrs. Taylor gave a report of the an. nual, meeting of District 8 which she had attended in Wingham. A discussion on the planting of the flower beds followed and plans were made for the summer. New projects were named and will be reported on later. The financial statement was given by the treas urer, Mrs, W. Bradnock. The meeting was adjourned until the next executive meeting to he held on the second Monday in August to plan for the open September meeting, AFTERNOON UNIT OF BELGRAVE U.C.W. MEETING There was an attendance of 15 at the June meeting of the -after- noon Unit of the U,C,W, Belgrave, Mrs, John Roberts, waa•'In charge and used the theme "Looking to Christ and not to Ourselves." Hymn "Come Thou Almighty King" was sung follbwed with prayer by Mrs. Roberts, Minutes of the last meeting were read and treasurer's report given, The of- fering was received and dedicat- ed, Mrs, Carl Procter and Mrs. J. M. Coultes expressed 'their appre. ciation for get well wishes and gifts received, Mrs. Roberts read the scripture, Mrs, Leslie Bolt led in Bible Stu- dy "The Shepherd and His Sheep" and told the historical background of hymn "There were Ninety and Nine" after which all joined in singing it, The roll call was called and visits to sick and shut•ins re- corded. Mrs. Walter Scott gave the chapter from -Japan Profiles entitled "Modern Naomi" the story of a fourh generation ChrIs- tian in Japan, A hymn was sung and benediction closed the meet- ing, Classified Ads, Pay Big Dividends •-rwaww*- r r t y.# 0.14:• BEAT THE NEAT IN GIRL'S BATHERS, 1 or 2 pee,, sizes 2 to 3x, - (ix and 8 . 14, TEEN'S and LADIES' BATHERS, 1, 2 or 3 pee,, sizes 8 - 18 and 36 - 411. BOYS' TRUNKS, stretch nylon, 2-6x, 844. GIRL'S and BOYS' SUN. SUITS 6-24 mths. and 2-3x. LADIES' COTTON DRESSES 1 and 2 pee., 10 to 18. •.•-• • •-• • ••+•4 • •-•-• � � • +♦••+1 NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523-4351 Blyth. •-•+. •+. •+�... �.+.•$- •-• ••-• •-•-• •++f+ •-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•44++++++44-•-•.•-•-•÷•-•-•-•-• Ir This Week's "Smile" The captain of a ship once wrote in his log, "mate was drunk to -day," When the mate became normal, he, was terribly chargined and angry. He pleaded with the captain to strike out the record, Il:e declared ,that he had never drunk before and that she would never drink again, But the captain said, "In this log we write the exact truth." The next week the mate kept the log, and in it wrote, "Captain was sober to -day." JUST ARRIVEI) --- BY BOAT From The Far East 4 M.M. 4' x 8' sheets of the finest Mpre-finished available anywhere TILE REGULAR PRICE PER SIIEET 4' x 8' $5.12 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL (any quantity) In 4' x 8' , , $3:95 YOU'LL HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT — A pre -finished plywood panelling for almost the same price as Gyproe or Sheetrock! You can panel an average room for less than $44.00 LIGHT & MEDIUM SITADES TO CHOOSE FROM WE ARE EXTENDING OUR MAMMOTH SALE O F LAST WEEK ON ASPENITE REGULAR SHEATHING FOR 1 MORE WEEK — YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS ONE We have made up several clear British Columbia Red Cedar • PICNIC TABLES. These are really made to last a lifetime — drop in and pick up yours today. A. Manning & Sons "WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE GO HAND IN HAND" Phone 52341251 Byth, Ont. , ••• •4+•+•-•4-4.4+•••-•• • ♦ •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••••••-•-.44-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-* VISIT SMILEY'S HAVEN QUEEN'S HOTEL --- BRUSSELS ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT Hear Doreen Danbrook on the Piano KITCHEN OPEN FEATURING: Spare Ribs and Kraut, Southern Fried Chicken, Hot Turkey, Fish & Chips and Lunches, l4 • 44-••44. • • •4-•• •••4 44-4 •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•7* ••.:•-•-•f-•- SEE MALT EDGA N TV CFPLIV, Monday, June 17, 7 to 7:30 p.m. CKNXTV, Friday, June 14, at 11:30 p.m. MEET JOE GEENE Canada's Minister of Agriculture GODERICH, SATURDAY, JUNE 15th Parade to Court House Park from Hamilton Street, headed by the Goderich Town Band will begin at 3':15 p,tn. Program at park at 3 :30 p.m..