HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-10, Page 8,S
The Star is one of the very best A
Well, just try a bottle of
And a few Quinine Capsules, and you will
be agreeably surprised by the result.
' 7 q A O8 ffiJa2I6T
(•I 7�1 • A e 1) U 1\ H l i M a ISR C3 (3IBT.
1r MCLaan's Block, South Side of Square.
People We Know. Mrs, Le Touzel left on Wedneadnyy for Now
York, to visit her son j�enry and after a tow
1) F. HumWnk was in town a few days lila deyx'e[ay In Lhn[.I ty she .111 proceed to Ber-
past week, n'udea, to spend a few months with her son,
K'. Bassett of Exeter, was In Goderich on Dr. tWb.rL.
Wednesday. Mr. Navamith. who halt been confined to the
J. Wilfred, of BlyLh, was in the county town Aunt hao some weeks not ann wnullell thio week.
.n f Like aoci-
t3alurday. -
It in feared his confinement te the house Is tell -
R F. MacPher•sm,. of Clinton, was to Godo- Ing upon his uonxUtution.
rich oil Friday. _
Ur. Shannon, sr., was In the oily of Brant
ford last wuok. Born.
Miss Halmos, of Clinton, wait visiting in KELLY.- In Goderich, on Fobruuty Lf'!, W MC
Wwa IML witek. told Mrs. J. B, Kelly, a son.
N. D. Rol.grie Is spending a week In the Married.
Queen City on business.
Lieorg. Woodhouse, of Clinton, wan a Gods- CoLnaar-Nelson. - In Egmoud rills. on
rich ,falter the post weak. Tuendny. Feb M. leen, b the Rev A. IL M. -
I. H. 1)icknon, barrister. of Exeter, was In lyonald; Thos. (:elbert to Mine KaW Melwtod. all
the rounlYtown Wodnesday. of Egunondvllle.
-A. K. Thompson ix taxiing Wn tin➢x nL Ilio Died.
luinily residence. Elgin ncenue. pilYsoAr.a.- In Uatorieh Township, on Bat
miss Mlnnlc (`ouch, of ,'llutou, spout Hou I urduy. Murch lLh, ta6a, Andra* Drysdale, aged
day with frlunds in Uoderlch. 5•: yours.
Hamuel Curran, of Uudernb. Icft ndturd,ty EI.1•10'ff In Ashflold Township. on Friday,
to lake n position In Owosso, Mlcb I March 3rA, IiC61, Jan. Munson, daughWr of
Mrs. and Miss Muhxtmsou worn u, IhuuUluta John and Margarot. Elliott, aged lel years and 7
the past wuok, vixiUnu to sick it-Wito I mSTEW
Por•v `lhopptard. of Toronto, ,Ionil Nuuduy n1 HTawettT. - to Snitfonll mit widow
, Februarylate
the parental resideuue, Waterloo NtreoL 'illi, logia, Jane McDonald, will.* of the lute
p ('has, SWwnrL, Aged e7 years &till 6 mouths.
Mrs, vain. stidth, Knott street, hos return." M,,PitEzL In Colborne, on Hunday, February
from a lona visit with relatives in Chiongo, 26611, 1e11k Joint) (iellxlns. relict of the late Dun
Mm C. Moore and daughter E till, of Simi- nun Mel'hee, aged 78 yttare and {months.
ford, are visiting Air. and Mrs. J. Ii. Kelly. Cnuaen. -In Utderioh, on Monday. March
Manager Thompson, of the Uoderwh Lum' 601. 1ti9a, Mrs, Adella Church, aged 90 years. 11
her Co., was in Lhe Queen City on M.IIdd3 monttie and 18 days.
!� S. P Halls, 9f. A., loft, for the t0aelic ,i (1011 - ---- - -
vuntlon at ICx.tar oil Wednesday afternoon. Hay.
Mrs. nod Ml Dunaford left on Monday on
their return to their name lit the Nortl.w•ost. tl,ovNCti. MEETING, -All itielmbete
Insp-cu,r of luland Revenue, A. Unraa, of present March 0th, except Mr. Hicks.
