HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-14, Page 2x - .:„r . " - a 17.717
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•- . rM� :, "sir tela .. ,tela: t11k lkC taut, aR� 11 11r+I cls ; , o gt+r 11 JP s, A CaR+4 #ZR awf . up, x ,nth # '� felt gttatity -nPxo the name --
11 11+.- ' . i� f 1'rii+Kt�w#k ►�:.* 'W" M It- ' ; : ie >e tear err t >rp! ..t tli llll�+ �r iii. At
Nit # APti=n :tilts file cls±#9x+4 allfi
Ulmtt 1 lr+�tiit 111I ettx 1 aaitt Vii►. Tion#.
tan• , . q
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elwt w t, talk nvpr #M!Rgt, .+ .tk4►t t11a►•d t>4�!} t11FvR �IRt!ritf� +uPe sit'
.. 11 Flume ws+i ttrlMslMa4l as ±et .. data . �y +lrx►att #X!am!� •4 ll�p�+arewi ko tt' jl: n R1, *.tate. 4lo "toot A d M '
" I 3: nllwra t.lsir :X1teAM�clr�t. tAa1s ttCAs 1R+l�A►t1l�lrw►!�• aiis�td'aftaettoak, �� et�Falthe wro c5p,44iktpu ktl,vexy A�plot pw ter
L A . : ;:1
• A P*tra sltyaylt: vPr�atl�l+ll tiA Jinti4ip[i. Wltela a sial? a•as >!Xelratt If iia .tf14#it+ Jlratf k tnwllsr Witter
IM ItOXIT t f t k ii .W. 4114MIA, liltil iktlsd tt!ley' ' , 'IF 1tR�( ey a :oft 1NN!!lAtN, f �nr44 l3 till► or Imr4+ti! At rklttbtl put a �a'&
Q t Vit+! atw tt#.. tRRtn t�ni't1+►rli for A ,. i, act F F iI-•Ge. i.�
ups#x Ttltlod itttiMMi! ill #rooptt At .W+► .bees s tkpMtFyttlgll- tw�b ! #ittier Ira !tl ptlt ,sem•a... {�R' ip _*,, gt witite;lum� �*I>l r lobo U. Rrtd a g , „ if .QE�i •r ?1• a3 �o+ o, "l i r
- heir "+nipthera' t4pJta` 7tall iter tl l>�xml Hof ore y oXd or .y� saris r • place it on, the 1ic}toltpn mgntue shalt ,_e.,., I.t
`. a It lamv ikpx i4d At s+ui�i.�l►t arultl lttalt4lt l?l dpy. o> J4ayWttertt. tJ31t ora teln!>srattt !avill
11 410AXIM. .11!
X",.•.±Llestlltwlid. - W. . 0040ipioad. bllkt ntyrrs sad rtili4 ite5m W Ib9Y t ! holl
u 1uKtP3Rt o, It'h tkat, ;ghost a Still i4pePAup US* IA tPoig ',W + sot lt4 iellder qQ degrees kFthr. �n the War deaidod
"IC +Ilel!at s ,, •#tui kn. !w lost titers w44M la4t rarpo+iiw rot ltlpx. t1F ¢ ti+ein's to a fi q., , _ Was- H.R�h ASI_l. T+ 01), . trtl'ng, ti►e water. it Pnrs, will be br,o* logginlri d 9t 41aQlt shall
�srs4rl al � 1, Ift$V at It Woo upon half love Garr !�iw�t3PqY. aa.:ire as ibey flid,1 C l ')m ; -44 bulaxi too l►9nat ) In tttiture .be anppmll to atll toot sol-
,' � - nreit as h•s- tints for Ur i<ath .1►ndtal314 lie plsapilsal, if�fec.IJkttot4 of th4p 'R'^'" 11Rldoot#Y oloa . 1€ contaminated by w
p ��
�"iliilk: r1 t►aaMA!ii lrlanrertiat►iala iiia. It > - ttsd• ilu4nlital . 1itls a long 3'rrpplaliwdrlrti at wl snftllad, felt�_,pro A vtlst T!!esalie/x kM afR#1kaaFwts,aitts!F WMtenlr :rasa rl or ptlAer mmpurllteo We stater dtt►rJk 4t the rt�ar trr�y, * .e
'•. A �1w Alt 41isllghtf,tl eltpo5yf- la law, khat Yr,., ae hast t e0koleied as
"'#tk 34i .:b lkt !lllyda .list+ a #Let order to bend Wer to hla Wilt, time, iaAlss$, thea #talk >rrfp-4 the ERch both thral l tons. dpskarl# . w +lttfiMr aapxa tree statins+ Msr+ill will mthly. Tht4 tit a simple and safe
crit eveac of auY rs4ktBtlttu a whish ni>ibt. AsaMltAs, test and cpgfly made, Far 1: Fltt Y••n a _, . ` -
At W" IIID -, 1io 1adAr I t # aha$ Oi' thiil sari , and' Itaawatti!Y o�sKritid fn ]Idllw llkitia's lite, tier toe We it v pub' t.. all►11■ rl bt. tis- Loin a rTFt 1, is w.
st ti8ap. , aoaise t>t aetlgrk yea Wlal yo0i see ba No need Diva art! �tyltt+ti or stun . 4 r!c( t riRarrt (wyit $airy lin;crag - - .Iatb.�+tor at �r..,t0 tea it see"-
'"' tlaa4Mk 4sitss. be we ,able to pikstotxa 4 tsI w4l$ duty iron b.Qlgw urhood w a bald *for loft a?.UT COTIRAGE. w .tl r. a'w,r"
lora f+l with will 1sstlkg elkse atktl P of ttitad to R pl AathtprlaQs tlrA gnat >MMnJkil. cut- f3p fstthtul is pair 4i� yard c. k• Nowell, tQnf►rly, of 3inalydiprd, tun • the
i(Mtlt lkri!!' M n- --ser lttrisa,r an able ogfWa :V, oar#aaa pylar FiW WR.tttt--I doAt't baileys thta naABanae ,iw" a' S�b�+► m
the �aisd rt4letiva wlaae9 declining Aar oft ane Aide of the tonntxy. D shoal whiskey making a man brave. E.
