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The Blyth Standard, 1958-09-17, Page 1
VOLUME 70 . NO. 36. United Church Sponsoring "Weeks O'f Worship" Lust Sunday afternoon 60 men and ' v'omen. of Blyth United Church called at the homes of members and adherents to tell them about tho special "Weeks of Worship" which will be launched; next Sunday, iJ'he aim of these Weeks of Worship is to have every family in Blyth and district attend the church of his choice, for, each of the neyt rfx Sundays. Special Services of Worship are arranged at the United Church as fellows:. September 21, Rally Sundny; Septembber 23, Anniversary Sunday; October 5, World -Wide Communion. I Sunday; October 12, Thanksgiving Sun- dny; Octeher 10, Layrnen'rl 'Sunday; October 28, W. M. S, Sunday. On Rally Sunday, September 21, there will be a combined Service of Worship for the congregation and the children e' the Sunday Church School. The children are to meet in the school; rooms at 10:r0 a.m. and will enter the church auditorium as n group. A r-'eclal Sunday School Choir will sing "Far Round the World" and "Lillies of Galilee." Mr. Fred Howson, super, intcndent of the Sunday Church Schnol, will conduct the service, assisted by members of the school. .A nursery for children under 3. and bel/es, will be opened at the Manse, supervised by members of the Friend- ship Circle, This.Nursery is to con- tinue each Sunday during the morning worship. On this Rally Sunday, the children of the Church School and their nc'rents are invited to worship together to begin another Church School year. and to renew their loyalty to Christ and His Church. Anniversary Sunday, September 28, will mark the resun:ptlon of Evening Services at the United Church. Two innovations in the life of the Church will be made on that day end will be continued each Sunday following. The Sunday Church Scheel will meet 15 minutes earlier, at 10.00 nam, and, fol- lowing the evening service, n' c' ngre- getional Fireside will he held in the Church basement, Various groups and organizations in the Church Will Ne in charge of the Fireside and the Devo- tienal Perir•.•t of the Evening Service. To complete the "Weeks of Worshin" World -Wide Communion Sundae will be Marked by the recentinn of new rYecmbera into the congreeatio:n, and the Feerement. of Bentlsm will be elven. on Thanksgiving Sunday. On' Inyrmen's Simony, Mr Harem' Johnston, manager of the County Home at Clinton will '•,ogle et.- the morning forma° and the Men's Cheer from , Westfield will pro- vide socctal music. • As in fernier years, throughout iiu- ren . Presbytery, lemon will address the various enneregations to .mark the La'Anen's, Sunday. ' , The lent.'of.'the "Wee're;of Wnesliin' will feature .0. meatal W.MS. , Service nt which'.Mrs. Melville Dennis will be tin guest :sneaker. . The iMliinister. and Session of Blyth Tlnited Chureli urge nil the families of this eammtiniti• to attend Church dur- ing these "Weeks of Worship." • • 1 MOTHER PASSES Mrs. Leslie Chapman,of Goderich, mother of ,Mrs, William Rodger, of Blyth, passed away last Friday in Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital, in, her 52nd year, The funeral was held on Tuesday, The sympathy, of this community is extended to Mrs,'Rodger and her fam- e fly. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE TO MEET The September meeting of the Friendship Circle will 33 held at the home of Mrs. Chnrles Johnston on Monady, September 22nd at 8.15 pan. AMONG THE CIIIIRCIIES Sunday, Sopteniber 21, 1958, IT, ANDRCIV'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 p.m. -Church Service and Sunday School. Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister. ANGLICAN CHURCH Rector, Bev. Robert Meanly Anglican Church, Blyth -10;30 a.m.-- Mc•rning Prayer. St. Mark's, Atdt(.trn-Harvest giving services, 12,00- Morning Prayer., ' Miss Darlene Pierce was taken by 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer, complete surprise by a shower held in Preacher- The Rector, her honor on Monday evening, Sep - Anglican Church, Belgrave-2:00 p.m. tcanber 8th, at the home of Mrs, Bert Sunday School. Shobbrook and (Muriel, ' assisted by 2:30 -Evening Prayer. a _�i 1 u� .■-ww�,.��,aan■ ill , Authorized as second -case mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17, 1958. Subscription Rates $2.50 in Advance; $3.50 in the U,S.4 OBITUARY MiSS VERA CECILIA TIERNAY Miss Vera TIerney passed away in Clinton Hospital on Saturday, Septem- ber 13th, She was a daughter of the late J. B. Tierney and Cecilia Emily Thompson, and lived on the Blyth -Auburn road all her life. She was in her 60th year, Miss Tierney was a hnember of Trin- ita Anglican Church, Blyth, and an ac- tive member of the Ladies Guild. Surviving are three brothers, Clif- ford, of North Bay, Terrance, of Tor- onto, and John at home. A private funeral service" was held at her late residence on Tuesday, Sep- tember 16th, at 2.30 pan, conducted by Rev Robert Meanly, Pallbearers were; Franklin Bainton, Calvert Falconer, Lennard Arnston, George McTaggart, Louis Deer, Her- bert Glousher. Flawerbearers; Major Youngblut, Bruce Falconer, Jack Ken- nedy, Jack, Creighton. Burial took place in Blyth Union Cemetery. ed w th red 111!755 Helen Middeganl, as maid of end with his mother, Mrs. Ann Sun - honor, wore a street -length gown of dercock, yellow dotted sw y 1 e The groom was -attended by his week -end at Dundas and Burlington. brother, Andre Aubin as best man and tMr, and Mrs, George Holgate, Ham- Frank Hallahan, brother of the bride, Ilton, were week -end visitors with Mr. as groomsman. Ushers were Victor and Mrs. Keith ,Webster and family. Aubin and Bill Hallahan. Mr. and Mfrs. Mervyne Lobb and A reception followed In Blyth Mem- family, Miss Frances McCullough, of oriel Hall after which the cottage lett i C:Intoe, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Johns and cn a wedding trip. For travelling, the family;. of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- bride wore a beige lace dress with satin Ir►tohid Nott and family, of F.c*unondville, cummerbund', beige bengaline duster, Mirs Marilyn Eaten, of Clandeboye, cinrlc brown and orange ice accessories, Mss Illargaret Machan, of Winrhnm, On their return the couple will take were guests on Sunday of Mr. and, Mrs, residence In Goderich. , Dnvid Webster, Mr. and ,Mrs Keith Webster and family. Mrs, Wm. Bell has returned horse after spending two weeks with her MITCHELL--MacDONALD daughter, Mrs. Hall, and Bonnie, of A quiet wedding was solemnized in Toronto, the Unitarian Church, St. Clair Avenue Messrs, George ,MeNnll, Norman �fcst, Toronto, on Saturday, August,Gowing and William Bell Left last Fri - „dal' on a trip to Manitoba, 23rd. when Glendine Margaret, (laugh- � 1Vlr. Leonard Rooney has returned tet of Mrs, J. G. MacDonald,, and niece home from A trip to England to vis.le of Miss Margaret Hirons of Blyth, be;,. i t ehell, son of Mr. C. C. Mitdthell, Tor- 's. Wm. Chopp, of Detroit, cote, and Mrs. E. S. Mitchell, New spent the weekend at the home of the York City, Ree. F. Chisbey united the I latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Bell. couple in marriage. Miss Gladys Fawcett, 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fawcett, Mr, and Mrs. Taylor. of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are now re- Toronto, spent the week -end at the siding at Westwood Lane, Richmond formner's home, here. There was a . Hill, Ontario. serious fire itt Ed. Lockyer's coal yard, n loss of $20,000. He is Miss Fawcett's brother-in-law and it is where she is employed„ Miss Josenhine trondcnek has return- ed to her duties at the Telephone Of fice•after spending two weeks holidays with her niece, Mrs. J. B. Dowler, and Mr. Dowler, of Windsor, and with her sister, Mrs, Dawson, mei niers and nephew, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hnraje- wicz, at their sumer home at Terra Cotta, and also in London. WEDDINGS ' .}R PERSONAL INTTEREST I EDITOR OF IILYTII STANDARD AURIN-IIALLAHAN !t. ` Mrs, Arletrta Fear is spending testi Dent' Sir: weeks vacation with Mr, and Mrs, Red- I Vere Buller Through your newspaper I the rites of Holy Matrimony In St, 01• Peter de Vries, of Exeter, spent the like , on behalf of myself, my son,,Ted, Rev, Father Reed -Lewis perfornjed , at Rldgetown, would (ehucl's Roman Catholic Church, 813th, week -end' with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth land his family, to express my sincere on Saturday, September (ith, at 10 intete Taylor and. Boyd, • ,when Mary Louise Hallahan, Goderich, Mt', and Mrs. G. R. Harris, Kristine loco tw'lio took part in the funeral, and betaine the bride of Lloyd William u- and Kraig, of Southampton, visited on gate us much needed sympathy and bin, of Clinton, The bride`. is the daugh• ; Saturday with the letter's parents, Mr, help' ter of Mr, and Mrs. Dan Hallaban, Rs and Mrs, Harold Plitllips, I My twrfe has lived ten years in this 3, Hlyth,'and the groom Is the'son ',pt 1 Mi'. and Mrs. A. Maddocks, o Grand icummunity and I can assure you that Mr. and Mrs. Alex Aubin, of Clintgn. Valley, accompanied by their `grand- lest has considered them as the happi- Mre, Jack Ernest, of Winghem, presided .daughter, Dianne Lavergne, o Wing- ' est years of her life, because only here 1 at the organ and- sang "Ave Maria" Ors • ham, attended Blyth Fair on Wednes- in this country we have found the Ong the offertory of mass and iminegi• Leaf, lin who went all the way to help us Miss ridge Phillips, Blyth, and Mis- in any trouble we have, the misfortune sea Marguerite Leon and Lenora Ham- and Teacher's College in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Alderson, Lin- da, Ronald' and Larry, of Alliston, vis- ited over the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. A. Berthot and Sandra. And on Sunday and Monday they had Mr. and Mrs Willis Thompson visit with the►ih. Mr. Dennis Weymouth, D'Riss Doris Christie, of Toronto, spent the week - gratitude and thanks to all and every - K s • n f t Feet I'm Kneeling" and during,. tie signing of the register "On This Day. Oh Beautiful Mother." • The bride, given in marriage by her father, - wore a' floor -length gown of embroidered. tulle with lily -point sleev- es and sequined bodice. Her shoulder - length veil was caught by a marching headdress of tulle set with sequins and :the carrled a white prayer book crest- .i roses. MRS, TYTL'S WOSZCZYNSKI Reouiem high mass was sung by the parish priest, Rev. Father Reid -Lewis, in St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Blyth, on tWedneisday, Septem- ber 10, 1958, far Mrs, Tytus Woszczynski who passed away suddenly in Clinton on Sunday, September 7th. She was in her 56th year. The pallbearers were: Miller Rich- mond, Bruce Smith, John Nesbitt, John Kraszewski, Anthony Tomaszewicz, Wm Rakewich. Interment followed in St. Michael's cemetery, Morris town- ship. Mrs. Woszczynski was the former Maria Beigis, and came here from Eng- land with her husband and son, ten yenrs'ago, September 7, 1948, and took up residence on concession 8 Morris township where they have since resided. She is survived by her husband and one son, Ted. of Kapuskasing, Northern Ontario, and two grandchildren. BELGR AVE Mrs. Fred Cook of the village, enter- ed Victoria Hospital on Sunday. where she will undergo an eye operation on Tuesday, . ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Kirton, .of P6wassan, with the ,Michie families. Mr. Goldie Wheeler and family of London, - spent Sunday with relatives here. Belgrave, as usual, was the scene of much activity on Tuesdny and Wednes- dal of lest week when the 38th annual School Fair' was held. On Tuesday af- ternoon arid evening, despite cool *Inds and heavy rains, parents and teachers were helping the children plane their exhibits and displays in the Community arena. Offtcinls of the Bel - grave School Fair board are; past president, Howard Campbell, president, George Michie; secretary -treasurer, Stanley Hopper. Pupils from 19 schools tr'ok part to this annunl event. The fol- lowing are the schools and their teach- ers S.S. 1, Morris, Mrs. J. Griffiths; S.S. 3, Morris, Miss Lorna Barrio; S.S. 4, Morris, Mrs. W. Miller; S.S. 5. Mor- ris, Neal Eadie; S.S. 6, Morris, • Miss Ruth Procter; S.S. 7, Morris, Miss Sheila Block; S.S. 8. Morris, Newton, Galtlrnith; S.S. 10, Morris, Miss Jean ,Vogt; SS. 11, Morris, Mrs, Harvey Ro- bertson; U.S.S. 17 (Bclgravel, Mrs, Mary Woods and Miss Louise Jefferson; S.S. 9, Enst Wawanosh, Lloyd Arm- strong; SS. 10, East Wawanosh, Mrs. Aubrey Toll; S.S. 13, Mrs. Mary Wigitt- ntarr; U.S.S, 7, East and West Wawa - nosh, J. McKay; U.S.S. 6 East and West Wr s'anosh, Mrs. Elmcr,Robertson; U.S. S. 16 East and West Wawanosh; U.S.S, 11 East Wawanosh and Hullett, Mrs, R. D. Munro. A large crowd was In attendance on Wednesday afternoon and enjoyed watching the colorful parade of school children led by the Belgrave P:pe Band along the main -street and into the Community Centre grounds. Rain fell intermittently.most of the day, but held off for the outsldo activities. The Fair was officially opened by J. H. Kinkead, of Goderich. public school Inspector, Thanks- Shower For Bride -Elect ss with a clot accents. MI, and Mrs. George Wilson s pen th came the bride of James Campbell Mit- i w t. t relatives. Mr. and Mr • C. W. L. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of ,the C W. L. was held on Monday evening, September 8, in the bnsctnent of the church, with 14 members present. Father Reed -Lewis opened the meet- s 1r.g with the League Prayer. The min- , utes oe the last meeting were read by the secretery and the treasurer gave !the financial report. We received a thank you note from Mrs, L. Aubin Ifor the shrtw'er given for her at the home of Mrs. John Hollahan. Mrs. `Dan Hallahan, her mother, also thank- ed the ladies for serving the wedding 'diener, There were no sick calls l'hb one visit to a newcomer. to the Parish. Sic mystery prize was won tie Miss Nora Kelly and the meeting was ad- journed by prayer, Lunch committee for the nexl.meet- hie is Mrs. Joe Kelly and Miss Nora' Kelly. Barbera Pickett. THE UNITED CHURCHDhrlene was escorted to'a chair de - 017 CANADA ct'rated in pink and white. Mrs, Thomas Cronin read the following address; Rivth, bntnrin. Deal' Darlene; We your friends have Rev, R. Evan McLagan gathered here this evening to honour Miss Margaret Jackson, Director yen on your forth -coming rnarringe, of Music. We wish you all the success end hap - 10.50 am, --Sunday Church School. pines that we know you and Gordon 1L15 a,m.--Weeks of Worship (1)- will find together through your future Rally Sundny, "My Father's World • year of marriage. One Neighborhood" And now Darlene we want you to Next Week -- Anniversary Sunday, accept these gifts which we give you with our best wishes. CHURCH CO GOD Mcronneh Street, Blyth. Specie] Speaker, 10 a.m.-Sunday School. -Your Friends. The gifts were brought in by Connie Gibbings in a decorated wagon. Dr;rlene opened the tufts and thnnited et eryone., Contests were enjoyed after Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Augustine of 422 Seneca Street, Burlington, Ontarjo announcethe engagement of their youngest daughter, Ethel Doreen, to Mr.. George Gable, of Hamlilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Gable. The mar - 1 oRe to take place October" 11, 1958. C. N. .I. B. Annual Appeal Next Saturday, September 20th, narks the beginning of the annual ap- !peal for funds being made by the Can- ! ne:lan Notional Institute for the Blind. This year the C.N.I.B. needs $6,000.00 to continue its service work in Huron County. Over the past year, the sixty- one blind men and women of this county received a variety of services, from, welfare assistance to employ- mrnt. Library books printed in braille or moon type or recorded on the spe- cinl records called; talking books, were enjoyed by seventeen sightless people, Poe -school chikiren received helpful! instruction through the visits and coun- selling of a pre-school specialist. The iblind child creates unique and difft- ' cult problems to its parents and the assistance from the C.N.I.B. Counsellor provides encouragement and practical guidance. A C.N.LB. Home Teacher has been travelling across the county giving lessons in braille, loathercraft, and many other skills which make life mcire Interesting and more iruitl'ul for the blind, El Wheeler, C.N,LB. Field Secretary I for the counties of Elgin, lluron, Mid- dlesex, end Perth. todny launched the annual appeals for funds. Letters are ,being sent to the residents of this county and each one 1s being asked to support the comprehensive programme of the C.N.I:B. The campaign begins - on Saturday and this year the Huron County Advisory Board is endeavour - ng to raise $6,000.00. The local cam- paign chairman. J. G. McDougall, is confident that the people in this mea ,:will do their part to taise the objective. 