Hlrulfurti, u as Ira town this week on an official Mr. Coughlan requested that South B.
vi.�it. lots 19 and 23 he permitted to do their
Mr. Tilt, of the British Exchange, was out stainto Jabot on boundary. request
again 1111, week, other his no Pert attack of ha ift-Ailted oil conotidon that MC0illlval•y
gr' ppti.
MINS Hhtu•nuu, iori yesterday' mondng to al- cou,,c•il make a similar concession on
toad the ten hors',•urventlun now ill Mbwiott tet the boundary. Resolved that Mr.
F:xoter. Carrick's case he token up next meet-
\lnkiatrrr M e -s, of (I lorieh Elevator Ing, (lomncd to meet Again first Mon.
and Tra n,tt co., returned from his Chloago day in Api ll, At 10 o'clock testi., when
visit on(F I ). paLhnianters, etc., will be i�Ln1 pointed.
' sits' Uildc'x of Paris, arrived In town till' UtYt PrR granted • James 1tl iLir, for
t' week Lo Lnku chArgo of the millinery d.nurt- i,t J'el, $7.50 ; LN YaiLPrs(ln, gravel
Ment. In Smith Bros, h Co. g'
Mei. Frllow�, who had been visiting her S. B. dalliages, $0; J. Hellman, re -
brother, Mr. M. Farr, snitford, roturned to her plait ing culve.t t L. R., 1`1.23 : COunty
home in l.oud»n on Saturday last. 1 reaallrer re yjkme Bros., >`at ; Fred
Stratford Herald: 111As Mary \artgbtt of flRist, file N. B, ttC('ollnt, $1L40• J.
God.rich, Isagucst it the re-ldouno of U. T. Ii. White & Molt, printing (bal. from 1883,)
Enginepr, Joseph Bowen. Shakespeare strc*t. I
Mr. and Mn,. aloha Cult.. Mr. and Mrs. James $15.50,
COLL. of Brussols, and Mrs. McDonald of ('ran. '
brook, were the guests this week of dl r. fwd New lite fat- aquarter. Miller's Con] -
Mrs. m Cntl., wngtt.0 st. pound Iron villa.
W "ash Goods.
This Beason promisee to be very bountiful in rich effects of
summer wear. We havo a large collention of these goods in the
,. • latest design. Come Bud inspect our stook.
Lovely Satin stri a and checked Muslin, at ................................. .25
0 1 regular l-5 too
.(ue roe
►auk 1
New colored an g _ 12
t '
New Dublin Lirous In colors, stripe, and spots, only ...................... 12
Dress Goods and Silks. I Stationery.
' Fancy black A special lot 01 Fina Linen Writing
�..,, Goods to the Pads regular 10c, going at 50.
new weaves of Nice boa containing Paper and
` Priestly, special Envelopes, regular 100, going at 5o a
makes, only 50c, box.
l%� H avy wide bl,,ck (load pa;)er back Books olearing
Serge........ 5(10. at 6c,
N,'w Crepous in -
black....... $1.00 —� -- -�
A splendid line of Dress Trimmings.
t , the latest spring shades in Corded Always so hard to Ret suitable
effects, Covert Clothe, Broad Clothe, I Trimmings you say. Don't say i
r and Sotges for suet-. any more. We have a large and
Now stripe and check su►ta, varied selection this season of the
New plain colored Ballta. New Braids
New plain and figured Mate.na.
Narrow Ribbonj
Table Linens.
72 inch wide - bleached Linens, Embroideries
regulat $1.00,
for ................ 750
fi0 inch Table Linens, only ...... 250 Frilled Ribbons, etc.
RAF and Gloucs,
Last Veil tip and Rlbhons.
► i
Ladles and Gontilomen s Waorproot GloaKss
New Shirt Waists. Boy's Clothing.
We have looked after the little
A splendid ranae mania wants, the kind of suite tha
l now patterns stand the wear and tear+ with a gree
at big tear off the old fashioned prices
1 Suit- from $1.25 up.
50C- New Spring Hats.
