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The Goderich Star, 1899-04-07, Page 5
, _ - _ _ -• _... . `� _ • - The too _o". its Mere eats a Newspapers sod an m Qui, �___ . . . I - ! ! I i Ri I . . . I I .W' ::+ -, ,moi'' a.q 1kgssnihi'i 8kQ4xtl� W#ib gall A ' ` ' - ,� plre, �Q ,**Ow atowo�I w�t�1111110 � , , Sol$ , ,ft I , . ,. �' - + 4 - . tar laic �' It ,,r+ea,- El ..I *I I ,ee.+i 'l lata[ 1t?'' iks.: , I.0T , T k 'k W . ,OAN P 80 °j1', uttl [life. tat+ 'Pr , , E M , N "ART 'i u 0 ]lcgtlte _ g!t4MtI bill; %_ A R 'i!I��Mt1iN��!Qr Tf�AM—it, y �! ttaQ40WitClfibaatf.�t�If9 % twin Wb".I HE a �' " Avid affcr f.laAil [,cola at [�'�• a!7t • tbeylatlu•"iitMMtr4lpl 1)t 1.ptlile 1SF xottt;a f yo tr Oft 1 T AIRa,CLINTON.��R�tr08L1. e lie utlt Mali AtnpeleN 4 It iG "� t'i. 99 x+ ,.,i � : Y 114 a Will�4w*1the �% • : , Ill 0&,ttltp,yl�' ; } d![rtttulti : tlitifirttlal:eltttFEl1K v4lll.; w .w w+ r,,,. I.i � �: I , wrp 01' 1 I� ►'� Ott Z1olr , PP ,� ls► turffvr riatlatcaareaiettee +tefd lull a . `c'De . „tl�it `�'Ql* 1? t >~ all'tttlt lalt9999 uggf 3llil ilwtf',: The BtRr►{ ewla 4t' wills o Jid tl4ock to q�y is tall cwtlE1i ill`s, tltrl►MeiAlle Iitttslt l4llxv?TD.Afi 1►9pAMk+1>tee{ 18 0l fiatipork,tnitpiee+w le tlw�rglfu+4> iiAYilt►ir a All telt. re\?It . [Hata t r I t? sg W.e want tq glee, l{ hra r 3 l t?Xslu "I I t h : 'x` * gate. Htlr«t : l? tir>xi J<nstltiit. +t+ll 4. two a v a stuff at�Ir B.iM R ltarEa gt lltae l7rlr'il}14da +lr R:iralwt tpld e1 iui►lla� 11" a 10 . at �tll t*yi a - ' osir 1 I9 V.lw r, k. ,e 1wrBat?4,1i<xtgl f3ngst Qtlrp t ►pd tlurli►ln Roel[ •rw• attallp i► 11Ne t1faP: aro aaxa ice s tt,all cc , r ' pow price, tXt Flli _ . , ... h�A.e tlksrl4e tri Ittln quo exsurwlon tit W. y + d 4 . p e, a ktfer rtgtl.:{lieu. irAe titlRamtaa ,bac. a. Oar -tp tai . r- y slier rm to thjy co,gpty,: Tbp 9ultrae t:wa pE�arlllTg+t•.eco#e+ofaQad l ctrialw ivokr4i pdcq has bona t on thea =91. e.nti rost gRta w►Yo [nous pp rlotbes llpsdo bl A 'Wer that' fctigl Ni Milt '011 N$, t�Qj fifJ'SI�, i?91" X?I: 'tllgse11ex1da. .Tho balk 4f oar uow•'etitgk ty 1,141' 14tYorl #tgrrl 4 ialt, Gtuolp�, to the Model. >I ttlr0 a ?040 0,0# Pu 5 y Luyfn,i hexa Anila {be sWak ytT t� . �^"^"""""' ' N 1101;1 Ba >�d I p closRP rlega eget nateciitt Ottetia. f gt a +iltatea illilkllll of L1113 lyeatlxSwctotry actx►nt 1t+' itiwty `lhorr 4 all{ roogoi t. t;ciut• [anti usatt of iho $wipy 1>•tga9rY11 tr!'n giYiil6r burl>ueetl. r!l�ttllgti tlltit,. t 1W1ift tllCe%r . p . '1 v+t>.,'a' M n ew *j$$96 4-0", In bea4 aro bat a fate vain 1,e :� tr lea Alx>? � t31ie>Xe+L as 7,taixlR i" pcfGt�ntttigglsf ttk, - llwpma�to,tan ba 114,14.-a to. thea lid. tick tljliill',:J�XI 11itTtttM ilMt+lll�9t.tt(i $rt Ss34�. J mw=vw r0+i�%va",�, t" a . Wtltr,Rr; SiWM Flip"Kyil # X1 A,Aitltt4 ' " _ _ �„ "-.•' a � AlG#�klt$? do h dytQltavaaultt ue�tntHai� +[tad Priestley r Table' �,. Hens+ prociate tilir. ��1P$Y n•�l r, cs?tnpplt'7444?fl.Aa N 15111 1' �1 " i 1 �i�1:; tl 41 ' ° * ry extendve ranR� of lbece boautifgl , lit slosiitns. co#etl from txite,jllil%e4 4gm,pouusl Iron 1t Ills. All ljusus must be �,"pd. out rt the ggOtla,dstalmeearntulty'sticotoit: T64Aciw• TbisRtoraoar[ied �. ,,,�,� Famous 'Bila kikaiocli � . Wiweww'lt aEa[th ilsna Ehatw ptiOW CSE' tlp[l inpst 4rtlrttle In nifty shades of end`at; vary 1Rw P oRe. •ll }ii'�is - - - q > ll8 Inch Table Ltrroa, melt llioaohed, ad+ Wbi111 ptttlepf ltai4 ipQii, baxe Malt. ? �lQtis6� �11(I fll1 1e1 YBt'�4 0ru4ns, Rade, H.lii lVpod iahndew, eta at40e,511q,fW0, 7-1 � � �� et aetlatblethliri,And tltil�i tel leis wltta ,avautlial Slack Dtwea Goode, All .ra rRached ill illi t1c titi0st of ba its r 'A. ti}1 ...