HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-21, Page 8I . - - __ 1 7- - " __ - -,-7r -1-71A, 4FrPW­...V, , . __ . - ­�,W-X__ � j, ,— I 0 I 0054 -or""', , - I., ., - � � I I , pgr'- o, : . I I I . . I 1� . .1 . I . . '. I I I � . I I I I I � I . . . ': ,-, I . I I ", - I 1. � . I � 11, . .: , I I . __ __ . - _ ___ 1.1.11. I � It I ;.;;,.,� I - ­ - -f-- - . 11 111111-1i I , :1111:1,11 - 11 - 1. . - � _-1-1--00 I— I'll I . tP., !1-11 !... I i - � !i � il!!!!t.t ­­� ,� 1, ­ __1--_-_- , . � IFPA=W� 11-71-1-- 1-1-11-1 - --'=0=111 0 1:1 �11=0111111:1:112:" I ­.- I tok, ,. ,, *0**%W% � ... I I I . � � tiou to 4W44WO, ia It. At "-*I* OKOR Wwwv 1k* 0 .111��Illllg� � - - . 1� I . . , ,� .f , , �l�iiii�11111110!111"111111401lli''!I!llI 1 ". , . # I � . .-, . I t_owv� 11mg wMt elso Wthm 40s, 09 Will, I -t�, � . I I Ob. Itbo I, � ! ,., great love f0F Alor WW4 14 80 a � I *"W I". i �. I , sWANIt to dividal bW lii4a 1krif . I . 1, I . L �14 . � .� VM0n4'C_u_1t_1D1wn00d--.wom6 � 1ro,,,A,., the who,* co," so � ------- 11 I 0 . . , a J.": . " - .. I 11 W 0" - ,F,7w�aor-r�.W­or­ 1, " "". ,_ , , OR# I g 4 ;ku had p", .... P t sip he pr It i - � ... : ,. � ,, �_ ".. t ti. a to W014019"rUg, 44c: � srgwo gavulso. . . . . . . . ­ ". To RWT OF M MM. tc.= * , . I I , . - tow Yo4ts at '000wity Q49 of thig OK t4po V so0ow 4 � � . .. . cr OW14 admission 44 myotowl0i al" , - . " . - W. �� � . - 11 11 1. . I . 0 plir , With WWCU 10.110146 is 00 f4i Aimikoltim vic �4*- I I 0 11 I L � I ., C In ,,ticia, is her llgll� . . I , I L � Wid mra insignificant ludivift'll, to 13110 Was anxiot" not to eutr*,�Tol blin; nuirotio being CoAfiu*4 almoot, W)WI-11, I X=11,Coiatiautod. I � Lim world than she bad over stippenod and then he thought of the imay of to wint" wticat. This is atilt a solid " , ta. 0 , 001 -OZ 46 ,D ,* 0 * L 0 ,LGM.o al=b his family, and the fatal d�,Woavtro at plan so fox 44 it good though Act Won' � lmw *" lwoollboilth the before, for "disliwp aPJ*"AUY gut 'him tiarle--ho w6glied It 1. %ad . . . W - - would OU vary WOU without 049, "A nothing . flfu' . _**­ltiI -old ,* is IOU that, 04 . tactical, but epaw sJW*A0,*§ axiii _ L.0 .liis - _ _ W . y, # the brok. as yat ,proved to INV that "a had boon to the coucttw .0 "I 4 1 '"k V0 a A* 44htftily sit, ,y ,,, Almighty these objections wore act Worth a coming rapidly In teovog, op ,.. � I . ,, 4p4"-*-,*K4*V fit , . pwially for 1, . .1 . L a'- K-4; �' . _ ,, *kjo was all that stump000d. to I voralde I some- Man's while to cutuider, when the love clean ouiti,vatioa o"pa,'Voor"pogurlb .* �* *MMt L t.troo On pad. "d Providence Lox Lbo furthering of r is,- of otiob a one am Ito" do Ill",, our was will, ,,,an ,tULivation, fV0ilpq4X 041- . I 1, . I *b*,T -0 , . 0.j IGUQUL of tie Ill the balance." avaliquia gog . , AM tA kWaglt W944 -Ing 94114L WhOU310 for the II _ -4 'Lj$ tures, ,,It ciao will have mc.,, tie said t,blm. lage, rapidly becuiu,", 1, I , , - " I �, L iF*JfWf lipsalstiful 4*4 =ystairlous -0- low-or"Ba Jug or ,emeid- I ,04 ' Nothing nooded reform 1.1 I , , 0 iW Iiier 44 Utbor bad so sudden, self. will brave all, risk OPAL fOOLL It no IOUSOF Pays to M" - L . . IrLta"all0i'di lasylose no tnoo of their VIIIA9 40m. Mr. and are. t-ireathead all, give up all, for her sake. I will manures merely to enrich the 4911. L ,r . *40obw Wpm It because of what w0m 'I domestic Couple, mu0b attached life to bef-work for but it does, Pay to tine them to grow �� . .. - - TUe baby was under devote MY whole � , " " , a". A04 old to Mr about Getaff"Y V LO One a4uttiOx- her, tile for her, if needs hot" ,4 �_ . 4 L *04 It'A* 41,*to oortatia that Milo ])an' the care of a clover oures, who was iD , oed at immediate "upii. Manure which stays � � - ,_W Ld'JWL-�Xys taketa any IIA&MO to DO doubt dA to the Correct Management And then the train uLopk rt In, the *Oil two Or three years before be- . T _, Als -.1. . � ho Church W- Riverside, and in an incredibly she Ily avaLiAlb as plant food, ; - - - -­*"WW4U boon assured tb*t-it of Intent* ilk arms. time Geoffrey bad found his coming fu �, . Vftei mb� Madam do Brefour was a viCoa were frequout and well attend" MPRC'W of . �_',- , � had wonoun undoubtedly. she said to I'llem were schools. clubs, reading- Way to Luagwa;tO.Road. and was ring- is wo,rth much lusb tban, the ..Me L , Ingthe bell ILL to. amount in a quickly available form. � - hisrW With decielloa. Wonion who ropoing, ail after the nowust, Ryste It was like aglimpse of Paradise to I , Ins' , I I I I - Iflor- - - , , &XIS INVW.orious,aud can't give an open and all in good working order ties Martine.8 face on" more as she Spring ni,nuring has its disadvan . 1, aecount of their pea lives, and have eDco. who was 8QUIPathiuff Of a fatal- - � , . o prop Lat, could act understand Why Late bad opened the door to him-hoselzed both tageso uotwiLbiaauding- JU all Win- - I I Au*pt�=t "pamplati'o'uab'aandrev'osutioubustor' their taken her to lUveraide, where, upp&r- her hands with impettlealty, and shuck Yard LUUnUTC3 tile aMMOOi in first to I I - . ittly, there was no openi or er tm " I I � antecedents, always a" bad� Besides, c ally of Rotting "Ali, Martine, how glad I &= to gas become available, and unions potash and I sho was a Papist. and a designing Par- t9lents. and no opport.u. as bur BOW ),Oil agaial How is Madame? Wherp in pju�pllal,W lia-0 UOULt Used L.rouly pro - L sea and no doubt Codlitabawwaa,VOry the People to r'914191 such shel Take me to her ut oncal" VLUUZIY, 01010 W Much I" LLULL tile " ;Z rid of bur. Yet, where and whic, delighted " I ( ` And