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The Blyth Standard, 1959-09-03, Page 1
VOLUME 71 - NO. 32 Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, 4•H Garden flubs Hold -Achievement Day In Blyth The Memorial Hall, Blyth, presented t a colorful appearance on Wectnesaay, August 26th, when 53 members of 4•11 Garden Clubs, with their leaders met for Achievement Day, Blyth, Brussels, Colwanosh and Mon - crick Clubs, attractively displayed the produce Irom tile gardens, which was grown from seeds supplied to the clubs by the De.partn nt of Agricul- ture, latch display cons'sted of any five varieties of vegetables and one bouquet of ilowers, any choice. Auburn, Clinton and Goderich Clubs presented a program consisting of skits and demonstrations. Auburn pre- sented a charming skit, each girl rep- resenting a flower, told about planning our garden. Taking part was Marian 'Hickey, Marilyn Deer, Margaret Haines, Barbara and June Buehler, Faye Johnston. An informative demonstration on Thinning and Transplanting was given by Mary Warner, Sharon Stewart, Patricia McIlwain, Shirley Cook, of •Goderich. Communtators for the club exhibits were -Dorothy Howatt, Blyth, Yvonne Connelly, Brussels, Louise Andrew, Colwancsh, Dorothy Knight, Cran- brook, Cheryl Harrison, Moncrief. During the morning session the girls judged the produce on display, but 4.11 Clubs are noncompetitive, Attractive record books were displayed and bright posters, Huron County Home Economist, Mrs. Jan McAllister, called for a choice for tho 1960 Spring Project, "Meat in the Menu" was chosen. The fall project ,for 1959 had previously been selected and will be, "Clothes Closets Up To Date." Owing to the unavoidable absence of the winners of County honors for hav- ing completed six club projects, Mari- lyn and Geraldine Knight, of Cran- •brook, Wanda Henry, of Colwancsh. The leaders of the cubs accepted the certificates and pins on behalf of the' absent members. Mrs. McAllister, who recently re- signed her position as Huron County Home Economist, kindly introduced her successor, Miss Bette Tillman, who .announced the dates for the fall project, and commented on the sever- al posters, the work of the club mem- bers. New Management At Hotel Restaurant Effective Monday morning the rest- aurant at the Commercial Hotel is under new management. Mrs, Grover Clare Jr, has taken over the duties. Joyce had previously been in the re:t• aurant several years ago, and her many friends of the village are plevscd to see her once more behind the count- er, Alr. and Mrs. Sam Caves, who have been running the restaurant for the past two years, have moved to a home in East Wawanosh Township. Their many friends will be pleased to know that they will not be moving too far from the village. AMONG TIIE CHURCHES Sunday, September 6, 1959. ST, ANDREW% PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Constance WMS Celebrates 50 Years Of Service Fifty wears of mission service were celebrated by the Women's Missionary Society of Constance United Church Sunday afternoon. An impressive ser- vice was held in the church and a spe- cial service of dedication and memorial was solemnized. For the celebration of 50 years, the special speaker was the son of the first president, Rev. J, C, Britton, North- side United Church, Seaforth, son of Mrs, William Britton, the first presi- dent, reminded the congregation of thememories of the past 50 years, The history of the WMS was read by Mrs, Ross McGregor, stating that 50 years ago, August 22, 1939, the WMS was organized. The first officers were president, Mrs, William Britton; vice- president, Mrs, Robert Clarke; secre- tary, Mrs. Snell; treasurer, Mrs, Alex McMichael. In 1910 the present communion set was purchased by the \VMS. In 1921 a Mission Circle was sponsored, The only member of this Circle still be- longing to the church is Mrs. David Millson. Also in 1910, the 12th anniver- sary of the society was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Stephenson. Ten years ago a reunion of the former members was held at the church with Miss Sybil Courtrice as guest speaker. Presidents during the 50 years are: Mrs. William Britton, Mrs. Robert Rei- erson, Mrs. Robert Clarke erson, Mrs. John Sundercock, Mrs. Robert Clarke, Mrs. Charles MacGreg- or, Mrs, Robert Lawson, Mrs, Roy Lawson, Mrs, Lindsay, Mrs. Britton, Mrs, E. Adams, Mrs. D, Millson, Mrs. Ross MacGregor, and Mrs. Borden •Brown. Mrs. Earl Lawson read the names of departed members who were called to higher service, numbering 33. Flow- ers on the Communion table were placed there in memory of the depart- ed, and prayer was given by Rev. Funge. The unveiling of a baptismal font by Mrs, Borden Brown, as a gift from the WMS of Constance United Church, was received and dedicated to the glory and praise of God by Rev. Funge, Mission hymns were sung throughout the service, and Rev. Britton gave the benediction. After the service the ladies of the WMS served a cup of tea to all present. The lea in the basement was served from a beautifully covered table with a cut -work tablecloth and centred with a three -tiered fruit cake, made by ,Mrs. W. L. Whyte and distinctly mark- ed with a '50' on top. Mrs, Broadfoot, of Walton, and Mrs. Bert Stephenson poured tea, and Mrs. Charlotte Lind- say, of Seaforth, cut the cake. August 2, 9, 16, Church service at 9.30 a.m. " Rev, Dr, S. M. Scott, of Kincardine, Minister, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario. Rev. R. Evan McLagan - Minister, Miss Margaret Jackson • Director of Music. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday Church School. 11,15 a.m.—Morning Worship. Rev. W. D. Clark, Wingham. 8.00 p.m.—Young Peoples' at Church. ANGLICAN CIiURCII 15th Sunday after Trinity Trinity Church, Blyth -9.00 a.m.— Holy Communion and Sermon, St, Mark's Church,. Auburn — 12 o'clock, holy Communion and Sermon, Trinity Church, Belrmave-10,30 a.m, Holy Communion and Sermon. 11,30 a.m.—Sunday School. CHURCH tiff um) McConnell Street, Blyth, Special Speaker. 2.00 p.m. ---Sunday School, 3.00 p.m.—Church Service. Huron Unit Canadian Can- cer Society Exceeds Objective ' Final campaign returns of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society indicate the county's 1959 objective was exceeded by over $2,000, Treasurer Mrs, Beryl A. harper, Goderich, announced this week contri- butions totalled $15,263,75, Objective for the unit, now' in its second year of •operation, was $13,000. An additional $806.20 has been rais- ed -this year through the purchase of in memoriam cards, boosting the total county fund to $16,069. The cards, available at funeral homes throughout the county, recognize contributions niade to the society in memory of de- ceased persons, "We are most grateful for the sup- port, up•port, we have received from the citi- zens of Huron in our fight against one of mankind's most tragic and baffling diseases," said Mrs. Kenneth Johns, R.R. 1, Woodham, chairman of the unit, "The success of tire campaign has enabled us to extend the service we provide local patients as welt as to increase our contribution toward the nation-wide research program 'spon- sored by the society," Contributions by districts to the 1959 campaign were; Exeter, $4,194.46; Goderich, $4,854.54; Seafo th, $2,637 71; Clinton, $2,203,30; Wingham, $1,527.25; Blyth, $296.50. A grant of $500 was received from Huron county council. In memorium contributions to date for the year are: Goderich, $332.25; Exeter, $192.23; Seaforth, $150.85; Clinton, $125;35; Blyth, $5.50, The society's annual campaign, at which- time educational literature is distributed, is conducted during the month of April. STANDAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3,1959 WEDDINGS SLORACII—BAYLEY Baskets of gladioli and lighted can- delabra decorated Ontario Street Un- ited Church, Clinton, on Saturday, Au- gust 29th, for the wedding ceremo.uy of Joyce Marguerite Bayley, Clinton, and David William Slorach, St. Ca'harines. The bride Is the daug.ter of Mr, end Mrs, George A, Bayley, R.R, 4, Clin- ton, and the groom Ls the son of Mr, and Mrs. Francis Slorach, of Blyth. The Re;', G. Mils officiated at t e double -ring ceremony, Miss Lois Grasby was organist, and Mrs. Grover- Clare Jr., of B yth, sang "The Lor3's Prayer" and "I'll Walk Reside You. The bride, given in marr age by her father, chose a waltz -length gown ct bridal net over satin, fashioned with a scalloped neckline eahanced I y pas tel sequins and seed pearls. The neck- line extended to a V at the back, But- tons to the waist and tiers of lace In the bouffant skirt comrleted the back interest of her gown. A tiara of pastel sequins and seed pearls held her el- bow -length veil of French illus'on, and she carried a white Bible crested with a mauve orchid, Mrs. Evan Sins, Exeter, attend°'. her sister as matron of honor, wearing a ballerina -length g.wn of royal blue peau de soie. Mr, Grover Clare, of Blyth, was best man, and the guests we e ushered by Evan Sims, Exeter, and Dougles Whitmore, Blyth. The reception was held in the Church parlor, The bride's mother received the guests wearing a dusty rose dress with matching accessories and a cor- sage of white carnations, assisted by the groom's mother wearing a blue two-piece dress with matching acces- sories and a corsage of white carna- tions, For traveling the bride wore a sheath dress of beige organza over floral silk with a matching duster and accessories of beige and brown. Her corsage was of pink carnations. The couple will reside in St. Catharines. Guests were present from St. Cath- arines, Grimsby, Petrolia, London, Ottawa, Blyth, Exeter and Clinton. , OFFICIALS DISCUSS BRIDGE SITE A special meeting of the Goderich council was called to meet with De- partment of Highways officials and the site of the new bridge which will span the Maitland river was toured, It is expected that construction of the new bridge will begin early in 1960. Certain changes will have to be made to street approaches to the new bridge, sighting of the area also will have to be changed and the approach from the north road and golf club. entrance will be changed. OBITUARY W, LORNE JOIINSTON A veteran of World War 1 and a member of the 161st battalion, William Lorne Johnston died on Thursday at Westminster Hospital, London, in his 63rd year. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston, of Ashfield Township, and after his mar- riage to Grace Plunkett, of Auburn, in 1922, he farmed In Ashfield Town- ship. ;When his health failed him, he moved to Whitechurch where he con- ducted a general store, later retiring to Lucknow. `Besides his wife, lie is survived by two brothers, Wilbert, of Auburn, and Howard, of Ashfield; two sisters, Mrs. Harry Watson, of Auburn, and Mrs, Russell Thome son of Clinton. The funeral service on Sunday after- noon was conducted at McL:nnan a -d MacKenzie memorial chapel, Lucknow, with interment in Dungannon cemetery. the pallbearers were Messcrs. Murray Johnston, Donald Plunkett, E ra Schultz, Wilmer Howey, Russell Far- rier and Ernest Ackert. MRS, C. S. FLACK Christina Strnughan Cowan, widow of the late Samuel Flack, 78, formerly of Treherne, Manitoba, passed away Thursday, August 20th, at Regina Ha- ven, Winnipeg. Funeral service took place at 5 p.m. Saturday, at Trehcrne United Church. Burial in Bethel Cern- etcry, Mrs. Flack was born in Ifullctt Township and came to Manitoba 47 years ago. She was active in Treherne United Church and was a member of Senior Citizens o[ West Kildonan, Win- nipeg, She is survived by one son, W, C., of Vancouver, three daughters, Mrs. R. Almond, Mrs. If. Crozier and Mrs. G. Adams, all of Winnipeg; six grand- children and two great grandchildren; Also two sisters, Mrs. 1,. L. Walter and Mrs. J. Newcombe, of Goderich, On- tario. Subscription Rates $2.50 in Advance; $3.50 in the U.S.A. PERSONAL INTEREST 1 Mr, and Mrs, Brock Vodden, of Ni- agara Falls, visited for a few days this ire week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Vodden and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morritt. Week -end visitors with Mr. a -,d Mrs. Orval McGowan and Kenn.th ware, Misses Margaret McGowan, Oak" i Ic, Mice Smith, Toronto, Messrs D:si O'Hara and G,,r.;oa Montxxcry, cf Hamilton. Messrs, Ger•a'd and Cra'g Cox, r f Clinton, spent a fe,v days the he^i:uuing of the week with th_ir aunt, Mr3. K. Whitmore, and Douglas. Kenneth McGowaa visited fo:• a f w -days last week with Mr. a..d Mrs. Ilii- Bard McGowan and Mr, and Mrs. Fin- lay McGowan and fami'y, of Cakvil c. Ken also visited at the C.N.E. i.h Tor- onto. Mr, and Mrs. John Caldwell Sr.., have returned from Wingham G nc••al Hospital and are convahs.ing at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orval McGiwan, Miss Marlene Walsh is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walsh and family. Miss Ella Metcalf, of London, at- tended the _ Slorach-Baley wedding at Clinton cn Saturday and is visiting this week with Mrs. Rogerson and Miss Alice Rogerson. Mr. and Mrs, Victor Kennedy visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. .harry Chapman, of Kincardine, Mr, and Mrs. George Lawrence, of Exeter, are visiting this week with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook and granddaughter, Heather Brown, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook recently. Miss Heather Broivn had her tonsils removed on Wednesday morning in Clinton Public Hospital, Dr. and Mrs. Wardlaw, Susan and Carol, of Brantford, visited on Satur- day with her mother, Mrs. L. Cook, and Mr. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrow and little daughter, Jane, of Galt, visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. L. Cook, and Mr. Cook. Miss Alice McKenzie is returning to Dresden this week after spending three weeks' holidays with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs, D. McKenzie, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Pierce and Mrs. Pierce's sister, Mrs. Howard Abbey, Saskatchewan, have Leen visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Collinson and his bro- thers, Thomas and Alfred Pierce, also with Mrs. E. Beirnes and Hen:y Fierce of Goderich. RETURNE) FROM EUROPE Miss Edith Luc 'hart, B.A., of Tor- onto, formerly of Blyth, returned by plane on Friday from n two month's tour of Europe. While in P r's, Fran_r, she attended the International Congress of the Business and Professional Wo- men's Club and was entertained at a reception at the Canadian Embassy. Before resuming her duties as chair- man of Home Economics at Beverley Heights Junior High School, Miss Lock- hart is vacationing in Goderich with her sister, Mrs. E. S. Robinson, and Mr. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gummow, Eliza- beth and Katherine, of Don Mills, spent the week -end at the hone of Mrs. Gummow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Watson. BELGR AVE David Hanna, Donald Pengelly, Al. tan McBurney, and Douglas Kilpatrick, of Ashhfield, left for the West on Wed- nesday morning, A going away party was held at Pengelly's the night be- fore when about 20 were present. Gifts were presented to the boys. Mr. Goldie Whaler, of London, spent the week -end with his parents, Mrs, Laura Johnston and George, spent a few days in Winglham with Mrs. G. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Walker, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Guire have returned from two weeks spent at Lake Muskoka, Mrs, Stanley Halliday, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Wheeler, Ivan and Mary Anne, spent Tuesday in London. Mrs. Rae, of Wroxeter, with her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Wightman, and family. Mr. and Mrs,' Blyth, with Mr, and Mrs When sten cam Friday morning at the B t was discovered that on business had hcen broken it considerable damage and a la stock taken. This incl boots, coveralls, pants, chine, contents of the showcaseamount- ing to $t300.00 or Mario Provincial Police, Bob Lewis have been Cecil Whaler, Herb Wheeler e to work an clgrave Coop i once marc the into with large amount of included rubber an adding machine, etc., an Whore. The On undo' officer investigating. HAD TONSILS REMOVED Gary Ament, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Anent, had his tonsils remov- ed in the Clinton hospital on Monday morning. i 7 to 21st. Destroys Westfield Mill Back To School Tuesday Next Tuesday will see the many pupils of the village once more wend- ing their way un the pathway to the public school. The pupils of grades one and two will find spanking new desks waiting for them to start the year. The principal of the school this year will be Mrs, Donald Howes, who is taking over the duties temporari4y. The remainder of the teaching stag will be as last year wtih Mrs, B. Hall teaching grades 5 and 6, Mrs. hazel Bateman grades 3 and 4, Mrs. Ethel Carroll grades 1 and 2, and Mrs. F. Marshall teaching the Kindergarten class, BURN'S CIIURCII MiSSION BAND MEETING The first meeting of the Burn's Church Mission Band was held in the Church on August 26th, with Mrs. Joe Babcock in charge, assisted by Mrs, Gordon McGregor. The session open- ed with 15 members prement who re- peated the Mission Band Purpose. The following officers were olccted: President, Linda Riley; vice presi- dent, Ricky Evans; secretary, Dianne Shepherd; treasurer, Randy Babcock; assistant treasurer, Doreen Riley; World Friends secretary, Connie Mow- att; membership committee, Kathleen McEwing, Donna Riley and Donald McGregor; House committee, Barbara Shepherd; news committee, Sharon Riley, assistant Dianne Shepherd. The meeting continued with a read- ing "What Brotherhood Means in our House" by Mrs. McGregor. The birth- day box was then passed w'th 2 men bers paying this month. The birthday song was then sung. Linda Riley gave a reading "Where My Penn'es Go". The collection was then taken. The worship ser; ice was conducted by Mrs. Babcock. The meeting closed with singing "Jesus Loves Me" and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The leaders then conducted relay games. LOCAL BOYS HOME FROM ARCTIC CIRCLE Two local boys, Bob Galbraith and John McDougall have returned after spending the summer months w'thin the Arctic Circle, returned to their homes on Tues:'ay. Mr. Bob Galbraith has been stationed at Resolute, and Mr. John McDougall has been stationed at a bush camp north of Resolute. RECEPTION A reception will be held for Mr. ester's Hall, Kinburn, for Mr. and Airs. John Thompson, on Friday, September 11. Ladies please bring lunch. meet at the church at 6.30. At about 11;30 last Wednesday even- ing, in the midst of the worst electri- cal storm of the season, the Blyth Fire Department were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Snell, Westfield, when it was discovered that their chopping mill had been struck with lightning. Mr. and Mrs. Snell noticed smoke in the house and at first it was thought it had been struck with lightning, but further investigation proved it io be the mill, situated about 100 yards south of the home. Attempt by Mr. Snell to reach the Fire Department by telephone proved futile, as the lines were put out of order by the storm. He was forced to drive the six miles to the village to summon aid. By the time the Brigade arrived it was an im- possibility to render any help to the mill, and all attention was focused on the surrounding buildings as millions of sparks were carrying in their direc- tion. A close eye was also kept on a 500 gallon gas tank just a few yards from the burning building. Lost in the blaze, estimated at, close to $75,000, were more than 125 tons of grain and concentrates, all mill machinery, including a $4,000 diesel engine, and about 25 pigs, some of them ready for market. Mr. Snell is hoping to rebuild the mill, which was partially covered by insurance, Attempts on Thursday evening and Saturday morning by the Fire Depart- ment to save grain that had fallen to the floor of the mill were to no avail, as much of the machinery was still red hot, making it impossible to get near the grain. RECEPTION A reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs, John Jewitt (nee Barbara Peck- itt) in Londesboro Community Hall on Friday evening, September 4th, Music by the Collegians. All welcome. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCI!D Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bender, Clifford, Ont., wish to announce the engagement of their dau_hter, Patricia Shirley, Kit- chener, to 111r. Garth Douglas Postill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Postill, Clinton. The wedding will take p'ace in Wingham Urfited Church on Sept- ember 19 at 3 p.m. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mr. Sam Kechnie returned home on Monday from Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, were he had been a patient for the past month. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE, PICNIC Friendship Circle picnic supper next Tuesday, September 8th. Members RECEPTION A reception .. wil lbe held for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mathers (nee Ilia Pengally) in Belgrave Forester's Hall on Friday evening, September 4th. Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone wel- come, BIRTHS WESTBERG—In Collingwond hospital on Monday, August 31, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Westberg (nee Shirley Badley) of Stayner, the gift of a daughter, Connie Marie. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to A1r. and Mrs. Joe Marks, of Windsor, who celebrated their wedding anniversary on Thurs- day, August 27th. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence, of Exeter, who will celebrate their 54th wedding anniver- sary on Thursday, September 3rd. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Shaw, of Wingham, are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Gail Irene, to Mr. Calvert Bruce Falconer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvert. Falconer. of Myth. The wedding will take place late in September. BLYTH LIBRARY CLOSED FOR VACATION The Blyth Public Library will be closed for vacation from September WESTFIELD On Friday the Davidson Construc- tion Co., finished drilling a well at the Westfield School. A depth of 189 feet • was required before they got sufficient water. New floors have been laid and toilets and basins are being in- stalled, also an oil furnace which will be a great asset to the school. Miss Lorna Buchanan enjoyed a mo - for trip with a girl friend when on boli• days last week, North Bay, Sudbury, and other places up north were some of the places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak and family, of Crewe, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cook. Jamie Boak returned home with them after holidaying with his uncle and aunt. Mrs. Thomas Biggerstaff, 13111 and Mr. Orval Tanney visited with Mr. and Mrs, Irael Good, Carl and Kevin, on Sunday. Phyllis Biggerstaff who had been visiting with the Good's for the stnner, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook, of Con- stance. and two boys, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell and Jeanetta, Mrs. Jasper Mcl3rien and Mrs. Bac- rie, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Airs. Gordon Snell and Jeanetta oh.) Friday. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Snell in the loss of the fire. \lrs. Israel Good, Carl and Kevin, visited Iasi week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snell. The W.M.S. meeting of Westfield flailed Church will be held on Wednes- day, September 9th. Mrs. Hugh Blair and her group will have charge. ANNE I-HPST _yam ta,,a, ratimea,at "Dear Anne Hirst: 1 am over 30 this year and I am one dis- couraged female, I want to be married, of course. I've tried to be the kind of person a man is supposed to want — sympathetic, intelligent, with a keen sense of humor. I have never had any trouble attracting a man (four have seemed in love with nye) but not one has proposed. "Since I graduated from col- lege I've always held responsible positions where I met men of superior intellect and talents. Those I dated spared no time, ducats or affection, but in about six months something always happens. The man seems bored, and that puts me on edge; I ap- pear at my worst, and soon he joins the group of those I liked and lost. "Don't think I yearn for a knight in armor; I'd settle for a decent, interesting male who is normally affectionate, compat- ible and loyal In return I do not think he would be disap. pointed. I still hold the old ideal of marriages — for keeps. "My father was a brilliant man, and they say 1 take after him. I keep well-informed hut I'm not a blue -stocking. I am certainly more interesting to know than the average woman who can only talk about food and babies and her husband's faults. Can you judge by this brief sketch what lies ahead for me? "Do you believe that destiny controls our lives and struggling to change it is futile? Could it be that I am never to have what most women get? DEPRESSED" Some people believe that what is to be will be, and feel it's useless to flight against pre- destination. I do not. A wo- man these days knows what she wants, and believes she should make herself worthy of it and then use her ingenuity and common sense to pursue the search. Succeding experi- ences with men show her what not to do, and if she honestly admits her mistakes she makes fewer of them, In her eagerness to oblige a man, a girl often yields to his love -making too soon; this is not smart, for he decides he is not the first male in her life and the idea offends his ego. Other women snub a man so thoroughly that he decides she is incapable of emotion; some can decline so graciously that he feels he does not appeal to her but she has too much res- pect for them both to encour- age him, Too many forget that womanliness, a willingness to listen, judicious flattery and a sense of humor are qualities Week's Sew -Thrifty PRINTED PATTERN 4506 SIZES 2-10 /VA Pt& -,144/14 Cool -top dress plus cover — Ideal when the sun plays hide - and -go -seek, No waist scams, no fussy details — quick to sew 'n' iron, Choose crisp cotton, Printed Pattern 4506: Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 dress takes 13a yards 35 -inch; button -on bolero iii+ yard. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (400) (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal not for safety) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New 'Toronto, Ont. * that soften the masculine * heart, just as good dinner she * prepares can dissolve his will * power, • When a man is low in spirits • he turns to the girl he feels * at ease with, who fits his mood • instinctively, and who at the * right moment grows sympa- * thetic and tender, She is the • one he wants to come home • to, and when he senses that, * the rest should be smooth * sailing for her ship of dreams, * So examine yourself as though * you were somebody else, hon- * estly and critically; and it is * likely you will find the answer. * When a girl has had your ex- * perience of failures and then * one day the right man appears, * we like to call it destiny . * Never give up hope, Your • greatest comfort is the know- * ledge that we never know. * what joys will come with to- * morrow's sunrise. * * * HE DOUBTS HER "Dear Anne Hirst: For about a year I've been going steadily with a high-school boy. Several months ago we broke up because I was seeing somebody else, al- though I still preferred him. "Lately we met again. I'd like to go back with him. He says he still likes me, but he's afraid I might play him as I did before. How can I convince him that this time I will be true? EVA" * You two can avoid such mis- • understandings by agreeing * that you and he are both free * to see other friends, At your • ages it is much more fun, and * keeps your friendship far more * interesting. * If the boy doesn't care * enough to take a second chance, * there is nothing you can do * about it. Perhaps, later on * when you have both matured * somewhat his interest will re- * awaken. Meanwhile, content • yourself with seeing him casu- * ally. • * 4, Some of the most satisfying marriages Anne Hirst has known of are those made by women well past 30, Don't despair. Write Anne Hirst your problem and have faith, Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Monkey Business In Radio Station The day begins at 5:30 a.m. with the recorded mating call of a bull ape. After that, for 14 hours, Florida radio listeners within range of Jacksonville's WAPE are assaulted by the monotonous beat of rock 'n roll. A three-minute trickle of news every two hours is the only re- lief; every station break is loud with the love-sick ape. The con- tinuous uproar is so hypnotic that few who hear it seem an- xious — or able — to turn it off. Last week one -year-old WAPE finished its fourth month as the top-rated station in a highly competitive nine -station town. Many a listener has been moved to visit WAPE's white - marble building just south of Jacksonville on U.S. Highway 17, to see the source of the' noise. Most come away convinc- ed that more than one odd crit. ter is loose inside. Station Boss Bill Brennan, 38, a hillbilly. talking Harvard -trained electri- cal engineer, directs operations in his bathing suit, but he pre- lers to escape to his plush apart- ment (separated from the office by a silding panel operated by a hidden push-button). There he can toy with his bar and his "Play Pretty," a frosted -glass wall behind which coloured lights flare and flicker in time with the transmitted music. "On low notes," Brennan explains, "the low part of the panel lights up, and so on. When there are chords, the whole wall goes crazy." Disk jockeys go about their labours beside the building's dolphin -shaped pool, which tails off into the lobby. (Late -arriv- ing employees often enter by way of the diving hoard.) Sta- tion ta- tion engineers are given to dressing in an ugly, hairy -ape costume and dashing about with another WAPEster in hot our- s u i 1, brandishing a rifle. On calmer days, a costume ape may stalk out to the highway thumb a ride, Even WAPE's checks are decorated with the simian image — along with a brief message from the keepers: "We will welcome your saving this check as a souvenir nistead of cashing it." In Los Angeles, police search- ed for a man who held up a Salvation Army store, growled at his victim: "I've donated to the Salvation Army quite a hit. Now give me all the bills you have." TWENTY-NINTH BIRTHDAY — Bright-eyed Princess Margaret smiles softly in an official photograph for her 29th birthday. She wears a five -string pearl necklace in this study made at Windsor, England, by Antony Armstrong Jones, HRONICLES iNGERFAR Gvoendoline P. Clark.¢ So the Queen, atter all this time, is going to have another baby. Isn't that wonderful news: More remarkable still is the fact that she was able to stand up to the exacting demands her Canadian tour made upon her. None can help but admire her courage and fortitude. She 13 a queen in every sense of the word, I am sure we shall all be wishing her well in the months to come and h ,pe that a happy, healthy, normal baby will be the final result. Boy or girl, I don't suppose It will matter too much. Locally, our news is much the same as it has been for the last six weeks — hot, humid weathez with no rain at all, This after- noon it turned "quite a hit cooler and rained for about five minutes. It was grand to feel a fresh breeze coming in through the doors and windows. Of course we are bound to have some rain soon • . with the C.N.E. coming on! Did you ever know it to fail? Well, there has to be a first time for everything — and last Saturday night we certainly had it. Partner and I undertook the care of Ross and his five months' old brother while Bob and Joy had anevening out. They left the boys here about five o'clock and said it might be midnight before they got home. That was all right with us, five grandsons having given us plenty of experience with baby sitting. Ross was no trouble at all, nor was the baby up to seven -thirty. At that time I was feeding him when he sud- denly started to yell. I went through the usual procedure of burping, holding him against my shoulder, or turning him over on his tummy. But still he yelled, I put him in his bug- gy and walked him along the road. He simmered down a bit but started up again every time I stopped walking. However, it was getting late so I came back to the house. That made things worse. His crying woke Ross up three time but fortunately he didn't make it a duet. In- stead he got interested in our record -radio and took all the knobs off. Partner offered to do this and that to help quieten the baby. Finally 1 said, "Well, all right, I'll put him in his buggy again and you can take him for another walk." He did just that and by ten o'clock the baby was asleep. We were afraid he would wake up if we brought him into the house again ro Partner took baby, buggy and all into the garage and stayed out there with him. In the mean- time I was just about all in and had to lle down for awhile. Two and a half hours of solid yelling was more than I could take. And the reason for all the fuss? Well, the baby had had a needle the day before and 1 imagine it was some sort of re action that was bothering him. His arin was quite inflamed anyway. Generally he is the happiest little soul and easy to look after, But as I say there has to be a first time — and under the circumstances I hope it will be the last such occa- sion. Next time we do any baby- sitting I'll inquire if they have been given any needles recently, Another reason for the trouble might be either that the baby is too young or I am too old for us to understand and ac. cept each other properly. 