HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1966-08-31, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD ;x2,50 A Year In Advance — $3,50 In U.S.A. TILYTI•I, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1060 BETH BRYANT KILLED IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT • . Y. _..,....._ 4...........- _... �..__ ... _ ........._.»�_ �.._..�......._ Agricultural Society Planning Photography Volume 79 • No, 13 Single Copies Six Centh Blyth Public School Bus LETTER TO TiiE EDITOR Routes Laicl Out Contest Public School children fr U,S.S. No. 12 Hullett and Mor The Directors of the Blyth Ag- and S.S. No. 1 Morris will eon. ricultural Society mot in the MC* menet studies in the Blyth Public Beth Bryant, 12 year•old date morial Hall library' Monday even. School this Seplemher. ScIoo! ghher of Mr. and Mrs, FIarry Bry• ing when several ileitis of Nisi• bus routes have been set up and lst, was instantly killed on Hur• ness was cleared off the decks. will be as follows: on County Road 25 in front of The Secretary reported ;r "Pop" Elliott's bus will leave from her parents I•fulleIt Township cooler had been purchased for Blyth on the boundary (11urn) Parol hone 2'ff miles east of use in the booth, and after some County Road No, 25) and its first Blyth at approximately eight o' discuss ic.n a motion was madr'• step will be al the Twin Acres clock Tuesday night, Ihat owing lo so many extra coni. corner at 7:55 a,m, It will then Both was riding her bicycle mil:ments this year the usual Fair proceed to Hear'd's corner and down the lane when she came in Dance be filed for the present. turn up the centre side road to contusion with a car travelling A coloured slide competition concession 9, Morris Township. on the road, will be held this year for the best From there it will travel west to Constable Primeau of the Sea- picture taken during the day ef Blyth; then north on No. 4 High, forth Detachment of the OPP and the fair. This will be open to all way to concession 8 Morris; east Coroner Thompson of Clinton, camera enthusiasts and will is to the centre side road, north to investigated. elude the following classes: concession 7 and east to Highway The Bryants are currently Ih• Picture of "new idea"— to No, 4 and into Blyth. ing in Stratford and were visit• illustrate a new project. develop- Parents are asked to please ing at their farm home on the ed by a society which may prove have their children at their• gates, evening of the accident. useful to other societies; or concession corners, as the case Besides )ler parents, Beth is Junior Farmer or 4•Ii Club ex, may be, in time for pickup. The survived by an older sister, Bon- hibit (not livestock); bus will not travel on side roads. Erie, Live deck --4.11 or regular cies- Arrival time of the bus at your A private funeral service will ses; stop will easily he determined be held at the Tasker Memorial Picture of a section of the by parents following the first Cha.pel in Blyth Friday afternoon. ladies exhibit (nol flower's), few days of pickup. The cooper. September 2nd at 2 p.m. Picture of opening day parade ation cif all parents is earnestly of livestock parade; solicited, Picture of school children's ex. Mbit, elementary or seco id:iry emmimr 1 Huron E.M.U. Officer (no livestock); Flower Show. Fired All entries must by 2" x 2" coloured slides and will be selects cd on a date to be announced following the fair, All slides he. cone the properly of the Agri• cultural Society, The winning slide will be shown in competition ell)] other twinning; slides from abet. fairs at a vol. cured slide competition al 'Tor- onto on December 1st. PUBLIC SCHOOL The Editor, August 13, 1966 PROGRESSING 01.N em STANDARD. Blyt. SCHEDULE ris You Blyth people. young anti old do ,, martir'iinus job when setting out (•) make a Res:iniun, You) Sc:luol, nr )(Alf successive Cour, ells, or y otu l.'Iturchc:5, or your Ser vice organizations cr your Bal 'I'canis and 1-1uckcy Player's have somehow produced an excellent low►; ... known by its fruits. I was pleased to be among the guests at your party. I was pleas• eel most of all by the peculiar pressure of the hands as you shake with a stranger, Where did you got that art? And 1 admire the work of the women of your town. The extra chinaware that they washed in private hones and public halls would (if placed end to end in a long line and with the permission of the Dept, of Highways) reach from your Community Mall to the suburbs of Belgrave. And the knives, forks and spoons figured ounce by ounce figures nut o 438 pounds . ... which is 0 weight that your strongest citi• zen could not heft. Lucky it is I had the TV offers detergents that reduces the labor of dish tvashing to nil. '!'hank you for a nice party. Yours (truly, Fred Slaman. A conflict between local and provincial Emergency Measures Organization planners was outline ed in Goderich Tuesday night as Huron County Council voted to curtail its emergency measures program. "They sent big men up here with flashy army uniforms and everything else and told us what to do," said James Hayter, reeve of Stephen Township. Emergency measures co-oetlin• ator for the past three years, W. Stuart Forbes, was relieved of his duties and cler'k•tr•easurer John G, 13erry was appointed act• ing co-ordinator at a salary of $50 a month, Both adtions, recommended in the report, of council's GAM com- mittee given by Clinton Deputy Reeve George \Toch, are retroac• tive to August 5 although the salary of Mr. Forbes and his sec- retary are to be continued to September 30. Mr. Berry was instructed to pre• Pare an emergency measures plan to the requirements of the attorn. When you see a school bus \trill% cygencral's department. and the reel lights flashing—STOP. Emergency Measure's Act, Whether you are approaching Mr. 1Voneh told council that the the bus from the front or over, alternative to operating EMO in taking it from the rear, (he flash the county on a curtailed basis ing red lights metal poll taus! would be closing the operation completely, .1 -le said the county would then have to refund $6,000 spent on emergency measures equipment to the provincial and federal goy. ernments, Mr. Wench said the idea of op. crating EMO on an abridged basis was suggested to the committee in a letter from the attorney -gen, eral's office, Ile said the con- mittee had originally planned to recommend abandoning E110 aft- er a June 24 meeting attended by N. W. '1'lnunermau, EM0 di• rector, and Mr. Forbes. He said lir, 'Timmerman had told the committee that Mr, Forbes had not produced an over• all emergency plan for Huron County. To Teach At Stratford Mr. Ronald 1liggins, who has been principal of the Blyth Pub. lie School for the past six years, completed a summer course in 'l'c:ronilo and will he teaching grades t) and 10 History and Eng- lish al North Western Secondary School in Stratford, His duties continence there at the beginning of the school terns in September. Cars Must Stop When Meeting School Busses I'O11'E1t INTERRUPTION There will be a power intermit). lion on Sunday, September 4th, from 1.30 to 3.30 p.m, on Drum. mond and West Morland Street: and all north of the Blyth Creek. Reason for the interruption is the installing of primary power lines, PERSONAL INTEREST- lt'. and Mrs, George Cook and Mr. Gordon Cook called on Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cook Sunday evening. M•. and Mrs, Irvine Wallace and Mrs, Leslie Rutledge visited last week in New Jersey with his brother, Mr, and firs. Basil Wal- lace, and sister, Mrs, Edna Nicoll, also, cousins, lir, and Mrs, ,i. Moreland, lir. and Airs. Grapel and Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Wal- lace, Mrs: Gilbert Nothery is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Ftospital. 11'e wish her a speedy recovery. Rev. and Mrs, Donald Snell and family returned home last Fri- day la Drayton Valley, Alberta, airier visiting with relatives here. Miss Agnes Fleming, a former Blyth public school teacher, and her friend, Miss Margaret Wag• ncr, bol.lt of Port Elgin, visited stop, You must slay slopped a; Wednesday afternoon al the home long as the red lights are Nell. of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Scrim- ing, geour. For some time now, motorist., Mr. and Mrs, Harold Burt, have been required to stop be- Robert and 13arbara, Mrs. Evelyn hind the school bus when it i; Buchner, Mrs. Shirley McDonald, ~Mopped on the highway with reef lan and Janice, of Dearborn, signal lights flashing on the bitch. etichigan, recently made calls ren A new law, effective September their cousin Miss Pearl Gidlcy. 