by bad .. it to impossible," &be said W bw- se"Alif Mon Dieu, Monsieur Geoffrey[,' remay supply of ummunia will ene, ur- . was she I &he wondered. w id the old Frenchwoman smiling at 0 1 Geoffrey never been bitime for so ICUgV self, "that I seen have been Meant to Win Ut leaf at ins el - 1 li 11 L a bim, but though she smiled she age u runic gru � LL -never once since she bad tie suddenly Le,;Ve mY great "Pik re of usicfulucm � I disappeared, abia and all her belong- and activity at home, and aimply and aighed too. Well, too well, did Mitz, PeA.60 01 Lad OLUIK Wild 9LU111- XMULhtJJ' I I Inge. from the house which tie used to solely to %aLk up and down thou IuwU tine know how hopeless was the suit Point to LlIaL WLLA Ma4J 0XUP3 it KUDIL WILLI Coarry's baby, to sit and do needle- Of the beano joune whom her lad lov. for her own we fare. Asi plirt.b � ins point. to not pfa� - visit with such Indecorous frequency. TJ growth 01 fUllagO Lit LUe OXJ�VLI" V - Was Geoffrey ruarting after her still work 'a the drawing-rootto and to ro- ad too dearly . � boat whiiat "Madame is in the garden - she bade " 0 ammould I -was &he laying her Spells UPOLU him, Cline In tho atcria of the 0 me tell youto find her there." LLCU010, In Lhad OU40 tilt) LX0 L . striving to ruin blin body and noul, in he,rhusband polls Lip both as far as Lit Quickly she led the way across th 18 AIMply LUdL.'LL goes LU Waste. PUS111- L I I Dome other place where him siater'a took and back." "a Urn , r beyond. that taboUld Constantly bear In BUDII I wholasomitt RU4 restraining influence For the Itaverend CyprLao nevei went opened onto the lawn. I" all ULaUtU'W of 1817LALZOTS, WJ114-;o I " was not preawt to drag him back from beyond the look, suit tor dho very beat �4, - I And of reasons. He was quite sure he "There, Monsieur Geoffrey - you are thts aume thing, arts Merely Just, I 11 this iniquituous intercourse will find bar on the seat beneath the much �,rnriionia, putabb and linoo- . asibility would never got back through It I phaLea; not any one. nor any two, but � �, then. indeed, as so awful a I so I I L I Presented itself to her mind, = Dane And then ail at once, whilat she yet mulberry tree. -she is reading as till three taken LUSCLIXUX. � . . did occasionally experience a qualm Of doubled and repinod, the truth Was re- Usuall" she added and even to Geof- ''I vealed to Florence Was, and she frey, in that moment of excitement. With Clean CULLIVaLIOU OXOPS such I I I L � comcIpunction. I why an All -seeing Provi- It seemed that there was a tinge of re- as cor", potatoes. etc., where larmy"'L "Ferbaps it was an error Of judg- knew v dence had decreed t but hire. Ureat- gret In her voice, a look of pitying 8dd- mantfre is used potash and busPhAttis . ,,, I Meet to have driven Iter away ' " nbri ILIVILO her to Itiverside; clam in her 8YOL should always be applied at the game � , I owned to herself once or twice when head ahou I it time, or even earlier ILL the spring. . for one afternoon, as she won alrolling But Rose was not reading. Val- They will ROL Wants except on, Very r011- 2 ,., haunted by these terrible RuggestiOUS, -Mrs. tairs, old cynio as he in. had not boon ing ground where any form of man 0 � "Perhaps I had better have kept her 'easurely down to the 'Ibames ar L 11 � here under lay own eyp, lie as to ad- Greatheud having asked har to go on able to chain bar n-Aserable thoughts wiml,j wao,h away. .D,rum IOU to Ali L . Manish them both; and 'yet L acted for and order the boat, whiltit alle and her to -day. He lay open but unheeded pounds of mLLri&Le of potash and fr9m , ." 1. the beat and from the highest Mo Lives. husband Lingered LOA see to the Wants U a bar lap, her clasped bands upon- Mo to 4W Pounds of sold phoaphaLs ! � 1. a - h �, " It was, a scandal ILL the parial ad an ut aparishioner-suddenly, at the COV Clunroad page, bar Bad eyes, filled should be Used per acre, broo,dounted �1. villere the high with an unspeakable Borrow, fixed up- or used its ilia drill LLe may suit individ- ., � , my too eam,y-going father would not in- nor Of the road, just Use U � 1, carfare, it fell upon nay shoulders to urick wall, wita Its heavy IVY IJ6111110 0 the door though which ual preference. '.rho object is to have �, I . I remove a public evil for the sake Of I bloped. away, So that the silver river he would come to her - the young the Mineral fertilizer there ready for �, the exempts, even at the risk of MY on"' Into view like a alkeet of glass, [over whom God and man bade her ro- the ,trnmonis. am fast) the latter be, ll, isroputo i jeilocting its green bank-% line fur line nounoe to -day for ever. as .� brother failing into deeper d She saw him ,ornes available as plant too& Much ­ elsewhere. For hie sake, I Might, per- I upon its bosouao she ran 8L I-aight Up come -a glad joy in his eager eyes, time and trouble is given to aeocuring IL L I hays, have acted wore wisely. but for agaiast Ntadama do Hrefuur! there was a great delight in his hurry- catches of Clovers or other legumes. , I I tile sake of what is right, Barely I Florence gasped. hLadame, do Brefuur ing footsteps, and afluath of hope upon merely for the nitrogen fertilizer �', . could not have acted otburwise, and bmiLed, IIDd Made a little Inclination of his face. She did not rise to meet storod up by such plants. A somewbut, ! I 1, 7. MY oonscionoci reproaches ins with n0- bar head, a little gesture of her hand, him, she only looked at him with Pain wisor plan od e of the I � , . Uring.11 � as though she would have reached it unutterable in the heaven -blue eyes- ammonia we already have on hand. 