HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-04-17, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD $2,50 A Year In Advance $3,50 In U.S,A, »1.110_...., EASTER HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr, and ;1frs, David Slorach and family, of Etohicoke, visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Slorach, Blyth, and Mr, and Mrs. George Bayley, Clinton. • Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Snell and Bonnie visited over a weekend re- cently with Mr, and Mrs, Jim Tim- my, Aylmer, and Miss Shirley Snell, of London. . Mr, W. S. McVittie,' Hespeler, 1Ir, Russel Gidley and Mrs, E. Heath, Toronto, spent the Easter holiday with Miss Pearl Gidley. Mr, and Mrs, George Naylor, of Toronto, spent Monday evening with , their grandparents, Mr. and Jars. Milton Bruce. Mr, Hank Cronin, Mr. Ron Den- nis, of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. clic LeSouder and Debbie, of Stratford, spent the weekend with the former and latter's mo• ther, Mrs, Gertie Cronin, and oth- er relatives. • Cpl, Kenneth R. Hogg, of Win- nipeg, Manitoba, nephew of Mr. Moody Holland, Myth, of the Search and Rescue Unit, made his 450th drop recently. Ile has been with the air force for 15 years, Mr, and Mrs, /toss Radford and Shelley, of Port Colborne, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Radford, ?Jr, and Mrs, Jack McNichol visited with Mr, and Mrs, George Gray and family, Weston, over the Easter weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Buchanan Kevin, Jeff, Scott and Lisa, o Windsor, visited overthe weeken with his • sister, Mrs. Dougla Whitmore, Mr.' Whitmore and Kenneth; and his father, Mr, John Buchanan, of Iluronview, and oth- er relatives, Mr. Bill Buchanan, of White Ri- ver, spent the weekend with his brother, Roy, and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Webster, slim Webster, Mr, and Mrs, David Webster, Stephen and Timothy, attended . a family dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs, George Webster in Oakville, on the 13th of April. li you missed the "Freezer Forum" in Clinton Wednesday might -- it Is being held in the Presbyterian Church, Wingham, Thursday, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs, Larry Walsh and Susan, of Weston, visited over the weekend with their. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Walsh and Ste• ven and Mr. and Mrs, Moody Hol• land. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKay, Howard and Crystal, of Kitchener, visited during the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moody Holland, Visiting over the weekend the home of Mrs. Sadie Cuand Mr, Robert Somers Mr, and Mrs, G. 0. Bradley, Ile Suzanne, and Timothy J of Meaford, and Eric Allen London, A good visit was en by all, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Burn Don Mills, Mr, and Mrs, Walsh, 'Tracy and Melanie, Goderich, visited during the week- end with their parents, Mr. I3LY'l'!I, ONTARIO -- W1DNESDAY, APRIL lgth, 1968 Volume 79 • No. 42 Single Copies Six Cents end with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Mills, of Walton, Mr, and Mrs, hurray Mills and family, of Brantford, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Mills, of Walton, • Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Tunney, 'I'ceswater, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tunney, Preston, visited during the weekend with Mrs, Mary Tay- lor, ay lar, Mrs, Laurie Scott spent several clays with her son, Donald, Mrs, Scott and Debbie, In Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs, Hank Ausscm and family, Dundas, Mrs, Maitland Bell, Burlington, visited on Sun. day with Mrs. George Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Leith, of Listowel, visited in Blyth last Thursday and called at the Stan- dard Office to renew their sub- scription, Dr's Gerd and Jean Wester. mann, of Dundas, visited Eyster Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter Buttell, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Shiell and family, London, visited on Friday with the lady's grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Milton Bruce, Mr, and Mrs, G. W, Hasson, of Wallaceburg, spent the Easter weekend with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bruce, ITEMS OMITTED Lions Honour Senior Charter Member We regret that several items have had to be omitted from this • issue of The Standard. We hope Lion J. B. Watson, At Special Meeting to include thdtn In next week'a issue. Included in these is the list of Easter Seal denors, along with a report of the Progress of the tam paign. We understand that the fund is pr•ogreising much slower than last year and ask you to please donate as soon as possible if you haven't already done so, WILL CELBRATE 92nd BIRTHDAY Congratulations and Best Wish- es are extended to Mrs, H. Mosack of Iiuronview, Clinton, mother of Mrs, Gertie Cronin, Blyth, who will observe her 92nd birthday on Saturday, April 20. BAPTIZED ON SUNDAY Elaine Christine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Machan, of Sarnia, was baptized on Sunday, April 14th, at St, Andrew's Pres. byterian Church, Blyth, by Rev. R. U, MacLean, Tenants May Meet Trouble In Sharing New Property Tax Benefits (by Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. s Huron -Bruce) at rming were, Bon. James, of enjoyed s, of Ron of veek• and Mrs, Ben Walsh and Steven. Holiday visitors at the home of ' Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Cook were, AIr, and Mrs. John Philips, of Richmond Hill, Miss Heather Brown, of Markham, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Easterbrook, two sons, David and Robin, of London, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Finlay, Sandra, and Paul, of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Watson, Jan and Ken, of North Bay, Mr,' and Mrs, J. A. Gummow, Eliza• beth and Katharine, of Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. B, Watson, and Mr, and Mrs, Edward atson and family, c Des, Jean and Gerd Wester. a nn, of . Dundas, spent the week. h W ma The Ontario Government• intro heed its basic shelter exemption measure this week, but admitted some tenants may• have trouble sharing in the benefits. This exemption is a tax credit system designed to give every home owner and tenant in Ontar• io a property tax reduction aver. aging $45-$80, which was promis• cel before the October 17th gener• al election, Homeowners and tenants will receive notice from their munici• pally of the amount of the tax credit. Owners in their own hon.). es will deduct the amount from their tax payments, Owners pay. ing taxes through mortgage pay ments will receive the benefit in the form of reduced payments. There are a number of prob. lems associated with the plan. Homeowners and tenants can ben- efit only if their municipalities pass on the money from Queen's Park, Soine local Councils, hard, pressed for more money, might view the lump sum as found mon• ey, spending it on works not pre, viously planned. Thus the real benefit, recti ,d tagces, would be e'ancelfed �oi t` `• - • - The same' grant will be paid to everyone eligible` within any mun- icipality, but because assessment practices vary between municipal, ities, every eligible resident in the province will not receive the same amount. Opposition members this week demanded that the Government increase taxes on everything from liquor and beer to insurance com• panics and other corporations in order to nullify a 2 cent increase in the cost of gasoline. Bernard Newman (L, Windsor. Walkerville) estimated that the man who drove 15,000 miles a year already paid $180,00 in gam line taxes, The increase would amount to $20.00 a year, WESTFIELD The Westfield U.C.W. Easter 'I'hankoffering meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Arnold! Cook nn Wednesday afternoon with the Rev. Ure Stewart, of Seaforth, as guest speaker.. OPP Warn Parents Of Bicycle Safety" Instruction Importance To Children During the week of April 7 -o The bicycle is a vehicle,' the April 13, Officers at the Winghain same as a car is a vehicle, Just Detachment worked! a total o) as motorists must obey Iraffi 173?'r hours and patrolled 1857 )nws, so must the bicyclist, miles. Isere are some safety, rule Eight persons were charged and which should he practised: ten persons warned" for highway 1, Obey all traffic signs am Traffic Act offences, Twenty-two signals. hide on the nigh Safety Checks were conducted, side of 11,2n; road. 3. Ride single One Criminal investigation was file on the street. 