HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-03-10, Page 6* -
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- �ta� OUI BONDI Careful attention to the smallest details enable uniform p
pI�1 gars the water ie placid it nays [to-, into crowns. The opening day comes, snake contributions gems
to tt; and I think st s he 21orn el es Fortrt
(� �( (1pj1�111 4Ll�jTlji�t g and the people come a. and the work rho brightest game in the palace will It retold o1 d aertsil� Learned man of quality and flavor. Try
U�j1Il� 0� GREAT BEAUTY. 11 thin ob.ut the rapids writhing among D that he spent half his lifetime acquit- s
the rtrc':p and the fall of one hundred Is displayed before them. Well, the be the gams that come up from the With POlntt Fomard-tv tp$ fluadoy itI tan difterpdtlangnagep,
and sixty-fomr feet So there are Lord Jesus will Bathombledfunverse soepre, and iThey n gleaming and then went and married a wife
REV. DR. TALMAGE SPEAKS ON THE Christiane oxperiencea Ittraung plunidly and before the who doves gives hint a chance to get aL.UD
LLA I 1, u
HOST bEAUTIFIIL JEWEL before You. You envy this experience l their splendor shall shine forth. That in belt of imperial beauty. add to all
„el-potti Christ- the venae of eternity, 'in the duy The thorn patrtt of disease word in edgeways.
but you don't realize the fact that that I will be the great ye '�' lES an riche Or pain. Blit the -�
man has gone ealthri many rapids of lans often tremble at the thought of when the Lord of boats makes up hie TO OUR -1121"111161. LT, LoA4 'Pk:A Lead packul;es. z5, 30+ 'l0' S� and bac.
Motes for Jewels ea the shelves or Ceylon temptations, and m0y have had many that day. It is to be a day of fire and jewels.' g_ blood & the feeder of the �EAQ�Rst
thunder, and mountain oraeh; and yet Ohl that God's (living -bells belle might / The editor deoirea to Inform his ! R CANADIAN rj` 11J
-�eeperthaT711terlhe gwrger the Peart ¢violent Lall- on Some not ug wriole bodjl. .�'urlfy it with readers that he is authorized. through OUI! UNPaRaI�EI.EQ O��ER TO11
Ti Tined.,Ja V" were a site --rhe Qs pat of triumphal eacoual n- it general
he archesareacre Amidst the thea Ban tudee of the rte- depths of yonrinns.o forthatthe kin - the courtesy o1 N. C. Poison & Co•, u
Christ *,aa est Thews a 1ho Ge.
tri u4g, the occfloas
a urn scattered, the rL ►mad there will not be one pale wheal might grim you for the king- HOOdrS $arSapatilla. Kingston, Ont., to offer each one nut- - _ -
braes bundn ploy, and the people huzza, ch,ok• not one f I u� t Bring heart. The dom, that yon may at lent be pre- in from catarrh, fetid breath, bron- A LtaHA v t°,r ""„ o•"r tt.stro.000 eo ► ll. e
A despatch from Washington, soya:- as he acmes book from the war. Oh I thundore that pound the hills will ba pared for ills grout jewel setting. $idgeys, liver add stomach will at chitia, eta., a simple outfit of Caturr- s LIBRA v t ,,,» ,i . to " °"•aro eh. •efts•
Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the what an easy thing to be a general 1 � no more frightful than the beating of In Golconda, it a slave find a die, once respond? No thorn in this point. hoz°ne. Caturrhozone is a liquid A ��L�`p p®"pR r.n t°e'^ `"""`°d`e
uu to a banquet. mond of extraordinary value, he takes A IA A 1 B is -y n»°t° ck.t a h,. b<oome Ehr
following text: --They shall be mine, But you forget the nights of peril -you a gong that eu lu ]un that day, will it up to the Government. and the lllOOd 1a01BOt11nB-' The surgeon said which, when inhaled, reaches every (� .ana,ra of .n�Cad,.h=D°°t'°t oo.•»[nee of cs•
sa[th the Lord of boats, in that day forgot the carnage, Chu thirnl, and the The Wool, rising it P LIBRARY FOR O world cb°t ,t yLdee sande live
hunger, the wounds, and the long wrap arouad it I bo reeurreotlonn its s Government those
given him his liberty. It when he took out the brass rtheil received tD curiae catarrh andallna al and and throat e A L�e you uu,nplete r... tang. of every oubjm .
when I make up my jewels." -Malachi march, and that he I,[ -convulsion
the our- and the rocking of the earth, is fie some of those who are this morning that
it at uta June Hill two gotwasDefoe; diseaasses. For a short time [heap sam-
fit. 17. I Ladd of victory out of rho stiff hand of doth -convulsion ++111 seem as gentle the slaves of sin, while they are seek- that tt would have poisoned mo U 1t had 1� will be given free. It never fails r nn
Far enough down in the monntuine death. And so theta ore Christians to it as Cha awayutg of a bough from Ing for God, world find this Pearl of not boonHoo dor ar pure blood. I told burr It P g �O ��� Bi �t�hi!<lic�• JNOME
now ata on in the triumph istian-� which a thein 5',,age into the heav- great price, the hour oP their eman- was Hood'sEarsaparlllatlut madsttppera:' to dare. So write at onus to the above
>����� • ' THE GREAT
going p cipation would come, and the king GIONGN P. Cohrxa, Co. G, 23 U. S. Int, address•
to make us dig, and deep enough in I ace and you may envy them, forget- ens. Washington iarracks, Wasttlnston,D. C. LIBRARY.
