HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-07, Page 3q
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ikt th4 Sandy Rook proving groun 4-4
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Murphy. Its, recording cle0r. a ad In
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Fire Commissioner $cauplell of Now
Ron- R. R. Doilooll. best returned, from
Tim 11111'"Un 1111111111" 44' W"W
York boa appoint ,. ad Rev. , Wis. Smith
EagIsail, whither Pe went in o0unac-
go"""" I" 1111"" IM1111111144
and Rev. James Le Barren Johnson
tIols with tbp fast Atjav,tlo service. on
cbaplain# roUthe Fire' Department.
with thrit rarsk of battalion chief.
the Wednesday proce4ing his depar-
lothiresting noWpings of RA*a
,* potto-Tilse
Xt Is purposed to ristoot , fund of
tu.re for Canada, X.r. Dobell attended
latteat News of Our *will C6146 ry-adn$4
$10,0W ter iber feadlytt of Warren Gains.
a imetiting of the Couisdian Lrado sao-
to the Mother Lind -what to GOWS an to
the elevator maul at the Windsor b*tol
tion of the London Chaimber of Corn -
the United $tat"__Not" From the 11111'"
[a Now 'Zork, who refused, to leave his
mexce. at which be made an oxptaus-
post and lost his life in the fire.
lion on behalf of the Canadian Govern -
It In reported that George H. Dan-
liels, general passenger agent of the
Meat with a view to the removal of
At Hamilton a farmor was fined 45
Now York Central. hall been made
the "No British North A rica"
for feeding raw horeeflesh to hogs.
passenger and traffic manager, with
clause which underwriters now insert
There is talk of an electric railway
UuthOritY over all the Vanderbilt
in Insurance Policies. The clause is
line between Woodstock And Ingersoll.
especially aimed at "tramp" steamers.
The writ forthe Brockville bye-alec-
lion has been issued by Mr. Speaker
William Scott a corn merchill t, of
Liverpool, EugLind. committed 'I n,i,,,,
and the section passed a resolution
Edgar. April 20.ia polling day.
on boardthe steamerUmbria whilethe
requesting the Canadian Government
It is said ut Kingston that Ron. Win.
was an route to Now York. He was
found in his the throat
to ,legislate against excessive deck
Harty and his son, Dr. Harty, will
state roomwith
taut with a broken bottle.
loads, as as to meet the views of the
spend Must tit next year in Europe.
underwriters. In the course of has
Kris. Elizabeth Alexander of Mmil-
The United States transport Crook
arrived at New York Tuesday night,
speech Mr. Dobeil explained that the
Ion is under arrest for attempting sui-
cide by throwing herself in front of
having on board the bodies of the Bol-
Canadian Government were taking ac -
a train.
diers who died during the campaign
tive steps to improve the navigation
Miss F. L. S. Fitzgerald, M.A., Of
in Porto Rico, and the bodies of 67t
ofthe soldiers dead from Santiago.
of [be St. Lawrence by erecting light -
Cornwall High School, has been elected
A resolution boa been adopted by the
houses togborns, and bells, and also
a Member of the Council of Queen's
University, Kingston.
State Legislature at Albany prigirkling
by mZns of plars to prevent the tee
for a committee to inquire into the
floating up and down the ninety mites
Ex -Mayor Wilso"mith of Montreal
raising of money to corruptly influence
or so of tilloway. Liaut t-Gaveral
says the 48,000.000 city loan can be
Placed In Canada or Great
police legislation and to investigate
Laurie 7the Meat -
I M.P., presided o,
Britain without Lrouble.
every department and office in the City
of New York. I
The Quebec By-law Committee has
At Niagaxa Falls, N. Y., a great mass
decided to impose it tax of #31114) On
of rock, weigting hundreds of then-
Mr. Casgrain, M.P., will call the at -
Podium residing in the city and 1400
8andi of torls, fell from the cliff on
tention of the House to a crying abuse
oil pedlars residing outside.
the south aide of the Buttery Whirlpool
In connection Jilt tha judiciary in the
The report of the Agrictiltural De,
Rapids elevated and plunged down
ParLMent of Manitoba shows an un-
ca the Gorge road tracks and the build-
Province of Quebec. Mr. Citrigrain
equaled scale of production and an un-
Ing at tile foot of the -elevator. A lot
points out that there are 31 Superior
tirsisially heavy Lids of immigration.
of damage was done.
Court judges in the province, and that
A grand military tournament in
Miw Catherine Bell Noble, who nar-
sluxing the year 1897 eleven of t hose
Montreal during 1900 is being proposed
rowly escaped death at (be time of the
judges rendered falls than 35 judg-
by General Hutton. 1-t is to be the
loss ofthe steamship Mallegan, when
largest of its kind ever held in the Do-
upwards of 100 persons were lost, on
men La. or all average of three each per
October 14 last, has filed suit is Bal-
annum. MOILecver, too of the judges
The report comes from Allis, thal't
timora for 430,000 against the Atlan-
have had leas thiiii two months' work
claims are being jumped promiscuously
tic Transportation Co., owntirs of the
during the year. Mr. Casgrain thinks
on every crook in the district, on the
chancethatthey may prove to be Am -
A big mass meeting of German-
all the requirements of the province
orican-owned originally.
Americans in Chicago on Monday
will be met by re -organizing the Judi-
Montreal policeman have to take this
night Passed a long and ponderous re-
cial services instead of increasing the
UaLh: " You ,%wool- you are not a
solution, protesting against an Anglo-
number of judges.
member of any isecret,aociety and thtit
American alliance, and the sileged to [so
y0U Will UOL join tiny its long as YOU
are La member of the force."
sasortions made again'st, Germany in
connection with the recent Spanish -
The Canadian Commission for the
The Detroit, Windsor & Soo Naviga-
American war. I
Paris Exhibition has Issued, in pam-
tion Company has decided to place the
phlet form the regulations and general
8idewhoolers Majefitic, and City of Col-
Snowstorms have disorganized the
classification of exhibits from Canada,
lingwood on its lines from Windsor to
Belgian telephone service.
It is stated that accepted hibits from
Goorgiath Bay ports and the Soo.
French deputies are how agitated
Quebec. Ontario, and ther"Utist pack2
Sir W. C, McDonald boa added a for-
over the question Of raising. their sal-
ed in strong cases, must be delivered
thei large sum to his already princely.
aries. I
at the exhibitors expense at Montreal
gifts to McGill University -by giving
The reports of the approaching mar-
or Quebec not later than ist of Novem-
mufficient to the School of Mining and
Metallurgy to maintain a larger staff.
riage of this Emperor of Austria are
ber next, and exhibit& from the Mari -
Jamets Kerr attempted to take. the
life (if H. M. Howell, Q.C.. a well-
The ' Japanese Government I sort-
time Provinces at Halifax not later
than 15th November, to be shipped to
Paris by the Canadiart Commission.
known Winnipeg, criminal lawyer,
contemplating the natiounall7a-
lion of railways.
free of charge. Exhibitors will be free
Kerr was about to pull a revolver
when the clerks inthe office disarm-
General Toral, who commanded the
to ship their goods by other routes not
later than the Ist of January, 1900, but
ed him. .
