HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-21, Page 1ft*ty INerimL sear in MAnd, The sw 40 8001. --b - W IN a I a Ala THN Star ct?^" "oe Tho dra at-,, You I" M rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r GODERICH, ONT.,f FRIDAYt APRIL -n, law WOTOVATOPAM to a* amwltivowitw* sw%*% AW't* 00 0b go Sill WootiosiW* A Uw c"4* bi 49W %41AP vor rwh#441W XO(A fog" -Imox� W"Oikwl own ow Afid "Quick, MUMS, it R MO of �_ - -;;;; Z �= o�t for ladkf�*Acl 4h woo +m1111 1* 4*C* W.941P14011i , 010W 4 VIX 0000 401 �Xogltw(iyw 414 ow 14,14 fro -0 r 004 VII4 of tory WAS trooen*d to to -ow 4%. 110# Z ti. tA And Ott uput 4 we IAKO 41 W so. ut T*W J)r, 3gr O-rAM"o�wo . A . . ir ][teirular, 21 u Ilk tr60 pilt, 0 to t oxvsxfp�vi 0;ioiO4 T10- 01 Olt thil; *01.4. pm" MTuv.lx who "A., 90,040 wilt b ON tIlt In's' uQW.'Wor t or i�tqA G_R� oc �$_,& IO4 ltud#, 22 for ... *049 '6* iWAItre4" to. 14 view ...... tt�ku. f0110014ir low, wilub b* itsw, ow lit, this bosso *.Ppoism ;*"it to JOA or' 0-011W - 1�, - - I , , 'Of fof* *v tipiled y elut WPU tonot' _AK WW. 1000K 00, Society, 00K dual footriptiol pri t 'D v d WIN k bkoal I to* lNistilb,pt, Of* *04, 'for 7=6014 9001014pd� BOIATAVO. er, i ke 'WOO Irk w rX, Uso AM19t. t1O I #Ad 4411"Apt"0011, Of 4*1 '01"W 04wor, I0# *too ,004, susky be� atalood P. 1phkAt,0113 *to- Ir � Dal RO.&L, ru Wall a BE Afblt� :44 av of co,#rop e4l:ee4 Lo F 'Utivug urrent h,'($ llf, wovitity of fuel havlool"A r�WIVJAa oqd*#nC#.#A*04#*#W1 IW I "�_TA# Week the of ftlkforo - 119wing 4keward we0k 01 01IR Ift"K. ttlp odoric a trustth 0 Ifyoti, 00 ti -ow n 1.41'. t I , ; tog- Hilton U44.1 t404!Q 9.4Z r, t =Z a 4. t T 0 4' W. A 9, I v 4 1 a I k FA I R, V 9 Q ko YOUlt. itizour, 01101kers worlb."lor out lAr. we' WOO Hut gumili romi 000est Lown edatot40" and #100 the OVIO (" monsid I fAv laroid4mon Mr!"l fA elk kv whit, sy,414 sept'. VIC%kt W141, W ta'r W. bmiWom another lit Co. li11""Jil to exhallw4ortr .X, Inco Jay, It.. We It IV0111 orvicee-Whili- d1coAge noldt got, her *evening. a llrotea'wh000l the Two, tit. - ofLIV, VC1140e feet it I 11414 Q` ;44 local 1101 V 4 ud spoon leg Alle 04 t4oridayi�. Ing t result. do Ois sto-04 rot "flltt - Qr.d boo for tiat �Otis%Y, e. 14onta A 1111`94 japf of.men were engligedtliN Phorioug 1:81400tsquAm 4- ki,ac rat 104,90teosary alterostil 0% Spa A ithV* and r boedr 041116W, siuck,41swaWk t 0. T. X .k oir mug tes � oikim oft , t 00% old fOr HitrQUO wieek M. 47 a i . P Too $410bil, illidany of Ooderich ould, mveMIT14 were made at thoNnIttl the harl>ow large sliviVf thO, ilixt� a0tory, Islik week. 14 aw I# tor� ths s All I ST. T I m like, 6 aiku of a On Othe too Will to be ch it ""I Veterinar uwelit 04 of�; � Upper tOwn Steps. fell Into site r ver on SuInday.- or at the in b qd "it, 1*4000 ts* it, WIN o. b r fir t r 1*6 If I to flu no even It no, livilletivall 01110v� n oild'of 94itlaud brig e. t� Um and Unts Connors moved NO ! wals a, rutityuce. ditatam.LUames l5utberland leflo last is 4 11 fit* 311110111 14 14 Or, a; point -004V X611 on TueWity taking all thitirboulm. 0 Ric, V -S,- grafts.16 of tA Qo40,ivb WA54bit-Vof At thit V effect With them. a a I,,, rlparx Eloklego, Toronto, rilsoftt( thale tbo track up, the week for Hamilton to fit out tils-rece0t diior tb 4164.0 Uou 09 her" o1woo on 9�4tstroak Inot, ater, the firefilr4rul. ill,11ts, Amn 0. A. Ruidber lost a v6luablil for tho outerWON; fkad1olitrog oporAung on ILarvalo qritlle for women. puratutst, Lite v 11 at 411, drove so Chtks Held %pVtOsiptaluDonthe yput,'4A 'V soundo. #�bits sight at Quo time tirst page OX %60% COW yesterday. being the secola t wr'nsr 111014141100" he c ally 9 to tivo letter he halt glvvn lie. .11' b beree from, cuts and 61D Men 4.0d tbld�_wowslato atue�y wheels' polifilL a short; cut to ashebi c st Ing tber Past few months. W 01 ver 16 un 0 t 0 trip. 1=7 Qnstwe)l known rider decared, theiro 71b wasi a good lit,-Godepteli MCIAreu In froming a bArn tobe put we not Impe, tifflit, Lhe vii d tot 0 20 -0011,tS -04 jupted, and Rn" chrOV4r' JVOL "hudred around' thii THO09 AtOPALS.-All, Ottawa I10- harbop wid the watei, round tire pto ou�� farm near Hayfield, for the of Hurtiti-atut there Is ty, of at one time 11st too Bir uce unn society. thqL letter Was bhful. such, a PrOINt-wii lnqh,rUnu npegal Ink Is ahnost solidly filled with voung I Wn Opirsootlon of Martin and QuItelon. trall (it Wedliesdivy says It is not A alld ever Insertiom dail-tmfn , "' und its the try seems Reticubirly he4l, received and (ilea. and still. Filix OTTAwA.-The AVA likely-tbot. the Fenian raid medals will the question, and give it Saulli, vic", Ithy. there are good. t1rues In store for It Von want (it' el0c'0101141TY tITAt, councillor Rusinber then moved that _4ZRV,4NT WANTIGD.-A good Repera ser, point0d. by trio'Town Council at the :)thloevenin and bear Miss Annie the folialep resolution be rescluded ation its will settle Cho problem as to VW Apply toAum, . -ehily before July 1. There wits ot the angler. -The Big Elevator shipped loyder In Vic orla, street 9hurell. nd three menthers only of the council the Volcress PC it lood In thliw secu O e t speeltil mecting, MetIn W.ednepday. linedals would he ready nine cars of wheat eastward ou ues- he) oil the 24th of My, but dfly.