HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-10, Page 7I
M • IJ
do without your humAle servant, h[r. +'� wasp at hie Yana she ha3 pot tbou At iOLS_Ol AND THE CZAR. ,�(� ULati7JJ 11 0 ..
Dano-- Itlthaugh I fnar, I a•d1Y fear. I �i r hip► retpwrkablo is ttPpear�nce- tiw .._ ��] = ��• �'
that you do not like. tyle much" � I��E U 4 �N Rin wax without doubt alagularly ,tIK or'se T sten_ `� u ^^�
Diamondu� Diamond This wan said with a smile, and lllllllll000 I'llll 444`11 a handsok{le 6hs Aad ttelieved filo bow- LkeRaCe aaa 1�tca+es tr. _ A FI1t1TCH NAVAL I'Orttt11�A
"� might ba taken aw a sportive little jest -^._ ed form belonged to a than of 50 at �• I mrs BLOWN UP.
OR, Mx. Dane, however, answered the re- The short Jaimary day was Closing least, whereas thin man could not have Few inA1 3 have asc¢rrad lu many plgfyg OF iNTERBST ABOUT THB _.- Yi
mark in stj seriousness: Dees more, apd was praably lawn [hap
THE WOUT OF T� �• " oa the contrary, my dear Albert, In Tha twoig6t mingled pleatlant5ly ss A vafg�ue senna o! vexation tilled ears maK* 'y�amorable for what the?
and with the ruddy glow of the tire, vat d her, and alta wished ahs had not field- y I BUSY YANKBB. wan o w ieaousella1+R�+TMCaeall- itF :1, Ji
I have always bad a great reg $ express Qp *1011i(y than the recent _ Two #nee Arettaast aleerastmtew-ween
and afleatioA for yon. Only you know, aha girl at aha window could no long- ad to the ridiculous impulse whit had Tear Nicholas 11 wuD - ; of Recovering tie OCOA • .,
I have, liko many other men, made one brou ht bar thither. Thea, is a do- meeting s
CHOtrrEB gQTur-Qoptip¢etL auflioiantly good match even for hie er sea to read. She looked. instead, g tvs�ItbeHy Iata^°t is n!s ONap'Ht'tars i A daspateh Irnm To¢Loa, wawa+ T11ta
"To begin with, I had the good for younger da hter. Stopp I don't inter- I or two little mistakes in my life ; and, Ment, a revulsion o! feeling mads her Golint Tc gttr ; N Moment and fwrth Gathered frets HM '
r¢ t nae• Your salary is £800 a ear• aomehoty, you occasionally give mea into the neighbouring garden, bounded glad• with a great throb of gladness, I Iatend(sig t9 return through Moscow Daily Reeved• I naval powder lenge:fate of Llt [iotibrft q
Lane to follow IYldme de $rafour apd I You have, I believe, no other source of i reminder of them. I'm an old man you by low badges and windbowed firtsees that she bad obeyed the m theca of I from one OSI O southern journeys, the Holl, between La Bey¢o and Tonlrlin, iq
her female attendant from Euston stn- income -your, prospeots--" 1 see,. and don't like these reminders" �rply outlined against a glowing her tollq. He loakod up from the tire, the town Ln which Tol- Otor 81mon, of Oregon, Dae Dean � went o! Var. Bo¢thorn Frosica.
tion to Hollow -wood, ton -ilea north I '•My prospects are very good," safd I ' No I'" said Albert, looking at him � y tsar [cued t1r>fi�
arimeon sky. And on the same back- g°Fo at Der hen l e sp !or Dalt e I taking DIn s lessons•
of London -here they alighted, and second, and whoa hes ke his volae stol Uvea w0iti?4l b0 one of rho retreah- exploded at Doli -past two o'elook tW
proceeded td toot about a couple of ' Triohet promptly, looking very straight I with an •evil grin, " And I am a living Po Maine l° Bald p- be axporlencag the
at Lim aaroae the writing -table. reminder, am L not (" ground the small head made a charm- showed iso wurprlse. wont slatl4iuR oa Din route, and De arrival of • ship -building boom. i Snaday morning.
pnllew, sad entered, A desolate horst I Then Mr. Dane, with a slight start, I Then Matthew Dane knew that he I lug sillioaotte ; the rounded cheeks and '• Coope in and shut the door," was sant the wall t , carefully worded note Forty corpses have already basis t♦ ,
b the wayside, where I distinctly saw . somethag like a mild aleotrro shook knew, and that the tool whom be had dainty pointed chin, the low, straight his greeting ; " I have been wanting The p80.00 of Wo United Btates use
wt the window the face of Leon de Bre- I looked back at him, and in that mutual made use of, and despised as thorough- you'• lnvitiag Algk 9 g° intorvlew. 2 covered. The oauss of e i jured sl is
tour ; they remained there for about took place, Tolstoi • C rt lius lead penton each day. not troawp Four of the i
look the rnaeter, (or the first time, pre y as he hated him, had I brow apd Uttla aelt�wiiled aces, sad »jtusd Lava
1 gotten a hold ' " ikon are alone, ae usual t" rtIlo sok- Tho msetiAu Gru•pellue Vanderbilt owns ap auto- -
half -an -hoar -after which they return- Oeived the man In lieu of the puppet. over him in his old age that no other above all the soft halo of fluffy hair. ed, drswint nearer. wearing the nlligPle Barb of •laborer raph ropy o! the first chapter o! I sreonmbed W lhelr tgjnriaa It !e he-
ed to Easton."� "I am delighted to hear it,'" was hie man on earth Gould ever have power The thin rasping voice of a mother, I am always atone. Why la We and attended by a few of his peasant � paved that fifteen are still busied is
'And after i' I mild response, in a thoroughly oongra- to 6et. roused the girl from the wintry world did you come 11 raat'e demotes.
"'I am sorry to say that, at Euston, " You had a tele ram ust now, an friends, and the$mperor of Ruanla wacD A hundred yearn ago there were onlw the debris.