- Refreshments -- Ice Cream -- Pop Crop Report Growing conditions are very good with the high temperatures of the past days, The planting of white beans is nearing completion in most areas, Corn has been growing very well due to the high temperatures, but a rain is need, ed in most cases to help make the herbicides ,most .effective. The hay and pasture crops, after slow growth earlier, have progressed favourable these past few days, —D. G. Inglis, Ext, Assist, Londeshoro Mr, and Mrs, Henry Yungblut and faintly, of Niagara Falls, vis- ited over the weekend with the forma's father, 117r. ,Joseph Yung- blut, THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1968 REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK Provincial Government Plans To Decrease Education Responsibility by Murray Gaunt, M.P.P (Huron -Bruce) The total cost of Ontario for its promotion at Expo '67 was $10,- 600, 10;600, 000, with recoverables worth about $2,000,000, the Legislative Public Accounts Committee was told this week. The provinces's tent structure was among the most popular at Expo, drawing 5,500,000 of Expo's 50 million visitors. Education Minister William Da- vis, in leading off with his esti- mates, stated that he plans to shrink his department by spread- ing more responsibility among lo- cal and specialized education bo- dies. Mr. Davis said the aim of the department will be to reduce the size of the department, while at the same time increasing its ef- fectiveness measured in terms of service to education, The Minister went on to say that it must be admitted that while the tradition of a centrali- zed system of education served the province well, it did lead to undue emphasis on regimentation and conformity. Ontario should ask the manage- ment experts of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce to take a look at the province's 2.1 billion dollars' education expenditure. Opposition Leader Robert Nixon proposed that the Chambers, and other outside experts, appear be- fore either a Select Committee of the Legislature, or the Standing Committee on Education. The total of 3.1 billion dollars repre- sents about $300.00 per capita. Mr. Nixon charged that Mr. Davis ignores needed consultation with the Legislature and does not involve it enough in education policy. Current consultations on the new school board boundaries are head -patting sessions to calm the Minister's critics, Mr. Nixon said. Mr. Nixon also proposed making the government's central purchas- ing branch available to school boards in equipment purchases, a policy to put school buildings and libraries into year -around use, and a program to cut school building costs through standard- ization plans, Transport Minister Irwin Bask- ett hinted this week that govern- ment may increase the amount of benefit paid out of the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund for persons injured by uninsured motorists. The fund now pays a limit of $35,000 for one accident; A number of members criticiz- ed the present system, suggesting that motorists should be required to produce a certificate of insur- ance for $100,000 liability before they are given license plates, TEEN TOWN DANCE Blyth Memorial Hall Saturday, June 15 music by THE SAINTS'N SINNERS from 9 to 12 Sponsored by Blyth Teen Town RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. John Boven KINBURN HALL Friday, June 14th' 9:30 pni, Jim Scott's Orchestra Ladies please bring lunch Hur IF IT'S electors ac For the past 21/2 years "Bob" McKinley has capably represented the constituents of I-Iuron in Ottawa. He has worked full-time on your behalf. As F:rrner .. . • "Bob" McKinley will fight for increased wheat sales. . "Bob" McKinley supports the plan for an "Eastern Bureau of Agriculture" • "Bob" McKinley will fight for updating of the Farm Improvement Loans Act. KEEP A STRONG VOICE IN OTTAWA AOR HURO1 FARMERS 5f� Ya • "Bob" McKinley will fight to cut out wasteful spending • "Bob" McKinley will fight to reduce the rate of inflation n "Bob" McKinley, as a member of the Labour Committee, works continuously for the working man. For Sincere, FuI-tirne Representation ON JUNE 25;, RE-ELECT PLAN TO ATTEND THE !ROBERT E. X MAMMOTH CHICKEN BARBECUE AT Goderich Agricultural Park Guest Speaker: HON. W. A. STEWART, Ontario Minister of Agriculture and Food (Published' by the Huron Progressive Conservative MONDAY, JUNE 17 6 P.M. TO 8 P.M. TICKETS AVAILABLE At All Committee Rooms or from Poll Chairmen At $1,00 Each Also available at the park Association)