11 a,m.-Morning Worship, Which lutrdh was served by the hostess 130 p.m. --Evening Worship. seg, assisted by Connie Glbbings, Mrs. Wednesday, 8 pan. -Prayer and Bible Percy Glbbings and Mrs. John Shob- Study. - •brook. LOND ESTIORO The WJMtS. held their. September meeting on Thursday afternnen with the regular attendance. An inl,.resting talk was given by Mrs, Stanley Lyon who with her husband has recently re- turned front a trip to the West, spend- ing some time with their daughter, Vcra, who is a nurse at the Wrinch Memorial Hospital in Hazelton, B.C., telling of the work being done among our native Indians.,An invitation from Burns W.M.S. to ttend their Thank - Offering meeting on September 25th was accepted The Women's Institute; held a very successful meeting last Thursday even- ing with an attendance of 40. A number of visitors were present and enjoyed the demonstration and display of foam rubber novelties presided over by Mrs. I:leyd Pipe. The motto "Do not resent growing old many are dented that priv- ilege" was taken by Mrs, Harry Lear, Tae topic by Mrs. Robert Fairservice. A program consisting of instrumentals by Marguerite Lyon and rendings by Mhs. Hurry Durnin were much appre- ciated. A lovely lunch ly the hostesses brought the meeting to a close. Mrs Margery Daveys and children of North Bay, are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Hesk. Mrs. Hesk has been indis- posed and has been cm -welled to rest no for a few weeks, We hope she will seen regain her health. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rath, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Cook, of nerir Bel- t!rus'e, Mir, and Sirs. Karl Whitfield, of Blyth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Hewett. also attend- ing thc baptism of Kevin Gordon How- att, to church on Sundny morning. Al- so Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stewart of Stanley attended the baptism or their grandson, Brian Robert, son of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Millar, on Sunday. to live through. Only here, we have found the friendship and neighbourly feelings expressed in such a sincere way. God Bless you ell and Thank You. -Tytus Woszczynski. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Snell who will celebrate their 19th wedding anniversary on Septenager 30, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith who will celebrate (their 25th wedding anniversary September 30th. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Cartwright who will celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary on Septem- ber 30the, Conerrnhulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Howatt who well celebrate their wedding anniversary September 3'ith. Cnnarntuletions to Frankly, Wilson who will celebrate his 3rd birthday on Saturday, September 20th. Conerntuletinns to Wayne MrClin- chev who cele}vated his 3r4 b9rthdny on Wednnsd•ty, September 17th. Cmgratulations to Patricia Ann Me- Ciinchev who eelebrntes her stn birth - doe on Snhirday. September 20th. Cocuratulnt.tnns 1.o Mr. Arthur ,Wiltse who celebrated his birthday on Tues- day, September 16. SISTER PASSES Mrs. Leonard Cook revetved the sad nc•wr, at the passing of her dear sister, Mrs, Eva Finley, of London, who died in St. Joseph's Iiospital, In London, on Monday, CROP REPORT A brisk mnrlcet k reported on turnips. Harvestine nr while beans was general nvcl• the week -end but oat.ehv weather is ainwine/ opnratir+ns. Only r few silo's have been filled is corn is not ton mature. Fnrly plant -ed rrnin enrn is hrrionlnsr to dont bile annd Weather k needed for n lot of fields to reset m'tnrity. Thorn are n norther of in - entries re nnrnhasine of replacement cattle. Demand is hnnvnr A. H. iMiles. Agr. Rep. W{r, RTFTErm Mr. noel Mee. Nonmen McDowell T,nr'*, visl+t+ray. Arlt r'+ jndMre, Harars'rn"on Mrtlnwtdnll and ree ,Tohn, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Me - newel] ,nrri Grneme. were London vis- ltnr. on Thursday and attended the re Ir. MV. Alvin ': -k, Chsthnr'. visited ..ei° ear. ena Mrs. Gordan Snell and Jeanie's • ^ori else other friends for a few days 1 week, Messrs. Wm. ^^'i .Tease l'Vn1,1 ,rt U'era, Sundgv %'isttors wtih Mr. and Mrs. Gor- den Snell and Jeanette. Me. enol Mrs, Alvn Mr.'^Mall visited with 'it"ir. and Mrs. Fred 1-T,nlrs. Friday and Saturday. also attended the West- ern Fair. 1btr, pminlac Cmmmbell visited to Wel- 1 "'' and Meiling Corners on Fridnv. Mise Tnrnn Buchanan. London. spent the vneas-end at hur home, The Mission Band met on Sunda,• nflnr.u,n•, puri, or.onMl wish Call to Worship "Blessed is hr. thni eonsid- •'rth the nooe. The Lord will deliver lino in time of bauble" and all re - reefed the Members Purnnsn. Hueh f',nmpboll rrnrr the arrint.urc lesson and Mrs. Hdgit Blair led in nrn.yer. Roll ('a11 was taken and nt'frrintt reccivnd by Mnry Son11. Mrs, Llnvd Walden told ranev and then pronounced the bene- diction. . 'Mr. end? Mrs. Stn'tlev Cook. Bnlmruve, err Sunday visitors with the Buchan- an's. MOVING TO I%LYTII Mr, and Mrs. Milton Bruce are mov- ing to the vithrge this week They I,ed moved from here to Belgrave three year: and one-half ago. Their MI,* friends in Blyth are pleased to pear of their return, Thr render W.M.S. meeting will he held at the hmme of Mee. Rev. Hine in Auhurn, nt 2 o'dnrk, 'Vhursclnv. Sen- tember, 18, with Mrs. Alyn McDowell end her growl in charge and Mrs. Hilts to be mheeial sneaker. Mrs. Howard CmmPbell to give her ren>nrt of Alma Cntleee as n'ir delegate of the Leader - shin Training Course, Mr. and Mrs. Den Hildebrand and family. of Jordan Station, visited over the week -end '"ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightmnn. and also her brother, Norman Wightmnn, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs. Mabel Stackhouse, Brncefield, visited Iti M d Mrs Earl Wightmnn on 1 Auburn Baptist Church Anniversary 'J'he 901.11 anniversary of the founding of the Baptist Church here was observ- ed last Sunday with special services. Tnis occasion also marked the 50th an- niversary of the present church whose corner stone was laid on September 15, 1908. Rev, T. iW, Charlesworth was the pastor then and Rev. Fox of Toronto � lnid the corner stone. The church was beautifully decorated with bouquets of 'gladioli and roses. Rev, Walter Ridge- way, missionary on furlough from Bo- livia, was the guest speaker, The music was under the organist, Mbs. Robert J. Phillips with Rev, and Mrs. John Os- tront as guest singers. Rev, Ridgeway spoke on his work as missionary for the 10 years he spent in that county and at the evening service gave an II- leetrated lecture. Following the after - nowt service, a luncheon was served to the visiting friends from Clinton and Goderich Baptist Churches. A large cake with 50 candles centred the tea. table. Mr, GeorgeRaithby read a let- ter of congratulations from Rev. Dick, son Burns, superintendent of the Home Mission Board, of Toronto, extended best wishes to this congregation for the work they have done in this district. Organist honoured Mrs. Robert J. Phillips was honoured on Sunday evening at the luncheon hour when Mrs. Stanley Johnston read, an address of appreciation from the members and adherents of the Auburn Baptist Church for service rendered as 'organist for the past 50 years. When as In small girl she accepted the position as organist when the church was open- ed and with her mother, the late Mrs. ,C. A, Howson, choir leader for 44 years conducted the service of song. In ap- preciation of the service given Mr., Torrance Tabb presented her with a beautiful ring and a cornflower rose bowl. Although taken by surprise Mrs. Phillips thanked everyone for their ekoughtfulness and said it had been a pleasure to be able to serve her Master in this way. , lThe following is the address: Dear Winnie: If you will give us of your time, A moment please to hear this rhyme, ,We will let you then be on your way, On this our Church Anniversary. Now just to introduce the theme, To make it known just what we mean, It was not for fame or wealth, You brought this moment on yourself. For it is a good while now, You set your hand unto the plough, And never faltered in your word, Of playing music for your Lord. The tunes have varied through the years, As they have always done For they express the hopes and fears, Of people old and young. I` may have been a wedding march, On some occasion gay. (Jr al a time of deepest grief, When lived ones passed away. While memory lasts we all shall think, Of how you played for Harvey, The words may change a little now, To -When you and I were young Bobby. And the touch of the.. Master's' Hand was shown, Of the keys you do never tire, As you played for us throughout the years, The hymns of the old church choir. It was in the early days of youth, That you started first, And through the years that now have pissed, You were always faithful to your trust. You ever were a pleasant smile, Tho' your task was never always easy. For we need scarce say on a damp day. The piano was sometimes wheezy. Far.tors have come, and pastors have gone, Of different age and race, But one whom we would always see, Was Winnie in her place, y h r. an . Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Weldon and Linda, Miss Ruth Conk and Mr. Garth McClinchey a rte 1n London nn Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Messrs. Arnold Cook and Lloyd Walden left last Thursday for a visit with the form- er's brother, Mr. Gordon Cook, and family, of Cochrane, M'ssee Donna Walden and Barbara Smith, London, visited over the week- end et their homes. Messrs. Wan, and Jesse Walden visit - eel recently with the former's daughter Mrs. Frank Harburn, Mr. Harburn and fa, of Reagan, .milyMessrs. Alvin Snell and son, Clif- ford, Gordon Smith, Mirth Walden at- tended London Fair last Thursday. You took your place with such good grace, And to your pledge stood true, We feel to -day as well we may, How we have failed to say Thank You. No rich rewnrd could here replay, As you do play and sing, But it will come in that great day, When you stand before your King. Our debt to you cannot be paid, In silver or in gold, Aid the real record of your work, Only Heaven oan unfold. We have here a little gift, A token of our love for you, We realize throughout the years, Our words of thanks have been too few. May you be spared for many years, To labour on in your own way. To praise God from whom all blessings ilopv+, As you at tie organ or piano play. And when at last the Call shall coarse, To render praise tip Higher, May we all be joining with those who have gone, To sing their praises in the Heavenly Choir. Scramble For , Roy al Souvenirs Princess Margaret once 'had a champagne cocktail at a' fashion- able West End club — and left her deep -red lipstick imprint on the glass. The bartender prompt- ly put the glass aside, And com- plete with lipstick imprint it occupies a place of honour in the china cabinet of his home, • A Yorkshire housewife once welcomed the Queen to her little council house. Ever since then the doormat on which Her Ma- jesty wiped her feet has been switched to the place of honour in front of the hearth, Though it's a commonplace cus- tom in Britain, Dutch burghers were shocked when guests poc- keted •the place cards after a State banquet for the Queen during her recent visit, Yet such souvenirs as Ascot royal enclo- sure badges, invitations to royal garden parties and tickets for investiture at Buckingham Pal- ace are cherished today in thous- ands of homes. The souvenir habit sometimes troubles royalty. When the old royal yacht Victoria and Albert was broken up the Queen her- self stipulated that there should be no souvenirs. An astute dealer realized, however, that much of the fur- nishing would pass, through a Portsmouth auction room with other ex -government stock. He awaited his opportunity and entered his bids—and in due course a reconstruction of the state -rooms of the world-famous yacht was staged in a New York store, where many of the fur- nishings of the vessel subse- quently changed hands at gross- ly inflated prices. Not long ago a casual crayon drawing by a boy of nine, scrib- bled on a sheet of writing paper, was offered at Sotheby's world- famous are auction 'room. But the paper was headed Windsor Castle, the artist had been King George V as a boy—and an art collector considered the trophy a bargain at $100. It was structly souvenir value, too, when Queen Victoria's gold cloth coronation canopy was sold at Sotheby's for $120. A woman who has always kept a tiny piece of the Queen's wed- ding cake recently rfeused $900 for her treasure. Each in a small white cardboard box with the royal initials "E ,R" on the lid in silver, thousands of such pieces — from eleven cakes! — were sent out from Buckingham Palace. Though the contents were nearly always gobbled up for luck, it is likely that most recipi- ents have kept the boxes. Thousands of homes, too, treasure crested silver forks and spoons from Buckingham Palace. So many disappeared with garden party guests years ago that when a private firm took - over the catering it was decided that ordinary cutlery — stamped with the firm's name — should be used. Naturally enough, few of these vanish. Prince Philip has often been the target of souvenir hunters. He made no attempt to conceal his indignation when yet an- other of his hats vanished from a royal car. Not long ago, too, he suffered a plague of radiator cap snatchers. When he was in- volved in a trifling motoring col- lision, souvenir -hunters even ran off with the glass splinters. At one time, clergymen would often write to Buckingham Pal- ace to ask for a pair of the Queen's old gloves to be auc- tioned to help a church sale of work. The Queen, of course, wears out one or two dozen pairs of gloves each year, but when it was found that royal gloves sometimes found their Tay into shop windows as curios, such donations to charity bazaars were discontinued. Naturally, members of the Royal Family cannot take part in a souvenir "traffic," A rare exception was made when the Queen Mother drove with Prin- cess Margaret to receive the freedom of the City of London and autographed a menu card for the Lord Mayor. At a train- ing centre for the disabled, too, the Queen and Prince Philip once watched a man with me- chanical arms type a message of welcome. They were both so impressed that, ignoring formal procedure, they autographed the message as a souvenir. No doubt the grisliest royal souvenir was snatched when the coffin of Charles I was opened In the vaults below St, George's Chapel, Windsor, The purpose of the opening was to settle schol- ary doubts on the exact position of interment, but one of the gen- tlemen present could not resist: snatching a lock of hair from the severed head, a piece of neck vertebrae and a tooth. Years later King Edward VII heard of the existence of these grim relics and insisted that they should be restored to the coffin. One wonders, too, what has happened to all the souvenir horsehairs stolen from the Royal Mews, Some 300 people a week are privileged to visit the Mews to see the Coronation coach and other exhibits and the other exhibits and the grooms who show them round have to watch souvenir snatchers. Not long ago one of the veteran horses, Snow White, had his por- trait painted. So many people had surreptitiously pulled hairs from his tail for luck that the artist asked for a false tail to be fitted. • Record Sneezes Photographers have been snap- ping our sneezes. High-speed camera shots reveal that when we sneeze germ -laden particles shoot from the mouth—not the nose—at the amazing speed of 10 feet a second. Not to be sneezed at, too, is the astonishing fact that sneezes are often a symptom of frus- trated young love, according to a doctor who has studied them. In the United States a man was taken to hospital because he had sneezed so hard that he dis- placed his shoulder blade. Doc- tors gave him a whiff of ether which caused him to sneeze again so violently that the bone slipped back into place, For four months a steel en- graver worked on the design of a new banknote for a South American republic, One day he sneezed, ruined the design and had to start all over again. You never know with sneezes, One terrific "atishoo" brought down a war veteran's nose a bullet which had remained In his head since he was shot twen- ty years earlier. A woman in Portugal told her doctor that she had seen her husband almost prostrate with sneezing all because a speck of flower pollen happened to blow in a window or a tiny soap bub- ble got into his nostril while he was shaving. "A particle of dust brushed from his overcoat or hat sets him sneezing for half an hour or more," she said, Such sneezes, say the experts, are symptomatic of a sensitive nose rather than a germ -laden state. They keep out germs in- stead of spreading them. The record sneezer? An Edin- burgh man sneezed 690 times in succession in 1927. A Stowe schoolboy in 1949 sneezed about 1,200 times an hour, Mrs, Betty Grose, of Califor- nia, was called the world's greatest sneezer. She sneezed 200,000 times and every time complained of a pircing whistle lasting ten seconds in her left ear. AT THE POLLS — Old timer, Tom Gibson, who arrived in the Klondike gold country in 1898, is helped to the polls in Fair- ban':r, to cast his vote for statehood for.Alaska, ELECTRONIC NURSES' AIDE—There's a boxful of service at Dianne Benson's finger tips in Wesley Memorial Hospital, She can make house calls as well as outside calls on the one-piece tele- phone. Electronic cabinet enables her to adjust room temp- erature, make adjustments of her hospital bed, open or close windows, control room lighting and operate closed-circuit TV connected with the visitors' lobby, In addition, she can talk via intercom to, nurse on duty at the desk, tune in favorite radio programs and see the time on a built-in clock, The device, manufactured by a leading electronic control firm, is designed to boost patient morale and help solve the •acute hospital personnel problem. ..