the sea to make us dive, are gems of fol of the tact that there was many a Oh I it will be ,be wedding day -the would make proclamation from the Many an ignorant man to credited IN (SO) THI TY SUPERO SINGLE VOLUMES.
exquWte beauty. The kings of the � waterloo of temptation and trial they Church on aartb rnarrted to theChurah throne. Baying, "n lipsone
O ay jewels. DYou have oh suffered from sevlir! attacks of friend
with superior intelligence simply be, gp DAY OFFER.
earth gal her them together, and net' were obliged to fight. Be content in heaven; but ° .rem ny� the arch- found the Pearll BeBa nap of Loy 1 mattnm, Hood's 8[µ7appaasr1111a orad both•
with ouch Christian exporienoe as God to solemnize i nr
We would nty4 Da vCii]leat 11." Wit. H. cause he doesn't try to show off. _ _._ -�_ ____._
them in the hilts of eworda, In crowns, I may we fit to give you. angel's trump w,ll proclaim the banns• Lxsraa, illi Loulfald tit, Iyall River, i4aes. -
and vases, and careanets. Queen I History tells us that in the Middle, inatead of orange-blosaoms, there will AN AMBASSADOS'S FIRST VISIT. Many people suffer with catarrh ens
Charlotte and Marie Antoinette boast- Ages the precious stones were symttgls be the Yragra65, delier and ran.ir s of burning spine- til it becomes chronic, because they do
Must Net Make a vfeft 17wttl He Wa Been , .•. not know how easily it may be attred.
ed of these. Leo owned a pearl worth torthnstuacelethe jusixrsw ueiconsirleddle ged bonfire o! the +'msumi�ngrworld. What Received by Ike Qwtxa. Ten days' tree trial treatment ought
eighty- thousand crowns. Philip of I the symbol of St Peter, the sapphire a day that will het the marriage o1 When anew ambassador arrives is to be oonvinoing. bend fifteen Bente
Spain bought n gem worth fifteen of Ft. Andrew, the emerald of St. John, the king's awn when God the Father-[oWartltsearegvilneIthe_non4critt an to cover cost of
mailing outfit. Dr.
London he does not teal at liberty to only eat tr • q • - • wtetllial Ray'a 6ttooeaeful Remedy Go., Toronto.
thousand ducats. The white, topaz of the chalcedony of tit. Jumue; the par- will take thin slur of a world, and net invitation until he has been
Portugal had an untold value. The dunyx of St. Philip. Thome stones the sparkling gem on his Son's right accept any
were not more different than the men hand, saying, l'his is the kingdoml" received by the queen. If the queen When a married couple or a pair of It is said tbat riches have wings;
King of Persia bought a gem
worth they symbolized. While l When Christ aball stop out from the the price of ostrich feathers would in -
King at Windsor or at Osborne, thin audi- shoes are exactly alike they r
tine million six hundred, thousand liv- would have you, ns u Christian, polish heavens and titke by the hand the make a fitting pair.
res. The diamond belonging to the , your Christian grace to the very lust , Church, wbi+ h ,s the Lambe wife, that on oe [s granted without delay. t she dioa i that wings also have stones.
degree of brightness, 1 would not have, will be " the day in which he InAes is in Seetland, or in the south of MM Tnj�, Fair weather friends are plentiful
Austrian coronet, lost in the battle t you eompluin that you are not like up his jewels " Iil1Le COLS ENDORS++S butfeware willing to hold an um- d
Granson, bad a whole fortune 1❑ it. somebody else, or think it strange be- You know the lapidary arranges yew-
Franoe, the ambassador must await brella over you during a storm of ad -
Spain, France. Britain. boast of their 1 cause chrysolite, and topaz, and time- Pia according it, their size and oolour. her return before making any public y,
jewels, find on coronation day are i thyst, and emerald don't lilt shine alike. This one w•11, ,to best for that Placer engagements. Etiquette requires him
proud o1 the crown set on the brow ' Be content to be one of God's jewels, another wil, do best for another place. to pay his respects to the sovereign The Report of His Cure of Rheuma- Catarrh Cannot be Cured
although you may not have as much So it will be in heaven. I suppose John More aeealtting hospitality from her tlsm with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can -
of the enthroned potentate. The lustre as segao one else. Concerning and Peter will be just as different in Y not reach the soatofth disome. OatarrItisa
'mighty nations of the eartbi have all you it hue been arid, tie well its eon- heaven as +, ban they were on earth. I subjects• blood or cone,ttuttonal disease, and In order t0
suppose that ,f a antis spirit were de- An ordinary visit to the queen le
boasted of their costly gems, have corning the most sparkling Christian pp R P sty lDeda a affray Plne When Every •WrI Catarrh Cure Homo lx taketaka n laterally, sot ternal �aduadl
churaeter, "'I'D%y shall be mine in the parting on earth the soul of John made on whet le called a "dlno-and- • rad Memetiy Hwd Fulled -Hie Cees ecWyonthebloodandmuooussurtacgs. Hall's
guarded them with extreme vigilance, day when I in up my jewels." I would be the very one to come and sleop,, invitation from the Lord Stew- was ExeeptlewrtYU severe But Quickly batarrhCure i•not aquack vt•dfalae. It was
have rung them in the chime of lbolr p glory. ard. The new ambassador takes his yielded to Dodd's Uldne7 PI11a. prescribed by else of the coat physicians In this . . . �"'�-
Phe jewel-gnncuig. '['Dat le the take It u to for L suppose that if oovwtr for yearn, and is a regularpraacrip" 1 OORegu'Rr Price Of Q�n QQ
poste laureate, and have handed them' sawing and the splitting process b ¢ martyr were torn by the rack, the predecessor's letters of recall and hie EntiregatDellVeted Q This
Superb Bet, 1� vee
y own credentials, and presents them to Windsor, March 6 -Mr, F: G. Cole, eon. It ie ompoeed pt rho boat tefle a kanwn, pn Paymant of Only W •--*-
down from age to age as an evidence; whish the gem is taken from its rough sou! of Pain +vould be the very one to ooabined w,th the0aatbloodpueldere defect
elute and ahangod into any [Ding that Petah him to heaven. I suppose that the queen. - He dines at the royal whose case was reported Ia theas met directly ou. the _macona our"""
I'he perfect
of national wealth. I the lapidary chooses. Sapphire, Caron- if a wands er of tt a street were dying diad newspapers, last week.I..---..
