HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-21, Page 4a
10od,*rkh$t4rJsby1o* odds the i4rgest'NewspAper In 11"t6a 0
nX 00faty"
M� and,
.:A 'TH, Si,
am TmNas nr"Sn m4t T#)�,
New Ginghavas, Pique$;
i6ts, and vther - Vre6s llaterv*als
.rX*ttjy to riaillci 14*vcnue without Ull have saved $30 had he thrashed tboin
Olix or Til Bx#-r il Human CouxTY.-Tutz ,
004�" , A Vgllf-Ctlori Of theme Star"Pir GIVIIRICH STAR has been Crilarlicti, 10 a Vro. moth.
*a Interesting tiouvencir of digious, dxe and now ranksw,, one at the lf�j' Pleasant" syrup; nothing emals it The bp
ktilitiblugo of the Tortic-Laull adul nOzIatil In the county of Huron. -8tral, st values in Table Linens at 20C, 25C
He it. sisa worna mealcine. tbonanie fig other 35c, 45c, up
ltutmatiop., ftow a party point of view Glaves, Wor to Exterminator, The
A Coxim in Gonvaucat.-Tax Gopstucill greatest destroyer of the age.
'010 ptactive is. of Course, open W tile STAR Comes to us tht; wcok enlarged al much to $ I oo'*
tkbjmthln that It would serve tQ Per- brigroved. Tax firitudoescredit to Ocider
154 This foreign itern gives I t f
b all deservEstholl -ril rt of -this pocipm
I . 4111M pall The best values in Shirtings from,
find 4p
IpL-ttratte in the public mind taings L at of the Own t let. 81po food for thought all home;
count 0 T 8C tO 12
the Govertintent would proter to kv NLWJ1V A210 WX11 Gorll UP. -Tux 00DE. f the death of a man In Chicago Y2l
forgotten. It would be worse than RICH STAR bus been making gmt strides of from "lultup jaw,"cobtracted by eating
diseased beef, may Ile nice reading for
11ausard. The Governuient Is nial progress lately. and 11 now a sixty-four ouiumn Dptarlans, blit is by no weans so The best value.4 in Cottonades at 12Y
h E:,Der. newilyand weigotten tip. Thepropil D 15C. 2oc and 25C.
festly and nalturally anxious t, aL I% domoryo credit N& their enterprise. title, comforting for those of c r 1vorous in -
4 abou d crown air effortiL-whighaut Altincts.
everythintir Its triembers said and did Advance. All new goods, colors and, quality the best.
when in opposition should be forgot, Til LARam" ANp Nlcws=r--THz Goll Oreal, Things From Little Causes
ton, and when it is In opposition again HIGH STAR has again been enlarged, and now Grow. -It takes very little to derange 0000***0000000***(>000000***O*O***OO-
after the next general election it will contains sixty-four ocilumint, 21 In
aff" Tnh.-O thestomach. Thecausomaybealight. See our
naturally be anxious that everything long. TuvST*a Ila& 9 In pro
I cooling under the coutrom.ft rreAQ1.V;1L. it cold. soniething eaten ., drunk.
it said and did when In power shall a. - I one of art anxiety. worry, or some other sinciplii
and Ia now not only the [erg" bu th ;4s
so be forgotten. nowidest pazimin thocaunty.--Brual ucrald. cause. But Iliprecautions he nottaket), It is the Man -who likes to be Well L--iu 387d Stock of
il tit I
But.setting mide party constort VV a (IV Tax BUT Colvictuail -Tire Gaut: Wpe cause nkl�.y IWO Most
tions. -4oterest of the fl I luau sTAR shows further slirn of prospority by serious- cong ces. Many a chrul
the hisro, ic
etallips IN tindelliable. We al -0 infOrl"-! =&Mng last week in enlarged form, now cally dobiii=l constitution to -day we are after. -Every style,
ed (hat the demifn for the coup of the can on't-or largest.aswell w ono at the owes its constructiou to sitriple causes
wol mutrup wh c h c-orutueniorales the belitiocinduattchdoweeklicatu the proviace. We not dwelt with In III Keeo the N> kind and fashion finds its
%lah our tip-ahoad contemporary 00"tilloOd digestive apparattis in healthy condi-
fact that Sil Wilfrid Laurier founded success.-Ustowel Stapdard. earliest showing here.
(or found) it vaswriernpire than ever HvRoxs LAuoxsT PAi-Ral Goo tion and #Ill will be well. Parruelee's
wits. i- taken fro I an old SuIlligh t Enl Vegetable, Pills aie better than any
Soap advertlienjout. Tito adApt4ttlon STAR has again onlargod its bol clod In 110- ot her for the purpoge. The men to whom we
(if soap advertisoniouts to the glol.ill. the largest paper in the county. THE 6TAR in
werowent hits clean and nowny..gives it largo allioulli. Of loual
val (if our beloved Oc laws every wook. and Into boconKriltuldied JAM08 Nanning, of Londeaboro, who expect to sell
also roach to commend it. There INVIlanornmicilgrgotgress. Stay it, ahodow had Lived tit thio lifil journey, and
Ion 0.
hits boon fat- inore ingenuity in- novergrow Ill ikilvocute. whosm wind had becoill 0 all) warKed hy A
telligence. enterprise, collinion a 0 th h Shorey's
ense OREATLY NPUOVEI)l tile Panlyear Tull trouble of ne kind r ano or t at, e
ru- 1 Gonicaran ATAR Showed 41gris of new life. licind feared nothing we
alld artistic al exercised in fra rso aftor death. and
ing il advertisevneuta. thau have: last weak It made a bound forward which attesupted sulcide by cutting his Ready Tailored Clothing,
ever been expende�i by the Present ad- illaces It in the front rank of Canadian journals. throat, died an Thursday nucril last.
