HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-05-12, Page 1, 7 --iLmr 1;j ­ ; "? , . ';'7 ?',' T -T,-" 1. . I .; - -, .1 - 'to - . .- I - - . . . - I . ...r-v;yA,T­W%1T"W - ­ - " . - ­ - K 7 1 V 7 1`111"` I . . -, ,. , , "" I . I %­ ". ," , ,,, . 0 I . " I I , 4 1 . A . I . rw *Sftr sun& on Ift medft as a News1wpoirs and Stift,*ntom Q,UsJ1t*,ll QU"tttyJ, rolmulotio", sfl"(I,f-lusin.e."-A "xoii,aAd,,4NV"Nmwjv* .z I 11 . I . . , -0 VV`) 1 - 10 r . ­ ;,, ,,, :: ­.. - I ­­ I - ­­­ ­ ­ ­ 11 o --­--w ,v, - --­­w ­-­­ - -- - 1,11iiii; ­­ -- 111-- - ­­; I -1- , ­ ­;­- ­ - I . .­ - I, ­­ ,­ -,­­­­ ­ - - ':q!'''': ', , ­ , .... -., - - . I I 11 I I ., I. . I . "I 11 . I I VZ),r; 4"-(4 IP434 Aver. - - I I . I , , 1. i .-#W 1. I 1- I I I t4A4 g4vm V; 1100 III."$* 0040 4T t4o Toe klivoner craftsman NOW oo Tamp. ip,lwk 11 . . . . ft",VW0A3W .0 I . I i I low. I . M, 0-APytins, VA MAN 014AMPS. 1141 , I MOW. U X-00AX0 t I *0zvololou'liat 14"" T%o Town:06*14! "lue"A"'w"91"""i w -lx "'Alm"os; ., ,, . *9 4r - - 11 11 I s . . llVhgte61,kIUgtbl ,1X100 Xlilf arforthef Amorop tho X4*(t6,* owmwa JA cow - W, -. 4- , . . I , ;.­­-- . . .. tww"104 Tax$rku I eq qloli, a. -0 . .,,4),d , jeorirt4ri Rill; , . ­ 1:1 . 1h40-"!IgMW4 -`59 .1 is ook pickowl after . I 1, 1. I I * I y I , 10T . teer *ill) - awwo as At the ry Of t or on- *,Qtt qtx 44;1 ,et"twgirkbodutv-p,t, , ." P -A. I9,X4X*QXl1#X ;O;P, , . 1 istir"I't. gioivottox. illaub.0,04410 .the Antomsition, Y,qu rflay h stotli. ;Coil'at Ottawsk by tha cm.wvlktivat , I . I : v '91sw R04mvArao. - Arophoy I , . , , w t , . a, n 4 " kil An . It% dot, MOO is it tho Itill, ate Wfllfo , Inem4ts I I *ce,edhigty . . . gl,V - I , : !. , . I . liftho col, cis 'It I '. 1 ­ wrillem *iro olititx,$.( _gvlarmceti 1. * . . I , I . vWx4d 1"t wet"k, '*A 0 tlikk 9.4 belifila aftel'44hfoY0014 (4-0 fill) Of Tall; VirldilY Ovenlug AZ I' - -- .. 9 bun 1110% ''nol; ., Mo, l5w1migtor, Is again In sealano and ,oa . Miss-. WO"N" I . . , I pretty cQI0XVA­PU0Wg I %, lioluirs. deolto 1A fA441i; One *rwa oil rat, - ,wom Present empit k7ouP4 a till. exposing th.0 votaolrd; i vy NoLIPPI.-Wir- - , . . I I .Mpli. Etna, It% I A . 9 CA ro, 11 - 1, we '. Tvill I I . I I ,C( 144uglo,so'go.orl'tba;6*44[$401,bdt*- Oelrelt 0#8 so -40940 ery -imm S. . . - , 1 , 'Cgi6tOQTK*I. 4L'.416-P,kt tlgit,OYQUP of fortit .&* A.pp4w -t* * pur - oulpew's 4 ri, . - . . I . talk , 41) , 41 at A lrov v . . TAXIlf Q Ilkl it big valuo, I I . -A the paoi -.wILL 1,De -K 4f I w -144A tbilli, the VIGMUL& QP4;R , , o, : thii qlotii%sttrst . 44 , , C, -tip to Its, ShGww* ,'otint er "A emptut4other , I The 11r0asvrev%,, sitaterneat tor Altrit Then thA 1301111,701' at; . V I XOM I I 11 . " . , V .,it 111,ad bett , , AX . % Julaace from Wircil ...... 0 A %new, and %ottle ittia cookwittoes." , . " 4 2 PSTUATI, , . -Oor h%gwasoi tow I* im P109"t bi jivtAmix#og 'Th it w",k arev , , . -- - , -, . I '. , - I . Uvsilo"% - , A . I . I . I . I I provitigr4pidly, thewiw . I I aral'utio wdoklv*wovl . ot modern AturumTs- I - Humber $vivo notice of I . I T'" Tg1?MNQ BRr . I . 'a tatke MAO, 0-0,14ve. 0 - Oulfollrat C, 1. Toortimeptal, Duo-iftrim, Foreign .r I *R 61T-&"WZ' , gow,ft an ot I It , . ,a6ivf40At;Iy befog Acoolintalat for Use "O tb-,a. plan 404,0kils- Is 74104- ....... .... OW motion for & W to regulate tie ' Aft APRIL I,L,. I . deA ro 203 placlu V I Parts4 ' Oildif A-' W- 0-1441190T, "t ce ant. ", - top than Nou ",dent landah . ,I . j: Advall , mf Clio mail ornent, bas, I W'fo iito'botter T tit' , , W1 ., V DOF , I I -no in I evqr to Stoking fluid lilt... 0000 stilowit ks. . g000 Up , t of 4WD ago and signs over tho , 4 , , I, W ouqwskl, - , , 111F T, LAWN, 3 recut 1 -Xp Lod X, . alrea it wax offers fat the All, laup ai; e* ef, pro y All 0 s of job . Ar AND, WS,QA*V*1oz04 . , . , , ,it I I Waterrat . ........ 4,81 OU L 1. - I by uIdgewiled., by rtyadjt1wes Hso-mh I gtilb"'L Ptea neither. as Iti [a P.11 PrAjarlag. r , w 4 ti any Class On motitio of Houllmr and Know,41 4 . 11 7 . . I z1h. I . on Or WeirokLIAW, og 2 4341614 41140t1p9wale. Aria !AJPQI 4.4.01 (oil O Electrip If t rotee., $A 15 , ,to . I thelm Tutorial, 1, - 0 aya. Ile ....... raw 00 IJKU"Wrt000, 0., , , , . . ;o, "W0,49t " I I . A 11 . ,, A000000. , Or PbA110.0ge Wall IMIO WQ . . To I , ra PublIO Works oomptitteowero Ina act. , ,X", , " .. I or 4,WK.qtnlptl L ,,, (.1 ce I ,aff9rd to Bills P, 11 la old to take the pecemilry step 1%, " ov -,ell , LW. ii .. - 7A L' blWO. . irsally-goo(kloga to P0110140 -o ul avii; a. voc4l $oul,-,- " r0litro, 0110 r. ;ix," u.oq L J tary before ounsot, to* I . - Markbi; ........ - ... 1000 tb.(4 grilli , I , al ,' 3109D*j WJIJ,Izre tot Tim ft". - , blltblc walkiii rePalrod AW4 put to! b - Maitland Cemetery. 2D 60 . I Ior - - orph ode I Orro - . in wailt, aactory condition at once. I fly it 4TV V 04 (Flowpolsook) ftraw ',­­ AX 'oku'll.6 Rho ., A , Amiloall" MI f1mmisooswun QAv=q-­Thv tlrqt A's 0XPRAT OPINlos.-Tbe 1 %*t two Elevator notearen"Is 100 00 I :. 11 I A, . I . tort.4 Goinkit L, ,; .. PD41%0, 1 Ift Humber tendered tits r"Ignpo. ,; )kz" torA , VO.MDAT-To"Do otel, -D, 4.4 b-QW4 top the Season 'Vs$ , A Mgox- I *11)l - lihII&,j,,f9r 0VA - . 10 . 1. [Wotiks *rich varied mporte regordlog -,, IIWX 87 I . nOi*, * 4,toOO14LtugtQlrxt.chou.fgr in , ;PIAV04 00' the West, St. lilown. by 4140JI - , tion as casirman of the Finance coal. 4: Regftt , - lobs girming fall whe0 were in cbrou 410491 W mittee. which was accepted on waotion -1 f"', " , W*Di*6,&x,40 400rubolar pq alloicliqur,, Oman, hy Do.. Hunter and Postmaster latkou t't -heaving Mr. William But- DISOURSEAMN 1 Visit EM "'g. 400 tq-") goi Too ardt's.'r Brc4bm*0u . N of 14ohnes and NOW. o. Vocal sq.lo-oreolp !QVQ 41lxg,' NOR- aoo",L4ndi445rr.km`JA1 ;1 far :Gftlb.r and eflo!0 In a win for the P. M. To- . ot, L*00Y.-for IOU _ rows b Wen through the townsNpe THlWE0P*V­To $;ige`q,HqtqL W . Tlitifollo*log were the players; of Cot roo triples ............. 218 at Then Holmes moved. 111MOU'lled 1) r e , 17111tink and advt'g 2385 Naftot that the merilbeirail of Online I C I ,­ , ,Tmorquo, ,,, Goderldi. WawanQoh and r, t OOL41 Howl. alyt . forAQ94 MR. NVA!prrguo BU044NA* facitir, thin to Ur . ,; A. Farm -m' W, Eliot AfIliftMI, a zi up the prospecta. a . I I r Us. U Shephard Judig Masson $TAB roporter!l nt"V1ewe4 that espert. F Opt. I .. ... and tqR6bfnRQWsJ9otql, Axiburn, for all" ' - L F1, - . . 813 piesento bar appointed a striking coin - 0. 8001tati,0111 , 31'arpAy-Tcl Androvio Voconlrol.0aliboriiiatri,. , Eleotton, ount ... 3700 wittee to till in and arrange. the vacan, . Jas. Ocionell W. amphell The gentleman Iiald theoutlook Was cies lo"the committees. tit w4nurn at MIss.(7QRA VIVIAX for 00o..4m to Quadry Broa. stabl%o. "- at' ' Joe. Qg1t; qklp-10 Dr. f1unter skip -7 not encouragin , for at the end of the Roads and torld s. 111 02 , 11 XV10tolp ,zft _ R 0 7. Vocal Llloto-FloWOP Song. Godfrey SA,i,,ix,,1Y­BY way of Baron Road to N@o;ou FINUILING AND Penoini.-Our anglers (Irst day's lospecdon he came to tire hilarity ............ 11 45 once, slid w1ken ready report at. once . Bills pakyable ....... 