HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-28, Page 3'7 b it -0 e�w 26 Old Alto all's $a I *pow it lot 4111410411111 Jill mom W is 044 — I ; . - IMAM" --vow ullit =0 *V= J,40F� Molk: "00" V" ot, Illo I ILI 0 1. Woo"* 31111111111111110 1140 I&- )"ViWPU Xr. X r. 0%** 1111" at"oAuft 0060 bAlfill" 0 *Iat- *m* VWw'da, ON* %tow Jk* eh44� )BOA ft" Assist 111101%," D004411i" WX 004 #"A" woo *0 %VA* it *W W"001111110"4111, Ispoad 4 "W ilillilligna. 4tvia'a to kw vall"1411 waosts, us VA%** jete. *'Ittigg, 40 J;r*p" lot fts, U*Aw kA to" wo* 4^41K, witla a, or uw* wft* *ft" ftww mom volistall" 'it " ux. W 1, 00 me. "s W *w *M* *Wis oow **Ptw *A% Ar Wft 4t 00 few 400000% W01IIIIIIIII11164- 44 joy tw "t IPW*" .494*04, 4" 1**"* 04 Ok%*40 " I IWA40 tkw so 10"wis sitilt, tbo 1W %k fit 0WAMA, Afta, 1W 001, spol- booas* $at fic fam—, oft" 4to*w w6i 40 toit 14*6w "A tow ON* *0 4W 00111;* to X101111110"lle to, - Pifloog kv 4 on ------ vor" ui to W *04". b A W "tk** *44 WI t" 41114twWo me 0.4 )a ii� Vvy tog Patients or 011011, tj6ft W4114, jobs It tow altocx fit im� W At 4ti t "A 0110111. uwt" *&Uo %_r X0,14AW tkW s of 4*orgilft ..Of 4ATItio- At tM Wft* it" ts"W041W ;.40'ra, 0" ^0W 4** It Iis Ak W04 M4 *0W M4 od Uago, OW "W01111111110 ingto fit Wattio tk* " W* *4 4WA*W #04 *"V,* 'W --A_ o %'flow 0 staat 0W 49*,w W44 SIV04 -by -044 04 wo UVAW **w ox t t%4 14 w. -Wi tft*, A Ao"W bAk to ati6"or tas tJ#A4*1 10 4000% WM aOW44Y *0111" 1111004 sot%* At* tbo okvj* I . I.. . � *1#0"1111, i*4 tol fia. filist I44wift Of tho A111111111111111il *t got -WSA e491lisr it 04A likkit *W 4#1 filitab"* two, aoft,wg 104A last xW. "4- Ailing WN a1k,ollowfA tot it# 144-4 t Wax t* 006.0", to to: hasx, It 496V^ 0, dwj t* 004 It "reftu$ wo� Assetbor 01"st #WJi, tu -P*", ot T400or JKM to W*tsrdrrI*# 40tiallit Sa" It you W1004 allov V", a oft too JtIllk b all at tb* joiw 044 V%, 111" _*#tJOV ft t , * 'y 144ft V*q% ftit "0 X_" Isom AWA Irmo ktU - IAM 06M , 116� aelfttog� t A ealt'bw'* v4q, :P" Jr041 bA, 0** �4g at.* Ago tksw **t of 41= aEll 04l llvj� War tlihoul aa" zoo werwedi-w" y" *A too. T4 0T*t r11% $4 to ftbo* "094 0012411 U."" ur*k t X*otgburg� ah* _W Qc, t4w, wtxt 44t�.' U40 of_ nsIrklink It to *0�Uti,,.ttA it A"itlit T O0140dfor;j*4 40* pow A01att Into'A yflt;ot or bi tA b"s"* stud t b, I 1.4611CI44 Aug ltbon kw� 0,90 py, WI.0 irjr*r(A list to 'UR �TO' t 10,4001, Into sud 000" ON osorvcit�' *iaow ot-hplli O"or. Out thust till ls,'t lor thf, it_'Vj* 'Dine haeor tar the axtilimilon, of bolitiosp, 1*14' by rf b- ox the I h tog-ka the ot J 4 -ft 'UP t 60 Alt* 10% 'also Kowl ei eaPC V.4too, Lists, Alld do not IAO anIt If' Only 4roomostsTlo, thg_�,Q *A4.11ving OTA ,4 so 4160t tQ WSAK ?I - 1 14 Int Oro Act 0000t�. 00 X*)PrJiI Trulqu: to Aoiw- ift _O Us. for use ati., ollatto., tb XO% 1 40 vate, iiivthrolr fillart the to teaCork And, T hours tar tightly, .444 JA,t .,w as.'Wen art SepeOdo it'llies titgo nOuthe �ooA#t4W0AtIQn PaF0 vant" or TA ANO MI f ATANA Give thus,, Pr Xt AS. a a t 4,lidill, W Jilit On to till found; 04 4's ORIMMa at expandlip, boqs�por owl.. Cj tg- OtittsfJ6 on -are i 't odhu*,y� efLv3F 1110"i P-0 So far, ma r xr, A V. OaNPIQUOUS examples at aatIOAS h4T, A 'Were a�iiig the Ch4poellor of the EX. oJittlee boxii,por A , 0 he aLka of A4 v0, 4010 putgr4ou tout there IIALl'booll *1 "_Ov6ry1 , il two ld0-filblls agnA stitual reveau0i Al i tilt OWL�. L �141 TO 0$I11 with, the Bohln gigiltra atedly satiagentory I taus, an6pt'sal, p,11 r ji CAOWur reaced its highest A so.-Tur, WC11*, tsi4vot Of r byTike. he, f!cm- J �f 4 - - - - - . 0* and military. -Qovovp­� 4,896, calves 40 "will 'Oretit' &ef (1114 lan*Opt, dUriAll 1*6 first 400,yeara or. ses of the effo;;h for soli'st littlea Era, and yet tilt majority,, of W40 or 4rd Cartw out In I aux a 4 at Mr. Foster wa, Serc624,914 Atilt to -day, 7%0, blittill it am oi Oc tba Wo4liby Ell ralfira.during, this period -display. antr ttilght. thOt, qg far its the Gov. nos is very I lot exament could wort4lik discriminA �.Wal an (IsIr at ve IttI6 4kdmiulatrative stillityj FAtirt it Expenditure . ...... jelfiff,#14,914 buftires unahe"od' 1*14000 0 atiymin, try dutlea )Varo I a add at fro ' 4 401, OIL bGermany. 