tai on Monthly Payment.
Io In sixteen Monthly Offered for a0 Dep at !a0 Oath,
residence as the queen's guest, andap�o�d>icoe .pod wonderfultaremlte '. o slug ��PaY�ba et s2 0o snob. _-� dnrYb1y b„n"d t--- o .<0 7ne
"Well, the Lurd Jesus Christ, our 1 Y p converses with bar on chs friendly re evenings
a friend on the. etraet, a couple of
dum, and topaz powder are used for penitent in a risen lite soul of Elia- avenin e a o. Cat►rrD. Basd for to I,N •"late, Rea BINDINOs-The fume. ars bsoawm<b °
King, has been gathering up his tress- I grinding diamonds. The rose diamond i abetb Fry would be the very one to lationa of the two countries. After g g r. J. CHRNILY&CU„Toledo.0. ukeloth binding, doabio-hinge4 wroth flexible book,. tood,tqualityybe
g dinner he takes leave tit the queen, and "Hellol Is this true that I have Gold b>sDruytets, price 760. d the money will
ores for n good while, and on the' is so [fat that ]t would have no aura° I bring her up to the li ht. wiel.wtenaeye,Itnote,d.raowry,.n
on fl all, unless it passed through 1f a lapidary had an especial gem retiree W hie room to write private let- been reading about you being cured of Halle ami Pills aro the boat. THIS NEW EDITION of pop ulsr Allen Hoprfnt NO RISK. -The net may be rotnrn.d w oe any ma
great coronation day of the judgment Pillet” efthis�emoveworkbauVDlledw,th. be,.tpr�ad.
some ouch operntiun. Novi, God's whose oolour be wishes eepeainlly set tars n Impar bearing the royyal creat• Rheumatism, by Dodd's Kidney NEW ODMpLaTa APPENDIX VOLUM[ ORDF.tt HOW,nd tote ,dr,»tdl f this ]endld
he will, In the presence of the nssem- those The next morning he breakfasts b asked his friend. Many of the world's greatest men
P Jewels all go through that process. forth—be lakes the minor gpIDa,- y • addition to our os^aevtha American 8upDlemevt oh enoe to sedate t.. i. uvr{v►led food rt udre know
bled universe show that the uud u! Affliction ion is CDs wheel and the sharp of leas +,ilue and beauty,—garnets, himself, and is driven in a royal oar "Why certainly it's true. Otherwise are unknown to fame. They are great Lappendix rolnme takes cry tmportaot tlue lu the ledge —
g I should never have erdnitted it to ba becasue they share their joys with oth- work sad give. all the knowledge chat t. now or rodent sign this application or wrltsforfuller parttoulan
all ages are his Drown-jetvela. "They instrument that grinds the character rubies, an,l so ors -and seta them rime to the station Por the London p tondernm� 162Noin In�ormsud,ug ion wn to data. Ie
into abase. You may think that con around the great central wealth of tram published," answered Mr. Cole. pre and keep their sorrows strictly to ddntsin.rl•o62N•wops.indtua.ntthe »ewOorem- lose
shall be mine, ealt.h the Lord of hosts. "And did Dodd's Kidney Pills really mane map of Klondlke, Hawaii, Cub,. Thus, with our (�ehlltrnf".7 1 dtafrt to take optediadvantaot o
version given oharnoter to the soul. I beauty And so it will be on the last Atm this formality the new am- themselves uouraiveeialgperanthe F,nettcfoPm_
in that day when 1 make up my It tinea not. Conversion is only the I day ; Chri°t surrounded by the redeem- bassador is the duly accredited re- cure you, or was it your doctor's medi- i supplemental as
the Brleamiaa bsaomee the
latent u well u the trcaEest anniea to Canadian nri readers en�J++I [d 6* icon.
jawela.'" 1 I digging out o1 the jewel ; God atter- ed -the lesser jewels of earth surround- presentative oY hie government, and 'la nine? ABSOLUTELY OONPLET&-Thb edlLton of 26.000in.t.l $1 6o a„ initial ca=ms
words shapes and Paehirme it by his tag CDP pearl, the Pearl of great price. at liberty to accept general invite- "I was taking no doctor's medicine. ares,one or the $,two il{netrattone, Tao While at sea zt -- Tnuat rtf�
I speak to you of the jewel -finding, ( C artloiss toand .o the odelnA, and while at lee,. eh.n tare. sad i sou of it , �dlrf IfQ payor erg
Providence. Christ sometimes allows Christ ,cill took off upon the redeemed; tions. When his mission is at an end I wasn't using anything except I i .i 1 ons.thirdthe pride. It 4 equal to the revised original ��+t.OU�otherrwise thernontp ttoDbe rd urn”
he jewel -grinding, and the jewel -net- his children to fall, but they Pall tor- I upon the troubled who were oomYort- almost the lust visit he pays is a stmt- Dodd's Kidney Pi'1 'I herefore it could edition three
ting. It ie s taro thing that a jewel ward, not backward. Cbrysolite, to ed -upon the tempted who were deliv- fat one for taking leave of the sov- be nothing else but Dodd'a Kidney volumeso.eronewhichhhs t,orrlWhiichlehasn heap to Inc.
