HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-14, Page 9"r W"17M -W '.I�CV.r I . , , - - . . __ :, I" .. ---7-,T,F-.�F'i,-7'!-,If,-7ww--�, W-R-rioror -JlFW-.% I . - ", . , 4 . _3F�_ , 7'.." - - -, 7r,4"- ­ , �' I t) .. . � �10 14 . . � .. . Aft . 11 .7A 1 . I I . � � 6 1, � . I ,- . � . � . I - I '011 11.4,1011, ", . �r . I � I . - �, I , � Oi 1, 01400o 1 is i A I !, I I � , . '.. .. - � � = :� 1:1 "! is I I 1.1 11 , � I . - 11 � 11- I I � .11 4440 � A* 04" vow, VW . - - I ­ 1_1__.-_-_1 _­ mt lu V __ . , �____ " I �� - � -1 I �.__ . . w - _" . "ll "04" 011111 #AW ,to so 04'plar- V4111000, u"Ity VAw"o VIVAla *AK go . V "" 7U News � ` "O"" ` """a"'a V toy 42 Alus I � , 14 09#0111141104 to to I I � �� , J-4 moginia, or.04*M04 "A'% "a- 10#10i". - I ��� - - - - I I . ,. 111W 14,10511011W I I , W*44�g . -, . . ­ � 111111k XOPCIII, of T ,' X*" 0 � I . Vla"" Alw " I I . I - 4,iol" Ow M v&** lwlis ", -_ umm " 401 : =4 � W- I A uk., - V M ov. " 0 " I , - I '"I .0i"110 . o I- Told - � . P4 to aw 1011644111tt 014 . � I JWX .- I :*W* oww tkit; 444" Mail 490- , I ?" , STAM, I . - - 'a ­ �. 11 . , . I .1 ­ ­ 4 - 11 - -­ 1 111111! �� - BOO* I 1. )PAXIM IWA 1W � wll�'. , . �# W I wo" 0 1 I'.' , - - 44 I opma U_ . ­ � . . ""I"o I � I 0 " 414111111K - 4 44i .1 4""4w . � � I Tu'Ausaws-comAm. 10.)l 114 . I . Wir #;VNW,WM =4 V0. �4*10,000 #0$.,W"41,**6.",rsV^*M4 , AM --N"-''w 'r" I ., _006, . I . I .., ... W I , , I Rigor '"''O" , ­- - " ar. 0. W, A ,k,t Z 01 -"A""# � ="W. iliiii � I 1W *40m,almoll., v powl, ­ I 4160 at 404 .- W - 11W .. Awok O'S., * � A0114 Ow Iti"o - � I . � 2, - I 'W10, .''Iy,om-40.p*wjm-,W-,-4*---O,rj , 0 J4 Ift-, - ow, 1. 7 � ..". : I v0swo * ow.00's, , -4r 4t Aw *r = 00.0001%. I'll I 1, = - _. 40-W. lils, tm - , ,� � , A , �A40* -1 4 , W *", 1- I I �, - '"% - Fi �* )�� A 'is , wt __w , I , - =0400=2 , "t W44W Two* -Am *oWbotill 44 mo vio"o 0 , " I* my, ew "411114 Ap *ax J - 'All 40110iiii(A4044mi" � """" � i 'i ",� i;.ia,'elll"'1IA'4i t$04,kol$4� - w . - - 110. �W.. "iio - - , I - "" _ ___ or 40w,"'104"I'"o V 0""*0 W 1AP4*W_- - _. ia­ 1�_._ , - 7--- 1­1-.*ltW . . �_ - 1140_4�', - ,_ X I w - 4" W, I'lM - . . I 11 , , I - I - I I . �� " . . . � pkr ,slit."ol:nA -4 %W"Oft, ___._ ... �.. 11 � 11 I li* )I* , , , * ,,, "V'*, 111111111a, - 131400, . mimu tjxloklx� :14 V_ ,tseosq�" - I I _.&�t­_ , ,W I", 4,1114 Awe A*A - J9* "M* ThR 4"4k At Al - W 04*4*�Rf* % I iI4 " t". 1" "'. on - ­ _9 . .1 ­ I PAW--m-f ft 11111 3wo #A *4 o six" - , � '40, - W , I ".*,;#A I Opt"di; out Ali* ViNw"Wt teatiiii *4 -t*w #tP*,dqh* I* I OK 0# *O*W 140-W-b,o 114K � CA' W** 0. r. W - - "I'll 11 *h#,Q&l#" ­; . =, 3,v_�* =tw* 0444 or 4444 iWA 4�%, And 1470.py 1, � 0A $u4i, W, 11 - 04, tl*W,;-0,W I . . I 'R Or $' aw,* � - 4 k,olf �t *"0_* -Ma*_, , ."W Wtoo*iit 4*90. wi-Lfk,4V* -to � I . r, -, - - - -_ � I I _1- , W_ . -40 , iTk,i VW � 11 =114 "Iroi, A*K �' W-01" '. I . A, W L La , _'� 4 I 1-1 41111111 A;I I � Wo". . I . -11, � . ''I 0 _ 9491%,* It W 411.yli?t "41AV7 laftlog. 14,44t , - - 44 7 . son. . - Ub " �� I . )v ,.q or _* _ P .W `t�$ I" . � .. J, 4�, " " , I �. I " , 11 L I �,Qr & V4 va_*,*� Ifew 40ts"it A 40W - , - . . � , " ... � . . ' I I , 000141 � +k 4'#V* #04 , 49 "P A444 Or. , I i., , _ � . I L. , A100 :*r,y - " ba, 0: X it 14 - I w 11 wuo* f1wico 0,44, If* . Aw A sstwo�� '' . I L '�t'",^'; L ' ,� , tw. .1 . - - ' _ A,1.04illog, 01 ,to 44ya. LA *IF I* 3K #ir , __ . _ _ . '" , _**J,.V" , F44 -Y k "'Wieit,4.4 , , ; 4 : V"-"-*----, . io may. f" willbo AVO.W Iller. ropompto ''mord" ot 1#'09*0*114 . "ollooq. oe **, 49% .L., -7 - AA 13.0 ' __ , _ , . " IWO4101, 944i" . V I I . IV17."'A Ff "I" IN", _ _ . '' , W W .Vq I WtONN. - 0540, go4tosity. AIR* Jia" - I* I I . t 0, x h - :,yUt%^ , '- _444 i6y". 14i'64i9thotlak Wit givow 0.1% 19 pI 4—Ad op - I � .. I I I . T 0 �"1111 h . 11101TISH CAPA, I All . - , h � q . I � . 14K W�e WO" -QK- 19 UWAA I � W*A W"* *44* � A, "o." 41w, loloo sm '.."oo" illy, I ­ - � k. I 144." I Als W-1*40W bdust4at kiwtlqw� oi� , - prWils of wel"K, a,* , U I � , Wawxt, , . tbo . , 0, � to Is 'm I 1 Xeiw OW"14. r 14miliall, - I 014 bodl,ft I i , 'A�t, ,, .1, � ' '. Wrty-fivo. "r "ut,,,Ot tbe go* 41 A* *,; UPROAU14" 10*494 *ra tho (9 , , . I - - *1 I 1. L , , , 0A IF W_ I , L _ . . 14.4, i4 319Atrol Is for- t zutso ok the ;PZ6. c ..L fl�dlfil 'a 0 t , Wit ""kiag p4r,* _�Q ­L4.9tglf,X#. _ft._ ,4, #W9 ,_ ,W ' I 11 ­ I , , . Iililuif� 'h&ft 1; ft, L' , , . , '"Ma! , . :4"41- t0*41111, 00 , Jim Iii NO QX44- - ofte W i �_ __"� tt '' now . , . "Pall. , I POV"Xi AM'. . I Pli I,-lAwd 040,4 *iX 4W. . . . LL hill w *40A 1 wt xo;r": voileiltory, 10 , . I - . U F. whiands, 041� go gliteawt. 1-4 t9 T044; N . . , ... , � -.a witj XWker, in big � ' __ , X o* ot too, *Atioli lt , , to A, 'Im"tch from Calm. asys , _ . I . � , , .1 , -Is'" � IN , Mr., Q P. core . I L , 1. I IL I :M* ;91 "t � � ps4w. o W !:t= . , " 1� ., . I I I ., ..;,� � ,,, t 41lial XOM4 04 the _ . ostrlobia alad #4# an , 4444, a"- 0 str"tt ".. ______ I . .X,4* t4 hatch . V I . 'hills, VVoil4n, U4 ;1 . fluilluatis and _ _ , * . __I __ I � diti" coal I farm , 0VT & In III* Oil* ....... . I i I I . " , I ;N4. the ' , , tv 1, 94 Win W. *, oug i, cwulix - . W . . , I _ I )-,lit, X vi� VeA91#04 -� �-,liq, si = .111its" a Qf r , - stsvol I" a W , , , ' . . ligyp I I I _ .t *A4.t)W 004.daA, Ig. ,U%,*W,,QdAdrA1 a4ttou hall 4*94, th 44 ­­ � 00 , . - I � � s L . . 0 .4 i , 04#4 44i Wi4p An A I toLl , 11 .., ,& I .. I . - ­ ' � .; ep. fo#t to p� I . - . I'll, L ..... - r Wt - I - ft'"'. sayi tm. 11 . . . . . . ,_ALth " lian Left Rogj4#4 - entail 04 rr'" V, tho bwe*a I% Asw I 004 in, " ,M), 0 I at 04", ml _194 a st4to - - .- in , , I .y u4bt b, 11"YOr 9t XOWK091, tQ gollit is a big Ow ; I � , - X i, )AA4 t maypt boa beg as. "XOb4Ulii;i of tho�* ,Rw,v.v ivaviiiuli " , 11 I A :9714441111. 10* . r , i I. ,The, psImiltog - I I th. I I I . ; I '_� t*M1a4,QQ;, L lithilil year Of prom" � , r Ciiialul . I. . I - - I _f,0b9 . Attlia, I . I , A . owe � 0to tak-P., Or RAtogtinis, ..9 ,, - I . rity. tl.,44 4,uvlu4 �ml AW the -40y . , wtv '. 11 I . . *% Aaw of tus, on as � . 4$." L , of B&V.I#g '9 4 .444 . . rog, 'a - W 44;w, ) L., ' ' . . . � . 99; 4,06, ampunting to 44ftoao Sgyp, .04 tillrblir impi OrAwl Or COMO I - . , , t of 0* , i I . .. orqm"tol 41 I'll ow 1194044. Attlon, 49000patiled cu t*6 pv � A AWT IN . 4", H9 reawkil upon the growing 'Thd AMOM04 of- TOMAto, by 4 -Iv 6' N York 04 %, Vit"t W 01604. Juitigh Itusupm, by Edwaril Pollsola. . �" Im . � L I L . I � r . .940. , - . L In We grand 0010W 0108410g, wbb;l 4bpooltiou to Invest Aritish capital in we '_ 11 .. 4141a � llratu.rs tbo Now ypt1it Ow "tuxaltst. � . . I I _t�,Prf k;r reftaild,, to victo for the iW . Alotoin W O4 Warr of OW t Chicail itclal statistics of the Baptist I ­ I tbill XIM I . niells, #nd supwa,pefoAd, to the, Country. The, deficit in the till. - or tk� iiiiiiiiatil Tlia o0i , , A 9.4 Satwax . . :: I ourtity 14 the $A"_9 Of the Soudan is plaotill at 420or - HQ%­SJdnq,rL F _ .Y. ft -quit 'Joinominstiou show that there are s'- . . A%fik".4 AX4 life look$ 00 14"pt, - � , Labor. MAIRtOr od Agn Liodw * "' Uia . . . Mil W#% standing , ga. I . I r1AUltur6,, 11�$ . 23144, At 4 pis places of Worship 112 th . l I dark and titead, 144-7 fiaa�011l 4i . ."cli that * 7 - ffii� of . a United , ' L Is .4 to aifco�* In L the 0 thft ff$ , - . . ,., - . 1, . I their A' - ' ­ _._ , UftOlO Savings _ � 1_� dbatlnec 19.ok 2p .T84RA BaU)GE CONTRA.CT. Lord Str% '! I I , W'U7� thl# ". Boulins . Wit - or to Ew 'als 144b Commlegillis' Ballik- With OW R'Jngd d t o " . ' A it . , .'' khodt" -, 14 big U44, WhIlift V, OM PrOvI Ing sit Ing am mmo. % �. "a. 7 b �, , SO. b the development of the . - and. . sell the roll and escape stiou for 1^710 persailic . . ;;, A,A 4 I 1 ,4- I7460 as,! . I % . "." 