HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1966-08-17, Page 1BLYTH STAN $2,5O A Year In Advance -- $150 In U.S.A. BLYThH, ONTARIO ••• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1900 Volume 79 • No, 11 Single Copies Six Cents :ThreeReunjonay«» Reallyi ew The big three-day Blyth school Veen, Arthur Hcffron, reunion. can .be termed nothing Best welcome door: Mr, and but "big" and "very successful." Mrs, Ralph McCrea, Mr. and Mrs. Tremendous crowds gathered Everett Scrimgoour, Mr. and Mrs, on each and every day, and practi- Gerald I-Ieffron. - ca•lly every entertainment event The parade was followed with was a complete sell-out, an afternoon ball game at 3 p,m, Opening ceremonies were con- between an all star team picked ducted at the school grounds on from the Girl's W,O.A,A, league Saturday afternoon and the large and the Hanover Girl's Team who crowd that gathered to hear the were last year's champions, speakers was indicative of the A concert • dance at the arena entire reunion, ,1r. Berl Gray, in the evening concludeda ti of Clinton, and a former principal medously successful weekend, of the Blybh Public School, was Final figures have not been master of ceremonies and Mr, completed, but reunion treasurer Fred Sloman, a former teacher George Powell, informs The Stan• at the Blyth Continuation School, card he believes there will .be was guest speaker. enough money to more than pay all bilis. He said it was his de- sire a4 the beginning to operate the reunion in such a manner as to pay its way Iinncially. it is now almost certain this has been accomplished, although he did say the surplus will not be too large, The residents of Blyth, and most of all, the reunion commit• tee, deserve a real pat on the back for a job well Clone. The village was literally hopping for the entire three clays and each and every ententainment feature was well received and greatly en- joyed by everyone. Our hats are off 4o diose who shared in the %world. Con- gratulations folks, for you really made the sceptics "run for the bush," Smorgasbord suppers were held at both the United Church and Uhe Legion Hall from 4:30 to 7:30 and were very well patronized, Between four and five hundred meals were served at the church and the Ladies Auxiliary were ex- tremely pleased with heir busi- ness venture, A ball game between Auburn and Londesboro, of the Central Huron League, provided excellent entertainment for the sport fans during the early evening hours. The Memorial Hall was filled with the largest crowd of spectators it has witnessed for many, many years. The drawing card was a concert presented by former and present day school pupils. We might add, it was one of the finest presentations ever to be seen in the village and was tremendously popular with everyone who at. tended. Two dances, one in the arena, for the younger crowd and one in the hall- for Uhe older folks, were jam packed to capacity and ended a very fine opening clay, '1'hc activities on Sunday com- menced with a picnic lunch in the agricultural building at tine fair grounds, Close to eight hund- red local and former residents packed the building and enjoyed an informal get together, An interdenominational church service and a band concert, both held at the Lions park, were ex- tremely %veil attended, 'Dhe en- tire park was packed with car., of people Cabo came to listen • Mrs, Robert Turvey visited last daughter, RECEPTION For Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Camp- bell (nee Lillian Bruce) in the Forester's Hall, Beigrave, on Fri. day, August 19th. Music by '1'if- fin's Orchestra, Ladies please bring lunch. Congratulations to IIr. Harry Lear who celebrates his birthday on Saturday, August 20. Congratulations to Mrs. Ted East who celebrated her birthday on 1Vednesdy, August 17. BLYTI•I MUNICIPAL COUNCIL IN ACTION The Blyth Municipal Council met August 8. Those present were Reeve B, Conk, Councillors Bah. ie, Hubbard and McKay, Minutes of former meeting read and approved by motion of Coun- cillors Hubbard and Bailie, A delegation from the Agricul- tural Society wailed on council regarding the use and upkeep of buildings at the hair Grounds, It was decided to call a joint meeting of the council, the recre- ation committee and Agricutural Society as soon as possible to discuss above matters, Council wishes to thank the Blyth School Reunion committee for their cheque for $507.50 cow• Bring the grant of $500,00 made to, them earlier in the year. Accounts .1. Warwick, July salary, 315.00; G. Pollard, streets, 126.72; Re- ceiver General pension and In- come Tax, 24.71; Huron County, pipe, 40.00; Elliott Insurance, additional premium and bond, 41.25; Manning & Sons, 62.13; Cronin Hardware, paint, 22,52; 131yth Hydro, street lights, 46.5.67; Blyth Telephone, phones and tolls, 59.55; Dominion Regalia, flag, 8.68; J. G. I-Icffro.n, garbage collection, 134.00; II. Letherland, caretaking, 41.66; I. Wallace, sal- ary and exchange on cheques, 100.78; L. Cronin, cut weeds, BIRTHS 180,00; Ontario Provincial Police, Grade 3 IIistory, First Class 40.00; Aders.ons, flags, 36.75; IVel- Honours, 13renda East. ALLEN — in Clinton Public Hos-�' Honors, Tare, 394,95. Grade 9 Pianoforte, pita) on Thursday, August 4, Moved by Councillor Bailie, Brenda East. 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. ICeith• seconded by Councillor Hubbard, Grade 5 Pianoforte, Honours, Allen, Clinton, a son, Donald above accounts be paid, Carried. Shelley Grange. Keith, Council was adjourned by mo- tion of Councillors Hubbard and McKay. Borden Cook, Irvine Wallace, Reeve. Clerk-Treas. W.I. PICNIC The Blyth Women's Institute picnic will he held on Thursday, August 18th, at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs, Calvert Falconer. Pot luck lunch at 5 o'clock. Please bring your own cups and plates. Members and children welcome, WESTERN ONTARIO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC EXAMINATION RESULTS FORSTER — 1n IV)ngham and District Hospital on Friday, August 5, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs, John Forster, Lucknow, the gift of a daughter, Wendy Lor. ene. DUILE[t — In Clinton Hospital on Monday, August 1, 1066, to Mr, and Mrs. Tom Duizer, Lon• • desboro, a daughter, Laurel Frances. CRAIG -- In 11'ingham and Dist- rict hospital on Saturday, July 30, 1966, to Mr. and Airs, Don Craig, the gift of a son, Doug- las John, a brother for Debbie, Congratulations to illr. 13i11Zinl- merman who celebrated his birth- day on Wed nerdy, August 17. ITEMS OF PERSONAL INTEREST Letters To The editor Verify School Reunion Success 338 Mildred SL, improvement on the next round Midland, OnI., (Mrs. Scrimgeour would be the August 9, 1966. first to poke me into it). Anyway The Editor, if you ever have another such Re- '.11he Blyth Standard, union, perhaps the Saturday night Blyth, Ontario. dance can' be held in the wide Dear Sir:-- open spaces, outdoors on the Now that Summer School is ov• street, etc. That Hall was so hot er and I have had a couple of and crowded "And I Love To clays to think -again, I must take Dance." time out to write a line of appre• I believe there was a write-up elation to all of those people in of the School's History which I 13lylh and Vicinity who contrib- didn't see. If anyone has a copy tiled in such a splendid way to which they would like to send all of the planning otc. which to me, 1 would appreciate getting went into making the School Re- union the huge success it was. 1n closing this note, may I once It would, he impossible to mune again say "Many Congratulations" •people personally since I know to all the people who contributed so many were involved. 1 was so generously to make the Re - unable ' to attend it all as 1 union the wonderful lime it was, would have liked, but 1 did get and I could only, wish that 1 could in on it late Saturday evening, have been present at the Parade, and for the Church Services an the Smorgasbords, etc, etc. Bonnie Suzanne (nuc- Sunday, and most of Sunday at- Now for you, Mr. Editor, I am (luring the early evening hours. week with her daughter, Mrs. se in training) and son, 'Timothy tenon. 1 thought it was wonder- enclosing a cheque for the renew - Monday saw the largest crowd Mac Shaw .and .Mr, Shaw, of Grey James, Meaforcl, Ontario. ful for the Ladies to supply Sand- al of my subscription to "The that has been in Blyth for Township. Mrs, .1. C. 'Mitchell spent a few wiches, Tea and Coffee, etc. at Blyth Standard" I think 1 ani al• maty a year. The drawing curet Mr. and ,Mrs, Gordon Shoat, clays with lier mother, Mrs, Inez the Arena after the church ser- ready 2 or 3 months in arrears was the mammoth parade along Doug and Gail, of Elmvale, Mr• Macdonald, and Aubert ilirom. vices on Sunday. What a lremen- this year. the main street of the village at and Mrs, Joe Alblas and family, Mr, Will Tunney, of Toronto, does undertaking — I'm sure Sincerely Yours, K. A, Cowan (Ken). one o clock in the afternoon. This 01 London, spent the weekend Mr. Glen Tunney, of Ingersoll, the other Smorga'sbords etc. was by far Uhe biggest and best with d,hcir mother, Mrs. Gladys Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Tunney, of which I regret I wasn't able to at - parade that has ever been present- Johnston. Teeswater, spent the holiday with tend, were equally as superb. ed in the village and scores and Mr. and Mrs. Brock Vodden, (heli' mother,'Mrs. Mary Taylor. 1 was sorry leo, that I had to scores (if people jammed the John, Trevor, Mary Ellen and Miss Doreen Mcclinchey, of miss Ihe entertainment in the streets INA watch the hour•leng Pamela, of Port Arthur, spenit Auburn, has been holidaying for Memorial i-iall Saturday evening. The Editor the past two weeks with her aun- Unfortunately one of my Teach- Blyth Standard ts, Misses Thelma and Margery ers on my School Staff died Fri- Blyth, Ontario. Glousher, Kitchener. day evening and l was %t'ith the Through the median of your Recent visitors with I41►', and family all duly Saturday. [returned local Publication may I take this Mrs, Carl Longman and family to Toronto from Blyth Sunday ev- opportunity to express some very were Mr, ;Joseph Yungblu(, Lon- ening, attended the first 2 Lecl- sincere thoughts of appreciation desboro, Mr. and Mrs, Henry ores at Sumner School Monday for the opportunity afforded me, Yungblud and family, of Niagara morning, and asked ter leave to to enjoy so much, the occasion of Falls, Mr. Earl Yungblut, 1Vood• drive to Kincardine for funeral your local Blyth School Reunion. stock, Mrs. Marion Benham, Linda service at 3 p.m. 