HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-04-07, Page 1C:;7jr 'T VW77 - , .
Ekm,,t Ths &Ytat of the saWn. A RAre Tre*t, 0"ra Houx, isvery. best nmits for Y00 to. advertWrs titys C The $tar gfw* ,tbc V Icy- ilrbAn 30,0YAW (30DERICHAr ONT, RIDAY R11. 7l, TwAT4 Wopp Aso TAW t*'TA30, Ille two itowl;owo*ootTX*,WA.X blimAiiiiiii, t1w Palo no", -voty n CA1011111111 r*WX Tiow., $"Wi .,Wowe ,it AVOMWL , ura 04B or Tue Sw t, pill)) fir; Qr tbo aillo Ill elwlllittql 01 ioynarAok Were. Will to" 104tXe Phu op iw "I, Do Was., Irt rouittax 90041l,y*,4*PrI Iiii, _04tfropspo suk4o a porlod, U
ivill 4 b letbasq, Alor israwlso" split 14 M-Okl., VK 0", saw 4 of the Iitut w9w, It Only- oba'rgfisd 14or *10 M4 WO* 09WAll Tble, VW0APe $ITAAA In Iinkso It 1100, 14 Week kw T.Aeoc)4 witv read Oer t amm. pw 0_40 it Uw,' Al"001 Wit PAXW well lbit W. eptoill folirt4-*r45k4OtU*- ;itro*4uy),,bmdoox#g doelp 11106, 4*41#04 Moo tilliplits to Its. Ow ii, Uttlik
AXA, 01Wy ir in, like *I) At 7wir
4tuly too 4 q iiiiiii
'ipo 1.0w 04"44 044 vitils to sixtilim, b.9)4m by to- after "llieb, AbelfrWO 'Weriq x4twitilAiiab"Id - * 1*194t,blissitile*01ttiftlents4tw'. cootivit. 0.4040 94 On'"Ittlov 9101W.I& colgilloor Uvility Tills
be h t Aill"o, 14tili, 4 t1w PK0400t, 044 i4iir ',vu.oft Th* -011tryotallatwo 0 _,AvAlv* weroth e. W wet*th 01 To I AM* -tworollimilt0144 iw", noVbe dirailliqg In litio.pyt"Tit i of t lit t9 in 11 PT4 NOTT-OIA la" PAVAIrr I X,, W, T. w0by,of rurtch to Ito, Care, T" 9,1111,11111and For tills lot-, news.00 ItTly ThAis Qo4tirich Or w1w Came bag 0"a Pat to W fit
lifJot, two lytilir 4Q.4 N W-011' no ea r lood, (it Organs to Groat -Q-0, ro
Arval . iShow oToAs s. U NO V, A r t tlit Qr 111111, sM like, 101"tiOttle event aeis 41, gna.1 mular Tile 0*w -T6 V11110.0, Rot kOl!lfp i lekla 40,4 Jrtrillor W VIQ in tto (Tollisplate histAtIdAll, 000 th In opwill forip f* fill it rR UIX 00
tdMQ of, tb ng . -0 - 'A _T rneil, for'-tber w a,nuirititi-orotwittlefieset.b0i eAft.eIgOAM 0010'"k to the. X Ift i0f* einssuilip. town Vok Wssr 0QJ V 119 o", h-1.:ups"It councillor Us, 0-1 still latntneill.. Tho'04 lid, thritkoh oll thi nwarArsit., iir**9 IJq fi;log Of Milithod lods o0 fllL fro iiiii JA RIO 4411104 W 4 b to OP" 1J'Q to 4 is, nexii, TiiiiiiiI 0 his Atralutd, ani Wild
ell frrvrp" ho WN n 4 44vil W ftift.a. 04duerop appeared before JudKo, Mon- !7'and A. X the Public lit. Xnquirp MX) MTV eat *44 on of plaintiff for toots lit d" 0 0 DR, bava libina to fet " they . at flit tell 40010 Town. 6.1 0,04orkh *4 00 $004 .04, the 0. Irgovirl,litIld the$. wei* A -04
the tot tbi ,tofil Ill tt q to W b I thi *W .0, J, uit t #.,'*# Irt 10t, Into, Jitt 0 W 'lei tho. ros* The defoll4jarlit lisVing 4 18- :,4
Apr It t4,dp,. AVon tbei'm imaticIrtaitillar. Ivir P0TX 00011vw''. ,he oirculat OTA at the, lits tcW, 44 $11 WIDE *V . 0 iI 1re to co 3r, ; %IM04 orpH.D10104A 0, the arsumqu Ite, is tter than a, serrDou._m,,,, readwis"d a Million, A fact 0
tstf* hi 'thllstL be hoA lent tbe,r4 ilte op 'to, that time. S A ink "A Ame ilor our desire e. Able, 44 190st "t,tho playleto stro yogrig, V141 th counsel b nt. sidst 114L at tile Cpu Ni As, 10d, Iligir wilo. furkl K(i been heard Hin Things IQ*k b lit at the Knittit IIA NA ll K forwarding ten cents to Ting wrelis with ,400wil SqUARO. TRorm. P,-Tba steigb-trIg fi, Onor gave cost$ to PlAintiff a 06049 tPra, aco-rapled by the allAchs, pleased to frevilow tho,Oy f *Puo I . . loon, fket6ry, tie'the o2er list is heln.sr add P4 47h, mount %t $2k J)" leyL to tiltrItalit dall, V. d dedbla side of the cose. many, huprOVe1Atj)tif illY' eel IMORRIS Vis GoLlITHOXWO-Ou Tieheehe"" owned by MoiL otiest on the is' NO reAsionalill-ii, tl)lnded person doubts 24W Ing arokm P re colent, R. A lt4`11 Aflutl,170 And A, KOW 1XI&OF pep that Tall; STAR give% Qi1allty, Quan. fii;'r4;4 The magallicent, lacrosiso Iii, T c tax; tq WOW" , I or I At )d I), Holmes to t, , -a, Inv t"Al, uf.WKthe land": IL 4* , .
