HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1966-11-30, Page 162,50 A Year In Advance -- $3,50 In U.S.A. TA BLYTI-I, ONTARIO -- WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1906 Second Nomination Meeting Averted By Ten Seconds No election will be necessary' in Blyth this year to fill _ the various political positions for the coming 1967 term of- office, 'In fact it Was very doubtful until the last minute of nominations if enough candidates would be nominated to occupy the four council -seats, Only three coucillors had been nominated at The time that papers proposing the notniination of Mr, Alex Logue were handed to Clerk Irvine Wallace with only ten sec- onds left in the period allotted for the receiving of nominations. There is a by-law that states to the effect that the period of time 1.o be allotted for nominations be between seven and eight o'clock. Mr. Logue's nomination papers were received by the clerk at ten seconds to the appointed eight o'clock hour. Otherwise another nomination meeting %Dolt! have been necessary. - Although no election is neces• ary, we do have two new municip- al officers. As we said before, Mr. Logue is a new member on council replacing Dr, R. W. Street who was nominated for office but was nut in attendance at the meet- ing to accept. Three of last year's council return: George Bailie, George Hubbard and Lundy Mc- Kay, Reeve Cook also received acclamation and will handle the reigns of village affairs for an- other year. The other new. municipal of• ficial we mentioned is John El. Nott who replaces William Riehl on the Public Utilities Commis- sion. Bill is dropping out after several years on the PUC. The list, of nominations,. their movers and seconders is as fol- lows: H EPVE: Borden Cook — by George Bail- ie and John Stewart. COUNCIL: Lundy McKay — by Harry Gib• bons and John Elliott. George Hubbard — by John El. Nott and Doug Scrimgeour. George Bailie — by Donald Young and Borden Cook. Dr. Street — by George Bailie and George Ilubbarcl. The doctor was not present to accept nomin- ation nor cid he have written con- sent at the meeting and therefore was not elegible for nomination. Alex Logue -- by R. W. Aloetin and John Elliott, PUC: .kiln Elliott. — by Doug Scrim- geour and George I-ittbbard, SCHOOL BOARD: Jack Stewart still has one year to go on a two year term. There was the usual pathetic attendance at the meeting. We can, however, console ourselves with the knowledge that sonic of the other munioilpaliies in the province are also experiencing the problem of attracting interested people to their political meetings, Lt doesn't take too many brains to realize %there this apparent apathy on the part of municipal politics is leading and anyone who is worth their salt hates to even dwell on the subject for very long, Heaven's knows we have enough government control {Wer our people already without out and out asking for more, And this is just what you asked for Monday night by sitting at home with your eyes glued to the "boob tube," For years and years now this paper has. attended nomination tneetings in the village in an effort to report the meetings in detail to local residents. Each year this takes hours of lime and trontble, Besides spendheg the two or three hours at the meet- ing, the report has to be written; set. into type and placed in the paper. All this would add up to something like seven or eight hours of our time—extra hours that could have been spent on the numerous tasks that go into publishing a paper each week. With the apparent lack of inter- est of our residents we decided it was just one big waste of time and effort on our part. Because, it is quite evident, most people couldn't care less. The appalling part of it all is the complete disregard for local polities by our younger residents. Each year, within a half a doz- en or so people, we can name the "faithful few" who will be in attendance even before we go to the meeting, A couple of years ago we saw our taxes increased by ten mills. This, you would think, should at least draw a few people to the annual meeting to at least find out why. But no, we just sal back and took it with a grain of salt, We're not saying the in- crease wasn't necessary, but it might have been good business to attend and ask a few questions. Surely we're not all that well off financially. As we recall not one question was asked two years ago as why taxes did spiral, 11 wo.uld probably be n good bet that if someone was to walk in and take over our house one of these days we'd pat him •on the back and smile in .his Pace as we walked out the door. PIN DESIGN CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED Winners of the Blyth Lions -Club Pin Design Contest have been announced and are as fol- lows: First prize -- $25.00 — Air:. Jini Warwick. Second Prize — $10.00 — Miss Jean Campbell. Third Prize -- $5.00 — Miss Sus- an Street. A great many entries were re- ceived in the contest and present• ed a difficult task for the judges, 'Phe Lions wish to congratulate the winners and sincerely thank all who entered the contest. MORRIS VOTE ;WILL ELECT sCnoot. TRUSTEES Residents of Morris Township will get a taste of the election fever his week when they go to the polls on Saturday to elect two members as their school board representatives. All other municipal offices have been filled by- acclamation. The four men running for the two positions aro Bert Elliott, Carl Cowing, Carman Haines and Boyd Taylor, The latter is mak- ing his first attempt at municipal polities and was the Morris mem- ber on the Clinton high School Board until recent legislation prevented the township from being represented on the Clinton board. Members of the council who received acclamation are as fol- lows; Reeve—Sew'ant Proctor, COUNCILLORS— William Elst- on, Walter Shortreed, Janies Mair and Ross Smitdh. IN CLINTON IIOSPI'1'AL Friends of Mrs. Gordon Mac- donald will be sorry to learn that she fell on Thursday and broke her hip. Mrs. Macdonald under- went Major Surgery Saturday morning, having a steel pin and plate inserted. She will convalesce in Room 120, Clinton Public Hos- pital for some time. ATTENDED 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Betsy, Mr. and Mrs. John El- liott, Ricky and Neil, of Blyth, Mr, Grant Elliott, of Guelph, and Donald, of Thetford, attended the . 5Uth wedding` niiiversarj'' of Mrs. Gordon' Elliott's parents, lir. and 1\Irs. Roderick G. Johns- ton, Gocderich, on Tuesday. The family enjoyed a dinner at Tiger Dunlop Inn and returned to the Johnston residence in Gode• rich where open house was held for their many friends and rela- tive's in the evening. Also present were their sons, Eric, and Mrs, Johnston, Paul Barbara and 'Torn, of Guelph, and Grant, -of Toronto. personal Interest Items Air. and Airs. Irvine Wallace ac- companied by, their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Tyndall, Laurie and Danny, of Clinton, visited on the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Routledge, Mr. Rut- ledge and family, of R.R. 2, Horn- by, also with their son, Mr, I-Iow- ard Wallace, Mrs. Wallace and family, of Brampton. While there they attended a I3arbersinop con- cent at the O'Keefe Centre in Toronto. 'Phe three top choruses anti the three top qu'artet's in Ontario took pant. The Par 4 Quartet of which Air, Howard Wallace is the baritone was one of the quartet's taking part. The 1965 International Quartet Cham- pions from Chicago also took part. Mrs. Scott Anent, of Trenton, sister of Airs. Gordon Macdonald and Mr. I-Iubert I-Iirons, is spend- ing some time here, having been called home when Mrs, Macdonald met with her accident. Mrs. Janes C. Mitchell, Toronto, is al- so here, A recent visitor in ' Blyth was Mr, James C. Alttcllell, son-in-law of Mrs. Gordon Macdonald. Mr, David C. Mitchell, Toronto, visited his grandmother, Mrs. Gordan Macdonald, on Sunday. Mrs, Nelson Tellock, of -Perth, and her daughter, Miss Lois Tet - lock, R.N., of - \Vestmhnter hos- pital, London, visited on Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Marshall, Mrs. Tetlock remained for several days, Mr. Joseph Miller left on Thurs- day to take up residence at Hur- onview, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Nesbit, Phyllis and Russell, of Kirkton, Steven Walsh spent the week- end, with Lyle Attains, of Londes- boro, Mrs. Mac 'Taylor, of Dawson Creek, B. C., returned home last Saturday after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Eph. Snell, Clinton, and _Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Taylor, Blyth, and other relatives and friends in the area. Mrs. K, Whitmore visited over the weekend with her brother, Mr. James Blake, and Mrs. Blake, of Goderich, and other relatives. Mrs. Sadie Cuming returned home Sunday, November 20, after an enjoyable three weeks holi- day's with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, G. 0. Bradley and family, of Meaford, Guests during the week with their parents, Air, and Mrs. Lorne Scu itu tour, and brother, Everett, and AIrs. Scrimgeour were, ,Airs. lluzel Baxter, Chatham, Airs, Mar- garet Marks, Windsor, Thursday. Over the weekend Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Scrimgeour, Bellville, On Sur:J:,er Murray ' Scrim^co;,.