HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-14, Page 1I' t1li CA)Untyof nuronv- Hearin tnind, J* Ator is subocribed for and 71* Star is oft *t tht, ytry. bW MviftWag wed mi n elm** f�ft A�. wb� A"A6
Y10I Q10whys, Q40n, r Oves VC best reimits for Jc ri '�VIDI,. XV Aaw 0104frollily of tho Willitr il,l) I 11-1 zaru .0 Ta w4vam. the WI$ to JAI of COUIP10
Urs. 4y A%W*X4 )A400,4111, 11"10 �4 po, go. 1vt Ilatulltowlad S�0140W Theiro Is. de, . I fit ti thele IuK �Ia works, $6 0A 40 vul NVA441 J#villm, Tile, Humber 'Lmost t. m4 in, J!'91110tOWOOLil ititi, C1 ckv. Ito Alan 'Aw
mi water 11 to, ottw4h, 04 not if— the li'd, 4,n C49unk d"I Vd yt�v tirg 4 I lit Public Work" conilbit- to
i.0t All Iir V�k J�l XfI RI L " toliff, 08 wholo trip Itilin- hthftprjgg�o _0W#ks4 t &lfit'fto tp 1411%11 mrwiif tolabilW4 of- th owf# -Je ut somethtog repl�111119 410 QXPV_04It "U4.4, XROX WOUR.—Ticunov. of 6.4111011do F t willks.
4100 , ". tit ly 0 lic moirey P& A 41m W401% Its 14 bi-ofy 00, Me 4 Of R wo AV4, A% lip: ha* 44d a big wl* e W" ;;o te Itt" this I hat as, A RIPOkS Iseedil M Atf*�et Ong, ''or oQnXejj)fVg to
tr9im Am goiA, 14" Tbo ire. the cholt,I As will be" liva iswry IpSerz). 19tiggi,
tIVIV, J 'Jaret he
,p 'IDL fihe'hut lit a allowed to take hiacoM- Town VotAnelf t" In dru to Mato 0 Ieat r h ock to got lafornsa- tation will 'consist ot at, lmklli'four I :41111411. tv?lIL k Ilk � �,v J*lla 11�, VW r auce from Feb ......... 0 r a uW ingy0f, VVILIX
4W 8A councillor* and 00 wl;, and OrL objected to this, its tile Olt *eA � 0' — BGt6 stand a $$*onflii. of A STAA agol. ....... .... M and -guy glite 41etsv Wj)eia worillf useain tbe, w TV i tlo Window the) V 17.400 ox Ov uzopjm AN' to, nat�k whon'the * Electric llgb� rates. MO 70 thouglit all this would be IhOOGO to 90 at thou OVVD *xr
rilpt Lou of T4 V $0410#9 ITIVABS, bly ogid bo the Or, RPF ullarlia Ilad to underotood that vA
1) ck Kchool rant* ...... 44 OD njoilty Well foilited I a mistake, ilmoly I*W 0 'Wilt the rt#cp 1101; of tho-, R PlIv . L* 04T 4 , fidat"' I ....... boo 91, X it *at 704T. &Avortis V� , W . 11utdo In th repair& to the latako be secured for A 4woo so tbati lthelo.w.l
QQRPChAT1O$ QF TRLE TOW-$ will it u me, round the"of pwt% and thechances wera
PLa 1. P110. will be relieved at thw coat, of troniff, mv. War. oo I io q"4stin to.beAt, the tult, rd luau PA111 JL900 00
0 tie a e is le� tco 010 IIA AULItIlILMO citaleteg st QD e to do the job all over VNDWQ PRO, 011itl M' s ye t portation, but, Judging by tllo�billt pire onday, T Ale* at, la au,)r T4e ourteous repreaeutattive of the $Inking fluid Int... 00 W ed to vented for the smaller deplittio
The, ftikur�at%11`011 99' 'no y to, 0, tseagar UVAwd cliflos , ol I seemed to tie agre � . tic%* sent
at 0031004, I , AgIstroto tam- ,�Jtb 0 " expenovs "a 104 io date. WPJI&nd Vale 11,17"ill Co.. now 160 t a Wa ority. of the Council. and tin down a vear ago, th ow l4e, (or oita. tho ruout (611owed. are likely to foot up to quite a roolifect- r L 11141441 Toisolk. 111,41 1 71 21'aw 77 before* hint that would 4%ye beirago 0
2K30 (6 , A *19MUM0 1 ties. 8 ans for their soperlor wheels. will be
to9c po 004, te� pp- tile Count"? woki Aetl 1.
Jed, betweft the Pat, coa am qiilqn� kollls`� MO, ciii4oli tviod- l0b,Veek I., III Ither ;It R. W. MoRenytie's barfilvVale store able Sulu, InollM 3 47 -ft Acottelt, ort. Ttiesilltty next. 18th. Ue-will detuou. DiammusuluiTs s'y the rc0dr�ta`TH1KSTAUw94"Qli tbAt, need0l itirip tee P T13J� VACANT Cla&TR. It Is proposed that it CAP to &ant, 'His tt ObJ g0fordam- strate the tact that its '. the wheels Mr. No- Salaries ............. 249 Blectriii"110t, ill$ JAXIO11-- sufAcient! , tlXP1W(,1t. Mar Jullge One XOUZIft lif ban(IlIng ale tile b at Up 9 refit On railway ulatters will be Includ- itiva. 3 %nee .......... 15
plaintiff id0 tit, 4013W 1 I ". COO ago to litoporty, And tho60h the 41411 " dept ........... IM 18 Tbree Clitudidates Nominated for ed. find the councillors tit, least are to Maiioa , vel(v that ,
top, .............. ........ M_ 62 pa we t 0 Ave not extolrlsjvo# the con.Wst Ile- the. market, OVarything considered.
;60 take, tym jiLlict, Supd,ifor on , y u 0 , NVAII 945 t1le Slim In the 'Town Coulloll. go to Hamilton and Woodstock nod eoldiborpe a . e tweep the atil IPAI.Pte to. the suit
f tb 18fratfil's Pines I. ........ .. f $10D.70, and costs, or talk I% McKenzie idvlWs ,Ili to Attend this lection account... 1111 _Lhoulif ............. ponlog wbqther about I I ends suit bridges. 80 17 Pull PLa lo'" wreham- - - 'koily I , it fiDr SW w1thopt costs. His would left 0 It olec, inspect settling basins. @make conatim,
he lj�ller that balra wheel a
it Judgipec lot, hal Ity ............ 02 20 There Avls it good attendance of sto town bad been o.t Ito al; an Acroi, Arorou*'* Ahli J1046T then: ad. I deattayed. In the Ing or I eiv, gratiolithic walks, and probabl � I "Pau Ittifood 000401110 juurned the cola Debenturo Interest. 13000 tam at the Town Hall last Wedoesdav galn.*4drelot COO, olk"n, for Jail sewer. 41, -w- be partie to the suit to consider otheir a wife Charged her husband with Tnu ATTempTD RouEnT.—Yestor, 01 0. , Bank'ttiteiest. ..... 1056 evoMnfg, when Town Clerk Mitchell I*- eLtY lift' geuffl%IIY- nV the w4tter. and wheu the Court re- gw4ultin - -.
