HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-07, Page 211 For- .. I " . . - ­,-.� � ­­ I --11 I . I "I ­ . . . �,L' � 1� "" , I . 14, . � , . I . . I I . I � . I . . . � I . I I I . I I I . "I . I . s , " . 7 . . I 0 � I � �! , ; . . ass.I.O.l."11 ...... ,"I", .......... .. 1'.."" . � �� I - � , I . � . I . & I I INR ... lm.1111,11 ... !111111111I..11,11pipsPoR � .. .. ..... I . I - � I I � . � � 11:11 112 1�11!1 O : I .. 10 1:1:1 ::010"Moss- I 1. . 11 I � 11 - I 0 0-11, lost - . � - I , . 11 � � 1. . . .. I . . - I � .­ .1 ... .. �. � .. .. �� . 11 - I I I I I... "-`,­.�-1-7­4 - - . �.;-ivo�, It I -1 ­ I I ­ I-- I I . I.. I I . I 11, : 1: "ftw - -1 , "� -- . I - . .- - . - � - 11 I I I 1) I I t. , - o , RVAKC Dan vv= I I TORO, I � 41111lox -11 *Wuf '00'spi"Pt, i I I "4kvIibo.*Plol?44w I, at 104*0014 "O" 4. $11fir 1111011 111tvallat lbig" I 14"Aw 010, ft", . , I I � a OW 40pot WJW ba". qo­� . do fe, 1100 60000*� . 1011 1=10 I � 6C UA tixt;400- I. is. - 4k, tkat Way, U1,44 witholzt, 01114, "d wit�0" A"* - 11 I '0010" I I 0 *0 A*%* ... , Wit * -Y$004 V1i $9 SrAlill"S 4410* 4 1 Im I?=, IBM, .01 V3 191 M . - , M n - a =a " -1 !M -" - Ruff . 1' I It CRANI�. *4 - i : - , I . 40w,mr ,% III , "* ot 4P Not9""' .19" - . � 1'" ! Lin . *Okw I TPA, . - I I ; - MWO ., I Q wiao%,"106ft. I.I.-I � gy 'Ist I I M"11 I I toth Is likstwv%ow": 11W 01,0111,14diriv#0 )* 00 Ao,r ur tkat 1,4 IWA ut! ".4w .*" -WW . . . . . ew � *0 'CA",wO*. 24c`- * - ; tleiililcaf, irso 11 I I I A dppaWb Irana qu�boz. Q 14' � � IATX . , , *,, I STX"P 1WW *VWX404OWNA * 40"t;44 fr9m.4; )�,Iifm- X-RAYAW-1111 - decisjlogg bAff Joe* � . ­ 411111111,4400"ro0or"001!4 lk. go, �'Ot Z4" t � MUSS 193s, Ally, MW 1 � Aft"Aft-W or 4, Wi . � . I . I 1. . ''14,04. 11 %00^0 � . I � ,. . 4 . , Xtont � I 14eL isip � , 'M iiw 1, ' P golit *"�, vot *" * W400 I `C A" . 10001a; to *ft!Aw I I .'. O.." ', I I , 4WOU 44 X#4 00jeeIV - 6y the Queta�a .. - � � 7 4 I to ,�, ZiU,1:4 =4.r,T,OV , tillow ,1W "M M. TOMtO Aoikl� L *� V,)Mt -1k-'Vk# _, , GovvVANMt � ?t� 40atilliogliggWrAtAilt"" � cov. It �,w 0A 4 111111,1111 Jilow, ug shwfable#w, IN A . , = , . �l)I,* I - � �Cgtptalp .,) " . . . � 1 $o X" U W000110 A _�"� 'Will - - � -O;r $Jar, ,'A L 'J?� Wrille �V 4 1100- . IV '113wak TA**. *Ws, 4" X*0 I TJW thftli­*111: ." Ill I*, C414,01" 1.0 . "** )&A . ##. 4k t ; 4 , A& �' '&411 , - * . I - I W. *01art 1*111*0. " 49W " WIN" " "a"" to lisk *we ^M.T. 94 - , 1k ­kgl&, 0 7nqairy with reference to E,bo aucceWOR . _*taIA0$ age ,CVs,hed . = , 'o- 1 04 zxvl: . , , , 1" I . I ".00"011111,10114,110crom**� ,igg#ais4a#$". KI.X. *iJVj *&d. , ' - , , lill *0 si#�yll _ # L . - IN IOPW i1pillist 'yo% "I $**A 4*ib ts' tk* X*AgW*% *V tis ** - . ; ,.Alib� Adlilllhk� .dkja,WA,mlll '4 ,a -Aw _ WA" . i I � Ole VAV -4 � . , , #.C9uVk ot . . - , .. 0- - "-#. A * t , O. At*# 00 W0.4101 office, Rr A0 i* forot; 0 .100 41MO�O'�,MIW4k, Moil."'f* vp 0040X�04 by '. L Mo beels paid QA 0'a - ­ OW V 'illligrostiAm ­ g3b, 40 . _ - XA Ask" (Colm * to wo. O"th SIA I I . I ­­ I _ . ­ #f *b 4 , to t)ts 00R� ,� woo - f4r r404A WXiNvAiest. ,I** 704 J ,t)Ii I Ibel Hitherto the tax I . � : R -M A= . .4 "W" 4 W $04O.Wwl" �U ;W it '"oolo, A". ow , *,K "s '1M­4n-,,UXA, 11m, Two""m V*'* X4440-1" 04-'p.g. Will, igA o(UMOL04, 40*0 L t * t P"*, 0A, , -TAW .gww 0" � V�lfkb. I*v0stjotall *Ilik"'ter U - TkU.M. 4 4 - , � , - - I "' - Of , r *4 * . ", or IN* zialigni - - ,Q"4 xo"w . � ­ .11 I Ig ledge. face value of the estate 0011194 . , f2;gi .�= , a" 4 . viow ty. WOW t9 ,w . 0 Aw VW"l X_xpw_e* An -Atilt out � AII44 litisfras tho fe4wtl ROC . � - , a pi4iigt*404 ft#*A&,*A-"0 ilA "t, W, Xt" r I a su'. Of 110.000. . � * -N� * 110 , , -,-, Alalatt It Oat* U glow * ". , * 4"'ouk,401.0; omtkil9w. ^, *0- tb* Aw4w, fA , 111011ii1w, lim .. � 11 11 - - I T for, lut" Lett a eg ",*Igo"44AT�, fAwor"U"* clovisit I ;r10 --w , = . . . W , 0,0% be ,, . A I ' ' - avo-, 10tw W-4* tg� 04 t) .4 Lei, 0. -­ , , � J� tt ' Los - I " - . . Alqt 41W, wt x4ft'lailis Own, I I - "#]A. 14 L' , ly recoived only IW L , - 4400)*. 11 0 w4a b , wit , visol. in AwAll uVi4il #A)rW.-74.*' ""4*%'�' 00,�"X -�Jprt , #�;F",iv a . $% I" tAoir ic,ortig - . pay the tax on the � ,1( , . * 0 � .,P0 pal Alffklilt� I I I t � he actuaj ..100 * _ '10, I ,, I fibow �~ ,"oft 0 � � � ow , Z _ _ I" * wiat IW ' 416 W -U& -b&: , A, Wd., , � i a', t" 4W %ded MPOA by the Was cciapatled to U01) complaint. . T ,, V slayina 40 .. . Inuay'v , -4 At . I iciiitopk The tat ­- : -"110011111414~1A I � S, A: 4""tl* 000 W"Waswo "Ylaq,, 11 Hugh 14-olmor% �b.*t1ATXk 0401. 49t � I 0 *0l*,vlytfW k4ti"i IV* ."t Atieft to-osvold :04" 'A .86 A '" Was 4W .1 0*01 X* - $4.0 OW . ,Xf t W ," , 4 1 - , 1 " , T4,019 4W-tWAb sit 4, 0 Call, OW "L ; X - . I., --- -1 � I ­ , � 0 W,eliolsq 411111141I I .041j, W " , . 'r' lay I - - , tall amount. #10, , H � .4for-PriTsimsto 00b . , om 04 ­ i , " ,f - t It . the abolb Incident Was 110,340t 1 1 1 '"Vi�10111404ARIKV111111A P I i .44. fr*n, 1140 *two, *inf, who, ros' doot,ter to favitillb 40,w 1#44 litlit c4quel, bloo4q. fcrpbgift­� W4, moat" ,Th*. 4* , " Vq4#-WrI;4lW�Pr­Q4pt4I#; V%rrAW# 19119 basatt - ,- . �.� . *WN"0WwKW0.V"1.tfP,I1#,"0#*- tolOW1.49 tutt 174 A � I . N � it , 0,1- *00 in Atlapflo "Ayi- to the Government. H'11 ar luarclt� i ** 241911it,wilisi XW- hod,r. 'Vot � t#JAI , L*Wi X10111, I ; tO g#V4444 C0,1144 M. 19%, *W 00, 100PA too .14 not cr.40powpoil, b47 #94 $404JW141,04M I * , - , r - � L, , 1, . .� 1400 '9004 I . . - I with 1 he la`W L _ XM"ktmw"$P#Wuu"wxpo*oom* Aisir", 011111 W, 00, pr t -Xity Cy rtorill''t1a,9to , , otion, *0 0440 in, .Oaa r- and. after Came to 04 #0 9t tbs Qk*ldo*.VAA wor is#% thou ifirs.14 U0, 1, A . lk No ,10 OtAiasrtoa%�*# .,;.044y0#0rAQ;m4* Z Ap",i consUltia(LU11 , � - Ar � . . 11 xjou- Illot I I I 1 Vvl]311� 1 : =- , "L . r ­140,ratiOU Ot ce is, (Al. . 0.1 lliellivow *144 *art - 4t XtW officera Of ill$ PJ if la%encCity I - - , *tit I � .*I -v tit to $I& r -t . � 0411, I . . 4 . 'sj'ap4w 1090� 444 X00090A * 4.1114- Jillik" 4 * CAIV- � , '4ilillil; tbp dis- � - , . ,V" ,, I Alsin AN101 T. 4% _y , V", a ; I . . ... , - Iliflir ttqn�olr* OXRI94k,�W * W. ft"40 W - Parfol.ok A49444 1411411109011111.04 cual.� 4 I I'll I 1111,000 ! , both .boAr ,' 004 W .. � I . . W.ro, -a " 111. M111111, twoll, Tilk.0 * 410i _Wr , 0 - . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . I ­ gk.,,r t. # _, E& .1 r . a1*1 atit" actualao that I ho %11 � s 1-11'... - "I - 11 mble We the WW40 at t -be -04 ,us, *XtA'0*' 'a sht 441,116 , , , Alollit#, , liga, 10k 00*1 , Alal hearing On deducted froax U0.114bria", o be, � .0 MY moiAou% $m . , 0 4 � Al It 0 1 . w100# 1X%4 a pa be L' . L I I UGAJP 914 malitero; liilitprovk b.Y *ggf: Vitt Jigno - XIA , A , r y"Os'-fdoodil, **. 