• and Simmons, Tillsonburg, and Mrs. Verne Cameron, Kitchener. DARD Volume 78 • No. 20 Single Copies Six Cents East Wawanosh Men Seek Election In All Available Municipal Offices - The election wheels are roiling in East Wawanosh Township this week and Saturday will see an election with virtually every seat in the municipality up for grabs. The retirement of Reeve Ernest Snell after a six year stint in municipal politics has brought out two six year men on the council seeking elecion for reeve. Ernie served as councillor in East Wawanosh for two years be- fore accepting the reeveshlp four years ago. The two men oppos- ing each other to fill his shoes are Ropy' Pattison and Mason Rob- inson, both councillors for the past .six Fears. Five township men are vieing for the four council seats. Two are former councillors Norman Coultes and William Gow. The three new names on ,the ballot will be Simon Hallahan, no strang- er to East Wawanosh politics, and two men seeking their first ten- ure in local politics, Gerald Mc- Dowell and Jim Walsh. Albert Bieman was also nom- inated for council but dict not qualify. With the merging of the East MIDGET PRACTICE TONIGI-IT There will be hockey practice for the midget hockey team this Thursday night — tonight, — and all boys between fourteen and six- teen interested in trying for the team are asked to contact John Elilet.t. A practice was held last week and John informs us only ten Boys showed- up. 'Phis -is not enough players to enter 0 leant in the league and 1.1 is hoped that tonight's session will have a bet- ter response. The team mem- bership is not just limited to Blyth boy's and it is hoped that our country residents realize this. If you have a boy in the midget age group try to encourage him to play. It's terrific training for any young lad. Congratulations to Mr, and Airs. \Vatter Cook who 1011 celebrate their 4911i wedding anniversary on Thursday, December 8. Wawanosh School Board with the Morris Township School Area the number of school trustees in East Wawanosh has been reduced to two members and this has re• suited in a very spirited race between four men. They are Ma- son Bailey, James R. Coultes, I•Ioward Walker, three of the previous school trustees, and John Currie, a new man seeking elec- tion. This is the first time in fifteen years residents of the township have had the opportunity to elect a reeve and it has been nineteen years since residents have seen an election for school trustee. We can well imagine the full slate of candidates this year is very encouraging for the pol• itical minded people in the town- ship. IN IIULLETT TOWNSHIP NEW REEVE NO ELECTION Although Hullett Township will have a new reeve next year and several new faces trying their hand in the political field, no election was necessary as all of- fices were filled by acclamation last Friday afternoon at the town- ship's annual nomination meet- ing. Thomas Leiper has retired from active service after a seven year tenure as reeve of the municipal- ity. Clare Vincent has stepped up to the reeve's chair following seven years serving the township as councillor. -Three former councillors, Len. - Archambault, lfugh Flynn and' Don Buchanan are back for an- other term. The fourth man on council is Charles Scanlon who withdrew as school trustee in order to fill the vacancy on the council. Joe Gibson, from the south end of the township will fill Mr. Scan- lon's position 0n school board. Serving in tihat capacity with him will be four of the former mem- bers: Glen Carter, chairman of the board, Eric Anderson, vice- chairnan, Stanley Lyon and Alcor - ice Bean. UCW Group Chooses Mrs. H. Phillips As President For '67 Tenure The Blyth United Church Wo- men met Monday, November 28, in the church parlour at 8.15 p.ni, with the president, Mrs, Harold Phillips, in charge, assisted by members of the Starlight Unit, Mrs, Phillips opened the meet- ing with a selected verse of Scrip - lure followed by singing hymn "Happy The Home \Vhen God Is There." The scripture reading, Luke 15, was given by Mrs, Don- ald McNall and Mrs. Fred Rowson giving the meditation "The Christ- ian Church." The offering was re- ceived. Prayer by Mrs. Rowson followed by hymn "Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love." Min- i tes of the last meeting was react and approved. The reports of the different committees were given for the year 1966. Mrs. Phillips thanked the ladies for their sup- port and the meeting closed with prayer, The Starlight Unit served lunch and to social hour was spent. On December 12, 1900, at 2.15 o'clock, the U.C.W. will have their meeting with Mrs. Webster's Unit in charge n[ Devotion and Programme and Mrs. McCallum's Unit will assist with lunch, Following is the list of offi- cers appointed for 1967; Immediate Past President, Mrs. Winona McDougall; President, Mrs. Harold Phillips; 1st Vice, Airs. Keith Webster; 2nd Vice, Airs. Rae Griffith; Recording Se- cretary, Mrs. Mildred McNeil; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Walter Buttell; Treasurer, Mrs, Ben Walsh; Christian Citizenship and Social Action, Mrs. Matcher; Community Friendship and Visit- ing, Miss Isabel Fox; Co-op in Christian Education, Mrs, Roy Mc- Vittie; Finance, Mrs. Millar Rich- mond; Flowers, Mrs. Grace Mc- Callum; Literature, Communica- tion and Periodicals, Mrs, Calvert Falconer; Manse, Mrs, Fred Honv son; Membership, Mrs, igen Mac- Donald; Nominations, Mrs, Sid McCullough; Press and Publicity, Airs, John Campbell; Program, Airs. Frank Bainton; Social Functions, Mrs. Warner Collings, Mrs. Don McNeil; Stewardship & Recruiting, Mrs, Margaret. Hig- gins; Supply turd- Social Assist- ance, Mrs. Keith Webster, assist- ant, Mrs, Acinar Richmond; Pianist, Mrs, R, D. Philp, assist ant, Mrs. Winona McDougall. The following three ladies are appointed on the nominating. com- mittee for a period of two :,,ears, Mrs. B. Hall, Mrs, L. Scott, Mrs, M. Holland PAGE TWO THE BLYTH S'T'ANDARD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1900 WESTI. IEI4I) AUBURN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. James Boak and Miss Margaret R. Jackson re• Atwood, visited friends and rola- Sherry, of Crewe, visited with turned last Friday evening after lives here over the weekend, Mr, and Mrs. IIarvey McDowell visiting 'illi her niece, Mrs, Don• They also visited with Mrs, Mary on Sunday. ald Kai, and Mr. Kai, at Oakville, Ellen Wallace a former Auburn Mrs. L:'ntan Jardin, Toronto, Mrs. Bert Doran carne home lost girl. Mrs, ,iohn Gear, Kitchener, were Friday evening from Goderic'h Mr, Lorne Toll is a patient in guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon hospital where she has been a pa. Victoria Ito&pital, London, His Smith Wednesday evening, also tient for several %reeks. many friends wish him a speedy with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan am,.recovery, on Thursday. Mrs. Laura Fowler visited on Sat- Mr. Benson Walters; Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell urday evening with Mr. and Mrs, has been visiting with his sister, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Keith Robert J. Phillips, firs, Arthur Grange, Jennifer and Snell, Fergus, on Sunday. lir. and Mrs. Ed. Davies visited Shelley'. AIr. and Mrs. Charles Smith last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ratitivell, win Ilunter at Lambeth, Michael and Janice, Brantford, Air. Charles Beadle, London, spent the weekend with her par - spent last week al his home in ents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R. Auburn on Loftus street, Taylor. ,11r. and Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys Over thirty relatives and of Dublin, visited friends in the friends gathered at the home of village last Saturday evening. Mrs, John Sprung in honour of Mrs. Ives Bradnock attended Miss Karen Christensen, Seaforlh. the annual meeting of the Feder- She is the pride -elect of Mr. Pet- aled iVomen's Institute's of On- er Sprung, of Ilnndesboro. Mrs. tario in Toronto last week. John Sprung was in charge of (he Mr. Carl Gooier attended the program of games and contests. annual convention of the Ontario Each guest introduced themselves Hilary climbed Everest. 31ari• Handy. Thackeray, Galsworthy, Smith on Saturday. Farmer's Union held at Belleville and gave a household hint. Miss 11 e are the ones with (he illfe :1 reception is Io be held in the last week as delegate from the Melanie Sprung gave a reading beg Bell swain the lake. Theysigns. And delusions, For u�. Westfield Church next Tuesday Huron Perth District. He also at. "Levinski at the Wedding." Win - began by climbing small nountended on Saturday the Board of ners of the contests were, Mrs. tains, swimming little lakes. marriage is like that cotton cantly evening. December 6, to meet the 'Phere are a few recorded cases you buy on the midway. 