� . TALKS eJa. u2 Andrews. Streusel Coffee Cake, with the purple plumsand crunchy brown sugar bits atop and throughout, has unusual texture, richness, and flavor — and is just plum good eating! It's easily and quickly prepared for a leisurely breakfast, excellent a second day served cold or heat- ed, and still delicious enough to serve warm later in the day as dessert, topped with slightly sweetened whipped cream, dairy sour cream or cream ,poured from a pitcher. STREUSEL 3/4 cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons ail-parpose flour 2 teaspoons 'cinnamon Y/ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons softened butter 34 cup finely chopped walnuts Combine sugar, flour, cinna- mon, and . salt. Mix well. Work butter into dry ingredients, using a fork or pastry blender to form crumbs, Stir in the nuts. BATTER 16 plums, halved and pitted 34 cup sugar for coating plums 13/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 cup sugar 34 teaspoon salt • eup softened shortening 1 egg, beaten % cup milk Mix plum halves gently with the 1/4 cup sugar until fruit is evenly coated. Combine in sifter the sifted flour, baking powder, 'sugar, and salt. Sift into mixing bowl. Cut shortening into dry ingredients with pastry blender, Add egg, beaten until thick and lemon -colored, combined with the milk. Stir just until dry ingredients are moistened, Spread half of batter into but- tered 9 x 9 x 2 -inch baking dish. Sprinkle with a half the streusel. Distribute 18 of the plum halves evenly over the surface. Spread remaining batter over the plums; cover with rest of the streusel and top with the other plum halves, Bake in a 350° F, oven until done, about 50 minutes. Yield: 16 generous suares, Note: Wrap any leftover cof- fee cake in foil to keep fresh for eating cold or heated the next day, * If you are canning peaches, you may think they might re- quire a flavor booster and n very good ene is a combination of vanilla and almond extract— about '/a almond to 3/4 vanilla. Add this, a little at a time, to the syrup until the taste is right for you, Orange peel is another good booster; just drop a few pieces into the syrup when you start cooking it and flsh them out when the syrup is delicately flavored * a • Beet Relish 2 cups cooked beets, chopped 1 cup horseradish • cup sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1,4 cup vinegar Combine all ingredients. Cov- er and let stand overnight, * • • Piquant Relish 34 cup hot vinegar 1 cup tomatoes 3/ cup diced cucumbers 3 cup chopped onion 3/ cup cropped celery 34 teaspoon each, mustard seed and celery seed a/ teaspoon salt Mix all ingredients together. Chow -Chow 2 medium heads of cabbage 3/4 peck bell peppers (sweet) Ya peck green tomatoes 1 dozen sour cucumber pickles 2 each, red and green peppers (hot) 8 large onions • 4 pounds sugar 3 quarts 'vinegar 1 tablespoon ground horse- radish 1 tablespoon twneric (to color) 1 tablespoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons each, celery seed and ground cinnamon 3 tablespoons each, allspice and cloves Put the first six ingredients through the meat grinder, using coarse blade, Sprinkle lightly with salt; let stand half a day, or several hours. Place vinegar, sugar, and spices in a large ket- tle and bring to boil. Squeeze as much juice as possible out of first mixture and add mixture to sugar -vinegar -spice mixture in the kettle. Bring to boll and boil 20 minutes. Pack into clean jars which need not be airtight, but should have good covers. • • • 4'I make a cranberry ice that is not used entirely as a dessert, but can be. I often serve it in sherbet glasses at the side of the plate to be eaten with turkey or , special holiday dinners," writes Mrs. Myrtle Campbell to the Christian' Science Monitor. Cranberry Ice 1 quart fresh cranberries Juice of 2 oranges and 2 lemons 31/ cups sugoar 1 box lemon -flavored gelatin • 1 quart boiling water Cover cranberries with water and boil until soft, Put through sieve, reserving liquid, Add the liquid .to pulp. Add orange and lemon juice, Let cool. Dissolve lemon -flavored gelatin in the quart of boiling water. Let cool, Combine the 2 mixtures, Put in ice cube tray and freeze. Makes 3 or more pints of ice. •' * * "Here is a candy recipe that is more than, 100 years old. It came from the farm home of my great -great grandmother in Rhode Island," writes R. T. "When. cold, it should be chewy but not brittle," Chocolate Taffy 11,4 "cups sugar 1 cup molasses (scant) ;a cup milk 2 squares chocolate 11/i cups chopped nuts (walnuts or butternuts) 'IA cup butter Combine sugar, molasses, tnilk and chocolate and bring to boil; o boil until quite thick, Add but- ter and continue boiling to the hard -ball stage. Remove from heat and fold in nuts, Pour into buttered pans in thin layers. When candy is cold, mark into squares. -• • • "This candy recipe of my grandmother's is about 80 years old," write R. T. lsutterscotch Candy 1 cup sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup butter (less will do) Combine ingredients and cook to brittle -ball stage. Pour into buttered pan (or cooky sheet). When hard, tap pan to break candy into irregular pieces. Parson Invented Knitting Machine England was a sad and sav- age realm in the early years of the first Queen Elizabeth, Later she was cheered and hailed as "Good Queen Bess," but during the early part of her reign voices in taverns 'and market. places were constantly raised against her. The old religion, perverted by Henry Tudor and made a mock- ery by the persecutions of Bloody Mary, still lingered as an aching memory in the hearts of the people, Statesmen might clamour for reform, but common folk mur- mured of revolution, The fires of Smithfield and the block on Tower Hill might hold terror, but they were not strong enough to uphold tyranny. It was during this uneasy per- iod in English history that Wil- liam Lee was born, The ne'er- do-well son of a middle-class family, he studied at Cambridge and became a clerk in Holy Or- ders. — that is, a parson of the reformed church, Lee • seems to have had his share of the vices of youth, but little or no vocation for his spiritual calling.. He might have lived and died in obscurity had it not been for his inventive mind, The tavern seems to have ap-' pealed to him much more than the pulpit, and before long he' found himself forced to marry a barmaid in whom he had taken rather more than a spiritual in- terest. The lilac -scented village of Cambridge held no attraction for Young Wiliam. There is no rec- ord of his ' having been posted to any living, and it seems un- likely that he ever practised his calling as a parson, What he did do was to invent the frame knitting-maohine, What impelled him to this achievement can only be guess- ed. It certainly brought him lit- tle or no reward, although It was destined to make a fortune for his successors, Was it a nagging wife, weary of child-bearing and drudgery, who drove Lee to seek distrac- tion in the invention still asso- ciated with his name? Or could it have been the monotonous clicking of knitting needles in the smoke-filled hovel where he lived? Whatever it was, Lee laboured until he had developed a knit- ting frame with automatic lock movement that would knit hosiery in a tenth of the time it took on knitting needles, When he had perfected his machine, he wrote to the Queen begging an audience. His aim was to demonstrate his marvel to Her Majesty and gain her pa- tronage for his invention. The audience was granted and Lee, with hope pulsing through his joyous heart, demonstrated his machine at Court, A few days later the Queen Wrote to Lee refusing the monopoly rights he sought, and affirming, in no uncertain terms, that she wouldn't finance his nefarious scheme for making hosiery by machine. One can almost hear the strid- ent, masculine voice of the Queen when, in refusing assist- ance, she writes: "It is of no avail to seek our assistance, lest it may take the bread from the mouths of my poor subjects who earn their livlihood by the craft of knitting." It is an amazing thought that, about two hundred years before workers attempted to destroy machinery which they maintain- ed was endangering their liveli- hood, a precedent for this reac- tionary behaviour was set by the Queen of England! Some years after his stormy interview with the domineering Queen, Lee travelled • through France and Belgium still .trying to sell the machine that he hoped would make him his fortune. No 'one was interested, All his ard- ent endeavours to free women from drudgery were of no avail. Broken in psirlt, he died in ob- scurity somewhere on the Con- tinent. Then suddenly, and with ter- rible irony, the tide turned, Lee's brother returned to London bringing with him the cast -out and forgotten frame knitting - machine. He tried to. win the in- terest of woollen merchants who were slowly migrating from London to the Midlands, After some weeks he met with suc- cess and a small company was formed to manufacture the ma- chines and use them to produce hosiery for sale at home and on the Continent. The new industry thrived; soon several home factories were equipped with the revolutionary knitting frame and whole fami- lies were flnding•regular employ- ment in the manufacture of jer- syes, jackets and stockings. So successful was the venture that, a century later, the 'hand - knitters of Leicestershire sent a petition to the mayor and alder- men of Leicester, seeking pro- tection from the encroachment of the frame knitters on the hand -knitting industry, An obscure parson's dream had become a reality. The idea scorned by a queen and rejected by the ,people had become so much part of the industrial life of developing England that the Worshipful Company of Frame Knitters had been called into being, It exists to this day, and of course knitted products . are a big part of British trade. SLUMBER TIME The Dodgers had a big inning going and Chick Fewster, sitting next to manager Robinson, be- gan pounding the dugout steps wit a bat to rattle the opposing pitcher, "Stop that!' comanded man- ager Wilbert Robinson, Chick looked at his manager in astonishment, "Why?" h. asked. "Ain't we got a rally going?' Robbie pointed toward a cor- ner of the Dodger bench where, his star pitcher, Jess Petty, was snoring away. "Don't wanna wake up of Jess," he whispered, E FOR EUROPE—A symbolic bird of peace perches atop a large "E" in this new 40.pfennig (about .10c) Europa (Europe) stamp 10 be issued by West Germany Sept. 13. It is blue in color, with a rod stripe within . the "E".. Younger Set Fashion Hint Chop It Down - Yclnk It Out!! Of the mail that comes be- cause of these dispatches, one kind, or .sort, is becoming more and more common -enough so it makes a category, and I call it the What -can -be -done - Nothing. It is the letter which protests in vain, which cites some outrage to sensitive . perceptions, and then Indicts the rest of us, some- how, for not rising up in righ- teous wrath to correct a wrong. I am just now In receipt of such a letter from a fellow Maineiac, wherein enough of the gist of the category is found to war- rant wider reading; "What can be done to save the rustic setting of this little cor- ner where three reads meet, named Little River Corner, in down -East Maine? We live four miles straight north from Route 1 at Columbia Falls. A quarter or a nalf mile of the road run- ning past my house is to be re- built right sway, The "builders" down this way adapt the big, through -route ideas to our coun- try lanes and byways, laying waste the little gnarled crab- apple trees daring to grow close to the roadside. "An old gristmill stone has lain near our roadside for over a hundred years, telling the chance passers-by that it• used to be in the business world of this little town long, long ago. It will, of course, be moved - bumped and pushed away by a heartless bulldozer driver, with a certified engineer waving his arms in whichever direction it is to be pushed. "There are only two or three families left here now at our corner. Trees have made quite a growth along our road, shading us in summer, joying • us when they releaf in spring -and show- ing their colors after autumn frosts. A small stream runs through here, too, with falls to delight the eye, a purr fol' the ear, and foam on the ledges. That's our 'little river.' "This is a 4nost secluded spot, and this is its charm. It should be kept serene, left serene, and bettering it will spoil it The roses grow almost to the road. Trees, shrubs, wildflowers -what are they worth? Where is the road commissioner who sits down FULL MEASURE -- Tailor Max Danchik inches his way along one of the tallest fitting jobs ever to walk into his Hollywood tailor shop. She's Patricia Hop- kins, six feet, three inches tall and a member of a local "tall club." By one of those Holly- wood -type coincidences, a pho- tographer just happened to be hiding in the steam presser. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Ilium 8 Drug 1n1An- ttons (cnllnn.1 11 Decreases 14. hind of nut 15. Pigmies ' 76 1 tiIate 17 t'Ignv 18. Crush 20 (lrnw sleepy 21 Indlgh plant 21. Svnnnym (n11.1 21 Camera's Ave 25. Private 1Pnrher 27, `terllcvnl Nurse nnrra live 29. Triter 11. Outbreaks of fear 18. (lernlnt's be. loved 11. Ancient city in Trans-Jordan i ..