HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1956-05-09, Page 1VOLUME 62 - NO. 23. 1 . MY= 1 T 1 ..1111 7 Authorized at; mond-class mail, BLYTH, ONTARIO, WED NESDAY, MAY 9, 195G. Subscription Rates $2.50 in Advance; $3,50 in the U.S.A. Post Office Department, Ottawa JoanneHQueen,11What might have developed Into a' Al the !cagier meeting of the Cont- Many Outstanding Items Amon Those •VisitingL�ndon cty serious fire was averted curly, mutiny Centra Board, held in Mentor- ; Tuesday morning, when it was tis- ial Hall, Monday evening, final ar•ril covered by Frank Gong, Mr, Gond„ rangements were !node for the 1956 By this time next week the 1956 ed - Blyth students, attending Clinton of our parents give us an enduring had arisen rlliout 3 a,m, and noticed Trude Fair,icon of the Western Ontario Trade she adds,Co-Operation Sought In TB Fair will almost be history, District Collegiate Institute, have sense of security, flames arising against the wall at the,, Under the supervision of Mr. Cecil brought numerous•school honours back) "This School Queen cites such coin- back of Sperling's Hardware, Iie fin-, Wheeler, the judge's stand will be X -Ray, May 18th Activity at the grounds should begin to this community, and have made par- 'tinnily organizations as home and mediately turned In the alarm, anal• straightened and entrances to grounds over the weekend, and by Monday ex- ents and friends in Blyth justly proud school club's us n link between parents fireman, aroused from their slumbers; repaired, Grounds will be levelled Citizens are once again reminded of hibitors should be 'moving in in of them, ( and leachers and commends the inter- responded in their usual rapid fashion' where necessary, and the Board ,•e the forthcoming TB Chest X-ray Cline, strength to prepare their exhibits, The latest to win such an honour is est of the church which gives spiritual + A pile of crates and other waste li( ,, asking that business places on main !which is being held in Huron Count,, which according to A, H. Wilford, Fair Miss Joanne Hodgins, who was chosen guidance and helps young people 1s ems, which had been temporarily 'street, and residences, particularly along and sponsored by the Huron County TB Manager should be bigger, more dab - "School Queen of the Day" and as such become good citizens qualified to accept stored at the back of the hardwar-i the route taken by the parade, be suit- j Association. orate, and include many new exhibits, was entertained last Friday along with leadership. I building were burning briskly; Above' ably decorated with flags, as request- i The clinic will be in Blyth Friday, with a good representation of those others, as guest of the London Free I "The desire of Canadians to partici- the flames, mounted on four wooden: ed by Mr. Wilford, when he met with I May 18th, afternoon and evening, and present'sFair. last year, back again for this Press, sponsors of the annual event, pate in finer cultural pursuits is hall. ' posts, was a large fuel oil tank, whicly the Board recently, all citizens of Blyth and surrounding year Joanne was presented with a mil- Gated by the organization of such en- had it caught, fire, would really have! Mar'cers, denoting the location of the district are urged to take advantage of Dates of the Fair are Tuesday, Wed - ate in recognition of the honour, and tertaimnents as Community Concert caused a conflagration. i Community Centre grounds will be this clinic to have themselves checked nesday and Thursday, May 15th, 16th, Wed - Mate pins which had not arrived in time, Association and the Stratford Shakes- As it was, only the posts were scorch- placed at main intersection by th for possible signs of TB. and 17th, will be presented to her and the other itearean Festival," Joanne points out, ed, along with the crates, and firemen Board. Early next week members of the Mr. Wilford has had the arena sold 47 such honoured girls, at a later date,•1 "Basketball is Joanne's favorite sport almost immediately brought the blaze Blyth Lions Club will canvass the town out for months, and the agricultural „ in support of the clinic. The co -opera- building is expected to be full of food -•. We join with Joanne's many friends because our training in good sports- under control, , manshi p will us in later life to '. Blyth Legion To Sponsor tion of citizens should be accorded products of the food industry, includ- in congratulations, F helpy j' p , Close c :nvassers when tele c-11. ink kitchen equipment and food sam- It was ,.the second annual School accept failure as graciously as success, Intermediate Ball Club Queens' Club gathering which began at 1 "Her selection as School Queen makes pies, 12:45 noon with a get acquainted ses- her proud and humble. "I am honored Search For Fire Proves Valli The sports fans of Blyth and district - Outside space at the Community sion at the Free Press building, Fol• by the confidence placed in me," she Blyth Fire Brigade members respond- are assured of at least one ball team BLYTH W. I. Centre grounds has been sold to the lowing in succession were, a theatre said, "but I realize that such an aft- ed to a call for help on Monday after. ibis year. At the last regular meeting Al the May meetingof Blyth 1 th Wo- "mount of 2,000 feet frottage, Accord - tart , a tour of the Free Press build- hointment carries with It a res(wnsiof the Blyth Branch of the Canadian y ing to Mr. Wilford many exhibitors ( y noon, but failed to find any fire. men's Institute, many items of bus'• have doubled their space requirements, ing and printing plant, a tour of CFPL 1 Willy, 1 'hope that I may always'be a The firemen struck for Londesboro; Legion, it was decided that the Branch, credit to my home, school and con• would again sponsor the local inter - Mrs. were taken care of. Opening festivities will be held on Radio, and CFPL Television Station, where it was first reported that g' p �• dinner at the Hotel London, munity." mediate softball team. D1rs. ,t. 11 alp:t1e, Mrs. C. Higgins, and the Tuesday evening, beginning at 7 house was on fire. Mrs. F. salmon, were named as a cum- p,tn, with an industrial parade which In a recent Issue of The Free Press, Thcy arrived there ht record tine, For the past few years, fans wlll re- tnitice to select suitable books to he call that the Legionairres have made will form up at the Community Park, McGowan Joanne was a participant in the fol- Ida MGInured When ,but were directed to go south to thegiven as a prize to one pupil in each and parade through the streets, return - lowing interview, which is a reprint first crossroad and turn west. - an excellent showing, going to the semi• ' r�dr of Blvth Public SI- v1,t./ on the, ing from the Free Press: Cars Crash I They followed these instructions, and;, finals the last two seasons, to the park when the ribbon open• "Ont through the studyof thepast Basel It is felt that with most of last year's troche! of that grade deems most de- ing the fair will be cut by Warden y gfinally carne to a.dcad end at the Baaserving. Fischer of Huron County. Neighbour - can we interpret the present and be Miss Ida McGowan is again a hospital Line, and nut a sign of smoke was regulars and quite a number of younger wise in planning for the future" is the patient following a car accident, Wed- boys coining up, that this year Blyth "Salzdo was chosen as first choice ing County Wardens have been invited in evidence. Becoming disheartened, , fora short course from the extension to participate at the opening, belief of 17 -year-old Joanne Hodgins, nesday afternoon of last week, 'they turned the truck about and head • should have a real good contender, elected to represent Clinton District Ida had accompanied her sister, Mls3 All that is needed is the full support service, Nursing." a second choice "Hints for Immediately niter, the ribbon is cut ed for grate, I • g " the Atwood Mule Choir of 60 voices Collegiate Institute in the School Clare McGowan to Goderich duringinspire the Home Nursin . Somewhere along the line htstruc- of the Blyth fans, to help Arrangements were made to cater at Queens Club, the day and visited with friends. On teen to an even greater year than they will present a brief musical contort i•u tions hectare contused, and it was later ( a banquet for Huron County Federation the arena. The; will be supported by "Joanne Is keenly interested in cur- the return journey home, about 6:30 learned that stovepipes were on fire laud the last two seasons. I of Men Teachers, Wednesday evening, Miss Mary McKellar of Stratford, gold rent events for information" of major l o'clock In the afternoon, they had at the hone of B. Zablocici, which i s ! Practice sessions will be starting in 1 reached Auburn and were coming! when the Federation will observe medalist at the Kiwanis Music Festi- issues on the national and international situated south of Londesboro on the ' the very near future, and all prospee- Fcene and suggests that selecting ar• through the new section of County banks of the River, t:vc players are asked to be on hand, ' Ladies' Night, vel, Toronto, and ether talent. Ar - Current events were given by Mrs, compnnimen% will be provided by an titles from newspapers and discussions Highway that skirts the north side of We understand that Gordon Radford Lorne Scrimgeour. organ which is being displayed at the on world happenings would arouse stu. Auburn, when a car going west on the of Londesboro, went to the scene with 11 same stretch of road nude a lefthand Wins Hamilton Checker With Mrs. Kenneth Taylor as leader. :Fair, dents' interest in current events. She a fire extinguisher and brought tin: the members who had availed themsel- j Following these opening ceremonies, is the daughter of Mr. , and Mrs. Car- turn in front of them. Clare was un -'fire under control. Championship ves of the opportunity to learn the art the arena and grounds will be thrown man Hodgins, Blyth, able to bring her cur to a stop before, "A brown -haired blue-eyed honor the two crashed, • A letter from Mr. Albert Nethery of °[ hat -making at the recent extension open to the public, and there is no student who plans to enter the teach- The impact threw Ida forward against Hamilton sett along a renewal for his course in ntlllincry, proudly exhibited admission charge. ing profession, Joanne realizes there "Is , the dash, resulting in Injury to her Londesboro C.O.F. Hall Sold subscription to The Standard, and also and modelled their new spring bonnets New industries on display for the a real challenge to Canadian young 1 left knee cap, and other injuries of a j contained the following clipping from first time will be the Grasslander Co,, people: of today to asshnilate the dif- i minor nature. Clare, who was driving, To R. N. Alexander The Toronto Daily Star, which makes of Brunner with a forage crop machine, ferent nationalities into a vigorous and received bruises and a shaking up, but�referenee to his winning the Hamilton OBITUARY anew mechanical stone picker giving useful democracy," She continues "We was not ,fin recd of medico! attention, Advertised for sale for several we eks, City Checker Championship for 1950, a practical demonstration, several can be justly proud of Canada's history Mr,• Harold Webster, of the Auburn, the Canadian Order of Foresters Bull This is Mr, Nethery's second champion- LOUIS E. U:IGGIT'r models of new type barns, including at Londesboro has been .sold tv.Mr,• R. • the barn, new spraying equipment, of development and quality of citizen,/ district, was the driver of the other ve- ship, he having won It before In 1949, polei Such mot as Banting,Bell, Saunders hide involved, I N. Alexander who proposes to use it A native of Blyth, Louis E. Ifaggitt, and dozens more, The clipping information follows; and Miner have brought -honor to our Dr. W. A. Oakes, of Clinton, was cal- for storage in connection with his away in hospital at Portland,' Some of these manufacturers have "In a six game final, A. E. Nethery • country through their achievements;removed seed cleaning business in that village,Michigan. on Tuesday, May 1st, 1956. their ere on a probable market devel- led and had Ida to the Clin• e won tbe Hamilton championship by de- He are, proud of our veterans who have ton Hospital where X-rays revealed a I The building is one of the old Land- FIe was In his Stith year. Funeral sec- ()Innen( in the northern parts of fila (eating Alex Todd by a score of 3-2-1 fought to defend our democratic way of fractured kneecap. An operation tea;, marks in Londesboro and was built, of vices were held from the Neller fun district. draw, Nethery was a Banc down when lite," performed the next morning, and the frame construction, in 1880, bye Court the "Cross" opening was drawn, and he oral home, Portland, on Thursday, May The Bell Telephone Company wilt. Pride of the West No, 31, COI. The 3rd, with burial being made at Port -din have their wireless equipment pment of "The leaching and example of our kneecap wired, On Monday the injur- • won both saes of it We understand r,• t I lodge boasted a membership of 171 in that Todd overlooked a move In the land. display this year. home is the most powerful influence ed leg was pieced in a cast, from thigh its heyday but now has dwindled to , The late Mr. Haggitt was a son of On the opening night. Tuesday. D:. last gave. Mr, Nethery's win will be in our lives Joanne believes, Respell- to ankle, but it is sincerely hoped tirot . Edward Haggitt and Ann Elizabeth Lit- i Ballard's Dog 8 numbers, and no more meetings are Show, which attracted sibilily. rests with the another for the Ida will be able to return to her home a most popular one, a; he has done ° ale, and was born at Blyth. He left !man v held. great deal for the gone in the Ambit- y young people last year, will again Mental and physical well -icing of the here in a short time, here as a young man for Michigan and ,, , The land site was purchased from sous City. In our opinion he has been be held at the park. Youngsters wish - child. Damage to the two .vehicles waswas a blacksmith by trade. Duck Bell and John Lasham, who at ing to compete for should have n tower of strength for his dub for , prizes The constant guidance and devotion placed in excess •of $1,000, the time operated a hotel on the sight His wife predeceased him 4 years their mutts groomed and at the grounds Edo had planned to return to her dut- which he is the secretary -treasurer. In ago, and there were no children. now occupied by the White Rose Ser - Mr. B,A. Hurst defeated J. Re;;l by by 7 p.m. les at the Clinton Post Office es June vice Station. They also owned theSurviving are. one sister, Mrs. W. Pd Mr. Wilford is hoping for three bit: PERSONAL INTEREST 1st. It is hoped that this latest mis-3 to 1, Doubleday, of Detroit, Mich„ and tour farm now owned by Mr. J. W. Arm• clays this year, and he feels sure that Dr. Annie Ross of Toronto spent the p does not postpone he plains. brothers, Alfred and Edward, Blyth, , strong those attending will be well rewarded weekend with Misses Clare McGowan It is unnecessary for us to relate the An amusing story was told us by Jack of Morris Township. and George, for the time spent, of Blyth, and Miss Ida McGowan, a pat- fact that Ida had just recently been re- our informant regarding Mr Jack Bull, Mission Band Meeting of Port Albert. lent in the Clinton hospital, lensed from Vlctorii�Iiospital, London, ,rtt,ct genllenteu with a flashy team of Mr. Jack Haggitt attended the fun- - Mr, Robert Somers of the Dept, of where she had spent many long tedious horses and a fancy carriage pulled in The Mission Band held their meeting oral on Thursday. Highways, London, visited on Sunday months, recuperating from serious in-, to the -hotel yard one day. They had , in the school room of the United Completes First Year At with his brother, Mr, Archie Sones, juries she sustained in a similar aeei- journeyd from London, and wished Church on Wednesday, May 2nd. Mrs. Queens dent a car ago last February.Walter Buttell had charge of ' Ute Brother Dies In Vancouver end sister, Mrs. S. Coming, Ylodging and refreshment. They turned Mr, and Mrs, George Henry and fain - back, it all, her spirits have re- the team over to the hostler, and pro- meeting and was assisted by Mrs. Har- Mr, John McDougall, Jr., has cont - 91y of Lucknow, visited ,with the -hit- 'day. int- muined high, and even this latest set- ceeded to enjoy themselves with Gig- ,old Campbell. Mrs, A, 1!. Wilford, of Stratford, re- plated his first year in Engineering at let's mother, Mrs, T. Elliott, on Tues- back, which has proved must painful' ars, good food, and of course, drinks, 1 Cheryl Madill, president, opened the ceived word on Sunday night o! the Queen's University, Kingston, and i, day has failed to quell her desire to be up which were on every hotel menu in meeting with the Cull to Worship, and death in Vancouver, of her brother, holidaying this month with his (tar - and about her daily duties. those days. Came the morning, and respo se by members, followed by a Col. Athol Griffin. ents, Mr. and Mrs, John McDougall, they ordered their team hitched and (hynut, after which the Members' Pur- The late Col. Griffin was a native of before taking summer employment with AMONG THE CHURCHES a brought to the door. As they were a- I pose was repeated, Scripture was read R'ingham and has been in the West the Rural Hydro Commission, working FRIENDSHIP CIRCLEby Lena Dougherty and prayer by San, since his youth. out of Mitchell, bout to depart,Mr. Bell presented Sunday, May 13th, 1956 The Friendship Circle met Monday them with their sizable bill, They 1 dra Lyn Henry, The offering was re- He was a son of the late n ir. and Schoolg*'in the United Church Sunday tendered him n $100 bill In paymen, Ieelvel by Kenny McVittle and John Mrs. C. M. -Griffin, of Wingham, 8T, ANDREW'S ,.ItB t1YTE1t1AN CRUIiCfI� rooms with a good altcnduuce' saying they had panhandled their way , Henry, A duet "Daffodil, Bright Daf- Mrs, Wilford is the only one left in The members of the Friendship Clr• from London on the strength of the fudil," 3;30 p.m.—Church Service, was sung by Sharon Jackson the family. cle from Brussels were kuests, , 1 and Nancy Johnston, while Patsy EI - 3 p.m.