,kowl ;O.4 3hlao sold.,... � ........ I , call and Jun. Murphy. tile Waterworks maint. 21450 a 4CIN. boo the APAMIt, So fall'&%$ day W. 1* UR RALM-114- U I T od Tran. inim *handonqq hill the evt4o ce and the %pjfui4-AuP.o of the ceiviiII the following nominations fol An it public journal Tus: STAR ulust t 'ek or,;Urkik Oviderlb XlerAtor a illo,ow 60 opened ts frgi�atfii Up litilok,' all U oF Pill; ,led with attemping Rite. light. alaint.. 130 8D
r ,(� 11 Pted j ilk plalutiff went to xpross its opinion tin this tuaLter. and art wt. Oro 11 to sob in.. on
li*yaj D Cosiaeri DePosit .......... lq Vild and ap" show net being of a e I in Isaitford recout- School account. 721330 thOLVACauey in te Council created by 4?
21's 5.75 I Claim to
An as ....... .............. ruent for A, without Costs, severe nature, The origluittiti Of the Oro udge Musson Market .. .... ...... 18 the disquallticadon (it Mr. Causpluell. that Is that the lit tile tfk, were brought bef Fileared. to be that tile Ilkni- for election-, both prisoners decided t Sinking fund dep... MOO 00 So- o Riff-ri mo house 41150,14 OR Goof) PRICES FOB HOUSE& breationtil to �hrow it OV$E T IU;4 Nicholson wits nominated by A. vsholv council Ili unnecetsafy d u
E a Ill) . 91 99M�tDrruRxa. Writ, Tighborne. hand Jok ugly t t ury. 10879 Tb . lot guilty. RDA the, Elevator notes ..... IBM 00 Wart, E, ... e of 'Zorter's Hill. sold dish at Water tit his b0tter half, An(] be tried bv Is Honor withou MeD. Allan and L. H. Darcey. It Illay he that,, in view of tile
H........... ....... $ 22 'Months aid to Mr. that the gilld wife datring him to do M The men pleaded I tionsfor ........ s3 a interest. . 190 OD E. Downing, by John Acheson nd hugely signed il
rnn S In I. rest ..... .... . O's a trial wits set forThursdity.the Wth Inat no 12 I, 91 Win. Wb ' Ing Before leav J. ft. Colborne. �nZ� 1.4. 2 Itel. Or the 7tb conjA God - he ([;%red t,. After the drench Tail 1.'ig Mead tl.f the court Leech said he Separate school.... 100 00 proveinents Secured through L04L efforts
-A .. ...... ..... 2,02741 lich tbL'RPSAJp, for *W. at's '& there was n, grout Uproa!!, a witness,, I
no .......... wantedeert nwiLuessesandtliecriurt -_ 1011030
p�sture. Also 32 A 11 a no 4 tion ........ ............. Dudley Holuies, by W. Lane and of Mr. Henton, A perMID&I pl-08VULALtion I.n pretty good- figure now-a,dave for looping in Ito adjoining
as distills rope tit net ction .......... directed Wait they should be produced Its srstru IOU .......... roc
_rt W'w hors6 fleshI-Tho.. Holl,,d. f St. "lleclaring he thought the house of these
TR14Lorw T c or W 0. III Sol IA very tlqeheavY ware war. colqing down. the at the trial. Balance .............. A 402 72 The@. 0. N4ftel. Iw 68 After t. .... I ............. 025JO at South London. for rind recant. Cut. SIDE W&Ljw. -Our side walks The Uroll and Bruce Lean Co. to. MI% Sat"- Sloalle was called to proidde to the council. woul(i be ill souic pur- oulle .0131 60, ewles -itits a sound ledituro. chairman, and Invited speol-heR pose,and if thecointolttlec, nuniodare ria -At. lWath Ot vs ................. fin to pa
David UOV16 . 61 41hott, of the Same town. usending thent to settle thei differ. %-ale In rather find condition the past ported Q10MM-00 to the credl its la.,04. Apply s "aw joined bv it deputation from Uttelph lit 0 i rso weighing 1,700 pounds ences out of court,, 11110 P.M. put Olt the Ittht flota (*fly of the candidates tit, theli
pot 49 to John taser. toil days. though no worse perhaps wn on April Ist find the it ha sold a hoi
* ........... I ........ of the same city. for hearing t4 a future date, so that the OntrelLi'l oported i[IfI117.24 to the town's er points, intemsted Ili the fix- metdry.: ................. M1 01% than in inany other towns. Io W Mr. Hollues Was tho only candidate th I � %� .