-.erensed by 41. enr.led cloth 41. Sow 44. Stern 45. Ecclesiastical mune! 41. fluent Ins.) 41 Sheeplike 80 Rpt npnrt 61 filbert 63 !moiled prop. since 14. nand thick tpieces 66. ltiost profotfnd nowN Ties 2. Hutt• 8, Descendant nt Esau 4. Silent 5. Youth beloved by flnlntea 6. Abounds 7.1.1ternry com- positions calmly and computes the value of one rosebush, wild, to a high- way line? Engineers have slide rules and compass lines, and where the line runs, they go - roses or not. Machines have no gentle touch, no taste, no feel- ing -and men who operate them become as mechanical parts, They damage so much. "Our little road is wide enough and hard enough. It doesn't need rebuilding, But there is nobody to say so, nobody to cry stop, nobody to distinguish the rose from the cold statistics of ap- propriations, contracts, profits, Money is provided, money will be spent, willy-nilly. Whom cap I turn to, to explain that I like roses and country lanes and old millstone that haven't turned in a century? Am I so alone? Isn't there anybody else?" There you have it. There is more ,to the letter - the lady wrote to the highway commis- sion, 'and the letter was turned over to the underling who an- swers such letters and does nothing else about it. She got in touch with this one and that one, and shoulders were shrug- ged. The Chamber of Commerce man told her it would take 'pull,' And so on, In the end, she has written her letter to me, and I have merely observed that as time runs on I get more and more of similar letters. It isn't always a road -but it is some kind of encroachment always, a tread- ing on sensitivities and intangi- bles by the great forward strid- ing era that, in a nutshell, no longer cares about roses. Here in Maine, and in other states too, we have an active organization known as the 'Good Roads Association: It has work- ed hard to further a program of bigger and better highways, but it has neither constructed nor preserved ariy 'good roads' through quiet, 'shady, rustic vis- tas, with crooks around knolls, little bridges by foamy falls, past recumbent millstones fes- tooned with wild roses. The reason is factual and mo- dern -the membership is com- posed of contractors, machinery salesmen, transit interests, poli- ticians, bonding outfits, compen- sation insurance 'underwriters, and others dedicated to mighty avenues of commerce, the more expensive the better, They are, In short, a pressure group, al- though they won't like this blunt description any more than my correspondent will like their misappropriation of 'good roads,' They are the people who push millstones out of the way, in the Interest of long hauls between major cities. They have banded together in common cause against millstones and roses and coun- try corners and front -porch views down shady lanes. I men- tion them specifically because their name might invite dissen- ters, like my correspondent, to appeal to them In this present consideration, Just what Is a 'good road'? Just what can tree lovers and brook listeners do? Nobody on the side of,the roses is permit- ted an opinion any longer. If you even mention a rosebush to a highway engineer, you are pe- culiar and odd -to be brushed off deftly by any of the several accepted ways, You are protest- ing against the bulldozer, which is here to stay. You are senti- mental, and sentiment• is absurd. Chop it down; yank it out; level it off. Anybody who doesn't see the mighty wisdom of the great program is a crank, to be bulldozed over with the same relentless insistence, Stand aside -we're coming through! And yet -of course -it's only a rose, only a millstone long idle, only a country lane by a waterfall. Let us not be silly, - By John Gould in The Christian Science Monitor, Drive With Care 8. haler nl Per- sia, 9. Mond covering 10. Form of oxy- ge 11.Morn tlso Insert 12. winter ye - 19. Crackle 22. Is defeated 24. Parte of htgh• nays 26. A}lank of twine 21 °Veiling a0. Lean rind sin- ewy 32. Repeat 33. Brings Into being 31 Mont unhappy 36. Refused 28, Supports 39. Flat 40. City In New York :State 42 Armed band 46dao, coins 40. lie overtond 49 (;rub 61. nipple against Answer elsewhere on this page. WOOL ARGYLES - Playing a loke on city slicker visitors to the Wisconsin State Fair, farmer William McKenrow paints a color- ful Argyle plaid pattern on his Shropshire ewe Iamb. He says one in ten visitors fall for the gag. Maybe they think that's how Argyle -patterned socks grow. TllFMM FONT JokAViea The really up-to-date farmers among my readers - those of you who have the very latest in equipment - may not be so greatly interested in this article by John Gould which appeared in The Christian Science Moni- tor. Still, there should be enough "old timers" among you to recall the days John writes about, and get a chuckle from his memo- ries of same, • * • * Haymakers no longer rake scatterings. As an accredited scattering raker from away back, into whose fiber the an- cient adages were inculcated that I might succeed and pros-' per. I'm aghast at discovering this change in a basic economy. I can't remember thatanybody said so in just that many words, POWER PLANT - A tomato that apparently didn't know its own strength is admired by young Charles Acerra in the garden of his home. The tough tomato grew right through the loop atop the metal stake which was used to support the plant. but I came along up with the idea that dismal doom and downright despair would des. tend on the untidy and profligate farmer who neglected to rake his scatterings. True, I was inwardly rebel- lious all the time, and I never loved scatterings no -how, but that didn't get me anywhere. I raked scatterings just as if I believed in then, I was told that the scatterings would feed an- other heifer, which was the fru- gal and utilitarian approach. and forced on the growing boy that another heifer was a good idea. I didn't think so, personally, Heifers eat more than you think, once they get startetd. * • • Then there was the aesthetic argument - that people admired a well -raked field and would take notice that you were neat, This could also be construed as nasty -neat, and I think I so con- strued it. The diiierenctt hetwe211 then and now is the same old story - mechanical progress. Hay is made today untouched by hu- man hands or feet. A side - delivery rake makes windrows ' continuously, and the baling machine passes over the wind- rows and consumes them: Bales are then hove on a passing truck which' never stops, and nobody eyes looks back, • e • In my time the rake was a dump rake, a jack-rabbitlike de- vice that gathered up its capa- city and then dumped it. be- fore gathering again. You made windrows by dumping always In the same relative line. After- ward,. you could run the rake along the windrow and manu- facture "bunches" - which is Maine, for they are called other things in other places. A bunch was more or less what a strong man could pitch onto the rack in ode forkful. Sometimes the bunching was done by hand, with a fork. And after the bunches were hoisted onto the rack, which always stopped for that exercise, the loose hay left was known as scatterings, and had to be gar- nered. • • • Of course, in earlier times rak- ing was done by hand, and in later times they got hay loaders, But until the baler there was always an effort, whatever the method, to rake the leavings be- cause they were valuable and because they made the eld look unkempt. - We had two ways of raking scatterings. The first one made the horse mad, because he had to keep turning -turtling to bring the horseralte over the scatter- ings, passing needlessly over great ureas he had already raked in the morning and scattering - less now. No horses ever lilted to rake scatterings, because he thought the driver had lost his reason and didn't know .what he wanted. * The se^end method was with a dragrake, or bullrake, and that always made me mad. The hull - rake was an infernal machine if there ever was one. it would climb up your back and excori. ate you. It was, of course, de- signed for a man about six - four and weighing 210 pounds - but such paragons were too valuable to use on scatterings and always pitched on, built load, or stowed in the mow. it was the little fellow, like me, who got to rake scatterings and had a bullrake riding behind. You could tell a real farm boy in those days by the way he walked - as if he thought some- thing was sneaking up on him. • • • A bullrake had a curved han- dle, and one grasped it in the manner of Mr. Discobulus of old - one hand above the neck and the other behind the belt, This put the long teeth in such a position they could ride flush with the ground, and keep clip- ping you on the ankles. By actu- al count, 28 to 30 times per wisp is the usual average. Thus ac- coutered and postured, the raker walked and walked and walk- ed and walked, in the hot sun, picking up any and all loose hay the harvesting crew had neglect- ed to hoist to the load, • • • Occasionally the rake would have gathered enough o call for dumping, so you would hike over to the rack and deposit it on the ground, One of the men would spear it and lift it up, always leaving a straw or two as a nucleus for your next batch, Thus, the field was shortly clean as a whistle - the hay was in and nosy neighbors could see that you were a frugal and cir- cumspect husbandman with your scatterings raked. • • • Nowadays, the scatterings in a field wouldnt make a bale, and what the cam -operated teeth of the baler miss is left, and no- body tries to raise up that extra heifer. That heifer was the sub- tle difference between plain getting by and the luxury of success. Small boys are no doubt left to delinquency, and I feel sorry for them. As for the aesthetic considera- tions, it is probably just as well that modern traffic goes down the road so fast you couldn't see scatterings if they were ten feet deep, I doubt if some of them can even see if the field is mow- ed at all. Thus we take care of our own, and the poor lost extra heifer isn't missed, If some mu- seum somewhere wants a drag - rake,,. Mind Like A Sponge Teddy Nadler, the diffident man with a Univac for a mind, had already won $242,000 crank- ing out answers on the CBS quiz show "The $64,000 Challenge." But . before he faced his ques- tioner recently and won $10,000 more to boost his winnings to an all-time record, he was fret- ting like any beginner "I might black out," he muttered. "It could be my Waterloo. I know enough about history to know what can happen to people. Robespierre was a big man one day -the next day they shot his jaw off and guillotined him." Back home in suburban St. Louis, things. were a little dif- ferent with the Nadlers as a result of Teddy's late -blooming good fortune, Clara Nadler, whose husband had never earn- ed more than $70 a week be- fore he got into TV, was bustling about a new, $15,000 brick home which is fairly squirming with electrical appliances, "You should put down about the electric bill," she said re- cently. "Whooeet Everything's electric'" Pests had forced the Nadlers to acquire an unlisted telephone. Teddy, in a new income bracket, had quit his clerk's job because there wasn't any sense in driving to work to make 20 cents on the dollar." Otherwise there was no change. The neighbors took it in stride. "Do the Nadlers still live down the street?" asked one. "They're very quiet," said an- other. "We never see them." "Come what may," says Mrs. Nadler, "I'm still the same old Clara." Teddy was the same old Teddy. As a bookworm of a boy in the Jewish Shelter Home in St. Louis, where he had discovered that he had a "mind like a sponge," he had shown off his brain as the other boys did their biceps. Last week he still felt that compulsion, "You know Tchaikovsky was born May 7, 1840, and died Nov. 6, 1893, don't you?" he abruptly asked a reporter. "You know Beethoven's sym- phonies, don't you? I mean all 37 movements by heart? I can hunt 'em all. I do it in a mono- tone, of course, but you start any one of 'em anywhere and I can identify it for you within a tenth of a second." "You know all the Roman emperors, don't you? Sure you do. First there was Augustus, and then there was Tiberius, and then there was Caligula . , ."-- From NEWSWEEK. IKeNDAY SCIIOOI LESSON 8y Rey It. Barclay tt'arren B.A., 8.1) Justice for People in Need Isaiah 58:6-8; Luke 4:16-22; Hebrews 13:1-3. Memory Selection: Whoso bath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shtltteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 1 John 3:17. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is, in a very real sense, a social gospel. When people are for- given of their sins they be'come forces for good in society. They are the leaven for the Kingdom of God. They not only live good lives themselves. but they are concerned about helping others to find their Savious that they may live good lives, too. The righteous have always worked for a better society. The ancient prophets were the re- formers • of their day. Religious rituals, such as feasts were sec- ondary to the practical aspects such as relieving the oppressed and breaking every yoke. Jesus, in his first service read a passage from Isaiah which emphasized that he was continuing the work of the prophets. He would give good news to the poor, heal the broken-hearted and set the bruised at liberty, No wonder that the common people heard Him gladly. "Let brotherly love continue," is a good slogan for every age. We have a responsibility to help all that are in trouble o1 any kind. The art of hospita'ity which our grandparents prac- tised in simplicity needs reviv- ing. Abraham did not realize that the men he entertained were angels, There are always a fete transients who seek hos- pitality in order to rob their host then or later. This has made people very canny, perhaps too canny. Farmer Harry .Hplt of Cres- well, Oregon, has shown his understanding of the social im- plications of the Gospel by bring- ing hundreds of rejected Kor- ean orphans to USA and finding good homes for them. These children were born of American G. I.'s and unwed Korean moth- ers. In spite of failing health and countless obstacles, this re- markable Christian layman has dedicated his life to finding happiness and opportunity for these youngsters, unwanted is their homeland because of their mixed blood. If you are not one to whom people in trouble readily turn you should pause and ask, "Whyt Have I not the spirit of Jesus Christ?" We need to have the spirit of Jesus Christ that we may live like Him, if we areto be worthy of bearing the name a! Christian. A tourist in Cornwall over- took a young man running rap- idly along the road. He stopped and invited the perspiring run- ner to get In. "An emergency, I suppose?" the driver asked. "No," puffed the young man. "I always run like that when 1 want.,,a ride. It seldom fails." • Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 1,53 d 3 ?10 S Y 5,3 31 0 Y,2/ 03 0 A at y S /40 1.3 n 7 SJ /& Ij M 1'S35E DE ' ©• Olop 051 ©©.I IMOD OM V Mg 1Z1f110 MON .-©©a©o©u 5E12 EMEIZI156g ©GM IBOG/1§01%) d SPACE DOGS - Russia's space traveling dogs, Whitney (right) and Spot, are shown in their rocket containers. Moscow an- nounced that the dogs had been fired 280 miles into space and brought safely back to earth. PAGE 4 Mitchell Fall Fair Tuesday and Wednesday SEPTEMBER 23 and 24 $6000.00 in Prizes horse Races, 2.22 and 2.28 Classes 'The Biggest Little Fair in Ontario" t , , PhD Dal'% STANDARD CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all those who sent colds, treats, and made visits, while I Was c. patient in Clinton hospital, Also Dr. Street and the nursing staff, 31:-1p —Elizabeth Brown. FOR S.:LE 011 space heater; dining room suite. In good condition. Apply Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, Londesboro. 30.1 •vMr+++•N,.N•►. •NN.wirN+. • 'WALLACE'S DRY GOODS ---Blyth--- BOOTS & SIIOES Come In And See Us For Your Sewing Needs. Printed and Linen Tablecloths. Cotton Sheets and Pillow Cases. Ibex Blankets, Sizes 70X90 and 80X100. Sealtread Plastic Footwear. Dry Cleaning Pickup Every Tuesday and Friday From 9 to 9.30 a.m. Phone 73. Ir► •••NINMNNINNN� .1NN•I OUTFIT YOUR CHILDREN TODAY WITH Dark Cotton Dresses, 2-GX $2.98 Up Dark Cotton Dresses, 8-14X Teen Fall Jackets and Blazers, 2-14 Coat Sets, 1 to GX, 3 piece Girls Coats, 8 to 12 Teen Coats, 10-14X Lined Jeans, T Shirts, Sweaters, Flannel Skirts and Pajamas $4.98 Up $2.98 Up $15.95 Up $18.95 Up $22.95 Up i Needlecraft Shoppe , BLYTII, ONTARIO. "`The Shop fur Tots and Teens" N 44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•+.4444-9-•-• -•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••+++-.-.+a+�+ ♦ FURNACE 1 Cleaning Tire 4 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR FURNACE CLEANED AND CHECKED OVER BEFORE THE HEATING SEASON AHEAD. We CARRY OIL FILTERS, AIR FILTERS, HUMIDIFIER PLATES AND PARTS REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR MOST OIL AND STOKER FURNACES. NEW and REBUILT ELECTRICAL CONTROLS. CLEAN NOW AND SAVE FUEL AND TROUBLE IN THE WINTER AHEAD. A. MANNING & SONS Phone 207 --- Blyth, Ontario • •-•-••••••-•-•-•44-4-94-4144 ..4 4...4+4+...