HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-24, Page 40— .% " � — . OWPox4p � � THIS I& aii, lt�f 811,11imb Of ths GOVisrhOr-0011101114 At REV. Vlt�,U ?, tl,� tlifs� . , . JLXAGE SAYS the opening. : 'W� 't THL BIBLE IS. , - , A despatob from Ottawa . *W"-- : ,4 I - ". , W90M , I 1111, ICU" Early on Thursday morrulaw th Wkes 0WAwlef"a Is a,", Thieve 0 =40- , It xms� o berm began to gather in the House and l,WW*V*,,4hr $be -.0*111---, Draft eft to f%A 111,044 , I- ork. Life ll� - .W to spec I llifi*alost. 11 Umt .ulate on the proaPutA Of tbb i . ,-,, rea,ld-" of uodrtt ,0 session. . file"af*00te-,"'. .[ Ie'..1.1,ne�. : � . 1, ;44 There was a very good gath- rJreWI4"L -AIrSf !, AWA, !* ering of members on both aides of th I , T, *,V1V0 I, e�s A deep.4'toh � � 6 , , � from %% list, ngt­ "o " aougoi and by the end of the we, I 0*1 Y, �h there will be a fairly full House. The Rev. Dr.-Tiflumill, 1-te-, h-4 flotit ill# ,sea. , t* followinir , ta3Kt: - F'' w-vk -e SOA Wt*,VWr , weather was the oalm after the storm. t b rough k,',,0j#lIs, d it, k I y 1, u I I h e a fu4o I . , -, It*, ti.6 beautiful nutaulling, having succeeded - . .. 0 . to face." -i Or. a I i I 12. 10pr tht La the snowstorm of last evening. The Bible, Is the ollis, fmcefoi and � utk .* " thint Long before three o'clock arowds h"K LbIll, I Pungent 9,t,Wks %%b,[� 11 4tuds 0. bad assembled on Parliament Hill to sweetness �ot *0 Mother 4 1111,01 ft)[ h0 -i ", loh'. L g ase the outside cerem Rise of the opea- Man. trouble ll�,,, ,ll tile kevull'j�k 4-0fla, - 4- , . Ing. Sharp on time the guns announced L ,#i it .. Undi Of a 81311tultaIrs and the t rush 1 ,,if J)"Wor t , . OrYL " t the approach of his Exceilenoy, The of a ligbtaing.bolt It in,ftraY4 "'Ith QqUA guard of bonor provided by the Gov- ' , i0dbiI o mo�e thou apaintor.4 lul"el of ofilif ornor-Gonerat's Foot Guards stood to ,,treks, V ,-�-, , q, " .Lotnifteg . heaN,,c) Lhron I 0414". 0 ii , 1. . attention, and Ili a few minutes Lord .. ,� 4Vo*_.,1 0 or , Mat?, escorted by the Princess Louise a it a Judgmetrilt conflaglatitill , TOO I _ Dragoon Guards and drawn tring of thI4 great hnip ;tie fingarAld' V,bJj1a,i$ . . " by all the 1111,14 rings and four with outriders, drove go f4dor- of the ftItLIrP. nl),�,r b. its %oi up to the maia entrance amidist the uniting wltlb, the ,ra, lite ,if ,­118�*" thorou 14N r tit log worlds, now I 11 r , I i. og % I 1 if I tie P , resenting of arms and the playing bf , �. ly gal abig =d Save the Queen" by the band. of tile everlitating elo.'ril'INII�d :It mo lifa _ � In its chamber the Soon- wrff- im- tolls how eta forbidden liev .11 tjl� � Q04' . Von, Q0 pressive and brilliant ad his Excel- Garden blasted the ,..,fill v%,th hlo*� ad. at [alloy's procession swopt up the floor. ness and death; and It .... ant,ther t ,46L I� ' Me " Havingtaken his seat Ilia Excellency (hok%gh leafless an.t taire, yet, 1pl:lftt�'A, "thils. 4 , read the I Ualt. , 0 on Calvary, shot] Peid a fruit whtiti, , Plilde. SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. 'shall antidote the I -,,&-n of tfi� 001 = Honourable .Gentlemen of Lite Senate: other,- It tells but, the r, -d rqw cl*6i 6odh Gentlemen of the House of Cun�moas: ters of God'a wrath were brought ,tl), Out *01, In meeting you for the first time the -ine-preall, anti Jos" t1lid tllbl#� looking . PkIlle o -_ since entering upon my duties all the out; and how, at inst, all tile got .4i 9fiotory representative of bar Majesty in this 'Uhalloes Of boal4n shall 910w %%'Ili 154 know" ' Dominion, it afforda me great pleasure wine Of that*a-*vtul Vintage I t d,iX* bereat - took L . to be able to congratulate you on the Ales the eyes with Ito Ezekiel S v.11*11 . . do.)r t sperity which the 'OR Of Wheal. quid ising, nid fire, a4(1 obildre People of Canada at present enjoy, evi- Whirlwind; and soiltim ,1(.%,i -,I li�V that g denced by the expansion of trade and that It Cal) put it. [Ilia (0 I be Par ,01� '%�hy at Commerce, the flourialliag condition of dying child, and .it), Toino oil hlah-!� Inare the public revenues and the increased or.- , Pensive . � 1 $On 14 *i) number of immigrants who have be, And yet Paul, in illy text, t.jkpa tbe� It awN, ,gladnW come permanent Settlers amongst on. responsibility of guy Ing ttl:it 11 is only It do,* � To the evidenced may be adood all- tin Indistinct mirror. find that its 3411' of Your other, which Is oven more gratifying, Sion shall be suspendpd. I think there object, the almost total Cessation of Lho eon- may he one Bible in henveo, fastened your aidemble exodus of our populuLiva, to the throne, Just as fl,-%%, in a muls. With ( 11 to tQa %�Iiicll at one time was a regrettable Cum, We have R harup exhunied (VOW and OX feature of our affairs. HOFOUIQnOum Or -Nineveh, unit we look yourb � INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. 'it it .with groat interest, and 1jay,v LNG Y44 L The negotiations which Were oCL Oil "How poor a light it n1u,it have thatf, given.' than toot, dii.ring the recoto, between her compared with our modern Innips Ill So flalin a ' *ajeaty'a Government and that of the I think that this Bible, %%htch yii:49'r, a t United States fu reference to the lault) to our toot In this %,(,11(1, May, see �1111 settleatent of certain questions in tile- lie near the throne of t'.od, exattills. And 4�, pate between Canada and -the Iiii Our Interest to all eternity by the Con. Pr ojll� trust between its comparatively � Hliio� , country were, I grieve to say, greatly reable the wd delayed by the iiinesa and subsequent light and the illUminattun ,it heaven. at th, 'L depth of two of the most. emineut tuem- Tile Bible, now, is Ille w�jffoldiW." wq 4t.14 I , bars of the commission appointed for the rising temple but when th toM If I that purpose. Considerable k "Wid. Is Q` 4 progress in in � . .1, I has been made on sevarkil of the aub- g , done there will be lit' kl8f the to him 'Fi J -to submitted, but a gerioum dis. sctiffoiding. . I . I (actrist - agreement arose between her Uajostyls The idea I shall dpvolop to, opens,- ' commissioners and the coMMieSiUnera ihat in this -t 1", " pl� the United States oR I lo�� quesLiala, W6rjo 4, our knfiwi. * . .