The Blyth Standard, 1966-08-24, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD X2,50 A Year In Advance — $3,50 In U.S.A. Two Big Enterta Slated For The excitement and thrill of the school reunion is now ever and local residents are now back to the routine of every day living, The tremendous enthusiasm dis- played at the reunion by Blyth folk was indeed gratifying and showed just what a small com- munity can do if everyone gels behind a project and pushes, During the month of September there is two annual events slated for Blyth and lets hope that some of this enthusiasm will continue by making then equally as sue- cessful, First will be the Huron Pioneer Thresher and Hobby Association Annual Reunion which will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept- ember 9 and 10, 'Phis is the fifth straight year this entertainment feature has been held in Blyth and to date has been tremendous- ly popular with spectators who travel miles to, see the old thresh- ers and farm machinery in action. The thresher committee has been working on this year's pro• gram almost from the day the 1965 reunion ended and there is no reason to doubt that this year's version will not be just as appeal- ing to everyone, The dates of September 20 and 21 will bring along the Blyth Fall !Fair, The Agricultural Society has been working equally as hard to make our 1966 fair bigger and better than ever. Several new features have been added and, along with the many popular at- tractions of past years, should acid up to a fair equal to that seen in many larger communities, Prize lists have been printed and are available to anyone plan- BLYTI-I, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1966 inment Features September ning to take part in the fair. You may secure one by contacting the secretary, Donald Young, R. R. 1, Auburn, As each of these events draws near, further particulars will be published in 'Phe Standard, But in the meantime, plan now to at- tend both of these functions and give those in charge the support they so much deserve, Lions Zone Chairman John Campbell, IByth, Installed At Oirillia Meet The Lions International District A9 Cabinet held its first nmeeting at the Birohmere hotel, Orillia, Sunday, August 141h. 'Phe Cali• inet members were installed inti their various offices by Past Dis- trict Governor Dr, Peter I3isson- nette, of Ripley, Ontario. Mr, John Campbell, a Lion of the Blyth Lions Club, was instal• led as Zone Chairman 3 North Zone. Other Cabinet members are; Ken Leary, Palmerston, Dep- uty District Governor Region 16; John 1V, Taylor, Alliston, D.D.G. Region 8; Kenneth Waives, Owen Sound, District Governor A9; W. 13, Conran, Wingham, 1).D,G, Re• gion 3; Bruce Brown, Barrie, Zone Chairman 8 North; Norman Cog- hlin, Atwood, Z.C. 16 South; Os- borne Foreman, Grand Valley, ZC. 8 South! Len Ford,- Seaforlh, 'L,C, 3 South; Howard Henderson, Owen Sound, Cabinet Secretary. MAILING LiST CORRECTED The mailing List of the Standard was brought up to date on Tuesday of this week. If you have paid your sub- scription recently, please check the label on this paper for possible error, If one is found, please notify us as soots as possible. If your subscription is ov• er clue, payment would ser• tainly be appreciated as soon as possible, WRIST WATCH FOUND Pelicc chief Jim Warwick r'e• ports to The Standard office that a plan's wrist watch was found during the school reunion. The watch is now in Jim's possession and the owner play -claim it by Contacting 11i111. BIRTHS CRONIN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Wednesday, August 3, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cronin, the gift of a son, Pat- rick James, REAN--111 Goderich Alexander Marine Hospital on (Friday, Au- gust 5, 1966, to A1r, and Mrs. .fames Rean (nee Carol Tyre - man) Goderich, the gift of a slaughter, Leslie Lynn, a sister for Patricia Ann. JACKSON—In Chatham General hospital on Monday, August 22, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Jackson, Ridgetown, a son, Ken- neth Allen, a brother for Brian. Congratulations to II1rs, Borden Cook who celebrates her birthday on August 29. Huron Co-ordinator Outlines Emergency Measures Work In The County What Do You Know Ab'out E. (W. Stuart Forbes, Co-ordinator) There have been many newspa per ileitis circulated recently con corning the Emergency Measures Organization — some good — somc bad, Organizing and promoting E. M. 0. has not been an easy task. Apathy has been hard to over- come; people are just not inter- ested in taking part in an organ- ization they feel will, in all pi'o• bability, never be used, They grumble about the expenditure of pulic funds, affect a smile when mention is made of the pos- sibility of nuclear or germ war- fare, or a war where weather will be controlled. They turn their hacks 011 E!M,O, workers who plead for preparedness. E,M,O, can be likened to a Fire Department wlhdse equipment and personnel may never be uti- lized; but it is comforting to know it is available if a fire does break out, We have heard E.M.O. referred to as a "haven for retired Army officers," "another useless organ- ization like Civil Defence" from which it stems, "as a gimmick to eat up the lax dollars," Retired Army Services personel are ideal for top positions in this agency. Their experience in management of Wren and organization stands them in good stead when instruct ing leaders and co-workers in their emergency roles. 'Phey take at lot of unfair criticism, but be- lieve hit the fundamental princi- ple that safety must be provided for everyone when they are un- able to tend for 'themselves. They struggle hard to establish this organization when there is time to do it instead of waiting until the roof falls in when organiza- tion is too late, The position of a Co-ordinator is no job for one with thin skin He must possess special talents to keep it moving. E.M.O. was first organized in 1959 to establish a national em ergency agency. People show lit Ile interest. Leading the horse to water is, easy, but you can't make him drink. Now, however, many government agencies are instruct• ing their employees at all levels, including municipal, to partici• pate, 'Phis move, although fairly new, is showing goad results. The Deparitment of Highway has appointed an Enlergene:' Planner who is setting a brisk pace. 'Phe Department of health and Welfare demands disaster plans for hospitals. Municipalities are providing individual by -latus to participate in E,M.O, al township levels. lit would appear that progres- sion is taking place in spite elf all the difficulties. E,M,O, is making satisfactory headway in Huron County. By- laws are now on the statute books and others are pending, The Conn ty pays only 10'; of the pro- gram; the senior governments provide 90 in grants. lit fact, Iluron County has supplied less than $4,000,00 over the past five years and the benefits .far exceed this figure, A headquarters is now being considered, 'Conrnttinications planning is completed, The heads of the fourteen Civil Emergency departments h'►v,' written workable plats Idnrt h1v' been approved by the Cou'1t:- Council. The County Wardens ha, co-operated most sincerely. Co-ordination Is proceeding satisfactorily, E.M.O. has provided a full Cont- plcment of trained and uniform- ed Auxiliary Policemen who have contributed hundreds of hour.; free time to your communities over the past two years. The training must be good because three oI' these auxiliaries are now working as regular police con- stables in municipal police de. partmenls. A Rescue group has been organ- ized in case of need. Some equip- ment is available. Orientation courses are held regularly. Exercises have been completed to test the training given, with excellent results. Community Groups in all parts of the County have been organ. ized, Disaster plans have been pro- vided for all hospitals, Welfare Centres have been cho- sen throughout the area. Traffic plans for mass move- ment are now complete. Emergency Apera,ting Procedur• es for all key personnel have been establishes!. Liaison has been carried out with St. John Ambulance, Red Cross, Militia, Public Utilities, Police, Fire, Radio operators and many others who have now be- come part of the plan, Special advisors, with priceless backgrounds in dealing with em- ergencies, are dedicated volun- teers. It would appear 11181 Huron County Emergency Measures is staking excellent progress itt the formation 'if a,1 effec'tive County- wide operation. 11. may never be h:"t 'the an insurance policy, it's comforting to have the cover- age. Volume 79 • No. 12 Single Copies Six Cents gallllllllllllllllll[IInl!lllll S 111111111 ME= 1111 1111111 IYWl��ll 1111,111 lll�It!llM I I I 1 Illi 11 1!�TI l iHligl lilt' ti, Let's Blow Our Horn 'I'he Standard was favoured with a visit last week by a resi- dent of Windsor, Mr. Maurice 1.a- Alarre, who was staying for a few day's holidays with friends in this area. During our conver- sation Mr. LaMarre mentioned the fact that Blyth was the pret- tiest community he and his fam- ily had visited in this part of Ontario, He made particular mention of the cleanliness of our plain street. The above mentioned compli- ment not only made us very proud of our village, but made us more aware of the make-up of the village, When visiting nei- ghbouring communities, Sonic of which are much larger in popu- lation than ours, next time take a closer look at the places of busi- ness along their main streets. Then, drive through the residen- tial sections and see if you don't agree with our visitor. Our stores and (louses are to 1111 I II UII DIM 1111 1.1111 11111111111111'111111111111 be compared with those practic- ally, anywhere in Ontario and yet what do.: we do about it? Very, very little, if anything, Many towns and villages in our immediate area announce their "selling point"on appropriate signs as you enter their corn• munities. What have we to greet visitors at the entrance of Blyith" Absolutely nothing except the De- partment of highways signs with "Blyth 760" on it. There is also the Lions Club and Canadian Leg. ion signs which do a beautiful job of advertising their respective organizations, but absolutely no- thing to advertise "our village." Yes, we are a streamlined vil- lage — our stores and houses prove the fact — but maybe 'our thinking is still back in the horse and buggy days. Lets start blow• ing our own horn for a change. A nicely painted sign at each entrance to the village would cer- tainly be a start in the right di- rection, 11111 IIIMEIlllIllll1D IgIIIIIEVUlhI1lilllllmflt1llEIDIl1lM ITEMS OF PERSONAL INTEREST ,Mademoiselle Simone G renier, of Le IIarve, France, is visiting with her uncle, AIr, Leonard Roo- ney, Mrs, Rooney and fancily, of R.R. 4, Brussels, Mademoiselle G•renier is a interpreter at the British Consul in Le Harve and is currently on a two-week vaca- tion in- Canada. She is enjoying out' country very much and finds the enormity and, wide -open - spaces quite fascinating. She will 11e returning to her native count- ry August 31s1 and plans to revis- it here next year for Expo '67. Forty-two relatives visited at the 'Rooney home on Sunday to visit with their new cousin, Alr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace ad Mrs. Frank 13e11 left August 13 motoring to. the East Coast, al- so going to Newark, New Jersey. Mrs. I3e11 plans to stay and visit with relatives for several weeks, AU'. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden and Linda, of Westfield, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell and Bonnie, Alr. Gor- don Cook were visitors with Mr. and FU's, Walter Cook Monday evening, Mrs, Bertha Jermyn, of Brus- sels, visited for the past week with AIr, and Mrs. Clarence John- ston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook and Warren spent last week on ;: camping trip to .Oasller Lake and Kilbear Park near Parry Sound. Mr, It, F. Gonne, Provincial Se cretary of Ontario Horticultural Societies, visited with Alr. and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour Tuesday afternoon on his wayhome from TV interview at CKNX Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. George Hicks, et' Centralia, and their daughter. Mrs. John Andrew, of Edmonton, visited on Monday with 11r, and Mrs. Frank Marshall and Aur, and Mrs. Robe4 Alarshall, Lode, Barry and Bradley Yung- blul, of London, visited for sever- al clays last week with their grandparents, AU', and Mrs. Frank Marshall, and witch their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Marshall and family. Recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Norm Radford were, 11r, and Mrs. Lou Swan, Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs, Itoss Radford and Shelley, Port Colborne, Ont. Shel- ley remained for a longer boli• day. Shelley also visited her cou- sin, Miss Connie Gibbings, Clin- ton, and Connie returned to visit with Shelley at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Norm Radford. Rev, Donald and Mrs. Snell, 11111 Leslie, Paul, David and little Jan- ice, who, were visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Rad- ford, and Mr. Gordon Snell and other relatives for the past three weeks, left for their home in Drayton Valley, Alberta, Sunday afternoon, A gathering of relatives was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Will Gibbings, Clinton, in honour of Rev. and Mrs. Don Snell and family, Around 50 guests' partook of a lovely meal. Mr. Lorne Shob- brook, of Oshawa, also attended. AIt', and Mrs. Jim McLean, of Nottawa, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, NOM Radford. Misses Grace and Mary McClin• they returned home recently front a months visit with their sister, Airs. I-Iarvey Fieblekorn, and 11r. Fieblekorn and Todd, of Selkirk, Manitoba. B LY'rl i W. 1. 'I'0 MEET The Blyth Women's Institute meeting will be held Thursday, September 1, at 8 p.m. Mr. Kin- caid will be guest speaker. Ev- eryone is to bring a grandmother. Engagements Announced Mr, and Mrs. Major Youngblut, Auburn, announce the engage - 111011t of their daughter, Dorothy Helen, to AD'. Donald Earl Snaith• son of Mr, anti Mrs. Earl Smith, West Monkton. The wedding to take place on Friday, September 23, 1966, in Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn, at 7 pm. Mr. and Mrs, William R. Henry, Butler Street, Lucan, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Barbara Anne, to Robert Lloyd Wareham, son of ltev. and Mrs. .1. R. 'Wareham, Atwood, Ontario. Alarriage to take place Saturday, September 24, 1966, at 3 p.m, in Lucan Un- ited Church, Congratulations to Marlene ?\1c• Nall who celebrates her birthday on August 28. Congratulations to Miss Glenna Gowing who celebrates her birth- day on August 30. C1ongtatulations to Miss Susan Street who celebrates her birth- day on August 30, PAGE TWO RIDING TIIE WAVES This summer, I've been out in a boat only twice, but each was memorable in its fashion, The first time, old friends called and told us to be at their cottage sharp at noon next day. They were entertaining friends from the States and wanted us to join them for a special scenic ride by chartered boat. Zt sounded interesting. And it was. We drove 50 miles to their cottage. Light refreshments and we all piled into two cars and drove 15 miles to Tobermory. The boat's skipper was an old friend, Archie Simpson, and we exchanged, "Long-time-no•see's." Everything went swimmingly. It was a beautiful afternoon, our host had provided all the trim- mings, the company was pleasant and the scenery superb as we cruised along the rugged north shore of the Bruce Peninsula. Then the breeze freshened. We began to wallow a bit, Noth- ing serious, but two of the party began turning a . pale green Should we go on or turn back - It was decided to press on, pull into Wingfield Basin, and wait for ,the breeze to drop. It didntt. It became a wind. The skipper said it would be a rough trip back. The ladies looked long- ingly at the shore. After two hours, our host, stout chap, bor- rowed a dinghy and rowed 500 yards to the lighthouse, made ar- rangements, and rowed hack, without even suffering a coronary. We went ashore. Two cars were available. We would drive to Tobermory, pick up our own cars, and drive back to the cot- tage. But who was going to drive the two cars back to the light- house? That was only the beginning of the complications, too involv- ed nvolyed to relate here. Both cars broke down, The rear end went no one The Daer family held their an• just as we reached Tobermory, nual reunion recently at' the and the ether crept into the vit- home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Camp- lage sans brakes, bell, R.R. 2. Bluevale, with 40 in The ladies, grimy but glad, attendance. They enjoyed a love - took one of our own cars and ly dinner and after sport events went hack to the cottage. 11y were held by Mrs, Peter Camp - host, another chap and myself bell and Mrs. Louis Blake, of spent two hours and drove about Brussels. The results of the races 80 miles, organizing the return of were as follows: THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1966 SUGAR and SPIcE By Biu Smiley the borrowed cars. But it all ended pleasantly, with hamburgers at the cottage about 10 p.m. Midnight found me arguing racial problems with a big, dumb Norwegian lawyer from Chicago. 1fe's so dumb he has only three million dollars to his name. And we still had to drive 50 miles home. A memorable boat ride. Ten miles by boat and 250 by car. But good clean fun all tthe way. The other boat ride was a typ- ical Smiley event. Kim and I went out in her uncle's boat, after a three-minute period of instruc- tion. She insisted on driving, though she'd never steered any- thing more powerful than a can- oe, We staggered about the lake, she grinning wildly, 1 rigid with fear in the bow. Four miles from the home clock, we hit bottom, "Drop the anchor! Man ov- erboard! Hard astern!" 1 yelled these and a few other salty, sea. going terms, Too late. We had sheared a pin, whatever Mac means. I spoke silently to myself for about five minutes, head bowed as if in prayer, Then I reached for the paddle. No paddle. We made it ashore in 40 minutes, using our hands as paddles. She stuck \with the ship. I waded rocky shoreline and clam- bered, bare-footed, through poi- son ivy, seeking help. Three hours after we had set out on a 15 -minute whirl about the lake, we got back to port. Mama way, waiting. If you're planning a boat trip, perhaps you shouldn't ask your, truly along. • • • WEDDINGS II NI MI IIOFFMAN--BALL Bouquets of red gladioli decor- ated St, Peter's Church, Goderich, when marriage vows were ex- changed between .Sharon Chris- tine Ball and Leonard Joseph Paul Hoffman, of Zurich. The bride is the eldest daughter of <<Ir. and Mrs. Stanley Ball, R,R, 1, Auburn, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Hoffman of Zurich. Rev. R. Moyahan offi- ciated for the double -ring cere- mony, on August 20, 1966, at 3 p.m. Traditional wedding music was played by the organist, Mr, E. Walzak, and he accompanied the soloist, Mr, Elliott Lapp, R.R. 1, Auburn, when he sang "0 Per - feet Love" While the register was signed, The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor -length empire gown of white peau de s,oie on princess lines, with the waistline outlined with lace inset. The bodice featured a scoop neck• line and long lily -point sleeves, and a detachable chapel train of nylon sheer lace lined with peau de sole, Pearls and crystals form- ed her Queen's crown nhich held her three -tiered facer shoulder - length veil of silk illusion, She carried a white Bible, the gift of her grandmother, which was Cres- ted with red roses, bridal tulle and trailing rose buds, She wore a gold cross wd1h matching ear- rings, the gift of the groom. Miss Gail Barry, Seaforth, wa; the maid of honour, and the bridesmaids were Misses Brenda and Arva Ball, sisters of the bride. They were gowned alike in moss green floor -length gowns of peau de sole, styled similar to the bride's, accented with a large bow at the back. ')their matching Phoulder•length veils were held in place by a pleated moss green wedding ring band and they car- ried white baskets of white slhasta daisies with yellow eyes. AIr. Donald Hoffman, Zurich, and Alr. Leroy -Hoffman, Zurich, were the groomsmen for their brother and the bride's Nth] bro- thers, Alessrs. Daryl and Daryl: DAER FAMILY ANNUAL REUNION HELI) AT BLUEVALE THIS YEAR nunsawuwuffim uluuulsision mulmiimimul issi mei it INFITIllE111193IM11111151119111111111111111@11111111I11011171111 mon8 trity, (filittdie5 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario, Rev. W. 0. Mather, B.A,, B.D. Minister, Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music, Sunday, August 28, 1966 9;45 — Sunday Church School 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship. "Believing" CHRIiSTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9.00 a.m. — English Service, 3.00 p.m.—Dutch Service. Minister: Rev, Terpstra, of Listowel, 111'1111111111111111111 11111th 1!f IIII 111'111 11111111111 11111111.111,111 1111111111 III !II 6T. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robert U. MacLean, B.A. 1.00 p.m.—Church Service. 1.00 p.m,—Sunday School, ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. G. E. Pakenham, Dip., Th,, Rector, Trinity Church, Blyth 9.30 a .m.—Morning Prayer, Trinity Church, Belgravc. 10,45 a.m,—Morning Prayer. St, Mark's Church, Auburn, 12.15 p.m. --Morning Prayer. - CHURCH OF GOD McConnell Street, Blytb, Sunday Services 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School, 11.00 a.m.—Worship. 