4, STOP — conduded. Three persons were before riding Into the street from charged with Liquor Control Act our driveway or a lane, 5, Offences. There were NO traffic WALK your bike al busy corners. accidents during the past week. 0, SIGNAL when you are going Now that sunny weather is here to stop or turn. 7, Ride ONE in again, children are riding thele• a bicycle, 8, Be ALERT for ver bicycles on the streets and high , ways, Every year, many children hides about you. 9. EQUIP your are killed or injured in bicycle bike with safety devices (celled. accidents. If your child rides a live tape, reflectors, bell or horn, bicycle, it is your duty and res. etc.) 10. KEEP your bike In ponsibility to instruct Klin in bi, good working order, (Check brak• ycle safety rules and to- eneour• es, tires, chain, etc.) Practise the go him to practise the rules that SAFETY RULES and enjoy SAFE e learns;. - TRAVELLING, • Th B1 th I I Cid held L' . ! id' h d to the betterment of our com- munity, • This, of course, goes back long before Lionism, This has been your way of living and 1 know you were one of the leaders in raising funds and programming the build Mg of this Memorial Hall, which has been used and enjoyed by the entire community and now 's o meeting place for our club, This is only one example and we all know that I could continue into the night with examples, such as polities, welfare, church, etc., and 1 might add that these assets, you have passed on to your family, 1 know everyone of them is doing their' part in the community in which they live. and both were accompanied on You, however, cannot take all the piano by Mrs. J, McDougall, the credit for this as we know Lion Harve McCallum introduc. Mrs, Watson entered into this ed the head table, which included picture and shared in all your �P'nsident Harold Cook, obarter activities, member Franklin Bainton, Mrs. Lion Jack, on behalf of our Watson and Jack, Bert Gray, Geo, Club, it gives me great pleasure Radford, another charter mem• to present you with this "Certifi• ber, pianist Miss Pearl Gidley, cate of Appreciation," and Ifarve himself, who is also Franklin Bainton. a charter member of the club. Lion George Radford presented Lion Edward Watson introduced Mrs. Watson with a beautiful boll• the members of the Watson ,fam• duet. of roses on behalf of the ply' club. President Harold Cook al- Lion Franklin Rainton read the so presented Lion Jack with a following address to the guest of gift, remarking that he was not honour: onlya Lion to him but his dos. Blyth, Ontario, estandbest neighbour, AprIi 11,, 196!/ g Lion Jack: `c 111',1., �'� r.1. The' r>Sembers 'oC"the 'Watson— "`" You are the Senior Charter family spoke, expressing their member of the Blyth Lions Club— thanks to the club and Lion Jack A Real Monarch, Since its incep. also expressed his pleasure on'be• lion you have been an example to half of himself and his wife, all Lions - In attendance, taking A very enjoyable and enter• part in all activities, supporting taining evening ended with the the good projects and work of Lions Roar. c y ons u e a ronrsin, a ways a gu rng an special evening in conjunction with their regular meeting in the Memorial Hall last Thursday ev- ening, v ening. The Lions chose the oc• casion to honour the senior chart- er member of the club, Lion Jack Watson. Guests of honour included Mrs, Watson, Jack's sons Jack, Jr,, and Edward, and his daughter, Mrs, Jack Gummow (Wilma) and their respective lam. flies. J, A. Gray of Clinton, a charter member of the Blyth Club him. self and a former' Deputy District Governor when he was a member of the club, acted as chairman for the entire evening. Lion Harry Lear and Mrs, Harold Camp. hell supplied the entertainment Blyth Ladies Elected ToHuronview Auxilllary Offices At Annual Meeting The 1968 annual meeting of IIuronviev Auxiliary was held in the Craft Room of Huronview on Monday, April 15th. The presi- dent, Mrs, N, Clairmont, opened the meeting with the Lord's Pray- er. ray er. It was decided to have two silver bon hon dishes, given by the late Mrs, L. Forrest, engraved in her memory, Plans were discussed for the annual anniversary tea and bazaar to be held on the 22nd of May, Members were asked to bring cookies and sandwiches. The next meeting will be held on the 20th of May. Mrs. W. Colclough presided for the election of officers which re• sulted as follows: Honorary Pres!- dent, Mrs. F. G. Thompson, "Clip. ton; Past President, Mrs. N. Clairemont, Goderich; President, Mrs. H. Johnston, Clinton; First vice, Mrs, E. Noble, Blyth; Second vice, Miss M, Sutcliffe, Goderich; Recording Secretary, Mrs. K. Webster, Blyth; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs, W. Bennett, Sea - forth; Treasurer, Mrs, W. Col. lings, Blyth;; Huronview News Committee, Mrs. F. G. Thompson and Mrs, Johnston, Hullett F. of A. Members Met At The Plaetzer Residence c The Hulett Federation of Ag• riculture held their regular April s meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer, with a good attendance. The Entertainment Committee, t named at the March meeting, re, ported (/rat they, had made arran- Congratulations Congratulations to Robert John Popp who celebrated his 10th birthday . and Betty Joanne Popp who celebrated her 4th birthday,. both on April 14. Congratulations to Debbie Popp who celebrates her 5th birthday on April 24. Congratulations to Mr, Mere. dlth Young who celebrates his gements for a Card Party and Dance, to he held in the Londes• boro Hall on April 19th, 13111 Gibbings reported on the County Federation of Agriculture meeting he attended recently in Clinton, at which meeting consid. enable discussion arose re the ad. visability of merging with the. On. tarso Farmers' Union, and, also, the importance of farmers to car. ry Workmen's' Compensation. Lorne Flunking spoke on the re• cent developments concerning the Egg Producers' Marketing Board, He urged all egg pr:du• cers present to exercise their vote, at the trate to be held in Clinton in the near future, It was decided to take a Bus Trip to the Chatham • area this year during the first week • of birthday on April 23rd, June, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th, 1908 IIMMIN By Bill Smiley 011, TO FLY ONCE MORE We used to have a superstition in my air force days about, things.happening in three's. Everything: would ,go along well for a week or two, then the roof''rvould fall In• We'd- lose three pilots in one day. Or one pilot would. -have. three- extremely hairy experiences in a row; . bail+out;' a crash.1anding, a fire, It happened -often -enough so that you began to believe in it. In war•tinte superstitions tend to become principles, It happened to nue. One day I was hit by everything but the kitchen sink and came home with 32 holes in my aircraft, including one about 18 inches in -diameter, and just two feet from my seat. I had to land without flaps 'and 'brakes;- Nothing' 'much left except a chewed•up piece of metal,- almost useless; and 'a white.faced pilot, almost equally useless, Next day one of my honibs developed a hang-up and I had to land with the thing, detonated and ready to blow. dangling under my left wing. This didn't • improve niy morale much, either. People started avoiding me,. The third clay I was shot down and taken prisoner, Met Paddy Byrne of Dublin, one of the few survivors of my squadron, in a London subway station after the war, and ,he told me_ the.