13e that as it may I spent most of the next day recuperating — with the help of a mild seda- tive! We ran into a dif:erent situ- ation with Taffy. Instead of making too much noise he was making too little, For nearly a week he practically lost his bark. A squeaky little noise was the best he could do. Either he had an attack of laryngitis or a cricket got stuck in his throat. He wasn't sick and didn't miss a meal so I didn't take him to the vet, He has quite recover- ed but I am still wondering what was wrong. Would any of my readers like to help me make a decision? I ani intrigued with the 'des- cription of "F.M." radios. It all sounds too good to be true, Is it actually possible that an "F. M." set operates without com- mercials? And are the pro- grammes such that one would feel justified in the extra out- lay — with a good radio al- ready in the house, I imagine one would still need an ordin- ary radio anyway — for the news and cammentaries. Natur- ally we couldn't do without Gordon Sinclair and Jack Den - nett. Sometimes we get hop- ping mad at Sinclair but we still continue listening. to him. The same applies to television. We often get fed up with the pru- grammes but yet we wouldn't do without it. "Tabloid" used to be one of our favorite feat- ure programmes but now Joyre Davidson seems to have lost much of her sparkle and her laugh sounds forced and un- natural. Percy, of course, is still tops in our estimation If it were not for him ' the programme would often fall flat on its face. STOP PRESS NEWS. Our tax bill has just come in. $40 higher than last year. More about that next week. Yes, indeed — much more. Seized by Newark detectives for smashing a store window and taking a mannikin clad in a wedding dress, a young man ex- plained he had only done so be- cause he wanted his bride-to-be to be attired in proper raiment when their nupital knot was tied, ISSUE 30 — 1959 A Real Genius of Perfection Josef Haydn (1732-1809) was a genius of perfection in music. He exemplified the spirit al the eighteenth century in the charm, orderliness, and simple poetry that were the virtues of the age. His own life was serene and unperturbed by tragedy, He had a difficult childhood in the lit. tle town of Rohrau in lower Austria where he was born, but soon he was isent to Vienna, where he applied himself to earnest study under favorable circumstances. Still as a young man, he was fortunate In se- curing a position as music di- rector to Prince Esterhazy in EIsenstadt, There he composed some of his greatest symphon- ies, string quartets, and also a series of pieces for the bary- ton, a now obsolete bass viol, a string instrument favored by Prince Esterhazy, who played on it himself. Haydn is popularly known as the Father a! the Symphony. Cautious musicologists are un- willing to support this designa- tion, for it is seldom possible to establish a priority on any mu- sical form, and there were sym- phonies written before Haydn, But there is no doubt that Haydn gave the firm outline to the classical symphony in sev- eral movements that became the model for composers of a later day, In chamber music, Haydn's historical role is great, He cre- ated the string quartet, which has the same formal consisten- cy as a symphony. Haydn's string quartets show an amaz- ing development of counterpoint; like his symphonies, they be- came the models emulated by his successors. Haydn was so prolific that he himself could not remember how many symphonies he wrote and the catalogue that he com- piled is very incomplete. As a result, musicologists until this day cannot agree on the authen- ticity of numerous works at. tributed to Haydn. One of the items recently taken off the. Haydn list is the celebrated "Toy Symphony," the score at whi•:h includes a trumpet, a drum, a wristle, a triangle, a quail, and a cuckoo. It now seems certain that the work was written by Mozart's father, possibly in col- laboration' with Haydn's brother. Michael. Mastery and supreme profes- sionalism combined in Haydn with gentle humor. When Prince Esterhazy made up his mind to disband his private orchestra, Haydn accepted the princely de - SALLY'S SALLIES "But my dream boat usually gets lost somewhere, some• how," cislon with regret, and as a .final contribution, composed and performed the "Farewell Sym- phony," According to the in- structions in the score, the mu- sicians left; one by one, after completing their parts, until only the conductor remained 'in the stage, blew out the candle, and departed. Prince Esterhacy was touched by this spectacle, and decided to retain the or- chestra, Haydn was an eminently practical man. Like most com- posers of his day, he wrote mu- sic to order. Such was • the per- fection of his technique that he never had to wait for inspir- ation to come, and the quality of his music was uniformly high. One of Haydn's commissions was the composition a! the Austrian national hymn, which remained in force until the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, By Nicolas Slominsky in the Chris- tian Science Monitor. Q. ' hat is considered the proper .ime of day to make a call of condolence? A. This type of call may be made at any time of day. Have Many Uses 929 faittte41M1i,tai The spider -web design is so effective. These three small doilies — an introduction to it. These doilies are such easy crochet that you can do one a day. Pattern 929: round dolly 10 inches, square 9, oval 8 x 111/2 in No. 50 cotton, Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern to LAURA WHEELER, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Send for a copy of 1959 Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book. It has lovely designs to order: embroi- dery, crochet, knitting, weaving, quilting, toys. In the book, a spe- cial surprise to make a little girl happy a cut-out doll, clothes to color. Send 25 cents for this book. BARE WITH US — You can't lead a boy to water, but you can't keep him out of it, either, on a scorcning, Iate•sunvner day. Mike McCann, 21 months old, takes the shortest, un- clothed way to beat the swampish heat. Baby Seal That Thinks He's Human When skin diver Bill Cheeks dripped up out of Puget Sound one recent afternoon, he thought. he heard another pair of flip. pers slapping the sand behind him. Pushing fogged goggles over a tanned forehead and pounding the water from his ears, he looked back; then down, He was right, Waddling in his tracks was a baby harbor seal - a sleek, roly-poly infant with plaintive eyes, incongruous mustache, and a patent conviction that it was a person closely related to Cheeks. Unable to coax it back to the water, Cheeks drove the foundling down the Washington shore to the Seattle Aqua Di. vers Club, where it was promtly christened Scuba (short for "s e 1 - contained underwater breathing apparatus") and adopted as club mascot, Not so promptly was Scuba accepted in a foster home. Lots of the men at the club wanted it, but somehow wives kept ob- jecting to a seal that thought It was a child. Most of them, In the skin-diving set, already had their hands full with children who thought they were seals. But cast month, after some whimpering days of institution. al care and force-feeding by a veterinarain, Scuba was firmly established in the skin-diving family of Glen and Peggy Bris- tow of Bellevue, just across Lake Washington from Seattle; and more certain than ever that it was human. It had, it was convinced, three foster brothers - Tim, 14; Ter. ry, 10, and Mike Bristow, 7 - and, for a pet, it had a beagle named Zeke with whom it liked to play on the Bristow lawn. Scuba despises water; he flipped right out of a wading pool that the Bristows gave him. (Turned loose offshore for an enforced daily swim, he can tow the other Bristow chit. dren or Bristow, himself, by an improyised harness. But his destination is always the near- est beach.) He spurned an un. disguised fish diet, but thrives on a formula of pulverized, tin- ned salmon in goat's milk (he tips the scale at 21 pounds, a gain of 5 in a week). The Bristows haven't the re• motest idea of Scuba's sex - "I am not a seal," says Bristow -but a member of the family can't be called "it"; so they arbitrarily made Scuba a male. "Scuba thinks my husband is his mother," Mrs. Bristow says. "I just baby-sit during the day until Glen comes home." How does it feel to be a seal - sitter? "It's a new experience," says Peggy Bristow. "He's a nui- sance. He's a baby, and you have to squirt him down every so often. He pnly eats four times a day now, it's true; but we have to stay up till 11 at night for that last feeding." What future is there for a seal who thinks he's a person? "I read a book that said a fully grown harbor seal weight between 150 and 220 pounds and eats about 30 pounds of fish a day," Bristow grimace,!. "I can't afford that; so when the going gets tough, I'll have to give him to the Woodland Park Zoo." . There, among others of his species, . Scuba m a y finally learn that he is a seal, not a human. He might possibly even learn that he is a she. LIVED TO SEE THE PiCTURE Ace German racing driver, Hans Hermann crouches on the pavement as his racing car hurtles through the air in the West Berlin Grand Prix race, He was only slightly injured, but in a preliminary race the day before, French racing great Jean Behra was killed, Cars Are Really To Ride In! As automobile models for 1960 roll into the showrooms there is going to be an en- tirely new focus of interest. The breathless question will not be which company can adver- tise the highest -horsepower gas - burner, the flashiest fishtails or the most chrome. Curiosity in- stead will center on the new small cars which are being en- tered in competition by motor- dom's Big Three. For once the mammoths of the industry will not be lead- ing; they will be following where two independents and some twoscore foreign manu- facturers have shown a waiting market to be. They will be ack- nowledging that after all a sig- nificant segment of American motorcar buyers- are interested in economy and functionalism; that Many purchasers want transportation, not metal plum- age to outstrut their neighbors. Business Week magazine counts this change of trend as one of five major turning points in the half -century of the auto- mobile industry. It quotes one researcher's estimate that po- tential compact car buyers con- stitute about one-fourth of the 1960 market in the United States. A study by U.S. News & World Report brings out the points that typical buyers of economy cars already on the American market average some- what higher income than buyers of the big selling Chevrolet, Ford, and Plymouth, that they include a more than average number of college-educated people, that most are families with children and many are two -car families. An important change in at- titutde toward consumer tastes has taken place since 1955. This year Detroit will not just be saying, "Here's your car; get out and sell it." Detroit will he listening. - From the Christian Science Monitor, Q. Bow can I remove light scorch stains from white mater. ials? A. By sponging with hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate. Add one teaspoon of sodium per - borate to one pint of peroxide. Rinse afterward with clear water, THIS IS BASEBALL? - Looking for the world like fourth down and goal to go, a not -so -friendly meeting 's conducted by members of the Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates in San Francisco. Hassle developed over an alleged spiking at third base. GROWING RUBIES - That's no lump of coal chemist Carroll. Chatham is examining, Using a secret process at his one-man laboratory, Chatham "grows" marketable emeralds and rubies which are virtually indistin- guishable from the real gems. He calls them "cultured" rather than "synthetic!' Space Grabber Is Baffled One of the wiliest space grab- bers ever to bamboozle an edi- tor, New York Press -agent Jim Moran, 51, has found a needle in a haystack (after 82 hr. and 35 min,), hatched an ostrich egg (19 days on the nest), sold an icebox to an Eskimo and two snow-blind fleas to Paramount (for use under klieg lights), to pitch himself or a client into the newspapers. Last month Mor- an was landing in print again, on a coast-to-coast search for "the happiest girl in America - a girl as happy as a Lark." His client: Studebr,ker's Lark But in Minneapolis Moran's bird failed to sing. Minneapolis Tribune City Editor Robert T. Smith puckishly printed a straight-faced story that ran through a whole catalogue of cars without uP;ng the one word that Moran was trying to get into print - Lark. Smith's story: "Jim Moran is a world -re- nown rambler. "In his many travels as a pressagent, he has been known to ford a river or brave locali- - ties where the mercury knows no bounds in order to plant a • sponsor's name. "Moran is well known in Cad- illac and Pontiac, Mich., and in the imperial palaces of the Ori- ent. On the other hand, he has never been in Buyck or Austin, Minn. "He has pulled many a dodge, but in general he is known in the trade as being solid as Ply- mouth Rock, "Moran has a beard like Lin- coln that gives many people the willies. He is built in somewhat Goliath proportions and has the eye of an explorer, like De Soto. "Moran was in Minneapolis promoting a contest to find 'The Happiest Girl in America' . The winner will receive a screen test and a new automobile, the maker of which is his sponsor.'' In St, Ann, Mo., a book titled Ten Days to a Successful Me- mory was returned ten months overdue to a branch of the St. Louis County Library with a note: "I just forgot all about having it." Jockey In A Hurry He comes whooping and whip-. ping out of the starting gate, a pale -faced kid who fights for the lead right at the start so that no challenger will spoil his view of the pot of gold waiting at the finish line. His body high and forward, weight over the horse's withers, boots in two of the shortest stirrups in racing, he is a jockey in a hurry, He is strong enough to ride all after- noon, and he applies the meas- ure of cold cash, not sentiment, to his work. Shrugs Jockey Bob Ussery (rhymes with fuss-ery) "If I ride in the Kentucky Der- by, I want a real shot at win- ning. Otherwise, I'd rather ride six mocnts at Belmont," This frankly quantitative ap- roach to riding is paying off handsomely this season for Rob- ert Nelson ("Okie") Ussery, 23, who has risen from a dust -eater generally back in the pack of national rankings, as tabulated by the fact-finding Morning Tel- egraph, until he stands second only to the great Willie Shoe- maker in booting home winners (224 v. 221) and total purses ($1,863,049 v. $1,128,474). It mat- ters little to Ussery that he has had to ride 143 nior'e races than Shoemaker to get his total, or that he has never won a major stakes event. He is often willing to resort to lackluster hayburn- ers to fill out an afternoon's work: "Those stiffs will win now and then." Bob Ussery learned to ride back home in Vian, Okla., a lit- tle farming town (green beans, cotton, corn) near the Arkansas border. His father was a clerk in the general store, had five children, a pump and an out- house; his grandfather had a big black mare named Kate. When he was seven and weigh- ed just 55 lbs., Ussery was clat- tering across the Oklahoma flat- land, perched like a raisin on the bare back of Kate, and celebrat- ing a .vin over other mounted kids by riding straight into a water hole, Kate and all, Bob Ussery early learned the value of a buck. Says he: "I al- ways wanted to hoe cotton - those guys got' $3 a day. But I wasn't big enough." So Ussery turned instead to picking spin- ach (100 for every 20 lbs.), By seventh grade, he knew where easier money lay; "I couldn't ride and go to school too. I quit school." Sprinting quarter horses over dirt tracks around the South- west, Ussery learned to get a horse away fast at the start, By 16 he was ready for the thor- oughbreds, drove his first mount to victory in the 1951 Thanks- giving Handicap in New Orleans. Within months Ussery was a big-time jockey, with a reputa- tion as a slasher who bulled his way through the field like a full- back, Ussery used the whip so much that some jockeys hated to mount the horse he had rid- den because the animal tended to sulk. Not until last year, when he was set down for 30 days for whacking Eddie Arc- aro's horse across the nose at Jamaica, did he finally realize that there is 'more to racing than muscle. Ussery still whips hard (cracks one jockey: "They run for Shoemaker because they like to; they run for Ussery be- cause they have to"), but he now uses his head as well. Says ven- erable Trainer Jim Fitzsimmons: "The boy picks his holes right, and he doesn't get himself jam- med up in the pockets, He'll be a great one if he doesn't get oversatisfied." Ussery has salted away $100,- 000 in blue chip stocks, has earned more than $100,000 this year. At Saratoga last month, Ussery hunted for a winner so zealously that he rode in ten out of 14 races before finally cross- ing the finish line in front. Sums up.Arcaro: "He'r a hungry kid." Q. How can 1 clean waxed Rrti• flclal flowers? A. By wiping them with ben- zine, kerosene, or naptha. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED EARN Cash In your Spare Time. Just show your friends our Christmas and All -Occasion Greeting Cards (including Religious) Stationery, Gifts, Write for Qmples. Colonial Card Ltd. 489.8 ueen East, Toronto 2. EARN EXTRA MONEYI AGENTS, clubs, etc. Sell Canada's finest Christ- mas cards, novelties, etc, Over 200 Items Including deluxe, religious, vol. vet, chrome, everyday and personal cards, Wraps, ribbons, toys, books, dolls and Jewellery, Many gift items. Prompt service, For colored catalogue and sam• plea on approval write W V. Jeandro Greeting Card Co., 1259 King Street East, Hamilton, Ont. ARTICLES POR SALE "DESTROYER" for use In outdoor toil. ets. Eats down to the earth, saves cleaning. Directions. Thousands of users, coast to coast, Price $1.00 per can, postpaid. Log Cabin Products. 322 York Road, Guelph, Ontario, POLYETHYLENE plastic tarpaulins, grommets, reinforcement, only 80 sq. ft. Plastic silos, haystack covers, cid. ern liners. Information Polyfilm Prod- ucts, R.R. 1, Burlington, Ontario. STOP TOILET DRIP CONDENSATION stopped with a guar. anteed imperial styrofoam liner. Mall $4,00 we pay postage McHardys, 998 Dundas St., London. BABY CHICKS BRAY started 10•week old pullets ready soon 790 each. Booking October. November' Broilers. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. NINE and ten week old started chick bargains while they last. White Leg- horn X Rhode Island Red, California Gray X White Leghorn — $41.95 per hundred, Assorted Medium Breeds, nine weeks old — $39.95 per hundred. Also pullets one week old, Barred Rock, Columbian Rock, Rhode Island Red Light Sussex — $28.95 per bun - dreg. Rhode island Red X Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex — 526 95 per hundred. Assorted breeds — $23.95 per hundred. For each week older, add 20 per chick. Kimber pullets, one week old, 547.00 per hundred. For each week older, add 40 per chick, Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BOOKS FAMILY Catholic Holy Bible for daily reading Sacred Heart Edition, Art Leather Cover, Illustrated to color, 529.95 postpaid. Cash or money order. Edward Borak, 12 Ranson Street, Stam- ford, Connecticut. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT In Newcastle; $55,000 year takings. Beautiful apartment, fully equipped. seats 40. Owner has other interests. Apply Flytng•Scotsman New. castle 3136, WANTED! One representative, each Canadian town. Collect names. You get 500 for each name, Information, start- ing supplies, $1.00. Dixie Sales, Box 1856, Ocala, Florida. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR Sale — Rosenthal Combine, very good condition 5650.00. W. H. Knapp, Box 593, Mouroe, Michigan, INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les sons 500. Ask for free circular No 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. LEARN to weld. No time limit. Day or evening. A.R.C. School of Welding, John St. at Gore, Hamilton. Ont. JA. 9 7427 - JA 7.9681. INDUSTRY NEEDS DRAFTSMEN! THE Mechanical & Aircraft Inst. offers you a new and simplified home -study course in industrial drafting.. Manv find excellent Jobs after completing this Government -approved program, The course Is very reasonable, in fact, you can pay as little as $10 per month, For further information, without obli• gation, write to: Beacon Institute of Graphic Arts, 19 Dundas Street, West, Dept. If, Toronto, Ontario. LAND WESTERN Canadian homesteads — 160 acres. File age 18. Crown land 500 acre up, For information send one dollar to: Frontier Surveys, Box 246, Vanderhoof, British Columbia. MEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD, TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 235 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2165 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS GENUINE German Cuckoo Clock with weight and pendulum movement, An- tique walnut finish. Cuckoos every quarter hour. Shipped from Europe. Satisfaction guaranteed. $3.95 each, hi. Jackson, Box 147, Ray, Arizona. NEWEST Noveltyl Your own Mono- gram to decorate your car, boat, mail- box, etc. 51.00 or 3 for 52.50 postpald. Star Products 3701 Potomac Avenue. Los Angeles 16. California, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hatt dressing Pleasant. dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 aloor St. W., Toronto Brunches: 44 King St, W„ Hamilton 72 Rideau treet, Ottawa In Bury St. Edmunds, Eng- land, when only eleven jurors filed out of the box at West Suf- folk quarter sessions court, Judge Gerald Howard took an- other _look, spotted the twelfth juror sound asleep. NURSES WANTED GRADUATE NURSES IMMEDIATELY NEW 88 bed hoepltal to be opened lit September, Apply to: Superintendent, Prince Edward County Hospital, Picton, Ontario, PERSONAL HANDWRITING ' Reveals True Eel!, Characteristics. Send 30 word sample 1.00 for Analysis, yours or anoth ii handwriting, Emmett Wells, 1840 So„ 27th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona, TROUBLED/ Love/ Money Problems? ll help, Solution Available, if inetrue• tions followed. Strictly personal, John Wamsteker, Box 10 -CL, Ottery, ape, South Africa. ADULTS' Personal Rubber Goods. 58 assortment for 52.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies, Western Distributors, BOX 24TP Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVEI Films developed and 8 magna prints in album 104 12 magna prints In album 600 Reprints 60 each KODACOLOR Developing roll 51.00 (not Including prints) Color prints 350 each extra, Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25, Color Prints uofe6ritMgaefnded In slides for unpned Money tives, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE CENTRAL ONTARIO VALUES! "WE have a wide range of listings to suit your taste and finances. Commer- elal opportunities, many farms of vari. ous sizes small holdings in rural areas, cottages, vacant lots In town, country and vacation districts. Descrlp• tive literature and photos mailed promptly on request." ' LONG BROS. — Realtors Cobourg, Ont. Port Hope, Ont Franklin 2.3161 Turner 5.4501. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES HERE Is your chance to start fresh In a new department of a 52 -year-old com- pany to help it grow and grow with it: to become an Important member of our well trained team of specialists. An opportunity to create a high pay- ing aying career In the sales field. Frankly, we don't wantust anybody. Each man will be selected with care and a con- siderable Investment made by this fin- ancial firm in his future, The men we are looking for must be Intelligent and personable, who can talk sincerely to the average person. If selected you will be trained thoroughly and be giveneWer ares certain to represents a splendid opportunity for those seeking above average earnings. Salary and commission, monthly bonus, group Insurance annum increases to his responsible position if you feel you can qualify Write to Box 194, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. STAMPS AND COiNS FOR the famous British Line of Rap - kin Stamp Albums and accessories, see your Stamp Dealer or Bookseller. The Ryerson Press. 299 Queen St W.. Toronto 243. GERMANY, Saar, locals, mint, used. List free, Ted Stals. 316 Oak St. North, Aurora, Illinois. OLD Coins wanted, pay highest prices. Catalogue 150. Gary's, 9910 Jasper Ave- nue, Edmonton, Alberta. 100 DIFFERENT Worldwide stamps 100, plus surprise packet. Williams. Box 187 WL. Toronto 1, Ont, TEACHERS WANTED CATHOLIC teacher wanted for Public School, No. 6, Rochester Township, grades 1 to 5. dutles to commence i September. APPLY, stating experience, quallfica. tions, and salary expected, to Ray Strong. Sec.-Treas.. R.R 2, Belle River, Ont. TEACHER male, single commencing September, salary, $2,5d0; 12 pupils grades 1 to 8; located 68 miles west of Chapleau on main line C.P.R. APPLY giving name of last inspector to Mrs. E. L. Roberts, Lochnish P.O. Ont., via C.P.R. TEACHER wanted• for U.P.S.S. 1 Eilber Devitt and Barker, ungraded. Apply to Mrs. E. Christianson, Sec., Mattice, Ont , Cochrane District, stat- ing qualifications, last Inspector and salary expected. Female Protestant pre- ferred. TEACHERS wanted: One English and two bl-ungual for Separate School. Quote qualifications. APPLY to J. Nadeau, Secretary Treas- urer, P.O. Box 68, Spragge, Ont. WANTED by Wolfe Island T.S.A., three qualified teachers, Protestant pre- ferred, for modern, well-equipped rural schools with attendance about 20 pupils. Duties to commence September 1959. Please apply stating quallfica- tlons. references and salary expected to Mrs. Muriel Joslin, Wolfe Island, MERRY MENAGERIE .111./1/ l/ ?'/// i'V/'/ // 'Oopst Hold it a while, rt•rry body—it's rainin :" SLEEP TONIGHT ANO RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS t QDAY TO•MORROWI SEDICIN tables taken according to directions is a sate way to Induce steep er quiet the nerves when tents. SN' $1.00-$4.95 EDICI Drug Stens Oafyt ISSUE 36 - 1959 PAM 4 meimerommaraiiisomilsonsposo 444+4 • • •-• •-•-•-•44••4444-44444-•44 SPECIAL EVERY DAY, INCLUDING SUNDAY TURKEY DINNERS Make up a family party and take advantage of this special. HURON GRILL BLYTH - ONTARIO FRANK GONG, Proprietor. 44444444+444 •• M (Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFOBTII LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE — THOMAS STEEP, CLINTON. PHONES: CLINTON: EXETER: Business—Hu 2-6606 Business 41 Residence—Hu 2.3869 Residence 34 • 444-4444-•4-4444 444 • •+•4444-•4444 •44 .444 4-•-•-•-• 444 • •4+• •-• • ' f Just like milk butter belongs on your family table! ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' ?1 MARKETING BOARD 1 REPRESENTING 50,000 (REAM PRODUCERS ►4+*444+•+•4+•+•+44+44 •-•-••• •- •-•+•-•+•••N44 ••-•+.+•+•4-+ 1 ATTENTION FARMERS If you are anticipating an addition to your present stabling room or planning to build a Pole Barn SEE US ABOUT YOUR Pressure Treated Poles Pressure Treated Lumber & Steel We can build your Pole Barn or give material esti- mates for the "Do It Yourself Man." A. Manning & Sons Phone 207 --- Blyth, Ontario 1 • ••4+•44 6-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• -•-•-• 4-4 •-•-•-• • 44444 N •-• • • • • • 4-.-4 444444+ • BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS Dress Slacks for Boys; Jackets for both Boys and Girls; Pullover Sweaters and Cardigans; T. Shirts; Underwear, Shorts and Tops; Shirts of Cotton Plaid, also Flannel Plaid; Socks and Bodices; Jeans for Boys and Girls. - SHOES Growing Girls' Patent Flatees, size 4 to 9, Spec. 2.98 Growing Girls' Broken lines of Flatees, Suedes, and plain Black Leather, Reg, 3.95, Spec. 1.99 Girls Red Sandals, foam soles, sizes 11 to 3, Spec. 1.99 Boys' and Girls' Scampers, size 8 to 5 (factory seconds) come and see this great value, Spec. 2.99 Girls' Brown Oxfords, sizes 7 to 3, Neolite Soles, Spec. 2.79 Boys' Black and Brown Oxfords, sizes 1 to 512, Reg. 5.95 Spec. 3.99 The Arcade Store PHONE 211 BLYTH, ONT. Lr THE BLYTH STANDARD News. Of Auburn Celebrates 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby were guests of honour at the summer cot- tage of their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Petrie, and Mr, Petrie, near Kincar- dine, recently, when they entertained relatives and friends cn the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary, Mr. henry Lamont, of Klncardice, enter- tained during the evening with selec- tions on the bagpipes, and an e.tjoy- ' able evening was spent. Mrs, Petrie read a poem composed by Mr, Frank Raithby for the occasion and gifts were presented to mark this event, • A delicious lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Frank Raith- by, along with a beautifully decorated cake. Mr, and Mrs. Raithby were married by Rev. A. E. Millson at the home of the bride's uncle, the late John Hoare, and was hefore her mar- riage Miss Alfretta M, Killough, Fol- lowing their marriage they took up residence on their farm in East Wa- wanosh now owned by Mr. Fred Toll. in 1940 they sold out and moved to Goderich where Mr, Raithby is em- ployed by I-f.E,R.C.O. They are both valued members of the Goderich Bap- list Church where Mrs. Raithby is the president of the Women's Mission Cir- cle. They have a fancily of one son, Sgt, William Raithby, of Ottawa, and one daughter, Marie, Mrs, Kenneth Petrie, of Kincardine, and three grand- children, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Raith- by, Mr, John Raithby and Mr. Harold Raithby were present to help celebrate this occasion. Mrs. George Hamilton Observes 8.5t the Canadians, Mr, Ilamilton cane home from Daw• Son in 1900 In July and was married and took his brine to the Yukon where they remained until 1910 whzn w.t their son, Thomas, (who now resides in Goderich) they returned to Auburn to take up farming until 12 years ago they moved to the village.. Mrs.•Ham- ilton compared the present day travel to that trip which she took nearly 59 years ago, and to the first expedition ".that took 15 months, Flower Arrangement by Clinton Ladles The Auburn Horticultural Society are holding an open meeting this Thursday l evening, September 3rd, at 8,30 p.m, in the Orange Hall. A demonstration on flower arrangement w 11 be give:: by Mrs. Clifford Epps and • Miss Lu- ella Johnston, of Clinton. A special program is being planned and a re- port of the • annual meeting held im Goderich will be given by the dole-. gates, Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mrs. Thom- as Lawlor. Each member is requested to bring a bouquet which will be given away as lucky prizes. A pot -luck lunch will be served and everyone is welcome. 'I he Librarian of the Auburn Pu' f c Library requests all County books in by Friday, September 4th. Mr, Lloyd Raithby, of London, called on re'atives on Sunday morning. - Friends of Mr, Ghon Raithby will b• cased to know that he is recovering rent his recent operatic n and will be ..hle to go to his home scon. Mr. Keith Machan suffered severe injury to his arra last week and was confined to the hospital at Markdale for several days. Mr, Machan is em- ployed by Sandy Construction Co. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Toll and son, of Ilamilton, visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toil. Birthday. Mrs. George ilamilton celebrated her 85th birthday recently and is en- joying good health. She is the oldest living person that was born in the vil- lage of Auburn. She was before her marriage, Isabelle Wilson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wilson and attended school at U.S.S. No, 5, Mullett. She is a member of St, Mark's Anglican Church and the Wo- men's Guild and is also a charter member of the Auburn, Women's In- stitute. Site was married to Mr. George Ilamilton who passed away 10 years ago, and has • one son, Thomas, and 7 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren. Mrs. Hamilton has a wonderful memory and recalls their trip to the Yukon .early in 1900, when the gold rush days were o.t, She ca!d that the rush to the Yukon is quite different today than it was when her late husband got the gold fever in 1898. Ile learned that Duncan Mathe- son had come from Montreal and was visiting his relatives in Goderich. George learned from Duncan that he could join the same company in Mon- treal and go with them. Iie left here about the middle of March for Mon- treal where 8 other gold seekers await- ed him. Before leaving J. D. Ander- son the leader of the expedition, drew up an agreement binding all to remain together for 0 months. After outfit- ting at Montreal the party journeyed to Edmonton where they completed their purchases, and then proce:ded down the Athabaska to the Athabaska Landing. Their 12 tons of provisions were taken this far by teams., Ilere George Hamilton became a ship car- penter and from lumber purchased from the Hudson Bay Co., built 3 stur- dy flat-bottomed boats, each 21 feet long with an 8 foot beam and 3 feet deep. They had pointed bows and square sterns and each was equipped with a mast and a sail. The party then journeyed down the Athabaska river, and through the Athabaska Lake, the Slave River, to the Great Slave Lake. Iters at Hoy River the voyagers paus- ed long enough to build a church for the Anglican missionary which was still used a few years ago, The Arctic circle was crossed but the party con- tinued clown stream until within about 90 miles of the mouth of the MacKen- zie River and the Arctic Ocean. There they entered the Peel River going eastward and proceeding up- ward toward the height of land on top of the Rockies which separated them from the Yukon River, They travelled up the Peel river for 15 miles, then through the Willow and Longstick Riv- ers. After 10 days down stream the voy- agers came to the mouth of Old Crow River on October 3rd and as ice was beginning to form it was decided to stake camp on a well wooded island where the abundance of lumber would provide logs for building a cabin, Here the long winter in the Arctic was passed in comparative comfort and all enjoyed good health hut Duncan Matheson who had an attack of acute indigcston. The time was spent hunt- ing game and in prospecting for gold, but on only one occasion did any yel- low dust appear in the pan. Mr. Ilam- ilton had taken with him his violin which helped to pass away many pleasant hours. The trip down the Porcupine river to the Yukon was passed without a mishap. Among the chief objects of interest were 75 miles of Ramparts, highwalls of rocks which Nature has painted and coloured. One form in particular being an excellent repre- sentation of an olid man and woman at Fort Yukon which i; 401) miles north of Dawson, The party broke up divided the supplies, and from here each one paid for his own transporta- tion up to Dawson by Wainer. ner. 'Piny arrived there in June, which was 15 miles after starting from Mo:itreal, ihuncan Mattison again became crit- ically 111 at Circle city where he dial and seas buried after undergoing an aaeraton. The late Mr. lia._i?!on pt• ways paid high respect to his memory aid claimed that he was the best man in the party. His seamanship, Varner! from his experiences ns n sr!' •"• in Goderich helped out on 'tidily a is y cue occasion, He often rented that the Canadians going into n:+"snn in the Party days were handicapped by not . having any experiences in plat——i . ing. Many Americans who came from California were used to placer mining which followed the rush to that country • in 1543 and fared much better than Severe Storm -A severe electrical storm hit this community last Wednesday evening. Many homes were s!ruck and minor loss was sustained but the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nesbit and family had the chimney knocked off. Many electric clocks will tell time no more I and the chopping mill and large barn filled with commercial reeds of Mr. Ernest Snell, of East Wawanosh, was burned to the ground. Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCliachey entertained recently to ce'ebrate Ih; 25th wedding anniversary of her par- ents, Mr. and M:s. John Daer, wlft a family dinner. During the evening they were presented with a beautiful corsage and boutonniere and gifts of silver to mark the occasion. Mr. and Mrs, Daer were marri,d at the Bap- tist parsonage in Clinton by Rev. G. W. Sherman and took up residence on their farm in llullett tcwnsh'p on the Auburn -Blyth road, where they resided until two years ago when they mov,d to Auburn. They are bch valued members of St. Mark's Anglican Church, where Mr. Daer is the People's Warden and Mrs. Daer is past presi- dent of the Guild. They have four daughters and three grandchildren. A turkey dinner was also given at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sam Daer to mark this occasion, what otter members of the immediate fam- ily were present. '1 hose present were Mr. and Mrs, John Dacr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seiler and scn, John, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jac'.scn, all of Mitch- ell, and their son, Bob. The best wish- es of the district are extended to this couple on their silver wedding anni- versary, Shower For Bride -Elect Miss Carol Armstrong, t•r'de•e'ect was guest of honour at a shower held in the Sunday School 'room of Knox United Church recently. Mrs. Norman McClinchey presided for the program, and led in the_ sing -song, Miss Margo Grange accompanied on the piano. A mock we'ding took place with Miss Margo playing the wedding march and Miss Betty Younghlul the soloist. Miss Marlene Eason was the preacher, and Miss Betty Durnin, tin bride groom, was assisted by Miss \Bernice McDougall rs the hest nrn. The bride was Miss Elva Gross and the : bridesmaid was Miss Margj'e Kaopmans. The br'ide's mother was Miss Phyllis Glen and the part of the, lather was played by Miss Linda Wil-' ion, All were dressed in conical cos- ume and caused much merriment to .hose gathered for the occasion. Mis- ;es Joan and June Mills sang a duet. Mrs. McClinchey called Miss Arm -1 strong to the platform and Miss J .a' Mills escorted her to the decorated chair. Miss June Mills pinned a lov- ely corsage on the guest of honor., Miss Marlene Easom read an address in poetry form, expressing the good wishes of all present, Beautiful gifts were presented by the girls taking part in the nock wedding, Carol! thanked her many friends for thzir gifts, A delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs, John Silverthorne, of Currie's Corners, spent last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies. Rev, and Mrs, J. II. Martin, of Mint- ico, visited last Wednesday with Miss Margaret R. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Mrs. Rose, of Swan River, Manitoba, spent last week visiting with her sis- ter -In-law, Mrs. John Graham. Mrs. Oliver Anderson and daughter, Nancy, visited recently w'th her friend, Mrs. Ray O'Neill, Lynn, Jelin and Paul, of Jasper, Alberta, at the home of Mrs. O'Neill's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ferguson, at Waterloo. l\Irs. lllie Everts, of Baden, another friend, .vas also present for the reunion, We are sorry to report that Mr. Ferguson is not in the best of health. Wednesday, Sept, 3, 1954 ' Mr. and Mrs. James Bolger, of Wat. ton, visited last Sunday with her sister, 1',frs, Gordon Chamney, Mr, Chamney and m, Mr.faandilyMrs, Russel Erratt, of Var- na, visited recently with Mrs, Charles Straughan, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Brad nock, Mrs. Ernest Doerr and sons, Brian and Harold, are guests this week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Chamney, Mosler Douglas Mohring returned to his home in Goderich .after spending a few clays with his grandparents, Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Bead4e, kir, and Mrs, John Daer, Mrs. Sam Daer and Mrs. Martin Ashman, of Detroit, were Mitchell visitors last week. Miss Helen Buffinga, who has been employed for the summer months at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ilerbert Mogridge, returned to her home near Clinton where she will begin her stud- ies at the Goderich Business School, Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan were in Sudbury last week visiting with their daughter, Mrs, Clayton Robertson and Mr. Robertson. Mrs. Gordon Taylor spent last week at St. Catharines with her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Mr, Rathwell, Mike and Janice, Mrs. Sam Daer and her sister, Mrs, Martin Ashman were guests the end of the week with their si ter, Mrs. Charles Cowan and Mr. Cowan, in Lon. don. `44,40 44,4,4NMMNNNIlMIN1,MNI•IM ti#44444INI GOdericii BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 8th Practical Instruction in all commercial subjects Qualified Teachers — Modern Equipment — New Typewriters Examinations sel, marked, and Diplomas issued by TIIE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIM'ION OF CANADA For several years every scat has been filled, Register now — Tuition $22 — Telephone 428 or 1272 Collect WNIMI•M.MI'I MIM.NMIMN 1 WALLACE'S DRY GOODS ---Blyth--- BOOTS & SHOES FOR YOUR FALL SEWING NEEDS, Zippers, Etc., Drip Dry Broadcloth, Prints JEANS and OVERALLS For Boys And Men By Haughs and "Big B" Dry Cleaning Pick -Up Before 8.45 a.tn. Tuesdays and Fridays. Phone 73. 0-44144•44,444-4•••••••044444444• 444444••••• •NNM N4.444.44~,0400.0INrNN.N.+.NINI4.40. NI.N "SCI-IOOL DAYS" ARE HERE Cotton Dresses 8 to 14X $4.98 to $12.95 1Vo'ol Plaid Reversible Skirts, 8 to 14X, - $7.95 to $12.95 Straight Skirts, 8 to 141X $5.95 to $9.95 Boys Cardigan Sweaters $2.98 Up Girls Orlon Sweaters $2.98 Up Girls Bulkie Sweaters $5.95 Up See new fall styles Sept. 3 on M'Lady CKNX-TV at 4 o'clock. . 44.04444,4 4444 Needlecrart Shoppe BLYTII, ONTARIO., 'Me Shot, for Tots and Teens" The play shoe for all the family now approved by SPORTS COLLEGE Al Outfit all your family to -day with / these new low priced Sisman Scampers. We now have a. complete stock of Scampers , Canada's favourite play shoe. See the popular, , moccasin style with comfortable foam crepe sole for that "walking -on -all" • feeling all summer. See these, and many other popular styles for the whole family, at our Mote to -day. ADILL'S Wednesday, Sept, 3, 1959 41. 111•1111•11111111.011r Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Automobile, Fire, Casualty, Sickness, Ac'ident, Windstorm, Farm Liability, WE'SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE, Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 140 WANTED Old hoses, 31/2c per pound. Dead cattle and horses at .value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GIL. BFRTBROB,'MINK RANCH, Godertca $ Pili i4 collect 1488J1, or 1483J4. • BLYTH BEAUTY BAR Permanents, Cutting, and Styling. Ann Hollinger Phone 143 CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON BARRISTERS & 8O1.lcrrORS J. H. Crawford, R. S. Hethcringtoo Q.C.• Q.C. Wingham and Blyth. iN BLYTH EACH THURSDAY MORNING and by appointment. Located In Elliott Insurance Ageney Phone Blyth, 104 Wingham, 4� G. B. CLANCY OPTOMETRIST -- OPTICIAN (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, Optometriat) FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 33, GODERICH 25-n J. E. Longstaff, Optometrist Seaforth, Phone 791 — Clinton HOURS: Seatorth Daily Except Monday & Wed 9:00 an. to 5:30 p.m, Wed..— 9;00 a.m. to 12:30 p:m. Clinton Office • Monday, 9 • 5:30, Fhon, HU 2-7010 G. ALAN WILLIAMS, OPTOMETRIST PATRICK ST. • WINGHAM, ON7 EVENINGS BY APPOIN'TMBNNT (For Apolntment please phone 770 Wingham), Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services. ROY N. BENTLEY riddle Accountant GODERICH, oNT. Telephone 1011 — Box 478. DR. R. W. STREET Blyth, Ont. OFFICE -HOURS -1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS, 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY AUCTIONEER Experience, Courtesy and Satisfactior Guaranteed, Prompt Assistance Given In Arrangins - Your Sale Problems, Phone .5R18, Blyth. George Nesbitt, George Powell, Auctioneer. Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING • ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artifci)l Breeding Service All Breeds of Cattle — Member owned and controlled, Cost Low — Efficiency High. Use of the best of bulls, Dis• ease controlled, Safety. For service or more Information phone: Clinton, HU 2-3441 or for long distance,, Clinton, Zenith 9-5650. Between: 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days, 6,00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings. Calls received on Saturday evening wil be serviced on Sunday morning. For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call until Monday morning, BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAPORTH, ON1 OFFICERS: President — Robert Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice -President, Alistair Broad- foc{,, Seaforth; ifiearhtary-Treasurer, W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. OIRECTORbs J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEw- ing, Blyth; W, S. Alexander, Walton, E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pep- per, Brucefield; C. W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; 11, Fuller, Goderich; R, Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth, AGENTS! William Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; James Keyes, Seaforth; Harold Squires, Clinton. K. W. COLQYJHOUN INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada CLINTON PHONES Office, HU 2-9747; Res. HU 2.7550 Phone Blyth 78 SALESMAN Vie Kennedy • McNALL ELECTRIC Phone 219 — BLYTH, ONT, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES RADIOS AND T.V. Doug McNall PROPRIETOR. Clinton Community FARMERS AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT CLUNTON SALE BARN at 8- p.m. IN BLYTH, PHONE BOB HENRY, 150R1. Joe Corey, Bob McNair, Manager. Auctioneer. 05 -if, RENTAL SERVICE CATTLE CLIPPERS, CEMENT MIX. ER, (with motor), WHEEL BARROW, VACUUM CLEANER, FLOOR POLISH- ERS, BETH SANDERS, VA HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC DRILL, WEED SPRAYER (3 gal.), EXTENSION LAD- DER (32 feet), PIPE WRENCHES, PIPE DiES & CUTTER. GARDEN TILLER LAWN ROLLER Apply to Sparling'sHardware Phone 24, Blyth DEAD STOCK SERVICES Highest Cash Prices PAID FOR SiCK, DOWN OR DIS- ABLED COWS and HORSES. Also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses — 5c Per Pound PHONE COLLECT 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT OR GLENN GIBSON, Phone 15119 BLYTII 24 HOUR SERVICE 1311. DEAD STOCK WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid In surounding districts for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cattle. Old hor• ses for slaughter 5c a pound. For prompt, sanitary disposal day or night, phone collect, Norman Knapp, Blyth, 211112, if busy phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153, Wm. Morse, Brussels, 15J6. Trucks available at all times. 34- 1, Mar. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of FREDERICK ALFRED HAGGITT, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died intestate on or about the 18th day of Ju'y, A.D. 1959, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of August. A.D. 1959, full part'culars of their claims in writing. Imm2d'ately after the said 15th day of August the assets of the said intestate wi'l he distr'buted amongst the partes entitled t'ie•e'o, having regard only to claims of wh'ch the Administratrix shall then have' notice. DATED this 27th day of July, A.D. 1959, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON • Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Adminis'ratrix. iN MEMORIAM ROBINSON-1n memory of R. II, Ro- binson who passed away August 31, 1953. However long our lives may last, • Whatever lands we view, Whatever joy or grief be ours, We will always think of you. —Always remembered by his family. 32•lp THE I3LYTf STANDARD PAGE 7 BROWNIE'S DRIVE•IH 1111 THEATRE Ib Clinton, FEATURING TIIE LARGEST WIDE SCREEN IN HURON COUNTY Thursday, Friday, September 3 and "GIDGET" (Colour) (Cinemascopc) Sandra Dee •• Cliff Robertson (ONE CARTOON) Ontario 4 Saturday Only — September 5 "TIIE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON (Colour) (Comedy) Kenneth More -• Diana Cilcnto (Stooge Cmedy) (One Cartoon) Sunday Midnite, Monday, Sept. 6 and 7 "NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS" Andy Griffith •• Myron McCormick (ONE CARTOON) Tuesday, Wednesday, September 8, 9 —DOUBLE FEATURE — "CARRY ON SERGEANT" William Hartnell -• Shirley Eaton "SQUARE PEG" Norman Widdom (ONE CARTOON) Thursday, Friday, September 12, 11 "THE NAKED AND THE DEAD" (Colour) (Cinemascopc) Aldo Ray •• Barbara Nichols (ONE CARTOON) , TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Children under 12 In cars Free VJdIJV,.N..MI.INIMN.NININ..I.r• i Massey Ferguson Special Notice ..Massey-Fcrgu of Shop will be closed on Mo;tday, Sc pt3mber 7th. In the meantime call in and see our Good Line of new and used Tractors and Plows. Lloyd -Walden, Proprietor en St., Blyth — Phone 189 FOR SALE Fresh honey, 20c a ib., in your own containers. Apply Reg Schultz, phone 341112, Blyth. 30-3p. SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, cess -pools, etc.,pumpee and cleaned, Free estimates. LotiU Blake, phone 921113, Brussels, R.H. NOTICE A meeting of B'yLh Agricultural So- ciety will be held on Thursday evening, September 3rd, at 8.30 in the Library. All directors and m:tubers, of commit- tees please attend. 31-2 BAKE SALE IN DOHERTY'S SHOW ROOM at 3 o'clock on SATURDAY, SEPT. 5th Sponsored by Group 1 of the W.A. 32-1 AUCTION SALE , Of Livestock, Implements and Household Effects Will be held at the farm of Janes Walsh, Lot 39, Concession 3, East Wa• ' wanosh Township, 1 mile north of i Blyth, and 1 mile west of highway 4. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th at 1 p.m. CATTLE—roan cow, 8 years old, clue Feb. 13; red cow, 8 years old, due Jan. 12; red cow, 7 years old, due March 15; l red cow, 7 years old, due March 10; roan cow, 6 years old, due March 27; ; red cow, 5 years old, due time of sale; i roan cow, 4 years old; roan heifer, 3 years old, due Nov. 12; red he'fer, due March 14; red heifer, due March 17; roan heifer, due March 27; 2 heifers 3 years old, due in October; 3 steers 3 years old, around 1000 lbs.; 3 steers, 2 years old, around 800 lbs.; 6 steers, 1 year old, around 500.600 lbs.; 2 year- ling heifers; 6 spring calves. • PIGS: 2 York sows. IMPLEMENTS International W 6 Tractor; Case double disc; Internation- al 3 furrowed plow. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Dininyj room suite; 2 Chrome sets, table and chairs; Princess Pat kitchen stove; small cook stove; rug; bed springs and mattress; silverware; dishes; few antiques; and other articles too num- erous to mention; haple syrup Evap- orator, pails and spilcs. GRASS FARM—At the same time and place there will be offered for We a 50 acre grass farm, being the south east half of Lot 36, Concession 6, East Wtiawanosh. On this farm is a never failing spring. TERMS CASiI Albert Walsh, Proprietor. Harold Jackson. Auctioneer, Bob Henry, Clerk, 32-2• LYCEUM THEATRE Wingham, Ontario. Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7:15 p.m. Thurs., Fri„ Sat., September 3.4.5 Pat Wayne, Yvonne Craig in "The Young Land" A melodrama set in California follow- ing the acquisition of that tertiary by the United States. FOR SALE 1951 Plymouth Sedan, with low mile- age and in A•1 condition, must be sold to close estate. Apply, Mrs, Alfred Ilaggitt, Blyth. 31-2p, HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring. September honey with all the fall vitamins, 20c a lb., with own container. Apply Wallace Ross, 1 Seaforth, Ont. 32.2 CARD OF THANKS We would like to exrress our s'ncere thanks to all those who seat letters, cards, treats and flowers, and al o: made visits whi'e we were patierts in the Wingham General Hospital. Sc'; cial thanks to Dr, Pcdley and the nursing staff, - —Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell Fr. ' LN• -•+H+44+4 -N+• .44444444+•+•-•44-44+044-+•-•-•-•-• ROXY THEATRE, PARK CLINTON. GODERICH. Now Playing Sept. 3, 4, 5 "Smiley Gets A Gun" An engaging "Tom Sawyer" ten years old, with Australia's outback country filmed in De Luxe color. Chips Rafferty • Keith Calvert Dame Sybil Thordike Mon., Tues., Wed„ Sept. 7, 8, 9 "Kathy 0" Enchanting little girl heroine, who wanted love, not glamor. Dan Duryea • Jan St'ri'ng • Patty McCormack Now Playing:- Lee RenVek In "These Thousand Hills" Color, Adult En- tertainment, Mon., Tues„ Wed., Sept. 7, 8, 9 "It Hapepned To Jane" Doris Day • Jack Lennon and Ernie Kovaks In Technicolor Thurs., Frl., Sat., Sept. 10, 11, 12 "Tom Thumb" In Technicolor Russ Tamblyn • Terry Thomas and Alan Young "Royal River" Coming:- "3.10 to Yuma" Glenn Ford Coming:- "Stranger In My Arms" June Allyson and Jeff Chandler, Felicia Farr • Van Iief'in, •±+•N4++••±•++14.4-4-•+44+$ •++++++H-•+• N+i N+• •-• • •4 Wingham Memorial Shop - Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP. Open Every Week Day. CEMETERY LETTERING, Phone 256, Wingham R. A. SPOTTON. 32.ip.•..v..........i.............#M4N. BELGRAYE Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and Gerald of Brussels, with Mr, and Mrs. R. II. Wheeler, on Sunday. Miss Lauretta McBurney, of Calgary, who spent the summer holidays with her mother, Mrs. Shoebottom and bro- ther, Alex McBurney, has returned to her teaching duties at Calgary, HAVE YOUR FILMS PRINTED ON XMAS CARDS Prices include Cards and Envelopes 10 for 1,50 --- 25 for 2.50 ' PELTON'S VARIETY STORE BLYTH, ONT. News Of Walton 8th and 16th Group Met The 8th and 16th group met at the tome of Mrs. Jim McDonald, for the tugust meeting. The meeting ope°led .vith the singing of hymn 411, with Airs. J. Bryans at the piano. Airs. len McDonald and Mrs, Jim Smith gad charge of the Devotional pant on of the meeting. Scripture reading was from the Book of Esther, 5th chapter, by Mrs, Ken McDonald, This was fol- lowed by prayer. The To:ic, "The Story of Esther," was ably given by Mrs. Jim Smith. The secretary's re- port was given. It was moved ar,d seconded that we have the bazaar on October 9th. Other items of I:usiness were discussed. A tasty lunci was served by the comm't:ez, ass'ste.l. I y the hostess. 