HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-05-08, Page 1$2,50 A Year In Advance -- $3,60 In U.S.A, BLYTH, ONTARIO -- WEDNESDAY; MAY 8th, 1968 BLYTH COUNCIL RAISE TAX PENALTY INTEREST RATE The regular meeting of the Blyth Municipal Council was held May:.6th in the Library, Those present, Reeve Cook, Councillors Billie,'Huhbard, McKay and Watt. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved by motion of Councillors Hubbard and. Bailie, 'Moved by Councillor Huhbard, seconded by Councillor Watt, that bylaw be prepared to increase in• terest on tax arrears from 1 of 1 per cent per month to two. thirds of 1, per cent, per month owing to the fact that Bank In• terest has risen on Village her - rowing, Carried, Councillors George Watt and George Bailie, were appointed re- presentatives Co the Mid Western Regional Tourist Council. Moved -by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Watt, that ,we have parallel parking on Din. 'sley Street front of the Laud. romat. Carried, Moved by Councillors Hubbard: and Watt, that Council approves of the 'Blyth Municipal Recreation Committee going ahead with' their Rolling Skating Project :-it, the Aerna. Carried, ,. .Correspondence Was )rdered filed by 'motion of ,.''tro,uneillors McKay and Wattr.irr Accounts Receiver General, pension and income tax 24,60; J, Warwick, sal. ary 328.51; Kenneth McDougall, part sal. assessor 250,00; Hamm's Garage, piping, weld, service call 9.49; Huron County , pipe = 30.00; Geo. Radford Ltd., streets 3,973. 00; 1• Wallace, salary and stamps 101,10; J. G, Heffron, garbage col- lection 157,00; Blyth Standard, notices 12.00; Howson and How- son Ltd., peat moss, bone meal 7.25; Maitland Teleservices Ltd., phones and tolls 45.91; Sheridan Nurseries, replacement trees 59. 41; Philp's Drug Store first aid kit, 1.30; Dr, Street account 10,00; Sparling's Hardware, supplies 13. 21; Bill's Esso, lawn mower re. pair 4,41; McClinehey's Supertest, gas, ear 8,56, truck 19.52, 28.08: Geo, Pollard, streets 110.70; Ernest Noble, spread ' chloride 6,25; Blyth Community Recrea- tion Comm. grant 350.00; Welfare 336.96, Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Bailie a• bove accounts be paid. Carried, Council adjourned an motion by Councillors Bailie and Hub. bard, Borden Cook, I, Wallace, Reeve, Clerk-Treas. Institute Members collect Over $400. For Cancer Society. 1'nstittite : pttcsidentl, Mrs, Ben Walsh, cond'uc'ted the .May, meet• ing of the Blyth Women's Insti• Lute, Following the opening ex. ereises, 'Mrs, "Charles Johnston gave the secretary -treasurer's re• port of the last meeting and ex. ecutive meeting, We were reminded of the in. vitation to attend the Belgrave Institute meeting on Tuesday,. May 21 at 8 p.m. Any member wanting transportation should con. tact one of the "following: Mrs, Keith Webster, Mrs. John Hessel• wood or Mrs, Ann Sundercock, The roll call was answered by "My Favourite Flower;" and show. ed the rose to be thefavourite of mitny. Plans were made to' cater to the Huron County Historical Socl• ety when they meet In Blyth Pub. Iic School on May 24. Mrs, Charles' Johnston was chosen to present the Women's Instiute Plaque at the evening performane of the Music "Fest]• val in Wingham High ;School on Nay •8(ii; . A donation of $10,00' was voted to': the; Blyth Fair 'Board. Mrs: Ann Sundercock, reported that two trays and several pots had been purchased for the kitchen, She also thanked the ladies who took part in the Cancer Drive in April. A total of $413,70 was .collected in the Blyth area. Delegates, appointed- to attend the West Huron District Rally in Benmiller United Church on ?fay 30th were Mrs, Ann Sundercock, Mrs, Keith Webster, Mrs, Mary Appleby and Mrs. John Hessel• wood, During the evening Miss Susan Street played the piano as `she and Miss Florence Vessels sang two lovely duets, Santa Lucia and Fly A Kite. Special guest for the evening was Mrs, Bob Carter, who demon- strated how easy it is to decorate professional looking cakes and cookies with the use of • icing tubes and a little practice. "A steady hand and a lively , imagin• ation are the main requirements" she said, After the meeting closed a lunch :of Ice cream and the beau. tifully decorated cakes was sere• ed by the hostesses, Mrs. M. Hig• gins, Mrs, C. Johnston and Mrs,. W. Good, Items. Ab�ut People We Know • Mrs, Ella Bentley, of London, visited on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence' Johnston. • Mr, and Mrs, . Irvine Wallace, accompanied:,•- liy.; their- daughter, Mrs, Kenneth Tyndall,-Laurie,and Danny, Clinton, Visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Rutledge and family, Oakville, Air, and Mrs, Howard Wallace and. family, Brampton, They: attended a concert by the Barbershop Quartette, of which Howard is a tnemher, held at Scarlett Heights Collegiate,. at . Etobicoke. Mrs, Archie Beattie and daught- er- of London; 'visitedwith Mrs, Inez btacDonald on Satltrday, Mrs,'•idaIPetts As still a' patient - in Clinton Public" Hospital, • Visitors at the -weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Snell and Bon• tite "Were,''°Mlsses Shirley Snell, ;Pat'„Stnith ,. and Messrs, David El- liott, London, Ken Elliott, Toron- to, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Tlmpany, of Aylmer, bliss Melda McElroy, of Guelph, spent the weekend at her home here, - Mr, and Mrs, Harold Cook spent Sunday at St, Marys, Engagement Announced Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gowing, of Blyth; wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Glenna Marie, to Mr, Moss Pan• nabecker, of Galt, .. son of Mrs. Donald Pannabecker. and the late • blr, Pennabecker, Lucknow, The marriage will take place .on Sat- urday, June the eighth, at 4 O'clock In the ' United Church, Blyth., Ontario, CELEBRATED 97th BIRTHDAY Congratulations and -Best Wish• es are extended to Mrs, y Jennie Armstrong, who resides` with her son-in-law and daughter; Mr, and Mrs, Rad Oniell, of Fgrt Frances, Ontario, who celebrated her 97th birthday on Tuesday,,,, May 7th. She is ” the mother of Mr. Jim Armstrong, of Kenora,;Who was a former resident of Blyth, 1r - THE KYODAN UNIT MEE71NG' The Kyodan Unit. of, Blyth Un• ited Church met Tuesday evening with a good attendance. The wor• ship on the theme "What is your name? Who' are You?'•d-Was led by Mrs. Carman MacDonald and Mrs, Ken MacDonald, ; Ms. H. Brown read a. letter from Miss Elaine Ross- who is in Japan from the church'i:vhere Rev. Gordon Hazelwood is the minister in Hamilton, Miss Rose told some• thing about three or the people we have been readingaboitt in our Study Book "Japanese Profiles." Mrs. Brown then told its the story of one of these people Mr, Tomat• su Hasegawa, who is a devoted christian - church worker and a prominent politician in, Japan to• day, She said he has done a great deal for Japan anthas never compromised his christian' beliefs in order to advance; in party's policies, yet he - has always been re•electcd since 1946, The roll call was answered by the members paying a penny for each step from their ,kitchen stove to their front door. There .was al- so a• sale of plants :and°"..bulbs; Plans were -made-;; forpthe church .duties., for,vMay::an,d`<:fe4;the:.gem al U.C.W. meeting ':e -on' the: 13th - which is to be a Japanese Festival with the C.G;LT, girls as guests. The film Half of One Percent will be shown at..ihis evening meeting. A delicious°.lunch was served by Mrs. Robert Marshall, Mrs, A. Toll and -Mrs, J: Walsh, MAPLE LEAF UNIT TO. MEET The bfaple Leaf Unit of the Blyth United Church. will -meet on Thursday, May 16, at 2 p.m. at the church, Roll Call to be an- swered by a "Beatitude." Come and bring another member, HARMONY UNIT MEETS The Ilarmony Unit met on Wednesday, May 1st with a good attendance,- Mrs. Collings presid• ed and _opened the meeting with' a Mother's Day poem and prayer. Mrs, Pierce and -Mrs, Garrett were in charge of devotions with Mrs,, PIerce giving an interesting, read• ing on "The Palm Tree" compar- Ing It to • the human life, She also offered prayer, . Mrs, Garrett presented ' the top- ! "M d N mi" from the stu•. tly book which dealt with the story of a Japanese Christian lady of the fourth generation who ov- ercome many sorrows, difficulties and hardships, to at last 'succeed in instigating the building of a "Rescue Home for Women" In the heart of 'Tokyo, • The minutes were read and treasurer's report given,, The roll call for June to be answered by naming your _ favourite spring flower. Plans were made for ea• tering. to a wedding on May 18th, The meeting closed -with. the Mizpah Benediction, Lunch was served by Mrs, Maines and Mrs. Pierce, assisted by' Mrs, Higgins. CONSERVATION CLUB TO MEET The Blyth District Conservation Club will meet on Tuesday, May 146 . at the club house, • Films, will •be shown and- a .draw for a Winchester 22 Rifle wily be held, Volume 79 • No. 46 Single Copies Six Cents Native Son Dies As Lonely Millionaire In North Dakota The following article appeared In Saturday's London Free Press and has caused considerable .in- terest in the community. We have, rather unsuccessfully, tried to gather information about the late Mr. Ross. Robert Somers has been the only one we have contacted that has In any way . enlightened us on the subject, Bob says he can remember a, Jack Ross who lived in the house now owned by MIss Nelda McElroy. The gentleman had three sons, and the mother, who died at any early age, -As Ilob recalls it, her maiden name was Stewart.' Perhaps some of our readers can . give us more Information on the Ross family. If so, we would 'very much appreciate hearing from them . In any event, we can revel in the knowledge that Blyth has pro. duced a native son who extracted considerable money from the States, . It's kind of a nice switch• about, isn't it! ONE MAN'S LONELY WAY TO MAKE A MILLION If you want to make a million dollars from scratch you might follow the example of Canadian. born Donald C. Ross, who died at..Fargo, N. D. a year ago at the age of 