- . +,.'r 9� ^�r. . Pet! rtiQa^ • 8tlwtei S1tAil.G.Al tld #w. pb PWii mei: guittg for a good dacl. ineR than r ufax Peieo.............................$t5t. " i ALL l 001. AR,pE1' . GtJIlTA1M SPF131A1, �lll4nue wltn, [twit t udxerf,lee n tits p�• og li4•lgob halt bteanhed 2`a410 Ilaineslr► [idly. poi ezcsptiDrl the eoisuca of tailolnald,•bltp Ii• a tri .+pip Vii. 4* uq a pltaea that 1;'ridhatao a Ctothln in es pear han{at1 rlttptioli ittt�k , pers. , t, a w.0e, who► etas a bin linesR, Orta► ............. . :......... 19 pe � it1 lit'. 98 larches wilds. 1lfade imm boat at w b 1 p Rabe heavy SOotch Natlat►OttCartetaa; Ia0#na11 repltedt "You old gctoae, lC Pnastloy'a India QesAmen, vary fine �i Ar " t l I' 2-04"w horeugbl ; elceNetd aad.ocaared, 4 of MAI su lnehea wbtr:, full9i SardMboag.: Sri r yea. t Fina ttaliw bleached Pate Linen Damook, , 'vise (60044 5,- i t and �'>•' �.attralrI V 3 p1g COrppLH, at per @wast to and baretaf0te a sora fa.ttndei' ab learned he ler long .ago Lh ut tit a wgnrniai goods. all weal, 411lpchas wide, q . . ,Ij7c „ V iL iQ a pntr. trot Rpoclet+tt >1ttNh 44 . . , - yard, OA,Ri. [rhe I was pot invited. You urea a mmulor 75o, sate price ... . ...... . . . .&&0 We whew mora new and eltolu$IYe dastgtts is oIl1C p1 ittljA and $utut+ Taelaergaxll CAra; 7t • - Extra fine, wide, bleached Dwoaak Tab+ Mer ()colo than an others. Wo toe art Qld 1w- holOr now it,yolt [led DO � Priestley's Fana Brocade. black goods, Y guarantee t0 n 6llllI our rio#* ;Mils lowkt Y ling, regular 01.25...... , .... ......8io' • , 13RUf these C4$P,:T8 Invlteti me to'lw your wltt'. t..aiteli mei 44 to 46 inches wide, regular No and $1 ulna you will have gooted on warrap0d first quality eleatb#. O! these high class Garpats we snow an I.M. I.INOLEIiMS. goto Lp a fitaie without," alt invitation. I+'ltIDAY. APRII, Z, 189D�-p_` I loons, rate[,, •ren, medium Brack. to the utio14ua,s and 04cloths.4ultaplefpr kalls g' 87 gI1d ?70 I gneer Hat:." I Manges at ffi 1.00. • vo p beat. Patterns and calors suitable for or ruOnta. ,1, 11, � g and 4 yards wide, at Priestley's all -wool Black Sol[N, 08 to 40 any room. At 85c, No. 01.00 and $1.15. ' close prices, --'-"-'----' inches wide, regular 75e, tale prioe.,82Q IrbW are going to Rall every mattito In the We give our customers the beel, value. We fill every order �I mpt louokl)Qw. HOW THIN YQU INCA t p ase will do fe, guar 00 Spring jy- and on time. We know our business thoroullbly. 'V a do 'lt ,b�flaAt1yt I EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. IFanay Black (3ooda, not PclesUBy%opeclal Maatta, prices havelyr,"t m i8 to 012. 00AT#i, •-• Jaluds 8st110y. tylia has l)o you tike to bear it • If not, take lines, were boo, far sale.............870 go on our oouulere ato[ee...$1.W * atically and courteously. We want your trade, and In return wilil� l;Irebeen eextgt, of tin Prean t01 art ca,,e, )Bunuleion. •Tavil'1 till out our y orge, list the oil the value of your mons suer time. `�y Y 88,uoh all -wool Nav Btae 8 j Thalia ars not thiy church, Luckpq>V, du L .Pg thQdtnist RS 1 , 1 1 �% ttttt►ke11 ayes. hollow cheeks, and ohm triad for skirts, sale PrIQo.. ae woods, but Y y years, fell asleep on at urdey afttir- /r \ f Yi a bands. Wby not bave a p[nmp flgw•e P �O are jaol the thing for rnugli wear, noon, March 25th, tit the ripe old ago s {��r7� j� j Dont let disease steal a waren on ou• M • ` of 75 years. Deceased was bw to Dress Patterns. Hosier• PRI DHAI 1, The Tailors Hamilton, Scotland, and witrle a child -`-' . � There are a bi tot of fin ritt Chlldreo'e col Move medium wefghe, his parents movPd to this country and West Wawantish. ' There Floneer Teareshers ill Huron, settled m Lanark county. his. Contwil toot March 24th, accor ingq father was'kitled ra d left lain, A buy of to xdjuurntatent. Members all In reviewingthe ploceeding. of present. 