HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-05-05, Page 7- . - . I I .- . -.7- ---111- _..__-=_._1E-
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AV IN t no shampooing.
b on AU4 (Ifte1a � .
,0�, - 1,
, . OHN XNM Xey.gatq mttee4 UoderIch,
OPP0108 BIAX-0. 110val. Muctigod Atic.
90�near #Laid AgeaMr the Noxon Brir,,Agri-
cultural Implamen Parts; trio oft 0 rated
Atlanta'. agoni tin Carrie ol..
I I ,go C
P.11 OX the C'aok Thluft P'ow puny
,"aw= W,v all other lines plartsll.= to tbi;
g "Ads. . .
ok and0on-
UY ""'m to ' _ aslop
ojorif� ad. to .rIv.
" I -ftin'
* g0MA8 OUND �
tr" Ano tracer.
ti eve sto iamshL
--- .. Cria do
At Z-ve " ._ 0 hu., y IL T.._.
. �_ b I In, 6 - - Wt
Gtartnia. . Afrr,tolt. . Offiderlob .
� .
- .1 I Voterinvy 1. . I -
. 4, -.DR"`-'<`A-Rr',�V9-,; gradua`0 of -the
a T
,�orlo- V Vvertniary. 1JI-Re" �ftfftw-1
Peace llveall,.�..�...-�".,.--�.--.--.i
. - - �
I . . . . -
I...- .A.W � I
an s ZZ.&Mt: M-3mrx".1
WDe ,
I .
I I . . .1
. Bro2ything in Season and prjois always right.
I , i !''
. . . � I
Funeral Notice.
The proper turatelifirgand cocilacting
Of FUNERALS at a cent which does
net make Us. burden, tin art withirit.
the leading Undertaken and Embalm.
, era. ,
__ _ , ,
%on"� , --- -
I - I
' ' L
EP�. PSIS I C, 00A,
-1 0
Disti�gultlied eveqwberim for
Deliciatay dT Platlour, Stlyerior
Quality, and Nutritive Pro.
perties. Specialty graterul
arid Comforting to the nervous
and dyspeptic. Sold only In k
. lb. tins, labelled JAMES
EPPS & CO., LI -D.. Hoince.
opathic Chemists, London, �
� England.
I .0
. .. _1X? -
Goderich P1 - US.
, q, It .i
Budhaa6s- klhynas
"Ai, _0 ,L�1� .. �' _, �
b4*111ill LAtwi !hiLg!44$� &c., &c. If
; X - ;; .11 11 .. IC "I I - d 1 1 W,L I . L ' ., ratitag to tb" #At*, T41k ff- 1r1kAA-v4X,, ta0,-_A4,#MXS a � 9 .1 _0 RIM -#,. !�
. L; poroo , � 44 .Made 1% SuCt I � .
I 'M 9. wyoko ','to. doni'L Wo 'I L wow 41111`1 'A w 4 Ii lin * xr%`Ilvo� I I . -11
I . . Vt" Pit M 4a
1 . ,at 148. . , I " M -_-Q', 1 - , ,
6- '' to-ko # , t I , , =1 , 4
, r#AA icoroll" 0% gwoupw, Log, . r ;" 41 I
, L L .
, "
� , , Elt4laty, 1hu" -4 ,- -a -cloth 0 �j
, �
1".. 0 ird f , � �4*. 404,164 upon, to _ am oil tb 'Jib* L �:�At* or ill oa , It an At WOW 1�"J ofild 4f ifoadlits. and on tbs
.. - I " Minding on thoi-P41:9090A oJAN44 111*0 OVAIRA 0 '40 ig- t .1 , ..#� 3,00ft (�4t, 4 - - , -
L'� , 0-p4* " -QJ,ftj . � L - L __ , , U0411'. IIA I ,% - . 1� -
, ,
. , ,W =9 -.04 thIJit of liter 4011& - Wliy to read, % pos"go, oottooto� a 70404 Moto, ho, - , -witlow with flaves ob p., . I'".. ' t % -, !*, I
I . r#jR)LA44 404 Ilt "441W4 .1 , ir 51 I
, ., - LAD& tIJ % its I
�L 'L I . A,Jr . '13 4% a t 0 .r k -
'Orl , , i., .jtk the WAku - rali -4ho viiat � � I$ "' ;'ftd4W back' boil'bala In trainittir Italy it y4r Its At, V".010 it,tA" Of first.,41ght 101`01 1AA tot lnAbW1#'L 1119 At �,
111111149TA . irk ,, Via , qal� . 844. th040 4 Atilt lAt I'd V , ,tl4k: I
1141�., . ,,�, , , I w9lirl1i,olik . ,fir a r tot AL Call . I , Tl" 'J'v I 04
it�4 " a 'AA timme _adiap $44 XW441kr, to ,*sr"In b Fit pilasn"W'Fraym � � I
, eir"A - ,p refol: noRita 1* � ' if 4 1
_ atil L"( . 0170414111 ;0�,ll_* . . . L
, ij J*,0.(% NOW4 tAft N;Aqq t is now "Wyed In thil, 11%toilia ot,o W t. Aid, . - I I 11.
I �� ,Xwopt tbo 4*111.11t ltpaad loorstsirtm, ;JAAMOV� F ,414PA fIlb'd 4 14 A: a 40tatod from thin , � 'r,
� , QmpIt&JL ittirill
"c4Q,NA!q - � . t ,or tb? next 41AI. Ile CO. i _4
. . . 0 4 a , I r4i .
., nqTJ,X.P.V " t a vason call, of Daily bac bam*
. . . il Tfil M(sition. . 9 . 1 4
L _,".r I sask�'Xows -9004;Atlr!� Maeo %M fistat � fIrMptlY to - 110 .. a book, t,,44 to q coots qwn nalue. - . : t, . YrAlIrp 'W�o=fm .t, , 1,
* � � .. I A, � . . ,.r, I I I I
W L'tho, oulave 610AXIAt, 41110044d'trl or A104119110A lad who bag been in % iofarmatory� Wo* pl,Mhailod soon, after 41- 1. 4. . 'it AR VAQU 40% 100.4 moo- obat (A . , I 12 11 11
W40y freirimena x1flod, Ina 141 % THS YOUNG ANIMAL I
. - ,
an 14 4" Love led " .I lt� i 40L was 11 I . ,L I
. qu!Aalxp , 1, _ _ 410. rallobe od, to 41 ImPIWIloat'll 1
, engine *4wod, It 40 NvIA4 coavoy
Z 1 . . be nii'ih atoAlWor -roplidity. soxt to ther , - illannot tie ,enixrodp bu " Id , t, and In obowlifig this . . L I I . I
. �
911411,0111ift Allwi -4 .1 . " boy at very , -:. ibr NOW Wn I
. 11 ad' c%viialpt nod a , .;bt f � ,;f .... :,
timbulan . . I
'-, A . all; Waor &,Le 4) 04 It Av4LjI1r1M* Itible, Art this UP$ to, W good character who row IIIJAdval; of tue PaholillA . I 11 a t that blR4 , "�." PAAICX - .