Pills that cured me." W �' C' 98`L three or four volume unrolfebl0..o--tied evoydlo eii►.
is found on the surface of the eart.L. I be cleared of its imperfections, must Bred-upnn the guilty who were par- a gn, "Was it a mild °ase of Rheuma- DD
Metbinks the sweetest song In rrte�++ "` when lnformetion is .noted by parents or chlldreo. ... •...... -• -
The heart of the mountains is cut out pass through careful burning. Oriantul doped erdign. here n is "tone at ba.dfamily sea above st] n is t, mf a Th -
The England, the queen is cordial In man- (ism?" 1 member•of the family bsoome acoostomrdt rtfer to its
carnelian, zircon, and Brazillinn topaz heaven ,viii be the chime o[ the ,wale, CALVERT S pat°.: in afewyearsth Poore" &tuad of kaowttdte --•-•
to find it. Boring, bleating, an bugs must be submitted to rho Yire bsfore its they praise God for the trials that nm and unaffected in speech, and has "Not by tiny means) It wan, on the
handed machinery, make the rock open I they get their lustre: Chreatian ebur- sawed them rand ground them forthea talent for making her visitors feel contrary, an exceptionally severe one. Carbouo Dleinleloeantel, soaoel, glut• worth m.nytimes w•vrYdaofthe work. /5O Fifth AVB., NQW York.
its fiat add drop lire jewel. rockThere aro actor, like black spree in ri amethyst,anar- kingdom f Who are those Y 16ou at ease. The new ambassador is put I suffsred more than I can describe, Tooth rowdere, •to., have boon HENRY Ca ALLEN dt CO., Publishers[must sometimes be cleared out by the answer. - These are they who came out on thea eval of a personal friend. I tried several of the remedies that �rnnnit
sw,allona. Theirmedaregular
diplomas infactr
thousands of people who may be seen. flumo; in other words, you mutat go of great tribulations, and had their -_ - _ were recommended a9 Doing 'sure to ezoellea diseases. air taenias nee proee¢abtainta
on the shores of Ca ion and poroman- I robes w,Lghed and made white in the cure' me. ut thou h one or two of o List Ask Tour dealer 0 obLila •
� g •��. Idtta Ixew[led free Oa appliaaeton puha ►aunty arit,a aha non d,tnt.r .n the mart.L COMMERCIAL
Y through the furnace. h REPORT FILE
del, watching the divers who go out to POINTED PARAGRAPHS. list,
gnus en a little temporary reY I kU"SdtTIAM s.ND a axwvsi• c,•., t+ddv..l
God's children, In time of prosperity, I blood , f the Lamb." F• r►. CALVERT & CO-,
In the ]atter part of the last can- g lief, none .went anywhere near oaring �- Lep.at.ny those [3.60 alta loo l.oaete
get pearls. At the firing of a when the sun shlnes warmly upon I fur Messrs. IIoemer. and Bessange• me. YANONOT[N BNOLAND, Stammerers rs W b... .l - The Of Do, Limited. Mfg.
gun the boats r. r y�� unbuckle the robe of their Y Nevar hit a man when he's got y6u ••When a friend urged me to try �b w ere. writ .t Do, Llmltod.
'7tian graces the rob. them their I the moot celebrated jewellers of the down. wham write to 6lay dna 12s Bs at. Toronto
and the divers go down forty f tvorl i, resolved that they would farDion Dodd's Kidney Pills, I demurred: I a _UFIN$ Yf pN7; wB tic Dr ArHolt, arra., who.111•oariaosaouheca•Cure;o I'.ctory: l�ew ldorket.
l loosely about titian; but when trouble, a diamond necklace such na the world Breakfast is another name for the believed 0" � -' '40. OttdlC than �'�"�Gtslti••g4 t'odltryt,oW. - — -
or fifty feet into the water, hluwa a north -easter, then tb,cy wrap never caw. They sent out their agents oatmeal y,. r' a_4�7 w<iyy��,i+ ROcasD
m •
find the stella oentainfu the surf Iarnnd them their Christian graces, ,�'� rletgt. PEi _-TdtN PRODUCL 8111or^
g P s, In elf lands to gather up the most A gratuitous falsauou„ =zy, _,Rftilc,',,.r -�:-. _Fio}'18c..-;fdEon�' POULTRY KEEPERS— _
then rap on the side o[ the diving- and tighten the girdle. Troubles may Thebeat ..L1 rl.elorosrtet,,aito.r.:_
arm° eo uq, think ne Cha loeasts an covtly game. They atoppad ❑ot far tiny glues itself away: use them. t Oxidsot iron, 1•,me•nl tdago<ele, whloP"iit. l neo.. ,
ball w a signal that Choy, aro randy will only sxpense. ie, rte year 17A2 Cha neck- Men oP sense sometimes makes cents "I soon began to feel easier. Mq I MOtaTREaL Cary to thehnnl h endepr drotlrearo. tit P,,viay. �Rk'
fr1W, of F.gypt, but they fear was dodo; theta were in It eight Bleep came tack; the to pains rho a Balmoral," Free Bus p°�pta LAU$ENTIAN'SA 13 h Gb-S.. O
to return, and thou the mon at the make sin -that old Pharaoh -let God'e, nut of nonsense. is St JonnsL.;Ydonua.L-
vanished, and four •boxers of Dodd's p end MAY FEVER Permanently Cured by
hundhPd diamonds, swinging around in The poorest marksman may accident- i xedlcst dvapor Inh.let+ou-•mkul•or eudcou
top haul awiYtly to the surface. People go. din rows, waving up to tit° throat, Kidney Pills mala my cure completeI Taxon and Dear �j/��/ 10 DaysMal Fre•. Bend lbo. for express on outa0.