- :4(,LbA . t , . � go - - ­ roo_l - ryL . . . 11 . , 0 N I - -Ir, W the doit itation citlie IiQuo,do Ila: ­ - ­_ 'A "g," _ .P , ,., �-A � tv='�A, VM " kill. -The ques- but lasv:er't&rQS�1R I. r, u ­ � 1164k, 11", L t, , , #. - , la. `�`_,' �.�'7� tf _! . , I F Vlr, N . .� i ,� , - , upq, y the ooihmiasioners .grander and Innis so I last � , , -to �4'% , L - z , M d U. 11'-'. 1'�'�11 1",e"I't. . � " ..'...'. Z ! Zespeotive Governments. The This is aftainelatlY true in reg rd L to War to . ly, - . IMMtkiWOrk lids been adjourned to'the Our vlow of God, We bear so waltai Second day of August next, in the hope much 011WIF44 thist In the meantime tile difficulty about God that we, eonelmie ,No ander� 45?t V, %,Im inlicht W overcome. e % . ­ . ,stan-d him, lEte ta represented go'bft- t 4�' .. PRORLDMON AIM PENNY POST. Lug the tfsadaraesa� of a father; As 1141 � the mo,. , ,_ AGE.- (IT-DeSA of a Judge, the ponip,',of Ik *OLOP4 , 191 Compliance with . the act passed king and the 101% of a mother. We ',,A1iq,'#-V 1I last Session, a plebiscite was held on hear About him, talk about him, Write IWO, ,a I the question of prohibition. The of- ou m e s s name ja� In- 00*010 U01111 figured, at the vote will be placed sees 4 before you. flincy. and it trembles on ,he tongue T00 � � . I observe 'with pleasure that the of the dying ootogonarian wo Iihink , . V6,11 I � mother country, Canada and other tbat,we know volt Much about him. 'tete"'11, British possessions have recently adopt- Taire the attribute of Ili 150. we tboho,# " led a penny postage letter rate. The understand it f Ths Bible biontsems IL11 211"'" satisfaction, with which this action has Over with that word:�Merrv. It s�eaks sil 44 . been received by the Canadian people again and again of. the ie�tbir merclesk Inuro"t . W i8stfurther proof ofthe general desire of God; of this sito. 6 maricies; 6f I thio, do , .0, I I I "Ilti4a aMongst our people for closer great marclat % 0 me rvy I ' I .9 OAV(�A I relations wit,tithe motnex country and dureth foreveirl o;f ill , 4- " ..A�1111111' 1. e multit " ��),X L L ' t. , the rest of the Empire. big meraisa. And yet I know , the . I., )6,14N 'I am also glad to be ablis to state views we have of this glTat it LA L I., 1..� 11 boom, I I'Vil! 161 ". that the satisfactory condition of the most Indefluite, on"ided and ; Ift Ai% ' L ' 11311111incO Of the country permitted a filets. When, at-&wh, Ili" I otee . . "to . . X*11110tionronthe Ist Of January Iftst shall fly open, and Wk, shall 1669 414 I '' :0. Of the COAndillO domestic letter ratel rectis upon hlin, ho -.v ne,, - :- . 141 autl our I � � from thres to, two cents, and alLhough Tit ising I We ave, UVIOA r:tnvaq a ototdro, `"�,!.�y such reduction involves S temporary of the eirly maiiiing. Wo.z. . I otuo _- 01 , ,,, , . I , loss Of iriliftnue, it is nevertheless eon. I the olnud ilk ths sky. %he (lit%* �L� "I fidentAy expeot6d that the cheapened the grads, and tho usildoAmall. 641"Ma (61 . 11 .� I . rate Will Prove of much morvicia in the way to the f.161d. L111huliful plet4re 0, *00erl, ,Promotion at trade and in the general the morning i*But %V4 rise a. (Is$ ; *fie ,r k r � .00 ',� vc� MIR WW � no UNFAK plyokv4i Tile I . 44 K* -161W PW416RW � s- : . . III& Bu 1 1 � , ,a ThInlro now attoily Imiutill. to will be I . I" " . I I � � * ." _, ull , _ 1"'a"Y"'I - Than.preowllv 'C,b.1 dd;lIfil*' , L I*, ist- - 0, bt,91 0 � 4k,**-- j* , the . -1 ; ,r V Ill , � I I I I11100, . p fAtbo 1111tiainod 4* p1#41y effithought the an- - � ; i I Lt . I � I L , , 14" To � � 9 111 � 4. 0 . L - _� , 4MMIrAo . 0 Jasper 'wo 't *Ili _j . . . . . . 11 . . . I I .. I � � .. _� 'A* 44, )OX-VOIA 4wer were writtelli! OA t4 1L ft 1 not what we $AV, bat, - T Oa . 4 a 1 � I ' L - . li ­., 'L .� _s d,$, Sol LL ., .4 . t1for - . U It L L,A 10AW t4lsifil 1*VW;1'0 .4 the temple anthem! V41140, 4 ... t pt _*Mbi Ace or counded I lot _ 0 ript � , _U 4 W I .111, : L'. , t,* ' �J' , 4"�&. to Igilt his rpe.t, Usirtimolus, will thank God tiltat he was MPANL& W, . . ION ,, J ),.4o, So and 600* .."L I . L.. i . � I , � . ,k ft , 01*,*10J.W � Igo., scariii of _ , , Lr . 4 _ what Roo . . , . VLON I 9 rL 0 . , i b1lad; and loasairust that he waa cover- I, _ I r? , I - 01 Thhli U � A I 12 ad with sores; and Joseph that he was does, that telb the stpq% ,THR PHOSPHATIC X1.94 a it no ;, �,tw � I , , , 4Xt;",L .ov* 4AM00 't to Me, I cast into the pit; and Daniel that he __,__, I 1. , � ft �044011 of .,ssiet" L _ ___ , 11MW hit the PALI go the, head . I � - I -1 t&.�,, �', -, �L41_0� M3 donned with lions; and Paul that he, Thousands of test", VV Requoad � . 4% ' - " � . f4fusg`io lfgy`4� in sm1m P.IK up; 4 feature on 'Impaux. � . . '141 � 1 I I X 4);,yvr*1*"X,4�q9 d David he I his "'Uns . _Xr. *Frl"EE I No NOW , am, 11 , j"411 Rhall was hump -backed; an that r1l _M1 : I " - I star- .. before 04:F Institutes when -116 I L 40�- is' *01 -'to saill was driven from Jerusalem; an les flif Whitt 5004f"IS ' trigo.: r,' If you will sell $2.,to worth of our lirighthq,t 4.1fentiCAI IAinP 11, . I 9.0.:J.. r4 J'r , ith now a d that eXaMP " OR14 ­'I'lip you it" that After our Caro- , L.L. . , I . 11, - r �fihojd­ . idowlaig-womkii that others, and tut study at geology and of aoil phy- is of charge. is ftel-PI-Led, 1449.1ploo. I , *4iltw the blood he could get .1 Wklks, at Onsets sach,'Ve will send, you, fre , , 5 L .!NJT� I I 'Cal * I ,,�.ithaT`Z0JbIj, t "r `0 only it few police for has done for t W.Wh pats- .hv. warrajaM a raltablatimeti-kesper, � , , , , 01triIi making a gar- - bqtapy or the iclieuco, of itlonta; - . Ili 10 tUO9Ih,A=`a co -.1tiend U.dm theasueft Of Wbit4l�lst. Clijity. I . , ,,o4 .1&e Win I , � od, where 41cor, of .irh ... .... f..W.;.d� % fiIlf�4�tk-tr �,-J Insill ; and that invaUd that for , - now offer the. at the 10 vio" virloo, w# to t what it will do for you. of the groper' foed.i .4 , be,., - a , . . .1, U,%va wat 4 L no at plant# 4A To co - - . . L 11P to. d,aolodal 4h � tit adtas 490 Kbe . - - ,h I It I we oluNk 1444 1,povor t1wa MY scrottilla - - Running acrottaka sores animals; of the history, at a systems. . ,for Sol, lair the" Wick. - Ac­ditaii, Vi -lo", Autubas 0 .