'to I �� : � � � .1 Thus Florence Consoled herself, and iorth-whilA her lovely eyes opened Alas, alas. how she loved JiLml supply a got, with arnmonia,witboutat - W, 7: fortified It pious saif-upprobation themselves wide with astonishment It' One moment he was beside her, the same time on8n.ring the potash and ''I : ..; lioneostly beaeved herself to be blame,- tied her Lips half framed a word ol had fallen upon his knees before her. phosphated to go with it, is to invite I I � lam In the mutter. surprise at the unexpected meeting - "Oh, MY love --MY level" he cried the loss of the ammonia. It to wiser to " LL ! I pa,ibsW from the strict muraltat,$ for ljoss was one of those who romem- brokenly, and b3iried his face ��h,r be on the safe side. especially as there �­, - on ay oretically bared a benefit very long, but forget lap. ,;� , is very little danger of loss through , , , � ,,� , � � have had right and justice on bar side, an injury very soon. (To be Continued.) cl.rainago. I ;:,L)",. L I but how much practical mischief do not But by this time Miss Dane had, an __ � - � , ,� , the" uncompromising Christian per- she would say, recollected herself. Re- . ­ � , 1. hung, with their unalterable code of collected what was due to the daugh- SAVING BRUSH FO1:t KINDLING. I - , ,, �:, s 0 1 . � '. ,�', laws# do to their weaker ,brethren in ter of a clergyman, and the mi ter f TIRD"U" AND LANGUID In prun ag orchards the branchea : �' L Lbla 11" teniptest-toused worldl tin Innocent young man inveigled into I'll � i, 1, ,� � Well. the ouramar was well aigh ilia paths of vice, She drew herself cut out axe often piled in heaps and , "'�-,�;,:" ovtor� and the first of the autumn up and flung back her head, grasping -_ when dxied are burned, often injur- Ll , THE EXPERIENCE OF AN FSTIM- iag the tress in their vicinity. There I ,��i��, � months nigh at hand, when Amothilig bar hands the while Lightly together �. �' " whialt may lie caded an event in Flor- with a grand air which would have be- .ABLE YOUNG LADY. is a much better way Chao this. Apple, ­ -1 11 ''I I ance l)gUg,s monotonous existence i fitted a queen, but which qat somewhat L; , 1�1 . -_ I ;,,� CRUIIBtopas& ,I,his was nothing more, poorly on four foot one, ends little pear or peach wood makes, wit dri d 11 Iler 111111100d Wit, Pow On "M 'L .�, � 1 wonderful than an Invitation from dumpy woman, with no natural aids to ,,, r an IV a Ir ry - % it ff(- rett a very hot fire, and should be .v. , I . "i"', Fmin Sick I , ;:_ '1490 ritinting 0 � r- mome friends near London -to pay them dignity either of face or figure, and 4"'It". for th stuve when the branches are � !!.�'�! . a visit. 'rho Vicar of St. Steven's Dis-, ignoriag altogether the lovely smile SP4.11­1110%. she tied Ill,-allh', the 'I, , � � 11 trict obturcili, Riverside. had, two yearn and the proffered hand of peace, she Ilk .... M. Wo large to Out rapidly. Even L , , � I , ,I sr U the The Recorder, Brockville. twigs have their value. They make the ,, �:;_ ago, married a wife, and thin wife bad passed an with It nose nigh I � �,�,�� �,, '1� .Ii-�11,1,1 at one time been a friend of I'lorence, I air, and bar eyes fixed Immovably upon On one of the finest farms in Wol- very best of kindlings when dried, and . " . L ��,_� �,,,, - Dania. Mrs. Greatimad wrote one day, the waters of the Thames. But, from ford township, Grenville county, re, if they axe somewhat crooked they are ".1 "I'll .". I s t moment, she know -know why sides Mr.and Mrs. Alonzo Smith and till the better, because they will not �L"- �1, .�, � "Von kAows Olson w �4 �,�­I,,, I of trieudiiness unit husPitality, 'Providence had sent her to lbV family. Mr. SxWcb N perhaps one. of p�cic closely together as the straight - , ­";'. pulse orsid �,�'�m��',�4-,� �� come and Stay 'and what was the work the t ha� the best known men in the county, as sticire are pretty sure to do. AD old 1�,�, %T - and asked Florence to " , . , 1�,, �-i�� _ with bar. been designed for bar to a 1'�V':"�""', COOMPliftil In addition to being a practical farmer story is told of a farmer who once I , , , ,,, "Conis now", she wrote, "at once, therel lie represents several agricultural ifn- boasted among his Companions what a , _ dear Florence, berets the ,sumucbr Is "It I wait long enough I shall see plement companies. His family con- . ,,,�,:-�­:�,,­ good, patient wife he had. She nevei; �? . , � , , f , �� ,, � ,� ", ,; , , quite over. I am longing to show YOU tu� poor, lost, misguided brother," she Bists of two estimable daughters, the complained of anything he did. One , '' , , ,�-'��LLi��.'?�� and ,. ,� , I". � , " .1", . my DoW"husband, my new home, said to herself - and sure enough she eldest being seventeen years of age. of them suggested that the next time , :4 -. t�;, �� "I - - 1,,� I my new baby - 'I be garden is still full did. r,*,j. ;. To a correspondent of the Brockville he drew up wood for this house, he '41 One evening she and Mrs. Recorder who recently valled at Mr. should make a load of the arciokedest I �:��' - , - of Lower,% and we have a capital 1;1 Wallis ground. 'rho riv,er, too, is but Great- � . 11 head went lip to Ilia Station to, in- Smith's, Miss Metals H. Smikh. the. sticks he could find. He did so, and ,' L � two minutes' -walk from the housib and I . ,'', ' � , , , , � ',� quite after certain parcels which were oldest daughter, related the following an lie drew up the load to the house ,. - - I ami, Sure you will enjoy the boating. -"About two years ago I was ' , � .L�,"��'. expected from town. Lt was about stor3r u to meet !