HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-21, Page 8I . - - __ 1 7- - " __ - -,-7r -1-71A, 4FrPW...V, , . __ . - �,W-X__
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,., great love f0F Alor WW4 14 80 a � I *"W I". i �. I
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. . . . . . . ". To RWT OF M MM. tc.= * , .
I I , . - tow Yo4ts at '000wity Q49 of thig OK t4po V so0ow 4
� � . .. . cr OW14 admission 44 myotowl0i al" , - . " . - W.
�� � . - 11 11 1. . I . 0 plir , With WWCU 10.110146 is 00 f4i Aimikoltim vic �4*-
I I 0 11 I L � I ., C In ,,ticia, is her llgll� .
. I , I L � Wid mra insignificant ludivift'll, to 13110 Was anxiot" not to eutr*,�Tol blin; nuirotio being CoAfiu*4 almoot, W)WI-11,
I X=11,Coiatiautod. I
� Lim world than she bad over stippenod and then he thought of the imay of to wint" wticat. This is atilt a solid
" , ta. 0 ,
001 -OZ 46 ,D
,* 0 * L 0 ,LGM.o al=b his family, and the fatal d�,Woavtro at plan so fox 44 it good though Act Won'
� lmw *" lwoollboilth the before, for "disliwp aPJ*"AUY gut 'him tiarle--ho w6glied It 1. %ad
. . . W - - would OU vary WOU without 049, "A nothing . flfu'
. _**ltiI -old ,* is IOU that, 04 . tactical, but epaw sJW*A0,*§ axiii
_ L.0 .liis
- _ _ W . y, # the brok. as yat ,proved to INV that "a had boon to the coucttw .0 "I 4
1 '"k V0 a A* 44htftily sit, ,y ,,, Almighty these objections wore act Worth a coming rapidly In teovog, op
,.. � I . ,, 4p4"-*-,*K4*V fit , . pwially for
1, . .1 . L a'- K-4; �' . _ ,, *kjo was all that stump000d. to I voralde I some- Man's while to cutuider, when the love clean ouiti,vatioa o"pa,'Voor"pogurlb
.* �* *MMt L t.troo On pad. "d Providence Lox Lbo furthering of r is,- of otiob a one am Ito" do Ill",, our was will, ,,,an ,tULivation, fV0ilpq4X 041-
. I 1, . I *b*,T -0 , . 0.j IGUQUL of tie Ill the balance." avaliquia gog
. , AM tA kWaglt W944 -Ing 94114L WhOU310 for the II
_ -4 'Lj$ tures, ,,It ciao will have mc.,, tie said t,blm. lage, rapidly becuiu,", 1, I
, ,
" I �, L iF*JfWf lipsalstiful 4*4 =ystairlous -0- low-or"Ba Jug or ,emeid-
I ,04 ' Nothing nooded reform 1.1
I , , 0 iW Iiier 44 Utbor bad so sudden, self. will brave all, risk OPAL fOOLL It no IOUSOF Pays to M"
- L . . IrLta"all0i'di lasylose no tnoo of their VIIIA9 40m. Mr. and are. t-ireathead all, give up all, for her sake. I will manures merely to enrich the 4911.
L ,r . *40obw Wpm It because of what w0m 'I domestic Couple, mu0b attached life to bef-work for but it does, Pay to tine them to grow
�� . .. - - TUe baby was under devote MY whole �
, " " , a". A04 old to Mr about Getaff"Y V LO One a4uttiOx- her, tile for her, if needs hot"
,4 �_ . 4 L *04 It'A* 41,*to oortatia that Milo ])an' the care of a clover oures, who was iD , oed at immediate "upii. Manure which stays
� �
- ,_W Ld'JWL-�Xys taketa any IIA&MO to DO doubt dA to the Correct Management And then the train uLopk rt In, the *Oil two Or three years before be-
. T
_, Als
-.1. . � ho Church W- Riverside, and in an incredibly she Ily avaLiAlb as plant food,
; - - - -*"WW4U boon assured tb*t-it of Intent* ilk arms. time Geoffrey bad found his coming fu
�, . Vftei mb� Madam do Brefour was a viCoa were frequout and well attend" MPRC'W of .
�_',- , � had wonoun undoubtedly. she said to I'llem were schools. clubs, reading- Way to Luagwa;tO.Road. and was ring- is wo,rth much lusb tban, the ..Me
L , Ingthe bell ILL to. amount in a quickly available form.
� - hisrW With decielloa. Wonion who ropoing, ail after the nowust, Ryste It was like aglimpse of Paradise to
I , Ins'
, I I I I - Iflor- - -
, , &XIS INVW.orious,aud can't give an open and all in good working order ties Martine.8 face on" more as she Spring ni,nuring has its disadvan
1, aecount of their pea lives, and have eDco. who was 8QUIPathiuff Of a fatal-
- � , . o prop Lat, could act understand Why Late bad opened the door to him-hoselzed both tageso uotwiLbiaauding- JU all Win-
- I I Au*pt�=t "pamplati'o'uab'aandrev'osutioubustor' their taken her to lUveraide, where, upp&r- her hands with impettlealty, and shuck Yard LUUnUTC3 tile aMMOOi in first to
I - . ittly, there was no openi or er tm "
I I � antecedents, always a" bad� Besides, c ally of Rotting "Ali, Martine, how glad I &= to gas become available, and unions potash and
I sho was a Papist. and a designing Par- t9lents. and no opport.u. as bur BOW ),Oil agaial How is Madame? Wherp in pju�pllal,W lia-0 UOULt Used L.rouly pro -
L sea and no doubt Codlitabawwaa,VOry the People to r'914191 such shel Take me to her ut oncal" VLUUZIY, 01010 W Much I" LLULL tile
" ;Z rid of bur. Yet, where and whic, delighted "
( ` And by bad .. it to impossible," &be said W bw- se"Alif Mon Dieu, Monsieur Geoffrey[,' remay supply of ummunia will ene, ur-
. was she I &he wondered. w id the old Frenchwoman smiling at 0
1 Geoffrey never been bitime for so ICUgV self, "that I seen have been Meant to Win Ut leaf at ins el -
1 li 11 L a bim, but though she smiled she age u runic gru
� LL -never once since she bad tie suddenly Le,;Ve mY great "Pik re of usicfulucm �
I disappeared, abia and all her belong- and activity at home, and aimply and aighed too. Well, too well, did Mitz, PeA.60 01 Lad OLUIK Wild 9LU111- XMULhtJJ'
I I Inge. from the house which tie used to solely to %aLk up and down thou IuwU tine know how hopeless was the suit Point to LlIaL WLLA Ma4J 0XUP3 it KUDIL
WILLI Coarry's baby, to sit and do needle- Of the beano joune whom her lad lov.