114 . beng., � :, 4 �j_ proseelovial dein. loord Mower reters to the TJM 14intreat -City R� t# suld Mh Ilt J A J. Balfour. blIsidan his tonduosis . P10two, � , ... La' t1ka hold 0011tMOt for the Atbara bridge, the Who 14 44AWW zio W1449 I"40L �, so ' Y, thil 4aw"444, thitirouilkly .gl In, The NOW A148141114' MotbOdUt 004- tO,r golt La a good tennis player and �1.1'' At" L , " Placing Of Which with an American rottw ban r"Onimended the -rawitival farilsicle has pka"o L IL . R a .a.trang T a bitiyolimt. Me other fad is uiuud% which I L 1"ho odgloo it"O" p4atdr *-kth JaVIA CAIU04 =404 910=41tat. US 9p all, the V4601itot 041, for Rik I L L kwate I;' ,. ­ i's - .1, . t to the Allon- top or F"14 a4d; 11, 'Aft 4 Mr, -404, writlig, from L' filla '04 "lif Pis-* t1k4t Ali A1381" It= offered to clialivii , C . DiLwatim to stitut on forever . b. the he takes seriously. considering Handel "I I.. I A rose tr6 .row Id the the bridge in six Monthe and a half at-' & -Winnipeg Paper Says there will be POIY~. *Ad- d, - 1440el4r,".9, the moist eminent of composers, . ". t Oft Plaster. When ' I the ape t OX 410,41110, while the American " Im h Rion- anyone The " SoldlerW Binhopill the Rev. 1. _'.� . ,. It birtleps I 1 ,�. , scre- -111 Ile tQtAud to. hold firmly. Rim undertook golty OX it. � I . to deliver it in a days dike this year ail last, A bill. whiah bjk% passed the Prelim- Arthur Robins, of Windsor, b" enter- . 11 I . I . . -%— at a cost of A:6,6150- The latter offer The MoAtreal Licensed Victualtere, IIIAXY stages Ill, As 1jew York Senate, oil upon bin (kith year. He in staying 11 , _ I - GLOSS S!11ARCH. was therefore accepted. Lord Cromer Association' hall passed a strong r*. .slid stands for . I I � lillig-pa,liagget provide# at Brighton, and is active as ever, not- - ., ". I To give high gloss to, shirts, c9lWa adds:- ( solution against lotteries and other for, thd exilimisatIala _ ' I ' " The time of delivery waa , Wore "is. of withstanding that he Beatles IQ stone, I ' a even forms of gambling said to be rife in all cattle entering Now York State, � , , 'and cuffa,, add &.11ttle dissolvii(I gum litore important consideration a e from Canada or�dljawbera, ',the St. Petersburg Novosti is iA- : � ', armblo to the starch. A bottle of this price. I have no doubt these facts will Mr. John A. MacMillan, a well-known Three thousand bricklayers are on built for tht Ru Ian voluntee,r fleet � _. I formed that two new steamships to be �11 , 1. . should be kept wit)i the laundry sup- admit ()I some explanation, wherewith curler in a belt at the strike at Philadelphia; 200 Iran ore as , L 11 t , . , .. Piles. Prepare by pouring an ounce I am unacquainted. They appear, bow- Sadler, 7=(�rl ,,,,,I,, MIUS �t miners are 0 will be ordered in England. The cost I.L, _..'�, ever, to merit the attention of bridge Lindsay and fatally injured on Fri� conductors a tit in Alabama; suit the Of construction is estimated at not Lem �, �, , L %. of boiling watoi over two Ounces White builders in Great Britain... ud motorman Of the trol- than 4.000,000 roubles. I I I I gum SrAbIO, add a teaspoonful powder- Lord Ortimer also gives an expres- day. ' 10Y line, at Wheeling. Va., refuse to ,, 1 .1 ad borax and bottle before it, . Mr Alexander Rob xwou, principal work until their grievances are at- During Edward Ill.'s reign all brew- li , ,;, � gets Sion of opinion. by Col. Gordon that of ale High School at Tancouver, ha's tended to. ore and bakeria were women, and when � I I., quite cold. Ono tablespoon of this the Americans gain time in sticking been ap I � , . , added to a quart of starch gives a nice to -fixpo standards either In locomotives pointed superintendent of Ed- L� , I � gloss. The Committee on Civic Parade fox- men first began to engage in the ociou- ., � I . or bridges. ucation of British Columbia, ld sue- the Peace Jubilee to be held in Wash- Pations it Was thought; so strange � I � ,� - I I � ....... * cession to Dr. Pope, resigned. ingtOn in May, ban taken action look- that they were call led " men brewers " , I . I . .. I RAILWAY THROUGH THE DESERT. In the Winul�pag ptilloa court a Ing to a, formal recognition of Queen and "men bakers.,, - I I L - ABOUT HOUSEKEEPING. Lord Cromer says he hopes that the Galician who had purchased a neigh- Victoria's birthday. The big parade is According to the views of those ad- 1.� � ,­, I do not know of any home in which railway -lit reach Khartoum at the bor-a wife and had nox got her. want- to be held On May 24, and a committee v �1� �� , the NPIrit of unrest and discontent is end of 1899. and be extended to Abu ed to enter an action for obtaining VMS appointed to wait on Ambassador ocating Lho System a striking proof � 0 I Haraz in 19ov. Thence it will be con- money undex false pretences. PAIllacdote and arrange for some ap. Of the necessity for old -age pensions is L i ,. L ' 90 manifest SO in the home of one of structed eventually to Gedaref, K`a` Zoltan Van Rojas. an Hungarian, Propriate ceremony. afforded in the case of a Lincolnshire , , L, , , :: �`�ff- ­ my acqualintances,who Is regarded its a aala, had th- Red Sea, but the route now at Ottawa, says be has concluded GENERAL. t farm tabourer. He worked faithfully 4� ­'�:: it- has not yet been decided upon. aVraugeeivents with the interior Do- Vessels with enormous catches of for a rich employer, a churchman, up- � ". , "beautiful housekeeper," says a wr .� � "t Wards. of thirty years at a' rate never � " . er. There is about her house that partment by which 600 or 6W families seats are arriving at St. John's, Nfld. f- . I � spotlessness, that iminacu!atimess, that GUILTY OF FORGERIES. of Huns will be brought out this year. more than fifteen Shillings a week. In � 1 ; , Serious labor troubles and strikes hit, old age he was C�i � , absolute,' -ordsiriluessi, tbift only — By the bursting of a steam Saw are MPTORAJAS in the manufactar.nj diE. longer equal to the work, and he is now - � I I . . 1114- �. ,�, Oeaalug"64176 hudVistobfulness can give firow Fthed Swiladledthe York Counly Loals while cutting wood near Neepawa, districts of Russia. with his family homeless. �,.,� , , "tartany. John McPhail was Instantly killed and . .1 The village of Nabouna, near Yoko- The latest, lifeboat, which has been , 1, � . to Is holio and. l*rtW I Jas. Stephens, right arm was severed , 41ar k to a house 1111� . � I I , . , ' ,., , Iq I . I in. which tba,e lit - little children. It A despatch from Montreal, says:- at the shoulder and the fingers of his hama. Japan, was burned and over approved by the British Admiralty, car- � ,�, ,� , , 'I Arthur Fiset, 'the Montreal notary left hand were taken off. 70 lives were lost. ' 4 1 'a In that hOW6 is if the chief end ries three long cylinders Into which ,';',, � - ij�4 and &IrA of oxiatenials .wilp f;he DISW. who was arreated by detectives In At- Winnipeg butchers have advanced It is reported that Montenegrot Ono 1,M0,600 cubic feet of air can be oum- " talilduff Ot 00;hOt Order An unduat- banY some days ago, appeared before prices of nearly all staple lines of of the most able of tile piliplao, ead- pressed. This air will drive the boat "�" Meats. The advance will vary from ers. haft been killed. 5L 1 ' 15 miles an hour for six hours. ��1,11 I . ad mointelf., 9 cursor We, ruff; turns& the Police Magistrate this moruln0i to to 1 1-2o per pound on beef. veal and Invitations have boon issued to 23 ­ and pleaded 'guilty to one ob The appeal of the Paris Matin for I li:: I AP, & book'obt- ot,place, a tiny itoiled, arg(5 Of mutton, clad is caused by the high Powera to be represented at the Me, - 1* �11 ��- upon on the tablooloth-th ase, fret and theft and forgery. Upwards of ten price prevailing for cattle. - a1maluent Conference. 