—Sunday School. bill witch nobody had been able .0 , The meeting opened tvlili the singing Boit and Cheryl Ann McNeil stood be• Rev, D. J. Lone, Minister, of the hymn "In the Garden" follow- change.Mr. Bell took the bill, asked them . side the girls holding bouquet of daf- cd by the scri(itwhich was rend by to wait while he went inside, and in''fodils, Minutes and roll call by the Mrs. A. W. Watson.on. Mrs, Garfield Do- n few moments he cane back with the secretary, Sheila Henry, tiller which . THE UNITED CHURCH herty led in prayer. Minutes of the the Mission hymn was sung. Forty-six students, the largest class ronin, and is spending n month's holt- OF, 3lvt CANADA last meetingwere read and approved, right change, saying that from now on days with his parents, prior to leaving pl eA reading, "litre Comes Spring," to graduate from the K -1V School of ` 131v1h, Ontario. followed by fife tall Intl, they could pay their way. for Chicago, Ill„ where he will sherd F Rev, A. W. Watson, Mlatister, Needless to say the itvo flashy gee- was given by Valerie Holland. Hairdressing, receiver! diplomas at int - During the lfusimss discussion, it thenen were somewhat gloomy as they Happy Birthday was sung to Jane presshc Graduation Exercises and a the sununet furthering his endeavours 1 was dotted to sponsor the Music Re• slatted the lines to their steeds and ,Pollard, Nancy Johnston. Kenny 1'1c- Dance, held at Rosslynn Grove, Kit- towards the United Church ministry, 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship. slapped - dial, as we have in the past, Vittle, Cheryl Ann 11tcNall duct Jimmy Clnl`Ilel', Wednesday evening, April '25th —Family Day Service. Sacrament of mond on fief! way, Holy Baptism, The visiting committee reported 8 Pollard. More than 450 friends and relatives MUSIC FESTi\'A1, 11'INA'EItS calls nnude last month, In the study period, Mrs. Campbell from local and distant points attended NEXT WEEK 7:30 p.m,—Evening Worship, The hymn, "Thy Word is Like a Gar• told the store of "Lucky" from the the gala festivities. There were 43 —"Great Women of. the Bible, den, Lord" was sung. Receives Citizenship Papers fourth chapter of the study book, ladies and 3 mot in the class. The A complete list of local winners at Note --No Sunday School. A very interesting reading was given The meeting closed with a hymn and KAW School having the highest rating the Gode'ich Music Festival, will be Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study Group. by Mrs. Adrian McTaggart, president of Jim Ko, 10 -year-old grandson of Mr, prayer.of any school in Ontario, graduates published next week. the Brussels Friendship Circle on Frank Gong, proprietor of the Huron „ were front Kirkland Luke, '!atonic, ANGLICAN CHURCH "Mother," Grill, bus been granted his Canadian Guelph, Hamilton, Gait, Preston, Wat- Mrs, Ivan CtaMpbell, also of Brus- Citizenship Papers and Is nova Cana W.M.S. TO MEET erloo. Kitchener, Owen Sound, Gode- dian citizen, subject to the rights and rich, Blyth, Listowel, and various other privileges of Canadian citizenship, and The regular meeting of the W.M.S. places, including John Mahler of Brit• also the responsibilities and °blip- of Blyth United Church will be held !sh Columbia. tions that go with the privilege. in the school room of the church, on A local hairdresser, Miss Ann Hol• 'Monday evening, May 14th, at 8 p,m. linger, of the Blyth Beauty Bar, was Mrs, D. McKenzie. and Mrs, C. Hod - among the graduates. Fire Discovered In Time ' Decorating For Trade Fair To Avoid Serious Damage Suggested At Meeting Trade Fair To Feature Will Spend Summer At Chicago Mr, D. A. McKenzie, son of Mr. and Participated In Graduation Mrs. Dan McKenzie, has completed his Ceremonies second year at Emintntuel College, To - Trinity, Blyth --10,30 tun. Matins, sets, favoured with a piano solo, Miss St, Mark's. Auburn -12 noon Matins. Clare McGowan gave t► reading on Trinity, I3elgrave-2,30 p.nt, Evensong "Something About n Garden." Our speaker for the evening was CHURCH ON COD Mrs, Duncan McCallum of Blyth, who McConnell Sheet, Blyth, gave a very interesting and Informative Rev, 13, Stewart, Pastor, talk on gardens, stressing the impor• Unice of the Perennial Flower, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. The hymn, "'rhe Beautiful Gnrden of 11 e,m,--Morning Worship,Prayer" was sung, followed by tile Mk - 7:30 p.m. -Evening Worship, pah Benediction, Wednesday, 8 p,m.—Prayer and Bible Lunch was served by committee in Etudy, charge, bringing the May meeting to Friday, 0 p.m.—Youth Followship. a close. Ant came to Canada - to be with his grandfather 18 months ago, from Hong Kong. He is 16 years old and a Grade 8 student at Blyth Public School. - Iie has made remarkably good pro- gress with the English language and is n good student. Ile is quite proud. of Ills new Canadian citizenship, aid as such we congratulate !tint on attaining It, gins will be In charge. '!here will be u special speaker, Miss Florence Elford of Senforth, who spent many years teaching In our Indians schools. Guests for the evening will he the members of the Friendship Circle, Come and enjoy tine fellowsiaip, Remember, a to sslonary church is to live church, ANNOUNCEMENT , Mr. and Mrs, Earl Harrison of Lower \Viut;hnnn, formerly of Blyth, wish to t,nnotince the arrival of n baby daugh- ter, Brenda May, at their hone—a sis- ter for Ralph and Michael, RETURNS iiOME FOR SUMMER Mrs. F. J. Richards has returned to her home here for the summer months, after spending the winter with her sod, Mr, Harold Richards, of Lea- side, Friends are happy to have her in their amidst again, _ CONFINED DUE To iLLNESS Friends regret t•ery much to learn of the illness of ?Ti.lLeslie Johnston, an•i trust that his condition will soon show improvement towards recovery, ANNE I4IRST COWettite "All I get at home to eat is a boarding - house grub!" com- plains a young husband. "Par- ents demand a great deal of sons-in-law, but what do they expect of their daughters? From their own experience, they must know how essential it is that a girl know how to cook and keep house. Mothers can- not expect marriage miracles when they don't even teach their daughters how to live on an allowance; money doesn't grow on trees, and a bride should know how little a dol- lar buys nowadays. Many young husbands, fresh from their mothers' well - run homes, get the shock of their lives when they witness the disorder they come home to! "A good marriage depends largely on the ability of both to give and take — but how many girls are brought up with no consideration for the rest of the family, just demanding and getting their own way? They can't expect a husband to be contented unless they ack- nowledge he has some rights, too, One mother I know told her girls, "You cannot give to children what you yourself have not developed." I say to moth- ers, you aren't good enough to deserve children unless you have learned to discipline yourself. "I am not a slacker, Anne Hirst. I work on my job and I come home every night. I am building my own home — and I'm doing most of the shopping, too." PARTNERSHIP • This young husband dwells " on one of my favorite themes, • No business partnership can • continue successfully when • one of the men shirks his re- ' sponsibilities. How then can • marriage, that most intimate • of alliances, flourish if the • bride is not properly equipped * to do her part? If she hap- ' pens to be a carefree daughter * untrained in the rudiments of • homemaking, certainly whch • she becomes engaged she • should master the arts of keep- * ing a husband content in the * home he provides for her. Any • self-respecting girl would be • ashamed to be found wanting • in this fundamental field; if • she is, there are sources ga- * lore to teach her all the how- * to's she needs to know, and- * the sooner she embarks on a Week's Sew -Thrifty Brighten your summer, sew these gay fashions now — so wonderful for sun and fun! Carefree T-shirt with cool con- vertible neckline. slim•trrin shorts, pedal pushers too! Per- fect styles for hardy denim, sailcloth, poplin — in bold pat - ;erns, soft pastels! Pattern 4532. Misses' Sires 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 shirt, 2i,2 yards 35 -inch; shorts, !hoards. This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Ilas omplcte illustrated instruc- 110ns. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (350) (stamps cannot be accept - yd, use postal note for safety) r this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, A 11 1) it E S S, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, 123 Eighteenth St,, New Toron- le, Ont. ISSUE 19 — 1956 * do-it-yourself program, the * better are her chances to keep * the man happy. * I often have been forced to * agree with a husband like this * one who puts the blame where * it belongs, on the girl's moth- * er, To fling her into marriage * unprepared is a cruel gesture, • one whose consequences have • disillusioned many a hopeful * bridegroom. She owes him at * least a knowledge of house- * hold routine, making today's * dollar stretch twice as far as • her mother's did, the appetiz- * ing preparation of good foods; * the myriad details of com- * fortable living should be at • her fingertips, as they can be • only when she has learned • and practiced them. Surely the * bride can wear no more be- * coming wedding wreath than * a thorough preparation for • that most essential of all * crowning glories, the ability • to create a well-run home for * the man she professes to cher- * ish. MOUSE OR MAN? "Dear Anne Hirst: The man I am in love with is 13 years older; I am 17. My family think he is too old for me, so he won't come to the h o t s e, I don't agree, I think he should, so they really can come to know him. I've been meeting hint outside because he says that is the only way out. "I have thought of leaving home next year, when I'll be of age, I'm certainly old enough i to know }what I want, and I want him, MARIE" • It is the man who is wrong, ' not you, He should welcome * the chance to visit your par- • ents and talk things out, 11 • they like him, he might con- * vince them that, being older, * he understands you and can • make you happy. You will * probably wish to get their ul- • timate consent, but this ap- • proach is the first door to * open for it, " A girl of your age who con- • siders leaving home is not ma- * ture enough to choose her life • mate. She lacks the necessary • judgment, and she hasn't the ' stability to face disappoint- * ment. * Relax. Ask your mother and * father to welcome this man, • and tell him if he does not • seize this opportunity, you will • have nothing to do with him. • That should reveal his integ- * city -- or the lack of it. * • • Next to an unselfish love, the finest Bowery a girl can bring to her groom Is a knowledge of homemaking and pride In her job. One of the rewards is knowing that a husband who is comfortable and appreciated at home seldom seeks happiness elsewhere. Write your problems to Anse Iiirst, Box '1, 123 Eighteenth S1„ N e w 'Toronto, Ontario, 1.0.44 �.Aar.. RONICLES 1N6ERFA ' (5%oerdottr,s. 0 Cte.rlut Saturday night 1 had a very restless night. Not because 1 couldn't sleep but because every time I got to sleep I was awak- enea again by a strange noise. In fact the noise was of two types — one a steady sort of purr, which I didn't mind, the other was intermittent and re- sembled the operation of a buzz -saw. That 1 couldn't take. 1t would stop and then start. Stop and start again. The in- tervals between were irregular. When all was quiet' I wondered how long it would be before it would start again, and when the sawing was In progress I listened for it to stop. One way was as bad as the other Some- times during an extendeo quiet spell 1 dropped off to sleep but only to be awakened again. New I give you three guesses. Radio or television left on? No, it wasn't that. Wind rattling the shutters? Wrong again. Partner snoring? Oh no, he couldn't he that bad! Then what was it'' Nothing more or less than a small electric bedroom clock! Just a nice, neat little clock, not more than six inches square. You wouldn't think anything so small could make such a noise, Until a few days ago it was as quiet and well-behaved as a clock could be, Then it began a purring sound which wasn't too distracting, Finally this aw- ful rasping noise. 1 listened un- til it nearly drove me crazy I would have pulled out the plug immediately except that it was in a socket under Partner's bed, into which was also plugged the radio and a bed -lamp. But at long last it had to be done. 1 got up crawled under Partner's FISHY FASHIONS — Wicker fishing creels topped with cher- ries make novel pockets for this eye-catching Italian import of red - and - white polka • dotted material modeled by equally eye-catching Ellen Smith. Crownless hat matches the baskets. Appropriate setting for the creation is the Italian gar- dens of Vizcaya in , Coral Gables, Fla. bed and was in the process of untangling the cords when Partner woke up — at least he partially woke up. "Anything wrong?" he inquired sleepily, Anything wrong! As if I were accustomed to crawling under beds in the middle of the night. "No, nothing at all," I an- swered sweetly, "Just go back to sleep, there's nothing to wor- ry about." I yanked out the plug, somewhat viciously, I'm afraid. Peace and quietness at last. And then I slept until day- break. With the dawn we found the ground covered with snow, and big, fluffy white snowflakes still drifting down, partially covering the rain -soaked fields and decorating the shrubs and trees, We were so disappoint- ed because Bob and Joy were coming to take us to visit friends away up in the Shel- burne district, Seeing the snow we at first gave up the idea, After all, if it was snowing here we didn't know what we might run into up in the snow - belt, And then the sun came out 'and we changed our minds, By noon we were on our way. The farther north we got the more snow we found, Some roads were slushy but with solid snowbanks on either side. But the snowplows soon had the highways in good condition The well -wooded, snow-capped hills were very lovely, Down in the swamps were the greenest cedar trees we had seen for a long while, different from the brow- nish trees we get around here. The friends we were visiting live on a snow -filled side road. 1 wouldn't have tackled that road for anything but Bob look it all in his stride and by care- ful driving, and backing up here and there, got us through with hardly any trouble at all. We saw another car, left a little piece in from the highway. and we knew its occupants were heading for the same place as we were, and visiting the same people, but had decided against running the ri,:k of getting stuck. As tar as scenery was con- cerned we were 111 0 lovely di- strict. Wonderful for sunntne living. But for winter . I'd sacrifice a little rugged beauty for comfort and Convenience. As we grow older easy living seems to be of primary impor- tance. Country living, yes — bul with conveniences and away from congested areas The perfect set-up but hard to find. We passed many lovely places ranch houses set among trees; summer cottages beside a rippling stream; rambling old farm houses thtit probably tike a fortune to heat; good roads and poor roads; television aeri- a!s few and far between A few senli•indut'ialized 0,00s and, • on Sunday, not 0111011 traffic 1 began to wonder . , could there possibly be a more diversified province than Ontario? Inside • of a fifty -mile radius one can pass from primitive living con- ditions to suburbia, We were away only six hours, including our visit, and in that time. the say living conditions all the way from good, poor and indif- ferent, When we got home we found a jar of maple syrup between the two front doors so I ima- gine visitors c ame calling in our absence, Friends are so used to finding us always at hone on Sundays it must have been quite a surprise to have only the dogs to greet them, And now it is Monday again, The sun is shining, spring flow- ers are pecking through the ground, and along the south side of the house rosy rhubarb crowns show that the miracle of spring has begun, even though it will be a little while yet before tractors are seen in the fields. HowCanl? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make a china cement,? A. Stir freshly -slaked lime into the white of an egg until it becomes the consistency of paste, Apply to the edges of broken china and let dry for at least three days. This cement can also be used on marble and glass. Q. ]low can I prevent shoes from cracking across the top near the toe, when the shoe Is a little too large? A, Fill the toe of the shoe with hair combings. This is better than cotton, which be- comes hard and uncomfortable, Q. How can I make a plant tonic? A, The water in which beef has been washed is an excel- lent tonic treatment for plants, and especially for roses and geraniums. Q. How can I clean rubber articles without injuring them? A, A solution of household ammonia and warm water is excellent for cleaning rubber articles. 1l not only cleans the rubber, but adds to its life by keeping it soft and pliable. Q. Ilow can 1 repair a cane - seated chair when the cane in it has begun to loosen? A. Wash the cane in a strong solution of soda and water and let it dry thoroughly, When dry, it will be found that the ge Y:•:, cane has shrunk and the swab tightened, Q. How can 1 remove lobattL odor or paint odG Irom a rMit.,{ A, Place in the nom a vessel of water containing a handful of hay, Small bundles of hay can be obtained from any fool stere. Q, ]low can 1 -cat the fumed pipe or range pipe? A, Try marking a line where the cut is desired and using thr can opener. ;r. Here's bread with a tasty difference! Dependable Flcischmann's Active 1)ry Yeast makes it quick anQ easy! 2 Q d: vat Bre id. 1. Measure into bowl 1 cup rolled oats 2 teaspoons salt W2 tablespoons shortening Stir In 1s/4 cups boiling water and let stand until lukewarm. 