for her own we fare. Asi plirt.b � ins point. to not pfa�
- visit with such Indecorous frequency. TJ growth 01 fUllagO Lit LUe OXJ�VLI" V -
Was Geoffrey ruarting after her still work 'a the drawing-rootto and to ro- ad too dearly
. � boat whiiat "Madame is in the garden - she bade " 0 ammould
I -was &he laying her Spells UPOLU him, Cline In tho atcria of the 0 me tell youto find her there." LLCU010, In Lhad OU40 tilt) LX0
L . striving to ruin blin body and noul, in he,rhusband polls Lip both as far as Lit Quickly she led the way across th 18 AIMply LUdL.'LL goes LU Waste. PUS111-
L I I Dome other place where him siater'a took and back." "a Urn
, r beyond. that taboUld Constantly bear In BUDII
I wholasomitt RU4 restraining influence For the Itaverend CyprLao nevei went opened onto the lawn. I" all ULaUtU'W of 1817LALZOTS, WJ114-;o
I " was not preawt to drag him back from beyond the look, suit tor dho very beat
�4, - I And of reasons. He was quite sure he "There, Monsieur Geoffrey - you are thts aume thing, arts Merely Just,
I 11 this iniquituous intercourse will find bar on the seat beneath the much �,rnriionia, putabb and linoo-
. asibility would never got back through It I phaLea; not any one. nor any two, but
� �, then. indeed, as so awful a I so
I I L I Presented itself to her mind, = Dane And then ail at once, whilat she yet mulberry tree. -she is reading as till three taken LUSCLIXUX.
� . . did occasionally experience a qualm Of doubled and repinod, the truth Was re- Usuall" she added and even to Geof-
''I vealed to Florence Was, and she frey, in that moment of excitement. With Clean CULLIVaLIOU OXOPS such
I I I L � comcIpunction. I why an All -seeing Provi- It seemed that there was a tinge of re- as cor", potatoes. etc., where larmy"'L
"Ferbaps it was an error Of judg- knew v
dence had decreed t but hire. Ureat- gret In her voice, a look of pitying 8dd- mantfre is used potash and busPhAttis
. ,,, I Meet to have driven Iter away ' " nbri ILIVILO her to Itiverside; clam in her 8YOL should always be applied at the game
� ,
I owned to herself once or twice when head ahou I it time, or even earlier ILL the spring.
. for one afternoon, as she won alrolling But Rose was not reading. Val- They will ROL Wants except on, Very r011-
2 ,., haunted by these terrible RuggestiOUS, -Mrs. tairs, old cynio as he in. had not boon ing ground where any form of man 0
� "Perhaps I had better have kept her 'easurely down to the 'Ibames ar
L 11 � here under lay own eyp, lie as to ad- Greatheud having asked har to go on able to chain bar n-Aserable thoughts wiml,j wao,h away. .D,rum IOU to Ali
L . Manish them both; and 'yet L acted for and order the boat, whiltit alle and her to -day. He lay open but unheeded pounds of mLLri&Le of potash and fr9m
, ." 1. the beat and from the highest Mo Lives. husband Lingered LOA see to the Wants U a bar lap, her clasped bands upon- Mo to 4W Pounds of sold phoaphaLs
! � 1. a - h
�, " It was, a scandal ILL the parial ad an ut aparishioner-suddenly, at the COV Clunroad page, bar Bad eyes, filled should be Used per acre, broo,dounted
�1. villere the high with an unspeakable Borrow, fixed up- or used its ilia drill LLe may suit individ-
., � , my too eam,y-going father would not in- nor Of the road, just Use U
� 1, carfare, it fell upon nay shoulders to urick wall, wita Its heavy IVY IJ6111110 0 the door though which ual preference. '.rho object is to have
�, I . I remove a public evil for the sake Of I bloped. away, So that the silver river he would come to her - the young the Mineral fertilizer there ready for
�, the exempts, even at the risk of MY on"' Into view like a alkeet of glass, [over whom God and man bade her ro- the ,trnmonis. am fast) the latter be,
ll, isroputo i jeilocting its green bank-% line fur line nounoe to -day for ever. as
.� brother failing into deeper d She saw him ,ornes available as plant too& Much
elsewhere. For hie sake, I Might, per- I upon its bosouao she ran 8L I-aight Up come -a glad joy in his eager eyes, time and trouble is given to aeocuring
IL L I hays, have acted wore wisely. but for agaiast Ntadama do Hrefuur! there was a great delight in his hurry- catches of Clovers or other legumes.
, I I tile sake of what is right, Barely I Florence gasped. hLadame, do Brefuur ing footsteps, and afluath of hope upon merely for the nitrogen fertilizer
�', . could not have acted otburwise, and bmiLed, IIDd Made a little Inclination of his face. She did not rise to meet storod up by such plants. A somewbut,
! I 1, 7. MY oonscionoci reproaches ins with n0- bar head, a little gesture of her hand, him, she only looked at him with Pain wisor plan od e of the
I � , . Uring.11 � as though she would have reached it unutterable in the heaven -blue eyes- ammonia we already have on hand. 'to
�� : � � � .1 Thus Florence Consoled herself, and iorth-whilA her lovely eyes opened Alas, alas. how she loved JiLml supply a got, with arnmonia,witboutat
W, 7: fortified It pious saif-upprobation themselves wide with astonishment It' One moment he was beside her, the same time on8n.ring the potash and
''I : ..; lioneostly beaeved herself to be blame,- tied her Lips half framed a word ol had fallen upon his knees before her. phosphated to go with it, is to invite
I I � lam In the mutter. surprise at the unexpected meeting - "Oh, MY love --MY level" he cried the loss of the ammonia. It to wiser to
" LL ! I pa,ibsW from the strict muraltat,$ for ljoss was one of those who romem- brokenly, and b3iried his face ��h,r be on the safe side. especially as there
�, - on ay oretically bared a benefit very long, but forget lap.
,;� , is very little danger of loss through
, ,
� ,,� , � � have had right and justice on bar side, an injury very soon. (To be Continued.) cl.rainago.