per, in tit V T111111 RV -TOWN
CA f @ed day, His Honor th County judge held tity, 011isclulation." the Ditto Aruilr4W * I L , " COONG. noon.. lri ,t e ei We BIG NtNaTam_ In' rOurt for trial without jury. Ana tile advertisement in Ton STA Is tar -of' ir owner Prompt 14 I lo ly followed I th.0 drivers o contlo,40, T :$ALV Xu tbal in 4t *kill .0i ')@ve= looking forwsrd. to the thoL tit such rob. 6AIX care on the docket was an aptinvIL iaAwIlIrth great deal moro than it the .q,6 Itev, Jam. Pri abs, at crease to Permlinent 04VOT0416 FOR Wilplit bs*@ Iwo pastime bad so Ieltwaitisl- rtpi and titskis those v1`1110 bore W2 Aid 670 rin Wolfe air I n., qfn i449W to be given tinder ber, blitu Morris against J. T. Oold caste, Do you catch on P. The Greatest captoons Mvew period', There. w One the business Mott Of. 000 'Relilt III ALPIlor, t Y v. teo ,. to the Town of Godil t f pre the Auspice% at the Xavine q It he bit ii stien ver the land on tht Although there was a large expendl- Published. verwhi %round Inv twat Cambria road, on which thp Raw mIll ture of powder around town on (lood uadvertioseraji comilip R='and,6064 eost de Band In the fre .0 .1
It Ow shave,, )ipt eld*e shaves dole a 1.1tallpe to leco I, I ter somo 4rivers train Saturday glght near future. The band tidy a are walk, Kuv woh. 41A H i t'rota - rQpB4 L the P3 for Xeq r, 'TARL mislin to line that h had been builts arid for a liettlemebt of trrLday, cotton tails stilt live. shrewd DIAL It rs qUaM THE msr -the' Qod 9 ien 09. ,BQW. hard to give haptio' p r! TL Aucount li0 F,4 agA not 9041104 t Aluly eflAged tietbre Nie pro- 4 Thotrial lipited from Tue- This Coupon, out from Tun Gone. N D ted t ch. It'. I bas ridthitik It omale at Ina Regular meetInF at Goderich 'Cotin- rICH STAR, and ton cents, will untille mlotitr4l show 04.4 ay mornin duriqj dt%ylight, )ut utter darkiteq§ nitude never beforp. aCtemlited in PA. Aut. oritles. lit t ose who have OR SALE. -Part of Lot NO. ON. on it Ao to We4noodav noon. dut, ell. No. 47, Canad ar Order of Chosen rat tkbo holder to one portfolio oontablana It, are-4--nKer6uri, ,part of the couptry. Si dia. fig which sr ',Of witnesses Friends. next Thursday evening. draws strai-t. In he Town 4 0() arid sit other kindly -Ire "unibet F were examined. The oauss of the case oompleto set of he fly -Town tago tit TlIE STARS more partictilarly d pfroons keep a look out, so tbat to a formerly, occupied trithu late Charle Pay tie. oil Saturday eye - townspe Ed. Tilt fooled a good many of his 0 All WAYS lhoSe ly 'a it e will %e part. The tor. Poser be caught and sent ed the balance Morris Coont carttions. with sonva; 70 figures. utuns. There ar CAug, chums on Saturday by asking them to Title perfect. AP RON. HOLT& VOLLMEP. I lugs Wpm Whole finlillies are uptown vlcms of r,, S.- A, norbee%. the *,It the watr irate Mi ould pay to recover it. biscontention 28 piligas, printed on first-class paper. Ar [to ore the ator els and mAke purchaeos. knoWO'Sinstral man of N6w York Into durance vile,7 kA -like the poor. bet -at sive at Solicitais for Aleartim 4 A, TAR tin flist $45 was the ailloopt, - this took in a barrel for it real live Inflater. Dared Feb. 7. IW. kr roR TBsA=R 00EAS.- havebeeriseclived. Heiasnundoubt: FOR TI11C 'VACANT SEAT. -At the re- simi e tendered and Its non -Acceptance The Henderson Bievele Co.'s antilloy- AN. -IA ways have themi-who tip not, take most instructive play in. e-4 export In the management, of,thesto queNIot a number at friends, Mr. R. caused the action. Jud%Manonfave seen are having a livel ttiiie fintriling much stock In advert6log, Tit this WaShown 4nd our local excliapice4from all Carl a, inerlcs, will be presented at Victoritt pollit %vhere he hits undertaken Al the Downing has consented to be a cgrull. ldg -Bnt for piff. for 63. wit, taut and shipping the McCready tybeels. ow. Class Tuu STAR would say, "plit In A dowit 'it -era House art Pridiy. April l4th, date for the vacancy In the Town C million for pift; P, Holt for Capt. Peatherstonchaugh, Of the St. CONGRATULATIONS.-Anotherot our yourtoign;,, do not advertiseatall- d-1 EXER&L SERVANT WANTED. - Avpl% oftill.13 work speaR in the higheab terms defendant. Andrews. wits one of the learn that ti I J I 1 the live huSIpeS4 at res,deure of J vlooz DOVM 8t. Vloftnt uncle lhw. management of Richaril of his ability. The costumes and stage 00onelf catiaed by the unseating of Mr %non Want'nill thu tiaile Ming gilt, enlen ins o net eIsriushert. This production, as present- settings wilt be the Driest ever shown Catupbot :It Is tunderstood th M,: BUILDING MATTEM.-The first week plaved againat Hmvsa]I an Friday. Want find Honorable Society of ed bv Porter White and his coull in Goderich. The caste I% completQ Dudley A-01m0a will also be 4 candi- Ili April hits not started building The Uouniv Board' of Audit met Zen " In tile Person that's going. But it you really dourt R SALE -Tim choice young plg#,L, 4 i CLQ old. Alo men with the highest credentisla. and tne rehearsals. will commence In a date. it his connection 'with the law- oP011710.1ona at till froeiv, the weather Monday afternoon atid commenced the ,*(a was Drum led tit Nklo last Wednes' holleve lit tiler leglilmitteuse of print- IZq quarterly audit of cruninal accounts. dav to Miss EIAO Mal's dMightt-V (if erg' Ink. TBE STAR W'antlis your r1t