I the crowd was so great, that I ,oat tulatory voice. "May I ask—T' " He is a sneaking cad," he said to thou hts which bad saddened her lar e 6 j
"Certainly, Mi. Dane, you may eek, himself, savagely, when tho young man i g q the garden,' she ezplatped ; " I tear- Die magnifivtrt nulla, drestaed In bnl- six citlea in tate United Stats°, now Fifty thousand kilotrammoa (about
Bight o! them.' dark eyes. A list of domestic oares ed it mt ht be bad news." , there are over 4W. 110,000 unds) of black powder explod-
Mr. Dane frowned slightly. To him- I and I will tell you. Every poor man's had gone out from his presence. 8 lien[ unitoxtiul. Po
sell he said -"Than you might as well prospects, Mr. Dane, as you will be the I But though he said lt, he realized was enumerated, and then the girl's tun Bi Bad newts Dae ion omeirase less Nicholas talked of his celobrated Andrew Carnegie has promised to ed. It looks ae thouigb a voltani0
have stopped at homeo But aloud ha first to own, depend upon the work I for the first time in his life that a mother approached the window aa¢ en- 8 ace proclamation, and evidently wimb- gave a $3,000 organ to the Presbyterian eruption had occurred. the country be-
remarked- . that he is capable of doing. If hie blow had been struck at the absolute I deavored to claim the fugitive attention be ppossible in y lute," be Bald coldly. Pe nhuroh, Boulder, Col
1 work le aim le, his " Wae that why you came f" ed to knew his famous sub jeal'n opie- [ng swept almost twee within a radhna
p prospects are gen-I power that was the ruling passion of teat phUallthro int" Gen. Wheeler sA a that durl the
"You have done very well, Trichet, of her daughter by aubjecte nearer yetl••• ton of it. The q p y °g of two -ilea lanae° destroyed, areae
It is gaffe what 1 guessed. By the unamaue; ,L his work be hi4 ezietanv. __ "Reason enough to koep moat poo- commended hinl0iotive to proponing aha y°at war he used rhe eamo spun he overturned and dlatorted, tialds devise-
way, you have not, I suppose, found I diLPioult and oadplioated, hie prospects home• Y disarmament of•,rations, but oourteOua- used in the civil war.
oat where the Lady lives 'i' should be of a fair remuneration for I CHAPTER %IB. " Maisie," she began, hesitatingly, I hie away;' ho remarked drily. TDe
the labor and the delicate astute of I looked at each othor and were ei[ent. ly afifaatott tAat Tn thin grand work gate natural gun was (irRt discover- I rated and covered with attars tad
"No, air. You nephew has certainly It was a week since Geoffrey Dane I want to speak to you again about- At last she asked : " Why do you walk ; his mu eat himee1f wuuld be expected black dust. Some of the Stan" 419 ___
not been to see her. At the same time the work which he can perform." I j y ed In Indiana, 7,218 toll wolle and 8 848
"Enough of this I" cried old Dane, ; had been to Cromwell !toad. He Dad the girl knew the particular tone of round and round gout lawn every ev-Ito net the brat example.
I am aonvaoed that there ie some cod -I I refused all invitations to dine at hie I }}'hot was said duriug chs{ remark- gen I101es lauvo bee° sunk. enormous, one weighint GO kUotram-
munieation between them-ae the evi-I springing to hie feet, "You have voice, sad broke in quickly with: "Ohl ening f" {.,, Admiral Schle is cumatha of an Mas fell to the enburb of Pant de
dance of the bookseller shows. I have been aid, and over- aid, [or the work � uncle's and had turned a deal ear to' He shrugged hie tiho¢lders "Force, able Interview, however, roJld hardly y g
followed hum like ado air, like a you Dave done. 1 nndfor the work I those pleasant little srggsstiona of the- mother, please not that 1" " My dear of habit. I suppose ; it is the way i be more important than the fact that artist, and frequeutiy amuses himself Las.
shadow -in fact, it was under the im- Trichet ; yon want to extort something i the two pre ncertste a omp n i girl' tt s posit[°sly ridiculous aha way think:' two auoh meQ Dist end gave audlan•P by painting a water Dolor°. 81gae at aha explosion are evident W
pression that Geoffrey was going to I out of me. Have I not made you my y you always interrupt and refuse to lie- Then, hastily changing the subject, I to each other. Ilepreseotlug what they The Nioangun canal would eDortea all the suburbs of Toulon and V the
lk a to clerk—i'" which had been giluringly laid out for ten to reason," and, with a whine, " It he inquired: " What will your mother did, their talk wan like a c01W,3 nae the Journe of a warshi from the At -I
meet the Miss Hallidays at Fau n his acts tante. He bad avoided their 7 P tit itsslt. Even at 8t. Jean de oaf.
rooms last Saturday that I came toy A tine position, truly, fora de- P nay when you tell Der where you've between the fitteentb and two°beth lantlo to the Potllia 48 dawn. y
scendant o1 the old Triohate 1" said fife society in query instance absenting makes mq position exceedingly nwk- been i" centuries. tee rained doors windows were shen-
such trouble, for I made bold to jos young man, with scorn,•' himself not only from Miles' tea-party .[yard and unpleasant. What am 1 to Under an Iowa law aonvlotn who be- Dred •pd doors battered in.
the party unasked. But Geoffrey was . I but also from the Sunday lunch and " I doa't think [t will ret t e her di the person of the tear were em -
"And the money, Trlthet i' I I do with you i Do you realize your age, to eek. Ser thongbte are taken up bodied all tDe traditional edeas of Du- coma ipiraae dwing Imprisonment are I Ot the °even soldiers an d¢ty mt aha
not there." "Mr. Dane, do not insult me. Do dinner, at which his presence was in- priiton Iadefinitely.