11's whip. new minister on the Auburn Directors meeting held in that Stanley Ball, and Mrs. Dorothy of adults with great patience and ped together out of hot air and ch;;r,Ye. Rey, and Mrs. Roberts. city. Wagner. Gills were carried in by insight Dotting through to teen- sugar. 11's pink and fluffy and vsho have remits.come from the Over 60 neighbours and friends Mary Jane, Eleanor, and Melanie Argentine. Iluran Presbytery is bat}tered in the Colborne Town- Sprung., Mrs. Bruce Vincent, Galt, in charge of the meeting. Hall, Carlow, for the fare- made an attractive ribbon hat Miss Linda Andrews and Mr, well party for Mr. and Mrs. Wil• and placed if on Karen's head. Lan McDowell were guests of lir. tram Reecl and their daughters, Karen thanked her friends for the and Mrs. Garth Walden, London, Misses Patsy and Linda. The es.. many gifts and lunch was served. at the weekend. ening was spent playing euchre Guests were present from Sca• with the winners being William forth, A1wcod, Galt, Auburn, Reed, and Mrs, Lillian Johnston Lonclesbono, Oakville, Clinton, begins, and stay out of her way was high lady. Miss Marian Hick- and Goderich, when t.hc old lady gels steamed Cy, of London, read the address up, and Mrs. Elmer Sproul presented Congratulations to Mr, and Which I plan to clo when mine them with a purse of money. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell who reads this column. Lunch was served by the ladies will celebrate their 39th wedding of the community. anniversary on Saturday, Deeem- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung, ber MARRIAGE: TOUGII TASK interject here', of course, "So is visited .11r. and ,Mrs, Sant Swoon' Kingston Penitentiary," But t'y, l31ussels, Sunday. 11',hat is the most difficult thing 1M's nol be cynical. Mr. John Gear and Warren, of in the world to do? Climba No it's our modern conception Kitchener, were at their farm on mountain:' Swim Lake ;Ontarar io'Gof marriage that's all wrong. We Saturday. Mr. Gordon 1lcl)on'ell deatth through to a teenager:' face laugh al the Victorians. Prudish returned with them to Kitchener death %with poise? 13e a real Christian?stuffed shirts. But they were on for a week's visit. Nope. :111 of these can be the right (rack. For them, mar• Mrs. Garner Nicholson and Rob - de re, if you have trained long nage was a serious business, ew• bie, of Belgravc, %were the guests enough and hard enough to pre- olwed to meet specific needs in of Mrs. Harvey McDowell on pare yourself for theta; or if their society. For them, romantic 'fiesta', you have certain qualities of char- love was usually tragic. 'There are Mr. Bert Vincent, Belgrave, cal- actorno illusions about marriage in led on Mr, and Mrs. Charles alters. But they probably practis. you can hardly wait to gest your ed on little teenagers, the 13 --year. teeth into it. And the first mouth olds, not yet battle -hardened. fel is sweet, delicious, One can face death twit.h poise. But pretty soon it's gone, an,l if one has learned to face %with you're a little sick, and it's all poise all the little deaths that oyer your face aid in '.'our hair. make up life. and you're left with a little roll One can even become a good of gooey paper. That's when Christian by starting on the little marriage really begins. things like generosity and for- Well, Mr. Dicfenbaker has a g ivencss and working up to the favorite saying: "11'hc:t the ;cin; big hurdles. like humility and gets tough, the tough get going," :ove. And that's what marriage is like. The most difficult thing in Titose who just think they're :he tt•orlcl today? To make and tough get going and keep right maintain a good marriage, on going. But we really tough ones There's no place to train, for dig in our heels and stay with 11. one thing. How d0 you get in And stay and stay and stay. shape? You can't start having According to all the propaganda little marriages in .preparation from movies, telewis'.on, and t'ie for the big one, Al least not Ladies Home Journal. marriage around these parts you can't. is one big, wonderful miasma of .Although some people try. I giving and taking. of sharing, of know one bird who says he has total togetherness. been happily married three twines, Oh, those things are there. You Ali his wives are alive, not to give and your wife takes. She's mention kicking. willing to share everything you :And it doesn't matter how have. from your bank account to many fine qualities you have. A your booze. Not necessarily equal It isn't news that Ronald Rea g- vcritable saint, of either sex, can shares, but shares. And together- an was elected Governor of Cali - have a rotten marriage; and a ness? You'll get total together. fornia, In fact, it wasn't really veritable bum. of either sex, can ness until you look in the mirror news at all. it was a sure thing f^n' have a good marriage. some day, when you're 65. and Ronald, You might be better to read a realize with a shock that you look It was interesting watching the rood book about it, but after 20 more like your wife than she three American networks keeping years of advancing and retreating does. viewers up-to-date with election :n that bloo(I•soaked no -man's. But according to us old sweats, returns and the computer pt•e• land between husband and wife, marriage is mostly a matter of dictions which were always cor- 1 think 1 have a right to be heard, staying power. Sfa out of ,fail, rect. There's nothing wrong with stay on the jeb, stay away from l'nt sure there were man 1110 - marriage itself. It's a venerable other women, stay on the wagon, tion picture and television per. Institution, And some wag will stay healthy until :' w' pension formers watching the Ronald Reagan race with interest and I am .11t1lLIOiIMMIW!irI':eSsis,IJsamMISSaiMMasan sure there were mai*. Canadian showbusiness people and poli- ticians interested in the Reagan f m rri t.5 outcome. It certainly isn't new for Cana. • dian performers in all fields such t ,ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN as TV and sports to enter the CHURCH political arena. Syl Apps, ex - hockey great, made it. Red Kelly Rev, Robert U. MacLean, B.A. was a Member of Parliament and 1.00 then went back to hockey. There p.m,—Church Service, are those- who are unsuccessful. 1.00 p.m.—Sunday School. Whipper Billy Watson is one. In future elections I think you ANGLICAN CHURCH OA trill see more and more well CANADA known personalities seeking pol- itical jobs, Rev. G. l:, Pakenham, Dip., Th., Let's think of a few right now. Rector, Fred Davis, the "Front Page Challenge" moderator, 11•ould assemble, Trinity Church, Blyth more than likely be a successful candidate. I hear two major par- ties have approached him. Cer- tainly he would get the female vole. ,Antang 'TAIL THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario. Rev. W. 0. Mather, B.A., B.D. Minister. Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of Music. Sunday, December 4. 1966 10.40 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. "White Gift Service" 7.00 p.m. --Young Adults. 8.30 p.m.—Discussion Group "Christian Faith out into the World ' 10.30 a.m.—Holy Communion. St. Mark's Church, Auburn. 12,00 o'clock—Morning Prayer. Betty Kennedy is a clever gal who could get elected, Is Pierre Trinity Church, lielgrave, Berton interested in being a can- didate for some office? Somehow I doubt it. Charles Templeton tried for the Ontario Liberal lead- ership race and lost out two years ago. Will he try again? He said not, but I think he's waiting for a draft from the party. When Lorne Greene finally School, gets tired of "Bonanza" perhaps there will he a "Greene for Sen - evening— ator" campaign. hip, And what about Gordon Sinclair 2.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 10.00 a.m.—English Service. 3.00 p.m.—Dutch Service. Minister: Rev, Vos, of Chatham. '1 'I I:.' iii' li?!$ +' iRi iC 11R 11 P4 1B' !II CHURCH OF GOD McConnell Street, Blyth, Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.—Sunday 11.00 a.m.—Worship 7.30 p.m.—Sunday Youth Fellows 5 !GP'I':'h' rii CCG' f' • 4 4 4 4 4 3rd. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF Hullett T.nship We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation for the confidence that you have shown in us by electing us by acclamation to the council for the Corpor• ation of the 'Township of Ilullett for the ensuing year 1967. Thank you, and we wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. CLARE VINCENT, Reet•e DONALD BUCII:iNAN, Councillor LEONARD ARCHAMBAULT, Councillor IIUGIi FLYNN, Councillor CHARLES SCANLON, Councillor .4-.4"4-4 4-4 .+N. 4-+-4-4-4-4-4-#41 4,4 4•.++.+-.-4-.++4-4+.-.