'Po add to this The magnitude of planning, and and Randy, of Inglewood. 1 had also received word that the carrying out the work involved Mr, and Mrs, Ross Thuell and husband of the teacher who was by those on the various commit- family, of Regina, Sask,, are taking the other lady's place, lees; to slake such a Venture so spending two weeks holidays with dropped dead suddenly on the successful, was admirable; and a her relatives in Seaforth and his street that same weekend —So 1 credit., beyond the capacity of parents, Mr. ,and Mrs, Win. Thuell drove back to Midland to be with many communities much greater and family in Blyth. them for a little while. Il was all in populace, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Maddocks, of very upsetting to everyone. The solid foundation that sup• procession. two weeks holidays with their The winning entries in the var. parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Harold ions classes were as follows: Vodden and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Best car in parade: Jack Al- Cockerline. chins, Sarnia; Harold C. Phillips, Visitors and caller's with Mr, Germany. and Mrs. Leonard Cook on Mon - Decorated flout representing a day were, Mr, and Mrs. Robert School Section: S.S. 10, East Wit- FInlay, Sandra and Paul, Luck- wanosh; S.S, 7, Hulled. now, Mr, and Mrs. Kennett'h Eas- Best horse and rider in lradi• terb►'cok, David and Robin, Lan- tlonal 4oslume, George Ihamm, don, Mrs. Solomon Shannon, Sea. Robert Charter and the Bob Carl- forth, Mrs, Joe Riehl, Blyth. er family. Mr, and Mrs, Louis Augustine Best clown: Elizabeth Fear, and children, of Hamilton, visited Warren Collings, Mason Bailey, with his aunt, Mrs. George Oow- Best old time horse drawn ver an, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowan and hide: Bclgrave Co-op, Ray Baint. family last week, on and Mrs. Franklin Rainton, Mr, Ken Cowan, of Midland, Best comic vehicle: Jackson Mr, and Airs. Benson Cowan, of Orangeville, and their grandchild- My feelings that week -end were, ported the Old School you are Hillbillies, McNall's Monster Mo. Stratford, visited during the ren, Diane, Brian, Laverne, of as you can imagine, both very sad about to remove, is indicative of bile, School Reunion with their mo. Winghanl, visited in Blyth for the and very happy, It was good how. the substance required in people, Best decorated bicycle: Sharon Cher, ,Mrs, George Cowaii. Sell MI Reunion, ever, that I was able to addend to 10 do what your community has Wes, Jlay'no Pollard and Ruth Mrs. Scott Ament his return- Mr. 11', S. McV1ltie, of Ilespeler, everything. 1 dict miss some Lee• done, to bring so much happiness Warwick, Steve Howson, Keith ed to her hoiue in Trenton after visited nn Sunday ‘with his aunt, 1tu'es on Course, and was unable to so many. Manning, spending a week with her sister, Miss pearl Gidley• to study for 3 or 4 days, but I'm l sincerely hope the structure Best comical musical group or Mrs. Inez Macdonald, and broth- Mr. and Mrs, Sam Thuell, of hoping this will not seriously :If. of your new school building, twill band marching or riding: Ilof- er, Hubert IIiroils, 11'altacehui , visited recently with feet Ivy results. continue to exemplify, the stal- Iron's Looney Band, Russel Alarks, Celebrating the School Reunion lik parc'I+dk, ',(r. and Mrs. Win. The Reunion was such a lovely wart traditions of your conlmun- Walton, with their mother, Mrs. Sadie 'hhuell, amt family. Mr. Thuell experience, even though 1 had to Cly for the future generations. Best decorated float: John Cum(ng were, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh is o pafic'nI in Westminster. Ilos• tell some people who 1 was—and Again many thanks for a most Rutledge, R.R. 6, Goderich, Spar- S. Ctuning, daughter, Gloria, and p'4..11, Landon having undergone they likewise to ole (sonitimes enjoyable time. ling's Hardware, Blytih Co -Op. son, William I-Iugh, of London, serg"ry, was released for a few much to my embarrassment) Yours very truly, Best old time costume: Brenda Mr, and Mrs, G. 0, Bradley, their hours to visit his parents, that I. hestitale to suggest any Harry Baker, 7 Nassau Dr. Grimsby, Ont. August 15, 1966 PAGE, TWO L A VISIT TO TILE IIOMETOWN Spent a week in the old home- town recently, and, as usual, it was anything but a rest. The weather was perfect, but the hospitality was exhausting. It's not really my ,hometown, 1 didn't grow up there, physically. But I spent a decade there in the newspaper business, and maybe 1 grew up there in other ways. Anyway, when you walk down the main street, and every second person stops to shake hands and ask about our family, and tell you what -their kids are doing now, it's your hometown. A smalltown changes and yet remains the same. A few busines- ses have changed hands. Some of the stores have new fronts. The paint on the hotel has been changed from passionate purple to ghastly green. The shady, tree - lined street on which you used to live has been raped: the stately trees cut to ugly stumps, as the street is to he widened. But the biggest changes are in the people. The young men you used to work and play with are grizzled or as bald as eggs, The young women you used to look at with some interest because of their big eyes are sagging and dentured. The lovable kids that your kids used to play with are hulking adolescents, some of them delinquents with police re• cords. And your old partner, once apparently indestructible, is tak- ing eight different colors of pills, Despite the changes, there is continuity as comfoetable as an old fishing that. The Chamber of Commerce is still fighting over store hours. The Industrial Com- mission is on the verge of an- nouncing a huge new industry. The fire brigade races periodi- cally to the own dump, where• the incinerating process has got out of hand because the care- taker has bogged off for a beer, Some of the local characters have gone to •their reward, but many are still around. The local lawyer still plays his electric or- gan between clients. The local millionaire still slugs bags of salt and feed into the back of his '66 model and lugs it out to feed his cattle. The barber, with whom you once shared a riotous Legion zone rally, still quips with his customers, though he went off to fight in a war over 50 years ago. 'Phe canny Scot chorteles as he tells you his shore lots are now going over $4,000. The same waiter insults the same customers, in ,the pub. The same beer barrel in human form sits in 'the same seat in the same pub. The same people still come to the same cottages, Except that the pregnant young matron was a skinny kid in bare feet last time you saw her. And the handsome young chap who works at the summer store was a tyke called Johnny -Cake last lime you saw him, However, it's good to get back for a visit. And it's never unev entful. Kept my hand in by writing a few news stories for the paper, Took the family to the Indian reserve; same beautiful view and easygoing inhabitants, Dropped in on old friends and got all the latest dope on who was going crazy, and who was running around with whom Had e beer at The Cedar Rail, most unique bar in the country, and with the best prices, It's a shed on a farm, full of (tools and baled shay, A cedar rail extends across the front. You stand there with your farmer friend, lean on SUGAR and SPICB By Bill Smiley the rail and look at the lake down below. We've seen deer and bear fromthere, and covered local politics and talked cattle. Got stuck in the sand at the beach, to the rage of my wife. She went flying off to find a tow truck, in a friend's car. While she •\vas away, t was pulled out easily by a man with no arms, who had a chain in his trunk, a wife to drive this car, and a gaggle of kids to help push, Sounds like fiction, but it's fact. It could only happen in or around the old hometown, DONNYBROOK The July -August meeting of the U.C.W. was held last Tuesday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed- ward Robinson with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Murray Wilson op- ened the meeting with the hymn "Come Children, Join to Sing." The scripture was Psalm 23, whi- ch was read in unison. Mrs. Wil- son led in prayer. Mrs, Tom Arm- strong conducted the business. It was decided to send a $5,00 do- nation to Goderich Summer School, A new card catalogue was shown and a quantity ordered for the members. The offering was received. "All the Happy Children" was sung and Mrs. Armstrong took charge of the sttudy book and a discussion fol- lowed. After singing "Holy. Spirit Hear Us" Mrs. Wilson closed the meeting with the benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs, Ed- ward Robinson and Mrs. James Small. TRE BLYTH STANDARi) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1966 LONDESBORO ITEMS OF INTEREST Albert William Knox Passed away in Provost IIos• pital on Tuesday, July 26, Albert William Knox, after a lengthy ill• ness. Mr. Knox was born in IIut. lett Township, third son of Wil- liam and Mary Knox, of Harlock. IIe imigrated to Saskatchewan in 1906, where he took up crown land and farmed for over fifty years. Mr, Knox is survived by his wife, the former Minnie Brumley, of Londesboro, and three sons, Gordon, Charlie and 'red, also four brothers, Thomas, of Londesboro, Arthur of Edmon- ton, Norman, of Detroit, and Charlie, of Ponoka, Alberta. Fun- eral services were held Friday, July 29th, interment in Macklin cemetery. The August U,C,W, meeting has been cancelled. The Cheerio Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Living- stone. 