17th and Boundary Group The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and Bout►..a•y Group of Duff's United Church wc;., held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Wi,i!amson, with 12 members and 2 visitors present. Mrs.. Harvey Craig was in charge of the nrce'ing, wh:c'n opened with the sing- ing of hymn 502, "What a Friend We I-Iave in Jesus," and the Lord's Pray- er in unison, Mrs. Craig commented on the scripture reading, taken by Eileen Williamson. Mona Clark took the topic. After the business period the meeting closed with the singing of hymn 501 "Will Your Anchor IIo'd in the Storms of Life" and the Mizl•ah Benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess and the lunch committee, Mrs. G. Corlette, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. J. Clark and Mrs. J. Bruce. A so2ial half hour was spent. Ilackwell Reception A reception in honour of Mr, and Mrs. David Ilackwell (newly-weds) was held in the Community Hall on Friday evening. During the lunch hour they were presented with a well filled purse by Ronald Bennett and a card table by herb Kirkby from the Football Club. The add►ess was read by Mac Sholdice. Music was supplied by the Clinton Hilltoppers. Mrs. Gladys Gardner, Prince Albert, Sask., Flight Lieutenant Ernest and Mrs. Gardner, of Centralia, and Mrs. Mildred Rcekie, of Brantford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot, last week, Mrs. F. 1I. Miller and Mr. and Mrs, Doug Ennis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth, Brod- hagen. Mrs. Charlotte Boyd, of McKillop, spent the week -end with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, G -gorge Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. David llackwcll have moved to their new home at St. Marys, Mrs. Luella Marshall has returned home by plane on Sunday after spend- ing the past two weeks with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall, North Bay, Mrs. Fred Kerley is spending a few clays with , her sisters, Airs. Walter Broadfoot and Mrs. Ferne Patterson. Mr. A. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Planke and .Airs, M. Dressel, of Tor- onto, spent the week -end with Mrs, E. Ennis. Missces Catherine Buchanan and Norma Hoegy lett on Monday for Kit- chener where they will train for nur- ses at the St. Marys hospital. (Too late for last week) Walton Group The Walton Group met at the home of Mrs, W. C, Hackwell for their Au- gust meeting on Wednesday evening, August 19, with 22 members attending. The president, Mrs. Jinn Clark, opened the meeting with the hymn "I am 'Paine 0 Lord" with Mrs. Doug Ennis at the piano. Mrs. Ron Bennett read the scripture lesson from Psalm 52, Com- ments on the passage were given by the leader. Mrs. Art McCall offered prayer. A poem "Monkey's Disgrace" was read by Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Harvey Brown chose as her topic "We are our Brother's Keeper" stressing that our society can be judged by our attitude to those of lesser opportunities. Jesus said "1t is not the will of the Father that one of these shall perish." Mrs. H. Travis called the roll which was answered with a Harvest Hymn, and also gave the minutes of the previous meeting. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. R. Benre't. The group has purchased a chair for the desk in thr school room which was purchased rec...►t!y. The meeting closed with hymn 562 'Day Is Dying in the West" and prayer. Plans were completed for the Variety Auction to be held in the shed opposite the church or. Sep- t tember 4. Lunch was served by the I hostess, Mrs. Jack Gordon and Mrs. W. Broadfoot. McKillop Group , Mrs, Andrew Coutts was hostess for the McKillop Group meeting on Fri- day evening with Mrs. N. Reid presid- ing. The opening hymn 338, "Jesus Calls Us O'er The Tumu:t" was sung with Mrs. Merton Hackwell at the pi- ano. Mrs. Reid read the scripture and led in prayer, after which hymn 577 "Come Ye Thankful People Come" was sung. Reports were heard and business conducted. Variety Auction to be held by the W. A. on September 4, at 7.30 p.m. The topic entitled "Sig- nal Hill" was given by Mrs, Thomas Ilackwell, The meeting closed with hymn 390 "Work for the Night is Com- ing" and prayer. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McNichol and children left on Saturday for Unity, Sask., and other points in the Western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Battle, son and daughter and grandson, of Cass City, Mich.,. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett. Mr. Battle and Mrs. Bennett ale. cousins who have never met before. Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Thomas are holidaying with their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thomas, Ot- tawa. Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Ennis, Cathie and Bcth, of London, visited with Mrs. E. Ennis, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . George Dundas and Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews, have returned hone after a trip to Mani- toba. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews remain- ed a few days before returning to Tor- onto. The Walton Women's Institute spon sored a bus trip to Dearborn, Mich., en Wednesday, when forty ladies from the vicinity had a very interesting ane' enjoyable day. Mrs. Walter Bewley left on 'yen nesday for St. Thomas where she will attend the School for Leaders held at Alma College. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young and son, Bob, Scatiboro, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cardiff. of Pet- rolia, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fern Patterson and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Ryan have mov- ed to their new home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan. Miss Grace Taylor, of Cromarty, visited with Miss Ami Achilles last week. Miss Audrey McMichael is holiday- ing with her aunt, Mrs. Etta Eyre, of Sarnia. Larry Walters is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and AA's. Georger Rapier, of London. Mrs. Hilda Sellers, of Kitchener, spent a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, AIr, and Mrs. 1 -Herb Travis. Variety Concert A variety concert sponsored by the Hall Board was held in the Community Hall on Friday evening. Donald Mc- Donald acted as chairman, for the fol- lowing program. Solo, Linda Bryans; duet, Sherri! and Graeme Craig; mu- sical number, The Hamilton Fancily; solo, Sharon Strong; choruses, A num- ber of Grandmother's vocal number; Clark Johnston; quartette, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr. and Donald McDonald; piano solo, Miss Aileen Williamson; duet, Mrs. Herb Travis and Brian; square dance by Institute ladies with Mrs. Joe Ryan as caller; Mrs. E. Mitchell, violin and Airs. Wm. Humphries, piano; violin selection Mrs. Emerson Mitchell. Mu- sic for dancing was supplied by the Clinton Hilltoppers. A draw which was held at 12 o'clock resulted as fol- lows: steam iron, Jack McDonald, Brussels; bathroom scales, Alvin Sti- more; travelling alarm clock, Bar- bara Bryans.. Shirley Bosman Shower Miss Shirley Bosman was guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower in the church parlour on Monday even- ing. Mrs. E. McCreath was in charge of the program which consisted of, piano solo Aileen Williamson; solo, Linda Bryans; comic number, Mrs. Joe Ryan; contests were conducted by Mrs. Merton Ilackwell and Mrs. Mc- Creath. The bride -elect was escorted to place of honour by Miss Donna Smith, her ,mother, Airs. J. Bosman, by Marion Turnbull, and the groom's mother, Mrs. Pat Ocsch, by Jean Wal- ters. The gifts were presented to Shirley by the C.G.I.T. girls after which she thanked the ladies for the many lovely and useful gifts. Lunch was served by the McKillop ladies and the C.G.I.T. girls. Miss Muriel Schade, Reg. N., is at present visiting at home after return- ing from Bermuda where she has been nursing. l • BELGIZAVE Mr. Roy McGee, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with his brother, Gordon McGee. Mrs. C. Hanna and Mrs. Ross An- derson were delegates attending the WAIS course at Alma College, St. Thomas last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Coultcs, Marie and Audrey, spent a few days on a motor trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Byers, of Detroit, spent the week -end in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reid .and Judy were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. II. Irwin. Air. Colin Fingland, of Wingham, had charge of the service in Knox United Church and Calvin Brick on Sunday. Rev, Duncan McTavish. of London, will be in charge of these services next Sunday. Royal Water Staggers Brooklyn Alone, neither hydrochloric nor nitric acid will dissolve the "noble metals" gold and plat- inum, but a mixture of the two will, So to this potent corrosive the medieval alchemists gave the name aqua regia — royal water. Last month in Brooklyn, fumes from the royal water knocked out scores of factory workers and firemen, left sev- eral in hospitals, threatened with severe aftereffects. In the Williamsburg section, an American Cyanamid Co, tank truck backed up to the Radio Receptor Co.'s plant (which makes electronic equipment) to deliver 500 gallons of nitric acid. Driver Benjamin Sidla hooked up his hose to a pipe indicated by employees, started pumping. After a few minutes, a man rushed up from the basement yelled to Sidle: "You'd better stop. The fumes are terrible down there," Somehow the nit- ric acid had been diverted into a 3,000 -gallon tank containing hydrochloric. Result: royal water, which was already be. ginning to dissolve the tank's rubber lining, eating away a flange where the pipe entered, and emitting noxious fumes. Radio Receptor employees staggered to the street, coughing and choking, their eyes burning. Some collapsed, some vomited. Emergency squads gave oxygen, took dozens of workers to four hospitals; 18 were kept over- night, and some longer. Assist- ant Deputy Fire Chief Walter C. Wocd cleared ,p two -block area around the plant, kept resi- dents out until 3 a.m., when ha thought it was safe, Meanwhile, Wocd and his ' firemen went into the basement tank room, tried to stop the leak with a new flange. When the air cylinders for their masks were empty and they carne up to the street to change them, their faces and necks showed bright red acid burns; 38 were elected, one had to be hospital- ized. Because aqua regia attacks pipes and pumps so avidly, it took three days to find resist- ant equipment to load it into a tank truck for neutralization and disposal in New Jersey. At week's end, Chief Wood and six firemen fell sick. Doc- tors at first feared a danger- ous late reaction to the fumes, which can cause suffocation, rated the men lucky that thi, did not develop, At A Desert Well 23 August I woke to the soli- tary piping of a sandpartridge hidden somewhere in the twi- light among rocks surrounding the water. It was at this well that I had first met Suliman two years before. When I arrived there with Auda and Ali, I didn't notice him at first for he was sitting with three or four others in the shade a hundred yards away. Auda and Ali had seen them no doubt, for some camels that must have belonged to them had just been watered and were standing listlessly near the well, Their full skins too, about ten of them, were on the ground by the wellshaft, swollen out like animals lying on their backs with their legs up in the air.. . At the well itself a little girl less than ten years of age had just finished watering some sheep and goats. She picked up her stick and going to her own amen skin she said to Ali, "Help DUTCH TREAT — The Nether- lands through association, the windmill, above, is actually in Outwood, Surrey, England. Built in 1665, it is perhaps the old- est working mill in Britain, me to lift it up," As he did so, she placed its rope across her forehead a n d bent forward slightly to the weight on her back, She walked confidently off behind her flock, her long frilled dress swinging out in graceful folds at each step above her little bare feet. You would thinlc the keys of the desert were hanging from the broad cloth belt that encircled her waist. As she got farther away, not much higher than the sheep and goats ahead of her, the shallow gorge down which she passed seemed deeper than it was, Only after we had finished watering our camels and had filled our skins did Suliman come forward and greet us. He spoke in low tones to Auda. , All the time he and Auda were speaking almost inaudibly, and there was no movement from the other men in the shade or the women still watching us just above. What was this strange yet typical silence by the well? Was it due to the almost sacred presence of the water there, ac- centuated as it was by the muf- fled sound the water itself made as it was poured into the skins at this meeting -place of men whose thoughts were still intent on their long journey? , , It was still early in the morn- ing with the sandgrouse calling around us when we set out again, moving southwards along the cleared -back Roman road, , , Its proximity to the fort seems to preserve some of the human atmosphere of the past, as if its level stretch had been the strol- ling -ground of the men who lived there. The calling sand - grouse, that were here before the Romans came and saw them finally go, do not destroy that atmosphere but surround it with the soft desert colour that is their own,—From "The Red Sea Mountains of Egypt," by L. A. '1'regzenza, II}'MY SC1100I LESSON By ttev R. Barclay Warren B.A., ILD God's Concern for All People Jonah 3:1-2, 10; 4:1.11, Memory Selection: The Lord is good to all: and his tender mer- cies are over all his works. Psalm 145:9. Anyone who refuses to be- lieve that God performed mire - des will stumble Aver the boolf of Jonah, Surely the Creator of this universe with all its won- ders down to those of the tiny atom has it in his power and right to prepare a fish to take a runaway prophet for a sub- marine ride. Jesus referred to the incident as a type of his own death and resurrection, say- ing, "As Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth," Mat- thew 12:40. The main lesson of the Book of Jonah is God's concern for all people despite the stubborn selfiish nationalism of some of his people, Jonah was a Jew and rejoiced when it was his privi- lege to predict that the borders of Israel would be extended from the entering of Hamath to the sea of the plain. 2 Kings 14:25. The prophecy was fulfilled in the reign of Jeroboam the son of Joash, But when Jonah was commissioned to take God's message to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, at whose hand Israel had suffered much, Jonah fled. What is more of a nuisance than a backslidden preacher? People are troubled at his presence. He appears as a contradiction of God and His holy purposes, But though Jonah fled from Israel he couldn't hide from God, There in the stomach of the fish he prayed and made his vows, The fish brought him up, doubtless glad to he rid of him, But Jonah was still a selfiish nationalist, When the people re- pented at the preaching of Jonah, in fasting and prayer, God for- gave there and spared the city. Then Jonah pouted. He had sus- pected this might happen, "For," said he, "I knew that thou are a gracious God and slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil." He wanted to die, God was patient with Jonah. When Jonah was angry because a worm destroyed the gourd that had provided shade God pointed out the ridi- culousness of his selfishness say- ing, "Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for which thou hast not laboured, neither madest it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night: and should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?" A great city indeed with so many little children. God cares for A11 peo- ple. DOUBLE TAKE — Two hands are needed to drive out the thirst during a recent heat spell in Moscow. The lady is downing cool soda water, •J TALKS }!" ., � : Jam Anclipews. Before you start on your job of pickling peaches, be sure you have high-grade cider or white distilled vinegar of 40 to 60 per cent grain strength (4-6 per cent acid,) This information should be printed on the label, Have your spices fresh and of the best quality. Tie the spices in a cloth so you can remove them before the pickles are put in jars. If left too long, spices cause pickles to be dark and strong flavored. Clingstone peaches are best for pickling, but freestones may be used. Select peaches of uniform size if possible. a a* PEACII PICKLES 24 peaches, hard -ripe 5-6 cups sugar 1 piece ginger root 2 sticks cinnamon 1 tablespoon allspice 1 tablespoon cloves 3 cups vinegar Wash, drain, and peel the hard -ripe peaches. Add 2 cups sugar, spices (tied in hag), 2 cups water to vinegar. Boil un- til sugar dissolves. Add 1 layer peaches; simmer until hot through, then remove from syrup, Repeat. When all peaches are heated, bring syrup to boil- ing point, Pour over peaches. Let stand 3-4 hours, Drain syrup into kettle; add 2 cups sugar. Boil until sugar dissolves, Cool, Add peaches. Let stand 12-24 hours in a cool place, Pack peaches into hot jars. Add re- maining sugar to syrup, Boil un- til sugar dissolves. Pour, boiling hot, over peaches, Process pints and quarts 10 minutes in boil- ing -water bath, Note: The purpose of adding sugar in small amounts is to avoid shriveling. * 4 When making butters, con- serves, jams, marmalades, and jellies, imagination is an im- portant ingredient. Natural flav- or of fruits can be changed or emphasized by adding a tiny pinch of salt, a small amount of spice, extract, orange peel, lemon juice, etc. Or the amount or kind of spices called for in any recipe can be changed to suit your own taste — and in this way you make the recipe your very own. A few things you want to re- member in preparing fruit in any of these ways are: Use hard -ripe fruit of good flavor. Weigh or measure after prepar- ing it. The general rule is three- quarters as much sugar as' pre- pared fruit — except for pre- serves, which usually take the same amount, Cook in small batches. Do not double recipes, Boil rapidly after sugar dis- solves. 