The Goderich Star, 1899-04-14, Page 31 7 MOON a0* Poo" *846* A" on sw *W 0*^A* - 51:m" yott 7*4 VA To, V" IN"= V as FeUm 0U. A* wu" = as, r Is% 0"'i , bw'' *"*"so 4K W41. 0 M"T"T Tw- aoit=%0*410:0 U xw� aitit VW *t f^, 4"O. T" ZU 4a tw 40"* "*it "044 aA."I"ArLXV, Dw. W tow Aq 00*ft 44 ftows"A mmi *A%X- "W t1iis 004isty Amut'"Ahaisit the mtaiao� U*t U*04. t or* so"Ift V�"- A4 *4 *A**%t *%" ii 40 oftwoA44, litIonNost 4W *Oft vusit Alsku'poof 7W ftrlia A* *% a "t. eosw- , , V$=4X*" W* -X*##0W *f oav"- up'tAt, tq too Is wt* *,w* West A$* "itostOF 14"� 00 so" she W*so witit "W" **$.a ot, 704W The ft 6sl 'T *4 3L T%"" 44t svoop of "" as mkxt ovo "400, At t*0 tu ot 0010014144 00 Wir ot 00 Ic"$, 14t it WOO *4404144 it* il*� ftw hisU4 G" 4"* to 1W that 40 P"4111104 1A tvowiw Vs00W4;ft whook a oomtw IDA 4o!nW# �,*r 0""t Ot 40-yoto to, wuh "Ols"t*4 Aff a WpAa*"r tK,* ilker 4it"It out 1%to thk #"V� 4 Ow Wrtw *VA WIS"., 4W 4XV00 tk* _ " - 'TIP& figy. Ji", b"O 9tos t9"U14 40 hi. to 1* PWOROW& "O **4tur011 **Woltt bliiisd" ut� w4i ioatuai iii iii** ot 4101K r Xooiiia Zo their X14, U4 Away iisto TU a"* llav� Wisawis 0*4 t* to 4" bow tWr **j40# boat 100"What lijoit at irxwkt 4441 11*1 _=AM Vial Wrw tut Art OKU tqXt� ALVA Uto* the TiT,t, , 3114liv. '60". Owls, 4,04.* kpk* our *Orrows A#11111�r #44, ­ I JAW, 0oSis. 41R. all Y ow Fitts *6,0*0110wso� in 'The b000m tAble ot,x `lh the 14 460*, JWwAalk to Pot* 99 "rw t4l, WA groat 114 Aight Isga to , �% 00" t* bg 4d's sIbaoide to t MW Ita iQv#r . � QM for ollis t eat %0411- t*T-S A"Ors" W11; to *04404t site qt ths round i � tThe $I afor pbo" *lght Anl*tlm, Irc fat and illio W oit outk, #44" too opt this, XAW;,** Aid twk awswotx a Ill, droi w4k cray% riclot, or *Pt Ithe oboro try At #u4'1qrJb still, or tit, *#afpX.* that WWI* 0g, gg Arw" cc t1ow 'With thair b illt4o "I gkmk V6 k*4 vub- 1,*-* -too �41 r go'**, V440 with the tinr", t1ko'le"t X04 Joark tho Are set VQIQ4r* ArAt, W ,;204 t" I r , , , t t, ihorroit at this to J*4r Pf W 00 haoo444a tO WXKki�. 1, WA Wt, - "4t might have, 4*11e4 4to. j9400# 4 t lots hiM QA* world vrer. The vequo;od fic*wor Gd's word, ilk not 190 thtile. 'Go ont where thin wA Awrize heQo Whek, itFolaa IA a AA Vi, I's for o*or. bsbitiiiij. Qli* ea 0^ orilipprr, 44044 tow, "lltIllkheAt. wkiltv; U� e044 0-aly ow "At, llght� vice viii14. otto wu#,t;,y to stil9tho. I* JoOrSiow, 13irgovili tA# WOO 4.*' t 04 ,or t )An -Aook W*, fA 14taros , I 'T Iste:r �Wtoc lA 'APW wgiadrni to mn)Myl Bo X44 vivetri4t a gmt 44w*ry *jkd trof t 1* 14,* dtirlia 0 rig T404044, fAw who Will lgrudge bar tk* ig Attract., .4 onunto loi Man; ataist at: 400 gait* %tair" At oco What Are *A 4%al t, Q 00s, tw he may not' bluailor. �Oow. WQQ 9*401 o- ha4 low t4t lhX0,44 thia MA -11 which bas. 031a hor closlu hours ties ear4q nlystoxmiar. 1,ft,44, X4" bad never =do a ispoe0N, blpa� *or* %*TA ,Is eortikaly 04 ,"gen why S 84,_4 strength, �,to,Xsllf*As '�T -Aun, bar Iter of bar qx . t Enis14 W# ws, Ul*,r�;�r. W4440 1,04 the Sewv#rao, 4o*t4t ths, V. pratitc t with as 0s; bo%" OtO #A 14U. gqr U" nothing con "wed poul , WAY not 44TO A 4400" shpld licAlats to ask tar 1141OTM*�' what COU14 ba. t X*tta� w -11dencis to ;hAt a! thsir MOX&MIll to InAke tbvrn. look I -gWV,y1ia*QlA tratto- light of the fixotly V , Though —thoir hoods �4,v 44 the At this W tio* Upon go bro�d, 4t4in x1obtacto inn At to t 100 1por 04 light. B#t so to; Buxt;ow W occentriq1tiat at genitlil or MA141, lient tha 44i � woo son . y quosittCon of atiqUOttO, land he took hiln jl� wWont 49 Zk kom Lo;kilen . Folm­ at se r -4 t*# re urt" b iks V aret rwer4p bl"il-red �v d tb# kouckloO. Ile ollose, fish they 0 Illits, bqrqugh last a only the trIAly r qrman �o r" ohe a an The Mar* ragge I th9 oa�IlV'tal little t to 4 puil, isirlsfooratle dares Ignore the rr other easo w M.1det the ligbts that gleam to aoft 00 rl*60 whor I* i4litA4. 11 , tb* X1109 "tary to eol4anttsts�aad this "o- wbi*4 @=a In 0 'trott_ froo't]10 sbore'Q hiinven, T .0 the gattiong playor olt *"do elpAlaticas of igood form, And be Is -140 IXWS &I ir CAM were P that "t abyzipally 1�,As. is that tilt, vast majority of flible, adPrince JMt at it* 118A has notT*t booA found, tO Mile. Lucia Fourt, itaughtv 1*91Y to b#CAu30*Qf tAbOxItAucs tbA votoritisry, *I(la a ri stzoasr arms and stout �begts- voyagers stop at C imperial are stooping. VAraborough It ban , gave L g oblentl. proved as elusive to electricians and habit. The gdvfo Wai #QA jJA ollmblAg of rotUae4 ;)�ak Of the IM6 President Of ri4��- 4. tha I AIAARX station is A small place. TJp the hill � ad i tia jilr3$ h4lt by QU 14% "JOVA"is T Anti, oolost4ptly being 44*4 about r ter i u it t head wulsap Tog CHIEF GLOW 4S pardon S bighor that, ILI, a Scl#n to 84 We to If antba t it t as* ic ad Poo * 03*0, i;r steady, A Galilee tempast wtiwtJq4 aaagranatod�L one goes and over A dusty road. T 44 I not a ot V14itlue izards, of which, flected tl�at by dalinjimits,=JS t our tr here ordian7' mort4lic For (ho htmSolt joid%Wbat r in "The blood at 104gs at the gate, And 4 PmAllpg Clow qt PRr""lity' of =oat I M glad, because it Is powitils to ismen into gymnasia. 'The 6eZhe 004 of Gad's word to not like Jesus Christ ciftainoth from all oW the fire -fly, Woo 0 flight to' tbt 4j. woI49A. §bs gotusily bAiAs 0AGIA of the Church War nuessr OUrPallat to pay ( r hor eye* Of the world, bat be �, to just that little matter of gi rough t twelve miles by six, but O YOR Afir that your limait is har'all Sq0tob a 010an track, gives me tark though a iSimple object rt(og:. g�ard . %%Ing the greatest dignity ond grestly to the dog�* At"t, 0 W(r aru 0 Invalids haislas the way phiIoaopbZN ban simply baffled onvermtIorAllst. She is 01009400 or the fever'I'L It 04OPIS would make M vory'fatoriiotl so did act want twelve boundless d In any cue direcitign SuPPO" It Were , t A times b#rder. Do a gentle curtsey as she leads '"Aaa 'A Sb4 draws well and lit Said bo you can sail on fair ever. Whr, thou, YoLt lay that yur itliquity' is long up the gravot walk, through rows of scientists. tall Add dsrlr. with haivy t4wok would but remember that vilatIAS As had at guffiels,otli about