'llhe bachelors and hus- bands of ,she members were en- tenlained to supper and a social time followed, Mrs, Paisley (nee Bessie Wells) has spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wells. Miss Vina Knox, Toronto, spent the week -end with her parents. Miss Viola Stafford visited a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Watson and Robert. We welcome to the village Mr. and Mrs. Norman La Croix and family who have taken up resi- dence in the Jini Scanlon house. Airs. Alilly Bentham, Oshawa, accompanied by her granddaugh- ter and family, of North Bay, have been visiting in the village for the past week, Congratulations to Air, and Mrs. Tom Duizer on the arrival on Monday morning of a young daughter. The W. I. met on Wednesday evening with a good attendance. Guests from Summerhill and Wal- kerburn Clubs were present. La- dies volunteered to manipulate the hospital Cant two days a week during August. Two accordion instrumentals by Barbara Burns and a vocal number by the Snell family were enjoyed. •Airs. Nona Pipe gave the topic "Only an in- terested person will he able to find 'people interesting." Alis. Wood introduced the speaker, Mr, Glen Canter, chairman of the Area School Board, who gave a very clear outline of the project covering each detail also answer- ing numerous queries, It is ex- pected the class rooms will be completed in time for the open- ing fall .term. The president clos- ed with a poem. A bake sale was held followed by lunch, Mr. Harvey Ifunking returned last week from Westminster Hos- pital. Iris foot is much improved. Mrs. Lily Webster met with the misfortune of breaking her 'hip on Saturday evening, She was taken by ambulance to Clinton Hospital. When X -Ray was taken it was decided she should be tak en to London inhere she is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital. We hope she will soon recover, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Living• stone and Mrs, Bert Allen spent Thursday and Friday in London. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Keith Allen on the arrival of a son on Friday, August 5tht. Miss Edith Beacom motored to Mallon airport Sunday after- noon flying to Calgary where she met a friend and they will con- tinue .their trip do ,the West Coast by motor, The Londesboro Women's In- stitute will be sponsoring the 4 -ii Club Project "The Supper Clpb." Would any girls wishing to take part please call Mrs. Ray Snell 01' A1rs..1im 1!Towabt. Classified Ads Bring Fast Results U11IU11W1iWIUVtuUI11tlIu111JUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIII11IIVII11IIIUU11101111121IWIIWiIWpWItl0IIIV111111 1011111(IWIInIIII11IIIIII111111WIgpV1UIllu11111 11iiiW'hwYuWlulhwiimuilw (Antaq Die Ciurctits TIIE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario, Rev, W. 0, Mather, B.A., B.D. Minister, Mrs. Donald Kal, Director of Music. Sunday, August. 21, 1966 9:45 — Sunday Church School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. "The Place of Doubts." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9.00 a.m. — English Service, 3,00 p.m.—Duteh Service, Minister: Rev. Terpstra, of Listowel. n mmllmmUsImmme m1osmNm mems a 11111111 T. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robert U. MacLean, B.A. 1.00 p.m.—Church Service, 1,00 p.m.—Sunday School, ANGLICAN CHIritCH OF CANADA Rev, G. E, Pakenham, Dip., Th., Rector, 'trinity Church, Blyth 9.30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Trinity Church, Belgrave. 10,45 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Si. Mark's Church, Auburn, 12.15 pan.—Holy Communion. 111111111 CHURCH OF GOD McConnell Street, Blyth. Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11,00 a.m.—Worship. 7.30 p.m.—Sunday evening— Youth Fellowship, 11111' 111111/1111 Iii Illilli it itl1 IIIh1IIt11ui1111 Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 67—April 28 to Oct, 27 at Montreal, THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY •10411111Y11M/MI 1MMr/isM11101 • • 1111116k { 11 it l WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 17, 19613 THE BLYTH STANDARD SHARON BALL HONOURED AT AUBURN CHURCH- , Silver, wedding bells, blue streamers with pink rosettes and a large bouquet of pink gladioli made a pretty setting in Knox United Church, .Auburn, for a shower to honour Miss Sharon I3a11 prior to her marriage this month, Mrs. Roy Daer .was chairman for the program which began with a sing -song led by Miss Betty Youngblut, acoctnpanied at the •piano by Miss Bernice McDougall, Miss Marilyn Daer of London, conducted a paper contest and ithe winner was Miss Mary San- derson. Betty Younblut sang the solo, I wish 1 were single again, and Nancy Anderson and Betty Moss sang the duet, Let the rest of the world go by. They were accompanied on the piano by Sen. nifer Grange, Mrs. Donald Sprung gave a humorous reading, The stove pipe hole, Lynda Andrews of Wingham, pinned a corsage on the bride - elect and Ruth Schneider of Rlt- chener, pinned a corsage on her sister, Brenda. Tho honoured guests were escorted to two dec- orated chairs on the platform and Marilyn Daer rend an address of congratulations. Gifts were carried in by Nan Lapp, Brenda Archambault, Wendy Schenider, Bernice Hunking and Shirley Thinking. Sharon thanked her friends for the many gifts and invited all to her trousseau tea next Saturday. All joined in singing For she's a ,jolly good fellow, followed by the serving of lunch, GQDERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE 25th ANNIVERSARY SERVING WESTERN ONTARIO 1941-G6 OUIt AIM IS To JUSTIFY THE CONFIDENCE PLACED IN US, AND WE ARE ENDEAVOURING TO MAINTAIN TIIE SAME IIIGII STANDARDS. Fall Term opens Tuesday, September 6 Senior and J unior Courses approved by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Dial 524.8521, 7284, or 6307, Tuition $35 per month ehl Chrome -Edged Knives STAY SHARP ... LOAD AFTER LOAD Gehl's Chrome -Edged Knives stay sharp ... chop more tons of fine-cut forage. In addition, the cutter bar is faced with tungsten carbide for longer life. Select -A -Cut transmission gives you short, medium or long length forage with a push of a'lever. The Gehl Chop -All gives you trouble-free, work - caving chopping from the first load of hay to the last load of corn, All this plus the shortest, most uniform cut silage available. HERE'S PROOF! At a Farm Progress Show, it was proved that you can get up to 28% more silage in Moa Thee a your silo with Gehl's ItIVite short cut. Make us Prove it With a Demonstration t SNELL, 'Malt OBITUARY MRS, JOHN CALDWELL 'The death occurred in Coder- ich hospital on Wednesday, Au- gust 10, 1966, of Thirza M. Wal- den, widow of the late John Cald• well following a lengthy . illness. Mrs. Caldwell was born in Grey Township, Huron County, on May 10, 1879, a daughter of the ;tIe Mr. and Mrs, John Walden. Al an early age she moved with her family to this district where she attended school at S.S. No. 10, East Wawanosh, In June 1904 she married John Caldwell who passed away in January 1960. Mrs. Caldwell was the last surviving member of her family. Four brothers and one sister predeceased her, She leaves to mourn her loss two sons, Earl, of Blyth, Ralph, of East 11,rawanosh; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Wan (Ella) Carter, of 1.31yth, and Mrs, Laurie (Dorothy) Scott, of Morris Township. One daughter (Margaret) Mrs. Murvin Govier predeceased her in 1962. She is also survived by twelve grandchildren and len great grandchildren. The body rested al the Tasker Memorial Chapel until Saturday, August 13, when a public funeral service was held at 2 p.m, con- ducted by Rev. W. 0. Mather, minister of the Blyth United Church, of which the deceased was a member, During the ser- vice two nephews, Messrs. Clar- ence and Lloyd Walden sang "In the Garden." Interment followed in Blyth Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were six nephews, Leonard Caldwell, Londesboro, Thomas Caldwell, Goderich, Gor- don Merman, Clinton, Gordon Caldwell, Blyth, Clarence Walden, Seaforth, and Lolyd Walden, of 131yUh. Flowerbearers were six grand. sons, John and Leslie Caldwell, Robert and Donald Scott, Mur- ray Govier and Kenneth McGow- an. MRS, ROBERT ARTHUR Funeral Services were held last Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Ro- bert Arthur in Knox United Church, Auburn, with Rev. John Wheeler officiating, Mrs, Arthur was the former Irene Mildred Taylor and was born at Wiarton, She was the daughter of Mrs. Margaret Taylor of Granton and the late Fred Taylor, and was in her 48th year. She passed away in Clinton hos- pital on August 8th. Mrs, Arthur was a member of Knox United Church and was sec- retary of the U.C.W. A great lover of flowers, she was also a member of the Auburn Horticul•, Lural Society, Beside her husband, she is sur- vived by two sons, George of Toronto, John of London, and two daughters, Mrs, John (Marg- aret) Boer, Lakeworth, California and Miss Jayne at home; also her mother, Mrs, Margaret Taylor of Granton; sisters, Mrs. Wilda Clat worthy, Granton, and Mrs. Ben (1-Iazel) Park, Dungannon; bro. thers, Frederick Taylor, Erie, Michigan, Stanley, Hamilton, Stu- art, Nile, Raymond, Welland and George of London; also two grand- children, Interment took place in Ball's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Gord- on Dobie, Carl Mills, Raymond Hallahan, Thomas Johnston, Bert Doran and John Armstrong, The ago to Ethel Johnston and they lived on the farm now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna. Forty years ago .they moved to Mitchell where he operated a farm distributing agency for Im- perial Oil, retiring last year. Besides his wife, he is surviv- de by two daughters, Mrs. Doro- thy White of Kitchener, and Mrs. .Tack (Margaret) Young of Mit- chell; also three grandsons, Jim, Bob and Tom Young of Mitchell, PAGE THREE and one sister, Mrs, George (Mary) Lee of Toronto, who was unable to attend the funeral due to illness. The funeral was held .at the Lockhart Funeral home, Mitchell, with burial taking place in Wood- land Cemetery. Auburn residents attending the funeral were Mr, and Mrs, Thom- as Johnston, Mrs. Gordon R. Tay!. or, Miss Laura Philips and Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, •.4-44-.44-4.4-1•+-•-r+ •+•+r•6 4-44-4-4-4-4-44 N 1••-.-. 4 • 4-4-'4 4-4-4-4-4+4 orrison Transport LIVESTOCK, FEED, FERTILIZER, ETC. CAT'T'LE SHIPPED WEEKLY HOGS SHIPPED ON WEDNESDAYS, All Loads Fully Insured, LYNN MORRISON I'IIONE: WINGIIAM 357.3008 — WAREIIOUSE 357-1799 (Call Collect) • -•-•-•44-9•949499-•99.49999999-+ ++99+4-* +9 999.99+ 9+4999 ' Business Notice '� We are pleased to announce that we have taken over the Television Sales of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vodden. A 55 -week course on all types of tele- vision repair service will be taken in London and will enable us to perform expert repair work to all makes and models of TV sets. ' DROP IN ANI) SEE THE NEW ROGERS' MAJESTIC COLOUR TV SET NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR STORE HARDWARE • BLYTH Cronin's TELEPHONE 523.9273 a■111111111111111111r V ' • •-•-• •-• w ♦ • 4-4.