HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-07, Page 4. — . - . Y. l . very, bot Advertising v l tC.."M.>lrlt tt ad b the masse ., . - m- -•., -_ , ..tm... _. __ _-_._-• I—„.., ---- .»,.,•'. fit m. - + TUX >1~1 - ali wlrt a t; tatntller fbinlco alga is w1tfC to fait r~' ('a r _ ,J "­arVkW^"* J* All t' , " ti#vu' llnh tforSonatalivr rmliaq a dtwtlicrwl. e.silc olilti.w1ae;iui•Prwt It . Comes Ad" This I '` tt, ice. -a.+«.,««• r if f o A llillietu sbilt>:l` k1'NitRte.e&,.,, ,al) tll,R anti I I t auirix,ri>Cd by xray amuupt of ttteovc, ku uawt cudx+a tys►t t r s=. Th d Smil ,s. #M1"l*ii►tUW,1 * ; Rhys hilt the ativocatcs of +> shw e, KWh S ..' 1• - nAmr)y all . ng xi nit neo rr,►i.1, hn py. sgaturit 2 t1MMe •wilt '1":Kik AY R• F g 4 7rjv her In the Legislatures or the, crci{at1t0 hwG3u, to tnfur llccgpl• We gr1111: .911 be glad and when gentle breezes blow wd tvdl t d . *4 01011” WPM , Winitllou MUM have ritrefull le. tilt, of tzo[as-» . ' ) t , t' $, : R •w., be bfttef for a coarse of Swing (•de liolno, to it") to" uu g • tlrA ay wpzby! r 1, ° ns elfeWs Of fratpsdlrom•attompting to controvert, ofWIVY:4 aa c : Ty r' R.r Upon the d wn .of better time link I tL $ ?I jjjg tions, purify tho blood, i--tron:'h-n the nerves, r emo»e 5 ^^ - :t r ve4 alluding to, certain Pwctai whld> t{ou til t P our long bV4 winter, and prvpare u" for the eu'oym,,cr, c •umn;er. [ d t Y" ri are gptta sufficient to upset qll their nsiXo Oitat ce L?• `f f f ` ,{ ) W0 1►Itv.4 le t What con n++ed i, $as a rasH looi au t 5aima h Bit t krre4Ye fql hcalthY +•n r 77. r fe callit tore.eVllilto<rnEalua Sa+enpn„Ili B tr k, ,, . tl'rt<a,G tzrio span theories Phoyv fat#9 shouldt ~- . hc p•tpatc can r 3 *' s etron ret of brood al'-ia'ive I ue.le of Pot. h N I' ' ArtS>pAlf. 1 be borne in mind by the electors when give? , / ✓ %/ ,t;. t0 amllfw$ or t'iKt`sr be, ! , > ” 1n'$trl txl j1t 1 be deviSod than tht+ «paritt o,.. It •u p • s a ulsnv dol'tr A- ,' . considering the grounds se.t forth by Yho In to be i, r° b pI. w it a fw p u w n t / the Ottawn lrloverautent and :their at- pdtied urost? /i- ., % - prepAtlitj0us 16 it Duly 60,•, coil oilgi,, ' o Lr, ,t , J^ I0„'ltl~+ ", 1tiW. Mother - fatly !y P ►/ - come#Ilaog cheaper try our Radical H , b Tea, i- im TeX , .t' o,+ hunt. hes in the Legislatures where 9lCemPta er- child? -/., •, In bringing better timed 1n consequent Cheer t0 ,y ^ of Herb medicines, oil mil know h t ..YIMPIL.-_'^ .',,,;'-.: .-.... .. . . whuac Fault // •`.. i D - Y aro bang uindc to para supporting i. it? • ''r • I %O BdNF• resolutions: Nobody ' • ' - the small world of buyers, who O4`forsipllr tt)W1isWan, Mr. V.G. 1. Ae wan pointed ouC fn the Quebec maybe - etre i • a ;rF l ht\\ t 'tea itF. have found It ad- itb. 1119 'til tho chief organ of Legislature recent, the Senato start• shit, y, not the } Isi tt ^ t% t0 _ R A y. chant's Either liil. l Y '`'``- ;. vantageaus to favor tis with their al Tena e. .C:;. ® ' U100 M1't14 (nfi the suppression of the ed an enquiry into the use being made the nwther ur \ . ^' father can write to Dr. Pierce aAd receive ^A BEO ORO BLOOM. 