4nd.2%sauy of them were not Only weak 00- over 5o par Ili, pgotty at ',or; .010P011 apou the foil 4t��' 4 �iia -sly vicious dra. r a 44"tito An Canadian produotAl but a baglut In this tons, But Of Cottrell, the estimates. fter from 3 to ly I I -Barley, 1844 cents per bushO It May be taken that the 'Va. 4 , 1 eam ONO for it, flill,, Ar only an approximation, and and Irlumealt t liter b?Ashoj... trVoot to 3 140, Pat lo!"' �14 Warta, and peals, 8 8 I W41 6. Me4 g4d ab akiln lat tell 8111siaY Which had been various savings are affected. The re- V*ryina dogrates. of texture, j06 a00 Ills.; 61ta, 4 2�4 cents Per bumbel at GrO%ving up for upon, ahunt1, � �Olffl so have bats dostroyed centuries found Its, #41f 111111*1it6111134ted in the Treasury bat- from 9 to 40 W 11b. Calv" Jio14 At that'k *00.1likuy witli a.'empit 0 to, IAI#U ofGus a Per last OXXIXONSIOU during the rule of the 01408 411118ist for the Inat quarter, Issued from 61 to 47 40911. Sheep. W" thilt are the: r" and -wheat, 01-10 ce to A� CIC *0 io Orabushel iiii lbs'; tutter, 0-10 odlits, per later. Emperors, an(r that Rame last Year, Is a surplus balance of jea flow" still * nold tip eat 0404� At to 40 do - sad 41ghto 41404f, has decided to grant enhaidle's vOlopoll -that in spite of them than 897,493, and Yearlings up to I"mr go do. lop, Mao* "it pool 1p thd, two steamallip equipikulas pow Mr. Keadry was Informed by Mr f lamin Sold at hem #51.11111 to Vo Wlng§pr �4_444UW, ­4444out luen woo lost at Doti ANlaottlra, raft diG. ',tin$' between the. Or.lout Blair t1kat tbe loud upon which ado;; bORU40 Of them- We have another balance. It should be pointed Straight lots of (at box$. just- of tb.w 00 Prod Man 04struoted ' lot Nqlsau wall Striking example in Russia under Ivan Out) Includes littexpen JJqt Attic�* b, being a tied pqrtions at C111140 &Old tit about 41,0 for lb; also Amb ore" 4XIF" yeett t6- 1;rl is Purchased. from the Bank of Commereq the Terrible. who -8 undoubtedly the MO. Surplus f0velluo of two previous Buffftlo, -April a1*9� women A144 i, f wirelabo to ori,, 048. t Ish tile aw-4, 020000. I ;IV -­ , tot Mr. Clake. waW told Most 110111111gaflad savage that 'evor, 00- Years amounting to The it 4011110What. stroager; In We" whi �Mli N-Wryiold to.comiau. lCaLs, a'dist bY lffr� Blair 1.140 Z... 0 -- 1,010y "d So 'toot, I active, No. I nortatril. to bablaild;'ittkA sung that tha,d%lartluont could not find any 9%fropean tbr*xLe. Yet un. SurPIUR revenue of 1895-0 W" UUVOLOU them record of aff der AIM Russia developed in every way northern 71 Winter wheat noth. , y appiltation for protection a I I oilts. to Ailvel works, andthere lit till A:76.8.- Ing 803PA44-14ti doing; 78 1-2o. asked for No. 2 red trdds to a do thaheto Duan avenue railway cromming in as She ICILd. never developed before, 14 882 18%for NO.I. 0orn,fairlygood de- g Witill the No� 2 yellow. 41 91 in oritioal�. and that tht CA Toroator. lt 4% r ��,t 4110141:00ndktion Of It ti4expanded. In the Same and ttli u. d- qbt Mr. itfact, It Is not too much to gay that. w.a)r th arpitill roveang-9f IOW7,waq mand stood ''140 loan will'be sea PXX403, 4 *A t. , I 0, tap� f NA t was informed by Mr. 81 - UP4 WO ore 'try, q .or Zcudou. ton that a permit lawfulL Lro military works, and of it No. 3 10; No. 4 yellow. 310, lia, ro we y"', pq AWL791 v granted by Ivan the Terrible made possilge the taken 0 0011lig thO-6eCtitilk XlOtO at No. 4 earn, 10 44.* with their owl I the antho 101f No. 2 dorit, to 1 -to g .1 jet'; b ridge of the North-Woot Tor- wbr� of Peter the Great. The lost, 41,444111 remains unappropriated.' to 400, Onto. str l. 26:083foofis worotwound" a N'$white 30 In, vi 4 as ox,b -;---but the, -chi on or' ritories Authorized the holder to import Century 409 the French a by saw Th year's surpWis, therefore, Is made to 33 34c, No?3 61 Spain lW� A 404fide tt C popular gotli 1111% high I a no a liquor into the Yukon without any for white. Sul: No, 3 _Va itts throne occupied 4y men of small UP Of - or ",�g 4toriad the 86k Claudia man ro mlxea. 