* I -'�,.­ We ,have a boat of our own, and Cy- ,�,�;­:.-,�i'�', seven o'clock, and the days ,were, now taken quite ill. I became pale and him, " Mary, how do you like this load ,L; """;., 0rian will have time to row us out ov- d ,,�,_14�,, W7 jave,aing after service, no do not drawing in so that it was almost dunk languid, and If I an ertook to do any of wootil" was the inquiry, while the - ,,�,,_ ­ -4be lamI& On, t.hq - DL ttorta wore WDYkabOut the house, would' easily -farmer's o6mpanions stood by expect - L ., delay your visit until the days got all h I _ . i4fi beooWf' terribly fatigued. , I . became log.a atom of abuse. Instead the re, L �,,.,,,­ . . -.%v (1�,�,';. .1 I - - ' W 'ib !,'. �L '� ' ' I itiliort and chilly .. - tb6ft1Wr_OU6alr - 'f 3, ­' " , way a the p6rools 9'dhJeot,',to,terri Is sick headaches, and- , I L" , ��, , , This.. lot�er Arcuo�.', .i,&,oc. �hung f MY stomach- became go weak that I ply was gipan In the sweetest tones, ; ,,t�;;,, &arose the breakfast table towards her ? fice, and an up train was just steam- " Oh, John that 16 cAPItAI wood. We ­�_­ , "L.;,_'I'%�. I fathor,a, pJaLe,,.wiLh.r little snort of 1,119 slowly into the Station. There was loath%d food. Mytrouble wasfurther always used it at home when I WP ­'�'�_:L�,:�� little Orowd of persons waltin spells, and MY a girl, and mother used to say that I " wip,_ , , , - . tte and aggravated by weak 1, �7L"��L" 1­� r, darislaiii.. . 66610. ,, ",',,�" I the porters Were shouting out ad- feet, winter or summer. were as cold the rounded ploods made the hottest L L � _,­"'_�. "Very kind of Carry Ofea-thead but . tile London train, when slid- as ice; in fact it Beamed as if there fire because they fitted so nicely L 111T7, L�� L ,, _ vent of ,'�"`� I)". -411its immosailitc." �`�r and looked donly, just aathe people were talking was no feeling in them. I tried several around the kettles.- . � . ��, ,;:, Dane read t.W&-Tette, , I i�,�,r �,"4 mr., " L _ .. L , . ,�; � ":',�_�' . , I ""', -15 spectacles. their places and the carriage doors kinds of medicine, but instead of belp- ill -5' �11. . up vaildly bt"e-h I .1 love f I Were being opened and shut, Florence Ing me I %Vag growing weaker. One day RE, AVY OATS REST FOR SEED. I ,,` - -. "Why is it impossible, my , . ., I. . , � ,% tbiCk. you had most certainly better kw a alight.young radn, with hat 'well in March 1898, my father brought home � .i %. Fj�wa down ovpr cavernous dark eyeag a box of Dr. Williams' Pinki Pills. I The fact that oats in our climate ' �L F I � ',, �_ . . . 81,001opt the Invitation." '' , i �;, 11 "; "34 dear father. how can I leave and Q fa-�,as pale as the dawning immediately disoontinued the other fall off in weight par bushel or "run - I " ��� A I'. moon behibil him, come dashing medicine and began taking the pills. out,,, as farmers say, is probably ow. l , L' bome just now V :,�, L "I a" no difficulty. Florence ; al I the through the door and fly across the 'I found thatthey helped me andfour ,� � � , � .1 _ �! ., I ', 1, I Platform towards the train. more boxes ,woroprocurod and by the ing to the hot, dry weather, which �, _. - I Z I e� �1111. ,_­ noboul treat& are over, there is noth Una ' ,� , 1. "Geoffrey, Geoffreyl" she cried lend- time I had finished them I ,waa- on- ally comes about the time the oat ,_ L '' '�j ing at any im%mitanoe in the pariah to ,�'7i_ ly after himao but though he passed tirely well. I have never had better � crop is filling and ripening. That can- ;k- ,,,�,,�,� L! kosp on, notbAng that your sisters and L� �!."Z�, 4 close to her, so close that she aught health in my life than I am now enjoy- � 3111so Some cannot do for you., It will a c not be helped, as climatic changes tire " : �t��V ­ - . It his arm as he went by, and her hand Ing. I 1. 1,"�,"­­ make a ,pleasant change tor you." Re My appetite is now always good , , ,�� _ f ,,, I I have increased in weight. All .boy I �'j,,,,�_',, Ii'leftnes abook her head. tually brushed against his alcove,yet and I end human control. But the evil I _ � , ::, �'; ", 1, he never paused nor turned, His eyes this is dua to the efficacy of Dr. Wil- �ivay be. lessened by sowing only the -V_ "I can't we much pleasure in it. A " .".V.,)�� , ' .""L ��'­ 1, L , �N,.4, ,pod ton;:i1a, ground, abe says, and met hers. but there was no glance of Ranks' Pink Pills, and I would advise heaviest oats, and sowing these early I 1 "' a you recognition in tha,mL, UP Smile Of broth- any other young girl troubled as I wus in the spring on fall -plowed ground. �, - know I never play tounis I A baby , eirly greeting upon his lips - he only to use them, and they will certainly , - �� ,�: tao,t " it I waw't wom out with look stared at hot,, mutely, dumbly. with a Cuts If the directions are followed. Then they will probably ripen before ,� � I . �11, ', - i� attar babies, at he= I The river I , , � � L I "",�L'l I am always nervous, In beets, people dazed, lost look in his face. and as if The facts above related are impor- the hottest and dryest weather comes. 1� �,.; � , , , . wiU flodSot up and down in them. and he had neither seen nor heard bar taut to parents, as there are many We know one old farmer who always ' ,� � � �, I don't know how toswim; and besides, be plunged into an open carriage. The young girls just building int,o woman- attributed the decline in weight of oats , L !