(days you have hl lktuto sit devotedly CS
from #ire ,ether, so that 'those NEOF8$ITY OF PURRS $TOOK, file a. Lley, Plus down on the AIM on >d00zefite-Diy trlead, u it aYimea°t
yo. - WATER„ Ound#Y# bringing 1�9,8,IF0 In Vold arida for the whialreY I would not have the �� i!Ighaet Prlae ever paid for a
Bir'44W4W X11 deprecatingly y who dwelt be rid 'tb4 hillR ikeld as
watitheli ovptr hake *a% will be lair
' ! tbq)A#'k l a into aaettl al is >{oarN�lk>rdtag the ` worltW Comtraupieatmb wlilh #ba itth!►bl#itntr, 41 rasa wrpe wsa ;150,000 for the famous
: A l I t: In the saasvol I I am fI,FrosPerity of a ylm ria t3aan In whoop' tate plains, wbllpt thin. latter, owing Few farmers and stoci ten are as story, r4mantio ii41 Wait, of latevansom ti courage to Ra bow OVIA04,,00.
tt akt^tom pY+bslt� tlmtiT lady 1 future I y(ml sakxA #hat you take a Fnaft to deaths and llbigces ArAtl anadrY arotul to supply the various waAte at llFatkvyaii says' he wcatl north 9i+ the -
;tt to alfaottatute lAII!#4at Ir on m Part, afoot lnetdoatal (>aiurieMf were. do for b0V A21110tl elVptelm I!ea}x+l age, whlaL 14 tl<aett for GpttrtrrM rintima. q'O suits A COLD IN ON6 Dws
"; ` ; tisikt iffiest x tae as rectal ParPateWa lveatr plpAost entire- is trtoek ns they ahqutd t,p, They
010. ),� hh�tRsy takat t< warned will 'nndartakq to! take Do furtler ao tblak It they furnish their aalmalit Woo plAobed In an too jam, and, after We offer our readers a new remedy Take J.!A4 -. rtromo uialw Tabieta All urea loner
IftatleMlys kit failwi tri love with afiend- tion of any hoist or kind against your ly useless the hirda oi" passiWe. all the a for catarrh, brotllohftis, irrttoble throne, Wta re[rnd etie money it�1 taB. w °'"•• 9°0'
Zai yrlilktttR laleft, $ ';l'1it41 With
of thtnlf hwFixad. On tksday of my n haw's hunting world, ]loving lgffg. ago tak- aqugh to eat at all aeagonrm of the passing from rvAaler: to wbaiert be a;" colds flu tbo based, droppings In the -' It Maltese
day en themselves awf}X l4 the summer', year they are dor-n their whole duty, rived at gape Barrow In 3881) Acting .throats and kindred affections in Oat- ,� pyo of Portland haus ecce ed Dr08t1 of
:.ilk .lket+l: to M#—Aos 'tq yaek either. taarrlaga to ,1 oo *94 ilday, I will sign g Pt
I he
tadi4ld with. vellsd in- a written promise .to ooa ona the past, months. To .910ro. -1, With bar pariah little thidklag that a regular and gen- Oa lrtPorttmatfp, of the natives, its Drops- arrhgaone. These is no mystery aWat filo eaidenry o! the $nnday Concerts
and as it waxer tut blot it out entirely. work sad Power of '.throwing herself ,room supply of pure water to fully as oil the mountains bordering on the It, but the 0000t is mtAgical. Oint- Tabes
- '"YOU,AsI fe fir right --'r abs began It will be thea no longer aaosssary for heart and soul Into all thrt pba took stools, washes, and aufts cannot reach \
aocexeary as rued itself. Water forms 3fackenlsia River, slut found more gold the diseased parts, and have been Prov- I •
txeiil�itiaBlT, You to keep the unhappy elan In con- uP, tbtit was, PF►s34aNw obi; a small lova. ftl 1.IA tf.S C16Alt
`• 4 �'.trQOa take, It apems to i11s_ timet cealment He eau seitxn to his and a tennis pasty npgx or less scarce- froom 86 to GS per cent of the total than he could natty oat la the streal11a wprsa thaA ttsoless, but Catarrhozane La j'pSoant+r 1Qo. FaO2olt i . JSon, real. " "^ ""*
I tiiltFlt eYstx fright. Geoffrey is not. tether'• Lease sad.. you will be Daae 15, occasioned blas a . •Ing regret. weight of the body and eaters Into the not 500 miles from Fort MORbersoa, in 14 carried directly by air to the die- -- EFTHaB-1
oailr pe1+yJAaaf-*ata lq, os tan y ba, the mord+ a mitet� and happy family Dir She went About 1W lastly work silo composition of every bone, muscle And a country no whits maks bad ever tra- eased Parts, and to like a breeze front New Tires BIN°Lr ,stir'
unabated steer 4 London publishers are bringing out or
es�ttro object of spy fiataro and ole.' energy, . uxain #h zroi tissue. rood can only be assimilated vaned Wore. This land, he claims, the pias woods, Outfit, 1.00. Send � eiz nnY hooka of poetry and Prate by _?