1.11 1rRMti l' GttiBgh{per In the Saturday by the old Bale. do Uhalenra Railway medical advice free. Thousands have done Prescription work at illi hours, SIlP6J#t?f Qtit iaiiUUlC he Bayo : Uompanv of the public fungi given In ;t. Thouoande of bQtnea have been nattde • ce • ,-, ,_ _ _. _ _ - j at ha py by it. Thousands of weak wo ea - , I; f 1Ce 'Ail isre doing ggood work aid ill the construction of a line of rail- pp !4 A -- a tp49i11 tileapaethods practised by the we, of cousideiable local Im rtance- drums with the pains and debilitating di . 1.1.- titttltYtu - 0,11.Cold pany. Now I should y pD druina of n diseased condition of the dia• 111te Fitt• lIf'tir yeba you think of .our As a result of that enquiry it was estalr° tinctly feminine oandrganism have followed ° I Gode ich. f01Dr 1'egoroudvorng, c eerful a d lov d.loom. / Centrei+•10Ikt1tea vo,r_ blue. Tburo.htaa been lished that the Liberal party manageus iag vigorous loving, cheerful and toyed. Joltlt t.1t1on pent to Ottawit signed at Quebec had secured a $100,000 fund Dr R. V Plerce is chief consulttug by Is always desirable end at PEDPFR B you will Sod Ehe right ogsterieIs it, „ iW_40W 4nstsole leather tttmer•s ontalde thruutrh the tuoneys In question being sician at the world-famous Invalids Hotel i r r tllc dxltttblhe In Ontu•io, and also by all and surgical institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., SILKS, SATEENS, GINGH AVIS• PRINTS, ETC. •-tkoleadlag :.shoe factories in Ontario diverted from tdeh Iritopdod use. Unr- and during his thirty years' practice here fain Littoral public then were shown to developed his great family inedieint:a--Dr, r d ►ueb., fr praying to kayo the duty P Pierce's Favorite Prescription Dr.•PlercVs DRESS GOODS IN GREAT V A$IETY. mfivetl fain, dpanish sole leather. have personally benefitted by the din- Pleasant Pellets, Dr. Pierce's 6ol'deo Medi.issu•valled sole leather asso4lation trlbution of the fund, and as aresult of cal Discoverq MORE ANTIQUE LININGS IN ALL SHADES. A As }leen dogging the Government ... Claus Nearest of taco Heishts, Loa AW rlt°It► Ottawa to Quebec, and from the anger telt by the Quebec people lr., cat,. Bo; jr, writes. I zfent! you my pro Warp I lifnsn;np{Wri, fur fear they over the affair, a pmviucial Lihtu nl lure cakes with any it p boy. Ido not took a ij 11 NEW S GOODS o 1. y .ad now as I do la the acture; I was sick then p ,,,7 wooly include let►Llua - in a reciprocity administration wits dismissed In dia- and I thought my days would not be long, but Our Staple Depar mi nt "! - treat with rho Utrlte lilutea. Nuw, roar kindness and mcailciue would not let me the can toduee leather here china Rruce and Lite ptovhtc{ill Liberal party dia vw, have my heart -fell ,hanks for year 1 P wtaa overthrown m lhti ensuing flee- kindly advice to Inc in m sickuc s; also for I - .... `i riff any htee tp the world ; of COLLI•Ye, g your book which i receivedytwo am ago, and Is filled with the beak y . lvtt won d,nave to employ skilled lal.ur, tii,r►a, which l could not do without. Ifivallthe uoo- ---------^-------^/}*—T-- --^ L.tor a have had dace i got It. 1 h female r ' Vl/•1T1.71NADLS.. NEW DRESS GOODS *tud turn Out a little, better article than 2, Tile I)rurutnond Uounl v Hallway tro.wr . and or, Pieroe's Pavortte Pre"dpties, —SHI R1 INGS,—COITOIV S. —►S EE CINGIS, +' i ` Ileo atfif y ecu► du with unskilled We molter is still Pr ash w the public mind, cured with the advice given in his honk-TICKINGS,—TOWELL ING L C biller ut fifty Or slaty cents it day. We cured ,ue of Ove yenta' s{ckuess." ETC.