;:,L)",. L I but how much practical mischief do not But by this time Miss Dane had, an __
� - �
, ,� , the" uncompromising Christian per- she would say, recollected herself. Re-
� , 1. hung, with their unalterable code of collected what was due to the daugh- SAVING BRUSH FO1:t KINDLING.
- , ,, �:, s 0 1
. � '. ,�', laws# do to their weaker ,brethren in ter of a clergyman, and the mi ter f TIRD"U" AND LANGUID In prun ag orchards the branchea
: �' L Lbla 11" teniptest-toused worldl tin Innocent young man inveigled into
� i, 1, ,� � Well. the ouramar was well aigh ilia paths of vice, She drew herself cut out axe often piled in heaps and
"'�-,�;,:" ovtor� and the first of the autumn up and flung back her head, grasping -_ when dxied are burned, often injur-
Ll , THE EXPERIENCE OF AN FSTIM- iag the tress in their vicinity. There
I ,��i��, � months nigh at hand, when Amothilig bar hands the while Lightly together
�. �' " whialt may lie caded an event in Flor- with a grand air which would have be- .ABLE YOUNG LADY. is a much better way Chao this. Apple,
-1 11
''I I ance l)gUg,s monotonous existence i fitted a queen, but which qat somewhat
L; , 1�1 . -_
I ;,,� CRUIIBtopas& ,I,his was nothing more, poorly on four foot one, ends little pear or peach wood makes, wit dri d
11 Iler 111111100d Wit, Pow On "M
'L .�, � 1 wonderful than an Invitation from dumpy woman, with no natural aids to ,,, r an IV a Ir ry - % it ff(- rett a very hot fire, and should be .v.
, I . "i"', Fmin Sick I , ;:_ '1490 ritinting 0
� r- mome friends near London -to pay them dignity either of face or figure, and 4"'It". for th stuve when the branches are
� !!.�'�! . a visit. 'rho Vicar of St. Steven's Dis-, ignoriag altogether the lovely smile SP4.111110%. she tied Ill,-allh', the
'I, , � � 11 trict obturcili, Riverside. had, two yearn and the proffered hand of peace, she Ilk .... M. Wo large to Out rapidly. Even
L , , � I , ,I sr U the The Recorder, Brockville. twigs have their value. They make the
,, �:;_ ago, married a wife, and thin wife bad passed an with It nose nigh I
� �,�,�� �,,
'1� .Ii-�11,1,1 at one time been a friend of I'lorence, I air, and bar eyes fixed Immovably upon On one of the finest farms in Wol- very best of kindlings when dried, and
" . L ��,_� �,,,, - Dania. Mrs. Greatimad wrote one day, the waters of the Thames. But, from ford township, Grenville county, re, if they axe somewhat crooked they are
".1 "I'll .". I s t moment, she know -know why sides Mr.and Mrs. Alonzo Smith and till the better, because they will not
�L"- �1, .�, � "Von kAows Olson w
�4 �,�I,,, I of trieudiiness unit husPitality, 'Providence had sent her to lbV family. Mr. SxWcb N perhaps one. of p�cic closely together as the straight
- , ";'. pulse orsid
�,�'�m��',�4-,� �� come and Stay 'and what was the work the t ha� the best known men in the county, as sticire are pretty sure to do. AD old
1�,�, %T - and asked Florence to
. , 1�,, �-i�� _ with bar. been designed for bar to a
1'�V':"�""', COOMPliftil In addition to being a practical farmer story is told of a farmer who once
I , , , ,,, "Conis now", she wrote, "at once, therel lie represents several agricultural ifn- boasted among his Companions what a
, _ dear Florence, berets the ,sumucbr Is "It I wait long enough I shall see plement companies. His family con-
. ,,,�,:-�:�,, good, patient wife he had. She nevei;
�? . , � , , f , �� ,, � ,� ", ,; , , quite over. I am longing to show YOU tu� poor, lost, misguided brother," she Bists of two estimable daughters, the complained of anything he did. One
, '' , ,
,�-'��LLi��.'?�� and
,. ,� ,
I". � , " .1", . my DoW"husband, my new home, said to herself - and sure enough she eldest being seventeen years of age. of them suggested that the next time
, :4 -. t�;, ��
"I - - 1,,� I my new baby - 'I be garden is still full did.
r,*,j. ;. To a correspondent of the Brockville he drew up wood for this house, he
'41 One evening she and Mrs. Recorder who recently valled at Mr. should make a load of the arciokedest
I �:��' - , - of Lower,% and we have a capital
1;1 Wallis ground. 'rho riv,er, too, is but Great- �
. 11 head went lip to Ilia Station to, in- Smith's, Miss Metals H. Smikh. the. sticks he could find. He did so, and
,' L � two minutes' -walk from the housib and I
. ,'', '
� , , , , � ',� quite after certain parcels which were oldest daughter, related the following an lie drew up the load to the house
,. - - I ami, Sure you will enjoy the boating. -"About two years ago I was '
, � .L�,"��'. expected from town. Lt was about stor3r u to meet
!* I -'�,. We ,have a boat of our own, and Cy-
,�,�;:.-,�i'�', seven o'clock, and the days ,were, now taken quite ill. I became pale and him, " Mary, how do you like this load
,L; """;., 0rian will have time to row us out ov- d
,,�,_14�,, W7 jave,aing after service, no do not drawing in so that it was almost dunk languid, and If I an ertook to do any of wootil" was the inquiry, while the
- ,,�,,_ -4be lamI& On, t.hq - DL ttorta wore WDYkabOut the house, would' easily -farmer's o6mpanions stood by expect -
L ., delay your visit until the days got all h I _ . i4fi beooWf' terribly fatigued. , I . became log.a atom of abuse. Instead the re,
L �,,.,,, . . -.%v
(1�,�,';. .1 I - - ' W 'ib
!,'. �L '� ' ' I itiliort and chilly .. - tb6ft1Wr_OU6alr - 'f 3,
' " , way a the p6rools 9'dhJeot,',to,terri Is sick headaches, and-
, I L" , ��, , , This.. lot�er Arcuo�.', .i,&,oc. �hung f MY stomach- became go weak that I ply was gipan In the sweetest tones,
; ,,t�;;,, &arose the breakfast table towards her ? fice, and an up train was just steam- " Oh, John that 16 cAPItAI wood. We
�_ ,
"L.;,_'I'%�. I fathor,a, pJaLe,,.wiLh.r little snort of 1,119 slowly into the Station. There was loath%d food. Mytrouble wasfurther always used it at home when I WP
'�'�_:L�,:�� little Orowd of persons waltin spells, and MY a girl, and mother used to say that
I " wip,_ , , , - . tte and aggravated by weak
1, �7L"��L" 1� r, darislaiii..