Oft�s,mv.Xn thei.-mai Aults; way' Ile withiltawn If the parties places where the w credit. with the following aniounts field liong called till, firmt Of the "nell"il Junction. line, Ur of tille of F Ird. lots Ifiltul l.. ................. 6,4W &I $147. alks wore allopp on tho fAte its#, Jas- �pri llft a I ................. 00 under discount f Ordinary. 01121.15M. tit Ont- 00 THE LDY IS RIGHT. -A lady sob- thereto agree the grass lxkrt or boulevard, its the thanked the elecl ot s for I lie very large Some good usay Ito done towaids tl'e bers,60 00- 67CP �,Qqosl 4NO Institute .. ............. 215W 00 k the THEMATL&Nn. -The river Afalt,1&0 part nearest the road is Friandlici- elevator uccount, votegiven bitu fit the Janonry elec- In (Mont ........... ... ...... scriber wants THE STAR to its of that und. But oil IbIz. and flood ILI I to VIM coMMUNICATIONS AND PUTITIONS. E �,i k" I ............ . .............. 'noom 47, T�wn Council to keep the harl:I4 walks [a open tit this end. andissaidtolle tinenfly called. was higher than the tIon, which ho took ILS 1113 indication 0 llnii�010*, ecutor. list I .... ................... ..... r of ice W its source. It'is now ravel, hence the watee fron, the tuelt- A letter I'vota My. E. Heaton urged they had confidenep In hills and either ill- both I f these matters two DallAd eRch' Elevator and Transit On. free train tuud-7and obstructions this clen fng snow had to find a way 1.11krough that the Council tako fiction Ivith dentred faconlInuanco of tits s(ii-vices. inenj tiers ft oil% the Town Counvil would stuck . ... ....... .... ..... 40.00000 pringopenirig was a disap- the first. It wits noticeable however 0 1 1 to send it deputation to Ottawa Thle hearty expressien of confidence be quite Sufficlent. And If Lite views bn6rto L*ialaturc 16875 summer, at) that Our people, as well as style of a ths Ue 11 ad advertising ............ 1, IL La P t f Let M, ns 44 visitors. can reach tile plers without iltment to our geople, for, for the that the much abused eindell pa lid Critreal on hailuor and rallway was one reason why lie reenteitid tile of tile kitillillOSS C0111toUtlity al -0 �o. T oi........ e ual break up these 419, up in the mud or coal MO thirty years t, &no were the best, fill- I ravel and where Fhatterm, Lnd asked that Mr. Allan. Mr, fluid. He then explained frankly the
by -the lite ObArWO PAY110- $770 getting fulkle de E. . Zim it chamber & wits ch. It 0 vonsidered. two nienibers Title Pexteot. A 1800 dust, ar having to squeeze between one of the Sights In Goderl were Slightly higher than the houle, Prondfoot find himself he associated 6 9 wilitch let] it) liis olinquillifir4lion t -O 11
Ho. A- offemer. refund .......... ....... Care. -Iver went back vard, they dried up as fast as the anow with tiny deputation the Council (In withdrawal from tile suaL lint solid of tile Donid tit Trade, which hits HOLT& IIOL� I 1 68 Our fait Correspondent also InfLy be asked why the I 2
a (Ing ................ Okly
r ExOG to". 6011.0 to e I ran ......... ...... 01) says that it, butilness is so brisk on on itself P The answer !yen by melted. might decide on. that now tic was fully tillullitled for re. lready taken kill fictive find Dated Fo. ism. Olt ....... 1123 Ft in III Week Onve thot - the. dock. most be ft is, obt!cause the old Sty e might have A GOOD IDEA. -The suggestion has Councillors Martin and Unintelon election, and he bel eved lic could Auccesuful parL lit the tHAtter of harbor RAJ 001t SALE. 00 r .... .... 67268 mass at mud. dust and cars,- the au- damitged the breakwater and causird A,LLTABLH FA ................ ............. ly made that Godorich commended the wnrk done by the Ulti- y he [lad it clain OR;, tille -ovellient, 8 .............. 2,67458 thorldea iniirht have a clean tip on another stoppage of the work," but the been very wise their -upport,I I hould have been Diluted ............ zens' Committee tip to th; present Wit 0- built A GREAT 1-sARGAINTO CLOSE AN, SaturdAys, so that tbORIS wanting to true reason is that the bank at the could well afford a hospit4d, whore titne.and urged that( lie council should gard to the other nominees, lie had instead tit the whole council. Me"Pril.
1 -to Ile treated and given n it. ETE60 breathe thelakee.irbetween pervices mouth raised the water train eigi t patients could send it deputation, including the names no Word of censure or disparage let R. S. willi,mis and J. 11. Colborne, 161aftl Assets. Dec. lllatv 1898 .... ..... ten feet above zero. allowing lenty of e'.,ery prescribed care. 00del-lell Is a ative8ted by Mr. Heaton. Caintelon but It was strange that neither of then) estiftent, (if tile I.Aabilitiew. Dec, 318t, 1898 .... .. Il 07 On tile inight be able to I eaL President find vice In 0 1 ut injuring their limbs reont for the flood to pass laNwards. I it Ninety a0m Of CA Mli Of t0l 4- 04 the To the Mayor and council of the Town of tbo� prettv. cheerful find healthy town, and then read the following inotion, Sec. were. present, iiiid ft wan hari in A y latia olince.-Ion 0.'D7, S1,00d. Oil & good Goderich,.- or Ja�eirtsLgin"ghotheir Sunday gar -outs- All through the winter the river Was 'IHE STAP does nrt know (if it better onded by Martin: That the innyor and whother elt,hot of them desived to con- Board. both in Sympathy with Lila pie- ad, eight �Trlfleft from Lucynow Station high, causing the water to Spread uve" ripening in the Province. W'th tile councillors Martin. Knox and Clantel. tebtfor the sent. Mr. Downing had spl�t (lovernment find hoth reprVeenta- grav�l Ohatfa, mite train GrWiVg krISt 01111. , G8XTLL%XN FIVE-EIGHTHS ONE CORD.-COrd- -w days ago We your Auditors, bea to report that WO A flats and islands. where it froze Solidly, avilable inedical men jind nors and flu. with Messrs. Heaton, Allan find told him Personally it ft ad ofify Barn. soxiio.; y sing In price per cord. lint two weeks since tile water began the need of such an inst itution,' it 11 P, outifoot, Ile a deputation it) go to that lie d not desire tile Beat, find tive business ineu, wodild he approved House. sto es booka for wood, through ri
co% yar�fallipg spring. OU0 ifave �xaminokl the Town Treasure b d 0 d its old f oil such at tuission where tile live cc the year ending December 3 of. 1898I and,hav, is evidently being cut from Stunted tA) fall, find when it reache :urgl's,rig that Annie of Our Public Ottawa. any other citizen interested that If he (Holnies). who had the bost, 1) and In Infiso; ea 'Ing carefully compared his ash "acount with pl ", it -fill, tin (Downing) members of tile ewillicit will be C) Tenders will bal received by the underlat 4, for a gentleman. who bought a level tile lee covering It fell and broke citizens do not move its the to be allowed to accompany them, on right to it. would I Ov '10611. tile volmikerg, we flikd it correct (%nit Itreei, away trom tile Solid ice at the sides.
160. not a the place is , account of nuater. Wife will take the initlativO? pitying hill own expenses. would not stand in his wily, not- put tioulned, cash balance of $2,874.68 to carry to 1011410f shalt wood last week says It thus Opening the river. Aftertheraln the town to tits expense of fill election 1899. Coonvil really desire to serve t .. t � WILY. His story Is write or call On We examined the accounts of the SeeretftrY- was short in every - a load that was flu -Tuesday the river rose again. and a, --THnAy-TowN CooNs,"--Tho Supply The mayor coincided with tile View in vievr of thni friendly StAlAelliallit, All If tile Treasurer of the Colleirlat infetti if t, compar fit it large deputation Should Ile sent. nw, understand At tile poblic interest hl these luattem, - that lie, paid $3.75 lot IL N. vast volume of water passed nkinth"t Of these pol-yolios flecured !it THE th fjolru�a could Ing race to and disbursementA With VOUOhOa Said to 1 - Just, it cord," that the load 1, ich tbete petlLicials, is thist was a crit- be wItIOR M. DALTON. there walk rio break lip," for t -4 all been suit], find a nevi, w - Ooderl,11 Downings being poiniFlitted now, find Lilev will jeconsider their action, Ili tar umped out in a p eatward. Ica[ time in the r4doted, I,vialch will probably arrive ildepended on our lint nd find them correct, showitur a was d its ; that he paid ST&rt office ha history (if
Kin il 16w -s L'a %4rry to im of SUM -81. land gave -it a clear course w k' he (10"hiial whi'th"' t"At I lit, I file. wt, have Suggested.
