HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-05-19, Page 71 46*0 9 a NOW im am sm 0* wwammako all ow . ..... JIM A*00& 4W, Isi�mso�i vi amis of W *A* M9 W 0% so* at ow: So *0" it 10 '11 4 11111 WA10 %I SOW= 111014ft woo 1* 4600 11111114101A Uft mawii; 4d. �4,psbwm4 - —­lF Us oslemood a ��- am k"Oor oiam, Vowlt woosaw 00 popoit V*W0A%*. %% boo *6 "14111111111a pk#"^ tu laNpAgiiiiiiiii VAU lik A* feel 14hales I his Tr4row 49 *ohm* - V0 4W %" 1110 hPA vW VWW bals- 1^ *040" 96* 4 NOW Oil*14. =111111t 101so #A b~ 40000. SOK hot 49 up 11111111114140 01*011171 a" sw 10 "aw .14 1111110011; "d *211104 J11"'10 1111111110 *104040b"k 0"livew ItImp Uft sqAw& 4w WAW Um X Am"If 401 es"W happoW 0* U th, #00 be FOAM Ak W13A 11W tU 44:00W Of 4"M 11 1 1 kA 40110111111; vo us lei 04, "t ANO W111111111110 It AWO 04 411*11111001104W I* soloo Ot Am it IS WAr"40101111111d 1119 of, vvm *a** a *Now $4000 "0" OU hhhaj -4 W" *040004 SAA ** VAN IN 104*,bo N* *"*t isse""" 00"4kiva * is AU00"k am wall to lea, W"00;6iii. w*101111111114 11" it , **41111114 *0011a"es, 044 X0046 WAr. 26 doom J40 bw AW wavAe oat ase"SA, wo" W %ow W*#%** *t P"SZ-W im =tftrl ONO! vqww uft Ammislit " vost ""ro jwwuv Is ^40A sowk. We, now iiodmik an* MW *a VO not & OOVNAA* -am 1 111 ii. ; 6 WAWM* VOM&LA, tax" fo "er, yeaw I* upaw"I. lilleltisaws. V44 vas *sis- 0010^; *40* WAOW is *t the Ilk 'AMM "K bw bow Is 0 MW g mi""Ar M 111111111 t#* ##A* lis JU OW OsIl% WU* aotl�l am* *u*A 4" *W7 ALON004 I I wo t, 10 tromlitil. Ilho hk s* early 6w la,"ift . U11 it V4 ^0A 94" 1111110 1164 me "00111 4W 14 "s 1~ 00 111w, 00% W--Nk Alt 06011ol 4401 to USA 13410A wom ows "imp. VA41C timiir *4 *4^ - - tatollsobw *Wvw, "a*; &"6*00 of tbA Abt,tbet *0 ***" tromill W "m tu*,thw �oxt, *W, Willi "bale. 1* ftxt #*;*a* 60 11be, *Adtl"4400 I 10011111PLAW kc A"Obw MAP" 4" 410100111". qkww *404 1 show *t" wk "lis, 4*k 2" *4* wr4ptlim VAN&W ft*= lrivl� Water, "A rK 4"004Si 0*4 =Avp ""*a. TAW Oro w" mr, Awl ** qw)t" *ww 4w",ths, great. xsv� ablio, sools, ot I W 0"14 W '"A hot 40wilawt somplew of t** *W fts dootroodi -so ssw v** mosw a 14k yea *a** sir hituxamse" 1�t W* al, *P*, W4 T* 6"Ossa ot bww *00* ft aw IRVO 11,111sill, *4 AV*$ ft* ww *000 * $ftr WA )k Md anda. "Aitip- Tk* rmrolsr Vow** or the *y witux ftoo- I TXW W ties lowow T, . � ftrt at *ft 14, 0 to t1* Q wat"Mia. up" pw- -*tag M.or atyliVil ro 400K you, #40 O40W.40M*60 *W. wl"K a too h", �yot W W**N� W*"" ; 11,mr, Is, I I& these, *04090. AUYX* whoo oso WUP Set a a 0014, t" *W*4* 74 ** wly Awl, *44 1114 A94 4W. , - PrIA Wa W01104101 p9w1w. 40 "00114 91, va"1114144 000, 40 Wiww 10 it 411119", 411141, "11114 b" "a 4*04 1W letter wrillat 00 "Ou be" sostlo aba Ow withwisri iilt 4 Go** 4 W W 0*4­ C*rL%**WAKjJa%dr*"W&"W *Ara W vioistwsk* ba sovows au th; C*bavio 04W ol. to irtw beat that ^109"d -*14 be* wils obou to. I* 4uysr" "At 14 00= bow W. Pw .1% t =."—w 0011411141104s, A at, t1w kbw 0411111110, 44 1100 04 dar *ft*. .*a" aw"iti Jw *t orty Wow 41111111111ow t1moto bla vistiv. , If *Srs bad been WW 4 Z � **t your ow 4ts to, .1 4404subiw, Us hols that tko I Lillother , ow- the Ok000."'4114t I* It are "oleolow, my ''t 44 AS suWAINAN to 116 I'll IN# iiii"rXiOld frome the AX444, ".,Ot 41 1** to 0�w A"11110111ir. 40 . - at' op,* 0.0or ra, t** volly �** so* at$$, that WW44 bievivnils.1 404 4.4 41 foali. jj�Ljf trx*. Do *on it It li** at $*m- a row 4"0* U. "is us. t. Now be* libet omilost rivor U" A"W111INIC I built bANS 4.4, *ALUI- be AuVA rise tills 00940t 40 t *his DO oil t to 4: the, morklisa , rogoluo aid. 44titmeA ?A S bum mroo at 004% pivol*, X.s. 0; you A'* vodorsaFe culilit is N 1�w mobso iyorjv. dI" kviAt, *A W*011iloswk moww** Owlso bgwvs� 4a, 01olvittlik I& W Aal is, oto" tkA of witemkodoom a 00troo 0"U"t. 40 JUK r1so now. int still, , *Q i - - � I'suork 4*# is thoo tut. Ali* lllitoft - 'to btolm�, =It VW tri0i U& **�boqije roar to 1*70061isk 5 thl* On &be mleil,�Aw J , ft -11 1w !III&C, 4 or U, tho, NN r* 40 t*4,*jMr"lil #t*%4r# of ilhs� 0044 *14 047. olis llie'' " '4- 1-1-11-1 Asti" of auW144, 1, oft, 0 Of *Wror- 414st MA40 *Ov" darab"trotion Of t tit"d, 114,411 tt* PO4. -H6, 10 04 son, of, ibi plotil" pwo 1�w "4 00: ioty U trIOAd, thAt XOa',ase4,J.