& I I I it holi - , I " r�.., , , L, We else also We I,* & ban me 11,11ILde, , I . irk "i'%t i. ; ,',$# ' imro looking head pillow; and that w If tistraW ty, 1, , "I , F ,&, g O ,,,. . , an ill I C,jg A ,.,:.t.slaii &.. re , tweut&.yea,a 0 Could not lift his . * to �: tibis kdow 9 , g In general. and t a results , . .., made me ghunited by nelglibors. Illedleal I GuRn ur"olots, llngt, and other valuabip iu­oam NVO give 4 '.Jitu ' 4 that she bad such hard work 11 6D "am worth send your a dross defeat I I L . ptorf"t �;,rj a. obtaititio.0 and ififter reviewing the; avid- I' .. Fossil XvidisKulfil or "Motion said .-it Lit@ Money :m 14, I I ., , saii, No more to earn . . , N t1mm, 14�1)jO� 4rkaM bread for her children. treatment failed. A relative unqd me to, . liapid from older countries as - I I ='led the wicks foryou to men past paid I .be. " I I . . 0 Ithili L'b . R 'You k4ow try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Did 40 And In few alift a t L I isounium. wicks returnable It not so I I L 11 It �r Aft'sitands, islid %'j that 1. % 401ag different voices carry months the sores completely heffildI MILO. Well III o it'ist borne � TORONTO* I - . I Ong tL#0 , rowag, Arid tbose gar- different parts. The Sweet und over- I j. M. HATM, Stua, N. it. . lki strongly, upon us that, ofteeptial . I . .6. 1 AddreaG GEM NOVELTY My - .� �: .1, ii 0 � 'SAO 0ot grobse of vic.. whelming part of the hallelujah of rammaltor it (31, I t - , Y I!L"tumlittelln-1 Twp raiq;[q.g bay fair ap,le only, the priu pat I I st* ,,, .. . . I , . . tZj�. ' ' lvtn,o heaven will not be carried by those a acks of the grip Me With. 44ammik. Joe* �oar. laudi suffers by cropping an � : jff:* bof see 6 I � ' iditi, -illo' . I I abs,rle be' th 6, who ratio in high) Places, and I tory rheumattim. Ato 9D years old ball $rsfilug is in linvaus; nitrogen and 1) I � , L I I � r., IR of AM" of my song: gave filump,untun ent-riaiuments; I Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured we and i can By the proper use at our "I � )y '040i'90 Phosphates. The Federal Lif e 1, � 9.T,TJ trIum but pauper children will sing climb stairs and walk anywhere." J.Lovs- ter,44 I .. oh,wforover and for- it, he ar4 Manures lIud clovo,r we can ��, 11 afteq, , �, 11 ft I ggara will ding It, redeemed LAlu), 37S Fargo Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. - I , . , , �,. A44 tit, . hod -carriers will Sing it, those ,who restore bur blamus and nitrogen. but . '� ,� I (tra�� ;'th& telirt 14 oat as true W, spa gone from no for- I:, ' P�Jk'44�-'toL.Q'dl Apillea, Who were Once the off -scouring of earth JlQd &WaPtO ever In our animals and grains, and Assurance Company* IL X, 9,411 pro I . . oqwj�'�i�� Atit pqgo In life -111 sing it. The hallelujah will be ==W; can only be returned by purchase in L � . . . rbIr �, - Aagplicablef You R�der for earth's weeping - 0 # 0 some form, which, we may then call 1. � " , , � t , � doj�ot :,114,la, toostal What I "" th . hilig heads, and exhausted � commercial. If we are growing bay 'I'', . . ,- L may C'y I ..'ar t4 Ldd. ,W'LQ,j;,ma noWlt - H: tG'd hand'A.rd AL STATEMENT. elle ged bat and mar- Rood's Fulsoure it r It ; the so for sale only, we must restore the pot- 1 , � 0Z , ty,r.d ifearti... i �.-.. t all th $4 W rk togetbortor 1*1 calibarile to take with U,.%�.Llr�r",-4..t�lin-g-i�-ur.4 "all it removes Sooner or later, and �� I TbIR, 1104 . s .400 look I* Again; the thought of the text [a I -, - -_ . �w­,Iw .though our lands will certainly stand W ." ��L_"_ �' I . -.0 it." . IRNANCIAL STATMWT. . L at 4 dicitiation, just, when applied to the enjoyments : arable drain, it is not profit. Th. seventeenth annual meeting of' I �,L�Ilo I lutli.00L �ifitudy the. f be able to say, Hke the Christian a conoW Z7.R`17.b:= INCOUR �, " ; ' ei � �,V I I 0 , we a able to carry it too far. Hors 18 Is of The Federal Life Asourane. Cut . fbile" oueas ab at what the righteous In heaven. I think not long ago, departing, "Though ea r­d,y, , " , ROX *­4,01lI Means to teach me we have but little Idea of the number pilgrim, walking through the Valley. motto to posts in your bat, in the old was hold as the Read Office. in Hamilton. rvemimat, Interest and rim& ............... 0 410,11111 is I , �� th1j*., bill,AU'ptup to taimb me of the righteous c treavan. Infidels the mountain tops are,gleaming from One YGU we" round the farm, -"A aut 7th inn. in the absence of the President, Mr. DISTIURSEM"T& ­ , PoV4Ai*.*-'-JV It to humble my say. "Your heaven will be a very peak to peak I" or, like my dear friend 6 bass of Beatty, Uz willisla germ. Fint vice-president. W I eldl ululate, indenle- 7 1 . b Lit 'I- ke d 1. . I , =1* ", � stapled the chair. and Mr. David 11 4 a= I Pal d poti.Vtoolderelor,I Perbare. It Is to make me small plaze compared with the world and brother, Alfred Cookman, who re- goo! p I m-ts. df,id1nd.. of . ........ L .... 143,M 0 1 11-7 , ore, -*lp erhaps 'to of thu lost ; for according to We .Z_t'.ldRro. Wallace tary. The following repays and Ga_I...4.;:2�ma2ur&.cv &ad disid- .. - �opdaot your cently took his flight to the throne of wait submitted by 11116 DIm"" �- suds an ­ ...................... MAG ON I 1 6 ,the' 114ce rt I n am lit 0 Alberta, I I ter *t,f .�taluity of life," teaching. the majority of men will be God, saying I his last Moment that tell us a at Big sh ut The Dimton have Vh"Um In submitting Ifor the In, , ; It'is only a guess -a destroyed." I deny the charge. I I wh'cb had already gone into Christian Thomas-Phosphaite Powder, but be nation and approval of the shareholders th" toll*- ASSZTeL I . , . thIC010,01A classics, "I am sweeping through " of the business vi the Company. tossither loons. -1 estate, cash and oth. I , he gigies darkly. The Suppose that the multitude of ttle An- the studiously avoided it and treated the for goose, Panay sloik-',U4, .M I , t oVe- shall be a statim- ally lost. as compared with the multi- pearly gate, washed in the blood of the manuring problem Candidly and inal- inil re . titapidiloir. "What I do thou tude of the finally saved, will be With a statement of receipts arid disbursements fine the arsticur,ties.. tal .... ..... - - . "SKE a a i�y a Lamb I" savely. . year which closed cc 31s, De-mbel. 18A and 09 the an"sous"' cap' ............ .. t !��t:ulqlylr; but thou shalt know handful. I suppose that the few sick - Tow rewarces far socurfty Of 1 �4 L , � , An up-to-date woman says her buls. assets "it liabilities no that dat' policy-holdere ...... ...... ................ 1AM3113 41 �:, , or, V 0u,WAI1 know why God people in the Brooklyn City Hospital Iowa Farritur for sale, &2 per acre Cash New business -1114d Of f..--:..-. ed . �L I If that cA,ly child. Next to -day as compared with the hundreds 6,60'- band is the very latest thing out. 's. ,..� LIABILIT11M, ,I. 4d ) US lines J orep, until paid. J. Mulhall, Sioux 01 1116 fifty-nine applications for fee=& ._ 1 111117 . bOV.0 was a household of seven of thousands of well people in the city, � — --.-.— thirteen hundred .ad .ighu--O -IV Reaurrefund.. . .. .. . . . .. .. ME V 1� I Burpitni to Polley-holdmo .... .... .. .1� plestious for $2,114=1 --- .Oaeptod, spot 1--tiOm (01 I In,aimuce wrILLOD and taken during tit@ rOUV,, Instst(d oZ your only one? bar of those who shall have upon them #131.ow having been rejected or hold for further infor- 2.01ILM t AL.r . ...... ...... - - - - ..:: - -..:: If ugie.ayt the dwelling in which the health of heaven. F or we tire to How is your wife getting along in nation. O"t """roill . - - .. - - IL ,568 . �.:,� - A. 'Why not take one from woule not be smaller than the num- ; �sm, ""' "* 0, "'kh AMESELDICATTY, DAVIDDEXTE". , ` tras, � only One heart beating res- remember that we are living in only bar endeavors to help the humans i Premiums to the amount of M"1.50 were i pre.id­t. M.a.glqX ; , to.L 70lara I WhX -did God give the beginning of the,dispensation nil ociety I doctors are merely ward also mosived- AUDITORS' RFPUKr. I I hild, tt'allj it lie meant to Lake that this whale world is to be POP'tialat; Is' Doing the beat she call. She re, . Hospital that sellers.' To the P40 year. " In the pneedins year. ruily 90 por To the Preilidont..d Dirrown of the Federal Life As 1, I L'. L". %,y IIr the cup of your ed and redeemed, and a a 03 Orted the butcher the first thing she sent of the new busivass, written by this COWP-01 weli suranoi, Corupsn,: ado a careful audit Of 0A , 'L, , brimilmiag, It he meant to doah Light and love are to flow no. Iff I. hot . Pdid. Said she had caught him killing it. I .... twoot plan& This and the feet that the G"`b`u`r' We h"ruuMe year "ding 314 Decaus, . 0 it b (As tit your wm,grrltifl it Lbon, onrysi,torsea � I 4T -,i, 'Why allow all thes tendrils be so, the multitudes of tb pigs. But she'll learn. Catarrh Cannot be Cured Ildvent of three &dditiocal "it stell-00--Plu'd 0-mP' ' be,, IM. .nd h- � tine. nisjl-tad "d compared with Jl.. ,.�J� �, be in vast majority, with LOCAL AP,'L[(',ATI()N$. as they ossa. or* in the field with,. the past two yea. bas not diall.- i Th. --­W� h -v I . hPirc. to , wind around that I the ledger scoamom and found th­wIth. I � oil. when every L Take all the congregations that have I 1,01roolablass-st,4LIll diaoa� -Lien Of Yc Zp.... . on 31vil .. . 6- 01atarela is a libed the share at new business which this Cc-- I'L , xf,k , I � ibre of blood or cons Itattonall diesillse. and in order to indicate the continued Th. financial P� PWVJDS BILWANUIPIL ' . Illoomed. Ifiterlooked AT THE TABLE. . flisay tols boon able to secure Docculber, lls.lnd.,,�d by,h6,,oc0m _ 4A lie to -day assembled for worship. Put lou .0 it Y-.0 natiot ank,, internal rentedlep. H& I'a growth of tooting to favor of tovosfon�w ins7 t, toil L � � make Waddling -Ah, darling, .. Ilia, with strong blind Caituarrh (lure to taken haterually. an I skei, dt- ,.the# Than towards .1he, it.rma irf invtn=i Fl. K STEPURNK IJ 46,04"Iti's them together, and they would I see in, as iat�Lfsjlv %a not on . M"17 -alal,kP L t, until you fail, bleeding but a &mail audience compare - .g.g. blood and rilliculaii aurtncea. flail', wItuabuittriveL - are deprealatistat sleadfli inif ia� Rif RR AAN Z TOWNSEND �.. , have prepw ad somet h,ng now with is Joi 'Your d with y o1TI , re to not a quack madichkov It waK The inconfe of the Comvm,f show- a -a-W a !; I i 1! dwelling desolate, the thousand, ,ad Was of thousands, your own little hands. it's lus"'Onal pro-cribed byan, of the es-Illphysioleasha thin pea.sovey vmgt,..* ".I., and th, addition of $1 � Bamilton. Maroh lin, IM. Auditors. rV toi�l­ _ I ell, your heart"brokon? and ten tbousind times ten thousand too, dear, WhAt is it I - for yeam and to a r,gulair pmerip. 14 go the seenu is cW,irilly amico.bl�, the tot.[ Via he adOPLIOU of the Directors! Rep, rt Mi- , I_ creap.aiid of lo moving t - %� � . '­ In that shall stand around the throne. Mrs. Waddling. That - that's b- U Korn. refirry�l to the stesay . past ':016% W later, hisfinq risen to .20-41, exclusive of guanatee �d -beitential grew Ill M , Ob tbatl� God will 63PIa U... �he beaL ilanice known. V�i� Aii 'will make it plainer Thom flashed up to heaven in martyr emin"'ead ,h. licall Would pudfigint. actint '?I,':",it,.fth.,�wi.,h.l,lemincit-dintlu..tftltb.co.pany'.b.m.m tholargel.creasafrkinijenorEq I 1� tO, Mathematical probl read I I dlrep�l I'Ll" 1, Joust. I. face.., " &it am --as fires; those were torn limb from limb i I cars", , n. ,,ba .*,.as surfaces. The orlooll capital,, amounted to $1,11711,S1,11, ain't Ib- I Ulillties, " `nd surplus' Tin suit " ' I I - I whil the elependitum had :,een de ressied A.56 per cim� : . - nation Of the two Ingredlen Is I on for ,*"rye$ and all outstanding claims, V117, 20 the compisny b.d norea-d � , I 0 th'At t%�� and two make four. by Romish Inquisitions, those tossed C!ducos such wonderful results r. Carlini showing . surplus of 17,884.11. Exabi4va of uncedled - ilug qLhoept:=', the "`n` of -at. -d Via ta , I be net surplus 37 11A per. j-.�114h,it of lt�p throne you will fair many year, ,pan the inVedid-couch; A Happy Now Yew. Indeed rrb. Send for t-o in ,nialit. frilm a V(0.teb "pit&L 9. surplus to policyholders was ..,I&. the capital and saftia : 1 , 'It funds 2141. ro, - .1 was r bt-all right. "Just F. J. CH � N EY & CO, Tot do. 0. 61A.21. . ... 