I Black and colored Fur Felt Fedora
, New stripe and
check Gingham at $1.00.
Waists,ntw black New shaves, cliff bola, $1,00,
$1 50, $2.00.
Shirt Waiete, eta. Now Shirts and Ties.
Every woman appreciates the satisfaction of makinR the first selsotion in
slew goods. Come now for your Sprnig Drees.
C7A.S: S A.1 -T373 OSB] 3PM10�
dvertising mediums in the County of Huron. Bdar in mind, The Star is subscribed for and read by the masses
FACTS ABOUT HEALTH e.•� — -- ♦ ,4''♦ ♦ ♦'� ♦'♦ ♦♦'♦�igi��i'♦%r`♦Vi'♦A'e�nv•�L�s� i�Ya
It is Easy to Keep Wo ,f Wo Know rj ►
How-8omeofthisConct�onr:Necos- r a-�,-+"'-•' THIS IS `wi'IiAT OU13, Cl:a'lUyILItS S3Y .il,Ul l' UI; Li
gory to Perfect Heston
aril 'la !.a ►
The Importance of maluLriniug good ►
`a119311411:1- rem•=0
health 1s essily underatwd, and 1t la 1K"i,'�r°t kk� 'RIia'7-,• t_ y I►
rally a simple Mutter :1 we Lake a cur- ►
root view 01 the condlLwo.on required. - <� �fi t �.tr'` h''hcrl e l.:x.. ''The lxe I got from YOU 101' )U.: was
In perfect health the ston,anh promptly .w91u h5� �.
digests food, and thus prepares nourish- ( � � ��� ¢ n-'�!'.1 t �t � a cracker." ►
Ment. The blood is e,ot,t„yed to carry - �' jam` ,'--'9�s• 4y
this nourishment to fiat • rgane, nerves,That 50c axe beats Ilse for a marvel
mnaoln and Llaeuns w r.. used ft. 'rbn McCready ,
first great eunential fur •. health, there- L.. of cheapness, COnSlderlilg the illy (lu;lllf)',�
fore, is pure, rich bloc, �„w it is cer- >fti� e t&Inly a fact that ❑, „ ..•wehas such fy `:?y s ”~, EtC-, e�l.,.
.� sang arllla.andCB16YUL8 areaordol curate fie tl P w. '. s _ •�/rescenG
IL L literally true that tut,•• aro hundreds °^''� I1 Get
of people alive and well t,•d& whu would few left Ut the last Ul �I.\ 1 ! t.rlC
y ' one before they are all gone. '
Led the procession in 1898 and will continue to do so in 1899. '
have been In their graves had they MOG
Laken Hood's Sarsaparilla It in depended
upon as a fsmily medo'too and general ►
regulator of thegystou, by tens of thou- e�AafaSdetd4� e�a atv,rVaaa s1 �Q V,q �{�g��i7`Q� yl �y� V,q Q,e`4A"(ANA. d A"(
sandlot people. This is because Hood's '.'..Yr,Y.,,.iYs„✓k,sYa.fwSry• YA,s:A.�ti✓8��,l�3�)'1�3►'i�i�,ap'3L.y'A3rt®y�ir y°l
7" Ila 1"A�'e•s'bOL✓e.�t'A. a� <Y '
Sarsaparilla mattes the blood pure. 'thin C.tf Do you want a Cross=Cut Saw? ►
to the secret of its great sumees. K,•ep \< McCready Bicycles-�- ►
your a st, ern In gout heulth by keeld >r w
your blood pure with ll,� d n Sarsaparilla, H h Grade.
