HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-05-01, Page 1THE BLYTH STA DARD MOW $2,50 A Year In Advance •-- $3,50 In U.S,A, RLYTII, ONTARIO --- WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 1968 Dog By -Law Given Teeth Another effort has been made by Blyth council to curb the dog nuisance in the community. A bylaw has been in force during the past few years and as we all know, hasn't had the desired ef• feet. The dog nuisance is one that has persisted for many- years and apparently each year the cont. plaints to council have been be - coining more and more, In an attempt to once and for all rem- edy the situation, a $10.00 fine will be imposed on any dog own- er who lets his canine run 'at large..: within the village limits from theyperiod May 1st until the ,10th day of September. The law will be in effect both day -and bight time hours, If you own a pet of the canine variety and are accustomed to letting run at. large, we would ad- vise not doing so in the future. if your dog is identified —• and in a community of this size the dogs are almost as well known as IN r MI the people -- you will find your- self and your wallet ten bucks lighter, And also you will be showing proper respect for those in our village who enjoy planting and eating fresh -grown vegetables from their gardens. I3LYTI1 W. L TO MEET The Blyth Women's Institute will meet in the lieniorial Hall on Thursday, lfay 2, at 8 pan, The roll call is "My Favorite Flower." There will be a demonstration on cake decorating. Please bring your "Penny's For Friendship," THE KYODAN UNIT TO MEET The Kyondan Unit of Blyth Un• Ited Church will meet in the church parlour nn Tuesday, May 7th, at 8.15 p.m. Members are ask- ed to bring something to plant, a bulb, root, or tuber. Stronger Opposition Will Result In Lengthy Parliament Session By Murray Gaunt AMP. Huron -Bruce There was speculation this week that Premier John Robarts might decide on a June recess of Legislature to campaign for feder- al election. candidates. However, the Premier has not given the idea any serious thought as yet, This. first t session of the new Legislature is running .at least a month behind the usual time be- cause it started late and becai'►se the strengthened Opposition has questioned every government. move and measure, Even without a June recess the House could sit well into the summer, The report of the Ontario Com- mittee on Taxation has to be dealt with. The 'government is reedy- ing •ecelying briefs on the report and has promised a White Paper that will he offered for further public com- ment before legislation is intro- duced. That means that If tax re- form Is to he presented by the }fall and this has prompted specu- lation of a Fall sitting, Ilealtih Minister Matthew Dy- mond indicated during the health estimates that OMSIP by the end of 1967 covered about two million people, or one third of the popu- lation, Of these, 909,000 received subsidies to cover the full cost. of their premiums, and 151,000 partial. subsidies; James Trotter (Parkdale) the Liberal Party's health critic, told the 'Legislature that a new auto- mated procedure for analyzing blood could perform 12 different tests for a cost of 50 cents. Under old procedures, he said, the pro- cess would have cost $45.00, The Provincial Government plans 20 changes in a three year old law that two traffic exiferts claim has helped increase acci- dents involving school buses by about 100 per cent. The Ontario Traffic Conference was told this week that school bus accidents increased 40 per cent. in each year since the law was made. OPP Investigated Seven Area Accidents Five persons were charged for Highway Traffic Act offences and two o persons were warned. Four Criminal Investigations were conducted. Two persons were charged for Liquor Control Act infractions. The following Motor Vehicle Accidents were reported:. Wroxeter On Tuesday at 5,50 p.m,, a 1960 Dodge Hard Top, driven by Jos. eph Nicholson, R.R. 2, Bluevale, left Highway 86 and struck a hy- dro ydro pole in the north ditch, Mr. Nicholson was injured in the ac- cident. c•cadent. Damage was estimated " at $220,00, Prov, Const, W, R. Bell investigated• On Thursdray morning in Wro• xeter, a pickup truck driven by Bruce Chambers, Wroxeter, slight- ly damaged a parked ear as he backed his truck out of a parked position. Damage was minor. Prov, Const, K. R. Balzer Invest'. gated, IRinevale On Thursday afternoon a 1967 Chevrolet driven by Frederick John Bateson, Wingham; struck the right side of a 1965 Meteor driven by Joan Brewer, Bluevale, at the intersection of Queen Street, Bluevale, and Highway 86. Mrs, Brewer and David Brewer, age 5, were slightly injured. Da- mage was . estimated at $1200.00. Prov. Const, K, R. Balzer invest'. hbrdwieh On Thursday evening, lteginald Sullivan, Brussels, was fatally in- jured when his 1966 Pontiac left Highway 87 and struck a tree. Corporal C. R, Croskill investi• ga ted, Morrisbank On Friday evening, James War. wick, Brussels, was northbound on County Road 12 in a 1965 Chevrolet when he struck a pig which had strayed onto the road. Damage was estimated at $150,00. Prov, Const, W. R, Bell was the investigating officer. County Road 26 On Saturday morning, Bradley Keith Gadke was eastbound on County Road 26 when he struck a eatllebeast which had strayed on. to the road, Damage was estima• ,ted at $1000.00, Corporal C, R, Croskill investigated, Lower Town — Wingham On Saturday at 6.05 p.m., cars driven by Alvin Stacey, R,R. 2, Wingham, and William Martin, 11.11, 2, Teeswater, collided, . each damaging the right front corner. Damage was estimated at $375.00, Prov. Consl, W. 11, Bell investigat• ed, ICs Trailer Time Again! It is a good practise to stop and recheck the following after a few miles of travel, 1, Load and fastenings; 2. Hitch Saftey Chain; 3, Light;; 4. Trailer Wheel Personal Interest Items lh', and Mrs, Wm, Brown, Mrs, Esther Johnston,:-.- lir, and Mrs, Clarence Johnston attended the double funeral for Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Wallace; at Shelburne on Tuesday. Mr, and -Mrs. Douglas Whitmore and son, Kenneth, visited over the weekend with her brother, Mr, Jiro Buchanan, ' Airs, Buchanan and family, of Windsor. Mr, and firs; Clifford Walsh and family, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Johnston and family, all of Sar. nia, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ben Walsh and Steven, Mfr, and llrs, Albert Walsh and Lloyd. Mr, and Airs,. Fred Chapple, of Egm'ondville, and her mother, 'Airs, Jean Kechnle, of -Clinton, visited. on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Cook. Miss Sylvia Sanderson and her friend, Miss Carol lIartin, Lon- don, returned home Friday by ,plane after enjoying a vacation in 'Bermuda. Mr, and AA's. Sam Thuell, of Wallaceburg, visited last Friday With their parents, Mr, and Mrs, William 'Thuell,. and other rela- lives, Mr, and Mrs, Keith Webster and -Jim attended a Baptismal Service. _for Eva .Marie' Webster, infant da.ui►ter; , of `lir,, and .hirs;_ Tom Webster, h1 St, George's Church, London, on Sunday. ' Ricky and Nell -Elliott, sons of Mr, 'and firs. John Elliott had their -tonsils removed at Clinton Public Hospital last Thursday, Births van Vliet — In Wingham and District Hospital on 11onday, Aril 29, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs, Con van Vliet, Blyth, the gift of a son, Todd Jacobus Ford, a brother for Kim and Kent. I"AIT7. -- Robert Steven, at St. Craig) of Stoney Creek, Ontar- io, wish to announce the birth of premature twin sons, on Ap- ril 18, 1968, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Ilamilton, Ont, Oldest son, Robert Steven, died shortly after birth, Frank Joseph (youngest son) and mother do• ing well, Brothers of 'Barbara and Donna, REMISE •— Howard and Linda