'wrt. Itit shovilp , 9W , mut 4911 �At �4*4f IQ, 44,40,," and division Most I if W a# . x*. r IN citali". z the amount of such estate before C41' ­ . ­, . I 4lTWfA wo at . Y04 4yo. 4w #101 P.A-rw lir Viii gnti'W 'XIIXW i. T � , ­ , , - - 0' 5 b _JW 1. - that betwoo, . . . Rapbul* Tragit0guatlo ., . - , �-Cpotipgas 0.4 104a LAX. and 411' I . ­ adixo.q the succesbiun . 114 or N vint, AAO " that ZO t - -"31., mmAw i 4Q , ' -r 10"- 04�;lw ,al ta, ostk ,4 1, .1 � Op.0 of -Qiaila I ." I, - '� -If"t 1­ts � _yh , � sivia",*01it'vat �400 AA it 1­1",�*li* ".0, 0044 � . , . w#a the exceptionally oulatLng jai I even 117 -­ , . , I ptt@t JaWst at 11) - AU -1 . Us have - -44 wo J Ibi�1i4ara.WW.-At1rpn# tiarjx* ...' f . 4'. ","f*4 . - -14V . �, Aar4w�"-Rjv -i 410t 4 t)***' 110 , � gir"t 4go Of 1310"fic I � " ,a3l t3iorgLLLLL . 0 cr . . ct's Last Support *Wtre grorth 1100" t-0-09111. thl, p"lliAr Orthil- � us ]in Oki Ai thpi 4 iWo pervou wery drowP4 T - AIIW, t ff, .' t , at g Vastili collectors . n ,Ak4V*ftc _ it 6ftlik � � - . %it At VX4 UM IQ% . - 49, cuxrstat� t*441t4 notified to that effect. -1# . � . , - wto;I., * '111ITIN. 19a -*,m - to ,- :Ag�w �%intQ too Bay ! , .4. a now th5a,lovAr oor of 1004'b Wsi atmaer, 44s., wmcjk bron,04 t1so, *W4 owade"Imilw At . #4 ,0 th 0�qqQtggd,At14I*,t , ;to 9­4ba 0* , Lou ran been ­­ ­ , Of 411, at I* 0161100� Vo - 34t? � tAY 44t 014t 04 wt4 it owul4oat ot thq gileastcr q L - u #10,- t* 4 , OR it, to ropkii" %h%.oOUjt as - **a bad - . Might wits about tog eowotwn UP, hom 0144d. 141) go.. r 46r, br*p, 04 ,yp - - . bad pen .thi , at to thop be 0kWA*,##0dJ,Zk thait night by , p, t4r .1 1. - . 44 14 upon 04, 'bit I IN'- i� ' LL , ,(L ,Xth, ftrrlsior. flollclUtr� Notary to, . . OX . I "A,*" I . ... I ,V I I ' knoWe4t V . , . 04 . st,eamer ,but of Jbier course, but act to TO 0 -- ,Ij,1,1011(ft offica­rornar a K Tbo 04down of her two A-tNow- w4o. ioxx w4a. 4 Is somlitbi thOu - 'I, 'ba , .quaro , - car Wi of 4omotblog,to.do, Md 4, gArrylpa . -- 11 , - t 'hod U had biten. In , '4 Ott � , I �­ � , ou'llabylon. Artt UZ " ,, nit, .. liet' wk�t. uwts, AU4 fext$ pwoons Wonalow ONSUMPTIVES. i �l M AN I Ott, at 9101 ty WY4 tue Stella. . '04 track � , : glatr ,cillne. Gpdoriclu hundred and tif(r towers bogsa to , . vIt*d I I aita t.bam tills. Pulaows floitlAs I* 146 . cbA.#` ,� I LuAt 1voor"CII, I'llat.11,84. The Elwht , -, - ? '40 It tq Such at gierfaus extent. TO h,,,I,g bec , I I , A X "W. , . The undarst=.d M restored 0 1. : 1 .40 . .,at "040 , . ad ca , .� sit 14 t4 fs"A, Oh I tb@L r6am, ao4 it uum�ilkQ VIM W "li A - I to ,,,,a.,. after .nifferial for a llro . I 117, - ateli IrO1164 .4. thiv*14 The second offloOr Of the 41*410 t? ' : - -­ ' a I , � .Orf, fa . % , ­ � .' CtiptR4. Vtirt�ttls errors of judgment I - I - � ' - L: I OHNSTON, Barrister Solicitor, touched by the tlery 401andors, of the *Qold hay.iI, said; b � Lit ;� ilQ�­4tlloiit Ii , 1A loot 1pi-vig .1"t attention to .v,ro Itta-9 affec, on. tal . . on' 0444111tir'of 11441104fAri f$igt-t�' 3VOU and yQ4 too at yQur " . our " . -_4kQgr ,bile � health III stair , , I . .,;J 41h th , IiA _ tbw V0001111W sark ! . Of lotx. :00b A Ana , 4 suffir , on.amphaft. to cost'"In - c -I CA W", L , � ,Wy S; , � at IOU look IA'At Onts. 044 t Are bo at Ishillni'at -the who wait am"S wimt, arivi"otsia it 09 bl. ; Iliad gapt sp - mis - , � e. It . 1. ,he, J-nd- 0- Office- if""'it"a'stre"It" setting sun; and*6atee of braw burn. tliv closs of the 40floilt. and bosilrt, *04 ts treta ds'15nb�,sind Oat # Q9IIVdbI* 1304 w*,* lie:40044 ke ILUOWD to bid to low sufferors the !1Its" . . - , ua,dlup,t#p Wra* Is largely attri ' , I b. T , or, Ili tb 870 is bid* I - I I;tuted U. the, decision, which was de- de,irca. he will 011411M , , , I 1. RW' I I .. � - I - r6r. The 1,14 14 of cure. To Lbo,c " kl� � a Copy Of the Pro. . I - ­ - ... . tatted and glittering, opened and shut blood curdles with 4tir a. cat9blut of thi bmtb *, theia, thy full Of people, but he thlolwiR sttru�k . .44 - G. V- ,.fly send (free of ch U 961 -4, . , ­ ba, . to of livered to, %y h,r Commander 0 1 I dad a sure 011 1Z VAN[Plos, Q. C., Barrister. Solicitor. hi4talng of Terrom bas tbeiro i9astIlor ban- doom Woul -but-stiochpak-th w.A an theirocka owlilst,ot. ts`"$taady;a,* tiM Car 10 ajlat Shala. R,XJf,,, obairW ta%y -niarrh. Bra . _ like dour& of flame. ,The 4110f; 11111man. blood 10 0 Winit, and .4 to � gyvq .0 bw fog. Abii� .1woot"'n l4q. 044 4 . -oZeurtiption. -Wh a; I I , ,V401. whit4no,41ii " , " of the Court jeciption used. which ( , I , 6 r - oflififi-Ov" &L"'O' Drug gardeas of Babylon, wet Fb. . 'so 444, , , - for ('and I 1 L I ;d* 'N 0 rl, J,' 4: e of the tiit: "In llbo atil. t I Sol- - ;n, Naladi". To , , "ll"Gode, .t, moft.yZelo". with the 4,YI,A other steamer bas'plakild 4ps4o , chitij 111tarome, - 9 groanst are the music. Oln Its* . At,! At of Egiquta. &I� throat "it ­ 11111AXiat. the king oat *0 . '�" I , it) Lill i # - - 440WO.- Ax hop .41, 6111tera,. will heavy dew, began to pour. train star . 'cpwaiulug- 55 peraclus, Including 20 WO -i * 4*1 PoTt PrIOA are still , try I ?� - - inade itself It k1al in the earth. It 40 4sln4!. :Ialdeitus. � I.. - .11 , ... " 1.17- T 010 prVa r'lltiollge � � low, but spalt logi dow sas hat . invAuilbl.- . nit may Provoll, ' quaro, next doar to Book ban' liter the Invitation. Ot the G Mil be WW �Pcprjcps� -1194 , 4q'llt t"a7 NVR ER AND SUICIDL Wide -9, ) L � ]NEST ii N, BMTI$t"r-ROII(dt*rlto tit flow -ore and dripping leaf, a (rag. ,Dro,wA$d Iti.R.11. I W 41)1`044 It - And can - , ho�e de.Lri..g ; U1111,41-0 ANSI . Depal! men, who eoca from t �kod .h will ,o,t them i,o, Inug "T I , , , . i � t�l I 04t, It InvIfela all the world to There nal be some 040 14 tblihOuft to steigmer. They have been 14L ` . .,*ad W I D blea.i,,g will planee addrL . NM for 4r'lots, oii*44. . - . REV. I UU1114:17016 a region for many miles around. The coplia to It. i has hung In its ban- whpin all speak 4g0a, oad thein SU0.XW,h-"t--S0ar4a 444' b.1 "' '92= , ,. sa ; ... ad , EDWARD -' w"'80 ' bere. -4hor- 09ir B.-ookly-. N.Y. . Barrister, aollclt�r. s lighted for queting-hall the spolia of all kl)W- for* lot it Ile in the wor4j Of fha,Gpo .4, Toggles Wrq.!XebmggX Takes a Tt irrible Re- , lot* putfildf, Mo. 4*00 sail §4a. III . , ­ - 0 kNofly' a I L Cor . a-Flimisr, , vil,nize Vpasi u1s, inalia I " Pitoctpr in taritloin Court, &a-.