7.30 p.m,—Sunday evening—. Youth Fellowship, 111 illi IIII 1111111111111111 1111 1111,111.110111i IIII 1,111 ii EO® '11111 Ill111111lit, Pre-school children, Alary Lee Roney, Marilyn Campbell, Carol Campbell; 6-9 year olds, Rodger Roney, Ronny Campbell; Bowl on the head relay, Adults, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Roney; Juniors, Mary Anne Blake and Ronny Campbell; wheel -harrow race, Wayne and Marilyn Campbell; ladies kick the slipper, Mrs. Ralph Jackson; shoe scramble, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roney; The oldest person pres- ent, Mrs. Sam Daer; Youngest person present, Murray Camp• bell; closest birthday, Mrs. Sam Daer; closest wedding anniver- sary, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold honey: scales contest, Mrs. Peter Camp bell; charades, Messrs. Louis Blake and Arnold Roney, Mrs. Louis Blake and Alr, Ralph .Jack• son, Mrs. Arnoldo Roney and Alt's. Bert Daer, Miss Maryanne Blake and Rodger Roney; winners of candy contest, Louis Blake and Airs. Bert Daer. After a buffet supper the children enjoyed a candy scram- ble and watermelon. Plans were made to hold the 1967 reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold honey, Mitchell, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mitchell, and Robert Daer will he in charge of sports and games. Present for the reunion were, Mrs. Sam Daer, A1r, and Mrs. Bert Daer, Robert, Edward, Lorne, Mr. and Mrs. John Daer, all of Au- burn, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ron- ey and family, Mitchell, Ale. and Alrs. Ralph Jackson and fancily, Mitchell; Alr. and Mrs. ltreld Kirkconnell and family, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake and family, Brussels, Mr. art ?41rc Peter Campbell and family, al Bluevale, Check your label date! 1 Ball ushered the guests. A reception wttfi held at the Au- burn Community Memorial Mall following the ceremony where the U.C.W, of Knox United Church catered for the dinner. The bride's mother received the 80 guests wearing a two-piece beige and brown brocaded dress with matching accessories, a swiss mo- hair hat and a corsage of yellow roses, She was assisted by the groom's nlothher who wore a two• piece dress of turquoise linen with white accessories and a cor- sage of yellow roses. Bouquets of mixed gladioli de• eorated the hall and bouquets of bachelor buttons decorated' the tables. Alt', James Lait, London, was master of ceremonies and proposed a toast to tine bride and bridesmaids. The groom respond- ed for the bride and Mr, Donal(1 Hoffman replied for the brides- maids. The groom proposed a toast to the parents and Mr. Stan ley Ball and Alt'. Anthony Hoff- man replied. About 300 attended the recce• tion following the dinner and (lancing was enjoyed 10 the music of the Royalaires orchestra of Monklon, For a wedding trip In Northern Ontario, the bride donned a chap- el wool suit of heavenly blue with matching fur cuffs, mandarin col- lar, black velvet sailor hat and black accessories. On their return they will take up residence in Clinton. Guests were present from Pres- ton, Hamilton, London, Zurich, Clr kshurg and the surrounding cliL riot, FR.Eh'l'11Y—ENNiS Rev. Arthur I-Iigginbothant of• ficiated at the marriage of :Ruth Anne Ennis and David Arthur F reethy at a candlelight ceremony in Duffs United Church,, Walton, Friday evening, August 12. The church was decorated with stand- ards of white gladioli and candel• abra. The bride is the daugltict' of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Ennis, of Walton, and the groom is a son of ?,lr. and Mrs. Andrew Frccid►y. Toronto. Airs, Jack Mcllwain, Sea• forth, played traditional organ JnuIS1e and accompanied Airs. Gra. came MacDonald, of Brussels, as she sang "The Lord's Prayer." The bride, who was given in marriage by het' father, entered the church wearing a white pure silk faille floor -length gown styl- ed with an Empire waistline. The bodice and bell sleeves were made entirely of imported swiss lace. A matching detachable handkerchief train fell from the shoulders. The gown was accentuated by a simple A line skirt, IIer bouffant shoul- der -length veil was held by a headpiece of roses accented with tiny seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of red sweetheart ros- es, Alt's. Ronald Ennis, Toronto, was her sister•in-laws matron of honour, wearing a floor -length gown of powder blue sala•peau, also with Empire waistline accen- tuated with a bow, scooped neck and small sleeve. The sheath skirt gently curved to a slit at the bot. tom front . finished with a how, The back was completed with a sash and bow. Ilex headpiece was a matching tulle cocblail•length veil. She carried a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses. The best ratan was Stewart Cul- ligan, Toronto, Chris Croissan and Ronald Ennis, brother of the bride, both of 'Toronto, ushered the guests. The reception was held at the home of the bride where the house was decorated in colors of blue and white. The bride's moth- er received the guests wearing a three-piece suit of pale pink lace E -Lure Arnel and cotton knit with matching hat, while accessories and a corsage of white baby ros- es. The groom's mother wore a dress of deep turquoise chiffons with beaded trimming, matching hat and light beige accessories. She also wore .. corsage of Will baby roses, The bride's grandmo- ther, Mrs. F, H. Miller, aged 93, also greeted the guests, wearing a flowered dress and corsage cf white carnations, For a wedding trip to the Wes- tern provinces the bride chose a powder blue tlu'ee•piccc suit with black accessories and a corsav of tiny pink roses. '1110 bride is a graduate of Kit- chener -Waterloo hospital School of nursing and the groom is a graduate of the University of Toronto Faculty of Engineering. Morris Council Accepts Share OF Wingham District Ambulance (ost 'Ailorris Township Council met on August 3, with all members present. Minutes of the last and of .the special meeting were read and adopted on motion of Walter Shortreed and Win, Elston, Moved ,by Ross Smith, second• cel by .Samos Mair, that road ac- counts in the amount of $6,714.49 be accepted as presented by the road superintendent. Carried. Aloved by .1. Mair, seconded by W. Shontrecd, that we order one 25 fI. flag pole. Carried. Moved by W. Shortreed, sec- onded by W. Elston, that Stew- art Procter and Ross Smith be representatives on the Mid -Wes - !ern Regional 'Pourist Council. Carried. Moved by W. Shortreed, secon- ded by .1, Mair, that Wm, Elston represent Morris Council to help inspcot tine Johnston Drain. Car - Pied. Moved iby J, Mair, seconded by 11, Smith, that Morris agrees to accept responsibility for their share of proposed ambulance cost for 11'innhann and District Hos- pital Area. Carried, Moved by W. Elston, seconded by 1V, Shortreed, that general accounts be paid as presented. Carried, Moved by R, Smith, seconded by .1. Mair, that meeting adjourn 10 meet. again September 7, 1966, e,t 1 p.m, or at the call of the Reeve. General Accounts Paid Fox Bounty; Tom Warwick, 4.- 00, Brian Ifopper,4.00, Stan hop- per, 4.00, Grant Elliott, 4,00, Her- bert Garniss, 4,00; Ontario Hy- dro, Bluevale Street lights, 14.25; ngiham Alvan c►e=Times, tach,, 1.80; Pos,l. Publishing House, adv., 1.00; Municipal World, supplies, 4.01; Lloyd Warwick, bulbs and caretaking Bluevale street lights, 16,00; Kilbarchan Nursing Home, 122.25; Morris Township School Boat',,I, advance for schools, 48,. 740,00; Receiver -General of Can- ada, unemployment ,stamps, 5.60; Canadian imperial Bank of Com- merce, pension & income tax, 50.14; Bernard Thomas, repairs to hall, 187.28; Callander Nursing home, 275.50; IIelen Martin, 119.- 00, (toad Accounts Sam Sweeney, bulldozing, 245,- 00; George Somers, brushes, noz- zles and labour, 59.59; Oldfield .hardware, chains and hooks, 18.- 53; J, C. McNeil, battery and ace- tylene, 42.29; Alex Tnkley, gas, fuel oil and tax, 151.30; Domin- ion Rotel Machinery, leathers, pa- ciring and stub axle, 383,58; Mel- vin Carnochan, backhoe work, 28.00;Brussels Telephone Co., rent and lolls, 22.79; E. E. Ca1h- ers, loading, hauling and supply- ing gravel, 4,978.35; Wm, A1cAr• ter, mileage, wages and bookkeep- Ing, 235.50; James Casemore, wa- ges, 434.00; John Smith, wages, 115.50. Stewart Procter, Helen D, Marlin. Reeve, Clerk, W EDNAY, ATJGUJT 24, 1968 " OBITUARIES OItVAL T. COOK Woodland Cemotcry, • The pallbearers were members Mr, Orval T. Cook passed away of the Mitchell Fire Department, suddenly. at his home in Mitchell Lawrence Pickard, Kenneth Smith, Floyd Wassman, Norman Wall, Alex EIlens, Edwarc1 Heimpel. The remainder of the firemen formed a guard of honour outside tihc funeral home and at the grave- side. Mr. Cook was Captain of the Fire Department. Flowerbearers, neighbours, Al- vin Barthel, Clarence Shean, Fred Lawrence, Il:arold Jordan, AJartin Nuegge, Thomas Horn, Friends and relatives attended from Dartmouth, N.S., Blyth, Lon- don, St. ,Marys, Guelph, Brussels, Walton, 13elgrave, Wingham,, Kit ohenet•, Londesl oro, Hamilton, Walkerton, Parkhill, Monkton, 111ilahell and District, Mr. Cook attended the School Reunion in Blyth Saturday and Sunday. on Wednesday, August 3rcl, in his 56th year. He was born in East Wawanosh Township, son of Mr. Leonard Cook and the late Mrs. Cook. On December 21, 11134 he married the former Velma Craig, of Blyth, and' they resided in the vicinity of ' Blyth until 1944 when they moved to Mitchell. Surviving are his wife, three sons, Rodney, Dartmouth, N.S.. Murray and Frank, of Mitchell, and four daughters, Mrs. David (Leona) Thornton; London, Mrs. William (Eileen) Heard, of SI. Marys,' Marjorie and Shirley al home, Also his father, Leonard Cools, Blyth, brothers, Mansel, of Londesboro, Harold and Russell, of Blyth, sisters, Alrs, Gladys Johnston, Mrs. Robert (Mabel) Riley, both of Blyth, and 12 grandchildren. The funeral service was held at lhc JIeath.Leslie funeral hone, in Mitchell, on Saturday, August (1, conducted by Rev, Allan Reiss, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church', Ali tahell! Burin in Congratulations THB BLYTH STANDARD Starling September 6th, ABC' Television will begin showing 16 new series. They are shows set in the past, present and future and range from anthology and westerns to science, fiction and drama. Among the new shows is one bracketing all eras • • "'llhc Time Tunnel." The setting is Circa 1968, but via the Time 'funnel, a scientific project constructed in a desert, !tine has no limita• 1 ions, The Milton Berle Show will start early in September and youth will be represented by reg. Congratulations to Debbie I-Iun. ulars 13obby Rydell and Donna king who celebrates her birthday Loren. on August 25. ABC has several active papti• Congratulations to Mr. Leon- cipants in the tear on poverty, ard Arohambault who celebrates The champion is Phyllis 1'ruitts his birthday August 25. of Southampton," They are hay ing lax -problems, Nothing minor • • an eight -digit debt owed the government. Phyllis Diller is the head of the family, but she can add better than that. The tax errors tvere made by 90•year•old Uncle Ned, played by Reginald Gardiner. "The Pruitls" fight poverty from their Long Island mansion every 'Tuesday at 9 p,m, David and Julie Willis, stellar characters in "Love on a Roof- top," are also fighting a poverty War • - small•budge't variety • • as newlyweds trying to live on the groom's salary, a modest $115.00 a Week. 'Phis program will be pre -released on Kitchener's Channel 13 every Tuesday at 9 p,m. A Western -adventure series with a bigger -than life hero is "Iron Horse," starring Dale itobertson as Ben Calhoun, tvho won a rail- road 'and a place in the history of the American West in a poker game, 'Phis is an01het A13C show that will, be pre -released on CKCO-1'V on Fridays at 7:30. There'll be more about the new fall shows in a Week or two, rr "Royal 13ay," a suspense drama starring Joan Crawford, will be .�•+++.•.-..+.-•-.•-.-..-.-.+.4-44-• 44-•-4-.-.-.-.-.-•-..•.-.+-• • ShetVll SpL!(.'lal 1)C0�;tll 411 GODER1CH BUSINESS COLLEGE 25th ANNIVERSARY SERVING WESTERN ONTARIO 1941-66 OUR AIM IS TO JUSTIFY TiiE CONFIDENCE PLACED IN US, ANi) WE ARE ENDEAVOURING TO MAINTAIN THE SAME JIIGIi STANDARDS. Fall Term opens Tuesday, September 6 Senior and Junior Courses approved by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Dial 524.8521, 7284, or 6307, Tuition $35 per month 4+-.•+-.-.-.•+ .+a-.-. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SNELL FEED fif SUPPLIES SALES & SERVICE Phone 523.9501 R.R. 3, Blyth TRACTORS 8061) INTERNATIONAL OVER 90 IIP. 806D I'ARMALL OVER 90 IIP. 706G FARMALL OVER 70 HP. 504G FARMALL OVER 45 i11'. 