Rafuse (nee Sims) are happy to announce the birth of their sec. and child, a son, John Aubrey, weight 8 ,lbs, 13 oi,, at Univer- sity Hospital, Edmonton, Al- berta, a brother for Sara Eliza- beth, TEEN NEWS The Blyth Teen Town decided at the last meeting to have a car wash on Saturday, May 4, It will be held at the United Church parking lot and the Roman Cat)). ollc Church parking lot, The cars will be washed from 10 a,rn, to 6 p.m: No cars will be accepted after this. Help support your teen town. The members are asked to come and help elean these cars. You will have to bring a pail, cloths, and shanties if possible, For lunch the girls bring sandwiches and the boys bring pop or lemonade, A barbecue will be the menu for supper, Volume 79 • No, 45 Single Copies Six Cents Blyth Lions "Most Efficient" Club In Region Three The Zone Rally for Region 3 of area Lions Clubs was held In the Auburn Hall last Wednesday evening with 71 Lions in attend- ance. Clubs represented from outside the region were Wiarton, Mount Forest, Alliston, Atwood and Owen Sound, Two awards were presented at the rally and the Blyth Lions Club waked off with both of them, Governor John Taylor of Alliston presented. the Blyth club with an award presented to a club in each region every year as the one be- ing the "most efficient." There are thirteen clubs in region three and tile winning of the award is Indeed a great achievement for the Blyth Club. Our Lions also won the Past Governor's award for highest at. tendance at district advisory meetings and at the spring rally. This award was presented by Past Distriqt Governor Kien Waines The club is curently look- ing forward to charter night held at their next regular meeting on May 9th. Special entertainment will be on hand, and the Lions wives will also be guests, Firemen Extinguish Blaze In Hullett Township Farm Home Blyth " firemen were called to the home Of Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Josling, 10th concession of Hui - lett Township about one mile west of Londesboro, when it was feared the house would be lost to fire. The blaze started between he chimney and the house at 'the rear of the dwelling and had made its way Into th attic by the time firemen arrived, A number of boards were taken off of the house and the chimney completely removed Irl order to reach the roots of the stubborn fire. Quick action by the local fire brigade, plus the fact that Mr. Josling had a. full extingdisher at the ready to douse on the flames until the truck arrived, can be credited with saving the home, A very strong wind was blowing at the time, but quite fortunately was in the right direction away from the back of the building, Mailing List Corrected The mailing list of The Stand- ard has been brought. up..to.tlate and we would again remind those who have paid their subscription recently to please check the label on this paper to make sure it has been changed. You know, we have been known to make a mistake and it is much easier to have it cor• rated now than a year from now. We will take the opportunity to again remind you of the new post. al regulations, which we are sure most of you are well aware of by now, If the date on the label of your paper reads April 1967 you will not receive a copy next week. And also, if it reads May 1967, your time is also fast running out We respectfully request your co- operation in this regard. The new regulations also de• andesses.that,appecoarmupin,alete lmlailingbels,. adSo• ndr_a, if part of your address +is missing from your paper, please notify us as soon as possible, DEATH FAITZ -- Robet Steven, at St, Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, on April 18, 1968, passed away shortly after birth, Oldest twin son of Mr. and, Mrs, Stephan Faitz, of Stoney Creek, Broth. er of Barbara, Donna and Frank Joseph. Private service held by Rev, Reeves. Interment in Woodland Cemetery, Congratulations Congraulations to Mrs. Inez MacDonald who will celebrate her birthday on Saturday, May 4th, Recreational Group Meets Blyth and District Recreational Committee met in regular session Monday evening in the Library. The minutes were adopted on motion of Bruce Richmond and Audrey Walsh. Moved by Amy McCrea, second- ed by Bruce Richmond that the comrnittee contact surrounding councils for a grant of $150, for recreational purposes. Bruce •Ric11. mond to contact Morris, Keith Webster, Hullett, and Bob Carter East Wawanosh. Moved by Bruce Richmond; sec• onded by Doug Whitmore that Teen Town be approached re in. terest in purchasing roller skates individually, Ball diamond rental vas set at $7,00 per game—and 'arena rental. for summer activities $25.00 per night. Booth privileges In the arena left with the Lions Club, Keith Webster agreed to 1111 the pipe }role in the wall between the washroom and dance floor in the Memorial Hall, Bills and accounts: ticket talc- ing at arena for broomball tourna- ment 10.00; A McCrea, plione' call 1.65; Superior Food 22,30; Cron; in's Hardware 12,92; Standard, 27,82; Sparling's .Hardware 83, 92. Payment was moved :by Keith Webster and Bruce, Richmond Adjournment `was 'moved by Audrey Walsh and Dong Whit- more, MRS, PAKENIIAM HOSTESS TO TRINITY LADIES GUILD The regular monthly meeting of Trinity Church Ladies Guild met at the hone of Rev, and Mrs. Pa• kenham with 8 ladies present. Meeting opened with prayers by President, Mrs. Quinn. Mrs. Pakenham read the scripture les- son from Psalm 100, firs, J. B. Watson read about the Church's Mission, Minutes of last .meeting read by Margaret Nesbit. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Kurnoth, Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Kenneth. Tay- lor., aylor„ Meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Pakenham, The hiltess served a delicious lunch and a'so• tial half hour was spent. SMORGASBORD PLANNED The Lions Club smorgasbord and dance:has' been arranged for May..10th. We take this oppor- tunity t� remind you of this pop. ular event as tickets are lhn_ited, If you: care • to attend .you may purchase tickets from any mem• ber of the club, THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 19(18 SuGux and sPICB =on By dill Smile) Nom TAKE THAT MR. WHIPYI Somebody is reading this thing, anyway. Letters have been coming in shovelfuls lately. Keep It up, chaps, whether you agree or not. A recent column on high taxes seemed to touch a sore spot. I didn't hear .from the Minister of Finance, but 1 did hear from a number of people who are getting hot under the collar as various levels of government take bigger and bigger bites from ,an apple that has already been well chewed. Ken Gagnon of Ti lsonburg dislikes compulsory benefits. He says the needy, after a means test, should be looked after, but those who just don't want to work should be given menial labor if they want public handouts. Be also protests the costly commissions established to Investigate tax and other problems, and whose reports, after a cursory examination, are shelved, G. MacDonald, of Toronto, with terse Scot sense, says, "Tho government has become top-heavy," Mrs, M. Ferguson, also of Toronto, tells of the incredible cost per day for a hospital bed in a public ward in that city — from $45.15 to $52.50 a day, for those who don't have provincial hospital insurance. And many don't. Wm. E. Smith of Oakville writes, "Just wanted to get my two cents worth in to support your views." Fastened to his letter were three pennies, with the postscript, "Why the extra penny? Tax." The Whipp Affair. You remember Mr, Whipp, editor of the Petrolia weekly, who warned me to stop writing about education and teenagers, or he'd cancel, Buckets of letters excoriating Mr. W. and encouraging your hero. 1't seems that there are a lot of people, of all ages, who are interested in these topics. Many of them run to two or three typed pages, but I'll quote excerpts from a few which are representative. David Bell of Preston: "Your column swings with its own sweet suburban rhythm. Keep telling it like it is." • Mrs. Mina Wesley of Georgetown: "Felt impelled to write as per invitation. I never miss reading you. Does that mean any• thing? Think you are 'kinda good'," Thank you maim, Sometimes I'm kinda bad, too, but it usually .makes me feel kinda good. Mary McCaughna of Keswiek swings into rhyme: "Tell that managing editor to jump in the lake; i subscribe -to the Era mostly for your sake; As to teen-agers, call 'em young adults, Perhaps then, by semantics, you'll get better As to education, you're in it, well brother, results. so are we, And besides, as you mentioned, it certainly isn't free." T. A. Deans of London: "If, in some of your columns, you stress education and youth -- good for you, You obviously don't agree with Richard J. Needham. 