� s' >'+<�a.•, .9.°,.e:•,.^, ; .,yy;,•yy,<„•r,,.,,•�-agy,-��,�,�.�y��,a. 1 .}� If so y+at a BUFFALO Ill t.I,.--"1'h, y I I� seer ►
which absolutely cures s lieu other medi- ►
cine* fail to do any g•o,d whatever. �'4 '
• a, . u..• „sty r:u, u. take 1_.rOW Prices.
v,o 3: McCready $65 Wheel fur .... .............$55 Oil ,.� ►
HOOCI'S Pills" iiood ntiurvupanla. I COMMOu Sense o5 Wheel Or. ....... Skates we _►
$r �tLS oo •. The balance of the large stock of Bells ilei
The Wella -Heath I)ramatic Coln -(Courteous � Goderich $45 Wheel or .............. ....$40 00 g
pita). �a $ - All fitted with DnNIMPTIRES ! had we are determined to clear out at C10,e prit:es. r
r r Treatment to god folly guaranteed. Q;
Customers, was o, -�---Crescent Bicycles. W. MCF{ Z, E ►
. � Our [yule i n 98. Ilio Place to Buy Hardware (tteitp.
Same ole $50.00. $45.00. $40.00. • •' •: •,. •�• E•►•,•►•,•, •�,; •,.., . ' •+4
�A rs' 100,000 of these Wheels were mann- _
1 n 1[899. titctnred and sold iu 1808. (� This Epidemic of "Grippe”
',a S_'r' The estimated sale for 1800 is 150,000 --lx lensing in it frau a great d.tt fir--
A`YANrW�n'",t'ir•'ti+'+e.dnSsR,a4�,��aF'�A,a.AJC„E1`��[�EtI�ld.i/eJ'S,CeY h.3rd,i.11'F4���A.'7 � Y'
,.r..�aa,Y•.i'.. �. r . , . i, �,i>rF..s�ers?'a.s°s�Yr..4r',awF�Y i' lair
M Pit. CHAS. 1B. W ELid. If you are a sufferer from Rhonnratism, whether chrooio nnt•cnlnr
Ip the about torture \wall be found a
No better Epicycles are made and sold on the Continent of America than .r intiau,atory; stdntaca, f or lumbago,, wu
flair likeness to the fcatuirs it' 51r•. strongly' recommend
Chas. B. \Voll., if tilt• lcttdrng tic- tilt'. MCCREADY all" CRESCENT. < < T 1 y �
feta a the ith is t) itlil Di,titl»iii PH RElel OLIN h
Company, a•hioh is to appear at they •
Victoria °pent "tolls° ewnt•y night We do not handle chewy made Wheels. Ever one knows that a Cheap IL cures Rheumatic Affections by its actions on the Blood. Call for a parnphletnxplalnlugits
and n nuaLinrr N.rtur(1ny, the aveuk of t Y t elrects, at
Mal ch 13th.
MP. \VNllx 1'rtl'e,'P II1L.,1etMt A Ipogth•v made Wheel is DEAR AT ANY PRICE. o THE C7�NTRgL �RG STOPM
and a prv,minrnt oOP, duru,g must of
which time it It.ts been passed o» tier =V��
Rtaga in New Ytn'k city. tie hit, het'» Call and see our Bic cies We will be leased to show them to ou and ,
noted As A cunt„, of lending p arts. Y p Y Always the Beet at )i log's. I'rrscrip'Ln Druggist
that is to env, be has heen tilt•orlgnual explain their construction Catalogues free on application --- ----- - ---- -- - - - - - --
repressntative of a great miniher ofletp a g pp
their to parts m ditfwent. F,hfys (hiring
it ' New Kash Store
their long run in New 1'or Ile tit fig \ \ \• \ \ \ \ \: `a. �: \� \' McKim
IAna,to tail° peso ip+.l roles int ••Dior -inns, ".lunu,rYnrtner."_GTLEt TTgVE A �T i T T Reld's Old Stand.