bim, complaining Bill th, timal IN 0 confide yourself to a abort psalm, or cQItIAu5dt 4uppose, It were ten time' Majestic low trees to the top, of the has been demonstrated to the drawn down over her care somewhili; cards and wedding invitations cannot Janson Ing" An(I Adopted to th;I'dogis how badly � they. felt. He eaethe to a few veaes. of no epistle W The longer. Do y6u pgy that your QT= 411 rt I a tbat light of to the Cloo do Morado (Avilion. She 11�* Improved upon fewer mistake* weer by an taggialono rtifto, tit* bowe delicate students at Jerusalem slid largest flab axe not near tho,'shora are 41"Old S11,1196.48 they were ton hill. and I come Into full view of the 'I 4 heyo4d all disput, d wool d be made. Perhaps the Safest of the glasses wont. Una the *stil Apit. Roma tar their mothers and au4tz to Hoist all sail to the winds -it healvela: times blacker. is therei any lion that church, and also,tho, house where live ilkindH to reallelwitricial phenomena Aad her father were groat qoW4 as Advice is that which points out the varg Mad War$- r socitiftly fastened Take hold of both oaxa, and pull and differs from ordinary alternating even after her recent marriage to U. Incorrect uss, of cards, for nothig there. take ogre of, And goes down to thig way.; thin SalmOn cannot4 elayll In there for- the whits -robed sud white-caliliell Durreat waves oaq in the rate of vibra- Paul Deachanei. Se like some of the whalers that go tr--As that this Conqueror cannot takat More quickly betrays ona's ignorance '&t fj]r%t the dog W44 AISLch gurprls#4 seabore, and out of the toughest MO.- 1 off from New Bedford or Portsmouth, 18 there any sin that this "cancer, Monks, who guard the Place. It is a lion. This explains why signal* can or lack of cquilid"o. Never send a At these Instruments, *ad trinil to got ghip.. The. min- to- be gone far two or three years. Yes. cannot p4r4orAf pretty pot. No on* could wish for a bO trUILSMitted without wire by waves Boston has a saboo; for the training them off. Soon. however. It sseMC4 to. terial makes an apotle. card by post -to represent a, visit. to of high frequency and lkow a wireless of nursemaids. Applica4ta must be be- t roe: telegraph system its poemble. in or- Calling Upon One who has a guest. a dawn upon him what tb�ay were for Istry need m6re corporeal vigQur than calculate on a lifetime voyage. You It is said that when Charlemagaels� a hom with areal at want to land until you land in host was overpowered by the three, the road. hidden almost from view, i twoon 18 And 30 years of age and card mutit be left for bar as well AS nd he then wore t any other claw. A dinary sunlight very sensation that a for the tim,ttegs. pride and satisfaction. Flab minds - and good heaven. Sail away, oh, ye mariners, armies of the Saratoena in the the home of the ei-Empress. Like the the a Pa on ex rionces is the effect of 600 Sunni acres to wear a uniform after intentions are important, but there for , eternity I Lauvob out into the pus of RQ4cmzv&IIes, his war- church. it In built on the alov trill of waves every second upon the graduation sail to be content vil It the acquaintanoo upon whom Y13U They bad a wonderful effect on his must tie physipal force rior. Roland, in ation of to back. thoul. I deep th call Is receiving in her drawing -room vision, enabling him to "a *z much terrible earn, ether above us, by virtue of the mole- 45 a week during their first year. The tile Servant should not be given yOU.r be went The intellectual mill-w4eel may be! hb text is appropriate to all Chris- estness. seized a trumpet and bill; and Eugenio can see from her bUAt- It ular of electric energy of the sun. course in of one year's length. with card to take to her, but atioujit an- wall built and the grist good, but I tiana of shallow , cporioum. Doubts blow it with such terrific strenith that windows the spot where her dear ones 0 ing be no longer bad to depend what- 1 and fe;4ris have to 9 arm reeled back with Th'a PTiuci 1 line of investigation lectures every day and practical teach, notince you by a- ly on his Scent, for his Mastery of the there must be enough blood In tbe, hag been witT vacuum tubms. Many Ing, about diet, bathing god glathint trios the card Ia not taken to her game, but saw as well a* wanted, And our day been almost the OPPOSIZ rest. name. to older cou elected to the pfcliament of Chritian terror; but at at the third bigot of the While I am looking and wondering. excellent results have been obtained. The pupild learn stories to be d All. but this rule in not adhered to III pursued his game, with swiftne" and Mill-racti to turn the one and grind 'graoes, I Doubts and fears are not truMP6t it broke In two. , lot I see your there appears a stout monk. who re- An ordinary room has been illuminated children sad games to be played. They this country, because, verb&]?*, Of Our sureness. Pooplo began by laueblqg the other. sigum Of health, but fosters mud car- soul fiercely assailed by all the powers zPactfullY bows and bids me follow. with one form of Lituminant that gave &too learn Something about 14undry untrained servants, who could not, 168 rit tile saimal, and ended by adintring buncles. Yotk 'have a valuable house of earth and hall. I Put the mighter He does not ask my business for he han a a leadid lighted room without so work, Plain sowing and mendiAll. The IL rule, be truijted with the pronunni- him and envying bio possessor. He chose fisermen, also. because, r fart I follow him down a muc as the 80WOO Of the light being damand for these trained girls is so &lion of a name. On lea red to gain uvery a It A suggested that the, title trumpet of the GOVel to my lips, and many visitors. they were used to hard knocks. The; is not good. You employ counsel. You �Iaw it..three times. Blent the first- small flight of stone steps, to the rear appaxent. Other lights have been de- great that there are not enough grad- you fib a il man who cannot stand assault is not have th 04eds examined. You search Wboa r will, let him con-Le.11 Blast of the church. Ivy And rich wisteria vised. but they at* at present not