E., EDWARD P.O. I The fol,idents. of Goderich sbouldjerow few days. stilt against the town on behalf of Mr, being againat an early star- , but a (4co. May, Nile. A ouniber of their appreclAtton of manager Hasrr7 FOR BRICUDER Op 1)RAGHTHOR81;fi. R. 10. Hays, can be adjusted, do as to which You Alo nelleve lo--yout number ofJobe have been conLtr The 9k%r Ing rink was fairly well pat. I I,htA
acted voting man cotild not do lilt it trunto. WANTUD Iva ot six tong good toloothir Vide.an-ii effort in securing this givat perm his qnsliffeation. A bill P1" fat- both It pship. business. and place of businew.-to tip voted. Apply, to MFA tand- ed te Lregitilature last week removin tallow his x I I I ATTpibRIJ`X0ar1vAdi Park., I -The secretary of the Dominion town and* tow ronized on Saturday. and althonglil It attraction by giving hirn, arI'll Pool's day the lee wits good. Glenn and Will pearin Itmeolutungevery week. Par- lenee. This company orripaltobwn Draught; HQrse Breeders'8ocifty has the Allsqualification"agamat all the oil Among the Jobs let the past'w"k were was Ap scene and wonderf I iclitl ef- Jnst itrated an eight page report of the couneilloys who voted for the $24.00D chasers inust pass the business man's I 00D, GENERAL SERVANT WANTF a large 2 story brick veneered dwelling Milk Vendor Atkin shipped a Stillowe were In flolgravp G at Dungannon for Richard McWhin- titntroughbred Jersev belfer calf to Miss Pearl Tretheivay. (if Uoderich is Jecta. a Introducti I o roccedingriatt ela%annualmeeting. bylaw. bait as against Mi-. Campbell, in ANTED BY &PRI L I Good too star, Par r bite $1 statement of Ebb Society's financial defe nov, Buchanana and Hilynas being ttW Win. Caldwell, at Hensiall. on Satur- ro the sign is seun-TnE STAR lu Cho It o known open Ing bet Easter fiolidays with iter beto Apply tk, UM. ATTRI ogevro94 throughout the councry as great. condition, and a cgmPilati0t) Of the the disqualification ies until the end W mint- rence to the Jull inept Of the court.. enntractors. The same fit -in also re- day. carries the announcement right to the ceived from Win. WiMath.Goderich Wheels were generally In use Fn Ding. of Goderfelt. lins been visiting troarts, of tile wasties once a t k. I ostliwing ophisto., rules and regulationsaw,amended. up of the present. voo a t %Tot -year. township, an order for the erection (it Tuesday, and old 8 I was at) power Ill her friend, Miss Stella. flarkwoll, for A. every business inan In Godo. CTIVEIOLJDITTORSWANTEI)L%,VXRYI OptiruART. a date. This& . is for- distribution P(mLic Sonoot. SoARD.-The regu- story franie dwelling. The same as to delitrov tao a last week.-Mism WI I AWFIEREfor -)a levy of like Phuf, 7 After a long 111tiss, amongst tile members of the Society. prospects for run. the 99 nq, of rinep.11 b Murht W bravely borne, there passed away on tar monthly meeting of the Public ill., hits g-%nga of men, re-stilln-tiln non till Christina tit , of DD- rich should be represented Ittow ad- 4,1
and will lie readily supplied- to any one 9. Goderich. and Miss H ton he Gost rvdusnt as Ci[ficlat"Moltdrian to tIO the afternoon of Good Friday Warch interested in draught burse breeding. s R War Dopaitment. The book was writ chool Board was held on Monday Maskell's residence near the Rot
g A very large number of people on- gnnon, tire visiting Mrs. R. M. Yotan vertisin columns. ton May. repairing and alterin A. W. Joved a Good Pridav walk on Lake thin week. The circulation of THE STAR does arievy, camps tit Situ Franoisco, an the Pitode' 31st,, Fanny, A., wife of W. R. Jkobert-: A fact that Will interest miltly In the evening. Present, Trustees will' Young's dwelling at Nile. iLnd Xult it Huron,, notwithstanding the icy cover- IN GcNanAt.-Ahn. was in Man- with General Merritt, lit the hosplialsakNodo. son. Deceased hadbeen Ili poor li alth nelghborband of the fall faite.tiamed " Acheson. (Chairman.) ft. W. Ball, large kit4elien addition to Thtwg, a ver- not wnit for it "rest." It 19 const,tntlY lulu, In Hong, Konw, In thb American trenches for some venrls. and at length the coo- tile offering at 8,10 in prizes -let, $0 Inar wits very rough. cheater last Sundar atHatilra, in the inalargairstparapso with 4 in. evening. Wonder Blake, Alex. 0brystal. 3. H. bv'a residence In the township south if lie alays ittr kes it the IncreaRe. thanks to tose wba on tha dock bf the Olympt& with Der Ary. berthii It so good. -A t sild C1111000 was forc0AI upon tfinse about and 2"d $4 for -fillies two years old and Colborne, and Jno. Ciaigie. Tile of this twn. "Lit -tie Lina,." the wonderful child number of Cho young folks met tit the appreciate arid are willing to finsh it 01 Al n the roar of battle sit thyfav of vinvilm t there could be no hope of re- under, registered with this Society, Minutes of last, Regular meeting were WX CATTLE WiNs.-The lost of elocutionirst.. hits been engaged to it battle of Bonanza for wrentik BrIva ul of orlKinal cove"y. Lately she failed rapidly, and shown ateithertheG.N. W. Exhibition Mr. Sonietstanit last Monday good thing. Up it) this thim we hare pio= taken by government photoicrApnore read and approved, and the Principal' pear In Goderich with the Padettes Fl- o apoL Uritc. bvk I OW prices, B the end ame sooner than was expect at Goderich. the South Huron and tho report for March read land filed. Th: the shoots for tire consolation trophy' Opera House on April l0th. n evening, where a rorvenjoyable time . d A volunteer la worth valgtidd. redit6tiven. Diropa ed., During her Illness she suffered ln There have was Ispe t In Dingle, dancing -sind lia "a age"t's Profits. orth Perill. fall fairs. report showed the average attenda.tee prepentea by R. R. Watson to the Oil Bro. C. A Humber will today aftend lei VI Ithe wee sina' hours, when many pressed men. hilt nnw we want each of theme 'I'. Barber, Soo'y., Stdr Insurance with resolute- and cheerful patience. sections registered with' the Society. g. dry unu ot: war books. Outfit 'free. tensely at times. but Qhr endured it all been many animala from of boys to be 272. girls 2M. a total of Hand Rifle Club took place oil the ft special meeting of the Grand Chap- gtian CmIng dispevised all woll pleased to ask mir thousands of friends ttv give