4 h, PEACH CONSERVE 7 cups chopped peaches 1 orange 5 cups sugar teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ginger 1/2 cup blanched almonds Wash, drain, scald, peel, chop, and measure peaches. Grate orange peel; chop orange pulp and add to peaches. Boil 20 min- utes, Add sugar, salt and ginger. Boil until thick, Add nuts about 5 minutes before removing from heat, Pour, bdil*ng ;hot, into hot jars, Seal at ,orice,,, * * PEACH, BU iER 12 cups peach pulp 6-8 cups sugar Wash, scald, pit, and peel peaches, Cook until soft. If need- ed, edd water to prevent stick- ing. Press through sieve or food mill. Measure. Add sugar, Boil until thick. Pour hot into hot jars. Process pints and quarts 10 minutes in boiling -water bath. Note: For spiced butter, ginger, nutmeg or other spices to suit taste may be added to peach butter just before pouring into jars. 4 t/4 PEACH JAM 8 cups crushed peaches 6 cups sugar Wash ,drain, scald, pit, peel, and crush peaches. Add r/i cup water; boil 10 minutes, Measure fruit and juice. Add sugar. Boil until thick, Pour, boiling hot, into hot jars. Seal immediately, Note: For spiced jam, tie cloves, stick cinnamon, allspice, etc,, in cheesecloth and drop into jam while cooking. * 4 4 This blueberry pudding is really delicious. Serve with ice cream or a little whipped cream — unsweetened, as the pudding itself is decidedly sweet. An 8 -inch pie plate makes the best cooking dish, and, if you have one with a fluted, raised edge, designed for juicy pies, that's just right for this; pudding, Grease the pie plate thoroughly. Pour into the plate 2 cups of fresh blueberries, and sprinkle over them the juice of half a Stunts Help To Sell Perfumes A hundred miles off Cape Lookout, N.C., last month, a freighter ran into an oil slick that smelled like perfume, and duly reported the phenomenon to all the ships at sea, Happiest recipient of the news, on shore: Charles N, Granville, puckish, 53 -year-old president of Angel- ique and Co,, Inc,, who last month poured $25,000 worth of $18 -an -ounce "Red Satin" into the ocean at Miami, Fla,, fondly expecting the Gulf Stream to carry it to England, Granville's scent cast upon the waters brought b a c k, unsurprisingly, some sweet, swift returns: Self - ridge's, one of London's largest department stores, promptly or- dered its first shipment of Red Satin, Such sell -the -smell showman- ship has helped put Angelique among the top ten in the $90 million U.S. perfume industry, and this year seems sure to boost sales over the $1,3 million rec- ord the company set in 1957. For Granville, whose sinus trouble makes it all but impos- sible for him actually to savor his own products, it is simply more evidence ,that success and fun go hand -in- hand. A onetime busine:; consultant, Granville wearied of the New York grind in 1946, tore up his. commuter's ticket, and joined forces with another exurbanite named N, Lee Swartout to set up Angelique on the village square in Wilton, Conn. The pair kicked in $4,000 apiece, picked up their first scent (Black Satin) from a perfume chemist, One of Granville's first moves was to install a fireman's pole between the first and second floor of the plant, simply, as Granville ex- plains, "because I like fire poles." Personnel relations have since taken on the aspect of a lemon, then prepare the follow- ing batter: 3/4 cup of sugar creamed with 3 tablespoons but- ter, half a cup of milk, a cup of sifted flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Spread this batter smoothly and carefully over the berries: it will be thin, but that's the way it should be, Sprinkle over the batter the following mixture: 1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon cornstarch — and mix the cornstarch into the sugar thoroughly so that it will not lump. Then pour over all a cup of boiling water, or possibly a scant cup if your berries look like the very juicy type. Cook for 45-50 minutes at 400° F. to start, but lower the heat a little toward the end if the top browns a lot, as it prob- ably will, The juice goes to the bottom and thickens slightly, the cake rises and becomes crusty on top, Marx Brothers movie, On slow days Granville may lead em- ployees out to weed the company garden; on a particularly hecti afternoon, he often strides Into the factory proclaiming: "Tim for a party!" Thereupon, h pops highballs and canapes o 'conveyor belts normally used,fol' packaging perfumes, leads jam sessions as 'workers belt it out o a piano, sax, and drums (if a employee feels out of sorts af- terward Granville will take hint for a sobering spin on his Lam; bretta scooter), Understandably, Angelique ha a waiting list of more than 50 job applicants, even at its new, larger plant opened in 1957, wher 75 employees turn out a full line of perfumes, colognes, and I bath powders. Since the plant, which employees jovially call "the skunk works," has only one floor, Granville was forced to abandon the fire pole, But he has found an outlet for his elfin urge by installing a large, impressively lettered sign over the main entrance reading: "What the heck • are you 'look- ing up here for?" Fortunately for his bookkeep- er's sanity, Granville has shown as much flair for titillating the public as he has for entertaining his employes, His first big stunt (in 1948) was to seed clouds over the city of Bridgeport with Black Satin perfume and dry ice, producing scented snow, As a topper,• in 1954, he spattered Paris itself with scented rain. The resulting publicity sent An- gelique's sales rising like wind- borne vapors (so much so, that Swartout was able to retire at 41 five years ago). • When visiting perfume buyers are scheduled to drop in to look over the line, Granville sets up a miniature betting room on the plant floor, complete with het board and employees in green eyeshades. Granville escorts the buyers through the factory, hap- pily pointing out his profitable "bookmaking" sideline, "Some buyers have frozen up and stamped away," recalls Granville. "But most of thele get a laugh out of the gag. Some even step up their orders," From NEWSWEEK In Berrien County, Go,, a moonshiners' ancient auto, capa- ble of making a 147-m.p.h. get- away with a load of 200 gallons of corn liquor, was bought at au- ction by County Sheriff Walter Gaskins, who will use it to chase moonshiners. In Turin, Italy, when 8Marg- herita Carosso returned home and opened her bedroom closet, she found a burglar who ex- plained soothingly, "Don't be alarmed. I made a mistake," then scooted off. ISSUE 36 .— 1959 tiiY.^ SPELLED OUT — Motorists find safety put into words and pic- tures along highways . in Argyle, Wis, Police Chief Adolph Jaggi, perched on his motorcycle, thought up this and other. reminders to drive sanely, IT'S TOO LATE — Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Sawyer, of London, Ky., tearfully watch the sheet -draped body of their only child being placed in an ambulance to he taken to a fu- neral parlor, Mrs. Sawyer said she kept putting off polio shots for the child, Diane, 2, until she was stricken with the 'isease, Diane died two months later of infantile paralysis. Wild Creatures Come To The Call The art of calling wild crea- tures is almost as old as hunt- ing itself, but it has developed greatly through the years, Beckoning to high -flying ducks and geese with a call has been popular sport through countless generations, Crow hunting long has been spiced with the flavor of enticing the wary black crit- ters within gunshot range through use of a call, What would moose hunting be with- out the time-honored bark - bugle? Even calling predators is noth- ing new. Martin Burnham of Marble Falls, Texas, was suc- cessfully calling foxes and wolves more than fifty years ago, sucking wind through compress- ed lips to imitate the high-pitch- ed squeal of a crippled rabbit, Today animal callers are learning new things about the sport, Murry Burnham, one of the famous Burnham brothers, claims just about any wild ani- mal can be called if its habits are studied thoroughly, Different animals react in dif- derent ways to various calls. Some are lured with the promise of an easy meal; others imagine they are courting a female. At times it seems that some animals come looking more out of curI- osity than anything else. The basic call for predators is the dying rabbit cry. It will at- tract any meat -hungry predator, from hawks and owls to foxes and coyotes. In Mexico last year the Burnham brothers, Murry and Winston, actually got a mountain lion to answer a call. Imitating the cluck of a love- sick turkey hen to attract super - sly gobblers is a cherished game of chance in Southern states where the wild turkey hunting comes during the spring mating season. I once knew an old-timer who could call quail by pushing his tongue against his palate and cooing like -a bobwhite. The Burnhams had a black bear answer a call in Canada last spring, probably out of curiosity. Jackrabbits frequently will come bounding to investigate when they hear the rabbit -squeal call. In Noblestown, Pa., Philip Mager, suspected of stealing $75 from a post office, was discover- ed in the posse that was hunting him. ILLUSION - "Venice" is what comes to mind when one sees gondolas and bridge arches pic- tured. Not so, above. The au- ' thentic gondola is shown in Utrecht, The Netherlands, dur- ing an Italian -style fair. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ' ACROSS • hl. Discolors . 7, Take care 13, Inn 14, Beetle 15. Either , , , 16, Female sheep 17. Tatter 15. Negative 19. Crawling 6 animal 21. Sea bird 23. Lean-to 25. Within(comb, form) 26, hall screen 28. Span of life 29. Inferred 81. Relieved 83. Sailor 84. Roman religious law 85. Star piece 39. Itemap 42, Seaweed 43, Newly gathered 45. Enullah letter 46. Pulls nater 48. Quick to learn 49, Tableland 60, In contact with from. above 51. Color 53. Mythological princess 6. Bone Most mature , Manly Shafts of feathers 11. Poem• DOWN 1. Exhibited 2, Muscular 3. Like 4, Detail 6, Fresh 6, Railroad car WI MN r TWO'S COMPANY - Dipping into lunch together are Susie, left, a goat, and her constant companion, Honlck Rainbow, right, three-year-old pacing- filly. , TIIHMM FRONT Joklas4 How some Unit ed States grain -growers are doing some- thing about the wheat surplus Is interestingly set out in the following dispatch from the State of Washington. It was written by. Harlan Trott and ap- peared in the Christian Science Monitor, « « 4 Marie Antoinette's classic po- litical faux pas, "Let them eat cake," isn't such a bad idea after all. In fact, it seems to sum up a policy Northwest wheat grow- ers are successfully pursuing to expand their Far Eastern mar- ket. Growers in Oregon and Washington have been, working for some time to persuade Ja- pan and India to augment if not supplant their rice -eating habits with a big helping of bread, macaroni, cakes and pies. * * 4 Now they are intensifying their efforts to expand these markets through closer regional cooperation. And the drive to substitute wheat for rice in the diet of their trans -Pacific neigh- bours is being accelerated by the newly formed Western •Wheat Associates, U.S.A., Inc. Its 12 -man board of directors includes t w o representatives from each of the wheat grow- ers' associations in Oregon, Wa- shington, and Idaho. . « * * Montana is not included even though it is a Northwest state. This has an economic explana- tion. The 100 million bushels of premium wheat Montana dumps into the nation's breadbasket overy year grows on the eastern side of the Continental Divide. Therefore, it is said, Montana wheat growers are not in the same tough railroad -rate bind as their three western - neigh- bours, * « * The traditionally unfavour- able railroad -rate situation long ago turned Northwest'' wheat growers to the Far East market, to which cheap ocean freighters can carry surplus wheat, 7. Swiss capital 8, Musical note 9. Jokers 10.11y 11, Revoke 12. Worn away 20. Length measure 22. Disencumber 24, Possesses 26, Neckpiece 27, Extend 30, American Indian 82, Timber 34, tlnv I 1 ) 4 5 6 13 15 19 20 1 4 35. Moving parts 36. Sarcastic . 37. Use a needle 39. Expert 40. etepair shoes 41. Plagues 44. haves 47. Stair 49. Mindanao native 62. Ibsen character 64. Pinch 67, Dad 59. Flap 11 9 10 II 12 25 18 ,;2) 24 I7 .x 26 LY JV :, J, JL ''►ti b.,13• 1.11: S•• titi Vt. 4~ :tib ti :' „Y,. : 15 6 37 '•'� ' 35 39 40 41 42 •4 ) 4i ;.;, 45 46 47 :1;'41 'Y; •49 50 ti's. •x•.51 54 55 56 57 •' ' 51 59 60 yk• 5.6 6I Answer elsewhree on this page All the programs. which the growers' groups and the state wheat commissions of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have been working on separately are now being turned over to the new regional association. Al- ready they have accomplished a great deal in the way of self- help. In fact, Dr. D. D. Hill, head of the Farm Crops De- partment at Oregon State Col- lege, thinks that perhaps in some ways, "the modern wheat growers have outdone their predecessors of 50 or 100 years ago," This is lofty praise for the much -maligned beneficiaries of today's government farm subsi- dies. « * * Before the acreage allotment program was put in effect, the Pa cif i c Northwest produced ab out 150 million bushels of wheat a year on its high eastern plains. Under the allotment pro- gram, its production now is only about 120 million. bushels. Since World War II, exports have averaged nearly 70 per cent of the Northwest's output, as com- pared to 34 per cent for the rest of the nation. As far back as 1949, Oregon S tate Wheat Commission sent a team on a fast boat to the Far East to study ways to expand this mar- ket. * * * The first step in this direction was to increase consumption of wheat foods in rice -eating areas in Asia. The Oregon commission and the Millers' National Federation teamed up on a project at the Women's Christian College ` at Madras, India, in 1952 to teach the nutritional values of wheat foods to people who had stradi- tionally eaten rice instead of cake, In fact, they had eaten so little else than rice, they were said to be [effected by malnutri- tion. WIth the aid of funds supplied by the Millers' Federation and the State of Oregon, the Direc- tor of Agriculture in the State of Madras succeeded in having wheat accepted as a Supple- mental food to rice. * « * . Then, with the enactment of the 1954 farm bill, Richard K. Baum, now executive vice-presi- dent of the Northwest Wheat Associates; Earl Pollack, grain marketing specialist of the United States Foreign Agricul- tural Service; and Gordon Boals of the Millers' Federation toured the Orient to widen their search for markets. This time, their hands were strengthened by the 1954 act which removed the ob- stacle to increased trade, namely a shortage of dollars. « « « Thus, when Japan carte into the market, the "let -them -eat - wheat" program took on a big, new dimension. Spokane's Joe Spiruta, then of the Oregon Wheat League, got a grain ex- hibit set up at Osaka's MU World Trade Fair. Ile had three Japanese bakers working as hard as they could every day, baking - cake! « « « Next to the Emperor, Betty Crocker was on her way to being Japan's national here. That is to say, they started out with American cake mixes. Then Strange Harvest Of Black Beetles Deep in the dark forests of Baden, Germany, intently solemn bands of men, boys, and women gathered in circles around the towering fir trees. At the base of the trees, they spread cotton sheets, Then they carefully stroked the trunks and branches with long -handled, soft brushes. Down on the sheets tumbled a strange harvest: Small, shiny, black beetles called Laricobius erichsonii, Only a few weeks after they were caught, 20,000 of the Baden beetles, shipped by air in screened boxes, were re- leased in the woods north of Bangor, Maine. To the participants in the strange rites at Baden last spring each of. the beetles was woth 10 cents. To the U.S, For- est Service which was footing the bill, the insects seemed worth every penny. If they do their job well, the Forest Serv- ice explained re c e n t 1 y, they may save the United States more than a billion dollars, the value of the nation's fir stands which are now threatened by some woolly little aphids no bigger than a sharpened pencil point. A hungry colony of the aphids, sucking on a fir tree's resinous sap, can kill it in two years. One of the few ways to stop this costly destruction is the Baden beetle, ,as voracious a feeder on aphids as the aphids are feeders on trees. What the Forest Service hopes to do is to restore the balance of nature -for the woolly bal- sam aphid is not a native Amer- ican, Accidentally brought to this continent from Europe at the turn of the century, it was quick - HOLD IT - 'Watch the birdie" is more than a photographer's catchword when lensman Joe Campiglia aims his camera. Pet baby mockingbird strings along. they got 'fancy. They started doing culinary handsprings with scones, jelly rolls, and you - name -it - so long as it has wheat. * * * A training center for wheat - flour bakers is now located at the Japan Institute of Baking in Tokyo. To encourage the pur- chase of United States