• ETC. .t ±ire now competing in foreign nitz"Itous As a resulkof the Senate's rejection of The book Mrs. Nelson mentions Is Dr. ttta soft. and can carpi run to do se,, the t1rst, proposition submitted to Par Pierce's i,000 page" Medical Adviser." A copy in stiff paper covers sent on receipt L its we have all the taw tAterial we, ro- li,tnient by the Government, Tile Lib- of •aa one -cent stamps to pa;• expense of SEE i shire in our own country. 1 need not customs and mailin onl O v iti CARPETS AND LACE CURTAINS etvl vendors nP the road were cowpel• 8 y: is handsome 1 tall you that Lois leather trust r,uruut cloth bindin so stamps, Dr, R V. Pierce, hurt shoe factories ,and taunt+,•s with. It'd to agree to an arranwement that Buffalo, N. Vz. Jude ocr Drees Goode Stock b its size. before purchasing. The prices will interest on. x y ,., anti hurting all people who went shoos will, if it is finally assented to, Rive _ _ _ . }' , ip Chln country, because data leather Lhom half n milli(Ai dollars less than was Railway was Lite faelur that opened up ----- - --- -- - ---- • . 11 1131.181, increase the price of shoes. There ori inall proposed. Moreover, the and developed this vast region. it is noxeagson why tvs shendd ilei ship A ygp P y R ( I. e V 1 Y1 \ ps-.0enirdolop"k Judge it by the eiEPnt sod variety of ass„rtmeut. to fore, n eouut.kes twice the ailo,ant aro, throw h the tear aha Uavernme0t seems like wa Ic when nae locks over IV— jll 11 Ju wudern map and truces the tvonder- ; -W of leather we do ut prosenl.” has nP tht• Senate undl+r present con• ful transformation that has ensued inJudge it by the Prices. it t i4 , Mr. Smith. as heretofore, will appeal ditions, pr•evente+d front realizing the such a brief period. The latest reports t 1".. jil,vain--there tae too many prominent. profit they had a► reason to expect from furnished by Lite Government of Mun{• We keep regular step with the advance of fashion and each changing Judge it by whatever standard yon may set. Liberals In this combine to permit Its the deal as ,►t present adjusted, being tuba, just issued, says the populatiou style is rapi6ly duplicated in our stook. ' danun0iatku h the, Olohe. \Viae of that province has reached the'LW,• y roduced W accept it" rental a slim that 11W itrark; the last census taken In 1891 The beet looms of Europe Lave sent their moat worthy productioos here P only yields, u fair return on the total suer 1fi3,11W, an increuso of 108,000 to Haadaome careful, trade perfect fitliri ,well trimmed $site. io alt the ¢,, the resent Liberal Government ,to. y , P R tuated by a desire for consistency, they cost of to hue largely built out of ill,. nine ye,ue. The increased acreuRe of o Q popular materiale and colors, Suite that a tailor wouldn't put n ander 18,00 for your inspection and our buying. " A y P wheat alone for the same period rose and we se)l them at $ l 0,00, p P y p y y g' would have Waken up