2. In the meantime, measure into o Targe bowl 1/2 cup lukewarm water, 2 teaspoons granulated sugar and stir until sugar Is dissolved. Sprinkle with contents of 2 envelopes Flelschmann's Active Dry Yeast Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. Stir In prepared rolled oat mixture and 1/4 cup lightly -packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons molasses 2 cups once -sifted all-purpose flour and beat until smooth and elastic. Work In an additional 21/1 cups (about) once - sifted all-purpose flour 3. Turn out on lightlyfloured board and knead until smooth and elastic; place In greased bowl. Brush top of dough with melted shortening. Cover. let rise in warm place, free from draft, until clouts. led in bulk about 1 hour. 4. Punch down dough. Turn out and divide in holt, let rest 15 minutes, then shape each half into o loaf. Place in greased loaf pans (81/2 x 41/2 Inches, top inside measure). Brush with melted butter, margarine or shortening, Cover, Let rise until doubled in bulk — about 45 minutes, Bake In moder• atety hot oven, 375°, about 50 minutes, Yields 4loaves. aa; ,/i\A ,/j\ are`k Needs no • refrigeration "Corn Starch Makes Lighter Sponge Cake!" SPONGE CAKE 3 tablespoons sifted all-purpose flour s/s cup BENSON'S or CANADA Com Starch 3 egg yolks 1/1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon lemon l / teaspoon 9d men rind 1 tablespoon water V: cup granulated sugar 3 egg whites 1/s teaspoon salt MIX flour and BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch and sift together three times. BEAT egg Y thick with rotary beater until very and light coloured. CONTINUEDD vanilla, lemon extract, rind and water. and gradually add %4 cup sugar, ousting or CANADA Corn FOLD in flour and BENSON'S beater Starch mixture gradually bowl with rotary BEAT egg whites in deep until foamy• unlit stiff but not dry. ADD salt; continue beating sugar slowly. PEAT in remaining mixture over egg whites and fold POUR egggyolk together Tightly. POUR into ungreased 9 -inch tube pan. BAKE in slow oven (325° F.) 1 hour or until done, INVERTOST or dust with Icing sugaremove from pan. FR For free folder of other delicious recipes, write tot Jane Ashley, Home Service.Department, THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED, P.O, Box 129, Montreal, P.Q. Make these dimple POTLFO CO1$ fmnorow! ▪ :44410 ;407Mr4t ,!1:49 zevssxvta :woo»»" *" Sift together Into bowl 1% c. ence•sified pastry flour or 11/2 c, once -sifted all.' purpose flour 5 tsps. Magic Baking Powder % tsp, telt Cul in finely 1/s e. chilled shortening Combine 1 well -beaten egg 1 c. cold method potatoes Blend well with a fork; then blend in 1/2 c. milk Make a well In dry ingredients and add potato mixture, Mix lightly with fork, adding milk if necessary to make a soft dough, Knead for 10 seconds on a lightlyfloured board. 1 A. ii: 'A:fY.Qi.Yq:L1I�'x>Y:unw,cpp! Divide dough into 3 parts and pat each part into Y•Inch' thick round. Mark each circle Into quarters with the back of a knife. Place on greased cookie sheet, N desired, brush scones with milk and sprinkle with sugar. Bake In liot oven, 425°, 18 to 20 minutes. - Yields 12 scones (3 rounds). You get lighter, more delicious baked goods because Magic's steady, even rising action brings out all the best in all your ingredients; Buy MAGIC Baking Powder today. Costs less than le per average baking s!7't :6‘k4M' iwaiWiat9^01'$04:N:ii oveA'Y axx,i,, ,llH ttisg i}owir.0a Is He The World's Dh'flest Fighter? A couple of weeks before he went to San Francisco to de- fend his featherweight crown against Filipino Flash Elorde, Sandy Saddler, the spidery slasher with the stiletto elbows and iron head, wailed to the world: "I'm not a dirty fighter, and no one ever accused me of be- ing a dirty fighter until 1 fought Willie Pep. Everyone knows the kind of tricks he uses, I'll beat Elorde, and I won't be dirty, either. I'll let the fans in San Francisco judge that. All 1 ask them is to lay aft the boos unless I deserve them," As it turned out it must've been a guilt complex that made Sandy moan because in the Frisco fight he got the boos early -- and he deserved thein. The 32 -year-old beanpole pull- ed every foul in the book. He bit on the break, butted, heel- ed, and thumbed the Cebu gamecock who was giving him fits, The 5,000 fans in San Fran- cisco's Cow Palace let the Har- lem Slasher and referee Ray Flores know early and often bow they felt; and when the fight was stopped in the 13th because of a gaping wound over Elorde's left eye, they booed and stamped and showered the ring with missiles. All through the fight which the fiery Elorde. was winning until he was gashed by a butt in the seventh, the fans screamed at Saddler and ref. "Stop that butting! Make him stop holding and hitting! Watch his laces! Don't let him bit on the break!" And some 20,000,000 tele- viewers around the country ag- reed. Newspaper offices and television stations were flood - cd with angry calls from indig- nant fans; the Cow Palace lrwitchboard itself was lit up like a Christmas tree with blistering protests, Saddler asked for it and he got it good. He's had it corning for a long time. Ile didn't get all the blame for the fiascos with- Pep, for Willie the Wisp bad his own reputation for trickery, But it's now apparent that Sandy has learned "foul play" well enough to have add- ed some gimmicks of his own. • No two ways about it, the record shows that Saddler IS A DIRTY FIGHTER. His foul tactics smell from Caracas to Montreal, from New York to Manila and back again to San Francisco.• Before we give you the com- ments of competent' observers at the fight and on TV, here's some essential dope on the El- orde brawl, The 22?year-old Elorde had beaten Saddler in a non -title fight in Manila last July in which Saddler's usual tainted tactics caused a small riot, and be was well on the way to grabbing Sandy's crown in San Francisco when he was butted and cut in the seventh round. For the first nine rounds Elorde was leading on the scorecards of all officials. But Saddler, working on the cut with his bead and gloves, had his op- ponent halt blinded when the ringside physician ordered the fight stopped at 59 seconds of the 13th round. Listen to what the experts laid! "Cruel Sandy Saddler pulled out all his weapons," wrote Jack Fiske of the San Fran- cisco Chronicle, "It was a dirty fight throughout, and all the onus must be on the 126 -pound champion's skinny shoulders. From this corner it appeared highly improbable that he could have successfully defended the title . , if he hadn't resorted to all the so; called tricks in and out of the rulebook." "Saddler hit while holding, used his head for a third glove, and referee Ray Flores appar- ently was the only man in the audience unaware of the champ's foul tactics," wrote Al Santoro, sports editor of the Los Angeles Examiner. "Sandy Saddler, using his head as well - as his fists with telling effect ..." was the way the United Press account start- ed. • Elorde, himself, was bewil- dered by it all, Only after prod- ding by newsmen did he rap Saddler, "That cut was started by an unintentiol butt, He butted me many times," he said, hIis manager and father-in- law, Lope Sarreal, wasn't as polite. "I complained to the referee that Saddler was heeling, el- bowing and butting all through the fight. I didn't get any place." But Sarreal and Elorde should have known what was going to happen. In their non -title fight in Manila, the Slasher pulled the same tricks, but now he couldn't get away with the de- cision on the Flash's home grounds. Elorde bled from the nose and lips, '.hnd from cuts over both eyes, and 10,00 fans in Rizal Meniorial Stadium showed how t h e y felt about Saddler's dirty stuff with a rain of pop bottles and choruses of boos. One bottle hit welter- weight Italo Scortichini, Sad- dler's stablemate, on the head, opening a three-inch gash on his scalp. But Elorde got the unani- mous decision. The referee was Maj, Jack Sullivan of the U.S. Army, who flew in from Tokyo. Sullivan scored eight rounds to one for Elorde, with one even. The two judges had it 8-2 and 7-3 for the Flash, One judge said Saddler held, butted and hit with his elbows — and paid for it by losing some rounds. "I've refereed for 15 years," said Sullivan, "and never had any difficulties. I called the fight as I saw it. I didn't break un- til the fighters were tied up And I didn't take any points off Saddler until I warned him." That was one o'1 the few times in Saddler's stormy car- eer that he couldn't pull a fight out of the fire with his illegal, damaging style. Another time was in Mon- treal, March 3, 1952, when he fought Armand Savoie, a home- town boy and the lightweight champion of Canada. Saddler's tactics drove the fans berserk, and three carloads of police were called to restore order, After warning Saddler for holding, hitting on the break, and rubbing with the laces of his gloves (sounds familiar, doesn't it?), the referee, Tom- my Sullivan, disqualified San- dy. But this was no ordinary disqualification. Emile Gauthier, head 'of the Montreal Athletic THAT MEN MAY LIVE—This machine recently look the place of a patient's heart and lungs for 17 minutes, thus enabling surgeons lo,,repair a crucial defect inside the heart. The im- proved artificial heart-lung machine is shown with Prcf. John J, Osborn, the man behind the improvements. It is said to be superior to other heart-lung devices, since it gives no evidence . of damaging platelets and cells in the blood. Commission, himself 'climbed into the ring after the third round and ordered Saddler dis- qualified, "I had warned him at the weigh-in that I wasn't going to tolerate any of his rough stuff," said • Gauthier, The next day Gauthier fined Saddler $500. "We would have suspended him, too," added Gauthier, "but he was going into the U.S. Army." The case history on Sad- dler's dirty fighting is long, documented• and widespread. Unlike Pep, who could perform brilliantly and cleanly at times, Saddler apparently can' fight no other way but dirty, Stop those tactics, and he's just another fighter, A converted southpaw, he specializes in draping his right hand around an oppon- ent's neck, pulling him in, and belting away with his strong left. Apparently he can't stop himself, for he does it even when he has a soft touch, like Jackie Blair of. Texas, whom he stopped in Caracas, Vene- zuela, Aug. 31, 1954, in the first round, "Saddler again used prohibit - ted tactics and was twice warn- ed by the referee," said El Nacional's boxing critic, of this fight. "He held and punched, used his elbows illegally and gouged his opponent merciless- ly around the eyes despite the fact that Jackie was an inof- fensive opponent." La Esfera's writer said that Blair,,on entering the ring, ap- peared "frightened and mourn- ful. He was alarmingly pale." So it goes, city to city, coun- try" to country. The Elorde fight now shows clearly what makes Saddler tick — and it ain't nice. In the record book Saddler's knockout mark ap- pears impressive. With no dis- tinction between knockouts and technical knockouts, Saddler's record shows a neat "KO 2" or "KO 12," for his 101 knockouts in 160 fights — one of the out - A great soul prefers moderation S'E1V'FC.4 ( $ B.C.-.A.1), 65 ) the 1 -louse of Seagram • Melt who think of tomorrow practice moderation today standing kayo averages in the book, But it doesn't tell the true story, the story of head butts and elbows of gashed eye- brows and clised lips. Probab- ly 95 percent of Saddler's knockouts were o. the technic- al variety caused by cuts. All the Pep - Saddler fights were brawls except the first, when Saddler won an an eye- brow - raising fourth - round knockout. Pep had a 75 - fight unbeaten streak broken that night of Oct. 29, 1948, and there were more rumors over that sudden ending than you'd hear in a woman's lounge. The bet- ting odds gyrated like a stricken ship in a wild storm. Four months later Willie the Wisp came up with a masterful boxing exhibition to outpoint the Slasher and regain the title, though his oval face looked like it had been sent through a meat grinder. •Then came the two fiascos. In a rough brawl, which re- sembled wrestling more than boxing, Saddler won, when Pep surrendered on his stool after the eighth round. "My shoulder's hurt," wailed Willie. "That guy put a ham- merlock on me and busted my shoulder." Surprisingly enough, X-rays the next day showed that Pep had a dislocated shoulder. The fourth and final meeting on Sept. 26, 1951, ended when Pep again surrendered on his stool after the eighth, . This was a weird wrestling fray in which referee Ray Mill- er lost all control. Both fight- ers tussled to the floor often, and once the flustered referee rolled on the canvas with them. The fans jeered, and when it was over irate Bob Christen - berry banned Pep for "life" and suspended Saddler indefinitely. Saddler's suspension was lifted in a few months, and Pep re- gained his license 21 months later. Many ringsiders felt Saddler was more at fault and should have gotten at least the same penalty as Pep. What's happen. ed since has proved right. Saddler squirmed out of that situation with lesser blame and kept up his bullying tactics. But the Elorde fuss now has put hint right on the spot. For the first time in years, he's going to have to prove that he can fight clean — that is if he knows the meaning of the word, and if they let him stay in boxing, (from The Police Gazette,) Sweet and cool in any Pipe CANADA'S STANDARD'PIPE TOBACCO CLASSIFIED ADVERT6ING AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES TIRES Paints and varnishes, electric moths, llobbyshop machinery. Dealers want. ed. Write: Warco Grease and 01) Limited, Toronto. AGENTS wanted to sell Standard Greeting Card s, with or without Scripture. Excellent commissions. Send for samples today. Standard Greeting Cards, 195 Perth St, Brockville, Ont, SELL ELECTRIC SHAVERS) Agents and distributors wanted to sell world famous Rlam Swiss Precl Mon Shaver: tho finest precision shay ing instrument In the world. Clipper head trims; rotary head gives closest shave. Fully guaranteed for one year against all defects. Complete details. RIAM (CANADA) LTD, 345 Crafq East Montreal GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell exclusive houseware products and appliances wanted by every house. holder, These Items are not sold to stores. There Is no competition, Profit up to 500's. Write immediately for free color catalog with retail prices shown. Separate confidential chole• sale price list will be Included. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. BABY CHICKS ORDER July Broilers now. We have pullets, started, dayold, Get our com- plete list of standard and hybrids. Broiler cockerels available. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. BUY and compare any of our egg breeds with any other breed on the market, we know you will he back for more, Our new series 400, 401, 402 will outlay anything we have offered before, Our next three hest for egg production - Shaver While Leghorn, Warren lthode Island Red, white Leg- horn X Rhode Island Red. Our three hest for dual purpose Light Sussex X Rhode Island lied. Rhode Island Red X l.lght Sussex, Rhode island Red X Marred (lock. Also special broiler breeds, Turkey points. Catalogue. 'I'\VEDDLE CRICK HATCHERIES 1;FD. FERGUS ONTARIO BAB)' clucks, Sussex•Red, Rock•Red, lted•rock pullets $23.00, Maxed $13.00, Cockerels $5,00, \Vhite Leghorn Pul- lets 520,00. Breeders blood•tested. Collins' Poultry Farm, R.R. 1, Lunen - burg, Ont., Phone Finch 495. FOR SALE KILLS INSECTS INSTANTLY SENSATIONAL new electric insect bulb. works automatical. For use everywhere. Only, $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dept. \P. (,lobe Discount Service, 159 ltoec Ave, 'Toronto. RAZOR BLADES 100 FOR $1.00. Microsharpened, Double - edge, Guaranteed smooth shaves. Dept. WP, Globe Discount Service, 159 Rose Ave,, Toronto. WONDERFUL bargain hn Poultry. Farm. Forced to sell on account of health. Good location and wonderful market, 1Vrite; K. W. Smith, Prince William,_ NM. GAMMA•0•ME'1'Elt, Prospect Uranium by plane or foot. Assay and Drillhole use. $149.50 up. Radiation Instruments, 78 llavenwood, Rochester 22, New York. ATTENTION (HOUSEHOLDER! G e t your copy! 300 Varieties of Sand- wiches." Booklet every woman needs. Makes quick snacks and lunches Inter- esting, Complete recipes. Pay $1.09 C.O.D. Jack Leclerc, P.0.13. 303, Victorian•►Ile, Que. CLOSE Out! Name brand Tin Snips! Duckbill style, 7" long Vs" curt, $1.25 prepaid, C. Nato, Box 3102, Macon, Georgia. MEXICAN SHELL FLOWERS (TIGIUDIAS) Gorgeous reds, pinks, yellows, etc. Special offer 20 (nubs mixed colors $1.00 postpaid. Giant 'tuberous Begonias. new colors. 4 for $1.00, Garden Guild, Dept. W, Tor- onto 12. RECORDS COUNTRY and WESTERN WE are Canada's country and western record headquarters. Wulf Carter, Hank Snow, Webb Pierce, Kitty Wells, Elvis Presley Don Messer. Records by these•and all the other country stars available brand new only 89 cents each. Safe delivery positively guarani teed anywhere. Write today for our big new FREE CATALOGUE. Destry Records, P.O. Box 747, Montreal, P.Q. MEDICAL WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ,Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid ISSUE 19-1956 MEDICAL POST'S, ECZEMA SALVE DANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disap• point you, Itching, scaling and burn. !ng eczema, acne, ringworm, Nmp1ea and foot eczema will respond ,readily to the stainless odorless olntmt nt re• gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 52.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue East, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, poor! wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Cell M.11BVEL HAIRDRESSING $CI10O1.S 358 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa 300 WAYS FOR women to earn money al home - how to start, what to do, how to do It. Postpaid $1.99. Possible et,rninet *10 to $60 or more. JlarGl'.EGOR NOVELTIES, 173 Paradise lined North, Hamilton, Ontario. VERMICULITE 1S RIGHT LET this proven, guaranteed process bring back new car performance. Re• surfaces cylinder walls, piston rings effectively, $3.95. Safety guard. Post - tire puncture sealing compound la- boratory tested and approved. $298. Four tubes $11.92; literature agents wanted. Arthur D. Baulne, Sales Agen- cy, Box 239, Massey, Ontario. FREEI CATALOGUE CLOTHING. SMALLWARES Write: ECONOMIC MAIL ORDER 2116 St. Lawrence Blvd. Dept. 1Y Montreal Que. 1936 Coln catalogue 51.60. Handy coin album 75t each, 3 for $2. Mr, Jacob Dyck, 320 - E. 55 Avenue, Vancouver, 13. C. PATENTS F! TIIERSTONHAUGH & Com p a n y. Patent Attorneys. Established 1803. 600 University ,Ave., 'Toronto. Patents all countries. AN OFFER to every Inventor. List of Inventions and full information sent free, 'rhe Ramsay Co. Registered Pat. ent Attorneys. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. PERSONAL $1,00 TRIAL offer. Twenty lite delttsa personal requirements. Latest cat;,: loguo Included. The Medico agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont. REPAIRS REPAIR your Singer, or any other setting machine. We have parts. Send El now for repair manual. 