30c. Barley nothing doing. ote.-- ther sallOtIOU-tram-1115'Mitilater tit or t iO bis' Wrooked"iespois tab di:�-&A Said that a Court of Ogg. Interior. To Prevent tile possible use f.4-) �rAq,'Zowl the vaptaind state ratrung, �Jatl� A Stan$ are satioii-*111 -likel,-d a years urplu the to Z ability and generally, considerable -Surplus from previous year.1;I8615fiB No, 2 on track, 65c to a liwim Ell eady. 0 a t rovl� of forged or fraudulent permits lists vices, whose alleged greatuess-as, for Thin VA int vain frh. nr.,t -4 t at the of the Permits Issued by the r t st9h lutle. Dr;gy Govern- Toledo. April 25-Close-Whealt aeir� instance, Louis XIV. -was due to their the wind"ana! this. _1 1, .- "a �-04 r7 4 Total t vo 1 cash -4o bid, May 1*,*&, how IV, �auumm , I , , 2 . water. 9 LIU on the ment Of "thil Nortli-Wes( Territories Ministers, and not to themselves. yet So that 3.897,493 July als, as- �46 ',W IbmV6, it Mich its- 74 1 th Mi" t I prat ever ex Acka 74 7-&; No. 3 soft., 72 1-40� 04ro. a t k 1%`r#,­W1ag port pr or, wri i� forwarded to the officers of the although 8 act Hie cault and May 84 5-Rc, Oats. cash, police with In_ during this period France undoubtedly B6140h estimated for a final surplus of been aa storih seeing be,44 A Ome TuMudop -that 44 whi North -Wept Mouvit'ed 27 I -2o. Seed, canW. at to and. say Barely oulibil, oln Plagdenit, �#ud- ihatorkaI structions to r OnIll'99115,C)(11), It has worked out to,a October $4.81 a waml� Ili ;t toil were, droWned and r�A , , , CIO ecognize, only those upon became the most powerful of the con- 110% alll ton and -a half. where the sbhopApielsi 4u Ittrial -bltd.. li n x rs wreaked, -romprIzed all the tingirtal nations. In English history Oswego. April 25,1p,lit.-Whe 'Ivor Coast -Of North, a dopiartment had interesting to note that a CT-. 'Wave and dmiral, t 0 recent 'AUtri lob Q It ke y� And 14,44, let u been qdvJaa* we have striking examples 44 the reign the ket lower., No. I hard 89 1-2a; NO. .1 groo. quatitti rowtb Of the National Revenue eon- NOS rod', W.',COM 4 ee tin II&MID 00 4rW; , Aft --*Alt armed by Dr. -he great- On'46d throughout the entire year, al- ateady; No. III y low, 480.'Nb�` '01,04b w 0 northern. 80 1-2o. era all I k only one life ba1n0,,.0g:,y _T.,Ct�ym un -Charles II., t I P tiq r k& lawyer ill Rbma kept Ono of -,a Inkil", number 'of bo am oft �tbAt the Fenian raid tUdals eat scottadrsl who ever oat on the Eng- t4011114 All the final quarter, from Or mixed 42c; No inixed, 41C.; oat* 10*k� dlem , *�" A r ONG0 ANO 8.0 usods� Mlkbg client4i a kripti sugliter.: might be expected some time I% the fish throne. an rmoum r be totin4l, d boried. oil If y ban, and bar - d In his reign the value of 01&1 klWes, it mad o looked up in their attio, for four yeara; t t Summer. The prospects were thata the mercantile marine doubled the TAG 4partarly, not increases' wells; or 1 W.- 2, 85 i-2 to S& lain in A -k all $0, it "And ikring which time he sp�nt t - 'a kat allows a 111tte less stron gisliaAr, followin `44 i0ltod -�dt, -time an- loug-service medal would be issued to ekoise revenue nearly trebI d and, r . ..... nods quoted. nominally. at I proof at all gills of 'Sugaie tbroo,41110 the Gartaillan Militia, but until actually perhaps most PtaU%tt8 .. L r .40 A. eloquent 869.918 as more than Imeembor 781.520 one I ull� on IV ViOnua Papers "nountie this inven- granted, becoulduot may wha�.the con- land round the great citl western. 