& - theatres and galleries at art invited doiti. and . ... Lin sweetitears. --L------- : Lo"'Tus a at lowest risvm Ofucati-aur- L I the banners of all nations. pal a d not toy own, with which I.Olpoa, The Stella. which belong* to tho . I A q I � the wealth and pomp, and grandeur of It has gathered from fill musle. It has "Ro, every one that thl to L IV I ,inpithL �Wlth the . . mok 11,11IR talltan btrest, Galcrich. him Company, left S t t t risill lat wbrat. 044aiustayal W, Cbat- THE MASTERS OF ABYSSINIA, I �1�1 U - London and South-Welatera Rai way A deapatob from Toledo, Ohio, saYw.- I strewn, from lie wealth the tables, the come ye to the w4f,tore. Apd J0 I I ; . 111e.. - the c�ty to rare entertainments, Scones . T on hawl? on a noon lism, to quoted, at 3k bid and 47% ok- James Lablaucho. a young Frenchman, , 91i s Cameron), of rtot and wassail wore Initiated I floors and arches. Ana Yet how Often that hath no tatmol com . til, Crly at Cameron, L , 0. �bqX. wi4e on Thursday. conveying the first day� ad. A ', No.`3 yf�ilogii trAck, TO- stabbed and killed his Indian sweet- - Bag Ike 1111`111111111, '! I Me 0*, 4. THRON (for Is that banquet broken up; and how and milk without money. end . without . I ... 1,vo,neb Have J'a.9 retentive. rister act debut Mperlopn ... . L I to the, rolotga. 4110. and inixod 'it 490; 1 t. ,(.AleP--%oxaUtoa tivet. secoull door every street; and godless ru'rth, ann r Me. all Yeti light excursion of the agiaeon Point. .., . ' d to rible, Is, Its and I Ever and anon there price." "Come unto IVbo , 8 A.ND pROVIS,ONS. heart, Olga Peasamle at Pelee .... Feered and it-Petts"L ., );6tba8q.r.. .d.r.c 're about DrXgWo HOG I I � I.. outrageous excess. and splendid wick. Is a ban4writing an the wall. A king are weary And heavy laden. and I will Channel Islands. Their,* W4 ty Ontario. And then stabbed himself to -The , 1, I I 11 1. I- I L � : -a to the king's Palace, to falls. A great culprit In arrested. The give , . Dalliierloq 0 dressed hLogg.k keep gftaa� A despa,,b from 1,.,nd,,n says. edneas eam Oh,yto . , . Pelee a French Painter, Aime, I �,, t ,i rest. ' M passengers on board. taking an trket fairly Active. In prQ­ the heart. The Point is near � ,L� knees of wickedness knock together. and the aii well know DENTAL. do their mightiest deeds of darkness t my Lord Jesus would now Easter holiday, and the crew numbered lifilons the I I . 3r won t he I -o : '- - God -a judgment, like an armed hoot make himself so attractive to yOur 35 men L L market in about steady- Island. And during, the wint4 I Nich ins Morot, %hu has Ju -11 returned I , � P. - I .11 - I=r-= A royal fe"t to -night at the king's breaks In upon the banquet; ana , Dressed hogs, car Iota. Are quoted, on irthabiteats are isolated. The! I I . souls that you cannot realat him, and . the to Frun- frum Abyes als, "its a pitL- I I A I . palace I Rushing up to the gates are that nffrbt In Sel.4hazilar. the king of that, if you have never prayed be TUB DISASTER HAPPENED. 'track At around 15.15, mixed weights, 8 B I , I . tore. HOW teamer American Eagli has ju I ar- I to, title of (Ile manner in -hich 118 I the Clialdeans, Main. or have not prayed since those days The weather was fuggy. but all went delivered, soil $5.20 to $5,25 for select , - chariots, upholstered with precious I rived from the island bringing the i I uf� treated by ,he Aby"itlians and of � , I. ". cloth from Define, and drawn by fire Here Is a young lagign who says, "I when you knelt down at your mothoes wall until the Afternoon, Northern hogs, On the street farmers' I I 6.1 - los,de, sold at around $5.25 to $5.40 for story of the tragedy. I his of i , cannot see why they make such a fuss knee. then that tO-Sight YOU Might fog bcoame most dease. At 4 o'clock mixed Iota. Lad L110 pretty India girl . I , '.f. � disappoinLOXV01 over the loss ,.; I , . - eyed horses from Togarmah. that rear About the Intoxicating cup. Why It is pray. saying. the Casquet suddenly loomed up Quotations are as follows: -Dry salt- Lablanche ii 13 French prestige Be says a very ,.� I IIABR D. B., L 0. 8,, IDental Sur. 'Ind neigh in the grasp of the chariot- exhilarating I It wakes we feel well. "Just an I aim without one plait were lovers' and last summer they ,., , 'U- wrong idea ObLains in - 1� 4 go fit. ism and approve i methods cors - while EL through the fog bank, and the steamer ad shoulders, 6 1-2c; long clear bacon, France regard- , � b; � I thousand lords dismount, I can talk better, think better, feel But that thy blood was shed for me . pligbted their troth. The marriag,, erench � r tl dental operation% 11resorvatiou of t ofituttely afterwards stTuck car lots, 6 8-4c; ton lots and, case Iota, ceremony was to have been performed Ing the ,efluen,p enjoyed by I - � - . fgaslt he splendor battler. I cannot see why eople have And that thou bid!at me , -asinia He claim., French - it j. oilloo-ov,ll, jame. and women,_ dressed in all t come �; "I", "' -4 to Bo. � �,.� ': I "MIT-16-11-12PROOO, om of Syrian emeralds and the color-blead- such a prejudice allsilLgist. IF." A few thee, am,dship. Thecaptalo, seeing that the 7c; and backs, 7 3 shortly. Vhen the young Frenchman men in At) ly looked down - - - Stella was fast sinking, ordered the Smoked meats, -Hams, heavy, 91-2 to went to call on his sweetheart la,m men are contemptuous I -- - -- - ar pass on, and he *akes up and 0 Lamb of God. I comet" lifeboats to be launched. His Instruo- 100; InsdiuOlt, 10 to 10 1-2o; light, 10 an Am- up.on add are regarded as Jew than ­ � I - Ing of agate, and the chasteness of Model hiniumialf In the clutches of an evil But if you can not think of so I i' week, he learned that another, nothing, %bile the British, on the can- � ­, X TURNBUL.1a, D.D.4 Ong a tions wore carried out with the utmost I -?c i breakfast bacon, 10 14 to UO; erican from Sandusky, had usurped his . tf, Is ,4#ean. lorfirlf, all-acal -d wl h Dr. ba- �', I , h. D' I'" etenta coral, and the sombre glory of Tyrian babit wh1oh be triefel to break'; but , prayer as that, I will give YOU a celerity, and the women and children picnic hams, 7 1-2 to 7 34o; roll He was trary, are feared and respected. He � I , ,M!. lontrea. A hearwhanottho purple and princely embroideries, ranuot: and be orlea out, "Ob Lord shorter prayer that you can any: "God were embarked -in the boatiL Then soil, 8 to 8 I -lo. All meats out of Pic- place in the maiden's heart. 