It. 1 him to- to -enlarge e u n this and eagerness, aria 4gita undaunted Y LO cents for ttavmple bottle and iAbol- ! pe DOUBLE TIIB&I jr . -
1 business. easarl Po authors. It ill generally pro- to .ay addre.a
R/f t]lb refute of horse of one a P
t 1Mit'lt3 :slaps 't r Geoffrey, plans fatal subject, be squid sae how her eyes aa- by the man ]rFlCt1.�,f,RIRLtd'tRilpr4.9wblob, when is n soluble strife, hence water has never known the prospector, YQt in / er•, standard as B ar■tea D
S1 ,wc,t his we taro and his worldly larged with horror and dismay, with sot unnatplallf! t4 one who dealred to is an indispensable aid to digestion. stream atter stream hp has aAtuBed N. C. POISON & CO., Kingston, Out. 'dieted the experiment will be success. ww ■,.a«etm,le,.ua«Nd. �:
R4notPsAt -with these plane, Ate- what an unutterable loathing she De reform and ramodsl everybody and ev- � here it is available, running wa- himself by washing surface dirt and - -
4e .de $terMo.cet, you have chosen to tenwl tohla desorlption o1 the domestlo erytbing, again and again threw book ter, either springs or creeks, to re finding it refute from ton cents to as WY. B. hiORTHAJI, TOAOSTosQNT.
reunion to which he was condi ninqq her splendid tateatianat unappreciatedP THE CHEERFUL LDItYr. (' i %;
i •cite Dried sagrily; "f Interfere her, slid ko wh[tmh airs now saw herBelf in o`er face. All this time Hidden} ferable to any other for stock, as it many dollars in the pan, the passing r 1 . 1St�( Ntl.>Ig
on himself, the gold at that time be- A live copper, said the Cheerful Idiot I t 1 Ev / I�TH�
With 1PVAtxey'a adrgatage pr prosper- Irrevocably doomed. House, up In the hollow o1 the chalk is pure and needs no pumping. Unless Ing of ions consequence to him than just before the other boarders escap
ityt Ab how little you know rue- For how refuse the release of the fin- bills, lay client and empty. eontam,nated by surface washings or the chance of getting a musk ox, ell, can often prevent a dead steal. -_ ----�►•--- THE vAt u8 OF
lora evil 143ge be the beat of your own happy man to whom she was tied by (To Be Continued.) sewerage, creek water is good quality, mooso or buffalo. In the course of his After which h@ laughed metallf- The British Museum is to have a
tatayat�It you irtoaains such a thing." all rigour of s Faith that allows of wanderings he has gone as lar as sally. I photograph section in which will be I 4
'".,aT•.!,a now we Opmie to common no divorces or hoax free herself (roan "•■' as It !s being continually aerated and Groat Blava Lake, a9 far east ao Krim Y
stored in cylinder form the " voices "
l }W,M, my dear friend." he answered his hated presence without forsaking QUEEN VICTORIA'S NEW YACHT. Purified by exposure to the sunshine. Lake. 2.20 miles beyond the Great CANADIAN PATENTEES. Iof eminent people. ASAPAATU1iiENTMEDICINE.
srothi»gly, "1 felt oars that your the old Fran who leant upon bar for For domestic use, a spring or deep well Bear and as far north as the never- - "hum
kind httltrt sad good feeling would be the support of his daily axistenee P It will be the Largest, pramidest Red A04 is the beet source of pure water. The' opening lee, yet everywhere theoolors Toronto, April 12th, 1899. The fol- FREE 7h>r mosso
tOaltFhed, that our very late Lor that Sural ao unlshuaeat for her ala and lowin Gamadinns as rted b HoW'S Thls 4 ate bail
Y P of old sero obtainable. The uea- g naso Y ittra�re
y Magnificently Equipped craft Afloat. Boil acts as a filter and the wlor+s soil g q lou ✓ u•
obanmI young follow -you object to weakness could have been devised by tion is, he says, even with steamers to Charles H. Weltea, aWicitor of Patents, We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward (Or qgait. P1aae- 11 case,
the ward love ell, let me call it her enemy more unspeakably cruel and At last the tecta about Queen Vlo the water must pass through in reach- travel down the Mackenzie In, will Canada Life Building, Toronto, have any4taee of Catarrh that can not be scrod by tor«aisgadsmdda,�a,uqor
your regard then, your sisterl1yy-per- relentless than this -that abs should toria's new yacht have leaked out ing the subterranean streams the more the reward of treasure be sufficient this week obtained patents: A. L. Hags Catarrh Cure. nwtotr°p.h os orifi, d'wtt w.
blklma It is a motherly regard, ell l Any live once more under the same root McLaren, needle threader ; F. A. Cote, a J. a cod EY & CO..,Props., Toledo, F.
•F through the office of the British admir- thorough the filteration. A tubular compensation for many to bruve the We the underslguea, novo known F, J. "_Iwo rent FeEm b,y,talum
way your affectionate interest is the with the man whose name she bare, terrors of the land. If go, theymutat apparatus dor locating concealed live Chane for the ltwt 15 year., and believe him
dear boy will coon lead you to do all end woo had dragged down that name alty. She will be launched at the gov- will is much safer and a more reliable wires; Robbins & Mus rove, um y far td. LLu oi°i°gwdi�tateiarua1 tM
opt forget that winter there hate B P p- per[oorlyaonorablslnallbaelnesatrausaodous
You can to help Instead of to impede into the mire of an eternal erament's dockyards at Pembroke on source of supply than a dug well, never less the nine months of the rod Stagg & Nuble, bung cutting and Close auolayy ails to carry out any obuQu xo.I Trmal Wu
■ fetters forests. Is It not so t" Ignominy. forming machine ; H. AI er, miner'a tions made by .haft arm. Faept. •Z.' Taronte. flat.
May 0, and alts ylll be christened elth- since no water can anter a tubular wall year, and with such degrees of cold ym yVnaTdcTRONx vfbolera+eDruaatcta Toled0.0. _
, -- Site llovtred her head in silence. It "DO you agree to my little terms, er Enohantreee or Balmoral. She ill eaoept at rho bottom. In a dug well that thermometora aro useless [or Ata drill; F. J. Harbridge, printing -press; WALaFNa, StxFVAr+ & 11txRvis, lVhateeate '-
was Lutpossibit for her to tip"*. Of Madame de BrefourY'' enquired Asir. measurement. Hu started out for civ- J. A. Harvey, puzzle; W. W. Hoar, rugsIn
TOlaC Obio.