450,000 for the construction of asub- .1� I , I A, cAlles of,forgery on the York County' It is aid that negotiations are pend- The dowager Empress of China has marine boat has a precedent in Great 4 .., , vex the'soul of that housekeeper more, . . , . I Loan and Savings Company of Toronto Ing for the amtalglimatiov� of the Ham- issued a proolamatiom forbidding at- Britain, the county of Suffolk having � �A�4- than the d0fO06 in the characters of n climowledged 6y- him, bui ""' Blast Furnace Company and the tacks on missionaries. subscribed 417,6(lil in a few days in � , ;�Ili - . her dklldr�n. She is ever on gua,rd to Ontario Rolling Mills Company, and A shall accidentally exploded in the 1782 for the purchase of a man-of-war. � �%,� - . we that her husband and ,children only one, that[ of 9. Beauchernin, a that in addition the now company may Belgian fortress, of 2 . Buy, Friday, kill- The BriUsb wittitary authorities in I .��,�� do , ,f,ol, Montreal policeman, who had loaned establish a steel plant in HapJltqu. Ing two and wounding aevetral persons India and elsewhere have at their com- �,�,, not track dust or mud into the house, Fleet $1,500 to place for him, was press- r� �, Mr. William Mackenzie, of Toronto. and doing great damage. 11�11*,` :, . and from June until November She ad. He had forged a mortgage in now in Witinipes, stated that the The Rikadag has voted 2,388,OW wand 25,000 camels. Thousands of these 1,fL � fights fli0a With a degree, of fidelity favor of Miss Duckett to cover line w6uLd be extended this crowns for the purchase of rifles, I up the Dauphin useful but ugly animals are used in .0 , " and persistency worthy of a better theft of this amount. Warrants for season, to Saskatchewan. As to the "d 2,200,000 crowns for the improve- India to carry stores of all kinds when o , 1� . , this offence were sworn out some time Rainy River extension, the contracts ment of the Swedish fortifications. troops change quarters by line of � .. _ " cause. She Is ,sacrificing her entire ag and the remaining charges will am being let from Marchand West- arch. I �� . It �� k�y . �� time and thought and strength to , be prepared on the arrival of evi. ward. The Egyptian Govexinurent Is report- in Mr. Robert Wilberforce Parr, form- , ,,"� l . - , material things. She is a bousakeep- dence from Toronto. '. ed to be contewplating the building of or , :�� � . . � FORGED POWERS OF ATTORNEY. Daring the past -year the Depar - a 11'ail,waY from Khartoum to Sualrim, ly a well-known Wesleyan minister, 1 '. con - or, but not a home keeper. she is menL of the Secretary of State issueto via Kassala. so as to tap the Abyssin- hanged himselt in Leeds. Some time I �;� . . Fleet forged powers of attorney from 93 passports toi Canadians journeying Ian txude. - � ;1 stantly tyranniged by trifles and she the York County Loan Combalit to to foreign lands where such docu- . �� , , I Y ago he gave way to drink and the sad 11 I I . knows nothing of the true art of liv- Mr. L. G. Hurlbort. a6d the discount meats are required. Of this number G,arman medical students in Berlin ("L that his wife died ten days after . 1, �� , � . k Ing. Her ObUdrOu will not be sorry of a mortgage for $2.000. On these pow- 13 were for Chinese, who were natur- are "Owing their Opposition to the their marriage is supposed have , , , ,* . " I to 90 from the 1101118 she is wearing her a re e signatures appear- alized British subjects. admission of women to the medical �unhluged his mind. 40 .� , them ed of Mr. Joseph Phillips, presideaf� Profession by acting with brutality to- ", ' . ,�,�� . - life away: to � Itoop'spotloss for . V. 'Robin, treasurer; and W. H.,flitthai -For the past tow SeQOODO the activity wards girl students. I , The British soldier is the best fed , , ,., and tIlOY will remember bar constQ I . of the smugglers doing business from individual of his class in Europe. He ' I., I ter. as notary public. Elain Pasha, senior surgeon t . � :.", - fretfulness and almost nagging ad- The accused was not attended by the French Islands of St. Pierre and 0 Sul- receives for his daily rations 16 ounces ' .;4` ,; , legal.counsel, and appeared altogether Miquelon has been redoubled, and the tan Abdul Hantid, has been banished ' I., I ;.;, monition& to ne oraerly longer than I 11(w life. The pasha was betrayed by of bread, 12 of meat, ,2 of 'rice, 8 of I � , qf*b� ­ k 1, 94Rh, of the Kw broken down. His wife alone� apqe�vo ,�� , OF ­, Ill wife as being implicated in a con- dr:16d vegetables, 10 of potatoes, and -6, �, ­ they Will rOMOMber her labors In ba, with him in, ft. :: - I. 11%,*�. , � aoatti�ab. " ... " _. _ � I ikAOY. against the Sultan,s life. ace a week he receives 2 ounces of halt of an immaculate house, tered a simple plea of guilty, ana wt,,, ,a3de aw 4 .. � � �, �, 1;! 1. - I . 0 � � ,, '. , _ I . -k'Barlini 'marriage bureau fills sent salt, 4 of coffee, and 9, of sugar. 'Z I know another home, and more than then remanded for sentence. repce. . :. ­,­ I I �. . . - I ��.� ' At the annual meeting of the Can- &rummera throughout the country to A London man relates tile following: ' ', I ()no such home, in Which the wife atid increase its business. The agents re- When near P at L t , v adian Pacifio Railway in Montreal, the 0 1 reet he passed a � : _ mot�laar 'a, a h0ullekeePsr as well as a FOUND SMALLPDX IN A COW. port favorable receptions everywhere, Oman 8 , -elected, and the novelty is proving, u , , ��?" , old board and officers were re 0 poor w who totally blind, and �'k , : housekeeper. In this home the mother — and it wad decided *to spend in tin- ful. 8 cc Sa- - l �! �, .1 . I - site close. to the railings, with acard 4 � ; Is too wigs to think that the founda- Peculiar ling Alarnting come Dimeotered provements of perma ut way 4 150,- '.'f',._ L tion of true home life depends upon by moulreal nilk Itimpeetors. gril); for additional staftlion yard Mtor- It is reported 'that there will be a in front of her, appealing for alms. , " , 1, absolute order and iww'acula�e clean- minal facilities at Montreal, Vanoou- inflating of the Czar, the German As he -was passing, a lady, -.rmly ��, A despatch from Motatroad. says: -A var and other points, #7KI87 for the Emperor, and - Emperor Francis clad, with fur oape boa, efe., stopped , ,. tillage in the house. ' Sometimes the case of peculiar scientific interest ,Was completion of akil brake and automati IL I � Joseph at in front of the poor woman, and tak- 11 corners of ingg, are turned up. some- ' . Sciernevice, Russia, upon ing off her own boa, pI ( - , " I tIm6O it Would bio-posible to find dust 0 the Health Department on coupler equipment, 6305.010; forbraticho the occasion of a great hunting party the neck of her less fortunate sister, c � '. reported t aced it round . ! I 1 1 , I � cu tM�Mep�Al., ilMuetlines. books and Thursday. The case Is one . of open- linbs to ladnes in connecti6l, with the next fall. proceeded on her way. I � , ", .1 Papers are not in t , hair appointed place, taneous. smallpox in a cow, and Was Crow's Neat. Pass line, VMQ,()00, and liuFsl,t will send an expedition to and L': ­ the Milk U�spect . rolling stock, *1,000,000. as the traffic SPiti-eigen at a cost of ,$I.W,Ooti tc The two sons of Hallam Tennyson I 1. sometimes the tablecloth hou a Spot discovered by 018 The of the company may require. measure a Parallel of latitude, in order grandsons of the late laureate, named I ''. , I , .