*, _ � 11114 TYA% $*Ori, SU, OW44 toA rom_ The M ka"I'dol wbuo i4t t** W, The. to. 1. built Vt stall I" it l**u4e44, *Vf,64'r A TOO" dto ge.poisotra CLM�r 4!00. down. oiI, 'at th* f4tu". Do y *41 4 Aft -foll 40044 ot ord boothy. "Not at"Allf t ft iobar Slinsons. 1 -JK tow rt end of the, 14W 044 _WUU tb* Vorcis a 14' a ftisIsart A40"41 0* M -O*JL$r w from 00 iiI4irl* at Itt onoto, _44,411110i - §o[,AjtXr 1 " Aofti VO4 sail, liaoro 4 dwwolv* 70 am, 00101", will riciso, ad frK. X X'04" It* TAW01 the *rWtW*"., kr the OUrPOA01 tr JiLlal W# 'ti* to a tir k -4 o4ousu, to 0tor Jil toripttaw t At lift or "PIA at 1 40 V d "we tout wvootvl� gir, !""tw* *U rest 9"404144,and VIf%fdA*t*t*0f,#W toplov wbols 001ts", *f sul" 'inmiiala JiIb 1 *04; hov� oot, boos, saak. hj,*404� Owoom w q tblo,� T)RS*"* A, oas 40 111** Ut 1 1:44 A., eli I . .,ato, end, &A, lO 144; OWA 404 *Ought *f(sv, '*q P-0 *11164 '40 � 4solk of *4W 4,";* in, yo too; A**d -ItISIAts 04 to 04 t b,"4 upurdo. W' Oak -TArst ft*od JoTs" uATO ;roiwo, * dort -h wbio)t- v* W_V, Ar"*44, 0" Thier4i li't',diso hu4n, beidoo�, It (00aA 14 oft ita owpllotloai U A#I I ILl or Mxk*bo 416� 444, la"itbi 41clit whoot A'' ontror front ot*rrb�,uf. Eke, A tii� * ' '$� ` A, _K 1: 6, 1. bt� .4s QAw rid I t; b t"T W iis WV4 I k WT V,0190,604* fg" nk.'r Tko Ir" atitivii 0 b4 Sow Wit u40'sX044 io* 0 W140 _Jek 111004 OA R AlLtiLIOD, ''Ot''A u tivitz bowel" for t,W" _toot Wait wk* *AOIArs, too, *X'Wolt 014r:. 14-.t Wier Wlr6aa. aii*�bij ii4r Now, liar, Woo, 44, wo llbolI voyovas Jtk Wby,t.4,0e, tt�Ao�� go MW—S lly to �Iiariqoft Ju thor 'A* buAo" �bgf th 4D *bo, _W 1j, *41j'ap 4 tw '00V "dialli U, , vK111 � teivCh. ppt�burqi I** are "6v" 4011 -ton 4 _ r jjtik� *4 4 r-0464 4*4: 081*14 tv t4. 44, 1 '* J*qk ISO orn A th .#aloaftlaae -an 'AlW4. 7 _044 so Hoot bo 'tuiw OD.., tt�,*,Wlll, twitt. to 11A Aw 0, touvla A 1�4004�, *111 not b0 4.4 *p A �1, knob, 14 itl1w, wi t to War yc Xd*;i*Qtn0 4.0t .44 '.t:4 U.94, W D" now, inwy " W "a on"k, to XPROX AAA000ir000b" bilt%' 'on *44, 04, Xu Ploolo: 4" 14itli"t $01y' 41,44 -0 which r41140* :'W141 li,4: tb� Biblia-6A - the 00"vo,*Ad 00#. *1 �O�x O"c�s' 'ao- 4 SAO, , Thill, 1 41 �tq - I*, t4 tho' Ali= 0 0P0 ti *, 'I ��, 0" Adght,, ot _",k 3J 144136Z, ado J0004". 11"K 0000,11 the-' ltkofttoua� XoAr; 410outurp4ra'arl go, if my�140. 00. 0; 1*04-rogs S��:AOOA 40A '14' q,W , 1114, 1 � VVIOU I I Ito rX, lltbol 4014 Al noosn"_ tutor to� A 04, VAW 1to r;'Ark 04100wel7k boiirt � Avikill mov or 4. *my, the, 4srXAo*i Tlis. ,river, at t :14111, 'Aw Oaz I, '40 00040 44940400 14� Alet; to� be: so(t lit, SO* jofib� 'OIAC tou ol s4W t1m6b thk fL)qye ail"Anot# Hit mopa. -;'#e:a0t4bT.S X0,Qt'r 0. wni tlide,:"rot *1 -"a 'rag �*d of 4,400 4941or llfi% .4100161 1 It tW�- 4000L', VOW* ilAA god X044. ou,:Q; ".300t, - , xu4tlioA U6� t F4 Ant Zr 7"k W -:"w 71.0101 1 144 � A is" dot, �i 0 , , k I . go, !i- , 0,7 -A., lot Of --tw. f a salit in Ivta't.4 lo, -Ogg, Asa )WW i 1 44, 4 1 L 0 1 Jr on* V tii f " Z , �­'_ also N; lo At. tit, t -Ir 1%, over to, l"14JEt# '0 t or he �Ayq �T 'Aa att ti ound W I — -7 7-7Z 77! r, –1 17-77 sJ4 . Ut :00 n� liest trio; 4100 or'Bstjo 1L., Ot 000mp" INA tic C00 'W* 0� a ""let Coca, _.4n Y Otto Wet 0 Its a1on '(t4o AA 'I iLo9 tim of a01500114 apt *0 wro paw tv 1 ;1 tstoo-, aOft,' 41; itt Of Mm MOO, het tall iiis I AtOl" to Pot, *0b: into t a6,44- -,tA A tot ot OtIa" %t'49, y 1W d - Io*u ftto 0 loSMOntoahli� 8 it )4's 'I t 1 _4 be gxmt- Cotton. C twouty o(it _ticrlaf�, t X ''*he s -at :oMp -1 0 "Yolk sack PC P 4�A iALL bor Ootqnig is L144 44, , , W 10 f.4 - 0 , " 0,104* 'Pit# Kim -01-1to height. This: momb tbo aw4n), ObAso lot d:,T ot man.likya elfor Ora of' tbkilompov� tot, t 091W A V 7 �.of) Osth to*06 t will bo a" I lW*4 .00aw tuo tag%or,-w�tb, ttit tb#k* those whom, 'he t ar 9 . 0*0,4 -,�O' w 4�k tt 0, Ovot blillo, two* ior- . 1. 