I. .. what it , I would have been vats Dane with a oharmin suavoneaa of be the largest And grandest and most there is always danger of surface well -boring device ; T. Shaw, pressure -
,Hen's Catarrh Core ie taken [nteraaUy, act- F9 t9
g ilization collie 19th September, withIng diredtI upon the blood •rid muo,ae our.
to 4eal41A Of that which she bad been en- voice and manner, with that little magnificently equipped yacht in the drainage finding its way into it. A six doge and four extras, and `200 door; W. J. Walsh, hot-water beater. Ott hosystem. Prtoe7da per bottle- Bold VISE HANDS- Good wages, steady
trapped Into batrayinu t Her Inner smile upon his lipps which he could as- world, dug wall may ue pure when first dug, secede of pemmican. His food gave by all Druggists. 0. MOD tree. /"
b4 , twinotuatj had bean lavadod, the ago- acme when it suited hum to be sweet- xatreFamily Plllearethebeat. employment. Brantford is pleas -
red Well had bees rent d , a from The new royal yacht will be larger even though shallow, trail later be con- out, and the dogs were sacrificed till Since his residence in England Emile / anti located, living cheap.
g 1 gracious. and with his head just n
before the altar of her heart, and she y 1 even than Emperor, Willitim's famous taminated from surface drainage or but three remained. Offices of friend- Zola is said to have anonymously con -
Litt C on one aide as he looked at her other causes. No cesspool or vault ly Indiana saved him from starvation, tributed large atimB to London charu- About 10,000,000 feet of birch wood WATEROUS ENGINE WO1ICS CO.,
wait too proud now to persist in dis• from between his half-closed eye- yacht Hohenzollern. The latter is pro- sPso and furnished him fresh dogs, which ties• will be seat this year from Maine to
* owningthe idol that had been con- deep to allowed no" s well, either limited, Brantford.
� ltda party not a yacht, but a protected deep or shallow, unless ever prooaa- brought him to the upper Feeders of �___ England and Scotland for spools. ___ - _
otF+tled within. "Yes, Mr. Dane, I agree," she an- cruiser, carrying armament and pro- the Rinchpak River, which later be,
waited for a few moments, and Y g P Lion is taken to make the basin of such THE SUPERLATIVE DEGREEI �Y.'P. ll. 987 THE MOST NUTRITIQUS.
than fiadiitg oho Bald nothing, be be- ®octad, in scold meohanlool voice, tested deok, and in a tight could give pools or vaults perfectly water -tight, Domes the Yukon. Here a strange ax -
and 1 will perform the task you have to prevent the surrounding s rl perlence befell him. The Indians were One of the beat agricultural author- CALVERT'S S '
gen (nee mare' eat me to do." And then oho rasa and a Good eaaount,ot hersoll. Victoria's P g u ace panto atrioken from the effects of the idea in England, lecturing recently on
'i may an well explain to you at from becoming foul.
left him. new yacht. is a yacht in every sense The water from different sources has earth sites, and were holding a big the relationship between the soil, Oarbotle DielnfeotaIs". eeap% clot
1 once that I desire say nephew to propitiatory feast to the gods, which crop and manure concluded a very ex- n,enl, Tooth Powders, eta,, have been
marry a young lady of groat personal 01 the word. trequantly been Costed and the number awarded loo mad•b and dtpfomae cot superior GRATF.IUL-COMFORTING.
attractions and of unexce tion¢! char . CHAPTER XXIII. The bull of Victoria's yacht IB to of germs contained in each cubic Den- had boon in progress two weeks, and as'lohaustl o consider¢tian of the subject
p j excellence. 1 Their reenter use prefers upet !-
pat�r. This i is the dee titer of timeter, about half a thimbleful, has a bay o! 14 and a girl of 10 were slash- na' foliose:- one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
lady y Ili the far -away pariah ut Coddish- be of steel, sheathed with wood and been found to War from tont in a hen- oil to death with knives. Maxwell "Tho lime contained in Thomas- supply. Lists maned (tee on app!loatton. OCOA
11 Imy Partner, Mr. Halliday, with whom am the summer months, meanwhile, user. Sho will be pro, Y Y succeeded In inducing the Indians to Phosphate Powder has f. G. CALYERT & CO.,
I ave Doyne to as arrangement on the covered with oo P dyed foot tubular well, to nearly three P proved it -
had succeeded each other with that vided with double bottoms. She will hundred thousand in a clean -looking suspend vengeance on the third via self the moat efficient form o1 phos
sub*t. , On his marriage with Miss eventful tranquility which con- g ssANOHleTER - - ENGLAND.
Hal iday, Gtwttrey will b¢ talon lm- stitutes the chiofest charm of an abso- hsv0 three tannate and two masts. goad, and four hundred thousand in flan, saying ha was on his way -to the phate for the top -dressing purpose. _ RRL►AKFAST-SUPPER.
m4111dal into partwill , and will a dug well receiving surface Great Water to intercede with the therefore, I again unreservedly say Com Cure. Askyour WANTEDe
also beooyaar my halt personally, sa lately rural district. Event of ¢ Speed is to be an important consider- age. A dug well might be ver much spirits. Maxwell to dumbfonndQd ¢t that you will be on perfectly sound ONE NIGHTdratta testi Pelee tOc
Pe y, certain kind had, it is true, taken ation. improved b cementing the inside of modern Inventions, electric light, ele- lines, and on the dirept road to rofit,
well gel step into a poBltioa which !or place, eveata whish bad set the church p y Waters, tele Ldnas, etc., all havin in at once traatin p MON .AL
a man of his ago will be without its Thin yacht is to have two sets of the wall down to the water line. This P g g everq sore of grass u u BOILER MAKERS -Good wages,
g balls ringing or tolling ne the naso
acme into nae einoe be lest oivilfzatlon. with 6 cavi. of Atherts' Thomas -Phos- The GAlmoral� Free Bus ,,. PI -n.
