HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-24, Page 3..
' { � •In � ion ` e�orAdvaftd Vii► �� llor
.. .- �':.+... ..-•m•r ._.-.. .fit ., p. .
9. ••y A. ��� ...,. .���''' ,. Iii d: ,. ,. b ,�' +t. rZ .. _..,: ..,,,. ..q,1tiF „ '.. _ ...,
,. a ,�. {pt )rrr(tyl. 1't)a • p riga baa 1?r1i4t ed'.
rKidaplutw,ugty:rrertai.+ CL New
o upnt
60M1 skl7f?i'Tg,, T;4 ATM, " til
"IYt1. apda Sil:1r,., , fr W 1P y .. .:
!ti n. ltfd i.At this paint ttat+•clerk read, tIR�P $)lair, up.t W� t oar iu � �lW1ItiR)� W aft � I ilia waists Of 611 too 41;
�igb,� britt .
'�i 6ti iv , d 4 ; t .sit" ;t 64el ep't sib th 6,, ailitit of .18>d .,
acculn,ts, whirb. w fort .t� �1u, t�atlriirt�7 �7i0 cis, Fr. 10,
Bic GIeS.r T oto►► Cgt;f e*.V�41*
x >anct••t'iunultrtt'c. 1�f'Cti,R�t�iCCtt:$r�tlt�iglC+► ;
_,,,..,,,t...U.:ttutherl3!y,itllcedritlrsve Rr>atyq1 iG�51w E►1t1' GDIIt'.1 TiD:.txCS�lhilttd Mg4�iAt:1'.T+i�lr.
tTietl 114t PVety ,p+ersort With
it!' c(adei, put, oq rho xinul,o p�laite hf11 wcalclu or with t;onso. Oariim trig b• so e41) +tills th# Nert ttud itrt#iiwt (#code oq itis Rte:lta1 M1'1AikloxR,t1
•., .. .)�Iltiln . t rtclpace, 'Referred to., Vu .iia' work# iQllit'irGT GUI( lXttiti�lstat} •, king:pr1rf14 an.:a C�.h hi '418.
�`i�atir ilF`c��1�R t�, Pc15 T` rotrttnittail. a #i Tk14tM +•.twd4!4.l vti4h 4itt Miil ins •iaR
Too {iaaderl4tt Utltdrl i10 aiek fd f�t Thus lfali iedieg )twill' CLrrC Par t'ruiince r� kpn and the ref y 'btwt Nal¢#Riven.
j wa f r 1 r, 1
1e E r +t u - ae I qt lit a ••
f N A 1p
T r e r ),
Cs � Q f'�. 1>n•i'e � all
n of)d . P� tidlt five a id G sea to t
0011 itQt1 U d. t Carl its first' d set7er 1. a Ra • r
$ i, 1 t? h wp t>Ita d oa, Y r a
Q r ! f� afro wail's A tlw! 11•_
'taxes. >3uy ua $6,000 a,' Yt?:tt� in, •!"ipw pl' 4 � !'if+utd:' lir ctly amotto. y Y 7
'" "'"".," • )a i'itriten)plaEtad s ntwrgeluijtlt gf 'tt)K dt�0li ,: txnd IriaA iqE those
¢if t3eti atxr annc,ugcpn)p.nt lf) fat tory. lteferted , to I91�eclat tette)+ fj�oFQ l�Yaiteeld; It
is AAiy
4 the Sappleuient of tnie paper. pritten, � r
#hip roost sldvulGe d� that; lira ++�
AV.;P ",or COM tape. Iropt;les#, Even, these are clotner Uontreal street and $qutre, ta"ICll Jf✓R1fJ8. '�'�
tmers0lt'.S BiGIlGI0 Ifia *1115 G Thy Water -and TiigbtrUomruittpe re• 7yQltd4rfully,+ ifellev d soft life', +
Music, and �[GUGI� �Ivertt• L Portrd;. (1) They had --ordered. three itlfolE great I pralariged:
i care of Mat)a)llon, nut C0.1 11"OM.,P, B,
W1Ct7T-9T,. ilODERxStli Hcilmee: 2 cine. aV,$%85 Per to" find `: ��*k*o WG� rCtnSdAC# 3 YOU OANT
one at V&20; his, teutter being the low, 4 #Ailftioroprr' foga �tl1d -
eat. tshd the egatto be delivered frke In ; tee n with times unless sheds (2) They had Instructed the P p you have
clerk to order one car of Reviloldevilla one of Lea rk Shephard's
(lite 011frick f#itr• nSaerbaliri Ani, u. f:<lt> lrm atad nc .•. of of L>:t7sr0il txrith Hypo. ,
N made The Stas 1
° G`,410%
Led the procession in, il� And will continue to do so in 18P.