,R)aniph troops at Santiago, is dying
Prison at Madrid.
at their own personal expense. Forms
Customs House officeraLat Kingston
of application for riptice, must he re -
and along theSt. Lawrence are keep-
The immense vineyards Ili Alsace-
turned to Ottawa not later than June
ing more ateict watch than hitherto
and Baden. haye been meri-
lilt. I .
upon women returning from across the
ously dalmaged by frosts.
line, and will confiscate everything
A Parisia,u doctor is,being suod�by a
not Properly entered.
woman for burns receivedi during an
Mr. Alexander Begg, of Victoria, B.
A Tepreeentation of all phases of
exposure to the Rontgoni Rays.
C., is to interviewl the Government
Yukon mining work will be one of the
Experts who have been examining
in connection with making arrange -
features of the Paris Exposition. The
the gold deposits neart Lake Victoria-
Leonia for developing the deep-sea fish -
Canadian Bank of Commerce will place
Nyanza say the ore assays $120 to the
aries of British Columbia. He has had
on exhibition $5,000,009 worth of gold
t on,
an intervieVr with the Commissioner
in dust and nuggets, .
The French Chamber on Tuesday tie-
of Immigration in order to induce him
to encourage the settlement, of seafar-
The students of Wesley College, Win-
nipeg, treated Rev. Hamilton Wigle,
cided by 315 to 166 to retain the motto,
"God Protect France," upon the eoin-
- g men and fishermen on the coastal
in .
twister of Zion church, to a hazing,
of British Columbia. The halibut fish-
losging him ina blanket. In a recent
So far over 9,000 claims have been
eries, off Vancouver Island. are most
prolific, but unfortunately, they are
sermon he had reflected on the students
and denounced the practice of hazing.
registered under Now Zealand's old
being neglected by Canadians, the only
age pension scheme. and 2,800 have
companies exploiting them being Am -
There will be no further appeals in
been granted.
erican fishing concerns.
the matter of the Hamilton Home,
atead Loan & Savings Society, and the,
The son of a diplomat ,accredited to
France is reported to have left Paris
estate will shortly be wound up. It
with 44.000 worth of jewels belonging
Mr- Louia Joseph Demers, the newly -
is thought that the shareholders will
to a prolininent actress.
elected member for Levis, was intro --
get 12 or 15 per cent. out of the
I .
A German patrol was attacked by
duced by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Ron.
Chinese near Kiao Chan, and the Ger-
Charles Fitzpatrick.
A depintatign from the Women's
Mass are alarming the Chinese by the
Mr. John Chariton introduced his
Council waited upon the Mayor of
extent of their measures of retalia-
perennial bill to amend the criminal
Montreal with regard to the condition
t ion.
code of 1894.
of the poor and destitute children.
The petition from the County Council
They urged the assistance of the cor-
ten -inspecting house 4as �een
es tablished in Yokohama for the
of Middlesex "king Parliament to
poration towards having the Quebec
Government adopt -a law similar to
Poses 'Of thoroughly inspecting all
grant an extra 25 cents per day to the
Militia force ham been ruled out. it be -
that of Ontario for the commitment
teas before they are shipped�out (if the
ing contrally to the rules of Parliament
of those little cribs. .
country, . .1 1�
to receive, any petiti,w --_],�;� - ,
' -
The Winnipeg Grain and Produce
Germany has proposed that the Sa-
money grants or financial abaiataratt,
Exchange has resolved try memorialize
moan difficulty be referred,to a high
of any kind. . k
the Dominion' Government -didt -ill
16blit cOrnm ione and' Great Britain
Mr. move a resolu-
grain from Manitoba and the North-
and the United States are understood
Lion in f of . appointment of a
%%Pat Territories passing Winnipeg to
to have consented.
Railway ommission.
Fort William, or east thereof, be in-
During a fight between Americ(in
' Mr. Bostock will introduce a bill to
spected at Winnipeg and warehoused
sailors and, native boat men at the
provide for the issue of railway passes
in Fort William or other eastern ter-
wharf at Kingston Jamaica, two sail-
to Senators and members.
nainal elevators on Winnipeg inspec-
ors and eight natives were kille(f, and
Mr. Davin will ask for papers relat-
man3 wounded on both sides.
ing to the removal of Gold Commis-
The present Russian Minister of
sioner Fawcett, also for copies of in -
structions to F.. C. Wade, Crown At-
Bixket Foster, the English watercol-
Finance will succeed the present Rug -
Is ion Minister of the Interior, who is
torney in the Yukon.
or painter, is dead.
The Canard Company has announced
blaintred by the Czar foT not having
Mr. Charles Maze, president of the
United Cotxnties railway is in O�tawa
inereas&d profits of AM,972.
taken adequate measures to prevent
the famine in districts of Russia.
interviewing the Government with a
The Great Northern Railway of Eng-
A despatch to the ECIRr from Tou-
view to securing a subsidy to a line of
freight steamers to run between Sorel
land has ordered 20 locomotives in
lon says that recent experiments made
and Rouen, France, which he will es -
The British Court of Chancery has
there with armour -piercing shells have
conclusively demonstrated the .
Postal -
tablish. He also wants sers. dredging
done in Sorel harbour to accommodate
decided that strikers are entitled to
,poor law relief.
. . rabip'n
bility of a shell piercing a war
ocean-going steamers. .
armour and exploding inside the ship.
Mr. P. Martel, of Paris, has arrived
The British and Foreign Bible So-
Xhe Petit Parisien says that two
in Ottavra to interview the G OV
ciety is busy getting Wet Bibles in Lbsi
Belgians of the- naine of Clacyn, man
meat in regard to the establish -16;
Filipino dialect.
and wife. have been arrested irk Paris,
ofadirect line of steamships between
Opposition has developed in the
and have confessed that they acted
Canada and France. It will be remem-
House of Commons against the pro-'
as spies in and around the Cher-
bered that the Government has made
posed issue of tidily newspapers on
hourg fortifications, 'in behalf of Great
several efforts to secure Such R line,
Sunday in London.
Britain. The story 18 not confirmed.
but last year the negotiations collaPti-
The owners of the British steamer
ed, owing to a differ(III08 of opinion
Wolvinaton have been awarded EW,000
with the French Government as to the
salvage for towing the Collard liner
nature ofthe service. ,
Pavonia, into St. Michael's, at the
It is evident that the Government
A zeros. . I
Louden Times PrIlatit n Hundred Word
has abandoned allhope of completing
the 14 -foot navigation in the S(. Law-
The steamship Arose, of the Themp-
Telegram gene lioder the New 14yritenrl.
rence canals by the let of July. The
son line, has been as miss-
A despatch from London.' says; -The
contractors on (be Soulanges canal
lug, by Lloyds, and, according to cus-
tom, the inaturalice is due. Montreal
cross-channel tests of Marconi's sytem
have been notified that they must give
people are interested.
o(wireless telegraphy, which began
an uninterrupted channel by t be l6t h of
May, and that the workal must be com-
Lord Stratheona has protested
on Monday, will he continued for some
pleted by the ftat of Ortober, which,
against the passing of the universities'
time. The French station is at Wim-
of course, mcanathe opening of navi-
degrees bill, a private measure, which
ereux. near Boulogne, and the English
gation in IWO.
if passed would oblige Canadian grad-
as to the name of their alma
station is at the South Foreland light-
The Farmers' Institute of Portage Is
not give
motor In connection with their degree
house, the distance betwasin the two
Prairie, in a petition to Parliament,
stateethat virtually a railway mono -
being 32 miles.
poly exists in that portion of Canada,
The British Government has decided
Thus far the experiments have been
which is highly injurious to the in -
not to proceed during toe present ses-
entirely successful. the messages
terests of agriculture and the develop-
sion of Parliament with the automatic
couplings bill., which provides for the
passing with the greatest ease. 8ignor
ment of trade. They therefore urge
thatthe Government should purchase
compulsory use of automatic coupl-
Marconi is personally superintending
and manage lathe interests of Mani-
ings on all British railroads after a
the teats.
toba andths North-West the Manito-
period of five yearn from the passage
The times on Tuesday prints a
based Soutil-Eastern railway. the On -
of the measure.
