The Goderich Star, 1899-04-07, Page 6I I . -
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outburst of feeling,
� 'Is
, �
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� 4
or Eva tell into the guile of his devices,
-- -- . I I- ---.-11- � I - . . 1.1 I ---
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2tooll, =!!, 0.1 t, - !r!::!!=--s"r:!
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l'orbapa if abo had pot ]*aim Xo4ing
.. . t 11 I
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; ,:
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d '' I // _
In his arm-mchiair skv Would not have
I .
11 - I I . ,. I I I
tatlot. - Iii...... 1. toll, o,timpoitition our arsdit.tes
been Irttilty of the wealMOM Of this,
ll Valmond Cut Diamond---..
work. Best Oammorcial Bothiloil In Olinads. Enterno,w.
outburst of feeling,
, I
lie smiled. such a smile as
maj, have smiled when first our Motk-
� .�
or Eva tell into the guile of his devices,
I I ,. To PIOUT OF THE Effin.
and after the @=Ito he sighed and took-
` -
od down.
11 �
, .... .,..
01, thel. to,'... No, -,,k- .0 -
." "lel. . ' At
p"'i'". I
p.okmA %% ill I_t . 111,en,O.'
' 'Ah, yet; I But then what on Your
':. :
me I 11
tilde, are you, dear lady, going to do
, I
�, �
, .1 -
�, MARTER, XXI.--Continued. I
1. 01000A - Madame do Bre-
happened to him (or yeare. Be l0lid
his temper.
[Or Inc V-
To the end of my days I will pray
11� '
I SoIar. 1,,did'notoblisirvewhoitwaswhol
, .
A,hl a �jokcs that. from the
for you," she answered quickly.
� ,I
V, ,�?--. —J1%4"K#4
I *� ,
.04 Varriage at the last sta-,
ti"� ,I !.�e you are well." I
. -
wife of . Lbfrf I
The moment he bad spoken the words
And Mr .Dane smiled auew.
to him would be the prayers of all the
archangele of Heaven I
I �A-Qbs Inc I - Wbat, I
,A*4 bar bead coldly
he %would have given Wurldd to
o6TAr SUrprixte or disgust she may have
Lheen, The train was slackening at
Many thanks," he answered polite-
*xt*rl$MLZed tit the encotauter, she show-
Lbe Ultmees or Road StatAcon. it was
ty, - but I think besides that, we
Ad Vlo ipUtward sign of agitation.
him deatinailtim, but it was out IIWB�
must Make a little COUIPRot-"
L, ll� L .11 I
. - * I
" L 11
, I lot, I I
4 ow rvllilol!
"Xow in your father-in-law, Ma-
Noverthesiesa, she rose and lowered 1.110
then be thrust his hands into his trou-
Aam .1,
window, and got out without a word,
sers' packets, raised his eyebrows with
'on , I
I , -� �
I , �� I
T,h' sho
A Wag a polite question,
He lotlowed nor quickly.
a nice ingenuous expression ouch an
wita piWf"c8 constrained to give it a
" Madame do Brefour, I beg You ten
would not have discredited Mr. Irving,
valito istilavver:
I,. -.--d pardons, - be said, an tie vv a I k-
and pursea- his lips up into a dubious
"TUak you ; Monsieur do Drainer lei
.2 by her aid,,, Lilting this Platform,
: .. It's very
POIAt, (im though to %1.Y
aow. a Constant invalid. I regret to
with a face of the protounde8t respect
hard on me, you see, t I
.� . .�
. i
11" 1.
- !'" tie suffer much I" Th. voice
and '-poat.unco�
She anewered him qut a word. They
just. In thin matter."
..A compact V she repeated slowly.
wait kUld. and Matthew Dane leant for-
went Up the steps Lugether, aujong"L
It began to dawn upon her that Rome-
lf� .,
Ward an though really anxious to knew.
the crowd, and piescIaLly found thoul
thing more lay behind--ournothing
A softened look came over bar beau-
melvels in the uomparatively clupLy
about which she waim as yet in absolut%
, � :.
tiful face; and the tenderness that is
street&. Rome did out kno%v where mbe
ignorance. I
o I I-
IA every true woman's heart towards
was going, sho only wanted to got rId
" Well yen. We may " well be ex -
I �.
, I
" weak and .the poor and the wiser-
of him Uld Dane was exhausting him-
plicit, y u know. If 1. for instance'
able, made her lip tremble. sad brought I
set[ III AApU1ogL88. lit) Could see how,
agree --in wii4ing mind you, signed
si dewy sadness Into the heaven -blue of I
by that ,Inc angry sentence, he bad
and seated -to lot you alone, it would
bar eyes.
Io3i his power Al vor her, for the time
only be fair, wouldn't it, that you
Jr - * �
-Dreadfully at times" she anawer-�
tit least, and hill cAjuld have killed hor
should agree to lot me alone I"
ad; "but he is so patian't and good—":
bectistits slits had not far triumphed uvey
''To let you alone V' she repeated
i �
"I should like very much to come and
blin am to make hica lose him seif-con-
in genuine amazement. "What on
i� .
see him, it would cheer him up to have
trol )ot Lbrough all him ragB unit
earth do you mean?"
�1, , �
a visitor who would sit and chat with
ange, there was present an almomt.
" Well, to oea-ic front ubm(ructing my
� )
b4m. 1.
Lomic wonder at hOL' talent She .aii
plans." �
In a moment the whole expression of
,in great a diplutuaList as himself,
" Frankly, Mr. Dane, I do not in the
her face changed. She was no longer
and with all the armouAy of fouldle
very least understand you You are
the tender Rick nurse, opening her
wit and faW;iJQatIUn LQ back her LIP
talking to me in riddles. -
heart to the expresaton of kindly myna-
itiLo the bargain. of cuut-me all her
She wam looking tit him with a blank
patlay, but the watchful guardian of
righteone Indignation ,It Trichlst'8
the peace and safety of the creature
name, at I bar proud 8ilence 'low, were
He leant. futrward with both elbows
1, 111�
whom it was bar mission to prote t.
nothing but It part #knit parcel Lit 1110
upon the tablet, so that him face came
"You are very kind," she a nswoored
same t1ting, her superhuman p0WL'r ol
near to hors, his eyes, no longer veil-
coldly, "but that lit impossible. Mon-
Playing the Cards in he( hand tu their
ed and mysterious, flashed tit her with
. .
siour do BrTfour receives no visitors.
utmost dvanLage. This was how it
the( keen hawk -like glance of power
, .
all excitement and agitation is strict-
seemed to Matthew Dane, to i,h,,ui
with which he know well how to bend
I i
ly forbidden to him, he Bees no one have
goodness and truth, and kind-boaittsd-
his fellow -creatures to his force of will
his attendants and myself."
ones, were but contemptible synouYlum
.. Lot my nephew go, then I" he said
"And it would be dangerous for his
with idiotcy, but to whom Power of
below his breath. but in a whisper
L '
health to see even an old friend like
Brain was as a god, to be worshipped
that was as clear and cutting its the
myself I"
above all other gods.
raps of it hammer.