Mr. Dane shot a swift glance at him I you think I can go on doing your dirty i variably expected. Geoffrey's eyes had I Maisie I Nearly 24. R'hy, pour nletere at the pclock t n acceptingeanl offer ornman asuman. Ont wailinnarnale reA Pat Ia magaaine, tour were killed red. tht
1 A Patersank New Jersey, [lrm has as
beneath his heavy brows. This was work -spying and sneaking and hang- been opened to hie own danger. That 1 were all married before they were your of marriage on my behalf. She is an I autocracy ; the other was incarnate 1 and the others •everlp injrred, tYa
news to him; because Mrs. Dane, in ing about after people -Por nothing copy of Congreve upon his table had age, and Connie had two children. resented a Chris- order for fitly ntl Nov m It wilt
her timidity, had certainly given him admirable woman; I sm her sixth' damttracp. One rep keep Wed busy untU November Haat. Dorporal heap literally scalped and the
to understand the content He made I but a o ut of tee cheque - two• which taught him to what end he had been : •'At present;' the mother went o¢, daughter, and when she has disposed tinnily which interprets Christ to Its Three mUlloa harreln of planter are I noalp overhanging hie face like •veil
y' barely suffices to pay my expenses i drlPting, and oto what peril be had the other reprenepted o
a mental score against that lady. M dear Mr. Dane, do be reasonable." ; been about to tall. A few more such relentlessly, " 1 am beniegad on all of or we shall all Dave been married Christiania that take" Him at His consumed every year in New York. 1 A large number of soldiers are now
"Why not, 1 wonder I" he remarked y before the age of 84." y One firm Das its uarries tq Nova !
adifferentlY. He paused a moment. TDe old man ,meetings, a Lew more ouch evenings aides by men who wish to marry Yea. TDe girl was gazing at him eteadllp word. q employed In clearing away rho dehriw
Albert smiled meanin 1 Hls smile, was livid with rage. Albert looked i -auoh glances from soft kind eyes and . for you are a pretty girl, Maisie -prat- and without flinching ; vaguely she Rarely have two men of °p tiomile cul- 8°otim, but the work la very dittioult.
e y' ret him -and as be looked, he tmrilbt� emileg fFom sweet red lips -and Geoe tier than any of your sisters, and more found herself wondering tf there had ture stood side by side fnatng the Physicians at Bellevue Hospital re-' r
beheld beneath his patched -up nose, I trey knew that he would be undone, ever been a time i° bar life when she world's future who would influence the DUI. TO OHEMICAL DEOOMPt1Ea-
had a truly ghastly effect. slowly. "}f'on't you nit down agaia9" I and propose to Angel Halliday. I like your grandmother, who was quite ported a remarkable ipaand s We
"Well, Mr. Dane," he said• with an he asked blandly. led not known him -when, is tact, thio world's future mors than thin mpion number of areae vane sad oaeen of TION•
affectation of reluotanco and hesitntioty° And Mr. Dane sat down. In that I Aad it would be hie undoing, Had i a belle in her time -but in n few yenta stranger Dad not been her [fret and of rank and etches and thio champion into:ieatioa revived there It Is Impossible to tatlOartala aoon�
"you nee there are wheels within smile he had read a whole volume of hers. Of that he was very sure. How I nobody will look at you, your chances greatest thought, the supreme interest of the poor. TDe grounds sad buUdlttaa for Boa I misty the number killed, but It i• ble
wheels se this world -and there era de argument. Trichet'a smile had said to I was a man to make one woman happy, i of happiness and of making a good which completely tilled the emptiness ton's new railroad station cost 114,000; I iieved that no fewer than 100 were ia-
wheel little matters,° the private lives Dim, "1 am a valuable ally, bait Imight, when at the very bottom of his heart 1 match will ba oxer forever. Percival of her world. Bo had love come to her THE W,ELIrD1tESSED ROMAN. W0. There will be a daily passenger jured Although at was a clear night,
oP most men that it is somewhat un- be a dangerous enemy. 1 have done he would he for ever hankering after unsought, and as yet she know It not sarv[oe t! 71U trains daily.
en Brous to r into." your dirty work_for years, got strange' another? That was how it would be i Sutton,"-" An! 1 knew that was cod- by that name. When shP spoke her The woman o[ whom good dressing ie A Nebraska o man has returned the ea slight wan a taFortt a el pro-
B p y information for uu in underhandI with him if he married Angel Halll- i ing;' sighed the lirl,-"said he wpuld voice was low and appealing: " }yell, an individual characteristic does not y LL°g dune a iditbt ralnf►li, Fortnapealw tht
Explain yourself, Trichet," said Mr. y from Cuba with a 8 aiah bride. He g fan
Dane, coldly, "L am not fond of rid- w'ays, cheapened bargains for you, per day. It would be for his -own utter ; came to tea this evening, and he ie it Gan matter little Dow one works allow any one to dominate her in the P° peighborin Qaslxpl escaped. t
dies.' sonated foreign agents -done little j misery, and moreover it would be a out one's destiny if in the end all will wan imprisoned oa a Spanish gentle- is nos believed the ezplotdop orltlnat-
"Certainly, I will explain. [t is strokes of sharp prattioe for weak I cruel wrong towards lar. So, for 1 very anxious to speak to you. To- Infallibl turn out well. For instance eeleotion aL the various details of Der ad in the chemical decomposition In
whfah ou toucd pot otic have der her sake ae well as Por hie own, be night you really must give b„tm hie I shall mare this man o1 m mother's wardrobe. She le not considered a °nun's plantation, sad while augh he smokeless der. There la no out -
probable that Faulkner was not will- Y po p Y Y won rho heart of the senor's dna bier. P°w
ing a eek a powerful a rival ns your ed to do for yourself, or trnatad any- I determined to keep out of bar way. ( answer, and I can only Bay that. if you choice. and perhaps for a few years we sinecure by bar milliner or her dream- Ot the rsons arrested In New York geatloa of tool Play•
nophew to meet the lady whose affeo- body else t° do. In this way I hovel Then again he took shame t° him send him away with a refusal 1 will will be miserable together; but at last maker, aor does she follow prmvalling Sunday lha whole pity wu lq
tions he ie anxious to gain." materially assisted the House of Dane ;self for hie infidelity, even in thought 1 take no more trouble about you. He is death will from one of as, and tbtrrt last year d8,8,1 ware burn iD the Ualt- mourning. Flags were at hall mast
"What s nxi Daae la,rl umped. and Trichet to ride through periods of to her whom he had made the Queen I the best mater in the count youn life's oh eat will become clear, and I lines to a tear of being considered mo- and States; in Ireland, 18,1&3; a Ger- and the theatres were draped and the
y storm and anic, in which other mer -1 of his soul. Geoffrey had strange, eb[v- y' g, wilt view it with the im rtialit of my I centric. ma° 8.831; ,n E land 1,418; in Rue- casinos closed. Boch the Government
"A rival. What do you mean, t Miltf P I rich, intelligent, heir to a baronetcy P° Y y. ag
centile bourse have floundered in their alroue aottone, uncommon amongst i P 8 To begin with, whatever aIle texture nus, 8,001 ; to Italy, 8,98.