- boys •were running a pool on when I'll get it. But that was in the old days, when men were men, and boys Were terrified. At least I was• However the war was peaceful compared to present days. Now things don't come in three's, but in -sixes and sevens; Same pattern. 'Things go along OK fora while and then the gods clobber you with everything they have. The 'other night, for example, Kith and 1 were preparing for one•of our exotic dinners, It was a peaceful, domestic scene. She was playing the piano. I was right on top of the dinner. The rainbow trout were crisping ,nicely, the baked potatoes were baked, and "I was just giving the canned corn that extra little stir that makes it so delicious, when the doorbell' .rang,, "- It was our neighbour. The one on the left, where the bank robbers -were caught last year, It was about. 30 degrees outside, and his internal temperature - was around 212. He wanted to use the phone. He was about -to kill. the man on the other side of his house because he was needling him, Ile phoned his Mom asking her to come• and 'stop him It's rather. difficult to avoid hearing this sort of thing when you are five°feet •away, poking' the potatoes and flipping the fish. Anyway, two hours and a couple of 'beers later, 1 hand't had my dinner, but•••my neighbourhad• and -he -was cooled out enough -to go 'home to'•:bed,' Well, that's the way things' vent all week.. Next morning 1 almost murdered -myself, putting out the; garbage. The cans are on a little stoop, 'with a lid .over -'It. made"'of twabyfours: I pushed back the lid and started to wrestle out one can, which was frozen to the bottom, when -the .damn.aid fell,.clunked. me on the forehead almost knocking mer, senseless, Dripping =blood, -I staggered off to work: That weekend .I -was-caught in one' of. those last -kick -of winter storms -;and• 'died -'a thousand 'deaths,: creeping. -through wine; and snow and drifts, a four-and•a•half•hour trip that normally take; two hours. Had a fight* with - my daughter,- which she won. My wife is having an operation, . My piles are screaming, The backyard, because we didn'ttet leavcs'raked last°fall,`looks like Hiroshima, Ten people want the to have a committee meeting about nothing, We had a clottd•burst and 'my cellar's full of water. Half the light bulbs in the house are • burnt. out '°and you 'need a 'ladder 'to replace most of them, I net►rly''cut¢bty entire 'upper- lip off when I slipped on soap while 'shaving.. Anti *haven't paid- or even .thought about my income tax,, I wonder whether- they take old guys back into the all force, where things' only:happen in three's, M11 I1lf i►11 I1111 PEPCIII[ 1111Vmu'Iauul>!eIluaaolu!!! 1111l11(0 ET'S GOOD BUSINESS 1111111I!AIIr11111111[FIIII IIIMP111111111,1,1 II':!lll 1111!!1'! TO USE THE. CLASSIFIED• PAGES -:OF. THE -STANDARD Whether Shoppingi Forr a Bargain or Looking : For.. a `Buyer BELGRAVE NEWS EVENTS 1'Veekly Euchre The Belgrave r' weekly euchre party was held in the Community Rooms last Wednesday night with seven tables in play, Prizes went 10: 1ligh lady, Mrs. Mark Arm• strong, low, Mrs, Elsie Gardner; High :Ian, Edgar Wightntan, low, Raymond VanCamp; Novelty lady, Mrs. Sharman, man, Mrs. Alpert Vincent (playing as a man). Belgrave Eager Entertainers Meet The seventh meeting of the Belgrave Eager Entertainers was held in the Belgrave Community rooms on April 8, at 7 p.m. It was opened with 4 -I -I Pledge and mot- to. Roll call was answered by all members. Achievement Day was discussed and the eighth meeting which is to be held in two weeks al the same place and time, Eti• queue was discussed by Mrs. George Procter, and judging of flowers and sandwiches, The plays were practised and the meeting closed with.- taps. V.M.S.1Easter Thankoffering ,Meeting The W,M,S• held their Easter Thankoffering in the Bekrave Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Garner Nicholson was• in charge of. the meeting which opened with a hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen To -day." She welcomed guests from the Brussels W.M.S. after• noon and evening units. Mrs. ,lack 1McBurncy read the scripture les• son, the Easter message from St. Luke. Mrs. Victor Youngblut led in prayer: Mrs. Cliff Purdon read an Easter poem. The guest speaker was Mrs, John Pollock . of Goderich, presi• dent of the Huron Presbyte"y. Her text 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 2, 'She. spoke of how people are dying of starvation in' other countries while the missior35 couldn't fill their quota in 1987, Mrs. Joe Dunbar thanked the speaker I-Iymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" was sung, Mrs, Garner Nicholson closed with prayer. 'Pea was served and a social half hour was enjoyed by all, Television critics across Canada lavished praise yesterday on CTV's colour coverage of the weekend Liberal convention in Ottawa which chose Pierre Elliott 'rru. dean as Canada's next Prime Min- ister._ The network was almost unani• mously congratulated for its cont• ment and analysis, its camera work, use of close-ups, and its extensive and imaginative cover- age of the convention floor, Spe- cial praise was once again reserved for CTV's use 'of chrona-key, the electronic superimposing techni• que successfully launched by the network for its coverage of the Progressive Conservative canyon - tion in September which enables the viewer to watch both the booth commentator and the action on the floor simultaneously, Official audience ratings won't he available for several weeks, * * $ Andy Griffith and Bonanza tied for first position in the latest: No- tional Nielsen ratings. Other results were as follows: Dean :Martin, 3; Dear Mr, Gable, 4; Tuesday Night at the Movies, 5; Family Affair, fl; Lucy Show, 7; Red Skelton, 8; Ed. Sullivan and Gunsmdke `tied fou 9th; Green Ac• res, 11, ,;111,11 fl;r',,:,..I 11 .1.:Ir,,,..,:111„I:�I!; .1,.I`..Ifs;"71!��,I�!,111!IJlr;n!.�;,�I,� �:,,,.:.:, ,�, r� I�:!,..Il,•I,I�,.II.' .�, FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY "Life begins at Easter.” '1'o live is something more than merely to exist. It has been pointed out that Methuselah had length of days but Jesus Christ had life, Martin Luther King claimed that lo live for thirty six years was far more meaningful and far more sig• nificant than to merely continue to breathe for eighty five. years, The disciples began to really live only after the resurrection of Christ, 1f Jesus Christ was a living reality, as the resurrection established that he was, then some of the things that had seemed very important before were pushed into the background now, If the ultimate power within the universe was what they had seen in Jesus, then their petty squabbling about position certainly -seemed pretty futile. The change that took place in Peter may serve' to illustrate what the resurrection meant to the disciples. Peter was a frightened fugitive at the time of the arrest of Jesus but after the resurrectiotn he was a fearless apostle who dared to defy the Sanhedrin and anything that they might do to him. He realized now that there were other things that were of more significancy, Easter affirms the final triumph of love and honour and righteousness. The forces of evil banded together to do their ut. most to get rid of Jesus and when they saw him a stark corpse on a gallows they were sure they had accomplished their purpose. The witnesses to the resurrection, however knew that his apparent victory was really a defeat for they were certain that their Christ was still with them and could not be destroyed nor defeated. They had been granted a glimpse of ultimate reality. in this post Easter world the supreme reality is not .hate, revenge, injustice and death but love, life and righteousness,. The message of Easter is "Take hope, face tomorrow with confidence, the victory of God is assured. Jesus- Christ lives! 