1�:�L , t"alon pmetitied. inolud�ig goil and poro, FT. brought from afar by camels across the God I help me P, It aftems an though distracted. He induced the girl to (Like eoncludes:- I RM per- oroWn %xii bridge war .ctli, atilt ationilo. God be merciful to me a ainnerl" Or. It the c*Vtatn ordered the men to look kle le low than prices quoted for smok- a we -Frdwito %%hat I have seen. , :r� I Lon Life total toot1k. would not bear his prayer; and lk with him, and when near, I � j � , ' too DR desert, and by sh�ps of Tarshish across so you can not think of so long a prayer after tnemselvea. ad meats. "Lover's Rook" he stabbed her, kill-'suaded the English will soon beOOMO " r ), � "= 'rNv'.'w in an agonT, of body and uld he ortea as I, :i � � Vj"o fa.,U ". 111 k. tho den. out, "It b ath like a serpent. and it tha.t. I will give you; a still shorter A survivor states that he and 25 Lard-Tiarces 6 3-40; tubs, 70' P3 0 . stantly. He tbrow the girl's t masters of Abyssiaia, just as they I I � . . ----- - one that you may utter: "Lord. save others put off from the Stelis in a 7 1-4o; compou ;flta, 5 1_2 to 5 j:40. Ing her in ve of F.gypi, This is inevitable." � I . " I I . Open wide the gates, and let stingeth like an adder." How bright me. or I perishl" I small boat. The sea was calm, but PROD17CE. body into the take, and after stabbing I be ------- I I ", . I guests come in, The cbamberl.#, It was at the'start I Dow black it was there was a big swiri around the rooks, Eggs -Light deliveries again to -day, himself. fell into the water after her. i , , � . - at the last I "Lover's Rook" is a promontory CAN IT BF f 11, , ; I - and cup-boamrs are all ready. Hark Here is a man who begins to read SEEDS FREE OF CHARGE. When this boat was a abort distance and dealers here are holding firm at famous throughout this section of the I ONRY TO LO&N-PrIvate funds, firs , I The cheek bone it) the most sensitive I � p*roent.ititere.t,striLtgh�lo.n. Ate,, 10 ills, ruatlo of the silks. and to the French novels. "They are so charm- - away from the wreck the boilers of yesterday's top figure, 13c, and in some �: I ' , * 11, -. M farm And town properties for anto find to .. . the Stella burst, with a terrific ox- Instances were demanding 13 1-20. Re- country. . I part of the body. - --- ' � . , :�' a N. LHWld, Barrister and soilult.or, carol of the music I See the blaze of lug-" he Say$: I will go out and see Bacteria Affrionigural and Experimental plosion and the vessel disappearqd tall buyerls aralloolding off in inticips- - ------ ­ - , �,.,: �i%tarich. , . Jewels' Lift thts banners. Fill the for myself whether these things are railiggs. vo-operatives Experiments in stern ioramost in the sea. Th. last tion of a 4op. I.- 1� � - cups. Clap ." He opens the Rate of a sinful life. Alittleattgure. 01 thing the survivor saw was the figure Potatoa3--Prictea well maintained. Car , , '� r�� RADOIAM. General Insurance. Real tile cymbals. Blow the He goes In. A sinful sprite meets him Co-operative experiments In agri- itbout 70 , 'Lill ,�� 1 trumpets. Lot the night go by With with bar wand, Sher waves her wand. of the captain of the ftellat standing lots, ontrack, are quoted at about 70 ;" I 4 lUtateandmorgely tAignin Allent.only farmers' K" -DEEP BEAUTY1 � � I , I A11.611mb companies reprelitlet, Alo ey to Bona, and dance, and It Is all onabitutment, W`by It seems culture have been conducted throturb- calmly on the bridge and giving his to 472c for striotly choice; .. � , "U - L and ovation; and lot -� I . 11 �;., ov (SV, - I leudonktralshitloartil. &I owast rate of later as If the, angels of God bad poured out out Ontario In each of the past Wrt;e, last orders. The captain perished loads. Ontario stock, sell at around I - rs at, , I .�l L"� L sit affigir.3a Any Amoupt to suit the borrower. (bat Babytioniab tongue be petaled with his vessel, owing to the very 751:6 W; out of store deals 11 at 90 - - �� - L- 4�. � ��, .. Handsome is that hand- ,� It , . ----T== --.- that vivill not say, "O King, Belshazzar. Phtals of perfigme In the atmosphere. years. In 1886 the Nvork was carried on great auction caused by the sinking to 95c. , � ".1i" live for ever I - As lie ,wallm on, be finds the hills be- by 12 farmers, and 60 plots vrere used steamer . roultry-The market is dull, Quota- some does, " is the old theoreti, , : , I ,',� , NARRIAGE LICENSES. Ali I my friends, It was not any com- coming more radiant with foliage, and The number has been The Great Western Railroad Coinw tionst are -,Chickens, per pair. M tg W adage. but after all it's the :I I 6 11 I � - . men banquet to which these great the ravines more resonant with the for this purpose. pany's steamer Vera, from Southamy, 65o; ducks, Eloc to $1; geese. per lb., 7 to i i11111111 iikin-deep beautY that"' attrac, ". , "I" �'. , red falling water, OW I what a chnrming otbadily increasing since that date, an- I . " t" , Hit OtIntilIARRIAGN Pie came. All parts of the earth ton, picked up 40 others of the surviv- go. turkeys, per tb., 9ta 120. 1 ��- I � , N ISUderich, to that tit in 1898 thess oo-operative export- . 0 640*,, 0 Sent their richest sinful I , �:.t', LA n landscape he sees I But that sell /,\ ti,e. it ,,oaldtakeabiglOt A I � I � "', I � We lA1 viands sprite, with bar wand, meets him again; ore, and landed them at Guernsey. Beans--Cbaice hand-picked beans . It I— . table. Brackets and oliandalkers flash- 3.01.18 farmers, -,RSONS DROWNED. at $1.10 to; $1.15, and common at (10 to . 1. of handsome doing to com- I , .1 " ,r: - mmon ad their light upon tankards of burn- but now she reverses the wand, and menta were conducted by SEVENTY Pr I I . . . ­ I 1- "'' � . all the enchantment In gone. The cup and upwards of 12.000 plots were used According to -thet latest estimates of 76o per busb. pensat, for a skin that is t� , . TONSORIAL. tall gold. Fruits, rips and luscious. 1. apples Unchanged. Dealers . . . ,,, ; �. � ­ t ' I . . ad a full of poison. The fruit turns to for the work. Object lassous in Preis- the officials of the London and South_ Dried diseased and whose Appear - I " , , --.-.-- 10 baskets Of Silver. entwined I.ViLh a pay 4 1.2 to 5o, for dried stock. deliver- . 11 I I . . I I � �1. I 11 1. .11 . shes. All the leaves of the bower are tical agriculture were thus located On Western Railway Company, not more to all who , . 1. . 1, ' Isev-, Plucked grom the royal coa- -5 1-2 1 1 Itace is distasteful l I '. ��,'�'�L �, 0y'THRAL ST. TONSOMAL R001118. forked tongues ,, of hissing ser- than 70 persons were drowned, out of ad here, and small lots resell at . � . �t I I I 1� - . BROV111101. vtnglotor, lifod,tri, ortay, es, inlaid with emer- to 6o. evaporated, 9 to 10c, in small lots. I I see it, and the toment of the I � "I.. AU 4mve. In I biot no and tilia jualne. 