HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-21, Page 34 � � I I I . I .1 - I I -, , _; Z. . 1. � . I , . �___ I . 11) 7 , I � n " . - � I . � . � 1. - I � , � I 1.11 � I I I I � I I - I --- ----. '. � I � � ,., , 1 .4 11 I I . . . . . I I I . I I . I I � I . I . . I . . . " - . I 0 � . � . . I � " I - . 11 . I . I . I I � I � . I � - - -- I � . . I I .1.1.1 - I—- -11. 1! 11 ,q o , - _,�� V :! ! 7� 't! - I,- _­�­_­ _�­'_ ­' W,e , � . lw­;� _- ; I I . - - __ 1717 � , - �11 __ � _­­ ­_­ �_ ­­ � I _�­. ­_­% -,---,- -, -�J_,_T �-_ - I ..... _1 - ­_ .- ­­ � I ;�_i" , _,'1_,-'" � - _�_­ 11 ­ , I � , �'. - . I - 0__ ­ . - 01,-1-1. ­Its-o'.0"W 4�41V,64 allex4leffie I I t ow� soomeorT Aw I WA D M, 11.1 Uwy ".- v4p, ­ - - - - MY 04, ? k - �_ W, 0 0 11 , '" 1.11r.- 1-11.1-:-- . - - *"**" = 04, 00W "11101164 411% 11 41 ,A 0� #A b-baili. ARWY 4110114W * 11 q � �=,. 4,� 0"ww'OK 0MU-M, Vi W -A, . � - - *11WO 1- I - M - - _., f " 411� , . . �.. _-, ota. M* I ,, � 'Nows =erw ,lli" f17 14 P"01 _11-, � 11111"if Ow 11*040 Vol * , '' 1. � I Is 01 04 Tor 0 The, I - I - mlromw 'A = - . � . Aw* . _. . N404, fWalroi *,WA . � I , � I . �, �*i sili%i*4 mow' boo komp"fow, sv* � I . A -Law, J '" A01 0% tillio"i",*W I . I .� - . � �.. ­ I I . 11 A.""oo, I I - , " BrIl , TV01141 i .... I 4", I" 9 'tit A* - , , is, Yn" 04L. 440", of 00 IPOUW * - I I 4 We - - I � "" I , I ... . -, R 'M wk**, *4 . =,q I - I - . 4'V4400,lIW,,t , To), $T*TIW 1 �, ! . Kr- V411011% , ,, AWW a 04WI46 -04* , 0 101 p0q010401-T - ',I . - - r 0wow b" b"n, alp . ""_ 2"U"'.1 IT" 40111119th 09 04 "W �; I , I 4401too, W, PA04. . . - - = OtAtomi. W V �4 � bs� siballt,7'm Jilt , I I I � M411-1"11 � �,. 1Q*1t4 ,4 . - Pat no, " , , . -_ I 11, I SWRO49 X9710N. it 14 0 , ... � -, - . 4"Wo, Gw.y,m A�Dvmv"- pliopit, V;o An* 4rx A,k Re *4 , . - �L , I 0"et, I" 1". I -, 'To, *4"** vowit W, Vifxxw�,- *rib, p4ots pougkis, 0o a" to 44 � mr. John 0hatatok Us siVO4 not ­., 'WA- - -4 * 4, - . = "SlIt � 11444.41407 4, $4. ,� I we y" OvAr-40 too, �_ - '�__VA& _ 11-f!"1111k, otte , A ^*"aW m* 4d004, WUO *0404"W JAW, __,__'1_:__,_%-W$10W1 OON-106 # Will' t* 01% =­, �, "" ffid ".. 4 , ,, " T" , - 'Nor *=!4W, flilva", ji�t tpis a. at fibegt ,g . _ , To � . that tau ismq�,�44, ilka, b"4114 iiil;4 ivpis,� wbitit A011-RaW W )*1 "1110, - , , a , , , .. , � ead . 440, irmalowl", ppti� Y1014 a 1 4 " 0 1 , . 00 Aftb,o � 1. I . . 4 Or . t 06M and the Noetbi. Thlit Om prevailing prap,t** of 40,- igimliti'sli tUt - 4 � ''Wil 00 - table, 4m" that 'wolk'now 0"llit W "4A with -liv. Oki butter., 'W404 04 - I ar"A *102 � . _ - .. � __ twollt*00M. OXCIUFAQA ig - U11111" _01" jot RoONK, 044-7* holism badly - liverluir in the C 09 . -grAdiAlli , , tIW41Irb,,0W_ 4.001A ilrticlei to his bX911ad is laid _* -0 Wo Railw , ,, Rouse ot, 04 the slovarol omtVibAticals Of It � ". thalrein, la� 9. � I . e former Use, axe. ft-shi"­ � NAlted, and peppe Wo"Cloop" i Common%. #V940h" Qt great 10400a; variQua, states i4tirslit�sid� T40 � ,ts k $r __ , .. , 1-1 '.1 � I I sto"Joager tbs pd,, the a 0401liKow", 441 _8014P - I . . I I dgea of tb^ Ile "a Allow 44;� 4 O" *% 10 * , 4' t84 cost will WX he voforet t , , it at $!a voluminous asod oftea, lr- 4", 444, � _",r W40 got '. I , �ii Falls that the, embracing OKOW, GA4 4% the outset owy a P10411 � XJW new deft" A"An low- ** bmwill, pokpOx ease ilhonI4 be turned over 00 11.1011110410"W-No0ofirtisn'llio; Wait" Go .. ­Psy ba 00,04011144 this relevant extracto. *be* introduced it Owego of this will be 4004 tw. vW4 being wide anii phaAw. , mayorlit, times like a little hem. aud, over. - � o, I'll I to t effects Ili dosewation. too. "", A911A 1. -4 - � I ... . - 4.0 U&4844"� discursive end diffuse. ratk4r than ;k 014yelron"t , ached, togother plogo �to the maflt� L, . . 14" I - a docide4 Preference T40 P � RPDX Will I I chs; a long time before � CANADA. I � coacise and Incisive titylvi of public "I e � 464Y � 9-4 � � have passed, W44404*7 OP01*0V Jainvia I'll 10 � , , begin shown , for 44;14 XWU *Agr#. VU- , -ting ' . Kiuptw* tax retok 4 Is 14. Mille. detective. Ant aqA killed la 444 Strat - an"A , 4, 4o , . .143.0 - A" t*%' 'Pon'tfints will be 0 I aray ** slightly waylidest August speaking; Is 04tructivat of perilileat 4OA44 bXV9 ad go tM Ai olai bOxAte and betrillod shaillift We Alitur- basted 10 their Own julooc The t4q,* , Irootrost police, am bea4-wing 4 X11164- in w "Arovityu bar­ki>9=� debate upoq pvbIlp quils0pas; Is, a of the t. Their "Port . - any xe*oa -with tbs lot- , rwx_�, " folr­broi�.-�: in Paper I# "Wilaide against gambling dema. Daniel Kelly. U'Rill County. Goo- waste of valuable tim a" 11 that _- Ih- t year the - - , - .e. nor*" bly Rho . fter t ir-t which ma4a, th - b=M 4auall7 610-t Minutes, MAIA 014 a seastic$ 9 xiarliamentl cable' WO b 4 ilk " , , *m,aecoassr,v and oUso- - Viewimiep are anticipating good Wis. has just married his third wife In lengths 8 the I 0 _ 'PaAW t 4, *011 brownadt, tho 4ontlatili tre ht ra, ton mouths, tbs fifat two dyijW_ a tow I* in 4 marked contrast to tbi from tiair't.'"M *9 boa I tive. no polan empire. or pamollool will'bo. 49M to 4 turtl­,-, uloy. '04ti 4 ft* on tbal laken tbJA season. weeks after the weddinga. .o pracuir-ol or"", owe Thull , ahade with sirup di 'ib forem "Is , � , that prevails with regard to debate In tile Cablo W , Is, ornamentation istbA a , is 40 Q�t Another parti of shout 44)00 Mak, Pirectors of tile Usurice fxrau � � ��� Xne am int rAl tso� most ilil! acdo iiii-, , 4�., rv�sk In 'Its on 7 ,� table " wpailiment to the" * dj i ,to hobOys are expected to roach XPAt- Comapkb* ,at 14ow Ygrk have rat =fiad the PTI11411 House of CQQM�04. and for In the toaperity of tbs- uatr .. ikqusttjoipf�.J$�Wps, !I �i �� I I I vtw the'u"t Am 1 real in 4ay, the dividend ,lit. Tbs cm- tends to repel the public from it care- which win its part X at , - , .. , 14 4 ka.''Thw1kigatiuet I Sir Charles Tupper said; �tl .. . 0 It 0 said that 90 per cant� of wes, pony's proAta for t a year were conaider% -Itoo-ator Goblets'Dealou 44 cut ... I o, -two Wei of 35 -Ile ct 4100" Col and intelligent tior. of would . A LA Is de� terA Ontalrio, polichi troea 4g u's vii :0 the rtualty of coin. , � mt" ot'SM1001 glass announce a return to the bWb- 019, , a . , va baom� 0W*,Q the proceedings of Parliament. aratulatinig ... .1Wt boa. tit"d who stemmed goblet style of water glatis. It _ . of assimillition. killed by the frost. Claude A. Thompson, " Englishman; I sells ths, Goovernmeat nPoa the an- , cannot be denied that soblitsi are M=6 F1 , Mining licenses for the new gold gave Illawalt vp'to the ce *utbori- That it is expedient that rules be I - , roproot Cement -For use around ties at Raw Yoik,l ThUt noulicamout made in the pro" with Ft. decorative lA fields will be issued by tbs Canadian 4,4 ag ,, charging adopted limiting the length of speeches � , effect cia the table, tb*u ,0411444yik U90P100" and stovepIpas., custom officer at Atlia. himililt with the 03imbe"liluegif Of 42#' and regulating the