6 .11 I those fought In the at,mies of liberty DO gold III.Druawlstit. pricia 75o. Auul.n� for $114.575 oil dfly-seven lieu became lx­iag now reached $1.47%28141. till iVO 411 I 1 To those who believed there was , ch, , ...not the company as =fTm tthe December number of The Ftearns, L��' , 4 1 ad to whom the ooa- Hall'a amily Pill. are the best. an. thmu allot at he � ylk� x death. of whict, Y Ways, thdw King and. rose a* they fell, those tumbled cure for catarrh a Was rehisurei for $700. In­diug cash dividends &ad Ciurip,uly had w carefully mom 41 from high scaffoldings, or alirpod from stant use of ointments, snuffs and i � � ­ dividends applied to the reduction of prannes, ($30.- as.ifth.jovenmentothind9satocAt .bettermteot � � " .W, IS Man who cannot get on In the least, or were washed off late Hunger may sharpen the wits, but - arnents, far I .,go always seems to buy 41% washes was a weariness to the fiesh. II6 431 th;,towil $78.3U) with no.tn,ed endc .02 Internet in i ­h of the past eight Years than the livemill , I '. r=t to Dell.1 fers .mounted ti, IT , Mr. -oil by .IT of Lb- C-nsgli.. life sawn-nev � 1� I sea. They came up from Cor;nth, from A delightful and aura ours has been It puts ta rough edge on the temper. 9 al, iv;gnt, rd.oaa I, instructions rl,Ositer frum ill& f companies. The ria,a earned by the Pederal in Wrl Lhe �' . V:Dtims and to sell at the Laodicem, from the Red Sea bank and found. No ased for fetid breath and i Us re 41% 964 shareholder. as last annual aneirtins, four Directon :L � List year in which the avenge "n be obtained f-m the . '(ffaaqe, Be tries this an- Gennesarat's wave, from Egyptian ilroken voice. Send fur a free sample I Tn=2mm - - , . . ­.. . plied for and obt,ined from the part anneat of Can report of th, Supertotendent of Insuran,co--was 6 64 Pon . et,�,� . , raf,, Lho, Canodf­ � I lid, , that busineast, and � i -yards, find - t ii.j,nelei %" of linco:rmt1ou changing the t,ame of the cent., and Ole &ven,e named by all 0�'ti At brick Gideon's threshing outfit and be convinced. The name of in and . 'L . r y to the F seat lite Asailnulne OOMP*Uy Of � oclUp­1cr 4.48 per otnt. this Sure ours is Catarrhozone. Cat- J investment 1. end tutor Cam -44. terenil mvw)rt of the morWI7 . red. The man next door floor. Those, thousands of years afO, = and goautt-9 inelafted powers for business ,bfi,jra I CAI VERrs I After th- ad-Pition, of the Drectorle Report an In, lureative trade but he -slept the last sleep; and these are t is ,n 1, inip vience of the Vvn', I.: Ou-StOlfters, A now prospect moment hav It rone penetrates to the diseased Cartholia Disinfectlants, soaps. olealk. The tove5loneato of the Core .&I examinations to, H4 arr o; .,r,nY bass him carerwil I r .; 7 ."no Of the hbu_y .1 u,,d heir eyes closed, and -scented gas. fseqdat� Tooth psoandeM ,atei. bare boon I looked after. and have fields or reeve peek tile b -t was readb/ the Medical Director. Dr. wool. ; Me is Increased. But Ing t parts in the form of a pine in this 1. 4lis Inuo their limbs stretched 'out for the ,io ififearded 100 medals a.ad diplomas for superior remith veporWd by say coml)- Inig,bu.1- a � r 111A family are Rick; and the sepulchre. Write mt Ones to N- C- POIsOn & C " efteellesok Th�lr register van prevent infectl i 0"Duy- N'Ti bare been 0: . thin --ornible 'or"n' A, "i I � W ,fficare and s4ents of the 0--P"Y are imat. I the rapany, and regaudinIf the management � 4 1.1,9$1, Ilk -trying to Cure A g�nerat expecting a � .. .................. 7— 1 pipidy.. Liste inalle,ill free an application. . led to much credit for their able representation of the by several of the idnart-holders. x�i '0 � Kingston, Ont. Due disesum& Ask ,your do&, -r to obbalin 'a ,.41ui,. C.aXn,,.h00% rinn.rim roorairding the substain-fal -,� s1p. A n atta6k from b.,6whU9,Iua effort is being made to, clonirbusimion. p.=1 ni ., - I : 0OW:ff4 hutprolit, The offi�ce suff have goo, provid � A vote agents and offloo "IT 'doeW, but Ili I . of thank. W the offlocti. , I O' the enemy etarriciq on a hill a -net looks bwell-', Fi 0-.--0ALVEffT & 00a, -- fielitifif a the Mmp-,'@ "Mda, _ 41,`1 4"kets.,,a, discouraged I .6. I.� , I . .1 Hhtt,�� but ikig Xas U404 "WP0&DV­ZkAtV1"13434­­ . "�_�, - Ilms's "Ithl0aa as to Success tbriough A field -glass, and goes, in (he I ness measures twelve inglies I certificate Toe. the AXL40 INAROMMOTBOk - - SHOLAiND. 7.11h=T=r11r".11."',. ­ :7 -7. , - - - _­, ;to' 6-spoot disasters. Others great distance; multitudes approach- - I - i J r -1.1 I WA4 , ''. . . , foot � . - 111_� ­ . I -9 10 UP4- ma ­ : - �L t sonittitbing to turn up; he .1 � I I . `. I ..� �� L I .ft .41" !� . but haii.no kt,w of their n.in',erl . I _,-,,,, - ­­ . :_ . - ___ . heresillb. %It eicelonsate, fW. I I -1 ! $hit* Pau try it boo, '4.-te..., by 0'i, L. __� " , - _.. -i _Iv ... - . .� �� .. . 1. - , __ "D & aRAV 111, 0o., Afa.toae' . — -_ - ""b's"U'als" '. "I ' air it to turn down. Others with in )w tha L . : I ' �­Ltri ,GRIDI�Si RAPIDLY. 1 L'An'B"T"'iff a' _ - - — L- aj�� - - — ------- �_. - :��� ,- , .. 41 ,L . u f. ' �tt anIfIfin - t-JAI'Much education and obar- about them.' I -merely kni ft fhoij FE'DE'RAL .� - got on tArlai) as WeLL He game- . 4 5VAPORATORS FOR 14APLE . . W148 to What it all means- are a great. number." And so John, The report. of the annual meeting of , CUTTINd ScliooL*.-*Idl- and Dyeas rho 11 Balmor"W'" "Free. BUS Azu, Istes, Champion SVILUP. Oital.p. I— !, r Without attempting to cou'rit, says, "A ,he Federal Life Assurance Company 140ims C.O.'rue $LSO& up G. EL ORIM MFG. CO.. Montreal. �=waps C. iiii Ow SCHOOL "'a ,ad for ons, great multitude that no man can num- atmd I ------- . , .�, tbko' over,tyla( ne .,which Will be found ol:iewhere in this . �* AgentS Beat -a ',us "ticleall the 111.1- I �.i 0 IT essary to bar," A kable Rheumatism--- 6 at III .1, and ban& , might, It place issue, contains a record of rem gas .*Jl.1nvvQry.U" fse. Wanted � "" ` *AVInlit Pirlitepal 11 We are told that bo�sveu Is a e.xpansion, even in this growin'gLr air., ALLA N LIN" _ LIM1l.',mk_oe#Pb.(SI. Do . 1�:,,wara otherwise, be, tempted _ ROUB�.np-ek -!%I = A .0 y nowitm BURY !!t !-`Ix!1=r-P"d*z-. . I �� Ill of happiness; but what do tva know 'I he k sideral Life secured onto tgod pow- s %rMaat::.I, _____ - __ __ � � ��� . � sdiva L" But theX8 Is no about happiness? Happinems in this minion 211144,111460fiensoa--s.. P-Mu.smesessitagnot, - . 