ess p
Bldg.. Chicago. Mrs. Robeitson was the eldest dau4h WZ, and tha percentage of attendance Club range on Friday, the result, as 1, r. R. A M., in Hamilton, as represen- with ii and there should be produce enough P th hospitality of the host and its settle help. Every subscriber can ter or the Idie John A. Smith. and was from these In make good competition 88. The school mankgement, commit the geore will show. heing that. Writ. tative of Huron Chapter here. host"$ assist us. To every mail, wrinva Ptiblic Notice. e tee to whorn was referred the question Cattle now owns the prize. Too to[- Robt. McLean is btiving bones in n till Nile. child trending its three new nantee for was married thir Y -SIX yeltro ajo. aild CHARGED WITH STEALING W4I1Ps-- Ceftral. reported that a conclusion totals. Where two scoes at r dited he lit Lucknow on the Same busineso lAddit-lonal N tic no wis on vago a vent, we will wall to any address it born at PaleVelid-Oniarid. In 1839. Sh at each fair. of Instituting a fifth form in the lowing showe the scores made and the the north end (if the countv. and will
TIWG.--Tho antall meel;- in 1870, with heir ultband and aluilly. ingot a Shareholdors 6f Goderiat, removed to Goderich, where 4he'bod On Wednesday afternoon Win. How- had not been reached land asked for to one name that person wits behind it tomorrow. Saturday. the 8th Inst. 0nUBCH.-Tho trosteer; of Nile CODY OfTHE STAR fat- not yeall ft'(, f tirlitur and Skates Association. imited. will
Id in the Court t1dosa on Mondav even- since resided. She was the Drother of to att. aged 17, Gen. Brown 14, and 3-te. further time to report. On 'notion shot: Goethp'q Immortal ofav of Fau9t, as chum-li at4ked fat- a thankoffering Ail, cost. Or to,. four new names and 0(1
Ing. eight, children -five sons and the request was granted. Accountq, Grand -&erented by Porter J. White and Mlan Haster Sunday evening, of $115, to ineet, two At 101b. I . at the hour of 8 p ru.-C. three; Atwood 15, were brought before the Signal $4.50, slid Cattle'gres. $3.05, 100 2DO Total Total got Verne, to the stenve f stage the -of the A. dollars, it copy at THE IftAn free up to A. B Saoy. . I daughters -all f whom, with her hus, Police Magistrate charged with lairr were read and ordered t.0 he I I A eating of the Dlredtorp will be hold lit band. were with her in h6r last mo- Id W. C-Alle ...... ... 33 20 5.9 Iod expenst-4 -burch. Rev. Mi. Dr. bill as on Ttiairsd averdeff. April =i G. Laithwalt ...... 23 22 4.5 150 realization.-Arentilshop Jantiarv, Ion Every postinaoter itild ceray, the tw"rat tramedwithat I*n Certain repairs to SL Patrick's Ireland. Hall preached all ER%Ler mertnou, tnk- dth. at 8 p in., for A. ments. She was a Walilan of strong 0. Pennington. .... 22 is 37 147 HU HER, Secy. r,, Itliougk_ of a retiring dig- it whip froni James Soackman, an school were referred to the contingent Jas. Anarewo.... 114 17 'Al The annual meoting of the Goderich i%for blis text. Matthew 274115. school teacher Ili the county tit But -on or. The Capt. Dontioily .... st 18 0 1 4 Curling and Skating ANSOCIaLion Will the three for Stcalillig a Whip from AS. committee with power to a 1327 oTo.-Mr, T. Johnstoo had it very tripENDERS'WANTRD.-Wholli- or 6pardto The boys were all appre- motion re, the proper ventilatiols of Chas.. Rehl- ........ 26 2.1 49 112 he field in Clerii. Lane's office Am Man- successful wood btgo one dav litat week. Oil lievelpt of which tick its iwiedgmen t
position. Abli ton a deep I taroat "' 'Wallace. Is authorized to receive subscriptions. tenders will be icoelvea, by , he under- current affairs arid was; it c6tiftant Ws"Aattle ........ 44 12 5G Rud in the evening treated the voking III handed in Bayfleld, where the alleped the schools laid over from last meeting. Ch dav evening. commencing at 8 p. in. will he promr signed up to and Indluding Saturday, April S. reader, but ithe was especially devoted as. Reid ...... .. 26 4 "to men a tly madr. To thake who reotlan and edinfiettoll-of 4" to the interests 'of he flintily. by thefts were conlimitted. Brown and was referred to continjgent committee- The following also fired over the range: No greater sermon was ever pren rid their fail ones to tll befit prefer, we W If any a good -caah coni. ch- since they say they have tor
W be greatly nd Howatt of-Toropto,.tba Watson ...... At 34 is f1d from the pulpit than Is givEFn in then. apt ad a
Oildf.161. sick in Goderich, fr,lowest or Atwood libitig residents (if that burg, with inspector and principal added, to E. P lid qonle I mltiolun_ , Now veport at npxt nkeeting. W.&LOO11. .... 312 40 72 Fatist, hv Porter J. White'o ronipany itide. Toni is aJollv good fellow few ininutes. or houra and help Tac . N 4 , a n on't oil -it !H begin
bef'of the was.,pemporapft- employed In 'tt it. 13 2 V -L,- forget it.