-Measrs. Belluore atud Golden, of On Wednesday the SaItford' bridge be me an date Mr. Wright line certiAinly sbu I L,A._1_ePtjSer$ e*srulugtn arrage piattersconceruing or r P. pgod4. lion t le. 0 .13 bits been abandoned, was cleaned, so People can now, aossi piqk,vlowever, lAvinit said that It re- ),AUQ ClOb's Gratin. AT) to ttawa, but 4 tologram 4 Snuthawplon. have purchased the little XIO 1711,131 lmporta4t N"-Ck It tA V. Ali 6 to (13% ;a JOHN?A itboftIR mud,, 291roo In A HIOMOR p Itap ��.T, it Tokv,ed to the effect that the In tvu Min cau be obtained from steatuev, ueuq, and will use her towl withoutgetting ankle deep In notice to 88 so to - not moet thein At pres. the mint; as to when the work will be logs and schooners to and from tro BuChAnalls and" Rhydris lifliv �-Lti 4f, previous meeting, councillor fitableneas not be also #qually demon.' Allebanges of 'the aur- 0 pub up rt v;pa LLN N R 6 postponed till �ext completed, but July I is re arded bv harbors along the Bruce Peninsula- at brick drying kiln beside their factory.' Ruth I, withdrew his resolutton. strated p rent Issue of Toni STAa#ios be 16 the hinds of �%IRAW hebar, t , g r. 'a adin Prom" just who the department as the ear leat date luckers were met with by the party It is In two divisions. and measures 40 Cout* 11or Martin triought, tTe dele'glk. of '&Irptloas to weki ptqb'ably Monday; t the pr1ritortgot'lator ORT4 TE7K8uA1X,WOOX 31ifust. 0.0tir d energetic. or at came down the river from Man- by U 1641 on: SO - Goo Claw STA Unfor I going po. tion a" not too large, an that ths, RZgInICNTg Of IA,Nlbt'Dn h4V0 OrgAll- each week, Advortisers will, P400, BOVOFTL pi'lly I eotiaell should not be controlleo by the - L b �, L � - -The imed a CounLYRIstorical Society,* t DEsSayES. TimBsuclo MiNICS.-Captain Trethe, cheater on Wednesday, In such largo The di9figurtlIF of the windown of It. Briar4 of Trade. He Moo said that be dnithKing's Daughters Who-bave taken a way, Otte mining engineer. returned numbers that,& paddle placedinaniong E. gvnit Co. a something that e to vittit, a the nest a eon, %em would stand upright. , Thousands receive a severe check one 01 these what was right, and he wag not afraid as to the early history. hill 0 art Poll no rZer Ped.s OTf a a - kindiv interest to title lad Forest Halo, �rota his visit to Northern Ontario on AWERTISM0 11 t - a a ill had been elected by the people to do ObIcets Of which or in fact The figures I aoo0a,ot, adveTtilook Int. a e, inin room an of ducks als-3 were passed by the v0v,� days. fifiltallitsi, for a]. -his constituents on this ques- settlement, estqb1sebment and 4 I tells . wk� who had prie of big lege- amputated at Fridily,'and reports. the prospects ex- on the wa eVe up. clude Xvaryi4ditignol roo, 00 a Witt a down. -The dredge There will lie I% meeting for the reor- tion. d ve llren"o9l uleut of file change will be charged for qxtirgZ thefa(litual int I 'IQ, r. pa facts. TURST It the Stratford Hospital, arenow mtk- ceedingly. good 10i, mining up that at wMatle for 15 . minutes, at'5 to faco nizAtIon ot the Base ball club, find A. UcD. Allan. having been called Sa.'f�D 400. ir a qpinher of opq a. in. on Tuesday. the urolopgod g municipal and other InstamtJons, Intfor* cost of 6ornposittoo, from I , fill articips which way., �The Captitin's business wa's to tbe election. of officers this Friday on to vxplaln mattern retarding the rendered aU4 06tiectecl SALE. -A grand square platoo. It. he Sell All accolmo are III, -the procep 9 being placed in, consult with other expong as to the screaut. was caused through I he whistle IFOR I gett Ing Janinted.-The crew of the cruls- even DR.. 'Wil films make. Good as now. Will as the bank by the, lai i6s, fbt, bak future P. IL extension. said I had begin etitS and Industries of the C monthly. cheap. 1pidy at Tim t5TAu Office. irilspects,for re-openingaild working P t I arrived in town last Week and The first ari6w laut fall was in October§ sugg &Led thftt the delegation Join Lise to calls -et find preserve the old revord,, use. Theritak tbatthe public will try thoold Wtice knines, and we jilt er e re 'e reason the men have been buov ever since find the last 110 far this apt -Ing last on* ,an, Guelphand -oceed to Mon- y+VRF I FIRE I OIRE I -Now is tho time to, to b 1, 'that, these old mines will be minting no and reQtting the vessel.- Saturda, night, tuakingwinteratleltitt treal, but 'that that ea. halt faillen tn eneourago the lad in thus making an ley traditions, opeeli#jps, solicit find btlitt FOr'S8:1e orL`,rO Ler. have your too ther beds and pillows reno- honest living, re -opened and working In a very !ew �ho dredge Arnoldl commenced dred. six mail be. %hirpsigh because the manager wits oil, ri matters of Intereil; to have articie%aud voted and mistresses made over. Prices rea, TFmY at. Win. iflr�rks, as the result of the consultation, t � s 2onable. Will call for and deliver all goods. W gin In the harbor oil Wednesday. and The Orldfallows at their meeting an % ei,pacifte coast. erisays prepared. and addresses deliver- =now. as I will be IOTA KPI'lock's the other dav ingrobeting exatnination. and specialists' reports, wil Map at the work (weather pertait- Monday evening gave the Building A�t tl time Ili I he suclety't and lot I, ontio 0, no H A I 8 T J K A 11, v.1 n g D'.0 vwi Is! "a FILrface wt son,p pretty apple, par and plant were extreausly favorable. lie a ge of the proceedings His ed frotu tinto to ltoo 9 ting) until the I propriation granted committee to n.iore weeks to pi opare Worship stied he had received twelve meetings: to publish such as 04 he of d 16 1. n.ario . odeRcO' iMENicsnTuNG Pinn.