12 years of Age' the mainstay of his T, >d8urer's statement showed balance the arbitratfao on nubile ugCOuntB Ile• blind widowed, mother; whore Iia tell, on hand $080.#9, flied. Robtat Bowers derlY cared for during all her after twee° the Dominion, Ontario sodQue• bec, the globe long presented a potion asking to have, road. life, About 21 years Axel Mr. Bailey way between lots 18 and 10, concession moved,,wit.h some of his family to 5 0, in better mentions a list of early teachers in the public schools of P and put condition. W. Lucknow, where he resided till his Wilson presented petition ,asking this province who pave evidence be- death. His consistent Christian char- to opened between lots to have 19. fore the commission. The following g aster must he a great source of com- con 18 and 19, concession 3' and 4. The tort to his sorrowing widow and two board are mentioned from this county agreed to examine roadways daughters, Mis.•Fair, cif Lanark, and mentioned lit each petition. A by-law Mrs. Gillespie, of Whitechurch. p Thomas Farrow, of Brussels, conpty of Huron, crone into the townshipof for the constructioof u drain the Turnbemy ih 1834, and was ittet enag villtaite of Manchester was fip1a11Y • ,. HOW10$ passed. Mrs. StiGL and Mrs. J. Alton ed in general storokeeprtig. In the same year he took in the ad- Oun FINQNuits.--Tho auditors' re- R Te exempt froin statute labor for the e gptand joinio township of Morris, and has lltiv©dpreBQgt port for the township of Howtek is re issued :sent W. H Wilson, lumberng now ready for distribution. The re- and gravel, $8.93; Writ. Milligan, t neighborhood Farrow entered the Dpyfintotttr i] Parliament as ceipta w�l•e as follows : Resident taxes, gravel, $1.44 • Dungannon public lib- $12,7650,,; orients of taxes, $10.�f5; rary, grant, $10. The following represen- tativb for North Huron in 1872, and Path- school purposes, 1153� ; licenses, $8861; masters were appointed: R. Kirk,*. loans. $1009; miscellaneous. $3157.95; U. Pentland, Writ. continued tore resent that constitu- enev for nearly twenty years. Watson, R. Jobes, total receipts, •$17,03.86. The expen- J. Willard, J. Mule, S. Clark, J. A. ditures were its follows: Salaries. etc., I M,tiiough, Thomas Strachan• of the township of Grey, county of Huron, moved t $825,60; stationery and printing, $42.- 67 • haw costa, $2.90; roads and bridges. J. Bailey, D. Smylie, J. Welsh, G. Routledge, Win. McIntyre, the township fu 1854, and, in company with his brothers, took up a large sec - $1612.39; • charity, $31.25; county nates, $3473.54 ; schools. $11411•(# ; J. Mills, J. Washington, Thos, Nichol- son, Will. Milligan, J. Johnstcn, Geo. tion of land. Mr. Strachan has lou been oromident in municipal affairs Board of Health, $81,50; coupons and debentures, $817: sinking fund. $874.•• S. Wilson, M. Young, P. McAnn, Thos. Yoting, Wu,, Andrews, J. Chf• and was reeve of the township on sev- eral occasions. lon, D. Leddv, H. TnvIor, M. Bear, 50; miscellaneous, $12'18.71: Ontario I G. Woods, J. Brewers, R. Durnin, Writ. Robert Currie, of the township of least Wrawanosh, county of Huron, waa electicna, $19; Gerrie viUuge, $321,30; total expenditure, $15,048; ' ca, -h haat- 4runphell. Win, Wilson, J. Agar, R. McAllister, Win. McIntosh, Writ, Me- among the early settlors in the tosvu- she and bate the distinction of having P• encs $1005.36. Available asset ore $4&9�.ft; current liabilities. 