general conduct of Ward to the arrangement which has the turablci,, 4u4* but in- Walsall been arri at Polioaratlig the pola- hands the destruction 9A th � WIX two Part@ sifted wood ashes and; 500 from a, compasly in Laudon. He debate in that regard. ,That a special structiou Ultbia Pacific cable. I rogardI , p. topMeT J* Chief of Police Hughes of No trolool b84 Much more.rapid. ,who WWI of the .040 part;;ilioked Iiine, with boiled Iln. a I spent the vrioney. I , i now goblet in rather, brogillur than seed oil too a .L has reconsidered his resigaatt* and A leading and wealthy Baptist 'committee should be formed to con- that " a =met Important matter. and 4111100th pasts. It hard- will stay in office. I think the Government and the 000nr� I . church in Louisville. Ky., has idopt- alder the question of parliamentary try are very much to be congretulat. ulckty an guy has ad resolutions pratitisally disimisaina debate. length of speeches, general ad upon the inatter having been fin- - when they were in "Most 9x0twyo Wa Parp�de received an extpoorStmeotrtdejeqr(ltoourWFngland trom the congregation all members conduct of debate, and proper methods e I hope it is, and astisfac-t use for water service a tow years ago. comen 40 of ten f charmal Iran. , who have any connection whatever toil securing the greatest prompti- 211, arranged. I have long since Pxosaood Foras.-A pretty tablei de- wet The LO'lviekropool. London and Globe with' the manufacture or sale of !u- t.r iY ,oustructiumi s 6'.Whae Its lit= IS not as r t a to Z The Deserou long a 4 Zand Is aw form at iseen oil on the Sawa 0 ract it � .IV � d - L one � Ma in & Jac 4 36 an balse y to a a ounce of t. t .at11.ti4.d salt that the c rvA ;&at* with h will put up a large office building on Loxioating liquors. ads in the despatch of business con- of tile C&% coratiou r"gintly'"Ou,wasi accomplish- . _ b will involve no obligs- , Oil with pressed foram. � The coatev Place (PArmes Square, Montreal. AA order has been prepared ,it the si8tOnt with the parliamentary righta tion upon this country whatever, and Piece was of growing Larne, and strewn The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation War Department for a r aixi2atlOn f the minority, and the general in- I am satisfied the time, in not far k" careless bat urtiotict pxotusida about SCORES DOWN WITH SCURVY. Co, has declared a half -yearly divi- of Ile army on a peaco'b2ii. Most ' tarsals of the public; and report Its tilstaut when it will be a source of the cloth were pressed "imens, of the - dead of 3 per cent., payable May 2. of the general officers of the volun- revenue. same green. 'Rho fresh Jeras cannot millers an fte FAttuestes, Trallfor More teer establishment will be mustered recommendaitiond to this House. , Sir Wilfrid Laurier -1 must express be so well used for the Kingston will invite Lt,COI. Howe - P=" the , Titan, At wear Kill Their puck Animists velt, out and radical changes will be made RAIELROAD TO DAWSON CITY. the gratitude of the Government to . , I-vea would turannil Tile for Food. Uavernor of New York State. to in the staff departments. bt bota. friend. Of course I pressed variety is obtainable at a flor- vend the Queenla Birthday in that The standing Ordors Committee :4hrt,gh,v, ,.,.t.d It, for I know tat's and may be used racra than once A despatch from Seattle. Wash., sq,kyac city. At Birmingham. Ala., James Liggers, . the petition of Wil- what his views nave been. I hope that _The steamer Cottage City, which ar, essayed -to play ghost to frighten a s if Properly put &Way in flat boxes or The Manitoba Legislaturei has ad- up n and In future when we bring in am good batweein the leavea of a book. rived on Wednesday morning, brings j erstitious triand. B. H. Bell. Bell liam Mackenzie, D. D. Man ourned until June 16, after a debate same to tile window, platol in hand, R. J. Mackenzie, praying for power to measures we will receive the same sup - news from Wrangel of a terrible con- UPOA the administration of the school c port froma my boa. friend. itall when he behold the white figure construct and operate a line of rail - SUCCESSFUL BREAD. dition of affairs on the Edmonton trail. system , he Jot his pistol drop, and it struck way from a point ou the Stikine river Sir Charles Tupper -Hear, hear. Several score of men between Gionora Kingston City CooaUcii has increased on the window sill and exploded. The NIAGARA AND TORONTO RAIL- "' the salaries of the City Clerk, Tress- bullet went through Liggers' lung, in- in British Columbia, thence by a prao-- WAY. , About 9 Wolook at night. writes E_ Dallas lake. and the Lower Hudson bay urer and Aiwistaut Treasurer by 8100 flicting a wound from which he died. ticable route to Tomlin Luke Or there - C. HL, I ED to the kitchen and make Post, are sold to be down with scurvy. eacil'i per annual. Hamra. J. A. Powers, A. B. Calvin, J. GENERAL. aboUta, thence by a practicable route W. Herbert, and J. L. Haas are seeking MY broad by this recipe, One quart Others are suffering from frost bites, Extensive tidditions are being made An exodus of Finum to America is to Dawson city, also a line from a incorporation as the Niagara, St. Wiled milk, Or lukewarm water, three- and all are short of provisions. They to the roniag fiLqok of the Graud beginning. quarters teacup granulated sugar, 5 have given up hope in many instances Trunk. Cauilda Atlantic and Interml- point on or near Lhe Stikine river by Catharinsa, and Toronto Railway Com - teaspoons salt, I tablespoon hatter or of getting out of the anial Railways. The King and Queen of Italy are a southerly routa to a point in Bri- my, with power to acquire the old ouritry unless H LtoefQrwaxd the navigation of the visiting Saxilinia, gat. Catharines and Niagara Central "ottole". uca,rly a Plat Of &XIM511141,410 u. Government expedite tiah Columbia capable of being made railway. and to extend the line to 'on 'a sent to Brittlah portions of the, liukon will be (rho plague is reported to be spread - 1101, Yeast. or a cake of compressed aid them. reserved for British vessels with Brit- Ing throughout Asia. all oman port; also a Line from a Poi nto. Yeast dissolved in 1 1-2 teacups warm on or near the Lynn canal, via Fort CANADIAN GROWN TOBACCO. J. H. McGregor, of Nelson. B.C., who ish OfficOM A Paris physician is said to have Selkirk, to Dawson City, and branch water, 1 Put all the materials into a was on the steamer, has an appeal for The difficulties between the mount- discovered a care for cancer. Baca along the cracks. The lines are A deputation comp000d of Rev. Dr. large earthen crack, holding Oquarts aid addressed to the British Columbia ad police and the American customs Ron. James Service, ex-Promier of to be known as the Canadian Yukon Rose. director of the Agricultural Col - and mix thoroughly with a large iron authorities. The unfortunate . authorities on the White Pass trail Victoria. is dead at Melbourne. Railway. There is a rule of the com- loge at L'Azaompitiou� T. 