-Dan MeLaren last year is expen ad. their leporL e,,! I do " nor a one 'we 4 Dal, bilossnins, the gentleman kindly aisked T. g ma. tro, tsat. VAitiltes front the C. P. R. authorities. geneiral interest; to create And foster 14 alst. ad gia: 0. rf* THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN.OF Ta `STR to d iscuss it few hanches of has completed the extension (if the Andrews Broq. shipped it. double VVtk). Proutifoot was then ace"'I'led friouldly and Social feeling othugol the GODERICAL grapes. Thev wera discu§sed. and t a pier at Menesetung Pat k, and OLes kbout the, OR SALE. -The Union Hotel 0 0 0 itis rip' A FeW N -deaker of bas to Collingwond on Mon- tile privilege of -explililtilux that the For u,itionlan, APS tpio . F a dress job ptovold one-ofthe,most pleaqurahle parently an exceedingly strong struc. day. The huyers paid over $1400 for rumor" around to n about his Neeking Illembers and with of her olmlill.'. socle- Y. Us latr, Godorio of the year 1890, as the fruit was lovely -ture. J LOiEsAsM GxxTLrAmFN: Dan Added 61 feet to the part the shipment., to go its one of t -be delegates were not ties; to Stimulate it aencrat interestr it% Ar% Permit me to tback you one and all for the Wenlor. well flavored, and exceedingly SEEDING TiuE.-Seeding Is on tip Circulation 1899. t hearty and genvrouri support that-you-srave, me Well clicavest an4 beat advertising modlual, In tho inat to anyone, nor had 110 Ally desh e other olifecto it" Anity lie %V11.1win the MAI3r)N. r4tat up last. year, and it now measures considered. Tun STAH is the tru4-,' an lie halt not spoken on the i%uh, historical Rubjertit, and to prottlote such I ietit by 1Z Arid'has a cleat- 7 feet of this way, farmers havitig started the 0 RXNT F0 81 known I atAhe past election for Councillor. I will on - T is good TuE'SGm ANNIVEIRSARY.--On Sun- ounty of Huron, as"WeMeltdow," About -11040" Lo,r in the future, as in the past. to serve water at ha lake end. The completion past week, -but so far it has not pro. leave file buiness for the put pose. posture. Also 32 norea with bull4litir, n X%ithfully. Years trul day week the Oddlellcrivs of doderlob (if the pier early in the season will gkle Dpad dogs were thrown over the But that if tbe council I bought his act-. scope of I he society.'� NoW2 Avily not its distilles Dro er%. A lyL _'tar Wto. DUDLR grassed rapidly. Last year tit the hank on Tuosday. just In L rR air tile TRI " a%! HE To , G aficiV, tri -k an da Iyeattirt, as the water front of she vicon; were wanted In this (jonnectinn, follow this celebrate the eightieth anniver- e e� at, end is P nongb to - plesur same date many had completed the Star Mill. This priketiCe, Rhould be so. he would make It his duty tO 11011) tile This count y baA �v rich p4w tor �ueli it enry of the institution of Oddfellow- L 0 enrly seedlog, and were preparing tire verely puni bed. t t Mel GODERICa MARKETF. steamers, and boats call discharge pas- Cause along. 0 'TO LEI ueKt to, tiprfa-st.'Me odiat ship on this, contanent. by attending ground for corn and rents. Thediffer- This, Gn society. and a host, of Int -t lIrgoII%. niois s - sengers all along the structure, The darich Organ Co. the past if 99 perTirth. Avoly to ID. divine service. in the North ctreet Meth- Councillor -Knox hoped the CAMPION. . (COnPJ;CTZD UP TO NOON OF THURSDAY-) pier will inake an excellent promenade. enve In the two seasons will enable Its week obipp-d several car leads of their tion Would be as )urge jua that original- and women who could ousko, It it,site- Fah wi eat. standard ... ...... I1065 46 4065 odist, church. The brothren wit] its- support and shelter to bathers. to determine ivivich is the better, an man,, tfili matter oi'tfie estate of vPmhle in the lodge room. �tt 10. 15 a. tn. give y or it late season. f"'tul-eb, Including 4 CA" Of Iv intended, for he could see Pa renson cesm: every day Almost flonto Ktaind itild OR SALE.4 and furnish good herring and perch organs to England. §pdng :gat istandirdl ..... 4165 to 0 65 SUGAR MA KING, -Maple sugar will Brophey sent away thN week a copy larger the number Lhe liptle- the rt, tory and Auglit Ftho late Rev. ins. Pritellaild. Lots num- p -lour. rq too We_ Patent � 2 50 to 2 5o on SundAy. the 80th inst , and front fishing 0 the se%son. toctititdown, lie wasconvineedthe pioneer iiiii away-. tile bers 662 and 076 on Wolfe street air 4 Oglinbns. 2 00 to 200 thcnee march to the church. Visiting house and wd, tire, a 0 per ton . . ......... -brethren are cordially invited to jo Road, in the ToWn d GoderIgh. Ono , it 11,41140 H.rau,e.ver ton ..... .. '4 'a IP. M. COURT, -The boyq charged not be its plentiful this yeaV tits was at of Will. %Varnock's three hir sqtiittqbes caption. and he wanted the whole coulk. 