-.4-.4-44.•-•-•44-44-44-44-44-• - — `— -- s til W s a ie c 2 • n n t i 1 i .• News Of Auburn P,11. and .Mrs. Ernest Craig, Goderich, visited cn Saturday evening with his brother, William J, Craig, and Mrs. Craig. Rev. R. S. Ifiltz and Mrs, Hiltz, Mrs. Chalks Strnughan, Mrs, William T. Robison and Mrs, William Strnuglhan visited Mrs. Herbert Mogridge in Clin- ton Hospital het Friday. whore she celebrated her 81:1 birthday. Congrat- ulations. Mr, GeraldDobie spent the 1si"elc- end with his pnrents, IYr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie and family. Gerald is a sttir;•ent at the Barber School In Tor- onto, Mr.' Duncan MacKay resumed, h's duties as teacher of S.S. No, 5 kat week. The berirners were; Murk Ar- thur,' Wn»ne Arthur, Ronald Brown, Krren East, Pntsv ,`Villein, Mnrtam Hiltz and David P'hlish, Mks C1hris-Ina Crnninglurm Ilannurad "'he Sunday schen1 room WAS taste- fully decorated with bnskets of fu1J, flowers and roses. A large nink turned umbrella containing balloons f11 - led with confetti hung over the pink decorated. chair on the r.:nri erm. Mrs. Leonard Ar-hamb-rult-rrestdndjcr tl'r• program , which mimed with a sing song led by Miss Margaret, A..,Jacksn with Mrs. ll&- rt .1. Phillips nt th piano. A reading "How to cook;a Hus band" was given by Miss Prith Darr. A p:ano duet was Inlayed My Mrs: James !Jackson and daughter. Miss Margaret, IA reining "A Way Out Of II". was read by Mrs, Elliott J eon, The bride elect wns called to the platform ne conMnnnied by her sister. Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey. Mks Elmo Well Pinned n lovely corsage on Miss Cunningham and, Miss Ruth Daer rend an address of , gr,crl wishes to her on her coming mar- riage. Many lovely 'gifts were carried in by friends and neighbours. Christine thanked her many friends for their 1 gifts and lunch was served by Mrs. l Archambault, Miss M. A. Jackson, Miss Ruth Daer and Mrs. E. Lars).Mr and Mrs. Oliver Andersnn. Wil- Qinrn and Nance and John VhClinchey ate-deftLondon Fair last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Stanley Johnston returned lost week from a trip to the Thousand Islands and the St. Lawrence Senway. Mr Donald Ross, Oakville, snent last week -end with his mother, Mrs. FredRoss. Mrs. Mary Kirkr_opnell visited last week with her brother. Mr, Andrew Airkconnell, Mrs. Kirkconnell, Maryand Dianne. Mr. Thomas Anderson and daughters, Misses Donna Lynne, Dale and Lor- raine, of Toronto, were guests of •Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Anderson and family over .last week -end. Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch, of Constance, visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mr. Kenneth Staples is convalescing at his home after suffering injuries while on duty on his boat, Women's Missionary Society Meets I The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met 'hist Thursday afternoon in tthe Sabbath School Room of the church with n good attendance. The president, Mrs. es Bradnock, gave the Call To Wor- hip and the meeting was opened by engine the first psalm with the pianist, Mrs. Duncan McKay, presiding at the piano, The devotional period was In harge of Mrs. Donald Haines, who hose the scripture lesson from Exodus 0;1-17. She gave a very interesting heditalt!on on this passage, showing ur responsibility, to our fellow mens iVIr:; Robert. J. Phillips played an In- trumenta'1 on the piano. The minutes of the August meeting •were rendby he secretary, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland, nd were approved as read. Mhs. Her- iert Gooier reported on the cards eat and read the replies. Plans were Dade for the Fall Thankofferng, when he so:iety will entertain a neighbour - ng W. M. S. .The roll call wrs ,rpl- wered by a verse containing "obey." The offering wns received by Ross' - noble and dedicated by Mrs, Haines,holmThe hum"Simply Trusting" was ung, then Mrs, Ed, navies gave a - rending "Df I had a girl." The study book was in charge of Mrs, Leather•; lend. She gave interesting facts on her subject and read an article from a 1919 Presbyterian Record. Mrs. - Duncan !McKay sang "hove Divine," accompanied by Mrs. Haines. An im- rontu account of the Huron Preshy- eriel, held, d last Tuesday at Henson. I v•given by those attending, Mrs, Torbert Gooier, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. . Heines, Mrs. A. Leatherland, Mrs, John Houston also attended that meet- ing. The meeting wis closed by sing- ing"Take up thy cross" and the ben- rdlet ion was pronounced by Mrs. H,• Ines. n e idiamialms REV. Iii, C. WILSON • Of Thames Road, a former minister at Auburn will preach at the Donny- bt ook Anniversary Services, Septem- ber 2lst, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev) H. C. Wilson served In Auburn 1935-42, and has since been in the Huron Pres- bytery, Serving on various Boards of the London Conference. Mr. Wilson is the secretary of the Settlement Com- mitee, A number from this vicinity attended the Western Fair'at London last week. Mr, Ediw, Robinson had the misfor- tune to fracture his arm on Saturday. Miss Carol Webster, of St. Helens, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. Snowden. Mr, and Mrs. Elliot Sandy, of Luck - now and Mr, and Mrs. Elwin Chmmney ani; Marilyn, of Wingham, were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. R. Chnniney, Church Leaders To Visit Huron Dr. H. H. McConnell, of New York, and Dr. J. Manning Potts, of Nashville, Tenn., will visit Huron County next week to give leadership in a campaign' of 'Visitation Evangelism among the United Churches of this area. Dr. McConnell, n minister of the Un- ited Presbyterian Church in the United States, and Director of Evangelism for the National Council of Churches, U.S. A. will direct the campaign which . is being organized by laymen in many district churches, Dr. McConnell will speak at Egmondville next Sunday morning, at Wesley -Willis Church in Clinton at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and at a Rally in Wingham United Church at 8.00 Sunday evening. He has had a wide and varied experience in conducting sinlllar campaigns in all parts of the United States, In many cities and communities in Canada and in the Panama Canal Zone. In 1951. he spent 3 months in Japan conducting Visitation Evangelism and In 1956, he visited several of the Hawaiian Islands at the invitation of the Honolulu, Council of Churches. In October 1057 he was the director of n Visitation Ev- anf.plism, Campaign in New York City and the metropolitan area, This cam- paign was a follow up. for the Billy GrammGram New York Crusade. Dr. J. Manning Potts, known n11 over the world in christian circle as the edi- tor of "The Upper Room," the world's most widely used devotional guide within circulation of more than 3 inil- lion copies per issue. It is published in 34 editions with 29 languages. (Four- teen language editions are published in the Far East, three in the Midct!e East, seven in Europe- four in the Pa- cific, two In Latin America, one Id Canada, and five in the United States). Dr Potts has traveled extensively in) other sections of the world, in South America, Europe, the Middle East and Far Esst, having traveled several tunes around the world. Dr. Potts will address Rallies at 8.30 pro. at Hensall on Monday and in the Belgrave Community Arena on Tuesday 'at 8.30 p,m: Beth sten will address gatherings of the North and South Hu- ron Ministerial Association and will make several nppearances on Radio and Television. New Arrivals For Fall See our New Fall Dresses in Misses and Woolen's Sizes. - Large Selection of Blouses, Terrylenes and Cottons FALL SKIRTS in popular Reversible plaids, tweeds & Gabardines Coming New Manton Sweaters, pullovers and Car- digans in Separates or Twin Sets. New Foundation Garments in Front Laced and Two -Way Stretch Girdles Boys and Mens Jeans in Stripes or Plain Complete Range of Boys and Mens Hydro City Work Boots Long and Short Rubber Boots for all the family YOU MAY HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF SALES SLIPS OR BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS. - The Arcade Stores STORES IN BLYTII & BRUSSELS. p it 1 WA LTO N Cpl. Stock left on Friday for Edmon- ton, where he will remain for three weeks. Mrs. Stock and family are re - ruining in Toronto with relatives. MI...losepi Hnrlrweii spent the week- end in Stratford with his daughter and son -In-law, Mh.. and Mrs. Don Gray. Mr nod. Mrs. Rutledge and family, ,Lordcm, visited with relations over the week -end. Church service w'll be held in Duff's United Church cn Sunriay morning at ill n.m. with Rev. II, V. Workman in charge. Miss Mary Mowbrav, who has dis- onier: of her hnus^ and property to Mr Nelson P."id, intends holding nn Iauctiop sale in the near future. An- tique item will he for sale. A a ecer tion was held in the Walton Community Hall on Friday cveni*ig in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Ray iiuether. newly-weds. An address was read by Mr, Walter Shortreed and a purse of money presented by Mr. Ross My Call. Music was furnished by Inn Williee's Orchestra, • Recent guests at the home of MS'. and Mrs, Lorne Scrimgeour were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vance, of Tillsonbuvg. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Comm, of Wind- sor ISELGRAVE WARN DESTROYED DY FIRE Fire, fanned by high winds, com- pletely destroyrl a inege L-shaped shed on the farm owned by Ed, Cummings, one and one-quarter miles east of Bel - grave, about 1:30 p.m. Monday. I Mr. Cummings was grirdIng with a hammer mill and tractor and it is be- lieved a spark from the tractor igni- ted the hay mow, Lost in the fire were several Dies, calves. n p'irebred stal- lion, threshing machine, heftier mill Dud other • mnchinerv. The season's hay nnl grain crop, whish had been threshed; was nlso lost. Loss k estimated at $20.000. The Wingham fire department stood by and saved the nearby house, ORDER OFFICE FOR BLY1H Peltnn'S Variett Store will lir open- ing n Simpson -Sears order office on Monday, September 22, Wednesday, §ept.11, 195g, •••••••-•-•-•44+444-+• •••+•-•+• •-••4 NX4+4+-'-N4H-•♦•♦•• • • • • • 1 COMING SEPTEMBER 25th OUR iOth Anniversary SALE Read our Sale Bill and Prepare To Save Hand- somely during our Gigantic 10th Anniversary Sale. R.. W. MADILL.'S , SHOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "The 'Rome of Good Quality Merctihaiidise" :44-10-0-44-4-• •-• 044-44 4..+. N .-.-.• •-•-••-•-•4-44.4-4-•-•-•4-44 -•-•-•-•-•-•44-• •++#* #4-4-.4444 WN.+N4-4.+H N -.-*.4.4.4 4 •4 N++-4.+•+4+4 3 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER -= SEAFORTH LOCAL, REPRESENTATIVE — TIlOMAS STEEP, CLINTON. CLINTON; Business—Hu 2-6606 Residence --11u 2-3869 PHONES: EXETER: Business 41 Residence 34 4.+444-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-.44-# •.4-. • •-•-• ••-•-•-•-•-•44.44-44-•444+4-• N41 1 S7,200 PRIZE MONEY OFFERED AT SEAFORTH -FALL FAIR TIIURSDAY,,FRiDAY SEPTEMBER 18-& 19 Featuring: Hereford and Perth -Huron Jersey Regional Shows Six 4-H Competitions and 3 Chainpionship Shows Laltrest 4 -I -I Display in Huron LARGE LIVESTOCK EXiiIIIIT Parade of 15 schools, floats and bands Friday at 1 p.m. - Thursday evening programme at 8 p:m, MERCHANTS' DISPLAY IN ARENA SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION $60 — $25 r — $15 Open to anS' group — Sall time to enter Adults 56c Chlldren45'c "Oldest and Largest Falr In Huron" R, R". Campbell, Pres. R. James_ Wallace, Scc.-Treas, Renew your Subscription to The Standard Now! i 949 "I'll never drive again ,as long as I live!" That's the vow Fred Smith took when he learned the youngster he had run over had died'as a result of the injuries. Fred's conscience was tortured by the feeling that a child had died as a result of his actions. IIe tore up his driver's license, and has never been behind the wheel of a car since. There's only one way to avoid Fred Smith's night- marish situation. That's always to watch for children on the road. Your Ontario Department of Transport urges you to support the current Child Safety campaign. a 1 sd> y„ Sept, 17,195 8, JJJII/aa,. -1,_._:.J....._.uawiwn u...�i:... Elliott Insurance agency BLYTH -- ONT•ARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRIM OMES Automobile, Fire, Casualty Sickness, Accident, Windstorm, Farm Liability.. WE SPECIALIZE IIS GIVING SEKVICI. Office 'Phone 104. Residence Ph( le 140 ' BLYTII ARCIJERY CLUB LAST TOURNAMENT OF TIIE SEASON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, ZROPIIY'S AND 1-2-3 PRIZES SANITARY 8EIVAGB It%YUSAt. Septic tatiks,'ccss-pools, etc., pumped and cleaned, Free estimates, Louts Blake, phone 42119, Brussels, R.A. 2, SEWAGE DISTOSA L Hpve your soptin tanks pumped the sanitary way, Schools and public buildings given prompt atntion. Rates reasony�,ls TO Irvin Coxon, Milverton, 4514.1 62.18.21, • ••••••••••••••• Ir # F. C. PREST LONDESBORo, ONT. Interior. & Exterior Decorator Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Brush & Spray Painting. (JAAD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all those who re- membered me with cards, gifts and inquiries whine I was a patient in Clin4on Hospital and since I came home. Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nursing staff. 30-1p, —Wellington McNeil. ANNIVERSARY TURKEY SUPPER Under the nu,,p1ces of Blyth United Church, in Blyth Memorial Hall on Tdesday, Septomber 30, from 5 to 8 p. fp, Children under 12, 75e; Adults, $1,10,, Special Anniversary Services or. Sunday, September 28, FOR SALE • Heifer, ckte to freshen early in Oc- tober. Apply Gilbert Nethery, ;hone 10118, Blyth, 36:2p THE $L STANDAItIi BROWNIES r DRIVE•IM Njr THEATRE Clinton -- Ontario Thursday, Friday, September 18, 10 "SAFARI" (Colour) (Cinerinancope) ' Victor Mature and Janet Leigh (One Cartoon) Saturday, Monday, September 20, 22 — DOUBLE FEATURE — ."Decision At Sundown" (Colour)' Randolph Scott, Valerie French • "Crash Landing Gary Merrill and Nancy' Davis (One Cartoon) Tuesday, Wednesday, September 23, 24 — DOUBLE FEATURE —. - "Paratrooper' Alan Iadd and Leo Genn "Escape From San Quentin" Johnny Desmondand Merry Anders (Adult Entertainment) (One Cartoon) FOR SALE FOR SALE . , 300 Rhode Island Red. Pullets, roady 1952 Forel 1 -ton Truck, good as new. to lay. Contact C. J. Evans, Londes- Apply Harold Gross, phone 191119, koro, {hone Clinton, Hu 2.9800. 36-ip Blyth. 36-ip.r.4iis OSIT 1 PAG1 5 LYCEUM THEATRE ROX YTH THEATRE, WINGHAM. FJrst Show-commenc0's•at Now flaying: "Dragoon Wells Mas- sacre", Barry Sullivan, Mona Freeman, eun a ee e, Now Playing: Sept, 18, 19, 20; "April Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Love" In Deluxe Color with Pat Boone —. and Shirley Jones, "Hot Spell" Mun, Tues, Wed., Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment "The Reluctant Debutante" THEATRE CLOSED MONDAY, TUES., WED., OF EACH WEEK. THURS, - FRI. - SAT. September 18 • 19 - 20 DOUBLE BILL "THE TALL T" with Randolph Scott and Richard Boone An exciting suspence filled techni- • color Western. "CRASH LANDING". with Gary Merrill and Nancy Davis .A tense story of the crew and pas- sengers in a trans Atlantic plane. 4 1 1st Showing 2nd Showing At The ' 9:30 p.m. Air -Conditioned PARK GODERICIL , Ctnemascopo and Color Two Academy Award winners star to- The spanking new comedy hit based on .gethei in this realistic story of two the London and New York stage suc- ci ucial days. in a woman's life. cess; with a top-flight comedy cast and super direction. Rex Harrison, Kay Kendall, Sandra Dee Thursday, Friday, Saturday Richard 1Vidniark, Patricia Owens and Robert Taylor Outdoor drama at its exciting best! Tells of a man who risks his future to repay an outlaw who saved his life. "The Law and Jake Wade" Cinetnasenpe and Color Crning: Eartha I(i11 and Nat King Cole in "St. Louis Blues." Shirley Booth, Anthony Quinn, Shirley Shirley MacLaine Thursday, Friday, Saturday "Snow White And The Seven ! Dwarfs" t Perennially enchanting Walt Disney fantasy returns to delight old friends • and new. WHITE WA'SI'lNG Anyone wishing. white washing trot Patterson • Bios., phone 301124, Blyth, 30-tf, WANTED Middle aged wbman for housework in village. of Auburn, Apply at The Star.dard Office. 