There in much sickness among the
hundred word despatch. the first press
tario and Rainy River railway, and
the Port Arthur, Duluth, and Western
inhabitants of the western part of the
eirsage by the Moment syst In of
in e
1%larid of Mull. owing to their having
w irple-99 (plegrnphy, describing the ex-
The Jansen Bay Railway Comptany,of
eiaten too freely of apples that were
periments between the South Fore-
which Mr. William Mackonzie is preei-
w,"hed ashore from the steamer Ln-
lorridor, which was wrecked on March
land and Boulogne-arar-Mer. The ex-
dent, andthe NLpiasing andJamps, Rny
Railway Cornipany, of which Mr. W, B.
I on Mackenzie rock, an islet on the
perimenin were conducted with The
Mr.Murrich is president, are asking for
Hebrides group. A
rMorse code. which wait rnad as dist inct-
an extension of tiln*-to enable them
The report of the coroner's inquest
ly an if the termini bad been canner. (_
to complete the roads.
The bill Introduced by Rev. Mn Dan -
into the circumstances of the death
of the stoker of the British crui a"
ed by wireat.
glant, in reference to seed grain indebt-
Terrible, who was killed, by a boiler
The South Foreland in the most
edness of North-West fri-i-mern, Mates
explosion on board the cruiser, is a
easterly land in England, consisting
that the total sular due to the Govern -
verdict exonerating the officters, but the
of a *chalky stiff about 200 feet in
sumat on account of wed grain advances
is $153ift. Ilene advances were made
jury r&oitimends the discofitinsionee of
ualiW �`inieldiit,d tubing.
hel*ht projecting into the North sea,
to 5X4 formigra in MaWtobs, and the
" tow"o Xhlounfoicturet* siziii e*i_
and having two lighthouses with in
North-West, of whom 4,60 a simply
broadwiveii, while 9.430 are 7rincipal
doe "66J$jltl�ossl�ftat thiti't
St, %*Utellior
elevation of M feet. &gaaf "Oil ,
dobtars all adinue-0 fat other*. The
of Z*hfttWr# ' Sit Miditkist ltiok*-
Whose slatilim of witelem t8l ph
ludItildral sollailut average about $W.
Betabb'JAWkU �, th lisit"t I ikh WjQt by
tall b6f&, in pJ*0tW oVbftt tb
_ �
Dr. Its proposes that the debt
A* 0*444 1b*`i1,:_1 I
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baeft I ftft. I k"d 1116ftfta� 'a ' 'L - '--Iedif_ ijid Aj
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Pria", Edward Wand. .0 . - W1241111 ,. 41 n a fisttlifil sigtor caps of . . � � �# I . _ _ I
Manitoba x#4 North W%4 - 0&416 Abw oc 061% .1, � trowpow 14 WA00--pedia Polar I �
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Wise Wrossoole lire �'Xolr& BMW. Sge . out to torm a litt% Aul aro"r th. NOtillill Of I 40 iu MO LOW It" L JWVW Vt * UM "' *
019,461; British Colimbla. 41,9".OW ,0410 too of this flo"rrpet. T,W*. wbIle st�. parumiltut. *04*0 ex-044ft
The other provinces #how discre"611. factually covering the ilimsbUy r.r. DRALINCI WITH CATTLE TUIZVE& "INI-01, I I
MOW mas war* engaged In the tiob.- ROLLS AND FANCY BURAD6. tdovida pleastlAgly 14 ooloir with . 1001111400 1
Ing instustry. using boats, asts. etti,. tsillaso and otelass %bove. It. J. Pottyplece. X.P.P.. seeks to a 11`011714110110 7*11100 04 -TI141000"40. .
agaregsttgg a capital of $9 A,14ong the additigas to the l4reak- w4w 00viot . -_ 04 09 IWO& - .
..VO,194, oat ad VII=pooHs"=1t 4"or&tiv* pos' bill to have the milaticipal law amend- mleir . t.. " 0 1"� "
- �
" �
Tholetal number rafmaau� vivesidi (4vt table that at small o , 4 tak- albill I alld d be allowed to -1 by adding the following clause so A des"teX froM .. . �0 �
liciells" Issued to AxAerioav� flabilig moneely to Its attractive4o4a. Ron* (all a" turn as naturally *0 pol"Ible. - , Tolraifttl ny#;��A t,'�',
L larding *� � �
I -
vessels was 79. an against 40 In IN7. r*rt# higher than hot ral � to lead tancY Real attlets produce charmigig r.poulto 9 , kho apprehension of cattle tbo lootels Lansollawso Av#. rsflwx,y . I
T40 fisheries' Protection, eat Pau-crued. by combining flowers. fruit and vi:s thievesi-The council of every county elrusang 4 tarrup double fittolity oci I I
nearly VOW Miles of ca. but. pend- broads. for table decoration. and city may provide by by -low for the curs*d on Tkurs"y milgift, a few mllif,- . I
ing the ratification of the treaty lbe� The first on the list is Vienna bread. I 1.
twollsli Great Alrit"a skad AN HIFAiB 04RDEN. Puystrierst Of a row's"' to any Person ,tea before W O'clock. Tlif victiolo
the United The chief difference traitween this and Of Persons Who shell pursue mad ap. were Mrs. James P. Malone amid ber
States' various concessions have been ardboark bread is that wilt or milk Most varieties of savory harbe ean, I .
made to Nova Scotia tinhing- schoonore. prebend or cause to be apprehended little &an. Willies wh .
Clumsily occaplons theAmarleaus took and water. is used inst,ead of wateir be bought powdered androody for stris, any, person guilty of stealing cattle Lansdowne Ave. .Ls resided at lou . 11 .
advatkitage of Canadian generosity. Is mixing It. Sieve and warm I lb. of but the finest and pureat are grown within the said county or city. and may I
, , ,
In conniction witlithe pelagic sealing flour. mixing it as you do so with about in our own gardener, dried. sifted and A DESOLATE "M. !_ I
questiap the report sayw"As no re- Provide that such reward shall be paid 1,
. a dessartapoctiful of salt; then work bottled for use. The scene of the tragedy tin a deso �'
vision 61 the Fazio regulations has out of the funda, of the corporation on late spot I , �
taken pis", tile present restrictions together I ex. of German, or any otheIr All mints contain a strong. aromatic, the conviction of the thief on the or- . who" there are no lights. I
will provskil during the coming sea- good yeast. and one or two teaspoon- asgeatial Oil that Ili applied Medicinal- dor of the judge before whom the run- gatest a- any person to give warning , ,
eon... fula of powdered sugar. till it all lique- iy In a great variety at ailments, Pop. viction is obtained. of approaching traillia. There are I I . a
— I � ties or ,,Oreajns;,, now melt I oz. of permint Is adapted tontramaub troubles �OUINO FOR STATUTE LABOR. three tracks, two controllest by the I
GROWN-UPABOYS. butter in a clean pan, and as it tile-- and bergamot it) used an apositice. to UP in the aparsoly settled district -it Grand Trunk. and the other the pitro. .