The (Way is isul ns," e'.c. > �( 1 O L 1 N U GUITARS,
Mr. Wells Ions also for I»rIg seasons L1'�l�.Q-F+ wSTOG'g OF 1 a,+.,3�,,�'�z,,•v,�<iiyt�:irt>•i.•i.;;�,• \ei;,r:�.•,:,x�z,,�zx�: >ia�,^:�y:>:i°�a'"••���•���a'�•,������,ia�,�;
played the leading lunle p,lr4s with
wrence ntu,ett. MLug1u'et Mather, and other small Musical Goods -also
AndJuilia 'lnwe,imperwnmeli»gw»,.t, "Your Money's Worth"
characters to, Romeo, ori Mlle. ('b Lhe ,IST --2,000 SHEETS OF M -CT►` 1101-7�I
Melnutte, \Lor Antony, •and in tie � +
whakesperian repertoire. Ile is nn a w 1S tate bilS1S UI1 which We solicit bIISIIIeSS. We
ter of only pleasing grace and charlil p want the stamp of satisfaction on every transact 1011.
of manner which slakes him most ac• which we will sell AT COST to make loam for Wheels.
ceptaahie lit the comedy roles in which 111 our advertisements or store talks we will not
he will he Rees here, in '•Cur Bach- \: \ '\ \> V1 N�SNIK:N° N :..�:AR, IW
efors" thin Is most mititieahlp, final in exaggerate. No 'occasion to. Your money back if
"CtLatP" his forriful r•epre4mitation oP • ^ - not as re rose.,' t 'tact _ _ "our goo:d.....faith.
Lhe soldier hero is notable for its ten- P g
tete emetine seal I- - T H O M S O N &SON
the object of ills luxe,
Mr. \Valls cnnlr•s h, ua avith a repulx- .^ V r ■'
tion well enraged thrn»gh consc ipnt'otis Bots and Shoes. I Other Goods
find artistic work, 1111(1 will ttald his
valuable quota h, this Sterling orgy ------ - We Ara going out of the Shoe busi- I Which must •move out to make
nizatton tat' dramatic artists, rnoy f:Lirly surpass themselves in this could not leave their homes. -Miss Colborne. 6viss to malce room for other New r00 a f nr the n w, such as
most btu rliahle of ala •s Manson 11
i0 dao h r of John
}, , v M sun E 1 to q to Colhorue council met in the Town- t
• On '1'uesdu\• cvenin r Rouc•iauilt•s Elliott,iof Ashfield township. died on (:odds. The way we prnpoae to alar oVF.RC0A1'S,
ti ship hall, Felt. '2501, all the members
,stealer ,it•ce, "Lvnvvood," will he pre- Fridav morning after n lingering ill- Ont this Stock, And file only was, iR by
4 ! were present. The following accounts y ltl•:EFF.RS, for mPn and boys,.
Fedi,-tt, This isit cooled "rani« of the nese. Miss Elliott was a voting lads "little priced tickets," eomethln like
Y were passed, viz.: Richn.rd Roavden, P g
ha •hewn mdrr. In this ibis i\1r.Heath, the community held in high esteem, SHITS an'I TROUSERS,
I, f road work $L ;John Oke, cutting pitch the following ;
AL'. \Vel Is and \I is, St..1ohn inter )ret Aad was beloved tor, her noble qualities.
! holes, x..75; Robert Fulfucd, cutting -_ _ I AT CLI?AI2PNG PRICES.
the serious teles of the lnsbnnd, the She died At the Age of 22 seises and 7 -- --
month*. Rev. Mr. FAirbairn held the pitch holes, 500 ; Jahn bltatids, 1)u"(" [19 Ladies' Doingols Laced Button Shces, 20 pairs good strong
and the w'fP. In these clarao' culvert, $1.1.14; Signal printing, $O; k Trousers, vola at
ter. the rekich the height, of drnwat.Ic fuueual service at the home of her 1{ sizes 2 to 4, regular peso $1 'l5, for 70C $1.00 to $1.'35, for .... .... ....... 79C'
} g fvther, on Sonda ate Henry Dodd, pitch, leg, H.davavoal
art. No mute impressive sequel could ,Y Afternoon, and her - - --- - - -- ---- - ----- --' I2b sire Etcffe or all woo Full CIuLh
remains were laid to test in Dun an- Fisher, cutting pitch holes, $'l.l:i. Ap• P
hE` IltlagltlE'd IhAll the one in which the q plication was made by Edward Mt,,s• Ladies: Walking yfioes, were $1,25, Pants, worth $1.25 to $1.50, for $1.00,
husband takes a deal farewell from his [ton ee[netery' kelt to he changed front school section for .... ................. 75C and the $1.75 kind for $1,25,
"•r wife just, previllos Ile the duel. • Goon WisHEs.-Cur esteemed friend, No. 2 to school section No. (l ; and the Ladies Toe Slippers, were $1.00,-
/ On Wednesday evening the cont• Mr, James Medd, will leave in a few clerk was ,iniitt uct.ed CO notify the Ladies' Toe Flippers, were $1.25, for 75C
puny will appear in Roherta,on's corn- days for it complete rest At hie home In trustees of each section. On mutton of _ N W Goods.