equal in the oonmmarcial world. leo might be, and which had, no doubt, triplo-expansion four -cylinder engines Would keep the surface gwe water from P steady employment, BraclbtapI
you poo bow good a thing for your been of su reme lm scoping in. In a dug well ovary pre- phots; and the only possible thing you Cure scared m as house is leasantl located, living cheap
p Importance to the driving twin serosa, and having an caution should be used to prevent an Iowa Farm■ for cue, t2 per acro cash, ad- could do better ttlhan this, would be RhOumattsm—asrwspecIfl eontbym.i! pleasantly wl
young favarite this marriage would principal persons concerned ; as, for in- indicated horse Power of 11,OOD. The vermin from entering at sibs ,top. It ante t crop unfit paid. J. Mulhall, etouz city, ut. Lo apply IO cwt. per note." oa recelpt of tl DR. ROIIBY, P.O. Bor Ai Moetre.l. WATEROUS EN GINE WORKS CO., 'g �
" stance, the marriage of Timothy Green is wall to la t
"Oh, yeal t see it very well indeed, farmer Stubbs' head man, to poor lit- high-pressure cylinder of each engine y he upper foot or two -„�—_ CUTTING SCHOOL T.Ito"
,rid Dr... Limited, Brantford. ,
Aur• r)ane " she answered, with a rin of the wall in cement. If wooden sills makere, wad for cat-
, tie Jenny Bainbridge, whom nobody is to be 20 1-2 inches in diameter and are used as a Poundntton Por the floor, rO TEST DRINKING WATER. Tho Bishop of Manchester declares .love. C. & D. SCHOOL CO., Montreal. lj9 OF OUR STUDENTS here recentiy taken good
irx,'. of acorn in liar voice. "A capita at Coddishan3 Bet any store by -bo- the intermediate nylindar 44 1-2, all lot the to be un tion with the to r-- that religious services are not nearly - .It°.tioae, Inn four postmens remain unelid
a;' thing for all concerned, for the bride cause she was so meek, and small, and p J p Sim ,le Wry Iry 11'1.1.11 you May notee so well attended as tMy were twenty Maple Syrup Cans, ni xEaei R SUGlss �—''
, and bridegroom no doubt, and also to downrtroddeu, having no home of her having a stroke of `39 inches. of the wall, then Pill the space between ( J'
r ., the ambition of the bridegroom's un- own, but being only allowed on suffer- Steam will be supplied by 18 boilers, the wall 'and rills with cement, and if tnipure water. Years ago. _ A44rce+, O. FI. GRIM MFG. CO., Montreal. NT
Die. WL then, in the name of for the floor [s tight, not even ah earth- rispemenymo.e
4;: y rimae, Ba it aYOTa, to exist in her 111 -non- wokinrg at a proasure of 800 periods worm Can find its way through. Ever An axahange says that all drink- stupe poultry esti le the beat dige.tor h+ the mnrkot StR11'lme�ers who barerdled
tape, does not your nephew hnaten to ditioed uncle, the baker's houtic-that y g Y t.AURENTtAtii BAND a GRAVEt<oo,. Montreal. where, "Ialae
wh[oh will ba reduced at the engmos well should be ventilated. Even wa- Ing water should be tested in town where, writo w
conclude so advantageous an alli- wedding, no doubt, created quite a Dr. Amott, Dcrun .whowW convince you he o■o cure you BTRAT1rORD, ONT. wateseh raalonaour enocttee
aaoei" disturbance in the district, much as to 250 secede. The grate area under ler in n wall will become more or lose or country frequently, ¢B there are tatlonormmwnsa m fair competition onegeadnat«
"Because, Madame, you stand In the though a new IIing Cephalea had the boilers will be 840 foot and the stagnant ,without it. A couple Of other impurities beside sewagewhich OSTRICH TIPS. a,.n,e,tyatway.oho.ea Bu.lue« men appreciate OUT
« wily!" be answered ufokly, lavelltng pit hued hie troth to a poor be ar- heat}ng surface w(ll bo 28,000 square tubes should extend from the top of Halting POl to eir-'l -`recti to make
,royk BatoommorolalBehoollnaanad. testees.
q gg the um downward a few inches an- are quite ria deadly, and every eta- Ah l chuckled the Walter, when he .t email Dost. Equal to the beet. Forma
^;; a heavy f rettnger at her to emphasize maid, tar Ti. earned full wagon, and feet. This innoLlner Is expected to pump reached home. I struck luck to -da mzo.I.,t.mw• ii +•st r°r omcst.r.:r..
hie Raaua tion. Y der the floor. The tap oP those tubes tern of water is liable to be°'a sautes Y• A w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
hast a cottage and a back garden of the water at ritih old fellow gave me a $5 tip. How A. IAPIFiRRx, 18 Leroyer Bc, ltontn,l
"IN Heavens, Mr. Dane, f a n11 own, whereas Jenny was nobody at drive, e d olvtwentel eastbknOlehan hour with (lug, tobexoluda�tfli Uand teasels. rho °P blood poisoning,- mice, rata and nice! remarked bis wife. A $& tip will
r clever, man you er reap exceedinglyp y other pests must have water, and many i just make my old hat look like new. FREE = r6e Idryf __ - ---- wltbont m.dldn.
wide of the mark In your surmises. I Then there was poor old Bibbins, the engines making 140 revolutions a air will descend in one tuba and ascend
ukalyea rTdrdya
have not Been your nephew for some g g in the °char, preventing the aeeumu- �::Ihaina�a lllugsdur 1. HfALTHdisordered RESTORFDenas,L er.Bo9d.
Minn the slight acquaintance, ar tvito died of drink at lost, as Flort+noo minute. teflon of foul gases. // • or our-full•utea idnen . BfaddR_,Kidneys.Brain and Breath by
tri obi It ou lit It better that Dane had always said ba would, and Recently progreBa on the vessel was Doyt4satt0oeaob Lear.