'Machine Trades, 51 Liberty Avenue, Danbury, Connecticut. STAMPS MONACO Prince Rainier set 01 0, 23c with approvals. Clifford Ritchie, 194 Randolph Road, Leaside Ontario. SWINE LANDRACE buvcrs, you want refected and different blood lines whp•n ‘ nn start. We have 33 breeding sows, 19 of these Imported, 4 impurteu 4 sows bred to outstanding hoar of Sir Winston Churchill. Before buying come and see this herd. If you can't conic send for folders and photos. Registered weanling sows and boars for Immediate delivery. FERGUS LAND1IACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO `Simple Ulcers Boils -Open Sores Now Get Real Help At Home— No Time lost From Work Tho simple EMERALD Oli. home treatment permits stork av usual while those old sores are being helped. You get relief real quick for E.\1EIIALD 01L helps promote healthy healing. EMERALD OIL acts Instantly to quiet pain, reduce Inflammation and stimulate circulation bringing fresh blood to the Injured part. Just follow the simple directions. 1.1MEnALl) ail, is sold by all druggists. Introducing: THE MODERN JUNKERS INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATER 1. Automatic: A turn of the tap gives you all the hot wafer you need — never any waiting to heat up. 2. Unlimited Supply: Water stays hot as long as tap is open Iwenly-four hours a day if you want it. 3. Dependable, 10 -year guarantee. 4. Clean: Never any rusty water—no tank to deteriorate. Noo messy fuels, no dust, no smoke, no soot, no film, no odor. 5. Speedy: Five times faster than average electric woter heater. 6. Compact and attractive: Finished in gleaming white por- celain enamel—hangs on wall in kitchen, bathroom, utility room. or basement—wherever you want it. 7. Safety: 100% safety controls—approved by all recognized Canadian and U.S. Gas authorities. 8. Economy:— Operating: Burns fuel only as you use water, never heats more water than you need. Maintenance: No annual service required, no motor to be oiled. Easy to install. Model 225 — Ideal for private homes — cottages, camps, trailers $125,00 Other Models for large families, restaurants, hairdressing salons, etc. $145.00 and up See your gas or appliance dealer or send coupon for literature. Also available: Automatic electric and gas storage water heaters of all types. —COUPON— APEX HEATERS LTD. 40 Moliere St., Montreal, P.Q. Please send me information on: Junkers Instantaneous Gas Water Heaters D Lawson Electric Storage Water Heater 0 Lawson Gas Storage Water Heaters U Name Address PAVE 4 ~M' YPU MEETING The weekly meeting of the Blyth Uni- ted Church Young Peoples' Union waF held In the basement of the United ' Church on May 6th, The meeting opened with a slag -Bong, led by Ula Griffith. Followed this, Rev. A, W. Watson led in Bible Study, Wayne Jackson then conducted the bus- iness period and recreation, Taps.clos- cd the meeting, Commercial Restaurant UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT} Open from 8 a,m. until 12 midnight week days—Sundays 1 p.m. to 0 pan, FULL COURSE MEALS •— DINNER AND SUPPER — SpecIalizing In — SOUTIIERN FRIED CHICKEN FOR THE WEEK -ENDS, Lunches at Anyone's Convenience. DICK and IRENE NEIL YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. i ••••••40~440440•••••••••••#••••••••••••~4,40.0.. �N+..+.++.+N++.+•+1 +N N. -/-s, $4N+ • • • •+++�N•-•-•-• ..'•-• • SPECIAL • ?V Tom/ DAY, INCLUDING SUNDAY: 1 t, 6 HURON GRILL b 4• BLYTH - ONTARIO 4 "-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-•-04,4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-4-4-• •-•-•-•-• $-$-•4- }+-•-+-.++•+++,.+ TURKEY DINNERS Make up a family party and take advantage ' of this special. FRANK GONG, Proprietor. MAY 13th --- MOTHER'S DAY See Our Gift Ideas For: HER: HER HOME: Lingerie Gloves Sweaters Hose Hankies. Watch our window for more selections. Towels Cushions Tatted Doilies Pillow Cases. Needlecraft Shoppe BLYTH, ONTARIO. 40-44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••-•-• +4 4-44-4-4-0-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• •-• 4-4-.4 4444 SMOKED PICNIC LB. 39c 1 LB. WIENERS, 1 PKG. WIENER BUNS.. .55c Introducing Whytes Reg. 49c Lb. CHEEZ DOGS Special 43c Lb. Please avoid the morning rush by using our afternoon delivery service. Arnold Berthot Telephone 10 -- Blyth. iiitt Ow' Remember Mother MAY 13th Shortie Coats. Skirts. Blouses. Handbags. GIFT SUGGESTIONS Gloves. Umbrellas. New Shoes for Summer. Dresses of Nylon, Dacron and Cottons, Sweaters - Pullovers and Cardigans. Nylon Hosiery at 79c, 98c, $1.35, and $1.50. Suitcases and Over -Night Bags. Tablecloths with Matching Serviettes. Nightgowns, cotton plisse, at $L98, $2.49 and $2,98 The Arcade Stores STORES IN BLYTH & BRUSSELS. Tilt gTANDA1; News Of Walton Duffs United W.M.S. and W.A. The regular monthly meeting rf the W,M.S. was held last- Thursday alter• noon in the school room of the church with the 0th of Morris in charge of the program, The devotional period was taken by Mrs, D, Buchanan with Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull presiding at the plzuo, The meeting opened by all singing a hymn, followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer The scripture reading was taken from Mark 9, verses 34 to 3e and read by Mrs. Geo, Fax, Roll call was answered by naming a missionary, and minutes of previous meeting read by the Secretary, Mrs. F, Kirkby, The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, R. Achilles, The clothes for the bale ' are to be in by the last Sunday in May, Mrs, Herb Kirkby read a letter received from our missiorurry, Miss Edith A?, Clark, The topic, "Anniversary in An- gola in Africa" was taken by Mrs. H. Kirkby, Mrs. F. Wolters and Mrs, W. Cuthill, The W. A. meeting was in charge of Mrs, N. Reid. The theme was "Power of God in Wonders, Reverence and Ad- oration," The scripture was taken from the 8th Psalm read by Mrs. G. Love, followed by comments and prayer by Mrs, N. Reid. Numerous cards of thanks were read showing appreciation for Easter Lilies sent out, Two dele- gates, Mrs , F. Walters and Mrs, T. Dundas, were appointed to attend the W.A. Presbytery meeting to be held In Ontario Street Church, Clinton, on May 9th. It was decided to purchase - more dishes and finish putting in more cupboards, The meeting closed with the W,A, theme hymn and prayer. Walton Women's Institute Formed Mrs. Stanley Bride of Fordwich, Dis- trict President, was present at a meet- ing held at Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull's last Thursday evening, to form a Women's ; Institute Branch in Walton and vicin• ity. The meeting opened with the singing of "0 Canada,” and repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs• Bride expres- I sed her pleasure in coming here to help us join the largest Woman's organize - tion In the world. In the East Huron District there are now eleven branches, Mrs, Crosby Southern, District Secre- tary, gave a few remarks on the work of the Institute. Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull. was elected secretary for the evening. The officers• were as follows: President, Mrs. Margaret Humphries, 1st VIce, Mrs. W, Walters, 2nd Vice, Mrs. W. J. Turnbull. Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. - Assistant, Mrs. Torrance Dundas. District Director, Mrs. Frank Kirkby, Branch Directors, Mrs, J. McDonald, Airs. J. Coutts, Mrs, P. McDonald, Auditors, Mrs. Wm. Flwnphries, Mrs. Ted McCreath. Press Reporter, Mrs. Doug. Ennis. Pianist, Mrs. H. Travis. Assistant, Mrs, J, Bryans. Sunshine, Mrs• Nelson Marks. Standing Committees, Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. K. Mc- Donald, Mrs, L. Oliver. Home Econ- omics and Health, Mrs. Geo. Love, Mrs. Earl Mills. Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. J. Bryans, Mrs• R. McCall. Citizenship and Education, Mrs, A. Turnbull, Mrs. Harold Bolger Public Relations and Community Ac- tivity, Mrs. S. Humphries and Mrs. Ii Travis. Resolutions, Mrs. H, Craig, Mrs. Dote;. Fraser. Mrs. Harold Speirs gave a very in. teresting talk on Institute work, teL ling us that each meeting should have something to see, something to hear, and something to do, in it. The installation ceremony then took place, with Mrs, Stanley Bride in , charge, I Mrs, Jim Armstrong, another guest of the evening spoke a few words In-, citing our branch to the District An- ! nual Women's Institute meeting to be held ,Tune 7th, in Brussels United Church, Mrs, Margaret Humphries took the chair, Twenty-eight members- paid their fees, It was decided to have the meetings in the evening, every fourth Thursday of the month at 8.30 p.m. Tho next meeting will be held at Mrs. W: J. Turnbull's, May 24th. Lunt•h to be tak- en by Mrs, Geo, Love, Mrs. A. Turn- bull, Mrs. 'K, McDonald, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Arthur. The meeting closed by singing "The Queen." Anyone wishing to join can do so by coming to the next meet- ing and paying their fees, Come one, come all, and make our Walton Branch worthwhile, Mrs. Margaret Humphries, the Presl- .dent, moved a vote of thanks to the guests. ' Y,P,U, Anniversary The Young People's Union held their anniversary on Sunday morning. In charge of the warship service was the president, Miss June -Hackwell. The scripture lesson was read by Mr. Don Achilles and prayer was offered by Ronald Smith, The guest speaker for the service was Mr. L. P. Plumsteer, Principal of Seaforth District High School, who took asi is subject; "In the Defence of Young People" --(1) Discip- line, (2) Responsibility, (3) Ambition. The Junior Farmer's Male Quartette gave special numbers entitled "Keep on Praying," "Peace be Still," assisted by the Young People's Choir, who sang, "Onward Christian Soldiers" and "Crown Him," as anthems, with Miss Audrey Hackwell as organist. Offering was received by Mr. Robert Stevens, Mr. Wayne McMichael and Mr, Victor Uhler. Mother's Day will be observed next Sunday morning, when Sacrament of Baptism will be conducted, Farewell Party A farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cardiff prior toy their moving to Brussels, where they have purchased a residence. During the early part of the evening, euchre was enjoyed. Those receiving prizes were: Ladies high„Mrs, John Mc- Donald, Ladies low, Mrs. N, Young, Men's high, Mr. Jake. Hulzebos, Men's low, Mr. Jim Nolan, Following the euchre, an address wan read by Mr. Alvin McDonald, and as beautiful table lamp was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff. Anne Cardiff was also presented with a set of dres- ser lamps by Marilyn Johnston and Barbara Turnbull. Lunch was served by the ladies. She was also presented with a Bible, by her Sunday Class and teacher, Miss Doris Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Raper of London„ spent the week -end with their Baugh ter, Mrs. Frank Walters and Mr, Wal- ters and family. Mr. 'fdm Hislop was a visitor at the home of his brother and sister -in -lav, Mr, and Mrs. John Hislop, Mrs, Hilda Sellers is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Lena Mc - Gavin, Mr, and Mrs: Ken Rogerson spent Sunday at the home of the lutter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rutledge of Toron- to, Mrs. Bellamy of Kenora, and Mrs Thompson, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, News Of Westfield Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vincent of Blyth visited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs, John Buchanan. Mrs. Fred Cook and Violet spent Sunday with Mrs, Thos. Jardin of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Campbell and Larry, of London, were Sunday visit. ors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Campbell. Mr, and Mrs. John Gear and fwnily of Waterloo, visited over the week -end with Mrs, J. L. McDowell and Gordon, Miss Ruth Cook spent the week with her friend, Miss Pat Robertson, of Goderich. Mrs. Borden Scott and Mrs. William Black of the 8th line were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wagner, Dwight, Barry, and Hugh of Atwood, were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Rodger vis- ited recently With Miss Chris McClin- ton of Goderich, The TB Clinic starts on May 14th, and ends May 18th. We hope everyone will take time to go to their survey lo- cation for the chest x-ray, sponsored by the Huron- County T13 Association These x-rays are to help those that may have TB in the early stages, before you begin to feel sick. Early discovery helps early recovery. If it shows you have a healthy chest, that's good news, If it shows '1'B has a foothold, you're still lucky to have had the x-ray, be. cause the sooner you start treatment, the better your chances, and the short- er the treatments needed. Mrs. Stanley Cook of Morris town- ship spent Wednesday with Mrs, John Buchanan. • Mr, Arnold Cook and Thos. Jardln, of Wingham, vl,lted Sunday with Mr. , A. E. Cook, who is a patient in the On- tario Hospital, London. Miss Lois Campbell and Miss Lorna Buchanan of London, were week -end visitors with their parents. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Cook and Miss Donna Walden with Mrs. Jean Kechnie of Blyth, on Saturday, Mr, Aldric Richards of London with friends on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Good were Lon- don visitors on Sunday. Mr, Wm. Walden visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney McClinchey and family, Mr. Wm. Walden and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Biggerstaff, were Goderich vis- itors on Friday. Donald, Jim and Jetty Cartwight vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Israel Good. Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Henry, Blyth, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Alva McDowell and Lloyd, DONNYBROOK Morning services have been resumed in Donnybrook Church for the sum- mer months, the church service begins at 9;45 a.m., with Sunday School fol- lowing. Mrs, Wm. Hardy was been el- ected superintendent agnin this year, Secretary - treasurer is Mrs. Ernest Snowden, teachers, Mrs. Bert Moss, Mrs, H. Jefferson and Mrs, E. Robin- son. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Armstrong have moved to Belgrave to reside. We are sorry to lose them from our church and community. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Laing and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing of Cromarty, were Sunday visitors at the Jefferson home. 1 Wednesday? May 9, i956. BOYS' COWBOY STYLE DENIM JEANS in sizes 8 to 12 - $2.98 14 to 18 $3,39 BOYS' KHAKI JEANS 8 to 14 - $3.98 Men's Work Shirts (By Beaver) made of sturdy cotton material sanforized, in a large assort- ment of colors, all. sizes, $2.59, $2.98. MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS in black or brown calf or kip Leath- er, with leather or rubber heel Priced to suit from $5.95 to -$15.00 R. W. MADILL'S SHOES -- MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR "The -Home of Good Quality Merchandise" 1 ROLLS ON LIKE A MAGIC CARPET Apply with coloured line Ab up with 3" end lap ip 1 The Revolutionary, New, Improved ... SUPERTiTE 111 Cross Corrugated Aluminum Roll Roofing and Siding Supertite 24 gauge Roll Roofing and Siding cuts application time by 50 to 70 percent, eliminating side laps. Me elimination of these side laps reduc- es the danger of leakage and wind penetration. The cross-corrguated formation gives 3 times as much strength as common ribbed patterns and creates a much tighter, stronger roof and siding. Each roll covers 100 lineal feet and one man can ap- ply it with ease. See our Exhibit at the Western Ontario Trade Fair. For Full Details Ind Prices See 'Your Nearest Dealer or Write to SUPERIOR PRODUCTS LIMITED Nelson Street, Sarnia, Ontario BERNARD HALL Insurance Agency LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, WIND AND ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE. PHONE 122 - BLYTH, ONT. WednoAday, May 9,1956, Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCIIES Automobile, Fire, Casualty, Sickness, Accident, Windstorm, Farm Liability. .WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE. Office Phone 104, Residence Phone 140 Blyth Community Sale Community Sale Barn, Dinsley Slreol, Blyth, on SATURDAY, MAY 12111, conune.)cing at 1:30 p.m. A good offering of farm stock is anticipated, Those wishing to place stock, machinery, or household effects in the sale should contact the auc- tioneer and sales manager, GEORGE NESBITT, Sates Manager, Phone 15R18, Blyth. 18-1. Bar -B -Q. Sponsored by Group 2 of the W.A. AT BLYTII TRADE FAYIR WED, MAY/ 16th, 1956, commencing at 12 noon and 5 p.m. . Nonce 'Farmers •+.+•+•-.+4-•-• ♦ ..++.-...+•• A Service School on NEW HOLLAND BALERS AND EQUIPMENT will be held on the evening of THURSDAY, MAY 10th , at GORDON McGAVIN'S SERVICE SHOP BROWNIE'S ff DRiVE' I N4 THEATRE lr �rW (Formerly Llashmar Drive In) CLINTON, ONTARIO, TIIUItS, and FRi. MAY 10 - 11 'THE, BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" VIRGINIA MAYO. FREDERICK MAIRCH DANA ANDREWS MYRNA LOY. (Cartoon) SAT. and MON, MAY 12-14 "DARLING HOW COULD YOU" JOAN FON'1•AINE, JOHN LUND, MONA FREEMAN (Two Cartoons) TUES., WED. MAY 15 - 16 "FRENCH LINE" (Color) JANE RUSSELL (Adult) (Two Cartoons) THURS„ FRI. MAY 17 - 18 • "AMERICANO" (Color) GLEN FORD URSULA THEISS (Two Cartoons) Two Shows' Nightly, Rain or Clear AT WALTON , EVERYONE IS WELCOME. • Box Office Open 8.00 p,m, First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free +.+.x+••+.+44.• PLAN TO EAT TURKEY AT THE WESTER'N ONTARIO TRADE FAIR, BLYTII, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, 1956. Sponsored by Group 2, United Church W.A. & supported by The Ontario Turkey Association. HON. BRYAN L, CATHCART, Minister of Travel and Publicity for the Province of Ontario, ENJOY YOUR SHARE... "We, in the Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity, are happy to regard Ontario as Canada's Vacation Province. Annually, on your behalf, we welcome increasing thousands of visitors front the United States, from other Canadian Provinces and from all around the World. In doing so, we are proud of our abundant attractions and facilities which provide a complete and satisfying holiday. We are also keenly interested in encouraging you, our fellow citizens, to see more of your own, your native Province, and to come to know it intimately. All our facilities are at your disposal quite as much as they are for visitors from across the Borders or across the Seas." BRYAN L. CATHCART KNOW BETTER IN 56 °irrai r FREE ONTARIO TRAVEL, Room 398, 67 College $I., Toronto, Ontario, Please send me free literature and road map of Ontario Name Address Post Office OMerle Department of Trawl and Publicity, Hon. Bryant. Colhcart, Minis*N lin STANDARD PAGE 7 sw##••+k•.