Do you mean to tall me that Miles -sad ramembur, none of your staters Inst Dour, from flap Btand tint of a e, and-unitlQal •nthoritlee are turward-
Faulkner utas dared—" too scrupulous integrity. Besides all I young men of this practical and self- I is titled -indeed. you cannot do bet- experience or resignation, ae a charm ing relief funds. Mt• egraph Mair
this, 1 have la ed , 8 ter." ing picture to a aireuler frame, and of the material, the real keynote l° be- General Merritt still bears tis" Die tar of Marine. hoe telegrnphad 10,000
"Exactly, air. I am sorry to say he P Y private detective 1 smokin generation. It seemed to him
has dared." for you upon individuals whom you I that he had been false to his ideal, I Alter a pause she went on, "! want shall limits to see how well the colors ' c imingneee to color, apd to aha eine woun arta the sour tram the first of frame, p8,000, toward the to ie firm ,
As Albert admitted this, he appear- nave suspected. 1 tracked Leon do' untrue to the dream of his higher na-' to know what stands in your way of blended." She laughed hopelessly. and careful selections of every shade is wound he ever reootvod ip aatvioe, a ante of the fmmiliea of the vietitaa,
ed to be profoundly concerned ; he look- Brefour to his very death, and am now ! tare 1 Had he not told her that hie doi as the others Dad sense enough " Poor little girl I" he muttered. rig- due, often. the great eurceee many "Ii Dt flesh wound trade by a stray and a public subscription has been
ed at ria Peet with a melancholy air, employed in watching his so-called : love was hers, his love at bar feet t to of setting my mind at rest about Ing, and, leaning against the, mantel- I ball early [n Wo oivU war. opened hors.
widow, as well as the movements of . -that he desired no other reward save lace, he looked down at her with .society women aehtet►e (a their correct The mother of Matthew Foutenoy ail lha bodies [orad or recovered
an W halt Ii o aspire to the hand of Miss your own nephew. If you throw me to be allowed to devote himself to bar I You, and of taking up u position in P
P over, wlao will do all this [or ou i" I service, and to receive at her panda' life as are wits of u good man." Yearning, dreamy eyes. "Shall I tell dressing. Rules are elven out from Maury Sutton, a private of ire 18th are terribly mut[latad. B►:teen were
Angel Halliday i'' cried hie ahiat, whose • Y "You mean of a rice man I" the girl You tee riddle at my lite Y" he asked. time t° time for color selections, but infantry, who fought •t Santiago, Dag found on are rooks near tre'ehosa, sad
Ilorror ret tris Presh complication sl- , Matthew Dane, as be resumed his' that which it pleased bar to mete out ' said las uidl •, foldin her hands and She assented. there to none but m woman's actual tt ie feared that other were preoipit-
most threw him off his guard. Then, chair at his clerk's bidding, could not I to him i He took himself to task be- I g 8 1' " Ten years ego I married the girl r revived tram the ohanoellor of the eted Into the sea. A vehicle motet
recovering himself quickly, he added, but own to himself that he could not I cause he had fallen short in that °Bela turning her ayes to the gar- Ualvereit of New York •lector etat-
do without [rat aleck. which he rad ssndertaken to be to ter. i de°' my fatter clone for mr-an laeireee, holding material about Ler Lace in the y al�rgg •rad neat the sea was 111t
with a smug of has shoulders, "Ar 1 I A tall man, with bowed head and I aha onlq child of rirh nod indulgent Tight in• which the garment le to be Ing th Mien Helea Goald Dae deposit- Ix,dllI into the water by the Lorne of
but I see -my good friend, you have " Now let me tell you more about I Now that time had somewhat softened hands clamped behind him, was walk- Parents. We did not love each other worn, whether or day wear or by ed money to cover the young man's the explosion, two or tkree of ate no-
made an error, it is to Miss Duloie that my love affair�,'`reaumed Qlbsrt tgit t,lle sore and,bttter feelings with which I ing restleaslp aver• the little lawn, a (-A punishment which i doubtless do-
I suspect our gigantla <. be had %R9etttcer*Aflt- leaving him, he - )Dan a Saar after our I °rtfficinl illuminatioq. TDe idea o! tuition, board and books during a , thpantx beta drowned. Tlae eases at
I, t6 Mr. began dP sk himself tube nr alter ' taw • hly fallen tmev. est not+oed'h Gtr°trgel"ez- LrP reit and ages being matahmd iA oft- course of instruction In law. The But-" the village a Le OI hew wan ap ere
ing hie attentions•" ` !ening , d a.aaa o. . I tons live a Baltimore. ing The cries of the wounded were ,
"Ob, iso, air," interrupta,I - - - on tic;, that h;l she hof t some good reason ,for ;and the girl watched with unoontaciogb (t>ress•� �►-my xPte's lkrg, whioD day en at fault, for so mu°hai depends upon The 8t• Louis Uu1•-^ a; t �,�pl ►jam I I req» aligQetI r s 'N, k
quickly. "I am in a position to v< �8m haidly ra ,u position to support w at'she did l whether she, who was I teacination the dark shadowy prints, by dap became morin apparent, and I the nlaarnene or brilllAaay of the cod-
tradiot that euapiaton entirely. It is a wife. But's few judicious words from so far wiser and better than he was lett in are flat white>less. TDa tall then she began to talk strangely and I 290 feet root arw, 81 traoka lino 2Y the expraOen r•, _ • fir
the object of my fondest hopes to make you would materially affect my case. ' might not have had some excellent stranger, with the grace face and alb- to say senseless things.. Fainly I strove 1 riexion, roads; Boston and Matas Station, in tbers. -�a h-»fQdT
Mess DUlaie my wife." Of course, in marrying Mis+ Duloie Hal- I cause, far beyond the caprice and the letic though now stooping form. had to fight the fear which was fast grow- I "Be IIo1 the first by whom the new Boston, 240b80 test, 28 tracks and i
"Indeed, 'Trichet 1" liday I shuurd be taken into partner- , fickleness o1 which he in his blindness never shown the slightest desire to ing to certainty, till at last the via- is tried" doe° not apply to dressing,