�; I On it- 8000times the husband and the sale of the mUk from the cow was im.- ,�, � children. "track in" dust and dirt, GREAT BRITAIN to test the theory that the earth is Aubrey and Lionel Tennyson, have f : I �", f � 1. 11" 60nietiM08,8- fly to Permitted to buzz wildiately forbidden, and the matter The Duke and Duchess of*York are flattening at tile poles and expanding just won prizes in an original compe- I � , � undisturbt)6 in the parlor itself. This reported to Dr. Labarge, the medical about to visit 1xialandi , at the equa,tor. :e ,. , homakeeper witnesses these things health Offi0oT. . All the Aliglo,-Egyptian troops have tition contest in a child's magazine. t , If., ,,:` ,�'� I without pace, losing bar sarOulty and Dr. Labargo states that cases of a Mr. T. E. Ellis, M.P., chief whip of Aubrey is aged 7 years. The theme of I - the British Liberal par been removed from Omdurman Owing composition was ` My Happiest Day." i 1� ;, ,� , -'% There is no all-provallIng slanilar kind are of extremely rare cc- Em ty, in dead. to the persistence of the disease f It is a rule at the wall known bank- . "" " 0 2'1'1� � and t;,OtixLg disorder carrionce, the inlast recent kn�vn case . . " , �* in her house ra ago ,peror William and family Intend cerebro. spinal meningitis, due to the . , ; and real dirt has no place in it. But . Ing house of Coutta & Co., London, that "I 1, having occurred some 50 yq passing a lengthy holiday in England former insanitary condition of the 11 1. t I I this wift homakeepor knows how t At that timis two cows were discovered and Scotland. town. It is intended to allow Omdur- none of the bank clerks wear mous- ,,.,!,',? ,. eliminate unnecessary burdens fro'.* to be afflicted with spontaneous ..,all- The estate of the late. John M. Cook, man to become waste. tachea. It has long been considered a I bar busy life. She recognizes the fact pox in France, one ,it a town called the head of Cook's tourist agency, is The first street car in Europe to be point of buoineas etiquette that all the ,. ,,:! 1� that homa comfort is not always all Pasay and the other at Bogancy. The valued at ;eWupo. 1. - led Propelled by liquid air Was tested in gentlemen employed at the bank abould C t I , with the highest degree of order, and St. Michel (1406 will he closely studied Mr. Francis Marion Crawford Is said Zurich Monday. If the reports of the wear frock coats during business hours. t �4 11 "' that something besides order is fload- in its scientific aspect by Dr. Labarge to have commenced to write the bio- experts are satisfactory the city will Dr. Morley, brother of Mr. John I, � 11 I ad to tasks home really. and truly home and by other physiological experts in graphy of Pope Leo =. remodel the entire municipal traction Morley, M. P., the oldest surgeon in u � I 1� . � , * 11 for the solrlt-.' this city. � I , , I �: Then are humas that are being dess- . It is said that the engagement of system soas to employ the new motive Blackburn, and a leading figure in t . � Princess Victoria of Walca� to Prince f0rcel- . crated by thp fetieh of order, There KILLED BY AN EARTHQUAKE Gaorge of Greece will shortly be an- The 140 delegates present at the Association football, is lying in a criti- I , 11 �, ­ . It ;, ae ottafteepero" 5. 11 — u0nucled. Stockholm Trades Congress, re re- cal condition from an internal malady. a I f, who know nothing and whom foxiiiias, rr-lus� Dr. Morley, who is about 70, presided a I .� . also I know nothing of the ourpassin Japan Again Visited by its Old-Tivive Ter. Tile. estate of the late Sir William senting 20,000 wor 1, 9 Jeaner physician-in-*rdinary to the trade% decided that if the amp at the Borough Police Court only a 1: �, Joy and peace and beauty of- bomekeep- rer-Many Buildingin Wrecked. I loyers Queen andthe Prince of Wales, is refused to better the condition of the fortnight ago, ,: �. Ing. On Tuesday, March 7, Japan wall valued at XN5,000, 6", a general strike would be or- " To dun," had its origin in the annie � I I 11, visited by another terrible earth- The Queen has sent a inesiiage of act, dared. of a famons Engliall: bailiff named Joe N ,�, � I VVENTOny BOOKS. quake. It centered in the Nara Pre- row and sympothy, to thel relatives of A tax of 25 francs has been lovi it by Dun, who wan exceedingly clever in , � i a I. , �'. �, a F n unmarried natives I " �_ A,n% "Inventory book" Is the latest facture, and more than thirty persons the passengers and, crew who lost th Lr ranOa UPO Of forcing delinquent debtors to pay up. ,�� , I �� " � ., callvelliII11106 far the 1101116�kttlpor. This were killed by falling timbers and fin lives by the sinking of the Channel Madagascar, since January last. WO- When a man refused to pay his debts , 1�4 i:� the mines, many of which caved in. steamboat Stella. mieft of 21 ears 'of age who re not some one would suggest, " Why don't b I I is a printed Hat, with oblunAid for date mothers ol children fire tile d 15 . ;:,! �, I *of entry. -value and description. Thirty-one dwellings collapsed, 15were The Emkieror of Germany issaid to francs, Each legitimate childxe you Dun him t" which meant, "Why p . , It . badly damaged, while 36 other build-, be Working to secure the election of is Bull- don't you send Dun alter him fl, I ,� is systematically arranged and makes Jugs were demolished, and nine more Cardinal Vaughan as next Pope. The Jeot to a tax of seven francs and " , � � - t hag of , r every illegitimate child a ta� of W The Drapers' Company of London, a 11 ; . the list "pllitS Ilk oftso,of fire, theft or law wrecked. At Amanoilaws.- Cardinal has dianied hat lie _ to Eng., have offered to make a coiltri- t I f� 11 I . or death. It is next to 11406asible to Murs, Yoshino district, the bills emit- fared himself as a candidate. francs is required. I - ted a rumbling nolao, fissures being The, British Government in interest- The King of SiarA has issued a de, bution of E800 a year for ten yours a ,� I'L 1�:. remember all, that Was In a room be, discovered on the high land, and tan& ad in Dr. Felix Borton's airship, which oree that no children who are entirely towards the development of facilities ,i I � � fore a fire*, Aiad the lifIturA466 0 - ORIP1112- Blips taking place on the hillsides. The it is claimed, will have a Speed of naked will be henceforth allowed to for agricultural education. at an im- ( - 1, . , � �:� JOB always raklfalti!i a livriltil Hat before water of the Amanogawa became mud- M miles an hour. A finished ship play in the streatit of Bangkok. and portant seat of learning. Thlo, only con- , 1, ." . : settling. This hilijl%ak#6par*8 itiven. dy. Tan miners who were working in will be constructedf after a vi * that every person over the age Of ten dition the company make in connec- I ; u r Rion ,� tory wilt bottle. tholinittor 4u d with by tfi6 British military autho"Irti. . Mast be clothed from the knea to the tion with their offer 19 that the Board , I lokly. falling earth, but they were soon dog The Governments neck. It Is also mlide a rule that all of Agriculture shall give the scheme �', I Articles Itlibly ,to be found in any out unhurt. I of Great Britain persons entering the palace must wear the benefit of Its support. � I I and Range have chosen Prof. Ben- �� - room of thS hciift Ofe. et -ranged in ning Matzen professor 8001[fil. NO11-comfilliance With this order The excuse given by the Admiralty t , I �,- 11 of law at the I, to be p,,i,h,d by fine. The decree for lack of originality in coming ships a J alphabetical Oiddro Witithill' 0106 and KHARTOUM TO SUAKIN. University �i Copenhagen. to arbitrate ingots especially in girls and in that they are restricted to one set �� . ,. Women , ­� . location of the kdopi b"ditig tb*,Vj11e. — on Camada's claim tot damages for the wearing jackets, but ,. , Two lit ivr an this 'a not the of names that have already been borne 1 1 11 . . 