., v, y 1l t was straightway interred with the
/� �d ,6 R*11USIlt'erWatobtorsellin Revalenta
" at elle alae be sea us snow delayed by strike, but mon aro now i TREAThiI,NT OF'PRO2EN [+'RUiT (/g' od,, - , �. s aw s naygw m u t ani Du Barry s Arabia& Food,
eptiteir tat an end, and I know nothing usual pamP eland oeietiiany, fa euro I ,
witli<tsly Ibvbr fyf Lia d, an oI of rho young and °��° hope of Ute everlaeting working overtime to make up Par it. TB�g 016L Wreaign; we r,a
• aD ld r[teu we send them witleh Saes Invalids and Children, and oleo $earrhao'-
Y g Only the beat artisans to be found in .e. return our o«etutlInfantiwhoseAilmentsandD.bitltybsteea•
�"" as our fret e$a trine Burial Service a e 1 y, wepromp forward rtakd. other treatments, It dtao4'J'aheq-at
1.mg, rt '� , amort wbpm be as doubt hath it. AftKt ,that, Mrs Meeks Lad Y The recent ,cold,,.. v a tier killed. scans "ofofw.wbfrao. Unsoiddo tt�. sa+e r. Ae�,oiume,,Ot,oe•` ' G��
r �.- ;� tbtk tSyi�jliif6itltJt►!i' ; . the United Iiln dem ore emPlo oil. The, at y Fruit t 'completely and i u.,r % ,.w ,_._- ra � ,, ; '"� '"` ,�
tvqApe; the et!ooud tithe she had nom- fYIBI?! injured +lalotL � a ltp�..
ice' i 'tt�aFmtn:a venae jealotie >y1tlad the same offence, and tie v6BBe1 Will have OTIOD, lower, main, up- many others. Some o! the tender var- '' ;/ _ �r� �- : ., ,,rx,, _ _, ,,n,� "
r � 5 ljs oil. iteoib: n' a-verkala serfs t b to be called into rn- pov end foraoa8tle cloaks, iettev wase killed lx,ok to the main � %L>rLLiN ROYAL IltAti' ' pots D[ob°taa nroaohl' ;�inlsu
i itulldt an, an there was a great cam- it ie estimated that by too flans rho STBAMSNIPB s,.otuDshveo_nuys,,`uBmieplen«a e. nd.00y,
pan Bfuglsefity Them �Fit1f Dominion Lines Anama Oatarrh, Phlegm, Dlarrhatq
back t8 bar memory that scene upon motion of trunk, while with varieties a little Ar Montreal ens °R° P»o
aymhit ro and a viliaget royal yacht is tn- the i6ter aha will Quebec to t roerpool. DuBarry C.
, the river. The host flashing by alta Mist the matrons of the village l Y Y more dustily only the tops of the branch- 4 f O Large and fast Steamers Vancouver, M . street,
?'* * the sunshine, the girls In their tool and, finally, "that there bruto," Daniel have cost =1,176,000. es were destroyed. In Calling atten- ,/ Co.,y Benet
Batton freaks and aatiar•hate, and the (/ Dominion, Scotsman. Cambroman. w• ■iw in Perla tt Roe d. Oat
Steel, kinked his site again Dna night Although no Information concerning tion to this the Ohio Ex. Stn. states • v. r.,ir• orpn.snte:-Firtcrnb+n t90,tpwarde: second t■1►arooan O1s.miets and etorean Iglbn. soil
man she loved reclining at their feet, that ba Dame home vat tato from the �{�� P Cabin. e'b: steerage. #WAO and $23 50. per_ I tt. 4&. 6s., 51b 14.. Sent carr •�"h°rA Infloor
`�°' ba y no doubt tt► the reBeuoe of the ,+, Y the arrangement, Pitting and furnish- tont the best thing that can be done ._.`'"'� ����' �' a' $;ms !agerroaA1w Do
- PP P "George, and upon the active inter For further!nforntw,ton pu tolna■l.genm, or naval"'!Iiieoults, in tins ta/d. and
Wboasowho had taken Lim from Los. Ing of the intortor has been given out, ■^• DAtrDTotutnxe�� o.,GenersdAtents, Apar. toy t]•oadatTta.T.BatoaOD.,ttmftea,Taroatw
- feren a of the local policeman, sum- is t° remove all parts that are serious- ,
Shb rem'dmborad-would she ever fol`- mowed in haste by the affrighted it may reasonably ba eurmiaed that I afPeoted. It is well Co wait until _ 17 St. Aeeromentat., Monerrnl.
qst fr4tlme sink �pin t11az' uvea ' p1nWMt neighbors, stated it as >,ia opinion that her majesty will be feisty comfort- Y ---- __ �_ _ __ _ __ —_ .w __
So l timet apalok her'th ' Al at he neighbors,
r Quite d t eight pi ionkicthat
able on board, since it is estimated it is possible to determine about how
' - ua Wall • and what do a masa 'ova a wife for, I that the PioiaLad yacht will Dost $1; much injury has been done, as shown " $'�
Thtan upon her vara there tell oar's ,sup 'o like to know, a be mayn't lar 50Even by the discolored wood and eL;s aq- CA N A D S •G jam' S T SEED HOUSE 99
tmmry Wit`^trot vola of per taimentor; Evan olio the utmost dispatch it to SSJJ
.F rail 'or hevery time a 'aa a mind to.'' bark ; usually one warm spell is au{P-
"It wage butter to come to the point In spite of which sensible view of the hardly expected that the queen's now
at 04611 Pfau will ocerrely, 1 Viae, rights and privileges of husbands, he yacht will be ready for cruising this ficiont. It is possible to defer the
i1L1fe tthhe aottraRe to deny what eat- was conveyed to the look -up, and ausnmor, but it 16 hoped that by neat work too long, as the frozen wood
,, , soave You oft when I tail you that but carried off the neat morning to Loll it will go into oommiesion and may seems to have a tlelQtarious effect up-
votew ditl'b ago I stated my wishes to Lilmtnater Jail there to await be used, on' an extended Mediterranean on the sound parts if not removed be- a 6 , - '� I
> ltd ill wa and that he dbfiaitely and his trial, without lhd smallest trip next winter. fore growth commences. During
t The Steele,Briggs Seed Co.'s
al5twlrl F!' deoliaed to lalarry MiM consideration for lila admirable theor- Thera could Lordly be a �•renter eon- March, and in some oases even as tato
Iislliday. givit3g me as his reason for Ica, Ever since which needless to say 'frost than tLIB aplandidiy-equipped as April, the pruning should be done.