"It would be dange,rous to his health
Then. as he continued to apologwe,
From brow to throat the crimson
� ,
� I
to see you," she ropea ted, altering him
and she continued to be silent, vat,
blood flashed in a torrent over her
4 , ��-
words somewhat pointedly. .
of thunts minall things happened Lha[
face; all the consciousness of a bidden
, I
Mr. Dane throw himself back his
are perpetually turning the while cUr-
love betraying itself in the uncontrol-
: . .
seat with a 1316h.
rent of human life by their apparently
lable weakness. she was so over-
"A1, poor man I poor man I ' he ejacu-
trivial and meaningless Influence It
whelmed with siurprise: so utterly tak-
: �
lated, "what a end state of things to
began to rcrin; Madame tie Brefour
en aback by the suddenness (If the lit-
be surel And if so small an excite,-
had no umbrella, and Mr. i)ane tin-
tack. (hat her confusion of heart leapt
I , �
ment is likely to be prejudicial to him.
folded his and held it oil over her
into her face with the strength of na-
how anxious you must be to ward off
ture itself. In that fatal moment her
any real trouble and pain from him."
Now It Is absulutely and morally im-
secret lay before bar.
. I
And then be sighed again and looked
Possible for a lady to be beholden to
A thousand tongues shouting it forth
� -
at her furtively from between his clos-
11 gbnticqnan for the shelter of him um-
up<)n the hill tops could not have pro-
ed eyelids.
It may be assumed that by this time
brollla-whieh is extended to tier tit
,hin sacrifice of his own Lincoln and
claimed it to him more ceXtainly and
unalterably than (lid that cruel blusill
�, -
Mattliew Dane was thoroughly enjoy-
Bennott-and that she should remain
He threw himself back into his chair
ing himself; to pit himself against tiny
inserimible to the attention.
laughing softly. She was in his pow-
follow -creature was always a pleasure
Ali umbrella,, thus distended, brings
er now; for all her courage, for all
to him, but when the battle was being
about tin in8tinctive rapprochement.
her cleverness, she had been unable
fought out with a woman whom he had
Many IR the love -tale that han boon
to save herself-sibe was his, his to tor -
reason to believe was as unsciripuloons
�v himpered multifarioum the quatrels
"ture (Ind to purtimll, his to bend to his
and as clever as himself, the contest
that have'been pattilved up, numberleRs
will arid to crusib, beneath his feet.
was doubly delightful.
He was like the conventional war-
the misunderstandings cleared away.
(To Be Continued.)
borso, who, scenting the strife from
beneath the mystic shade of it whalts-
bin�v and si
afar, goes forth to meet it with a
sense of rapture. He had got her in
'I u Lis Jk,
h H, r. Dane unfurled his lietice
. ,�
lit& foils. he bad but to close his band
offering, anti continued to apologists
I he while for his cruel and unmanly re-
" I
and crush her, but he prepared him-
self to watch her hopeless struggle with
proarb, Rose found herself constrained
114,Apero Teltm of the ".chalah-411 Stalue.
rgyplinn Call..
,� . I
a,perfeot ecstasy of joy. It was a de-
to say-- Thank you," And, in saying
l� .
light tv him to see the doubt and mIs-
M. Gaston Maspero, the well-known
, r. I q
trust in her eyes as sbe slowly repeat-
became softened.
French Egyptologist, has recently
,,, -
ed his -,vords.
Thoreupon Air. Dane was not slow
written an interesting article on the
, , L
�` "�'.
"Real troublef-of what kind (to you
in pushing his advantage. A,1,11 ,,nit-
known to tier, every mtep ba Ran
'speaking statuem" pf ancient li.'gypt,
,� , .
,� - 4
"Well. Such as, for instance, any
taking them nearer to his bouse in
[its says that the statue's of some of
l,� . ��, - I ,.�
fresh complication concerning his un-
Cromwell Road, and now they mtood
the Gods were made of jointed parts
,. -, '. ,
1;, .�L,,,,,
fortunate son."
in front of his very door-
nod ,were supposed to communicate
-l:'i: , ,k --' " , ,
, � -,
�";ie .10; , .
. 1,
She turned white to the lips anti
abirank a little back in her seat with
" I fear there is going to be a heavy
storm, Madame; I must beg 4�,otl to
%with the faithful by speech. signs, and
, `�,:, -Z,l,1,jr1
� �,�,,�'�'- .
tit gesture of distress.
come in until it obearm %Ill. ThM is my
,tther movements. They Nvere made
�.111: . -
"Hin son I You forget, Mr. Dane, my
houses ?"
of wood, painted or gilded. Their
. I—
;� ,
. �
husband is dead."
. " Your house ?" she repeated st and -
hands could be ralsed and lowisr6d and
1. ,� "," I
�F, , , �,,
,,�� ,,;"
"All my dear lady I Now tie 7ou
g still Just because he ato�d Hlill
in e
and t away from th
(heir heads moved, but it is not known
,�, �,
L. �. , ", - IF,
'�, ,
really taka me for a foot?" he cried,
with a light bubbling laugh of mingled
advantages beedowosd upon her by that
,hether their feet could lie put in
l -� � ,
" �!�, . *
, ,,:I "', �
t. "That is
u brella---Your house?" And then
motion. When one of the faithful
1, -
� t"��!�'�
all very well to keep p before the
she looked up at It in a puzzled w1AY,
a n ot it flashed upon her all lit once
ked for advice their God nswered
as It
, � - l�'I' , ",`�� -
� � " ",.'��,�",
and 1 8
world but between youu "rely
be dropped. Y
the fame.,may well oil
that she had walked Into a very rom-
either hy signs or words. Occasionally
. ., -.1 ,
, I.. ,
� ",", I
I , "
I ,
hate bidden him very cleverely be --
ple�p little trap all of her own accord.
long speeches were nande, and at other
� "t,
� 1: ",.,. �
1, "
tween you -you and the old ritleman
,, , Will you walk into my par:ourf'
I imes I he answer was simply an ineli -
, -�' -*1 -,-�:':V
b;nt you know d1de bell ...