It is a rare ,thing The dark aloud may lover over na, g ally hit the target. and thorough. I ennnot apaak too CUTTING SCHOOL WiSE JKt`0W5
ngl that you fled Y drnpping ov, the mast and shoulders, Motto of a club man: "Late to bed h[ghly oP them, acid I tsLall reaom- state .andtorar MOTH Oar,B'�uowwfutRomoayOa,ToroMour*.
gold on the surface; it is as thogough- but the°cross of Christ w111 be the pendant in crosses and crowns an alotua C. B D. SCHOOL CO., Montreal. Ti•.'_ Dr. sAntf.conatipetlonPt4•slwsyseura
lightning rod that will take the bolt-lillrs-swinging a very blaze of loops, and early to ryes." mend every sufferer from Rheumatism ruts vALU6 OR London ps Molbouru. Alis Toro"to oda
ly hidden as thq pearls aro, The out of it. You have exon people I" frsrnnns and clusters. Ob 1 what a day f he comely lase is responsible for to ase them, knotvin they will ei- care aeenre4 m 2+ honor
gt P° Rheumatium—anew epcclflo,eroLby mail ,
j, miner meet dfg, andl tlnet, and ewes[, valid., and attar awtllo under some it must hnva bePa when Louie XDi, many a lacerated heart. tfvely care." on receipt of p. DR. ROIIHY, P.O. Bo: 385, MonereaL i ' s _t i_Rt c_lsu
s" • before he comes to it, So the Lord's tremendous stroke of d�iaease, their prrsanted that to ICP queen, and, in It may take nine tailors to make a -----`-- 'Qua5per
kti � entire temperament epomed to be EVAPORATORS toH f".. /� mlty-
=,'":,t€r•,.. jewels are hidden. Once they were p th^ presence of the Court, Alarie, An- man, but one woman can break rim. THE HEIGHT OF FLATTNRY. Champion srnvP. oatadgu. rr.e. A$AN TURIEIITMFAICINE. New Tiros OU pr,
changed, and they came out of that tninette put an the necklace i But the It is surprising what an amount of G. H. nRiti MFG. 00_,-Moattr•l. _ EITHER BINDLE or DOUBLE
Lr down in the darkness, buried in rudder. sickness strong men. So i. is Court could not pay for it, and there - --- TUBE. onlyar.w t.rr. Money I
,` y g µ-•rr robber hands that. Ion ed for it; nothing some people can s°°ompliat. match.
ling opening the shooting - �ph��
treapaases slid in eine. No human In- with man of those who are going mato[. Donnerwotcerl I have gone too �O r, suvsR GRAND" Mackintosh rove aacomvdy creat.
F" vedtion could resat thomr No earl along invalids in the Christian fife- and. be Pore that diamond necklace had Parents should send their naughty Par to the lefts ne.erhardene•i.tu.ranteeaweter Cylinder t
I ,` p ver weak in the service rP God. After children to a nautical training school. Attendant. Not at all, your High- proof, bw rthl-ll O -,ower. Be- f001ne LQrd t1�M, B. NORTHAM, - TORONTO.
rte ever so tar. down In the water, no y real done its work, it had disgraced one rot RubberClothlMCo-,Sontreal, tp h p
old wad' ever safer down in the i, they have pnssed through some g enuntom, dishonored a cardinal, brand- No man over gets l poor stat be des. the target [s Ylztsd too moat to AMR NeoIS(0�I
I s disaster, that diaster having been ed with red-hot iron n favourite of the can afford to have holes in his pock- the right. L. COFFEE & COq xeteblWtaa lilt
earth, but ,the - Agents y°" a:tis+n..e:i lace• ha N►antsd Bu�a�oOILS Cosier
grace of God came � sanctified to their souls, they become Court, and blackened a page of his- eta. y
r strong mph in Christ Jesus. These Y I rO`O- RESULTS 1VHICH SET HIS HAIR toryaodboma Itxdusiretvn1tory� CRA
i <. to the work. That is a miner, and it g ROWELLh BURY Chte•to add x•ntr•ai
cad blast the rook. There [d a driver, Chrtatlana, who are swarth now -do Y same ON END. COrttlanla Oil C0.,134 Day St., TOrOnto. MERCHANTS,
tnry already infamous. Not so Givin advice to women add t
you know Dow t 9e got their awarthi- Remember wren you brook th Q p
Y when m Lord gathers up his In stones at doge Las much the .
y y eta. They shall come from the effect. J haeme 400,2 Board -of Trade wilding,
sold it can touch the bottom of the ness4 It was b sweltering at the ,,n°t, and from Cha ,Cast, and [rem rho a ail- Under the influence of applied �U�IIU �ivsywox�ato�ag SyrupOT
pea. The Go$rel of Jesus Christ went forge of n[fliclion. Thele battle oxo CATwLOOUE FREa J up ER E \V TORONTO, ONT.