We alto audIltild the pqbtle School accounts. the,money. and that thinking ' It looked MAIIINE BAND'S BIG MINSTRICLS.- loand it great tie. Would accept t,he nomilultion if lie ants. wb.ct we ond corruelt 40 per stattreent here. sruall he piled it. The sticks. he avers, tin Sat ordity. The portfolio Is hand- Ing strong pressure oil I lie govol-11 input. -. Nicholson. 1( did ant avel age 20 inches, and the pile It has bedn well said in the Past sonjetv Ili-, tited find well arranged, find Pei -hat's Life deputation wow large, but were tit borne. AS to Nit B L'i UA Ei Y. with. a -ighl, Ili Kliving that 0 he believed ho wits I transmitted tollm Bureau of In- was just 4 foot high, but not quite 12 that whatever the Goderich M rine the series of cartoons with it wits for he council tAI Say. S.A. D, MOIJEAN. I dustries the udual rO fly feet long. il;nf been won (]IV the elf -v- (1ouncilior Martin thought tile whole the sento at any late lit, hall good all- tinve the synip Lthy of unuiv friondb Ili W"T,El)-Good general servant WantOlL We have turns as required I tie says be boa Band setH its hands to proves a suecess, Ingpoet inakoundoubte that gendeman wits n it oligilile ftli, find Mrs. E. N. Lewis ,Apply i M.11 atar-um dering dVev Sir)co, Whother it wits tile APPI, We find Invostod in nd these successes have been so fre. prest ""l most brilliant hit ", volldcl council should lie sent. and the mayor hority for saying tit), ititil doubted if till.. 1,,89 'r tileir little daughter. its ENERAL SERVANT WANTED. Of the Sinkint Funds �o wondt' 1. Ingitif-ed whether Air. Allan had tic- le Intended (if- to I till. (I in Tuc STAR labl, week. It at residence ofJ1U0QtDUV,�%,St- Vlai'dut rt tweR and Units $12.70,.43, and the to- at.anto
16 mittint Illittile "Jast, 4 card of quent that it Vs now come to he under- I e publishei's, the lont.reni Staff-, are it th asses he was Asking fron' Bohno, then i-efei-i-i-ti briefly ill the is that Ili w) short time, but G I
A gl.owth of the trees or the d ever published in CnAlAdit. r- mminler $7,6712.29 it) the Savings Rank. R,gardfiur tile reasurer's Sareties, the wood " exactly 0 6f that quantity- stnod that Illbro, is notal rig too difficult unable to keep,ptip with tbo deti):111d. P. R" Mr. Alia- I,, L,,�Iy .aid If n ancifil of I tie low" and t Ili, it few months. so inany breaks accur WAyTICD-1104rd I oriato family. V derth of the to R. Ailblions hns reduced the CfoLLLroIATF INSTITUTE BOAIW,- for It to undertake. We predict that if voll went (if , clip out tnis coup',likk lit- witeq waiting a. reply frell) '-'live, nf�cessltv for till: 10114tt tit family birele and It" connections. young may. ddress Vex 23& Post bar to i,W(rviz., Renry.florton and Horace I bfifoe, AWtilig ardid and �ocatlon. we ,,,usider amPle ftocurlt�r he regular nionthiv meeting of the this will be true with reterence to skid Iiianit it with ten vents to hilt (lid not aDtiCipiLte fitly tr011hiel, Lll,n,tion by I. ie ( allnel t Ill' Ye'll'. tied off has been te eftoo with the fanirilion :=ill Which 4.6qbundsor $10,000. it , t� I ustl Into Honva "a held in their, knilinstrel,,producti0l) W, be given (�ffieo ;ted pr,L-bays It %vonia lit. its wf,ll to ask closed hit, remarks, which m -pre well of both Mr. and THE Cc egia, The inotion wits ethe C. P. It. A] I. of I,hJ. $GD3.35 being in the Of the clerk's rifflee on Ot It I"t I PI-esellt, Tirpi-e, are OU people in t he caste - wh 'Ou, SP Olen killended tia inchule the whole ould couie'out and vote for oil(, of thq mourning parents. 4,%LESMAN WANTIIIIY�A good SAIPAMAII 11i'lance M411 on the 27th find 28th Of this Intilith, calved. by "king that every STAR Joins In Aincere co -oce, livit,h
wAutaii to go oil like rl,ad. vy. M-AILIOal and $190-51 ill ill. Treasurers F. 3ordan. Dr. J. R. Shari- would be hard, uay impossible. 14) SONGS OF THE V -TOW other of the randidal vs. and not show ow,s Mudo Depot r, 13 N Eattaments are herewith respect- non. Sheriff ReYoolds, Judge Doyle town In Canadii. Tilt, pAthV and Indifference its to the town's ca�-BvI1a,J.,wlIAof C.1.1teeves.