ally of •'('rule," Lunde f,unowi by that Manchester. Everybodyill thevilbt•re Alexander Robertson and Cttpt.
great b:ni;lish arto'• Mr. John Hate. was indeed surprised to t,ear that Mr.l Young the c•IPtk was instructed to Ad- Ladies' strong grain laced Button Khoes, I Ne.W (i00ds ate new coming to
The ha p a 11Ev1(lin of mirth feel Ren- Medd had sold out his business here, vertise the T safe for sale. A w -re $1.40 and $1.50, for........ $1.00 hand and will be, m, stock in a let,
Ily g p. pati
tiniest, of love toad herolc devotion, ,and that he Intended leaving the tion was presented, signed by a cum• _ - -- I days.
rurr,(R;pp✓a tvhwi duty culls the soldier away, is village. He has been here hot four her of ratepayers, praving for the re- Ladles' strong glove grain Shoes, lace or New Dress (foods and Linings,
roost nrtiairally purlrnyed, Vents and was never known to make mesal of the tax on Dogs. Alex. Rob- I button, were $1.25, for ........... 90C g
Ott Friday Livening (tit, Patrick's all enemy. Mr. Medd leaves it largo ertrlon moved, seconded 1v Capt. W PI'In18 Alld MtiRltne,
t ' Uav), it side screnu,ing comedy will he circle of friends, particularly of the up Young, that, said petition he granted. (,irl'e lace or button School Shoes, glove New LacpH and Embroideries,
Mln>S MAR16 8T. JOHN pinved, "Otir Sitategisrv," freely in_ posite sex, to feel hadly About losing I tu'd a bylaw be passed ronfirnaing the grain, were $1,00 and $1.25, fnr_ .. 77c I New Cottons sell 2heetinga.
On Monday next this orgrtnizatloti te141wised with old Irish sou s, both him from their niidsL, He has also saint'. Uarried. The question of A
I g• -- --' 1 Double fold Sheeting begin their Nngngenient. of n aveel( tit comic and sentuurutiil. Thaw runapfuty been n great worker in 'it. Ynul s I roam allownncP i nmmngulung the N.W. Child's "liege, were 50a, for .. ...... 35C g Twill for .... I2AC
the Victoria opera House, the opening iv noted far the sinking voices of three church and the ueetor will miss him Ride of block E. was Again brought he- Child's Shoes, were 35c, for .. ..... 25C 42'rich white pillow Cotton.... ... 9C
play hem • the exreedin la' funny con,- of it,,, lad kind two of Its male mem- very touch. Hissitccessor. Mr.Tetnple fore the council. Capt. Young moved, .... 25C � Circular pillow Cotton at I IC, 12C, lye
P Y 1, g S' Chald's Mocc+eine, were 900, for
ed "Oar• BArhelors," tit which the Iters. Clark, will carry on the tailoring busy seconded by Alex. Robertson, that the
y -_ _--- __. _ We well tell you more about these
coinp,my are seen tit their hest., and We nre lookingforward to sarin tress to the satisfaction of the public. whole council be a committee to fur Bo\'s long Boots, were $2 00, fnr.. $1.25
g and other lines later,
the ladies have ,tit nppnrtinity to dis- 1,•P very hear rompnny that has ever We hope Mr. (%IArk nilly a very sec then investigate ri. etin the matter, And report - -
play some gor'geons dresses, hath i» "ppeared here• cesshil in our small village, and that at next meeting of crninril. Uarried. Men's long Boots, 75C to $2.50, for the -- _
strep, g.,w'rts+uld full evening toilette. ` the people will trent him As well As The audiwrs'report for 1808 WAR pre• oil krain, worth $3.50. _ Tailoring.