this question Gc subsidies. from 113.9,'216 to 1.488,282 acres, which is " `'r some three u¢t? when previous appocle 8. Then thele was Lhe hutktng of the almost phenomenal when we think of Other qualities from $8.00 up. i were made to ,hent, bet consistency MacKenzie and Munn itri'dugement for it; and yet we, are told that this uu has peon cast to rho winds on this, as building n kina of a runway Prom Glu. nien"e Northwest country ii only Li at ^T— I NE • • PRINTS. oil many other questions oil which Lite news to Tealin null taking the U&n• infancy ria raanota development. What ! • u. will be is another decade no cue can Our Men's Furnishing Stock Liberal party took stung grounds adian Yukon trade through Wrangel. foretell. -rhea they were In opposition, U. S., inatoa d of Dvea, U. B, Because The leading question we have to to being daily added to with the latest and moat faebinable !}Dods. c --' '-T - the conlruct Parliament wits nsktxl to grapple with uow, and of most Interest - - Our Stook of Prints (Cram's make) is now o„mi,lete. i ,TACTICAL ILCONOMY vs. Oil'- to Canadians at the present time, is ' r snndlun tens mods without neklnQ the handling of the grunt tlttllc fron I I NILE SHIRTS SWEATERS, NECKWEAR. COLLARS, FiCIALISM. ` _I CUFFS, HATS AND CAPS. tonders, and because itgave to the con- the Northwest through Canadian tot- _ _ __ It has beru a standing complaint of tractors the choice of niauv million'; r•ituty, so as to reach the European / . J' t,li,o Uonservativea in the Ontario Legis, nl nc-i-es of gold lands to the nest pal market. This is something we'niust VA1J__L• to 3R1r_0 "L 1"lm r provide for, and that quickly. At pre- 17 113.1 ltltltrc Hutt rho Government of tbeir p rti created of the not se t, be carved, and becCanadian line ,e sent our is ratidl oro increasing to JAMES ROBINSON. l lces Por Lho beneflLoF their parLlztwe. it did nut scour a uu all Canadian Ilse hurdle this rapidly lncrea►sinR Lrnfl{o,a, rltid, that a pr,acLical step towards to the Onnndinn dlvtrict aimed ill, Lhe rhe great bulk p Northwest grim . Co borne'srt pusses through Amerman channels ,►t 11iiillding the imposition of direct tux- Senate throw out the Guvernmelit's present, so It behooves us W countor r rtR * ", aha Oil which has tit hast been inxugur• proposal, anti so heavy was the fall ,let tills movement us touch as {n In our Ofd Stand. . iAt Ct,-1, would be to cut elf huure of lheso I.h,lt not, even those who expected puwer,'sud develope our own routes, __ ---____ , -- -- -- - - - -.- - ` olafl+ t8land reduce the coat of others. most front the project venture to hope which ars the shortest land quickest to -- - tidewater. On these rounds 1 ea 17t t%}h cloiul haus of the Lekladlaturc+ that It tell, be rr,vivad. g yHtlAnoo 1 CANTELON'S t fc,u lesaly that Goderieh has nothingg to ■ . t##Il l futsduy night, Mr. Whitney and Sseuig all this, and feeling that such lose &ltd ever thin? to ain by ushi •Q TIM] -7R' w. Jfl# tl►Jowers tuado several efforts to a body as the Senate. as It Is at pre- out holdly to enjoy a allure of the prosv Novelfle►.7 f r 9 Pastryt Oyster Patties, 'arEa. --AND ORDER YOl'R— T r . '' eL tllOae views carried out, hat were sent cunsL ed, must be a permanent verity that is In store for us. When Short Bread and Cream Rolle. X we consider the enormous increase in Mince Pies and Laid Fingers.