The Blyth Standard, 1966-03-02, Page 1THE BLYTH STANDARD $2,50 A Year in Advance -- $3.50 In U,S,A, BLYTH, ONTARIO -- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1066' Volume 78 - No. 41 Single Copies Six Cents Mrs, Richard Snell Was Hockey Game Raised SMORGASiORD.DANCE WILL PERSONAL INTEREST CELEBRATED GOLDEN AID ARTIFICIAL ICE FUNDMr and Mrs. Harold Creighton WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Guest Speaker at 'World $100 for Artificial Ice Tentative plans have been made and son, Tori Lee, who have been Mr. and Mrs. WillIarn Honking to hold a Smorgasbord -Dance in visiting their parents, Mr. and of R.R. 1, Auburn, observed their Day of Prayer Meeting The exhibition hockey game in the Memorial Hall on April 1st, Mrs, Jack Creighton, for the past 50th weddings anniversary on the Blyth Arena last Friday ev The Lions Club will be sponsors two weeks left for their home in, P Swift Current, Sask., on Tuesday, Wednesday,nmFebruary 1ig, ou 1966. The World Day of Prayer was. ening raised an even one hundred of the event and tickets will go A number of neighbours, dollars for l'he artificial ice fund. on sale next week, Mr. Henry Armstrong returned held at the Blyth United Churchfriends and relatives called at I''rlday, February 25th, with ,� Participants were the local Le- All proceeds ,will go towards home from Clinton Public Hos• their home to _extend congratula- good attendance, Bion Intermediates and the CKNX the artificial ice fund and your pital Last Thursday having under- tions, Radio and TV Sports and the two support will not only be appreci• gone surgery the week before, Lon - Mrs, Harold Phillips opened p s PP Mrs, George Evans, of Brus• they were married in with the call to worship, follow- teams displayed an excellent ated but is greatly needed. desboro at the home of the bride's with by Mrs.cMather reading we brand of hockey. sels, visited on Saturday with Mr, mother, Mrs. George Lyon, after Scripture. Prior for to the game two teams and Mrs, Clarence ,Johnston. which they took up residence on of novice players, 8 years anu ?drs, Clarence Johnston visited the farm were they now reside, Mrs. Richard Snell, of 'Trinity under, played a game which cans•IIAItnIONY UNIT MEETING on Sunday with Mrs, Ella Bent- Mr, and Mrs, Honking have a Anglican Church, Blyth, was the ed considerable interest and ex- ley, of London. family of one son, Lorne, on the guest speaker, Her theme was citement' The Harmony Unit mel in the M. and Mrs. Gordon Carter home farm, and two daughters, '"Ye Are My Witnesses." Mrs. The arena was approximately and family visited on Sunday Snell pointed out that to be a l Y church parlor February 8th, with Mrs. John (Marion)n) Riley, and P half full of s rcc4alors, aria of with hit, and Mrs. John Robinson Mrs, Ben Rile "Witness" we must complete our hail were from our farming 13 members and 1 visitor present, both and the for'mer's grandmother,, Mrs, II. Phillips opened the of IIlTownship; also 17 daily chores, with Christ as •our community, These were the folks MI'S, Alice Wilson, of Port Credit. guide, We must face the chat. \whose attedance was the deciding meeting by reading a Psalm, The Aliss Linda Govier, of Weston, grandchildren and 5 great grand• devotional period , was in charge children, lenges of a modern world scion• factor in making the event a sue- p g spent the week -end with her bof Mrs. Sundercock and Mrs. rie discovery, development and cess, We were talking to one of grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack learning ctrl which push modern our local farm residents and he Mather and opened with hymn McNichol, ' man farther from Christ, ,The was berating the poor turnout of 156, Mrs. Mather read Psalm 19Squirts Still Undefeated importance stressed on being a Blyth people. He commented that verses 7 to 14, and then presented The Blyth Red and White good Witness takes second place there seems to be little trouble a lovely meditation on House Squirts won their third game in to individual achievement, Mrs. in interesting bus loads of Blyth cleaning our Souls as we would PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST 3 starts on Saturday, February Snell went on to say, since we people to travel miles to see a house -clean our homes." A very 26, by 5-4. are world leaders we must show sporting event or similar enter- appropriate reading, "0 God For- IN BLYTIi MARCH 19 Donald Stewart led the win• the way to world peace and pros• tainment features, but it was op- give Me When I Whine" followed a C Hers with 3goals, while Bill Mc - with a prayer. The collection was The Public Speaking Contest perity. The duty ties upon wom• parcntly, very hard to get them Dougall scored 2, Bl lakert and one verse of 374 was sponsored by Zone C 1 Royal Can - at Myth led 3 0 en, as .wives,- mothers and citizens to lura out to support anythingat the end of the first, Brussels sun Ivan 356 followed, Mrs. action Legion will be held at to do as much as possible. Love local and directly concerned with Sun ercock gave a very interest, Blyth on Saturday, March 19, at scored 4 second period goals and must be stressed in the home,' so them. our children will be enabled to ing last chapter on Brazil. Itis, 2 P.m. sharp. Contestants to be led 4 3. The score remained that Were extremely sorry to sett' Phillips ]ed in prayer, The roll on ]rand at 1.45 pan. so the chair way until Donald Stewart scored direct our world in the future;. we couldn't event put up a half- call was taken and. the minutes man will be able to number each to tie the score. Donald scored We must instill love, truth, roc hearted argument with out friend. his third goal on a breakaway read, speaker, The above to be held in sponsibility and regard for the A quick count of the arena show- 'Lite roll call for March 7th is 1'temorial IIall, Blyth, on Main with about 10 seconds left to laws in our children, They must ed LESS THAN TWENTY•FIVh play, to be answered with a St. Patrick Street, t a y be taught so they will discover Blyth residents there. Where in The public are invited to al - that work with Gratification of "11" has our community pride and song, The business part lend. the No char Come out and God, Is the crossroads to person- spirit disappeared to? We cel.• meeting followed, Mrs. Phillips charge. f closed the meeting with hymn support a worthwhile project County L.O.L. Meeting al achievement. Mrs. Snell in tainly can't figure it out. Can 360 and prayer. closing asked if we as citizens you? Mrs. Whitfield and Mrs, Hig- were keeping up to the Christian challenge, being a true Witness? gins served a tasty lunch, field At Seaforth Following the theme, the Scrip ; " E, WaWanosh Committer, tare and Act of Dedication was , On• Wednesday evening of last read by Mrs. E. Quinn. The ofHockey IS Over Here Still After Information Seek Past County Master Charles tering was received and will be Stewart and Robert Wallace al- MaeNaughton Presented tended the annual meeting of forwarded to the Women's Inter- hockey in Blyth has c!nded Y The historical committee for South Huron County Orange Church Council of Canada, Tor• this year as far as our organized Last Wawanosh is still working Lodge held in Seaforth Orange onto, Ontario, Mrs. Harold Camp- teams are concerned, The Legion With Good Roads on the township's history for a Hall, The county was well Tepre• bell and Mrs. Dwight Campbell Intermediates have apparently + book to be published to comment- sented, the hall being filled to sang "How Long Has It Been." I'ailcct to gain a playoff berth, TheLlf' Mrs,, Shorlreedl read the inter. Lions Bantams were defeated in e, Membership orate ails centennial, Branches of capacity. The meeting- was in Mssand ladies of United , , the Women's s Institute and sonic charge of the County Master Bro. their playoff series with Brussels of the older citizens have been William McIlwain of Bayfield, Church offered prayers. The lad• and Teeswater, The Lions Pee Presentation of an IIonorary very, helpful but there is still a L.O,L. ies of the Presbyterian Clurrclrr , _ Life Mernbershi �t eco lost Tuesday night to Hen- Life in the Ontario tat to be learned. The reports brought in by the led in prayer for the women of sail in their deciding group cham• Good Roads Association to IIon, The committee is particularly Lodges of the county, although Africa, Asia, Europe, British Isl• pionship game, All the fellows Charles S, MacNaughton, ' Minis- interested in tate history of farms showing a slight decrease in es and Latin America,ter: of Highways, Ontario was can do now Is to wait for next which have remained in one ram: membership by deaths, showed Miss Pearl Grdley was pianist year and hope for artificial ice, made by the Board of Directorsnd for the service and Mrs. McCall The squirts have been playing of the OGRA "in recognition of farms rtak 00 up�tfrom rs, 1 the Crown shape.y the cnunlyoirgwith financialthe in generald lum's Unit was in charge of wet- exhibition games during the year his valuable contributions to the less than a 100 years ago. People routine of business a new project coining and ushering, Mrs. IIarold and still remain undefeated, cause of good roads in this Pro- g these properties was discussed, that of building a Phillips closed the • service with Quite an accomplishment for the ►'ince," at its recently -concluded could»Fi 1turning over bel by this Cairn in the Benediction. annual . convention in Toronto, a prominent place in buys. Congratulations fellows,! i,tformation to the committee, Bayfield to honor the early pion - The colorful scroll said in part: Histories of factories, indust- eer members of that Lodge, It Advocate of a total roads concept ries, mills, etc,, are also needed. being L.O.L. No, 24, the eldest for the roads system of the Pro- Many of these fell by the way Lode in Huron County and pos CONGRATULATIONS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY vine, notable progress has been ' cle several years ago, but will sibly all of Ontario, It is hoped if T'0 MEi;T made since he became Minister Ir' remembered by some of our possible to have this project Congratulations to Mr, and in all parts of that system The Horticultural Society vvi11 throu�;�h the adoption of plans tender's, completed by 1967 when Bayfield Mrs, Wm, 'Golder, of Devlin, whoThen, too, there must be many L.O.L. will hold a Centennial Cel• meetat the home Mrs. Chester and programs in keeping with t des relateby the older people ebration on July 12 of that year. celebrated their 201h wedding an- I g, niversar on March 2nd, Higgins on Saturday, larch 5,at that concept such as the expan- Y2 v,hich would give life and color Very Worshipful Oliver Jaques, Congratulations to Billie Hamm p•m. everyone welcome to al. sion of the Program of Assistance In the history, These human Grand Mosler of R. Black Kts, of who celebrated his 8th