HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-21, Page 77
e $tar stands n
r o its merits as -a Nowspitper, and pmranteo w -0 e
s olityw,,Q 40tity Ircu atioit. Shrewd uslams Me and `Rva4 ra PAtronkm The StAr,
11 111,', Oil III Iii 40 1 ..IOJMMOWMWA" !I I 1 0 14
WAVAT* 4'7*V*T� 1
4 WT4 4T, 4TAM-1 Riiii 1"! A P:
11 . ��l P TV,
IRS OK , fr'' iz TIMPS T",
PF. r P1011m,
The quatity, gr;,ki line& so.4 ht,,iIisi tilto
Aimle f �amvv, Ill % Mi alpoug all Litliers. T40 vpvuoli of the people
sets a seal on t4m statup.
10 vit filiong On to 00 0904, 4Ad W_ ie4 are parliivu Arly
11014 111 .1
tv'(140sted, to 0 ilispeot, them, One p4pa to everI
jullil: ly, M
ogd at
and SIOMi TAVery.
ring, 0"01*10t 440APXT"p, �Js 041W
Vr 0A"K;#r
P't Viii 4. W
E, W
�Otlslt $roi an,
%)111 4'
AP, V^WA"_1 W400 Thevills W big "wxim bi tbol 014 Wiseman! f1l" inil 0*0
this stock Ji'l f4ing iwt tod It' dif riI tbalk!# wot 4 11111
U0 A 0 ou4
net hai k9L fl$llre up JP61t hQW much yea, are ahead doing yogr Pry Goa;
buying here.
7ro �Yii Ibilgi W_ y Brussels canmell in New before it) tbe history oI Dry Goods trade of Hum 44a iII good
npyir 49*190% to oclQrB ol' Grileak ON 7Ards T*pwtxr Corpits. 11(avy And a stock boon thTowtiou,tho, market air goods of such gooI quality been oaI4 at
Olives, Waving. V&wnsi Blaos,_4ii well ecynod, in %$,At sixisl pailkeraq khO PI VV Vr* Pi ti at I&Q46y. We Must, clifat th$ sleek Oat* at We
*44 K9.04 00109i4glilit 011114,1010,ft- Hallo.
U011:ro y 491d At 11.0 and 01.10, ulirariflit 91ir SAI Roams, would 140 Wireman store, and no buyer of Dr) Goodc Olothing. Carpeta or 0 111
Poo li yard. . Ise the money saving obatuaso. Wat, air*, bere. Thus &re sampt:
11 W QQI but our 10440, 91hould 1M but or
1.2.60 y4i of extra hisi Euglwh Tap, "Tstrit, iiiii. prices. -
11 carvilt, 27 itioltog Wide. in Light 141 V 4 at
*vgrsIbi Union _QAi
12angifloust colors. inwiflosall, 49.
signs irt,benalaful colom ilailioble for =450 0^0, and' *Asa. wSavers For Men
Drawing Voomig or PArIgm-R00011I 40 Inch Ruxtaiti".64 All pure Money
rnep.dwi for great. milisi at Per yard, Clothing arid ab one-tbird to one half less than
"talue, W env in buusqA at per yard, reguilar.-O less. No- need of paying full prlre for them while they
e. full taf�gaslud $J yard$ 'I c&,l 0
ASOC2, and 411. W inI UM extra. Bill puro waol car -
60 cholli pli U same otterria and worthy of
rich, a W15 so" room 14 at prices like these.
long. equal to salythling offer" last SIX. I
'9141 you ovoil #044*4 Alow walt is
"'V44' in th-4 1QUOL 44u bit t*`Vlog!
Wilagi (30AI 11144, *,4#r I#
look fitilt1frt and Ali MOI $141
wearer ; ttka* Trho, vear Car Igareguts OR,
proclitte thigt
W-bile,pgrivotion ulay not halrw-bocu
retieW In any . 04 r1mem of bolv#a so-
11TAC-50II, exce-OV1109 iiiiiii ectoof or-wilotial" b" *,, C. 31# "fo
11hit. Frldham's Clothing is as near human perfection go it is possill.19 to be.