'Or' to '-riclaodas pelts, The ow a fountailom fully WN Ontario I - Nowt R,di'flftar in !arms In the Past :� 1. ��, 0 Its, filled with exquisi& tracer- ,,is in ,tba 220 on board the Stella, when she Honey -Round lots of choice, deliv- . ant whose daily burden it � , 6 -1� " " 4sascifts ittiallpeAgitt gold hatted. fa I back into a dead pool, stanehful year, Those who make these t struck on the rocks. Other reports, I will bring ,,bout 51-2 to Go; I . Pail I . - ­",",.�",­�'. . with Data that wom threshed with corruption. The luring mcinga be- their own fields with varieties of farm however, place the number of drowned � ared here, � 11 is t. boar it about. Da. . .. I 1111� I .... � ,�, -- - ad from forests of distant loads. Wine N dealers,quote from 6to 7o per lb., for , , � �. I , ; � 1. � 1. ­ IW come curses aUd screams of demoniac grops. m thods of cultivation, ways of much higher. rsZW'S 0INT111111INT is I WOS' , V. . , RNOX NO � aftfis It t. Uederich, brought from the royal vats, f . a I I I �:-,.,�,��,, �� . � I entl4to BUZZ's Untoltrulconflod. Auc. ""'a laughter, about increasing soil fertility, ate., obtain The disaster caused intense excite-- to to 60-1h., ties; and in comb at . . . A , , " - In the decanters and bubbling in the Lost spirits gather ", ,,1.'�:;1';,t.. ,4? 0, he Noxon Was, A - sround $1.25 to $1.40 per dozen I L . � 10,11agis, 7411dAgbat or I laf went in the Island of Guernsey and derful cure for all sorts of �7-�, ,,',t.�,�":,fttWk�%l tophintentit, fs�triai tne colabAb% chalic". Tufts of cosaia and frankin- him and feel for his heart, and beckon valuable ormation which they can sections. -itching I , , ­ ­­ ­, Hail, kay other way. U - Skin Dis-uts, .bur- . I ,� ��:_,�",,�4.,! ' ' .- sense we � 11 'L'!; 1401% 'WAROUP � %I�TAV%h lift gg' Ile Cc fting their sweetness from him on with "Hall, brotberl not possibly got in I or3s here. There wora harrowing scones at I Baled hay -Quiet and unchanged. - ,. 1. " t ,-, 0 08AIlitith I I .0 at .1 .. blasted spirit, hall ill He trifig to got wards of ION varieties of farm the offices of the London and Soutll- i Strictly choim car'lote, is quot ing. stinging sensations which ­ � L",.' 2 as p�%tsj. %vall and table. Gorgeous banueg-a on- U t. He tries to got out. He comes were te#ed in the Experimental Western railway at both plaew. Many ed at ` ��"',�-'­ �� 'i tili; trade. to the front 49or where be entered, Department of t 1. , i . 1, a folding In the breeze that came 0 1 $6.50 to $7.50 per ton; and No. 2 at '1111 paniments-- letter, ' , L Ii ., I ­ I I Fol . he On4ario Agricult Guernsey families lost relatives. Bus-, 6. - - -- -T Iva Sto Lill with the P0rfUIM of bungling gar- ,and trite to push It back, but the door $Ural College for at low wives Straw-Featur I . -�q;­�711� . ROMAS GUNDRY - through the opened wiedow, bewitch- It five years In bands are eaquirlug for thtir ' aless- Car lots are salt rheum, scald head. ring ' ,� � " f,,� $ Or tws I., . . &and aria. a �"I­,�,,, � turns against him, and In the jar of BUCCOSSiOU. Pure seed of the very beat 'and wives are asking for their hue- worm. eczeing. Itch. ulcem *., . `�­t"I!��" *tat A lortook Go ori -h It. Sale, dags. quoted at 94 to 44.5D, on track. - .1 - i3af10*Vqry%1%1ora^u hit offlorts misdii, to give Fountains friaing up from inclosurce that shutting door he hears thesis varieties are used for the co-OPerative bands; Parents are seeking news of' ; gr.ysjp�-w, liver spot.. andall , , ' �, t , 1.04 ' XF � "A ­, L . ' llops-Mo"meot light. Dealers I 01 STAt _,',!, ­L'"Ai ,ttirtion. Clitirgeargaimabie, words. '*This night Is Beltbazzar, the lost children, And childr L � 'A ��:.��"!,",��o I 4,1 It. - Tneem do of ivory In experiments. on are looking I ,. � ,'�L, ' �l ' re L t U. agoit find gim fiffor MAD I &S of orystal, to tall to herre soil at 18 to 20c; and are paying eruptions of the skin --one ai:�- . . M f d innut.unds a nd pen r I a. kinF of the Clialdeans, slaiu. LIST OF EXPERInENTS FOR 1899. for missing'parents. All the flags are - . I., �!,��,,�,;­�� , . V. Aftoittoritter, Goderiob. c.attering r a 0 S a may open bright, so -the morn- holders, outside, about l8c. 9FAFFIFILS plication allays the irritati" ,,, � , " t�,!� tv�­, " ,­ -- --- r,"�", -- soda. super- haif-masted at St. Petter-le-Port. lyi ­,,:,� ", .. ' ' - ,;tatuw of m,.Rhty man looking down, lug. It ends dark as the night I 1. Testing nitrate of Up to noon Friday, 120 passengers I . �14, 1, t flulat niched In tile wall; upon crowns DAIRY PRODUCIL* and pers"ve"ifice in i's use . -1 ,�­,�:­.� Aean's M,wX:&m-U&,Xr3MW- and shisids brought from subdued am- I learn farther from'tbils subject phosphate. mariate of potash mixtu4i had been accounted for,facluding Mr. . THE SKM results in a speedy cure. For . . t 6 I t:,��It.� 9 I 1 t,":�2`� � ' Inres. Idols of wonderful work, stand- that Death soinettince breaks In upon 2. Testing nitrate of soda, super- J. Parton and Wis. wife. Mr. Parton is Butter -Steady movement for good I Al � I . '­,,�', C04NYSR EAST -ST. AND SQUAItI3. Ing 04 pedestals of prootiou tones. a b,%nqust. %V* did he not go down phosphate. muriate of potash, mixture, the manager of the West London of- chnice dairy, but there is too. much in- blind, bleeding. itching, and � , , , (,*'-� -. ,,,,�.�t-,,'N,,t,.� - � Embry.Oideries. stooping' about Thil win- to th . 6 pflablaig In- Babylon t , There ties Of. the American line. � I Nrior stock coming in. Crealnery . I � ulcerating piles it's a magical. , �,' ` ',­.,!;'..,', ,u "L*Amio ORDER$ A SPECIALTY. � and no manure %iitb malag*196 ' The ateanivers Vera and Houfleur are holds steady. The quotations are as I L, L , I 1-1i..,.1.1- dows, find wrap ng pillars of'oedar, were petiple then, that would like to I& G6,tvlug grass pewi end two cruising in the,vicinity of the wreck. balth;'oue s�pltcatlofft gives comfort &M relief in an instant, and in froN" tD . 1�1 ­ 11 .1 , � I., ­­ � �, it I Whlftit Soluft and tarlm.&I eye right- and drifting art Koor inlaid with ivory have.died., X suppose. there were man .varieties of vatches for green fodder. follorvvs:w7l)iairy, tubs poor to modified, 'five nights tho trouble disay�eaits- Pfi-, 35 cts. � ' " . '' L t -1 ... .1 1 �1­ - . If MANY . BODMS ON THE M; oWiclif,'14 to l5o; large roUs, �, � musig. mingli to and womea In 'torture, in that. city . . 1;14v- 'ROCIrs. 10 to , I - i"I'mo.- W I i I a BIlit. '"'Ab Iss.:inixt4res. of-,A)rAn - - . . .. 4114 .for 7. . A T.ros,to g-atletcan, lj�i.g .. Datsercourit - - N- " ' n' a M all ga- .It_ 9rU7. v 1. . . . W1.2 to 15c; Small dafty, tbb prints..k, ,�- -I . "romm " . �,i,,� I'll ,,., ­ i , . , ,.,.-& - "So dl%iW*d she "at a _.0 (.,tu.e I. ocittroo.t. .lid , � , _ - 11i I - ­ L , -- lin Loft . . ­ � who would hAV91viol6olbod - disth. Stilt' 'I . ' 4 _ ­ Road L , . V. e,, . , - -- NAW I *.a ." 