106, Ile lived .Inconspicuously in a hotel .,room_, Ha:• smpketl:. a.. pipe, but- didn't drink, He never mar. rled, His daily routine included vis. its to a local brokerage office, where he studied the stock mar• ket and talked to everyone who had any knowledge about bust- ness and industry. He guarded his health fanatic. ally, After his death' in May, 1987, the *executors of his estate, fol. lowing the instruction of his will, converted his holdings Into cash. They totalled $1,100,000. Almost half of it was willed to eight char- itable organizations, the remain- der to relatives. • Ross was ?torn November 28, 1860, iii Blyth, Ontario, one of three, boys and three girls, His mother was said to have died at an early age and he was reared by his grandfather in Michigan, He came to North Dakota in 1881, settling south of Fargo, and held farming interests off and on throughout his life. He also taught school early in his life. Ross took a job as second man at a grain elevator. When the manager quit, ' Ross took over, About the sante time he took over the management of a lumber yard, He handled both jobs dur- ing the 1880s, "He saved his money and: bor- rowed some and put it into land," said an old4ime acquaintance years later, "He built up quite a farming . operation.". During. the. First World . War, when wheat was $3 a bushel and land prices 'soared, Ross' sold: his. farm, .and embarked .on : the devel- opment of a subdivision In Minne- apolis. In the 1930s he returned and reinvested in farm land. Pupils Of Local Teachers Entertain At Music Recitals Pupils of Mrs, Shirley E, Vin- cent held ' a recital in the Blyth United Church on Tuesday even- ing, April 30. Those taking part were: Linda Ives, Karen McEwing, Linda War- wick, IIilly Van Amersfoort, Sha. ron Ives, Brenda Johnston, Calvin Nixon, Janet Cook, Doreen An. derson, Evelyn Haggitt, Judy Ives, Dorothy Nicholson, Jayne Watson, KerrI Medd, Carol Gowing, Di. anne Poser, Lori Thompson, Mary Anne Wheeler, Glen Nixon, Kim Watson, Margaret Howson, Nancy Anderson, Barbara Lee, Gail Searle, Cathy Carter, Eric Camp. bell, Beverly Lee, 0.01 Pupils of Mrs, Winona McDoug- all from Blyth, Londesboro, Clin. ton, Auburn, Westfield, Lucknow, Ripley and Seaforth presented a concert on Saturday evening in Blyth United Church to an appre- dative audience, Those singing solos were: Nan. cy Anderson, Lloy Shaddick, Shar• yn Mowbray, Nancy McKay, Jan- ice Wyld, Jeannette Lobb and Al. ice Andrews. Mr, Harry Lear was guest soloist. Vocal trio: Susan Street, Nancy Anderson and Florence Hessels, Vocal duet: Susan Street and Flor- ence Hessels, PIano solos were given by Danny Lear, Alice Bee- croft, Clara Wasson, David Street, Velma Fear, Murray Wightman, Jean Caldwell, Jean Campbell, Nancy Stewart, Sharyn Mowbray, Lloy Shaddick, Ruth Alton, Mur- ray McNall, Anne Oldfield and Corinne McDonald, Piano duet: Gall and Danny Lear, and Susan and David Street. Organ solo by Emma Van' Lam- meren, Organ and piano duets by Mrs, Margaret Kai and d Mrs, Win- ona McDougall, The, concert was sponsored by the Maple Leaf Unit of the church. Agircultural Society Finds Concerts A Successful Entertainment Attraction A meeting of -the directors ..of the Blyth Agricultural Society was held in the Library last Tues. day evening. Very few directors attended. Lorne Hunking reported the BLYTH U,C,W, TO MEET • The May meeting of .the Blyth. U,C.W. will take the form of a Japanese Festival, It. will be held Monday, May 13th, at 8 pan,. .In the assembly room, ' If you possess anything. Japanese bring it ter the .display `table;' ' .• variety, show a success and stated that another concert is planned for May at which the Centennial Youth Choir ;.and Clinton Junior Fat'nier'- drama group will partici. pate, A new building for school ex. hibits was' • again discussed, but left over for the ,committee to get more .information. The,.prJze list was revised and a few changes were made, It was decided to contact local merch. anis :regarding the sponsoring of a *Queen of the Fahr contest, The next meeting will be held on May 21st, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY Lith, 1008 MRS. JOHN HALLAM HOSTESS Nosummomminimmidrimamoiniiir- SUGAR and SPICB 1 Nom S Bill Smile) e f Please, keep it simple Don't be surprised if you hear of Chas. Whipp turning up in Ho de Janeiro under an assunlett name, like Horace N. Haggle Whipp. • • He's taking a-• terrible beating, on. the polls,. all the way from . 111illiwack, WC., and' North' Biittleford Sask, right down to the east coast. Maybe Charlie has received the same amount of mail on his poll, but I doubt it, And' thanks,. all you kind, warm people who took the time to encourage me to go• on" telling it as it is, and telling Charlie that , , , well; never' mind. Let's drop It. Ile's probably a =-nice guy who has to' snarl' at somebody every so often to retain ,his sanity. I do. Like right now; My wife, who has-been away at college for six months; is lying on the chesterfield.. After half a year of cooking,. I'm still doing it. She had an operation, But it wasn't on her mind. Or -her tongue, They're, as active as ever, My kid, who has about 20 days to avoid being a Grade 12 failure, and at the same time is supposed to be preparing for her. A,A.T.C. piano exam; is lying in the sack; groaning; with a swollen gland •and fever, My son left Monday for the wilds of Northern. Quebec, to make his fortune. For the- fourth time, With a little stake from •Dad; just to get hint stal±ted. Oh, well, there's always something to cheer you up. I've been in stitches, like surgical,- since my wife decided to "do" .my income tax this year, and save- the cost' of an auditor, Right' at the moment, we're thousands- of dollars ahead of the game. It's a delir• lour feeling, but I don't think• it will: last, There • are a couple of clauses she's not. sure- of: By the way, did' yoti ever try, as an ordinary :layman to read one of those dandy -little booklets your friendly. revenue department is putting out to "help" you? In the _first`place, as-anold'prin'ter,. I. swear it cost a •million dollars to print. In the- second; who needs it? The booklet is written In auditor's language, which is second. only to that of lawyers' incomprehensibility, If it takes you 30 pages to tell you how to fill out your in. . come •tax form, there's something rotten in the state of Canada, Es- pecially if you don't have a clue .when you've finished reading it. 1 •• have a suggestion for the government. The booklet could be cut to half the size, and written in plain English, by any reasonably competent writer, with an auditor at his shoulder, And .1 can tell you: soinething right now. The handy little booklet is not designed' to "h'elp" you. It's deliberately cloaked in language that the ordinary man does not understand; For the guy on a salary, it's comparatively simple, His tax deductions, however they hurt, are made at source, But for the small busine'ssinan,. the farmer, the contractor, it's a maze of pit• falls and pratfalls. Here's a' sample of the sparkling prose of the revenuers, It's entitled: BALANCE PAYABLE OR REFUND. It says, "As indicated on the T1 General' Form, yottr •Balance is to be determined by subtracting from your Total -.Payable (Tax and or Canada Pension Elan contribution Payable on Self•Eniployed Earnings) the total credits (Tax deducted per T4 and Thi slips, Amounts paid by Instalments` and Canada Pension Plan Overpayment), What does that mean? And why the brackets? And why the capitals It's not English, It's not comprehensible, It's pure gobbleygook. Ah, 1 guess I shouldn't get so annoyed. I can take it, I'm still working. But my heart goes out to all those on the fringe, who've worked like dogs all their lives, and wind tip with dog foot. i 1�'u�l(1111111?!11'i'� :1.1111i[!!1,u1tu tIuV,1 u lu,ilu,,�u ul i111.1(�i ulu!)1(�11 ! ! _ , .111111(1I�1! ,, Im,:1111J11m1i1io1 II„Lrl'�I i 11 I. !,1 1; IT'S GOOD IltSSI1ItSS TO USt T}IE CLASSIFIED_ PAGES OF THE ` STANDARD Whether Shopping For a Bargain' or Looking. -For a. buyer TO WALKERBURN CLUB The Walkei'burn Club held it's monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, John Hallam, with the presi• dent., AI:s, Ted flunking, in the chair. 'The meeting was opened by singing 0 Canada followed by prayer led by, Airs, George Schnei- der and all repeated the Lord's. Prayer, The minutes were accept. ed as read by the secretary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp, and the treasurer, Mrs. Walter Cunningham, gave the financial statement. It was decided to hold the 50th anniver- sary celebrations on July 17th and Airs, Ted flunking invited them to hold it at her home. Airs, I�Iliott Lapp and Mrs, George Schneider named a committee ro semi invitations to former mem. hers, Several letters of thanks for cards sent were read, The draw prize which Airs. Ted Hunk. ing had donated was won by IIIrs, Tont Cunningham, Plans were - made for the next meeting which will he held at the home of Mrs, Carmen Gross. The program is to be in charge of Mrs, Lloyd Penfound and Mrs, Worthy Young, and the lunch cominittee will be Mrs. George Schneider and Mrs. James Jackson, Tho -program for the meeting consisted of 'readings and contests and it was in charge of Mrs. Geo. rge Schneider and Mrs, James Jackson, After the closing of the meeting a delicious lunch was ser• ved by Mrs, John Hallam and Mrs. Arie Duizer. Congratulations Congratulations to Miss Grace Longman who will celebrate her birthday on Sunday, May 12. Congratulations to Mrs, John Sanderson who celebrates her birthday on Friday; May 10, Perry Mason was found guilty. It was difficult to understand just a what the charge really was, but he's guilty ' according to a 013S News Department show the other evening called "Trial Lawyer.” The program consisted of a ser- ies of interviews with five of the highest-paid trial lawyers in the U.S... - . . F, Lee Bailey said Mason had "a tremendous influence on our law." fle said he -heard jurors say "if the defendant didn't do it, who did?" The public too often thinks .that the Perry ,Arason courtroom scenes are the way a court really operates. It's interesting to note here that West German- TV viewers can be more ,thaw just armchair sleuths for 'fictional whodunits, Accord- ing to a news release, a new ser- ies gives them the chance to help - solve real crimes, The program; File XY . Un- solved; is enjoying such success that police' officials- are dropping much of their initial -skepticism. Programs presenting 14 unsolv- ed cases have prompted tibout 2,000 telephone calls or letters with information, Eight suspects have been , arrested. - This was: done . in the U.S, years ago on radio with the program "Gangbusters." Perhaps network officials here will come up 'with- a similar TV program' within a' -year or two. * .