We show more nei and exclusive dealgas In our spring sna sum -
mor Goods than soy others. We guarantee to you that oar prices are lower
thou you will have quoted on warranted first quality cloth@.
NiesliOn VA 11.1m, OPeole, value Per Iiii Art Squarea in pure wool And in Union in ats at 5oc and SIA Shirts at 48c We give our customers the beat value. We fill every order prompt.
3C. Biggs ax8f, 8J;4 and 04.
Stead, of at stations it number of miles 1den's vulatundried Shirts, made from ly and on time. We know our business thoroughly. We do it honestly,
ap:tru4 Those who make Such matters, INSPEOTION INVITED. This store carried an Iranian loan front and bands, energetically and courteously. We want your trade, &ad in return i
It v and whose opinion Is there- at Hate. they must all be sol -0 lhll"M� "ron will gve
Tr�Paozwz CALL TI k and tmitti contin-
foro of value, predict that in a few that's why we are sellini 72113.ffo-rE I sizes ..... you the value of your money every time.
yeam the greattrunk lines (if thiough
FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1899. roads will be changed by the same pro. W. Acheson & Son Men's and Boys' hard and qoft Felt Shirts "at 78c PRI DHAII, The Tailor.
cesq, and that Instead -of being can Hate. III qualities that
Merits colored Cambric SlI dark
touLed with travelling at an average wear, CVtft1t%"ean $1 and $1.60 at and light patterns, III or soft
Speed of sixty miles un hour they will your choice for .................. 600
Aft Sleetrie Road b prices were $1, $1.M and *IAA
V Lila new conditions run with perfect
isa�fety at one hundred and twenty. Men's Pod Boys' Fedora Hate. the beet ........................
The scheme for this locality if ever woods in the store, browns, tans, 780 AA MUNRO"S.
THAT PA.YS-111B RAILWAY embarked in sholild embrace a road to FRUIT GROWERS I blacksLopricvs were up to SM Men's Suits at $8
OF Taill FUTURE FOR Dunlop, Carlow. Nile, Dungannon, yourc iCtii . .......... $1.18 A Clothing bargain you'll not have a Seasonable Goods in every variety, such as
through East and West. Wawanosh chatli to get often:
and on to Winglium. Then again Ment"o tine Tweed and Worsted Suits.
S,IiORT LINES. Got Sul 1. Iron for growing finest Fruits- Waterproof Coats Men's, Women's and Ckildren's Undepelotting,
from Dungannon to Belf"t and Luck- Onry" 2c per lb., used to be 100. well and strongly made. good quality
Mr. J. J. WrIgUr Gives the Fur- now. At Duulop i. jimetion would Men's double texture Waterproof linings, about a dozen of them left.
Start up the lake Shore. ttking in Shop- CoaLs. sown eeamb. detachable ea, the Wiseman prices of them were
t3ler Result, of His Enquiries.
pardton, Port Albert, Kingstitidge, regular price $4.50, at .......... $14 $12.50 and $14, your choice .... !$8.00 Aosiery and Gloves,
(Concluded front last week.) Kintail Amnet-lev and on to H inciti- AINTS FOR OUTSIDE OR IN.
dine. by this means there wotuild be MAN,
The last dav at my disposal wits do' three separate inilway connections be- ---Taide. Floors or Ceilings, Fences or all of which will be sold at greatly reduced prices before stock taking
VIII to visi`iug tho power house, sides Goderich.. and in consequence no Washing Prints at 5c J Art Muslins at I oc,
anything that needs Painting, in any color to Over- A few Funcy Travelling Rugs will be sold at cost and nuder. As usual a
which is Situated at Stoney Creek, Bev- dead ends to the electric road. which is Paint. 8W yards of fast color PritlLq to Verr line quality Art Muslin, full yard large stock of Yarns and Fitle Wools. Ask to i our Peerless Cation Bat -
an indes from the city. It is a large,molld a very important matter. At any Of suit Ito told, mostly navy. red and black d
stone and brick structure. and contains these railway stations cars 0 f the U. P. grounds, Soft cloth and dark colors, w a. with or without border. good king. Small wares complete io every line. Your patronage kindly solicited.