25; Y• r Allister, M. Ledd J. Leddv, J. Robin- il served in the first municipal council oth re+ssets The ship h liand fiu, other assets ore toaaroabrp hall and fur nitPurdon, son, J. Chamney, Thos. Woods, S. Cook, C. Durum, Will. Cameron, J. about 1857, and since then has on sev- era occasions held the office of reeve.' are $14,700; to meet -these there is now Witt. Kerninghan, P. Welsh, J Foreban, Wm. Brophey, Jae. Ed- James Craig, of the township of Morris, county of Huron, on hand $1860.10, -' wards, D. Rut hetiotd. A. Harper. E. purchased the form he now lives On in 1803. Mr. I - I,- — Murton, A. Durnin• Thos. Saunders, Craig has been long prominenj in niat- . Nile. W. J. Todd, D. Ferrier, R. Lockhart, W. Wellwood, E. Haines, Jno, Bowles, tore pert4ining to public lntnrest, and has always taken a great interest in all G9rbsN WEDDINO.-Seldom have C. Gaynor, W. O'Loughlin, Thos. Mil- duestions affecting the educational af- g a rias a erne were 900 ...... . . ... . .. , .1O8 . no two alike In the stock, goods that will _ __�� s make up stylish and serviceable costumes. Children's extra quality Woolen Hew, '� J Thea Wiseman prices were $8.26 and 00,00. seamlew, double heel, great ,,roods 10 /r T T j� j" O9�• 80 of them go on the counters this week, at wear, your choice of the lot at two rigor AA „L�IJL V •Ly R '" ;. your choice for .................... $g,y8 Stti•e 5i to 7, were coo to e?;o........ .... 2tio , Slays 8 to 9}, were 400 to SOo-, , • , , • , $}O Linings. Reduced Prices on all Cashmere Hosiery Seasonable Goode in every variety, snob as While the stook of Linings laal we wall Men's Furnishings.t Women'ssell regular 12j LinMen's, lining, black and Save money on your Furnishings, en s, omen's and Children's Werelotking, Calera, at per yard ................... 100 Regular $2 end 02.50 Men's fine fur telt , -,' Check Muslin at 7C• en'sFeda Hats, geed land choice $tats, ,Hosiery and Gletes, _ 200 yards of Cheek Apron Muslin a0 7o Men's and Boys' hard and w1t Fell Hats, P choice of a big lot ... ..............750 Per yard. all of which will be sold at greatly redneed prices before stock taking g Hero is •lino It will pay you to buy for �': Quilt Linings, 7c• next season About 800 yards of Crum's famous wide I Meds fleece lined Underwear, regular 900 ` Prints and fancy Shaker Flannels, the for .................. I ............. 370 A few Fancy Travelling Rugs will be sold at cost and under. Asusual Is ". Wiseman price was 12io, your choice at 7c Men's Shirts and Drawers, mediumwrlghts large $took of Yarns and Fine Wools. Ask to nee our Peerless Cotton Bat• Just the thing for between wasous. reg- ting. Small wares complete in every line. Your patronage kindly solicited. Remnants. I ular 40o......... .... .............300 Odd lines of heavy goods at about halt�. M U N R 0. Draper. r Watch for our big table of remnants of I price to clear. all kinds next Saturday. Remnants of all Rpot and four-in-hand ties, regular Boo for - ----------�- �_ _----�^-� kinds at clearing prices. I ................... , 2b0 e f HOVSE CLEANING TIME. PERFLGT—,�',"`a� rte :r • Housekeepers wanting new Curtains, Carpets, Art MuRlins, Qmlta, Blinds, eta, willI �,��1. %. benefit by this sale. Prince on these goods have been oat in many eases leas than whole- j - l ; ` sale, for they must be cleared ont,l_ - ',�'�., i �:�%! . �_9',L' ;� PLUMBI%_�30��"'� - , . i—'I I _ - V. , �.,��,i1 DIRECT - - Hodgens Bros. IMPORTERS. ��� {. Selling the Wiseman stock at the old Wiseman Store, Clinton A PerfegE hath Rcom means a great __- -- -. vN the pleasure of recording such in- ler, Jos. Gaunt, J. Barber, J. Atchle• taus of the township. - deal to a finely furnished hones. inferior ,4 4eresttpg events as gulden weddings. son. Thus. A. Emerson, �Vm.' William Mallon h, of Dungannon, + T_ �- 4-- g A + � I� Plumbing may last for a year or so in other t „s ;', George Sheppard and Eliza Pentland Callaghan. J. Lyons, F. Jury, R. Me. township of Ashfield, count of Huron Miller's (yoivt�tcial id Iron�Pills, only 25 YOU CAN'T �w,L �_ -- j - Y k took eneh other for better or for worso Conlin, J. McQuillin, K. Cameron, Ed. took up land in 1844, and still occupies cenLefur 50 doses. on March 13th. 1848, and On the soma Mc(�,uillui. H. Pattk.rson, A Ar�.jtei•, the lot be then settled nn. -Mr, Mal- ` _ i,.�� - parte of the llouee, and "do jueE as well" date in 1899 Mr. noel Mrs. Sheppard R. 3hompsou, H. Horn, P. Clark,. W, lough was reeve of the township from What might have been a serious ac- keep up with the times unless you have celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Thompson. R. Mrallough, h'. Jarvis. 1800 to 1809, and has always been cident happened to Mrs. Joe. Sellars• for that length of time. But Plumbing is ehespost when it is perfect. We their wedding day, a privilege which Council adjourned to meet on Mo.,,la of Morrie As she was comm down one of Lee & Shephard's few couples attain. Mr. tens sed nae J Y. identified with [natters affecting the B Pp May 29th, ria it Court of Revlston and welfate of the townshi stairs with a lamp she tripped, falling have done lumbic in some of the best residenooe in Godorioh and do pOth been a resident of Huron county for for general business. W. S. McCRos- P• totne bottom of the stairs. Fortune p 8 ' sixty -Your years, pioneer, , may well be said TtE, Clerk. atoly she had no bones broken, but re I PATENT DAISY CHURNS iu bat lira[ drlae work. Call at Cattle Bros. for estimates of float, etc., for ` a that he is 1a his and the worthy Miller's Grip Powders Qure, ceived a I,hd shaking up and is under g"i partner of his jopa and.sorrowa is a If the children re ulre physic none the doctor's care. good material and plumbing wotk. ,['- member of a family intimately con acts so nice as Millerqa Worin Powders; For NineYeare.-Mr. Samuel Bryan.Awaiiii— With Bicycle Ball Beatings. netted with the early days of the ver pleasant to take. Thidford, writes: "For vino years I' Y P It 1e better to preserve health than __ Huron Tract. • To Mr, and Mrs. Shep- _ suffered with ulcerated sores on my to cure disease Therefore, keep your [ pard were born eight children,•and - leg: 1 exuendedover$100toMaictuns Try ria for up-toI'nrwaro ' there is yet but one vacant chair. Six I The Orangemen of Exeter, represent- and tried every preparation Mai of blood pure with Hood's Sa aaparilla Ceal Oil, . of Lbe.fatnily still IiTe the old home- Ing Sonth Huron, hhve invited nearly and be always well. and Furnishings. CATTLE B RpS11 y g Y or saw recommaddad to give Dr. Tho- R'holesale and Retail. �,• stead, The golden wedding was it 100 lodges to take part in the cetehra- ( mets' Electric Oil a ttial, which has re - happy gathering, and litany are the tion there on Jul j• 12th. Thi Wing -1 sulted. after using eight bottles (using ftichaid Webster, of Ashfleld, is on Cr �,7 p i . 