birthday tend, to 1' Tttnicipalities, County Needs interest stories often giveanin- Ontario \1 est study, and the Area Planning O ' ,gave a short but y on March 1st. ' sight into the characters of the very inspiring address. P.C,M. Congratulations to Mr, Lloyd Studies, , Ortelli who celebrates his birth -MILS. McCALLUM'S UNIT The scroll also noted that as pioneers and the conditions in Charles Stewart also spoke re• which they lived, porting a very successful year for clay on Sunday, March 6. Chairman of the Executive Com - Anyone Q Orange" TO MEET „ with anything to con- Insurance. Also pleased to notice, Metropolitan Toronto and Congratulations to Terry Pierce V.W.tribute should contact the seem report of the improvement in the who celebrates his birthday on ' Mrs. McCallum Region Transportation Study, t,R. health . of V.Bro. John Ham- s Unit meeting tart', Mrs. Ivan Wightman, I Sunday, March 6, will be held at the under his leadership plans are home of Mrs,l 13e1 rave, or any member of mond a former resected well advanced for the inaugura• g highly p Congratulations to Mr, George Norman Radford on Wednesday, the committee, agent for the Orange Order, The tion of modern commuter trans• rid Yon Howatt who celebrates his birth March 9th, at 2 p.m. un Know? county master then called on all day on Tuesday, March- 8, relief lon•by rail facilities, for the Did you know the population of the district masters of the county Congratulations to Ron Henryelief of daily traffic congestion , r• , Y Last. 41 awanosh 111 1869 MIS 2201 who reported very favorably. who celebrates his birthday on U.C.W. GENERAL MEETING on highways in and about the teal last year only 1065, They al- This being the last order on the Friday, March 4. 14etr opolitan Toronto area, rt r Congratulations to Robert Cook so had 2182 cattle, 1009 hogs. and programme. The U,C,1V, general meeting The scroll is signed by C. S. 550 horses In 1869. All offices were declared vac - who will be held on Monday, March Anderson, president and W. S. celebrated his birthday on This Was among the interesting ant by the County Master, He McKay, secretary treasurer of the i e ata being collected by the East then called on W. Grand Mast - Wednesday, March 2, 21st, at .8.15 p.m,, , r Congratulations to Mrs. Non association, lynwmtosh Historical Committee er, Oliver Jaques, to conduct the man Alexander who celebrated , pi+'r n at wn lith meeting held at election and installation of offi• her birthday on Thursday, Mrs, Edith Craig and Mrs, Nor- ther home of lir• and Mrs, Walter cors for 1966, assisted by Past Febrttltry 24. - val Scrimgeour, both of Goderich, LADIES AUXILIARY T'0 11111;'!' ,S�c.t, f.�'eb~uary 16111, with 7 pre- Cou;rty 1[nster gm Betties, act - Congratulations to Mrs, Ivan visited „with . the former's aunt sent, ing as Marshall, Resulting in Curter who celebrated her birth. and uncle, Mr, and 'Mrs, Larne The regular meeting of the Committees were set up to cum- County Master Bro, William Me - day on Thursday, February 24. Scrimgeour on Sunday, Blyth Ladies Auxiliary- will be pile information received under 'twain and all his 1966 officers Congratulations to Mrs, Sid Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Naftel, of held March 71h, at 8.30 p.m„ in special headings for ot'r East b^Inn role^tedd for another yetlt;. Lansing who celebrated her birth- Barrie, Mrs, Sinclair, Miss Rhea the Legion HAIL Zine Contmart- 17.n.1010311 centennial book. This rcty successful' county - day on Friday, February 25. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDon• der, Comrade Evelyn, Carroll, of The committee wish to thank meeting was then brought to' a Congratulations to Debbie Wal- ald, of Brlgden, were guests over Goderich, is making her official all those wino have sent us this close with prayer and the- Queen. lace who celebrated her birthday 'the - week -end with M,rs. Edith visit, We hope for a good attend- important information to snake The Seaforth ibrethern serv'ng a ante. Monday, .February 28th. Logan, this book 'possible, - bountiful lunch. PAGE TWO By Bill Smiley THE MUSIC MADNESS Do you know what a bane is? George is the Custodian Super Well, that's what music has been in my life, for the past decade, intendent at our illiteracy fact- Oh, I know, Every family hasory• "It used to be called janit- its little problem, its skeleton in or,) 1 congratulated him the the recreation room, its dirt un• other day. His wife had "done der the wall-to-wall, Drinking, well," as we say, in a music theory exam, health, poverty, divorce, insani ty, stupidity', delinquents. With He shook his head, He swore. our family, it's music, Then, Ind drive you up the People think I ant carried away wall. If I ever get married again, by emotion when 1 start to sob at it won't be to a musician." a symphony concert. 'They're There isn't much chance of the right, But it's not the beauty of former, as he's a grandfather, the music that makes me break But I was deeply in sympathy down. It's the trouble it has cans- with his conclusion, cd, and the money it has cost in It was obvious that George the last 10 years. had had to help his wife prepare I used to love music, in a situ• for her exam, It was on the his ple joyous, uncomplicated way, 1 tory of music. 'l'hey ask you used to whistle while I worked questions like, "What instru, and walked, Everything from nnettt did Eli Schwartzhopf play Grecnsleevcs, through Ein Kleine in the Brandenburg Symphony Nachtniusik to Porgy and Bess. Orchestra on , April eleventh, By ear. I liked Stardust and 1801, when Napoleon Bonaparte Stravinsky and I'll Be Down to was staying in the city overnight, Get You in a Taxi Iloney, with his second wife, on the way Then the kids started taking to the battle of Austerlitz?" piano lessons, And I started try. But this isn't the worst 'of it, irg to look intelligent, when peo. A chap can stand a couple of plc talked about sonatinas and weeks of helping his wife mem- concertos and scherzos and dyn• orize such great universal truths, amics and all that (you should and weather R. pardon the expression) jazz. What really gets him on his We fight about the left hand knees is putting up with the old being too loud. We scream at each other about the kids not practising. We go into tantrums about recitals and festivals. Ten years and more than $10,000 later, nobody in my fam- ily can play the national anthem without three weeks of prepara- tion. The record player rocks to The Easter Seals that help The Beatles and Bob Dylan, We crippled children will be sent to have to snatch the harmonica and more than 2,000,000 homes in guitar away from the kids. I Ontario in a few clays, The mail• would like to meet Johann Segal- ing of the Easter Seals is one of tian Bach on a dark night and the biggest voluntary projects strangle him. With a Beethova't undertaken in Ontario in the in - sonata. G -String Minor, terest of children. In 231 cities w and towns the members of service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, KI• lady as the exams draw near. Kids go through examinations with the aplomb of clucks taking :. bath: But middle-aged ladies especially when they ha• 'en't written an exam in years. About three weeks before the ant, they begin to neglect ram- , house and themselves. A i , ek late:', they become nervous, the falai week, they have from C to hysteria, On of the exam, it takes ;;;.i `ea tranquilizers, and some - lei a ;ood shot of brandy, be - re they can be pushed into the examination hall, where they sit twitching like old fighter pilots until the papers are given out. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. I don't know the details, but I George Bailie who celebrate their suspect George went through 301h wedding anniversary on something like the above, and I Sunday, March 6. echo his sentiments, loud and Congratulations to Miss Audrey clear. If I ever get married ag- Ann Collar who celebrates her ain, I want a girl who thinks a birthday on Friday, March 4, sweet potato is about the finest Congratulations to Mrs. Bruce musical instrument that ever hit Smith who celebrates her birth - the market, day Friday March 4, lllillll0illultWumIN111uiullu1d111 tmiuuuu1111M 111111011 uuuuuiuilitu!iiiliiuuiiuiui1iMagill111um11011121111% THE BL YTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1905 Two little patients in the Ontario Crippled Children's Toronto, sitting on a floor cover ed \frith Easter Seals, that Easter Seals help crippled children, (Antort,g 7.1e Cr, m*5 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario, Rev, W, 0, Mather, B.A., B.D. Minister. Mrs. Donald Kai, Director of Music, Sunday, March 6, 1966 9.45 a.m.—Sunday Church School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship, "Witnesses of the Crucifixion" The Soldiers. 8,30 p.m,—Study Group "No Random Harvest." -CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH iev, Raymond J, Sikkema, Pastor, 10.00 a,m,—English Service, 3.00 p.m.—Dutch Service, ItdiIIVllIVI11�0�II0G9VIVIWI0VIV1110111Vlli0l IVllIVllIVIIIWIIllllIV10VllIV111VIIIVIIIVIIVIIIlu110VIVl ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robert U. MacLean, B.A. 1,00 p.m.—Church Service. 1.00 pan.—Sunday School. ANGLICAN CHURCH 014 CANADA Rev, G, E. Pakenham, Dip,, Th., Rector, Trinity Clturclr, Blyth 10,30 a.m.—Mattins, St, Mark's, Auburn 12.00 noon—Mattins, Trinity Church, Bclgrave 2,30 p.m,—Evening Prayer CHURCH OF GOD McConnell Street, Blyth, Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School, 11.00 a,m.—Worship. 7.30 p.m. --Sunday evening -- Youth Fellowship, OUIWIIIIIVIIIIVI IVIIItlVSIVllMVI UIVIVIiVIV�II� 'anis, Kinsmen and others will see that envelopes are addressed and letters and seals are sent to all the people in their commun. 1ty, inviting their contributions to help boys and girls who have a physical disability. Centre in reminds us '!'his year the Easter Seal cant- Ilonal services and expansion of paign must raise al least $1,000,- activities possible so that the S.t C00. to guarantee that the care ciety, through its field office!, :end treatment needed by more continually reaching out to help than 16,000 crippled children will children who have a physical dis- continue to be met• ability and 'need assistance, In the forty -foto' year history Rehabilitation for teiliippled e1' the Ontario Society for Grip- children can very often be a ,,led Children and its association lengthy and expensive program- ith service clubs, there have ate, but when the results mean been thousands of children who some children will eventually be Gave overcome their physical dis- inti^',)endenl in Jllovement and :'bilities or have made such great speech, the time and cost is not Improvement that they have car- important. 