1 for the abo 0 katt(koil" AraiiiiAO, him, $4#01604 111. sisuonet Pilot a lobc:"Aw 6�:Aw It -0 t�hoy stoo a Kirol; tune river ap oaqwn ter 0 osVAR voru to A Is rap". it it, k, - . Ing the inspection of thio. 14044L I Us, w4i A ot4wr DO* till and A VOW' drQ0 of. them 1jaell +0 6 0 tottlik 11,04 bewotthok''bi the ktii* airr at o41 It to. 61 , a, t to 6 W. Mt or of VI To: 1 400 of the mant all ftopob, I be bdtb III *04 i witi*krx VO b1fallIng -on 15 0oartain.ty &in I* i AU4 wept: Z-14 AR 'W� lit xsm 0�4 See 031 WIL04­644 000. tgew* Ot bQr w It. W with One oumica Over to find Out t. 6. vibb', ov6i�y kind of 41-4 610A.W4 ad &1 00 tlk* AtUVOU4.0.0 (YP av o mia OW, � to t4 OU 560 0i ask , 140",F 0. tot lot, doxy. 6t tkO SU6 Wd Ilp IjW *Aaj OZ he h-Veve yva� Of g taorom"Ll 4tature. 0 it W44 dlsc�vr" here t Way boiASJL14Ji4tJ,,tbOQSb 'the the Jinkay. 4;ffJOU t 44 0a: W ilter. - avo, $04 the Irstoul- ofe. toA 040 0, "eV9i[ to'W's'Ji" 'tQ7aJghtL Over this. 4' q irr X It wl dried that 9MO, eamilbrich was stando -tootto has boall A 01411 atl0gothat''p bottle, Ali _44#��Q .4 go hot jewel coaltot. There-WIts oyet aoluniq OOR 40 A OX trSatad.tq t4R. lCuta .,of - bIrt. gol'Tiet abIct4nitit 'a litice, not'sw no ant1ph,, Ao that Will socrust, t Olt is son. t 901406 Of a axor t A 4WW aeadaoh6 may. bel- vaius6d by anger, bth4r way of securlolt the customary alon: be writtoa_abouti-tha doods of iol- traotore tro, to r000lm In- round A&- Ahllk old, to"% u* Alp a 'tit, th�� last, one, "t at, liovi you oaft to ropont , but I ' 't lofidaeo in --you Q Of Attifioial light, bad von, prottittlob while, tbi trunks were, diar the, Wo. Whose stature was'alot even that LAra& year for' tbitt$ Y" your 111"41011111- lefeotiVa the fee �niax to owe was a g(ant, yet Ing The, peglod, ow wbid thin pa meat lot," fo�nlght, X a not",41 , 0. akortt -.4, tt .6 't tuA6 t i6ti'd Smarltan,of the or the Meet opened, so she inounted the but in or* 01' t 0 average won, Gb%1tb of Oath maklagt lw*ll bout 4,4M."P. d ion, Azkl� der to, protoot'it frolu 611, If eel :tllatioa ol07 1 VT ut.d cause is. 4 say 'possible David overcome him W th cionsummate is ith Stole 411 he 4, 40optlob. IPoAk Outf to 6xtond. Must oatry Convict on to -No", mass - -,it Is �qiid- tonsure and call, 4 QTO* an other pfn�a t9aiii 651ton afford relief danger. A atimmucitt slial Incident b. ptagg the 13114441 Of 6tilov� nations, who have it Ablumbs againot the happened once in 46: 0,00 (A i Four 011104 0 > oll" i t6li wel the b. LEADERS SMALL MEN. set loi syea on thia valley of th cooftesion. rag. th 0 *A' was t;A lor Christ, fo-Alghtf vollitia 950M St.. Vatuo- tt Is. wOrth mal -'Poll aseA' be asill s0`4 'A�00 7 Russia, win '00ad doiilt, _40 b tmPlos' L , 0, too, that Nome of 14116 that, OteLt Britain maeon to bol�d 0 at Um b4; W aitull I b onto It'L for iija limaloe at any rSto� amid DIdk threw �Oursolf at the Zoet- of' Christ.. CL 11,64 Ghost hber mAid, and thli� ly small mark. Ouesar, Alexandtr th�, placod In �thls way of toollaing the t116 fo6kL'cJ'HInJ who 'the,, ton od the jewel ];�* were in )no cord� has ev.0 seen hime, been Comparative- A onfig ile onto It iting to See yon' your undb4o4dol' at uft to WafsaW her husband the riaoat'lemott's'gonerals the world taking two I"'A Thavalus.0faoLhangs of climate for a L us, Obstacle was at t 0 of 4W pocket. "voll't ov, .,,0 04"We oousumptivel�aoos. not. depond Upon 'thaii the, ifig ware in 4"thor I w "Me 'clo that lAndor14 you. miles travollod; but the height afio�vo courier '%vith whom Sha usually travelfe Great and Napoleon 1. Were by DO, sp the t I WSY"�, amld�_Ilwa the s0s, l6vol, Almost any p The other passou, Scientist in- eq P116#0h, Of thd 40M Would bAV0 Inorut" to 1 n o 6, The original plans.' for tk can 0" 'yo r, tra resdiods you Won liv 1will rlot�at yourt4migaad, oftad Side. by, yhoe, '0 10 sdi'Al-� Ors In the COX W06 an Officer wh clod, goas so far, as to say that If he Iny* d the 41 a SACO-Of ttkqt*M- JWOk WAS afl'itso4j, in; It at ear -a tliimi 9,000 feet I 1 04 lWitbl he shot _�59 tNofr iii, tbift�16 th fop of 6t, k hektld�' t titude moi A 1111, sister ft" ig they bdd met lu,.St. Petersburg ad had to Select military strategist hall ticially free frcah consumpb6n: On iil0e tons ware draWn UP ista, it