-•-4-*4-$-4-N LYCEUM TFiEATRE,WINGHAM WED., 'I'HUR., FRI. NOV. 30 • 1)ec, 1.2 "BORN FREE" Colour • Panavision — Starring: Virginia McKenna • Bill '!'ravers '1::s is an appealing, heartwarming African adventure. The whole family will enjoy this story about a pet lioness and her adventures. SATURDAY MATINEE DECEMBER 3 "Born Free" SAT,, MON., TUES, DEC, 3.5.6 "FRANKIE AND ,JOHNNY" Colour — Starring; Elvis Presley Nancy Kovack In this one Elvis is surrounded by a bevy of beauties, and is up to his ears in song and romance. 4 COMING — DECEMBEIR 7.8.9 "DR, GOLDFOOT AND THE GIItL BOMBS" as a member of parliament? Yea, i ssiessmastsssztem tsn ]tow about that! 4 { WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1060 THE I3Lii'T1I ST Soil and Crop A Elects Officers Mr. Elmer Powe, tralia, was elected the Huron County ssn. Improvement at their annual meeting and banquet. Bob Gras - by, R.R, 4, ,Brussels, was elected 1st viccapresident, and Jim B.R. 2,Ceti. chosen Brussels, R.R. 2, was chosen 2nd vire president. T-i�'.• President of arc. Datars, T)asitwood, replace s Soil & Crop as director, the retiring p �,?c ►:; f int 04-0-9-++++ *44 ++++++44-+.4 +-0++4-4 4+v Thank You May we express appreciation to the rate- payers of the Village of Blyth for the confi- dence shown in us via the acclamation at the nomination meeting Monday night. We trust that we may be enabled to live up to this vote of confidence, and assure you that the affairs of our village will be handled to the best of our ability, May you and yours enjoy the Christmas season to the utmost and the New Year be filled with peace contentment and prosperity. Reeve, Borden Cook. Councillors: George Bailie George Hubbard Alex Logue Lundy McKay +•+.+.++��+•+• •-•-•N-• ♦4 •-+• • •-• 4+44 •-•-• •-• •+ ••♦.-•+• `+•••4•4-4-0 • • S4 +• ••••,-.♦+•-•••-n SWEATERS FOR XMAS 1 t' Infants to 3x Girl's and Boy's Orlon Cardigans and Pullovers, 2.98 to 3.98 Girl's and Boy's, sizes 4 to 14 years, Orlon Cardigans and Pullovers, 2.98 to 6.95 Teen's and Ladies Wool and Orlon Cardigans and Pullovers, Shells, and Poor Boys. Needlecraft Shoppe Children and Ladies' Wear Blyth. Phone 523-4351 • SEVERAL NEW '67s TO CHOOSE FROM 1967 FAIRLANE 2 door Hardtop 1967 FAIRLANE 4 door 1967 METEOR 4 door 1967 FORD Custom, V8, aut, trans., 4 door. 1967.FORD Custom, 4 door, 6 cyl. 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian 4 dr., station wagon, V 8, Automatic. 2 - 1966 CHEV. Impalas, 4 dr., hard top, V8, automatic transmission. 1966 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4 dr., aut, trans. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door. 1965 PLYMOUTH 4 door 1964 CHEV, Impala, V8, 4 door, hard top. 1964 MERCURY half ton 1963 PONTIAC 4 door, automatic 1963 VALIANT, 4 door, 6 cyl. 1962 CHEV, 4 door, 6 cyl,, auto. trans. 1960 RAMBLER 4 door. SEE THESE AND OTHERS aro, 's `e:«:arage Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 •-•4444-4444444444-4,4444-44-4-44-.44-0444-.44.4 •-•44-04-•444-4 f from Ha,'', Ian McAllister, Zurich, and Don Lobb, Clinton, replaces Ed Grigg as director from God°• rich Township, Peter Lowington Ilderton, Asso- ciate Editor of the Country Guide explained to the 190 present the responsibilities of the Agricultur- al press in reporting the news as it pentains to farmers and the press has to keep pace, with the many changes in reporting as does the farmer in his profession. Bringing greetings to the Asso• elation were Murray Gaunt, M.P. Huron Bruce; Warden Ken Stew- art; and Chairman of Agricultur• al Committee, Ernie Talbot. Re- presentative from the Ontario Crop Improvement was Jim Bar. rie, Galt, District Director; and Alfred Brunton, Tara; also Ewart Crago, of St. Marys brought greetings from Bruce and Perth County Associations. Co -Op Meeting Held In Blyth On Tuesday Almost 80 members and pal. rons of United Dairy and Poultry Co -Operative of Zone 3 enjoyed a hot smorgasbord dinner in the dining hall of Blyth United Church Tuesday noon, served by the Starlight group of U,C.W, Martin Bastin, of Walton, a member of the board of directors, opened the meeting and intro• duced the mlinistcr cif the church Rev. %lr, 0. Mather, Who was a guest and welcomed the Co -Op. George Sutherland., list vice- president, of Chatsworth, gave the directors report, stating in part, Since U.D.P.C. began opera - lions on October 1st, 1958, we rave had a program of merging lairy marketing- cooperatives, to be able to serve more producers across Ontario and has proved to be a good program, Because of our changing world our Directors theme is "Chang- ing Objectives" and the objectives of U.D.P.C. laid down eight years ago needed to be reviewed and brought up to date. Producers in Ontario have in- dlicated that the compulsory mar• koting board is the best instil'. !tent for achieving the best re - for all the producers of a product, During a question and answer period, it was stated, long range plans were being made fai' Wing - ham and Blyltth Branches of U.D, P:C, Blyth will continue to be a receiving stallion for Guelph, Small plants do not lose their identity, they still have pride in operation. We are not happy to go out of milk but we have to PAGE THREE keep the cost down, We started election of a Director -for Zone 8, almost on a shoe string 8 years the result of winch was Mr. Mar - ago and have seen many changes. tin Baan, of Walton, was elected Many farms have increased by acclamation for the -third two• their efficiency' even beyond buss, Sear lcrm. iness duping this lime and there Nomtnatio,ns were then called is no reason why Co•Ops and the for five delegates to attend the Marketing Board cameo( work annual U.D.P.C, meeting to be amicable together. With so many held in Guelph December Glh, farm accidents today we feel that Pose nominated were Peter Van not many farm people are cover Veen, Brussels, JohnCampbell, ed with enough insurance. Baydield, Len Fortune, Wingham, Mr, T. E, Brady, General Man- Martin Baan, Walton, Elmer Im- ager of U.D.P.C. called for the land, Wingham. NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS - ALL CAR and TRUCK OWNERS in the Vil- lage of Blyth are requested to refrain from parking on Village Streets from 1 a.m. until 8 a.m., and any time during snow plowing op- erations. Persons failing to comply with this request will find their vehicles moved from the street at their own expense. Any damage caused to vehicles during snow plowing operations will be charged to the owner of the vehicle, Signed, Village of Blyth Street Committee. ,LAMES WARWICK, Chief of Police. Used AppIiancesFor Sale SERVEL REFRIGERATOR - Small Freezer GAS KITCHEN RANGE -- In Excellent Condition. THREE COMBINATION STEREO and A.M. F.M. RADIO SETS ON DISPLAY TWO COLOUR TV SETS Now in Stock .10.0410 YOUR HOME I•IARI)WARE DEALER HARDWARE - MYTHCroper TELEPIIONF 523.9273 A111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=0.11116 .1111111101111., THE LYTH ST DA ,� i� (/r.i%fife,//pe /i)/e r' �''i'rlrlil rirrrifrlr'»d I Un :i: sill &)U With your I►►' /flint all important ,‘;1!: 11 clay'. l• ti. IN AA.\0 SEE otllt COWL E'1'E • •I + 1-:4:I t(,N OF ' 11'I't7,d7'IO,1'S 1 AA'iVl,1in'CL'.11ENTS trYPORMALS .I CCESSOR IE;Y tour choice of various paper stocks, type 4)•Irt nod v:es. tisk for .. . Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with complete confidence as to. quality and correctness of form, 'WI: ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, M?TCNE$ AND CAKE BOXES PAGE FOUR FURNACE and STOVE OILS Maximum Energy Gasolines DIESEL FUELS - MOTOR._OILS 'pills, a Full Range of Special Lubricantsand Greases PAUL KERRIGAN - Agent BP CANADA, Limited PHONE 482.9653 ••• CLINTON Accounts may be paid at Can. Ianp. Bank of Commerce, Blyth 11-7 BLYTH LIONS CLUB CASK BINGO IN THE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3rd Commencing at 8:30 p.m. (D.S.T) 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $5.00 EACH 2 BIG SIIARE•THE•WEALTH GAMES 1 GAME FOR $25,00 (must go) 1 JACKPOT GAME FOR $115,00 IF WON IN 60 CALLS (winner after 60 calls receives half proceeds from game) Admission at door 50 cents — extra cards available Plan to attend and support the Blyth Lions 196 7 Licence Plates cxo On Sale December 1st Ontario's 1967 licence plates and vehicle permits will be av- cilable from Thursday, December ), for passenger cars and station wagons, Transport Minister Irwin Ilaskett announced. Alotorcycle plates will be available by Decem- Ler 19th. The plates and permits will be cn sale at all licence issuing offi- ccs throughout the province. The 1967 plates have been spe- cially designed to mark the ob• ssrvance cf Canada's Centennial. They will have white lettering OBITUARY MRS. W. R. LOBI3 Mrs, W. R. (Bert) Lobb, 76, of 130 Ontario Street, Clinton, pas- sed away at Clinton Public hos- pital on Sunday, November 27, 1966. She was the former Lily 2.1aude Lyon. Surviving are her husband; sons, Alervyn and James, both of R.R. 2, Clinton; Harold and Alvin. of Clinton; daughters, Mrs. Lyle (Joyce) Docking, Staffa; Mrs. Donald (Margaret) Crich, Clin- ton; Mrs. Gordon (Bernica) Mac- Farlane, St. Thomas; Mrs. Howard (Grace) Pym, Exeter; brother, Stanley Leon, R.R. 1, Auburn; sisters, Mrs. Edna Holmes, Dres- den, Mrs, Emmerson (Mae) Hesk. Mrs, Earl (Olive) Gaunt, Mrs. Harry (Ida) Durnin, all of Lon- desboro, The funeral service was held on Wednesday at 2 p.m, at the Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. LONDESBORO Mr, and Mrs. Audrey Knox, of Stouffville, were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox. Mrs. Wayne Jackson and child- ren, of Ridgehown, are at present visiting under the parental roof. Mr. Tom Allen accompanied by Don Scruton and Graham Jack- son left on Thursday for the hunting season at Matatehewan. Mrs, Harold Livingstone is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital having undergone surgery on Thursday morning. Her many friends wish her a speedy recov- ery, Mrs. Steele, of Tceswatcr, is spending a few days with her brother-in-law, Mr, Livingstone, and numbering back - growl and will carry the lettering "19 Ontario 67" on the ton and "18 Confederation 67" on the bot- tom. The licence numberstwill be separated by a crown, instead of a clot as in previous years. Expiry elate for present plates - • and the final clay for getting 1967 plates - • will be Tuesday, February 28. Mr, Haskett. said there definitely would be no ex- tension beyond this date. "The three-month issuing per- iod gives ample time for everyone to get plates," Mr. Haskett said. "For their own peace of mind, we hope more motorists will gel their plates early and avoid last minute line-ups." For commercial vehicles, trail - on a blue THE BLYTH STANDARD . NRS. LLOYD PENFOUND HOSTESS FOR WALKERBURN CLUB The Walkerburn Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Airs. Lloyd Pen.found. The first vice-president, Mrs. Henry Hunking, was in charge of the program in the absence of Mrs. Ted Hunking. The mooting was opened by singing 0 Canada followed b5' the Lord's Prayer. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp. The financial statement was given by the treas- urer, Airs. Waller Cunningham. The roll call was answered by 15 members.- The draw prize donated by Mrs. Roy Daer was won by Mrs. Elliott. Lapp. Airs. Worthy Young held the lucky ticket on the bed spread. It was decided to again have a Christmas party and it will be held at the home of Mrs. George Schneider, with the pro- gram to be planned by Mrs. Geor- ge Schneider and Mrs. Tom Cun- ningham. The roll call is to be an- swered by telling what 1 hope to have Christmas mean. 'l'he Christ- mas lunch which every' nember will bring is to he sandwiches, cookies and i'hr; .i :,s cake and will be se:vea by lir:. Arie Duiz- cr. lir.:. .laci. I iaii,im, Mrs. Car- man Urut's ::!.(1 :,1rs. Henry I-Iunk- ing,. p: ogram of contests was held witch Mrs. Joe Verwey in charge. Mrs. Henry IIunking gave an in- teresting card game and the win- ners were Airs. Tom Cunningham, Airs. Worthy Young and Mrs. Wi':• fred Penfound. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, assist• ed by Airs. Tom Cunningham, Airs. Walter Cunningham. Mrs. Guy Cunningham and Mrs. Roy Daer, ers and conversion units, 1967 plates will go on sale March 1 and the expiry date for current plat- es will be March 31. This proced- ure is the sane as it has been for the past three years. For these vehicles, plates \vitt continue to be available on ,a quarterly basis as well as for the, whole year. On and after December 1, 1966, the Uninsured ,Motor Vehicle Fee will be raised from $20 to $25. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1966 .,,)1111111111111118l11111111J11ll11111111i11111ll11)111111111111111llIll11U1u1111ll1 111111111N1M11111111111 llll 1111UullllllllU111 VITAMIN PRODUCTS for YOUNG & OLD VITAMINS FOR INFANTS TPI VI SOL $1.65 and $2.95 TRi VI TABS $1.45 and $3.25 INFANTOL $2.00 and $3.50 INFANTOL DROPS $1.50 and $4,10 VI DAYLIN $1,65 and $3,35 OSTOCO DROPS $1,25, $2,00 and $3.25 PARDEC LIQUID $2,00 and $3,50 VITAMINS FOR ADULTS MALTLEVOL MALTLEVOL 12 VITA DIET TABLETS WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT COD LIVER. COI) LIVER OIL CAPSULES HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES • . SCOTT'S EMULSION $2.50 $3.60 $2,98 $1,75 and $3,15 ,98c . $1.15, $2,29, $4,29 $1.00 and $2.00 R. D. PHILP, Phm1B DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER — Phone 5234440, biytb 1 111111111111 11111111 IiIIBIIIIIIIIII881111I111III1111111111111111111111111111111111111II 11 II .-a ••,-• 4++-•-+H •-• ♦ 4-•-••N- +-•-•- • H t • Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER — SEAFORTII Open Every Afternoon PHONE EXETER Business 235.0620 Residence 235.1384 •4 .4,44-4-4-• 4 -+-•-44 •4-x-4 1 6-1.4-4 X4-4-• • .+4-4.41-•-•-•-•-41 444-44 4.41 • ,•-1-•-•-•-•-N-•1-•-4 ♦ •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•444+44-•-•-•-•+•-•-•44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• • WE SPECIALIZE IN -•- Fish and Chips Steaks and Chops Light Lunches and Confectioneries HURON GRILL Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-4391 1 Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 87—April 28 to Oct. 27 at Montreal. THE CHARTERED D BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY • le* lila Ili ilk fool1YIN rww111 . • WPDN.ESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1966 Business Directory VODDEN'S TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE BLYTII — Phone 523.9313 J. E. LONGSTAFF - OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street — CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9,30 a,m, to 5.30 p,m, • For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTII OFFICE — Balance of Weck — Phone 527.1240 SANITATION SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS CLEANER. AND REPAIRED BLOCKED DRAINS OPENED WITII MODERN EQUIPMENT PROMPT SERVICE IRViN COXON — Milverton — Telephone 254 THE BLYTH STANDAR?, PAGE FIVE i'',111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f II 11111 IIIIIIIIII111illI I!I11111IH111111 1!!1111111111111111111111011111111111111!!IIp911111119i III! 11"III'!II!!1GII111011111191111111111► SELL IT! BUY IT! r !I I I ; I Ii' I iIIiI III ' i gll11;:,01 IIIIIIII' II i Iii' I it 111' II 1 I 1 1,lilIII►„VIII:llll�llllll,I,,iILl:{,.,ill.,lllll I',I�:i,I il... ,,, IIl.11111.1..111: I.I(,ll►III(u11►Ii�II!Ilf►►!Illl 3 RENT IT! FIND IT! PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LIONS CLUB BINGO CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE flarborlight Inn, Godericb, Wed I wish to thank all those who Yorkshire Boars, serviceable nesday, November 16, at 8,30 p.m. remembered me with cards and age, qualifying for Government 17 regular games for $10,00; aharo visits while a patient in Clinton Premiums; open gilts and bred the wealth; $50,00 jack pot; anu Public IIospital. Also special gilts, from R.O.P. tested stock, the new accelerating Jack pot up thanks to Dr. Street and the nun Weeping Maple Farm, phone 523 - to $250. Admission $1,00, sing staff. 9590 Blyth, 26.3p 36tf 26•lp, —Dorothy Oster. FOR SALE —0 CUSTOM BACK -110E WORK holt ,BALI', Dressed and oven-ready ducks; Back -Hoe and Front Loader, for Girl's 3 -piece green suede win- also Christmas Trees. Clement • excavating, burying stones or ler outfit, size 18 months; Ladies McLellan, Brussels, 4631V0, 26.3 ditching. Lloyd Walker, phone blue velvet dress, size 13, worn 357-1359 Wingham, 10-tf only twice. Mrs. Charles Shob- ' brook, phone 523.9227 Blyth, 26.1 NOW IS THE TIME 51.30 To have that Chimney repaired. The man to see is Donald Ives, General Contractor, phone Brus• sets 345W6, or Godcrich 524.6355. 20.4p VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FIL'L'ER QUEEN SALES — Varna -- Tel, Coll, Mensal! 696R2 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS, ETC. PUMPED & CLEANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE — Brussels R.R. 2 — Phone 442W6 DR, R. W. STREET BLYTII — ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON -- OPTOME'T'RIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD, LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SHIPPED on Monday and Thursday (HOGS on Tuesday Trucking To and From Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL I3LY'1'Il 523.9361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker, R, John Elliott, Salesman. PIION'ES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Re's.. 523-4522 or 523-4323 Edward A. Elliott Salesman •— Wingham, Ontario, WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses, ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT GODEIUCH — ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 11r ,r REG SMITH SIGNS Truck Lettering, Farm Signs, Plastic Signs, Refinished Show Cards and highway Signs, Corner of East and Iligh Streets, Clinton, 482.9793, 20.10, ORNAMENTAL RAILING Contact Bill Niezen, phone 523- 9556 Bl;;'th, If no answer phone 523.9521, 24.6p, tf, FESTIVAL OF CAROLS Presented by the Junior Choirs • of Wesley Willis and Ontario Street Churches, ,ol' Clinton in Ontario Street Church on Friday and Saturday', December 9 and 10, at 8 p.m. 25.3p MORRIS TOWNSILIP FEDERA. 