1 do. But . , . education, whether formal or informal, is essential, and for the Managing Editor . of a paper to threaten to cancel a column of references to it is completely idiotic." This was one of his milder paragraphs. A teenager from Walkerton:. "I think that your column I.s one of the most alive writings in .to•day's newspapers • . • Being a teen-ager is one of the roughest and loneliest times I have reached. I'm torn between loyalty to 'my parents and anger at them for clip. ping the wings that I think are full-grown enough to fly. It's par. titularly hard when I start to wonder if I'm the only one that acts this way, and ask myself, 'What's the matter with me, anyway?" *There's more, but she ends, "So please .keep reaching out to students ,and teen-agers, Mr. Smiley; too few people do!" A former student, Maureen Schwartz (Killoran), of Cooks- vibe, writes hotly in defence, but she's prejudiced (1 gave her 85 in English). Not long out of her teens, she's getting the message: • "Speaking of raising kids -- it is no wonder • the 'older generation' always seems to be making such a mess of things. Raising the 'younger generation' Is enough to reduce them to babbling idiots .. . All this and my kidlet is 17 months, What will I he saying when she is 17 years?" All I can say Is that you wouldn't believe your ears, Maureen. BELGRAVE EVENTS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor, Hani• ilton, visited with Ah', and Mrs. Robert 11. Coultes on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, Thorndale, spent the weekend with Mrs. Dave Armstrong. Visitors last week with Mrs, Dave Armstrong were: Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Gibson, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, Burling. ton, Mrs. Elgin Schade, Seaforth, they also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Papple and Brenda, Egmondville, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Harry Minn. Belgrave Weekly Euchre The Belgrave weekly euchre was held in the Community rooms Wednesday night with nine tables in play. Winners are as follows: High Lady, Mrs. Howard Stewart, low, Mrs. Frank Sellers; High Man, John Adams, low, Mrs. Ger. shom Johnston (playing as a man); Novelty Lady, Miss Annie Kennedy, Man, Mr. Ross King. This is the last euchre until fall. New Officers for coming term: Chairman, C. R. Coultes; Presi• dent, Edgar Wightman; 1st vice, Wm. Gow; 2nd vice, Raymond VanCamp; Secretary•'14'easurer, George Gregg, assistant, Miss Jan. et Adams (Blyth); Press Report. er, Mrs. Albert Vincent. This be- ing the last euchre, a luneh was served. Eager Entertainers Meet '1'he eighth meeting of the 13e1. grave Eager Entertainers was held in the Community rooms on Mon. day, April 22, at 7.30 p.m. The minutes were read by Marjory Procter and the roll call was an- swered by 10 members. After bus. iness, a skit was performed by 5 members. The girl's mother's then interested themselves in the rec• ord hooks and reference files, while lunch - was _being prepared. Sandwiches, cookies. and tea was enjoyed by ' the mother's and girl's. Dishes were done and the meeting closed with taps, Give up, Mr, Whipp? [T'S . GOOD BUSINESS TO USE THE CLASSIFIED PAGES OF THE STANDARD Whether Shopping For a Bargain or Looking For a Buyer bq �Ac� .111 Sometimes I think some view. ers are morons. In fact, I know they are. Every television .station recciv. es letters every day from view. ers who conmplain; A few are complimentary. Here, in part, is a letter receiv ed by a TV station from a viewer: "In regard to the film you show• ed on Friday night, Koroshi; star- ring Patrick McGoohan; I think it was stupid of you to do what you did. If you have misplaced the ending you should have come on immediately and apologized and announced what happened in the end, i am considering not watching your station again; very strongly, (and probably never buying your products from your sponsors) unless you write an ap• ology and explain what happened in the end of the movie, If I do not receive some sort of compel'. sation in apology and explanation from some influential people may hear of your incompetancy, If this letter is not read within 6 months, then the' above may re- sult." That's the way •the letter was written, with incorrect punctua• tion and spelling, Here's another letter: "All gall is divided into three parts: ABC, CBS and NBC. 13y what stretch of the .imagined integrity can the stations who comprise these networks believe that six months of, rerunning the programs of the last six months is fulfilling their charters to op - crate in the public' Interest, eon• venience and necessity,?" -That's the -end of the letters for now. Moron isn't the word) THE BLYTH STANDARD Serving the Blyth Community since 1885 Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BaT11, ONTARIO, Douglas Whitmore, Publisher, Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in advance) $2,50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $3,50 a Year Single Copies Six Cents Each "Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash" FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY Peter, James, John, Paul, and all the other apostles — even our Lord, himself — each was a layman. So, God calls everyone to be a minister, whatever form that ministry may take in his or her life work. Church vocations are just one sort of vocation to which God calls young people, He has a call, a plan, for every young person — male or female — that's born; and regardless of their secular work, they are, at the same time, consecrated ministers. Seeing that we each have this ministry, let us look to our calling — develop it and discharge it with truth and enthusiasm, 4 P. , I}Jlly�,dt gUlin,I;hgtli,!QI.I�II'I�pol{i�I. L.i,.•I ,Uhl'i,.,+�I,q,,.r`1,��:!.'I�wll'I.�(:�i�:i1'IG'gl,, ,11.111 :. . i:N,il;i,y •,19 Call In For A Delicious Treat ICE CREAM SUNDAES POP •• CHIPS LIGIiT LUNCiIES • MEALS CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL BLYTH, ONTARIO Phone 523.4391 ,•�,I; (iII nf`(({li{III "' I {li�q:m:n I 'I' I Ilii! �{ I : { iI �I i{ ;11 ,'V :' 11!I ; i�tp���I��' . um" 4.1). L tEi lit ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.ni. Church Service I:00.p.m. Sunday School CHURCH OF GOD McConnei Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. — Worship 7:30 p.ni. -- Prayer and Bible Study, 8:00 p.rn, — Friday — Youth 'Hour. Thought For The Week "I will declare what He hath done," Psalm 66;16 "The vast mass of Christians are like rivers emptying into the Arctic Sea, frozen over at the mouth," CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. 