coui­ U&tea to fill th cold leave your th vantage tram his glasses which hu- the second-" a places. Thirty girls it your husband's card, if tile lady of man beings have not; he could lick his fit for the ministry. It has always, the record for mortgages, )udgmenta. Seek ye the Lord while have twined themselves lovingly to- inircial successes. are now In the school. been and always will be rough work; and lieux. You are riot satisfied until he may yet be found." Blast the gather and are gently creepinf up the Oaoisoientist has practically perfoot� the houlso is single or 4 widow. It she glasses with his tongue. Thin was very You base a Certificate, signed by tbe third-"NOw is the accepted time; now sides of the sacred edifice. At around ed 41amp, that will give a soft and to not, two of your husband's Cards convenient in times of tog and rain and the man, who at every censure or � great Aeal of the State. assuring you is the vd&Y Of Ballistics." Does not the church have been planted flowers, brilliant light, with a bluish tinge, and Fire tons of hair is required anou- Should be left. If you are unmarried since he had ao handkerchief to wIPZ caricature, site down to cry, had bel-, that the title Is good, Yet how man�r the host of your aim fall limck? But but always and everywhere I sea shy in which there will be no heat, no Con- ally by London dealers in that coin- and reside with your father or broth- them with. ter be at some other work. It 'is lao leat 6 their title to bpaven so, undeoid- the trumpet does Act. like that of violate reariag their heads. They are nection, with deadly wires, and no wire modity. Moat at it comes from France at, him card should be left with your One day, alaa I the dog's owmer wont own I rur na!� is Made on an aft to hunt with him in a wood where noon there were wild boars, 'the dog came, place for ecclesiastical doll -babies. ed matter I Why do you not go to I Roland, break in two, An it was 1and- Eugenie's favorite flowers. and the I'llament,as is now used In the ordivery and -Italy, although there are consign- "Is, home for which you h�alr.- V)a recorda and find out I Give 'your- ed down to nil from the lips of our monks have planted them there for bar Incandescent light. This 18 really the man yvho cannot preach because he has self no rest, day nor night, until you fathers, we hand it down to the lips make- nearest approach to the natural light Mentz from all over the world. At received an invitation no card should upon one of them ferocious areatur,s forgotten hie manuscript, or lost hl", can read your title clear to mansions of our children and tell them to sound The door leading to the niatisolouto such aft the tire -fly gives us. It in Limoges there Is an annual hair mar- be left, an the reception day to made and valiantly attacked him. in the spectacles, ought not to preach at 4 In the skies. -a axe dead. that all the swings back at a touch from the monk, quite within reason that in the early kat and pasant girls from the coun- the Occasion at an entertainment and Idat of the combat the bear drove It -han Christian character is to come up to an ordinary call should be Made after- h a tusk through the glasses, and not highei standards. We have now to our God floor that is scrupulously clean. There Bea Heaven deliver the Church from 9, Mill 8 of Imen may know that and we are Boon standing on & tiled art Of thia next century some now try round dispose of their looks to the ward In acknowledgement only this, but so filled the poor dog's is a pardoning God -a sym- Fierm of lighting will be di vared highest bidder, They do which eyes with the fragments of 01 istr� that preach in kid gloves, ')nil hunt through our library to find one pathetic God -at wall 101 There are many occasions upon " that -a loving God; and that are a few chairs and ahani:150ma at- which will completely revolutionize all their hair to grow very long before a card may be left as a mark of de- from that time he was tatelilya blinik, from sermons in black Morocco ciuvers. i Robert M'Cheyne, or one Edward Pay- more to him than thi anthems of tar, where the monks say mass, end existing methods of Illumination. So the average price tiesto attention or consideration, am in These tishermeja were rough an0rea4y. !son or one Harlan Page. The timelbeaven. more to him than the throne VdWe the only other person every pro- lul."d 'in.' only about $4.50. The the case It illness or death or rain-, They had been in 'the severest cf all ; will come when we will find balt a on which he mite, more to him than BWt on such occasions is the ex -Em- paid P. 1 dozen of them sitting in the Paine seat are the temples of celestial worship, press. It is in faeti, a private obapei, girt arefor the return at fortune. These are determinod upon the colleges, When they wec-ii "Ocked 1 with us. The Grace of God as VACCINATION. hiff prices were doubled by the circumstances and the relations Bruno Is a great Newfounillwad dog, b$, 'a great deal better Men A make in the j of seeing the wanderer Pat_ To the right of the altars is the gran- during the reign of that faablon Con- existing between acquaintances. A over by the main boom of the is. than those I Ing hisollad on the doo,-Iatch of his its sarcophagus containing the remains An expert uxpreastan as to its tuesiciat. vents do a pretty good trade IA* hair, visiting card may be the silent bearer so large that when he stands an Id they entered the " Sophmore;" when I have mntioned. Christian m4n seem father's house. Hear it, all ye national f the Emperor. hind feet he can rest his paws an th: afraid they will get, heterodox by go- Bread for the worst hunger. Medicin As I looked from the church to the able value. for the tromea of the novVoatrB Always of sympathy and loyalty and cannot washed off by a greaA wave, they en- t off when she takes vell- A intrude, so spoken words might do. shoulders of bin Mistress, But though too fdr. They do not believe in for the worst sickness. Light for th hOaz5 I saw the dark -robed figure of In the latest number of the Madi- ou Ing : single convent is reported to have sold In the cue of death the worda " Sin- me tall. he to only a yearold, Merely a tered the " Juaior;11 when floating Christian perfection. There Is no thickest darkness. Harbour from the the ex -Empress picking har way along, cat Ago, the editor, Frederick W. more than a ton of hair for about $20.