-4,- 4-4,-0 4,+4-+•+-H-H • 4-0-4-4-44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•, • t 1lowcrbearers were James, Brit• nell, Billy Joe Hallahan, Arthur Youngblut, Ralph Matthews, John More and 'Pony Middegaal. The beautiful floral 1 ibutes were a silent reminder of a lov- ing mother, a kind neighbour and ti thoughtful friend. TROY FARROW Funeral service was held last week for the late Roy Farrow who passed away alter a lengthy illness in London. Born in the Auburn district, he was the son of the late Wes l" t;rro'.' and Annie Johnston. Ile was married forty-six years ALWAYS THE BEST BUY AT HAMM'S 1966 COMET 4 door. 1966 METEOR 4 door. 1966 FORD Custom 500, 4 door. 1966 FORT) Galaxie 500, 2 dr., hard top, V 8 1965 PONTIAC 4• door, standard transmission 1965 PONTIAC 6 cyl., auto, trans., 4 door 1964 CHEV. 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic 1964 CHEV. Impala, 4 dr., hard top, V8, auto. 1963.PONTIAC Laurentian 4 door, standard 1963 COMET 4 door 1963 PONTIAC 4 door, automatic 1963 PONTIAC 4 door, standard trans. 1962 CHEV 4 door, 6 cyl., standard trans. 1960 CHRYSLER, auto. trans., full power 1960 VOLKSWAGEN. 1960 AUSTIN 4 door 1959.PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, V 8 1959 CONSUL, 4 door, SEE THESE AND OTHERS amm's Garage Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 'N++++- 4-4-4-4-4+4-4.-4-,-4-4-+-4-+-4-+-4-4 4-4-4--+-1-4--0-4-4 a • •-•-• + N+4 1 PAGE FOUR Hearty Congratulations and many happy returns to Mr. Hugh S. Coming celebrating his birth- day, Sunday, August 21st. HELP WANTED FEMALE THE COUNTY OF HURON re- quires COURT REPORTER for office of Judge R. S. Hethering- ton. Above average shorthand abso- lutely necessary. Salary commen- surate with experience and abil- ity. Excellent employee benefits, State age, experience, education, when available, Written applications only. APPLY TO: John G. Berry, Clerk-Treas., County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, THE BLYTH STANDARD • WEDNESDAY, AUGTiS'1 17, 1080 WALTON AND DISTRICT NEWS Mrs, Roberta Dillie, of Bedford, Ohio, visited last week with her aunt, Mrs, George Dundas. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Fritz and ?Jr, and Mrs, Wm. Turnbull visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Uhler, Burlington. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Walters at- tended the closing ceremonies at 3.5, No. 7, Wert Zorra School, near Embro, last Saturday, Airs. John Boyd Sr, spent a few clays last week with Mrs. Tom Leeming. Mrs. Hilda Sellers, Seaforth, visited last ;veck with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss. The August meeting of the \Val - ton W. I. will be held Wednesday evening, August 24th. with Mrs. James Clark and Mrs. \\'m. Turn- bull a:: co -conveners of the Edu- cational committee. Slides will be shown cn "Education in Russia•, hy \Ir. Douglas I,ilwless, Super. visor of Public Schools in Bur- linl;ton. 'Phe Club Girls will have a display of their work. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. George Dundas were, Mr, and 1\It•s, Ron Gardiner, Glencoe, Mr, and i1rs. Dave Mills and chil- dren, Melbourne, Mrs. l3ob Pick- ering, Sandra, Kim and David, of Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Delion, Kit- chener, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters. Robert S. McKercher, Dublin President Mr, McKercher is Vice -President of United Cooperatives of Ontario. Charles W. Huffman, Harrow First Vlce•President Mr. Huffman is President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Miss Sherrill Craig, of Grand Bend, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Craig. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Ennis, Steven and Leanne, of Toronto, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice last week. Mrs. \Vin, J. Leeming is at pre- sent a patient in Victoria Hasp!. tal, London, where she is under- going surgery. Mrs, F. H. Miller returned home from Seaforth Community IIospital last Tuesday after being confined there for the past ten days. Mrs. Tom McDonald, of Zeal- andia, Sask., is at present visit- ing with her brothers-in-law, Mr. James and John McDonald and attended the Frecthy-Ennis wed- (1ing Friday evening. Mr, and Airs. Ronald Jannis and children have ,just returned from a motor trip through the North Eastern States. \\'chile there they visited friends in Cleveland, Pit- tsburgh and Roston. While in Roston they spent a few days Nvilh Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson and family, formerly of Seaforth, and made an afternoon excursion tn ilyannis on Cape Cod for a pic- nic and swim with the Thompson family and Dr. and Airs. Glen 01- iver and family, formerly of Mt - ton. Mr, Forest McKay is a patient Donald R. Bell, Windsor Second Vice•Presidenf Mr. Bell is President of the Ontario Credit Union League, TWENTY YEARS AGROWIN" Organized in 1946 as a "brave new world" project, Co-operators Insurance .Association has become a substantial writer of home and automobile insurance in Ontario. A companion company, Co-operators Life Insurance Association, was organized in 1959. The Association has devoted a large share of its attention to fire and accident prevention. Voluntary policyholder committees study "young driver" problems and are promoting high school driver training. CIA has 230,000 policies in force ... 33 offices across the province capital (two companies) $2,000,000 ... earned surplus $1,400,000. These nine elected men, nominated by Ontario Credit Union League, Ontario Federation of Agriculture and United Co-operatives of Ontario, are the directors and leaders of CIA hi this, its twentieth anniversary year. Kenneth W. Weatherley, Ottawa Mr, Weatherley is Vice -President of the Ontario Credit Union League. Charles G. Munro, Embro Mr, Munro is secondVice•Presidentof the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. T. Ray Lougheed, Barrie Mr, Lougheed isa Director and former President of United Cooperatives of Ontario. in Victoria Hospital, London, hav ing undergone surgery, Airs, Clarence Flood returned home from Listowel Hospital fol, lowing an operation, Mr. Edwin C. Miller, of Leth- bridge, Alberta, spent the past week with his mother, Mrs. F. H. Miller and Alr, and Mrs. Douglas Ennis and attended the Freethy- Ennis wedding last Friday even- ing. Mr. and firs. Gerald Lyddiatt and daughter, Jeri-Joana, of Kirk- land Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lyddialt and family, Barrie, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Mrs. John Riley of Tucker - smith, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Fox, other guests were, Mr. and Mrs, \\'m. Goddard, Goderich, AIr. and Mrs. Arthur Nicholson, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roe. The Smiths families picnic was held al the home of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Ritchie recently with 84 guests attending. Mr. Albert Wells, 'I'illsonburg Visited last weekend with, Mrs Forest McKay. Mrs. Pat McGale, Toronto, is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mcs. .1ohn McDonald. Classified Ads Bring Fast Results Fenton G. Cryderman Thomasville Mr, Cryderman is President of United Cooperatives of Ontario. 1. E. O'Dell, Corunna Mr, O'Dell is immediate Pasl•Presi• dent of CIA and a Director of the Ontario Credit Union League. Aubrey S. Dalgleish, Hamilton Mr, Dalgleish is a Director and former President of the Ontario Credit Union League. DEDICATION SERVICE • 11N TRINITY ANGLICAN CIIIURCII A ,handsome oak Clergy Ohair for the Chancel of Trinity Ang1t- can Church, Blyth, was dedicated on Sunday, August 7th, "To the Glory of God and in loving mem- ory of Josephine Woodcock." 'Phis gift was given to the church by her nieces and was presented by her niece, Mrs, A. Harding, of 'Poronto, and accept- ed, on behalf of the church mem- bers, by the Rector, Rev, 0, E. Pakenham. Special prayers and a Service of Dedication marked this tribute to the memory of the late Jose- phine Woodcock, wdio wag a de- voted member of this church hav- ing been a choir member for fifty years, Secretary of the Ladies' Guild for thirty-five years, Presi- dent of the Women's Auxiliary and a life member of the Dio- cesan \V. A., and for many years was a teacher in the Sunday School. Iter faithfulness and ex- emplary devotion to the church ;will not soon be forgotten, Relatives present at this ser- vice were Mr, and Airs, A, IIard- ing, of Toronto, and Dr. and Mrs, Foster, of Galt, who were enter- tained following the service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Watson. 21¥r S When you turn 21 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. NEWLY 7 °f} ■ The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission, OLyY1YM.14.•: 1.7MILI,Y .W' 1.ARW....aii To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Forrn 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. Your NTAIO HOSPITAL NSIJRANCE Plan Ontario hospital Services Commission Toronto 7, Ontario WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17`, 1966 Business Directory BLYTH BEAUTY BAR CUTTING, STYLING AND PEitMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES Phone 523.9341, Blyth Anus Hollinger W. R. HAMILTON Optometrist Next to Lycewn Theatre WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 Blake's Welding & P & W TRANSPORT Ltd. Machine Local and Long Distance, Portable Electric & Acetylene Welding. Trucking Also Complete Shop Service 78 King Street Phone 482-7303 VODDEN'S T.V. Sales and Service Phone 523-93113 .1; E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist CLINTON; MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS 9.30a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 20 ISAAC STREET For Appointment Phone 482.7010 CATTLE SHIPPED ON MONDAY and THURSDAY HOGS ON TUESDAY Trucking to and from Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday. Call 523.9361, Blyth ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker R. John Elliott, Salesman. Phone — Blyth Office 523-4481 — Residence 523.4522, or 523-4323 Seaforth Office—Balance of Week Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Phone 791. WIngham, Ontario, SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired; blocked drains opened with modern equipment, Prompt Service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Telephone 254, 51.30 VANTED:- Listings on Farms, Ilomes and Businesses, G. B. CLANCY, O.D. Optometrist VACUUM CLEANERS For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 SALES AND SERVICE ONTARIO Repairs to most popular .makes of cleaners and polishers. Filter ROY N. BENTLEY Queen Sales, Varna, Tel. collect, PUBLIC 'ACCOUNTANT ilensall 696R2, 50.13p.4f Goderch, Ontario, Telephone 524-9521 • Box 478 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, cess -pools, etc. CRAWFORD pumped and cleaned, Free Esti- mates, Louis Blake, phone 442W6 SHEPHERD and MILL Brussels, R.R, 2. DR. R. W. STREET RLYTII — ONTARIO Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS 11, CRAWFORD, Q.C. NORMAN SHEPHERD, L.L.R. WINGIIA51 and BLYTH In Blyth Each THURSDAY MORNING and by appointment LOCATED IN ELLIOTT Tuesday and Friday Evenings INSURANCE AGENCY By Appointment Phones: Blyth 523-4481, Wingham 357-3630 rlloUUmUiliuitlUVi'�llIiUUY'iuGiliUiiYuNUnil►iUumthilUiu�'I'�1ilUdlllidUn►U'muuituUlh�i1'wlul►t'!li'�fiuiri�u�uYui►u1t4i"�i�►Y�udYl�utuUl�uut�u,+,u1 Elliott INSuraoce Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE EXETER Business 235.0620 Residence 235.1384 .