1I, W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 — (hnglish) Rev, George J. Iloytema, London, Ont 11:00 — Sunday School 3:00 — (Dutch) Rev, Iloytema ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA itev, G. E, Pakenham, hector Trinity Church Blyth: 10;00 a,m, — Holy Communion Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m. -- Morning Prayer St, Mark's Church, Auburn: 1;30 p,ni. -- Evening Prayer St, Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2:45 p.m, -- Evening Prayer THE 'UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV, W. 0, MATHER, B,A., BD., MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music, 9:45 ant- — Sunday Church School 11:00 am, -- Morning'Worship 'Arguing with an Athiest' Moms IN1'm111,111 ; `11111!. 1111''1 11' j' hi G1i11,11i V11111111111I11U1 MINEElluluuunt ': Paid Up? please check your Standard label now BLYTH - BELGRAVE • BRUSSELS CENTRAL SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL BLYTH CENTRAIL SCHOOL, MAY 7, 1968 9:30 a.m. Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 . •— 1;30 p.m. Classes 5, 6, 7, 8 BLYTH CENTRAL SCHOOL, MAY 8, 1968 9:30 a.m. Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 — 1:30 p.m. Classes 13, 14, 15, 16 WINGHAM I-IIGH SCHOOL, MAY 8, 1968 7:30 p.m. -- Evening Peformance — Classes 17, 18, 19 PARENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND St�wart's !. Red&3 White Food Mkt. BLYTH, ONT., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Fresh Fruits & Vegetables FLORIDA ORANGES, large size, per doz. 59c SOLID IIEAI) LETTUCE, large heads 2 for 35c GRAPEFRUIT, PINK or WHITE, 41 for 45c Omo Detergent, king size 1.29 Bick's' Whole Dill Pickles, 32 oz. jar .... 39c Gerber's Baby Food, 4 314 oz. jar 8 for 99c Red Rose Tea Bags, 60's 75c Monarch Coloured Margarine 4 lbs. 99c Mother Parker's Instant Coffee, 6 oz. jar 99c It i Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. tin t 2 for 63c 1 Dainty Fried Rice, 12 oz. pkg. 37c • Buy Of The Week PANTRY SHELF PURE ORANGE JUICE 48 oz. tin 3 for 1.00 NEW --- 2 PLY WHITE SWAN TOWELS 2 rolls 45c Weston Bakery Features Apple or Raisin Pies, reg. '19c each, 3 for 1.00 Donuts, 12 to pkg., reg. 29c 2 pkgs. 49c White or Brown Bread 5 loaves 1.00 Weiner or Hamburg Rolls 2 pkgs. 49c Angel Food Cake, reg. 49c Only 45c Red, White & Blue Sweepstake Specials DEL MONTE FANCY KERNEL CORN 5 tins 99c KIST GINGER ALE, MOUNTAIN DEW or PEPSI 5 bottles 99c ALLEN'S FRUIT DRINKS, 5 VARIETIES 48 oz. tin 2 for 67c BALLETT TOILET TISSUE 8 rolls 99c Red & White Bonus Offer ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIRS --- completely flat fold, telescopic feature, reg, 5.75 value Only 3.69 with 5.00 purchase. i Donnybrook Items The April meeting of the U.C.W. was held Tuesday after- noon atthe home of Mrs. Stuart Chamney with 15 In attendance. Mrs, Wililam Hardy was in char- ge. The meeting was opened tivith singing "Ride on, Ride on in Ma- jesty." Psalm 742 was read in un- ison, Mrs, Hardy led in prayer. Mrs, Tom Ailmstrong gave the meditation, Mrs. Murray Wilson read a poem "The Cross." A skit was given by Mrs, Ifardy, Airs. Armstrong and Mrs. Wilson. "Re. joice the Lord is King" was sung, Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson read a poem "Easter." Mrs. John Hildebrand, the pre- sident, opened the business per. iod with prayer. The roll call was answered by each member giving a verse containing the word "Rise or Risen" in it. Mrs. Cham. ney gave the minutes of the pre• vious meeting. Further plans were discussed for the bazaar to be held August 21. Old nylons and used postage stamps are to be saved. After singing "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" Rev, M. Rob- erts closed the meeting with pray- or. rayer. Lunch was served by the hos- tess assisted by Mrs, Ernest Snow- den, CLINTON JUNIOR FARMERS PLAY PRESENTED AT AUBURN Fool's Errand, a one act play presented by the Clinton Junior Farmers In the Auburn Commun. ity Memorial Hall .last Friday ev- ening v.ening proved very entertaining. The chairman for the variety pro- gram was Bob Hickey and, the pianist was Airs. Donald Young. A sextette composed of Diane and Anne Errington, Nancy Taylor, Susan Mitchell, Jamieson RIbey and Brian Alabon sang Ontario and Flow Great Thou Art, A dem- onstration on round dancing was given by Mr,, and Mrs. Glen Pat- terson, Mr, and Mrs. S. McIIwain and Air, and Mrs. McCreath. A comic number was done by Ken Sproul. The cast of the play that won the Huron County cup was Jamie. son Ribey, Don McNeil, John Rod- gers, Ken Sproul, Carol Mcllwain, Della Allen and Barbara Watkins. The director was John Black, Groups of Junior Farmers and Junior Institute members demon- strated several square and round dances under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Patterson. A sing- song was led by Barbara Watkins and John Rodgers spoke a few words about the Junior Farmers accomplishments, Alice Allen gave her address on Education which she had given at Toronto repre- senting the Club. Dancing follow- ed the program to the Rambler's orchestra. McKillop Township Public School Board Area REQUIRES A Music Supervisor FOR 6 SCHOOLS Applications to be in by May llth CAMPBELL WEY, SEC., R.R. 4, Walton 44.2. SEEDING REQUIREMENTS WE HAVE AVAILABLE Herta Barley, also 6 row var. idles " A full stock of Legume and Grass Seeds " Timothy and Alfalfa (several varieties of each) " Red Clover and Red Clover and Sweet Clover Mix (plown down) Corn • 9 different maturities FOR ALL YOUR SEED NEEDS ASK AT THE SEED PLANT LONDESBORO R. N. ALEXANDER - '1'IHE BLYTH STANDARD — WALTON W. 1. DINNEIt MEETING HELD AT BRUSSELS The annual dinner meeting of the Walton Women's Institute was held Wednesday evening in St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church, Brussels, with the Altar Society catering. Mrs, Alvin McDonald 1st Nica•president, conducted the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Jan van Vliet, op- ening with a toast to the Queen. Following the turkey dinner. com•- numity singing was enjoyed under the leadership of Mrs. Herbert. 'l'raviss. Mrs. llarold Bolger mov ed a vote of thanks for the delic• ions dinner with Mrs, Gerald Ry- an responding. Mrs. Gerald Wat• son read the March minutes and reported $42,76 on hand In the treasury, The roll call was answer•, eel with the payment of fees and the exchange of gifts by the Sun. shine Sisters. The meeting was handed over to the Resolution Conveners, Mrs. George 'Williamson and Mrs, Al. lan McCall, The secretary -treasur- ers report of the last annual meet• ing was given by Mrs. Gerald Watson; auditors report, Mrs. Tor ranee Dundas; Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs, Frank Walters; Citizenship and Educa• tion, Ms. Win, Humphries; Home Economics & Health, Mrs, Ifarold Bolger; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs, Herbert Tra- vis; Resolutions, ' Mrs. Allan Mc- Call; Public Relations, Mrs. Alvin McDonald; Curator, Mrs, Wilbur. Turnbull; Sunshine Committee, Mrs, Earl Watson. The following officers were in- stalled by AAs, Kenneth McDon- ald: Past President, Mrs, Roy Wil- liamson; President, Mrs. Jan van Vliet Jr.; 1st vice, Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald 2nd vice, Mrs, Harold Bol. ger; Secretary, Mrs, Wm, Humph- ries, Mrs, Gerald Watson thank- ed the members for their co-oper- ation during her term as Secre- tary -Treasurer, Announcements included — A meeting in the Walton Public Pu= blit School Monday, May 6, at 8.30 p.m, to compile :programs :for 1967.1968; Invitations to Cran- brook Tuesday, May 7, a bake sale will be held, The district annual at. Fordwich Community Hall May WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 1968 Brownie's Drive -In CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. First Show at Dusk ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS FRIDAY • SATURDAY May 3.4 "DIVORCE AMERICAN STYLE" Showing at 10:45 p.m, (Adult Entertainment) Dick VanDyke And DEBBIE REYNOLDS In Color "The Love -Ins" —AND — Showing at 9.00 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) Richard Todd and Susan Oliver and James MacArthur Color Cartoon Opening Nightly May 9 COMING May 9 to May 15 "To Sir, With Love" (Adult Entertainment) -- AND --� "Catalina Capers" 16, with the following as voting delegates: Mrs. " Roy Williamson, Mrs, Jan van Vliet, Mrs. Wm. Ifumphries, Mrs, Kenneth McDon- ald. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. Walton members will put on a program at Huronvlew June 19 and Mrs. Roy Williamson and Airs, Graham Sholdice will attend a meeting there May 20th, A bus trip for 1968 was discussed. iIULL1:TT CENTRAL SCHOOL MUSIC FESTIVAL May 8th & 9th - 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Winner's Concert May 10 - 8 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME — Adjudicator: Mr. 1 L. McDowell Notice of Annual Meeting --- HURON PIONEER THRESHER AND HOBBY ASSOCIATION Blyth Grange Hall Wednesday, May 8 196 8 pan, ALL PERSONS INTERESTED ARE PLEASE ASKED TO ATTEND THIS IMPORTANT MEETING ,+4-H-+=• • • t i IVES CONSTRUCTION Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels . 443w4 Dealer For ' BERG BARN CLEANERS AND MANURE STACKERS will fit any make or style of barn cleaner THE BLYTH STANDARD COMMERCIAL CATTLE SALE The GRAY BRUCE LISTOCK CO.OPERATIVE •are holding :their Annual Spring Sale of 1,500 Com- mercial Cattle -- ALL GREY -- BRUCE raised.- on THURSDAY, MAY 0th, 1968; 10 A;M..F.D.S.T. at their WIARTON 'SALES YARDS. No feed or water pro- vided by the Board. G. L, Ribey & D. Moore, Auctioneers. Rexford Cruickshank, 'President. 45.1 IN MEMORIAM ROBINSON---In loving memory of a dear :husband, }.Stuart Rob- inson, who passed away one year .ago, May 6, 1967. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear; But always a -beautiful memory Of one I loved ,so: dear. —Lovingly remembered by his wife, .Mary. 45-1. "Beginning jn -May a CHILD HEALTH CENTRE will be held in the Medical Building in Bussels, Ontario, on the second Tuesday of each month. The first session will be held on May 14, '1968, 9:30 - 11;30 a.m. Public health nurses will be in attendance to weigh infants and preschool children, to counsel mothers, and to administer immu- nization, At most sessions a public health physician will . be present also. This service -is free of charge," 45-2 1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 1068 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Annie Elliott Hosford, Deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Elliott Hosford, late of the Township of Mulmur, in the County of Duffer - in, Widow, who died on or about the Fifth day of October, 1967, are hereby notified to send into the undersigned solicitors for the Executrix on or before the Twen- ty-second day of May, 1968, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said Twenty- second wentysecond day of May, 1968, the assets of the deceased will be dis• tributed amongst. the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims .of which the Executrix shall then have notice. Dated at Orangeville this Twen- ty-third day of April, A.D,, 1968. Kathleen Elizabeth Davison by her Solicitors, Wardlaw & Wardlaw, 227 Broadway, Orangeville, Ontario, 45.3 CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thank all those who visited me, sent cards, let• ters, treats, flowers and other gifts, and to all the nurses on see• and floor for all the care they gave me while I was in Wingham and District Hospital. A sincere "Thank You" to all. -- Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Elliott Insura�ce Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE 1N ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPEC! kLIZE 1N GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.1522 JVST CHECK THIS LIST OF EYE -APPEALING BEAUTIES 1968 FALCON 4 door. 1968 FAILANE 4 door. 1968 FORD Custom 500. 1968 FORD Fairlane 500, 4 door. 1968 FORD half ton. 1967 PONTIAC 4 door, hard top 1967 CHEV. 4 door, 1966 FORD Custom 500, V 8. 1966 CHEV, 4 door. 1966 METEOR 4 door, V 8. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door, 6 cyl, 1966 PONTIAC 4 door, station wagon, 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, V 8, 1966 FALCON 4 door. 1965 METEOR 4 door, V 8. 1965 CHEVY II 4 door. 1963 MERCURY 2 door, hard top., 1963 VALIANT 4 door. 1963 FORD 2 door. 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 door. 1963 OLDS. 4 door, hard top. SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's can SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. t. P Phone 523.9581 + S - Spectacular R - Renovation S -Sale YES! IT'S A SPECTACULAR NOVATION WE ARE OFERING A STRAIGHT 01 ACROSS-THE-BOAR'D ON EVERY MERCHANDISE ITEM IN OUR STORE THREE DAYS ONLY Thur., FrL, Sat. MAY23.4 Major renovations have .take n place in our store - - - more space has been made available and more stock added - - CALL IN THIS WEEKEND AND SAVE Everything in our store is selling at the REDUCED PRICE ! ! R. W. MADILL'S Shoes, Men's & Boys' Wear Blyth, Ontario. CLEARING AUCTION SALE numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Of Livestock, Machinery and Household Effects, at Lot 38, Con- cession 12, Mullett Township, 11 miles South and 11/4 East of Au- burn, on THURSDAY, MAY 16 a 1 p.m. HORSES 1 young dark chestnut Belgium mare (2200 lbs,); Grey mare (middle age) . 2000 lbs; Quantity of Harness. CATTLE 9 Hereford cows, bred to Poll Unit Bull; 8 Hereford steers and heifers, 1 year old, ready for mar- ket, PIGS • 3 York sows bred; 18 chunks IIENS 100 hybrid hens, MACHINERY Fertilizer drill; 4 section har- rows; horse drawn plow; drop head hay loader; cultivator; farm wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; wagon box; stock • rack; • sloop sleighs; hay rack; New Idea side rake; New Idea manure spreader; lad- der; mower; seuffler; wheel bar- row; • double blocks; seuffler; forks; shovels; chains; tools; lawn mower; garden Rota Tiller (like new); electric fencer; 2000 lb. Renfrew scales; iron piping; fan- ning mill; '175 ft, rope; Stewart sheep clippers; pig troughs. HAY & GRAIN 2000 bus, mixed grain; few ton of mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS • Co-op stove; 4 burner electric stove; Frigidaire; kitchen. chairs; kitchen coater, cupboard; spool '.bed; small safe; other 'articles too No Reserve Farm Sold Prop, William 1 Wagner. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson, Cleric, Mel Graham. 95.2 AUCTION SALE Of Dairy Cattle, Farni Machin- ery, Ilay and - Grain, will be held for John Van Den Assent Sr., Lot 6, Concession. 10, Morris Town ship, 11 miles East of Blyth, on MONDAY, MAY 13 at 1:30 p.m, LIVESTOCK 20 Holstein, cows fresh; 2 Hot - stein cows, due sale time; 2 Hol• sein heifers, 2 year old, bred; tl open Holstein heifers; 2 -Holstein heifer calves; 3 Hereford calves. IMPLEMENTS Oliver tractor live P.T.O. and hydraulics; 13 run fertilizer drill; Fleury bissel disc; harrows; In- ternational 3 furrow plough; land roller; 9 ft. cultivator; Massey Hai'. ris No, 6 power mower; Massey Ferguson roll bar rake; 2 rubber tired wagons and racks; Gehl hammer mill P.T.O. on rubber, new, 2 trailers; water troughs; 18 ft, bale elevator and motor; grain auger; Surge 2 unit milker; numerous small articles. flay & Grain 500 bales of hay; 10 ton mixed grain; quantity of 'straw , Farm Sold, .TERMS. CASH' Man Maen t,vre, Auctioneer, Phone 528435119, Ltickirow, ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of 1928 Ford Coupe, Farm .Ma- chinery, Antiques, Household Effects, Miscellaneous Items :and East Wawanosh No. 11 School and Land, On the premises of the late Robert II. Patterson, 3 miles West, of Blyth, or 3 miles East of At, burn, on SATURDAY, MAY 4 AT 1 P.M. REAL AL ESTATE — East Wawa. nosh No, 11 School and land, solid white brick school, nicely located on main highway, suitable for dwelling. 