— solves. pour to it half a pint of milk, flavoir tile bilth, or to perfume the lin- party of the Qatesslian"PaclAc. There 11 I .
Rest Meek 111114als All tho Curieliltir of rheir arold allow the latter to become i en. It Is said that mice have : otroff the authorities have a great deal of in only 3 footpath ,for residents to I -r, I
I trouble in Persuading farmers to do - 'L
stat aversion to all mint. All herb .ban, cross the tracks at this point. The . . ,_
Tooth. tepid,.(a good baker once told me that be collected for diying only when in statute labor. V F. rarwe It. M.P.P., rails are laid on high embankments.
A man stopped in front of a freshly- the proper temperalure for a taking flower. for East Algoma, has a bill amending
painted door on which hung a 'sign liquid wain obtained by adding two Parsley in the beat known and most tile clause of the Assessment Act re- mad are 00 stoop that they cannot be
"Fresh Paint." He looked at it it mo- parts of cold liquid to one part boil- utood of any of the seasoning herb&, climbed without grant difficulty, Just "
merit and then ran the tip of his fin- ing), next atir in this a whole egg, always in a fresh and growing state, losing to the suing of nun-resideatm at this season (if the year, when the .1
Is very ornamental for garnishing. oil- for statute labor In the, Utiorgellixed spring thew In on, large poula of water I 1 61 -
ger along It. making a mark thereon, and pour this all to the yeast. with pecially the curled leaved variety. territories. Tistiae are he words he are 0 . ',� "
and carryiing off the paint on his fin- which it should be Well lins,tou tip. Sage is one ct the must- important, If wants added to the, present act; '*The n each side of the banks. This , - I
ger. Reap the flour up on the pastry board, not most used. of savory herbs. It is . letters May true in any Division helps to rink* passage more dangerous. .. � I .j .
easily propagated by alips or cuttings. COMMIss " V,
He looked at Hit finger and at the and make a hollow in the o(,ntr, with In early times sage wits the One all- Court having JUILL4,ijetlon, any person COMING FROM VESPERS. . I
mark on ths door incredulously, as if your knuckles; pour the milk, yeast, important seasoning for the Thanks- liublu to Perform Statute labor wit- Special reapers in St. Helea,s R,pa. .,; . I L , .
it could not be possible. He bad been eto�, into this hollow, working (town giving turkey of Now England. but fully neglecting or refusing tu perform Wan Catholic Church oil Good Friday ,
feeling for fresh paint a long time, some of the flour from lba sides till later, ruilder flavors, thymeor summer . I
SaVOrY, have been used. Sweet mtkr- the saine lia aforralaid, for the amount Eve attracted is large number of the � . I
but bad always been just too late Lo you have made a kind of a IRAN pond joram Is preferred by many for the of such statute labor committed at Parishioners to that edifice. Among I � � 11 I
find it wet. in the middle. Now lot it rise in a Mildness of its aroma, A powerful oil $1 per day." thew who attended the service were , ' '' L�
, 11 -
"There I- said .an old man who had warm place for tou minutes or tie Lill in distilled from Ibis, much used for COUNCILLOWS 14CALIFICATION. One Of the victfuts, Kra. Malone, and L:, ,
edlefinal purposes. �, .1
observed the paint Lester; "that shows the surface Is all covered with bubbles. MArragon could hardly be called a Bill 231 bears the name of John Rich- her two children, Freddie slid Nellie. �1. - � rL
� : I
I ,.
the strain of boy left tin every main ; then mix in the rest of the flour, and sweet herb, but, a bitter one; for it is a Luxleon. It is to anaund the Municipal Little Willie, the other victim, play- ';.L�L, "
the bit of idle curiosity that only comes knead it all vigorously to a soft paste. species of wormwood, of which there Act by the addition of the following .4 around bill home, and when the time , I L �
out once in a while." are Torty varieties found In the United ��', , " :
and again put it In a warm place to Sta imparts it fine aroma to clause: "Provided that if at the time come for the service to end, he Jett his . w'_'�!
� "
" A be always touches Wet Point to tea' It I PlaYmutOft to meet bin mother. brother I "',
Y rise, covered with a thick cloth, until vinegar and t Is a POW6rfUI ionic Its of the election the residence of it mool-
am if it is really wet, and it is the the surface in all orack,d. which It Will Wall- bar duly elected to tho county council and sister at the church door. Willie 11 , I I
same strain. that makes the man of be in about two hours. Now toke it ivislon crossed the tracks with safety on 1112 - 1.
INGS WORTH KNOWING. Its within the county council d ;L' r, ll,
affairs do it. You would suppose that out and roll it out about three-litiarters LITTLE TH for which he has been elected, and way to the church. � ..
a grown mail had enough serious things of an 'inch thick. It can then ire made Egg stains on silver may be removed IVAI'rp.l) ON THE TRACK. - "
by rubbing with a wet rag.dkpped in afterwarda anti during his term of 1.
to think of ROL to care a rup whother kill in twists, or the horseshoe roll no The faral ly returned down Lansdowne � L- ." , ', �
table salt. office, the tuwtk or place in which he ,!!' �L- �
the paint was fresh or not -but he has- often served in Europe with the morn- Ave., and were about to areas the first .
oil. ing coffee. For the first, out the pasto A coiling bluckbried by ansilike from resides is separated or removed from 4.,
into three long strips, about six inches a lump or ntovo-pipe may be cleaned the juriardlelliion of the vounty, such track- when a heavy north -bound ��, -
" There are a large number of things long. and roll theme with your floured by wiping Off with it flannel cloth 80para(ion or it-inoval shall lit at) man- freight train rdlied along. They wait- I. . ..
that wilt excite the Idle curiesity of palm till you have three rolls of equal dipped Ili strong borax water. [let' affect the qualification of the cd until the long stripg of earn had .,,r�!� I �, � ,,,
the man who lauvAot had the length. Now press the ends of three Piano keys that have become yellow, Pasavd. and then atWtupted to cow .,
�. bl�ry a in I
knocked out of hIrW A hor"o dowm In trips .tog,ither, bringing them to a or soiled, may be, cleaned by sponging ember so tilevto,it, but he shall con- Guile thoir journey homeward. On tha , 1; . I .
seat point, and proceed to braid them with alcohol. tinue to be qutiliftod ,L.4 it member of Most westerly track C.P.R. train No, ..,:,-' I
, .1
the street will attract crowds of this in three just as you would a ribbon, or Coffeepots, teapots, and the toaket- the county council until tile exillrailon 4 from Orangoville was till Its way to , ,� �,
kind. A gathering In the street at hit city at a good rule of speed. Not- � ? I
f,L; '
wool being careful to shai�e them as tie may be purified and sweetened by of tilt, lorni for v�hlvh lit, hax been ,Ito and Freddie were a short distance , ..,�,l
I 'I�L]!,�', �
which the center of interest is beyond you do so, that the and may Ito pointed boiling out every week with boraz elected." I (, ahead of their mother end brother, und '' -;,L, 1,
his view will hold him mystified and I Iko the beginning, make as many of water. I _ - �L
curious until be can "a what it is. these as you need, I them - PORTRAIT OF SANDFIE1.1) NIA leaped over The traeks to alwait the ,��;,d_�
rog : on a well � �';'_..f
" The antics of an Italian organ- fluttered bak I I, brush them Flies may bo kept off woodwork and DON A 1, 1). ,It horil. . L, 1�'; � . 1, _�,
I �, �i I.",
grinder's monkey will hold him ca- over lightly with beg�au yolk of egg, ploture frames by%Nushing with water Mr. NN'tillney made it HUgglk4flon that 1BOT11 RUN DOWN. ,
. I "i.."