��',,, guard slammed to the door, and the hood whose condition in, to say the to threshing by machines instead of by I ).".". , " : , really, my dear fatbiar. I do not one train began, to move on, and there in least, me �.'­ �'! I I wer YOU could possibly got on without - Critical than their Parents hand. The threshing machine takes out � , *­ ,� - � INW, � the shadow, as he was carried awa�. imagine. Their comokplexion 18 Palo eveLry oat, light or heavy. When they I I I 11 � 1� � . Mr. Done was norting bin . Florence could see the fixed white and waxy in appearance. troubled are flalled out many of the light oats I % � 4 1 L-r,r I wu letters ­­ I ed -a littl licart V: Pita L�� 1, I f-, and citoulars, and be suAl features, and miserable far -away eyes, with I i tion. headaches, do not fall out of their hull. They are " rl,," quiat o=Jilo all to himself-vFbilst h: still looking out blindly, vAcantly into shortness of cath 'On the slightest probably worth more to make the oat � aPace-like the eyes of one who line exercise, faintness and other distreds- an togo with thalarg- ��, ", � I I � looked down at tiomm A gay. a,- said good-bye to his last hope an ialff SYMPtOms which invariably lead straw better th , . , .1 , "' tbough altogether a guilty. sensation or, heavier oats. Thin farmer used to I �,", , at hopeo suddeal earth. to a pir,6miature, grave unless prompt. �, ��L ' Ly awoke within hiM. 8beps are taken to bring about a not- beat out oats so as to got not more I ; I . How uttarly d6ligb!tful it would be to than onerh*alf of these. There would I I " � � I ��, be tor oticto quite, quite freig, To bave CHAPTER XXIV. Ural condition of health. in this ontier- be no light oats In them. go found I I 'n'body to egg Uni on. and set him go. How I guncy no roMady yet discovered can that with these heavy oats two bush- , I ",;, .. o Ull Of hope he had set forth Burply the place of Dr. Williams' Pink ble of goods was sufficient. Be it May , 1210 6004Y to drag iniquities Out Of that dayl As he took his place in the Pills, which build &Dow the III - be if the to are gown e ly, for -then , Ok corftra and lay tbow out before -train, more than a quarter of an hour on the nerves and restore the the oats will staxt and send up many I , , �,�' �, �, I Cud og, ar I , -- 1 'Ir . I Ow 1p the bKoad glare of day. so that 00 —no it seemed to him that the "' health to pale and Ballow shoots from a single seed. But it the 1. , ,_ � W WAS tWC611 to take 120ti0b Of thOW, t1lins would never pass, that the abort Ee'.Vk:f They are certain Cars for;all goading is delayed so that the oats can I 1. , � " I . 46b6dy to 0600 bUXUW9 into his study journey would never come to an 4111do troubles pecull&r to the female AyAteM. not stool much, we should advise sow- '1� . , : � J"t Whs"S W" 410XLW Off Comfort- All the way down he read and r6- young or old. These P! also on � ing the Usual amount, which is about �� three bushels per acre, ,; j�. abW WW no book mA Us pipet, to wake toad the little note by which she bad disease& as rhaureat"lanto no , , , - � " 1. Istawou'A - silmmoned him, read it till he knew partial paralysis, Joe , I I . .J2 ralslatitiria concerning do , � I I 11 , rAWIN at to Warn him against I every stroke of it, by heartt St. Vitus' dance, nor at 1, I I *A*d&.* ho, had shuoh rather have To- � 'do Z, luy I .1 n 0, 244 APPLE TREE WOOD 19 VALUABLE: 6 � I 9 fondly upon every word &'oil nervous Prostration. the after effeuts 11 � � � .1 VA11*4 44 Ignoraitito about. or to virma trying to draw hidden meanings oat of of In gyippei, influenza and 8QVsrsC,1d, We never advise cutting down a " ". : 'i �,: ,� W.-loyall tAk, that which 110 i9ftlMity ,Ivory Simple expression. Thin was the diseases depending on humors in the 1, - toffixodi to Wink ati Oh I what a letter which the morning healthy apple tree, oven though It be � , 1. * OwAs its -watita have of it I no gait, brought blib. Post hati MOOd. Such as scrofula. chronic erysi- long unproductive. So long an It in . I , �, 'r. 1110 a alldboy I A44 UM he Pull- 01% pelas, etc. Do not be Persuaded to ac - I 1. Limaway swad. � . 44 va"Wo. with sums at this, un. Mt any Imitation no matter what the sound in the trunk It may be made .. , , ", , 1 "Rivarooldw dealer may say who offers it. Imita- to produce profitable crops. But th$Vd 4 1 wrl, IP, , bow good and hard ..M, Door Geafteyeo_ , tions never Cured Sale tl ­ "." I W^X Flor*Ao% hOW l9detAtta- "I IIVG not hitherto Written OA11­ - tat are many old treed too far gone to,bo . =fto iloilou, bow =r she gets to YOU the full name Dr. Wil , L an .064, U,"abl %ilme Pink Pills . ­ 901, J.0 Xn0W my direction, because for Pa. People is ob the wrapper worth saying, and thousands such are I Vp W lit# th all thieft Is, ` I did not think it well that yon should around svery box you buy. out up and burned for firewood every 11, I . � 104t.4mut6w of love were yet whoilly visit Me. Ilat now I want to Boo you, . , 0- ; L , bb" I Vnist a. must come to me at *Doo. -to. . I I I ot #A* d 4)oadvAo 4 Bud .yo wintiv, -Apple tree wood is worth too 4As#0 *Wd " - 1. . b of kttk4 what . I I I _ '* W,9 I afternoon, It you vml, You FAMOUS, DAUUNUM much to be put to such uses, though 1; . I L t = laiiii %ntbftt I e ".04 ,"tomb at . ZfMd 0A dithoMe, and waiting for apple wood toilikes a bdt fire and an nab : _ L I I Laftl . L I have sciviiathing to Bay to I , I � 11. L M4,%.4%, Wootift 1% �40 &SUM64 of YO%_ Probably the Most remarkable drum. rich in poIaBb. It Is & very tough . . ,_ — I "r Who over lived Was Joan Henri, wood. Lad even when full of knobs its . , I ': ' I ' I ' A; "Via W_ -will*. wn =-", J , .6 1bb fAM6114 tawb6tr *&J,* bf� the 9m. Value tat manufatituritig 'to , x , AWA."a. Vies tt$,dWBa*16 . f 14W - =. 