$ ,.Od pet ton del el',ed. and inWn to �+,
Txr arnoxt PALL 71 Is best to use, bele a testetring o which ?h03kh+ides. ` $'C fresh of PATENT
� High h V rad�r.
Is beat to use, h tore ort as the tea• Eat 'huiri but riot o1 fresh air.
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1tI99. sows supply. �he report was adopted. Eat tfufrititsus food and drink
An account of D. McGillicuddy for plea�r of milk: Do not forget With Bicycle Ball Beatings. Low Prices.
_,.. X85 was here teo-R. H. fare to that S r
neigh Board of Trade banquet, >d4.36.. Cott s Emulsion is the
mhe Tou�tl Council. one day at Notal, $a. An iuqutry ata to oldestr the. most thoroughly Try us for•up•to date Tinware Ccal Oil, Courteous
theituthorlty for this trip met; with no tested find the highest on. and Furnishings.
+. sx information beyond reclilliug that .the Wholesale and Retail.
' A Four Hours' Session at Last Council had appointed the mavor and. � dor%d of all remcclie;s for
Mr. Allap,'bat the account was vont to weals throats, weak lungs and�t Treatment to
Meeting -The Auditors' Re- the Finance committee.( Consumption in all its stages. - LEE & SHEPHARD.
port -Coon. Campbell Rises to The bvl,tw fixing the appointment and�e.wl ll dru -1
" - Remark Several Tlines•-, a®- and aadary of the nlgltt watchman was scot Y�°a so Ne, ehem4u, q�ntq, ,
b Customers, was
pa9sed. the salary to e$426 per annum. A Midwinter
sial Important motions Pre- ___ - Clinton.
NRat Hbell m � Tutc GuN CLUB.• -This o Our Rule in '98
seated. t•ganlzriWon
' Councillor Uai[iphell moved, sect rad- MERRILLCHALLENGES THE WORLD, is prosperous. It has cash on hand, •
Cunnc{Itor Cantelou was the only ed by Nitftel, that hereafter the trews• Merrill. the Druggler, of Brantford. offers $74.02: targets, $18 821 outstanding Q
absentee last Friday evening., The urer in his monthly statement iva a ;letOD ra era to anyone who will make a bettor debts, $12 76 ; tofu), $110.81. The fol- Sales/-..�. Same Rule
detailed statement of all expend tures onto of aonstivation that+ Merrlu's System
minutes boing approved, the clerk p Tonto: This medicine is not a eimplecathartic. lowing avere elected as officers for the
under the head of miscellaneous. and but a poeltive and pleasant to take cure for vear :-Cleo. Hinehlev, Pres. ; J. Pow- when one finds his stock too large to. try
read the treasurer's statteniert for also of all expenditures the accounts hab141aai ottnstlpatlon. Ia fids way It Dares ell, vice-pres.: J. E. Blackall. Sec. ; J. °ver to BpNng, the wisest oto b to cut Bows
JDamary, which had been handed in at for which havq not been' passed upon dyspepe a• impum blood and nervous trouble. E. Hovey, Treas. t O. Johnston, C. pries to sorb a .totaA as will make the Goods In 1899•
h the Finance committee. all re( to do.gosos-prlco We at Dunlam's Drugglet. 8� off lively. We are In that mr now --store
the usual time, but not read to council. y p Overbury, W. Foster, E. Cantelon, G. sa 11 fop c winter goods tot Hen's and Bo
It was its follows : EO he Riven in detail also. Carried. Shlplev and N. Fair, .directors. A Ave wear• and we want 7o get rid of them. V.