75W Oil to the Council. This was carried, and - conclusion that. given favorable con- B . the Council sat as a committee In tits aDii NVA' AUSPOROOKU. L Xenia, 01 otim-for noon, then to J. J, Me. have had an excellent time for all ling ditions fqr th, growini period. cite ain't I . T$TJW*1SSIQN. - . X,ughlin,& Sulantorbill. whore howillromajo, 9 "telest ...... 00 40 - ,lottil Kornalay misralirlin since May commenceit. as Perch were cra: p would not exceed rteen bushels Waterworks maint. 51071 clerk's offlee and after some fencing 1. lnatronlontsl Alr dip altilepp olia. will be confirmed during the s04- biting freely every day. find Therring rr factQv vl Mr. Burrows also said that " " -P' ac' 280 adopted tnotlons Itialchig Holmes chah, minalle. Tr"4110 per., were to be taken fly experts moist of he pit agday heconsulted t.wouty- School accouaL .... 415 40 placing flint its 5 member on tile other , I'm h IN19.0weat4cr tting. Elea. light, Illaint, - 04 70 tuan of tho. Finance Miumittee, and I MA sf=som I DMAU'r1off-Woodlawn in a horse of coin- well known farmers, alt of Grourilithic walka.. 12 97 committees on which ex -Councillor unloading site and appearance. in fact ia one or the time. Perch were landed In thou, seven L 2. Vocal Solo -Selected. . thii hapdapmeat horses that ever stood for sor- estrida, and herring in large numbers. whom. with but -one exception. on- us. HAVA,r JOHNSTON. vLoo fr& QatArlo. U40 to a not Sinking fund dep ... 0000 Campbell bttd bean. ;ralgaltod trialtrar These fiQh are in excellent condition dorsed Ilia view of the llnestiou. Ask. . c Miscellaneous ....... 11000 was expressed " d, ,,It Elevator notes..... 10000 00 its to whether Councillor Martin had 3. Recitation, trid b.,;- shown % man, in 2. asides this he this year, so fair. but while the perch' ed.about bay, our Informant Rat Battle disagreement a a aso styllialt In knoo. hock to.nd totitle ACtI011 R8 & *11 tin pritue all the summer, tile IvIll not be a 1119 c p. its it wits injured MISS LAURA BBYDGFA- HacknZ, Hisbroedin,fiathelleotinAmetics. wl pe"); 44 , interest,. 00 40 agreed to act as chairman of the Public -- - 4. Vocal Solo-Becamil I Love YOU- 'dos, - lrxnsa herring will deteriorateas the water y e old meadows suffer. - 10328 73 Workq coninAttee its moved by Colin - de no axon bbr-. Ing more than new ones." Mr. Data - Cowen. b c thhM rig t ba I gets warm. cillor Ottiltelon at the previous meeting. 'rdpadi eal""e"af ,h a 'a &ghgeh re to . ILYM 'G nalno0a. M go t -to a . w 'I' to, the -- bliss T. BROWN. hot find. n .,-it , hard al, to CAOTLz GniFvIN.-The bulldmg rows says that the Injury to the wheat I ton lung. . was caused lay the severe frost of Win- Balance .............. 44 IM 80 Councillor Holmes wautuipr to have , 5. Recitation. known as Castle Griffin is now. almost ter, which injured the seeds atool The Street Ins 1. MISS MONA WEA.TUHRALD. For extended tabulated pedigree ace large " in at,= reported fence Humber made chat trian ; but no Mar - cards. clear Of visitors. oniv three remaining properties. find that the dry lapel, .1 repairs needed al Show ground,q tin was absent It wail agreed to lot this 0. Solo -Alone it) the Desert. Emanuel* T -Rams. -To Insure. $10. Payable February fat within its solid walls at the present the Past two weeks had made the in- and attheAgricultural Park, estimated triatter lie over till next meeting. and Mr- W. W. 8,1ODD,knao. mixt. titue. Yesterday mornin ,i a peg leg left jui y almost beyond repair. cost, $5f% and the matter was referred the Council that% adjourned. , 7. Vocal Sol )13 1; k Bischoff, J. J. MoLA.VGHLIN. GUNDRY BROS., tile establishment Shaul @ring tits leg'. ANOTHER PARx.-E. N. Lewi, ha to Public Works committee. attain . Behrend. ,,, Manager. Proapri 9 I ----a- -- - ) Daddy, 4 ZG'Mrjoh (the wooden one ftiv rising A fenced the property oil the lake bank 00biblUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. so-rIVIA A01AUSON - . & -- 0ioaltch. The trio now resting In this Front E. Crimplon, as Solicitor fur mi, 4 , that fronts his dwelling. and the piece Brief Town Topics. Accompanists-MBF1. LOGAN. "s, K. -escart, is irkade tip of one &L Nicholson, givinf notice of a clalin Best local talent at the musicall radial In the well known I I opera Hoube May 19th. Tickets be. THE -IMPORTED PURE BRED CLYDES- top remand for assault, one winter just south owned by J. T. Garrow, M. for dix,mages by coal rig in contact with CA1Ik'AIGXH And NIF- SIMPSON. DALE STALL ON. te aveller. and one who is doing tm,bor P. P.. and the whole makes a chartki- a In. " lump of coati on West Street, at Qvilsles were ninkinia, Saft,ford and ingpark. The fence is a Christian one. r fo three trionths. Ith.cloordfF.Holtues'office, Referred neighborhood theirhome this week. MILT r to Public Works committee. Andrews Bros. & Co. Shipped a car wauts. ON HILL, THE GUN ULUB.-There was a). good for though of wire there are no bar be. - . r 103SI, Vol. XX a feature that will comfort many a Froorn,the Elevator Co., ask Ing it con - of hogs to Collingwood oil Monday. . Ored b attendance at the Friday evening meet 11 James Brown, Milton mother when visiting the. may we onvy, THE POINT FARM. HUI, Torres. cotian . will stand for the Im- nectlon between the hydrant tit the HichardTIchborne acteolaschicif of ' F.r.o.vement of stock during the season of JVq, p of tile Gun Club last week. but much "Lewis Park." This week Mr. Lewis foot of the'Barficar Park and their on, police during the itb-once of Chief HELP WANTED FOR THE SEASON. we:- . disappointment prevaA ed. for when bits Planted 40 fir trees and is putting gine room, -for completing, fire protec- Thom". MoNDAY-To David Orr's 4th con Godurich the barrel was opened. but twenty In a turnstile and cavriage ate. the tIorL Witter and Light coin in Ittee. I A good Plain Cook. township, for noon; and to becarge Wurdy'N. 7th birds were found, and three at the latter being placed to enst The June Seatilon of the County ]a picnic From Capt. Babb, stuting that. he (11ollocAl will commence on Tuesday. A Laundry Woman. con., for night. number weretvingless. However, five parties to drive Straight on to the would not look After the hathing house June th. A Kitchen Girl. TUESDAY -To Win. Cololough'ti, lith con., of the members present tried their grounds. No doubt the new park will this year. but expented the Council to Goderich township, for noon; and to Conatner- Several good Waiters. I trial HOW, QlInton. for nIghL skill at tile 17 good birds, and though be greatly used. as It giveg one of the do so according to agroeunent. public c The Fire brigade wits called out Trials - A strong girl to assist In the bedrooms. WEDNESDAY -To Albert Waymouth's, 9th most of the blackbirds were fired at best views of the lake Onderich affoedg, Works committee. lay evening and had oil hour's practice A respectable fail for July and August to con . Hullott. for noon; and to Albert Wallitce's, twice, they were not all broken, though And has splendid sun shade in the From Station Agent Sttalton, In re. on South St. drive the mail wagon. I 7th coal, Hallett, for night. some good lilts were made. i pie orchard. Mr. Lewis is deserving ply to the clerk's letter re the building Tue regulotr meeting of the Gtin club An all-round useful man who can garden, TatuasIDAY-Tia win. Archer'R, Maitland con., Mo hearty thankm of our people for his look after the stable, paint and WhiteWaAh. Oilderich township. for noon; and oicr.,ss the POULTRY MEETINO.