Said the spid-l- '-�i the fly."
nation of the lica'd . - , -sk-le kAp-d
,,,�l,�,�'�._ ', -
, ,",
- -much in evidences of his death, at-
Anti she -walked in. There was noth-
, �,bpy
- ,� ,
�' "!,:,-� ,'�, r
': 3',��:,;,��,
though orapie and a wtdow's-eap became
ing else to be (lone, She had go'
' - ,�'r
- ll�
10tatueer 'td- ke so
.-� �, � -
you raviablugly, madame,"-hore he
of her train, without _an ult(5i'1uA
a,oid191 the �
1�- ,� �'- . � .,
made her a little bowxrt mocking,
thought, in. hor rage and indignatiow
ot-.mmunitcants. The, priests did not
W, -, � �
- �'- �,, .,
. ".-I
, , , ,
part complimentary, a then' he sat
and there must olapso a whole hour be-
fore It was
ma Ire an.y mystery of tneir part in the
"'Il'.., .- -
", ; , ,,r
", ��
. bolt upright and opened his eyes wide
at her, and they flashed, jilke the cold
she could got another one.
raining heavily, and slits could not walk
prooseedings. It was belleved that the
''. ", " .
'' ` "
fire of jiletai that' 18 a! ishod, into
back to the station, without getting
priests were intermediary between,the
f, ""' -
bars, "and latterly I have discovered
wet through. I
gods and mortals. and the priests then!-
- ,�,�:`,., I
� - " ,"
- , , -
-1 kmriv that Lecin do Brefour to
So at went Into the house, and sat
down I Mr. In
� a
selve had a veri exalted idea of their
alive I
There was a brief allanee, she was
Dane's study, a com-
foitable arm-chuir, which he drew poi,-
on Ring. They firmly believed tha L t lie
t7�-- I
still very pale, but she did not look
litely forward for her.
souls of divinities inhabited the statu-
� r ',
frightgra6d, her eyes met his steadily.
I - ,��`11
", I
is be easy to say, is it not V.
she cried contemptuously. We all
with religious fear and reverence.
� I
� "-,
:,� ��, "
may we know, ,.when for the most part
There is no sort of doubt that every
living man and woman iR�enormeutdy
These priests would island behind th
" I ,;� � ,
we only guess. A clever mind like
effected by tbosa outer influences
statues and move their-hailds or hands
, ,
7 ��,` I
yours, Mr. Dantoo no doubt in always
which, In themselves, may be reckon-
or speak for them, never doubting that
, ., � �,',' , ". .
guessing, but for 'knowledge' a few
oil to be but of very small importance
at that'moment their movemonts and
z��,. �
� . '�
facts and proofs am necessary in this
Indeed. "Surroundings" are things
Nvords were inspir'bil by the divine
I 11 L - 1.
. - �� I
hard, prosalcal world."
which the ignorant may scoff at, but
spirit dwelling in the statues. The
, , �
, , ,,,
� ��', �L
From the very bottom of his soul he
which the %visa man will not be no fool-
statues were regarded as so very much
,. �1,rk�l
' �
admired their. What a wOrQa0 Ila'
hardy as to set at nought.
alive that in war they shared the fat
�" , 1- ;
L -1 � ,
want With such a wife as that the
- A Rose by any other name " would
of those people whose deities they
I . ��', r-.�- �. �
, L' ,�'L
world might have been at his feet I
he had
-in spite of the Immortal William-
were. They were taken prisoners, con-
,L, '1�
, �.
But for all his admiration no
lose a large Oare of Its attractions,
demnedd to death or given into slav-
'1�3 �, ,
L. �, . I
" ,
intention of sparing her.
"My facts and proofs are quite aim-
and a lovely woman in rags will never
appeal to mankind with ad much force
ory-in other words placed in the
temples of the conquering gods. It
I � I �
I -
I -
I 11 lie answered quietly. had you
as If able be clad in velvet and dis -
they were returned to their own
". � ..l� 11 ..
� �, , ; , , .,�� "
on you last visit to the north-
ern outskirts of London."
monds. Or, again, put bar into a sor-
temples they bore inscriptions testify-
�.. '.', �L
, "',"i .. ..... . ll
', L", �',
"By &.1ttlundering detecitive, who In-
did and dingy lodging, and will one
in a thousand be bold enough to tit-
ing to their defeat and imprisonment,
, :, p �,,� �,*`,
� ,, ,,�,., ,
� t 1� , "'J"
tarprated a visit of clarity to a be -
firra, thet the same subtle charm will
,., ... . .... z
' N ,.r.,
�L; �
ridden relative of my mother's Into the
cling to her presence as In her own
� I .
. , 11
" � I :!� 11 1,
existence of a person whroull you had
made it his interest to discover." she
fragrant and rose -tinted boudoir I
, LL � - �
: � :� 'l
L . 7, 1�;
cried acornfully. �
)Vom6n seldom do disregard these
Is is just Now reoplos Feet Most Use F-Ilasel
1 ',
I .1. 1'.
l! r.
"Not so, madame. I am act Yet 80
things. It is man who Is npt to de -
aptse them -often to his own discom-
ofLoagidwatknot ludeorConawfulent
:. .. "
devoid of the rudiments of common-
,Winter is the most trying season of
L".� .�'. � L
rr ,
affairs to the lin
mass as to trust my 11
There Is a homely and somewhat
the year so (a r as health is concerned
" r-��"'�
Wits of what you very appropriately
vulgar proverti, which explains trite-
Confinement indoors and overheated
I .
el.� .,.� �,.,,
�� �. ,,�
cel t ' 1 de-
I the *blundering' pro sea one
teetive. This who folio wed
ly where and how a barn-III)or fowl
and impurl air, makes even usually
Ople feel dull, languid and
I �,, I ,
, I
, ,
1� ' I
person you
was a trusted friend, whose Anterests
can crew to this beat advantage. And
it is to this that I --aa
genera Y run down. ,
iI , �
l�' L ��' 1 �
" L'
ars my own, and who was able to Iden-
proverb would,
delicately aF I know how -make nllu-
A tonic is needed to assist nature in
,� 11
I I, 1. �
I tify the man be ,want to look for."
men. Perhaps, even * Matthew Dane
regaining IoLst energy. , April is the
I ) I
.. How east one identify what one deals
may bhvs recalled it to his mind, as
MODtb Of all months when a tonic In o
1. ,
.11 � 11. -' I
doea not see V she ejaculated. And
lie wheeled forward that luxurious arm
the most service. , Dr. Williams' Pink
L � � ,,
wbilat she spoke, ways and means
chat r for his visitor, placed c cushion at
Pills for Pale People lathe only true
, I
, i 1,
warn fleshing quick an lightning
her back, and a footstool be
tonic medicine. They do not purge
I �
through her brain, ways Of getting
feet. To a cortalntyv Madame de Bre-
nd thus further weaken the already
� ': �';
down that very night to that lonely
four rame,miliered it.
constitution. These pill
: : ,,,,
house amongst the Hempstead lanes,
" fle has trapped me nicely,-, abs
make rich, red. onorgy-giving blood
L ,
, ��' ,� �
means of smuggling forth Its wretch-
said to herself, with a grim sense of
and transform listless, tiredandworn
� ,l:,
ad inmate and conveying him in some
Impending defeat, " one must speak civ-
Out men and %women into smiling
. �
� � 1� � I '.