50411 INTERNATIONAL OVER 45 I11', 434G INTERNATIONAL OVER 35 HP. 1 ALLIS BLOWER• 1 KOOLS BLOWER. 1 GEIIL CHOI'•ALL • 1 ROW UNIT' W HAY PICK UP. USED TRACTORS • FARMALL 300 ROW CROP • COCKSIIUTI' 550 • V2.75 We still have several good used Balers, New Holland and International on hand FAIL FAIR DATES Sept, 20, 21 Sept, 27, 20 Sept, 29, :in . Sept. 27 Sept. 21, 22 Sept. 30, Oct, 1 , Sept. 15, 113 Sept. 29, 30 Sept. 6, 7 Sept. 9 to 17 Sept. 16, 17 . Sept, 23, 24 Sept. 2, 3 C'ongratt.uh inions let Debbie Me - Sept, 19, 2(1 Both who celebrated her birthday Sept. 20, 27 August 24. BLYTII Bayfield Brussels Dungannon l.xt to F'ordwiah Kincardine Kirkton Listowel London Lucknow Milverton Aliachell Paisley Palm"s:3n PAGE THREE Parkhill .. . , ... Sept, 23 Ripley Sept. 23, 24 St. Marys Sept. 27, 20 Scafont:h Sept, ?2, 23 Shelburne , .. , , Sept. 9,' '10 Stratford Sept. 111, 20, 21 'Para .. ....... , . Sept. 27, 23 Tavistock Sept. 9; 10 'i eestvater .. , ... Sept. 23, 24 Tiverton Sent, 30, Ocf, 1 Walkerton Oct. 19, 20 Zurich Sept. 24, 25 orrison Transport IJVESTOCK, FEED, FERTILIZER, ETC, CATTLE SHIPPED WEEKLY HOGS SHIPPED ON WEDNESDAYS, All Loads Fully Insured, LYNN MORRISON PHONE: WINGIIAM 357.3008 •- WAREIIOUSE 357.1799 (Call Collect) +4-•4444-4-44-4-4-444-4-•44444-4 FOR 4-.4•+N-.-$•N- -444 4 4++4 -i - FOR SALE GOOD USED INTERNATIONAL REFRIGERATOR WITH ACROSS THE TOP FREEZER This Frig. is in excellent condition and selling at the right price. It you're in the market, call in today. SURE TO 1)ROJ? IN AND SEE OUR COLOUR TV SET IN OPERATION, Cronin's HARDWARE - BLYTH TI LI 523 9273 the CIV net work on August. 2901 at 9 p.m. This drama and anolh: cr special program on September ;; 5th, entitled "Hellcats," will re- ; place "Big Valley" tyllicit will re. turn to the C'TV network Septem• ;,' her 12th with new episodes. "Royal (Bay" is the story of a wealthy woman who appears to - keep her beautiful teenage ,. daughter a prisoner in (heir man• " sion permitting her to emerge 1 only at night. "Hellcats" is the name of an airplane flying act piloted by ., three handsome, young Anlcri• cans. They fly three antique planes of First 11'orid war vint- age and make a precarious living by barnstorming around the country performing apt fairs and carnivals. They become involved in a civil war tvhiclt takes place " on a small island off the coast of Mexico, * * Fred Davis will again be model.• ator of . CBC's "Front Page O1nl- lenge" when it returns for ils • (0th season this fall. Shue join- ing the Front Page pastel, Belly ICennedy hasn't missed a perfor- nance, Even 111e arrival of Betty's first daughter occurred between ;,holes in November, 1962, and Batty kept her attendiance record intact, Gordon Sinclair, oldest - panel Member, also has a perfect attendance record, * * * , This fall the CBC's "Telescope" •• will present a profile of Sebast• fan Cabot, tvell•knott'n film and television ao'or, Cabot has the lead in a new series, "Family Af- fair," this h will he carried by • Catlndia;l TV stations this a !roll, *• "Flashback" returns this fall 1' r i;; fifth season with a new i hast, Jimmy Tapp, ALWAYS THE BEST BUY AT HAMM'S 1966 COMET 4 door. 196(1 METEOR 4 door. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door. 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 dr., hard top, V 8 1965 PONTIAC 4 door, standard transmission 1965 PONTIAC 6 cyl,, auto, trans., 4 door 1964 CHEV. 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic 1961 CHEV. Impala, 4 dr., hard top, V8, auto. 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian 4 door, standard 1963 COMET 4 door 1963 PONTIAC 4 door, automatic 1963 PONTIAC 4 door, standard trans, 1962 CHEV 4 door, 6 cyl., standard trans. 1960 CHRYSLER, auto, trans., full power 1960 VOLKSWAGEN. 1960 AUSTIN 4 door 1959 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, V 8 1959 CONSUL, 4 door, SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's Garage Blyth, Ontario. •4 . A Phone 523.9581 d.-444-4.4-4.4-4044-44.4444-4444-4-40-•-• 44 • $44.-1-0-+4-•-.+ *4-+..+.�.� H PAGE FOUR tr• 1• •I 1.1 ••+r^M THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1988 REV. AND MRS. ARTHUR LONDESBORO AUBURN ST, MARK'S WALTON AND DISTRICT NEWS HIGGINBOTHALMI CELEBRATED Mrs. Allen Shaddiek spent last LADES' AID MEETING Miss Geraldine Dennis, Slrat• 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY week in Toronto attending the The Ladies' Md of St. Mark's and Master Jaffrey Leeming, Mc. ford, Miss Linda Leeming, Mitchell spent the week -end with annual meeting of the 1Vonie; Church, Auburn, met at the home Killop spent the weekend with iter parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Thursday evening, August 11, leachers Ecderatie'►t of Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys, Dublin, their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. the congregation of Duff's United Mr, and Mrs, James Mair and for their August meeting with a Leonard Leeming and their fath• Visitors with the Dennis family Qhuroh, at Walton, staged a stir. family, Brussels, spent Saturday „ er, Ross Leming, Linda retrain• recently were, Mr. and Mrs, Cam prise party in the Sunday School a � ,,trod attendance. � � , evening with Mrs. Myrtle !� ai tier• The president, Mrs. Orval Me. ed for the week, ergo Dennis, North Bay, Mr. and room in honour of Rcv. and Mrs, vice and Ann. Wesley hce, opened the meeting with Misses .Ethel and Tennis Den. Mrs, ti�� esley Robinson, St. Cath. Arthur Higginbotham on the oc MMr. and Mrs, Barry Pipe, ion• Mrs. George Hamilton's 92nd nis and Misses June and ,Tean Ilil• crines. rasion of their 25th wedding an don, tent. the weekend i his birthda , " niversary, Mr. Clarence Martin Beneath ' s1 witJy hymn, Beneath the len visited recently with Mr. and Shirley and Tom Williamson acted as Master of Ceremonies. A parents. Teresa and Debbie had cross of Jesus." Mrs. Gordon R. Mrs, Bent Dennis, Cooksville ate ad present holidaying; wilih short program by members of the spent the week with their gaunt]• Taylor accompanied on the ac• Mrs. Margaret Ilumphries and AIF% and lfr:5, Lyle Rochol Sea• congregation included: a vocal du- Parents returning home on Sun• cordian for hymns. The scripture Wendy Humphries have returned forth, et by Airs. H. Traviss and her day• lesson from the fifth chapter of home after spending a few weeks Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Murray and daughter, Gail; a reading by Mrs, Mrs. Gordon Garrow and fang the Gospel of St, Luke, was read with relatives in Rochester. Kathryn have returned borne from M. Baan, including both humor. 11Y, Clinton, visited with her par. by Mrs. John DM' Mrs. McPhee Miss Pearl Thames Stratford, a motor' trip to Sanit Ste. Alarle ous and devotional emphasis: a encs over the weekend. led in prayers. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tltamer, Shirr \\'here they attended the Desros- comic song and skit by Mrs. J, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lyon re- Tuo readings here given by ley, Judy and Ruthie and Gary iers hlaase nvedcling in First Bap. Van Vliet Sr., and Mrs. H. Small turned last 1Cednesday after an Mrs. Thomas IlaggitI: The Friend McNichol have returned home list •Chtnoh. On the return trip don, ly Things and Take 'Time. The they visited with Mr. and ]lits. provided a few minutes of enjoyable trip lu Edmonton vigilfrom a ],tree week motor trip to bible study was given by Rev, , Geode Kirkby, at. I3urtcash. mirth. Carolyn Fraser played a ing with thcit. c!::a„`..ler•:�I ;� jaunt- the West Coast. piano solo; vocal solo given byeying to the Wes: Coast, Pakenlnam from the book Stroke Lae, Gilbert Hubert and llrs. T on the Mountain. ft was the Alt•. and Airs. 11 m• S(nlpson, of Mrs, Neil llrlrlvirt. Mr' and lir.,• ll`rur,e and niece, Mitchell, visi.led lir. and A1rs. linger] have returned to Rivers, basic introductory chapter on theManitoba, after spending the past An interesting feature of the I:..:ny, .\Ir, aro \lrr;. lt, C`haprnln study of the Ten Commandments, Leonard Lecmin;, on Sunday cn' month with the tatter's sisters, evening was the showing of mov and bogy, Randy, til' (�oderlell. The hymn Faith of our Fathers ening' ies by Neil llcGavin of the Cell• lir'• and A(rs. Gerald hlunkinti and Mrs. George Pal Mr. Pet tennial celebrations held at Wal. Mr. n. 11'o°n, Clinton, Mr. and was sung and Mrs, Fordyce Clark Mr, and Mrs, Davin] Andrews, rd' gave the missionary theme on life 'Toronto, ,and Mrs. May Scanlon, ick and family, and Mrs. Boy 11'il ton last fall, marking 100 years Mrs. Stan Shobbrook, '1'nt.onto, liamson, ,lir, Williamson and in 0 small village in the Congo. of Salford, England, spent. Iwo of the congregation at Walton, spent Saturday evening with fir.]':"Wily. ]Jarvc She told of the massacre of eleven days last week with Mrs. George , , After the delightful and enter- and Mrs, liunlcin�;,lir. Inn hove \\'nn has been al $ r of our missionaries in That village. Dundas. trnrlh O.C.h in Toronto, is vis tabling program Mr. Alvin Me The general meeting of the 1:. The president thanked Mrs. Mr, Forest McKay has returned ding with his parents, lir, and Donald read a note from the con. C. W, incl on Monday eveui 1 . Humphreys for opening her honk home alter undergoing siren,' Mrs, George Love, prior to leaving gregation and made a presents. Mrs. Pipe had charge of the 1)c r;nd also those who had taken in Victoria Hospital. for Sudbury \where he will begin tion cif gifts to Mr, and liras. ]lig• volional period, theme was 23rd part in the program. This part r , ginbotdtam Which included a large psalm. Lloy Shaddick and Wendy Mr, and firs, Nelson Marks, his second year on the staff of of the meeting closed with the ► S,taron and Brian, Karen and La Salle Secondary School, mantle mirror, electric wall clock Caldwell favored with a IovelY hymn Abide with me. ., and a bedroom rug. lir. and Mrs, dt►ca. Business was conducted by Connie Coatis, Karen 11cU^,Wald 11 r. and Mrs. Murray, Toronto, 'the minutes \\ere read by the �. , Ifigginbahant berth replied in the President. The regional meet and Linda d rayls rzpenl the week• visited with Mr. and Mrs. 11 m. secretary, Mrs. John Dacr and end at Goderich. Murray last Sunday. words appropriate to the occasion ing will be held al Goshan Orta the Treasurer's report was given and a singsong was enjoyed. The her 27th. Mrs. Gourley =dueled by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. The + evening closed with lunch served a panel discussion on how to gT''i birthday box was passed and also the travelling apron. A penny DRINK MORE MiILIt b,; the ladies. members Ir became interested in Rev. and Mrs. 11igginbr+hrn taking office. The meeting closed was received from each member have been serving the Walton with prayer. A social cup of ler' lot. each letter in the words charge for the last five years, was enjoyed. 'Transfiguration of our Lord. The Previous appoint merits were at Decoration service cnnduc'trd troll call was answered by naming Trafalgar near Oakville and on Manitoulin Island. 'I,hcy were married at Van koughnet in the :Muskoka District. having been resident in Timmins prior to their marriage. They have three (laugh. tors, Ruth, serving at a Mission Hospital at Baie Vette, Newfound. land, as bookkeeper and account• ant, June, of London, and Velma, who altendes the Senforlh Dist. lief. Ifigh School. The previous week the choir of the church honoured Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham by a surprdsc gath- ering at the home of Mrs, 11. 