•+ , w•..v.w •-•-••••-•-•-•••-•-•-•-•-••-•••••••-••-•-••••-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-.44.+�+��.~ Z LYCEUM THEATRE t RUA,X iii A'I'itEt PARK TELLrJONE Properties For Sale 100 acre turn), 11/2 storey, asphalt shingle clad, hydro, cellar. Good barn 30x50, hydro, water, drilled well, Drive shed, 30x20 steel. Hen house 10x20. 75 acres workable. Morris Township, Good dwelling, hydro, insulated, on Highway, in Village of Londes- boro, 150 acre farm, 7 -roost stucco house, Barn Obx40, Drive shed 30x50, Cement silo, Hydro, water pressure, 130 acres workable. W e- wanosh Township, 122 acre grass farm. Burn anti drive shed, 100 acres workable, 100 acre farm:- 2 -storey brick dwelling, Burn 50x52 and 36x50. Garage. Good water supply. Hu'. lett Township. 100 acre farm, near Belgrave. White brick dwelling, L Barn. Drive shed, • - 50 acre farm, Small dwelling and stable. Grey Township, 1' .storey frame dwellirg in - Blyth„ on Highway, Small stable I Hydro, water. 11/2 -storey brick dwelling, 7 looms, i full cellar, hydro, water pressure, in Blyth (corner lot). 11 -storey frame, metal clad, in- sulated dwelling. Hydro, bath, w.tt- er, 6 rooms, in Blyth, 11 and 1 storey frame, Instil brick dwelling, bath, hydro, garage; 2 lots, on Dinsley Street, Blyth, 200 acre farm, good house, barn, 2 drive shed and silo, hydro, water; 175 acres good workable land, on Ifigh- way. 04 acre farm, good buildings, hy- dro, water. Close to Village of Au- burn. 100 acre farm, 6 -room dwelling, bath, hydro, water, barn 60x60, drive shed 60x25. Twp, of Morris. 100 acre farm, 1',42 storey dwelling, barn 36x513, steel drive .§hed 30x20, hen house 10x20, 75 acres workable, 10 acres bush, balance pasture. Twp. of Morris, Listings invited. Other proper- ties on request. ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY BLYTII, I'IIONE 104, Gordon Elliott, Broker, 4 Victor Kennedy, Salesman. Res. Phone 140. Res. Phone 78. CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to friends, neighbours, Blyth W.A. and Group One, for flowers, food, fruit and cards, also those who called while I was ill Special thanks to Blyth L.O.L., Rev. A. Watson, and Dr. Street. All were deeply appreciated. 23-1. Chester. Higgins. CARD OF TIIANKS I wish to extend sincere thanks to our friends and the telephone subscrii•- ers, who were so kind to us following the accident last Monday. Especial:;' Thomas Cronin Jr., and those who sent cards and helped in any way.- AT ay. • 23-1p, Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGe ^„ "1813" GUN FOR SALE Red Ryder 1,000 shut "BB" gun, In good shape. (New model). Apply, Frank Armstrong, Phone 170, Blyth. 23-1. FOR SALE Windmill with 40 -foot tower, with a Toronto self -oiling head, Can be sold together, or separately. Apply, Leslie Bolton, phone 50R3, Blyth. 23-1, Drycleaning NOTICE DURING THE MONTH OF MAY, BRUCE CLEANERS WILL MOTH- PROOF ALL DRY CLEANING, Your Agent in Blyth is WENDY'S 50 TO $1 STORE. 23-1p ..., - J. J• J.-...YW-....---- FOR SALE 100 Here grass farm, year round wat- er, some bush, all in grass, no build- ings, $4500.. Terms. 100 acres, with good house, hydro, water, 30 acres ploughed. Would make splendid grass farm. $5,000. Good terms. 100 acres with good buildings, hydro, water, 85 acres workable. Priced to sell for immediate possession. Also some town dwellings. CECIL WHEELER SHONE 88, Blyth - REALTOR 23-3. WINGHAM. T'turs.,Frl., sac,. May -10:11-12 Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz James Mason "FOREVER DARLING A domestic comedy with added fantasy, romance and drama, There are also several laugh provoking s.apstick situations with Lucille Ball as the fixer. 1f Mon„ Tues., Wed., May 14-15.16 Shirley MacLaine John Forsyth Edmund Gwent' in "THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY" (Adult Entertainment) Directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock this is "a comedy about a corpse," It Is an unusual type of fila) and it is well directed and acted and is amusing throughout. i WOOL JACKSON HOMES, LTD. SEAFORTH Is collecting wool for grading and sale on lite co-operative plan, Ship- pers may obtain sacks and twine free of charge from (he above or from their Licensed Operators. CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS 1.15IITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto CLINTON. NOW (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) - I)ouble Feature I'rogran "The Law vs. Billy the Kid:' Scott Brady, Bella St, John Jas, Griffith and "Jungle Jim in the Forbid- den Land" Trilling action and suspense -a blond,; beauty kidnapped by a Missing -link giant. Angela Greene - John 1Veismuller_ • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday The biggest double bill ofthe year. "The Quiet Man ff John Wayne, iiIaureen O'Hara and Barry Fitzgerald. and "The Kidnappers" Duncan Macrae - Adrienne Corr! One show oly each night, starting with "The Kidnappers" at 7:30, "The Quiet Man" at 9.02, i -4++i -i -i+•.+*•-.-. ••••••••••••••••••####4•••••••4•4`,#••••••••••• SEWAGE DISi'OS:11, Have your septic tanks pumped the sanitary way. Schools and public buildings given prompt attention. i• Rates reasonable. Tel. Irvin Coxon, Milverton, 75R4. 62-18-tf. AUCTION SAL;, Of 35 Head of Shorthorn Cattle At Lot 4, Con, 8, Morris Township, 1I/ miles north and 1 mile east of Blyth, on FRIDAY, MAY 11th, conunencing at 1 p.m. 1 Registered Shorthorn bull, ready for market. COWS -Aged cow, due June 1st, Red cow, 4 years old, clue July 6th, White cow, 8 years old, fresh Mar, 24, calf at foot, Roan cow, 11 years old, fresh Alar. 16, calf at foot, Grey cow, 7 years old, fresh Mar, 20, calf at foot, Red cow, 10 years old, fresh Mar. 20, calf at foot, Red heifer, fresh May 1, calf at foot, Farrow cow, 4 years old, Grey cow, 8 years old, bred Feb. 9, Red cow, 5 years old. CATTLE -3 steers, 2 years old, ready for market, 3 heifers, 2 years old, ready for marltet, 3 heifers, rising 2 years old, DDsteer, rising 2 years old, 5 steers, rising 1 year old, 4 heifers, rising 1 year old. PIGS -1 York sow, bred Mar. 7, 1 York sow, bred April 4, 7 chunks, about 110 lbs., 13 chunks, about 80 lbs, TERMS CASH. George Wi1:on, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 22-2. SEED CORN Funks, both cob and ensilage seed, available now, Late seeding makes planting that wet field in corn advis- able. Phone Harold Cook for your seed requirements, 81, Blyth. 23-2P. FOIL SALE 4 York sows, to farrow this month; 170 Red -Rock indicts, 4 months old, and 190 Sussex -Rock pullets and roos- ters (mixed), about 2 months old. Ap- ply, H. L. Sturdy, phone 42110, Blyth. 23-1. PRINTED COUNTER CiIECiK BOOKS When ordering printed counter check Books, allow at least six weeks for de- livery. Check your supply now, and avoid inconvenience, We have on hand at all times Counter Check Boot: blanks. We will appreciate your order. The Blyth Standard, phone 89, Ely-th. BAKE ,SALE ANI) TEA Saturday' May 12, from 3 to 5 o'clock, at the home of Mrs, Frank Beninger, sponsored by OWL of St. Mirhael's Church, Blyth. Everyone welcome. 22-2p. RAY'S BEAUTY SALON. All Types of Permanents, Shampoos, Finger Waves, Rinses For appointment Call 53, Blyth. Ray McNall 22-5. k.L‘ - .••.d- '1...d - 4.a. FOR SALE Started chicks, 3 weeks old, 3 breeds Apply, Ifowa•d Campbell, phone 10R7, Blyth. 23-1 FOR SALE New Merry -Tiller Garden 'Tractors, New Bob -a -Lawn Mowers. For free demonsh•ation contact Donald Haines, phone 111113, Blyth. 23-1p, F. C. PREST LONI)ESBORO, ONT. Interior & Exterior Decorator Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Brush & Spray Painting HURON FARM SUPPLIES OLIVER SALES & SERVICE Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth, PRICED TO SELL GEiiL FORAGE HARVESTER, NEW. OLIVER 6 FT. COMBINE, straw spreader, scour cleaner, pick- up attachment, grain llu•ower, only slightly used. 83 TRACTOR, IN GOOD SHAPE. TWO 2 -FURROW PLOWS, almost Ilcnw.- ONE 3 FURROW PLOW. 1 FARM AIR COMPRESSOR, a 3 -FURROW FLEURY - BISSELL 1'LO11', Used, in Good Condition. APARTMENT TO (RENT Apply to Mrs. F. Bainton, phone 6R3, Blyth.' 23-2. FOR SALE 100 bales, or more, of straw. Apply to Murvin Govier, phone 13R8, Blyth. 23.1. LIVESTOCK WANTED Cash paid for dead. old, sick or dis- 'abled horses or cows. Phone Atwood 153 collect. 02-13. BUY YOUR SIIOES C.O.D. Men's full grain brown retail -Work Boots, with heavy Dru Cork Sole and Rubber Heel, Leather Insole, All sizes, only $5.95. Mail orders accepted C.O.D. Madill's Shoes, Blyth. 23-1. CUSTOM CORN PLANTING We are equipped with a new 4 -row Massey -Harris corn planter and aro prepared 10 do your custom work at $1,60 per acre, Anyone wishing corn planted, contact Gordon Carter, phone 12119, Blyth. 23-2p, NOTICE TO 11011IE BUILi)ERS 1f you are planning a building pro• Ject this summer, we are in a position to give you first-class service for your cement work. House basements an, floor, barn walls and floors (complet cd in one pour. When you pour the cement floor, and seal it finished, cal ' us early for prompt and efficient ser ' vice. Our new cement floor finishe assures fine. workmanship. Conlin. Mads Christensen, phone 11R'1, Blyth. 27 61-t FOR SALE Jersey -Holstein Cow, due in week's time; 10 little pigs. Apply, Alex Wilkins phone 181118, Blyth. 23-1 FOR SALE Purebred Angus bull, 3 years old Apply, Wallace Nicholson, phone 311111 Blyth. 23-1p, 1150 Top Screen Fare in Air-Condltloned Comfort. NOW (Thursday, Friday, Saturday.). --+ "PICNIC" Adult Entertainment In Cinemascope and DeLuxe Color and adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-win- ning play by William Inge. A NEW and widely discussed presentation by a superb cast. Kim Novak,. William Holden and Rosalind Russell, Special program for the matinee Sat- urday afternoon only includes "GENE AUTREY in the MOUNTIES" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday John Mills, Donald Sinden and John Gregson A salty tale of the world's most hazer• dous calling, the submarine service of Britain's Royal Navy. "Above Us The Waves" ; COMING -Grace Kelly in: "TO CATCH A THIEF(' with Cary Grant. N.+.•A-.+. FOR SALE 3 bags Warba potatoes, good for seed. Call 35, Blyth, 23-1. WANTED Year old cattle to grass, and tern pigs, ready to wean. Apply, Russell Wilson, phone 149, Blyth, 23-2p. WOOD SIZED FOR SALE TENDERS for the purchase of the the woodshed at School No. 6 will be received until May 28, by Morris School Area Board. Shed to be removed and ground levelled before July 28, For particulars see Bernard Thomas. No tender necessarily accepted. 23-3. R. S, SHAW, Bluevale. TENDERS I'OR FUiRNACES Morris School Area Board will re- ceive tenders until May 28, for the in- stallation of oil burning furnaces in Schools No, 3 and No. 7. Furnaces to be of size required for heating these buildings. Work to be completed be- fore July 28, For information on No. 3 see Reg. Watson, and for No. 7, see Robert McMurray. No tender necessar- ily accepted. 23.3. R. S. SHAW, FURNITURE Try the Mildmay Furniture show rooms. Special showing of Krochler and other chesterfield suites, medium priced bedroom suites. Free delivery. Trade-ins accepted. Godfrey Schuett, Mildmay, ,22-2. Custom Work Corn Planting with 4 -row mounted planter, Place your order early, Also Custom Weed Spraying of and corn. Prices on request. Massey-Ilarris $1,50 per acre. APPLY, 2 1 GROVER CLARE'S POOL ROOM. Billiards & Snack Bar Ice Cream - Hot Dogs Ham burgs and Sandwiches. Smokers' Sundries AUCTIONEER Experience, Courtesy and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prompt Assistance Given in Arranging Your Sale Problems. Phone 151118, Blyth. George Nesbitt, George Powell, Auctioneer, Clerk. 62.22+.f. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Fur artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle. phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu - 2.2441, between 7:30 and 0:30 a.m. We have all breeds available -top quality at los' cost, WANTED) Old horses, 31/2c per pound. Dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GIL- BERT BROS. MINK RANCH, GodcrIch, Phone collect 1483J1, or 1483J4a J. 44 tf. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON BARRISTERS ,C SOLICITORS H. Crawford, R, S. Hetherington, Q.C. Q.C. 11'ingham and Blyth. IN BLYTII EACH THURSDAY MORNING and by appointment, Located in Elliott Insurance Agency Phone Blyth, 104 Wingham, 48 STEWART JOHNSTON MASSEY-HARRIS SALES & SERVICE. BEATTY BARN 'tQUIP5IENT, • Phone 137 R 2, Blyth. RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal Bank Building Residence; Rattenbury Street. Phones 561 and 455. CLINTON - ONTARIO. DR, R, W. STREET Blyth, Ont. OFFICE HOURS -1 P.M, TO 4.P.5I. EXCEPT 11'EDNESDAY S, 7 P.M. TO 0 P.M. 1UESDAY, THURSDAY, S 1TURDA.Y, G. B. CLANCY OPTOMETRIST - OPTICIAN ' (Successor to the late A, L. Colo, Optometrist) FOR APPOINTMENT I'IIONE 33, GODERICII 25-61 J. E. Longstaff, Optometrist Seaforth, Phone 791 - Clinton HOURS: Seaforth Daily Except Monday & Wed, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wed. - 0:00 a.m. to 12:30 p;m. Clinton-MacLaren's Studio, Albert St,, Monday Only, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, OPTOMETR EST PATRICK ST. • WINGHAM, ONT, EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. Phone: Office 770; Ties. 5, Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services. McI(ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. ' OFFICERS: President -Wm. S. Alexander Wal. ton; Vice -Pres., Robt. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager and Secy-Treas., Mer. ton A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: grain J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEw• Ing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; • E. J. Trewnrtha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefleid; C. W. Leonhnrdt, Bornholm; Fuller, Goderich; 11. Archibald, Sea. forth; Allister 13roadfoot, Seaforth, AGENTS: Harold Radler Phone 151113, Blyth, R,R, 3, Walton, William Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; J, 22.4.F. Prueter, Brodhagcn; Selwyn B511'14 Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. TABLE TALKS British cooks complain that American recipes have unfami- Iiar ingredients and odd meas- urements. American cooks try tempting British recipes and lave disappointing r e s u l t s What we need .Is an' Anglo- American cookery conference In which teaspoons and table- spoons, level or heaping, cups and basins ran be sorted out and standardized through Inter- national culinary agreement. In the meantime The Chris- tian Science Monitor's food col- umnist, Eleanor Richey John - aim, sought to clarify for American and Canadian readers a recipe a British reader kindly vent in for OATCAKES. Mrs. Johnston has added the flavor of fun to the account of ler experiments, which we Aare with our readers for good measure. She writes: * - Dear Woman's Department: We had a big snow here day before yesterday — and guess what I fed the birds? OAT- CAKES! I had soup for lunch today— :did guess what I ate with my coup? OATCAKES! There is something I am won- dering why was ever invented —guess what it is? OATCAKES! I'm sending you a box of uomething to try tasting. Guess what? OATCAKES! Three times I have tested this recipe. The first, using the orig- inal amount of milk, took 3 cups of flour in addition to the cup of oats. It went to the birds and they could hardly eat it. Next I tried t,!, cup milk. That took 1 cup flour and wasn't oaty enough. Today I tried 'a cup milk and it seems all right. I'm sending you some. I'm handicappped by the fact that I have no idea what an oatcake should be like or taste like or look like. My three weeks in England didn't pre- pare me for oatcakes. IIere is the recipe—not much ,- trite the original, but the best 1 can do. , Oatcakes I cup oats (quick - cooking kind) 2 ounces butter ]a cup milk 34 to 1 teaspoon salt, according to taste 9 tablespoons sifted flour Melt butter and stir oats into It. Let stand overnight. Heat milk; add all other ingredients and mix well. If more liquid is seeded to make a soft dough, add additional milk. Knead a little and roll as thin as possi- ble. Cut in strips, place on cooky sheet, and bake in very hot oven, When oatcakes are colored, turn and bake 5 min- utes longer, 111 MERRY MENAGERIE "Don't ask! He just does it so he can tell you he's a ham smoking!" Spring is shortcake time, and soon you'll be using ruby red strawberries, pink-meated peaches, purple or red raspber- ries for your dessert. Traditional shortcake is made with two pie - size layers put together with fresh fruit and then cut in wedges to be served with cream. Or, you may want to serve your shortcake in individual portions. If you do, just make the short- cake in biscuit sizes. Strawberry Shortcake 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder '2 teaspoon salt 2-4 tablespoons sugar 6 tablespoons shortening Milk 1 quart strawberries Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together. Cut in fat Stir in milk quickly with a fork until soft dough is formed—?a cup for roll -and -cut biscuits. 