colors and patterns, regular i5c
two powerful Corliss eilgines whicli R. air G.T.R., as the case utay be, could Paint. your choice at goods,
drive the enormous dynamos that bo shunted off forgeneral useas re- Mixed ready
again transmit the electric current quired and hattled anvwhere oil the 5c a yard, 10c per yard A. MUNRO. Draper.
over the wit as. The engineer in charge electric System. For instance, a freight Paint.
gave me a Stock of information regard- car could be switched off tit the Port for use,
Itne Its wonderful workings, going into Albert flour mill and filled at its very $1 Mantles
taiLbilicu'l dw8criptiouti of "Mrhere". door, as Is now done at PreSton, tho OvVz4vi LU Waterproof Circulars
8 P. ot LA and cheaper t 11 " , " , ' ::�, ': L
Armitures, volt and curveritt- and their proprietors. Messrs. Cheny Bi S.. JUT V han ever before sold in Goderich The Mantles advertised at $1 each are
_"vo agplicadons. Being a tole. which informed me was it sav Ion iin They are goods that were at 48c 0118, Paints, varnishes ano Brusom
rTheI'. dave of my youth greuL- them of a thousand dollars a year in to$12, not tnis seetsoa,s I;tvlem ''n,
#-standing these teauting but can easily be mado over into the A bi lot, of Ladies' Waterproof (IIIII Knelt year our Iteady-Mixed Paint Tratile in Inores%itil which woveq that tho
. III me In unde and yet the distance I Wout.her and Waterproof Pallit to the Pof)ular print. We have a full line of
ry fail.. 11 ea Has advanced in price and is going Short jackets so much worn this Son- good qualities and water- WRITE LEAD, 011.8, VARNIdIIII IlItUallEs, &C.
do he building and eq 'PiD f than three miles. Or, a refri'go.".tor' ri SOn. People are buying thorn for a I t this season's styles,
Ut ofeO higher. but I have ordered and am this
a power house is % largo Rom x_ car if necessary could be of proof. but n(
penditure in the organizatioll Of an Dungannon durlu the halt, "ItTI'Lli:�r, purpose. choice at .... ........ .... ...... 48C
-and, the sum of thirty thous- and their st,,,wbL as, fresh butter
electric r, Uinaor Twinc selling In Bicycles
and dolla -9 hav Ing been laid out here and eggs be in the markets of the east If good goods ai prices that are a good deal less than regular are any ad -
in thia connectiOn. When the road is in fine order next morning. Along Vantage to You you'll do your Dry Goods buying at this sale. We ary liallgiled "fil1mve the bast value tit the inarket, which tins been proven to
extended on to St. Catharines, a dis- us by our large Kni We have been anked So often for
such a line great possibilities are pro- ..... At a Low Gut Kato.
tance of thirteen miles, more power hahle, as it s quite safe to say at nurn-
will have to lie obtained to perform the ber of new &lid pt ofltable industries
extra work. Lawn and Farm Fences
would Spring into existence as a copso-
So far I halve endeavored to describe queries of 111prov conditions rhat, we 11I decided to lint In it feri Sain0am of Kanne " be soon at our
just what -1 Saw and hestud offe I ad trans- Store, and front the quality and clutataityIS of it
Of What red by convenient and quick DIRECT we lire alcul Ing with, farito sales.