'lke. -l"On.tbei3birgesboingread over RID like. STAR and youraelf. 13y filling so you . 141p " ) 00 Illover SIR Thefunenill will'be, muilling Ii griod thil4kr- evening Morning Star the Crown Attorney, asked for a re- WAXS - 71faim xr :- Iii... J. Iffin. At. t4 fly residence fiew4flisn'lo 01, .17111ijustrz, er low.- rank oniti. 'd Ia Maitland jeeting mand to ket the evidence, which 4vis A. M., Cat -low, hold it special vy Tuesday yening it nunibei'o `f t'rur clitor waLi 6 -Nn'- MonilkV. eneh 6 miting iw -after noon at 2 p. in. The N. D. Rouirvie's haid- party to the stilt paying his own COOK. ter irnest, W:11i8antl Aiks Ethel ere condct:. (this) Pridav granted, the case being adjourned till, to receive R. W. Brother D. D. G. M., athletes -net In rid the pall. W. J. Mooney. The attendance was .0 Donderits to send tie for publication tilt. father of Atwood bettia presents asked ware store with it view of forming a Tenders for building the I)icklo McWhine lit visiting their aunt, Is host cash p a bear ra were or sons the deceased. for bail for his son and Brown, and his not as large as usual, on account of Lacrosse Olub for Gcidericti arid ?LitPl- hriage between Wesit Wuwannsh and Mrs. T. ek of (j()dpr:l-h W hillo srpittime of -tho-week'a dohvgR. ' Wi-tte Di0on stationerv. staniped envelopes. &c,, HismilroAs St. r 0 -i onao , nunihor of beautiful floral offerings, request being granted he was'bound had roads and the absence of it Rhott discussion it wits agree*1 that It Kinloss townships will lie roeelved by Halt has return d from isiting er reath front Maple Leaf Over for the Lquin ot W for their pro- lights but those present did the b."non"r be formed to he stviett the Linn. Ansley at Winglitim tip to the mother lit Beinio and the anpp y will go Ivy rotio. nt.--W(- tire glad to I JYElN,4 AND CLEANINd.-Ifty shonld -0. U. W., were laid upon the arripplie In God !art go out at duction at the trial. Hewatt, having or Smith"s Hill lodge with old tinie fluron Club The foll(iwing l2th !net. see little Hazel May around atrillin- THE STAB is a good (bling-pisli it have dyLAng or, clean pAt done What% Abe, can e A candi- sianed the nie,n4 'roll : N. D, Harr WMA bottle for' SiloditV ; he likes itiong. I to wn to -casket. R H. Hodgson, of Brampton, Do friends present wAs sent to the 7 nerooltv and entbus:asm. ly
Aratthe biftt work avid niost4 . achtf000h at -on county Jail. date was raised, the work being finish- Roogvi-. Chas. Reid. Wrn. Blackford, ar the Wile and the (tilt- sex airs) always W. H. and Mrs."Whitelvead, of Tot drews Bros. & M shipped it c
Curry's Dvelpir and Cloanin vrko. Wes"L. to, and Mrs. 3. V. Stevenson. of Clin. I"i" f hogs to Collingwond on Mon- ed in a perfect manner by Bro. Alex, Hu in Nicholson. A. -McKv, Jam o glad to see film. --Little Len Mellwain Now that the Legislature has Ail. Godorleb. Ladles and upollomen's Alax They paid over $1400 for th, d ilton, wbro among those plibsent at the SMOIONG CONcRuT.-Victoria Opera Robettson arid hie nfficers. As soon Hatf, Jos. McLeod, Ge antit loti all of which was placed in our W in a t a A cre itn color "Aluirod. and all of o.Al Ian. E. Dever. un over on Monday by a sleighand Jourped Mr. Gal -row I h it v As 1.. .1
leaned in ilratclass sstylo. Every ldwie House had an audience of about two as the candidate had joined in fellow- G. W. Black, A. T. Cattle. W. Cattle, Is now laid ,it) with ix sore log. -Mrs. attention to b tving the vacancy nioderatrl. 'Lod farmers! hands. A. Smith is 9till COnflneit to Lbe house of work turned out 113 kutiranteed. Vvicas HAusou, LAKz AND RIVvR.-The hundred on Fridai, evening, the aittrac- ship with the Master. atijournment A. McIvor, H. Sturdy. H. Rutson, On Nraster Monday summer freight from a Hill egistry office filled. There Is no bye no siolivery alia, clerrol 9 a speolaltyri . JOiIN cold weather and onow;tormoof the tion being a stivoking concert and a was in order for refreshments, arid the War. McCarthy, Bert Stuith, Jnt). -ained ankle. -Mrs. .16ho r riefr. brethren sat down to ft sumottiouR re- r ttes went Into force on the 0. T. R. Clement art(] datight,er, Mista Bertip election pending. and 1164, SOMO ( tie padt Week almost stopped the fittiolir few bouts in "the noWe art of self do. Williams, Harty Robinson, H. Pas- past.. When the Inner man had been more. D. Tbooi son, S P-itchard, S The reduction In eastward bound Smith forii.erly of Nile, bot. now of wil"t, got Live office. why hot settr., st, BE SOLICITORS WANTED EV crowd the freight ratea may help our grain iner- Hamilton, and Mrs. (4. Warner an(] at once. T9 F9 Y out of boats and vewsls, but te calm. fencers. To attr et the thoroughly satisfied. work wits re- Mcliny, Bert Martin, Nay Elwood, A.
