HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1968-01-31, Page 1THE BLYTH STA D RD $2,50 A Year In Advance -- $3.50 In U.S.A. l3LYTII, ONTARIO -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1968 Blyth United Church Sets $17,000 Budget At Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Blyth United Church began with a pot luck supper at. 7.00 p.m. While the table was be- ing cleared Mrs. Dwight Campbell led a sing song, with Mrs. Harvey Brown at the piano. The business meeting began at 8.00 p.m, Irvine Wallace was elec- ted secretary of the congregation for the year 1968, The Session report indicated the present membership to he 480, which is an increase of six over last year, There are 240 families connected with the congregation. The financial situation appear- ed to be quite satisfactory, all groups in the church showed a small balance in their treasuries. More than $4500, was given to missions during the year. The budget accepted by the congrega- tion for 19(18 was approximately $17,000. for local needs and mis- sions combined. One of the highlights of 1967 was the final liquidation of the debt on the church. The note was burned at the evening service of the anniversary in October, leav- ing the church clear of debt on the fifth anniversary of its open- ing. In the election of officers Mrs, Winona McDougall, Mrs. Mary Wiglrtman, Howard Campbell and George Walt were elected to the session for a term of five years. The new members of the commit- tee of stewards are Mrs. Luella Hall, Fred Meier, and Lloyd 'I'as• ker. These also were elected for a term of five years. Intermediates Best Monkton In Rough And Tumble Hockey Duel Blyth Intermediates and Monk- and the score was tied two all ton hooked up in a ding.dong bat- at the end of lite second, It was tle at the local arena last Friday all Blyth in the third period and night and the locals literally the boys came through with two mauled their way to a 4 to 2 "win. more counters and doubled the for+kion has been billed all score on their visitors. year as a rough, tough club, and This was without a doubt lite the locals went out last Friday, roughest contest we have seen here and literally beat them at their all - season and if you weren't on own game, The referees called hand you missed some exciting a totta of twenty-seven penalties action. The fellows play their and could have called many more. last home game a week from Fri - Both teams were assessed with day,. February 9th again the first major penalties and- Monkton al• place Crediton squad, Ile on so drew a game misconduct, hand and offer the team your Blyth carne out strong in ,the well deserved support, first period and scored two big Blyth goals were scored by Ron unanswered goals. They faded Henry and John Stewart with one badly in the second stanza and each and Doug McDougall with allowed Monkton two markers two big counters, Midgets Take First Playoff Encounter With Scrappy Brussels Squad (By Will) The village of Blyth and sur round%ng community was very deeply saddened by a tragic "Ac- cident" which occured at the local Arena this past Monday night. "No" this above statement does not apply to the hockey game play- ed layed January 29 or any "Yet!" This l' hope never has to be written. The game I refer to was the first. game of a best of 3 play off series between our Midgets and the Brussels club, The two clubs play- ed layed a typical Blyth, Brussels game. The visitors their usual choppy style with our boys able to cope with it enough to emerge, with a 7.4 victory. 1 do not like to criti- size aster any game but the three outstanding highlights ef the game in my opinion were not scoring plays. We were the recipients on three separate occasions ofvicious slashes, no, not around the ankles but directly lover the head and around the neck. I can under• stand the old dodge its easier to see off the ice but surely one of- ficial must have an eye on the puck, In all these . instances we were in possession of the puck with the opposition in hot pursuit. Penalties called none. Please gentlemen in all sinter• Ity do we want 'another Bill Mas• terton occurance which resulted in his death. Yes 1 said "Death" ' which could happen in our own Western Ontario, "Think It Overl" I can say at. least one good thing about the game this being the score. It Is always very important to win any playoff game, the first especially. Our boys started very slowly and allowed the visitors to go ahead 1.0 early , in the first period before coming to life. How- ever at the len minute mark they found the net and scored 3 un- answered goals to skate oft' at the periods end 3.1. In the second period the locals added 3 more but allowed the opposition 2. Play was most ragged for the entire second period which carried right on into the third period, in fact in the final gong, Each club did manage a goal apiece in the third with the scoreboard reading 7.4 at the end of the' game. 1 was rather disappointed in the turn out for this game but we can understand the probable reason which was lack of advertisement. This was not the managers fault as 1 might say that early Monday two separate people advised CKN X to make note the game was on. It was not until nearly 7 o'clock though that it was given air, The next game in this series will he in Brussels Friday, Feb- ruary 2, at. 8.30. 1 urgently ask all you faithful fans who can possibly make it, to the car, and come out and cheer ,the boys on. 1 know they really appreciate it., so help them finish off the series in two straight, See you there. Coal scorers were as followsi Robert Cook unassisted; Richard Chalmers from Gord Riley; Chris Cowan from Chalmers and Riley; Robert Cook from Bill McDougall and Floyd Rosebush; Robert Cook unassisted; Chris Gowan from Gard Riley; Robert Cook from Bill McDougall, Personal Interest . Mr. George Cook, of Belgrave, is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where he has undergone two operations in the past couple of weeks. We hope he will soon be able to return, to his home. Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Camp. bell, London, visited Mr, and Mrs. Howard Campbell at the weekend. Mr. Alva McDowell has entered Victoria Hospital,. London, for 'surgery. We wish him a good re- covery, Mrs. McDowell is visiting relatives in London. Mr, Leonard ' Cook is a patient in Clinton Public hospital where he underwent an operation last Thursday. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Carter, of Stoney Creek, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Patter. son, Mr, and Mrs, Wn►. Knox, and Nil% and Mrs. Wm, Carter. PA'TIEN'TS IN CLINTON HOSPITAL Mr. Leonard Cook underwent surgery last week in Clinton Pub. Iic Ilospital, Airs. James Pierce and Mrs. George Osler were patients in Clinton Hospital last week. Mrs, Wm, Hull is a patient n Victoria I-Iospit.al having under. gone surgery this week. We wish them all a speedy re- covery, BANK EMPLOYEE MOVED Lorne McDonald, who has been accountant on the staff of the Blyth Branch of the Canadian Im• perial Bank of Coantnerce, for the past eight months' has Been mow. ed to Schromberg. He will be succeeded by John Harris who has been transferred here front List, owe!, KYOI)AN EVENING UNIT 'I'0 MEET The February meeting of the Kyodan Evening Unit will be held in the church parlour on Febuary 6th, at 8.15 p.m. LADIES AUXILIARY 'TO MEET The Blyth Ladies Auxiliary to llranch 420 will hold their regular meeting on Monday, February 5th, in the form of a pot luck supper al 6.30 p.m., in the Legion home. Also at this meeting Comrade Ev- elyn velyn Carroll, of Goderich, zone commander for Zone Ct, will make her official visit. The comrades will also reveal their secret com- rade for the past year and draw for another one for this year. All comrades out please. WARM WEATICEIt BRINGS OUT TICE I1UT'I'EItFLIES With the springlike Weather we have enjoyed for the "past several days, it. was practically a foregone conclusion chat. mother nature would indicate that better things are in store for us in a few short weeks from '►ow. Kenneth Siertsema, son of lila. and Mrs. Ilebo Siertsema, found a live butterfly outside their home on Monday. Ile has it in a box and along with showing it to the folks at the Standard office, has also taken it. to school for the enjoyment of his fellow pupils. With -the presence of butter• flies and cloudy weather predict• ed for ground hog clay on Friday, one could be led to believe that spring is just around the corner. Let's not be lulled into a false sense of security, Methinks there will still be a good eight or ten weeks of winter weather ahead. -Although this is one time we cer• tainly wouldn't mind being wrong. Volume 79 • No. 31 Single Copies Six Cents MARCHING MOTHERS WILL CANVASS BLYTH NEXT WEEK Blyth's Matching Mothers will converge on the community next week in quest of funds for the March of Dimes Campaign. This has turned out to be an annual canvass in Blyth and each year a worthwhile amount is collected to be used for the various March of Dimes projects, Blyth is situated in the Central Western Branch of the province which includes the Counties of Waterloo, Wellington, Grey, Perth Huron, Bruce and Dufferin. The objective in these counties is $70, 000. The overall provincial ob• jective' is $850,000. The money you donate to the Marching Mother who calls at your home is urgently needed and wisely spent, We ask you to greet the ladies cheerfully and make their job just a little bit easier. Anyone in the rural area wishing to donate are asked to leave their donation with Mrs, Ann Sun- dercock, chairman of the March of Dimes. Lions Enrollment Hits All Time High With Addition Of Two New Members With the installation of two new members into the ranks of the Blyth Lions Club, the local club's roster is now at an all time high of sixty members. Bill Carter and Harvey Snell were the two men to join the club and were installed by Deputy District Governor John Campbell, a member of the Blyth organization. The .Blyth club has the distinc- tion of holding the record for the past three years in District A. for receiving new members into the club --a record that each and every member is indeed proud of, The record membership was set at the last regular meeting of the local club in the Memorial Hall Thursday, January 25th. Presi- dent. Harold Cook chaired the meeting and Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion catered for the meal. They were thanked on behalf of the club by Lion George Watt. Mr, Ed, Beard, a staff member of the Wingham District High School, will speak' at the next meeting of the club on February 8th. His address will be concern- ed with recent advancements in the field of education. HorticuIturaISocietyRev.iews. ...:'._..