8 art t4d A I* t, with breaking into a drug store has not run 0 'O P 11 00 it porlustught roebtd. 10 in first expected, as the sap in t wngon, for publicist on in the ell to go and would like to go himself. OAMER RAU&B, LMES, Screcuinits. per ton.. 17 00 to 7 or) the local lodge. Spheivitre for RxcRutor- 0 Strimil magazine. councillor Cant-elon drew attent loll Tun STAit, will gladly erigoilrage ond 29 to 29 Jun FIRST PRACTICE. -The first Bayfleld the other day, wer,� again be- freely the past ten days. Atleast.such Dated Feb. M, 18M. ....... . ........ .... ..... 35 to .37 Mr. Oiwitld Unrov h chased todeptitAtionsonaliTti1iirittittAPrfikwing assist Inlets, allfltefY. Peas . 62 to 63 ub Core the P. M. on Monday ;Lre the statements niade by many who Its 110 a OR SALE. -P . to 40 practice of the Huron Lacroage iZI � , and two go largely into this saccharine business. from'Mrs Toseph Williams Vier hand- In Ottawa 25 and 30 stiong, rand be n St. Aa- others. Card and Sanderso�, were add- art of Lot No. 90J.D held Monday evening took place on -'s Ward. could see no retwon tvhv wealthy citi- F 0 ;�hqiiit. iVer NO to 40 We tnav mention that this foi ecaste me reqiil' nee lit St. Georgf wn, evrrespondent, tolil the draws Strae4 in the Town of Goderfeb. r ton .... 5 DO to 5 75 d to ttle'llst. both being charged with old wits zens could not pity their own expenses formarlypocurrifilid. by tha,lato-CharlesPayne. Montreal street. on account of the, all breaking. After evidence suffi- afi ees tvith reports front other sections The 4urn p AN Ottit pairfect. . nor lb ..... 13 to 14 other day that Otivego Tavtor, the Unit- CAdW14104. HOL8; HOLMES. 9 W -19 Aoicuftuml Park grounds being 1:06 . op to com ml t -had, been givdii against I'lis' country. for though in a few m- Out, Powl, -farle Ung I lie delegfition it Title lent 0 ism and join tM. ioa to 3 75 damr Twenty -Ave members appear. -sun, the six the papets ikwJ­ lArgeone. in tj)tA as . .:*... 3, at, -tie eel.vative Whip. ret sotteitord for Juxecutors. 4 Card and Sandei Were com - . ..... 3 so to 215 t Dated ed w th sticks and a few- witboot, and a mitted for trial. During the prelim- of sat) generally is vepoi nXh§;1%VAXwl A desult,ory disicussion followed, and 10"6 of tho- export... vsv,lb, ordinarv. 3-1 .mdd form -of prac ticefoilowed. ..Among inapy hearing on Friday morning the low all average., will aftet a large expenditure of t1rue and who had taken an lAmbo. each ......... . to if sheep 4 01) to 500 Chose present were a few of the old war evidence shewed tbE,t SomLl of the pris. FALL WiiHA,:r. -- Ete. ports received Tho senior rooni at St. Andrew's lots of cross firing. file following were VT ". I ... In th.WWegt Huron chnipai Heirs, live weight ... . ..... 3 80 to 4 W horses, and among those who have not oners bad entered the drugstore on a -earl� itiat week were tiot -ery fav9rable ward school wall elpsed thf4i�past three elccW to tiling PAilWaY kind harbor go, secure A GREAT H.ARQAIX TO, CLOSE AN Hopm..dresia.d. ........ 450 5 001 14hap shot of tba gonflenutiu, Harris, per'lb ...... lo to v�t been houhrably men,tioned for previous occasion, and taken a few about the growing fall wheat. but this days by the absence of the principal ulattem before the Doininion ministers: tk 13 ."'Ll"i ESTATE. rove$s o.i the lacrosse f leld were some things. ' The,charges mentioned last through death In the family. The Mayng and all the couneilinre -, who lie had reason o bellevpvak GOO Bacon,longolear to 10 p C. ff idea to 07 ellbrit players. who'will be medalists week as having been 3AJourned on Sat- week they are to the effet,t that, the A. McD: ATIlan, Ernetit Heaton. Wni. of the Go 6resb Ing �* if Ninqty acres of the Rif of Lot 4. on the Sheri) SillIA" 60 F B. Holmes has a rig for delivering - vernment i 1 . 1. I 4 to D. MeOtIll- I Pfoie the snowfalls und clobes the urday, were not %store the court the ye w tint of the leaf Is disappearin rdai, horse. wagon and harness tieing gang '03p%W I 4h floId. On 2 to 8 s Proudfoot, H. F. Mooers n 13th conces.ion , W ouddv. Jasi Mitchell. 9 gr.vel road eight i�UeR f rom Luckn6w tf,9 I easoll of 1899. parties to the suit having evid4liltiv "I'd that the routs are all atl;,ve. nene o tri, on the 04, IChickens plor Fair ......... 30 to 0 all new. Coal in large lett, Lion. ,he .ad only Qf a mile from Orant's grist mill., Ducks nor r to 60 un Doe PolSoNtLa, AGAIN.- On ken Mr. Seager's advice to settl' them having beeti lifted. At the time Wagon, can heSet-n "a mile off a visittur Walk I a1r ................ 40 t. c itinj it tuny be said that the During the evening 3gio. MvKay. (if Dart Turkeys, por ...... 11;..... 8 to 10 Mo of wi House. alone caller. I. sifirso. You udav one of Dr. Holmes' dogs was their difficulties at hotne. Sault, Ste Mmie,prepented a petition Sullivan, it wa NrWW_*r 'our own n prospects oi- it big crop of fail wheat Rcbt. McLean shipped ai cat lead of I g orebard., Never -falling spring. FRUJT AND VEG ARTfill. I ram jo poisoned and died, and later in the day Tun MUNICIPAL BY-ELEL-rIOX. -The ,,, extremely favointile. day. The regard land 2b to horses to Montreal on Tues Ing the Central Algqxna R. R. Signal. for that exponent of pi 9 Oranges p(r dozen . ...... The petition was read, but no further Tenders its niate waQ ser�ved wilh a dose. but elpctiotf for councillor in place of Win. irchaso of the animals left About flf purity gets, mad at the thought . r received by the undaral ad Lernanit ... ...... 