7+z: expressions for continued happiness ham lodge, reprewnting North Huron, i it internallyand externally a tri to Manitoba. LE.Lr'J & SHEPHARD, West Side of Square, next Sturdy' Broa, GodeMgh, Ont. and prosperity which havc.be-en show• ore runkln preparation for the celebta- externally). in a wm- P ` N �, P Y gP t plate cure. I believe it to Lite beat �— . , erect upon this venw-able eouple. tion Lo be there. 1'IOIviT. med rite this To be strong you must have good Blyth.Q -- done for 7 petite,' good digestion, and good ` - - . - - - - -- "- P medicine int a world, an w — o - o let others know what it has p¢ ' - Itundlation.' Miller's Ocirnpound Iron i Cook"tCotton Root Campos ld t b r Proverb -i, bs, raxiuma' and verse sea ha q -�'r Pills bring all these. i I° successfully need months' �' a� y It Goon SALT. -J. G.. Emrgl> gold his Y g A black bar was aeon on the 10th Ladies,� e,atleatnpl. Ladteaasy c -1 beautiful driver to Mr. Richard Wells, hnvc• br•on uttered b�Confnriiia and concession OtoGrev ins day last week; �- p�� priMir,stforwok's.Con"fGifom +3 yt.- of Hnniston. The »tics other %%ke nn'n from tinip immemorial, p Jias. ovum,c+$ftnrof[fie rsl'nssers 1 Cone3beravallDfixtures,pilltand > R � rte.. I paid was $l2ip. but it has not yet been cn tured. mitationearedaa ro ','but fe,v people rexlrze hoav_many the,.$ Herald, got n fall in the saw mill East. ge aa. Frbe No.1,tlDpeee GG(( � • rc „ � -i` , ^`"4th :+`"mTx2 LAPT A ,_VCCL88=The hast of bo,c �No, e, lOdegreepatmn ger, 0 Per box. No, tern r, 3i - the month ly fair•, for this spnsnn woe are of them. C` 1. Hood & Co., of liar- +week an bloke a ainall bone in hra f or ,meIledoareaeiiptof price and two"ent 41•` x ; , ��s saparilla fame, have over two thousand hand. e m . 'rhe Cook Company Windsor Oat, ' d c ` it held'CL.Blvth last week. There wasanna . I . + cod attendAnce u: hath buyers and and they have vu iginated the ingen Hello 1 responsible Drs i , / i, g y �NOs. 1 and in Canada, ended �r all r;;, , u 'y: ions pian of Her ving tbem up in delec•t- New life for quarter. Miller's Corn - sellers. Fourteen horses were sold, q able shape in i housands of newspapers, ound Iron Pills. tie• i wee No. 2 sold In Oodcrlch by JAt1a8 ' i •'n the prices ranging frow $110 to $125. Is this the Advertising Office of Tun P aV iiaON, druvgi.t ha IE" > with each one neatly tarring a point 8 I t , m w AN HONEST FARDIER --A few days as to tl,e merit of their well known STAR, published at Goderioh 7 —--- --- -___ �� ar�R,. Sl% . < rf ago one of our local nieruhants sold medicine. The extensive use of these Yes, sir l Al,,, what avas supposed to be an empty proverbs is original and creditable to %%; "t - r , box to a Mortis farmer, and when the Hood & Co. ( Well, how anent our Change of Copp I �,' _ ' , " v I atter reached home he discovered y for What issue? HELL • �A. t� tA" `S McCready' .. 1, 9 i- chat the box eoptained nix pairs of Andreae Kellner, who has been awn Have you ordered it7 shoes. The leatbec goods were proti,pt- fiorn Grey township fur the Lot 17 of Yoe; order went last night; will it be o e ,', ly ,planed tt the oleMilant, WhORP 18 years, is now in the Klondike. lie filledpromptly? .-. . feeliuga con hatter be iiosgn,ed than e•� ., . �; " 6'6 , ; reached there lavt Se temtioi. In it t and 1 v described over his not intended eller letter front him (110 ed Feb. 14 he seas I'e°. sir. pt t ,dB16Y6LE8 ra osity. Matrimonial ventures are rapt Y What kind of Advertisin do you •^"' a Crescent " c to slake some people absent- he doe= not mi d the cold very ,Hoch. 8 Y _ �,, even merchants. Wood was $.3e.W n cord, but is now consider best adapted tb our use, die• fi. iluwn to $12.1H1. play p ry, as matter? 