____ Productive Centennial Year Projects 'rhe annual meeting of the Blyth Horticultural Society was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webster on January the'28th with a good attendance. Mrs. Ann Sundercock presided I'or the business. The report giv en by the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. E. Wright, revealed a most succes- sful year. During 1967 they plan- ted and maintained the flowers on the street corners, at the Memor- ial Hall, at the Agricultural Park gates, and in the park on Dinsley Street. The special Centennial project was the purchasing of ten Almoy Crab Trees and the compiling and sale of cook books. The proceeds from the cook books was used to install two decorative lights on main street. These were designed and made by Mr. Wm. Nelsen. They also sponsored a contest for the best decorated home at the Christmas season. Keith Webster presided for the election of officers for 1968: Hon. President, Mrs. -Lorne Scrim- grour; Past President, Mrs.. M. Higgins; President, Mrs. Ann dercock; lst vice, Mrs. V. Tasker; :;nd vice, Mrs. K. Webster; Secre- tary -Treasurer, Mrs. E. Wright; Directors, Mrs. J, Fah'service, Airs. E. 'Logan, Mrs. G. McCallum, Mr, K. Webster, Mrs. M. Henry, Mrs. L. McGowan, Mr. A. Pierce, Mrs. G. Watt, Mrs, W. Good; Audi- tors, Mr. and Mrs. Charles John- ston; Representative to the Re- creation Committee, Mr. K. Web• ster. Mrs. Grace McCallum invited the members to meet at her home on March 26th, at 8 p.m. Mrs, Sun• dercock and Mrs, McGowan to be hostesses. The meeting closed with a social half hour. Hullett F. of A. Name Commodity Group Representatives The Itullett Federation of Agri- culture held their regular month- ly meeting in the Londesboro Hall, with the President, Bill Gibbings, presiding. It was decided to donate $30.00 to be divided among farmers from Hullett. Township who attend the Conestoga College short course, to help defray their expenses. Representatives were appointed to the various Commodity Groups, as follows: Hog Producers, Lloyd Stewart; Poultry Producers, Lorne Hunking; Milk Producers, Law• rence Plaetzer; Beef Producers, Leonard Archambault; Cream Pro. ducers, Archie Young; Lady -Dir. ector, Pat Honking; Lunch Con veners, Mrs, Jack Snell, Mrs. Geo. rge Colclough. Once again this year, the Direc• tors voted to forward three- quarters of the grant received from the township to the Huron County Federation of Agriculture. The second Monday of every month was set as the date for the regular monthly meetings, each meeting to start at 9 p.tn, sharp, The February meeting will be held in the Londesboro Hall on the 12th, and is to be an Open Meeting.` Every Director was ur- ged to bring at least two more people with hint, The Ontario Hydro is to show some films, and everyone is, welcome, It was decid• ed to serve coffee and do -nuts at the conclusion of this open meet- ing, THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1968 TOC ALPHA DELEGATE,' CONDUCTED INTERESTING PANEL DISCUSSION SUGAR and SPICB By Bill Smiley ALL'S WELL AT SCHOOL There are heartening signs that a revolution, bloodless, but sweeping, is taking place in education. There are indications that the oppressed people have passed the muttering stage, have attacked the Bastille, will free the prisoners and in the process over -run the Swiss Guards, defenders of the an• cient regime. And all will be wine and dancing in the streets. And chaos. But out of chaos eventually emerges order, Look what God made out of a heap of chaos. And out of the chaos of the Preach Revolution emerged a completely new concept of freedom and equality that had a tremendous impact on the world. Perhaps the revolution in education willproduce a similar freeing of the spirit of man, allowing him to cope with the great and relentless pressures of this age and those to come. Education in this century, the century of the common man, has been a failure on a grand scale. It has failed entirely to come to grips with a society that has been turned upside down and inside out by two global wars, mass communication, a tremendous spurt of tech- nological advance and a close, hard look at traditions. Educators, with a few notable exceptions, have been timid, shying from anything that might upset the system. The public at large has ignored education, except to bleat about the cost. As a result, education has been a generation behind the • The January meeting of the 1). C.W. WAS held in the Sunday school room of the, church with the new president, firs. AI. It Roberts in charge. The meeting began with a singsong of hymns with Mrs. Gordon Gross at the piano. ,firs, Roberts opened the meet - int; with "thoughts for the New Year." Mrs. Kenneth AleDougall gave the devotions, basing her medilatiOns on beginnings and closed with prayer, 1n a short business period, a donation was given to the eintin• gueney fund and Mrs. Oliver An- derson was appointed to buy some new hymn books for the church. Plans were discussed to do sever- al quilts and hisses Marsha, Mar- tie and Klaske Koopmans sang two trio numbers accompanied by 11lrs, Norman Wightman. Mr, Roberts introduced the del- egates to the recent 'I'oc Alpha convention in Niagara Falls. They formed a panel With Mr. Roberts as narrator. Panel members were Misses Brenda Ball, 13renda Ar- chambault and Jennifer Grange, Allan McDougall and Ed. Maines. They were sent by the Auburn charge and the U.C.W., and told about the conference in a very interesting way. Ed. Maines, on behalf of the group, offered thanks for the opportunity of attending the conference, Misses Nancy Anderson, Betty Moss and Jennifer Grange sang two selections accompanied by Mrs. Brian Hallam. The offering was received by Arva Ball and Margaret Roberts and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Roberts officiated at an impressive installation service and while members of Unit One were times, It has become a monolith of repression, rigidity and conform- preparing luch, Mrs. Norman Me- lly. It has been an elephant waltzing with a giraffe. _Dowell conducted contests, Win - But fresh winds are blowing through the concrete boxes in William were Marilyn Archambault, William Roberts, Mrs. Jack Arm - which young minds are supposed to be exhilarated, excited and liber• ,strong and Norman A1cDowell. ated. And with many another, I cry a loud, sincere, "Halleluia!" Go into an elementary school today. You may be shocked to death. Instead of sitting in neat rows, facing a teacher, and putting up their hands so they can spout some meaningless information which has been memorized, you're apt to find the children wandering all about the room, doing things, looking up information, actually t.alkin;i to each other, which, of course, is pure heresy. • It Looks like anarchy, but it isn't. The teacher is teaching, not just telling. The kids are learning, not being taught. No longe• are they little sponges, each in his own compartment. There is a flowing of ideas, a joy in finding out for oneself. Go into a high school. The teacher is supposed to be reading a poem, preferably written at least 100 years ago, Then he is sup' Posed to elicit from the students, with a series of childish question, which bore the bright ones and are ignored by the dumb ones, the meaning of the poem. Then there is supposed to be the search for similes and metaphors. Then he is to put an analysis of the poem on the blackboard, the kids copy it down, and everyone is happy. They have "done" a poem. They are being taught the joy of poetry, They are being educated. But what's this? They're not even sitting in rows, but in a circle. They're arguing about the poem, which was written three years ago. They relate it to their own lives. The discussion may run from hippies to drugs to broken hearts to religion to joy to beauty. They may still be fighting about it when they leave the classroom. Dreadful. Disorganized. It's all disgustitng and degenerate, but it's happening. And not just in the classroom, There are field trips in geography. Im agine, Going right outside where the geography Is, A visit to par. (lament by a history class. Shocking. History should be in hooks, where it belongs. A trip to the theatre for an English class. Sheer depravity, That Shakespeare can be pretty filthy staff, if it, isn't carefully censored. My wife tells me that some of the professors at university are actually teaching these days, instead of just talking at you. Where will it all end? The iron hand has been removed and one of these days we're going to be faced with a generation of kids who like school so much they'll have to he kicked out at 16. IT'S GOOD BUSINESS TO USE THE CLASSIFIED PAGES OF THE STANDARD ,Whether Shopping For a Bargain or Looking For a. Buyer One of the recent headline stor- ies to appear on CBC's Front Page Challenge dealt with police asking for wider powers to enable them to enforce the law more quickly. If their brief had been adopted, we would be living in a police state. A recent London, Ontario inti- dent is the type that must be guarded against. 