` r./l.11ll i.. 11ilk Cans and Dairy Needs ;'< slm#otrLtkoVoty r,wo !ty the. absolute re- obstacle in the, way of statesmen on Lite production of grain in the North. P t t and P jj j Rc jjjj(( C j ( R y y itttj#t11`uf iha Government. Hata ate rho wake, the Pruniier some ;hue ago, west, which is rapidly climbing up in The La ilsti U U Best Ii snaues alllq shades gtHse3, Macaroons, Mataugpea. i the millions each eor, 1 Brandyn$na s, ate. AT OUR STORE. ttO. , "A !ti th0 ,touts proposed. Loh the tit a meetthg or his party supporters, yy your real ore • i The material and workmanship i# warranted - ossa, see the advantages we enjoy Thy two Loadintt 8hadee are Mulberry and Cyrano. ION't(ti9 tubo insist on economy in the Intim ilei, that he hoped to weaken its y g} I y Afe as good as .ths best mntia in an They are home made, the beat on the market to handle a portion of this huntenss + + '• [ ++ R y `Moves, G}raniteware, Tinware, . ; li" ii-1.16tratiou of their municipal af- mischievous power by n conatitttioual trade. The exleas;ou of Lhe Uanadittn Extra Values in h GA ft 1GRS and Feathers will be in City In Canada. Lamp Glasse, &G GOOd Goods'at ' 114tal :'Ousider theht• change, which would give the majority Pacific from Guelph to Godeuch would ! vogue,thts season. Honest Prices. 1. 'a g larva+ th,►t road Fivefold, viz , the Cuntelon leads, the trade to Let ue figure on our Plumbing, _0 0onaider[n theoetlmntciv, Mr. in rho Hoitse et Uomnlone un opportu• We do not hold a Millihery opening, but are ptepaued to furnish the latest y 941 ittbved tc etrtko out the grant of pity to °vert Ids ata decialona. Northwest traffic through thi•+ port, land best in Millinery at all aeuaonr of the year. tx 7r Hot Wetter Heating and Tlnsmithing. - "When we do it, we do it well." f and Lite construction of the hue t•hro WEDDING CAACrs I 1 ; 9 &_ 0- for the salary ° the clerk of one of the mtiett magnificent stretches s ji } `Ittiiy and inspector of flee ranging. gj; RAILWAY QULISPION. oP country ie, title prw{ace, cre,ttiug n in fa deal in and ornamenting H • C. 1' L SI N C E R S i>F ti t►tltosen pointkd °uLthat the, ob- _ N valuable local tratfuc. Me E. M ER 'N and alu"nd is ng.g (3tve lrlm an order - 6• ltiu w,la not lei the avatew, but the A SL{rrin Letter for Goderich 1 stn pleased to notice Lite actdvrt of and yoyr satisfaction will be assured. Corner Wdet-St, and Square. B uta Guelph pouple, ,also along Ute T, of Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Street Goderieh _ q ' It3laj, 6ptotship. The clef of the tor•. o _ _ _ • - ' _ t k People. ur die extousiou W Goderieh. The - __ . _ . ,- a , , - t. t j -. t+ : ° pili tllas a printer, who know nothing To too hditor oi.Tgs 8, % . , n,a ` Ctnplet'on of the road , wtutld plavo A r` „ - .i/• " if V ,.: er. ' ..• -- ,. art tlt'lttsielass, and . r i :tt; ate. r o► ilii► ?Igitl-btlttlxufapturer of d elle L- _- !► x _' t = ka . s ii b - 00 on to ttxpa%nd thea ( .i - WE9F-8rr, uCiC" ` .. f t ` lw, ihe'ijllot ;.:.h l ow, nfiWo and the West L 'Ofr (rI , +/r -- - . .. _ =r+*• - z;; -- F•,r~,- _ Wil; t ,:ter-. 