0 60DER16fl Led the procession In 1898 and will continue to do so in 1899. :. t AccID$1fT.-The halo thi ee•}} eai -old _ Pon of M. f1. Hammond fell into the Display, as your cola make it a Millei�a Wrnni Polvders are the hest a eelhlr at his father's home, and when splendid subject for illustrating and `.,,,s,y��bw` ���A discovered he wap in an unconscious laxative medicine I'or children; as nice 0e79 y 11 gy '1.cv r1 �,�{!,� as sugar. we nen do excellent work. a a >n r° ''� ►tr r. �- aaP y i p W� state.. Dr. Tait was sent fpr and nuc _ _ A11 right, I thank you for giving it repeoed in bringing about reaueaitation, --` ' ]7seept s bleeding at the right ear nn David Brad nock has sold his 100 -acre so much careful attention, and I am McCready B�CycleS--�-+- other marks of tnjurp were visible. farm on the 5th con., Hawick, to Ruht• sure good results will follow, Good SEED' `� yr+ The little fellow was very ill for a few Cathers for $4,RX), Mr. Bradnock has bye High G rade. 04 >�,;&�&<`a'�a-.v I ,'•.y,&, - �. � 4»;a&,:. • ,•.•,- days, but we are pleased to say he is purchased a houso in Gorrie and will Ss doing nicely, He fell a distance of move there. Always call up or address E M P 0 R I U M• 1 hlcCread 05 Wheel fur.... .. nine feet, atrikin a lank floor, and �- 't� Y,� ..........$5D 00 his escape from more serious injury is it may be only a tnflingeold, but ne- LOW lariees• The Star, �� ;,t Common Sense fib Wheel ler. . /•$markable. glectit and R will fasten its fangs in f e 9� �' � "..ti46 00 �. Phone 71. Goderich, Out COu rteous m A • • • �' ynnr lungs, and you will soon he car- __ ,• �,/ �i (iodorioh 45 14'heel (or....... .. 10 00 Amberley, - reed to an untimely grave. In this r,a �. L_' All fitted with Di -mm, Ttnza PERSONAL, -Alex. McLennan has country we havg sudden changes and kb returned from a Alexa months form in must expect to have coughs and colds. � Treatment to r` end stilly guaranteed. theComroercinlOollege,London. Vias We cannot Hyoid them, but we can Carpets QUALITY FIRST IS OUR MOTTO.effect ra cure by using Bickle's Anti- nABelle McLennan is alsoh'omeonashort Consumptive,S rup,themedicinethat y''l,visit; site will roturn this week to re I Customers Was n A +—Crescent Bicycles.,.hxe never heeb Hewn to fail in curing The Canadian Brand.1 v some her studies in the Ladies Unllege, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all ,affec i s *,��,�,�,1 ?����*��x»��y»y,��� �y�� London. —Mrs. J. K. 1a es A. ie tions ofthe thrOn-luugs and chest. Y Y Our Rule in 798. 1 present very ill. Mrs James A. tiradle Wb not ba the best Wool Car- ie also on the sick ilei, -Mr. and Mrs, pet in the world. Think of et, near We have in stook the largest and beat selected varieties of n e Q Y. Uampbell 7etG Motldayy mornwiq to The 50 acre farm belonging; to the FL6aca WOOL, cable etmud yarn. fast V $SO.00• .45.00. 40.00. f' attend the funeral of IL I. Bradley, Woodburn estate, Orey townshill, waw colors, every thread gnaraoEeed. Same Rule �" J i brotherof Mrs. Uam hell.-�Miks Lulu urchased Net Satiu•day by Angus ( p) y'l Kms' 100,000 of these Wheels were instill- ~ 't;' p � See that our trade mark The Sheep) how for the sum of $90[1. Mr. Shaw S D Sfj McLellan has returned from Detroit is t the end of the roll; none per- i n i 899 and in going back ftltri the atAreaederk owns the 100 -acres on the opposite side feet without it. fib., Iactnred and sold in 1fl98. for W. G. Murdock. --Our popular Of the concession, so will be able to / 44/1 p teacher. Mr. Fyfe, lit spending his bolt- make convenient u4c of his ueav pur• Royal Carpet Co. ' g chase. The estimated sale for IH9fl is 150,000 dove with his parents,in W mgham. ' 1?'LOIIRIBHINQ. --+flp O. t}. F. bete - _. -.