0. A. Mar - for more in nerg have been amicably arranged. mittee that all bills applying to this "a- professor of agriculture; M, "POOR, adding 11our enough to makle have been on the trail Armed bandits practically OW[k Duhamel. and Reeve Do S&Iaborry, than a it is announced, that tho main line Sicily, according to reports from section of the country must tie adver- 11 good dough. I never tOtLOh it With yeax. They have exhausted their sup- Of Used in Davison City papers. It was called on the Minister of Inland Rev - the Northern Pacific in Manitoba is Messina. pointed out that though several com- eniue on the sAjeot of home-grown to - my hanods Until it is turned Out On plies and money, killed their pack aul- to bo extended northwesterly to Birtle, Monuments to the late philanthrop- patlies applying for charters have con- bacco, It is thought that the export tile board for kneading. I knead ito malls for food, and are now without with spur lines to Rapid City and tat. Baron Hirsch, will tie erected at formed to this rule at a very great ex- of Canadian tobacco to Europe this adding flour if it &ticks to the board, rasaarop�qi. Many are said to have died Brandon- Budapest and Lemberg, panes, this company had not. 'The peti- year from Essex and Kent, in On - Until it IS of the '001181111toilOy Of iladiii Lot "scurvy. Three cases of suicide from Winnipeg Is asking the Dominica A Paris story says that a OeUten- Lionam by their solicitor, stated that tarlo, and from several purta of Que- Government for better equipment at arian there has committed suicide, they had mailed their application from ties, will be Itirge'. Specialists in rubber and rises instantly it a dent tiespoudency are reported, but no the East Selkirk immigration building fearing he would never die. Ottawa on December 3rd, but that ow- Sweden, Donmaxk,and Germaul have 'a made in it With the finger. I re, names are given. for what is understocia to be a ob,ack . y .v.u,_ P1840 the dough in the crock, butter Vienna courts are tr to the delays with the muils no reported, it ap ar , vor Several scurvy hospitals have been quarantine. Szoery, a forniar mill iOUafr'mgaiMd'che&Sd-' APUagPOr had come out later than Do. ubly on several sam,p,les of Canadian the alLrfam, cover it'up closely and set established, to I hioll men are usually The Poetinaster-General has decided Ing financier in Budapest. for bur- comber 7th. The Clerk of the Council, growth, which were aulfinitted to them. it on my dining .roona tablia., In allim- taken to die. �h. doctors have very to grant increasei* of salaries, 11OL to glary. in rebuttal, produced a copy of the The deputation want the Government War it rises beautifully here without I the well-paid officials, but to these Yukon Sun for February 14. The bill tO do something to help them to find A� any artificial boat, and when the -,yea- little, if any medicine, and can do letter carriers and others who are in The Argentine Republic Last year was reported, no motion to waive the a market. their is very wa,rai I frequently m . As nothing for tile suffering. receipt of arnall pay. imported 4,500 bicycles, of whic.b 2,500 ---. were of American and 500 of BX4timh rule being subroAttod. - ,. - - - it into loaves at 0 in the mearning. The only gold struck is said to be The Minister of Militia has decided manufacture. I AFTER THE C. P. IL MURDER EPIDEMIC IN INDIA. These are light by the time the break- in the viciniV or Glenors and on to make a change in his proposed re- . Robert L. Richardson, M.P., has - . fast Is cooked, and bake while I am call of the regulax Three fishing smacks were wrecked I eating breakfast. stream leading to Dease, lake. -a at Dawson and d twenty-one xnembers of their moved for the appointment of a coin- 11irve Fatal Onlrnwo,00 tit 1-e.kri�inr lb"r- . Fort Selkirk, and will leave 100 of " iniasion of the House to liscortain the For Y"rh I baked my bread in ordin- SCURV_Y IN TILE STICKE N. them at the' gold fields. crews lost their lives during the ro- amount of capital expended in the less the Pa.1 Forlotahl. ary biscuit pans, putting four loaves A despatch from Viotoria,.B.C.. says. The contract for carrying the Domi cent gale off the French mast. ounstrilbtion of the C. P. R. , ,Ulm ob- Ar de4patch from Simla sayH:-Grave Ili each Pan. Summer before last e pro- -Advices trum uLenora, just received, i U- .The University of Tom k, Western jeot is too try to abolish what is known conc,ern has been caused here in Gov- A�feasional baker gave me one of his see, on mail has been awarded to thet Al- Siberia, has decided to send three of as the ten per cent clause. This clause eruniont quarters by the veritable apt - L at L a a . In order to have perfect show that scurvy made itself felt in Ian and Dominion Lines up to July 1. its professors to search for the re- onacts that unti I the U. P. It., earns 10 detnic of assassination which has pre- . a . ad," he said. "Every loaf must be the Stickeen during February, somany After that date it is expected arrange- mains of the Andrea tl�illoon expedi- per cent. on the capital ex - ba% k ak of SePoxate from all the rest." Not cases developing that it became ,as- ii�ents will be made for a faster ser- tion. the actually a vice. I pended on tha road G vornment v4iied at Peehawur during the past 11 ving the 'small, French roll pans, cemary for the Provincial G vern T* British steamer Kingswell re- is not permitted to matroloLho rates. two weeks. I use, aLs a makeshift, my layer cake 0 At a meeting of the general council pc at Malta having collided with What Riobiardson wants to know tins- I Put the loaves in these and men t authorities to open a hospital at is ' The tnurderer of Lieut. -Col, Le of the bar of Quebec. it was decided to the Greek coaster Maria in the Med- how the subsidies voted by the coun- Marchant was executed on the ovi- cover with tin pans while rising. The Glenora where patients were brought celebrate the fiftieth anniversary Of iterranean. oinking her, N%ith the loss try it) the road are to, be considered (101191! being stiff does not run and from long distances. Up to the be, the regular organization of the bar of 45 lives. done(, of men of the Hampshire Ike spread, but rises in a light, firm mass, ginning of March 13 severe caseshad by a convention in Montreal on Sept. . In estimating the cost of construction. �gl_ IL is the opinion of army men, ,in The moti u reads thus: - That the meat, and the murderer's friends iii've . and when baked the crust is a,golden been- treated there. The patients 26, 27 and 28. 0 d aid Manila that it will require the pres- Parliament of Canada has provide apparently sworn vangeautto against brown all dier and there is not an Uni- are all progressing satisfaiitorily. Nine A considerable part of Ontario, ell- ence of 50,000 American troops to oc- in cash, land, construct6d railwuy, and der -done spot Ili the wholb. koaf. The of them were from the United States, p , ally the cities and % towas of the copy the territory taken and to keel) in others forms, to ft v large amount. all wearing that uniform. flavor is exactly. that of French rolls and four Were British subjects. Tile 1. verging upon a wood fain- I., r.y, or the famous Vienna bread. I have � tter included two Cai.044001` J was , are open comimunica.0-- -, IoLorda,L 21� th6 adian Pacific A private of the Hampshire Regi- . 