-A mass meet- of a new station, thanking the town for will be held this Friday evening, birds At once, None but competent and rostoot. Holme-ville bridge to Win. Durs64,111ilaitiand Ing of till those intereAt,IM in poultry is gt!uerositV, and we ask Our residents to its offer of it, portion of'Hast Street. find will he pleadful. . . %ble people need apply. con., Colborne, for night. ' repay him for his kindn";a by Seeing ,titting that(, it tile Company deeided to There will bo 0 t 1 toting 46 with of Maithiond lo0go No. &4.1 7.11. 11 8A. M -, J. J. WRIGHT. FRmAY-To Thomas Gin"'4. Bronmiller. for Lai be held (in Saturday evening next, that neither tree. fence nor lawn is Ili. buil(I Lbey w,111(l cownlounimt n 01"t, I, & 1899. . Proprietor noon, and to his own stable for night. 13th inst., at 8 o'clock In Mr. Lane's jilted. By che bye, the park Is a (to- the town. on Tuesday evening. . SATUFMAY-RaillarVin at him own stable" in AR 0. . f U § a, -t, 0 cent walk front tile Square and its .1 ! 1- - ,I 1, I . I PL -- Goderloh till Monday morning. 0 ce. 0% I OUR" 0 o 8 eps or I 1he Go er c rgan n. its e( .o Maliv people would like to know " " For Sale or To.Let. securing it litrige modern building or) niost of our visitors would. cu entering have tile water connection made Ile - Title route will be continued durInz the see- the E xhibition gtounds for p a I it. enjoy a cup of water from the take, tween the Areet inain and tile 2-hic - when Lite G.T. R. authorities are going . -- -- Bail. health and weather permitting. exhibiting poultry during the a could the town not put a small drink, stand pipe in thrair buil a Ing. Water to start the now station. gr For description and pedigreamee bills. show. It is tat -gently requeste hit I Ing hydrant just within the gate. 1 1). H. Ross. of the Stount IlLtindrv,has OUSE Fog SAUE-,ttuply to A. J. bIAU- I and Light committee. HGER, Essex St- Gradorich, . 1699-$., TEmus.-To Insure, $10, payable February e interested attend this meet- GOOD FRUIT PROSPICeTs.-The sea- AMOUNTS O' - collect. rd next'. everyon I, Pill exceedingly neat rig fox -A auffe of rooms In Bedfo OTTER WILSON, GUNDRY BROS Ing. am matters will lie brought up that son of blossoms," its some catil that w Fog and deliveri rig goods. F'. ,19- Blu.k.. Private seems on KI ere referred to Firianve HIS Honor Judge Dovle held DIvI- OR RENT -.021-1111" Manager. Propriet 6, will he of greatest advantage. committee its tre 'kn . rn inside conventen 1609-f Goderloh part of the year when the fruit buds follows: John Shaw, relief., $1.52; 91011 Court in Diingiturion on Tuesdav, N. LEWIS. BUiLDINa NoTga.-Mrs. Walton ' 13 break Into flower, has come, and th . Qncren City Oil Co., $22.74: 'Rochester .. - - - - car & Pittsburg Coal Co., $05.52. and in Bayfleld o" Wednesday. IFOR SALE -House and Lot on Elfin street, making a large addition to her dwel- pleptiful and bright colors ar a harbing- Tile Quarter Session of the cowity of at present t-couillisd by Mrs. Ju n A. Nat ling on West stireet.-Mrq. Bryan'ro ers of it fruitful year. It is said toy REPORTS OF COMMITTERS. Hnron will open on Tuesday June 13. . A b4gain. Poom,tien given lintraillateiv. WATER RATES cottage, Dear the lighthouse, is being some fruit growers that the flower is The, Public " orks eoininittee 1 afport- Apply an the premxlsca IGO" . before B Is Honor Judge Matas .'n. ­ ---- MUST BE PAID. enlarged, And wall soon be ready for strong in bud, and that with the excep ed having asked Lenders for varetaking Cotirt, (loderich, No. 32. C.O.k, will I ARM FOR SALk.-A fing farm in town- occupation -L. E. Dancey'i dwelling tionotpearsand rapes there are kood of Square And Harbor Par ks, It"d re- - OF Ohio of Hast"Wilwallosho not far from r .4 on Naterloo street. ju,;tabout flnidhed, prospects for it igerop. ASTARre- commended the offer of Geo. C Black hold their next regular uleeting on oderich, bolng%t of Lot 31 lit 7bb conceafth, OTICE is hereby givFratbatallpar- is a pretty specimen of a Summer rest- porter called at Chati. Wells' gardens, at. $58. being tilt- lowest. Adnpt'ed. North St.. next Tuesday, May 10. conal'tingot mores. with frame hou-e ano barn. 40 acres under cultfttxtlon, the balance N ties in arrears 'for water rates ranat dence. Buctianans Find Rhvnas have one day this week t- enquire -as to The Water and Light committee re- Hou40 CielLnirg is still the order of garazing land, frontin o 11 d settle the same Ext my office on or Started working onWhitelv's now dwel- Irult prospects, ftnd matters connected commended the nt-cuptanep ot G. N "gron the River Malt- a the day, And 11,4 it consetinalleQ cold F.0.`l A good cha,ico for armor with a "ttlo befor&en ling in Goderich ro.. and have inade it with flower and kitchen garden cul- Davis' tender for Skipfflying lelLd pixie tl)CILtq ditily gl-Ace tile dining table. capital. For lorms fis-d full particulars appl -esidenve for Mr.,Mosier Luce, and on, leaving. was boqueted ,tt.,$5.M. ierhtitidre(I,ILI1411 AtOICI A A large nurailitar of applicationg have to t, TURAL -GooleAell, -- , Food start an a I . h it le A NX OF MON I th. )I in Colborne. . splendidly. An inspection of the trees Bros. forgnivanized pipe, At $0.10, ench adreadv beelf received hv thome who - -- - , , -- I - atLhAI,E,-.A.lqv,on - otat,r sea- A,fter that date the provi'ItIons of the'W&W A SprekLifi) BECAUTY.-On Wedno&s. and vines showed- that cherrieq arb being the lowest; (2) tiliLt tile petition have accommodation foi- unlioer vital. l et xl, I the - r and lot, east of South . ,, crowded with budia, that plums are of War. Acheson and othem for it water torq. I . , ->1 t groletitraw lots In town. Itcontainsnehi'ly will be rigidly enforced. 1. ". - 'X a. Wynn wai the proud posses- . MI& rotation aciei­Aoyone wantill Is Dar. . I i Ax- " ,1 a wall fruitlad that apple trees thal. bore. -, % Atitk,Tj ApgIeSell, SI reet'he granted, -deal ot"a re Ident oil Quebe ' . Z . - . -d besvilk th past year lift#e till The gat .8 P , gain. address CHAS. E. CRADII, H011811, , Out- I Sol, of ii`6peakl4d tri-iii't that' weight tided And it _I n h ninin pn in. kll petition- ,t,,.,,L WA4 entered three. flights the ­ 1,AWN SERVICES— two 4nd' one aInartor pounds, and freely, that proa6i show lightly, - And em to sign an agreelut-Dt LLk trike the pit,at week by cows rtinating at l4rge-at T T0 RENT FOR aEASON.-Properly krillw" Are charged extra, and parties usi for MP411(tred 4arom end to end 181 inches. thn't grapes appear to have. been ron water, (3) ,th4 at 2Z-1ight 'tralisfuralu, ag.. ell M adow " About Ito acres good 11 ntght.q. . . . pasture. Veo;g acre.; with building known for the same must notify the coir., Zar or The magnificent flshWaR present d to siderax0ly injured by the trost, though he putchased; (4) that the tender. (of as distille t .. Affly -to Mitg. AT- Way will be prosecuted. Mr. Wynn 1`115' It gentlemkil living s6me. some vines- ciLme through all right, Neil Melvqr tot, unloading Port] fit a3le. The JiLit and tilt tile ]And around it 'pm, . distance frorii town, and to make sure The prospects all roundo., however, arq par toil lie accepted, being t . TRILL or Z INZ, 0 ,,orich. * I ,good average crop of fruit if King Adopted. Ile Iowe4. within the Square formed I)v the rows TO LEt.