Ldasipa,tch &Qm Hirkavill.a. Mo., * , boa been in -aa in- tribil who ve In the octilocia ,. ; "I It
I k WIT84 10'ro4a ad' tbs curve it voordil. ) , 13 reglono ' . I'mitim In 0 t roner how no in"Plust 000willott will About No., ".
44ye t -A gathering storm that bad gVer to the VLQ,rLt'4 ti.mate t1i", 0446 Rally 4 bun red dustrial 110b0ol. rally be accepts& with. near thei want want. The f t a man be sh , � I
L . , and rode around the 4 bra 464 4 at at, tbif Car-
t 'ad" houses have Want Mo -via or less damajg� the 810141 periniquical .� . A itWopatob froig Maugot 4*,"t_0qJ. L �
OurVia 041ho wheals On the let , ' ' $4 thplis in 010" tbot L' L . i � I
4111c;tbre4timains all Afternoon broke It , . .1 ftisr 1,
it bid Dogodelf,04 b4t an � iproXlmilty� to at the Admir. olded,to do their licat to ala a the 0 ,. . .
Upon, Kirksville at 6YA o'clock on ,,:art of the b -W - vtlull� & 11%.,year-old Indarl boy attempted 0001 6104 ,L I .
. . cheiAlpa di - reaki d � "Ity _ fellow useful. 'At firilt -1,Lft*,W4%4 Uantol Avail a %1,%d t1II4 I .
4a the track %4e)x It I It a rail d , -1 works bilingisobaii y -9 I �
T414re. - L. I - PlacoulAclos4contin,omout. S itlow- L I
b '' , Ll' 4 an .Lj&Ltr)jJrQbabjY aecossitate their con-, Accorditig to the need for boys, a L t I
frk 1, I ! Ora was a Anticipation, I STAXDA.UD OF MUGHT of Aegross, which ot*mo to' Arrive t . Ikl; - ' I L
da,r night in all the fury of a a at oftaig It th ad max and repuffounq to 4irowri b a father. looked his motti- Ross Derr" OWiff Of.-C'eviaral LUs,44-it,
4114 L , " ,
cyclone. A I'Atla �aa "I at the at .
, a quarter of a milif atiort . . ' ti i the, catiplingAl betwean' 3 - ltkt or It% $Ufaf collar, state a basket of tale staff, entered Cleneral, WoArthwet , ' I I
wide and as clean as the prawe vrfAB t4o A 9' a *40 o0pQ4 were savored, and � . in freItalenily altered, but the present his to torb bad maltr ted LAD, In . had liva t V for a huckster, so d lino bearing a flag of trucamn, FritIlAy ' '
swept through the ealItar, partiorlt at then Tfagnint *care I ft at, Mo, that L I , L � . L
, 4 over and ploughed TERRIBLE XISTARP. Admiralty standard is as foltrivo:_ his = be t in, and bougift whiskey, out dmnk IMorning. Thoy wars alloortad to 14
, O..
tbralloU that earth f9r.maverat feet bo� . tile men were him musters. for 'w Al' arrot � I
the town, a4d. four hundred buildliags, . 0""" Felght -ted and looked up. -tried to Ila, where they Interviewed 004stfli ,
fare ot.a ifelf with his suspend �
,_ V he found that he was unable to destraq, bang hiai was
homes 404 stores were Levelled to the the Rid ppfing on Its side in. froult of Chost' the walls that hemmed him in, anit Odt 40011114 Lillis to steal a are and
#a Read Uqts). A Retyps Right Destineyed by the Removal Age. without shoce. ., hai Ott& They told General, QLls Oat I 11 � , �_� , ...
ground In scattered ruins. In the As thi ti;st coach left the track the Grills out bound 1EYe. 151-4 to 1504 5 ft. 0 1-2 JZ. n4p#1 . - � I
in - that followed a people 15 " to to 1-4 5 ft. A So 1-2 in, after a month he gave up olt atiompis vest froin a f"llowt, prisoner rail won they ivere rim re"litativils of 00 I ...
heavy ra 1-2 In. 81 . � I I . "I . I
who escapoi4 turned out to rescue tile engine W.od an. and the otbekr coaches A des' In'. to ascaps. and day by day grew tallu- finally sent. to the reform farm. L who bag been ri.nusatiod by A-##,- , 11 11, L, 11 ,
were forced q krid; to ask Goneirol Otte for ski i . ,. � 11
Injured. F5r two hours not Anne was ftihat track. The aecol4d patch from Montreal a&A:-A 161-4 to 16IS-4 5 ft' 2 1-2 In 811-2 Ilk, or, until at last he was quite details A Pennsylvania kodak flood waii In- 011i. I . . 11
. lamentable mistake In surgery ocourr- But when 11 boy silecially'nuitable for and contelatect, in a taw wefeliio� he �6- hostilities In orflar I .
coach scrapp . alicnagide ict tbs Ono tbkt . . a !'L - . �
adooropUsbod, as AL11 was coot ion blato , tearing 4W# . vt&utly, Wiled while attempting to got nation or � ,1110111f. , �L. �
.� � 7 the Plat- ad on Thursday. Seven years ago Them- nav�al service in slightly under mesa. tit take food train the A a of a aloapoW of a clast as It expladed. dine, for tho sun 10 I
badiss had can galn � W 11111100I .