1 s-•-•-•-•-•-•4-•-•-•44±•-•-•-•••-•-•-•-•-•-•-+•-•-•-•-• +44-4-4-+-4-+ • by Rev. Il'm, Finland held September 41.11, at 3 at ]lope Cemetery. \V111 )- the Bishop that confirmed you, o'rloc%.• and Rev. Pakenhnm closed with prayer. Mrs, Humphreys served a de• licious lunch assisted by 114rs. Orval licPIiee and Mrs. Ron Rath. well. A successful auction was held fallowing the serving of birthday cake for Airs. George Hamilton's 92nd birthday, Brown, at 131yth, when Mrs. .1, Hi•gginhrddnam. !nattier of lieu iligginlinthaln, and h;s si lrr, 11 r,. 1). Garstin. of Dundas. and ]ler daughters, Cathy and tone, of London. \Vere present. :1n ev"•l in,z of `!:nlll;S \' fl Ian1')\'c^'I `iI�•I til!; couple %vcrc prr7cn r'I n'ilh a iri- Iight floor lamp \vitt+ the wishes of the members of the choir. GREEN MAGIC PLANT FOOD LTD. OFFERS EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES Sales and merchandising training provided, Successful a plicants to supply own transportation and storage. Rep in writing giving full particulars and references to: BOX 60, BROWNSVILLE, ONTARIO, y 12-3. 1-•-•+•-++•-•++ •-'+M•i• •-• + 0-04 •-• • • N • • • •-• •t t THE ,r. ,r. LYT J; CONGIR TULATI0NS Congratulations to Miss 1l•••nnie Snell who celebrates her birilhilay August 2(3. Con#galulalions to Alr',. Jack Sul! who celebrates her birthday on August 21i. Congratulations in Faye Seer: who celebrates her hi+ 1ltclay sir+ August 2(i. l''+rgr:Itulatic'ns t' I)'hora Anne Pipe who celebrates her big.:.:;ki-.ly August 27, Congratulations to Mr. Art IVa.nmouth who celebrates his birth- day on August 27. :l!rl',ien t &Ale til, t�,!� 4 /tiltIII/n&;/J Let us assist you with your - ;rians for that all important 'vending day. :umE IN AND SU OUR COMPI.BTE •+.� {i 't r.F.l Tl(IN OF INVITATIONS • ANNOUII'CEMEA'TS • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES Your choke of colour paper stocks, typ std les and sizes, ask for. • . Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with complete confidence as to, quality and correctness of form. WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXZS • t This Summer Its Fresh Milk Daily With Everything. * Cream Top * Homogenized * Skim Milk * Chocoltte Milk * Whipping Cream * Table Cream * Cottage Cheese * Buttermilk Ask For 2% Milk. BLYTH DAIRY, Phone 523.4531-- Blyth, Ont. • 0-+-4++4$-+.44-44.+4+H+4+4+-•-t••4•4444-4++4-4+144 .4-++++-.444-4 • ++++++4-44-4-0-0-0-4 -0- 444-4,-•-•-+4-44-4-+++4 41 STORE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS ON ♦ • ♦ ivlonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug, 29, 30, 31 FRESH 11/ EATS- I[tESH OCEAN PERCH I+ILLETS per lb. 39c STOCK YOUR FREEZER --- Pork Loins, Sides, Quarters, Chucks and Hips of Beef CUSTOM KILLING EVERY MONDAY BLYTH MEAT MARKET We Deliver All Orders, Large or Small Phone 52:3-4551 Blyth, Ont. r••-•• +^• • -•-•4+-•-••••4 • •�N • • • •i * • • • • N •-+ • • 4 • • • +-•-♦+• •-• ••h• -+-M+ ++•-•••-•-+44-444-4-4-4-•-•-•-•+444+•°4.1' t T THE McKILLOP MUTUAL IRE NSURAN(E COMPANY SEAFORTH Office -- Main Street Insures; ” Town Dwellings, " All Classes of Farm Prop' erty. t a * Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools Halls �itYa Ml •1i, t�"{'�3rmtL+.,..,.. w.mc4.3,€�L+ 1 1 Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc,) is also Orilla able, AGENTS: Jaynes Keys, AR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brits. PIJ1s; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth, • 0++1 •-• •-•-•-44-4-4-44-+4 +4 • N4+4-•4-+4-++-•14-44+++4 4••t• -•-•i4 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24, 1966 Business Directory THE BLYTH STANDARD PAGE FIVE BLYTH BEAUTY BAR W. R. HAMILTON CUTTING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES Phone 523.9341, Blyth Ann Hollinger Optometrist Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 Blake's Welding & P & W TRANSPORT Ltd. Machine Local and Long Distance Portable Electric & Acetylene Welding, Also Complete Shop Service 78 King Street Phone 482.7303 Trucking CATTLE SIIIPPED ON MONDAY and TIIURSDAY HOGS ON TUESDAY Trucking to and from Brussels VODDEN'S T.V. and Clinton Sales on Friday. Sales and Service Call 523-9361, Blyth Phone 523-93113 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE J. E. LONGSTAFF AGENCY Optometrist Gordon Elliott, Broker CLINTON: R. John Elliott, Salesman. nIONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS 9,30a.m, to 5.30 p.m. Phone -- Blyth 20 ISAAC STREET Office 523.4481 - Residence 1'or Appointment Phone 482.7010 523.4522, or 5234323 raelammimOOM Feaforth Oftice-Balance of Week Edward A, Elliott, Salesman, Phone 791, Wingham, Ontario. SANITATION SERVICES WANTED:- Listings on harms, Septic Tanks cleaned and re- Homes and Businesses, paired; blocked drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt G.B.CLANCY, 0 D Service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton,O.D. Telephone 254, 51-30 Optometrist For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH, ONTARIO VACUUM CLEANERS SALES AND SERVICE Repairs to most popular makes of cleaners and polishers. Filter ROY N. BENTLEY Queen Sales, Varna, Tel, collect, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT IIensall 69682, 50.13p. -if Goderch, Ontario. Telephone 524.9521 - Box 478 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, cesspools, etc. CRAWFORD pumped and cleaned, Free Esti- mates, Louis Blake, phone 442W6 SHEPHERD and MILL Brussels, R.R. 2. DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH - ON,TARIO Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT Tuesday and Friday Evenings INSURANCE AGENCY By Appointment Phones: Blyth 523-4481, Wingham 357-3630 BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. II, CRAWFORD, Q.C. NORMAN SHEPHERD, L.L.B. WINGHAM and BLYTII In Blyth Each TIIURSDAY MORNING and by appointment ,uioiruiwiuhl',Itldl�idirllillill��luiuuu�li��llu►1;>�,"Y,UitGri'rh'�dh�l,nii���,Ilii�ilUl 11n1111,11rt 111 111 111,. , .Mill' ji' ,bel. III I ti11I iYd01d',I III i Elliott Insvraoce Agency BLYTH -- ON'TARIO. INSURANCCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE, "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 •+•4+ -H-+-•4-4 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTII Open Every Afternoon PHONE EXETER Business 235.0620 Residence 235.1384 1 #41-4-44-• H-14-• x-44 4 -•-HO 4-4 • • • .-• 411-•-1+11. • • +-• 1 -*-,-+-•-•-•+H-•+++.44-+ WE SPECIALIZE IN --- Fish and Chips Steaks and Chops Light Lunches and Confectioneries HURON GRILL Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-4391 FUEL OIL 24 Hour Service For everything in PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TiRES • BATTERIES • ETC. PHONE COLLECT: Office 482.1)653 After hours and holidays to: Residence 482.9290 JOE POWER B. 1'. CANADA LIMITED CLINTON, ONT. Anyone wishing to pay their account may do so at The Can• adian Imperial Bank of Commerce DEAD STOCK SERVICES 1IIGIIEST CASII PRICES PAIL) FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old Horses - 4c per pound PHONE COLLECT 133, Brussels, BRUCE MARLATT or GLENN GIBSON, Phone 523.4344 Blyth (24 hour service) Plant Licence No. 54-A.P.-61 Collector Licence No. 88•G81 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • 'TINTING CUTTING & COLD WAVES Doreen McCallum Phone 523-4511, Blyth, Ont, CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Open Tuesday through Saturday WE CAN SAVE YOU, A LOT Of LEGAL TENDER,“/F YOU USE THE SERVICE THAT WE RENDER' I MI & SON PLUMBING -HEATING 23.4299 LONDESBORQ -4-x4-4++1+. +-•-+' CLINTON SALE BARN: Sale every Friday - 7.30 CLASSIFIED SECTION LIONS CLUB BINGO Harborlight Inn, Godericb, Wed nesday, August 24th, at 8:30 p.m. 17 regular games for $10.00; share the wealth; $50,00 Jack pot; anu the now accelerating jack pot up to $250. Admission $1.00, 36tf CARS WASiIED Chamoised and Interior Clean- ed, $1,50; Zip Wash Wax, 50c ex- tra; Cars Waxed. Richard Collings phone 523.9321, 05•ip CUSTOM BACK -110E WORK Back -Hoe and Front Loader, for excavating, burying stones or ditching. Lloyd Walker, phone 357-1359 Wingham. 10-tf NOTICE '1'O CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Bert Cur. rie Weir, late of the Village of Auburn in the County of Huron, Physician, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against ,the above estate are required to send full parti- culars of such claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 10th day of September, 1966, after which date the assets of the es- tate will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received, 1VEIIt & ASSOCIATES, 486 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator, 11.3 CARL) 0l'' 11IIANKS The family of the late Orval Cook wish to extend their heart, felt thanks to relatives and Mends for flowers, cards and messages of sympathy at the time of the passing of a beloved bus. band, father and grandfather. 12.1 p CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my many friends, neighbours, relatives and organizations who so kindly re- membered Wendy and 1 with cards, gifts and flowers during our stay in Wingham General Hos- pital, Special thanks to Dr. Ela - shell and to the nurses on second floor, 12-1. -Mrs, John Forst.n. FOR SALE Wightland Acres R.O,P, York- shires, Government approved boars, ,$30. premium, Apply, Nor- man Wightman, R.R. 2, Auburn, phone 526.7747. 11.2p FOR SALE Stoker coal furnace, good as new, burns pea or buckwheat coal (a bargain). Ed. Youngblut, Lon- desboro, Ontario, on IIighway 4, north lot west. 11.2 FOR SALE 1956 International Utility 300 tractor, good condition, $700.00. John van Beers, R,R, 1, Clinton, phone 482.9265, 11-2p NOW IS 'I'IIE TIME '1'o have that chimney repaired. The man oto see is Donald Ives, General Contractor, phone Brus- sels 345W6, or Goderich 524-6355. 11-4p FOR SALE Hereford Bull, Ernest Noble, phone 523.9438 Blyth, 12 -Ip WANTED A large quantity of baled straw in the barn for fall pick-up. Write stating amount and price expel-• ed. Stuart McFadden, Milton, On- tario. 12.10p FOR SALE Second calf Holstein cow, arli- ficially bred, due soon; new 13eatty jet pump complete with injector and foot valve, reason._ ably priced. Apply, R. Lubbers, R,R, 1. Auburn, phone 526.7229. 12.1p HELP 1VANTEi) FEMALE Home typing work available in Blyth and area. Full lime • Part time, For details write Torham Co., Postal Station "D", Hamilton, Ont, 12 -Ip FOR SALE Good pigs. Apply, Z. llulze- 1_ osch, phone 526-7519 Auburn. 12-1p CARD OF THANKS i would like to thank my neigh. RAIVLEIGII BUSINESS NOW bours and friends who remember - Open in part 1-Iuron County. ed me with cards, flowers and Trade well established. Excellent gifts while 1 was a patient in the opportunity. Full time. NITrile Clinton Public Hospital. Special Rawleiglh, Dept. 11-136-189, 4005 thanks to Dr. Street and the nur• Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal, ses on the 2nd floor. 12-1 12.1p. -Mollie Grant, fili1101000011000101 1011111111111M 1111001001!