1. ,lo, � arm at the last session of the JUC ep 411sais, as He 0 co.blegoodsai This Inset I . I T. LAWY! I 01dlult 011'of, tile mystery, Us world is only a half -fledged thing; a ROYAL MAIL 8 U ENCE ,1� t rooith's glass darkly. andmust i Parliament, and is proceeding to spread Oissliffrited, PAUftaLmova"Wa", Toronto. FREEI tittle Lady". ' no fz �",. I I flowery path, with a Serpent hissing its operations into now and profitable watch, with 6u&rd or I - 1. M0NTn&AL.'T0 I 11 I Or .abigher Welding, Will rosl' it ; a brokem- pitcher, from which i fields The report of the directox% in do*. S1 EAMERs LiVe.RPOOL- i� I . no ' full4ix.d Linea ob-telsit"'a. '3 of our � ad 6XV1446tidal Yes; 0043 -will Ch. wffttbr�hasl dropped before we could ( shot, I bat during 18D8 the aSseLa of the Doylle-atlGetiaclajoid,'. - - t "MASQ4 the light b""I" 11 to Wis- -,r,, "A ' ' drink it ;.o. thrill of exhilaration, fol- � k Stammerers'�Io AA I'll, I company were luvreased by 20.per cent. ,.und- SttilinstsUvar Watch for setifinA SUMMER SAILINGS. * ., write w I 8 do. .'*Ad aAX, "Child Immort, I lou*l by disastrous reactions. or A"eiLl, VIrnk-, who .111 sonivoice youb. ". .uris 7, Doyues in latest an - . , To help �, 0144 1041 -too remember the! I& Very remarkable increase,. which, They sell at 11, - ' , us to understand the joy of heaven, urpassed by the addi- — .--.- ­'_ - ___ -Z.1-14._Wwal we send �bam OALIFORNIAN-M.y 6, Jim, 10, July 13. '4, � - , ' "' NJ '-. , I he Bible takes us to a river. I however, wall 'a 1b. is ISEAVER BRAKO " unckintoah I N Of lilit great onterpriso.-your We i . ,a PGAtpalill. sell them, return mu - CASTILI 106 In 1837, your trial In 1857; 1 tion of 21.41 p:1 cent. to the resery novel burden. a 1. gn.ro.ti,ed W.te,. CIO06YOuld weprompUr forward BAVARIA -1.ZJ:,--7.y =o'll sces., Juty .o e k. We ties s,bl:! I.Mor.A811111NIA.Aeonoth., Be. "'nuwatchtmil. Umolddo I'm In 1807, ,This to the ex- I all, fund. The Company has also been 0olat. , Z1. Torogto. I Is, &ad - ekly theme ter. , :1 PAIiU I. watere flow on With ceaseless '61 VNEND0000., Cabin Passs­".03 ,ad nPivenrag. *%!! I to earn high rates of interest on its I& or Rubber Clothing 00, Moa�rail. rewro"I'le- � ------. becund Cabin -MOO Rirtarn W,,,(L I *10 � 'ad you will answer, --it is wave. But the filth of the cities are I in -vested funds, and exceedingty diffi- - _____ � --- - I LZ.d..6 Glasgow, L admadoury. � t�;� 'y !L . . euilitied into it; and the ban" are ' 8 Aller 0 Years of peatun't 9rV4oZiW"_­.7jJj-q .. . � - ull thing In thow days, When the ars nwIc nodi toll I . T`h Id-4NOell' � .1 I .1., e4hialations � c -n , .0i , I i , I 00ijilt ft�, ptotanind myster torn *. and unhealthy - I I ti Stammer rs FREE For ru ther information apply to _ ON. I � I6. firel Is' 09 ques- qpring up from it; anti We � fail io got I valid a of most Gnan�inl ustitu ons hizve found freedgip vpms. , I '. 6 I Ask Oftener t an Whyl Kcspi- re sbarvely able to contain the aur- tl� All ?-Wis 111110sh.kIll., c� ill. 1111011111LIER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto, 2 i an idea of the River of Life in hea- a =.�,r,,,,OrLlog:z��,,.�,X.l""",;,N-a..n;=�l,�npnto. " , 1, r --011 t it-. d,uity packets .i I - iiiiaeuiis, r ',,he blind and lamb, asylums . plut: a( hoarded capital. . . ... — —_ anna � - R.. and vi.l,t P- ! VPD. I . " 6, _,_01".4. .1, or H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal. I *14199a,-Nald itinno, ahns.housels ect Ideas of the — I't tau "", ;o'n- us 41 2D and . . ,ioncy t,efuud�,d. revolve ring F . , . kin Diseases "k-"o-dar =11. Llks . . . issiA, irp- f. . d"ilt0O,'ftA4 it world Of pain I way U,. R,un . i reunions of heaven. We think of some, The man who fights'and runs away s Writ 1* MCE by',etum � --,. - I � festal day on earth, when father and ; may live to run another day. $1.00 by mall. to pref. Rayed. IrOkeldtmod.�—tils, :;, I wil", '111101,0111. ft. Id"U"ll. I __ �_ — I . 11 ... t,W* . "Ogir, SVPPILT Co.. . ; 1 ,3- __­ clother werti yet Ili ing, ani the vhil- I -.-- a 1*, — Deps- %'Torensto. on#. " . I ki UY . ODTIrs RELEASL I dren Came home. A good time that I ' Ina 11)0 lIVI.lAN-*R clo.,%Rllgymb.to.ay,NPPLCB.lBUTIMtOGDOrPOOL-M1 . . - -_ --- . is is 0. I ; — Ifni it hitul this drawback -all were got ;La TO309 , ' FA( T01ity XOnfrCei. ow soobto,abittith-so to THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. ft#;" ohs% alst"stlnx Malady for I ro nt off to sea, * , CominfIlsion Go.. Unilted, I . . W 441111011ill - Vested IIINO boo Modichat nil never was heard from.-Th"I 'I' I The individual who stands still is This Dawillort I am tha t a n(,� go up or, & alV L "I 'or-dId we'.., lay her away in I he I sure to lose ground. _­ ____ , , , - " .,� 1: .,�o,, I -1,61tyange ul Correspondence, hill to silni, for ouo � . WCO&CW=264Mi. I . I , " � -tsi*610 oulss. I . I , it L L, , , " ��,'21' , within a.rollsonable time the revenue that wbic-- WAs X11presented ;� -. L'hl b. I . freshness of her yidung lite, never more , r. V V 0 0 .... I �­ . _ to �*..;, . . - I , . 0 , triblu commulkity at Port , I i � , 'L Of thill, POSt-offica DePartmont will be While %,e fook ithn mouniainl,,��*y ' , In this World to look upon her I Ali I ) I NOTICL--;�,3i!�u"_- 3ft.d.n. and St Ildbahs- , , , L I . I '�', L I I 10MY Miles around, are r.", O"? Flsf� Veers muolor .ml trial .r Cn�lsbo view and S. "' 1 '. _L I restarad to Its former figure. tranr,f O * BoUltilson) o6d crini-iI-rall hi f thr GRATKYUL-COM PORTING. � .1 there was a skeleton at the feamt; d I "'i" 11 1, '� , L � igured. The b1driii-bod gatiO, 17 an '. P.Mia. � - I ntiallate,41 acquainted with Mr. Hiir- tears mingled with Our laughter on I %lTt,R %TTX_4IAWWR eo;n-TmNn tqprp bm ban These visithid tin maiript. of So A It - " ,"t I >0817's. heaven giving Opin tand sht :**r vomn; lie' Is a younIq man, only IL I ; XWEAAL DRX . I'Vent. at, R.o.selle, I J . it, w 10, i 1;;!d,hhpw,th.m for rh,;­hi1 wit "tbl-v. It soodift P vill�t _1 "'all XoU* L*l " L "' Much infOrUAtiOU has been obtained pass R host 6#' )Aplendoro. . the Cbristmase-day. Nut so with hen- 11, 1,111"o, Lb, RUI­i, ulla,* all truth �nmq eind s,%,poLhu.,IMT ... A I,apmll.o , �.. r P "Ibo " ' - - I . Montreal. , It . , , " '�- 1W 1-�'..". I ,,, lift,' I V* 0"A 46. 