4jurt the car. . _0 I L.
taken trom the ruins.. It is confident- n as Stewart. the ton -rear -old atimpsoa of. uremerit or suffering from nine min. the fathers and then permitted him- Congress. which body w6tillik 01' t � I .t
ly expects d, These cairif., J=Oolled by the force they wbotivar the mple, ws. 'I 0- I I .. . 1. .
that the list of dead will had already received, ran Ahmed far Ur. George P. Walker of the firm of or defect, permission can b: obt low sell to be loaressed on the It * d APertallylvania boy tensed a vat with Inted poilialeV, 1 1 1 1
reach betv son @ and 60, if it does not . 0 d invariably resented the famedi ' but kittens till she jumped at th tbathe did not V"- 41 � � i ., 11 "I . ", I
exceed that. Almost a thousand Pon. about 100 feet. The engine whirled on J IL Walker & Coulparly, commimlon for his entry to most 6ases upon ap- who,. say Ono touched hit, trunk-liarlity prangled the calf of his log loom tabolt 641:11 Ott': =toace (it a Fillpitio Gov- . . :1 I
Pie were more or less injured. L down the track and was not stopped al'arcliAllith, met with a serious and PlItiation to the Admiralty. Every After two motallas of prison life the he will probably be a cripple for lite. aruntent. There will be another cap- I - I'll .
Da bin next. stage of training began. In Asia A fire -year-old, Philadelphia boy foil toreacie, on Saturday. I � .. , I
light will be necessary before .. et?.: until It bad golla,uearly a Mile. The Painful aooidqnt at Belioredield, where - eaterial; the navy signs an en- I 11 �i
closed coach, which Was overturned, the Item6at to serve twelve Years after sharp, iron-poloted sticks with which -L 1.
I � I
quate estimate of the lose of life and family was spending the summer. th'! age'of eighteen, and valid rtma�ons to prod the wild animals are pron - - . -_ I , ., .1
property can be bad. had in it a partition, that divided,the A patakAite was run into his left 6yb mus ain - 1 P4 . .
Intense darkness prevailed qttap 0 trolat Part traft the rear, The fivat discharge can oni in the process of Laming, but the I . .. JFI . 1. I I.,�' , ,I �'.,.: �,,
I . . . . , ';��' _�L �
_a apartment was A smoking compart, and the digbt was destre ad. Dr. At_ be purchased. The pay- of a boy an fathers of the African miwion Prefer- ,� I . ... . I I .'
I , : .1 . 11 It
oyclona, and the rescuers %vere tit a dI&. . y entry is merely a few coppers.a, week, red, a milder regime. They began by . lk . I .
advantage for a a ment. In it were soVeraLl Men, and axantlar ProtitifatIt, who wan di I I �
- !, - � ,
tiort time, until fire standinj it 8PO12 lag but as own as 'ho is rated 'second- Lying a truipe around his c - - , ��: � I I
, ,
I I . . L. L : - r, �
broke out In a dozen places in the rains _� the, ontTsui 'Were two the surnmer in the nolghbourhood, was class' Im receives 6d., 12 cents, a day. induced'him to walk, while one of the , I . � .1 11, ,
and shad light over the scene. No at ,womer. sad a littlejOrl. These were . . I ..... L , �
- summoned and treated tile name. It of a "first class" boy is 7d., fathers led talln. When he refused �o .. ': I
tempt was made to extinguish the fire, thrown into The 0 . , L i
partly because the A JUXHLED MASS was decided that there was no Pon=- 14 ratty", a day, and ffir good conduct follow be wits pushed gently but firm- , I C , , � � 1, , ,,� �'L
tim rescuers had 4 u . bility of the might being restored, and an additional Bid. a week. After one ly from behind. Sometimes he was , I ". . ,4�i,,'�,:` �, �
- . 1 ,�4' i"�:'4 �" . 1,
p, and partly because of the oeeg against the roof of the Afar. and were year of training, and sometimes sooner, fftubboi i .. he4U Mat' . ,:', , . 1, 11:71A -4,11-
A Ilglit. on both sides of th to ' . . nod under the seats and the par- tbs eye began to wither up. The boy -n, and then Lhe rope was drawn. I ,i.-�`-`,t`,;1, .'.
' . �
the rating of a -first class" boy coo tightly around his neck. . ,I W", i _-----,Z -q. I
on in the car. whibb wAls tarn 10 grew up, and is%now a youth A sev�, be b Load If It he still re- I 11. ���L",� I. � I 11 �, ��J,�,7 "!%l, �% �1
path tile debris was piled ggah', ramad Utui to o to of sixteen �!�.."%,.,� ' _LIZqg,,,11ZL.
ronly. In all probability it splinters. John Hilborg was standin 611teell, Lately the in -lured eye had Y8&rs Ot (196- slated, the fathers got a krrip on his . " .'L ": . . _�
and at the age of aightiffell a boy can budding tusks, ifuld this always . _-..,1,A,�.;,;:1�7,, ,kL
. ,
1�,�.� 11, Y. I. - 1.
, . �
num. a of bodies have been Jacineat- 'on the platform between the -seciong become Inflamed, sad ft was feared seaman, a 1. � ... . . ... �L,�,L�� , _'
� jg,r.. �, L �, "., 11,
,� ,
6d. that the other Sys inight become of- w rank brought him to terms. After a wifills � ''.'k':A,�",""'�
. I
f I. is. 3d. a day . 4 4`1��'�;�,"'t '
he storm first struck the east- and third cars when the crash come, hich carrip wiith ff pay, say unt, of I. he fixt hero was able to Torture - -*1 I --f " ": i.i
I ",*Q,"�,",i�,"v;
Drn portion of the city near that Part and was caught between the two care acted. Dr. Proudfoot's professional After six micuths'service boys can Bead lose him as he would a horae. . I �, �t�,,�,'I. , ��,,,
[1001211M by the boarding houses of the mind orushod to death. His"body was experience was again. sought, asid )is money to their parents or guard An he was destined to nee a great ' .. � Jor
Audents of the American &boat, State removed with great difficulty and sent anvised the removal of the useless ey loomp� I 1. ''it"', "�,
I � . 1, 9,�- �,r , - �-
a Istia, at the rate of 83. a Month, this many itipgross. all his life. It was destr- "Lo, � '. I ..., tj_" "'i" _' ,
Normal School and MoWards &into- to the morgue. %a the ohly sure means at preserving bang undertaken by the Admir . � I , "_-z",
riendlyL I . ,i4g,%;'� -, r li,
I.. �,Iidlk` .
, _,"I.,;, " L, , , .
. .. '. � .
- the other intact. This was agreed to" receiving intimation of the desairly on .4014 , �..