50 f , . ­ ­ "­.�r,a�4�1,'�,,- 11 thrumtflh;r' A the' claaftf .y - - . , ; ­ ­ - -Lk%telf accoucts say that the Stella - ;A-`- I I - IT d,Vg '.% � reme4I-sf&Pl1-11I-ib0r1e�7wo;­st form,was - .1, M� -And LUG blast Of LtUmpats in one he 90111004 I he Pit a , �� . , . I � . , ;5���P�1�'t,o ;L! tedbleICCLfiCity with *mporary rolief only, . '­�.�,.� ?, , 'Notice. 1w,mve 0 - - - - I , I, - '-�'Z- -,'t,_1 �,�, grew numbered 42 persons. Anothil i I= - - , I bal4- . t A=�., 'a .. " , e , 0 � , t I g, about 16o; creamn , 0- " ," �, ,f 'I 11 I 1 �­"`7 ,, �-. , , �i " - g. , � 140 passangerii on boaril,'and that 20 tor Ole; lb&, ', I & 14� "."'mm, tit Al Id .1.6,�g ,�T. I � 0 f trustsport Ant wedit rippling the time w ant the &., � ., d Lid L �,'�� " � .L � I . . . olon �1 , 'i � - � 714� Choese--Dealefs D­--,,eeo,..,ff'�- ­ .- . A,"tnoxxtid - --- --aid nobad ectift,dt.g.a.th..priml ,� 9 � ,t� V oat 4)lfli&tgii�gg�e*"diit"-wast,fttod I ­ , I table And ,I � . the wall, and bething among the tipto­ p1tob. Death breaks i3i at 6f1ai tot. or steamer of the fgame i4l poration parforme but was ' -1 I , , Tworova foretelling anditto"duattest 'It. 't -lin ZIA comPaW, all choice at from .10 1-2 to 11 114c. ­ ngtoung it 1-10 ai't " ,a,, 6f"a - , t, , L I tho, g4riands. and pouridgAawn the the. t. We have often seen the , =MIXId - tq Dis- AG..Ws Ciarr'"'I'll'-­ . , , " ,lot WUNIglt# 7. Testing four varieties of gra which arrived at -the Island of Jersey by a eithits " I I . 14 at IL Onat Which does Same L Illustrated. L- %� . " an , C'Isillsts on skin dtleases without 9 be did so. Th. fiost application of it relleved I � L" L �,, I 'L �, " X A y She bought a box 0 Da. � ,,, �' io; laus 4� iftbatiden, an evi -Ith us. thousand butiqueters. The signill Is YOU"' Man just OOM6 from College. He - ing passed many bodies of victims of L -90. I ca!t�?S berefiL the interassdistreas--he persisted In I useand , I , � , corridors, and thrilling the Scale of a �*tmn Here is a . 'a. at about noon Friday, reported hav- -Wheat is '3�� ". Testing four varieties of clovei I litilwaukele, April 4. tNT%nrvrT­,on* appilcatlon give her . , I L �. _� 1: , �, , I ... I - . 9. Testing three varistras of buck Northern, 73; No. 2do,. 71 1-2c. Rye- comfort, and tc�,dy, after ustn& three tickets bar = he a rewarded with a cum after years of : . .1, - $1 molpa-VAT IN SON. - given and Ilm lords and ladies, the -is kifid. Wit; loving. He in enthual- wheat. the disaster abcfti the Casquet rocks. -No. akinitiasclastran pInkfusababy'& ng. 11 .�:­,;.,., 1 . q n By one spring No. 1, 56 to 57e; No. 2. . Barley I I , m'ght,v mea and vimoutell of the land, ABU% 116 Is 010 us t. 10. tot varieties of spring- A survivor of the Stella named Bush 2, 47 1-2o; sample. 40 to. 46 1-2c. DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HHART-Rell"es smothering. Palpitation aud fluttedra, A I I :,�, I the kinbalm. .. come around- the table� Pour out the he may b6nad to beights toward which has a of spir a rye- . says the speed of the vessal in this fog Toledo, April 4-Whealk-No. 2. cash, .: � %, I lifesaver in cases of organic bean troubles. I , I . I I , I tit In the head in to adames. Curess hay " " . "I � . "Ill!"In' 11411T."'ar" "d I WI ne- Let foam and bubble kiss the msitty nlils4l hiLve been struggling for aft th I e bg DR. AGNEW-5 CATARRHAL POWDER -.21Z.- w h. .. w t tnd I , ,. , . , 06041t,04, aw � 11, Testing four v&,Teties of barley. tifts not diminished, 'though th , 74 "a, ftya--�No. 2, cash, 57c. Clover- . fever and catturl' �o: � , I . . rIm I Hoist every am his oup� and * A pto!0111111sion opens Wore him. 12. Testing four varieties of sets. whIsties, were stianded. Bush adds,seed-Prime, e , old. 832S; new. cash DR. A(IN41W'S LIVER PiLLS1 I I ttVo the be Is. Toue the mystical. Nam gdpL Pleat&M ,, , " ­ I "I .1 I I - 11 ang Bel. 9."1841 13. Testing four varieties of4ifafd that at 3.0 a.m., the engineer showed I and an ripl 83.50c, bid. . d. -c a � :1, , arink to the sentiment: �.O J3 ashblished in the. law. His 1 40 I a a vial ; 20 cts. , � , �, r 1� �...'�.'.,�: �: t� ­ --, - shalazar, five for ovairt`- Beatorred friands....0116 . t' pass. . him in the ginaine-room a dial regis- M pen olia, April 4�Whcat - NO,1 . ''I �:, � -I ­ ''I � 1. �:t� p , w ­ - eir him Enalican anon I I d and oaroamet of royal beauty ettialura$6 hl=. After a *bile you 14. Testing three varieties of field tering a speed of 18 1-2 knots, and that I Northern, April, 70 '1-:Zo*. May, 70 1-2 to . I head -ban I SOLO BY Wi, C. GOODE AND, F. M. DUNHA31, GODERICH. I ­ � � !" ,t 1:11 0 III gavaint to the Uplifted-olialices, as again, niq a" him titanding In the Senate, beans. the Vessel struck Within 25 minutes 70 34c. Suly, 71 7-8c; 'on track . I , - , I - - --- .. - . , I le"R, - 1 . , . � and again. and again they are emptied. or x6ovift 0 Miller Assemblage by his 1-1 I Ps 8 C 000A , 15. Testing three varieties of afterwards. I No. Its Lard, 71 3-8c, No. I . I 1 I � %. I " , � - Av,ay with Cam from the palactil Teat er'Utio0b. *A tress am moved in a Bush further smarts ibat two afei- -4o; No. 2 Northern, . 110: : mz�---- ­ , GRAITW116/11- , I I , .0 Jagnese beans. Northern, .70 3 68 1 : � : ;ii ,� ''I , I - I royal dl#aity to tattairs I Pour out w 01*IiIiLd. Some night he retires , four varieties of carrots. boatit were sunk %vitb the stenmer, 7-8,. Flour -First patentel, 4318toss.v.o. . ir: S * I � 11 , L I - more vine I Give us more light, dolty. A ,fever is on him. Delirium, I � - �' Ts-si(*.�Ibhed 4 .1 it Test three varieties of man- which after resting on the rooks for second do., .50 to 43.60; first clearii. - " . , � ,�,�; N�l ­,� 17. 1=1:99 ", � . , ,: ;" - ,., � X) Al. Wilder Must% sweater perfume I Lord liko .a retkIel". charioteer, ssixts, the a tail or fifteen mingtos split in two and - #2..60 to #2.70. . ,:,!��:.-, , . t. 04,0 Flavour, Superior shouts to lord, captain ogles to ca rgl gets nd one of sugar beets. I �,,��,�. I � .46, of, his intellect. Father and 18. Testing two varieties of Swedish disappeared. I Duluth April 4. -Wheat - No. I A talkantive tag. ': 1� " ,QuiAky42 lwold Nutritive. 'Pro. tain. Goblets clash, decanters rat igOthq* Stand by and ... the tidep of and two of fall turnips. Continuing, Bush said.-"Wheai the hard, j�a, 73 1-4o bid; April. 74 1-4o; � '. �, -0tti,es, Specially- grateful Ira come in the otimeno song, bl�$ littl. 4 out to the great Dalian, � 11.1 . tic. The . 