Then Campbell moved as follows: Anacetvlene gaemachine exploded per cent dividend was declared to he doubt you want some of theme goods;
Balance from Dec...... _ ... .$2,874 6$ That the treasurer In his month) ln- at 2 p. in. on March 16 In Merrier Bros.
y pod to the shareholders, payable h
Hec;tcrlrl•s- anebtl statement give •oder xepar+ate general store, Zurich, completely de- y flu Overcoat fl Fair oT Pants
Taxes g the treasurer, J. E. Hovey. Several •
• • • $ 620 00 headin" s all receipts and expenditures mol{shing the building. The force was A Businm Suit A Wa
R p ors we were owe efd to i. file direct- ',
Nnn•resident taxes 6 25 from 1st of Jnnuurp 1898 under nue so great as to blow out the east side ,
ore were empowered to invest a sum -of No better Bicycles ar
Water rates......, 484 95 headingthose for ilio month- under and front, also wrecking a number of Y• g y y riT 'sous the
' buildings mous not exceeding annual) for any of which see always bah �
Electric light Isaias 201 28 another; the amougts reviously re- g8 on the side of the house, We offer outhe"and aaythfn¢ else
B'Is P the pm chase of sharesr. the club -the y
p' nd C re et'r . 2, '00 ported ; and under another the total of street and sbatt ing windows two cost of each share not to exceed $8, and in our tine at really BARGAIN PRICES, Come the MCCREADY and CRESCf'
Maitland Cemc>.t'ry 28 50 each combined• thus enabling the blocks distant, a shock was felt for that in future no shares shall be sold to and sum
Elevator n'tsren'ls 10.000 00 council to know the total receipts and three miles. Fire started, but wail
Jinkin fund int.. 8'37 28 p soon extinguished. No one was killed, t� outsiderre. \ HUGH DUNLOP
R ezpenditu he re to the end u each ----►--- We do not handle ch(
14,136 24 month. The treasurer tc procure the althoughail the clerks and others were
p in the storeand a number on the street EXZEMA EASILY CURED. 1
817 neeeasa• y forme for such reports. This ldlood's Sy•atom Tonto has cured more cases D
at the time. How they all escaped in- Nen Door to Bank o[ Montreal, t3oderloh 'made Wheel is DEAR AT
was seconded by Humber and carried. of blood and akin diseases such se i7xroma •
DISBUReEatENTS- Then once more the Councillor rose sta'nt death is a miracle. The lose on Qcrofula, Pimples and dyphilltloSores, than ali 1
Elee light cap. ac.$ 87 00 to move another resolution, as fol- stock Is estimated at about one thou- otnor remedies combined. Besides being a I aa� �a
Salaries...... .... 27914 sanddgllara, moat andortalbAamsrifl.rltu an exaollant g�YDGES `Call and see our Bicyc
lows: 'That the Water and bight toofo and euros b as lood puri nature to throw off
Fire dept.......... 17 06 collector furnish the council at next. - the disease. A rift$ Con Bottle lasts three J. E. t
Law costs •. , .. , .. , 20000 meeting a statement of all water tak- Miller's Grip Powders Cure. weeks. Sold at Dunham's Ding Store, tltODER1CH. ONT• explain their construction
a, Public Works..... 13420 ers in 1806, the nature of the services, � '� - �
M Od Bicycles,
MoCready $05 Wheel for..................�61i 00
Common Boons $55 Wheel tor ........... $45 00
Goderich $45 Wheel tor...................=40 00
13' All fitted with D"Nwp Tutze
sud fully guaranteed.
�-Crescent Bicycles.
$45.00. $40.00.
1,QiI00 of these Whaele were mono-
tOigl4i :ltpld in 1808.
" estimated sale for 1899 is 180,000
e Mandand sold on the Continent of America than
Charity ........... 26 40 and the amount charged against each, Bayfleld. The other morning as William
Debenture interest 126 00 and apposite the name of each in CiETTINt+ READY. -J. O. Miller in- Woodroe was drawing a load of wood
B'Is pp y'ble, ren'ats. 2,600 00 arrear oil Dec. 81, the word -1 unpaid." tends to have the River House renovat• tratevale, he got stuck on the G. aT.
;1a Bnnk I, tel est..... 15926 and if paid since that date the weld ed and extensively repaired for the R. track, just as the early train visa
Water works cap. 78 28 +fid due. The train struck the sleigh t3 •' s cap 308 80 P givinK date of payment. This I season, which opens on April let fur smashing it and tbrcwing the horses w� ����
was•seconded by Martin and <:arried. his summer guests, He has secured��LgliG-$i igT<
t Elee. light ntaaint.. 15633 Still again Ooun. Campbell -moved, the services of his two former house- into the ditch. There was no other
,chgol account,... 437 12 with the prefiminary remark that all I keepers. Those. who have had an damage.