53o to we. caula o W ut '16 i L �� X0'61t- Of tlii doh, theaters have tiOA of a fifteen -barrelled quick -firing ditions would be, th. Prospective- freights to i .6%. �, irate emom tt Lqu tC to telS�r trebled in value. anrifle, carry Wheat,' pelsi and rye 3. barley 9 1 -to fifteeAr cartridges at a SECOND READINGS. first four Georges.. , They wore all DEATH DUTIES AND Imnavin %IL45ki. tyor d otelft'lon ran eq. ftrko, Be, too, with the March 895,688 ord st. -44' t4la ;'494- it all= or- a boat min 3V A his. ougKqsted that time'and fhuip, forty-five per Is thill ilci�aiiid bd SACCI bZ^ wen - b - SIOU haw QJ ., Z arre topillara ofthe pate R 'A"" CO. lit . t.ir an. "Ittl 41,ot rp sailIporath 'rue' ctiti,—w- ad tit the hoperl 1W i W111341, ougit n" r they havd PJIODES AXPIML ead. technical Committee, appoint A by' 1W and hbo;t,;pAt t . 1117,111 Of ail lie 6 IlLustrlaa War Office, his %eeu son; - 'a"t bsequ t trium Eta Increase Tull'arrUal way COmPany.-Mr. Morri- an Of Ins 'note thad a million sterling; alfact 11"oks Lag P2981711111min't ",vith liqyjtd air Ion ANY MARRIAGES IN ENO nick' bankrupt Pr6t4p lit- UeSpecting the British Yukon, Dan- of 'Which Sir William Hh"Ourt Way "Lath Affirm 4" raft to %Uw er; put, ffaiLlp� LA as 4A exPIQ4, �ft lm,'atated thba the ing, Trading. and Transportation Com- be O?lpacted to take the tklgi�i" lAtattiIiiia shiii . I 'The expert- ps, -1 notice. The T"An"ry. effellt W40 e9frotixilknary. SAD LIFE AND DEATH. joyfu g p boo, -of %,OA404 11as a nY, and to change, its name, to the receipts under the principal hand of AR A att" Qallak� 'Stknddy itish Yukon Railway Company. -Mr. revenue mrre shown in the followin Yolks, iiatii' �4 ll� Meats WO178 0011001;64'la a quarry. He A 0agpirfou 'from %#wdap, 404 -t - "I .. I Papers. and UU1111IS ftmi . at W ffv: A a on A despatch, from London, say s. � . King George tit Gpoetle has set Fraser, GuYdborough. Lo.6 no* Eyes, IhIlt.zis or Tiva A table in cobtrallt with air Michael Cecil tas noftwbrosik- -Jbeesi sirouged. ily, 0 T lisbUY7 and the rest all rumors elonegruing th t- To incorporate the Russell, Mundus, Hick-Boach's estimates, oo Iii-arquis of js tr,, Man_ � tp a re� Am6nial Intentions of Prince Georgao, and Grenville Vounties -Rallwa Cow- A despatch from St. i 'a lint, re, r6tUrne44tom the high 00==Wioxler of the Powers In Y Thoulam, maym;- Budget Actual An House o thi Salvation Army. it pour ftistrar-Goubtaxi j PaTtLY.-Mr. Edwards� eira. &no Crete. go declares that his son, Wing atithorize the amalgamation of A particularly mad deal& wall that Of Estimates Receipts wen a somi-arlotooratic function on and I Customs . ...... a a_. Isited, which estimates the population his cousin, the Brie and Huron Railway Company 4tty;'Of 1W'.FinA& are at New- ortiliddoif, cannot marry Neville 0111. at. the residence of his E. zoing. 21,080,000 920,813(1,000 the social work of the Salvation Army. time of liai,41 at more than vastl -to America, to princess, Victoria of We, and the Lake Brie 28,9150,000 29200,000 on. route e -be th and Detroit River father, George Oil], 070,Wo Lord A manager of the Death ll�t�.: 10, 11 400,0M *(th Womdu JA the majority ILY Company. -Mr. McGregor. Lord Loch, Lord 6W.000 7 (W,000 Monkswell, ord Justice Rigby aA� GOO Company. IM Wellington mtroet, Stamps. and L' were More marriages �44 tl�"Pcwt Co. has put Apo Mr. itillardson moved the second on Friday morning, The youn Land tax 925,000 770,000 were present. Cho Lord Mayor presid- it - Proving, "Ista .*� reading of his bill respeotin 9 will take, one than Ail " A long window in St. Kov� FOUR INMATES PLHISIJEL). man, sit1le at- H use duty. 1,570,Wfl Memory of the Mo-� I-iffill-000 Ing. Mr. Rhodes was not down on the taebmunt of salaries of pubil 0 officers who was but in his 24th year, has Well olow iseL 111001110, tax. 17,700,000 a O,� on imk�. t0h, when trade to he k and employes of the Government, He particularly afflicted, ?whan a buy of ovoll. oeVenly, a,, marti Pust-offies. list of speakers. but was suddenly call- a 140. The total num. bestruellon by Wirt of the Peorhou"P 4& explained that the object was to ton he last the night of one o( him 3,410,000 It , ditfi6o'k, fit# prison Is to be ILU41 molst� 1116,11! � :Of 1441911190E) WaS 145. or 16 1, L , ­ . . 411hathmul, N.IL Telegraplith, a, IrANO ad upon to address the meeting. He eL­gAt , . . . 