Bafer refuge.
illy to it man In his Own hen."."
healthy, happy work -loving people.
. C, � �
. :
'*But he did am," replied her Inquisi-
tor, calmly. . "After you had gone he
Tht umbrella bad been the boglimin
E Sims, ofthe Salvation Army
Klo'gmton, writes. "At the time I
! , , , ,
Came to his window and looked forth
at defeat, the study arm-chw- - - -
and sattold It.
(wilered some of your Dr. Williams
I � � ,
after you, and he held a lighted candle
" Now we can talk,"' said Mr. Dana
Pink Pills I was physically run down
" ,
in his band, and the pale flame flick�
his features. Then
pleasantly, sitting down opposite tohVr
I felt a lack of energy. and always
cried screw some
and rubliffig his hanits one over the
had a tired feeling. After using your
� 1.11 -
11 L
one came and pulled him back, and
0 -
ther with a seraphic smilo, and a cam
(line I felt as well as o0or
. I
draw the curtain sexoss, the window,
fortable Inner sense of regained sup-
,, 4 ,
but not Wore tho watcher had own
arioritt. "You and f, my dear lady,
Thousands - some of them your
I �
enough to swear to the face of Leon
have surely no object Irt quarrelling
nelghbora-have been made well by
� *�)I
", ,,, .
I �. I ,
tie Brisfour."
"Who wis It f" her lips framitill the
with each other, have wet,,
" That depends." demurred Roes
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,butyou must
It the genuine, whIch are acid only
� " , i� ,
� I
words, fier voice was all but inaudible,
somewhat coldly. .
Fne boxes the wrapper around which
. I'll I �'
. I -
'A oro6eatiratit of the truth i6mmed
,to )*ralysib 60N. -the Answer was
" Mine, come, don't be hard upon me.
beV8 the full name. "Dr. Williams
,.":. , ,
I I �
**66ir 11111460606d.
Why shouldn't we come to an under-
-Pink Pills tar PalePaople." Sold by
� � i ��
,� 1� "It wNe 4.1&4Wt TrIC ' L'O
standing in this matter I Now -did "in
all dealers or direct from the Dr. Wit
.�. %, I
_ , ,_4
I AukI& ftotl,4 t1me, them Walk a
not COM6 to act. ins & little While ago
Ilems" Medicine Coo, Brockville, Ont.
� 'ftki it*ti6�t' lit 'blir A.ytba, 4" 'looked
itutha olq With the object 01 sakifig
at, 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
� , . ,�
. I
4lb6%(t bst *jj*A4* ItV0 � a b%i0t,e4, aal,
me to give you a, written Mpitir, a sort
,, (I ,
� 3011011 I **A A A"4�i atill$"k, 0WV4hsW
r,bt. tft pties as 1% WnT06-fAkt, Present
*t V*** W#Af,,too,'*0U,*b* ua Ittod , future —tot Your uWWAY hu*.
� ,
,, %..
Swall affismilit iss 00ted,04t,bat6d �,Islk b"il 1"' - I . � . U6 biAilah at the 0sarins. at Czar.
. , I A' *k6 m4it'latiolis 106is' ro r*A64, You '16 "
- , , i ; � - I � 6 Ali' WW0X* itkitl$b 606 U ailild to. bit 1, "Oloul
�24* lk# A.60 btl*rdoh for %4 tsiZ �u 1440 0
I ..
.. I � - 4t r "Oky Lkwo.,
, 1111"ime b60w*kip#kfatI1rj A,
1 V44,01
I � I
1X$1*" ft"t Dis*oud .
-44 �
4ittaillutw *07 110t atid,vtty, bp�rft,
I$ iivt"a. musell at "i4&t ver -
'161 4" ww�iti' Votliz
111stillit", *—W t6 It *10d of Ilits 10*W1
I . 11 � � ., I
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Aurt Cittlait ukli #f0*11isito *6*6w Cozy
, ,.�,....,
I . �
I dwft, ta, tokil Wk i". 'W,
is"AnisMA, %A4 Iftal A, *to 010toat.
� .
Th* bt,tht
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i1a -k to"tWA ittibst 41AM104 Vt I
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�J-'�� � I -- -- � I
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,,�, ,, MI .
.-.----- -- - -- -----I'-
. —
A Record -!f4ke lKwenots Taktax rince In Ike
Lnuoi or site siose-Loscresging occur
A rubber trust company, composed
of the leading rubber men lit Eng-
land, hats been organized with a ga,pi-
tal atock of #13,000,000.
A now bishop in to be appointed for
Mombasa in the I.Jgaada proWtorate.
It Is also proposed to ebtablish a But-
fragan bishopric for Egypt
The Board of Trade returns concern-
itill; the changes of wages and hours
of latiout to 1898, show that Increases
number 1,100 and decreamses 50.
The Culocial Office h4ve appointed
Itimpeaor Perrett, of the C division of
the Metropolitan Police, to be chief In-
spector of the Criminal Investigation
m traits Settlement.
The superiatendenbi of the several
Royal Dockyarda have been officially
informed that the Admiralty have de-
cided to enter a total of 150 naval Lip-
prentices at the dockyards this year -
A Queeri'm Bench juri recently
awarded Mr. Barrett, member of Lon-
don county council, 9200 for damages
for libel contained in a certain state-
ment publish,ed in the London Evening
Sun. I
Lord Linter has received another dim-
tinUiurx, he hits been awarded the Her -
ben gold medal for 1898 of the Royal
Institute of Public Hiealth in recogni-
tior, of his servitses to preventive medi-
Sir Lindsay Wiled is to be presented
by the Durham Coal Trade Association
wilb hill portrait, paint -ed by Mr. Or-
ellardson, and a service of siWer plate,
in recognition of his services (is their
chairman for 25 years.
The criminal statistics for 1897, just
issued (is a Parliamentary blue book,
ishow- that the total number of porSOUS
tried tit assizes and quarter sessions
(luring the year under review was lt,-
215, a number less than in any year
mince 1857, with tha exception of 1896.
Mr. Faithfull Begg, M.P., has con -
Rented to undoitake the leadership of
thl!) WOVIOLI'8 Suffrage question in the
Ijuttso of Commons in consequence of
t he retirement from that position ot
Mr Wyndham, M.P., on his acceptance
uf the office of (.Jnder Secretary for
Mr. JuaLIce Mathew, in his charge
to the grand jur3 at the Surrey a& -
sizes, said that in �uturo the assizes
would be hold in Surrey in the autumn
as in every other city in England, and
lie hoped precautions would be taken
(hat the three assizes were hold at
equi-distant periods, so that prisoners
were not detained for an undue time
before they were brought for trial.