1928 Ford Coupe, in good condition (a rare antique). FARM IMPLEMENTS -- Cut- ter; buggy; set of sleighs; rubber tired wagon; hayloader; team disc cultivator; 6 ft, mower; wagon and buggy wheels; harness; wheel- barrow; block and tackle; oil tanks; horse shoes; small barn jack; stone lifter; iron kettles; carpenter tools; etc,, etc.; black- smith's equipment, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Pine and oak cupboards; bureau; antique small box stoves; Duo- 'Pherm space heater; 5 coal oil lamps; lanterns; team bells; cow bells; trunk; antique scale, °etc., etc, Numerous other antiques, Plan to attend this interesting. sale. TERMS CASH Estate of the late ROBERT H, .PATTERSON ALVIN WAIiPF,R, Auctioneer, 45.1 Classified Ads. Pay Big - D.ividends .. 4 4 4 Business Directory Cronin's Television SALES & SERVICE BLYTH — Phone 523.9273 J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street — CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a.m. to 5.30 pan, For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTII OFFICE -- Balance of Week -- Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER=QUEEN SALES Varna -- Tel, Coll, Hensall 696112 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIIMATPES LOUIS BLAKE -- Brussels R,R. 2 •-- Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH — ONTARIO OFFICE HOtJIIS: B;' Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGRAM Phone 35.1361 P & W TRANSPORT .LTD. LOCAL -& :LONG DISTANCE -TRUCKING CA1TLE 'SH'IPPED on 'Monday. 'anal "Thursday HOGS on Tuesday Trucking ,To and,From:Brussels and[Clinton 'Sales on Friday CALL 'BLYTH `5239361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker, R, John Elliott, Salesman, •PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res. 523.4522 or 5234323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Hames and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT GODERICIi -- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia ltd„ E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J, II, Crawford, Q,C., ,N, Shepherd, L,L,B,, A..Mill, B;A,, L.L,B. In Blythe Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment, LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.9481 Phones Wingham.357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COL1) WAVES • DOREEN McCALLOM — Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day' .Monday — Open Tuesday Through Saturday DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Stek, Down,, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at. Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound --- Rhone Collect 133, Brussels. (24 hr. service) Plant Lk. No, 54-R,P. 61; Coll, Lic, No. 88•G61 16141110141414. • BLYTH BEAUTY BAR CUTTING, °STYLINCG AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES ANN HOLLINGER -- Phone Blyth 523.9341 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 ►. 'rHE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 1968 III Ib 11; Illi II 1Iil II41,4 1140 IU (IC 4Raw Uig I. IN III lin, III; Ib I I, II II In egging U ill; ill iP® VIII �hi;� II;I fl � j � III 'I!III) „hallo SELL IT! BUY IT 1 RENT IT! FIND ITI PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR ,SALE New steel -angle iron and, flat iron, all sizes available, Bill's Esso, phone 523.9550, Blyth. 41-tf CHAIN SAW REPAIRS Having Chain Saw Problems? Expert 'repairs are available at Bill's Esso Station, phone Blyth 523.9556. 26-tf , HOUSE FOR SALE 8 room, 2 story, red brick house, 3 piece bath upstairs, 2 down stairs, hot water heated, modern conveniences, garage, Ben Walsh, phone 523.9352 Blyth, 40•tf LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED All makes of lawn mowers and garden tillers; reel type lawn mowers sharpened, Bills Esso, phone 523-9556, Blyth. 41-tf FOR SALE General Store on paved road in Village, with 20 acres of land. Store has clean modern living quarters, doing good year round business, increasing. 96 acre grass farm, 6 room frame house, barn, drilled well, hydro. Newly fenced, Immediate possession, STAN KAY Phone 523.4464, Blyth Ont, Representing N, Keith Ltd., + • Realtor, Toronto, Ontario, 4 CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Fri, 1:30, (good livestock Innarket) 4 ir k For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton r k 4 % 11.0. lfany Blyth. FOR SALE Hauge Electric Train Set, pieces. Phone 523.4591 45.1p FOR SALE 1962 Chysler Hardtop, Immacu• late condition, new paint, new tires, push button radio, polder brakes, power steering, automat- ic, 55,000 original -miles, $1129100 or offer, 0. Hughes, R.R. 3, Blyth phone `523.9424, 4541p FOR SALE Mixed Gladiolus bulbs, 35c a dozen, ?Jrs, Norman Radford, phone 523-4472 Blyth, 45.1 WANTED Cattle for pasture, plenty of grass and water. Joe Holmes, phone Bussels 374.15, R.B. 4, 45.1. PIONEER IIIYBIIID SEED CORN Pioneer Hybrid Seed . Corn on hand, You can get it now while a good choice of hybrid and kernel size is available. Bruce Roy phone 523-4237 Blyth, 41.6 PASTURE Have pasture for 50 or 60 head of yearling cattle. Apply to C. L, Hollinger, Lot -15, Concession 8, Morris Township, phone Brussels 345W5. 38 -If. FOR SALE 2 - 23 ft. Rolling Home Trailers, Possession April 1st, Apply to Edith Creighton, phone 523.4471 Blyth. 38-tf. REG. SMITH SIGNS Farm Signs, Highway Bulletins, Church Signs; Truck Lettering; $6 and up. Clinton phone 482- 9793, corner.. of... East and High Streets. 33-tf. CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels443374W4f, WHY BUY A Garden TIller when you can rent one economically from Bill's Esso, phone 523.9556 Blyth, 43•tf .11. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 527.1406 BLYTE SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WAIINER COLLINGS, PROP. ('hone 523.4275 Res, 523.4591 P'ECIITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS -- OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 .11 1J JI11- 11 LIST YOUR FAItM PROPERTY WITH US — WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA lt.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London, 1. ... LVLE YOUNGBLUT 011 BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTII, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your 011 Heating Ootitraetor" BOB ITENitY -- GENERAL AUCTIONEER l%1A'TII, ONTARIO For All Types of Sales — Telephone 523.4234 r FUR. -SALE New Idea horse ;spreader on rubber, in good shape. Gordon McClinchey, phone 526.7242 'Au• burn. 454p. FOR SALE Farm 2 -wheeled trailer with 8 foot box, in good condition, Cecil Wheeler phone 523.4232, Blyth, 44.1. CUSTOM CORN PLANTING Rows 36" apart, Contact John McClinchey, or phone 526-7242 Auburn. 45-ip SAVE UP TO •$2,000.00 'rhe Beaver Manufactured -Home Way. Beaver Homes shell erected. For Details Contact. Beaver Lum- ber, Winglitim, 357.2581 or Jim Xing, Wroxeter, 43J, 415 REQUIRED First Mortgage funds Required on New Beaver Homes in This Area, Contact, Beaver Lumber, Wingham, 357.2581 `oi• Jim King, Wroxeter, 43J, 43-6 FOR SALE Girls 26" CCM Bicycle, used 1 year, in excellent condition. Mrs. Irvin Bowes, phone 523.4412 Blyth. 45.2 APPLICATIONS Applications will be received up to and including Tuesday,'May.7th 1968 for a caretaker to look after the pool, washrooms and grass at the Blyth Lions Park, Contact Warner Collings in "person or mall applications to W. 11, Collings, _box 172, Blyth. . 