The co�lmnesof holh Miss St...John and they do All strangers who come to le- sented. James TAvlor moved, second Men'e 1 buckle heavy Rubbers, were $1.25,
Miss 1)'Aic•y in 11e last act ate said to Dungannon. side among them. ed by Alex. Itober6son, that said le• for 80c, nn.i the 2 bbbersuck1b were $1.?', (liar AIR. DEVF,R ,s an artist in
MARRIED. -By the Rev. Mr. Arm- I Port, now read be acrepted tend each
Prn80NA1_-Mrs, Johnston, who has auditor receive $3 for his services. for 75c. I C:othes making. lie di t not '-pick
het•& Murs,ng Al r, Dourlev, returned Rtrcngg, of bit, Paul's, on Wednesday, ti the trade bolt learne,i it in tile,
hnnle,ty�,iia un Tuesday. Mrs, Thnmp- March 8th, at the residence of Mr. Carried. Oen motion of Robertson and hoe � P•
Yomi Meo's Fine Dongola Shoes, coin tee,
Son sits her dnnghter AIrcP have re• Matthew Woods, con. 0, West WawA- K. the reeve and clerk were in medium toe, bull dog toe, were $2.'L6 be"t Schnnls and glints in America.
nosh, R. H. Mc Millan, third son of structed to examine the securities of and $2.Fi0, tor........ $1. 0 Ile employs only skilled labor and
turned to r. village toilethank ower alaent the collector and treasurer. The conn-
tell winter. Both think there w no Mr. Edward Mc(�uillau, also of west uses the (1epeladnble matrnal. Not,
Place like I)un xl,non, and there isn't• Wawanosh, to Marg,uet M. Woods, cel Lhen adjourned to meet •igaan an Men's Rex Cult, McKay sewn, new toe,
p Wednesday, I,a-LP caucse or gleed butlone. Na
second daughter of Mr. M. Woofs. V. the 5th, at 2 o'cl<a'k p. til• were $3.00, for .. ....... 2.00
1 for cher n won a van find ancto ,e such $- -
ilncep \VP ere All pIPANPt to RPP Din The bride was prettily attired incre.tm F. W Mt'DttxAOp, Clerk C�,ttora canvas or [;Oio» Silks. Our
.r andvs o:'t xguin after his illness.- cashniere. About W guests were pres- - -- a Men's Tar, lace or gaiter, coin tee, were Suits inside ore as good as oniside,.
Miss TUizit \VItyard is on the sick list. Pett•• composed ofrP1,LtiveRnnd intirpate Ladies 1 Ttake Miller's Uompound $9 50, for.. .......:$2.00 and $2.2b and at. prices decidedly your way.
resentR were til mere s an costly, j Cut Gnod rweeti Snits from .$i12, with,
now home near Duluth nn-rnPsd»y P 1 9 d coitpe$iane, All our Shoes at the eamP
Ilext. We wish lfor•ry sliceewR wlyere- showing how highly the yogng couple best linings, and fit unara,iteed. We-
while the, last. The gnatility tt
ever he goes. Mr. .I. Wilson oPq are esteemed- -- - - - have lower ,ice as well as higher but.
g g I . 19 limited. Tile sooner you come the P tl
West shorl ly for I he gond tit his health, —+^-^ Auction Sale better your chance to get what you all have the Stamp of satisfaction.
t his friend Joe re feeling somewhat west WaviarlosIL want. A trial res ect(till R
t better. Mrs. Little And Mrs. Willson —OF_ P y elicited.