Still �Allr Th duplicate in any COON!J._ IV bIlitiml I ic � "s"At I i 1
4 on. ,ftm The Minutes t t hm*s 40 people and di,kr at Woodstock elf, the Ds -and Jpo. Acher alipstrel lirs V6,04(ke (of money, find lip himself having affairs, r. it for
h W'Neeri reiid rare ten end irfon, t�e piilri�iple FeNdrets Toring tp speak. 'ral. H. W. BALL, &u,silturs, oi last meeLing if Opposed such tripswplildnotnowliro. Sew vd 42 years. Tile deceased had been W It. ROBERTSON] No one else of I Shannn ulo-ed. seconded. by Jnn. 811 a() ( singers, and it gi and chorus of The Grleat*st CgLrtOons EvO- UW 9i kicli,in g about to w n or % o bi three yeam, the im- Godei ich, Fab. 10th, 1809. that Miss Strang be notified 20 w,,11) Ile were inade.for Mr. Campbell, find aill I t ,NT -A ruiall hous d. Acheson, trained voices, accompanied fly N 1Xftl:tne,.JA),Vigs tit) at it in dfato cause at death -being heart that Ot is requir- ,to oicbeguatif 10 pieces. Tliencoine,q ��x y"Llf, * ANTED TO RE runiffia wag Wali v fly tits condorenallon (If, failure. She Willa a slater of AIM- W in a couple of blocks ofthe P68 M her Services Would 11 I
The house to on. * d iod. the Underieh police force ve y pave on the north side preferred. GODR RI,CR.4tAILKf2!k!- . - - - - - Lit 221ov done Voting nity. Several thinirs done by the council, &lid Todd. and t eRided in Goderictif some a seci6vide'd9by Slie. Fkva sluall' e TFe ii Ili Pat -top, din ed by Dr. it n nd a IThia Conl)on,
IU toon, and kitchen. with i;tl cut froin Teic Goi)R- yours a PemtrY, three rot nit with closets .. all In I i utttle �,o The Huron LacroRfle club Asked tile what he clainied was disobedience and STAR (COUREOTP UP TO IkOON OF THURSDAY ) riff Reynolds. that the board regrets here. But thecrowning teaturP oft lip ITOM rAlt, and tell (;,Bnt-�, wd twit anToft, halt to thit teen vearq of a e j%.d repair. Loyc partioulAro OtTUID . I lisp of tile Agriculturni Park three Juiproper-conduct oil tile Part Of town wljoat.�Statidard .......... it) 65 ill 0 65 that owing to enforced economy it has f lance is a one "Cl the holder to one portroho contAining I. ,ivheat, istandardi ..... 11 ss Strang's services; v er� I oin titled 11 MI.S. /*, avelliligm it week find oil Saturay after- officials. lie also dresed down tile nd 8, grown up sor 05 in 065 to (119pense With All "abserdit'y en Me. tile complete Bet of 17he liv-Town to Ottawn last married daughter sulyJV43, . il, ftlUell. ANTED&VERY per 100 the., Patent 2 X to 2 60 for Referred to Put)- delegation who went arl�rs,;01,1 levonsw that ill go tioing it desires to place on tlipeleclors to look al on Sunday ta-t lie Episcopal colue- *..a Story of tke Phill- FaLnilv...... 2 to 2 00 Vannus'Sonriee. or thq Reception I,) Coons car0ons, with sones; 70'flwures, WHEFtictor its kit ,,,eat confidence and appre- lie 3Vorks committee. WI -V lit Woodstck, was conducted [-IV
IneF." by Murat Wead comissioned by Bran, per ton 11 4IJ to i 00 record the Premier of OauadlL." It takeR 40 28 pages, prikiLed on first-clase paper. we fS OD ciation of her ability &sa teacher, and - iervi ce fter tho hill (if exvi-tises present.- Itev. J. 0. Farthing, of Now St. Palle. $hki Government a%illicia -Hist,601ftil to the Shorts. per ton is oll to F.e,,Ople to May this piece, with theit Ali application for it Witter E 0( as reterred ft) Witter And Light co Ili tp thIS find wits very largely attended. wor Department. The book was written hilsoreeninge. Per i*o*n.. 17 00 to 11 ) regrk�tfullv severs the connection. itures tit blackened. The urincipal W elf by the big delelliktiOnallowagoing. artay CAUSPil al $,its Fraw-isco, on the Vaoide 29 to 29 The board then adjourned. a ed are R W. Logan, a- He wits not able to e a c ndid Ith Gendrat Merril Oa AICKINNON'S DVT.IVrcyty DAY. -Mc- 6�to in the hospitals fit Hono- 36 to 37 Cat ried. roles as time, lie regretted it) say, find lie TiiolliPSON.-Mr. Fred' Thompson, w to ' 63 iuiu in Hong Kok, o4mericall trenches Peas CHARGED WITH HousEBRSIXIxe, Mrs. MT.U."nus ; W. Goode, tie the A(VOUNTS. tit. in tv innon, out well-known agricultural viintgfut that influence bad been exert -it of the Harbor Lumber ifuld 8-sw Mill iin th- 11surgent cams with 4xilup to 40 Jonatirin Miller. K ,bldo a,, tha deck a the Olyfi ' a perbusk.' to 41) On Friday, three boys, Win. Hewitt Premier of Canada has heon UPI rith Lk��h t. at ......... who controls the as follows were referred to from which led Co.. will) for tilt
v! to 5 75 as the Premier of Canada's 'wife; Implement agent, p bill) in tl :, "': � i,
lied In the roar of batile tit the tat of y per ton committee N. & A. Dynipnk, hunhor, Hardy to if) 1- lipve Ill Htntioned lit tho conlparly,4 mill lit RI -111 at original is to 16 find Jarnes Atwood, two (it tile prison- nI)unhat7l. its Mary, it �iuihing Stile fit Frost & Wood's Inal-factill-P4 $1,197; The Packard (10 I'p ell its tile is la,4t Week callod on ft) ruourn ORIL49AV for IWO I Bri"Ifu er. Per lb ..... .. .. It Ing bill, its w vornment, photographers a 9 to 10 whips, and 'Plictupes taken by 1.9 Rifil nor it on, . .. - era charged with stealing oullsette and W. W. mdevicar. its lIP4, hilt. he Would be eligible next volir. alld -ly death (if hill Wife. which of rt. Argo book LOW prices. Big w"od, per cc 3 So to 1 75 ill blia Dror a his oIrariRforruer, 3 50 Lo 4 25 Henry McGee. were charged before Adelline �atti. One needs alwaym to " -londB of goods con. I ho of Coal, $&So. lie I if-- 9 I hilt lit, would oct-Ori-p(t ill I lie hoino (if her parents- it- Proll Credititiven cattle. ex0or t the list of local celphri t ie who ca, 914 sc " find all ar bookie. Outfit me- Cattle. IIli, ordliary break- look a tnen present bini�pir and ff-II Atilt. he lluroo roulltv. The cause of trashy .3 g P(diee Magistrate Seacer with Send drillg, h;ty rakp�, find nPPORTS OF 001iflifITTKES. Address F T. earberl 89dy-P Star Insurance Lamble, each ....... 2 1 'a Lite part to have an indication of inowers.