0 0 19. Sowing peas At different d&tes to Stella disappeared forty ot fifty per. May, 74 34c; July, 74 3 -to-, No. I North- I I I ,'I- Alid t6aliforklogr to the nervous find the drunken hiccough, and. the Tht, �,bttlqd,16N, 06011ifia to an and The y done Eons war* discovered cringing to places I t, , ": . * the =Uftaw, of Mo. lito tit of , tfioul IVt I a ddeteraltiti the ametant of injur 6ro, cash. 70 1-4c; No. 2 Northemn. . Thetagoneveiypeirof -,Slgt . ". e I , I -sdfd,dys1*ptIc,- Sold only In J lfbt and elo- by the pea weevil. of wreckoge or cabin furniture, And 66 34o. I ersboes, � . I .1 ­ the It of q4ti�b as be 9 ,.Oxtl U The . tells th- leathar. it, "., earvies ,;. I .. 1, ;lb. Ulkit, 10tiled JA,UES. rooting, blood.11r.t; firli*40 are basitclied. - aw had been Provided a I I - w)aAk .$ No. I Northern, 81 3-4a. , . and . vo days after being out. songera,ond cr I %5 adsiPted to, b- the shoe is madc, how 4� ­ � , . . UPPS a coq tan., Horace. al"I'vo with It all I bear 40 vision is one. Dissith e Bad there 0 little Winter wheat -Unsettled; No. 2 red, ( to care for it and the factory number, by "s I Line I a Planting poitat000,the Same doty cryink piteously for help. All the pea- Buffelol April 4. --Spring wheat - .0. P'l1q,11 t 91 D � I I I �, t for great Belsbal- qu,et-I . . Panic as the siblp Rank. I first slipped on treck, 16 to 76 I -2o bid. Cotin- which any faults may be traced to the i ! 1� " . *0.#*jlhtc Chdallats, London, �, 21. Planting corn in frours and in with life belts, 1, 11: �, I tm*r Ill I'heirtalso tu learn from the subject squares. into the water and tban swam to one Weak i No, 2 yellow, 39 1-4c; No. 3 y,el- SW . is. I 11 �. . and. Interested persons in Ontario wishing I Operative. This tag is good for five � I I I i I ungi WhIfit is that on the plastering of that the dostrubtlail, of the vicious. and I asts, Into which I was helped. low. 38 2.4c; No. 4 yellow. Mo; No. g ; I � . , , , 11vt"100T. . SUPPER the %Vail I to it a spirit It -is is a atthallie,who dosplas God, will be very in the work May select any Of the b direction 3-0. Gets I � Ot � I . � I I � , to 10 I I I Phantom t 114 it God # The mustat sudden. - The wave of mirth bad dash- 6.1 2 the experiments for IM a If We rowed slappondly laths I I cents on a bottle of Slater Sboe polish. � , , , , ' Inform tile Director at ones ;i tte of Guernsey but as"a hours later we _D"ll kn4 eaW; No. 2 irifilfs, $3 1-20; Goodyear Wetted and stainfied on * steps. The goblets fall from the ed, tb the blightat point whea that , W" near the scene of the No� 33 ;gbiltee� &I "a; No, 3 mixed, 9§ $ �� I I nerveless grasp, There is a thrill. A'* choice made. A.11 matoirial will be tur- found oury I It ­ the sole by the mai,-em $3.0,, 4co � , , ,COCOA . sykian afty lor6kai through. It WSS jr -Nothing doing. R &- , :1 " IE .. . .nishad entirely free of charge to each wreck, and aRw dozens of persons 1_oci� I � , - I ­ 1. .. I I Thare is a start. There is a thous- un"Ptioted. Saiddeely, almost 4- clinging to the ranks." Dall filed wfiak; No. 2, on track, Mfor- - and S5.oci per pair� " - an -v ced shriek of horror. Let w0a, dom ft th6 doom of those who lapplicant. but he Will be expected to The boat In which Bush VM,a P&S' ad at M. Plour-Quiet, easy. I I . ,,, �,Pow , ­ -- the laws of men. conduct the test according to the In- I I . . a with the atedis. and to son was Afterwards picksa tip by ed: -No. ,OAvii�6406 .: Ihnlet be brought int to read that dtapIst,G ,, m4 do abr Detroit, April 4�Wheat cloa .. lie colares ln� He reads it, How Wis. It at 'the slugs I DO rout -01tructimis 80 t Lynx. I white. tiszh, 73 3-4c; No6 2 r ratil. � . "Oh'. 1148.180 NO& ' , Itate'daill the bilances, and art 4uppose it'vaine, through a 160 north- report the results of his tests as The passengers, all Agree that per- 74 14c; May. 75c; July, 78a. � � � ', *V " % the "The,Slater , �, Wet I " Vai � . , I I �, 1, � ,�, . I . 0 found Uns." eigilt stotm, so that people for It" be- " ossible after harvest. feet order and discipline provailadi on 1. - -� . � - . . � �.::. I � '. � I I X62111khtils the, Aimyrians, who for toje, wast *tire It wore, coming I No,t Mett%111 for either No. I or No- ,2 board the Stella. Thit crew ptomptly . - - . ­ , 11 %ee,n layl siege to 4 . oat will bs nut by express. took up their a tio �whsa ! � �� :1 two Years had L ng a the morning was bright; that 61PIltimitut tA as th6 sittiam- - -1 I -- I I I . � , 11 844hRoans, & �4hynas that city, took advantage, of that cav� 41 hbM each at the, others by mail. THREATEN TO LEAVE MONTREAL I 11 I '. ., . .1 . I I Z btoc,ited on the watlefNbat and *for or attack. served out the life belts and � I I" , 1. 1, � or ll�cncd on the Ill&,, The Supply of material being limited, . � . � - .'' : vagal and cartra in. I he, the feet Ot. hftutv ant entli saa them who apply first will bo sumt of lowered the hb.o% The owns ,at the - I . h 11, -, Sole Acr at for G � I I 04#0*"" "d tha conquerors Ott the paiace-stairS, wh6 iluadealy the heavent burat� . . . king Of the velipal itistgrity AltalligileA im.eginsfer iiIiiietaftellar. WM S UMPLU, Jr p . � I , 01' I I � , Suildern Monsanto rushes in with . a thousand, thif InoutrA,iltis Sank like linaboral Into Obtaining the 463fred outfit.� It might tahmant of C R. womad weft eft viallier 146 larestillegats of ftastor - � 319ricla, .� mth burst - i 11 I VA&MIng L-Alvt& D, :rU4. th*t r,es, that d"had olbsr 6vist the, be well for each applicant to make a, Vlas , h6artitudial . --- 11 ,, I - I I V � , 0001 Outet:14"d dealers - 'no, and I I � Wand choice for fear the tirlit could 40"SiAitig and pf"Ing "d people 6kimiA*kd. abia" agedElisulglif'rebutesi Wilb a,- Intob mail&. III bale been a great gurerar t- consittlieves, 11 . on the set A,464 Ud tba, HIM-11aylgh. - I " I tit Ot ti dig itif ltulldlag Milk. h te . ww's okknainli to spats and othst Witook- racumli that"I tald t6asididir rigool, ifiend them torri-wo,eyea,g, ?i I I , � �;g4 thAt banquntl ng hall, for � do not want bot be Ilrailated. Mobtrisal. Marob 27."A largely at- owns gave we any reugd� , I 4% . ,tboi Utd. ,&it was d1#16IL Thill, P&rtieular vikritititist loolid not be man., 090 In all d fections, These whO had, UVO been ItitiftblOd felf SIO01111 tbrCf YOM With MY feet and lop Ind ,beauties were blasted to I � � I DO^ to, look. '11bera, Is nothing there bWt A - , � d to. troft, it. Theite, the kinds to be distributed tinegleaded In getting Into the beets bed bottatid meeting of pvominent mann- What I son" balioull atlike)[11 oowft an "Sularw t could not wear,boge on MY feet and only a know . I Slo� L. lilithisbilow"% &t., u. - torn bannersi and brakou,ts,reath � gvttlara � trie I alittio tioned, as a narrow eficape froin b6tag 6"Awd fatitartirs Was hold helfis to,.