11 is important to :led on a normal existence, The know that every Easter Seal gift public's support to the Easter will be of benefit 10 a crippled :;cal campaign has made addl. child. Report Fro Queen's Park 13y Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. Huron -Bruce All nursing home operators in the riding will be interested • in the fact that Health Minister Dymond introduced a bill that will require all nursing homes in Ontario to have a license by Jan- uury 1, 1967, The hones will be subject to inspection by local medical offi• cet's of health vho %vitt enforce standards Of care set by the De. partment. Initially two types of license will be granted a permanent tt• nual license for homes that meet provincial 'standards and a tem- porary license for those that meet only a minimum standard, Dr. Dymond said homes that operate on temporary licenses will be given from 3.5 years to ►n?cl standards, Bach home must show reasonable progress during this period of its license will be revoked, The purpose of the Act is to establish and enforce unison m standards across the province, The cost of Ontario's hospital insurance plan will continue to rise by about 50,000,000 a year until 1970 when the increase will begin to level off. This fact was revealed by Dr. John Neilson, Chairman of O,II,S.C. when he appeared before the standing committee of (lie legislature on government commissions. The cost of the plan has doub- led from 161,700,000 in 1959 to 347,100,000 in 1965, IIe estimate'! the 1966 figure will be 394,900,000 and said it night rise to 472,000,- 000 in 1970. half the per classroom cost is covered by this grant as it up - plied to our area last year. The last time this grant was raised Was approximately 1946. Needless to say construction costs have soared since that time, Ev- en since 1961 the total cost of construction of public school buildings has risen 51,3 percent, 1 urged the Department to give immediate consideration to rats - int; these grants to alleviate at least in part the terrible burden placed on the municipalities for educational purposes. OBITUARY MRS. REBECCA WOOD Airs, Rebecca Wood, 94, of Hul. lett Township passed away on Friday, Feb'raury 25, 1966, at the Clinton Public Hospital, She was The throne speech debate con- the former Rebecca Townsend, tinned. I spoke about the need Surviving are, son, Edwin, R, for raising the ceiling on the R. 1, Blyth; daughter, Mrs, WI1- capital grants given per class- giant (Mary) Manning, R.R. 1, room in new school construction, Londesboro; sisters, Mrs, James The department of education (Mary) Roberton, Clinton; Mrs, gives a grant of 20,000 per class- Amelia Paarklow, Toronto; bro. room with a municipality getting tiers, Elisha Townsend, Ottawa; only a percentage of the $20,000, and Walter Tonsend, Brantford, The percentage is determined by Funeral service washeld at the considering a number of facts Tasker Memorial Chapel, Myth, such as _the basic tax relief grant, on Tuesday, March 1, conducted the equalization grant and the b;, Rev. R. J. Tschanz, tninister of capital grant. After taking the Londesboro United Church, per tentage applied to tip: $20,003.' 'Temporary entombment, Blyth it means in effect that roughly Union cemetery chapel. I i 1 WEDgSD A,Y, 1t1A,Rc $ 2, ,1 MRS. PETE SALVERDA ENTERTAINED BURN'S CHURCH U.C.W. On February 25th, Burns Church U,C.W. members met al the home of Airs. Pete Salverda for their regular monthly meeting and the World Day of Prayer How to deed For sharp, brilliant color recep• tion, color TV sets need Tots and lots of signal— clean, pure signal. Dollar for dollar, no other antenna on the market can deliver more signal—or cleaner signalthanthe new ... Color, Crossfire* Best for Color • Black and White TV • plus FM stereo 'covered by 3 U.S, patents by CHANNEL MISTER world's largest manufacturer of TV reception equipment For prompt expert installation ... eau Cr in b� HARDWARE Phone 523-9273 Blyth, Ontario THE ' BLYTH 'STANDARD PAGE AUBURN 90 YOUNG PEOPLE ATTENDED KAIROS PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs.,Raymond Rod - 'Geduld, visited on Sun service, 17 Ladle's :were present,' day with .Mr, and Mrs, Robert J. Mrs, George Smith, tho group .Phillips, leader, had charge of the Day of Mrs. Gilbert Plante, Goderich, Prayer service, She chose for her visited on' Sunday evening with helpers, Mrs. Harvey 'Taylor, Mrs, George Hamilton, Miss Ida Leiper, Mrs. Jim Scott Mr, Edgar Leatherland and Sr,, Miss Gladys Leiper, Mrs, friend, of Acton; visited with his Frank McGregor, Mrs. I•Iills, mother, Mrs, Alvin Leatherland, Mrs, Ed. Salverda Jr,, Mrs, Pete. and family over the weck•end. Salverda, Mrs. Trcwin, Mrs, Les. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Johnston, of he Reid, Mrs. Jim Howatt, Miss Goderich, visited on Sunday ev. Jean Leiper, Mrs. George Carter, ening with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Mrs, George Watt, Mrs. Ed. Sal. Johnston. verda Sr., favored with a solo. Miss Ethel Washington and Mrs. Jim Mowatt, president of Mrs, Amos Andrew, of Goderich, the society, had charge of the visited lust Thursday evening business par( of the sleeting with Mrs. Charles Slraughan. %t'hich she opened with a poem, lir. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston 'Marking Time.' The roll call was and Miss Laura Phillips visited taken by Mrs. George Walt and 011 Sunday with Ah'. Durnin Phil - answered by a verse of scripture. lips, at Lurgon Beach. The treasurers Miss Jean Leiper A theatre party was held last and Mrs, Harvey Taylor gave Friday evening in honor of Gail their reports. An invitation to Seers 12th birthday. The little Walton bazaar at 2.30 p.m. on guests were Marie Plunkett, Sher. April 1 31h, was accepted, 11 was on Collins, Lynn 'Turner, Trudy decided to send used greeting Machan, Faye Seers and Jane cards to Mrs. VanEgniond for Bakclaar, use at Ontario Hospital. Moved Mrs. Sam Doer returned honk by Mrs. Scott and Airs, Carter on Saturday after several weeks that our society help with the a patient in Clinton hospital, "father and son" banquet in Mrs. Robert Arthur is a patient Londesboro. Members are re- in Clinton hospital, 1Ve wish her quested to help with the bale 111 a speedy recovery. April. Miss Mary Henderson Windsor, If suitable for the hostess, in spent the weekend with Mr, and future, the meetings will be held Mrs. Maitland Allen, on the last Tuesday of each Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig and month. ' Jeff, of Ilderton, visited with his WINTER WEEKEND Tie Winter Weelo-end of Mr, Ken Scott, of Londesboro, Kairos of the London Conference led in a sing -sang and Mr. Keith held in Knox United Church, Kaiser, of Lucknow, was the ac - Auburn, was a great success when companist. The Vesper service 90 young adults from all over was in charge of Miss Lorene Western Ontario met for their Douglas, of Stratford, second winter weekend. Rev, Don Cornish, of Myer - The chairman of the conferen• ton, was the theme speaker and cc to plan for this event was Mr. led in the discussion groups on Harry Goodwin, of Atwood, a Involement with Others, Involve - former bank employee of Auburn, ment in the Community, and at The program was held in the 111e banquet on Saturday even - Community Memorial Ha11 with ing Involvement in the Church. Vespers and Divine Worship held A hay -ride was enjoyed by the in Knox United Church. After visitors when Mr, Glen Webster uegistering on Friday [vetting, took two large wagon loads on a trip around the district, On Sun- day, Knox United Church was fil- led to capacity for the morning service with Harry Goodwin in TO WALKERBURN CLUB charge. Miss Carolyn Morley, of St, Thomas, president of the Lon- don Co►jferenee Kairos, led in prayer, and the speaker was Miss Joanne Alton, of Crewe. She chose of her text "Where is the Church Going" and based her message on Isaiah 61st chapter, Two anthems were sung by some of the Kairos, "The Lord is My exercises, The minutes were ap• Shepherd" and "The Lord's proved as read by the secretary, Prayer." Mrs, Elliott Lapp. The roll call Following the noon luncheon was answered by the size of your they went to CKNX where they shoe and the prize of the month prepared to present a program was won by Mrs. Ted flunking. on SingrTime. Mists Lorene Letters and a picture from the Douglas, of Stratford, and Miss foster child in Hong Kong was Wilma Harris, of London, were The Walkcrburn Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Arie Duizer with a good attendance of members and friends. The president, Airs. Ted IIun- king, gave a meditation and fol- lowed by prayer for the opening Mrs, Howatt closed the meet- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. circulated and plans were made in charge of the music on the ing witha poem "A Daily Pray Craig, last Saturday, to send her a birthday gift. The program and the soloist was Ken er." Lunch was served by group Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bean, of foster child was writing to thank Scott, of Londesboro. Rev. Don 2. Miss Ida Leiper was organist Carlow, visited on Sunday with the Club for the Christmas gift Cornish interviewed the guests. for the meeting. Airs. William Cory, sent to her. Luncheons and the banquet Plans were made to hold the were served by Units of the U.C. next meeting at the home of 11irs. W, and many homes of the com- munity Dunking and the roll call is munity received weekend guests. to be answered by an Easter ver- se or thought, The program will t AUBURN WORLS DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE be in charge of Mrs, George ,,,..,, MRS. El). DAVIES GUEST SPEAKER AT The Women's World Day of Prayer was held this year in St. Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn, with a good attendance. The theme for the meeting was "Ye are my Witnesses" and this was carried out by the Anglican Guild president, Mrs, Orval Mc- Phee, who led the service. She was assisted by the other presi- dents, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, of Knox Presbyterian Church, '.iirs. Frank Raithby, of the Bap- tist Church, and Airs. Stewart •-•-• H-+-o+•-+-+-r- •+ HULLETT TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA BOARD T TRANSPORTATION TENDER Tenders will be received by the Mullett Township.Public School Area Board for the transporting of approximately 300 Public School Children in Hullett Township School Area, to a Central School to be located in Londesboro, Ontario, For any information regarding Specifications, Terms and Conditions of Tenders, Please Conununicate with Mr. Maur- ice Bean, Auburn, Chairman of the Transportation Com- mittee. Tenders must be submitted not later than 11larclt 12, 1966, and should be clearly marked on the envelope as to the contents, Lowest, or any Tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Secretary -Treasurer, I R.R. No, 1, Londesboro, Ontario. r+i+w-+++ ++4-s-+►+ -.44.4+4-++••.♦•+•••++ 4- I • • f ♦.-.