16kolrolighiwtfoo6ifie:St:Ijtattifreltl , trust the people of Goderich will 't' " j' b , ime. • _4 Y - - a ".I+,)ae#\eilarlefeaEit layiastrtl¢ht partq and she Atlantic seaboanl Froin Li►© Rrxsp Uteaitualiun. wake up, and leave Warnln¢' - - - - __ - te Goo iau 13a►y and Lake Huron, has fro stone unturned to nehievp that Housekeepers should be prepared, .We have whe0 on want, a" a-- S -- r ' t t t 04► tp dt1.land on iha scams division p v - — _ wbtch would be the making of IQoder• 6Il'1 tyliri , tatoondmentta were do• heen uuy utwussed thadugh the press. Ich, and euatile it to bo one of the most Silver and Gold Ih St. -Labor and Money Savers. bo„ 100, and 360, a pack- Any parson or persona cutting or remQv- s ,leel6ll !E •,1„ The, people W{vrton, Uwoa l9unnd, r°s eros§ towns in bunxda,' Navin eco• 'Also Whiting and t lltbt8 Lye. i4I r - Moafotd and Uullingwood have ali p p R - ins any Loge or Timber now oast on the = - - ,eitdoatcl and Ktdd, tht),t Dna of iha best hat hors on Lhe hakes. horn stirred ed up over Lhe matter. but Our Soaps ore the beef and most moderate In price on the market. shores of Late Hilton, will be gro,eonted t t 1 aulil fiiif h ;ti_,tilghe •tor of asylnto while the writer does not dispute the Thank you, Mr. Editor, for so much to the full extent of the Law, - '' i, i i lata, reduced $Olilll r' 800 • that of otaitas of these porta. It must Nat be space rn your• columna. Fine General Groceries, Imported Crockery, &C - af overlooked that Goderich le the only Yours truly I CAPT. WM. BABB, - I - - ll$li?epaotor of prisons a11e`[ia"tiltiaes ZZtr VAN WINKLE. We aim to please in quality and price -.and general, aucoeed:" i[ oa eanaot at• "'Q offon Lake 'Huron qa pable of receiv romza this Stora exclusive, y ! y p Agent for the Owners ijiit, .frctn $2,Cru0 t that alae salary of 1nR and handling a lame portion of this »- Y, give as a share of our trade. Goderieh, Sept. 8th, 1808. / zrs ; t.tfajtlntor Inspg6t.or, 12,400, ba cut off. vastgrain trade from the Northwest, Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. - i a ' •-.. a y. y R A. T_ or. 'zt 'x tNG'r, i,: Messrs. tl'hotnpaen and White and --which, l may sit is only be inin It removed ten corns from one pair I ; »' Ilotltlte salary of the fhspoCtoP of f)1. and it gives me much pleasure to see of feet without slay pain. What it Hotel Bedford Blook. The Sgtatlre. QOQerioh Attention r ni i. that our energetic citizens ate alive to hits done once it will do again. > A.?,,; >xlpI * [Jourla be reduced from $1,890 tills fact. Situated m we are, the have _ t i %.,200 ; that Lhe assistanb Inspectors a privilege not enjoyed by our Geor•giau d word in time may save - w Messrs, George and James Willis, of . you a tat of trouble, i fl►ti+ be out ofP, and alae Drainage Buy friends,' ala. Lata option of two How{ck, rut dawn and uixae Into wood l lave just received another 'large consignment of_ _ ' f1A a Act appropriation be reduced acuter to rho Atlantic seaboard. We econtly one of the largest beach trees - -__ - have the short rail coots to Now York, to this aecEton, he tree belonged to v T Wlth prinft comer the warm wrath when ' psi " -` via Buffalo or Suspension Bridge, cath- d J, Mclean hllh of the 0th Inti ,and ` iau pli not want to bake o0r own end ' - "T" `t ="r . 