•H4- �•-•+�+�+�.►-• H-.-• *-I-• .4-• • • ••.-•-•-r.-H--• -• • +- -4►• 4-4-.4 • $ 4 , , WE SPECIALIZE IN ••• Fish and Chips Steaks and Chops Light Lunches and Confectioneries FIURON GRILL Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-4391 .••4+++++• 114 THE BLYTH STANDARD FUEL OIL 24 Hour Service For everything in PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TIRES • BATTERIES • ETC. PI(ONE COLLECT: Office 482.9053 After hours and holidays to: Residence 482-9200 JOE PATTER B. P. CANADA LIMITEI) CLINTON, ONT. Anyone wishing to pay their account may do so at The Can. adieu Imperial Bank of Commerce DEAD STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST CASA PRICES PAIL) FOR SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and horses at Cash Value Old Horses — 4c per pound PHONE COLLECT 133, Brussels. PAGE FIVE CLA$S1FIED SECTION LIONS CLUB BINGO Harborlight Inn, Godericb, Wed ncsday, August 24111, at 8:30 p,m, 17 regular games for $10.00; share the wealth; $50.00 jack pot; anu the new accelerating jack pot up to $250. Admission $1.00. 36tf CARS WASHED Chamoised and Interior Clean- ed, $1.50; Zip Wash Wax, 50c ex - Ira; Cars Waxed, Richard Collings phone 523-9'321. 05.1p CUSTOM BACK.IiOE WORK Back -floe and Front Loader, for excavating, burying stones or ditching. Lloyd Walker, phone 357-1359 11'ingharn. 10-tf IN MEMORIAM WALDEN — In loving memory of a dear uncle, Percy Walden, who passed away three years ago, August 24, 1963, Peacefully sleeping, resting at last BRUCE MARLATT The world's weary troubles and trials are past, In silence he suffered, in silence he bore, Till God called him home to suf- fer no more. --Lovingly remembered by his niece, Viola, 11 -Ip or GLENN GIBSON, Phone 523.4344 Blyth (24 hour service) Plant Licence No. 54-R.P.-61 Collector Licence No. 88-G61 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thank my neigh- bours, friends, relatives and or- ganizations who so kindly remem- bered me with cards, flowers, STYLING • TINTING gifts and visits during my stay at CUT'T`ING & COLD WAVES the Clinton Public hospital. Spe- cial thanks to the doctors and Doreen McCallum nurses. 11-1, Phone 523-4511, Blyth, Ont. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Open Tuesday through Saturday WE CAN SAVE YO A LOT OF LEGAL TENDERIV YOU USE THE SERV/CE THAT WE RENDER" ,Me SON PLUMBING -HEATING 23.4299 LONDESBORO CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Friday - 7.3( (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton HERE'S YOUR KEY '1'O A BIG INCOME — MAIL TODAY THE W. '1', RAWLEIGI-I CO, LTD, Dept, 11.136-HY, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q. Gentlemen: 1 am interested in the world famous Raw- lcigh Line on a part-time basis ( ) full-time basis ) Please send me FREE Cook Bonk and catalog with full Cc. tails. NAME A'MR'�::i CITY PROV, 11.1 —Pearl E. G•idley, CARL) OF THANKS We wish to express our apprc- elation to all those who assisted at our fire and these who helped with the haying and storing ma- chinery. Special thanks to Mr, William Blake for the use of his milking facilities, —11r, and Mrs. I-Iarold Badley and Richard. 11.1 CARD OF THANKS The fancily of the late Mrs, .lohn Caldwell wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and apple elation for the many acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, clon- atinns, floral tributes from their friends, neighbours and relatives, during their recent bereavement ad the many kindnesses lo our mother during her illness. '1'o all those who helped in the home. Special thanks to Rev. Mather, the men who sang, pallbearers, fiowerbearers, Mrs. Brown, lllr. Lloyd 'Tasker, Dr, Waters and the nursing staff of the Ontario hos- pital. CARD OF THANKS '11he parade conunilte for the 131yth School Reunion wish to express their sincere thanks for the splendid co-operation of ev- eryone tv,ho helped make the par- ade such a tremendous success. CARD OF 'THANKS 1 would like to thank all who sent cards while we were patients Clinton Public Hospital, Spe- anks to Dr, Street and the nurses on the 2nd floor, —Marjorie and Laurel Duizer, 02.1p. NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Bert Cur- rie IVeir, late of the Village of Auburn in the County of Huron, Physician, deceased, Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti- culars of such claims to the un- dersigned on or before the loth day of September, 1966, after ttii1elt date the assets of the es- tate twill be distributed, (raving regard only to claims that have then been received,. WEIR & ASSOCIATES, 486 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adntinistrator. 11-3 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, Holstein Cows and Machinery, at Lot 35, Concession 1, East Wawa - nosh Township, 3 miles West of Blyth on County Road. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 at 12 noon CATTLE — 19 lIolstein milking cows, fre h, some due time of sale; 2 Holstein 'he'ifers, due in fall; 7 yearling holstein heifers; 2 heif. er calves. PIGS — 5 sows with litters ready to wean; 2 sows due time of sale. ;MACHINERY' — 444 Massey Diesel tractor; 22 Massey tractor; 2 furrow Massey Harris plow; 3 furrow Massey Harris plow; spring tooth culti• valor; set chain harrows; 4 sec• lion diamond harrows; culti- packer; 15 run Case seed drill; Gehl hammer mill; feed mixer (1200 lbs); power take off man- ure spreader, Massey Ferguson; New Holland 'hay baler; New 'fol. land 30 ft, elevator; bale stooker; manure loader; New 1[olland, roll a bar side rake (new); rubber tired wagon; steel stone boat; scrap iron; set scales; snow fen- ce; Robert Bell 32.50 thrashing machine with cutter; fanning mill; 2 H.P. motor; one way disk; grain auger; extension ladder; rubber tired milled barrow; forks; shovels; chains. PROPERTY — 195 acres, 170 workable, good water supply, frame house, L. shape barn, steel drive shed, gar- age. 10'`1 clown, balance in 30 d cys. Sold subject 10 reserve bid. CIiATT1sLS CASA Proprietor; Edgar Dacr, Auctioneer: Harrold Jackson. Clerk: George Powell, 11-] FOR SALE 15 choice started pigs: talso 15 ready to wean. Phone 523-9229, Blyth: 11 -Ip FOR SALE Honda 50, model C102, auto - ;vatic clutch, has electric starter, no -kick starter necessary, Richard Colling.,, phone 523-9321 Blyth, 11.1p FOR SALE 1964 Chew., 4 door, hard top, V8, automatic, power steering and brakes. Phone 523-4276 Blyth, 11.1 FOR SALE Wightland Acres 11.0.P. York- shires, Government approved boars, $30, premium. Apply, Nor- man Wightman, R.R. 2, Auburn, phone 526-7747. I1 -2p FOR SALE Stoker coal furnace, good as new, burns pea or buckwheat coal (c, bargain), Ed, Youngblut, Lon- desboro, Ontario, on Highway 4, north lot west. 11-'2 FOR SALE 1956 International Utility 300 tractor, good condition, $700.00. John van Beers, R.R, 1, Clinton, phone 482-9265, 11.2p NOW IS 'rilE TiME 'Po have that chimney repaired. The man to see is Donald Ives, General Contractor, phone Bilis. sets 345W6, or G•uderich 524-6355. 11-2 IIARVi:S'i' SPECIALS IN USED TRUCKS 1954 Chevrolet 1 -ton Stake, 4 Speed, Good Rack and Tires, Cab rusty, Lie. 57588V only $175.00. 1961 G.M.C. is_ Ton Stepside Short 13ox only 35,000 Males, New i'aint Job, really Nice, Lic. C72854 only $950.00, 1953 Fargo 1 Ton, above Av- erage for •the year, tuns like a 'Pop, Lic. Y25978 only $125.00. McGE1:'S — GODEiIICIi 524-8391 11-1 Miss Lori Biggin, .of Edmonton, Albeula, is visiting her grandpar- ents, 111r. and Mrs," Sant Fear, and Acr relatives in the area, Ilk "4111111111=0.1111111111.11111111almmir PAGE SIX LON DESBORO Mr. Eric Roy, Sharon Hopgood; Diana Fox and Jill Thompson of London, were guests with Miss Beti Thompson on Sunday, Mr, ad Mrs, Gerald Hunking, of Clinton, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harve Hunking on Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. Menzies called on a number of old friends in the village last week, Congratulations to Mr. and Airs. Bert Lyon on the arrival on Mon- day, August 8, 1966, of a baby daughter. Master Brian flunking, Clinton, visited over the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 1-iarve Hunking. AIr. and Mrs. Ron Weber and family, Kitchener, and Mrs. E. Weber,Stratford, visited- en Sun- day with Mrs. Bert Allen. Mrs, Laura Lyon and Miss Edith Beacom made a visit re- cently to an olid friend, Mrs. Dun - ford, of Waterloo. Mrs. Bessie Paisley is at pres- ent visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Snell, A pleasant afternoon was re- cently spent in Exeter Park when the descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lyon met for a re. union. 