4-tia -4o and adiiliirs in wood all over amT, might� be able, to mout has LV.,-,- _�n shot, and other . " a!- �, I Like lea,rned from ton yetirs' practice that Pabli-i - . - �.A - I I �, � , - - t A complete ovcr�ba Uj,ng L, _ _ -_ the m t frequent cause of.bird bread man. aged 4o � ero� __z, - - , � _�_ ,4 tolvilme am casti. or supp tea Russian arsenals and supply'debo(a ­--Sanspor ation i� (he wosteril Ghiizi outrages are reported, ' om ilr� harAwotid; '' t I i . '-11 need be cat - Ili, that the dough In not allib�md to aged 36; and Win. Clapp of Australia, ' has been ordered, the St. Petersburg settlers at rates which � An officer going far a morning ride _ The Kingston City Council will ask authorities being Ignorant- of ,,- a- culat§d. to produce little beyond the found a native woman with hat,throut rise long enough thq first time-. When aged' 74. the municipalities throughout Ontario tual amount of the'retierve supply- cost of operation and maintenance, a" . MY dough 1:01ails UP an inch above the I to Pjetit.i(m the Assembly to repeal the - that the 10.pec cent, provision Jaen,- cut cloitio to the club itself, while tin - top of the crack, bearing on its surface - a6b. creating cominissioners of the Lieut. -Col, G. F. Browne, militury 1,,di,d in the act incorporating 'the other officer, walking through the a tin waiter, that I always cover it . ROUMANIAN HORROR. court of Revision. It costs Kingston attache of the British Legation at C. P. B., Company; baxaai, tu)Fned on hearing a scuffle with, and hangs in festoons around the I - �, $300 for this serviat), and the work Pekin, was arrested for refusing to That 'there seemsto be no well de- close behind him a.nd witnessed the side, I know it Is just right. There is pra...,*% Drunken Foreelty Leads to a is not anyj better done than formerly. romOvif his hat while a religious prc,- fined understanding as to whether the m1urder of a. man by a Pathan, who Is- danger of broad being sour fronk Terrible Crime. Dr. Smith, inspector Of leprosy, in cesslonr was passing, He � was after- gifts and grants aforementioned were stabbod his victim, with a knife. rising too long than there is of its be, wards steamed. ing hQavY from the opposite reason. I A despatch from Galatz says: -An his report to the GovernaleAL, says not to bei considered as a part of the The feeling of insecurity is so acute have made at least 200 loaves of bread appalling crime is reported from the there are now 21 lepers in the Tracadie, "capital expended on the construction tind general that the Government is by this method sineg last March, and village of Ot I operi, just outside Bu- N. B., lazoiretto, representing all BILLIONS OF BOLUSES. of the road," and that thereseemsno( considering the desirableness of dis- ur bread. stages of the dism,no. He says that - to have been any method or process arming the entire native population of charest. vaccination for small -pox is a fre, - provided or indicated by the Charter Pe8hawur. I A peasant la,ely sold two oxen,and quent. cause of propagation of the die- John Ruil. Emil., and Facie gain 1-41 ,a Act for determining the actual amount _____ - -_ ENCOU`R,AGING TO MOTHERS. for security hid the proceeds, in Rou- came. Swallowing 111114. of the "capital expended on the con- COINCIDENCE OF DEATH. Mothers of the gratin children Poo. manian paper money in his be A prediction, made at Winnipeg by It has been lately discovered that struOtion Of the road," and d. A It is resolved, therefore, that this - sessed a gentleman Y-110 claims to know the Uncle Sam has tin unrecorded feather House appoint a commission fOF the Straoille End of a Veterinary Aurgron am.1 to put everything In their day or two ago the peasant's youing situation, says that this year will see in his cap. He not Only Cousumes proposed enquiring Into and (1) deter- Hbo "Ire. mouths will be glad to know that son discovered the notes, and amusoll 75,0134) settlers go into Manitoba and more whiskey, beer, eto., than any na- mining the origina,l cost of the C.P.R� matches at last are to be taken out himself for some time playing with the Territories, and thut Within the tion in the world, but, as a direct Company R main line and t he equipment A dompalch from Loadun, England, of the category of things poisonous. thoilo. Than he commenced to tear next six years there will be a. million saya.-A mysterious discovery was - branch line.% constructed and at preq- made at FlumsLoad on Thursday Lnut I To affect death now, says the match some Of them inhabitants between Lake Superior and cause or consequence, he annually thereof; (2) the original cost of till the '_ the Rocky Mountains. awallows more pilis. EU9lan4 is a ent owned and operated by the Coin- ing, two elderly persons Mr. Hen r y manufacturers, & person -would have to While this was happening the pass- The late Hiram F. Inglehart, of Ham- close second, but then the second man, pony in Canada; (3) the original cost Tozer, a veterinary surgeon, and his eat the ends of some 6,000 matches. ant, returning from a drinking bout, ilton, left an estate of #10.1m. of which like a Vice Pxesident, has always sunk of till lines acquired by purchase and This even an industrious child would entered the cottage, and, seeing what 92,000 goes tc the Cententary church, tit present owned by the company in wife, who lived at Crown Cottage, in hardly be put to do. The substitution the Y.M.C. into tolle bottow of oblivion. Of a mixture of on was taking place, sprang on the child. 02,W0 to A.. $8,000 to the Canada; (A)i the original cost of all the the High street, being found dea.d in sulphide and chlor do of POtahh loos"mi" He seized him wit/h such drunken fury their bedroom under extraordinary ,y,hosphoro Missionary Society of the Methodist The introduction of machinery ham lines at present owned and operated 0 or the hurch, 1111AM to Victoria University, in pillmaking, as in all otbar triiiies, by the company in the United States , poisonous yellow phosphorus has beam that he actually tore his head from c , brought about through and 91,000 to the Superannuated Min- greatly simplified and Increased the of America; (5) the rentals or ,0ther ircumstancea. r his body I istera Fund of the Methodist church. busi mass. W here formerly ell t consideration paid for all lines eased Both had been unner medical treat- Lho nehoh Government, The mother, hea.Ting the disturbance a and operated by the company in ment for some time Past from In - pointed a commission for X111pol"'p- GREAT BRITAIN. and apprenticed were engaged em,bJ.8, . Canada: (6) (be rental or other ri)n- fluenza, and both deaths were due to of finding something that Would ignite from an adjoining room where she was It is reported in London that Lord are now machines to mix, coat, box and ideration paid by the company for all natural causes. readall, but be less dangerous to engaged in bathLug a younger child, Rusebery will re-enter political life. a man cture. count the goods. The output in Great lines operated by it or operated, It is a curious coincidence that an - rushed in, and tit the might of the hor- Sir Monier Boden, professor of Sa.ns- mubject to Its control in the ITnited other mad case, in which husband and rible spectacle feal, was struck dead kriL at Oxford University, is dead at Britain, in consequence of the.extromo States of America; 7 the revenues wife, a Mr. and Mrs. Stock, died on THE TRUE WIFE. , with fri t The baby, left by the Loadon. ease in which both the modi ,us and and expenditures of each of these the mame day, is reported from Brad - A blessed thing to have is one human, mother a the ba,th, wito found later A London 'syndicate is reported to the money may be made, has yearly railways as aforementioned in mepa- field, in Zmsex� The cause of death soul whom we can trust utterly. who on, drowned. be after wireless telegraphy rights iucreased until it Is now estimated rate form in no far as such separation was ioflucnza The brutal fatb�er took to flight, but across 'the ocean. Ir knows the beat and worst in us, and has since been cap tared, and is now that 250 hundred weight, or about 40 - of. accounts is feasible, that this coin- ------- - S. S. Gladstone has b a appointed rniagion be given full power to examine who loves us in spite of all our faults; in the hands of justice. Governor Find AugustusaProvost De, 000,000 pit" axe consumed each weo�, witnesses under oath, to demand pro� MORE THAN TWICE AS MUCH. who will speak the honest truth to __ puty Governor of the Bank of Eng- In the United States the figtires run ducLion of books of account or oor- - un while the World flatters us and land. t over 50,000,000. This mesas that five rempondence and of all documents re- Ills 1wer­ - in the Amount of 4 asnollau , laughs at us behind our backs; who RESULT OF G -RAIN TESTS. Infing to the subject matter of thin I G. R_ Birt, the defaulting manager humans out of six take�a pill every Produce Exportordl is "arch. � will give us counsel and,, reproof in __ of the Millwall. Dock Company, London, seven days. ./ resolution. . A despatch from Montreal says - . . the days Of prosperity and r 861f:�oncett; Germinating I -ower as liample. fireelved has been committed for trial, bail be- The uses to which Is =ma medl- NEW LINE OF STEAMERS. 'u- rrrf�f The mo - but wb% again, Will comfort and 6 Id. Ti nth of Maxch shown a remark courage Us In the day bf difficulty From the North Went. Ing allowea at $OD,M. cine Is put are of colt 6-1;k: me Application has been made to the I and sorrow when the world leaves us A despatch from 4Dttawu. saym-The Mr. Herbert Gladstone, son of the majority are for no -called incurable Dominion Parliament for the Incorpor- Ohio increase in tbLe amount of Can - alone to fight our Own battles as we Experimental farm has published the late Right Ron. W. E. Gladstone, has olLsenses, while, of course, a great por- ation of the Canadian Inland Transpor- adlan produce which was exported. no - can. . been appointed Chief Whip of the Lib- Ono are Panaceas. The advertising tation Company, those interested being cording to the monthly returns at the I - results of the tests. made to determine eral Opposition, in succession to the iron, the business is enormous, $50.000 Messrs. Win. Christie, J. K. Osbor me' Montreal Cuatcv3s.-house. Tbs total STOVE POLISH AND RUGS. the germinating povver of samples of late Mr. T. E. Ellis. per week in England, and $76.000 in Gm. El. Bertritaii, M. P.. of Toronto; grain received frokm Manitobe and the The Albatross, a new type of tor- America being it modest estimate. The Alex. Lumsdon, JVL P. P.. and John Mc- amount of goods of thin class which I have a receipt for stova Polish profits fire said to be monstrous, no the Ras, of Ottawa, and Ron. Senator For- went out of (boo country during the North-West T-orritoripa. The samples pedo-boat destroyer, just built attho ntA in the most criAeR cost lit- get, of Montreal. The company which I wollild like to have you pub- rdA of Thoranyoroft & Company at lagredle Pro- month just closed was 11J67,924, wbil4e have been di,vided into two groups- Ya tie or nothing. Pon" to have a neat of ten solid steel lish, for it is thilluparlor to anythipg Chiawick, has attained a speed of 83 for the corresponding month last year I ever tried and it might be of benefit Theme showing Go pew cant. and over earriera, 276 fact in length, by 48 knots an her trial trip. - -_ - - - feet beam, with a capacity of 78,000 the same expcorta were $468,1128. to some of the rest of your readers, Of germinating power have been re- Mar� Ansel] is charged at London FIELD DAY AT MONTREAL. bushels of wheat, with a fourteen -toot The exported goods not the produtte writes Mrs. P. A. Ostsley,. ported on as If it for seed; below OD per with the marder at her insane sister, - depth in the canals. The promoters of Canada, in the tuonth just closed, Cut off.6A Much poilah lis you think cent. have been condemned. Of 465 Caroline Annell. Poison was sent to think they can carry cargoes to Mon- amounted to $278,466, me compared witt Will PoRsh this stovi-say about two her in a cake, her life having been Taranto vorom invise4l to Take Part In the same month Itint year. Thim tonspoconfuls--then three teaspoonfuls samples of vviient, 434 proved mail,- treat from Lake Superior cheaper than $&94,900 for ranging previously insured by the amused. Review. (he present &-cent rate to New York discrepancy was mado up largely ol of molasses. and mix the two iligr6d- factory. the larger portion An Important engineering firm at A despatch frour� M,ontreal saym:-It and in return do a profitable busin�� gold coin arpocirtod in Moimh of last ients with soapaltills, It Should be from 85 to I 00 per cent.. Thirty -Ono Sheffield ham just placed a large order is expected that f ly 0,000 volunteers In return cargoes. The carrying of Year. thick and will stick and last twice as samples wane unfit for seed. for heavy machinery in tbs United will participnt&lethe big military ra- coro from Lake Superior to the blast - - - 10PI as it plainly applied, V*IIsh as Of oats, oirkt. of 250 samples. 