EINBEfor "The Siory or the ip er appils of tile present one has caused Iai.r es" by Murat Halstead. arimmissionodby the a fresh stnet.-The recently formed Marine band played two charming airs sumed. the balance of tne even int being Nicholson. Kenny Horton, W. Thon.p chantR it little. daughter, of Bay City, Michigan. have vornment vA Officlar fflstodan'to% the %'Air devoted to closing in all the egrees son, D. Stratton, Jas. Hatilon, D. MA:- A. The ancliorities having approved the been vi-4itiog their- and gritrid- The imposition of' It pt Department. 11 he b-sok wits writtet, in army club at the harbor had a special meet- tit the corner of Kingston streets and and firingtIkirstiongat the D. D. Uis Ivor, A. D. McLeod. D Mole, It J. hange made by Horon Lodge, No. 112, parents thp pnAl week. ['fir. three first a ist - canips at San ftweisco, on the Pacifi witir ink an Friday night, and thoilgh there as is usual played then, in first class hardly -y 1. 0. 0. F., the bretni-en nliet on Mon --quat-t 1 of it eel t m poond., uoneral Merritt. lit) the 1108pitRIS at Honolulu. were several applications for inember- necessat to sa.T. that each McClymont, Jaq. Buchanan, The named rettirned tAi Hawilton on Tueii- ge of or)@ to Hong Xon fit the tmerican trenches at style. Shortly after eight, chairman question wits satisfactori y answered. election of officers was proceed"d iv Ith dav evening for the first thoe tinder day. by Hon. Willinn Mulock, as driven Manda.luthe agurlInt,caulpA with Aguinaldo, ship on file no action was taken. as the Halpany, whir bad prepared the pro* and doubtful points in the floor work As follo%v: the new dispensatiot). ine Montreal 8 '4 President, N. D. Rougvle; till Into the arnis of on the deck of the. i ) Angle, With Dewey, and in qualifications of the applicants were grammo-, opened the show by calli 113g, clearly Illustrated. Before closing Vice Pres.. Ch s. Reid; S S.. This; Is from the Winghnin Advancp: Dunganno Tupper. SooP IN mighty, and will pre -
not considered satisfactory. -The re- fat, &selection from the Mandolin ban . Bra. Jan. Young, seconded by Bro. Dan McIvor. Captain. %17 . Ino. Johnston and 3onathnn Miller of cii.-The annsial vestry meet -
the roar of baLttloav th-i f ItAlfManflo. Bonanza ecy.-Trea n. vail. - Goderich Signal.' foragesitis. Brim A ul of onift-al. plit the boilers at the pumping The selection wasa goodone, nicel Dr. JIIUIZ
tilres tit n pablls to Thoulp-
bv governfivent phollograoItS an th Bro . Colonel Varcoe. moved a bearty vote son, Field Captain. W. Black- Goderich were In town (it, We(Anesday. - To witu-it tire Hatiolton Spectator
TArgatioult. 1x.wprIL:es. it -a completed last week in it played and heartily cheered. E. Be - Mi, Miller is a whopper, turn Monday aftPrnoon. Mr. Jam. Holls
station war T held ter St. Paul'm chorch oil
.41. 161, lit of thanks to R. W. Bro. Mooney. arid Executive Cominitte. Win. Bla,litford' I,, g t he Og was ,till neitly ri,torts Another iu%tanre of paid Croditiriven. Dropal trashir uric let satisfactory man Der. -Engineer Kelly eber next appeared arid sang it solo on the same was tendered in graceful E. Dever. Jno. Hall, Geo. Allan 'sLud A' scalers at 414. wits lip
warbooks. OutfIttree. ArldresiLF, r. has tecelved, the Ust b pointed cleigynitin's warden, the ennentoits power of sotip i -i fotind Socy.. Star insurance Bldg., Chicago! through nadian satisfaetorily as to win a hearty oncor". terms by Bro. Alex. 114) ertnon. In T. Cattle. The membership fee hay Loiltis Battie, who is in the employ nd Mr. hC, lit-cwn General Electric Company, diagranis ThA-ha . 1runin then gave a drill exer- response the D. D. G. M. sald be wa-3 Ing been placed fit 50 cents. and -it of Blitton & Trevett, in their furrotiare plp's warden. Mi,. Thoijmii Diii-oin weip, in the Nut that. it brrnkitiLkel ('0111tratIt dud instructions for carrylkiX out Pro- else. using roped, to show how to do- thankful for his he&lLy reception. con- comoolt.tree appointed to apply lot- the tact(kry tit Locknow. had the inipfor- hit% driV01116 Dan MeOvIlictiddy into the Mmical, fessor Woods' system of thawing out velope the muscles. and the exhibition Wd fly tile I as their- wq.te!, pipes byelettricity. Whether waa follvuv tothe standardof big[] e g sgratulaled the W. M. and officers on use of the Agricultivral Park for prac- tune to Ir -se one is( his Hngprs last week to tire leml-lesli'tri ynod. tar ITIS of that fine ol4l Tro-te.
183 EMMA ANDREWS, TZACITHR cilis running the Al names the day time class sh(`iws. A. W. Logan, -the old the excellency of the work, and con. tice purposes, the chib adjourned to while helping to ft the engine. PHILSONAL.- Willitiol BoWel (4 is ViHit- mo
Piano. oegap, Thebry an digginir to the pipeA favorite, sang a comic song and was eluded by remarking that the teeuta- meet lit. the call of the executive., The chimnev Ili tile block on thf. Ing sit St.. Thonotsi. tit him siste SiRht Basalt tion of Morning Star for brotheriv Timap its a protest filed airaillst the
will cost less t I ".--
and Ear Tralitin It special a &A vir south carrier of West, stweet and tiis, Erviest Ito rn 1 it. w 1) I le A- nizis Ked f4p) I t I I o g
Practice Clavier Allothort- Tile Vt I Zed time will tell. but it will certainly be a twice encol-VAI. Next cattle the first of ,, r
no.ater find quicker way of doing the the trring bouts, Messrs. ohnston seo osity to visiting brethren was 'Hqoary blazed lip about 10 p. in. on wood. lit, fs,1t11loltA.lv 1, im (11411. -Mr.. election of Mr. N. Montpith Ili outh Clavier at U. W.Thom,dn'ri music 1 r , IV Business Notices. st, e. rh e upheld by , his reception thateven- W6(lnesday and catimed it large crowd Milligan Its tip and able it) go ahout Pet -Ili, one of the V111111)(N4,ft-ing that a uAlod bv pdpil& Also In 43 atti, Job. -Lost week the river wits open and cPherson toeing the lin lug. Among those present front Mait,- Jnat received a car load of Scotch fire to congregate AAA,( on(] the building. toritin aftvi his illnefth. -Mr. t'lle 'VI -it was n d tuldron. Stinilab will frog, a little way east (if Bommiller up gentleman, who wore the regulation Lndge were Bros. Humber. Beek, brick. F. BARLOW HOLBIRS. AleCormack paid it vimit, to Nvitighan,