36-1p HONEY AR SALE Clover, 250; Golden, 20c; in your own containers, Apply Reg. Schultz, phone 34R12, Blyth. 30-lp .4'4 -4 -*++1+•1114_44-•- 444+4444 +j+±++4,P, •4• +$ • CAR FOR SALE 1956 Chevrolet, 2 door, good paipt, and tires, motor in excellent condltiot:. A real buy. Apply, James Howes, phone 81, Blyth. 3: 2p BLYTH BEAUTY BAR . Ann Hollinger Phone 143 L lNSURN'CYE u ATION 1" Register NOW Be PROTECTED next January tit� 1 ONTARIO _HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION •rH ,OSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION—TORONTO7t ONTARIO `Telephone:.WAInut 4«3301 WANTED Old -horses, 31c per pound. Dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. OIL. BERT BROS. MINK RANCH, Goderich, Phone collect 1483J1, or 1483J4. 44 IL WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION For artificial insemination. service or more information, telephone the Wa- terloo Cattle Breeding Association col- lect at Clinton, Hu 2-3441, between: 7.30 ad 9.30 A.M. week days, 6 and 8 P.M. on Saturdays. Do not call for 'service on Sunday, Cows in heat on Sunday can be inseminated satisfact- orily on Monday. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned). and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low, Easiness Cards CRAWFORD & —1 HETHERINGTON BARRISTERS et SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, R. S. Hetherington., Q.C. Q.C. Wingham and Blyth. IN BLYTH EACH THURSDAY MORNING and by appointment. Located in Elliott Lisurance Agency Phone Blyth, 104 Wingham, 48 G. B. CLANCY OPTOMETRIST-- OPTICIAN (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, Optometrist) FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 33, • GODERICH 25.41,, J. E. Longstaff, Optometrist Seaforth, Phone 791 — Clinton HOURS: Seaforth Daily Except Monday & Wed, 9:00 a.m. to 5;30 p.m. -Wed. -- 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p:m. I Clinton Office - Monday, 9 - 5:30. I Phone HU 2-7010 G. ALAN WILLIAMS, OPTOMETRIST PATRICK ST. - WINGHAM, ONT, EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT, (For Apointrnent please phone 770 Wingham). 1 Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services. 1 ROY N. BENTLEY _ Public Accountant —1 GODERICIE, ONT, I Telephone 1011 — Box 478. DR; R. W. STREET Blyth, Ont. OFFICE HOURS -1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. ' EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY. AUCTIONEER Experience, Courtesy and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prompt Assistance Given in Arranging Your Sale Problems. Phone 151118, Blyth, George Nesbitt, George Powell, Auctioneer. Clerk. K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE Sun Lite Assurance Company of Canada CLINTON PHONES Office, nu 2-9747; Res, HU 2-7558 SALESMAN Vic Kennedy Phone Blyth 78 - McKILT,OP MUTTTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICP - RP AFORTN, ONT. OFrICERs: President—Robt. Archibald, Seaforth; Vice -Pres., Alistair Broadfoot, Sea - forth; Secy-Treas., Norma Jeffery, Sea - forth. DIRECTORS: J. T. Malone. Seafnrth: J. H. McirW- �nn. nh•th: W. S Alexander. Walton, >' ,T 'Prnwarthn. C•1intnn:.T. F. Penn^.r, ur,;,,nftpld: C W. Lonnhnrdt. nnrahnlm: H. Fn11nr. Goderich: R. Archibald. Sen. forth:- Allister Arnvdtnnt, Seaforth, AGENTS: William Leiner. Jr.. Lnndesborn: d F. Prueter. •Brndharen: Selwyn Baker, 13runala' ..L` "Qunroe, Seaforth. ANNE I4IPS.T. _yam. ran:e, "Dear Anne Hirst; Our family is divided on the question of our two daughters contributing to the home ex- penses. They both have good positions and their father thinks they should give us token board, though we would only save it and add to It for their future. t do not agree, nor do they—they say none of their friends do such a thing and they would be ashamed to admit they were asked to, "I argue that we do not need their help, and with prices so high I am sure they can use all they make. We have a nice home, garden and cars, and the older girl plans to commute to a nearby town to work With winter corning on, she wants to take an apartment there with another girl. Her father dis- approves. "Her sister is engaged and will probably be married in a few months, so I don't see any point in her paying board. Then why should the other one? "I do not mean to present a picture of a wrangling house- hold, but as a matter of record I'd like your opinion. MOM" • Parents expect to provide * for their children; it is a * pleasant duty, and sometimes • implies sacrifice, They do this • gladly with no thought of re- * compense, and they don't ex- * pect appreciation until the • children are old enough to • understand. * As children get out on their • own it is salutary for them * to contribute part of their • salary to the home, not to re- * pay parents but as a gesture • of love and gratitude. When * a girl earns her first salary 1' she feels independent, and • proud to pay board if it is only • a few dollars a week. It en- • genders a feeling of belonging, * plus responsibility, and tends * to build character. * Your husband feels this k • a sound basis for his argu- * ment. • The older girl will find liv- * ing in town more costly than * she expects; she may even • need help from home until * she lands on her economic feet * —in which case she might send * a small sum to you regularly • to maintain the spirit of her * father's request. In a strange * city a girl needs time to learn • its advantages as well as its * dangers; to me it seems wise • that she commute for quite a * while before settling there. • Arguments over money are • spirit of co - operation all * not always pleasant A warmer Two -In -One Style PRINTED PATTERN 4780 SIZES 141/2-291i tkuj, 444414 fly t' .y, or evening, delight in the r, alness of this dress 'n' bo- lero utfit. Note how bolero but- tons to dress — always looks neat, mai t. A Printed Pattern proportioned for half -sizers. Printed Pattern 9780: IIalf Sizes 141/2, 161/2, 181/2, 20%, 221, 241/1. Size 161/2 dress takes 4% yards 35 -inch; bolero 1?a yards. Printed directions on each pat- tern fart. Easier, accurate. SCE"' FORTY CENTS (400 (stain .s cannot be accepted; use post I note for safety) for this pattern, Please print plainly the SIZt?, NAl1IE, ADDRESS, and ST1 IX NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tot (...to, Ont. • around should result in an • amicable settlement that will • restore harmony, * •. • `'Dear Anne Hirst: The girl I hope to marry when I can afford to is 24, and I'm a year -older. As things stand, her mother is my problem. "She apposes our marriage, and won't say why, She has no reason to (that I know of) but I am always uncomfortable when she is around — and that isn't right. I have the feeling she doesn't trust me, but I've never given her reason not to .: "I was away at college three s ears, so perhaps she feels she doesn't know me well. She is a widow, and until my mother died they were friends. Which why shall I turn? BILL" * If you can win the mother's confidence she may be more * reasonable. * When you and your girl go • to these musicales you enjoy, ask her to accompany you. Perhaps having dinner to- gether beforehand will ease * the tension; observing your * good manners she may relax • a bit and realize you know * your way around. • Since you attend the same church, ask her i1 you can * drive them there now and * then. Find out what- books • and records she prefers. Such * thoughtful attention cannot • help but establish you in her * esteem and pave the way for more confidence, Good luck! • • • The question of young people with jobs paying board at home is a moot one. Anne !first's opinion on practical family mat- ters is helpful. Write her your problem at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario • • Where Men Of The Bible Dwelt "Up there," my guide said much too casually to suit me, "is Mount Nebo where Moses showed the promised land to the children of Israel." We were deep in the flat bed of the Jordan River valley. The Dead Sea, 1,300 feet below sea level, was only a step away. The surrounding gray, bar- ren hills and mountains were transformed by sunset glow into subdued tints of orange and purple. It was not too difficult to roll back the centuries to the days when the men of the Bible dwelled here. About two hours earlier we had entered the tropically warm valley, descending slowly from the heights of Ammam, the capi- tal of Jordan. There were occasional or- chards of lemon, orange, and banana trees, but most of the land was dry and unworked and tired. We suddenly came upon the River' Jordan and I fumbled for my camera. My driver guide arrested my hopes before 1 could draw a bead on the winding 30 -foot stream and its grassy banks. On both sides of the bridge crossing the Jordan were Jordan Legionnaires in their red and white checkered headress. It was an off-limits military outpost. For the third time since depart- ing from Amman, I had to pro- duce my passport. Because, said the drvier, "these fellows know me," we skipped ahead of five cars of passengers at the check point and shortly slowed down behind a truck sprinkling the streets of new Jericho. Apparently accustomed to peo- ple in a hurry, he tried to dodge up a side street to save time and it was not easy to persuade him that crawling behind a water sprinkler and looking at the lush vegetation of the Jerich oasis was sheer delight on a stinting day. All the way from Amman I had been talking about old Jericho and every time the driver had diverted the conver- sation to Qsar ilisham (which he said he would gladly show me for anther dollar). So off we went and were re- warded by the ruins of a palace 1,200 years old, The mosaics were all he said and more. Now, he proclaimed, as he prevented me for the third time from taking a picture of Mount Temptation rising abruptly from the valley floor several miles away, we will go to Old Jericho where you will get the best pic- ture, writes Courtney Sheldon In The Christian Science Monitor. En route were the reminders of today's unsolved human rela- tions -- the camps of 80,000 Palestinian refugees. The broad valley swallowed them up as If they were mere desert villages. Hoping for the day they can return to their former homes T��.i';'%,. n,Yr C;. s::gin tessii sees HORSE PLAY — Playing a Western role, southern belle Florence Cloud rides a "bucking bronco" on the beach at Cypress Gardens, With the water so handy, it's only natural that her mount should be a sea horse. A.0 HRONICLE 1NGERFARM Gven.doline P. Claak,¢ It just seems I never run out of material to fill this column. There is always something in- teresting going on. At least it is interesting to me so I can only hope it is also interesting to you. Take last Tuesday for in- stance. That was the day the Salada-Sherriff-Horsey company gave their annual tea to W.I. representatives who were invit- ed to see the handicraft exhibit and to hear the prize-winning announcements. This year the tea was held at• the Royal York Hotel. The contest took the form of a Quilt Block competition for which there were 61 entries. The block patterns were arranged in loose-leaf albums with hand- somely decorated hard covers. Some of the patterns were old designs carefully treasured from one generation to another. Others were comparatively new and one had to be original. All the work was of excellent quality includ- in Israel, they live in huts and are given the necessities of life by the United Nations. Clouds of dust swept through the middle of the camps, It was easy to see why most of the talented and educated refugees leave for greener pastures, though the high birth rate keeps the population of the camps the same or growing. Just as the excavations of old Jericho rose into view we began passing hundreds of refugee wo- men on their way to and from • Elisha's well. They balanced water jugs on their heads and were marvelously erect. The refugees settled along the Jordan because of its warmth during the winter. After 10 years, most of them are said by UN officials to have little inter- est in being resettled under more favorable conditions, They are not starving or oppressed and prefer to remain as a reminder to the world of their hopes to return to Israel. Surrounded by wire fencing, Old Jericho is not extensively uncovered, Portions of towers and the footings of the, walls which "fell flat" when "they blew with the trumpets" can be seen. On the move again, we halt- ed at the Dead Sea where a new hotel is rising on the north shore. Not far ,away is where the Jordan empties into the sea. A few miles upstream is where, it is said, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. The road to the river is unmarked as are many other highways, No one was on the highway as we headed up out of the val- ley toward the towers of Jeru- salem in the quiet of the even- ing, The land, which by day still suffers the weight of march- ing feet and the burden of the oppressed, was serene and com- posed. It was once more the land which brought forth men whose words and deeds are of eternity. ' ing the beautilul designs in quilt- ing. In fact the workmanship was so good I am sure the judges must have had a hard time reaching a decision. however, probably their work was made a little easier through the gen- erosity of the sponsors who of- fered not only three prizes but $10 each to the ten entries re- ceiving honourable mention. The 1st prize award was given to the West End W.I. of Guelph; the 2nd to West Fort William; and the 3rd to Elder Mills, Woodbridge, The ten awards went to the following districts: Sheddon; Gorrie, Appin, King City, Sault Ste. Marie, Dublin, Watford, Desboro, Kingston and Burgessville. It was a very happy, friendly afternoon for everyone, Not only was it a grand opportunity to see at first hand a splendid dis- play of rural talent but it also gave W.I. members from far and wide one more occasion to meet their Provincial officers and ether W.I. personnel and to dis- cuss their common problems one with another. 