-• +•+•-•••-+-•-+-•+•-o-•+♦ 4+•-4 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Township of llullett for Spraying of Cattle for Warble Fly Control within the Muni cilapitiy, All persons Tendering must comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Warble Fly Spray Act, and Must Carry Insurance, All Tenders To State A Price Per head Per Spray, be Clearly Marked on the Envelope as to Contents, and to be in the Clerk's Office Not Later Than Saturday, March 5, 1966. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk -Treasurer, R.R. No, 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 40-2 4 1 1 4P 1 Amens, vice-president of the Knox United Church Women. The organist for the service was Airs. Gordon R. Taylor, and the ushers were Mrs. Andrew Kirk• Connell and Alrs. Donald Cart• Wright, Airs, Thomas Haggitt read 111e scripture lesson and prayers were taken by Mrs. Don• old Haines, Mrs, Fordyce Clark, Miss Margaret R, Jackson and Mrs, Robert J. Phillips. The speaker of the afternoon was Airs. Ed. Davies, who spoke on the theme "Ye are my. Witnes- ses." She stated that everyone is a witness and said what a good witness should mean to chirst- ians, because our actions and deeds speak louder than words. Barriers that keep people from God must be overcome, ancl dos- ed her message by saying that the challenge is as great today as when Jesus told his disciples. :1 quaret.te composed of Airs. Berl Doran, Airs. John Dacr, Airs. Gordon Chamncy and 111rs. Wes I3radnock sang "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." MACHINERY SAFETY TOPIC AT Jlt. FARMER MEETING 'The February sleeting of the Clinton Junior Farmers was held last week with 16 members an- swering the roll call "Do you use Safety -Chains on Wagons? John Black read the minutes and Mar • - ius Bakker gave the treasurer's statement. 13i11 Henry introduced the guest speaker of the Officer Parrish who showed a film on tractor safety. Following the film, the officer answered several questions pertaining to safety on farm machinery. Marius Bakker thanked him for his interesting film, The Junior Institute met in the Agricultural 1Borrd rooms. The minutes were read b,; Joanne Cook. Miss Betty Irisinga, a hair- dresser, showed how to thin hair and demonstrated on Carol Mc- Ilwain. The meeting was closed by all ropeatiag 1112 Mary Stew. art Collect, A joint meeting was held in the Board Roots with Gordon Gross in the chair. Thy' Ac,.., t ian hickey, read the minutes, Plans were made for. the drama festival and the swine sale was '.-+4- +4-4-$-+-4++•-o-4-4-•±04-4-+-e-+4+4-++-• •-•.+•.+.....-,-.-0+w++•• + discussed, 4 44 Schneider and Mrs. ,Tohn Snyders. The lunch committee is to be Mrs, Donald Sprung, Mrs. Joe Verwcy, Mrs, Leonard Archam- bault and Mrs, Stewart Ament. The program of the 'afternoon was arranged by Mrs. Joe Hunk- ing and Mrs, Ted Hunking and they introduced Mrs, Helen IIog- garth, of Clinton, who demon- strated the use of liquid emnbroid- CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Friday -1:30 (good livestock market) For Truck Information: cid. Lunch was served by Nlrs. P and W Transport John Snyders, Mrs, George Sch- Bill MOSS, Auburn neider, Mrs, Worthy Young and Joe Corey, Clinton Mrs, Lloyd Penfound. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the Supplying and Delivery of 950 lbs. of Warble, Fly Spray Powder, 900 lbs. Must Be In 15 lb. Bags and 50 lbs. Must Be In 1 lb, Bags, This Powder is to be Delivered to the Township Garage in Londesboro Not Later Than March 30, 1966. All Tenders are to contain the Brand Name of the Pow- der Quoted, and all Tenders Must Be Clearly Marked on the Envelope as to the Contents. All Tenders are to be in the Clerk's Office Not Later Than March 5, 1966. Lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted, HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Cleric -Treasurer, R.R..No. 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 40-2 •-• W +44 •4-4-11-•+4-4-•••+44-+4-M4-•44-4-41.44. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT APPLICATIONS Applications will be received by the Township of Hullett for the position of Warble Fly Spray Inspector for the year 1966. The Salary Offered is $1,15 Per Hour and 5c Per Mile while on Township Business. The Inspector should be fam• iliar with the Terms and Conditions of the Warble Fly Spray .tel rand willing to enforce the same. Applications should he Clearly Marked as to Contents and Must Be In The Clerk's Office Not Later than Saturday, March 5, 1966, HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Cleric -Treasurer, R.R. No, 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 40-2 ME•dOL>t BRUCELLOSIS TEST RULE EASED Cattle may now be moved from public stockyards in., some cities without delay after being screen - yd. .for brucellosis, reports. CDA's Jlealllt : 61 _Animals Branch, The -stockyards concerned are: 'Ontario Stock Yards at Toronto; Union Stock Yards at St. Boni - Mee, Man.: Alberta Stockyards .4.. Lethbridge; Alberta Stock- yards Company Ltd. at Calgary; and, Western Stockyards at Ed- monton. 'These stockyards in the past :have been exempted from brucel- losis„control arca regulations in .,order that the normal movement of cattle into the yards would not be hindered. Because of this ex- emption which permitted hand- ling of cattle from untested are- as, all animals arriving at the yards had to be tested for brucel- losis before being moved out. Cattle showing positive reactions to the tests were slaughtered without compensation to the own ors. \Vith initial testing of herds completed iii the . provinces in which .the stockyards are aocatod, the' five yards have now been brought under the control area regulations and cattle can now be moved speedily with a minimum of inconvenience to the owners. Screening tests for brucellosis v, ill be made at the yards but the rattle will no longer be held un - 111 results are known. At the s:4::1 trine, owners will be corn- pensa0d for animals which react to thele tests and have to be slaughtered. Congratulations Congratulations to Air. John McNichol who celebrates his birthday on Saturday, March 5, Congratulations to Terry Ma- dill who celebrates his birthday on Sunday, March 6. �N++ N•+±•-.-. o .-. ++-.+++�.-•-+4++,±.-0-0-+-+-N++ *+- +++ • 4 ATTENTION FARMERS CO ETE From 14 ft. to 55 ft. High Increase your milk production in beef cattle by building a concrete silo for high moisture corn, hay or ensilage. With 35 years of experience, I feel I can fill your need with satisfaction. Contact Immediately Before It's Too Late. Arnold Hugill 5on 92 Cambria Rd, Goderich 524-9437 Collect .” 11 •-4 4++- -•-•-•-• •-•-•-•-•-•-• ••••-•-•-•-•-•-• •+r••/.++1•r•►-40♦. EL �.9 TAKE ADVANTGAE OF MARCH DISCOUNTS BY ORDERING NOW Phones: Wingham 357-2711 Brussels 388W10 THE BLYTH ' STANDARD WrEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1905 Walton News Sixteen tables were at play -at the.: Progressive Euchre sponsor - sed by the Women's Institute last Friday evening in the Commun- ity Hall, Winners were: Ladies high, Mrs. Herb Traviss, low, Airs. Doug Fraser; Gents high, AIr, • Gordon McGavin, low, Mr, Jim Smith; Lucky card draw, Mrs. Alex Dennis. Committee in charge, Mrs, Ron Bennett, Mrs, R. Huather, Mrs. Jim Nolan, Mrs, J. Clark, Mrs. A. McCall, There will be another progressive euch- re March 11 in the hall. Word was received of the death of Mrs, Agnes Henry, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Johnston in her 92nd year, She resided in Stockton, California, and one son, Douglas Proud, sur- vives, also two sisters, Mrs, Car- rie Staples, Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Mrs. George Dundas (Leila) of Walton. Miss Linda Leeming, Mitchell, Master Jeffrey Leeming, McKil- lop, spent the week -end with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Leeming and their father Mr. Ross Leeming, Mrs. Clarence Hudie, of McKil- lop, is a patient in the Stratford General Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, Cyril Johnston and family, London, were Sun- day guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Bob Humphries, London, visit- ed with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Humphries, over the WALTON W. I, MEETING The Walton Women's Institute met in the community hall with the president, Mrs. Roy William- son, presiding, for the business part of the meeting. The mem- hers answered the roll call with a now tea towel. A nominating c„1,!1:':110 was appoiuted, Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs, Torrance ,M s. James McDonald, _,urs. Jan van Vliet Jr,, Mrs, Nel- son Reid. Mrs. George McCall was appointed to go to the Offi- cer3 Conference at Guelph May 4 and 5, ►n:.nittees for the euchre :March 11 to be :Mrs. Gerald Wat- son, Mrs, Frank Walters, -Mrs. iV:ac Sholdice, Mrs. W. E. Turn - bill, Mrs. Ron Bennett, Plans for the visit to I-Iuronview were giv- en by Mrs. Jan van Vliet Jr,, and Mrs. Stewart Hun►phries, Plans for the Fashion Show March 31 were discussed, Mrs, Wm, Hum- phries then presided for the re- mainder of the meeting. A sing- song including the hymn "For all Nations" was led by Mrs. Wm. H.muphrics with Mrs, ITerb Tra- viss at the piano. Mrs. Frank Walters then intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Stanley Bride, of Fordwich, She gave a very interesting account of the wider organization and work of the Institute under the A.C. W.W. Mrs, Donald Buchan- an thanked the speaker, then said a few words about resolu- tions. One she would like to see more about was sprays and insec- ticides that are not labelled: pois- on yet warn you to keep away from children, etc. After a very interesting contest on Brand Nam- es a lunch was served by Mrs, Allan McCall, Mrs, Rae Huether, Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs, Frank Walters, During the evening a display was shown by the 4-H Glub Girls which had been on display at the Achievement Day held in Sea - forth District I-Iigh School recent- ly, Mrs, Nelson Reid introduced Misses Brenda Bewley and Karen McDonald who gave the common• tary on the materials and differ- ent seams used in making sleep- ing garments, CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mrs, Roy Doherty Who celebrates her birth- day on Monday, March 7. Congratulations to Mrs, Ken- neth \Vood who celebrates her birthday on Thursday, March 3. Congratulations to Mr, Norman Gowing who celebrates his birth- day on 'Thursday, March 3. week -end. Mr, Alalcolm 'Eraser who has been convalescing at the Kidd Nursing Home, Seaforth, after returning 'from St, Joseph's Hos- pital, London, is now spending a few weeks with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Fraser, Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Ronnie Ennis, Steven and Leanne, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis. The Boy Scouts, Cubs and their leaders attended Duffs