'a by Rusn't in MO& there it is anticipated that there by Ships in the British navy because ii pagea at's 9"#40 Ovat to'IM406% flow Rallway Line Through the Faster" seizure of el :1 beginning 'With 1111iliblimoo i iijidittIne; , Heads". Behring Sea. n I . will be considerable triluble with the of the signal codes. Every time a new a , J I bracketS, bf]164-brill. ,,*k - 491*,* The, Calro correspondent of the Lon- if In a widespread and vehement pub- fair ones. � name was given every RiAVI book in 1, :, �'i , , . ` " � _ o dihounition of the Iniquity 6f Sun- �,,�. ,! bureaus, b98tok4J14 6to,J, ahi).-fto"L- ,doin Mail says: -"The Government is day newspapers now proceeding in the service would have to altered. t - through td ­Wardr6b _,jifid " *tabj 6o"doring MAD IN THE MINE. � I . W 1, a scheme for a railway England. one prominent English do- The principal feature of " Beau- . I � ,� "'�, seats. 00041 114i of'of'sula "il$ft thirbugh the Eastern Soudan, probably cleg , soltio. tho Dego,of Norwich, stands — destart," the Marquis of Anglesay's " I for briO44,b,k At" . I *Iona in commending the movement. A Weird Story Prom a Welsh Colifery- beautiful seat near Lichfield, is the a ,40j'%61*, olol� - "Sj�W­ fi%& Shartown, on this Nile. to Sua- - .1 I . , ft, I 1 4 ry, Oriifi*4tk 1*41,41 �4 " I __1jj,_ On the Red Sea, by Way ,of Kas. The A;%biahtl erbury lauds 0 : , ,* , p of Cant A despatch from London. says: -A grand baronial hall. which is almost b .. I , It -the clerical 'chorus of d Iroval In I 11 . -4 _00t , at Vert 1464.111k, �14 i -, iwiri,! � 'It) Jul Nubia A 4. .,. , r �, Pa- I , . This, I b 6 , Weird aWy comes from Fisch, in the ,I hundred feet in length. It in only Y I � It tow , I 'it :A tiurt noted: "In my 60 cu." W*8 .. �, waft, �A Ru"I'MA I Jima 1. Ali Jet , if� Paralleled in the United Kingdom by , , �� ­ � linen, W # , * - 1A_k0.* I � . I sad for Sunday , =1 - the Uganda there are the better... Philip Gilpin, at the Mardy House, Lora' Salisbury's seat, fin Hart- t� � r '4 , , I be. 'the fewer newspapers Rbondda valley. A repair", named the equally grand ball at Hatfield , 4, . 1� I .., re"PIM, ti*, tc;` tu. � taoij 'a thilit �, -1 ... .19 t in the V - colliery )If J IL , ,, �,t "Y' �.�:: whi = , 17W, , , ; � 'If , MT110 OTAI'm failed to rotors his lanip to the lamp. fordfibire. a I , . � iwk;l , , - .. - .;, , , .. . �,,,. ",:, I Rvaly: *611ift. I* oillit Wille I, h4i: ."46 ] 4.' . -_ Mr :at* -11414. ex.,*amW or tb_9 toom in the marnifig atter his Might - a I , ,:� , _: 'L � , " *t . - - I I " , � � �1' , place I* Itlie .. I I RowitiWoonit, Its dead. ��� 1'' rm�ptft 1*11, 1, I � ., �� .�, I I Ar.1111yr MT AW6111ta, United MAW RICH STRIKES ON THE YUKON. If . � ., c14 1l=-_____ I 1. *=� I " L � ",a,. shift, and as no one had seen him above ,� A it � - , Bear AQAh%V0- 0- &V 6 rator. to- — I I I rool �. , . a 4 =01111111110 , 1, " . � 6 a gnund a search was mado.or . 16110 , , 4 ialaf,'114tw. 11111tOft, I. I J*,ka#**iidv01*A Ait Ifid §**0y, 1powflisdo � *Wt :16, I n A. MAS- *"a. "O t "001 W I I , , . I I .. I � 9*06 �, . 11 . $1.4" I" Conine 10014 Reported Take L ­, mind ev"r IWW" I I . 40044614 1 by 109 111101% IN Silt Paorli� � '' V - . *bdn twelve boon JAd etal;04 be. , Rut _A.A*6t*t4fr'ft1A1%40#,"YW-A,t "' Mt. 1141111,111ar " , , I � ,� I ­. " .. ( I �i 16, -t" 101wil a I . rm-Mr. t 1An*14'**V%.vb*' , , � I TU, Aft0kAi 0604iiiii I for Illitil '0C 4111W . " 11 all I I I ii�;d Nuot .. the 461- John Jr. gilhlyg president of the North t 6it, ,-, ,fl 1 4", _4" ko MAW � ",_ k to 10: ­ 1 . I � I . I . � .�,ilw,w I , I boa I folilL, Iffiry. a long diatedibil Omh,wa C ,,� � lili�., i � *10= 11 ; Is le . it w 11- , I* . 1, I , " iwiiw� *, , 41 t , I , VA �, i 1 "king , - 11 , ; I , . , .1 � .' 'LL' 1% 1 4*4*44 *010h,w 1* tht 1, ' AAkartun Tftdft and Transportation , I I � 4"��.� ," wift " Am . I*, W44 . �* I ".. � , I a �:: � `� , . I I 01 . .1 :To"- to"AM4 omawt,w kilioa, 1. ,�, *66- 't Wall ft" "da UAt �*'hkd: *90 is heirto IM just received letters I " " **a koland in a remb4o part a A doillatch tkm Ottawa, as ". , - -1 I , " � wuam omw PASOM � " , " , k06 UkAd its wlita Ta6t la thil ,Iftgt . I I I . ltiiltilho voo-"'Itat 0"", totAlf 1;floa,', � .1 , . . � I"t".16300ft 111110 Alow",owt" Owl," U"IA#* I t t lit a ttehl strike - h , I , I , , 4 _ Alip" I t 000iNtO ,Ml l, � L� 11904, � IWAL U, W" LW , 111111W "*o- *aa 4 ,hoft Z 114 *nt* DI "Atag .� ' fall 11 W*' " .- . XiAloj 10 ,3&. t1btly. IW,tsao to the location. d 'L' " , � the V O" Q; q OD Ifery. bLat JA 4 " 01V ilip.vulgon J It 44* vaotea *0 1104ft ta w "w0iiiii, � I I bt 1"1100111fly 10 %; Met . I'sow "; I "It-, �,� okk *u"W1 wwwot a" I i f iiat'hillow* _ A . . It"It, W"" *w1*,,Uw"*$" 1"Ww, 4WIN0401 �� 41* 14 4"O" I � N , UW Wft wilaom* - , , - I I st* Wits, I* iii to* oiat oum in t 6Vtf ., V"* Oitow^ wwffa ` ( Sow" * - I - wt 1;;;;0 , , SA:,16 . f" I 311111011111W. 9" 060. A OU66 . I I I U**U'ft% � ' 0006 " - At dqA, Mr. Hettly t - I it tig, * 'Illeft ."*#*" 311110"* � .. I - _* � 14A b"*1 Dill", WU ftie � I ' of#" qiqah d 14110110�61 t '' - ,1 14' 111114 , JtWk fit . . . ""b" A" � - f011ift A tbk#. ��, 01p &, ft, VA* vo"', knief 041* wirlt 11106141 , A"I" At"t . W fdand says the 4 ­Z�­ I"14,by .","., ,Y' tbo t I � Ili *A" *04 1* %at Owk*� Arpi Am , do *a 01 ­ , Is" S"ftbjll . KA"Aa f6l 111MItIll. Tor 116 00t "i T" rilt t - I % ' . , _,_*,�011116,0�# the most. vala, llmi;J.or twill, AN, *610111ot ! 4 ; _W � � , It U I , I 0*0 1��!I", "J" *JtW, to *J6614 bill A", " ilinftM� 4 'a 'a' ='I Joel Aft , r"1101111111010111*0*1- 11 I � I M"Allil, " Is J"Nal-k L i& , file ]I L W474. .1� , � - '' 'I - i I" 1" I` 'I- 1�' Q"P;%W,r.i- . II= - 4- - * =lr 1;, , amouilmop mt - Prom itlw I . I On I O� ,21, """ , , oz,iiii" � 114", *At . I Vol" , *,� _bft W*ud ftt O" , ilif LW'jg:ftts, lie IMY4. I � I Aeon" $40" .% 11 pm alla 6%&Ai'A". I .." __1 I '. . I I I "i 14 = . ft �.. *U Ott* I . I I I � , .� . . . . . ,*-" � I � Slid Atilft'1111111t,, � � gold cr-okA I a *06 . , i� I - ". . � ;aVQ I *U1 U . 11'*",tbW, thky are ex- e . I 11 Alinwilill ut. ; i%u, #tfls$" , 14.0410 . .� ., � "I #4fr1lih. 0 , . 1 411 bow*** : u 't �", If I , , .11, - . I '" t�, kwile � I , - Aw. - , , 6"t W A r*A I 00*U -t *01110 - . Im. � - , , I 91mr, ? - to tu A" , , � 4C � I I�Vson by way 0 1 1 Nowal .. � 1. " a a' I _ , ,= *11=� !v' ,f . 6 . 11 T 4,f � . ,it , _. ­ � - .. � )��- � - � , , - � , . . I I h. it a - Aly 4t will 4 , I --- .- . F4 0, -7! I , 10"'K I I I I .'', . lk 11,101,11 so ; '! '! '! '! '! '! . '! I I �, I I 0 � ­ . Ill A . � . 4 ­ I I 11., I ,, I I . � 10:,.ZJ �. � 1�_ 'e . �, . .) . . 0 . � , I 11 � I I � I - , m. -.9 ­* I .� I . , . I'- I � I 1 I ; I q . � , . I , I . �, wl� I I � �.:rl � ,, - . �, - I I , �� , ! I I , * ". �,: � I � . 1, . I . . I _ I - 1), I : 7 � 11 . '� � , , , � , , d, I JP . � I I ... � . , � I I I I ,,,, ; 11 I .1 I ; � , , . . I , i 4 .- �. I I - - I � I - I I Q \� . ,,, ,� 1) I , I I �� I " �, � 'A .� ,� 11 , � �, ,,f I . .. A'Aiiii&, _t�s, , " ,&AO&A&d. ? . - , ,,, ­ -- I I ; WAM4, woAgiowk'' - . ­ �_ -, ­ . _ t'r. . � A" , NOW # � Wwr - , Itill L 11 �Ik ; : 11 I 11 , 1101110111"", 0101111010"oll Alk 1111411111all" .11% ,��. : . , � . I -1 *1101^40401011111101s 11 *7110010 � *_ A , of twu tv. I I . _____ 0 iftir-4004ft � . . . I I * 11114111111114"ll, foo (94wol, 4tol.,.