66610. ,, ",',,�" I the porters Were shouting out ad- feet, winter or summer. were as cold the rounded ploods made the hottest
L L � _,"'_�. "Very kind of Carry Ofea-thead but . tile London train, when slid- as ice; in fact it Beamed as if there fire because they fitted so nicely
111T7, L�� L ,, _ vent of
,'�"`� I)". -411its immosailitc." �`�r and looked donly, just aathe people were talking was no feeling in them. I tried several around the kettles.-
. � .
��, ,;:, Dane read t.W&-Tette, ,
I i�,�,r �,"4 mr.,
" L _
.. L
, . ,�; � ":',�_�' . , I ""', -15 spectacles. their places and the carriage doors kinds of medicine, but instead of belp-
ill -5' �11. . up vaildly bt"e-h
I .1 love f I Were being opened and shut, Florence Ing me I %Vag growing weaker. One day RE, AVY OATS REST FOR SEED.
I ,,` - -. "Why is it impossible, my ,
., I. . , � ,% tbiCk. you had most certainly better kw a alight.young radn, with hat 'well in March 1898, my father brought home
� .i %. Fj�wa down ovpr cavernous dark eyeag a box of Dr. Williams' Pinki Pills. I The fact that oats in our climate
F I � ',, �_ . . . 81,001opt the Invitation."
'' , i �;, 11 "; "34 dear father. how can I leave and Q fa-�,as pale as the dawning immediately disoontinued the other fall off in weight par bushel or "run
I " ��� A I'. moon behibil him, come dashing medicine and began taking the pills. out,,, as farmers say, is probably ow.
l , L' bome just now V
:,�, L "I a" no difficulty. Florence ; al I the through the door and fly across the 'I found thatthey helped me andfour
,� � � , � .1 _ �! ., I ', 1, I Platform towards the train. more boxes ,woroprocurod and by the ing to the hot, dry weather, which
�, _. -
I Z I e� �1111. ,_ noboul treat& are over, there is noth Una
' ,� , 1. "Geoffrey, Geoffreyl" she cried lend- time I had finished them I ,waa- on- ally comes about the time the oat
,_ L '' '�j ing at any im%mitanoe in the pariah to
,�'7i_ ly after himao but though he passed tirely well. I have never had better � crop is filling and ripening. That can-
;k- ,,,�,,�,� L! kosp on, notbAng that your sisters and
L� �!."Z�, 4 close to her, so close that she aught health in my life than I am now enjoy-
� 3111so Some cannot do for you., It will a c not be helped, as climatic changes tire
" : �t��V - . It his arm as he went by, and her hand Ing.
I 1. 1,"�," make a ,pleasant change tor you." Re My appetite is now always good
, , ,�� _ f ,,, I I have increased in weight. All .boy
I �'j,,,,�_',, Ii'leftnes abook her head. tually brushed against his alcove,yet and I end human control. But the evil
I _
� , ::, �'; ", 1, he never paused nor turned, His eyes this is dua to the efficacy of Dr. Wil- �ivay be. lessened by sowing only the
-V_ "I can't we much pleasure in it. A
" .".V.,)�� ,
' .""L ��'
1, L , �N,.4, ,pod ton;:i1a, ground, abe says, and met hers. but there was no glance of Ranks' Pink Pills, and I would advise heaviest oats, and sowing these early
I 1 "' a you recognition in tha,mL, UP Smile Of broth- any other young girl troubled as I wus in the spring on fall -plowed ground.
�, - know I never play tounis I A baby
, eirly greeting upon his lips - he only to use them, and they will certainly
, -
�� ,�: tao,t " it I waw't wom out with look stared at hot,, mutely, dumbly. with a Cuts If the directions are followed. Then they will probably ripen before
,� � I . �11, ', - i� attar babies, at he= I The river I
� � L I "",�L'l I am always nervous, In beets, people dazed, lost look in his face. and as if The facts above related are impor- the hottest and dryest weather comes.
1� �,.; � , , , . wiU flodSot up and down in them. and he had neither seen nor heard bar taut to parents, as there are many We know one old farmer who always
' ,� � � �, I don't know how toswim; and besides, be plunged into an open carriage. The young girls just building int,o woman- attributed the decline in weight of oats
, L !��',,, guard slammed to the door, and the hood whose condition in, to say the to threshing by machines instead of by
I ).".". , " : , really, my dear fatbiar. I do not one train began, to move on, and there in least, me
�.' �'! I I wer YOU could possibly got on without - Critical than their Parents hand. The threshing machine takes out
� , * ,� - � INW, � the shadow, as he was carried awa�. imagine. Their comokplexion 18 Palo eveLry oat, light or heavy. When they
I I I 11 � 1� � . Mr. Done was norting bin . Florence could see the fixed white and waxy in appearance. troubled are flalled out many of the light oats
I % � 4 1 L-r,r I wu letters
I ed -a littl licart V: Pita
L�� 1, I f-, and citoulars, and be suAl features, and miserable far -away eyes, with I i tion. headaches, do not fall out of their hull. They are
" rl,," quiat o=Jilo all to himself-vFbilst h: still looking out blindly, vAcantly into shortness of cath 'On the slightest probably worth more to make the oat
� aPace-like the eyes of one who line exercise, faintness and other distreds- an togo with thalarg-
��, ", � I I � looked down at tiomm A gay. a,- said good-bye to his last hope an ialff SYMPtOms which invariably lead straw better th
, . , .1 , "' tbough altogether a guilty. sensation or, heavier oats. Thin farmer used to
I �,", , at hopeo suddeal earth. to a pir,6miature, grave unless prompt.