00,746 . , , . - � up ,7. & 'toL,.fie,lr� "M Mooloon. out at to tosta Vfts rather "hau"d thm leei � A1000we lt,yf"t *40". ��w va III. M ""Oulloo tootbH410 *41 AV146 as hard 4bV . I . J116W,"Vid *Alie; owAung tp aHi OU04L t 0, . " L' ' ';;- 411 * All big 10*46 10al Mill do lot t6 OW ft, IS'Laftio4t 'ton4d dra0ft at wl the ftmtr Iwo tbs,y , � * t '..i � Mi his to Wt% 'oes i% hild aptUn a wa . I A *dL 4% . 11% tft " f WV * , , i "a"' has*t the *"a th" 1A 00 tat AW "raft. �� 11� .1 111i" **it I EV11126,114=04t, A Ilia I . � , 6t � L"� , , s"', a iv atill �. L tl�ogrotiood 6%�; 1;r1o;r- I tsk,;!,W,.* " -0,10k, 9V 0 AW44 110 I I M" '16 , _ _ , I 00 4 , OW — Now U44 . � ; the LS* (* I I , . W40 .; 0" waftZ __ - 4A of AW *9 WNWA of tU "d ;1,111140�� � .4L V - . ;L - bbk�ftk*d, � 11 - it tW4 . -� " cla"aw *0100111* 40, sultiLt Ji4n "' the 1= Who halts . I +W& .dAi=a!!10ftTIM+1 , NhWild know the fact. . 4, , -_ F"FR"W"7 `_' L - �, I 1� 1 . : I L. It "�"`�" , , . � - I . . �� - , .1 I I . L 1> � L I I I I I ; �' . I I , . L . � . . I I ., i�, I .1 ,. . ­ I " I. . � . 1-111 . -11'11.- 111-- - - 11 11 .- . - ... L . ­­­ -1 -.1, -'-, - ====, *4 1'" `-0`i0`1!-` ----. -, _-_ � I I I ! '. F�� - j . . '. � - I - !lllo:" * , '' L ' .. i . - I I . . . �. , , � I XF -i'vOligpUber thin nA.019- I � IV To, 0019 - 04M, . , � I 4. L _0 j j of I � . . , 11 - . A $TW ,IR � f9r,oallt,Y j ' " I . . of"It" , , P .sa , " L$10 I , .. - �,Y'Wg ,,, ^ I 114 L-O'd 10$44"' ' I I ,, _#'g 14' i , : . - W", I , . i . , I .. � 'S -, , � PW ".*00:1010 * ", W-1, 1� - - i 11 I . 0��r' ,�71104*-X*40A*4 f, *ragox ��; Ag" I I I A I L I '. : % i � !, " I L I I I I 11 . 19U)JAW, 0# 4W off W 404W0,81114111k � ! I I - � I � L I . �UD'E. I . Wb*p 0, 9411, ot V,�"%. a flow, ov &A it L L I I I . ­ .LL . , 0 "l0*40 QW40 A* B; 00-014e�'*O-, = Q* pow mZ*4,41k. 49as"90. I .... 1. . . . . . L � � . � . I I . T"04-Owt. J4, 0*0*004-1 L _­­ ­­" 4111111 - L L A .. a � . ... . . �. . oft sre 4*%X4 W441W A; 04,"tlil iw 4%u* iom 090FOU 404 Ael L44 � 1;E j I I I 0,9 tua 49t, tot the "W*W 04oriii 44 � , YLON TEA. 25, 30, 40- 50&4�`OC' . , W�!� , . -, jj , 11 j 11 , . t4figla"WIR!" WW bettor than tia,gkvor .0to a If 04*4 -lot 0* WX %J41, "M Ili .; "M ___ 400, 9r. fmmw only 1W - this -, 7__= W . , . M� � 11, 1�111111011 j Zl I I ,� '7_"L � -- ' , . , I . HAVE YOU .4� � �, . , &: - I � I . - ", �� J,,W I � ' *'�' " * , ": to dwwwy- 44 motociltil 0 - Mir =00 fkAb tutf pbaf4roll"i I .1 I I I I I , ux, 0,40 � ZT I onwe'Umw 0WROY to koop � ik* , , . � I j . . I'll . 10 L , oases ov, ­_I;� recklow 444 gno - L 'L. J V9 a SUPSCRIBED j- ­ _, , .� ,p _* � I . . ,, . . , stmov. -;iii� idwribod oftlw %ba, I ;.N'UM ])_*I= L � .1 - � I I ' ­. ­ L , .. � .. - . . . I -OR ww-- I - � I I - � . L F - _� 1". SY00. but tboy 64,wlew their ais(l Dt L Ww"ci �_ �_l *;ww Where xQu, -1- I - , I , I — - I Proventing Smic. Cassell's Sa1;Ar4A,y . wa* last nigh't;, " '.1 _ ,.-Ill. 4('. I - , . Jourtio.14011s, of a 4"Itatritiphe the I a4babid k IrAtoemy-Th" W-1117 4aA3 . . I . it . ,. . It 00, x9et JWU *0 Or 40walt $94 O" I'm In no I L HOME - - as . ­ . _. j 9=re4 not so very long ago Ila a cosi. =Do a" - I I 11 . .., -4 to bel *so 10 440poq .'' � L "'j . . . I I I . ' ; L , Pit in England. j I � 1. I ; I NEEDLE WORK? .. 1. ! I - '. I . Fifteen Man Were abut off Xrom tile ftwo I" asu" I . "I I Issued Quarterly, 25C *PC . . I .. . . . - I I � cage by tons and tons of coal brought ,Ttl@4 got loa�tArr,ho,,ago, wittich is , . . I L I I � � : I down by on explosion of fire-dMin I . ... year. .1. p. neither a wash, faun nof ointment. . __ — � I . 1. � . The 4axiotio Crowd at the pit's month hut cido"us gas, wIttob. is carried by I and Number now in press. $and .1 - .. , � , waited until the gas, W Cleared from air directly to the diseased parts. It - . in your subscriptions at Once for I 11 c, ­ I L . I L . Penetrates whe,rover air Can go, and �� .. - � i) and receive-Vaii. .1� , 1-1: the Putting, 004 thell, began the WOXk never falls .to Cure. Have you slight I the year 189 . . I . '� i and 2. No. I contains 3o colored ­ I L : 1, . of rescue. but with very littip Itope of symptcims of consumption? Then iry � , � I . . �. Plates, giving the exact shades I I , succesa. Catarrhozone , Outfit, Vil.00. Sample I and reproducing the stitches in ,� r . Progress was rapid. however, and' bottle and inhaler, 10 cents. For ,, / LLL that many studies. Send25clo I : I sale by all druggists. Manutaotured I I after a time . the relief party &Pt in- I by N C * Pol5on, & Co., Kingston, out. 11 I Co . � to the narrow passage whect 't,"e'r I Send' 10 cents for sample. � I 1� V RTICELLI SILK CO. . I comrades were entombed. W By I e tot Richelieu St., I . I I I I I I � saw and beard there almost made I The Marquis of Salisbury keeps . St. Johns, P. Q. . L I them gasp tour breath. Fifteen ocilliers about seventy Indoor servants, not 11 . 1 I L were on the floor, some of the,, lying I counting depandeata of a higher class, ;?Y'N. B. -When replying to this ADvr. spectaii) mention this paper, give the ,� I ' Such te secretaries. librarians , � I . dead. Othera sitting up and singing and .r.P11111va'aL. riarne of paper and where you saw it L , a , : .1 j t - Cosmic songs. A. little further on was I __ - . _ - - —_ — - - _ -_ . " Of 302,000 blind persons in Europe, $ 5 per .1,� ; � I a football improvised from the Bottlers, I Ins Farms for sale, 92 per acre Cash, Bal- Itus,sia octutesses, to be responsible for 0 e w T I r e s -'1',`i.'