30 to Tun GRAF"rilsio SPASON.-A large tion wits taken by the coun:,Il. 81 Aprif Vi 0. unicia the place is soffl, In Barintias ....... ... 20 to Campbell, unseated, took feen hundred dollars in West Huron. no "the genial captain" should on a per bush. 50 to 50 being discovered in time An At. =essit-trile., idote Place number of trees in Wwn And the ad- The 0,T.R. shipped 10 cats of frel ht place In the liolitical jroguciO gaffell. Write or call an prevented death. Early oil Tuesdav Wednesday. the candidates being joininT townships, principally ripple. on Monday find 17 on Tuesday, ittiTaH Among and ln a chanteteristle editorial effort SJIN Dudley 10 morning a fine black canine was seen Holmes find Ephraim Down- the Churchesq. MAURICE M. DALTON. Of New Advertisements. dead on East street, and others were Ing- The election passed off quietly. are being improved bv grafting, the these worp thirty ton cars It would Excentor, G.Zodlah P".10. Page. said to be dead I- various parts of trie though there must have been consider- gratts being the best kinds of winter have meant 24 and 20 two years ill nee. In Victoria St. Epworth League the it flails poor Tailor. He Is called KintaU P.O. , IGM-3 Servunt Wanted -Mrs. A. MOD. A Ilan ....... 1 fimt suitable for si-tipping. 3as. Le ervice was held oil Tuesday evening "Keyhole" Taylor, '-the sorrel�tovped, town, This (log destrover keep,; well in able work, for 091 votes were recorded Governor Griffin still keeps his guests Caretaker Wanted -John Gait . ............... I the dark. for so far his identity is not forthe candidates. it pretty Ii in. who him been putting in long at work *it linprovetnont,r; round the Instead of Friday evening this week. .,pink-whi8kcred statesinan horn Gain. on account of the concert on Friday Public Notice. Paints, Brushes. &c. -Lee & Sbepbard ....... 7 even anspected, and what his purpose her for it bye election. The C.1111on"Ing days the past three or fq9v weeks, sitvs jail. He has already Planted a large anoque.' and thretened with 4% visit 'Any 91-AfL8 In number of chestnuts outside the walls, evening front "Aleck Saunders,'* when he Business Brightness -W. J. Enlott .... ....... 5 can be in his murderous onslaught no were the votes polled at the different he line never' fixed I'() In Vapor Hatba-F. . Dunham ....... 7 one can divine, becanse aniong the divisions: any and he says also Itevelationii 17th chapter and 14t.h ,,at e---'-�ditiv6nPsq t')f fru TO'U ...... th g.a.h. The Secy.-treas. of the Hurim La verse, will he tire Lext from which asouredly " take to the wood. Aleck D' MidaMoFlurney-BoatTle is King 7 animals destroyed were the kindliest in Down- Ma. for It crotfie club would like a call from each -s will he there," for ­Alock` a -Emerson ......... --James Robinson ......... 4 Goderich. As the dogs were poisoned -Cattle Bros ... . ............ 7 bystr chnine.tbe question arises, where pp en on this continent. West Huron going down next week I �tlowers he is convinced that with member of the club. Dan Melver next, at the 9. A. is to' I -e one of the deputation flow In Oapt Hancock will speak on Sunday Saundel .OID. P. M. April Bargain Days ing. Holmes Holmes. ve ye r-3 Huron will have the best evening J�W. R. i Bad Leak 1 36 72 y be found at Rouqvic's Hard ware store. Remember the entertainment this American Wall Papem--George Porter ...... f does t so dog murderer get the poison? 2 31 72 41 0 BUILD'"S AND'OTHDRS. New Dress Goods -3. H. 4 PRICES or Hopns.- Oil Tuesday Mr. 3 42 72 3o. FRUIT PRospEars.- Wanting to get Ali advertisement In THPI STAR In worth Pveninsr In Victoria St. church. under PoorTaylorl That will Ito asight to theauspiee4ofthechoir. MissSnydor. u'use the House and vary the u-nno- T Summer Goods -J. H. WorRell.. . ........... 5 %-)hurt hicLean shipped a car load of 4 37 57 20 at the probabitities regarding the fruit more than It costs. of ItA Tandem either lump or �sopgirato, will Ito re- Iw Name is Malfic-S. E. Hick ................ 10 5 40 66 7 crop of 1809, a STAR reporter inter- A bmak in the pipe leading to the " favorite elocutionist, will give sev- toIIY choice horses for export to Britain, as () eral nuuiber-. feel the ground of intent Hirl ceived to and tnaltulhip .-F. M. Dunham ......... .. 10 40 W 22 viewed our well known grower, Wni. Court House square from the main at treinblim then they will know that ,V , maturday. 22nd Spring Medicines .AWtfl. Ak for tliI TOR. BRICK Piano for Sale -Apply atstar Office .... .. . I line It lot as has been seen in this see - 7 26 39 13 the head of North street. flooded that, Victoria St. church iniasionary ser. A 0 STONE WO V I N "ERAND Firs Warnock, on Wednesday, and while "Aleck aundois" is marching up the 7 tionfor-murivadrIv. Thelotwereva- - - - With that gentleman examining the cart, of the road in front of Hoy ton's vie" last Friday was very bug IV at- )�.ST A t in Carpets- W. Acheson & Son. e JOINE % t6P! AINTM t , 00�r -al Tower entrance 11 IR N, , . 