Illini,4tration in the governnient of Its bo rdoll have tall ONVed until now it in For tnq relativeH of the unforturl
better th nu -n the sympathy of the whole colic Are the Men
Canada- (Jonsetittently touch ce
results are to, lie tilt icipated front thi to imunity goes out. lie lived in that vil-
Avsternal aptiropriation of tile Soap a lage or viclnttv for, over thirty Years, h h
advel,tisetlients than we could reason- p wits known by ever hody thereabouts w o ave worn made to mea-
iLl)ly bj,pe tA, olitnin fvoiu the original Hicirril TrIAN Xvil -It Is eviden Lly 1, "ll and was well thotil of bv all. sure clothes.
tht)ught of His Hxcellencyl Atluisterl hat timel with True Gall STAR. The in -
We do not know whether t.be Gov- '"'oft"a In 91M with Its varied improvements, Ladles I Take Miller's (Jouipound If you travel in this class
ernittent contelliplatog issuing it new all %a to show the apVwiatlon of this splendid Iron Pills If you would have nice, clear
we) 11, nOwst"ll OtcOutont with its torm- coniplexious.
stallip to conittionioriate the Now or aell ovenjentm, it has ail been 0111 we should like to see you.
Brunswick elections : wit It Be they and it contains so many goo thina tha.2911,111�
have It fine design really made for hos� of rLmders will have to rise all rel Robt. Hughes, who now resides in
thein and requiviiiii: but. llitle adapta "" morning If they tatempt to read the news BIv th. has disposed of out, of his farnis, 5horey's Guarantee Card in the pockets of
with which is literally crammed from
till, local Kit- Wilfrld'H race toweok� IL%nleiuirvodt)romparouHitppetr= V4 lotIO. 7th con., to Alex. 1I
heanting Lill-ough I badly'lorn ,opv of together with It* will arranged bucifet (it now; orria.forthesuniof$1,950. Thepur- each garment means
the1*010be" with tile llotto "0"'1 all all subjects and torn every eoln , 1. an in. chaser hall taken possession.
it IOMLioll Lh%t THE 13T 4LIt Is not far phart of
Morning I Have you tAsed Blair's Stl havinj reached the pinnacle of weekly Journ I SATiSFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK
,Vo comillernoraLe -th ilon. %, orm Powders, the medicine
the bit or the lay Its shadow never grow less -Bruce Miller's W
Walkerton) Heradd. for children.
British Pm-forent.lat Tariff under
hich Canada's trade with tile Uni(ed and, as we dislike to return money we Must give YOU
States has increased so mitch niore satisfaction. YOU cannot get anything more than this.
rapidiv than her trade with Great I'll I-
taill, we inight have it Picture (if Sir Have jUSt received another large consignment of
Richard C,artwir t in 1114 hath reach.
lug after it cake SOUP hLbelit'd "PW
follo of Finance;` and I lie 1110tLO SHERWIN WILLIAMS Jo Hill PEDDER
won't be happy till he gets 1I
111 1 11111 111 111 1111�1111 111 11111
Mr. Dobell's great (IC1110VOTTIOnt, 1 311, � Ill
Colbornes' Old Stand.
it tit, synibolizPd. by the it,
-Y (
I i eatinent 01 It ll of I %;oi 4oaP Mild
Wrl, I Son thatrioaLill
The newest
things in
of all kinds
in the
newest styles.
Newspaper The $tir ha no suMdols
'7print Comes This Year:;�,
*r AR
,Ve,tvill W1 kpgj4j� and bol bl, w we Ill f
bl-hit'l,rile"a'-par-oo 15 A),g:A%
, #Ijo ne. o tr S -on 00,
PQ is! wirnk,; 1,1. bilcl tren It n o a u- r -es, r-OvO 'fill etlell Ot
tilt aI in. pmj- us for tile e1joyment Qf'hVV4*tl
WO ll d ill Sassafrital B1004 and StOMI 14%,
Jul wimp 30t) In
*1 t ll hi -4, ,utntl $4 . p IS It rdnelt, Hol-, #'l 6-tb-,
.-Ouil 51 of hkll�ll L41 A a 'Ve judIj"f pot"h. N-ithing bil *44,
4o dievilge.4 thal
ItI li,�Ijorsl It bu pass -8 many Of i6a 010.114r,
I it 4,,
50l" vau oligia -0 tj If 'Voo- -.3
110allettliog ch -aver try nor Medical H a b Toa. it, i. right at the A"k
-91- 11-h WeAdwa, you all know that.
Frefcription well at sl holl... BEO On$ IMO&
GbdeHch Bar'aat"n Centre
27TH A 4D 28TH.