-Brick House on 8t All persons'ovishing to have water turned that it shoold he honorably mentioned for a . of chestnuts recently planted hits been . e:.-)mllletld(!d alubbed Chestnut Park. I 'I L'6 E " next to Vfct.)riwAL Methodist off 1 he enclostod it In a copv of THE ZSTAR, Frost keeps'away. agal a big one in ThoSpecialconimiLteet , U par h &tdoit pply to E or on m0st, fila regular notice at my " CAMPION. , J6.00 or in, nth. A . office. , and Chile the finest speckled beauty routs. for the pra seroo`pitason has been thett,heclerk Arrange with Mr.'F. G. Tile other,olsky the orders rqceive(i at .. - . - seeii in Goderich for many years Is the best growing Otto ;k 111%,ve ILIA fox- Rurnball to mact, Lne Council And dis- Knitting factory aggregated ten thou. OR SAIM- . -In the molter of the estate of W. L. HORTON, twice Starred. years. cuss Ilia proposal foi- it loan. A4!opted. qat nal dozen pairs of home. a pretty good LF the )ate Rev. Jas Pritchard. Lotanum- st Collector, PIU)PERTY CHANOES.-Chas. A. . WHO OWNED THE BABY? -On Sittur NFW RUSINICSq, (lit y's In till for the CompAlly. . 1662 and OTS on Weirs street anc, Cator.a. Our voltinteare are aliendy pi A -I Good frame 11tirriber has purchased the Russell davevening there wits an unexpected The cleik reported thAl dming tile - the almost reivI soldiering I In the Town of Goderich. ­ - f b -d Cot he wi = and .0HA MG-Rbu'04 JUASVIOVORI ILMUS, L property oil East street, next the seebe at Sallows' show window. Of kLhSenceo 1, at ' louncil he hold oliew naVe to go through when tiiey jo n the Nolicitors for fteoutor. GODARICa MARKETLO. U. S. Consulate. and is busy fitting it corurse the ninety odd pret,tv babies the tenders for 4hade trees Ptoil awaid. . . ed Lhe contract at 8c. each, being the [Aindon camp, commanded by 0eneral Dated rob. Till, 1899. - u p, for occupation. -Mr. Robt. Ruchan- shown in the citse, made,& loveiv scene. lowest, and the highest wail, 10c; be Hutton. OR 8 E. -Part a I f t a. n St. Ao. Marlrot quot"tons the same as last week. an has purchased the dwelling on ,lot that is not what we refer W. hial titken this responsibilitv hoc-tuan, A storni shelter is being erected . drewis Str etoln, t Tow c Goderi -- - Eldon St-reet, recently occuoied by Those who took in the aigbt will re- the Benson was so late; also that, (all Lhe ,dong the front of the Scar Floor Inill ormarly . at - by the late rles Payne. Mrs. McKay, frorn Miss Parsons. of member that plewres of the six ther,ibs report of the engineer lie land oadered -o that in futuro patrono will he able Title par t. , New Advertisements. Detroft.-Jo'ltn T. Nowell has purchas- who v;ere awarded prizes tornied a row two cars of c( a, at, tile to lond and unload Ili the stairtniest of 'y 'ON LMES Page- ed the Biddulph dwelling in Wells' b -of which hod been a, PILL C Ito .110t,mao _ nd rat 91.40 pet to Dated Feb. ,M, Solicitors for Execot 6- The Wiseman Stock- liodireng Bros. ....... 8 sorvev from the Biddulph Pstato.- y themselves, and it, was a darling its Bridge, one cat e- w her. Ice. , NbUce tri Fitriners-A. McKinnon .......... 8 DAvid S. Stoddart hits purchased th this row that caused the excitement. ceived. Last vent- the fir9t. C %rgO Of WhPPLt - ­ _ ' lady had been at the window and had Conn. Holmes again called Attention from Fort William was uoloaded rat . . Now is the Timax-S. E. Rick .......... ...... 8 cottair on south side of East Street pointed out her baby an o the win- to the fitetthat tie wasnotonanycoin- flichardson's Mlltl,,nn Mitv 2nd, and ir )n - . Ptibll No - Hot Weather -F. M. Dunham .............. 8 front 9. Mahoney. ners and left with it limlille t%at boded FUIUMC Of the CEM"Cil, And propowd a (,at s wei e loaded e same Iav for ship, SWETAiER, manufacturer of Iran and Vapor Baths- F. M. Dianham............... 5 AT THE G. T. it. DEPOT. -Times ate, well for a peaceful home for some tinie motion that theCocincil goiotocoill- anent east by the G.T.R. Wood Pumps Victoria Stroxolt near the Vastar Value Than Lima Been - W. A. Mc. Jeff. 9. W. afig contracts to sink wells Kim ..... .................................. 8 good at the 4. T, H. denot, 100 car loads #LnVway. but mother No. I bad hardly mittee And rernedy the niritter. Coons. The0oderichOrgui Co. tit shippinp :Ery 1 . Soft water tanks and undertakes repairs to mos!cal Reriltai -opera House. ......... . I of goodq having been Sent east the past got round the corner, w bell mother NO. Cantelon land Knox detniat-i-eil wit It I lie lArge(piantitioRoffheir inaetifiLcLotep all kinds of pumps and wells. 1009-- . 2 came along, stild cm, sti her eyes on objection that this would retinire ""c" daily. And thio; week the Lion) received Clydesdale Stallion Milton Hill -Gundry week. Jas. McLean shiDped two cars the little duck that Nuol.nfhad claimed of motion. An order front Ani!U, cratintry firm for 1F.11HST,CLASS- WHITE LIMM-.4 still Bros.. .­ I ........... I ... I ...... I of cattle to Buffalo on Sat urday. Sal t said, "All, I knew I'd inl" On gidnt- While this wits being disco%sed, Ow six hundred organs. oil hatual the AL Marv's Wilitz Lima, i Trotting Stallion -Woodlawn.. ...... ..... I w W, f I d. t r 11 sell as olopap as a first -close Iftno can be why VV c Grow -J. ff. Pedder .... ......... 4 hits been shipped freelv the_pa8t two i -n uttheinianttoa ran he end mayor Said he woold like tot eport on sold. PeAtes ivanting lima ready Vropaved for weeks. The Kensington Furniture totdoher that As will lie Seen bv siolvertisernent, plastering can alwayaget It Best Str6i5t, Pear Help Wanted -The Point Farm ... .... .... I Mrs. -had just said the Ottawa trip. The depotat imi had Sarnoel Weller It" reopened Ilk pour p theStation. EDWARD SEL&RMAN. Rooms tip Rent- E. N. Lewis .. .. . *­­­ I Compftnv sent out several cars of furn- that that dear one was ner very own it fitirriniount of success, Und th,- Min qhop oil vietairift St., And IN now ii GodurIch, April 4Lb. 1800 House for Sate -A. J. Manger. ........ I .... I iture the past few days. Manv cars of baby, and then the scene opened. THIL nat,er h -id treitwol tbenihicindly Anti wn , 1.) ij*tt fr , - It Will Pay You -R. 19. Smith & Co.......... 8 lumber haveGbeen shi from the STARrannot find lon Ling a to express glailtoseet,bom. He ndsR1dthi,,wn1 pared to make of- repair puiopq. ii Purnpil-8. Weller .... ....................... I I Eped EGGS PORH G. -I hav, all Ited (lock by the Oder ell umber Co. and the looks of mother IV as Rho said. the largest deputation Lhat had kinds. (live Sain a Call if your P1111111 ev"r ig out of order. number of farred I outil It 5 N. Dvment, and Colborne ano Burrows ­L)o on mean to tell me that .Mrs. waited on Any Minister to lirv-vol It at $1.50 per so tingA T a Iil maps stand& n I I this week made largo shipments of oats. -claims my babyF' and on getting tition. There pprhap§ wotild he very and h ve produ rat Idne , or n - . Menesetung pier 14 It big thing for A , tits b the' Ova Oil JU 6. ere FIRED ny LIGHTNixo.