- care Sympathy- may be written an for two days, without load or drink, danger of your being perfect for some worst storm leaning upon her cane. A private path Mann, M.D., han written an article on 000. An English girl's hair brings a the card, but upon any other occasi puppy, and 44 full of fan and play on time yet. I will keep watch, mA give leads from the house to the church. very high pricis--about $20 being the of misfortune -such as Illness or &a- am you Can think. His'lialstreas and on a plank,they ca-ue to the "Senior-, I Dr- Prime, in his book of wonderful tho' status of vaccination. Dr. Mann average. Hair inor ages in price ac- oldent, the mossaFe should read simply you notice In thne, if you get too near interest. entitled "Around the World," &nil Ito make it more convenient. a I a he are groat friends, and be seems and, when. at last, their ship dashed ; perfection for the safety of your theo- tons architecture. Twenty thounand� small footbridge has been constructed otatei, that it is doubtful if science Cording to Its ength. "kind inquiries.' Flowers are always to think she belong entirely to him. h c ight hurricane,' logy. One-haff of you Chri8tians are over the railway track. Slowly, and ever For a long time she bad no other they graduated with the first honor. simpl) stuck in the mud. Why not man were (wentY�two thousand years conferred a richer boon on hu- a graceful offering unless they are in creating that and the buildings Oh I so painfully. she mounted the steps ity, and It Ia doubtful if there Im, American woman own some of the gent in too lavish profusion. There are pet, no Bruno was patted to hisboart'a My text finds Jesus� on suipboard'ru L loose from everything but Godli land crossed into the churchyard. She ma It content. But out day bin I master Give not to him that formal petition around it. Standing in that tomb, , was alone. Her eyes were fixed upon one single scientific fact that stands mci splendid jewels in the world. Mrs. tow circumstances, however delicate, brought home a pig -4L little, pink- ivith one of those bronzed aio`n,�SimOu, made up of I" this, and if You speak or -sing, after you have, the ground. One of the monks hurried on absolutely and incontrovertibly true Pikinned follow. with white bristles. by name, This fisherman bad been I "O L�>rd Y' that. Whe coas George Vanderbilt is said to have the they justify friends in neglecting to It people ae a ad YOU hear the echo coming from to meet her and received from bar fluent rope of solitaire rubies in the aand a. tiard to one who is in any itweeping his net in aboal water. pusti, cold, and have nothing to say to God, height of one hundred and fifty feet. I hands a bunch of violate. The ax -Em- as this one concerning the protective trouble. it convoys the tact of kind- looking pretty enough for %tW they strew their prayers with "O's I" It if% not like other echoes. The sound, press greet him cordially. Following value of vaccination. There in, no doubt, coutry, if not in th world. The same ay at to take into her lop. His mistress wah ly thought, oven when morvice in Lho charmed with the ,pig. and nude a but," #a" Christ. "what is the use is dralwm out in sweat prolongatiom at a respectful distan mall- thing to said of Mrs. Webb's rope of be rendered. These mean Much to I d "Forever and ever, Amen," and as cc, he left bar he says, that the mortality of a Pat of him at sacs, much to 11furtWe f hvgging the shore in this boatf though the magels of God were at the door (if the tomb. pox in much less now than in prevacoin- pearls, which she Ia fond of wearing disgust. He became an oulky and Jeal- things to fill up. one in distress and cost the Sander is a lake twelve miles long and i chanting an the wing. iix wide, and it is all populated-justil TELL GOD WHAT YOU WANT, I loitered around the ground for tititio. cue as could be whenever she ette4 quit. ati6n tim and even in houses invad- elaborately over a velvet corsage, Mrs. ith the feeling that he is reay b an s pea, Joba Jacob Astor has a famous dia* An occasion on which a woman loaves w HOW Many goals here to -day. In the piggy, and would never notice tc lit- twaiting far the sweep of your net, to tomb of sin, will lift up the voice of' ad. I had oa'lnr excellent opportunity t"O ed by smallpox, not nearly so many her card without oven asking for the Launch out into the deep." give it, and believe that you will re- Penitencei, and prayerl I mond crown, and Mxg. Stanley Mar- lady of the house Is when for diplo- tie fellow, unless to give him sopite- The advice that my Lord gave,t� velvo, and you shall have 'it., "Shed would 'i , 3ry unf;6 God, the rf�, now they i get a good look at her as she slowly of the vaccinated inmates are attack- timer has a coronet of emeralds and matio. or other reasons she wishes not ful little nip whenever he had a good Cho would I moved gboftt� When she straigbte chance. nod ad as of th)b unvaccinated. Nor OaD it diamonds. Mrs. George Gould has ]$ton. to Continue other than a formal &O- Simon is as appropriate for you andl that old prayer you have beeft making drop from afar -ant struke from the bar form she ae,eited to be tall. Her Piggy was so little that they govv for me. We are just I.th ton yemrs. It is high time that marble culiqla, of be said that smallpox is a milder dis- ning Jewels, including a rope of pearl$ quaintance. When you have a letter I - � ­ k - ­:: - 'T IV_,, Cum, but an earthly mauso- figure is quite full ; her waist has lost him the run of the yard. Otte day hie 'i t it f -Ijifiow-- b:,-, ­Ia' cag� centuries Throw it aside with and one of diamonds. Kris. Claronce of introduction it should Amugin or be left With Mi*trar board a fearfl;l aqueain 4to a Illudo'o.--: A the mat- gd� -ftts, wrm heart bt tkngels, flyizt, in poi�ltion, Dr. Mail" rings WIILCA. 