04 and a new Can- Place Government employes on the These iLre the compri risona of receipts good-humoredly compiled, find took off A, 'Y 1�9()(l " of the POPM. ti through an accident with a r b rig greeted A despattlit from Chatham, N. B It uildi same footing as other Chiltens by ran- eyes sponge tokel, f b I . U 06j&a1jh that the vkordO04' eq on its daring their salaries Subject to at- Pistol. and six yeaxa after tile other and eatImates; and If we compare the his overcont, squared bis broad a on - It m; alto. 44YS:-A terrible tire tragedy occur- lJoate, 'tbO* most of marth,96 Shows a tendency to ad-, tacbment. eYo was destroyed by a croms-bow. recelpts with the revenue of last year darn and'stepped briskly.. to the front I tl� *bIlisillationd marriages are do� do A, four4aLW ift Or ouad 4oleatric red here 'Ott rit night, when the Sir Wilfred Laurier asked that the Being an exceptionally bright young the facts are even more striking In re- oftboplatform. He praised the, opera- ka IwAyi from r at t to Water- County POOZ41ousa was burned to the debate be adjourned until the Minister fallaw, lie never became reconciled to gard to the growth of death duties and nearly "Aetb to rblitt the number of divorced 1 Is- to be This qo b ' '*U a # . is being S"Und and four lives lost. Ile 8 Sib a:� poftoub - lromarried its the largest '00 tions of the Salvatioulats in South At - Ill 0, rioua ttr, ;�l this condition, and afthough a gradua(e exClas and Income tax, and the failing The of Justice could be colloulted. gim at110,Mes broke out at midnight. T Pathized with the' Object of the rica. ThIti Cape Millinet, after Inquir-- Of divorobd men who to. jad L th thill here of the Ontario Institution for the away Of Customs. center, married solinsters, 21 mar- It, It rapoted that rley in- Civil servants should pay their debts Blind, Sir Michael Hicks -Beach 16 tin, h where he was conal.dered, the estimated Ing what the Army had done, folind'it greaaed.� It -you Or 0 ri 0. and seven divorced Men tands movifift , the Brit use of wore thirty paupers alsisping u the the same an others. but the bill, If cleverest student whoever entered I lie for a fall of 97W,090 ia Customs, which has given homes to wal angel anadmialo* the to action of th building besides the keeper nd mat-, Passed, should be subject to and strays, a g t f to certain r(- literary department his affliction Ins divorceid women Oe ran, Mr. and Mrs. Templeton, with. strictions as to the pe quarter of IBM; the loss hns been con - have been on the decline since the [net #Iwft which t is to %.Ot. had picked up the fallen. and had giv- reentage of a caused him to shrink from society. a pan or- ore end- thirty-threb to Geftrql Zprd Kitchener. their servant. 1he fire estate so mud-, man 8 salary which could be at (ached About six montlia ago he fell a prey' iderably more. -It amounts, in fact, to an them, when released, another ospecial A Vbt_ vil firm has a onch month, The debate was d- to tubercular peritonitis, and although 99M.000, and an the reduction of the chance in life. He saul:-"The prWi- r g I'lon, giris - 110ittaships to be libi, �pb im ill danly and spread nor rapidly that when journed, making a brave fight for life, he was tobacco duty wall entinshted to be Cal form which opinion in the COPO aoof Bagel a local fire brigade reached the Mr. Sproule moved the second read- overcome by the dread malady. equal to'&CI.120.000, it Is obvious that Parliament took of tha work done we, PARIS MURDER. MYSTERY. and the'Prb 8 a tbl�j could do nothing toaave the Ing of his bill to amend the Criminal the lessened taxation ban not stimu- a vote in aid, which has been conflnu- 0.6sli rive A-morl4h 11.218 by leas - For 9 '04 16 a foi the Amarl- bull tit, which, ;vitn a now barn and fode, 1892, with respect to combirintion lated Smokers to a greatly Increased ed aince, There are fifteen other cot - A ib ship 4 in restraint of frads, so as to make ronsumption. allies all told," continued Mr. Rhodes, of five oessi one. b'"Ilat 'kill of lit 1pXperliment to, blooliver when" fte 