-Shortly be- All affirmative reply tears welled frorn Fiettle left of the $I(X) taken for the ex those who intend to vh4it the par k h%, ' "101t, at TI. 21;1AR 6 lit t 0 idenc an BASE BALL. -The Goderch base ball fore three yesterairty morning the barn her eyes and clasping the little on" nses ofutl !11trT, There Me- NeVer, witttir, its it IN exceedingly convenient a %ghthouse xxtroeL wit it .1 .1 mpt find tf litly to her breast she said, "I da e I he Co tart 's Spoil ation; they mt op. for, landing, And hits lots of room for reful attention. aRNR . .1, team had hn excellent practice on the and stable belonging to Jno. Hvelopr, Fr. Sallar ws to give my beautiful bit re to tin up, thim solving runnitill . ­1­­ ,.­-­­­- - ---- . N by ped tit a $2 A dav house for 3& (lay-, In,Atq Agricultural Park ou Wednegd,v between the G.T.R. track and the Lo another woman." As It wits too late which meant $7 each; thp mleeper (,(-t them ,an mhore And wetting ono -H feet. IN THE MATTOP0 060,48"A'it'R DO- afternoon. There was Rome very good MINION 19LECTI, TII.T.n play during grime. and It seemed am Maitland, was Struck bv lighning and to FMe 4allows that night, the loving $4 eatch, then they had to have 9mov- Mr. James liayw has ridded to film liv though Goderich still has material for lint-ned to the ground with Its contents, Mother made for home to tell her thing to Cal, on Ilia way. and th Pry hominess it fine black Learn he re , !N took L consisting chiefly of garden tools. it troubles to her partiver. THE STAR, some $7 or 88 more. The W a -a- And va n Iv purchasoed In ril-qonburg. M r. k Statement of 9ximijoilm of Ittionglt`f MOLE&N- &good nine. hurtled rapidly and 11 hits Hot heard "what happened to Ligat commitwe had &tayed over a (INy yl COLL9GIATR INSTITUTE BOARD. -The f lumined the town [fit m hrol as floe a met of livery anifna4 a Cloididateo,itt; Ilia Election hold for the Ora short time, and was nearly con. Sallows" on Mondsov. in Torontolooking into the stoker- hia f- AN van lie found in the conniy and a. Wast Tualoll of the Comity of regular man thly meeting of this Board enmed when the fire brigade reached LAID AT ResT.-On Friday last ness; thley had visited two or th"Pe determined tit keel) then) up to Ilic Huron, an the Twouty,41rat was held In the secy. treaq. office on - sp t Mr. Hyslop and a friend Ruby. youngest daughter of Alex places where thev were used, anal were highe,q standard. Ili(' 0 - day of February. 10. Thitr8dav evening of last week. esent sa,ed the hog pen which was near by; bertson, died at the residence of he ; Ele"ed with what they saw And heard; Thro experiment of transplanting foll trusteeaJordan, chairman, shepfff R.,- no other pro erty was endangered by RO a believed the town could Nave Lhe oil, ( neared for a cost of it Stoker in f nel in one vent grown lon lark Hall roatis ................ nolds. Drs. Toloylor and J. X. Shaun the blame I a harn was I parenta. lot 2. con 6. W. D. Colborne, 11. pips In the flarbor I - ..: -.::: .... %'% and Messrs. Jno. Aches Jols. M. sum which will rily partly covibr the after an illness of twelve months dnril- Uoun. Cantelota al adopted bv the 11tiblic Workh ninlelt uVerry hire ........ .... on and 0 so praiped the qtok- ef loss. Between tI tee Isvit, Vear, having been t inic,esa Telophown .....................-.... 350 Sh hard. An account from Wilson. wo and four a. m. yes. tion. During the year proceeding hot- er, the committee having been infoi in- there is no reason whv the Itorinviatiorl 4 ........... ; ......... 9 40 teirday lit" were noticed in the town. illness the late Mine Ruby was teaching ed at tile Forester , Tom I vicerin Toronto TologFAphigi MR., for drugs. was corder a all Printlia, ­­­ " 7075 ted . should not be continued this Fall and Ito, Md P . I After entire discussion about ad Bill B, one apparentiv in Goderich Tp.. In Wingham public School, and her that they moved (*ant. And Mdie I 0 ... sti-S....-I..0 .1.1 ....... 6745 ho"t h,ed gvtting OOXL Spring. 193101"ryT'd ...... ..... .......... Isea dress for tile Collegiate Institute Cadet anT otnother in Colborne or Wawn- resignation of the position was due to it man's wages; ilital"o ena . Corps,3jr!o. Achoison moved. Seconded no4h. premonstory Symptoms of the illneqs tip hteam in fro on three Ln four minuten George C. Black. who hils been an $311, 46, by Jas. M. Shephaid, that the chair- THE TPA,cnnss CONMR-The fourth that followed it, find which ended only In c,toe of it five. wh I Ie now we took Pnint.ed caretaker of the Coort Hoirse Herewith find bills #in& Vouchers attached. with death. The deceased Indv wits froni 20 to 25 roinot,ps. The price seem. ScIiiare #trial the liarhor Pitili , com- man of the board and Dr. Shnonnon be meeting of the Goderich Division Of well known In Goderich, havin At- ed tremendous. exorbitant, and it menced him doties thi% week. %Vf To ARCHMALD SANDS. F.aaii., a committee to interview D. B. Grant the Teachers' Association of West tended the Collegiate Institute ill- it might. bit well to we what other Rt4jkprq wonder whether Goo. will keup peoplor Returning officer. wot Ilarolf. oft forage caps top the Corps, with full . 811100tal P.O. powep to act, as they way think advi- Hot 0". was beld in the Central School, considerable period, and those Collo-g- va-iold be had fair. Ile bed it sketch (of from making un%ightly pathoi arrost Dated tit GiNintich. this ftild day of April. sible. The motion having been carried doderich. on Snitarday afternoon. Mr. lama who were her claosmat,as will hear it water basin rdKo. and thonght one the Court Roose green P 1909. 1 With sincere sorrow of the death of so, Waitaki not Post more t han $3W of S I(IO, W.B.Dphertv, City Solicitor (if HL f he board adjourned. Fisher, the president. occupying the dear a friend and so kiright a of udent. and this Vear we had spent nearly thal, Thomas, h,A9 ariven the opinion that a, -it, orot-0. A GoDnEtIon GIRL'S WEDDING- chair. The attendance was not as On Sunday the Finandak Ao.lat fdriho said -Ximeral took place, I tie amonrot iepahing our ptinip-4, which citien orad tOwnq have no power to pam IM -3 Robert IdefAmili. ; Hamilton Times. April 28: "A very littgo, It might have been, several pedsL- Interment being In Colborne cemetery. were loping Injured by sanol rvininq in. hyl two to prevent qcorvh 'r If alleb - pretty woddIng toily pl6ce yesterday gogues who might easily have been where, beside the re-nains of her Napier Pie hPhPvPd we shooild ndopt, both the iA the tart, W hat .0volt"t i: -..i- t.,,wn en Taroment not, putting In an appeamnee. Ciars. who died early in IM. hot re- wtoker And the set Moog hawn. thILt h ive made IAw,q Awtin%:. wheeling I . 6v Ing lilt the rdeidmcti of Mr. L. T- These district meetings were gotten tip main& now repose. ThT grave Ili which Coon. HolmP4, m-pealiog 104 fore p At It fanater rate than eight miles An NOT102TO ('01"As' . L McDonald. 200 Victoria avenue north. expressly for tba teachers to study the casket waspInce waslined with robjectiolItOthe trip a,; A wholp, aled hour P in the matter of Jolm p. gwAwkt, of beethet-in-lAw (if the belde. when 's" each other's methods and so Improve evergreens, halt, Etub a grave needed the size of the d.