-otght Un- oft a weo)L a Was told by dittoreir It phystetans draft *I saw Fupsne Tab se sid,evusad, In out - . .1 *--* . %. OL I 045 bo an da -a O -r The late ul 1; ... - th6y. sib the" which havla d6der "'OpPtiba` . on ficebunt of the, naettiou causlild by &i ilits 1,,regdtmay at th witivnigo caused by bQLtigink. of wbith t bad 4317 Doper. botight Someand tookuLem asdftft:� I , tho alush of Upset tankards. a '11� h'tdr4a;st tft6 tMU I . - 'It- I a Ilan. Sell. .Xvergd, I Usti MO torsh atfiftettid. Utt the at. *1 no" take' them about three Week, &,,it the, , Platut awd'uNkok* 16"med all &poll. b -o -A -of murdered womon, .. � � _ _ & Wbtl* St Obt *4 .voll on thetrIalplotain Ills h . . . an bojjr fX40 why _ � � � , ,; A licit tbo ft I am hiuklu# V600L CIC1111, OM%WUOO4 I WA 00" SdTW h*VA"I* Of to 3111611 is chat," I I arm not, eco,,ops,,d .., ,,, �) tk000-l", 1, � '' , klOwd ilind tumbled tartusa bt a 416 , - - At. tho. colleigs. I _ Wth Ana A Ow" It all to Riteas Tabule, $lam tkitty. . lt:L, ' ' a: -bbitICUNA ** lu . . Ittian %tal Department stor Drinvirrojiind to tio"der the provit- at but" 14 sit ago paisgra but had he I .11 . . 9" - � . V 1016,0el W1114"'I Thevtobft %womin Rooks tvant tli6 k�jk,toht,lloed int a Isi- I, 0004A ow kiag% VI* In Mat Al ht *4 "I%'! � X., * t Of - �h&d 4!i1tallt 0d 0. A. 7A*IM . Ill IsatI,* Uwe urging . 4tew city ollifter I=buli 11*411, III= *Uks *am A, I . Lot of - I., = , L the stores Yelk" old, have no occupalim onty Our 1, I 16U*h*LA*hi A('Ohy'nal IL . ah . . the t O, a. A' I _ bu�ecftar. ft� Ifteditsollotothlith, Eav#*Ak6Wbrt=tb6 Jift"11014 duties and c"Ir, my luci hubtaill. I tisi.lkgkj,r� ,t 40 i.oVftTS to pull for their Il'iftr The t6 tim - inathinifirr exaploytilt In mand- dtastli iftlik beliefs off like Tabales itt, 4 have had no has had Iba dropsy "it I gue Crying lUpeco ,� r , I at& I 11 t1thdt Alft twit- ttftt I I I I . -1 �, ". I I , I I . I I -, -- � � , , , . . , � Li 4 of * Ontario A - ho prdposea t" 40*0�kof*t*O$h*Att*CRL SA"INA"tIghema Tabales, top hict, Pig, � 4- 6AAl'oh .Sticultural C611*9* b"ta -iOgft aftift tot ta(Oft hbUM- f,,6tUVj,r toa&a," I 116 tells 90144) b6tterbut It wat , A -k tr at, to I I us kt&,,RAI4. thoi* 1*6 U Ovelox 9tath lab� Im. ttithficaligli fdlt," "" Some thits, he Inis been ,kk..,. : iil, it-' , V,6M.prd,trGKt1kO1gt6t4* ,,, Autiiag,whloh timb their id , , th L iitwit- b0own, .1� " Alt * Ask"M ­& ­ - 'WIP", " " I 'it Without ZOM or = �.491",., YOU , S slIf *, 40, fA IV. mettsla §1 Ivivii. 1 all 01TOUL% -VA. tabw 0, - " wils atronals, dencluilibed sls tending to ,� , I td. tortila lv'Aft th's, 004, 1:01 -00604 ilt 1,10tt . � .14 11, , ` ��. I l"It %not imig L& their clotilift, were, dtaubh6d. thby tit. 6plaw of, inaututac- 1, ' . '� I Cod JV4t*S 4W,blito Lon t � myt Atto tUpw SUM LOAD90 WITH Sk'A is Prevent da 4116*41 - 11 I , I I " - , xil,04 I Izoall Vitt '44s.4 tIA , . A, **r;% X, 400. 0494 titli 41"Pi I' I _ 4 11, I 001'rAtim, , I 1*0 4. - I riVoop are I I I go: I 14911; 1�1 11 I I I I . , , - ; , -1 - ` - , , I I L 1, � ' �' r I I . llbb wall a NV* *ilr, vkWi, thion riti aild th . . 0whill, t"ed 110110ft. . turialtL IrAaAt�t(eff in Vtoititmil, and Wt . � � '" � a C IV. 0 , � , " � S.- �1 � 0 , , ��k� 1p I 11 4*1W � ' ft Is � 11 I I r I t Al%4 It tftd It 4 - 6 %at it .eadr*d . I ' T' � ­ d,(X'LJ*t jJIS111% Aw 6 -.1 %O*bt,Afkll&*A ftifliftl* U& **A eaftostal � w" W..Ift"d �Orak,� I � �ZO �w Atilitto"d, Agit it ­ . I � . ,� . I _ " ftt 4k *001 $%'Th LW" "JU It � It 4--,J1"�UN6i­---,-,- I I Vat Ot Me Ilk a I I'll, I �q4 , , , *Wd Akslyt fti0t Ja tbo voto closriled , . � 4ty. v I , I , Uo. I rb"W, 4�b�Atrfsltockl. � hm4*40ii IN � � 4 K, 1-1 I.N. � � : 111, * W'11*11111 . , , . *it wtiIV46 *,, 11 I I . .4p,ft, ', ti*r' " , it, , A , . X! . . . I - #8 'ft� "t -*19I -wit flow from th aim 0 ,. 1­1�­., 'I" ro-hidg " mw TIA lAti, It INAVA11. $""a 'O I . :"'#j�­�,A, W601%& , . � t " ("44how to *1W "All' - I lot. *,Aisomth, took 64 aia,.� ... - I " "' , �'4kt�%r ilitit , , 6 i I*, - 4 ,. I .� , . 4 *r I . *4141 Uff �Kww* , I . . Z K., - A i. atnal I t I � c I 'L I I I GtA* 1W*o't11%i: *11 i i '11110"Ift I . � 0o"ta-vtko-WaAlng. woli" =,.,Ng, I - . .1 4.4,04 to 0 W-9 � .... 1.11 4,-.,,9. r. ,,,s,-, rd"nat, ", - , 04, , 0, tahiA " �, ; ,, A -r -A , . 04140004 10,10h I" , � IT I "1114 - VOIll" 11kVilt"O"". "tair tht"we - t� AX A -AV im-Xll 'a MPMBW&14%�ftb*ta 40%, . . �"-:, �e* Iftho U*�U` t, in forces 'wa",Oqm . - ."Of YA� I , KOO 0 mot: AbA, - Notat., �,Oifl $4^ . Ax 4 " "=4 =­�. 1� I I .. am% or 04" go" *411I � , . - 6116. . � , . , VW�M9$W^Mvok%"v t, '1011sills, W *60*0* 1 iw� W L0, .� T 4. Ift I � ... ��t , , Witk, It SA" (]I* vailitt, �, wilit .. 'A* I � "t ,4 I I,. . . s'ggWAIa*,V% 1,11M Wftrk . I Os..jr -ot , . .. . 19: I =00*0 �. . r' � I . "" � M , � , I Z *00 I 0444 1646'"424"'tu-cit . I ,V . ,.. , 1 $w Of It* ito", vt� Aft oft. - - I %"A to*"" I , I . �:, . . Ot t.lift lk*'�* ost- " , '. ­ ' L' ' ". 'I ' J IngleArIeW, � L., 4" 1 , I �.. . � � - e 1-if0000mb;�w , , I , � I I r limir ;)WItTift A - -.1, 1. .- , W* . alitift - w �, 01144- ,L " IV I . 0 1W0661 ilo I 'y 1. L "I'll, Alfirmwol" = , :so , , % 11 I ,� , * qi* � .141, % " _ L 1. . Agia"It'k : jsi�viililk, - ` " ­� 06a �� � � I I=_ I � tw� I I ftalb'n %** VW1gstJJLtC I . ." , I I . I, "' I , - I 00"blow I I " � 6`0V 106 Allill � ilk I I ii', . il - N0 `A* I - �$�, IM)PI 0� T , I �. **O"tt.mt�bAt u tt 4 wAgbiloi, If . , I . I i . I 1.16ulid.t , *1 * 1. Is",&&lls"AilelihihillifilliAt'. "Alliklit JA, I !'T1i6.,,,r''M IliffittA -!"-� 14 . .�, � t 4 X� 4sew � af, L I - 4 jU A6"Ut,ft J1"*t'4,k% *J*W'J,*"tTv 1. -4117's * 1. . ,--1-.---- :r �.r , , 1, I r . I . �sasin;stfbii, , I .. soNFossst I . I I I .. , , - I I .... I � a .� , . 11 111 _ _ -4iwi:uk *44"! W* to t"t :W,A1* Atoiawl0f, % . ft* I , " 1, - =F* sikm vok 4"1 �. �� -1111 I I ­ ­7t�"-, :tl.� llliw 1. 1= I i 4""Imt-lbo W*lm. '*IJ1,4=Wr 60iitz Waal - �� A t 'Ok"", I . . I W, V. 1. M I - - 1;Wt "Wao"46,t" , : I'llt 140"Y I , - 0ow-ilivass, enst,tessa - r Al, I � I . L , . 1 , --' *** ** . I 'r alk *06WA.44 *" . I T* 14 r I , Il. , " , ­ . .' L ast pigo" I -- I - - ' WA"W Vo *4 4"% MW A4*', *t'l*tis 4�% , , �", ' - . . 1, .0 , A � , . - !!! - ifilikAW , - , '4 -Off"e"I'llgil On - � ' ` t ' L � ----- ­ -­ W4 'to 414 i �� ' t� s "ho"- . I 1�1,111 It . 1, I 0 . � -%%� Wo *ot . I '16 , � 4 . , . I . Il:,4IliIilifigl0. I . . , ; f4olr ift 01101* 10 I ') . L "I 1, . � � I ta f= � ; , ... � A" "�Aggv"Itl ; ,. 1 . , 4"jaj. ,'' Os# A"* Jis*h Sbalsent jaIr tW&1..,­­,.. ,� -1. ----1-1---a- -11.- ­1,1.1�� I . ;4im ­­ L = I . � 1, I "I IN , I ififfig