was "Ilc�* �,go wtil"atriLago iiiian. After the train eft a number of Soldiers he would plo afrom all; ment woif, *4' Are to 036i One 'tlon, 0 ten due at he had recognized the two men eon valued tall sol- sedroO of ItitarnatIve, be&U% w ked eadr to throw' r th he saW b !bat, poor distr oer the b' amid What is callpd Moscol' t4 fl �d 4libmitt"ed to the authorItI40, win hi,iw n, t board something a officer told Mine. Sembrioli 111Ta 1, ir 'Va lest.N spring favor iaof at W. We Condonation of win a9l, Boa Was it tb4 - �`moul!a shackle at plow "Cestj to be. uli It �is stqigglinig two 61 -tt (be, fast: sit notorious thiolres w diers; but his a efforts were spent somijo of tbuD worthy the I lavinative, fldwsr potal. `46 a the loci of bvery-. ho bad lately "t, MV no IV I US173 ter'diot into Wain weatuer. -The beat beerl L hod MIndri that bad conceived neamiAir -at olhas generals, them. One tillng.,., It ]a 'al & door of ill b0iiil 'heaven? released from prison and were in securing fit is 0 btl9so on the 4�, t4 at, Aar �J N ourc.' for ordinarily healthy people tr&iX said to have golooted not, wisjo r - la i for the rpose these be AIM Y, 4A, "all ffsbu oor and dier -was what be prizell, and ft­hc a the -da Will bwone-tbtr4i to a log bibillffid& th Ir - _*N-�4tone by 'IteIns"L gard" WI* a 'Jews, ilic -Ware MAE nluix w,44- b ls-t Liqueur,! go =#As by one- -of the most Sanitatia Sider e& Still. spread Out bar handi_"fUla rt o- of- the howest -!d A412T fli;' Wb sh d in-aittlog 0A tbo joW01 Cals. could stand the strain and streas of a wer then was pt f1rit pro son �k is published In-JOD7 gaie this told kOt until- Warsaw was feaobed,�im: the Was oftnipalga he cated little as to when the reservoir, to linim ad, Philae florist$ At th (B falo 0 West 90d, is turn, ne it %1 - ZL flj� "eitioading lightness 1 the hand. for living nettltby: it aearly mornhigours. Then a policeman hisatature, True,, among his guards, will never bw Itself again; for tbe closs, b to Poe 4)t1,,A;6u i;, Use three I phys Class was brought the car, and und inb re were some notably tall mob, and. Water$ Von WA06 the t4at Of' the tow- reauqed leper I' of,10 or blas SuPeritistork, the singer add hor jeivu� ead, it IN safe to nay that tLhe'atat- pies thht'fok, ages-bave stood like son- lug Ailat b is -he, hotel. ure of the men In the French army,at tinsis a4rdi tub oundary of No- Mother, noU*SrI.=y 4 a d 0 I t POAS Next Dr Marrymatr, els ware,4fely Carried to t subject, 4ft opple43 COW. ar by adbitral in - Rusdlaw4ome of that of the men in any other or y. TbW Is fan ortminsts, hot the most bv it Inis up. It it lato, it �dl` th6mi It Many of-thow war* given to the sing- that time compared favorably WON , " And Dr. iet. but if one I with his an Zzy 4011. ow" id look., t�;j Vood 116 -to Disko 'fralkir speolmen, , S ki is haid.-hiabit; them. T 6i Te to 8, 91111F Of, saY, 14,114pi the. lirs ey, carnations ;on & Whom ware, not even known to- her by England has long been famouslor enthuAlastl Of fty tolegisto will eon- 'ic` Ano -,Wp. b,6 it, a advan- part of the But when her alild 0SW be iispooeed -by the hotiltg fficer- at owing. The most valuable few twat IS slarifloo In not to valp. Dick lookin It- J _b #11 four .bo tageS, Ij that the ards and A I quiallai po t1116:ue'art of Christ, of *Ide bb0b. toivalgltno moreAhau ot touch the lips, or in '11 Collection in a superb sot of sapphires. STATELY FIGHTING MEN, said t "Oh 1 164 of wtr�, tobacco itself do" d Moir sarqslry jfpit tbirit foot, that 'and ,foui oivaoo3,'aod Walking is a good habilt; but walk. and it is said that Queen Victoria has Could, Act touch the ground Without _obly fractLIM heavier biba- In habit. When walk- Few Persons A WONDERFUL NWKLACE. g badly is a bell, who have seen the Ger- always been Unusually COMPIR(S.Ul LW to Min, be6oes. tranollint; their,fa" Childs "to ing bold the bead up, throw the cheat nism, Rmpresc would believe that she AnY' tall soldier ho wears her call what In considered by jewellers to THS BIRMI PSTITION. as, roodl, I ehieroglphimi, of. cancer and ellsphaft- ficit'that, 6ur'ittlatio florJabs, whether f "this" Which were! written all over wtrn 6010146d, Is � largely bilus, to the out, breathe deoply. form. Thoed, wfid have been the' Life b spends money extravagiiatly on her a perhaps the most remarkable dia- Door rotlisra at the artki 11 66, Guards In L6odolli know What an Eng_ a tOL dr6ases; yet she its said, to keep twelve lish soldier of this typ Woos In the world, and a le"Ilks. Some mood rise beowhe tIL4 pictures of hitalli- 00�86101iglt, Or not, have bbrrdwed.from We,, your little brothers of the w*i ul-rig f4r fewer flow- Women, conateatly employed on bar are tot apt to look on these colossal of- triumph of the 41waLond setters' art, wish busby request you to sh*W genas and health. 0, how thanWta h a in- VALUE OF ALLOWANCE. land Will Clap 11 81 Women, land especially in their 06,r_ will be, The� their Ora and 91*9 to wardrobe, und6r the supervision of a ficera and men as mote OtUamilobta has just been completed In New York. the little kindnesses which ws sik of ate monarchy, hi ;70;J hands, and they WILL say; --whert le (urldua ptominoico. A cliat with -one a oil appeal of an eff misid of.honar. When she In about to It is asserted Ahat there in not only you. cheistf I must rush, -into His presence of the meet accomplished Mistresaesf, younger days. are often said to have is absurd, since there -is simple Whenever you go out to the W take a jotirney requiring especial care- not such awther In the world. but must toll.every- t'bo at�t. of boitttUot LMa&Wg In our no conception of the value of money, cc that, when real ' fighting is to winter or early spring always take C 0i db6Ut 'this' 'Cure. If' ChAht lifts more dauntless that it an attempt were made to dUp. with you some co a or broled-for Us, 4ar 'a number ia Incr6asad to forty, be done, there are no Midstl;;Wbo will design and ake up _,a 806umatton that is v y likely to mony thi r 0 has the information that the lightest pus- nave its roo t tyer bad, 0, ''to Sleep cu� tbort Ll several for a drawing room, Adlicited warriors on the face of the earth. Such Will !in a pillow; if I was the late Captain Fred Burn - and for every wedding she attends the licate its perfection it would require Sao Our supply of borl" wlhe t in fact. The cause ts, of aby, h achieved go much distintition which Never take a guit.or slingshot isto never bad 9, homi,� then I wil build sible isbaft of nickel or other metal course, that most of them do not have Empress is said to order fifteen new a Mai W fifteen or twenty years, Owe in ly gone by that thus. 'to the dr 30111= ago by his admirable work to do ON It is not the abnormal a &owes. In addition effSes ize, playa 4 leading part It than arrangei- the earning of the money. Probably the woods with on. Alto a botald. What can I do for this or of the Stan" that ts. -This- is go Dab anti slander the next beat Way to leech this to S laae in her private 11 leprost" men' establishment desor Ing his travels through Asia. weight or numb Please never aettQy our nests or ten thitt court gowns brought When troubla-broke but In Egypt he constitute this It is imperceptible beind the a 'Ordyj of, the sooklacel peculiar take our young or eggs. gkvq L*Od tZ aWoen 16 by allowing her to 04,000. fin Othar� 0� is glory. No atom of the tiow-r.or asparagus frond, have a viliii4da, asions. went with his men to the front, and value and beauty. for there are many Whenever you use a young bird on qh or t iialljoses lovingly 'no- Which fastened to it by wires Share In Its expenditure on a businew Those are so long that the trains have whe,t the moment of battle came he the ground lift it up into Its little h th ful behaviour of necklaces which excel it in each of home Searodly bicker than a uman hair. like basis. Every girl who has an allow- to be ca;rried to enable the Emprew to swept forward at once to at point _His,diiiapproba- Somo,vlg t#0n,,0attIey" for exAmple, alibis' Of --so Much per week- or iniontli-, Weak, amid- are f ne ;thting was flareeat. Round these particlulass, but it is the fact Tali your mammas and aunties nov- w quently studded with where the AL bluld lils w4ated