11111 �d�ululrVilu�iu+l M. 11111Ug111UP!hlfn111111 �1111011,10hiliThilllhIIIiil .111100100-01ill!!;11111', -111111.11;:1'1 u'1'+„ 1, ,111.111 11I!!Ili111.11'1.,'01;•,11 •l' Call In For A Delicious Treat ICE CREAM SUNDAES •• POP •• MPS LIGHT LUNCHES • MEALS CIGAIt.[ '['TES • 'TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday H U RON [iI Phone .523.4391YIL 10 i.! it I'• ri711i' III!, i''lli!r,! 1(n111;0!!'10:!1!11!1"!I!'plllil!Pll! II !1971!!iuI ! ! N p'll I'I '! ' 1'1'1111 ! r!pI (II ! ' is � � , � I;.. I I, I!1., , j, . ; ! 6� �I: � 1 1 1 1:..,1.:!1►II!1 ,,1!.II l!. II, II I h �'Inll �!la!I,r,1 �, �,!! !. ,01!11(1 ;r,l! I,IIImI(@i!111 fjl1�.!!!I,IIINIItiGMl!IIV!IIIR+ „knoq trilv Ciurrlya ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p,nt. Church Service 1:00 p.m. Sunday School CHURCH OF' GOD McConnel Street, Blyth •-• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, 11:00 a,m. •-- Worship • 7:30 p.m. •--• Prayer.• and Bible Study. 8:00 p.m. — Friday -- Youth Hour, Thought For The Week "Lod, teach us to pray." Luke 11:1 "No man can do a great and enduring work •for God;who: is not -a man of prayer." 111 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. I1, W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a,m, — (English) Preparatory Sermon, 11:00 a.m. -- Sunday School, 3.00 p.m. --- Dutch 'Scgwice. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, G. E. Pakenham, Rector -- Rev, W. R: Craven, Assistant Trinity Church Blyth: 11:00 a.m. — Morning Prayer, Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a,m, --- Morning Prayer, - St. Mark's Church, Auburn: 1:30 p.m. -- Evening Prayer. St. Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2:45 p.m, — Evening Prayer, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV, W. 0. MATHER, 13;A„ B,D„ 111NISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music. 11111 111111' 9:45 a,m. -- Sunday Church School. 11:00 a,m, -- Morning Worship — Guest Preachett:Mr, - :Michael Ross, of: Bltfevale, ► IREIMnm IRIIIE11111imiliflIRDli.11111!Ii iliAiiilllfilitifill lin t1141110llll111100INL'? 1 i FOR SALE OR RENT Belgrave Personals Ti1E R1JYTI[ STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th, 1968 'Air. and Mrs. James Buchanan 100 acre farm on con.Mr. and Mr's, Robert Campbell, University, of Guelph, and family, Windsor, Mr. and ' Egmonclville, Mr, and Mrs. Stew• 11r, and Mrs, Wm. Coolies and Mrs. Doug. Whitmore and Ken. Morris Township, house art Machines, Dyke and Jan, of family visited on Sunday with her neth, Blyth, visited on Sunday Walkerton, visited with Mr, and father, Mr, Kenneth Davis, Streit. with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook, and ba,'ii. .John van den Mrs. Willard Armstrong, ford, Mr. and Mrs, Waller Scott and ASselll ''r,. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh RInn and Mir. and Mrs. Cliff Logan vis• Mrs, Norman Shackleton spent phone 52.3• ,John visited on Sunday with Air. ited with Mr, and Mrs, Americo Sunday %vith - Mr, and Mrs, Alan 9548 Blyth. ;11.2 and Mrs. William, of Kinloss, Arruda and Maria, Toronto, also Scott, of Barrie. • Mr, Douglas 131eman has corn• Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Vincent, of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Anderson pleted his course at Wellington Oakville, over the weekend, and family, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie .».. ,�....... Arr.....ear..__, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rezansoff Shaw and family, London, visited and family, St., Catharines, visited over the weekend with M1r. and on Sunday with Mrs. Laura John- Mrs, John Anderson on Sunday ston and George, also Mr, and afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. James Airs, Clarence Yuill and family. McCrea called at (he same home, Sponge l3lltl(lleti 29c lir, and Mrs. Frank Leishman Mr, and Mrs. Russel Walker, of and Wendy, Hr, and Mrs. Terry Goderich, spent Suday with Mr. Lysol Spray 1.09 Bauer, Goderich, spent the week. and Mrs, Robert Coultes. Rubber Gloves, all sizes ..... 69c, 99c and 1.19 eLndeishmwanith :land ir. faandmily, Airs, James Hiss Ann Wightman, Toronto, and ,Mr. , Cl'eolille 69c, 99c and 1..49 lir. and Mrs, Harold Cantelon, visiled overRoss theWlghwtmaneekendGuelpwithh, Insect Blaster 1.19 and 1.69 Linda and Greg, Tweed, spent the their father, Mr. Edgar Wightman' Need two ambitious Ladles to Easter weekend with her parents, Mr, and Airs, James McCrea, of Moth Cr•ystal5' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' " , , . • , , . , 69c Mr, and Mhrepresent these top quality pro. ` Mrs. Harry McGuire, Port Cr, spenty Moth Flakes 15C . Mrs, Margaret Kemp, Toronto, ,tvilh liredit, and lfrs, LawrenceEasterSundaVan• ducts in your neighbourhood. spent the weekend with AIF. and Write or. Call Collect evenings Moth Blocks 15cand 25c Mrs, George Michie. Haw Mrs, MLondon 451-0541. Millson, 17 Hawkeslmry Mh• Air Wick .. , , , • , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , • .. , , , 69c Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Taylor, onto,, spentRichtheard weckeVanCncamp; Tt with Aorir.• Avenue, Florient and Air Freshener 79c Galt, visited on Sunday with Air. and Mrs, Jack VanCamp. and ,Mrs, Glenn Coultes, m, M, 5 Zero Cold Wa(eWaterSoaSoap9c Mr, incl Mrs, Ron Nicholson, Sl, Miss AnStn Wighlmandayafternoon, studentay 05f, f5' ( Marys, and Miss Margaret. Nichol- I{n, T, wrownie Lair ex Spray 1.0.) son, Guelph, spent the weekend takingox theCollegeBelgraveorontoPresbyterianillbe with Mr. and Mrs, Garner Nichol• Church Service at 2,30 -p.m. son, Miiss lJilda Lane, Belleville, R. D. 1-1IL p h m B firs. Annie Coultes ria patient spent the weekend me her aunt, in Wingham and District liospif• Ahs. titanic Leybourne, at the Drive -In '�l' urdon. 1)R.UGS • SUNDRIES • WALLWALLPAPER- Pyrone Myth 523.4 WO Hiss Maureen McCrea, Blyth, holirme, andofMrsMfr,s,Robert Louis PIIayes, El • spent the weekend with her cons- yria, Ohio, are spending several CLINTON HOUSE CLEANING HELPS Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and family, Ingersoll, visited on Sun- day with lir, and Mrs. Harold Procter. and Miss Margaret Cur- tis. Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Marshall and family, London, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Cook, Miss Mae Coulter, of Aylmer, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Walsh and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Nor. Man Coulter, of Wingham, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, George Bacon, Goderich, on the birth of their daughter on Friday, April 12. Avon Cosmetics 40.3 t i n, Miss Donelda Lamont" weeks with Afr, and Mrs, Jack pe Mlr, and Mrs, Clarence Chamne Van Camp and family, Box Office opens 7.45 -Show at �'♦"'"' ".'+''.,•.-.. •.�.•..-.••-••4 ".+r•Ham-+ visited over the weekend with Mr. ,Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Edgar8.15 y and Mrs. Ewald Rainer, Toronto. and family, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, - Weekend Shows Only - $+ PANT SUITS for SPRING Miss Ruth Michie, London, Arthur Edgar, Wingham, visited ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS spent the weekend with her par- with Mr. and Ali's, Lewis Slone- ;; ents, Mr, and Mrs, George Michie. house on Sunday. • Mr, and Mrs, Jaynes Leishman Mr, and Mrs, Royy Gardner Tia. • GIRL'S S ! to 6x pant suits, 2 and pee., : Leishman, who Is a patient in Al. eey and Scan, of London, called •r exanch'a Marine General Hospital, on her grandmother, Mrs• Robert "BORN LOSERS" • cotton and cotton knit $7r .95 up Goderich, also visiled with her Purdon Sunday evening. • parents, Mr. and Mirs. Frank Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Styles and ADMITTANCE I GIRL'S 8 to 14, pee. pant suit son, of Goderich, Patsy, lfimico, spent the weekend ,. 