4k�# out to and �1jelprig,,,i) i I . �ner raid Wed 7kw�. tsiti at your card or cards. af review of news; for there is joy anloui� the ar isWri r a A W t Bruno had at - de6ps, tit to` 1tyzWth* �"b following: -hot, go present, ivaufa, b jab.. The rings ara'attoched one pe"reielic.. We think that the bast will Present of God over Onef'-sinn6l. iu.v at.- one time were any ^ evidence needed of the another, and thou' mouth' -and lapirdilis of black. I sing and of Your present Nessings. wttB W'Ifing to Conaigae ttdLfjezh -0 S was ear. be upset, or that we can not "clew WIR a shmro blade cut away from a separate finger tbey' must all be authority saym� "The 911 e Ch One is toy from, year to y down the mizzen top cat, fa. rest and loveliest, of all faces, value of vaccination the experience of of a lady's and our your past half-and-balf Christian life, warp at once. The rings are of dull visiting card I-% 31-2 by acarly 2 1-2 sticky mud "d dropped him into the coward erman. I and with now determination, and now ITEMS OF INTEREST. Her 'black cashmere cloak. trimmed Geimany should be sufficiently strik- gold and Cal very middle, where he stuck tIr uchas crape, her widow's bonnet wi to convince the most rancorous eralds and Wo diamonds. Tito setting by I k-2, and the pasteboard should think I hear the voice of Christ coin- with tktain a fine ruby two em- Inches; that of a gentleman St Plane, and new expectations, launch ing squealing louder than ever. glob Mending us, as he did Simon, Z that A Few raragraphs Which Will lie Found its long veil falling over her about- Then Bruno came running to his mls. day when bright Galilee set in among out into the deep. dars and bar Plack gloves, made her unbeliever. In 1871, with a popula- imitates a dragon's head holding the be thin and smooth. though not tram with bin tongue lollint; cut, and' I The text Is appropriate to at; who Werth Reading. stones between its open jaws, y." It seems scarcely necessary to the green hills of Palestine, like wa- are engaged in Christ iark work. a striking figur4 as she walked in th tion of 50,000,000, she lost 143,000 by his brown eyestwinklingas much is The many of the Manila dead are on- I -sunshine. Her face was ashy pale, and�� add that it Is boa taste to have the to bay, " I've sattle4, that littld daueN smallpox. In consequence of this she ation law tomary script, though many people of tar flashing in an emerald Cup- Church of God has been fishing along toothed Ia the cemetry of Taco, one, never a smile passed over it. As she nated a compulsory vacoln An English paper has beon ing card engraved in other than the cus- now haven't 11" "Slis "Launch out into the deep," the shore. We set our nort in a good, 0 tell' I M6 Oil 'You, This divine counsel comes, flTat, to calm place, and 'in might of a fine f the su,burba. The bodice are placed passed me she looked up into my face in brief sentences how certain well- BrunoP1 said 'tit-) M&U6 nil bowed with just an approach of of a vigorous type. To -day her death- excellent taste digress In favor of the . V, "A great all those who are paddling in the chapel. and we go down every Sunday in niches of a thick wall, and the sur- known women talk. It sLys that "in Roman capitals. dog like you, teasing that poor littltq the conversation of the Duchess of Fancy borders, tinting, ornamental been wise viving friends pay rent for the do" those other faces that Winterhalter has During the Franvo-Gorma war the im- B scer margin of Bible research. My father I to ziw it the fish have a smile. It was a strange contrast to rate from smallpox to only Hil a year. piggy I Go straight slid got him outil' read the Bible through three times! enough to Come into our not. We for four years. If the rental Ia not placed on canva&--a young woman, with Marlborough there is something on- writing, old English, or any other the puddle. He fished ouiLtba little after he was eighty years Perfectly vaccinated French army lost eccentricity it utterly tabooed. "Mrs." of age, might tmrn something from that bay renewed before the end of that period, a mass of golden hair. sh at ginal and uncommon. Mrs. a. M. omitted pig, brought him back, anh`laid bIto and without spectacles; not for the with his hoot- nod line. Fie throws his the remains are removed and thrown gleamed lick polished marble. and eyes 23,000 men by smallpox. The better Stanley is a fluent speaker. Neither or " Miss " should navar be at him mistress' feet, the dirtiest little more purpose of sayling he had been I line from the bridge; no fish. Era I into a bone pit. of marvellous beauty and bewitching vaccinated German army lost only 278. on a visiting' card. Extreme modesty through it so often,,bixt for his otern- Iits down on a log; no fish, e stands, A three-year-old colored boy named expression -Eugenie in her prime. I the Princess of Wales nor the Duchess I" verr wait, if it is not carried t* PIK you ever saw. She bad to got - th warm water and a bronva add scrub a nt la,mr of Dau;el Wehsti�x, learned to read'na, fish. He, goes up by the mill -dam, James Hugh", of Reading Pa., �waa was all so strange, and recalled Burka' n at Profit. John Colby, the brotber-in- I In the sunlight and casts the line; but t Other exaples might be quoted by of Fife in a great talker. Princess Beat Pa at which dignity I Bacrillood him And ll Ithe while B A t there with his head on one side and the hundred, but al I would demo atrat' rice is very silent. Ellen Terry Ia ad- but a visiting card that 1b ru 6 as use but one truth; that smallpox is a pre- dicted to enthusiasm over aU that ap- after he vVas, eighty-four years of age, I and stands behind the bank, where the delighted with the recent additions to vntable disease by virtue of vaccine- Christian name without thacprefis In tong�o hanging out, watching bar. And in order that he might become so. , fish can not see him, and he has hard- his family twin brothers. During the dowa we pursue I" for -Leland emphasizes her-WOrtift With For married folk the newest wrin- that dog laugh I quainted with the Scriptures. What shadows we are and what sha- lion and by vaccination alone. peals to her warm heart. 