traticed until he comes to himself, A and bake in a moderate oven till they Ili which unions artt bollod. .1, L' 4
a pale golden -brown. For the funds be provided tit nocult. it Laotraill Mrs. Malone unit Willie evidently I.!, 1;
man stamping a priving block or the a re Brusto utensils mity Ire kept bright walked together Upeousclothr Of any � ,� I,- 1� I
tl",��, 'L'',
operations necessary to repairing a hole horseshoe rolls you out the Vienna anti clean try rubbing with fialt and fol (kill Legittlaliv., hallm of The Flitril da"ger. They h tit no sooner lit opped be- . " � , �,,� , �
In the at - rest will arouse his curiosity. dough after rolling it out, into squares vinegar. . 0 Prernior (if tilt, pnoinco, John Solid- 1woen the ralls, when they were ruts ,I.,
z-- ��,-"!� - �
" To revive it dying fire quickly lhro*,v Nell( Mavilonald Pe u1no hoped It, 800 ,low it. I'll 1 L ��,.�
.Bless you, he is a bby again, with and again out these across diagonally, . �, �,, , L, ,,.�, ".
alll a boy's idleness and curiosity. It so that you have now twice an many over the roak 4' teaspoonful of sugar, a portrait of the lirosent Premier all- Terrified, the two little ehildron who It �: _L� 113
its in us all in some degree, and in triangles as you had squares, lBring had crossiod safely, called Mrs. Stan- LIA
some others of us in a very alarming Lhe base of tile triangle (i.e., the origin- __-_ —_ - urning the chamber. ton, Who IIV" at No, 178, and who
degree." al diagonal), in front of you, and with JOHN BULL'S NAVY. Mr. Hardy approved (if the first part happened tti lie near tit the fleas. �;`11 � .
__ __ well -floured hands roll it over lightly -_ If the sUggeMLitin, bill lit, to the por- Mr. Malone awaited tile return of bin .. �� !��, 1.
till it lit all twisted up, the point form- 0 �, I L I., J
i I I
GUNS FOR RUSSIAN ARMY, Ing a little triangular flap on tile Tile" tre Now 09 Wor*hflei I Oiler Con. trait Of himself 110' Wits More lie would family at the home of Mr. James Dolan, �� , �,_L, . . �'�'
, i
outside; then bend the points lightly .4irneillon. roll feel lit home kitilemm it liroilruit of who resides lit No. 207. which in just on '��!',�:; L'� -
. . — I at tile embankment. Here Mrs. Staton il�i'L ... 1, k, � I
. towards each other to -give the horse- Mr Whitney wits banging (lost '; ' L'� - "" �
, , -
Czar III Proceedinst In-lill Ileagotual Home Ili 81108 shape, again lot them rise oil a A despatch frion Lon,1011 JWlym:- Oand. I went first for bell) unit Mr. Malone, "'. , ��, ,,'.� "'�'L�L
,,!," 'L
Get Ahead of the Peace Confirren". buttered tin for fifteen 0 r twen ty '-;ouie striking facim alroul lilt. navy THE PAIUS EXPOSITION. not knowing who were thew victims of ,; t��'� . � , � '. , I Ili
e The year tile accident, hurriedly went out with .,�,�:,� I �.
A despati;]a from London, says: - A minuLes. and bake. Brush th tWitits lire attracting ailviiiion. Mr Matheson askod what prov Italia Mr. Dolan and his wife. The first ., 1�1.�:.11 �� �.;
despatch to the Morning Post f com over lightly with a little milk. or egg 1899 will be unique ill lirilimtr rorord.,4, the Government proposed I(, make for I)Wy picked tip wa.% that, tif little Wil- !, �'.,,- 71 . I
Paris aays tha't Russia has practicality and milk. to make them shiny and itornot only will tilt- pertionnel reach a provincial exhilik at Ili 'I- tip - The father lit once recognized his �,.��.
p I'al-is I" ,.: 1:: 7; '�,�
moist, as soon as they are taken from hibition. Mr. Bardy responded t but mon anti then hurried over to where � 'L
resolved to supply all her artillery the 110,640, me. , twice 114 Many A14 1011 ,,!�� ,,,
oven. The great secret about fif the system would be different from Mr. Dolan wait bonding over the NAY of . :!�' 1�
with a now quick -firing gun, the prin- these rolls is to roll them its lightly years ago, but no fewer than . "�,.�:�, 1.:�;�
ty that adopted vtith regard to the the second victim. . , . ..
ciple of which is similar to the French as possible. so as not to deaLroy the warribip of different lyi)e4 t%ill enter World'm Fair at ('Iiivtkgi,. ']'hen the THE FATHER OVERCOME, , " I .;
weapsm. I t is sta Led I ha I, a ba t to ry has round appearance. and so make them the navy, rpridy to hoist the pennant Dominion and ill(, provineeft made 111_��r .,
.1 ,
heavy. Shape the remains of the dough separate exhibits. ']'his ypar I here ,file unfortunate father, on realizing J�L'
already been ordered from a French into little oval rolls, the size and shape for lo -lion. ould be ont, c-miplete exhlt)lt, under What. had happened, wits in) horrified
firm, though guns of other patterns of an egg, cut them crosswise across Those include tire five grent bottle- I%vhe auripicK4 of tile I)ominton. to which that he hardly know what to do. it I L
will be tried. I the top. Let them also rise for twelve shilmi-Albion, Canopus, Glory, (;tIlinth, tile provinces woulil Ire alsked lit von- was it pitiful sight to ints, him in his .
Russia is proceeding in the matter or fifteen mintrios, then bake, brush and ()"tin, totalling 54.750 tons, and tribute ,is a part of Canada. ,111py agony, A neighbor procured two mat -
with rather unusual boat', her reason, over with milk and use. Another very costing X5,MI,000: fourteen prol"cled witre thus relieved of inuch respotoriloil- I r0sa"s- On which ttie bodies were car. I
it is believed, being her desire to de- nice form of this liread is to take the eruiriprs. god lhirt.�-one winprolerted ity, and would not need M m1wild so ried to the. home only a few Yards f,�,�
cide what gun shall be used, and- dough and divide it into three long I, b i Its. inueb money. Mitrisr". Arclobaki away. .��
then fillip, . L
to order them within two months or rails, shaping th-ese with your well Moreover, .six new arniourpd1iihips J. L. Lunatiden, C. 1'. Jame." and Ali- Little Willie was dead when found, .1
sothat ifany attention is raised at the floured hands to a kind of. torpedo will tit. ijegull, looking a ioial of 32 tir- bre) While %%,out([ be asked to confer having been killed Instantly unit only I
peace conference It may be said that shape, pointed at both ends, giving one moured vatisels, 17 lowevied vessels, with [he Dominion conarnimmionerm.as it mim rk of life remnined Is the body of ..
the order has been placed anti can- cut down the length, brush over with anti 41) onarnioured vessels, votollIeTing, io the exhibit I'll,, Federal (;overn. .Mr,. Malone. J -
not .be withdrawn. litiaten' egg, aild ba4e in a pretty )lot nd, roving or Iregioning 'I'll'i 1,,, 18141 merit wool.1 appoitit tin I-wo-ary ,otw HOHRIBLE INJURrE.S. 11I I
The proposal has been under discus- O"1- These can also be made into do- %%ill mw ile loupondcoor number of Lie mimmiou, and it wsis Loobalilp that it It,was oviden 1(rom Mrs: Mu-ione's 1, ,
sion for a long ti,me. The sIbipf �1_ cidety-wice rusks. if, when flaked, they Bril,,,1I.I%urships un(Wr construction, vorolo.iHNioll Would Ili- appointed b) the isil,uri'm a M vir", struck on the I . I I. � :
stsi'l. - -- Ift. out I . : I 'aickly sliced apd bak�od again to. r,lo-eirienling all outlay of $17.'r,N),1001 Onlario Government Ill Ftf ic- �Jtft to aide ju-iff bolow, the urm� wtilch .....