(➢1110010100011101001110001111011OS100100m10011I01m 11111 !0➢INIV0C100M 111 iii 11 1111 1111 1119" AUBURN W I. MEETING Citizenship and Education was Wednesday of the ploughing the theme of the August Women's match this October. Mrs. Gordon Instite meeting, Auburn, held IT:t Chanlney, convener of tits project week in the Community \1eniamr- to save wrappers and lids for the ial Hall. The convener, firs. Leon- coffee 'urns, urged all members arc! Ar'ehanlboult gave a very in. to hand them in soon. '[Ilse con - le rest ing paper on this subject vener of the card committee, and also spoke on Expo 67 and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, gave encouraged everyone to go to her report an cards sent and read Montreal next year. the thank -you notes. The next The president, Mrs. Donald meeting will be Grandmother's Maines was in charge of the meet- day when the grandmothers of the ing \lhidi opener( with the Ode, crlmmunity are asked to be guests. the Mary Slewarl Collect and O There will also he a bake sale. (good livestock market) Canada with Mrs. Wm. J. Craig The motto "Good Citizenship is as pianist. '!}he members Of the Like Baseball, it Requires Team For Truck Information:„ Auburn 4.11 CI«b for the project Work" was given by Mrs. laugh P and W Transport Accent on Accessories gave a fa- Bennett, and she closed her mes- Bill Moss, Auburn ;; 9111011 parade of their accessories sage with the question to each Joe CoreyClinton which they had made. The lead''r, member, Are you an asset 10 Mrs, Wes Bradnock, explained your community as a goc,cl citizen'? the project to the members of A reading sent by Miss ll, Rich - the W. T. and introduced the girls ards, of Scotland, telling of an which were able to attend. They Institute member being received were, Marian and Connie hickey, by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Donna Chatnney, Linda Jefferson, ll. Miss Richards visited this Jean llar'dy, Jill Bennett, Brenda past spring with the Houston lam - Archambault, .SJ►errill Patterson, Ily of this village, The roll call Sheron Collins, Ruth Sere and was answered by suggestions for Barbara Sanderson. 'I',he girls celebrating Canada's birthday, Parts of 1l►e north area of the thanked the W. L for sponsoring One noteworthy answer* was to Cxu►ty received 111011' first good' this clothing project, have a community picnic next rain sh.ce June 14th - either at•- The minutes of the previous summer, The collection was yr, eas are c•o-earned v if11 continued meeting were accepted as read 1►y ceived by Lorraine and Douala; we' •,vea1'wer, Ahyntl 50% of the secretary, Mrs. Thomas Law- Chaanney. Lunch was served by rtn 1r:g 1'1r1' 1: 11.1r +, d -- corn tor. Mrs, Maines spoke of Ito the hostesses, Mrs, Hugh Bennetl i pr:; 'r•a's-1 1ay.;u:•ably -white plans for catering to. the plough• and Mrs, Wes 13radnnck. The hol- t) ;21 c iuld be clown on ing match and reminded every- der of the lucky cup was Mrs. r - t.; nr'nring crops. Pastures one about the pickles, relishes Oharles Straughan and she re• v reviving after July dry spell, and two pies per member for the ccired the prize. CROP itEPOR'I' (131. 1). 11. Allies, Ag. Itep. lluron County) PAGE SIX THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1966 COIN COLLECTORS & INVESTORS FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED! 1965 PROOFNLIKE Mint SETS $4.50 each Price List and Catalogues on All Coins Free Write to: HAMILTON COIN EXCHANGE 42 J aures St. North --- Hamilton, Ont., Canada AUBURN NEWS OF THE WEEK The Trustee Board of Ilope Ohapel cemetery have plans con►• plated now for their annual mem- orial service to be held on Sep- tember 4011 at 3 p.m. Rev. William Fingland, of Niagara Falls, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Ralph Munro returned last week from a visit at Smith Falls and Ottawa. Mrs. Sidney Lansing visited last week in Ottawa with relativ- es. Miss Margaret Haines was a counsellor at ICintail camp last week. Miss Barbara Sanderson was a counsellor there the week before. Mr. and llrs, William L. Craig and son, Brian, are enjoying a two week's vacation in Northern Ontario, Rev. John Wheeler has resigned as minister of the Auburn Charge ',t^hieh is composed of Knox Un- ited, Auburn, Westfield and Don- nybrook Churches and his resig- nation takes effect on September :tst. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pentland, of North Bay, visited last weekend with her mother, Airs. Charles Straughan, and left on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Pent- land, of Detroit, for the Maritime provinces. Mr. and llrs. Oliver Anderson were pleasantly surprised last Friday evening when a few friends called and on behalf of neighbours and friends in the vii• lage presented them with a purse of money for their silver wedding anniversary. Mrs. Albert McFar- lane pinned on corsages made by Mrs, Robert J, Phillips. Airs. Ken. nett McDougall read an address: written by hiss Margaret R. Jack- son and Airs. Wes Bradnock pre- sented the gift of money. lir. and Mrs. Anderson thanked everyone for their gift and while lunch was being prepared Mrs, Robert J. Phillips played several selec- tions on the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ilaggitl and Stephen and grandson, Paul Haggi1t, of Zurich, spent the weekend at Leamington with his brother, Mr. Joe Haggitt, and Mrs_ Ilaggidt. Miss Trudy ,Machan visited las+ week in Goderich with her aunt. Mrs. Ross Gwyn. Mr. Gwyn and Gerrard, AIr, Eric Scott spent last week in Seal -011th with his grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. James Aitch- 4-+-+ •..•.-.•. MITCHELL FALL FAIR Friday and Saturday, September 2 and 3 $6,000.00 in prizes Horse Races, Breed Shows, Machinery Shows THE BIGGEST LITTLE FAIR in ONTARIO If you want to see it all in one day, come early „ • 4 o.-.• _ 1 _ I = I I I •.+*.•..-.1.•.•. • The Store Of Branded Lines And LOWER PRICES Mev • - • ....• M4.04.041.00 FOR BACK TO SCHOOL Boys' Jeans and (Korotrone) Pants --- never press. Boys' T Shirts and Long Sleeve Sport Shirts. Boys' Jackets, Boys' and Girl's Briefs and Tops. Shoes and Running Shoes. Final Clearance of Summer Dresses at Half Price. Bulkie Cardigans, reg, to 11.95, Spec. $6.95 We pay your 5 per cent Sales Tax on regular prices. MNM#NYN 0,NIJM••NINM•INNII#N~••• The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario, ♦Nr"4M0••••• INN4 Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, eson. Mrs. Wes I3radnock, Sheron and George spent a few days last week in Detroit with her cousin, Mr. Wm, Welsh and other rela- tives. Miss Ferris Symington, 'Toronto, Airs. Cora Buchanan. bliss Ethel Washington and Airs. Amos An- drews, Goderich, visited last Fri- day evening with Hiss Laura Phillips, Air. and Airs. 'Thomas Johnston and other friends. Air. and Airs. Ronald Rathwell, Michael and Janice, Brantford, spent the week -end with her par- ents, lir. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur, July, Mark and Greg and Miss Jayne Arthur are holidaying at Bogie's Beach. AIr, and Mrs. Wm. Seers, Gail, Faye and Carol returned from a week's vacation in Detroit and Northern Ontario at Marathon. They also visited with Alr. and Mrs. Bob Gardiner and family, at IIeron Bay, South. Air, and Mrs. Fred Youngblut and family, \Voodstocok, visited over the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and fam- ily. Miss Jean Houston and Miss Jean Jamieson, 'Toronto, visited over the weekend with Air, John Houston, Miss Olive Young, and Mrs. Houston who is a patient in Clinton hospital. Air. and Airs. Donald Kai. Oak- ville, visited for a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Airs, James Jackson, before leav- ing for a trip to Eastern Ontario.. Mrs. Fred 'Poll, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and Miss Bernice Mc. Dougall went to London airport last Thursday to say farewell to Mr, Stewant Toll who left for Kenya Africa. After a few days in Montreal his wife and sons will ,join him for their trip. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. J. Craig en- tertained at a family picnic on Sunday. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. J. Craig and family, llderton, Mrs. Stanley Siraser and daughter, bliss Bev- erley, Ontario, California, Mr. and \[rs. Wm. S. Craig and family, of Clinton, Air, and llrs, harry \Vor- sell and Terry, Airs. Betty Wilkin and family, Mrs, Ernest Craig, all of Goderich, Air. and Mrs. Graham Chamney and family, R.R. 3, Goderich, 1\1r. and Mrs. McEachen and lir. Who, I1. Coates, Flint, Mi- chigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Mait• land Allen. The young Aubuu'n ball team under the Central school area of Mullett 'Township has defeated Londesboro in the semi finals. '!'hey will meet Bandon at the new school grounds at Londes- boro for the play-offs. Leonard Archambault is the manager r.,l' this eager young ball team under 14 years of age. The members are Dana Beni, Rickey Archambault. Paul Chamney, Larry Chamney, ,1ohn Bakelaar, Keith Lapp, Gem. - go Lubbers, Warren Rodgers, Ian Hulley, Brian Langille and Bob Langillc, Mrs. Gorton Il, Taylor attended the 'Tweedsmuir \'orshop meeting, of the London Area convention at Grand Bend last Tuesday, She took the prize winning 'Tweed+ muir history book of the Auburn Branch which were iudyed there that day. Congratulations to Trent Shob• brook who celebrates his birthday — — on Saturday, August 27. SHOWER FOR BRIi)E•Ei,EC'l' A miscellaneous shower to hon- our the bride of the month, hiss Ruth Anne Ennis, was held in Duffs United Church schoolroom at Walton Monday evening. A large number of friends and neighbours were present. The room was decorated with pink streamers and pink and white bells with the gift table centred with bouquets of flowers. Karen Coutts, Sharon Marks and Connie. Coutts received the guests and attended the guest book, Beauti- ful corsages of flowers were pre- sented to the guests of honour. Mrs. Nelson Marks opened the program assisted by Mrs, Wm. Coutts and Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs, Wm. Coutts gave a humorous reading entitled "The Happy Couple" followed by an instru- mental by Mrs. Jack AlcIlwain. A very colourful and appropriate skit was presented rehearsing the wedding ceremony of Ruth Anne and David. Alrs. Graham McDon- ald accompanied by Mrs. Rae I-[uother sang 0 solo. The bride-to-be, her mother DONNYBROOK Mr. Earl Dow, of Moncton, vis. itc(1 last Saturday with the Jeff• erson families. Miss Lucy 'Thompson, of Brnnte, is holidaying at her home. A num- het' of U.C.W, ladies surprised her 'Thursday evening by having a hobo Tea with her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, of London, visited Saturday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charl- es Jefferson. Saturday evening they all visited with Misses Glad- ys and Irene Jefferson, Goderich. Mr. Sam Jefferson and David, of Newmarket, have been assist- ing the Jefferson families with the threshing this week. Kenneth and Paul Josl1ng, of Londesboro, were also helping and returned (tome Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and M r, and Mrs. Sam Thompson slanted on a trip to the West on Monday. Miss Debbie Jefferson w -ho has been holidaying with her grand- parents, Air. and Mrs. Elgin Jos. line, Londesboro, returned home Friday. Mrs. Douglas Ennis and Mrs. Ken Ritchie were given chairs of honour at the front and Mrs. Wolfgang Stutz read an address while former schoolmates pre- sented the bride with gifts. Those laking part were, Mrs, Jack 11lc• llwain, Mrs, Graham MacDonald, Mrs. F. Van de Nolen, Mrs. Wat. Taylor, Mrs. W. Stutz, Mrs, \Vni. Hoff. Mrs, Hank Binnendyk. After the gifts were opened Ruth Anne thanked the ladies for all the beautiful gifts and for ev- eryone who helped to make the evening 0 success, A delicious lunch was served. SALE • 1 PRE SCHOOL 1 Rack of Wool Plaid Skirts, girls and teens', pleated and straight $2.00 ea. Special Rack Skirts $1.00 ea. Ladies' Dresses, new fall styles, all sizes. Needlecraft Shoppe Children and Ladies' Wear Blyth. Phone 523-4351 OUTFIT YOUR BOY FOR Back To School AT OUR STORE Shoes, Jeans, Shirts and Socks, underwear. A good selection to choose from, TEENAGE BAR FLEX TENNIS SHOES in White, Black, Blue and Red $2.98 and $3.95 R. W. Madill's SHOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" Clinton Dry Cleaners Pick Up at Madill',; on Wednesday and Friday, LUCKY CALENDAR NUMBER:- 1169 WWANZSI AX, AU*UST 24, 1986 BELGRAVE ITEMS Mrs, Bella Sackrider, of Bank. Shower For Bride•Elect croft, Ontario, visited last week A miscellaneous shower was with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cook. held. in .the church schoolrooms Money By -Law Mr, and Mrs. Ken Alton and of Belgrave United Church on family, Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs, Wednesday, August 19, in honourr The East Wawanosh Township and paid. Carried, Wm. Kennedy, v ages, 42,50; liar - Council Thompson, Tuekerstnith of Betty Rinn, bride elect for Au.Council ntet August 2nd, with all Moved by Gow•Coultos, that the old R. Congram, backhoe, 153,75; Township, visited on Sunday with gust, Hostesses were Mrs. Jim La. the members present, Reeve Snell council pay to the East Wawanosh Cyril Boyle, 228 yards gravel, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Procter. mont, Mrs, Laura Johnston, Mrs. presiding. 