for a full and hand- ewels. The val him b1h duolty oppWistitis -swdruied, t16W and IiLdij that every kons is a gem of the or to wow feathers In their hate. an ;t aii the rest no a one am, Includ mited is glad of it, and takes iEL, Certain am- ing the jewels applied to the train, is striving to unseat from his horse the tty"ItIk" Avor6: therw net 42) aleangc@ se"Lift bouquet, Witb'Wi mat - but Were �aro choicest quality and absolutely thousands of no arselaughtered every bak binsf, Wou it is 94pitragus. As Soon as thead ount of prids,in aho*ing how Mul said to'have been $20.000. The rule at tall muscular Englishman, whose *Aa'�Out 04 tUo, other Ono. the necklace, as year to decorsto bonnets. eburbea lt�-re ate, wired Vis,ample bow is tied, and the German court makes it impossible stroni. right arm Was making bavm in Ches every And we oinise you that we will re- Ith she can get,out of it, gad !)a thfiv*j for tho Empress to a ear twice at the their ranks, but not until he was it rents in Its case, encircles closely a play your avors by d Ighting you with A is., *'.gfoat ut of ingrates who wl o*t 4 tress and ilollcaoy each she learns to have apmethibe of an state functions in t a same onaturce, wounded to death did he Cases to light a] �r� idallosti; ih w idea of its value. It Is surprising what 'hiijilt Centre piece, six Inches in diameter, our quaint pranka and sweet sorga. ha*o.,b6sa 6har d" bf the grace of flower J$ We* 6d to it, all being the downward tend. t I Goili and much of the work done by for Enginsid, and England had the sat- �)basb dilifed of t4q, slightel, t and the diameter of the necklace Itself. Signed, Robin, Bluebird. Sparrow. never dared. to s4y onoy. For,th& trail% of WbIch there excellent financial ability it supposed- twelve dressmakers is In making I- isfaction of knowing that he had ou L M 0 6" Chickadee, Wole and many others Unit, hem may dow PrA:,vfl&r,, "al ms. vaul� 4610 may be from thro& to,six 111Y 'a very ly careless girl will sometimes developli t6rationa so that th-8 rule not lf a dozen of her toomen be- at the Contra line of the stories, to OLmall $tJ =61J14 of Wire teener be broken and the dresses have aif- fore he himself went to join them. Va-tclya#� to theml 'rff You Were I SACREDNESS QF APPOINTMENTS. ers,,j I I ubiv*4 somoloyed In this are lookthough theyare reallytho BIG SOLDIERS OF TO -DAY. seven stones, which vary in also from man & III th, oonfrary direction. the fond parent often Is t o 7ro and) tile, bi And it is delightful to sea how proud about 6 8-4 Inches. It r-onteloo forty- ldi y0a iTo to!: obightW memo. The Empress, when in full dress Probably the tallest officer to Bar - at this dig- There let one thing that in almost tbJ* Way gotuing tneosasl I -i However, this cannot In 'Say wears many'jowels. Some of those are vice to-dny ia the English go& front to back in perfect gr tion, as sacred as the marriage relation- Y'�Ogr to �tpoA,Ajed, h,"'the bomiqulat aily a- eovery. a CT rdsma OU. 146'113�0111roq Attl I d all is v�ay be attributed to peburioulsmatill on the property of the Crown, find she from diameters of 7-16 inch )ble AT, ,,� Oswald Ames, Of the SecOA2 w ment. A man who owl- W , vi� aded, and it nine pride at finding a well-balanced as ber husband remains Emperor. Sho Jubilee procession, and who measures or as 00 6-16 inch and wei0lits of 2 1-2 c &is. he It a 1; d reason, is pracilcally a lit �%ea 00*4 ba- a an - �; �4 like a "nee of economy whjeo habad never bits no right to Wear them as 8 wldO'w. six test eight Inches. It was at the Tho necklace In worth at retail Ii r, d the world treats him an such. imagined i Arty I (We ndenIt possible tobe. But she has soma beautiful Alams I give it as my deliberate and mot- 1Xtoat. 