'i-aAarsi � palo �. ,�;
I . . , -flTaft fiot . 0 golden ca:,wP�,+nrkq in . .. I 1�".
I � - � I ,�gat that case the full am6dirit'of Rrigar , . flint. in Ports. wound was th�- immediate cause of I 1�' -il
Y- - . - - - 11 should have been allowedit-L.Lbe Le- - .RULLFT&MEANT FOA.,LQVB`,'I'. " THF, FISHERIES fill.l., death. Aler pilpine and head �wero also �, L
the cost of the change will lie S40,000,- � . -41 The F&fiA'r'i-,i htlT,A';,;`161rodured fly i njured. - Wi+H,F � ,YmR-viv,v-4,?*-itp-tiTw-tscie-,---- ---- - � , �
000. I ginning. They may be also fla;ored to . � — his notle and the front of his skull be. . i,;" "
taste with vanilla or lWo� augat, (!r Wake 'be Premier. It piohihitx netting in . " �
— __ Wealth) 11.6ritilat. Abut Dend In 11 !ng crushed to a Jolly. Nellie and . 1�s "I, ,
_s ��i I I
in Germany powderver cinnamon is fur she rre.ldt-a.l. treaties frequented try 41-eklod i rout Freiddio were cared for at a neiglibar's -11, - I
much us -d. - Every provincial conwahlo is made an L 11. I
PENSION FOR AN ARCTIC HERO I house. where they ispont the night. , 11"
. Spanish Bread, again, is a well- A drispaleh from Paris, Kit IV 4: - ' ex-officin A overseer The finding.0f I 61-1
— known German dainty, andismade, wealthy gentle I man name - h, rr nets or prohibited devivos in litoriarressaon The family have only lived In Toron- ,,,J,,��
O'sts"10 "An IVINO livell'i In 'ea"ch Of tbux Make a nice light dough v, I th I I 'I , I I of anyone i,% t� prinin tovie evidence to about :I year, having come here �,,`?;�'�,,�
tie was shot (lend Friday Pveni r it n 10 JiLsa ) be eirmite 11.,,1�4;1 ,
sifted flour, three or four eggs, W I 4
Franklin. . Every licerlApe or I (If from New York. The father lit am- ,
ill. - ,
a N� I -
A despatch from Orono, sayfr.-Some spoonful of brandy, and as much v�atpr Bois d" floulog"" I)y It ""If' 11 ho ,,It fishing privileges i4 obliged ill submit ployed in The 4;ul(a POrelka Rubber �1, �
tin may be necessary to make a firm, it nd Works, I 0 ,,, - !�*,�`;
weeks ago Rev. W, H. Adams. of I his look his vivtim for Prpsideni Limhell ;Ili annual statement of weight it
lastic dough. Now roll it o t as it I I . whom M. Tourrei hore !- ti,k , rig variety of all fiah '-slughl try him do r- ,.?:.. I
town. applied to the Right Hon. p into an oblong u ' - ,
evenly its Possible shape Ing tile year. The overseers appoint
Joseph Chamberlain for the award of and put all over it little pieces of ,att - resemblance. wl try the Govpi-nallont tire to fix Ilo. MEN WHOM SURGEONS ADMIAL .
a pension to Mr. Henry Gallen, of ter (previously well freed from butter The murderer, whose rointe oi ()/.,,of, pincers at Which nelit May IM "*It. The — "I
- I
Ivanhoe, Ont., who is, so far an known, milk, and kept on ice to harden it); and -who in, 38 years old, itilluorght to sales (If boils urulor 10 inches anti (if T"O He" "'k. Xurvird AIM0.4 Every �:'.�".
t'Pl � I
. now roll this paste up as for puff paste, Ire insane, He is an plertrivi lr�_ white fish, salmon, or 1akP trout under Form Or 4-11dent. , V -
the only survivor of the crew of H. , let it rest a little, then repeat the , "" ;wo rundt; are prohilkied Exports- The old proverb, "While there's life - I I.,
M.S. Investigator which sailed from butter and rolling three or four times- neer, and lost his fortunp in i - ';I- )e yond thobordernof the provi&ri . . . . .
20t b, 1850, )�: I ion there's I
Plymouth, January in then make up the paste into long: nilma smash. I( is suggested ill i th,, of such finh iq prohibilwi. 1,:xlxirta-. hope," gains a good deal of I
search of Sir John Franklin. Thurs- rigor -shaped rolls. and bake. mention of 1he Partarnit 1-and"14 in lion of apeckled trout, bax,4, and - *- force from these brief sketches of man "
day morning he is in receipt of letters Salt -Raised Bread - Many J)eople con nect ion Willi M Loubot's Her i rat im ,nongO is 111w) probi1xilelt (or five yl�Ykll who triumphantly survived almost I I
from the Lords of the Admiralty and claim g -neat superiority for this broad. mriponsible for the man'a iden ,if ;is- STIUKING AT III(ITISH COLUM131A every form of accident;
from Ottawa, which state that a pen- as far as digestibility is concerned. o'"'Rinating the President The 1:,-4�_ The Gnverran-ni. ha,m nnnounced that
sion of one shilling a day for life was over ordinary broad stuffs. It is "" fired two bullets into NI I it "ill iffrixorto ;I tax ort all trionking cor- A few inonthis ago died Thomas
awarded Mr. Gotten on the first day Id i; 11, Ir - Rushton of Walleden, Lancashire. Motrt
made thus; Sift into a pint of orra _ r"t, who expired immediately ft � porationsdraling inproperlies oulitidt-
of the present imorith, and that the ing-hot water an much ft our, as will vt3rdit. Ozouf was promitily arre,00d this province "Ito sell 41,.*k in Onlorio (If big life was spent in hospitils Con -
necessary steps will be taken to en- make a thick latter :add to this halt - 'Ibitti is a Nov% :0 ,4omp ,,( lire ltritish sequent on his many Mishaps. When ��
able him to draw this pension. a teaspoonful of salt, and beat It vigor- 58 WERE'.DROWNED, Columbia r(millorlieA five years old he fractured both his � �
ounly together till quite smooth and — MAY QUASH BONFSES (bighs, and before bi- had fairly rocov- I
ll of air-bubbips. Cover this closely The I'Vollerm era River eklearrul-il F.,irindl,
THOSE ORDERS FOR ENGINES. fund let it stand In a warm pis", the se -el Idank Iniftledinerly, The Attorney-t;enerril inir-Inced an PreAl be fell downstairs ilad sustained
— dish containing it being net in another !imi-ndment to tile illuuicipal A(,l hy
Consulest In England an Strillroad Corn- full of warm waterand let it mtand A der,pnich from St. Lot -ort, 4,#v-, �fiich a town that has. )Ieen robbed of a double fracture. Tbonceforward his
rronlem* Action. all night. Ne,xt. morning scold a pint The 1-ilers (,(file steamer ltt,%�s-Tii tin industry hy another lov,n niny take life was line long serietrit of misfortunes,
A despatch from London, sayw-The of milk, and when thin is lukewarm 1,Pp, %%iih ribiont 30 pastirrittei4 he. 1`1 ingK Ili quatill Ili#, iry-law try for besides breaking uoth legs twenty- 11
- to it a teaspoonful of salt and rades� her ore", explioetl "pp'po',. %)rich irdarelaeolm havp i,epo extentied four times. tie sustained many other ��
order for twenty locomotives given hy Pnougb flour that will make q latter i�, the hinnulatturer injuries and underwent countless oper-
the Gres( Northern Railway Company. that will drop. but not run, fro Ili Tyler Mo., alIoul 4 o'clock on \%�ho CHANGF IN ItE.CISTUATION, Estrous. .