-, 2 Pr . . .", shirts and caps. It bore unmistakable : ance 6 crep until paid. J. Mulluill, Slouz City, Is. , I . I I I signs Ot recent rough ' - I I — --- 192,000. . DOUBLE TUBE. I 0 �.' L, ' "We thowt an long la.g:ld got to Of 54,0110 adult intinigrants admitted ,an, CL 0. D 1,, -, .dd,... I . . I I I CIGAR WaInistiowLi-IfIsivi-LoNd- I !, .1 doe. we'd doe kickin',11 explained one to the country in the last three La Tomna, 10o. RELIANOR 11111111111111111111111 ­ " 1: � I months of 1898, 41,000 had moaey, . FAOTORY,Montroal. .WIL H. NORTHAM, TORONTO, ONT. . �, 1 ., ­ . of the survivors; "so we rigged up a - Less than 9.0t)(1, though, bad MOIC than . I 1� . football. an' punched it about in the $30. Billboard advertisements are posted I ,1 in Rome PIRCee by Ma0iines that reach THE MOST NUTRITIOU& . I .1 L � dark. George there tell down dead an I ___ �- I I , to the top of a 50 -foot wall without � - I he war scoria' a gual, but we went on For Over Fill v Years ladder or paste pott , I " , . playijal to paw Lime on. and then to gag MRS. WINSLOWS 800THING BYR'UP has baft I I r I . mothers .r their . JIL'tee t"t'hing. It, SWthat ' ,-$a— E P P S'S 1, - . . �­ cleared off a bit.- 0 ch 90 us ilia sum., . We. 'ures orw I , Only tow of these men, who wore Be, dt. tram (01171'.., - U0. t. GRATEyUL-COMFORTING. . I �� I . g: % M& is 0 1 1 � i - It the a M an drag th Slilli, =th trarl . I � " � determined not to turn cowards at the . WIS . I 1. r , ". I YE1131t ­ � a" bt of death. came out of the pit I too= . I , 2ve; but they bore witness that the The number of Cities in Mnasso u- - . OOCOA ., . ., othArs had died without a sign of fear, AWLIS has 4i,)ubl.d in iwe uty-f ve At present the longest single sub- . It Was not the highest form of couir- years . I I marine cable in P,700 MUM BREAKFAST-SUPP - ER. — I I li : � L age, but it wats courage that met the I ___ __ ___ __ etmergency. Wit P. C� 968 � ,,, - TO CUR% A COLD 100 ONE D" iC Books, I ­�,, In another "so, when the relief Take LaiieOTO BMING 11111111%. T011101. All was - — Rosaries, I - L .' r party got through the .9 01111- fetand the mautty it 4 fail, too out.. M. Cathol owl, four sturdy calso CALVERTI's I 1�i.' dead. That I Ceirlbollic Disinfectants. ootens, oint. CrucifiXe9v :: they also JuUU OULLNUL to , Ostriches. when frightened, got over ment. Tooth Powdoere, render the time of waiting leas ter- ibe g _ _ aite.. have been ''. round at the rate of twenty-five awarded 100 module and diplomas for superior � , rible was evidenced by mores Of lit excellence. Their reuular use prevent infooti. Prayer scapulars, 'LL, tie maorbles, made of Compressed coal : I mil, 14 ,I �4 " hour. Their strides measure ons diseases. Askegoter dealer to obtain a ; �L "'.1 2 te*. supply. lotatsmitit free on application. Religious Pictures, Statuary and . 11 dust, lying on the damp floor . I;L'. L — — , , of the men were found lying F- Cit CALVERT & CO., CHURCH ORNAMENTS, Educational Works. I ,,,, � ow IM oultry Brit to the best digester in the warket ; , L - iongth, with their fists sor ad up 8111" P WASION1111111TRIL - - ENCUAND. mail orAen ­Ive prompt attention. ready to fillip. 11 te TIAN aA" a GBAVZL Go.. Montred. . MONTREAL I . , . � I � I � Their wan faces smileKi, even in Car. AAk ... 0. J. SADAER & CO., QUIL .1 L" L' ' ' L death, and this proof of their unfail- Ann Maria Grant, who was 71 years ONE NIGHT= foritpd-10c . ��r Ing hopefulness brought (ears to the a servant in this family of Mr. Halles, - -----.--- — _.— � ,r!,. MONTREAL ,;] ­ � � " eyes of those who entered the pit. of Chalk Farm, Babrabam, has died at ' #L50k _-ffu- mx, 3MEM"m 30=3 I ,� I In an accident that ended leas tragi_ e The " Salmoralit" Free Bus Ara. Pt. IL cally the miners were surprised by the - - 1 11 ,, relief part3 while yet in the midst of How's This ? Rhoilismatism—cure assured In N hourt, We give this fine 4-131RA-le - a- sp ifl;lnuibyinal! , r, ROU.BY.P7 . a" receipt of 91 DIL 0 ZZ 5. D.t-1. Pearl Handle KNIFE for I �,� .r a game dear to a coiller's heart. We qler One Hundred Dollars Howard for .. � I "Hulloo Is" we didn't expect to see any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Taillors scal Dress. sellingiS Ladies'Gold Plate � ye," laughed one of the pale and hag- Hidlog CatmTh Cure. CUTTING SOHO ��, OL -to .k d for cat� , " ga-rd men, ditooping to replace the F. J. CHENEY & CO., Preps.. Toledo. 0. slown. C. & 0. SCHOOL M.- ontread. Shirt Waist B E A U T Y �'r � lump of Coal which sarved as the We the unoteraigned, have known F. J. � — I PINS at io cents each. � Chaney for the last 15 Years, and believe him OR SALE -Ont, Simp on Dry Press Brick ,,;, � "duck." "Ali, reckon ye'll stop and perfectly honorable in all business tirausaotlons Fnachine, with screen. acyntor4, and a Simply send your address 11 I bev a gamse with us %foxe we go back." andfinsuoially able to carry out, any obliga- J.1­,o�; d,y pa. i .ko 2 Coo,.fl Almod I'—", to I in and we will rorward wicks :� And the half -famished men and boys thms made by their firm. g"'I ­ 1,1 "I I I I . �111YIIIU­01- Apply W fire. koo. K-1 post id. When sold, send f0 :�!!' , IV*. WZffr&TRuAy,%VbeIess[eDrugptIR ledo.O. 16" I—, .1 ,.I., hlo.tre.). . 0 11 - --- -_ I , , actually insisted an finishing th WALUING, KINNAN & MARVIN. 