�, ��L ' Ly awoke within hiM. 8beps are taken to bring about a not- beat out oats so as to got not more
I ; I . How uttarly d6ligb!tful it would be to than onerh*alf of these. There would
I I " � � I ��, be tor oticto quite, quite freig, To bave CHAPTER XXIV. Ural condition of health. in this ontier- be no light oats In them. go found
I I 'n'body to egg Uni on. and set him go. How I guncy no roMady yet discovered can that with these heavy oats two bush-
, I ",;, .. o Ull Of hope he had set forth Burply the place of Dr. Williams' Pink ble of goods was sufficient. Be it May
, 1210 6004Y to drag iniquities Out Of that dayl As he took his place in the Pills, which build &Dow the III - be if the to are gown e ly, for -then
, Ok corftra and lay tbow out before -train, more than a quarter of an hour on the nerves and restore the the oats will staxt and send up many
I , , �,�' �, �, I Cud og, ar
, --
1 'Ir . I Ow 1p the bKoad glare of day. so that 00 —no it seemed to him that the "' health to pale and Ballow shoots from a single seed. But it the
1. , ,_ � W WAS tWC611 to take 120ti0b Of thOW, t1lins would never pass, that the abort Ee'.Vk:f They are certain Cars for;all goading is delayed so that the oats can
I 1. , � " I . 46b6dy to 0600 bUXUW9 into his study journey would never come to an 4111do troubles pecull&r to the female AyAteM. not stool much, we should advise sow-
'1� . , : � J"t Whs"S W" 410XLW Off Comfort- All the way down he read and r6- young or old. These P! also on � ing the Usual amount, which is about
�� three bushels per acre,
,; j�. abW WW no book mA Us pipet, to wake toad the little note by which she bad disease& as rhaureat"lanto no , , ,
� " 1. Istawou'A - silmmoned him, read it till he knew partial paralysis, Joe ,
I I . .J2 ralslatitiria concerning do
, � I I 11 , rAWIN at to Warn him against I every stroke of it, by heartt St. Vitus' dance, nor at 1,
I I *A*d&.* ho, had shuoh rather have To- �
'do Z, luy I .1 n 0, 244 APPLE TREE WOOD 19 VALUABLE:
6 � I 9 fondly upon every word &'oil nervous Prostration. the after effeuts
11 � � � .1 VA11*4 44 Ignoraitito about. or to virma trying to draw hidden meanings oat of of In gyippei, influenza and 8QVsrsC,1d, We never advise cutting down a
" ". : 'i �,: ,� W.-loyall tAk, that which 110 i9ftlMity ,Ivory Simple expression. Thin was the diseases depending on humors in the
1, - toffixodi to Wink ati Oh I what a letter which the morning healthy apple tree, oven though It be
� , 1. * OwAs its -watita have of it I no gait, brought blib. Post hati MOOd. Such as scrofula. chronic erysi- long unproductive. So long an It in
. I , �, 'r. 1110 a alldboy I A44 UM he Pull- 01% pelas, etc. Do not be Persuaded to ac -
I 1. Limaway swad.
� . 44 va"Wo. with sums at this, un. Mt any Imitation no matter what the sound in the trunk It may be made
.. , , ", , 1 "Rivarooldw dealer may say who offers it. Imita- to produce profitable crops. But th$Vd
4 1 wrl, IP, , bow good and hard ..M, Door Geafteyeo_ , tions never Cured Sale tl
"." I W^X Flor*Ao% hOW l9detAtta- "I IIVG not hitherto Written OA11 - tat are many old treed too far gone to,bo
. =fto iloilou, bow =r she gets to YOU the full name Dr. Wil
, L an .064, U,"abl %ilme Pink Pills
. 901, J.0 Xn0W my direction, because for Pa. People is ob the wrapper worth saying, and thousands such are
I Vp W lit# th all thieft Is, ` I did not think it well that yon should around svery box you buy. out up and burned for firewood every
11, I
. � 104t.4mut6w of love were yet whoilly visit Me. Ilat now I want to Boo you,
. , 0- ; L , bb" I Vnist a. must come to me at *Doo. -to. . I I
I ot #A* d 4)oadvAo 4 Bud .yo wintiv, -Apple tree wood is worth too
4As#0 *Wd
" -
1. . b of kttk4 what .
I I I _ '* W,9 I afternoon, It you vml, You FAMOUS, DAUUNUM much to be put to such uses, though
1; . I L t = laiiii %ntbftt
I e ".04 ,"tomb at . ZfMd 0A dithoMe, and waiting for apple wood toilikes a bdt fire and an nab
: _ L I I Laftl . L I have sciviiathing to Bay to
I , I � 11. L M4,%.4%, Wootift 1% �40 &SUM64 of YO%_ Probably the Most remarkable drum. rich in poIaBb. It Is & very tough
. . ,_ — I "r Who over lived Was Joan Henri, wood. Lad even when full of knobs its
. , I
': ' I ' I ' A; "Via W_ -will*. wn =-", J , .6 1bb fAM6114 tawb6tr *&J,* bf� the 9m. Value tat manufatituritig 'to
, x
, AWA."a. Vies tt$,dWBa*16 . f 14W - =. 00,746
. , , . - � up ,7. & 'toL,.fie,lr� "M Mooloon. out at to tosta Vfts rather "hau"d thm leei �
A1000we lt,yf"t *40". ��w va III. M ""Oulloo tootbH410 *41 AV146 as hard 4bV
I . J116W,"Vid *Alie; owAung tp aHi OU04L t
0, . " L' ' ';;- 411 * All big 10*46 10al Mill do lot t6 OW ft, IS'Laftio4t 'ton4d dra0ft at wl the ftmtr Iwo tbs,y , � * t
'..i � Mi his to Wt% 'oes i% hild aptUn a wa .
I A *dL 4% . 11% tft " f WV *
, , i "a"' has*t the *"a th" 1A 00 tat AW "raft. ��
11� .1 111i" **it I EV11126,114=04t, A Ilia I . � , 6t
� L"� , , s"', a iv atill �. L tl�ogrotiood 6%�; 1;r1o;r-
I tsk,;!,W,.* " -0,10k, 9V 0 AW44 110 I I M" '16
_ _ ,
I 00 4 , OW — Now U44
� ; the LS* (*
I I , . W40 .; 0" waftZ __ - 4A of AW *9 WNWA of tU "d
;1,111140�� � .4L
. ;L - bbk�ftk*d, � 11 - it tW4 . -� " cla"aw *0100111* 40, sultiLt Ji4n "' the 1= Who halts
. I +W& .dAi=a!!10ftTIM+1 , NhWild know the fact.
. 4, ,
F"FR"W"7 `_'
I 1�
: I
L. It
"�"`�" , ,
. �
I . . �� - ,
.1 I I . L 1> � L I I I I I ; �'
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,. . I " I.