Don't foriret the dates, April 27 & 28.
t'lle ItIol to e Oil V
Tilt* would lie it delicitte alltision it) Miller's Wortu Powders cure all all-
Doliell's Bottle-Nocked Fast Une. the inents (if children like inagic.
line that doesn't FAIN I
only well known
float. A scawitm _--al�waa held on the :E3 WORLD RENOWNED
Tito happy injortiont when Alessrs. markets lare Bru9sels, one dav last
Tarte, Doholl and Fitzpatrick renotatic- week. Twe foilowing won the prizes:
ed tile errors of the Con- v ittl ve 1�avusvty and Harris, Or y. 2nd,
4 ". � , -a.1 I
rty to embrace those of tho Libot These are the beat PLirsts in the world ��iljtti and Barn 1,rd. Wrolleeter , 3rd
Pp!�"- IV. rulght Ila Inittiort-Mized by the WELLAND VALE BICYCH8111
v to -day. They cover most, look best, Wiltse, and Harri&, Grey ; 4th MAusev dft
adaptation of another picture asl last longest, and are the moSt e0ollomi and Barnard, Wfoxoter; 5th, Logan
ed with il same brand of soup and Bil 6ITtrh ; -
6,11. McUitcheom and
eal of any Paints, either mixed or un- Ill 0 r
"Tile only people saved
tile tuotto . Fraser. is.
from the wreck wero four little men mixed.
'who �vero pvLvIdod with unsinkable Doctors and Druggists pronoun is '99 is
ce. 99
somp and washed themselves aahore.." Miller's Compound It -on Pills the beat
on tile zmarket, 15A) doses 25 cents.
To conitileillorate th,
we night have tile well-known Moll- Real estate'has taken quite a boon
ro and the mott.o:t ain in* Walton (if late. 'Mesar -j. III Brol
a' "Cep "I"I
povity (it We Yukon Adnlitlistt�-tlotl VVellmid Vale
Magnite, the Fire -Proof P t Clainless,, Year
lct,� Bv";�'lj,,'�',lll I nix" Or perhaps have bought the house and lo't occupied
::Won't bv Reuben G ri mold ljy,,, Th e,latt er goes
; -11 This Paint is selling fa Year
on't Wash" wolild be suffic l4 - st and giving To be in the styk�
L Seafoa th to I Ive. o. G Ill has
The possibilities in this �lrecc
owned hy.
alillost ilifirlite. if_the Governl
�jTrij%c�amed the bn"e and lot
me:-_, h Oil
cannot carry ollt all these idoas it >JI MeLil6d Nt, W.'DIIPH teSt. 'FtItiongeSt.
Inigh! tit least'hill one spOCIAl st-111311P I 15i"adite. A.'ad,�I-L-6w. Priced bought Geo. 'OaridlWs4bous�Arid lo't." alfl'ICSS. - Ligh
s bought.the house W6,1111100'.. VA Gh
and J-.trtl Carter na Y&u MRAT Ito
its 11, ruenjorial oft he whole record of all lot oceupied by Jonas Backer.
the present adiulnietration. We con- 3BC:).Rlq 1898.
fess we have not totind anything in The coughin d h zing of I Neatest, MostRaII
tho whoiw fleld sit soap advertisements A Few i3naps in Brushes. persons iouble with lironchitis or the A CHAINLES"
too il jitl W thl subect, Tito el ma is excessively hail to 6o Coming into prominence 1899.- Wbeet "Buitt.
nearest thing to It Is it 1�
_)&V4 bearin themselves and ll�oving to 0
Ajielippropi-late 1 4& "Concentratz
't T h Dr. Thonilas' Helecatric Oil obviateslU Chainless $7,5,. Perfect $5,5, Garden City $45, n $35.
11 -Ye. - N. 1D. ROUGVIE, GoRrIG thisentirely, safely and speedily, iand Dominio
A Fair Comparison. is it benign retnedy for lameness. sores,
The Welland Vale Biovil are reeeiving greater attention by the Bicycle pubho and the Factory more orders from Wh Avents and
Injuries, piles, kidney and cipinat
Sir Hthbert Topper. -I famkcs tnese troubles. its Branches than they calculated on, whioh shows that the wheels and values they are offiring are at once seen to be the best ever
charges believing them to be tt no slid offered before.. TO SHE THEM IS TO BE CONVIN09D.
with t.hell, I summit evidence of then, An�gus A!cDougall of West Wawa -
truth and shall be prepared too suhmit . . . . . . . mosh having Ill his farm for a
tell of yearl has, with his family. re -
further evidence before a commlssiOu- "VV3BXnXm.A61VX3i wV"_A..Xm30 MEM"43-al 40011-9 3CmXMX:W3BXD_
Horl. idt. sifton.-The cilargAs ale moved a short distance north of Luck -
The now. 95W. 40.AL-X3EK.A63MX3Mff3E193, Clil,
absollitely and entirely false.
pe le against whom the charges are
rrtI say they are fahic. Millees Grip Powders Cure. R. W. McKP-NZIE9 GODER10H AGENOY
The Grit Press. -HOU. Mr. Sifton
collopletwy swept away tile Tupper
tic need for all in -
charges. There Is
vestigation 1* 'Every 'SATURDAY333B 4CDIV "IMX38-Vvw-'
Milliner _AND ORDER YOU11-
Miller's Worin Powdees for mallow y Novelties fo 77
skint old or voting.
is OUR- l.11ilk Cans and Dairy Needs
Robert, Dodawarth. of Brussil has
The material and workmanship Is warranted-
rurchastod Al Swallows' 50 acre fat in The Last and 1365t In 50065 and 51105. BARCAIN DAY
n Grey. for $1,M0. The two Loudina Shades are They are home made. the beat on the market.