1, requires motorists approaching Mrs, Kenneth Whitmore visit• from the front to slop as well. ed over the weekend with her This law applies to all motor- brother, Mr. Orville Blake, Mrs, ists except those approaching Blake, and their grandson, Ronnie from the front on a highway with 11lake. separate roadways. Mr. 01111 Mrs, Jim Blake, Gode- "'I'he purpose of this pew law, rich, and their granddaughter, slopping 1rilffic in bo!1r three. bliss .101111 Stearl, of Tceswater, lions, is to allow children time visited on Monday evening with to cross the highway after their M1'. and Mrs, Douglas Whitmore get off the bus," said Honourable and Mrs. K. Whitmore. Irwin Haskell, Ontario's Minister Any girl between 12 and 26 of 'Cransport, "i urge all par• years of age wishiiig to lake the 'Toronto is not satisfied with cuts and teachers to inst'uc: fall 4.1I Project -The Supper us," said Mr. W'onch, "[1n not children to act with caution when Club" are asked to please contact altogether satisfied with 'lbron- getting on or off It school bus. Miss Lenore Ann llallahnil 01' to." The law says nrotcrist:s must. eIrs. Luella McGowan. Ile advisee[ council however stop, but children should still that fl was wise to retain SOLI) make doubly sure they have done form of emergency prolectioe so before crossing the road." rather than none at all. Drivers who fall to stop when Exeter Reeve Clarence Boyle required to do so are liable to The Harmony [lei( of 111e U, C said he • believed that Toronto re- fines of up to $50 for the fir; ' W. eel] be 1.1•'1d 'u1 September fused to accept Mr. Forbes' plan offence, $100 for tt second offence 1 I': 1,3e Irene of Mrs, Ann because of a personality clash and $200 for a third offence, ;' ti•• •e )c: a' 3.d0 o'clock. The between the co-ordinator and 11'lr. 'There is also a penalty of fou,' 1• •I' r.::Il ',sill be answered with a Tinm)ern)an. demerit points for each offence. il,ble worse on harvest. HARMONY UNIT '1'0 MEET The new nine -room Blydih Pub- . lic School is rapidly taking shape, The masonry work has been com- pleted and work will he started • Arena Fund Profits From Lions Club Draw Susan Hubbard, daughter of NJr. and AIrs, George Hubbard, 13lyth, was the lucky winner of the picnic (able, 'barbecue and accessories offered in a draw by the Blyth Lions Club, The tick- et was drawn on the last day of the school .reunion, Proceeds of the draw were l'or the Blyth artificial ice fund and netted nice tidy sum of $299.00 to ;o towards the pro,aect. Carole Marks Contestant On TV Quiz Show Miss Carole Marks, of Windsor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Marks and gr•addaughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, 131ylh, flew to Montreal this week at the request of the BA Oil Company 10 act as . contestant on one of their Musical Showcase Quiz pro - );'rams. Carole's name was drawn from her BA credit card, She was al lowed to take one person with her, so her brother 13rian went along. While there they are he• ing wined, dined and entertained by the oil company and will re• turn home on Wednesday of this week, The program %trill be shown on television on September 20th. Carole studied Classics at Atte ens, Greece, last year and has enrolled at 'Toronto University this yeti•. She will major in Greek and Latin, Brian will enter 0ttawa ani wcrsily September 71111 where he will be studying law, ENTEit'I'AiNEi) i{ELATIVJS AND FRIENDS ['1r, and Mrs. Joe lloggart en• tcrtained about 35 friends and relatives on Sunday afternoon Ind evening. In honour of their on, Paul Dyck, who will be en - eying Concordia Lutheran Cal. ege at Ann Arbour, Michigan, on September 8. Those attending were from 1ratford, Mitchell, New 1[anr• tug, Tavistock, Kitchener, 1Bel• rave and Blyth. on the roof this week. Mr. Earl Ramseycr, super•intenrl• ent of the job for the contractors, l[onteith - McGra('h Construction Company of Waterloo, informs The Standard work is progres- sing right on schedule. Comple• tion date for the building is the end of November and Mr. Ram seyer said this deadline should he met without any unseen hold- ups. The brick is chestnut coloured "01d Dutch" and presents a rat)). cr unique finish to the exterior of the structure, The contractors have used this type brick on _three previous schools and Mr. Ram - Beyer said it will look extremely smart when the white brick arc laid below each window, School children will use the present building until the new one is completed, Ontario Leader At Liberal Picnic About 125 persons attended the annual picnic of Huron Lib eral Association at Seaforth las! Wednesday. Main speaker was Andres. Thomson, Ontario Liberal leader. I•[e urged his followers in Huron to continue strong support of candidates of high calibre. Ile said candidates of stature ean help convince the People in Ontario that a Liberal govern- ment would be good for the prove ince. "I know we can do better." said Mr. Thomson, "1 believe we deserve to win." 0thcr speakers were Huron• 13ruce MLA Murray G-aun1 and .lames Lind, Middlesex East MP. It was Alr. ThomSon's first vis• it to this riding. He and other party officials toured the site of the International Plowing Match at tete Scott farm near Seaforth. BIRTHS SCOTT — In St. Thomas ancl El. gin General Iios•pital on Mon. clay, August 29, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Scott, of Ayl- mer, the gift of a daughter, Debra Lynn. A granddaughter for Mr, and Mrs. Laurie Scott, Blyth. COWAN — In Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Sunday, August 28, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, G. Cowan, Barrie, a son, Gregory George, a grand. san for Mrs. George Cowan, Londesboro, WILL CELEBRATE 61st 11'E1)DiNG ANNIVERSARY Congratulations and Best 1Vish• es 10 Mr. and firs. Gecrge Law- rence, of Exeter, who will cele- brate their 61st wedding annivcr• nary Saturday, September 3. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. Donald Snell, of Dragon Valley, Alberta who will celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary on September 41h. Congratulations to Harold Knox who celebrates his birthday en Monday, September 5, PAGE TWO THE BLYTH STANDARD WESTWARD TIIE SMILEYS I've been married for nearly 20 years, all of them to the same dame, and I understand less at this moment about the so-called feminine process of thinking than I did on my vredding day. This admission is a result of the latest turn in our economic waltz with this summer. Before holidays began, we had discussed making a trip to the west coast. Then my wife took inventory of the finances and stated flatly Ghat we couldn't af- ford it, even if we camped all the way and ate at the Salvation Army, I was rather relieved. I love to travel, but I hate traveling with women. They fuss about missing trains. They worry about hotel rooms, They take enough clothes on a week's trip to take thele around the world on a cruise, And they constantly put their hair tip and take it clown. Therefore, I looked forward to a quiet, restful summer. Lots of ;;olf. Plenty of swims. A few fish- ing jaunts. An occasional excur- sion to see a play. Then came the refrigerator fiasco, already related here. Net loss of $350. That really put the clincher on our trip to the coast. Then came the call, collect, from Vancouver, The son and heir informed us casually, but with a tremour, that he didn't think he'd go back to college You see, the boat he's working on plies the Pacific to Acapulco, Mexico, in the winter. And you see, he could get a jch on her as a waiter. And you see, he'd be making $10,000 a year, at only 19, %ti'hich is pretty good, eh? And you see, it would be a great chance to see the world. And you see, he'd he more mature in a year, and besides, would he able to pay for his whole year al school, «}hen he went back. And s0 On. Well! I've seen his old lady fly off the handle. Many times. 13u1 i've never seen her go straight up in the air and remain suspended there through most of a phone call that cosi me eleven bucks. So, logically, we are going to Vancouver. I mean, after all, you only live once. And why shouldn't you take a trip when you're young enough to enjoy it, Anil what the heck, it's only money, isn't it? Anil SO 011. It's nothing to do with seeing 1-Iug,h, or dragging hint home in chains. Not at all. \Vhat ever gave anyone that idea? Why, he's only ashore 10 hours in Vancouv- er and who'd spend a thousand dollars to fly out there to see hint for that length of lime? Especial- ly when we sent him out there to save $800 toward his college fees. That would be ridiculous, wouldn't it? In fact, insane. Well, with the aid of several federal banks, the fly -now -pay later plan, and a credit card some unsuspecting idiot gave me a couple of years ago, we leave to- morrow for a holiday that will be about halfpaid for by this time next year. Have you ever noticed that when you take a plunge you can't afford, like this, everything else slants to go wrong, as if to com- pound your folly and rub it in" This week, 1 gat a speeding tick et, first in my life, the vacuum went on the Fritz and required expensive repairs, the lock on our back door broke and hacl to be replaced, I broke a tooth, and our tax notice arrived, substantially fatter than last year's. Oh, well, such is life. By the way, if there's no colleen next week, it will mean we have crash• ed in the Rockies. And Hugh will be free to go to Mexico. After he's paid all those debts at the hank. Which will take him about four years at hard labor, DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston, David and Donna, of London. Miss Brenda Ritchie, of Lucknow, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Edward Robinson and family lust Satre'• clay. In the evening Mr, and Mrs. 11 obi nson . and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ritcaie and family at Lucknow and on Sunday they visited with Air. and AIrs. Stewart Smith 1 -it Kitchener Diana Smith, Kitchener, Marilyn and Debbie ,Johnston, of Clinton Carol Williams, London, have LiommikuJIZIE111thilualisimmillIMMOMPRIBIRE111191111511111111P11IIIIIM10101111911111111011111111 zttortll Ciiiittche5 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario, Rev. W. 0. Mather, B.A., B,D, Minister, Mrs, Donald Kul, Director of Music. Sunday, September 4, 1966 9:45 — Sunday Church School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. "The Secret of Greatness," CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9.00 a.m. --- English Service. 