Just suppir time for the A few minutes after the accident on able that he oulf1valle more friend IYL ,"ifinsirlasin Ithouss.
relations with them. So efforts were __ I . . , �";t;'�";L;.� ."
Andante, and it is thought very pro- curred railroad men and others *era and the delicate task was entrusted to Fqr the eighteen months a lad MAtilo Our* Cums In I I I : � ". �� �, L t;2'�';, �; � L
biable the list of dead will be well filled at work removing the sufferers from Dr Proutifoot, who is assistant con- is 011- made to. induce him to follow negroom 1 ,. I.-, I "I.. �,�
gaged on the training ship he is put -k . ,,-�,�;,f` ,;1. ��'. I
with students, as a large number of the wreck. Little Emma Tuefel -aws list and aurist to the General Hos- when they held his rope. His griev- I to 3 Dfikytil., i, .. ;o�, "I
. . 1111�..�Ilill�. . "�
:. _r,tIl I L.
Ith.r u varied course of Instruction, ance against. them, however, was still I 1.�`.F , .
X,41 "..
ounded taken pital, and oculist and aurist to the I. - g seamanship, gymnastic, tail- I 11�111 .. " � !� � - �
these boarding houses were demolish- among the first of the w . Itadib: V i .
�d. . from the wreck. Her face was cover- Western Hospital, The operation took -,.g .ad schooling, Ffirtilitints, �rs a Solomon Woodworth, Of Hope- .1. I,- I
, well Hill, N. It.. Is rescued from a � . 11,!',���", ,**. -, ,
ad with blood, bar nose broken, and Place at the family residence, 1278 Dor- given for recreation both on the train- SORE SPOT IN HIS MEMORY,, deplorably helpless condition. Induced I . . ",;,iW'.._ � . I
0 � ; ,;,;"'_'.:
, P., � ,��
' there were out:B.and bruises over bar -heater sCrest. Westmount, on Tue- ing-ahip, and ashore, and, aq each ves- and ,it. first he retused to have Any- tLtheagonic3ofcritennurtism. Mr. . �, ,,.;�';',J', ,�!�� I,
. L
At tile Antwerp Horticulture. , day afternoon, and at its conclusion it o4wo,th . �.;"Li.:�q
I Ex- face, bonds and arms. George Pressor - eel 'has a band, the boys thoroughly thing to do with them, It was found . 4'.� j.", I
were offered for three who sustained a compound fracture of was found that a terrible mistake bad 0 11 , 1".
�Ositioa. X4,000 I f had ontracted rhearria- . I II41 �. 't.�L
1peolmans of that he would PerMiL Alegre, children vees m &ad in &- �, , ,., " ,_1 L L
orchids, which was re- the forearm, was found,pinned under been made. The healthy oye had RNUOY THEIR PASTIMES. to lead laim, and by deg-rees, little obil- - = s I F, ,
!used by the owner of the flowers. f- , k�ort time was incapacitated far ., '' �"',�.
I I � ,��,O,-
I 11 01...,
. - �4! -
a heavy beam, slid was removed with been removed. On recovery from the a Leave is granted for the afternoon go dren being replaced by large (Mom and for weeks tie could get no vest - .. '.. � � � , , " " :', i,
�� I rj�....'�� _t".L,��;;
,.i,�'j'� ,..L �
considatable difficulty. The work of fects of the anaeathetic the patient Thursdays and Sundays, and, if Oil- that, all children by adults, he grew -suffel,ed the most violent pighajahis .. . I � I ..,,.AA�'j'� ,
soosess ... .. 'I��,J'�,,�,�. L
I . � .. 'Itr��JI'1'11�,,��
rescue was ,energetically carried on, fort arms and shouLders-oretv worse and I I ".,. �.", L
!.� ,, ""
__ .ad himself blind. Dr. BullOr was at vilaged, on Saturdays. Long Leave of to like fregroes of all mizes find ages, "'L
and as soon as each sufferer was taken' once sent for, and efforts have since three weeks if& granted twice a Year, That, he would do for anybody all that fall lie could not live. so terriliblo w a I . .T!": Z,,,?�� . -
his sufferings -his arms because - � . ,. ,�,i;"Iil�'. I,
. I
I out he wits sent to tlig hospital. Am- been made to save the eight of the .in July and. at Christmas. Each ship be had been trained to do. . � . . � . L �,� 4 I,
, " I
tootly liciplesi. . �, �.. � .: �', ,,
� 'Y
Geo, Smith - 't, �,_ ..,7 . bulances had been quickly silmnitmed. injured eye, but as yet with only prob� has its Medical officerEj, whose duty It i Atter his day'm training it was often th American R"1o..t!t`1`.'3 Cure- . . I � Z'i 1'��
, . from the city, and although it was a lematical success. At be to to watch strictly over the health of ifficult . . 1; :� ,
. at the Eight �2 make him enter hits prison ,NU . . ,�
. _ Aw . . .
Im �� -_qmnk thw-was A % . . I .
a nau
mh e a . .. __ L LLL
. �
. - 1- �.' _T�Lm� arka - carr -only -,so -far -be pfvfwn,vodarw�_�to, - Am '96 r I o uss - __ - � I "..
, :11%, I !., :
- � ",_. - vTa 'at ,the Iiiiii], homPi- were used as a bait he was enticed a e a ... LLL I I . �
e T
e T
. .. - - __ ,W Is the Young Infan td _dIatfoginish L o7V_ - - again, but wl3on ripe .bananas v Am e an T
- ' - '_ . h extra ab light ness afC,tr� 1.10's ev tI of the pain was . 1. .,.,
I- - - � NOWER. dmoactors, so that the ivounded welre from darkness. But no effort is being tals. wiw ki�di.hr . L . __ � I I. I ,.1. :i-:,-1
,�,,& . . tka"91__ I I � � '. . '. `�_-,7,��V�;"
and� ickly attended *tia, and the moireL scaro. tn,*W* -r� * IT, . .A, _ I, IV- .��4ttoivinalj�" -0-6 - Ot radam IN f0e e- - __ I - W, , "
" '76k WE AtL CARPEMTER. qu . . - -, 11 jl��--.-"?, =.P� tu ill- 1111 . � �% " " f
I seriously hurt Were TsXa0V8dk1_. .. _ , _-e' .. , - - � , " �.., . I in. to dothV her I it attew I d " ... %%% _ I ., �`,il"7�1,i,
. _ no. ,4k" . I I . -4 d .1, � ,.. -
iouses remiodel�d, and gene�all repairs several hospitals. - � 10 11 �, -, 010 k A .�4,AfXcapT walking be- Oleo Iiii a i6urr, wh c he =1=014 1- --i �, ��",' I'
attended t6 promptly at m8derate # -.----7 __ - - -�W. � - U141 pro- 1,19.41. - Insider. When this lesson .y I � .1 .1 , '�t,
K " ,
. 1W WILL NOT BE LIBERATED. - vent a lad from rea"hin I. most is miracle. South Amerlesift - Z."� "',',f
� . 002110118- wait thoroughly learned they put a Rheumatic Cure cures In I to days . ., _.,�i
� prices. I I '. "" . . A, - �,,,A� Q`,
. I stoned ranks of chief boatswain or chief �,-� .1 .