Joseph Best, of Edgbaston, has left
by his will X100, free of duty, to each
of the following Birmingham institu-
tions:-Genisral Hospital, Children's
Hospital, Blind Asylum, Deaf and
Dumb Asylum, Birmingham DiBpen-
sary, Blue Coat School, Eye Hospital
and Women's Hospital. The bequest
to the last-named institution is made
in memory of the late MrB. Mansell),
wife of Robert Mansell.
During the week ending Jan. 14 no
fewer than 16 steamers landed cattle,
sheep and fresh beef at Liverpool from
various American and Canadian ports,
and the arrivals were the largest for
some time past. Tha total arrivals
amounted to 4,430 cattle, 6,922 sheep
and 28314 quarters of beef, which,
compar�'d with the arrivals of the Pre-
viou8 week, shows an increase of 2,308
cattle, 5,644 sheep, land 8,575 quarters
of beet. I
The postal authorities give notice
that Zanzibar, Burmah, and British
I ',�xhtmbla aro'bow Inefulled in the pen-
- , � I st,geigheme; also that the parcel
postage rate has also been,revise'd both
for British Guiana and Zanzibar. They,
however, warn the public that the Post,
ago of letters to Australia, New Zea-
land, Cape Qolorly, Jamaica, Malta and
Mauritius still remains at 2 I -2d. per
half ounce, and that letters prepai . it
only a penny will be charged Sol. per
half ounce on delivery.
At Trefo ' non c�t nisar 0sweRtry
the vicar, the o _Icteo.g. Williams:
has takan exceptrpthto people reading
a in chul ch dur'n , sermon. On a
recent Sunday,,Z. asked a lady to dis-
continue doing so, as she disturbed
him. She could leave the church if she
liked. She (lid so. Later the vicar gave
notice that poisons wishing to read
should retire during the singing of the
0 hymn before the sermon. If he saw
any one reading be would at once close
the service and report the matter to
the bishop, by who-ge decision he would
loyally abide. The lady referred to and
hex friends left during the singing of
the hymn before the sermon.
The report of the committee appoint -
ad by the Board of Trade on the ques-
tion of the rule of the road at sea was
discussed at a conference at Bull of
owners of steam trawlers. It was con-
tended that a steam trawler could not
be regarded as a free vessel when fish-
ing nor was it possible for her to be
mancieuvred with -the same facility as
. a free steamer. Under tbwe eirCUM-
stp,nces it was not possible, without Be,
rious awrition of efficiency to carry
out the suggestions of the committee
go as to make the vessel practically free
to act, and a resolution to this effect
met with the unanimous approval of
I the cent oreace, at) well as a 'suggestion
to the Board of Trade to adopt the min-
ority report.
. —
. "*IV W644 May I -at Wear Natut, on the
I FrulL .
I The landscape gardener has so long
and so persistently improved upon na-
I ture that now the fruit -grower thinks
. he ban a right to I ry. Any person who
wants a supply of apples bearing his
famil3 or"t, has only to send an il-
lustration of it to ccrtain growers at
Montreuit, Fran", and he will duly
reoeivc the fruit the following ate -
I The desired end in attained by grow-
ing tkq, apple in paper bags, which are
slipped on when the fruit is about the
- size of a walnut, Being thus alialter-
� ed from the sun, the applea do not ool-
. or ka thby Swell. and when fully
grown still ramairt green or yellow.
Bo eir maxi-
mum size tho'bass which co*or them:
##&M W
eff 'If
There is pica,reely 4a individual A4
i ,
China who In not colapatent to cook
Hath ffts R Do." ibilascif a respectable moilil. The p".
A doctor's examination , 'eat 'It- do" to dinner cooked by
. I the baud "of his wife or daughter-ini,
might show that hialneys, I law. 1. large establishments the
liver and litomach Are namal, I ,:-It* are Invariably me.. Halt a
I dozen. coolies will squat round a
but thi doctor cannot 4nalyze I bucket of steammilf rice and from four
the blood upon which these to six small savory dishes of stewed
cabbage, onions, scrape of fat Pork,
orgara depend I cheap fish. etc. They fill their bowls
flood's Sarisporil urifisp, vitaijzas, � at discretion from the bucket. They
and eapetes the b1n. It cures you
A � help themselves discreetly with their
when a bit off " or when seriously obop-sticka from the various relishes
afflicted. Is new disitipjitotists. I provided. On ordinary oocasionj5 even
Dye , My husband bad dyspep- a wealthy China- a will sit down to
Nis imPRORD.Wd a Sarsaparilla cured him. I some such simple fare, served, indeed,
Our little boy was nervous and the baby � on a table instead of on the ground,
had ulcerous sores. It cured botlit." Uss. but in Qmost equally simple style. It
EXUAL azill, Portage. Pa. I Is only when a banquet is substitut-
kiiftellitign - ,,I could Oat eat for some ed for the usual meal that eating in
months On account of distress and triollges- I treated seriously as a fine art in a
Von. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured we to that : marmer worthy its importance
can eat and alwit well." MRs. G. A. OuNTz, 1 human race. Then the guests .1iou ,.,,.,-, ,
Taylor and Walnut Sts., Wilmington. ". , actable between two and four in the
I i afternoon and will remain steadily at
ykggg J " I the table until any hour from ten to
0 .--- I midnight.
. so
4",� - I HE GOT IT.
Hoold's Pills cuInit U.Sr In.; the nou-Irrit.ung cAld
,,, lth%ilao to take with Itooldle ear"pwil 1 Fresh Y ung Man, at first-ulass jes-
taurtint-What have )on here?
Wit iter -Every thing, air.
F Y. M., SlleeTillgiy-EVery thing f
TEL19PHONE WHICH CAN SHOUT. Have it served at once.
— � Waiter, yelling -Hash for one,
Frruchinau ,,,went* a Recol- 11alolugst lllc�lse- 4
po%slbie to itter sousAi% nany %Artlx
Front ilin stamirumeni. � Iowa Farmit for "a, 32 per otare dash, flat -
According to it report from London � ance 4 crop until paid. J. Mullion, Insult city, ta.
. .
An titgOnLOUS and desirable Improve-
Enent of (he telephone has just been
perfected. The inventor is a French- � Mra Lash -What did you get baby
man, M. Geriiiaia, who is attached to for a birthday present ?