'Three youths were detained for several hours, without notification to parents or guardians, after the body of a murdered girl had been found. The Chief of Police termed the incident an error and apologies were offered to the parents and guardians of the youths. The law enforcement officer who appeared on `Front Page" stated that the citizens were al. armed about the report, but had 'nothing to fear. The London incident occurred days after this program. It would seem that the police in that city didn't wait for their proposals to become law. If their brief had become law, a police officer could enter a home without a warrant for any reason whatso- ever. We are fortunate the proposals did not become law, It '' * h The N.F.L. Championship Foot - hall Game was first in the latest U.S. Nielsen Survey, In second snot was Saturday Night at the Movies, with the Rose Bowl game fakinr third position, Red Skelton was fourth, Dean Martin, Comer Pyle. and Jackie Gleason were lied for fifth posi. tion. Ed. Sullivan was eighth, with Bonanza number nine and Bewitched tenth, The Virginian was eleventh and Andy Griffith was twelfth, ,,4111 ",117 7r'Im7 mon: ,m,rlrl r,rl 7 1 mnl"!1I t 1!� 1 I m III!!' I I I (I 11 11 ! ( II. 7 . ,11, I ,,r !,I + � 1,I,Ir,•11!.1,11�1; II , ,! 1,11,,,x;:, Io'q! , I I a�!1f �q!mh, r! Im 1q .1 °!.'"1!!m' mI fhb, FROM THE MINISTER'S .STUDY The increase in crime, immorality, chug addiction, lawless• ness, wars and injustice together with the tension of today's living cause the hearts of many to be filled with apprehension and fear. The whole structure of society appears to be crumbling about us. Tried and true values, ethics, and standards are being tossed aside and we shudder as we see what is taking their place, The open re- bellion against authority and the unrestrained sensuality so apparent everywhere are only symptoms of a deeper malady, Having forsaken the way ul' righteousness, modern man stumbles in the dark without purpose or aim and falls prey to every evil passion. Looking for happiness and contentment, he moves from one cheap, empty pleasure to another and experiences only frustration and sense of futility — ev- er seeking and never quite finding the fulfillment of his deepest longings. Is there anything that is solid and secure? Is there anything that will ensure peace of mind and contentment? If there is, where can it be found? Christ said, "heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away." Man then, need not despair for here is hope, As long as God is, His word shall stand — unalterable, eternal. "For ever, 0 Lord, thy word is settled 111 heaven." (Psalm 119: 89) Here is a refuge. One may safely trust the word that will stand forever and stake his eternal destiny upon it. To the fearful, to the afflicted, to those bowed down with a load too heavy to hear, the promise is: "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." And again, "flim that cornett) to me I will in no wise east out." To these suffering the pangs of remorse and guilt is proclnhned, "'Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow." Here is a sure and steadfast anchor!—pardon for the past, rest for the present, and security for the future, 13ut just as surely as His eternal word speaks comfort and cheer to the believer, it speaks condemnation and judgment to those who persist in the way of the ungodly. To them the final word will be: "Repast from me all ye workers of iniquity." ,; 4 iiiiiiiiiiii11111111111111111111111iiii1111,1111101111111113111111111111141iiiiiilill 11111111111 AFTER SKATING - E. C. 1111111111111111111 III 11111IIIIIIdI11 pll 1I41111111lld1111191111111111611 CALI. IN FOR A DELICIOUS TREAT ICE CREAM SUNDAES •• P01' •• CHIPS LIGII'1' LUNCHES • MEALS CIGARETTES • TOBACCOS • CONFECTIONERIES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL `lLPoe52.43R10 I.'I 111 111'1 nn,111 n I t 11 I II, ,II,I I ,.,, III, h 1 1 I •I• I''il'I I I I I i t I 1 !,I.!,111111;111;1;,1,I, III111P1111r3111,!1110'h+J,UI," i 111Y, ;,,11,911.11'Ii!!;1.I t I I! 101 q I'lli!i1111111.9!, I I' 11 II �111111q I. I I ;, I 1,.1.1.., • 1i., •, I�,,,1',.�I 11,,1,,x,1111. ...,.!..111.1..,111f1.11.1'.II,1.,,��'Ea1Cl[�� 1,�91',I�II 0:11vittlie5 ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IREV, I.tOBERT U, MacLEAN, B,A, 1:00 p.m. Church Service 1:00 p.m. Sunday School CHURCH OF GO,D McConnel Street, Blyth ••• Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a,m, Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Worship. 7:30 p.m, Evening Service, 8:00 p.m, Monday evening ••- Youth Hour. , 8:00 p,m. Wednesday evening -•• Prayer Meeting, Thought For The Week "Rejoice in the Lord alway." Phil, 4:4 "A rejoicing Christian is one of God's best advertisements," CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. 1I, W. KROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a,m. — Moly Communion, 3:00 p.m. — holy Communion and Applicatory Sermon, ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA REV, G. E. PAKENIIAM, DIP, TH., RECTOR Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a.m. — Holy Communion. Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11:15 a.m. — Morning Prayer St, Mark's Church, Auburn: 1:30 p.m. — Evening Prayer. St, Paul's Church, Dungannon: 2:45, p,m. — Evening Prayer. THE UNITEI) CHURCH OF CANADA REV, W. 0. MATHER, B,A., LLD., MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Musk, 9:45 a.m, — Sunday Church School, 11:00 a,m, — Morning Worship -- Fruit of the Spirit (3) Peace 8:00 p.m, — Study Group --• "Is Christianity Unique?" 1111.111 221 I l 1111 111111111111111 i lill�!Illl1!11,111!!illilpUq!11,1j1V ! I IIIA; 41.11,111 ?!1!Illll!1'!!!!!!I!!!!ly!INIill111;!lildLll!111111!111�!I!li!ItiIII!iII!II!�!!II!191�'III!II!I!!LI Yearly Committee; Reports Given At Duff's Church Annual T"u The annual meeting of Duffs United Church, Walton, was held last Wednesday evening in the church with a good attendance. Rev, D, Docken opened the meet- ing with hymn "Rise Up Oh Son of God" followed with the reading of scripture. Mrs, Campbell Wey acted as pianist for the evening. Prayer was offered and a welcome was given to all those who attend- ed. Mrs, Harvey Craig was ap• pointed secretary for the even• ing and read the minutes of the last annual meeting. The United Church Men's Coon• with Emerson Mitchell and Hoy Williamson as members will remain in office for the time be- ing, A minutes of silence honour- ing the deceased members of the congregation was held followed by prayer. in the report of the Session Rev. Docken thanked the congre• gation for their hospitality and making them feel at home in coin- ing to their new charge, also the response of the members in coni• ing to Open I-iquse at the Manse. A confirmation Class of fifteen members is being prepared to be- come members of the church this spring. The Treasurer's report was discussed, The M. and AI, fund was commended on their efforts having given $300 more than last year, The Minister ex• plained the M, and M, Unified Budget. The lli•C report was presented by Mrs. Nelson Marks and remark. cd about the good work that had been accomplished. Mrs, Walter Bewley thanked the teachers for their help given her during her term as leader of Mission Band. The newly appointed leader will he Mrs. Merton Hackwell. Each member of the church wi11 be as. sensed about Glee for Presbytery 1'rojeel fund. Airs, lion Bennett reported for the Scouts telling something about work accomplished, hikes and of their summer trip, Mrs. Docken will help with the C.G.1.T. work. The Sunday School report was given by Mrs. Nelson Reid and particularly stressed the success (I' the Christmas Concert. Mr, ,Martin Baan voiced his apprecia- tion to the teachers and hoped that more will come forth and help in teaching the classes. Mrs. Win. Roe outlined some of the different accomplishments of the U.C.W. Some special events were, World 1)ay of Prayer, Faster Thankoffering, 11lrn strips, .Sunday Service, Annual Presbytery, Alma College, Work shop at Blyth, Cut out and stuffed toys for Ontario Hospital at Goderich, helped a needy family, 'I'oc Alpha, Turkey Supper, Farewell Party and Open House at Manse. Mr, Laverne Godkin announced the new board of Stewards for 19(38 as follows; Noss Bennett, Howard (lackwell, Donald McDon- ald, Itay 1Iuether and Jack Ros- man. It was decided to send out four financial reports during the year, Church services will he withdrawn during the ministers holidays being the last three Sun• days in August. A supply pastor for March 17 will he left in charge of the session. It was suggested that members of the congrega• tion offer a ride to anyone who would like to attend services at a neighbouring church. Mr. Martin titian gave a vote of thanks to the Seeretary•'I'r•easurer, ,1ii's. IL Craig, for her diligent work during her lime in office, and to the chairman, itev. D. E. Docken, ile expressed the wish that each and all of us would get to know one another better and they would he free and able to stay with us. Itev. Docken replied on behalf of Mrti, Ducker and himself that they have been very happy and quite at home in their new charge. The Steward's were given the au- thority to • hire the organist and look after necessary details. The meeting was adjourned with Ben- ediction followed by a social hall hour and lunch, Classified Acls, Pay Big Dividends 1ILYTII STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, Obituary 'i'II'OMA,S McPIIEE Funeral services were held on Monday, .January 29th, in the Nile United Church for 'Thomas Me. Thee who passed away in Alexan- dra and Marine hospital, (lode• rich, after a lengthy illness. Born in Colborne 'township, he was the sort of the late John McPhee and Annie Mcllwain and was in his 84th year. hollowing his marriage to the former Margaret May Smith, and resided in West Wawanosh where he farmed all his life. ile was a member of Nile United Church and served many years as an elder and Sunday School su- perintendant and teacher. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons, Harvey and Orval, both of R.R. 3, Auburn, and three grandchildren; also one sister, Mrs. John (Laura) Jackson, Wood• stock; brothers, David, Vehmillion, Alberta, Clifford, R.R. 3, Auburn, and Ralph, of London. Rev. Glen Wright officiated at the funeral service, with the Wil Barn Stiles Funeral Home, Au- burn, in charge of arrangements. Burial took place in Dungannon cemetery and the pallbearers were Elwyn Feagan, Harvey Gar- vin, Wilmer Rutledge, Stanley Mc- Gratten, Alvin Kerr and Graham MeNce, all former members of his Sunday School class. `•-•••••-+.4-4-4 4 4.4 ♦-♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ +4.4 • +-♦-♦+++++•++-♦ +-♦-+•+-+ +-♦•+-+-4.4 .14.1-+ ♦ ♦ +4+ 4-4-4-44-4.4-44 ♦-♦-+-+-+-+-N-+++-+-+-+•••• +N +-f1 ♦+++-+-4-+-+++1•, /+•-•-•-•-•444-•-•-4-•444-44-44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•44-414-4-*-•-•44-•-•-•-•-•-•-it-•-•-*-44**-4-4 r+-+-44.4.4++4-4*-410-+ •-+++-+r+-++.-a-+++-.-.-+-.++. SMOKE IT .... OR THROW IT AWAY The lighted cigarette between the lips of six million Canadians represents, in the opinion of many doctors, the great- est health problem in the country to- day. The effects of cigarette smoking can be deadly. The mixture of particles and gases in the smoke reduces the func- tion of the lungs and, as the years pro- gress, the continued inhalation of the noxious mixture is contributing to a higher and higher toll of disability and death. Inhaling smoke from even ONE cigarette increases resistance in the lung's airways. The tiny particles of tat' in the smoke act as an irritant, causing the bronchial tubes to swell, and as a result the smoker has to work harder for the air he breathes. The gases in cigarette smoke interfere with the cleansing mechanism of the respir- atory system. Normally, the lining of the respiratory tract has a coating of fluid from the nose down through the smallest air passages. Inhaled dirt and bacteria settle on this fluid, and tiny hair-like cells called "cilia" sweep the fluid containing its load of harmful substances up to the nose and throat where they can be elitninated. But cig- arette smoke slows down or eventually stops the cilia's action, permitting dirt and bacteria to remain in the respira- tory tract. If they retrain long, irrita- tion, infection and illness can result. Chronic bronchitis is frequently linked with heavy cigarette smoking. The lin- ing of the bronchial tubes becomes in- flamed, air flow to and from the lungs is hampered and mucous is coughed up. The victim hacks and spits and very of- ten calls it a cigarette cough, but it is actually bronchitis and as the disease progresses, debility progresses with marked obstruction to air flow, heavy cough and sputum and shortness of breath. Chronic bronchitis sometimes causes death, but more often it leads to other serious disabling diseases. Emphysema is believed to be a late de- velopment of chronic bronchitis. In this disease, air becomes trapped in the lungs when the airways are obstruct- ed. The lungs become distended and the sponae-like tissue that absorbs ox- ygen from the air is damaged irrever- sibly. Emphysema interferes with a Iran's earning ability and closes the door to an active social life. At its worst, ` e i physonia reduces life to - fight for every breath. When the lungs become thus damaged, blood cannot flow normally through the narrowed small blood vessels, and the heart must work harder to push the blood through. THE GREATEST RISK OF CIGARETTE SMOKING WE ARE TOLD, IS DEATH FROM DISEASE OF THE HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Lung cancer is second as a risk of cig- arette smoking. In 1930, shortly after smoking became a national habit, lung cancer `Vas comparatively rare. In the United States deaths from lung can- cer increased from 2,500 in 1930 to 50,- 000 today. And the estimate is that lung cancer kills 10 tinges as many cig-' garette smokers as non-smokers, Heart disease, lung cancer, emphysema bronchitis, shortness of breath, chron- ic coughs .. , and some risks we have- n't mentioned, such as premature ba- bies and neonatal deaths ... are often the results of cigarette smoking. Even \'.len the lungs are badly damag- ed, say doctors, stopping smoking will slow down the disease or, at least, re- duce cough and sputum. And, of course, if you're lucky enough not to have developed diseases associa- ted with cigarette smoking, you vastly improve: your chances of escaping them completely , • if you quit now! Your Christmas Seal contributions fight Til and Respiratory Diseases and the conditions that aggro vale them, Huron County TB Association JANUARY 31, 1968 REPORT During the week of January 21 to January 27, 1968, Officers at the Wingham Detachment worked 2701/2. hours and patrolled 2106 miles. Seven persons were charged under the highway Traffic Act and eighteen persons were warn. ed. 'Twentyone Safety checks were conducted. Thirteen persons were charged under the Liquor Control Act. Four Criminal Code investiga• tions were conducted and one per- son charged under the Criminal Code. The following Motor Vehicle Ac- cidents were reported to the Wingham Detachment. id, Hwy. No, 4 and 86 On Sunday evening, a car driven by Donald Edwards, R.R. 3, Lon- don, Ontario, was southbound on Highway 4 when it was struck by a westbound car driven by Jerry Irwin, R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. Passengers in the Edwards car, Nancy Abel, London, Ontario, and Donald Edwards, received minor injuries. Damage was estimated at $1100.00. Prov. Const, K. G. Wilson was the investigating of. facer. Huron County Road No. 7 On Wednesday afternoon, Ethel Darling, R.It. 1, Clifford, Ontario, „was westbound on County Road 7 when she lost control of her car on the icy road and skidded into the ditch. Damage was estimated at $250.00, Prov. Const. K. G. Wil• son investigated, Blyth Also on Wednesday afternoon, Prov. Const, K. G. Wilson investi- gated an -accident on Morris Street Blyth, Ontario, in which the left front fender of a car driven by Neiman McDougall, R.R. 1, Au. burn, Ontario, struck the left front fender of a car driven by Robert Auchan, Blyth, Ontario. Damage was estimated at $300.00. Blyth On Saturday at 1.15 a.m., a car driven by Terrance Morrison, l3arnholm, Ontario, was struck on the right side by a car driven by Paul Felker, Seaforth, Ontario, at the intersection of King and Mor- ris Streets. Damage was estimat- ed at. $1200.00 Prov. Const. W. A. Stevenson investigated, - Highway No, 4 On Saturday afternoon, a car driven by Joan Wilson, Waterloo, Ontario, went out of control and skidded into the Maitland River Bridge just south of Wingham. A passenger, Bernice Wieland, Wat• erino, Ontario, was taken to Wingham and District Hospital with injuries, Two other passer'. ger's, David Alexander, London, Ontario, and Adrian Midden, Kit. chener, Ontario, were not injured. Prov. Const. K. R. Balzer investi- gated, On Saturday evening on High- way No, 4, Donald Cook, Wing - ham, Ontario, had stopped to turn into the Royal T when his vehicle was struck from behind by a car driven by Arthur Showers, Wing• ham, Ontario. Damage was esti nulled at $500.00. Prov Const, W. A. Stevenson investigated. Many drivers arc able to keep up an interesting conversation with others in the car and still ploy full attention to their driving -- but, equally true, many drivers can't, They let their attention w•;u•n•d•e•r •-- maybe only for a second or two, but there are lots of times on the road when even just one second of inattention re- sults in an accident. - REMEMBER -- Safe Driving Requires All Your Attention All The Time, THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1968 BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Airs, Bruce Marshall, of London, spent a few days last week with her father, Air. Stanley Cook, while her mother was a patient in Wingham and District, Hospital. Friends of Mr. Lewis Cook were sorry to hear, he fell and broke some ribs while repairing a pump at the home of Mr, 13ert Fear. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slesser, of Kincardine, visited with Mrs, Tel- ford Cook on Monday. Master Murray Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin, had surgery on Monday morning in the Wingham and District Hos- pital. Master Randy and Stephen Mae - Kay and Miss Tracey MacKay spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGuire, Miss Nora VanCamp has been visiting among relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Clare VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Glen VanCamp due to having a broken arm. Master Murray Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cook has been a patient in Wingham and District Hospital having undergone a ap• pendix operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Coultes spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Russel Walker, of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Freethy and Dianne spent the Weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Mae Harvey and Mr. Harvey, Markdale. Mrs, Stanley Cook returned home on Sunday from Wingham and District hospital. Air, and Mrs, Wayne Niblick, of KItchener, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Clarence Hanna, and visited with her fa• ther, Mr. Clarence Hanna, who is a patient. in Wingham and Dist- rict hospital. Mr. Jack Boyle and AIr. Gus Boyle, Wingham, spent. last Fri• clay afternoon with ,lir, and Mrs, Mark Armstrong. ,Mr. and Nil's. Cyril Canning, of Brantford, Mrs, Velma Dow, of London, spent. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Coultes, There was 6 tables of euchre in play in the Belgrave Community rooms last Wednesday night, High Lady, Mrs. J. M. Coultes; High Man, Mr. Charles Coultes; Low Lady, Mrs, Elsie Gardner; Low Man, Mrs, David Ilanna (play ing as a man); Novelty prize, la• dy, Mrs. Robert Higgins, man, Mr. Gerald Nicholson, Stewart. Procter Awarded A Centennial Medal Mr, Stewart. Procter, past. reeve of Morris Township, has been awarded a Centennial Medal on the occasion of the 100th Anniver- sary of Confederation of Canada, in recognition of valuable service to community and nation. •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-.44-0444-4444++*4-•-•+++++4-•-•-•-•-•-•-i Wanted -- Turnips For Waxing WE CAN PAY ,OVER THE MARKET PRICE FOR GOOD SMOOTH TURNIPS 31" — 51/2" Roy Pitt Produce - Lucan, Ontario Phone 227.4793 r• -'-'--+-+..•l'$-. • * +1.11 .1. N•••.--•+.4.4-4. •-• •-.•N-1-..•1-,.,., s • •• • •-•-•-1 ♦ • •-•-•-•-•1•• • • • Nll-•-••.•••.-•-•-•-•1-•-•-.+•-.•N-*tN-•-• • ii t i START THE YEAR IN STYLE AO Ye with one of these beauties 1968 FA1RLANE 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto. trans, 1968 FORD Custorn 500, 4 dr., V8, auto. 1968 FAIRLAINE V8, 2 dr., Hardtop. 1967 PONTIAC Grande Parissienne, 4dr„ Hardtop, 1967 GALAYIE 500, 2 dr., Hardtop, 1967 CHEV. Bel -Aire, V8, 4 dr,, automatic. 1966 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 dr., automatic 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, V8, 4 dr., auto. 1966 FORD Custom 500, V8, 4 dr., auto. 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, 6 cyl., 4 dr, auto. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 6 cyl,, 4 dr. auto, 1966 PONTIAC Pariessienne, 2 dr,, Hardtop 1966 FORT) Custom 4 dr., 6 cyl., automatic 1965 PONTIAC '1 dr., automatic, 1965 OLDS 4 dr., Hardtop. 2-1965 CHEV. Bel -Aire, 4 dr., automatic 1965 CHEV. Biscayne 4 dr., automatic 1963 CI-IEV. Bel -Aire 4 dr., 6 cyl. automatic 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 dr., 6 cyl., stand, trans. 1963 0LI)S. 4 dr., Hardtop, 1961 CI-IEV, 4dr,, 6 cyl. 1961 CORVAIR. Hamm's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario, Phone 523-9581 .Sunday School held Crokinole Party On Friday evening, January 26, the Belgrave Sunday School held their crokinole party 111 the church basement with 10 tables in play. High lady, Mrs. Lorne Jamieson; High roan, Air. George Michie; Low lady, Donelda Lamont; Low man, Mr. Charles R. Coultes. ISELGRA1'E LEAGUE IIOCKEY RESULTS Belgrave Squirts 14, llluevale 0; Belgrave Squirts 9, Kurtzville 0; Belgrave Pee Wees tied with Ford- wieh 5.5; Belgrave Pee Wees 5, Gorrie 2. Belgrave Bantams 3, Clifford 1; Belgrave Bantams 5, Kurtzville 6, Stone School Midgets 9, Kurtz- ville, 7; Stone School Midgets 11, Gorrie 5; Stone School 1ntermed- diate 7, Fordwich 8. Exhibition game, Goderich Squirts 4, Belgrave 1. Two Belgrave teams played in Brussels on Saturday in Tri Coun- ty games: Belgrave Bantams 4, Brussels 7. Belgrave Tykes 7, Brussels 2; Belgrave Tykes 1, Blyth 5. Neil Rieman was one of the three stars in the bantams. Broomball Girls, Blyth 1, Bel - grave 0; Belgrave 2, Wingham 1, 13roomball Men, Brussels 3, Bel - grave 0. BELGRAVE U.C.N. MEETING The U.C.W. met in the church basement on Thursday evening, January 25. Past President, Mrs. Jack Taylor, opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by a medi- tation "Redeeming the 'Time." During the installation of officers Rev. John Roberts read from the 4th chapter of Pauls letter to Eph- esians, followed by prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, and correspond- ence read. Mrs. Jack Higgins gave the treasurer's report, and Airs. William Coultes brought in the budget for the coming year. Motions were made and passed that we send $25.00 to cover cost of shipping the bale and also to get. the piano tuned. It was men- tioned that old nylons are urgent- ly needed and a box will he placed in the church for this purpose. Motions were also made and pas• sed that we spend $50,00 on new materials to be used for overseas relief and that we give the Sun- day School $25,00 and the. Obser- ver $100,00. Worship was conducted by i\lrs. Earl Anderson and Mrs, Willard Armstrong. Hymn "Creation's Lord, we give Thee Thanks" was sung, followed by the offering which was then dedicated. The Study "The Church -Christians Scattered" was taken by Mrs. Earl Anderson, During worship iIrs, Williard Armstrong read four passages of scripture and worship closed with prayer and a hymn. Mrs, Ross Anderson showed the film strip "One half of one per- cent" which dealtwith the small christian percGtage in Japan. This was followed by a discussion of the film strip. Rev, John Roberts closed the meeting with the benediction. ()- NOTICE NOTICE '1'l►e Amnia] Meeting and Banquet of Huron County Children's Aid Society is being held in St. An. drew's Presbyterian Clnu'clt Hall, 1Vingham, Wednesday, February 14, 1968, at 6.30 p,m. Banquet tickets are available at $2,00, from the Children's Aid Society staff and Board Members. The public is cordially invited to attend, 30-2 .+i.+ ir�ai�,irLn.. i. ih• 1 EMBEEIMMOMMIll+4-•-•'•-• i-• •-•-•-►•.••-•-F• 1 iP WE 11'ILI, IIELP YOU TO FIGHT THE 'FLU' The following well-known products will help you to keep MAL'1'LEV01. GEIUTOL LIQUID or TABLETS W1 lPOLE EXTRACT COD LIVER HALIBUT LIVER 011, CAPSULES CEIt'I'IF11';I) C0I) LIVER OIL V1'I'A 1)IE'1' 'T,1IS1.1;'1',5 VICK'S E'OItMU1.A 44 VICK'S VAPO RUB C0NTAC•C COIIICIUIN 'TABLE'TS BA1'EIt U1.00NGFSTAN'l' 'I'AISLE'I'S 0RADE:'1'S LOZENGES t'lI1LP'S BRONCHIAL SYRUP $2.50 $3,09 $1,811 and $3,0b 85c, 51.59 and $2.79 98e and 51.75 $2,98 $1,12 and $1,69 62e, 51,07 and $1,60 51,35 and $2,69 51,49 and $3.09 $1.35 91e 95c R. U. PHILP, Phm.B DRUGS • SUNDRIES • WALLPAPER -- I'I►one Blyth 523.4440 Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH — ONTARIO, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECT LLfZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.44$1 Phones Residence 523.4522 Buy That New Suit Now AND SAVE ..041I#411rt V .••... r..+ .,,#..14,. 4.0.04P...+ MADE TO MEASURE SUITS by House of Stone ►.N.r... MI..V,IJNN#44-,r.....N~MIJ4Nin..'NN..I.IPN'I'I•IJ•I4shI .JUST CHECK THESE SAVINGS - - - Reg. $106.00 SALE $ 86.60 Reg. $120.00 SALE $ 95.00 Reg, $112.0(1 SALE $102.00 R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Wednesday and Friday •-•-•-•-•-•-w+•-•+H-•-Ni-•-•+1-•-••• 4++-4±4-4-.-N 1••-4-•-•-•-N+N-4-• A Chance To WIN cases Every Time You Shop At The BLYTH SINGER CENTER YOUR HOT SPOT STORE IN BLYTH Business Directory VODDEN's TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE MYTH — Phone 523.9313 isonar• or .I. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST • 20 Isaac Street — CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5,30 p.rn, For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFOItTII OFFICE — Valance of Week — Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES .'F CLEANERS AND POLIS1TERS FILTER QUEEN SALES — Varna -- Tel. Coll. Hensall 6961{': SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC, PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE — Brussels R.R. 2 — Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET MYTH -- ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS; By Appointment Only, Except Emergr'ncies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre — WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and Thursday HOGS on Tuesday Trucking To and From Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYTII 523.9301 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker, R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; 'Res. 523.4522 or 523.4323 WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Home's and Busines.;es. ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT GODERICH -- ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia Rd., I. CRAWFORD, - SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICI'T'ORS .I, Ii. Crawford, Q.C.; Norman Shepherd, L.L.B.; Alan Mill. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment, LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523.4481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING - 'TINTING - CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM -- Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All 1)as' Monday -- Open Tuesday Through Saturday 1)EAI) STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Homes at Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound -•-•• Phone Callect 133, Brussels, BRUCE MARLATT or Glenn Gibson,Pltone 523.4344 Blyth, (24 hr, service) Plant Lk. No. 54-R.P. 61; Coll. Lie, No, 88•G61 BLYTII BEAUTY BAR CU'I"PlNG, ,STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING ANI) SIX WEEK RINSES ANN HOLLINGER — Phone Blyth 523.9341 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTR1C and ACETYLENE WELDING ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 A THE l3LYTil STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1908 IE IIMITO MIEDIMENRIZEISEMprioutdd,;m(()D!