461L t it O'L nevera. outbuildings, was entirely do&. THUMPED THE PRISONER. ilfratt qtor flour, sn(�js r ' ! "rfille fu the Valise Ivisear. commercial firms of the bill wore stringent. The Act fit; This fall in cuRtocas infeeipts is mar where ants in aid have been made ove-half''91116 6f..'0owdo'ea, ad. Is believed that four lives it now' stands makes it an offence to than balanced by 1rr!9y. not on a sentimental 0 b9b. he MiauO4,*V4* 14iverpoo half a telt: A despatch, ftolst Parla, says -T 1, and vuddora� troy the growth undear too, the to restrain trade "unduly and 11#81sifftle Deals Out Legal eind t he hoad of The Chancelloll of be a. but as a practical return for the aProtect Of Pallets has bocomei;deeply In- the words quoted hav- phyalclat pullinkmeme. the Fxchequer expected an Increase oi work the Army does. In my own field the Canada Petro- were lost. sixelas. I 16*Xt .40bi, with is CaPH&I of ;0200;000, The bodies'of three men have been Ing been nserted by the Senate. Us. A despatch from Bath. N Y., RONAM In exo1o; he has recolved an churoL there are many disputes, but talry In the flou i had extraot.?0*0& idit 6. tatexted In unravelting the tmyh to p6q*6 4110'00'dcr�f of oil land in found and al Irth to Missing, whose S le contentim that the effect of gays: Police Justice, J0 a thle-6"t, of the mardtired woman fouto the Mtlu so that ts lodr;. remains it is a acted will be lincov- o41.017,(W From Income let u, put all those details aside and GAOR % bn A. ttersoeu words Is to render the Act sad property tax he expected tin addl- recognize that we are all h n be - it is posist p'�k it# and concealed In a valimasunk hag written ered. In the ruins. The four men lost tically units fi"b 1 111118, Of thin Irillag434 on Thurs- Packed At I., Pd, 0 it useless. He read a Ad tk� SoIA164 Every clue IM been foli- 'tq Cho NewfoundlaiLd Citistdilu ]DOpart- were:-Ow6n McLean Henry t r- tional X450,000 ; the tnx has really Ings. be It an an officer of the Salva - t Robb, able Mattillat of evidence in suppor of day dealt out justice in both legal and YIP dod three-quartern or it million ad- tion Army or tin a minister of the eggs td a, 1OW04 out, but as it was decided that mail isquilitin 11 orastida upon John McIntyre and hos, Black, all this contention, more entlecia di f lonal in physical doses to James Kinne h church, engaged In working for the dared on ho or A a Par- being advanoeJ in gars, Nearly all connection with the leather bully Y. it b. ld be noted In nonclusion that elevation of humanity." . gor.oft "li WAttork smuggling from three rdpufets,�* 930 0'slittider we# not committed I $dft OttUdUnd and Con- the other thmates a Mr. Rhoden 11 �%Ivfcl narrow escapes Ile wanted the words "unduly antDc", was up before him onacharge -10t ith same AtsishboUs'14 deptirt- d on- f wif�- bi. finuancial yonr 10.468 the benefit donated a thousand dollas to the raly 4t[4'�t 61"IAI Sa.dkotatyls anqatt from death and some Were burned and reasonably" struck out. beating, as be had been manyo times Ono il 611lierimelat was tried (lay on account of Goo(t Friday, Army. oport of qui 01 bruised. Extreme difficulty was ex - It 1144 0 I'm Air Holmes said that the petition before. Being well acquainted with the blim"lon upon the periaboed. In getting game of the de- tanna'rs In the country outside the eom. misfortunes of this Ill-treated wife, Jug- BROWNIE BICYCLE. flotitiall. Is baked, t 6;:, bl, IrloAAA 611(ift (tuestion is not likely manted paupers out of the burning t HIS WHISKEY WAS PURE. 1 annors in the country outside the Pol- ties Adnms promptly sentenced Kill - min secured a rat!" like that to b6opliftaudd to parliament far game building. 