O- sort. at collar on his neck, to which a -eye fica- I ".'el ..., t, I 1,
. � � '.
. 1119 CAPTAIN. . . ry form of rheumatism an . : . - , ;
Satisfactiop 46ustranteled. . tracer, which carries a pay of from piece of wood weighing sev, I � . L 11 ,,%
. I .. I
, �.,L
. �,
�, .
'� Itis to 12a a day, or from X18*2 Los. to . � - :;" :L ,, , �t
The French superior council of War Una 6aty pounds ' malIlia. Do not suffer longer -it will
' 0 I - . St. Decided 1hA the breyftA Case. as attached, and in his daily exercise , relieve In six hour& , . :i, .. m
- I ,m
SHCI�-Klngston Street, Qoderich. A:219 a year respectively. Th,j pay of w I .. 11 .�� �
. ,
. so Think Also Crew or. 11*10 Vessel "'ana A despatch from iLandon aa�Ya:-Mr. an ordinary seaman is I he had to drag thin weight along the flaroth AmericanNervilall, soothes 14 .. _-A4`_.�,,,..,.;,
RESIDENCE -Huron Road. Which this Allaster'Was Lost- a. Bid. a day ground. Having advanced so far to- the nmes and cures all forms of rim. , 1.
.. ng tale of the, loss at sea David'Christits Murray publishes on and after passing through the ranks Vi were civilization, the Arlig (allow re- vomuess. .4. - - . I . . I . 11
The thilrilli able seaman, loading seaman, first and ceived the name of Pr t . The weigtit , I
� I known Tuesday morning -the statement that 0. . � � 1�,, ..
. . South American Edhey Con ,�,,, . ,
I of Capt. J. Masson, the -1 second class petty officers, he reaches he drew was gradually increased on- y disesses-relieves I '' � �,
I commander of the Millason Line steam- he has learned from trustworthy soure.- the rank of chief Petty officer I I ��
ith III he was able to haul a large load. is � i
loderich Steam Botler. Ifforks as In P�ria that the Superior Council a pay of from 2a 8d to So 4d a d,;, wTh. I _�_'� I
� . ship Vinasira, and of his, bor(y . being Of War, including Gen. dq, Nergrier, homs and foreign services are divided To -day Fritx is an accompillohad.and ... � I - , I r , � , , .,� 1
. devoured by hungry sharks, was made willing drought animal, perfectly go - �, - �
a .� ". �
A. S. CHRYSTA116, Gen. Zurlinden, Gen. Gi*vanninelli. up -very fairly, sad leave Is granted tie, greatly attached to those who . : ,,, I ��"'
. known Thursday afternoon upon ar- ithout deduction from pay, as much treat him well, and one of the most �� I ,
Manufacturer of all kinds of rival of that ship at Philadelphia from Gen. Ducheane, and Gen. JtLmont, it. W . � . I : I ,
as mix and eight weeks bei 9 given On useful ttaches of the Fernan-Vaz . I . 1 I I
;oilers, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Cuba with a cargo of sugar. The vice-pre8ident, none of whom, excepit, return from a foreign sta'taion. Aligsio.. 11 He is often employed also for SOLD By W6 C. GOODE AND F. M. DUNHAM, GODMUCH. I �� �.
ron Works, etc-, etc. Deakwin Engines, V imp � 1,
,ira arrived froin Cardenas and perhaps, Gen. Zurlindon, has hereto- ' . " 1.
lachinery, Castings, etc. Matanzas in charge of Chief Officer fore been implicated in the Dreyfus af- - riding purposes. The experiment of _ _____._________. ----.--. - "..- I I �� "
All sizes of Pipes and Pipe Fittings, Ronald, who took command when the fair, has decided that under no cir- RULESTOR FIRES. the fathers has been a complete suc- � `
leam and Water Gauges, Gldbe,Valves, unfortunate Capt. Wffs�on was lost. ounistancea. whatever. shall Dreyfus be cess, and probably no better method "'', 1,�
. . .
- the African � �
of taming and utilizing �. " , ,r
1eek Valves, , Inspirators, Ejectors and The vessel was an route from Phil- liberated. seine Suggestions Frona a New York Fire clepbs at Only one, " Slater- Shoe, . , ,l 1,
nslantly on hand at lowest jAdelphia to Havana with coal, having He understands also from the same can be devitiod than that :Iii�
njectors co ClAter. which they employed to maka GFritz .1�!.
1: �� : �� I
I .
rices, left here March 17. On the, 21st she sources that negotiations are now The chief of the New York fire tie- a useful animal. There is only one " Slater Shoe 'I Agency 1 �, �
special line of Rteel Water and Hog was passing close to the Bahama Its- Pi reading between the intelli- .
I 11 I ;
. partment, Mr. Hugh Bonner, has re- . �r ,., . ,,:, � �,�
glis for use of farmers And others. lands. and Capt. Masson was on the Reason bureau and the judges of the 0 in this toWn. "Slater Shk can be bonght , , ,,, �
Weveiring promptly attended to. starboard side of the bridge, with the Court of Cessation to secure a rej- lentlit,given some hints an to what ;N.
&.a SO Chr7stal, teleiscape. glasses. in his hands, looking tioln of the retinest,for reWslon. and ought to be done by people to lemon STILL ROPL in no other store but this store. .�', ,,,�',, ( � ,
for a buoy, from which he couldjudge that the judges fairmaring revision are the chances of low of human lite by looses __ I , �'..
1- , � ...