4ady N`Y- not an evidence of it, one could almost think they could see Tbe'ro ly droppad the hook before the Cork When any deopIF-rootea proJudica orbohm is no book in the world that demnds goe under. The fish come to him as abseacs oi his Mother, Jamrr made a Leaving her, I walked over to her a graceful gesture. Mrs Be kit Is to have on your card only your mansion. Farnborough Hall, across manifests itself, it iis always wise to Tree has many interests, chiefly par- last name, as " Mrs. Beauvais," and so ]much Of ourattention as the Bible. fast as he can throw them ashore. In mixture of isudanum and arsenic, and itiquiro whether there is n sonal. Mrs. Creigia is distinctly self- HOW JANET WAS CURED. yet nineteenths of C4ristian Men get other words, in our the railroad track. It is no flimsy, in- at some Christian work, playl6d doctor," with fatal results. basis for its existence. Prob y the your husiband's Card must &too read ansiatent structure, but a substantial abl conscious, while Lady Rand' Ph " Mr. Beauvais." That to all very well It was the uneasy time of day. 111 no more than ankla-deep. They thnk why do we not go where the fish are ?'The mixture killed the twins. I most potent reason for this prejudice Churchill takes foremost rank among and admirable specimen of early Eng- It is a good sign not to venture too It i not so eany to catch souls in � A valuable dog belonging to G. W. liah, the lower part of red brick, with 'guinst vaccination lies in the trou- when yon have an unugual name and was likewise the time when tht,,,bands far- They never ask bow or why, and Church, for they know that we are' contemporary mistresses of Converge- enjoy unusual prentige. but if your 0 if the'y See Wme Christiana Goebel of Hackensack, N. J., showed dressings and multioned windows of 1*8 and discomfort it occasionally tion." fthe clock wont around altogether be - them. If you am tbrow' causes. The sore arms are convincing name be " Smith " or " l3rown," and �ominq trying to tak, inquisitive about the, deep things or, out line out into the world where signs of illness. The owner opened the atone and the upper also of brick, pic- y a you are jum,t plain lady and gentla- too fast to sult Janet. God, they say; "Be careful ; you bad they are not expecting yo,u, they will nimal's mouth to examine his throat. turesquely relieved by columns in teak. 10 ROM an the oreainnAl cameo of Mrs. Archibald Little, an English wo- The whole buildng has a comfortatil RePtiremi shatter the faith of mul- man, you may not Indulge In the "new- "You Boom to love to say it's my better not go out so far from shore." be cptared. Is it fair to take men 110 -chanced to have chapped hands, and e' The former oiight to be avoid- man, who lived in Western China for eat wrinkle,' and muit be happy in boddral%" she said. looking crossly at My answer Ia: The farther you go by snob stratagem? Yes. I Id homelike look. and the eye rests ith e 0 lw�u d " far a-% possible, the latter ran- eleven years says that there in a grow- the consciousnema of dignity adi; ad ike to cheat five thousand sou caused Mr. Goebel to manifest symp- park -like grounds milirrounding it, It di,i-n should betwc-mrilwl in the.qPdays ing sentiment against the practice of "no"' from shore the better, it you have: It t the dog's maliva penetrating the skin, content on the beautifufly-wooded and the big clock. -I wish I could sit up the right kind 4 ship. If you have he kingdom. Our Tabernael toms of hydrophobia. is. in short, a typical English coun- �n unjuntifinble accident.. Amoing the crippling The native women's feat. I should say to the debutante who once in a while and nee what a good More worldly philosophy for the hulk, College, within one year, will be and pride for a sail, and self-c6nonit'Aoing the work of many churches. A malittly puzzling to the doctors try seat- important facts Illustrated by 1hp re- eked atxmt her cards that for the time the grown folks have after we students set theiT All the gait used In the hot,se, is made ent vaccination fitntistion of The king- While she was there she bld dra"Itig first seaman her name mhould be en- have gone to bad." for tbA belm the first squall will de- The net last Prostrated William Dickerson of Ches- stroy you. * �3ut )f you take the Bible'night on the b on the estate the water Ia supplied '10ra of Bavaria in The value of gly,,er- room mectings to discuss, the subject, graved on bar mother'A card, or on "Wo" meant Janet and her dolls. ack streets, and will set, ter, Pa. After tbrec days' suffeirng he by steam power, and their are hydrants Inated lymph An admixture of glyoer- and about 2W of the befit fanqilms in that of the person who sets as her "You can fill up to -night if you for your craft, this fartbOr you go tbo it every night this week, in many des-. lay helpless on a lounge, when in a both inside and out in cane of fire. in in proved not ortly to prpervA the Chungking and 1,&A families in the, chaperon, wish, just as long as you like," said better; gad aft6r'you have gone tea titute places; and soon we shall b a coughing tit'he ejected a lizzard from There are pleasure grounds all around Power Of ihr raeninA, but also in d,- adjoining district agreed to discour- Janet's mother. thousand furlongs. Christ will still hundred I preachers, procianitug troy the harmful mieroorganimmm age the custom. Men are responsible :'Trulyl" galled Janet. Command- "Launch Oat into the deep." the Gospel alay by day, and, week by hit; mouth. It its thought that while the boume--some 6 acres of velvet lawn NOTED PATIENTS, Ask sam" such question as "Who is week, &ad three or four hundred drinking from a spring he took the and emerald turf, lawns and flower-, which may possibly be associated with for the practice for the firmt question 'Truly." said her mother. beds, terrace walks, shrubberies, la,n- it. On,c make vni-cinatinn an Ameptic the), ask in regard to a possible fian- "Oh, thank you, mamma. W On't and go on for ten God I vear asking Christians prqpired for othir wyles