91 blue., distnembeired y - — '" or !0,24 filld I Woo,", aMr. Craig said that the so-called Cry to serve six months In the county Tile Framer Is out Each in 11019611. Vel 94 Donald "Nserom*% Litimer killed tV re of el witu the 0 on` at' &MIlion 'Syndicate, Limited, GASCOIGNE PIGHTS ChINESE. leather conshine merely gave a rebate gaol, and par a fi of 60. Drolille High Ifornilley in tole Nelabbor� ifid Pinata no oat vi;ig. hS8 "bun formed In. London, with. a of five per Cant, to customrs who "My OuIY raffr8t� Is Chat the law does A watchmaker in New York ban head. tWo ICipwai"'of ."W'6M. to build tht (;eat- Former 4,4fta4lm" i*egnmn ler-let-o-bler in dealt with them steadily for six no proli, III MR W&d. decided, 1 m5nt7 rabia within three years, t allow me) to give YOU a longer made the atualleat bicycle in the world. A despatch from London says:- A t bfi, Whr Ative Serview as Tol. slable. mths. The object wag not to raise sentence," remarked the Judge to The He took two Years on the Job and at- Scotchiman. like an Irishman. 18 very ably 0111L Slid d0iVblop tht electrical, mineral, prices. but only to retain their trade. prisoner. ePlilp;� "Atid - other Industries along the yo: *blob Was threatened by a gignntle "Is that all Judge, how about that I a the eWar 4.9 r 1 .1311, Edward Thicentou I$ Chair_ A drops ch from Hong Kong so though there in no chance for ramun- rarely tit a Ines for an argument, but been OlWhItt" TUrifo& the Itittgatti r0111040- ` -Thousands of Chinese advanced to. combine of sole leather manufacturers $1.70 back Am W. rrition, is mightily pleased with the arguments advanced by a certain Don- ventory,iao the tulsw�' Morfoit, of a Custard line, In the 117nited States, fatiou 'by, d6tecitivea bols. bo" "totided I ward the British camp at Tai-Pohn The coot Impudence of the prisoner outcome. The tiny whool ban all the ald Cameron during the past week for IDA alle mad kil n 6 *t I ps or repairing... olll'gi , 4 of the Idair-Dem t The bill received a second reading. was too much for the disgusted magis- attnaluncrits of an ordinary bicycle, the renewal of his liconse to sell liquor trod t 0 re of die ondidate. tit iw on Monday, and fired several rounds Me Bertram moved the second red- trato He promptly stepped from be- ban a IAmP that will mhed light on the at Ronnoch Station were, to any the small now ilitiog IIA441 W�V� Sir )Iaorwia Ilikor is consulting da- of artillerY at ineffective range. Ing 'of his bill to amend the TrOde Iwo., bind his domic and scientifically admin- accustomed bracket, and would it least, ingenious and certainly original. 1- � -1'. J, Urd Itaivin ban a6ew- Major General Gasoolgoo. who" force amed littered to the grinning prisoner a some brownie could torna the Lot, 0 '60#1to T : rk and Design Act. He expl Colon- ih less thian $00, ordered his Asiatic ar. untatim to ingUnIOC'S blow that sent him Sprawling to the world be tempted up to ride It, spin mat" i�0 Ch it was a bill to allow work Fairy He limastati that his whiskey was so 11gin6iff: ftm Hold, if. Obamillolain dollt a label and register floor. pure that during t he construction Of hAt 00 y t0tilbers of tillery to engage this enemy, who oc- At, no manu- about a ten table at a humming gait. cloths t4t'ita,too 040siIet to, Sc far its he could learn the liae In his district not a navvy mf4a, H61W -of with & view cliplad tho.ourrounding hills. Shrap. facturarg had any objection to the bill "NeXt case," calmly called out he Ugo, an he resumed hill aent on the etill"I'llwit 194"t. the It stands one Inch In height, has died, while in the neighboring district ib�s 401 drove the Chinese out, and t This bill was rejected by the Sena nch. wheelg one Inch in diameter, with re- of Killin 215 died, and at Mgkllsry 28 ran be Out (Ato nakins, tilty - or lot gooto i,* 04*4k ION 1. 