3.00 p.m.—Dutoh Service. Minister: Rev, Terpetra, of Listowel, IrOlWuuoldluiui�i 11111111 III lilt IID 6T. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Robert U. MacLean, B,A, 1,00 p.m,—Church Service, 1,00 p.m.—Sunday School, ANGLICAN CHURCH ON CANADA Rev. G. E, Pakenham, Dip., Th., Rector, Trinity Church, Blyth 10.30 a,m,--J-Idly Communioq. Trinity Church, Belgrave, 2.30 p.m. --Evening Prayer, St. Mark's Church, Auburn. 12.00 noon — Mornin,:r Prayer. CHURCH OF GOD McConnell Street, Blyth. Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 a.m,—Worship. 7.30 p.m.—Sunday evening— Youth Fellowship. 1111111!11111111111161111.11'Ili III 111111111! 111 !Ihi10II11:111111111!111;1'1) Illli,111111ll i IMMO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1966 WESTFIELD NEWS ' Dr, and Mrs, Wilfred Black and family, of Aurora, called on Mr. Alfred Gook on Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Smith vis- ited Mr, and Mrs. Vogl, London, on Sunday. 'Airs. Ruby Brown and Mrs, Ethel Reid, Merlin, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Camp- bell and Mr. and Mrs, Iioward Campbell an Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Paton and family, of Alossley, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden and Mr. and Mrs, Alva McDowell were guests of Air. and Mrs. \\'m. helly, Seaforth, en Sunday. Mrs. J. L. McDowell has been moved from Victoria Hospital to Winghanr Hospital recently. Master Peter Snell returned In his home in Fergus on Monday. 11r, and Mrs. Ray Manna and babe were in London on Friday, Mr, and Mrs. Peter de Groot returned on Friday from a very pleasant trip to Holland visiting, relatives and friends. The child, ren also returned from their hol- iday in Streetsville. Mr, Lyle Smith and Miss Arlene Cowley, of Wawa, were visitors with 1Ir. and Mrs. Charles Smith at the weekend. Lyle will be starting his teaching profession at Sault Ste. Marie next week. been holidaying at the Robinson home this week. Mr, and Mrs. G. A. McLaughlin, of Detroit, are staying with the Thompson children, and Mr. \Vm. Webster of St, Helens is staying with the Chimney children while their parents are on 0 motor trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs, Sans Jefferson, of Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs, Hilli- a►d Jefferson left Thursday for Port Arthur, Mrs. J. C, Robinson, of Wing hang, Mr. and ,Mrs. Edward Robin- son, Judy and Janice and Carol Williams spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Williams, of London. Carol remained home with her parents. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and fam- ily visited Sunday with 1\Ir. and Mrs. Elgin Josling and family, of Londesboro. Every year about this time the television book "11V Guide", with weekly circulation in the mil- lions, issued a "Fall Preview of Shows." Last year's copy reached our desk and it was interesting to read through the list of great new fall shows of nearly 12 months ago. The first three shows listed in a feature article will . not be in the network's schedules this year. They are "A Man Called Shenan• Moat}," 'Me Johr;i hiorsyiUhie Show" and "The Legend of .Jesse James." Next was "Run for your Life,'; which did succeed. Other shows that 'made it, for another year in- clude "le 'l'roop," "Please Don't Eat Ghe Daisies," "'l+he Big Val- ley," "1 Spy," "Lost in Space," „Dean Martin," "Laredo," "IIo• gam's heroes' and "The Wild Wild West." There were many more .failur- es, Remember "My Mother. the Car", "(target", "Green Acres", 'The Long Hot Summer", "Mona 1lcCluskey", "O.K. Crackerby", "Camp R.unamuck" "Convoy", "Hank'", "stoney West", "Mr, Its: bests", "The S►n;;'hc;<; Brothers" and 'Tammy"? Next week we'll talk about !11e t-ew fall shows for this cumin;, nelson, Mr, Don McDowell will also b teaching in a Kitchener school. Mrs, McDougall, of Sheffield, her daughter, Mrs, Seraphim and family, of Galt, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell on 1Vednesday, Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnston, Donnybrook, were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell at the weekend. �•44-4+1++•+44 • / 44-N+4-44.--4+ +•444-•+4+•4.-•-t-•4-4'4H • 4-1 •• 4-•-•-•-•-4+•+4-4-4 •-4+4+-4+4-• • ••4-• •-• 4+4 •-•-4 4-•-4-•-•-••4 4-4+••4.4+-% List Your Farm Property With Us WE HAVE TIIE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS t. BURUMA lt.% 2, Clinton Salesman for ,lohn Phone 182.3287 Bosvclt t-4-4.-4+•-•-4-4•4-4.4-4-4-•-4-4.4-4-4 *-444-4- 444.44 4-4 444+-•44444-•44-4 4.+ 1 2 FALL WHEAT SEED FOR SALE CCItTWILD TALBOT WHEAT and CANADA NO. 1 TALBOT WHEAT Both these lots were grown from a 100 bushel lot of Registered Seed which tools sec- ond prize in the 100 bushel Pedigreed Seed Class at the Royal Winter Fair, This wheat is offered for sale at the same price as ordinary seed wheat. R. N. ALEXANDER Londesboro 13-3 N-4-•+4-•-•-•-•-•44-4•44444-4.4+4 4-4+4444-4••-4+-•-4-.49 4 4.4.4 •++• • ,-•+•-4-•-•-4-•-•-•+•-•••-•-•••••••-44••+•+• • • • • • •+• 4 • 4 • • • •+• •+• 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 P t 4 4 4 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE (OMPANY SEAFORTH Office — Main Street Insures: * Town Dwellings, * All Classes of Farm Prop. crty. * Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Halla Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc,) is also avail- able, AGENTS: James Keys, Jilt 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm, Leiper, Jr,, Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald ij G. Eaton, Seaforth. •-•-•-•-•-•-•44444444-•-• 4+4 H+*4-* •-4 • *4 •4-• •-4-44.4 • • 4+4-•-4+-4• 4 4 t ft t t Z t • 4 4 -+ •+•+N N •+4+4+4 • • • •-•-.4-4-4444-•-•• - FRESH MEATS - STOCK YOUR FREEZER --- Pork Loins, Sides, Quarters, Chucks and Hips of Beef CUSTOM KILLING EVERY MONDAY BLYTH MEAT MAKET We Deliver All Orders, Large or Small Phone 523-4551 Blyth, Ont. 1 4-4+144+•+• MAGIC �.H.4.4..,�GREEN PLANT FOOD LTD. "441 OFFERS EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES Sales and Merchandising training provided, Successful a ' plicants to supply owe transportation and storage. Reply in writing giving full particulars and references to; BOX 60, BROWNSVILLE, ONTARIO, 12.3. r♦ 4-•44-4-1+-4+-•••+4.4-•-•+-•-14+•-4.1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1966 Si - $1.00. STORE, BLYTH l+•-+r+ •4 H •+� Boys' Fine White and Assorted Coloured Shirts, size 3 to 6x, long sleeve .1.39 to 2.29 Girl's Blouses, figured or plain, sizes 3 to 14 1.19 to 1.77 Girl's Cotton Turtle Neck Pullovers, assorted colours, sizes 8 to 14 98c Eine Line of Back to School Supplies --- Our Sale continues --- check the sale bill for bargains, GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE 25th ANNIVERSARY SERVING WESTERN ONTARIO 1941-66 OUIt AIM IS TO JUSTIFY TIIE CONFIDIENCE PLACED IN US, AND WE ARE ENDEAVOURING TO MAINTAIN TIIE SAME 1IIGII STANDARDS. Fall Term opens Tuesday, September 6 Senior and Junior Courses approved by TIIE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ,ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Dial 524.8521, 7284, or 6307, Tuition $35 per month Chrome -Edged Knives STAY SHARP... LOAD AFTER LOAD Gehl's Chrome -Edged Knives stay sharp ... chop more tons of fine-cut forage. In addition, the cutter bar is faced with tungsten carbide for longer life. Select -A -Cut transmission gives you short, medium or long length forage with a push of a lever. The Gehl Chop -All gives you trouble-free, work - saving chopping from the first load of hay to the last load of corn. All this plus the shortest, most uniform cut silage available. HERE'S PROOF! At a Farm Progress Show, it was proved that you can get up to 28% more silage in Mel. fl ' your silo with Gehl's short cut, Make us Prove it with a Demonstration t SNELL svnpii�s THE BLYTH STANDARD WALTON Miss Anne Shortrecd left on Wednesday for Goose Bay, Lab. rador, where she • has been en- gaged on the High School Staff for the coming year. Airs. George Ribbert and fam- ily aroily are visiting this '.week with her mother, Mrs. Walter Nelson, Alounl Forest. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Mills and family', Brantford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills. Dr. Jean Mills, Hamilton, also called on her way to Leban- on, Connecticut, U.S.A. AIr, and Mrs. Ross McCall and family, Mr. and Mrs, Iioward IIackwell, Dean and Pamela, camped out with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Burke and family at Am - holey last weekend. Miss Ruth Ritchie, student nurse at St, Marys Hospital, Kit• chener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Airs, Clifford Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. 