United Church last Sunday morning. The minister, Rev. Arthur Higgin- botham conducted the service. Miss Sherrill Craig and Graeae Craig sang a duct with the organ- ist, Mrs, Varve;' Craig, accom- panying, A father and son banquet in- cluding Boy Scouts, Cubs, fathers and their leaders was held in the basement of Duffs United Church Monday evening. Rev, A, Higgin• both m welcomed the fathers, :.ons and sponsors, and expressed his thanks to the following lead- ers for the work they are doing, Scott Master James Axtmon, assistants, George Hibbert and Bob Campbell. Cub Master, Wil- liam Humphries, assistants, I-Iow- and Hackwell, Douglas Kirkby, Campbell \\'ey introduced the head table guests and James Smith acted as chairman for the evening. A film on "Wild Life in the Alarshes" was shown. Carl Baan, St, Marys, Chairman of Perth District, and Jack Fowler, A.D,C, Mitchell, outlined the 1967 Centennial Tour to the World's Pair and Eastern Provinces. They were thanked by Win. Leeming. Murray Dennis expressed his thanks to the ladies of the 17th and Boundary U.C.W. Unit who catered to the supper. Mrs, Stewart IIumphries is Treasurer, and Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Secre- tary for Scout Organization, Mrs. Nelson Ilegland, of Kin- dersley, Sask., who has spent the winter with her daughter and son•inJlaw, Mrs. and Mr. Won. Roe, returned to her home this week. Mrs. Mel Searle, from Springwater, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Wm. Roc, ac- companied her mother. Air. Robert Scott is visiting with his brother, Mr. Donald Scott, and Mrs, Scott, in St, 'Phomas. Master Stephen Caldwell re- turned home on Tuesday from Sick Children's Iospital, London, \vhere he had been a patient for the past three weeks, Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Philp vis- ited on Sunday with her mother, Airs. MacCorkindale, of Owen Sound. Mr, and Mrs, Amos Ball and Mrs. Charles Adams, Goderich, called on Mr, and Mrs, Walter Cook on Tuesday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Lizzie Snell, of Huronview, is not improving as her many friends would like to see, +-+-+ •+ •-•-•÷•444-•-•44-•4-•-•-•-• •±0444••-•-•-•-•-••-•4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•4 • .JUST ARRIVED FOR SPRING Dresses, 2 or 3 pce. Suits in linen bonded silk knit, crepe and cotton, sizes 9 to 22 112. Blouses in Arnel and Cotton, sizes 10 to 20. Needlecraft Slioppe Blyth, Ont. Phone 523-4351 .+++•4,44-4" 4.4-41-••.-P •-9-'$+-.-+-+4 •.4.41.1+# +4-.-+•••••••+++++.44.......0 ....• JU6E TRS 6[L •1X4LL ON YOUR FAI/1 Arrange now for a Mix -AH demonstration and we'll grind and mix a few tons of feed FREE! We make this offer because we're sure you'll like the Mix -All features: (1) 66 thin hammers that cut . . not pound ... grain and hay to uniform size; (2) variable speed drive on the auger feeder; (3) twice as many hammers per square ,foot of screen area than other mills; (4) fiberglass mixing tank (optional) ... no rusting, no condensation, no feed bridging, no up- keep or color fading; (5) rugged construction from hitch to hopper and mill to mixer. But . • . how about judging this for yourself? Call now to schedule a Mix -All demonstration on your farm. SNELL FEED & SUPPLIES LTD. WZD,NASDAY, M!AIBC$ 2, 196Q TSE $LYTIi STANDARD Business 'Directory BLYTH BEAUTY BAR CUTTING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX WEEK RINSES Phone 523.9341, Blyth Ann Hollinger W. R. HAMILTON Optometrist Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Phone 357.1361 Blake's Welding & Machine P & W TRANSPORT Ltd. Portable Eieetrk & Acetylene Local and Long Distance Wclding, Trucking Also Complete Shop Service 78 King Street Phone 482-7303 VODDEN'S T.V. Sale!. and Service Phone 523-93113 J. E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist CLINTON: MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS 9.30a.m, to 5,30 p.m. 20 ISAAC STREET For Appointment Phone 482.7010 Seaforth Office—Balance of Week Phone 791, VACUUM CLEANERS SALES AND SERVICE Repairs to most popular makes of cleaners and polishers. Filter Queen Sales, Varna, Tel, collect, Hensall 696112. 50.13p,-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, cess -pools, etc, pumped and cleaned. Free Esti- CATTLE SHIPPED ON MONDAY and TIIURSDAY HOGS ON TUESDAY - Trucking to and from Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday. Call 523.9361, Blyth ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker It, John Elliott, Salesman. Phone — Blyth Office 523-4481 — Residence 523-4522, or 523-4323 Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Wingham, Ontario, WANTED:- Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. G. B. CLANCY, O.D. Optometrist mates. Louis Blake, phone 442W6 For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 Brussels, R.R. 2, GODERICII, ONTARIO ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderch, Ontario, Telephone 524-9521 • Box 478 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTH — ONTARIO Office Hours: Monclay, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:00 p,nt, Tuesday and Friday Evenings By Appointment 41111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIHIIIII I(I 111111 I,MIIIIIIIIII Illllllllnllllll III CRAWFORD and SHEPHERD BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CRAWFORD, Q.C. NORMAN SHEPHERD, L.L.B. WINGIIAM and BLYTH In Blyth Each THURSDAY MORNING and by appointment LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY Phones: Blyth 523-4481, Wingham 357-3630 lOiiilrl�llliilfl}liillllN�Iaoiud tliiiu911WIW111M4111WIWII Ull1I111111 !Ih Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH —• ON'TARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, . SICKNESS, ACCIDENT 1VINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.4522 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTI Open Every Afternoon PHONE EXETER Business 235.0620 Residence 235.1384 • M•4-• *• *-•-.1•••-•-•-• • • +-4t••-..t•-•-•-•-•;•-Miy•-• • WE SPECIALIZE IN --- Fish and Chips Steaks and Chops Light Lunches and Confectioneries HURON GRILL Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-4391 '44444444+ +++444444444-04444-4444-0-444 4-4-•444 444444+4 • PROPERTIES FOR SALE WILFRED McINTEE Real Estate Broker Walkerton, Ontario, 100 acres in Hullett, Largo barn, good house, hydro, water pressure and implement shed. 300 acres in East Wawanosh, 2 sets of buildings, 100 acres in Ilullett Township, close to Blyth. VICTOR KENNEDY Blyth, Ontario. Phone: 523-4403 FUEL OIL 24 Hour Service For everything in PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TIRES • BATTERIES • ETC. PHONE COLLECT: Office 482-9653 PAO Pm CLASSIFIED SECTION LIONS CLUB BINGO Harborlight Inn, Goderich, Wed n,esdiy, March 9th, at 8.30 p.m, 17 regular games for $10,00; share the wealth; $50,00 jack pot; anu the new accelerating jack pot up to $250. Admission $1,00. 36tf MORRIS TOWNSHIP TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, March 7, 1966 for spraying cattle under the Warble Fly Control Act in the Township of Morris. 'fender to state price per head for spraying. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. MRS. IIELEN D. MARTIN, Clerk, Morris Township, Belgrave, Ontario. 40-2, After hours and holidays to: TOWNSHIP OF IIULLETT Residence 482-9290 JOE PUTTER B. P. CANADA LIMITEI) CLINTON, ONT. Anyone wishing to pay their account may do so at The Can- adian Imperial Bank of Commerce DEAD STOCK SERVICES IIIGIIEST CASA ]'RICES PAID FOR SICK DOWN OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old horses — 4e per pound PHONE COLLECT 133, Brussels. BRUCE MARLATT or GLENN GIBSON, Phone 523.4344 Blyth (24 hour service) Plant Licence No. 54-R.P,-61 Collector Licence No. 88-G61 DOREEN+S BEAUTY SHOPPE Styling, Tinting, Cutting and Cold Waves Doreen McCallum Phone 523-4511, Blyth, Ont. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Open Tuesday through Saturday FO „e R HIGHER \. BEEFPOWER Trrr SILAGE i` PLANT FUNK'S -G LI HAROLD McCLINCHEY 11.I1. 1, Auburn • ]'hone 526.7534 NOTICE Clinton Hospital Auxiliary tick - es now available at The Standard Office, Membership 25c, Meetings are held in Clinton the first Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. In the nurses residence, Anyone interested in attending the meet- ings are welcome. 41-1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the boys that helped me with my books while I had my foot in a cast and also a special thanks to Dr. Newland, Clinton, 41•lp, —Donald Machan, CARD OF THANKS 1Vc wish to thank the Blyth Fire Department and all -others who assisted al the fire last Wed- nesday, and also help that, has been received since, 11 was all greatly appreciated, 41-1p. —The Creightons. TENDERS FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL Sealed ']'enders will be receiv- ed by the undcroigned until 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, March 5, 1966, to crush and haul approximately 14,000 cubic yards of a/ti inch material, Gravel to be supplied by the Township, Work to be completed by September 30, 1966, and must be done to satis- faction of the Road Superintend- ent. Crusher to be shovel fed. A certified cheque for $300,00 to accompany each tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DOES AN AVON REPRESEN- LEONARD CALDWELL 'DATIVE CALL ON YOU? Road Superintendent, We may need someone In your Londesboro, Ontario. neighborhood, No obligation write 40-2 or phone collect MRS. M. MILLSON, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 451.0541. 41-5 LOST Wrist watch at I3roomball game Thursday night. Finder please contact Con van Vliet, phone 523.9477 Blyth, 41 -Ip FOR SALE 2 Bathroom Units at $30.00 per unit, Each consists of a tub, sink and toilet. Apply Franklin Bain - ton, phone 523.9395 Blyth, 41.1 WANTED Used piano, In good condition. Mrs, Jasper Snell, phone 523-9379 Blyth, 41-1 FOR SALE Cob corn and baled hay. Waite Cunningham, phone 528.7597, A burn, 41 r u• -2 FOR SALE 9 good pigs, 8 weeks old, Bud Chamney, phone 526.7799 Au- burn. 41-1 FOR SALE 20 good pigs, Apply John Ben• jamins phone 523-4278 Blyth, 41.1 FOR SALE 2 Holstein bull calves; also baled straw. Phone 523-9229 Blyth, 41•lp HELP WANTED Secretary -Treasurer for Huron County Federation of Agriculture. Apply in person to the office 70 Ontario Street, Credit Union Building, Clinton, Ont, (Back En- trance) between 1.30 and 4 p,m. March 9th, 1966. 