45.1. FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders, marked as to contents, will be received by 'Donald Haines, R.R, 5, Goderich, Ontario until May 15, 1968 for the sale of the Presbyterian manse in the Village of Auburn, Prop- erty consists. of a large corner lot, 11,E storey -rug brick veneer house with 3 bedrooms, sunporch and bath upstairs; 2 large rooms kitchen and utility room down stairs, full basement, oil hot wat- er furnace, also large garage. Inspection of same may be' ar• ranged after May 1st by contact- ing above adderss.. Terms of sale 10 ' per cent of purchase price on acceptance of 'tender, balance on transfer of deed, Highest or any tender ;not necessarily accepted. - - NOW IS THE Ahead, Get Agromatic lines bunk feeders, liquid manure nators and Frank Alton, phone 529.7218 TIME TO PLAN estimates on - the of silo unloaders, stable cleaners, equipment, alter., air compressors. Klinzing Dealer, Dungannon. - 37-2.40-42.44.46p. IN MEMORIAM - ROBINSON-In loving'memory of Ott brother, Stiiai=t, who deliart• ed this life May 6, 1967. He fell asleep without goodbye, Memories of hiin will never -die. —Sisters and brother. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIE ESTATE OF MARGARET JACKSON' ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the abovo mentioned, late of the Townhhip of Morris, In the County Of Htiron, 'housewife, who died on the- but t day of March, 1968, are required to file - proof of same -with the tindei'sfgned on or before the 4th day of May, 1968. After that date the AdminIstra• tor will proceed to distributee the estate having-regal"d "only to -the claims of which. they shall then .1 aVe had Mike. • - ' DATED at Wingham -this 15th • day of - Ap1'I1, 1968. • • CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD AND MILL WfNG'iIAi Oi PAIO Solietors for the Administrator r . 4141 THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 1068 NEWS QF THE WALTON AREA ,Mr, and• Mrs. Clemens Stutz, Wellesley, and Mr, and Mrs. W. Stutz, Waterloo, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Torrance Dundas, Miss Corrie Ruiyter, Stratford, is spending several days with 'Mr, and Mrs, Jan van Vliet Sr, Mrs, John Shannon, Seaforth, '!sited last week with Air. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Born -- To Mr. and ,Mrs. Don. ald Achilles in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, April 26, a daughter, The 441 Club girls and their leaders, Mrs, Wm, Humphries and Mrs. Gerald Watson attended Ach• SMILEY'S HAVEN --- OPENING SOON --- QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS Come In now and enjoy our delicious SPARE-:,11IBS & KRAUT, ROAST TURKEY, SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN, FISH & CHIPS AND SNACKS GALORE Kitchen open till 10 o'clock Friday nights 1 1 :. 4 4 • • e♦ 0-4-444-4-44-44-4-4-4-44-% Snell's FOOD MARKET THESE BUYS AN' MORE - - - THROUGHOUT OUR STORE Kraft Tomato Ketchup, 4 - 15 oz. 1.00 Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice, 3.48 oz, , 1.00 Brimfull Choice Tomatoes, 4 - 28 oz1.00 Mount Royal Green or Wax Beans 5-19 oz. 1.00 Aylmer Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 2-21 oz. 1.00 Saico Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. 39c Pillsbury One Minute Angel Food Mix , , 49e Nestle's Quick Chocolate, 2 lb. 89c Club House Peanut Butter, 1 lb. 45c Crown Corn Syrup, 5 Ib. 89c 2 lbs. 55c Delmar Margarine 2 lbs, 55c No, 1 Ontario Potatoes 25 lbs. 89c Golden Ripe Bananas 3 lbs. 25c FREE --- 2 ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS --- 63c VALUE --- FREE WITH PUR- CHASE OF EITHER Duz Detergent with Bath Towel at Reg. Price .... 2,03 or Red Rose Instant Coffee, 10 oz, jar t.59 Peameal Cottage Roll, whole or 112, ib, 49c Peameal Back Bacon in piece Ib. 69c Smoked Pork Picnic Shoulders Ib. 49c Burn's Small Link Sausages 2 lbs. 89c Bacon Ends 2 lbs, 89e K.P. Weiners 2 lbs. 89c Large Country Style Sausages , 3 lbs. 1.00 Kist Ginger _ Ale, Pepsi, Lennon Lime or Orange, 6 tall bottles for $i.. plus deposits Kleenex Facial Tissues, 400's .... 3 boxes 89c White Swan Bathroom Tissue 4 rolls 45c Sani Flush, 4 - 20 oz. tins . , 1,00 Phone 523-9332 We Deliver 4 1 t Miss Sheila Crewson spent Sat• urday with , her,friend, Margery t Smith. t Mr, Gordon :.Cook, Cochrane, Airs, George.:Cook, Belgrave, also f Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cook and 1 Bradley, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Reg, Carter, Woodstock, al- so with Mrs, Grace Ross, of Wood. • stock. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDowell ;; visited on Saturday evening with AIr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell, of i.Blyth. We are sorry to report that Mr. Ernest Snell is a patient in Olin- ;' ton IHospital. His friends and neighbours wish him a speedy re- covery. . Mr, and Airs. Charlie Smith, Margery, and Gordon McDowell spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and Sari, Waterloo. .Mrs. Itoy McSween and Gary, of Wingham, visited with Air. and Mrs, Harvey WIeDowell Saturday afternoon. , • Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd McDowell, ;; of Stratford, visited on Sunday I wilt Air. and Mrs. Bill Fidon', Visitors with Air, and Mrs - Ivan Ivan " ' ' Wightman on Saturday were, Air. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, London, Mr, and Mrs, Scotty Wilson and Mr, and Mrs.: 13111 Pepper, of 13rucefield. - Visitors with Mir, and Mrs, Jas. per Snell and family on Friday were Mrs. Eccles -Dow and Mrs. Ross Taylor. ievemcnl 1)ny at the Seaforth Di- strict IJigh School last Saturday. At►n'y Leeming, R.R. 4 Walton ro• ceived a county honor certificate and pin. Silver homemaking club spoons were presented to each girl completing their project and to each leader. Air, and Mrs. Warren Currin and family, Mrs, W. 11. Currie, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with lir. and Mrs. Allan McCall. Friends and neighbours gather. cd at the home of Air, and Mrs. Larry .Johnston last 'Thursday ev. ening for a social evening prior to their moving to a farm near 'Au- burn. Progressive Euchre was en- joyed with eleven tables at play, During the evening Mr, and Mrs, Johnston were presented with n large picture card table, Elector tea kettle and a plush teddy bear for baby Walter. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Corlett and family, Stratford, visited with Air. and Mrs, Wm, Coutts last Sunday. Airs, Robert Pickering, Kim, Bob and David, Oakville, were re- cent visitors with Mrs. George Dundas. Joan Bennett had the misfor• lune to dislocate and chip a bone in her wrist while playing ball at the Walton Public School. AA'. and Mrs, .Take DeVries have returned home after visiting with relatives in Holland, Mr. and Ains. Wm, Dinsmore and family, Brampton, were week end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Got*, cion McCavin and Mr, and Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mrs. Alvin !McDonald Is attend- ing a three•day W. I, Convention at. Guelph this week, Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames Daley, Mer. lin, were weekend guests at the manse with their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Airs. D. E. Docken, WESTFIELD NEWS spring & Summer Wearing Apparel More New Dresses, sizes 11 to 24 112. Shells,. 6 styles to choose from, 13ulkie Cardigans in New Summer Shades, New Caps for Sumner. Men's Gabardine Hats, Large Assortment of Short Sleeve Sport Shirts. Running Shoes l'or All The Family. We still give 5 per cent discount, which pays your sales tax. "The House of Branded Lines and Lower Prices," MIJINNINN'N •,~ NmI The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, V tMINNd NV I INOY4~•#I..N,N Winghanl Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Fast Dependable Service, elor ..