11" IY: Messrs• M.scatnpbell and Troy, er winteroi- summer, and the all rail g SHERWI VF WILLIAMS 3ronwtllianitaround'taralfdtter, a route to Montreal duant navlttntiou, {t made lEt cords of that•dass wood, i it#tt 4ha apptoprf+ttiene for Lho Lon• f{ / Stook nearly complete again. New goods received dail and the other eastern Uetnadian sea- y y• L111, 1,it) Asylum sylt►m be reduced $8000, for fuel A Reoogntsted Leader,—re, being the porta, also Portland, during the winter 00 t POreet that flu A lot of Fine Barth and Carriage Sponges just to band. i(Iii, ltl, and for form and gnudea $,9,0110. season, A glance at a map will con- digestive o. Veins into avulMotrical j A working ib tato nim of phyeieiana when h8Sr idd f t t+tr '. Matheson said the fuel t►ppt o• v ore anyone of this fact. s some of The newest and latest Perfumes. our rondere avid ramp char they find, n patient antYorinpt From Jnrtlikt+y,on:ba , , , for th® Loudon ateylum tv y p . Gc W. ioh sto uachta irregularities, and for thioPAINTS lwi two ran In tt ar V °a every patent Medicines, H was a bury taco thirty years At Cateran Yi of all ttlnd• on hand sup l oar , orae and Cattle S ioee and Condition Powders. while that for the Toronto as urpose they calf prescribe nothing p that time it large amount of grain, dcc., p oat palqea, Illy home-made Buns, they yfat tlaasonly $8,5011. TheGoverument from the Western States, coming from hatter thug i Ilei un Vegetable del! a Don'tte Pills, which tvtlt Ile found a leasaaut a drat that I deliver Rabber7Goods, Syringes, Atomizer,;, Hot Water and Ice Bsgs, etc., etc. Iii✓ hated that the London asylum Ohicxgo and other points, passed thin' P time rdinner. A trial wBl.00nvisee pp medicine of surprising virtue in bring- Sou t Ft I Lavw 6 beet bread in town, ' *iliiy last vear made a profit of $14,000, here, and the limited facilities we had ins tbd refractgpy organa into sub ec• 1111 go farther to a faarlly than any then were Waxed to thole utmost to j e titvomo s call orts aro a t li. 4 tato Opposition did not see, that handle the traffic. Unfortunately Por tion Holl tedtuCitSg them to normal ac- rdand» yragon wail he aiyour a he vaso, wh there should be an us, the abro ation of the teat be tion. {n wtafch oris ,Flan that' can pet- ateio b JORDAN9 t 1llkd y Those are the beat Paiute in the wowld T. HALE, ppt' teaform tlntir duties fir rl to -da . F - tpjiito ruatlun of $S,CMIO Pur iha farm tweetPot a Canada rood the United thich p Y• y. 'They cover most I k bee Pot a atop Gi this profitable trade which last longest, end are the most,,, t• ThaBome 3tede Bread Biter. Corner Oolborne St. and Square ;Iidltden. P P to enjoyed. But time htue flown en, American ting tock.buyeAsare serutinR 1rA Fox, that iho European im rid many wonderful charges have the country round about Exeter le, cal of any Paints, either wilted ifil• tft11 -ijttat. ,ftpPraypriaatmn bo reduced taken plica since that period, Then, quest of y9oUnR stock. As high as mixed. - __ t Manitoba and the guest Nor thivest, I tiventy td, twbnty-one dollars is being / * nrr 