Mulberry and Cyrano.
Stoves, Graniteware TinwaaV,
EXAAWLIM IS B8l AN PRfl- and �'eathers will be in LamP Glusil &c. 60od GoOdS
Extra. Values in in Groceries and
OH FEATHERIS vogue this season.
....... . . . . . . . Honest Prices.
Those sentention proverbs, or old Wearable Goods. Lot us figure on our Plumbing,
saws, which tire rise as prefixes to Ril We do,not hold a Millinery openin but are prepared to furnish the latest Hot Water Heat Ill; and Tinstnithing. - "When we do it. we do it we 11
and best in Millinery at all seasons, of t9e. year. 9r. Viarwer'q -Prod Wanted in large or
ot the Billed Sarsaparilla advertising In Stwk nearly complete again. Now goods received daily.
j`. UCO
ilotlitanda of PAL) rs throughout the qUairt.-ItleilL
torititt His C, FILSINGER,
'31 are evitt nee of a new and A lot of Pine Bath and Carriagil Spol Just to harid.
infi lja� style of display ativertillin
The newest and latest Perfurmell. J. HORTON9
IN)t plet"4111 andeffective. Theffoo In 1wiltou sk and Squitre. Goderich. Corner Wil fuld Sguare
JR11I is to lie congratulated on so Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Striet, Goderich
wisdowas hits Patent Meditlines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
fjlt4t*f dil throtigh centuries -
Another charming thing about this Rubber Goods, Byringes, Atomizere, Hot Water land Joe Blip, III etc.
Mricid 6dVertlaing Is the uniql1c LY1013
they ittre traing.
Thek a
There nre it ourtil of varieties of V
torno. Holloway"ti Corn Cure will rel-
moveanyoftbelm. Callon yourdrill Fill JORDAN, For Plouse CLeaning, Time,
gist and get a bottle at once. Corner OolbornA St. and Squ---
Housekeelil othould be preparlid. We his" trrlil you want,
A Pleasant Medicine. -There are Stiverand%oldD t�Lshcr sud Money %yorit. fle.,ift.aril Ill prick.
blob have no other purptlarl age. Also Whiting and Illet'a Lye.
tly than to bege lug
t painfill Interna,
disturban0es Itithe pa Our SOSDS are tho beat sind moall moderate in lit Disc
tlent. adding to on the market.
kil trititibles and perplexitift rather
Ltian, diminishitig them. ollib might as Fine Getleral Grocerlesi 1111DOlUd Croaery,
well swallow some cor ive material. W6 S114L to pletillis Irl rIftfily clund Pfide--and gicriaridlLy sallotied. If y 01 J.
-Parmelee's Vejetable ills -have tilot, ronta this Stem itirclatively, give us a shatill of yoot trade.
4,Departmental Store, Clinton, Ott came Is ffarrow
thitti al eil e
petty. "t 3 and Injurious pil lu
T ll ate easv to takill. are I, lot
thig taill and their "itb I
T_ 111 'aleall Duel
action is mild agidwothing. Atrialof Zol Bedtord Blook., T116 6411 GOdOtleh' Froof Mal .80ATI00:
thorn will prove this. Theyofftirpeactit
*ov Islikirg abiI tol 4*n make tit
7 7. "A a flia,iI
to the ftspeptle, 10, Mid 20 Itieh 101"
At the elmitoil jitletion skle of th%,
tit% Stivaim ral protl*rtv it, Grey, the 10wo POte0ted '0010 At-
A;&rWjr`01 *1116% sold to Wm. JaWin at DitURIVO
Q, littinged for
I 6nd tbb 25 flem lot to 3110. Ime-
*"'qll Ito l6bil blhk 1A "WiU046 lio plVild thell , Thily 41 a A1116W for he other lot will
§ otiWo J�Jil kifill fAtfl t e pri6ft Its bel ii.
ptol bo itl of by privitte V, *4 A-6014 lill libow, ITO'* "Ibiliti ti*%. 161' 11hVIIIII) br, folar
Of ftV
JbI 0 V
but ll 011I am,
womp4wdorit rurl irk 10 rika bAW
*0*il0aU6iI IPA- jiliI al�jjI �*fl *hit *61 $S,
It �L*#.4*,44,�i��,Jjit Tfit W,hil fill tit WBI
2, 40L A*
lit W" -*W
V, tilill Vutlill (14 6, X .. 010", 1
tj ',L'
19", 91 4*6*,Tww#� as Air"
64 hill bil Irk.
"0. Milk
Z I'
i0l r
(*#I"' 'W
4 Hill i�
too W" 0
V swt 6 �i bus 1* 4k
$16 to= tht ***%iiii"A *J#R* i
a Md *11
to Ill 0 -
"how V ft
ft'0066*01I Wks* J,
Allk' M,.,.