'Td A6161i it sit the thf3 part of the provider, but to aen� is entitled to use them only so long Dun less iita,44r. N147 LCairelaolnuards, he headed the Queeive weights of 7 carats. to diaboaters of falls to Meet ILW Appel sat on personal request of the Prince of tween 0125,000 and $150,000. Not long ago a gentleman said: "I on to her by the Emperor at their Wallis,, that Captain Ames rode alone, About twelve years the largest emn conviction," said Dr. Fitch, "that ;1, 3-6 hiv riss6hob i3f or6litdo, vloiletai sad not only find that my dati does marriage, and a beautiflil collection of the first in all that brilliant gather f .944 handier In the olodismatiolds in the individual who Is Wdy In wast- e the t Russ: 1. *Ith not require'so Much Money of Met DOW pearls left to her by the late Empress the rougb was instructed to Ing an appointment will never be re- tbut thd ftilt A giant Muscovite Is the Grand begin the that oilIlery &,�"po I a inat Gay. or So -91116 bar a regular allOWA1108 August&. The Empress Friodull Is that I eon- collection of stones for this a spected or successful In life."' Do - Dwitri Konstantinovitah, West 911d but she says that she bas knore th" ale is a London, and nowhere "If a man has no regard for the IQ'1006 It3ho 104406 most economical In matters of dr6m, sin of the Czat end Colonel command- This de r I P? 4 "wists. and so are the majority of woman who ing the regiment of Grenadiers of the size could anyone be found through time of dther men," sold Horace Grealy. "Oto'; tIk 6111 6W151`6 hAV6 bean V0Y she ever did before. As an exempt daraolte* , come t6tha German event. At the Imperial Guard. This Grand Duke Is whose hands enough diamonds would why Should we have for their money? I t IsLak6d her why aho.' I teteetift90 116w0vOto to a few days 4#6 train six feel seven Inches, which In so Im- poss In a generation from a difference between tak- :jus, jimisf;' q)i6tA, &rt Veto 4* diq got begin to sat aside a Certain called Schleppia L or which to What I the d -obugli Money to take har to the tation in England, the. costumes are been found long enough to aecomma- tions to the doalar rs I There are many men to whom W�*O two Or Wft amount every WeA4 so, that,she would court," which corresponds to a ptesen- msn"ly tell that no hotel bed has make such a collectics. The ing a man's hour and taking his five instrac- li� to Y, smeary thing is oblica "'Wall y�* see, ps a I a certain length. L hsi� thaod,46 wixdh� A. SIM 6, bg Paris eap"itioaL. got brilliant. The most nee datAr him cooiflirtably. He stone =net be of the grade known as 6aeb hour of the buitiness day is worth tLO'4ea who allt I h oh a gem, that the color must be blue. more than five dollars." Upon' tr, 9 rib d%4ftdV6f 1311% Of pa,' said She, "I to a it&( Of Lit n Of to bar(- one b n wtions. w out Uy fi p" is obtl�.11104 already lava irlomigh saved for that Some of them trains appear to have travail, with him u UC by it white and each one caplabi of being It Is not necessary for ins to live," aq and In p t lua: been in use for years --indeed, until 'five shIlliagk Lit *!Is Pompey, -but It in necessary WhaJAid bnd,6% rthirty Oil 0 special meobanio. told off for t a out into the porfebt form to day said �l& In in away, d4 , othat I be at a certain point at saft%o AS -1 )0rA,�tJ,#,,,, ' 13?o tif *%Irontly not deprived her- mast of the satin bas been wor under the superintandence.opth. brilliancy ad fire. The Collection ity 1,64 Of 001110' self of Say dg, and at, with the %ad only the back remains. They are valet. Another gantic Earof the atones was begun st once and It talmi hour." briht It rly. i6bl, �fdr, �'thtdi'. whorb: rit 149'06 used) the VVibb kit ledge of the valuti, o money, which handed down for ysaria In families, and pean officer 8 Colonel Oil Phiskow, 'fib, aCW A. ffif� was not until six months ago that tlw Franklin said to a dervant wbb W" abont aLtd learned by IntIdIft bor.. P*% htc.1yed on in he drawee, of of, &slI rOv., regiment. 