c d so that he•loved another v!ramaii, Mrs Steel had with tears and eche. pleasure etes.mahlp and the little aide- Theuantitq o1 wood to be removed Enormous annual trade in Farm and Garden Seeds has been at-
titd that that woman was your- besieged time authorities daily for his witeeled boat in which Queen Victoria will bo deternitined In most cases by
soli.." release. For it really Is a fact, which and' the king consort used to take the extent of the injury. P"ch' trees rained by zG years of constant vigilance and care, and In supplying
r►tod thlia tbeire was a moment or is as incontrovertible an it is inoom- their yachting pleasures in the early which aro from three to five years old merchants and growers with the very highest standard of quail t - -
tWo at vrlenoe between them. A alt- preheasible that the women of that days of tL'air reign. The old yacht is and ,have never been pruned W any that can be procured, and at most favorable prices consistent wit
t11in iia shrulate that it flashed &crew claw do fn sober earnest, Derry out , stili In commission, and it is said tint extent need special attehtippa. In "Good Seeds," which is the first essential for a good crop,
a ante W to Wander it than wild thio truth of the old saw, that ' tbs. the queen still louse to sail in It bot- case the injury to such trees floes eat N
frti►s�sri that lattpt a ttmmultuous. more tibby fire beaten, the better they ter than ,in the most comfortable and extend beyond the twigs and small
thilq het' scald be audiWe a pe. cher, the beat thin that can be -Amon our than introductions of merit
atultlI lik•t it. All liras things preatunaLiyC trBioue of modern chi bran g
to illi 11ptpMl tb Mrs of t1►b IaYa convulsed the v111tige society momen- - done is to out off all the branches to y
oho, vat vmppg11lte er. 8'or the real within we to three feet of the body
r lt!�ielii pt that txsk ilex froroitead Rarity to !b trety core, but left ala off the tree• A tree flue jeers old friar - '�- to The '
elft dor latrti trees upon its
,.LL" " t e l,t, : r ndered her phy- SPRING MEDICINE have tori slender branches 0 to 10 •
Idilk t3 face a wo3vi■. peat to . to this They were quite so- feat in length., �vftL m»st oY lite. t• it ee e
b ]JOTbd ttii/x still than 1 is ttpite °uatowed to this kind o! little excite- ""' i>aa{ng wood near 'tile estrermt! e:y.7. �' d de
tom, meat at Coddtahatn. it to Abselately Necessary to 41ve some At-
Vf thi crit eft# of ha deiartitm of h Such a tree needs t av ' .
O% thIt 01 Hirt ,0! her 4ptions, of the All the same the hay was out and toausn to filo Blood at tits erases to bn Alto 4 i�
11.111",iYitJfFlkI it VrLtah aha had - garnered, and fhb yellow f{eldn "stood. In the springtime the blood needs ° has to be sacrificed Eli order to
tpc the'Obtencwalftiliyitration bo- readyn unto the hart/ dadTrheu fhb red ;attention. The change of the year prunia►gnis to bedaub not mottily}tot �he ,r�rC"� �'r���, '' � .. lm roved
•. t tlyt60lo-ft Wite -mf all this, he d P° t! uoes in everyone, whether 0011- remove dead wood, but to get -rho, tfi6o �' 0 •
I f,
rage walla, fhb labouirerc went out to- jO . -
twia(i ttlali tatilli barialt�, and no vetoes of iq or n0tt soma little !leafing tato eltetpe for future aaetal,d4mse. The �.' t?� «�?r.t,'%'l~!
r tb their labour until the evening, and tha4', I •' Shoff t Wi)
#Fiat ## 1piBht xtlioaain trntli that trop+ stream ruBtfed on t%e� #Pblood. the cast n pr oY�trufitwlthocan,taftyut brealt !1. �";C �tIt �te
least ,dt' holt w lim be bAa laid so Same ole have pimp} a little
neath the Wil e, much list: V•W' �p G+r14' �jy ``
ZIiMI it hot •xettt. he iilrrpar�d ilioxemEer;Y er;ailYi tired and depressed t sled Ing down. aOarAe it will bb sense- 5 *py;Cl`' ]!� i 9 _
tb ' all tlt% thtlgtt of tilt in other plare whilst scarcely tip' nary to out off limo of oonaldiftb><e .
1."wilioi%>ITi 'tllsbl►d 1w Lt sett'' �m the great world withrpt.. nq "( It mayi,,eptbyertyralted"Little �i t
alit tilt have a poor appetite. A tanto is neo& size in salsas, and it *111 Woe ,,y`t' Ousts Seldom exceeds six-
• # Illiillt hiM, Whirs gpap'`the f btirred so mush as an anerering f1plw „± .