lath: for opngt, a
!he J Constintis(or lifira. )r.V.=3 land 4callic" at Oto to Auburn brid c, nod till the fee off hosing gloves, started off lit a good Locknow Sentinel - Our hockev IlovR th Ion of the Letrislitt tore, conts itry
that part of the%aitldnd was crowded galt. and before tiler got through each Ball, Lawrence. Tve and Tancott. For tickets to Manitoba, British Colum- returned honie front Onderich b"t, week and porchatied it millpricild it fle r ft ietween the village in the hollow and of the*contestarits 'had stopped many TuR FADETTES ORCHESTRA. -It is 1.0 his ard North-West Territories, call at C. very friendly ganie with Ooderich river : Mi44 WiVKIF14 WVnt back to is, "t-ttlitp. Tniok of it government UST AEi INSTRUC Aq.- r"doric Maitlandville bridge. -That Part of the well lutentlojied deliveries, and sent be hoped the people of Goderich will P. R. offlob, West street. Telegrams ent boys and arrived hoine al. 6-2-3. 1,11, Godei tell nfter It 4hort visit with her whose own ptiliticnI friends thatge 0. aim on. Q iAV.6tb a Ch rch. late of viver'book front the G.T. R. break- home a few wolf directed blows. As fully appreciate the musical treat that with quialtneas and accuracy. Night moo- b( ys siav they were iiever oRed better hrothpr Ili tire village. -Afrq. filititheAv in colIrt with ii,,t knowing tile
W 4ti Water,. atthefcot,f Macderinot.'sateps. the applause thalli followed the light gee at reduced rates. -Miss BLLL, C.P. inTit-ir lives,
ble Yo 16 will rebolvo 0 cIoraft arid R. Young is vimiting lipr daughter Ili Hit) law 41iffivie'll. to im4tie it writ pi-IN't IV *dv is in store for them when the Padectes ga
Telegraph unit Ticket Agent. hert, township. Temple Clark pvnt need to Piano. 4 slid ;tiy to 'thsir Government breakwater bias weights retirement died away, the All interested in cycling are ad"I"I onday in Will Marlin or ttilLt if they did, they lvi,lp An to, lit$ IM to trtra been oonsiderably, wasned.away by the chairman sang a solo. that reminded Ladies' Orchestra, of BoAton. appears Of course you've got your tip ring hat by to fatend the --Cleveland cle op( -o I tilt- villnge thim week 111anY enough fir purpovely dist egat (I it t hat, tj a Was n 1. high Watq the past few weeks, and it no of same altigera we heard chanting at the Opera House next Monday even- ibis time, even it Easier Sunday wal; not Ing arid test exhibit" which will lie ,it isHot! wilt be a miracle it large slices of the during the recent election in North Ing tinder the auspices of the Musical a good day to wear It. Would you not the showroms of lAw & Shephard, might lie preparetl for ty of this town. LAritTuesday like to show it te your friends with oneaf the Square, Topatiny aft4wimon and Omer gency. land under the R. R,, track are not Petth. Tho next number oil the list Soci Riclins-dHon, fron, Lucknow, Is
carried Into the river as soon as the won a surprise, for JohnNairo, who and Wednesday th7 played to Ira. Brophey's pbotoo? or it you prefer anril,sting lifiss Ifile u I (CORBZOTZD ill- TO 0662 Or Tlrilltil)AT) a pi I a- evening, April 11. I eptro )er a, 'OuLsiders jodge every town by the it; honlie for- Eariter varation, Mi-, IF the tnwn ntithoritles wiA it, pre -
44) $0 M doer, not fall away this spring It would charming sang frold, and gave the Star of that city, In/ long It eview of we can give you the best. Call and see the rat. wi.eat. Stailditil is ft ae from ft ost. ft the land appeared as a reciter, durplaved stich tnen:e audiences In ontreal, and the sure without a link. iedy's ar gentleman mpriog millinery. MiHm FlErh 'Nobert,;
Who 'Jew 0) 05 to ow localnew4papera. T"P:RTAR,Lhcpuh- Dilher. fron
W., rAirsdit 2 6o' 9 2 *6D be Widdom an. the part of the 0. T. R. lines; of his selection so ably its to enin their work. said latest samples. T. H. Bliopnily. o#Allen(] -ervp anV benefit thel-P Allay ILH, fly Idardi
I VO the
low breakwater lishers think. is a yory good index it, the holiday eapon w Ilk brother. 2 to contiltue the the Goderich clocationory The Padettes played at, the Wind- 11 Sall 3wit? annual baby dAAT, May I ;6. We Joidge by. "botilevaraing" of the sirpet. last surn- Oran. pat ton il 00 to IM 06vernent; oike before another woltitthero Zeitllplhe IT X., but we still want n. few LOCAL 00TH. Mr. Sam Noting ham
tv was loudly ApplAuded nor Hall last night, and had completely
Ira 8 00 to S OD . will take each and every baby brought 60 more business men rapre-iented in oor en thev will lake slep is) prevent 111I r Z64 par ton, fid the first for his contribution Bet our studio on that day free, and Alive to advertising colninne. W. to sets lb. -All last week A ween, each captured their audience before the '61 Willi.4to Ilahkirk lit big lioot
td, iM few days of this large volulnes of numberaild atother times, smoking first number on the programme wits anT1s0h'-')e department. Mr. Halikirk the Indist-rintinate and unneco-wary iIr W each a bloto. We want all kirds of bet)- The oldest official in the county 11,18 Illoved to the village with hir drilring of vehleleR of every dest-rip- afer. passed out of the Maitland.- ocelipit3d the andience and smoke hung finished. The concert wa-4 one of the log. langting babies, crying babies, twin -no changes bj&6 been made in oVilit head, but the denser the cloud tb building hits not tni-gottoo his bo fandIv. -Mr. DaVidHoo ling rented Lho tion on I ho ie parts of tile. streets visit 43h far most enjoyable ones of the present babies. Prizes will be given to the six hood's dAvR. for on Hattirdav lip hoose next it) hin bartlway-i- shop. 45 III a 40 to tho vormanden% of the fishing tugs. so more splelirly. the audienceseemed to fteason. which has been unusually well best looking trebles.- f you have no balls- n April fool ,if tire writer by trillin -Mr. Wilron hai% left Mr. Hile%' plave Intended art I Ladwavm. This warter Y. bar 0h do to a tbg( 04PfAID Van McKay *111 410111- Ase0l What Was 'I n,s, Wb"n the filled ith inuqic&Ll treat%. 'Tile organi- borrow one and help make Iihe Afav a ano- iter. car Ili IS rb' cl6nd - him there was poinething oil his haig land gone to Kineavdine, where lit- haH -( -hed in the rourwil (if