11oulevale the Za cents and we will send '�. I game before they would allow them- 1) Toledo. Ohio. M knife, with all charges paid. . : "Ives to be taken to the shaft, 92"."Catarrh Owe IR taken Internally. act- =11� is i I oo d � , stammerers' -l"' Address, ins directly upon the blood and mucous sur. tob­­d.1- kaocisofthosystem. Price75o. par bottle. Sold torix.re, ot,rit. to ',� . Dr. Arnett, Wrlin whowillconvincoyou hecac, careyou ) Cam Novelty Co.,Toronto. Onto � VALUABI, METAL. by all Druggists. Testimonials free. ;, I E[aAl'p Family Pills are the best. - . 1� I ! � / OF OUR STUDENTS hate ,cooeittlY taken good �L� AlInninicen [a now worked on a. large , SE OTH" 0 ��-L scale for all sorto of Industrial purpos- HO (tel oliambarmaids are unknown In Evor 'A r,,%KNOWS 29 situations, sad four p"itions rent-fia 1111filliaL I? . Mexico. Men make the beds and keep THE VALU "", � es, and has taken its place (is one (if the rooms In order. � the five or six commercial metals of I I . I . I �, L'. - Y-., f 0 ra.b . �*, the world. Weight for weight; It in �-�� ����� . I - A *1 .- already cheaper than copper and tin; � 11 Pharaoh 10c.." Pc'iiiar 14 anuf�f,_'t,,.,' 1 '4NWAAS Z; STRATFORD, ONT. We tesch rftl budn*110-110 tall, i. - . A PARTUMENT MMICINE. tsWn " contents. In fair competition on? 9milu"Alk ... . it does not, tarniall, [a saltable, for all I - --- . kinds of cooking Utensils, Is largely BLACK BA IES. sswtyoil,ortu.cho� Budnitiatnentilsirldlite"Ir 1. � ­ = B"Oouunw"SoboDlinOaoads. JK11t4anQ-- � C -., used In shipbuilding and Is a most The children ofthe blackest Africans OBOUlare fro. I I valuable adjunct to metallurgy, inas- � are brown,awhitish. In a month they . W. J. EILUOTT. Principal. i, much as a small addition of aluminium become Pa yellow-, In a year, brown; A a 0 '� to a mold of steel or brass insures ab- at 4, dirty black. and at. 6 Or 7, glossy . I 701i'�W-0-WIlk - - ;.-I solutely solid Coatings. I . blaolt. - �, TIRES 1) , H E,_AL_T_N_ —RESTORED 9=.—= N ,�, . nost disardered Stomach, loaam Nar,,sh Uvsr. B1004 . I I , � A B'1.4d.. ,.Kid..,. Brain .it Breath by I I � I - I . .. , A_�Wft.v qy� I ., 4W t _CA9_&,ft1 - _VE� Revalenta. . . . . . - , I . 4 __ I Ou Barry's. .. . ­, � � - . / . Im I Atabin food, _. . 44 , ! I '�, .1 "I ­­, I I ". . . -4 � _ _ _ � 1o; � - - � 11 . - k _� I whleii 13s,as lutalLd. .ad children, sed aim Rears INIO- .. _. � - r, w . got, I& . , � -1j"O I K to;. ir tiii . . , - I cesahilly Initims Obcoin Allinerite wd'Debl=�,,iC L - � I . 6 '. �7 . I . . . I . 11 other trastmentio. 'It digiata when " .-A. . . I � I . I "'i ­ � f . W., .J.0ded. tavee 60 times Its east In ;,;Irchail . � . _11 It . . . I � , . = - "11 - M03MMMW .1 t_fl I " elo V_F , �,. .. I I&: r _a�. I 0 1 10) To , Aogn� . 'OL ;, 50 Years"' "ariorhib , I tion. Flauden". D", * ,.,la . Indliiaotl n DIalietes. Bronabit 1. I ... Z _ ca.%=0110 b.7;rrh, Phlegm. Dlarrhats, I � " A" O/ "ol'a" - Inner =AIM MIZImnees, Despandsca, .1 , I / toge ` " . '> I . 4 I 94 Maltese W 11 I A&& I � ;%W. Cross " all . . -d Stom aterytr lit . � . I . . __ Tubcs. 2L.S. .6UL.51b Hs. Seat Alw I I omumo=Miwp . I I Inta I ts. in III III& "it 06, 11 . . F.. 4 TOM" I . I I _ -1 . ------- - � I , � 0% n I MKIIII 1111311 I Cdalmda"s Gr'eawkest See'd H a un s a . . I . I Unrivalled rah'" r: I ' ( � I � 3 r AN6ULS . 11 � I I One of the most valuable product% of the farm is a fine crop of Mangels. To grow the . heaviest crops, the very finest selections of seed must be sown. I STEELE, BRIGGS' Prize Mammoth or Giant Ldfig N i t weigh2yoduper known. Requires deep, well - Red MANCEL !8nr1hic"hgedr-t1oeis1, an I yield enot-MOUS Crops 01 Clean � sound, wall -formed roots of great weight. Priee by mail ( t -paid) per lb.. 22C., ­-, I N I I= 5 Ili. lots or over, i9c. lb., or 4c. per Ili. leis if pu - ser payscarriaga. N I CTEELE. W . N __ !k\ - � I If, i, .. 11111111IGGs-rxiallt Yellow Otal-shapad , I ,� L I . jfttlgelL A grand variety ior shallow sons; gtows I&W, hand. ­, 11 QUAF, " . ,lean, sound, heavy roots. Price by mail (post- I � - "ii, P.Idd) per lb., 22C.; 5 -lb. lots or over, x9c. lb., or 4C. per lb. [on I � The ) it purchaser pays carriage. -_ STEELE, BRIGGS' Giant Yellow GLOBE MANGELOD heavy clay wilit it In I I Best � perfection .- grows above gi�oimd with a small tAp root; bulbs large.fillb 'S 11-,-� . globe slispoe, sound and heavy. PrI08 by mail I (pott-*d) Ili., 21c. -. S -lb. lots Seeds b., or purchaser pays cattri 0 r' 'r. I per I rot :;-."-t 41 XNN % � IN . Par III. Isoc __ — .� Am Clwapm to Wy . I The Safest to plant. � . If You Wish a...* V.; L, .1 I 1. . low , . Good Crop, Use , E" !, �, 11 - STEELE) BRIGGS L 9 N ko,oi. a (I k�_ 1. Steele, Bfigg� . .. 1,521211% - - .Famous Garden, , -, , . i Ix . �.,��, i%�. ; �. �.N . i i SEEDS 6 61 wo, 0 , , ,;1134xw�� wower and field Robt . " - - 1. - . L ZO!i I _04~d� kl,'M�., N . , 1. . .�, I 'o., X � I ��, SW "01 rafti � I See& am sold by luding - . "IrAWAM W, I . . It L � IV ;I.,, . M.A..'ku, Z.,. . I uw ot � �. � . 6 0 a 9 6 0 0 ilea , . ,, 11�: ", "" ' 4%1�,AoM9i .'A*=;X I?WFO% tbo %Mo# "k ' t - " � I"UNWUM *1 , _ �_�� ,, _ . ��4, �'�L ft"rfMA'Alt hhT'hkFF;'=§A lir'P"4 " . W" N .. I I � 1: I I � , r , , , � � , , I . . � .� . 7 .. 1111* I . � - . 11 1, ;, , �­ ; - . I Met, - wwy Aw4d4OW *MON I , Pa ,V , I , r 4" III 11 ljy,.�:IW15 " " I., - � � - - - M* ­ I. U ��' - *Ad --�*� .4-otoot000too. . )i . IM"M11469 6=11111M it � U I 14#,0 *111,** W114W oblotlow. to I . . I � " � I I I " ., I %, � � , I 11 I. : -, � �, � 1&, - iI, - I - . -- I I I .. akii�� " , , At - A,iib, iii�16.4�', _,_-� - ,, � . I, , � N I N ---1 . \ � �, , i"N N\% . � 1111 * -, A­I1j-,N-,A�A,l-A . � I ! I 11 , � , _-_-._1-___ ­- __ � . . 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