4 0�1 !P I
some loxpw opudonu of %to
rea af the Cmil and P rovime-t4l
lattird, s. Intl thel'a III tAv (411.
bal durin g the Vivt
Theo voructiligg'i T he
01 ,
STil We 4pil apprecls.4 all
t -is
a Pr
that has been #*14 And will en dil
to not only hold and merit the present
witirtil"Ir to 0110110. unlj* they ax I.
v a
"114ytocl ScOtk"SV�mulsil Cck
onclU It
'Wit actice
lAnton Government% or,
di5tinguished standing of Iftz STAn.
waste and brings up yell weight
4 UOW patilage stancip every
IIIII *.OtAe tilijig partictil happens has
but will if possible even further im.
provo this popular fainfly journal,
The editor of the Ottawa Citizen was
filled fer
_pvo -%idea enabling
mptel It be
flereareafewtof the many 11imarks
41W thraol the editor of
tile Journal and $W for threatening
loom or. Icsj legiti.
Made by our afil last week*.-
to tbeasb tile proprictor. He would
M� and,
.:A 'TH, Si,
am TmNas nr"Sn m4t T#)�,
New Ginghavas, Pique$;
i6ts, and vther - Vre6s llaterv*als
.rX*ttjy to riaillci 14*vcnue without Ull have saved $30 had he thrashed tboin
Olix or Til Bx#-r il Human CouxTY.-Tutz ,
004�" , A Vgllf-Ctlori Of theme Star"Pir GIVIIRICH STAR has been Crilarlicti, 10 a Vro. moth.
*a Interesting tiouvencir of digious, dxe and now ranksw,, one at the lf�j' Pleasant" syrup; nothing emals it The bp
ktilitiblugo of the Tortic-Laull adul nOzIatil In the county of Huron. -8tral, st values in Table Linens at 20C, 25C
He it. sisa worna mealcine. tbonanie fig other 35c, 45c, up
ltutmatiop., ftow a party point of view Glaves, Wor to Exterminator, The
A Coxim in Gonvaucat.-Tax Gopstucill greatest destroyer of the age.
'010 ptactive is. of Course, open W tile STAR Comes to us tht; wcok enlarged al much to $ I oo'*
tkbjmthln that It would serve tQ Per- brigroved. Tax firitudoescredit to Ocider
154 This foreign itern gives I t f
b all deservEstholl -ril rt of -this pocipm
I . 4111M pall The best values in Shirtings from,
find 4p
IpL-ttratte in the public mind taings L at of the Own t let. 81po food for thought all home;
count 0 T 8C tO 12
the Govertintent would proter to kv NLWJ1V A210 WX11 Gorll UP. -Tux 00DE. f the death of a man In Chicago Y2l
forgotten. It would be worse than RICH STAR bus been making gmt strides of from "lultup jaw,"cobtracted by eating
diseased beef, may Ile nice reading for
11ausard. The Governuient Is nial progress lately. and 11 now a sixty-four ouiumn Dptarlans, blit is by no weans so The best value.4 in Cottonades at 12Y
h E:,Der. newilyand weigotten tip. Thepropil D 15C. 2oc and 25C.
festly and nalturally anxious t, aL I% domoryo credit N& their enterprise. title, comforting for those of c r 1vorous in -
4 abou d crown air effortiL-whighaut Altincts.
everythintir Its triembers said and did Advance. All new goods, colors and, quality the best.
when in opposition should be forgot, Til LARam" ANp Nlcws=r--THz Goll Oreal, Things From Little Causes
ton, and when it is In opposition again HIGH STAR has again been enlarged, and now Grow. -It takes very little to derange 0000***0000000***(>000000***O*O***OO-
after the next general election it will contains sixty-four ocilumint, 21 In
aff" Tnh.-O thestomach. Thecausomaybealight. See our
naturally be anxious that everything long. TuvST*a Ila& 9 In pro
I cooling under the coutrom.ft rreAQ1.V;1L. it cold. soniething eaten ., drunk.
it said and did when In power shall a. - I one of art anxiety. worry, or some other sinciplii
and Ia now not only the [erg" bu th ;4s
so be forgotten. nowidest pazimin thocaunty.--Brual ucrald. cause. But Iliprecautions he nottaket), It is the Man -who likes to be Well L--iu 387d Stock of
il tit I
But.setting mide party constort VV a (IV Tax BUT Colvictuail -Tire Gaut: Wpe cause nkl�.y IWO Most
tions. -4oterest of the fl I luau sTAR shows further slirn of prospority by serious- cong ces. Many a chrul
the hisro, ic
etallips IN tindelliable. We al -0 infOrl"-! =&Mng last week in enlarged form, now cally dobiii=l constitution to -day we are after. -Every style,
ed (hat the demifn for the coup of the can on't-or largest.aswell w ono at the owes its constructiou to sitriple causes
wol mutrup wh c h c-orutueniorales the belitiocinduattchdoweeklicatu the proviace. We not dwelt with In III Keeo the N> kind and fashion finds its
%lah our tip-ahoad contemporary 00"tilloOd digestive apparattis in healthy condi-
fact that Sil Wilfrid Laurier founded success.-Ustowel Stapdard. earliest showing here.