►gingssignIM.MINCIP?U![<CIS►Q1IM!RMl17l!f@(. I! VIIII, iii lION ' II II Illi SELL IT! BUY IT! RENT IT! FIND IT! PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 10R. SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 3000 bales of hay. 11, 'Phalen, 11 pigs. Apply Z. 1"lulzehosch, 11(10 bales of 1st cut hay; Baled phone 523.0918 Blyth. 314 phone 526.7510 Auburn. 31-1 combine straw. Walter Cunning- ham, phone .526.7597, Auburn.30.2 NOTICE 'I'0 CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of ROBERT VA'I'TERSON, Fanner, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of IIuron, wild died on• or about the 12th clay of January, 1968, are required to file full par- ticulars with the undersigned by the 171h day of February, 1968, as after that date the assets of the estate will he distributed. DATED at. Goderich, Ontario, this 16th day of January, 1968. HAYS AND HAYS, Solicitors for the Estate. 33 Montreal Street, cloderich, Ontario. 29.3 HOUSE FOR RENT Three quarters of a mile from Blyth on Highway 4, Central heat- ing. Possession February 1, Apply Elliott. Real Estate, Blyth. 29tf CHAIN SAW REPAIRS Having Chain Saw Problems? Expert repairs are available at Bill's Esso Station. phone Blyth • 523,9.5.56. 28 -td, FOR SALE FARMS WANTED We have buyers for all types and sizes of fauns. If you are thinking of .selling this Spring now is the time to list. Your • phone call will bring prompt Service. 1 + A 41 + STAN KAY Phone 523.4464, Blyth Ont. Representing 11. Keith Ltd., Realtor, Toronto, Ontario, ""1 CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Friday -7:30 (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton A W A NTE!) Baby buggy, in good condition. Phone 523-9477 Blyth. 31-1 p FOR. SALE Good quality straw, 3000 bales. Harry .1, Bakker, phone 523-9202 Blyth, 31-1 FOR SALE 17 pigs, 10 weeks old, Fred Me - Cool, phone 523.4220 Blyth, 31.1 JOB WANTED Baby sitting, afternoons or ev- enings. Mavis Bailey, phone 523- 9338 Blyth. 31-2 FOR SALE Hampshire Boar, 2 years old, with papers, good breeder. Nor- man McClinehey, phone 526-7789 Auburn. 29-2 PLEASE RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS All IIuron County Library books are to he returned by Thursday, February 8th, to the Blyth Library, ready for the exchange, APPLICATIONS FOR CARETAK- ER, BLYTII UNION CEMETERY to be in the hands of the secre- taryTreasurer, Irvine Wallace, not later than February 13th, 1968. Please state hourly wage expected. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 31-2 CARI) OF THANKS 1 wish to extend sincere thanks to all those who sent gifts and cards while I was a patient in Wingham and War Memorial "Hos- pitals. Also the Dr's and nurses who where so kind. 31-1. —David Marshall. WRITE TODAY!! Learn how you can earn with AVON• Territories available now in MORRIS or EAST WAWA - NOSH. MRS. 51. MILLSON, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 31.1. RAWLEIGII BUSINESS now open in part IIuron county. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. A-136.189, 9005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont- real. 31-1 BLYTH SINGER CENTER Repairs to all Makes and ,Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLINGS, PROP. Phone 513.4275 Res. 523.4591 PECKIT'I' PLUM RING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS — 0114 BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US — WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA I{,R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. JOHN BOSVELD, London. LYLE YOUNGBLUT 01L BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your Oil Heating Contractor" BOB HENRY -- GENERAL AUCTIONEER BLYTIL ONTARIO For All Types of Sales — Telephone 523.4234 WALTON Mr. Leonard- Leeming is at pres• ent confined to the Seaforth Com- munity hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Love, of Quill Lake who have been visiting for the past six weeks with the for•- mer's sister, Mrs. Walter Broad. foot, and other relatives in Sea- forth and vicinity and London left on Monday to spend a week or two in Toronto before returning home. Miss Nellie- Bawl, Guelph Uni• versity, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baan. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin over the weekend included -Mr. and Mrs,' Wm. Dinsmore and family, Bramp- ton, Mr, and Mrs. John McGavin and family, Thornbury, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and family. A reception honouring Mr, and Mrs. Robert Shannon was held in the Walton Community Hall Fri- day evening with a good crowd in attendance. During the even- ing the newlyweds were presented with a sum of money on behalf of the community. Ian Wilbee's Or- chestra provided music for danc- ing. The McKillop Unit sponsored a progressive Lost Heir party at the S.S. 9 School McKillop with 10 tables in play. Prize winners were, Ladies high, Mrs, D. Watson, low, Mary Leeming; Gents high, D. Watson; low Laverne Godkin; Nearest birthday, Dianne Dennis; Lucky cup, Tommy Leeming, Mrs. 1). Watson acted as master of cer• emonies for. the following pro- gram: step dance by Dianne Den• pis and Peggy Dennis with Mrs. Laverne Godkin as pianst, Rev. D. E. DQCken with his guitar sang "'Phe Wee Cooper of Fife" and "The Fox hunt." Scotch reading "The Young Lockinvar" by Mrs. Charles 5TcCutcheon. Dance by Dianne and Peggy Dennis, Solo by Rev. D. E. Docket] "Saskatchewan." A social half hour was enjoyed and lunch was served by the McKillop Unit ladies. WALTON W. 1. MEETING The Walton Women's Insitute January meeting was held in the Community Ball with vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Alvin McDonald pre. siding. During the business part a letter was read from the Fed- erated W. 1, of Ontario and on.. concerning the Officer's Confer- ence at Guelph, April 30, May 1 and 2, 1( was decided to send a do- nation to the Northern Canada - W. 1, and the 75th anniversary fund of MacDonald Institute. Card parties to he held in the Hall Feb. ruary 2 and 16th, committees in charge of these, Feb. 2, Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. G. Watson, Mrs. G. Williamson, Mrs. F. Walters, Mrs. E. Watson. Feb. 16, Mrs. 1T. Craig, + Mrs, G. McGavin, Mrs. D, Ennis, Mfrs. R. Bennett, Mrs, N. Reid. Nominating committee apphint- ecl were: Mrs. Roy Williamson, Mrs. George Blake, Mrs. Alex Gul- utzen, Mrs, Van Vliet Sr. Mrs, Jan Van Vliet Jr., The District Presi- (I nt is to visit us at the Feb. t meeting. The program was in charge of the Committee on Resolutions, Airs. G. Williamson and Mrs. Allan McCall, The motto "Those who wears the shoe knows where it pinches" by Mrs, C, Williamson, A reading ""A Smile" by Mrs. A. Mc. Call, The highlight of the evening was the showing of pictures of Newfoundland by Mr, Rollie Ach• illes, A contest "Centennial Plus One" by Mrs. McCall. Lunch was served " by Mrs, W. Humphries, Mrs. G, Sholdice, Mrs, U, Achilles, Mrs, T. Dundas. , TI•IE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 19(18 Londesboro In spite of the inclemency of the weather a large congregation turned out on Sunday morning to 1 • take part in the second annual Youth Service. The anthems eon- lributed by the Huron Centennial Youth Choir were much appreci- ated and will he an inspiration to many who were privileged to hear DURING STOCK TAKING OUR SALE WILL BE ON WINTER CLOTHING ONLY Many Specials Left To Clear At GOOD SAVINGS TO YOU "The House of Branded Lines and Lowe]' Prices." The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, 4-+•-•-•-•-•-•444-4+44-4++++++4-• M ++N •i -•++•+•+•-•-•-N+•••+ 4 t t t Snell's""MET HOT SPECIALS AT YOUR HOT SPOT STORE Cousins Ice Cream, half gal. pak, only 79c Maxwell House Instant Coffee, 10 oz. 1.39 Kleenex 400s, economy size 3 for 81c Aylmer Jams, Jellies and Marmalades 5 - 9 oz. jars 1.00 Stokley's Fancy Pumpkin, 4 - 28 oz. tins 1.00 Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 2 lb. jar . 