'PION OF AGRICULTURE Annual Meeting and Turkey Banquet will be held in the For- ester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, December 2, 1966, at 7 p.m. Guest speaker, I-Iarry J. Boyle, of the C.B.C. Tickets $1,50. 25.2 FOR SALE 2500 bales of good mixed hay; 2000 bales of straw, Gerald Hey - ink, phone Blyth 523-9208. 25-2 EUCiIRE PARTY In Bl'ytIh Orange hall on Friday, December 2nd, at 8 p,m, Admis- sion 50e. Ladies with lunch free. 25-2 CARL) OF THANKS The Patients and Goderich On- tario Hospital Volunteer Associ- ation wish to express their appre- ciation to the Blyth School Reun- ion Committee for the generous 50 dollar gift, This donation will be used to assist in brightening the Christmas of many patients. —Mrs, Raymond Redmond, Vol- unteer Co -Ordinator, Ontario Hos- pital, Goderioh, 26-1 MORRIS TO1VNSIIIP ELECTION FOR TWO SCHOOL TRUSTEES SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1960 Polling Sub -Division No. 1, Lau- rie Scott's Home, D.R.O., Laurie Scott, P.C., Leo Cronyn, - Polling Sub -Division No, 2, Ralph Travis' Home, Walton. 1). R,O., Allan McCall, P,C., Allan Searle. Polling Sub -Division No, 3, Or- ange Hall, Belgrave. 1).8.0., Mark Armstrong, P.C., Telford Cook. Polling Sub -Division No. 4, Morris Township hall. D.R.0., I-Ioward Smith, P.C., Jack Clark. Polling Sub -Division Nol, 5, School House S.S. No, 7, D.R.0,, Charles Campbell, P.C., Gordon Higgins. Polling Sub -Division No 6, Campbell Robertson's Home. D.R. 0,, James Bowman, P.C,, (item Sellers. Polls to be opened fre:ni 9 A.M. to 5 PAI, HELEN MARTIN, Returning Officer. APPLES FOR SALE Spies and a few bags of cider apples. 1, 13. Nesbit, phone 523- 9597 Blyit'h. 26-1 FOR SALE Two young Holstein Cows, Wa- terloo Unit breeding, one just freshened, and other one due De- cember 11, Good producers. Clare Longlh'urst, Auburn, phone 526- 7549. 26.1p WANTED 15 head cattle, about 500 lbs, to feed for winter, Joseph, Mc. Caughey, phone 377J13, Brussels. 26•lp FOR SALE Boys Black Watch Plaid sports jacket, size 7; 2 wool sweaters. Airs. Ralph McCrea, 523-9344 Blyth. 26•lp FOR SALE A Perfect Xmas Gift for Him or Her. An "Argus • M4" Power Zoom 8MAI Movie Camera, with Electric Eye which (Automatical- ly Sets Lens). You can take mo- vies from wide angle to telephoto without taking a step, and its mate The Argus Showmaster 500 8MM Aorvie Projector. (Instruc- tion Books with both), Camera and Projector are almost brand new and . in perfect condition. John Manning, phone 523-9293 Blyth. 26.1p. FOR SALE Girl's winter coat, size 12; La- dies ski jacket, size 16; girl's bul- ky knit sweater, size 10, Phone 523-4355 Blyth!. 26-1 FOR SALE CHRISTMAS DANCE FOR SALE Man's sand coloured satin car On Friday, December 23rd, in Grim evaporator, complete with coat with fur collar, size 38. in the Memorial Hall, sponsored by supply tank, gathering tank and good condition, reasonable, Con- the Blyth Lions Club, Ken WO - pails, Norman McClinchey, phone tact Robert Daer, Auburn, 526- bee's Orchestra. Proceeds for the Auburn 526-7789, 25.2p 7774. 25 -Ip Artificial lee Fund. 26-2 „nil THE BEST -- MOST ECONOMICAL --- ADVERTISING MARKET TO BE CRAWFORD, SIIEPIIERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J, I -I, Crawford, Q.C.; Norman Shepherd,' L.LB,; Alan Mill,' In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointinent, LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Blyth 523-4481 Phones Wingham 357-3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE STYLING'• TI•NP1NG• • CUTTING & COLD 1VAVES DOREEN McCALLUM Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day Monday — Open Tuesday Through Saturday DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid' for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows. and Horses .also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound — Phone Collect 133, Brussels, BRUCE 11IARLATT or Glenn Glbson,Phone 523.4344 Blyth, (24 hr. service) Plant Lic, No, 54-R.,P, 61; Coll, Lie, No, 88-G61 BLYTII BEAUTY BAR CUTTING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES ANN HOLLINGER —• -Phone Blytli 523.9341 FOUND ANYWHERE. GIVE US A CALL AT 523-9211. Il'i i,:Ph;, ! ^:illili!, Ili.!i,:�i!i lh?'11ii(Ili! (j{ �I''li' Iili'lll'�iI( ii11� iiP li IiCi I (ill'11f'iif 161' it ill! iU�l !.III' I:I� !'!' I,II. :l `i! i. a I i:li•ii1.:,I t IL. ,i ,ll l ;lII 1, i d;!II II. i,, .w .. WALTON ANI) DISTRICT NEWS l.. a . !I:'I n;c •ul II, ILII' I I � I' ILII L. 'i !!!' nl r.,. , �il:,.11l" I� I I . ILLjili! I- I, i !I�aj ry�ll!i,l� III�I�II Ill,pd Mrs, Doug Fraser's side the win- ner. Plans were made for the , Air. and Airs, Wm, McCallum, of his mother, Mrs'. Joseph 113 an, Christmas meeting with Airs, Rae '" Sarnia, visited over the weekend and Mr, and Mrs, Philip Speak. Houston's side to look after the •' 1 with Mr, and Mrs. Jini Clark, 8111 and 10 Unit Meeting lunch, - Alr, and Mrs. Jahn ?dcGavin The November meeting of the The officers for 1967 are: Pre - and family, 'Thornbury, were 8th and 16 Unit of Duffs United silent, Mrs, Jan van Vliet; Secre- weckend guest's at the home of Church was held at the home of tary, Mrs, George McCall; Treas. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McGavin Mrs. Donald McDonald Tucsda.,' urer, Mrs, Don McDonald; 'Flow and Mr. and Mrs, Neil �11cGavin. evening, November 22nd. The ers, Mrs, Doug Fraser; Pianist, Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Dcligal, meeting was opened bysinging Mrs,Wilbur Turnbull, assistant, of Ilensall, %here recent guests at hymn "0 Master - Let Me Walk Mrs. Harold Bolger; Supper Com - the home of Mrs. Walter Broad- With Thee" with Airs. Wilbr mittce, Mrs. Alvin McDonald, - foot, 'Turnbull at the piano. Mrs. Don Mrs, Jim Smith; Copper Commit - Air. and Mrs. ,]lames Lamont Fraser led in prayer and read the tee, Mrs, Alvin McDonald; Quilt and family', of London, were Sun- scripture taken frown 1st Peter 2.4 Committee, Mrs, Ken McDonald, clay guests al the home of Mr. and and an article "Duty is Not En- Mrs, Jim McDonald, Mrs, Rae Mrs, Lloyd Porter, Nigh," The topic "Time to List- Houston, Mrs. Ferne Patterson, Seaforth, en" was taken by 'Airs, Alvin Ale- Grace was sung and lunch was spent hist week with her sister, Donald, Hymn "Pcoplo that on served by Mrs. Jim Smith, Mrs. Mrs, Walter Breladfoot Miss Earth Do Dwell" was swig and Bert Bochert and the hostess, ' Amye Love, Toronto, visited over t'ie business pant of the meeting the weekend with the sisters. was turned over to Ars. Harold r t •Bob Humphries, of Niagara Bolger, The minutes of the Last 'Falls, spent the.'celaend with his meeting %vcrc read b:' bhc Seem - parents, Air, and Mrs, Stewart tory, Roll call was answered by lluiniihries. 12 members. There was one guest. 11lr, and Mrs, Joseph Ryan spent The regular collection was taken Jest Thursday in Woodstock with also the copper collection with BLAKE'S WIELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. ALSO COMPLETE SIHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482'7303 • CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Friday -1,30 (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton • PAGE SIX New Maps Being Made By Mid -Western Group 11he Mid -Western Regional Tourist Council is producing a completely new tour map and guide booklet on the four -county area of Wellington, Waterloo. Perth and Huron. This publiea- tion will be produced in a quan- tity 'of 60,000 and distributed throughout the United States and at border crossing points. The folder will be printed in :11-1.12.1114 . 1, -j. f.2.10 HEATING MEN, I� vi' :";1' SENIOR i�`iG iV, OIJsl P •9fAA'`? T :OR-NOT,JtJSTNOW `�..,..;� THEN" 7' r rlt 1.l• tg Aito I • • i 0 • We Deliver All Orders, Large or Small four 'colours and Is designed to highlight the main attractions in the four -county area, The tour and accommodation booklet which will supplement the tourist folder is designed Ota break the area down into approximately twelve conducted tours of one to five pages and include black and white photographs of attractions and points of ilvteresit in the tour arca. They will also incorporate a Course Members Prepare For Summary Day :Members of the Senior Course "Hats for You" are putting the finishing touches on their hats in preparation for Summary Day. The Summary Day in Clinton will be held at the Legion Hall on December 2nd. The one in Wing - ham will be at the St. Andrew'. Presbyterian Church on Decem- ber 1st. Both begin at 1:30 p.m. The programme which is in the form of a Ilattenany promises to be very interesting. The ladies will show off their origilral crea- tions in displays and parades. 11 Mrs. 1lildred Mulligan, Millinery Specialist, Department elf Agri- culture and Food, Toronto, will show some tricks' from her Magic Hat Box. A tea concludes the r1 ternoon, A cordial invitation is extended to those interested in the Project 11-Iats For You," to addend Sum- mary Day, ...