59 were States, the British makers being un- furnace at Hamilton, and to the pro - _3 any otMr reetilipt. discarded. able to promise sufficiently quick de,- View which will take place here on the posed one at Toronto, in also mntom� THEY KILLED A CANNIBAL. I Of batior, out of 119 samples, three livery. , Queen's birthday, Amongst the corps plated. The capital stock ,of the com, - " T". %.rib W.0 Indlaft. ir-t-d .. to A SWOAD VERN. "rA not fit for need. The o6inplete returns of the Irish which have been Invited to take part pricy will be $4,000,000. These fleures show that oats were County Council elections are now to are the Queen's Own RWea, the Royal TO &PAN PACIFIC OCEAN 4 horse at order. Phan E. Itoxford. Writes that. leaf most Injured by the had harvest wta- hand, and show an overwhelming vic- Grenadiers, and the 48th Highlands The long -talked -of Poeirte cothVewill A, dligpetab from Winnipeg. mayst-ol I in ol of froth the *dods limits a sword ifurn thar,af last season. the percentage be- tory for Nationallsim, the Nationalists of Toronto, rind It Is unds-rIgtood throes' shortly, according to present appear- detachment of Canadian Mounts( beat, but it tills Is not tit hand it good ing 93. Ot wheat, the Percentage of having elected 544 candidates, am will accept, provided there is no re- alloes, be am accomplished fact The ,tubstituth is obtAined by tarairig ,tilimbitable, seed is 7; of barley. less than against 119 Unionists. view In Toronto on the 24th. The co-operation of the Australian and the Police hits arrived at Edmonton, havin4 over old A*4rd tand, butflila'Itivey U* 3'pbr con" Director Saunders recom- The report of the decision of the Kingston and QoIleville corps have also Imperial authorities is already assured in charge two Indiana, who tire &con* portion full"of #tisfi totif* ,,$ox with b1t8dag fak*nera, whose samples are Canadidn Government td contribute to been Invited to participate. and within a fortnight it is expooteJ ad of murdering a companion. Tho dbubtful. t*pftlally oats, to test thent the Dominion Government -Al' inty- latter, it in claimed, wait addicted to this into tusittot, A little Alitp a4ad for oTuAnsting "war themselves be- the cost tA the Placifle cabilo hall been ______JL*�41 diloc a bill which will drelare what . I to Make I I t ttlibli, - Wb*ldo, 00 fore � iiiowix4g. This anny be done by vary well received in London. bn- nibatiffiml., and bad killed a man &no drainag& b* putting An It6bi cir t*0 ot iallsta are mow Impatiently stivait- 17 SUICIDES IN ONE DAY. Canada [a Prepared to do as Its share can eating the flesh when discoveroo, - b6t. plonting 169, average kernels in a box action by ths Rome Government. - t link in the tin- was broken cir&ktry� or 1a,rJdk iti the I inforitingthis Fren C tom of the,pot. �TbAA� 61 molat oad.rth about an inch below r, Wr perial Federst an scheme. by the two Indiana, who lmmediate� grigtKuAlit dgagstm to tbs diftr- mainly Pvt. to revopitt. and oinarecial rnmex killed him. Both prisoners are lodgen all' *Itb eom ping the earth damp The Government's bill will provido In Fort Saskatchewan Went, and set your plijiltitlit, ' Wa fA* *4 lbe If'oon"s of X11 f. (or supplying funds equivalent to five - and kee�p it in I*ftjkl­4*44io ,, I 1. - And t1w hat in a warm roora for to murnant, couteranco will be Sir Jullan A despatch from Paris, says: --Seven- .9m. the tells" allldftlli�', lkt I , , , " ti� rjeiq'� dASr8 UIJ tit the grain has Sprouted, Paullioefo*o arid Henry Howard, Mib- eighteenths of thee cost of the con- � I . �_!fjhIll kf;"! �djktr ' 'r� . .r ,k4 I . int6re lit 'The Hogue, with Via*-"- teen suicides were reported at the strudtion Of the proposed ciable, so ANNUAL ALLOWANCE $150.00. week. , -E , , '.4-ta u1q ,� ,' r' � t- __ ----*- a9fat Sir John Fjobir mad Major.,Ged� Great Britain signifies I to I&OR on 0� -1 ,, I . pitta" #A oral 9t Abill At,d*h as novel jbd Pref6ctura of Police on Sunday, nearly sm" am - I I I , rM so I rlor� * 'eiltillig, , ffo� ., I I't h I . as XNOTS AN 11OUR. Military bxparts� sit of Which *ario due toti poverty. Sat- ' dinamis to provide a like mum, and in., iArso.t "arrince solli.swout oft leg it. r I � � I . D, ­ 11 11 � , : 0-im- I the Australasian mlontem formally ­rool In proalanot. , r '' , , ,; I � Smad,=,s I I I , - . . At s; litheeJUW In London on Taw arday being quartet' "y, mostly 6f the agree to contribute aight-eighteenthm rr 4 1 r, , I iy* , , Ittis ilks Viimeii Wanillp Afloat day W Webr*tifod of tbs Church Atig, victimm were unable to meat this do- of t he cost A despatch trigm Lnodon saym:-Tb , , 1tv I chatniffig or 111,116 I* '. t f, 4. 4141 ft'00 LOnildft SAYS:-Tb8 14obtst fttemary, the It lit avindA of their latitildrdito and Ip des- f aide,lbl. in to bp� Ran. rile Williamson, daughter a ... , , � - sionk JA=it � ThA coniTol .51 Also tot = , .4 I , I of tat do -boat Rev (466. It 19dan. D-111" 131 peration reaOtted td, ifthyiiatiold by vented in a 4i on to be ap. I I..rd Ashton, was tuarried on Tbursda: of the *lildcoioloi It *6 6 allit t. -_ pe tot, a h0*11*1 UAW I ; � 't r tmio YIATds of of Wakefield, dtMt6d a MWAtf6d y ebarcosl fumeool� pointed Ikv the rial GavArnment,' . I I t'royoct 4" '� ioAay 06WAPA"Toll 110- . . Amch cobtilbritififg cillony nominatingi to thon Hoo� William FL W. Posel, eldoos , � " � - ­, - I I '-- � � r I , .1 I I � , L I I I "aa 4Z r7*8510IF", I I 11 I tild6rabib toot I Ifillook, . I I tit �� J*tlftoo , 1A 06" tit Chim- ' � I mon of Viscount Pecl. The brida re beaut med for the ti0t 000 both I* Silt- 19NAK98 IN INDIA. preseatatt#efi on.*, s e.ommiattion In , y 'A "-*r *~ Q I j'Attai4"_ s, 40"i 4f 32 knot,- day last. r", eive-i an a present frota her fatharai .".4- --7_44", .1 propottforl 'to the unt motributed Until it 110A, i - 1*4* k Ili w1lift''Its I 0A ,� *&'J*,'*JJaI trip, The gouse of (+Otblh�� on IW64660, kidlikes tire moo Of' tko WOUVOS of Thug *III- be fl000ra the prlm,iplA of I I'llnual allawanee of dM000 which I , , I I 'OA :, I � to I I � ' r . , I- of pen dio Y - it tbs Inirgeost mmirriag% settlernetit on tm 1 06.1 � , I �, I , I,,* I , I -0 tild1w, Tk6wiliktill , *1a , ,. W 16A* � ,- 40 bytArs , detilftfa �Ord � - 10ftkot I= Im 10"ToL atily by a votis of 10 to 0. 16*'t*4 tu We. 1n, t4a � "Wr *OeerA"" 664tt6l rates find wan-, In England. I 11 Alu 0, J�Aohed b bill introduced bY WjIIC&A,� Wfi&y; froma their age*iant" I um preson'i only � d , * . 1% k " y 't ' �_t* K*109 th - 1, It Ww" I -L . I . it" kv . 6r Is 227 Rinil_parmellite, providing jot fb6 o0fir,. 11 be hiflaber of ofe"s attrillikied tit this � cable eirifireiv I Tbib now baok;_;�Ibiisibod last yett . Mr 104 , � 4. I I tow it 61* 1111. 01011, belifft. wi th puts'ry ro.illiptelteltneat of It" t"A bioll 11" ratilm tka 4borblow total tilidel, Atilt air I ant. averaged tbirtwe a day- .. I � I Ili ,,ictad aftift IBM lit- &iZi ig AM- The Mist m *I point will � L Oft 4 *W i , 1. I C �r� I Into I I I , . 11 � - � I � . � .. - I I 1. _' "_W"_rP`_W_T_--­71-- W , -, '_ 4F . 11 W vtl_.;� JWW I . .. - 11 0 I , , I � , 'I' , L I - _ - - . __ ____ - . , .�_ - . - !!!; I � i ; I i 11 I I- I Milpov, 4 POO 11 I r -----,�--�l-----,F�-�T--10-�,���m-� F, 04 44r. PkT__ . I 1, I It"I , W, == law_ T INUSOL .,,�,,P,�V�, � � I , I 0, !I I ". I .4 � NAAM I � T**Vl*A�W4` W -U,# 0040101a"At �, I 3"_ VOW&*- it A" W op* ** WW401s, fttt%,*0*0t *0 *4AW , I i , r . � r .� I IW, � � 0*1 � � . � k t W - *4 $Wto, 300,*.