39c Welch's Grape Jelly, 24 oz. jar 49c Club house Maraschino Cherries, red or green, 16 oz. 59c Ardnlona Fancy Fruit Cocktail or Fancy Peach Halves, 2 - 28 oz. tins 89c P. M. Back Bacon only 79c per lb. Burn's Bacon Ends 2 lbs.. , . for only 79c Fresh Pork Liver per lb. .....oilly 35c 1 oleman's Bologna only 35c lb., in piece K. P. Weiners 2 lb. pkgonly 89c Burn's Link Sausage 2 lbs. only 89c NO. 1, POTATOES, Ontario or P.E.I: s , 75 Ib. bag only 2.99 Ivory Liquid For Dishes, king size 32 oz. 1.09 WE ARE YOUR CKNX HOT SPOT STORE IN BLYTH Daily $10.00 Prizes and a $100.00 Prize Every Friday for 8 weeks. Come in for complete rules. Let's bring some of this prize money to Blyth Phone 523-9332 We Deliver (helm The responsive Psalm was led by the Explorers and the ser• mon in dialogue "The Story of Creation" was given by Barry Lear and Rev. Jewitt. '.Thursday, February 1st, the Ex. plot'erS will Canvass the village in aid of the "March of Dimes." The W. I, will hold the Feb. ruary meeting on the 7th, it week later than the usual dale. Mr. and Airs. Mervin Eckmier, of Kincardine, visited recently with Airs. Gaunt, Mr, Will Govier and Mrs. Webster. Mrs. Allan Shaddick and Miss - Edith Beacom attended the Teach- ers Conference held in 'Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee spent five days vacation in Nassau. They returned on Sunday. Ilav ing gone with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Radford who are having a longer holiday. Air. and 11rs. Howard Cartwright and family left on 'Tuesday for a two weeks holiday in Florida. The Hall Board held a success- ful card party on Friday evening with sixteen tables in play. ANNUAL MEE'T'ING OF KNOX UNITED CHURCH, BELGRAVE The annual meeting of Knox United Church, Belgrave, was held Tuesday evening, January 23rd, with members enjoying a "pot luck supper" at 7 o'clock. The Rev. John Roberts was chairman and Mr. William Coultes as secretary. A moment of silence was observed for members of the congregation who had passed away during the year. New members added: Com- mittee of Stewards, Messrs, Jake Aluilwyk, Leslie I3olt, Ross Itig- gins; Representative of U.C.W. to Committee of Stewards, Mrs. Jack Higgins; Board of 'Trustees, Mr. Mark Armstrong; Ushers and Of- fering Stewards, Messrs. Lloyd Mi - clic and Ivan Wheeler; Mr. Geo- rge Michie is to be chairman of this committee; Christian Educa- tion, Mrs. Cliff Logan, It was de- cided to continue the every mem- ber plan for the Observer, The next meeting will be held Janu- ary 28, 1969 with 0 pot luck sup. per at 7 p.m. BELGRAVE EXPLORERS 1IEET The Explorers met in the base- ment of Belgrave United Church with 6 members present, Mrs. Laura Johnston opened the meet- ing with the Explorers Hymn wilds Is My Father's World" fol. lowed by repeating the Explorers purpose and prayer. The first chapter of the study hook "Long Nigh to 'I'oyko" was read by Mrs, Cliff Logan, Quest- ions on the story and discussion of the work of missionaries was led by Mrs, Johnston. A game Questions and Answers on Japan was played.. The children made Japanese lanterns and the presi• dent closed the meeting. HURON•PERTII U.C.W. WILL CONDUCT FIRST MEETING SINCE CHURCH AMALGAMATION A historical event for United Church Women will take place in Northside United Church, Sea• forth, a1 the afternoon of Febru• ary 7 when the inaugural meet• ing of the new IIuron-Perth Pres. hyterial U.C.W, will be conducted by Mrs. W, 13, Cruikshank, 'Presi• dent of London Conference U.C. W. The salve meeting will mark the first formal union of the women's groups associated with the United Church of Canada and the Evan. gelical United Brethren. These two churches amalgamated on January 10th. Guest speaker will 1)e Mrs. E. Hallam, last conference chairman for the Women's World Service group of the former E.U.B. Church, VESTRY MEETING OF BELGRAVE ANGLICAN CHURCH The Vestry meeting was held in 'Trinity Anglican Church, Bel., grave, 011 Thursday evening, Jan- uary 25. Rev, Peter Pakenham opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were • t • • • • e • react by the secretary, Miss Mary Isabel 11ethery. Treasurer's report was given by Rev. Pakenham in the absence of Mr, Lawrence Van• van who has been ill. The people's warden is, Mr. Clare VanCa11p; 11inister's war. den, Mr. Alex Nethery; Delegate to synod is Mr, Albert 13aco11. The meeting closed with prayer, •.-444•1 •••4 •••0-4444.••••4.♦••••4•+•-•-•••-•4,4-•-•-•t+4-•++• • • • • + • • • • • • • • • + • t • • t • t • • COOK'S Tang Flavour Crystals, 5 - 3 1'4 oz. pkgs. 1.00 Ethan. Pure Peanut Butter 3 - 16 oz. jars 1.00 Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, 2 -32 oz. jars 1.00 Heinz Tomato Juice, 3 - 18 oz. tins 1.00 Heinz Tomato Catsup, 20 oz. bottle .... 39c Mitchell's \'itanlized Apple Juice 2 - 18 oz. tins 65c Aylmer Choice Fruit Cocktail 2 - 1 1 oz. tins 53c Golden Deer Margarine, 1 - 1 lb. prints 88c White Swan Bathroom Tissue, 2 roll pkg. 23c King Size Tile, 27c off label plus 20c coupon only 1.39 Sani Flush, .17 oz. tin 59c Hostess Potato Chips, 1Oc ol'l' 69c pkg, 59c 1W'eston's Chelsea Buns, 1c off pkg. 45c Smoked Picnic Shoulders per lb. 49c l3ruce Packer's Bologna 3 lbs. 1.00 Blue Water Fish and Chips 2 - 16 oz. pkgs. 89c Florida Oranges, size 1125s .... per doz. 49c Brussels Sprouts per lb. 29c + • Florida Celery, large stalk 25c • • 4 ,, Poi .111.11.111111111111„1.111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111. 1 4 • .t • .• • • • • • • • • 1 • + • 1 • it Phone 523-4121 We Deliver • +-•-•-•-• • • • •-•-•-• •••-••♦-• ♦-•-•-•-•-•••-•-1 •-•-••• •-• 4444* 4+44- ♦-444-4-4.4♦ CLEARANCE (BALANCE OF JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE) 1 ONLY -- G, E. 15 CU. FT. CIIES'r FREEZER (Deluxe) AS ABOVE $187.75 2 ONLY — ELECTROIIOME HUMIDIFIERS Model 1188 .. $49,95 ea. 1 ONLY — SUNBEAM AU'►'011ATIC IIUMIDIFIEIR - $67,85 1 ONLY — 31,42 IT.P.. GASOLINE 110'I'0 MOWER SNOW BLOWER 20" complete with chains $229.95 1 ONLY •— 18" SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SNOW BLOWER (Deluxe with Tight) 11/4 11.1) $119.95 1 ONLY -- 18" SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SNOW BLOWER (Deluxe) with light 2 H.P. $129,95 1 ONLY — HOOVER ►IANDIVAC (floor model • some marks) $29,98 1 ONLY — REGINA ELECTRIC BROOM (floor model • some marks) $37.85 SPARLING'S HARDWARE BLY'rll, ONTARIO -- PIIONE 523.4246 11111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, +4-•-•-4+4-•-+-•-4-•-++ 4-4-+-4-4++-4-4•4-4+4-44-+-0-4-4.4-444++++44-4-••4.: • •• • •• i4 d 4 4 IVES CONSTRUCTION Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, Blyth Phone Brussels 443w4 Dealer For BERG BARN CLEANERS ANI) MANURE STACKERS wily ('it any make -or style of barn elmer Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Eason were, Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Ashton, Mr, and Mrs, Don Forbes, Paul Ricky and Bradley, of Clinton, Mr, Keith Ashton, of London, Mr. Bob Eck- lin, of 11,11. 1, Holstein, Mr. Cliff l3ranton arrived home last Sunday after three weeks at the head office of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, David McDiarmid, of Dungannon, visited one day last week with Mrs. George Hamilton and other relatives. Miss Frances Houston visited for a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs, Jack ,McIntosh and fain. ily, of London, Mrs. Sam Daer, Mrs, Bert Daer and Mrs. John Daer attended the funeral of a friend, Mrs. Charles Cowan, in London, last Friday. 'Phe sympathy of this commun- ity is extended to Mrs. Gus Bis - back and family, of Seaforth, in the death of her husband, a for. mer resident of this district. The Auburn librarian requests all County books be in by Febru- ary 3rd to the Auburn library. Miss Judy Arthur, nurse•in- training at Owen Sound School of Nursing, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Arthur and family, Mr, and Mrs, Milford Durst, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mr, Kenneth Haggitl, Milton, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. '1'honias linggitt and Stephen. Miss Sadie Carter, Goderich, visited last Monday with Mrs. Ed. gar Lawson and Mr. and Mrs, Ol- iver Anderson. Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Johnston and IIiss Laura Phillips visited last Wednesday with the former's sister, Mrs. Roy Farrow, who is a patient in Seaforth hospital, lir. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan and Mrs, Laura Fowler visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Da- vies and called on other friends. Miss Lynda Andrews, Goderich, spent last 'Tuesday with her par• ents, Mr. and Mrs, Warner An- drews. Friends of Wm. J. Craig are pleased to know that he was able to return home last Friday after several days a patient in Goderich hospital after his accident. Mr, and Mrs. John Weir and Mrs. E, Eustace were Auburn vis. itors during the weekend. Mr. Murray Rollinson, Goderich, spent the weekend with his par. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Rollin- son. •-N • • 44 44 444 • 4-4 • + N -i 4-F + H -+•44 -*4H 444444 44+44.444-44 • • 4 • TRANSISTOR RADIO SPECIAL This Weekend Only 6 - 8 - 14 Transistor Phillips - Soney - Channel Master and Westinghouse A stole full of models, colours and sizes to choose from SELLING FOR 10 TO 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT - WARNING - Ice Storms have Damaged many '1`V antennas. Call us and have yours checked before serious damage occurs. (ronin's HARDWARE . BLYTH TEI.FPHONE 523.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER +44.4.4-+-.•+•+-• 4+ ♦•h.•+-4#-+44•-+-•-+-•-+-+-+•r+•.-+•+-$••-+-+-4-+•+•4-+++•+-Ni .4+4 • .+♦i . 4-•-.-•-• 4 -.*44 -• •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•••• •-• Notice To Ratepayers Of Mullett Township 'Ratepayers are requested by council not to park cars on Township Roads during the winter months in order to faclli• tate snowplowing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles parked on the roads. It is also requested that residents of Hullett Township do not push or dump snow on The 'Township Roads for those who do will be held responsible for any damages esus• ed to any vehicle because of this. GEORGE HOGGART Road Superintendent, ILIL No, 1, Londesboro, Ontario, 29-3. t ANNUAL. ,1IEE'TING SHOWS AUBURN MALI, OPERA'T'IONS FINANCIALLY STRONG The annual meeting of the Au- burn Community Memorial Hall Board was held last week in the hall with all members present The board members are Mr. Ted Mills, chairman, representing West Wawanosh Township; Mr. Hugh Flynn, reeve of Hullett, where the hall is situated; Mr, Gerald Mc- Dowell, representing East Wawa - nosh; Mrs. Charles Merrill, repro - t e►iting Colborne; M. Leonard Archambault, representing Hul- lett; James Glousher, representing Auburn; and Mrs, Donald Ilaines, representing the Auburn Wo• men's Institute; Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor, secretary -treasurer and Mrs. William J, Craig in the ab- sence of the caretaker, Mr. Will- iam J. Craig. Mr. Glousher was welcomed to the board, replacing the late 13ert Craig. Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor present- ed the following financial state. ment as of January 1, 1967. Cash on hand 641,91 Receipts .. 980.30 $1,622.2.1 Disbursements for 1907 1,060.24 Cash on hand 561,97 $1,622.21 Donations to the hall by the Women's Institute: Lighting for stage .... Refrigerator Castors for wagons ... Dishes Salad spoons 32.58 73.50 21,88 19.95 1.58 $199.49 During the past year consider. able work has been done in the hall. The main feature was the finishing of the stage, putting in the new ceiling and lighting. A letter of appreciation was sent to the members.of..the. W.I, for .their assistance to this project. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig for their excellent work as caretakers of the hall. Final plan:, were puede for the annual Valentine's dance on Feb. ruary 911►. Mrs, Gordon Taylor was again appointed secretary. treasurer and Ill•. William J. Craig appointed caretaker, FIiIS'T WOMAN APPOINTED 'I'O KNOX CHURCH SESSION The annual congregational meet- ing of Knox United Church was held last Wednesday with a pot• luck dinner served at. 1. p.m, by the members of Unit One. Rev. M. 11, Roberts opened the meet. ing by reading scripture, followed by prayer. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Miss Margaret 13. Jack- son and Mr. Ernest Durnin were named the new elders of the church. This is an important milestone in the Auburn church as Miss Jackson is the first wo• man to be a member of the Sess- ion of Knox United. Elected to the Board of Stew• ards were B,.ian I-Iallam, William Seers, hawre.ice Plaetzer and CM': ford Branton. Charles Scott was the new mem• ber named t) the Trustee Board. All officers of the church were returned with the exception of the A-lission and Maintenance treasurer who is Mrs, William L, Craig, and assistant Mrs, Arthur Grange. Mr. and Mrs, John Arm. strong are the new representa- tives to the Manse Committee. AUBURN THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31; 1968 .a!r ►'�U�IIII!!�I�!fi�Gl�!���� G�illi!!i!�pil!hiliil!!'i!li!II':I!I!!!I�!II�I'i!I!II�Ii�!i!G` IIN� INNllli!II!IIIhU[IIIIU!IIS!UDlll�lllnll!IIII!II111VIIII Iii!1!JI!Illlui!I!ill!pil!i;Il�nll!�!!�!�. BLYTH ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 -- Public Schools Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 2:30 to 3:30 --- 13antam hockey Playoffs — Brussels at Blyth 7:00 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 — Public Skating 7:30 to 9:30 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 — Pee Wee Practice 9 - 10; Novice 10 • 12 — Public Skating 2 to 4 and 7:30 to 9:30 SUNDAY, FEBUARY 4 — Public Skating 2 to 4 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 -- Open for lee Renting 7 to 11 TUESDAY, !FEBRUARY t1 — Pre School 2 to 3:30; Broomball 7 to 11 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 -- Pee Wee Hockey Lucknow at Blyth 'IVlilll!Ill!I;!(illril!LINiNN�Nii!N!Illi!;!NDINIiI!!�'!!i!!Iii!!!'I'1;!i!i!'i!iii!!��'"III'!iln!inilfi!!NI�iNlll!I!!!J�I!iNNIINI!NII!!!!!!I!I!II!!i9I!II!91!INIIN!!IiI!I!!�!!'J!IIII!IIII!i!IIN!IIi!i!NN!u'' Stewart's Red& White Food Mkt. BLYTH, ON'T., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER NNW Gem Margarine, coloured parchment pack 1 lb. prints 5 for 99c Aylmer Veg. or Tom. Soup 4 tins 45c White Swan Bathroom Tissue ... 4 rolls 49c Scotties Facial Tissues, 400s .... 2 pkgs. 59c Wagstaff Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 24. oz. jar 47c Appleford Food Saver Wax Paper 100 ft. roll 33c Clover Leaf Flaked Tuna, white meat 6 oz. tin 39c Nestle's Quick, 21b. can 79c Libby's Sauerkraut, 28 oz. tin .... 2 for 49c McCormick's Cookies, 5 varieties, 3 pkgs, 99c 4for69c Libby's Spaghetti, 14 oz. tin Crisco Cooking Oil, 79e value per bottle . only 63c GRADE' -A' CHICKENS, 3 4 lbs., per lb: 39c CHICKEN BREASTS or. LEGS, per lb. 59c CHICKEN WINGS per lb. 39c BUY OF. THE .WEEK. McCormick's Soda Crackers, 1 lb. pkg. 3 for 1.00 Van Camp Beans with Pork, 20 oz. tins 2 for 43c Cindy Liquid Detergent, 5\3 oz. bottle reg. 49c only 39c Health and Beauty Features Brylcream Hairdressing, reg. 59c, only 49c MacLeans Toothpaste, family size, reg. 119 For Only 89c Eno Fruit Salts, reg. 1.19. size ...... only 99c Bayer Aspirin Tablets, 1.00s, reg. 91c size Only 79c G.I.T., Auburn, to be held on Fe- bruary 10th in the Auburn Mem- orial Community Hall. The presi- dent, Shelley Grange, gave the call to worship which was follow• ed by all repeating, the Purpose and Lord's Prayer in unison.' Marie Plunkett read the 23rd psalm and Brenda Ball gave the meditation. The offering was re- ceived by Margaret Roberts and dedicated. A bible quiz on bible birds was given by Mrs. M. IL Roberts, The minutes were accepted as read by Brenda Ball In the absence of ,the C.G,hT, MADE PLANS secretary, Joyce Leatherland. It was decided to invite the C.G.I.T. members and Boy Scouts of Lon desboro and the teenagers from Westfield and Donnybrook, along, with the Auburn Boy Scouts. Committee in charge of music; Plans for a toboggan party and Betty Moss, Brenda Ball, Marie record hop were made at the C, Plunkett and Brenda Archambault, FOR TOBOGGAN PARTY ANI) RECORD IIOP 1 Lunch committee is to be Doreen McClinchey, Mrs, Roberts, Marg. aret Roberts, Sherry Plaetzer, The meeting was closed with Taps. S'1'. MARK'S CHURCII ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING The annual Vestry meeting of St." -Mark's Anglican Church, Au. burn, was held in the church with the rector, Rev. G. E. Pallenham, presiding. Officers elected were: People's Warden, Thomas Hag. gilt; Rector's Warden, Fordyce Clark; Delegate to Synod, Thomas S. Johnston, sub -delegate, Donald Cartwright; Church treasurer, Mrs, John Daer; Vestry Clerk, Mrs, Thomas i-Iaggitt.; Board of Manage. ment, ,Mrs, 'Orval .McPhee, Robert J. Philips, Mrs; Porcine Clark and James Schneider; • THE BLYTH STANDARD -- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 19(38 Rooms al Clinton on January 2'I. 11►►gray Hoover brought the meet - There twill be a Hobby 'fable int, to order and Jamieson Hibey and all are asked to bring articles read the minutes of the last meet- for display. The roll can is to he inn and took (he roll call. "Something 1 remember 00 my Two teams were picked from was to and from School." l;vcry. Huron County .Juniors 00 Decem - One Welcome, her 27, 19(17, to represent Huron at the Junior Punier bowling competition to he held at London. Don McKeieher read the names The Iluron County Junior V ar. of the members picked and asked mers met in the Agricultural Board that they he notified BLYTII W. I. TO MEET The regular meeting of the Blyth Women's Institute will be held on Monday, February 5th, at 2 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. A paper prepared by Mrs. 'fait Clark, District Convener of Tweedsmuir History will be given. The Tweed- smuir book prepared by the local convener will be on display. r HURON COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS MEETING WESTFIELD ,Messrs. Gary and Garth Wal• don, of London, were with their parents over the weekend. Miss Sheila Cason, Wingham, was the guest of her friend, Miss Margery Smith, on Sunday. Mr. and \1rs. Arnold Cook 'and boys were visitors with il1r. and Mrs, 'Phomas Mackie, lambro, on Monday. Miss Mary Ellen Taylor, Bel - grave, visited Miss Sharon Cook over the weekend. Mr, Cordon Smith spont several days in Kitchener the guest. of Miss Edna Smith, On Thursday Mrs, Smith, Douglas and James Camp- bell were in Kitchener, Mr. Smith returning with them, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McDowell visited with Mrs, Delta Cowan and Mr, and Mrs. Don Cowan in Exeter. For conclusive proof of GM leadership in quality, styling, performance and value,take the wheel now... during the national F INCE FEST GENE RS DEALERS INVITE YOUto test drive the only cars that bear the, Markof Excellence, See, hear, and feel for yourself -GM's margin of superiority over the other 1968 cars. Driving is believing! Come in today! Your test car is waiting. Left: Pontiac Parisienne Sport Sedan. Right: Chevrolet Impala Custom Coupe. There is a difference! And we can prove it! Discover what our Mark of Excellence means in motion! Check in 20 minutes at your dealer'swill prove ROAD TEST CENTRE! our point! During February, Chev-Olds and Pontiac -Buick dealerships across Canada have been turned into Road Test Centres. Specially marked demonstrators are on the starting line. Come on in, pick your car and take a drive. You'll be glad you did I Give us just a few minutes and we'll prove that the Mark of Excellence is far more than just a promise of General Motors engineering leadership, It's your guarantee that you'll find more of the features you're looking for in any GM car, Rate the great ones ... Whichever price field is yours, whichever car size appeals to you, however you like your car equipped, this is your chance to find out what makes the '68 General Motors cars so far ahead of the rest. The welcome mat is out! You can count on a warrn welcome at any Chev-Olds or Pontiac -Buick dealer's, But no pressure. The whole idea is for our cars to do the talking, But if you want to'taik trade or seal —you've picked the right time, PONTIAC • CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE • BUICK • FIREBIRD $ CAMARO • CHEVELLE • BEAUMONT • ACADIAN • CHEVYII • EPIC • VIVA • CORVAIR • CADILLAC See your local authorized General Motors dealer Authorized Chevrolet -Oldsmobile Dealer in Clinton: LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED 30 Ontario Street - : Phone 482-9321,Clinton, Ont.