89 were present and sat down to a sumptuous dinner, Sports were enjoyed and plans made for next year, President, Alrs. Harry Durnin; Vice presi- dent, Roy I-Lolmes; Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. Alurray Lyon; Sports committee, Mr, and Mrs, Ken Gaunt; Lunch committee, Bob and Melvyn Kerslake. Friends from Detroit, Chatham, Dresden, Thamesville, Wabash, Strabhroy, desboro, and Exeter Goderich, I-Ianover, London, Lon• • ent, THE BLYTH STANDARD BELGRAVE ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Bill George, For- est, were recent visitors with Mrs, 1Vi►utie Smith. Mrs. IIerb Wheeler is visiting with Air. and Mrs. Goldie Nheel• er and family, of London, Miss Judith Currell, of Etobi- coke, visited the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Ted Fear and family. Mr. and Mrs. Del Nixon and Cindy, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear and family on the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Wayne Minick, Kitchener, spent the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Clarence Han- na and family, Mrs. Robert Higgins and Miss Doreen Pattison visited for a few days last week with Miss Mar- garet Higgins, of London, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bosnian and family are vacationing this week at a cottage at Port Albert, A reception and dance was held on Friday, August 12, in honour of Mr, and Mrs. E. Rainer (net Claire Cihaniney). Music for dan- cing was supplied by Crothers or- chestra. During the intermission Mr. and Mrs. Rainer were called to the platform and Mason Rob- inson read the address and Cal- vin Robinson presented them with a gift of money. Mr. Fred Swindle;hurst, of Los Angeles, California, is spending a months vacation with Mr, and Mrs. Garner Nicholson and fam- ily. Raymond Nicholson and Hamill Keating visited- with AIr. and Airs. were pres- HORSE RACING 4—b CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK Sat., August 20 POST TIME: 1:30 P.M. 10 RACES Betting Privileges ADMISSION; Adults $1,00; Children over 12 years, 50c The Store Of Branded lines And LOWER PRIES 44PS•0 06,4'MIIm INdIMIw ., d#,s. 4.4.44J,N.I Final Clearance of Summer Apparel, all at Discount Prices. Better Dresses at Half Price. Broken Lines of Brassieres and Girdles at Half Price. Men's and Young Men's (never-never press) Koratron Trouser;;. Men's Short Sleeve Sport Shirts, 20 per tent off. Final Clearance of Shorts and Bell Bottom Slims. Ladies' All Weather, Coats Greatly Reduced. The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, Ron Nicholson, of St, Marys. Mrs, Alex Styles and Pat, of Mimico, are visitting with Mrs. Cora McGill. A panty was held on Saturday evening, August 13, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ted hear in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Camp• bell who were married recently, Those attending were employees of the Belgrave Co-op and their wives. After dancing A1r. Camp- bell showed slides of their trip to Canada's West Coast, A deli- cious smorgasbord lunch was en- joyed after which Ted Fear read an address and Rhonda Fear pre- sented the couple with a lovely clothes hamper. AIr, Campbell replied. Evening Unit Meeting Mrs,Murray Scott was hostess for the August meeting of the ev. ening unit of the U.C.W. held at her home moth 18 persons pres- ent. Mrs. Ross Anderson opened the worship service with hymn "Draw me Nearer, Nearer, Bles- sed Lord." Topic of the worship was "Some men arc mastered by material things, powers, etc., but only as we are mastered by God are we free," Readers on this theme were, Mrs. Albeit Bienian, Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs. Harold Vin- cent. The scripture lesson from Phillipians 2, verses 5-18 was read by Mrs, Harold Vincent, Mrs, Ross Anderson led in prayer. hymn "0 Jesus I Have Promised" was sung 1:o close the worship, Business was conducted by Mrs, Albert Bienian, Minutes were read of the June meeting by Mrs. Jack Higgins followed by the roll call. The penny collection and the regular collection was receiv- ed and dedicated by Mrs. Rieman, The general meeting was announ- ced for August 25th. Mrs. Robert Grasby will be hostess for the September meeting with Mrs, Wm, Coultes in charge of worship; Bi- ble study, Mrs. Murray Scott; Ails. sion Study, Mrs. Ross Anderson; Lunch, Mrs. George Michie. Mrs. Gordon Bosnian was in charge of the Mission Study and was the moderator for the Panel Discussion by a supposed P.T.A, Group who were protesting a su- permarket being built by the school. Those taking part were, Mr. and Airs. Stanley, a Catholic couple, by Mrs, Jack Taylor and Airs. George Michie; 1'1r, and Mrs, Henderson, Atheist, by Mrs, Jam- es Coultes and airs. Laura John- ston; Mrs, Smith, A Protestant wo• man, Mrs. Murray Scott; Airs. Og- den, Jewish lady, Mrs, Harold Vincent; Mrs. 'Black, Professors wife, Mrs, Gordon Boman, The Bible study on the Church and the World Church and education was taken by Mrs. George Michie. The hymn "Sun of my Soul" was sung and the benediction by Mrs. Jaynes Coultes, Lunch was served by Mrs. Wnt. Coultes and her group. WESTFIELD Mr, Ifugh Campbell left on 'I'ueiday for Alberta. CROP REPORT The welcome rains of last tveek slowed harvesting operations. Lo- cal gauges indicated in excess of two, inches of rain in recent show- ers, Pastures and hay aftermath are already showing improved growth. Plowing of stubble and sod fo: wheat is common in Iiuron COU n - 1y, Canadian Canners, Exeter, re- port that harvesting of peas will likely be completed and packing of sweet cern will begin this week. Agrologists have ktermined the yellowing of white beans to be the result of either root rot or sun scald. Russeting of bean leaves can be caused by either these conditions. Bacterial blight of beans ha.; not been observed in many fields this year, Some early varieties of beans have started to ripen, —D. S. Pullen, Assoc. Ag. Rep. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1966 WESTFIELD NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Groot are on n vacation to visit relatives in Holland. Misses Ann and Mar• ian and Master Jackie de Groot are visiting friends in Slrcetsville, Mr. David McDowell from Woodstock Hospital is spending several weeks with his family, Rev. and Mrs, Don Snell and 3 boys, of Drayton Valley, Alberta, are spending several weeks with relatives and friends. Next Sunday, August 21st the church service on the Auburn Charge will be held in Westfield Church with Rev, Hope Jackson, Belgrave, as guest minister. Ser- vice will be at 11 a.m. There will be no service August 28, 'Phe Messengers held their an- nual open meeting when they en• tentained the U.C.W. members Wednesday afternoon, Billy Snell presided with Mary Snell at the piano. Miss Jeanett,l Snell had the scripture and comments. Among those taking part were, Wayne AlcDowell, Carol McDow- ell, Edith Snell, Janot Cook, Mur- iel 'Taylor and Sherry Verbeek had recitations; David Snell and Judy McDowell sang solos; Billy and Mary Snell played piano solos, Airs, Don Snell, Drayton Valley, told the story of the "Lost Lamb" for the ohildren, Airs. Charles Smith was in charge of the busi- ness, when partial plans were made for a special meeting in October. Special guests were a car load of former residents from Blyth. A social hour was enjoyed following the meeting. Misses Sharon and Janet Cook visited with Mrs. Grace Ross, of Woodstock, recently. Mr. Gordon Cook, Cochrane, also Mrs. Jim Paton and 3 girls of Mossley were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Cook recently, 1 4 • Mr. and AL's, Marvin Smith, South Woodsley, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Smith for several days recently, Mr. and Mrs. John Gear, Marie and Warren, Kitchener, are vaca- tioning at their farm here. Mrs, Elizabeth Cardiff and Mrs. Jean Taylor, Brussels, were visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Smith on Monday, Miss Marsha Koopmans return- ed home on Saturday from a de- lightful trip to Holland, Dr, and Airs. James McClinton, 'I'irnntins, called on Alrs, M. Mc- Dowell and Gnome last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bawks and grandson also Mrs, ILowell, from upper Michigan, called on Mrs. Al, McDowell and other Tela- tives recently. Mr. and Airs, Eric Vogl and children spent one week vacation, ing with 1,1r, and Airs. Gordon Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark, Otta• wa, were the guests of Mrs, M. AlcDowcll and Graeme for several days recently. Aar, and Mrs. Robert I-Iesky and children, of Byron, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook on ednesday. Mr, and Mrs, James Boak and family and Mrs, Edna Cook, of Crewe, also Air, and Mrs. Garth McClinchey and fancily, Auburn, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cook. Mr, Ifugh Smith, Moletswoitth, called on Mr, and Mrs. Charles Smith recently. Mrs, Bud Johnston, Toronto, called on her son, Robert, at the home of AIr. Arnold Cook recent- ly Air. John McDowell, Kitchener, is holidaying this week with his parents, .+.-.-.-•-.-$-.+.-•-.•4-+-+-4 4-H-.4-4. .+ 4 "NEW" Fall Merchandise Arriving DAILY Mini Skirts A Go -Go, Poor Boy Sweaters 4.9S 20 Per Cent Discount Continues on Summer Wear. Needlecraft Shoppe Children and Ladies' Wear Blyth. Phone 523-4351 Go Back To School WITH SAVAGE SIIOES MEN'S 2 -PANT READY TO WEAR SUITS sizes 36 to 46 $15,00 to $85.00 R. W. Mad -ill's SHOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" Clinton Dry Cleaners Pick Up at Madill';, on Wednesday and Friday. LUCKY CALENDAR NUMBER:- 1255 4111111111, WEi NESDAY, AUGUST' 17, 1006 The Supper Club is the project 0 in Clinton (Ontario Street Un. chosen by the Huron 4•I1 Home- itod Church), The schools begin making Clubs for Fall, 196(3, Five at 10:00 aan, and finish at 4;00 two-day Training ScihooIs for the p.m. local leaders are being held on 'l.'he topics of discussion will August 22 and 23 in Wingiham include choosing food for health (United Church; August 24 and and the planning, preparation, 25 in Wroxeter (Community and service of family and club Hall); August 29 and 30 in -Hen• suppers, The preparation of sum sail (Legion Hall); Sepember 6 per dishes such as salads, cream and 7 in Seaforth (First Presby soups, scalloped dishes, and tea terian Olrtrrdh); September 8 and biscuits will be emphasized. ALiCTIQN SALE At The Royal T Dance Hall, No. dl Hyw. I.�l North of WINGHAM 011 MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 8 pm. REPOSSESSIONS ••• BANKRUI"P STOCKS And many, Many Personal Consignments Consisting of APPLIANCES • FURNI'T'URE • TELEVISION • CLOTIIING FURNITURE ••• A 2 -piece Davenport Suite that folds out to a full three -quartet' size bed with nylon cover *and swivel rocker, a 2 -piece [Tench Provincial Chesterfield Set covered in a top grade nylon cover, 3 other assorted Chesterfield Sets with foam cushions, 2 9 -piece Coppertone or Chronic Kitchen•Dinette Sets consisting of 8 chairs and a '72" table. 2 7 -piece Sets consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table wiht an inlaid top, 1 5 -piece Deluxe Coppertone Dinette Suite. Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a matching Box Spring and Mattress with each set. 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a 'Might and 2 Table Lamps to each set. 