* '' * The Acadamy Awards special was in first position, according' to the latest National Nielsen rat. Ings; • • Andy Griffith was second, and another special , . Charlie. Brown All•Stars',', was third;' Others were as follows; -Family Affair, 4th; Ironside, 5th; Grin. smoke, Otho; Dean' Martin; 7th; .Go' mer- Pyle, • 8th; The Lucy Show, 0th; Bonanza,10th; ..Beverly: Hill• billies, :11th;. and .Rowan and: Mar tin;; 12th, THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blyth Community since 1886 Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BLYTH, ONTARIO. Douglas Whitmore, Publisher. Member Canadian and . Ontario Weekly. Newspaper Assoctations Subscription hates: Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $3.50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage• In cash" 40111!1111111i111111111!111117.1111p►1g1!11"11"11x111111'!1'!T lib 7117.1` 1911111!111illClT11111, ?11;!11121MTIIII <I! .1101!1!!11111!hli11111 '1!I!R I., FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY One of the most glorious facts about God is that He forgives us when we are truly sorry for the wrong we have •done — or the wrong we are doing by being what we are. But we have something to do in return for pardon— we must forgive those who have hurt us or injured us. Only so, can we really experience the. joy of being forgiven ourselves, A modern writer puts it this way; If an, unkind word. appears, If some novelty endears, If some clever little bit Of a sharp and pointed wit. If some bit of_gossipconte, If suspicion comes to you, If your neighbor isn't true; File the thing away. Do this for a. little while Then go out and burn the file. Remember St, Paul's words in Ephesians 4: 32 — "forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you, Go to Church on Sunday; Join: sincerely in. the confession of sin. Take seriously and gladly the assurance .of pardon. or absolution, Then FORGIVE. 4 DI!II iplUlluulP li�b;'i tilt ilil ni,, l{ P. !;;:t .i ,� ,.d 1;1 'll :' s11.1,1,'1.,1 1 Call In For A Delicious: Treat ICE CREAM SUNDAES •. POP CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARF,TTES . TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open- Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL BLPI one 2343910 1. • Ili ! I 1 ll1i111111i IIII 1118111111 .1111'11 PI!P 111t1' p 11111!'11 II ,g11 I'(l't" i IIPI1 l t I II I � I �i11;'!I'0 • I � "' 1' !'� � ^ U1 � 111111 .:I.. I i..:, l ,111J111'lll'i.111119III;! I I11I111u111iilii111111a1 iiiiR11ill,1111!1111,1:111111111111111:u111111i111111411111111111111!11.111'!11!f�1 EI m-19 Lp CtnrcLieel ST, ANDREW'S I'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, ROBERT U. MacLEAN IEA, 1:00 p.m. Church Service. 1:00 p.m. Sunday School CHURCH OF GOD MeConnel Street, Blyth •.• Sunday Services. ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Worship 7:30 p.m, -- Prayer and Bible Study. 8:00 p.ni. — Friday — Youth Hour. Thought For The Week "Iiy IIim therefore let tis offer the sacrifice of praise to God:contin• natty." IIeb, 13:115, "If you want to get your aches and trials out of sight, hide. them under your mercies." Carlyle. El CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV, II; W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a,m, — Morning Service (in English) 1.1:00 -- Sunday School 3:00 p.m. — Afternoon Service (in English) ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA-. Rev. G. E. Pakenham, Rector Trinity Church Blyth: 10,00 a.m. —:Morning 'Prayer, Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11,15 a,m, -- holy Communion, St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1:30 p.m. — Evening .Prayer St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2:45. p.ni, •-- Evening Prayer THE UNITED. CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATTIER, 'ILA., B,D., MINISTER' • -Mrs; Donald Kal, Director' of lusie. No Sunday School, _ • •-11:00 a.m. —.Morning Worship, Christhau:Faniily,..Service, 11111 IIII IIII II III 111111 III III IDui ' iigl!YI VII1 !1 111 4111111�61HIlNN�NN11N 1 llir111.I"iii 11h Nialicolue i gici'1l 1 OBITUARY - MISS ANNE WIGHTMAN TOOK THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1968 PART IN BELGRAVE JOHN ALEXANDER McLELLAN er, Duncan, of Fort William, Ont,, six sisters, Mrs. Tina Lawrence, CHURCH SERVICE Mr, John Alexander 'hieLelian Regina, Sask,, Mrs, Florence Hoff . We are sorry to hear that Mrs, brave Presbyterian Church ser• passed away in Westminster Hos- man, Hanna,Alberta, Mrs, Jessie Service at Knox Presbyterian Harold Procter had the misfor• vices will begin at 9.30 a.m, for pital, London on Wednesday, McDuff, Reina, Sask., Mrs. Mary Church, Belgrave, was well at. lune to fall and break her ankle, the summer months, April 24th, 1968 in his 77th year, Bell,Regina, Sask,, Mrs, Harry tended on Sunday, May 5, when lir, and Mrs, Ron Nicholson, of Mrs, Annie Coultes is able to Ile was horn in Saskatchewan, Meritt, Duncan, B,C,, Mrs. Sadie Miss Anne Wighlmen, a student Sl, Marys, Miss Margaret Nichol. be home from Wingham and Dis- son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Mal. Hoskins Lumsbon Sask. at Knox College, Toronto, took son, Guelph, spent the weekend trict Hospital and is now spend. colm McLellan and came to East• The funeral service was held part in the service. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing this week with her sister and ern Canada around 1915. He mar• at the Tasker Memorial Chapel, She spoke about her work in Garner Nicholson, husband, Mr, and Mrs, George hied Charlotte Doubleday,clauglrt•he Belgrave U.C.W. catered to Pocock, of Lambeth, Queen Street, Blyth, on Saturday, the Mission field in Tolland, Al -A1• Glenn Coultes and er of he late Mr, and Mrs, Wm, April 27th at 2:30 p,m,, conducted berta, where she was stationed Men Teachers and their wives at Air, end Mrs, Doubleday, of Stratford, on June by Rev, 0, E, Pakenham. last year, During the service hiss a turkey banquet Thursday even• baby, Paul, visited on Sunday r 27, 1917, They moved to Blyth Pallhearaers were: Arthur Me. Margaret Nicholson sang a solo rnb, May 1. with Mr. and Mrs, Alan Scott, of in January of 1956, While a red. Clare, Hugh Simpson, Borden "flow Great 'Thou Art" accompan. The directors and staff of the Barrie: dent of this community, he was Cook, George Haggitt, Bruce led by Mrs, Athol Bruce at the Belgrave Co•Operative Associa• Mrs, Mac Harvey and baby a member of Blyth Legion Branch, Smith, Ralph McCrea. organ. Rev. Charles McCarroll tion held a social evening Mon• daughter, of Markdale, spent last Surviving besides his wife are Flowcrbearers were two grand• presented Anne with a revised day, April 29, in the Community week with her parents, Mr, and two sons, John of Rantoul, thin. sons, John Hugh and Robert John edition of Halley's Bible Hand. Centre in honour of Air. Lewis Mr's, Lloyd Freethy and Dianne, ois, and Dalton, of Detroit, MIMI• McLellan of Detroit, book, a gift from the members of Cook who retired from the Co•Op A number of women from this gan; eleven grandchildren and Interment took place in Blyth Knox Presbyterian Church. April 1st, The presentation of a district had entries at the Tees• two great grandchildren; 1 broth. Union Cemetery, She leaves on Thursday fortable lamp to Mr. and Mrs. Cook water Century Hobby Craft which Meath, Saskatchewan, for foto' was made by Mr, Lorne Campbell, was held in the Public School on months work In the mission field. Lunch was served by the ladies, Saturday, Airs. Hilda Roberts, Listowel, A music recital was held In the +t+I+ •-s+.-+s4-+- +++F•+-. .4-44-.4.+4+,4-4,.+..e..+...+. *4 The Best Wishes of her friends visited last week with her sister, Blyth United Church on Tuesday go with her, Mrs. Dave Amstrong, During the evening, April 30, by Mrs, Shirley week Airs, Roberts and firs, Arm• Vincent's pupils, Those taking If Stewart's BELGRAVE AFTERNOON strong, spent a few days in Thorn• part from Belgrave were: Brenda dale and London visiting with Johnston, Calvin Nixon, Doreen UNIT MEETING relatives. Anderson, Lori Thompson, Mary Red White Food Mkt.Mr. and Mrs, Alex Young, Lu. Anne Wheeler, Glen Nixon and Eleven attended the May meet• can, called on Mr; and Mrs, Harry Nancy Anderson. At the conclu BLYTA, ONT„ Phone 9451 WF DELIVER ing on Wednesday afternoon of McGuire on Sunday, sion of the program Mary Anne the Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W. Visitors over the weekend at Wheeler read an address in Mrs, IIerb Wheeler was in charge the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh rhyme which she had composed and conducted a worship service Rinn and John were, Mr. William and Calvin Nixon made the pres• on the theme "The Second Mile," Hill, of Willowdale, Mrs, Margar• entation, Mrs. Vincent was pre Meats & Frozen Foods hymn "Guide Me 0 Thou Great et Lechler, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs, sented with a gift in appreciation Jehovah" was sung, followed by Elvery Rock, Joanne and Jennl• of her efforts with the pupils, prayer. Mrs, Elizabeth Leslie read fes and Mrs, Gladys Rock and Belgrave 11I 4H girls held their Maple Leaf l�r'einers , , , , , 2 Ib pkg.89c the scripture after which Mrs, Huth Rock, of Monkton, eighth meeting at the home at • • ,. IIerb Wheeler read a commentary Belgrave Library hours change Nit's, Clarence Hanna on April 29 Picnics, it. Mrs, John Anderson read starting May 18. Library will be which opened with the 4-H Pledge 1i Smoked cnics, 5 - 6 lb. average, per Ib. 45c ars article on "The Good Samara- open on Saturday evenings from and Motto, Roll call was answer. Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls . halves lb. 5.5c tan of Labrador," Minutes were 7 p,m, to 9 p.m. No charge on ed by every girl in turn, Nancy > , ,, read and treasurer's report was books now. Patronize your local Anderson read a skit. The rec. given, The roll was called and library, ord books are to he handed in on Fresh Sliced Pork Liver per lb. 29c • offering received. 17 hospital and A reception was held in the May 7, 1'drs. Hanna told the girls Fresh Pork Hocks , , , ,13 home visits were recorded. day evening, May 4, for Mr .and what to send to Clinton. The , , , , , ,,, , , per lb. 29c First two verses of hymn "What Belgrave Forrester's Hall on Fri• meeting closed with- taps, Devon Sliced Macon , , 1 ib. pkg. 69c ; at►n�iend We Have in Jesus" was Afrs. Douglas Johnston, This com- chapter from Japan Profiles en• nurnily extends best wishes on 'fray Pack Beef and fork Sausage, 1 lb. 59c Mrs. George Martin gave the theirAir. recent and firsmarriage.David Hanna and , ;: Grade A Chickens, 3 • 4lbs. , . , t titled "Country • Town Minister," family have moved to Kitchener. per lb, 39C the life of Koji Oema and then David has accepted a position roWnie's Chicken Breasts. or Legs , , , , , , per lb. 55 c was elasungyo,Mrs,sesEarlf the hymn with Simpson and Sears. N 5 Anderson Miss Verna Johnston Long Island Ducks, 5 Ib. average, per 1b. 69c gave a short Bible.study, and. dis. visited on. Sunday with, AflssofSarniaNora, i,rive-In cession, Hymn In Christ There VanCamp, Wallace's Turkey, Chicken or Beef Pies , is no East or West" and bencdie. Mr, Douglas BIeman has accept. ' tion concluded the meeting, per box 59c rd a position with Imperial 011 at Sarnia. Old Country Fish and Chips ... per pkg. 59c Sunday visitors with Mr. and Box Office Opens at 8.00 p,m. CROP REPORT Mrs, Lloyd Freethy and Dianne First Show at Dusk Redwere, Mr, and Mrs. Mac Dixon ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS White & Blue Sweepstake; Spring grain seeding is essen• and Nancy, of Mitchell, Mr, and daily completed In Huron County, Mrs, Cartney Fongie, Alan and THURS., FRh, SAT., Corn planting is progressing Margaret, of Collingwood, and MON,, TUES., WED. well with good conditions prevail. Mr, and Mrs. Mac Harvey, Mark. • 6 DAYS — MAY 9.15 Ing for the preparation of land, dale, — DOUBLE FEATURE -- Salado Tea Bags, 60's 79c- ' The backlog of plowing from Mrs, Alex Styles, of Mimico, Sidney Pottier the wet fall last year has been spent a few days last week with practically overcome, her aunt, Mrs, Cora McGill, On In Libby's Deep Buttered Kernel Corn or Peas A significant • number of beef Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Klaas De 6 tins 1.00 and sheep have been turned out Jong and Mr, and Mrs. Robert "TO SIR, to grass, Wallace, Blyth, visited also with Van Camp Beans with Pork, 14 OT,. tin Warm weather and showers Alrs, McGill. WITH LOVE" 6 tins ........................... 1,Q0 Visitors on Sunday with would allow for first rate growing Mr. Ed• conditions for all crops, gar Wighttnan were, Miss Ann (Adult Entertainment) ValeJuice,tin,1.00Ag, p,Toronto, Mr,Ross Showing at 9:00 p.m, Happy 'I Tomato 48 oz. for --ll, S. Pullen Assoc. Re Wightman, Wightman, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. �yith SUZY KENDALh—In Color Health° Dog Food 12 tins 1.00 Bruce Hamilton and family, Mr. McKillop Township and Mrs, Gilbert Hamilton, Luck. — AND -- Club House Peanut Butter . , . 2 lb. jar 69c Public now, Mr, and Mrs, Win, McDon• - "CATALINA Public School Board ald, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, Charl• > » Carnation Milk, tall tin .. , , , • .. , ... , . . . 2 ,CAPERS'? 2 for 33c _Area es /Others, Bluevale, Mrs. Evelyn • Orasley, Mary Evelyn and Freda, TOMMY KIRK Rick's Pickles, Yum Yums or. Dills, 24 oz. 29c + REQUIRES A Arthur, and Miss Barbara Fes.tgirShowing at 11:00 p,m. Music Supervisor on, of Corrie, Color Cartoon Domestic Shortening 1. Ib. pkg. 37c f FOR 6 SCHOOLS Miss Ann Wightman returned to Knox College, ,Toronto, after SX Brand Canned Hams, 1 112 lb. tin , . , 1A9 ' Applications to be in by May llth spending a week with her father, COMING NEXT: Mr, Edgar WIghtnian, On Thurs. "The 'Wild Racers" Koolaid Fruit Drink Powder 10 for 49c CAMPBELL WEY, SEC., May 9, she leaves for ulieath R.R. 4, Walton Park, Saskatchewan, to work on ' •2• . the mission field. (Adult Entertainment) Buy Of The Week Beginning Sunday, May 12, Bel. --AND -- SEEDING One Million Years NEW --• �tin 59c 'or 50 oz. tin 59c Whistle Instant Cleaner, 1b oz. sprayREQUIREMENTS Classified Ads, Pay 'Big Dividends BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS CLINTON Specials Surf, big3lb.pkg. „••••.•,,.,,,,. only99c McCormick's Graham Wafers, 1 lb., 2 for 69c McCormick's Mallow Cookies , . • , 3 pkgs. 83c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables California Sunkist: Oranges 3 doz. 1.00 California New Potatoes • ... • • • , 5 lbs. 49c Florida Indian River Grapefruit , , 4 for 45c ++.•+t., $ WE HAVE AVAILABLE t ''' Herta Barley, 'also 6 row var. lelies . " A full stock of Legume and Grass Seeds y Timothy and Alfalfa (several varieties 'of each) Red Clover and Red Clover and Sweet Clover Mix (plown down) • Corn . 9 different maturities FOR ALL YOUR SEED NEEDS ASK AT THE SEED PLANT LONDESBORO R. N. ALEXANDER 44444+ B.C.,, IVES CONSTRUCTION Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 443w4 Dealer For BERG BARN CLEANERS AND MANURE STACKERS wUl fit any make or style of barn cleaner 4+ .THE. omit STANDARD WEDNESDAY_, •_114Y 8tll, .106t3 READY TO WEAR SUITS FOR MEN WITH 2 PAIR OF PANTS Si7,CS 36 to 46 $45.00 to $79.95 R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Wednesday and Friday wr Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALIT BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE, ,, "WE SPECT 4LEZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 4111111111111111111 +.-•.+..+.+.+.�•+...+ err. JUST' CHECK THIS LIST Of i I EYE -APPEALING BEAUTIES 1968 FALCON 4 door. 1968 E AILANE 4 door, 1968 FORD Custom 500. 1968.['ORD 1F`airlane 500, 4 door. 1968 FORD half ton. 1967 PONTIAC 4 door, hal top 1967.CHEV. d door. 1966 FORD Custom 5.00, V 8. 1966• CHEV, 4 door. 1966 METEOR 4 door, V 8. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 'I door, 6 cyl. 1966 PONTIAC 4 door, station Wagon. 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury I1; V 8, 1966 FALCON 4 door. 1965 METEOR 4 door, V 8. 1965 CHEVY II 4 door. 1963 MERCURY 2 door, hard top. 1963 VALIANT 4 door, .1963 . FORD 2 door. 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 door. 1963 OLDS, 4 door, hard top. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamrrr's. CAR SALES Ltd. Blyth,'Onterio. Phone 523-9581 WESTFIELD NEWS Donnybrook Mrs, Audrey 13iggerstafl• and McDowell' tin's, Sam Thompson sponsoredMr, and Mrs, Don Cartwright, Au- Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Pct burn, visited on Thursday with er do Groot for the weekend were at her home Saturday evening a Mr, and Mrs. Bract Good, of Mr, and Mrs. John van den Hems, miscellaneous shower for Miss R of Slreelsville, Miss Penny Stone, June Mills of Auburn whose mar. Windham• 8 Mrs, Mary McDowell Mr, and of London, Mr, Roy de Baas, of *sage lances place tests were enjoyed May Con• alsoMiss , Con. Mrs. Vlera,ey Kersha�a1t/in Godcrich ed (�tMrs, 13i11 Fidam spent several nie Mann, of 131uevale, contribut• Hospital on Sunday. clays Iasi week visiting with her ed two lovely vocal solos. Mrs. Visitors with Miss Jeanette sister, Mrs, George Csepel, and Thompson read the address and . e gifts were presented to thehhr. Snell and Mr, Gordon Snell on odea' friends at Inner*,lthen. Schmidt, of Siratl'oy, as. Sunday were, Mr, and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Campbell Mher in opening them. June visited on Sunday with Mr, Les- ed thanked everyone for the many tic Schultz, of Dungannon, ked gifts she received, The Visitors with. Airs, Bary me. hostess served 0 delicious lunch 1)otvell on Thursday evening were and a social time was enjoyed, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Geddes, Relatives and friends were pros. Miss Gladys McDowell and Mr.ent from London, Sirathroy, Dan Ferguson, of Goderich' Bluevalc and Donnybrook, Audrey .Biggerstaff, lir, 13111 13iggcrstaff and Mr. Orval Mr, ' and Mrs, John. Peacock, Tunney visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cheryl and Gayle; of Bramalea, John East and Mr, Harry Wooley, pent the weekend with Mr, and of Brucefield, on Sunday. Mrs. Milliard Jefferson and other Visitors with , Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson relatives. Lloyd Walden on Friday were, h'. Gordon Cook, of Cochrane, Mr, and Mrs, Ilar'vey Thompson Mrs, George Cook, Belgrave, Mr, and family, Listowel„ visited Sun - and Mrs. Walter Cunningham and: day' with Mr, and Mrs, Sant family, -Auburn, 'Thompson and family. ••4,•••N'•••••••F••••••••-•t•••+•••r•'••t•••f**-•••-•-•1-H t t i i t Tintpany, of Aylmr, lir, and Mrs, Clifford Snell, Mr, and Mrs. Ilan vey Snell, lir, and Mrs, Alvin Snell and Bonnie, of Blyth. Several families from this conn. 'nullity attended Mrs, Ray Vin. cent's Piano Recital in Blyth Un- steed Church last 'Tuesday even• ing in which Janet Cook and Eric Campbell participated. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook vis• ited with Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Ro- bertson, of Goderich, Sunday ev• ening, Mr, and Mrs. James AlcCully, of Preston, visited with Mi', and Mrs, Ivan Wightnan on Monday, Mrs, Jean Taylor and Mrs. Eliza• bells Cardiff, of Brussels, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Taylor on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verbeek and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Louis Verbeek, of Drayton, on Sunday, the occasion being 11r. and Mrs. Louis Ver. beck's 40th wedding anniversary. Visitors from this community to Uuronview on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McDowell, Mrs, Mary McDowell, Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Smith and Gordon - CARD OF 'I'IiANKS Elgin and Gladys Jesting would like to thank the Blyth -Fire 13ri• gado for their prompt assistance al our house fire. 46-1 p iN MEMORIAM ESSELWOOD -- In loving ncem- ory of a dear daughter and sis- ter Elaine, who passed away two years ago, May 14, 1966, 'Phe depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of• one we loved so ts'cll, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep IHer memory we shall always keep. —Ever remembered by her par- .ents, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Hessen - t good and family• 46-1 Ci:EARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery and Ilou Behold• Effects, at Lot 38, Con. cession •12, Hullett Township, 11/ utiles South and 11/ East of An• burn, on THURSDAY, MAY 16 0 1 p.m. ORSES 'dung dark chestnut Belgium marc (2200 lbs.); Grey mare (middle age) 2000 lbs; Quantity of Harness. • CATTLE 9 Hereford cows, . bred to Poll • Unit Bull; 8 Hereford steers and helfers, 1 year old, ready ',for mar- ket• PIGS 3 York sows bred; f8 chunks HENS 100 hybrid, hens. MACHINERY , Fertilizer . drill; . 4 section hal.- ' rows; horse drawn plow; chop head hay loader:' cultivator; farm wagon; 16 ft, liay rack; wagon • box; stock rack; sloop sleighs; : hay rack; New Idea side rake; • New Idea manure spreader; lad der; mowerk scuffler; wheel bar- row; double blocks; : scuffler; forks; shovels; chains; tools; lawn mower; garden Rota Tiller (like new); electric fencer; 2000 lb, Renfrew scales; iron piping; fan. ping:: mili;..175: -ft, rope; Stewart shun- clippers;. ipig troughs. ,, W.-G1AINr: - 2000 bus, mixeti grain; few ton of mixed hay, ' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Co-op stove - A' 4, burner • electric stove; Frigidaire; kitchen chairs; Man Mae+�nt,t ra, itietioileer, kilCiletl cornery. cuphoa;'d;. spool Phone 528435119, Lucknow• ••bed,• smali••safe; other',:it)eti'eler-too .. --.. -- - ., -- -.— - - ... •4454t NOTICE I wish to thank everyone who has patronized the Blyth Laundry. We are closing it permanently on May 26th, ANYONE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING ANY OF THE EQUIPMENT, OR BUSiNESS, MAY DO SO BY CONTACT. ING: Robert McClinchey Phone 523.4501 •••••• •••••i••••*-•••-|-•-•+tN1-••••-••••••*4•-••*•!•$♦ • ##### • • • •••'• • • t• ♦-••• • **4-•- • + •-••+ -4-++•••+•'r♦ •-*-•♦-•4 1 4 • • • • Thank You.. . for your generosity during the April Campaign for funds. You can still contribute to the Cancer Cociety by contacting your local canvasser or funds campaign chairman, Canvassers are requested to turn in all monies as soon as possible, Huron County Unit Canadian Cancer Society 1 44 4•4-• • • •-• • 4-4-4-•-•-•--S -ht .4-4 4,$ +•-••+••N+.4 H-•••• +4 -4,4 -,•- numerous to mention. TERMS CASH No Reserve Farm Sold Prop, William J. Wagner. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk, Mel Graham; - 45.2 AUCTION SAP Of Dairy Cattle, Farm Machin. ery, Hay and Grain, will be held for John Van Den Assent Sr., Lot 0, Concession 10, Morris Town ship, 11/4 miles East. of Blyth, on MONDAY, MAY 13 at. 1:30 p.m. • LIVESTOCK 20 holstein cows fresh; 2 Hol• stein cows, due sale. time; 2 Hol• ficin heifers, 2 year old, bred; 6 open holstein ,heifers; 2 Holstein heifer calves; 3 Hereford calves. IMPLEMENTS Oliver tractor live P,T,O, and hydraulics; 13 run fertilizer drill; Fleury bissel disc; hat'rows; In• ternatioiial 3 furrow plgtigh; land roller; 9 ft. cultivator; Massey Har• tis No, 6 power niowa; Massey Ferguson roll bar rake; 2 rubber tired wagons and racks; Gehl hammer mill P.T,O, oil rubber, new, 2 trailers; water, troughs; 18 ft. bale elevator and motor; grain auger; Surge 2 unit milker; numerous small. articles. Hay & Grain, 500 bales of hay; 10 ton mixed grain;' quantity, of straw, Far1n Sold, TERMS CASH 'Beginning iu Miay a CHILD HEALTH CENTRE., will be held; in the, Medical Building in Bussels, Ontario, on the second_ Tuesday ot each month. The first session will be held' on May 14, 1968, 9:30 • 11:30 tam. Public health nurses will be, in attendance to weigh infants and preschool- children, to counsel mothers, and to administer Immu- nization, At most sessions„ a public health physician , will be present also, This service is free of charge;" 48.2 NOTICE TO' CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE, OF ,Untie Elliott • Ilosford, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Elliott, Ilosford, late of the Township; of llulnnu', in the County of Duffer• in, Widow, who died on or about the Fifth day of October, 1967, are hereby notified to send lntn the undersigned solicitors for the Executrix on or before the Twen- ty-second day of May, 1968, full particulars of their claims, im• mediately after the said ' Twenty second day of May, 1968, 'the assets of 'the deceased -,will he dls• tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of wltleh the Executrix shall then have notice, - Dated at Orangeville* this Twen• ty•third day, of. April, A,D,, 1968. Kathleen Elizabeth, Davison by her Solicitors, . Wardlaw & Wardlaw, 227- Broadway, Orangeville, Ontario, ..�. •.45.3 $ usiness Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE IILYTII - Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street - CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. For Appointment, Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE --- Balance of Week •- Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OE' CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES -- Varna -- Tel, Coll, Mensal! 696R2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CLEANEI) FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE -• Brussels R.R, 2 -- Phone 442W6 DK, R. W. STREET BLYTII •- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: B:' Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings, W. It HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre - IVINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL, &. LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING wing SIi1PP•ED on Monday, and Thursday UP.CaS. on. Tuesday Trucking: To and .Front :I russets. and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYTH 523.9361 ELLIOTT REAL, ESTATE AGENCY Gordon. Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523.4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses, ROY N. BENTLEY - ACCOUNTANT GO1IERICH -- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia ltd., E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS ,1. I1. Crawford, Q,C,, N, Shepherd, L,L.B,, A, hill, B.A., L.L,13. ' In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment, LOCATED- IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING. & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM . - Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed Ali Dal'' Monday -• Open Tuesday Through Saturday DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses -at Cash Value Olti' Horses 4e per pound --- Phone Collect 133, Brussels, (24 hr. service) Plant Lic. No, 54•R.P, 61; Coll, Lic, No, 88•G61 BLYTII BEAUTY BAR CUTTING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES ANN HOLLINGER - Phone Blyth 523.9341 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACIIINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE '78 King Street CLINTON - Phone 482.7303 t. TILE BLYTII STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1968 Dm1QIl1�► IIL�P�P01iwu�uiuri� 'momuu uailuuruiuc�'�iumuvusiuuuwl!III(JI N� Ilifile Iilml(Dign(I DLII ofltmuAwithow. uu i SELL IT! BUY IT RENT IT! FIND ITI PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU iu �i� iu Up ilr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CHAIN SAW REPAIRS Having Chain Saw Problems? Expert repairs are available at Bill's Esso Station, phone Blyth 523.9556 264S, HOUSE FOR SALE 8 room, 2 story, red brick house, 3 piece bath upstairs, 2 down stairs, hot water heated, modern 1 conveniences, garage, Ben Walsh, phone 523-9352 Blyth. 40•tf LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED All makes of lawn mowers and garden tillers;. reel type lawn mowers sharpened. Bills Esso, phone 523.9556, Blyth, 414f .0 1 A FOR SALE 100 acre general, near Hensall, 85 workable, some bush, gravel pit, Barn 38 x 80 ties 16 cows, balance pens, 9 room house, bath, furnace, 200 acres, East Wawanosh, 35 acres bush, 150 workable, nearly ne wranch style home, attached garage, 4 pc, bath, oil furnace, barn 66 x 60, milk house, silo. Formerly dairy, now in perma- nent pasture for beef cattle, w STAN NAY Phone 523.4464, Blyth Ont, Representing H. Keith Ltd., Realtor, Toronto, Ontario. a CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri. 7,30 pan. (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton REQUIRED First Mortgage funds Required on New Beaver Homes in This Area. Contact, Beaver Lumber, Wingham, 357-2581 or Jim King, Wroxeter, 43.1. 43.6 FOR. SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders, marked as to contents, will be received by Donald Maines, R.R. 5, Goderieh, Ontario until May 15, 1968 for the sale of the Presbyterian manse in the Village of Auburn, Prop- erty consists of a large corner lot, 11/2 storey rug brick veneer house with 3 bedrooms, sunporch and .bath upslalrs;..2 iarge.:rioms kitchen and utility room down stairs, full basement, oil hot wat- er furnace, also large garage. Inspection of same may be. ar- ranged after May 1st by contact- ing above adderss. Terms of sale 10 per cent of purchase price on acceptance of tender, balance on transfer of deed. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. NOTICE' Please return all Huron Coun. ty Library Books to the Blyth Library by May 14th. For ex- change, FOR SALE 2 • 23 ft. Rolling Home Trailers, Possession April 1st. Apply to Edith Creighton, phone 523.4471 Blyth, 38-tf, REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; i$6 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner of East and High Streets. 33-tf. CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing. in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 3741 WHY BUY A Garden Tiller when you can rent one economically from B111's Esso, phone 5239556 Blyth. 43•tf It T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 RT,YTH , SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Bakes and Models of Sewing: Machines -WARNER COLLINGS, PROP, Phone :123.4275 Res, 523.4591 PECKITY PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, A 0 m Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US -- •- WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA 11,11, 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London. LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH; ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your 011 Heating. Contractor" BOB HENRY -- GENERAL AUCTIONEER BLYTII, ONTARIO For All Types of Sales --• Telephone 523.4234 FOR. SALE Girls' 26" CCM Bicycle, used 1 year, in excellent condition. Mrs. Irvin Bowes, phone 523-4412 I3lyth, 45.2 FOR SALE Gravel Bucket for a Ferguson Loader Don Fraser, phone 377J6 Brussels, 48.1 PASTURE FOR 30 head of yearling cattle, Ap• ply to Gilbert Nethery, phone 523.9533 Blyth. 46.3 FOR SALE - 2 Hereford Bull Calves; 51 pigs, 9 weeks old. John Wesselink, ' phone '523.9368 Blyth, ` ' • 461p FOR SALE -- 10 good pigs, Z. Hulzebosch, phone 526-7519 Auburn. 413.1, FOR SALE New steel -angle iron and flat iron, all sizes available. Bill's Esso, phone 523-9556, Blyth, 414f SANITATION SERVICES Septle Tanks cleaned and re-. paired, Blacked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 254, 464tf, FOR SALE 23 ft, Rolling Home Trailer. Ap. ply to Edith Creighton, phone 523.4471 Blyth. ,38•tf. HOUSE FOR SAE; 2 story, 8 rooms, in Blth, close to Main Street, furnace, `modern bathroom, good basement; 2 car garage and workshop. Apply to phone 523-9354 Blyth, 46.2 PRIDE HYBRID -SEED CORN • Your choice of 85.110 day Hy- brid ybrad Seed available now, Contact Boyd Taylor, phone 523-9279 Blyth. - 46.3 TEACHER. WANTED Morris, East Wawanosh School Board requires a. qualified Music Instructor to supervise .the teach- ing of music in -three schools: Bel - grave, Brussels and Blyth. This will be full•time employment with duties to commence in September. Applicants will state qualifica- tions, experience, references and salary requested. Applications will be received. by the secretary until May 20th. RALPH SHAW; Secretary, BRUSSELS, ONT, 46-2 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Annie lfountain, wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many relatives, friends and neighbours, for their kind• ness, and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. Special f thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Oakes, • The hospital personnel, The lad- les who served the lunch at the house, Rev, Tschanz, Rev: Harold Snell and the Ball's Funeral Home. --Willis Mountain, Gladys and Family. 46•lp 0 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to friends and neigh - hors for their many acts of kind- ness during our recent sad bet'. eavement, Special' thanks to The Blyth Legion Branch No, 420 and the Ladies Auxiliary, and Eastern ' Star, and very special thanks: to 1- -Rev, G. E. Pakenham, -Mrs, John McLellan and fam- ily. 464p. IN MEMORIAM CREIGHTON - In loving mem- ory of: a' dear husband; father . and grandfather, Jack, who pas. sed. away suddenly May '15, 1967. .The golden. gates. were. opened, One year ago today, With "goodtbyc": left unspoken, Ile gently slipped" away -Ever remembered by Dorethy, f_ Harold,, Eyelyn and Tori, 46.1 THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1968 Londesboro News Of The Past Week On Monday evening, fay 6th., in Londesboro United Church a service for the Licensing of Can- didate Mervyn Penfound for the ministry was observed, Rev, R. J. Tschanz officiated for the dem tional period. Rev. Harold Snell, of London, preached an inspiring sermon taking as his text "Let us then with Confidence." The chair, man of the Presbytery, Rev. C. M. Jardine, conducting the exa- mination of the candidate pro. claimed hint licensed to preach the Gospel, Mr. Harry tear con. tributect a solo. At the close of the service all adjourned to the Sunday School rooms where a reception was held. Mr. Harry Snell on behalf of the congregation presented Mr. Pen - found with his gown, The Sunday School presented Book Ends with Gordon Shobbrook offering appro. priate remarks. A minister's re- gistry on behalf of the Huron - Perth Presbytery was presented by Rev, D. Sloan, of Mitchell. Alrs, Penfound received a gift from the U.C.W, proffered by the se- cretary, Mrs, Gladys Cloudy, lir, Penfound replied fittingly paying tribute to his parents for the early training he had reeeiv• ed, also to his wife who will prove a worthy helpmate in the days ahead. A social hour was enjoyed at the close. Mr. Penfound will be ordained at a service to be held by London Conference on Thursday, May 16, at Central United Church, Wind- sor, He is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Penfound, R.R. 1, Lon• desboro. Mr. and (nee Hazel Personals Mrs. Morris Rivers Lee) spent the week- Snell's MFOOD ARKET YOUR WEEKEND BUYING GUIDE TO BETTER FOOD PRICES Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 12 oz. , 1,59 Salada Gauze Tea Bags, 60's 89c Carnation Evaporated Milk, 6 tall tins 4.00 Libby's Deep Buttered Peas or Corn (- 14 oz. 14) Libby's Hot Dog, Corn or Sweet Relish 4- 12 oz. 1.00 Allen's Fruit Drinks, 3 - 48 oz. tins .....1.00 Angelus Marshmallows, 3 - 1 lb. pkgs1.09 Duncan Hines White or Devil's Food Mix 2 for 19c Crisco Shortening, 3 lb. can .1.19 Burn's Vegetable Oil, 24 oz. 59c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 - 16 oz. boxes 79c Monarch Soft Wheat Flour, 7 lb. bag 69c McCormick's Soda Crackers, 2 lb. 69c McCormick's Arrowroot Biscuits, 13 oz39c Pine River Cheddar Cheese per lb. 69c McCormick's Afternoon Tea Assortment reg. price 43c Special 3 for 1.00 McCormick's Honey Graham Wafers reg. price 43c Special 3 for 1.00 P.M. Cottage Rolls, whole or half, per Ib. 49c P.M. Back Bacon, in piece per lb. 69c Burn's No. 1 Breakfast Bacon , per lb. 69c K.P. or Burn's Bacon Ends 2 lbs. 89c K.P. Weiners 2 lbs. 89c Fresh Sliced Pork Liver per ib. 35c FROZEN Sunshine Fancy Peas, 2 lb. bag 45c Blue Water Fish Krisps, 8 oz. pkg, 33c Dish Queen Liquid Detergent, 3 - 24 oz. 1.00 Super Dutch Bleach, 96 oz. jug 39c Bold Detergent, giant size 79c Tide King' Size with 20c coupon . . . 4 . . Phone 523-9332 We Deliver IV 1 end with her brother, Jack Lee, Mrs. Lee and family. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cuts, of Arkona, spent Sunday wills Air, and Airs. Ed, Youngblut. Mrs, Milly Bentham, Oshawa, is visiting with her sister, Nit's, Townsend, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Yungblut, of Woodstock, visited on Sunday with the former's grandfather, Mr, Joseph Yungblut, of Londes- boro.- - HOUSEKEEPER 'WANTED For general housework. In- quire at the Standard Office, 45.2 WILL 'WORK UP OR Cultivate gardens with roto -til- ler after 4 or on Saturdays, Cameron Manning, phone 523- 9293 Blyth, .. 46-1 FOR. SALE 8 black and white faced heifers; 7 black and white face steers;. 5 Holstein steers, 600.700 lbs. Ell Bury, phone 523.9598 Blyth, 46.1 O,P.P. SUPERINTENDENT RECEIVES MEDAL Recently, Ontario Provincial Po. lice Superintend en, W. G, Milton, received from the Secretary of State, the Centennial Medal, in recognition of valuable service to the nation. Superintendent Milton is the commissioned officer responsible to O.P.P. Commissioner, Erie Silk, for the administration of No. 6 District. Superintendent Milton is posted at District Headquart- ers, located at Mount Forest, On- tario. The District, consists of six counties, Grey, Bruce, Huron, Perth, Wellington and Waterloo, and has sixteen full-time detach- ments and one summer detach- ment. There are a total of 240 police personnel posted in the district. /-le.P-is, REPORT Eight Criminal Investigations were conducted. Four persons were charged with Liquor. Control Act viola- tions. Four persons were charged for Highway Traffic Act infractions and three people were warned. The following Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported: Wingham On Sunday at 2.10 p,m., on He- lena Street, Turnberry Town. ship, Thomas Irwin, Wingham, lost control of his 1967 Valiant which skidded on loose gripe], slid off the road and rolled onto its roof, Brian Skinn, Wingham, and Robert Sangster, R.R. 2, Wingham, were passengers in the car, No one was injured. Damage was esthnated at $400.00. Prov. Const. W. R. Bell i►itvestigated. Bluevale On Thusday • at 6.45 p.m. on Orange Street, Bluevale, a 1961 Pontiac driven by henry Carter, Blttevale, struck a parked car owned by Robert Searson, Blue. vale. Damage was estimated at $250.00. Prov; Const. H. B. Me- Kittrick investigated. Highway No. 4 On Friday afternoon, Amos Smith, Belgrave, was southbound on Highway 4 in a 1959 Dodge and stopped for a vehicle ahead which was turning, Mr. Smith's vehicle was struck from behind by a 1967 Pontiac by Cecil De Haas, Goderich. Damage was es- timated at $200.00, Cpl, C. R. Croskill investigated. Blyth On Friday evening,' George Wil• mer McClinchey, Blyth, was north• bound on Queen Street. He slow- ed down to stop and was struck from behind by a 1966 Chrysler clriveti by William Gow, Blyth, Damage was estimated at $1300.00, Prov. Const, W. A. Stevenson in• vestigatect GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Mother's Day --- Sunday May 12th Dresses Blouses Shells Cardigans Handbags Gloves House Coats Full Slips Half Slips Nylon Hosiery Watson's Underwear Slippers Luggage Blankets 11�'C still give 5 per cent discount, which pays your sales tax. `:The House. of Branded Lines and Lower Prices." I•N44,,N MI N N M•14~4 NN The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, 44+•-•+•+14-N4+N+♦•+. *+ +44++++ •-•4-4-.114 1 COOK'S YOU SHOP FOR LESS EVERY WEEKEND AT COON'S Blue Bonnet Margarine 3 lb. pkg. 85c Kraft Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 32 oz. 53c Van Camp's Beans with Pork, 2 - 19 oz. 43c Minette's Best Choice Quality Tomatoes 5 - 19 oz. tins 1.00 Allen's Assorted Drinks, 2 - 48 oz. tins .. 