. � .
1-111 . -11'11.- 111-- - - 11 11 .- . - ... L . -1 -.1, -'-, -
====, *4 1'" `-0`i0`1!-` ----. -, _-_ � I I I ! '. F�� - j . . '. �
I - !lllo:" * , '' L ' .. i . - I I . .
�. , , � I XF -i'vOligpUber thin nA.019-
� IV To, 0019 - 04M, . , � I 4.
j j of I � . . , 11 - . A $TW ,IR � f9r,oallt,Y j ' "
I .
. of"It" , , P .sa , " L$10 I , .. -
�,Y'Wg ,,, ^ I 114 L-O'd 10$44"' ' I I
,, _#'g 14' i , : . -
I , . i .
, I .. � 'S -, , �
PW ".*00:1010 * ", W-1, 1� - - i 11 I .
,�71104*-X*40A*4 f, *ragox ��; Ag" I I
I A I L I '. : % i � !, " I L
19U)JAW, 0# 4W off W 404W0,81114111k � ! I I
- � I �
�UD'E. I .
Wb*p 0, 9411, ot V,�"%. a flow, ov &A it L L I I I . .LL . , 0
"l0*40 QW40 A* B; 00-014e�'*O-, = Q* pow mZ*4,41k. 49as"90. I .... 1. . . . . . L � � . �
. I I .
T"04-Owt. J4, 0*0*004-1 L _ " 4111111 - L L A ..
a � . ...
. . �. .
oft sre 4*%X4 W441W A; 04,"tlil iw 4%u* iom 090FOU 404 Ael L44 � 1;E j I I I
0,9 tua 49t, tot the "W*W 04oriii 44 � , YLON TEA. 25, 30, 40- 50&4�`OC' .
, W�!� , . -, jj
, 11 j 11
t4figla"WIR!" WW bettor than tia,gkvor .0to a If 04*4 -lot 0* WX %J41, "M Ili .; "M ___
400, 9r. fmmw only 1W - this -, 7__= W .
, . M� � 11, 1�111111011 j Zl I I ,� '7_"L � -- ' ,
. , I . HAVE YOU .4� � �,
. ,
- I � I . - ", �� J,,W
I � ' *'�' " * ,
": to dwwwy- 44 motociltil 0 - Mir =00 fkAb tutf pbaf4roll"i I .1 I I I I I
ux, 0,40 � ZT
onwe'Umw 0WROY to koop � ik* , , . � I j . . I'll . 10 L
oases ov, _I;� recklow 444 gno - L 'L. J V9 a SUPSCRIBED j-
_, ,
,p _* � I . .
,, . .
stmov. -;iii� idwribod oftlw %ba, I ;.N'UM ])_*I= L � .1 - � I I ' . L , .. � ..
. . . I -OR ww-- I - � I I
- � . L F - _� 1".
SY00. but tboy 64,wlew their ais(l Dt L Ww"ci �_ �_l *;ww Where xQu, -1- I - , I
, I — - I
Proventing Smic. Cassell's Sa1;Ar4A,y . wa* last nigh't;, " '.1 _ ,.-Ill. 4('. I
- , .
Jourtio.14011s, of a 4"Itatritiphe the I a4babid k IrAtoemy-Th" W-1117 4aA3 . . I . it . ,. .
It 00, x9et JWU *0 Or 40walt $94 O" I'm In no I L HOME - - as . . _.
9=re4 not so very long ago Ila a cosi. =Do a" - I I 11 .
.., -4 to bel *so 10 440poq .'' � L "'j
. . . I I I . '
; L
Pit in England. j I � 1. I ; I NEEDLE WORK? .. 1. !
'. I
Fifteen Man Were abut off Xrom tile ftwo I" asu" I . "I I Issued Quarterly, 25C *PC . . I .. .
. . - I I �
cage by tons and tons of coal brought ,Ttl@4 got loa�tArr,ho,,ago, wittich is , . . I L I I �
� : I
down by on explosion of fire-dMin I . ... year. .1.
p. neither a wash, faun nof ointment. . __ — � I . 1.
� .
The 4axiotio Crowd at the pit's month hut cido"us gas, wIttob. is carried by I and Number now in press. $and .1 - .. , � ,
waited until the gas, W Cleared from air directly to the diseased parts. It - . in your subscriptions at Once for I 11 c, I
L . I
L . Penetrates whe,rover air Can go, and �� .. - � i) and receive-Vaii. .1� , 1-1:
the Putting, 004 thell, began the WOXk never falls .to Cure. Have you slight I the year 189 . . I .
'� i and 2. No. I contains 3o colored I L : 1, .
of rescue. but with very littip Itope of symptcims of consumption? Then iry � , � I . . �. Plates, giving the exact shades I I ,
succesa. Catarrhozone , Outfit, Vil.00. Sample I and reproducing the stitches in ,� r .
Progress was rapid. however, and' bottle and inhaler, 10 cents. For ,, / LLL that many studies. Send25clo I : I
sale by all druggists. Manutaotured I I
after a time . the relief party &Pt in- I by N C * Pol5on, & Co., Kingston, out. 11 I Co . �
to the narrow passage whect 't,"e'r I Send' 10 cents for sample. � I 1� V RTICELLI SILK CO. . I
comrades were entombed. W By I e tot Richelieu St., I . I I I I I I �
saw and beard there almost made I The Marquis of Salisbury keeps . St. Johns, P. Q. . L I
them gasp tour breath. Fifteen ocilliers about seventy Indoor servants, not 11 . 1 I L
were on the floor, some of the,, lying I counting depandeata of a higher class, ;?Y'N. B. -When replying to this ADvr. spectaii) mention this paper, give the ,� I
' Such te secretaries. librarians , � I .
dead. Othera sitting up and singing and .r.P11111va'aL. riarne of paper and where you saw it L , a , : .1 j t -
Cosmic songs. A. little further on was I __ - . _ - - —_ — - - _ -_ . "
Of 302,000 blind persons in Europe, $ 5 per .1,� ; � I
a football improvised from the Bottlers, I Ins Farms for sale, 92 per acre Cash, Bal- Itus,sia octutesses, to be responsible for 0 e w T I r e s -'1',`i.'-, 2 Pr . . .",
shirts and caps. It bore unmistakable : ance 6 crep until paid. J. Mulluill, Slouz City, Is. , I . I I I
signs Ot recent rough ' - I I — --- 192,000. . DOUBLE TUBE. I 0 �.' L, '
"We thowt an long la.g:ld got to Of 54,0110 adult intinigrants admitted ,an, CL 0. D 1,, -, .dd,... I . . I I I
CIGAR WaInistiowLi-IfIsivi-LoNd- I !, .1
doe. we'd doe kickin',11 explained one to the country in the last three La Tomna, 10o. RELIANOR 11111111111111111111111 " 1: �
I months of 1898, 41,000 had moaey, . FAOTORY,Montroal. .WIL H. NORTHAM, TORONTO, ONT. . �, 1 ., .