If more than one dealer iu each town bad the -11, �i
P- 0- Box 37, Goderich. the correct position Of the ship. Kate being subjected to terrible intInal �a_ fire. The advice given by tb's Now For'll"Des"foylas r4libuits set to Collide . , , - '""'4" �1�
Ronald was on the bridge and In the den. for Rome wan - 1, "
amidswp section More than this, he learns that every- York chief is appended: . Agency for"Slater Shoes,"no onedealercould �4
- The prevailing opinion that tbs 06 1 1. "I
11 The ship was under full speed, when thing has been arranged for a sham PREVENTION. earLh is in continual danger of being afford to carry in stock enough shapes, sizes, -
i suddenly the Captain fell board. trial of Col. Pioquart, who Latta be de� �;� ("
� i
, ,�
Aamination The engines were reversed aonvdra life- graded And sentenced to imprisonment Shut all doors in your house every destroyed by a comet behooves an stilid widths, to fit all feet, and thus I �
. boat was launched, but t o o es night before going to bad. This prem anxious field of journalists to ex�laill � � ��,
. � "
the. captain was never seen again. For - rents a draught from carrying fire that for iteveral thousand years at the dealer's tmde, the customers' �,,A
hours the bdat rowed about the local- RAIL AND WIND. rapidly through the house. Throw least there is no danger. so (or Lis feet, and the reputation of the ,� �
If the sight * ity, which vhAa alive with sharks, and - away all the extra draperies . : , .
'. the offincluid6h reached by the officers which our Tremont history can avail there is it Slater Shoe" as a foot-fi I " �
13y 6e Most Modern Methods. and men of the ship Is that their Cap- 6reat Damage to Property in Nebraska- now cover the windows. They feed no record of collision with this rollick- tter I __t I
tain wasatidtles swallowed up laythese Live Stuou killed and several Persons the flames. - '. ,
monsters of the deep. beverely Injured. ing class of sky rockets, although mov- would all be injured. . : , I - 'i,
Glasses accurateltir fitted. Our homes are over-t�rnished, All eral comets have approached the earth ' � I
' Capt. Me ason was w6li known both in A despatch from St. Edward, Neb.. Price, $3-00, $4.00 and $5.00. I ,
extra furniture carries the fire sh.olowlY As to envelope it in a per- I �
Satisfaction gugranteed. PhiLidelphia, and Ve* York, between says: -A terrific wind storm approabb- I Shoos by anall. - 1� . 1111�4
wh oh ports and Cuba he had been from one part of a house to anotbCT. tion of Lhe luminous trail known as . " -��,I
running on a time, charter with the Ing almost the fury of a hurricane portable fire-esespee should be pro- "tail." Thal. Caftialogue Free. I ,,.,I,
i OL 1861 did so, for on I Ar, I
Known fine, for same years. He line- swept over this place on Thursday , vided on I
all upper stories. They � I
F. T.'Welsh , � ",z'.
a be useless, how- cent auroral glare was observed, dur- �%
needed Capt. Tbofft&on in the command night, doing ri great deal of damage to, would In many case, June 80 of that year a "phosphores- Wat Sharman, Jr., Sole Agent for G:) 19ri oh. I
* OptlefalL of the Vinateirift, and was -11 liked by propi�rty and injuring several persons. ever, unless all doors in your house Ing the -,---- �; � .1
every one. The unfortunate skipper ,were closed so as to abut,the continuance of which the globe - - -, - - , --- - - - - � , ,�: . � ,
he Square, oderich. Rail covered the ground to the depth' ,aire in was within 8,GSo.0j0. to 5^0, I .
was a robust man, about 5D years old, nod allow it to smother for ,it of of the comet, 0000 miles a have sad Rivass Tabula* with a. teens oatl* I nave bees a great goiftrreir from constipation I;, " ,,, , �
and leaves a wife aldd family nee r GI&s- of two inches. ConsiderAble live 0 on to feed, it. a nucleus, which was eel- fe,ftion the$ I can allearttilly 11100MMOnd utain. tot O'er 13,* years. NothLaff gave mo any roLlOt. .:i,;,1', I
. "P
; .J I
Saw, Scotland. stock was killed. At the farm of W. I X1f9 the oulated to be traveling at the rate of [lave bown troubled for about stir" years wt$* Illy test end ten And abdornoo were bloaWd So , i,,�'A
doors of each apartment, as- 10,000,0000 miles each 24 hours The orbat I called billeat aft"Its notating on rovilairly 1 COU14 80% water oboas an my tool, and onty, a lom ,",I
11 .
once a weoIL a was told by different pt hyliciftriv des" iAI saw m1pans Tabuics advertised to our i !,
' '" A. McCulehin, Mrs. Sprague of Sioux I pedially in the lowor part of the comet of Md appears to have Mail I q
Iroderich Weil IMP ALLEGED PLAGUE IN KARI& City was struck in the back by flying house, were closed every night hefore a an irtat Ilfwas causted by bad tooth. �f -blen A h.d daily 116p.r. boaght -wa and tockth.masidincA .-
U.M.M. . arar appronbla to the earth th 011� bad tbetaoth extracted, but the at, ad. Be" taken thom about thr.,@ 'iV.11a and Mom I !