wheat, Oregon became a sponsor of Japan's annual golf tournament by putting up the American Wheat Cup. Out of these self-help con- tacts came visits by Japanese officials to study American wheat - handling and baking methods. They are still coming. ly spread by the wind through pulpwood stands in New England and Eastern Canada. In 1954, it was found in 800,000 acres of lumber -producing forests in Ore- gon and Washington, where by now it has sucked to death trees worth $21 million, And, because the aphid snuggles deep under the heavy fir branches, aerial spraying has proved useless. Canadian forestry experts get the credit for finding a weapon against the aphids. Told by Eu- ropean entomologists a few years ago that the aphids are harmless at home because other insects keep them in check, the Canadian Forest Biology Division started importing various preda- tors for experimental study. Only insects which dine solely on aphids -and so cannot be- come pests themselves - were considered. The Baden beetles are one of the most recent Canadian dis- coveries, and look especially good to the 'U.S. Forest Service because of the ease with which they can be collected, shipped, and released, "All you have to do," explained Dr. W. V. Bene- dict, the service's top entomolog- ist, "is put a hundred or so of the adults in a box, fasten it to a tree in the springtime, let the beetles crawl out, and hope they find the environment suitable. "In this big test with 20,000 beetles ir. Maine, we hope to find out just how effective they are against the aphids. If they are successful, we'll try larger colon- ies in the Western States. "So far, the beetles have cost us only $6,000 -mostly, to pay for collecting the insects in Eu- rope," Dr. Benedict added. "And remember, this kind of aphid control is self-perpetuating. Once the predators are established, we will have no further costs." Canadian f o r es t r y experts, who started it all, are cautious but equally optimistic. "I can't say that we've succeeded in era- dicating the woolly aphid," Dr. Malcolm L. Prebble, director of the Canadian Forest Biology Di- vision, summed up last month, "but their populations have de- finitely been reduced. We feel the program of importing insect predators offers our best hope of someday eliminating the woolly aphid from our forests." -From NEWSWEEK, Just Who Said Radio Is Dead? Question: What do television viewers do in the summer? Answer: They listen to the radio. This surprising bit of intellig- ence comes from Sindlinger and Co., business analysts, whose surveys show that last month for the first time in two years more people listened to the radio than looked at TV. Sindlinger attri- butes the shift to increased use of car radios (30 per cent of the total) and portables (12.5 per cent - seasonal factors that should preserve radio's lead well into August. In addition, said Sindlinger, the industry had run out of the pre -1948 movies that supported TV through last sum- mer's doldrums. politely unmen- tioned was television's usual summertime programming pros- tration; There just wasn't much worth looking at. In Manila, P.I,, after police re- ported four killings in a month by primitive weapons, Mayor Arsenio Lacson proposed an ord- inance requiring licenses for possession of bows and arrows, blowpipes and darts. In Rhinelander, Wis., while calling other scouts in the camp to warn them against using the phone in the storm, Scout Dick La Certe was stunned by a light- ning bolt that struck his tele- phone line, About Crabgrass And Other Pests Late summer r•nd early au- tumn lawn care begins with get- ting rid of crabgrass and other lawn weeds, In the case of crab- grass, which deposits thousands of seeds for next year per plant, the seeds need to be destroyed, also. One plant has been known to produce 250,000 seeds. Spraying with selective weed killers is therefore the first step. For the ordinary lawn weeds one weed killer will usually clear the lawn. But for crab- grass a special crabgrass killer is best. Some firms even offer differ- ent crabgrass sprays for differ- ent seasons of the year, the late - summer one quite strong and the early spring one focused on killing last fall's seeds, Follow the directions on the container of whichever one is used. Feeding Is the next important step. Autumn feeding will give the grass plants a chance to grow strong before the winter sets in. Soak the lawn food in well. Where dead weeds have been raked off you may have bare spots. These should be spaded or scratched up, the soil prepared as for a new lawn, and reseeded. .Lightly tamp the seed into the soil, the water often enough to keep the soil moist for the young seedlings, Daily watering on these placers or on new lawns will be needed for three or four weeks after seeding, unless rains take care of it. After that, water as need- ed to keep the lawn from drying out, Seeding of the entire lawn in among established grasses is also good practice in late summer and early fall. It can be done sparingly, for each seed has e better chance of germinating than in the spring. With the feeding and the cool nights and prevalent moisture the new -grass plants coming up will thicken the turf and make a good root base for next year. Keep on mowing the estab- lished lawn, and at not more than 11/2 inches in height. This is so the young grass coming up will not be smothered by tall grass or by heavy clippings. THE GUN-TOTIN' PARSON The Rev. Kurt von Hertzner, who became the famous gun toting minister of the Rockies, was journeying westward in 1882 and doing his best to learn the English language before ar- riving at his destination. An obliging fellow passenger, hi recalls, taught him over a period of days the key phrases he would need, Von Hertzner prac- ticed steadily so that as he descended from the train and met the mayor of Exton, Colo., where a church was waiting for him, he was able to say hearti- ly, "Hello, you black-shirted old sidewinder! Is it true you rustle cattle for a living?" ISSUE 36 - 1959 Upsidedown to Prevorrt Peeking Sia 3 1 I S0 VS3I1dV ©©o5 333 HS3'Jd ©ki H 3 21 a ©©op pdJ alp ©a 0E11110E1D a30©©LIN o OM ©n© DO DEM lil€.11911710III :vistas SN 1 • O d 3.`S3dVDS I I A ":', l S B d i a • I NV NO 1>d a3S 3 9 v a ON ao H 1 1 CHOMPING TO VICTORY - It was every man for himself when the Highland Park Boys C ub, staged their watermelon eating contest. Nlinrc, s re.eivcd, of all things, watermelons. 1 t PAGE 8 r � • - 44+++++4 P+4-.1+•-1•+•- 44-.444+$-•4-•+44+ I 1 • ' NOTICE RE McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Seaflartll : Ontario The office of the Company is now located in that of W. E. Southgate, Main St., Seaforth, All business of the company is being trans- acted here. W. E. SOUTHGATE ROBT. ARCHIBALD Secy.-Treas. President. Big Back to School Food Sale IIEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 2 - 11 ,oz. bottles 45c AYLI'IER FRUIT COCKTAIL, 15 oz. tin ,.. , , 22c OUAKER OATS - QUICK COOKING lb. box ELLIARR PURE PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. jar 29c 39c Maple Leaf Canned Hams, 11/2 lb. tin 1.49 Golden 1)ew Margarine, 2 - 1 11). pkgs, 49c Kellogg's Variety Cereal, pkg. of 10 43c Kraft Cheese Viz, S oz. jar 35c Certo Liquid, 1 bottle 29c Jello Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs. 29c Beehive Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin 31c hood Saver Wax Paper, 100 ft. roll 33c Campbell Soups, all chicken varieties .... 2 for 37c Kleenex, reg. 200 pack, 2 pkgs. 39c REAL BUY--- DON'T OVERLOOK FLIT FLY BOMB, 10 oz. tin reg. 98c .... 85c SCHOOL LUNCIIES Lunch Bags - Sandwich Bags - Sliced Meats - Fruits Check Frozen Food and Dairy Cases School Is On --- DRIVE CAREFULLY Satisfaction Guaranteed. PIIONE 156 --- WE DELIVER SERVICE - QUA'LITY - SATISFACTION. ` _ '_ •-• •+•+••�•4-. T.teWart'S Red & Whitellood Market FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEK -END 8 Weiners and 8 Westons Hot Dog Rolls Special 504 2i T Kraft Chcez Whiz, thee. jar 57c White Cross Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 47c Redpath Sugar 10 lb. bag 75c Swifts Premion Grade A Tender Grown Chickens 35( Ib ICED & WIHITE BONUS OFFER 2I Famous Cannon Bath Towels, size 20X40, in 4 attractive new designs and colors, regular value 1.89 for only 1.39 with a 5.00 purchase. SHOP ICED and WIIITE and SAVE Blyth • Phone 9 We Deliver "The Best For Less" -- "Values Unsurpassed" •+•-4+e+-• •-•-•-• 4+4 • • 4-•-•-• 4 4+44 4• •44+444+4 J-444-• •41k411t-t+y THE BLYTE( STANDARD Y •1 LAND FSI3OR0 Mr. and Mrs, henry Youngblut and daughter, Marguerite, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Debus and sons, of Stratford, spent Sunday with the forma's cous- ins, Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Youngblut, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Allen, Karen and Keith motor, to Toronto last week- end to nttena the Exhibition. Mrs, Walter McGiII spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Gordon McPhee, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris, newly- weds, of Sault Ste, Marie, called on Mr, and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook last week, On Monday evening Officers of the Eastern Star held a surprise party at thz home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Shad - dick in honors of their 25th wedding an- niversary. A. social evening was en- joyed and a dainty lunch with wed- ding cake was served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford, of ; Lynden, Mr, and Mrs. F.d, Web), of Milliken, Mr. Lorne Shob9,ro k, a td Pana, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Edi.a Mo ,l- `gon►ery, of ilamilton, were visitors with Mrs, John bhothrook during the Fast two tivecks. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A'ex Wells this week were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bell with their rtau;h'er and family, of Foresters Falls, near Ot- tawa. Mrs. Jas. McCool is a patient in Clinton hospital under ohser 4 at'o t. Mrs. McCool has been ailing all sum- mer, and her many friends hope for a change for the better soon. The Grandmothers met last Wenes- clay at the home of Mrs, Mabel Scott, with a good attendance. An invita- tion is extended to the club to attend the W.I. meeting Thursday of thL we.k. Mrs, Ira and Mrs. Jack Me'rrl, of Clinton, and Miss Violet Philipps, of Toronto, spent an afternoon last week with Mrs. John Shobb: oo!t. Lois Moore, of Goderich, visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Airs. Harvey Hunking, last week. Word has been recei'ci of the death of Mr, Joseph Barnet on Saturday morning. He had been suffering with cancer of the throat and has been un- dergoing treatment in London hospital for some, weeks. He wad Le missed by neighbors in the village. Ile was cf a kindly disposition and ever rea'y to do a good turn. Sympathy is ext.n:l- • ed to the family. Mrs. Thorneloe, of Goderich, spent last week with her sister, Mrs, Wulter McGill. Mr. Gordon Cook, of Cochrane, is visiting relatives in this district. WESTFtE14D Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Campbell are holidaying in Essex County w th raa- tivcs. Russel Button, of Blyton, is sp•nding a few days with John and Rat; h Campbell. Mr. Will Elsley, of Clinton, wi.h Alrs. J. L. McDowell and Gordon. ,Saturday evening abcut 6 o'c'oc't a brief windstorm broke a lv'g r limb off an elm tree on the scho,l , i'ieroad; I r. WEEKLY FARM REPORT (by J, Carl Hemingway) The government has released the de- tails of its deficiency payment plan for eggs, D:ficiency payments ,well be made on the first 4000 dozen eggs produced by any one producer this ap- plies only to the A large and A extra large grades. The deficiency payn:cnf will be the difference between the ac- tual market price to the producer and the producer price based on 44c de- livered In Montreal, This 44c price at Montreal apparently returns to the producer 33c in this area, To get sonic idea of the amount of deficiency payment that would have been necessary from the first of Jan- uary this year let us look at the prices that were quoted locally by ogg goad-, ing stations, From January 1st to March 9th it would have required a deficiency pay- ment of about one and one half cents per dozen to bring returns up to the 33c. It would also have required about the same payment from about the middle of April to the end of June, Deficiency payments do not operate so simply. They will he basad on lire average price for the year. On thin basis nn deficiency- payment weal( have been necessary since from th. first of the year till the middle of Aug list the quoted price has been above the floor just as much as it has beer below. The 4000 dozen quota will cover the production of something less than 300 hens. This means that the farmer with 300 hens will receive practically the same support as he is getting now. The large producer with 10,000 or more hens will he entirely dependant on the market price, I asked several egg grading station operators what they expected to be able to pay October 1st when the gov- ernment stops buying eggs. About 20! was the answer I received, If this is true the large producer is going to have a had time. I doubt that he can stay in business very long at this price and if he sells, his hems wi'1 probably bring only 25c each, if fowl prices drop as they are expected to. The other person interested i<s the consumer, Ile apparently can expect to buy eggs very cheaply for a time CARD OF TiIANKS We would like to thank all those 4 who remembered us with cards, treats and gifts when we had our tonsils re- moved. 32.1p. Layton and Warren Walsh Order Your Counter Cheque Books (printed or blank) At The Standard Office breaking hydro and telephone lines, blocking traffic. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and son, David, of Brantford, visited at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. ane Mrs, Iloward Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell, of Lucknow, visited with their nephew, Keith Snell and Mrs. Snell. Keep your grain INSECT FREE for a whole year! j HERE'S ALL YOU DO: spray bins with HOWARD BIN TREAT treat new grain with HOWARD GRAIN GUARD COSTS LESS THAN 2( A BUSHEL less than if does to fumigate *BIN TREAT kills insects in cracks and crevices has prolonged killing action—lasts at least 6 weeks, but does not harm grain, 20 oz. ton trews Iwo 1000 bushel bins—cap $2.35. GRAIN GUARD BIN TREAT mixes easily with new grain as it is binned, --protects it front in,ects for a whole year. Contains malathion—docs not harm grain. t0 lbs, utast 100 bushel,, testi $2.40, 25 Ib. • $4,85, 50 Ila,• $9.30. tre1es,1st... THESE AND VTHCR HOWAPD PRODUCTS Ad UN YALE AT . "- HO0 , GRAIN GUARD BfLGRAVE (O -O ASO(IATION Wingham 1091 Phones Brussels 388W10 but I wonder will ho also have to look forward to paying a very high price sometime in the future. Perhaps the high price will be con- trolled by imports from the US, Ire- land or Ilungary as has happened In the past, I don't think the consumer will be too happy with the quality of the imports. CROP REPORT White bean harvest in the County has started with yields lower than usual due to the blight, Recent wet weather has hampered the completion of grain harvest and curing of second cut hay in some parts of the County. Prospects for high yields of grain corn are very good, —D. G, Grieve, Assist, Ag, Rep, Wednesday, Sept, 3,1950 AUCTION SALE, of DAIRY CATTLE. at Lot 31 Concession 0, Goderleh Town ship, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on 65 head of young cows and heifers,. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Sth commencing at 1,30 p.m. the following:. 40 Holstein heifers, mostly de -horn- ed and vaccinated, some springing,.. balance pasture bred Hereford, 20 cows and heifers, some freshened,, others milking and re -bred, consisting of Ilolsteins, Ayrshires and Jerseys, 5 young calves, Registered Hereford bull, Arrange to attend this sale if you need dairy cattle, TERMS CASH A. E. Townshend, Proprlator, Edward Elliott, Auctioneer, 321 w♦.•.•••+•• 4 $4 0• N+ 414-• • +44 444•••.44••••1.•••-•-•••4••44-1 INSECTICIDES AND DISINFECTANTS Hill those flies and insects! Now is the time when extra precautions are .needed to safeguard the health of your family. Raid Bug Killer $1.69 Green Cross Insect Killer 98c and .$1.39 Green Cross Moth Proefer 89c and $1.39 Ilousehold Fly Spray 45c Hand Sprayers 39c Tat Ant Traps 25c Moth Killer Crystals 59c Moth Blocks '15c and 25c Florbait $1.25 Creoline 45c, 69c, and 99c Lysol 45c, 83c, and $1.50 R. D. PHILP, Phrn. B DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER PHONE 70, BLYTH •-4•-4.1••44+•♦•+4444•-44•••4••••••44+44+44.4.44-•4444 44.4 emet,ff Emma. • WNN#.11•4••••'••~•••••••'#M•�N••N 11•H#••I'#II••••.MMI STOPLSHOP at Snell's Food Market This Week -End. Florida Sip Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. 2 for 27c Heinz Catsup, 11 oz. 2 for 45c Hawes Liquid Wax, 1 quart 79c Johnsons Baby Powder, 9 oz. 59c Chickens, Grade A per lb. 40c Other Specials Throughout The Store Snell's Food Market AND LOCKER SERVICE, WATT FEEDS _ • Telephone 39 — WE DELIV Ell 1 1 PAINT SALE 15% Off Oii Gallons 10% Off On Quarts and 1/z Pints MARCIIAND CLOTHES DRYERS Top quality and performance, at a low, low price. 1 used 9 cu. ft. Fidgidaire Refrigerator Sale of Westinghouse White Goods VODDf N'S HARDWARE �3 ELECTRIC 13IHONE 7.1R2 -•• LII,YT�I, ONT. !11 • • $ $ • • 4-44+4444++ • 4444.4 •-•-••+144-444444- E A beautiful bathroom — more comfortable, more convenient -- can be yours at budget cost, In a choice of gorgeous colo,,rs or In spotless white. BLYTH PLUMBING & HEATING Telephone 47 Blyth, Ontario