'Douglas Lawless, Burlington, tvere guests at laic home of Mr. and 11rs. Wilbur Turnbull last week. Miss Patricia Ilacklwcll spent last weekend holidaying in Sea - forth with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Mulley, Air. and Airs. Alvin Slimorc, of Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs, Nelson Reid, Atiss Betty Smith has returned to Cannington after spending the past two months with her uncle anad aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Georg'2 Ribbert. A[iss Sherrill Craig has return. ed home after spending the sum mer months at Grand Bend. Air. and Airs. Kenneth McDon ald and AIr. and Airs, Nelson Marks have returned from a mot- or trip to Sudbury, North Bay and 'I'imiskaming. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinsmore and Bruce, Brampton, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin, Air. and Mrs. Bruce Scott, Tor onto, were guests on Sunday will: Mr. and Mrs, Earl Mills, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, I-Iun►phries and family addended a picnic near Kitchener last Saturday sponsnr cd by Knechtel Wholesale Ciro. cers, R,It, 4, Kitchener. Air. _and Airs. Barry Eveleigh and daughter, Jackie, Kitchener, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Iloegy. Airs, Samuel Gehr, of Butler, I'ennsylvannia, and Mrs, Charles Taylor, 'Toronto, visited last week with Mr. and Alrs. 'Torrance Dun- das, Airs, Gehr was one of the spe- cial acquaintances made on their trip across the Atlantic by boat last fall. Airs. Gordon A1cGavin was hos- tess for a miscellaneous shower honouring Miss Helen Buffinga last Thursday evening. Several ccartcsts were conducted h'; Mrs. Neil t111cGavin. Gifts were prosen't• ed by Brian McGavin, Bruce 1)1ns• snore and Ruth le Timmer. Miss Bufdinga expressed her thanks to the ladies and to the hostess after which dainty refreshments were served, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Searle and family} visited at Royal Oak, Ali• chigan, witch the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Airs, and Mr. Gordon Saunders, Helen and Gail remained for a week, Lenny Saunders returned home with the Searle's, CII0e nimoi'f (D, 1I. Allies, P. Ag. Ag. Rep, For Huron County) 'there is still a fair amount of spring grain to harvest due to catchy weather, A few farmers have pulled white beans, Some of the pods are short and may reduce yield potential. Pastures are looking and producing very well, A fair amount of land is being prepared for tall wheat, Grain corn yield should be pleasing; if we can get sufficient warm weather to finish 11. Silage corn should be satisfac- tory, Magic,' Jimmy Mating, Gode- :'''11 is r_c:'1 n with his grand- . ,~''• ,, ;ice. and Mrs, ITat'ry Beadle. NOTICE Anyone wishing to bowl in the Clinton -Blyth League are to be at the Clinton Bowling Lanes on September 13th at 8:30 p.rn. Any- one who can't be there and want- ing to bowl may leave their. nam- es will Joe 1)aer at the alley. 13.2, , Anne Buchanan, fres. Decoration Service at Heppe Ce- metery will he held on Septem- ber 4th, at 3 o'clock. Rev. Win. hint'.:.:.1 ,:ill h: th: �pcal:cr. PAGE TIrREE Congratulations Pest Wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham, of Londes- betro, who celebrate their filth wedding anniversary on Saturday, September 3rd. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, Westfield. who celebrate their \vedding an niversary on Saturday, Septem• her 3rd. Congratulations to Mrs. Lloyd Wacker who celebrates her birth- day on Friday, September 2nd. I, Ii♦T I I Morrison Transport I � LIVESTOCK, FEEL), FERTILIZER, ETC, CATTLE SIIII'PED WEEKLY HOGS SIIIP1'ED ON WEDNESDAYS. All Loads Fully Insured. LYNN MORRISON PHONE: WINGIIAAi 357.3008 — WAREIIOUSE 357.1799 (Call Collect) : :44-44-44-4-4-44-444-44-•-• �++• •+•+ • • •++M M N • • FOR SALE USED GILSON CLOTHES DRYER In Very Good Condition and Selling at a Reasonable Price. BE SURE TO 1)RO'1 IN AND SEE OUR COLOUR TV SET IN OPERATION. HARDWARE - BLYTH Cronin's TELEPHONE 523.9273 ..r I .11 i '4-4.4-4.-44-4-44-4-4 •••-4 *4 • • 1 +4-.-+4 • 4-4-4.4-4-44-4-11-4-4-4-4-4-.4.4.-+++.4.-.4 t I Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 444 4-4-44.44-44.444+-44-44 ♦ M ♦ e 44• 4-+-•-44-#4 • 4-+4 +444-• ALWAYS THE BEST BUY AT HAMM'S 1966 COMET 4 door. 1966 METEOR 4 door. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door. 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 dr., hard top, V 8 1965 PONTIAC 4 door, automatic trans. 1965 PONTIAC 6 cyl., auto. trans., 4 door 1964 CHEV. 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic 1964 CHEV. Impala, 4 dr., hard top, V8, auto. 1963.PONTIAC Laurentian 4 door, standard 1963 PONTIAC 4 door, automatic 1961 CHEV 4 door, 6 cyl., standard trans. 1961 ENVOY '1 door 1961 FORD 4 door, standard trans. 1960 CHRYSLER, auto. trans., full power 1960 MONARCH 4 door, V8, automatic 1959 CONSUL, 4 door. 1952 FCIRI) half ton SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's Garage 1 • • •i • • PAGE FOUR AUBURN NEWS OF THE WEEK Sunday visitors with Mr, and Andy P}unketts garage in Auburn Mrs. Lorne Popp and family. R.R. with the president, Bruce Lamb, 1. Auburn, included Mr. and ',fr n charge. The minutes of the pre- 9:,trray Popp and bc,s_, and Mr., vious meeting were adopted ar 0"% Popp. of Goderich. Mr. and read h the secretary, Doug \Va! M7i. Brian Hallam ani family of ker. Mr. Bert Moggart .,,,as. in R it. 1, Auburn, charge of the rliiscussion group; Master Douglas and A(isz ,Dl. and plan_ were completed for the ar..e Popp had a tonsillectomy i Achievement Day to be held at Ci.nton hospital last Friday more, Blyth Fal! 1~•;.:r or, September ing• 21s1. Mr. and lir:. Clem Galbraith Recent visitors ;itis, Miss Mar. and Mary Lynn. c,f Listowel, vis. ;aret R. Jackson were Mrs. N. iced last Sunday with Mr. and T:•wr..er:d. of AllistonMrs. R. Mrs. Donald Haines and family. (;r:er:::,n and lir,...). Griffin, Tor Mr, and Airs. Gorden R. Taylor or:tu, Mr. and Mr,. Harvey Gillen ittd friend', fast Sunday at (,f 1f;:':!ar:r1 Belton. Air. Uurnin 1'hilirl,.5, of Lursor, The last meeting of the Miro:: Beach. visited last Saturday with l' unty Tr::c•t(;r Club was held :ir hi eou'-in;, 111>s L:+ura f'hiJlil� THE MYTH STANDARD Mr. and Mrs. Robes J. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John. Ston. The first meeting of the Au. burr.- 4-H elub ill he held or. Friday c';en:ng September 9th. at 7 p.rn.. for the favi project "The Supper Club. Any girl between. 12 and 26 years of age wishing to take this project please CO Met the ;cadet, '.Its. P.. Lradnock. or the assistant leader. Mrs. Frani: Raithby. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pentland. North Bay, 'visited several day: last week with her mother. Mrs. Charles Straughan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies attend ed the wedding of her nephew last Saturday in Detroit. Miss Barbara Sanderson i, ',"rs• ;tin;! in Woodstock with her aow, Mit. Fred Youngblut, Mr. Young. b!ut and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Aldham. Kitchener. spent he v e.ekend :A ith her mother, Mrs. Mar} Bere and family. Mrs. William Seers entertained little friends of her daughter, Faye, in honour of her eighth birthday. The guests were, Kathy Bere. Sylvia Rutkow.ies. Trudy `dachas.. Patti Stewart. Joan Stew. art. Lynn Turner„ Judy Hesk Maureen L nghurst, Gail Seers and Caro! Seers. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arthur and family. Lambeth. visited relit;t•e in the tillage last Sunday. Mrs. George Hamilton eelebrat ed recently- her 92nd birthday a fancily gathering at her home. The present were Mr. t,nr1 Mrs .. r WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1966 Howard Goodfellow and Mr. Bor. den Goodfellow, of Nobleton, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot, Sea - forth, Afr. and Mrs. Art Dickson and C ndy, Part Albert. Mr, and 'dr=.:1st Routledge, Seaforth, .'.1r. and MrF. Larne Wilson, Bruce - field, Mr. Tom Hamilton and Miss Wherry Hamilton, Goderieh. Mrs. Hamilton enjoys good health and 1:een interol in all the activities of the community. Earl;, to the simmer, her only sort, Tom Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton of Goderieh took a trip to the Yu. kon where he was born and on their return brought back ntem• uric; to Mrs, Hamilton tt•ho hart :!,ne north in the gold rush days. Is your subscription paid WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1908 Business Directory BLYTH BEAUTY BAR CU'T'TING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES Phone 523.9341, 131yth Ann Hollinger Blake's Welding & Machine Portable Electric & Acetylene • Welding. Also Complete Shop Service 78 King Street Phone 482.7303 VODDEN'S T.V. Sales and Service Phone 523-930.3 J. E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist CLINTON: MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS 9,30a,m. to 5.30 p.m. 20 ISAAC STREET For Appointment Phone 482.7010 W. R. HAMILTON Optometrist Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT Ltd. Local and Long Distance Trucking CATTLE SHIPPED ON MONDAY and TIIURSDAY HOGS ON TUESDAY Trucking to and from Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday. Call 523-9361, Blyth ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker R. John Elliott, Salesman, Phone — Blyth Office 523.4481 — Residence 523.4522, or 5234323 Seaforth Office—Balance of Week Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Phone 791. Wingham, Ontario, SANITATION SERVICES WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Septic Tanks cleaned and re- Homes and Businesses. paired; blocked drains opened with modern equipment, Prompt Service, Irvin Coxon, 11!I1verton, G. B. CLANCY, O.D. Telephone 254, 51.30 Optometrist VACUUM CLEANERS For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 SALES AND SERVICE GODERICH, ONTARIO Repairs to most popular makes of cleaners and polishers. Filter ROY N. BENTLEY Queen Sales, Varna, Tel. collect, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Ilensall 696R2, 50.13p.