mand the Sell Gull. ell ineer, 1). Me wto at rt., ttwk two little nation Itmelf is a novelty. It is room case. Babies enuss he under IS months. was lit -n( last
Uodi atid tie from the Socks -. Capt. Ckaigs appeisred, in full pugilistic coo.' poste Xclusively of Initials. tLnJ each Weil the scribe did not mind doffing a poitition in a otv goods More. --Mrs. -age i 1'
Pei, 40fil.. ,Le vrar. but I hpy lipol not rom -nough
as ez oth Mehonald. the Sea Queen* Wine, the gloves being Immense. The mera r Is an arthit 6n her own par. ThatiViototia Oreat choir will give ander his h t to bo good looking agentleolan. Andptw)n had her millinery opening tit
it a. frilit A, rdlisto Ori-, Dan, Melvar, and Hall from boys wore cheered on their entry, but dcular instrument. whether it be their auspices a firel-class entertainment (in Friday afWrnoon and evonin . and to tie;%) with It. The present condition tan 'to It In ramoured that the
arranging bilt0t, Alex, Clialgiow. the the apolAus wits oopletbinl:t immense violin. 'cello, bass, harp, clarinets car - at, Frkillty, the 21st of thin month. Miss Anintenta tire hf the nato v ere y firpt.ty. here 'If tile sidewalk,i and "houlevards" isa,
4W fishillit from To'berMorityrt when thby histrated the "hoble net,, Prefich horn or troi of. In facts Annie E. Snyder, humorous and dramatic chanteterm for it he seen on Sunday, fur% diettrace it, the town and it resproneb to lotiranift to he III tF 8 Mod or 0 T tiger* on the relador aoa impersonator. of Toronto, hits oil at the end ov the mouth for I e "10"'d to be m9re In demand than the thoughtleRg ^rid careless- drivvirst aiLIV'. ral good attitud0s. And I I chu f th 1"kilit-4 larook oil t fotpib!ly with, rights Atud leftel, horn and tylimpatil tb&t t ey are the been engaigod forthe omission. Woolley bernsfit of a deserving society. aild Rastertionrivjits.-W I RugliNbleldo is Are i -the Wilt der cittioes highly reompmended by the "laill Pj
's; i , :J,thd Ifit5oh;le blowk wer only Indies In the *arid *ho play these that, the selected representatives A, ill driving to the"Alnge his home 'v It converting them into a seph-9
fi hold do, -r6d 6 friettsurvents.- The stelle was is ptettY local firteell of Toronto, and the various be of the highest talent Underich becAmit- unnistivalgenble anti ran awav : of ruts and hole%. v'o ftight t 11,60 auglit dileo the, taste(All, AdIbilikplues of t choroll In villiflob she hat given Aniterthin- the cutter wag stoashed toatams, host .4e per, 10 little Otl "L to"t- il Of tit lipa, Arb, is spoken of as an elocutionist TuRnE nl 1pany in tlWk$ eiijiolp ilifth rl fthery blending Oldelt. lit hodd 4 atiam fi, I p0das late person wits hurt.-Messro. Glenn 1 N 0 1 tW10", SOAforth Expositnt C,.W. Andrewo. no W'f,6 I!= 0 lit, &tie As street trest Is and Medd gathered a lend of onts, &&till ioftalmo itlielt t64 Much mmob bet IftiLd of the R. B. Smith Cis., of Goderich. ornn who relfie"Iber Vflt
it040000, gamir. ill 111 for 6 6 Is of our town. Sav- has ilJfRJ M)h1t&1d4, W'tft U 11kno musicians on Toesdav,The birthday party given 11,ov- Mr. Pairlie. 6 0"I
IlT6091"It" 411
6 ain Purchasmi thest4nckinthe presentod them to Rev. Mr. Armstrong _d
Joyod. old WIlffruan stAnd. A few months QOL', *11141111 rs in the proramme. Ad. at tho Nothadlet parsonage was it St. Pstol'tCharich* 03h; kkA$ .... .... M AMod __. M 4NIC1101111i 44rd he Sold out to Mr. Peddle but he W*. lllritrok Wra.1uhn ago, W" I, W" 01h %V,th; "'d the MI 10 66ow. seemill (A hae L liking or ortb. grand success. 6yetl thing werit oil wardst, &ppolDW 10A and, U%rfstfto L i An Molorr _&ny reader of this and that he knight A-allk fn Anerso "Wills *f"#ft4tk $ I ho Illy and 00111t 40 WmAt tealited. failitart anople "Ve
V r Ill Iftod air
WOW hit, pitiw* 01111it'balw, lillostar thoir choice of a Storthilt hokstii fill ERF. OU111%. a k ind id r3ft lltiod Watch at* Ili ftlid 101(littAkOn PMillnission, Id J III 1`6 to, X"* ii rallased fthis livol, veil received, M. Hilt re ge"lline Diatticild &W lit live business man Roll 1. [tilt *1 Ell no lvaf Attached, tiod heheo Tatt it"a hi titsur o" IriliblilUrIking ficliter seed Coupornit tall*Vdhim,bak AW, io, k1w, 1 bel to jiLit Jisilid1ji;q, Wow, s;f" *m*Lbk flistirit Ilriefidis and actiunit . itariecir, W*fi, rs fi (%I* I* tight, '000 W0110015 F I r Sohn OThis '110101101111114 of to" 'Ift 111114111 so" t, 11* add "dft". with 11106 Ild toplifitsto Xt'istups A ='*k ft to the Atrilift"o flitila thotie- t*bo' SyNtem 6% go out 6 tand, ttatioll. writes its 0 w, yAwk bAt d" *4 to W" r to Ot" AXAM, - -- of i""W"Atih *1110411 IU04 R *syr, H. ddt*ilt r& town- W rid thel go n ot" io sols 9, 1111 *04 0" Whoi, lilt (]Ili,# *hffid 04 %!vsAlI
Now #4 tow., a sirmalito 41 "Itillow-4 114*Woula". t". "ft Wile W*A of oblifte liAffil, oil&, 41re 44,t 4 in of CH towh W litt,16 b
"d god' t plar. or heiiiiii; fouttbi t ffet.6 'his W. A A0 . k , Aillor . III the td,lifilif"11(thi, Wow "will I4111"I of" bo""NKW# U Frolsys 7L 61 14tht Allilr6yok d0ldong jiloblio *01:04 i WON" whilitgoitt. 019*0 r, L ....... 44"AAtW,, aIM. on, the, illamAkday to derful elect'"Cal ef want tilvit, do," 1W (4-1, 10"'t,1119" , th 44000% 000 C*kl
t"111- 0 - tie #"ykd (IV, Aft* ribilt d0t 411tive, I* ftfli t a" A" estelly tykavelltyftt 4ft, d6ft t
l -at Owed an 01 rshil'"
to it It offlo -Am Z L .: X"44, 141s,aftoft *M****O"ot P* Iwo dt 4r
1000 4 Is -4