vete it, (;uderivh on Toesday• Rniav Norge. -The roa4v Are good m
iN OFNRRAr.. The storm that was J Coo the recent etornl Iaee Sunday, Farms Farm Stock
irAµµ'inasill dsv Smiday prevented the
Council meeW on the 291.h Inst.-JfLmes
' dif3erentt4e•rgymat gettingtn thelrnnt Agar hies finished ills contract of h,aul- j� Q Qn Q
, stations.-- Miss ('Plies Yentltlad has l ing nt`iw. logs for Mitchell Brc,s„ and ImplemsDts.Ae'Mcklm,goon to Ltmdon to purchiLSN spring Lucknay.-Uouncillrn Thom AOA, of •
e r the 0th line, is enlarging And putt}.g a
goods for Mrs. Anderson. Vt a nlny PouudnLkin mrdar hie barn ; else Ptd,
expect Rm1,P(ltlltg very nnhbv m flip Reld's Olt] Stand, GODERiCIr-
MR. atORO! HtATN lent line lhie spring. --Miss Iblisy t he Fowler iR Ruttingg a basement under Property of JAMR9 McBRiNF., Lot
his Karn. -Wet. 8towatt, of 7th con- 2r,, (sin. 2, Goderich Township.
he very heautifni, and the latest New era entertained Ihu Aleth•,diat. t4. S. cession, Is ruumin hie maw it I full York stvles, its this company have choir on Ttiewlny ereninyt.---Mr. Ver bltLRt-bimith Mcig.ean has purchased �iSM YCXUJ IDR_UGli C3•I.gT M OIC
Come to us almost direct from that Arlhnr's' wood hPP" ovals welliattendt'd 210 ,acres of land of James Gaunt, of 90storeard.4otgoa( land. dwollR bean. A arreto %�
on W,Anphday of this week. orchard. Comffortable dwelling and barna, MacLeod's
city. Kinloss tA.wnshtpp.-Aulton Brothels and good waver. I A Wonderful Tonic gull Reined f
ORtTTARY.-The funeral of the lata have rented Mr. Morthen'a hum, nears y Or
The fop in "Our Bachelors" arises Tames R Campbell. a highly res Ported South holt Lot tl, Con. 2 Goderich Ty. {C
fmm the levo making and mar�inggP P R Y P 9t Helens, for one year. -David o�l!d, acro" of goal land well fenced. No buitdlnge
entanglements of two bachelors, IifP citizen of WPUt %N awtine>_sb, took place of St. Helens, lost a valuahle coa�yfne A11 convenient t^ ehurob and snlnonl and with WEAN AND IMPURE BL00'1 System
los friends who had sworn never to to nung,annon cometeit y, on 911n(iRy day least week. -Alf. McGuire ii�� In in R milds tit Oodarfoh, weft n. sn,d by enation
g Marrh 5th. The servicta was corducted on the premises on TirpRSDAY. MARCH 23RD.
marry. Professor Bangle (Mr. Heath) Nalketton this week. 1x89, edge Farm Stock and Implements.
flndinq himself in the pre.typr•ediaa- by ere& Mr. Armstrong at tha home ___� I Forparticulan,seebills. I SIDNEY AND LIVER TRt)tlBLE3: R n o v a t o r
naent of being engagged to three wonlPn o� decE•» sed. There wore not its many e
at once. Mr. Health. Mr. Wells. Miss at the ftinPlal as would have been. an Miller's Uompound iron Pella• only 215 JAMES 1NORRIAE THOS. GITNDRY,
(9t. Johna and in fact the entire mm- the storm wag so very sevete people cents for GOdoaPa l PropMotor, AncLloneor,lManufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
iR Ararp-tit-ft�/'.!^�aMr;w.gr,�r,P tin tx Yt'r+.••r.i . •„. a •.. • • ra..I r •. •1 a.a.e gar •.. r.. • • ►.+•...... ..... • fie •..a.1r •• aw.e• ni nn•r•aa •. • sae ra aaale •,a r•Aa.taA. aAalr�,aranw A •A An AAAA•, ,� •, , ,. '. 't „y An An AqA n,1Hit., •van ^4R.,\A /LAnn
•.:u.,,,...__�, z.:v:,t�,a ....•.,�:,r� �,Lra.,.rAast,