•tf Goderch, Ontario. Telephone 524.9521 • Box 478 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL ` Septic tanks, cesspools, etc. CRAWFORD pumped and cleaned, . Free Esti- mates. Louis Blake, phone 442W6 SHEPHERD and MILL Brussels, R.R. 2. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 1)R, R. W. STREET J. II. CRAWFORD, Q.C. BLYTII — ONTARIO NORMAN SHEPHERD, L.L.B. Office Hours: WINGHAM and BLYTH Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, In Blyth Each Friday and Saturday TIIURSDAY MORNING Afternoons and by appointment 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT Tuesday and Friday Evenings INSURANCE AGENCY By Appointment Phones: Blyth 523.4481, Wingham 357.3630 ulliiwi�uhlUllidliwiiUiiilbihUiUliuiUilidhiuillUilliiii'iiidwiU>nnaliUi� i , , 11 .'1; dl :' . • 11i Ilii'I'lllilil!,'.11,111 Ili Illi llll'i!!i !il I11I 11 ,11 Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH — ONTARIO, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE, "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 `•-•-•-•••••+ •--4-.-•-•-•-•-.4-4. Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON Business CLINTON —• EXETER -- SEAFORTII Open Every Afternoon PHONE EXETER 235.0620 Residence 235.1384 r+•+ ••M• -•t4+44- -* ♦ N ♦ ♦ ♦4 A+• ♦ ♦ • ♦• ♦♦ 4.44-4-444-44- • 44-4 4 1.4 WE SPECIALIZE IN --- Fish and Chips Steaks and Chops Light Lunches and Confectioneries HURON GRILL Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-4391 THE BLYTII STANDARD PAGE FIVE FUEL OIL 24 Hour 'Service For everything in PETROLEUM PRODUCTS '1'IIRES • BAT'T'ERIES ETC. PHONE COLLECT; Office 482.9653 After hours and holidays to: Residence 482-9290 JOE POTTER B. P. CANADA LIMITED CLINTON, ONT. Anyone wishing to pay their account may do so at The Can. adian Imperial Bank of Commerce DEAD STOCK SERVICES IIIGHEST CASII PRICES I'AII) FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old Horses — 4c per pound PHONE COLLECT 133, Brussels, BRUCE MARLATT or GLENN GIBBON, Phone 523.4344 Blyth (24 hour service) Plant Licence No, 54-E.P,-81 Collector Licence No. 88-G61 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING CU'P'T7NG & COLD WAVES Doreen McCallum Phone 523-4511, Blyth, Ont. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Open Tuesday through Saturday WE. CAN SAVE YOU) ALOT OF LEGAL TENDER, "/F YOU USE THE SERV/CE T/IAT WE RENDER" .r fui11iiiuiiiiiiu 11111i111iu111101011111i1111111 1LASSI'F1E'D SECTION LIONS CLUB BINGO - HOUSI: FOR. SALE llarborlight Inn, Goderich, Wed Two year old, 3 bedroom house nesday, August 24th, at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth. R, Higgins, phone 523- 17 regular games for $10.00; share 9353. 13.2 the wealth; $50.00 jack pot; anti the new accelerating jack pot up IiOUSE FOR SALE to $250. Admission $1.00. 3 bedroom, new home, unfinish- 36tf eel interior. Ilarold Campbell, phone 523-9242 Blyth. 13-lp. CARS WASHED Chamoiscd and Interior Clean - cd, $1.50; Zip Wash Wax, 50c ex- tra; Cars Waxed. Richard Collings phone 523.9321. 05 -Ip CUSTOM BACK•IIOE WORK Back -Hoe and Front Loader, for excava ting, burying stones or ditching. Lloyd Walker, phone 357-1359 Wingham. 10-tf CALREA CORN SILAGE ADATiVE Available at Harriston Fertil- izers Ltd., Clinton, phone 482- 9133. 13.2 FOR SALE Nearly new slide action .22 magnum rifle. Phone Auburn 526.7242. 13•l p CLEARING AUCTION SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of harm Machinery and Ilousc• IN THE ESTATE of Bert Cur- hold Effects at Lot 11, Concession rie Weir, late of the Village of 6, Morris Township, 5 miles West Auburn in the County of Huron, Physician, deceased. of Brussels and ' mile South on Creditors and others 'having TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th claims against !the above estate at 1 p.m. are required to send full parti- MACHINERY culars of such claims to the un• Juphilee Ford Tractor; Dear. dersigned on or before the 10th horn plow; Dearborn mower, 6 ft.; clay of September, 1966, after Massey Ferguson manure spread \tibich date the assets of the es- er (90 bus.); rubber -tired wagon; tate will be distributed, having flat rack; 16 ft. hay rack; alumin- regard only . to claims that have um wheel barrow; Fertilizer sow - then been received, er; seed drill; McCormick side WEIR & ASSOCIATES, rake; 3000 lb. scales; lumber; 32 486 Richmond Street, ft. extension ladder; Diamond London, Ontario, harrows; disk; power grass seed - Solicitors for the Administrator, er; heat houser; school bell; 11-3 fork's; shovels; chains; sugar kettle; VI H.P. motor; emery with NOW IS TIIE TIME orator. To have that chimney repaired. POULTRY The man to see is Donald Ives, 125 Ilybrid year odd hens. General Contractor, phone Brus• HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS sets 345W6, or Goderich 524.6355. Glass cupboard; cherry drop 11.4p leaf table; 6 dining room chairs; WANTED. white enamel annex (like new): A large quantity of baled straw Doherty organ and stool; rocking in the barn for fall pick-up. Write chairs; pedestal; house plants; stating amount and price expect. antique dinner set; coal oil lamps; ed. Stuart McFadden, Milton, On. other articles too numerous to tario. 12.10p mention. TERMS CASH WANTED -No Reserve. Farm Sold, Holstein bull calf. Phone Proprietor: Michie Bros. Brussels 358\V4 or Wingham Auctioneer: Ilarold Jackson, 357-3048, Hugh Rinn. 13.1 Clerk; Mel Graham. 13-2 ,M, &:SON PLUMBING -HEATING 23.4299 LONDESBORO CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Friday - 7.30 (good livestock market) For Truck Information:; P and W Transport : Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton CONGRATUILATCONS Congratulations to Mr, James Ncilans who celebrates his birth- day Ault's). 29. Congratulations' 4o 1(eitih Ple'tch who rrt'hrrter his birthday on A!Inusl 29. Classified Ads Bring Fast Results IMMINIMINIMEIMENEMIMEMEMIMIMM * 'Y WEDDING 111 111 111 111! COGIILIN — SCIiALM Plate, Kitchener, They were all Rev, John C. Boyne, Exeter, gowned identical to the maid of h onc,ur. officiated at the double ring cert The groomsman was Ralph moray in Ilensall Carmel Presby -Douglas Porter, of Allwood, anti terian Church of Patricia Rachel. Lite usurers were Charles Gordon Schwalm, daughter of Mr. and Schwalm, brother of the bride, Mrs. Gordon IL Schwalm, ]:Iensall, and illurra} Leroy Coghlin, Al- and Donald Carl Coghlin, Blyth, wend, brother of the groom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Coghlin, of R.R. 4, Atwood, Sat- . 'i'!lte bride's mother chose a ut'day, August 20, Baskets cif Rose draped sheath dress of imported of Sharon Rudbeckia daisies am• Champagne lace, with matching idst the ferns formed the floral gloves and cocoa accessories, with background for the ceremony. a corsage of pink carnations. The Aliss Greta 11. Laramie, of groom's mother chose a dress of Ilensall, played the wedding mu- teal green Chantilly lace with is and accompanied the soloist, matching gloves and beige acces- s Miss Mary Goodwin, Ilensall, who sories, with a corsage of cream sang "0 Father AlICreating" and roses. 'The Wedding Hymn."A wedding dinner was served Given in marriage by her fa- to 76 at the church, catered to Cher, the bride was lovely in a by the Ladies Aid, The bride and floor»length gown of white faille 'groom cut the three -tiered swan - with scoop neckline and long 'tittered cake, surrounded with lily -point sleeves; Empire waist cloudy veil and bridal bouquets. and A-line skirt were accented flanked with chandelier candle with appliqued floral lace, de- holders, Wettable chapel train of deep tier- Four grandmothers and two cd Vienna lace fell from, bias and grandfathers attended. across the shoulders. Iler head- A reception was given by the dress was a coronet of mother of bride's parents at the Community pearl; shoulder -length veil featu►'- Centre auditorium. 'll'..e groom's ing French embroidery. She oar parents also assisted with the re - Hell a cascade of pink delight cotton, roses, For travelling the bride wore Miss Barbara L. Schwalm. sis- a linen peacock blue three-piece ter of the bride, was maid of hon• ensemble with black accessories. . our, wearing a floor -length gown After their Northern Ontario of light blue Peau de Sole with travelling and calling on relativ- Entpire waistline and Aline skirt es and friends, they will reside in with lace bodice featured high 131ylth, where the groom is as neckline and shoat sleeves, Match countand at the Canadian Impel.