-.•44-..-4444-.+.-.1+ t 1 "'FRESH MEATS - - SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL per lb. 69c MAPLE LEAF BACON per lb. 99c SIRLOIN and T BONE STEAK SPECIAL per lb. 95c DINNER HAMS per lb. 99c DUCKS - GEESE - CAPONS - TURKEYS Order your Xmas Fowl Early w.www..►v.•r�+•�++vrNv+w+v.�,r.►.Nvrv+v.�wr�w+... . BLYTH MEAT;#, _ R ,t ET . Y • Phone 523-4551 Blyth, Ont. •° .++••+.-•.++ -4-.-.-•-. 1-.+f+.-44.-•-.+.•...-.•• • •• • • • • 1 COLD WEATHER APPAREL Men's Work Gloves and Mitts, lined or unlined Men's, Women's and Children's Gloves and Mitts Plaid Flannel Work Shirts Men's Lined Smocks Men's Zipper Front Overall (streamliners) Men's Coveralls Sno-Boots and Overshoes for All the Family Underwear for Men, Women and Children .IV.. •. • ....... N We pay your 5 per cent Sales Tax on regular items. The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service. THE BLYTH STANDARD two colour map showing the route to be travelled. The publication is expected to cost between 15 and 10 thousand dollars and it is anticipated that approxinnitely 7 to 8 thousand dollars in advertising revenue can be raised to offset the total cost, Further information regarding the tourist folder and guide map or advertising rates can be ob• tailed by contacting Mid -Western Regional Tourist Council at 1 On- tario Street, Stratford, Ontario, Telephone 270.5120. Congratulations to Mrs. Harold Knox who celebrates her birth- day on Thursday, December 1. Congratulations to Debbie flicks who celebrates her birthday on Monday, December 5. Congratulations to llrs. Archie Montgomery who celebrates her birthday on Monday, December 5, Brussels Teenagers Injured in Accident hour l9.'assels teen-agers and three lien 1.1oni the Barrie area were injured 1:1::1 't'husday, one seriously, to a tw:year crash on f ; c; vett 11.x;:.way 4, about y mile no: '.;I cl' Belgrave. One of ;h.' cl::cars, Harold r:', !;, :tot ,;i Mr. and Mrs. i,cu:. :u u, te: , received cuts to t•ce and head. His condition is fair. A passenger, Paul Wilson, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wilson, received multiple fract- ures to his arms and legs and in- ternal injuries. IIe was transfer- red to Victoria hospital, Landon, \v.here his condition was describ- ed as fair. Douglas Davidson. 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson, was transferred from the hospital in Wingham to St. .Joseph's hos- pital, L:J;ton, IIe has head cuts and 1'racIures to both legs, His candjtion was listed as fair. ThLi fourth youth, Gary Long, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs, Clare Long, suffered head cuts. The Long and Mutter 'aubhs remain in \V'ingham And District General I-Iospaal. The driver of the second car and two or his four passengers were transferred to Pencilling General Hospital, where their condition was listed as fair. George \Vlicklum, 63, Thilp- stone, the driver, suffered frac- tured ribs and internal injuries. rank Coughlin, 68, reeve of 1''oss Township, received a broken hip, and Lorne Graham, 37, Elni• vale, shoulder injuries. Two others in the Wield= carr, William Graxtcn, 47, R,1{. 3, Elm - vale, and Donald MacDonald, 40, Anton Mills, escaped injury. Police said the sotl,;i:.bound ve- hicle driven by the Mutter youth wi.'l passing GI car w:len the acci- dent occunrcd. ! lc :Ivy fog 1 1.tc'1- es ;11Sted the h''!'hcray at the time. The \Vick lum ca:' It A ic'.i C de - rich during (IL!. 1,f: L'!an and was heading far ' e Ba:.'ie areal, poi:ee said, Both ears w;'re d; molished. maffortmennasmsuomplemasitratematena REGAL CIIAI'TER ORDER OF THE EASTERN S'1'AI{ will hold a CHRISTMAS TEA, BAZAAR, BAKE SALE in their Chapter Rooms, Blyth from 3 to 5 p.m. SATURDAY, DEC. 10 Everyone Cordially Invited, DOOR PRIZE SCOTCH PINE, Rea'4anablc, CHRISTMAS TREES Either Wholesale or Retail. COME ANI) CUT YOUR OWN AT SPECIAL PRICES, Olt WILL DELi\' i{ LL(4YD 1M'MEDD, Phone 48...•,uus Evenings ar Week End.; 26.3 I�IuluUuumuubuldluululuulmuuuuwiuuiuVluail�tu WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, '.1966 1111111/ IIIIIIliili011JIIlIJ111111111111 11111 i IIII 011111 11111111111111111h1 111 II 11 1111,106 IIIH!u,1141, Thank You On behalf of the Village of Blyth, it gives me great pleasure to offer a sincere thank you to the members of the Blyth School Reunion Committee for their very generous allotment of their surplus funds. The reunion is now history, but the mem- ory left with the residents of Blyth and those who attended the event will never be forgot- ten. May I take this opportunity to congrat- ulate each and every one of the committee for a job well done. The village is very proud of you, and you in turn, must be blessed with a deep sense of satisfaction. Needless to say, we are very pleased with your generosity, and may I. ensure you that the money was graciously received and will be put to a most beneficial use by the societies and organizations involved. Allow inc to again thank you, I remain yours truly, BORDEN COOK, REEVE 1'lunicipality of the Village of Blyth 1111111MillIllll111ii11i11l1 111!!'1111 il'Iiii':I r.'6. ,'', .;, -+.-..•.-* ,•.•..-.-r.-.-e-.-.-**** -$-.±.-.-.-.-.-.•.•.•.-.•. .•.+.•.-w•.-.•..-. i T BOOTH TENDERS 3 '('enders will be received by the undersigned from Service Clubs, Church Organizations or Private Individuals until 12 noon, Saturday, December 10, 1966 for booth priv- ileges at the Blyth Arena. Further particulars available on request. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. tt MRS. JESSIE McKAY Secretary -Treasurer Blyth Recreational Committee 14 4• ..�......�.....♦.. 4'* ..,. Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH •— ONTARIO. 404.40w 4441 44,44, NNN N•N..I..NN.IM.Ne. ~~~41 INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 1. .J gifts for CHRISTMAS are something he'll remember all year long We have a wide selection of hand- some ARROW gifts for your fa- vorite men. Men of all ages and shirts for all occasions. Dress shirts, sport shirts and sport knits for pleasure. Underwear and pajamas for comfort and leisure. • .• Y, 1 • 4, ota A H. W. Madill's SHOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "Tho Sto''e With The Good Manners" Clinton 1)ry Cleaners Pick Up at 11adill's on Wednesday and Friday. LrT, (Y CALENDAR NUMBER.:- 1975 .111111111C1 1 1 11 I i 11�li i 'w WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER- 30, 1966 4 RATEPAYERS OF EAST WAWANOSH SCHOOL AREA. If re-elected as School Trustee I will continue to support policies that are progressive and practical. 1 will endeavour to maintain democratic procedures in public affairs, Vote as you wish, but for our children's saki' please vote on Saturdays December 3rd, Sincerely, MASON BAILEY 4 TO the ELECTORS of EAST WAWANOSH Having been nominated for the position of Councillor I would appreciate your support at the election Saturday, December 3, If elected, I will endeavour to work to the best of. my ability in the best interests of the township. JIM WALSH TO the ELECTORS of EAST WAWANOSH Having been a member of your council for the past six years, I have decided to allow my name to stand for election as Reeve for 1967. I earnestly solicit your vote and if elected will endeavour to serve the best interests of everyone in the township. ROY PATTISON 4 TLECT CURRIE X DEC. 3 EAST WAWANOSH AREA SCHOOL BOARD A CONCERNED PARENT WITII NEW ENTHUSIASM AND INTEREST. VOTE - JOHN A. CURRIE • VOTE TO RE-ELECT JAMES R. COULTES School Trustee Township of East Wawanosh TO THE ELECTORS OF EAST WAWANOSH I earnestly solicit your support at the polls on Saturday, December 3, 1966. Having served you as councillor for the. past six years, I have decided to contest the Reeveship, If elected, I will endeavour to work to the best of my ability for the con- tinued progress of the Township. Mason Robinson k THE BIRTH - STANDARD BELGRAVE Visitors with Reeve and Mrs. Stewart Procter for the American Thanksgiving were Mr, and Mrs, Al Stark and family, of Detroit, They also visited with other rela- tives in the district. Annual Meeting and Choir Social The annual meeting and choir social of the Belgrave United Church was held on Friday even- ing, November. 