anti h, and from the south, He will °doe that the least said is the soonest I phosphate, the clovers will work with D,l. "4A? :MISOG3 Do.,MontraaL JOHN L. Corre
oil, crashing down through thin pride, was dull enougL until it was aharpon- ° nd out his meaangor nngele, rind molded. redoubled energy and store an ample raottuFLTar
ed on a grave atone. •I I them to gather them up from The man who doesn't believe in beau- I supply of nitrogen, together with an I AYaAagsA11[aaL-it•wtaywnauousaaaSegtbb tysylatstteuun tr aw.ts fw two aureol
add that sin, and this prejudice, pound- Nearl all tr1 God's orale aro dry- aoeamulation of humus, after thei' $ lid Aaerioaa Ho` t7od_eg•-r fI►bfe goods NA over kttat•of apaa k tote.► Eetabli•Ysd OF OUR STUDENTS,andferP here recently Cunei good
y j ,111 the land. and gather them tip an or the otherplace always wantsthe sk..p ]PARK, MA067IiLL is 00., Tetania Iw To to ilia Ours r nt•et 2a9 sltvatione and four Do.lElone remain dnpuei
itig, and breaking, and washing, and i atallized tears. You eek me, "t;'hY is from all the sea. l:nl^ondn and Csylnn, fashior, of farmyard manure, Dnt more • alsrsriaael Omus ra>t A'1M,pvopgi`rigfrYTVTE,
sitting, until one day the gold flashed it thnt yond r man does not have trou- earth. perfectly. On such a foundation ea I _ • �amaraw tt r Toronto, oaeada 6L�ble-hc ate along without any, miefor- and Coromandel will send their hest Many our laws scam to have been P o g i TORONTO currimC SCHOOL.
in the light of the Sun of Righteous- g treosuree; the whole universe will this the supposed maximum producing
At tune." For the same reason teat the created for the purpose of executing 1 limit of land is greatly extended, I vPrite for apectal terms during Jaouw+y and
lapidary does not put the delicate in- injuetioe- and hitherto undreamt of fields be- Pabrusry. B.COIiftIGAN,[1sYongeBd
I have been told that deeper the wa- atrtument upon a common cobble. It -
� R; ter the larger the pearl. 1 don't Nothing pleases a girl more than Ler come bolt possible and pro able. I STYLATrOHD, ONT. we teach roll °neourgr 11 teS
know Low that in, but I d° know that does not sbem as it God thought jhnt I have from time to time seep results FREE'Bamneee'"C'ueeenaCnrc; m.neafrce. >»• . � s
r soma T-11,
od were not worth n psoases tit DISEASE OF THE SPINE ability to win the man of another 4tlon ar non.onea In reo- oompetltmoe oar grxtustee
from the greatest depths of ala the _ girl's choice. which have fairly sot my hair on and, repair on alp foods. nett, caro °dal d1.0 ees are Dearly alwaTe chosen Bcelnees men appreciate our
Lord Jesus Christ sometimes gathers trihulntiod. Tha Dutch °all diamonds _ _ - s w nett do bald bo•�e. Dr wh{wa Row t�+ar
and investigation has invariably dis- ONwec Co'y, Chicago and MaDtrcal. work. Beat Commercw Schooltn Ceoada, Eoternow.
' up his brightest jewels. Paul was a the, are not tit to be cloven divel a Mwlndy That Ilakee l.tf0 ♦Ilxoat Uwber.r closed a b1g reserve of humus well �+t Circulars tree.
?;; ppeeraeoutor, Bunyan was w blasphemer. ateontr -LLnt I.
devil atones. wblp_A Neva scatty tray Trl1s Mo" t' La ToBoanat 100. Kp1'IANi W CLC+•tR' seasoned with phosphate. For this I kin Disease 1)r. An y ,.faieaor W. J. ELLIOTT. Princlpel•
Jahn Newton tune a libertine, the Earl There are those hero who are almost Cure 1t. FACTORY �f on trent. ' money reru„a.d t
top -dressing of the clover's the nr.R.roead.A.•
Of Rochester fuse an infidel ; and spat ready for the kingdom ; one more to,n t Tb'omas-Phospbatp seems perfectly ti.eptio Pomade, $Loo by mail, wriw Prof, Leomua I i THE MOST NUTRITIOUS.
the grace of God wept plunging of the wheel, one more above of the Mrs. Frank Minard, of Milton, N.S., rosengble posts o stamps; 1 well adapted. I do not know how far Ph„rnneoisc, azo Craig at. Moutre 1. t ro h the Lathe a of he ab Pile, and they will be ready. God is a lady who possesses the confidence Some mqn g lime of the phosphate may help, but,Ih ug m their ebominn- Mins. Mal■ a NatesEPPS'S
I :Ltion until it found them end brought I is testing in the presence of men and of a Fargo circle of friends. Mrs, Min- they stick to one tong until they got certain it is the clovers respond more
I . nngele, whether you are paste-d,a- ard has been a sufferer from spinal there -but you've got to l[ek them 'I luxuriantly to the Thomas-Phoaphato ��� to Wexloj la ., Rich -
them up to the light. Uh, there ie to Waelo1��B�ldge Rton•
no depth that grace cannot touch the mrndi; or res' diamonds. You know , disease and attendant eomplieationa first. than to any other application. I mond Bt: W.,'Poronta GRATEFUL -COMFORTING”.