could be done under the most Ji pot Lation, faci Ii ties. The Ashfieldfaitu- Let us figure on your Pluniblug, Heating,
able conditions in making &it electric er's wife coulct send in her eggs rego- Alex. McD. Allan. Hodgens Bros. IMPORTERS. r-,urh IIng, & 0.
road not, only agmat, daily conveuillarl� every morning. ensuring their itarIB ied and repaired Lee & Shephard -
to -class investment its a fres ness without even ciacking one
tice but, a first
Selling the Wiseman Stonk at the Wiseman Store, Clinton.
paying concern. It must not for a in a thousand, while the horse could be Miller , 9 Compound Iron Pills, only 25 Are you a sufferer with vorns? If
moment he presumed that all schetnes left ILL home and he more prolittitly cents for 60 doses. you are. get a
of this nature would Show such grati. hottle of Holloway's
"niploved on the farm. The coontr Y (,'or n Cii It has never been knoWn
tying results, because in launching It. merchant would have his orialanded
new road in an untried neighborhood in the best of order under his verandah, . "George the Hatter." who is known to tail -
no local precedent (if coot sb could be no inatuer On what p trt Of the line he in almost, every town in Ontario, hasi
lately had a stroke of luck, Ho has The
resided. as I saw for mysef at III tdapartnient of militia has decided
shown, but there is. however, this an A Bad Leak.
u b
couraging feature connected %iLh giv- ot�tained a pension, having been placed H EA LT TT...
and other places. pon nutuber of battalions which
Ing improved communication froin (in the rWular army pension list of the are to he mobilized for training during 41s"Ifti"sI 4W
", d
place to place. the new conveniences co By taking a look at the niap of the United tales Government. "Georile the drill season of 1899. The camp at A leak iu anything is bad, but in
he 33rd batta-
and opportunities created III)y the new what a large undeveloped field exists Young, is a veteran (if the U. S. Arniv. lion. will be held trout M y 30 to June
unty of Huron it must he Botic"I'd the Hatter," whose name is George London which Includes t IS one of the grv%tomt blessioRs we can obtflill. If We have it We a water pipe it's a verious inat.
mode of travel seeto to develop at Should try and keep it. It we haven't it we should try and get it. ter. Send for us to mind the
to he trained. little leak. Have us do your
a will consist
Stich trade evpr before existed. A Wawanoshalona, A great portion Of dollar (it the pension to which he was of four battalions, !Lnd the second
-ge volume of trade where at, peas in the townships of Ashfield and ii the past w-ek t.ad nbver received a The first infantry brigad 'The surest and beat way to proctire Health and preserve it is to use one of
once a lat tot the daily transaction of local husi- having served in the rebellion, but tip 10th. when 3.700 men area
most striking example of this was wbich lies at a most inconvenient dis. entitled He has received $400 I;jLck brigade of four bn�ttal Plumbing and you will be in
given me by the piesident, of this road, tance from a railway centie. Of ous. One caval- iiii leikka. Wit go
who infortnIed ine that in the early course ik big unrigrtaking sitch as out - pension: arid will conitt in for a regular iy regini-nit and twol city hattallons Steam. Acetylene (lits and Walt-,
lio.d a could wit be arcomplimhed Fii o. two days. Fitting anywhere.
st;41res of projection in pilounsing a I)Ove 1 $8 a nionth as long as ho wi be attAched for I Thic Nam Vaor NO Gahinct5.
service of six trains per day he wits by a qumil Section ot country, it wbuld I ves. A cor r--�qpondent (if TnE Call in and see sample and get a circular explaining it.