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee Tables in an Arborite finish ••• other Step and Coffee Tables, 2.39" Continental Beds complete with headboard and legs. 1.54" Continental Bed Complete, 4 full size 54" Spring Filled Mattresses, 2 llostess Chairs, Platform Rocker, 9 x 12 Rug, Ili•chair, Telephone `fable, Kitchen Step Stool, Chronic Rocker. APPLIANCES and 'TV ••• A large Refrigerator with a full cross.top freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, one being a deluxe model. A Long•Skirt Washer with pump, a 21 cu, 1't. Deep Freeze that holds over 800 lbs, of frozenfood. Automatic Washer and Dryer matching pair. Cotnbination Radio and Record Player, and last of all, 4 different 'Television Sets, 21" models tht have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition, All the Appliances in this Sale are Guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up at your home, BRAND NEW CLOTHING FOR TIIE ENTIRE FAMILY, A large selection of Fall and Winter Clothing has just been received for Auction from one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTH. ING •-• Socks, Underwear, Ties, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Dress Pants, Pyjamas, 'Midas, Work Socks, Work Shirts. F011 TIIE LADIES and TEENS ••• Dottbel Knit Suits, Skirts, Blouses, Nylons, Cardigans, Pullovers Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas, Slippers. BOYS GIRLS • BABIES --• Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleepers, House Coats, Crawler Sets, T -Shirts, 'Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Girl's 3 -Piece Sets, Sleep and Play Sets, 3 -Piece Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too numerous to menon, This Sale will consist of the largest, and best offering that we have ever auctioned in this hall at any time. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALE! AUCTIONEER ••• LEO E. BIRD Terms Cash ••• Cheques Accepted on Furniture 5 Per Cent Sales Tax In Effect Yes Credit Terms are Available providing arrangements are made with the Auctioneer Before the Start of the Sale. 4 4+44-4 H+44 -444.-4+-+-M 4•+ 4 -4 -44 -*+-++4-,-44-+44+ -+-4-H - $•• /444* -0 -444 -4 -*-44-14-4•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••4•4•-•-•-• Mme•••• 44-,.4-4 *-4-40-J LYCEUM THEATRE, WINGHAM WED,, '1'TTUR., FRI. AUG. 17.1849 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE SEVENTH DAWN" Colour • - Starring: William Holden • Capucine • Susannah York This is a story torn from today's headlines, and is a good war story about the upheaval in the Far East. SAT., MON., TUES. AUGUST 20.22.23 "PARADISE HAWAIIAN STYLE" Colour --• Starring; Elvis Presley • Suzanne Leigh Elvis has some great adventures in colorful Hawaii and the beauties of Hawaii make this new Presley .film a must. WED., TIIUR., FRI. AYiGUs':' 24.25.26 "FIREBALL 500" colour ••• Cine►naScopc ••• Starring; Frankie Avalon • Annette Funicello • Fabian Mile -a -minute thrills as the Beach Gang takes to hot rod racing, This is the snappiest, fastest young American jamboree yet, THE BLYTR STANDARD AUBURN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr, Alan Glasgow of Waterloo University, visited friends in the village last Saturday, Mr, and Mrs. Grant Raithby and family, of Collingwood, visit• ed last week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Raithby, and his brother, Mr, John Raithby, Mr, George Pilgrim of Cann ington, and his sister, Mrs, Charles East, of London, visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ted East, Brenda and Kar. en. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and fam ily, of London, visited with Mr and Mrs, Charles Scott on Satur• day evening, Miss Carol Beadle, of London, is vacationing with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Beadle. Mr, William Coates of Flint, Michigan, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Maitland Allen this week, Rev. and Mrs. John Wheeler left for their month's vacation this week, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Toll, Terry and Warren, of Windsor, visited on Sunday with his par. cants, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toll, Recent guests with Mr, ane Mrs, John Sprung and (family were W.O.I.I, and Mrs. L. G. M- ils of Camp Borden and Mr. and Mrs. B. Vincent of Galt, AIF, and Mrs. William Moss and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Moss attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Moss at P1t ttsville. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Bryant, of Smith Falls, visited on Sunday with Mr .and Mrs, William Strau- ghan. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Cope, of Lon- don, visited last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and family, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hudson, Brenda, Sandra, Gregory, Jeff and Cath• Brine, of London, Mr. Jason Ellis, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Rosemary Ellis Nttchsehe, formerly of West- field, Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Wilson and John, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Cook of Blyth. Miss Frances Houston visited friends in London last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, William Strati• ghan are guests this week in Kit• chener with Mr. and Mrs, William Meek and family. Rev. Brcn de Vries, of Hespeler, a former rector of St. Mark's parish there, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johns. ton. Air. and Mrs. William Dobie, Stephen and Michael, returned last weekend from a week's holi- day near Midland. Friends are pleased to learn that Ed. Haines has recovered from his illness. Ile was a pa- tient in St. Joseph's llospital. Mrs. Donald Sprung entertain- ed friends in honour of Miss Sharon Ball at her hone last. 'lihursday evening. •sirs, Clare Vincent entertained the guests with flower and ship contests and riddles. Mrs. Donald Sprung was the, chairman ,for the short pro- gram and read an address of con• gratulations to the bride to be, Gifts were presented by Mary 1leffton, Diane Bromley, Eleanor Sprung, Mary Jane Sprung and Melanie Sprung. Sharon thanked her friends for the gifts and lunch was served by Mrs, Donald Sprung Mrs. Gerald Ilel'fron and Mrs. John Sprung, assisted by Mariyln Duizer, Margaret Hellion, Mel- anie Sprung and Eleanor Sprung, Mrs. Major Youngblut has been visiting at Timins with her son, Keith, Mrs, Youngblut, and family, toe the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston of Toronto spent the weekend with iter parents, Ait', and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson, Recent guests with Mr, and Mrs. William J. Craig were Mrs. Ida Pratt of Brownsville, Mr. and 1\trs, Miners, Aylmer, Mr, and Airs, Ted Robinson and family, Donnybrook, Mrs, Stanley Stras- ser, nee Dorothy Craig, and daugh- ter, Miss Beverley, of Ontario, ('alifornie, and Miss Vera Craig et liderton, Last Thursday Mr. :And Mrs, William Strasser and Miss Gladys Strasser of Stratford also visited Mr, and Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Stan Strasser and ,Beverley returned hone to Stratford with there. Seventy-one descendants of the late John Wightman gathered for their first family reunion at the home of his grandson Mr, Norm. an Wightman of West Wawanosh last weekend. The guests pitch• ed their tents around Wightman's grove on the banks of the Mait- land River and all enjoyed a so• tial weekend together. The late John Wightman had purchased this farts about 1000, coming front Essex County. IIis parents had resided in the Westfield dist- rict before going To Essex. Rela- tives were present from Kingston, Toronto, Waterloo, Niagara Falls, Freeland, Michigan, Flint, Michi- gan, Cincinnati, London, Bruce - field and Burlington. Another reunion was planned .for next year. Mrs. William Furgeson returned ed to her home in Windsor after visiting with her sister, Mrs, Al- fred Rollinson and Mr. Rollinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Aldman of Kitchener, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Mary Bere and family. Mrs, Ilarry Arthur, Judy and Greg, attended a school reunion at Woodstock last Saturday, Mr. Lorne Popp is a patient in Clinton hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Louis Wagner of Masseton, Ohio, are visiting with his relatives in this community. Masters Gary and David Bere -returned hone last Saturday aft- er two weeks camping at Wood- land Camp in Quebec along the Ottawa River. Mrs, Oscar Ament returned last Thursday .from a visit to the West Coast. Mrs. Stanley Strasser and date ghter, Miss Beverley, of Ontario, California, are visiting with her parents, Sit-, and Mrs. William J. Craig. Mrs, Duncan McIntyre, of De. troit, and Mrs. Ernest Patterson of Goderich, visited last week with their sister, Airs. Thomas IIaggitt, Mr. IIaggitt and Stephen. Miss Jean Iiouston and Miss Jean Jamieson of Toronto, spent the holiday with her father, Mi. John Houston, and aunt Miss Ol- ive Young, and sister Miss Fran- ces Houston, They also visited their mother who is a patient in Clinton hospital, Mr, and Mrs. William Straugh- an returned .from Kitchener and surrounding district where they visited with Mr, and Mrs. William Beick and family; at Brantford where They visited with Mr, and Mrs. Elwin Anderson, and at Rridgepont where they visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Oswald at their large mink farm. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Pentland of North Bay, visited with her mother, Mrs, Charles Straughan. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hanna of Toronto, were recent visitors with Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Mrs, Charles Straughan visited last week with her niece, Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Air. Nicholson. and Gary, at Seaforth. Mrs, Margaret Clark visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Nicholson and family at Seaforth. Master Johnny Haggitt, od Zur- ich, is visiting with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hag. gitt and Stephen. Miss Margaret R. Jackson, Mrs, Wes. Bradnock Shoran and George visited last Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Sherry Wilson. Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock has completed her job as special en- umerator on. the Census Quality check for Huron County. The purpose of this survey was to assess the quality of the 1966 Census and to improve future census taking. She was appoint,• ed by the - Dominion Bureau of Statistics .for the Quality Check Survey. Congratulations to Betsy Elliott who celebrates her birithday on Thursday, August 18, Congratulations to Graham Jack- son wive celebrated his birthday Tuesday, August 16. PAGE, SIWEN AUBURN W.M.S, AUGUST MEETING The August meeting of the Au. burn W.M.S. of Knox Presbyteri- an Church was held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Davies. The presi- dent, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, was in charge and gave the call to worship, followed by all re- peating the Lord's Prayer. The hymn, "Corns let us sing of a wonderful love" was sung to accompaniment on the harp by Mrs. Robert .1. Phillips. The president welcomed all to the meeting and the minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs, Alvin Leatherland, It was announced that the fall rally of Huron Presbyterial would be held in 'tenon on September 28th with afternon and evening ses- sions, Mrs. Roy Deer was in charge of the devotional period and bas- ed her message on the theme, "Called to the ministry of recon- ciliation," with several members taking part. This was followed by a discussion on the bible read- ings, The roll call was answered with bible verses containing the word reconciliation. The mission study was taken by Mrs. Frank Raithby and she gave a detailed account of several missionaries in India, Formosa and Nigeria; also of medical clin- ics and hospital work. The offer- ing was received and dedicated with prayer by Mrs, Roy Daer. Following the singing of the hymn "Pass me not, 0 gentle Saviour" t',nd the benediction, Mrs, Davies served a delicious lunch. BROWNIE'S DRIVE -1N THEATRE — CLINTON Come as Late as 11 pan. and See a Complete Show. Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk 2 Shows Nightly Box Office Opens at 8 o'clock First show starts at Dusk TIIURSDAY - FRIDAY August 18.19 DOUBLE FEATURE I'll. TAKE SWEDEN BOB 'TOTE TUESDAY WELD FRANKIE AVALON (Adult Entertainment) In Color BILLIE PATTY DUKE • JIM BACKUS Color Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES. August 20.22.23 DOUBLE FEATURE Academy Award Winner at BalIou JANE FONDA • LEE MARVIN MICHAEL CALLAN In Color THAT MAN IN ISTANBUL HORST IIUCIIHOLZ (Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoon Starting Wed., Aug. 24 WALT DISNEY'S THE UGLY DACHSHUND Plus "WINNIE TIIE P0011" PAGE EIGHT WESTFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McDowell and family were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Alva McDowell, Blyth, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, of Blyth, also ?lir, Gordon Cook, of Cochrane, were visitors witJh Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden on Sun- day. Miss Linda Walden was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Tim- pany, Aylmer, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell o. -o o.++ r r++-.. ► . 0-o•.•+•••••+•a4-4-+r++a COOK'S Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. bag 85c Carnation Milk 2 tins 31c Liquid ,'aver; 1 gal. jug 75c Facelle Royale Tissue, assorted, 2 roll pkg. 27c Kraft Tomato Ketchup, 2-15 oz. bottles 57c Tulip Margarine, 3 ib. pkg. coloured .... 95c King Size Ivory Liquid, 12c off label .... 99c Giant Size Tide pkg. 79c Camay Soap, Bath Size 2 for 39c Graham Wafers 2 pkgs. 69c McCormick 1\Iarshnlallows, 3-1 lb. pkg, $1.00 McCormick Ambassador Cookies, 1 112 lb 67c Weston Angel Cake, large size, reg. 59 to 49c Peaches and Tomatoes by the Basket Other Fresh Fruit and Vegetables We Deliver Phone 4421 1 3 .o-•,.o•o-•-• +-•-*-•-•-$-•-S +44 •-•-•-•-•44-4-•-•4444. � -+ • •-•-•-•-•-•-•-4-4-4-• •• 44.444 -•-+•-•-•-•-•-• •-+++N +444 FOOD MARKET We Deliver n 11 Phone 523-9332 1 �A FOR BARGAINS GALORE, SHOP AT OUR STORE Fancy Pink Salmon, 12's Save 11c, 2 for 79c Blue Ribbon Instant Coffee, 10 oz. $1.39 Mrs. Luke's Sweet Orange Marmalade Large 24 oz. jar 45c Allen's Breakfast Drinks, 48 oz. tuns 3 for 99c Lee's Crushed or Tidbit Pineapple, 4 for 99c McCormick's Graham Wafers, 2 pkgs for 69c Crisco Shortening 1 lb pkg. only 39c Save On Meats: Lowest Prices Anywhere Turkeys: Fresh In Fresh Beef Roasts only 39c per Ib. only 59c per lb. NW...Vs, WN, Wallace Turkey Pies pkg. of 3 only 59c Fresh Wieners 2 lbs. for 99c Fresh Hamburger 2 lbs for 99c Weston's Ham or Weiner Buns, frozen, 2-39c Weston's Fresh Apple or Raisin Pies, 3-1.00 Giant Size Tide or Cheer only 89c Canada Pure White Vinegar, 128 oz. 69e While They Last, 100 lbs. White Sugar $7.75 t PI 4444-4444444444444-.4444 44-•-•-•-•4+11-4,44-44-•-•-•44-•-•-•444.•-% THE BLYTH STANDARD attended the Highland Games in Brian, Mr, and Mrs. Garth Wal - Fergus, den attended the chuckwagon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden and races in Tecswater recently. •� * WEDDING RATIIWELL—IIENRY Blyth United Church was dec- orated with turquoise and white 'mums anll white candelabra, on July 23, 1066, at 5:30 p.m. for the wedding of Sandra Lyn Henry, Bly'bh, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. Robert Henry, Blyth, and W'''illiam Benjamin Rathwell, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Rathwell, Brucefield. Rev, W. 0. Mather, Blyth, offi- ciated at the double -ring cere- mony, Traditional wedding music was played by the organist, Alms. Shir- ley Vincent, Blyth, who accom- panied the soloist, Miss Barbara Snell, Londesboro, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and "0 Promise Me." Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride chose a floor - length sheath gown of bemberg organza, with empire waist -line. The bodice with scalloped neck- line and lily -point sleeves was of Chantilly lace, 1-Ier dress feat• tired a double floor -length \nt. teau train of organza appliqued around the edge with Chantilly lace and falling from the shoul- ders. A jewelled, pearl and cut crystal tiara held her scalloped three-tier finger-tip veil o4' silk illusion. She carried a cascade bouquet of snow-white carnations with bridal tulle and greenery. Miss Sheila Henry, Blyth, sister of the bride, was maid of hon- our, She wore a formal floor - length, empire style, bemberg or- ganza turquoise dress with scoop neckline. A floor -length watteau train similar to the bride was of Chantilly lace. Her headpiece was a pill -box of bemberg organza and she carried a cascade bouquet of snow-white and turquoise carnations with tulle and green- ery. The groomsman was Tom Fel- tis, Guelph, and the ushers were, Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield, and Jim Henry,Blyth. A wedding dinner followed in the Church Parlour decorated wth white and turquoise 'mums and candelabra, Dinner was served by friend of the bride, Misses Cheryl Ma- dill, Blyth, Glenna Gowing, Betty Jean Cook, Ann Howson, of Lon- don, Eleanor Wright, Kippen, Glenyce .Jewitt, Clinton, Mrs, Howard McKay, Kitchener. Later a reception was held in the Memorial Hall, Blyth, Decor• ations were again white and turquoise 'mums and candelabra. Receiving the guests was the bride's mother wearing a Dresden blue French crepe sheath dress with net and crepe jacket and white accessories, ]-ler corsage was pink carnations. She was assisted by .the groom's mother who wore a dress o.f,pink shan- tung with draped skirt panel edg- ed in embroidery and pink and white accessories with a corsage of white carnations, For travelling the bride chose a two-piece dress of white lace over yellow silk, yellow flower - petal cloche hat with white acces- sories and a corsage of yellow carnations. The young couple will reside at 1150 Adelaide Street, London. The bride is a 1966 graduate of Stratford 'Teachers' College. Pre•Nuptlal Events Prior to her wedding Miss 'fenny was honoured on the fol- lowing occasions, Miss Cheryl Madill and Miss Ann Hewson held a shower at DANCE Brussels Legion Hall SATURDAY, AUG. 20, Blackhawk Orchestra Dancing 9-12 Admission: $2.00 per Couple Restricted to persons 21 years and over. the home • of Madill, Blyth. Miss Alice Troffers and her mother, Mrs. C. Treffers, Clinton, held a shower at which time friends of the bride from school and Teachers' College were en- tertained, Mrs. Bob Henry and Sheila held a luncheon in honour of Sandra on Saturday, July 16. Girl friends of the bride were enter- tained. A shower was also: held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, D'Arey Rathwell, Brucefield. WEDNESDAY; AtIGU' I1 "•1'966 Mr. and Mrs. Ray BENEFIT BALL GAME FOR ROBBIE LAWRIE Central Clinton Huron All Stars VS Intermediate A's BLYTH BALL PARK SATURDAY, AUG. 20 9 O'clock Is your subscription paid? REOPENING CENTURY VARM MARKER PROJECT ht has been decided by the Junior Farmer's Association of Ontario that further applications will be accepted for Century Farm Signs. 1n order to qualify, a farm rnur,t be. resided on, and it ,must be in active operation. Further, the frurm must have been owned by direct descendants by the same family for 100 years or more as of January 1st, 1967. e.g. farm may have been past down from grandfather to father to son or from grandfather to daughter - past down from aunts, uncles, or cousins, who may by of the same name as the owner, does not count. Because of the popularity of this project and the tremendous amount of favourable publicity which is still received, a number of further applications for Cen- tury Farm designation have resul- ted. We are therefore anxious to have all those eligible for this recognition who may have been earlier turned down because of a late application to contact Huron County Junior Farmer's Provin- cial Director, Donald McKeroher, 11.11. 1, Dublin, immediately . •1, ..1IIll;1111111ILlllllll111111111111!111111111111141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 t 1 l 1 4 111111121111111M1111111111111E111111116 allpaper CLEARANCE SALE 20'.( OFF ALL WALLPAPER SOLD TO AUGUST 31st Clearing Room Lots, of 10 Single Rolls and 8 Single Rolls At Half Price Wallpaper Troughs 35c Wallpaper Paste 59c R. D. PHILP, Phm,B DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER — Phone 523.4440, blyth 11 1111111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111III111111II111111111IIIIIIIIIII111I111IIII11111111UhIlI111111111UII1llllllll1111IIIIII1111111111Illllll111 •-•••••-•4-o-•- • • +-+-• • W •-• •-a+ +• • • N + ♦ •-•-• H-•+ wart's Red t White Food Mkt. Blyth Phone 9451 We Deliver NO. 1 TOMATOES 6 qt. bsk. 1.29 SUN HAVEN PEACHES .... 6 qt. bsk. 1.49 DUTCHESS APPLES 6 qt. bsk. 89c NO. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES, .. 25 lbs. 99c CHICKEN LEGS and BREASTS, per lb. 59c Champion Dog Food 4 tins 55c Kellogg's Corn Flakes .... 12 oz. pkg. 29c White Swan Tissue 4 rolls 55c Scott Facial Tissue, 400s 2 pkgs. 59c York Pork and Beans, 20 oz. tins, 6 for 1.00 Redpath Granulated Sugar ' 10 lbs. 79c WESTON'S BAKERY PRODUCTS -- French Pastry, lemon or raspberry, pkg. 39c Fresh Pies, apple or raisin 3 for 1.00 Charcoal 5 Ibs.49c 10 lbs. 85c - rigt:ets 5 lbs. 59c 10 lbs. 99c