-To - 9". "". �" 10"Wili. : I I lii�� . ,,,,� '. I . I I 13citforo*,"Ist *P VA*T* , , . I I ,. _ kilois*Witoin , , , _' , � I - , . I Xle"o Cur A*,# tw*"t 1114 111# *_W.� � A, 94 ;I�r ll� . . . #"Wow 441"Xi IM .1 - ;,�� - . ,� . I V404% - I . 1 aw,40MR, *410"', '*"o%t1;* '00 " i ... � . I sov '. I , -ft, � %o ofiggim, �) *41" 0" IT** 4.411441 44 11114 tht", Aw. , . 1. �, 00 0"0114"k lot,"" !, I I l000. I . I I I , ;tk* CA� woo* xolivsrvow,ntii� r I . . �. . . ­­ Slllllr $0 Jill I #404 00 oo 11,14*, Alro :#"_#k1,*!k #—'*-. 0"If $44, im *1111I #111111111too, " "k, 11101111011Ottla � I , � I ' 01IO 4� to^ CONA. 'CLT* og, . 0111' At'" 1100 -*AN,*," I � *AP n I vp, no" � - _ , _ __ __.,,-, _-_ -_, 1. I .- �4 I 00W. 'ifto V44ppfa, *404100 1.9; tIR#,:b,0,r a, � I Aft"llsollilk - , , I . — " . ftw to *0 Ate .9-ollilf"" 411OW44 two To *woo. kk* owtor og tu low" � X04,7*4-olitwow ""., *ft ." _ - In itlitle vroo Of salt , , , . , ". $*Tili lv,la "WAN040. 00"k U, . , P� ,udi IPM 4W , , ,&#It,. . ; - I 1*1. I I., - � tk* other two 44*w 04 40*4VAW , � � �t.. tot ,.Woo . . st 1*40.%, I'll, �w vwr Ow I , � W *t Awrived )A104 4tor tU #4A* A40#0tint t%4 WU004 . . . . . . . I I I . . � . . I I I . , 00 wot,7 Is . � 0041111,44 ft Ow 09KIAWk. 4#4 Mviii- Wilko 34-4vft,- 0**pw, Qt UFAQ w 0 '.44,00 � * A, . ph vtm, , 4 - ' 111110*1 WOW "- - ti*L* I . .� 11 . . . ­­ 1, I � 1. _ 44� JrillIllij I 49M .7400 Dole# "40tillA "ON% 'Ask. Wy in _ I Olot v -I, ,. 11 ­ I . . IIII tl* "TIMP. '*-lishii g r L I � � net $4 likoxt. It 1.4 X _ .4 **I",- 1. I, Aq##tbkt oltoxr of tliqui will to ay. Ai"094 tilwakholiAu and 00,11awliq 'attlit'j. .1 . . I I I . I �� t 4 10 A40 twit. NAT11111i" camilstay-41r. I'llarow 400 face" , . , , , , t qoj�ft O" � ., , . . to t,u_ t , I 4414 tk* tittril. respite, % I , A U, �, , . Jite tiot w4Z - �.. Iro-04. ,Vex tor 0#9 Or, )so% 0440 at It" tow YON* 14 4*01 so- . '" of ". tlk* British "umblill, 1114 AvIsr ra =1_t. tv tA illvicutiou to lillit first Ahaft - w1a Aw , I _­ . .4 -- -, -, ",go, - 4 1 1 :1 _­� I - I !al '-. 4 , to t4a plocib'ou, Ask WolA #AU*W C!um."UYI- W W "MU* . - 011, it 1101, I., 4� wolba, litext day arriv#4 the - ' =_ '41, , " . , .1 .I . =-Ir - , � : ft . w1w. "�, _ " � . .11 .. i I , I � , " , . , ., I '1110,1111" , � I . ..., Ai,4,*tJ9Ri were emb gb*t a res to. ft"oetkat liew ths I . 14 � .. . I I TO Isit=pacati *0 Northam exilow - , 00 , I ­, .VOA I A a- , #A 14 I 111111TV40"JI.W.,0 '" " � 0 . , trAnted until Mpirch. and. no . is AU94 u4irway.-aft. Vortia. lof W, ��# .. _. 0 * . ,* , ,tg.*, lu.14jisr r,"ifte, Is gives. Hand$ . , ,,_ . ", ­­` , , 4714j; of toAsumptWill. 4"WWW tU Aft#* Coa"ifly-Ift. 04 Act Its 6104"is, If ��J � �' �; . ,tsil W . "s , lieft. k - . , 1. � � - io ; W.. . I I 1. _W III I'l - 1""^ I rt cc tkaii irmolk to I A7 . ,. 'L . . I ��_:-__ ­ -, ­­ ,% . 7 , ! TO 40044 tb* WindiWup Act. W Twenty plittli"s, UOW q*# *W1 , " ,� , ,� , , � , FATHER LACORM Welm 8.0" 'T J#- , .cup. 10-20. Fortin, for Ilent. ot ** 301141'.Ipl�,. - '. . . , ,** ., , � I I 1. t I I � 401000 Viefurtin atiloot mine a Riolure *If TO moll UK Act r"Mung the sale the lboto at Qrsiitsrx.ik"W�, , , � It of C*Qw*,3r polosouger tickefe._�Ur. just- PW tax" �. I I 11 ''I . I ,)) Wit *W*, A", I - - � _ - � * wnear. I ** Beattie oxvialued that wodik of 141" I . i . A d**&tQh frota Ottawa. 1114YIN - Ulk i1sUVOugoil by him was Intsulloillfloll After two yom fit 11IT44APoft'' *, . � , ... "I Fatboll TAticimbe. the famous North- stop thaprilptics at owping tickets commission. 04 wakqW wpos, *,ft*. _. , I , I . , , _ : . . I I I . West a"onary. on Th"ay received " 04 Xllft.Y lietwilea Windsor sad Us,- =Xb; ft., hass rocomesiodelif. - , from Queen Victoria a picture of her- trilit � of ea" altratift, =41*4 1 ��L � I ' ­ I The 401QWia . I . " �, Belt as a recognition of big sowftortnc� t � I . g-Pirivato bills were read emi susm.wo. � I � I he wood. thus .- I . .1 L I � . Lug work among the aborigines. The - Boston bell just put Is qViluaLlilop, "W ' .- I R"0401114138 the Canada Accident Ait- . I ,ir 1, L � I I I . picture was received through Lad; SUX*W4, Pompany--Mr. Monk. %wim for the utilizatioll of city ro. L . I L . . - Mint% to WhOW it was sent. A000m. G TO 14001pOtMe the Canada Plate lung, The city makes a saying by V6,T 11 .. . . ,. �, . . I pailwing this picture wan a letter from law CQ,--Xr. Monk. tka di". 1�i, . :_ L, ., 4 .? Princom Beatrice to Lady Minto, which To Incorporate the Alitaka-Yukou 11% IvThes=. for I .: �, . , � ., I I ' r stated tholt the Queen wait much Railway qq--4". Lases. , I " �, . plastiod- with what she had board of Respecting La Banque du Pouple, - Judge Axel Chytratis, bell snointild, . I ­� r the Work og the Rev, Father Lactombe. Mr. Ptiflillitallas. Victor Elting, of obleagoi a uJigitar , I � � , _f., 1 Father Lacombe is in the city in To Incligpdr&ts the Northern Tele- In Clialacery of, the Sojiltirlor Ckut at 11 � � 11 11 LL . , cobrication with a colony of half.broade graph Co. -Mr. Iltiotock. . I Cook County, a position which JAr. . I I :! 040lailloo east of Edmonton, on the Be*- Iteop"ting the Atillintio and North- Biting to the Youngest Me% Yet to r � ." . I katitiblawan river. The Intention in to West Railway, Co ­,Mr, MacPhantin- hold I I bring all half-brooda together In this Respecting the Calvin Co., Limited. , C " L, , � Colony. Tile late Government gave at,.. -ar Britten. Old South church, Boston, is &#&$a L .::, I � 1. ., � . . Slattilloo, to the work bygrautticalauds, Respootil* the Neabit Academy, of In bad repair. and the woo of the build- I ,� , I The administration of the colony in in Prince Albert. -Mr. Davin. lull for public meetings hall boon or. . I the hands of a syndicate of clergy and To center on the Cammin4iousr Of dared discontinued until the root shall . , ­� layman, who are responsible to Patents certain powers for the relief have been strengthened by means of - t :. ! , �, . . I Government. The Government bathe of Thomism Robartaoa�Mr. Robertson. ,tool ILI'' ve To trustees. I recently sent an inspector to the col- 000or on the Commissioner of . I I i. . . ony, and his report will probably soon Patients, certain powers for the relief Fifty walnut trees In Calls County. .. I I I Lie ready. I . � of Goorge L. Willierno-Mr. McCarthy. Mich., were recently gold fDr 110,011101 I ,, . ,r I � I Respecting the Homs Life Annuals. cash, These trade have now beau tell- IL , .. tion of Canada. -Mr. Cowan. ed and will be shipped to Unaltsh. buy- I _­ � I, �, . � I HUMS ARE COMING TO CANADA. Respecting the Quebec Steamship Co. �� I I f ., I -Mr. lWouin. ars. The largest tree was seven took � .L - , I . - , , — In diameter at Its bass, and will yield I Slix Hundred Fnrnille* to lit, Brought ONS Respecting the Ottawa and Gatineau I I 1. Railway Co. -Ur. obam gae. =bar woortli, from $700 to Ji.M. 111. . L Vila Vear. Pit � . � . �..� I ". Respecting the Ottawa Electric Rail- A bill has just passed the Minnatil I � , A despatch from Ottawa, says: -Mr. way CoL-Ur. Belcourt. �, I ! �_�,� I.:,:! " Legislature giving the people of that , , I LLLLL ..... �� I Zoltan Van RaJas. the Hungarian. who AUDITOR GENERAL'S REPORT. state the privilege of voting on the r :11 " - " �,Ll, I 1� are of - I .