Pjaviolithic walks. 070 these matters, should not he left tot opportunity of staying at the River ,
6i+,k'g f'nd int. dep 331 28 hin. to hr-ing tip, that whereas the V.use while at Bayfield will Hnd the fir• `mow'• Wood's 1 !,
Misretlnneoua... 105 25 town clerk hruA recoly-a kW -4 •8T„alit .pbReR muco unproved in u,, . }; - '' _ MANUFACTURER OF �'��'OOO ��
isie,vawr notee....19,00 W. +. un - fin •of blrtbs, the acagmtidnttRy> ;lm& conv�+niemces AlknWollemess,all
D JI i
Zl ^ [ted AR touch aet't (iYicl."thaBamR attention drigsfstalutm�.. alt- FI E OARRIA'ES
bis'pet'qulsiw 'trt. _ _v, .r 1rfNtitlteti ;fiitirl tdItsgitests. a e medicine disooi 8fz which we I
h+tJdncp... s •.........$ $.Q4Q 87 he be re uested tai a loci: the same - D to ono an OF ALLBTYLFS.
9 P y , 1" forms effects of abase
The clerk rrtatl a1sA Fi}fi ft;tlpwing re-' to the town, as the council did not Miller'sworm Powders cure all ail- orexee". mental worry, x0eselre useot Also sell tactor work in Hn lop CarrteQ•e
port front the audithra nn )Y matter re• consider he was entitled thereto. With menta of abtldren like magic, Daeoo,OpfaunorlltlmaLnL. litafledon p and l.ambof �agens. Aopq�i V. rat nim.
hl I I 1 1 ti th t' h
of prion, one t1, siz, ie. 4M• mg, tope ouehtons Af k
y,: Wheels. Everyone knows that a Cheap
' 1''ICE.
',will be pleased to show, them to you and
it�ues free on application
s '
4 . and other small Musical Goods -also
hl tllh'A' CURT to make loom for W11e216.
�WAI*Jw.':•iii e;t•' . O. a@•".."itW '
lei red to them. w eh _Rxp a its ttQe t , ppaWc��gee
Your Finvncecommittee havingcah-
ed the attention of Vour auditors to ser
Gain in statements issued
eo�e exp ane on a inn ton was y
agreayoent sent to Special committee
to Roneider.
Thea the letter of Mr, MRA,
W1nterp W. Ilam ce one Of,
t}. P- v,
arfxrDRicars nip OU fteq �r
o lfl
fl4!•d �tt]tRl►>rlj t 6
w AO1f'e Pnoaphodino sold m Godorlah by JAe
lwoN. druggist
0. w r warranted.
RepairiPg rom ll n en�ed to Second -
p p y L
hand riga o[ nearly all Clads tin sate cheap
G E O W. T17"O"MiSON & SON
1897.pand i
Dec.,, 1807, in 1896 by the [aatypr
Allan, read some meetings aag0. Nae
our entarprlslnR nrarehants, was united
Rig4by, of Blyth. Mr. Dempsey was a
taken In it he for balance
m marriage on Wednesday evening
tyhXR, If cat reel. it would be $1,Sd4.- made, and Coun Campbell dilated at
length detailed
and treasurer, we therefore again
examined the treanureescash accounts
up. asked a
of $88.85 as his expenses to promoting
I lust week at six o'clock to Mrs. Mary
HllThere !
for 1887 and find thein correct, the bal• the elevator project for Uodertch.. Victoria Gl ashy, daughter of Mr. Wrn.
Sanderson, Hullett.
ance of cash to carry to 1806 being i`ouocillor Campbell wanted tha reso.
of Mise Clara,
$1,021.88, as shown by audit for that lution read giving Mr. Allan authority
Sandet•ron was bridesmaid and Mr.
year. to go on, and this was done, its terms
+ Wm. Jenkins assisted the groom. The
In the December I6th statement of being pretty wide that •' all his ex-
nuptial knot was tied ny Rev. W,
1897 an item of $60 in receipts had pauses be paid by the council. The
Rig4by, of Blyth. Mr. Dempsey was a
been omitted, and $00.50 Inserted in mayor explained his position and ac-
former resident of Gloderieh township
Frpr, which made the hnhance $1.384.- Con at the time the flisf, trip rues
tyhXR, If cat reel. it would be $1,Sd4.- made, and Coun Campbell dilated at
length detailed
The hest buy
the aitand
the di€ ;pnce being $49.60 ($99.60 some oilthe absence of
in hill Mr. Allan,
medicine money call
for impure hlood,
JOS, h0'j)ec,Q� wer statement of i items the who was
1898 commenced wlt�fj)p eAriect hal- present, was asked to state his. casei
nervousness, and ail
stomach and kidney troubles is Hood's
lance hut, did not egp .lttR tl p +aiige. i and this ho did, after which, on inn-
tion of Councillors Knox and Martin,
In the 4ptlitops' a )le s Jjq�p9 re t
1893 tbeaeRlericta error.f1, Pe� t�} alai was allowed.