41.1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Registered and high Grade Holsteins, Dairy Equipment and Machinery selling for Lynn Mor• rison at South half of Lot 40, Concession 12, East Wawanosh, one mile ]Vest and two miles South of Wingham on MONDAY, MARCH 7 at 1 P,M. CAT'T'LE — 9 Registered cows, rich in Perseus, Eminent and Style Master blood lines, 2 new milkers, 5 due time of sale, 2 late March; 13 grade cows, 5 fresh in February, balance due in March and April, bred to A, I. sires. This is a high producing herd with plenty of size and condition; 10 open heifers; 5 yearling heif- ers; 5 Holstein steers; 8 calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT — 300 gallon Mojonnier Bulk Milk Cool- er (like new); Universal 2, twit milker; drain racks; pails; strain- er; etc. IMPLEMENTS — Massey Har- ris No. 33 High Arch Tractor with live PTO, live hydraulic, and tool bar, loader, and mounted two row corn cultivator; M. 11. No., 30 Standard Tractor; 3 furrow LH.C. plow on rubber with hydraulic lift; 1 H.C. 81/2 fool power Lift cutivator on rubber (new); M. H. semi -mounted 7 foot mower; M. 1, side rake, 4 bar, on rubber; John Deere No. 25 seven foot P.T.O. combine; 15 foot grain auger with motor; Oliver tractor spreader, 90 bushels; Champion snow blower; tractor chains; 6 section drag harrows; 2 wheel trailer; 10 inch Case hammer mill and 38 foot endless belt; steel stone boat; platforms scales; 100 gal. gas tank with pump; chain saw; power lawn mower; 1949 Ford coach; electric drill and small tools; Beattie feed cart TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS (new); hydro operated electric APPLICATIONS fencer; 2 fencers; sprayer; water Applications for Inspector to bowls; steel and cedar fence supervise the Warble Fly Spray- posts; prayposts; forks; shovels; feed bar- ing program In the Township of rels; etc, Morris will be received by the FEED — 1000 bales mixed hay; undesigned until 12 noon, March 500 bales straw; 7 ton mixed 7, 1966. grain;, 15 ton cob corn, Any application not necessarily TERMS CASH accepted, No R_serv.;. MRS. HELEN 1), MARTIN, Lynn Morrison, Proprietor, Clerk, Morris Township, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Belgrave, Ontario. George Powell, Clerk, 40-2 40.2. FOR SALE Hereford bull, from Purebred stock, 3 years old. A.Passehier, phone 523.9538 Blyth.' 41•lp FOR SALE 3 Holstein bull calves, Tony de Boer, phone 523-9277 Blyth. 41-1 FOR SALE Good quality. potatoes. Caldwell, phone 523-9547, Ralph Blyth. 41-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES' EDMUND MARSHALL, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF IIULLETT, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, RETIRED FARMER, All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 1st day of April, 1966, after which dale the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, Barristers, 18 The Square, GODER1CH, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate, 41-3 THE CORNER SHOP, WINGHAM Nearly New Shop 11'111 be open for business Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoons, and Friday nights, from March 10 — May 28, except Saturday, May 21. We will sell your good, clean, used spring and summer clothing for a 30 percent commission — also any other good, saleable, articles, Proceeds for the Presbyterian Church Building Fund, 111 1111 1111111111111 IIIIWVWllWIIWllVll1mmuilWVWllWIIIIiIWIIlWIIUIIIVi1VIiIWIIVIIIfIIWIIIIIIIIIIWIIIWIWIi lmOSERBElRI 11111 r,, C s1X► .THE ,BLYTH STANDARD -WEDNESDAY, , M4i CH::2-,. 19G5 - ERIC BRADLEY CHOSEN MEAFORD STUDENT DONNYBROOK Congratulations to Mr, Jack Congratulations to Mr, Dennis Ladd who celebrates his birthday Waymouth who celebrates his LEADER Mr, and Mrs, Frank Campbell, on Thursday March 3. birthday on Friday, March 4, of London, visited last weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Erie Bradlee, ..18, a Grade 12 places, on private property as Charles Jefferson, . special. commercial student at well as public places, all across Miss Mary Jefferson, London, Meaford District High School was the land, Let us brag It -little More Mr. and Mrs, Sam Jefferson and selected student leader by• the about our great land of beauty Donald, Newmarket, Miss Irene school principal and staff, and opportunity. Let the people Jefferson, Goderich, visited over • Eric plans to become a chef of Canada be educated so that the weekend ‘sith Mr. and Mrs. after graduation. our abundant wealth in the fields Hilliard Jefferson and family, • • • In school he has been an active of music, art and other cultural Congratulations to Mr. and . member of the drama club, the endeavors, be received in Canada Mrs. Murray Wilson on the birtJh -ski club 'and advertising manager with pride and appreciation, of a baby boy, Daryl Murray, on • of the school yearbook. Ile is also Then, let our achievements be re- Thursday, February 24, 1966, in an active member of the United cognized in all parts of the world Wingham and District Hospital, Church Young People.. as truly Canadian. a brother for Gregory and Scott. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald "Because of the increasing op• Miss Marie Josling, Stratford, Bradley, of Meaford, he has chos• portunities in travel and commn• and Mr. Neil Jesting, Goderich, en to write on Canada's Center• Motions, we are seeing the called on their sister, Mrs. Wes - Mal: world as our forefathers never ley Jefferson and family on Sat - "Canada is preparing for her dreamed possible, Let us not let urday. Master Brian Jefferson is 100th birthday; it will be an ex. Canadians think of themselves as visiting with his grandparents, citing event. The youth of today someone's poor cousin or dutiful Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Josling, of will see Canada's past lauded and daughter, Let us arm ourselves Londesboro. paraded before us. We shall look with patriotic zeal and love of Miss Gladys Jefferson, Goder- backward with pride at what our country so that all the world will ich, visited over the weekend forefathers have built. over the recognize Canadians as superior with Mr. and Mrs, .lames Leddy. century. in every field of endeavour. Most Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney "Let it also be a time when important of all, let us be rec• and family visited on Sunday we look to the future with anti• ognized as peace -loving, human. with Mr. William Webster and cipation and determination, when ity-loving people %vho call Can- Mr. and Mrs. George Webster we, as parents, will raise the next ada 'home.' and family, of St. Helens. generation to think -- 'Canada "Let our Canadian national Mrs, Cecil Chamney, of Wing- ® MEM Elconlll®ITHEMBEEMEEEIEBBEIRIIIIIIIMEICEMBr First, Foremost and Always.' birthday mark the rebirth of a ham, is visiting with her daugh- "We need to be less conserva• real Canadianism," ter, Mrs. Sam Thompson, Mr, tive in our thinking and feelings Eric is a grandson of Mrs. 'Thompson and family, about being Canadian. Let us be• Sadie Cuming, Blyth. Mr. Wesley Jefferson had the inion flag. Fly it proudly in many uneck your label date! 1 gin by taking pride in our Dom- _,,, misfortune to break his collar NEW and USED bone on Saturda night while + playing brnomball and is in Clin. t ..t VALUES ton Public Hospital, + Masters Gregory incl Scott Wil -t 1966 PONTIAC 4 door, automatic trans. son are staying with their grand- t parents, Mr, and Mrs, Hilliard 1966 COMET 4 door, standard transmission Jefferson while their mother is II1966 METEOR Rideau 4 door in the hospital, ; A few ladies met at the home ; 1966 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 door, V 8, auto - of Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson on nlatic transmission Wednesday afternoon and started a quill for the U.C.W. The quill ;; 1965 CHEV. 4. door, automatic transmission was finished by the ladies on 1965 FORD Galaxy 4 dr., hard top, V8, 500 Thursday afternoon while the annual Sunday School meeting ;, .1965 FORD Custom 4 door, auto. transmission aluu ilig wkuuiiulfEMfImlERIMI IMME011mMIIIfIISluiammiWuwgu Ilu. ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS and VETERINARY SUPPLIES NIXON'S--- Scourex Tablets• $1,75, $3.00 and $8,50 New Scourex Tablets $3,75 Calcium Phosphate .... $1,25 and $5.50 Pellagrex Paste .. $1.50, $3.50 and $10.00 lBloat and Colic Remedy $1,75 FRANKLIN --- Vitamin A $1,50 Vitamin A,D E $6.25 Blood Stopper $1,65 Wound Dressing $1,35 Dehorning Paste 90 DR. BELL'S Medical Wonder $1.75 Veterinary Hypodermic Syringes and Needles, Injectable Penicillin and supplies always in stock, RD. PHILP, Phm.B DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER — Phone 523.4440, Islyth III III 111 111 ••+e•e-•-e-e•e e -e -e•• -e -++-e e -e +-.-o +++-re-.-+, SPECIALS THROUGHOUT THE STORE 1111111► GET IN ON THESE BARGAINS BEFORE THE RISE IN TAX Dresses at Reduced Prices. Blouses and Skirts. ,rackets and Stretch Slims. 1 Lot of Brassieres and Girdles, Half Price. Ban Lon Cardigans and Pullovers $3.95 Rubber Overshoes, all at 20 Per Cent Off. "Exclusive Dealer for Tip Top Tailors" Fhe Arcade Store PHONE 523-9411 BLYTH,. ONT. "The House of Branded Lines and Lower Prices" • e +.. �+ e + +++ +• 04-444-4-411-•-•-04-44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• •-++•-+-+-e-+-• Lyceum -- Wingham 1 2 COMING ATTRACTIONS •. ••44 0.M... 0 "Strange Bedfellows" - "Thunderball" "Country Music On Broadway" "Tickle Me" - "Boeing -Boeing" "Cincinnati Kid" - "Red Line 7000" "Do Not Disturb" .-+-•-04 • . •4 0-0 •-4-4.4-•-4.4 • • • $4 •�. was held. Sunday School offi- cers are as follows: Superintend- ent, Airs, E. Snowden; Secretary - Treasurer, Airs, T. Armstrong; Pianist, i\lrs. H. Jefferson; Teach- ers: Kindergarten, Mrs, S. Cham- ney, hamney, Mrs, J. Small, Mrs, '1'. Arm- strong; rmstrong; Primary, Mrs, S, Thomp- son, Mrs, H. Jefferson, Mrs, M. Johnston; _Juniors, Mrs. E. Robin- son, Airs. Wm. Hardy; Intermed- iates, Mrs. J, Ledcly, Mrs. W. Jefferson. OBITUARY JAMES SPIVEY Mr. James C. Spivey, 72, of Morris Township passed away on Friday, February 18, 1966, at Vic- toria hospital, London, He was born in England, and came to Canada at the end of the First World War and farmed in Morris since that time. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Lillian Saunders; three sons, John, of Ingersoll; Wilfred, of Point Edward; James at home; a sister in England, The funeral service was held 4 Blyth, Ontario. from the D. A. Rann funeral t home Brussels, on Monday at 2 N-+-•-e-+-+-+-+-+-•-0-o-4-0-e•e+0-+•e-0++++-0-4-0-4 -44-•4.0-4-0-40-e••-0.01•e•+-.•0 p.m. Interment in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Ethel. 1964 CIIEVELLE 4 door, automatic trans. „ 1964 CHEV Impala 4 door, hard top 1961 CHEV. 2 door, automatic transmission 196=1 CHEV. 4 door., automatic transmission 1964 CHEV. 4 door, auto. trans., 6 cylinder 1963 PONTIAC 4 door, 6 cyl, auto. trans. 1963 CHEV. 4 door, automatic transmission • 1.963 MERCURY 4 door, stan, transmission 1962 CHEV. 2 door, 6 cylinder .; 1962 ZEPHER ;; 1962 FORD Galaxy 4 door, star. trans, 1960 AUSTIN 4 door 1960 CHEV. 4 door, 6 cyl., auto. trans. 1960 METEOR Standard Transmission 1959 FORD Standard Transmission. 1959 FORD 4 door, automatic transmission 1958 PONTIAC Station Wagon 5 111ar e Phone 523-9581 • 1' H 12.0 WELL WOf,Y HARD WITH ALLOW MIGHT, 'to NEEP COSTS DOWN /F YOUR BUDGET'S T/GHT" •44+4 4 4 4 44-44-0-+-0-0-0 0-+-0-+-0-1+.