of reptile into his stomach. tennis and croquet -grounds. all in ex- proce-A, and Much of the prejndico Coe in about thin size of her toot. The Famous Folk aad che Trowlid" Itcy core we have a good time, thought" it Ask it at the Rate of every par. Chrigtian wo k. If a Man daeq not, A rare experience is that of Mis tremely good -taste, and skilfully plan- agninst It will disappear. for tbo pre- Ied�Kaged Young Chinaman when he is "Ply 0"Co". Then she went to tall the dolls. able; amidst the excitement of every appreciate that work, he is stupid be- rwraole; by the solitariness of every yond all arousal. lllay3r Spooner. of Acuslonet, Mass. Sbi� tied. The park, which alane covers 111� judice is undoubtedly but an OXPT pining with his friends, often proudly The Popm is becoming very disobedi- "Dear ones," she said when she had patriarchal diands I thrieshing-floor; - amidst The whole policy of the Church of has 16ved in three different towns wit h- acres of ground. and the woo slon of a deep human in.gfinet wh'c h , rodueem from the recesses of his cap- Collected them together, "I know and the, white fee&% of Senna�herlb's slain God is have serpentine walks and drivm the primarily manifests itself in it desire acious sleeves a shoe to prove the tit. Though Dr Lapponi, the Papal I long have known Ju&t how you feel to be changed. Instead of out changing bar residence. A change timber in remarkably fine, and besides to avoid pain. I smallness of his future wife's toot. physician, re"otly Insisted that Him about going to bed so early. So to. turned up into the noonlight; amidst chisfy looking after the fe* wbnhave of t he bounds lines removed her the ordinary tr there are some apa- ith these crippled foot Min Holiness was not to leave his bed, and night you Shall sit, up just es long rig the, flying charlots,of the Golden CRY. b6lome Chri tians, our chief effort.% dwelling from W11. Bedford to Fair- imans of very coniferae. 1'wV.01Tke.nndvrun, but according to lkfrg Ask ho Jesus is, and keep on asking will be for those outside. It, after a hiven and then t,n Anusbriet. Her age 1 It FUN FOR ROYAL GOSSIPS. I to roc�ivr nny(ine, the energetic old yOu like, and we will ninis for aurnel v"'I I. 1. such a house as thin that Fu- ibis Ur them no It Of 8VOrY Bible 111Y, Of every raven, man is converted, he cannot take care is 16,- years. I Little, it Is almost Impose just what good times the gTo'wn-ug genie lives and mourns. Her days are A funny royal marriage Is soon to to island still. When they try it, they gentleman took the f1rat opportunity, people have." of every star, Of every Crazed brain Of hiML7,OIf I am not going to take care, A spring of natural ink, jet blark in long an tedious. Sbo is an early riser -take place between Princess Mary of hold on to wbattiver happens to be as soon am the doctor's back was turn- Then they @Lit wont down-ataki-s te Cured, Of every blind PPIn come to of him. If big thinks that I am going' sunllght� of every min in a flab,.,, to stand -and pat him on the back and tint flows from the base of Hennesaw -a victim to insOmnift- find sOmetim", Hnover mad the reigning Duke of Saxe I he nearest to them and away back- ed, of sitting up late to write a Latin the library, where the family were Marietta. Ga. For she never closes her eyes In sleeP for I Altoobnrg, and the foreign gossips are tion. rho older children wore studyinly thets mouth, of every -loaf that got to be feed him out of air elegant ApnorI, and Mountain, near three bights. She has two tried N%omen ' ward and forvr&rd with a racking me- ad,,, .,,,I then afterward receired a Itwanveryquiet there. Janet tbought fl" 1001'reS, Of OV07 -wrathful 1%ft watch him mo that he does not get into many years Alexandeir Stephens used themselves Marry thereat. bo- high church dignitary in audience. Lught of worldlLness, �ha in much this ink for big COMPOSitiOD find car- a[ the house. nd do what thoy can cause che Duke in twice a widower and Marriage Is not 2 (Allure, for the Dr Laplwn) in evidmiatly not made Of ground the long table In the middlo pacified, of every puteless arm stretch. a dr., frienn who are with her, Oki, rare making lessons for the next day. grouped ed forth in grAtuliltiOn'. 0k it of his mistaken, We have in our chaches respandence. to make cheerful her days. A force of 1 78, while the Princess is a gwee least, if a German Investigs- the game mpt�l as cItweninger, who of the room. and bar father and moth, mother, of,Angastuls, of 11arod, of the a great mass of, .,�elplcss, Insane pro- A telephone girl in Owensboro,' Ky., ton servants Completes her household. I was Bismarck a doctor. chweningor or were reading. Syrophoisalbift WoldWrl, of the damsel 4 reme3ra, who ai' � doing nothing for ter of 40. with snow-white be believed. He has been In- I .. Do tali me a, Ion story, . p r easo- tMt vvOk6,UP. h0=0,6 d6ath�sloep; of: themselves or for' others, who want us wAs recently cowhided by an enraged Breakfast In served early and after tnis in, however, a much better match than terviewin realized on the (lay of him nPpointalOn gri I Jwigpb­wbo -bad bloy -b'driedi of the: to stop and nuran theraf I hey are so patron, who charged bar with having algal there are letters to be read, and g insurance companies, and mamma," said Janet, to riging her lit. o&stimd "is 901661161 Ot his toMb;: troubled with doubt as to wheth th scedConversation she answered, nci, spapers from London halt of the alliance%. which furnish go, visiting hospitals and insane azy1unas, I that he bad got a vory unruly charge. tie chair up beside her Mother'&; but are Christians or not. The doe" a I slid France, and he has now promulgated the pleas-, Hie services were Called into requisi- her Mother shook bar bead. at the dumb earth that hoole, A -A had overheard over the wire. fl:,d perhapa a, visit lo he much neandal for royal courts and pal- I made to som6 one in the village who Ing result of his labors, He finds that "It would disturb the raIldres grcsd`6di gild tblin3ft'itll When It*; aid Settled. Thy are, not Cbristiang, Thal A tMountain of salt is one of the 'as, It