1 cup for drop biscuits or "muffin" biscuits. Bake at 450° F. 15-20 minutes. Wash and hull straw- berries and put between and over shortcake. Serve with cream, whipped cream, or ice cream. Another strawberry dessert, easy to make and serve, is Strawberry Cream Refrigerator Cake, Save whole strawberries with which to garnish this des- sert. Strawberry Cream Refrigerator Cake 1 cup heavy cream ?.i cup confectioners sugar 1 teaspoon orange extract s i cup crushed strawberries 1 dozen ladyfingers Few whole strawberries for garnish Whip cream with sugar and orange flavoring until stiff. Fold in crushed strawberries. Have ready a glass dish (about 6x6x2) lined with waxed paper. Ar- range 6 ladyfingers in bottom of dish and spread half the straw- berry cream mixture over them. Repeat, using other half of lady- fingers and cream. Chill in re- frigerator 2-3 hours. Unmold on serving platter, remove waxed paper, and garnish with berries. Serves 4-5. A pretty dessert made with ice cream is an ice-cream sand- wich loaf. Frost it with whipped cream and decorate with pieces of fruit. Ice -Cream Sandwich Loaf 2 eggs 1 cup sugar is teaspoon vanilla ?a teaspoon lemon extract lea cups sifted flour 1/2 teaspoons baking powder !. i teaspoon salt VI cup milk, warmed 3 tablespoons butter ice cream whipped cream Beat eggs; beat sugar into eggs, Stir in flavorings. Sift to- gether the dry ingredients, and fold into egg mr ture just enough to moisten. Melt butter in warmed milk; sir into first mixture. Pour batter into greas- ed loaf pan and bake about 35 minutes at 350° F, Remove from oven; Iet stand five minutes, the invert on cake rack When cool, lift pan off. Slice loaf cake in half lengthwise. Place layer of ice cream on one layer (pre - packed ice cream may be sliced the desired thickness for this layer). Place second layer of cake on top of ice cream. Top with whipped cream. Keep in refrigerator until serving time, then slice and serve at table. IN APPLE•PIE ORDER—An apple tree grows right through the roof of this building in Pittsburgh, Richard Palumbo, who with his brother Dominic works in the building of the built-in timber, says the tree saves the necessity of using another supporting post. TOO POOCHED TO PARTICIPATE—Cleo, TV's sad -eyed basset hound, is dog-tired after spending a day with the 11 offspring of her stand-in, "Beauty," Beauty was stunting before the camera to give the star a rest (?), Modern Etiquette... Q. Is it necessary to acknow- ledge receipt of birthday or anniversary cards? A. If you mean by this, a note of acknowledgment, no. However, when you meet the sender of the card, it is always good manners to mention that the card was received and ap- preciated. Q. Is it the duty of the bride - elect to buy the dresses and ac- cessories for her bridesmaids? A, No. It is her duty to select the designs and material, but the bridesmaids must pay for their own outfits, Q. When hors d'oeuvres are served on picks, should they be eaten from the picks, or re- moved and eaten with the fin- gers? A. You should use the pick for conveying the morsel to your mouth. Q. Is it correct to send out Informal handwritten invita- tions to a very simple wedding? A. Yes, such as, "Dear Jane: John and I are being married at four o'clock Saturday, the first of next month. The ceremony will be at such -and -such church. We hope that you will come. Affectionately yours, Betty." Q. Is it permissible to sip wa- ter while one has food In one's mouth? A. No; this is considered bad manners. Only when one has taken a bite of food into the mouth that is too hot to handle is a sip of water condoned. Q. What would be the cor- rect way for two unmarried sisters to register at a hotel? A. They should register: "Miss Shirley Walton, Miss Sue Walton, Detroit, Mich," Q. How long should one stay when making a call of condol- ence at a friend's home? A. This call should be espe- cially brief — not longer than about ten or -fifteen minutes — unless, of course, the bereaved friend asks you to stay longer. Q. Should a woman keep her hat on when at an afternoon card party? A. She should remove it it the party is in a private home. if in a public place, she may either remove it or keep it on, as she wishes. Q. Is it correct to eat short- cake with the fork, or should a spoon be used? A. The fork should be used. Q, Is it considered proper for a guest at dinner to stack his used dishes when he has finish- ed eating? A, No; he should (cave them as they are. How Gay Where Those Middle Ages? It is strange that so little at- tention should have been paid to the gaiety of the Middle Ages. Now and then this unfamiliar aspect strikes an observant read- er so powerfully that, in its turn, it interferes with the gen- eral' perspective, Elizabeth Rob- ins Pennell, contemplating con- vent and castle and town, reach- ed the conclusion that when the Western world was young it was on the whole a very merry world. 'Drollery,' she wrote in one of her earlier essays, 'was the order of the day, Artisans and nobles, peasants and serfs, high and low, all dearly loved a jest, and all went chaffing through life as if it were .a carnival, and one's aim was to amuse and be amused. There was a grotesqueness and charm about the mischief of r• of those days which had never been before, and which can never be again.' , The court fool of the Middle Ages was not a sardonic com- mentator, but a cheerful acro- bat who could jump about, turn sommersaults, walk on his hands, mimic courtiers, make merry jests, and, when he dared, play rough practical jokes, Hitard, the fool of Edmund Ironside, ac- quired fame, though what leis- ure his royal master had to look at him, or listen to him, cannot be conceived. , . . Professional fools have often- times been frowned upon by the great and wise and supercilious. Seneca observed that if a man desired to laugh at folly, he could do no better than scrutinize him- self. Christian the First, King of Denmark in the fifteenth cen- tury, having been presented with a pair of fools, declined their services. He said that if he want- ed folly, his courtiers could sup- ply his needs. But the men of the Middle Ages were less cynical because less egotistical. Self - analysis played little part In their devel- opment, What they valued in a fool was the ready and recog- nizable joke at which they could freely laugh, Saint Louis, one of the wisest of his order, so rel- ished this fun -making that often, when it was proposed to read some pious chronicle, he post- poned being edified until after he had been amused. • , , The popularity of- court fools increased rather than diminished during the fifteenth and sixteen- th centuries. Cardinal Wolsey presented his own fool, Patch, to Henry the Eighth, greatly to the Kin,g's delight and to Patch's discomfiture, John Heywood, jester, dramatist, and scholar, survived Henry, and young Ed- ward the Sixth, who joked very little, and Queen Mary, who — so says Sir Frederic Madden -- 'was of a cultivated intelligence and fond of innocent fun.' Heywood could do more than jest, He made a Latin oration at the Queen's wedding. Men were then trained to listen to Latin orations. It speaks volumes for the discipline of a court. — From "In Pursuit of Laughter," by Agnes Repplier. Amos and Andy Just Keep Rollin' Along The "battle of the ratings" between Jackie Gleason, Perry Como, Milton Berle, Ed Sulliv- an and other TV giants roars on unnoticed by millions of "Amos 'n Andy" fans who flick their dials week after week to a program that goes all the way back to March, 1928, when Free- man Gosden and Charles Cor- rell took to the airwaves over a Chicago station for their first performance. What happened is radio his- tory, for within months the listening habit of a potion was changed! At 7:00 p.m. the whole fam- ily gathered around the radio to hear the antics ' of Madam Queen, Kingfish and the rest of the 160 characters Gosden and Correll created and acted; the financial difficulties of the Fresh Air Taxicab Co. became a na- tional institution; phrases such as "Ah's regusted l" and "Un - lax, boy unlax!" became part of, the American vocabulary. Almost overnight Correll (Andy) and Gosden (Amos) were in the $100,000 -a -year - bracket — when that really was money, But fame and success didn't change the warm and human quality of the show — or of its originators. Typical of their attitude was Gosden's remark after Presid- ent Hoover invited them to the White House: "We're just a couple of kids trying to make good." Just how "good" they made is indicated by these incidents. Once on the program Andy called a Harlem phone number that happened to be a real one. During the next few hours the poor woman who owned it re- ceived more than 600 calls. An- other time Amos lost his dog and mentioned it over the air. Ile was swamped with dozens of pooches sent as els, But in 1953 despair hit their fans when Amos 'n Andy an- nounced their retirement after their 10,000th broadcast. CBS reportedly paid the team two - million dollars for the show title. A TV show built around the original program also was started with an all -Negro cast. But Gosden and Correll couldn't stay idle. Soon they launched "Amos 'n Andy Mu- sic Hall" over CI3S on a five- day-a:week basis, and their de- voted funs still tune them in as regularly as they did a genera- tion ago. Although Correll and Gosden don't do all the work, they still supervise every exit, every entrance, every sound ef- fect. Jack Benny, a veteran in his own right, recently paid them this tribute: "As long as Amos 'n Andy keep broadcasting, radio has po- tency as an entertainment me- dium. At the rate they've been going, this should be just about forever." Their millions of fans hope so, because over the years, their wit and their humor have grown legend and endeared them -to the public. Remember some of these typ- ical Amos 'n Andy jokes? SAPPHIRE: George, dis is a perfect finish to all de horrible things you done in 1949. You never supported me. You is gypped all your friends. You is short at de lodge, You is tricked Andy into marryin'. You is broken poor Abigail's heart. Dat's a fine record. KINGFISH: Yeah, come to think of it, I guess I did have a pretty big year at dal! * * * KINGFISH: Although you is up dere wid de preacher, you don't actually marry de gal. All you gotta do is stand at de altar, say "I do" an' slip the ring on her finger. ANDY: Well, if dat ain't git- tin' married, dere's a lot of people on dere honeymoon dal is just kiddin' demselvesl * * KINGFISH: It's whut's, inside a person dat counts. Abigail Is got a beautiful spirit, a wonder- ful heart and a lovely soul,. ANDY: Yeah, I'd really have sumpin' if II could ever turn her inside out. * * SHORTY: Abigail's brother is up heah to avenge his sis- ter, an' he say he gonna bring Andy back to her dead or alive. KINGFISH: Holy smokes! Whut does dis feller look like? SHORTY: Well, he's six foot two, an' he's carryin' a gun. De rest of his appearance is nuth- in' to worry 'bout. * * * KINGFISH: When Abigail's brother finds out she seed you, you know sumpn'? ANDY: What's dat? KINGFISH: De next time I tells dat story about you bein' dead, you may be layin' dere to back me up. * * * ATTORNEY: Miss Blue, is it not true that every time you went into Andy Brown's office, he wanted to kiss you? MISS BLUE: Oh, no sub, not every time. Sometimes he want- ed me to kiss him. * * * CRAWFORD: I walked into de parlor and found Andy hug - gin' my niece, and he say he was teaching her joo-jit-soo. ATTORNEY: Did you accept that explanation? CRAWFORD: Well, all I know is if dat was joo•jit-soo, de Japanese have a wonderful time, * ANDY: If that leopard comes near me, 1'nt going to take this shotgun and give him another eyeball right in the centre of the forehead! * * . AMOS: I'ni so miserable I'd have to cheer myself up to get in the mood to commit suicide, * * * AMOS: If there's one thing I can't stand, it's pedestrians. Why don't dey get a car and defend themselves? $ A * ANDY: She got her •teeth :from the dentist, her transfor- mation from the beauty parlor, her eyelashes from the drug- store and her figure from the U.S. Rubber Company. KINGFISH: Yeah. Between now and the wedding, a strike in one of them industries could kill the romance, * * * AMOS; There's an old Chinese proverb about a jailhouse: "It's better to be guilty on the out- side than innocent on the in- side." * * KINGFISH; Now look heah, Andy. Lemme tell you about dis double indemnity wid de accident feature. Jus' suppose you was up in de Empire State Building — way up on de 79th floor. You lose your balance an' fall from de 79th floor to de sidewalk. My company will pay you $15 a week as long as you live, ANDY: Dey will, huh? KINGFISH: An' another nice little feature about dat part'lar accident. De time of de pay- ments don' start from de time you hits de sidewalk, Dey itart from de time you leaves de window. Bronze razor, dating back to the eighth century, B.C., was found recently in Ancona, Italy. Needed sharpening. Our bar- ber's. got one to match it in ' dullness if not in antiquity. HE TUNES WINNERS—Mechanic A. J. Watson, builans up what he hopes will be the winning car in the annual 500 -mile Memorial Day classic of motordom at Indianapolis. Last year's winning car, also prepared for the track by Watson, is directly behind the "8 -ball," The vehicles are sisters under the hood. Each is powered by a 270 -cubic -inch, four -cylinder engine, Both will be entered in this year's race. 7h€, GREEN TIIUMI c , ". ,,Gordon Smith. eri o „ ► Back Savers Long handled tools save stooping and backs, and often do the work just as well and a lot more quickly, It is sur- prising how accurate and quick- ly one can do thinning and weeding of even tiny stuff with a long -handled sharp hoe or cul- tivator provided the same is narrow or comes to a point. The D -shaped dutch hoes are excel- lent things for killing weeds and loosening up the top soil, but one must be careful in us- ing too close to sprawly vege- tables and flowers. There are all softs of tiny rakes, mirels and cultivator's. With artr of this equipment the work will be cut in two if the edges are kept sharp and clean, An old file will be handy. Soil Building If the vegetable garden is a fair size and a little bigger than we really need for the whole season, it is an excellent idea and a labour saver to set a strip aside and plant this with some cover crop like buckwheat, oats, or clover, sown fairly thick and broadcast. Soon this crop takes over, chokes out the weeds, and we let it grow for several weeks. Then when a foot or so high and still green, we have it plowed or spaded under. In this way we save ourselves the trouble of constant cultivation to keep the weeds down and we do something more, we add valuable humus and fertility to the soil, It is really amazing what a few cover crops turned . under will do in the way of loosening up the heaviest day or adding what is termed body to sandy soil. Year Round Enjoyment The average European expects to get pleasure and food out of his garden every day in the year. Of course his winters are usually much milder, but we can learn a great deal from these experienced old country people just the same. In far too many cases the Canadian gar- dener thinks just of a few months in the summer awl even less when It comes to vegetables. It's a feast or famine, A few weeks when the lettuce, spin- ach and radishes .are just right. A few days of feasting on green peas or fresh corn, a little longer for tomatoes perhaps, and cu- cumbers and melons. That's pretty' wasteful gar- SI(IN OF HIS TEETH - Take it for what it's worth, but ma- gician George Grimmond of London claims he can catch bullets in his teeth. A marked bullet 'is fired point - blank at the 55 • year - old Grimmond, who immediately is seen with a similarly marked bullet in his teeth. The trick has been branded a hoax, but six magi- cians have been killed while performing the stunt. PUZZLE CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Constellation 4. Punctuation ' mark 8. rim tel 12. Ila!, 11'r.l '11 Iresh•wnle.r porpoise 14,Cotton cloth 11. Black cuckoo 14, litems ; 1 7. Chilled ;10, Part t 20, Sidetrack 22, t'nrt of t. shoe 231, gent 21. I'nces 27. Stint ter .30. King 1 Pr.) 31, Huy b:,ck ,34 Outdoor game '34. Swiss canton 37, holding 39. Assail 41. t'atd ctrl• nnuncement 42. 11,ormotu 48, Aleeting place 43. Heavenly food 49, ‘vnlrhonnd .51, Unadulterated 53, Opening I. lklarricii tt•wn,t o FG• Ili 'slap mountains iie. Augment 17. Skip -shaped clocks Ilire 19, Color DOWN I. Shams 2. Hindu queen 3. biting 4. Position designer 6.111 addition 6. Afternoon nap Barbecue Sauces Dress Up Spring's Chickens for Your Table By DOROTHY MADDOX The barbecue season is almost hen:. Isere are recipes for two special sauces which are delicious and di:erent. Broiled Barbecued Chicken (2 servings) One and one-half to 21/2•pound chicken, 1/a cup melted butter, If chicken is frozen,'thaw, Split chicken into 2 halves, Rinse in cold water, Dry, Break hip, knee, and wing joints, Pour lemon sauce (see below) over chicken and allow to stand one hour. Drain. Pull leg and wing to the body and hold in place by skewers to make a compact piece. Season with salt and pepper. Place on broiler pan 6 to 7 inches under heat source, Broil slowly. Turn every 11 to 15 minutes and brush with melted butter. Repeat for 40 minutes or until tender. Lemon Sauce One clove garlic, 1.4 cup salad oil, % .cup lepton juice, 2 table- spoons grated. onion, 1/4 teaspoon salt, % teaspoon pepper, 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme. Ham sauce is another special treat for serving with chicken. Chicken with Ilam Sauce (4 servings) One chicken, 3 to 4 pounds, ready -to -cook weight; 3 table- spoons cooking oil, 1 cup diced onion, 1 cup slivered, cooked ham; 2 tablespoons flour, 8 -ounce can tomato sauce, 3 -ounce can sliced, broiled mushrooms, 1 cup concentrated orange juice, 1,4 tea- spoon salt, 1/a teaspoon pepper. Cut chicken in serving -size pieces, wash and dry carefully. Heat oil in large heavy skillet or Dutch oven over moderate heat. Add chicken and brown quickly on all sides. Remove from skillet. Add onion and ham, Cook, stirring frequently, for about 3 minutes, Blend in flour, add tomato sauce and mushrooms, orange juice, salt, pepper. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils, dening. With the many varieties we have today, it is possible to spread even relatively short sea- son things like corn, peas and spinach over week s. This spreading can be further ex- tended by planting each variety and type at least three times, first earlier than usual, • then about the average time and finally two or three weeks later, In this way we get far more volume and far higher - quality, too. Handling Slopes Except where the garden lay- out is very tiny, a sharp dif- ference in levels can be really into an advantage. Here we can use something different, like a rock garden or a series of steps Springtime barbecue is a zestful treat for all when tangy lemon sauce is used to marinate the bird, Return chicken to skillet, cover and simmer gently until meat 13 tender, about 15 minutes, turning and basting occasionally. Serve with hot rice, spaghetti or noodles. or a stone wall . perhaps, or a hedge. We use these to break the connection between the up- per and lower level. This will add to the attractiveness and Individuality of any layout. The general plan is to make both the upper and lower parts level, then take up the differ- ence between in one slope, It there is a very big difference, a wall will probably be necessary with steps coming down, But quite a difference, up to three feet or more, can often be ab- sorbed by a rock garden or even a combination of shrubs, trees and flowers. The shrubs and trees, of course, hold the sloping soil, especially during spring run offs. TlIEFARM FRONT Ventilation of barns requires more air circulation during the spring and fall season than dur- ing the winter.' When the out- side temperature is 40 degrees above zero, 6 to 10 times more air is needed than at 20 below zero, according to W. Kalbfleiscis of the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Under mild con- ditions natural flue ventilation is inadequate but fans can pro- vide a positive movement of air. • The primary purpose of barn ventilation is to remove mois- ture from the building. When tht cold, outside air is moved through a barn it picks up a large amount of moisture. In contrast to this the outside air in April and October is normal- ly damp and does not pick up much moisture when passing through the barn. • At an outside temperature of 40 degrees and a barn tempera- ture of 50 degrees, about 100 cu- bic feet of air is required to remove the moisture •produced by a dairy cow. For a barn with 25 cows, a fan should have a capacity of at least 2,500 cubic feet per minute operating on a 7. Allnced dish 29. L'prinht prop al, Chats 32, Sooner shun 33, Female ride 35. Russian rifer 30, Character 40 Sea birds 43, rags 41, Serpent 45, 1lound 47,11oad 40, fuse 49. Beard of r. rain recline wnrke.i 3. 'Card stone 9. Church rend• Ing desk 10. Anglo•Saxon Icing 11.1.11181'y Minn 19. Otherwise 21. Theater attendant 23. l:gypllan singing girl 25. Taro paste 25. Little cit•I 20 Stnnll Answer elsewhere on this page. one -c uarter horse -power motor. • • • At a temperature of 45 de- grees, approximately 150 cubic feet is needed per head or rough- ly 4,000 feet for 25 cows. Above this temperature, the air re- quirements increase so rapidly that it is advisable to open all doors and windows to secure sufficient ventilation. • * . '1'o handle small amounts of air during the middle of the winter and a large volume in the spring and fall, it is desirable to use two of more fans in large barns, With this arrangement one fan can be operated in cold weather and all fans during mild weather. In smaller barns of Tess than 30 cows, it is more -economical to use one fan with a double speed motor or a unit having belt pulleys of two or three sizes, By this means the air flow through the barn can be regu- lated and the danger of cold drafts reduced during the cold woo ther. • Millions of board feet of tim- ber are destroyed annually by forest insects. To combat this de- struction, forest entomological laboratories ' have been estab- lished in all timber producing provinces of Canada. Pest con- trol is not a simple thing and there is still much to be learned in this field of research. The coming World Congress of en- tomology to be held in Montreal next August, should give lead- ing scientists from all over the world an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas on the sub- ject. • • • Extensive killing of trees by lea; eating insects such as the spruce hudworm is the most conspicuous type of damage caused by forest insects. Epi- demics of this nature may be so widespread and resulting .tree mortality so great that it is im- possible to salvage dead timber before it begins to deteriorate. Wand beetles and ambrosia beeflcs, aided by sap -rotting fungi, cause rapid deterioration of standing dead trees. This vastly increases the difficulty of carrying out profitable salvage operations. • •• Establishment of plantations of healthy, well formed trees is also interfered with by insects. Common damage, resulting in deformities and stunted growth, k catis:'d by such pests as the white pine weevil, and Euro- pean pine shoot moth. Depletion of the seed supply of valuable coniferous trees is caused by a number of insects which attack the developing seeds and cones. This type of injury has assumed greater im- portance in recent years due to increased demands for forest tree seed both at home and abroad. One impostant pnase of forest research is the operation of a forest insect survey, This infor- mation supplies a continuous record of infestations and their periodic fluctuations in all parts of Canada, Natural contra! measures are' presently being studied and used in conjunction with chemical control. Parasites, introduced frpm abroad, and a virus disease, •1, ayet effectively controlled the ' u'rQpean , spruce sawfly. Not :than years ago this insect was rat, as he most serious threat t the spruce stands of eastern )North America. Also a European virus, introduced its 1949 to com- bat the European pine sawfly, has been used successfully in aerial spraying operations to protect plantations of Scots pine in southern Ontario. Introduc- tion of predacious insects is an- other means of natural control which has shown some merit in recent years. Some species have been imported from Europe to combat the balsam woolly aphid in the Maritime provinces. How They Live In The Philipines Behind the mountains of Bag- uio, the summer capital of the Philippines, a mother's work be- gins even before the sun has risen. While the leaves in the fruit yard drip with dew, Doneii pre- pares the family breakfast. Her pot of .sweet potatoes is sup- ported by three stones arranged in a triangle and set on a firm, level spot. Direct heat comes from the burning firewood ar- ranged in between the stones. While breakfast is being cook- ed. Doneii's husband is out in the rice fields doing whatever important work can be done in the cool of the morning. A little before mid-morning, he arrives from work and break- fast is all ready for hint. Ile eats his sweet potatoes and after- wards a cup of hot rich cocoa bought from the village gro- cery store or from fruit pods of the cacao tree which grows in the back yard. After Doneii serves her husband, then she eats with the children. How D o n e ii can keep her days' and weeks' work in order without any memo calendar is sometimes a wonder. Two weeks ago, she noticed that her sweet potato patch in Dontog needed to be weeded, there were cu- cumbers ready to be harvested, and a little space to be replant- ed' with corn. She must return after seven days and today is the eighth day. Since Doneii expects to stay in the patch until late afternoon. she must. bring her lunch. From the meal,. which she salted and preserved by drying in the sun, she gets a few slices and roasts them in live charcoal. She wraps this together with newly cooked red rice 111 soft banana leaves and places this lunch in a small bamboo basket, As for water, there is a spring found not far from her vegetable and potato patch. On the way to work, Doneii plays her bamboo musical in- strument. Aside from harvesting, weed- ing and planting, Doneii tills the ground around the roots of the sweet potato vines. She also takes mental note of the condi- tion of the fences around the patch. If they need any mend- ing, her husband must know about it. The afternoon now gone, Don- eii leaves for home, and gets there before her husband does. Her basket empty except for her lunch is now filled with sweet potatoes, cucumbers, a head of yellow squash, ,string beans, a hand of bananas, and even fire- wood. As soon as she arrives home, Doneii prepares for the evening meal, Aside from rice, she also cooks vegetables, She lets a pot of water boil and puts in chick- en meat chopped into s m a 11 pieces. Irish potatoes cut into cubes are boiled with the meat. When both ane tender, Doneii adds the green beans which she cleaned and broke into thirds while waiting for the meat and potatoes to cook. As an end product, Doneii has vegetables, meat and soup, the last of which has the flavor of the different ingredients which were cook ed in the boiling water. The soup is equivalent to canned soup which the mod- ern house -mother buys from a supermarket, opens, and heats in a few minutes. For dessert, Doneii's family has either ba- nana, pineapple, or papaya - whichever fruit is in season. While Doneii does not have dish towels, she does not stack her dishes in an improvised cup- board. The dishes are dried out- side in a rack set beside the water jars. When the family is out m the fields so that the meal is cooked outside, the plates are washed beside a running brook. Soft green grass leaves are as effec- tive as sponges and sand is used as a' substitute for soap. The use of the sand on the enamel plates is just as effective as any cleanser on silverware, china- ware, or glassware. After diene r, the family gathers around a fire and there is a give and take of stories as well as news of village events which have taken place during the day. When bedtime comes, Doneii brings out a wide mat and spreads it open on the floor which is made of clean and polished "rono" sticks w oven and held together by rattan vines gathered from the forest. The floor of the hut is a few feet above ground level and *jSSON 001 It. Barclay Marren, 13,A., B.D. The Gospel for All Men Acts 11;1-18 Memory Selection; I. perceive that God is no respector oA persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is ae•• cepted with Min, Acts 10;34- 35. Jesus in his last interview with his disciples said, "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and In all Judea, and in Samaria. and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Their first witness was at Jerusalem. After the martyr- dom of Stephen they were scat- tered throughout Judea and Sa- maria. So far their ministry, was to Jews. But the command had said, "Unto the uttermost part of the earth." That meant that the Gentiles tvere to hear the Good News of the Saviour. To- day's lesson relates how God spoke to the devout Roman cen- turion telling him to send for Simon Peter. Peter ,had to be prepared for the coaling of the messengers by a vision also. • Peter overcame his racial pre- judice and went to the Roman's house, God pouted out the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and his friends just as he had upon the Jews. Peter was prepared to face his Jewish brethren and related the wonderful experi- ence. He said in conclusion, "Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?" They all agreed, "Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repen- tance unto life." Every race thinks itself super- ior to all others. Paul said, "God -hath made of one blood alt nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth." Some races have advanced more ra- pidly in the development of the earth's resources, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all. Recently we noticed a picture of Jesus with children of differ- ent races about him. The white child had a favored position. It a Chinese artist were doing suck a painting he would give the yellow child the preferred posi- tion. Jesus actually loves the black child as much as either. Let us not despise those of other races but humble ourselves un- der the mighty hand of God. there are several reasons for this. Under the floor are kept baskets, gardening tools, the mortar and pestle. Also, one finds a bench or two which any foot traveler is welcome to use when he wants to rest on his way to a distant place. The raised floor keeps stray animals like chickens and doge from entering the house. Prowl- ers are likewise discouraged from gaining entrance. The stepladder is raised in the evening when the whole family retires, lowered in the morning, and raised up again and kept in a secure place when the family has gone to the fields. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking aazi ma 9 gN a)ia -1vbn des nand N'1 VNN`t1'W 1S�b1 Ig -an ae la sa abnNal. Ib SUNNalIWaad Ipb�Hsdlds al5d'.-laa Nn HS banns ads a 0 d NEW 11 a 1 1 S5 CI VINI HS•Ci 71-91 HICKORY-DICKORY CLOCK - Unique timepiece beim shown by owner Wes Engles to a young friend must have been inspired by the old "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" nursery rhyme. Ala Mother Goose, when the toy Blouse on ancient clock reaches one o'clock, it starts down again. •: - 27 '26•z9 `' r30 31 32. ::4r t •34 ' IS 36 s37 38 4\`�, ,ti''>: 39 as t; 94 v. w 42. 4.'S 44 45,. , : :.. - 47 + • '•••.,:„51 ff: 3z t'53 54 55 :§..,"::t6 1.59 57 n' :sic• 58 _ 4.5 Answer elsewhere on this page. one -c uarter horse -power motor. • • • At a temperature of 45 de- grees, approximately 150 cubic feet is needed per head or rough- ly 4,000 feet for 25 cows. Above this temperature, the air re- quirements increase so rapidly that it is advisable to open all doors and windows to secure sufficient ventilation. • * . '1'o handle small amounts of air during the middle of the winter and a large volume in the spring and fall, it is desirable to use two of more fans in large barns, With this arrangement one fan can be operated in cold weather and all fans during mild weather. In smaller barns of Tess than 30 cows, it is more -economical to use one fan with a double speed motor or a unit having belt pulleys of two or three sizes, By this means the air flow through the barn can be regu- lated and the danger of cold drafts reduced during the cold woo ther. • Millions of board feet of tim- ber are destroyed annually by forest insects. To combat this de- struction, forest entomological laboratories ' have been estab- lished in all timber producing provinces of Canada. Pest con- trol is not a simple thing and there is still much to be learned in this field of research. The coming World Congress of en- tomology to be held in Montreal next August, should give lead- ing scientists from all over the world an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas on the sub- ject. • • • Extensive killing of trees by lea; eating insects such as the spruce hudworm is the most conspicuous type of damage caused by forest insects. Epi- demics of this nature may be so widespread and resulting .tree mortality so great that it is im- possible to salvage dead timber before it begins to deteriorate. Wand beetles and ambrosia beeflcs, aided by sap -rotting fungi, cause rapid deterioration of standing dead trees. This vastly increases the difficulty of carrying out profitable salvage operations. • •• Establishment of plantations of healthy, well formed trees is also interfered with by insects. Common damage, resulting in deformities and stunted growth, k catis:'d by such pests as the white pine weevil, and Euro- pean pine shoot moth. Depletion of the seed supply of valuable coniferous trees is caused by a number of insects which attack the developing seeds and cones. This type of injury has assumed greater im- portance in recent years due to increased demands for forest tree seed both at home and abroad. One impostant pnase of forest research is the operation of a forest insect survey, This infor- mation supplies a continuous record of infestations and their periodic fluctuations in all parts of Canada, Natural contra! measures are' presently being studied and used in conjunction with chemical control. Parasites, introduced frpm abroad, and a virus disease, •1, ayet effectively controlled the ' u'rQpean , spruce sawfly. Not :than years ago this insect was rat, as he most serious threat t the spruce stands of eastern )North America. Also a European virus, introduced its 1949 to com- bat the European pine sawfly, has been used successfully in aerial spraying operations to protect plantations of Scots pine in southern Ontario. Introduc- tion of predacious insects is an- other means of natural control which has shown some merit in recent years. Some species have been imported from Europe to combat the balsam woolly aphid in the Maritime provinces. How They Live In The Philipines Behind the mountains of Bag- uio, the summer capital of the Philippines, a mother's work be- gins even before the sun has risen. While the leaves in the fruit yard drip with dew, Doneii pre- pares the family breakfast. Her pot of .sweet potatoes is sup- ported by three stones arranged in a triangle and set on a firm, level spot. Direct heat comes from the burning firewood ar- ranged in between the stones. While breakfast is being cook- ed. Doneii's husband is out in the rice fields doing whatever important work can be done in the cool of the morning. A little before mid-morning, he arrives from work and break- fast is all ready for hint. Ile eats his sweet potatoes and after- wards a cup of hot rich cocoa bought from the village gro- cery store or from fruit pods of the cacao tree which grows in the back yard. After Doneii serves her husband, then she eats with the children. How D o n e ii can keep her days' and weeks' work in order without any memo calendar is sometimes a wonder. Two weeks ago, she noticed that her sweet potato patch in Dontog needed to be weeded, there were cu- cumbers ready to be harvested, and a little space to be replant- ed' with corn. She must return after seven days and today is the eighth day. Since Doneii expects to stay in the patch until late afternoon. she must. bring her lunch. From the meal,. which she salted and preserved by drying in the sun, she gets a few slices and roasts them in live charcoal. She wraps this together with newly cooked red rice 111 soft banana leaves and places this lunch in a small bamboo basket, As for water, there is a spring found not far from her vegetable and potato patch. On the way to work, Doneii plays her bamboo musical in- strument. Aside from harvesting, weed- ing and planting, Doneii tills the ground around the roots of the sweet potato vines. She also takes mental note of the condi- tion of the fences around the patch. If they need any mend- ing, her husband must know about it. The afternoon now gone, Don- eii leaves for home, and gets there before her husband does. Her basket empty except for her lunch is now filled with sweet potatoes, cucumbers, a head of yellow squash, ,string beans, a hand of bananas, and even fire- wood. As soon as she arrives home, Doneii prepares for the evening meal, Aside from rice, she also cooks vegetables, She lets a pot of water boil and puts in chick- en meat chopped into s m a 11 pieces. Irish potatoes cut into cubes are boiled with the meat. When both ane tender, Doneii adds the green beans which she cleaned and broke into thirds while waiting for the meat and potatoes to cook. As an end product, Doneii has vegetables, meat and soup, the last of which has the flavor of the