-1--F,Atmn, -ftid the " Hhafpp'F; Crook, In C,dbornp, law I , r. their own. and it to to be regretted not the pine h,raqc eg to keep hei- portJol-t innate fol v cmittimed ill("('* r. slop was fisarried tolu Z, )so -nt d toy onaveral gentleman ir ln" 11cwti, WIV son of Mr. that, wh6n Ilia inspector makes it a name green In the memory of her object.ionq Not 000 word had been t^wn for it terni of vearq. It is theii the Towla of Godefloh, - In ,the. . I 'fi'4VIdk M. been rt . Cofifity of HilfbAo CArPeAtft. David lipovh, of Ruthrerty streeL lot to Ile present so that teachers many it -tends. and the loved once maid of what the depotation went to . 11 P0 in intention at an Party date to %tork thi : ; The eqLitnony %rats ilerformaid fly the huq dIv-tsion mav ask and receivle coan- round the old homestead. There waa Ottawa for. or what. if moychinlir they . . SoLtbef*hftbygt"ntmt"*t,oyi tiky"ItLev. Dr. PtilmotA. of Knox Church., sel, Mitt so few take advfultootge of the an Immenote gathering at Lite cemetery had Ar,comfolkhed. The grant, wits anome with %perkled trout, and the) JahV1 ma 111*85iiiia4laW *0610yalb"t Lolmill. Amiss MACY amwok join rorthe vri%h to notifv the public Llint rinvon( ='Ift *a# Iiii(fijainkid f rallifor Wtritjodatmit #f "All Act - _ iond 00 I 0100tIfIg, bliss Wigging of town. and aaf the remains were committed to made, or put in I he eatisnalem, hing upon the creek at oxn3 ,_ I L t011611 Miss MroCluilky, at Goderich Tp.. who mother earth, and the line at oat riaws. wits the same thing. In-forp Ill*- coin 0 el I w I I We'. Th.s. lie al wl"ell found flq A" %"rnsW `0*114 R CNA tot%r bfl t,lyasx #kiftsmithi, orily "10 Immediate blught 2ad find Bed classes rositutictivel made up of 190 vehicles. was thi, largest inittee left here. and it waA not aho ttrolvp I I " 1 Orn.. will 1) to I 'ill the ut I al .4N 1"Go.0wor , I Y, I'" 1 most rigor of a law. "& 7,w, tbo',b , (bit . I ot, - , 'ofart""Tativ0% :I'th.0' bride being prootent. seen for years. Rev. M r. that thev had Nerompliqlinst anytht - , - . AL Owtill lot 4 itilis atfig"W41 %*ere well Ito in their work. &% were we have nit I$ If 'A )V ta Z" JbaLh Vollag'silialliorfardog", #A ffik '-g dotKove were Mv. tile v4pils forming the classes. and the Henderson, pastor of Carlow church else. ­ - - - I P. oil 14 oillicliv, it tbaaT wtt ITILO r I L ,, - , -, 1, 0(111 'cb. ( I - nL toi, Z I airtlif"Ma§srs. Itarry exorcism Should retult. In much Pmeti- conducted be service at the house itn4 This rat her "no I. led` I lie mayor anti ('fr iortow, WITH ARRAI'l.T. -On Kollar 0 lit, "ir A I ; UA`fw I lot tb* I " ON I . ,*, go Gl'"I" eAl botlefit. There were others down fit the grave, and Messrs. Gordon hop rospondod 4harply th,tt the doputot, a I , rhitholit 10"If 611! . roo laid Miss , far, tip In r. ?4Att1'n# Of QtkIt+[kb . wit , I # disoosatt'Cif, po to , .. bit. fill( . 4 I ( MR. I for 611t)JA0,159 but %* they did not appri,ior Young, Robt. Olen, John nit. (12porge Lion knew hPfOro they , lay Richard Chamber a Fir.. of Goderiel I d Me I "w ;1 I ­ P'.J.'k ' mont that. the a the, I , V, I !0..dqWn9`l4;' otyxi Comb ,,oDtin 18, I he Pool I- Tp . ,,vat" rharKed before Police Magiq I grt r. Mj ,Ripi ,' the Toemil6re procrieded V#IthL the alpo- Ferguson. Ed. Fisher find lit@, Treble amount had been plared in I to, .. n - t -L - L'J'il . 1 "ky,m _ r Lion of roffieers, tile Collortrin , 6 imi ofatt tii ",ille mi.. J. di, NZA now r being the wote the pall beatrars. Muich ovm- "IfLIPS. but that Wits :1 Very dtfTo-f ent. (rate Soaver with maqaoltine Eftwil.17fl , Id 41 I I . I , .; - , 1. , I t a V W "M hh,4 7wiftl 1`4160, bmtoutor % Mr. vol"'A ow"r!'"tivri for tile coining 2 Months: inixthy N expremed for' Mr. and Mrs thing from having it iroitod. lie Millioo. 1%. N. 1,owia. %Ito appoareil LL., ­ - I 04 1 1,11311 '. 10-0 164 L. , R - I (Upt. rocuat of Doti it. The tifido.,df Miss Sharman : vico fortis.. Robertson find fartlifir ill their exceed' Minister limit sat;] fie wit teal 1 lie letiol- for the crown, naked for an adjnnrn . I c I *(A OtUVOW a" ' 4 ­ Attistteally Ilre Iole* , dk Oil* P,A I *0* in detotaiiiii ! Mor,lAlk; SecV. tre,&. Miss ol;V15- Ingly he,Lvv bereavenitint, for tho dear ration, for it ritrengthe n Il It' , r third W# , 11 L , 'f' lht*#,L i6eftand out, floWerilf, R-11 At I nPol iq And-, FnPnt avid I he charge wits not heard tit 1, 'tit' * L ' - 11 . with, I r's t', , th" ,glrpi, no 111 t meeting. which W I one Chirs. whowe remaing thone of and, hoesidem. tbpv hrul a-111-1 tile Toe;dny,whPn in(- plaintiff itud his saron , 1, I .ILI .. .- . I t#.i)l L tatJ6niif*0jf1 Pink Abd ivitite, he on tile rLp,t it U11101" &.1 4 ,** t* I , turday in ()gt,fibeli, In- nubV join :Aft f tt ­ I . 1 5 C ed In f1kindrod dvpot " pas-mied Fromirp of one or two more dreorigpia. John Million gave evidence sanpilorl ­- ­ 'I.- r , ONA % '10.6 zZata, hiia , I I 'llifitt84',diA I L I L *14dilill" "* ", K , ­ ,0 %y 4 protentit Sp#dtorTbot will start tile first; Subject away but Afteen pronthe dric If possible. theV. would have at leaqt Ing the charcre. At, the conclusion 04 , . old" ow T'"oftiatt t li, , 94110 Milch the , 004, I I I 4 0 tilt h V , !, fordikumfort, "Waltitifle Tostop ' IJobv only ale I 4 - . L ot 04& , PAW hride, W101 ho -14 blvr r1oft(U. The cl,A% hilink _#,t%rieo,1 In eps, for she had lot -r&4 I one more. tine I 4'at will do come expen- , the eviflerorp t,haa troagiatrato committ" L -1 - lrothitht loand disdollifto *111 frall tba "I.Prd of life to look for We I tion find et th0rork done an Appedily dpfpndant for it lal at the next cour (it*% b6 ft, I L I L "-*ft owtit W "~, hap v eVOUP 0: $iift I0, fto out on tho MAID fut .1, - prnnl pMd what of Core tit , 1. L I 11 ! ,06. It I I , *. L J #* of tho brlqht ruorning Star I am possib e. W r *#,it If V10tUrn hoole taklhif I ure wt, "Ifut; cooling pew Jurisdiction. Yestorft I L , W no, - - I 00" 11 I 'if 9 Witb r brit s pence and wtiva wo Atilked. that , ,.Mf6et of witter in- Chnnilter,; wits before Judge Massion to , uv - , ill& Miss WAtto J# 00tk. . W ** 4101K IM13to I L in vatinftt[IM risin " . ; I w4*10toidos at 117 stitildr, alsissift lion to the it thlotifland obedient of the side aind 22 fecit Aldo, Ploction, and chose to be tried bv 11410"'J" " ' ' . X ; I or, Itedtillift 6004;i .. litectiork, Widk thb. Johiom hurnan Mee. I Thentheatherde ' tAtioners It it back 1jury at the Jime Session. b, 11 M A . ." I "L L L , I ' ' I L ,r, . . , I I I- , r I I . I I L ? . , 11 " f, I I . . . I ,r- . .1 1 11 1 '. r, I . I ,r . 1, I . 11 I . . .1 I " , (, . I 1. "I , L 11 I. r . I I . . . . I I , . '11) . , : I . . . L I 1. .1 I ,e. ­ , 1- . . 1 - ll 1110 L 11111, I I . I I . . . r ", , 1. . . I.- :t18 I . . . I I I . I I 'L I 1. I I . . A. 11;111 .1 I . " i . A, .1 I I I . I I I 11 " , ­ . I . I 11, ,,, I. I r L I I I I le , . , . 1. ' I ;. , ), I . I I 4 r ,, . 'r .. I I I I 'J r I . I - . I LL L I .14i , " r L I -"2&9", , I 11 . . I - - - M www" -- - - I - . " I I . I SEEM"i, . P44 We" 4 JuAve, 11 Ilk . potrotea lay Isupporkravo IDACWV Of I t , h0L schooner Todu L ­ L ;aS tel fort litrii Y'. on Saturdiq I %" tbo OovifriloiviO In tbo,xilociiint, 1%V*s,t, , , Huron ifina 01wkvilte bye-dat '16 , 00A . ,,ile_ .... I hortiper.