-e united action in a wide field to Clinton will its uqual -be on deck in i's the following: -Talk about winter
charged with making claims which equin STAR sends
could not be filled, as the quantity of
each such result, lingering in the lap of spring this your,
business likely to, be done would" re- 9, which nothing pro f -ricket. lacrosse, baseball. football, it's not the only time the old follow
ire no sucti provision ; but circuits bably would prevent Lint the expenso bowling an the green, and all rnrii
qu 0
t hiiilding. Elowever. let us keep on spot ts during the seas n of n 0 ME ID 1& 3: G'Z
a have since iI be was far agitating and it may come Sooner than 0 Bel()% ouwill find his record for 885. JAJ TNT T1_'A 11, VC -BROStiol
was guilty Of the sarne indiscretiv CATTLE
the tuark' Ili big estimate, for F. Jqt,
w� III iftil below zPro._
-IS III IVM helow.-March
w, with the snow -on the� xs4;iuu,L1 Xt Xr Gl
1.-P-Ile- I Wogt Side of 1i
irice the W01-:3 'Ro
trains are roll daily, wiveh during the
'increased ti� ina�y �Aimatei`v r
suirilDer . mo'hths' are to chauges Of even gr�08,be bW zern.-March, lK !tnn-'.
ward us fou-niaking out- he4t effortA to -6 degrees below Zero-- Marrh 10, - 15
eighteen and twenty, the latter repre- I, A P 1- 1 , with captain, and secpqtary. .1 1, 1 d&CCOYS Cotton noot Commowd
Senting a CUP&OLY for varrying on(- cap up our e.D o . a og. agrees e Ow zero. -Adarch, aj. -- 22 do-
t New ifeforaquarter. Miller's om- -o.-Ma It 23-9M do- se ny as y b a a-,
housand passengers besidew a largo pely the, ks are due to Aft,. C.J.Myleg, C grees below zet JFt7,o%s=A.Ps.,e.;=.,.hLz A -
a id n below-- zero.-Mrcirch :11-26 �rour drumst for Cook s Curin Rest C..
aniouirt of freight at all descri ons. ant 0 f the road. for valtithle ad- pound Iron Pills. gi.ees as IL11 NI Ixtures, pills and
No better proof could be given the dangerous. Privet No. it. ill per
necessity for and the popularity of the ng of electric toads in general, grace below zero. -April 12. -excellent degrees stronger, toper box. No.
ro. I to
-ience was
sleigh ing.-Apei 1 13. 14 arid 15, -excel- I or2. Ental'."i*
P.111 vice on the projection and financial an- degrees below zero. -March 25,-5 de alie no o er
clianged couditiong. Another eiretitti crie"iff from one %v here expel an receipt of price and two li a
gain hy-constant fighting all rui loot skatingand sleighing.-Aprit 22,_ stamps The Cook Company Windsor Cut.
Stance favoring the business of this MaM, I and 2 said Ann recommended by all
ofadifficulties to a suecesRful i9sae, it 76 degrees in the Shade. -April 28
company which I had almost forgotten. =Wblilt Drugglate In Canada. . . . . . . .
is the existence of one of those I)Itl th iefore becomes a inore VHILIRlde Are You_..... -heavy fall of snow. -May 9th, -
q A days institutions callud Loll�gates, guide. With A few others, tit a critical heavy tall of snow, NO. 1 and No. 2 Sol,] In Uoderich by JAME'll
at WILSON, drutritist
which are still Ili evidence on the coni- period in the hisuory of the ti:idertak-
Minn roads adjacent to the track, vA. Ing, he was compelled to aswin e heavy APP .116
Whiting in III contrast to the IMIS!, financial obligations to vreverit the EasilyTired?
enlightened mode of travel at itlVeLlit, W hole, schorne front falling thintigh.