101'110, titriWin summer ven's reunions. It - I ronti, end I 1 it- nest nounly for di -"ham 2&, it but, -.---.-.L - i7 , - oil : ablo.*W intl h, lis "11 , nil"t will bit an unin - 0000A �L . since you last met, relative to the ex . ,� la " 1101 k,J 64W threabor in all- r1lan Shannon 01101"Sly"STIEM. 13RICAKFAST-SUPPEP- - L * IV%". at i1e. X Id by all 'Im ;:IOU throulthttlit rho "Tial, Us � L o eposits of glold ent from arboure of 414bast e r t6irrUpted ladness. Many cc Chr' L � . sure sed ask for " Mrs, Win.meralloI'Shar ftrapl� ' inAko pat lnh**tA`*Wt- I UOO � A4 114 �V- N filI6 yet 80 young pa ran I. I It it -_ . Tho,olv -­ filiny.ysti-in . L,)' � and valuable m1herab In tile Yukon thyst. The Watol-a. . '( W -In & an n �L I I I 011 , . if round it find 11 I - - ­ . I I ' 1. ,� �.J'tz WIAONM - I . his children " he, says, I Senil Toy essafrigue. All %I to 29 OF OUT. SrUDEM have recently taken, good . I I , . .11 azure bf polia and sick , Inlaid pearl br thili-110t to walk 'U ' j�,()ut 4,1%partilir, hearbil; thityre. "All I 1. I , 044 other parts at Canada. The _ r i A Sir I isn't noresz-ArIly an angel be- I ­ stock. (Purt I to 60 draw ne* alluationsiI sea tour Positions remain notified. . , I I I . of Ur. "Calk. It be possible t bat we are all here I , cause she is flighty. , I r I I I I I I . returns h thill.Yokon have so far arid there Is Pork)ILDIfLon the 44 1 , ' , )14110hii.* t%leattall'ab"ht tit, Intlirvtow, -M Inner 1 7 proved an Went to meat the heavy uncelittl6k � t fe's perils over t The Jordaw pa -s- I The Offlas Specialty Mfg. Co. , ,!: .... I L 0 1 1 k If, L 1XID 46.1calraptl the re. - I MUPTRO. 0. . I , . I "arit thtiv sac -red 4' ' ' , � .., -11 ,, I, I I "I"dituft It was found necessary .olf1thore Is M .-b- 7, Vit ,, AIM. , . I I � I V 4 11 Maltese '11'1 Z I to , otA114,4bong I he;Mon ad, hilo'not one wanting 11 Why, even ' (a Z4! !! ri � I ­," � 11 . �� , � � Izeur for the talust Now $Olill,#d borae and ho 't V .., xla,irtalfid, As, tiet; Ill 6ousented ilial is here. I admost gave Many people -suffer wita ca tirb no- 7W 192 an-' 174 11,y St. TOROVTO ___ 4 . � :, ; � L I Fob.mry: Nosiffillik.t. Cross " ": . .1 to Otto given How long he despised my I It becomes chronic, because they do ­ � ­ .. ...... ..... __ ... _­_ . :,� - . .0 it has ista thought a&- ' "oln .. vi"t t* w fill his ow# - wdi&:;,�,, I do . Tubes. �,�, . - 10, M ifoll d 9 "I ti YW � � , ,'-:; " "it otaer. . Juirpose a preserving law your ptotuil,6 OT r L * * I I AM, .b. =D���,6 1*01febt In'the pubilla, interest to Auth treat I Greater h I I) I &ha t 11 but grace bath triumpbod. not knew how easily it may be Cured. ; " """ 0 � I L - . - , I I 110 VORD,ONT. WateschrexIbluitnesa-zininal. L 11 arise the Construction of a line of tot contrast b4twis rip C i , - ' A1Nt'.ks00t1 4OWSPAM 04tOrlsty-o said all beret all herall Toll the mighty Ten days' free trial trealroent ouillit . ,VJ Tires "s,"M, pe AT ,� � Rty 11 , $ 11 9T , I I . is- . I � Is " , at 4 not Afraid It ftY OL joy through this city., Lot the bell to be entivincing. Send Fifteen ro'nis In,msa, in fair commotion one graduated 4 � ,� of Is 9i a ,�67Vtj for Ti. t taft. . I �� "I ,, r graph far Ittka purpoft of maintalaing God and th I � 'I'olwayschost.n. 11-In"moriaPp"cla"Oor / e-, I .. Tillisluill, Ank Pula I -log. and the 'angels mention It in to cover east of Melling outfit. Ilic. " .1 1, 11 bl%" 9� %, bill) i pn .." li� L . I wmlnuntcatlon Vith the people when firtanditS L . % ''L, Vint Pile'Peollill A the aimilwar at hioir s ­ug. Wave It from ittie top r -f Ray*9 Successful Remedy Co.. Toronto. seat, ft 0. D th " $51 ai,rie. Best cammorniall Bawl In Canada- Enter now. -1113 � 1,1, , sto ' ii Ill ' L , =U idletsiat tsrkltWlas,� olature at, tbt.* . I , I - -_ I F� I L I th , . I I �, I I 107 ,X VAIII 000 40004- with $to=- i 11 bo will, I i. All hu% Ill ______.j__-'-__ wal'snal section, it raeusafted. I . obvialars fee& W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. HEALTH RESTOR:0 1yRh%.-,,!n,s`.­­a 11:1 lj I A Iltiessaft w1i) be 401nitted to you the MOrI111*6 It I - � ' " Lt, li�, i§**_J 40b L t*'O." , doi, itileA livet. 'a Of to the L ... Us of t . L . I I - , jjL LL . N6 mom bireaking, t)f beart­strirlg�. . Wise Let the man mrbo knows that he Wits. 8. NORTHAn,- TORONTO. 0'-T Most di,lutdMil Stimlich. tsanr�� N"ne, I.W�r, found. I �L '' " ' tot tbo IblItter ariflungellatnit of the A . ....... " 1? pin ; my t I I �i_ . 1. " - 6 r � 11 ,� '1111166tortfil diattiets tbirouilfb6ut - the tours aXCsHeo0$.LL ... 4�#* Al.)deb I 4Ptsm but face to face. The orphans . _. World". Xid-rro. Efrain and are.th by �1� , 1 3'.. . �� , I I �_ . L. 9% "itwoot *111,01, In hl, Jivallt iatirl ' "ft doesn't know It all. 1.1 , I . I ,,,, Dominica. an also affittew 4410twouts lihythfit of expre. �,_end AlIhs felt 88 poor, find In P mprelless world, kicked On Trial ,'�, . . I , I rl to laftr 001111, M IIIIA' 'OpPreftAIN'S %ftl9bt and oniffed of many flardshitpot, shall -0-1 __ vvl:)& 611ts , � , ';I i� 0 -I WL 1*0,0 Antitheses. Chylat , i � MWT A Rovalenta , , :,:4 I'll L, of %ta" 4*1 rimo '4(omkob and eating was- Pitt thibir parents, over whose gravels TO 0111111111111! A COL!) ire 6IN C DAY W OTH I WE SEND THE Du Barry's Arabloa Food, .. I ., THE F IIL10 AOMUM. ' his 01DIAPA."Ifti, blo . " I hil 0151fit Z Illy . Twe VALUyr. OP I WhIObf�-v-1111111,1--,�4Cb',Idre.,qndr.l�ort"-su� . Commons: death his rtAqtr*.0t1 u,is, V%h . i 61:11TA" - 1110110*6d. Take, is* An)- 4rulne, T.W.&I. MI DAVA ld=7_�, . OthtliliftbA Of this House of N bY tisufta- they so long wept, find pia into the , . i ___________ AVILMER rt,i,d.lr,lnf..ta.bo"Ali�.enta.n.ID�bilit,ybt.1- te. . . 'L � I �j-,ta ce ("hs Viy Ul'thtill Wift XUdIl'bid"09 by U,4- ; gl6ritled Countenances forever, fate ,we, 19TIlbe mousy , Its,14 to ours., 2%. . of, Other tMtryieed& It ftWri n -hen a i .thty I ,no Public amounts will Itic lidd b& lqmjs� to Mollillufte"L I �1.'