(or found) it vaswriernpire than ever HvRoxs LAuoxsT PAi-Ral Goo tion and #Ill will be well. Parruelee's
wits. i- taken fro I an old SuIlligh t Enl Vegetable, Pills aie better than any
Soap advertlienjout. Tito adApt4ttlon STAR has again onlargod its bol clod In 110- ot her for the purpoge. The men to whom we
(if soap advertisoniouts to the glol.ill. the largest paper in the county. THE 6TAR in
werowent hits clean and nowny..gives it largo allioulli. Of loual
val (if our beloved Oc laws every wook. and Into boconKriltuldied JAM08 Nanning, of Londeaboro, who expect to sell
also roach to commend it. There INVIlanornmicilgrgotgress. Stay it, ahodow had Lived tit thio lifil journey, and
Ion 0.
hits boon fat- inore ingenuity in- novergrow Ill ikilvocute. whosm wind had becoill 0 all) warKed hy A
telligence. enterprise, collinion a 0 th h Shorey's
ense OREATLY NPUOVEI)l tile Panlyear Tull trouble of ne kind r ano or t at, e
ru- 1 Gonicaran ATAR Showed 41gris of new life. licind feared nothing we
alld artistic al exercised in fra rso aftor death. and
ing il advertisevneuta. thau have: last weak It made a bound forward which attesupted sulcide by cutting his Ready Tailored Clothing,
ever been expende�i by the Present ad- illaces It in the front rank of Canadian journals. throat, died an Thursday nucril last.
Illini,4tration in the governnient of Its bo rdoll have tall ONVed until now it in For tnq relativeH of the unforturl
better th nu -n the sympathy of the whole colic Are the Men
Canada- (Jonsetittently touch ce
results are to, lie tilt icipated front thi to imunity goes out. lie lived in that vil-
Avsternal aptiropriation of tile Soap a lage or viclnttv for, over thirty Years, h h
advel,tisetlients than we could reason- p wits known by ever hody thereabouts w o ave worn made to mea-
iLl)ly bj,pe tA, olitnin fvoiu the original Hicirril TrIAN Xvil -It Is eviden Lly 1, "ll and was well thotil of bv all. sure clothes.
tht)ught of His Hxcellencyl Atluisterl hat timel with True Gall STAR. The in -
We do not know whether t.be Gov- '"'oft"a In 91M with Its varied improvements, Ladles I Take Miller's (Jouipound If you travel in this class
ernittent contelliplatog issuing it new all %a to show the apVwiatlon of this splendid Iron Pills If you would have nice, clear
we) 11, nOwst"ll OtcOutont with its torm- coniplexious.
stallip to conittionioriate the Now or aell ovenjentm, it has ail been 0111 we should like to see you.
Brunswick elections : wit It Be they and it contains so many goo thina tha.2911,111�
have It fine design really made for hos� of rLmders will have to rise all rel Robt. Hughes, who now resides in
thein and requiviiiii: but. llitle adapta "" morning If they tatempt to read the news BIv th. has disposed of out, of his farnis, 5horey's Guarantee Card in the pockets of
with which is literally crammed from
till, local Kit- Wilfrld'H race toweok� IL%nleiuirvodt)romparouHitppetr= V4 lotIO. 7th con., to Alex. 1I
heanting Lill-ough I badly'lorn ,opv of together with It* will arranged bucifet (it now; orria.forthesuniof$1,950. Thepur- each garment means
the1*010be" with tile llotto "0"'1 all all subjects and torn every eoln , 1. an in. chaser hall taken possession.
it IOMLioll Lh%t THE 13T 4LIt Is not far phart of
Morning I Have you tAsed Blair's Stl havinj reached the pinnacle of weekly Journ I SATiSFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK
,Vo comillernoraLe -th ilon. %, orm Powders, the medicine
the bit or the lay Its shadow never grow less -Bruce Miller's W
Walkerton) Heradd. for children.
British Pm-forent.lat Tariff under
hich Canada's trade with tile Uni(ed and, as we dislike to return money we Must give YOU
States has increased so mitch niore satisfaction. YOU cannot get anything more than this.
rapidiv than her trade with Great I'll I-
taill, we inight have it Picture (if Sir Have jUSt received another large consignment of
Richard C,artwir t in 1114 hath reach.
lug after it cake SOUP hLbelit'd "PW
follo of Finance;` and I lie 1110tLO SHERWIN WILLIAMS Jo Hill PEDDER
won't be happy till he gets 1I
111 1 11111 111 111 1111�1111 111 11111
Mr. Dobell's great (IC1110VOTTIOnt, 1 311, � Ill
Colbornes' Old Stand.
it tit, synibolizPd. by the it,
-Y (
I i eatinent 01 It ll of I %;oi 4oaP Mild
Wrl, I Son thatrioaLill
The newest
things in
of all kinds
in the
newest styles.
Newspaper The $tir ha no suMdols
'7print Comes This Year:;�,
*r AR
,Ve,tvill W1 kpgj4j� and bol bl, w we Ill f
bl-hit'l,rile"a'-par-oo 15 A),g:A%
, #Ijo ne. o tr S -on 00,
PQ is! wirnk,; 1,1. bilcl tren It n o a u- r -es, r-OvO 'fill etlell Ot
tilt aI in. pmj- us for tile e1joyment Qf'hVV4*tl
WO ll d ill Sassafrital B1004 and StOMI 14%,
Jul wimp 30t) In
*1 t ll hi -4, ,utntl $4 . p IS It rdnelt, Hol-, #'l 6-tb-,
.-Ouil 51 of hkll�ll L41 A a 'Ve judIj"f pot"h. N-ithing bil *44,
4o dievilge.4 thal
ItI li,�Ijorsl It bu pass -8 many Of i6a 010.114r,
I it 4,,
50l" vau oligia -0 tj If 'Voo- -.3
110allettliog ch -aver try nor Medical H a b Toa. it, i. right at the A"k
-91- 11-h WeAdwa, you all know that.