ed by the genius of man. It, a conse- To Mi. A. J. Nelle,;, the gen. manager,
queuce the fartrera, during the bad I am under a derit of gTatitude lor In- Jun remember tnat. au yoi _2
tipplied (in every subject I strength must come from your
-equently prefer keeping their formation s "V�
horses at houte and, as I was i In fornied, desired, and also inany voiirtpqi�s ex- food. Did you ever think of .Ai
ave both time and nioney by doing terded-1 was it strange, and h� that P � V �V� "McCread
roads, fi W HL:LLU! n't
8 t,)()k Ille in and f y
their business over the electric road ed a lid clot,hed I Perhaps your muscles need
I trust I haviii now shown the *ad. me with electriv Ito wledgt- fi-om more stmngth, or your nemes;
vantages ttectuing up all parties con- head to foot, particularly Lilai part af- or perhaps your stomai is and 66
earned in the establishment of a well fecting the rutining of an electr-c rail- weak and cannot digest what Ctiniescent
9anned electric railway. I must u(,w way. Brooght. up on it fari the very you eat.
1111.w attention to its cost as g'ven n.e best school for a foundation, no inatter If you used more strength
I Led the procession in 1898 and will contint-le to do so 1899.
in figures by the management. To w int the futtire occupatimi inav he, then take
build &no equip in Hr u -class order at) traitied for vears in active railwav
a wor I he possosses Ili art eminent de -
institution of this na'Lure costs it large 60DER16fl
sum of money. far more So Lhan gree those qualitieR nevessary to make SOOTTPIS
-e a r for a tl I I A e;,&A; S t;4X3!_,g; A e A
average mind is aware of. Here atit'lle an all roun.t Successful nianagp ON 0
fewirominent, items: The rails, Otte Workoftnisdescription. Aridedtothis EMUZZION
r s
bun ad and two tons to the mile, be, h" it keen know ledge of the vagarie.,
of lititnait trattire, and appoars it) he of Cod-TAver Oil with llypo� McCready Bicycles-sigio&-
amounts to $2,M -, ties for the saine e SEED
distance, $587 ; oyerhead copper wire, qualIV at hoine in solving a vexed phosPhites. The ciE79-t-he most High Grade. N&,J.J.
Sl,(100. bti plaLes, fasteuings arid ortiblent for a Ituly passenger, a4 ho I, Vie
Spikes by the Lon. it is also necesuai y hob-nolihinq with a Saltileet farinorm, OFN �ilYohaRged of sill foods into
to build a special telephone lino to aid the tariff for a new plow over hi4 el- strength; and bhe hypophos-
P'. �11 Nlc('tO[L(lv $65 Wheel for .... .... ...... $rm, oo
its proper j,anagemeDL. Ali up to tric road. No better proof (if Iiis PhiteS are the beat Low Prices.
11 Sense $55 Wheel for. $4r) 0o
date, modeto passenger eat., settint, abilitieR for the position lie holds iR tonics for the nerves. PORI UM 0 COMID011 t
sixty persons, cost -s between four ana nevessary than to pokit to tho fA('t. SCOTT'8 EXUL- Ooderich $45 Wheel for ..... 00
live tnouqand dollars; freight cars that. under his wise administration t lie SXON is the easiest Courteous
about eighteen hundred to two thous- ioulhampaidthe handscrtie dividend and quickest oure for
and. There inust he added to this the of ten per cent. to thestockholders. weak throats, for r=i All fitted with DrNimi. 'FluEs
Just a word in concluRion. I want to coughs of ever7 Idind,
actual cost of construction, including thank all those am In P- of I lie road Treatment to pe TP Ind fully guaranteed.
bridges of sufficient, strength to pai 11 J ILI, ra cams a -
the Government inspection. The II whorn I carne In contact with: they bility, weak nerves, YUALI I T Mb I IN UUR MU[1013k'
dent assured me that, taking every- Seemed to knc w my (-rr;tnd, whether and loss of flesh.
thing into necount that nothing leki-I motorman, conductors or Others, and Customers, was
9ting inforniatio 5oc. and $i.oa; 4 druggittit
iblan a calculation of thirteen thousand gave me most intere. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chembiti Toronfilit,
d-illsirs, per mile must for a moment t,, an everything I saw all along t lie line.
T ir XXT r Our Rule in 'o8.