m " , , , -
to the Baldwin Company, of Philadel- spoon. Into this pour th� mixture 1�iy afternoon, and mile, inimediat,-,� A abort timie ago the Lancet men I .-
A change irltlw m1:11ulp I- %,18nlso tioned the case of a roan who had trac- ,�
phis. is canning much comment in en- made overnight, which should Ire very it -ink �i(b all on lotard except Ctio introduced, by ,thirli Riardii it( Ftpgu� ttLre(' his limbo isix times. and on such
gineering and official circles here. The light, and have a distinctly unpleasant Griorgri Carvell anti ono lit tile irt- traiion inn -"ns md,oips ,if leFm than occasion the accident occurred OR the
RZ 11; beat these two mixtures I
contract stipulates the delivery (if thoroughly together for three or four it is P"tintirtle(l that "lilt 1pnmmenw�ts 200VIlopulationshallmit lhrr,4� sHymin- same date namely, August twenty-
0pad of f(,ur. iinelif %timh il!%)i count sixth. Before he wan sixteen he had .,
the locomotives in four months, and it minutes, then cover the pon with a and crew mile bad ntpoaird �0ljt 'I" he it Sn t it rd a y .11,
seems that the British manufacturers thick cloth, and again stand it in a met Willi five such mishaps. so he ro- �.N
proldr. I NIONEI S OF E�TA I E. solvers for the future always to remain , 11,
pan of warm writer: and leave it for t home on the fatal twenty-sirith. It o�
needded 18 months to do the Work. At tin the afternoon the lt,erir Hr W -Kay introduced a loill in a ",
two hours in a warm place, when it chanced, however, that twenty-three
Mr H, J- fivalts, chief 10"O'nollv" should fre. very light indeed Now acid Lee backed into midstream r""', , rrin4ing exempt iwoi hy the Addit lonof earn later, forgetting his resolution.
superintendent of the Great Northern enough flour to make it a nice dough. Tyior 1,, proceed (in her journey r 11" Ore followinir ,Jln�p tit I he A nitertin Y
he went to work on the unlucky day,
railroad. who in now in the United knead it conscientiously till it in Iotp, mer bad just reached, I Ili, rrwldl�- otent Art Cnlytt,il monoym of, ;rny and or bit& return slipped down and
States with other English railroad men quite smooth and elanisr, w hen you 11 the river when she suddenly %tol,li-I e4inte in the i,ossiension ,,r unZ he broke his leg,
studying the American automatic divide it up into loaves; pirtee these in and lurched .am if a mong h-1 h'..'r, ntrol ofany irumpe, stuar-hin ex .-
coupling says he in surprised at the the buttered Has, cover w ith a cloth, n1ruck The next moment tile �4-1' e,utor or ndruinoitrif,jr li%iiiing in — � I �
great mipacity of the American m o r1ri; and when they have again r,Rpn hake pirted in the middle, ;I vidome 'f ie%ltnvni %hpr� ,he. amount ,if Korb PVTOU)NAL CRESTS ON PIFAMW4 � ,
It is learned That further orders from for an hour in it modera t P 0 r n ThA steam and debris arfine, and ih,. ,ie ,,,pilul monev,, so ;rwa,ting inverliment The fashion, which gained much pop- .1
the Indian and Ao,lirnlian (;,,vf-rn- chief point to remernher about lhin fonilion ,if inpiplomlifin ibundeted ,,�f-r 1% $14)(y)(1 or owl�r, pri-lopilhi� ,P,nr�arroi ularily last ypar, of embroidering r,ol- I 11�1 r,
ments have been given tit the llald�%in larend in that it must Ire kewit mm -h ill' ""fer She hroke in it-) rod -ink thpi-pof earnwi hy ,owh ei , . loneIrto I
Company. %�armer than yeatit firend , or or .... I'Alelv. trend ,ig inveitirtioni. logo mot toPs and other insignia on onto % �`11
M,,.i of The 're", h%', 'n tlf,.rllp)o� Uri Conoipf,'% i-lecirie light 1 -ill %%,I% pillows, h,im this year tell to putting 11 . 1:
NO MORK DOWAGPIlS, TAMY DFCORATfONS The n-mie,, ,J lh,t w--nii, , ,00l,' I -R-1 hy III,- %fun.-ii,il Coromm- 1,v personal mronograntrot or crests on cash- li: a
I.- leifned I %,ire ,If -'I .., I., The 1.011 pro%,'de� 11
Dtowager is a %Nord that threatens (o riowerp in season shonlil n1wayi; be I,)" inlondpol for boudoir time - Thin ��,
- - __ - th.sl lit g-ing ini-i the 1,11min-s. muni . 1-1
become obsolete. V in not an agreeable npon the dining-iable, even if it be ' ' p,iblip" rrh�dl lrrk� ,,v�rlh,- plant ,if n*rtaialy in a very �,rptty fad. anti in 1.
dkisignation, since it indicates age and no more than two or three blonaosals BIG ELEVATOR FOR MONTREAL. 4�;,
— �lo�iric light rormlionipit; at I valunt-sr flubywt to endless variations according . .4
decay of physical charm, things of in a slender TAlis with w,me grass" ,,I he determined by arbitratif,n, in dp- I 0 ,he fancy of t bp donor
which women do not like to be re- and lerives. But the possibilities for "' Rinse rrove- to ii:,reri nine is. 4 - fnoll r,f an agreement a%',, prire )P,tng A lovely pillow watt given to a recent j,", I
minded. It in some,what curioulis, how- beautiful effectain tFible decoration by ii-arrair wish t1h, 1. 4% K. rporhod lwtwppn the Pori-rati,-ri .,oil bride, made of white satin. with bar ,4_!�
A de"Ich fr,,nj !lf(,ntrPai %�i�q IT the rtwni,ipably " .1 � I
everever. that the term has been fic,wirrm are very great The flowscs maiden monogram embroidered I& sit- , ,�
,. trialM that Mint Mr Blair, the ,%fin- Till,. AKRSIONAI. INOF'MNITY ver. A spray of orange blame= at � f
ever. that the term has been doomed which are in trearrinan tire most enjoy- later ,if Railways and Vanak, has de. Nir r,anme. made An enquiry an to on, corner completed the bridal ef- . . � , I
to extinction by no leas a i6ting per- a ble and desirable. adding 1,, beauty ded to � bother tir not the menif,prIt %PrP tit fee t. � ,
its they do a touch of novelty with the "' build a million-linxilp] -1-vni. rPrP_P , A heavy wolte silk and "old" I . r, 1,
son than Queen WiMelmina. Her heir fall nnintion4l all"-snep the pi I low and taseeig of White bilk &A# ,
changes of the year. or in lho harbor ni SInnire-ril. in �nn� The preirilier seemed ditiponeii to silver were fastened aft.at ex,Lqxtiftb�l � "., - -
, .. *
Majesty being very filial. does not As far an possible, fruit in its "a- n'tion with the Interroinnitil railway, thrt- tho anus tit the matter ,-n the cornark. � I I
like I he idea of her moth6r being An neeps- Oisir,milinn lie maid ill* quoritifin %as Many ofthe delicate a,vA Q1&bbk*t* :, L L
1'� 41 that he will apply for The *1 ,
old lady. and ban published a d son should be served with Its own no- nary grant during the present merrinon 'I-" for the House, and not (Or the pillows men inthe Move Uv* th0ji, . ,�, , , 1. , I I I
ecreo "I tural foliage, Which will add greatly Government It had been the original beauty detrac , �� , ",
,mit-to W =,*by 1";, IlAt'':_,' I � , :
Ill t
the Official Gazette to the effect that to the beauty of the dish of fruit. Of Parlis' ( intention 4hat last August'a sitting it in almost halK t6 A* 000, . � - , .. !