bottom. All over.,ahe Dead Spa of stn there is sn nrtltiolal ruby, an nrtifi- and to a reporter she recently gave the therefore have no hesitation in roaom-
a dial aspphire, ,Rn artificial emerald particulars of Lor ours. She acid :- TO CURB A COLD IN ON* DAY mending an immediate appplication of Tour eroable nae 0000A
cowriug the nations, Gods diving -belie discovered • As a result of the trouble I suffered Take L.xmi, n_,, uttdns rab,.ta All Dmt five hundred weight of Thomas -Phos- Sta��etaers-bmn to v.d at w. Icnor
are busy ; all through the mountains of St rquas of StraBburgh, potash, and terribly. At times the pain would be tt.t. reload the m...y d It fa,l. W our.. the• ►nw". Cello 7•en
'If Ideath', God's miners are bleating. that by [akin apex, and P° y• _ plate per ear° to all rotation roads
_ and clovers, irreapeative of anile or of ince el•nL toO dtelr+t,%. U2 Cala leg,
Cali t wrtY
Where stn Abounded, doe shall munh borax and red -lead, he could make n confined to my book, and at other times wilt 11AT[ �SDrolalut. tftleer sL,Toronw tt 4laltose BREAKFAST -SUPPER•
more abound. very good imitation of some jewels; it seemed to affect every nerve in my circumstances, and I am fully assured CrOSS n __. _
The geologist tells you that the but. before that, Satan found out that body, from the top of my heed to my Aman as sometimes ►earn agreat that ibis f°undn'-ion laying twill not IF yetib-re.nyAyvtta,aDTTER,sCne"rpoaLfitt
4 brightest diamond la onl crystallized he could imitate the Lord's 1'aweIn. A toes. As a result 1 was reduced great- deal by atutiping the disposition of only be remurtarative in itself, but wahip,ship them to lubes wlehnat me,l,einr
'? ° ` aa yy y odor faith and ly in atronglh, and was unable to stand woman -but the tuition usually comes will simplify ail future opera- \ HEALTH RESTOR O
narbo3l, 0r, tie I might well it, charcoal txtmpoeition nt orth The Dawaoq CommiRsiort Co., Lilgited, e, a.pe„ee t tar
glorified I and so It is with ttou1e that °t cod works has made mauy a chid I upon my feet long enough to attend to high tions." +�'pr•ottad _ - mo°tdtanrderedatdm,ob, Lnn a NO.,
Lr<dr, B andel
were noel -black in the defilements of of the devil tock like a child of iho my boat ehold work. When doing any Extract Crow lecture bby tie B saa.r, tcta"<r•. Brsln and areata by
sin -by the Power of God's grace they Lord. Nevertheless, borax, potnvb, kind o! war: which required a Southam Farmers' Club, by Freak A Cure Warantee'd Du Barry's ROVI#ICnta
are made hie jewels [or ever. silex, an red -lead are not jjewels. standing position I had to provide my- kat, Farms rw eats, 22 par sere oxM , Id Wallis, Agri>oltural Instructor. s 1 s - I Ni e J Arabioa Food
i whi h fife lapidary Belt with a Ill stair as amenna of shoe i ores. until paid J. Mulhall, anus ally,
Y0t1 have noticed the groat differ- T1Mro ie s way n P _ __ -+- f3pnrI Erse for a lSox• NOW'$ SUILnxRa, the which Sit," Invdiids and Children, and ni,o H •"'
is genuine or support• The medicine which the I ,m-f,di Infante wheee A. meat, and Debit I,,.. rr
Ij Ince between jewels. Let not aChris- tells whether a diamdlad a if the doctor eaoribed for me did not dee00
m Lettere of credit may be properly rn,c Tonr rec••Gnlxod aptey Regulator and � Iv y ,'the
Ua4 man env another CLriatiaa mnn'a not. He breathes on it, and more than temporary re- WONDERFUL NUMBER 4. termed ca tial letters. plead Tonto. enol we will lard you n uu.r eao site• e o n other tre•tm 56 time,
1. a oats n "le
y breath linger tilers tt 1s a tale° die- to afford me p - o reh,nI the er+Tey for a •y an"e of General i Food t. rnld'ted, nota. 60 tl1 o 0, le in n.eami II
e eriettoe. You open the king's nae B i a gradually, tate, 4 winds, _ _-�_ ___Y- —"-' lilts n t rn e I attar a o i ly medtol rtl j ! (nrdr 1 (l re, doaa, mit P1
kat, and yon see jewels of all sizes, mond' it the brdttb 111ntnadtathly van- lie! from the pad d I was radual There era 4 cardinal poi Thowrnedeof a Gront En da it re. nip 1 h �0 Years' A" "^i o"ro. °r rdn•t c•
eiet. ar add colors The king .aye to Jab, it is a real diamond. Then he has growing weaker and weaker, Finally 4 quarters of the moon, 4 seasons. 4 n -t Dealth by rill ° Oront $ozltah rte •e ie, teal u r rte rr se ••
tilt+ Suiten, who has come i visit Lim: the grinding prooeM % tbrward it the the dootora stutmiestedak Pills,andact- [louses is the quadrille, 4 rules.of art- q�� here e:e we make you this unbia+ed gnlran Onto, d ngi,Cd)l h v,i n�D ht Pftlt,,ir, . ^p,°
"That Ie a topaz) That Je an.anaethyatl first fall. So "you can tAII God's jewel. use Dr �`� t,•r, I.nnn.DebnuO. n,»hen uoav » r.