'Township Public School Area 11.40; Almond Jamieson, builds). Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Coultes, Julia McNall. Mrs. George John- The minutes of the meeting Board the sum of $56,434,07, ad- zing, 581,19; Harry Williams, gas Manitoulin Island, visited last ston accompanied for the corn. held July 5th were read and ad. vance Capital Expenditure of the and grease, 56.92; Belgrave Co - week with Mr, and Alrs. R. II, muni1y singing led by Mrs, George opted on motion by Coultes.Gow. Central School. Carried. Operative, fuel oil and wire, 64.• Coulitcs.• Micr)lie, Brenda VanCamp accom• Moved by Pattison-Coultes, that Moved by Robinson -Pattison, 71; Robertsteel (Canada) Ltd., Mrs, Sam Lamont and Mrs. Dor. panied by Joyce Procter sang we accept the Assessment of that the Clerk write to the De- arch culvert, 885,60; Norman Mc. only Lamont, of Manson, Manito Whatever Will Be Will Be. Mrs. $911,27 of the Wingham and Dis- pariment of 'Highways requesting Donald 611/4 hours with truck, ba, are vacationing with 14 Ir, and Stanley Cook gave two readings trict Ilospital Board to provide two catch basins on No. 4 I•Ilgh- 307.50; I).H.M,C.O., new grader, Mrs, James Lamont and family. "Buckwheat Straw Plan" and the ambulance service for the Dist• wny on drains out of East Wawa- 24,750.00, parts 111.83, 24,891.83; On Friday evening Jr. and Mrs, Old Wooden Cub. Airs, Geon' Fief Municipalities, Carried. nosh running across the High- Daily Commercial News Ltd., Wm, Coultes, Janice, Joanne tom fie Johnston and her daughter, Mr, W. S. Gibson was present way into Morris Township at bridge tenders, 36,00; B. M. Ross Karen attended the wedding cif Brenda, sang "It Is no Secret." to renew two insurance policies, Concession 6 ,and 7 East Wawa. and Associates Ltd., bridge plans, Miss Audrey Davis to Mr, Alan This was followed by several Moved by Robinson -Pattison, nosh. Carried. 1,335,00; County of Iiuron, 21 groups of four persons forming that the Township mill rate for Moved byRobinson- ow, Cal., 1,102.50; AMI 13�bensee, of Stratford, P that tons CJermyn, ` a panel to play "Who Am 1?" 1966 be 15 mills for farm anct re- the East 1Vawanosh Centennial 20'/2 hours with truck, 102.50; Mrs, N. Gilladly, .Tim and Jane, ,roan Bosman and Rhonda Fear of Tillsonburg, returned los end „ silent and 17 mills for commer• Celebration be held on the 5•6.7th Rec.-Gen. of Canada, S.T. 14,50, P sang Baby Face" and More. the weekend with Mr, and Mrs,Stanleymore Bial. Carried. days of August 1967, al. the Bel. C.I. 10.18, 24.68; Alex McBurney, Coultes, Mrs. Cookgave two grave MoNcd by Coultes•Goti, that brave Community Centre. Car- U.1. stamps, 4,80. readings entitled "The Courtship Thegeneral meeting of the U. the council is in favour of amend• Ha. General Cheques ` of Larry 0 Dee" ,end "The Wood ing the Township By•Law No, 9, Moved by Pattison•Gow that 1 C. W. East Wawanosh T. S. A. ad- wi 1 be held on hursday box."Brenda VanCamp accom 1966,which is a By -Law to author-, evening in the church basement.,>Mason Robinson call a meetinb vance to new school, 56,434.07; ponied by Joyce Procter son dos. ize the issue of Debentures into petty cash, Mr, and Mrs. John McCauley "MoonRiver."of the Centennial Personal Com. Alex McBurney, Theprogram y principal amout, of $300,000 for mince soon, Carried. and grandchildren, Heather, Ali ed with more community singing. Public School purposes, so that The Wangham Advance - son and Duncan Macintosh, ofBovet by Coultes•Pattison, that Times, 1,47; Welfare, 35.00; Wel- An address written by Linda it will read "That the Debentures council grant the Road Superin• fare, 20.00; Lloyd Walker, work Port Credit, visited on Wednes• Coultes was read by Laura John- shall all he dated the 1st day of tendent time off for a holiday. day with Mr, and Mrs. Garner gifts„y. on Cook drain 136.00. elan. The were presented December, 1966 instead of the Nicholson and family, by Sherry Stackhouse, Brenda Carried. Mr. and Mrs, Garner Nicholson Johnston day of December, 1966, as it E.R. Snell, IL II. Thompson, Johnston and Brenda VanCamp• now stands. Carried. Moved by Gow•Robinson, that Reeve, Clerk and Margaret, Mr. and Airs, Fred Cards were read by Janette ,John council adjourn to meet Septet» • Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Ross ]Jelin ByLans No. 10 and 11 were ` son. Betty was assisted in open -read the first and second dime. lieu• 5th at 8.30 o'clock at the Bel- son and Mr, and Mrs, Ron Rich ing L!hc gifts by her mother, Mrs. Aloved by Coultes•Gow, that By- grave Centre. Carried. ^• i Olson, of St, Marys, n11 attended May Rinn and her sister, Linda.Lally No. 10 and 11 he read the Road Cheques the wedding of Miss Lynda Craw. Betty thanked the ladies and, ford to Mr. Douglas Evans, Surat- , Uhird time and passed. Carried. G. 11, Hanna, salary, 215,45, lunch was served. Moved by Pattison -Robinson, bills paid, 3.37, 218.82; Alan Me. ford, in the North Street United Church, Goderich, on Saturday. _.-- ghat the road and general ac- Burney, wages, 145.06, truck 15,00, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Nicholson re rounds as presented be passed 160.06; J. H. Irwin, wages, 38,75; turned to spend the weekend with Congratulations to Mr, Ronald his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Garner Philp who celebrated his birthday WESTFIELD NEWS ITEMS Nicholson, on Wednesday, August 24. THE BLYTfi . SP PAGE SEVEN East Wawanosh council change Public School 1 f i 1 There will be no service on the Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, +4-444-4"*4 4- r44-4 * 14 4 +"~444 ~' -•-`*•-•-•.*44444444 Auburn charge next Sunday, the Mr, Gordon Cook and Mr. and following two Sundays in Septem. Airs. Waiter Cook visited Mrs. TOWNSHIP CW HULLETT ber Rev, Charles Daniels will be Reg Carter in Victoria Hospital, in the pulpit, London, on Tuesday, TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Mrs. Bruce Hamilton and (laugh.Mr. and Mrs. John Mann, SU a' ter, Ann, of Lucknow, called on ford, also Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Arnold Cook on Thursday, Brown, Halifax, have been recent Guests with Mrs. M. McDowellvisitors with Mr. and firs. Ray Sealed tenders will be received by the „ and Graeme on Sunday were, Hanna. undersigned until 5 p.m, Saturday, Septem- • Mrs. V, Kershaw and Miss Gladys ber 3, 1966 for loading and hauling 12,000 cu. I McDowell, coderich, Mr, Jack Kershaw and Linda, of Birming- yds., more of less, of granular B gravel, Ma- }lam, Ala., Mi'. and Airs. ,Irick tergal to be supplied by the Township. Work Cowan and Mr. and Mrs, Dort to be completed by October 10, 1966. A cert- ;; Cowan and fancily, Exeter, Miss BRIDAL SHOWER DEAN JONES ified cheque for $500 to accompany tender. "Linda Andrews, Auburn, Air, and SUZANNE P� ESIIETTE Mrs, Ernest Snell and family, al- Miss Joan Weir of London, was CHARLES RUGGLES For further particulars contact the under- so Mr, and Mrs. Harley McDow• guest of honour at a bridal show- Color Cartoon „ ell and family. . er last Friday evening In the Plus the Color Featurelte signed. Aiasters Kelly and Rodney Cunt- Sunday school room of Knox Pres- ninghram, Auburn, visited Mr. and byter'ian Church, Auburn, The Winnie The Pooh Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- : Mrs, Lloyd Walden at the week- room was attractively decorated , cepted, end, for the occasion and a white a; sh Prices for this engagement only Guests with AIr. and Mrs. 11. entwined with flowers made a Persons 12 and over , . $1.00 LEN. CALDWELL Campbell al the weekend wer. pretty setting for the guest or Children 641 Years , . 25c Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Campbell, honour's chair. Childdren under 6 Free Road Superintendent, " London, Mr,, and stirs. K. Snell Guests were welcomed by Miss SATURDAY • MONDAY and family, Fergus. Peter remain. Laura Phillips and Mrs, Kenneth Londesboro, Ontario, ed for i► weeks vacation. Scott was chairman for the pro- AUGUST 27-29 Mr, Gordon Cook, Cochrane,DOUBLE FEATURE brant. Miss Margaret Baines con— - +.-•-.-.+•••-.-.+•+•-.-.• -.•.-••.♦H+•+++.•9•+.•-•4 $•-•-•-.-•- Mr, and sirs, Walter Cook, Bly(.h, ducted a contest of names and 4•_.+••*•+.-�H-.4-.-.-.-.•*+.+•_.-.-*••.-.+.•� .-. were visitol•s with Mr. and Mrs. ..-• glowers, the story of Joan's ro- Arnold HAREM S(AREM Cook on Sunday, mance, The winners were Mrs. LYCEUM Mr. and Mrs, Gordon SmithOliver Anderson and Miss Bernice ELVIS PRESLEY WINGHAM and Sari, Kitchener, visited Mi'. McDougall. A reading entitled a MARY ANN MOBLEY and Airs. Charles Smith on Satin marriage recipe, was given by FRAN JEFFRIES day.Mrs, Mary Bere. A solo, a spoon- "GUNFIGHTERS Color PLUS WED., THUI., FRI. AUGUST 24.25.26 - Mr. and Mrs. James Buchanan, ful of sugar, was sung by Nancy GUNFIGHTERS OF cc r �j • Kevin, Jeff, Scott and Lisa, Mr, r►nderson, accompanies by Miss CASA GRANDE” FIREBALL X00 and Mrs. Maurice La slarre, AllanBernice McDougall. A contest An Action Western In Color Colour --- Cinemascope -•- Starring: • and Todd, of Windsor, have spent on what kind of tree ata I, was • the Cartoon Pasil week visiting at the given by Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson. Frankie Avalon • Annette Funicello • Fabian ,, Buchanan farm at Wcstfiel:I. Winners were Miss Margarot R. 'TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY Mile-a•nlinute thrills as the Beach Gang takes to hot s They have also enjoyed visiting Jackson and Mrs. Duncan Mac AUGUST 30 • 31 rod racing. This is the snappiest, fastest young American with relatives and friends in theICay,• — AUGUST FEATURE jamboree yet. district, Miss Weir was invited to sit Mr, Ralph Campbell visited his in the special chair and Mrs. HARLOW SAT., MON„ TUES.