Frefcription well at sl holl... BEO On$ IMO&
GbdeHch Bar'aat"n Centre
27TH A 4D 28TH.
Don't foriret the dates, April 27 & 28.
t'lle ItIol to e Oil V
Tilt* would lie it delicitte alltision it) Miller's Wortu Powders cure all all-
Doliell's Bottle-Nocked Fast Une. the inents (if children like inagic.
line that doesn't FAIN I
only well known
float. A scawitm _--al�waa held on the :E3 WORLD RENOWNED
Tito happy injortiont when Alessrs. markets lare Bru9sels, one dav last
Tarte, Doholl and Fitzpatrick renotatic- week. Twe foilowing won the prizes:
ed tile errors of the Con- v ittl ve 1�avusvty and Harris, Or y. 2nd,
4 ". � , -a.1 I
rty to embrace those of tho Libot These are the beat PLirsts in the world ��iljtti and Barn 1,rd. Wrolleeter , 3rd
Pp!�"- IV. rulght Ila Inittiort-Mized by the WELLAND VALE BICYCH8111
v to -day. They cover most, look best, Wiltse, and Harri&, Grey ; 4th MAusev dft
adaptation of another picture asl last longest, and are the moSt e0ollomi and Barnard, Wfoxoter; 5th, Logan
ed with il same brand of soup and Bil 6ITtrh ; -
6,11. McUitcheom and
eal of any Paints, either mixed or un- Ill 0 r
"Tile only people saved
tile tuotto . Fraser. is.
from the wreck wero four little men mixed.
'who �vero pvLvIdod with unsinkable Doctors and Druggists pronoun is '99 is
ce. 99
somp and washed themselves aahore.." Miller's Compound It -on Pills the beat
on tile zmarket, 15A) doses 25 cents.
To conitileillorate th,
we night have tile well-known Moll- Real estate'has taken quite a boon
ro and the mott.o:t ain in* Walton (if late. 'Mesar -j. III Brol
a' "Cep "I"I
povity (it We Yukon Adnlitlistt�-tlotl VVellmid Vale
Magnite, the Fire -Proof P t Clainless,, Year
lct,� Bv";�'lj,,'�',lll I nix" Or perhaps have bought the house and lo't occupied
::Won't bv Reuben G ri mold ljy,,, Th e,latt er goes
; -11 This Paint is selling fa Year
on't Wash" wolild be suffic l4 - st and giving To be in the styk�
L Seafoa th to I Ive. o. G Ill has
The possibilities in this �lrecc
owned hy.
alillost ilifirlite. if_the Governl
�jTrij%c�amed the bn"e and lot
me:-_, h Oil
cannot carry ollt all these idoas it >JI MeLil6d Nt, W.'DIIPH teSt. 'FtItiongeSt.
Inigh! tit least'hill one spOCIAl st-111311P I 15i"adite. A.'ad,�I-L-6w. Priced bought Geo. 'OaridlWs4bous�Arid lo't." alfl'ICSS. - Ligh
s bought.the house W6,1111100'.. VA Gh
and J-.trtl Carter na Y&u MRAT Ito
its 11, ruenjorial oft he whole record of all lot oceupied by Jonas Backer.
the present adiulnietration. We con- 3BC:).Rlq 1898.
fess we have not totind anything in The coughin d h zing of I Neatest, MostRaII
tho whoiw fleld sit soap advertisements A Few i3naps in Brushes. persons iouble with lironchitis or the A CHAINLES"
too il jitl W thl subect, Tito el ma is excessively hail to 6o Coming into prominence 1899.- Wbeet "Buitt.
nearest thing to It Is it 1�
_)&V4 bearin themselves and ll�oving to 0
Ajielippropi-late 1 4& "Concentratz
't T h Dr. Thonilas' Helecatric Oil obviateslU Chainless $7,5,. Perfect $5,5, Garden City $45, n $35.
11 -Ye. - N. 1D. ROUGVIE, GoRrIG thisentirely, safely and speedily, iand Dominio
A Fair Comparison. is it benign retnedy for lameness. sores,
The Welland Vale Biovil are reeeiving greater attention by the Bicycle pubho and the Factory more orders from Wh Avents and
Injuries, piles, kidney and cipinat
Sir Hthbert Topper. -I famkcs tnese troubles. its Branches than they calculated on, whioh shows that the wheels and values they are offiring are at once seen to be the best ever
charges believing them to be tt no slid offered before.. TO SHE THEM IS TO BE CONVIN09D.
with t.hell, I summit evidence of then, An�gus A!cDougall of West Wawa -
truth and shall be prepared too suhmit . . . . . . . mosh having Ill his farm for a
tell of yearl has, with his family. re -
further evidence before a commlssiOu- "VV3BXnXm.A61VX3i wV"_A..Xm30 MEM"43-al 40011-9 3CmXMX:W3BXD_
Horl. idt. sifton.-The cilargAs ale moved a short distance north of Luck -
The now. 95W. 40.AL-X3EK.A63MX3Mff3E193, Clil,
absollitely and entirely false.
pe le against whom the charges are
rrtI say they are fahic. Millees Grip Powders Cure. R. W. McKP-NZIE9 GODER10H AGENOY
The Grit Press. -HOU. Mr. Sifton
collopletwy swept away tile Tupper
tic need for all in -
charges. There Is
vestigation 1* 'Every 'SATURDAY333B 4CDIV "IMX38-Vvw-'
Milliner _AND ORDER YOU11-
Miller's Worin Powdees for mallow y Novelties fo 77
skint old or voting.
is OUR- l.11ilk Cans and Dairy Needs
Robert, Dodawarth. of Brussil has
The material and workmanship Is warranted-
rurchastod Al Swallows' 50 acre fat in The Last and 1365t In 50065 and 51105. BARCAIN DAY
n Grey. for $1,M0. The two Loudina Shades are They are home made. the beat on the market.