That is s pearl ; That is a koh 1 -noon' If the breath of tempta#fon domes on tug en hie advice I began to take them. thmetio, 4 sults of trfrrda 4 quarters to xem-c,
I Dold's stood, Dona and grain suildara. 1.. to t
I Dusar�r� & D®.,fie t Ina jewels are very different -die- lt, end doors vanishes. it la a fatal die- i bad oltlq used s taw Loxes when the the hour, 4 legs for furniture• mosti•nM ,Lel tTrma of treakn"°° f, lthor oex art•-
Mreut [a tas#e, ditterent In ednnttion, mond ; [t that breath lin era, and con- agar I had suffered for months began animals go on 4 legs the dead are I Ina Meth d ,r.i blood. dl.eaeed bone a in ImmlOn ,c , alta ,n Pari. d Hae ao rywb,t , u
Py tae diamond. to 0,41ti tkild I begatl to regain my 1 porert•100 t ••rein, at a (;,l,er., 6,b, J4ta, and ,,rt .veryah••r.. , 1- In
diltereat# In reteren6e. Do not war tinues to blur it, It is a LXa {1'° alba rn4e this tip nrtuntty of rhnnktaR 2.; a, aL, f., o n, t+. s<nt corgis rte•• A
beoanike in don't have the faith But bettor thelx st�1_1 ilia is the grind- stYet►R,1f. I continued using the pills placed between 4 planks, the prisoners / lDq n. no ,+re who Rave spoken so favor 7;;rryi, for. anal[ moon I, "tb, 3a GI •n 16•
that map. Cyt the preying qualities of tag mnehine Ot altlltiti0p. If a soul for Ia-a110'tt time longer, and was again batweo3l !walls[ an have 4 incisor L, dG���'/" "i II A to[6rc�nedd:InnT.Eaten�o..Lfmit+a.7',,,
I health and anti 4 eanine teeth and our forks have %[T/ %"d t It'd a madlutne tm+ y _- _ _
this,.Or the singing qualities of anoth. can go through tbdt aldd: keep bright. In idlll p011 4594100 o fyfy INdMt+tt—
eT. Xt Te4i 6 as unwise as for a ceras- it la one of (Ind"p !*151a. Egyptian atteligt1i, and ab10 t,o do My household !station: all an4 qua when butchered, The Ki g St., WCAL CO.,
It. t0`barts detyprYrr a its for
a is not tonna, brought up flfbj(k tel% ruins nt *ark, I, have never enjoyed better are cut f 4 ca Inst. The violin, _ 4LflKInr3St., Meat, Toronto Dominion Line ROYAL ''AIL
A rll. tfi'bl h a v pica todret all the topa2, brought
'u lyofapeti, sh(nvs the health tbau .I am dbtng at present." greatest of musical lastrnmanta. has 876Aft t' °!
ppoo lit'+ Wlnla'iQA Pink Pllla cure be- but 4 strings. Four of a kind a a at Jaly N a..ea tl.aist, to L•.s.v, d - • ^,
tlolbt out o! its cheeks because it is same in�tingttiahable bolbnr to day, Land at poker, erten it they �I? f LAW&9--7VG+ 4+ HARrII:� E EA{P Inpdoeeer<y t ,r ou it. .v.
JW a !Okla. tlod intended you to be atter It has been buried hundreds anti CA4110 t11by itupply I bN with iia pretty good " BUYS fanner oh" .. v•srion or Sco,-.t+";.
8lttetlint. hundrtsds of years, Asad tlC1 God'e cbll- tifA itlgt Ii'Eb'pertlO an' strengthen are Only 4's. Them are 4 great coati- .rsCOPPRR 1%n 'e"16v sedommnd-go or nger i .h ' "
`I`iie tlo 'ble is that u are net will- dren o0me QP out, of the Tins of mfs- *"k 1401rits..Atl diseases due to Either ut6nta; ETary great railway w has ! SCRAP BRASS" 1 °° CeMs and'iteerage pwaentlera Its or
llfj" tNl bidiaa cold; a T0f1m haB 4 cOrpere and 4 near -:101 cabin. sSa,pft: ere»a +^abs".
1' ld: you want to ltyrtltk7oE trill �tltdatSEdk aa bright air bL t�bi'eae oaf ilr apEedW cured byy t'ttioltd; when ire grori old we have 4 '�abt reeraQp $2t b and+t uarda a,.oar to O
z c tE? dlsa 0! finis tntifdtcins. Bald by all yeEi Testy itf11111tfn lie, IDtont[ ei •ntisOrq ROr a l t r°,mono,• •priT
bisgaldot t"tr'ellty-four carats. You ee when tfiey WOVIL ddi�tt, 1t � n ,y SJ�y/r wlslerata anti ''� Attoeta er DAVID matt 'oar .NCtt r i o..
abtl�e stt�rabrdlf I tauld calfs be man. The Jew t .the 9 Y t shape lapidary
lt�tders 3iltl !t blot+ bid bbk a ' _ by t e Inside, theuout#side�t thl4rtghteeldeftaj 44 Lost Dl.wece Tele0hone t7M �°Iea9 Atteasa ly tik. $•nrataMa6 BL- 3tentroat.
kind yitin y. such the go=* a r. kand
,1 tai#u Y1'e t111tt,Ite You dont now his [brim tin his table; Afkd Then puts tbefm • adelt6ilstag the Dr. 1VIlllatatst Medicine the Man wrong
't $41 OOA indesd is
,04 1
106too-t, Buaae distalios below Nia• into b.d bani tt, or Unto o! swords, Or w stl�alrtiille, Out.
a 1..
i' .,
AIN o.,.,