- . That there were extentilvil, IrwAir jiv . Fsoating Is agia worite paptimf4 = * I'll. , I both 4agalowt 1% 4 * ,r . Ill root Iliii,josill I L - I 1;134 billo Pit 4% I, thY alto, qlrwho cAls tIol., hnukiruse it I# h rot,y OtAI#4 ' : L dcaubL4 anti 4 _ thati . I . . D4 a Pair 01 Car#. these were pairpetrat*4 On *4y#,tm . -ittiox r I ,r Thoochoquer V-10. Locke. f cam Cleve. plan by and v;ttb tbg help pf #A orsti". 11 .., 1*00. 14 'Unloading MO tons of cold for the North Amairictian Cheadcal Co. to III flow TiAnown 401; th* , , 13W gaug, Win, rtees dred a will som be road 6, Government threalblug anixthifte* Vote .., r In West Iturqu liuMcleat fgctstihIve, n7lblaunder9tood erdrat 0 W at Kincardine to t10 some 4*341ilig, , I twen established to, prove * sy iite,wa . itio I I I ;; Th -i top that were tin the harbor Plan of camPaIgn on beltailf of tb000v. , 1. dock for so long 11 period were dumped . I ea nment candidate that, wilem, follow. . Into tit* water the past week and Boat- 4A to tile n3114 ,d ont.k - 1 . puld prevent the elesille"Lota, . I , The steamer St. Andrew Is expecked - 00filler1litive In almost any conarittien- I',* . 11, 90 =%ke teft trip (POID CtihiSgo to this Cy. oriand-throUle the electorate In every I . I port right away. bringing gratin for the lkye-election. ' r L . big elrevAtor. I To begin With. an voters! lists wells I I I . I L 9, Heato n hits built n not bridge printed, or, If they were. the Conserv.' ..r " oXer the river creek near PlattN, ao that with the rope ferry he hits a short ative candidate and workets could not - -- cut to Ridgewood. got them, althe ugh ceptillea copies of I , - I Tile schoone3 Mary arrived at% Won. the lists for the vidit-g were f4irward- .1 . I r .1 with a "" da ol, 1.6 eda,d 's ' ' ed to tile Government lay tile clerk of . I 1 4 G "rich L". -I T&R111,d'u'qaI`.' _To the Peace long before tile writ for the .. 1 to the north ;4_ "" ."..1fig. , faction was ti;siied. Application wils 1, I , , , There are all kinds float- -f I g around about, large .=.., It made to the Queen'a Printer find to I r . 11 I 1. 'r-, I kleci trout, tint tie fail- we have *not = the DepitiLment Several thites for the . . r .. 11 able to verify them by sight c., taste. lists to whieh tile 0-titervativill cundi- .. r .. !'-, It Is said that men will start making date vvits entitled. hoot Illo. reply ,was - rr , r I " 1 I the cribs clisiff have to [)a stink Ili the that Ilia list$ WPIV IWIIIX pi illLoild. (god at r "I . ­ ,1 I breakwater wit hill Lite next two week O' Let Hit hOPO what is sald will prove cor- tile last moment, toil title to notivilt of , . , - .: 11. " real, proper OrgtLUIZatlOn. 311'. McLean and 10 . 11 :. 1 So far the season has been the worst his frionds find to ocialre up copies of , '. . :; 7 our fishing flept. lifts experienced trip the municipal lints witerover they could I , 11 r : 11 , ": I 11, many years, the lifts havinif Wall small[ throusib, they less r get them find prepare illocon it- best, they 0111 .. L r , .,,. all and tire getting daily. . could. Mr. Holmes. %%a understand, , .,: ;",,' r Tile schooner Singapore from Cleve- hits stated that lie received tits Inita till ,. tl'Li%, ' , L: I land, with 400 tono Of coati ia r Wait. Lee, right find Ili good tune -can he explain r , ,, r - arriyed Ili port oil Wednesday inot ning. why the Conservative candidate wits ., '. ! .";Ll The Vienna, tront tile maino port, with am toils, also for Lee. Completed un- not equallY treated? Here hre 1io '. ': , , r r ... r ,. .1. : ­ L' loading yesterday. facts its to tire Brockville lists, its show" * , . I , " Oil Wednesday afternoon the ball. lit Ili the diacussion fit tile House. W 0 t, I I L r the harbor Putianeo had been call quota from the dailv press reports: ': "t'. I . r -1 throu -lear channel from ,g, leaving it i. th to the hig IS f0eit- a Mi. Blair said the charge bail We" , ­­" : 11 1, , 0 01"Volot Of Made thitt, in tilt' bye-CIPetioll ILL Brock- so that 1110111t, of our 50.(XK) to 00,000 bits. Ville O"011MIlLy land reeeked Lite printed ,.:1,1, ,,, vessels will be able to come In. cepV (if I iv vote, li'llat before the other. - ' ­r Quite a number of Goderich people He had been requested by tile Sect 0, ; :: I ,., tacitled Shorpo's c , k tile past fen re", Lary of Strait- to g thap statement a X26tal. I'll " rrrr days, And ulanv I'll catches of tile niout unqualifit and state that rrrr i ; speckled ones fire reported. halt its tile Like copies of Lilt- lists had been Inalled 11 LLL i: 1, zz angler a generally returned af tor Sunset -,if the same dity and by the sarne tuail .. . - 'L, - the Strings of beauties were not open. to both parties onLitled to receive them "'.. The Steamer St. Andrew made this in Brovkville. Ili Answer tc le Lion all a , , . rr 'r " ! I Port on Thursday evening and Iroft, fox- .. hosaldhedicluotknowitt d ­ ': Mr. Clarke Wallace suld the Uonoicrv- - :. i; " " Fort William before noon oil Friday Site carried a part, cargo of oats and L ",tivo candidate !if Brovkville hold not I r l - buy I and Ito expected Ili poor I. Uils even- received coples of tile lists until the , afterpoon of nomination day, ". ",.- - with a cargo (if whent for It - ,.$r ,ell,,d Son at the big mill, I bit-. Oeorgo Taylor Look Mr. Blair to . 11. ."'! . task for the Nts Lament he bad tuade, ., , - - tabout that Brockville lists. Ue had "I Among the Churches. gone to the Queton's printer After the L ", 11 Tile paRt.or will proatch it special RerA writ, fat- tile elect Ion in Block v41le,luid . man to Lhe Epworth I.,nague of Chris- beeh Issued and asked Coo copies of tile I 11 I-lan Endeavor in tile Nort It St. Mot ho. voters' lists, 'lull load D0011 told lie was . : thatchurch tit tilt- service of Sunday not. nor was noy one representing the Morning next. late Air. Wood. ell Itled to receive L 11 Rev. F. W. Hollitirtake B A of , , " them. Some time later lie received a, telephone message front the Queen's , , . :: r Washington, Ont., who I visiting In town, will prench to Cite North St. Printer sayllig that Mr. Peler While ConservAtive I.. '; .1 Methodist, congregation oil Sunday Lhe nominee. wits-entithod to receive twenty copies ol tho-livit, itittl . I . . evening npxt.. asking tat %v boo, they Should lie tot - L "Poor Miko,"ata interesting story. writ tied. He asked that I hey should b will lit) showti by ningic lantern on dealt to, hill) al, the House of Commotil-e I , .; SnLurdrtv evouing next, at Lite 8. A. and. when they had Appived he hard sent - barracks. 94)ttio,pp(,cietlqi lectioiit;fl 0911 I hein Out to Birockville by Mr. Broader. I ­ ­ . .1 , Lite Ch-aphophono will Ito given, I-V .Nl.l,. And yet tho Minister of Rax.0. j Ensign Collier, who will railso lead the witym sAld thp,mo lists were'sPnt, to both' usualoorneetings a" , diLy. On Sun- !Vo. partieR oil tho Lomas (lit), nod by the '8-1 ! day 0 (A ­ . flant-rick will Name UU3.11, - . Urewall frvin Godorach. , ` 1- ., . No. lvxp l;%natiuir we have_ yec hoerd .... . 