d6bris and serlougly hurt Mrs Mo -'the occupants retired there wouldnot I 11
-I'M W,i,rsuat Who Clondisit the Wroude'sticil, 9 Culobin w;.4 also seriously* injurZ, be such a rapid spread of flames. .%y other, the estimate being that tocks couttatiO& I bad soon adlicritsernorito of to much a ebauge! I arri not mmsttpn,1 any ia� ,.�
Thtir Alar^lag Afalesnent. was Mr. McCulebin's mother. he its head was at one ppriod only 20(X),- kipass Tabut" in Off tbs papen but W so (Afth and I owo It all to Moves Tat,W� itiffam thirty- L ',
Nedithittlill , T Familiarize yourmoll with the emc,rP_ coo In thoM trut about six wvok. dai,io . Wood In, "Ten yearl old. hava no mcupA,.Ion. only my ,�,,!,
, Iles Off, while it.8 toil. as ob;prv- diteed Moto try train. Hot,ol.k.vibmittoroatthe hOUS-1101d dGtt- and Villrolnit MY at.* 11111311aUd. �
botise was wrecked. The storm passed am. Learn the location of exits to 0 m seemed a great arch 31 f, , Is
A despatch from Parts gives a re- d from London. -.IJ "ns bax- ot In* T", " . - � I
, 11641thoul , � to the northwest, tearing down barns I roofs of adjoining build' on it 1r, a 1, at I@ has had the d-psy and I smi trying Riessia .�
.,. if :2 � I
n extending 36000,000 miles across the, aerecu,Va.co.ftboattac" rra's, Tabures t-- him. no forels some twitter bat It win , 1,
reptirt of a visit to the Office of the and fences, and destroying the slaugh- I Learn the position ot'affe'stairways It festimontal for anything Wave. bv tbs cirral take "IML. urna, b. 11.3 h -en oitek 'o 10.9. You .,:
P-096PAtIng Fronds, a pAbIlistiont written, printed. ter house of P. E. Fisher, also levelling, pa rtioul - heavens. his close approach. how- 100d wtdch I belia`6 has bwn dms Moo May � my letter and mme as you Hko, I 11 �
arly the top landing and sent ever, bad no appreciable effect upon b&7stipoit'stTabalesindue" m. to.dd Iftlatitothe � Win, XA.T Go C"a, 'i
Iteftse All substitutes and produced explAdvibly by women, the Union Pacific Telegraph lines. i tie to the roof, ax�s A
where he Interviewed md�mrit of the Everybody in St. Edward went into IN CASgS OF FIRE. the earth, even the tides remaining assay testraorilats you doubtless Ins -O to Four - ,�",
. I be,. boaa a I I
I Madeliply by writers. The Frqnds a few days ago omvaft or collars. Hailtirtaktmost of the '18bould you bear a cry of "fire," and unaffected. Possession ... A. T, DXWnT. afterl.$ from h-disohIrs, ever L� ,� � �
I . - - GIR" I was, a littlio girl. A eci-14 rsVor ride Ina L � 11� -1 i
. published the statement that three windows in town. Meagre reports of 0011211111116 of rmoks fill the rooms, above I weas to inform -09
8 1. I- e,%r or so into a e:ro-d" .1 I
onnaboxii, ob King US68 - U-0- PAgu6 Juar, Q611`610p the storm come In from the country', al!.,keep cool. , . IS words of hlghfti * 0*190 00000ti g==.=.- 1��
,� In a Paris shop,. their origin being but It Is feared that some lives h Keep 'the doors of roomm shut. CUSHIONED RAILROADS. .; � " � I ,
! ave ter , of tbs t-Ofts I
traceable to Oriental rugs recently been lost. be,. d.rilcii term Its stotrann.Al hoardaboas i I
I I ri 011 windows from the top. One of thr latest inventions that Itiffeas Tisbulds. I am a R -1 -P -A -N -S Ail (Vork ,,
larevvers, Godevich. f il �- ��,
i brought there. The women stick to AuCtom, towel, stuff, it in the month, will no doub( c,,me into exiensiv . 11
. prof"Ast-al Ourso and �-rs-#, �-;-,- ,,.-. , " , "
- u " to trio rt,ofailst.h a CIO" U. at OWAVTb I
. 1. 1� _'.1, . . this statement despite the denials of breathe through It Instead of nose, so C'rmallts Of a nia-V in3ulating maleartal bond is a, - of the - � , , � � � � I ,,,� t �
i!, , the Prflect, of.WUC* a-1kLother an -BUTIDNEhIES IIN 1,ftKOSA. , as not to infidid arodke. : -d. EU
1. 11 V, . , 'A'. � tholi, ,ys need L no had , I
" - " " " ties, and dectlarre that several cases of Stand at window and got henefit of to which the name of " iron felt " has - -no of MY C1114" A � The modern fee" guels rottlet floft I I ,�, I 1),� ,
� ffi_ 111pion, T616 , a do" M
,0't�� !.. 9 OU06 have, owdrrbd, - Aft stand- � ObetrUftfke&dVl"di" I , I
� . .- � outside air. -pi.taly * to take lboin too. 4*4 III 1 ,. A., �
.. � .,* . - I � I been given, Thp (elf consists ofstreng ftuiodmy"If I "
..� , i. __t � - ; mi.a.-in. thson the III Int,obeeadoftoosts" I , ,'. I I L , ,
, . - I
� � .
_ , -nip reys sesiti*rm If room fills with sirri kepp close, wooleh fibreis impregnated with ;Ihy- Act - di- ters, oatobm 404 "is I � t : �, �
I � 4 . , . Tb3 ititettlawe , seeing a handermis J*"Ik"e Soldlerm Aren't& of RIM . I
', �� tIj ". al� VeArefelt'litizemix Than Roadju-igntra. to floor and crawl along by The wall a ." It
,,r .1114:4�.. routb in the kl;Waff, remarked that he adliee of Air, Goo, now
_ , ,
6AMILit, , I - understood that. As staff of the paper A" of Ike P agar. to the window. product of petruleum and then coat- or. Pb a., " blawarb say they kav,* odfosilwo� I
ethatititawl rda (h,4111far *13 Wholly feli'llbloo, . To his anattace- All. J --y City. A took ") I ly cured My bobbehes, . 1. � ,"
I � 10"'Mo Pub A despatch from Seattle, Wash., says: Do Dot jump unless the hiaze behind ed by gplatitim rendered insoluble and tuparis Tabalas With c*ne: Cures the I M 4wisestir-amse rogre , . "', I I �,� L.
itritimb, , , 1- ment, the "yoUth" declared that Such -Daily reports received from the " corchilag you. Do not even t.han if afterward vulcanized. After beingsub- ffmri4 s,i-im W common every -day i sooftme"ift"kisser" W*&M"o . IJ
tit tfl-� - , - - Cillitil't"s StIaL wits th0i f I jected to Pressure the, iron felt as- miss Reows urnwass. 1 : IS**" (
. 11 7f, Act. It'lWas ,&�*mnko Instead the fireaclin with Foalding ladders are > � �� �
06 .. I, W " 1100",� ., � . 1, I'llifew ,a 1110tV ,he was Addreadfig. Governor-General Of VolaMbsit to the 0 - : aita :. laiscitar" I , � " : ,
-1 *,tau Coming Up 04% building or are near. surface th" far�na ni plation fbarl vary In - ill of humanity. � ,
"U&A*111011� .00 VI R_tbat she bad Worn mas. 11102116 Office [a TOIdO, J&Pft, dit)[101113CA Never go to the roof, unless at, a thickness from half an inch to IWO ilatner was trosabled 0 � �� �
to,% # -�10 as hesirilt - %I I
=1_1#ow .,Obb-- "is 01131001, 111011166kift for 19 years for the fronj, 00 to 100 new ftrAli of Dingus, of last resort and you linow t hero is a,&. Inches. These PIFI(Am are ory Plastic or or 16 111311 I I I ,,, � I
. ** I
_iW � "WIL la,plaa..., Cl""d by I
;,lo J.4114 I
IN I 11 11 I-* #AkA 6f oduvilibleAdill 4 olloib frbib It to adjoining buildinign. In are practically ladvatructihie. andwill ILI kt*44W-t#&i4M boy . I :�o
.� , _ 4 - ... ton tcoeior,. tot a good fitiffor" vil" il_#,* in 1, � �
. which about 40 per cent. resulted ,,��', � �,,�
... 4 .1 �_ 1: . big buildings fire always goes to The stand a pressure of 20.738 pounds I tnxa7 rears. One day Z - I i i ". 11, :,.