from henceforth thre ex-Eliegent Is t9 Oranges are lovely among their own aalf thin Intention in carrieA out. and find the present session should rink as Resells& (jece,gloga"y a" , . � ...
be styled, not ..11� . gnme the railway -must eventually hope 0 . ;*t" W.", I , �,
I sell Dowager, but dark, glossy green leaves. The not. and one Indemnity, cover hoth. drawing room WboX6, iks, � .�'.�" 11 lk
Queen Zmala of th6 Ti6therlands. rule obtains in regard to other fruits. fritrain ,,,,,,,,,wY,,,,,,t,,, at this part . I ,aA, . .1 ,,I .
The mother of the Kisser was the to the autursts a bunch of berries In it is not likely to be abandoned ih#. Circumstances bad made the former to extremely e*s(Xy a".1 *tyL' 1'' LA: I ' I 1�
first to riesseAt work may bo- sdarted I bin yes ;time- I =1i'llfirin I "blP, but the question r Wit of alles " .1L..i.4 �rr. '" lrr� 11 I — - 1. L
the U40 Ot the W094 a ninall bowl or vitae In the center r I __ — — I . 1, L 11
I �
dourager, sted laoilAted, lin dinfoly after the wils, ill ehfm,;., I rd =r they should dir,uft Over " "I I I ') . .
takillaN the at *6 table, with a circle or oval form- 8125 from the present wassion'tt allolv- Wr art . W I 1, ,
siame of bar d4*4,110iftbaild as the defi- — -----..W.-&-- rm their art I 1111*111t, I 'I.-- ,�;,i
I r L ; 111�
ed about the c6nterpiwe by Placing ance to make tip for what might he con- should never as a .. to
nition to d4ftstitith ber frioitis the band*4 of the berries side by side. to sidered fin over-psyment lastir suits- I Ito, - L 1, 11 I I � L
wts Of lit Nft;,.*" O&W,111141 Of Oil M* eToritning end appropriate. The ANTARCTIC EXPEDIT". floulp. .. , . I— .14*0400�, '0% 1 04o " 1� I I I
Wisserlal stodit" 3wr I at W in , I � I ,;,
lrX6J6AgLl* r , ���'t'),��, I L I �,
,%ul L raft , AU *I= stsittWeish berries or the doll purple — I �L r � I � 1,
alp 66 61 tio Virginia erifteper will rest%* of oruilish noryel C#qwspbkxl this#
M - - ,
ess:1not 4*400.' LWOW MAM TRE98 SAPLEMI. I �. *AO*
a . L I It - 16 -*U tit1s, b4 OWft lfi*,4�sn thin irvalf ; the lot- Affirlsisly sesbuirribeli *ot3oo" I 11
sk X&Pft* vbwsk—� t4r #r'0611oft, 1�"Opwiftill fine appear- -Cheater, Vermont, owrift4 ,ftA*"'_W^** 1, ftlooll ,�
, - - W. alift NAWA 6A be,- � Mtn#
L ,
it* atto". xft*'ft*, XAOA req6v 4W4, � , " Mr. L. W. Laingstaft, a feilow at the A despilitch (rostif it 011401146.1 " I �, �, P.,
I tk# LWWK **Jok A" r"tdd ,I,*' ,tU ," :-TbO suple sugar barlsibst ith (011011114"k 4*10 ook* � �
9w= , ,a winter and Royal diragraphirtal 9061sity, ban 4ftit- 116YA A 4
! W1,611101 )W1 =1 I � .
, , �i=w u4ftidlo t6 11116 mft It Ing the midwin- ed &25im to the socipq for W lott. Vormosit to belleted to be a (all- itilf 1 -
utils CA40 I � *i01Abasm'" *.*.A 1600* � I ollt'10*16*14W a
. ." F, � 11116 ted plapt forms Poft tit mulpiloift a RAHA At0ifistwit tre ibis Yftr, stod It the wro"t bors ot I I .
. � I
r 4C t 1�1 ohwwk� 1_ww 111111100 a for a table. Core expedillom is Inflounicing 0*1 11 , Itt the all*", *AX*S aft tw*11*41he fol. � . 0*4# 0*i1loo, I
t6k, IJUAWWA, bii a, - - making even the a tneefl* of the welot :11 L b4ift, "
It ifitor �91 A*W i dWry Will totth*,ind tot foolly eaft ; .
y 11, .1 ,f ca ,, . I I 0
� iml"bm,to�ItL_ ! %6 t an attractive at* Sir Cilesaftfill M*tk]WMI It toibome. Till Ary to , r optel; , I 0; I *"
* "I � " .1i - sll 111, , . � (" , , 111116111111t0d I that thma I -11. I td. tit �v 04, . � 14 % I"
1: 'L I .. i , is doO , L
"L . I I LLL Porcelain polle Into cost wostiatiti-60"ald 1--th " -Iff* t .�, 11 �, � I I
11 . if y of t lilt ;, 4 ,� ,
, : � jar ran be allp"d expeditift, � I A L ' L t AlVit , I" Ito, I I .1 I 't' ,
.� 1,
t 1. �: 1. � I [ I En � 9 . � �� , I I I t�'�� . � , & , �i, I � 4 1, �:
I 11�1
1 ,14 1.
1, IV
7�. V�_ I _� ;, 11 . � 11 I ;11 L'i I clk I I 1�� -i 'I, ,,,� 1. I I r .1 . � I , I , . : 1. , I
, 1. I I 11 I �
I I � . .� � I � �.�, % I .
- ____ I " I 11 I � - . � I I ", I I I
I L I ,�, " . , I i iil;i " .
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11 I . . I J� I -1 I
o Q � I I � I .1 1, ,,, " �% 'r L I I ,., . I I k�, ,� �, - - I I ..
I ., I't I I jcl�. ,, ..
I I I , ., 11 I � . I �111
. 'r
,� J , ..", .I , . 1. 11 UAe I I � . L� , . If .�
I I P I � . �
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. I L 11
1. " L: - /11 . I " , -
I - I L, . . I 11 � I _."iLl111g�:t=, - � -11 I..
M, 14'�� �. L' ' .-aawl .