• AUG. 27.29.30 end in in Ilespe1er al the week- Mr, J. Phillips pinned a lovely corsage on he Misses Mrs, hlean- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT susses Angela 5oulttcotl, Shan- er 13rachtoek read an address of CAItOI,L BAKER cc r� on Sykes and Margery Smith, ]{it poetry composed by Mrs, Oliver ANGELA LANSI3URY OUR MAN FLINT (diener, were visitors with Air. Audierson, visiting Joan much RED BUTTONS Colour • ClnemaScope — SlarrIng; and Mrs, Charles Smith at the happiness in the coming years. (Adult Entertainment) James Coburn •Lee J. Cobb weekend. The many gifts were carried in lure and entertainment. He is theIn Color . , . PLUS Our Man Flint will be your man for tops in fun adven• Miss Marie Plunkett, Auburn, by Margaret Baines, Bernice Mc.' is spending several days with Mr. Dougall, Nancy Anderson and V'orId of Suzie greatest secret agent . and Mrs. Gerald McDowell, gall, of them all. Sharon Collins. Miss Melba Stiles, Mr. Gordon McDowell is spend tog some time with 11,1,.. and Airs. of Goclerich, assisted in opening the gifts. Wong WED„ TIIUR., FRI. AUG. 31 • SEPT 1.2 John Gear, Kitchener. Joan thanked her friends for WILLIAM HOLDEN Air, and Mrs, Bill Smith, Brun he gifts and all joined in singing NANCY KWAN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT sols, were .nests of Mr. and Air:,. the , �+ 1 or she s a jolly good Bellow ( Adult Entertainment) Mr. Ray Hanes, Ramona, Ray. "CINCINNATI KID" Charles S•ctilh on Sunday,with Mrs, Robert J. Phillips at Color Cartoon _ Colour -- Starring; ;pond and N'�'1 a:'cnded afamily the Plano. COMING NEXT—SEPT. 1 TO 6 Steve McQueen • Ann Margret • Edward G. Robinson t ; een'nn I.1 Guelrh un Sunday, Tuesday Weld t IL, ; -•rmci smith, Kitchener. Congratulations to Mrs, Esther The Great Race The Cincinnati Kid played every card right and lost, `,' ; •,•n • t het home over the week- Johnston who celebrates her ..404-41-•-•-•-•-•+4-40-4+4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-44.4.++-44.444 •.•.,-+.• ....-...t end, birthday on Thursday, August 25. JOAN WEIR HONOURED AT BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE -- CLINTON Conic as Late as 11 p.m. and See a Complete Show. Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk 2 Shows Nightly Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk THURSDAY • FRIDAY AUGUST 25.26 Walt Disney's The Ugly Dachshund PAGE EIGHT THE BLY'TH STANDARD WEDNESDA.Y, AUGUST `24, 1966 oVER 200 ATTENDED Huron -Bruce P(i'c ATTENDED SERVICE AT TROUSSEAU TEA 0 200 1 COOK'S Maxwell House Instant Coffee, with Free Pitcher, Mus 20c coupon .... 10 oz1.39 Tang Orange or Orange -Grapefruit Drink 2 pkgs, 39c Duncan Hines Cake Mixes 2 pkgs. 83c Scotian Gold Apple Juice, 2 - 48 oz. tins 59c Maple Leaf Choice Pumpkin, 2 - 20 oz. tins 25c Allen's Drinks, 3 • 18 oz, tins 99c Club House Peanut Butter, 16 oz. I.B.J45c Heinz Barbecue Sauce, 13 oz, bottle . , , 27c King Size Fab, 40c off label 1.05 Gaine's Burger Dog Food, Ig. 72 oz. pkg, 1.45 McCormick's Sodas, plain or salted, 2 pkgs 69c David's Week -End Mixed Cookies, 2 12 lb. pkg, 99c Weston Chelsea Buns, reg. 49c . , , now 39c Weston Hamburg or Weiner Buns, 2 pkgs. 49c Burn's Weiners ..................2 lbs. 79c Peaches and Tomatoes by the Basket. Other Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. We Deliver Phone 4421 Elected. Officers , KETTLE POINT' ver rc actives, neighbours Past County Master Charles and friends riencI s attended the trolls. :At Lucknow Meeting Stewart, Bros, Major Youngblul seau tea held at ,1.110 borne of Mr.and William Bromley last Sunday and Mrs. Stanley Ball, R,R., 1, The annual meeting of the Thu. afternoon attended. the annual Auburn, last week when Mrs, .Lull raftBruce Progressive Oclrlserv;l• Royal Black .and Orange also l,. U. ententaincd in honour of her live Association was held Tues. 13. A. Church Service held at St. daughter, Sharon. The hc.me was day, August 1Glh, in the Lucknow John's Anglican Church, Kerne attractively decorated in a pink Taw% Hall. This provincial rid 1'oin1, The service was in charge and white color sc heinc. The ing has been expanded by the ad- of the pastor Sir KI Rev. Robert guests were welcomed by Mrs, clition of five new municipalities. •A. Carson, Who gave an outstand• Bull, the bride elect, Miss Sharon The guest speaker was the ile.n- ing address. R,W, Sir Kt, Oliver Ball, and Mrs, Anthony Hoffman, oul'ab)e Matthew B. Dymond, the Jaques, Grand Master of Ontario of Zurich. Miss Arva Ball, sister Ontario minister of Health, who West, also took part. After a Di' (4110 bri(1040-b' was in charge spoke in dotail on the Ontario short march led by the Hackett of the register, Medical Services Insurance flan, and Young Conquers Fife oust The attractive lea table Iva!; The following officers were el- Drum Bands, from London, the covered with i, ntacleira lace cloth(.(tett: members of the Orders filled the and centred with n t'hree4iered president,' George 11CCutehenn, church and se.hool room tn, ifs wedding cake decorated with pink Brussels; Vice•Presidenl Dr. T,„! capacity, coming from Huron, lily -of -the -valley and Ntihi1e bells, Shaurtessy, 1t'ingliant; Secretary, Lampton and Middlesex cornrties. The cake was flanked by crystal 'Treasurer, Mrs. .1. R. Lloyd, \Vin►► Following the service a chicken candelabra holding white candies Area Chairmen: 1. Blyth, barbecue was served by the lad, entwined with gold. Pouring lea W'inghant, East Wawanosh, D. les of the church at Kettle Point Miller, Winghant; 2. Ashfield, Park. Except for a shower of rain Huron, Ripley, Jack IllacLennan. it was very much enjoyed by all. 11,13. 3, Ccderich; 3, Colborn:, West Wawanosh, John Durnin, 11, sell;; 5. 'Illowicic, Turnberry, R. 3, Auburn; 4, Brussels, Ind. E'owcl1, R.13, 1, Wingh!nt; Morris, Grey, Rny Cousins, Bros- (1. Carrick, Mildmay, Rudy Sieg• ncr, 1111, 2, Mildmay; 7, Cul ross, 'I'eeswatcr, Bruce Keith, R, R. 2, 7'eeswater; 8. Lucknow. Girls should Kinloss, Mr's. Armstrong Wilson, of Lucknow; 0. Tiverton, Kincar- 1n ,the afternoon was the throe ,. grandmothers, Mrs. Austin Dex. ;; ter, Bly1;h, Mrs. .Amos Ball, Code - rich, and Mrs. Joseph Denomme, Sl. Joseph, and in the evening, Miss Lillian Adams, Clinton, the bride's aunt, and Mrs. Ida Alar. tin, Clinton, o Serving the guests were, bliss • Marilyn Dacr, London, Miss Cathy Garrett, Toronto, Mrs. 13111 Stan - bury, Goderich, Miss Audrey Duizer, R,11. 1, Londcsboro. Assist. ;; ing in the kitchen were the bride's aunts, i1Trs, Wilmer Clow. cher, R.11. 1, Londcsboro, Mrs, • .1ohn Sanderson, 13lyth, Mrs, liar• old SIanbury, Goderich, Mrs, Charles Adapts, Goderich, Mrs, 1,i'nesl Durnin, R.R. 3, Auburn, and ?,lrs. ‘Vat, Jewil1, Seaforth. Showing the trousseau and gifts were Brenda 13a11, sister of the bride, Mrs, James Lail, London, ., sisiter of the groom, Miss Sylvia Sanderson, London, Miss Gail Barry, Seaforth, Mrs. Nelson Me. Clure, Seaforth, Mrs, ,lames Pres- zcator, Seaforth, and Miss Nance' Lapp, 11,R, 1, Auburn, Guests were present from Kin- cardine, Alonkton, .Kitchener, Lon- don, Zurich, Seaforth and the sur- rounding community. Among the guests present was her pen pal from Clarksburg with whom she has corresponded 1':'lr the past 11) 1 •1+41 hr+••• -H-, 4.14 •4-40+444-•-•-•-• 4+1 -104 - }'ears, She had made this cortlacl f`' • ++-••.-•-*+++++++1.-+ through world Friends, a United I Church of Canada publication. 1-1 1 Snell' FOOD MARKET We Deliver Showers Miss Ball was also hnrrc.ured by several showers, Ml's. Harold Stanhury, 232 Oxford Si. Coder- P110T1e 523-933 ich, entertained her relatives, asFislerf by Mrs. Charles Adapts and Mrs, Ernest Durnin and Mrs. Jon Donewald, of Calgary. Con- gratulalions to the bride -Oleo was extended by Mrs. Doncwald and rifts were presented. Anotdter miscellaneous shover was held by the office staff of Sheaffer Pen Company at the 110111e of Mrs. Ross Sparks, 204 Regent Street, Goderich. A kit- chen shover was Kehl on th-' lawn of Mrs. Earl Zimmer, of Zurich, wlllen Mrs, Zimmer and Mrs. An - f thony Hoffman were the hosles • ses, A1iss Gail I3arry, of Seaforth, • read the address and gillts were t presented. Mrs, Nelson McClure. Scal'cc'(h, aunt of (he bride - 011- • tcrlained relatives at. her dome. A mock wedding entertained the • guests and gills were presented T by Bryan McClure, Barbara Glott f deer and Brenda 1)owson. 'Airs. f Donald Sprung, Londesboro, also enlen,aincd in honour of Miss 13a11 and the Auburn community held a shower in Knox United Church, Gifts were also presented by ,Sheafer Pen Cr.., Gorlerich, of ' %s,Ilich Miss Ball is a member of tine staff, and the Walkerburn Club, SHOP WHERE YOU SAVE THE MOST COMPARE OUR PRICES Clover Leal' Fancy Pink Salmon, 1 Ib, tin 79c Horne's Peanut Butter, 1 lb. mason jar 39c Aylmer Toanito Juice, 48 oz. , , . , , , 3 for 99c E. D. Smith's Ketchup, Ige, 20 oz. size, 2 for .....,.,•,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, 69c Ingersoll Cheese Spread, 1 Ib. jar , , , . only 65c Carnation Instant Powdered Milk, 3 lb, 1.25 Mother Parker's Orange Pekoe Tea, 112 Ib. 65c Nescafe Instant Coffee, 24c off , , , 10 oz. 1.49 Nescafe Instant Coffee, 14c off , , , 6 oz. 1.09 EXTRA 'SPECIAL--- 5 lbs. White Sugar and 112 lbs. Brown Sugar, both for only 89c Snowflake Shortening, 2 112 lb. cannister 95c Weston's Chelsea I3uns, save 10c .. only 39c MEAT SAVINGS --- Fresh Smoked Picnic Shoulders, only 55c Ib. Schneider's Reg, Style Weiners, only 59c lb. Large Country Style Sausages . , 3 Ib. for 1,00 Camay Soap, bath size, pink or white, 2 for 39c F]yded Insect Killer Bomb , , , , , , . , only 69c IGaine's Gravy Train Dog Food . , , , only 57c .•-•-♦ +4++44-+ 44+++4++++++++.444+1 ill;l,GIIAV!': IV. 1. 111Ei;TING 'Rhe Historical Research meet- ing of the Uel„ rave Women's In- stitute was held on Tuesday, Au- gust 1(1, in the Community Centre presider:'►, Mrs, Stanley Cook in charge, 'Phe Institute Ode op- 'ned the oierr';I followed by the e: I) Canada and the re. 11 ' Ft I;1° Mary S1e',vurll CoI. S l:ooi children please note— The Institute prize for Senior 10 read, A collection recipes used before 11120 of Supper Club will training school in Wing - 22 and 23, for the Leaders attend ham, ,a August the 4.11 girls. cline, Kincardine 'Township, Wil lion► Cotterill, Tiverton; 1(1 Bruce, Greenock, Harold Donner ly, Pinkerton, 411111111111 11ll1I11111111111111111111I1111111Ui1111111111111ililllllllllilllliillllll111111111pll1111 Wallpaper CLEARANCE SALE 20;/; OFF ALL WALLPAPER SOLD TO AUGUST 31st Clearing Room Lots, of 10 Single Rolls and 8 Single Rolls At Half Price Wallpaper Troughs ... • .. . . . . . .... . ... 35c Wallpaper Paste 59c R. U. PHILP, Phm.B DRUGS, SUNDRIIES, WALLPAPER -- Phone 523.4440, bl7tb 0111111111111 1 IU 111110111 111111111111 IIIIiiII111 1111 IIIA[Ii((iii1IIIII1101111111I10II0IIIIII11IIII11IIIIII11111 I11IIIO111111IIIIII illlllilIII 1 11111 •-• +•.•••-•-••.-•-._••• •-+• • • N-•-••••••••+++++ tewart's Red (4 White Food Mkt. Blyth Phone 9451 We Deliver Hostess Potato Chips, 69c size , , , , , Only 59c Maxwellhouse Instant Coffee, 6 oz, jar $1,03 Kool Aid Drinks 10 pkgs. 49c Javcx, Gallon ,lug' 79c No, 1 Ontario Potatoes, 10 lb. bag 25 lb bag No, 1 Tomatoes, 6 qt. basket . , , . , , , , , . $1.10 Red I-Iaven Peaches, 6 qt. basket $1.49 11 qt, basket , , , , . , , , , , $1.99 Dutchess and Red Asterkin Apple, 6 qt. 79c • 39c 97c WESTON'S BAKERY SPECIALS AUNT MARY'S BREAD, Brown or White, 5 LOAVES ,.it. ,.,.....,•11••• , $1.00 CHELSEA BUNS pkg, 39c V , THIS WEEKS BONUS OFFER Longwear 100 per cent Cotton Fitted Bed Sheets, Elastic Corners, Double Bed Size 54" x 77 %" Regular Value 82,99 for Only $1.99 with $5.00 Order +++•+•1-•4444+•+++444++1.4+• • • + •.