� U04#4 ,, - - , 1 W.0 _" - --,-- - W,4t , A" , I � *%, I - I . ���.vlw ", *01i', W. 04400, 1004, *11114,4011, 04 _W_ ommult, I � ,X I'll I I 1,410111111 'it wilWaro %*4 *vw . .*"C-.�-W At, I r,llj_" I 1104' 9=1 I 404V41 IV= i4e, wl" ww* ,�", *,ft- 190±04, _ " , it 1FW� - , &Wita, lakalor f'o,r, A000A .M&- baiiifff . I . . _ I pg#N ' to-doy. b4t ]be , ;lf�w'�t- V -q . � - - 4 I = AMUT uAlY* XNOWIN. t1i"O. italk 44 **"Uo" #0 *4 ** � , ev - . - , r W10t4 010A 'I 04, ;� 47i'm trik"W, 04 a1w lim"ift'"ified, %gk' *4 i. I ., .. , 'I . 'r, � � I be W144"Zi w00% I two at- 44'r� *= find Ziom W400184 to *4* " I I � I thillik"kUt athor bright. , � tot like refular *Arketi�� X* � . I I I �.. NO 41A QbWy, hat now, aboe in, Jeafloin "7' r I . of 0A*UWW*arT other. T" floo,ftud 1;a4 so*40w 94- Oiss "'J" r. I . . luallak AWXO^ "W 4944 At movilt'. I � " OR 1"98 Of K"NING. , 04 40 Weak"" J^ tholl, *Wk. 4 * I i The OVOW141--co"Onad tbalisl sawli. "ro" tile 1130, sr% a "ofili, 00 now " MIUM OC tb# difillasse Ur#'L - __ I - -f Pope* WbX oao,t tb*y say 4 man "a . . WQY89d 1040ad of stricken witit .. ­ I 41166tat!O" for liattloll On, SONIS&W r'. - I . I 1�1 . 11 pa"Issto wl�@I,ftZiilodo bat to -day am am W44 � . �� I The llikllhar-_]�fomusoli tbs masningla to"y Otherwise. bayUg. filt.00ll.- . :,_ .4 . � I .. Mrs. Do F&I'lliun-What perfectly Austria and Poland, particularly the "., borriblB creature& the' Chinese are I I former. and we venture to predict that I.' - am told that in China tile men actual- his biography Would form int y T�: .. ­ ly buy their wivea. terasting, ili.-Wall an instructive read- I.-M*11. � ,_ ,,I , Mrs. Ile 15t -lo --Yes I - I. h I,] . I fig. _11X ,:" I 8 orr e BY the Way, when in your daughter "1114%M01,111% 161% at x1on, fle?. HM ACXNOW1.KDG=NT. 60 to " Per swit, Mrs. De Fambion-Junt am soon &a Ile 91voct bustsi e,pring"s. milk OWN% YOU 041141ti said the Judge. severely sm. am useliali -4. , It that Ou rried' the" two wouno 4 Xd . _0 Yearling l"44 &To 46 abatis wosakor, I ths unabashed bligautlat, at frab $6 to4" par cwt. The r6a. Thai are W better two.tlalr4oi am for tholi wealkniss is that at tho . hish prio" butchers will A" gr � HOW 'To 'rzu M ;7411114. Tbos umasittl4d &A4 warmer wiloatbar � Have oil over read the article am 1.011 b"talso a depressing e#*ct oll tM bow to a bad egg f N� I haven't; but MY advice would be. I UM tradi6 % 11 are steady and wmaslitas ld, wfth .Ulm many light boas I toll a Xdb646V9'J ikwaLtybiburg"ikmpitortg&eunttityo coming to band. t he hola. Tb* top W_Ue of -viaggre, in i &am lb.; . AN UZIGALLANT REPLY. per light fire birluging 40. and A -TY fat bogs sob 8be-Did you know that L am an at not more than 8340- actre" now I Why. SM7 Utching go per lb. 8 =I 'a' t 2c. aoi, All I heard wall that you . per lb. had cone on the stage. Store& fire not waato& hundred, on' sold on Installments. Uaglatrate--Obl You may go. Following in the range of current. I quotational- NOT QUITE SURE. Cattle. DO YOU think bachelors ought to be, ovrt. 0 4 50 , 0600 Skite W.'Mics, do. 400 baxed I &am Ono asked. I'm not quite sure yet. Rho angwored 4 50 Butcher: Mod.tog,00d. III 60 , 3 40 dreamily. Give me another week and Butcher Inferior. . 4 25 8 40 Stisap and LauLba. maybe I'll be able to land win without any outtalds, help. Ewes, per owt. . Soo 4 50 mental attainments. Yearlings. par owt- 5 ot) 5 48 Well , Abner, she said. after the last Backs. cWt, . 2 60 975 LABOR LOST �pring =bs. *sob. - a 00 a 00 down to Wk It over, it was a complete cowe. each. . .. 25 00 46 oil I Young Hardhead-1 dou*t see why I Milkers aud Calves. am not Invited to parties oftener. I Calves, each. . . 200 8 00 a= 'Awe I always behave like a gon- Hags. tiomAn. Choice hogs, per *wt. 4 OD 4 571-2 Young Lighthead-That'a the lyou- Light hoffs, per owt. a 75 4 00 ble. You a6re so very gentlemanly that Heavy hogo, per owt. 8 00 I 75 the girls think you stupid. up charge, and formally sentorm A PLUASANT THOUGHT. CURIOUS HOBBY. - Clarll--I tried to console Sadie for Tbir" Wear. atat 14.1, ure spent in the IOU of bar treat tooth. Maud -What did you smyll 11"veattanfilag Furi-sonal-a of tke Wortoll. I told her I dido,t think It would An English paper tells at the bobby make the Aightest difforqLaco. of Count ­RiccO Dianwitob, a Russian - ____ uoblema. for spending time in vari- NO DIFFERENCE. ous prisons in order to loam the wetbi� These eglip are not so sow as the oil& in vogue at the Institution*. It ones YQ% sent lost week. to cladmad that he has apent'inere than They ought to be. mum. They're out 50 years to Jails all over the world, to of the sams tirats. which be has himself volunteered for (oluritto liltarillierita a( Italy. and it is At tbs purpose of learning. for soun romlo� THE RIVA,L BELLM. eon not quite clear, the different IV&- fle-I really believe Miss Hiahup tems of the world. tried to out us. For the furtherance of his extraor- She, rival bell& -if she had tried she would have succeeded. Did you ever I dinary object he has made it his prao- see such a k3tchot-face 9 ties to visit different countries. and. handkerchief passed across the Band a � while there, commit such offansims *6 OUR - LITTLE FAITH. will Mrs, Blink&-Doar me, it's raining. INVOLVE HIS IMPRiSONIE"T. How am, I to got this letter mailed I For sufficient timis to enable him to Friend--Hamd it to the letter car- pursue his investigations at the pris- - rier. ons Which he most desires to visit. In Mrs. Blink& --Huh I He'd turget -all about It. Ho's a 1pan. this mannor be has found his way into of owus a most of the prisons of Russia. Glarviany. - Poland, France. Spain and Belgium, A STRANGER PRE29ENT. , -hich are oven to cirinituals. sentenced Struggling Winiater-There was a to short of ImprisimmeaL as =d"incerceratood. stranger in church to -day. I has also in. sorme Wife -What did he look liket I English Prisons. and in Ireland. Ain - I did not see him, orica, Attatraila, Italy, 19 a Moon- Then how do you know. Ineco',wax � , - I Bud- J an, so that he may =,. lob I hi.rav& - uom`_� I " . I I found a wood quarter iu x� �__ aidervy as , to an export J bird, � . � . I - - . __,, v,�, t, I = WHI, envy him 4 salt- tributiou box. , Imposed investl atious, especially been Inoralusbill by the legacy at her mother, tbs late Queen of Denmark. sirim be has beent soon of the vilest . THE HEATHE I N CHINEE. pinsons in oxfetance. Horrible, indeed, I were some of his exroariences in China - I .. Mrs. Do F&I'lliun-What perfectly Austria and Poland, particularly the "., borriblB creature& the' Chinese are I I former. and we venture to predict that I.' - am told that in China tile men actual- his biography Would form int y T�: .. ­ ly buy their wivea. terasting, ili.-Wall an instructive read- I.