tee• in the 1t fila, sail the beat tonic -the beat apiAt� yle to avoid naked atubrl,: yet seen tnchaa to tngth, and has f
df filo eMlftlZ li thy Wtltybil pba tragQufl minds of those ti o raiwttoine for man twnman or ottiltT fill .�' •
were born married end buried, gbfi� ` can be rbmadled tha ailit poitaoii. Woo gro n to measure ewenty-
o� o d' s Champion,
,' IkOt .lflifit jtliniid with ria i�C. t tai'. ♦Piiliama' Pink Pilin for Pale � ' Ia lbothod of put intflg 00wh tribe t seven iar�ae to ctienmference•
,a�ioti' Is!t la1 I N:t iw YYra that a oration after generation. under ilia : hdtl no4191 mid•wntt(i Oct oI
nY th
�t.044*1'bia.,: ao lfibt3t a lti►e,�o care tthhflow at the ivy-eovated 1e., enb lake oltbarornadiapp» �e TAnby ; t it3 tabaaanr vantawilit t this,Iaitk ound,wt a■efoYtgphitUdtcmo
t illlwd �Il# '1 t'tC lhi�a thea to hush tOwrer that looped down eo Oak i ily prove taps der, este envy at the
ohatlgea a Ott jlnMiGb rich red Wood. build nip this to be a bleaailho to }lutea eiihii trtVk :kit . "` •' abonwor, t eHn 6 61 trr a Blameit is the Sulvst Cropper
IttlNllt ted iMilforMt dtlaa teat tltsilentii Itsban.llltlih�etVlgosthil i3asiihea sari ,mFdat weak, t
. ititkiYaa sFdtiil4 ilii as igiiitiy t hitH1 w1r► �b writrl ria antra Ikt filet fn t r tir+atl utopia feet ah
w Wi111 Ries e,+ to +fgpedtbiaaY4 � *04 attIoug. No other mw
w 9f,1 to a9t "e tLtithtal viilttgaF. Ff[r• Daae wrote hie wee ;
,`, ... aermga flash tome wii6 a little ltwl► wr#td Las offered ascii
Flit ,�ilrti a entituatbfitm lath hit! eabjeot wait a sift a[ lentil, sail what;
VViliits iilgit tit Ylbil$ U Illvla tO ! park i'iltb hirAtt- ltioob tris'
s tk: , Ill tit tit i* wi'filxllitsi► ai that ole moril of hapeletiatl4aiis f-' Its a1#tw viiia, 40,fit* yfr'u If �tvpp ik
*he 4ii i hal,,rut d,t 00 al #blit wittb oto . itttolai to tk arantrjI�ars ,Elis •fit[. illi!. Nbt
It * ,,it W j;;W,-tb ` i 't lk 12Iptstl, ft* 00 o! h 01�taia ti%o'p ,its Ii'.}�:twa�! I tlwfA`abAt
+eb`: Nwlt 1 !%tet' ftw3pWt #It i4i Heir !av f Airlkill't�Iter egtl t4I gtllb fluid pati tl' s tool 1'talt
I 'L:.' . , , - . e 411111 , ,Rt,iit' 8tlbdo* 'will ll ttst°itttt ,
iii t�iMbliiltiitliilAt ,title
11 I tlYtataarse, to ba!alld 1' i tall Ia lteailt aatltirtng fraeat !
�r 41 talitlt .tilt . a t!b filet' o t> R o�ret !dama� a tie Wiita vnNtlk4 ala 1t: ve I+itOvtlt
Lt1WIi 1 bj &.4 9101 a ilk �4ill titRh dCb� �' ' tVt►1s pts
W4 a t�(afl, li 4 fila+ � lttiilaf[ lgitl}iJf 'that pllMi6 Cts
ldttl. !ali`'�tW`41lty;t4itilit
Wlit awk'tiwait ,t11l�i to l ; ' tt erl bra tib 1�1a aarX abt , Ill
`s It;tlttllt'ttMgi �'.' 'bcl�" xotlatl4 Ili i`a'lM' -' sakd tit ilaNp'+. WIC,•.-• 'Wig. 'pliiil ,iIM.'tl
1 3r1�' ,. kit, : s4 tit Ili, vr1t11C �r a
+IiwIMM» IPi�. t{Il Ob�l'Ksiafit tt1� di liar trlrtltilit tat ttti �stWwtt� d$Yid 11It1t
,� tot : riraltll,t q1d, stark, Et+id t '� +pt uta, rills % 911t. �'' I ii
1.tlIloti}tidaf rttaat Alt t wily, :ttd� L. I .-..-. titr:is tw ba, ttri'_t1 11!I": tut tltetk A,.�,a .> III ka>rp ,,yt,:t,,:
!F■atr sot aarolcs!,' ai.'cit7r lA.�, _ a , ; a _ -
liollf'hbiliC;'.tid4 . ttw+i a'Yd+lraat
ti >
wyl whi�atppyyl�ti�'�,■rs,ti,�t,l.v��xtia J
,Jxr.,wi � wa , *��, , '.
tsawatt �' ►1110ai,1ak j� lr tiled mately n
tk' �y yl --."—I* y.,Wfli
a' t",ileab, ,'ttaYtt 1....I1,_--..._ . ... .. a ...
It aitwrq"'dK WYit!Yat Jil+sstie slow lwwmm
lftwa�yr��aptf Mrtasl 1lsaMw *, taatalY k. #1altFt ��
R. ,"" L ^-
titraralag 11M 'Wit onaugut.0% rrva'rfu '
'With- wax of tkgllil4 ihatolo thil't *111.
priettrnt tvr eata4F�b 1pdolfttath.1.
atiti4il end atalitrciutlea ;
elttlulti °tfeatad Aft tCEN4 •.7gpll*41 •
nc>` aak'pbaeh;ttti _ , calf; blur .aWtact
taAerltlei4. pat X e1 a1n pttir>C':.tlkef '
LFl obA t 'Ata �ttlrliatf x ,ills, '
id tY�attttr►t<ea
TV,0 til. '
r 1`!ii`t1'p #fiWa' t!i(it t%` !►li{�irtjt .
'ice.:+►d lsatru'sttt!lpr ,:tveetw
blr-li*ea11'l fwtiifi,!it_, its".-i,''JA Akei+ ,
�rHr.l'F +Rtlitls3,lly y/�a,4_
,y� 1�
0 11111i4y!l4Nyif,X�`LaYd, 01141 tar . 4 '�
: .
aft4tiait#r 114. 4. 0aitild " * Aeail't`1w
64*0111". ,itbw Ina amdaslal .hoc , (,*,
k ttit■ii� pywog it "a *0 i�ttx .
.■< ,
i1tq L" ` t aliL � W � of
y ..
%o ttuiadtip'Ao �lrrWilifitrifa wo,
t!itAtlnta�lida Woo*,ltittl6 I u >i
I 1411i 111111111111111461011, a& Wth
. is
>r�Q!litkk, aa�,,}erroBt all It nlr�Nl In The Heaviest Yielder
aiAthe. TiutCo or �faVale •I Mom-
. •bov�a rocnd'.sm4 s noir Easitst HatVested
steamp��I hitt oil it i"tifid -
prslrr wtute,solid, gweotand Theliatttlsomut Sha
ww��rrvv auttinous, un er Ytoa The, the V ped Roots
taldeatloa bps ytet�rt1one And
ttibWAOd tRlnbetiplirso t, ery'Btrst iPield Corot
- in existence
.. its an
6a1tm PH tE %Vltl'
• k4 tiIa ,ofit F!'rloe fPost-patd) per lb" ,sa; i lik, slit.
Ib., tgc. a rs , ,at