4,1 ID Pathway to the Cente PLUMB R WORKS. In oohneretion, ivit, he gain of the Wiseman Stock-Hodgeng W6. 7 ried, some general purpoqe and heavy 201 430 log trees and Vines, got the following III- lock. I ended ano a protitable t I me was "pen L and the terrot 81,ricken Taylor will be erection - a 'd poiMpletion of a H01Y,4E AT -Wsn. Sharman, Jr.... . 7 -ding The live trees moved by Jas. Rumk The following were on the programme: A Well Shaped Foot draught. Accot to quality, the foimation: Grapes Are obovving tip fleeing to the woodu away %+ in(. Gat - 8 HAVOlit'r1w, Ont.ir..Pr RNV. P. . WoCABS to [-R. E. Smith I pf ices ranged froni $76 to $105, the lat- fitiriV well though a few of The diore �ront of Win lhe Elliott � solo, Miss 0 A rietir� whoift toodars tog od. and : *krA;I-T6jRor*1 19 tbs. Granulated Siigar for $1 A SAFE Tnip.-On Wednesdayl lant sprIng from the I ehz Bill ineau. calling upon the rocks and hilic; IGreat Slaughter Sale -Parson's Fair . ........ - 8 tervriceheingpaidtoMr. Begley, of exposed vines were slightly injured by Warnot-AL's and placed in the Harhor ng, Th4 is. Own: to hido him I rons the avenger I Don't Plans and Stothparions caMis tiiAwsnd all Bicycle Livery -Yule .......................... 4 West, Wawanosh, for it heavy dratur morning six of our young uteri left, by Led Mildred Godwin: rpadlog, j. H, M 11 an he too hard oil hini.Aleck. And. let us h t. the ft-(,sL Apples were but little in park. are All afive, bill, the one pi tn =nforma, on obtained at'Fn. MCCABLI's and reading by hli%s Milliati. whisper this to you, It you would I-vp- Rugoieq and Phaetons Gu�drT's Auction 16W Ills. George of West Wa- w4gon for Aulturn, taking with them having stood the W de rees of near thom in the summer is dying. co, Sestrairth, or at the offibe, of ent jured if JOSaptit $1 . ........ .... ...... 8 wanoRh. also ctold to Mr. McLean n (ande and two small boats, and reach- frost :rlyendidly. Peitr,4. owever, W. Hitriand and family, sayo the That e will ht� an "At H ome" find sale tain Vour own self respeet and the A. FOw Gaiderich lager Beor-Johnaton & King. 5 magnificent. heavv draught, specimen. ing the mill in that burg at 10 30, At wple b nipped and the chances are Clinton New I work hold In St. George's School estpetis of your nianv friends, try to W-t-sMug-14LOVich, Ont. re ,Era. leave shortly for ' Marind.11and A21tistrels-ooeraHuse. 5 weigbinK 1740 lbs.. the pt ice paid being once launched the boate and started on thatthe Wi I he but a qroall gather- Goderich, w re they will reside for room on the evening of May 4th, wider choke off this " friend " who seem it it) Bicycles -0. A. Humber & Son ... .......... n's and GhTs lie doing his best to make you a public ,8 $150. This indicates that farmers the thirty mile trip to town. When ing of this delicious fruit. but phuns sorn- timet thev will remove In the the auspices of the Worna OTIOB TO 01119biTi6xM Mica Axle atenso-Imperfal oll Co ......... 8 liculd pay rnotent-tention to the breed- between Auburn and Benmiller th haveapparently mastered Jack Frost, course Of IL few weeks. AusirtIllries. There will he son" an6l laughing stock. N ey instrumental tnusic. and refreohments. �r dg6B�ag" HALEY. of 2 Hatmain Days -2 -Jame Robin ?1u of heavy horses -or at least'tbat edting up to the scow that was lost by And the prolin'biliths are will leld Lacrosse. it seems. ip to be ro1`41 Admission only I0 cents. All are In the matter :on ....... . I tg Class of stock is desirable at. the the party I hat tried the jont ney a few abundantly. Small froiLs will -oni is the Town Gitildilelf. In the Card of Thanks-Dudlev Holm this season, as one day last week no cordially Invited to spend a pleasant DzATn or M Ra. WATSON.-P�..,ly o" Fire, Fire --S. Halstead .. ... ........ preserittitne. Tux STAR woold like to dava since, and stopped about one hour Present appearances he up to an aver- -Couinty of Uvel1r, Grocer. I �Lns fewer than nine boys. each represent, evening. Tuesdav morning Mrs. 1atues Ni��tlson have In Huron there ­11ob" MeLe to repair it. It was then tAken in tow age. Ing a junior teant, called Oil It mer- Ias far a& direct benefit to the farming and left at Benmiller. After a short cliant for a -uhRellption. Rev. Jos. Edge, of Wellington street crossed the rivpt- after It 10119 IIII(Raill- Business Notices. community Is concerned. stay at the village In the hollow, tb MettitAlst church, London, formerly of full illness at the age Of 58. On Gootgo,11610y bas,,mKi a all "ginnitme to 616, Too Many -Out the Deputation Lpwta Elliott h-,4 disposed of hin racer -leb, delivered it lecture -econtl Under the' 0 Of *'Ali Adt rao"a Novels I Novels I F or vacation and an no- AN ExerriNo Tmp.-Tbe other day journey was continued, and home Mc(lorinieli, for the standard bred tv,it. 0 odet I y day the funeral took place. the in PI, Down. on "Man for the Age." In it sillong ment taking plare In the family plot Aelilffhhuftitil fair t)leboftofit,of Croditlim boAg mer reading, by 100 different anthors, five well known lovers of boating took reached at 5.80 v. in. The canoe wan ting stallion. "Itoval Opol Thi -Chhp. 141, A�%.OaO 1807 very low, A61sa, baseball, Norosse, manned by Hnrry Hutson and Chas. Editr of Tun STAft. 