Mrs. Ral took ten dollars out of
the lerench Ministry of Posts LkndTole- � ,be little darling's bank and bought
graphs. It occurred to him some time I IlLm this iovely lamp for the drawing
ago that the usefulness of the tele- 1 room.
phone would be greatly enhanced if i
the sounds transmitted over It could 1 An Easter Creating.
be heard at. a greater distance (Ind For those who have thought that
with more distinctness than is thm! catarrh is uncurable and to whom.. the
I constan use of snuffs and ointments
case at present, and be at once set was a I'moat unbearable, Catarrhozone
to work to make an improvement in 1comes as a sure and delightful cure.
this direction. . No need for fetid breath, broken voice,
� nd dropping in the thr(rat. Send fo
Now, I be story goes, he has so adapt- a Outr
ed the telegraph wire that the micro- iCawTi-hozone and be convinced. -
i fit, $1.00. �;ample bottle �Lnd inhaler,
phone is made to develop and intensify I 10 cents.
the vibration received, the result be- N. C. POLSON & CO.
iug that it is unnecessary to place Kingston, Ont.
the receiver to the car or stand with, I —
the mouth close to the transmitter Ill I WANTED HIS BAND.
other words, it is claimed that ii� tbe '
use of this new attachment conversa- I Band Leadar-You wants us to blay
tion can be easily carried on between I mit der funeral i Ems it a military
two persons, both of whom may be funeral I
several yards distant from the instruc- Stranger -No; it's the funeral of nay
ment. We are also told that thL,3 im- brother. He Wnpa privqte citizen. a
provement which 'is familiarly known req nested t hat 0 ur band mhould pi!y
its " the high speaker," has boon off,- at his funeral.
cially tested on several occasionR and Bant) Leader, proudly -My pand, eh?
has provea. a complete .success. Vy he shoose my pand I
. Stranger -He said he wanted every-
. body to feel sorry he died.
. Silicon generally spoke 11 If as the
— if L, bt A) f
element Al ,send, and little thong
Clear and Convincing that Dodd's its value in grain growing enters into
Kidney Pitts Cure Dtabotes: out- usual calculations, yet in ooujuac-
- . tion with the potash the acid of
Igagincer james Grnhasn's Case Was Pro- silica or silicie acid, forms an import -
a n t part of the grain, and through
viounced incurable by a Lending Mon it we got The hardening. When we
greAl physiclan-Vel Doiddos kidney consider -the, the amount of silicia re -
Pills Cared IL . quired to harden grain and give straw
Montreal, P. Q., April S. -Thick and I stamina in nearly equal tit the total
fast eOme tjpe most convincing Proofs i aggregation of nitrogen, phosphoric
of ,,hie really aearvelou,B cures of Kidney acid and potash, over 90 per cent. anti
Diseases, in this city,'by Dodd's Kidney actually 47 1-2 per conO S)f the total
Pills. Not it day passes on Which we mineral matter of the crop, it assumes
cannot read reports of severn I cures -at some importance -in the light' of our
home, right here in Montreal, tit our softening grains anti softer straw.
ow u doers. The fact that There is lots of it in
in the face of this vast mass of proof, the soil, does not meet the case, a B like
%we must believe what such an oniorm- the other essential inorganic elements
one number of our fellow-citizeas writ, it is usually locked up so hhrd that
on the subject, viz.: That there is no our plants cannot assimilate it,; con-
othter medicine known to science, thab sequently the valuable, Thouths-Phow
call at all equal Dodd's Kidney Pills, phate Powder with its available silica
as a cure for Kidney Diseases of all come. to our aid, and along with it
tylp- � � phosl ate of lime, p,bosphate of mag -
Many hundreds of Montreal —1- Q
,And phrosphate of i&ron, This, and
have been culred 'of -.-. . �-. trio -fact, that, grains,' particularly
Dodd's, Kidney Pills, but there are irk whotat, take 4hosir phosphates largely
the city, still, hundreds of other suf- as pho�3pbate of magnesia, partly ftc-
ferers who (to not know thatt by using counts for the 'hardness and quality
,this famous remedy, they van be cured, as well as the great yields of %wheat,
positively cured,, for all tinre and at 77 bushels tier arre, obtained from the
almlost no OXP,enses- . use of Thomits-PlIqatihate, tie well as
That such is the case, let the ex- the stiff straw of the crops.
perience �of Engineer James Graham, of �
No 50 Victowia Square, prove. I
Mr. Grab= hald Diabetes for six Do you think It proper, said the man
years. One of the most eminent of who was trying to keep his temper, to
Montreal's physiciant; examined him, laugh at a man who slips on a banana
and informed him that his case was peal by accident I Well, replied the
beyond all aid -incurable. spectator, apologetically, I laughed by
No wonder the sufferer grow despon- accident, too. I didn't think of Buch
dent. -But one day he read of it won- a thing until I saw you.
derful curt) of Diabetes, effected by
Doddjs Kidney Pills. He at once bought bit 1. the belot digo,ster 1. the al-ket
a box and began in use them. Th silloo, Poultry ( HL C.- Motarlt.l.
causeKl marked improvement, and be
used two boxes more. Now he i As " .
healthy as he ever was, robust and But you will deny the statement that
you are a thief? suggested the report -
hearty. er. Of course I won't. replied the poli -
Isn't this proof enough that Doold's tician. If I deny that it Will simply
Kidney Pills will cure Diabetes? give my enemies a chance to charge
it ought to be, surely I me with something worse. No,sir;l'll
. denv not1ing. I
— Per Over FIftv Years bosen.
14na wnqaT,Ovr9 800THING STRUP bm
The Vield for 1999 It"Pre.entlosil a Million V h1l nalthers for thel, chil rose tostablois. It soott,beis
and n 111nif. a ob 14, sonions the Name. al'IT oil Polls, mras -Ind
Us, and f best.remooll toi artillces, 25� & b0t�
Mr. Archibald Blue, of the Bureau Sold L�*Iill 16
,Z%thrSit 611% tb-.;g.11. -
� ."
01 11dinesS, has practically completed El-"m'andgaktwl*mm ONWW
big L tables of returtip in connection I notice a coldness between you and
with Ontaxio's miner � at production for Mrs. Nextdoor. What is the trouble
1898. Nickel is still her most exten- She sent her little boy over yesterday
sively developed industry. The cop- for a stepladder we borrowed of her
two years ago. The artful woman let
par and nickel min6s of the Sudbury it stay blare all that time so she could
country gave employment to an aver- end for it some day and make me feel
lige of 610 men durinj 1898, and the cheap, -
Nvages paid to them amounted to $315,-
500; as against $253,2M in 1897, and TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAV
Take Laxative Boolono itultilas Tablets. All Drur
$240,151 in 1896, All the Ore producs- 111111181lefilkild the Manor if It twin to aind. no.
est was smelted, reduced to matte, and ---- —
then exported to the United States to A pun, remarked the pedant. lamere-
be refined. Eight million three hun- ly a play on words. Yea; answered
dred and seventy-three thousand, five the frivolous person. They call -it a
play; but as a rule it seems more like
hundred and sixty pounds of refined arduous and unnecessary work.
copper were produced, valued at $268,-
080, and the Wooluee of fine nickel LA T0110ansk, 10c. RELIANCE CIGAR
was 5,567 . 690 poundg, valued at 9514,- FACTORY, Montreal.