"Mr. Dane, I love that girl with all ship." had accused her, for the step which make Lrienda; indeed, rad seemed i lance of a mad woman left me in since it should be one's pride to origin- three oompaniea; the Board street Sia
my heart -I worship her -L adore the I " Albert Trichet IN almost shouted , she bad taken. Perhaps it had seem- determined to avoid an chance or risk ' doubt no longer as to the terrible ate, if not indeed the whole trend of tion, Philndel his, Pa., 170,988 Leet, 18 TO OONSUMPTIVESe
ground that she treads upon 1'' And Mr. Dane. " Are you mad I Into part- ' ed to her right that he should be sub- I of doin so. Years ago when the girl's thing which had come upon me. I dig- I a he costume, the leaner fe:turos, tracks and one road; the Philadelphia I Th, by simple ell having Dean restored w -
carried away by his emotions, Albert no.rahip I" ' ' jected to this hard and bitter test of g P y I roverod then, [rat Der grandmother I whli-h, breause of their artistic beast g health br dmD •-seas afar mlferla` for •ev-
I has sincertt and then, alas! how Mia- mother had called u on the lone] p' and I3eadin Btaliva, Phlladelpbla, iA8-'era[ rBaro with• Nvrre lues affection. and
slid down on to one knee by the side of . ' Well, and why not I" answered the y newcomer, she had found him avt hL mbe 1 had died in an asylum, and that a i are often the distinguishing points "I 000 teat and 14 tracks; the Union Sta- I that dread dbaa a cowatimpeton, ie anxious to
his trait. young man tranquilly. erably short had it not fallen of the end he only ackuowladged the is p i brother, whose very existence bad been the whole. Careful dressers personal- make known to has fellow mtrere'sthe means
"Mr. Hnlliday's room ie on tee floor I Mr. Dana began pacing up and dcwn . standard to which he might have at- a citta note of Loaned explaining that 'i bidden frim me, had slant himself while ly direct the making of their gowns, tion, Chicago, ill., 115,800 toot, 9 tracks' of cure. To those who de.ire it• he will cheer -
above," remarked Mr. Dane, dril the room in n state of rained. Dietl he began to be aware, P temporaril Insa e. 1 „'can't describe p°.
y. groat perturbs- y a nater made or received calls, and Y P evmn t u toe emalleoL detail. The au- and tour nom nies ; the Dearborn I fully Boonda.'d tii°� Artie) & u Do o sure au l-
"Wrist tae this got to do with me if tion I that between them there was built v- lived a life of study and unbroken sot-. to you the horror of the next few gust modiste has no terrors for them. street Station, Chicago, 99,710, feet, 10 for c'an,rum tion, Axth"la, Cata"k Br•on-
you please 'i' "Such an idea Das never occurred some barrier over which it would nev- ituda. '1'o -night, as ter mother talk-' mantle, when the beet brain doctor�s It is they who must wear the gown, tracks and 8 roads, and Grand Can- I ,%Ili. And .l throat and lung Maladies. He
"Everything, Mr. Dana -every- to me in my life I" be murmured, hall I er be possible for him to pass -some and Ire girl's attention wandered in London pronoun^ed her case hop and they should knout what t hey trnI Station, New York, 895,840 feat, I ho�n�uubten Tha+e a�iri�Q INS ori+ 1pWoa
thing 1" cried Triohat, with enthusiasm. aloud. thing outside and beyond all those to the growing number of blue -gray lamely inrurablP and when 1 cad den- want. Un LDP other band, gown de ll tratkx and three roads. which will awtthea- nothing and may prove a
"Because, as every man in this great " 1 daresay not 1 1 daresay not 1- things that were clear as daylight to (ootprint.s in are snow, an uaumual cit-' ell I could t° restore the balan^a of bar signing is an art -a talent -not equal- The task of lifting bodily a railway h tia"Ing will please address
houseknowB, nothing can go on in it ideas are the birth of circumstances) him; the difference in creed and age, c otprints arthetsn her thoughts and disordered mind, without avail. I di ly distributed, and many, many women bridge of 110 tons and removing it I Rev, EDWARD A. wttaotr.
without your sanction. Allow me, I and of time I Pray do not be disturbed l tho singularity of Der position tvlth Hol wAnl to Bend the poor [ring away; w°old lw but Harr x ataalPe 1t the Brooklyn, N Y.
drew her still farther from the sordid Y Y down nlream u diatunce of 'lb0 Leet, has
entreat you, to plead my cause." Mr. Dane. Let me put it to you fairly regard to her father-in-law, and the and wheriat ll conversation. A servant but the mat Ler wam'Uaken out of my launched at Once to outlining ent ire
Matthew Dane, like all autocrat", and reasonably. You have no son -no friendship which -as be truly believod cams ouL of the house and handed to hands. ff hen I as ea recovr•rinR from toilets just !wen acoompllared at Milwaukee,
was not insensible to flatter he lik- le itimate son," He I -was good [ebb so ip, bat not love. p a e, I a wound a my are temple -you .�
y, g pa°Bed half a sec- the m u an orange colored envelo e, Wfure deciding upon a toilet study Na, is 'the brl:ige, which was a single I THREATS AGAINST THE QUEEN•
ed his ower to be acknowled ed;. he ond, and ave his chief a furtive If alt trees, , t some miracle, might which he did not o e.n till he was see I am dratined to tarry n reminder y,.ur own lines and contours. Remeru clack, drew, spanned the Kinnlckindio
smiled a little grimly, and intimated glance. Mr. Dane took absolutely no j game of t er tris eoP which alai know agnea alone. Then he diBappeared. s stedronaremov ng herho an ta.v,thim, y,) y"er gown ran mixed d Y"u d[a- i .n of the t'hiruga And hOnb-wont- I t•PastaP•• to Roclaad RPA!". tea RPr
by a sign that he would graciously con- notice " What do you intend to do ° h 8 The girl returned to conaci oneness y•,u err prtirt ic.illy n fixed and torr- rte)rsty. •t.tt to yraaeP.
sent to hear the lover's story. about the House -you are not going I noihn gto n s tD[hemf iButf fig as man Witb n slight start, and became dimly her everP sin Bve been obliged to IentP g„ne conclusion, and if yctrl are slend �n,i131 +e tbunh h rerDuura athovxtlr o-!