1, for. one, thoroughly enjoyed it. This of course, is only a brief account. You will naturally read more about it in your next issue of NICE QUEEN -- Blonde, green- eyed Michele Lemoing strikes a lissome pose In Nice, France, after being chosen 1958 "Queen of the Riviera'. Home and Country and • from your area representative. It seemed to me the idea of a quilt -block contest was a happy thought; helping to keep alive one of Canada's native Gr•tS, It would be too bad if it ehould ever die out, It is an art that includes skill, artistic ability and requisites of good workmanship. Certainly the W.I. as a whole owes a debt of gratitude to the Salada-Sherr•iff-Horsey Cnmpany tor . their generous sponsorship of this worthwhile projeet, Re- memberine we may find 't adds an extra flavour to the cup that cheers and our mornine toast and marmalade. Well, 1 had just' nicely caught my breath as it were,.after Tues- day's affair when along comes an invitation to a tea at the C.N.E. It was for the first Thursday when all the exhibits were r'ee and fresh. But it was raining and I wondered — should I or shouldn't I go? In the end I don- ned sloshers, raincoat and cap, and sallied forth with an uml,rel- la, hoping the weather would clear before too long, It did, so my optimism was justified. I soon noticed the grounds at the C.N.E. had had a face lift- ing. All along the front, where there used to be nothing but cars, there are now -lovely gar- dens, and no less than three water fountains, spilling over into huge greenlined basins. Even the light standards are eye- catching. Atop each pole flies a Dag; a few feet down is the light itself ' and some distance beneath it flower baskets en- circle the pole from which are growing .flowering plants and hanging vines. Certainly the new ,arrangement along the front pre-' sents a far mare . pleasing ap- pearance than before and elimin- ates a lot of the unwelcome lit- ter that used to be the first thing one saw, The new mess - moth water fountain is also quite lovely. In fact to all outward appearances the C.N.E. is much improved. As for the exhibits 1 am not in a position to say too much as I was only in a few of the buildings, I noticed there was more originality than usual ^t the Flower Show. The Govern- ment Building had well arranged informative displays and the quality and variety of work shown in the Queen Elizabeth Building was marvellous, I was particularly impressed by a fine- ly worked, hand-hooke 1 rug. Beautiful design and the size 'vas about 9 x 12. This prize-winning entry came from Ottawa. It being Press and Radio Day I noticed many well-known per- sonalities here and there, Rural readers will be interested to know I was chatting briefly with "Janet Jean" and that John Bradshaw was M.C.ing one of the Cooking Schools. Waiting to go into the Men's Press Luncheon were a number of country edi- tors — possibly your owr local editor was among them: I expect Partner will be go- ing down next week. We have given up trying to do the "Ex" together. I get "Exhibition feet" so qulrkly that it spoils the day for him . , , and the next few days for mel Modern' Etiquette by Roberta Lee Q. Ls It all right for a man to use only his initials when sign- ing social correspondence, as for Instance, "J. R, Cardington"? A. No; he should sign his full name, or at least as, "James H. Cardington, ' Q. How should grapefruit be prepared for serving? A. Cut it across in half; then cut the sections free and re- move the dividing skin and seeds; then put sugar into It, and allow this at least 15 minutes to soak into the fruit before serving. • Q. Should a young person of- fer a hand when being Intro- duced to an elderly woman? A. Only if the elderly woman offers her hand first, Colorful Linens l!t/ f !tlth4 V Y NR s1/1. Letthese pansies lend color to your linens. Put them on guest towels, bed sets, scarves. Colorful pansies for linens and crocheted edging to finish them. Pattern 608: transfer of a. 6x20 - inch motif, two 6x131h; direc- tions for edging. Send THIRTY-FIVE GENTS (stamps cannot be accepted; use postal note for safety), for this pattern to LAURA WHEELER, Box I, 123 Eighteenth, St.,. New Toronto, Ont, Print plainly the PATTERN NUMBER, and. your NAME and ADDRESS; As a bonus, TWO' complete patterns are printed right in our LAURA WHEELER Needlecraft Book. Dozens of other dtisigns you'll want to order --easy, fas- cinating handwork for yourself,. your home, gifts, bazaar items, Send 25 cents for your copy of this book todayt ISSUE 38 — 1'958 New concept:.. merson featured in the 1959 Emerson Royalty Lille! "All-over, aIl•angle, true -picture viewing Here's how Emerson 1959 Royalty Line brings you greater TV pleasure: Full Power Transformer Chassis ensures un- surpassed reception even in "fringe" areas, New Tru -Slim Cabinets fit in smaller -than - ever space. Super Cascode Tuner brings in sharp, clear pictures and sound. Magic -Memory Touch Control restores the audio and picture you pre-set with ono - touch control. Wide Selection includes portable, combing. tion, table and condole models. � FIDELITY For the ULTIMATE In musical sound EMERSON ,.nlerron ROYALTY LINE RADIO OP CANADA HI-FI AND RADIOS LIMITED 14 Trenton Are., in a variety of handsome styles and finishes Torn of Mount loyal, Out *SEE THE NEW ROYALTY. LINE AT YOUR.EMERSON DEALER NOW Tales Of The Baseball Diamond POWERFUL WIND If there was one thing Dizzy Dean never lacked, it was con- fidence. Nothing ever shook his sublime confidence in him- self. Pitching against the Yan- kees in an exhibition game one spring, he just couldn't loosen up. In the fourth inning, the Bombers fell upon him for eight hits and seven runs, Manager Trankie Frisch finally gave him the look. Dean, ego unshaken, flopped down next to Frisch on the bench, "That wind's really blowin' out there," he remark- ed. "Sure," acidly replied Frisch, "but that isn't what blew you In here!" • • • RHODES BLOCK Everybody on the Giants got a kick out of Dusty Rhode's laconic sense of humor, 0 n e recent spring he panicked them with his yarn about the speech he made at the University of Alabama. "I got through the speech okay," he drawled. "As usual I Ieft them in the aisles. But'when it was over, a fellow comes up to me who had to be a professor. He asks me where I went to col- • lege. "Professor," I replied, "this is the first time I've ever set foot on a college campus in my life. As a matter of fact, I had a little trouble with grade school. Why, when I was promoted to the second grade I was so _ner- vous that I didn't dare shave for a couple of days," • • • RUNNING WILD Branch Rickey, on the sub- ject of wild man Rex Barney: "He'd be the/greatest pitcher in the world if the plate were high and outside," Which recalls the immortal line by Jim Humphries, pres- ident of the Oklahoma City,In- diens. The enemy was putting On a rally, when one of Jim's friends turned to him and re- . :narked, "I don't understand that guy," referring to the em- battled pitcher. "He's always wild low." "That's the tip-off," snapped )dumphMes. "He doesn't even bave enough stuff to be wild high," . Hands Off The Moon The .campaign to defend the moon against men and their rockets is gaining new adher- ents each day. Among the first to join the fight was Albert the Alligator in Walt Kelly's comio strip "Pogo." Albert was "all charged up about defendin' the moon from folks wanttn' to spoil it by ttrackin' up there." • He quickly got support from representatives of ,eight major scientific societies organized into an ad hoc Com- mittee on Contamination by Ex- traterrestrial Exploration (CE- 'rEX), Their hope: That rocke- teers. avoid contaminating the moon with extralunargerms until other scientists could make critical measurements of the moon in its pristine natural state (NEWSWEEK, May 26). Last month, the British hu- morist and novelist A. P. Her- bert used that traditional forum' of the civilized Englishman, a letter to the editor of The Times, to pose the question: "Need the moon be molested?". Herbert wrote: "Why mutilate the only face that pleases all the human race? The moon, for many millions, is a venerated thing of beauty, of poetry, and even religion. It be- longs to nobody, but Mankind. We may use it gratefully for the purpose of navigation, etc., but no single country should phys- ically molest it for selfish or even alleged 'scientific' purposes without the leave of Mankind, which in these days can be re• quested through the United Na- tions. "Is it not an' offense against Mankind to fire a missile any- where near the moon? What would be the result of such an explosion? The moon in fames - two suns -perpetual day -natur- al life on Earth deprived of rest and sleep, declining -vast tidal waver drawn up by the two suns flooding twice a month the habi- tations of amen? We cannot tell. But can the rocket shooters?" Herbert's plea will not go un- heeded at Cape Canaveral, Fla., where U.S. missilemen are pre- paring for another moon -shoot attempt in inid-September. The United States seeks only to orbit the moon, not hit it. - From NEWSWEEK. • GET A ID OF The Way I Did. Simple Isere treatment - Free Details Quick results permanent healinf,. Comptek Insrtuetions $3,n0, ?stoney refunded If not snlltlied JOHN MORTIMER, Box i7aC, Elora, Ont., Can. NO PINK ELEPHANTS? - Imagine coming home after hoisting a few to a house like this. The five -story high rattlesnake and the yowling cats would scare anybody into signing the pledge. The bizarre decorations are in Stuttgart, Germany. Open Season For Game Birds Our new Minister of Lands & Forests, Hon. J. W. Spooner, has announced the 1958, Open Sea- sons and Bag' Limits for Up- land Game Birds and Small Game Animals, RUFFED GROUSE, SHARP - TAILED GROUSE, SPRUCE PARTRIDGE; - 1 September 15 to November 25: North and west of Highway No, 17 from Mattawa to Sault Ste. Marie, 2. September 27 to November 15: in - (a) Parts of Algoma, Nipissing and Sudbury Districts South of Highway 17. (b) (i) Manitoulin and Parry Sound Districts. ' (ii) Part of Muskoka District east of Highway No, 89 and No. 11. • (c) (i) Carleton, Dundas, Dur- ham, Frontenaa, Glengarry, Grenville Haliburton, Hastings, Lanark, Leeds, Lennox and Ad- dington, Northumberland, Peter- bor6ugh, Prescott, Prince Ed- ward, Renfrew, Russel, Stor- mont and Victoria comities. (1i) Part of Orillia Township in Simcoe County east of .High- way No. 11 and north of. Washa- go, (iii) Ontario County (portion): Parts of Rama; Mara, Thorah, Brock and Reach townships east of Highway No. 69 and No. 12. (See also 8 (b) (ill), No. 9. October 4 to November 15:- (a) Brant, Bruce, Dufferin, Elgin, Essex, Grey, Haldimand, Halton, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Middlesex, Norfolk, Oxford, Peel, Perth, Waterloo, Welland and Wentworth coun- ties. (b) (i) Simcoe County, ex- cept -that part of Orillia Town- ship East of Highway No. 11 and north of Wasago (See 2(c). (ii) York County (portion): Georgina and North Gwillim- bury ,townships only, (iii) Ontario County (portion) Parts of Rama, Mara, Thorah, Brock. and Reach townships not included in 2(c) (iii); and Scott and Uxbridge townships. (iv) Part of Muskoka District not included in 2 (b) (ii), Bag Limit: 5 in the aggregate per day, Possession Limit: 20 in the aggregate. HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE: September 27 to November 15: All of the province,, except Thunder Bay District, Bag Limit: 8 per day. Possession Limit: 16. PTARMIGAN: September 1, 1958 to Apri 11, 1959: All of province, Bag Limit 5 per day. Possession Limit 15. One Man Forgot - So Five Died Horrified, the pilot listened .to, the splutter sof the engine that told him they were out of gaso- line. He switched to the second tank( There was no response That was empty; too. With him in the plane were his wife and child and another couple with their child. They had been on n joy -ride to Nas- sau, in the Bahamas, and had .pent the day there, sightseeing. When they clambered happily back into the plane for the tr1n back to Florida, 'they assumed the gas tanks had beer, refuelled. But the mechaltie had forgotten to do so. They hadn't checked. And now it was too late .. , They were three miles off the coast of Florida and facing death through someone's carelessness. Skillfully, the pilot brought the plane down on the water, and all six clambered out on to a wing. Then they became aware of a second terrible oversight . , .they had no lifejackets! Slowly the plane sank, and the fathers struggled desperately in the choppy sea to support their children. The sea became rougher. When help came, the pilot found to his horror that he was the sole survivor of this family tragedy - his little daughter had drowned in his arms. It went down in the records as an "accident", but, • like most so-called accidents, it' could have been averted had a little more care been taken. From the biggest railway disaster down to the smallest domestic mishap -. even the ,breakage of a cup while wash- ing-up - you'll find that some- one's carelessness was, more of- ten than not, to blt ne, This ap- plies to road crashes, too, which fake their deadly toll of lives each year. And, in fact, accord- ing to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, care- lessness is a factor in nine out of ten of all accidents that occur! Carelessness in small things can lead to carelessness in bigger things. And that's when people's lives are at stake , Others are left pained and bruised, possibly maimed for life, just; because someone takes a chance too many or overlooks some trifling detail. No chick- ens fly home to roost quite so dramatically as those stamped with the' "couldn't care less" trademark. Another of these "avoidable accidents" took place at a pit at Pontefract, Yorks, not long ago. Two miners stepped into the cage, miSSed their foothold, and plunged 240 ft. to their deaths down the shaft. A special, safety pin, designed to avoid such disasters, had been fitted to the gate -.but it was not used! Nor was the flap, on which the men stepped forward into the cage, secured. • After hearing the evidence of ten witnesses at the inquest, the coroner said it seemed to be an accident which could have been (•voided with a little more care, How Can 1 ? .By Anne Ashley Q. How can I restore faded leather? A. Give it several coats of water -color paint, selecting, of course, the shade of the leather, After the paint has thoroughly dried, rub the surface well with a good furniture polish and the result will be pleasing, Q. How can I keep evaporated milk for a longer time? A. If the evaporated milk is taken out of the can and put in a glass jar, it will stay fresh for a longer time, Use your spare time to build an Interesting and profitable business career, Underline course that Interests you- • Bookkeeping • Cost Accounting • Shorthand • Typewriting ,• Stationary Engineering • Short Story lVrIting • Junior, Intermediate, nigher Accounting • Chartered Secretary IA.C,I.S.) • Business English and Correspondence Write for free catalogue lode,/ Many othl'r courses from which to choose Boy & Charles Struts, Toronto Dept. No. H.13 .:. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .: . AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself, Sell our exciting house. wares, watches and other products not found In stores. No competition, Prof. Its up to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate cent} dentlal wholesale price sheet, Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal, BABY CHICKS FIVE and six week old pullet bargains while they last: Rhode Inland Red X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Rhode island Red, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Rhode Island Red Rhode Island Red X Light ' Sussex California Grey X White Leg. horn, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red; 538,95 per hundred, 4 weeks old 537.95. 3 weeks old $35.95. Started Kimber put. lets, one week 549.00, Also 2 to 6 weeks qk! Klmberchlks add $4,00 per week to one week old price. Immediate delty- ery. TWEDDLE CHICK (HATCHERIES LTD, FERGUS, ONTARIO, BRAY can give prompt shipment on 6.7 week old dual purpose pullets; day. olds to order, Also Ames dayolds and started (high production, low feed cost) Book now for November•Decem. ber'broilers. See local agent, or write BRAY HATCHERY 120 John North, Hamilton. • HY-LINE PULLETS AVAILABLE 20 weeks old through September and October. Also DeKalbs, 12% fewer replacements chicks hatch. ed this year means higher egg prices ahead, Large numbers excellent birds available every month, vaccinated and debeaked as babies. Inquire now - NEW LOW PRICES. RIDLER MiLLS LTD., Newmarket Ontario, IT is no secret that poultrymen are Improving egg profits with K.137 Kim. berchlks Early large egg size, high rate of lay, good livability, excellent interior egg quality are factors mak. ing Klmberchlks better, A special price discount of 52.00 per hundred off the regular price. of 548.00 per hundred If order placed before November 1st, for delivery anytime. Also recommend for Maximum Egg Production, California Grey X White Leghorn, Leghorn X Red, Red- X Leghorn. Dual Purpose, Warren Rhode Island Red X Light Sus. sex, Light Sussex Warren Red, Red X. barred Rock. First Generation Broil. ers, Vantress X Nichols No 12, Van. tress X Nichols No. 108, Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rock. Also Nichols No, 108 Cockerels, Limited number of started Non•Sexed, Pullet and Cock. erel Chicks, Turkey Poults, Registered Imported Landrace Swine and Aber. deen Angus Cattle. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK IIATCHERIES LTD FERGUS, ONTARIO; FOR SALE ALL purpose polisher! Waxes polishes floors and cars. Sands and drills. Guar- anteed Good Housekeeping. Complete with attachments 534 95, Pinewood, Box 54, Adelaide at., Toronto. EXQUISITE Sea SheU items, only 51.00 each. Earrings, Brooches, Sweater guards, children's bracelets, novelty thermometers, White's P.O. Box 512, Clearwater 4, Florida, NOW, good news for 'mothers! Use lifiagieNo-Sew to mend clothes' and shoes, can be boiled and ironed. A must in homes with children. Thous- ands of satisfied users. Send 51,15 each bottle to: Genoa Importing Co., Genoa, Arkansas, U.S.A. Free, with first' order, a surprise package of 51,00 retail value. • PHILISHAVE RAZOR! Battery powered with car adaptor plug, Ideal for Sports - en, Travelers where electric currant not available, 527.95 postpaid, Via enaud, Knowlton, Quebec. 