-x+ •-0.•-0.4 4••44-0•+•4-0.0-•-N-, 1 1 Special 11111.1111111111111111,11„11111 111111111.1.111111111111.1 IIIA 11111111511111111111111111,1111111511111111111111115111 111111 111111 r 'l• BONE and SIRLOIN STEAK A Saving At Only per lb. 93c Coleman's SIDE BACON II 1 lb. pkg. 99c SPECIAL PRICES on QUARTERS of BEEF t, cut and wrapped --- ready for your t freezer. 4 • 4 • t BLYTH ME T T We Deliver All Orders, Large or Small Phone 523-4551 Blyth, One, •WE,DNItittA,Y', Nl1A d '2, 1960 BELGRAVE AND DISTRICT NEWS HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST 'WEEI MIss Margaret Nicholson spent the weekend with Miss Margaret It loses, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Annerieo Arrttda and, Maria, of Toronto, visited for the weak -end with her parents, Alt., and Mrs. Cliff Logan. Mr. and Mrs, John Spivey and family, of Ingersoll, visited for the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Procter, Last week Alrs, Ted Fear at- tended the Provincial Leadership Forum held at Geneva Court in Orillia, The 4th line group of the U.C. W, are holding a bake sale in the arena on Friday, March 4, at 3 p.m, Miss Ruth Michie, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Michie, for the weekend, Mrs. Bob Procter visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Speakman, Toronto, and other re. latives. Euchre Party At Orange Hall A very good crowd was on hand for the postponed euchre party sponsored by -the Orange Lodge, Belgrave, held in the Community Centre, Friday evening, February 25, There were 13 tables in play. Iligh lady, Alt's. Howard Walker, Novelty, Mrs. Harold Procter, Low, Mrs. George Walker; Iligh man, Harold Procter, Novelty, Elmer Bruce, Low, Ivan Wheel- er. Special prizes for the lady with the birthday nearest to the card party date was, Mrs. Ger- shom Johnston, and for the gen. tleman, Bob ITiggins, Lunch was served by members of the Orange Lodge. Euchre Club Winners The euchre club met on Wed- nesday evening, February 23, in the Community Centre with 8 tables in play. Iligh lady, Mrs. Jim Currie, Novelty, Mrs, Jessie Wheeler, low, Mrs. Winnie Smith; IIigth man, C. R. Coultes, Novelty, Jesse Wheeler, low, Alex Leav• er, Explorers Meeting The Explorers met Sunday morning during the regular hour of worship in the church base. ment, The game "Lions and Leop• DANCE In Legion Hall, Clinton FRIDAY, MARCH 4th Music By THE RANCH BOYS Sponsored by the Huron County Farmers' Union 40-2u. Please Check The Label On This Paper Ards" Was enjoyed, President, Brenda Johnston, opened With hymn, purpose, motto and `prayer. The leader introduced the story from the study book "They Lived Their Love" and Mrs, Laura Johnston read the story "Long Fight for Freedom" which tells about Chief Albert Luthuli, who is the leader of the liberation movement in South Africa and who in 19(10 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Barbara Cook gave the call to worship followed by a hymn, Scripture was r?ad by Gaial Mayberry, Meditation and prayer was led by the lead- er. The offering was received by Nancy Anderson, and dedicated by Barbara. The roll call and minutes were read by Grant Vin• cent, the treasurer's report was given by Evelyn Bieman, The world friends weer given out by Carol Walker. Messengers Meeting The Belgrave Messengers met on Sunday morning, February 27' in the junior Sunday- School room, The motto and prayer op- ened the meeting the theme being "Being a Friend," The hymn "Jesus Loves Me" was sung. Scripture lesson was .taken from John 15 verses 12 to 17, this was followed by prayer, Story time was taken by Mrs. Wilfred Walk• er and Mrs, Gordon Pengelly The group then worked on their pos• ter illustrating "River Bend" which is taken from their story. Benediction closed the meeting, The Junior Messengers met and opened with a sing song. A story was read by Mrs. James La- mont. The group then coloured valentines and Rhonda Fear showed them how to snake book marks. Games were enjoyed. THD BaitrH sfimkrivinD TV VIEWS (by 'William Whiting) *Bruen Irvin can he labelled "an always successful gambler," IIe 'was a recent guest on The Pierre Berton Show, seen in this area on Channels 9 In Toronto, and 10 in London, Ile has never worked • • always making his money by gambling, using a "perfect system" which was left to him by a relative. It was a lengthy document, quite involved and centred around mathematics, Mr. Irwin stated that the system must be followed to the letter or it will not work. I -[e claims that a gambler can lose 27 straight times before making a win, This, he said is seldom, but on one oc- casion he had 22 straight losses before making a win and then went on to gain back what he had lost and made a profit as well, He plans to give up gambling and is writing a book which re- veals his "perfect system," Ber- ton made the statement that the gambling operators in Las Vegas wouldn't be loo happy about this, but Irwin replied that out of ev- ery v.ery hundred people who try the system, only two will come out on top. People are greedy, and he's convinced that most people will deviate from the "perfect system" to try, and make a for. lune. The subject of gambling is fas• cinating to many and as you may have guessed, I was completely awed by this man's story, I con• tasted AIr. Irwin a few days after the program and he agreed to meet me for an interview. Next week I'll write about what I expect to be a very inter• esting meeting. WESTFIELD NEWS ITEMS Miss Sherry Verbeek returned home from the hospital in Lon- don, Air, Harold Campbell, Guelph, also Mr. Don McDowell spent the week -end with their families, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDowell and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Amos Ball and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams also Miss Vera Wilkins, .Goderich, on Sun - clay. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunning - harm and boys, Auburn, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Walden on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDowell and family visited with Mr, and Mrs, Ron Baer, Carlow, Wednes- day' evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Taylor, Brus- sels, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and daughter, Mr. Lyle Smith., of Kit- chener, visited with Afr. and Mrs, Charles Smith on Sunday. Mrs, Cliff Logan, Belgrave, Airs. Anuda and babe, Toronto, Dack's A SHOE FOR COMFORT, WEAR AND STYLE An ideal combination for the man who likes good footwear. R. W. Madill's SHOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up at Madill's on Thursday and Saturday LUCKY CALENDAR NUMBER:- 2230 „ 41 4144-44-4-41.44 44 4 4+4444444-444+,44+4-4,+4.-v. visited with Mr. and _Mrs. Harvey McDowell Saturday, Mr, Ray Hanna attended the annual convention of Agriculture Societies in the King Edward Ho- tel, Toronto, Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Murray McDowell and Heather, Cookstown, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. Mc- Dowell on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Eric Vogl and Shannon Maria, London, visited Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Smith at the weekend, Master Mark Vogl returned home with thein, LONDESBO'R0 Mrs, Robert Fairservice and Ann motored to Detroit last week for a week -end visit with Mr, and Mrs, David Malt., Miss Barbara Niedrauer, of Willa, spent last weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon. She expects to leave in March for a five year term on a mission field in Zambia, East Africa, sponsor- ed by the United Church of Can. ada. Barbara is a friend of Miss Vera Lyon. The Cheerio Club spent an en- joyable afternoon last Wednes- day at the home of Mrs, Mary Robinson, Miss Linda Thompson spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs, Val Townsend, Toronto, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wood, and remained - for a few days visit with Mrs. Robert Townsend and Mrs. Bentham. - Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson, of Wroxeter, spent last Thursday with Mrs. Bert Allen, Mrs, Laura Lyon went to Clin- ton Hospital on Monday for a check up. We hope she will soon be her usual sell', CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mrs. J. A, I-Iiggins who celebrates her birth- day on Friday, March 4. Congratulations to Mr. Jack Stewart who celebrates his birth• daily on Saturday, March 5. - 1)Adk Wax WALTON LADIES U.C.W. GENERAL MEETING Tho monthly meeting of the U.C.W. of Duffs United Church was hold Ind Friday in the Sun- day School room. Mrs, Gordon AicGavin presided opening with the reading of Psalm 3 in unison followed by meditation And pray- er, rayer, Mrs. Campbell Wey read the secretary's report and Thank -You notes were read by Mrs, N. Marks, Mrs. Kenneth McDonald gave the financial statement. clip sheets' on Lotteries and Drugs were presented and it was decided to have a form drawn up and signed by the different Unit members and send to Parliament, The Presbyterial will be held in Wesley Willis Church, Clinton, on March 22, with delegates Mrs. John Burch and Mrs. Charles Mc. Cutcheon. The Easter Thankof• fering will be held Sunday even- ing, March 27, commencing at 8.00 p.m. with Rev. A. Johnston, of Brussels, as guest speaker. Guests for the evening will be Brussels .United Church, Seaforth United Church, Moncrief, Angli• can ladies, and a special invita- tion is given to the men, Lunch will consist of sandwiches, squat.• es or tarts with the 17 and Boun- ary serving and McKillop pro. gram committee to look after pro- gram. Each Unit to be responsi- ble for a number. Mrs. A. McDonald gave, a re- port of Presbyterial meeting at r44444#40444 I friday, March 18th Clinton. London U,C,W, Confer - once will be held March 2109, 30 at Wingham, Walton U.C.W. will serve cookies the last day of eon• ference in Wingham, Each group will loo kufter thehe and are to be left at Mrs. N. Reid's bj' Tues- day, March 29. The Meeting closed with -prayer by iVIrs, 0. McGavin, 00 OBITUARY WILBUR M. JEWITT Mr. Wilbur M. Jewitt, 49, of R, R, 1, Clinton, passed away on Thursday, February 24, 1966, in Seaforth Community Hospital. Surviving are his' wife, the for- mer Elma Leitch; sons, Ronald, Gary, Beverley and Brian, at home; daughter, Glenyce, at home; sisters, Mrs, Alma Banks, Hazenmore, Sask.; Mrs. Gordon (olive) Halliday, Rosetown, Sask,; Mrs, Clarence (Helen) Mellroy, Shellbrook, Sask.; Mrs. Elwood (Marjorie) Spicer, Regina; Mrs. Frank (Jeannie) Steele, Calso, Sask.; brother, Lloyd, Beaver. lodge, Alberta. Funeral service was held at 2 p.m. on Moday at the G. A. Wt's• ney funeral home conducted by Rev. R. J. Tschanz, of the Lon- desboro United Church charge. Temporary entombment, Pign- eer Memorial Mausoleum Sea - forth. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL Sponsored by Blyth Canadian Legion Branch 420 Music By IAN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Lunch Counter in the Hall 4 4 • • ••• DRINK MORE MILK If You Like To Stay Healthy Drink Fresh Milk Daily * Cream Top * Homogenized * Skim Milk * Chocoltte Milk * Whipping Cream * Table Cream * Cottage Cheese * Buttermilk Ask For 2% Milk. BLYTH DAIRY, Phone 523-4531-- Blyth, Ont. rN♦+ THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY { rt A'Mti'{1�, CQMPANYp SEAFORTH Office —• Main Street Insures; * Town Dwellings, * All Classes of Farm Prop- erty. * Summer Cottages * Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc,) is also avail- able. AGENTS: James Keys, 11 R 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm, Leiper, Jr,, Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth, '••-H 4.++4 •÷444-444-444444444-44444-4-44-44± } 1 I PAGE EIGHT COOK'$ *FOOD MARKET Carnation Milk, save 6c, .. 2 large tins 31c Robinhood Flour, 7 lb., save 10c 69c Clover Leaf Fancy Solid White Tuna, save 8c 7 oz. tin 39c York Choice Tender Peas, save 10c 2 - 20 oz. tins 39c Scott Family Pack Toilet Tissue, save 14c 4 roll pkg. 39c Nestle's Quick Chocolate, 10c off label 1 Ib. tin 55c Aylmer Tomato Catsup, save 9c 2 - 11 oz. bottles 39c, Aylmer Tomato Soup, save 5c, 4 -10 oz. tins 49c Crisco Pure Vegetable Shortening, 7c off label 3 lb. tin 1.19 McCormick's Sodas, Saltines, plain or salted 2 - 1 lb, pkgs. 69c York Peanut Butter, 3 Ib. jar 99c Maple Leaf Detergent, 24 oz. bottle Buy One for 89c, Get One Free. Ivory Soap 1 bar free with 4 for 45c Schneider's Steakettes per lb. 59c Turkeys, 6 to 12 lbs. per Ib. 49c Weston's i•Iu to Ruffs, reg. 39c ... now 35c I�loritla White or Red Grapefruit .. 5 for -13c New Texas. Carrots, 2 - 20 oz. bags 35c Tender Green Onions .. .... 2 bunches 19(; Other Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Telephone 523-4421 --- We Deliver 1 THE BL'YTH STANDARD WORLD DAY OF PRAYER AT NOTICE The campaign for Goderich Community Concert memberships is on this week, The executive is pleased to announce that the Canadian Opera Company has been booked for the spring con- cert 1967. The company will pre- sent Die Fledermaus (The Bat) by Johann Strauss, a comic opera in three acts, to be sung in Eng- lish. Other concerts will be an - nautical later. Anyone interest- ed please phone Blyth 4392 not later than noon on Saturday, March 5th. DUFFS UNITED CIIURCII The World Day of Prayer was held in Duffs Uit.cd Church, Wal- ton, Friday afternoon, February 25. IIi's, Gordon McGavin assist- ed by Mrs, Margaret Hamplvies was in charge of the program. Mrs, G. McGavin introduced the World Day of Prayer by giv- ing iwing the origin of it and Mrs. l,I. 11utuphries gave the call to Ivor - ship taken from Psalm 19: 1.3 and Psalm 96: 7.9. llytnn "All People that on Earth Do Dwell" was sung with Mrs, Martin Baan at the piano, Mrs. John E&trch • took as her part "Adoration and Thanksgiving" besides two 'pas- sages of scripture from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, from chap- ter 6, verses 1-8, when Isaiah hears the call to begin his life work to be a speaker for God, and from Ohapter 43: 10.12, when the discipline of humiliation and suf- fering has done its work upon the nation earlier described as being deaf and blind but which is now called upon by God to be ;; his witness. ;; Hymn "Come Let us to the Lord our God" was sung, Mrs, T Wm, Coutts led the Confession • and Penitence with prayer, re- sponsive reading, I-Iymn "Jesus Calls us O'er the Tumult" and scripture reading taken from St. Johns Gospel Chapter 15. A. mus- ical number was given by Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, violin, and Mrs, Herb Traviss at the piano and then both joining in a duet. Dedication n • MActrs. IIaofrold Bolger was in indicating the relationship between God and • ' 1-Iis people by these words "Ye are my witnesses and my servant. ' whom I have chosen." "Lord of • Light Whose Name Outshineth" was sung. The offering was talc - en by Mrs. A. Coutts and Mrs. . Stewart Humphries and dedicat- ed followed by hymn "Ye Ser- •. vants of God Your Master Pro- claim." Mrs. A, McDonald introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Allan Me- a Taggart, of Monerief, who took : as her thence "Ye are My Witnes• ses" and explained that it meant • to be able to speak with confi• ;; dense about something we are sure of, something we have prov- ed by personal experience and that springs from a Christ cent• 1 red life. Il means involvement -i•-•-••NN-•-•-•••.-•-4-444••-7A1i••-.-•i-•-••-•-•-•1rti♦ in every sphere of life, society, ` H-• 44•++-• H+fe ••.. •-.-aH •-•-•-•-••-•-•-• • ++4++ • Phone 523-9332 F OD MA KET We Deliver SPECIALS --- BIGGER and BETTER THAN EVER Weston's Fresh Mealtyme Bread, white or brown 5 for 1.00 "The Tea" by Lyons, save 10c, Spec. 30s 35c Maple Hill Spread Cheese, real buy, 1 lb. pkg. 59c All Soda Biscuits, reg. 41c, Spec. 1 lb, pkgs. 2 for 69c Eatmore Wheatberries, reg. 53c, Special 5 lbs. 39c Graham Wafers, McCormick's .. , 2 boxes 69( Combination Deal, 5 lbs. White Sugar, 4 112 lbs. Brown Sugar, 1 sale each, for only 89c Fresh Head Lettuce Fancy Vine Ripe each 25c Tomatoes, per ib. 25c ORDER EARLY--- Fresh Beef Roasts per lb, 55t Bruce Packers or Coleman's Weiners per ib, 49c Fresh Ground hamburg , .. , per lb55c +4+4+4+�. • iI politics, education, industry, commerce, recreation, etc. There is no area in life that should be left untouched by Christian in- fluence. People should be inter- ested in their highest well-being and be ready to help whenever possible. A poem was read "Who is my neighbour" and brought out the idea that living witness or commitment- seem to be more of a witness than before. There is a change in traditional ideas attendance at church and attend- ance at U.C.W. Our job of Christ- ian witness should begin when we leave church. Mrs, Wm. Roe thanked the speaker for her very inspiring address. Mrs, Roy Williamson gave the Intercession and Mrs, Harvey Craig read the requests of pray- er from the women of Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, Hymn "The Day Thou Gayest" was sung, Mrs. G. McGavin voic- ed her appreciation to the speak- er, the ones taking part in the service and the special music, Rev. A. Higginbotham spoke of a social discussion to be held Mar- ch 6 in the Blyth United Church. A cordial invitation is extended. CARD OF TIIANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors who sent cards and treats and those who visited me While I was a patient in Clinton IHIospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace and. the nursing staff. 41-1, —Agnes Taylor. IN MEMORIAM GOVIER—In loving memory of a clear mother and grandnioth- er, 11'II's. 1\lurvin Govier, who 'passed away four years ago March 8, 1962, God gave us a wonderful mother Her memory will never grow old, Ire fashioned her smile out of sunshine And moulded her heart of pure gold. He needed a new star in Heaven A beautiful light to shine, And out of this world of sorrow, He took that dear mother of ours. —Lovingly remembered and sadly 'missed by her family, 41-1 p IN MEMORIAM WALDEN --1n loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Win. Walden, who left us March 4, 1952, also our dear father, Win. Walden who left us March 14, 1963. They are both so safe with Jesus DOW lis so Wonderful to know, For they're safe for all Eternity And we want others to know, And we know that some glad CARD OF TIIANKS to -morrow I would like to thank my .lire shall all meet once again; friends and neighbors for cards, Ind there will be no parting, visits and flowers while I was a 'Neither grief nor pain. patient in Clinton Hospital. Spe- -To clearly loved to be forgot- tial thanks to Dr, Addison and 2n, from all their loved one's. the nursing staff. 41.1p 41-1. —Sibyl McDougall. WEDNESDAY, MM H 2, 1035 IN MEMORIAM GOVIIDR--In loving memoty of a dear slaughter and sister, Mrs, Murvin Govier, who departed this lite four years ago March lith, 19(12, Memory lane is a lonely lane, Where thoughts are ever true, Along this way, we'll evor stray Because dear, it leads to you; Gone are vhe clays we used io Mare, But in our hearts you're always; here, Treasured memories will always stay. .—Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her mother, sis- ters ancl brothers, 41-1p TIIANK YOU 1 would like to take this way of thanking all my neighbors and friends for the cards, gifts and all the good wishes sent to me while 1 was a patient in Westminster hospital, London. 41.1 p—Ilarold Livingstone. IN MEMORIAM II!IIONS—In loving memory of .a dear sister, Margaret I-Iirons, who passed away April 9, 1963, raid a brother, .lim Iiirons, who passed away March 1, 1964. —Always remembered by Inez, Jessie and IIubert. 41-1 CARD Oh TIIANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for all their kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received in our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. A, Johnston and the Un- ited Church ladies who served lunch. —Mrs. James Spivey and fam- ily. 41-1 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my neigh- bors and friends who remember- ed me with cards, treats, visits, and kindness done for me, while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. 41-1p. —Henry Armstrong. 11 1 I II 1 1 1 1 1 1. 11111111 I. ELECTROLUX (CANADA) LIMITED Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Polishers and Rug Shampooers Sales and Service Bonded Franchise Dealer Demonstrations Arranged ORVILLE STANLEY 202 Rattenbury Street, East, Clinton Phone 482.957.1 r� Y i. i . i�• .1 � i 1. 1.,.D61111I i I J 1 11 I I , t i l l i n 1 1. .. 1 1 1. 1 • 11 LI 1 i h11. 1 lid,. 1 111 Y .1 i. 4 I. 1 i 1 IA I . • $4+44$�����1+r�k� +4±$4 f����hN��l-0����N�O�H♦ 4.. *4,, I.~4,041414.11.04,040JIIINN.'✓ OPEN HOUSE IBLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL MON., MARCH 7th 7 to 10 pane Everyone Welcome 1 E rt' Red & White Food Mkt. Blyth Phone 9451 We Deliver w�v++/MIVN.NN•I� GRADE A CHICKENS, 3.3112 lbs. lb. 39c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 49c KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES, 6 pkgs 99c WHITE SWAN TOILET•, TISSUE, 8 rolls 99c V1,04 0#0,041.4 4,4 Mt irsint#.1.4Nhiow. re4NINMPOO "041.",../~1P4NNINI~#4.414 Red and White Instant Coffee, 5 oz, jar 79c Kraft Velveeta Cheese 2 Ib. box 1.19 Prean Luncheon Meat tin 49c York Peanut Butter 16 oz. jar 45c Salada Orange Pekoe Tea Bags 60's 77c Gem Margarine 3-1 lb. prints 79c McCormacks Soda Bisucits, 2 -11b. pkgs. 69c IMN4,••41,001114+4141,* I.1•I•IJ•MI•IvI•I•I.'•I Listen to Hot Spot on CKNX Radio Every Day Enter. Contest by Simply Send in Sales Slip With Name and Phone Number I t .11 • 6r N++r+v+ . • 0444+-4 4444444444444444444444 4.4+4 44 444-4444444444 I,