� rAoutio It, * . L SPRAY Food to rejf,idd, a,- W tim" He east in nunlicine. I . , t te, you. and latigif bb 4i"ates for to welgli it. rh tfib-wvoy at OvAr:: wtt � oloiiisli'" 41f"S. A 016d a Oold pby- to fat& We may come up from differ- I - %I I -pump, 9 tnl,.f.bl. 8.0��.,oiC. lo-kON % ­ toubltL - % . I I " , . I Z, r 4104A. 105 ,dobtorod viti air Door eilt - parts of the Ilporld, one from the Any toot ftn talk, but only wl.ld , . I 50 Years -Iva- ,.' skfo�tL I%* of* Its but ivIthout liliad find huothter tram the doptlis of I , I tim. F1..ktn1­c?. 4,p'lopall 1 1, - , , _` a, 4" 1 ' I I 0 1 ,-.- - V Tllw 66%# J"r. Th " Tot b" pro. 'in tuthiralluttat" *0 . Mbuat A: I Antw " '" Ari�nal Cum n�f � � W I h 4 1111*4 rb9g, ,to etifitl on6y high. o3timrittioe, o0k 16-t�. it , in ANDERSON ledliftuiln, cartimmon 11,betci�, WouchitIc In&., �, ; ,:., 11 - I , a IL, -s- on know L hav to think, A hITO . okift, 4M,ugh� Anthmn, . I'Vin. Dlairrhall. I al� (I* ""ll "it I . "MME 'L mina � toonobiri '"d the .ropa"bilitles until Wk 41004*06 #)ovM'i6A 'r a WtAir I Could find no the fifft; fr lives dtflixont' itoll pi AN.'s-6111'sois 0 . W, ". $1 Olt rem , - I � v. , . I ,� V, �. - 40 41 11 � .1 FORCE PUNit, ' Ntrthuslfebfilfty.g!oyl�lemosa, poolean4jr, . -1 .. , I � , a K 'J�, , Olt* 11 , =1 .1 , I 'Ad ,tb,OL WhD16 othllt�oovj 04"'M5.110tiAr- rb , scenes of rag#od (lie - I I'll Vft*t"44-4, 0entl 41hautifid" 11 - I I t, ) alf- � bAt IV161r. 11 all Diem 14 raVture 60 ill"& tensile. No i " 44114 ttft W, 1!Ap1.tI.V1flft940 ofthe Its al -Ah I .1 .. I I trl � ,�:,� ." . 'It Uvis'� toy, 'y *OVYI -out, hylid Ito atift th� = 11 . 6, no � Amited ,: - . , 'L , 0 -ft . W -ye -1 'O"" #A up- . � packipc '%fll tau it firm Me. 0.9 Q.,-za 'L, � 000 , , 1 4'"1111 Wk. 'a *a t *it YUbiltek, Am to fave� . ,.,M I DO'Barry & 0 1' It I , I allied, of tip & - Alvd, - ft It 10� I 101i is 41 , �i VAItt 0 64 ��*_dlstn L .Pe . 11 "I . .. �­­ ­� . '00 li'Y'A 010dc . 11hy of our fti . W.. also in I?" 14 Itaii as vilAttallion, and t , , 1','. .�Au 6 '11ft not - It �61' tl6t *ftV.0* 1W �Iyr ftt6 !6 try , cads; hAvo antoftill For 111110tilits6d OsWeraos, ad. i 141filoo, 1. V , 11L, I dreas, k1i gl'(t - _ , � , . V "t _,t My . J�,L:tktk ))*`,.�, 111 * 1% , , I I 'Ism - I 1116 (Jbs1a;sta. and stores everywhere in it . , C�.11 A,. �; .,. , , X.ft .- ftkrldftt,� , owu4it 01 oftato, sv* ,, A ,I& If go t h � , . "ties" 64 't "afti* of 06aftotis I 1 4 . , .1 VAT06*41 1p&V it 7ky. a A few days a IV io do*P all& OY& , a * taro 1"''W0 "IA"AM I A"61 1 on, �­ V�io, I . . . , , , 'Aw"th,49 N't­T& firiltarti W I . . ., WL"' 1, 1, I , A fitio'l 01 .., � or � I � , , , , It W1011111 lillybud Oilitc lot I , , . ORM "is All I � , * ' 't 1�� *j@l L It r . I _ , ,� A, tuough T . it I'll . tudying these Gospel : z Aft9lill IIt0V W 3if i 1-.1;r;,i��6a.u112- Refit earth,74 fee. km) De loft 11 r 4,4 �, A , * .. 4 , �_ " I at,= ' r �4 t ,.A- r I. . r " lod"111pontlo , .. _ fall, 'a"Jh"Jo,". illt. ja� i ;, 14 , � : Agents , jf"JA",I&J4 $�j�l 1 1 I a � The T. rAtow ,, I '004, , It fttw t 1 0 lie thelft" I at ttity, oull ii,* ifirtivgh a , ' ., , JIV ' TVVI P41W IN ___ � . , a"bq*L"hLiJjl,#tt6k' *d 4f ftf *tkAtisis . &&kly:��O�V re*61(ltloft Lift . �'A' - ftftzl�� "�L I . 1- '" all't it . �, ij " , � "I . I I I, , � . , __L . r "'M ow ft U, . . . ,� . a. W. AMMON MIJ, li sag I'a ill,li I � ; 0 ,11 � ",' "Lwn W �. .t� *RL L III All t 1, L 10,* !�, 546 L.'. U.M.I. - � _ IA I I � h1k .,o , 0 -TA" . ; I t, ,., , i&D'u-, toe. Ift 006 A , . A I fliollit , � twotfs I'm floun N � , I I , 11 I , 11�� W 4 Z;Zrils pro., 40y"d wtzo�_ Th ilft� � *��*` � � �, A" & ""Vesoosaaw ­ ­­ AXan 6t. 1 � ,� 1 14 1 .1 ­- -..-1 it- , 1 41, Ilit*I4 figia 'AA 60 ioqftlth Coftills G%*Ill not �, ­­­­. ,.­�. , . I I , I ,, , - - , .fttuth. J tonr I firift, In t III dilrkh"If 'OU %iftufli I 4 ,, 1, . � I Dom I I " . , iratO 41ft'litir'Af L '! .. , I 1*04' , - ,* ifiod# " & 14,'OEONNI **4 toi,itt"'W111L , ,0� A�_ 11 �­ `-4 - �10 , 11, I � = ", . �,�, , , I �, - " , ur, at,ow". � . V. '4" %V& 4, 2 1'. / ill' , . , 'Ottow bmw 4600twiss a 1110Y)1,11, MAI , Not bobs tUt*jUt QW1W Lit Aftw I 'JJJ�L.,, I III 'b . � . I 'L , j i - i � inlon UN Z 1( It , _ t, ft* 0111!J kn4." 4�* ffitt;� Waiii k *UfA ama k I tt itt) , � �� . - I I_ I I , L I . ,� "fJJ4t�ft*ht,k 'Tbjt'*J1l' 'l� , . - 11 ------ - !., I I V "4 1 ". , , ; . I I L : , 1. 4. ,­ IN 41114, W-lil. and itaitfool. to Livervaol,cioun, 'a I , ,� I -­,oiodw!4044� 1,4 ��:�) 441** - 2*1 "a, *h . 11 .. 11 . . . ALPIRti—siall, MW 1%*ft JASA 0 I . I � " I abiam" 1W., **a*, lbliitlt , , 14* $_ixoii, 1 461- As j*tvia * 'ami is 0 *11 t 1,01ft](Intft at lite , *6th ftsu- .. I . 'L I ofer itsare -00%st --An t4tifer flon,01110t I . I . Oat t , . . I t6w � . 1"turanum- - v ilift Z !. L k", , . . .1 1114,11 L I . . - gy 21170111k* 11 do"tu I , . , I I 1, L '� 11 �A- ftwso " )" V16*0411 adene;"itily �.RiNkowick��,**�*iit*441*14L,00,rdt�6't�ti""I-fi%iI U, 00 , V6U*.,Z"d thellIt atto 1116 . I � I . L , I L , � . nX , "I � , , #At b.grave. Wait ai lit. I I SORT Kif - "M tfoo. , . ': � ­ 44W � 1111.1114"a q ft � � . an - I I I I iefil " Me at 4 vp 4, " . �, t L ftftL"4$tW 01, . a c . L himp''Wilill, whilt 1* t_ . IT 401trilumodall Off ,or fell0f Vellon , . 111 �"svagerw Holies of 11 ,�4� 1 tr , id r4ro" I oftrist I ,A ti�­ 14 Asitwince 6t yodt d6pitted. ., ,� . A"I , I ps��& 40i: 'tu 0 * _"" IR I : 4 lil � . � � . L rj;a'il-'71'�"" ., wdeon-I Garx * , I , i ifit, tu,�w -it - 141 it I * *t**"` - - , � ` I is I � 100 1110 �J ha, tt'jj,�Iln *J�J,�Oatfjft it**. Id jh1b, �a I Ibill ,,,yi- , I ,� �! IIIIII0101114 , I . . I �()('Jt.J�TTttft1_,% d W'Iti-I If At"It *** 04r, %T4 to 41111i "04 it-4:1111afut A If, I 110'a L . 4 61pog ittil'A , . tbuilfir , - . . . , I . , ; I Irtitned tm 3*1 - ,10 I I ,, I IK ­­­ . L , � Vlln, 1A.+ �� - I 1� t � - �, "A 6401011ittlisilf ", I .. � � ... a gi llk*411 9*06 AK(14d 10V to - L I I %. L i * w4l" MA sloyp" .- , l.k.110., I I 011i, X*" 1 � I I 00 I . - 6 Alitiftft"%1*441111" It 4, 1 assssbii� L wo rf,a�nl� , I 11 �, I 11111114F , tmt out, bot h0ta 401 � � I . . ,UW ai UfAtW I � I— - I � I � - - I, , . 4) L . .. I . , , , , Ill . wlsiilhif. ft I to Wr � I I I � , I 1, . =Ut-tw= 11 , . Ut a I ,� ru� , *0 with tul" *04111" Jor I X -as ahl%z � C L, L ! I I ., . A I . � I :1 ,; I I , , � � I I 1 41, 1 . . I I ` . I L . I � I . ,