- ing headband held light blue ial Bank of Commerce, and the shoulder -length veil. She carried bride is on the office staff a► a cascade of pink carnations. General Aceeptaec office in Oh - a Marjorie E. Schwalm, sis• on, ter of the bride, and Miss Mari The groom's parents from At Elaine Coghlin, sister of the wood entertained the bridal par groom, were bridesmaids. The ty following rehearsal at the flower girls was Laurie Plate, home of the bride's parents in daughter of Mr, and Airs. Frank I-Iensall, PAGE SIR PUBLIC NOTICE THE COUNTY OF HURON AND THE TOWNSHIPS OF ASHFIELD, COLBORNE, GREY, GODE- RICH, HAY, HOWICK, STEPHEN, TUCK- ERSMITH, TURNBERRY, USBORNE and WEST WAWANOSH have passed a bylaw to regulate the installation of new entrance ways and the improvement of existing entrance ways that impede the flow of water. The bylaws require: 1, That any person wishing to have a new entrance way installed to his property from any Huron County Road or Township Road of the Townships listed MUST secure a permit from the County Engineer, or Township Road Superintendent as the case may be, 2. That the work will be done by the municipality only after the permit is issued. 3. That the owner must pay for the work. 4. That only new corrugated metal pipe will be used. 5. tial proper existing entrance ways will be maintained and replaced (when required) by the municipality, as in Uhe past, at no cost to the owner. For further information, a copy of the bylaw or permit application forms, contact the County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, or the appropriate Township Road Super• intendent, or Clerk at his municipal office. DONALD MCKENZIE Chairman Huron County Road Committee I ♦ • 4 1 MITCHELL FALL FAIR Friday and Saturday, September 2 and $6,000,00 in prizes Horse Races, Breed Shows, Machinery Show$ THE BIGGEST LITTLE FAIR in ONTARIO If you want to see it all in one day, come early The Store Of Branded Lines And COWER PRICES N,/ N� NW.I'N�1Nv• •. .f#.WWJ.NVrI>+4Ii•/N PJ1MN.IIJ BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS Misses Bar Flex Tennis Shoes in black, white, grey and powder blue, sizes 4 to 10 Special $1.98 Girl's Blouses, short and long sleeves at $2,98 up New Shipment for Fall--- Poor Boy Pullovers, Shells and Cardigans. New Nall Teenage Shoulder Bags at $1.98 up Boys' Jeans in powder blue, black and navy denim .. at $2.98 up Boys' Sport Shirts, short and long sleeves at $1,99 up Boys' Turtle Neck Long Sleeve Pullovers at $1,49 up Just Arrived--- New Fall, Samples (towering selection) of Pure Virgin Wool Suitings by Tip Top Tailors, We pay your 5 per cent Sales Tax on Regular Prices. The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, i THE BLYTH STANDARD * WEDDING GROSS -- SCOTT Northside United Ohureh, Sca• forth, decorated \'ilh baskets of large «shite murals and yellow shasta alums with two candelabra, formed a lovely setting for the wedding uniting in Jna1'1'lage Helen Marguerite Scott and Ron- ald Charles Gross. Rev. 3, C. Britton officiated at the double ring ceremony on Saturday, July 30, 1966. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert AI. Scoot, R.R. 1, Seaforth, and the groom the son of Mr, William Gross, R.R. 1, Auburn. and the late Mrs. Gloss. The soloist was Dianne Mender sun, who sang ''0 Perfect Love," "'The Wedding Prayer" and "11ow Great 'Thou Art" accompanied by Mrs, John Henderson. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor -length gown of Borneo' organza over taffeta in Empire style. The bo• dice was alencon lace and featur- ed i, scalloped neckline and lily point sleeves. The highlight of the gown was a watteau 'train of or- ganza completely edged in match- ing lace and topped with two small bows at the shoulders. [ler four tiered tulle veil was held by a crown of baby seed pearls and crystal droplets. She carried yel- low roses and ivy. AUXs. Arnold 'Taylor, H.R. 1, Brucefield, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The brides' plaids were, Mrs. .1 An 13 rem n, sister of the groom, of R.R. 3, Walton, and Linda Dapple, R,1t. 5, Seaforth. The attendants wore floor -length gowns of tvihite Swiss lace over lilac taffeta in a sheath style. The dresses had scooped necklines and short sleeves. '1110 highlight of the dresses were de- tachable ever skirts of lightly flowing lilac chiffon, 'Their head• pieces formed a lilac three tiered bow effect with pearls 01(1 four tiers of veil. They carried bon• quests of yellow shasta murals. The flower girl, Cathy Cole- man, was dressed similar to the other attendants, She carried a nosegay of yellow Shasta alums. Al r. Gordon Gross, brother of the groom, \'as groomsman and the ushers were Robert Scott, R. 1t. 1. Seaforth, brother of the bride, and John Brown, R.R. 3, Walton, brother-in-law of the g ,loin, Ronnie 'Taylor, nephew of Lie bride, was ring l)'i1'el'. At the reception in the church parlor, the bride's mother receiv- ed 111 a blue French lace dress with matching jacket and white accessories and a corsage of pink roses, The aunt of the groom, Airs. Wm. 1loegy, \\ ore a silk dress with a white back -ground and blue and white flower's with white accessories. She also wore a corsage of pink roses. For the wedding trip to West Virginia and Kentucky, the bride chase a pink linen dress with matching full length coat, while accessories and a corsage of while carnations. The couple will reside at R.R. 1. Londesboro, 8(11 AND 16th UNI'(' MEETING The monthly electing of the S"; and 16th U,C.1V. Unit was held Monday evening at the home of Airs. ,tan van Vliet. Mrs, Jame; Sln1111 wa" 111 charge of devotions. 'Phe meeting opened by reading, in unison hymn "0 Alaster Let Ale Walk With 'Theo." 'Phe scrip Lure was taken frons Luke 21: ' 19. The topic was 0110 of Jane ;coat's \•risings on "Patience" art! based on the last verse of the scripture also prayer for patience Iry .!rut'? Scott, Airs. Harold llalge.. c",'1(Ilret('(I the businets, The 111111 ulcs of the Hist meeting \'ere react by the secretary, Mrs. Georg,, McCall, The roll call was answer- ed by eleven nlenlbdrs and thane was one guest, The copper collet. - lion was taken, als1 Lie offering, A bale from the church is' to be F ".1 Otlrhr'r 11. The 301 and pith Unit are l.1 l } lk after flowers fo:• ellu''c1 during September. in connection with 1 i P!Jwing Match X11 Seaforth in Oc- FOR SALE National 2 cow milking ma- chine in excellent condition. Gordon Smith, Belgrave, phone 52391417 Blyth.. 13•lp Bober was discussed. Grace was sung and lunch by Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, Airs, Alvin McDonald, the hostess and daughters. Janice and Debbie. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1960 FREE COOK ROOK Get your Rawleigh Crook Book now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or part time, Write Rawleigh. T)ept, II -136 -PC, 4005 Richelieu, Sl, Henry, ATonlrcal. 13.1 Renew Your Subscription To The Standard Now 44 4"-0-4.-* •-•÷04-0•?o-0-0-o-e-4— P♦+O+♦-• 4-4- t * 4. ♦-• 4-0-4-4. 4 ♦-4 4-4i-4-4-444• ': LYCEUM THEATRE, WINGHAM 1 } t WED,, THUR., FIII, AUG. 31 • SEPT 1.2 AnUUT ENTERTAINMENT "CINCINNATI KID" Colour — Starring: Steve McQueen • Ann Margret • Edward G. Robinson Tuesday weld The Cincinnati Kid played every card right and lost. • COMING SOON 4 1 0 • b e "'Three on a Couch" "The Singing Nun„ "Stagecoach' • b "Heroes of .'Telemark" "Second Fiddle to a Steel Guitar" "Flight of the Phoenix" "My Fair Lady" 1♦+♦4-4,-4-4-4-4-4-4♦ 0-4.0.0-0+4 + ♦-4-.4 ♦♦-4-44-44 0 4++ 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4444-4-4-4-4-4-444-41-4 i1 BACK TO SCHOOL TIME • see our ♦ i Boys' Jeans in denim, terylene or chino, • sizes 4 to 16. T. Shirts, long or short sleeves in acrilan, i arnel or cotton. + GM's Skirts and Jumpers, many styles in flannel corduroy and arnel. Blouses in cotton, terylene or dacron, Dresses in dark cotton and arnel, Needlecraft Shoppe Children and Ladies' Wear Blyth. Phone 523-4351 I 1 1 • N-4±+-$-++ +♦++ •0-♦++•♦-� r Ready To Wear Suits WITH 2 PAIR OF PANTS size 36 to 46 $45.00 to $69.95 COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S WORK CLOTHES by "HAUGH" R. W. Madill's SHOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" Clinton Dry Cleaners Pick Up al lladill'[t on Wednesday and Friday. LUCKY CALENDAR NUMBER:- 1022 WADNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1.1i'6O THE BLYTH STANDARD • •+•++•-r+•r•••••••++++•-•-++•+ 0f+ -•+a+•-• 1+4-+•-o-•-•-•-• • •-•-t *4.0 •-r• •-w-•-•-• f •-•-••-•-•-•••1 4.1 • 1 1 » 1.4 • » » 1 P HAY FEVER - THE FACTS TIIE FIRST FACT --- To be noted about hay fever is that it is rarely caused by hay and hardly ever results in fever. (A rise in temperature usually means some other illness has been added.) A more accurate name for this ailment that afflicts about one in twenty Americans is allergic rhin• These words refer to allergic reaction—a special sensitivity to some ordinary harmless substance—result- ing chiefly in inflamation of the nose tissues, ANOTHER NAME --- Used is pollinosis; the substance to which hay fever victims most often react is plant pollen or airborne seeds, But