is understood that Princess lion, find tit mination he for- is Ill. -hen before luncheon. comes the `c a( the men who (lie, commit eiticide, ter an 611, tudying," she said. btfaril!4, in best we ram do with these flab Is to natural curidnitteJ. of San Domingo,; daily 4sit to the mausioleurn, and, Ofty: -Mary has long loved her futurm hiis- or became Insane or seriously Ill in bade him patient to p9riake of a very a I have an opera with to ttaill:d' itook its. f6te out U4 throw them book into the 6trcattiadd The mountain about five miles this, luncheon and it walk through the ',-ad, but ho we. forced t wed early life, the greater number are favorite dish. All the marn*, Bismarek d 1*966, go after them egaip, with squltre at the bass, slid is estimated I beautiful grounds. D;nner Ia served at whers, for state reasons find now, of- bacholorn, He says That diseases of the had the forbidden fruit brought to him, No, dear." 11W GogPM NET, to rbiltrilb About 9060,11111111 tons at salt, seven o'clock and, after this more writ- tfir long waiting she Is in be reward- digestive organs are the on" which &ad was OU ly joyi it n "Isn't there anythl I YARIft IM�, "Go Auto 01 thi world and preach d bi en riff w he Dr US to 41004 iIa Berlin arlo usu-'Ing. reading, and pigrijaps game ,Ito- ad with his hand and beart as franh cause the most trouble to unmarried mel" and there were, togra-lit ete(he fac- pla game until bed -time. an his 73 years admit. But the Duke Mon. This in a distinct compliment to Schwaninger entered the room,',)` &k voice. ut of "No. little danobt0i ow;, The lge*ltb to keep up this quAni- its a handsome, vigorous man, and the the good cooking of tba average wife. hold of the digh and burled -�o ti*i. yfigures. 41k ty bad $I*t Idiot t)"J, so* :'.1 iat;6 the hoajoif� bf,,thd 814i intoi. tht TWs ij to ofiablii boirdefig who rin- royal a tie must b omaiderable. but marriage Ia looked on by his subjects Among matrimonial atatiatica the fat- quiet hour for this the windorw. 'rho Man I Mood and tile FMPrem (a credited with having with witisfaction and hope i 1466, lato, tim diii�ap Into then Wt With beer t, They bate lowing French once are interesting: I you will baa to ]keep *011011 'thlgtOld **fttf0 Into the dibbixt loid tron Wooped-and then rcistly sur- Ing P100. tho Duke's only brother and heir pro- Thirteen out bf 100 youalt women mar- I .So Janet sat down #init, J0'4L44,&' g, plenty. and 6ometbinj to apare. The , , * ch' there iiverei Ia the ivings froth the *t& ,reature, who stay ry between the agsz; or 15 glad 20- It vo� JUA 41SIr tut lit Lot, oary, rendered. He bad Met him match I I ly at the fira, ,lit. the Empire SoMptive, a bl&so *at*, *U's at is hod Ion 4 Nliw,rotk, *64 10"don hud* -sat a time, mors)y because. Wwren 20 and 25 the average is j6 Mr. Giadstoft hati Many doctors, and By and by her hftd d�,t are Slid to here been large and her in bad Wek Po"68610AM set dowA�M $1elding hdr Its he deellWeS, - there in nothing at between 25 and 30, 2-1 out 113"Pt the last, outlived them oil. The her inoter's �t of 100; hiWoft is *14ir w(th this,viiiii �,A 4,* tbft* oe veiiefal Thek`6 seems no Worth,Xetting up for," The Kaiser to of 100; between 80 and 31% 12 out of most tamouS we" Sir Andrew Clark. "I dowt think gr6o#`1 hy*6_boQk IA hthe ptylim 6f her oettIblish. #both disgusted at the idea at one of 100; from 33 to 40. 6 out of I()0; from ho won, held in high estimation by began, find t Oft fe Ot thi hat t* 4 s4w '. Rot# 01 his great Pnpmics wedding so near his 40 to 4;k only 5 and from 45 to 50 just tire G- 0- X Pot he had more t ban a father was earrylott Jkii 440tall, #06 4 * 14AC , of bkog d this), Mont *Ill begr 6a III them alightrat, fteriiiii throne, for t litittly 64 a"* ij��W�cy* 04t itito 1 RA him court at Berlin one solitary woman out of the hun- n have a very ariod 00* et'6400 adiet- for the teftl r life. It bandful in the statesm: . On one a-- y0do Of Ilk 6# ft- is. p6rh*Di4 fift th*t, thin should be guill t 4100 *orzft *rafout; Call not ignore the Saxin-AlteribArgim, dred. Caxton Air. Gladstone prVirrilged to stiesk mormurod Sleepily. to Wit! -besides 496 g6od the has done and It Will be A thorn to Itsvin a Prin- Only an "I bDur. and Ilia doctor mat thn Sh6 *aft #A IW IA Tht is�*u to tit: d4 V Al Jb# #& PA for If seem a be conling In an In hand to time. When I be tta the It �Ib,li ox. ft* of 11nadver and the sister of the Earring to 4ivilill. U�-* �Ji*4# tit at I lk 13, under the the return tide fashion. *its a 0. hi. throw It r the 0 p6nisfir's! ekffA"b At tug by'i lat his notrX &ad Sit 'lny dearg,. mUd yy b(Oor toedt ;J0 k6opet up, she OrikO of 02mberfand direct "Nr really 611111, his AA& A" 1110*4 to 004,if * f pit *bvas 11W IW td thkiltt;�, *Ad the oo* W0611 AOge On 9ftnd state deftsionmi, ligh womau says that the qtl"o. at e'" In Ear 0094 J1106 -,towli t4 be %As VJ" A , b )� bltm when the old Duke must be seen an Writ 1, at t�toi" go, M 0 & I wto of W And #01SCed hi4 wnteb witb *1 ,P)a talk 04, a bt 6", VOW101"a 6A* of Got- Holland has only recently h14 hort4p, satisfied air. But Mr. Gladmone, was I vm= Of 14 t# it bar 610fty dLW,' tht faIgnins prince Mad apl(steed. " ThiA," V"I" tU 14fm M absorbed that tie virent on for 80 taft A, I * 10114' t taft Minutes 106ter Wforin owpiping. WA , Rot�, lit I t. NFU Sao wonoan, "Was attributs4l 'to Ito lttfi� Tftng"o U ;flvmjv tbAt her es,tf. be It said, *44 I*tbd -mcmai. *ty to wo�hfkt, 0* "Ohlilow *9 Uv . tik NAS�Y ON't. 140T yet &A, VW , britiath, are neither ainAll 6411. hS tylell 656 4 Atka wh3t (10 you thiftkl t1ful. In tAot, their lokotssi* 6'tf66Jk- We hkvm it #It** 0muber I said Clar- Nithita, toAlto: trift . Of Id W 114j., I%, , ., A( xoiiit� V to I placed a sovereign intly latititi 444 thitk," Th# )it* t4e- k)a& dulght (O" ofto" 44*04*4 *r " tko A* of my age on the ran- &bft%j* **4t. nove d'a y6o liket him f a M I t*6 tulgot ON, td***U A"�Ofafftto, Mt &W, liotiti, *st# I ##*4 fellt '$bii, "ity W t*4 tef fi% th# pj�, *toe But there are ftly V the taliAto tbO, My wife *Offilt sket Alts *W11 I Odt AL "W"Wisfigis of too stootmiro saft aiett$. ftvft ir