"Mr. Faulkner, when out of 'your to allow it to collapse, I imagine, for fee t p aware of a question in her in ther'a er or stout, you will remain no: rind it { A deepatDh from London, nays-Tha
presence, sir, makes no secret of which lack of a sucoessori I marry Mise I ”°Ch a poor creature, he asked of him- tare sad voice. SDP rinkPd, ret random, The girl had drmwn nearer to him : Ig to the auUioan of wont dress ur torp be,ng t oxted °° two "cows, placed ' pnp,•rm are elbowing uneasiness at the
sister be refers; but his ealousy is Dulcin." Geoffre i[ I self, that he {e incapable of loving his story had barn a shriek to her. but At equal divtane.ul fn,m tDe centre..
P J i tin I y, you like, and iP fol the sake of the loved one alone! the first answer that occurred to her: her thoughts were not of herself "Row "'rnf that you must look for the thrPatN of rennin French paperat t hi
6o great, that because I unw t g y he dces not fly in the face of his good I "Oh, yes, if you tike, mother 1" The enh;inein of charnte or the covering .tta•i am•inR p.ncrd la pnq)er gong
placed myself between the sisters, he fortune, may marry Mise Angel. Hal- Has he eo little heroism, so Pe r must I reply wxs evidently appropriate. A dre' dmulst he ale i and how I ym of drfec•is. µ gin, ill*. sr �A af,were m pumpvl a Into tf m•hehe�aan°expect sto I e tbP avrotum
was unable to distinguish my friendlf- liday's money Ls thus kept in the : tion of self sacrifice, [oat D I smile diffused the hard, weary features y Itun DACk, mentally, over all the
Hasa to the eldor Lrom m love towards busineae, ina[ead of Dein carried awe needs have all, or else fling all away I' the elder w he h ;the very Wilk of nevmr IPL mP know you all 1hPPP yP11rA3' dreemen you hove had whiob were , them •1 hen the fnundaUOnsg wrtip of nutragAe. TDP T ae Saye that H
tee younger, consequent y he lost hie to alrapgera. And we have tee Hou e . her gown seemed to squeak sudden a a rl ieuLur and lass ing eatisfarl inn,
upon are wade and the wavee4 f'e'ns ' I -i dared not I" --he turn,•,] aw•a inn enod• and ronnectionn havin been any UnfgrtanAlP InrldPnr oPAlla .t
head, and with a burst of the most of Dane and Tricbet of the future to ,there no self devotion, n° ungelfiahnPge roaal p mu did not Har aha ginry of oft and Nnd y"u wilt find a k, ynute of mitn,lar Ol,gla tlip %at the Amen and the Innd will know wh re to place the
frightful passion, let loose a huge and carry on the business -a true Dane' of purpose, no purity of life, even left i P „ My dear good child, thin is sweet suffering alai a he in her hi dark vy eumewhere. It m.,y be eolul, but the ,1. the water wile Dumped nut, nod blain
violent bull -do whom he ken chain- and a true Trichet—" ;upon earth -that a man -the creature of you I That poor young man will be eyes. Maybe he lean{ hath in her lik•ly it was the grana it gave to the the 't1 imn Rladua,ly IiflPtl from
ed in a back yard to frighten away " Mr. Albert Trichet," said Matthew,' m no In th i amt f thea ake of so, happy. ffhereupon the dear gond li the o[ hn('emsae°le Int,, his Pre[ LDP lenaf,h of your waist or rhe, nhApe "f 'tv 1'' "tum Iwo tug- Ihen cawed rt
thieves, and net him upon me. I was sto -n short in bis Y P y.- P ped -n a black ailk rm- R P th• shoulder. F3Par these ha rely; .1"a`" the stream to its new renting' ��
pp g perambulatrons I of such a high and God -like love? Had cDlld was envPlo y 11•c i.m� In mind and r ulell P nr,orpnt- _
most borriblq mauled by tee brute, and regarding hie clerk fixedly, "your ,this thing died oat (ram tee face of brace and covered with impulnire " it waR unkind nt Ott," Nle avid : "T I y � I' _
and only escaped with difficulty with mother's maiden name, which you have kisses. might have been better than nwhing." xto them in the [.1mhlnnipg of your Ila 1r1Ltl Intl 1lttft' ft1.D 7IIF: BARN
my lite." assumed, wits Josephine Trichet; your a earth? When he remembered how . .' And will you tell him so yourself, She crept close to him. :Int shyly new wardrobe. �t
Hut this ie shameful t" Dried the old fatter a few pleasant idle days, a natural dentia; Or stall 1 xPa him alone first f put her hands ill one of Div; he hoot }Plvet :trial fur nre :'In1„Nt univrr+al fl .tw �„ �j
man. "TDie moat Jw looked into -it ie My fatDer-im dead, Mr. Dane,' esid I yielding to the seductions of the hoar r expect you will both feel a little sh over them, hnldinp tht•m to lin brow I laecoinm wh11P I ,. n a b.ul Ar-
aad even a champs ue sa per, act- y Y g• h I,I pr ' . a o .ipprarltlR wit-
s case for the lice.” Albert, lookin at bim si nificat I - 8 P and ronatrained." "Little girl "" r dont ban nvl red," h•' leen"n fol dun fr..tun x. If Lac1 ,v
"No, Mr. Dano No 1 I have for iv- 6 8 y' ' ing upon his senses and bis fewer nn- y n s - h ,v a m• e' liken I,t•t•:t rwl frnm purest and Boat for Table and Usury
B "I have letters," he added in a tow' "1 should like you to see him by said softly. "f3Pttrr than anteing.- unr•d rnrnfu ly. +Firer th 4hade. Pure