� has been In the city for same time Before proceeding withthe ord question as to whether the railroads ',,� LL ,�i �' �1' � , � clegotlating with the Government to the day Mr. N.C. Wallace direct d the in Mintlesota Shall have their tax" . �yl 10 a , Place a settlement of Hungarians in it ttantityll of the Prime Minister to on gross earnings Increased from 3 to fact to Which Sir Charles Tupper bad , "O' the North-West, left for Winnipeg on Previously called attention, vi 4 per cent. It is not hard to Cases ':,L:f . L' 3aturday. Mr. Van Rajas says he ball fact that The Audit X.. the how they will ,vote. I f :L $ '� . - Or-Goneral's report ,:. - 3oucluded arrangements with the In. bad not been presented to the House - Missouri has more chicken& than any i. , � ,. - I .11, L tlor Department, and that 5oo or flito within one week of the commencement other, State In the Union. In 1890, .. :,4, "'. � ..41 ' L I— 11, smillie.9 will be brought out this year. of the sesato required b the act. ,­�'..; bay will not, arrive inlarge parties Parliamsont tx now been 1. session , _'��,� I r b whan the latest United States census W ;�,� , I like the Doakhobors, but will come in nineteen or twenty days, end the House " taken, the chicker. population I ", 4 � -, unall groups. The families not hav- was not in session of the report. amounted to_23,0W,0W, and there were :� ". , L , ag sufficient funds will be helped by The Pr= rerated the explanation more than 2.000,000 fowls of other f' � �. . � L� L a . friends at home. They Willi not be which he gave, t a House a tow days varieties. I The product of eggs for . - 11 L , iettled 'together In 'townshIA but US:,% wbauth3loader of the opposition �- a that year was 53,000,000 dozen, valued I � , will be distributed over t,be country. called attention to the same matter. at about 05,0f)(1,000. L, .7" Ur. Van Rojas says they are a frugai, from whlah it appeared that the Audi- At Red Bluff Primitive Baptist �'L . 14 Incest people, and In religion are Greek tor-Goneral had reported that he had church. near Waycross, Ga., In Ware' A, 'Atholles. forwarded copy tothe, Quetio'n Printer - I Lj� 00 the 23rd of February, and that all county. i great natural curiosity has '. ,._� I I , the OOPY well flow in the hands of the beau discovered in the shape of three ��, � I I.. , RECKLESS SAILING. printer, andthAt the report. with the diffarent treas In one. The original "I � lf� — exception Of the Mounted Police and tree is a innararnoth mulberry, the ­ i I L , , I _�_ I I npinin of the Stella Sold I() fin,.,. Raced Trade, and Commerce branolitui, would - heart of which Is ratted away. Out ,� `�, '� L � ,� L' , 0 ,� r � Aguinat Tinie. be brought down on Thursday. The f the heart, five feet from the ground, .�, , � A despatch from London, aays:-At Queen's Printer, however, challenges " , trows, a 0 7_1� Lhe inqueat which Is to tile accuracy of tres, zw,� I inches In diameter, All 'i the statement by the Oth eight ,� L be hold nbortlY Audi torAlenerul, �"! and there i's [I conflict three of the trees bear fruit every . j�L ion the victims of tile wreck of the as to who Is at fault in the came. year I III ,f�,-�: Ammar 'Stella, on the Casquat rocks, to he cilatuia of . . A&roh 30, it i1i 0xPOet0d to prove the act requiring the presentation Of Sarah Ingloson, a mill weaver of f?�'J that .1 . . . . . . '' the report within (I .peoifled Lima, and Lawrence, Maw., inherits 111120oODD by ., � .he disaster wa.s duo to rooki"Ns navig- complained that the law had not beau the death of her aged uncle, William - � ition, observed. Ingleson. He accumulated property Col. Dixon, one of the survivors, The Premier -Tic, keeping ofthe act . says thatLactme time befilre the 'it eam- of Parliament is I'll the bands of the from the Saving of many years' work �', 3 struck he asked Audi tor4.4enoral. . 11 r Capt. Reeks it they I in the Mills. Ingleson diaguisid him- L vould ltirrive on time. The captain re- SPECU LATION IN DAIRY PRODUCTS self an a poor relative and vlattod. dome, 'i?, - I I L �,;':'�L I , Aied: "I'll got there by 0 o'clock If I Last session MX. Parmalee, of Sbef- young kinopoople Who live lis' Now . ., �­ � ­ )reak my neck f2r it." The vessel was fbrd., introduced a bill "to I rev, t, rse ._ � Tjkc 14% not alve, b1m, . .,L.;��,:"� . .- Y_ a : ,. . , _ tun Lo atrive tit the Channot I.,,Inndm ltiropcf�laticgl '� .' . W -and _,h L-0 _,. k I I a -04; , .*, "' *e I I= , '. - - - I ... W use , *. d'oft I . t7l,", -1 )etwoou G".d 7 -w - . - L - . I % - I , . , ou I , " , L $ 11 � Ar to, a I !Y��;o , . .. P.W. M. �� ��,, f�.* -CF - �, ,ty come to - i 4 'A -�, 5-�,,iy LIA"Su.— - me, 7.-,_, � " ".. . , ...q.A. with the result t:fiht `ft weal- , L ' � � � A*,', Ok I � "p,# " .. . ,., ' ­ I - _ , TOY CANNON EPLODED. . ­ . I - i `�`�,� � . . , ­. , decided to sead'ooplaslot the bill to all Some time ago the Louisvillo eam- . ,.A�!",. ,' L, I ��,,v � — Persons interested in the sale and mus- me,rolal published an article headed. �J . ;Analsooine Lad Way six n Result La., film ufacturs ofthoso products, with a re- ,­ ­ _. - _11 - might. quest tlba� replies be returned stating "Found at Last I The Search tict, the ­ I .- I . Ad -patch from Gananoque, whOther EnePoraoris addressed were In Meanest Man on Earth Has Bee .11 L I "aye:- favour of such a ' __ "s -Aust- "I I ' measure or not, Dur_ ly Prosecuted for Years, but I Claim i L' .' Vilhe Honderson, son of Richard Hen- Ing the recess Mr. Macleod, the aecre� f'i, ..; q; - 111.11 lerson, of this town, met with an me- tary to the committee, the Proad Distinction of He .N., sent out 21591 ling Lociat. 11".11 . ; , . �, .. �t If 'J", I I ad butter . ?,,.�e ,',,,. ­ evening whic k of thew air ulars to cheese a ad Him. . He Lives at Owensboro - manufacturers throu The paper was theroup. aced for libel .,�,,�,, -suit in the Ions of his sight, Ontario dud Quebec, and the Mit'ribuift by J. R. Touslally, of Owensiborw, Ky., �,�- aay re dealers anY , In and his, companion were play! time :, ` vith a toy cannon when I 19 Proviaces. I who. although be woo not named, w 1�1 ILI - t exploit- * I . , 11, Reptiles were received from ,109 or aertot!. that be was the man raftrved "."". I . r , ii, the powder entering Hondersola'" about 16 per cent. Wrom Ontario' 218 to. The Commercial a4mittlid thia, I "I'll" I L '­ � - a ad attempted to prove that the sittate. , �'­ �: �: yes. Medical aid wan at once sum replies were received, 158 being for the . ;;, -, ''2 " coned, and on their advice he was bill and 65 against. of 175 replies re- ment concerning Tensility witill trdid. . '� "�':, ' ' L �, :_ ,�� aken to Kingston hospiltal, ceived from Quebec. 150 were In favour The latter has just obtained judgment , � . . . , �, �_ — Oft and 25 against the bill. Of 21 cc, for 1500. . " -� 1, �� ,,, HAS A MELANCHOLY INTEREST. pl as from the Maritime Provinces, 18 � , ! ,. � , ,,,,��,�` were for and 3 against the bill. Twenty - L�� �. — QUEENS WHO SMOKE. . �� 1, I � lie Quee"'. Last Appeormace at a A."I'll, cheese and butter boards or associa- .