-M*11. � ,_ ,,I , Mrs. Ile 15t -lo --Yes I - I. h I,] . I fig. _11X ,:" I 8 orr e BY the Way, when in your daughter . There are some 'ffttkor five men 1v to ma.rry Mr. Buitiont the employ of the RusAho-%ar6t Po - Mrs. De Fambion-Junt am soon &a Ile lice, whose duty it is to spilad ton recovers from this last attack Of months of each year in just such a gout. luanuAr as that adopted by Count W - 11 I .. _'&�� �' .a J..'J"60 co, except that they are only required to suffer imprisonment in the prisons LIKELY ENOUGH, of Russia and Poland. All these are MagisrLrate--you are accused of gentleman of undoubted integrity. it in demanded by the work they have to breaking Into a house and- Prisimer-It was all a ccident, do that they should be absolutely in- jodus. I Jest felt a sort o' tired -like, corruptible, for their duty in maxima with the criminal classes in prism and an' leaned agin the wall far It reat, an' it fall In, an' I tumbled throng gakting . at their secrets, which, It is t he hola. believed, enables the Chief of Secret Magistrate--Nonaanoo I The Idea of failing Police to keep better in touch with the .. I plots and sollemies of the evil 4atend- � a aide of a house in with only ad criminals than any other a;a will a mam's weight resting against it. do. Prisoner-PleaAe remember, jedge, it was one o' these are suburban houses Probably not oine person in 5,00(k is aware that our own Home Office exi- wot's put up by contractors by the ployes i hundred, on' sold on Installments. Uaglatrate--Obl You may go. � PROFESSIONAL JAIL. BIRDS I I cow and again. But such is the ease. HAD OBSERVED IT. The object with which they axe "at to prison like common talons is to de - There had been a brilliant company tect, if poesiblo, any irregularities sus - at the home ofasociety leader, a Wo. pected to be going on within the pris- a man whose hunband, while very Lara falt Lo which the --'4'uch 'r' worthy man, was noted rather c, re gulaili. as bri ng the warders for mental attainments. favors, the passing of lattersi, message* Well , Abner, she said. after the last and such matters. No one, sometimes i visitor had gone and they bad eat oxcepting the governor and deputy down to Wk It over, it was a complete governor of the prison, is aw-are of the success, wasn't itl HPY's Presence, or, of course, their ob- Sure, replied the husband. t would be thwarted. Tbe� pass ZLe Did you notice Professor Muchma I this warders and oonv eta an c Re was the man with the b.nA.gs 961111ii3a evil-doeira, and on clare than around his nowk, wasn't hat one occasion they have actually a Yea. You heard him talk, didn't youl peared in the dock On soram tr Ob yam, I beard him, up charge, and formally sentorm What an astonishing vocabulary he a Judge who has not been with the secret- Thia course half been heal Well. Ultat may be what it I'& sold Laken to make suspioi,on by the wA,rde,, Abner, doubtfully, but from the way he had held him head I should judge it quite impossible. But generally th . oase prison spies. was a carbuncle. w ho am mostly army and navy Officers anxious for any employment under - ____ Government Which will give them op. portunities of distinguishing them - A $80,000 MANDKERCHIEF. salves to their superiors. a" stipped I rho most boautiful handkerchief to "atjo the calls of the courthouse Just " It tho Huropean courtA belongs to before this prison-v&a comes Into the yard to convey this prisoners sentenced. (oluritto liltarillierita a( Italy. and it is At vAtimmitted. or remanded to their desti- the same time the laost easily, being nolt'011� �aluad at $W,000. In milking this m&r- Tboa omupatlon is not, of course. an Vol three eitists worked constantly for ideal one, and is very irregular; but them are always plenty of able imatis IMoro than twenty years. It in so fine ready to undertake the work, asol ro� that were the eyes closed and the malts tend to show that they must be handkerchief passed across the Band a � fairly rumessful. Doubtless tbi6 to- . muneration In good; but personality, wo. perRon of the most acute sensibilities should rather direct envelopes or clona would find it impossible to feel any- boots then become a profeliglonsil Stial- thing, Tbo Queen keeps it religiously bird. in a tiny jewel case of gold in the form and Juist thoot size, of an ordinary bean MEAT COO BY COLD. pod. Tbs Queen England dress I Anyone who has ever picked up, Vnth I of owus a a bare hand a placis of intilaftly eWd - which almost equals this. It "was 6 iron knows that the touch bum al. wadding gift from India, and is notice nu -int am badly as If tbs inlital We" red and tight that the whole dram can be hot. Indeed. the aftion of great beat placed In small fan.box. On this nine and extreme "d us so alusilif,r that persons worked during ton years. The a Hungarian thaimist has, ttV&bd the Queati'm collection of laces to worth latter to ACOMillito to prepare goats for $87NOOD, and that of the Princess of Wallis is not far behind, an It in now food. Uo NUbjeoti; tbot Welet to 00 do- greas of frost. 4M tbft, setild it to Lith't air-tiltht tin CAP& TbA r6aalt valued at $2W00, her istock hAfflias the meat, which IS 0t6Atk%]Iy 1"Wked been Inoralusbill by the legacy at her mother, tbs late Queen of Denmark. by oold." will keep 0$ tWa% mad 6" � be eateft *Itb very little f4jrtbsr OVe. Though ex-Eraprom Rugeale test many pLratift,, � friecom Of real value on her flight 11 6 - 1� Ora the ,!-1lsrlm% still she has con- T" xvxl�t.*& sowoe , , what ahs has Is beacti- ,� ;Idsrabla,�Ind tit , Osoi� piwo alone cost aboolit $A- P4op%, OU* *WA�4$, olrk" " tbs tolmile- � . 000 a yard, The tacest of the Vatican are . rat*4 at $MON. I m4b oW 4 &AW*otu* o" Wtb. I -_ but I;W��".UAIJAON AAd* I wat1w M*k`­'Atd* bowolif 4 stoolooir wtift . GLOVE OUTTING. forada"it a4; uo", ot 'tile IAUU4 It is said that so difficult to tbs art Tbs" t**L I * , 0,, #*A. , likut"t- I I 11%, of cutting a)~ that moo of the _*�y _C 4! to OA .49W I . 101111, - A41111 .. 1* I . .1 prinoleal outtal'a are knows Is tile . ; *A" wt Liu. **W.. so � � tillit" Itit, same &&A by tafam . ** W Wo uik4- .W#A&W I � g I � :1 .L i " ,,, I I 11 .. 11 I , 11, - ,� I , , I I I." I . � I . I ��, I 4 I � "I I ;� 11 "I , , , ,� I �, �. I ! � , , q 2 , . I ) . . , , I . t' � I L I � " 1� ,, . � 1, .- � I �) , , .". . . , �. P . I _ ,�; , . � I I 11", , , I I I I ­ I � � I , I I ,� r I I �, , I I . . , I I � � I ,. . , , � '. I I I : � . J- I I , , I " 11 I I— - �- - -- - - 11 I , � ,,, . . "'' ��." I ' � , rl� , : I I . � �, I : . , , I 11 �_� .��L � L`�'� 11 !��' 4L , �,�, I I I(') � - I I I . I .1 11 I I I � , I . _ -11 E 1- � .�� "" , ' ,L": _�111 � , '. )1� , I t, , 1� - "... I � 11 1, ,;, ­ - � I 11 11 . I 11 �111 I 11 I I 11 - I I I ,� I I , �. �� ,,',,� , 1!.1 , , I �, � I A& ! ��1111�.. I ., i . I - �­It L- _i_ I , , J, - I I , - � 1. �. ­ . I OW . � , , L: -1, �,;, 1,6_ � 11" � L. I , - 1. :,q_�, ilv_ 1� I -� .A I . L .11 . , . � I . . . I . i . I I � , ., I . . . � ­ . I � �, , - �_., I I I __,�,,.­ " . I I . � � � I � � . , I I . 11 I � - ,� I I .. �. 1.i I ,,, � 1��` I I '. . .1 � ') 11 L 11 I!, � ,'., 1 1- , , . . � . , � � , ­Jd&A0&'A�_.k .1 ''I - 1. 6AL,..L! 11 I .. _'&�� �' .a J..'J"60 . . .