en him. Mr. Faulkner has tendered voice, " letters to my mother that tura, had been powerful enough al- m ,,,, rr•,,. i im, .n n"ni • ,r. la at, I No adulteration. Never cakes. -
• hie a to ies, and for the sake of tho most to drag him down from the 01vm- yourself, mother," geid the girl, inning it ery haat that I you nn• blRy t than lendo used' l i mannan uftoh Dna n
po g Drove -Dat we will not, I tlalnk, die- un of tie ae irations to the Haden t Anr wondering wilt cOmptro disinter- everything vert l rooid nal fir to ynu trod. n y iot le hi cnmplear ,- .rn k I, 11i.-- ' I,. " ra bn'.,'•1••r ,, rhP
Lady, whose name I honor, I have con- turb the ashes of the dead. I have no P P ant what would be the Haar,,-.• of Ile, ' („mel' Rvery day Rtnrr 1 brat ram,• r( i ,, al-, hr,,wnlxe or rr Pam
sented to overlook the affront, and to wish to rake them up, have you i” the sordid considerations of this world's P I ,,, In r t ^ • " 'n "" p R E 3
bur the ata silence. We cannot g 'comforts and Oonvenianees-tbmn, in- ata°Lal °DPrration and wandering Ir- hour t think i wrimp in ra g,hen ma „ntv r,,f blur• the rtT•,rve mt[e 1. 1 1,,,� ,,, t .10- w, I kn• wn int h,
q pa "Not at all. You are ri ht. PoorI a once. moul to ser ynu tome ,n rel the dour rrut,h ..f a„nn nt Ihr n,v k, or in the
dra in a lad a name, you see, sir 1” 8 y dead, he realized bow drep was the D "" ,n t b FI u h - ha'r
g y' Mao, t was ngbou b of !owl birth, abyss into which he had well nigh "And 1 may tell him-" said 1hP pissed.diIlwas oftlen InneIN. hall it Hw r"h, m pit 1,f n hill Im ,,flea juvt 11.r
"I understand, Trichet. Let me tell n most deserving and respectable per- -Oiler PRgerly. D' ntM r„nlplem rel far rhe riot nfp'•1 r i. „ u ”" "'''r t .h, "t (j'Ri:9
yon, yon have behaved very well in Ron -a mad pity be died so young I" He 1 fallen. " Anything you like," her daughter isf;ed me to know that von were nrnT � y„m hill or cnmple\rrm , f 1..• n. ” k .I. ".,) , uue.l
this unfortunate matter." (To be Continued.) ft amused me in w„nd. r Nhar wr
"Thank spoke 4urriedly, alma9t with aoII[ugion. _ _ -�_ nnswerrd nA MDP dianppearPd. rr1, N„rI1Pn k1,11N 111' Ortlln ”' f 11, .. li ..1 .I 11{. ,a .m r11.K.rlrr n NO i FeVeT• i .,rl9C4tiora.
you, Mr. Dane, thank you," There was a moment's silence. AI- the servant entered with a ten t rAy. should any to each "th°r .f ever we r le rt ,•N rl h,,,,d :Ind nr r, [Der f ,n• „ A I• •• ' ' R. rt w r.,, it t,Xur r
re lied the oun man modest) ' I y, A DRUGGIST'S ORDERS. No R Wc,rms
p y � y• bmrt wntcDed him na.rrowl m,,]e op the fire. and Iowerwl ,he met•" „r,'t r.,•r.ls,nnnlly v•Pn their bPa., ;
have, I hope, striven to show forbear- " Does hr uess what I found in the a a
i - ndI ma look g Here are some ordertt recently re- blinds The girl paaAPd aw.ftly }-et"said the., girl "1 ,trmrler aha' tnl ,h's Ir. pis n•, ach•n ty,vhlm or ,. 11 :�n,: 1, .I 'h,• 1„rrI 1.�rn 1,u�1 Irl„ 3 int�ints'Dlaeoeea
on s r al I not t° kee ty too- g sewed by a druggist in a neighboring through the hnll, wrapping a soft farm) colt ran hold "n, h happ) rhr..r, •• ab.ntl in •n hr h nr ,v l .. nunuiy dr,.vsP•I ' h I .1. n , kn"a, \1'.'111 . „A. n•"" I Nc,. 4 Dtarrhr•n.
naoeand cod (Gel n a y letl.era?" arcked toe youn er man of
toy f, y P himself. city: rlOnk about hmr ax ahr wrIIl, and th'•n, life? Dn ynu re111) belrlr that )U9r I h h,1, 1, n.,:ur,•'v finA touch ,,f ,.a t •nn n n' m -n h+. V t',ps
tie untoward episodo a aeereti And ^ Does he know that he was born , 'This child is my little girl, i send opening k side dcx,r, ::nd closing It riddle ,will he ,"deed ”' IP u Slit- nre Ian— mad,. bill
now permit me to lay before You my before hid mother's marriage V amked you five cents to buy two siilemA flow- quietly behind her. mhA mlpped our m " i think." hr he til ar far,ar,u Y y 1 :, , h .•a n`'' I I' h•• n-. a No 7 ( I,,,, nv'fir Cc�i 3
hopes concerning Miss Dulcin.' the elder in his inmost soul. was N,,Ivmd I„ the triPfanem ,,.0 vow inx. ill -hr of your fr 4t. p a Prig: 1. h•.•-, r,u 1' N,. D ilct,rinr-hl+.
"My good fellow, I am not her Lath- ••So you ane, do dere tar a groan u adult who r mike. t° the whifh nverPd gtrden in the gl, fa-ordrn ,t br„ught me ,nr. bur •h• ,ddA th,a n,fr. pltaut ma. t d ,. n” ` P"' ") 4i''° A plr Ica Tty,i)Plstn, 1ndlAPatton
you not, that Por Deer orse of un gif bearer frim badge which,]faired it from ok, ne,fab Ih npeo i,, the „ d,, N,rh .q ynu pl•,rr and ,, .. h
er." the sake of your old friends, my moth- aenge worms of AUnt10 To<yn for tO harinR patch abate Nava bn,k.nvl,arr aha neavv„f ml pent wlont dhe and r1.•„Ip , w,,mnne oNn fault it Nhr ° % Ji• It n, pt•a f„r ,n .r. Nc• 11 UPlnyed pPrluda
"No, Mr. Dane, but yon are capable er and my father, I have a certain gargle baby's throat and oblenge. large enough t° squeeze rhrouRh. and )nu rime t” •.Aar mr frnm the finn"'r ,,,Tr111,r f indeed not strielk I '•'n, f „n,•- ani ,el 1'a” ° ^
of influencin her father, and I want n N. •. I - Lrlu hlvrtra.