16 other thingN, he contended that the in I thi tit�44fd: pric two scows to knburn by road. and is a very good speciarren of orseflosh, decline In inarriage In respor.gible for Maitland Censetry . Rev. Jots. A. QW*6 lawn tennis, football and all starting goods Ball, and the hosts by J. F. Platt B. Dear Sir, -Sir William Van Horne, stand, 10 hands. weighs I�W) lbs., and A riderson, B A., conducted the dery ices atd:t -hold IiLsny allies, Id the Toft or received. For sale at BUTLERS. launching them below the mill dam Campaigns. Walter Shannon and F. I understatd, has written the CItIzPnR' gait it ,rich of the erlyne that existq. Mar- at the house and at the grave, and I at 61011[ k ­W06 Mt4Q1iOduq 60 shows A 2,35 1 a I gXV ditions TIM ktothlit, 1 for thei brophey seems to have followed the started for home ; three In one boat Sbephard, and It Is to the credit of the CotumitWe that much liver, effective Itouirvie's change of'u ried men i%Fp under those eon feel- Messrp D. McKay. A. P. Xcuan. 0 t16i IfilliptiOt ra'sild thd'#i voyagers that they r -%n nearly every Ad— (00 late for that favor the wrowth of the 0 Rellben Sallows, W. A. Rhvn h ugh -he other, The voyage at PC t. is soup, inrorins our resvIom that lie el' Dunlop and H. W. Ball were the pall millinery plait of having a spring ofening. unit two In t work can be done at Ottawa. by thr n I srapid. and completed the journey with- inF% of our nature that nsigho other - as lot his 1jillary contains the loveliest p ctures, the start was, ratherpleasant. and After or four tban by a train load or it car I" gelling -'Thp Starns wheel.' one of w e he destroved. He StAted that 03 rAhk set to the prettiest of frame ever seen in out an upset or Injury of any kind to lend, and I have Sen a lettr fron, Mr. the ldest established tnd best, tested ili cent of criminals are unIllarriod. bearers. Dece"ed's none, John. of 16%� these parts. Among thoree.bibited, are it few miles had been runde the vovllF( Vrson or boat., though one of the HoltneR. the member for West Huron. n the market. N.D.R. 14 Polling these Buffalo. Charlm of New York city. Some Sweet tinted photais and copyrighted era were feeling merty over the aue- ploatmen was jerked ont of one of the hi which he save : --Three good mpn wheels of the highest quality at tile A grand Ftally Day In the Epworth George and Bnoce. of town. And daugh- 8 f the Irip, when the three man skiffs whon r(jar home. wilt ate able t I]Iresent the cafle tn the lowest possible price. League find Sunday Kchool ,vill he tors.. Mrs. Stralton. of H .vsville, and, of works of the most celebrated Ces 0 seow stru6k it snag,-whathei tree, held In Victoria s reet church next Misses K111P. Maud and Ten'A. of town. ivIng and dead. making bin studio Tria Srx WERE GuiLTY.-On Friday Rovernment, with the local member. Tits 0oniatten STAR doom not t on any I rock bt utud turtle, no one knows,- a real Sri gallery. Afternoon Win. Hewett, Win. McGee. 91,1'0 just, as good a delegation as Or ir Ice -frills" or "fentliam" All weaRkTthat the Sunday. 11 a.m., wermont4i Epworth were present at the blouse services. Rot and in loss timet than it takes to write the number. but, don't let my sayin% so paper be Jiidgiodpil Ito morita an & rqLw"rA1'Xft- I�e own ; 3 p.m.. epen meeting of the were also A brnther. from Ripley, Jc&n aDrV walks mean van must have new it, Tons ucoildplete wreck, and the three Jae. Attwood, and 3ai Sanderson, 4 School and a program of sing- n age shoes, We would Just like to bay we prevent Anyone frorn coming. I t's The finumeal reporter of the MI nlu Straiton, Pon -in-law. stattio nt at voyagers were floating In deep vc wer. charged with having broken into a qiwplv �4 a matter of expense and eon- who nilstook "The Lotitot Rose of ;FU Ing. r�cstnitlons and addresses I 7 P.m., Hay9ville. tuan -olatives and a IIIt have studied your wants find *tire in a As rulaV, be Iningined the cold st-to drug store in Bytteld and stolen goods ventence for the Goderich people to met," as plaved by Miss Chandler In It Flatform Freeting. Short addrPaRes large niun tier , ri-nds. The deepit."d. ew6st If JOYA When therefroi yC hIPosition to give you the very n was nob provoe in and Charles CArd chat ged consider." ItIssimtd that tourofthe the Fadettes drellestra, for the old fL- wl I he giren by Rev. James, Hamilton who wapt a loving mother. had flihostot. 0 bo'gUfo6twehi tbo lowestorices they shouted (ana thev di ghout) the with having received some of the most prominent eltirmns of (kielph will millar "Annie 1aoriv" Is not a and the pastor. interspersed with musle friends. who will join with A Gr000 Potco West W6 ElItuare. hoarse crf was -heard &far off by the ood" knowing them to be Ocilen. were Scotch- and singing. All who have been or ed husband arid bee join the deputation. and withoui doubt man by any means. as Int eated by 1"Intily In suillnutifir the will give much additional weight one of his readers , nor won thtt br, are "sociatod With school or League her departure. almost baby di, y lot. We two Imit, hoot. The lighter scow was frought before His Honor Judge Mae- *111 ifei elk6h At Ub7brotigbt to stoppod, ,iction. or sinal - tv give to 4as tbOy aftid down with the current, and it bov named Gep, Brnwn. were what in the name of votnmon sione to Those who were up car V on Sundav The Adjourned vestry ineetin .4 a on that day OL" and and thefloatett *ere caught son for elk Hewitt and Atit-wood. Inattaw& Ihiq ta P buqineqs trip. and an excumn for his amu sly mistake. are cordittliv Invited t" P-%Iiv Day. bit" .