'gltrndigir, that the agrical• may say, were an unknown region to paid foP ,C'iifaea. Tots is certainly a f.its; the vast. prairies and mountains temptingAvAlre but even at that price Fire -Pro e F 0fol oppi-opriatit,int Ile cut down $8,• were the hoine'of the buffalo, and tho it is queatinnahle econom to Sol our 1tp tho f C OT AFFORD TO PASSI iiia hriitq mal ruction in fruit spray fr ed man hold away over Chat imnrenae y°unQ stock, .A cnttlu fta nino in ileo D14W Oi t THISVI itaii,li4i), .di►try frit w $I,lxNl tVeatoru territory tvblell todap ra atttatottri>; so near f t l rii,p Ira Elle result and call- a tt • e DtilryMt+htrlil $°,dlkl. 1utucll atteuhon throughout the civil- aequentlll}I li. prices, Then theta trrtil I ized world 1 being t►e m(rst n,agnift- be the,esti eustatned by selling fodder This Paint is selling asci itlt!' ' g f ;i .1i ' Tri W rdell that l 1 to 4, A S` • a t m Apt, P a I, t utlnera and grain producing eoun• off the Matt' *'hell no stock ie be road - FROST WOOD I t>l<crlta for tlit Lmwn Lands Department try under the sun, to eat it lip ori tbt? premises, goad a tti5fatition. It ie "1 I baredutaed 16(1,000. I The building of the Canadian Pacific 40 , :....r« .- A 1 UUrAsnlws STA.T1 ,URNT. "'`` -H gh rat G' i 'd L ow PI` ceC We h CtvyFkii*& AwA a Sarsalet7irinla . : _ t. ,./fir' ., t iH ii r 1Si/ in our fit 1 ata tt a rlui tri, I I' Pipe tanildhllionpr ,on 1 atvlrnDtrn rid a ,aa tt y y(, y ,,( { y{, t t a y, ^,.:1 .lt r%_ ON, BR0000 e YI eYI r1/JA i a/7 Mr/i.'Ye]Y t7 , , . 11 , I ' I both Oerf el'frCti a tVtnllkii, * D ta Wb 110- ' 4 -• .' .r r , ,% -, j . i ep crit +Ore l ritOn, Have fair by jlllt•a if d 11 'e Bar ut,- I .Harrow, - artlla •lei tiled Clttei,'" IZ. 8. l"ICt I—- _ao7w -1. P " TOPf 1'ulifl eb., tlif f lqe Attvtlod •r j .-WA_ L. R OAI;l Flo! v N c D• tw► • L:' I I' ' L.`, , P , ltiih i roved frioti Iu1I .. +C Illl'Ii 'i1i1t til4' Ilrollirtlato'rlt OI tlrtiYlatY"tix'it ai ettttcttt tlt+e n wlYiaI . i+, ,,, .}' tp on1eeli;l lnrt ,. t #h 1>z th r K y - FWof Bail 11"rlll s , 4tiVX4WiC4.:iti q ,INiIO(0'`lbb, t ill (1btliltieb 111f1 1tt117ca1q d. O. ft ott 6 willttfl i1" Ab WA k;t `.'. "e 0, tie _, . w, I tri .tNtt'S' w • . ::.. z ei N, *i nil' Mil. ,. 1 ,:: 1 h t Atli 1 ► ,:. . , , ., I'•—s ti a Iff t!ui it R t1 Cir. fl ni ' " l p! , # Ito x ii i aqi-. _.,... , ..: ."' ,. , f4.lit .ahx+3et t, wa ill. . 1 Illlr'Iltf Miit iillF illir 11WHOM«1. tt , `br+: lis 0014 #• 1ttt i'1rt will "14ft '., OA Wtti *A4 l tti N+ ltbi+, k1Ei11NitE t`i! ,ilii till,. $tYfi tb i7h » f >l?Ie ',drat; ids llpllt & Daft l ';4bt411'Ilk : tlltlf t tt►r1 , 1I+ r1rt t+tw ti,Itri batl+r rr, w►ttl tlw `•t` usttr' nt •, z ` . y 11D'.1 f*"#il•+Il' t Citi" a L ths,llcttfttll 1lfiailx WtYel lyf ' M, ► Mr iikli+iill>lI! tit`t• Wtai t'Ita 1. i 'VtYtlld IYII iub#air, '#G itxd" p Ib11i itWtlF,'iii ti 11 1ttIl►Ilt r. It'IMt a' ' 1t • 'tri iA "thw to #9010W IiMt$1t 0* 't til! ex•. r w » 1600 wR °4lflrt li . Wf",M' r V I11 1101,4 it li • V i1r 1yf '•. 'i ,* , ' » r , r, 4 1 A. $Mt 1 ° d' Baa _ r'.13 a -, c ti -11 - ` = ,y, r ..` 'sJ' ° tlt' td, h .eF ' i .t , . r "nl +as++ri1 - 1'9 11 • ` - - , 1 , , 1.I, . "sollft a e A. ` art." is r a, t AA f - $ `liiK ^' , - ., i