4 Mr. and Mars. Stewart. Beattie, with Mrs. Cora McGill, 4 printed poplin $11.95 up Wingham, Mrs. Margaret. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs, Morris Ste. Marie io!'EasoNs 11 YEARS Of AGE 4 Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, George Mi• and Pamela, Mr, Walter Bacon, of oR OVER 4" chic visited with Mr, Robert Beat. 13rampton, visited with Mr. and Jeremy Slate & Elizabeth James • • 'PEEN'S 10 to 14x, 2 and 3 pce. pant suits tie, Winthrop,, on Sunday. Mrs, Albert Bacon, In Color Shown at 10,00 p.m. • r Weekend guests with Mr. and lir. and Mfrs. Norman Geddes - AND -• • t10o1 01' cotton $21.95 up Mrs. Allison Robinson were, Mr. and Mr. Dan Ferguson, Goderich// • • ,and MG's, Albert Cameron, Luck. called on Airs, Cora McGill, Peon.' Minnesota Clay" • •.•....•....•...,+...r.+...r.�+.+►�.•.+++.+. now, Air, and Mrs, Clayton Robin• le of this district will be interest- Cameron Mitchell -Shown at • t son, London, Mr, and Mrs. Cam- ed to know that Mr, abcl Mrs. • NEEDLECRAFT S H 0 P P Li'nia. on Robinson and Christopher, 1\Torman Geddes arc now living in 8.15 p., Goderich, Color Cartoon •• 4+ti1+-4 -i F 4-• 4.444 +.44 •�-1"•tf. H • t i i • i i •-44 • CHILDREN'S and•LADIES' WEAR Friday and Saturday April 19 and 20 i # Phone 523.4351 Blyth •T N •-+-••.4 H-•-1-• • • 4-.4 *4444444 44 •-+ •-+ •-• 4-.•••• .-• • •44444-•44• TI j•1-♦ •+ •-• • • •-•44 •-•-•-•-• 4+444 -.-► -H t .-.1?4-44,. ••• -•-t. •- 4-4 Stewar '5 Red 3 White Food Mkt. • 1 BI4YTII, ON'I'., Phone 9451 1VE DELIVER • AM. Javex Liquid Bleach, 64 oz. bottle .... , 39c i)elsey Bathroom Tissue 6 rolls 89c Shiriff's Good Morning Orange Marmalade 24 oz. 51c Kraft Cheez Whiz, 16 oz. jar 69c Clover Leaf Tuna Fish, 7 oz. tin .. , . , , 43e S.X. Brand Canned Hams, 1 112 lb. tin 1.49 BUY OF THE WEEK 13R.1MFULL CHOICE CREAM CORN 19 oz. tin 6 for -1.0(1 Red, White and Blue Sweepstakes' Specials GIANT SIZE CHEER, reg. 1.05 value Only 79c ROYALLE FACIAL TISSUES 333's 3 pkgs. .,""....................•., 95c SCI1NEII) BR'S WEINERS, 1 lb. pkg. , , 55c •-•,,.,,. • • • • 4 • 4 • t 4 t • 4 •• • • • • • 1 } t 4 • t • • • t IVES CONSTRUCTION Thurs., Fri, and Sat. April 25, 26, 27 ,JAMES BOND f 'is back in Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth t 1 Phone Brussels 443w4 •"You Only Live Dealer For # Twice" BER.(; BARN CLEANERS AND MANURE STACKERS will fit any make or style of barn cleaner • •-•-•-•-•-• + • + • • •++ •-•-• •-•-•-r.-.-•-•-.hi-•-+-•-•-•-• 4-4-4 +-1-•+•.-• +-4 i Scan Connery In Color # - AND - # "The Way West" t Kirk Douglas, Robert Mitchum & • • Richard Widmark -- In Color DO YOU USE 5-20.10 FERTILIZER? IF SO WHY NOT SAVE MONEY AND YOUR BACK AND USE 9.36 -IS 5 tons '9-36-18 covers the same acres as 9 tons 5-20-10 9 TONS 5-20.10 COSTS 88.50 MORE THAN 5 TONS 9.36-18 CALL HARRISTON FERTILIZER Or Your Harriston Dealer FOR SERVICE Ct11,I. CLINTON 482.9133 or 482-9938 THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th, 1968 CARD OF THANKS W. of Knox United Church, Au• 1 wish to thank friends and burn, and the Walkerburn Ltidics neighbours who sent cards, made Club. Thank you to Rev, M, R. visits and sent flowers while 1 Roberts, Rev. W. 0. Mather, Rev. was a patient in Victoria Hospit• R. E. McLagan, the doctors and al, London. Thank you to Knox nurses. United Church, Auburn, the U.C, --James Jackson, Auburn •••• . r••• • r•+••.••• -•-r• •++•+t•t••H++ • • • fight CANCER with a check up and a cheque WHEN YOUR NEIGHBOUR KNOCKS ANSWER THE CALL AND GIVE TO THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH, CANCER EDUCATION AND WELFARE SERVICES BLYTH AND DISTRICT CANVASS THE WEEK OF APRIL 22 TO APRIL 25 SEND DONATIONS TO MRS. ANN SUNDERCOCK, LOCAL CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN 1 r t tt WESTFIELD Air. and Airs, peter Verheek, Sherry, Nancy and Steven, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Chambers, of Elmira, on Sunday. lir. and Mrs, ,lohn van der hems and family, of Streelsville, visited recently with 11r. and Airs. Peter de Groot. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. liar- vey McDowell for the weekend were, John AleDowell, London, Don McDowell, Waterloo, Miss Elizabeth Stewart, Seaforth, Air, ►uid Airs. Alva ,McDowell, Blyth. Alr. and Airs,- Edgar Mowatt spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. !)avid Webster and family, Blyth, Miss Janet Cook entertained some friends at a birthday .party Thursday afternoon. Visitors with Mr, and firs. Gor. don Smith for the weekend were, Miss Norma Smith, London, also Air. and Mrs, Erie Vogl, Mark and Shannon, of London. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R. Smith and Sari, of Waterloo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith 00 Sunday. Mr. Armand 1lc13ui ney return- ed to itis home here after spend- ing part of the ‘vinter \vitt' his sisters in Arizona. The last month he has been in Waterloo with lir. and Mrs, ,Iohn A. Gear. Visitors with Air. and Mrs, Henry de Ruiter on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Mansel de Turch, Miss Josie de Ruiter and Miss Wilhelmina de Ruiter, Chatham. Visitors with Airs. Elizabeth ,lc1)owell al Iluronview this week end Were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vogl. Mark and Shannon, Miss Norma Smith, Mr. John McDowell, Dir. Gordon McDowell, Miss Margery Smith, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. John Gear and Mr. Armand Mc. Burney. Dirs. Mary ,llc1)owell and Mrs. "11-larvey McDowell were Goderieh ivisitors recently visiting Mrs. JVera Mr. land1iMrs. aw John the !Dykstra, of pay' loin, visited recently with ;;.\1r. and Airs, Peter de Groot.. Visitors with Mr. Armand Me. Lurr►cy this' weekend were, Mr. tland Mrs. John A. Gear, Marie and •-•••-F•••-•41-4+•+4+++414444•-•••444 • • r•. r'. •••-•'-• . • r''r• `.' Warren, Water100, also Mr. and •-••+ •r Mrs, Dan Pilling and Miss Ann • • • Saunders, of Toronto. t .. Mr, Ralph Campbell spent a y START THIS SPRING IN STYLE 1'ev, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell before returning to Lamonte, Illinois. • Airs. Edgar Mowatt visited with • WITH ONE OF THESE BEAUTIES firs. Eliza Plowman, of Huron• view on Sunday. . • —_ • • 1968 FALCON 4 door. 1968 I! AIRI.ANE 1 dr., 6 cyl,, auto. trans, 1968 FAIRLAINE V8, 2 dr., Hardtop. 1967 PONTIAC Grande Parissienne, 4dr„ Hardtop. 1967 CHEV, 13e1 -Aire, V8, 4 dr., automatic. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 dr., auto., radio. 1966 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 dr,, automatic 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury 11, V8, 4 dr,, auto. 1966 PONTIAC Pariessienne, 2 dr., Hardtop 1965 METEOR 4 door, V 8. 1964 VALIANT Station Wagon 1964 POIITIAC Laurentian 4 dr., V 8, auto, 1965 CHEV. Super Sport 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 dr., 6 cyl., stand, trans, 1963 OLDS. 4 dr., Hardtop, 1962 COMET 4 door SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's BAR SALES LtdN Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 i • • Londesboro The 13erean Unit of the U.C.W. held the April meeting in the Church parlor. The president op• ened with an Easter reading fol. lowed by prayer. Mrs, Lorne Hun king gave the scripture passage, Roll call was answered by a Bible verse, Mrs. Scott contributed a so. lo accompanied by Mrs, Wood, A film depicting the Easter Story was shown in place of the Study Book, Mrs, Harvey 1•lunking gave a reading 'no Legend." The meeting closed with the Mispah benediction. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Allen Shaddick were Airs. Shaddick's sister, Mrs, Doris Snyder and son, Rodney, Kitchen• er, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Iv. an Elliott, of Sovereign, Sask, Mrs, 13i11 Andrews and children, of Toronto, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mvs, Edwin Wood. Mr. and ,Airs.' Moss iMillson and family visited over the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Bert Shob• brook. Mrs, Townsend left on Monday for a visit with her sister, Mrs, Bentham, in Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Jack liatnilton, of London, were Sunday visitors cvith .1r. Will Govier and Mrs, Webster. Mrs. Robert Youngblut spent Sunday with ..Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Wells, Clinton, Mrs. Hunking visited with Har• vey at Westminster on Sunday and found ihim somewhat. Improv. ed. Dors. Willows Mountain went to Clinton Hospital on Thursday to be under the Dr's care until - she -shows improvement, $ ••••4,•4'.•+♦•♦♦• -•••.••••••••••4 4•••+4-•-•••0.•l-••+••t-+. • • t t FARM DRAINAGE GEO. N ESUi'1" I' Phone 523-9439 • •♦ • •-•-• • • ♦ • •-•-♦ • • •+ • • • • ••r• •-• ♦ •-•-•+• • •-44+++ 444•444,-,# ••.-.-it-••••-1Fr•-a•1.•f••••••4••••f�••►1••r1�•1••1��11j r t $ t t 4 • • i t . • • t NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS BY ORDER of Blyth Council all dogs within the Corporation are to be kept from running atlarge, effective May lst, and until the 30th of September, 1968, Day or Night. Failure to do so will result in a 110. fine, The co-operation of all dog owners will be appreciated in helping to eliminate animal nuisance during the garden season. Signed, JAMES WARWICK, Chief of Police, 42-2. •-• r. • •-•-•••••-h•-••• • .•• •-•-•-•-•-•-• 4•4-4-4-44-4 •-.-•-4 •-•-+•+-• 4.s -♦+N• -• •• •-• 4•• t t t t • • 4 •4 • ••.•••••o•.•••••♦r•.••••-•4-•••4t• Wednesday, April 24, 1968 CHILDREN'S All) SOCIETY OF' HURON COUNTY OPEN HOUSE AT THE OFFICES: 181 VICTORIA ST. N., GO»ERICH (Hwy 21 at northern entrance) • 2 • 5 p.m. '7 • 9 p.in. to observe Children's Aid Week April 21 • 27 TILE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Ivan Haskins, President. 424, 4 4 • 4 • rr•-$--. •-•+4^ N.- •+++4-+' ^•1 +i• • ' -► •-•-••-•-NH-+ •*++•••44,•$+i Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. Iv4.0.440•00.0........., • JE'''W ✓I ✓ Nom•• ✓NJI.•NvIIJ.h1 4,.•••.0 0 4,0.N40.0,1`MN P4 INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "REE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 528.4481 Phones Residence 5214522 MADE TO MEASURE SUITS By House of Stone ,week delivery $89.00 to $135.00 Ready To Wear Men's 2 -Pant "Suit all sizes $79.95 to $89.00 ,r✓J' .*'0d.ni •d.w.0ry rWw••••••w.•N0~1W 040.1.40,04.4"0.0..00.0, ROLLER SKATES for Men, Women and Children R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at. MADILL.'S on Wednesday and Friday BLLYTii, ONTARIO --- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1908 FOR SALE 15 pigs 8 to 10 weeks old; 5 sows, due in April and May. Phone '523.4220 Blyth. 40.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET JACKSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, housewife, who died on the 31st day of March, 1968, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1968. After that date the Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 15th day of April, 1908, CRAWFOR.D, SHEPHERD AND MILL WINGHAM, ONTARIO Solictors for the Administrator 423 TEEN TOWN DANCE FRIDAY, '1P111L 19 ,Music By "THE CONCORDS" Sponsored by Blyth 'Peen Town WILL THE PAR'T'Y Who was seen pickinik up a 13ainton natural colour sheepskin rug on 1)insley Street, Blyth, please return it to Mrs. Walter 13uttell, Blyth. 42•lp TOT' QUALITY PASTURE Available for 10 head of cattle. Apply, R. Lubbers, phone, 526- 7229 Auburn. 42-1 CARD PARTY & DANCE Friday, April 19, in Londesboro Community Hall, Card party 8.30; Dance 10.00, sponsored by Hullett Federation of Agriculture. 42-1p FOR SALE Climax Timothy Seed, our own .1967 crop, power cleaned. Priced to sell. See Boyd Taylor, phone 523.9279 Blyth. 42.1 'a •-• • •.-H-4-.-+• •• • •• ••••r.+4+++-r-k+-.-t++t •• • •-. r-• • • •. •' FOOD $nell's MARKET MAKE YOUR DOLLAR STREW ---MCF 1 • • i • • t + • • • • • • • • • • • shop here for store wide bargains Redpath Granulated Sugar No, 1 Creamery Butter Crown Corn Syrup Red Rose Instant Coffee Lyon's Tea Bags Mazola Oil, 32 oz. Club House Peanut Butter 5 lbs, 11c 1 lb. 65c 2 lbs. 39c 6 ozs, 79c 100 for 69c 89c 2 lbs, 69e DOLLAR DAY BUYS Wagstaff Raspberry or Strawberry hull - 24 oz. 1.00 Stokely's Fancy Pumpkin, 4 - 28 oz1,00 Aylmer Choice Tomatoes, 3 - 28 oz. 1.00 Brimfull Cream Corn, 5 - 19 oz, 1.00 Lee's Pineapple Tidbits, 4 - 19 oz. 1.00 Heinz Tomato Juice,. 3 - 48 oz. 1.00 Home Tomato Catsup, 3 - 20 oz, 1.00 Allen's Fruit • Drinks, 3 - 48 oz. 1.00 Robin Hood Pouch Cake Mixes .. 6 for 1.00 Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner 6 for 1.00 Blue Bonnet Margarine 3 lbs. 1.00 Crispy Flake Lard 5 lbs. 1.00 P. M. Cottage Rolls 49c Ib. P. M. Back Bacon 79c lb. Frozen Beef Roasts 55c Ib. Frozen Hamburger 55c lb. Frozen Chicken Legs or Breasts 55c Ib. Fresh Sliced Pork Liver 35c lb. Coleman's Bologna :39c lb. K. P. Bacon Ends 45c lb. K. P. Weiners 89c 2 lb. pkg. White Grapefruit, 5G's 10 for 79c No, 1 Ontario Potatoes 10 lbs. 39c 25 Ib. 89c or 50lb. .,,.,, 1.59 Seed Potatoes In Stock at Very Low Prices. White Swan Bathroom Tissue .. , . 2 rolls 25c Downy Fabric Softener, 34 oz. giant , ... 73c Duz Detergent with Tea Towel giant size 89c Phone 523-9332 We Deliver • 4, . • • • v • • + • • • • • • • • • • • r • • • • • t • , , • x , I 1 1 Walton CAIRI) OF THANKS FOR. SALE We wish to thank everyone who Several Tots of REI) CLOVER helped at 001' barn fire. Special SHED 10 plow clown. Some lots Alr. and Mrs. David Andrews of thanks to the Blyth Firemen for have a trace of Sweet Clover, The Toronto, visited over Easter with their prompt response. Thanks cheapest fertilize!' you cnn buy, again. Apply li, N. Alexander, at the 42.1p -Lorne and Evelyn Popp. Seed Plant in Londesboro. 42.3 the lapel"s mother, Mrs. George Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. (;len Haase, Mia'• ray and Kenny, of Sault Ste Marie, visited over the weekend with AIr, and Airs. Gordon Afurray, Mr. and 11i's. William Murray and AIr. Charles Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Humph- ries and baby daughter, of Lon- don, visited over the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Stewart Hum- phries. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Steven and Leanne, of Whitby, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby and family, Woodstock, sepnt sev. oral days with Mr. Frank Kirkby and Mr .and Mrs. Douglas Kirk- by. .lir. and Airs. John McGavin and family, Thornbury, were weekend guests at the Monte of Air. and Mrs. Gordon hlcGavin. :11r. and Mrs, Robert Pritchard and faintly, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maier, of London, were weekend guests at the home of Ah'. and Mrs. David Watson. Mr. and Mrs. William Blake have moved from their farm near Blyth to their new home in- the village. Mrs. Wesley Backwell visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. !Reid Backwell, Exeter. Easter guests with Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Reid included Mr. and Mi's, Lockhart Johnston, Burling- ton, Mr. and firs. Alvin Stimore, Stratford, Mrs. Laura Machan and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Machan and family, Sarnia. Miss Nellie Baan is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Martin Baan, after com- pleting her first year at Guelph University. Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont and family of London, spent East- er with 1L'. and Mrs. Lloyd Port- er. Miss Linda Leeming, of Mit- chell, and Master Jeffrey Leem- ing, 11.11. 