11, 4L, . Tile members Of ,St. Gcqx --, 1,110- it, 'Ji-hi!I., ca Cortese cafles wh l4r1eve the, . ­­. . . , laries had an At Honic In'-efoisch6ol .00vtornalont, of 1.1te charge of taking it., "I 41 I room on Thursday ovening of litst c ontemptible and dishri'nest advantage " .; Ir .week, atud thL% function waH a Success In every partictilar. An admission Can I of their opponents in the issuance of I . .. of ten cent,; wits charged. but the . these lists. I . ticket Inchided coffee, cake, etc. Work But It wits in the manipulation a,ld I I tables and candy mudis, vvere apparent, stuffing of Lite ballot boxes that the . ;; , and many of the visitorm helped the Auxiliaries Misgion Fund by patroniz- - greatest Iniquity was perpetrated. and , i , 1 ) ing them. The Incitiss of the Societies, tile audexcity and curinfug of Lite game I who say thpy had a good flight. dealt e rival that of the boldest crook within I to thank those friends who No kinil "I prison walls. Two divisions in West L Inigiaion attended find helped the w= I b of the church. It was exppcte( t iat Huron may be InqLanced its allowing Cburchwardon Heaton, with Hpider. I he wholeWe extent of tile scherne and would preside tat the entertainment. the hopeless disadvAntage ill which it I r 1, . latit the gent.IP11111,11 did not, Appenr Rood pideed the Conser vAtive condiditte. in , that daty was undertaken by the rpeLair, Rev. Mark Turnbull. Ths following one division. No. 3, (loderich. ,it tile !,-` . i .' , ;.. prograinnie was presented during tilt, Town liall. there is it n0riolki Couset-v- P ,. 1' I Opening noldr-Pois by the rector-, '"I"'ll nt AtiV0 Majority of ftboot 2. And at the 1. Pir., let, Miss and Percy Tye; read last election tile ConApt vatives expect- I Ing, Mrs. Tomm; recitation, Mass Helen Shephard; song, "flappy liars", Miss ed to At IPJLSt 11111111tain I I)AL Wit it at 10 . Potrsfels, with violin accompaniment cat candidate; their rx-toni4h,itelit Illen toy Miss Hattie Donngb; piften F011%,M149 to tied thAt Mr. McLean land hot . I y E. C. L. NAflP1: I-ro-itation, MiRs Vheoi W0118% reading. WKS C. IdetoiiZel; V f *1' 10 ba:lotm find Mr. Ifolroes 72, will, 11 ta.don, MIRs L.han McDonrild; song rejected I'allots. %via$ 4111ile nel orad, ,and "Whaleria N'Rrn." W. A. Coff. Inter- this suivirlse wait shared nlwo it leadirig Diisimlon. Part. 11 11101trillePelld 94-14-C , 'flivial of the Liberal associntiml, who I I ion, Mrs. And C. itiod H Blackstone' reading. Mrs. Tom%; song "t'intnawer- declared " that, caniva IN., the, roo.t. Pal," Miss Itome Naftel: reviti)tion. slims. be some miatakP 01011t tho,te tI&:or­i.­ .. If. Tve-, duot "Slailight" thv Mi,44es bivestigntion has f.dlow..,I .1o,vi-, nn,l " Iliniett: recit-ttion. Mim Al -111L Stelliv; we fire In .% pio,iltion t4) stittf. I ilAi pr- if song, "Ju" Ilphind tire Titnea."Mrs ' Toms: VC60dioe, Miss Wadvs MAIL, N AVNiJAt3IP that fullv (9) e!* ctorn Y"ted ' God Move tile Queen. for ,Nit. McLean. attraost px,iri I ' v c,lint - - wag calculated in the vanvns. Th. - A .v.cial nm4ml to -cat tinder thro.%] i,rvlqI0 method toy which this 11-inrig*- witA I . .f All- W)-rin, ,is I tie OPerm flou .n ,,pay, 19t h. effected will be shown Ora ,an inve.tiga- Hee protirron el.cwho,rc. Lion, Another divit,iou if) %villa I, thi, o - - - Business Notice.q. rioncalltv wits found pi-m-ticawe wa. at I . A bankrupt stock of dey goo,lq past arriv- NNO. 4. Colbor"P. ,trial hp,o ioqt*.n(I ot :ix) I ed, have decideoll in put it in with the votes. as reported by the D. R. O., fi,r .,I balarce of the flialey stock of groceries. Mr. MCL04n, over In votes van in. ps. . Ixiok for bigger bargains then ever known tablished for tile Con%vrVAtiVP Candi- In Goderich. Store will be closed on Fri clate day, May 121h, to enable off to It the dry goods unpoloiked and placed. 17his great * 11 hese divisions are not the only ,,n,.,,, . I . slauxiliter Palo will commence on 13sturdev in which this deqperate anti al odati. I I) its morning. May 18th. Remember the totand, villainy was perlwtrated. and it car) he Hamilton 14t. J. W. Bnovizvorai, RPPn sit once how almost impo4ginip it If you are lonking for good pntatoca. y:)u can get them at 0. M. FI.LIOTT'g, Hamilton will he in elect it Conservative. or to L . (it. Hectare the (-I),,i,-e of the piectotote. if I Go to the Victoria reatenrant, West-irt , match K('hefl)PR Are LA) irn linchecked. : for your fee creation, confectionary, fruits, - L - ­ , ate. C. BLACILSTON1111, prep. A Worto Am," Buns -One third of yonr - One of the -t Pimarini entertainnientoot of th,, -P-o,, In pmnrif-ad for L"1v loth. 1. Mo, O e ;" .L L I life is spent there. Therefore Von should Optors FI -e. alto PrwritinN, ,, 11 4 'i gaila the beat. Iron berill are the best. the ­ ''I, ". 1 i 11 most military, cleanly and darabla, and Blyth. L! . , I I. they are cheap. from $4.50 Up at WILIEZ11 PRIANO)NAl- MrN. Colotrin left tor 1. . I , RUITH'S. Elklit 139. her fot,orp limne in Strafford. We a., r . I ,:, . This glorious weather, when all Nature morry I,, I -e her ,%A qhe wits (,no of our I :, , i 1 I Is se,anning Ilia Onest dram. )on should not tw l 6t izetiq. Mr. Harris. h.Lker for R. I I ". toil to call up at Brophey's Photo Studio llooglam. 1paves herP aboard for Som- . I ,. 11 , , ` and see what we ars doinal in Art faghions in lino. Some beautiful (-P. where he Ilia rohains a baking A, P., I*oqmPqq for hini 11" I "' I ' "I I our photovo in ro. - Success I Harry I cent orclairs would just suit you. T It. Jaines nf the Commercial. paid a flying . ,. I BracopearT. Popular Photoor. vinit. to Brussels or) Monday. I 11 Moas 9. Walls Watson repr"ontinot the Dims. --8. Herrin ton has it very I Cixneo,dian Gonsizathon, Co. of Toronto, neat and solistantialf fence around the . I will give a hosloth talk to Isaipot at the TompAratnee groonds of his handsonip.reasidence.- . I Ball on Saturdav, May 131h. The regular sittings of the 12th MO. I L I at 3,30 p. m. Robjeorb, "The plivoeal life -it'" will be held In Indu-stry ball. on V of women lacio-chay," The ladies nf Go,dorinh Friday, before His Honor Judge ". " are cordially invited to toolitAind. No ad Davie, when several caqeR will be dfli- I mission (as charged. le Posed of.-PrLinjefor and decorrittors U 141-F"'­ Flavinat dooldeaftio, mratinonair lito..n.,00, who have been working In the M,thn-p .. :1 I "tinalve17 to bonta and shope. will offer dist church here rot sevelf)l weeks left I' 1, , the what@ of our stork of ar,,&.1y ma,ie clo-,th for their frompq In St-Thomim, an SAt- L Ing at twenty-five per cent reduction we us -day. -Hegular meeting of file C. 0. I , . romaka this nffpr In cirtiar to clean ant the F. Was held in Wa6on's all. on Toes- , . clothing stock quickly. This will be a day night. I I * I rare opportanitv as the clothinit in now tip. CHURICTI.-After having boofy, closed t. ; - I I to -date 11004s. Title cheap sale will com. UP for Neveittill Weeks the peoproolog or ­. r 11 morant-A to -day (Friday ) Two shipments of the Mathodist churph takes 1; I now up-to-doolmo hoota and shoes lastli arrived which will otbio be offered viary cheap. J. p1sce on "anditl 001L The witelter for the 't, Octaiiidrl *111 be ROV, V. (hmpbell, of , I - , W. Blioultinicit. Toroattij a former pastor of thecholch, I r - - At 016 tkft 41poefal collectionq will Iwo I Do not rates the Mo -teal rw.IW and elocution. takers bp to 0 towaldila Paying for tho, , ­",. 'Ad' - ary contsixt Kay 19th. In the Opera none^ I Imptitawiftonle, . ...."', ' L . ---- - , .- , iii, , , - 1---, 'i"O.' , ­, ­ , - . I q i I- - ­ - , # I ­ " L I I : ., ') I . .. I I 0 . . ., I I ­­ I . 1. I I I . . I'' I - , ;; 11 2111v. I I 11 - ; - .1 . . I ­ I ­-& I . ,11111111111116 ,Jk­J r . ,,--,k,