220. Those valuations are based on
the.selling price of the matte, which Petay-Pap, whist do" Eureka meanl
is fIguXed to be one third of the mar-
ket I the refined metal. The rather-Tbat is what the wissat man
price 0 said upon the occasion when he dlecov-
total Value of both metals produced in
189$ wit& $782,300, and in 1897 was but bred )his lost oollar button.
$559,710. In 1896 it stood lit $247,- 1 ..IN --
151. . -I I
Most likely the oldest dmatimaker's . � L"— I
bill inthe world him been discatexed
on a Chaldean tablet dated 2 8W B. 0. Man Destultleirl-Doean't a man's me -
It has an entry of "Wpure ;�; end love usually differ from his first
tm6ats level Aunt"Broadhead-Yes, she gii
(or. the PrIcalts." AM6611 thb Items are, orally has more, money,
.�Tan white rebels of the Templi% eight I I
robes of the house of his lady, ten 60- ,
lore of the bellies of his lady, ten Pair 96*16 ThIs 2
of gold 0111itS. .tWO White tables, and
four wanted robelia.11 Aho "twoo wind-' I, we oftr ous, alladr6a mus" itiwam tot
� L, f0*1illy,soltvas for binding the L H isa" of M*-rh %bist b" Ito lid otiftol by,
I V. A 0006"o'cotm I �
. t I S,OMWX,r& r4o,4 W L' bi�
=11 11 I L I , IT, .0O3 V ,
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im" � " " ; 11 . r-2 �A , 0 - -1
Wisdom in buying tea consists in buying the best. � I I
L -U D E L LA ,
L."d fa0ages. CeyLON TEA. 2 S. Jo. V, Sol 6OC*
- =============� -
- - 11.1-,.. I—— I - . onboy,s improvcd -�Y �
, , I
, . ;
. -1-1- -.:,. CarriagC lops ,.. ��,'�
P-1 I . � THE suingel AWARD
. . itf.OEIVAD
I I I I � 1. AT TM9 "0111.11-11 FAIR t$03, .
- --
- .
.91, ot ... ul-� with I . � I
I, - 8,.b " pat000t R1211.1 " okic4ur. . .
11 f ,-h.L0Lh"aI.oAAA. �
On hu. .-LA it"".(.,jo, ull,"LI0111 and �
I LL or, aro a0w I nou tho Conbor i
11" I . .
.1 1,11011"'LlLil-L)"p"'t h,,adwinkpoilty . .
;�','."gaw. I...I. -1111 'd inferior - .
64 P,,"a ,,,t"' At.aa - Ato --
It e
. on.lits to te 3-4 "t' 91' I ,,pt tlr� .A AloAr per. ll
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feet 3, ALA .olorloo, .1 .
.1 1.�
,V,.. ,,, ,,d.r Y011 , I,,.ggy .Lipulato � I
I - e, that it Is to have 411 ., I r
wit,, y,urorriait� butid .1 L, ..
10 . genuits. Ooalb,j lt-lits" Top. ,,, ialitatiou'l ., ,
.; li� % ,
vice ao�ttr -a 900 . 11,
I # . � - . A �,
I . I . I I I I .
j - 11
The German Emperor when receiving us 9M , , -
ufeign representatives or military at- -- - ---- - --
--- �
action of foreign Powers, alw ays wears catat cutter, Fell& 1'r"u"- .
'I .
he uniform of the army of the coun- WE BUY pis ` cs, wti, -d quote 1, weite I
ry the visitor represents, and some- THE AIKENHEAL PRODUCE CO., .
.imes during a levee he will change 88 Front St. E., Toronto. L
,IN uniform, five or six times. I
W. P. C. 968
OALVERT'S (,.Iy . 0 ... d. I- Ih- ,ol's 01 I
Carbolle Disinfectants. soup*, Oint, .... I Ph— -I -P--b d.i-,. V'W'Wbed
I.T.-.6. IVA U..�..a..d .
wilonit. Tooth Powdera, ate.. linve bedil SCHUR(JU-8 jVTO vocF. NSTITUTV..
4warded 100 ined&ls &lid diplotn" for atipe -i or 9 pelab-lis 4L. TAIntol. OArads
ixcellonce. Th,,ir reffular ulas pro ro - tin fti- - - — .
el. diseotiami. Aqk Your doat'er to obtain it
'upply. LiottlinusiltdfreotonapplicatiOn. cylaef SOS
F. C. CALVERT & CO-, ' bre wo
C- Alsk Y.",
ONFE N I G HTl`-g-&i3 t.oIL. V�i- 10, D�,Jffio OILS COSIT
MONTREAL Bile A., Ph'.. Cermanla Oil CO., 134 ealy St., Tor.)nto.
The 11 Salflil FrOD 81 51) & ,it, EA L A UrfO.NIATIC
_C,r, .,,.-d al 24 h-.. I D ,
Rheumatism - ` "Ta"' -'a by til." SCHOOL DESKS,
..,e..1vt.f81 DfLR0UBY,V0B..3lVS,M"'' B" I TEACHERS' DESKS
-----------C — ---- ". f.1r,,:,,,�I., AND TABLES.
CUTTING 8 HOOL -1""'r'%'d="d' t., -t The 011106 81i"On"ty Mfg- ON"
�1..... c. & 1). sctloo: C -O", ontreal. I,. (,,,I,
- ----- -- - - 12� -d 1�'A It,, '51 T .Aa..
G-hamplon 8YRUP. O.W.00u� il X � ,� N
G. LL GRfM MFil. CO.. bfLI, "' '
-- -- si,�,H�Lia a% C per
---- - f.,:.d NeW Tires pr.
'r,""" """
I, "
8tammerersi.'..,..i.. not;(11.11. TUH 0 u 0
.1l-, .,iw t.
Dr. Arlitat, Mein whowalsonivio,"Itaillets.n -,.yo, B.,,t 0� 0. D ill .., 0A,-. I
- - � - Will ..a ... it.. it ,oq.-Lad. �
0 . 8 A.11,k "Itio,"r ONT.
Skin Diseas "' ,�y 1"at'di 7 Whit. B. NORTHAM, TORONTO,
L)r It.;L","A,,, ---
timu. Pondo�. $1.00 ,b,r,AlA%iI. Wm. P'.. .", "h-1 1843
P r -1. 370 Cr -is _ M -t -L L. COFFEE & CO-, t"If-"'
t.ohip,,hivth tot CRAIN AND COMMIS910H
The Dawsoq Commission Co., Lintited, MERCHANTS,
Wem=.43.�,Cocio. -- -- - floonras 400.12 Board of Trade Nuilding, I
LAWMille, (Allis a, tactics, TOWNY0, ONT.