25, at he home of the organist and choir leader, Mr, Roy Mundy, of Wingham. After choir practise a short meeting was held, Murray- Scott read the i minutes and the financial state- ment, Rev, Wilson conducted the election of officers and are as follows: President, Bill Coultes; Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. Carl Procter; Gown Committee, Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Mrs, Jake Meulwych, Mary Grasby; Social Committee, George Johnston, Ken Wheeler, Mary Ellen Walsh, Barbara Meul- wych, Margaret Mlichie; Attend- ance secretary, Ross Anderson; Librarians, Mary Ann Wheeler, Nancy Anderson, The social hour was conducted hyo Ruth Michie and George Johnston. A lunch of sandwiches, cake and ice cream +, was served. IIi-C Group Meeting 'Phe IIi-C group met on Sunday, November 27, in the church base- ment with a sing -song led by Joan Bosman. Secretary's report was given by Grant Cantles. It was an- nounced. mnounced. that the Hi -C group would decorate the Xmas Tree for the concert and purchase the or- naments. Lloyd 'Vickie gave the treasurer's report. Brian Hopper will be in chage of the next meet- ing, December 11. David Bosman was in charge of the meeting and opened with hymn "0 Jesus I Have Promised." Ilugh McBurney read the scripture from Math, 7, verses 1 to 20. Rev. Wilson spoke to the group for a few minutes, The discussion was "Contempor- ary Music at Church." The group divided into two smaller groups for discussion and rejoined to give their opinions. The offering was received by Bob Taylor and Dave Bosman. Recreation follow- ed and taps closed.ihe meeting, r 4 DONNYBROOK We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Sam Thompson has been in Wing - ham and District Hospital .this past week with pleurisy and infla- =tion of the Bronchial tubes, We hope she will soon be home • again, Mrs. Cecil Chamney, of Wingham, has been helping at * .the Thompson home over the weekends. Mr, Hugh Jefferson, of Port Ar- thur, who has been working in London spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Jefferson, and also visit- ed with other Donnybrook rela- tives and on Sunday took Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson to visit Mr, and Mrs. Frank Campbell, London. Visitors on the weekend with Mir, and Mrs. I1illiard Jefferson were, Mr. and Mrs, George Reeves • of Toronto, Misses Gladys and Irene Jefferson, of Goderich, Miss Mary Jefferson, of London, Miss Sharron Jefferson, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jefferson, of Dungannon, Mr, and MIrs. Murray, Wilson, Gregory, Scott and Daryl, of West Wawanosh, Visitors on Sunday with Mr. k and Mrs. Wes Jefferson and fam- ily were, Mr. and Mrs, Willows • Mountain, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Jos - ling, Ken, Paul, Neil and Betty, of Londesboro, Miss Marie Josling of Stratford Mr; Lloyd Josling, of Goderich and Mrs. Cal Straughan of Goderich, ORDER NOW --- Counter Check Books (printed or blank) The Blyth Standard Office, PAGE SEVEN To The Ratepayers Of MORRIS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA I would appreciate your support at the, polls Saturday, December 3rcl for the election of School Trustee. Wishing one and all the compliments of the season. BERT ELLIOTT To The Electors of East Wawanosh FOR THE BENEFIT of YOUR CHILDREN VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE VOTE HOWARD WALKER A 6 year member of the School Board IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP VOTE TAYLOR, H. Boyd for SCHOOL TRUSTEE I Respectfully Solicit Your Support For MORRIS SCHOOL TRUSTEE If elected I shall continue to serve the School Area to the Best of My Ability, ON DECEMBER 3rd VOTE CARL GOWING TO THE ELECTORS OF MORRIS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA 1 would appreciate your support at the polls on Decem- bet. 3rd, and if elected 1 shall endeavour to serve every one concerned to the best of my ability, CARMAN HAINES TO THE ELECTORS OF EAST WAWANOSH Having allowed my name to stand as Councillor for 1967 1 would appreciate your vote and influence at the election on Saturday, December 3rd. If elected I pledge myself to work to the utmost of my ability in the best interests or everyone in the Township. SIMON HALLAHAN 1 • r. 1 • PAGE EIGIi'I' THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, .1966 Superior Dollar Days Stokley's Fancy Tomato Juice 48 oz, tins 3 for 1.00 Hyatt's Choice Tender Peas 15 oz. tins 7 for 1.00 Scotian Gold Apple Juice, 48 oz. tins 3 for 1.00 Green Giant Niblet Corn, 12 oz. tins 5 for 1.00 A'linette's Best Tomatoes, 20 oz. tins 4 for 1.00 Libby's Deep Brown Beans, 20 oz. tins I for 1.00 (fold Seal Chunk 'Tuna, 6 12 oz. tins 3 for 1.00 Lee Crushed Pineapple, 20 oz. tins 4 for ' 1.00 Aylmer Vegetable Soup, 10 oz. tins 8 for 1.00 SHOP AND S Blyth, Ontario. OPP REPORT Officers of the \1'ingham De- tachment worked a total of 186' Duty Hours and patrolled a total of 1920 miles of road in the De- tachment area from November 20 'o November 26, 1966. The following Criminal Code offences were investigated; 1 'Theft, 7 Other Criminal Investiga Aylmer Tomato Soup, 10 oz. tins 8 for 1.00 Stokley's Fancy Cream Style Corn 15 oz. tins 5 for 1.00 Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 11 oz. bottles 5 for ...................... 1.00 St, William's Assorted Jams, 9 oz. jars 5 for ...................... 1.00 Cut Rite Waxed Paper, .. 3 boxes 1.00 Maple Leaf Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkgs. :3 for 1..00 Swift's Tempt I)og Food, 15 oz, tins, 10 for 1.00 Swift's Tempt Cat Food, 15 oz. tins, 10 for ..................... 1..00 Superior Bread 5 loaves for 1.00 Biclfs Sweet Pickles 32 oz. jar 49c FREE --- 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar with the purchase of 4 Light Bulbs at the Regular Price. Tang Orange, 5 pouches 99t: Weston Old Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies 31c Blue Nater Fish Krisps, 2-8 oz. pkgs. 67e Steishine Mixed Vegetables, 2 lb. 45c Lux Liquid Detergent, giant size 8e off 79c Blue Breeze, 10c off giant size 97c Moderns: Bathroom Tissue 2 roll pkg. 22c Ontario Hot I-Iouse Tomatoes, 1 lb. 29c California Sunkist Lemons . , 5 for 19c Florida Tangerines .... per doz. 39c VE PHIS WEEKEND AT Phone 523-4421 1 bigcucr Control Investigation MRS, McCALLU% UNIT There were Dune Motor Vel). isle Accidents investigated during the part week. 'There were seven people injured as a result of these accidents. 'fatal property damage is estimated at approxi- mately $2300.00. One person way charged Willi a striving offence under the highway 'Traffic Acl. Classified Ads. Pay Big Dividends Phone 523-93.32 ARKET We Deliver 13ELOW CASH and CARRY PRICES Culverhouse Arrow Peas, 20 oz. 6 for 1.00 or caj,,e of 24 '3 89 Stokley's Van Camp Pork and Beans, 20 oz. 4 for 89c or case of 24 5.19 Campbell's Tomato Soup, 20 oz. , 3 for 79c or case of 24 5.95 Allen's Drink, mix or match, 48 oz., 3 for 95c case of 12 3.60 St. William's Breakfast Club James, 24 oz. 2 for 89c or case of 12, 4.75 St. William's Cherry Pie Filling, 20 oz... 39c Club House Peanut Butter, 16 oz. jar . , . 39c Red Marachino Cherry Club I-Iouse,16 oz., 59c David's .Fresh Fig Bars, reg. 47c, Spec. 1 lb. Javex Bleach King, Sz, Bold Glide Starch 64 oz, 2 for 79c per pkg. 1.39 32 oz..... 25c Smoked Picnic Shldr. Pine River Cheese real buy, per lb. 49c 65c lb. or 10 lbs, 5.90 I EXTRA SPECIAL :- Buy 2 Electric Light ' Bulbs reg. price, Get 1 lb. Whey Butter ti for only 50c per lb, TO ,11EE'1' Mrs. 11cCa11um Unit will Fold their Christmas meeting 'Tuesday, December (3, at 4 p.m, A pat luck supper will be served at 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett will show their pictures on their trip to Europe. Blyth wiromortiargursremailmarc Congratulations Best wishes to Mr, Garth Wal- den, of London, who celebrate his birilhday on 'Thursday, Decem- ber 8. Congratulations to Miss Dianne Kirkconnell who celebrated her binthyday on November 30th, S We Deliver py Returns to 11r, G. 0, Bradley, of Meaford, who celebrated his birthday, on Monday, November 28. Congratulations to 11rs. Lloyd Tasker ‘‘iIro celebrates her birth- day Thursday, December 1. Congratulations to Mrs, Bill 1l arming who celebrates her birth- Congralulatiops and Many Hap- da;. on friday, December 2. ' a.,.� Red f3 White f. Food Mkt. Phone 523-9451 We Deliver OU NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP ON THESE CANNEL) GOODS AT BIG SAVINGS ALL THESE CANNED FOODS AR E DEL MONTE FANCY QUALITY PEAS, CREAM CORN, KERNEL CORN 6 tins 1.00 CUT GREEN BEANS, WAX BEANS, PEAS and CARROTS, 5 tins 1.00 FINE FLAVOR CATSUP 11 oz. bottle 5 for 1.00 FRUIT COCKTAIL, 14 oz. tin 2 for 55c l� RUIT DRINKS in TINS, 48 oz. tin 6 varieties 3 for 1.00 'TEATS and FROZEN FOODS Fresh Picnics, 5 to 6 Ib. average per lb. ,,............... .49c Maple Leaf Weiners, 2 lb. pkg. 99c Devon Breakfast Bacon, 1 lb. pk. 89c Long -land Ducks, 5 lb. average per. lb. 69c Utility :13rand Roasting Chickens 6 - 8 lbs........... per lb. 43c Fresh Pork Liver ....... per Ib. 39c Meaty Ribs per lb. 69c MATS, YEG TABL SES and GROCERIES Kkencx Tissues, chubby or reg. G pkgs. . ....... „ 99c Aylmer Boston Brown Beans 2 tins 45c Kraft Chccz Whiz, 16 oz. jar 67c Ballet Toilet Tissue .....1 rolls 49c Javex Liquid Bleach, 64 oz. . , 45c Libby's Alpha-Getti, free Batman coin, 2 tins . . . . ..... . ...37c Bayer Aspirin, 100 in bottle, reg.. 99e .............. only 139c ITot House Tomatoes .... per lb, 39c e tlitian Sweets and Mac Apples 5 lb. bag 69c K ing Apples 5 Ib. bag 59c This it: the Last week for Sweepstake Cards. All carols must me turned in before or on Saturday, December 3. To help you fill out your card this week for your purchases you receive a double punch.