0 Oita& tfidlan infantry advanced, the Chinese last year. but hg- hoped tbnt with a gular -pneumatic tube*, and sports a died am the result of Intoxication. It IS 6a'Asihg, l*#r1h9 several MUM burning changed bait minds. MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S BILL wag renewed to this benefactor, of mon. elothak Year's sy6riones, they would have rcal spring on the maddlo. The cranks UO dittli are three might" of an inch long, while is Pleastint to state that the licaglao sufl!1614140Y� &,bad toe,,thing,pu AT* no- The bUI won read a second time. the trend is only one fourth. The on- kind. mat o t hot are eAtryisig away Id 6. to the bittat. known. as tire machine can be deposited In a Vifj&�� 4`P%6k"Q1 MA Is mind P6altant14 postage,-stnuip line, mad wRiglis low The a+'tsh Mr. Malunes Introduced a bill to c lit lit 4 AM W VVICON TERRITORY ACT. YAONINItIpat AM Ife*ardli the rav%lixe of wipingtholkiltoil''I'', flialt dead and wounded. Almill X Rty. - , than On ounce. CHILDREN TAXIGHT TO DI"Ir. Way 104 had no low. It is Vrop6sad to advaknots imend the Yukon Territory Act. 86 A despatch from London. says:-Tbe tka British Position. Time tl Ily the Orp UPISIlled that the oh nto ksj* it -it ioft 4, in A;400116r"11 With the' 00WIon 6f, his stidt. Oen when parties satlon of tbA /growth fffi* *Woo *a* *;*** t 4 tbW6of*,th6 I(p Oliseltigits is ntionbW Vida a Apselly appeat-l' wag to pe- HOU60 of CoMmOus on Monday evening THE "CHANGE OF AIW' CqTRE. Recent invilati iltielt. *10. Hong k6fillf I*L*Utdod by *61. L mol flu **1114 *4111114to 0, There- Its no says a physician, primar satiols by %6 aa%horltl" 61 only "adlia Ware disantieffed with the decision of passed to a second reading the bill ro- 0, the mining recorder or Gold Commill- Candy luttoduced by Mr. Joseph Chain - *16% barlstne Searstar1 of State f who bam psailled thA days when he must the city Of Bona. Gerinsillyw bo bratatt I his 6o 1 a . ..... jjen . r learld"'461 t, t or the uw. "at ifttb* F. Clark will am)o ills Gov- colonifist, empolverfus local authorities Practise even If he does not wish to, to light ON" Statlista ratafC AT 89A. ble oftuplerm litpliIiad 'f4' WANA1111 d rAW6 oatWIRELESS' TIZL24 ofAtAlitit for liarticulars regarding the to ad*mnee "fix the haphazard way in which n pa- par eeut� Of W C&idM did balt 41tak AW161thtill Paid within the last year to to acquire ownership of OU.1 tiout Is sent away from home to ox - and AteaMohip, Companies as bonuses for an the VrWi to of the it Acts. 111114 btla Continental and tb# FOIL I Holditagm ACt. 41 aftlit "im, I:b The A ft -6f A milk. 404' "fulaild to 44 66. oxitiodiva to WM* PaIrI64. Wbw ~TA*: "d, gm3ft fW nlisk tot. 910# both British and banal his strength and "ad his money lis tnts,060ANS, to ft solm. ot this. ffood 801*1y at," owt. Adult Slid jilVelille, immigrants to Call. In the b" that a change of air will S41 olivila, b"Wo" chaftm, OOA ]a I* *Ut him good. There In no One in stand. &Iapittab 6&A to* S& V-4be ftft 0 - Ite. &rAft''OrHalitim loill Pave for log RROKV, ROT11 DROWNS& in a Person away to die. Many phy- lot ' MAJ, *hd ad T%oft, IlIdufAkiK W` it Of tho Itousts for topics of all Sit, ans are not at all considerate &bout not 0", inflim bro, .6, hA jot *1to thus 0 941;ku4m *A Will, lastions from this sort of thing. There are some T* W"O AS" sestiff tromi, %r , U** 04 1"01- jo Va. 11 Allig"t wat"ll Qs On r Hibbert Tuppoes tams In which the influence of atim. 1W "lit two lito in a potent factor In tile treatment it ''A*Y moil tit 64400069 *6_ from Hou, Mr. than 1 ot4 "At. Ni�jt VA ittlia to' ill$ W14 #*Y inister or. tiny A iteoWall frqm Manip", oayw� of certain diseases, btit not bait so doplying or 176- A sad Story of double, did*- Irm f"" VW* to, "WtOd. if lahig, In 11lb 11116% Of them RmAs generally all Wu at and rest at home, plenty n - IDA of permits to Milastoilds, atIMIC hills *t toothd titia 0( bralso t* so" 0wo aOk tam tittiI Ait 51 tikoft districit, ishillo, flood food and = air are aft, Woo 6"Wild J16 40 diffieft ttlissrams, City ftft 1ktk0h1*,'T*6,ohUdtft, ot hobIt. Iry t t Wdlith far "to than a a age of tilt& ; tut 14 iA� $I muler homed R6YU46. *Iko f0*6tok fitet that [a to often tedomuselsid6d it k% T12bw Cho I't lied Ott Qwft ftw,� *are litiva"tig tow-atV, Gang, 0= fit W11110WANt, 9"A T t 4 its* W'hift 'Was the giVilifilif Jyn tho Itip, *bi*, it 4%V6 OWN sm ate lost yelsr, *IV. ors"01tatlos, )i" 300 the, watet, W1141re *tkft bb bW Was r6046A blat dI4, ftaxt� "t Ithpo ridlailloxiK bat **fiats othi. VI*At U*Y* t f# Mt. do