4 Off to 5 00 Ing into the ttore of Goo. Howston, w ill if nded would IL birge and hearly sup� (Ipath wi,4 it strokt following ]Bldg., Chicago. what they may expect. It will not be other in voutions that inake I lie fill Ili The Special cottimi(tee rpeoninle Port. soloP tell After I lit, birth (if(% child. 4 0 Bayfleld, between the 18th and 20th el -al labors light, last Frid:1V find Sill lit - H 11�; lit 380 to
ILT 50 600 acase of "All Coons Look Alike to ft" if illows : (1) That tile pt i rig wits I bell It ?%fill the fmir little ones PabliC Notice. Hogs, dressed .. ........ ...... 4 daT of February last, and stealing Me," because there are AUDI men, day, and Life beginning if this we(,k. dition to the Cigna factory be Tile tile tiams. tier lb 10 to 13 ndry relocis. Ili the ab- , 0oode " fat inen, 1, Jonathan Miller," Miic. Says tbat wnpri lie introthwed I Ile "it vote oi thanks to Llie At illog chair- (If Ill. hILVV intit-ed (')%Use U4 nacon. long filev 9 to 10 therefrom au explupt froin taxation# the itssessin:-nt FTtdeaF;,, a to 07 Space of Mr. Lewis, L. E. DanceY RP- tall men find short men. some whit delivery dav paradens all adveitie an. slid firid unexpected lie-
nsotWED MEETING. -Tho Ad water rat v to retuain its at. Preflt- Wo riled
III, CA -own. ineut.. h di.1 not Intend to make it im and enient. The rent 0OA wore ill ('11 -
meeting of the Godolob Curl rig and Sheep kins ...... cated for the ci find Will' and some black(ened). who will figure
courb Tal)o�, rendered 2 to 3 P anoun find that tile clerk prepare a hylaw to I 1) R A fhaso to to Proullfoot defended the piisoners. in the vat ious roles in the progrA "line. show, its tho nionev it lAikes to M It * NICIIOLSON nod NI r. Tholop
atinAssocWtor, wIll be oldth the Chickens per pair ......... I hilt end ; (2) I bat tile request Of M I - to Ited flav to vlose tit) tho
House on Monday alvenfug, April 171h. at 8 I 4 to 60 Goo. Hewston, the owner of the store. The meriihorp of the caste speAk in the run one does more gooll ill H,aton for land tit the railway stittion Tilz KrAft Wall flothOOZ441 Ilt9l M. v; Ducks per pa r ........... 0
O'clock P. _01"ol. 2� ijuMligle, Searetar. 8 to 10 %tatod that his Store was Ivroken into highest terms of Ma b hik. McKinnon, howevet, (lift ,fill for. DR. 3. W. H. HOLUM0, riliddlout. I Turkeys, per Ili . ......... named. and that 11 na%r oor oes, 't, Of Lit, lis f.)r thr, erectlovi (if P, new miation be Ing to sav iliat Mr. Ni(holson will no( Itesk ie- FRUIT AND VEGETAIITXS- between the dates nd he cotues been very iw y recall'- get tile hORPft4IiLV Pal granted, tile malne uot. to extend tiny he a candidate thig How, aml lilts wilh-
o Humrwlts ANDOTHERS. Ili "ozen . ...... 20 to 40 entrance was obtained to it th h e it id] who were in for goi)(14 ............ r 1 6 alended. The costumes and stag Bet- lie invite -past. A further than the frown Ili.- naine frorn the h�t of Ih 1,41 -1.ivf,d flews ,if Mond,tv (if Ili(- denth f
. = 30 to 40 window Ili the buck part of thouT (piesont%tntion plill
T 20 to so 0 " Op' tingS are VeTY elaborate find the reher. I [lose duys to a Sumptuous r( avid not t ) extend northwe,t Nli-4, ',t%-, Allao, it Innis- ........ ... 4 'Onorter w ho wits lit ef Pitt off Fi i.
Potatoes oer bush. 60 to 50 He could ot tell if the window wa. allied
Tenders, either tural) or separate, fi�l be is Bananas sals are conducted evervtfcertioon and STAR I more Lhan tile width Of Eftetst.reet, If lcalved u cludill U22nd fastened. find first missed the goods on evening. so that the citizens of Glide- day when the inachines were being t,he inaLter t,o lie nrrangpd 1A) t If,- -I i-- for the 0 ICK prg, quem- -oinolit 111tIly Tft (;llotoll A pit I 'A tqand Ifs, �jgjol Ing. The wit-nep-6 said .!ch nuav well look forward to this handed over LO the purchag
,,?,A Monday inorn faction (it tile Public Works A Trio of Enquiries. w 1i 11jol NEW A.DVEnTISEMENTS. that. among the missill eticna Moned ft few well-known ngricul in is A (%to'sTOM d re I -oet Intipector Ailopt - ro tile Killto,a rity sT %if st few to Ihe
�PLAXTFI M UP N, 'ICRUIP W"'t -ient aof the biggest ttra illJo Nh"- IR N PAUT , FU"NACS D PAI battles A the Ste
of Aver's Hair or, on the inerita of the agricultural ill,. tee a I
PLLIM1414ft in 66211100ttim *Ith the of the season. oil. 8rR..- it the (-filennog of ft defintation Nisith Wl-sl ill noll,*1 it hooll- for hilo-
P to L HOUSE AT & 13. Myrtin k3u"eo. fl. Tuakett & nientH. month organs, violin strings, A
urefition'afid 'tOrn , 6 n Aa� to .... .. 8 THE Witip STEALING 0ASE.-On plements turned out by the FroAL & Tile Public Works committ,ee rpport- live froln lh� c.ounail to ()ttwa �.,Jf sell faiiiiiv lift(- Allno SHAFORTH, PROV. A moo . Son, .. ................ clock And other itenis to the value of Wood Company, and tho answerg wei e
vlaoin tolalerli,' and %TrIfed "Ten ce' A Poor Umbrella -A. P. McLa 8 les Friday the three boys, Hewett, Brown eit her " very g(;od " of, " could not, ho ed Adve'"PIV 'A ) Inc application . 4 I ho la.t year sol-intect to nin.-ty otid it, Ill U 15411 If lIt' fill' ll� - 5 about $85. find that filtriong the artic draw a.. ....... te of Bayfleld. were heaer." Stich testimony in highly n. lie][ Telephone Co. for tile cost of tile deputatilln rif known by lik-l' IV— �lkl T t 4titTer.
ansayelope.ars, Your Money Dack-Ememn. - :Iuced lie recognized some no and Attwood. What Will be
II* and All pro
14 nod A I per and cards. In answer to Mr. 'eclated by the Onderich agent. (if I lie put it poll- In tile centre Of tan or a dozon flow prollooed ? Aa i tax. il,g flont' st fmal piano quid,- aft �"bXjlftfl % joy,e ciothing-Jackson Bros ....... 'it
Ither 1pfiltuIn toil all I brought before the P. M. on remand, PI
raiddeffee, 0041brth" oil at the G*LOO of -HodgonR Brog ......... Ploadfoot the witness Said he could eli-known film na