65c Aylmer or Clark's Tomato Juice 3 - 48 oz. tins 99e Burn's Cooking Oil, 24 oz. bottle 59c Cheese Burger Slices, half Ib. pkg. , . , 39c Coleman's Pure Lard 2 lbs. 39c Sunshine Frozen Peas, 2 ib, bag 49c Sunshine Frozen French Fries, 2 lb. pkg43c Weston's Jam or Lemon Filled Buns, 4c off per pkg. 45c McCormick's Graham Wafers, 2.11b. pk. 69c McCormick's Assorted Filled Cookies 3 pkgs. 1.00 McCormick's Marshmallows, 3.1 lb. pkgs,395c California Red Ball Oranges, 113's, doz. 79c New Texas Carrots, 2 lb. bag 19c California New Potatoes, 10 lbs. 85c Coleman's Bologna 3 lbs. 1.00 Other Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, "p„qll"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIiNllll,luil W IU"U"wIII""IIUU",I,IU,1I",l"UI"U I UIIIIUUIItti Phone 523-4421 We Deliver I • t Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest • Mrs, Karl Teichert, Petra and Perry, Goderich, visited with Miss Laura Phillips last Sunday. Mr; and Mrs, Elmer Keller, of Dublin; visited last Sunday with their. daughter, Mrs. Barry Ar- thur, Mr, Arthur and' family. Mrs, Ralph Munro visited last week in London with Mr, and Nit's, Donald Yungblut and family. Visitors over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, J; Craig were, Mr. and. Mrs, Robert Craig, Ilder• ton,. Mr, and llrs. Wm. S, Craig and Lorcen, Clinton, Mrs, Ella Castle, Bayfield, Mrs, Edith Craig, Goderich, Mrs,- Laura Fowler and Mr; and Mrs. Roy Finnigan, Goderich,. vis- ited on Saturday: evening. with Mr, and Mrs. Robert: J, Phillip Mr, and. Mrs, Wm, Crawford and baby, of Wingham, moved: in- to the Raithby home on. Goderich - Street. Mrs, Crawford was. the former Joan McDougall, of Hul• lett Township. We welcome. them to our. community.. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Thorns and family moved back to their farm ++4-••N+++++x+++-11 e•+4044444+ .44 •4 I • 4 COMPARE THESE PRICES WE ASK YOU TO COMPARE . OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY' YOUR NEXT- BUILDING REQUIREMENTS AND SAVE DOLLARS We don't publish a catalogue -- we don't have any hidden sales girumicks, WE DO HAVE, TOP QUALITY MATERIALS AT AS LOW, OR IN MANY CASES LOWER, THAN YOU WILL FIND: PUBLISHED IN A CATALOGUE GENUINE ARBORITE --- NO. 1 GRADE in many beautiful patterns and colours to choose from Compare: This• Price 4 x 8' sheet --• any pattern •-- any colour At Just 49c a Square, Foot and you need only buy one sheet to qualify for this low price SYLVAPLY FIR PLYWOOD nationally advertised — accepted by all tradesmen as the tops in Firpiywood. GOOD, 1 SIDE 4' x.8"..x:'/" 'per sheet $5,67 4' x 8'' r IV per sheet $7,52 4' x. 8' x.- rh =.' per sheet $9,40 4' x 8' c 514" per sheet $10,96 x.,A!!" per sheet: $12.80 SELECT,,. SHEATHING 4' x 8' x 5116" per sheet $5.06 4' xd 8' x. IV per sheet $9.18 EXTERIOR= SHEATIIING 4' x° 8' .r 5116" pet sheet $4.20 4' x 8' x 14" per sheet $5.06 4't r' 8r•s { 1/2"' per sheet $6.82 4' x 8' `XIV per sheet $8.34 4' x 8' x 3 • per sheet $10,04 Tongue, Grove, Set. Sheathing 4' x,8' x 'k' per sheet $8.38 r=.8' x : 13f3" per. sheet $9,92 ENQUIRE ABOUT' OUR QUANTITY. AND'CASH & CARRY DISCOUNTS' A. Malining & S "WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE GO HAND IN HAND" Phone 523.4251 Byth, Ont, 44+++N++41-4++++++++•+ 44-•-•44-44-•-•-•-.4-4-44.4•-•-•-•144-•-•4-' %-•-•-•-•-•-•-•++++•-•-•44- •-.4 -N-N+-44-M•-M-1-+-hi++•-N+++++ i - N++♦++ 4•-F•+• N+++ -l+ N++ • PAINT SALE 100 QUARTS OF Sillars Paint Regular $2.60 Per Quart SELLING FOR ONLY $f.49 QT. THIS IS FIRST QUALITY PAINT` BEING OFFERED AT BARGAIN PRICES IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK Many Colours --- Interior and Exterior Announcement - - - WE WELCOME MR. LEN DAVIES TO OUR TELEVISION DEPARTMENT Mr. Davies has had 12 years exeperience in Radio - Black and .White- and Colour Tele- vision repairs. He is well qualified to look after your television and repair problems. flinc HARDWARE BLYTH �' O TELEPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER 1 1 1 I 3 home after residing for the win- ter in Auburn. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor is visit- ing. with her daughter, Mrs. Ran. ald Rathwell, Mr, Rahwell, Mi• cline- and Janice, at. Brantford. Miss- Gail, Miller reurned to, her position - ln.. Toronto after vaea•• tioning with ,her parents, Mr, and., Mrs. Gordon. Miller. - Mr. and. Mrs. Robert J. Phillips attended the funeral.. ot. then. late, Mrs, Willis. Mountain , at Clinten, last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Llgyd. Raithby,, of London, visited last. Saturday with Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Mr, and Mrs. Dwight Aldham: and family, Kitchener, called,. on, friends in the village on Saturday, Mrs. Harold.. Nicholson, Sea,: forth, Mrs, Iiugh.Bennet,. Jill . and. Jim, Porn Albert,. visited, on Sun- day. with.. Mrs; Charles Straughan, and Mrs, Wes Bradnock, Shearon and George, Mrs, Frank Raithby and Mrs, Wes Bradnock attended the Offi- cers Conference of the Women's Institutes of Ontario at Guelph, University last week. Mrs, Ralth- by was._the Auburn Branch, dele- gate and Mrs: Bradnock was on, the staff for the Conference with. other former F,W,LO. Board: Di- rectors.- and, i•rectors.- and Mrs; Oliver Anderson and Miss. Margaret: Jackson: at- tended Mrs, McDougall's recital when - Miss Nancy Anderson was one of the participants on the program, The -Auburn Librarian.- requests all county- books to be in, = by.: Sat•. urday; May, 11th. AUBURN, HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY HELD SPRING TEA Bouquets of different,. varieties, of: daffodils- and, forsythia decor• ated. the Auintyn Community ,Me• m.orial - Hall $ 10r...thc..springw.tea sponsored: bY:t1 ex.; men}bers of -the the Auburn . Iiorticultutal ' Society. The., visitors:`were greeted: by the. president,.. Mrs,.Gorden.R..Tay lar and - they . came= from. Blyth, Goderich,, Clinton, and. the sur- rounding: ur•rounding-- district. Over 100 at- tended this,. spring event which included afternoon„ tea, a home made, bake, sale and., a white ele- phant. table, : The bake table was in charge of Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs; 'Thomas. Lawlor and Mrs. Ito• bert 'Turner, and was well patron ized. The white elephant table produced many articles, for sale and this was in., charge of Mrs. 1 THE BLYTH STANDARD • --- WEDNF,BDAY, MAY $th, 8 DRAIN TENDERS Township of Grey 'fenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Monday, June 3rd, 1908 'for tho construction of the follpwing municipal drains in the Township of Grey: UHLER.: DRAIN which consists of:, 4,950• lineal feel of covered: drain and 8 catch basins,-, 51eKEE, DRAIN which consists of approximately 5,940 lineal feet of covered drain and 9' catch basins. IIACIIf4N DRAIN which consists of 13,672 lineal feet of open drain, FRASER DRAIN which consists of 8,255. lineal, feet of open drain, Tile- and pipes supplied by the. townsbjp, Plans and specifications may be. -seer at..,the Tewnship Tee,."Ethel, Ontario, Tenders to be accompanied 'by a certified' cheque for 10% of amount of tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS, E. • M. CARDIFF, Cterk, Township ,of; Grey, Ethel,, Ontario. .+4+4 46.2, onemommo Plus a Full Range of Special Lubricants and Greases FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR OILS PAUL - KERRIGAN 'Agent BP CANADA, Limited PHONE 482.9653 ••• CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can. Imp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth THE- McKIIIOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SEAFORTH Office — Main Street Insures: * Town Dwellings. All"Classes of Farm, Probe erty. . * Summer Cottages '" Churches, Schools,Halls Extended ceverage (wind, smoke, water damage, fall- ing objects, etc.) is also available, AGENTS:_ James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm, Leiper, Jr,, Londesboro; Selwyn Baker Brus- sels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald Russel Brindley, Mrs, Robert J. Phillips and Mrs, Norman McDow- ell. The attractive tea tables were. in charge of Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Albert McFarlane and Mrs, Wrn, Straughan, An invitation to at- tend the May tea at,Blyth was ex- tended and this will be held on May 31st, 4,3Q p.m. to 6.30, p.m. The beautiful daffodil and fon sythia arrangements to decorate thehall was done, by ; Mrs. Arthur Grange and Mrs, Bert -Doran, PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION AND ANNUAL MEETING LEGION HALL, CLINTON, ONTARIO Wednesday, May 15, 1468 — 8:3Q p.m. GUEST SPEAKER:- Mr. • Eric Winkler, Hanover former Federal Progressive Conservative Party Whip, and others JOHN DURNIN, MRS, F. G. THOMPSON, President, Secretary. THE . BLY_TH . STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1068 NEWS OF THE WALTON AREA + ' 1/% Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hull', Women'sinstitute of Ontario, at U.C.W, Charlene and Steven,' of London, Guelph University last week, The April meeting of the Burns' Remember Mother on Mother's Day were 'Sunday visitors at the home Mr, and •nlrs, .Donald Mater, of U,C.W. was held" at the home of Of Mr, and Mrs, Williani Henry, London, were "weekend guests at Mrs. Jim Scott, Sr,, on Tuesday SUNDAY, MAY 12th• •Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Murray vis• the home of 51r, and Mrs, David afternoon with fourteen members iced on Sunday with. their son -In. Watson. present. law, and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Miss Corrie Rui•tyer, Stratford, airs, Scott opened the meeting • ' Ralph Childerhose, Kitchener, spent a few clays last week with with a, reading, Sour thought for ' It. -M11 take only a few minutes to visit Philp's •• The `ladies are requested to Mr,:and Mrs, Jan van Vliet, -have 'clothing for the bale 'at the • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turvey%, of today," This wasp followed by CUPS SAUCERS $1,40' to $4.50 ' church no later than May 23rd, as Brussels, visited with the latter's 'singing the hymn, Onward Chris - 8;." tian .:Soldiers,!' The scripture ENGLISH CHROME SETS $2,00 to $10.00 bale will be packed about May 24. sister, Mrs; Edward Miller, last reaching was taken from X,uke, • DRESSER SETS ................ • ... • . ... $5,00 to $8,95 ' ., Family Day will be observed In Sunday, chapel. 9, Mrs, Jim Scott 1e4 in TIMEX CANATINA WATCH 513.95 ' ,Duffs 'United Church next Sunday Mr. and Mrs, David Freethy, of prayer and. Mrs, Bell read several EARRINGS $1.00 to 53.00 morning' when the minister, Rev. Toronto, spent the weekend with versos front Il Corinthians, Chop PINS $1.25 to $5.00 D, 1:, Docken will conduct a hap• Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Ennis. ' ter 4, . A. discussion period follow. NECKLACE SETS $2.00 to 54,00 tisinal service. airs, Clarence Martin spent list ed and " Mrs, Bell also gave a T r0 Mrs; Donald- Achilles and baby week at. the home of Mr, and Mrs. questionaire on the bible; EVENING IN PARIS SETS $1,50 to 53.50 daughter have returned from DESERT FLOWER COLOGNE $1.50 to $3,50 Fred ' Martin,' Richmond Hill, Mrs, Bell .was in charge of the Clinton Piddle hospital to the ' �n�[r. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas ' ixrsine'ss, 13011 call was answered DESERT FLOWER SETS $2.50 to $4,00 hei»e��•af Mr;"and Mrs, Rothe Aeh• . Mrs, visited in London for two days by a bible -verse and •minutes of SMILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES $1,00 to $3,30 flies, a few weeks with, Inst, week with "Mr, .and Mrs. Ar. the last meeting were read, The • Walter Bl.oitot is spend. Dundasd other relatives, treasurer's report was given by her sister, drool. an Miss Jean Leiper, " Thank you Mrs. Wm. Leeming, Seaforth, Miss Connie Coutts spent. the notesea from Mrs, Hills .and Mr. i, 'Mrs, Alvin McDonald attended .weekend with Sharon Johnston p H I L P P h m the 20th Annual Officers Confer- and }ter parents, Mr, and Mrs, and Mrs, George Carter were • 1 ince sponsored by (tie Federated • harry Johnston, McKillop. read, Miss Gladys Leiper will ! P look after articles handed in for DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER — Phone Blyth 523•• 410 the bale, . Plans forHullett Township CouncilBuy New on June 12 were made. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Watson Reid. - Truck; Disp v ose Of Adding Machine Mrs.. Bell closed the: meting BLYT •with a prayer. Grace was sting $1.00 STORE, The TIullett' 'Township. Council $2,257,50. and lunch served,. (net in the Londesboro Conunun• Motion by Joe Ilunking and MOTHER'S DAY ity Hall : on May. 6th,.' with the John Jewitt, that we set the Mill i 051BER GROUP SEEKING Reeve and all Councillors present. rate at 20 mills-. for Residential FORMER 1IEbiBER.q A motion by .Leonard Aram. and 22 mills on Business property Buy Mather a Gift she will adore. --- at the bault and Charles Scanlon that. for year 1968. In 1967 mill rate Canada's wartime bomber unit, Blyth5 100 Store , we do now open the Council Meet• was 16 Mills for Residential, and RCAF 408 Goose Squadron, is ( ing of May 6th, 1968. Business property 18 mills, ; planning a reunion of all its for. Motion byCharles Scanlon and Motion by Charles Scanlon and ermembers in Halifax, Nova Gloves � Fancy Dishes Table Cloths John Jewitt, that we now open •.> Scarfs Nylons Blankets Joe:flunking, that we make a $10. renders for drawing pit rungra. Scotia,. August 23.26, 1988. • 00 grant to the Road Superintend.. Goose Squadron veterans are Purses Lingerie Pillow Cases ents' Association. vel to contact Glen Hancock, 19 Wed. Jewellery Ornaments Pictures A motion by Charles Scanlon Motion by Leonard Archam• ge wood Avenue, Rockingham, N. bault and Joe flunking, that we Corsages Towels Etc. and Joe. flunking, that we appoint accept the Tender of Ray Stanley S. µ Leonard Archambault and Joe of Kinloss, to deliver pit -run gra. Mother's Day Cards, Gift Wrap, Note Paper. flunking • to the Tourist Council J vel to Township roads at ,36c per SOMETHING TO SEI L? and Charles Scanlon as represeu tative to the Zone body, yard• Other tenders were from = FIREWORKS --- on sale May 11 to 18..y George Radford Construction at try a ,, Motion by Leonard Archam• 38e and Don Hu eking, Londes•. bault and Charles Scanlon, that "bora, at..39c,STANDARD we accept the application of Joe Motion , by Joe flunking and :44-04-0444-04-•-•-•-•444-.444-•4 ♦,44-•4 ,4.44., 4..4.44....-.., Hun_ king and others for a ,Munici• ,John Jewitt, that we donate $100,. CLASSIFIED pal Drainage Works on Lots 34. 00 to the Blyth Recreational Com 35,. Concession 12.13,- and forward : mince, Gift Suggestions For Mother's Day same to R. M. Dawson; T hat we also accept the application of G. Motion by, Charles Scanlon and REAL ESTATE: Hoggart and others fora Muni.Leonard A chambault, that the '' ei pal Drainage Works and for ward accounts he accepted as read, pas. Burtha DRESSES in cre a arnel 'erse fortrel and 1 ,approved anti paid. C• crepe, jersey, to IL M. Dawson, Stratford, t cotton, from 10 to 20 and 14 112 to 24 111 iVlotion" by Leonard Archam• Motion by Leonard A'•cha"n' RM.2, CLINTON 482.3257 + • bault and Joe Thinking that we bault and -Joe flunking, that we - ALL-WEATHER COATS in black; green 'accept the Petition of Lloyd Dale do now adjourn to meet again on FARMS •-- Jb'ARMS and blue. +fora Repair on the McGregorJune 3rd, at 8.30 pan,71 acres, 8 repo house, bath i Municipal Drain„ Lot 6.7 and Accounts amounted to: Tile tend furnace, double garage,'T barns Drain Loans $2,600.00;.Road ac. 38 x 60 [tad 32 x 60 broiler quota t: SWEATERS, cardigans, pullovers and shells t 'name John Jcwitt•`as Commission. counts, $1,304:00; "Municipal Drain + in wool,orlon and antron. ; e1•' Repairs, $2,912,00; .School Deben• 8,500 broilers, drilled well, .high. I• Melton by John; Jewitt and Joe way property, close to Lo_ndea• • lure $2 560.00; Warble Fly, $1,� bore. T Also:-.. Hats, Scarves, Gloves, Hosiery and ` thinking, that we advertise for 317.00; General, $1,639.35. Dotal 4 miles from Seaforth 100 applications for a Mower Operator $12,33235, Lingerie. in the three locsl.lapers, statingacres, JO room. house with bath + Clare Vincent, and furnace,barn 40 x 60. . •..-++4.44+.+. .++-.-4•+"-+-444-4-• •4 • +wage. Clerk•Treasurer, , + Motion by Charles Scanlon and Benmiller, 100 acres of land. 1 John Jewitt, that rove accept the The right land for cash crop, NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE • " applications of 'Wilmer Howatt, OBITUARY Auburn, 100 acres, 10 roonr Carmen Gross, William Gross, and house with bath and furnace."Barn Gordon Dale for Tile Drain Loans, JAMES DENIIOLlt 40 x 55, 30 x 40, silo, plenty WO' • subject to the approval of the el.. Bulk cooler, 27 milk cos. . CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Provincial Treasury Board. James Donhlo» passed away in Price $27,000.00. Motion by J'oe Honking and fIuronvienv, Clinton, on Satttr- Varna, 155 acres, the right land Phone 123.4351 Blyth i Leonard Archambault, that we day, April 27th in his 92nd year, for cash crop. 9 room brick., t open Tenders for nevi Truck and Mr. Denholm was the son of horse with hath and furnace, Tha 4444..-4-.•414. ♦44+4 +44.4 +4 •-.-. • 4-44-4 •. •. •. used Adding Machine, , the late- John Denholm . and --Lily barn is .30 x 120 and 30 c 30, room Motion by John Jewitt and Barr -and lived most of his,"llfe kir500 hogs,; The right'place for Charles Scanlon,c that we accept in Blyth, the right man, ``��`, the Tender of James McEwing to Survivors include one brother, Godcrich Township, Con._: 6; 200 purchase the used Adding Ma• Russell, of Fort McMurray, Al. acres, 9" room house with bath HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION chine offered for sale I by the berta and three nieces; - and oil furnace, barn 4006,16g Township of IIullett for-11ie sum Rev. W. 0. Mather of Blyth barn 64 x24, .28 x 32, drilled' well, of $25,00. United Church, conducted the' silo. ' ' ' - NOMINATION MEETING Motion by Leonard Archam• funeral service from the Tasker Close (0 Londesboro, 100 acres, bault and Joe flunking, that we Memorial Chapel on' Monday, 9 room house with"bath, barn 65 x accept the Tender of G. McCut• April 29th, Pallbearers were 60, 180 x 30, chcon, of Brussels, for Chev `' William Thuell, Gordon Elliott, 100 acres, 1 room brick house . ton truck with:-.trade•in for $2,•. Emerson Wright, George Hamm, with bath and oil furnace, Barin :,T0.._SELECT A .LIBERAL CANDIDATE 042.25, other 'tenders, Seaforth Sr„ Kenneth Jackson and Doug b6 x 60, 2b x 40, plenty water, H Motors, Seaforth, $2,055.90; Brit]. 'Whitmore. Iiullett Township, ,Con, 13. 150 10R JR0 1. RIDING H. ge Motors, Brussels, $2,205.00; ' Interment t000k place in Blyth cines, .0 room house, barns 40x - • • • ,• . • Lorne Brown Moto'" rs, Clinton, Union Cemetery; 60, 28 x 60, 36 x 72,; ,drilled well. H 200 acres; 8 roorin hoose, barn 40 x,60, 50 acres planted with MONDAY- _ MAY 13th 4,_._,4+.�+ 4-+++44-44-•-+•4-�.•-0-0t•-• •:. scotch pine, . Blyth LionsCIubBenmiller, 9'/Z aures, 8 room • house with. Bath and furnace, at 8:30 , p.m. $ Barn 45 x 60, SMORGASBORD & DANCE Walton, 181 acres, 8 room he* with bath,' 2 barns, Central •Huron Secondary School • This FMayNght -=- 10th C. Burumaa..Clinto. ... , : • • . SALESMAN roll Harold W. Shore,........ r Secretary. TicktsavaiIabIefromany� Lion Sohn �osveld BROKER, LODON t MRS, JIM SCOTT, SR, ENTERTAINED BURNS