to sok for our cod oPfioea on m °Infra aeon you, independent f alai Yon will pmas give the leetlr hal a moment Ia1Pr she wnB Nk.mmnifa n[ he thnugh,v" IMrn iful n. ,, h 't1I 1, •, n )+'t•! a•,u •,,,•
y g Y services I have been fortunate enough,fivecents worth of apPone for to throw ncrnvs the very lawn where .hr hryd TDe Rlrl wnull Iwcr drawn -m. her }., a ierr hal In the Mata yon mus h• t, a f.•m h,r 'rr, a.A Ver 1D Crctul,.
behalf." i ie: to render you?" said Trichet at length. up in a five monthat' old bahe, N. H.- just seen the nwnPr'R fontatPpv mill- hand-, hot he d nti h•d ,hem, mhr fn ln• era ,11,nu -tries P, ur nP t t .,' >"u
Mr. Dane eat silently strok ng h Well, no doubt, there is something p y' g n the snow• As mile had er- Rw"Y" a 'it" • ,red hr su , ,ortrd her p 1, yq r'- t h•.,a 1 ) •n wr, N, i 11 Sk•n mntl9 e9
thin Ip the palm of Dia hand for alma In what TDP babe lav o ante RtuaLmirk ti 1 In i Nrth him arm I ants, gn Ibnrk, ha, is r. mbar• 1h,• ynu feel I'ka wall war• I.' n (' i"' t t' I -nr n• w .,I,I Vr, i fS F3hPumnllsrrt.
momenta. He goof bi to b° Aor some you "ay, my dear boy. I am I haveacute paininmy rhild'a din• parted, he had left hiagnMen door or -n o , ,ill.,, In •hr nrw, hitrb collnr. n '••n t ,, ° 1• t „rel h,n1. , :, i .
mated b la1n clerk. Once be darted willing to thintt it over, in order to (gram. Please give my eon somrthtng and thrrugh lhiA aha made hr•r wnv v id talntl) Ha in,an her run I ^rave-+ l hr next byat th-nu to do iR to of „n N ' 10 C'anto'r•,•
P Y ondeavor to [ell in with your not np- t° release [t. into the hall, and thrnre int,, thr „sly her tenderly " f ,m R+"ng to take „n ( rr n up-lnd-,lawn ,lecora:ion far th• V 1 k �• '•uh'n.,a ,L.• ,Id 'A•m• r
a keen, shatt-Uke, glance at him, as rPaeonmbla oiewe." My Ilttle babeq has stat up its lath- rmm tram which as yPt n Tight rmrrg home.' Dr said iNo �; Ki :nPly Dirtensa+s
Wouggh a sadden Bnmpiaion had arose- �ban.l• •h•`rel.y Rlv�nrl It so appearnn , •'t•' .t
ed hie diad) but from the candid fav I He sat down by the table again and arta parish plaether. Bend an Ante-' ad A cozy fire and a red -shaded InmD ,,f added heigh' ,ns1PRd of the rounded 1 . n " kn1 w h".. o d mt hnu•e No 134 Sc)re ThroeL
turned en rairin 1 towards Dim, °o -I reached out his hard to his clerk with dote quick an possible by the enclosed showed her a charming Rtudy, lined All the prinonPis of New iork =te s' le orihni whish iv t,, ed of! with ' t'a'll " P "'t 'a•"ut as "Id p Feve-
Q l;y a from floor to railing .oh lu,nks, and Y DD No "- Grl A Hey
thing could be gattitred, save a most I sa appAarance of fraaknesa and eym- girl, i twnitantnnea nre prnMieallp in n atntP p, fiats which -aka the fare Intik like \• , 1, i.r and Her s 1 he roof saernu
retard, �ld 1 e gatke ted, s y as to ost pathy. I haf a hot time a my insides and in a deep arm -chair before the fire vhP Dr RT&I your Da Ront'aOr tDk M•P'v °+
Albert took LDP band and shook it wish I wood like it to be extinguished. beheld DPr tbrPP-yea ra' nPIgDIK r. IDP rt enforced id lPnPVA. In 1hoNP naafi nroluvndr hI Ilia Pffer'h a- an thing hit• In •hr a• Tln.r hml to l"wet h.• Ali en+•a at yORT prstnrfsa•er MaVee tTrP
answer to his request. A -W bT d •t nr sent an rat sena ,f sacra.
°'To tall yon the tfnth," avid biel warmly. What Is good for to extinguish it The owner of this delightful fill Ir nanct nm tentA rlPR w'hPrP Ills pTl R,,nd (b ra l- r„ ,N• desired a ,n a rsthor plumt' n• P .I• -peed „R and t twyPr e0u •int .No D l Ppa'Yad. �•.(or. willtaO
shin! ret l you "I em not nate hisI -AbI that In right; now we under-IenetrlRPd money is or the price of the! on the threshold nhP stood Ptill ,lith last year inann.,y spread Wilts rani- W 1 J kn8b•NawYaet
Rtand each other. You see yon can't extinguisher. Hurry pleas astonishment- From what she bad , dity I
flgnre rt.;n • 'sl' h m I.Ark •�
that Mr. Halliday would consider you a .
. .
- a , N v \,'V,, e
,. . . a •
„. n, nail rl�r�infi.c.." ,fi d /..+�nR ; t+"w �t4%v \. a .., vs e: .......... .. \ a, .\,n4kW>a�cw:r1
.�, I 1w.., \ b �\ ,\ \ \ a \ 4 \ . ll ✓d M.
. ..., • ... •'•, •. "• Y¢L�..a-Y..., W W. a,:--� r,ha•K u e, m.. ,1 � Yn ✓d uJ ••. m .n....
•laiiftit:a,�Y4"a•,iairl'�lY:,Yt:3i.tfrii�rL.J1.i,:,lt'�•.[.r•.it'IiJ,re,..i^.Ii.i�Jl�.aI1L - - ....uu. :,.ti.�i4.:f...- .. a ... .. ....ac. r...r,.„ est': ti.ivl wwe. RL, :,.:,::. ue. , r . .� .u. -u.-