2, Seaforth, visited last weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Ahs. Leonard Leeming. Miss Ann Ross, Winnipeg, vis- ited a few days with the Dennis family. Miss Judy Clark, London, spent the weekend with 111r, and Airs, 11arul(1 Smalldon. A confirmation class of fifteen including Gerald I3aan, Gary Ben- nett, Brenda Bewley, Karen Cont. h, Joan Dennis, Carolyn Fraser, Mary and Tom Leeming, Karen and Neil McDonald, Joyce Mc. Nichol, Petty Roe, Sandra Wat- son, Douglas Wey, David Wildfong were received into the member- ship o1' the church by profession of faith. Air. and Mrs, Charles ltIc• Cu1cheon joined by certificate. CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and visits, also boxes of fruit and treats, 1 received while in Wingham Hospital, also for the visits from Rev. Mather. All was greatly appreciated. 42.1 . -Irene Knox, CARD OF 'THANKS To the neighbours, relatives and friends we want to thank for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and flowers in the recent death of a dear son, grandson and nephew. 42.1. -The Plunkett Family. IN MEMORIAM WILSON - In loving nientory of George Wilson, who passed away April 21, 1959. Like falling leaves the years slip by, But loving' memories never die, IIe lives with us in memory still, Not just today but always will. -Fondly remembered by wife and family. 42-1p WILL OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. George Carter, if Hullett Township, will receive guests on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, at the 110010 of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Carter, R.R. 1, Londesboro, on Saturday, April 20, from 2 to 4 and 8 to 10 p.m. No gifts please. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS NOW SHOWING More New Dresses, Women's and \''Iisses' Handbags A'len's and Boys' Spring Jackets New Shoes and Running Shoes New Shipment of Hydro City Work Boots, Safety Toe Oxfords, Work Boots and High Cuts, arch rest, raw hide, Men's New Step light Work Roots, Work Clothing' by C.W.G. Also Matched Sets '"l'he 1! ouse of Branded Lines and Lower Prices." T 1 e Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, vr++1,+++1•0++4041+++++++++++++++++++v++++++ Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, -•-• •-•-•-• • •-• • • •-• • • + h• + • +-• ♦ • •-1-1.4.1-+• ♦ • + •-+• 4+4,4.4.1+t+. j • • • •• 1 • • • 1 • • • • • • 4 • + •t • • • t • r e • • • • • • 4, • • •r COOK'S Kleenex Facial Tissues, 200's or 3000's 6 pkgs. 1.00 Pillsbury "New Butter Cream" Cake Mixes per pkg. 39c Mother Parker's Orange Pekoe Tea Bags Ei0's per pkg. 75c Heinz Tomato [Ketchup, 20 oz. bottle .... 35e Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, 18 oz. jar 69c Kam Luncheon Meat, 2 1.2 oz. tins .... 83c Blue Bonnett !!Margarine 3 lb. pkg. 99c Kraft Cheese Whiz 1 lb. jar 69c Nature Best Choice Peas, 2 - 15 oz. tins 39c Garden Patch Choice Cream Corn - 11 oz. 35c 2 Clark's Rich Brown Beans with Pork 2 - 14 o''z, tins 29c Schneider's Chili Con Carne, 2 - 15 oz. tins 45c Prize Liquid Detergent, '2 - 20 oz. bottles' 89c Omo Detergent, king size pkg. 1.45 Old Country Fish and Chips, reg. 69c now 59c Frozen Berries, Strawberries or Raspberries 2 pkgs 89c Burn's Camp Fire Bacon, 1 lb. pkg. , , .. 59c Coleman Bologna 3 lbs. 1.00 il'lorida Celery, large bunch 19c New Green Cabbage )Cr lb, 10c Sunkist Oranges, size 1.13's 79c New Weston's Cruller Do Nuts, reg. 33c to 23c Rose Bushes in Planter each 1.95 11111111111t111111.tt.tttt1111111111tttt111111111118'111111.111.111111$111111111111111.11111111/1 lllll 1111111111111111 lllll 11111, Phone 523-1421 We Deliver 4 1 11 • Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Miss Judy Arthur, nurse -in, training at Owen Sound is enjoy- ing njoying a week's vacation with her •parents and family, Mr, and Mrs. (tarry Arthur, Mark and Greg. Mrs. John Neville and her son, Mr. Stanley McNall, Mrs, Stanley McNall, Linda and John, Welland, visited relatives and friends in the village last Saturday, Friends are pleased to know that Mr, James Jackson was able to come home after a few weeks a patient in Victoria I-Iospital, Hiss Margaret Sanderson, nur- se -in -training at Victoria hospital, London, is enjoying a week's va. cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Mr, and Mrs. James Aiteheson, tieaforth, visited last Sunday with their daughter, Airs. Kenneth Scott, Mr, Scott, Keith, Wayne and Eric, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig spent the weekend with her sis- ter, Alis; Jean Hamilton, Oshawa, Master Michael llaggitt, Zurich, spent the weekend with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ifaggitt, and Stephen, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Sheron and George Collins spent Easter Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and Gary. Miss Sheron Collins and Mr. George Collins attended their brother, James, wedding at Bay- field 3ayfield United Church last Salur• day. Airs. Gordon R. 'Taylor spent the Easter weekend in Brantford, With lie' daughter, Mrs. Ronald Ralhwell, Mr, • Rathwell, Michael and Janice. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph- Jackson, Sharon', Murray and Leone, of \Iitchell, :11r. Robert Daer, Goder• ich, spent Easter with theid par- ents,. Mr. and Mrs. John Daer, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robert- son, Copper Cliff, visited over the Commerce financing and bank services helped thisfarmer buy a tractor and equipment to fit the job, Are you planning any purchases? Come to the farmer's bank, CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 01,•-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•-• • .1 +-.+•-r+ $-+-• •-• •., 4• • • WEEKEND SPECIAL --- • • • LEONARD 26 & 16 CU. FT. FREEZERS, • cycolac trim, lifetime porcelain, interiorfin- • • • ish, haken enamel exterior finish, wrap- . '• around condenser, .five freezing surfaces, oil • :• cooler tubing, glacier sealed, side -mounted • temperature control, signal light, self-raising • lid and interior light, removable partition and storage basket. • • • • • • If You're In The Market For A Freezer You • • • Won't Beat Our Prices This Weekend! • • • •• tronin's HARDWARE - MAil ' TELEPIIONE 523.9273 • • YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER • 5 -YEAR FOOD SPOILAGE WARRANTY • weekend with her parents, Mr. and Airs, Wm. Straughan and his father, Mr, J, J. Robertson. Air. and Mrs. Ronald Pentland, North Bay, visited with her inn. Cher, Mrs. Charles Straughan, ov. e' the Easier vacation. Messrs. Kenneth McDougall, Kenneth Scott and Donald HIaines attended the annual meeting of the Association of Assessing Of- ficers of Ontario District No, 4 at Clinton Legion Hall last Wed- nesday. J. W. MacLAItEN GUEST SPEAKER AT AUBURN (HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 'MEE'T'ING Mr, J. W. MacLaren, Bemnilier, was the guest speaker at the Au• burn horticultural Society meet- ing held last week in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall, The president, Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor, was in charge of the meeting Which was opened with 0 Canada and Mrs, Donald Maines at the piano, Mrs. 'Taylor welcomed the members and guests and the ►nin utes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig, A let. ter was read re the District meet- ing to he held in Wingha►n on Ap. ril 30th and all members are re• quested to go. The members de- cided to have a bake sale, after- noon tea and white elephant table in l.he hall on the afternoon of May 1st. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Wes Bradnock, A letter of thanks will be sent to l.he Village Trus• tees for - the grant of $25,00 to help with the village flower -beds. The program consisted of gull• ar aolos by Erie Scott "Rock of Ages" and "Tell me your dreams". The highland Fling and Sword dances were done by Sally Kerr and- an aecordian solo "When the Saints Come Marching in" was 'played by Peggy Young. An interesting and informative clemonstration on the planting of bulbs and seeds was done by Mr. Ross Robinson. -He showed the proper way to transplant plants and how to grow geraniums from seeds. - The guest. speaker was intro- duced by Airs. Russel Brindley. Ale showed many pretty pictures of flowers that had been in his garden and 'at 'Toronto where he and his wife lived before moving to l3enmiller. The pictures of flowers and slu't►bs and the land- scaping done around his home ov- erlooking. v.erlooking the picturesque Malt - land were very interesting, Mrs, Arthur Crrange thanked AIr. ATac- Laren for his informative . address on his pictures ancl on belialf,- of the Society presented him -with a gift. The door prizes went to Airs. 'Robert Turner and Airs. W»i. Afoorehead. • Plans were made for the mem- bers to take care of the flower beds. The Highway bed, Mrs, Nor- man McDowell, Mrs. Wm. Dodd; Loftus bed, Arthro' Youngblut, Ben Hamilton, Gordon Alille; The Forge bed, Airs. Bert Aiarsh, Mrs. Guy Cunningham, Mrs. Jam. es Jackson; The Ethelwyn bed, Miss Margaret ,Tackson, Airs, R, .1, Phillips, Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson, Mrs. Charles Scott; Hillcrest bed, .Airs, Gordon Taylor, Airs. Win. Straughan, Mrs, Ed. Davies; Com• _ munity Memorial Niall, Mrs, Ar. fluty Grange, Mrs, Albert MacFar- lane, AIrs. Wm. J. Craig. Miss Margaret Jackson and • Mrs. R. J, Phillips will Make out the sched- ule for caring for the Manchester Garden, After the singing of God Save The Queen lunch was served by Mrs, Donald Haines, Mrs, Albert MacFarlane and Airs, R. J. Phil• lips: MRS. SAM'.DAER- HOSTESS TO ST, MARK'S GUILD MEETING The St. Mark's Anglican Church Guild, of Auburn, met for their monthly .meeting at the home of Mrs, Sam Daer with .a good attendance. Mrs, Andrew Kirk• connell presided for the pro. gram which began with a poem "Always .an Easter." The hymn "The Church in the Wildwood" was sung with Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor at the piano. The devotion• 6-•-•-• • •-•-4+-1-..4-4#1-•-•4-0-•-1+• *4-4* 0-11-4-44+1, - TIE BLYTH STANDARD --- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th, 1968 f 4 .:Toughest fox But... Safest, tool Gehl Boxes have been safety -tested and farm -proved . at the factory and in the field, to give you year 'round crop service. Quick -Action safety bar v,,ilh side lever lets you stop unloading action , .. instantly! These safely features are standard equipment with every Gehl flux. Gehl Boxes offer greater capacity, longer life, too. Built to really take it .. , Gehl Boxes give you day -in, lay- out ( mile -after -mile) of big capacity hauling and han- dling. Come in today. Ask to see the Gehl Boxes, Toughest boxes ever built and the safest your money can buy! Make us Prove it with a Demonstration! Suer! Feed 8 Supplies BLYTH, ONTARIO. 11.11, NO,. 3 ••a-••-••+•-•• r•-+ r, --r.•.-•- •-•-•-•-4-4-4-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-1/ TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TRUCK TENDER For the loading and hauling of approximately 20,000 cubic .. IF one Ton used truck as trade-in. 'Township tender forms which list the required specifies - tions are to be used and are available from the undersigned. II 'fenders ,nasi meet Department of Highways approval and lowest or any tender not, necessarily accepted. 'renders to be received by the Road. Superintendent before 6 p.m. Friday, May 3, 1968. GEORGE IIOGGA,RT, o Road Supt., R.R. No, 1, Londesboro, Ontario, 41-2. II Ip•••••••-•-•-•-•+•-•-N-•41••-.-N -4••-•-•-•-•-•-•-N •' •1-•-•1 -•-•-6.6•••-• t•-• +-r•-••►-•••+ • • .4 6.66•-•+•-•-•+•+•+- j TOwNSHII> OF HULLETT TENDERS WANTED For the loadin gand hauling of approximately 20,000 cubic yards of pit run gravel for road construction in the Township of llulic 1 al the rate of 800 to 1,000 cubic yards per day. Work to be completed by July 15, 1968, '('enders to he 5500.00 -by the 3, 1968, received containing a certified cheque for • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - GEORGE HOGGART, Road Supt., 11,11, No, '1, Londesboro, .Ontario, Road Superintendent 'by ,6 p.►fin, Friday, May l' •-•+•-•-•-+4•-6.6.6-•-•+M •+64+4441-• • •-• •-•-N••+•♦' al, collect and lesson for the by Mrs. Kirkconnell. Mrs, Phil. Tuesday in Holy Week was taken lips played Mrs, Daer's `•favorite' by Mrs, John Daer. Prayers were song "The Bells- of St. Marys:" led by Mrs. Thomas IIaggltt. At- The president, Mrs. *Thomas, ter singing the hymn "Faith of Haggltt, took' charge of the buss. Our Fathers" a piano solo, a med ness 'session, The minutes'were ley of favorite hymns was played approved .as read by the secre by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. The tary, Mrs. John Daer, Mrs. An. missionary- topic was read by Mrs, drew Kirk connell, the treasurer, Kirkconnell. It was an interesting presented the financial statement account of Rev, Peter Pang at•the The travelling apron .received ' a Good Shepherd Mission at Van• penny for each letter in Easter couver. This is the only Anglican Day, The roll call was .answered Chinese Mission in Canada. The by a favorite hymn, After mires: hymn "What a Friend we have in pondence and business, Mrs. Hag - Jesus" was sung and the reading gitt closed with prayer. Mrs, Daet: "A Song from Calvary" was read served a delicious lunch, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th, 19083 • 111110.11, BEAVER SPECTA 2 DAYS ONLY Friday and Saturday — April 19 and 20 ROADIE CARPET 0 G THE FIRST INDOOR -OUTDOOR BROADLOOM. Leisure Turf 100% Polypropolene. Use It anywhere. Save 2.66 --- FACTORY CLEARANCE --- only slight, very slight. imperfections Barbados Broadloom, reg. 9.55 3.99 a sq. yar 1 Moro Bay Broadloom Only 5.95 a sq. yard Highland Twist Oily 7.79 a sq. yard SENSATIONAL SAVINGS ACT FAST! Compare to $7.95 Si. Yard. 29 Canada's Most Popular ALUMINUM DOORS Save 6.00 STANDARD SIZES 6' 8" AND 2' 10" pre•hnng, complete, ready to install. GREAT VALUE! 23.88 (ASH'N CARRY SAVING tia..'t.irkii Ut./M • • ----";;;;;:=1.....„1 CKNX's ROY N LISTENBENAND ETT SEE ROY IN ACTION AT BEAVER TRUCKLOAD SAVING EVENT! GREAT SAVINGS! 4' x 8' panel Compare At 8.95 SAVE 2.00 a PANEL During Truckloads Of Value! 4.95 ARMSTRONG QUAKER STONE HART) SURFACE FLOOR, COVERING 6 ft. width 1.39persq. yd ARMSTRONG "MAGIC" CUSHION FLOR FLOOR. COVERING 6 ft, width REG. 3.49 PER SQ, VD, Only 2.79 SENSATIONAL SAVINGS EXTRA. STRENGTH LIGHTWVEIGHT ALUMINUM LADDERS 5 ft. Houle Owner Step Ladder 10.88 6 ft, Step Only 12.88 20 ft. Extension Only 26.88 24 ft. ExtenEion Only 34.88 32 ft. Extension Only 49,95 PICK UI' A LIGHT ONE! PAINT Exterior white, oil base paint for general purpose use, 3.95 A GAL C.I.I. PAINT IIUY ONE'GAL. OF REGULAR STOCK OIL PAINT — GET THE SECOND GAL. FOR HALF PRICE 2 DAYS ONLY ,r Look For The Giant Balloon FREE Refreshments To give you strength and encouragement while value finding THE REFRESHMENTS 'IRE ON US! TRUCK -LOAD SAVING! CEMENT- Cash'n Carry Off The Truck 1.29 A BAG ANY QUANTITY DIRECT FACTORY SAVINGS — STOCK .UP! —NO QUANTITY LIMIT Truckload Savings ---- WINDOWS ALL SIZES ANI) SHAPES 'OF WINDOWS UP TO 40 PER CENT OFF 1 Truckload of Direct-Frome The -Factory Values. ]' x 3' sash]ess double glazed and screen 54.07 YC{U SAVE 10.80 DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY! PREFINISHEI) MAHOGANY PANELLING Coral Finish, V -Grooved 1' x 8' Panel .......... . .. Toasted, V -Grooved l' x 8' Panel 5 Lb, Bag CHARCOAL 39c 3.69 SORRY ONLY 5 TO A CUSTOMER 3.99 PANELLING SPECIALS - - ALPINE GLACIER - HACIENDA and ALPINE HONEYTONF 1 4'x8 3.79 each LOCAL SPECIAL Doors Doors - Doors INTERIOR DOORS 79c AND UP Number ] Bifold Doors. Mahogany or Cedar. Other sizes available up -to 6' widths. Example: 2' x - 6'8" $9,30 2 DAYS ONLY BEAVER LUMBER {fiINGHAM