The WiReman Stomk on the charge of whip stealing. The :)rk. off tile Square. it,; Mr. MCLVATI Ver I fool interogted. �iovivp. in N tice to Croditora-M. 0. Johnston I not identify any of the other goods. TuE Bio ELEVATOR. A STAR re- oettlA to it. Adopted. Ifol-pirifol.orri. loll Willmo, nWP "C - I N' . 105-2 AZourned Meating-C. A. Hfimber.... hilt that some of them were at milar to case, triough apparentl completed, The clerk repot teo receipt of a (1, lift % . __ Dust, Iron and Wine -S. E. Ilick ... ...... I 8 those he "ilssed. W -n. Hewitt. (1110 of was again adjourned. ans v-111 be cern- porter attracted fly tile Ain king Chilli- by-litm, with it lecter, florn Owt4oVo To ]he rAlit,)r M Tug Si it %If-. A. It. Alln will he t,i OTJOH TO CREDITORS. loollde. Drops , Goods -smith Bron. Cc ..... 8 the prisoners. then leave evidence. He pleted next Friday. The cause of the nev connected with the big Plevat.or, solicitor, to rILISO tile $23JI(K) perillifted Who IF, Ihi, A Nil 1), Allan �ho was linving left -priwc. nod N partly due to the sib- made a cull at tile matnulot 11 huilding hv tile reef -lit, special ,ket in (lip Igf, ,lip on, i till 1,,r. of Nichol"I'll hKViog for ,koini- I ims, wit -\ iou,Il v roo Lot for Salo-Chall. E. Crabb Said lie had heard the evidence given adjournment was In the matter of G901tog HALEY. Of Dfillding Tenders Wanted -3. A. Fowler.. I by Gen. tiewston. and that he (Hew- sonc rosecutor, E. N. on Wednesday find discovered I hilt I If(- lilt Ore. The clerk said this I- am fit ill(, I hf, more now luv -t-pt o q, i a, the, Town of � 0dilcifleh, In the Arm for Sale -0. N. Lewis ................. i ift) was one of the persona who went Lewis, who was prevented frorn at- avian on right away. hilt no onf, se,,lo oo.11ination ineetiog Ald 4 It k t3vdant,V �f 110riflit.- OiOedr- The gig 4 Welland Vese-It. W. McKenzie 4 to his store on the occasion referred to. tending by the death of hit, young.vat flut boritieq were air -Ing ton wheat. Of ed to know what wits hest tA) (to, �tnll and that Jaines Atwood and Henry daughter. and in hip absence L.E. n. conirse When preselit, it Journey F;kY- the ukatter Wan by consent ri-h-ried t,l if; it the 4a tile perwm whc) wag I lie Fruit arowem-Paint-A. MOD. Ali& .... 6 On SatiurdAv evening I lie Square was Moll s McGee were the others. that the three cey acted for the crown The prison- ward hall to he inado in tile new Finance committee with Powe" to niparif (if inducing Mr. Dow"IeR it) 1b Afton thit the above named Hat ifoo Extraordinary-%. A went through the back abed find of s were defended by ;�7 in. Proud foot. vator. Which kin I n Mitt -tin and Knox moved that, conent ill Ill- A unn,dilate I? Who is crowded with people. tip town to btiv groc V. is run by II A4 Pau assigne" I to me. �Ur,arkt Wanted -A. D. cLean .. ....... I I hou�lw, In' neltr future I. The findfrom 7.*)
, . . IL I throng it Will Ow into the store, and Four witnesses were examined- Win. Stem p 41. Ibis A, Al(,I). Allan going 14, vote tnr ? g,,od
and tile V1016'. - .- "; Troupe Wanted -STAR Offift ......... --- ttortnotor will beintroditced,"o that ILA the council as a little diaorFanize .rne WlkA a livov one. on torth 0 t, way some month organs and Brandon. of Bayflold : deptity Aberiff wt I TK VA Y IP to 9:4) the 0( Asild ltk .11. _,"I legman WantOd-000. W. Thomson & tile instable Gundry rind the it may he used at, &ill tinies. When on ('""ne0lor UnnLelon Ile Made C Nfarly of tile ,tti req were bn�v flooring of son ... ... .............. I other things. and that all the goods oiifiry, er it- upper flato, funny oseful lunpro v . ,If tile Wittor And Light, ronio)i(If- Fli,,r of Rt,r to. I prrodu d exce I the books were taken pr soner Hewett. The first named *laid 0 peding4 of I he I hew anti calling oil wir adver- It ' 11 o bat t a to the Town of Traveller Wantd--STAR 0171CO.. ..... rionts tilade diniog the winter were The lilaym demurred In this 1,11 till' Sit- tigers- on we lvele en
1. I 61 by them from e ton's store on that that while In is Atbre in Bitylield he ould last cooncil niepting, tod;ty'A Signal it that thiug� were linght thitt
rf 0 the Spot-MacLeOd'R Rersivrttor.. 8 on. 14owitt conthnning. Said beard reports Whic-h caused Ille. to call noticed. tile first t4, strike the jttlpn� Kronnd that another cooncillor w I.... .. I he flu A i it IBM, f t on Ile plectpd. Anti the vilwilne'eq All VS -A inot lot' wall Pams"d Ill'% I Adk`- pyPning so far its luxisine: lasconceru.
OcCa141 Lier pipes with 4 -if
its V - f I t1h it go jLha Vis,fo# of Its pretty Roar Tinio -Belliforal: their, the articles were taken to McOee's on the prisoner Hewett. who had a tion being two Ilk.' ge -v ('11 lit then lie filled. A voto wits tnk# lintation be petit to OttAwa, to ask the IIDO&d Of the 9,,,d Wanted -l". O. Box 235 .......... .. hose nttitelled, no each of tile flooin. and -rnment to det,T)pn the hill Aw. ". stable and divided between the three: whip in the Stable, and admitted I k at atiractualterili.... however. alid an K.lox, Martin 0ovi Financial Staterikent-Town of Goderich tba% the constables found all the goods In it, and said that it belonized to Another thing th building Caniploo votod vra. the motion waA In connection with this niatt,or you , On Mondav Art w [tile mak -
Boots and Shne"t. George Price. pro need In the stable. because Att- Wallace. Thos. Gundry. the next wit- is that tile windOwA lit tile Ing A little hunt, it Blip with the
fiYiK bY -4 a0v 09 Norelcitf-rumargan . . .................. lad he apprehended Hewett and have r)epn fini-ited red. find It I. noji" carried. pi bliAheA a rovoIntion sonio time a
I I lot a. I, Iw-od ead McGee had brnugnt their nestl. III tile compli- Int by the Floard of Trade. ask ing, 1111i:;f hatchet lie waq uslow avid ILA edge cut a phowflimphs-bropher.... Isharleal b 'k, having no place to store told him that it Was not compulsory tAi able that everyl,hing IR in order. Tht- Then ('antelon returned 4e iltmon bou"gi6 tbAt large open "pace in front of I lie eleval. trient bv sying that honors wprp rorli- verything, i(I thr-oogh his boot. Inaking a serious lval Pew- James Yates .. ..... them. Hewitt also stated that Chas. say anything about tile cafte, but to"I it flay could lip used Or ieg. njea�urlug 95 I -y 9� fept, has Ing a littip wo thick. and lie would of'rrade followed IT ilie repohni"ll hy Iv011"d on hiq right the cut wlng� got laime of the things, Including vnythin% he mi b of take his interviewiD5 this inimter of to the linne. Four oltebes wer"
to lfi� uaru that Mr. Slart es. flared th Hewett ad been closed Vly lit) ininsenme rubber rnr- niove lleeded to close I Ilk- wound, rind the NJ, lodala on oth�r pag itt his aguinsit im on gul trial, Ile*
6, l(K Additional it trquill 0 n. And dee -e rolls iplon'R) ch irinn of Public Workp, fin received his apAorn d rekiIi the SupplAw e,mvi,nient ittee. While they wele that the work would be d,,ne in arr, , f -d
illeAwr� II.- hf. d while thi
Itestire tin Ta (bid h in �Ihey weve stitlion from' witted. taking a Will I said that Brown tain. sin thinks there W but little danger of liewstovilar, To Mr. Proudfootthe wit- had taken fool-, anThad loaned one to tip a" onsily nR fin ordinpit y hmipe lilind, Worko4 I-omin on I his, ance with the plan am i Asoning.