of the survivors; "so we rigged up a - Less than 9.0t)(1, though, bad MOIC than . I 1� .
football. an' punched it about in the $30. Billboard advertisements are posted I ,1
in Rome PIRCee by Ma0iines that reach THE MOST NUTRITIOU& . I .1 L �
dark. George there tell down dead an I ___ �- I I ,
to the top of a 50 -foot wall without � - I
he war scoria' a gual, but we went on For Over Fill v Years ladder or paste pott , I " , .
playijal to paw Lime on. and then to gag MRS. WINSLOWS 800THING BYR'UP has baft I I r I
. mothers .r their . JIL'tee t"t'hing. It, SWthat ' ,-$a— E P P S'S 1, - .
. �
cleared off a bit.- 0 ch 90 us ilia sum., . We. 'ures orw I ,
Only tow of these men, who wore Be, dt. tram (01171'.., - U0. t. GRATEyUL-COMFORTING. . I ��
I . g: % M& is 0 1 1 � i -
It the a M an drag th Slilli, =th trarl . I � " �
determined not to turn cowards at the . WIS . I 1. r , ".
I YE1131t �
a" bt of death. came out of the pit I too= . I
2ve; but they bore witness that the The number of Cities in Mnasso u- - . OOCOA ., .
othArs had died without a sign of fear, AWLIS has 4i,)ubl.d in iwe uty-f ve At present the longest single sub- .
It Was not the highest form of couir- years . I I marine cable in P,700 MUM BREAKFAST-SUPP - ER. — I I li : � L
age, but it wats courage that met the I ___ __ ___ __
etmergency. Wit P. C� 968 � ,,, -
TO CUR% A COLD 100 ONE D" iC Books, I �,,
In another "so, when the relief Take LaiieOTO BMING 11111111%. T011101. All was - — Rosaries, I - L
party got through the .9 01111- fetand the mautty it 4 fail, too out.. M. Cathol
owl, four sturdy calso CALVERTI's I 1�i.'
dead. That I Ceirlbollic Disinfectants. ootens, oint. CrucifiXe9v ::
they also JuUU OULLNUL to , Ostriches. when frightened, got over ment. Tooth Powdoere,
render the time of waiting leas ter- ibe g _ _ aite.. have been ''.
round at the rate of twenty-five awarded 100 module and diplomas for superior � ,
rible was evidenced by mores Of lit excellence. Their reuular use prevent infooti. Prayer scapulars, 'LL,
tie maorbles, made of Compressed coal : I mil, 14
,I �4 " hour. Their strides measure ons diseases. Askegoter dealer to obtain a ; �L "'.1
2 te*. supply. lotatsmitit free on application. Religious Pictures, Statuary and . 11
dust, lying on the damp floor . I;L'. L
— — , ,
of the men were found lying F- Cit CALVERT & CO., CHURCH ORNAMENTS, Educational Works. I ,,,, �
ow IM oultry Brit to the best digester in the warket ; , L -
iongth, with their fists sor ad up 8111" P WASION1111111TRIL - - ENCUAND. mail orAen Ive prompt attention.
ready to fillip. 11 te TIAN aA" a GBAVZL Go.. Montred. . MONTREAL I . , . � I � I �
Their wan faces smileKi, even in Car. AAk ... 0. J. SADAER & CO., QUIL .1 L" L'
' '
death, and this proof of their unfail- Ann Maria Grant, who was 71 years ONE NIGHT= foritpd-10c . ��r
Ing hopefulness brought (ears to the a servant in this family of Mr. Halles, - -----.--- — _.— �
� "
eyes of those who entered the pit. of Chalk Farm, Babrabam, has died at ' #L50k _-ffu- mx, 3MEM"m 30=3 I ,� I
In an accident that ended leas tragi_ e The " Salmoralit" Free Bus Ara. Pt. IL
cally the miners were surprised by the - - 1
relief part3 while yet in the midst of How's This ? Rhoilismatism—cure assured In N hourt, We give this fine 4-131RA-le -
a- sp ifl;lnuibyinal! , r,
a" receipt of 91 DIL 0 ZZ 5. D.t-1. Pearl Handle KNIFE for I �,� .r
a game dear to a coiller's heart. We qler One Hundred Dollars Howard for .. � I
"Hulloo Is" we didn't expect to see any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Taillors scal Dress. sellingiS Ladies'Gold Plate �
ye," laughed one of the pale and hag- Hidlog CatmTh Cure. CUTTING SOHO ��,
OL -to .k d for cat� , "
ga-rd men, ditooping to replace the F. J. CHENEY & CO., Preps.. Toledo. 0. slown. C. & 0. SCHOOL M.- ontread. Shirt Waist B E A U T Y �'r �
lump of Coal which sarved as the We the unoteraigned, have known F. J. � — I PINS at io cents each. �
Chaney for the last 15 Years, and believe him OR SALE -Ont, Simp on Dry Press Brick ,,;, �
"duck." "Ali, reckon ye'll stop and perfectly honorable in all business tirausaotlons Fnachine, with screen. acyntor4, and a Simply send your address 11 I
bev a gamse with us %foxe we go back." andfinsuoially able to carry out, any obliga- J.1,o�; d,y pa. i .ko 2 Coo,.fl Almod I'—", to I in and we will rorward wicks :�
And the half -famished men and boys thms made by their firm. g"'I 1,1 "I I I I
. �111YIIIU01- Apply W fire. koo. K-1 post id. When sold, send f0 :�!!' , IV*.
WZffr&TRuAy,%VbeIess[eDrugptIR ledo.O. 16" I—, .1 ,.I., hlo.tre.). .