-4-4-44-4-44-41-4-4 4-44-4-4i e+4-4-e+4e-1+++09 a 444-44+-44-44-4-4.4-41+ • CROP REPORT Approxhnately 90 per cent of the spring grain crop in Huron has been planted, The cold wet weather of the last few clays, has put. a stop to the completion of II this seeding. Some corn has been planted in certain areas ,but the majority of farmers are complet- II ing the preparation of the land before seeding, The winter wheat in most areas looks excellent and has been Id- • eal for the application of nitrogen for early, fast growth, In the southern part of the t county, land Is being worked in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, preparation -for the white bean crop which will lie ready for plan- ting later in May. Soybean land In some areas is also being prepared in readiness for planting. --D, G. Inglis,- Extonslon Assist;• ;- - • -; COOK'S Del Monte Pineapple -Grapefruit 18 oz. tin 32c Del Monte Orange Drink, 48 oz. tin . , .. 35c Del 11onte. Catsup, 18 oz. bottles 35c Del Monte Fancy Cut Green Beans 2 - 14 oz. tins 33c Del Monte Fancy Cream Style Corn 2 - 11 oz. tins 43c Del Monte Fancy Garden Peas Del Monte 2 - 11 oz. tins 13c « r Fancy Fruit Cocktail, 19 oz. tin 39c ; Del Monte Fancy Sliced Peaches, 14 oz. tin 33c Duncan Hines Assorted Cake Mixes 2 - 19 oz. pkgs. Gerber's Strained Baby Foods 8- 4 314 oz. jars Liquid J avex, 64 oz. bottle Purex Coloured Bathroom Tissue 2 roll pkg. 27c Red Breast. Cohoe Salmon, 2 • 112 lb. tins 99c Red Rose Instant Coffee, 6 oz. jar 99c Blue Water Fish and Chips, 2 -16 oz. pkgs. 85c Sunshine Beef Steakettes, 1 lb. pkg.. , , . 63c Smoked .Picnic Shoulder per lb. 45c Burn's Vacuum Pkg. Weiners, 2 - 1 lbs. 98c Potato Chips, reg. 69c now 59c Marra's Angel Food Cakes, large reg. 69c clown to 59c Weston's Hamburg or Weiner Buns, 2 pk49c 83c 99c 39c MO 011t,i1111U111111111110180111111011111/11n1111 UIUIIn1111111111111,111111111n111Uu 91411011011111111111111111U,r Phone 523-4421 We Deliver 4 4 t$ I t • 4 i t 4 4 2 1 •THE • BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st,- 1 Remember Mother on Mother's Day SUNDAY, MAY 121h It will take only a few minutes to visit Philp's CUPS & SAUCERS 51.40 to $4.50 ENGLISH CHROME SETS 52,00 to $10,00 DRESSER SETS ... .. $5.00 to $8.95 TIMEX CANATINA WATCH $13,95 EARRINGS PINS NECKLACE SETS EVENING IN PARIS SETS $1,00 to 53.00 51.25 to $5,00 $2.00 to $4.00 $1,50 to $3.50 DESERT FLOWER COLOGNE . , $1.50 to $3.50 DESERT FLOWER SETS .............. . . . . 52.50 t0 $4,00 SAIILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES , ... , . $1.00 to $3.30 D. PHILP, Fhm.B DRUGS • SUNDRIES • IVALLPAPER -- Phone Myth 523.4440 FOR SALE RECITAL Egg•Grading Station, good re• By pupils of Mrs. Winona Mc. tail trade, Illness forces Sale. Ap• Dougall, Saturday, May 4th at 8 ply Wm. Knox, phone 523.9382 p.m., Blyth United Church. Blyth, 43.2 sent treats, cards, letters, flowers CARD OF THANKS and other gifts, 1 offer my sin. To those who took care of me core thanks, not forgetting lies,. at the time of my accident and Tschantz, Dr, Street, and nurses, all who visited me in the hospital, —Mrs, Ida Townsend 4 - TEEN DANCE on 1RiDAY, MAY 3rd at i11,17II 1II IORIA1, HALL music by TIE SAINTS'N SINNERS from 10 p.m. to 1 p.m„- Sponsored .m,;Sponsored by 131.,YTU TEEN TOWN We reserve the right to restrict admittance, CAR WASH On SATURDAY, MAY 4111 at UNITED CHURCH PARKING LOT & ROMAN CATHOLIC PARKING LOT from 10:00 am, to 6:00 p,nl, PRICE: $1.00 for wash; $1,50 for wash and inside cleaned Sponsored by BLYTH TEEN TOWN h4+•.4++i4••••••-••••••••••••H+++Fr.s••-+ ., •• 4+-++f9 SPRING COAT SALE 20 per cent off all Spring Coats WOC1LS ANI) ALL WEATHER Sizes 2 to 3x, .1 to 6x, 7 to 14, 10 to 14x teen, 12 to 20 Ladies 1 RACI( COATS, SUITS and JACKETS Reduced 20 to 50 Per Cent. 1 'TABLE LADIES' and GIRL'S SLIMS ' and KNEE PANTS --• Greatly Reduced. 1 4•••4.4•••4••-• •••4-•-••t•-•+•-4.4+-1-4.44••x•4+4+4.4+N NEEDLECRAFT SHOPPE CHILDREN'S ,and LADIES' WEAR Phone 523.4351 Blyth *1, 4 •-4 -4.4•♦+.•♦ -•.4* • 4-4-4-•-••• i/•• i-4•••4 $-•+4.4.4 .44444 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. from all the village churches, 'I'IIANKOFFERING MEETING After the call to worship by . ,11rs. d, hwelcom The Easter Thankoffering . of gtlests.SanAersonhymusvas sunged witheth the Auburn Knox Presbyterian Miss Afargarel Sanderson, Lon. church W.M.S. was held in the don, as the organist. The scripture HOUSEKEEPER WANTED church last Thursday evening lesson was read by Mrs, John Hal• with the president, Mrs,' Wilfred lam followed by the Easter medi• For general housework. Inquire Sanderson in the chair, Miss Min. station by the president. A duet at The Standard Office. 45.1 Die Wagner welcomed the guests This is the sale that's got it, Check 'em and save Five of Canada's most popular cars all V8 equipped... specially built with the most wanted options at specially reduced prices. Check your favourite Chevrolets— all V8 equipped— e. all specially priced et Caprice , _ 4•Door Hardtop Sedan CHEVROLET Check your favourite options—all standard an every Chevy Super Saver Bel -Air 4•Door Sedan Biscayne 4•Door Sedan Choose any of these models In any color Check extra sale savings on these significant, specially priced option packages 275 -hp V8 with Powerglide Transmission Push Button Radio Rear Speaker Rear Defogger Remote Mirror Deluxe Seat and Shoulder Belts • Front and Rear Floor Mats >.. All specially priced to let yoti save Gm fxCERCENGE Every Chevrolet hes to make It before we mark 11 Power Steering and Power Brakes Power Steering with Power Front Disc Brakes and Comfortilt Steering Wheel For limited time only, volume production of five of Canada's most popular cars brings you special savings, All sale Chevrolets have V8 engines and are specially equipped with more of the options you want , , at special sale savings, If you choose any of Chevrolet's popular and significant power option combinations, you cash In on extra bonus savings, Your Chevrolet dealer has the right car with the right equipment, specially priced for you during Chevrolet's Bonanza V8 Sale I Just for you -Chevrolet's Bonanza See your authorized Chevrolet dealer LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITEDio OntarioCLINTON, ONT. Sale! Street 482.9321 "Face lo race" was sung by Mrs, Norman McClinchey. and Mrs, Kenneth Patterson, accompanied by ,Mrs, Donald Haines. The offer. ing was received by Miss Minnie Wagner and Mrs, Roy Deer and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Sanderson. Mrs, Frank Jlaithby Jntroduced the guest speaker, Miss Muriel Davis, missionary on furlough from Jamaica, Miss Davis was well known here .14 years ago when she conducted Daily Vaca- tion Bible School In Auburn. Miss Davis told about her work among the Jamaican people which is sponsored by the Baptist -Church, She also showed slides and told about the life and customs of that country. sememoimour REAL ESTATE C. Buruma R,Tt, 2, CLINTON 482.3287 FARMS -- FARMS 71 . acres, 8 room hotise, bath and furnace, double garage, barns .38 x 60 and • 32 x 60 broiler quota 8,500 broilers, drilled we11, high. way property, close to ' •Londes- boro, 4 miles from Seaforth. 100 acres, 10 room house with hath and furnace, barn 40 x 60, Benmiller, 100 acres of land. The right land for cash crop, ' Auburn, 100 acres,' 10 room house with bath and furnace. Barn 40 x 55, 30 x 40, silo, plenty wet. cr, ' Bulk cooler, 27 milk cows. Price $27,000,00, Varna, 155 acres, the right ]and for cash crop, 9 room brick house with bath and furnace, The barn is 30 x 120 and 30 x 30, room for 500 hogs, The right place for the right. man. Godericll Township,` Con, 6. 200 acres, 9 room house with bath and oil furnace, barn 40 x 75, hog barn 64'x24, 28 x 32, chilled well, silo, Close to Londesboro, 100 acres, 9 room house with hath, barn 55 x 60, 180 x 30, 100 acres, 8 room brick house with bath and Oil furnace, barn 50 x 60, 25 x 40, plenty water. Hullett Township, Con, 13, 150 acres, 9 room house, barns .40 x 60, 28 x 60, 36 x 72, drilled well. 200 acres, 8 roost house, barn 40 x 60, 50 acres planted with scotch - pine, Benmiller, 01 aures, 8 room . house with Bath and furnace, Barn 45 x 60, Walton, 161 acres, 8 room house with bath. 2 barns, .. C. Buruma SALESMAN' OOR' John Bosveld BROKER, LONDON