Ooilocil took
New life for a quarter. Miller's Com-
Iron Pilin.
narFe tttven pr rsg)atf>ytitr IIf tli9ljh� uo somepound
Lt'lis,de4ftiiP� 'd0 iqifl� fix to
morriaggee Sind it��ae amendments ir�fl if
should havo heap Wfn, dllo•v aha srTteneu>n oY the 0. � I}.
wrong -It
Mitc'rell, track along the wharf to the leach, so
sphere never w4, 4n dnever will be,
In the tpramping station account theyy no facilitate the handlit► of care to
a unlvereat pavaeea, in one remedy,
sill-Jteq of qs°1r tioiyAs. oa 9111 ils •loi
found $1W charged for Insurance. it load at the elevator... 7 was die-
was decided to put this into the incur- cussed in almost avert' paragraph, and
very nature of many curatives befog
such that were the germs of other
ance account, and it wits dope, but was not till after 12 o'clock was it conelud•
not erruck out of their statement ed, when the council adjourned, Bev-
where first entered`; then by,a bin it- eral of the members tieing in bnv-
and differently seated diseases root,
ed to the system of the patlent-what
lar coincidence. W. Lee's billa thing but a pleased mood over the
would relieve one 111., In turn woulil
were totalled and entered as $2,281.03, long session.
aggravate the other. We have, how.
instead of $2.301,03, which made the -+--
balance of the account correct, and Miller's Worm Powders are a won-
ever, 1n quinine Wine, when obtain,
able in a sound unadulterated state,
thus the errors were not noticed or derful medicine for ailfhents of shad-
suspected at the time.r.®n
a remedy for many and grievous ills.
frallest systems are led Into eonval•
You will observe that the errors are ---+- -
essence and strength, by the Influence
i7 the detailed statements, the treas• Furniture dealers are In receipt of a
which Quinine exerts on nature's own
"far s cash account and the summary circular issued by the principal furor-
I restoratives. It relieves the droop -
Ing spirits of those with
of 40(IQ qts not being in anyway af• ture manufacturers of notifying
whom a
I 'despondency
fatted thereby, them of the advanr o in the price of
chronic state of morbid
179 eut� P114 ti)aittars and remove one furniture, which lino been raised
and lack of interest in life Is a die-
rahse of some CQ4"ylslq ! e bag to twenty per cent; the cause of this
they is due to the
, ease, and by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes o1 sound
suRQest that henrt,41,' t plip pp a advance, i claim,
and refreshing sleep
sa,parato order on t#lo treaspror fpr spgrgiFy and cost of the raw material.
-imparts vigor to the action of the
aep,trats Rupounte, that is t )4t nn r-•-�--
t order shall RID1441A pl4yglonVs for two They Wake the �'prpjd �nergiea.-
Machinery not eypepvisk +►rad
blood, st•hloh, being stimulated, Cour.
ape �hrquggout fpe vpl e, starppgthen-
Ing rap 1)opft4y tpagtf60s
or more accnunte. prpparltl
H• W art. loft to run Itaelr, very soon sbuwe snit
gplma� of
the ayetem. Cher@ activity
�` tltuirt°p°' I Its working,
W, H. olaltlyreox p R It to the same with the
y n)4lt1uB
4 neneeeaay result, atretggthpnln the
,t A communicKtion !Corn Mr. Iieaton, digestive organs. Unregulated from
I U)tizens' likely to become
frame, and givin life to the dIges•
on behalf of the committee, tiute to time they are
that had boon sant torpid, and to throw the whole system
tive organs, which naturally demand
reported petitions,
our aiong the lines of the proposed out of gear, Parmelan's Vegetable
appetite. Northrop AI Lyman, a:f To-
ooderich and Windham, and the Pills were made to meet such oases.
4 tonto, have given to the public their
(luelph Junction railways, tasking for Ther restore to the full the lagging
• superior Quttllne Wlne at the venal
hni•bor improvements at (3ed0rieh, and fiutiitlea, and bring into order a parts
tte0 asked r)ayment of the of the mechaniam.
rate, and. guaged by this opinion of
the comm
( scientists, this wine anptoaohes near•
eat pertectlou of any In the market
Far-U6r Gm& ani Eaqaer Glft, P-%
All draggles sell It.
cies cele -Jt a mf Etster Vs -,de, ranging (xom bo to-b0c.