the allergenic substance may be mold spores or animal dander (skin scales, like dandruff) or some even more common materials such as dust. Whatever it is called, hay fever is a widespread cause of poor health and disability, hard to avoid or prevent and hard to cure. While the disease is not dangerous and does not cause permanent damage in itself, some of its complications can be troublesome. HOW IIAY FEVER OCCURS --- Anyone can develop an allergy to a common substance, but those who do usually have inherited the tendency as a family trait. The sensitivity is developed after exposure to the substance, During the seasons when plants are pollinating, veryone in the vicinity is exposed. People with the tendency may develop sensitivity to any one or more of the pollens, although certain pollens are more allergenic—snore likely to cause an alergic reaction—than others. Pollens that are light enough to be windborne are the offenders for most hay fever sufferers. Heavier pollens that are borne from plant to plant by bees and other insects can also he allergens, but they cause trouble only when a person comes into direct contact with the plant. Airborne pollens can penetrate anywhere, indoors and out, and are most numerous at the height of the pollinating season for the particular plant. The more 1)011011 in the air, the worse the victim's suffering. WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS --- Sneezing, repeated and prolonged, is the most common mark of the hay fever sufferer. The stuffy and watery nose described in the word rhinitis is usually a chief feature, along with redness, swelling and itching of the eyes; itching of the nose, throat and mouth; itching or other ear difficulties. Breathing difficulties at night clue to obstruction of the nose may interfere with sleep. These effects differ in degree according to the indivi- dual, ranging from mild to severe. When severe, they are hard to bear, reduce efficiency and may cause loss of time from work and school. Even more serious may be the effects of complications of hayfever attacks repeated year after year. Chronic sinusitis—inflamma- tion of the sinus cavities—is one. Another is nasal polyps, or growths. In addition, about thirty per cent of people with hay fever develop asthma. THE SEASONS FOR HAY FEVER --- 'frees, grasses and weeds have windborne 1)011011. Ac- cording to his sensitivity, the "hay fever season" for a particular individual occurs when the plants that affect hint pollinate. Thus, in Eastern and Midwestern United States, those sensitive to tree pollens (such as elm, maple, birch, poplar and others) suffer in the spring. Early summer is the time for the grasses (including some used as hay, such as timothy), to which half of all hay fever sufferers are sensitive. The weeds flourish in that part of the country from midsummer to late fall. Of the last, ragweed is the most common offender, not only in its group but among all tine pollens. Of people with hay fever, 75 per cent are sensitive to ragweed. But an individual may react to one or more items in more than one of these groups, so that his own "season" may be from early spring to the first frost. For that matter, a person sensitive to dust, to dog dander or to some other airborne material from which he camiot easily escape may suffer all year round. Mold and fungus spores ("seeds"), also an airborne phenomenon during the sttmn er months cause reactions in many people. Frequently found around hay, straw and dead leaves, their growth is encouraged by humid weather and places with poor ventilation—dalnp base- ments, for instance, I -IOW SENSPI'IVITY WORKS --- Sensitivity is established when the tissues—of the nose, for example—develop antibodies (defensive substances) to a particular pollen or other allergen. After that, whenever these tissues encounter the allergen, the anti- bodies attached to them react. Along with other re- actions, a powerful defensive chemical called histamine is released. As often happens in Nature, these defen- sive measures are sometimes overdone, causing the blood vessel dilation, increased secretion of fluids, irritation leading to sneezing and other conditions that add up to hay fever. The inflammation and other symptoms—while real enough, as every sufferer knows—actually are not of the same destructive nature as those caused by more serious diseases. Removing the cause of the reaction, as by a drop in the pollen count, results in immediate relief. IIOW TO CONTROL HAY FEVER --- Avoiding the substance that causes a victim's reactions is the best way to control hay fever. Moving to a differ- ent part of the country is sometimes suggested, but this may prove useless if the sufferer has or develops sensi- tivity to a substance common in the new location. Sea- sonal travel and the use of air conditioning and air purifying devices whenever possible may at least cut down on the victim's suffering during his season, so that he may sleep and work reasonably well. The use of antihistamines, drugs that counteract the histamine and other substances released by tate allergen - antibody reaction, may serve to give relief from some symptoms. They don't affect the underlying sensitivity. Each individual has to depend on his doctor to find out what drug or combination of drugs works best for him. Nose drops are usually of limited value and their pro- longed use may actually cause and aggravate the symp- toms. Certain hormones may be prescribed by a doctor in an extreme case, but they have to be carefully used. Desensitization by means of injections is a long-drawn- out process, but may be very effective. HOW DESENSITIZATION WORKS --- Once a victim's offending allergen has been identified— after what may be a long series of scratch tests with many suspected substances—it is possible for the doctor to snake up a graded series of injections. The injections contain a minute amount of the substance, which is gradually increased in each injection until the body can tolerate larger closes without reaction. If the injec- tions are started well before the hay fever season and continued for about three months, the usual reaction to the natural appearance of the allergen may be pre- vented. The injections may have to be repeated each year; in many instances, injections over a period of several years have resulted in desensitization to the particular substance. Some day it may be possible to tell why people have the tendency to develop allergic sensitivity, and to counteract the tendency. For the present we can only control the symptons. THE SUFFERER and HIS DOCTOR --- The hay fever sufferer should be examined by his doctor and follow the doctor's advice thereafter. Ile should avoid the common mistakes of trying all the new patent medicines that are advertised each year, or of shopping around from doctor to doctor. The doctor can help almost all patients; he can desensi- tize some entirely. When he is unable to eliminate the hay fever itself, he can at least be alert for possible complications. The wise patient follows the doctor's advice and co-operates in his treatment as well as he can, eagerly awaiting the clay that further research will find even better tools for the doctor to use. IF YOU ARE A HAY FEVER VICTIM, REMEMBER: 1. No matter how badly you suffer during the season, shay fever will not kill you. It may have troublesome complications, however. 2. Consult your doctor and get his help in identifying what causes your hay fever, plus advice on what to do about It. 3. If you can, get away from the substance that causes your reaction. Air conditioning and air purification may help you rest, sleep and work. 4. Use antihistamines sparingly—always with your doe- ,tor's advice. Don't try to medicate yourself. 5. 1f your doctor thinks injections \yitt he11)1 start them well before the hay fever season and stick to them without skipping. 6. Don't got discouraged if you get rid of one sensitivity only to find you have developed another one. 7. Be sure to lot your doctor know if you t1' nk a com- plication—such as a real nose or throat infection— has developed. Your 'Tuberculosis Association works for the control of all Respiratory Diseases and, in particular, for the elimination of Tuberculosis. flay fever is one of the many 11espir• tory Diseases being fought through education and research supported by your Christ- mas Seal contribution, HURON COUNTY 1B ASSOCIATION 1•44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•4444-•-•-•÷•-•-•-•-• ♦ ♦ 444 ♦ ♦+44- •-•a1-• -• 444+444+4 44.4 • -•-• 444 • •-N 4- a •-• •+• 4+4.� c I PAGE SEVEN LON DESBORO The W, I. will hold their Sep- tember meeting on the 7th at 8 p,m. Miss Luella Johnston, of Clinton, will be guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dodds, of La Grange Park, Illinois, have visited for the past two weeks vrith their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick and family. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Doan, of Port Colborne, spent the past week with Mrs. Mabel Scrtt and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stevenson. of Ethel, visited on Sunday with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clan ence Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McDougall. Mr. and Mrs. Don Habkirk, of Essex, spent Sunday with the tatters sister, Mrs. Allen Shaddick, and family, Miss Pat Burns 11 graduate stu- dent of C.H.S.S. has completed her grade 13 and is going into training in Brantford General llospitol. She leaves September 5th. We wish Pat every success in her chosen career. Miss Linda Thompson, a senior student of the 1967 graduate class of Stratford General Hospital re- ceived .her blue band cap in a ceremony Friday evening in the recreation room at the nurses residence. Caps were presented to the class of 23. BROWN 1 E'S DRIVE-IN TIIEATRE — CLINTON 2 Shows Nightly Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk --- 5 DAYS --- Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon.,, Tues., Sept. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 A COMEDY SPECTACULAII TE GREAT CE Color JACK LEMMON 'PONY CURTIS NA'1'ALIE WOOD. Cartoon SUNDAY MIDNITE SEPT. 4 HORROR DOUBLE FEATURE IN COLOR "PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES" Barry Sullivan "X -MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES" Ray illiliand Aduit Entertainment Cartoon SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FOR 6 NIGHTS WED., 'I'IIUl1S., FIti., SAT., MON., TUES. — SEPT. 7.13 WALT DISNEY'S Mary Popprns JULIE ANDREWS DICK VAN DYKE DAVIi) TOMLINSON Color Cartoon Prices for this engagement only: Persons 12 yearn a!td over $1.00 Persons 6-11 years 50c Persons under 6 years .... Free PAGE EIGHT WALTON W. I. MEETING The August meeting of the Walton Woolens Institute was lull in the Community Hall with Alr,=, James Clarke and Mrs. Wm. Tut abull committee on Citizen- sh p and Education in charge, 1 r, Douglas Lawless, superin- ten.tent of Burlington Public Schools, was introduced by Mrs. Turnbull. Mr, Lawless described a trip he had to Europe in No. • 3 THE BLYTH STANDARD vembcr of 1965. He was chosen many, He compared Soviet Ed• by the Burlington Board of Ed- ucaion with our Canadian Educa- ucation and made the trip along tion and described similarities with 130 other Educators chosen and differences of our society and inkier the Comparative Education. their society', al Society. Thirteen of these were During the field trips they went Canadians with the majority of into schools, talked to the teach - 110 corning from the United ers and held general discussions. States. Seminar's and Field Trips in the afternoon and evening they were conducted in schools in mot with Educators and officials. Most schools have pictures of Switzerland, Hungary', Bulgaria. Engel, who conceived the idea of Moscow. U.S,S,R, and East Ger. Communism, Mark, who wrote it and Lennin, who put it into effect just as we in Canada have pictur- es of the King and Queen in our schools. IIis trip was illustrated by coloured slides. A discussion period was held following the pictures, Mrs. James Clarke made courtesy remarks and presented the speaker with a gift on behalf Of the Institute, The president, Mrs. Roy Wil• Unison, was in charge of the business. Airs, Gerald Watson, secretary -treasurer, read the min- utes of the last meeting and, cal - COOK'S STOCK UP FC(R THE HOLIDAY AT THESE SPECIAL PR1UES Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice, 2 - 48 oz, tins 55c Libby's Deep Brown Beans, 2 Age. 28 oz. 59c Kool Aid .................... 10 pkgs. 49c Ballet Bathroom Tissue, 2 twin rolls , , . , 49c Bisset Ice Cream, half gallon 89c Marra's Fresh Apple or Raisin Pies, 3 for 1.00 Marra's Hamburg or Weiner Buns, '1 pkg. 1.00 Weston's Mealtyme Bread 5 for 1.00 Weston's Fruit Roll, reg. 33c now 29c McCormick's Marshmallows, 3 - 1 lb, pkgs 1.00 McCormick's Afternoon Cookies, 3 pkgs. 1.00 Golden Dew il'Iargerine 2 lbs. 63c Joy Liquid Detergent, 10c off label giant size ..................... 87 Niagara Spray Starch, 7c off label 15 oz, can ,.,...,,•,,,..,,.•,,,,,, 59c King Size Oxydol, 27c off label 1.58 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Tomatoes and Peaches by the Basket, We Deliver Phone 4421 led the roll which was answered by reminiscing on incidents that happened during school days. A committee including Mrs, Ken- - nab I1cDonald, Mrs, Nelson ;; A1arks, Airs, IIerber't Traviss and „ Mrs, Ronald Bennett was appoint. ;; ed to look after entertainment in t October, The annual Court Whist ladies night was sel for Novem- ber 16 when each member will invite three ladies, , Miss Sherrill Craig gave a commentary', on the recent 4.11 Girls Club Course entitled "Ac - ' cent on Accessories" which was conducted by Airs. K, McDonald and Airs. Gerald Watson. The next course entitled "'14he Supper o• Club" will be held this fall with • Mrs. K, McDonald and Mrs, N. Marks as leaders, The leaders course to be held in Clinton Sep. 101111)er 8111 and 9th. Girls 12 years of age by September 1 will he eligible to take this cocu'se along with the older girls, Walton Institute 'i11 assist in the booth at the Plowing Match Monday, October 10th, An invita- tion was accepted to Ethel on Wednesday evening, September 14, lvhen Dr. E. A. McMaster, of Grand Bend, will show slides. Orders were taken for Centennial • Flowering Crab Trees. Other it- ems of business were discussed aft C1' %1'hiCt1 1'eifresh'nielll_; were President To Visit Lions For the FIRST lime in its life, Lions International District AD, which consists of the Counties of Simcoe, Dufferin,' Grey, Welling- ton, Perth, Duron and Bruce, will have a visit from the Associa- tion'1S International i'resident, Edward 11, Lindsay, from Law- renceburg, Tennessee, The meeting; will he at Fern Resort, near Orillin, on Tuesday, September Gth, tvhcrc all Lions and their wives will meet and hear WEDNASDAY; 'AUdt7 1; -48 the President. Mr. Lindsay is a former Mayor of Lawrenceburg being named Nle States 'outstancling Mayor in 1955. He was elected President of i.ions International, the larg- est world-wide Organization of its kind, at hhe association's Annual Convention in New York City ill July 1000, His Objective .for the Assncia• lion for the year is "Search for Peace." .�d1111V1111W!IIIllUlllllll!L'1!I�!�UIllIJILIIL�I!lllllll�!!ll�lll!161!ll1ll11J11!�I!i!Illlll!II!II!U!1!�!!!!Il!�!!II!I!i!i!!!lll�!!1�1�!il. PET SUPPLIES %Ve Carry a Wide Range of Supplies For Your P'avourite T'et, Pulvex Worm Caps for dog's 98 Pulver Worni Caps for cats 75 Sergeant's Flea Powder for dogs, , , ... , 59 Sergeant's Flea and Tick Spray 1.59 Pulvex Shampoo for dogs .. , , .. , , .. , 1.00 Hartz Mountain Canary Seed .. , , ...... .39 Hartz Mountain Budgie Seed 45 Hartz Mountain .Budgie Gravel 25 Hartz Mountain Dog Yummies .39 Hartz Mountain Turtle Food 29 Hartz Mountain Natural Goldfish Food 29 Hartz Mountain Tropical Goldfish Food 39 R. D. PHILP, PhmB DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -- Phone 523-4440, llilyih 111110111'1'9 '111101IIIII 111111011111111111111111181111 111111111' i 1111111111111111111111011111111 ••-•-•-•••-•-•-e-•-•••-e-e•o o •++++-s+++-+o 0 o e o e+moo-•-o ± -• o+o 0 o H • ;;'"rved by Mrs, Ronald 13cnnell, • • - Mrs, Ralph Traviss, Mrs. .Edward • Miner and Airs. Luella Marshall. firs, Herbert Traviss was pianist for the evening. Q4-••• r4••_• -•+0•+•+1 -►H..44 -•-•-••••N+••• •+i•0-•-4_._. ••+•# 0.0-4•0, sfl 11 FOOD MARKET Phone 523-9332. We Deliver Hunt's Fancy Tomato Juice, 105 oz, . , , , 69c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 32 oz. , , , . 59c Whip and Chill Dessert, all flavours, 2 for 55c Lushus ,telly Dessert, Banded Deal, 6 for 59c Pine River Medium Cheese, per lb. 69c McCormick's White Marshmallows, per lb. 33c Dad's Salted Sodas, Reg, 11c, Spec. 2 for 69c Sunkist Oranges Lemons 3 Dozen 99c 5 for 25c Side Bacon Ends Special per lb. 79c Wieners 2 lbs, 99c •Fresh Pork Chops, Spec, per lb. 79c Front Quarters of Beef, cut and wrapped, Order Now, Special per Ib. 43c FROSTED BUYS Sunshine Fancy Peas, 2 lb. poly bag 45c Old Country Fish and Chips, 1 lb. 8 oz. 59c Sunshine Pure Orange Juice, 61/4 oz. 2-39c i+1 f• 1 •-•-►+•-N • •+•+4H •• 04 •-•••-•-•i • • % V • Congratulations to Mrs, Jack Lee, %%lb celebrates her birthday 0n 'Tuesday, Sepinlber 6, Congratulations to Dennis Knox who celebrates .his birthday on Wednesday, September 7, THE BL Red &d' W me FoodMkt. Blyth Phone 9151 We Deliver Schneider's Weiners, 1 lb, pkg. ...... , . 59c Boneless Sirloin Beef Roast ... , per lb. 79c No. 1 Ontario Potatoes, 10 lb. bag' 39c 8 rolls 99c :3 pkgs, 1,00 White Swan Bathroom Tissue . Scotties Facial Tissues, 400s .... Red Haven and Jubilee Peaches 6 quart basket 1.29 11 qt. basket 1.99 No. 1 Ontario Tomatoes, 6 quart basket 99c Weston's Bread, brown or white, 5 loaves 1.00 Weston's Individual Fruit Rolls, 9 to pkg. 29c ; N-l-,++••••-N-O -. 44 4-.-4.4-0- -0 -•-•-• -•-• .4f- •14444, • 0-0 •-•-•-• O-•+0+•+0• T Voliadt .del ice ',11 us assist you with your 1n for that all important q:Irr day. OE. IN ANI) SCE ('III C0a11)1,1.:1' I Fi'1'If1N 111' * ITA PONS • ASSOUNUM EfTS + IN'FOR SIALS ACCESSORIES STN '(),4crrrii7 Jwi'<rrr v>t1 four choice of Lnrious paper stocks, we t{1lrs ar,.i.u:,a. • ,i.sic fw, . . .0iffedj,/com 411 Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with complete confidence as to, quality and correctness of form, t.1; ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKiNS,1HATClf AND CAKE BOXES