56.00 VALUE 51.00 1 lb, nylon lace and net trimming, 200 yds. 1,i - 1" wide, long lengths. As- sorted shades, Sent C.0 D. Refundable, J. Lanigan, Remnants, talumet, Que. 100 ACRES tillable, choice clay loam i miles Seaforth. Excellent water supply, well drained, pond, 8 -room brick house, barnnew steel implement shed, Mrs. A. Harrison,rSeaforth, Ontario, VACUUM parts all makes, Complete stock motor parts bags, hose 6.95, Lowest prices; Mcl4ardy s, 998 Dundas, London. RANGE OIL MINERS SAVE money - Save Time - Save Work with a Kemac range oil burner. You can' install it yourself and burn coal and wood or garbage too. For fur- ther information and prices: Kemp Manufacturing 'Co. Limited, Box 276, Guelph, Ontario. COLOR T.V. New "COLOR.PIX" screen filter in. stantly changes dreary black and white pictures to wonderful color tones of blue amber and green, etc. Just place outside your T,V. screen. Enjoy color on your T.V. now for only S1,91 pre- paid or C.O.D. charges extra. Send today! State whether for 17" or 21" screen, HURLBERT AGENCIES, Rockville, Yarmouth, NA. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED • COLUMNS FOR SALE TRAILER House nineteen foot insul- ated Electric brakes, Electric refrig. erator, Bed spring mattress; also Davenport, Tile floor, Wardrobes, Cup. boards, Space heater, Gas cooking stove, Table, Chairs Sink and Tap, Drain water hoses. Complete Awning, New truck tires with spare, Demount. able rims, furnished, Ralf price, twelve hundred dollars. Bank Bldg, Post Mr Nicoll Ont. HELP WANTED - FEMALE STENOGRAPHERS In great demand, Our ADC System Is easiest to learn and read. Train in 10 weeks at home. Free lesson, Write Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest, Toronto 14, HELP WANTED - MALE CAN. PAC. & C.N. RYS, employ gradu• aces as Agt.-Telegraphers, Train at home with code machine' we loan Union pay, Free travel, Pension in. sures practical future, Free book des• tribes, Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest, Toronto 14. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship Shorthand Typewriting, etc. Les. sons 50d, Ask for free circular No. 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. 51.25 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling and burning ecze• ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2565 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO' OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND• WOMEN MONEY from spare time hobby, Small investment, Raise Golden Hamsters, New and interesting pets. Free litera- ture Gerald Saunders, Box 114, Delta, Ont, MAKE EXTRA MONEY with no experience at all. SELL BELLEFAIR GREETING CARDS Gifts, novelties toys and decorations. We easy to make extra money in your spare time as an agent for Bellefalr. With an outstanding selection and the liberal profits you receive there's no limit to the money you can earn. Start now, write today for our free mita. Logue ' and 'samples on approval. In- quiries Invited from Churches, Clubs and Groups, SELLEFAIR GREETING CARD CO. 224 Holyywood Ave,, Willowdale Ont, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor'St. W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGR & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890, 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries. PERSONAL ATTENTION SPORTSMEN ACCOMMODATION available for 20 hunters, Thanksgiving week -end (part- ridge) and Nov. 1.12 (deer). Guides on request. Homo cooking, book now. Taylor Lake Lodge Whitestone On- tario, In the Parry Sound District, 51.00 aIrequirements. atdcpersonal Lestat& logue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. PHOTO SERVICE NEW FAST COMPLETE Photo Service designed for speed and custom Photofinishing. Ex- pert enlarging, 8 Exposure roll, Con- tact Size 40c Double Size 50c, 12 Ex- posure roll, Contact Size 45c. Double Size 70c, You will appreciate our speed, quality and friendly dealing. Renown Photo Service, Erindale P.O., Ont. PLUMBING SUPPLIES LEARN TO SAVE On Plumbing & Heating Materials WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Verheyden's Supplies, R.R. 3, St. Thomas, Ont. STAMP COLLECTING STAMPS for collectors, Robert G. Ar. thur 920 Third, Seattle 4, Washington. ISSUE 38 - 1958 YOU CAN SLEEP TO -NIGHT An RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS I� fliAY TO-MORRONI To be happy and tranquil Instead of nervous or for a good night's sleep, take Sedldn tablets according to dtrectlons. SEDICIN® $1.00-$4.95 TABLETS orvosrom Central Ontario Hereford Association 2nd Annual Sale At GEO. RODANZ'S RINGWOOD SALE BARN Stouffv111e, Ont. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1 p.m. 40 HEAD SELL 40 Tested Bulls, Bred Heifers, Cows with calves at foot, Horned & Polled Government Bull Premium applies Write for Catalogue C. A. Montgomery, R.R. 2,-Stouffville, Ont. EARN EXTRA MONEY EASILY BE A COLONIAL AGENT Sell Complete Line of Christmas Cards - Everyday Cards Sacred Calendars - Personal Imprint Lines Novelty and Gift Items FREE CATALOGUE AND INFORMATION INTRODUCTORY SAMPLE OFFER -2 Boxes (46 Cards Retail $2.00)for 51 COLONIAL CARD LIMITED 489 QUEEN STREET, EAST TORONTO 2, ONTARIO CUNARD TO EUROPE LATE SUMMER AND FALL SAILINGS TO BRITISH PORTS: First Class from $282 Tourist Class from $179 VESSEL From MONTREAL SYLVANIA Fri. SEPT. 12 ISAXONIA M. SEPT. 19 CARINTHIA M. SEPT, 26 IIVERNIA Fri. SEPT. 26 SYLVANIA Fri. OCT, 3 ISAXONIA hl. OCT. 10 CARINTHIA Frl, OCT. 17 IIVERNIA fel, OCT. 17 SYLVANIA Fri OCT. 24 iSAXONIA Fri. OCT. 31 CARINTHIA Fri. NOV. 7 tIVERNIA M. NOV. 7 SYLVANIA Frl, NOV. 11 tSAXONIA Fri. NOV. 21 • CARINTHIA Fri, NOV. 28 •tIVERNIA FA. NOV. 28 t Calls al Quebec At Thrift -Season Rates ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE AS $358 To Greenock, Live pool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Have., Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton VESSEL TO FRENCH PORTS; First Class from $292 Tourist Class from $184 from NEW YORK CARONIA Thurs. SEPT. 1 I MEDIA F,I, SEPT. 12 QUEEN MARY Wed. SEPT. 17 MAURETANIA Tues. SEPT. 23 QUEEN ELIZABETH Wed. SEPT, 24 , PARTHIA Frl, SEPT. 26 QUEEN MARY Wed. OCT. 1 BRITANNIC M. OCT. 3 QUEEN El1ZABETH Wed. OCT, 8 MEDIA Fri. OCT, 10 MAURETANIA Sat, OCT, 11 QUEEN MARY Wed, OCT, IS QUEEN ELIZABETH Wed. OCT. 22 PARTHIA Pr1. OCT. 24 QUEEN MARY Wed. OCT, 29 MAURETANIA Thms OCT, 30 • Specially conducted Christmas Settings See your local agent - No one can serve you better WEST INDIES CRUISES CARONOtt. 3 MAURETANIA De1.73-Ie6.1--Ie� Mat.11-Apt,1 CARONI& lea 20 Gteo1 WadBR�TANNIC 13 All Mediterranean hots' ` ton• Corner .CUNARD LINE Tel: EMpire 2-2911 Bay & Wellington Sts., To Havre, Soulhomnton .� Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton fr Cobh, Havre, Llout,,'rn, tc. Cherbourg, Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg, Soutnoo, ic. Cobh, Liverpool Cherboarn, Sp.Aha nrt.lc: Liverpool Cobh, Havre, Southumpro, Cherbourg, Southamoten Cl.erbourg, Southampton livetpeol - Che•hcurg, Southampton - Cobh, Havre, Southampton 1 Brin3 pear relatives or frie,lds from Europe Prepay their passages In Canada Inquire n'',,Ji Cane t ii n Government Assisted Passage loan Scheele Toronto, Ont. PAtiE 8 ST. MICHAEL'S rtinl,t!etre 1ridifii tlrn' DOLLAR DAYS JAMBOREE HUGE SAVINGS We Mean SAVINGS For You St. Williams Janis, Jellies, or Marmalades, 5-9 oz. J ars $1.00 VanCamp Beans ;with Pork, 7-15 oz. Tins $1.00 Carnation Milk, 7 Large Tins $1.00 Red Seal Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon, 3-734 Oz. Tins $1.00 Hillcrest Toilet Tissue, 10 Large Rolls $1.00 Golden Dew Margarine, 4-1 lb. Pkg $1.00 -0- We Have Our Usual Quality Items In Our Frozen Goods Counter. Drop In And See These Real Savings. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE 156 --- WE DELIVER SERVICE - QUALITY - SATISFACTION. Tilt MYTH STANDAlt ' IN MEMORIAM TiVA'IPSON--In loving! memory of Mrs. Raghel Thompson, who passed away September 17th, 1952; Tis sweet to know we'll meet again Where troubles are no more, And that the one we loved so well 'llaa just gone on before. --Ever remembered by her daughter Viola, • 36.1p RENTAL SERVICE POWER LAWN MOWER • CEMENT MIXER (WITH MOTOR) WHEEL BARROW VACUUM CLEANER FLOOR POLISHERS BELT SANDER 1/2 HEAVY DUTY ELEC- TRIC DRILL WEED SPRAYER, (3 Gal.) I EXTENSION LADDER (32 feet) PIPE WRENCHES PIPE DIES & CUTTER. Apply to ,...,...�......... �_._ �par iung'snardware ‘4.44.4•4-41-0.4.* 4- 444_4-.4-41++.44........ -04+44.4.4 4 (New Simpson -Sears Order Office) Phone 80, PELTON'S Sc to $1. STORE MILL ENDS & DOLL HOSPITAL BLYTH, ONT. SPECIAL EVERY DAY, INCLUDING SUNDAY: 1 Z TURKEY DINNERS IMake up a family party and take advantage of this special. HURON GRILL BLYTH - ONTARIO FRANK GONG, Proprietor. •.444$.4 4+++.+♦.++4+444-4+444+444444.44.•+•.4•.++444.44+44.4 4 Wingham' Memorial Shop Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP. Open Every Week Day. CEMETERY LETTERING. Phone 256, Wingham R. A. SPOTTON. misomossannemmoint rMopNN1lM•MM no. *mow I M.ow* IIMNNIN•NN+I NNII'MN'.'. Stewart'S Red &a White Food Market Crown Corn Syrup, 5 Ib. tin 69c Cattelli Macaroni, 16 oz. pkg 2 for 31c Salada Tea Bags, 60's 73c Extra Soap Pbwder, giant pkg. with dinnerware 79 MEATS & FROZEN FOODS Chicken - Turkey - Beef Dinners, each 69c Birds Eye Orange Juice, 6 oz. tin 29c I Spare Ribs per lb. 55c Chickens (Fryers) per lb. 39c Chicken Wings, Breasts Legs Bologna, sliced or piece per lb. 33c Peameal Cottage Rolls per b. 49e 1 i i Fresh Fruits and Vegetables SHOP RED & WHITE AND SAVE Blyth Phone 9 We Deliver. "The Best For Less" - Values Unsurpassed Phone 24, Blyth TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES ;C•orpo:ation of the County • of Huron TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden oi.the County of Huron under his hand and the seal of the 'said corp- cration bearing. date of the `12th day of August,1938 sale of lands in arrears of to%es In the County of Huron will be hold at my office at the hour of 2 Q0. p.m. in the Court House on 'they 9th nay of December 1958 unless 'the. tans and costs are sooner paid. Nettrn is hereAy given that the list of lands tor sale for arrears of taxes was pub - Med in the Ontario Gazette on the 5th day of September 1950, and that colones of the said list may be had. at Ty office, The adjourned sale, if necessary., will be held at the above office cn the 161h day of .December, 1958. Treasurer's Office this 13th day of August, 1958. (signed) .T. G. BERRY; Treasurer. 35-13 4 rN,r...4-,+►M.+rr.r..iu4pr••iv+++4rrr+r+v.+••wr••.~~ffffft• • CARD OF THANKS Before making their departure for England on September 19th, Mir. and Mts. W. Gardner, of Australia, who have been staying with their relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Redmond, for the past four months, wish to thank all kind friends for their great -welcome and hospitality extended to them dur- ing their stay here, will leave with' happy memories of the land • of the beautiful maple free, • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ANN YOUNG, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Widow, de- ceased. M1 persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to the the same with the un- dersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, en or bebre the 29th day of Septem- ber,, A.D. 1958, after which dote tho assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only- to the • claims . of whin notice; shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 4th day of September, A.D. 1938. T. B. MENZIEES,. Minton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, 35-3 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid for sick, old or disabled cows and horses; also dead cows and horses at highest cash value, Old horses at. 4 cents per lb. Please phone promptly, call collect BRUCE MARLATT Brussels 56R7. Clinton Community FARMERS AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT CLINTON SALE BARN at 7,r.�0 p.m. IN BLYTH, PHONE BOB HENRY, 150R1. Joe Corey, Bob McNair, Manager, Auctioneer. 115-tf. .004~0.w..0,9•.4,►ti DEAD STOCK', WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid in su:ounding districts for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cattle. Old hor- ses for slaughter 5c a pound. For Preempt, sanitary disposal day. or night, phone collect, Nom= Knapp, Blyth, 211112, if busy phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153, • ,Won. Morse, Brussels, 15J6, Trucks available at nl'1 tunes. 34- 1, Mar. HONEY FOR SALE Clover 25c; Golden, 23c; Amber 20e: in your own containers, My honey can be purchased at Bert Allen's, Lon- desboro. Wallace Ross, Seaforth. 39.2 SWIM( .MACIIINES stales, Service, Repairs. A. H. Ahrens, 69 Nile,,Street, Stratford, phone ,163J for free estimate or home trial, (It pays to compare). 33-4o 7••••••••••••••••••••• N, •••••N THE SESSION OF BLYTH UNITED CHURCH ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF STAFF MEMBERS OF THE SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL FOR 1058-59 SUPERINTENDENT Mr. Fred Howson; Mils. Frank Marshall (Assistant) SECRETARY TREASURER ,its•. Charle' Johnston ,MI -s. Elizabeth r1.1lard Marilyn Johnston (Assistant) John Elliott (Assistant) PIANIST CHURCH ATTENDANCE SEC'Y Margaret Ann ETherty Mrs. Wm.. Radford CRADLE ROLL, AEJ'ARTMENT Mrs. Ben Walsh KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT Mrs. goody Holland Barbara Holland JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Mrs,. Keith Webster fi;rnn Barrie Mr. Ray Madill NURSERY DFPARfMENT Mrs. Arnold, Berthot Mr's. Irvine Bowes PRiMA:BY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Ray flunking Mrs. Charles Johnston Shirley Jackson INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Wim. McVittIe Mr. Lioyd Orient SENIOi. DEPARTMENT Mrs. Donald Howes Mks Clore McGowan Mr. Keith Webster. The s^.. ion Mahe- also, to express appreciation for all t.ebo acts as Assistant Teachers for the %%riot's classes. THE FIRST SUNDAY IN OUR "WEEKS OF WVOXtSlIiP" - RALLY SUNDAY •- SEPTEMBER 21 FOR THE SUNDAY CHURCH SC41001, Children will meet in their classes tit 10.50 a.m. • R. Evan McLagan 'Minirter. N. P. Obrrett Clerk of Session. W edneedAy, Sept. 11, .1958. w44 N+w++ ♦ v, 1 nRCtas, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -- PIIONE 70. BLYTB Tired of being Tired?- Is undernourished blood causing your fatigue? For better health take .vitamins regularly. Start the children off to school feeling fit and peppy. One A Day Multiple 1.40, 2.56 3.95 Vi Cal Fer 12 - 1.95, 4.95 Ironized Yeast - 1.20, 2.00 3.35 Geriplex (for over 40 years old) 2.95, 8.75 Wamp'ole Extract Cod Liver • : 1.50, 2.75 Maltevoli 2.50 Neo Chemical Food 1.85 3.95 6.85 Phospho Plex (for tired nerves) $2.50, $4.25 Geritol (Liquid or Tablets) $3.29 R. D. PHILP, Phm. B 1 S'rOPLISHOP at Holland's Food Market This Week -End. Red Bird Matches Peameal Cottage Roll, per lb. Lestoil, 32 oz. Carnation Milk Red Rose or Liptons Tea Bags, 60's 3 for 25c 49c 79c 2 for 29c 69c Other Specials Throughout Our- Store Holland's Food Market _. AND LOCKER SERVICE. Telephone 39 -- - . WE DELIVER ••••••••••••••!••••••••••••••••••• IN 8'44 4.++4 4.4-.44++•4-..+ -++-.4•..-++444.-►• r THIS WEEKS' SPECIALS G. E. ELECTRIC. FRY PAN $15.95 SUNBEAM DEEP FRYER $27.95 FORCE' ELECTRIC FRY PAN $17.95 HOOVER CONSTELLATION CLEANER $99.95 VOADEN'S HARDWARE IS ELECTRIC YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse" PHONE 71R2 . - BLYTH, ONT. ••••-•-•-•-• •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••••••-•-••-•-•-•-•-•••-••-•-• ++.+4•.44.444.++ i re p T h et -,U: in o help themselves_ $ Q IS EDED T���V4O THIS EYEAR to train, r.hsbillists and house the blind ' in tib dlslrkt. Community CO.atc and municipal grant, will provide 557,190. • C. N. I. B. ;..- TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON • MIDDIESEX • PERTH (Excluding tondos, and Stratford) • ( Send ? .l oosallos ''Toda4{' To J. G. McDougall, Itiyth, Ontario. FALL FAIR AT MILVERTON SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th Good Horse Races STARTING GATE $59 STAKE for HEAVY and TIGHT HORSES and PONIES Ip'rarbhoe Pitching - Baby Contest f Milrerlun Square Dancers In attendance CKNX RADIO.BROADCAST AN1) DAME at 8.30 p.m. 1 32nd ANNUAL HURON COUNTY PLOWING MATCH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 TO .BE HELD 1AT THE FARM .O . KEITH WEBSTER ONE MILE NORTH OF BLYTh i Under Auspices of North Huron Flew - man's Association Order Your Counter Check Books at The Standard (printed or blank)