� "". _� t Ions were board from. 13 of them fav- As unexpectedly &-I a bolt from the "A , Cerentany. ouring and 7 opl)o8iW9 the proposed blue came the sad tidings, promulgated I � I b, A despatch from London, Bays:-Tkio woaHuro_ I !ueon will lay the foundation atone of a Several of the replies advooa(e,,thc a few months ago in court circles at St. . � 1. pPointment of Government Anspot ors Petersburg, that the gentle and gra- , be new South Kensington hu tidings of choose, and Others urge the c"tab- cious czarina would be greatly obliged i May or June with elaborate, cere- limblUent of an official Board of Arbi- to the ladies of the household if, for , 1� lordes. A melancholy interest it, at- tration to decide disputes between . lobed to the affair, as her Majesty cheeese Makers and buyers. It is Com- the future. they would forbear from )� �, 3 determined that it shall be her last plained by choeso-makers that tba buy- smoking cigarettes in her presence. This I , - mearance under similar eirrumatanc- era frequently refuse to soon pt :-hoaso unlocked for intimation. reaching the " 'Li 4 in public. at the price contracted for, nlicging Russian dames at domaisalles d'hon' ", __ defective quality as all excuse. when, cour from so exalted a quarter, was I 1".. ; as the manufacturers claim, no %uch BICYCLES IN ENGLAND. defects exist. unavoidably accepted by them as a � NOTES. coutimand, and they have summed up Iftlinfocturers Have Received an Illicit Col. Wilson, of Hamilton, &Va, that courage to address a humble petition L pecled it of � , nab Orders. he had beaxd there in every likelihood to her Majesty, entreating her to to- ,,� A despatch from London, says: -The of the Government proposing to 112- voke tile request that is practically a 1. icyclp manufacturers at Coventry ro- crosse the Militia appropriations for decree. In this prayerful document ',?", the coming ya&r by half a million dol- �,, Oft tin unexpected rush of orders. they have ventured to remind Alexan- "'.1 la,rN tinaking It $2,0M.0fill dr% Foodorovna that ladies are permit- �1� 'beir stocks have been cleared out, Prof Prince and the mettibers of the ted to smoke cigarettes at all the con- 1.�, 11� � ,r ad they are unable to supply the con- Lobstar Comicalw"'u, who have been tinentai courts; tbat among the august ,,.,,r inued demands in the required time. holding somions In the Maritime Pro- tomato votaries of the narcotic herb, I , r, ... I 'hey have been compelled to refuse vinces for several weeks, have reach- born In the purple are the Dowager �.,� Own orders. ad Ottawa, and will immediately pro- . 11,�;:,-, Czarina and her sister, the Princess , 1. There is also great 11011VIt among oeed to draw up their rec4xnmenda� Thyrs, Duchess of Cumberland. as - r, he manufacturers at 811-fYingbam, t Ions. .1 well as the Princess Henry of Pruotsila. .: 11 Volverhamptan and Redditch. bit. Taylor will Move for several r,,,, born Princess Irene of Home and the . i) - ... .. - turns in connection with the St. Law- Rhioe, own sister to the reigning Em- �f PROP14ETIC WORDS. rejace canals contracts. press of all the Ruselas, The petition Mr McInnes given notice of a reso- - The Paris paperp are telling an in- also deferentially points out that Maria 'A!.,:�` L . .. _...O_"4.. 1� - lot lon favouring the establishmentl of Christina. Queen Ragent of Spain; ear- -1 ­�"' n'Pating story of a newly elected n mint in Canada. . -elk SY I vs. Queen of Roumania. and the , le(mbor of thon French Senate, M TO PREVENT INTIMIDATION Queen Of Portugal. as well as funny � lamninet, like many of his coll.agues, Mr McInnes bam given notice of a grand duchesses, arobduchoss" and . bill t� amend th� Criminal Code UP princes%es of the blow are Invotarats I � I a Rolf-maA,a man, and began life am want" to make, it an offence for any smokers. �,� r. Journeyininin rnaw,n. In that rapneity spiritool adviser to, all. pt to influ- t "in To this category, moreover belonged � e wan employed to renovate the sou I p.- Onct' electors. file also desires to make -though the Rusnian court 1�iflss may � :�" L, Iral f"RAle of the Luxomborg Palace. It antoffenNa for an employer, within not be aware of the ftet-the lovely ,,;�L ,:,� a car ain time before or after an eleo- and intrepid former Queen of Naples, I f�, ,hon the arehltv-!, noting his mkill tion to dimming an employe because Marla von Wittelsb&ch, who took %a I ,"I I , ;11 nd industry, said to him by way of of course Pursued in regard to the active part on the defence qf Gftefjm� ,, � , . " � noollragailuent : "�-Vhy,- 16u couJdn,t election wearing the undress uniform of oiko.j�f , . "', - � 0 (lasking a bettcr job of it If it Were FOR THt; MIMING MEN. her husband's crack infantry to 1, . , � our own lboune�," The �0. . ;., � �, . serouna work- Mr McInnes also gives notice of a wants and, especially when addorflitis d - 1, -,-- tan Smiled, and in to ha ve . -t -e I,' I Mwered: "Ono never knows w bill to provide for the speedy appeal was rarely men without & I "hedivir, 'Aw. � In future may bring forth." Ile hat to court from any official not Of the olgar between her Upa. nor .* ' L ,'I .; 11, ?!�'!'!'!'...',.: - N, , , - I I.. 11 I had Gold Commissioner or any other min- sister, the Cocinteas of Trawr ' ' 'Ji .11 , "�."'r­. �, t the time no political aspirations, but Ing officer no law habitual I . �� . I � ,. I cigar snx&w " 1 ; , , 11 the Same he now site as Senator in , and so was the Coutittlea 04 0 .1 'L tu - . _, . bit building he helped to adorn. CIVIL SERVANTS A" THPIR by birth an infants of &p[n. . I I I %* . r - DRaTs. the society leaders and Iltrallift, ,­ . 14 , I", BRITON'S DwNx BILL. The bill by Mr. Richardson to at- (In per Is monde in RaW I..". I . � ,f, I 1 11 . I I L inch civil servantle "larlas to very of- Austria4lutigary, Its, I. - --- 11 -!-'L . . I I The Briton's drink bill, published re- aborste and complete. It provides that even in tM fftim 5T. -_ - 11 -L SuLl early expenditure an "in future, all money and salarida duo, Grund , their name IS IeSf'0�6 "I ..". � . L ,� 11 � 1'� I , L' . ", " , . 1 I .1, shown. 1, r I - Aliv Ilf cents of 9 for every man, wo. or scorning dus, by the Government of Turm haralla NOW, 1 4** � .11 . -1 10" ., Ian asill ch In the VnIted Kingdom. Canada, to anyo public officer. Orothor do riguour tb" In W OILak� I I I # at *. I I 11 L thol '"' I I 11 rialimen and flootchinam It dadmill Portion in the employ at the said Gov, wives thud dautters It , I � I I i I � live [man Much mallreml In thi's ;z qrufodnt� shall be [table to be wired faithful 114*6 QW t6drOAtIbIlIk . I I " ; h I , , - ai hil by way at Ottschment In each and Inhalillf t1lo tuAlloo of illtc* . I. . 11 '� I . rinks 2.41 gall6as of L+1'."Ohinas Gry provincis of . the Dointrilon or Kir tahiller L . , ISArl of and lit , I I',' T9 An', I - I I � I he Sodtchtwift "a *1 I go ya luck J!kNiportlon as May be the States 10 116110101ftl I : 4. -, . . . I . he Irishman with %16! The iijim. "sitILI"oording to the laws in truez. 6 doftositwb a L , . L I . � . 16111% I 1 I .;f. ,�. _,� . � Ian W.0411 $0,50, the oome mill 1_456 lit &Wb proviWo." Complete sueeh- ad to 661dy WAH - * I %. I � I L . . 11 M25 and the Irishmen $JIM. I&M Is oroAdoill for otatrying this into Iskolun. , , I . . I .. L I I lill . , , d".. _____4"""-" ' i j'/ � ; " I � I , � a . L . . E , 11;r 11'�tro f. , , , I _10 U '' , , an, . , : , , I am Oil , , ,W Aef 1, tr 4, 'a IL I I I T H-9 HE ��,p - �` - I - L `��' ., POINTS_ � _ __.,._ A tol L - . ,4 , - for Aft f^4 *W 11ift . 0A , ", , � , . . '. .1 I The nine pwate If tile I&* (fro tjk,Vw * A MATTER OF 11ARTS, toosy about *t**W*J, **O*k " . . I � $0, 111" I laelealy It all"What,iilynkh"Y'r giv� JAI" OV-fiftkil ALOMis 0allore ew a Lolid" -04t 0AW * U.,uAk Jamig 1 1 ft — W.". %* n t 1. 1 9064 deAl 61' skaft, - %, A %,C . tQg roolis ig flir,ill" ,I, otedtfliblo ftiel*4 " . � oad deal of pstl '01, _ . deal L-, , *0J"."*1%k(iik%"1.L*t .., I J , I � I I- . I I Mid w0k to, �'k . 4, , A good 14*pMe A. I ;4 '004" , ,0", M, 11--Wity. 11,1114 Idea I I gayov *A t 11 I I - kilbd Jill -W, ,64 = "Ito., '"111,161 X.X ILI, I I . A good Sad"; 0. noo,t I*k. Islatablis doloistdry fill Lilly iiii ,__ - 1". . I 11 11 '�Ip - � I " AW 1. . ­` , Good witnems"; 70 A I � it � =,=, . 1, ti" ry &.. . � . . . I . � I nill, .. 11 � , I _ 11 I . . . I I I I . : . . I , I . -1 I , e � , A, I. .. ., .1 � . I . I .... I . . . . . . "" ' � jf��L : ' . I I I I . 11 , I I I I I I I � . L , \1., I , I � . � , �1,11_1 � , ,- , �; . _. 1. .§- it, 1. - i "�`WRAM AM` — , _X�. - -4 .. . I I I . i" 1. � . . . I . � I nill, .. 11 � , I _ 11 I . . . I I I I . : . . 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