Barrilitem-Le.. ronievosil THOMAS FlYNN Jon,si L. Coisl.e
W wa-l-y Allign., 11ticit - . ---- -- - - -
Mond HL WTorointc. HARRIS LEAD
, -I-' In T-- BUYS
Stammerersss,m COPPER
ng My Lrlp 11 na, MY
Itook will won be catioplete. it will Rile Ytt' tull Insti"" I
tj ...... J!Tloa�_Il b� $5, W. K.-u.t.,392L%,Il.g..t.,T.,,�,�t- SCRAP BRASS -S
----------- --
T,,,_,. L,,,Att, .,W .,,pr.I; W1.010-10 0.1y William St., Toronto
Young Men I -t, Lh Clali;'� ,."I""'A"'
0.--t. LEARN TO LIUT K d ii1l", Long DistatictsTilleptione 1729.
Toronto Canine School, 113 Vonge St. TcnintO. - , -
-- -- - --- - - - .
11 %7 Wanted - ,QKNOWS
AgentBetit selling orticleoto the.m 'NOW"'AOTH
sk.t b,-II,,�t, f� �,) LIV
loop '.d h.,.0 E.� -Iv. t,,,", _ 1.1y. THE VALUIE OF
RoWlt LL,% BURY - ch.."g.olild L���
IV,,,,,,, 1- l,r",, III TV " s
Garment Cutting,." ,,, --.,i... I. , I-=
. thii, .,H g.1d.a. - r'qmW-
i—or do—nikii—en I ,! W I BU 'T it CO., PARTURIENT MEDICRIL -
. - --- - - -- --- --- -- - _ _ . _ _ _
TI I 1, tifill
Wrl A, for sp�inl Lecoloti during January iind Feb y FREE 6-olita ons Atin . 1. ...
S. CORRIGAN. 113 at. I , lfllit� r1u.11.1joses caa,,
... - 2.1 lRngId,ud,lI,ityVuk,mie.T
11l,itutmr, Itw, "d, vivic -.1
Agents ll tole ling artirt,1 oleitiar Wanted A— � b- " s. mu'd., Mi
kl-t 901. ii -i ,y,t.r,, I— I tot lik' ... h R.-li. ". lk,213.wl
ROWV, t,i,,1d h-- .F- 1,,!,�,� t.,rit,,ry. -I'. rt.g 111RCE by .t.on
1. , nutty -9 .. .. ... INI.W.0 � .-H. Liborva ... I.I.., ill-.
- '2 - v It ;;3L XAMittgoods mtuntoiblq, I
.�p "BEA EM BFIAXQ " 11"'---�', ,
. I "HE 8UrPLV.CQ04.� , ,t"; %i- I
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roof. AX i 11 It.-- - - - I .. -1 I . , .�- -2
1, ;N
�ft- ,,r Ruble -r Ch,th..ii Co., Wnte,!iAl. I -- , . �
- .-- -- ROYAL MAIL
ROOFING and 81180t��fffatftr:(,;. Dominion Line STEAMStIll"S
It00FI N I- SLATIll. I,, III— � Ill Ht John, N 11, -4 H.IJt,o,, A, I,iII. -111% tit
�R , I
ftedortir. SLATEBLACI 0ARL)R(w. .11,."y l,�rg -l r"'t. � is.- .t�oofn Itill
Ifigh 4� -uthill Felt, ,,��,L'cl �,,, .;V ANCOt'i, ER - SCOISMAN.'
Pub'i�, -1 tht)oI,,Tkl1)V1) It, , Oil LAURADOR . '
U..d T, -r, eil,. HOOFINI;T]I.F:(K,.,N,.(',,yP,,il,I lj,gerjor ltc.,�olinoaoldatloa or First Cable, Sec.
iAAg.,T.,a. Ionob�tlnt,t hILt,IC,iI4,,gNC,,r on Cabin andSteerattis pmoienger,,. Rates0f I
kaCoI,. leto. RZ,`ovitt�os nosh,d I— ,rk .,,,.I,I,t, I (11 pAage llo�t Cablit, P5.00 � &oswnd Cabin.
lnaterialaRhil)p,-,It.�a,j;,,irt,ttli,-,,o,tiitry Ph,,i,elfix V33 St 12250 wild upwardis according to
M DUTHIE &SONS, AdolindaAWId-or ets,,Toiroontoi. atea;nler an F., ,,It let . ...... tion ap
___ _ _ply
— - to LOO861 Agenud, or DAVIv ToRa,%Nc. & UO.,
LEM11 FILES and Goin'l A -gents 17 8t. Sacraine., 131, Mattreal.
r1q" Shannon TRANSFER CASES, _ _ _ _ -
2MFile Completle $1 DO. notor,landAmhW. THR MOST NUTRITI(WS.
"I'lipl' B(mrd a Aid A reli, ?N-.
Binding 4�-m $3-0) p- d-a ,p:,,tl,
The Office 313961aftY IM9. CO, Litlilt,
122 ..d 124 B.y St., TAIRONTIT. E P P S'S -
GIFTS� fi-d -m. tind .dd,.. -d
�fll 1 2 d.. plig. opts
0.1 8-a P- 8-1., A. ti,lll
lit 10.� I,., Pk,ai., II,W
not this .... y ..d . I I
...d y.. holy. ., �'I. 8tvin
.i"d wille" givarnt,'1, 0th Kin.
_ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ ____
/ loner �
11 Maltese
Cross "
\ Tubes. /
-- .- . - I -- - I -
. ffl. W,e give this fine 4-Blado
ILPearl Handle KNIFE fm
selling 12 Ot our Bright
- Light - Chem;cal LAMP
WICKS at 5 ccl)ts each,
Simply send your address
and we will forwnrld wicks
� post id. Wit 'n sold, send
the rldents And %,a uitl send
,, knife, with all ehitk�ges finio,
I P AdIftem, I , i
.� � 040 MmIlly 06 Umto. oat, I
,". 4","110**h*t (70**%�. LL'
1: " , :� , '1*6NNV6i&"s,J*. R� r l
I11 .4W,6 4). I
Will "ollw, �'o.t.*oo"
. , ioulad. '........'. -ht , ,
I . I ' "' �' - L '-
16 Wimeli$, OW *
-- . - ---- - ---
29 OF OUR '3TUDFNTS hir-tintly tilke. good
sitil.tionts, and four poilltions mmain unfilled.
� I � V I �::
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fJ d .
STRATFORD. ONT. We totuh ml bminessil Init.
tatlot. - Iii...... 1. toll, o,timpoitition our arsdit.tes
Airtifteil'boll.6"Oh.... R..Ittoa ... .ptimloote out
work. Best Oammorcial Bothiloil In Olinads. Enterno,w.
(Arealm ll
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
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Ar (,,,,,i,,,,,, &QAU-4.n, Ulub-, L Altintider,lo
P,OrftfLbbr Inforon"16, Sliply to
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