-46uss-Cre.scent Bicycles.
considered, iviont another teliable we have in stock ibe largest and beat selected varieties of
source I learn that, the Gait. Preston The Point Farn), April 12th, 1899.
and Hespeler line. wbivh covers tell $50-00. $45-00. $40-00.
- Millet -'a Compound Iron Pills, only 25 KE?` 100,000 of these Wheels were mann.
rnilies all round, amounted, to an out Same Rule
lay of one hundred arid twenLy-five cents tor 60 doses.
thunsand dollars. In connection with Carpets, In 1899. lactilred and sold in 1898.
raising money nowadays for the build -
Ing of such worKs, it must not be sup- Always spend your inottey in town. Tl* Canadian Brand. S DS I 92=9' The estimated gale for 1899 if; 160,000
V= ad that by gettinga. few miles of ft will likely come back to you if voti @
]aid, that I., will induce investors do. 4pending it not. of tAiwn goo� to
t4) furnish fundq to complete the road. build up other pInCPS At the eXilellSe of Why not buy the best Wool Car
This is altogether a wrong impression. Goderich.
pet in the world. Think of it, P in town -CLOVER, TUMOTHI', ALSIKE, LUCERNE, and every kind of 3P
The railway must be built. equipped, ruinium wwL, cable strand yarn. fast
in running older and declaritur divi- Miller'.9 Worm Powders correct all colors, every thread guaranteed. Grasses grown.
dendt before capitalists will have any. such troutilps as lack of appetite, 1)11- See that our trade mark (The Sheep) No better Bicycles are made and sold on the Continent of America than
. on the end of the roll; none per.
thing to do with it. When, however, tougness, drowsiness, sallow romplex- -- � "'
these conditions do exiat, and that for- Ion, etc. ; nice to take. I I feet witilout it. the MCCREADY and CRESCENT.
tunave consurnawon is reached, you orme n Royal Carpet Co.
may throw your bonds on the market, SEED GRAIN
w ii, no doubt. they will be readily A coflin trust, has been If d . ic
ho the United SUAHF. it,, 1117.111 1, Selling Agent at Goderich: We do not handle cheap made Wheels, Everyotic knows that a Cheap
picked up its gilt edged Securities. thtit of all othermonopolies, will likely New varieties. After two years
Thora Is this to be said about. the In- be: "Death to the people ; long live J. H. PEDDER. test true to name and Warranted made Wheel is DEAR AT ANY PRICE.
tradilietion of electric rontift. Uie fre. the trusts." L clean.
00fibUjarklagot tritins and the can-
vanience they afford toy their numer-
ous stop, iriv Places bag so largely in- OUR STOCK OF Call and see our Bicycle,, We will be pleised to show them to you and
creawd tult popularity that a go-beral explain their construction Catalogues free mi application
d a I rialt?
t as oil 9 tot d ,,nde and Field Seeds
he 0 NEW AMERIGAN W966 FAFER5. Gar n
I, �h e
of �
ut'). 'Ji 4b.'It to extend It*
bar of
tit Pro
q (its
An 6
Nothifig ftliodit can be Imagined thild the III and of tbeile J�pers gil" to
the itift*161I A r6oth. Reltardhill 111110t0i it Is A f4srs W116 timparistin
offitt f4fthbiAlls of a roi Prldft faugs tot thii cheaper papers now 6o
Wid r6li, Ina from lob to it, 11I hiji &ides.
A eif s Book-imeorboX,V,
(J Doors West of Old 811111111
have been carefully geleoted in every way.
SEED CORN, SYM kind grown.
constantly on hend.
"Amutoft 84
- - I'll'.
qw'i 'WIM Mr.A.-VI-Im -A-
:r_-_Aja(3-A siiiim cxw VIOHNS, GUITARS,
and other small Muffiell Goods --also
vomx,-2,000 81EE3MMr_E`S O:P
which we will sell AT COST to make toom for Wheel#.