different ingredients which were cook ed in the boiling water. The soup is equivalent to canned soup which the mod- ern house -mother buys from a supermarket, opens, and heats in a few minutes. For dessert, Doneii's family has either ba- nana, pineapple, or papaya - whichever fruit is in season. While Doneii does not have dish towels, she does not stack her dishes in an improvised cup- board. The dishes are dried out- side in a rack set beside the water jars. When the family is out m the fields so that the meal is cooked outside, the plates are washed beside a running brook. Soft green grass leaves are as effec- tive as sponges and sand is used as a' substitute for soap. The use of the sand on the enamel plates is just as effective as any cleanser on silverware, china- ware, or glassware. After diene r, the family gathers around a fire and there is a give and take of stories as well as news of village events which have taken place during the day. When bedtime comes, Doneii brings out a wide mat and spreads it open on the floor which is made of clean and polished "rono" sticks w oven and held together by rattan vines gathered from the forest. The floor of the hut is a few feet above ground level and *jSSON 001 It. Barclay Marren, 13,A., B.D. The Gospel for All Men Acts 11;1-18 Memory Selection; I. perceive that God is no respector oA persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is ae•• cepted with Min, Acts 10;34- 35. Jesus in his last interview with his disciples said, "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and In all Judea, and in Samaria. and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Their first witness was at Jerusalem. After the martyr- dom of Stephen they were scat- tered throughout Judea and Sa- maria. So far their ministry, was to Jews. But the command had said, "Unto the uttermost part of the earth." That meant that the Gentiles tvere to hear the Good News of the Saviour. To- day's lesson relates how God spoke to the devout Roman cen- turion telling him to send for Simon Peter. Peter ,had to be prepared for the coaling of the messengers by a vision also. • Peter overcame his racial pre- judice and went to the Roman's house, God pouted out the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and his friends just as he had upon the Jews. Peter was prepared to face his Jewish brethren and related the wonderful experi- ence. He said in conclusion, "Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God?" They all agreed, "Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repen- tance unto life." Every race thinks itself super- ior to all others. Paul said, "God -hath made of one blood alt nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth." Some races have advanced more ra- pidly in the development of the earth's resources, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all. Recently we noticed a picture of Jesus with children of differ- ent races about him. The white child had a favored position. It a Chinese artist were doing suck a painting he would give the yellow child the preferred posi- tion. Jesus actually loves the black child as much as either. Let us not despise those of other races but humble ourselves un- der the mighty hand of God. there are several reasons for this. Under the floor are kept baskets, gardening tools, the mortar and pestle. Also, one finds a bench or two which any foot traveler is welcome to use when he wants to rest on his way to a distant place. The raised floor keeps stray animals like chickens and doge from entering the house. Prowl- ers are likewise discouraged from gaining entrance. The stepladder is raised in the evening when the whole family retires, lowered in the morning, and raised up again and kept in a secure place when the family has gone to the fields. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking aazi ma 9 gN a)ia -1vbn des nand N'1 VNN`t1'W 1S�b1 Ig -an ae la sa abnNal. Ib SUNNalIWaad Ipb�Hsdlds al5d'.-laa Nn HS banns ads a 0 d NEW 11 a 1 1 S5 CI VINI HS•Ci 71-91 HICKORY-DICKORY CLOCK - Unique timepiece beim shown by owner Wes Engles to a young friend must have been inspired by the old "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" nursery rhyme. Ala Mother Goose, when the toy Blouse on ancient clock reaches one o'clock, it starts down again. i PAGE is 1111111110* SUPERIOR FOOD MARKETS WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OUR OPENING ... SPECIALS NEXT WEEK, • Mr. and Mrs. Charles St. Michael. 'tom STADA1D ' PERSONAL INTEREST East Wawanosh .Council Mr, and Mrs, R, Chalmers and lain. The council met May 181, with all the ily visited the former's father at Acton members present,- the reeve presiding, on Sunday, Mr, Chalmers Is In his The minutes of the meeting held April 89th. year, , 3rd, were read and adopted on motion Miss Lenora' II'ggins, London, Mr, of McGowan and Buchanan, and Mrs, J,. A, Higgins and family, vie. Moved by Iianna and Purdon, thot it$c( .their parents over the' week -end, the council join the Huron County Mrs. Pennebaker, Clinton, and Mr, Munlclpul Officer's Association and and' -Mrs, Gordon 'Walker, Wingham, pay the fee of $15,00, ;:Carried, Moved by McGowan end Buchanan, that the tender of Frank Kirkby for constructing the Purdon Municipal Drain for $1,473.00, the Township to supply the tile and pipe, be accepted, the work to be completed before th,m 1st of September, 1956, Carried, Moved by Purdon and Hanna, that the road and general accounts as pre sented, be passed and paid. Carried. The Court of Revision was held and the By -Law rend for the Johnston Mun- icipal Drain, as there were no appeals, tt was moved by Buchanan and Mc Gowan that the Johnston Municipal Drain By -Law as rend the third time, be passed, and the Cuurt of Revision I'o closed, Curried, Roods—S, 1VIolurney, salary, $175,00, bills paid, 1,10; Win. T, Irwin, wages, 88,40, trucking snow fence, 82.00, John Jamieson, wages, 9,00, Robert Burchill, wages, 30.75, Sydney Thompson, wages,. 26.25, Merkley Motors, 10 gals, Tellus 27, 10.70, Howard Machan, repairing sprayer screen, 4,75, Reuvle's Service Station,' 130 grader, 5,00, brake fluid, 1.25; Purdon Motors, I 30 grader, 7.49, truck, 1,60; Geo, Radford, snow remov- al, 47,60, Ross Jamieson, patching wash- outs, 00.00, Wm, Kennedy, 40 yds. grav- el, 2,00, Russell Purdon, spring road repairs 12,00, Can, 011 Co., oil and grease, 14.35, gasoline, 47.88, fuel oil. called on their cousins, MI'. and Mrs, C. Higgins, Miss Nornui liter slatted a few days In Detroit hast week and had' the priv- ilege of attending performance by Use Philadelphia Phllhnrmenle Orchestra, conducted by the famed Eugene Or- mandy, We are pleased to report that Mr, Chester Higgins, who has been 111, is showing improvement in health, Mr, John lfoggitt and Mr. Harry Carrick spent a few days in Detroit last week, after attending the funeral of the former's brother,' Mr, Louts Haggttt, of Purtlund, Michigan. Miss Patricia Carrick spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, M; Cum - PHONE 156 •-• WE DELIVER, mings of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fletcher and daughter, Judy, of Sault Ste. Marie, re - "44+44404 aH4-6444444.44444 44-1 441 4444 44 44+4'4+444144444 turned home on Sunday after spending • the past week with their Hunt and BLYTH BEAUTY BAR uncle, Mr. and Mrs, 1, S. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. 1Ioward Wallace and daughter, Nita Jean, of • Brampton, spent a week -end recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, I. S, " Wallace. Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Balnton have „ recently returned from an enjoyable . holiday in Florida, I Recent guests of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McVitt!e were Mr. and Mrs,' G, W. Godfrey, Parry Sound, Mr. W. 39,60; Dom. Road Mach. Co,, grader 1{. Godfrey, Vancouver, 13,C„ Mr. and repairs, 14,77, Treas. of Ont., tax on Mrs. Wm. East and Phillip, London, fuel oil, 22,00. Mr, and Mrs. Elliott Taylor, Ripley, General—Harry Deacon, salary us J r YOUR BEAUTY — YOUR BUSINESS AND MINE, STOP AT THE B B B FOR APPO1NTMIENTS PHONE 143, 4 44+4444 +444 4 4-•-444 *4.44 444 44.44 * *44-44444 44-4444-4 44444'' W0NIIIINF/ IINJINIII*OS I M+INIINININNIINI#NI ### #II#1t#44# I Mr. and Mrs, E, East, Brenda and Kar - Stewart's Red C3 White Food Market SHOP RED & WHITE AND SAVE PHONE 9 WE DELIVER Quaker Corn Flakes (giant pkg.) ....... 2 for 43c Allen's Apple Juice 48 Oz. 24c Wagstaffe's Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade 2:1 Oz. 25c Pillsbury Cake Mix 16 Oz. Pkg. 31c Fisherman Sockeye Salmon tin 45c FOR MOTHER'S DAY Golden Hour Chocolate 1 lb. box 89c Dixie Brand Nylons pair 89c Fresh Fruits t Vegetables Pineapples each 29c Sunkist Oranges (258'5) 2 doz. 79c Florida Grapefruit '1 for 29c Crisp IIcad Lettuce head 18c Crisp Tender Celery 2 bunches 25c Select No. 1 P.E.I. Potatoes 10 lb. bag 51c Fresh Asparagus Ib. 39c Tender New Cabbage ib. 10c Tender Sweet Carrots 2 pkgs. 29c ThisWeek's Feature Premium 5 piece Snack Set (assorted colors) . , . , , , only ;1!Ie 5 piece Set (assorted colors) , , , . , , only 39c (with each $5.00 purchase) DELIVERY — 1 LAST MORNING DELIVERY: 10:30. LAST AFTERNOON DELIVERY: 4 :30. iI11.4.I1IN IIIA# NIIIIN ONO IIIIIIN* IN INI NJNIIN, Wingham. Memorial Shop Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP, Open Every Week Day. CEMETERY LETTERING. Phone 256, Wingham R. A. SPOTTON. Teacher Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER required in Sept. for Junior Grades of Blyth Public School, 4 rooms. , Apply, stating qualifications, age, phone num- ber, salary expected, and name of present Inspcc- tor. Applications received up to and until May 12th. BERNARD HALL, Secretary, 22.2• Box 83, Blyth, Ont. . , en, Auburn, and Mr, and Mrs. Chester Taylor, Lucknow, Mr. Donald Armstrong of the Gordon C. Leitch lake freighter, spent n few hours Monday evening with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. James Armstrong. The boat was docked at Sarnia, I Mr, and Mrs. J. R. SOU of Winnipeg, Alan., visited last Friday with Misses IOlive McGill and Isabel Fux, on their return trip from St, Petersburg, Florida, Mrs. R. N. Patten, of St. George, spent a few days last week with her sister, Miss Isabel Fox and Miss Oliva I McGill. W. -F, Inspector, 166,95, Frank Cooper, wages as W. -F, Sprayer, 149.50, Earl Caldwell, wages as W. -F, helper, 132,00, Cr. to Roads for use and maintenance of truck, 14840, Rec.-Gen, of Canada, income tax remitted, 11,50, Huron Co. Mun, Officers' Association, 15.00, The Wingham Advance -Times, adv. re Pur - don drain, 3.42, The Wingham Rural Fire Committee, 1955 account, 75.00, Moved by Hanna and Purdon that the Council adjourn to meet June 5th at 1 o'clock at the Belgravc Community Centre, Carried. Orval'E, Taylor, R. 11 Thompson, Reeve, Clerk, Londesboro News Mrs, Robert Davey and daughter, treasurer, Correspondence was read Debbie, nrrived in Calgary, Alta„ atterand dealt with, A donation is to be spending the past few weeks with her I given to the cancer fund. Delegater ! fomlly, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesk and i were appointed to the District Annual Douglas. Imeeting•to"be held at Blyth on June 6, Mr. Bruce Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Wel- namely, Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs, E. lace Riley and two sons, of Niagara, Throope and Mrs. W. Howatt, Treas- 1spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs urer's report was given and roll cull Gordon Radford, They also attended answered by "1S you could have one ' the funeral of Mrs, Mabel Riley. more labor-saving device, whaf`would it Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt, •Ken and be," _ I Faye, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs,- Mrs, Lyon gave a paper on Mental I Andrew Gaunt, of Lucknow, Health, which wos prepared by her Visitors with Air. and Mrs. Wesley daughter, Vern Lyon, Reg. N,, who is Vodden were, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard nursing in Hazelton, B.C. - I Vodden and family, of Paris, Mr. and The progrum consisted of a sing -song < 1' Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Muriel, Mr, with Mrs, T. Allen nt the piano. iand Mrs, Gordon Gurrow and daughters, I Officers For Year: Mr. and Mrs, G. T, Robinson, of Ni. 1 The officers for the year are us fol. agara Falls, attended the funeral of .lows; their sister, Mrs. Mabel Riley, President, Mrs. Stanley Lyon. Mrs. Hszel Cole and Jimmy, Mr. and 1st Vice, Mrs, Edwin 1Vond, Mrs. Paul Quinlon, of Marmora, also 2nd Vice, Mrs. Arthur Colson. 'Wended the funeral of Mrs, Riley, Secy -Treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Clark, Others from n distance were, Mr. and Press Reporter, Mrs. Harry Durnin, Mrs. Alec Grainger, Mr. and Mrs. John District Director, Mrs, Bert Shot). i Fields, of Stayner, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd brook. Lynn, Harold and Dorothy, Mrs. J. Pianist, Mrs, T. Allen. Wilson, of Clundeboye, Assistant, Mrs, J. Armstrong. 1 ondesboro W. I. Flower and Card Convenors, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs, E. Ilesk, Mrs. I., Reid, Mrs, Tait Clark of the Tiger Dunlop Mrs, L. Ilunking, Mrs, Bert Allen, W. 1. opened the meeting of the Lon -1 Auditors, Mrs. W. Reid, Mrs. Arthur desboro W. I., on Thursday, May 3rd, Colson. with the singing of 0 Canada and the I Conveners of Standing Committees, Opening Ode. The officers for the . Agriculture and Cnnadian Industries, year were then installed, followed by Mrs, C. Crawford, Citizenship and Edu- the Mary Stewart Collect, cation, Mrs. ,Toe Shaddlck, Community The president, Mrs, Stanley Lyon, Activities and Public Relations, Mrs, L, then took charge, The minutes of the Lawson, Home Economics and Health, last meeting and the Sunshine betwixt Mrs, Hurry Tebbult, Historical Research were read by Mrs, A. Clark, secretary- and Current Events, Mrs, W. Manning, BELGRAVE NEWS The Woman's Missionary Society met in the school room of Knox United Church on Wednesday afternoon, :Mrs. Walter Scott, convener of the program, opened the meeting with proyer and scripture reading. The work of Miss ' I Agatha Coultes, who works in the Mis- slon Field at Nainimo, 13,C„ wus re- viewed by Mrs, J, M, Coultes, Mrs. George Michlc gave n report of the Presbyterial held In Exeter in April, and r'lso a very interesting report of the Conference Women's Meeting, held at Gudcrich. "Mrs, E. Wightmnn conduct- ed the business period. The Women's Association meeting followed with Mrd Geo. Michie in charge. It wus decided to hold n Gnrden Party in June. Clifford Coulles, who tins been a student at Waterloo College, during the past year, has completed Ills year, and returned home on Friday, He com- menced duties at the County Home on Monday, as orderly, until College op- ens again In the fall. Lloyd Anderson and his sister, Don - no, of London, spent the week -end ni their home here. C. R, and Mrs. Coultes visited with her cousin, Miss Ida McGowan, who was Injured In a car accident Thursday night, and once more Is a patient in the Clinton hospital, On Sunday morning, specinl VE Day memorial service were held by Rev, Harold Krug in Knox United Church. Members from the Wingham Legion Branch No, 180, attended 'in a body, Rev. Krug continued his series of seed - time sernions, when the subject was. "Minding Your Business." Tice choir sang an anthem, GROUP ONE, W. A, MET Group One of the W.A. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Ladd. The meeting opened with hymn 445, followed by scripture reading by Mrs. Luella Mc'Cowun and prayer by Mrs, McVittie. Readings were given by Mrc. Garrett and Mrs, Pelts, Bushtess was discussed and minutes and reports read by Mrs. J. Lawrie, Meeting closed with prayer, atter which lunch was served by hostess, assisted by Mrs. Cook. Wednesda , Ma D, • 8 MOTHER'S DAY • MAY 13th For the modern Mother, there are gifts aplenty. See them at 'Philp's. Snliles'N Chuckles Chocolates ###### $1.00 to $3.00 Ear Rings and Pins $1.00 to $2,00 Clips and Saucers 98c to $4.75 Cologne's and Toilet Water $1,00 to $2,50 Perfumes. "75c to $3,50 Stationery 50c to $2.25 Playing Cards, single or double . , . , , , , 65c to $2,60 Toilet Soaps 50c to $1.50 Cornflower, Glassware and Chinaware,. R. U. PHI -LP, Phm, B 1 DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAi'ER — PHiONE 20, BLYTH •' • 144+•+44+4 44/44411 ••444+4- 4- --1•44-44}H_•14;N N •4441, 414 114+4444441 4444++++44-444444-444411-44114+ 1 • • VODDEN ELECTRIC SHOP YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER "You can be sure, if it's Westinghouse" - Gifts Galore for "Mother" ON HER SPECIAL DAY: PERSONAL RADIO, TELEVISION LAMP, STEAM AND DRY IRON, SUNBEAM ELECTRIC FRY PAN, WESTINGHOUSE FOOD MIXERS, BATH SCALES, HOOVER and EUREKA CLEANERS, OR A PIECE OF "CORONET" STAINLESS STEEL. PHONE 71R2 .-- BLYTH, ONT. 4444+4 1 44411 4411149+44 4-4 44-444 41 -4 -4 -444•N4144 -9444i444_ '4444+4 444.44444+ 44444+4+44 441.44.4444444+4+1+4+4414.444 STOP (4 SHOP at Holland's Food Market This Week -End. SEE ANI) COMPARE OUR PRICES, THEY ARE COMPETITIVE. SPIC AND SPAN PKG. 27c : RASPBERRY JAM 24 OZ, 33c LIPTON'S TEA BAGS (30's) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29c McCORMICK'S SODAS 1 LB, 28c DOLE'S FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 OZ. 29c Holland's- 1 Food Market 1 AND LOCKER SERVICE: • Telephone 39 -- WE DELIVER +44 44444.4444 4 4444 444444.4444-444 4444+4 +444 44+44}4, ,'4444*+4444-444-4 -4-44.444+4+4 +9 -4$ -►4 4.4 444'+ WANT TO CUT THE COST OF PRODUCTION? FEED your SOWS! A good sow has her work cut out for her! You ask her for a good big litter of good big pigs ---and then you expect her to put up 10 or 12 or more pounds. of milk per day. In proportion to her size, thut's milk- ing at the rate of a good cow, Unless she is In good condition, and getting condition- nullding inilk-making feed, she can't keep it up. Sow & Pig Chow..with her chop, both before and after farrowing, will give her ;and her pigs) a real helping hand alp her litter put on those fast cheap early gains. Speed cuts costs - feed for speed! Start those little pigs ,on Baby Pig Chow, in a creep, HOWSON & HOWSON Ltd. BLYTH - - • WINGHAM. 'Better Feeds Mean Bigger Profits" 44-444-44•4+44-044-444. 44444}4414♦44441.444444.4+44444+ 4 WALLACE DRY GOODS ---Blyth--- BOOTS & SHOES LET US FILL YOUR SPRING SEWING NEEDS with PRINTS BROODCLOT'H, ZIPPERS, THREAD, -ETC. Phone 73, 1 f 1 1