%W ki of bab- and, badgtn6l oa. to the Aldli Of the WIV, also charged *itb Stealing whips front oA pioneer farrnerof Kinto" O.. all *edb. 047it loug III lism, trying bablesotwin tol wm 'Out three ON- vehicles in the obureh shodit In the vil- down to see fvlr Tarte. They Culd than the beat seen At Victoria hall on Monday evening, the rector pre- hee did not sow ftrAlrf, 1jit the use of the whole council olng were enabled to me a prettier weene George'qi was hold In the schoc, rooni fZ7 y Is k*"A"isrr r, JI 'flin 6 sit *eh#41 t ook O"r Joyous ItA thet lage, while thd 60ning serivices In the send the hest men In town. whether when Faust was presented on Friday. siding. There was not a large attend- y ana 28 yftm Itlia;iisl latt bib fIffirt 61011=00 tKnue, 91,11rd' different 0burdlift lifrere being held- thoV dire In the council or not, And only the soft snow that fell durifig the night ance. owing nodaubt, to the printed 0 4f if 40 Ott til the Bill of tbe liturli usontsis plot tb*, ed tt*woka*irlwt, ]haw sr", y it e�Aourlabolib Nolil- All the h6ya O&W to be tried by the those should go who hnvn made w having settled In fantastic forms on financial statement. which had been *0 was Confined to Its tfthwi b0f, M Wow 110 , , $ Oathii t4 Iff"dl,# Rk Weir *ishod, this 40110kc-d judge witti,450t ory,, and on being CA11- study of tire question, and know what the treesi. forming it panorsims. of lmu- ilsited, prnving no saft.6- *"WY At. i Itand that he never hit bsittovrt�� previously circu The kQW Ifli M on to pl%%Ad.t *e*visrall kd' theY hime to talk ahsli Four men ty that no living artist could produce. factor This wardens. Messrs. Holt We vir, a i"Itted. s iWas, P"s- I AC enty. and one of these complaining of the latv'44 ie Ifito to" Itt sr' Oft ftliltonce four Two of our youth* while Wheorling find Heston. presented the annual M tft6J4IWW h0hilt 1494i od, m. Pirbliat6ol t red for odou d tie W. Foatherstonhaugh. 6ap- around the Square an Mandity evening port which showed a small balance cas, the id' m nor rd mild In of the Andro-va," because tie cillided; one of tfie two crossing W ried torwhisig and that all accounts and t Ough 06 Blvd nf *Ifisl fit mforty ftoi blift all the deiNtid'sitits, W4 He* M stTonapf"ftlilsel" ow 41 it not Air tOCAd mILT1. and its It mariner the .*Pon% aid r Ito. he 0 6 fit the roAd cAulted the salaries had been paid to dato. The Dy 11,1111 t, tan Isi Tewr. Witt niltd. lb 11"n 161311111 V I thee , crifn sPeAk from actual expert nee of rulshao. oth tumbled. the. que who most gristifing portion .,pf the -nr- iltsm ho growth Of sur ftewfjtit� tifl,- 0&66ft ilt Ili '16V t", fift0d' fild '01rZOODCr. "UMMurb" Atiollf, this middle of M*y,. Vito '04, .. - X vid the 441fatitages of the Godertch Inks esusted the secullint making A flying done' 0"Oentment was -that. concern- III" _4�0, who, 16ft %to I 00d; thii t biwew 111161 lot thoi-boys Of)' tria"Sm 01001 bf'th# of- fOut#i,i, Every man who is not their- Imp forward. suid thefther a next nowk Ing the chu"h debt. shaMnir that $4M '1010li Hugill., or 17W g0titI601#11, ' A I . 11 011glily "ted and cannot speak III- fall. The tricycles were samoi0that In. had besut pald on prinel 1. $106 on in- mug t ftola I Z "tlf�oti M sobjeet, will be only jilted by the eArif spring "feet, temst, And thAt over 1WRTS W" "Out I nd ObUsilf, manth# h4ta. I.A I If* 134, 1.111 6o *014L of 6! 11M "WAY 'file Ontaflo A torney-GooerAIVS. Do- laid on the overdraft from pt%fifitifir VAPI", H110)(01 rr bsidit, . I ofttd r C�6 _11 r A, it *'bww at &A on ut 1311146** k0itiftly, X # are anv such In this partmont his be it lnfOrtkied 01, C000- A rvillft 0 the latter from Wto. = V1011k tilkill tiffitil do more harm thati #ftdidi III I14ft # t�rf. f4k*# Wfift, Mt W AR bound to have a boll. terfeltinfit oporlit; o1110 in 1ID&C"tr kt* of the wbiile ardount, paid In to- At&, k t",bog of IVIW,; to It^ 4matiottfif 40''Milt At, rr ax nire, by all means Wyandotte and of tbs 0owts 44 Wft% Sil "orms beirtgovet jWt"j. *d 6f pett. Im"t kft* ~V1,111110 .-D, it heir Ittle spree, but, gio of FAise, Thew0dr Ow, Thi* WMI,donfit were horiffily eon- dito fevvtlom rit I && at win tkay TM in erbere they will do no VeLfrit Ple0s. 0 &on E's" 1191 " tol W on tho finsfiefal rftlt of wi bem"I 'blot bilifti, nots, New York. x1n. tellittly dontiI tho 111101IIIN6" VW#dAW VV0119. after *hicb the nelvefflifitt tb�tduy*�ftz ineink" add sin"here but Ot "PL]rsmTh#�"CtorY VOWS (1119000W i4 ft kas I:* 611fel, and,'� *� Abiti and left fro tb* hotddh ot thot Watftft &"� IN TAXPAVM 1111161111,11rim 0M t *ft(lifte towd IThe thillike 4 the coukr#W144 *06 Of adve t1sem 9 '14 W M bo h" .44 " PM round 1084 U 'ILI