0 11 - --- -_ I , ,
actually insisted an finishing th WALUING, KINNAN & MARVIN. 11oulevale the Za cents and we will send '�. I
game before they would allow them- 1) Toledo. Ohio. M knife, with all charges paid. . :
"Ives to be taken to the shaft, 92"."Catarrh Owe IR taken Internally. act- =11� is i I oo d �
, stammerers' -l"' Address,
ins directly upon the blood and mucous sur. tobd.1-
kaocisofthosystem. Price75o. par bottle. Sold torix.re, ot,rit. to ',� .
Dr. Arnett, Wrlin whowillconvincoyou hecac, careyou ) Cam Novelty Co.,Toronto. Onto �
VALUABI, METAL. by all Druggists. Testimonials free. ;, I
E[aAl'p Family Pills are the best. - . 1� I
! �
/ OF OUR STUDENTS hate ,cooeittlY taken good �L�
AlInninicen [a now worked on a. large , SE OTH" 0 ��-L
scale for all sorto of Industrial purpos- HO (tel oliambarmaids are unknown In Evor 'A r,,%KNOWS 29 situations, sad four p"itions rent-fia 1111filliaL I? .
Mexico. Men make the beds and keep THE VALU "", �
es, and has taken its place (is one (if the rooms In order. �
the five or six commercial metals of I
I . I . I �, L'. -
Y-., f 0 ra.b . �*,
the world. Weight for weight; It in �-�� �����
. I - A *1 .-
already cheaper than copper and tin; � 11 Pharaoh 10c.." Pc'iiiar 14 anuf�f,_'t,,.,' 1 '4NWAAS Z; STRATFORD, ONT. We tesch rftl budn*110-110 tall, i. - .
A PARTUMENT MMICINE. tsWn " contents. In fair competition on? 9milu"Alk ... .
it does not, tarniall, [a saltable, for all I - --- .
kinds of cooking Utensils, Is largely BLACK BA IES. sswtyoil,ortu.cho� Budnitiatnentilsirldlite"Ir 1.
= B"Oouunw"SoboDlinOaoads. JK11t4anQ-- � C -.,
used In shipbuilding and Is a most The children ofthe blackest Africans OBOUlare fro. I I
valuable adjunct to metallurgy, inas- � are brown,awhitish. In a month they . W. J. EILUOTT. Principal. i,
much as a small addition of aluminium become Pa yellow-, In a year, brown; A a 0 '�
to a mold of steel or brass insures ab- at 4, dirty black. and at. 6 Or 7, glossy . I 701i'�W-0-WIlk - - ;.-I
solutely solid Coatings. I . blaolt. - �, TIRES 1) , H E,_AL_T_N_ —RESTORED 9=.—= N ,�, .
nost disardered Stomach, loaam Nar,,sh Uvsr. B1004 .
I I , � A B'1.4d.. ,.Kid..,. Brain .it Breath by I I
� I -
I .
.. , A_�Wft.v qy� I .,
4W t _CA9_&,ft1 - _VE� Revalenta. . . . .
. - , I . 4 __ I Ou Barry's. ..
. , � � - . / . Im I Atabin food, _.
. 44 , ! I '�, .1 "I , I I ".
. . -4 � _ _ _ � 1o; � - - � 11 . - k _� I whleii 13s,as lutalLd. .ad children, sed aim Rears INIO- .. _. � - r,
w . got, I& . , � -1j"O I K to;. ir tiii
. . , - I cesahilly Initims Obcoin Allinerite wd'Debl=�,,iC L - � I
. 6 '. �7 . I . . . I . 11 other trastmentio. 'It digiata when " .-A. . . I � I . I "'i
� f . W., .J.0ded. tavee 60 times Its east In ;,;Irchail . � . _11
It . . . I �
, .
= - "11
.1 t_fl I " elo V_F , �,. .. I I&: r _a�. I 0 1 10) To ,
Aogn� . 'OL ;, 50 Years"' "ariorhib , I
tion. Flauden". D", *
. Indliiaotl n DIalietes. Bronabit 1.
... Z _ ca.%=0110 b.7;rrh, Phlegm. Dlarrhats, I
" A" O/ "ol'a" - Inner =AIM MIZImnees, Despandsca, .1 ,
/ toge `
. '> I
4 I 94 Maltese W 11 I
A&& I � ;%W. Cross " all . . -d Stom aterytr lit . � . I . .
__ Tubcs. 2L.S. .6UL.51b Hs. Seat Alw
omumo=Miwp . I I Inta I ts. in III III& "it 06, 11
. . F.. 4 TOM" I
. I
_ -1 . ------- - �
I , �
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Cdalmda"s Gr'eawkest See'd H a un s a
I Unrivalled rah'" r: I ' ( � I �
3 r AN6ULS . 11 �
One of the most valuable product% of the farm is a fine crop of Mangels. To grow the .
heaviest crops, the very finest selections of seed must be sown. I
STEELE, BRIGGS' Prize Mammoth or Giant Ldfig N i
t weigh2yoduper known. Requires deep, well -
Red MANCEL !8nr1hic"hgedr-t1oeis1, an I yield enot-MOUS Crops 01 Clean �
sound, wall -formed roots of great weight. Priee by mail ( t -paid) per lb.. 22C., -, I N I
I= 5 Ili. lots or over, i9c. lb., or 4c. per Ili. leis if pu - ser payscarriaga. N I
CTEELE. W . N __ !k\ - �
I If,
.. 11111111IGGs-rxiallt Yellow Otal-shapad , I ,�
. jfttlgelL A grand variety ior shallow sons; gtows I&W, hand. , 11 QUAF, " .
,lean, sound, heavy roots. Price by mail (post- I � - "ii,
P.Idd) per lb., 22C.; 5 -lb. lots or over, x9c. lb., or 4C. per lb. [on I � The )
it purchaser pays carriage. -_
STEELE, BRIGGS' Giant Yellow
GLOBE MANGELOD heavy clay wilit it In I I Best �
perfection .- grows above
gi�oimd with a small tAp root; bulbs large.fillb 'S 11-,-� .
globe slispoe, sound and heavy. PrI08 by mail I
(pott-*d) Ili., 21c. -. S -lb. lots Seeds
b., or purchaser pays cattri 0 r' 'r. I
per I rot :;-."-t 41 XNN % �
IN .
Par III. Isoc __ — .� Am Clwapm to Wy .
The Safest to plant. � .
If You Wish a...* V.; L, .1
low , .
Good Crop, Use , E" !, �, 11 - STEELE) BRIGGS L
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Steele, Bfigg� . .. 1,521211% - - .Famous Garden,
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