Easter Booklets in great variety.
rretq )iptle yolumes, baiitable for Easter Gifts, 86, 80, 86 and 80 cents
p volume,
A few artistic calendA t for 18#9. One of )Belle will make not only an
appropriate gift but a 066NI one.
We are atilt emlliug 616th bound Books for 19 cents or 8 for 60 cents,
GE01, Full I ER Bookseller,
liar r.lephone No, is 1007 '" Court House Square. GOD1.8B10H
i),,0 be afraid to nae it,
The Canadian Brand.
Why not bray the beet Wool Car-
pet in the world, ''Chink of it, f>tnnt
rtaaca woos„ cable strand yarn. fret
colors ausraaeed.
3eehay e
tilde mark (The
is oq the eqd of the tall; nowt par -
feet without it.
Royal Carpet Co.
Selling Arent at Goderieh:
-nnlNG RIE IN Rowe--
That to the cry that comes from Md careful
Ouse wife an HALE'S BREAD WAGON pnw
e through the attest) everyy morntng. Tboy
now that Tho Best In The Uhcapest
Two pounds In every loaf and delhered In
me for dinner. P. S. -I wish heto Inform
le people of Godortch that I do not stand In
ie BAKERS' RING of the town, but int.•nd to
Ive you good broad at the right price. accord-
,gg to the price of flour. Ple..se give me s call
rad I can assure you you will be well paid for
No. 6, Huron Road
WOOD and
E are still at theold stand, Nelson
St,. where we have been supply-
upplying our customers for a number
years. We know the fuel that suits
Orders left with our dellvery rigs
r at Wo II's stove and tin shop and
t our office will receive prompt at-
)nt ion.
All coal weighed on market scales
nless otherwise ordered.
We run several drays In connec-
aomr 62 -�
lohfl S. Matto
There is Style----'%
Are stubborn things, they are I
like r `� and Character
PRIDHAM S in our
DON'T H ESiTATE:,�.,�,,,,,�,�,
you can't down tbem, others may try to do do with flake
r lines are Specials, dietinot in style, up-to-date in Dolor, and
advertisements that may tempt the unguarded people to file
bite,/he t64 -Wiles in the market. All the newest English and American Novel -
VN to Plate, Straws and Cape. We desire to emphasise the tact that we have
You know what you pay. but do you know what you get for your money t the be*" ts for $2.00 and $2.50 that can be produced.
rhe buyer of Clothing is Practically at the mercy of Ste dealer's honor. We
Lave sustained a reputation for fifteen years of honorable dealing and our C Stratford and
Notbing is warranted strictly HIGH GRADE, and although we cannot make p LEA N
nuob prolit against the competition of inferior goods,but thimo we will not ■ e CoderiCh.
lave in our store. We do not pretend to try to compete with Ready made Art Tailor, Natty Batter and Gents' Furnisher.
;biles, and no man should lfagt to west them when Ordered Clothing can
to bought at the price we ate selliolk them today. `
YOU eannnt s=pout to create the impression that you are well dreiled cols" your 3
110thing is made for You. Equivocate as you may, the fact remains that ready-made PE l \ �GT
torments look that air of exclusiveness which custom "
work pose"s.
OUR 3P�mING GOODS are now all in. Gnu compris the flwstselection
t Imported and oestic G s that the looms can prodaes. The standard of •zoeU-
ore in mate is still Rept up in our work roam, and onr guarantee goes with every
We respectfully solicit your patronage,
PRi DHAII, The Tailor,
M�do all kixids of
Iof any deadrlvpCton at short tout" sited for )tittle rr onq
The Handorsoa MUM Go., LINGd, GodGr%h
I� r
Sold In Godertch by James Wilson. drulgfe , As a Ne wspams, 1h Star leads the procession
for 1
his t
A Perfect Bath R,om :Meana a great
deal to a finely fgrnisbed bongo. Inferior
Plmobiug may last Dot -a year br so in other
AN e parte of the house, and "do Jost an well"
ngth of time. But Plumbing is cheapest when it is perfect. We
plumbing in some of fife beat residences in Godstiob, and do noth.
gt class work. Call at Cattle Bros. for estimates of cost, etc., for
rial and plumbing work.
6t Slde of Square. next Sturdy Bros., Goderlch, ont.