6f. Prusalne Iwt atone aLitks picked out -:o always-la4zi bet. alwars ready, With aill to - their *914 City$ 1, too; �tvlo 660mith, She was 4b, is to ut all of Members offhe familles to nalif them the rou - Then the whole lot were excuse: " I have Centrally found thAt o*hit 6 Wilif lid y Guards. He to over six feet air. In - in domatid tit WA Wits, without depriving -herself for prSakitittlon at -to t this ArmAl court Saint to ow York where the were the man who is Irood with an WADNO Cush, and be headed the dalagation of y f of or things, function. ofilcust all of them over sit feat, sent cut and mounted. Although there was is.good for nothing else." this dli&166, h A dtoblio6 _o1fold 0tviAt 6AA', � It t, iva'sicallont ides. for over pa; b r FAVerot William to the funeral Of no requirement that this ishould be so, On the eve of Nelson% depaturs 60 bti`�A&k 'fidt, e4t, -to #Iva his iTaughter :111100, latm President Fauro. Von Phis- every atone. an it ha 014 dame from a famous cruiss. his coack"A said '00 swgkht, fat, h wi, t 4u DO". I*" At iliwifig, 1610 ould bf At 6pd %4'h6 fto afford, ko* 141he tallest officer In Germn is same African m to, &Ad this, no that the carriage w iAindhit that It I$ f6t'SWiflid Ot- neceAly a boat's crew from a amid big regiment, stationed at Pot oil 6 AM64, belpis to give tbmb the evenness door punctually at 012 04160k. Wk Out ill, about c von, with pullatemi �Vfb is*, dAig is the samel that was the 10- of effect which ta one 69 the most rl quarter before." said tlii Sd*tal. "t hoof wrecked stenMAhtp, were drive markable trafts f the aetkisce. This have always beau a %atot 69 14 Woo isWAt Wd MY*'. WMA100 tr"OO thin'& of Mal$ old soldier Frederic h: tht this isda. A Celts, wait, for, A4it 'I *.. 6f'- � at the Auto at I-; assured also by tbe, cutting of the before my time, and i bas *At* *he 'Lot . 4; out HI Ito It tw 44 'Wit why, fro'" to-h*fit rfd#, tho Owl - tK fbs, Met Lad the i*Jiftimfidt wiltile i$f bloWIAX. It *aN bittaly cold. and the stories. for in eacti the eAtte a es are of me. , -.t, . t, AoUff0109 i0if the poor men was be. found, with the sslits now r of Napoleon coca ivioft 4 t S,Llss 10 so" t POINTED PARAMIAPHS. facets; the Saint cOmWativa Sixes of to dine WitV bloll, t 1111* tboy 04 fth* ft. le *114 that t n At rtMO, disobtiptton. Their hands Sold Lft It to .10, nolesTrouble never troubles the coatent- girdle. and tatilt 4d heights from gir- arrive at the InoWeAt *V#..Nft fro$t�'Utten, and Ji0all3r, a# art do often tested ft or4 tUft4tot is# dle to table and pplato las W Tbt womian who marries for spite In- Ono of the clititt expenses in produe- in just an h% was vildst Trm* fli0 ct046 *Itfi 6014 and pain, a6DJ Of tit, It. SKY *0 the, iholl witheil to commit Woke, varl4bly got ifig the cit6let JAY III the cutting of his. "GOA ld*Wbi, 11614, VIO,'440 Is JJJAI 40 t6ttisti,100.1L What, gdmo actors attempt to aing the genie to tho oaot sizes required. ita*rk $04 we Will ler 4. , 4 althou ODA y proeW to 4640, -iftat two there Is no place like bml4a. The larger storim wet6 of course, All dist SU 10), 1*1 1�d "11 00*41164 04 smAknos -of NO Mile Tho receiver to often as bAd cut to the litrNeAt size lbst they Would cW Adb)r Omni, b fit the test. theoragod tham all -664 as the jDaU, ft tibii WiL mr, Slid X* tow Atitteif arligivist board of direaAare. afford, bob as tba, required size gmd4bdl to 111611two is the, All lbroti#li (be terrible night he told TRUANT Ulwa tbait 10,it' ftft" *Its 1wr krti& oul*,ths, it bAy ruftoy otorlsso*_ 1*169 bVisorral 001kCs. SAtav is the father 6f -ties and aist- doVA It WAS not Uncommon for a stone Ur -the **.,'TU "d Q, ji� Balm asemlof tot, op tht V1.*4, of his cem. itlftdh� is the Mother of even "a. that It aA&l mispiSrAtely InIght have out The abb6W 4-4 AAW 00A 1*1164 6weil thifir aboot Now to 5 1-2 or 6 carets to be cut down 06filobu h MOU 1)J lilor.40 her Iceated direat I c2det tualt to 5 caratel It Is Obtliusted thst while Allid 14 6ftJ*11102188 hlitf, the dealer ca 'bt I the sto0s in *44116 -Of X�)Woolil, T6 0"* Ukd,,Wftd,- oxwoo Idon for Is a a'a, the ir n handle tow 41kowin '&U 'f* giloti ly Xi4 ,ft 'tRhdiiACb tftl," o �W &A14 ttlml$ tkit CITIs do sot take MY dt0k to of disdialfida 66ft thist thia ft%. ft*aoi - i4 mei" it" that he bandied d606V IN 0# OR -a. �ulifll %t , LtK IkIJtW(% Mlin OmVoseii and Isitist oti h.,nothow it6jh6t J�Wtjt IN.00,00, of dii- d#74 KU W) t* or., Illft At bt bit 14 , ''I'll, "ft All of whlbh iftY0, MrAfined for tlirj th# taisistlIt r Wt times hotly h6 "' ago this ft# Its 3"ko 4401% A. fol 64 %UA 67t + L 'Aili