'LLL - =�,.W_C, .. I.. 1, 96110WING us, fatally. The scourge was mount felt to t the square inch. Placed between rail,., she ",` a tmumouw 0 bwmd =60 = A "T ,I i , .11 � , � .� ",
... � L no tbs Paver tadoftUW _ , ; 0 .
.4. I the vicinity of Talpsh and Tain and OL sa�t jump through flame within a and tboir sleepers they will act as Ripon& Ta"les. Alan ftt 141" OW14ft frills �
- 11 - I I . z-oh.-fi& satinseell. Hatesilid.ism I I
L .
"I � -1 -11 . ." thwo AIIII&Mi4it, "Initiet swo,t,e jl�am there seems little chanoti of checking tt�lldlnf without first tattivarin; The 0 ring Outshining to eliminate all Jar- d0ler.1coiltogIvIlthrin I MAM 40 1 . . . , - I L.
11 __ I outilit vat, Its ravages at present. , I I 40 "a inball bet 1�:, L ` I
I'll, . I I . ! " hd4d W th a blanket or heavy clothing r1ag. and wheals int railway ,trl*f. was #really ( Z 04 d #,.11�
I ILI V4. Whs, people at Poftom are so susplo- 4.9tuting the distance. will seem to be shad with Ifelvet trains :. jft�dd by theft I" � 11 4#"4#4"A with 111111 ; oiw= . " � ,,% . .
,1,114� L ` A iffilifl* . slid Clow takes the " t 9 I I �
0 " , I I tit 1�ft t4*416111 ft"; -At A lot& Of their J4109deft contifierairs that a%. sti-A ot solt" 46116m. .1 I �,
, L . . - kiedsig 61 t1i,$,.1ttIti&'2fftpJr,6 t'Atluff they Will rialt help In the Saint 111"t ItAt excited; try to recall the Tab'11" "Aidarly. arakeeirsataw cAytons Means RamtAtif gotre, of the Jestial"llia' V 4 1 . . I .1
11 'V � I
:.1 * I.. ,.,* jw� tAry "nee" DMI1111111 of writ, and if any fireman Are Tatules In the bonso and itayii We will IMIuliftbales.1tirtfoiltiroft JUVW . 1-M60 ot I "
L . . .. 11 - .1, I a" 1. with I I bi".411ro * I
,,"I'll, ", A& Wit it, AlkIlftk4b '" SiturdAY, the it"" b"At bftb t*kdtk t6faback thl" fill fftht� NEVER TAKE WATER. VA . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I t repent, don't jump. out theft Ue I%, f--rtbnft and 6100014nam b a on ratist". 6 Act Aillff filay $Irg .W. : , �'� L I "
. I . .U' Itirs, From ticany of the ettlesi&1figue dletiprearel INN10 the ladtT.11111- *bk.L :as * 1 7 r, . , 't" 4
1 .1 #1 . A'*6At4J*ft% L'a. I '' .� �;, L
L - , Wonftdla, at Ore. 9 to rl kinds of tin 1 114 ==1 - 0 41* (6 I
� ilike L _V so 0 __ __ - - vA_ . .
I AIL I o' ,*M# and Un W 16t 4% ruo out4do tha eltjt Aft a and . � There are moves. (trittla terfeatt$ so Irreas a burd I bat, 012whese 600111 40ma""O A" " 114111'" , . � I "I
!, ttt A .. 4111, vfttt 'A" - 11 - L -�:� � ,'� _�
t _ , Alluftiou I at have never swallowed water. Am -fly at I r "t 1. �,
.,,I" t fittl the WOubtfilas rather than t la, - ftfftfly 94316 1`14TAINtles r"ethrly, "Pr*11 4NAWay"'ohir 4 I
VA to oiwd ,* A =_1 BY Fatliamodtat tbs AAWM. Sitsim - CgURC11 111VORCH LAWS. 1 4 beam Initial. my Insular is fifty le.r. at so - " �
L . . I L 460000? U00=0"Ift.4461 I I . `a`,**, , l
. '-'�'L ........ L'" 1110 to t , i Anbft physiol- Irdikin and is",joyffit9kobdol6a health andeAt"" a %be kft* hin4*40WIA"t ' .... T`
�� I'll .- I - - ----- I - .. lkh'I"00116iii billi iddbd the I ' t,. Tik-0 I of the convocation ong thems are the Ilamas of #&" hearty tabije. as f*roW!I%1ny t6fz" alto - thoft4itioll Likof*, . . � L It' !
,� ,, 777, - *At 114 � in wool abs. and certain gazelles of (he for AXX mom X I . . , . , , ,
I 1101 4�4 o.,W*i,."..W,,,- JAII, taillb"Illoe'At JMt f66ft"yLb# I)ttlaIla of tIM O* r EmAit, sea Ittriano Itibift" A9203 It. 11RAVIrty. ww" , ,
.-.--- -_ _ L' _,...J." .boftI4 Jb)4.,WL1Af*L* t1k0j ___'. � WtW6 bilitcherled of tbs Ohowtb England has paw a considerable number of kwotil6s 0 � .0 I 11 � , ,,,,
, 1, I and - - ... __,L_.111._ '-%
I . : _t . At 4 fflits-Foi tu . - .. .. IWA by the JiL064001 itAfty 0 ad * rucluflod larl" that the I "A4,414 -?4 ill., 1.
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