- , selling Agent at Godsrtch : ' , �a ��^ `_ `� , " ,.� `F� �7���6 — _ �� added four new members to their No Worm Medicine acts so nicely n J. H. PEDDER. in town -CLOVES TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, LUCERNE, and every kind of X999 b�'V`�r ��7�' s�J�lL7R•Ul► Fes„, court last tnont6, and have now a Miller's Worin Powders; no physic re- _ membership of about 40 in good stand quired. 11 Grasses grown. M inn SUDDEN OAtr Oii-'Wbdfie4dav -W - -- — — No better Bicycles are made and sold on the Continent of America than ,Horning of fast week "stir• Jaynes Jar- . - dine, o th a place, was called it the MCCREADY and CRESCENT. very Inlhi usu usual t to bed Tand CUI` PRICES I N WALL PAPERa SEED GRAIN day night in hie tiAual cod health. and . � �,11' got up about three O'cloek teal have. A, We do not handle cheap made Wheels. Everyone knows that a Cheap,!�„;� smoke His wife heata bf� $,wall and - Now varieties. After two yearn he feltIorwa'rd (0 bis chair twit his test true 'to name and warranted made Wheel is DEAR AT ANY PRICE. hando the welt Iletplttpf Iiffli to arttt� Everyybody knows Wall raper bas bean eo1A the last clean. whet[ aH,, ditearr iird tint tiro bttd two or three ears in nlost`�asea lase than aettlal coat of gone♦ b §eeAtied arae otib'»t't�►t{• tljr y R 9ortla' tibfft, itbd'ww+itA wSdel ktloWtt , manufaoturing it. Tile chances nowt are that price$ will OUR STOCK OF Call and see our Bicycles We will be pleased to show them to yl t and, illjtlj-Ibsl�tCawf)61-Y :00ird ;' be rataed "poi and after ttl#ti aeaeot5f+bt(rittg to the great Wall $ ex lain their construction Catal es free on a lication of a' tett(ti'itt,itwl. ,te, flwr,.tif'ft 9per TrtSet whfdll bay been t9eorit>ir tortloit , anal deai�i,•n �i n (�Seeds p l.�tll pp `` *�i`.,i x � fn><faf�r► aha. Ilitcea trt11 _#,y�lt,li+atliy�• #tt Ialfo �aii°:t thii ordeYBtlxeitd #t [[lite fiat[ s all hilirdV�l>f�e�Ui o �'. theltr �'iitw Ttte liegill11t1M wtsfar 11t F!1ti41 iiitiit rgltrieetrMw_ ilsClAlt Aellrtllt'tta.,itb tupaaod., .reh'fta'1it9i�1'iq' lfii�k. •P vcci<.. i�tl5atll.lfl,llte n it 0r .lith,. ''fit trcrltly have beetl tfalteiully ttelsitted is ovary fray. lit ';ftilr'Ill>%69YAIli�lk" k�tieifktytrtixp,E1+f . Iii* p'. 161T, aiit" i�YiiB�itl`,iy W a V166 619ED COO, e� 6t ! kind grown. tis vial[ dad a 101 '4`6 �iltl%tt i�If I :iYt alitigj+t ldd'. 8Ebtlit' anbin[[[s ttW'Itirt irlff'•tkiit01. ,. , y� ',r1 `,r !,"" ', tMi1t~ 501: tallAit iNf► at+ it jrlltMr{t i'"�it.i ,\iil+li1' �a'+ Al i:11be �l nit tufts 4ti -wil jiCM l;fir + htl: . r . , ttOb#tkt 0$ a» l Atid, it x !. �T' •"t+�1� 1"'i, • e. 14, , �" WRie r „ -.� �, .� 0 � � � S Is, p, k "s''X e�:'Rr 01 . L. � �r W."'� I . m1b, Diative"46laft0a) 1�1 I � '' r 1. �1 , ,_', ” 41 1. I ., � . � I " k. ( '1 "'_ _ 5) r',i. J I+Y/TT..I,M�/WMMI�Wia1Y.11adiP�t,+ '� J j �T (� (' zbRcs3M BTO0� Ov �! I O l-,�� 1 S,J Gu L " a,,'R�' � . • and other emali` tfit>dosi � ")' , " , + , r. �" 2i,dC)0 ii i [ ' � +' � .,�� ,. ,. 44 10bieh ere will [tell AT COST to slake roam tat Wheeelt•. * ` :. •� ' 'l 1• , 1. ' EO I, W,,,,,'. T H 0",M) SON& .1 . , I .1 II ' �I . _I.. I ''I ...`�� �. ". 1 01% 7, - 11n V.11 I � �� � . -1. i , 11 1. . . ''. ,,, 11�1 I . � � 1.11�,` 11,��." '. . I . ily ,., i� 1%,.- I.c ..., w 9 :ear• , , I ., I_ . .< 11 e I . I I I . r17,:a t 1.• . I . isr .._ c, , 0i� 'nrhifii;