Mulberry and Cyrano.
Stoves, Graniteware TinwaaV,
EXAAWLIM IS B8l AN PRfl- and �'eathers will be in LamP Glusil &c. 60od GoOdS
Extra. Values in in Groceries and
OH FEATHERIS vogue this season.
....... . . . . . . . Honest Prices.
Those sentention proverbs, or old Wearable Goods. Lot us figure on our Plumbing,
saws, which tire rise as prefixes to Ril We do,not hold a Millinery openin but are prepared to furnish the latest Hot Water Heat Ill; and Tinstnithing. - "When we do it. we do it we 11
and best in Millinery at all seasons, of t9e. year. 9r. Viarwer'q -Prod Wanted in large or
ot the Billed Sarsaparilla advertising In Stwk nearly complete again. Now goods received daily.
j`. UCO
ilotlitanda of PAL) rs throughout the qUairt.-ItleilL
torititt His C, FILSINGER,
'31 are evitt nee of a new and A lot of Pine Bath and Carriagil Spol Just to harid.
infi lja� style of display ativertillin
The newest and latest Perfurmell. J. HORTON9
IN)t plet"4111 andeffective. Theffoo In 1wiltou sk and Squitre. Goderich. Corner Wil fuld Sguare
JR11I is to lie congratulated on so Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Striet, Goderich
wisdowas hits Patent Meditlines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
fjlt4t*f dil throtigh centuries -
Another charming thing about this Rubber Goods, Byringes, Atomizere, Hot Water land Joe Blip, III etc.
Mricid 6dVertlaing Is the uniql1c LY1013
they ittre traing.
Thek a
There nre it ourtil of varieties of V
torno. Holloway"ti Corn Cure will rel-
moveanyoftbelm. Callon yourdrill Fill JORDAN, For Plouse CLeaning, Time,
gist and get a bottle at once. Corner OolbornA St. and Squ---
Housekeelil othould be preparlid. We his" trrlil you want,
A Pleasant Medicine. -There are Stiverand%oldD t�Lshcr sud Money %yorit. fle.,ift.aril Ill prick.
blob have no other purptlarl age. Also Whiting and Illet'a Lye.
tly than to bege lug
t painfill Interna,
disturban0es Itithe pa Our SOSDS are tho beat sind moall moderate in lit Disc
tlent. adding to on the market.
kil trititibles and perplexitift rather
Ltian, diminishitig them. ollib might as Fine Getleral Grocerlesi 1111DOlUd Croaery,
well swallow some cor ive material. W6 S114L to pletillis Irl rIftfily clund Pfide--and gicriaridlLy sallotied. If y 01 J.
-Parmelee's Vejetable ills -have tilot, ronta this Stem itirclatively, give us a shatill of yoot trade.
4,Departmental Store, Clinton, Ott came Is ffarrow
thitti al eil e
petty. "t 3 and Injurious pil lu
T ll ate easv to takill. are I, lot
thig taill and their "itb I
T_ 111 'aleall Duel
action is mild agidwothing. Atrialof Zol Bedtord Blook., T116 6411 GOdOtleh' Froof Mal .80ATI00:
thorn will prove this. Theyofftirpeactit
*ov Islikirg abiI tol 4*n make tit
7 7. "A a flia,iI
to the ftspeptle, 10, Mid 20 Itieh 101"
At the elmitoil jitletion skle of th%,
tit% Stivaim ral protl*rtv it, Grey, the 10wo POte0ted '0010 At-
A;&rWjr`01 *1116% sold to Wm. JaWin at DitURIVO
Q, littinged for
I 6nd tbb 25 flem lot to 3110. Ime-
*"'qll Ito l6bil blhk 1A "WiU046 lio plVild thell , Thily 41 a A1116W for he other lot will
§ otiWo J�Jil kifill fAtfl t e pri6ft Its bel ii.
ptol bo itl of by privitte V, *4 A-6014 lill libow, ITO'* "Ibiliti ti*%. 161' 11hVIIIII) br, folar
Of ftV
JbI 0 V
but ll 011I am,
womp4wdorit rurl irk 10 rika bAW
*0*il0aU6iI IPA- jiliI al�jjI �*fl *hit *61 $S,
It �L*#.4*,44,�i��,Jjit Tfit W,hil fill tit WBI
2, 40L A*
lit W" -*W
V, tilill Vutlill (14 6, X .. 010", 1
tj ',L'
19", 91 4*6*,Tww#� as Air"
64 hill bil Irk.
"0. Milk
Z I'
i0l r
(*#I"' 'W
4 Hill i�
too W" 0
V swt 6 �i bus 1* 4k
$16 to= tht ***%iiii"A *J#R* i
a Md *11
to Ill 0 -
"how V ft
ft'0066*01I Wks* J,
Allk' M,.,.
4 0�1 !P I