9 eftective in keepiogootwind about to vot.- Ili the FiAlue way prepared 11V pt )&-Et� Inest sald he did fiat know ust viihea Atwood. Hewett sald tbe whips were it In a -Y. A great IAP Mayor Sold all thPAP VhMngos re- Fnginper Billugh, whi-h waR approved Witi.t. DONE I -Cat
A vvall.pag�- fait olililaod ant tbelob*0 p1griTiednOrdl hilikhasir bilken from thq church shed, that and cold all if solid rnowmi I niake FL of by the Pilevator rill - and Hector Hays. as, the Sew owk 64 town and Atwo(id were, with him, labor qa-.,i t hits been qtiirpd notice of motint, ft) I[in iRter in-troct,,Il tile WhO OPO 1=0 of It, filtst, but lis theitV it I) econtrolofthe rain change. uantelon:tnilKnoudernurrod thet the blin
YAtIS; *Wit* " for, Mali eirening. Ile *aid and that Way were taken to McGee's Intradnend'forki'll' -ed with the ( -pIlffi barge of the dog rAL"wh16h%tWv*,:-.,' 1tiif ItiLlt atxg# to fi�,jfqrth tot, tat 110 Wt Ontidily said he arrested when Assing in of- out. or wh if Fleing to thig. hit( the ninyor fittid it inuAt be engineer proct it rig. d d " hatilt, Olt tilt$ 11644ift the new councillor ,,Sir, is e balance of the grant left 'do fdoilli, Ili" 66w, Ilia WG"j, Wb0ft 0;VU610111' 08 *101, the Ice Square Pre the snow vgkJ& Iwift kt ft If= atka Ttw6W, arid iii(tor warning shift,ot from bin tA, bin. hv adding at- left as it waS until p, over fro last year, go soot, A; $hqd '*tilt
W11111"Woul I *s hiol titelfied logs on the uppnr fiat.. Tbeve wits elected. The insivor ruled th,sA, Over fro IA ov 4* it ifiluilip diRs"s OtAblb. thdin In the itatfild manner had it eon- round to the submeribem ye It d L, Ill or th Who laild he. arsoontrolled i,v a doze it to the catinel mpnt correct. Mr. Editor? Thig 6 t store �- bel vie"Ation Wth. a wn the Weighing flat, Ao practically sin if qO. what repaid eacti contribution. "Y'44 rhillf% n env-(Iq front and 0antelon aflFf-aled from his deci- was out f tile harbor. I 4 t h is AM t,
?A *4vii tbillf_ a C I . formation Rhowin
Id ffoi'4' the A#,tOpOUd And Wet ware I ptiva �6r,+ �vil toot *r� *h6V# 01,64,* inflit's move the grain it Knox wanted in -A"w iiyonhilt of su &If one ninu can over is a U Re. of the pre"111, deputtion? �Ompwhat AW Ibill, -(I"&, ithureb sheil DO.tho I , stpr tv I , can only Ile Lola by the Ntini former Sports, and tho Whefilbo"(Htollilin) t4OX:6ne Wilip, tbo building without hnvin in ople tho wh Ien the change required notice Ah. week, t h lie hits already prom at serve horu rixtile tneattRn f6v th it t%w_ 1011�ij*�J�MnSillri&.'Jlpw# fit ttlo* Wo 11 *AW -Attwood b I 66,ttl rest, PleVAtor or climb a mtair. ft way also motion. W"halt they Are asking, and flo a' f6r, HOWett thO committees be IlOrt. fifild"'PtIffity goork- dd,.04'1111W� A"A Brown STAIiiii i0i th'At, Mr, Hriiintlon tisid lie rnetitianpd that tho Aix Aet*, Xaft,--1 said tile changetheni, With the ex- Tfiv LAST 8rto&nTbC*L fililt ShJfQt0f. e IF 40041A 6.11 ihtft#L' t4fift ken tO 011ft t0bllt th*61, Ittild that h* hoVe twen tested and eert ified kiR c1li - fixed roir the VPftr. anti to town should not be taxed t for, A. ", -tor kind %t every meeting Id mean Metric- ponse. And the furti,er reallintion the b'r Ineffiffts Ort thf''o v Vrd lone. V won AkObVill ir'bibre *6 Ilhd thPTA va-et bt the government i1noper: alt - ganizadon. He was prepared to quit illat ti a coulhe'llor" also go to I'lluo'l- Han Plab took 44 e
tbewoontt, who ga-vo tblittho officer who (fill thejobcollect, Ulm L V At Wb',ps Wero ed Oro nice little Fuji] (If $01-60- I the council ratbpr than tinhinit to thin. ton is vituply ri 9, ,%no a further C)
Iftil 10. At Ltb6r he - a votel On his Ap* crying lilifliSte Of Public nit Dc' or t'do chin, ed for ench banitz $10 25. (,kintelon called tot IIh 'eu fmin: tittbiftell glited, and that FNI V"Ir *0 ill" not lal*6, tb#, "Jj7
piloted Tnn pe -11 Mud councillor Knox slayinr be th61 tiltoi*, 4 %AVtag#r gloopm. Wh., veriting tilany from 0t*"(1 db* 0 ""LIJOokIl tmetellol 5 rolia* a the -0-
Art the SI", Op and downward. IQ ff- 1votlid subtfilt to tho III the following sho-n worft%#&*J*6� W ti.0 ob C 14 T'"'Ilillit"N' 6di6t if ft SUM( vote resulted in 4, tie, when TuRROWTNO woltic.-Bradfor t NA *6 Agh can h- ( bt.ained A# onre the' Mayor voted and thud sustained bf� Wl� the, filled village bIncksaidth In 8alt ford. is P tuRtm r It. W. BAII ...... st In
III 0 Turin TH1011% So It Repinpallonreouil his ruling. Inia making harros. OW. Donnelly ...... W .4 1. bo;b. en gave notice of fntitlOn tlnit In hlA slifire I
tallithif6,40014fr*A* UUY, 11do MO I% I t AD villu U11,11ii (I,, lo olake 'his ig oatiWan tb twin" to have Mart In appointed enlLift9 bf Thrpo Will wftt rftbntlY Rout to Mani- V.Rottou A #to' Afk"L "^*W to U*_ b h#dL 'bit �All In in force the mitiltis to bis tabs. find Mt. Bftdfoi d Vxl*ctx to send )KC Andrafv.. - ry ctyito
7*4, be 104�l b'('# IK I 44 Iter,,; on go v irnprit to f-arry -lot Its tile Plablic Wtitka cc- W. W fi, laril abiptnil to that province Ittitt roinimes without fur I)NO& that M It~ fore the 6110* Mlt9 nel3tt Yfth t u_ ;W,7A I